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League of Legends General /lolg/

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Thread replies: 682
Thread images: 251

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Final thread of season 6 edition

Did you get your goal rank?

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw

Ranked season end time https://support.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/230496748--Nov-8-RANKED-SEASON-END-Click-here-for-


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I want to RAPE Riven, and make it as painful for her as possible! Afterwards, I want to whisper in her ear that she's worthless and disgusting!
Functional, and stylish~
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xth for more cuteboys that main cuteboys
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Cute hugs!
I love Riven.
I wish she could be my wife.
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I want to LICK Riven!
7th post for season 7 will be the worst season yet
Kayle buffs when?
Whats the point of kindred after early game?
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Let's get this started

>Best skin: Infernal Xerath
>Skin Shitters use: Guardian of The Sands Xerath
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>it's a "you're Vel'Koz because he's your comfort pick and you were first pick and all 5 enemy champs have at least one dash" episode
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results
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no reason left to live
>good players: original Jhin
>shitters: high noon Jhin
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whos doing this?

stop it
>Best skin: boom boom Blitzcrank
>Skin shitters use: Definitely not Blitzcrank
It was fun
I'll get you next time, Maokai!
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Best Skin: Jaximus
Worst Skin: Nemesis Jax
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Best skin: Default Sona
Skin Shitters use: Arcade Sona
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my heart cant handle it anon plz no more
what happened man?
did you tell him or not?
Is there any way to check what division someone was before, or can you only see tiers?
o ok :(
How long till TF gets a D'arby skin?
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I love Lissandra!
Gonna play any more?
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>ywn see Yasuo humiliate Fiora in a sword fight

>ywn go on to see him humiliate her further in the bedroom
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Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person who goes before you.

Now that the season is over, are you satisfied with your mastery levels?

Are you satisfied with the division you achieved?
Is Graves any good bot lane?
>still no kooba bf

feels bad man
Do mastery ranks reset next season?
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>play obligatory 10 ranked games for the season
>rise to Gold IV from V last year

Feels good.

Maybe I should purchase a Naut skin since he is the main reason why I am doing well in ranked.
One token away from Poppy M7. Mastery aint a big deal otherwise.

I had Plat but decayed back into Gold really early into the season. I'm plenty satisfied.

There's nothing nice you can say about a Janna main.
Does GP's mega cannonball affect the entire AoE of his ulti or just the center?
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Trist is fun to play with, but I don't like lulu
we're also the exact same rank, gold 2 0 lp
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You provide excellent defense and utility for your team.
But you are still a support cuck.

I don't have enough IP to buy mastery tokens
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>when you use your ult, locket, and bubble and the enemy zed still thinks you're the one that has to die now
I play way too many champions and roles. I wish I could focus on a couple of each.
Whoops didn't see your post

You play champs that require a lot of creativity and good timing
They're still annoying as fuck
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Can I do it boys?
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I believe in you!
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>last moments of climbing
>scarra manages to put together a nasus, heimerdinger, kalista, gragas against graves, syndra, zyra and jhin
Yes you can! I got my third account banned in gold 1 promos, take my power with you and go get platinum!
getting diamond is always impressive but I cannot respect Irelia as a champion and I'm always nervous people pick her for her winrate instead of her playstyle
time to masturbate imagining yourself at the ribbon's place
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>not the fucking best champion
Do you have a nice butt?
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>play irelia in poro king
>go in
>rinse and repeat
>end with shit kda

How the fuck do I avoid this. Help, how do I get good at her?
fem taric?
So what if you wait for them to use their dash or bait it out, then combo them?
I feel like by platinum elo and above people pick champions they're good at. Anyway Irelia's slightly broken IMO but I pick her because of how consistent and versatile she is.
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>poro king
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Quick lolg, guess what are Academy Ahri grades?
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>browsing and fapping
>see this

should I click it?
she doesn't go to any classes but her daddy is on the school board so she gets passing grades anyway
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I'm still holding out hope that there is an adc gf out there somewhere in the world saying that exact same thing. Well, they don't know me yet so not "tfw no kooba bf" so they'd be saying "tfw no considerate bf who likes playing games with me and is enthusiastic about being with me"

Janna is a nice lady and I empathize with her desire to do what is best for Zaun and the surrounding environment and the balance of magic!

Support is difficult in soloq because herding cats to do the right thing and having them actively going against you is inherently more difficult than simply doing the thing yourself.

It's all about the champions. Find someone you like, and the role comes second. That's how I chose which to play.
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Thanks for the motivation my dudes. Here we go.
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You can do it!
Kindred's a special type of jungler.
Where most junglers transition into melee assassins, bruisers, or tanks, Kindred transitions into another ADC for the team.
Kinda like jungle twitch or Graves.

The idea of Kindred is you gank, get marks, get some farm for your bloodrazor red smite, get some attack speed items, and melt everybody.

She's not strong right now for two reasons:

The meta focuses too much on the early game to afford a weak early game champion. This especially hurts Kindred since the early game is where she gets her marks.

Tanks, what Kindred is best at fighting, are rarely ever seen.

Now what Kindred DOES have is her ult effectively making her immune to massive burst damage, and since 90% of high level mids involve Syndra, Viktor, etc. its almost always going to be a good tool for that.

So Kindred is decent right now. Not good, not great, but decent.

a or b because she is smart but too lazy for s
Straight As. Since she sucks literally every single professor cock there is for her grades. Just like me.
Does it matter where you put the zz portal at?
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Janna fled Zaun to slut it up in Piltover.
In the little nook between the turret and the wall. If you put it a little closer to the enemy tower, the voidspawn can reach the turret.
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>tfw I couldn't play my promos to silver before the season ended
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>Janna and Kayle

Go fuck yourself. Also fuck your rules.

>Top 3 are Yordle girls
You're pretty cool

>ANOTHER and Mister Yen
You're pretty cool, too

Fuckin BASED.
I honestly hope we get more psuedo-junglers like Kindred. Another ADC jungler or ADC assassin like Twitch would be interesting. Or let's go full nutty and introduce the game's first support assassin.
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>play kog mid 2 days ago
>play against orianna
>play it again yesterday
>against orianna mid
>lets roll mid today again and try out kog
>a 3rd fucking orianna

i just want to play literally other matchup than this one to see how it works in midlane, like fuck
Also voting As for the dick sucking
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>Not respecting Irelia
What is wrong with you?
>Shitter tier
Blood Knight
>Alright tier
>Good players
>Autistic one-tricks
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Also reminder that Fiora x Riven is the cutest possible shipping
I don't like FF13's shit, but that and her light variation are her best forms.

Plant, Ice and lava are also good.
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Red=orange>pink>purple>green>blue>light blue>whatever color 3rd to the left is> yellow
Debate me.
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ahri is a pure slut, she doesn't whore herself for profit ><
(except for your liver)

she is also smart, she is a wizard after all
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>Headless is the only Hec skin I want and the only one I don't have


Reaper is what I use because it's his second best skin.
Is he any good?
Is he still cute?
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between Sion, Gangplank, and Hecarim, I have every role covered, and every game is a fucking laugh riot win or lose.

Equilibrium Strike is retarded and I shouldn't get stunned for two seconds if we're both at 100% health

>Second best skin
Elderwood Hecarim would like a fucking word, summoner

mmmmy man
you literally could buy it a week ago

also im annoyed that arcade hec killed the idea of rainbow unicorn soraka skin
>fiora x riven
that picture you posted would suggest otherwise anon.
A slut is a slut, dear anon.
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>Jungle main
>Usually only play ranked (G5)
>On bad streak
>Figure I'll play some normals
>My normals MMR is so bad it's with bronze 4 and unranked players
>Mfw playing any carry jungler

Is this what smurfing feels like?
I'm not impressed by Elderwood's model, and as far as vfx, I have no idea how it's the same tier as arcade.

