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/bfg/ - Battlefield General

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Previous Thread

>BF4 Platoons



>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Battlefield 1 Companion Site for stats and emblem making

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: http://emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: The platoon feature (tm) isn't in yet for bf1, we'll post the info when its out.

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: People are using Discord for BF1. There are people who play BF4 (and BF3/BC2 once in a blue moon) on mumble currently, As well as other games.

DICE is looking to add quitting between matches, loadout editing in the main menus and other features that should have been in at launch, soon®

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)

port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)


PASTEBIN FOR RETARDS: http://pastebin.com/MAA75tCc
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What's your favorite guns?

I've fallen in love with the Mondragon Sniper for the medic.
Reasonable balance changes

>no more than 2 AA guns per map
>nerf medic primaries considerably, it's obvious that DICE gave medics the best rifles in the game in an effort to make people play support, but people don't heal or revive anyways so the experiment clearly failed
>revert artillery truck buff
Mars Automatic
M.95 Carbine
BAR Trench
Model 10 Hunter
Gasser 1870

Pretty much all the unique pistols are dank as fuck, so many weird designs.
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>all the small TDM/Pigeon maps are just the copy+pasted bunkers, villages or middle eastern towns
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>people kept saying rifle grenades are bad
>they're fucking amazing
>Col. Andrew Waylan Horace expects no more than 22 people need lose their lives in this Great War.

It could be OP as fuck, but taking away either the revive needle or some form of healing from a medic is basically not playing medic at all.
It's an Onion article
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Anyone have experience with the MG15? I've always liked the LMG's like the old M60 from Bad Company, something that feels like a real emplaced machine gun. Is this gun good?
probably the best lmg after the BAR
Yes, although right now I'm using the Lewis gun because it has less recoil and less spread than the MG15.
Why is spotting so random? 2 guys next to each other, I can spot one but not the other. makes no sense
>Using the Bayonet as a crutch to kill players/elites when it severely impacts the guns accuracy and speed of aiming down sight

haha plebs
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>when it severely impacts the guns accuracy and speed of aiming down sight
t. Elite player trying to trick people into not using the weapon that kills him with ease.
>Equipping a bayonet to your primary weapon also negatively affects the recoil of your weapon, and how quickly you can raise your weapon to a fire-ready position after a sprint

Eat shit sub 4 K/D ratio fag. :)
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>also negatively affects the recoil of your weapon
>this translates to "severely impacts the guns accuracy and speed of aiming down sight" according to you

medics are cancer
I think this weeb has brain damage. Kind of charming. Like a special retard.
Is multiplayer in B1 fun for faggots with no friends?

I've never played a Battlefield game outside of borrowing BC2/3/4 and going through the campaign. I've always gotten the feeling that in such large battles teamwork would be critical and I don't really want my shitter ass to get continually pubstomped.

Essentially, is it fun even if I suck?
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If they dont add this in the Russian DLC, I riot

This is my first BF too, I'm enjoying it a lot but really only 1/4 games really lives up to the hype of this crazy team oriented battle. It can get insanely clusterfuck-y and without a good team it's sort of miserable to play for 40 minutes like that
they could make this a behemoth where multiple are deployed
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>3rd sector in iron walls
>stuff the entirety of the Austrian army into B bunker
>hold off the Itats for 3 rounds ez

>play on Monte Grappa
>spawn in plane
>get shot down by AA right away
>spawn on ground
>get sniped
>spawn in tank
>can't kill anything cause everyone is in the mountains
Dear Dice,

Please nerf medic's semi-auto rape-everything-at-every-range death machines so far into the ground that no one ever touches the class ever again for the rest of eternity.

Once in a blue moon you're going to get a match that's so amazing that you just want to fuck someone in the pussy right afterwards. But all the other matches are going to be incredibly hit and miss and will most likely make you want to find a gun, put it to your head and kill yourself right away.

It's fun, but I'm probably just going to play this for 1-2 months, wait for DLC, play for 1 month, wait for DLC, play for 1 month etc.
They gotta make it good so people actually play medic and revive
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>BF4 launched with 10 maps
>BF1 launched with 9 maps and a "free" one coming in december
gee, thanks for being so generous to give us a "free" map DICE
It's ammo count puts it above the bar imo when it comes to actually playing support as it was intended. I almost always score in the top 5 as support with the mg15 suppression and gas
nobody said they were bad, we said they weren't worth it over medpack/revive
>Reviving, let alone healing.

It's a fucking miniscule change, dude.

It's worth it on almost any non-assault gun as it lets you win any engagement with them if used right, and otherwise they'll fuck you up unless they're terrible.
Well that's a little disappointing. I mean that one rare game might make it worth it just for how amazing it may be. But if it's a real slog in other cases, I probably won't bother.

Thanks for the input.
How come sometimes my mortar controls are ASS and sometimes they're very intuitive?
>that feel when managed to kill the pilot of an airship with the Tankgewehr

goddamnit I wish I saved that moment somehow
>worse than assault guns at close range
>worse than single actions at long range
>clearly supposed to be worse than the MG's at mid-range but the MG's are all kinda weak at the moment except for the BAR
They're the jack of all trades master of none, anon.
Why is my game running like shit? It ran fine in the beta. And there's no reason for it to be running like shit like running into some thick smoke or something. I'll be running at 60 FPS and suddenly it's 35 FPS for no reason. I turned post processing and lighting down but the performance problems are identical. That "restrict GPU memory" or whatever is off and I've tried bouth DX11 and DX12.

Also, it seems like you can't use the number keys while holding ctrl, so I can't hold crouch and do that and it's annoying the hell out of me.
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What causes the chase camera to not show up sometimes

Also why does leveling classes take longer than the war itself
>Just noticed he's pulling the explosives out of his ass.
They call that the von Hindenburg
turn off SSAO and try this:
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>hurrr what if we put elite classes in small player game modes
Just charge them, but seriously ___________________________:^)
lol, my TDM friends who didn't want to play any other mode now only play CQL on BF1 due to Sentry pickups existing in TDM

In a full 12v12 TDM game, they might be fine but they can be picked up when its like 5v5 and absolutely wreck an entire team as long as the Sentry has his little whores protecting him
Sentry can be killed by gas.
I just tried borderless window mode and my CPU usage dropped from 100% to 75%. Weird. Gonna try it out in an actual game though to see if that was really it. Then I'll try your stuff.
howe is gas even real like just walk out of it lmfao
>what if we put elite classes in the games where they have greater potential for impact but are even easier to kill
I'd say it'd make those modes more fun.
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That's how we ended up killing him, but again any sentry with a brain will just learn to avoid gas and nade spam, and have an entourage to protect him from bayonets and melee

Sentry pickups are just dumb and imbalanced overall in small scale games, they're fine in CQL and Operations because they can be eaten alive by vehicles and 10 million infantry everywhere
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>> Not flying high and dive bombing troublesome AA gunners before they know you're there
>> Not proactively destroying AA positions
>> Medic guns are fine. Only guns that need fixing is Support LMGs, which currently shoot marshmellows
>> Arty truck is weak as shit. Go assault and kill it, its simple

Do you think the Bar is good?

I don't see what advantage it has over literally a single other MG.

>> Not coding a game where the bayonet can be attached and removed by the player at will, BECAUSE THAT'S HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO WORK YOU AHISTORICAL SWEDISH COCKSUCKERS

Clearly the real villain is DICE
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>30 seconds onwards


I love the periscope
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>Combat in a corn field

Oh lord.
It's basically better in every possible way.

Also the trench variant is insane.
Its actually somewhat accurate over a distance.

Granted hes being retarded and using the trench one when storm and telescope are superior.
>storm and telescope
>using ADS

>Best looking
>Best ROF
>Best hipfire
>Best sound

Whats not to love. It's a weapon blessed to us directly from John Moses Browning.
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>leave game cause its suez
>go back into matchmaking


Literally just spec everyone with smoke grenades, throw both, then all charge straight into that motherfucker until everyone is dead.

Bonus points if you have a sniper spot the Elite with the periscope first.
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how do i level up assault faster i need my revolver
Some of us don't like playing Domination
Neither do I
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>Monte Grappa
>Hole up one of the many bunkers constantly under attack
>Have your support buddy suppyling you dynamite
that was waaay too many dynamite kills for my own good.
What class and loadout do I use to singlehandedly take the bunker on Monte Grappa in Operations?

I can't rely on my team
Are we allowed to discuss MOHW here since it's basically Battlefield: Infantry Edition?

But 20 round mag tho

You can kill at most 2 people.

By the time the guns gets accurate you are out of ammo.

Meanwhile the MG15 has 100 fucking rounds.
Hourly reminder to:




dead game
the bar is always accurate
I like their hats
BAR very accurate without having to fire a lot of rounds. The BAR can fire 100 rounds in the same time it takes the MG15 to fire 100 rounds. I'd never take a MG15 into an objective or house. With a BAR I can.

I feel like I level up so fucking slow

What are you niggers doing to level up so quickly? I'm only medic 1
capture objectives, have the squad leader issue orders
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Slouch hat is best hat.

TF2 memes aside, I want hat and uniform customization, since we've thrown historic theater appropriate clothing and personnel out the window already...
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Man I'm fucking awful at this game, spending more time dead than alive

Game is still very fun though when I manage to get good
Dice wtf..



I'd recommend switching up your strategy. If you've been trying to attack flags the whole time, start defending more, or vice versa.
I can seem them adding soldier customization in the battlepacks in the future.
>hip firing in a game with aiming isn't for children
Come on, faggot, at least try here.
>needs to ADS to kill

Poor gramps
>aiming is too hard
>I just want to spray vaguely in the direction of the enemy
>my fucking arthritis won't let me move my mouse fast enough to hit their head, I have to use hipfire
What sensitivity do the PS4 players on here use?
Nothing much can help with that, though I guess counter spamming the grenade spam as Support works.
>order of the red dragon
>mortar kills dont count as explosive kills

Don't have a stroke, grampa

Would love that, especially since I'm tired of having to look at my NegerschĂĽtze knowing it was a politically regressive "inclusion" decision, instead of any real commitment to introducing the African Schutztruppen in any meaningful way.
>John Browning's only failure
>He needs a gun to kill people


>> If BAR was historically modeled in game, you'd be futzing around with the abysmal bipod for 20 minutes before accomplishing anything
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>preferring BAR to Madsen
>doesn't run around throwing dynamite at people
Do you even know what fun is, little dog?
That fucking last point on Oil of Empires is fucking ridiculous. You can't make it on foot there before getting cut down and the open space between a/b to c shits on tanks
Post your good feelings
>run into 3 enemies that aren't looking my direction
>spray one down
>others notice but not before the second is down too
>third one is damaged but I'm out of bullets and dying quick
>close the distance, put a knife in their gut, whisper "sleep sweetly"
>team moves in from the other end of the choke
>See blimp
>Take out AA tank
>Blow it up

The hard part is getting the tank
>hilarious failure at it's original purpose
>acceptable light machinegun
>used for half a century after it became completely obsolete
Or let me guess, it's iconic and american, it can't possibly be a failure.
You wouldn't, because the WW1 guns didn't even have the bipod.
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>He doesn't use the Benét–Mercié as support

