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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 814
Thread images: 166

>Patch 3.4 Trailer
[YouTube] FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 3.4 - Soul Surrender (embed)

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

First for catboys

Post catboys
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It is just mostly the hair to be fair and I don't see a beauty spot under your lip like my character does
"Emily Epperson" is a pedophile who should be avoided at all costs. You have been warned.
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pic of a catboy
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Xth for precious friendship!
Oink oink, put some clothes on you sunburnt degenerate, oink oink!
It's not a design flaw but it was changed in 3.2, I believe. Recasting Enochian while the buff was still up used to refresh it with a reduced timer. It's been changed to refresh the buff to a full 30 seconds upon recast.
xth for being a slut is GAY
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Yeah, I don't have one. Even then my hair changes between a select few frequently.
Namely pic related and drills.
So sluts are happy then?
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Finally, I bothered to grind out the 手下.
Now, on to the 兵器.
Yare yare...
Correction: the ones pictures as well as the drills.
Sometimes the bushy handlebar looking hair too.
I like Yoshi's decision to kill WHM for good, great game designer.
Fight on, friend. Your efforts will be rewarded with experience and seals as well.
>Cooldowns finally reset when you wipe!
>But now you have to wait between 1 and X minutes for your AST to set up an Expanded Balance
naisu desu google-translate-san
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>tfw my edgy catboy will never be my bf and play Street Sects in the car while we drive to a re-showing of Black Swan at a hipster movie theater together

You'd be lucky to get balance in 1:XX minutes.
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i like this webm
Those cards are awesome but I don't really see the shield changes as that significant. My group was already running AST/SCH and both of us play all three healers. We might try WHM/AST but it still seems kind of clunky to me, just bigger shields and bigger damage but no indom, no fairy, no deploy, no placeable soil.
give me the pros and cons of playing machinist
is anyone here on midgardsormr

i am trying to level an alt and i kind of sort of need gear im like level 5 and there is a quest where i need ilvl5 shit but i got nothin
lala (girl) bp
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Filthy swine.
>Card buffs are now 30 seconds instead of 15

You people are reading this all wrong you know. Its not implying card buffs are now all 30 seconds. Its increasing the countdown timer for holding that card in your hand before it disappears, which isn't really a big deal.
you look cool
nobody has any idea what the fuck you're supposed to be doing so you can be shit and nobody will notice
reload makes a cool sound
turrets do most of the work for you
it gets fun once every 180 seconds

any downtime at all fucks with your rotation
bosses jump all the fucking time
it gets fun once every 180 seconds
sucks dick at low level
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Bigger fish for Aquariums on tracker.
Bait enough for Silver Sharks in the between time.

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catboi with a big gun winky face
Does this cat boy like to breed midlanders?
tfw no qt elezen gf
Few AST questions
>Which other healer is on suicide watch?
>Will Nocturnal be viable in dungeons now?
>Will AST default to using Nocturnal with a WHM? What about with a SCH in roulette?
>The wording is new, does this mean Celestial Opposition now buffs everyone's skills instead of just the ones you apply?
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>tfw this is amber
Yes Mumu
Does this cat boy like to breed herbs in a hydroponics farm?
Well, given that you can Reshuffle on every Draw now, you've got a 1/3 chance of getting a Balance as soon as you respawn, about 55% (cumulative) chance of getting one after 30 seconds on your second draw, ~70% chance after one minute on your third draw, and about an 80% chance to have one by your fourth draw at 90 seconds. Your chance to get an Expanded Royal Road is the same until you get your Balance, but lags one Draw behind until you get it - thankfully, there's a 60% chance that you get one on your first Draw after you have your Balance, and already an 84% chance on your second Draw after getting it.

Still, it's probably going to average about 2 minutes before you have the right combination in-hand. Redraw should really be made into a 2-3 second cooldown when out of combat.
there it is
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This is what you're orbiting

This is what is spamming its character again due to "depression"

This is what you should report
is your olivia oiled today, ffxivg?
No healer is on suicide watch

It was always viable in dungeons because dungeons are easy

It will default to diurnal with a scholar, WHM was always your choice but people will now try to make you go into Noc because they think it got crazy buffs

I don't know
This was taken on a good day?
>tfw you wish creator stopped with the damn tokens and just dropped gear.
what did OOK ever do to get spammed this hard?

and why doesn't he get a trip already?
Cute. I like her eyes.
Is that a new pic? Doesn't seem like the usual one.
1. The guy looks like the missing link between the man and the primate

2. He made too many excuses to count, but some of the recent ones include:

a. "anons won't get trips (lmao) so i wont either" - he backpedalled

b. "i promised my friend"

The issue is, for some reason, he considers trip a punishment, as if he wants everyone to see his posts, for some mental reason.
So why did you crop it?
looks better than velvet senpai, espec the pic on the left

i mean, at list his lips and chin are of homo sapiens origins
hence the "this was taken on a good day" meme
Velvet isn't really a human.
If they wanted to make Aspected Benefic comparable to SCH why didnt they just make it an effect you place on one target that continually refreshes a small shield effect?
' n '
When will insane people realize that cyberbullying doesn't work against people who don't give a shit?
You need to take off the robe and wizard hat BEFORE people are going to take you seriously.

and they won't anyway even then LUL
^ w ^
if avatarfagging for attention and extreme delusion cured ugliness, velvet would be mister universe already
I am guessing that would require some kind of rewrite, whereas here all they had to do was change a single digit. They will always do whatever takes the least time and effort
when is the patch?
>When you give an extended Balance to the BLM now and then you have another Balance lined up right after that
Can I now not feel bad about using Nocturnal in dungeons, or just as SCH replacement in stuff?
google it you fucking retard this is easily accessible information
dumb questions get dumb answers
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I can only find speculation and the newly posted blog post

How about you try googling it instead of arguing with me and wasting both of our time on information that ISNT EASILY ACCESIBLE since this game has very little documentation because of retards like you that would rather spend their time acting superior keeping their "easily obtainable information" avliable to themselves and their cliques and also avaliable in a random gamqfaqus thread or some shit site that lags like hell and neither one of those is even fucking completely right instead you could fucking answer my question and take the time away from typing how much youre suckling the head of the turd out of that au'ra's ass for a second you fucking worthless faggot
What should I do while waiting for my nodes to spawn...
>rio pretending he wasn't the ERP partner
nice try kraut
>Still no "system will automatically replace Stone, Malefic, etc. based on level."
>fucking degenerate get off my server
I don't think you understand that YOU'RE on THEIR server, not the other way around.
Starts Monday Japan time ends Tuesday Japan time. Or somesuch.

Well that was certainly Katsustrophic.
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>tfw you've made so many grown men cum for you
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I love this general.
Only through Blizzard IV, not its own fucking skill like it was in 3.0. Play the job, Enochian does a full refresh of itself now, before it used to drop the duration even when you used the ability itself. THIS was a design flaw
You must be like one of those grandmothers who googles stuff like "I would prefer to know the launch date of the 3.4 patch for Square Enix's acclaimed title Final Fantasy XIV if you would be so kind." because I found it in like 10 seconds. Its this tuesday.
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G'monin xivg

How is everyone today?
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>ywn be this mad
I'm dying of hay fever. Send the mercy squad, dad.
post your slutty catgirl and add one to your tally
I'm gonna hug Dadlander!
want to make it 1 more
Kill yourselves you fucking worthless stains of shit on smegma covered capitalist concrete
i'm a lizard though
Obvious attention/reaction whoring, there's no way someone would "accidentally" shout this. I hope they get reported.
t. mongoloid who literally cant use google
will you PLEASE be my au ra bf
t. retarded faggot who enjoys lying on the internet
I am currently a sneezy, coughing, vomiting mess Shyvimposter. No.
post your semen demon then
Literally the first link on google shows you when 3.4 is coming when you google "FFXIV patch 3.4 release date".
Are you sure you're not actually retarded by chance?
>tfw used to be subbed to him before he was a tranny
>he just started calling himself a girl all of a sudden and started churning out completely shit content
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ugh, hay fever is so a-pollen

sorry not sorry. free /comfort for you though
Thanks dad.
Hi, dad. Thanks for the /pet earlier.
Does Noct still not stack with Adlo? I kinda wanted to use it with SCH and see what happens.
Are you on balmung? want to make a few more anons cum for you then?
who watching mrhappy read patch notes because you're illiterate?!

Why is he reading with gamer glasses on?
I just spent 30 minutes waiting for an unspoiled node to spawn, just to be disconnected a minute before it spawns and miss it..
P-Please end my suffering..
Because he's probably sponsored by GUNNAR and so has to wear their glasses on stream.
Non-dumb can just install f.lux for the same effect that the glasses give you, which is to reduce eye-strain by giving your monitor a yellow tint and softening blue shades.
If you mean "am I not going to get shit from randoms in PF/DF for going Noc stance" the answer is probably yes. Is your static going to start running WHM/AST? Ehhh
I tried f.lux wasn't a fan honestly.

