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/domg/ - Dominions General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 83

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Previous thread >>156419602

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Jump into MP feet first
>Do bully Elves

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:
Reminder, that people who discussed politics in the last thread got banned for 24 hours.

Think before you post some Dom4-unrelated shit you probably know absolutely nothing about.
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summod is a mod of peace
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Third for the best Dominions player in the world.
Imagine how proud Malakal must be because of his fame. Especially when he comes back from his plumbing job all covered in feces.
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Poles in Poland don't clean toilets. WE have qt3.14 Ukrainian grills to do those kinds of jobs.
>forcing qt girls to clean your toilets
Poles truly are subhumans.
If its any consolation the rest of europe forces qt polish girls to clean our toilets.
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If we are subhuman and you keep losing to one of us, that makes you below subhuman.
Subhuman girls for subhuman work ;^)
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That means you're subhumans as well.
Listen, Malakal, stop it with your inferiority complex, please. Do you realize that the very first thing you did ITT was posting how awesome you are? Please, go back to /v/anheim with your circlejerking steamshittery.
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In regards to the current situation.

I am covered in bats and pegasi. I'm trying to defend my forts, but it's not working out that well. I'm living off of earth gem alchemy, summons, and hope. They're using mystics communioned to spam acid rain, gifts from heaven, etc. It's decidedly unpleasant.

Still though, I'm doing what I can. Send gems and gold if you want to help me drive them back.
Better to be subhuman than to be the servants of subhumans.
>that bogus in the cap circle
Best possible timing.
>an Arco that actually uses Wind Riders

What bless is he rocking? Who commands them?
It's probably Moat with his cookie-cutter W9.
E9, led by a prophetized win lord.
He's been there forever, I accidentally sent hawks to his province instead of the neighboring one. It's literally just him, and somehow my hawk died retreating. It's vxing.
It's turn 54 and both Atlantis and Helheim seem to have problems sending their turns on time. How about 48h turn timer, admin?
Yo /domg/, can anyone link me to the pirate copy?
I'm currently in the path of a Category 4 hurricane and will probably lose power/internet for a while. If I'm lucky, I might be able to continue my games with just an extension, but if it's off for more than a day I might need to sub out.

I'm the Sahuagin in ScrubWarriors and recently subbed in for Agartha in Olathe.
aready got you covered. will extend turn 24 hours after hosting
The day it actually hits, you mean? It's not until Thursday night.
it's alreay on a 24 hour interval, so it will be another 24 hours, then will add as needed since I also live in florida
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Thanks guys, you really pulled through
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You still around, Sauromatia?
>3 uw thrones
>ea r'lyeh is the only waterbabby

If he gets uncontested dominion over the sea we are fucked. I'm willing to subsidize Fomoria if he plans to go on an early war for the water.
That game sure started fast.

I'll have to join the next one to crop up.
Is Vampire Queen a legit pretender for LA Ulm?
You can make her work. That's basically it. There are better options.
Whats a good way to get into the water for someone with a good supply of water gems but no water breathing?
Summod? Just build UW breathing gear. All of them became much better. There are both 5W options and bigger options for bringing more troops.
Wew it's getting cramped in here. Any chance I could talk to Eiru, Scleria, Ulm and Pan in the chat
He got wrecked by abyssia, expect chain staking.
I'll hop on, though I'm a little busy at the moment. Responses might be slow.

You mean the Vanheim Steam group, right? I haven't actually used Steam chat for this before.
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Speaking of pretenders, I always wanted an excuse to pick Dagon for SC, but I can't see practical way to keep him from gaining affections.
Should I just give him blood and go with it?

For nation, either r'lyeth, atlantis or ma xibalba
If I have 6 size 1 units in box formation, will they stick together in the same square?
If not, will line formation cause them to stick together?
Just tell him to stop being such a qt
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nobody ever invites me to a party
She flies and is stealthy so good for capping thrones I guess
She won a recent LA game as Ulm
If I don't get a response and he stales again, I think I'll set the nation to AI sometime tomorrow. Seems like Sauromatia's in pretty bad shape, so there's probably no point looking for a sub.
They should ban the cocksucker who keeps baiting with OP images that are unrelated to the game.
They should fit at 6 units per square no matter the formation.
I know they will fit I just mean will they stick together during the battle?
Yes, just like 3 size 2 units will stick in one square. It's the same but with smaller dudes.
gotcha, thanks.
By the way is there any way to tell how units will be packed together if there are variable sizes in the same squad? Does it have anything to do with the order they appear in and is there any way to change that?

No idea about that. I assume the game fills the squares so they have the maximum of units per square ratio if possible, but I could be very wrong.
They're arranged according to unit ID, or how they appear in the troop selection menu, and there's no way to change it.
This means, for example, if you're playing Jotunheim and recruit size 4 giants and size 1 vaetti, they'll only be in the same squares if their ID's go something like giant, vaetti, vaetti, giant, vaetti, vaetti
Or you have a line of giants and a sparse line of vaettis behind them.

It's not perfect, but the vaettis will move up to fill the gaps.
Why sparse and behind them?
I assumed units in line formation squads would form up in the same square if you put them in the same position and their sizes add up to 6 or less.
Was I wrong?
Hey guys so update on the staling happenings, Abysia did not stale this turn. Jotunheim however did stale again, so that's 3 turns in a row so if anyone is interested in subbing let me know.

The map is Oeridia and it is of course a Meme Game, he as 4 stales in total but don't think that would rule you out. The map is gigantic and previous badmin started it without a full slate so 4 steals is really not that big of a deal and you should still be in the game. As for is position and bless I can't speak for that because, well the map is too fucking huge so I haven't seen him.
>Why sparse
Because you only need 2 per square all across the line, instead of 6 bunched up in the middle.

>and behind them?
Putting two lines on top of eachother doesn't produce reliable results afaik. Might be something worth testing though.
I know this is a 24 hour game and all but how long does it really take to take your first turn?
>come home from animal brother ready to take turns
>gypsies have broken in and stolen all the copper, wires included
>such is life in rural Romania

Could I have a 24h extension? Hopefully will have my shit back up and running tomorrow.
>Community Clash thread
>someone made a joke
>suddenly massive autism
Is this going to be a recurring theme of that game?

Also if pre-planned subs are a thing we need, I can put my name in. Didn't try to join initially because I don't think I'm good enough, but if another person is needed I'm totally down to play.

23 hours and 59 minutes for me.
>animal brother
Maybe he means animal brothel, I think they have those.
Well, he did say Romania.
Perchance he means the negro.
I'm just surprised that so many different people took it seriously. I thought the joke was pretty obvious.
My rundown of the game.
I expanded really well thanks to W9 Helhirdings and Ship Wreckers (allowed me to take the lake and bypass a lvl2 throne in my capring, which blocked my expansion to the west). I elfed what was left of Kailasa after they lost the game to story events. I ate Sauro, who AI'd during their war with Mictlan (Aztecs got birded before taking Sauro's cap). And when TNN attacked Caelum, I backstabbed them with R'lyeh's help. After that, I only needed to take some unclaimed thrones and drop a pair of ponymen and a stealthy Bishop Fish on Caelum's unforted one.

This, tbqh. No idea why I haven't been attacked at all, despite being the strongest nation pretty much the entire game. And my only attempt at diplo was suggesting R'lyeh to attack TNN when they were doing really well in their war against Caelum (and I really thought TNN might be a threat after conquering burds).

I found a quite a lot of nice sites. 25 D gem income or so. Even though I've been spending quite a lot, I had 400 (!) left when the game ended, ready to be used for WoM and Rouse Draugar in 2 turns.

Magic3 and indies. Elvish research is as bad as ever.
Uhhhh this is not me... But I guess that's Romanian education for you so let's give this lad an extension.
Never underestimate how autistic people can be.
I tested it. Stacked lines work fine for the most part, but there's occasional (and difficult to replicate) weirdness with vaetti taking up a square of their own and bumping giants out to the side. I've personally found that putting the vaetti just behind the giants works better.

Don't do sparse line, though. There's a few reasons for this - first, depending on what target they selected, they will occasionally act like dunces and stand behind a full square rather than filtering around the sides. Secondly, they have reduced morale. Third and most importantly, vaetti are going to die to one hit whereas the jotuns don't, so it's actually really helpful to have spare goblins to move forward and take up the gap when their buddies drop.
I dunno about gypsies or animal brothers/brothels, but we're nearing turn 50 on a large map so maybe 48h turns are in order.

are you fuckers done playing grab ass

helheim is mopping everyone up you little shits
Irredeemable scum of the world.
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>tfw just launched an invasion and now waiting anxiously for the turn to see what your enemy is doing
why is abysia's research so bad this late in the game

how are you going to beat the elves with fire flies you red hot fuck
Can someone please link me to the pirated version?
It's like two years out of date.
Just buy it.
I don't have any money.
Sell a kidney.

B-but I need my kidneys...
How up to date is this one?
Maybe put it in the OP next time.
Sell someone else's.
Uh, I think it's 4.20? Which means about a year old, current version is 4.26.
You have two, you'll be fine.
stop being such a malakal

I've only attacked you (birds) and you're actually fighting back - compared to abyssia mopping up free sauro provinces
Are you really poorer than the Romanian who gets his copper stolen by gypsies?
A Romanian who gets his copper stolen by gypsies probably has a lower cost of living than most people on this board.
And a much lower income.
So how are you're games going?
Ekwipt has yet to showcase the power of a million crossbows, but then again it's still year 1 and folks are expanding.

I've seen only 2 foreign candles, but both were with sloth, which kinda makes sense given the game settings. I'm feeling like I should have run sloth 3 as well.
Game: MAdden_2016_Hexxy_Edition
Turn number 56
Next turn due: 16:44 GMT on Thursday October 6th

Abysia 2h file received
Agartha 2h file received
Arcoscephale 2h file received
Asphodel 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Ermor 2h file received
Man 2h file received
>Nazca Waiting for 2h file

>Nazca Turn received Turn received Turn received Turn received Staled 4

That's what they get for choosing turmoil and sloth
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Better than I'd feared but I'm about to start a war that will result in my slow but inevitable death.
Way too well, I'm in 12 now, I expected to be out by turn 30 in most of them, but looks like I'll be lasting way longer in all of them.
how can you be so bad at taking screenshots?

He's Polish. Any technology more complex than plumbing is a major struggle.
I'm joining games with newbies and then intentionally turning my brain off while taking turns in an attempt to recapture the feeling of the games when dom4 first came out and this general became an active thing.

Nobody knows what works. Everything is innovative. Memes flourish naturally without being forced. People are genuinely happy that they got BTFO in an amusing fashion.
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Not bad, but I'm only in two games. I'm in a relatively good position in one, but I feel like the fan is about to hit the fan so I gotta seize opportunities. In the other I'm awaiting death, I know it will come sooner or later, but I got tricks up my sleeve to at least defend myself a bit.
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On one hand, that sounds like fun. On the other hand, you're trashing a noob game.
Where these newbie games at famalam?
Are larger units in a square more likely to be attacked than smaller ones in melee or is that only applicable to projectiles?