Any time I backrage a sniper roof on Suez, I have to stop for a bit and beat one out because my murderboner is as hard as Joseph Joffe's resolve....
BAR was never designed as a light machine gun. It is an Automatic rifle. The Army forcing it into a Light Machine Gun isn't the fault of Brownings.
>Outsniping a scope shitter with your iron sight bolt action rifle
I use 42%

>> Implying DICE wants to be faithful to literally the most horrid war in human history instead of making a quick buck off of an entire generation of clueless manchildren who don't have enough grit between them to fill a sheet of sandpaper....
>Throw a firebomb at a path just to delay the flood
>Didn't know that my buddies were fighting there and attracted like 10 of them
>Suddenly a thousand points out the ass for direct kills and assists
I can't even claim clever thinking on that, just a coincidence and some luck that it landed perfectly
Dammit, DICE. You could've quenched a lot of my autism if you just made the fucking Rambo-friendly hipfiring Lewis the actual infantry version without the giant cooling shroud.
Oh, you're right. If only I addressed that in the first point there. It was designed for walking fire, anon. The automatic rifle concept was a failure, beyond their use as cheap light machine guns.
>playing on Edge of Empire
>sniper is set up in a tower with trip bombs that kill me when I walk in, didn't know he was there otherwise
>spawn at G
>teammate is counter snipering to no effect
>he's directly in front of a row of cannons on the far wall facing the enemy
>I kill the guy in one shot
Can scouts do anything beyond thinking with their scopes?
Should I get this game? I play Squad at the moment but I enjoy Battlefront sooo
I mean, you did say "If BAR was historically modeled in game"

That was someone else, mate, but I guess I shoulda included him, too.
No get Titanfall 2 instead
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>map is suez Fao fortress or empires edge
Do I have to do class specific actions to level up classes?

Should I just go double ammo on support or what
I use the MG15 storm because the suppressive feels like it got nerfed after the beta. The bipod seems buggy now and the spread is just terrible even when you deploy your bipod, you can forget about dueling anyone without your bipod deployed because you'll lose any fight where the enemy sees you shortly after you start shooting them.

They really need to unfuck that gun considering how vulnerable you are whether your deploy your bipod or not
>> Watching "Gallipoli" while drunk

This movie is fucking me up something bad. Who knew I could feel bad for the trash of the English speaking world...
it's one of our best movies if not our best desu

>successfully defending the castle on the first map in the oil operation 3 fucking times in a row

I'm in love with this game.
I also just discovered the MG with the sight and bipod. That shit is laser accurate from across the god damn map if you deploy it.

At what point did YOU realize that England and its byzantine web of alliances could go fuck itself?
>support looks cool for every faction
>except for Germany
>everyone else on Germany looks fucking cool

Suffering. Why does the German support have to wear that retarded helmet instead of the classic german one?

Because Bjorn read about it in "Babby's First Great War History Pop-up Book" and had to include it because "eets historical hergen flergen".
Which guns have that glint?
Obviously iron shits don't have it, but do all guns with scopes glint or is it just certain scout rifles?
>Mel Gibson's "Fuck the English" trilogy part one
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>call germans nazis
>triggered autists get mad
every time
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Bar M1918 Telescopic with The Doughboy skin

Washing myself in Liberal blood.

If anything, the Third Reich was just a pale cultural and military imitation of the Second.
What's your favorite class?
tank hunter
>tfw I didn't get to play yesterday or today
>won't get to play tomorrow either

I'm going through withdrawals

funny enough I don't feel so bad about falling behind the leveling curve because of this, I remember in bf4 I put in an autistic amount of effort to be one of the highest level players early on
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>playing The Runner campaign story
>can't unsee pic related
>playing as nazis on kaiserschlacht
why even bother?
>go 37-0 with flanker tank in operations
They were all scout defenders
so how do u queue for operations most efficiently ?

is it region based? i keep getting put in empty games but i far prefer operations over conquest servers etc ...
Loving attack planes so far. Been thinking of getting the tank hunter variation because it sounds fun, but I don't want to waste a ton of war bonds if it is shit. How is it?
>people still refuse to stop hillniggering and pussytanking
>see you posting about this shit gun constantly
>decide to try it, telescopic version with bipod because of its xbox hueg accuracy
>constant kills

This thing is fuckin nice
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BAR Storm or Telescopic? Already have Trench

Reduced recoil and spread sounds really nice for a magdump LMG
It's pretty sweet. The big canon on the front will 1 shot other planes if you hit them, and you can also take out a building with snipers in/on it
pls respond. am i doing something wrong is there a actual way to queue for ops or do u have to keep trying ur luck and sitting through cutscenes
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>tank drivers that don't die with their tank and let it get captured by the enemy
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>pilots who crash into the ground
I haven't had any issues with that. I switch to 64 players and just pick whatever operation I feel like playing
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>Hours played: 70
live in aus/nz/oce, quite often i will get put into empty operation games or with 1 or 2 other people, nobody will join them. some times i get put straight into a full one and it starts as if weve all queued up at the same time. seems like a retarded fucking system to wait for 64 people to join considering i waited 5+ minutes in one of the empty ones i got into and nobody joined. not too sure how it works or how to get into full games, only tried playing 64p
Why does the attack plane have a bomb sight but the bomber doesn't?
it does
there is no way, you just have to roll the DICE
bloody hell. thanks anyway, im relatively new so ithought there was a way to somehow view servers or queue up

are they going to implement a better way to search for operation games? i really like the gameplay more than conq servers.

really hope they add on to it
>Iron sight with the BM
>can't shoot
nice game dice
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Can someone explain to me what the fuck I got hit with
>Aminen map
>B valley flag
>Throw in 2 gas nades,
10 kills streak
Are there any reason to use Light tank over Heavy tank now ?
Automatico fires that fast. But it's odd that it would hit you that much when you can't even hear the gun firing near you, which means it is far away, and that it hit you so much at such a range. None of them were headshots though.
Playing story mode while game installs, get to flying as a pigeon then it stops.... Shoulda bought skyrim, I can tell alrdy :(
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It shouldn't do that much damage to a tank hunter I don't think. Maybe someone with an anti-recoil script or something?

Anyway I'm glad it didn't outright kill me because I got to actually play tank hunter for more than 5 seconds.

I really love how planes just fall over like a sack of shit when they get disabled sometimes
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>tfw I won a oil of empires game
wut dis movie be

It does. Left trigger if you're flying with a controller, probably M2 if you're dumb enough to fly with KB+M.
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People with more than 5 service stars at this point are the highest caliber of autists existent

>mfw I got killed by a guy with 22 service stars over the weekend

do these men even stop playing to eat
>I really love how planes just fall over like a sack of shit when they get disabled sometimes

It's a far stretch from the whole "explosion into jet/chopper turning into a bunch of broken pieces" that are modern aircraft. Which generally does have a lot to do with how older planes were built, which was basically "metal flying boxcar with an engine." I think the only issue is that when those planes crash that they don't really create any destroyed ground terrain from them scraping apart the ground. They do end up destroying buildings if they fall into them though.
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Oh, you played defense, huh?
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>then I get a puzzle piece from a standard battlepack
That's the secret guys
Reminder that gewerh 95 is best close range scout weapon
Nope attack. The final capture point on the last map is bullshit cause of the 3 flags but we did it
Whats the best shotgun.

Only one I like so far is the M97 backbore or whatever.
Yeah I've felt this pain too, playing this game from Sydney, the greatest city in the Southern Hemisphere.
I was killed by a guy who had 42 service stars in the A7V, no joke.
Honestly the game should auto-ban you if you play too much
Best sniper for close combat?
Martini Gendry

We know for a fact that that "Suez" map or whatever you call it is imbalanced. AND NOBODY IS WILLING TO SWITCH OVER ONCE PEOPLE START LEAVING! The BF community CONSTANTLY talks fucking shit about the CoD community. Oh really?! Please explain how you are any different from that phat-cloud ripping 420 potheads? YOU ARE NOT ANY DIFFERENT, NOBODY USES VOICE CHAT, NOBODY TYPES EXCEPT TO TALK SHIT AND I WASTED MY MONEY ON THIS GAME INSTEAD OF BUYING THE DARK SOULS DLC.
German steel circa 1895
can confirm
That happens in every single game, everyone wants to win so they will try to get the upper hand no matter what.
No need to have a mental breakdown on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
can you switch teams?
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>shoot spotting flare in general direction of enemy
>its an enemy team holds both end of map points, has two flak guns and rapes tanks at spawn episode
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One more for (You)
A-10 Hunter.
>Defiling a Mars pistol with that graffiti.
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>Never really been good at the FPS genre
>Have fun with all the battlefields due to how points work and kills not really mattering much
>Have a blast for many years, never really caring that all my friends were way better than me
>Suddenly Battlefield 1 comes out
>Can't enjoy healing anymore because the guns they get encourage mid-range, accurate play, something I'm not good at
>It's frustrating to move up with my squad to keep them healthy because I get decimated in close-range firefights
>Support is boring as sin, the LMG is somewhat enjoyable to use despite everyone saying they're all underpowered, but it has no interesting toys
>"recon" is ruined for me, no more CQC recon, moving with the squad and supporting with spotting and C4, long-range rifles are praticaly useless in CQC
>Only class I can relatively enjoy is assault, and even that class only feels like it's contributing if it's destroying tanks, and once the tanks are gone you might as well dump it for a medic or support.

I dunno guys. I like the setting and general gameplay, but the way they're handling the classes really goes against how I used to play, which was supporting the team and helping them kill better to offset the fact I can't shoot for shit.

>mfw people keep saying the Medics weapons are OP

They don't feel very OP when I can't hit anything with them at close-range, which is where I'm fucking expected to be in order to revive people.
What's the deal with snipers at the edge of the map?

Last night I got killed by one on empire's edge conquest. So I respawn, walk along the edge of the map to find him and kill him. He was at the mountains overlooking the C point. This is a pretty common spot for snipers so I hide behind a rock in case he comes back. Sure enough he does and I kill him again. I do this 4 times and not once does he even try to find me. He just walked up to the mountain to the same spot every time and started sniping.