But I don't play in the dark like the people that most likely use it.
They don't stack iirc
Shields don't stack but regens do.
It's a little glaring getting used to it if you just have it go from 0-100 on the yellow scale instantly (like if you just turn it on at night).
If you have it on during the entire day you can set it to gradually and slowly get darker and darker as the sun goes down, so you will most likely not even notice it doing it.

It's really pleasant on the eyes at night.
Except it doesnt because I googled it and it didn't show it and some person is actually retarded enough to not know google isnt the same for everyone fucking aspie
I think a non-early progression static can switch them out. Honestly if people need perfect comps a month after content comes out they need to reevaluate their DPS players. But yes in terms of early progression I think WHM and AST are now completely interchangeable if not in favor of AST.
Why is Arrow card even a thing now, just merge it with Balance.
What they need to do is combine Ewer and Spire into a singular refresh style card. Although I guess thats bad when you do wanna draw one for raids.
Go ahead and screenshot your results on google for "FFXIV patch 3.4 release date" then
Fun fact: AST + AST regen doesnt stack but WHM + AST stack and WHM + WHM stack

why? I dont know
Just waiting for the rework of all jobs come 4.0

>tfw they add support role and SMN, BRD, MCH and AST are changed to support.
I feel a long desire for vengeance that has never had a definite target, but has always focused on the people who spurned me, yet has never been sated

I kind of want to get rid of it, it's like 3 years old now and I'm getting tired of it

How are you?
SMN's supports are already accessible from SCH and other mages (except for Resurrection) and SCH is the support version of SMN. I don't see the point for this at all.
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Does anyone here like miqote?
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I like the thought of not existing.

But Miqo'te are cute.
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here retard
Branched Jobs were a mistake and both jobs will suffer because of it.

That's what they get for trying to give everyone same amount of traits/skills
Now click the first link, and look at the sidebar on the right.
As I said, literally the first link in google.

Check mate, retard.
But really, I wish I didn't exist. Thanks for helping reinforce those feelings /xivg/. I do a pretty good job of beating myself up regularly but without you I don't think I'd have that extra push to really make me actually want to be dead.
Will the party DPS provided by cards now make up for Scholar personal DPS? Imagine how strange it would be to have a full time Noct AST with a part time healing/DPS WHM.
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Oh man, the two big fish that are part of the Aquarium are both listing for 1 million!

Too bad most people are gonna want sharks that are like, cheap as chips.
>Disciple of War or Magic level 60
(Two or more of the same job is not permitted)

>Male Highlander character
>Is a Futa RPer according to search info
link to original
That face paint is super cool, I wish I had a friend with face paint like that.
I wonder how retarded the mats or price for the aquariums will be.
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Why not...


Why do you want that...?

Why don't you...?
Probably pretty nuts at first. I just hope the fish market doesn't undercut itself into oblivion on this.
That depends on your party. And you shouldn't ever have a full-time healer you should always have two part-time ones. 75/25 split on healing is not good.
All the fish are pretty easy to obtain
>Why do you want that...?

/xivg/ knows how to make me hate being myself.
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Some of them are pretty alright
I'm ready on all three servers. My main has three, one for the Private Chambers, one for the apartment, one for the personal house. Three years of waiting
>75/25 split on healing is not good.

That is the current meta though. If anything SCH heals less than 25% of what the WHM does.
Because they're all attention whores..
>dat ass
What happens if I go to Trabia Garden before checking back at Balamb after first getting the Garden mobile?
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Home and ready to play the video game
Just waiting for 3.4 now
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You're all right, too.
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How does xivg make you hate yourself?

Are sun seekers alright...?

What... no they're not....
Not necessarily. The Blood Red Bonytongue and the Helmsman's Hand have super finnicky fishing windows.

They'll be scarce by nature of their windows and the fact that both are shy.

It's also why both are currently 1 million with very few entries between them.
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Thanks anon
Best Mi'qote right here I love the coat, thanks so much!
Yes they are! Can't you see that she need attention so bad her face started to glow?
That's not optimal, just common. "The meta" implies that it's optimal. It literally hurts me to type this but look at a video games parse and that is how the healing dynamic should be. WHM and SCH should be close in healing output and close in damage. WHM indisputably deals more damage and the off-healer should be buying them gcds to dps with their fairy and indom. The healers should be using as few gcds for healing as possible.
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I think it's time I stop punching things and become an Astrologian
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>How does xivg make you hate yourself?

The things some people say about me... the relentless bullying from said people just about every time I post...

I feel like an ugly freak enough without them adding to it...
What would you change to your job come 4.0?

>tfw you played AST from beginning and now everyone will think you're a reroller
this is bait
Give shadow fang a longer dot timer.
The face paint is so cool that I get shy.
No more micromanaging Oniichan and Ley Lines with BLM. I'd rather just go back to 50 BLM.
Unlimited ammo duration

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Is anyone looking forward to the W crosshotbar?
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Even sun seekers
I miss BLM 50 so much.

BURST = AoE Thunder 1 and if Proc deals Thunder 3 Damage but still applies Thunder 1 DoT
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I hope Dadlander sticks with us well into Stormblood.
Nice crush on dadlander my man
Wow... don't be an idiot that's not how it is...

It's xivg. Who cares...

Just say hi...

What if they have super cool face paint...?
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>someone in your normie raidgroup far away from Gilga or Balmung starts greentexting in party chat
Which one of you is it
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Then i'll have to meet up and take pictures
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Perfect Balance CD lowered to two minutes or some way to instantly gain GLIII on a lengthy cooldown.

Actually I just want a stand.
I'll be sticking around, I've been enjoying my time with xiv and I have high hopes that 4.0 has something to do with ala mhigo
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>only thirteen fish available for aquariums
T-thanks yoship...
Are you on balmung...?
Did you really expect to put all those fish in your aquarium?
No, I was pretty sure we weren't going to get many. I was hoping more big fish were getting models to start with though.
There will very likely be more in the future. If I had to guess they're doing this partially because the new expansion is going to have us going undewater and swimming. They said during the Heavensward panel that they were stuck trying to decide between flying or swimming for the first expansion.
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amber is secretly a masochist.........................................
>trying to decide between flying or swimming for the first expansion.
First time I ever heard about this. Source?
It was from the first fan fest when they officially unveiled Heavensward.
I want Monk to get 1 Chakra Stack every full rotation
bully amber because she likes it...............................

go pinch her butt in ul'dah............
>only 1 XL allowed
>only 1 aquarium allowed

Either way, I can't see the Gyr Abania themed expansion feature swimming. Gyr Abania is mostly mountains.

I'd wager we're gonna get swimming in 5.0 when we go to recapture and reuilb Doma, since it's across the ocean.
PS3 limitations
Please understand
>tfw going to log out to get an apartment immediately
I just wish we knew the requirements for the tanks
The fuck.
460 Crafter Scrips :^)
what tanks
aquarium tanks
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The aquarium tanks?
Aquarium tanks

Well, I'd be covered on my main for at least one and I can buy the other two she'd need as long as people don't start selling XLs at 20m each
Why do all the cute catboys have to be "girls" irl?
When do you wanna meet up...
I'm free whenever
Right now...?
Where do you want to meet?
Lavender beds... ward 6, plot 45...
According to my eb, who is gay, he gets more dick as a female character.
Will you step on me if I come?

25-30k Fire IV crits SOON
>Meet all the requirements to start the Scholasticate sidequests
>NPC doesn't have the quest marker

Am I missing something?
Yes or no, I don't want to waste our time
Now im kinda hoping I run into WHM in trials more often so I can try out this stance for once. Is AST a good replacement for farm stuff on party finder?
yea sure....
>awena soliciting erp at their house hour

im out
AST has always been a "good replacement" for everything that isn't bleeding edge week1 savage progression.
(And even then some people still used AST in progression and did just fine, like the world 3rd A8S clear which had an AST.)
OK, I'll be there sometime

I'm IN
A good replacement for white mage, yeah. Despite all the hullabaloo the Noc stance buffs are not great

Balance buff only cements AST as the farm/fflogs healer

Nothing changes
what's the deal with sugi
You have five minutes...

it's a prank....
Palace of the naps
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Oh so it was just a prank as always. Don't worry about it then.
No... saying it was a prank was the real prank... come over...
No it's fine, you'll just prank again as always
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Would it be better to be 2000/2000 eso capped before 3.4, or to dump it all in Umbrites?
no I wont!! Why would I invite you to my house then...
Same reason you invite people to silver bazaar. Prankster!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd say cap eso and convert to lore then sell the new mats for lots of money
Do you need a relic?
I'm not a prankster....
>The location of certain NPCs in the Moogle beast tribe quest "From Lax to Max" have been adjusted.

I was just thinking about how terrible that daily quest was.
That's not a bad idea.

Not really, I have a i240 relic and about 5 i230 hyperconductives, but I'm in no rush for another i240.