I didn't really want to spend the money. I keep hoping I get it in a hextec chest.
patch when?
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Dont stand near low HP minions then
She can't dash on you if you're both at 100%
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Now that this season is ending, what was your favorite/least worse things about it?
>Ashe was the best ADC in the game for a suitable amount of time and is still a really good pick.
>Ghost and Cleanse became reasonable options for summs
>Star Guardian Jinx
>Project Ashe
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Any silver wants to hang around with a turbo silver?
I main top.
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I mean Fiora x Irelia, of course

Who in their right mind would go for riven, if she could also have irelia?
PFE VU fucking when?
As cutest homo shipping, yes
Riot isn't gonna spend money on something you already bought, especially when they can crank out shit like Arcade Ezreal and make fucking bank.
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>Blood Knight
OG and Blood Knight are all he has that makes Hecarim "Hecarim".
>tfw normals mmr is too high to try dumb shit
I'm not going to spend time theorycrafting how to beat Irelia in lane, once ten bans arrive she won't be in any of my games anyway

>Jhin was actually a really cool champion and is great without being overbearingly overpowered
>Teleport is nowhere near as retarded as Season 5
>Riot did fucking incredible work with skins this year
>Impressive champion diversity, especially after the tank meta
>First blood tower gold speeds games up and rewards aggressiveness early instead of just farming for 15 minutes

what did he mean by this?
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Can I get some honest feedback on Taliyah?
>usable/okay if I git gud at her?
>complicated/difficult to use?
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Well they say Elementalist Lux has a billion lines so which champion(s) do you think will get some shipping tease lines?

That his default is the best looking one? He really needs a knight or good mecha skin, Riot just loves to give him garbage because everyone likes Hecarim for the power and not for him being a centaur.
>Dont stand near low HP minions then
So the other guy should zone himself off for half of laning phase? I'm the D5 Irelia guy and there is almost always going to be a low HP creep around your enemy laner, unless he chooses to deny himself exp/farm and stand at his tower 24/7. Plus it becomes even easier to stun people once you get Phage for the movement speed, Sheen for easier resets, and your ultimate to prime creeps to reset off of.

Honestly I love Irelia and I try to play her pretty creatively, but her E is kinda overpowered and most of what makes her so good.
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but it's normals, just try dumb shit either way
Kench is the only champ that has great lines desu
it's going to be a cold winter
She's like Juri in SF4, she's an appealing character that is outclassed by other champions who do the same thing, but if you enjoy playing her more than A Sol or TF, you can go ahead and play her.

this reminds me of the time where they gutted his passive and at the same time introduced a bug where any displacement effect would cancel his Devastating Charge, his ult included

at least he doesn't have a 44% win rate anymore
>tfw you outdamage your adc in a 40 min game

I was playing karma, but still
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Favorite things:
>Spent all season smashing the huge flood of mages with Talon ( rip buddy)
>Pretty fun worlds, even if Samsung did win again
>Kalista and Azir, the funsuckers, gutted
>No more designated jungle farm item (Feral Flare and Sated)
>Taric's rework

Least favorite things:
>Horrible new champions outside of Jhin
>Samsung won worlds again
>Ryze's rework
>Ranged top lane's totally unchecked for the entire season, still pending
>D Y N A M I C Q U E U E
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i could say i'd do smth but i won't do anything so lets just pretend i said smth
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VO Default, Bloodfury, Scorched Earth
Galactic, Outback, Prehistoric
>"I love him so much I want to make him happy"
Pool Party
Runewars, Classic Default
>Hecarim builds triforce and then full tank and then bursts you the fuck down anyway
When are they going to remake Hecarim into a proper assassin and not this faggy offtank shit that becomes super obnoxious.
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I love cold winters anon
Azir maybe
Kench just fucking shit talks everyone to bad hes stuck in fucking support now
It's cold out there
You only get the full 2 sec stun at lvl 13, and dont go over 1 sec before lvl 9 (unless in Dia you max E first)

At that point you can group up with your team if you can't stay top vs her
>Hating on Support
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1-5 Draw shit
0 Play "Dankest Noxian Meme"

By the way if you ever want a worse loot system than Overwatch, play Gears of War 4.20 fucking crates to get Gary Carmine.
>at level 13
anon Irelia maxes E first FOR THAT VERY REASON
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its time
It's SKT, not Samsung.
Samsung lost to SKT in finals.
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What's heavier

3 Sonas
10 lux's
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well his ult finally has a realistic mana cost for extended fights. now that you can actually use it again, it feels nice. E is surprisingly strong and you can hit confirm R with it for nice poke post 6. if left to farm you will spiral out of control kogmaw style

and of course he's still adorable cmon man
My mistake, that's what I meant
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how is annie so sexy
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I tired my best still not the greatest but my best and thats all that matters to me :'D
Janna is fun
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I meant Kled friendo. But Darius is very fun.
light is weightless
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She blamed the next two deaths on lag
biker lux skin when
Stop being gross she's 8 dude
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Why is tight clothing so hot?
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>10 ships for 10 different champs based on elemental type

Water Lux X TF plz
you mean sweaty

>>10 ships for 10 different champs based on elemental type

that's some turbo slut tier
ez game
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I had a good run, next season I might move to less niche champions to see if I can get myself to diamond.

Yi and Jinx are cool, not a fan of Ekko. Mostly because of the tank build.
I actually max Q second now, the extra mobility is really nice.

And I'm not saying the 2 sec stun isn't better than the 1 sec stun, but a 1 second point and click stun is usually good enough anyway. Plus what really makes her E so good in my opinion is how short of a cooldown it has. Only TF really compares, but he doesn't have a 4 second CD dash or true damage.

Anyway I still love Irelia and there are way more broken champs out there.
and ?
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Quick /lolg/, what champ am I?
neck yourself
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I coulda done better but I didn't have the balls this season

Karthus is based, I wonder how good Talon will be after the update.
It's illegal
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After having to deal with gatekeepers running it down mid so I lose promos for 3 different series I am now going to become cancer itself

I'm going to play the most cancer tilt inducing champions in season 7 and ruin people's experience like they did to me.

I no longer care about rank I just want to make the other 9 players in my game miserable.

I have finally ascended

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JJBA skins fucking when?
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Kill yourself, animal. There's nothing sexy in hydrocephalus.
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haha nice lad hope you have fun
Now that it's popular again, we might have a chance. The question is, which champs for which stands/masters?
and who are those champs
not in valoran
The birth of a Nidalee main
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Where the fuck are my drafts? Is that some kind of ban?
Riot's too pussy to make Lux a canonical brocon
the only way nida induces tilts it's by feeding and being useless

they temp disabled ranked and normal drafts then, it should be in the client <!> messages
D'arby TF and Pet Shop Anivia definitely.
You're all gold 5 or below right? It would explain your dull mind.
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The correct answer is Jarvan
>Riot's too pussy to make Lux a canonical brocon
Except that shit doesn't fly in most places.
It's in everyone's best interests that they don't do that.
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someone give me attention
You can do it Garou, villainize this community as it has villainized you. You are now only limited by your creativity.
There's only message about rankeds disabled and I've played couple of drafts when season was already over. Rito are fucking retards.
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nothin personnel kid
Any other Talon mains really sad about how badly he got dumpstered with his rework?
*faps to Annie one last time before my superior intellectual brains are blown out by idiot loli hating scum*
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>too oysst
More like too intelligent
reminder annie is lewd
reminder annie isn't lewd
>allowing that degenerate shit
what is that expression trying to convey?
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I don't even know anymore.
So I rush mallet on Gnar right?
whatever you want it to convey bb
thats rough my dude
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firecrackers for real mains
slayer for shitters
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>Someone makes a post of which players have played each champion in ranked the most times this season
>Only one of them is in challenger
>It's the Twisted Fate player

why is lux getting an ultimate skin when she isn't even good or popular
Holy shit, dude, I don't envy you. But you did it! Congratulations!
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>Released as an anti mage
>Picked primarily for having fast reliable burst
>Receives nothing but nerfs
>Gets shoehorned into roaming after silence removal
>Champion gets reworked into epic parkour memester who has to take a 1 hour commute for his damage to happen
>Mage match ups have gotten worse across the board

Man I regret liking this champion
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You don't even know. That has to be the most heartbreaking game I've ever played. Illaoi gets picked at the end and all we can do is watch as Malph just solo ults me and i die.
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Jesus Christ that's literally what happened to me on my 5th Plat 5 promo game, before I lost my temper and got permabanned. And I went exactly 17/5 too. Would you believe it?

There is a curse anon.
no he forever should remain shit
she is both good and popular though

also... udyr
Everyone knows that SGU should have just been his VU.
There is absolutely no reason why Spirit Guard shouldn't just be the default appearance. It does nothing new or wacky for him, it's just his stances. Riot loves money.
>Enemy picks Riven
>I pick Lissandra
>mfw I stomp her completely in lane
So this is it then, all ultimate skins are just going to be multiple chromas attached to each other?
I guess it was new and exciting for Udyr and Sona had 3 soundtracks to go with it

But is this really the extent of creativity? slapping 10 skins together?
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I'm just coming back from my annual seven month escape from this game.
Are Mordekaiser and Sion good?
Will Mordekaiser and Sion be good next season?
I like it, it's 10 legendary skins put together.
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>tfw firecracker is the only skin of hers I like and the only one I own
>think SG looks and sounds dumb
>Jinx is my most played champ this season
>I also use Lion Dance Kog and fireworks Corki
I want to go on an expedition in Sivir's womb.
The only popular character to get a ultimate skin was Ezreal

This reminds me of all the Zed main denial tears when they found out DJ Sona was going to be the ultimate skin
What exactly do you propose / expect instead.