How do these guys get off? It's like he didn't care that I kept killing him and was just trying his hardest to not engage anyone else in the game.
How do you guys level your classes so quick? I've been stuck near the end of scout rank 4 for 3 days. Its just not moving. I end up top 3 on the scoreboard capping flags on conquest but is it really kill based? Because I use the motor cycle or regular vehicle and get at least 20 kills with my gun a game and still no exp is put to my class.
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I'm normally getting 60+fps on average but in certain cases where you can see a lot of stuff popping off in the distance on screen like guys running around and tanks moving and explosions in only a few maps I get drops to 40fps in small parts of those areas only looking in a certain direction, pls help, i need 60fps.
TFW playing support and whacking at a tank with my wrench and the enmy jumps out to kille so I jack it and take off. >>158531734
>pilots who take the plane and suicide it at the enemies point only to die

I see lots of people using this. Why is that.
Because it does this

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Because if fucking snipes people at ranges other shotguns can't reach
Why is there no German campaign?
these medals are ruining my k:d
Oh no now that battlefield 1 esports team you've been looking to apply for wont recruit you for all those battlefield esport events
tighter pellet grouping than other shotguns, extends your kill range
thank you my dude
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Who was in the wrong here?
Shitter detected. How is that sub 2.0 kd, sport?
He turned into you. You had about a fraction of a second to react to his turn.
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That's pretty crazy. I like how they lost the match anyway. Really shows how important playing the objective is in this game.
Caring about kd means you lose out on fun bullshit which is what Battlefield is all about
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whats the best setup to get five explosive kills in one life? also.

rate my emblem
Throw it at enemies
Keep doing it even after you get the medal
>any map with at least two story destructable houses
>look for one with a roof full of snipers
>toss anti tank mine or tnt on the floor below the roof
>toss a grenade onto the mine or tnt
>get easy kills on camping snipers

actually it will probably be a debris kill but do it anyway
Try the sweeper, it's decent at close range but you're not going to win against an assualt with an automatico or an a-10 if you run into them close quarters. Focus on your aim, do you play on PC? Click their heads, it's not that hard.
Because they are pre-nazis
Hitler was literally in WW1
Well Hitler was just copying the Ottomans
Dynamite the bunkers in Monte Grappa
So what? The campaign is about individual soldiers doing their duty for their country and their comrades. The overall morality of the politics behind the war should be irrelevant.
Flank and do it instead of knifing
more like 200 ping
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is the Martini-Henry good, or is it just so fun I make it work?
>it's going to take me 58 hours to unlock the no.3 revolver


I just want to be Teddy Roosevelt
It has the biggest and most close range 1 hit kill potential but literally everything else about it is subpar, it's fun and effective.
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Thanks for the advice, TNT it is. Any good locations on operations to TNT besides Monte Grappa bunkers??
Who here /TankDriver/

It's good but you should be aware that the SMLE has the same stats except that the one shot kill range starts about 15 meters further than the Martini, everything else is better in the SMLE than the Martini, including magazine capacity and reload speed, on top of that you can actually put a scope on the SMLE.
The main draw of the Martini is the fun factor.
All the support guns kill in 3 hits to the centre mass at 20 meters or less. Maybe try playing with the ones that have higher fire rates and bigger mags. I also like to try out how the guns feel when shooting from the hip when trying to find what's suitable for me.

I also think the medic class feels a little different in this game due to the guns but I quite enjoy the selbstlader and sweeper.

You can compare the weapons on this site; http://symthic.com/bf1-weapon-charts?assault=1&sort=Class&adsc=DESC
I can usually rack up 25ish kills in Argonne with dynamite in a round of conquest. Not usually in one life, but there's a lot of kills to be had going to points being capped by enemies and throwing bombs at them
I'm fully aware of these differences I'm just wondering how much of an impact it actually has in game
I do very well with the Martini but I'm not sure if the 10 metres actually matters that much or if I'm just good with it

meant to respond to
Do mortars count as "explosives" for the challenge? If so, then they might be easier than dynamite.
Honestly, it doesn't matter all that much. But it's still a lot more fun to use so who cares.
I really enjoy driving tanks in BF1, any advice from tanker to tanker? I find the artillery truck is great if you really want to sit at long ranges. Otherwise heavy assault for pushing, light support tank for close quarters tanking.

also this is my emblem, is it tank enough?
Sadly no mortars do not count, neither does the AT rifle. Otherwise it would be easy-peazy
Does anyone actually know how the class ranks work in this game? If you cap a point does that score go towards the rank of the class you're playing or do you need to do class specific things? What about kills?
4chan thinks my post is spam for some reason so i pastebinned it

What support loadout should I use to unlock the BAR ?
pouch & syringe
airburst mortar, ammo crate, gas grenades, whatever gun you want
I don't think that will get him very far
Good advice anon, fuck the spam filter

So howitzer it is?
Madsen or mg15 limpit charge, ammo pouch, gas or impact nades
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impact grenades are pretty useless this time round
the fuse on frags is so short and incendiaries are pretty much a direct upgrade to impacts
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>have a 4 kdr in TDM match
>pull off a bullshit lucky kill using the gewehr 95 (iron sight version of course)
>get accused of hacks
Eh I like them if I run into a group headfirst, you're almost guaranteed to lose a gunfight so might as well hit them with it.
So. Is weapon customization gonna be a thing or is it always gonna be presets?
Getting accused of hacks turned you into an Agata cake who fucks shotas?
thanks doc
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Again it thinks it's spam for some reason, idk what's up with this shit:

who /acepilto/ here?
but in that case an incendiary would be much better
How so? They just walk away and go prone, I almost never die to those.
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it makes them panic plus it cuts them off and lets you retreat or just spray them down
Is the Mannlicher 95 going to get nerfed?
Why would it be?
You've convinced me, I'll give them a shot.
Once again, good advice. The only problem I have with the breakthrough tank is it seems to do no damage to enemy infantry.

Is there a specific situation in which you switch from regular shots with the flanker to canister? I've never really had a situation come up that I find one is better than the other.
it's so fucking good
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Any Aussie want to have a game or two with me?
So how many % of my enemies and allies will be black now that i bought the game?
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:/ my best weapon
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Canister has a faster time to kill with direct bodyshots, up close it kills faster than the HE cannon, it's easier to hit because of the travel time. Use the HE for long distance targets that are stationary like prone snipers and what not, and use it's splash damage to damage people through windows, doors, corners etcetera.

Sometimes when running away and in a hurry trying to escape infantry it's better to use your HE and shoot at their feet doing a mix of direct and splash damage to make sure you kill them before they can damage you with nades.

I switch between the two all the time, you have to get a feel for them to really understand. For example on amiens if you see people crossing the bridge it's easier to shoot canister than HE.
Remember that HE does splash but is much harder to hit and vs no surface to splash on you're just making it harder for you, canister is easier to use on moving targets with no surface to splash on.

The reason why I like the breakthrough tank is because the side cannons have splash damage, that usually scares infantry more than just LMGs.

Other than that just play and get a feel for the weapons, flanker tank is underrated I still think it needs a buff to it's movement speed, but that's another story.
vehicle abuser
scouts are usually black, except for the austria and italians
I think one of the cavalry is also black

Maybe 25%
Pro vehicle player*
woops, meant for >>158542049
>level 59

imagine being this lonely
It was my summer vacation, I had tons of fun. Also when you have 50k score every match you level up very quickly.
When ur gud, u rank up quick.

I'm not ashamed of playing Battlefield religiously.
I have more than 2500 hours in BF4 and I don't feel like I play it all that much.
That is very impressive, I guess it's time to get good with the flanker tank. Sadly I don't run with a group so unless I'm very lucky most people just use my tank as a mobile spawn.

Now here's a question: What tank do you prefer for tank duels, and what are your general strategy for tank duels? I find they open you up for every tom, dick, and harry to try and get some easy shots in while you try to come out on top.

Do you engage? do you just play at long range? as a tanker I feel responsible to engine-kill the enemy tank if nobody else seems worthy.
get gud hillnigger
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>keep getting killed by the 10A
>man this thing seems OP
>unlock it
>it is
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I play solo 90% of the time. You don't really need people to help you out at all times, in BF1 nobody runs engineer with repair tool anyway.

For tank duels the best are the Mortar and Flanker, why? Because the mortar tank has splash damage even if you miss, so if you don't do a direct hit you still do a lot of damage to enemy tanks, direct hits can two shot other light tanks, most of the time it's a three shot kill.
With the flanker tank you can harrass and cancel repairs and constantly put a good chip damage on any vehicle, even if you don't kill them you're sure going to scare them and make them run away, people hate to get BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG on their tank, it makes them panic and run away. The normal tank is the worst because it has 4 shots, and they take forever to reload if you miss just one shot you already have to wait a lot to finish off your kill.

The general strategy is to try to sneak up on tanks and shoot them on the sides or the back, shots on the back deal extra damage. You can easily two shot a light tank with two backshots or sideshots with the mortar. Always try to keep on the offense as if you start dealing damage first your chances to win the 1v1 are higher.

Distance is a tricky thing because it depends on your tank and how much ammo you have. The closer you are the easier it is to land your shots, but also the easier it is to get shot back. WIth the mortar tank always sneak up and shoot up close becuase it deals massive damage, with the flanker tank always stay away because it deals less damage than other tanks so you are very likely to lose a 1v1 up close but at long range you have the advantage, as you can keep shooting trying to gauge where to aim and come out on top. Tank duels in BF1 are much simpler than other BF games so you're in luck, in BF1 it's mostly who shoots first and not missing your shots.
not the guy you're talking to, but how do you aim with the mortar?

I tried it in an empty server and there doesn't seem to be any way to aim it.
I wish I could study at your treads for many moons comrade. It is good to get this feedback. Any other parting words of wisdom, anything you think might be worth keeping in mind?

Any nasty tips?
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If it's anything like it was in the beta, (and I believe poster you are asking said it was changed) the shot has a severe arc, which was easier to compensate for at close range. I'm not sure if it's the same. Tankfag will have to enlighten us.
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At close range the trajectory is pretty flat, but as it travels it drops quickly, more than a bell it's like a slope. You have to know that the range is limited compared to other BF games, you can't just aim up and expect it to go very far.
My only answer to it is "get a feel for it". That just means practice until you get it right, at one point aiming it should be second nature and you shouldn't spend any time or mental effort into aiming it other tan perhaps trying to predict the movement of the enemy vehicle if it's moving.

All tank cannons are mostly feel, there is no rangefinder that can tell you where to aim like the notches on a sniper rifle, you have to use it until you get it right and can "feel" the gun.

Usually if the tank is roughly the same size as the reticle you have to aim about three to four tanks up, but that can vary.

You could watch my stream or watch my replays. I actually started driving vehicles last month, of my 2500 hours of BF4 more than 2400 are on infantry, I kid you not I have less than 50 hours in the main battle tanks in BF4.
I just learned from the best tank player on US, I was with him on teamspeak as his gunner and paid close attention to all he did and tried to understand it and replicate it, I went from being mediocre at best to getting kicked and shit talked on chat. All you gotta do is practice and believe, and every time you die ask yourself why, what did you do wrong.

It was changed, in the beta the trajectory was different, as was the travel speed. Now it's a bit different, hard to explain exactly how it's different.
What I mean is , when I try to practice in an empty server, there is literally no way to aim aim the gun.

