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/dg/ desting general - Iron Banner soon edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 842
Thread images: 151

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IB drops: auto, shotty, cloaks

>>>NEWS<<< Hot Fix: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45313
Latest Weekly Update:https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45315

Tyra artifacts: sword deflect, radar one, melee ally
Lakhsmi spirit bloom, Jalal relic iron, Hideo wormspore
Nightfall: Sepiks perfected. - match game grounded catapult
Heroic Strikes: Beserk, Small Arms, Void Burn
Crucible Weeklies: mayhem rumble, Salvage
CoE: who cares small arms
Xur: ded
ToO Map: ded

Check Anyone's Status: destinystatus.com
ToO Opponents Stats: destinytrialsreport.com
LFG Sites: destinylfg.net | destinylfg.com
RoI Grimoire Cards: ishtar-collective.net/releases/rise-of-iron
Better place: www.reddit.com/r/destiny
Dead Ghost Locations: destinyghosthunter.net
SIVA Engine Puzzle: 2g.be/tools/siva/


>What is the recommended light level for the WotM Raid
>Can I use a Skeleton Key on the 320LL version of a strike?
>How do I consistently increase my light level?
Heroic Strikes, Sepiks Farm and Crucible
Exotic Engrams, Rank Up Packages, Crucible and Raid Gear
isn't that the same gun iron lord memories use at you?
IB weapons are shit edition
holy fuck just 2 manned an entire servitor phase on aksis part 2 with 4 people dead.

And then the game lagged out. Thanks bungo
I want to date Cayde
Still slots for 3 nightfalls

>Better place: www.reddit.com/r/destiny
>tfw you get on aksis back but bungo's shitty servers think you don't and refuse to dunk
yes you should fuck off there
what are you? retarded?
You mean you didn't get on his back in time because you're a shitter.
>still no spinmetal donations
Literally happened 3 times tonight.

>see the guy jump over instantly and land on his back and nothing happens.

Fuckin quality.
>Heroic Void Burn
RIP anyone who gets Wretched Eye
except for i fucking did and spend 2 more seconds holding square until it teleported from behind me? fuck off
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Post guardians!
>tfw out damaging gally users with raze lighter on aksis
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desting. Make subsequent threads using this title, thank you.
>lazy shitters still use ghorn when sleeper and raze are better through the entire raid
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>nighthawk on bladecancer
>nm autorifle
>blanked out name
>that grimoire
Next time just take the picture in a preview screen to hide the shame.
Whoops, had blade-dancer on just because of an arc abilities bounty I was trying to complete.
I should probably upgrade my Raze up, but I'm starved for Exotic shards because 3oC hate me.
Get a class item with mag/rocket xp bonus, grab a heavy from the kiosk, and use 6 notes to max it. You'll get 2 shards, 5 weapon parts, and 2-3 notes back.
This poster is either with dead "low grade people" orbit or future "bunch of freaks" war cult.
Way to narrow it down, Sherlock.
>tfw no monitor raid
I'll do one in like an hour or so.
Shut up you NM freak show.
>tfw no longer have to do monitor raids
>replying to monitor raid shitposter

Lad are you new?
>gay monarchy supporter
>biasedbob on full damage control after getting BTFO by Atom in rumble
>385 drops conspiracy confirmed
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Anyone looking to do a raid or nightfall? I can do 2 NFs
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2 more for Aksis phase 2. We have all the monitors.
Poor doggo.
I'm down for it
Do you mean remnants? From the last mission? No, they're using a full auto Y1 scout.
>That garbage AR.

Holy shit.
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That girl reminds me of Elizabeth
>Bungie decides to get rid of all D1 gear for D2.

How would this make you feel?

Also what about if they convert all D1 legendary gear into legacy ornaments that you can slot into D2 gear to give you real fukken neato legacy effect?
I want that to start fresh
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just got this, is it good?

Hand Laid Stock
Spray and Play
Did mustang win her hand?
>How would this make you feel?
good riddance honestly, some guns are inherently broken like tlw/UR and some will be forever shit like SGA. And where the fuck are all the alien weapons, why we only have one and two shitty reworks. More vehicle types is needed too, where the fuck is my sparrow pike skin
There's nothing stopping you from deleting all your characters/gear.

No, you don't want to start fresh, you want everyone to start fresh. You can literally start fresh whenever you want, but you'd be pissy if you started fresh while others got to continue.
Bretty gud
>cuckang winning anything crucible related

Losing all gear would be totally acceptable.

>Change, refresh, or add Perks
>Create unique ways of obtaining certain gear
>Create a better and more meaningful gear curve (Uncommons are actually uncommon, Exotics are extremely rare, etc etc).
>Refresh INT/DIS/STR
>Introduce a number crunch
whats the point of making a new game if its just going to be overpriced DLC?
Dude have you tried the NM auto? Its fucking garbage, you can stack tripple stability perks and it'd still kick like my last rape victim on pure x.

Why should you get anything from D1 moved over to D2 apart from select emblems from promotions?
>The only thing separating DLC and a Sequel is progression.

Are you retarded?

Why shouldn't you?
>Bob still damage controlling

*Promotion Emblems and Shaders.

How wierd would it be that you donate to the Bungie Foundation only to have that emblem removed when they move to D2.


because its a new game?

why would i want everything from destiny 1 in D2 right off the bat for free?

entitled af

Radegast can deflect a bunch of shit.
honestly, I would be surprised if they brought anything more than some of the exotics into the new game.

It's a different game though.

Progression would probably be there with Emblems, Shaders, etc, but your gear gets removed.

We're not talking about an expansion here.
So now that the Devils have had their assholes pounded completely into oblivion, with Winter being dead in Vanilla, and Wolves being fucked within year one, when the fuck are we going to see what the Kings have going on?

I notice that Shiro's cape is made of stitched together King cloaks. Maybe he'll be involved in an eventually King-centered expansion.

After all, we have to have SOMETHING to further fucking delay a Cabal expansion, right?

>the entire game is based on character progression and the effects that character has on the war against the darkness
>these accomplishments have consequences and implications that reach forward into later expansions (the desperation of the Devils turning to SIVA, Crota calling out to Oryx, etc.)

Filtered for stupidity.
I don't understand why you're all so obsessed with this "Its not an expansion" argument, I assume your fully functioning adults so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here, you are aware that a direct sequel allowing you to carry over progression isn't a new concept, right? You're not arguing anything, you haven't provided a single point as to why this shouldn't be done. You've literally stated "Its a game", "its not an expansion", and "I don't wanna" none of these mean anything, you didn't say a single thing yet.
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>announcing filtering
>when the fuck are we going to see what the Kings have going on?
april update/dlc
I have worked hard to get all my gear, ranks and stats. And i swear to God, if i dont have all of them in Destiny 2, i will not buy the game. I. MUST. HAVE. ALL. MY. GEAR. AND. SHIT. IN. DESTINY 2

the only thing that would carry over with what you state is appearance/character import.

why the fuck should you get all your weapons/armour from destiny 1 put into destiny 2?

>whaaaaaaa i want all my weapons imported so i can use the same 3 weapons again for another 3 years whaaaaaaaaaaaa

fuck off retard
>it's going to be a new game
[citation needed]

And please, don't insult your own intelligence by bringing up the Kotaku article.
You mean Destiny 1.5

We can either have an actual new game, or we can have Destiny 1.5 and get to keep all our shinies, not both.
Fuck I'm getting this one.
Because it'd be a waste otherwise. There's also that as soon as Destiny 2 comes out, Destiny 1 would become a wasteland, and Bungie said our characters would be kept for the whole journey. They hit a sweet spot in terms of light level progression, artifacts and ghosts aside, so there's no reason to just leave stuff behind.

I feel like everything should transfer over, but in a damaged state. So we'd have to work to "repair" our favorite gear, or just get newer ones.
Has anyone gotten an item above 388 from NF?
It can have all the content of Destiny 1 and still be a new game, retard
good riddance, if destiny 2 gets rid of all autists and all OP shit it'll be bliss
>don't insult your own intelligence by bringing up the Kotaku article.

You mean the one from the insider that has been more right than wrong for the past two years?
>one time copy of current D1 characters/inventory on first time starting D2
>everything becomes redundant inside of 90 minutes due to more awesome/less retarded perks

It basically won't matter either way and with the 350LL wall I expect much to everyone's chagrin Bungie will look for new ways to slow down the hardcore end game players/hoarders so expect those piles of Destiny 1 materials to, at best, only be exchangeable for plain glimmer.
Are you aware you still haven't said why? You're still acting butthurt over someone getting to carry over their progression.

