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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 746
Thread images: 161

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i wanna remix so bad
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Would you sniff Mai's gym clothes?
Are you certain? Because I can't even find a single post about such a thing. Everyone was incredibly surprised with Revelator having one as well, so I can't find any evidence for that having been the case.
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I already did and I bought Mai just 30 minutes ago.
My friends and are I really into MK but want to try our hands at some other games. Xenoverse or KOF?
Nash is the most cancerous aids character in any fighter ever made.
Capcom lost










>Character has their moves named thematically
Why is this allowed?
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Mai is really cute. I love how she does a thumbs up after nuking her enemy.
What even is Mai's outfit
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Tight lowleg pants and a halter-top.
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Head is literally a fucking chain chomp

No wonder no one likes taokaka
>he literally fell for the sniff meme
Any particular reason? I was a little sad to see like 10 viewers on twitch. Will the game survive?
That's like expecting buttholes to smell like anything but shit
does anyone play clash of ninja in here?
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xenoverse 2, it's really fun especially with friends
I want something to read while I donate plasma. Should I buy Daigo's book?
Owlboy fighting game when?
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let me sniff desu
10 on twitch, 50k on some chinese stream site, 5k on afreeca, who cares. it's a fun game.
if you guys are into fighting games, kof
but if you're just casual mashers that bought mk because it's the only fighting game you've bothered to play...

...eh just get kof.
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Blazblue won
Are there any pro level fighting game players from sub-Sahara Africa? My Dad was saying he could do this, but it seems unlikely since he is already like 55 with no experience.
What's up with the shrunken baby deformed hands?
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60FPS youtube channels where?
I want to sniff Mai.
i want to buy mai
Do you watch this?
I want to fill Mai's womb with my cum.
if he's good he could do it. a positive attitude, a desire to learn, and no whining will pretty much skyrocket him above most players.
I don't really see age being that big of a deal either unless it impacts his ability to travel.
whats a good mai combo
no, theyre shit at videogames
>supporting arcsys jewish practices
literally the cancer killing anime
lp + lp
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Surely I'm not the only one who bought battle fantasia during the sale...

Someone from near europe see me in that game
FT/BT -> 236 > 2C > 8DD > 214C > 2C > j.BC > j.BC >j.214C
I watched 2 or 3 videos, I hate the fact that they don't look at the control screen so that they can do some combo or special attack.

I watched the melty blood one and they didn't even manage to do a fucking finisher.

Never watched it again
It's embarrassing to watch, for people who dickride fighting games so much
That game looks sick.
Just bought KoFXIV yesterday, and I've decided my team is going to be

Are there any resources in particular I should look at for these characters? I'm already looking at the Dream Cancel Wiki.
watch xiao hai's luong.
>I don't really see age being that big of a deal
You're telling me that a 55-year old man is going to have reflexes and coordination on par with late teenagers/early 20-year-olds?
i tried to but it wasn't in stock...
i might buy the digital in the meantime and leave my CE sealed
you're saying a 20-year olds reaction time is all it takes to win majors?
yes because it's about people having fun
Nice OP.
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mfw they were trying to do an hcf super with ryougi but did a qcf afetr a million tries and thought that was it
what is FT/BT
Not all that it takes, but it's CERTAINLY going to make a major difference.
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Everytime I come here and see people talking about BB I keep feeling that I'm missing something because I just don't find the games that fun.

But it's ok if you do I'm just insecure enough to wonder if there's something wrong with not liking BB.
Makoto is p cute tho.
>ram discord is literally full of people who wish they were neets so they could jack off to ram all day and not attend tournaments

what a productive community full of solid players
Your devotion to a waifu is measured in the amount of semen you have spilled to her.
Character discords are a mistake but forums are all but dead so it's what we have to deal with
it's a weird game. on a lot of fronts. one thing that really put me off was how slow it was just in terms of frame data and the ridiculous input buffer, so things felt sluggish. but that was only temporary. it's also a game where if you don't really enjoy your character or the game as a whole, you'll probably hate the game until you find one you really like.
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And then they called Ryogi lame
Maybe I'm retarded and all ASW releases have started to blend together.
her story sucks and is redundant with shiki and her gameplay boring, what's not lame about that
For GG at least, certain character discords can be really bad but the majority of them are pretty great.
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>corner combos do less damage and are less practical than midscreen combos
why is this allowed?
Could repelling the Riot fighting game player horde that will inevitably come be the catalyst for all of the FGC + Smash to align and stop infighting?

Tencent could kill us all in one fell swoop.
at the point where it would make a real difference, despite thousands of other factors, he'd already be better than everyone in this thread.

so he might as well go for it.
considering the near 100% overlap of league with smash, probably not.
The irony is that I got it for my Vita years ago and that's what led me to discover the FGC as a whole. SCR (2013?) was streaming and was the first big tourney I got to watch. So I keep wanting to go back and play it hoping that I'll rediscover what sparked that fire.
>implying Riot can kill Nintoddlers playing an ancient game on obsolete hardware
It's only bad for smash desu and Capcom needs real competition, I'll play the Riot game even if it's a smash game desu
I'm not sure how they are going to make it work though. Fighting games aren't popular not only because of 'git gud' but also because it's 1v1, so you can't blame anyone else for your mistakes.
I just can't see a fighting game become mainstream, even if it is f2p.
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league of legends fighting game when
Right after they fire Seth
and you know they fucking will
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It certainly has the best sniffs
why would you play nintendo's smash when riot's smash is out? fun fact, i knew scarra from arenajunkies and wow arena he was a pretty mediocre player, when lol started to explode he kept at it and became a fulltime """"pro"""" lol player and is now rich despite not even winning a lot of tournaments, if any, at lol
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no way would they make a fighting game with a 2v2 focus, that would bomb hard
>Harada says Console players were crying about PC cheaters with Crossplay
>Every hacker or light kick spamming bot in SFV has been on PS4
Why would it bomb hard lol?
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lol gay
because it would be shit? who would want a fighting game where you have to play with some random faggot
Should I buy revelator or blazblue?
Marvel 4 roster wishes:
>Winter Soldier
>Gene (Godhand)
>Golf (Dragonball Z)
>Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
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Kengan Ashura fighting game when?
Isn't the goal of lol and dota playing with randoms?
Which has characters and gameplay that appeals to you?
Those two are pretty much brothers though
cuckold isn't a meme tho
Steve Fox (Tekken)
>should i buy dead game #1 or dead game #2
i meaaaaaaaannnnnnn.......
get gear!
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The artist made a fighting game in his free time.
I played Sign on PC and really enjoyed what I played (it's pretty dead so not much). I've never actually played Blazblue and don't really know how similar it is to Guilty Gear.
MOBAs are designed as teambased games, there once was a 1v1 mode in LoL for a short time and it was utter garbage. Same goes for fighting games, just the other way around
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Watch footage and decide for yourself you mongoloid
Mate the trick to getting your girls sniffable is switching out her diet so she eats little to no processed foods, making sure she works out regularly and just making sure she's healthy.

