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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 817
Thread images: 194

>Patch 3.4 Trailer
[YouTube] FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 3.4 - Soul Surrender (embed)

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

stop fucking up link to the previous thread
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tan au ra etc.
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au ra girlcock
xth for fisher cats
Please talk to me again.

I miss you.
My bad
Previous Thread
I wonder if this tan cutie accepts {/pet}s
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Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.
fuck off
kits kats KUTS
did you change back from lala...
Where is everyone?
hi neko
grown man erping with other grown men
fuck off with your thread-wars retard
literally no one looks at the OP after the initial post
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It was some mean Elezen!
Do lewd?
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If Yoshida put me in charge of Endgame, here's what I would do:


STEP 1.) Unlock the quest

>Clear story-mode version of raid
>New quest marker appears to unlock Savage
>Savage quest is -NOT- a simple turn-in that unlocks savage in 10 seconds, and instead has actual content
>One of the objectives of the quest to unlock savage is to beat the stone,sky,sea dummy
>The second objective is another instance, a version of Beginner's Trial called Master Trial to make sure you know your role.
>Savage trial unlocks for that ROLE ONLY. (Dps, Tank, Healer). To enter savage on a different role you have to re-unlock the trial for that role

STEP 2.) Matchmaking system

>Each trial measures your progress in grades. 25% (Bronze Medal), 50% (Silver Medal), 75% (Gold Medal), 100% (Ribbon)
>The matchmaking will ONLY match you with players of similar fight experience
>None of this 'practice second phase' bullshit

Bam. Endgame is fixed. There is no longer any issue with Savage raid progression on western servers. This literally FIXES all problems with Endgame.

Go ahead, try to challenge my idea. I'll wait.
So are you going to be using the new RP status?
Want to pump...

wish there was another for erp
>no E
If you ever get into video game design, it would probably be best to stop what you are doing and report directly to bleach.
>didn't reply to the 3 posts calling him retarded last thread
>instead just reposted his shit 1:1
Sorry but this pumper is currently not for public use...
Who /twosoulsintoone/ here
Only lewd if you're in private, with your special person!
Lmk when u free 2 PUMP
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meowers 'w'
fuck off avatarfag
Who do I notify
nyaa. also no one is around
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You don't understand why the raiding scene worked in Coil, do you?

>BCOB required a Titan (Hard) clear, an INSANELY IMPOSSIBLE FEAT at launch
>SCOB required Twintania kill
>FCOB required Nael deus Darnus kill

Coil always had a high fucking barrier of entry

Alexander savage does not. A4S is not required for A5S, and A8S will not be required for A9S.

The shitters begged for a story mode version of endgame raids. Good. We gave it to them. Keep them there
What have I done
The one and only __Toes
White au ra...
who is this cute catboy and when will he let me pet him
who the HECK is this cute catte and does he like male au ra....
I have no idea who desu, sorry
Seto toes
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*pumps anon*

You actually might be legitimately retarded if you think that the problem with raiding in Heavensward is that there isn't a high enough barrier to entry.
*pumps u*
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you need to catch some sun
not interested
thanks, why post this tho
>TFW nobody to ERP with on Jenova
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reminds me of the dude from american horror story
You chose the wrong nose, but still cute
Who is this aimed at? What sort of relation?
I'll come make an alt. Starting city?
>tfw youll never sniff Kiss's chair
Moonies are cute I say!!
So you set a system that'll piss off all the incompetent players who'll have trouble getting through it, okay, cool, maybe some of the ones who don't unsubscribe will get good.

Except now all the competent players have to jump through hoops, probably multiple times throughout each expansion, to be allowed into content. To make matters worse, they'll have to do that on each role in time with their respective raid schedules and inconvenience their static when the situation calls for any changes.

This not mentioning how often people can clear basic checks in the first place only to fail in actual content.

And then you have a matchmaking system that'll inevitably segregate the impatient community further and make for more difficult queues. At best, we might see a minor decrease in frustrations with getting players that don't know phases, at worse, we're seeing no difference in competency since there're an endless amount of factors contributing to individual phase clears and players never learning shit because any decent player that starts late is stuck with bronze medal shitters as the community rushes past them.

Fucking midcore ruins everything.
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>mch ammo no longer arbitrarily falls off
Best part of this patch.

U-uh, do you mind if I'm kind of rusty?

[Spoiler]If you like large cat butts, Ul'dah
Moonies are easy.
Lala died a terrible death
You rang?
I'd rather be the loli miqo'te and have you flood my womb with 17ilms of au ra girlcock
is selzh special needs
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Our guy, the only guy!
>how to kill this game faster than its already decaying
Well done retard.
Also acceptable.
id like to order one small midlander with extra pumperoni and cheese
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Eh, being white is kinda her thing... though she almost ended up like this when I was making her in the benchmark back before Heavensward came out...

I decided against it though because cat Velvet was black and with au ra I was limited to a dark blue instead... So white lizard Velvet was made instead of Dark Excellent Velvet lizard...
Y'know, funnily enough I never knew you had to clear the previous coil to enter the next one, because I had them cleared long before the release of the newest one either way.
With how much easier Coil was than Alexander, I'd hardly call it a "high barrier of entry", either way. All coil turns were easily puggable in PF even on western servers. I was doing weekly clears of T1-T4 and T6-T8 in PF before I had a static to finish the last fight for either of those turns. T10 and T11 were also easy to pug. T12 was a little annoying to pug.
The last fights were obviously quite a challenge to pug with randoms, but still doable. I often joined T13 PF parties after being done for the week with my static to help others out, and cleared quite a lot in PF.

Which brings me to my actual point, why Alexander is so cancerous to pug.
It's not because there's no barrier of entry, it's because SE is making these raid tiers for the top tier players that have been playing the game since launch. Each new tier has more mechanics than the last. New raids are made for people who have already seen every other mechanic in the game in the past 3 years. That's why it's so hard to pug shit nowadays, a lot of people are new and can't just up and learn something like A4S or A8S from scratch because they don't have the same experience as someone who's been raiding for years.
It was less of an issue teaching someone T9/T13 from scratch than A4S/A8S is.
Do you have a race preference? Futa okay?
Fucking LOL

The "raiding scene worked in Coil" because Coil was designed at a difficulty level that was actually appropriate for the entire top 10-15% of the playerbase, instead of being custom-tailored for the top 1% and then being doable-but-more-trouble-than-it's-worth to the next highest 2-3%.

All this KEEP THE CASUALS OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEE shit you're going on about is the exact opposite of what will help the game or its raiding scene.

A cat with girldicks is fine too
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>So you set a system that'll piss off all the incompetent players who'll have trouble getting through it, okay, cool, maybe some of the ones who don't unsubscribe will get good.


I'm only talking about the system FFXI ALREADY HAS IN PLACE


Here is how you unlock Savage raids in FFXI

Attained level of 99 and the Job Master title.