Do even you know why you're against it?
so open packages/exotics at 385
do nightfalls at 386/7

there is a difference between re visiting your old selected gear and booting up D2 to be welcomed by everything you have in D1.

im fine with the former, the latter is retarded.
>Half of the "new" content is shit we did in D1
>Still cost $60 for the base game

I could see something that stupid happening
That's total tinfoil hat bullshit. I've been 385-386 for a week and the distribution of decodes from 384-386 hasn't changed no matter my current level of drops.

I also just got a 388 item when I was 384 in NF.
Better than having to start all over
That's an awful lot of wasted development hours to port over a bunch of content everyone has already seen.
Maybe he doesn't want to use the same weapons for another 7 years. At this point I'm pretty sick of all the exotics and legendaries. I'd rather have new shit to work toward, instead of a different number on a Thorn or Truth for another 3+ years.
Imagine if I could go into D2 with my perfectly rolled Sniper gear and my trials set and my perfectly rolled Eriene and my Chaos dogma as well as my sleeper. Why would I spend anytime playing the game as much I as I do if I have no need to grind at all when I can just use the shit I already have.

Bungie doesnt want that, it hurts the longevity of the game.
I don't give a shit about equipment, but if they reset the skilltree on subclasses, or take away everyone's Marks/Glimmer/Strange Coins without giving anything in exchange, then fuck that, fuck them, and fuck you for defending them.

Destiny is a game based off of an MMO model, that being character progression caps being raised as expansions come out.

All you fucking Halo/COD kiddies thinking that a "Destiny 2," that wipes 3 years worth of personalization, progression and collection clean, purely so that they can tack a number onto the end of the title, is a good idea should go drink some fucking bleach.

You can't support a game with THREE FUCKING YEARS OF EXPANSIONS AND DLC and then say "Alright, time to throw all that in the trash and start over with the sequel!"

But please, continue to spew ad hominem about how everyone who thinks that's retarded just wants to "keep their guns, a bloo bloo bloo" like there aren't real fucking reasons a Destiny 2 clean slate is retarded.
Is the Vendor roll Last Ditch worth buying? I have spare marks.
What I want to know is this; Can you deflect elemental cannon shots in WotM? What about Skiff turret fire? Shock grenades? Wire rifles?
>Maybe he doesn't want to use the same weapons for another 7 years.

That's not an argument though, that's just how he feels.

>Imagine if I could go into D2 with my perfectly rolled

Okay, let me stop you right there, you said "its a new game" and "Its not an expansion" which one is it then, if its a new game then its not a perfect roll, if its a perfect roll then its not a new game, by your own reasoning, you can't double-dip an argument.
Guys guys, im gonna leak you some information about Destiny 2

Its going to be an expansion to Destiny 1, but its just going to be a little bit bigger than TTK
It's not perfect but it's more than good enough for a vendor shotgun.
They did the same thing for TTK. Stuff transfered over, but they couldn't be infused. Vanilla Destiny went from $60 to $20 as TTK by itself was $40.

>because its a new game?

They aren't building Destiny 2 from scratch, that'd be foolish. Work smart, not hard. They're just refactoring code and systems to ditch PS3/X360 support to make the most out of PS4/Xbone.

And unless they have severe database incompatibilities, everything can be transferred over.
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you seem to be really mad and upset and look over the original point where i say personalization, progression is fine but gear is not....

You even say you don't give a shit about equipment which is the thing i said would be retarded to carry all of it over...

good argument where you reply to me attacking me to just agree with me.
I hope they do, it'll cleanse all the autists.

If they keep all the progression and shit from Destiny 1 that means they'll also be shackled with all of it's baggage rather than being free to make a better game.
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Need a hunter and a titan for the final step of the the Outbreak Prime quest. The one after the raid to be precise.
Shut your mouth and discuss Destiny 2 like the rest of us
First of all, im not cherry, do I look like I have a trip on and a gaping asshole.

Second my argument stands even if I just say a "Well" rolled weapon. If the gun is good, the gun is good. Why would I use other guns over a good gun I have. Why would I spend my time trying to get guns that are as good as what I have.
Why would bungie allow that? For your nostalgia? They dont care about you
>there are people who don't understand that TTK WAS Destiny 2

You know, like this faggot,
You just think that because you have the power of being a massive faggot on the internet. The opposing argument can mean whatever you want if you just misinterpret and misrepresent it enough. Have fun anticipating this "Destiny 2" that nobody has actually confirmed.
I think the most important question is if they would allow the old gear to be obtainable by new players or old players who haven't obtained it yet.

There wouldn't be a point in transferring 3 years worth of gear, only for the vast majority of it to not be obtainable.
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>autists want all the old boring shit back
>b-but muh work
>do I look like I have a trip on and a gaping asshole.

At least not a trip.

>Why would I use other guns over a good gun I have.

You haven't played Destiny, have you?

>Why would I spend my time trying to get guns that are as good as what I have.

You haven't played Destiny, have you?

>Why would bungie allow that?

You haven't played Destiny, have you?

>For your nostalgia?

You haven't played Destiny, have you?

>They dont care about you

You're aware asking a question and saying "nobody cares" isn't an argument, right?
>He thinks just because Destiny 2 is a "new game", it won't use the same engine and gear will be incompatible

Depending on the changes they do, all it'd take is a script to migrate data from one database to another. It wouldn't be wasted effort because it'd barely need any effort to begin with.

I'm not anticipating anything lmao, go read the comments you are replying to, all you did in your rant was agree that gear carrying over is shit and only character progression should...
TTK wasnt D2, it was just the middle point of D1's lifespan.

D1 was going to have The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King, Vex void and Forge of Gods
Anyone starting a raid?
>future war cult
>bunch of freaks
better than cowards and fascists

i know more of you have opinions but won't share it so here.
go lick your metal cunt more warcuck
I'll join
ill join too, send you FR
Imma laugh my ass off when people quit cuz they cant have the pixels they've "worked" so hard for.
Guess I might as well start one then.
4/6 for raid
Anyone need a hunter for the "That Light May Bind" step of the outbreak prime quest?
>carying forward progression is being entitled.

Nice bias there faggot.

Most people only want to hold onto old gear for sentimental reasons, like folks who still have all the Vault weapons and armor despite it being worthless in the current game. If bungie wasn't objectively garbage at character progression and their upgrade system wasn't based on scrapping hundreds and hundreds of shitty drops to upgrade old shit, instead of maybe introducing enough new fucking content to merit a completely new loadout for the average character, maybe this wouldn't be such a problem.

Maybe if Bungie had instituted the same design choice they made in TTK and cut off Y2 weapons from being leveled up to Y3 stats (with the exception of exotics, I suppose) we woldn't be so attached to the slim fucking pickings we have, but no. If Bungie repeated that choice, not only would we have legions of people bitching about having to scrap their shit mere months after a major update (you know, like they did with House of Wolves into TTK?) but they might actually have to make TTK levels of fucking content to replace the old.

All you people thinking this modern Bungie is going to create an ENTIRE GAME as a sequel and remove all the old shit aren't just retarded because the equipment MAKES the character, but because there is no fucking way Bungie is going to actually make a whole game when they can just release bite-sized chunks of a whole game over 3 more years.
gw2 all over again, although hopefully destiny 2 won't change subgenre
I'll join
Wow you are just a huge fucking faggot at all times, aren't you?
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changing the goal posts again from weapons and armour to "character progression"

>Wanting to keep things you had is entitled.

Remember that, Cherry, remember that real well, remember that when your bitch mother is feeding worms. You remember it you little shit.
Does strike specific loot still drop or are skeleton keys the only way to get it now?
you keep trying to keep recapture the golden years instead of preparing for the fight ahead. whipped monarchy
The one who hammered those posts down in the middle of the field and called it the goal in the first place was you, you rancid fuck.
Only skeleton keys
>You now remember when TTK collectors came out and entitled retards complained about not getting collectors content for not buying it so bungie gave it to everyone...
Its called moving the goalpost, not changing the goalpost. Its also a looter shooter you ignorant shit, weapons and armor ARE character progression you inbred nigger shit.
>yfw retards are actually defending the concept of "Collector's Editions" in a digital age

Look at this man. This is what we have become.
>gave it to everyone.
nice bait retard, people wanted to buy the delta without rebuying the whole game and were allowed
>so bungie gave it to everyone...
That never happened...
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>mfw Destiny 2 will come to PC
>mfw someobody will create a save editor for it
>mfw i can have all the weapons and gear i want
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pepe devil.gif
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>been stealth pony posting in /dg/ for 3 years
>only banned once
>no one suspects that it is me
>sparklepony looks like ass
>still use it because of the name



Strap in for more bitching for "Destiny 3" in a few years when the tech gets antiquated
>>mfw someobody will create a save editor for it
This is bait, right?

