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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 127

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how's the online? no one seems to be talking about it, which seems like a bad sign. like at least /v/ had gg discussion when revelator came out.
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Buy BlazBlue
How come I get banned really easilly on /fgg/ but everyone I talk to never bet banned for posting the shittiest of shitposts? Is it because I have a static IP and the jannies have a grudge?

I'm genuinely curious as I've almost completly stopped posting here because I just keep getting banned.
is Ragna good in the new BB? i quit after CS2 or Extend or whatever version nerfed him, he's one of the only characters i like.
There've been lobbies on /blaz/ even right now. The online is pretty active. If you mean in terms of quality, then it's the same netcode as CPE had by the looks of it.
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>/fgg/ has become filthy anime degenerates
Finally I belong
maybe you should stop shitposting
Probably because you're a faggot
He's mediocre, but alot easier to get consistent damage with because of Belial Edge was replaced.
I would have gotten warned for this response.
there is literally nothing wrong with SFV.
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Yeah but I end up losing 1/3 of my HP trying to reach him. He's so unfun to play against. I don't understand why he's safe on a majority of his moves. He and guile get to roam free while I have to make hard reads on everything.

How are you supposed to pressure an opponent? I can UNGA him all day but he blocks. If I'm in his face than he just techs the entire time.
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how honest is lili
i liked sf5 until i saw phenom plow through the gods while playing like a retard. there's literally no way you can convince me that sf5 takes skill after that shit show.

i'm switching to xrdr for good.
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t. kappa
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SF5 is fun
he only plowed through daigo and the bottom line is daigo got outplayed. he read that daigo was not going to tech throws so he dunked him 5 times. he could have dp'd to end the pressure and shift the momentum but he was playing as risk averse as possible, phenom identified that and adjusted his strategy accordingly.

daigo blew through him at the EU regionals so either phenom studied and adapted or daigo had a bad day.

when phenom beat fuudo to win the premiere, it was all fuudo's fault too. phenom dp'd like 15 times but fuudo would never stop pressuring him on wakeup.
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I'm so sad
league of legends has very good sniffs

fighting game when
/fgg/ SFV Ranking Battle


We're doing a Saturday tournament this week because I have work Friday night.

>Currrent Standings - Top 8
1. tramps
2. SeaPerson
3. prl
4. ZetaZeta
5. bael
6. Pickles
7. Sharkboot / DE3

Top 8 at the end of season will participate in the '/fgg/ Cup' to determine the ultimate winner. In the event of a tie for 8th place a short deciding match will be held.


Here's a discord link specifically for this tournament series. I'll try to coordinate matches in here as well as stream chat.

>Previous Tournament vods
Round 2 - https://youtu.be/9pMCPDW73to
Round 3 - https://youtu.be/Ncp-rYHF06k
>he read that daigo was not going to tech throws
You can't tech command throws streamboar
What is the Street Fighter development team's problem with allowing training mode without using the goddamn training stage and its goddamn elevator wub music.
Traditions :^)
daigo wasn't teching throws period is what i meant, he was just going to block until he could escape.
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What fighting games let me bully people into submission?
I need Tekken 7
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The new SNK girl stole chun-li's boots.
it's kind of amazing how the character with 40 fireballs can't use a single one as a meaty for pressure
Are you talking about Dizzy? Because she absolutely can meaty.
>if the whole earth would have the culture of Japan the overpopulation would never become an issue
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>mfw hundreds of people claiming they want to play
>mfw the competitive scene levels out to the same as it is now after a few months post-release like every other tekken
Let's be honest how many copies will MvC4 sell?
what ever became of Arturo "Netplay God" Sanchez?
none because its not happening
It could sell stupid numbers if they did some proper ad campaign.
Something like that Injustice comic tie in and shit and maybe some story mode that was written by a comic artist or something.
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i bought blazblue, es, and mai and the rest of the dlc
how good did i do
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This is the animator for Skullgirls
Not soon enough.
I would have sex with this woman.
What's really weird that some people see population growth stagnating as a bad thing.
We don't live in economies where manufacturing/agriculture can employ infinite amount of people anymore.
Does she realize her head isn't bigger than her torso?
If I had a dollar for each pixel in this webm I'd have 289140 dollars.
I would rape her. The prison time would be worth it.
sfv killed him
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Why aren't you playing free form jazz right now?
Good. Now buy one for PS3 or PS4, whichever console you don't have yet.
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if anyone has any skullgirls related questions, come to this thread
Why do the Indivisible characters look like geniune tumblr reject designs while Skullgirls had so many nice characters?
Skullgirls was a thing Alex Ahad came up with years ago.
Originally it wasnt even supposed to be a fighting game.

Looks like other people got involved and the result is shittier.
only peacock fits the style
Well it's shitty for the current mass of older people because they need cheap labour for when they retire.
What happened to the SG mobile game?
>1 character fits the style

that's kind of backwards isn't it
and that's kinda sad
No, Alex Ahad planned it as a fighting game from the beginning.
If the labour is needed the wage will rise to the point that somebody will do it.
Most western countries are drowning in unemployed people already.
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Still in development, but the beta got cut short because it was, well... kinda bad. Apparently they're reworking a lot and will do a smaller closed beta soon that a few active testers from before have been invited to. Hopefully they can get it right by release.

There were a couple alright ideas in there, but some of the design decisions were so baffling it made me wonder if the studio behind this really knew what they were doing. Hopefully the beta feedback pushes them in the right direction, but I'm not all that optimistic.
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indivisible has better character design than skullgirls and skullgirls has that tumblr western anime thing going on too it's the same artstyle except eg is more primitive and flawed in the designs
Jesus christ Karin looks like a pig in V. Disgusting.
You call this good character design? It looks like they have a checklist of minorities to represent. I wouldn't surprised if one of these was LGBT. I know you already have cripples and autists.
It IS a bad thing because capitalism is predicated on infinite growth. What good is industrialism without a labor force?
Holy shit this is like a satire on SJW designs. Please delete this.
>Shark tooth chainsaw
>Giant mecha fist
>Regal pirate
>A motherfucking dog

>they're all bad because some of them aren't white

Well that sucks to hear. The concept looked pretty fun to me. I was hoping to play it this month but it seems too optimistic now.
>it's bad characters because some of them are brown and not generic 1:1 white straight wysiwyg and it triggers me
>it's about ethics in games journalism
Anime games have brown characters all the time and they rarely look as offensively awful as this.

Who did they hire to advise these designs? Fucking Neofag?

Oh look, an Ibuki rip-off but this time it's a tranny because we're just progressive like that ;)
>muh GG boogeyman
Stop being a sensitive faggot and just admit the designs are pandering to a certain crowd. LZ doesn't even hide it. They went to Neofag and begged for their money in favor they would make these designs. You are trying to deny something not even LZ would deny. Look at yourself. And consider suicide.
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>i can't enjoy interesting designs because of muh political views
too bad, go play games with generic muscle skinheads while singing the american anthem then
>KekeZ unironically thinks this is good design
Or he doesn't and just wants to jump in on the bandwagon like every other western dev
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>it's a polturd triggered by videogame characters episode
good character!! i play it!!!
stop false flagging a villain just to keep your general afloat.
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>implying Harada wasn't shitting on the exact audience Indivisible panders to
Harada has had to endure a lot because western SJWs can't cope with a heterosexual male expressing himself through his games.
If SF2 came out today, would people call it a SJW game??
>not every character is white cis male
yep it's sjw
he's shitting on people who get super mad at character designs be it polturds or sjws
It was before automation.
Now it's all about raising productivity per laborer.
I'm not saying that everything will be done by computers soon, that's science fiction, but that's the direction manufacturing has been going for half a century now.
>unironically using terms like cis
How is that Gender Studies degree working out for you?
>literally the same defense mechanism
They still haven't bothered to fix this ass shit netcode almost a year after release. My God I hate the baboons at Capcom.
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delete ibuki
like you deleted your vsav tournament
I'm calling le body positive purple hair amazon and the tumblr logo throwing nigger and no one else can use them.
Good rebuttal, you sure showed me with those points you made.
jack daily!!
You want points, start giving arguments instead of just greentexting like an idiot to pretend I said these designs weren't good because they aren't white.