Please discuss the LUL not the 5s screenshot


As expected of t. Pan
I'm guessing it was 2 unscripted bloodhunters and unscripted patrol chaff
Nothing to discuss. Your shit army won over his shit army. Big fucking deal. Or do you need to stroke your small ego over this like you're stroking your tiny wiener right now?
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Playing cancer nations, getting better at manipulating and dealing with the inevitable dogpile, looking forward to making life as miserable as possible for enemies in future games.
Whats some good cancer nations? I know Ermor but I hear R'lyeh isnt so bad anymore.

Asphodel and Theoderos are fairly good.
EA and MA R'lyeh are fine. EA R'lyeh is one of the better UW fighters, and summod makes it very land capable as well. MA R'lyeh has the Pelagia issue, but is fine if it's in its own pond or otherwise doesn't need to worry about triton dongers. Neither are cancer, though.LA R'lyeh is the cancer nation, and it's still awkward to play, since it's a gold dependent pop kill nation.

Aspho is fine, though a bit obvious in terms of what it does. Therodos in vanilla is the worst nation in the game bar none, but in summod it's pretty good
What makes Theoderos so bad compared to the others? I never really paid much attention to them.
How about I just tell you what you can make with Thed.

It has no UW recruitable units outside of its capital. Within its capital, it can recruit size 3 heavy infantry with one attack, at a rec limit of two.

Its only UW recruitable commander is an N1X1 on an expensive chassis with too little HP to thug without a decent bless.

On coasts, it has an actual mage worth recruiting (an E1X1) and sacreds. The mage produces resources, so you could recruit extra units if your sacreds didn't have a rec limit of 2 in spite of being mediocre size 3 one attack units, but also raises unrest.

They have freespawn with an MRN attack, similar to Lemuria's, but gets vastly reduced numbers of them.

So to sum up, they are a popkill nation with weak freespawn. They literally cannot produce enough sacreds to even expand without assistance. They literally cannot produce any units other than said cap-only rec limit 2 sacreds UW. When they do get on land, they reduce their income further with unrest when recruiting their only decent out of cap mage, and again have rec limit of 2 on their size 3 one attack sacred. It's literally worse than Oceania.
I'm doing a pretty good job at playing like a newbie. Alcohol helps.

I'm actually losing.
Dang. Sound pretty useless in multiplayer anyway.

Dakini was moved there to stop my raiders and it had 45 gems and 10 slaves worth of equipment. Guess the LUL wasnt apparent enough.


Surprising. I guess it's relatively hard to make something devil-proof without a very large HP pool.
Well then.
I've played some blitzes and turns in regular games drunk, and didn't notice too much of a difference aside from minor scripting snafus
MA Pelagia or MA Vanheim for a FFA game? Not sure if other UW nations have been picked.
Well shit, I guess I must be a noob.
What's a good easy nation for a beginner? My wife's son wants to try playing but he's not very good at strategy.
EA: ermor, vanheim, LA china, formoria, mictlan, Niefelheim

MA: Ulm, Pan, Pelagia, acro, sceleria

LA: any nation except lemuria or jomon, or rlyeh
This is bad and you're retarded.

Abysia is easy vs the AI. Just take production scales.
it was a mistake but *EA* china is very easy to use since there is a heavy reliance on summoning sacreds
the son should use nations that aren't legitimately bad
You're suggesting multiple nations that require knowledge of non-intuitive game mechanics to be effective. Ermor is fine. Vanheim requires knowledge of a bless, and probably thugging and glamour, too. EA China is mediocre until you know how to leverage sacreds. Mictlan requires understanding a bless AND understanding blood. Niefelheim requires attention to scales of target provinces, and thugging.
>My wife's son
>he's not very good at strategy.

Pretty subtle way of saying he's a nigger, not bad anon.

>answering seriously

Did you miss the "my wife's son"?
Blesses are extremely easy to learn, or did you miss the series that marrland did where he made his son play niefelheim?
>what are stepchildren
Maerlande's son is not retarded. Also, he has the advantage of being taught by Maerlande, whereas anon's wife's son is being taught by someone who doesn't understand which nations have simple mechanics.
very true. I concede my entire point. Keep him to EA ermor, MA ulm, and LA acro
t. cuck.
Vanheim is literally the easiest nation in the game to play, other than maybe MA Ulm. Reccing Abysia is bad, as its one of the hardest nations to play on a map with any amount of players larger than 4-5 (where it plays like a weaker Vanheim in EA).
Depends on map. MA Vanheim is probably easier to win the game with, but Pelagia's my favorite nation to play as a mage nation with mystics.
And note, that vs the AI, Vanhere are so hilariously potent that a bless isn't really *needed* to obliterate them, it just makes it easier.
What pretender and scales do you like for Pelagia?
They also get decent access to every path except astral and blood, can summon philosophers with crazy fast research potential (+2 for every point of sloth). Not to mention they can create a huge array of magic items with the diverse paths and master smith abilities of daktyls, and mass produce things cheaply after making some forge bonus items to combine with the natural forge bonus of a Kabeiros (which can be recruited on any coastal fort).
A few of those Awe sacreds (Awe 6 on the slow to recruit ones) fully slotted with magic items make a pretty strong force even by themselves.
Sounds like they would be better for a disciples game than a regular free for all multiplayer.
You're assuming multiplayer, and any starting knowledge at all. I have a brother who is also *bad* at video games, but likes them and likes to do the things I do. I got him a copy of dominions. He plays the shit out of it. One day I looked at his ma mictlan game, and he had recruited swarms of medium infantry (the guys with maces and javelins) with the occasional standard or eagle warrior and some priests. He only recruited priests (mictlan priests of various kinds), "so he could use his bless." His bless was something like A4D4F6 (don't remember exactly). He had death and prod scales. He knows about blesses, how they work, and vaguely understands the magic system - I've walked him through games before. He just doesn't put any of it together. At that point, what you want isn't a nation that is good when played well. You want a nation that is as close to idiotproof as possible. EA Ermor, MA Ulm, MA/EA Abysia, Arco, etc, fit the bill. They're hard to fuck up. EA TC, Vanheim, Mictlan are good when used competently, but I don't assume competence when someone says they are bad at vidya.

You sound adopted.
your brother is basically 1/4 of all /domg/ players.
Is your brother me?
Assist please. I assume W9 would be good if there's another underwater nation I could rush.
Depends on the water situation. W9S6+ if I'm fighting for my seas, and either E4/Sx or N9/Sx if not.

Pelagia loves astral end game options on its pretender, since it has access to more pearls than most but can only boost itself to 4 natively. If you want rings/nexus/wish stuff, you need it on your pretender.

An N bless is unnecessary, but makes your expansion parties take less attrition and gives you N-shroud golems later on. An E bless is similarly low value, but Pelagia's cheapest S chassis for a pure scales build is a statue that includes E on it already, so you may as well take it for your encumbered amphibious sacreds.

For scales, they can actually be played with almost anything, and just function differently depending on their scales. In general, you want very positive scales, but the exact nature of these is up to you. Turmoil/Luck will let you get additional gems, which is very valuable for such a magic focused nation, but Order will let you build more forts to churn out more mages. Since you're running a mage-focused strat, you can take Sloth and use primarily summoned front liners, or go up prod and use your coastal hoplites to save gems for other uses. Similar arguments can be made for magic v drain (you have a cheap mermage and DO want research done quickly, but you'll also primarily want to recruit mystics which have high enough RP to make drain less painful as a dump scale).

The only scales you always want are temp at 3 (because UW only goes up to 1 anyways, so it's like 2 free scales) and Growth at 3 (because it gives the most dosh and doesn't give more events when lowered).
Remilia a cute!
Oh also - if you go Turmoil/Luck, you should also take Magic because the gem events are higher.
Wonderful. <3 Thank you for the write up, anon. Time to run through pretender creation for a bit and see what I come up with. Much appreciated!
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>much appreciated
Here you go!
>this province contains 80 units
>they appear to be mostly barbarians
Damn. Sure hope that drops to about 30 when my scout gets there.
Maybe, I've never played a disciples game.
They seem like they would be fun, but I digress.
I've had much better experiences as Therodos compared to other cancer nations to be honest. Maybe it's because they don't kill pop as fast and don't get dogpiled on as much as a result.
Or maybe it's just a psychological thing. Therodos, their lore, and their image don't reall seem nearly as sinister as all the other cancer nations so people might be more willing to accept them.
>run into Ermor in the early game
>try to avoid them, expanding in other directions
>see just a few undead popping up in their provinces
>"huh, that doesn't seem so bad"
>several turns later, still the first year
>army of over a hundred skeletons at my doorstep

I guess I should just go AI now, huh
>Over a hundred

That's a minor scouting force, anon.

It's like that old chestnut about the Americans in WW2 sending 5 Shermans to take on 1 Tiger. 5 Shermans is the smallest possible operational unit, they simply wouldn't send fewer tanks in the interest of being sporting or what have you. Similarly, skeletons operate in groups of hundreds just because there's no point in going smaller.
Have you played them post-nerf without summod?
I'd consider Vanheim (but not Mictlan/TC) more idiot proof than either of EA Ermor/Arco. Not that there aren't ways to fuck up on Vanheim, but there are FAR more on Ermor/Arco.
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>Mfw people get cocky after killing a few hundred skellies before getting rekt by the real army.
My favorite is when they drop some serious RoS/EQ casters on your army (sound tactics, don't get me wrong) but even killing thousands of skeletons for free isn't enough to stop the onslaught. It's just too little too late and the surviving hordes just march forward and roll over the enemy army.
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>mfw the real army gets rekted by a good firestorm or wraithful skies because the ermor player didn't take B9
>mfw ermor players try to cover it up by saying "muh endless legions" but it's just as easily destroyed by the same spells over and over
I have no doubt this is true in theory. I'm certainly not trying to say that it's impossible to lose with a large enough skeletor army; battlefield kill spells obviously scale much better.