Destiny has no save files you retard, all the data is stored on server.
I feel like if they made more Raid-like armor for other modes, it would be a lot better. Like, add some perks based around say, strikes. Maybe increased ammo drops from majors/ultras while in a strike playlist, or increased damage towards ultras, or something. Maybe something like, while your ghost is deployed on an objective, you gain some form of a buff; higher recovery, or more precision damage, or something. The game needs more variety. Though I suppose you could say this just adds to the grind, but it would make gear more of an important thing. I dunno, man.
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>pccuck: the post
that's why all games allowed to release on PC turn to shit
If I buy the physical copy of Destiny The Collection, does that come with the vanilla game and like codes or some shit? Gotta gauge how much I need to download.
Keep on drinking Cherry's Syrup, you mongoloid.
fuck off pony
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Don't make me blacklist you friendo.
Cry more over the thought of losing all your Destiny 1 items.
This isn't Dark Souls you thick fuck. The entire game is online all the fucking time.

My only desire for a Destiny on PC is that any and all hackers, cheaters, and save editors are given the Overwatch treatment and purged in fire and salt.
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Nigga I am the blacklist
Karan, you need one?
>Overwatch treatment
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>mfw you understand literally nothing about how anything PC related works
You have to download the entire thing, but it does come with the vanilla disc and codes for the 4 DLC
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>mfw im the smartest person in the thread
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>A sequel cannot carry over gear and progression.

4chan is an 18+ board.

>Nigga I am the blacklist
More like the niggerlist.
why is bungo releasing Destiny 2 to the PC
fucking PCucks deserve to eat shit
Are they going to make Destiny 2 for PS4 or wait for next gen?
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. 4chan's collaborative-community format was inspired by one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community.





>it doesn't count because WEEEEEEEEBS lmao :^)

no information save for the game files you install from the disc exist on your machine

everything concerning your characters is stored on bungie's servers, not your hard drive. even if you found a way to tamper with save data, there is no way you wouldn't be caught
3DS and Vita.
Enji is/runs the blacklist you fucking faggot
Jesus you have been one annoying ass poster lately.
Because master race
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>attending a lecture about something I already know
I want to go back to bed and play destiny and kill aksis
>complaining about anime being posted on an anime imageboard

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>like folks who still have all the Vault weapons and armor despite it being worthless in the current game.
I am so guilty of that.
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This, Bungie stated especially that over the course of the 10-Year plan for Destiny that we'd be able to bring our characters along for the entire ride.
It'd be really shitty of them to just go back on that to try and make new players entering from 2 feel better.
I mean they don't really need to break our gear either, just make them obsolete like Y1 stuff, anything that's getting a new version in 2 can be infused, otherwise you have to replace it like Y1's transition into Y2. Who's saying a newly made character in Destiny 2 can't begin at the same LL as those from RoI's endgame and they could just raise the cap again
Somebody explain this to a retard
>OC'd from factory + OC's by me.
>Forgot the say which CPU he was using
>Got an unlocked processor but left it at stock
>Said RAM clock rate

Do you know where you are?
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Nightfall pls
Anyone need a hunter for the Outbreak Prime quest? I'm on step 3 but I don't mind helping you with the first part.
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>he hasn't done VoG
>he hasn't done CE
>he never did Skolas
Step 3? The final part after the raid?
>>156513412 see >>156513415

>OC'd from factory + OC's by me.
There's no such thing as a double OC, he also didn't say what clock rate its OC'd to so its literally nothing.
>Forgot the say which CPU he was using
Its like bragging about your tuner car but forgetting you have an engine
>Got an unlocked processor but left it at stock
when an intel CPU code ends with a "k" it means its unlocked to it can be overclocked with minimal effort.
Plus what? Its like "Oh yeah, and my PC works!"
>Said RAM clock rate
Literally means fucking nothing, you'd have to get actual bottom of the barrel hobo tier shit for RAM clock rate to make any real difference during standard use.
Nightfall anyone?
Ozyemdias PS4
"That Light May Bind"

The first math puzzle.
Sometimes I contemplate putting my Year 1 Moments of Triumph emblem on. But I don't because I love Paladin's Blazon too much.
ill go

So I K now Y oh? @3@ fuck off

Meet me in orbit
I'd be fine losing my gear honestly. I just want it to be confirmed that it is my characters in Destiny 2. They need to canonically be the same, because I'm attached to them. They have stories and all that jazz. Also it'd be cool to get to keep my shaders, emblems, and maybe a chunk of all materials and consumables, or an equivalent if they aren't in the game.
Though there's also the problem of character slots. Unless Bungie adds more, which I really hope they do, if they add new races like they plan to according to rumors, it's basically pointless for me because I don't want to delete any of my characters. I know I will if they add playable Fallen but no new classes, but I really don't want to be forced to.

Hmm. But now I'm thinking, what about the people who hate their characters? Maybe Bungie should allow imports with all the benefits they get, but allow us to remake our characters? I dunno. Bungo's stuck between a rock and a hard place here, people will be mad no matter what.
>not using warlock subclass emblems matched with element of your current subclass
Any time, don't forget to subscribe and leave a like.

>not using heart of the foundation

you gay?
>not wearing the Sunbreaker's mark and Helm of Saint-14 while playing Striker in crucible
>not wearing sign of the elders at all times
alpha bros ww@
>m-muh gaylord emblem
I doubt it'd be about new players feeling better and more that they kinda fucked the balance hard by gutting certain weapons then buffing what they countered or leaving them the same. To me I'd see them wiping gear to try and unfuck the handful of guns that are a must in crucible for most people.
Its a bold move phil, lets see how I works out
The way I've understood the argument so far (and the way I feel about it) isn't that progression can't be carried over between games. It's that Bungie have fucked up Destiny's gear system so bad that we're better off starting from scratch in a sequel.
>Helm of Saint-14
>tfw you can never headbutt people to death
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death from above testing when
I literally just want my characters and the cosmetic shit to carry over.
I'm attached to my Warlock and I want all the shaders/emblems/sparrows/ships I've collected to come with me. I don't care about the gear, just let me have the cosmetic stuff.
ive got the artifact
I wonder if you can reflect Ogre eye-beams.

People don't know how to play basketball.

>Blocks nova bomb and turns it into your nova bomb

what the fuck, but that free 3rd eye artifact tho
Practicality vs Fun
What about Golden Gun? What about Void Anchor?
>Void Anchor
Last one they show in the video, he reflects a shadow shot and a nova bomb.
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anybody want to a do a Prison of Elders run?
FoH would probably kill you, but what I want to know is if it'll deflect the shockwave from strikers/bladedancers.
do reflected stickies/skip grenades home in on enemies?
>Prison of Elders
Can we reflect lightning grenades? That's one I want to know.
What about Axion bolt projectiles?

These fucking artifacts man. Every single one is an exotic-tier item. Why can't we get ACTUAL exotics this fucking neat?

Oh wait, this helmet makes your "Recovery" go up after you use Blink! WOOOOOOOW!
Yes holy shit this is insane. Also it looks like blocking doesn't cost as much ammo now in PvP. This is fucking cool man.
>not trash
>Oh wait, this helmet makes your "Recovery" go up after you use Blink! WOOOOOOOW!
How about boots that make you faster when you are ADSing, OH MAN.
Need a warlock for Be The Battery
It bugs the bolt out, just kinda circles around you until it detonates and deals a tiny bit of damage. Disappointing but still, basically nullifies it.
>this helmet makes your "Recovery" go up after you use Blink!
shit doesn't even work with stormcaller
>tfw using it because it was int/dis
>have enough extra points in both now that I can use a fun artifact
Radegast, here I come.
I can't even begin to parse this
I need you to S U C C this dick.
machines are at least okay with mida, astrocyte is just plain trash with only redeeming feature being looks. Well with steps and ophidian being too good it was expected
>am Warlock
>need NF for that step
>stuck at work
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>turned 26 Iron bounties
>still didn't trigger thorn quest

I might as well give up
gimme your account details i'll do it
I will go.
>only 26
Anyone up for the Nightfall? I'm already at Sepiks.
>got it after my 3rd

They're not all Great exotics, but even the trash ones have a perk seen on an exotic somewhere.

Why did Timur's perk never show up before?

There should be exotic warlock gloves for that shit.

>melee attacks have a change to change non-major/ultra minions of darkness into allies
>bonus perk at the end increases the total minions you can have to 3 (since we all know that a single minion is pretty much worthless)
Any raid groups need one more?

Logging on now, I'll send fr
>not Song of the Spheres
do you need a third?
>Why did Timur's perk never show up before?
Maybe it's related to RoI being nextgen only, pastgen possibly couldn't do it
I am finally LL 360 and a Titan.