Fuck am I on kotaku?
its nojack november fuck off
You just can't handle non-binary non-white non-conformist non-ableist characters, you cis scum!
kys polturd
>tfw i already lost twice
i cant do it boys
it actually wasnt rollback, raida actually beat cannon strike there but i still agree anyway
Nobody's even been able to clarify what's so bad about it beyond crying that it's "pandering to SJWs", whatever the fuck that even means. A greentext is literally all I can give you for that one.

There's a lot of cool characters I like in there. Tiger pelt, magic sand, sexy trap, sunflower girl, bigass cleaver, even a Tokusatsu parody. You wanna write these off because of your imagined SJW boogeymen, you're fucking retarded.
They look like shit friend.
>Nobody's even been able to clarify what's so bad about it beyond crying that it's "pandering to SJWs", whatever the fuck that even means.

>It looks like they have a checklist of minorities to represent. I wouldn't surprised if one of these was LGBT. I know you already have cripples and autists.
I still have no idea what any of that is even supposed to mean. All I'm hearing is "there's characters who aren't white and that's the end of the world".
>All I'm hearing is "there's characters who aren't white and that's the end of the world".
Wow, a real SJW.
I don't think they are bad but they seem all over the place. Like someone wanted to mix China, India, Russia, and English colonialism (which considering English history does fit).
Do you have anything with actual substance to say, or do you only know how to go around calling anything you don't like "SJW" like that's an instant win button to shut down any argument?
He unironically used the term white cis as a boogeyman to shut down opposition. The retard isn't even worth talking to.
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hello /fgg/ how's your night been
You've already established you're closed to argumentation by saying "all im saying is blablabla". >>159113923 is right.
>we'll discuss character design with political stances instead of /ic/ - /fgg/
That wasn't even me. And lmao if you think unironically using SJW is any different, or that you're somehow the open-minded one here.
Shit. I woke up in a bad mood, my team lost I drank some shitty cheap beer and I didn't smoke any weed.
I remember when Sjw wasn't such a spanned buzzword.

It's lost pretty much all meaning and impact.
>being triggered by cartoon characters
lmaooooooooooooooo >>>/lolgeneral/
Chloe is pretty shitty either way.
>we won't make any arguments that would improve the quality of this general unless they allow us to stroke our ego at the same time - /fgg/
/lolg/ is filled with cartoon porn though. Unless that was the joke.
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Since they managed to fuck up their waifu bait game with the worst art style known to man all I can hope for is that they made their social justice designs secretly racist somehow so that Mike Z and Maximilian can end up as cellmates for their hateful thoughts and actions.
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>That wasn't even me
I believe you
To be honest the game itself doesn't seem that bad, but these tumblrina® character designs are fucking garbage, like holy shit.. the backgrounds also look like shit.

They look like shit Mike, stop being a tumblr pandering faggot. Also /FightingGames/
What exactly makes a character design "tumblr"? What does that mean?
shit tier Guile here
why do people in the shit tiers always back away from Guile?
I'm the one that's supposed to be backing up, not the fucking Ryu
It's because there's less people paying into the system.

Also less workforce and bigger strain of elderly on social systems like Healthcare. Also the lack of populace to pay taxes means that if say 120 million down to 100 you know have 20 million less people in the system on top of the infrastructure for that 20 now being burdened on the 100 mill left to pay for and repair.

Same with small towns. They lose people there's lot less tax payers so revenue goes down which means less Money into services, upkeep and the town which lowers QoL. Less people mean the Labour pool for that town is small and opening a business there is unfeasible because who will buy your shit when the consumer base is low? Lack of business means lack of jobs and the few left everyone is beelining to get them because that's what is left and no business is moving in.other places take your jobs and get more businesses to come because they are more active and robust. Basically American rust belt city decay.
>explicitly ask Neofag to help you design new characters
What? Alex Ahad designed them. Where are you even getting Neogaf from?

For a game you apparently don't even know anything about, you sure do have some really strong opinions on it.
Either Tv/Movies/Instagram have completely messed up my standards in women or my state has some of the ugliest/most boring women in the country

I'd rather keep playing fighting games than waste time with all these 5/10s
>tfw pad baby at locals
>tfw he plays guile and faust
Is there any other fighting game characters as simple to play as ST Guile? All you need is to charge horizontally and vertically
And pray tell me how this increased amount of labor will produce that money paid to the system?
Almost all of the production fields are already saturated and productivity per laborer is rising every year.
There is no demand for infinite amount of stuff, one modern laborer produces way more value than he will ever need.
and that value goes to the employer because the employee will only see a fraction of the value of his work. and yes, there is 'demand for infinite amount of stuff' because capitalism is not a means to an end, it's a perpetual cycle of creating more wealth.
feel when nobody has posted in the discord in 12 hours
That's not how economics works you dip. There'll still be the same amount of money, just split between fewer people who will end up paying the same proportional taxes. And now that infrastructure doesn't have to support as many people either.

Consider the fact that more and more entry-level jobs are starting to be automated now. At some point in the future, hard labor will eventually be obsolete. We're going to reach a point where there simply aren't enough jobs for everyone. How will capitalism handle the day when 90% of people are unemployed?
dhalsim? you don't even need to do specials
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>fgg would rather discuss microeconomics than play fighting games
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who'se laughing now BITCH
>nice characters

What is with this meme? Skullgirls cast is garbage. Meme garbage that are cheap knock offs of better designs from other games. Peacock is the only legitimate good design in the cast. Indivisible's cast don't look like cheap chinese knock offs of better designs, and the overall game is inspired by a good game in the first place.
>That's not how economics works you dip. There'll still be the same amount of money, just split between fewer people who will end up paying the same proportional taxes. And now that infrastructure doesn't have to support as many people either.

Since they have to pay more taxes to get the same revenue that effects household spending and consumer spending since merciful their wage is spent on taxes.

Also that infrastructure will go to waste since no one uses. You either tax them more to upkeep infrastructure not used anymore or you tax them normally but neglect those Infrastructure.

>Consider the fact that more and more entry-level jobs are starting to be automated now. At some point in the future, hard labor will eventually be obsolete.

They said that before when mechanization and industrialisation were starting out.

> We're going to reach a point where there simply aren't enough jobs for everyone. How will capitalism handle the day when 90% of people are unemployed?

New jobs are bring created constantly to cope with advances or changes in society. There are many jobs that cannot be roboticised and many that can but you really wouldn't want to. Hell even the one you can and probably may be getting serviced by a human would get people to pay more (robots can't be sexy cafe maids)

They're talking macroeconomics you doofus.
shouldnt you be stuffed in a locker somewhere you fuckin fag

post cfn
the signal in my locker is just fine.
Street Fighter desu
>average_4chan_retard: the post
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Been reading Ragna X Jin doujin, it's so fucking great
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What are some fighting
if all you do is throw predictable booms then people can just back away and jump over them forever once they got a life lead.

but on low leagues people often just run away because their instinct tells them to do so when they get scared
I looks like they started with a world warrior theme, ran out of steam halfway through and just decided to just put in any ideas people yelled at them at a comic con panel without a second thought.