There's no reticule and moving the mouse doesn't seem to do anything and I can't appear to change the range or angle in anyway away aside from aligning my tank with a direction. Is that how it's suppose to work? Or is it just a quirk of being in an empty server and not a real game.
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Also general tips

>Don't be greedy, greed is your number one death cause, low on ammo, lost some health or not in a very good position? maybe it's not such a good idea to try and move up and shoot at that infantry, chances are they have rockets ready for you and you die
>constantly switch to third person camera, and i mean all the time, any time you're not aiming switch on and off to the third person cam, it lets you see around you (increase your vehicle fov to the max in the options, it only affects 3rd person cam so you can see the most around you)
>When being charged or swarmed by infantry prioritize your targets, assault has to go down first as they have the at grenades and rocket guns, then snipers as they have k bullets and then supports as they have wrenches, mortars and limpet charges, if there's a large mass of enemies you might want to even ignore the medics a bit, even give them a chance to revive some of the people you kill so you can kill them again and get what is essentially two kills for one kill.
>Always keep your front towards the enemy, it's the strongest part of your vehicle and the one that can take the most damage
>if you have a mouse with side buttons bind the large map to one of them and bring it up all the time to see where people are so that nobody can sneak up on you or you know where to head and which way to take to be facing the enemy and maximize your killing potential
>when using the mortar tank the LMG has the same spread mechanic as the support LMGs, that is the first few shots are inaccurate but if you hold it down it becomes more accurate then loses accuracy again, try to learn the timing so you can kill people at longer ranges than usual
>destroying buildings causes rubble, if you shoot at a building's roof through a window where you know an enemy infantry unit is it will cause the roof to collapse and damage the person, most of the time killing them or wounding them badly
I hope we get a DLC like close quarters

They were the best maps (sans apartment) for infantry combat

This shit is fucked
after a few minutes of gameplay I get
>directx function "getdeviceremovedreason" failed with dxgi error device hung
and it crashes.
Anyone else dealing with this trash?
Filter thinks it's spam again so pastebinned for your pleasure: http://pastebin.com/hzUAkE6n

Are you using DX12? You might wanna try turning it off.
Sure, feel free to drop the info for stream or replays. Tanking in BF1 for me is what I enjoy doing the most. Really being a force multiplier or being such a pain the enemy team has to do something about you.

Also, that pic man, people get so fucking salty when they die. I parked my arty truck on top of the hill, on the Monte Grappa operation, right after the attacking team takes A, B,C.

At that range you can pretty much hit anyone on the fire-blackened hill. Started to get some of the same kind of responses. At that range you're almost impervious to counter attack as well. Plenty of time to range the target.

I do agree, most of the tank guns are a by-feel kind of thing. At a point you just understand where the shot will go and how it will travel.

This though>>158544201
I am unsure of, shouldn't you always have a targeting reticule??
Already responded it in >>158544587
but yeah.

This is my stream hitbox.tv/SuzukaSama have a couple of vids you can watch of me driving tanks and LAVs, they're usually 20 to 40 minutes long. I don't have any vids of BF1 tank driving because I haven't had any interesting round that I'd like to upload.
whats best weapon for scout if I want to get up close?
Good tips, I feel like I am on the right track as I already do most of this. The FOV is very good to know. I'll have to adjust that and play with it.

Any situations that you consider No-go's, beside the general overextending, and getting surrounded?

Here's a question I haven't asked. Do you ever leave your tank? Is there a situation where you would abandon the tank? Or is that just game over. If so, which tankers gun is the best
Been playing support more in BF1 than the past few BF games, because I see more than enough K/D seeking assault/scouts on my team.

What is the "best" gun. I have never had issues keeping my score/kills high until BF1, mainly because I feel they really nerfed how lmg like guns work. Generally getting 1.0 to 3.0 k/d depending on what my goal is that match. Mostly from things like melee, pistol, mortar, grenades and vehicles/emplacements.

Support guns are out ranged by other class options. Then they are under dps/accuracy when up closer compared to SMG/shotguns.

I know I am stating the obvious about support. Just wondering what people like for their weapons.
Bookmarked, you should definitely upload some BF1 some time.
whats the best FOV? at what point does it start to fisheye
110 for smg, shotgun
80~ for mid range laser beams with mondragoon/BAR

Yes, i switch FOV between classes
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Also if you think that image is funny you can watch the entire round on my channel, the video is called "Pretty good tank round on Propaganda". Seeing the salt in real time is priceless, shame about the bad stream quality because then I still hadn't figured out the best settings.

I'm trying to put together a compilation of chat salt right now. But I want more before I make the image.

Okay there really isn't much to say of no gos other than if you know there's more armor than you can handle, ie there's two light tanks instead of facing them off or even shooting at them ignore them and wait for them to split up, once they're alone they're easy to kill. Remember that the odds are stacked against you most of the time and you have to play around that, but most players forget or ignore sticking toghether with their allied armour, you wait for the right moment to strike and then kill them before they can fight back.

In BF1 there is no reason to leave the tank, due to the boarding animations it's far too risky. The only way it could be justified is if you have 100% cover from sniper fire but your tank is still being shot by K bullets, you can repair faster than the K bullets damage you, but make sure not to get shot, I would NOT recommend it at all unless you like having your tank stolen. Stolen ten tanks already because people get off. Best tanker gun is imho the P08 artillery, huge mag fast rate of fire and good damage, not like you'll be using it anyway if you do things right.

I will when I get quality stuff worth uploading, otherwise just watch me play BF1 live, or just play with me.

I use 104 on everything with uniform soldier aiming and ads scaling off.
I like the BAR Trench for hip firing or MG15 Supressive for longer range firing.

BAR telescopic is oaky for longer ranges too. I hear good things about the Benét–Mercié, but I don't use it much.
where's the cheapest place to buy a cdkey?
Absolutely, what is your origin tankbro?

Bar doesn't have enough ammo. Lewis seems to be the best next to the madsen, but madsen has less ammo and retardo mag in way of view. Benet and mg seemed good at first, but slowly turned out to be worse in comparison to lewis/madsen.
is there some kind of trick to bayonet charges? ive stopped inches away from some dude with my bayonet making contact with his hitbox only for him to shoot me dead no less than a dozen times

meanwhile ive been bayonetted through windows and around corners by guys who are 5 meters away from me
Uniform soldier... Is that console?
The Gewehr M. 95, I use the carbine variant and it's amazing
If you live near BestBuy and have GCU, then that would be.

Maybe another site will lower soon, but they are all more expensive as of now.

I'm not at home right now and won't be for two days, but on saturday I'll be free to play again.

I still prefer the BAR, as to me it feels like an assault rifle from previous games.

No uniform soldier aiming is an option that was introduced in BF4 that makes the aiming sensitivity the same across all instances, that is hipfire, ads, scoped (no matter which magnification) have the same exact sensitivity. This is great for muscle memory as it lets you be much faster at aiming and killing people. It's similar to the option in CSGO. Personally I can't live without it. Try to turn it on and adjust the coefficient and see how you fare with it. ADS scaling means that your hipfire fov is also applied to ads so instead of having your fov be narrowed down to 60 when you aim down sights you retain a much larger fov, it decreases felt recoil and gives you a wider field of view, giving you an edge in firefights, though it makes seeing people afar a bit harder.
I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but it's an option in controls I think. Try it out
I just don't like how few rounds the BAR gets. Possibly because they made the accuracy/damage of all lmg a little worse than necessary. I sometimes miss a round or two due to random spread from longer range. I have never managed more than 2 kills a mag with the BAR in fair situations.
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>fao fortress
>ADADADAD on top of a hill
>watch as 10 snipers tank their accuracy trying to hit 1 person
Request sent, have a look around for Victusxen

I'm off to play a few games and see if I can't put some of this advice into practice. Thanks again
i'm in australia unfortunately

thanks anyway
Lewis is trash, bar is the best.

It would be great if it had more than 20, but trading a lot of kill speed just to have more mag capacity is not a good trade.
Madsen outdoes for killspeed if that is what you want. Lewis has more accuracy and doesn't suffer from small mag size among other issues the BAR has.
Well you gotta make those rounds count, think of it this way, you have the advantage with the BAR in most scenarios due to the nature of it's recoil and damage and spread. All you have to do is get better at managing ammo, which comes from being better and learning to predict when to stop shooting before you get the kill notification. Few people know that with a single AEK mag you can kill 6 people.

Madsen is only good at extreme close quarters and is better in hipfire in general, still it's accuracy at range is horrid and those sights are cancer, I liked it at first but ditched it quick.

You'll find that the Huot is surprisingly decent too once you unlock it.
I avoided even mentioning the bar since it is junk.
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>On Suez

>Fucking level 8 players with their SMLEs on the rooftops of the buildings

>Get my BAR and Limpet ready

>Systematically demolish every single building with the limpet mine
The bar has 50% better spread than the lewis, more damage and fire rate than the madsen and the lewis

It's not worth using things other than the bar trench for close-mid engagements.
The best lmg is junk? Interesting.
The way the Mannlicher carbine is good at all ranges makes me loud nigra
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>mfw using the GO GO GO voice command as a squad leader

Some of the details in this game are pretty cool. Nothing's better than hearing that whistle blow as you lead a group of your bros out of a trench and onto an occupied point.
So is BF4 dead
No, I'm still playing it every day and have no issues finding servers, well I do have issues finding servers I'm not banned form but there's tons of populated servers.
>Get the legendary kalibiri skin
Just end my fucking life god damnit
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Been rocking the Doughboy BAR since yesterday. Blasting mother fuckers in style.

I thought that war story was kinda stupid up until the end. An unreliable narrator is the best way to include such insane shit in a war game.
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So what is the point of the medic weapons?

>use optics/long range/sniping = get rekt by 5 scouts
>use them in close quarter with the fast firing/best hipfire one = get rekt by assaults/lmgs
>use it in hip fire/moving situations = get rekt by assaults

Only time you get kills is by surprise (at medium range) or if you fight vs another medic.

Source: All the situations I lose as a medic in, I usually win with other classes.
git gud

overall the medic weapons are the most versatile in the game and most of them are pretty good
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We're back at a KDR of 5 bois
austria got black support and italians are all niggers
Show your SPM, I bet its average.

You're right it is fairly bad/average at 650
hello tankfag
kdr means nothing in a game where you can just sit in a tank
medic weapons are fine.

support on the other hand is getting outgunned at all ranges
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nah cunt, bolt action only.

If I used tanks more I think it would be a lot higher
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Jesus Christ man
Support can at least kill niggers at close range, but medic (as soon as suppression/hip fire hits) is just dead.
>join game
>play for 2 minutes
>get battlepack

>scope fag

Gun is OP, let it be our secret.
Its my favorite bolt action as well, the normies don't know about it yet.
can i mod them out?

What, I thought you only get battlepacks when you actually played the entire round.
>he doesnt want to shoot bongos
>3 point conquests on PC
>no 40 player conquest on PC
You can only equip that on the telescopic one right?
You can put skins on any variant. That's true for any skin.
apparently not, because this just happened to me m8
Russian lever action makes me feel funny
Sexually funny

I am expecting to see a total of 10 dmg being dropped off its max at close range. Truly is a ridicules rifle, but the 200Ms less then the other snipers makes it seem less appealing. Along with no sweet spot mechanic on the gun, but hell I don't know when the last time I got a one shot body shot with the SMLE
Oh, that's annoying. I only play support and only use the bar, I just can't seem to get the doughboy, got 5 of the nigger pistol legendary skins and 2 mondragon legendaries.