But I am fully equipped with HQ Ironworks that are pentamelded on both gatherer and crafter though so maybe I'll just take advantage of that and dump my esos into lores to help with my i250 equipment mass production.
>It's xivg. Who cares...

l m f a o

How ironic.
>when you feel like your group is slowly losing itself into lewd
>they're still nice but its almost smothering
what do I do...
Prankster AND an erpist!!
Give in. Become one of us.
That image looks like someone cracked a Dad joke and someone actually laughed at it.
Watch out, Awena is also a scam artist. They still owe me 400 gold.
>Level 53 and still in 2.1's MSQ
Yeah this is going great. I'll be level 60 by the time I reach HW again

I know who this is... you have a lot of nerve...

I'm still working on it...
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kill yourself
One big orgy of course
post lewds
neck yourself
Why are you doing this to yourself?
send him a /tell and make your own
I keep being asked this and I keep having to answer with the same "It was a bet"
This is character #3
There's nothing wrong with people being lewd if that what they wanna do it's not your place to judge
>tfw you met sadcat and realized the reason they're so sad is because they're level 56 and still haven't finished the 2.x msq
>try not to spoil the image of Sophia until I get to the instance
>she's plastered all over the fucking launcher
Fuck you, Yoshida.
why the fuck would you care
It's not mutually exclusive with raiding but it complicates things, especially if people in your group have a tiff related to it. which is almost a certainty in grown man land
Sophia's design is literally 22 years old
But I don't have any
ugly cat, boring personality, immature fuck
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Patch notes are more exciting for me than the actual content 90% of the time. I don't know why I excite myself so much over the notes. It's not like the content I'm interested in is ever terrible, but it's just never 11/10 ultrafun stuff.

Also, good morning. Roulettes anyone? Don't care which ones we do.
ben is among us
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Just realized patch notes were posted, fuck yeah.
Thats fair, I can see if being kind of a problem if people are actually getting upset over virtual sex
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I still read patchnotes for games I don't even play. There's some odd catharsis in it.
Oh God, I do that too. I've been reading StarCraft 2's patch notes occasionally even after I quit years ago. ;_;

hello newfriend

I've seen this scenario repeat itself far too many times to know where this is going

Do enjoy what little positive attention while it lasts, you WILL eventually get onto the list and will be targeted for elimination

Be warned
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>halloween coming up
>FC members already getting costumes ready
>shit I need one too
>want to dress up as a lich
>there's pretty much no glamour that lets me go skeltal
Am I wrong? What am I missing?
We got ghosts two years ago, had witches both years. Could we be getting skeltals this year? I wouldn't mind even more witches either.
No because he knows me

Make some
There's no skeletal gear

Does your FC have a costume party?
When I woke up and looked at the thread this morning you were soliciting people at 5AM. The notion that you have no lewds is laughable
I'm not sure I understand what difference that would make
Not really. Some of them and others in the linkshell are just dressing up and I realized I have nothing seasonal to wear myself other than last year's purple witch outfit. Kinda eager to find out what we'll get this year.
I just want to stroke it to your character without you knowing who I am
stop being a pussy and just ask him to pose for you ingame
>tfw you get floss silk from woodland exploration
That's pretty lewd and hot. But I can appreciate it even more if I knew who you were.
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It's really not very impressive is it?
>DPS gets salty because I don't give them Balance

Better get to sucking my dick boys.
you post too much
/sneer [subcommand]
Oh boy Shrek, I bet you can't wait!
Take that back!
Find me at the FC house. Highlander.
more like
>better get ready to be kicked because you didnt draw enough balances
fuck you and fuck your buff bitch boi I can do better damage than that other shit DPS anyway you useless piece of shit. when your done jerking off to your cardgame RNG and making the run slower by just existing in the party wishing you were a WHM hmu
What are you going to do, multiquote him?
harp no

Also rekt

Anons are savages today hot damn
I'm a better brd.
I'll just stay secret.

Not me
Gee that really narrows it down
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rock hard catboys
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Mutsu is a fat gook. Have some self respect people.
link irl pic
Who is the sexiest IRL???
What other shocking revelations can you share with us anon
i hate your name
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GamesMaster just randomly sent me another code for the original fat chocobo mount if anyone wants it.
>he can't clear content without needing the healer's DPS

This just proves how bad the playerbase are.
> Your Gift Code registration has been successfully completed.


I only bought their latest issue because I only cared about maid enough to go out and buy it so I guess it's nice to have
>tfw you will never put your penis inside of chaika
Why even live
Reminder that thanks to the buff to Celestial Opposition, AST will now be able to recover nearly 8k MP from Luminferous Aether.
>tfw tooo late
For what though?
nice dude
After I get all my unidentifiables for the anima, what use is there for beast tribes?
Is he a neet
fellating this dick LOL ZING
Heavensward ones are okay to level with.
And SCH can still recover around 11k, what's your point?
is there really so little to do in this game that people gotta argue over arbitrary differences and small variances in dps and clear times

you're not really trying this hard on a game geared towards casuals are you
>branched jobs were a mistake

lmao this meme still exists apparently
i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
play a female if you want to attract a gay man, stupid
this makes my brain hurt over how true it is
Which healer is on suicide watch? SCH or WHM?
AST is still behind.
What does your intuition tell you, anon?
AST :^)
>That card buff alone
Balmung infiltrator here.

Post names and I'll dish the dish.
Reminder that you're a little bitch dude. Weak ass little punk candy cocked corn on the cob ass dweeb. Noone listens to the words coming from your keyboard and or mouth so why don't you just shut the hell up already? Go on and stop talking ASAP aka RIGHT NOW. Got your family on interview asking about you and they say things like "bullshit son of mine" and "mistake" haha, deal with that?

Also if I apologize to you, it's because I was forced to and know that I don't mean it I wouldn't apologize to you if I had my way but sometimes we don't always get what we want right? Anyways go fuck off already, go eat chicken enchilada off my average sized dick.
>tfw no slutc@ to dump my pent up load in
SCH is still safer and brings more damage. And all ASTs are going to be doing is fishing for balances that'll come inconsistently and be a pain in the ass for prog.
>keeps drawing ewer and spire
>"My job is good guys, really!!"
meria athera
literally SE themselves have said that they consider ACN to be their biggest mistake and thats the reason we'll never get another branching class
>The Creator Savage will be cleared by groups in 3.2 BiS
>WHM/SCH groups have cleared all content just fine
>Singing praise of Balance when Balance isn't necessary for clearing
It's time to stop theorycrafting, all three will clear just fine
just because they say it is doesn't mean they're right

they said AST was balanced in 3.0 and that people just weren't playing it right, and we've gotten buffs to the job, what, every single patch since then?
>not knowing that Truth of Forests guarantees a Balance every other draw
>tfw I don't give a shit about whatever new meta this patch brings, and will keep playing the healer I enjoy playing the most

That's a very rude thing to say, anon. My name was given to me at character creation and I can't help it.
Well if all you do is run expert roulette, then sure, play whatever you want.
I would have had more fun with branched jobs with some tiny changes to it.
>doesn't mean they're right
nigger what
them saying "we think X is a mistake" is their own fucking opinion, it has nothing to do with being right or not
i can raid with whatever healer I want too so fuck off.
SCH and SMN are fine. Their only con is that they share the same bonus attributes but it's an inconvenience than it is a flaw.
It was bad in 2.x because SE wouldn't buff SMN's skills, buff pets or give SMN a new skill in the middle of 2.x instead of buffs ACN skills but refusing to do so because it would mean buffing SCH also but now that SMNs have Ruin III, it's fine.
if a class is designed from the getgo to be two jobs, it can work.

the real autism is when people think / thought that we should get jobs branching off of things like Gladiator.

just because they believe something doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it.

branching jobs is a significantly better use of development resources, really.
Well if all you do is clear 5 months late, then sure, play whatever you want.
>still no support role despite yoshi mentioning in interviews since 2.0

4.0 better be good and not like 3.0 which was pretty much the same shit.
>the healer you play directly corresponds with clear time
worst player in the general.
No, your shit opinions ala "I dont give a shit I play what I want xD" show that you're a bad player with a horrible mindset, not which class you play.
They already said they're not making support roles anymore because the content they've done in the past didn't have them in mind so it would take a lot of adjusting.
The smile on your face from /petting Vath Deftarm
New Director/Producer when?
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>tfw have both legendary fish that can go into the aquarium
>tfw none have ever been put on the MB
Time to make some easy gil bois.
>I have no retort so I'll do the (You) meme
It really doesn't matter what class you play as long as you're not retarded. This has been common knowledge for years. Your min/maxing attitude is not only cancerous but highly irrelevant outside of world 1st prog groups which I highly doubt you're participating in.
Except he's not wrong. He can play any of the three healers and a lack of a clear will not be the result of his job choice. A lack of a clear would come down entirely to skill. Not dumb as fuck theorycrafting which has been irrelevant ever since people tried to claim AST would put WHM out of a job before Gordias Savage. All three healers will clear The Creator Savage and perfectly fine. Content that the devs say can be cleared in 3.2 gear really should not be expected to be so major that suddenly only a certain composition will clear it. He can play either healer and clear fine if the players aren't bad
I thought the whole "can be cleared in 3.2 gear" was something that someone overheard Yoshi say to someone, rather than any sort of official statement
If Yoshi is saying it, it probably stands to reason it'll be cleared even quicker. He also claimed no one would clear Binding Coil of Bahamut for a long time, and then Paladin made it possible.
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thank u SE
I'd like one attention, please
pls respond (´・ω・`)
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hey /xivg/

So I just bought the game since it was on sale and there's so much shit to do

Last time I was in these threads I was playing the trial and hit 35 with my WHM,but since my buddy isn't online at the moment,I decided to try my hand at crafting shit since I have a whole bunch of different materials from slapping bitches left and right

But my question is,where the fuck do I start?