And no, just saying "something better" is not an answer (at least not one that won't make you look like a whinney bitch)
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>ultimate skin
>doesn't even have a butt

what's the point?
not really
as support, yes
womb raider!

lux is popular, what are you on?
i have mid and support contesting lux all the time in normal drafts
Aye, it's a shame that Riots design philosophy doesn't allow for counters anymore. He had a certain niche, and he excelled at it, better gut the champion for years.

I've played his rework a bunch on PBE, and it just disgusts me how they thought it was a good idea - his damage is so low, and so delayed compared to his previous self that he's barely recognizable. Not to mention that he lost every shred of reliability that he had.
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Do you think it's tight?
Are you guys ready for all the "Why did Lux get the ultimate skin and not [my favorite champion]?" posts
That was hilarious, Zed has extremely minimal effects and a very basic rig. There's almost nothing to do with him for an ultimate skin.
New Talon's damage is objectively higher, it's just more delayed.
I'm on one game a month anon

Was under the impression Lux was still in the trash
also... have you really said that fucking sona isn't and wasn't popular?

ahrifags already complain
im ashamed to have the same favorite champion as them
But no Zed has shurikens and shadows, no way Sona is going to get a ultimate skin cus no one plays her lol
>Mordekaiser's rework retroactively made his skins worse because they removed particles that the skins changed

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Daily reminder to stay motivated in your life!

Damn this lux skin is some nice sheeit
whats up with the alpha client, should i download it?
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>get out of wood last season ending in silver
>string of terrible matches makes me stop playing
>final match of season had our Jinx DC-ing early

>flash forward to this season and almost in gold
>string of terrible matches but keeping optimistic
>start new game helping our jungler with buff
>our Jinx takes buff and DCs a second later
>too late to remake because our mid gave up FB
>other teammate I'm on voice with remembers exact same thing happening last year too
>know the season is over for me when the thin lady DCs

>literally cursed
here too?
how is she so seckasy
She wasn't a popular pick at the time, specially since they reamed her with a pretty shitty rework too back then
fuck _me_
Yep talon main here kinda dissapointed with what they did to him considering what they could have done.

His stupid parkour skill is just a gimmick. there are already plenty of Champions who can get over terrain and some champs like azir do it better than him and with a way shorter cool down. It also means that edgy kids who never played him before are going to pick him because "muh assassins creed" and feed.

Removing the slow on the first part of rake is a massive nerf

Q is interesting but the range is too small and using the dash part of it means you are losing a massive damage spike with the garenteed crit part. Also there is no room for outplays anymore since the blink allowed you to bait out skillshots and dodge them.

Talon had 2 weaknesses, his early laning phase and his role in late game teamfights. His early game is still the same and his late game teamfight is even worse since you will most likely have to use ult first to get in to the back line. You are still garenteed to die like before but you won't be able to take down as many squishies with you

His new passive is an improvement and is actually where most of your damage comes from now but I feel his entire kit is kinda dull for an assasin that is meant to be the master of blades and shadows.
probably still going to main him though

by lolking lux has 13.9% popularity, it's 15th place of the roster of 100+
have you checked out fupoo's stuff? he used to post here, and he drew some good annie stuff
>fucking suffered the entire season playing through plat to get my shitty d5 border
>friend yesterday got it just by duo queueing with a diamond friend on a gold 5 account the entire evening from plat 2 to diamond

i know i shouldn't but i'm pretty ticked off
this system is so fucking shit
The problem with new Talon is that a lot of his damage is loaded into the melee Q, which is now your only gapcloser as well.

Well, and he lost base damage across the board on his W and R (around 200 combined IIRC), alongside having his W absolutely ruined.

The real question though, is why is his damage delayed? That's not very fitting for an assassin with such a low amount of safety.
>fanart of a skin that doesn't exist
best tanky toplaners?

post it
i never kept track of artist
>Play Normals
>Remember why i stopped playing them
>Fan art of a character
I'm not going to post porn here and get banned. Check it out if you like cute lewd Annie
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>in promos to gold 4
>last game
>get lee sin on my team who rushes ninja tabi
>suicides all game, to the point where I'm 100% sure he's trolling
>call him out on it
>no dude I swear, I'm just really fucking bad
>report him for inting
>look him up after the game
>entire match history of feeding
>gold 5 with 31% winrate and sub 2 kda
man, if this guy got gold, none of your silvers have a single excuse as to why you are not gold.
That face is absolutely atrocious.
nasus, malphite, sion, illaoi
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>its annie
>shes lewd
>Got boosted to gold
>Realized how out of his league he is
>Constantly tries to win but can't
>Figures fuck it and just ints hoping to get demoted
kinda new, what's inting
Riot wants to remove instant 100-0 birst in its entirety because it makes people feel like there was literally nothing they could do.

What they DIDN'T take into account, is that that's like 80% of an assassin's ENTIRE ROLE. Assassins with spread out, delayed burst can't DO THEIR JOBS ANYMORE. A fed ADC can kill a Talon now, when Talon could sometimes kill squishies even when they were ahead because the damage simply came out so fast and denied them time to retaliate. Without it, they can't do anything. It's like if you made rock not crush scissors anymore because rock made the game unfun for scissors players.
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Dang, I was hoping to get this to plat before the season ended but I had bad luck today. Oh well.

Did everyone reach their goals this season?

I'm indifferent to Lux, but I do think this was a very creative idea and I think it's so cool that you get to choose which skin you'd like to use. It gives the players a lot of variety which the other ultimates were lacking. Udyr can change forms for abilities, Ezreal changes as he levels, and Sona with 3 forms though almost every person who has it uses Kinetic only. I think with this skin there's enough choices for everyone who wants to play her to pick what they prefer. I personally like the default Light form, but if I got the skin I'd definitely want to try them all. I'm glad she got a nice skin, and I hope her devoted players will get a kick out of all of her forms. I always love seeing how happy players are using a skin they're excited for.
>Skin shitters use: Capitan Gankplank
>Your life ends in 30 fucking minutes skin: Special Forces Gankplank
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The part that bugs me about the whole rework is that Talon's big problem is still there. He doesn't have a good way out after he's killed his target. You still need to use your ult for damage and to get his E to work as an escape you need to find a wall that you didn't just jump over to stab the adc. It's an unreliable escape which is exactly what he had before.

I thought part of the point of reworking him was to dispel the "Bad Zed" meme and give him a surefire way out like Zed has. But they didn't give him one.
>has been gold for 3 season now
idk senpai, he also only have 50 games played
intentionally feeding
"OGBabyKiller87: I hope someone gets punched in the NECK for drawing this shit. Don't even talk to me, that's all I'm sayin'."
tree in a bush

and that's annie's bush :3
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annie has no bush
tree go in cat
Anon, the ENTIRE Talon rework was to prevent him from insta-deleting you in 0.1 seconds with no retaliation because he had a point and click blink and on demand stealth. The assassin rework has basically just turned them into shitty short range mages, and exists to slow down their damage so you don't insta-die to them for the sake of potentially outplaying them.

It's LITERALLY an update meant to make playing ADC more tolerable.
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>Go legendary on eve one game
>Get executed twice and feed the next

God damnit, I don't know what the fuck happened. knew I shouldn't have played again.
I genuinely love how when the mage reworks came up how burst mages were near unanimously buffed even though they are significantly safer and scale better into late game but for some reason assassin's are toxic to the game when they do the same thing but worse and with higher potential but significantly higher risk
A) Don't play melee champs that aren't gragas/sejuani/sion/amumu/malphite/etc in poro kangz if you can't initiate or help disengage you're useless until there aren't any towers/you're half build or more
B) land your fucking snowballs. If you're playing a melee champ with a burst combo, don't go in on more than 2 champs unless you have king up and they can't hard cc you instantly
See >>159702856
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>e over any wall
>no escape
what did he mean by this
No but they have dashes so they're toxic because they dodge your 3 second 90% AP morg snare
Holy shit my entire friendlist has been boosted by a common friend of mine and he didn't even get paid for it
post lewds and we'll see~
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Today we have found the hideout of a hentai pedophile that browsed the site 4chan thanks to our keyword sniffing pasta that a user posted he will be rewarded for speaking up against this evil. The suspect goes by Tree in a Bush and he has been detained and according to our reports, Tree in a Bush had over 9000 terabytes of child pornography. We believe that he has been distributing this disturbing material with other members on the board. We are currently undergoing forensic analysis of the hard drives until we can find their locations. No further questions
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>playing poromemes
>pick Jhin
>enemy kog kills me three times
>talks shit in /all chat
>start playing Jhin theme
>"hey kog"
>"remember when i was 0/3/2?"
>"i do"

>caring about other players

Im going to autist play TF till I pass SSBM hax

and im going to do it in the jungle and adc
Yeah, late game teamfights have been awful from what I've played on PBE - he's not a living hand grenade anymore.