What subclass is best for the new Raid? Obviously I want to bump up my LL a little higher before posting my tag on here, but still.
are the iron bounties the only ones that will trigger the thorn bounty? or do daily vanguard and crucible ones work?
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>T W O B U R S T K I L L
just watched datto's video on the outbreak prime quest

This is literally the most autistic and unfun thing I've ever seen in my life

What in the fuck were bungie thinking with this 4 hour bullshit
But Datto said that its the best quest in the game :^)
Siege Engine is objectively the best part of the raid
I thought it was the worst and most disappointing part of the raid
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Uh yes it does two burst baka>>156515647
It's damn fun.

on no armor retards no one plays with
Aksis Part 1 was pretty good imo
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This didnt work as well as I was hoping it would
yeah I'd like an unlimited rounds horde mode version of part one
Why can't we have everything tranfer over but weapon and armor are the equivalent of gear you would get on earth, with raid and trials gear being venus/Mars tier
That's all I wanted to know.
Wait, isn't this week's Heroics void burn?
Oh man I would try that out so fast.
I'm really surprised AI deals zero damage to itself but blasts the living shit out of you desu
so shit strike will remain shit.
Designed and working as intended :^)
Reddit complained Sleepers quest was too easy. So we got autistic math shit.
I know Reddit is the go to source to blame for everything under the sun, buy they legit complained the quest was too easy fotlr some fucking reason.
Gjallarhorn's quest and year 1's Thorn quest were top tier. That's how quests should be in this game imo.
at least it's not exotic swords tier
>year 1's Thorn quest
>top tier
kys, it's possibly the most annoying quest ever
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>desting general
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>MFW hiding in the Unlimited Continues Corner
>Can make a sandwich, take a shit and come back to see the fight still going
I've basically all but given up bothering with the fight seeing as so long as I hide away, even shitters can keep the fight going
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>mfw I had Atheon's Epilogue for the Year 1 Thorn quest
>bullet hoses
>good in y1 pvp or anywhere at all
Still made the thorn quest easier.
It's a void primary in a quest that required void kills.
I used it, a void FR , and Voidwalker.
ezpz mode senpai
>'unique' strike to actually get weapon
>fairly difficult crucible step easy street if you had Atheon's Epilogue
Was the only Y1 exotic quest that made you work to get it, other 3 were literally just play the game and you'll get it.
Yeah just a tad higher will help. The damage handicaps change at the 11th level so 361 will make the enemies for the majority of the raid do regular damage until the second form of the final boss where 371 is needed to give/take normal damage although it's super doable at 361+ and relies more on the team than the gear.

Make sure to do a public event on three characters for three engrams per day plus 45 legendary marks (a round at Archons Forge counts as a public event).
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>mfw all bungo managed was to make SC not track as hard
>Can still SC then keep running if timed right
The three stooges left in charge of ROI were put there so they'd have less of a chance to fuck anything up on D2.
I used a god roll void comedian and it was even better
still this quest was horrible, literally every step is "not annoyed enough? here more annoyance to you :^)"
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34 damage is enough to kill anyone that isn't a max armor striker
it doesn't help when heroics is void burn. this kills the vanguard streak
>a round at Archons Forge counts as a public event
not for daily marks and engram
>have to get a skeleton key for thorn quest



reminder to keep your marks and glimmer for IB
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>tfw no one to help me with the final puzzle for Outbreak Prime
I hate how the newer strikes are nothing but a boss fight in a circular room with little to no cover it's not fun or challenging it's just 100% bullshit and annoying.
Reminder you still haven't played trials with sad cat poster, Andrew.

i'm waiting for a phone call but im a warlock and can buy the last puzzle piece i assume?

done the quest already.

will be on later
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>exotic leg engram gives me peregrine greaves and not Dunemarchers

Those were the only leg engrams I got this week
What class are you? I need it on my Warlock too.
That's the biggest issue with WE, it has cover but then throws adds at you and an INVINCIBLE OGRE whose only purpose is to get you to run away from safety constantly.
Compare to something like Sepiks Perfected, it's the same basic framework but Sepiks is more fun because now you can't just autolock the boss due to the shields you need Captains for.
Thanks for the good raid guys!
>Hold me jack!
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dang my bad.
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Swole? Is that you earlier? Did you finally decide to come back?
I've been asking for help for days, you cuck! Jesus fucking tap dancing titties fiddling Christ
Ophidian Aspect's energy drain bonus is dumb
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The only requests I've seen are for the Be the Battery steps
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anyone wanna raid?
nothing is stopping me from helping with the other shit. you double nigger.
>Yes i feel entitled and want all my Year 1 weapons, armour, everything back

Biased much?

hour 22 mins senpai
1ish Est
Someone being biased on the internet? You're silly no way anyone would do that.
>Bungie back in 2014 says how they want your character to progress through the entire 10 year program
>Might backpeddle suddenly now that Destiny is nearing the end
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Well, you're only 1 person, we would also need another
>2 guys from lfg took their time of the day to help me finish the Outbreak Prime quest

Fucking based
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>best cloak is back

Yis, the cloak of "awoo" returns.
>back in 2014 says
yeah just like fully explorable areas, people seamlessly joining by ship dropping and whatever else they promised
Is LFG any good? Whenever I pop in to check for stuff like WotM it always says shit like "MUST BE 380+, MUST HAVE BEATEN ALREADY, MUST HAVE EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE OF MONITORS"
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radiant dance machines
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But the gear system is fine, vault aside. Unless they completely ditch the perk system, there's no way there'd be compatibility issues.
>thinking the developers promises are worth shit instead of setting your expectations lower
Is this the first video game you've ever played?
It your own fault for believing their hype.
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When did they change /vg/ spoilers
GW2 style sequel please, achievements (moments of triumph) unlock things in the sequel, like NPCs knowing of your old character, fluff items etc. Fresh start, but still linked to Destiny 1.
more stand asides. You're never going to get it faggot.
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Enjoy them while you can :^)))))
>"The Devs made lots of promises they didn't meet that means everything is a lie"
The characters are on Bungie's own servers for christ's sake, I doubt it'd be rocket science to bring characters over across games. A fucking PS2 game was doing that shit years ago.
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>not getting then week 1
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Are Dunes really that good? What do they do other than the agility boost?
>shitters are getting my favourite exotic
it's not fucking fair
so what's the essential sunsinger exotic armor now?
It's not that they can't do it, it's that there's no reason to do it. Any gear you want to carry over will be irrelevant after after a few level ups in D2. And character appearance can just be recreated by the player
What does more damage on aksis? 2 tethers and a celestial nighthawk gg or 3 tethers? No ammo pickups allowed, full heavy and special with black spindle and raid rocket launcher for all participants.
Ophidian, Ram, or Praxic Fire
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>all these people want dunemarchers
>it's a titan exotic
I don't know if they're better than say arma, but the agility boost is hardly noticeable. What makes them good is that you can make some tight turns and your speed while aiming is higher.

>Praxic Fire
>spindle instead of sleeper
3 tethers is obviously better, are you high?
Praxic Fire fusions do mad boss damage
transversive steps or ophidian
you're a faggot
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teeth girl
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>dunemarchers make skating faster
holee sheet 2fast4me
By the third tether everyone will be firing primaries. Are you sure that the bonus damage from tether among 6 people firing primaries would be greater than 91k?
Might pop two shards so I can get one and pump it up then seeing as Twilight Garrison is damn ugly and I want to wear the raid chest instead.
Yeah 3 tethers is better, but to have time for all 3 you have to do one on round 2 which for some reason always gets retards all confused. It's generally easier just to do 2 tethers on round 3 and have a celestial GG in there for an extra ~100k damage burst. Also spindle and raid rocket will easily be outperformed by sleeper, a decent impact sniper with triple tap, and chaos dogma. That's not even factoring in cannons which are roughly 1 million damage per cannon per round in the right hands.
>mad boss damage
lol, maybe I should have been more clear. What exotic is essential in pvp, the only thing that really matters in destiny?
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>pvp, the only thing that really matters in destiny?
Assuming all 6 have chaos dogma and are hitting head shots, yes. At 378 tether brings my headshot from around 2700 to 5300. With 6 people that's a 15,600 damage increase per shot, meaning each person only needs to fire 6 shots (1/6 of the magazine with triple double and extended mag) to out damage a celestial nighthawk shot.
Are you implying he's wrong? You can only run the same scripted activity so many times before it becomes robotic


You also have to add how much extra damage the gunslinger can do since his super is a 100k burst. The time it would grant from the quick burst would allow him to shoot for more damage, so his overal dps increase is more upward of 125k in actual application.
>Memory of Radegast

Are you? Guardians have tiny health as shown in crucible.
>He thinks Crucible is canon
>implying PvP Isn't the same way
The randoms are AI difficulty
It'd be up to you to do the math. With a tether the damage difference is covered in 6 shots per person with the potential to do 6x that. It depends on situation and timing but like I said here
gunslinger is an easier way to do damage if you have more than 2 hunters, but a tether in round 2 and two tethers in round 3 will absolutely net more damage even just with primary weapons.
Well guardians are immortal dancing faggots so why not
Then why didn't they take all of out Vanilla Destiny gear away when TTK was released?