Still better than Skullgirls
Malthus is wrong.
Hell China's 1 child policy ducked up its demographics hard-core (wasn't even based on any science). Way less women then men so the dating game is screwed up and cultural changes.
Stop talking about skullgirls you autistic fucks. Go take it to there general.
We've got enough offtopic mikez shit filling up the thread already.
I can't believe how much the term has broadened

I remember when it was just used to describe people who attacked others over the internet.
It referred to young teen white girls on social media sites. This was back in like 2010/11?
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>Goobers talking about fucking Africa while struggling to find matches the same way Africans find food
KoF has around 30+ characters, but I only see the same 5-8 being played in top 8. Are those characters just that good? Or is it that they are more popular so people have more time with them?
KoF has always had a homogeneous cast so there's no reason to play low tiers in competitive matches.
>what is coltan?
Just kys tbqhfam
>buy goober gear xturd
>search for games
>it's taking a while but that's normal
>5 minutes later still no matches
>finally someone joins
>it's an autist with 1000000000 games under his belt
>get triple perfected, back to searching for games

meanwhile in games that are relevant and not dead
>load up sfv
>turn on matchmaking
>20 seconds later i get a match with an evenly skilled opponent
>we play best 2/3
>it's competitive and fun

don't fall for the anime meme like i did
Same thing happened to me. I just wanted to relax and play a fighting game then they first time I pop on I get double perfected by setplay.
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Totally dishonest. Look how badly she wants to fuck Asuka silly.
You're always gonna see Iori because Iori is always at least high tier.
K' is also very popular and is really strong in XIV.

There haven't been many events after the big balance patch so people are still sticking with the meme characters.

I'm surprised at how much Dino I see though.
Delete this capcuck you got perfected because your footsies and fundamentals aren't good enough
Fighting games and alcohol are never a good combination.
>play 2 people from /fgg/ in revelator
>they both play raven and do minimal effort shit
this isn't even fun
mika makes me angry
It helps me not get salty for losing.
Play BB if you're looking for fun
> Play BB

Or just play SFV and stop wasting time on party games.
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I will have Kushi and Lanshi.
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Well a lot of people play minimal effort shit because getting good is actually difficult and they just want easy wins.

Thats why I play Haku-men in Blazblue!
If I ever give a damn enough to play those are definitely the two that are getting used
Is perfect blocking Arakune when he curses you just something that takes practice? I get hit all the time.
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I mean I played the concept demo and had some fun so I gave them some money. I wasn't aware that /v/ and other places were having a crusade against it for later.
I wish I could have been here to see them get btfo'd as hard as they did.
>Le Reddit meme
It's a bit stale I'm afraid.
Equip the auto block gem
please for god's sake there's a general for this stuff already, please take it there.
talking about it here always triggers a bunch of shit and this thread is dealing with enough as it is.
Can say that about literally every character in literally every fighting. If you know there options, you know what to look out for
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>Not wanting to make this place even more of a shithole.
Whatever. I'm surprised people get triggered even over here. Though I'm pretty sure it's just over the MikeZ meme.
I'm just depressed that fighting games are dying to the point that /fgg/ has to talk about Africa and RPGs.
fighting games aren't dying though, just this place

you neogaf and kappa rejects should be ashamed of yourselves, /fgg/ used to be poppin for games and shitposting at all hours, for sf4, anime fotm AND retarded kusoge.

esports nuthuggers and euro tripbloggers have ruined this place for good sadly
Guess you better go find other community sites. This place is just the bottom of the barrel.
who will win the capcuck cup?
all the major corporations that get to advertise to you while you watch the stream
haha this :D
reddit says hello :)
Is Raven hard to play? I never gave a shit about him before, but I'm considering picking him up in preperation for Tekken 7 now that he's getting replaced by a hot chick.
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Who cares just embrace the waifu

daigo is giving away all of his tech, so he's out. haitani and momochi are the other two contenders i think. fuudo is also a god but mika isn't strong enough to beat gods with better characters
>in sf5
somebody shoot this stoner
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I wish Dizzy looked like this instead of the Mama-look she got after squeezing out a runt from her cunt.
Fish acts like armor against A LOT of wakeups.
Sexy girls like sexy characters.
>unattractive girls don't
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>he memes this right after daigo ran a stream about his newly discovered earth shattering ryu tech
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based Bamco
What was it?
switching to vanilla sf4
super hadouken and anti jump back throw OS tech
Never doubt people's ability to find new ways to exploit SFV's fucked up hitboxes anon.
hitbox interactions aren't "tech" that's just the game
>daigo on the verge of getting 0-5'd by japan's best guile

guile confirmed SSSSSS tier?
the same guy bopped tokido too
Guile = GOD
not really, ryu just isn't as good as everyone thinks
t. ryu main
Guile is rough on Ryu.
guile is overpowered
i dont even play 5
Fuudo has beaten everyone that you listed.
so why are you trying to have an opinion on the balance
guile has no bad matchup
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Based Michonne, fuck, I need to learn Tekken.
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should be pretty obvious to anyone even someone who only occasionally watches streams like me
>trying to have
>implying my opinions aren't facts
good guiles are impossible to get in on, he's broken as fuck in this game. when an inbred chav like ISDD can beat beasts like MOV you know the character is ridic
>when an inbred chav like ISDD can beat beasts like MOV you know the character is ridic
basically this, guile is retardedly strong
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>SFV has no zoning
Bet this Anon feels really stupid right now.
that's not a wrong statement, ryu just doesn't have good tools to negate that kind of zoning like other chars do
he probably dropped sfv about 6 months ago and is better off now
life in the silver league is hard after all
post cfn
>others chars
like who? cammy is about it
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this is my reply when people say SFV has no zoning

git gud
>he thinks this is zoning
it WAS xiaohai sitting on a life lead lmao
he was not trying to get in on necalli in this clip

git gud
>16ers think that's zoning

just lol
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What surprised me most about Xiao Hai during Canada Cup is that he couldn't drill shit on reaction. Necalli got away with this shit, Mika got away with full-charged diveicks, I mean, come on.
s i x p o i n t f i v e f r a m e s

Wait till you silvers realize you can crush counter through fireballs. This Guile is his worst iteration yet.

Inb4 guile main like you inevitably will. Sfv is garbage
he ran out of addy
lmaoo why are you throwing fireballs in range to get crush countered

>i sensed power coming from this character when he was released
t. daigo

>lol just crush counter, guile is shit. sfv sucks
t. anonymous diaper

really makes u think..................
>Sfv is garbage
literally nobody is arguing
Thats not zoning...
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>hot chick
cammy is clearly getting zoned out you fucking RETARDED animesamefaggot
How can you have shitty enough taste to dislike laura and master raven but like elphelt?
>nobody plays Guile in Japan
>except this faggot who is also pretty good and preys on matchup inexperience

Give it couple of months at most and that Guile is irrelevant.
Who? I can't watch the stream right now. Doyanbo?
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Let me guess you like litchi and bayonetta too
Dat only mean he got s i x p o i n t f i v e f r a m e s too
Why would Cammy want to go in on someone when sitting on a life lead
That's Xiaohai trying to keep a specific spacing
and eating seismos for some reason.

