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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>Links and Resources

Last thread: >>158083821
I love Tharja!
tharja a shit
Azura a shit
Tharja a best.

Maybe you should have posted the link first instead of posting in your own thread, dummy.
Is there ever any reason to not take Luck as your Bane?
If you really really want to min-max -def is a better option. -luck takes a point off both mag and strength
Yes. It lowers certain stats, but I forgot what those were.
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Cherche is nice
Did Lucinafags really create a redundant thread just because they get upset by a Fire Emblem character they don't happen to like? That's sort of sad, actually.


Oh, I thought it would be more direct than that.
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I hated Tharja, but I liked Rhajat. Rhajat was like Tharja done right, she has a very clear and concise motive for stalking you and way better written. Whereas Tharja only mentions to you she was in love at first sight. She could fall in love with literally anyone at first sight. Rhajat's portrait also played the creepy factor a lot better which made her more of a niche character.
>I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more. And maybe then some. Your name is branded upon my mind's eye.
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Rhajat is great, we all know that.
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Well minus -luck is the best in any regular run because -def hurts a lot, and you won't even notice the minus strength/mag, nor will you be getting critted on a bunch of times.

Tharjas reason for loving you is actually explained on the official JP site, something about her having a dream of you obviously her remembering her past life as Rhajat

But yeah, Rhajats creepiness and stalking are actually much more justified here, and you can also say she's more of a creepy teenage girl than how crazy Tharja is.

Both are great though.
>she has a very clear and concise motive for stalking you and way better written.
I still thought it was a bit contrived. Becoming obsessed with Kamui over them saving her life was dumb, especially since he put her in danger by deciding to play with her near cliffs in the first place. It makes Kamui seem even more retarded that they'd do that. The whole situation seems like it was thought up as justification for extreme neckbeard wanking. The actual effort into making a good character was lost when they decided her whole personality would revolve around sucking the MC's dick.
I like Rhajat better in every way except for her voice. Her VA really overdid it this time around, she sounds really angry all the time for some reason. I don't know where they got that voice direction decision from.
>Her VA

Her VA is on strike just like all the VAs for every videogame ever
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>especially since he put her in danger by deciding to play with her near cliffs in the first place.
It was all according to keikaku.

Her Japanese VA did a much better job with it, I think it's more that Tharja in Awakening was extremely apathetic sounding so anything compared to that would sound a lot more passionate/angry even. But it also doesn't help that JP Rhajat was a Tharja lite while US Rhajat turned it up to 11, so they also made her voice do the same.
How could she be on strike while recording lines for her...?
i've only ever played one FE game.

pretty sure it was the one that was released in the west for GBA as just "Fire Emblem".

i thought it was ok, wasn't super into it even though i love turn based stuff like that. it was too puzzle-ish in its combat scenarios and there wasn't enough freedom to do what you wanted between the combat/missions. didn't like the story much either.

make sense to try any other entries or the series just isn't for me?
It was a dream about you raping her according to the drama cd
Give Awakening a try if you want a more straightforward type of game.
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>drama cd
It was this actually, I think. I don't remember anything in the drama cd relating to it


But yeah the dream was about giving her sexy times I guess.

But with Rhajats death quote and Femui supports and all I'm chalking it up to her remembering her past life.
Neat reclass system.
>But with Rhajats death quote and Femui supports and all I'm chalking it up to her remembering her past life.
>content made after the introduction of her character is the basis for her original character
She's not that deep you retard.
probably isn't for you because fe7 isn't that puzzlish compared to other entries. the stories aren't very good, and there's little to do in any game between chapters. I'd recommend fe9 if you wanted to try it out again, easily emulated with dolphin.
I still haven't fucking beaten Awakening on a legitimate difficulty like Hard. The problem is I keep getting like four chapters in, realize I have no idea what characters I actually want to use, then stop playing because I'm too indecisive.

Anyone mind helping me out with crafting a roster? All I really care about is no Vaike (hate inaccuracy), Lon'qu (hate low defense), Frederick (hate Jeigandom), or Nowi (hate her personality and design). I also want to refrain from the use of any Second Seals, and I definitely do want to have Kellam and Virion amongst my roster because I like both of their classes and they're the only ones that have 'em.
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Severa's cute, she makes me feel happy.
What emotions does SevSev stir up in you?
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It's called retcons my dude. It happens.
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Why not both?
Kris could have been cool if he wasn't in a Marth game and was the main character. Because of Marth he's just completely awful.
you know things don't always have to be planned out from the beginning my dude, no need to be rude c:
Vaike isn't that great but Lon'qu and Frederick are awesome units, so is Nowi, so really you should use those. Kellam is ok but Virion is really not that good since he's an Archer.
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Yggdra's okay I guess. Miracle + Royal Weapon is a silly combo and she supports Seth who is broken as all get out.
He's the whole reason Marth is even important. Show some respect.
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I understand that certain units are better than others for efficiency's sake, but it's fucking Awakening, I don't really care or need the best possible units to do it. I just need any units at all; I keep getting bogged up in questions like "what cav/peg/dark mage should I use? should I use both?" and they're completely unanswerable on my own, so I need someone else to come up with answers for me.
>Dark Mage
I like Hana
Hmm, alright then.

If you're not using second seals I'd probably say that Sumia is the better peg knight since she has a bit more room to grow, Stahl is the tankier and stronger cav, Tharja is the better dark mage, Miriel is definitely the better mage, Tiki is a damn good unit too if you want to wait for her
Thanks, that actually really helps. I'll probably go with:

>Other filler units; can be filled by kids, Libra, Tiki, Gaius, or Henry

You've actually been a great help, TharjaAnon, thanks for your assistance!
So how about those custom classes?
Those eyes are enormous.
Oh, and Cherche is another candidate, but I'm a bit iffy on her; I remember her being really inaccurate on my Normal run years ago when I was new to the series but since then I've played other games and Jill and Beruka have both been damn fine units (though Heath wasn't), so I might give her another chance.
So how come every week there's a new person suddenly playing Awakening that feels the need to ask the spic for advice? How do you even NEED advice for Awakening, the game that practically plays itself if you're not mentally handicapped.
Someone literally lifted YU characters/classes and dumped them into FE.
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Is it okay to want to fuck Tharja now?
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I've been on this general for a very long time now, and I didn't really need "advice" on Awakening; I just needed someone to make arbitrary choices for me.

I was one of the Pieri posters before Fates came out in the West, for instance.
It was always okay

Fates' waifus are so shit Tharjafags and other Awakening waifufags made a comeback
It was always okay. Don't let autismal /feg/ hatememes, shitposters, etc color your judgement like a little bitch. Most of the people who openly hate her just do it to try and fit into this shithole of a community.
This. It's mostly just a certain seething and shook faggot who wants his ebin revenge.
I just hope that they don't fuckup the animations again.
Considering a new FE on the Switch would force them to make a new engine or whatever it might be like Awakening again where they don't make it as spectacularly as they could.
Sumia has a worse start than Cordelia and worse offensive and defensive stats overall.

At best she wins earlygame since neither of those matter too much at that point but once Valm hits she's going to begin losing. Especially since Cordelia starts closer to promotion and is arguably the best user of the Ch8 Master Seal due to Ch9.
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Well that anon was saying he didn't want second seals so I couldn't remember how well Cordelia does as a Peg Knight.

>best user of the Ch8 Master Seal due to Ch9.
What's so bad about chapter 9? Yeah it's a desert but you don't start off too far away from Libra and he can handle himself pretty well for a bit.
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Who cares?

Sumia at least genuinely and legitimately loves (You)
Sumia vs Cordelia is basically dependant on however Sumia decides to turn out for you statistically.

Sumia however, does have the advantage of being able to build up supports earlier than Cordy which is particularly important if you opt to use Fred as her PU partner.
No she still loves Chrom but unlike Cordelia she can actually get him.
Cool, because holy god she makes my dick hard.
Not like she has a choice, generic villager has Chrom on lockdown.
If Mordecai or Lethe die in chapter 9 will they still join later?
Ah, I see. It's explicitly based on another game.
Nice animation too.
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We all did
10/1 Cordelia with Fred behind her trivializes Chapter 9 on average since she can just fly past pretty much anything that can actually put a dent in her (which is pretty much just the Archers) and beeline for the boss so Fred can shit on him with the Hammer faster and better than anyone.

This is all while Sumia + Chrom recruit Libra and Tharja and the rest of the scrubs are on cleanup duty.

Sumia's support lead isn't enough to make up for Cordelia's level lead.

Sumia will at best be level 6 or so by the time you have both unless you've been exclusively feeding her.
>a slut with her dick out makes your dick hard
What an accomplishment.
No slut-shaming please.
No lewd damn it

Hm, I like to keep everyone in one group and take my time, but that does make sense.

>Cordelia with Fred
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I want to fuck my daughter.
Epic cuck memes aside, you'd be daft to not pair the two in that chapter.