I have a lot of culinary ingredients,but I also have a lot of shit like bat wings and leather this,cloth that shit taking up valuable space

So far I played around with CUL for a few minutes and just completed the level 5 quest,but it just seems kind of pointless to do so much when my WHM is only 35

What do /xivg/?
Why did it take them this long to fix it? I somewhat understand why they didnt make it work that way to begin with since they don't even play their game.
Level every single one of the crafting classes to 15, you can do it just with vendor mats at the guild halls. That's your starting point and it will take you a few hours. After that I think you do CUL to 37 then CRP and WVR to 50, but I can't recall.
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Warrior, since it's god's gift to mankind.
Alternatively, whatever you think is fun.
Hot off the press.
is the grind for crafting classes proportional to standard classes?

I don't want to level a crafting class to max while my main class is still pretty low
Reminder that Gordias killed whatever chance of this game ever had.
Go and sell all the monster drops to an NPC, they're useless.
Sooner or later you'll want to have all crafters at max level if you want to be a competitive crafter.
iirc you should level them in about this order:
CUL to 37
ALC to 15 first
remaining crafters to 15
ALC to 50 first
WVR to 50 second
remaining crafters to 50
CUL to 60 first
GSM to 60 second
remaining craftes to 60

>Why do I have to level crafter X to level Y first?
Because they have a good cross-class skill at that level that greatly helps your other crafting classes out.
haha MEME
>first yoshi kills pld with drk
>then mch with brd buffs
>finally whm with ast buffs
can anyone stop this madness?
>not crp 50 first
>I don't want to level a crafting class to max while my main class is still pretty low
There's literally nothing wrong with doing that though, what are you afraid of?
Crafting has no bearing on your combat classes.
Mostly HW in general but yes, Gordias didn't help.
Th-Thank you ^w^
Yeah, it's called go back to Legion.
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You're right, I forgot CRP.
Why so wet?
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put some clothes on, you gonna get cold.
maybe because its raining you fucking mongoloid
I don't want to hit a material wall due to level restrictions.

Those exist in WoW,EQ,and a few other MMO's.

I don't exactly have the gil to burn on buying stupid expensive mats at the moment either,only 160k on me
Holy shit Sue you look amazing with that hair.
The more I think about the new patch, the more I realize that I'm mostly just excited for new music.
I mean, I'm sure Sophia and Alexander will be fun, but... idk, I imagine the music will bring me more enjoyment than the actual content.
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So tired I want to die
I don't think this is helping.
Finally someone else who understands!
I'd craft a Glacial Coat for you, too.
hm, bad post.
d-die with me..
The only things I'm not really looking forward to are Platoons and Wondrous Trails. The former because I just don't care if I can't have them do stupid things like take on Titan in poorly matched outfits. The latter because I'm still undecided on how I feel about it
Funny, those are the 2 things I'm most looking forward to.
I have to power on though
4.0 will kill WAR and SCH
>killed mch with brd buffs

lol no
SAM will kill WAR
RDM will kill SCH
Asking for a friend
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>tuned BRD to do as much damage as MCH in Midas
>even though the only reason why MCH was ahead of BRD was because Midas heavily favored MCH over BRD
>thinking that BRD isn't going to delete MCH if Creator ends up being neutral/BRD favored
>looking forward to actual playable content
where is your a8s clear?
oh wait
>thinking we will get more than 1 job.
>actually wanting rdm, blm or sam

Will SE add FGT in 4.0?
>going on about job relevance in upcoming content
>forgetting that MCH can make swiss cheese out of BRD in a fight
Get fucked you legolas wannabe fairies
FGT was added the day you started playing FFXIV
Yet you still pay a sub and play the game every day, so no one cares about your tiny opinion as long as they are making millions off idiots like you.
But we already have FGTs ingame.
>BRD has fuckall utility for prog
>MCH has rend mind/dismantle, leg graze, suppressive fire as well as the ability to buff raid dps without eating into their MP/TP resource pool

Yeah no, MCH is still the go-to prog ranged DPS unless your group is casual as fuck in which case it doesn't matter what you take
Which creator set looks the coolest to you?
Platoons just seem really dull in general. Maybe they'll grow on me in the actual patch but I doubt it. Thankfully it's not like platoons are a major part of the patch so I'll probably forget they even exist soon enough. Wondrous Trails is something I'll need to actually do before I can really feel anything for it.

I never cared for Verminion and never really gave it a try.

Apartments and finally having aquariums after I've wanted them for so long are both really nice side things. Gubal HM is welcome, since Gubal Library was a nice dungeon. The Creator Savage and Sophia EX are my priorities right after my aquariums.

Thankfully, we also still have a while before we start seeing people run around with ugly as sin red Palace Episode 2 weapons
what job do you want exactly? beastmaster?
why are you so booty bothered by kiss? just filter him if he makes you that angry
Kiss post.
It's okay to get btfo daily Shyv, you do every day get btfo and you got btfo by kiss last night, move on shitstain chav.
thank you
Blue Mage will be a healer type class, mark my words.

Every 5 levels in ARR and every 2 levels in HW they will get class quests to hunt rare animals and beasts to learn the big abilities
nigga i dont even care i just want a mage class that doesnt suck so i can stop maining blm

let me do cool magic with a fun playstyle without being ass-planted or without the seven layers of confusion and responsibility (healers) fuckkk
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personally a "Not BLM or SMN" caster is what I want RDM to be. But I'd love if BLU were that caster as well.
Just slap regens on the tank and slap on cleric stance
°unleashes gb°
quit the glasses elk
worst kind of attention seeking post
i mean in raids, dude. with the whole accuracy/dps shenannigans, its not a good time to be a healer main rn. Admittedly, their mechanics and non-dps responsibilities are shit easy even compared to dps

hell yeah my man. we'll just have to wait and see
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Planning to come back after a year break.

Looking for a new home since all my friends died on current server.

Any FC on Balmung or Gilga still looking for people?
good thing this isn't posted in every thread or it might get old
Nah, not a single FC is looking for people.
making up for lost (you)s
>tfw so attention-starved but nobody's talking to me
Tell me who you are!
Stop bullying vans of a modest size
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Do you have the maid outfit? This is important
>left an fc with a friend
>started to build our own
>worked on our relic together
>got some cool people in the fc
>got a med plot in mist
wow comes out
>they leave to play wow
>just me and my bro playing ffxiv
>ask if they will come back for 3.4
>they tell me they might come back to see

They aren't coming back are they?
d-does it have to be an FC with anyone in it? my FC is dead.
What's the benefit of doing savage? you already got the story done in normal
the books
no probably not, or come back but would remain for a while

>friends get mad about the patch/game and quit
>they see 3.4 trailer and liked it
>they plan on coming back again for 3.4
>they'll probably hate it after
people never learn
>doing raids for the story
But you can get the same gear in normal.
It's fun.
>doing raids for 4 str 4 stam leather belt AHHH
>those legs in the background
higher ilvl gear
doing the fights the way they were intended to be done instead of a watered down casual version of it
Dyeable glamor pieces
people still bother with upgrades when it gets obsolete so fast?
probably literally any female hyur/cat/aura in the game because they all have the same model
which is less cliquey/easier to make friends, soft or drakn
they're both cliquey as fuck

DRAKN is a little better maybe
>not just joining the draknshell
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>Open twitter for ff14 news
>See this otome game talk on twitfeed
What the actual fuck Meria
You do know there is no difference but damage output in the newest raid right? and doing content just for gear is pathetic.

Q. I've heard voices where players want the normal and savage mode to have different stories. Are there any differences in stage effects between the two modes?
A. Last time (patch 3.2), only the savage mode of Brute justice had its final form with wings, but that's about all we can do. The Alexander story in 3.4 is closely tied to a certain battle and there will be no difference (note: visually) between normal and savage mode in that fight. The story (of Alexander) is coming to an end with its grand finale, so it's difficult to make them differ. However, we spent as much cost as possible (under the limitations) on the rewards, where the savage gear is a little bit fancier than the normal mode gear, so please forgive us with that for now.

I am laffin.
i imagine that works be super cliquey wouldn't it
Join <cute>!!
During my time in DRAKN I didn't really see much clique activity. I mean, maybe the non-4chan users that Moni lets in were cliquey, but everyone else was very welcoming for the most part. Maybe it's changed recently though, I don't know.
I'd say DRAKN... by a small margin though.
The focus of MMOs has always been getting new and stronger gear. What the fuck else do you play for if not to get better gear?
There are going to be new mechanics obviously
How does the drakn harem scene compare to soft's?
alright bro nice game discussion
For friends :^)

I'll play with the gear when it's not linear as shit.
>You do know there is no difference but damage output in the newest raid right?