He's a Persona 4 player so of course he's unbelievably strong.
That's not a sizeable life lead though and Cammy can't do much to counter his shit from there if Xiao Hai sniffed out an easy punish. Why would anyone have an 80 health life lead and be like "K, this is fine. I'm safe."
Xiao Hai did want to get in but he couldn't figure out how to advance. He was afraid to walk forward because of the seismos and he was afraid to jump and drill because of the DP. Phenom controlled him.
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>RΛZΞR Xian @XianMSG Sep 22
>@KaneBlueriverCL @AZAngelic The game is actually amazing. It only needs a few tweaks to be perfect. Just a bit more defensive options I feel

SFV is close to perfect
t. Xian
>Remfags are still mad

Wow fucking get good you fraud fucks. SFV literally has all the footsies ever.
>le threatens to retire after losing a match hypocrite
>SFV is just a dash and mash game!

>webm literally shows Necalli dashing in
Daily reminder 3S teaches no fundamentals and Daigo said that goober gear teaches better fundamentals

Turd strike can take its place beside kusoge turbo now.
>dashes in after forcing him to respect his zoning and makes him afraid of moving forward
do you even YOMI, NIGGA?
You can't blame Necalli, he and his players are literal Gorillas
>Xiaohai literally trying to space himself at anti dash n mash range
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>everything you learned in 3S is worthless in other games
t. Daigo, the realest nigga on the block
seismo is easily punished at that range
all the bloblos are pretty whack
and wiifit / palutena are best nintendos
So is marvel 4 happening for real? How will capcom fuck up this time?
and a jump in would be easily punished with a DP.
I don't get why everyone's shitting on these character designs so much, they look solid, unique and show some personality. It's by no means Capcom at their prime but I think they're respectable.
yeah right after darkstalkers
how do you fuck up a series that's been dog shit from day one? marvel fans will eat up anything they put out.
he was already crouching, just complete the motion and spillan allow the 25f startup

Normally I would agree but I find it weird that someone like yogaflame would fuck his reputation up for no reason like this. Unless he's trying the "everyone will forget in a few weeks anyway so I can just enjoy the attention now" approach.
>So is marvel 4 happening for real?
Unlikely. There is only a tweet from YF24 saying that without posting source to hold up that statement. Also the license has been expired for quite a while.
>Vega changed to motion
>yfw Sagat is now charge
>someone like yogaflame
You mean a literally who youtuber who I'm pretty sure uploaded a replay of fucking broski
don't forget he lost to some big time rapper who barely played fighting games
>R. Mika

I like these characters in SFV, but I'm deciding which to main, can you guys help me out?
theyre all good pick any of them
He is the most well known sf uploaded with xuses. I'm not saying it's 100% guaranteed or anything, but I wouldn't just dismiss it either.
>nash, guile, or alex
>ryu or mika
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>"Oh boy I wonder what /fgg/ is up t-"
>skullgirls is sjw
>sfv is good
>sfv is bad
>sniff bb
Are blazblue trials useful? In gear there was a lost of trials combos that were mostly optimal or useful in actual matches like dusts, combos into sweep and whatnot.
hmm, what?

kys kike z
play rashid
>not picking you character based on where you live
I don't live in any of those countries you listed.
>the best guile is a retarded chav
>guile mains literally asking for buffs when the character is S-tier
>the best fireball in the game is bad
>can't get dash'd mash'd
Guile mains are truly, truly, truly pathetic but I guess it should be expected from his pussy gameplay.
>insulting the best anime game
what did he mean by this
arabs get out

I really wonder how would 16ers would fare against a Guile in any other game considering this one is giving you trouble.
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>isdd (from uk) is playing an american player (from usa) live on stream and no lag is happening
but sfv's netcode is supposed to be bad?
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Are gay furries the most powerful race in the world?
UK and USA have great connection quality.

Also SFV's netcode is more inconsistent than outright bad.
I play against someone from /v/ who lives in New York all the time and I live in Berlin

I play against Japs too without problems most of the time

The Spanish and Italians can fuck off
have you played the game for even five minutes yourself
Playing old games doesn't make you cool, guess you can't handle a competitive game like Street Fighter V. :)
Are we talking Tekken?
I hear they're pretty good.
I would know.
im pinoy
isdd posters and rashid players need to go
excuse me there is information in front of me (imstilldadaddy's stream) that is in conflict with a statement i keep reading on kappa and sometimes in fgg

isnt sfv's netcode supposed to be bad? makes me think....
Nothing wrong with Rashid.
ISDD represents /fgg/
kys polturd
Is Daimon based on that fat nigga from berserk
How dare you not remember the name pippin
I haven't read it in a long time.
I really liked pippin
Someone post that twitter anime faggot talking out of his ass about the netcode LOL.
ye he was dope
LOL sfv's netcode is great I know this because this streamer I donate half my SSI to every month stupid anime shitters need to learntheir place
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You mean this?
Which also explains how you can have one sided lag?
Disproved by IMSTILLDADADDY live on stream.
tl;dr: he was wrong
SFV netcode is excellent if you live in a relevant state and thus have lots of people nearby to play with

If you live in some bumfuck hick area that has no players and shit internet then you only have your inbred parents to blame
>sfv has bad netcode
wew animefags getting btfo, based ISDD
>live in relevant state
>still play online
>online leaderboard is full of literal fighting game gods
>not playing online
should i be barrier blocking or regular blocking more in bb
you guys must be searching for 4-5 bar connection, I live in Aus and only get matched Australians and New Zealanders never SEA players.
sfv offline and online is a similar experience if you play in first world
Capcom predicts that SFV will have long legs due to its e-sports popularity.

Season 2 is happening.
They already confirmed season 3-4 so uh yeah?
season 2 needs sagat and akuma
It needs interesting characters not Shoto trash

>more characters will fix this shitheap
Very funny.
The game launched with interesting characters and it was a flop.
There is only one character who can save SFV.
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>blazblue doing well
>sfv coming along nicely
>injustice 2 will be great
>tekken 7 is getting traction
>marvel 4 rumors
bad days to be a goober/skullgirls autist
t. skullomania and q memer
every day is a bad day to be a skullgirls autist
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is kbrad at brazil atm because he hasn't qualified?
t. Shoto faggot
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>sfv coming along nicely
>injustice 2 will be great

did I miss some announcement or something?
Is anyone good at the LATAM tournament?
The only shoto we need is Gouken. Too bad hes most likely lowest priority. Akuma mite b cool tho if he has the Oni transformation as his trig. But they will find a way to shit on every thing like they have with Juri and Ibuki and take half his fun tools and replace them with trash watch them actually take away his air Hadoken or it useless. The only thing i want in season 2 is Guy Cody and Makoto but we will get a C Viper and Abel.
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>>sfv coming along nicely
Want to learn Vega but I start shaking from anxiety and cant be bothered learning buttons all over again
>Want to learn Vega but I start shaking from anxiety
Thats a me problem

No idea what im supposed to do so I get anxious
rashid players are such shitposters
I think Capcom fucked up big times with SFV, but man, people here and on r/kappa are overblowing it.
Start taking adderall.
everything thing is subjective anon
also anything that tries to be diverse will always be shit on for being tumblr or SJWish designs. not to mention a lot of people in /fgg/ don't like lab zero
Why is 75% of the thread fucking /pol/kids shitting their diapers and throwing them at each other?
Use the fucking report function and stop shitting /pol/shit all over the walls.

kys l2edford
>tekken 7 is getting traction

hype has been dying down since arcade release and akuma reveal.
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i dont even play fighting games

Stop, kike z.
except sfv (but ashamed to like the shiniest turd)
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What the fuck went wrong? They crossed over Street Fighter with Tekken. How do you even fuck that up
No one likes Tekken
you have capcom make it
You tell me.
nice shitpost
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A hint of SF4
And Sony exclusivity bogus

That is all you need for a fucked up insult of fighting games.

my first and last fighting game
>not getting a refund
capcom wanted to bring more casuals on board with sf5 but they forgot to do ~anything~ to make the game appealing to them. it's a game that only the people who don't care about anything besides playing matches will love.
holy shit this game is a travesty
feels bad because i got a lot of (you)s from this general...
fighting games are too complicated for a low reward that is often just flipping a coin

the highest level of fighting games is literally flipping a coin
But the matches are shit too. Who cares for the game that wasn't already invested into licking capcoms ballsack?

