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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 197

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General resources / news:

WoWg guilds:
Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)
Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance)

/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

Filter lists to clean up wowg:
Image MD5s, comments, filenames, trips:

WoW Token Price:

Last thread: >>156887697
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The queen
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>no legendary since launch
>you get the legendary that doesn't affect dps
At least I ll be op in world pvp and dot raids
Gnomes a shit
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any eu girls lurking atm?
Not gonna lie, I would bang her, she just seems like a massive attention whore, who enjoys it
RIPIP is now 2/7M!

Steady as she goes!
catering for casuals yet again

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>use a rare tmog from an old pvp season, its actually unique and not just a recolour
>afk in class hall
>have every asshole and his dawg notice as they walk past, turn around and inspect me for a minute or two

is this what it feels like to be a special snowflake?

id use an unobtainable mount if i could, but i cant mount up in my class hall
ripip 2/7 mythic

still looking for shadow priests
What map addon do people use these days?
I've been using Carbonite for ages but with Legion they stopped updating so I need a new one, preferably a similar one to Carbonite.

Posted in last thread after it moved here
Anyone else cringe when they see a guild that's not even 1/7M recruiting "exceptional players"?
god if I got that on my assassin rogue as my first legendary id be so pissed

those secondary stats are complete shit for me
This is considered spamming now, and is bannable offence.

Keep it up so you can evade and get range banned.
wow gj you got kargath 2.0 and twin ogron 2.0
No fun allowed
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forgot picture
>spam something like 3+ times each thread that serves no purpose
>omg no fun allowed!
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it doesnt matter since the states has so many checks and balances implemented in their legislature and executive branches to prevent pure retardation. Hillary can have fun with a GOP controlled house and senate rofl

they had their chance to elect a True Constitutional Conservativeā„¢, but they blew it
those pants drop for all specs
Huh? My spec is sub and loot spec is sub as well, I am not playing ass
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Have you gotten your hidden artifact appearance yet?
>"""dps main""
>doesnt main a hunter or mage
So far I've gotten:
Prot Pally
WW Monk
Disc Priest
I like the Bookstaff the best
>always wanted a tabulk mount
>first hour in draenor and there's an actual rare spawn that drops a tabulk mount

pretty nice ...
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>those mogs

no wonder why that guild is fucking trash
>look mum i posted it again hahaha xD
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>he's a casual
>he don't have multple legion legendaries
>he isn't 7/7 mythic
Do you guys really get a kick out of reposting the same things as fast as possible in every new thread?
Gratz from bearheart
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>"Anyone got a wod private server?"
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>Ralph gets a legendary before me
Faction change Worgen Druid to Tauren
1-4 yes
5-9 no
0 Make it a femtauren
lol what do you even mean by this? Neither of these fights resemble either of those
literally dont care about your namefag shit
Yeah because you totally mean that and proved that you care when it isn't convenient.

Run out of images to avatarfag and have to post your autistic name?
you know who else doesn't care? every single person in this general
>i-im god-king tho...
>p-pls odyn... ;_;
Is RIPIP the most successful wowg raiding guild on NA servers this xpac?
You realize no matter what you say he's going to keep doing this till the end of time because he feels he was "wronged" and he's the biggest autist to ever grace this thread.
How did you get it? I've gotten no screeches in the dream way for 2 weeks now. I got 2 in dusk wood and then ever since they reset it on the 27th of september I haven't gotten a screech.
What is the spec fastest for leveling up Warrior from 1 to 100
I want to level up fast and play dps when I get to 100
Also, I have 2 heirlooms for leveling up, I dont know where to get more that give exp gains.
But what is the fastest way of leveling too, just solely doing dungeons? Or doing a mix of dungeons and questing
More like the only NA raiding guild.
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we can smell your assmad from across the atlantic, ralph

gratz from a <LW> boi

you done good
>Dumb Greek woman posting with her two personalities again because she went crazy

It's a funny episode but it makes me bad for laughing at the mentally deficient
But wasn't Literal Who supposed to be """""THE""""" raiding guild?
fresh new guild

we still have people who have never raided before so we're gonna slog through shit for half the expac

ripip has years on us, even if we're the same amount of autistic

which is fine, i guess
>enabling Ralph and/or Bearheart's continued battle for "Who's the most autistic furry?" by giving them attention.

Now point out how this post references both of them as proving that I'm also trying to give them attention.
Not Bearheart you greek piece of shit
I don't care about him nor you nor anyone other namefagging person ion this general
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>we use discord
>pretends to be nice to cuck people to his circlejerk

it's called making friends

sorry you've never heard of it, you worthless ogre
fuckin epic drama this is some epic shit im going to post this on youtube this will get all the hits fucking prime drama epic dude wow

can't you guys flirt somewhere else?
So did they
autists please take this namefag shit to discord or something

none of us care, you're a small minority here.
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>we use raidcall or teamspeak
Are you guys cool with new people joining your raids if they have the gear/know the fights? Or is it an inner circle type of thing
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Ralph still isn't as autistic as the rest of the furry menace that plagues this shit hole of a general. He's just the autism you see in the open.
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Hey what logs website do you guys prefer? I've been using warcraftlogs but I was wondering if there was an alternative that might be better.
I'm thinking of boosting a DK

If I were to choose professions to boost, would mining and BS be better than mining and JC or something completely different?
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wow that didnt take long to ruin the thread

even with filters it doesnt help since it hides most of the thread

rangebanning greece will do literally nothing at this point since he will just get a vpn
>heroic nyn
>watching everything thats going on in raid and calling out mistakes as they happen
>people are getting pissy and angry about it and i get kicked from guild raid and they tell me to fix my attitude or else im not raiding with them anymore
>go pug 4/7h in the time it takes them to decide its time to call it and give up
Doesn't even have to be unobtainable. I sit about on my Feldrake and people felate me and then ask about my mog. Instead of answering I just hearth away with my Dark Portal as people run through it and /s ?
let them have their fun, they feel like they are somebody in a fucking video game general on 4chan because a couple other people are just as sad as them
>When you get ass implants as a graduation present.
>Wiping on heroic

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>finally got a legendary
>it's champion equipment
imagine being this person

having to fight the suicidal thoughts daily must take tremendous effort
i know its sad but the guilds on my server are crap
Yeah but until I unlock the 200 WQ while using it recolor I'm keeping it transmogged as my favourite staff

I still ain't had shit
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We give everyone a fair shot, yeah

You want in you can just ask

If you do 150k dps on heroic we're not gonna let you come back next week, but generally our players arent shit so that hasn't really been a problem

they let me come and i'm an afflock for god's sake

ralph bear's not even online, fuck off nobody cares
>your application has been declined

what do
>wiping at all
>he didn't get 7/7m the first week of mythic

LOL how bad can u get
it wouldnt be happening if you had some self control you fat fuck. no one is making you post like holy fuck

no one here cares about your shitty affairs, why do you continue to air out your dirty laundry on a cambodian tapestry wall?
Roll something that isn't a dps, because a dps with higher ilvl then you will always apply
You are over 865 ilvl r-right?
That's just a lie you're using to justify you shitting up the thread (it doesn't btw). Even if your gay furry crush dumped you day one you'd still be here posting your shit quality manda porn that you found on tumblr. Fuck off already and get over your stupid internet breakup.
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>get accepted
>start flying to the raid
>arrive at the stone
>You have been removed from the group.
I don't like encouraging mental illnesses though.
>bright unnatural hair colour
>gauged ears
> "rebel" hairstyle

Holy shit, so many red flags.
865 exactly
this game is actually kind of fun when you're a in a group where you push each other to improve further, instead of being in a group where you're the de-facto best player
Are you?
Can't stand bitches like this. Colored hair. Typical attention whore gamer girl.
He was out with his girlfriend, the guy doesn't care about you at all
>once I dumped him
are you namefags literally faggots or something?
Nah because I only get loot worse than what I already have and am currently too depressed to actually play any further than just doing WQs and order hall shit right now


>implying you wouldn't take bong rips out of her asshole
Got my DK legendary shoulders today after a week in a half at 110.
Depends of the player. I like being a big fish in a small pond.
yeh one shotting it in a pug im the problem lmao
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Get back into the fucking raid and get on Discord Necrofeart, nobody cares that you're a girl.
>Like skovald
>look up art
>no art except a shitty drawing on paper

>He isn't 7/7m
>No full class hall with double legodairy trait
>He isn't 2400+ in all pvp brackets
>Not gold capped on all your characters on a single server
>He isn't a top tier rp/erper

Fucking casuals
>hating attention whores

Ive gotten laid a fuck ton of times by going to comic conventions and seeing these attention whore girls dressed up like hoes calling it "cosplay" and beating the pussy up. jokes on you jessica the baby aint mine and I dont even like anime
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man it feels fucking great knowing that i have a group of rl friends and dont have to resort to making them across the internet like ralph rofl
>art for a meme character

You shouldnt expect this
What are the red orbs that come out of your body and spiral in towards your target occasionally?