Just, in practice, the people capable of applying those tactics properly over a large enough strategic scale also seem to be the people capable of killing Ermor before that becomes necessary. The longer Ermor survives the larger his armies are and the lower the odds that a player in that game can adequately deal with armies of that size. It's a compounding problem.
at the same time though if you truly want an "endless chaff army" real players dont' play ermor, they play sceleria. Sceleria gets all the perks of being ermor and lose the strong sacreds for actual gold and a true amount of mages
Yeah no doubt. But it is pretty fun to be the obviously evil bad guy from time to time.
>Formoria is the largest on the map, has Caelum's cap, and is currently eating Helheim
Yomi do something for fucks sake
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>game is in late stages, everyone reached 9 in all schools at this point
>Went to war with guy who was very close to winning, like 10 turns away winning
>successful stop the win but war is in a stalemate, neither side can get the upper hand
>other neighbor is the other superpower, is slowly but surely getting a substantial lead over both me and the enemy
>war has no end in site

will this ride ever end abysia?
The Domg natgen?
that's gythia, and he's not at war with 1 guy, he's at "war" with literally everyone else
>tfw throne of knowledge in your territory and you don't wanna be rushed
>yfw shattered throne and you're not a blood nation
You count as a blood nation, Patala.
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The eye of the void is upon you.
If my prophet winds up with less than 3 holy magic somehow(I don't know if that's even possible, but just in case), can he still claim thrones?
H3+ is the requirement to take thrones.
It's the reason why summons like Bishop Fish and Seraph are sought after
>did something risky last turn
>it's the new turn now
>afraid to check it
I-I'll just go cook dinner...
Check it! Maybe your risk paid off!
Don't worry, llama died.
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>check my e-mail
>not one of my games
The most common way for it to happen is if the prophet gets a mute affliction that halves his magic paths. If this does happen to you as a nation with no H3 priests and you can't heal the affliction, you might as well suicide him.
I always suspected the entire state of Florida was horror marked.
Fapped so hard my fapping hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, stroking my one-eyed purple giant rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE SCROTUM to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my erection smashed through my floor, pulling down my fapping hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.

The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftain came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Smug Fap foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2016. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.

For 300 years I trained with the chieftain in his private dojo, fapping to smug anime girls, every day becoming quicker. At first I could fap to 10 smug girls per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 girls per second. After a century my SGPM (smug girl per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per minute.

On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: fapping to this smug anime girl, the smuggest of all smug anime girls.

I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.

This one's for you, Otousan.
>mage takes damage for no apparent reason and dies
Ermor, I got your message. Let's chat in steam.
enemy fatigue causing spells/effects
Vanhiem is fairly simple, as is non-LA Ulm.
Agartha is great for getting the hang of relying on summons and mages to win your wars.
Basically, just don't start on a blood, underwater, or communion nation and you'll be just fine.
What the fuck are Soultorn, and why the fuck did my best-outfitted commander using his Twin Spear to cast Summon Lesser Horror cause a bunch of them to pop out of nowhere and kill him? HE HAD MY FUCKING GATE STONE!!!
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They are, would you guess, horrors. You summoned them.
Wait, shit, is Nick Ermor?
That spell description never fucking said the horrors could turn on you! He wasn't even Horror Marked!
Game: SnekEatersAnonymous
Turn number 31
Next turn due: 12:00 GMT on Thursday October 6th

Abysia 2h file received
Caelum 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Helheim 2h file received
Marverni 2h file received
Sauromatia Waiting for 2h file
>the spell description never fucking said the horrors could turn on you!
>"The caster sacrifices human blood to attract a few Lesser Horrors. Horrors will feed off the fear and suffering of dying soldiers and will continue to attack until EVERYONE IS SLAIN.

Well, fuck. Not using Twin Spear again, at least now without a squad of bodyguards.
What are some cheap commander summons with good magical leadership?
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Can anyone explain what happened?
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Don't mess with this elder.

I used to wrestle boars back in the grove.
Blood Vengeance?

Doesn't seem like a good explanation, but I can't see any other way Gifts would kill the caster.
Blood vengeance does that much damage?
It can, yes.
What are the best communion spells for fire? I mean the ones who scale most.
If you are in a communion, you probably want to cast astral magic instead of fire. Flame Storm and Living Fire are the two big ones worth casting with a giant swarm of augurs, though.
Doesn't endless stellar cascade spam become boring though? Also I got a lot of 2FS1's and I figured I'd get more bang for my buck with fire.
I prefer enslave spam.

get yourself 4 slaves with high HP and regen or have a D master cast soul vortex and surround them with high regen units. With that and LoNS all your S1s can cast enslave forever.
Falling Fires has decent scaling too. Doesn't have great damage against armored troops, sadly.
What should I do with a nation with literally no A magic that somehow got a lot of A income?
Trade it for something else or start empowering
if you have access to N5, save 80 air gems so you can summon a Faerie queen and empower her, then forge Winged helmet. With that booster every faerie queen of yours can cast Fog warriors. Alternatively, get Bag of Winds too or try to get a Queen of elemental Air.

If your air income is really really high, you can get draconians, which are awful but have no upkeep and the draconian chiefs call more draconians, so after some turns you got a real lot of flying units with high strength. Also call of the winds for bloodhunting or great eagles to siege.

In case you don't have at least N4 or N2 and access to rings and can't get Faerie queens, then there is nothing you can do other than trading it or empowering several times.
2016-10-05 17:10:55 +0200
Version 4.27
Old save compatibility fixes

2016-10-05 13:32:13 +0200
Spell AI improvements
Stat and typo fixes
How do you guys decide what magic paths to research?

Experience. Play the game, fail a whole bunch, watch what other people do and figure out what you need to research in what order with the nation you're interested in playing.
You here Szumogliika?
Oh did you two collide already?
No collision but we've met, so I'd rather avoid a collision.


t. Malakal
I don't get this Malakal meme, you are all obviously jealous of him.
Tell me a path and I'll tell you good spells
Oops forgot to remove my name.

Communion master/slave, stellar cascades, light of the northern star, power of the spheres, swarm, creeping doom.

Oh and body ethereal I guess, for buffing elite troops.
A good list, I'd add:
communion masters can cast personal regeneration to give slaves regeneration and help them survive.

Howl, Panic, Relief, Sleep Cloud, body ethereal , wooden warriors, the battlefield luck spell.

Strongest are stellar cascades and swarm imo.
I'd go alteration if I had good troops.

If I have poop troops go for stellar cascades in evocation.

Depends what other mages I might have though.

If you add personal regen dont forget about enlarging spells for extra hp for the slaves, those are also N.

Storm of thorns is a decent N evo if you want that, bit high up tho. Relief, howl, mass regen, mass protection etc are high end N spells that usually need a big communions, but sure, they are good.
Say I have easy access to water and death.
Mind doing one more?

No, Nick is Hinnom.
Depends how expensive. If I can mass a lot of them - horde of skeletons spam. Enchantment 5 asap. Otherwise I'd focus on the earth part.

If facing heavily armored troops destruction. If getting rushed earth meld asap. Alteration is pretty strong in earth. At high alteration you get disintegrate for D2.

If I have other good elemental magic or nature 2-3 - conjuration 5 is good. Howl + elementals. Otherwise a value conjuration 3 for summon earthpower.

Later game you want evo7 for earthquake.

If facing lightly armored troops blade wind is good.

Another spell of note is strength of giants if lacking for damage.

Legions of steel if you have good armour to make it better.
In a pinch Horde of skeletons with a D gem.

Best use is swarm.

Dust to dust against undead, frighten against the living, animate skeleton, swarm.
Oh and protection or wooden warriors with a gem.
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AntiquisTerra Agartha here?
There are things to discuss.
Is this about 185?
80 barbarians will probably fuck up giants good this early right?
it depends, barbs have shit morale.
Jump into Steamchat if you can, so it's less of a pain.
Hmm. Still not too comfortable sending my guys in, they arent very replaceable yet.

Nah, mate, you're good, just go for it, YOLO.
Thats what you would say. Think I'll just bully lion tribe a bit first.
Actually nevermind it's so short it doesn't matter.
Lets use the mountains as natural border, I won't expand further past them than I have now, though I will request that you leave me 185 as it is very close to my capital.
Blood vengeance reflects damage. Gifts from Heaven deals about 7 metric fucktons of damage, so failing your MR save in such a situation will turn you into paste.
>further than I have now
>teehee sorry I took 10 provinces where I wasn't supposed to my bad ok now I keep them
You're already over the mountains, but I'd be fine with those borders, but I am taking 185.
You're already very close to my capital with 162.

Fair enough.

>new captcha has you lasso-select shit now
Fucking hell.
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>mrw admin gets struck by a hurricane
So, in addition to assassinations Illuminati can cast ritual spells now.

This is deeply concerning.
>manage to convince my neighbours to attack each other so I have secure borders
I think i'm becoming malakal

I feel like the US is at Order 1 and Luck 1, except for Florida who is sitting at Turmoil 3 neutral luck scales.
The dominions illuminati finally caught on to all the dominions players in Florida it seems.
I keep seeing people say Jotun Skratti make good thugs, but can't figure out how to utilize them. Do you just give them a brand and shield and throw up some water buffs?

Blood Vengeance does not reflect damage. Damage Reversal reflects damage.

Blood Vengeance just makes the attacker take damage when it deals damage to a BV target and fails it's MR roll. The BVed target will always take damage even if the attacker fails it's MR roll.
I am aware, I'm just terrible at english this morning.
That's how you use most thugs, yes.
N9 bless plus shroud helps a lot if you have it.

Start them in werewolf form, give them a shroud, a brand and a shield, and they will fuck shit up. The high W ones are best, for lower fatigue Liquid Body/Quicken Self/Breath of Winter. The werewolf's got 10% base regen, so combined with your N9 and giant HP, they're hard as nails.

If you start them in giant form, and they get damaged enough to go werewolf, they'll drop their items (because they cycle back through the wolf form to get back to whichever form they started the battle in). This is why you start as Werewolf.
Ok on the same level I've tried thugging with Panii and they just got wrecked. I would give them a Strength of Gaia, and stronger prot buff, and regeneration...

Pans have half the HP, three less Attack/Defence, and no base regen.
Okay, right. The problem there is that you're not giving them reinvigoration, and as such, they're tiring out.

For a pan thug, I would recommend the following:
A frost brand.
A vine shield.
Girdle of might.
Perhaps a horned helmet.

As for things they should cast:
Summon Earthpower
Personnel Regeneration

And then set them to attack closest. They'll have 20 protection, good reinvigoration, regeneration, and the ability to clear out a square at a time.

However, they're still not ideal thugs. Pans are meant to be casters, rather than thugs.
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Here's a shitty try at mapping out the ScrubWarrior starts. In the next few days, I'll toss down what I can piece together from chat and my own intel.

Temper Flesh is also worth casting. Halving anything physically typed that gets past prot is useful.
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If I die I blame malakal
>tfw starting in Europe

Fuck, so damn crowded in here.
So hopefully the hurricane wipes the state clean, right?
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If it's any consolation, I'll have all your neighbors listed out soon so you guys can start diplomonstering.

There was one start missing so I went ahead and starred it. I also did ten test games for the Sea Devils. They started around the Indian Sea most of the time but I had one start in the Atlantic. I threw down a star on their most likely location and a circle for their possibles.
I'm sorry, Arco, but one does not simply takes a province from an AI neighbor without being at war with them. You can take 84 back (I thought it was Agartha's province), but 98 stays with me, just like all other Agartha's provinces.