>There wouldn't be a point in transferring 3 years worth of gear, only for the vast majority of it to not be obtainable.

Same as above.
It isn't? Every game is different.
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You know what's canon?

Scorch Captains
Guys I keep hearing and reading about Vanguard and Crucible weeklies but I don't have those anywhere. Is there a questline I'm missing anyone could point me towards?
Sunsingers got the shit nerfed out of them, play somethign else

t. Sunsinger main
fuck off inter

what did he mean by this?>>156520475
I know they did, but they're still pretty solid. Using that artifact that kills your super for an extra charge still makes them kinda viable. Plus I'm stubborn.
Anyone up for a raid? 1/6
>that one guy on the enemy team who does well
>shitty teammate
>enemies are just as shitty
>premade team
>shitty allies
Clockwork, nothing changes
talk to shaq
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>void burn

Rev up those bubbles, bows, and telestos.

Gratz fellow dunebro
What makes Ill Will a bad handcanjon? Nobody seems to like it but it looks like it has good stats to me. Is ot rhe reload? The stability?
>Want to look /fa/
>The perks suck compared to the hodgepodge of gear im wearing

This is suffering
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>open faction package
>get gear with lower LL than my equipped gear
I fucking hate you Bungie, at least I got the sparrow.
if you don't mind your second shot being pointed towards the heavens, I guess it's an ok gun

>a dick with phimosis is the best!
When does Iron Bandana start? Also loot tables?
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>choose armor
>get two class items
Roughly 35 minutes

Auto Rifle and Shotgun I know for sure
First column is perfect balance and reinforced barrel. How did i do fampai?
That's what I thought. Thanks anon, figured it was a problem with the gun kicking harder than a coked out mule. I'll stick to Palindrome.
We doing a raid or what.
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Congrats, you can map shotgun rushers before they even get into their maximum range.
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>get online to get nightfalls and patrols done
>It's time to update!
>450 MB
>started 15 minutes ago
>it's only at 7% now

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which looks better
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>that neck
This is gonna sound weird, but how does destinylfg.net work? I just got a ps4 with Destiny™The Collection™. Must I add people to my friend list so I can join their fireteam or is there another way it's handled normally?
they both look retarded. Jesus that helmet is ugly.
>Hating on more simulation
start a party chat, invite them, join through party chat. Keeps your friend list clean.
Hol fuck I cant breathe
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...which looks better?
copy that
woah guys. two grenades? copy that.
Hey guys, welcome to EB Guardians

How about me?
Did I good?
Taking content out of a continously expanding game doesn't go down as well as not including that content in the yet to be released sequel
A male titan
fuckin' neither. terrible mix and match job there.
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>still wearing Hive legs
>still wearing welfare Iron armors
>dat neck

Anyway, this just made my day. I can go to bed now
It's okay, would've been better with rangefinder instead of hotswap, at least you can keep all the pellets on target more easily.
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I bought all the new shaders to collect, now what are you going on about?
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You ok? Need some water?
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You will never find me.
Is that Ruin Sentinel cosplay?
Fe Banana's starting today?
Guess I know what I'm doing after I've had my tea.
Also of you actually did your research you would know I haven't touched that shit game since it released on ps4, been playing nothing but bloodborne and destiny
Sorry earlier for the ones who were helping with the raid earlier. I had to go do this for class
2/6 for raid.
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r8y m8y but no h8y
lmao @ ur life m8
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>gather 10 rare materials for Exotic sword
>1 every 14 resource harvested
Is this a fucking joke?
Feels like it's been forever since I've used an Auto Rifle. Or Hand Cannons.
I wuld use it in Pve
Forgot pic
it's real

~10% chance per harvest
not like you have anything else to do right now faggot.
i prepared for rise of iron
>7 leg engrams saved
>3 stand asides, bones, peregrine, transversive, dance machines

>lol get better rng you shitter
this will never not be an amusing argument

i'll habeeb in the heart of the cards when they start believing in me in return
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it's dinner time.gif
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Well it is. Guardians are immortal and thus they train by beating the ever loving shit out of each other in the Crucible with Shaxx giving out rewards as icing on the cake. Only thing that isn't canon are any deaths that happen in the Darkness as any death that happens in those types of zones is lore-wise meant to be permadeath for a Guardian because their Ghost lacks enough light to bring them back
>wasting good Spinmetal
Is this some weed machine? Fuck off seth
Im confused...I got a crucible weapon package cuz it said a weapon is guaranteed and all i got was glimmer and motes of light...hows that guaranteed?
check your postmaster
what day of the week is the IB rep equivalent to
they're not doing that anymore I think.
I honestly didn't know there was a "barneyfag" in the thread, whatever that means. I just play Destiny and shit, man.
Barneyfag is an autistic faggot who dislikes MLP for whatever reason

NTTE and Sleeper quests were top tier except for the "wait till next week" parts, other than that they were really fun.
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>ctrl + f "barneyfag"
is alpha team recruiting any time soon? or is there an application I have to fill out?
that's what I mean>>156522742
they've obv increased the rep per match but I don't know how much you get per match
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>MFW finally got the Mars Warsat just before the weekly reset
>Sleeper the very next day
Still 2/6 for the raid.
Bungie said it's supposed to be even easier in Y3 to rank up, but who knows
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>Mfw realizing there are going to be several people pretending to be barneyfag now
>All because of one sperg post
senpai that's a shitter clan. Join mustangs clan.
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>Oiled frame

just fuck me senpai mad jelly of that.


Nice backpeddal faggot
We are 3/6 for the raid, starting in half an hour if you want to wait. We were doing the exotic quest and decided to take a break.

These are me too
He knows they increased the rep given per match. What he wants to know is by how much.
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K bye
>mustangs clan somehow landed noobish instead of alpha team
explain this
After you, my man.
Also me
We found a group off lfg. Things will probably hit the fan though.
They usually recruit one person at raid release, wait for HM and see if a spot opens up
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Anyone up for IB?
Don't play with anyone from /dg/ they're all narcissistic tripfags
Why does reddit hate fun?
I dont understand this meme
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>he hasn't figured out who the barneyfag is
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join my clan

| Lighthouse Warriors Omega |

add ozyemdias on psn for free carries
report to Saladin
report to Saladin
report to Saladin
report to Saladin
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I think if any exotics carry over to D2, there should be some way of speeding up recovering them (like the year 2 exotic blueprint thing). Also there should be some way to minimise subclass XP grinding for returning characters.

Apart from that, shit shouldn't carry over. Or implement a year 1 system where everything becomes irrelevant after the first couple of missions
go go go go
Lady Efrideet sounds cute Tbh


>Takes the artifact slot and makes swords more viable like they used to be before people realised how to counter them
>Bitching instead of appreciation
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______
Lady Efrideet is cute!

what a fucking surprise
>Dusty iron engram
>5 silver dust
Did she take off her mask?
I didn't expect a cutscene so I fucking missed it

also CUTE
>gear decrypts at 3 def
Fuck me
It's tenoreos
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This should be Titan armor fuck you hunters
>phone picture
>rifled barrel rangefinder

Are you for realsies? I just came back to Destiny for RoI and I never had a clan before, was thinking about joining one.
>taking a picture from a phone
>an iPhone for that matter
What's it like being retarded?
What do you get from them?
old ib gear

So they actually cost real money??
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>Efrideet's giggle
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Starting nightfall, pls join

Just do it like Taken King. Any exotics you own that are getting a D2 version you can claim that version with Marks, there's no need to fix a system that isn't broken
>buy a bunch of dusty engrams
>2 shit rolled helmets
>one bad rolled arc chest
>5 fucking boots and arc pair was shit
So this is the power of RNG...
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primus pepe.png
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3/6 for fresh raid.
>tfw fucking around in the huge area that opened up and theres an iron banner logo carved into the side of the next mountain down in the gondola train
well fucking played bungie
i hope theres some other cool easter eggs
Not exactly, Silver Dust is a new currency you get from Sterling Treasures and scrapping ornaments. So in theory for one Treasure and a scrapped ornament you'd have enough dust for a single engram
>actual cutscene for IB
Wasn't expecting that, neat!
I'll join in 2 mins
4/6 for fresh raid.
Invite me! You're appearing offline, senpai.
>5 second intro of a new character who's only been mentioned as a gun name
>apparently been gone for "centuries"
>nothing happens