It's a lot of work but otherwise you'll be smelling nasty funk forever.
Are you guys enjoying Blazblue Central Fiction?
Look up some matches of BB to see if there's anything you like, and check the general description for the characters you think looks appealing. keeponblaz.in has match videos from CF which you could use.
>you're a mongloid for asking for an opinion from people who have played both
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Animation is fucking amazing but it's weird as fuck

Yeah, most fun iteration so far. Didn't like CPE much but this is an improvement.
I haven't been into BB since CP 1.0, do I pretty much have to use this discord thing nowadays?
>i want biased opinions instead of forming my own opinion
Both games are enjoyable on their own but everyone usually prefers one over the other
SFV is _____
Hope to get it in a few days
>tfw no one even shitposts about kof 14 anymore
is this what it's like for a game to truly die?
>looks better than sfv
What are you trying to say, 2v2 or 3v3 would not be teambased? I don't understand.
its super fun

i can only play it at locals though because i dont have a playstation yet
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You done goofed bro. Coulda bought both on Steam, played them for an hour, then refunded your money and just kept whichever one you want.

I prefer GG myself. I don't think BB has anything as fucking metal as a time traveling rockabilly witch who rides around on a guitar.
Pretty much, everywhere else is dead. You don't really need to talk in them though, it's just that they generally compile links in the character discords for easy access.
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>no one actually articulates why bb is fun except that it's just "fun"
>mfw blazshills are trying to keep their game afloat mere hours after it gets released
I'm just saying that fighting games do not really work as team based games. Part of the fun is training and getting better alone. Having to play in a team like in a MOBA would be dumb and unsatisfying
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Please don't use I-no to post dumb shit as "fucking metal" and such
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Fun things are fun for being fun.
Don't forget to grab Es while she's free even if you don't own the game or console

-- unless you plan to bitch about having to pay for her when you buy CF in six months, in which case please disregard this post.
>time traveling rockabilly witch
Take out "rockabilly" and you lose any semblance of "metal" in that.

The cast has a very high variety in terms of how they play, and personally I find the various routes you can take off hitconfirms to lead into different situations satisfying to do. Also there's alot of information concerning matchups and stuff to learn, so I never really feel "lost" when looking for how to progress.
I'd play this
I don't have the games though nor do I know how to play them so besides thinking they look cool in a video I can't form any opinion.
I don't think you're the target demographic for the lol fighting game, I'm just saying that they don't have to make it 1v1..
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>I don't think BB has anything as fucking metal as a time traveling rockabilly witch who rides around on a guitar.
pewdiepie will play this game because it looks wack, and save the fgc.
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please dont drachenpost in fgg
I know I'm not, but even in casual shit like sm4sh people like for glory because it's 1v1 without any bullshit. I'm just saying that a teambased game would be unlikely imo
Implying I wouldn't bully the shit out of millions of children in order to protect the sanctity of the fgc
BRO the japanese are so RANDUMB omg what a ZANY game
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but bro
gg is metal
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Go back to /blaz/ falseflagger
why does he have a hole in his crotch?
Imagine if KoF didn't look like a PS2 game
The last KoF that came out had great hand drawn sprites, what are you talking about?
Imagine SFV didn't look like an n64 game.
imagine if sfv was a good game
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>KoF XIII is beautiful
>KoF XIV is worse visually in every way
Feels bad man
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who cares about grafix if the game is fun
But I thought people here think KOFXIII actually looks terrible and that no true fans liked its graphics??
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You must of had a pretty powerful version of the n64
Is KOF dead?
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don't tell mom
The arcade version of XIV will save KOF.
Imagine kof14 in xrd engine

why would some nobody who just reuploads online replays have this information
I think graphics aren't important but a really solid artstyle definitely is.
Anyone UK/EU want to bully me while I figure out how to play Birdie against human opponents
buy me
wHAT IF HEs right??

You ever thought about that


why not both though
I think Garou and Last Blade1&2 were SNK's best looking fighting games. better art direction and animation.
XIII still looks good though.
>tfw marvel 4 will annihilate deadgirls even more
>tfw riot smash will give the final blow to capcom/smash
i can feel it
I don't support sjws and beowulf killed skullgrills

you say that like i wouldnt love a new marvel game

it'd be great if he's right but there's no point getting excited about a rumour from some randomlord
>beowulf killed skullgrillsw
why though, he's fun
>locking JP audio behind 10k limited-time preorders instead of total purchases if anything

Why is MikeZ still alive
his uncle literally works for Marvel and Capcom
guilty gear is boring

its just knockdown into setplay for every character
>wanting the game to return to neutral

Nigga you aren't playing optimally if you want they other person to play as much as possible
He isn't a cute girl
gay barafag garbage
/fgg/ divekick tournament when?
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>40 bucks for skullgirls
>knock someone down
>get rewarded

wh00a.. .
which guilty gear character is most inputs per second
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I don't have any friends, I'm not going to be able to play this game online am I?
I don't but sprites are better than 3d shit for fighting games.

I loved it I don't give a fuck what anyone says
>When he shoots his face

HOLY FUCK that attack is amazing
Is this going to have crossplay with PC?
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Man, faggots like you are the reason why we can't have fun things. The game looks amazing


good sprites also cost approximately 15 fucktillion dollars to make

they're nice, but for a lot of companies they arent viable anymore
That is as much of a "hint" as sfv is a good game that met sales expectations.
>not pc
Nah fuck off kikez.
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i saw this on reddit
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I am absolutely in love with Birdie in SFV. I've never clicked more with a character in a fighting game. Who should my main be in Street Fighter 4?