Mishimas and Jin were amazing. What are some just frame 2d characters?
>tfw nobody could get away with ridiculing sfv like this because they would be banned from commentary by capcom forever

i love esports
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>refunding the greatest fighting game of all time

here's your (you)
>the highest level of fighting games is literally flipping a coin
crazy how the same people keep winning
makes u think.....
>if marvel vs capcom 4 ever happens they'll fuck it up even more then mvc3
sfv is shit but not nearly as bad as sfxt was on release
t. combofiend
I think he meant it's more along the lines of a bunch of 50/50s
Didn't they fix SFXT after release, though? Why'd it die
the damage was done. not a lot of people wanted to give it a second chance
just because pro players are good at optimizing their coin flipping doesn't mean they're not just flipping coins

how can you defend a genre where the highest level is literally "guess the 50/50" and people get """hype"""" for that? LOL just LOL
still wrong
Name one fighting game that isn't 50/50.
So why have people not jumped ship on SFV? That game had a horrible launch even if it's the best fighting game out there now.
omega mode dan has a ewgf move
I don't remember the input though
only bad players constantly "guess the 50/50"
how's life in the bronze league
>/fgg/ poster
makes sense
sfv is a mainline game and sfxt was a crossover

a lot of people unironically like sfv for what it is, too
SFxT's battle system was broken and unfinished

SFV's battle system was completely finished and masterfully designed, it only had a horrible launch because capcom put no effort into anything else. that's why casuals hate it and pros love it.
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>/fgg/ keeps getting baited by the same guy
Do people still play UMVC3 online?
also, sfxt being a crossover meant it never had a large playerbase to even begin with

plenty of people jumped ship from sfv but there were still enough people left over for the game to still have a playerbase. really hard to try and play sfxt without knowing people who play it, even if you wanted to give it another chance
Marketing, Capcom pro tour, main street fighter game and not a crossover. Also the game will be supported by Capcom for a while because "esports"
SFxT was a spin off and there was no reason to jump off SF4, it also had Tekken characters no one gave a fuck about

Tekken players want to play 3D so they wont play Tekken characters and SF players have no reason to use Tekken characters
tfw no playstation to play blazblue
Because [newest game by capcom] is the best in the world.
What killed sfxt is that the fgc had sf4.
you just disproved your own point lmao

if the newest game by capcom is the best in the world people would have dropped sf4 for sfxt but that didn't happen did it bruv. pros were eager to drop sf4 because most of them thought it was trash. now they're playing a game they genuinely enjoy.
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Uriens c.HP anti air is the best thing in this game

Fireball, Chariot Tackle into CA all from an anti air
That goes to show you how much influence Street Fighter has, it's crazy.

I wish EVO was SFV only on mainstage and all that other faggot anime/niche shit was gone
Urine is top 7. he's definitely better than Karin at least.
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>tfw posting in /fgg/ while playing actual fun games (league of legends, overwatch, hearthstone, etc) is way better than getting frustrated at fighting games

what's your excuse for playing a genre that'll rise your blood pressure and stress you out?
but i only get mad when playing against mikas that do nothing but setplay
Reminder that Guile's st.hp is his cr.hp re-purposed.
Friendly reminder that Kazunoko chose Yun and Cammy because as a Goober Gear player he had no idea how to play neutral.
tfw gamestop employee called me the blazblue guy when i asked if my LE came in yet
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>league overwatch hs
>instead of dota cs and shadowverse
>casual games

why would I sink time into those
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Would you?
we get it you're a hipster
fuck no, worst melty.
Akuma changing into Oni with new moves by poppin V trigger does sound cool as fuck desu

But making 2 models is probably too expensive for Combofiend
>playing CS in 2016
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What's worse, anime community or fgg
It also doesn't fit akuma's m.o. I think
Oni/shin akuma is for when akuma is ready to fight to the death and believes his opponent is worthy and willing to do the same. I don't think it's something he'd bring out once a round.
Not that anyone cares about muh lore but capcom could use that if they wanted
>playing autoderp attack always wins casual shooting for mobababies early 2016 in late 2016
and then oni transforms into rashid with critical art
both should be exterminated
V trigger will only activate to oni if you pay 9.99 plus tip
>casual as an insult
hello /v/, games are for fun no point frustrating yourself and getting ass cancer by 30 just to call yourself "hardcore", anyone with high iq is a casual
does anyone here play melty blood actress again current code
Quake and UT are the only good FPS

In a few months probably.
Isnt Oni just a different take of Akuma of him being completely powered by the satsui no hado?

Akuma always fights to the death
casual is an insult if the game dumbs down core genre mechanics to fit even the biggest troglodyte (you)
what is gootecks' LP?
>play game
>have fun, stop playing and do something else like posting in /fgg/
>play game
>get frustrated by artificial difficulty just to have a little bit of "fun" before your heart attack
i'm smart and you're not
Yeah, Oni is berserk akuma that's shin akuma'd all the time and just wants to keep killing until someone can kill him.

Akuma himself WANTS to go to the death, but won't unless he thinks his opponent could kill him, or he sees it as an unfair fight and will stop. Like when Gen took him to that point, but when Akuma realized Gen had cancer he refused to finish the fight and kill him because Gen couldn't fight at his best.
(you) can fit this big troglodick in your mouth pussy
Ey yo anyone know of any other games where chars have some mechanic that makes them very scary for a while?

Like Azrael in Blazblue with his drive, Raam in killer instinct with the bird things he puts on you or Garbranth in Dissidia with his exmode
Things that force people to act differently or eat a ton of damage like having to hit Raam to remove birds or Gabby just becoming an extremely dangerous char in ex even compared to how exmode normally buffs chars.

I find this enjoyable.
So just take your time in practice and learn the buttons?
Sols fursona transformation in xrd.
here's what you really do:
>post on /fgg/, post some more on /fgg/, get bored and post even more on /fgg/
Something to look forward to when they add my mains back in Xrd and its worth buying
How do we save Xian, Infiltration, and Fuudo?
crash sfv with no survivors
im done with sfv

whats the most alive fighting game on PC thats not sfv or mkx
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you wish, its a nice general but not THAT nice
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Does the church know she dresses like that...

I really like Rashid of the Turbulent Wind from Street Fighter V.
st 3s 98 02
t. cammy
killer instinct

it's mad fun desu

Rashid is a gorilla.
No that would be Necalli
You're a gorilla.

t. gorilla
>low damage technical character
Confused black man pic
Melty Blood

Gorilla Fighter 5
why did they copy ragna and put him into xrd as sol
good question
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Rare picture of a Necalli player spotted in the wild
Silver Anonymous Poster 5
why are furries so good at fighting games
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list of furries who are good at anything:
its the most powerful race
there is only one good furry fighting game player
>Brazil CPT event
>Everything is shit
>Sound is fucked

Can BR's do anything right?
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Justin Wong at muhwells and gatekeeping.
what's the best app for SFV frame data?
>capcom game
>everything shit
>istalls rootkit
Can Capcom do anything right?
>just in woofer
top cringe
>kbrad get a easy 16 man bracet into capcom cup
great post
>Changing the subject

t. BR

Combofiend 5th post
Who should I play, Kirito or Asuna?
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play melty
fat online
i play it sometimes at locals
>Hey anon, can I come with you to your locals? I'd love to see you play!
Only if you stop eating cake you fat cunt
I really liked Street Fighter V Frame Data (the official one) for the core 16 characters because it gave things like invuln frames, when moves are airborne, stuff like that.

