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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 244

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>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

Previous Thread:
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i need lalafell
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nyanning for Aesthetic
I'm some kind of inside out nipple gargling retard, does anybody have an appraisal guide? I can't for the life of me figure out how any of this shit works outside of fishing.
Slay all grown men.
Just a reminder that if you want to get into this game you have to sit for 3+ hours in the queue for gated forced group content to advance in the story and raiding
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she's dead boys
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What server/datacenter are you on, queerboi?
What are you queued for and what server??
You mean this shit?
Who the fuck are you?
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Is my blm glamour generic enough for you
holy shit I didn't think size difference between midlander female and male au ra was that big
kinda hot
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i am depressed though
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Hows youre day xivg? Did you get anything done

>also post blonde cats
>xD guys 2HOU!!!
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Nah. Do your research before making dumb suggestions.

I'm still trying to figure out where you got this obsession with "open robes" from since they've historically never worn such a thing. And they've almost never worn white leggings either.

I think we're done here.
Yeah, dunno why you bothered to be honest. At least TRY to make something original.
You went from Elezen to this? Guess you really are thirsty. Not worth helping if you want to look generic as fuck.
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What do you mean to 'this?' Im just trying out all the male races to see whats cool and hip.
this is amber's shitposting genre today
5/10. Hard to judge it because a good outfit can save a bad face and a bad outfit can ruin a good face.

Great. already making people asshurt with it, I love it
>le puppet master
>Pick edgy dragon man race
>Try to make him the most normal dude possible
>I think we're done here.
Didnt you just say something about cringy fedora tipping stuff before and you go on to say something like that?

You can shit your pants until the stench makes me go away but the sad truth is if you go out with a red robe no one will ever get that you are a Red Mage. You will be some lizard dude in a red dress.

Find a better outfit, plain and simple.
About to cap red scrips
Ready to raid tonight

Hopefully can clear A6S.
I don't really have a specific example for this sort of thing because I'm only level 52, and this shit happens largely because of iLv bloat. So it's probably just me worrying over nothing.

But say during leviathan when the adds pop up. They're running all over the place, not grouped up at all, and they each take a few seconds to kill but not long enough to set up on them. It's really damn annoying because I'm not sure what I could be doing to increase my damage (using shadow fang for example) until the opportunity for such has elapsed. And if I take a gamble and set up DE/SF/MUT/etc. lol it actually had no HP and explodes 2 seconds after.

If ninja gets a new skill in 4.0 I hope it's like SMNs tridisaster and just instantly applies everything to a mob.
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Different nose and you'll be good
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lewd acts in wedding dresses
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Or perhaps a bland Miqote?
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>tfw master orders you to finger yourself while he is away for dinner
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Just try to only use direct damage skills on the adds

Refresh your DoTs on the boss, go to the add, Spinning, Gust, Aeolian with whatever off GCDs are up, then get back to boss

Not 100% efficient, but better than a DoT that'll be wasted instantly

This was what I actually spent a fanta on in early 3.0, the default nose is far too short and didn't see it until I got ingame
It doesn't become too much of an issue later. You eventually learn how fast adds die in a fight. And even if they do end up taking forever to die, it's 9 times out of 10 still safer to katon over doton.
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>not trying to make an edgy dragon with the edgy dragon race
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Can people just post cute cats in wedding dresses instead?
Why does everything need to be lewd?
>not wanting to look like shit
Go figure, not everybody thinks like you.
My day has been shit, got nothing done and wasted half of my gil on crafting materials. Was gonna plan around being able to spend more time with my EB but they just want to be alone instead, so I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep.

Sorry, friend. No blonde cats on hand ;_;
Can I make something like this for BLM? I wanna use pieces of that set to make like a plate battlemage kind of setup.
Fuck the haters, Marisa glamour is great.
Now do PC-98 Marisa
this was her reply to please rap
avoid gnome girl at all costs
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Tomorrow will be better friendo.
You can use those pieces from moonfire faire but the helmet and gauntlets featured there are MNK and MCH I think.
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Wish someone would meow just for me...
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>nose is far too short
I don't know why it's like this for literally 90% of the fucking noses in the game
There's always like one longer one and it's the only one that doesn't make you look retarded af
I'm just in a lewd mood.
11/10 glamour would marry and craft everything for only to have my book stolen
do you think K.T. will resub for 3.4...?
anyone want to listen to whiny sadboy music and play games together....
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>not wanting to look like shit
>not everybody thinks like you
Apparently they do judging by the contents of the thread.
Stared at a wall for a few hours contemplating suicide. Did some content. S'about all
Okay cool.
Thanks again.