Christ we're talking about a 9 movement flier who ORKOs the entire map minus the boss with a Mt forge on a Javelin. In a desert.
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Everyone does
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Uh hi there Aless. If I had a full team I probably wouldn't be annoyed but since I have to choose between Amelia/Eirika in terms of who to not die in this Seth run, the answer's obvious.

He drops the Major Hezul Sword if you kill him.
is shoving the c word into every sentence still cool?
It was never cool, more a necessary evil.
Lots of my other characters are good enough to kill shit effectively, but yeah Cordelia is helpful.

Most of those other units don't cover even half the ground Cordelia does per turn, minus Sumia and the Mages who all have their own issues (especially since we're not Second Sealing Panne).

Even Robin is getting left in the dust since Grandmaster is considered a normal class.
>marry Kagero
>she uses me as a decoy for Ryouma during an assassination attempt
>die alone and in agony as she checks on him first
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nice head cannon faggot
me on the right
>That's sort of sad, actually.


Look at the time both threads were created, then put your trip back on and proceed to kill yourself so the gene pool won't get contaminated with your stupidity and shit taste.
The only headcanon is yours for thinking she doesn't prioritize Ryouma's well being over your life.
OP of that thread please go.
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Of all the chapters to lift, this is what he chose for 14A?
>he actually put his trip back on
Now do the other part.
But she doesn't.


Also only her solo ending specifically mentions continuing to serve Ryoma.
Then what took so long for you to post it in the other thread?

Oh that's right, it's because you were too busy shitposting in the one you created about Azura and you had to wait for the post cooldown.
link to patch?
>only her solo ending
Oh wow, you really are that deluded.
I was just having fun with a character that's easy to mock but you're lying to yourself at this point.
It's true though. Her paired endings just say that she didn't get to spend much time with her spouse, no mention of Ryoma specifically like the solo one though. It can be inferred that she's carrying out her duties as a ninja, but she has lines specifically mentioning that she cares more about her husband than anyone else if you choose to marry her.
>I'd like to kiss you. I think
Oh my god, Kagero is Belkafag.
>only two characters deployed
Have you been doing this for every chapter?
In last thread.
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so it looks like some s-ranks are more easily achieved for most of the units.

would you guys consider these to be the most "canon" a pairing can get? the numbers dont lie...
most units were programed to like(or connect) other units more than your own.

and here i thought i picked the waifu that wouldnt cuck me, fuck you gaius
also, is there anything like this for fates?
#1 who the hell is she serving then if not the man she's the retainer of
>trusting a ninja to be honest with you

>Avatar: I would be happy to. We have a great deal of talking to do, I think. But now we also have all the time in the world to do it.
What kind of shitty false flag bait is this.
Sumia/Chrom isn't canon tripshiter, Chrom/Maiden is.
However Sumia can't marry Donny or Lonq and Cynthia has to exist so the whole thing is ducked anyways.
just go to the website and look at the numbers, its not bait, it takes less effort for some pairings to happen.
Right? Chickenposters are in quite a sorry state right now. That was weak as hell.
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>mfw Berukafag works at Treehouse
The datamine is just the original waifuless timeline that lead to Robin becoming Grima.
Was that in the original version?
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wait are you guys shitposting right now? im not baiting look at the numbers.
Well I'm not seriously playing this hack so yeah.
More like treehouses browses /feg/. I wish those fags would tell us when the scrambles are coming. IF ONLY SOMEONE WHO WORKED AT TREEHOUSE WOULD ACCIDENTALLY LET THAT INFO SLIP.
Drama cd.

Never, too problematic you see.
For starters i'm not the OP of that thread.

>Oh that's right, it's because you were too busy shitposting...
>Moving the goalpost a-la-tharjakek

This has literally nothing to do with the blatant samefagging and cancerous behaviour i pointed out, grow up if you're that buttblasted.
psst next week, faggot
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this is just one example.
Aside from the Seth shenanigans, does the hack seem balanced? And is it just the vanilla FE8 cast plus the bug-eyed dudes?
>1 rescue
I'll bite; most people are very aware of those numbers. We've had plenty of arguments and shitflinging about "canon" based on them, though, so we've learned to stop bringing them up. People think you're aware that we're purposely avoiding the topic and are bringing it up to annoy us, not that you're trying to introduce new information.
shit, wasnt aware of that.
i just thought it was interesting, that little part about cucking was just a joke, didnt think it would trigger anyone.

sorry dudes :c
>too problematic
Just change everything. They've had months to do it and the people who will buy it don't care about accuracy that much anyway.
And never come back.
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That's Leadership.

I can't really comment on the balance although it would probably be way different if you try to do it with a full cast. Chapter 14 took forever because you have to bring someone with enough con to rescue Carlyle and then drag everyone to the arrive point.

Cast wise is all over the place, there's a bunch of FE4/5 characters, FE8 and the Yggdra people who I wish that he had used the more modern art for.

There's a lot of custom stuff in especially BGM.
>change everything
Too much work.
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>The scrambles come out
>Camilla mentions to Kana that the reason she decided to marry Corrin was because he reminded her of Silas
Why? }:'-(
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Now this is just digusting.
>Flora now includes kisses Jakob, but only if she's already married and how she pretends it's him every night
>implying that Camilla's convo with Corrin wouldn't have mysteriously disappeared
>implying that Azura wouldn't mysteriously have a convo added that was very similar
>IS is okay with them butchering the original script with regards to Camilla in exchange for pushing more Azura

I'd believe it.
Did I fuck up or is this workable?
I did it once, it was usable.
>43 damage
>185 hit
>100 avoid
Better hope for some procs.
I'm going to start a lunatic run of Birthright. Pick my sex, class, asset/flaw, and waifu/husbando.
+luck - defense
Be the jew you've always wanted to be
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oddly workable

he has 30% Mag which is decent by SD standards
this is good. too bad anna is a really shitty waifu.
No dlc
After beating Orson, webm coming to you soon, we get treated to promotions.
There's a Gaiden where you're forced to use only the lords. Its a good thing that I actually trained Yggdra.
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Webm of Yggdra's new personal Crusade. When at half health or lower, she gets bonus damage at a Luck x2% chance. It seems to work like the FE5 criticals for the damage increase.
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What happened in Tharja's dream of Robin coming to her tent?
He installed Bonzi buddy on her pc.
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They held hands
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As Robin release inside of her and promise to take responsibility and be by her side forever.

Also what does a Grimleal wedding dress look like? Tharja mentioned Plegian Dark Mages having ceremonies for weddings as well.
That huge slash though.
I love the animations.
Probably a lot more revealing than that
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In what support? I don't remember that. And considering Plegias whole deal it'd be all about having those Grima eyes everywhere or something like that
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So this is the boss of the Gaiden chapter.
That's unfortunate.
No wonder he died so easily, he's a wimp.
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In her support with Donnel. It should be dark coloured and >>158178753.

To be honest the only believable romance partners for Tharja to me is Robin, Donnel, Libra, and Lon'qu. Her Gaius support is lame like most Gaius supports and I don't understand why she fast supports with him. If she doesn't fast support with Robin because they don't want to give MU any implied canon romance, she should fast support with Donnel in my opinion.
is this an ironman
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He's actually really annoying with that 32% chance of proccing Luna and everything.
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I always just took her supporting Gaius fast because they're both recruited as villains, and yeah their support is pretty overrated, it's ok, but that's it. Besides there's other ways they imply her romance with MU
The majority of the fast supports aren't that great from a pairing point of view in my opinion.
If it were he would live.
>80 hp
>on a throne
Okay that makes more sense. Where's the 32% come from? sklx1.5?
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Last one for the night.
Its actually 31%, I was off by a bit. Luna is Skill% chance and he gets an extra 10% chance from having Royal Weapon.
>hating Donnel so much you want him to marry a abusive woman
What the hell.
Is taking the fortress in Chapter 3 strictly for epeen boosting?
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Gaius isn't really a villain though, just a mercenary thief who disapproves of hurting the Exalt. Tharja is actually Plegian and shows moral ambiguity. Things like Maribelle-Frederick, Nowi-Gregor, Cherche-Virion makes sense because they have a common start/personality. These two don't.

It's one of the few supports where Tharja doesn't mention Robin, and it focuses on both of them instead of just one. Plus out of all the dads for Noire who'd be reluctant to deal with Tharja, only him, Robin, Ricken, and Libra come to mind.
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The fort with the paired up archer and myrm? Pretty much

Well I meant they're red units really, but yeah neither of them are really evil or anything.
>and he gets an extra 10% chance from having Royal Weapon
Ah, I see. He looks a lot tougher than I originally thought, especially if you only have some recently promoted units.
Why does this keep happening
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Why does she like being behind Robin so much? She makes them turn around for the confession as well.
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It's what she just likes doing. Even in the barracks after you S rank her she says she keeps stalking you
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sakura is sweet
That she is. Her voice is quite nice and her Private Quarters lines are among the sweetest in the game.
Put a Kanna in her
this looks weird. looks like she's talking with her mouth full.
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She doesn't seem to like children very much though, or at least she finds them a distraction to her studies of the dark arts. How would you make Tharja become more domestic when you marry her?
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I don't think it's really she doesn't like her kids, it's just she's really not ready to be a mother that well, since going from creepy dark mage to mom is kind of a change for her. But you can tell she loves Noire, and with Morgan it's an even bigger challenge since she's so lively.