Low SPM boltshitter farming is less skill intensive than a good tank driver that actually impacts the game while managing not to get zerged.

I think someone is jealous c:
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I bet I could put my sensitivity up to 100 and spin around like Reaper and still get kills with this thing
Yeah, especially since I just went to craft a battlepack and noticed they changed the revision.

Can I really not get the doughboy anymore? What the fuck

You haven't seen its true power until you use the Hunter version.
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Boltshitters have been a thing since forever, it's just than in this game they're more notorious because Scout is way too good.

I saw someone in BF4 with 8.2 k/d but his score per minute was 124 and his kills per minute something like 0.11

>mfw my friend is playing commander and he drops a cruise missile on him five times until he ragequits
Happened to me too
Weird. Well let's hope it happens to me sometimes too.
Pretty sure aiming down sights doesn't really give much of a benefit to shotguns in this game, unless it is slugs.
>spend whole game sitting at deployment testing my video settings and FPS
>get a battlepack for 300 something score
I just installed BF1 on my new system and played through the obligatory war story. While playing, the game would freeze up for 2-3 seconds. All action was entirely frozen, but sound was still playing

Has anyone had a similar problem?

heard something about sound drivers fucking with BF1, look into it
Also disable DX12
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>watching the map slowly turn red because everyone on my team is a gigantic pussy and wont fight on a flag and would rather get shot in the back as they get pushed out of objectives
What's the difference between Mondrogon Storm Optical and Sniper?

Optical I assume has a scope and that gives it a decrease in control and a boost in accuracy but Sniper boosts accuracy AND control with no on paper downsides What's the story here and which do I want?
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It's that 10% figure i've heard about in combat units. 90% of a unit does 10% of the killing. While the other 10% does 90% of the killing.
Storm you can fire faster without a huge loss in accuracy

Optical has the reflex sight

Sniper has a scope and bipod

Choose which one fits the playstyle you want.
>I also just discovered the MG with the sight and bipod.
which one
3 full squad with kolibri
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>M.95 skins in Revision 2 battlepacks

oh baby
Ok, and how do I unlock weapons? Most of them are filled in solid but I haven't bought any and the ones I don't want have an option to be bought and the others have a red option because I'm not high enough level.

I can't have unlocked these weapons though because I cannot select anything but the factory rigotti in operations.
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>its a your squad is the only one doing shit game
>Medics getting a bad rap
>Retards force spawning as soon as they die

Seriously? I'm throwing med pouches, laying med crates when taking flags.. Fucking rushing out and saving niggas. Just hate the rifles save the Mandrogon Sniper.
Need to reach rank 3 in the Medic class to have purchasing access to every weapon besides the rank 10 weapon.
that but im the only one in my squad
I am rank 3
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>Everyone in your squad is in the top 5 in the scoreboard.

Do you have enough Warbonds to unlock all the variants?
>Join a game
>Ends in 10 seconds
>Get a battlepack

Nice algorithm Dice
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The only ones that show a cost are grayed out
You can only buy them when you are in a game. It's stupid I know.
something is fucked up if you cant unlock the sweeper for example m8
What the fuck. This can't be real
It's true, if you wanna test them just join an empty server.
Just did it. This is the stupidest design I've ever seen
So, since all the guns are inneffective at range, except snipers, and all the maps are big and open, why they fuck am i playing assault? I feel like the other 70% of people in the games I play, who are playing scout, are having more fun
You're role forces to play the objective, unlike the hillniggers.
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>every second word isn't "cunt"

Missed opportunity.
I can't imagine sitting around doing nothing for 30 minutes can be much fun if you have any sort of mental capacity
Crocodile Dundee felt like the only Aussie in his story. I was expecting a Mel Gibson character to show up.
Amiens >>>> Mount grape >St quentin Scar > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sinai, Fao, Suez, Empire's Edge, Forest

>No snow maps
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>shoot random flare into enemy direction
>"Enemy hit"
>"Enemy hit"
>"Enemy hit"
>"Enemy killed"
All of the Ottoman maps can suck a dick.

Fuck Suez and that Forest Map.. Its always one sided..

Fuck Sinai because the Beta burned me out.. Amiens is tippy top tier.
It's so fucking obvious they designed the maps for console, there is no room to move at all at 64 players

Somehow this game is even more claustrophobic than RO2
These maps are better than onces in bf4 bf3
Not everyone having fucking assault rifles/carbines is a plus as well.
damage does not drop long distances like other shotguns
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I disagree, I know the game just launched but Locker is better than Argonne, Golmud/Shield/Banadar is better than Sinai, Propaganda, Zavod and Rogue are better than Blitz, St Quentin and Grappa and there really aren't any air maps.
Suez is horrid, there is no real CQ map yet in the vein of Ziba Tower or Hotel and there is no mixed heightened map like Karkand.

Amiens is amazing though and is already one of my favorite maps in the franchise, but most the other maps are meh at best. I especially hate Grappa and Blitz, and I quit every time Suez comes up.

This too, most maps funnel infantry like crazy into cramped lanes, and playing as a tank is not very fun on most maps.
Not being a /pol/fag here but when the fuck is soldier customization coming? I'm sick of having to be an Indian guy as medic on British Empire.

I don't mind that he's Indian, I would gladly play as an Indian bloke if he was an actual Indian, spoke Indian with an Indian accent. The equivalent of how the Italian medic says "casseta medica amico!" in an appropriate accent when he throws a bandage. The Indian medic on the other hand says "awwwwwwwwlroight guvnahh! oil ave ewe patched ap in nooooooo toime at awllllllllllllll" as if he was a fucking cockney chimney sweep. Modern English Indians don't have an accent as convincing as that, I can't imagine the ones in 1916 spoke that way either.

It takes me outta the game whenever I become aware of it and then I start noticing all the other lazy half baked pandering bullshit in the game for a few minutes.
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So how does this skill stat come into play?
What is your "skill"
How long does a battlefield game last? I've just played hardline because EA access and I'm thinking of getting BF1
64 man conquest is like 25-30 minutes on average

i think he meant the lifespan of the game in terms of healthy player numbers etc

this is actually my first BF game so i'd like to know too.
Also, anyone give me some thoughts on the best medic gun? besides the m1911 obvs :^)
>people who brag about being really good at battlefield in chat

I never got this, do people think BF is competitively viable or something?

until the next one comes out unless people don't like it
selbstlader m1916 optical

BF4 was released in Nov 2013 and is still going strong. BF1 will last as long.
Skill is kind of a worthless stat. In BF4 I can pad my skill up to 800 with playing Locker for an afternoon but then when I go back to tanks in larger maps it steadily drops back to 600.

It's just a correlation between your kills, deaths kills per minute, score per minute and accuracy, all gauged compared to your past performances. Which means that to raise your skill you have to consistently perform better than previous matches in the formula result of the aforementioned stats, if you play roughly equal skill won't increase or drop and if you do worse it goes down.

Honestly though it's not that relevant of a stat, I know amazing players with 500 skill and amazing players with 900 skill, it depends on how you play the game.

Thanks mate!

One has 26 rounds in a magazine.

The other has 10 rounds in two five round clips.

The choice is clear.
bf4 had multiple weapons and more vehicles. bf1 just has 4 weapons per class and just 2 variations of them. im already bored of the game got good 72 hours of it but not going to play again until dlc.
Mondragon is nice but theres no reason to pick it over the selbstlader
Dragonfags btfo
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tank hunter attack plane is so stupid it's fun
Keeping all models same is important for readability
>multiple weapons and more vehicles

So many weapons that all felt the same.

The tanks were just reskins of a generic "MBT"
I actually forgot BF4 had multiple tanks

I don't really like the new infantry loadout and weapon system but it works really well for vehicles

is the 1907 sweeper any good? ive used it a bit, but it seems to lack the rate of fire to be useful in CQB and has too much recoil to be useful at long range

my choices right now that im giving serious consideration are mondragon sniper, selb marksman or optical

i like the mondragon, but it has the same janky as fuck reloading and small clip as the cei rigotti so its entirely useless at close range

the selb optical is more versatile than the marksman and has linear vertical recoil making it super easy to get headshot/3 hit kills

i'm thinking selb optical is the best. am i missing anything?
In BF4 the ACE 53 sv has 26 bullets and the QBU-88 only 11. But which is the better weapon?

The stats on the mondragon are objectively superior to the selbstlader in everything but magazine size.
>muh magazine size
Don't waste your ammo and reload after every kill (like you do with the selbstlader anyway)
There were differences between faction vehicles in BF3 and 4. The US Scout helicopter is better than the Z-11, the T90 and Type99 MBT are better than the Abrams, the Viper is better than the Z11 and Havok.

In BF1 they're all the same for each side, only slight cosmetic variance between some vehicles like the transport jeeps and planes.
Try out the Automatic .25, its the fastest firing medic gun if you want a close in weapon. The 1907 Sweepers ROF can make you miss a lot of shots.

The only stat you'll notice the Mondragon is better in is its ROF. Which is pointless because slamming on the trigger as fast as possible just reduces your accuracy. The 1916 allows for a more slow and deliberate fire rate and helps with accuracy.
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>The US Scout helicopter is better than the Z-11, the T90 and Type99 MBT are better than the Abrams, the Viper is better than the Z11 and Havok.

There was no fucking difference. Just like how the planes in BF1 have no difference apart from their looks.
There is, the Littlebird's tail is shorter and lower, it can maneuver better in cramped spaces and is less prone to taking damage when landing because your tail does not hit the ground as often.
The Abrams has a flaw that the other tanks don't have, it's rear is much bigger, you can't shoot behind you properly like you can in the other tanks, making the rear of the abrams more vulnertable and harder to defend.
The Viper attack helicopter has a faster top speed than the other helicopters.

Also the Boats in BF4 are also different, on the DCV-15 the side gunners get convergence on the front, but on the RCB they don't, which gives an advantage to DCV crews.
>abrams literally cannot look down with the turret facing back
>no difference
Remember all those times you shot someone who was below you and behind you
yeah, never happened
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Anyone run into this nullbyte guy
Those are extremely tiny and almost non-existent gameplay changes. Its like saying "Oh yeah the M416 and M4 are so different. You can see a bit better with the M416"

The three tanks in BF1 are vastly different and accomplish their tasks in different ways. The tanks in BF4 were not like that at all.
Considering the gun actually aims up a little bit when looking back, it's a big disadvantage.
if you're shooting behind you, you have weak armor exposed, so it actually never happened because you were rotating around the moment you saw tehm
Qhats the difference in all the versions of the game?
They are not tiny, as vehicle player they are notorious.


Many times I've tried to shoot an engineer that was behind me while inside the abrams and had to instead of shooting immediately maneuver my tank to the side to be able to shoot him properly. It happens on the daily, it's something you learn to play with, but it's not "minor" by any means, if you played vehicles at all or rather, weren't utter shit with them, you'd know.

You do not rotate at all times, sometimes a single engineer can come up behind you and you want to kill him instantly with your cannon, which does not warrant turning your entire body fully or partially.
cosmetic stuff

just get the basic version and then buy the premium pass later if you think you'll want the DLC
You are completely reaching with your comparisons. The M1 Abrams having a bit hard time firing over its ass is not the same as the differences in the tanks in BF1.