I thought maybe it was mark of the hidden satyr but my alt that does't have the enchant does it too
Khadgar was a known homosexual, Ancient astronaut theorist predict.
Hey faggot guess what? Everyone already knew about Bearheart before you got here. Guess what? No one cared about him before and now that you've spewed this shit about how he dumped you every day NO ONE CARES. You're accomplishing nothing by acting like a teenage girl every waking hour. Fuck off.
>Make over 200 flask of the whispered pact just trying to get rank 3
>Don't care too much about the gold but ah then anyway
>People constantly undercut what I put up by 30silver and fast forward two days none of it has sold

Gimme one good reason not to put them all up at 500 each instead of 1900-2000 and crash the market.
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i know the second post is b8 but show me your dank achieves if you have them
Things that never happened ; the post
>my guild cant get nyth down on heroic
>i have already pugged 7/7h
>they are changing the raid days so i can come to both so i dont pug further than them

Real life friends really do suck
Yeah OK virgin
>Europeans go to bed
>attention whore drama shoots through the roof
Im a married man u little cum guzzling furry fat fuck boy

>being so autistic you check when someone has undercut you

christ m8, I was pushing pre-legion gold cap and I would never do that
How are Ele Shamans? I won't raid, but I wanna do M+. Should I just roll mage? :<
Which is canonically stronger, void magic or fel magic?
Doubt it cuck.
>not checking for undercuts
how fucking dead is your server that anything ever sells?
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i dont think you are one to judge how friends should interact with each other since you have none rofl
Shouldnt roll either, Should go physical DPS
the newest generation of WoW players, Thinking being neet loosers is okay
This faggot is literally a europoor. All things considered theres worse shitposting here. just ignore walls of autistic text
You should play enhancement instead
are you implying we're dating lol
Crash the plane with no survivors big guy
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Well, you have two options, as I see it

1) Spec into maximum aoe as Elemental and pop your big cooldowns on bosses

2) Respec Enhancement


>wasting deposit gold trying to move something for less than you originally posted it

You weren't kidding when you said you didn't care too much about the gold, but then, why are you checking for people undercutting you?
>phys dps
Hunters are technically phys dps right? Dunno, I'll think about it

Yeah, I've heard enh shamans are nuts atm.
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Minigame hero
Two trannies can still date each other you know, at least you are getting something out of that shitty person
Hunters can be good, MM is one of the best atm yet they have been reduced to pretty much spamming barage until it gets nerfed., BM hunters are new user friendly with only 2 buttons to press as rotaiton
I like this image
Oh shit
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holy fuck this is brilliant

i should probably screencap this shit, its too good

i know they are my friends, most of us have been close for 12 years. you dont need to be proficient in psychology to figure that one out

have fun finding those "real" friends rofl
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>I know
Way to disprove yourself
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>>wasting deposit gold trying to move something for less than you originally posted it
how does that even make sense
i don't care how much i originally posted it for since i just undercut the cheapest auction by 1c like everyone who's not retarded
i'm checking if anyone undercuts me because i want to sell my shit? am i supposed to just wait 12/24/48 hours to relist something for even less?
fucking garrison clickers thinking they know shit about making gold
what is this? is it hard?

ive seen it in the achieve tab but havent bothered checking it out
Why am I being spawn camped on a PvE server while I have PvE turned off? This happens a lot this expansion.
>the fresh 110 gets a legendary before me
It's just not RNG.
>that many Funko Pops
I'm fucking puking right now
I don't really know how mythics work to be honest, I'm playing this game for the first time since 3.3.5 and there's a bunch of new shit I don't know about. I'm not a bad player and I even have pvp mounts and shit but my ilvl is kinda low (842).

Okay I just did one mythic and I got a +2 keystone. I don't know what to do with it but people with keystones can get carried. I want to try it but I don't know where the font of power is.
Maybe you should roll on a pvp server, people there are actually way more chill and way less likely to go around ganking because that shit is passe whereas on pve servers suddenly a world quest pops where it's gank city and it's a novelty for them
Yeah man I am totally friends with a guy I barely talk to and just occasionally meet and happen to know for 10 years.
Totes friendship xd
she got a good 80% of them for free

>prices always go down
>there is no cycle to price fluctuations
>especially not for an item that gets used by raiders 2-4 times for three days out of the week, usually in the Tuesday-Friday range

Why would you take less gold now when you could take more gold later? I'm not talking to a sub-million shitter, am I?
>On healer alt
>tank is call to arms
>Log on tank alt
>healer is call to arms a minute later

What a fucking meme
I find it cute that arms warriors shoulder charge does bigger damage than most of their weapon skills.
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>fem panda in slut mog
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1-5 male tauren
6-0 femTauren
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we live in the same town and talk to each other almost every day you retard

but just keep making assumptions like you know anything rofl

is this what loneliness does to someone? become a never ending salt mine?
>get put in the meteor stun
>entire party leaves and one retards who soaks it with me
>can't run back because stray diers keep pulling mobs
>rest just continues and kills bosses while i and five others can't use the portals

Fucking epic.
nigga i'm not even the original person and i'm not talking about flasks or whatever specifically
just calling you out for saying that checking for undercuts is "autistic" when on high pop servers there's way more supply than demand for pretty much everything else EXCEPT everyday shit like flasks and food and some crafting mats
when there's 10 people trying to sell an item that sells once a week you'll never sell it if you get undercut after an hour and wait until it expires to relist it
Thanks for ignoring everything else I said. You're self-imposed crusade has done absolutely nothing to frame Bearheart as anything other than "the faggot that dumped Ralph". You on the other hand, has come to be known as "The most controlling and insufferable autistic teenage girl that can't get over her crush dumping her". I've said countless times that not a single person in this god-forsaken general cares or believes anything that you shit out here.
Mythic keystones are literally the greater rift system from diablo 3, only you can't arbitrarily choose to do a lower level one, if you have a +5 keystone you gotta do a +5 unless you use someone else's lower level keystone

The thing you put it in is at the entrance of a mythic dungeon

At the end of the week you get a chest in your class hall that gives you loot scaled to the highest completed mythic+ that week and a keystone that is one level lower then the keystone you had last week

Pro tip start your own casual mythic run groups and have DBM installed to learn the dungeons. Non + mythics have a weekly lockout and you should do a full set each week for artifact power drops.
go female anyways since femtauren are qt

It's autismal as fuck; I'm on Stormrage Alliance, and I make millions posting shit for 48h. Also, he's talking about posting flasks, one of two categories you admit are excluded from this position, so why should he take lower profit playing the undercut meme when he could, y'know, not?
Random battlegrounds with my friends ^~^
>farming fjarnskaggl in stormheim
>some level 107 is killing quest mobs
>a gnome rogue ganks him
>somehow dealing almost no damage to the level 107
>burst that faggot

at the same time i feel like a white knight but at the same time it was great to kill a gnome rogue fag
inc triggered ralph reply
do i lock myself out of world quests by not finishing every quest in zones other than suramar?
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What's your favorite server and why?
how did you deal with the memewebs? is the 3 tank strat a requirement

No. You only need friendly.
post logs so i can shit on your mages
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/console ScreenshotQuality 1
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There is no help, no salvation from this horror
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since i play on oceanic my favourite server would be one that is low-ish pop and has low latency

given the above criteria my selection pool is pretty small. id probably say dreadmaul is my favourite. cant stand pve servers
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Why is BM the mythic+ spec opposed to MM?
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Blow your brains out you fucking screamer.
better burst AoE
it isn't it's just people who fell for the bm meme shilling their meme spec because they regret rolling it
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>still not exalted with The Wardens

Holy shit why is this so hard?