Oh, you're retarded.

Giving the raid a normal mode/making it so piss-easy was a mistake
MMOs are a social, virtual hangout as well however. If not, what it was meant to be in the first place.
everyone is taken
Sugi post :^)
entire nonerp circle is single
>i mean in raids, dude. with the whole accuracy/dps shenannigans, its not a good time to be a healer main rn.
Again, as he said, just apply your regens then cleric stance.

At best, you're healing good. At worst, you're missing with a few spells that the devs don't account for in the first place when designing DPS checks and boss HP.
This is most certainly a lie.
>non erp circle
Name some names
I'd rather be retarded then play this shit game!
then why are you here
rio zaruba
sweet jp
red rivers
meria athera
jara'hal noykin
>nonerp circle
literally 4 people
>Giving the raid a normal mode/making it so piss-easy was a mistake

I agree, it's pretty much made a bigger divide and had a lot more people quit or break up.
That's just like, your opinion bro.
I raid because it's something to do and the only way to get the dyable versions of the gear instead of being stuck in the same color
regen is enough for unsynced (or synced, fuckit, its got 20% echo) t13, and maybe gordias savage.

You have to actually manage mana and heals (and raise people while still maintaining mana and healing/mitigating tank busters) for raid content while it is current, and during prog
I was talking about DRAKN
the mistake was not at least making the normal modes even remotely difficult and not gating really anything behind the true, savage version.
There's new mechanics but the overall fight tends to be not that different from what we've seen in the normal version, only more difficult.

I think the normal versions just makes the savage version not that special for people though, especially when you can get the (low-leveled) raid gear from it meaning your reward doesn't have much novelty like it used to back in Coil.
which soft femcats DO NOT erp?
Who are the biggest cucks in Soft?
Who is the biggest cuck on Balmung?
>Raim holding Myse's hand
>Raim got cucked by Seto hard
How do I become part of DRAKNs leaders harem?
I don't think you know what you're talking about
rio zaruba is my future husband!
You know they'll all be eating his shit the second he comes back right?
cukki rem
i hate people that jump content
Web moni and his goons
all of them erp though
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apple strudels
>patch notes are out with several major paradigm shifts
>people itt completely ignore them and instead keep talking about the latest FC drama
lel so randumb xDDDD
Mafuyu Laeh
no they are pure
You were only late for the party
Check the last thread
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Nobody plays the game.
ESPECIALLY not Saeha's house.
>joining any fc sugi is in
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I don't but I'm no longer a cat so
Stinky and his bf have paired up for good
i mean the earlier post
t. retard
Even Aweiner bailed :^)
A lot of it was discussed last night while the degens were asleep.
>My closest friends are scattered between <soft>, <DRAKN> and a few other free companies
>Can't be in all of them at once
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What is that supposed to mean.
I don't see why you people FC hop so much? I bet you're the same people who buy at least one fantasia a month.

I've been in the same FC for over two and a half years, and have no intention of leaving.
Three/more characters anon
LS are a thing
Either you just had really good luck or have low standards.
It means the psychopathic tendencies were too much for poor little Awooner.
Any chance Dadlander can commission someone to make me some 220 tank gear at Not an outrageous price? We can work out a payment
Alright. Sorry I've been gone so long. Batches of three. Post your characters.
You're not on Gilgamesh, right?
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vanu vanu
nope, I'm on Balmung
I just wanted to blog about how people who undercut by 1 gil are pieces of shit.

They are such faggots.

Thanks for reading.
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what anime episode is this
what's the most fun job in each role?
Tell that slut to put some real gear on
my bad i'll undercut you by 30k next time
Fell Cleave
What are your retainer names so I can undercut you
It doesn't matter if different city
Hey batches. I want to know more about the person behind the batches. What job ye play, do you craft, fav stuff in game if you still play at all.
Please ignore my character
>become friends with sugi because you think he might be okay
>things get weird
>regret it
you idiots were right
Are WHM and some SCH trying to slander AST to prevent the inevitable takeover of the AST/AST meta?
They don't play.
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>2 comms
>2 comms
>3 comms
>2 comms
>3 comms
Who knew healing was so lucrative, nobody ever cared about me as a dps
I want that highlander to stick their shaft in my B1
WAR is boring
I am

except they literally all do.
Nah. I'm friends with them all. I just wanted to go back to Saint.
because any brain dead retard can dps

literal subhumans main dps
same desu senpai
Cool, now I can come back to saint too.
Here u go
Why even bother?
>tfw awena pushed naka off the roof of a house and he fell and turned into an ugly cat
Sounds like somebody is bad about something for no good reason.
Cute cute cute!!!
For everyone not on Balmung, you finally have some way to combat those marketboard/telling spammers.
The thing I can't stand about Sugi is how superior they act. Reminds me of Shyv a lot actually and how they think they know everything.
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>join farm party
>guy joins, asks if we want to change the current 'standard' strategy to his easier strategy
>'standard' is already braindead easy, we all say no and go with the 'standard' plan
>he fucks up somehow
>"And this is why we call directions"
>tell him he fucked up on a braindead mechanic, we try again
>he wipes us to another different mechanic
Well, time to transfer to Gilgamesh!
careful I think it might be bait.
I am pretty sure they do. They have screens up on their twitter.
Transfer into a wedding ceremony.
I consider DPS harder than healing though.

DPS is about getting your rotation right, keeping buffs and dots up.

Healing is just making sure people are topped and swapping clerics to dps.
unless you're in the 1% gilgamesh isn't any different

people are retards no matter where you go
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searching for that bp
everything will be totally different there, trust me
Scholars aren't used to not having a dedicated spot for them in a party. They're understandably confused and don't know how to handle this new situation other than by lashing out.
do you like cbp...
I wonder when you sluts decide to actually talk about the game rather then post selfies about your god awful looking characters.
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>AST gets continually buffed since 3.0
>People still bitch endlessly even when the job itself becomes fine in Diurnal in 3.2
>Proceed to keep buffing the shit out of it

>Yoshi P announces major buffs in 3.4
>Increasingly nervous WHM mains piss themselves
>"I-it's not going to c-change anything...A-AST's have been saying this since 3.1! R-right, guys? Guys?"
>Patch notes come out
>Buffs are fucking massive
>AST can now replace SCH and shits over WHM

The fucking delusion in these threads has been delicious. Eat shit, WHM + SCHfags.
Who are you.

What do you mean.

Naka tia is a cute cat 'w'
do you like gb
Hi, new player here.
I bought a key and played for a single month, but I quit since I had no one to play with and was just running around.

Is it viable/easy to get all professions to max level? I was focusing on this because it seems you can use skills from other jobs on your primary as well. Plus I like being multi-use.

How long does it take usually if I choose to do this, playing as a newb?

In your opinion, how "healthy" is the game right now? I'm thinking in playing it again since I'm kinda bored with WoW and GW2, but this game's combat wasn't exactly fun - though everything else was superb imo.
That means a lot coming from a guy who had to switch from scholar to paladin
Does xivg like au ra...
>Had to

I didn't HAVE to. Biskoi was making a static and he was already an AST. He asked me if I could go Paladin because he trusts me and he wanted to heal me.
Is it faster to grind dungeons or trials in early levels?
It depends on how much you play. A few months if you play a lot and spend a lot of time leveling instead of doing other things. The health of the game is okay. The combat gets better once you get up to level 50 and then to 60
thats how i feel, but the way he acts like you owe him attention is what gets me the most
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You think their post is?

Yeah you can max out all professions.
It'll take you a ton of time but its possible.
If you're referring to crafting jobs then its much easier to max those out compared to combat jobs.
Overall it can take a month for your first 60 if you dont know what you're doing, or a few days if you do. After that its all grinding, fates/PotD/dungeons and whatnot.

The game is alright. It decays slowly between patches for it to raise back up once a new patch hits. A lot of servers are dead with some moderate population servers on the Primal data cluster and 2 really high pop servers on the Aether data cluster. Each server has its unique kinks so do some research before hitting one up.
That's a lot of words for a bait post
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Gilgamesh has its own strats. A fresh transfer walked into my seph farm party effectively killing everyone.

You fucks clearly are poor fags lol. At least post a high quality hi-res screenshot.
>Each server has its unique kinks so do some research before hitting one up.
How exactly do you do this? I wanna know more about the server I'm on.
Whoops, I forgot the truth is considered bait in here
I gave him a chance but despite his past hes uncharacteristically arrogant and selfish. Youd think a guy who went through all that would stop being a cunt and settle down.
no its very characteristic of him
Can you tell me what "other things" are there to do? I think I reached 40 or 45 on my primary job (white mage) and 20ish on others, but all that I've seen to do was run around doing quests.
I'm also wondering since I've been doing all low level quests, how will I level the other jobs?

Is there some sort of PvP or other "fun" things to do other than quests/dungeons?