I played SF4 a lot and was a 2k shitter however I've still never really clicked with a character, I was constantly switching.
damn why do reddit make cool shit whilst we shitpost?

t hawk
/fgg/ SFV Ranking Battle


We're doing a Saturday tournament this week because I have work Friday night.

>Currrent Standings - Top 8
1. tramps
2. SeaPerson
3. prl
4. ZetaZeta
5. bael
6. Pickles
7. Sharkboot / DE3

Top 8 at the end of season will participate in the '/fgg/ Cup' to determine the ultimate winner. In the event of a tie for 8th place a short deciding match will be held.


Here's a discord link specifically for this tournament series. I'll try to coordinate matches in here as well as stream chat.

>Previous Tournament vods
Round 2 - https://youtu.be/9pMCPDW73to
Round 3 - https://youtu.be/Ncp-rYHF06k
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thanks for sharing the rare sf senpai

where's vsav
in the trash
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I don't play BB but is best girl happy in it?
sfv should be there desu
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how is saudi fucking arabia a 5 bar connection you utter piece of shit incompetent fucks capcom
When is based Goshelkoff doing the EU tournament?

Is he still being held captive by the Scottish FGC?
>where is not newest turd by capcom
haha this :D
T hawk is a good shout, never really considered playing him seriously I've need to look up some gameplay

I've always wanted to play Honda but I'm absolute ass at hands. I guess now's the time to learn
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>ever being happy
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someone make a strawpoll for who they main in sfv
Why don't you make one faggot
old news man the game doesn't actually look for 5 bar connections only. They look for connections that are 5 first but if it doesnt find them it just grabs some shit

Drop the trip and post exclusively with pictures of that guy instead
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I prefer GG but BB is still fine.
Revelator has best boy so keep that in mind.
I main Balrog
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Reminder that Tencent already owns EVO. We're done for.
Here ya go, senpai.
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just bought mai desu
my sniffdick couldn't take it anymore
probably not even gonna use her
>I spent $8 on a dlc character
>I'm not even gonna use her
you goobers can't help yourself

t. combofiend
check your /fgg/ vocabulary.
if guile had like 5f less recovery on booms he'd be top 3-5 in the game
>anime games
>having any differences besides the name of the UNGAs being different
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thank you friend
how unga is gorilla?
also took me a minute to realize the stage
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I know a better place to find UNGA.
non invincible backdashes were a mistake desu

if a guy jumps at me and I backdash I shouldnt get hit, im going the same direction as blocking anyway
>invincible backdashes were a mistake
>non-invincible backdashes were a mistake

who was right?
You did the right thing.

>parries were a mistake

only 09ers and 16ers say this because they can't parry
daigo said parries were a mistake though and he's literally known because of parrying during youtube moment #37
where 2 cop
>.t """"""""""""OG""""""""""""
Tbh people only complained about rose's and chun's backdashes
parries were a mistake tho
>3S players


and no-one would have complained at all if Luffy didn't win EVO and turn an entire nation salty
Scarlet Witch, Satana, Spiral, Magik, Enchantress, Clea
based luffy
>what are Cammy and robo-Cammy
typical daigo cock sucker who thinks that moment means anything to top japs players who do it in their sleep

spotted the 09er. can't be any more of an embarassment for posting that faggot.
I'm still sad he beat Bonchan
>top japs players who do it in their sleep
daigo literally told Kuroda he's shit in every game besides 3S because 3S teaches no fundamentals or anything and Kuroda said Daigo was right
>Literal gorilla mash
that professor daigo thing on beasttv where Daigo was trying to teach him how to play Ryu in SF V

Non-invincible back dashes aren't the end of the world, but shit gets seriously fucked up when you combine it with the fact that getting hit puts you in counter state.

Like, one or the other please, don't make back dashes shit and THEN add a counter state. Invincible backdashes that can be punished with a counter hit is actually a fair deal.
fkn copycatter
Rose got buffed in the prior patch and he was the only person in the world playing her. Him having that crazy ass run was great

Him drowning in pools and getting fucked up by everybody after that evo wasn't. Sako and dieminion in particular stand out
tbf he came 17th at EVO 2013 before the buff.

Its a cool video I hope the rest gets translated
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He didn't say that.

He said that the stuff Kuroda learned in 3S doesn't apply for SFV, which is why 3S players have a rougher "mountain" to climb compared to other players from other fighting games.

That doesn't mean 3S didn't have fundamentals. Some of the strongest japanese Chun players came from 3S.

Jesus Christ, why is /fgg/ filled with /v/-tards pretending to understand games by streamboaring?
What is the nae nae of fighting games
>no dub
>$8 day 1 dlc
bb's getting slammed with 1 stars lmao
Street Fighter The Movie The Game was better than sfv and sf3 combined.
>Some of the strongest japanese Chun players came from 3S.
>some of the strongest players who played a broken character in 3S can now play a broken character in V

How do we defeat Blazblue, /fgg/?
Because /fgg/, just like /v/, doesn't play fighting games.
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really makes me sniff
Still at 5 stars for me where are you seeing the bad ratings?
Delete this you capcuck

That would be nice but I'd prefer his cr.hp have less startup.
Your mom was broken when he gave birth to this abomination.
along with 7 other people

He was easily the best player in EU and those buffs and character unfamiliarity helped a lot. After that evo though he got fucked up
mai is worth it desu
While respectable, 17th is a long ways away from winning

Can't really take away his win but he's not the SF god people like to make him out to be
wait a week. it worked for guitly gear xrd sign, guilty gear xrd revelator, p4a, nitroplus blasterz, bbcp, bbcpe, dengeki bunko fighting climax, uniel, and acpr when it was released for ps3
By playing Litchi.
Chun V is bullshit like in 3s
He came 3rd at capcom cup after that EVO
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tfw bad at everything i like
>8 dollarydoos for mai
I hate my autism because I really wanna buy it just so I can have the full roster but I don't even want to play mai
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should I do it lads?
Even though it's minuscule, I'm glad they gave Dizzy a shirt.
ps3 collector's. doesn't matter anyway since they're out of stock. it's fucking $63 with prime discount too.
she's fun
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if you want to play it you should buy it now and get the most out of the 3 day lifespan
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>16ers think V chun is even half as bad as 3s chun
is blazblue worth it if you are not into the horrible story and you don't enjoy 20 second combos to do a quarter of someone's health?
that run wasn't as impressive as evo
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>grandpas think anyone cares about 3S besides other grandpas
adapt or perish, gramps.