Players must have achieved job master status in the job they desire to play in the content

What's this? FFXI doing something FFXIV can't??
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There's a reason WoW moved away from that and starting making catch up gear every patch, albeit less interesting. There's actually a number of issues to dissect and it isn't as easy as make it so attunements and completing prior content is required again

it's the mentality of the western playerbase, especially UK and US
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panthers you'd fug
VERY blue au ra
is this vjamal
>all those tanks
>no dead ranger or druid

This image is so inaccurate.
no, jamal would have periods after every single sentence
its some redditor, you can tell by the random line breaks after every single sentence
>Line breaks
>tryhard anime reaction image
>using "nigger" like a mic drop
Yep, Reddit.
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First one to ERP gets to stay on my aircraft.
benis :D
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that's pretty good though, glancing at the picture
thank you again


The issue in this case specifically, is precedent.

You want to know the actual real true way to make raiding really relevant in a game without necessarily making it more accessible or having harder barriers to try to prevent burdening more skilled players with lesser skilled?

One, make it easy and accessible to get better, not just make things easier.
Two, design content that remains rewarding and relevant even a few patches later, i.e. horizontal progression.

But that's incredibly more hard and time consuming to do, and there's not as an easy strict formula to follow.
*pats your butt* do I win an aircraft

You win a lot of loyalty from me, a hired AST.
Why does this have to happen?
The fuck.
do it
>tfw you will never kiss Kiss's feet
>tfw you will lick Kiss's thighs
its easy and accessible to get better. the tools are there. the more challenging content is there. people dont want to get better though. if someone can't clear something, its not THEM its the game or the other people they're with. its a rare thing when someone hits a wall and goes 'well i better practice' and even more rare when they actually take something away from their hopeless and endless wipes to whatever the current ex primal is.
Who's character would you kiss the feet of?
>Everyone hitting on catboys
>They never get approached at all ingame unless its other catboys
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Raven Luxford, by the way. .
I did maybe twice in the one week I was a catboy
ok shyv
Where should I find you?
You can pet me on sight anon, I don't bite
should i, anons?
this catgirl keeps blowing kisses at me and its making me drop my spaghetti
no they're probably shitty at erp too

>generic slut glam
>lightning hair
Yes, you should buy them a fanta
>tfw you will never suck Kiss's toes
>tfw drunk, unloved catgirl who just wants to cuddle
Time to suffer roulettes with alt classes instead.
do you like stinky neet feet...
Who deserves to be tickle tortured?
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such is an average ay in /xivg/
How come I never get that? Ive played Miqote, Highlander, and Elezen since launch. All the females seem to be lesbo futas.
Fuck that psycho I'm not even on balmung
ATTN: Cinnamon Swirl

Sorry for never getting back to you. I've since uninstalled the game and wont be returning. May you get all the dick you can handle.
I wonder how it'd feel for Au Ra if you ran your finger around their horns. Specifically those horns because of the shape
>ywn eb selzh's cuter brown haired cat
im not drunk...
fastest way to get your aether weapon to +30?
Post other meowers.
i didn't like the brown hair because of the poopy jokes. blame xivg
>tfw never managed to get in contact with them because of conflicting schedules
m-maybe i'll get lucky someday...
I dunno, all I do is run around in silly glamour and she /blowkiss's at me whenever she sees me
You'll need to run Palace of the Dead a few times.
Just make the fucking SSS dummy a requirement for the raid, easy.
Lonely miqote looking for friends

It's easy for the players that want to get better to get better. You're right that percent of players that wanna raid and get better, probably can and know how to get better. They know to parse and see their numbers when they do something to see if it has a good or bad effect, they know to look at others parses to see why they're parsing so high and if it's something they can pick up on.

The issue is the main part of the playerbase, and the main part of the game's revenue can't be arsed to deal with that shit. And as a player that I feel could help others, frankly I don't want to ever bring up parsing to people in game for fear they bark at me and report me. I just say "damage is too low" and leave, occasionally a DPS whispers me asking if they were an issue (this is in regard to pug runs).

SE designs a game that at the moment needs metrics, and it isn't given the appropriate ones. So there's a disjoint between players who can and players who can't, with not just no incentive, but actually is possibly punishable if you really try to offer advice with statistical reasoning.

You can tell people they should be doing this or they should be doing that, but when they can blow you off because you actually hold no proof "technically" it's hopeless.

Also horizontal content provides longevity rather than the treadmill. People really feel more rewarded when they obtain something and it lasts, rather than each patch being a race to see who clears first (among top teams) and so forth. If you can make it so that even a casual player with time invested can obtain something that can differentiate themselves, then they will feel rewarded and want to do more/get more. But that's hard as shit to design, and can get overly complex quickly which alienates people as well.

I mean it's flat out impossible to satisfy everyone.

That simply isn't enough, they're making it a bit better by making it so accuracy is at least required on the respective dummy.
Are you a boy or a girl?
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>overcooked potato slut with lightning hair
You could kill yourself instead.
Who's feet would you nibble on like corn on the cob?
stepdance is best dance
boy irl catgirl ingame

>Not marking yourself more specifically.

Being good at ERP doesn't tell me anything, nor does it make my dick tingle.
So many pictures in the thread, I wonder if any are of femr---
By the Emperor.
What other competency checks do we have in this game? Absolutely none.

Making completion of the matching SSS dummy at least a requirement to challenge the raid would be a massive step in the right direction
How do I make money mining?
mine for fish
Go ahead. Drink that fantasia. Become a cat girl. Try and fill that hole with /pets and meaningless praise. But the hole doesn't get filled.

And one day you'll look around your FC and you'll realize that everybody loves your cat!

But no one likes you.

And that's the loneliest feeling in the world.
Just as I like them.
Joke's on you, I'm not even in a FC.
I really can't imagine some of them being easily clearable patch day. How fucked up do you have to be to want to block people from even stepping foot in there because of a goddamn striking dummy?

The gatekeeper is meant to be Faust, not SSS. Whether or not that was a good decision varies from person to person.
The loneliest feeling in the world is probably when everyone around you is eating seafood, but you only just woke up from a nap. You're just there, yet to get your own food, but everyone else is enjoying their fish.
Post Old Men.
How do you feel about the new /sneer emote coming in 3.4?

Stick your ass out.
A9S dummy will be piss easy if you're i240, it's just a matter of a not-shit rotation
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get a trip
I filtered this obese pso2g muh japanese superior playerbase weaboo so I dont see his posts, please don't do it.
>being a competency check
this is the game where saying "hey you're doing 300 dps less than you should" will get you banned lmao
>Wearing Scylla's gear in 2016
What the actual fuck.
why not
I'm just getting back into the game after a long break.
shouldn't my reply be filtered then as well

i thought that was how the filter system on 4chan worked
Very well then, carry on. You a 'munger?
I wish Emi-chan were here, like the HD had progressed slower or such so she could see this.
Question, esoteric gear will be gotten from seals now right?
better believe it
Centurio Seals, yes.
You're not using his trip?
hi hello
The cat infestation is on the rise, almost time to grab your sticks and start purging.
no but i thought when you filtered a trip the replies to that tripcode got filtered as well

guess i was wrong then
you're not using his tripcode
Fantaing to a cat for attention is silly, but fantaing to a cat when you already know everyone likes your company is the best.
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Balmung Infiltrator here.