In BF4 all of the tanks function exactly the same and go about their tasks exactly the same.
What the fuck are you talking about retard, I never said that those differences were comparable. I said there was nuance and differentiation between FACTIONS tanks nor tank types (heavy, light, landship).

I'm saying that in BF1 a slight, but notorious nuance and differentiation is loss by making vehicles 100% generic.
>tfw when rng doesn't give you a battlepack 7 games straight

i don't even give a shit about battlepacks, yet i want them
i got doughboy so im good forever
Nothing is fucking nuanced about BF4s tanks. In BF1 we have access to three tanks that do their jobs in different ways. In BF4 you are only given one option for a tank. The factions tanks are all the same, claiming one can't shoot over its ass is not some nuanced higher plain of tactical thinking.
Why is it fucking impossible to see anything?

I mean, anything in shadow is basically invisible

During gun fights, I'm getting out of ADS, because with all the effects (even with Everything except textures on Low) I can't see shit and just aim below the class icon

I mean, shit is fucked up and not good
MBTs in BF3 and 4 were more versatile as you could equip them in many different ways, in BF1 it's more railroaded or preset which role you can take with your vehicle.

And you can say whatever you want but I like the little details like having one vehicle be slightly different to the other.

By the way, BF1 tank warfare is the most bland and boring it's ever been in Battlefield.
press Q, use flares
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Generation War

It's on Netflix
I'm not talking about minimap spotting

I'm talking about 3d models, in shadows, or even just in overcast weather becoming impossible to differentiate at 20m from terrain once you start shooting
Should I buy this game?
I don't get much gaming time so it will be split between this and fifa, is the game any good?
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>Just noticed the new Battlepack Revision
>a golden fucking kolibri

As someone who only plays Support thank fuck I got that Doughboy BAR.
After I complete a codex challenge in the campaign can I just quit the mission or do I have to finish it
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>want the golden meme pistol
>buy 2 legendary battlepacks
>get the shotgun twice
You can just quit
suez, plant c4 at B leave and wait for enemy team to start taking it, blow it up
Could've been a hunter shotgun from far away. Individual pellets still have their own hitreg
Thanks dude
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Based rifle nade.

People dont get that BOOM is the one and true way. and all classes can do it
How fun are planes in this BF?

Are my autistic RoF skills going to be any use?

Actually how easy is it to get into any vehicle? As in how available are they? It used to be a mixed bag in the beta. Usually play BF for those.
You know K/D ratio as a sniper is useless.
Should I feel bad for never getting over 60 kills in a game like some people do? I never play tanks or planes, just running around.
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Mondragon op

yeah dude honestly all of the medic guns are respectable. I switch them out based on situation.

Except that fucking five shot peice of shit thing
Lewis Gun suppressive is a good alternative to the suppressive MG15.

It has lower spread and recoil.
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its the best unexpected feel
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How'd a Muppet like you pass selection?
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Who /a/ here?
Not this shit show again.
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>hitting all the fly boi, boi pussy with my dirty pom-pom.
Nah the most kills I've ever gotten is 50 but my Kill and Death ratio is around 4.5 according to the official BF1 stats page.
Is there going to be a lot of dlc for this game? Not sure if I should get vanilla or ultimate
there will be 4 DLCs
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>Search for a operations game
>it's always on the second map mid-progress
>get put onto the losing team when there's absolutely no way to win moments before it ends
>every fucking time
I agree with the top 3 but I like Sinai and Forest

Would love a snow map. The Caucasus Campaign (Ottoman's vs. Russians) would be a great setting in future DLC, especially if they get the eerie feel of that region down.
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>support guns are weak meme
>try it out
>outgunning everyone at mid range
>performing decently at close range
>performing okay at long range provided I have cover to work with
>regularly squad wiping groups of 3-4 people when I get a good flank thanks to the lewis gun's massive magazine.
>average a 3 k/d ratio over 3 games and top score using the lewis gun for 1 game and making top 5 the other 2.
>haven't even touched the other, supposedly better lmgs yet.

You fuckers lied.
t. 0.97 KD

Support works when the other team is braindead for situational awareness. Then there'll be times where you're ADSing to kill one guy, have to put a million rounds into him, and when that's done you get gangraped by his buddies.

And then that happens 8 million times.

I'll also say this: Going prone in this game confuses the fuck out of most players. Either they have a hard time seeing you and you benefit from the increased accuracy, or they assume you're dead and stop firing, giving you breathing room to respond.

I could recommend just going prone every time you stop at a position, and see how that works for you.
There's one kind of Battlefield in Amiens and Argonne.

Then there's another kind of Battlefield in Monte Grappa and Fao's Fortress.
>going prone confuses people
This can't be real.

>tfw only got to put in 41 hours in the last week.

I don't know how else to explain it. I started doing it just to see what it'd do, and there have been dozens and dozens of firefights I've won that I KNOW I should have lost.
When I was outgunned by sheer numbers like that I just fell back and re-positioned to limit my exposure when firing or just avoided engaging altogether when a group of enemies were aware of my position.
The smaller medical pouch is underrated
>works on the move
>heals more
>can heal from a distance
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Daily reminder that the Eternal Jew is attempting to normalize miscegenation in popular media to wipe out the white race and breed a docile permanent underclass.

Resist the Jew.
How do I get better at plains?
What do you struggle with?
I try not to prone unless its to hide behind cover.

In my experience from both proning while being fired at and firing at someone who goes prone, it usually gets me or the other guy killed unless they are doing it to hide behind cover just because shooting at a barely moving target is just so much easier.

But if you have success with it, then I say go wild with it,
Being useful to my team and hitting ground targets and such. I can dog fight ok, but that's about it.
I joined on a friend, got in the instant the round ended and still got a battlepack.

Bind pitch and rudder (yaw) to WASD, Accelerate/Decelerate to right Shift & Ctrl. Mouse is for precise aiming and Roll.

Always fly Attack Plane: Good ground attack and you can put it in level flight or a slight climb when someone is on your tail, then hop in the gunner seat to annihilate them.
The true OP Medic uses both the pouch and crate. I've tanked several mortars to my face using both. I also get a metric fuckton of points by healing people.

Then go Attacker with the Gound Attack loadout. Liberally use the flares to spot ground targets over contested points (because snipers can't be assed to fucking spot enemies).

Practice doing a gun run with your HMGs then immediately dropping your pellet bombs as you swoop up. This nets between 1 and 3 kills per run, depending on how crowded a flag is.
wish we could have medipack rifle grenades
Jack of all trades, master of none - still better than a master of one.
You know the map with the torpedo boats?
I just drove my torpedo boat to their torpedo boat spawn and shot the empty boats for half the game and was at the top of the scoreboard for it
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how does it reward points for shooting empty boats?
No clue, but was getting vehicle damage, disable, and destroy points despite nobody having spawned into them

>> Frenchmen speaking German while being shot at by another German

I am confuse
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Some comics are published in multiple languages.

>Rent out of Redbox to give BF1 a shot (After getting burned by FPS in the past)
>Play through some of the campaign, its pretty neat
>Hop on multiplayer conquest
>Always a Medic so pick them
>Have a great game we win handily
>Next time try and play Assault
>Im kinda shit at FPS so I try and stick with a group
>Find a really high ridge and help capture a point
>Game tells me an Anti Tank Loadout (Or something like that) spawned near me
>Grab it
>Get a fuckhuge rifle, AT Grenades and some Binos
>Spend the rest of the match nestled under a ledge overlooking 4 points marking enemies
>Probably marked 50 people
>Even got to destroy a tank with my rifle

Holy fuck that was so much fun. I am in love. I hope I can eventually play that class. Im kinda shit at FPS so to be a pure support sounds amazing

Not sure if I want it for PS4 or PC since my PC is shit
holy shit it actually works.

thanks anon, time to farm class ranks
>oil of empires op
>partied with fellow Turkish warriors
>get fucked on Fao by multiple heavy tanks
>not before we burn a battalion
>get to Suez
>sniper fire
>more tanks
>fire everywhere
>barely stop their second battalion on third sector
>fuck they have a behemoth now
>mfw the behemoth gets rekt, and our team pulls a glorious fighting retreat to the very last point
>for 75 tickets, we gun down every last British dog that tries to cross the no man's land between our position and the village
>Our oil is safe from the imperial British aggressors once more
holy shit the 95 gehwrglrlglrl is insane, which version of it is the dankest?
Operations is great in theory but jesus christ it's fucking impossible to win on offense unless you are facing keystone cops defense
>give medics great weapons
>give medics extraordinary revive capability
>crates and basically healing grenades are nothing to scoff at either
>people just spam rifle grenades and use their teamates corpses as padding to crawl over

what are the condition for you to be able to spawn in a tank they dont seem to be on timers or is it incredibly long inbetween them now ?

how do you deal with germans camping in the fortress guns on mount grappe operation, its GG 9/10 becuase you cannot clear them out thanks to medics,nade spam, tiny corridor of death
go operations with a zeppelin. never leave the cannon gunner seat. alternatively get a model 10 and fuck everyones day up in cqb with gas
Empire's Edge right? I gotta try this shit myself.
just did it on fao fortress. the points go towards classes, just ranked up once
Oh shit nice. so both Fao Fortress and Empire's Edge would work then?
Really hope they don't nerf weapons and just buff others.
>Server Browser
>Join games that are 50% done already and with completely uneven teams

>Quick Match
>Join games that just started with even teams

Why did people want a server browser?
>tfw i have maybe 1 service star for a handful of weapons because I want to find my jam and i regularly see people with 10+ service stars with the game being barely a week old

I really don't see the point in putting every single game into 1 weapon even if that shit is really good like the model 10's or what have you. Shit like that just makes the game go stale too fast for me
Same here. Even though I love the Mondragon I just like switching it up sometimes with the M1907, Autoloader, Selbstlader etc.

Same with other classes.
funny thing is thats not even range compared to shotguns in bf4

I saw smoke help the offense on puffy mons in teh tiny corridors. Blow doors, throw gas and then throw smoke. They can throw grenades or fire blindly into the smoke but it can let you get among them.
>play RO2
>take the guy with the trench gun because why not
>jap point is a good 50m away
>point and shoot at some head sticking over the sandbags
>get a kill
If it's anything like in that game then it's really neat.
ADS is comfy. I know that especially in this battlefield hip fire is very solid but I just like the feel of ADS
>want to get C93
>levelling support takes forever
fuck my shit up famalamadinglingdong
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>it's a boche idiots would rather stand in the chateau sniping than get on the point episode
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Why is meleeing so satisfying bros

>not using the pickaxe
There is no point in the browser when there are no 3rd party servers. The mongoloids at DICE dont seem to realise this.
its the animations
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Don't have it yet

Yeah, and the sounds too. No other battlefield game has this satisfying meleeing
yeh I mean I don't know if this happens with other people, but I'm assuming it does.