>weeb pretends to be OG

That would make your weebshit even more pathetic
grandpas dont even play 3s anymore

it's just poorfags with shitty PCs at this point
Just as braindead
You should stop posting, it's fucking embarrassing.
>implying sfv chun wouldn't beat 3s chun
>poorfags are having more fun by playing old shit than buying sfv
fuck gaming
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>when daigo says it he's a doctor genius glasses wearing prodigy
>when I say it i'm a fgg shitposting anon

t. poorfag
lmao dont play sfv
why would anyone play sfv
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>buying sfv
>the death of fighting games chapter 2
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>mfw that moment when MOV went back to play in a 3s tourney and tried to st.lk AA and the crowd just fucking erupted into laughter
>>mfw that moment when

stop posting
How do I juju on the beat in sfv
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We did it, we killed anime and saved capcom. Who do you guys hope makes it into MvC4?
>modern Marvel
The entire roster is going to be shit without X-Men
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>Some of the strongest japanese Chun players came from 3S.
Name them.

Name the japanese players who started with 3S that are now the strongest Chun players in SFV.
marvel is an airdasher, so it's technically anime
>started with 3S

not a lot of people "started" with a game that came out 10 years after sf2

a few definitely became known for 3s though if you want to be semantic
Pretty sure he's talking about MOV and Nuki.
>not anime
Those subs are likely wrong or some sort of misinterpretation of what he meant.
>no physical bbcf copies anywhere
demos for digital preorders were a mistake
Known for 3S doesn't mean shit.

You need to talk about people who learned nearly everything from 3S and mained 3S. Like Kuroda, who sucks ass at everything else because 3S is a blackhole for fighting game players that will cripple you forever.

3S turns you into Gootecks.
Why couldn't gootecks adapt like the other 3S legends?
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Mobile Nazi bee colony
With having level 3 going all Wicker Man on the opponent
MvC4 will kill Capcom.

Capcom and Disney's poor business decisions will collide
in the biggest clusterfuck of DLC milking in history.
Disney can always foot the bill for something like that.

If anything something like RE being overbudgeted retardation could kill them overnight.
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If pic related, Dante and Vergil are in I'll play it.
>Sony pays for SFV
>Disney pays for MVC4

How does Capcom do it?
What if Disney buys Capcom and we get Sora in SFV.
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>tfw want to #riseup but can't because CPT bundle isn't available on PC and can't buy the colors separately
Absolutely not, 3s fireballs are non existent, so people great at 3s usually falter with zoning, very apparent when they try some older entries
Not even disney is dumb enough to give capcom any of their properties after they saw how they handled 2 crossovers and their own fucking main ip.
I would expect Udon to lose the licence to Street Fighter comics.
>those subs are likely wrong or some sort of misinterpretation
stage 1: denial
get with the times grandpa nothing is wrong with digital

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>Decide to check out sfv tournament to see how the meta has evolved
>Still dash n mash, grab fighter V

Might as well pick it back up, I can learn to play this way since it's not going anywhere
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>anti-air ryu player 5 times in a row
>follows up with double dash into sweep

this game
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>Amazon thinks BBCF will be here today
>the crapass cheap courier they use hasn't even picked it up still
Wow this trial sure has sold me on Amazon Prime guys
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>cousin wants me to visit him and bring some gmaes to play together
>half of my PS3 fighter library is digital so I cant bring the games over
So then we played SFV.
>throw loops have never been a thing in fighting games
they can introduce a new character

idk digital is a problem when you walk into a game store and no one knows the game exists
just having a used box there is free advertising for everyone
Just bring your PS3 over lmao
>tfw you'll never be Jiyuna
>respected fighting game legend
>recently finished second at SEAM
>popular j vlogger
>popular twitch stream
>lives in glorious nippon
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My PS3 is dead.
in what universe was fireball zoning viable in 3s
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kys jiyuna
Heh, I'm not the AMERIKAJIN Jiyuna... it's 4am in Japan for crying out loud! ;)
He still won't tell us where those SFxT locals are in Japan though.

I actually liked that game after the patch. Knowing someone there still plays it would be nice.
Jiyuna once being a Jin player is the only thing I've got against him desu
it's dead jim
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>preorder bbcf from amazon
>amazon guys say that they're out of stock and will send it by december 14th to december 16th
what the FUCK
broski i believe in u
OUR boy broski
>preorder when they announced the LE was up
>still no estimated delivery date
at this point the only reason why i havne't canceled yet is because prime discount for le is $63
>didnt pre order kof14 ce when it came out
>had to drive all over two states to find it
CD slip case has wide spread art of Mai. Worth it.
cammy is hard lol
just noticed you can buy nightmare geese
i think he was ce edition only
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rip broski
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welcome to 3 months ago
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learn to read posts
It looks shit

you bought a costume

well done
KOF13 overall looks nice but it has some weak points like Juri the hunchback or roid and roid the roids from the roid army and samefaces going on.
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xii sprites are shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Hitler fought against this, but the weebs won.
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nah lol
How could they be out of stock when it doesn't get sales?
Reminder that Combofiend is currently recording videos for every SFV character right now with new balance changes just like he did for Ultra
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>wake up
>still no delivery date for my CE
play blazblue
Character balance is the least of SFV's problems desu.
>try to confirm lk into instant tenko on Karin online
>fail every attempt
>have no problem doing it offline
well this is bullshit

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i cant wait desu
So when are they going to announce best girl for Tekken 7?
lmfao get good
What's your guys' thoughts on Soulcalibur 4 and 5?
Is there any hope for 6?
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why didnt they just use ggpo
Julia? I this point I'm starting to lose hope.
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I main shortstack of hot butts
My thoughts are I fucking hate Bamco for treating SC fans like shit
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is she an honest character?
It's dead, anon.
thats not limmy
And Litchi.
Literally as dishonest as Tekken gets.
I've always enjoyed Tekken but admittedly don't enjoy juggling mechanically, and am also not very good at it.