Well, I think it'll give play a bit more then. This game's aesthetics and music were really awesome.
Sugi is CUTE and has a nice singing voice..
fuck off sugi
>making sure people are topped

It's literally not. Stop talking about things you don't understand.
>check xiv tag on various fanfiction sites regularly
>still no malera x female midlander smut
>no hetero lahabrea smut
>no hetero heavensward knights smut
>no hetero alphinaud smut
who do I need to pay for this jfc.
You can blame Elk for making him that way.
He's been that way since Beepy.
cute fat mexican lmao
I'm just saying healing is easier than DPS.
It is a theme park game and has all of the usual stuff that you'd find in wow or anywhere else. Crafting/gathering, pvp, raiding, etc. You should be leveling via dungeons not side quests
Theres no way. You could have improved those shields by another 30 potency each and they will wont replace SCH because you guys dont get it. SCH isnt brought just because of the shields. The shields are enough to get the job done. They are brought because the shields also come with passive fairy healing on the MT and constant almost-DPS levels of damage which AST just cant product unless the stars align, no pun intended. Sure an AST will have a good burst of group damage at the start of a fight with their built up Balance, but a lot of times they might not even draw another Balance again the entire fight even with these changes. They can only replace SCH if everything RNG happens perfectly, and they can only replace WHM if the raid requires less healing overall than before. The problem with AST in progressive raiding is that their performance is completely random and that doesnt bode well for cutting edge strategies.
where can I hear her sing?
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Its something you might have to check out various sites to get the gist of or ask in here and take what people say here with a grain of salt.
It really depends on you desire out of a server. Preferences for population, active market, supply market, housing, active party finder, active raiding environment, RP community and so on.

Can always try out palace of the dead a bit, do dungeons or fates depending on how active your server is. I can't comment about PVP since I haven't pvp in a while.
You can also try your hand with crafting and gathering so you can make your own gear.
Other then that, most of the side stuff begins to open up post 50 and 60.
I'm sure there are other better suggestions out there so I'll deffer to the advice of other anons.
nice bait
>Myse is an erper with seto now

how did they fall....
Seto To? More like Sluto To.
Sugi has never wronged me!

You're all bullies
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>farthings and pennies will still be needed to upgrade lore gear
for someone that went the last 3 months without picking a main, this is a fucking pain

side question, is anyone recruiting for a static on balmung? serious replies pls, or just whisper me ingame

timeconsuming, but it only gets easier after the first one, and if you level some or all crafters and gatherers you will be able to craft all the leveling gear (HQ gear is roughly equivalent to dungeon drops of the same level)

as far as being able to use skills from other classes, it gets a lot less interesting after you pick up jobs since each job has 2 specific classes it can pick skills from

>how long
depends on how heavily you play. at my peak I got pld, whm, nin, all 8 crafters and 2 gatherers to 50 between february and june, and got those all to 60 within 2 months of hw launching. then did monk and bard from 15-60 in another month or so
you'll probably find other things to do along the way, but i would say if you started now you could definitely have all 60s by the time the next expansion comes out, if you really wanted to do that

>how healthy
I think 3.4 (which comes out in a few days) and onwards will be a pretty good time for the game. there will probably be some dead spots as usual (like the month leading up to 3.5, and some of the months between 3.5x and 4.0) but like any other game there'll be people who find a way to busy themselves even in those dead months and new players coming in
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But that's not my erp partner, that's my EB.
When fishing, does it matter how quickly you react to the bite? Or is it "just hit the skill" before it gets away?
Batches usually posts with pictures they've drawn. I am pretty sure it's a falseflag, yes.
Just one Tarnished Midan Shaft please...
My entire last 2 days have been a8 df
If you just want to be average at it, then yes. DPS only have one job and they don't need to rely on anyone else to achieve it. Healers have multiple that require them to communicate with their co-healer to minimize healing and maximize dps.

DPS do have more responsibility, but is it difficult? Not at all.
Literally anyone that takes smut commissions?
Your hyperbole-ridden post with a smug anime girl is a poor expression of the truth. The truth is that a semblance of balance has been created between the healing roles, and it is likely many groups will include an AST because people are greedy for numbers. They have made it a more powerful single-target healer with the nocturnal aspected benefic change and the change to the benefic II proc. It still lacks the AoE healing power and damage potential of a WHM (unless you draw nothing but balances) and it lacks the scholar toolkit: namely the fairy, indom, and the ability to simultaneously heal while doing damage. I play all 3 healers and my group was already running AST/SCH.
Just give it a minute
Fair enough

You just need to hit the skill.
The tug window is just the window available to catch/use hooksets.
>trying to get a shaft from a8n
I know that feel, Anon, and it's fucking terrible. Good luck.
What did he do to you?
How do I pick a main when I find everything to be the same amount of fun
How fast can I get through HW if I skip all dialogue and cutscenes?
I'd give you a shaft anytime, buddy.
You pick what you do best as, do some testing to see what that is.
I need a new gimmick. Help.
>except they literally all do
>no proof
>no logs
How long before you move on them from them like Anzu?
Give up on creativity and slutpost.
this >>155570356
Repeatedly post saying you're selling a small house for cheap then say it sold when you get replies.
it's binary. either you hook the fish during the window or it gets away.
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>Hyperbole-ridden post

I don't think that word means what you think it means. Everything I stated in my post has been factual.

Since AST's release its been continually buffed and each time people have dismissed the buffs as 'band-aid fixes' that don't do anything to improve the class, and they dismiss it left and right. Even when 3.2 rolled around and AST was a perfectly acceptable replacement for WHM, people still ignored its existence or made fun of it. That's all the truth.

Yoshi P annoucned news of these buffs a few days back and whenever it was mentioned in here, I only saw people dismissing AST again before even seeing what the buffs were going to be. People like memeing on the class so much that it's forced Yoshi P to buff the shit out of them so much that we've reached a point where WHM could very well be useless.

I'm not going to disagree with you on SCH; most cutting-edge groups will still take one, but it makes no difference because they said they were going to nerf/tone down WAR and SCH in 4.0 anyway.

The issue lies between WHM and AST now, where the only real benefits WHM has over AST is...Assize and Cure III, aside from teeny tiny potency differences on some HoTs.

That's literally it. Even Assize is forgettable because AST has lightspeed and its MP regeneration just got buffed EVEN FURTHER.

Are you really going to forsake a 30s trick attack for your whole raid/an extra 30% damage reduction when applicable just because you when a cozy little safety net with Cure III?

AST now trumps WHM in sheer DPS utility by far, crushes them in MP regeneration (almost 9k with LA+CO every 2 minutes, plus 10% lower costs on spells), crushes them in mitigation, etc. WHM doesn't have much going for it right now.
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Anyone want to run roulettes or start a farm party or something?
I'm terribly bored.
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>have to kill phurbles for hunting log
not on the 'mung though
Are you on Gilgamesh yet?
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I chuckled
Become an in thread rp characer that rationalizes patches as someone who got buffed or nerfed ingame
Like seriously, at the very least they could toss WHM a bone by giving them Graniteskin back, or by enabling Stoneskin II in battle.
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Ah, rip. ;_;
Not yet.
>multiple people on suicide watch
I'd be up for stuff in a little bit, preferably learning Sephirot or something.
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But I have no idea how to be a slut.

Yes, I like this. Thanks, anon.

Sounds complicated. I'll try it out after I run the other thing to the ground.
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That sounds fun, let's do it
Literally how did people put themselves through yokai shit?
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Or I can just assault you.
It's like 5 hours max to get all the minions.
Oh damn, noob here.
So, I was looking for my old account and I only found a steam trial one I played for 14 days, but I'm pretty sure I bought it outside Steam because some people recommended that for some reason.

Checking now, my Steam acc only has level 10~12 characters, and I'm pretty sure I had chocobos already on my account (level 20+ right?). So I tried going to the site to remember my acc, put my email, got the code, reseted everything but it's asking the "One Time Password" which I used some Android app token thing and I don't have it anymore.
Now I'm chocoboless.

Wat do?
DoW coliseum gear and an armored helmet. It's that easy.
Please be my gf
Why do all the TT cards since HW look like horrible low res shit compared to the original ones?

Using it for anger relief, it's nice how well soulless grinding works when you're really pissed off at someone
Do what you do now except get rid of the pants Keep the chestpiece
Sorry, Yysara is a guy with at least 8 boyfriends at the moment. They should really be checked into some mental institute teebeeaytch
I don't believe you.
How are you my bf #4?
bold anon
Thancred...dear, please. You can't see.
PS3 rimitationsu
can confirm, tried to eb me for no real reason and was generally creepy around me.

thankfully talking to him is just as weird and he barely show any actual interest unless you thirst after him 24/7, so the only fools falling for him are the ones that get easily webbed by sluts who whore themselves out for attention.

the off-chance of getting some low-quality ERP out of it really isn't worth dealing with such a shitty human being.
Which part, that they're a guy or that they have so many boyfriends? He has openly stated in the threads that he's a guy and like dick like the faggot he is. As for the second part that was merely an exaggeration. It's probably closer to 3-4 but he still shits up the thread by slutposting and asking for people to erp with him. He probably tried erping with anyone he meets within a week.
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Whoa. No assaulting. Remember what happened the last time you assaulted me? I still haven't washed the green off, and I've gone through a ton of terebinth.