They really went all out for this didn't they
Any xboners wanna team up for banner?
Would we be doing the monitors?
So what are those IB gun vendor rolls?
does she announce matches too?
Her card is much more interesting
>saladin moped around the iron temple for hundreds of years alone
t-titans lead the way?
if ironbanner.info has been updated it looks like it's a straight 200 per match
Trash, just like the archetypes.
anyone forming an IB group?
on the side of the mountain, not the temple or the next one, but the one after that, theres a SIVA cluster, Iron Lords 2.9
good fucking luck
>Lost his waifu and all his friends
>protected the temple by himself for centuries
>finally have new protégés to watch over and guide
>they all flock to the new hotness for them that is Efrideet
Poor Saladin
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Who wants to iron banner? Pretty ready to grind it all day.
>Iron Lords 2.9
that one is super easy to get, in the first mission
>not having them all already
I mean he just watched all his friends die to a bunch of Twizzlers and then we learn they had an even worse fate than that. On top of that he knew if he just fucked off to a different planet or to The City, someone would've unearthed SIVA even sooner than they did
does the shader, class item and emblem affect rep gainz anymore?
More like Iron GAY LORDS LOL
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Just how good is this BNF roll I just got?
idk senpai, i just think its pretty crazy that you can go all the way down the mountains
I'll come if you still have space
Good to know

I really liked everyone wearing the colors though
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Where else on Earth do you hope we get to visit in Destiny 2?
Yep, send me a FR.

5/6 for fresh raid.

one fucking job
I'll come. Monitors or nah?
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sniff my ass!
Literally first mission, senpai.
So only the emblem boosts iron banner rep now right?
is the thorn still good or nah?
>Knight-errant shader
Too bad it looks like shit
>Not!Cayde has a quest marker over his head but he never offers me a quest.

you fucking robonigger tell me what you want
Either or. It's not that difficult really. Depends on if anyone needs it.
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>IB gear is just Days of Iron gear

nice one bungie, you sure pranked us good there. wheres the real IB gear?
it's back to being a meme
>Constant schedule changes with work
>Management somehow thought I was a part time employee despite the fact that i'm here so much I may as well have a cot in back
>Cut down to 22 hours
>Fine I needed a semi-vacation anyways
>Was completely ready to grind IB for a few days and use some PAL to keep my paycheck square
>Mention to management that i'm full time just to avoid future confusion
>They schedule me for a full week
>Can't grind IB until tomorrow when I get off

I mean I guess I can't complain but fuck man, I just wanted to get away from this nightmarish hellscape of a workplace and do some comfy banner
how did you get it?
Working as intended :^)
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2/6 for fresh raid
No, there are no boosts
>mini cutscene upon entering iron temple

Sniper and FR are from Forge
That's you're own fault for speaking you fucking idiot.
ye ye ye
its there. you just have to play IB and pray for drops...
Gotta make that money somehow.
I want to interrupt a Fallen Fiesta in what was once Mexico.
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What gauntlets are those?
Questions for IB

-Do I appear on people's radars if I'm cloaked?
-Does light level matter? 366 here, will 380s bully me?
>nightmarish hellscape of a workplace

But anon, banner is going to be equally nightmarish
in iron engrams
For the low price of 5 silver dust :^)
It's been known since day 1 that IB gear was just reskinned/coloured days of iron gear. Atleast you can get decent perks instead of the shit they went with.
Somewhere wooded, I want to use trees as cover.
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Paladin's Blazon is great, but I agree with >>156513806 because I love the class/subclass emblems too much
>no triple tap
not as good as it could be.
Probably the realy iron banner gear
>run Archon Forge for a few hours with randoms
>none of the exclusive gear drops
>go back to the post master
>filled with the y1 cloaks and blue engrams
>tfw even of I got anything exclusive I never would've got it
>tfw the cloaks don't even raise my light level
I should just bite the bullet and delete a lot of this SRL and Y1 weapons I kept for sentimental reasons, I'm running out of room.
A full on urban area, clearing buildings or getting ambushed from them would be fun.
>Do I appear on people's radars if I'm cloaked?
>Does light level matter? 366 here, will 380s bully me?
Yes, but it's not THAT bad for you. It would really suck if you were <360.

I'm still vaguely annoyed that the Plaguelands was just Russia 2.0 rather than a part of Europe.
The New Yorkian subway labyrinth

The Hong Kong smoglands
>just reskinned/coloured days of iron gear
the titan arms have chainmail where the days of iron ones don't, and the legs have no wolves
Grasp with Counterbalance and Skip Rounds. Keep?
I would've even accepted a what-was-once a thriving Russian city, with some of those snazzy orthodox turnip rooftops.
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>Get into first IB match,
>teamates name is Sweatyspagetti
the hunter chest is completely different as well
Thank you both!
Anyone raiding?
So how do subclasses work? Like once I hit level 15/25 can I just switch between them freely or am I locked into one?
Do I have to start over earning skills or will any I've gotten on the first class be open?
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>Planning on going in at 349/350

All I have to do is run around and pick up the Emblems with my team. All I have to do.

I just want that fucking helmet.
So artifacts are dropping as rewards? What about ghost shells?
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Describe your ideal Cabal Raid
what helmet?
In siva we trust
You can switch them at literally any time after you unlock your second one
You can switch freely, but XP gains and unlocks are subclass specific
>another thorn quest

Yes ghosts are also dropping
We're waiting for someone to come back, but if he doesn't in 5 minutes we'll pick you up.
Leveling up a subclass is like leveling up a weapon. You can switch in between them at will, but the abilities of those subclasses are unlocked by experience.
You're not wrong anon, but it would've been a nightmare in my own home, where I don't have to deal with ridiculous cut orders from rude ass uptight customers. Or a cunt manager with the worst case of penis envy i've ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
I'll be back in a few minutes
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>Dusty Iron Engram
Should I?
How big is your penis, does your manager know?
Anyone got space for efrideet's banner?
Reskinned, same base model was my understanding, I could be mistaken then again I don't expect much from bungie due to not coming even close to the hype they drummed up for release.
>start of mission that need 6 Guardians
>attacking some high priority cabal base
>shit gets fucked up real bad as a Cabal Capital Cruiser flys in over head unexpectedly and raining hell on Mars
>Sparrow race to dodge income fire
>new Mission: Storm Capital Ship and fuck whos inside
afk benner?
Put your trip back on Dragonheart
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>one iron banner match
>iron support is already 90/100

she's not fat enough to be used for the thicc meme
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Iron banner is indeed working as intended
just let us patrol with a fireteam of six. hide the raid in patrol somewhere. don't place a node on the map for us. give us something to hunt for.
>he didn't finish it midway through the first match
So is there anything different abour Effirdeet? Or is she just like Saladin was and just stands around as a vendor?
>get on Xbox
>go to the community tab
>see that Sidhe finally got dunemarchers

I bought one and got Y1 IB arms with 3 Light (upgradable)
>access point to start the Raid is completely random, explained in universe as the Cabal trying to keep other Guardian groups away while they rebuild from the last fucking time
Is it still idea to hold onto IB bounties or does that note matter anymore?
well yeah, because its intended to be random
Do the dusty iron engrams drop y1 IB helms or last year's? I can't stand the Titan helm from last year so I'm curious.
how degenerate can you get
It can drop either

No reason to hold on to them anymore
Nothing scales rep gain will not increase as week goes on
>the iron banner armor is literally just the record book armor
4/6 for iron banner since no one wants to raid
are the IB bounties weekly or daily?
>First boss is literally a wall lined with adds and turrets. Have to take and hold two hovertanks, and protect/repair them as they attack the gate.
>Second boss is the Forgemaster, takes place in a circular arena with him on a central platform. Six areas are segmented around it
>Adds spawn on each segment, certain ones cary metal to the center. If they reach the boss he does giant AOE on those segments, light raid-wide damage per piece. Will periodically become invincible, can only be broken by having him break a piece of metal
>Last boss takes place in a giant throne room. Boss has usual Colossus moveset. Throne turns into giant mechanical suit when he reaches half health
>Suit does massive AoE explosions, covers the arena witha Flamethrower, spawns mobile turrets that buzz behind cover.
not true at all
Thanks m8, kinda sucks I just can't get over that stupid little feather tuff on top of the helm otherwise I like it.
Prove me wrong
>Same shit, just different color
>Efrideet just fucked off for hundreds of years to roam the wastes doing nothing