I hear that 7 is a bit nicer towards people like me?
Fuck kunimitsu I hate her

I think juggling is worse in MK
if you can't do the optimized, hard stuff there are always just a bit worse combos that are way easier to do
is the Playstation port of SF Alpha 3 arcade perfect? i think the turbo 2 mode is much faster than the arcade max turbo, dont remember if turbo 2 was a thing in the original.
I was about to say she is literally the cammyfacewhatshername of tekken but then I remembered Yun and am not so sure anymore who the kunimitsu of sf is.
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That's not very nice.
>playstation version of a capcom fighter
Extremely high chances it is shit.
Also slap yourself on your dickhead if you considered paying for a rom without ggpo and pay2play online.
I bet Amazon ordered like 2 copies because I preordered the PS3 limited edition the day it was available.
home versions have added chars and corrected bugs

They need to add Alpha 3 Max to the Playstation store already.
It is not. I have it and it's not as good as the saturn port. Though the saturn port also isn't arcade perfect. I think the saturn version has some input delay.

adventure call fighting game when

i main barry!
from what i played it seems to run great.
there are even some new particle effects on hit and special attacks, but maybe thats from the options i have on the emulator
Saturn version has slowdowns.
No dude. No more characters in T7 plz. We can not throw more gimmicky non-canon garbage into what is supposed to be the final in the franchise. Keep that shit in TTT2 plz.
PSX version uses particle effects because the PSX fucking sucks at 2D and couldn't load all the sprites.
Why does this sound so much like a 2hu theme?
>be Azrael
>STROIKU Mai shitters out of their overheads

Blazblue is fun again
>tfw the best Azrael in Japan is a huge Maifag
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>pick up SFV and decide to play Karin
>been struggling to get out of bronze
>get salty after losing to Cammy and play Cammy
>super silver in one day
Alternate jump arcs and
- EX moves is almost like cheating.
I've been missing out.
I main Jester
>the final in the franchise.
It's only the end of the mishima saga.
It doesn't at all. Stop insulting a great composer like ZUN by comparing him with rotten elephant shit.
You picked the wrong character, Karin is a grounded character and every move except for the shoulder tackle in unsafe.
nice melons

post more big ripe melons
Kunimitsu is canon though.
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>Azrael main
>closet homo with a transgender fetish
Nothing new
Who's a good third for Vergil and Dormammu?

desu I'd probably try her if not for >8 dollars, I like spears
She died in the canon tho
>win by throw looping
>lose by being throw looped

truly a great game
Yep. For what it's worth, she's really fun and seems viable right now at least.

I'm going to play Noel.
noel is really cute
good luck
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That was never explicitly shown. And even then they've brought back basically every character presumed dead.
Tag games are not canon.
well sony effectively blocked any 2D games from the first 2 years of its life for a reason
they wanted to focus solely on 3D
Dumb faggot
with hat or without hat
these are the important questions
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playing birdie online is a fucking nightmare, some people try to just brainlessly rush you down, some treat you like a zoner, and some just hold up thinking you're some kind of grappler so adapting to a new opponent every round is a real shitshow

I would've dropped this character long ago if it wasn't for memey shit like webm related and the 700+ damage combos from stun you can get making the rest of the gameplay worth slogging through
I don't believe you.
Its the other way around too, I have no idea how to fight birdie because they all do different shit
having played cody in 4 a ton I got good enough at reacting to fireballs at close range with zonk knuckle and bull head basically does the same thing

I don't think I've seen other birdies do that, they usually just fish for the leaping grab or ex chain when getting zoned
How do her jump arcs change?
Im sorry
why? sfv is good and fun and not dead
im fuckin sorry too cus my scene wont play anything else cus marvel is lol infinites and anime games are pedobait
they'd rather sit around and wish sf was faster with fun combos

they wish every character and a movelist like sf4 oni and im like ??? because they refuse to play games that actually have entire casts where oni would be considered a basic character
I main R. Mika.
Yup. I really like the changes to her animations.

No hat. I spent my money on the gallery and colors already.

Why would I lie?
>marvel is lol infinites and anime games are pedobait

And they're not wrong!
>add guy from locals on steam
>has a furry avatar
blazblue has less pantyshots than sf4 tho
Is he gay?
The most powerful fighting games players in the world are gay furry
Mate, I'm talking about all the characters that presumably died inbetween T2 and T3 but all appeared again in T5. There is nothing indicating that Kunimitsu is actually dead.
RIP Fuudo, Xian, and Infiltration
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how do you like your matterhorns, /fgg/?
He's ur ticket to evo
I just heard about their plane going down... bodied
why would some youtuber that uploads replays know this
Mike Ross can't keep getting away with this!
he is like super plat
This picture of Mai makes me think impure thoughts:

more fake than baiken leaks
That's a terrible picture my senpai
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enjoy that paint high, and penis
Nigger, SF3 has super jumps. Why would you ever fireball someone who can superjump over it and rape you dead?
Xiaohai on suicide watch
really makes me sniff
God damn Izanami's theme is legit
I want Mai to enjoy my penis.
Reincarnation > YOMOTSUHIRASAKA >HAKAISHIN > In the Shadow > Walpurgisnacht > Bloodline > Jaeger > Reconciliation >>> VARIABLE HEART
"Yes, I feel like there are like 4 or 5 complete characters, and there’s everyone else."

>dub whiners
Variable Heart > Walpurgisnacht > Bloodline > Reincarnation > Yomotsu Hirasaka > Hakaishin > In the shadows > Jaeger > Conciliation
in the shadows > MUST DIE > the rest
HAKAISHIN > YOMOTSUHIRASAKA > MUST DIE > In the Shadow > Bloodline > Reconciliation > Jaeger > Variable Heart > Reincarnation > Walpurgisnacht
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post neutral
So when steam goes down for its useless maintence every tuesday you cannot play matches in SFV.

i don't understand how capcom could make m bison and then ryu and think that there's no problem.
>t. unemployed
>Do you consider the current Capcom Pro Tour format too complicated?