>Enormous amounts of free provinces for High elves, dark elves, lizardmen
>Everyone else gets to fight for scraps
Nowhere near as many as you'd think, province distribution is pretty good.
>but 98 stays with me, just like all other Agartha's provinces.

Not if I have something to say about that.
You're not Arco unless you screenshot your turn, my dude.
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If those were boys, I bet the Greeks wouldn't have been so quick to abandon the siege.
Never claimed I am

You're still not getting all of Agartha's provinces
Say it to me in-game and not IRL and see what happens.
My jotun brother!
How do you tell if something is truly immobile or if it can teleport?
Sauromatia is now AI.

Assuming I did it right. I haven't actually done this before.
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Agartha to prevent your nudists from dying, come do some diplomancery before it is too late.

They are getting badly burned out at sun.

It'll say in the description, and show up under the key "special" in the inspector.
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Note that 'regular' immobiles like the Monolith or Demilich still can't use most movement spells, like Faery Trod, Cloud Trapeze, Stygian Paths, or Gateway. They can ONLY use Teleport
Cool, thanks. Looks like I can just empower my pretender three times and win the game. Potentially, at some unspecified time in the future.
That or use bishop fish.
I'd still have to empower once, unless I get a super lucky random, and then I'd need a fish traipsing all across the map. Still, might be worth it to have anyway, if this war takes longer than I expect.
I'm still in the path of the hurricane, power outages are looking likely. I'm about to do the current turn but I'll almost certainly need an extension for the next one.

Dies to Magic Duel
Do you have time to do a double? If you then when can squeeze out an extra turn before the break.
And people say Lemuria is the best turtle nation. I can vouch for Pan being great when you fuck up terribly in the first year but still don't want to lose.
How can you fuck up with Pan though?
Are those flagellants from an event?
Lose 40 white centaur to Vanheres year 1 and subsequently get your provinces steamrolled when they split up and blitz through your territory

Jokes on you, my demilich is S6
That's pretty much the only way though. Other wise it's you who are steamrolling.
I've also beaten Pangaea with a PD trap and earth melds, but that was no longer technically first year
How long?
Let it be known that Nargo is NAP breaking motherfucker.
hey now, I stick to my deals and I know that most other high profile players do too

Sum1won will break the nap as soon as it is convenient. So will most other players.
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>high profile players
pic related
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What's the best way to give cold resistance to large numbers of units around the middle levels of research?
>high profile players
You're a funny one.
NAPs are meant to be broken when it's convenient, especially in /domg/ games.
Honestly I don't bother with them.
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NaPs are also violated more often than they are not in games with named forum users. They were also violated more often than not historically, between sovereign nations.
Winter Ward in ench with W or Fire Resistance in alt with F
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The tale of the three stooges continues. I've kept a scout parked on Xibalba since a few dozen turns ago, and in that time:
>C'tis and Niefel have failed to understand how assassins work repeatedly
>C'tis and Niefel have taken turns sitting on the capital getting wrecked by assassins and never learning
>Xibalba meanwhile just sits there watching
>C'tis and Niefel have now started fighting over the cap neither of them could crack open over 30+ turns

Meanwhile monkeys are slowly making their way here since C'tis and Niefel didn't bother taking the adjacent bat forts, maybe they'll finally finish it, maybe they'll just join in on the great battle for the short bus. Would be funny if it's the latter.
What are they not understanding about assassins?
How do you get your hands on longdead giants?
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>lose a battle
>enemy loses three times as much gold as I do and has way worse gold scales and more bless
I'd really prefer to stay out of that place, also I imagine C'tis will be able to breach the walls now.
If you set things to defend commander, do they get in the way when that commander flees?
they move with the commander usually. unless paralyzed or something.
Giant nations get a chance to summon them with their regular longdead. It also makes HoS better for Ashdod
Nonsense! Sum1won is very honorable with big penis.

t. Malakal
Forgot my name.

t. Malakal

Am I doing it right?
Two turns ago, I completed a NAP without breaking it.

I considered breaking it, of course, but for practical reasons I ended up not doing so.
Just go AI already people.
24h for now. If it's really bad I'll turn my phone on and post in the thread again to let you know. I'm inland, so it shouldn't be more than a couple days.
Which one of you fuckers figured out how to cast ritual spells without telling anyone anyway?
The hurricane is putzing around so if you guys get your turns in quick I can send mine in and then delay afterwords before I lose power
Extended 24h.
I'll add "Plays his Dominions turns outside during a hurricane to get better signal" to the NickFacts list
Who are you playing anyway?
You don't even need to play them outside. Just play inside, then copy your turn file to your phone, make a makeshift ballista from planks and furniture, then launch your phone with embedded turn into the hurricane. This way you'll get the best signal
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>tfw my main drive crashed

Luckily I already took all my turns this morning so I'll be able to get things working again before I stale, but goddamn it I had so much stuff on that thing.
I guess I should just go AI now, huh?

It's an EA game. Ermor is fine.
Why not?
Because then I'll ask Llama for your e-mail, and ban you from llamaserver?
You know I totally forgot Ermor wasnt all skeletons all the time in EA. What do they even have?
EA ermor is basically an LA nation in the EA
Mostly Astral and Fire IIRC, but they're pretty diverse.
They're neat, actually. They have recuperating cavalry, so they CAN take a bless if they want one, but they're a human nation and therefore mostly a mage nation.

They have cheap S1F1 fire mages and expensive S/F/D mages out of every fort and some foreign rec fire/elemental mages.

The big mages do banefire, the little mages are mostly just used for astral, but later on in the game they're good at the fire end game stuff like pillars and flame storm on account of the ease with which they can communion up fire levels.

Reminder that Malakal is a Twitch chat level retard. If you see him in a game you admin, change his email address without telling him.
Don't be mean
If I'm gonna admin an anonymous game, and some shitter like t.Pan or Malakal join it, Imma set them AI, don't worry.
>mad cuz bad
t. Malakal
He could've at least cast Well of Misery or something. Or fata morgana if he only had air.
Hmm, so, let's say I have a D/S caster. First turn - Soul Drain. At the start of the next turn all fatigue will disappear (considering the enemy has a large army), so I cast Master Enslave. The next turn it will disappear again, so hypothetically I can cast Master Enslave two-three times in one battle, right?
It's very easy to get around an e-mail ban. Llama can CD-key ban, though, which is more effective
Okay, I'll talk to him about that.
Good luck, I have 5 copies of the game.
You'll have 1 less soon enough ;-*
I'll get 2 more just to spite you. :^)
But then you'll risk getting killed by Illuminati ;3
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I actually like t. Pan
Do you like players going AI after a single battle? I'm done talking to you.
Don't get mad, get Vlad
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t. Pan a cute! You're just a meanie
He died doing what he loved.

I'll be on the steam chat until the power goes out in my region.
You're R'lyeh in Latus3, right?

Prepare to die.
I thought I was the only one who did this
No I'm right here faggot, say that to my face not anonymously and see what happens.

Also is C'tis getting eaten by the AI?
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Nope but I was R'lyeh in Stalewarriors


You're THAT shitposter.
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Yes! It is I! Now gibs me the attention and praise I deserve
So you're responsible for their toddler tantrum and subsequent submission?

I get why you would like them, then, given that they surrendered to you.
I wonder about C'tis and the AI. I thought he had all the provinces and the cap under lock down but now AI Pythium looks bigger than when it was controlled by a player.
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Are you back?
t. missed your shitposting
Do the custom maps like Latus and RagnarokComes have sites and indies based on the locations or is everything pretty random like a regular map?
A bit of both.
Some maps do, some maps don't
But anon, we can't summon Nyarlathotep with R'lyeh. I can summon Cthulhu with ME though.

I have no idea, he seems to be alive since he's taking his turns but he's not replying to my messages and the AI seems to be eating him.
Latus has "gates" provinces leading to the different planes, and I think the indies are fixed on those, to ensure the players have a little challenge if they want to go in that way.
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I never left
I missed your nyaruko-posting then.
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>tfw you accidentally set your scales to give you more resources instead of gold
It already hurts.
Unless they just fly over them.
Yep, that's why I said "if they want to go in that way". I know I had to, and it hurt a lot.
So the admin is dead I assume?
He's dead Jim.
I warned you.

I warned you about horrors.

A combination of a powerful throne trapping me in Archaea's annoying linear province connections leading to mediocre expansion, a rushed war against an improperly scouted enemy immediately after expansion hoping to make up for lost time, and misreading the political landscape landing myself in a bit of a gangbang.

Just a pretty horrible game all around in terms of my player skill.

Alright which one of you fags is horror marked? You better speak out and not just hide it to save your ass.
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>first ever multiplayer game, play as C'tis
>everyone else is cold 3
>second game, pick Pangaea
>can't get a single forest

I guess I'll just have to start playing Ermor or something. Is that what you want, /domg/?

I'll do it, you know. Don't test me.
How would people in-universe even realize they're horrormarked?
All the horrors coming out of fucking nowhere trying to eat them would probably be a good indication.
Would you play a AAA Dominions RPG?
Pangaea doesn't rely on forests by a long shot. Harpy scouts without spending fort turns is great, sure, but Pangaea has a lot more going for them than that. Centaur Hierophant recruitment without fort is a thing, of course, but I personally don't consider it a good research strategy.
If it has the same stupid high levels of customization then yes.
Only if I could play as a giant Jew.

i would legit play an rpg where you have a shoe size and if you dont buy those Boots of Silly Stride in the right size your character gets blisters and -1 to his enthusiasm stat
>"Life's not been the same ever since that mage gave me a really mean look before putting a sword through his heart"
>"Family goat grew 6 heads and started eating nearby children, bloody beast took 11 with her before being put down"
>"Bob's changed a lot too, always with a gloomy look on his face, always whispering things to himself, that kid ain't right I tell you what"
>"And I'm probably just imagining it, but it feels like the commander keeps sending me to fishermen villages during expeditions for some reason"
Pan's not particularly forest reliant. Like, they're nice and you ignore the movement restriction, but aside from the harpy scout recruitment, you don't usually want to hire stuff out of forests unless you just need siege chaff (which isn't a problem you should run into as Pan)
I fucking hope not because I'll need 48h turns soon, all this micro is choking me.

It is definitely important to have a couple, for scout generation, mind you
I'm like 90% sure I've seen that in a PnP RPG.
Oh. Well. Good to know, I guess.

I thought I'd want satyr commanders for stealthy raiding purposes so I wouldn't have to use my researchers. Should I be using mages for that anyway?
I want to see a strategy game where design yourown units using an RPG system.

Not like Warcraft 3 or whatever where you just have a couple heroes that you get to pick a skill for every now and then, but actually a full-blown design your own unit system.