Sira Moonwarden please forgive me. I'll be a Warden just like you very soon!
I can pull 400k and I'm shit.
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frostmourne. its a constant stream of shitposting, it literally never ends


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Hey, friendos. I kind of want to play WoW. But I really don't want to pay full price for legion. How long after release do xpacks typically go on sale?
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>he hasn't been doing all available world quests every single day since release
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>tfw miss aspect of the fox
Blizzard almost never does sales.

I think they have a sale like once a year and it's like -10% off (or less).
I'll take note of this.
it might be like $5 cheaper on christmas
I just got the rouge order quest to get 20 Aethril but I have no idea how, there are none on my ah only Aethril seeds and I have no alts on this server?

Only option to drop a profession just for the quest?
probably around christmas time, but they usually dont do sales on the latest expac until like a year after it was released
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Who still has the best item in their bags?

I can never delete or race change my human paladin. This thing stays with me until I die
das it mane

Wait for the AH to have Aethril on it? Ask in trade chat to buy Aethril?

Here, I'll help you. Copy this into trade chat:

WTB 20 Aethril PST
Hey guys im a pretty good pvper, and on a PVP server obvioussly, what legion zone should i make my own? so far ive been claiming thunder totem area.
>he hasn't wasted his time doing tons of world quests that offer virtually little to no reward
>he hasn't unnecessarily been contributing to player burnout
857 here.


Mythic+ court of stars and vault of wardens multiple times every day since launch AND MY FUCKING CHEST/TRINKET WONT FUCKING DROP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I seriously think that we should have the ability to just get any item from a mythic+ dungeon after we have ran it 10 times.
Darkbrul Arena
Been doing it throughout the day and nothing and none of the AH all day.
Thanks, in your opinions is it worth it to buy Legion? I haven't really played since Cataclysm release.
>I seriously think that we should have the ability to just get any item from a mythic+ dungeon after we have ran it 10 times.

neo-wow everyone
I also have a habit of collecting useless junk from yesteryears.

I still have my crashin thrashin racer with charges.
I still have my airsoft rifle.

My biggest regret in WoW was vendoring my arcanite ripper AND haunted moment for fucking repair money.


Yikes. What server?
It's not hard.
It's just the toy is expensive as fuck.
>he doesn't still have his mohawk grenades

any REAL collector is laffing @ u
>not wanting the ability to choose your single item you are going for after farming it for weeks and it never dropping even once

fuck off.
>pulling under 150k dps

I just don't understand how this is even possible.
Yes if the core game loop of do thing get stronk appeals to you. This entire expansion is about do thing get stronk with the artifact system.
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>tfw haunted mementos were at 12k last week on your server and you didn't scoop them up because you were playing other shit
>finally use my legion boost on a priest
>play it for five minutes
>immediately lose interest and want to go back to my mainlock
>Darkbrul Arena
thats actually pretty good input anon, I like it. Live apon a high peak in a cave and stop anyone from entering to do thier WQ's
What does /wowg/ do when a stranger comes up to them asking for gold?
>Open trade
>Place 300,000 in the window
>Go AFK and watch TV without hitting confirm
>be mister big dick in a raid
>raid making same mistake for hours on end
>they get mad when i leave to salvage my night because i know we arent gonna down anything since people keep making same mistakes and their reactions to said mistakes are Dsp tier
No, nononono. Quin69 is our boy. Him and Swifty are more interesting and fun to watch than a wet towel.
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they are everywhere on my server so im used to it

the fuckers camp between the stormwind AH and mailbox all day. literally the most inefficient way of making gold ever
Activate my Pandaren Brewpack toy and throw drink at them, demanding they drink it. Continue doing so until the point that they are completely smashed.

Then I ride away.
If it's something minimal like 100g or something and they ask nicely (e.g. "Please") i just do it
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>Doing H Eye
>Dps won't stop attacking the boss when adds are still up.
>Finally get it right until one of the dps fucks us over by going in early.

They end up throwing a fit when they get kicked. Some people are too impatient.
Nice potato bro
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What will happen if the WoW servers ever shut down?
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Where's the rest of the specs?
We all wasted years of our lives and loads of money on nothing.
WoW2 will be out by that time
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The WoW servers will keep going unless Los Angeles is literally wiped off the map
show more details of that, please.
it's 865 ilvl sims instead of 840
In the trash.
Ah, thank you for that then.
id go back to being a normie fag, drinking on the beach with the rest of the normies in my town, and go to the bowling club every day after work for beers

since its getting warmer here id probably go camping and fishing with a few friends and ditch my current job to go work on the local highway construction, sponsored by the federal government of course

from earning the big bucks id go on a holiday to a normie destination like bali or bangkok, maybe even vietnam rofl
To make up for the insult this expansion has been to the professions not Alchemy.

Next expansion, blacksmithing, tailoring, leatherworking, and engineering should make profession perk only, best in slot for the entire expansion, armor items. Made from easy to obtain early on mats too.
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>Demonology is top DPS in simulations.
>It's literal shit tier in real Emerald Dream parses.

Explain this.
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Welp, took long enough to think of a name
But I'm a ladymoo now
It's very simple, really.
Sims are of zero worth. In all situations. You are an idiot for even looking at them.

It's the most immobile spec in the game.
Pet AI is worse now than it has ever been.

There you go.
Explain why a Patchwerk sim isn't representative of a real world fight?

Can't be done!
>frost mage
>affliction warlock
>enhancement shaman
have anyone ever seen these specs to good or even passable dps in raids?
litterly a multi millionare and no one asks me for gold ever.
Even friends dont want to help me launder my gold.
nah man it's only spec and gear stop spreading misinfo you autist nerd :DDDDD
So when will you be killing yourself?
There's this thing called movement, when that happens, most ranged DPS go to shit, even melee suffers a fair bit when it has to happen.
why is outlaw rogue so low REEEE

Yes, on progression it's highly recommended.
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even mage
odds lock
For dungeons n raids outlaw is best,
for pvp and sinlge target assasin and sub is best
dudes sim chart is fucking bullshit.
because of nerfs to their spec and buffs to others. Also remember, Sims are simulated fights, not real fights.

Because it's a spec that relies entirely on RNG.
Pet AI is fine you shitter.
I want to make an addon that downloads data from wowprogress.com each day to keep itself updated with world progress rankings and then it scans the guilds of each members in 5mans and announces their world ranking in /i

I know it's completely cancerous and shit, but I just want this piece of shit community to suffer.
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pls respodn
is 260k dps good enough for heroic EN?
only shitters play these specs
the good guys are playing what's doing the best dps
Get the fuck out of here with that ALWAYS incorrect shit.

Fucking lol
Because the parses are still PTR bloated and there are an overrepresentation amongst demo, outlaw, svhunt, and all the new reworked specs.
Affliction warlock literally always does low dps in every scenario in dungs, raids and mythic+ Just because there are >50 parses of the top geared affli players does not mean the spec is fun, good or versatile.
What is the fastest way to level up from 1 to 100?
Dungeons only? Or a mix of questing and dungeons.
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>survival that high
oh fug, i'm gonna get nerfed aren't i. this spec has so many issues despite doing this well
Yeah. That Russian guild that got world first had most people hovering 300k on Xavius mythic, which is a cleave-ish fight that allows dps boosting in dream.
You mean make a website that does that, if it's an addon it would only work for people who have already downloaded it.
Or you can stop looking at logs with no context ya dipshit
be a tank spec

gather world mobs up
aoe them down
constantly be in queue for lfg as tank
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hope you're ready to reroll
can you retards learn the difference between warcraft log parses and noxxic dps sims
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do any of you guys look this sexy?

i didnt think so rofl
And they thought I was crazy for playing Survival!
if you are still playing outlaw

switch now

sin and sub shit all over it
>Patchwerk sim
>UH DK would drop down even more if their target moved ;_;
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>Male Nelf
that's a pretty old sim u got there m8
Isn't Demo literally only good for Nythendra, and Ursoc if you can get your raid to allow you to never have to move?
Damn tease.
Even then its not worth the trouble.
Also, that chart is counting trash.

Half of those afflock numbers are Soul Flames.
You can fix wraith walk right now if you pay 5k for the glyph that makes you walk instead of float when you use it :^)
>bright unnatural hair color
>"rebel" hairstyle
I can deal with these.

>gauged ears
These are dealbreakers.

>Being a fucking shill with no valid opinion on games or updates
She literally pisses me off with her false optimism and joy regarding literally every single thing Blizzard does.