>It’s hard. But I think the CPT North America region is too rewarded. You would think I would like it since I am from the area, but no. It sucks that players like Yukadon, Nemo, Nuki and others will not be attending Capcom Cup.

>I think that the CPT NA division should be rewarded less points than tournaments in Southeast Asia, but it’s a complicated situation — I am not one to judge
Does any famous fgc people browse /fgg/ ?
I'm sure Jiyuna has shown Daigo a sniffpost or two.
will daigo buy blazblue now
you only have one webm of skullgirls neutral lmao
SFV will be americas game.
excuse me? it's tuesday evening, I work first shift.
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Oh, you wanted more? Sure thing bud, I know how much you love SG.
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Maybe some time ago, but /fgg/ hasn't been relevant for quite a long while.
no-one important visits this shithole
If that is your best example of neutral that's pretty sad bub.
Then what does this make SF5? >>159076580
>b-but sfv
Me, got any questions?
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I haven't been here in a while, what's the consensus on CF? Is it still the exact same game as CT? who am I kidding of course it is
>tfw you do something stupid but they did something more stupid in return
this is some lazy shitposting
t. Combofiend
>asw drones
rate my ryu combo

medium punch medium punch medium punch
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Alright so i think there's a black guy that roasted boogie once and i think he played fighting games?

anyone know what im talking about?

my sides are in demand of that video
Most people are pretty favorable towards CF as a BB game. I don't know how you can draw the conclusion that any of the other installments were remotely similar to CT though, considering the system mechanics changed heavily between it and CS, and then even further between CS and CP.

>all in
>loses on the river
I'd be mad as fuck too
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Nice game
probably low tier god
lol @ chips quaking on the 9 reveal
Decent but try this on counter hit

Mp mp mp mp
Sounds like you got opened up shitter.
Only a kappa kid would get annoyed at /fgg/'s own phenom slamdunking Daigo Kappahara
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>leave fgg for a few months
>come back
>still no one playing games
>weeaboos still butthurt over sfv
Guess things will never change
Yes, I am from reddit and there's nothing you can do about it.


How do you guys play neutral game? A couple steps outside your opponents buttons?
Was BBCF as good as everyone said, now that its out, or should I stick with guilty gear
you now realize that capcom is too poor to use the arcade cabinet that namco uses so they can run sfv and therefore arcades will get some ghetto release of sfv.

but kof is here again, and will be in arcades as a real game in march 2017

the future is now. can't wait for dueling the kof.
Depends on the game
play both
I mash my longest range normal.
Just play SFV, a relevant game
Play both and then decide which you prefer. Even if you want to "main" a fighting game, there's still no loss in playing multiple.

lol anon no one plays SFV anymore

dead shit game

anime fighters are the new hotness


yeah it was him thanks dudes
The only game that's currently alive and relevant is Skullgirls

I dash and I throw/medium punch/crush counter.
What am I looking at here? Who won?
2 months of revelance is not much left.
Man the far HP animations being used for the non-proximity normals in this game looks fucking retarded, you either punch completely through the guy because it doesn't push back enough to look reasonable or completely miss them by 6" on crouching.
anyone got the one picture of the two guys playing ultra and the one on the left has a bunch of inputs in his thought bubble and the one on the right is just fireball?
SFV will be the king of fighting games until the sixth installment. It's how it's always been and always will be.

Meanwhile Blazblue or whatever other anime garbage will never be relevant. There's a good reason it's never at EVO or you don't hear JWong or even Max talk about that shit, it's terrible
I think /fgg/ defines "Neutral" as the magical state of being wherein people do not push buttons,
and everyone is allowed to believe they have a chance at winning.

But once someone gets a hit, it's a Shit Game.

Therefore, the longer a game can manage to sustain this state, the "better" its Neutral is.
Good Neutral can only exist as long as nobody gets punished for their mistakes,
because the biggest mistake, was playing the game.
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>time keeps ticking during supers
Look at the bottom left.
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>time doesn't keep ticking during supers

I still remember that time I tried to timerscam with C-Ciel 236C
Wong and Max were both praising how good it was at EVO in 2014, as was pretty much everyone
then why was it dropped
Because ASW wanted to shill Persona, and GG had just returned so everyone wanted to see how that would turn out.
Because McWizard hates anime aside from GG.
I guarantee you BB will not be at next EVO. If 4chan is around by then, I will be back here laughing my ass off.

I mean, if you're right and it does become mainstay, I see no reason why Dead or Alive can't be at EVO.
Evo is not a community event.
blame 4. supers shouldnt be cinematic. bring back 3s supers
I don't think what he did was stupid, it's not like he clearly would miss that CA.

His MK was unsafe if anything.

But that CA of yours was retarded.
Nothing wrong with a nice camera as long as it is SHORT.
Turd strike did way bigger damage by putting your choice of what super to blast your bros ass off BEFORE THE FUCKING MATCH EVEN STARTED.
How balanced was Third Strike, MvC2, and CvS2?

Don't let tiers stop you from playing a game, especially when you'll ever play at the level where they affect you.
>when you'll ever play at the level where they affect you.
don't be retarded

the strength of characters matters at all levels
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>tfw you just want to play fighting games but friends need you to carry them in wow
yeah i could have just back teleported and supered to run the clock out but i was dumb
>tfw realized there will be no new fighting games in 2017
How do I practice in Guilty Gear? everyone suggests more practice more practice more practice.

Just play more online games over and over like I am? Go into training mode and just grind out the same combos over and over and over for hours?

Play against AI? I can beat the AI relatively easily even in Maniac mode because it's super gameable.
some people can ragequit so fast it's amazing
About as balanced and bugfree as melee.
Legion is alright

Monk is fun, feels like a fighting game character.
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>Go into training mode and just grind out the same combos over and over and over for hours?
If you haven't gotten them down, yes. If you have, then you should be playing in lobbies, and then whenever you find something you don't know how to deal with, check if the challenge mode thing has it for you to learn how to deal with.