The W nerf is what upsets me the most - no slow outgoing, most of the damage on an extremely delayed return, etc. If you're going to destroy Rake, at least have parity between it and Ekko's Q, and allow it to provide a slow/continuous slow.

The Q really pisses me off. Melee Q is great, and does a nice amount of damage, but the leap is too telegraphed, and too slow. I think changing it into a blink would be a huge buff.

Hell, adding something on to E where after you vault a wall, you can instantly re-activate to blink to a nearby target would be another solution.

I really feel like Riot caters to ADC players far too much, ignoring the fact that they make the game less fun for every other role when they're powerful. Safe assassins like Zed and LB, sure, delay their damage. But an assassin like Talon, who's pure all-in with no way out? That's insane.

Lets not even talk about the massive mage buffs and how ridiculous they are right now. Talon, the anti-mage assassin is now gutted, and Kassadin is a shell of his former self, leaving them completely unchallenged.

Funnily enough, I've always regarded Talon as superior to Zed when there's just one target on the enemy team that you need dead at all costs. Sure, you're 100% going to die, but you'll kill them and cause some decent collateral damage.
Wolf is kinda like Lamb's stand.
You can check the range of the voidlings before putting it down by hovering over it

Obviously it's better to throw it in a bush or somewhere that you can easily defend it from, but if they still have their first tower you can throw it somewhere in the enemy jungle and force them to leave lane if the jg is botside since it'll proxy their creeps while heading towards the tower from behind
Liss has a slow stun and root, veigar has a stun, Annie has a stun, Syndra has a stun and yet only one assassin in the game has a non situational blink. Assassin's are the clear issue
Is kindred even worth learning to play? I love them as a character, but I just can't play them well.
>ywn fuck this player as he whispers motivation in your ear

feels bad man
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>just barely won gold V promo series last friday
>game was teetering on a knifes edge the entire time with our Vayne rage-AFKing for 5 minutes over her own dumb mistake and threatening to do it again all game
>internet goes out less than an hour later
>it's still fucking out 4 days later even after contacting ISP about it and they wont have a person out here until tomorrow
>mfw just how fucking narrowly I got in by
No since a stand is a protection of you but lamb and wolf are opposites. They're the living embodiment of yin and yang
>273 posts
>124 images
>at this rate we're going to imagecap at 550 posts

what's a terabyte
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You're right anon, we need more images
Except the obvious answer: that the difference between high silver and low gold is primarily luck as the skill pool is roughly the same. But no you're right you got to GOLD FOUR so you're obviously just so much better than those silver 1's and 2's.
they are perfect lovers from plato's "symposium" being united in a single union
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>when top does the good 'ol feed and leave
quality last match before season rewards
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Over the years, what single image do you think has been posted on lolgen the most?
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Whatever shall we do
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now this is the kind of content i wanna see here
probably the one imthem uses
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you just posted number one and number two
The easiest (You)s of my life
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I want Shyvana to sit on my face!
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np bra, always glad to help
Want to hold hands with lux.
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>support an obvious smurf that just fucking dominates and manage to keep up with him
>invited to a game with his jungler duo and get boosted to plat
feels goooood
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I wasn't talking about his damage or his speed. I was talking about his escape after he kills a squishy. Talon's damage and speed was a problem for adcs before, I get that, and that's been slowed down and made harder to get for him. In return I expected a better escape.

Instead he's getting a wallhop that requires him to move out from the middle of the enemy team with no ghostblade or ult and find a wall that hopefully nobody can follow him over without getting cc'd or blown up. That's a bit optimistic for an escape. Not exactly what I had in mind for a reliable escape compared to Zed reactivating R.
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I'm very sorry to hear that. If there was more time I would offer to help you. Sometimes matches are just out of our hands. The key is to not let matches that are very clearly beyond your control get to you. It happens to everyone, the best and the worst. You did your best, that's all that matters.
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nice trips anon
What does riot even want assassins to be.

Cause thus far it seems like "useless"
is this a new one?
haven't seen this lamb one before
did they just leave her to get gang raped wtf
>in a world where you can identify as a cockatarian female sea slug (male) and everyone will fight for your right to do so, it's somehow wrong to hit up your normal bro for a quickie whilst horny

Funny really.
>every assassin can oneshot the adc
>the good ones can get out after

making the game a 5v4 isnt useless you Zed main, you deserve the nerfs, your damage should be earned not given to you for free cunt
I always take big sweeping changes to champions with a grain of salt. Remember when Gangplank barrels ignored 80% of your armor? Or when Azir wasn't playable for two weeks after release and then was buggy and shit for months after that, buffed to an okay spot, nerfed again, then shoved into a sarcophagus and buried back in Shurima after I bought the fucking bundle because his release skin was dope as fuck
You're in my lane bro or the swimming in Lulu.
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>Now that the season is over, are you satisfied with your mastery levels?

I feel like I have got better at jungle and support, but I wish I was better at top.
I think I drew it last week.
>tfw duo-queueing with your boy and you both get plat together
Feels really good.
Nothing like duo-queueing with a bro and climbing together.
>Jhin, best champion release in a long time, great character too
>Aurelion Sol
>I liked that mages made a comeback
>great login themes this year
>Worlds was actually entertaining until it reached semi-finals

worst things:
>dynamic queue
>the fact that the other new champions aside from Jhin could've gone places if Riot gave them more attention and didn't nerf/gut them
>confirmation that we wouldn't be getting any big game events like Ascension or Burning Tides ever again... but Riot is actually delivering shit now, so maybe they're lying and they actually will
>balance was fucked-up, champions still getting gutted and left to rot (Kalista, Azir, etc)
But the assassin rework is specifically meant to stop them from doing that?
How in the world does Talon oneshot anything after his rework?
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>be mage mid main
>ass ass in mainz are buttblasted over their reworks coming this week
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Reminder that Gangplank x Shibs ( me ) is canon. Rito confirmed. c:
>>every assassin can oneshot the adc
Except riot is clearly trying to take away all of their ability to do that.
So calm down spazzotron McADCmain. Go back to your whack-a-mole.
>damage should be earned

>kennen r+flash fucks everyone
>syndra q on herself to then press r on ad
>brand deleting everyone at once
>zyra plants
then there's lategame shit like ori, ryze, and anivia?
Aurelion Sol is the ultimate shit-talker
Semi-finals with rox and skt was a fantastic series though
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janna spreads legs like a slut. a slut!
Thanks, lamb booty always helps lol
>jump over the wall
>Walk up to the ADC
>Crit Q
>walk away

nuthin personnel kid
>damage should be done by standing perfectly still autoing eachother and seeing who has higher DPS
>t. buttmad ADCmain
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>world is going to end in literally less than 24 hours
>anon is worried about reaching imagecap early
at least she doesn't fuck people to death you GOON
>one-shotting carries then getting away for free half the time is part of the assassin identity
Yeah fuck you kid
she was studying deez nutz

>favorite thing
jhin is the most faggot champion released in years and jhin players are mentally handicapped please kys
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>STILL no new Jhin or Illaoi skins
>Lux, a champion with a good selection of skins, literally gets TEN (10) more skins