Bitch please. No.
add me cute anime girl Arisu#11883
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>Not enjoying the slow but steady progress with your friends
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I try. Wish i pvped in season 1 since the elite gear for dk looks so much better.
Enjoy your B& mate
I never respond to that, although today I did give some gold to a guy who was asking for 60g for flying. Hopefully karma is good.
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You, my friend, look dope as hell.
>just finished leveling an alt
>already thiniking of leveing another
the idea of raiding with friends is awesome, Then You find out they have been retarded since birth and never noticed until now. Serioussly no reason to wipe 20+ times on heroic.
sustained or using all cooldowns on BL DPS? around 300k sustained is enough for mythic so 260k should be fine for heroic
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God the mobs around moon guard stronghold are pieces of shit

>about to get the big dick ulthalesh cleave that'll kill the whole pack of 20+
>they go invuln, run to the portal 5ft away, then re-aggro
Built for Tauren dickings. I hope.
180k is enough for heroic en, 260k is for mythic
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>it's a human monk episode
wish these people would stop plaguing my class hall
Thank you, yours is pretty decent as well, if only there was a black version, like the one Godfrey wears in Shadowfang keep.
I do 250-300k as 842 enhance on my alt, good enough.

better than ele:^)
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You're right.
I regret rolling a human monk, should've gone with pandaren instead
I know. I've been bitching about that to everyone who mentions my mog is like lord godfrey's since mid-wod.
wish these people would stop plaguing my game
Get a nude mod.
Guys when is chaddles streaming????
ill enjoy my easy m+ runs :)
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Normal mode dungeons are something else man.

Level 110 Warlock using a Voidwalker and doing 27k DPS on a boss.
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>my 853 sin rogue does 40k more dps than my 857 fire mage
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>Never followed anything for Legion
>Friends tell me to start playing again.
>Been survival hunter main since TBC
>Log on for the first time since mop

What the Actual fuck is this shit?
Kill yourself samefag
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>when a girly boy tries to impress you with his Raid progression
real men PVP i need a real man
Go BM and faceroll+ while watching your favorite television program/masturbating/whatever
There is literally not one of my friends that isn't playing a female blood elf for all of their classes.

Should I just find new friends?
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Enhancement Shaman or Rogue for melee DPS?
So if I want to be a girly boy I should raid?
>minigamers in /wowg/
people here probably die at least 5 times in lfr, what makes you think these scrubs are capable in pvp?
>real men minigame

Bitch please, you'd be as wet as niagra if you saw my full tier 3, let alone my raid achievements.
rogue if you want good single target and meme abilities but bad aoe

enhancement if you want a little of everything
No you raid and u automatically are a sissy boy
Well, despite getting my legendary yesterday and running some normal and heroic dungeons today my ilvl still isn't over 850 =-(
Enhancement Shaman is FOTM bullshit that everybody is playing.

Go Rogue if you actually want a raid spot.
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I pvp.
Holy shit, got the source?
Google Image search just results in "Tree".

Will Frost DKs ever be viable? I have already accepted that my old surv Hunter will never be because survival's design is pure, unmitigated shit, but will FDKs be good eventually...?
I did LFR for the first time today even though i cleared mythic.
the fucking healers could litterly out-heal the damage done by corruption. Whats the fucking point if its impossible to die
Enhancement does all the damage DHs used to do while managing to avoid the shit people DH attracts. It's really a win/win to stack your raid with enhancement shamans.
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can you find me a long tail that will not give me balloon tits?
the unmoded dreanei tits are perfect and id like to keep them that way
Knowing the usual blizzard balance coaster, dks will be brokenly op during the 2nd half of expansion as they are shit during the 1st half.
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The best I got for you is the one in that model thread from Allynsia.

Sorry, hon.
If people wanted to try and pug Mythic Nyenthdra you'd want at least 300k
Man I'm still level 108.
Time to go down the rabbit hole.
How do people manage to pull these huge numbers? I'm ilevel 846 on my DH and I can't even pull 200k on the boss target dummy. Does 10 ilevels make that much of a difference? Does the artifact grow that much in power from dumping AP into it?
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>wake up
>See this in your party
what do
ask in the model thread on dn
they normally do requests
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It's an interesting feel, leading people to degeneracy.

I wonder if this is what Tau feels like on the daily.
Instant kick.
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>Does 10 ilevels make that much of a difference? Does the artifact grow that much in power from dumping AP into it?

Yes to both, but also things to consider:

Despite ilvl, If you've got shit stats your DPS is going to be awful compared to similar ilvl

The neck enchant and double DPS potions are worth like 25k DPS in a 5 minute fight

Trinkets make a big difference

I'm a 'good' player and at 852 I do around 290-310k on the target dummy over 5 minutes if I fully pot and flask
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there is a certain amount of degeneracy i am willing to accept but now you have gone to far
I have a long standing policy to never invite anyone from Ragnaros, Sargeras, or Quel'thalas into my groups.
Sorry I don't abide degeneracy.
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brazilian gamers.jpg
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15 years since I first met BRs, and they're as bad as ever.
Ah, well I was going pretty lazy with CDs and no pots or neck enchants so maybe that's why.
There's a /wowg/ anon who goes by Tau who's a goddamn degenerate.

Chaos for life
I need to know the source of the image in the back.
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should I boost a paladin or priest for healing bgs
Why does rogue play so bad now? I fucking hate outlaw pirate theme and its playstyle is literally 'mash saber slash and hope for good buffs. Assassination is meh, dots aren't really my thing, and my previous favorite of Subtlety has this incredibly awkward design that one stun immediately fucks, AND has worse damage than both the others.

Fuck rogues are in a bad spot.
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Two Tauren one Draenei.jpg
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>americans wake up
>bully posting starts
rly makes u..
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pic related is u
but at least you don't have rune of power
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Lol, Is the BR problem as bad on WoW as it was on games like Archeage?
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bugs bunny.jpg
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>there are people who take time to download texture mods to give their toons tattoos, and then spend hours posing them and taking screenshots so they can shitpost in /wowg/
>implying mages have ever had it bad, ever.
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The quiet displeases slaanesh.
No they are filthy degenerates
I'm a Spriest and would love to but I'm EU and haven't transitioned yet

WoW isn't free to play so it avoids the worst of the worst, but it still has a few realms which are total cancer. Ragnaros in particular is considered a lost cause.
there have been times when we haven't been the best
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chaos is for fags
daemonettes are ok tho
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>feral literally in the trash

10 year feral vet and not sure if i should still buy legion when i get home.. lmao
I honestly cannot comprehend how hideous these people who do this look in real life, how horrible their living situations are. They are in the deepest depths of neckbeard degeneracy. This is their life. This what they look forward to each jobless day.
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>On /v/
>See WoW thread
>People saying the game should go free to play to make it better

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TFW can't force myself to level. Got to 106 but I can't do more... it's awful?
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At least I don't call them "toons", LMAAOOOOOOOOOO

hi borf how's it goin

As a mage I view it as a failure on Blizzards part if one of our three DPS aren't in the top 5 at any given time
It's a shame the flair of Legion has worn off so now /wowg/ has nothing to stem the tide of furries, degenerates and avatarfags.

God I hate this thread but there is literally nowhere else to discuss even a sliver of WoW that isn't shit like reddit
YES, it's a good thing I don't have any dignity, otherwise fapping to this would be embarrassing
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4chan's /v/ has been shit since all the good posters left for the other chan.
new guy here, whats the deal with ragnaros?
>killed dargul 250 times
>no bindings yet
really great
Woah, I dont know who you are but thanks for the namedrop.

Sorry I degenerate so hard.
BR realm.
>Questing on alt
>DBM gives me update on guilds Heroic run
>They keep wiping to heroic cenarius

L-LOL? How can people be so goddamn bad
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Unf, post more.
that could not have been the best tattoo mod they had. F, apply yourself.

That butt needs a cock.
Post front. Use an image hosting side if you need to.
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It's the Vrykul tattoos that are already in game, dude.

Do not be sorry. Move towards the event horizon.

I've created another.

Dear god.