Stardock's Fallen Enchantress and all of it's standalone expansions came close, but those games are all kinda shit.
You basically made me the win, so thanks
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A fair amount of Sci-Fi games in the 4x tradition feature detailed ship building. Rarely Dominions-levels of options, but there's a fair bit of meat on the systems.

If I remember correctly, Endless Legend (which is fantasy) has a unit/hero building system with RPG elements that's kind of decent.

If you want a fuckton of options, play Aurora. Or Dorf Fortress.

>Endless Legend / Fallen Enchantress unit design
It and Fallen Enchantress both have the same pseudo-unit building where it's essentially just manually upgrading your iron spear+1 to steel spear +2. The actual customization is essentially irrelevant since it's always better to just use whatever your latest technology is.

Both also have hero levelling stuff, which matters a little bit, but FE in particular ran into issues where certain spells were overpowered to the point that you were gimping yourself by not having any hero capable of casting them rushing for it first.

Honestly, the best unit customization I've seen was the ship building in Master of Orion 2 where it actually DID make sense to still use plasma weapons after you had the next upgrade up on account of being able to fit a shitload of them.
A N1 centaur.

10 satyrs.
(Protection)(Protection)(Protection)(Eagle Eyes) Fire

The ghetto raiding force, add more satyrs to liking.
5-8 white centaurs with (blessing)x2(Protection) also kills PD like nobody's business. That is if you took a good bless, like Pangaea should.
Niefel is AI since, like, turn 10 or so.
>It and Fallen Enchantress both have the same pseudo-unit building where it's essentially just manually upgrading your iron spear+1 to steel spear +2. The actual customization is essentially irrelevant since it's always better to just use whatever your latest technology is.
Eh not really. In Fallen Enchantress you get to pick what weapon they use, what armor they use, etc. It has quite a bit more depth than Endless Legend where you're basically just presented with a couple of basic units and you decide what bonuses they get.

Like, give a dude a Horse and a Bow and he'll be a very different unit from giving a dude a Spear and a Shield. Of course beyond that it's all just +1 bonuses and shit so it's definitely not perfect, but it's a step in a direction I enjoy.
Whats some good chaff you can summon with water gems?
Sea trolls aren't half bad in summod. Two attacks, high str and really bulky.
I suppose you could also get winter wolves or bottles of living water.
Just forge Bottles of Living Water for all your mages and commanders.

It's free sturdy chaff for battles and good defense against assassinations. Just watch out for those cold provinces unless you have cold resistance, since Ice Elementals have a cold aura which might fuck up your own dudes if they get stuck.
Thanks anon.
I see. That could end up being a problem alright.
Yes, but not any additional depth than recruiting "archer" v "cavalry archer" v "melee duder"
They just let you have a paper-doll interface for your archer or whatever rather than having an archer unit, but it's otherwise identical
Sure, but like I said that's already a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

Even if it just amounts to the same thing in the end, the amount of options alone makes it worthwhile. Like, in another game you might have an axeman, a swordman, and a mounted swordman, but not a mounted axeman. But since FE lets you assign your weapon and your mount separately, you can have a mounted axeman if you want. And then you also get to choose whether they use heavy armor, or get a magic amulet, or whatever.

It's definitely not a perfect system and it could use a lot more depth (and it could be in a much better game in general), but as an illustration of the kind of game I'd like to see, it's the closest thing I can think of.
I've come to this thread daily for months now

I still don't understand the Malakal meme. Its significance or why it's spammed all the time(except for le ebin meymey XDD).

Is this some sort of steamgroup stuff?
>Is this some sort of steamgroup stuff?
How exactly are you supposed to do earthquake attacks/traps?

You'll need a powerful mage, or a communion to do it. How do you keep your own mage(s) from dying?
There's one player who's a huge fag. That's basically it.
Ring of levitation, you weak pathetic insect.
This was the workshop idea I pushed for last year

Just give each nation chassis options and unique weaponry and armor

I keep hearing this but have no idea why said person sucks the proverbial benis
Give them flying boots or a ring of levitation. Some mages are tough enough to not really care about earthquakes (such as the E4 tartarian)
Sometimes you can get away with mass flight and earthquakes on the same turn if you have a mass flight caster that has an ID before your earthquake casters, but that's kind of hard to do unless you have recruitable earthquake casters.

What if you're an erf nation with no air?
Then buy one from an air nation, silly goy, it's only 5 gems.

Or increase armor/defence/hp, that will marginally help.
Malakal is a player who engages in a lot of diplo and shit-talk. Since some of this happens in steam, people know his name.
Malakal is a player who will use every opportunity to complain how player X is too strong and form alliances against them, even if he's much stronger himself and about to win the game.

Which in itself wouldn't be particularly memeworthy, if only /domg/ didn't fall for it more often than not.
That describes about half of /domg/ games not involving Malakal, too.
False, it describes only 100% of the games Malakal is in. You might not know tha the has multiple accounts.
Somegent, in response to your question in chat, send them to ulm.
Give Dwarf Fortress a couple years
I might just be a retard but how do you get on the chat?

Just blacksteel it. Earthquake damage is piddly.
steam group /v/anheim
Thanks anon.
IRONically, Ulm has air already

I meant for the caster (or armor of Knights, once you have Const6). But yeah, high enough prot armies can just shrug it off as well.
Ulm can forge rings of levitation that make them entirely immune without fucking their fatigue.

Well, yes. But Ulm also has RoS casters, for which you DO need the prot.
Yomi you getting hurricaned?
source of the pic, please!
Pay respects to Yomi, who died to hurricanes.
Good thing he comes back as a spirit I guess.
Sorry for bump friend Agartha, will send some monies this turn to pay for brave soldier burial
Hurricane's hitting me in 4 hours, which Dome spell should I cast over my apartment? I think 2016 America is using summod because everything is broken and exploitable.
>the ScrubWarriors mod causes the game to crash when i try to send a text message

Stars in Shadow. It has potential, but I wouldn't recommend buying it as it is right now.
Empower or git indies.
Hire an A merc if you must to cast rituals or whatever you want done if you can.
>Turmoil 3 Magic 3 Misfortune 3
>ScrubWarriors crashes while sending a text
That's very strange. Does it do for a specific person or just in general? Was it repeatable?
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Repeatable. It's because the game can't find Robbledoth's flag.
Don't worry though, I've fixed it by making a replacement flag.
Dominions 4 80% off on GamersGate
time to buy my 6th copy.
Can someone cast a ritual to revive Yomi? I would like to get a look at the turn before I sleep.
Conquest of Elysium 4 is also 66% off.
I don't think you have the latest version of the mod.
I want to like that game, it's got some cool concepts, but it is tedious as hell.
Okay, I'm casting Ritual of Turn Resending.
Well this game took a turn for the weird.

Kailasa appears to have taken Pelagia's cap before I could. Flowermonkeys, would you be interested in selling that to me?
Sounds more like vanilla, senpai
Nah kouhai, my gut sense is telling me that this is the work of those summod chinese guys who are reportedly believed to have magical powers.
>powerful throne trapping me
But your units all have stealth? Just walk over it and expand on the other side.
Frankly this is justification for war against China, MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Have you tried using the latest version? I'm pretty sure it got patched.
>no income
>much lower mobility

All for a few extra provinces? For what purpose?
>no income
For like 4 turns until you get a palisades up on the other side.

>much lower mobility
For the one fucking turn it takes to cross the throne province.
>For like 4 turns until you get a palisades up on the other side.
HOL UP. You sayin all your provinces don't have to be connected to your capital city to make money?
only a fort anon
I read somewhere Yomi isnt particularly strong but they always seem to be in games and have recruitable SC's, what is it thats supposed be wrong with them?
Their units have no armor, chaos power, and can be banished.
Why do people always pick them then?
your a nation taht wants T3L3 but has expensive recruit able troops and very expensive mages chassis. You will always be gold hungry the entire game even if you successfully transition into shikinomi and Dai oni armies. oh and If your dai oni gets into his phantom mode he drops all his gear
They're fun and easy to play.
I wouldn't say yomi is easy to play, but def. very fun
I didn't say easy to play well. But you can make your dai oni, have him cast soul vortex, and he's good. And you can take your gold, and you get a shit-ton of onis where you need them when you need them.
true. Plus Oni generals are probable one of the best out of the box thug chassis you can get IMO in the sense you can just send him out to cast horde of skeleton and beat most PD that isn't heavy
I must say I am particularly fond of the snake ladies. They can spam fire evo, they can skelespam, banefire and they even have N for a quick nature buff. The coldblooded and upkeep are such a waste though.
Speaking of Yomi, is there any use for ko-oni, they're size 1 with reasonable stats, but I never see people using them,
they are actually pretty decent expanders if you push into your candles and it will save you some gold compared to getting the aka or aoi onis
Whats the indy level set to in our game Bizarre anon?
5. You can see it in game settings, under the options menu.
>Take Dom10T3G3Mf3
>build temples everywhere
>Spread unfathomable chaos and terrified masses to witness it
Are there optimal PD thresholds beyond 15 other than just going for multiples of 10?
Looking through the unit list on the inspector. Who the heck is this "Ditan the Malik" dude, and how do I summon him?
According to the internet you can get him in an event sometime past turn 25+. You need a Zamzunnite who gets replaced when he arrives on.
A Story Event unit?!
Some sort of event unit anyway. I think you also need Dom of 8.
>page 10
ded thred
Do priests count as mages for the purposes of slave and master matrices or do they actually need to have a standard magic path to use them?

Also, how viable is priest communion divine channeling smite spam, and what nations can do it effectively?
How do I use a vastness effectively? Should I save them all up and make a doomstack of damage reversal or turn them into commanders or spread them out among my armies?
[spoilers]I bet it depends[/spoilers]

Don't turn them into commanders.
Priests count for communions if they have any chance at magic paths (even a single 10% random). Even the ones which don't get randoms will be able to fit into a communion.

Priests without any magic can't communion.

>Also, how viable is priest communion divine channeling smite spam, and what nations can do it effectively?
Smite is pretty shit, so not very. It doesn't scale with priest level either (aside from a small pen bonus), so I don't understand why you're using divine channeling.
>letting monkeys in your waters

Bumrush that fag. Water is squid territory.
I'm not willing to let them keep Pelagia. I'm just trying to avoid the bad will and costs that would come from just taking it from them.
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>I read somewhere Yomi isnt particularly strong but they always seem to be in games and have recruitable SC's, what is it thats supposed be wrong with them?
Research is shit. You'll prefer recruiting indie mages as lab rats in most cases.

They need turmoil scales and high dominion for chaos power demons to be not shit.

Turmoil scales mean less gold, but Yomi needs a shit ton of gold

Their best units are demons and can be killed off by anti-demon spells like banishment and cleansing water.