Typical fucking hunters
Wrong, retard.
She found some completely different secretive group of guardians that she won't talk about.
>Lord Saladin will never cuck you while you watch in the corner
Don't forget the overarching Hard Mode mechanic
>"Seems that they'd rather destroy the Clovis Bray institutions than let the Vex take them and regain the advantage! The core is set to self-destruct!"
>5 Real-Time hours to beat the raid
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So are these Dusty Iron Engrams just Days of Iron shit or are they worth spending the Dust on?
>challenged mode
>35 real time MINUTES to beat the raid
>each boss has a burn
>slightly less HP on each boss
>Many yellow bars and multiple turret stations
>interceptors are in the raid with solar burn
Exotic "sword" but it's just a phalanx shield
I think an Exotic version of the Maulers that actually lets you do Primus's bullshit shield slam would be preferred but that's neat too
>Hardmode Imperator is literally chasimg you back through the raid in his giant throne suit
>Huge AoE destroys each piece of cover and forces Guardians to retreat
>Have to finish him using the hover tanks from the ffirst encounter
>new character appears out of nowhere
>implying it is a good reveal
Why should I care about Efrideet?
Dusty engrams turn into the:
Year 1 IB Set, and the House of Wolves IB set.
Raid bosses are the Cabal Emperor and his two shield brothers. Since Cabal get bigger and bigger as they age I want the brothers to be "fuck you" huge, like riding on top of a land fortress huge. Introduce ship flying mechanics for a King Kong-esque fight with the first brother. Three guardians on the ground providing anti air fire and taking out critical points for the brothers' shield or something to that affect. The three in the air are providing air support and enagaging in dogfights with cabal cruisers and fighters and shit. Second brother would be even bigger. Has an arsenal that would make Rasputin wet his circuitboards. Maybe a straight up "Just try and survive his onslaught until you can lay into him." Has some kind of heavy ass power armor that exposes coolant cores or some shit that you need to damage for the first phase. Once his armor is destroyed he goes into an all out melee fury or something. But the final boss, the Emperor himself, fucker doesn't wear armor, his skin is like a fifty foot thick fucking adamantium plate, fuck armor. Gigantic ass final boss room. Emperor is agile as fuck, zipping around the room trying to pummel puny guardians into dust. Don't know what the machanics would be but i'd like them to be dynamic.
>first game of banner
>enemy team is a 6 stack with four striker titans and two self rez warlocks
>warlocks using skorrie
>titans always have fists of panic up
>they didn't even try using a primary weapon
great game bungie
Fuck I meant Valus
they're the old IB armor
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It's a great time to be a Striker Titan
Because shes CUTE!!! <3
>blue engram drops an exotic
Twice now
>6 total sets of old IB gear
>each set contains 5 pieces of gear
>each engram costs 5 silver
>assuming RNG is in your favor it would take at minimum 25 silver dust to get a full set for your class and there's a very unlikely chance it will be the whole set
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>Wearing Skorri's bond
>Wearing Memory of Skorri
>Efrideet says "Greetings heir of Skorri"
oh my
My third game of IB I get the sparrow. My guess is it's not a rare drop.
how do I get an astronomical gf?
there will be a destiny game on PS5/xbox 1 2 r-right?
Heres the real guestion. Is legendary gear dropping to current light level?
On a scale of 1-Petra, how cute is Efri-chan?
>I want to fuck that efrideet
As far as I can tell, yes
Efrideet is hundreds of years old and the only dick shes probably seen has been wolf dick

Why has she not fucked us yet
Queen's still the best girl even if she's dead now
the Iron banner bounties don't give you more exp the longer you wait to turn them in right?
>[suicidal thoughts intensify]
Time to play the worst gamemode for the next week just to try to get a ghost.
Nope they dropped that feature.
>all this talk about efrideet
>still at work for the next 3 hours

tell me bros, what does she sound like?
For the last time no stop being a turbo autist and just turn them in
No. All exp has been normalized. No increased rep for anything worn and no daily boon increase. Get the bounties done and forget about iron supremacy.
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The queue is long.
For the exotic class item quest for new monarchy do I got to keep all this shit on for it? I want to take at least the shader and cape off so I can get some IB rep while doing the crucible segment of the quest.
Totally out of character, voice wise. She could pass for a total valley girl i bet if she took her helmet off.
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>Ghost is holding me back on both my Titan and Warlock
>Have to smash my head against Supremacy IB until it rolls
>E Rank Luck
can you read
Shader, emblem and kallipolis or bust faggot.
I don't think they've patched the new NM class items (high command) to count for that yet.
Bv does a killer impression.
>browns, tans, and gray guardians
>bv in the back being a faggot

we need more color in this game
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>IB rep
>First time playing Supremacy
Well this is some cancer right here
Ban germans from this game please.
They also don't read the thread before posting a question that's been answered atleast three times in the past hour
I have never embodied the mindset of "its just a game, bro" more so then now just to get myself through supremacy.

Thank god crucible still awards shitters with good gear AND that the IB bounties are piss easy.
So, you cannot do normal supremacy during iron banana and banana supremacy doesn't count toward the book. That's some typical bungie bullshit
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>search for an IB game
>get put in a team, as I'm in orbit I check out the lobby
>full 6 man pre made vs me and a bunch of randoms
>know I'm going to lose and it's going to be a bad game
>realise they're all 360 light
>3 shot them with mida

>mfw we win the game 150-90

Holy shit even premades are terrible at supremacy
Gear from iron engrams dismantles into legendary marks
You can literally buy marks
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I missed you Anon when I went to bed. I admire your dedication, but again you fail
these efrideet lines

>Really wanted the Iron Regalia set

>Have to pay actual money to get it

Fuck you Activision/bungie and your bastard child

i started out solo, 4/4 wins so far, glad i've only been playing supremacy since RoI came out, love that mode
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Sidhe, our RNG is combined!
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>hand in iron bounty
>get gear that's literally days of iron

Bungie what the fuck is this
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>Legit thought that was a black man with a microphone.
so is there going to be people raiding today or will everyone just do Supremacy
What's the deal efrideet? She turn into a pacifist or something?
>that pink thing in the background
is that a wild bv900 I see?
Wait a day. The bounties are easy and I assume getting to rank 5 in IB will be a lot guicker.
It's gold and instead of fur it has chainmail
>buy some dusty engrams
>3 iron breed legs
>3 iron regalia chest
Fuck my life up, Deej
dismantle the spares for marks
Lazy faggots
so the ib armor doesnt have ornaments right?
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1/3 for NF, join on up
some of it is entirely different
Believe me, I already did.
Marks are so easy to get though, it's just such a waste.
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>House of Wolves IB set.

Fuck that.
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Holy fuck watching the rewards screen on Iron Blunder is frustrating

>yfw randoms who joined the match in the last 15 seconds get legendaries while the heroes who carry the match get motes
what part of Random don't you understand
>people surprised they are getting old iron banner armor
bungie already said it would be like that. just a mix and match of armor.
2/3 for first NF, running 3 of them b2b.
>Matadors the gamemode with light level enabled

Three years and I'm still mad at how idiotic some thought processes at bungie are
still 100% inferior to the Twilight Garrison in every way (including skates) except /fa/
>everyone else is 360s
>there's a 339
>gets a shotgun at the end
the dead weight doesn't need anything
Aren't they going to be using a new engine for it? I think Kotaku's source said something about it being hard to add new content to the current destiny engine.
WHO BOOSTED /bananabone/?!
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I'm glad Iron Banner is going with Supremacy to properly reward all the shotgun shitters running around. They deserve it.
Do the year ones drop from playing or dust only? I'd find out but I'm at work for another 3 hrs yet

it boggles my mind that freelance and team mode aren't separated by default
I'm gonna sit back with my scout and let my teammates grab my crests for me.
I'm fine with losing everything, I don't really have any attachment to the stuff I have now, but I do want something to say "Hey, thanks for playing these past years." A nice shader/emblem would be fine for me.
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>dusty engrams cost silver dust

Dust only from what I've seen. And dupes are possible. So enjoy getting that one piece of gear you liked out of at least eight.
>fusion loader gloves
>fusion ammo boots

well thanks salidbin
I agree, FUCK ironic
Guys I'm only LL 354, should I avoid Iron Banana? I'm not that great at Crucible, especially Supremacy, but I want that AR.
>Ironwood Alight
bretty gud

Considering your character will probably be wiped once 2 comes out expect grimore and maybe a emblem. But dont worry, the emblem will be so basic to get everyone will have it.
why? AR's suck ass bar a few

Rewards are random and you could have a kda of -3 and still get a great drops it doesn't matter if you lose or cost your team the game

Just do it senpai there's nothing to lose

besides your sanity that is
This is literally pay to win. Wow.
Or that piece of gear with shit roles, I'm fucking tired of solar boost on armor I hardly run Sunbreaker.
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Just fuck my shit up, I joined this game in the last minutes and almost got to the top of the team

>tfw won a raffle in a stream
>won like 10 games in the last hour with a full team of 380+ warclocks/hunters

feels fucking good man
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I wound up buying into the Destiny hype pretty damn hard. Got the Ghost Edition on launch, and traded it in before even House of Wolves came out. Then I was in the market for a PS4 and there just so happened to be a Destiny TTK bundle coming out at the time so I got the Destiny PS4 so I'd have something to play. Only time I bought an expac without it just coming with the package i got was RoI. I was disappointed enough that the Frontier Shell was made useless but to have this long journey basically be rendered pointless except for some ugly throwaway shader or emblem would be a big letdown.
At least I still have my Dinklebot
>auto rifle

Why? That things a fucking bullet hose: nerf edition.
>lol why you not play meta?
Alright. Probably gonna burst a blood vessel, but oh well. I need that loot. Shaxx shitty Supremacy quest and those damn book entries already almost killed me.