Post names and I'll dish the dish.
Briah Xiglina
Naka Flocka
Just go alphabetically.
Seto to
Lei ari
Noriko makoto
You can set it so that it does that, and it is done like that by default using the site's built in extension.

But that dude is just baiting you, it's the usual chemo-schtick.
Emi-chan? HD?
Apple Strudel.
I wish I was dead.
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>Male Miqo look a ton better when they arent staring at someones feet
God damnit Square
Flat Chest
ya me 2
We know, Chimp.
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Vjera/Emina, had a black character with purple hair. Huntington's Disease; she decided she wasn't going to wait around for it to make her incapable of caring for herself.
Terribly dark screenshot related.
She's the one that called me Sneeringroe.
Huntington's Disease.
Be fortunate that these are no longer things we have to deal with.
Saltire Dalamiq
Name is jeff
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What sucks is that this means you don't play an expansion, you pay a PATCH.

It's the same thing in WoW, the initial raid of every expansion gets immediately useless and unplayed as soon as the next one comes out, then the final raid of the expansion comes out and that becomes useless too.
If you aren't around for the actual patch then you don't really play the content outside the retarded LFR/duty finder versions.

Content comes and goes and people consume it in a few weeks, then complain there is nothing to do, when they themselves ask for the ability to skip all of it. Fucking MMORPG players.
>he took the bait

Just coming back after a long break - what is a good rotation for a level 28 lancer? I have an ass load of skills but i barely remember what they all do in combination with each other.
what a weird namedrop for someone who hardly posts
read the tooltips and you will figure it out
maintain heavy thrust, use full thrust combo
cant rmemember if you ahve disembowel yet but if you do, maintain that as well
hey faggotinis

rate my retainer
just go to reddit if you want people to actually answer you
>ass load
>level 28
I'd like to play sometime tonight, I have a feeling there is 15 skills here and only 2 are used.
change her outfit, no garlean soldier would look like she does.
It is going to take you the entire night to read 15 paragraphs of text?
>Healers wiping the party on Nidhogg NM because they can't heal through Akh Morn properly
It isn't difficult to heal through. Please
>complaining like a beta bitch on here instead of telling them how to do it right/kicking
3-4 Cure III is so hard man stop being such an elitist it's their $14.99
You mean downvote you to hell because you didn't post a funny meme picture and actually tried to talk about the game.
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>Healers failing heal checks
>in Nidhogg NM
It's a trial roulette, shit ended but it shouldn't be three wipes later
>Healer leaves your dungeon just because you tell him to brutally kill himself by ramming a rusty screw through his temples for not dpsing
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I am depressed.

I wish I could fall asleep.

I wish I was dead.
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>It's a wipe 3 times in a learning party so everybody leaves episode
Mom, where's the clicker?
fuck that guy
Youre gonna get reported for hurting his feelings
Thats funny because normally for me, 98% of the wipes on normal is because DPS is too shit to get past the add phase. Its normally an abandon before Akh Morn even comes.
but jamal is still alive
The DPS check was fine, it was the second Akh Morn, each time, that wiped it
>My is Jeff.
What did he mean by this.
dying is not hard
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>It's a marathon of "Balmung party finder stereotypes" episodes beginning with the classic "1 person leaves and everyone else follows like sheep"
Yeah, mom, where IS the clicker?
Let's go to Gilgamesh.
Can we go to Excal instead? I miss Elliot.

let me guess
>tfw no girlfriend

Play a different game if you want that kind of social interaction, bitch
cyst of this general; ebola incarnate
>expecting it to be better on gilgamesh

The pool of talent might be a bit larger but you're not going to see immediate clears like magic. You missed that era before 2.4 when everyone did the great migration to that server.

Now PF is a toss up. It's marginally better than Balmung but, you know.
interesting procs and set bonuses would be the easiest way to introduce horizontal progression. 240 is better numerically but if you wear, for example, the full blm af2 your enochian lasts for 4 seconds longer oorrrrr sword oath proccing a cleave for 12 seconds etc.

even if there was a dps parser in game, people will still refuse to get better. I feel SSS is enough, its a yes/no metric. it should just simply be required before you're allowed to go in. it could even be covered with in-lore reasons with the WoL undergoing SECRET TRAINING.

i think im just not cut out to play with the current audience for online games...
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That's a fake...
Sure, ExcaliBR seems nice.
I want to die
>Please be advised that any fish removed from the aquarium will be lost.

Well, where do I find them?
how is she ugly
Yes! Please come to Excailbur. I wish everyone was here.
Can someone tie me up and tickle my feet?
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/hug tight
who is this handsome au ra and does he want a boyfriend?
Find me at the soft house. Highlander.
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Is the community on Excal less toxic than Balmung's?
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>Tfw feel really old sometimes because many of my friends tend to pick fights and cause unnecessary conflicts in dutyfinder over small things
>They often end friendships with mutual friends over minor disagreements and highschool drama
>Entire friend-groups fall apart when I'm away for a few days
>Constantly have to diffuse tense situations
>Feel more and more like a preschool teacher
>at an RP fc house
>someone in the corner starts getting a bj in /em
Is this common?
Yeah, happens all the time.
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bot for adamantite
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Chin up anon, someday you'll become numb to the pain.
Just some boring dork, I'd say get to know me first.
I would but I like people on the 'mung.
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I can't tell if your color scheme is just awful or if it's because of bad lighting. Or both.

Take another screenshot in the sun.
I'm just coming back to this game and remembering how boring THM is but I have to get BLM to 50+ anyway. I'm 27 right now, what's the fastest way to haul ass on a low level class these days?
I don't know, I've never played on Balmung.
Everyone is really nice and welcoming and awesome!
Every community is less toxic than Balmung's.
This is the weirdest and most positive bait I've seen.
Honest excal native here, our server is good. Not great not bad just a good simple server.
The raid scene is good, the community is good, I'm not really in the mb much but ive heard it's similar to Gilgamesh's so I suppose it's good.
Just good. Nothing to write home about unless your home is dead as FUCK and you need to leave.
Don't listen to this guy who's over bragging.
What do you mean?

Also it's not really sunny in-game right now. It's partly cloudy where I am.
move to balmung and I'll befriend you
>Play a different game

Girls don't play videogames
>say bad things about Excal
>say good things about it
Fuck off please? I wasn't baiting.
It's called the game of life, IDIOT
Anyone have an opinion like this on Behemoth?
The answers are "always" and "never" with roleplay communities.
I didn't receive the invite to your and Flat Chest's EB yet!