That's too lewd, anon.
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>tfw nobody will ever love u
Lewd is the answer to everything. Sometimes it's best to just give in.
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Your post included phrases like "WHM mains piss themselves" "shits all over" "buffs fucking massive" "eat shit" etc.

That's not a factual retelling of events. It's subjective language that reflects your opinion and in many cases is over the top. Thus it is hyperbolic.

The main difference between WHM and AST now is that one of them can confer immense benefits based on RNG whereas the other offers a 100% reliable, though largely equivalent toolkit. I like rolling the dice myself. Others may not. The difference between the two has become largely philosophical.

You are huffing and puffing and trying to feel vindicated about something that a lot of people are just sort of shrugging at. The only people I know who are actually EXCITED about the AST buffs are DPS players and warriors.
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Don't fucking cry

don't fucking cry!

;_; Dadlander is Sadlander
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sure whatever works
Post this in sandals. Now.
My mama told me that naughty cans get sent to the recycling bin
This. He's a very selfish individual and will only give you attention when it helps him in some way. The sad thing is how blatant he makes it.
How likely am I to be banned if I buy 20m on a smallish server?
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That they do..
here's a you anon
Like a 1% chance, SE doesn't give a shit unless you make it real obvious walking around telling everyone you buy gil
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If you were going to introduce someone to FFXIV's OST, what are the top 3 tracks you would show them? :3
Those are my honest opinions of you. If you want to disregard them that's fine, there's no obligation for you to listen to me.
Ul'dah night music
>The difference between the two has become largely philosophical.

Please, spare me your tumblr-tier 'philosophical' reasoning and use it elsewhere. The difference between them isn't a choice of some bullshit 'philosophy,' it's numbers and math.

The difference between DPS buffs/mitigation and stronger heals are not the same thing. WHM may have stronger heals over AST, but that doesn't necessarily mean it equates to the same positive level as AST's DPS contributions over WHM.

DPS, in any form, is always more valued than excessing and unnecessary healing. One is more of a boon than the other is. A 30/40s trick attack coupled with more abilities and times to heal less and DPS more is more of a bonus than just raw healing.

There are seldom few areas where Cure III is necessary, let alone a massive benefit. The only one I can think of is in A8S for J-waves/J-kicks. Cure III is not a massive enough benefit in 90% of situations to justify bringing over Balance.

If you genuinely believe people are 'shrugging' at this I invite you to explore the vast other areas where people are discussing this right now, because this is the only place people are seemingly implying that AST still isn't going to be topping over WHM in some form.
Good list, will send him those tracks in that order.
I said 3, shortestmongolian.
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whats wrong with you.................................................................................................................
is this new pasta? because i didnt read it
Thordan, shiva, ravana
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.................now just a final lense

Sorry for blogging
I'm sorry kiss-chan, that was the only good one I could remember
Nah, not in that order, talldude. Make sure to send him Fiend first. It doesn't matter what order the you send him the other two.
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i don't know anymore.................................................................................................................
i just don't understand it.................................................................................................................
Snowcloak, t12, brayflox HM
maybe if you're trying to put him to sleep with a lovely lullaby
Good point tallestman, Fiend should definitely come before Fiend and Fiend. I'll take your advice on this one.
It's okay, shortman. /hug
>Meria losing her mind
fuck off velvet
those fights have more than one song, mind being more specific.

I'd just link em a video of the fight with the music.
I guess that's fair, selflessness is a matter of perspective
>not a name fag
>not avatar fagging
>blogging about the game
Feel free to do it again.
So who's the AST shill this time again, Contagin or Black Owned tranny?
>tfw you attentionwhore anonymously because you don't want anyone to know how lonely you are and how much you really need it
I wish someone would notice me...
>ast shitposting hour, except this time asts have a reason to shitposts and whms are in full damage control

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I'm not a lizard girl anon and now is not the time to attach my name to something so stupid as farming easy shitty content through DF.
Where is the install path for the standard client? Attempting to google for the answer returned page after page of steam help or questions pertaining to changing the install path, nothing actually related to where the game is in the first place. I checked program files but didn't see it there. I know for a fact the game is still hiding somewhere on my SSD.
>people dont realize AST still wont replace WHM because theyre only better if they get extremely lucky with cards
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.it's lonely in hell
>This delusion and denial.

Keep telling yourself that, maybe you can find a place in a casual friendly static. :^)
I'd notice you... if you liked miqote...
That benefit only exists if you draw the right cards, and that's doubly true for an expanded balance. Every card you draw isn't going to be a balance. Which is now the only card that matters aside from arrow on a blm, and ewer/spire to expand the balance you will be constantly fishing for. What happens when you draw nothing but spears and spires? Can you mathematically demonstrate for me that Expanded Balance will always be drawn in a fight (other than the pull, because the AST will have it going in)? How about just balance? There's a good likelihood of both, but it's not assured. Like I said I would opt to gamble. My group is running AST. I think it's a fun job to play. I don't think you can flat out claim it's better than WHM when its advantage is wholly dependent on drawing the right cards. Because it has a good chance of drawing the right cards and because of all the other buffs its gotten lots of people are going to use it in place of a WHM.

Crowing about this like some WWE pay per view announcer isn't warranted. That was my point all along. All 3 healers are fine.
They said this last time. The problem isnt damage contribution its healing and their healing cant keep up with WHM.
What all can you do with a free trial? Thinking of trying this game out. How's the end game? Any raids/hard dungeons?
go away, aweiner
I like them...
>implying WHM players can even stay awake during raids
>maybe you can find a place in a casual friendly static.
That's funny coming from someone defending AST.
Can't wait for your damage control when world first has no AST again.
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Doesn't lewd
No everything here is easy go back to mythic raiding in wow.
>tfw will never be eb'd

You don't know my hell.
I can't wait to flex on some kids in 3.4
Yeah being a flaming homosexual must suck
I've played WoW since about early BC and I'm so worn down on the characters / settings / enviroment I'm just looking for something new.
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You can get to level 35 (I think?) with any/all classes and jobs other than the expansion-restricted jobs in the free trial, which gives you a good idea of what the gameplay is like. The end game is fun (imo) but very linear in regards to gear progression and content. There are raids (with normal and "savage" modes) and dungeons, though the dungeons are focused on casual players for the most part. The raids and certain extreme "trials" (which are basically just a boss fight with no other fluff going on) can be moderately to extremely difficult. There's a good balance of soft, mid and hardcore content I feel, though midcore content is where the game is most lacking.
This is the exact same thing but final fantasy aesthetic with fewer instances but more frequent updates
how do you clear focus in this game? /clearfocus isn't' working
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Bole is pretty good now too, keep that in mind, spear is as hard to use as ever and not as rewarding, maybe you can ewer your WHM for them to do more dps while you heal, spire is useless for most groups unless trimelee + mch from what I can see (assuming the fight is a giant target dummy for a long period), basically royal road/redraw spears and spires almost all the time, save bole if upcoming mechanic since 20% (I can never see the 30% bole being necessary) plus the mitigation it offers is reduced on already high-defense targets

I was talking about what you can do with bole is toss it on your mt, and have them tank without their defensive stance on since its basically the same thing, so its a dps increase on tank in a way

There's a handful of tricky ways to use AST that people aren't thinking of, yoshi commented that AST was already scary as is in the hands of a good player, but the average player on it is awful so they just gave it buffs to make the average player competitive with average players from the other two healers
You can play until level 35 on any number of classes (a single character can cap on all combat classes as well as crafters and gatherers), which is actually quite a bit.

Here's the full details on limitations:


>end game
it's pretty meh. Final tier of the expansion's raid releases in 4 days

>hard dungeons
the difficulty with group content in this game is finding 7 other people with their heads screwed on straight. It is an easy game, and even the endgame raids are pretty intuitive and easy to learn, but being the most casual friendly MMO on the market isn't always a good thing.

Being an FF game, it is pretty heavy on the story (which is nothing amazing imo, but not bad either). Expect plenty of cutscenes.
wtf... that's not my name...

Do you...?
Want to meet up...?
>AST will be meta this time i swear!!

This is getting old. Every time AST gets buffed(it's happened four (4) times now), they never shut up about how the meta will change until the patch actually hits. And then it never actually does aside from WHM's switching post prog so they can perpetuate fflogs cancer.