The AI is never good practice because it won't behave the same as an actual person. The only thing it's good for is learning to hitconfirm on.
Someone should update this with Cammy and Mika
Tekken 7
Season 2 of SFV
the 17th version of XRD
I think he means new as in a new IP.
cpex was almost a low key release thanks to xrd existing

id like to think bbcf has a higher chance now that sfv is on life support and the only other game coming out is tekken. there's not even a side anime game like uniel anymore
Are the Mishima's, Bryan, Nina, and Dragunov the only honest characters in Tekken?
I suck at Blazblue.

you suck at all fgs
>sfv is on life support

lol. this meme is so forced it's just pathetic.
Surprise releasw of P5U will save anime.
Nights is mentally impaired, be gentle with him.
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>Mishimas, Bryan, Nina and Dragunov
Right, but the ones people ever only talk about are the high skill level ones which is what I'm talking about.
If SFV is on life support, then fighting games are on life support. You know why? Because Capcom made the fucking genre you damn anime shill and if you claim stupid shit like that, know the ship will sink with them.
That was slow.
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>Capcom made the fucking genre
>No health bars
There's barely been new IPs in fighting games in the last 10 years, how is this year different?
So that's where Guile's standard pose is from.
yeah but some can
This game seems to have a crush on -2 normals.

Everything is minus 2. Is this one of the reasons why this game feels weird? Being countered and negative at almost every button you press?
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Only honest characters in the current Tekken 7 roster are Kazumi and Paul.
>stumble around 2ch looking for bbcf combos with my mediocre japanese
>end up digging through tons of racist posts
jesus what an awful site.
Do Guile Sonic Booms actually have more recovery or is it just a visual misleading? They used to have some darn fast recovery in IV.
Thanks doc
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>2 punch man
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Paul is honest. Nothing wrong with being rewarded for correct reads.
For what character?
Aren't you a little young for full contact?
Shit opinion
According to sfwiki the recovery from Sonic Booms got improved in V, but I call BS. The recover feels longer somehow.
How should I practice anti airing? I use Necalli but I can't DP in time unless I'm standing there in neutral anticipating the jump.
It's probably the input lag.
You are better off using his st lp desu
>antiair dp
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Should i get skull girls for the vita?
im not very good at fighting games and want something to learn combos with.
>It's probably the input lag.
Nah, it has nothing to do with the input lag this time.
Maybe it's because they changed the recovery animation, which makes it feel longer despite being not.
Fucking kill yourself.
>do a wakeup DP
>other guy flips his shit, starts mashing own DP at every turn
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>get bbcf a day late
>everyone's already a master and the game's not worth playing anymore
Time to go back to CSGO.
>want something to learn combos with.
Well you're certainly not going to learn them on a fucking VITA
sonic booms are 28f recovery in 5. they were 21/22/24 in 4.
competitive players usually preorder
You might want to play this once or twice.
Here you go. I felt there was something weird with his Sonic Booms.

Their recovery is still relatively low for a fireball, but the difference from before felt quite noticeable.
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This stage is nice, its like training stage but more visually pleasing

Every game needs a stage like this
lack of 30fps props helps.
Eh. I feel like the oversaturated coloring and general low-quality on the textures makes it not so great looking.

Maybe if it had no wacky filters, low-poly NPCs and general better quality then I would've liked it much more. For what it is now... eeeeeh,
t. combofiend
Ok smartass, you seem to know a lot about Tekken. Tell me why Paul is honest compared to Alisa.

Alisa is gimmicky as fuck
ITT: retards who don't know what honest means
is ragna hard to play
>lose to him and he makes a webm of it
Not in CF
he's easy as fuck
t. guy that thinks he knows tekken because he played tekken 3 when he was 6
How to fix Balrog:

1) Improve his AA normals hitboxes;
2) Make all the Dash Straight versions travel faster, reduce the block advantage of the lp. Dash Straight to -3;
3) Make both hits of the Stomping Target Combo lows;
4) Make his V-Skill hook safe on block, keep his V-Skill Overhead the same;
5) Expand TAP's horizontal hitbox, make all versions even on block;
6) Remove the ability to CA cancel his Dash Straights, V-Trigger versions included

What do you think about these changes? I think better AA normals and faster Dash Straights are the biggest priority right now.
should i be poking with HP x stomp with necalli while in trigger? i just started learning him
I think they should just delete sfv instead
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>he bought a ps4
Who else is looking forward to PC being the primary fighting game platform?
Should I grab this BB if I've only ever played GG?
His s.hp doesn't have a great range, it's not that good for poking but more for meaty pressure when you're point blank range to the opponent.

V-Trigger Necalli has better movement and dashes, but you can also buffer his hp.Disc of Guidance (headbutt) from s.mp or lp.headbutt from cr.mk.
Oh look did sony finalyl run out of buildings to sell and people to fire?
Don't worry, the japanese government will just bail them out of all debts again so they can continue to pay half the industry for exclusive time.
there are skullgirls tournament streams on friday nights, and sunday nights
check them out and see if it's a game that interests you.
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>To Read the Full Story, Subscribe or Sign In
Good to read that tho.
I did it, it's pretty fun. Wish there was some character like Sol in it, expected Ragna to be that but Ragna doesn't have as much safe shit.
Decent changes except the last one.
I would even go as far as saying that his walkspeed (not dashes, those are fine) needs to be a tiny bit faster.
Do it, just for offline training, but if you're planning to get some matchup experience then Vita is not a good option.

Vita's dpad is pretty godlike, good for trainingboaring
Unlike characters that needs Jesus like FANG; Zangief, Ibuki and Juri, I don't think Balrog is bad at all.
It's just that the top tiers and generally offensive characters are too strong for him to deal with.
i see, thanks
I wish more people played UNIEL...
>Make all the Dash Straight versions travel faster
After years of trying and failing to play multiple fighting games maybe it's time for me to accept that they're just at a level of skill that I can never reach.
can you play games while something downloads in the background?

I haven't used my ps3 in like a year but I wanna get BB
Tell japan to use ggpo and release on more than pisspooor.
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I've been struggling in super and ultra silver as ryu, So after no progress to gold I watched replays of my games and realized I jumped way too much and did too many obvious DPs. Also my defense is pretty bad... How do I get better guys? also any tips for ryu in general
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18 characters confirmed for second season
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is steve gay
Because they're quite slow in V.
is lili honest now
i mean ive heard that they fucked her up pretty bad
yes. he's been my husband since tekken 4.
>all of these games are dead except for SF5
really makes u think.............
is it possible to play anime games and not involve yourself with the AFGC?