Very common.
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It's unofficial br and /d/ server. I've df'd with people and only know they're hehe because I look up their lodestones to blacklist their asses
Just stop overbragging you're not being geniune and your posts come off as a joke. Tone it down and just be honest without a friendly facade WELCOME WELCOME ONE AND ALL tone because it sounds fake as fuck especially here.
There's complimenting a server and then actually giving a description on what it's like and all you do is compliment it and pat its ass.
post logs
>>155585107 (You)(You)
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>>155584194 (You) (You)
why are you so bitter yo
>fucked up hard

>tried to cover it up by feigning his mistake

lmao chemo you're so hilarious
time to stop spamming your character and posting about meta things, you're killing the thread

trip would be nice too
Sunt Eu, un Haiduc
So, top 5 most annoying people posting in these threads?
Fuck yourself. I like Excalibur, I'm gonna say nice things about it.
>155585107 (You)(You)
>>155585107 (You)(You)
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>>155584194 (You) (You)
Not them, but I agree. There's describing a server fairly, and there's acting like a tele-marketer. There's no reason to go and claim everyone on a server is awesome and everyone's welcome etc. It's a server, it's a lot like many other servers. Excalibur doesn't honestly do anything special compared to the others. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I have an issue with it as a server, but there's describing and there's shilling and people really shouldn't shill servers. Hell, I wouldn't call Excalibur pugs particularly wonderful, either. They, like all servers' pugs, have difficulty with some of the most basic mechanics. In the end, it's a server, I'm totally fine having a character on the server but like the other anon, I still advise against outright shilling one. Server recommendations should be as unbiased as possible
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"The grass is always greener on the other side."

That said, Excal is a solid server to locate to.
I know my server and it sounds fake as fuck on 4chan to be so complimenting without actually describing anything.
It's just the same as "excal is bad." "Why?" "Because it's bad"
Then actually describe something about it
>more easy to filter chemo spam

I wish you guys would come back ; n ;
gorilla; chimp; velvet; the velour; blooming flower of feminity
More than 5 but here.
Briah doesn't even post that often, though.
You have 30 seconds to be as Ippiki Atros as possible.
Top 5 favorite posters in this thread?
Death Sentence
Why don't we not do that and I make you an offer instead
*writes a nine page dissertation about tanking while pming nudes to underage girls*
>meme asexual having an autistic meltdown over loli in the discord
how fucking sad
I was gonna mention that chemo quoted themselves in the first post, but didn't
pretty funny
seriously though, fakeposting as velvet with filenames and then spam quoting his own posts?
>Waiting for the Blood Red Bonytongue and Helmsman's Hand windows
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I see that's fair
I need that midas sword to make my experts faster.
Death Sentence is coming soon!
Don't insult my gf
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>>155585667 (You)(You)
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Its nice and all but I did miss my damn medium house.
You have 30 seconds to be as P'roci Tia as possible.
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>helped a fledgling tank today
>backseated as WHM while she tanked dungeons, in a skype call together
>showed her the ins and outs of the role, including my savage videos so she had an idea of how to perform
>made a public puush album for her to peruse at her leisure with all of the mathematics behind each tank including openers
>linked my playlist so she could shred when I'm not there
One tank at a time
Tonight's thread is sponsored by Velvet Velour, of Excalibur.
>30 seconds
You'd think it would shorter.
post pits
We can already clear a8s, we don't need upgrades anymore, but let me get that midan greatsword for dungeons I can already clear just fine as well. 8^D
i swear it's a bot spamming, and it must be a 4chan pass bot to avoid recaptcha

i honestly wonder if there's a living person behind that, or just a bot reading mds5
make you an offer you can't refuse
queefing is cute
moderately successful with women
the pain of exhausting xiv fame
anyone wanna incest erp
middle aged women and teens can't resist me
lemme shitpost about meria fuck that bitch wouldnt be my fraulein see >>155587267
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>in a skype call with an irl female who's a woman with a vagina
>she shows me her boobs sometimes and this makes my peepee happy
>i play a video game with her and she becomes average because i am good and teach her
>after she shows me a photo of her irl vagina and boobs
haha suck it nerds (u know who this is because i have a picture of dante so send me a message and ask how to become a real playa like me i wont teach u do it anyway)
You have 30 seconds to be as Awena Marette as possible.
didn't he get them instead? you'd think we'd have some revenge posting here
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le ippiki meme.png
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I've never been kicked from a group so I really dont know where I'd start
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So how many scholar mains offed themselves since patch notes came public?
when is ippiki going to rise above being a massive cunt
What if I got you guys a medium house... ; n ;
twitch tv/bigbluesea/v/60958474
do we have any past drama of said cuntiness?
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If I was raiding with a PLD and MNK I'd want to loot and scoot too desu
Didn't know Meria could dislike people. Fuck is it refreshing to see her be fucking blunt about finding the Berke disgusting. Of fucking course the man got on that blatant falseflag shitposting like flies on shit the moment she did >>155587267
>ebin drama hour
>everyone shitposts image macros anonymously in the thread
>no one ever says anything in discord
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when has she been blunt about anything? did i miss something?
Kinda looks cute in that webm
>being in discord
>"what do you think of ippiki?"
>"i don't!"
Stay away from Gilga you faggot
>someone writes something about a girl
>it must be amber!
>o-oh wait it's ippiki yeah
>fuck off sera!
make up your minds retards
Guarantee she'll have you in stitches if you ask her about her opinion on the guy in xivg discord lmao
is this supposed to be savage by your standards or what
by meria standards it is
I guess if you're offering
nice try ippiki
Reminds me of one of my friends I want to fuck.
only if you don't mind the sound of potions brewing
i should make farm parties for sophia ex in 3.4
"no ippiki allowed"
isn't that inherently hypocritical though? "i don't think about the person you're referring to, but i know who you're talking about, so i actually do" could use a lot of work
I'm a monk and don't contribute shit
But check it look at muh Bootshine crit
Now this is how you set a mood. Take lessons, /xivg/
*peels banana*
>quoting it incorrectly

2/10 apply yourself next time.
Of all the avatarfags in this thread, I hate you the least. I don't know your name and I don't care to know, but I just wanted to let you know that.
E for Emina
which one are you, anon? too scared to speak up? :)
Well, unless you're on Ragnarok, chances are he isn't gonna be joining your groups
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>aranea calling something gross
I LOVE MY WIFE *goes to pick up catgirls in the quicksands*
I want to do gross things with Aranea!

speaking of ippiki
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Any way to find out whose account this is?
tbqh, I don't know how to take compliments really, but thank you anon, I appreciate it
memory mostly I think, maybe if the lodestone hasnt updated try to check your friends
>assigned them a group
>still not aware of who is missing
it was the 'cold fish' group
Will Nocturnal replace Diurnal in 4 man content?
then why do you care
Diurnal still has the dps increase, so even if the shields match the hots, no.
>a literal "no u"
who set the bar so low?
Probably your lodestone.
Somebody transfered from my friendslist. So I just went back through the history and see who had activity and isn't on my friends list.
Going as AST in 4-man content is rude.
s-sorry anon.. I didn't mean to be rude..
how so, you can do full hots on the tank and spam gravity and it goes just as fast as any other healer
Pls resbong
Except its not nearly as much DPS.
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velvet tries to make a friend.png
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remember that time velvet tried being friends with amber

but amber wanted nothing to do with him

then velvet cried about it in the thread

good times
maybe not anymore, you can aspected benefic a tank prepull, swap back to diurnal and aspected when it gets taken off + collective unconscious and extend hot times for pretty much managing most pulls
Queue up for highest level dungeon; fates while you wait.
suffering through your shitty dps queues for the highest level dungeon
if you're on balmung I can be your pocket healer for fast queues
>not nearly as much
its within 10% of a whm and stronger than a sch
It really isn't comparable. You mention spamming Gravity, yet ignore the fact Holy has a stun and Gravity doesn't. This is a big difference in four man dungeons because that stun is incredible mitigation to allow you to DPS more. With Gravity, your tank is still going to be eating hits and you'll drop cleric sooner to heal him
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what the fuck did he do
Meria is busy pining after Godspeed.
Lodestone worked, thanks! Their name shows up, but the pic is greyed out.