With the Future Past convos and supports you can tell she's already making progress with the future versions, so the Noire and Morgan she gives birth to in the main timeline would be raised a lot better.
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Vs Reinhart.webm
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I know that I said earlier that I wasn't going to post any more for the night but then the game gave me this gem of a webm.
Am i the only one that made a manly Robin?
That face that looks like Gregor.
Probably not
That Robin has got terrible hair. Do not like.
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I think she just doesn't like children in general, especially hyper ones. I honestly get the vibe that she loves Noire more than Morgan, or maybe it's just because she gets a generic mother support with Morgan and she seems rather dismissive in it. Although Morgan never get hex tested on.

I do think she's trying to improve herself because of how bad future!Tharja is. Though is Future Past the original timeline that Lucina went through? Or is it another even worse timeline?

Also are Dark Mages in Awakening based on Egyptians? What's with the snake, cape, and gold things around their body.
Since Tharja or Rhajat is being mentioned here a lot as of now, I'd like to say in my current Birthright playthrough she hits like a fucking tank as a Omnmyojii and has the most magic out of everyone with her mother being Sakura. Both Hayato and Sakura were pretty good contributors already, and of course that would mean getting a good offspring unit, but man I did not what I was expecting for how abysmal her skill would turn out to be.
>100% of doing 0 dmg
>yes, this is a good move to make
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Stat stacking is a hell of a thing.
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>I honestly get the vibe that she loves Noire more than Morgan

Nah, she just can't handle Morgan as well as she would handle Noire. Some of the generic text is changed a little bit to imply it, like her saying "sometimes I can't deal with that child" when it's usually something like "they sure are lively" for the other moms.

And Future Past is a third timeline where none of the kids have gone back to the past yet.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure Plegia is supposed to be Egyptian based. Which is pretty neat.

If I recall correctly she has the highest base magic growth of any 2nd gen, but not like she really has competition. And 0 base skill(stat, not growth) before inheritance. But she's also fast as fuck, so she's pretty much throwing magic nukes around wildly hoping it'll hit something.
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The best wife.
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Tharja has some really nice, plush tits. I could knead them and suckle them for days. She would be great to train to give paizuri too.
>pump and dump
>wait for the kid to grow up
>pump and dump her too
She's literally made for taking (You)'re semen. But fuck marrying that abusive cunt.
You could always just fuck Tiki or Aversa then. Or one of the Fates titty monsters/Ophelia. Any of them are probably better choices.
Let's not do the waifu war thing again, there's not enough people still posting here to get involved anyway. Save your energy for FE15.
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Pump Tharja

Pump and dump Noire multiple times while tying Tharja somewhere near

Noire will sire Morgans
The whole "playing up Tharja's 'abusiveness'" thing has always felt like some tumblr-style hyperbole that sjw-types would use to justify literally hating on a video game character
Hey, stop it.
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this general is pure garbage holy shit
it's like you're fighting with /ksg/ for the title of worst permanent general
There are a large number of generals easily worse than this, chill out.
I can never understand why and how /ksg/ is still alive
Waifufags, tripfags, and self-fellating circlejerks
The same thing is currently happening here. Soon we will be just like them
Has fanfic nina even posted hee fics yet?

She said first would come this weekend
Is 4chin fucking up again or is it just me?
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Tharja just needs to be dicked constantly. You have to pacify her abusive personality by fucking her nonstop. She can't hex her children if she can't concentrate on her spells, so that means you basicallly have to keep her legs wrapped around you and in constant orgasm.
She can't hex me if I'm pumping Noire
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They come as a package deal.
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Well what I usually do is I just use the characters that I am liking so far like Vaike and Stahl, that I clearly can see are strong as fuck like Tharja, Cherche and Nowi and I avoid clearly shit unts like Ricken, Kellam or Virion.

I don't see why you wouldn't use an adverised feature in the game, but suit yourself.
Quit it
Having a sex with Noire while Tharja is forced to watch while being chained up against the wall
You being chained up against the wall or Tharja being chained up against the wall? I think I could be down with either scenario honestly.
I'd imagine Tharja being chained up, since that'd be the only way to stop her from interfering.
No no, you convinced me. Tharja is a good waifu. This is how I show appreciation for her. I mean, she pretty much feels that the sole purpose of her existence is to spread her legs for you. That's devotion.
Obviously Tharja is the one getting chained up, that bitch deserves to be forced into watching me furiously pounding her daughter's insides
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Her devotion is through hand holding and kisses

Morgan is definitely not for lewd, quit it
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What wrong anon? Don't you want to hold hands with a cute girl? Don't you want a to hug one too? How baout having one as your girlfriend? How about having strong bonds with her? Treating her as your daughteru? Then YOU BREAK THE BOND BY SENSELESSLY FUCKING HER BRAINS OUT ! IMPREGNATING HER WITH YOUR CHILD MAKING MORE MORGANS!
So /feg/

Awakening or Fates?
Genealogy, but since I can't choose it, Fates.

Pretty sure Awakening is more popular though.
I liked Awakening's setting, tone, characterization and that general sort of thing better. Fates on the other hand has better map design with more varied objectives in Conquest and an improved UI.
Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight?
Falcon for staves.

Kinshi looks cooler but it's a very "meh" class.
FE is shit. The combat requires no skill and the romance is shallow as fuck.

Go Persona.
Persona isn't deep
If it's so shit. Why are you here?
Conquest > others
The others are equally bad in their own rights.


Same is said about Persona.
Public service
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How is it that this runs smoother on my 3ds than my PSP?
You do know emulation requires a lot more power than running it natively?
The PSP emulator is probably not as optimized to play the game as the 3DS one if I had to guess right off the bat
They're both built on snes9x, though blargSNES runs them straight off the 3ds hardware and is even smoother.
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Good night /feg/

Oh god I'm getting FE404 flashbacks
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You are now employed by Intelligent Systems.

You have 10 seconds to write FE4 as more PG-13 friendly.
PG-13 movies get away with a lot of stuff these days. Like softcore sex scenes and everything.
>Lord Sigurd and friends never ACTUALLY died
>they were taken by Arvis to a friendly BBQ
>Sigurd and Deirdre hooked back up and they lived happily ever after
this is not going to be fun
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Good morning /feg/
Lucina's now a time cop and saves Sigurd from being burned by the evil BBQ man and everyone lives happily ever after.
go back to sleep
That's actually not that far off; it's semi-canon that the women survived, but the men all died.
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I don't wanna
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Delete Manfroy and Lechesis.
What, for the incest? Because Julius fucks his sister too.
Not much needs to be done. The only thing that could be a bit weird is probably the battle of Belhalla, but even then - this is a series which has had permadeath ingrained in it's core mechanics since the very beginning; and even the most recent games have sometimes scripted death sequences.
Julius kills a shit ton of kids, but I don't remember him fucking Julia. Celice might be a different story.

Besides, if you get rid of Manfroy, Julius and Juila never happen.
So then who would be the main villain in act II?
Conquest Corrin should take notes
There is no act 2. Act 1 ends well and the second generation grows up happy and well adjusted.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Ever notice how the more Kaga isn't in the games, the more whiny the MC's are?
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Chapter 18 was uneventful except for Gulcasa. He's just as terrifying as he was in the source material.
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I love Pieri and so do you!
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Now Chapter 19 is a doozy. You'll want to deploy as many characters with Leadership stars as possible.
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Stats. He drops the Tyrfing if you defeat him.
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Still do
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Vs Sigurd Round 2 -ns.webm
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This was pretty close.
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Efficient Awakening sounds weird
It's fun though.
I made this list a while back about Awakening efficiency. It is indeed strange but optimization is still possible. MUless is more interesting too.


Lucina (Sully mother)

Lucina (Sumia mother)
Lucina (Olivia mother)
Lucina (Villager mother)


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Tearing Saga is alright so far

camilla a best
Anon, when I said that Sully!Lucina was the best Lucina for a regular playthrough the idiots here shot me down.
So you might get some people contesting it.
Shouldn't Kjelle be higher up as she is quite easy to recruit?
Who do you think is the better Awakening waifu out of Maribelle and Panne? I've narrowed down my favorite Awakening girl to those two but I can't decide on the better one.
I don't care, for a pure efficiency playthrough with eyes set solely on completing the game Sully!Lucina blows out the other options if MU isn't involved.