But for the dlc characters they sort of tapered off providing stuff like that. There still are details like invuln times, but a lot of the 'airborne on frame x' entries just aren't there.
I wish I had a cute thicc 2D gf who would support me.
>some stages have background npcs at 60fps
>others at 30 fps


couldve stopped there

lol just


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This is my first time hearing his voice, holy shit.
>necalli's light stomp is -4 ie. punishable
literally haven't been punished for doing this, i guess i'm still in the low levels (4000-6000 LP)
You end up spaced where lights won't reach you really easily
If you're getting away with point blank stomps though yeah that's on them
>Capcom does it
>It's shit
Like that
Just wait for for TK x SF forever
Laura sucks. Why can a character be so close to being good suck so bad
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Talk shit, get hit. Don't insult my waifu. She'd be pretty easy to fix and truly make tournament viable though.
Dead kusoge autists are quite mad today. :)
because then you get mika and nobody ends up having fun.

feels like there's always a thin line between grapplers being too weak and stupid.
>setplay mixup queen
i got Xenoverse 2
is it gud?
t. Jurifag
How is a character with a great high-low game and retarded damage and mixups bad? No good player is using Laura.
Grapplers are the cancer of fighting games and should never be good or never be uncluded

Gief being good in 4 was pure fucking aids
>people lining up at the cabs to fight in blazblue lobbies

hope so. Like fuck man her fireball is so stupid. Why does the hitbox stop half way? why does it go away when shes hit? Why is it 19f at fastest with 28f of recovery

>mixup queen
half her mixups lose to one option and the other are smoke and mirrors

lol just lol
If your game as tournament unviable characters, it's kusoge.
skullgirls is shit dude
Jump back tech is strong against her. She gets no true advanatge on most of her knockdowns and a lot of her confirms are ass because of the push back from CH s.MP. She has very clear weaknesses. She is not Mika. She has to work even when she gets in.

>turd strike
Check out.
idk you're the one who has the game
t. Oni
Great high low game? Nigga its 22f if they dont do the dash and more if they do AND its negative 10 or some shit

People don't play her cause she isn't good. Shes scary in vtrigger but she needs vreversal to get people off, mixups lose to jumpback os and more. Theres a reason why the best lauras get fucking swept when they fight somebody who knows whats up and its more than skill gap
i won't be able to play it for a couple days
i never understood that. top tier chars are top tier most likely because they have tools that let the player play any way they want (deal with any matchup such that they're even at worst, maybe a couple are slightly not in their favor), so they aren't pigeon-holed into a certain style of play and don't have to counterpick.

and if you're playing the strongest characters, it's clear that you want to win. so top players playing top tier will provide the highest level of competitive play.

then again, the most popular and competitive games are kusoge, so it probably checks out either way.
I dont even think chun is her wose matchup. Fucking Karin and Alex are nightmares
Where did the Geif touch you?
why not give every character the tools to play any way they want?
e.g.: tekken
Every game in existence? I cannot think of a single game that every character tournament viable at once.
Karin is ghetto Chun. Chun is definitely worse. At least Karin bleeds like a bitch. And I still don't sweat the Alex match up at all.
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>Xiaoyu's new outfit
>That pantyhose
>The way her long dress floats and shows her ass
I'll finally start playing her just for this.
because then the characters are really bland and all play the same
e.g. tekken
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I'm trying to get the Guile loop down but I get pushed back too far after the first boom and then I cant connect the next cr.mp xx boom
goddamn weabs making me google words

also i agree

pretty much every fighting game objectively fails at balance and therefore being a comp game worth a damn.
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its cr.mp xx lpboom cr.mp xx mpboom xx lpvtrig boom

you have to delay mpboom until the last active frames of crmp
I'm pretty sure alex can get meaty lariat after his vreversal on laura ITS NOT FAIR
do I need to suck up to some nerd on twitter or is there a list of BB character discord channel links somewhere?
don't forget to buy bbcf
even though the game is kusoge, theres no other anime games alive except for xrd so it has no competition as the token anime side game.
the roster size alone is going to pull people in
i dont have a ps4
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the br guys read my comment on stream!
That depends on how you quickrise. It's not like Mika's. Her v-reversal counts as a grab so you can only quickrise it one way and she's at advantage. Now that is bullshit. Mika is the only bullshit braindead grappler in SFV.
Not until they add Jubei.
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its also ps3
because when you do that, then top tier characters are the ones who mesh well with the system and/or have some really abusable shit, and the only reasons to play another character are some personal affinity towards them or you just find them really fun (and they keep you playing the game) or you can't play top tier to their best ability, like mishimas in tekken, because your execution is lacking, for example.

just look at t6br. lars, bob, and law had super abusable shit and meshed perfectly with the bound and new wall systems. they also happened to be not hard to pick up and play. not to say that high tier chars weren't all over the place, or that they're so far behind top tiers that playing them makes one "not competitive", but they were universally perceived as the "tryhard" characters to pick when you really want to win, even though guys like anakin, ao, naps, knee, jdcr, bronson, etc, were winning with high tiers.
i dont have a ps3 either
are you gay furry
based fightcader
wew that last sentence is retarded. i meant the top tiers are perceived as the "tryhard" characters, which is weird when you consider general consistent results of those players, whereas bob and lars and law still stick out in everyone's mind as being everywhere at the peak of competition.
that's on you then, they basically give away ps3s now
i kinda want another so i can vesperia ps3
Is sfv dead yet?
i dont even have a tv
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8 months in and I still can't react to birdie's meme dive
Do you have a house?
who the fuck owns a house
>the roster size alone is going to pull people in
if you only look at the portraits, you can hardly tell a lot of these characters apart. especially the blonde ones
do they all go to the same hair stylist? at least give one of em curls, a shave, tie it back, or something
where did you get the money to buy a house anaon
>supporting arcsys business practices
no, just no
Well we know who won't even have a house soon
It's Sony
Well at this point arcsys business practice is 5 levels better than how capcom thinks they can deal with the customer

So which fighting games are you actually still playing to stay true to your principels?
If you buy it for me I'll play it
Why is jump canceling so hard in Blazblue?
Fucking Harada
It's very easy to do early on in combos, but when the hitstun starts prorating it can get very precise. One thing that BlazBlue does it give you auto jump installs, you can jump cancel from super jumps in combos.
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>goobers cannot deny this
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why is anime killing fighting games?
The brazilian commentator on the CPT LATAM stream said something about rumors for newcomers in Season 2.