>using xyz weapon
>bread and butter my shit up famalam
>several games, maybe several hours later start playing like a fucking mongoloid for absolutely no reason
>switch weapon/class
>immediately go back to skull fucking everything I can get my hands on

Don't know why but I've had this same hangup in every online FPS that i've ever played

Full choke and buckshot/fletchette rounds on BF4 have what I would call a pretty realistic range to them but slightly better than realistic performance in my opinion. If you were rocking slugs you could countersnipe effectively up to a certain point.

I'll have to wait for HC to drop before I really form an opinon on this games shotguns but atm, outside of the model 10 variants, they seem to be downgraded in several aspects

>can't fire the shotgun when you bayonet someone

DICE pls
Can the shell chase cam be disabled? I know it's useful but I hate shit like that in games.
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Died several times when doing the melee sprint because you can't fire your weapon nor can you stop in your tracks
the lack of a counter system outside of bayonet jousting and wonky backstabs are a bit of a let down to be honest. Still very visceral and brutal though so it's satisfying to say the least

and don't get me wrong I don't mean an outright counter system like BF4 but a little tussle when you swing at the same time wouldve been cool
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Agreed, that would've been nice to have, albeit is is very satisfying meleeing someone when they look at you and can't do anything about it
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>all these PCucks crying because they're game keeps crashing

Lmao how's it feel knowing you paid upwards of 1,000 neetbucks for a "superior" machine that doesn't even work half the time? I can hit one button on my xbone and play all day with no problems.

>b-but muh frames!
>m-muh kb+m!
>muh grafix

Lol are those measly things even worth not being able to play the game nearly half as much as console players can? Is your faggot elitism that important?
melee not always being instakill makes it so more intense
since you both start swinging your weapons
Really enjoying the game but I want some more gore
oh no doubt. Actually on that note has anyone experienced and melee animations with the pickaxe/hatchet that also involve other strikes besides just the weapon strike?

Maybe I've just missed it but most of my melee kills are backstabs and I hadn't noticed any other animations from the front except for burrying it in their clavicle
working on all platforms?
>complaining about black soldiers

why buy the Politically Correct version (PC) then you retards?

lmao this is why I play on ps4, no blackies here

feels good
Cause spotting is broken right now
Here's your (You), don't go spend it all now.
spotting is based on the spotting range of your gun
>nerf medic
What the fuck is this shitty new meme all about?
No it isn't you god damn retard.
it's not even a meme. This kids just a shitcunt who can't manage to git gud.

medic in and of itself is fine. The people who play it on the other hand not so much, I have found them to usually be more competent at actually playing a medic on larger game types, but thats purely anecdotal and experiences may vary
The only problem i have with medics are that they just don't fucking revive at times even though they're right on TOP of me. I also think that skipping revives is stupid as fuck, about to revive some but instead they say fuck you i don't need that shit.
>about to revive some but instead they say fuck you i don't need that shit.

when the revive icon is flashing it mean they are skipping so you can just ignore them
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>Bayonet actually has some downsides
>game doesn't tell you them
Im really not sure if you're serious. Medic weapons are perfectly capable of handling engagements at most ranges.

Will you get beat by smgs/shotguns/lmgs at close range sometimes? Yes, because of obvious reasons. Will you get outranged by snipers sometimes? Yes, but really medic rifles do everything fairly well up to certain point unless you're just fucking bad

But to say that a multi role weapon capable of doing all that, is worse than other weapons that solely shine at cqb or solely shine at range is fucking dense
>slightly slower to fire after sprinting

anything else?
Yea but i don't want them to skip i want them to live
maybe they are sick of living

like me ;_;
I mean I feel like thats everybodys problem with medics, or rather the dildos that play them

>miniscule downsides

why would they even bother telling you that you shave off a fraction of a second from sprint to ads?

I saw in the tutorial vid "accuracy" in general,
The bayonet charge ability is too good to give up
You were one of the ones that got away. I'm sorry, things would have been different if i was there.
>teammate gets legs blown off by a grenade
>revive him
>he now has to play without legs
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>people playing without bayonets

Nigger it's WWI, immerse yourself
I just tried it. Fao's Fortress sucks because the enemies can easily kill your boat with stationary weapons since it's so close to spawn.

However, on Empire's Edge it's way easier since the boats are so far from the spawn.
Fuck, it's damn near impossible to win the Iron Walls and Oil of Empires operations as attacker.
>teammate gets char broiled
>inject the jerky stick with life
>revives uncontrollably screaming in agony
>runs around looking like a fresh burnt match leaving a smoke trail everywhere he goes
>throw nade
>334 damage
>no kills
I tried G.95 Carbine
I just don't for some reason like it over Infantry
Don't bother saving up battlepacks for the next cycle of skins lads
I learned that the hard way
Man imagine if they made a ww2 expansion to this game. Like Vietnam to BC2. With BF1's engine, destruction, and so on a ww2 game could be fucking cool
As long as they add more black people because its closer to current year.
Give it a bit.
I was the same too, but only because I was used to the full rifle.
Take some time and warm up to the carbine, I think it's worth it.
civil rights dlc confirmed
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Who here /gotthedoughboyBARbeforethepackschanged/?
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Black Nazis.
Got it twice :-(
How does the weapon unlocking work? Will it take me forever to get guns?
You level up and get Warbonds that you can spend on literally anything you want as long you meet the level requirements of the gear.

I unlocked everything I gave a shit about in the first twelve hours.
I assume the levels are class specific? But that means I can save bonds if I don't want some guns at low level and unlock a top level one instantly for example?
You won't win a long range fight against snipers or a close range fight against anything unless you would have won with any other weapon in the game.

The weapons are not good, calling them overpowered is laughable.
>winning a conquest game by 200
>destroy their behemoth quickly
>team starts to get lazy
>everyone is a scopenigger
>they comeback and win by 2 points
Wish you faggots will stop skipping your death as soon as i get close with my syringe.
Mondragon v the Selb?

I've been using the Selb because the 1337fags told me to but I find its difficult to get kills because of the recoil and having to wait for gun to drop back into position to fire again accurately

Does the Mondragon have this issue?
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>BOOM is the one and true way.
Yes, class specific, and say you don't want the rifle that unlocks at level 2, you can just keep playing and buy the one that unlocks at level 3 instead.
I didnt say they were overpowered now did I? I said they have the capability to get the job done in multiple situations

Whether or not you have the capability is on you killer
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So I just picked this up last night on Playstation 4 after playing it at the EA event at E3. Holy shit this is intense. Everything is amazing! Is this what they call fun? I only wish I could leave between matches. But so far this is everything I wanted and more.
Day of rope for scopeniggers when?
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>10 kills with AT grenades
go into the forest and just chuck at shit everywhere
>PS4 trophy Support Enlistment - reach support rank 2
>very rare 7.9%

Most games have trophies drop off after like 4 hours
Why do yall niggas hate Suez?
If you made the original post about them being rape everything at every range death machines, then yes, you did. If not, who the fuck are you and why are you talking to me?
Because it's worse than Argonne
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>your emblem shows up as an imprint on your gun

this is awesome, never noticed it before
Anyone from the UK wanna squad up on PS4?

Sick of playing with retarded team mates all the time..
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>console shitter
I did not. I came in what is apparently the middle of a long cluster fucky trail leading back to a retard who thinks med is op in some way

I was just replying to this >>158567762 in defense of what medic rifles actually are. They really are a good multi role weapon though regardless of how this got started. Never said that they are the end all be all of every situation, just that they are good enough for most
Why doesn't it work when I try to make a custom emblem in the browser console?
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I need to play support to unlock the BAR to see it on the doughboy
Once B is captured by a team you'll never will, not to mention abunch of sniping faggot's and grenade spamming niggers.. I love trying to take a flag or spawning just to die to one of these.
>dominate beta
>suck at the release

what happened?
>PC mustard race

look I get it, I really do. PC is better in a variety of ways, but save the high horse shit for when your toaster actually runs the game properly
Shitters got the game as well.
>argonne forest
>go support
>get good hipfire weapon
>get gas grenades
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ultra @ 120 fps

They are workin on addin this.
>muh frames

does your framerate help the bugs, crashing, and horribly fucked UI on PC?
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great, I don't have any of them.
Never had any PC-specific bugs.

Never happened to me on DX11.

>Horribly fucked UI
What do you mean?
I'm on your boat but on the US but on Xbone.
So every report of problems on PC was a lie or youre the snowflake who just doesnt have problems ever

What a wonderful life it must be you double nigger
All shows up on the side of vehicles you drive and patched onto your arm sleeve on your uniform
stay mad consolekiddie

how's that sub 1 KD treating you? top lel
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OP shotgun.png
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>first battlepack of the new revisions
>get this
Pretty boring for a Legendary.
>caring about K/D

What are you a COD shitter?
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I only have Legendary skins in my inventory. Feels good.
>Goal is to kill enemies and capture objectives
>He doesn't care about his K/D ratio

Spoken like a shitter.
Did they nerf the MODEL 10 hunter? What's all the hype about I can't even one shot anyone up close
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>Wow dude you're already level 52? Don't you have a life??
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step up
What's max rank
Fuck that stupid forest level.
I haven't played BF4 since Final Stand was released
Is the JDAM still shit
>forest is nothing but flanking spots
>15 scouts
>0 flares
well do you?
Just had my first crash on Sinai Desert after 50 hours of playing BF1. Wonder why that happened.
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>20 kills in a round of tdm
>always end up at 18

>huge fucking blob at C, 70% of the team is there stuck in a meatgrinder
>enemy backcapping your first flags and rest of your team desperately tries to stop them
Guess the map.
Fao or Blitz
>find a comfy little nook close to the front
>start picking off people with the Gewehr M. 95
>firing spotting flares directly into people
>using the pericope to laser target people
>watching them get turned into mince every time

Scout is a pretty comfy class.
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yes please

not a ukfag tho, same timezone however

psn Filleone
>lost other 4 flags and C starts uncapping
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Try being on the tank on Fao trying to get C and B capped and suddenly all the flags on your back start uncapping.


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>try to cap G back
>there is some cunt scout hidden in the mountains pepping you with shots
>hide behind mountain
>scout snipes you from the fortress
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bf2143 when?
squads autolock if you join as a party and people are dumb
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Despite all the black/tumblr/pol stuff and the mostly terrible weapons, I have to say the operations and the voice acting is extremely well done.

More of that please. Give us Verdun
my first destroyed vehicle with a k bullet... took me only like 5 days

>grinding to get hellblaster SMG
>already getting fucking worn out at level 3

Partially because I've lost probably at least 1 level maybe 2 to Dice/Nvidia's ineptitue crashing
just stay near a enemy vehicle and start shooting when its on fire. Also scout can use light tank nades.