What the LEGIT FUCK, Riot.
I miss my kind
>carries fight by standing still and autoing each other
>im mad I have to theoretically employ skill to get kills with my easy faceroll champions
literal assassinbab
hooooooly fuck this would be so sick
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>dear riot, please remove scissors it's objectively bullshit and unfair k thx bye
>signed: paper
>ps: rock is perfectly balanced don't listen to rock mains crying for buffs just leave it as is
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>tfw placed in Plat 3 at the start of this season
>tfw things went disastrously wrong as my inability to adapt to the meta over the season and my distaste for what was strong led me to the biggest crash of my life
>finally stopped at Gold 5 0lp
>kicked, scraped, and clawed my way back to Gold 2
>desperately tried to make it back to at least welfare plat
>mfw I just ran out of time

as if to punctuate my failure, I had a mid diana go afk after dying once in my very last game

hold me, lolg. I am a wretched shitter who doesn't deserve to play with you guys.
i got to level 27 this season, almost there i guess
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They knew the risks.
the owners of riot are lux mains

remember earlier in the year when lux was getting a buff every patch? they planned for this
>i am arguing for the design philosophy of assassins one-shotting carries through a literal rock paper scissors argument
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good night
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3 or 4 decides what i do
I'm WW
>rick clicking is the ONE TRUE SKILL in this game every other method of killing somebody is bullshit no skill buttpoop I'm the best everyone else sucks nothing should be able to kill me waaaaaaahhhhh
>wooooo I played OP champ and won
>mages have shit items
>adcs use assassin items because their items are shit
>people complain

fucking kill yourself, your rock paper scissors comparison would be applicable if "rock" (tanks/melee carrys) could actually be killed by adcs without having to blow flash to get away from them without dying
I mean if assassins can't one shot carries, their entire class cannot function

so, idk

unless you want assassins to have to build tank, which I'm sure you'd love.
theres nothing wrong with assassins conceptually but talon is an awful design, just like ww he should never actually be good, characters like zed and lb were at least acceptable
Assassins are meant to kill carries. That's their job. A carry whining about an assassin killing them is like a rabbit calling a fox OP.
>falling into this whoes charms
after posting this I realized Janna's eat is way too low on her head, it's like sprouting out of her chin

thank you for this edit also holy shit
Night, love you
>not carrying the afk shitters
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gold 5 0 lp for last 4 seasons.
yea i dont really play ranked

you should quit this game
I think all people want is counterplay and a lot of assassins don't have that if they didn't feed in their lane from ghe carry's perspective which is the whole problem. Try outplaying as jinx a 5/0 leblanc. You can't really do anything and that's the problem.
you don't
>mid morg
>900 damage q

whats wrong with this
Ok and without asssassins what do you do against the 5/0 jinx.
>assaasins are harder to play than ad carries
Are you actually like silver 5?
your problem is that you dont really think about the game as a whole, any 5/0 mage is going to obliterate you while being safer bringing cc, utility, wave clear, etc. you arent outplaying viktor, or syndra, they will do the same thing to you
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I tried, I honestly did

We actually looked like we might have a shot thanks to our top lane Yi getting a boatload of farm, but then Diana came back and started intentionally feeding.
next reply decides instead, 6 minutes in the game already
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so I wanna go for super autism mastery before the preseason ends

how much champ mastery does someone get for each game?

if its effected by the ranks that you get at the end of each game how much do they each give you? and do wins and losses change the ammount?
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>no Rubick
anon 1v1 outplays aren't a core part of every champion's design- especially AD carries. Riot assumes that as a Jinx you're going to be near your front line and your support, who are designed to handle the Leblanc for you.
> You don't hit half of them
Affected by ranks
Ask someone else.
You don't need assassins to kill immobile ad carries dude. You should be able to see that in the games this season where assassins havent been played much.
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>Have a literal cuck on the team dedicated to keeping you alive and probably another one in the jungle
>Still cry about a class that counters you even though they're receiving overall nerfs

Adc babs everybody, they didn't even go through with the ghostblade block change so what are you mad about? Talon is easier to deal with, so did Leblanc, Akali and Shaco got gutted, Rengar and Kat look basically the same. Who are you so worried about?
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The only way you can introduce counterplay to assassins is to make their burst less instantaneous, and if you do that you make them obsolete. There's no middle ground.

What they SHOULD have done is specifically played up their role as an anti-carry. Make them even worse at taking objectives and teamfighting outright, and reinforce their role of eliminating a key target so that the REST of their team can succeed.

Assasins should basically be supports who "support" the team by finding a way to kill the enemy carry and ONLY the enemy carry so that the REST of their team can leverage the advantage they create.
> You don't nerd assassins to kill ad carries
> Then the Jinx and Sivir become feed and you complain about them here.
So is this entire conversation just going to be an endless loop of me saying
>you're clearly just biased and want the counter to what you play nerfed without any thought to the balance of the game as a whole
And then you "retorting"
over and over?
Cause if so I'd like to just stop wasting my time.
You're the one worried about having your shit gutted not me
>yfw martin shkreli just lost 5k to voyboy
against fed AP
>able dodge mage skillshots
>qss cc and utility
>able to flash away from oneshot range
>able to hide behind your frontline

against fed assassin
>they get sight of you
>die before you get to flash/heal/use your own abilities/lifesteal
>able to use invisibility/invulnerability to ignore your frontline

pretty sure its not the same
Had the name "alt" for my smurf but I haven't used it for about 9 months. I logged in and riot has taken my name away and gave me a free name change

What should I name it?
And who should I one trick on it?
youre not playing against good syndras and viktors if you think youre going to not get oneshot, Im an ad carry player btw
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>janna sona
a cool d00d

>blue midgets

>diamond irelia
i like you

>plat 5
i bet your toxic too

ur ok

you hardly play or just started playing?


super chill ao shin main


pretty cool except lissandra. drop her before you develop autismo
Boy you can't logically respond to literally anything can you.
When did I ever say that and why do you sound like the irrational one for trying to reduce my arguments to snide remarks
Anon,CCing assassin is like shooting somebody in CS,it needs muscle memory and short reaction time.

Its fine if youre not there yet but dont nerf a class because of it
> Snide remarks
>why do you sound like the irrational one
I don't. You're just upset that you can't actually argue against anything I've (or multiple other people) said and will just endlessly repeat "I want what counters me nerfed and I don't care about literally anything else" and call everyone bad instead of arguing.
You asked who I'm so worried about and I said I'm not worried and then you write "You can't logically respond to anything". Okay.
*snide remarks I never made
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post league knockoff merch
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Hey, I played Hecarim for years, I don't know when he got OP.
You're not the only one friend. I climbed from B3 to G5 and went on the worse streak I've ever had. Out of my last 20 games I only won 5. I tanked my MMR I'm worried where I'll be placed again. I don't think I could to handle being placed in bronze and knowing my luck when placements come around I'll get the stupidest bullshit imaginable.
I'm not him I'm just saying I'm watching every post you make it this thread and not one of them contains any logical argument. Just "I hate assassins so they should be useless" over and over.
Yeah but I never called anyonebad so you sound irrational to me because you're are making stuff up to reduce my argument
im a mid player, and I can tell you that syndra can ONLY oneshot you if she hits the stun, which you CAN dodge if you arent shit

same with viktor, those mages CANT ignore the tanks in front of them or theyre going to die, the fizz, zed, leblanc, and talon dont give a shit about them

> Look mommy I'm not a metaslave
It's actually pretty ok looking for a knock off, shades make him look cute too.
That's interesting didn't write that though. My argument was that one-shotting carries was not necessarily the identity of assassins and adding counterplay opportunities is a good thing but whatever.
Solo queue is back next season right? Rank was so completely irrelevant this season.
> Why can't I do the one thing I'm supposed to do against an assassin :^( Pls nerfs rito
>I never called anyonebad
>Are you actually like silver 5?
Alright well if you're going to ignore you're own posts literally 1 post after making them to suit your own agenda at that moment clearly there's no point arguing with you.
ok, youve said some pretty suspect things so Im just gonna assume youre like gold at best, you dont really understand balance and you barely understand the characters youre talking about, whatever man, keep bitching about assassins, if youre a mid laner you know theyre garbage right now and if youre playing viktor or syndra you should be smashing lane anyway
He looks fucking blind and his blow gun is his walking stick.
is there anything worse than a leona support? every single fucking game i have a leona support i end up with something like 25 less CS than usual at 10 minutes and get camped to fuck since she literally does nothing in lane besides go balls deep and leave you to get fucking murdered
Well yes,learn the range of targeted spells and ward places properly. Its easier for you to flash away than them to flash in and target you.