Circle just means they're from /xivg/
I have a lot of people added that I only talk to occasionally, so it's hard to remember every name.

It was Jarben Raret if anyone knows why he switched? We never talked much, but he was a really nice guy.
yet ast has their aoe stun and the hots are strong enough to make up for the lack of holy stun, youll be dropping cleric the same amount of gcds in whether youre ast or whm

for AST its a matter of dropping cleric for ED and for whm its a cure2+assize so youre actually losing more there
>Abe making fun of others to cover up his own insecurities
Velvet is a mistake of evolution, really.
why won't he take the hint
What are the latest soft/DRAKN scandals and sensations?
>Dropping Cleric Stance
You just proved you don't. Assize contributes more in Cleric Stance than it does out of it. Out of it, it's just a medica, in Cleric Stance it's another AoE attack, do not drop Cleric Stance to use it. This is something AST doesn't have. Hell, with WHM when you drop Cleric Stance you don't even need to Cure. More often than not, Tetra is up, one Tetra and back to DPSing as long as Regen is up is enough
P sure blocking him is beyong hint.
that's actually not abe, ironically
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Wow how pathetic
this isnt even counting the 2/3 chance to pull an arrow/balance which puts the ast well above the whm in terms of the dps they bring to the group
Their static blew up even before starting
what a surprise

histrionic shitposters from here can't keep a group together, lmao

i'm going to cherish all the "ayy team" shitposting
Are there any erp-dedicated FC's on Balmung?
>gets kicked from the Ayy Team
>tries to start a new static and it fails to get off the ground
Another shitter bites the dust.
oh no, hows proci gonna clear content now
>>gets kicked from the Ayy Team
aren't they all erp buddies or something? why would anyone get kicked?
by waiting until the catch up patch for a group to carry him as usual
i honestly thought mado is the most disliked person in this general, but the amount of hate velvet gets is amazing

Several, I don't remember the names off hand but if you spend a day idling in the quicksand you're sure to spot at least one.
it's just one guy doing the mado hate

a lot of people do the velvet hate
>just one
off the top of my head:
Coven (if they're still around)

VAINC is constantly recruiting for strippers in PF

probably some others. I've never erped with anyone from any of them so I can't speak for the quality, but there you go.
For what purpose?
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>a lot
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If yesterday is anything to go by, Mado has a lot of haters. That commission leak was funny.

Velvet is a whole new ball game - this shitter is so fucking deluded and sick, it goes above and beyond.
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Folks. I think I need help. I cant control it anymore and it is constantly bothering me and.. and I know it is happening but I cannot stop it no matter how much I try.

Every single time I attempt to not do it, by putting on a brave face, maybe some soothing music and a little bit of alcohol to sweeten the mood.

But nothing works... nothing. I still fucking do it every single god damn time and I want to know how you all cope with it and probably help me out here.

I have Marauder at level 26
Gladiator at 22
and Dark Knight at 32

I cant stop flipping my shit in dungeons over the smallest thing and leaving. Whenever I DPS I roll with it and tough it out until others around me break first and I snowball the situation, and as a healer is almost the same thing.


>someone who installed a nude mod for a video game to take pictures of his catgirl naked and post them to 4chan
>calling anyone sick
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nigga u boutta get raped
filename, idiot
If you don't like it, don't do it.
i swear profusely to myself but continue pressing 123

sometimes i stop using my cooldowns intelligently and just use them as they are available as long as i'm in a pull

now that i've said that i guess i should ask, are you flipping shit about things you're doing or things your party members are doing?
how are you anon
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I can guarantee there's more than just one person who doesn't like me

How is a publicly posted commission on Hentai-Foundry a "leak", especially when 90% of the rest of my stuff has also been cross-posted here
>I cant stop flipping my shit in dungeons over the smallest thing and leaving. Whenever I DPS I roll with it and tough it out until others around me break first and I snowball the situation, and as a healer is almost the same thing.
is this implying you're a rager
consider joining mateus edition sweet...
>tfw it's always raining
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DPS fucking up a mechanic, one death and I go off on them
a healer not dpsing and just sitting there more than half the fucking time
people afking at the start of a god damn niggershit dungeon
dick shits who tell me to pull big with a ninja and a bard in a group for AoE, please note my tanks levels
shit like that
>Not standing on your head, spreading your pussy wide so the water drips in, then letting your lover drink it.
I am pretty sure it's bait, dude. Though it's giving them the benefit of the doubt. THey may just be retarded.
Any aura want to erp?
>autism the post
What could possibly be going wrong in dungeons at those levels that you'd be getting mad enough at to blog about?
i mean the people who post about it

it's obvious the "mado needs to die" memeposting is all one guy
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>was doing my daily roulettes
>got titan hard for my trial
>seen the name of one of the tanks
>velvet velour
>feel like saying something
>other tank said something to the raid that was weird
>noticed it was lewdlander
>go quiet
>lewdlander starts the fight
>everything goes smooth-ish
>I cant think of anything to say as they all linger waiting for the shield glamour roll
Ever meet someone from xivg and freeze up?
i would honestly feel nothing if Kirito Tia died except for a feeling of happiness that the piece of shit is gone from this world
every time I see wet paws...
You gotta relax fella, take it easy. Put it into perspective that a dodgy run isn't the end of the world. It's at best a waste of your time but it's time you could afford to waste cause you're playing an MMO, and also getting super mad during it just wastes even more time on top of that.