Enjoy - and please, stick around.
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>people selling herbs in stacks of one
why do you do this
Im american but i play on EU to fight russians, How are the BR's at PVP?
BRs are bottom of the barrel at everything

why is every single shitter rogue cuck a fucking outmeme le pirate roughe ebin eyepatch yarrrr me hearties bones-rolling SHIT???EVERY SINGLE ONE. dont see any other rogues, just fucking LE EBIG POIRATE ARRRRR. im so FUCKING SICK OF THEM. EVERYWHERE I GO. fucking outmemes and their saber slashes making that shink sound. and the fucking dice popping all over the place so they can get their meme buffs. and then suddenly LE PISTOL SHOT FROM 1000 YARDS AWAY LOL STUNNED FOREVER EBIN!!!!! LE PISTOLERO!!!!!! ARRRRRR I BE A PIRATE!!!!!! RUN YE SCURVY DOGS THROUGH FOR HALF YE HEALTH POOL YARRRR grappling hooks behind you NOTHIN PERSONNELL YE LANDLUBBER

are rogues just in such a shit place that no one plays subtlety or assassination so they're forced into THE LITERAL REDDDIT SPEC? is outmeme doing more dps than the other specs? or is it just the YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF LE RUM YAR HAR FIDDLE DEE DEE I ARE A PIRATE SWAB LE POOPDECK MATIES UPBOATS ON THE PORTSIDE BATTEN LE HATCHES XDD appeal to all the LITERAL and ACTUAL memeing shitters and drooling retards who fucking think ARRR LE PIRATE YARR HAR LE SHARKS IN LE WATER LE SCURVY JOLLY ROGER ARRRR THE SEAS BE CHOPPY I AM LE FLYING DUTCHMAN!!!!11 fucking kill yourselves
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I am the event horizon friend
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>guild you made at the beginning of legion just downed H Xavius tonight
>parsed in the 97% bracket for Vengeance DH DPS on Xavius

feels good man.
>people selling herbs in stacks of one, with bid only*
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This gif made me sad. So now I'm going to make you sad too.
Lol must be nice wrecking them then, on EU the game doesnt even have to begin before these europeans are like "oh thyre russian, just let them win"
>i used soul cleave and fiery brand on cooldown during parses

Somebody call 911!
Shawty fire burning on the dance floor
(Fire burning, fire burning) What a gwaan!
Let's go (hey, hey, hey)
Red One (hey, hey)
Shawty got that super thing
Hotter than the sun of south in Spain
Got me soon as I walked through the door, oh!
My pocket started tickling
The way she dropped it low that thang
Got me wanna spend my money on her, her
She get it pop it, lock it, drop it,
That birthday cake,
Got a candle, need to blow that crazy flame away
Now take my red, black car and my jewelery
Shawty is cool like the fire, cool like fire
Somebody call 911!
Shawty fire burning on the dance floor
I gotta cool her down
She won't bring the roof to the ground on the dance floor
Would it be easier to find groups as a WW monk or Havoc DH?
Sounds like horde players
I'm strongly considering going alliance, the long queues on horde and still losing loads isnt worth it.
Cute sameface generic human
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ur a faggot
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come on man snakes need to eat too
that is just fucking depressing...

NA or EU?
Gonna fap to this.
I just transfered to a balanced server
Defias brotherhood EU Horde
this morning,
Totally worth it.
Barley loose bg's
no cucky behaviour
Keep up the good work.
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Thanks animeposter
Linstead here, I will ERP for gold anytime when I'm not ERPing with Icycrits OwO

I mainly fuck cute boys in Dalaran sewers but I don't mind girls, rates are 1k gold per mini session and 10k gold for a long session.

Add me at Linstead#1090 on discord for more info, I also crossdress and take pics
Any HPriest here?
What build do you use when doing mythic+?
I've been using the same raid build and looking to adapt.
The queues for bgs are way too long though.
I win all 10 man bgs when I play with my bf anyway so instant queues would be amazing.
alchemy has always been the shitend of the stick tho where all you are good for is just being a radi supply guy
>/wowg/ flat out refuses to report avatarfags
>Porn is deleted almost instantly
This general has such asperges



No problem buddy :')
4 minutes average for me with Isle and AV disabled. Consistant even when European server are mostly asleep.
I report them every time for illegal content and they still get left up forever. Janny should just deputize me, I'd do his job better and for less pay.
>porn is deleted almost instantly

Have you not been looking at this thread?


I gave you the fuckin mod give it up
>pug through heroic
>friends are 0/7 heroic
>I go to help with their raid attempts
>they get mad when i start giving instructions on what needs to change and what needs to be done
>the claim that they are trying their hardest by showing up for scheduled raids but they cant be realistically raiding all week
>dont have the heart to tell them that they can 7/7h in one night if they werent so fucking stupid and stubborn
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Rolling a Rogue, what spec should I level and main?
Where are all the male harpies
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4 minutes too long.
Yesterday I waited 6-10 minutes for 3 bgs and lost them all because it's impossible to carry 15 man when solo.

I hate this retard faction and i've been playing it since bc.
pvp in bgs and some world pvp = assination
world pvp and BGs only = Sub
raids dungeons and some mediocre pvp = Outlaw
I'm not normally into pand, but I would fuck that.
>tfw no boat quest so nobody is gliding off the cliff for me to kill them
I am Linstead that post was me OwO
I just got out of a BG, we were up agaisnt alliance russians. we won 1500-150
My reward?
>30 Unbroken tooth
try thundertotem
I always see people glide off there
i posted it first nerd
So when are they going to neerf all the anti casters so Melee isnt strickly for Melee classes?
I dont get why Blizzard thinks every melee dps needs an iterupt 5 gapclosers and 3 stuns
You can play some classes and literally never get a spell off 1`v1 against a rogue or demon hunter.
Stormwind and darnassus. Harpies prefer to abduct humans and night elf males. Not sure why they don't steal blood elves, guess they are gay and don't taste very good.
>18k for a neck enchant
>you'll replace it when you get a good neck from heroic en
>you'll replace it again when you get a good neck from mythic en
>you'll replace it again two more times for nighthold

Shit's retarded that's like 70% of a month of sub, even as a herb you have to grind for like an hour to make that much
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>Shit's retarded that's like 70% of a month of sub, even as a herb you have to grind for like an hour to make that much
Welcome to blizz's current philosophy on how to deal with 'bots'.

Make -everything- important require fucking Herbs. Even half the food requires herbs.

Mining died a swift death. Felslate in particular.

Gems are slowly dying too.
I dropped the quest a while ago but I still have a bunch of the elemental runes in my bank, is it still possible to complete the legendary ring quest at this point? Just kinda for the sake of collecting
see me after class
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Are they planning to nerf demon hunters and other strong anti casters in the coming patch?
PvP is literal shit right now, if you arent a melee class you cant do anything.

i want to impregnate an elf
>leave last guild cause of minor drama+burnout during the end of HFC, generally get along well with everyone, except like 2 people who the guild as a whole dont really like, one was ego tripping because he was a cutting edge raider but a decent guy outside of raid, the other was an asshat who never grew out of the middle school phase and is a general shitter
>join new guild, there's a handful of guys I like and genuinely enjoy playing and hanging around on coms with, but there's 2 people in main tank and officer positions that are intolerable cunts. Spiteful and nasty people, genuinely dislike them.
>Tank has actually hindered the raid's chances at success by not helping people who need the help, he's guild alch, refuses to make pots/flasks after 30 minutes before raid start for no reason at all. He often needs to be told to make people things by the guild lead before he does anything to help anyone but himself. Really antisocial, doesnt really participate in the guild outside of raiding.
>other is the kinda raid officer who'll call people out for bullshit in raid that's actually totally rng, never raids sober, is the kinda white guy who will call a black guy a nigger to their face, etc
>second guy is so bad that one of our officers, who i'm 100% sure is closet gay, has just quit mid-content cause the dumbass won't stop calling him (and everyone really) a faggot
>old guild wants me back because I was one of their better players and I left on good terms, but they're not as good as the new guild
What do wowg? do i keep playing with the guild of asshats or go back to the bad guild?
>Best way to farm felslate isn't to gather it from nodes, it's killing basilisks
>Has dropped to 40g per unit
>The cheapest herb is well over 100g
And to top it off my other profession is engineering
I feel like an imprisoned chink when i'm farming this shit
nice blog dude

who tried harder?

worth a shot


Man up and dont raid, raiding is for sissy boys and i dont much care for sissy boys
Leave both and keep joining random guilds until you find a good one

I got really lucky and found a semi decent raiding guild where everyone is chill and friendly and enjoys the right memes
>>The cheapest herb is well over 100g

dreamleaf and aethril aren't worth the bag space
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Elves are the best anon. No matter what wowg says.