National summons are mostly shit. Shikome are just squishy sacred chaff. Nushi has homesick trait. Why would you ever summon a Shura when you can summon a Bane Lord for 2 more D gems? And the only decent summon (Dai Tengu) is way too expensive (55 A gems) and can only be summoned at all if you get an extremely lucky magic path roll on a slow-to-recruit Dai Oni.

Summod buffs them into viability though.

The reason why people like playing the nation is
>Their skelespammers can stab cunts who try to interrupt them
>One of the few nations where SC's are actually viable
Are assassinations after or before movement phase?
>Research is shit. You'll prefer recruiting indie mages as lab rats in most cases.
What indie mages do better than yomi for research?

>Shikome are just squishy sacred chaff.
I don't think they're amazing, but they're sacred 6 attack per square berserkers. If that's your definition of chaff, 90% of nations have nothing but chaff to recruit.

>Why would you ever summon a Shura when you can summon a Bane Lord for 2 more D gems?
Uh, ethereal and fear? If Shura were generic I'd never summon a bane lord again.

>And the only decent summon (Dai Tengu) is way too expensive (55 A gems) and can only be summoned at all if you get an extremely lucky magic path roll on a slow-to-recruit Dai Oni.
Do a 30 gem air empowerment. Now you have a teleporting SC and good air access.

The price on dai tengu is amazing, considering you get 25 sacreds along with the strong caster.

I don't recall, but I know the manual has a section about turn order which should have the answer.
>Research is shit. You'll prefer recruiting indie mages as lab rats in most cases.
Most people have issues finding sages in their games reliably, and Yomi mages are about on the same level as amazon province researchers, which isn't terrible (not amazing, but much better than some nations).
>Turmoil scales mean less gold, but Yomi needs a shit ton of gold.
Yomi only needs a shitton of gold early on. You shouldn't be recruiting units past a certain point, reliable access to SCs and an amazing sacred summon gives them a very strong mid-game. Their earlygame - when they *do* have crippling money problems - is an issue though.
>Their best units are demons and can be killed off by anti-demon spells like banishment and cleansing water.
Being a demon is honestly give and take. They're immune to starvation, disease, and have full darkvision.
>National summons are mostly shit. Shikome are just squishy sacred chaff. Nushi has homesick trait. Why would you ever summon a Shura when you can summon a Bane Lord for 2 more D gems? And the only decent summon (Dai Tengu) is way too expensive (55 A gems) and can only be summoned at all if you get an extremely lucky magic path roll on a slow-to-recruit Dai Oni.
Saying Shikome are squishy chaff is absurd, given they're sacred berserkers who dual wield magic weapons to the tune of 6 atk/square. Shura are better than Bane Lords. Dai Tengu are overpriced, and Tengu are in general shit, but air gem dumps are tough to find so it's still nice.
What's a good pretender for EA Xibalba? I was thinking of using 9NB9 statue of bloody mother with Dom8 T3S3H3G3F3M2. But maybe I'm just dumb.
before and also
>I don't recall, but I know the manual has a section about turn order which should have the answer.
It's missing some stuff, but if you google 'turn resolution dominions' you'll find the wiki page
>Needed a weapon on my Niefl Jarl who is about to take on Fomorians
>Very next turn I get a dusk dagger from an event
I don't see dom8 being needed. You have blood sacrifices and don't need to recruit large numbers of your sacreds.

Turmoil is pretty bad for bloodhunting, try to get order if you can.
You generally want order for more gold and unrest reduction. Your most efficient bloodhunter and your onaquis (which you pretty much always want to get) product unrest naturally, so the unrest reduction is even more worthwhile.

Turmoil.Luck in general is less good compared to order when you can recruit as many 320 gold raiding parties as you can afford. Even after your opponents start fielding answers to mass-raiders, your blood hunting will scale up with more income so reliable gold is good.

N9B9 is fine, if a bit cookie cutter. The primary sacreds that you'll want to take your bless for are your ozelotls, so you don't need your dom to be that high. Your cap sacreds are eh.

Also, sloth 3 is taken by default because Xibalba literally doesn't need anything to have top tier expansion. I've been trying out neutral / Prod 1 expansion with them, though, and it's just downright batty. If you're expecting to have a coalition called on you just for being bats anyways, you may as well make it justified by getting obscenely big and having 1000 bats on hand to swarm and rush your first target.
Thanks for the help! Any other bless you recommend, then?
B9X is fine in general, N9 included. Personally I like W9, but there's no good chassis for it so you lose a lot of scales by taking it over N9. B9 mono also works if you want even more scales than your build has, but N9 is a great thug bless and helps makes your kitties and beast bats a bit more survivable.
What's the difference between Stoneskin and Iron Skin?
Iron skin gives more prot and lightning weakness. Stone skin gives cold weakness.
15(+2) natural prot, -5 cold res
20(+3) natural prot, -5 lightning res
If you have 19 prot, does ironskin bump it to 20 or 22?
Don't know, but it's fairly easy to test so I'll check it for you.
Alright thanks. Was thinking of using marble warriors on my communions (since AoE is bigger) but I guess casting iron skin as a master is better right?

I usually don't bother casting defensive spells on my communions, but probably.

I'd be worried about the enemy casting lightning spells, though. If your communion slaves are the only thing on the field with -ve lighting resist, it's possible the enemy mages will preferentially aim for them.
Well this is awkward, went to sleep just before you posted that and now posting from work.
I'll be up later today, if you survive hurricane and looters untill that.
I'm in a game where I needed to prepare for a valuable province to be attacked with no time to bring in a real army. The province had heavy cav and no militia in its PD, so I set up my mages to use the PD as blockers and then bought up to 17, because that's where I get 5 heavy cav. I figure that's critical mass for them to interfere with scripting or potentially sneak past the front lines to do some damage.

I don't actually know whether that's paid off, though.
ALRIGHT, time to see if Hurricane Matthew can get passed the Horror Dome we set up on Florida.
The fact that you put up a horror dome explains so much
How about Teotl of Rain W9N4B4 Dom 6 O3S3H3G3Magic1?
Won't they just charge down the middle?
I could also go W9B9 Dom6 O3S3H3G3Mis2M0 Fountain of Blood. Which do you guys think is better?
By personal experience, if you are playing summod you will need sloth2 isntead of sloth3. Maybe sloth1 if you want to be safer.

Being able to get less than 20 bats a turn is awful early on.

I woluld go teotl of rain with mf1 and sloth2, everything else seems fine.
Blood fountain is fine, but I just like my pretenders able to move. It's just a personal taste, though.
Playing vanilla.

Sorry guys. For some reason the initial turn email didn't arrive. Hadn't even realized I was due one. Figured the admin was still getting hit by the hurricane. So thanks, turnresend guy!

I've done a double. Hopefully won't happen again.
Could do Teotl of Rain with W9N4B4 Dom6 O3P0H3G3Mis2M0, if that would be a much safer option.

You want the B9 for Blood Vengeance.
What pretender would you suggest then? I don't think I can get W9B9 without having garbage scales.
The thing is, if you are playing vanilla you will have 44 resources at turn 1 with sloth3, which means 40 bats and a commander and is enough.

But in summod the bats cost 2 resources, so at sloth2 you can only get 20 of them. Considering your expansion armies consist of 40 bats, sloth3 is totally fine in vanilla so go for it.

The thing is, if you play summod you will have around 60 resources (30 bats) at sloth2 and around 80 at sloth 1 (40 bats). That's why I considered sloth1 safer if you can afford it (still, in summod).
Remember to get bats in forests an get forest commanders so you can have more armies of bats.
Gotcha gotcha. That makes a ton of sense, and is good information to have when I do play Summod. Thank you for taking the time to write it out!
I won a game playing W9B4N4. It's a ozelotl bless and it works great, but beast bats are just useless chaff with it. B9 has its merits but still W9 turns ozelotls into murder machines (and it's useful for your cap only sacreds).
Why not?

Fair enough. I'll admit my main experience has been with LA Bats, not EA. If it works, it works.
I can agree on B9 being needed in LA where even indies have above 15 pro.
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>wake up
>4 new turns
>they all went terrible
who's got a link to the pbem utility?
Greets, /domg/. Is anybody interested in newbie multiplayer game? I have no multiplayer experience at all, and i want to test some of the strategies against real people, but thrown in the game of 1k+ hours nerds i definetly will be owned with no chance to resist.

I don't know how to distinguish experienced players from newfags though, hope you'll be honest :)
Getting you ass kicked can be a great learning experience.
There was someone last thread also asking about newbie games. Start one, see if you get a decent turnout.

Yeah, but it's not fun.
>Yeah, but it's not fun.

Get out, casual scum.
>Yeah, but it's not fun.
Get out.
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Somewhat new to the game, I find myself with an abundance of Pearls and few other gems. How would I go about equipping numerous golems?
> not using the command line in 2016

Tool looks pretty cool desu.
Starshine skullcap so they can cast teleport
Vine shield
Frost or fire brand
A shroud if you have an N9 bless, something like armour of knights if you don't
What if I don't have the gems for frost / fire brand? I have fire and some nature, death, but almost no water or earth.
Snake bladder stick
Will try that, thanks.
52 hour turns

reminder 2 hours
forgot name
Can the badmin set Pelagia and Agatha AI since they are chain staling?

I guess Pelagia can be subbed also.

Why did Shinuyama go AI? He is one of the bigger nations...
So if I happen to run into an otherwise normal province with 3 fucking air mages in it then there is probably an air magic site there right?
Start a game faggot I only got 73 hours in.

You're going to want the Forbidden Light and the Ark.
He got his two armies EQ'd.
If you hafe FB crosspath you can try demon whip. It's inferior to fire brand in the main target, but the same aoe damage, so it's fine to clean small units or skeletons.

Also Herald lance isn't half bad if you are fighting undead.

I don't think there is other non-artifact aoe item, but one-target weapons aren't bad either (just worse if you are getting flooded in skeletons). For example you can get Duskdagger to kill SCs or high armor stuff, flesh eater, axe of hate...
Snake bladder stick is a bit shitty, but I suppose it can work too.

Also there are some not bad 2h weapons, but in golems maybe they are a bit risky. Flambeau would work as an aoe weapon like fire brand but not needing any earth magic, hellsword has drain life (so it's piercing damage and drains hp and reinvigorates you a bit), or even wraith sword . Uh... maybe gloves of the gladiator if you like memes.

2h weapons could be paired with a copper hand wielding a shield, if you needed it, but 2h weapons are riskier all around.
Remember kids, software piracy is wrong and punishable by death!
Should I get the blood uniques as Lanka? I feel like every slave not used in either dakinis or mandehas is a waste.
Bogarus, are you here? It's about the bags of wine you requested some turns ago. Do you still need them? Is there a chance I can get death gems in exchange?
The various devils and demons can still be nice depending on your needs at the moment.