Just get better at the game,its all you
Syndra can use the e+q bug to stun making it literally impossible to dodge if they are good
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the knockoff threshold has not been surpassed
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lolgens bronze is showing again
Yeah but he was reducing the role of ad carry to standing still and right clicking so I gave him some shittalk that's not the same
>yeah you caught me lying red handed but that doesn't count because I say so
>Every champion release was amazing Yes, even Taliyah and they all have tons of personality and are really fun to play
>finally gutted guinsoo's
>Tank meta gone
>The Mage Update was a big success and managed to bring a lot of forgotten mages back into the meta
>skins keep getting better and better. Dark Star Thresh, Project Ashe, the Star Guardian skins, all fantastic

Worst Things:
>SKT won worlds again
>Kennen is back in the meta and is still cancer
>Riot gutted all the new champions except Jhin for god-knows-why
>Early in the season when games were super short and would end by 25 minutes MAX, usually faster

All and all a very good season. I'm excited to see how the pre-season pans out as well as the Assassin Update.
>syndra can't oneshot you unless she lands the stun

t. midlaner that builds rod of ages into abyssal scepter
Only game I lost today was with leo support. It's not a good pick if she can't actually engage but it's alright if you can.
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rate mine?
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tfw the vayne main, riven main, and someone who picked up zed see the other two lock in lee and yasuo in blind pick
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we must move faster, our minds do not understand the stakes we're dealing with
It literally doesn't because I'm not calling all people who play assassins bad only shitposting another shitposter
>tf main
>rush negatron into ROA against syndra/fizz/leblanc

take every advantage you can
league of legends lego sets WHERE
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name TWO fucking champs lolg
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life of the mind.gif
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>lego legends
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Not sure if this counts, but it'll arrive in about a week or so. I have the chinese Lulu, Tristana and Poppy too.
Abathur and Jackie Chan
Slightly worse than the teemo one, still buyable thought. At least in my opinion.
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>Broken english
>Stock word processor font
>Less iconic charcter
>Varied accesories
>better than pleb tier gamestop slop

A strong 11 to 12 on a ten point scale
would buy from chinese bootleg ebay
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Twisted cock

fuck off
>I'm not calling all people who play assassins bad
>I never called anyonebad

Ah man this is hilarious.
You literally don't know ANY way to argue besides blatantly lying about what you've previously said and hoping I won't go back 2 posts to check it again.
at least

there's always next season, right?
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this is pretty rad, you got any link to that stuff?

not like i'd buy it since i'm poor again but maybe one day
Riven is one of the hardest champs to master, right?
>lost the argument
>trys to derail the conversation

I literally never called anyone bad
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Sneaky is pure cancer


his last game of the season is right now, and he's on the cusp of making top 10 (which gets a medallion)
The only thing hard about her is animation cancelling and toxic 101.
Would Akali marry me?
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>Precise paintjob
>No ripples or bubbles in plastic
>Face kinda wonky but loyal to source material and in character.

you got yourself a keeper snake.
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>Trying to win as Poppy
>Losing because Trundle keeps ulting me and becoming unkillable
>Takes me 40 minutes to realize I can just ult him away when he does
>Immediately win the game

Still mildly tilted that it took me that long.
We're about to enter an endless loop now here so can you just admit you're a crybaby that doesn't understand the point of team games.
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Yeah, after she gets gutted to unviability tomorrow she'll marry anyone who can feed her.

Better start learning Diana.
No, I'm going to propose tomorrow!
I will be a loyal husband to her! :^)
>we're about to enter an endless loop so just say you lost the argument so I can stop derailing the thread
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It's made by some russian sculptors on Etsy. Unfortunately they only made one. I'll definitely post more pictures when it arrives.

They apparently did their best to make it model accurate, I can respect that.
Didn't call him bad
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i'm already crying
>Challenger jackets dont have your username imprinted on them

what is the point
Should I just quit the game for a while and then come back when Morde's VGU is announced?
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Best Skin: Demon/Officer
Every Metroid wannabe: Neon Strike
Shit Tier: Deboinaire
Still hoping teir: Knockout
>adcs job:
>avoid getting killed by every top laner, every assassin, any mage support, every jungler, every mage, every on hit champ, and the enemy adc
>use dps on objectives

>assassins job
>unload every ability you have, an auto for duskblade, plus ignite and flash on the adc
>hope you can get out

pretty sure ones easier than the other
despite what you will hear here yes she is
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I wish I could play Vi because this skin does things to my dicc.
to sell them :^)
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too bad shes already taken
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how is she getting gutted?
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Somebody's gotta fill that niche, theres only like what 3 statues on the riot store and their pretty safe picks, gotta get the whimsical champs out there somehow, great craftsmanship too, looks uncanny to riot store stuff
Shit, uh.


Jackie Cha-- fuck.
6 minutes for sneaky to load into a game
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This skin is the best because
1. It looks great
2. Gave a shit ton more rule 34 for her
3. Satisfies my fetish
>They build Triforce and want to be Korean: Classic Ekko, Project Ekko
>They can be pretty alright but build the wrong AP items and are cocky as fuck: Sandstorm Ekko
>Build the right items, are chill and will most likely get fed and carry: Academy Ekko. And on RARE occasions Classic Ekko.
Don't do this to me... I love her :(
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DARKNESSSS and Ha ha yeah!
This fuckin Lux skin does things to my dick

Riot won't be so Jewish as to give her a different price right ? It'll just be a regular 3250 with a 2450 sale, r-right?
too many nerfs overall, especially passive
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How do I get gud at her?
are you on na? do you maybe want to join our husbando club?
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>tried playing this game a year ago, mostly through solo draft or playing with friends
>barely have any champions to play, if someone bans/counterpicks I usually dodge because I dont know anything else
>friends are gold/diamond, all of my solo queues afterwards put me against high gold or low plat elo on op.gg
>decide to make an alt account before 30 just to practice my mechanics more before trying placements or anything
>no champs again, always get off role or get cucked out of all my roles in blind pick
>end up swapping between accounts or both on dodge CD, I level maybe once a week
Yeah I'm starting to think this game just isnt for me. I get a lot of ranked anxiety in other games and I can't just push through and not worry about my play just to learn more. All of my games end up being 45min+ with crazy gold graphs and I end up being too emotionally exhausted to queue up right after.
>not enough to play her more than this guy

you dont deserve her
>losers still getting memed by the slug
top lel
What would you do if Demon Vi appeared in your house and told you you were now her sex slave?

Bear in mind she enjoys pegging
I am on na

sure, ign is King Grey
I don't think what I try to do matters.
kale, riven!
why are you trying to round up gays for your homo club
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so we can talk about league of legends guys together
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why tho?
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Warrior, Tank Boots are essential
Dmg items good on her: Trinity/BC/Yomuu's/Maw/Steraks?
Tank Items: All of em
Usual max is R>Q>E>W
My max is R>W>Q>E
I can give gameplay advice rn as jungle is changing but she ganks super well if you land q
I tell her that that is hot, but that my heart belongs to Sona, and that any sexual contact with anyone other than the woman I love would be without my consent.

There are plenty of other people available to sate her lust, and I would ask her not to come between true love.

The rest is up to her.
>having sex with an attractive female is gay
tfw if you tried as hard as you did to make it into gold by the deadline, you could've probably been diamond throughout the entire season
>making an alt before even hitting 30
I'm screen capping this post for future >lolbabs posting
those actually looks nice cept for kat
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The merch must flow
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ahri warming up.gif
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>getting thoughtfully fucked, knotted and manhandled by your waifu's thick futa cock is gay

Homosexuals these days I swear.
ehh :S
>tfw debonaire will never get a black chroma so I can pretend to be Roger Smith and BIG O SHOWTIME their backline
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who is you?

why do you taunt me with the :3?
>best:death blossom
>ok: Mecha
>not great: guardian of the sands
Freebie for Kass
>the only non shit one: Cosmic Reaver best skin in the game
Kill self, degenerate cancer.
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>All of my fetishes being fulfilled.
I want Ahri to make a sloppy mess of my boypussy with her huge fox dick!
idk :3
I want her to do that to me too!!
Who hyped about the new update?
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>late night /lolg/
>degenerates faggots and sluts

Is it the yurops, or why does this always happen?
So when is the patch hitting?
When can I finally play ranked again?
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The 9th.
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call vayne
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Most of us are asleep right now my man
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plz anon what are you trying to do to me?
why are you awake
sneaky ;_;
Yuro here, woke up 30 mins ago
>asleep at 9:17 in the morning
Maybe if you're a neet
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i can respect the taliyah
nothing really :3
But most of /lolg/ are probably
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>vayne isn't giving a reach around to vi's thick 9incher while she ruins her butt

good picture but wasted potential really
>ranked disabled
>play 2 normals
>get absolute terminal cancer with metastasis
>game 1
>enemy lee sin ganks all 3 lanes and farms both jungles at the same time
>our jungler is 0/3
>mid lux with ignite vs syndra starts inting and typing in all chat how much he hates this game and hes gonna ruin this game for us since we ruined his lane (lux gave first blood to syndra in 3 minutes 1v1)
>game 2
>doing fine bot, feed my cait first blood
>vi comes down
>tower dives 1v2 vs a fucking alistar and jinx
>feeds double buff to jinx
>then dies 2 more times to jungler and mid and disconnects
>top irelia 0/5 goes afk "report my team nubs"

fuck my eyebrows with lawnmower
So what do we play until they enable ranked queues again?
its just norms bro relax
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sneaky take my energy!
gn :3
hi bandle
What happened?
only reason to come here desu
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>tfw you don't have yasuo
It's prime time ausfag hour
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>pick shaco for comfy game
>spend the game just farming and ganking overextended lanes
>each time I gank the enemy ignores my laner and blows their load on me then gets upset when they die
>come mid game
>every teamfight they try to suicide onto me
>Just walk back or Q away then E or backstab for the kill
>mfw they continue doing this til we win