The kids as a whole outsude if Lucina are bad. She might be better than Severa though, I didn't put too much thought into organizing them.
I wouldn't recommend either of them.
One of them takes Olivia out manhunting and the other is a subhuman.
>from a gaiden chapter
Kjelle probably is better than Severa since she can use 1-2 range pretty quickly

Severa is stuck at E rank Axes with less movement as a Hero
this is probably the moment that solidified Runan as one of my favorite lords
Then I guess Canas has no place in an Efficient Fire Emblem 7 playthrough.
How sad.
Awakening/Fates gaiden chapters are different from FE6/FE7 gaiden chapters because it's completely impractical trying to get EVERY kid, so an "all paralogue" run doesn't make sense, whereas an "all gaiden" run does since it's quite feasible to do them all. Besides, Canas isn't a Knight.
Yeah, he's a Dark Mage, which is like only slightly better than a Knight.
did you pick Narron
It depends honestly, Chrom!Kjelle is decent statwise and she can instantly promote to GK as well.

Like >>158203313 said Severa suffers from sword lock pre-promotion, meaning 1-2 range is a fair bit away. At best she can maybe use the Levin Sword if Henry or Ricken is her father, but pairing Cordelia with either of them seems worthless and Anna is likely hogging Levin Swords anyways.

Again, I didn't put much thought into ordering them since they're pretty much all not worth getting, so there may be flaws.
God FE6 promotion gains were insane
Soon, my friend. Soon...

I'd forgotten what promotion gains in six were like. Holy shit those are some otherworldly gains
Had to make up for those shit gains.
Maribelle a cute.
Go for her.
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She looked really nice in some of the concept art
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Between the two I prefer Maribelle.
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Well that's one way to go about it.
>dat nauseating ""art""

Please, kill yourself.
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Vs Gulcasa.webm
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I love custom animations.
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Hey man good art isn't the easiest to find
I think the next Fire Emblem should have a story about the mafia and rigged elections.
So when are you and him gonna fuck?
Fuck off to /pol/
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Vs Lyon Final.webm
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Even with Cancel, Ambush and Pavise, Lyon still couldn't stand a chance.
What does this have to do with /pol/, you paranoid freak?
>11 mov
They're great, but it bothers me when they go off the platform and cast a shadow on empty air.
They should do a Fire Emblem that's Monarchy vs. a Republic, where you pick a side. Your allies would be defectors to either side, and your childhood friends/family might be on the side opposite to yours, so you'd be forced to kill them.

Both sides would be damaged in their own ways; the Monarchists would be corrupt, whilst the Republicans would drag the world into a bloody civil war which the smallfolk wouldn't want. Your leaders if you're a Republican would also have been responsible for killing the Monarchy of that province/country, like the Soviets did to the Tsars. It'd be like Fates, only it'd make sense and parallel the American Revolutionary War.
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I didn't expect to get it this way but no problem.
>flying magic class
>witch on a broom

Oh shit man that's great
A lot of these animations remind me of FE7if
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Fire Emblem 8 - Yggdra_120.png
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>The Valk sprite is a L'archel custom
She deserves it
hopefully right now

smutfic when?
Everyone that isn't Yggdra/Seth are just stat sticks. Ephraim can fight a little but I early promoted him so he need to rely on Resolve.
Great concept, but I honestly think IS would butcher it.
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Stop it
Try to kill the General with a skill proc. It has like 51 defense if you take too long.
In sidequest 22 of fates. How do i catch nina? Can i defeat her in combat without her dying?
Yes. Just defeat her in combat.
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Vs Formortiis.webm
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Just a couple kill caps and my turn count then its over.
Dude, even Knuffle wants you two to tie the knot. Just get on with it already.
420 turns isn't so bad considering that i only used like two characters.


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Our lord and savior Seth.
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The number of the lord
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Ephraim who basically didn't get to fight shit.
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Overall it was an okay hack. Endgame was shit because it was a giant case of my stats are better than yours and praying that Yggdra would proc Miracle/Crusade as often as possible to deal with the enemy hordes.

There was a lot of custom bgm from a variety of sources (FE, Tales, Yggdra Union, SRW and more) and some nice custom animations. But the hack needed a lot of polish.

If I had to change anything about my run, it would be that i'd have Seth S Rank swords instead and probably add a couple extra characters to ease some of the hassle in Final when Formortiis starts throwing infinite Dracozombie reinforcements at you.

Hope you enjoyed what little of it that I posted.
Just fucking do it
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Felicia is the cutest! Spending time with my lovely wife is the greatest thing in the world! I care about her more than anything! She could not possibly be more perfect! I love Felicia!
you got a dl link?
He linked it last thread near the beginning
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Is TRS actually worth the setup and time to play? Sure it seems interesting but why would I choose to play it over an FE game I haven't finished yet?
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Vs Aias II.webm
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Thanks for posting, especially with all the nice webms. Looks like it'd be a fun hack to play if one knew about these Yggrda characters.

Since it has skills and leadership stars, do you think it was built with Midori as a base?
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Seth Is Invincible.webm
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Yeah, it has a lot of mechanics from Midori like skills, leadership and mag/res. Midori's definitely the better hack in terms of difficulty (at least until the route merge where they're about even) although this one has better animations.
The Master Knight animations aren't new, but the girl's, the dragon rider one, the witch, and this one all look unique. Surprised they didn't use an existing Halberdier animation, though.
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"I was only nine years old
I loved Shadow Dragon so much, I owned 4 copies of it
I pray to Marth every night, thanking him for the twahs I have been given
"Marth is love", I say, "Marth is life"
Ike hears me and calls me a sub human
He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Marth
I called him an overrated protagonist
He slaps me with his big ragnell and sends me to my room
I am crying now, because my face hurts
I go into my bed and it is very cold
I feel a warmth moving towards me
I fell something touch me
It's Marth
I am so happy
He whispers into my ear, "boku wa makeru wake-ni wa ikanainda"
He grabs me with his long slender melee grab and puts me on my hands and knees
I'm ready
I spread my legs for Marth
His falchion touches my tip
It hurts so much, but I do it for Marth
I can feel my pee hole tearing as my eyes start to water
I push against his tipper
I want to please Marth
He roars a mighty TWAH as he lands his tipper
Ike walks in
Marth looks him deep in the eyes and says, "MINNA, MITEITE KURE"
Marth uses his warp staff
Marth is love, Marth is life"
Kris please
>Marth uses his warp staff
So who did he bring in?
because it's better than a good portion of them in terms of characters, story, and gameplay
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That's just a subjective statement, though. Why is TRS actually better in any of those categories and more worth my time than finishing a run in one of the FE games?
Tell me about it
As an anon once said:

"Kaga's forte is his storytelling. Gameplay is hit or miss."
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That's still subjective. You're not telling me anything of substance to back up your argument.
I was not arguing with you. I'm just telling you what to expect from the game should you decide to play it
Because almost no one has played TRS, silly anon.
Any answer I could possibly give you would be completely subjective, then. It essentially is a FE game so there's very little point in separating it from the others. If I were to suggest WHY you should play it, it wouldn't be me telling you why you should choose it over any of the other games in the series. Rather, it would be telling you how it fares as an FE game.

There's a bunch of stuff to like about it: two different lords, characters with story based supports and promotions, a shield system, plenty of different events depending on who is on which lord's team at what time, skills, etc etc.
Kaga really hates character balance, too.
you haven't even finished the game
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I guess argument isn't the right word, but I'm trying to ask WHY TearRing is worth playing for the story/characters and all I'm getting back is "because of the story/characters."

I'm fine with opinion, but examples would be nice so I can at least have some idea for myself if there's validity in what you're saying. This post is a lot better about it since I actually have something to wrap my head around for what's in TRS, but I'm wondering why two lords is an automatic benefit or why story-based promotions are good when FE8 had the former and FE's 6 and 7 were hampered by the latter.
I just wanted to recommend it to him. It'd be nice to have someone else to share my first impressions with
Two lords are better because the game is basically split in two depending on what you're looking for, almost like Birthright and Conquest. Having two lords is good because you constantly switch between the two and get to look at the story from different angles and have different character arcs depending on what you do. Raquel, for example, is a sniper that comes with a brave bow near the beginning of the game. Her only drawback is that she is unable to kill human enemies. However, depending on whether or not you recruited her brother in an earlier chapter and sent her with the first lord you get near chapter 25 or so, she can develop into a character capable of killing humans because of a certain event. Without two lords, this level of variety would be lost.

Story based promotions are good in this game because they make otherwise lackluster characters in this game much better. For example, during chapter two, you get a really mediocre cleric. However, because of her story based promotion, she is able to turn into a dancer. This promotion also ties into the story as it allows her to connect with other characters in a way I can't describe without spoilers.
Every argument that can be made in either games favour is subjective. The real question is what's stopping you from playing both TRS and an FE game?
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Huh, I really like a lot of that. I'm still a little afraid on the two teams/two lords thing because of my dislike for Radiant Dawn and unit availability there, but shit like
>Her only drawback is that she is unable to kill human enemies. However, depending on whether or not you recruited her brother in an earlier chapter and sent her with the first lord you get near chapter 25 or so, she can develop into a character capable of killing humans because of a certain event
sounds fucking fantastic and what I wish FE would be willing to do more often. Gameplay and story integrated directly like that is such a nice touch.

I'm sold, is there anything I need to know before I jump in considering how abstract Kaga can get with recruiting/Gaiden stuff, or is it pretty straightforward?