Its rather terrible - professions felt good at the launch of Legion but its been tailed into a few particular ones.

If you want to make money you either
-Grind herbs
-TSM and snipe transmogs
-Have enough gold to dominate a market (Darkmoon cards)
l-let me kiss your feet
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>run mythic normal DHT
>no drops
>run it normal for order hall quest
>two items warforged
Linn is big dick dps
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Hey, wowg!
I dunno, that sounds like i'd be wasting prog time. I want to clear the tier for what it's worth. Both guilds will see the content down, it's just a matter of time really.

The elitist left the first guild since legion started so he can raid hardcore and the asshat's pulling 150k as uh dk in 860 BiS gear+legendary so he's gonna get dropped as soon as their H Xavius prog starts i think. new guild is progressing on Xavius right now.
I love that there's finally small group high end content.
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now that's just sad
>blizzard award legendaries that absolutely break pvp to pve retards who will never use them for their most effective purpose
Woah cute panda :3
>legendaries are disabled in all instanced pvp

who the fuck names a character like that

before you say the usual LEL I JUST HAVE NO IMAGINATION XD, no, it's because you're a fag afraid to show others your imagination

kys yourself a thousand times if you do this kind of shit
Still waiting for frontal.
Im Alchemy/Herb and Felwort just seems worthless. Did they accidently make everything it was supposed to be used in use Starlight Rose instead?
It's an "ironic" shitposter who also has a fem panda named qtbootygodx
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Blood elf players
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woah hey
He is Chinese, please stop bullying my ironically named friend
That's actually not him, what?
>world pvp mattering
makes sense now
Its quite common among pvpers. Shows solidarity with the community.
Speaking of the devil there they are >>156930593

suomi benis
remove chinamen
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thats not even them lmao
It matters unless you prefer male genetallia in your oral orafices
not an argument
>Its not an integral part of endgame content so it's okay if its utterly ruined
Activision pls stop
What are the thresholds for 2 and 3 chests in Mythic

Is it 60% and 40% time remaining?
it's really weird knowing she's married
Question for resto druids, at what raid size do you prioritize crit over mastery? I'm doing 12-15 EN and mastery still seems better overall.
If you haven't already, everyone should watch season 1 of King of the Nerds

Not only because It is amazing is both an ironic way and also sometimes legitimately hilarious, but because It shows just how much of a whiny bitchy cunt this chick is
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My brother of colour
We know now that Blizzard is largely happy with class balance, how will you be enjoying the rest of this expansion?
>tfw you mainly do m+ but didn't roll a tank
>tanks are basically the most influential role in a m+ group
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>that rare perfect pug where everything goes perfect and nobody ever dies

feels good
crit always over mastery, what are you doing senpai

>personalami wasn't in charge of the new night elf models
>instead we get a model with only a couple good faces and laughably bad-looking abs

I put together a small gallery.
>tfw really like healing mythic+ but too invested in my resto druid to change to a shaman
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>tfw Death Knight
What did we do to deserve this?
Why is resto druid such a girly class?
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dear elf players
we are holding your leader hostage
please deliver 50 stacks of fishbrul special to the One Keg inn and she will not be harmed
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>tfw no blood elf bf
My dick is literally crying
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Need help

General stat minimums for WW monk?

As in crit vs mastery

Wondering if higher mastery vs lower crit is good

equipping my best items atm drops my mastery from 37 to 32

crit would be 32 instead of 28

wondering how to prioritize

Any minimum stats I should get to % wise?
Do my crows count as beasts?
crows is just a physical damage dot
it doesn't count
stampede doesn't either
Why are all WW monks I see in mythic pugs shit? They always start all guns blazing in the couple of first pulls and then completely fail with their cd usage for the rest of the instance and end up being barely above average in overall dmg done.
Is this... the power of... 75th percentile?
>tfw memefriend in several inner circles
>tfw so obscure never namedropped
feels goodman
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>watching some faggots gank people doing their WQs and teabagging
>put on my shadow fedora
>subtlety their asses to the shadow realm
>tuck these niggas in real quiet like


>watching people flee after I Punisher their asses
>let them escape, only to watch the poison kill them moments later
can't make the spec require too much thought huh
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This is going to be a long night.
>go to suramar city
>it's actually a city

Honestly Suramar City made me realize that Stormwind, Orgrimmar and Dalaran are just glorified towns.

Silvermoon kinda feels like a city too but it's empty as shit. I guess it's because every single citizen is dying in dungeons and bgs.
feel yourself at home because it's going to be the new HUB once the legion shoots dalaran out of the sky
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We really need more NPCs and shit in some of the other capitals; just folks talking, chilling, walking about and doing shit.

It'd really make some of those areas feel alive. So far I only ever really get that on RP servers, and half the time BE RP is fucking awful
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while I am partial to aggressively shitting on all belf players, I also found your style amusing
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Agility = 9.05
Vers/crit/hate = 6.05
das it mane
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I liked them better when they were bigger.
whats the aotc achievement? why is LFR asking it for mythics?
hi rae
Post more great troll mogs

Elves can fuck off
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Would you marry a teen boypanda?
>Compounding Horror change on the ptr
>New Compounding Horror doesn't scale with mastery and only int
>It's a nerf compared to live Compounding Horror

Is blizzard really gonna nerf this shit spec even further?

>Druid wearing monk tier from WoD

automatic 0
i wish. Blizzard hit the ball out of the park with Suramar but theyre not that good
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>Is a Night Elf
>once the legion shoots dalaran out of the sky
what's taking them so long?

archimonde built a dalaran sand castle in 20 minutes and then destroyed the fucking city, Aszara is slightly more powerful than KJ and Archimonde so one of those 2 should be able to destroy dalaran in at least 20 minutes

where is kj tho? I missed cata pandaria and wod
Oh god, what I'd do to remove its head slowly with a large amount of steel hooks
>People actually jerk off to these shitty low quality models of ugly wow humans
You virgins need to be gassed.

>has hair like a cancer patient
I'd like to propose to anyone who isn't doing it already: never pay for your next month in advance. Only manually pay for it after checking out you actually want to do it. It's so eye-opening going thru the process of asking yourself "why would I keep paying for this game" each month.

You might even get rid of the addiction this way if you're lucky.
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>losing a 3chest keystone run because a spriest in your group pulls 150k single target
>ballsy enough to ask if I want to go on my next level keystone run with him
Why are spriests either godly as fuck or complete dumpsters?
Kj's the one running this invasion.

He's at the interdimensional command station barking direct orders into Gul'dan's skull.
what do you mean
we're helping them take the city back
do you think we, the heroes, are failing at that?

they have to code it first or pad out the content or something like that
have you never played an mmo before?
Fuck off reddit. Literally one of the worst things about Legion
>has hair
>cancer patient
You have awful taste and are the reason Blizzard rarely tries anything new
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>All of the characters that Blizzard cares to write and give actual story are humans, orcs, and elves
even better are spriest that spec S2M in mythic+
You're the one with shit taste.
Not me
But hello anyways
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at first I was lost at what to make fit with the chest

but I think I pulled off a really good look with what I got together

cant find a good belt though
but he's right though, suramar is just a complete nuisance and un-enjoyable
Don't get me wrong, most Suramar quests are shit but I think the city is pretty nice.
Stealthing through hostile city and running/gliding along rooftops is fun
Base building is fun
Areas look nice
One of the only places in broken isles that has actual underwater content
Good zone, terrible execution. The funny meme guards basically ruin the entire zone
hello girl (male)
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Hello that is my Human rogue 5-6 months ago and not that attention whoring slutbag above
rae I wanna erp with you so bad
Thats a cute boy.
Good luck even getting a response from that attention whore. Hope you like single line replies.

This really bothers me, especially when it's obvious that they could easily add in stuff for at least the other racial leaders to do.

Like in Highmountain, why not at least let Baine do SOMETHING? I mean literally anything, just let him show up and say "hey we'll help you out, other Tauren clan"
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tfw blizzcon tickets
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lox how have u been i miss u
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Jesus christ calm the fuck down you sperg
what mod?
hello newfriend
>tfw no (You)s
>everyone recommends crows
>barrage is better in literally every way
he was going to be in highmountain but apparently some people complained becuase they didn't want to help one of the horde leaders and blizzard removed him
If you induct a Night Elf into the silver hand, why can't nelfs be paladins now?
Can you gather herbs if you are using a shapeshifting mount like vial of the Sands the same way it works as druid travel form? Or do you "dismount"?