I'm not saying AST is useless or anything, they've received more than enough buffs to validate bringing one, just don't expect to have any real advantages over SCH x WHM if you plan on min/maxing.
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>ywn find the perfect EB
You'll never know how my hell burns.
i still owe you gil
if you use a keybind, untarget and use the keybind

i imagine it works the same for the slash command to set your focus
>ywn step foot in any kind of end game contet while it's relevant
how do I stop being a shitter..
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I'm going to add some fuel to the AST fire but is AST going to be a good healer now in PvP or has it always been great in PvP and I'm just a baddy? I haven't touched PvP in a while and I'm thinking about getting into it again. I'm probably going to drop SCH anyways for WHM because WHM healing > all and my SCH dps is shit.
i want to macro it to my mouse

i cant find a command and i've tried a shit load of things, theres also no clear focus command on the wikis command list. I have focus target and target focus set up as well as my fairy focus macro, i just want to be able to clear it so it's not on my screen when i dont need it to be
press esc
>Hackjob player listens to hackjob producer
>Only actively plays DRG and thinks he knows shit on a class he only theorycrafts and bandwagons
oki sonny
So I dont get this lore and gear change for 3.4. Im capped on lore right now. Should I still spend it all on gear if I need it to upgrade, or will lore gear become cheaper or easier and should I save it for something else? Ive got two alts that need gear badly.
I never noticed your scar before. How'd you get it?
who the fuck is going to rely on bole for mitigation

"Don't worry tank-sama I got you... Shit spear again"

And nobody is going to hold it because they will be holding balance 24/7
Ciele post.
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Literally what's stopping you from stepping foot into A9S when it releases?

They probably chose the option for scar in the character creator.
Lore gear will probably become cheaper with the patch. Might as well save it if you're at the weekly cap and not the total 2000/2000 cap.
>or has it always been great in PvP and I'm just a baddy?
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>"eternal" bond
Card "hold" duration is 30 seconds. if you get a bad redraw or something you can hold onto it for 30 seconds without using the actual hold thing for the redraw and then for the I cant shit
AST has always been good at pvp
Save it, you'll have time to spend it post patch and then convert your eso.
i want to clear focus, not focus someone.
Yes, please...
I'll be at Northern Thanalan ( 20.8 , 21.0 )

This anon beat me to it. >>155574909
Thanks smart ass. I meant their IC reason.
Don't listen to that guy, he's a fag. The trial will let you get up to level 30.
if you have no one targeted and use the bind again it will clear your focus
Please respond.
>I can't shit
I'm so sorry...
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what kind of c0mputer is this . .
Who's Ciele
That's great and all but you're still at the mercy of card rng, so it's fruitless to theory craft with "what ifs"
AST was the PvP healer for awhile, then people realized sleep was broken, and now they nerfed sleep and buffed AST so...
I figured since they are great bullies with their instant shields and mobility that comes with it. I haven't touched PvP for months now so I'm just wondering with all the ast tweaks in PvP.
want a new one?
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It's okay. I've never been EBed and probably never will either...
eb me :3
iirc the patch notes mentioned AST buffs being toned down/not applicable in PVP scenarios.
You would have to have a balance actually held, then let bole sit for 30s on the off-chance it would be useful, then draw a spire or ewer to expand your balance-- unless you're putting regular balance on a sole dps-- which you might do in a pug group but I am not sure that's best in a skilled group where everyone is doing good damage now

Using your actual hold skill for the bole means that your stuck putting a regular balance on a single dps if you draw it because of the cooldown from using the held card

It's not reliable, and tanks won't plan around receiving a bole
you're funny....
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Does lewd
Attacked with a shiv when I was a wee c@
>no eb
I lovre Elk.
>he didn't eb awena
>IC reason
Hahaha that's fucking rich
Want to eb?
I have no real experience raiding so no one wants me in their static.. I've asked like 7 different people in the last week
probably not

Does anybody know who this is?
It's a dps increase if your tank can drop tank stance because they have bole on them, and it's just another thing to think about that you do if the opportunity arises

It's not as much of an automatic royal road as it use to be, and with spread to 30 you can hold it for a little like >>155574958 said

That increases the useful cards to potentially 4/6, 3/6 if ewer is undesirable

thats just up to how you play ast though, if you drop bole theres less damage going out so you should be able to dps more/the tank should be able to dps more.

obviously a spread balance especially at a good time is most desirable, but I also wouldn't hold balance in some cases either (like tossing it on a mch about to wildfire)
Some of them are some of them aren't. The card buffs aren't applicable in PvP but all the other buffs are.
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>3 Phase selection removed from Raid Finder in 3.4
>2 phase selection "First Phase" and "Last Phase"


You whould assault such a beautiful creature? And as a child no less...
How can I fuck Elk?
The thing is, there's no problem with it in Japan. They use it just fine for their weekly clear, A8S included.

It's westerns who don't understand raid finder itself.
It's working well for A5-8S weekly clears at Japan. Amerifats and Yuropoors are just that bad with this game LMAO.
I want to tickle Krile!
you cant
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When the cloud blows off
d-don't lewd..
It woke up.
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The problem is its design flaw at the core, in Japan

You are allowed to queue for third/second phase completion even if you haven't actually seen the phase

In proper terms: the FF14 playerbase has proven itself to be mentally retarded and can't think for themselves. You can't give them a tool like Raid Finder which requires you to actually think to use it properly

Instead, the tool should automatically determine your matchmaking pool based on how much experience you actually have in the fight

>See the boss get to mid phase at least 5 times unlocks Mid Phase practice
>See the boss get to final phase at least 5 times unlocks Final Phase practice

of course, Yoshida has proven too mentaly retarded to understand this.
Thanks for the heads up, dude. I missed that post.
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be a sexy man
I know who you are and I want to rub your butt.
xhamster is an odd place for an account like this
It's too bad this wouldn't happen because people would literally complain that they can't skip ahead. It's the same reason they won't make a SSS clear required to enter savage content as DPS because people would cry that it's unfair.
there's a surprising amount of video game porn on xhamster
>at least 5 times
see the thing is not everybody is as dogshit as you

not everyone needs to do a phase of a fight in the most handicap accessible video game 5 times to understand it

so youre just holding back decent people and they wont use the raid finder if you do that, which will make it even worse than it is now
Why would he?
You people realize that "M-MUH RNG" is not a definitive counterargument against AST's buffs anymore, right? You can draw a card every 30s, and in that 30s, thanks to the new buffs, you now have a 33% chance to get a Balance, every singe time now that Redraw is available every 30s.

That also means a 33% chance for Arrow, and every other card. "MUH RNG" is not a factor like it once was. It's become towards the opposite end of the spectrum that now your cards are so reliable that there's very minimal instances where it fucks you over. You can find a way to use a card in every instance.
Not really. There are a fuckload of people doing it. Mostly because there are a fuckload of perverts willing to give character tributes.
How do I convince Aranea to be my mistress?
Well SSS is a little weird, for healers at least.
I have healed A8S on my i220 WHM alt (i240 weapon) but can't for the life of me kill the A8S SSS dummy on said alt.
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>palace of the dead
>join in as LNC to level
>look at party
>no healers
>mfw I'm the only one that had protect, cure, and raise unlocked
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>It's working well for A5-8S weekly clears at Japan. Amerifats and Yuropoors are just that bad with this game LMAO.

If Yoshida put me in charge of Endgame, here's what I would do:


STEP 1.) Unlock the quest

>Clear story-mode version of raid
>New quest marker appears to unlock Savage
>Savage quest is -NOT- a simple turn-in that unlocks savage in 10 seconds, and instead has actual content
>One of the objectives of the quest to unlock savage is to beat the stone,sky,sea dummy
>The second objective is another instance, a version of Beginner's Trial called Master Trial to make sure you know your role.
>Savage trial unlocks for that ROLE ONLY. (Dps, Tank, Healer). To enter savage on a different role you have to re-unlock the trial for that role

STEP 2.) Matchmaking system

>Each trial measures your progress in grades. 25% (Bronze Medal), 50% (Silver Medal), 75% (Gold Medal), 100% (Ribbon)
>The matchmaking will ONLY match you with players of similar fight experience
>None of this 'practice second phase' bullshit

Bam. Endgame is fixed. There is no longer any issue with Savage raid progression on western servers. This literally FIXES all problems with Endgame.

Go ahead, try to challenge my idea. I'll wait.
give him attention
were the other players on jobs or classes?
It is though because it can still fuck you over, minimal or not. Healing optimization is all about memorization and planning ahead. AST cards are still too dynamic to favor this.

Yes, but I said required as a DPS.
Seriously, just ask
>Endgame is fixed
No, you just made it incredibly annoying to unlock for anyone that's already competent.

And what exactly does the barrier of entry fix anyway? Shitters will either forever be stuck in their A5S 1chest PFs, not not be allowed in at all. I really don't see the difference.
Your Western playerbase now whines that you made it too difficult to get into raiding and threaten to unsub and send your game under

alternatively you catered only to the top group of players and by doing so have imbalanced your staff into where there may be a content drought that the overall playerbase complains about losing revenue (or something along those lines)
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Classes. Just when you think you can stop playing healers and get in some DPS, this shit happens.
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who is online rn. i'm bored af.
>has cure
>no investment in mind
As a BLM with physick, it's worth literlly nothing. Protect and raise is good though.
>Unlocks roll only
Please never get into the industry
REAL NEW OP. With 3.4 notes and not fucked up previous thread
You may need to do a specific cast order or opener like you were playing a dps job, just hard casting your dots and then doing some PoM stones may not cut it.

I've never tried the a8s dummy as WHM but maybe try a swiftcast aero III opener. Watch a video of someone clearing it and copy their cast order
fuck off with your thread-wars retard
literally no one looks at the OP after the initial post
is there any more of ffxiv?
All I can find are shitty WoW tributes
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