Time. Postgrad doesn't exactly lend itself to a whole lot of free time so I've got to choose what I can and can't fit in.
Glad to hear you're gonna give it a shot.

My recommendations are as follow:

-Use the new patch: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=53111

-send Plum and Raffin with Runan during the first route split. The former gets kidnapped during one of the chapters by a man and woman looking for weak women. This is how she turns into a dancer and she can be found a few chapters later when you're with your second lord. The latter is able to recruit two characters during that very same chapter. You'll get them both at the end anyway, but Raffin makes it infinitely easier.

-pick Narron. He's the best unit in the game. Be sure to promote him as soon as he reaches level 10 because you get his promotion item in chapter 3 and he comes with paragon (2x exp).

That's about it, really.
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>not using the original translation
don't even talk to me about the original
>Be sure to promote him as soon as he reaches level 10 because you get his promotion item in chapter 3 and he comes with paragon (2x exp).

Do stats/caps in TRS function differently than in FE? Is early promoting actually worth it or is it like in the regular games where you're virtually missing out on ten levels worth of stats?
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Lagdou Bonus Map.webm
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I thought that it was over but apparently there's a bonus chapter if you visit Lagdou. There's a couple choice webms with criticals so I'll upload them.
Stop copying Thracia
>Is early promoting actually worth it or is it like in the regular games where you're virtually missing out on ten levels worth of stats?

You do lose out on ten levels but there's a way around it. The level cap in this game is 40 if you promote at level 20 and 30 if you promote at level 10. However, there's an item in this game called the Occult Scroll that boosts the level cap by 10. You get it early in the game and it should always go to Narron.

Oh yeah, before I forget, be sure to send Sasha with Holmes. She gets paragon at level 10 if you don't immediately promote her into a peg knight, meaning that she can really use the infinite grinding in Holmes' route to her advantage. Plus, she lets you recruit another character of your choice if you visit her home as Holmes.
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Gulcasa Critical-ns.webm
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This is based on Gulcasa's spellcard from the source material.

Animation is kinda janky compared to some of the other stuff
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I think this is probably a custom promotion for Joshua?

I'd recommend that you send Sasha with Runan instead, his maps are harder and Sasha's flight/paragon is very helpful. She also gets more events that way. Runan's maps are also mostly outdoors meaning that she gets full advantage of flight.

Holmes doesn't need Sasha to pick up the guys from Wellt and his maps are also almost entirely indoors.

Yeah it is, but what I really like about it is the fact that Gulcasa's theme plays whenever he fights.
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>Takumi: You wish to return to Nohr, am I right? You have always wanted for the barrier to be weakened, waiting for an opportunity. So that one day you could go back to Nohr.
>Azura: I am not going to say anything to that.
>Takumi: Ugh.. you are always like that. It’s always “I won’t say” or “I don’t know anything.”! Talking to you is useless!!
>Azura: Takumi…
>*he runs off sniffling*

this is hilarious
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Blade 2.webm
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Here's the ranged animation.
Yeah, but Sasha is a trainee unit. Unless you devote a lot of time into her while she's with Runan before the first split, she's almost certainly going to be a burden for a while. Going with Holmes makes training her much easier. And doesn't she only get like one extra event with Kate if she goes with Runan?

And Runan should already have Narron, Zieg, Roger, and Raffin. Sasha isn't really needed, especially when you have the first two.
It will need a little effort on your part to train Sasha but she really shines on Runan's side. There's also no events for her on Holmes' route in comparison and he already needs you to bring Mahter/Martel along to pick up Sun/Frau.

Roger is also usually on Holmes' side because you want to bring Mel over there (who he can't split from) to pick up the Magic Up staff to enable some quick turn kills with Sierra later on in the game.
That's a bit understandable, since the sprite itself is so big.
Joshua is my favorite character from TLP.
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Valkyrie (YU).webm
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The end.
Yes, but I feel as if making it easier to get her to level 10 is way better than an extra event scene.

And I actually haven't heard of the Magic Up staff before, truth be told. But if its use is for quick turn kills, it's doubtful that the regular newcomer would even care enough to worry about shaving turns.
Getting Sasha to level 10 isn't super hard, just let her deal with a few stragglers here and there. Then come Chapter 8 with all of the mummies, she can just deal with those. Or if you aren't afraid of it there's always the Arena with Arena Fighter but that's rng.

M Up is also useful for regular runs since it gives you a huge res boost which is a lifesaver.
Eh...there are pros and cons to each side, I guess. I just didn't personally find her all that useful in Runan's route.
I like the extra movement options and she benefits the most from the Dragon Flute on Runan's side.
who's the best trs waifu?
Sasha, Meriah and Martel.
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>three characters
If I had to pick only one from those three then Martel.
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Renee is hot, but taken. San is mini Narron but she's like 14.

Some dislike promoting her into wyvern because it shits up her magic.
So what's the strongest hair color in all of FE?
Red? Blue? Green? Blonde?
off to Reddit blue
Blue is disqualified for having a Lord that got cucked then died like a bitch. Blonde win.

Is that even a question? The only possible contender is blonde
silver because it has the silver haired maiden
The newer FE games are worse in sone regards, but holy shit the ost is pretty fucking good. Love the battle theme transition when entering and exiting a battle.
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Not too keen on this one.
I hate how they got rid of enemy turn music.
Genealogy had the best EP music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0g1H6KSB5w
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Post cute GBA couples
Do Nips have a hard on for beta fags? Why do they love Takumi so much? The recent drama CDs make him look even more like a castrated faggot.
Because Japanese dudes are the definition of beta.
Enemy Phase theme was mostly boring, exception was Genealogy for having more than 1 enemy theme, maybe some others I don't know about.
So I just recently tackled Chapter 17 Conquest Hard and honestly instead of "Ninja Rape Cave" it was more on so "Ninjas getting raped, cave" courtesy of my Sword Master Corrin with a Kodachi, General Effie, Xander and Camilla being able to tank Ninja hits like they were just bug bites hit back with 1-2 range weapons. Hell I was even able to grind some levels for Beruka before promoting her to Wyvern Lord. o far the hardest level imo in my Conquest playthrough is Chapter 12: Bitter Intrigue because of how devious they make everything with the pots, merchants, ninjas, and defense seal spear fighters. How much worse is this level in Lunatic?
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>not posting the best one
Thracia had enemy phase music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xtka_OccVQ&list=PLCA2086FB7F1AFF40&index=22
Whoops didn't mean to spoil my post.
Most of them had multiple enemy phase music
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Peg/Cav pairings are the best.
>tfw you can't pair Florina and Sain

Come on IS

also lol captcha: road road
Is there a Fates save editor?

>wah that's cheating

I just want to try a few combos out.
The biggest difference in 12 Lunatic is that the dragon vein moves a few tiles up to the other side of the wall, which makes it more dangerous to use, but you can go from the side doors just fine in both difficulties anyway.
I think FEFTwiddler is what you're looking for
Sain would fucking terrify Florina. I'd be more inclined to expect him with Farina, but I guess they didn't want him with two pegaponies.
>Lyn: Hm?
>Lyn: Is that Hector over there?
>Lyn: Talk to you later, Mark.
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L’Arachel: “Behold. Victory is ours!”

Eirika: “Yes, we did it somehow. I wonder if everyone else is OK.”

L’Arachel: “Eirika? Did you find your answer?”

Eirika: “Yes. Thank you, L’Arachel. Your words guided me.”

L’Arachel: “My-my words? It was nothing...Come, we should find the Sacred Stone. If anything were to happen to it...”

Eirika: “L’Arachel? Your face is flushed. Is anything amiss?”

L’Arachel: “N-no, it’s nothing. Nothing at all!”
>Implying it isn't Mark's machiavelicous plan to hook them up, as is everyone's romantic history in the army.
It crashes on my shitty computer, sadly. Do you know any alternatives?
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About to play RD for the first time, but I don't want to bother with the stupid wiimote. On the other hand, I do have a PoR save and I know RD does some neat shit with it

Should I put up with playing it with a Wiimote, or just play it on Dolphin? Not that it matters, but I do legally own the game.
oh god, I can see it now. mark's a master manipulator and tactician. in order to get those sweet a-ranks for the support boosts he goes up and flirts with various girls in the army and since he's so bad at it they go to other guys.
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You can just move your save over to your pc. That's what I did. I played with a PS3 controller.
If you have a GC controller, you can just plug it in your wii and play with it. I actually prefer playing RD with the wiimote myself, though, having played with both. It's surprisingly comfy when held sideways.
I'd play it in dolphin so I can make it a bit prettier.
>Sain and Florina support
>they both bond over how much they want to fuck Lyn
>get married only under the pretend that they can both close their eyes and pretend the other is Lyn when they are together
No, unfortunately. You could try NTR cheats?
wait seriously I thought you couldn't this whole time
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are you on the Fates writing team?
Anon at least post something new-ish.