What is it about this champion that tilts people into throwing games?
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That's not me, but I was watching that stream. Hardest I've laughed in a long while.
I had a fucking wet dream with Leona tonight

I don't really care for Leona but for some reason tonight I dreamed about fucking her in her pool party outfit

What's wrong with me
i think it's because of the firebush
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>its a fizz gets one kill and can now 100-0 you under tower for FREE episode
i need some tanky as fuck mid laners for this turbo cunt
sounds perfectly normal anon, I don't know why you think that's anything to worry about?
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fuck man I had a shaco game like that
>cyberbullying the enemy jungler
>enemy spend more time flaming me than playing
>45 minutes role around
>5v5 mexican stand off middle
>walk into the fog and send y ult clone at them
>they burn 3 ults exhuast and ignite
No you just need to take Exhaust vs Assassins like Fizz and Zed so you bronze retards don't feed your ass off.
you just reminded me of the old ass copy-pasta someone used to spam like 5 years about dreaming about fucking leona and her screaming "THE DAWN HAS ARRIVED" AS SHE CUMS"

God this general has become a shithole since all those years ago.
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that's just strawberry jam!
sneaky could've gotten top 10 challenger and won a medallion by winning his last game in season 6. His team memepicked and fed, so he lost (even though Hai and Lemon were on the opposite team)
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>exhaust when he goes in
>le epic pole jump away taking no damage from the tower
>exhaust runs out
>100-0s me under tower
>(even though Hai and Lemon were on the opposite team)
And? You think they'd want to also give him 10 ten after he got to stay on the team and they were kicked?
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>Mfw Riot gutted the only counter to ADC(burst assassin)
>Mfw those that haven't been gutted will now just be banned thanks to 10 bans being implemented
>Mfw Riot ruins the jungle too so now even farming junglers can't do shit to ADC
>Mfw it's gonna be another season of ADC ruining the game for everyone
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aww, >>159710123 was aimed to >>159705293

Because youre an asshole. You play a champ that is a coward. A faggot.

Hope you die of cancer and your mother is raped
go on him when he dives you and you throw the exhaust
cc him
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kat n kid.jpg
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Annie has essentially grown up fighting in the league. She has a whole roster of sexy adult women. Who is her role model and why? What do they teach her about life on and off the battlefield?

>Annie's first day in the league, a bunch of strangers stand before her.
>Notices Kat's pinkish-red hair and green eyes and sticks to her kin like glue
>Kat is annoyed at first but soon realizes the A: dangers of not having annie on her side and B: the value of having the most prodigious mage as an underling.
>Instant 180 turns into mom mode / fun big sister.
>Annie learnes the value of the unseen blade and leather pants
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yes, that's what friends do

friends also pull pranks on each other, which I think is the case here
is jayce the protagonist of league of legends
syndra is basically grown up annie, so probably her
>Losing lane to melee
Extreme kek
Yorick's rework
Nice skins overall, I especially like pool party Fiora and arcade Ahri
Zed and Fizz aren't played right now, Yasuo is perma banned
Hextech chests
Taliyah's nose
the closest thing would be ezreal or MAYBE j4
just a prank bro
I fucking love this champion, sucks that he's getting khalista'd but I think he'll still be playable.

>You play a champ that is a coward
>"hurr if you don't stand still and let me kill you you're a coward"
You alright familia? who hurt you?
Did an assassin camp you? did you try diving him in a teamfight and cost your team the game?
>Who is her role model and why?

ahri of course

why do you think she wears that animal-eared headband? she wants to be like ahri when she grows up
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We need more draft normals
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>in lobby for promo to masters
>team looks great, enemy has weak picks
>someone on my team dodges
>ranked goes down

Probably J4

The league was created to solve conflict if I remember correctly, and J4 being who he is has a lot of other champ interactions
Hardstuck diamond shitters got all of my laughs
alright everyone jump ships we're moving to dota 2
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I started playing at the start of S6 and I've grown obsessed with the game

I uninstalled at the start of semester in August, but I can't stop googling winrates and thinking about different comps and builds during the day

how do I uninstall mentally
So a slut?
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>playing kha in normals
>Azir and a Malz getting mad that they fed me
>calling me bad
>when im stomping them
>check who their top champion is after game
>both Zed
Like fucking clockwork
play something else
But people told me it's not normal to lust over fictional women
No, a woman who isn't afraid to express her natural urges as a female.
fire isn't limited by some human morals
foxes aren't either
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>implying she doesn't want to be a killing machine
There is no reason to play league.
Dota 2 is objectively the better game.
post more annie
What am I supposed to do in late game teamfights as a diver (shyvana, vi, etc)? I feel like I can do good shit from early to mid late game, but once it hits 38+ minutes I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing in fights? Do I peel? Do I just go for backline? What if we don't have a dedicated tank? I realized I only know how to properly teamfight as an adc or full tank champion, because they have really one dimensional jobs, but other champs I really have no clue what my goal is.
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We're using the honesty system so don't lie, you'll only be lying to yourself
You dive
What if we don't have a tank and the carries have no peel?
your holy duty is to kill the adc/apc by any means necessary so yeah, you ult the back line
Then you lose because you shitpicked a diver
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Been playing Renekton this free week and he's really fun. Should I pick him up? How do you play him well?
You're retarded.
most skill in this game comes down to teamfights. You need to have the ability to properly assess the situation. Sometimes you need to dive sometimes peel sometimes tank. Its vital to know which. Even in diamond i see people mindlessly diving doing nothing every fight. Peeling is usually the best option since its not required of you to survive to win the fight but it is required for the enemy front line to have to get through you first to get to your back line. There is a lot of science around it.
if you don't win early then you don't win at all

in a nutshell, when you get 100 rage, E through the minion wave into the enemy, auto reset W him, Q, then E back to your wave. If done correctly, you will have nearly cleared the minions and gotten at least half of their health. Remember that your empowered E shreds a fuckton of armor, you can use that during team fights to help your ADC deal with their front line.
why do you think she isn't smart? she is a mage after all

she is smart and easy going unlike some ribbon who is a stupid sociophobic bruiser, ribbon wouldn't even be admitted to join ahri's college
>queue normal
>everyone is silver 5 or bronze
>scripting elise so fucking obvious that i could bet my fucking life on it
>keeps going like "yeah im good"

holy shit these guys its like christmas, i've never had so much fun
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Use me when u see a Fizz my child.
Update when?
How do I change my client voice language in lolreplay?
Thanks, I was trying to do something similar to that in my games but I'll keep practicing. Gonna pick him up for a change from all of the boring tank top games. I like his playstyle also the Renekton comics I see on here are usually pretty great.
Wednesday. For now, enjoy the election shitshow and play a different game. Or blind pick, hhhahhahah
>*presses E and flashes away*
>*kills your adc in the process*
>psh nada personal chico
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>hit the rank I wanted this season
>got a pbe account and an EUW account to messs around on
>comfy as fuck irl atm
>get to enjoy the tears on pol once trumpussies get btfo in 18 hours
today's gonna be a comfy day
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is this real life
>That champion pool

Do you hate yourself?
just buy a champion shard for 1700 IP, dude
>play normals
>''hi guyss practicing jg and first time nidalee haha dont get mad pls''
kill me i don't want to dodge
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draw a picture of Quinn in MSPaint and post it on the forums. You're pretty much guaranteed to be given that 1 blue essence you need.

unless they only do that for RP, idk
It's normals, who fucking cares? play teemo support or soraka top
>playing normals
>try out a new champ
>enemy team is try harding and shits on my team

>decide to try hard
>team mates are so bad would be better playing with beginner bots as team mates

I did a few normals and absolutely destroyed the enemy, then I had games where my teams is just pants on head retarded and we lose. The anger that comes with normals isn't worth it. I would rather lose 10 ranked games and get demoted two divisions than fucking play normals.
>tfw you want to play Taric to make your team invulnerable and roflstomp every teamfight but people are too dumb to understand what your ult does

It's no surprise supports witg grabs are the most popular, as it's the only form of utility that most players are able to understand
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here are the new graphs if anyone hasn't seen them yet

anything you guys want to see?
Who is the best 3150 IP champion?
That new client is so fucking nice., Where does the beta open to everyone?
I miss 3v3s

everyone playing it is shit but so am I so I actually got to carry sometimes
>Not having a PBE account

I hope none of you guys are toxic or too new to have one, mh?