Maybe I should just shit the match up and get myself into the guaranteed reward zone.
Not technically, but holy shit this pisses me off. I rock full y2 IB gear with decent rolls and was really hoping to get some better ones this time around. Hell, they could even cost 1 dust and I wouldn't be super mad but FIVE fucking dust (literally $2) for an RNG piece, with RNG perks and stats.
Kek you're going into IB with a low light and you still plan on using dog shit weapons
>not playing with the best weapon in the game
Wow, 3 in a row? Never mind what i said, there's no way that's random.
Except dusty engram armors are all 3 defense and need to be infused to be useful at all, you mong.
Oh my fucking god, why do these brainless wastes of spunk try to play this like it's fucking Clash?

Collect the fucking crests, you worthless nimrods, don't just run right past them.
you can like auto rifles, but the one he's selling is pretty shit.

Really the only acceptable autos are the Trials one and the Monte Carlo (for pvp anyway)

conformation bias, how does it work
Oh, yeah Grimore would be good to have as well.
>supremacy is already one of the worst most infuriating things to do with randoms in destiny
>lol guys let's make it iron banner
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Can't rely on randos for shit.
>everything I get from IB is something/STR
just fuck my life up
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>being forced to play this fucking awful multiplayer mode
Yeah I will admit those perks are awful for PvE, which is what I want it for. Hopefully a random drop will give me a nice one. Has anyone gotten the HC?
The vendor one is literally useless though.
Basically this, after 3 rage inducing games I needed to force myself to not care just to avoid destroying my controller, this game type is the fucking worst
>fist of havoc a room
>get 4 kills but die
>4 crests on the floor and 1 deny
>teammates all walk off whilst an enemy runs in and denies everything

How does one play Supremacy? Any tips?
uh, dont warlocks want that considering their bullshit melees?
The Consolation Prize system is real. The game gives more drops to low lights and shitter k/ds to bring them up to parity with everyone else and to bribe them so they don't drop the game.
Welcome to communism.
Please keep working hard.
>Get shotgun
>Clinch your butt
Step 1: pick up crests because 90% of randoms are brain dead and will leave theirs
Step 2: lose game because you're the only person on your team with more than 5 crests

And that's all you need to know really

nice meme

find spots that overlook high trafic areas.

Use guns that kill people before they can rush you with shotguns.

Pick up crests when your radar is clear.
>Get wrecked by premades who have their supers up for more than half the game
>Receive free legendaries
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>this level of autism
>over a shader

>In my destiny
Okay I'm super triggered now, reds get the fuck out
Yes, forced. You need to play IB to complete the book and this cancer is IB.
Most accurate description of supremacy (and reward system) to date.
Im out, and the destiny app doesn't load it.
How much are dusty engrams?
>380 to 385 in 5 iron banner matches
Wew, grinds done

Now its time for them to fuck up again and make HM the only way of hitting 400 with random drops that will never drop the slot you need week after week
You don't need to complete the book
Any other IB teams?

Save me from my lonely suffering. I've played three games and already want to stop
5 silver dust
For the completionist, ya they do.
5 silver dust
That's not being forced to complete it
Aw shit nigga.
Gonna have to blow my like 30 silver dust once i get gome.
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>first exotic leg engram I've gotten
>turns into Dunemarchers

>tfw i got it too
mida archetype
I wasn't even on my Titan when I received or decrypted it
Its the mida archetype, which is honestly not my favorite one, but still a really fun scout and i havent even unlocked the nodes
looks pretty sick, got a cool barbed bayonet going
pretty fucking awesome gun
>I've sharded like 3 Dunemarchers
I want more Disco Boots dammit.
>use like 6 coins first xurday
>only get a leg engram
>only 350
>still only 353 on my highest character with only one pair of legs higher
I am conflicted on exactly how to feel.
>First week Radiant treasure gives me Young Wolf's Howl ornament Born in Fire
>Second week Golden Truth, the one gun I never use

Fuck you Bungie. I hate waiting all week for these and get bullshit. I won't buy your silver no matter how much you try.
Just fuck my peregrine greaves up
yo will my shoot to loot scout work on crests
how do you know
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>Six games of Iron Banner
>All losses

Supremacy is so fucking good.
Go try it then and report back you fuck stick
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>give in and buy a dusty iron engram
>it's the HoW warlock chest piece
>its a decent roll but the actual armor is one of the worst looking pieces of gear in the game

Someone in my team got a Jolder's Iron Sash in the post game rewards.

So Iron Engram shit does in fact drop.
You should use truth.

Javalining people across the map is amazing.
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5/6 for a raid
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>Every game is either the most intense sweaty or a complete curbstomp by the other team
What a time to be alive
I got Tacticool MIDA and Shiny Blue Telesto. I'm stuck at work so I'll get my new one later.
At least its not as bad as me.
Ive spent $10 on treasures and gotten all 3 weeklies and gotten 5 fucking silver bullets.
I dont like nemesis star, and find both skins repulsive.
At least I got the iron ornaments i was going after.
2/6 for some IB "fun" times
you dont get class items from the dusty engrams.
I opened 30 of them and didnt get 1.
No seriously. Lowest two scores in IB get legendary auto rifles and shotguns.

because Goth asked the PvP Lead for Destiny's Live Team on twitter, and he said it doesn't
Because Shiro sells the old ones
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not javalin.webm
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Do you think Aurash was cute before she became a zombie king?
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it's lit
>Those blades
get a job edgy
Stabing people
I hate how it's bayonet looks depressed.
need a new thread
It looks flascid.
Where the HECK do I find a decent ghost shell?

It's dragging my light down like mad
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Then make one you goober. Making a new thread isn't some sort of honor or anything.

Just copy and paste the OP, link to the old thread, change the edition, and choose a picture. It ain't rocket science.
Not to sound up my own ass, but I don't respect that gun and it's crutch perks.

I'd like that black MIDA, but the purple Telesto so bad. I really want that lava looking Invective. I mainly want ornaments that will make me want to use a gun again I haven't in forever.
Just got a 379 from ib
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stabby stabby

injection mold
hidden hand
inv, no mic for now
wat. i. what?

What heavy do you use then? Practically every decent heavy has massive crutches
>tfw you don't have rise of iron and can't play like anything


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>re skinned but not forgotten

He doesn't use them because he is a supremely skilled gentleman
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>mark of immanent war
mah nigga
So can I get Efrideets mohawk helmet on my hunter?
>durr how do play game
>shoot guys and win?
>red and blue things, what are those?

Every fucking match. And every opposing team is a squadron of hard-ballers who are ruthlessly on point and nab Crests left, right and center.

How is this shit possible?
why u heff to be mad
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>ywn have a prime scully gf
just drop an anvil on me already
Well those fuckos strike again, when is bungo firing their network engineers?
I like running either Void sword, or Sleeper because it's very cool looking. Lately been running Gallarhorn because I neglected it hardcore in in Y1. I got my first from a legendary engram within the first few months of Destiny and vaulted it. I don't know why I didn't care when most would flip their shit.

Lol, shuta your mouth.
What the hell?! I went into a IB game and it was 1 vs 6 and I was the one! What bullshit...

4/6 for Iron Banner. Supremacy sucks.
shotguns the gamemode.
Anyone got a spare neck cause I really want to strangle someone.
why anon? you can tug on my fun hose if you want
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Guys, I'm having issues in the crucible. I can aim ok, its just that when I get shot my gunsights go all over the fucking place and I can't hit shit.

What are some good gun/perk combos to deal with this?
Im here
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