Yeah, you can. I mean, you have to boot up RD from the wii menu with the wiimote, but once RD's running the GC controller works.
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More Jadenkaiba is always nice
That's not really anything new. Here's a fun fact for you: in Kent's B support with Sain he admits that he has feelings for Lyn.

Also someone actually drew Camilla/Ryoma? Wow. Guess there's a first time for everything.
But that one looks like shit.
Much like your taste
>Kent's B support with Sain he admits that he has feelings for Lyn
...so? how is Kent mentioning his crush equivalent to a support convo that is basically a competition to see who can cock stroke Corrin the hardest?
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It was referencing to how so many people in FE7 want to cock stroke Lyn.
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So /feg/ why does Forrest have a different critical cut in in the Failed Revelations DLC?
It's pretty much just Kent.
For those of you that played Revelation, did you do any cross royal pairings?
Nerd alert.
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I honestly don't know. Maybe it was an oversight by the devs?
Camilla and Hinoka
Probably Eliwood too. Lots of people make references to how Lyn is just about the most beautiful thing in their world.
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just leon x sakura
God his voice is so perfect

I feel like this is what Sain would sound like if he had a voice

Current one is Camilla/Takumi and Leo/Sakura
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I wish IntSys used the gay patch as the base to be honest. We already have two gay options, why not go all the way?
Sain just has an implied crush and talks that way to her because she's a women.
Has a crush on her
Has a crush on her. Probably

I'm noticing a trend
Leo/Sakura and Takumi/Camilla.
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Good choice.
I paired the older siblings with one another and the younger siblings with one another.
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I feel they really nailed most of Awakening's Voices.
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it kills me every time I hear liam o'brien because his voice is so distinct and he plays in fucking everything. all I can hear is "patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter."
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Ah yes, the evil Dark Load.
Why does Saizo, who have only one eye working, have the highest SKI out of the 3 Hoshidian ninjas?
Because he has the most skill. The stat isn't called "eyesight".
Lol, are you the guy who was asking for reasons to play TRS? The new translation is in open beta, but the intro is from the old translation, hence why it's so shit. Should be ironed out once the patch updates.

I'll be sure to help you out if you decide to post to post your progress here.
his name literally means "has skill"
That would make sense on why Peri's skill is so low then
>everyone shit on 8-4 at the time for their localization
>Fates comes out
>Treehouse's is MUCH worse
We didn't know how good we had it.
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Nanomachines, son.
>Tfw had a dream about FE and FF crossing over
>It will never happen
>In it, Squall and Leif fought
>Ike and Cloud fought etc.
Why can this never happen? ;_;
Pump and dump Cynthia for Sumia
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Yep, that was actually the original JPN intro, I wanted to see it before plugging in the patch.

The intro with the patch isn't nearly as fun. For one, I wasn't told to concur evil.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who thought of Raiden with Saizo
Two defence points in a row?
This isn't the Shin I know.
Sumia a meh

Wait, there were people who didn't think that?
Really? My bad, then, Though I am pretty sure that the intro in the new patch was from the old patch.
Everyone is getting defence, I love it.
Well, Ryouma is the one who carries around the Katana that cuts through everything, so...
Replying to myself, but, would you guys play that? A FE crossover with FF I mean.
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Huh, it seems pretty lacking in gibberish.

Speaking of, can I just say how utterly wrong it feels to see Holmes not speaking like an ESL psychopath?
how was Runan in the other patch, anyway?
I have literally never finished an FF game so probably not. I think I got like 1/4 the way through 7 which would be the furthest for any of the games.
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Never played an FF, outside Tactics, so it would depend on whether the mechanics were from FE or FF.

Honestly i don't think it would be great unless Tactics gets revived beforehand. Tactics with some FE characters and mechanics would be amazing.
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Wasn't he doing a comic for Lucina at one point?
Let's say it's pure FE, with FF's leveling system, and has characters throughout both franchises.
With tharja and palutena but then he started a FutalutenaxCordeliaxTharja one.


>Let's say it's pure FE, with FF's leveling system

So Awakening?
>With tharja and palutena but then he started a FutalutenaxCordeliaxTharja one.

I wouldn't mind an FE game with Awakening's leveling system as long as it was properly built around it, unlike Awakening where you could break the game in half with it. Not to mention making the maps feel more exciting such as chapter 16 in that game
i would

i can't imagine it actually happening, though, since FF is so insanely huge compared to FE
Why is he so perfect /feg/?
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That's not Sirius
>dem stats

Holy shit, is that HM? He was ass in NM.
HM cures everything anon.
Oh, no wonder his art feels familiar....
favorite CO theme?

Mine is Sensei's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a1bFQLvXq0
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He deserves more fans. I like the style he has. It's something different, plus the noses are actually competently drawn.
What type of woman do you think the male royals prefer? For me, Xander looks like a DFC man, both Leo and Takumi like big tits and Ryoma strikes me as a lolifucker
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Where are the asslovers man?

What about the female royals?
Xander would probably be the assman, but I stand by the other three, especially Ryoma being a lolifucker.
>jagens the list
Grit wins this one. Although Trak had a really good one too.
I'm sorry that people who have been training their whole life and have a wealth of battle experience are better than your doe-eye'd skinny anime girls who overtake them in stats at level 5 promoted.
Well the good Cavs tend to be the ones you get earlygame (Jagens/Oifeys, Christmas Knights, Aless, Sirius, etc.). The only really good lategame cavs are Percival and Xander
why are gen 1 and gen 2 Finn counted as different?
Xander/Hinoka and Leo/Sakura for sure, but I usually don't have Ryoma or Takumi marry the other two.

Pretty good
Because losing the two people Finn used to watch have sex changed him.
leave Beowulf and Lachesis out of this!
too far anon
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Why is she so perfect?
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This list confuses me so much.
>PoR Titania isn't god-tier even though she can carry the game like Seth
>Silas that high with no note about what route
>no notes about whether Lyn mode was done for the FE7 cavs
>Lance and Allen not in Great Tier
>Kyle and Forde on the same level as Isadora or the FE6 cavs
>Nohr Peri and Orson in Bad Tier
What metric did the person who made this use?
I like her daughter more, personally
mary sue
>guess which pair of proffessional motherfuckers
Kaze and Saizo reclassed
You don't even like her, poser.
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Not my favorite but she's pretty cute.
What makes you think he doesn't?
Who are you to decide who I can and can't like?
Your daddy.
>What makes you think he doesn't?
instead of defending your internet butt buddy when you can, you can just let him answer for himself
Curious about Panne so high

now go wait for me in bed
Panne comes with solid offensive stats, capable of 1-2RKOing everything in Chapter 6 even without a pairup. But that's just the tip of what she can do.

The main reason is due to the Chapter 8 Second Seal letting her become a Wyvern. I can't quantify how hard Wyvern Panne shits on Cherche, even not counting the added levels she'll get thanks to Second Seals. She has plenty of opportunity to train Axes between 9 and 10 as well, which means 1-2 range is right around the corner.

I'd be tempted to say Wyvern Panne is better than Cordelia even, although Cordelia is less resource-intensive. Maps like 9, 10, 13 and 14 accommodate fliers very nicely as well, adding to her utility tremendously.
Now that you brought it up, who do you think wears the pants in the relationship? ChercheAnon or CamillaAnon? I wonder if the smut would have some Dom/Sub play.
I did

Takumk will not so much touch a hair of Elise.
ChercheAnon, obviously. He's so much more calm and collected that it makes sense for him to be the dominant one
Why are you guys so fascinated with the both of us anyway?
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If anybody who knows TRS is here, do you know how level caps work for the characters who can't promote (like Pirate Garo, Bishop Lee, etc.) or the ones who start prepromoted but still have a promotion available to them (like Raffin)?
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>guy dedicated to an imaginary girl
>finds it weird when people talk about him like this
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What a goddess.
Doesn't it show in one of the status screens? Most if not all of them should be 30.
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>tfw your waifu isn't a very good unit
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I like nyx
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personality is as flat as her canon chest
I haven't gotten to recruit them yet, I'm just trying to get a feel for how level caps work in this game.
Not sure for Raffin, but Garo caps at 30, meaning Lee likely does the same.
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She's cute, yeah
Short haired lucina a cute.

A Cute!
wait, just checked. Raffin caps at 40.

pic related tells you their caps
She's one of the few good female lords
in name only
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Tiny Lucy
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Thanks, anon.
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But she's a lot more vital to the plot than a lot of Awakening's cast, maybe even more than Chrom
Stop avatarfagging.
>tfw you're wifu has literally no fanart
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That's some great Hinoka art there
>reaction images from two unrelated anime = avatarfagging

no prob. be sure to visit the houses with Enteh during the chapters you get her. you'll miss out on some items otherwise. the other healer you get also has to visit a house to get Lan's mirror, a plot item.
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who'd you waifu? some genealogy replacement kid?
>Not posting the futa version
Being more vital to the plot than Chrom isn't an accomplishment
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>my cutest FE girls are Nino and Laura
I feel you, Anon.
>mfw Laura gets a kill in RD HM
>tfw you sacrifice a dozen gladiators to break a legendary weapon
Runan has no chill
>Conquest Peri
She's a bit frail, but that's it.