Crows is better if you're in a situation where you can let it go for nearly the whole duration, and you can easily reapply it.

There's a lot of time in five mans where I think it's better, but for easier content especially I think Barrage wins out
The most depressing part is that Baine was in Highmountain but got cut out to make the zone "neutral", aka Alliance kiddies cried. How DARE Blizzard force Alliance players to assist a Horde character. Meanwhile Horde players are forced to deal with Alliance shit this entire expansion so far.
Meanwhile there's a whole zone with malfurion/tyrande bullshit.
pre legion mod sorry

wow is dumb and im p much tired of Legion already
please rejoin the discord you were the only based slut poster

But... in Val'Sharah we literally assist Malfurion and Tyrande. I mean this is WoW players we're talking about, I'm not putting it past them. But c'mon just keep him in the Horde version then.
you probably pop out of transformation
Don't forget Horde are forced to help Velen and the Exodar.
>People will say that Legion isn't an Alliance expansion

The Sky Golem mount lets you farm herbs without dismounting. Not mining for some reason.
Is there even any reason to do ruins of falanaar if I'm exalted

shit's boring
The horde had their turn in the spotlight already.
aw rip
i miss killing nerds in ashran

I remember doing both of these quests on my Goblin Death Knight. I remember when I read that Exodar was being attacked I literally said "why the fuck should I care?"

Then in Val'Sharah when Tyrande said "come hero we must save Malfurion" I just quit and left the zone
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Didn't you know? Baine's not allowed to do anything. Blizzard has a strict rule against it.
Any and all story he gets is exclusive to short stories/novels only.
Enhance shaman or WW monk.

I need an alt and I have literally no idea
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Who else /goingtobeamillionaire/ here?

The two big drops are WoW token purchases, smaller drops are investments.
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Rolling fresh on WRA, what am I in for?
>You will never rub your dick between those fat tits
Why live
People that think they're better than Moon Guard when really they're no better.
>play an orc
bitch I don't give a fuck about you and your plans to kill everyone, I'd rather join the dogs and fight against you
>only 1 mil

I have over half a billion in mounts and tokens
>tfw you get a tank who is made of paper and he tries to rush through the dungeon and pull everything
>play outlaw since launch
>try sin for the first time
>5 artifact levels lower, 20 ilvls lower on artifact, one relic doesn't even give any damage increase
>10% more dps
outlaw buff when?
I know that, but I'm wondering about the mounts where you transform, if it works like druids and shamans with travel form and spirit wolf.
Because that NE isn't a paladin.

Baine and to a lesser extent the Blood Elf leader guy are both actually cool characters, though yeah at this point I'm just surprised when Blizzard remembers they exist
Monk, shaman if horde.
>plays orc
>craves the knot

Buy a faction change you fucking cuck
No they didn't. Are you a retard that thinks WoD was "Horde biased"?
kill you'reself
Literally pocket change
>tfw part of the /wowelite/
>Baine had voice lines and everything, even some where he talks as if he's a world quest giver
>Even mentions the Highmountain Tauren in his now replaced voice
They better do something with him this expansion, this is pretty much his last chance before it's Army of Light shit.
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Isn't resto druid extremely good for M+?
Horde side is apparently about the same as moonguard alliance side. Alliance side is RP that doesn't include cat tribes, or demon futa vampire draenei deathknights who are secretly dragons. At least not outside crazy guild rp. WrA also has a strange effect of making moonguard players really butthurt.
>wah wah why can't every expansion be horde based? stupid alliance scum xD
do it for the toys
It really shocks me that Vol'Jin died, and they haven't even addressed what's up with the Darkspear Trolls since. Is another leader rising in their ranks? What's going on?

All this focus on class fantasy makes me realize that I wish they'd add just a little bit of race fantasy as well. Nothing crazy, maybe just a couple of quests at max level that do some story with your race. That way races like Gnomes and Trolls could still have some story going on
Why the fuck do people RP in WoW?
Even worse when it's erotic roleplay. No one finds it sexy, it's actually very cringey.
Holy pallys, blood dks, or resto druids.
Which is the more annoying to have to go against?
if you're not gold capped on all characters by now you're never going to make it chum
Nah the lewd discord shit was cringey even for me, and I play Second Life
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Is enhance shaman reliable as a DPs class?
>trolls and taurens are the chillest races in the Horde
>Voljin dies to trash and Baine is dicking around in Thunder Bluff forever
Vanilla - Alliance
BC - Alliance
Wrath - Alliance
Cata - Horde
MoP - Near neutral, leans more towards Horde
WoD - Orcs
Legion - Alliance
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>nomi burns all your food
>sell it back to him
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get better at healing then
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>join ts of new guild
>receive whisper "Wow anon you have such a cute voice :)"

What's the appropriate thing to do in these situations?
We've never had a Horde biased expansion actually.

There's nothing Horde leaning about MoP. Unless you think Garrosh turning into Hitler, getting a lot of cool Orcs like Nazgrim killed and Org raided as "Horde bias"
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pls r8
wonder why they called me anon
Say thank you
>Final raid is literally Orgrimmar
>"MoP is not horde leaning"

>The pieces of the Runespear were scattered with Cairne's body in his pyre. Thrall took the smallest piece, which had the rune "freezing" in it, as a way to keep Cairne close to his frigid and cold heart.
didn't know thrall is a fucking emo now
>Alliance kiddies cried
That never happened, stop spreading this shit.
give them the bucci
"y-you too"
>invade the horde capital and kill its leader
>this is supposed to favor the horde
>looking at 99th percentile ever
all you see is people who cheese or get unholy RNG
75+ is all that matters
and yes it is it's very good right now
>finished normal EN with my chill group today

Guess I'm a hardcore raider now
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ERP is by definition cringy if you are not a participant. It's probably pretty cringy even if you are a participant with as poor imagination as a lot of people have. You ever see the stuff about the yearly award for bad sex in fiction? It's like that.
And that's before you remember it's two guys trying to get their rocks off.
nice meme
Not a bad looking zug, but why does she have fangs instead of tusks?
Why else would he be taken out then?
r8 pls now i ned r8
Lor'themar is based, but Baine is a huge faggot. Fuck him.

>Alliance napalm bombs Taurajo while the soldiers are gone.
>"Omg so honorable Jaina, valid military target, good going!"
>Some Tauren (a few camp T survivors included) voice their disapproval of Baine being a pussy.
>He kicks them out of TB.
>Has the gall to not trust Sylvanas despite her being a great ally to him. (Only Horde leader to send troops to help him reclaim TB, her saving his life at the Broken Shore)

He's no leader. He's a coward. Fucking Mayla would make a better leader of the Tauren than this useless fag.
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Her face when she sees your dick
Primary Role: Healslut/Healbrat

Secondary Role: I can do really anything, just as long as you don't expect me to be a dom. I'm not very dominating.

Gender: Female (She / Her)

Orientation: Bisexual / Pansexual

Age: 29

Games Played: Overwatch, Evolve, League of Legends (can reinstall if good reason), and a list of about 600 games on my Steam. I'd be happy to install F2P games, or games I already own if you interest me and I interest you! Here to serve!

[minor edit] - Here is my steam profile, if you would like to see what games I own. Maitri

System: PC

Time Zone: CST (GMT - 6), but I don't keep a regular sleeping pattern

Healsluts Profile: ~ Maitri ~

Opening Message:

'ehlo! I'm Zoe. I play a wide array of games and probably have something up your alley if you just ask! Recently I've uninstalled (but can reinstall) Evolve, Star Conflict. Have installed and am playing: Overwatch, Borderlands 2, Titan Quest, Payday 2. I've got WAY more games than this, so just ask as to what I've got and if I can either get it, or download it, I'll play with you as I enjoy playing with people more than just playing games.

As far as sexuality, I'm open to anyone and everyone (bah dum tish~) but really: I'm pansexual. I like finding the beauty in everyone, no matter how small or hard to find. It's something I enjoy and so I will entertain everyone til we find we're a match or not! I'm pretty kinky when my buttons are pushed and the concept of healslutting REALLY made me interested. The only true way we'll find out if we click or not is just to try it out! I think I'll enjoy this a lot and can't wait to start. ____^

Note: I'm a trans girl. If this means you'd treat me differently than other girls, then please don't contact me! I'm willing to answer questions about this, but please don't expect me to speak for all trans women and / or be an encyclopedia. [Copypasta'd from another as it's a good thing to state!
No that's just blood elf's default face because they're vapid cunts.
You mean why do they RP in World of Warcraft? the MMORPG?