For example, Storm Demons and Demon Knights are powerful troops that can complement your own troops quite well, and the Demon Lords can help with magic diversity. Also Vampire Lords are always good to have. Get a couple of them early on and they can make you a nice flying death squad to discourage anyone trying to raid you.
>thanks, turnresend guy!
I never thought this could ever happen. I'm usually shittalked for turn resending, but this time it's different... What is this warm in my heart?
If it's just one resend to remind someone that their turn is due it's ok. But sending fifty turn resends serves no purpose other than to be an asshole and put undue stress on Llamaserver.
>undue stress on Llamaserver
When Llama went down and some fag from domg told Llamabeast there was a fag in here turnspamming, Llamabeast literally laughted at it, saying that there is no way that can cause issues at all.

But you have a point on the asshole thing.
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>adventures take over an important province at first year, ruining my fort plans
W-well atleast I can get thug gear from them..
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snek snek sneeeeeek
Sorry senpai, englisho isn't my mommy language.
I often threaten to turn-spam and even show printscreens with an auto-clicker on, but I never go through it.

I just do it for the you's and fear mongering.
I almost never post it in the thread, but when a guy makes 20 other people wait for 20 hours without a reason, he deserves some bullying. I usually stop bullying the ones who apologize, but the ones who threaten me or complain about infinite resends make me want to bully them more.

I know that what I do isn't appropriate, but I enjoy it.
Sorry domg.
>without a reason
What makes you think they don't have a reason?

Hell, even assuming that's the case, what makes you think they need a reason?
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He's the bully domg deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our bully. He's a silent lurker, a watchful resender. A dark bully.
I know people that waits to send their turn because there are still hours left, so maybe the bully has a point.
So? I sometimes want to think my turn over and review it before submission. As long as I don't stale and I'm not doing it maliciously, why is it a problem?
>not doing it maliciously
If you are thinking about it, it's fine. But there are literal people right here right now that don't send their finished turns because they are too lazy and "there is still time left".
Antiquis Terra postponed for 24 hours due to the hurricane.

The Horror Dome seems to have worked, given that Jax is now outside the cone of uncertainty entirely.
>Llamabeast literally laughted at it, saying that there is no way that can cause issues at all.
Good so this means I can leave the macro on all night without feeling like a piece of shit.
Thanks for the confirmation.
If someone does that to me, I'm setting up macros to spam resends to EVERYONE in the game but me, just to be sure. And to be even more sure, I'm setting up macros to spam resends to ALL games on llamaserver.
Well in that case I'm gonna put a macro to spam re-sends to everyone but me too.
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And thus the age of Macro Deterrence has started.
Generally speaking, I think it makes more sense to host a newbie game on steam rather than on here. Like, I don't mind making one and posting it up, but there's a 99% chance some random shitheels join in to beat up the newbs
So the hurricane was literally nothing for my area. Will resume normal turn scedule
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abysia yo, don't hog them all for yourself
Reminds me of that INNOVATIVE TACTICS guy who spammed chariots as Hinnom
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300 foulspawn chaff down, 300 gorillian to go.
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I don't think they'll necessarily last long enough for it to matter.
>all that mage support
>still losing to literally just mercs
Atlantis plz

In that case I am going AI too. No hope to beat elf.
>make army worth 6k gold
>support it with exactly one (1) mage
>turn 34
I might as well be fighting the AI.
>winning handily
>it's the mop-up phase so scripts are over
>"hmm, better cast earthquake since this enemy is clearly giving the B9 sacreds so much trouble"
When the fuck will Illfraud hire someone who knows how to AI?
Illfraud outsources all it's coding to shitty 3rd world Polish sweatshops, it's a mess of spaghetti code that barely holds itself together.
Losses on Abyssian side
*Couple of mages crippled with old age, ~500 gold
*Diddly piddly 30 bloodslaves
*Mild annoyance to a pair of vampire lords
*Earth boots, wine sack and skull of fire, assuming hammers about 20 gems, 600-1200 gold

Losses on Ys side
*Several crystal mages, renown for their research prowess ~400g
*A moose, left alive, no one in the vicinity will sleep soundly knowing that the beast lurks the night
*couple of kernou smalltime mages ~400g
*Cap-only slow-to-recruit hyper pricey waifu ~400g
*About a quarter of their standind army
*One brave massed cap-only sacred
*God knows how much mage potential lost to dealing with some chaff

I'd say the battle was about fifty-fifty. Considering the position of the respective nations in the game, I'd say this was a bad trade for Ys.
t. Abysia
t. Ys
Forgot my t.

There's nothing else to be done. Apparently everyone else except Bandar is either dead, almost dead, or completely retarded.
Assuming Abysia had high research and lategame spells while Ys does not (and judging by what each brought, I think it's reasonable to assume that), Ys did pretty well.

That's not a sustainable set of losses for Ys though, unless they control way more land than Abysia.
I guess Ermor counts as dead, given that they're Ermor, but I'd rate them as third in power behind Boys' Love and Malakal
I need a three day extension
>hurricane keeps me from doing my turn
This is what you get for invading a nation with recruitable A3s.
Berytos, Hinnom, the two of you are blood powers with 2 capitals and more on the way. Please stop trying to get other people to fight your wars for you and just kiss already.

I'd like to clarify that my losses were one fire skull and one skull staff, the other items are Ysian.

Mages are 260 and 180 I think. A bit more slaves.


Um ok?
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Oh actually had a look at the army graph and you can actually see the battle, not bad.

That having said my research is horrible.
Anyway looking for a sub for Shinuyama as he keeps stalling.

Not sure what is his position but he has a lot of uw provinces and probably good research.

Hey domg, do you lads wanna 6v6 the Italian community and Dom3Mods? This is separate from the CC
I'd rather have some of the Italian community players introduce me to italian cuisine.
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That's nothing.
Who says they haven't?

t. Ulm

>Apparently everyone else except Bandar is either dead, almost dead, or completely retarded.

>Um ok?

I meant the other non-Abysia nations.
Alright if no one is interested in subbing for Jotunheim in the next 12 hours I will set them
After playing some /domg/ games I have come to the conclusion that the average domg player is either new or bad.

So I'm not sure this would be a huge challenge unless the /domg/ tryhards join.
I'll let you into a little secret. There are about dozen or so good dominions players in the whole world. The rest are justwinging it along.
And just who are these so called elite dozen?

Berytos are jewish sailors ruled by BBW warrior-princesses.

Hinnom are jewish giants ruled by the descendant of angels.

Kinda makes you think, huh.
The most puzzling are the players that just give up after one unsuccessful battle.

You still haven't lost the war you fool.
Isn't Berytos ruled by giant Jews?
I think the most puzzling are players who play so passively they lose by default, not engaging a single war during the entire game (unless they are attacked) while being so small there isn't any advantage they could conceivably be gaining from inaction relative to their neighbours.
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>i'm shit therefore everyone is shit

They are ruled by BBW warrior-princesses from Machaka that are awaiting the coming of the new god so that they can have endless celestial sex and become impregnated with god-children.

I'm kinda disappointed that Illfraud feels so obligated to follow historical fantasy that they can't make a MA or LA equivalent of Berrytos, following that mythos.
They sometimes assume the front of the "Majestic Twelve". I know this sounds like crazy /x/ stuff but there really is an organisation hellbent on making sure that no other players reache their skill level.
The pacing is the real problem. You'll learn a valuable lesson one day and then spend a month without a chance to put it into practice. Your only real opportunity to practice it beforehand is against the AI or in blitzes, and more often than not, you end up reaching the wrong conclusion. Mentors are the only real solution to becoming better.
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Maybe you should join Majestic 12, in a body bag!

Depends how devastating you lose. A major battle where you lose most of your army and mage corps? There's no coming back from that, unless you are significantly bigger than your opponent.
At that point I usually just try to inflict as much damage as I possibly can.
Buy Dom4 now or wait till Oct Sales?
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>go back home
>check Domgs_Bizarre_adventure turn
>Machaka Waiting for 2h file
must... not... resend...

i'm... trying... to hold back...
It's on 80% sale in Gamersgate, you probably aren't going to get a better deal than that
so what your saying is we need to setup a mentor program? I would be more then willing to do that for some of my favorite nations
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Sorry, domg...
I'm starting to think that I have a problem
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Couldn't manage to resist...

I ran a game a couple years back with newbie/veteran mixed disciple teams. That worked out reasonably well, I think.
What are blitzes?
Playing Dominions via direct connect while simultaneously participating in the gay erp in steamchat.
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God damn Africans holding up the whole show.
Okay picked it up, I might multiplayer after a few years of learning the game.
so like Disciples without discipline but for all teams?

>few years

Don't do that. Read the manual, play 1 or 2 singleplayer games, then go into PBEMs.
Those things aren't puzzling at all.

The players who leave the game after one lost battle are usually shitters, not scrubs mind you, just shitters who would have left anyway at the first occasion because they can't comprehend that losing a battle isn't the end in Dominions (usually). This kind of player exist, and it's most likely the same guys who complain about things being overpowered or imbalanced in games whenever it doesn't go their way.

The passive players are the measure of mediocrity in Dominions, as in they are not good, but they're not exactly too bad either. They just don't understand that while Dominions isn't a game where you need to be agressive all the time to win, you can't stand on your ass and pretend to wait for the right opportunity all game long. That just contributes to you getting behind slowly but surely while other players will take risks and seize the day, thus getting ahead. It's usually why you get a couple of big players in a game, and then a bunch of smaller ones who have no idea what to do against the big guys since they lack the power to take them on, and would much prefer seeing their neighbors go in so they can backstab a weakened nation instead of confronting a healthy one. A good player will try things and be proactive, a mediocre one will stay in his corner, happy to not get targeted for the moment.
Reminder: If you're the last one, take a double turn.
Is a double turn just the last guy doing a turn immediately after he sends in his last turn?
My dad taught me to never double-dip when I'm associating with other people.
If you want to improve the general quality then a mentor program would be invaluable. It could use scenario games similar to ErmorOP to teach a group for a week or two and then change things up a month later.
To be clear, the Italian players are new-ish too and both of the dom3mods guys that posted interest thus far are awful.
In this case everyone wants you to double dip.
>A huge Huntress was seen towering over the army
>no unit, Pretender or otherwise, appears in the inspector
What is this?
It's a WH hero
Robbledoth 2h file received
Artea 2h file received
Dalkrin 2h file received
Itza 2h file received
VARN 2h file received
Unexpected Nation 2h file received
Dwarfs 2h file received
Smerv 2h file received
Imperial Enclave 2h file received
Sylvania 2h file received
The Sahuagin Waiting for 2h file
Aurum 2h file received
Mathosia 2h file received

Don't make me do it.