Get hype for Eisbahn, boys.
Kazuya confirmed desu
Why woulc apcom outsource to cheap brazilian workers? They are rich and sfv is the best selling game of all time.
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>a buggy rehash of a dbz game outsold sfv in less than a week
Im going to get SFV on PC tomorrow, am I making a mistake
delete this

dbz is huge, daily dbz youtubers get 200k-300k views with daily videos, sf is not even close to that with shit like excellent adventure

Well it has better graphics than the console version if your rig is good, it even comes with a free rootkit so no dude you're good.
i already did twice
I got it on release like an idiot on PC and I refunded it because my fight stick didn't work because it was a buggy mess. Did they fix a lot of shit wrong with it?
>buying an arcsys game

no thx.

my money can go to non-scummy devs.

as soon as i find a fighting game developer who isn't made of scum and actually made a good game
>Well at this point arcsys business practice is 5 levels better than how capcom thinks they can deal with the customer
no, no its not arcsys is full jew
t. combofiend
t. woshige
im too lazy to google wtf your saying so okay
our boy kbrad got through teh brackets without facing any of the laura's
t. Combo "its okay to try and push a rootkit on our customers, maybe they wont notice" fiend
cawadooty infinite warfare is going to outsell every fighting game of the last 10 years combined

if that's not proof this genre is shit idk what is
>dbz is huge
So was Street Fighter once
So was Capcom once
only retards would support arcsys, case in point
do you guys even play fighting games
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t. sniff anon
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>he actually plays fighting games
well the arcsys model produces good & complete games while the capcom model produces embarrassing garbage so it's clear which one is better
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league of sniff fightan game when??
just played fighting games like 5 minutes ago!

also kys strifeomo
this trigger gooberes, please remove
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I'm on the same boat w/ this guy, i heard that SFV on PC was a buggy mess still.
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>Did they fix
it produces overpriced, outdated garbage that no one wants to play
they didnt fix anything lmao

they didnt fix shit and even tried to put a rootkit in to protect their dlc
i main warwick
Street Fighter II: 6.3 million units
Street Fighter II Turbo: 4.1 million units
Street Fighter IV: 3.4 million units
Super Street Fighter II: 2.0 million units
Super Street Fighter IV: 1.9 million units
Street Fighter V: 1.4 million units
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 1.1 million units
Ultra Street Fighter IV: 1.0 million units
Street Fighter Alpha 3: 1.0 million units

Everything else sold less than 1 million.

What we can learn from this: SF2 was huge. SF4 grabbed a lot of casuals who played SF2 when they were 5 years old. They played Ken online, did a thousand dragon punches, lost 90% of their matches, and quit fighting games again. Capcom wanted to get those casuals back with SF5 but they haven't been very successful.

At the end of the day, SF5 will never be as much of a disaster as SF3 was.
I've got to admit, Mike Z knows how to get a chuckle out of an anime cinéast like me.
I would never play mobas but league has some good porn.
killing machine
Damn.. well i guess I wont be getting it then. I don't have a PS4 and i've just been waiting and waiting for SFV to be playable on PC because I enjoyed SF4, I'm a bit bummed to hear this news
just keep playing usf4, it's objectively a better game
Question all:
Who the fuck holds a tournament on a Wedenesday? In the middle of the day?
Don't they have jobs/school?
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Here to stay

this is cringe as fuck

that actually sounds like mike z too
goobers btfo
that's what you get for falling for the pc gaming meme. get a ps4 and play it how it was meant to be played
>implying a ceo would admit their product is a failure
damn goobers on suicide watch
I've been falling for the meme 15 years too long then
>has hopes for long term popularity
in non pr bullshit speak that means he's sorely disappointed with the current sales and hopes morons will buy the game despite them not fixing anything about it
capcom just needs to relaunch a super version once the game is complete
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no need to be mad goober, say it with me: "7 MORE YEARS!!!!"
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>every sfv shill is also an isddfag
or maybe it's the same person
Arcsys gets morons to pay $60 for a balance update every year. Anything is possible.
>conspiracy theory goober
playing goober gear fries your brain
>posting eventhubs
Should have been an autoban years ago just like kotaku.
>believes PlayStation 4 could sell 100 million units by 2020

>play GG every day
>have to pay for a new version every 1.5 years
I dont see the problem unless you are a NEET who has no idea how to spend the small amount of money you have.
people admit failure all the time, they just shift blame when they do
They are all streamboars. They don't care for the game or genre.
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anyone sfv eu?
every single one of them

if you enjoy isdd you need to fuck off out of this thread
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if you think your game could sell 100 million units why not put some more development support behind the game instead of these cheap chink models and slow as fuck development cycle to fix the games issues?
Japanese asslickers are in a weird state of delusion in which they thnk the only way to save their plummeting everything is by sticking to sony who is only alive because of bank-crisis-like bullshitting.
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Are goobers intimidated by ISDD because he plays a zoning character and that doesnt exist in goober gays?
>going to play SF5 every day for the next 7 years
>will have spent $47 on it in total as capcom releases all characters and balance updates for free
>hand clearly pushes Kermit off
This isn't a suicide, this is murder. Just like how Capcucks are purposely trying to kill Guilty Gear.
Nah it means "damn these retards are still playing this piece of shit even though no one will buy it, maybe we can still make decent money off of DLC"
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Give up goober.
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>capcom is set on selling units
>they have this f2p scam but won't give it out for free
>the one thing this pile of trash could save from a profit stance, after fixing the obvious technical issues
Just another wonderful decision of how can we fuck our own cockholes harder with a rusty nail. Bravo capcom.
must be it
>thinking any game could EVER have a 100% attach rate
Splatoon is a fucking anomaly for having a 50% attach rate in Japan. That 100M unit is for projected PS4 sales, not SFV.
>kusoge beggar wants to play games for free
don't think so pal..
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Well if that's the argument you go by then why do you even bother playing SFV? You could play fightcade games for 20 years and spend $0. I'd rather spend money on a hobby I enjoy rather than a mediocre as fuck game like SFV. videogames are already a really cheap hobby so complaining about an update every 1.5 years is ridiculous.
ASW games are worse than mediocre and they overcharge you every year.
Basically you're a retarded consumer and you're making it worse for everybody.
You even harm your own franchise because you kee
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Is this the best looking fighting game?
I have fun with GG and BB, I don't with SFV so tell me how me and other ASW players are better of playing SFV.
Revelator is the best looking video game ever made
Wii Sports has the highest attach rate I think because it came bundled with every wii outside of japan. It really sold the system though so that was a good move.
because you keep it dead by perpetuating this ripoff cycle that people dont want to buy into.

If you for once didnt accept this garbage they would actually stop it and more people would enjoy the games.
ps2 naruto?
play irrelevant fightcade games that 5 people on earth give a fuck about or play the world's most popular fighting game with endless amounts of competition

tough choice
Naruto and Guilty Gear got the style, Tekken 7 FR(not console) has the best raw graphics power.
>play an irrelevant genre like fighting games that 5 people on earth give a fuck about or play the world's most popular games like LoL, CS, OW with endless amounts of competition

tough choice
Why do goobers hate fighting games so much and would rather have people play moba shit than SFV?
sfv isnt a fighting game
Not even close.

Agreed, though the thing they're going for is completely different.

I think Tekken has good visuals for something that tries to go for semi-realistic looks.
>Team games
I sure do love the outcome of the match being decided by the RNG that gives me teammates.
I never implied that you should play those games. I think SFV is better than those games and I don't think SFV terrible, its just outclassed by other fighting games. My post was saying that bringing up irrelevancy in fighting games is ridiculous because SFV is completely irrelevant outside the FGC.
>support arcsyus
the cancer killing fighting games
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Shit, I started to really dig T7 soundtrack
Here's hoping FR has some good extra ones or remixes.
>supporting capcom
the cancer killing fighting games
and Goober Gear is completely irrelevant both outside and inside the FGC
Nobody wants to play sfv frog
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Does it look any better than the original?

I like UNiB though
GG is only irrelevant to SF players, it just happens to be more niche than SFV which is already a pretty niche game when you look at videogames as a whole. I also don't even know what you mean by "irrelevant" at this point.
I play with friends though.
Hell my good performance is what gets me in game partners and friends.
v anime trash

its all still trash
They are all decent to awesome songs. It's just that folks have really strong nostalgia to that Tekken should sound like exactly like it did in their early years when they listened to the same ok tune for many many hours.
Temple wub last round is a horrible tune though.
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Man if every company was as shit as ASW I wouldnt even be able to enjoy fighters as much.
I bought almost every single fighting game last gen just for some casual fun between my maingames.