I am impressed by this because the kill/min is pretty high. SPM is quite a bit lower than mine, but this is not a sniper i want to face on the other team.
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>when you accidentally step outside the capping radius and don't get any points
Can I make a smug anime girl emblem in BF1 or do I have to get premium to get layers like in BF4?
Also look into CPU usage if the other things dont help out.
It's ok, we know it's you.
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>Get doughboy in my 2nd battlepack
>11 games later and I still haven't had another battlepack

game says its playable at 33%, how does it look/feel at that point?
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holy lel, the boat score farming is working like a charm
holy shit i did the other 2 in just 10 minutes. i thought this will take ages
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Never had a match this good before.
I think it's just the SP
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Well it was a bitch but I finally got them

Thank god for "assist counts as kill"
>Thank god for "assist counts as kill"
This is genuinely Dice's best contribution to the FPS genre
No clue why literally no other game even considers this

It's pretty easy. You throw them with your regular grenades - especially gas. Someone distracted by gas mask + gas + gas grenade symbol might not notice the AT.


No-Mans land middle point is a pain in the ass.
overwatch has a version of this. gives credit for a kill to anyone that's done any damage at all.
If you're not using ADS then the trench variant is better.
is this one as bad as hardline?
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>join a Kaiserschlact
>half the squads are locked with two players
>other half literally never gives orders even after spamming request 20 times
>make my own squad
>constantly get dug in on flags behind enemy lines killing like 10 people and cap
>die because no one ever joins my squad to spawn on me so we can keep the flag
>lose at last sector
>top of scoreboard
>1st flag capturer
>1st squad contributor
>no battlepack
>winrate just gets worse

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>placing anti tank mines all around a house, aiming a shotgun at the mines, and waiting for a group of people to walk in
>On the Top 5 with my squadies
>Not one of us gets a BattlePack.

Dice fix the battle pack algorithm
dude, just buy some and stop whining

Here fampai
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I can use my BF4 emblem just fine in BF1.
Is there any fix for the bug where you can't move at all?
get good you shitter
top player always gets a battlepack
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>full bayonet charge
>hits faggot, doesn't kill anim
>faggot kills me

>still trying to play this shit

That's literally bullshit I've been #1 almost every single match I've played and I've only gotten three battlepacks.
I tried using a senjougahara one and couldn't get it to work but the konata one I used in BF4 works fine
I dunno want to tell you, I've gotten like 20 packs at times when I wasn't even listed as recieving a pack, but I was top scorer in the game.
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>every match i play
>oh look every plane is taken
>jump into one of the bombers to be a gunner
>spawn and see the parachute of the pilot
>hit the ground while trying to switch to the pilots seat
>get a team kill because there was another one on the bomber
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>people who take the plane just so they can sneak behind enemy lines and do ebin infiltrator shit
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>Run at a flametrooper who is surrounded by enemies
>slap the fuck out of him with a pickaxe
>everyone begins shooting me but it's already too late as I cave his skull in with it
>watch the medics try revive him
>tfw they can't

Calvary is just my version of a knight, I find it much easier to run around and sabre people than just shoot them.
Usually they just fly over to the farthest point and enemies shoot them before they even have landed with their parachutes. Either that or they try to capture C or D points and that usually ends up with them getting beheaded by the first enemy cavalry that arrives before the point is captured. I wish you could kick people for doing that shit
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Am i good at this game?
Not really, but as long as your k/d is above 1 you're not on the "uninstall the game already" tier.
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>bunch of medics all within 10m of you
>not a single revive

Nothing ruffles my feathers more than this
If you're playing the objective you're fine
How do you pronounce SMLE?
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield
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>Have played nothing but Kaiserschlacht operations for the last 2 days
>Get put into the defending team every fucking time
Is playing as a Jerry just once too much to ask for?
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>tell medics people can see them running away
>2 people on the other team start calling their medics too
Seriously what the actual fuck dice

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How do you pronounce Automatico?
I don't know why exactly but I'm really struggling with this game.
do you want to lose?
Im always in the top 5, is everyone i play with just absolutely retarded?
Not rushing him.. Pickaxe is slow as fuck.
Of course. This your first battlefield game or what?
Maybe don't force repawn as soon as I get there.
>start my own squad
>actually set objectives
>ez top 5
So i know there are private servers and stuff, but are you actually able to customize it?

Like can we have a server that enforces faction specific weaponry, more bolt actions, etc?
>from one day to the next
>can no longer join squads
>can no longer drive vehicles, or look around while sitting in one as a passenger
>lost about 20 fps on average
What the fuck happened?
I've been looking at anime emblems on emblemsBF but none of them seem to work at all
Yes, first time playing battlefield?
Kill yourself
At least use a subtle one like pic related
It's weeb as shit but nobody knows
How often do you guys see the train taken down on Suez?
yes, it's your good squad vs their good squad usually and then the rest are retards to make it 32v32
The companion app lets you use your BF4 emblems in BF1, so I just clicked it and set it.

I think you need premium for the 40 layers for most of them though.

>beta get 150fps medium with some settings on high
>release get 70fps on ultra and FUCKING 60 on lowest

Can't play infantry without muh 150 fps
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>implying people don't get mad as shit when you're shitting on everyone in the tank with the smug anime girl emblem

The amount of times I've read "fucking weeabo tank noob" and the likes makes it all the worth it.

>inb4 waah muh subtle
If you're good at this game you can have a cock for an avatar and you know everyone will be mad at you.

Just last night playing
>If I see that smug anime girl one more time
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>tfw getting gud with the martini, taking quick shots around corners wiping out squads, and long distance shots
it's like the kar98 in DoD (we dont speak of Source) all over again!
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>> Anime faggotry
>> Not making your own emblem

Fins first into hell you filthy weeb!
>Join a rush game to get the medal for it
>Join one with 2 minutes remaining
>I end up being the only attacker to actually plant a bomb, finish top of the leader board from 2 minutes of me playing
>End up plugging my mic in and bitching everyone out for being so fucking useless that they couldn't find their arse with both hands

Why do video games make me so mad

Because you assume other pkayers are at your own level of competency when the rule of averages dictates they're all pathetic shitters.
Better than the average Battlefield player.

But you're not good.
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even in death I still surf.webm
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>Do what you must. I have already won.
>wasting a single minute of your life into making an emblem

No sorry I got better shit to do.
I swear DICE intended that choke point to be the place where you power level Assault.

Load it up to blow and watch the vehicles come in bulk especially on Operations.
How much would a PC that can run this shit well actually cost? Ignoring peripherals obv.

Sounds to me like you've got plenty of time TO BE PATHETIC
1v1 me golmud no APS
I cant get my sensitivity right in this game. In BF4 I have the in game slider at 45% /w 800DPI and it feels perfect. On BF1 the same settings feel too fast, I have to lower it to 30% sens in game.

I'm trying to get the exact same sens at BF4 since thats what I'm used to.
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>Ballroom Blitz
>Entire fucking team keeps throwing themselves into the meat grinder that is defense at C
>No one fucking realizes that the other team has capped every other fucking goddamn point
>I'm the only one trying to defend D or E

I've never been more mad in my fucking life. I actually felt ill when the game ended. I'm going to get a fucking hernia because of this shit. How do some of these month breathing mongoloids breathe and walk at the same time
Round $600 bux. i5 and 470, enough for ultra 1080p.
It varies depending on your FOV, try to have the same fov as in BF4.
I have an i5 2500k and a 780, from what I was reading about the min/rec specs, I thought that would be nowhere NEAR enough. Bearing in mind I am on 1440p. But High would do for me.
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Seriously what is the win percentage of attackers on Operations? 2% 3%?
This is why I play tanks, so I can solo cap points reliably and if my team is just being a retard that doesn't care about winning just farm infantry kills.

>omg this tank noob at the top of the scoreboard l2aim a real weapon
>t. bottom fragger recon on my team
Iron Walls op is lower
>3 map operations
>already wasted one of the batallions on the first 2 sectors
fuck that shit
Its not really that GPU heavy, anything around the 970/980/390/290/470/480/1060 etc cards can max it easy 1080p Ultra with 80+ fps.

Its more dependant on the CPU, 1440p high I guess a 480 or 1060 would do fine. I think your current setup will be good enough for 1440p high 60fps to be honest.
I envy you. On the rare occasion I get to spawn in a tank, I fuck up my positioning and die. I wish I could get more practice in but I lose patience waiting for a tank to become available.
Yeah I tried that and it doesnt feel right, then I checked their forums and the bf1 calculator isnt finished...

Might have to go and look for a tape measure and do it the old fashion way
You're just a little child >>158540359 just practice and don't worry anon, you'll learn soon enough
That's the only Operation i've won. I have been on terrible defenses but all it takes is to hold one point long enough and you'll win.
>Attacking last sector of Amiens theme
that'll do me m8, thank you.
45% at 800dpi? Jesus that's high, I use 12% at 400dpi and I still feel it's a bit too high sometimes.
So do we know the best game mode to grind battle packs on yet?

Kinda annoys me it's all RNG, but at least I'm not forced to sweat it out every game
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>when you're losing a game and think you're doing poorly but then you look at the scoreboard and see you're best on team and you can't do anything but be angry at your ill fortune
Yeah my wrist is on the edge of the table and I only use wrist to move the mouse pretty much
>keep getting that fucking driver GPU crash
>install new drivers that supposedly "fix" the problems
>now crash a fucking minute into the game
Over time you might want to try using a lower sens. It'll make you a better player.
You're at the Ballroom Blitz when this guy slaps your Medic's ass.

What do you do, Anon?
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>Be Squad Leader

>Doing your best to issue orders and support everyone

>Your entire squad is at the bottom and your at the top
Tell him to go away for being a post-war civilian airship.
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can someone explain to me why the fuck is there no hardcore mode?
Can you fucking imagine it? You'd wipe out your entire team with 2 gas grenades in certain parts of the map.
i dont really ever to that

no its been this way ever since 2142
i just never knew if i was good or everyone else is retarded
The game isn't really balanced for it at all is part of the reason, I'd imagine.
Chances are you are above average and you're experiencing the huge amount of average and below average players and thier shit scores.
This is most noticeable when the game launches or has a sale.

I still remember the 5$ sale they did for BF4 a couple of months ago, easy farming if I ever had it. Dem Shanghai attack helicopter flashbacks.
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>friendly fire from constant mortars and gas

wew that's gonna be something
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>The slow grind to rank 10 assault

I just want the 60 round monster SMG.
>flamethrower friendly fire
>tank side gunners friendly fire
>mortar friendly fire
>gas friendly fire
>nades friendly fire

I've always hated Hardcore but just thinking about this is giving me chills. Sounds masochistic at best.

>see that map name
>get the song stuck in my head
>trudging through the horrors of war to the tune of catchy pop-rock

Strange feels....
>squad leader
>hold Q and do select GO GO GO
>use whistle to motivate the forces
imagine grinding it because you want to use the revolver on other classes
this is me

The A 10 hunter shotgun is fun though.
I'm level 7 now. I get about one level per day.
whatever happened to that BF2 and 2142 revival

did it turn out to be a scam
i want the fucking auto-webley on all classes desu
File: 1476976993338.png (194KB, 439x372px) Image search: [Google]
194KB, 439x372px
>destroy 3 vehicles with K-bullets

New since we made it to page 10
Even that is an understatement
Unparalleled smg anon
nope still going strong
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