>one hour and thirty-five minutes to beat FE7 at 4 in the morning
Sounds pretty bad desu.
And she joins very underlevelled
And 100% hit is but a myth to her.
Is it one of those runs where they rig +str growths to Florina and steamroll the game with her? Why even bother, who likes watching that shit?
Se joins right after kaze who is tops 2 levels above her. She can level fine, has movement, great damage, doubles, D rank in swords, C rank in lances.
Welcome to speedrunning.
She's at worst mid tier.

Level 10 in Chapter 12 isn't that under-levelled either.
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My favorite early-game chapter has finally arrived!
Who the fuck even watches FE speedruns? Most other games that people run actually have some flashy cool looking skips and strats that casual players can't pull of, but FE speedruns look exactly like casual playtroughs.
That one was fun, glad they bringed it back for Awakening.
I think I am correct in saying she only doubles the Javelin Spear chucker and the Apothecaries in her join chapter?
Maybe the Priestesses also, no?
She doesn't double Sams or Ninjas but not many units besides Camilla are doubling those anyways, and she sits at clean 2RKOs on both of them

In Ch13 she doubles Cavs, Wyverns, and Knights with a Spd tonic
Casuals don't make heavy use of prepromotes.
I think anon means in the general sense. She has a good speed growth and a good speed base, so she's likely to double once she gets some levels. If nothing else, she's much faster than Silas or Xander.
Casual playthroughs look absolutely nothing like LTC/speedrun playthroughs. Are you retarded?
i'm curious, i was looking at that RD tier list an anon posted a while back and was wondering how one would look if transfers were never considered? what would change?
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Goodnight /feg!/ your waiudu! love you very much! she will alwayus be there for you! Stay healtyhyu!
Basically nothing, really.
The best units will always be better than the rest if both have or don't have TS bonuses.
>Jill goes down to High. Still strong, but lack of Str transfer hurts her since she needs more BEXP to ORKO some targets.
>Oscar and Nephenee both drop to Mid-high. Oscar has pretty major doubling and general combat issues without Transfers. Neph has subpar durability too and without Transfers Mia>Neph is definitely at least a tier difference.
>Soren is probably the worst Mage of the four without Transfers.

That's all I can really think of.
Goodnight /feg/ your body pirodo! love you very much! a real woman will neverdu be there for you! never wake up, desu!
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she's pretty great
Oh I guess Nephenee>Marcia without Transfers as well.
Shame she can't frontline or else she dies.
IIRC with Laslow or Selena pairup she's at 3RKOs against the Cavs minus the Beastkiller one which is honestly fine

I have a hard time believing Soren is worse than Bastian
I honestly forgot Bastian existed

Yeah Soren is definitely better than him.
Then go ahead, and tell me about those flashy FE speedrun strats.
Calill also exists and is worse than Soren.
Is Galeforce the best skill in Awakening?
Calill's definitely not worse than Soren without Transfers
You can't finish a FE game at lowest possible turn-count without utilizing inventive and at times risky strategies. You have to play at the absolute peak of your game; every single action matters. A casual FE playthrough is full of unnecessary bullshit during maps, sub-optimal unit deployment etc. Completely different experience.
>FE6 chapter 7 HM
Kill me. Those wyvern knights are ridiculous.
It doesn't help that I'm actually trying to use and level Lott and Wade for once, while ignoring the professionals and Rutger.
After Limit Breaker, yes
People wouldn't base their Kwisatz Haderach breeding programs around Galeforce availability if it wasn't.
>Leo STILL can't S-rank with Camilla
>but that little shit Takumi can just swoop her
How is this fair? What were these idiots thinking?
limit breaker is overkill. you probably won't ever need it

Send Marcus up left

Rescue drop Roy to the right

Once you have Zealot extend out further along with Rutger

Don't fucking slack on healing
Camilla needs someone to treat like a child. Leo is too much of a man to fill that role. Takumi is beta enough for the job
Stop samefagging Leo
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Look at it this way Leo; Takumi can never have Femui because she's only canon for your route.

Also that logic doesn't work when she has a good relationship with some others like Niles, Kaze and Laslow. Sorry Leo.
>flaccid dicks are small
breaking news
Dicklet detected.
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together we ride.png
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I've never seen a dick
how else would you jerk off to your waifu?
>not bringing yourself to orgasm through sheer mental willpower
Pull down your pants.
Galefarts is the same way
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Camilla looks dead inside.
I want to marry this pure anon!
That's new. Thanks for the art, anon!

That's not very nice
Kamui looks like she's got something inside
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That's because she's been cursed/possessed by Rhajat.
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wait, you mean the measurements people usually give online aren't for flaccid?
I thought Rhajat was a fixed version of Tharja.
What sort of hex would Rhajat cast on Camilla?
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Isn't it obvious?
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You thought wrong

A hex to switch their tit sizes like that one ecchi anime.
What's with the seatbelt?
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A requirement for everyone riding undead wyverns
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>switch their tit sizes
And now the two dot things are gone. I don't get it

I've never seen my wife ride Jill with such a ridiculous thing
At what point did you realized that Camilla is the best Royal unit in the game?
Some character in Fates carry their bondage gear around, in case they need it on the battlefield.
Ryoma and Xander are better.
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when i saw her tits
As soon as I'd laid eyes on the fair dame...

That's only for me and her in the bedroom, silly!

The day I was first infatuated with her.
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Hold me /feg/ I just realised I lost all my Dolphin saves.
This includes my PoR saves and RD.
What now?
>A hex to switch their tit sizes like that one ecchi anime.
someone get on this
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This is the closest I know of for Fates.
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Actually I think in the context of that anime it was actually shrinking the tits of the other girl and adding them onto their own, so Camilla would be left flat chested while Rhajat has her own plus Camillas.

I kind of want to see that desu
Actually, AFAIC, despite the 2 brothers having 1-2 weapons, Camilla coming sooner and having her great growth rates along with good base stats make her really good in both Conquest and Revelations
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Everything's going to be ok anon. Let it all out.
I really like wyvern riders.
I was currently playing RD for the first time with my ported save of PoR.
Now I lost everything.
After all this time, I hadn't noticed her hand/arm positioned like that and wrote it off as a part of shoulder armor
She's really good but not the best.
What happens to Kana's growth rates if you fuck a 2nd gen?

How does it affects hers?
I'm curious about Calill, she's helpful in 2-E and 3-9, but I've never found a reason to train her. What does she do better than Soren with 7 fewer chapters of availability and equally mediocre bases? Soren caps 3 stats awfully fast and gets a leg up on BEXP levels, so I don't see her getting much faster than him until the Tower, where they're both going to double dragons anyway. Am I mistaken?
Make it stop
What chapter were you in?
This will make a fine OP image for the next thread.
it still uses the same (mother's base growths + child's base growths) / 2 formula
No please, my wife doesn't deserve it
But still I want my Transfers back.

I also lost my Xenoblade save.
Allright thanks
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friendly reminder that this piece of shit killed Izana
Cynthia is the best girl
Don't you dare talk about my wife that way.
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Just to make sure so I don't fuck it up this far in. If I escape with Corrin the chapter immediately ends, right? So I can snatch the chest on the right, escape with Corrin, and then escape the lock opener being ported into a paired up mymidon duo? Ryoma has a crit chance, that secret book can fuck itself.
Yea, you can escape with anyone.
I'm pretty sure every unit has to escape, not just Corn
this ain't Thracia, anon
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ow the edge.png
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>Joshua "animation"

It's even just as crappily animated too.
my pega pony princess!!
I liked Kelik

Nope, just Corrin
That's a later chapter, Anon
Pump and dump Cynthia for Sumia!
Gaius and Panne
When I reclassed her to Berserker. That said I have a boner for wyvern riders and her gorgeous hair.

Godspeed, anon. It'd be a lot better than another Lucina/Tharja thread.
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>tfw no pega pony princess in fates
As did I actually, easily the best part of TLP.
Are there pics like this where we can see what the other kids would look like?

I need the name of the guy who made this
His Cordelia and Severa one was amazing
They might get jealous
Someone post da tier list for Conquest
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Don't talk about my daughteru like that!
remove this
Being helpful in 2 chapters beats being helpful in 1 chapter (if that) if you ask me

I'll spare you the logistics but basically IMO it comes down to Soren not performing well enough for his availability to put him over Calill, even if both have problems (although Calill does win in 4-E-4 due to Rexflame)
Pump and dump Cynthia and Noire!
alright anon i deleted the post just for you

truth and justice wins again! just as Cynthia would have it
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Sain deserves to be voiced by Andrew Francis
I wish he could draw more often to be honest
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my waifu is flat dammit!
This Lucina is from a parallel outrealm where she had a bust, don't worry
>another Lucina/Tharja thread

Yeah because we have so many Tharja threads
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>Lucina that big
It just looks so wrong to me.
I hate it when artist draw my waifu off model, especially when its by that much. I'd honestly prefer it if they wouldn't draw her at all.
>someone paid for this
refer to>>158249590
Doing my first run through of FE13 right now. I'm about to start Chapter 5 right now playing through on Normal mode on Casual. In terms of units and supports far I got:
>Avatar (Lvl.13)/Chrom (Lvl. 11) (S rank)
>Lissa (Lvl. 1)/Frederick (Lvl. 3) (A rank)
>Sully (Lvl. 3)/Stahl (Lvl. 4) (B rank)
>Miriel (Lvl. 3)/Virion (Lvl. 3) (C rank)

I got some advice in a thread of /v/ for pairings leading me to these:
Anything I should switch around, or am I good to move towards these supports?