>SFV isn't dead

Less than 100,000 units shipped in five months

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>invincible frames on everything
>instant start up on everything
i cant wait until they nerf these piece of shit shotos
kind of. just try to not feel excluded when they discuss not-fighting-game related shit.
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>arcsys asking for $60 for bbcf
>sega asking for $60 for sonic mania
>bamco asking for $60 for xenoverse 2
I don't understand how these Japanese companies think it's okay to ask for $60 for fucking sprite games when shit like Battlefield 1, and Titanfall 2 sell for $60.
no one will fall for this bait

however u rite to an extent since anime companies milk their braindead fans like cows
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>the characters i want to play will never be good in their game
Dumb frog poster
Why does every new installment in a fighting game series have to shoehorn some new universal gameplay mechanic?

Couldn't a fighting game sequel just be simple? Every new fighter has to push some brand new mechanic that no one asked for in the first place.

Focus Attacks, Parries, V-Systems, Rage Modes. I would like to see a fighting game that feels new with simple mechanics like special, supers while still changing the overall feel of the game.

I think the adding of new gimmicks is what ruined Soul Calibur, and also why lots of people are asking for a reboot instead of a brand new chapter.
someone see me in puzzle fighter
They're good characters. You just need to stop being a shitter.

Karma is real
He's gota point.
Soul Calibur was born from gimmicks. What made it bland and even bad was trying to copy fucking shit farter 4 on the race of who can be most generic while losing most of their original fans the fastest very similar to the famous cod audience.
Help /fgg/
I've fallen for the online card game meme
arisa >
old /fgg/
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100% Orange Juice fighting game when?
Also play soku instead.
Tfw found a Korean that came from korea irl to practice tekken with

We made boys
fuck ibuki
ibuki can eat an ass
hope u got a saulabi for him to play on
kys tony
What are some good Juri players to watch and learn from?
wasnt this made by one of the discord fages
sounds nice
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this Blazblue download is slow as FUCK
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3 midterms today and i spent all my time practicing nine. i'm studying now for the first time.

wish me luck, /fgg/
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Why don't we bully her until she gets really hurt?
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Is it worth not canceling the Amazon order of BBCF to keep the 20% off discount?

The fucking CS guy said it comes out on Dec. 14th and I'm pretty sure the game is going to be dead by then.
why is every pc player so laggy? could them dropping under 60fps cause lag on my side?
>console cuck complaining about pcs being laggy
holy fuck lmao
delete this
> it comes out on Dec. 14th
What the fug?
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who said i played on console? i play on pc but im sure many retards play online with a pc that cant run sfv at 60 fps
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Who is the Necalli (at least in gameplay) of Blazblue?
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>tfw you character is dogshit awful and as you full comprehend it fully instead of just acknowledging it but you can't switch because you invested too much time into them to try to redeem them and you don't want to do the grind.

What's their name?
Is this what normalfags are like? Jesus christ I'll stay alone.
Where the fuck are these Marvel 4 rumors coming from

gimme more Darkstalkers in the roster, Lord Raptor and Donovan need to get into a fucking crossover already
no BB character is as linear as necalli
Azrael is the UNGA character of BB if that's what you're asking

Karin :^)
you make it sound like a choice
is platinum rank just a dream?
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>Amazon.ca ships CF the day before release
>ship with a budget carrier so shit they may as well have not shipped it at all
So how do you guys feel about falcoon being the art director at snk again?
No but I sure am not as bothered by it anymore. That part with the tonsils made me sick.
Name that fighting game character that cannot block whatsoever.
Gold Meme Machine
ken apparently
Ivan Ooze?
Online Kens
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Out of stock
Man I'd just order digitally then, one and a half months is really fucking long
everyone in power stone

Soul Calibur 5 is the best one in the series since 1. The haters are fags that insist on playing "their character" even if 5 has that archetype.
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i ordered it today on amazon and it says its coming monday.
didn't pay for fast shipping either, so the copy shortage might be a regional thing
Wuuld play
any australians for some VIDEO GAMES
>it says its coming monday.
Doesn't mean it will
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still nothing. i blame myself for being enticed by the $63 collector's edition after finding out that prime gives 20% discounts for preorders.
i got normal ps4 version, it might be a LE shortage
Is this a thing then? My order from FUCKING GAMESTOP got delayed so I might just buy a regular edition in the meanwhile.
Classic DLC costumes and classic stages for SFV when?
i just hope this game doesn't go the way of xrd and p4a. i want to get my week in at the very least.
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Umm... Arcucks?
>>liking forced time limits
>liking cinematic supers and gauges in your 3D fighters
>liking GIs that cost said meter
>liking EX moves that are just there for the sake of having EX moves

If it wasn't for 1.02, I would shit on that game from a great height.
They should have just toned down the invincibility, that way backdashes actually have some use.

Really it was the really long distance with long invul frames like Chun and Rose not everyone's dashes

All of those are good things, especially the GIs costing meter. It means it's a legit game mechanic now instead of a stupid "get off me" move that only works if your opponent is so easy to read they won't be able to overcome it. It works more like a DP now, where there are actual useful times to use it but at the same time it can be baited out. The way defensive options should be.

Even if you have slightly invincible backdashes in SF4, that is still a big deal because very few moves in that game have more than two active frames.
>frame data
We're talking about fighting games, nerd.
Same, I just bought the digital. Might as well bought it a month ago for the demo
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Bah! Back in my day, giving up control and staying rooted in one place was enough of a cost for GIs already. You kids nowadays all want your strong options to cost meter. Makes me sick.
How do you make decisions in SFV? When do you push buttons when you opponent is disrespecting you?

Gold Ryu here. It seems my gameplan has come down to throw/DP/block.

It seems that I whiff random buttons at random ranges and my opponent either jumps or they run into a button and I hope that I can confirm into it. I seriously don't understand this neutral game. Like nash for instance, I only get my damage from oki. How do I neutral vs nash?
does BBCF or Xturd support PS3 sticks?
Yes, both have Legacy Support

Nash plays at full screen. If you're spending three seconds or more directly next to Nash, you are probably winning.
Who else wants a refund on Blazblue here?
season 2 update soon!!
>LTG can't count
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thank anon
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