Perspective is key. A lot of what goes into breaking bad mental habits is trying to get yourself in a state where you can disengage, identify you're heading in a direction that's no good for anyone and prevent it from occurring.
remember ffxivg

if someone is attacking my friend or giving them valid criticism, it's a bait

if that person is not my friend, it's not a bait
you need to get laid
Wow you look super cute in that armor!
Is Raid Finder actually used or am I wasting my time trying to get an A5S clear using it?
I saw Stratos once, it was gay.
If I ever saw either of them in my groups, I for sure would be hard as diamonds.
it's dead, if you get a pop it'll be 800 DPS DRGs that don't know mechanics

unless you're on JP, don't bother
the next raid tier comes out in like 2 days
so you['re wasting your time
*it was asexual
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>800 dps drg that eats all the bombs
Well that sucks, I'll never be geared up in time.
What data center and under what options? I'll queue if it's on aether.
there will be 250 crafted gear and 250 part drops in creator normal
Would anybody be willing to help with a single Vault run so I can get this damn class to 59 and on the home stretch?
Tell/invite/whatever Wezaleff Athea
>male character
no thanks
A5S, Duty Complete, Duty Completion. Thanks, though I'm not sure how long this will take.
I don't have the ilevel to enter Creator, and I'm far too poor to be able to afford crafted gear. No FC for Diadem either.
i passed by kiss once in ishgard

it was weird cause i never see ebins since i rarely visit uldah
Post three things you love about your crush!!!
spam unlocked weeping city next week and use the (uncapped lore) to buy 230 gear and augment it to 240
Oh, you can't do duty completion if you're already cleared for the week, rip.
What's your ilvl? Lore will become uncapped, so if you want to prep you can run VA a few times before the patch drops, then run Weeping City for the Pennies and roll on any i230 gear from there you can use once 3.4 hits. Along with that, you can use the Farthing and Pennies to upgrade Lore pieces to i240.
1. he's cute
2. he's cute
3. uhh....... he's cute?
Lore/Weeping city will be uncapped, you can spam those and you'll be i230/40 in no time
His catgirl is cute
He's sad all the time so I always get to cheer him up :3
He has a big ____!!!
Ah well, thanks for trying at least.
220. Do people still do VA?
I was hoping to be caught up enough to be able to experience the content fresh as people are still new to it on Tuesday, but I guess that's just part of taking a break. I guess I'll hit up VA/Weeping.
Thanks guys.
Don't post this gw2g shit.
People do every so often, since you need the Farthing to upgrade stuff to i240.
this is bait
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post LION tails
I used to see Noponis around alot in roulettes.
tfw seven mhach pennies in inventory and just one void ark farthing
that raid is really bad
>post shit
fluffy tail user spotted
They hate memes
They hate 4chan
They are pretty chill to be around
And I want their cock all to myself...
Same. Void Ark is shit, and I hate that I need to run it.
>tfw need to run all three 24 man raids in 3.5 to upgrade token gear.
Check please.
half of this general is from gw2g, another half from pso2g
im from neither so your amounts are wrong
Please don't make liontails a meme ;~;
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Redpill me on Soft

Is it a good FC?
Do you like sluts?
the power and superiority of the best tail is very easy to detect
most of them are actually from terag and wowg. if they were playing actually GOOD games they'd stay there.
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>he doesn't raid and get upgrades before welfare patch even hits
>90 medals for the last three Yo-Kai! weapons
This is beyond sick.
Do you want submissive promiscuous stammering sluts.
How do you even check if a healer can handle savage?
SSS is completely stupid and worthless for them.
I respect your opinion but I prefer black tipped tails.
>All coil turns were easily puggable in PF even on western servers
If you were doing them after the nerf, sure.
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There any other equipment made by Allag? I've just recently assumed Dreadwyrm is Allagan armor corrupted by Bahamut?
>His catgirl is cute
>His catgirl
did you marry a neckbeard …?
Signs that the cute catgirl your crushing over is a grown ass man?
Well there's a red flag right there.
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Whats good /xivg/?
i want to frot with a catboy
>doesn't want to be a part of a shitty elitist bullshit part of the game.
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The time you posted borderline irl CP in the Discord is pretty good
There you go.
Wait, why does Labyrinth of the Ancients and Syrcus Tower armor look so different from Allagan.
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I want to teach a sprout catboy the ropes.
I want to make a sprout catboy shoot ropes.
Being Allagan is a catch all for things the devs are too lazy to explain otherwise.
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why does it smell like a lizard house all of the sudden...
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No lizards here, only spriggy spriggan.
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1 week later.jpg
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I post worse than that :3c
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You could always come by to Limsa and say hello.
I'm usually on evening/late US hours.
I'd wager Allagan/High Allag gear is pure military gear for soldiers/officers while LotA and ST gear is more so vanity ranking stuff, parade armor and whatnot. Who the fuck knows when it comes to Yoshi's lore tho.
i'm gonna purify the shit out of that dust bunny!
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If this was true you would know lewdlanders name
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why dont we get this race at all? I want to play as these people...
1. I love him
2. He loves me
3. we're going to be a happy fa mi ly
because canonically there's only a few in the whole world
neck yourself :)
why do you save irl cp?

i can understand loli but irl cp is disgusting. what is wrong with you dude lmao
is it bad that i had to google that word..
If I cum visit, are you available?
Please sign for Void ark on Aether datacentre please
No, it's traditionally a theological term and has been applied to literature only in more modern times with easily accessible books.
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>if i deny it long enough it won't be true

but you've literally posted cp before


proof or fuck off
They should have a monthly lottery where one player per server is granted a free fantasia and the ability to become a Padjal.
Do I get to fuck you if I do it?
Is it me or does this read almost exactly the same as those trying to bait mado?
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I was just thinking that.
I want more Allag-themed armor but how would they design it. Not that player-made one, I hate that one.
i wish there was some kind of link between lodestone and posts here, because then we would know whos behind the shitposting/if they even play
>2% chance not to mine an item
>fail it

so this thing is rigged, right?
Anyone got the nude mod? Would appreciate it.
ook post
Desire sensor anon, gotta wear gloves while playing.
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I got you senpai
forgot to mention you can draw, store bole, and as long as you use bole right before you draw you will be able to store balance in time if you wanna do that
You have to trick the game into thinking you want it to fail, then it'll try to spite you
Guess thats a no.
naw, idiot

i'm tired of seeing your shitposts just as much as im tired of seeing velvet, and it'd be great knowing who you are
Sorry im running crystal right now!
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why do you encourage piracy, do you feel proud
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wow im fucking dumb
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>tfw still unknown here
Why do you encourage paid for mods?
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xth for AST!
idk you can deal with it

>Make your character look cute.
>Be mildly suggestive.

Congrats, you are now famous.
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white mage is the right mage
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i feel pity for anyone picking up the job after ast killed it for good
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ss (2016-09-23 at 02.55.01).jpg
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o i fucked up the link

nothing wrong with paid mods
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Would you let this cat swallow one of your loads?
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it's for the best
More than one
Cute! You're a cat, aren't you?

>I left the Reshade toggle in on the pic

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I'm only a little bit known by a couple of people, let's be friends!
Anyone play on Diabolos? Im about to resub and I feel like im going back to a dead server.
Wheres the GROWN MEN drama?
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I want to die.jpg
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Its a good thing.

theres a reason why the modding scene went from entire games in their own right to shitty anime mods for skyrim
>make a catgirl
>stutter like a faggot

There youre a an ebin
That's the point of an anonymous image board. Go elsewhere if you want internet fame And take emily with you jesus christ
Further bait.
>tfw post constantly for 2 years and still unknown

Why are you sad, my frog friend ? It is a good feeling.
No, I'm a male char so I only let pants near my dick.
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would pet this lala
XIV has a built-in screenshot button. You don't need to use the capture tool.
Yes. Welcome to gathering.