I wouldnt be able to keep up if I had to rebuy all that shit every year.
But maybe thats their plan. Maybe they want to lock people into their titles like this.
desu i'd just quit playing fighting games if all we were left with was Arc Shitstem Works yearly rehashes

oh wait, everybody already DID quit playing fighting games when that's all that was left LOL
No it's irrelevant in the fgc too

No need to be delusional, you give a bad name to gg players
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it's generally really good. hit or miss, the hits are big hits and the misses are just "meh". and overall, i'd definitely listen to all of it outside of playing the game, as i have been for a while now. and it does work well in-game during fights.
Don't forget to pre-order Arc's next DLC character for only $7.99!
capcom shills are out in full force today

aren't you cucks supposed to be fixing your game instead
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guys i swear all of these other fighting games that you like are trash
go sell them and buy guilty gear instead
please someone play with me
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don't forget to buy your exclusive capcom pro tour stage and costumes for $25 and pay for a stage you already own with lazy holiday assets slapped on it!
I got a new spooky halloween stage and 6 new characters for free, though. That would run you at least $60 if ASW were in charge.
>tfw can't find a rip of Abandoned Temple last round
The day shift at McDonald's is boring, gotta whip out that phone and shitpost.
i dont get why arcsys shills and capcom shills are trying to argue about which company is terrible.

both are.
t. mortal kombat shill
arcsys games are fun but the company has questionable practices

capcom makes garbage and people eat it up and the company actively tries to fuck its consumers over
Instead of arguing about shills you guys should try out Killer Instinct. It's more fun than it has any right to be desu and it's under appreciated
capcom games are fun but the company has questionable practices

arcsys makes garbage and people eat it up and the company actively tries to fuck its consumers over
t. Keits
t. combofiend
t. woshige
t. ono
t. valle
KI is 10x better than Skullgirls
is sfv good yet?
I don't like the combobreaker mechanic at all
Will I see /fgg/ at the best FG tournament?

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buy arcana heart
I don't play Skullgirls
You're the reason why fgg sucks
fucking LMAO
Seriously Jiyuna? Is it not 3 am in Japan? Go to sleep.
jiyuna is our guy
Yeah both companies are shitty but at least Arcsys puts out good games.
Is Kenneth "K-Brad" Bradley on performance enhancing drugs?
he must be on something to willing play sfv desu
>has to go to South America to sneak into capcom cup
Not enough drugs apparently
>Arcsys puts out good games.
French Bread and Examu are LITERALLY the only good fighting game companies that consistently put out good games and have good business practices.
what about lab zero :^)
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Why do you guys keep posting? No ones playing your game, get over it.
Maybe Capcom should have just made SFV a spin-off, like Tekken did with Tag Tournament. EX3 went over better than V, and that game was even more rushed than V was.

I did, but I'm too embarrassed to play it with strangers.

>if you hate sfv you must only play dead kusoge!

Who's a good third for Vergil and Dormammu and how should my team be set up?
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That 2nd part was meant for >>159151238
you don't need to take drugs to play the most popular [#1] fighting game in the world :)
What do you play?
This is the fighting game general
My MvC4 wishlist

>Gene (God Hand)
>Chun Li
>Mega Man Volnutt
>Chuck Greene
>Strider Hiryu
>Monster Hunter hero

>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Angel (X-Men)
>Iron Fist
>Drax the Destroyer
>Black Bolt
sfv isnt a fighting game
What happened to our boy Chuchu? Did he stop playing because SFV sucks?
Ur not even fgc m8 lmao, wrong board bye bye
Yellowmotion usually did them but has been slacking in favour for his prediction videos and exploring his ass with 2 thumbs.
I really hope this doesn't pander to captards any further than it already did this year.
reminder that esports ruins everything it touches
I don't think I remember in all my life a gayer handle than Chuchu
>no Rashid
Bad list
dota 2 is godlike tho
>Mahvel wish lists are back and in full effect
Here we go

The only character I want, Super Skrull, is one that will probably not come back.
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>the game that invented fighting games is not a fighting game
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I don't understand why you people have to waste time posting about the games that you do not like rather than discussing what you like and trying to get games going on.

I mean after all this general is not that bad , it can be a good place to hangout and get some cool resources/tech on games.
Sometimes you also get good porn

I also don't understand why people have to have binary tastes , do you not enjoy fighting games as a whole? ffs I play a fuckton of SF , but I also enjoy some casual(cause I'm bad) GG and KI

I guess wasting this much energy,effort and time must feel rewarding lel.

>inb4 kys "goober/capcuck"
You don't touch the esports the esports touches you.
dota is passable, but is a joke to take seriously. The only good esports titles were the very first ones.
Here's a gayer one, Brick.
sf is a shell of its former self now
This thread is a mess
I blame sfv
dumb capcuck
Street Fighter died on July 13th, 2014
How? Any thread going to shit is goobers trying to start shit with sfv players
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stupid fucking blazbabby
i dont even see any goobers desu
it's all sfvdiapers getting defensive every time someone says something negative about their scam game and screaming goobers/blazbabbies/skullgirls
No, it died when SFV was changed from this:

to the beta builds of SFV.
Suepr Skrull was such an odd inclusion in MvC3, I feel that they wanted to include every member of the Fantastic Four but decided to include Super Skrull instead since he has their power and was much cheaper to implement in one character.
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I was the one who posted that eventhub article

Its all my fault...
Why are you such a flamboyant fag Brick?
Kl'rt is based as fuck though
*tips 60$ balance patch+tip+8$/character+n pc release*
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Not bad. Personal wishlist of new characters.

Megaman (Just rip the one from Sm4sh)
Treble and Bass
Lord Raptor

Green Goblin
The Vision
Squirrel Girl(cause memes)
Doc Oc

Returning characters
Ruby Heart
Phoenix Wright
Hsien-Ko(preferabbly less shit this time, fuck you Capcom)
I just want them to not add Zero again
*tips pro tour dlc to support the scene +$5 costumes + rootkit + broken PC version*
Every villain from the Fantastic Four is based as fuck.
>still no six stars
dumb skullcucks
>Vega (Claw) is bad
>comparing cosmetics to forced full price balance patch dlc + character to buy
>rootkit meme
lol just lol
Tfw go to Tekken Zaibatsu and want to ask a question.

Tfw have been waiting like 2 days since I've activated my account to post because a mod has to approve my account before hand

Trash forum
Everytime someone trys to talk about sfv abunch of replies are made unprovoked that sfv sucks, you lot have turned this place into some playground console wars shit and the reason why this general sucks.
>balance patch meme
>costumes cost $3 less than a full fledged character
>rootkits are a meme now

I think they said something along those lines.

I didn't know what to think when I saw him, but in time, I grew to love the inferno. It's why I'm a little bummed that (if the tweet is real) Kl'rt won't come back, because Marvel hasn't fucked around with Skrulls in a major way for years. But if 8ing could surprise me once, they can do it again with some other character.
>k-brad free to Dominican Republic
>Marvel hasn't fucked around with Skrulls in a major way for years

Secret Invasion wasn't that long ago though.
It ended 2 years before MVC3, which was 5 years ago.

>MVC3 was 5 years ago.
>rootkit meme
>comparing cosmetics and 60$ balance patches
lol just lol
Should I buy Mai in CF?
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