Also, how would I go about getting the DLC for free? I got the game off the freeshop anyway and the amount of DLC this game has is insane.
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all the girls have bigger boobs than normal there dumb lucinafags

do whatever the fuck you want

anything will work
I wasn't even referring to Lucina, you nerd.
Even if I plan on playing through Apotheosis on this run?
>caring about what you do on normal/casual Awakening

You have to be a literal retard to fail at normal/casual Awakening
Normal's so easy that you can do anything you want and get away with it. Throw the recommendations away for now and do whatever appeals to you
I havent used freeshop but I assume you can just go and get the DLC through there. Get Future Past, Apotheosis, Lost Bloodlines 2, Smash Brethren 2 for actual content, Scrambles for fluff, and the grinding DLC if you really need it
One is apparently too many for most people
yes. you cannot lose on normal/casual

you'd have to make an absurd effort to lose

you should be focusing on pairing that you like aesthetically for such a playthrough
I'd say don't follow through on those recommendations for now, save them for a Hard playthrough and have fun doing the supports you like for the units you favor. The pairings themselves are made in mind for Apotheosis builds but you won't have to worry about that for a first run.
What >>158250368 said. You actually have to put effort into losing, it's just that easy
At least there wasn't a mass counter-thread spergout/thread wars like there used to be. I'll try and do some for characters that haven't gotten any threads in a long time if I get the opportunity.
>I'll try and do some for characters that haven't gotten any threads in a long time if I get the opportunity.
I recommend Flora desu
The problem is that I don't really like making early threads, but that seems to be the standard thing to do these days and they don't seem to get deleted, so I'm not sure what to make of that whole situation.
720 is the bump limit remember
I see. It's true that the only reason to use Soren is because he's there and you may as well. I feel like I got about as much out of his support with Ike last playthrough than I did his actual combat ability, although he did rack up 70-some kills by just being around.
>Calill does win in 4-E-4 due to Rexflame
I completely forgot Rexflame gave a speed boost. She could probably double Generals and such earlier in the Tower in that case, which Soren failed to do this time around. Maybe I'll try deploying her in 4-2 and 4-5 next time and see what she can do.
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Now that's strategy.webm
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Reminds me of this. Casual and Phoenix should never been introduce. Maybe just Casual, but Phoenix was a mistake.
Casual is fine. It's phoenix mode that's the problem
Thank you for posting that, I've been looking a while for it.
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some people are in it for the story anon :P
please post Flavias
>do all this
>still get carried by Lobster
Birthright """"""""""""""difficulty""""""""""""""
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>you can literally win by using everyone else as sudoku bait while ryoma makes a beeline for the boss

phoenix was a misteak
hello friends

english not my first language but I am trying to play for first time I just bought a 3ds XL and purchased digital copy of conquest

any advice for someone who never played this type of game sorry I tried reading pages but don't understand alot looking for basic knowledge
alright i took the bait
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Don't let anyone die
My Castle is very helpful
Supports are super useful for pair-up
As a matter of fact you should use pair-up a lot
Remember to have fun
My 3ds was gifted to me from a friend i cannot hack it for free games because it was updated and nobody in my area has the stuff to do it for me
>have fun
shhh you'll wake up Delphiautist
can you explain pair up in simple terms I read a little but it seems like you combine unit to get support stats added to primary unit to boost combat?
also sorry one more question I have physical card for fire emblem awakening should I play this before fire emblem conquest because I think awakening is not apart of fates games right?
When units are paired up, the second unit gives the first unit increased stats and it stops enemies doing dual attacks against them
Can you play the game in your own language? Quite a few things are explained by the game in the first few chapters
Play Awakening first
Fates is better but Awakening isn't that fun to play after you've played Fates
Yeah, that's essentially how it works. you move a unit up to another, press the pair-up command, and then that unit supports the unit you walked up to. The effects get better if they have a strong support rank (ranging from C-S depending on character genders and relations).

You should play Awakening first, as it has some characters that will appear in Fates, though the two take place in alternate universes. You learn more about it in the Hidden truths dlc
migrate when ready: >>158252872
Essentially yes. Having two units near each other will have them both engage in combat. If you do this enough you'll be able to rank up their supports with each other an this will give them bigger stat boosts when paired up.
New thread:
do i really have to specify "if link gets spammed it isn't me"?




Man, there was the one where she was on Kanna's paralogue and lost all her units except for Ryouma who had a sliver of health. Proceeded to dodge and crit everything in sight.

Well you don't really help the problem by making early threads.
Does anyone actually care, though? If it were really such a huge problem, I figure there would be people actively going against it.
Everyone who was actively against it left because mods are inconsistent as fuck about actually dealing with it, and shitposters flood into the thread anyway to get their ebin waifu post
Its actually kind of sad. The general was actually shitposted to death
Maybe a few but I think they either died or left. If only mods did something. There was a time when they did, even if ir was for a short while.
How do we finish up this thread? Either 25 post or 12 images. How did everyone respond to the new weapon triangle? Any changesyou think would make it better if it needs improving?
Fucking loved it. I hope it gets used more often
I think so to. The inclusion of bows makes bow users useful and all but I feel like it need slight rework since the weapons itself changed drastically.
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my waifu is flat dammit!
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I thought it was pretty nice. I had no problems with it. Annoyed me that Awakening didn't have it to begin with.
I personally don't see the bows as the problem, the main problem with it is that Hidden Weapons are WAY too good. I would debate that they remove the debuffing effect from some of them

Awakening didn't have Hidden Weapons. It wouldn't work very well
>Awakening didn't have Hidden Weapons
Didn't think about that. Good point.
What do you guys think of Magic Triangle?

Or just give them more meaningful cons to balance it out,.

Yeah, Awakening lacked too much for it to pull off stuff.
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The magic triangle is something that, while good, most likely won't come back due to the absence of Light Magic in both Awakening and Fates. It would be great to see it return, though
You mean Chrom's waifu

You just get to watch
I miss it so badly.
They can't support faggot. Your meme is shit.
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I don't have any experience with the Magic Triangle just yet. I've only just recently started playing the older FE games. I'm a disgrace
You're not a disgrace for trying something old. The old games are really good, and some are even better than Awakening or Fates. FE12 is my favorite game and I want to marry it.
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I concur although it has it's own faults. Mage vs Mage is terrible to do since the variants are build about the same. I also think that they should have different properties than the weapon triangle. Like the boost you get from having weapon advantage of the sort. Though I honestly wouldn't know how to go about it.

Light magic needs a return.

You'll see it soon enough.
I want the Magic Triangle to come back. Light magic needs to come back for that to work though, but I think the special effects Dark tomes have had can be split with Light magic so the more defensive and healing ones are done by Light magic, such as Nosferatu, and the more offensive ones are done by Dark magic, such as Ruin or Waste. With the debuffs being so prevalent in Fates, Light magic could have some tomes focus on buffing the caster and/or surrounding allies after attacking, while Dark tomes debuff enemies and/or surrounding enemies. Maybe Savage Blow could be put into a Dark tome too.
How is going Mage in 12?

Damn that actually sounds pretty nift.
I wouldn't know. I usually just go with Myrm or Cav, with the occasional Archer
I like the Magic Triangle but with Fates new weapons triangle it needs to be reworked before being put back into the game. Maybe add another weapon type in Magic's place, then spread out three magic types in the triangle again.
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Nah I was poking fun at the fact that I've started playing them recently.
Yeah I can dig that.
I like the triangle but something's did not make sense. Why are knives blue shouldn't they be red because of swords.

Also if I have to say somthing else why isn't there a spell that scales with strength instead of magic. Somthing along you summon a weird spectral version is a class to attack and when it crits it's that class critting animation.
I guess I will try it out meself. Mages aren't generally good in these games but they aren't bad either.

What weapon should be introduced as a replacement?

Shurikens as well, but I suppose they needed to fill it with something to have it complete.
The only thing I can think of for adding into the newer games that seems to be a presence already is bringing back strike for stones for transforming units or letting staves counterattack again.
How do you generally answer your past/present/future?
That's something that's still missing too; we have a magic weapon for each weapon type, but there's no tome that uses strength. It's a fun idea and gives a bit more use to mixed tome classes.
>they throw their tome at the enemy
I want something like a magekiller tome as well. Like it would be attacking Mag stat vs Enemy's Def stat.
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I cast fist.jpg
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I laughed way harder than I thought I would.
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