Going to be in a weeks time.
youre a male character
probably not on balmung
probably boring normie posts
Male au ra looking for some cutie to pump and dump on Balmung.
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Good lord, the 220 crafted aiming top is so cute! It alone makes me want to start playing MCH again...
do you like catboys....
Do you like miqo'te?
Nothing wrong with that as long as you have good friends to play with.
>unironically wanting to be known here

No thanks. I don't want to be stalked by the same people who extort money and hire assassins on people.
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It's better to be unknown, just look at me

Yeah it does look pretty cute on your cat.

I'd be her caregiver
>said the tripfag diappies
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T-tell me more.
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Post ypldw a minor buff comes your way but you still got something.
>it does look pretty cute on your cat.
I'm glad you think so! I'm thinking about dying it, but I really like the default colour scheme. I also don't know what weapon I should use with it. I'm currently using the Ravana weapon because I got rid of my old MCH weapons.. ;_;
i hope red mage isn't melee
This is bait.
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Oh gosh.jpg
321KB, 1920x1080px
Oh gosh I've been noticed...!!
>tfw mech is fire as fuck

What is the best way now to level a DPS? I've been doing palace of the dead so I can get a 60 weapon but nobody has a clue so it seems I missed the PoTD train.
the bait is you phoneposting, diappies
there is no way rdm wont be melee
rename fire ice and lightning to flame frost and blitz, make a fun mechanic with them and give them a rapier with a pimp hat

blue mage will be a healer

samurai will be a tank

dancer will be ranged somehow, maybe give them a chakram for a weapon
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>ywn cheer her up
try harder
these are bait
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>samurai will be a tank
Post rendered null and void.
kaori post

diappies post
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3MB, 480x270px
>nobody to give you good attention and the depression and despair kicks in and you try to bury it by masturbating for an hour then you feel like shit for days afterwards because you just expulsed vital nutrients and the cycle repeats itself over and over again
>samurai have always been pretty tanky in every FF game with modest/above average damage, minus Cyan
>warriors/berserkers were never really tanks in FF games but here we are
>dark knights were never really tanks in FF games but here we are
Look deep into your soul, you know Samurai will be tanks.
Fat Chocobo have really thicc butts....so does the fat moogle girl mount.
>he doesnt lift to gain all the attention he needs
Now that's a THICC CHICC

Wasn't this same thing said about Monks
no, samurai will obviously be DPS and we'll get RDM as a tank and BLU as a healer.

>tfw if i didnt start lifting and bodybuilding i would have turned into a serial killer
dodged a bullet family
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Pretty much.
>tfw gf wanted to skype for some reason but it turns out she just missed me
What FC you in?
>implying superficial attention is fulfilling
this is bait
Your comparison only proves the likelihood of Samurai being DPS.
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.... wut.gif
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>Wasn't this same thing said about Monks
I wanna put this Lala in my lap.
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Too adorable!
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point taken,
but then who was tank
Dancer for natural slutglams dancing around the battlefield?
Beastmaster for.. pet.. something?
Maybe something new?

All signs point to Samurai.
Never really done it with a guy.
205lbs 8%BF

Arms = 18
Chest = 46
Waist normal = 35
Legs = 25
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anyone wanna play games or something
there doesn't need to be a new tank. so we just shouldn't get one.
You're all cunts

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wew, im mirin brah
Post music fitting for an ACTION HERO so I can remain interested in the PvP grind!
So did balmung just explode?
i go hard
Personal fantasy would be Blue Mage for tank. You spend your time getting kicked in the nuts by yetis and dragons, what isn't 'tank' about that.
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Did Balmung just die or is it just me
Making mental notes of certain behaviours and what FCs they're commonly in, it's a nice hobby.
Excalibur blew up too. Can't get back on.
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but i just woke up
Just you.
What job should I start raiding as if I want maximum
In fact, I would say they have a class mechanic where certain abilities are activated depending on what monsters or what skills attack you.
maximum what
oh ok ty anon
>unironically playing on super-massive servers

This is what you people deserve.
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oh. well in my case it won't help you.
Blue mage would never ever work like that. If they do add Blue mage they will just add the iconic blue mage abilities to the class quests
maximum fun potential*
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Bahamut getting real tired of you dirty degerates he gonna finish what he started...
everyone in my FC that was in some kind of instanced thing was kicked out
if you actually think they, being forced to only add one job in the expansion, would choose to add JUST ONE TANK for all of 4.0, you're only kidding yourself.
i prefer this version
We will just make reflect rings out of the shit he left in los costa custara when he destroyed that crystal of water
>they will just add the iconic blue mage abilities to the class quests
I don't think you understood what I typed (because you're thinking about how a Blue Mage works rather than the words I'm fucking typing). To simplify, like how Dark Knight's Reprisal is activated.
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ss (2016-08-24 at 03.03.36).jpg
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hi elkypoo
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So block an attack with a wand and.. you.. blue mage all over an enemy? like if a opo-opo hit you you can retaliate with flinging "mud"?

sounds retarded, id rather have the healer version and use shit like white wind and have me 200 potency AoE attack be a wave of bubbles or something
bls halb
>tfw you fart and it smells like this thread
>ywn sniff this c@s chair

how are u
if they're only adding 1 job to 4.0 it's going to be a dps

honestly even if they add 2, they'll probably both be dps.
im ok
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>just beat the base game
What do I do now?
Dont you say that shit I swear
samurai will be a tank, please look forward to it
you guys got a few little ass buffs...like my nigga stop it
r u sure
That's pretty obvious.
There is no point adding more tanks and healers while they are such a mess.
It's much simpler to do balance DPS.
do about 100 quests
requesting the picture of the blue haired lala sitting in a garden patch wearing the botanist outfit and looking upset
requesting a main
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So are we all in agreeance?

RDM - mdps, will use elements somehow
SAM - tank
BLU - healer, remember, cleric stance
DNC - RDPS with disc type weapons
BST - mdps with a pet

And that will be the new xpac
Anyone on Balmung leveling around 40? 90 minute dungeons queues...
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ss (2016-08-24 at 03.03.30).jpg
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yeah p sure
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sounds solid
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No what youre getting is an exact carbon copy of HW and 2.0, literally shit lvling from 60-70, nothing new added raids every even patch, a new crystal tower every odd patch. Neck yourself if you seriously think they will add more than 1 class to this new expansion.
why? 2 dps for 4.0 would be preferrable to more tanks and healers. considering dps can be split into several sub-roles, you could even say we're overdue.
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o ok jus wonderin
This is what I expect to happen.