Just kidding I don't have one either but I use the one given to me by one of my boost clients
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>lane with a Blitz who won't shut the fuck up in allchat and is clearly black and on drugs
>he's almost completely useless and regularly fucks off to mid to leave me to get 100-0'd by the Kha'Zix that our Quinn fed
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>they dont start turning/fighting near the end of the channel time even if theyre full health
>it takes the mongoloids half the duration of the ulti to realize theyre invincible

At least in the new update i can laser beam mid lane while im babysitting the drooling idiot hitting creeps.
I don't really play all that much so a pbe account would be wasted on me
Rewards when
NA finally asleep
It's only midnight in Hawaii. I'm stilll here.
>Elementalist Lux is the same price I paid for Overwatch
>paying for Overwatch
>elementalist lux comes out
>ban lux every game
>No longer a support
>Really want star guardian janna
>Buy it anyway

Just had to tell someone.
>You have been returned to the lobby because a player left champion select.
The beta is out right now
I have one :)
I'm NA i'm still fighting my nightly visit with death.

Ivern is a sack of shit. his ability to lv 1 steal your jungle is frustrating as all hell. there's no counter except having your team give a fuck, which is really hard in low-mmr games, and then ever 5 minutes you have to get your whole damn team together to protect your buffs or he waltzes in and does it again. fuck this cancer champion he shouldn't be able to smite a grotto unless it is fully formed.
Omen and Zelos
Just have your lane ward your second buff and steal his when he invades you
I feel bad for your ping
why are you no longer a support
Hey hey I can't wait for jungle to be ruined again and Lee still being best pick possible!
how much longer until ranked is back uppppp?
because he played janna and cant carry
Play AP Janna top or mid.
it might have gotten old by now but it was worth it
You need another token anyway
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>run into plat smurfs and toxic players whose mains are banned at my level 10 game with zero mmr
>every game is a 45 minute fiesta
This shit is really not welcoming for a new player trying to get into the game.
>>>playing AP janna after they fucking gutted her ap ratios to make her a ""better support""

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I want to IMPREGNATE Fiora!
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>using the word toxic unironically
hm, she ended the game 7/8, our sup afk'd tho and then i was the one throwing the game so there's that baka
>draven player with the classic tyler1 setup spammed ????? every time he got a kill
>called gg, lmao, and ff now whenever he won a teamfight or killed a t2 turret
I mean what else am I supposed to call him?
>1/5/50 first time playing janna on aram
>only A-

ok what the fuck
I don't know what part of "higher than average to score S" people don't get

get more kills
get more cs

Oh the taste of your lips, I'm on a ride!
Your toxic, I'm slippin under the taste of a poison paradise!
I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?
did you have fun? if you have fun you win
>using the word unironically unironically
the new player experience is truly awful and I'm constantly surprised how league actually gets new players instead of stagnating

maybe people who pick up mobas already know the shit they're going to come across
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>In general, the full clear will give more gold and xp than before - but not enough to match the continuous power-farming era.

Ha ha yeeeeah
until i lost, yes. i ended the game 9/5 but made too many mistakes like chasing a fucking eve
>Implying Master Yi still won't farm for 40 minutes
>Shyvana will need buffs in the next season

[laughs in Demacian]

The key is to pick her only when playing 1500 elo below your level

>image limit reached

damn it how am I supposed to post my blog
no matter what they do it can't be as bad or good as the feral flare era
Anyone have a link to the Bewitching Morgana fapfic?
Is Fiddle a shit champ or is it just me?
Also Singed is fucking hella. You guys should play Singed. If you enjoy killing people very, very slowly in the most tilting way possible: literally running circles around them

its a fat buff for wukong who only cares about farming up his first major item then doing all in 100% to 0 burst on some retarded midlaner who is le pushing 4 wavecontrol

this season is going to be so fucking good for wukong, ad banshee item, ghostblade BUFF, duskblade custommade for his W and jungle is more rewarding + you have sustain from smite on every camp
on howling abyss I strictly go in after 2 or more players do when playing squishies/melee.
>Gank the fuck out of your lanes
>You're 5/0/12 at 20 mins
>Enemy Nocturne/Warwick is 0/3/0 and has just completed feral flare
>He 100-0s your adc that refuses to group

feels bad
Favourite monkey king skin?
I got the General one in a shard and was thinking of picking him up
for real the #1 way to get S rank on supports is to be a CS jew. The #1 way to get S rank on aram is to be a CS jew. most people only worry about waveclear for pressure and fighting in arams, but if you get even 40 CS over the course of a game you'll go up 2 ranks easy.

In normals, if you've earned a few kills for your ADC and you're ahead, turn into a dick and start farming, or consider getting the face of the mountain starter item on a support you would normally build talisman or frostqueen on. you may need to put a few mana regen runes on or change masteries, but the extra CS you earn from the passive could be enough to push you up. in a 20 minute game that's 40 CS

Also imge limit when is newthread?

used to be general but they fucked his splashart to be ugly as sin so now I use goku

all his skins are nice with the exception of jade which is trash
It's a continuous power farm if you stole the enemy jungle camps too as nunu
The best wukong skin is http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/3/3f/Wukong_UnderworldSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160521024449
What's your build aswell my man?
Is there a Sivir skin that doesn't suck?
You forgot NO PINKS
Poro King is probably the best mode to farm chests on
>pick an adc
>farm waves, snipe kills, stay alive and die a few times just to buy
>can actually kill turrets to close the game

plus the games are short
bonus: I'm bad but people who play rotating modes are usually worse than me which is impressive
So do we keep posting in this thread for another 90 posts without images or migrate to >>159712851 that some retard made in the other thread that still hasn't hit image or post limit yet?

Can someone explain post and bump limits to me for vg / overall? I know images are locked at 250, I thought posts were 750 but that has changed several times i think.

depends entirely on what the enemy team is
PAX if you aren't fucking new
You have it right anon?
Illaoi.- Hermit purple. That writes itself.

Zilean - Za waruudo.

So, how long until that turns into hardcore pounding/ntr?
Can Elize be used other than for jungle?
I don't do jungling but I wan't to use her
>Mid goes 3/16
>40 cs in 30 minutes

I feel like I'm back in Silver
I've read it. its one of those "I can't draw multiple pictures" things and just has one of sivir's nameless mercenaries bone her from behind while she stays in that position for 9 more panels. Its pretty shit. the sort of "save one SFW and one NSFW and ignore the other 10" deals. Like when some fag makes 50 images of a girl lying on her back and has to make a fucking punnit square to match 4 different faces with 3 different states of clothing, and 3 different states of being fucked and another 50 for the post-bukakke versions.
posts aren't locked at 750. after 750, all replies are autosaged

>increases AA range on leap

Chosen, Headhunter, base
>has probably been playing since S1
>literally started playing yesterday
>will 1v5 carry
image limit
why is she trembling?
She used to be an absolute terror top but iirc her spider form spells were manaless
She can probably still work decently there with her on hit sustain
How dyslexic do you have to be to read that wrong
I like the reworks. All of them. Taric, Yorick, Ryze were great.
>Jhin was pretty cool.
>Login music is awesome for the most part. Yorick and Taric especially
>Mages made a return
>Star Guardian Jinx is better than any of her other skins, including base model.

>Riot was pretty lazy with some things.
>Shen update was this year I think. It was horrible. Worst one from Riot so far.
>The lore rewrites took an especially big hit in the shitter. Especially the Mt. Targon champs which is the worst writing I've seen from Riot and that's saying something.
Thought Riot said Ryze was the main character of League. Which makes it funny since he's a crazy old coot.
>introduce different smite buffs that make playing jungle require more than just autoattacking camps till they die
>remove them

for what fucking reason
Would LeBlanc date Elise?
>leveling account on eune
>~level 10, a lot of people dont even have smite yet
>guy locks volibear and spams solo top
>nobody jungles
>nigger gets triggered
>2 people went top with him


i think he was seizing after 5 minutes of incoherent rage
So I mained Ahri in S6, managed a 60% winrate and ended up D4. Should I stick to her or expand my pool now and pick a new champ once the inevitable meta shift settles?
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