I don't know why they would, nope, there's absolutely no reason at all.
I never realised how man-ish elves looked. No wonder it's the tranny race
nice copypasta
well it also doesn't help that I'm a holy paladin and like level 60 so most of my spells I can't cast on the move, and I tried popping everything on the tank, sac, lay on hands, etc and he still was made of paper
Why can't you use spectral mounts while in ghost form
So I've been maining an Affliction Warlock and on the off chance that blizzard actually goes through with the nerf to them in 7.1 I'm going to level and slowly gear an alt.

Even if they don't fuck it up it'll be nice to have another character to play.

Anyway they're both 100. Male Gnome Survival Hunter or Female Night Elf Subtlety Rogue?
>want to Faction change my DK so I can play with some friends
>plate looks like shit on the horde races
>don't want to play BE

How is this man-ish?
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I thought you were referring to content that mattered.

honestly if you're having such a hard time healing then just be the tank yourself since you're a Paladin. at low levels tanking is more mindless than DpSing
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Heck OFF my bf said to stop bullying me for being a tranny playing belf
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>Have gotten about a dozen dungeons in a row where there was someone playing as a Troll
>Every single one of them was absolute shit and contributed nothing the entire time
What's the deal?
I'd wonder why the called me anon.
I'd say 'thank you' and then start using some of my silly voices (I've done a little voice acting before, so I like to play around and use different accents and tones for different situations and characters).
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>tfw not inner circle so you'll never see her nudes
You're getting trolled ;^)
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I know I just enjoy healing more. It really blows not being the tank though because I always get BR tanks who have no idea what they're doing and don't listen to instructions in chat, lol. It's the worst. Leveling right now in dungeons is honestly pretty suffering because it's only BRs and shit players, everyone else is playing Legion.

no one has seen me nudes, and if they have feel free to post them if they even exist, go for it
It's a meme, just ignore it.
I want those lips around my cock.
>plate looks like shit on the horde races

uhh excuse me mr
fine, you guys wanted some tits on my belf so here they are

mark that shit NSFW what the fuck
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>being so bad literal who kicks you from the raid team
>plate looks like shit on the horde races
Orcs literally wear plate the best of all the playable races.
I know you usually gravitate towards being the healer whenever possible, I was just saying that it's much less stressful being in charge of the run in low level dungeons. I'll be honest though in that I'm a Paladin main and have been since I started and am not really sure what it's like at low levels by now.
I honestly thought it was going to be a male belf

How did you get such a cute freckle face though? it doesn't look like that in game, link pls
that is one of the faces in-game, though, it just doesn't look like it has freckles at the character select because of the lighting
Is it the same as this one? This is the only one I know of with freckles
what's the stat prio for vengeance?
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I was pretty sure they are using the blush mod.
I think that's the same one, yeah. I don't have any really darker-skinned Blood Elves but I think they get darker and more noticeable with the skin tone, like how certain female Gnome faces have more eye shadow depending on how pale she is
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Adding this to the collection.
>simply walking around picking up herbs is around 30-40k an hour minimum

what did they mean by this?
What alliance race/sex has the largest weapons? My male human has disgustingly tiny weapons. All these two-handers look so small.
Share your collection and I'll upload my wowg folder'
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Yeah they def made them darker, they only have one pale skin tone that isn't greenish and the rest are pretty tan, you can make blood elves really dark now. I made mine a slightly tan ginger because I always picture a cute outdoorsy red haired lady with freckles. Like this with but more red hair.
I started playing WoW for the first time about 5 days ago and I'm now level 105.

I'm enjoying it so far, there are a few small things I don't like for example I've been playing GW2 for years so I find having so stand still to cast spells feels really weird for me

I was wondering if anyone has good advice for new players? Any advice is welcome
>none of them have Tusks of Mannoroth

what kind of cult is this wtf
unbind backpedal

unbind q e from slow turning
So are you three auditioning for some gay leather bar?
>tfw you're really on top of your game, doing your best ever hps but you forgot to log
Warcraft 4 when?
if you were logging you wouldn't have been on the top of your game because you would have been all stressed out because you would know it was being logged
It's okay no one cares about hps logs
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autistic memes p much

It's still small, only has stuff from the past two threads.
He means unbind a and d from slow turn, and rebind strafe left and right to a and d and use q and e for something else

jesus christ that was a lot of and's in one sentence
RTS is a dead genre.
install a fuckload of useful addons like DBM , cooldown timers like omnicc, weakauras, handynotes, exorsus raid tools, damage meters (details! is best), mapster to see the world map, cast bar addon like quarts or an entire UI like elvui/realui/LUI is good too

Use warcraftlogs to check what spec is best for your class & what talents to pick that high DPS players use, icy veins is good for a general class overlook that shows rotation etc

And join a decent guild, not a social one
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What are some good melee DPS specs?
anything but DK, feral druid, and maybe ret paladin
WW Monk
why is my warlock dps rotation only 4 buttons?
Are any rogues good in PvE?
what spec?
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>Furious Swipes 6/6
yea, fun as well/

if you're unlucky dont go outlaw, if you're lucky though, do play outlaw
yeah all 3 specs are good, assassination and outlaw being around the same and slightly better than sub, but because sub is really gear dependent and there isn't enough right now for it to be better
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Big butt is best butt!
that's how destro has been since forever my dude
Is it really that much or only with rank 3? I only have rank one for all :/
is destro the best warlock spec right now?
>tfw mut
>tfw it's up to rng if my opener is 250k or 600k

It's pretty steady after that, but at least with outlaw I know I can always open up with a huge burst.

self-terminate you fucking loser jesus christ
demo parses better
for mythics yea

single target bosses like ursoc and nythendra are better for demonology

bosses with multiple targets like dragons and eye are better for destruction
what the fuck is this meme?
I have a warlock and I played them at the start of Legion so I put all my points into destro before they buffed demo, and I was considering picking it back up again

Can I just stay destro since I have more shit for it for single target fights anyway? Do you think it matters?

Do you ever actually play the game, or just slut around?

Just wondering.



check it out boss by boss

demo is good on half and destruction is good on the other half
I do, I just like to slut around anytime I happen to be in Stormwind or Goldshire

when a poster is such a pitiful piece of human refuse that they arent worthy of a (You)
That's every poster on /wowg/. This meme is redundant.
>finally get legendary
>it's on my 5th 110, a hunter
>it's the pants that heal you

Just end my fucking life please
>been playing Outlaw rogue since pre-patch
>greatly enjoyed to be able to play one specc for everything
Of course you will say it's le meme pirate specc, but it was good fun if RNG was kind to you.
>gets nerfed of course
>buffs you need to fish for seem to change at least once a week
>it's shit on single target now
>specc assa
>pull at least 40k dps more despite the daggers are 11 ilvl below the blades and only have 18 traits vs 20
>nodody knows what specc, talents and stats are the best atm, but it seems mastery+agonizing poison assa will take the lead
>I got versatility gear mostly, which is shit now
For the first time in years, I really consider rerolling to my MM hunter, I don't want to deal with this shit right now. But my RL probably won't let me.
Not everyone in /wowg/ is an avatarfagging piece of shit loser who masturbates to character models
i had the same predicament and ended up just going full into destruction. the later chaos bolt talents are too good to waste shit on demo for a marginal dps upgrade thats only good on single target bosses

affliction warlock near the top on anything hahaha good one m8
Thanks dude I think I will do the same. I don't even know how to play demo either so I'd just be shit at it anyway in general.
I think the @ is how they ref comments on reddit or something? Just ignore them.
you're right, and those that aren't are nobodies, like you.
>arcane that high
no way
wait when the fuck was combat renamed to outlaw?
Best for cumming on.
>Wrath of Azshara M+9
>fire mage guildy one ilvl lower than me with no leggo does 380k dps
>I'm a ww monk and only do 310k dps

no wonder
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>Tfw can't go bare-chested
>not deep inside of
new thread
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>post yfw blizzard adds mythic dungeon and mythic raid finder
which one lads?????
That too.
Its because its like 95% Alliance so the horde sits inside Org all day shit posting.
That one!
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