Apparently missed that, whatever it was. Paired a vet up with a couple new(er) players.
I'd be down to do a mentor+blogger game where the nations would be played strictly by the newbs, but that each would have a designated mentor to walk them through strategy. The newbs would then take note of what they were told, so that after the game we have what amounts to strategy guides for newer players, and the more experienced players also get an idea for how the other mentors think and what they consider important for strategy.
I'd be up for the disciples thing. I obviously vote for popkill pretender.
I would be down with a disciples game. Lord knows I am enough of a scrub to qualify.
What stuff about a game would you say are the most important aspects that set it aside from other games?
Ur where you at, we have some posing to do
oh and Aztec fitness gods too
Tons of nations/spells/units/etc. that keep the game fresh longer than most strategy games.

You could play a different nation every week and still not have played them all after an entire year. Not only does it mean you can try out a lot of different strategies yourself, but you'll also be up against opponents that use a wide variety of strategies.
No, I mean what sets one specific PBEM apart from another? I'm not new, I want opinions. There's age, map, throne settings, and mods. Is there anything else, assuming no obvious meme settings, that makes a big difference?
How come PBEM manager sometimes has a really hard time receiving turns? It takes really long at times, and at others it just freezes while trying to DL a turn. Sending turns is fine though. Anyone know what's up?
There's some setting changes which aren't just memes, like playing LA with the site frequency of EA.
Might be a filesize thing, since I've noticed it struggles more often for high turn #s in big games.
>playing LA with the site frequency of EA.
>not a meme setting
Default settings are a meme.
Can you resend a turn if you already sent a turn and forgot to do something?
Sweet. On a somewhat related note what would be a good trade for a frost brand?
it depends
>Everything has been stolen from me
>A single province left
>Militia beats back attackers
>PD+ and Dom+ events happening continuously for 4 or 5 months
The pantokrator is keeping me alive for some divine purpose! I will rise from the ashes!
Where even are you?
Let me know if you need anything.
I do need anything, literally anything.
Attack the Japanese goblin, he's fighting a two front war.
Well I can't actually attack anything because I have no army. I don't even have a fort to collect income so I'm perpetually penniless.
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That guy was in the path of the hurricane and he requested an extension so hold off.
Hey abysia, are you here? I'm a friend. We could say I'm a close friend.
Close to you, I mean.
Okay, I'll send you some gold for a fort.

I applaud your perseverance, mate, a lot of the scrubs here start staling as soon as they hit a small bump in the road. Have to admire when someone sticks with it to the bitter end.
We should be friends. I won't expand further in your direction.
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>people are already running into eachother
But what about the province between us? The one between where I think your expansion army is and mine. You know, "The somethingsomething Realm".
If you didn't see anyone yet you are probably bumping this turn into someone. You gotta PANIC.
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Vulnerable birds driven to a corner, cruelly kept as the surrounding player's playthings. Forced to commit the most deploraple acts for faux japanese goblins and awoos in return of promises to send them some gold for their fort...
I already started panicking when my expansion force got wrecked by a random province that had 3 fucking air mages spamming orb lightning in it.
Oh. I actually mistook you for somebody else. I need the province you mentioned, for... scientific reasons. I'm going there this turn.
abysia are you a steam shitter? could talk to you in there
Now i'm really interested in who you thought I was. I was moving into that province for science this right turn. Maybe we could get to an accord?
A steamchat accord?
So many friends!
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Thanks daddio, maybe I can be your pseudo-disciple when I receive your aid and find out who you are.

I see Dominions in a very different way than I see other competitive multiplayer games. Winning isn't the only objective that matters. Any influence I can exert over the game is a small victory in itself.
There's also something to be said about staying alive out of sheer spite for the nations who want to be rid of me

a-anon plz
I'm in chat

There is an alarming amount of Malakal occurring in thread at the moment.
I agree with you 100%.

Take risks to win, by being passive you give up your chances at victory.
3 day extension please
>I see Dominions in a very different way than I see other competitive multiplayer games. Winning isn't the only objective that matters. Any influence I can exert over the game is a small victory in itself.
You're not one of those fuckers who plays EA R'lyeh with the goal to ruin the game, are you?

A great player will know when to be active and when to be passive. For instance, if you've had really good expansion and have good scales, then being passive and using diplo extensively is far better than taking needless risks in war. Because if you go to war, you have to dedicate mages and resources to the war that could have been researching and strenthening your armies had you stayed back home.
I've never played EA R'lyeh so no.
I might become one of those fuckers, it depends on their method of ruining the game.
I remember you, anon. I still like your cute annie may pictures.
Heh, one should play EA R'lyeh how it's meant to be played: to win.
Are you original Latus Caelum? You sound like if you were.
No worries, it's not expensive to me anyway, and it would be rude of me not to, considering. In exchange, continue to play the game and have fun.
>it depends on their method of ruining the game.
Cancer globals and Wish for the apocalypse.
Helheim, you expanded where you should not have.

I hope you understand that you can't keep that province.
Yes, though in that case you are already ahead, so having others fight and giving a hand to people behind the scene or at least announcing it officially are ways to keep that lead. That's kinda what I meant by not being agressive all the time, sometimes laying low and letting things run their course is better, but if you're behind that's probably not the right choice.
How do you get over rivers without flying? Do they freeze in winter?
Also, being amphibious
Do note that a flying commander cannot lead amphibious units across a river and an amphibious commander cannot lead flying units across a river.

This bothers me to no end.

It depends.Read the manual.

I'll spoonfeed you anyway.
If the temperature scales in both sides of the river are in the cold then it can be crossed on foot. Same thing with mountain passes and hot scales. Winter usually brings about cold scales, unless some pretender's hot scales are high enough to keep them up. And summer brings about hot scales.
Still calling out to Bizarre UR, where you at boy
take your turn snek abysia
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I have a fuzzy feeling inside now

I'm not, this is my first time playing birdies in multiplayer.

That does sound kinda fun. I'm still not entirely sure what all the effects of apocalypse are, or whether or not the effects continue. I cast it in a meme game and a bunch of units died the turn it was cast but I couldn't tell if it was causing anything else.
Rivers freeze if both sides have cold > 1, they can be crossed at any time by amphibious troops. Mountain passes open up if both sides have heat > 1, they can be crossed by mountain survivors.
>Asphodel Waiting for 2h file
Take your turn.
Apocalypse kills a percentage of the population in every single province. Usually it doesn't kill that many actual units.
what a roller coaster
Does it kill pop only on the turn it is cast or continuously? And does that show up as an event or something telling you how much pop was killed?
I didn't notice one but I might have just missed it because there were like 50 reports to read.

I am willing to trade it for another province deeper south.

20% popkill to every province, and a 14(?) damage AN hit to 20% of the units (troops and commanders both) in the world, each time you wish for it.
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You'll get the earthquake report and a report on some of your units getting killed.
I do remember seeing that report, just not a pop death one.
I wonder if floating/flying units would be immune to it.
It kills pop when it's cast, but a couple castings cripple everyone's income pretty permanently anyway since regrowth is by percentage. The report doesn't tell you anything about civilian casualties.
The universe dominions knows no such term. There are only trapped skeletons, walking gold generators and virgins waiting to be found.
we're p much walking gold generators today too
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Nah, m87, I'm a walking shit generator.
>tfw some old giant lady, a bat or a dude made of fire will show up at your house one day and use you to summon some shitty imps
Just go and fuck someone. Problem solved.
I'm working on it anon but its easier said than done.
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>tfw you will never raise a soulless waifu to take your virginity
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operation distract fomoria(bully) away from neighbor is

but now fomoria mad and want kill me! lol!!
I just talked to your mom.
Do you keep the assassin from Infernal Disease as a commander if they're succesful?
What happens when a multiform caster uses Phoenix Pyre? Does it trigger when the first form dies? The second? What state does it reset them to?
Bery is in urgent need of removal.
Is anyone trying anymore? I'm just sitting around with most of the demon lordship not really doing anything. Is grey gonna win?
unexpected feels bad man...
I was gearing up for a big cool fight with grey but I stopped caring after those two stale turn errors because they basically fucked my whole plan.
>page 9
>page 10
First time player (well, second if you count the tutorial). Why can't I kill these tritons?
They're about equal to my better slaves in stats, but I outnumber them and get the smite spam from my back row dudes.
Show us your army set up.
It looks like a morale issue to me. I'm guessing that your army routed, and that most of those losses were after they broke and were being chased down by the much faster tritons
>slaves vs the underwater equivalent of heavy infantry indies
My guess is your troops started routing and the tritons proceeded to pick them off
Not even if you manage to enslave the assassin.
You guys are right. If I buy the "Illithid Lord" commander with +2 morale to slaves, would that make a serious difference, or would they still route?
Should I just drown them in mindless garbage lobos instead?

All the commanders and mages are at the very back. All the slaves and madmen were at the very front. Elder Things have sacred, so I had them start next to the cultist and had him cast Blessing first.
Apart from that everyone in front was set to "attack closest" and everyone in back was set to "stay behind units".
R'lyeh expands (and often even fights its first war) with three kinds of units - tramplers, mindblasters, and things intended only to take the first hit and die for expansion. In MA R'lyeh, that's lobos. In LA R'lyeh, generally freespawn.

The tramplers should be in position to smush things once they're engaged on your sacrificial chaff. The mindblasters should be positioned far in the back and are used to make sure that your expensive tramplers don't get mobbed.
It would make them significantly less likely to rout, but they'd do it anyway if they take enough losses. It's a random chance that gets more likely the more casualties there are (full details in the manual). You should also look into units that are likely to run train all over the enemy, literally in the case of tramplers, or figuratively in the case of mind blasters*. Mind blasters need blockers, which is anything that's cheap and will keep the enemy from reaching your back line before dying.

tl;dr: What >>156825807 said.

*For you, that'd be the illithids. Mindblasters expensive but once you get beyond a dozen or so, they're the next best thing to evokers.
Lemurian Thred
Eat some tictacs and then grab her in the pussy.
Which nation is your favorite in terms of lore / thematics?
In terms of gameplay?
LA Agartha, EA Atlantis.
I like EA Abysia.
>how are you going to fight these guys
>fire magic
>ok what else
>fire magic motherfucker
>what if they resist fire?
The Atlantis/R'lyeh arc

EA Bery, MA Pelagia, or MA Pangaea so far, but I haven't played all of them in MP
If I start a cataclysm game is anyone down to start in the next couple days?

It would also be my first time hosting a game so plz kindness no bully.
I like Abysia's arc and the monkey nations. Also MA Ermor is a really neat mixture of thematics and gameplay, even if it results in a nation made out of pure cancer.
I wouldn't mind trying some cataclysm.
The whole Ermor / Ermor (ded) / Sceleria / Lemuria humiliation conga. The most insultingly infuriatingly stupid people were handed the powers over life and death and shit got fucked. What next? Same. Thing. Again.

Gem/Blood/Resource/Free summon/Freespawn economy nations. It's a fresh breath of air to how similarly majority of games handle these things.
Are Helheim and R'lyeh asleep?
New Bread where?
New thread here:

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