RDM - Healer with great focus on DPS like SCH
SAM - Tank with great focus on DPS like WAR
>5 new jobs

Yoshi would deem it absolutely haram. Switch SAM to a mdps and BST to a tank and you've got a solid list though.
we need tanks and healers that can compete better for off-tanking and off-healing roles.
im level 35 or 36 but probably too low
That is fine. Give me your name.
This was for you buddy. Oops.
i'll be so fucking mad if RDM is a healer
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its neat but it wont happen.
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Name my band.jpg
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After buying the best jewelry i can find on the market and a level 50 weapon my item level is only 103, and the next dungeon I found requests 110. I feel like I'm missing something.
>uses white magic like a whm
>upset it could be a healer
Poetics, son. Go to Mor Dhona.
You guys are idiots. RDM cannot possibly be a healer unless SE completely turns the tank/healer/dps meta on its head in 4.0.

How the fuck can you call it "red mage" if its class icon is green?

>inb4 idiots try to disprove me with white mage and black mage
Those aren't options. Red is an option.
Someone give me a main
You guys are all idiots, RDM will be a "support dps" just like it was in XI
>healers use offensive and healing magic
sounds like a Red Mage to me.

i'd rather it were a caster dps, but this would be fine.
RDM is just going to be a melee bard/mch. It'll have melee skills, instant cast magic procs, and debuffs on enemies that give TP when hit or MP when hit or something. Maybe some gimmicky off heals.
cute c@
Extremely cute I wanna kiss it!
RDM uses both white and black
elk is ugly
Stratos, where's your a8s? LOL
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nowhere to be found just like the meme team.......
Sounds like you're just garbage, like the rest of the meme team. LOL
Is bard too easy to be interesting or is it fun?
all the people who went on to raid after the meme team died cleared a8s though....
Its pretty fun up until 54 and then it gets sucky. I still love it, though.
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healers have the option to heal and dps, do they not?

black mage certainly doesn't.
dat me
>tfw you will never reap a bountiful harvest with green
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>Not wanting them sick ass 800 physick heals
When you survive and deal the killing blow to nidex with 215 HP saving the party from a wipe call me up famalam
>tfw so close to the moogy boogy
it'll be a few days still but christ these quests are boring.
The Vath or Gnath or whatever were really fun though, barf wine and weed delivery are pretty great
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Ever play archer in tera?

It's nothing like it.
Very super cute! Can I marry this c@?!
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>join aquapolis party
>guy joins
>chit chatting, he's complaining about the last tank and says he wants to tank
>other people join as tank
>i would really prefer to tank guys
>ok that's fine
>get inside
>he has literally 10 Battledance Vs melded
>doesn't even use maim
It's just aquapolis so it doesn't matter but god damn
Can we talk about video games yet? What do you think the WoD are going to do this time?
Because I'm almost done my degree?
And? Just go fucking die.

What u majoring in
Eugh! What's that Stench?
Applied Cuckoldry
Are you saying that it's not worth it?
>forgetting your trip

I got money to make?

materials engineering

im saying dis shit is worth it
That smell!
What is it?!
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40KB, 846x650px
Money for what? Blowing it on psycho's because you're desperate for sex?
You've just stumbled onto the meme team's secret A8S strategy
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2MB, 1680x1050px
Eugh, somethin' smells rotten around here!
It's you.
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ss (2016-09-23 at 09.11.17).jpg
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>load into Shiva HM
>BLM is greyed out
>10 minutes pass
>still no BLM
when will PS3 support stop
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Nice brah, youll make big bucks while I'm busying dying for Israel.
who are you
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Probably paying back my parents and such then blowing it on whatever. I wish I was spending that money for hookers and blow instead.

Thanks dude, hopefully I'll be helping make something that keeps you guys alive out there.
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Elbst Migration.webm
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I wish they'd let us mount in cities. I could see it being slightly problematic overall but it would be very convenient especially in places like Ul'Dah.
Are you saying I'm not worth it?
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127KB, 1920x1541px
WEW who the fuck is that? and why would they waste so much money on a person they met in a video game

I will guard this beach.
They're definitely going to prove they're real Warriors of Light and the player fights them because we're really an eikon born of the fervent desire for deliverance by the Eorzean people.
Who is going to guard your vulnerable orifices?
Im not an important ebin..
Are you saying I'm not worth it?
How do Au Ra put on sweaters?
guard my dick with your mouth
Kick our teeth in.
One leg at a time, just like everybody else.

He is this guy >>155604356
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Diarrheia Stenchsaetel aka Rheia "light speed shitposter extraordinaire" Etsaetel
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Fuck no, no bitch is worth thousands of dollars. Bitches are delusional as fuck, I dont care how good the virtual sex was/is.

With that degree he should make that money back no problem and blow it all again on some virtual waifu.
>rhiki meltdown hour
reset the timer
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im okay with that
not only that but he went right back to her

really makes you think
Wanna meet up..what do you like..
I left to raid with another group since Balmung doesn't have any statics looking and mine blew up before starting like some other anon said.

I'm planning on coming back sooner or later though. I feel incredibly homesick.
Fan fucking tastic. Thank god Stench has been villainized. The anons of this general strike back against degeneracy and beta males.
Is it bad that I find these shitty pepes much more appealing than the normal one?

nice try rheia

kill yourself
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Wow really makes the neurons fire, why is this young lad punishing himself like this? He should find a real girl at his Uni instead.

No, the Finnish meme masters are number 1.
Is Ayy Team dead?
>rheia actually saves logs of what people say
he made that zan girl tolerable for like a month after their vacation and then he broke up and joined a good raid and apparently the girl rhiki likes is sucking his dick now according to >>155605554
I did much worse once years and years ago.

I spent ~$3000 on return flights to visit some chick then I broke up with them and didn't even use the tickets

Whenever that memory comes back I want to blow my brains out.
>Harpuia is being put in Ayy Team
It was DOA
>see this
>expecting a beepy log
I'm certain those are from discord?
>Elk is so bad they would rather take Harp
As a raid group yeah.

We still talk and most of us are still friends with one-another but we're never gonna raid together as a group again. The things that caused us to break up in Gordias just repeated themselves.
>You fucking spoon
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p-playing ff, levelling my crafters and making gil even though Im poor
what about you?

new bread
i don't know who's worse here

the one being insufferable, or the one saving it all because they're such a child
>Damn dude you're kind of legit crazy
should have ended right there lmao
but discord logs chats automatically even if you close a dm

all he'd have to do is reopen it
dad you forgot to comb your hair this morning
there are screenshots of xiv chat rheia is linking
that's not how xiv logs chat you retard.
youre a fucking moron who didnt even open the pastebin
It's discord logs.
this has got to be bait or you're retarded
ExtremeSnipe - Today at 8:46 PM
you said they're wasting their time
on speedkills
https://i.gyazo.com/63cc98741bebb1e9a9779a937f869720.png (see http://pastebin.com/dD4QDhKq for the rest)

open your fucking eyes jesus chrisst
>takes 5 minutes to kick someone kicks in
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>he has literally 10 Battledance Vs melded.

Why tho
>no "are you saying I'm not worth it?"
I like this cat
When does BLM become fun?
When you move to the new thread and ask that.
Level 44.
Thread posts: 817
Thread images: 194

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