And I'll definitely use Katon from now on unless I know the tank because I am sick to fucking death of dropping a Kassatsud Doton only for the tank to dodge an AoE, ruining the positioning, and then not bothering to fix it.

Next thing I need to work on is my cooldown usage. I keep forgetting to hit B4B/IR when they're off CD.
Post your terrible highlander again, made me laugh last time you went around talkin shit and I think it will this time too.
Gloves and helmet are made with PvP MCH gear. So if you wanted to do something similar you'd have to see what BLM specific stuff there is you could use.

But they still tend to stick to the "SILLY HATS" rule of BLM if I recall correctly.

Tuh-tah-roo, not Tah-tah-roo.

I don't know what to believe anymore.
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And you, you should do a Hina glamour, as soon as they add more ribbons in to the game.
I do that too. Sometimes I want to load up 500 lbs on the bench press and let it fall on my neck.
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>I am sick to fucking death of dropping a Kassatsud Doton only for the tank to dodge an AoE, ruining the positioning, and then not bothering to fix it.
Yeah, that is the biggest reason why I don't use it sometimes even when I know I can get the full duration.
hmmm, just for you anon, i'll try to keep that in mind
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Much appreciated
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>confusing shitposting with talking shit
If you want a safespace look somewhere else.
Some people have other party members' effects turned off so they don't actually see the circle.
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>rejecting a gift without so much as a word and then walking away
I'm about to make some fucking popoto pancakes with your desecrated corpse you enlarged malignant tumor goblin.
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tuturu okarin
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>Have a Master
>would much rather be a slut whenever I feel like it instead of whenever he feels like it
How do I get my Master to ditch me?
tfw no lala gf (male)
Wanna know something worse?
>accepting a gift without so much as a word and then walking away
Explain yourself.
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Go away you shitty little malformed goblin
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Are there any outfits with sideboob?
blacklist him
Sadly no
Say your busy, be less attentive, ween him off you.

Or just flat out B-list him.
What if he tries to blackmail me? I don't think he comes to this general but I still don't want to be blackmailed
>pissed off someone declined their collar trade
>associating a dark souls image with this level of faggotry
if ur truly a slut u wont care about the blackmail
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Like this?
then take whatever he'll blackmail you with and roll with it. You did it, own it and it becomes a nonissue.
I go around giving out minions, coblyn larva/Kidragoras to random people, usually sprouts and then leave.
Sometimes they already have the minion, normally they accept it, usually they emote back and thank me. Occasionally they're idle for 20 minutes then I leave and rarely they cancel the trade and walk away.

Don't treat me like one of your degenerate thread celebrities Mr. Mememagic aether licker
I have irl friends who play this game with me and I do this stuff on the DL
>degenerate thread celebrities
>makes a psychotic post on 4chan about someone rejecting their trade
You fit the bill, m8.
daily struggles of meria
senpai if they're really your friends then if it comes up they wont give a shit.
did you try explaining that to them?

If they can't grasp the idea then they're somewhat of a shit owner.
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Fuck off stop replying to me you're upsetting me get out eat eat a shoe
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Here ya go, hope I'm not too late! And I've been doing all my roulettes for the day...then later maybe run void ark and then put a PF up to find a DRG for muh static.


Ahiya Kiss, did you do A5n/A8n yet?

Maybe the Flames GC armor? Just a little bit? I know the skirt is pretty lewd.
seto x neko best otp
Yeah, he told me he wouldn't out me, but I don't know how he'd react if I just blacklisted them
>list of things to do today
>go out eat eat a shoe: CHECK
>upset anon
Wtb a shirou shoulder turret/shoulder tank
You should kill yourself, worthless trash.
True friends at most would maybe be a bit wierded out or give you crap about it. People who'd drop you over it probably weren't really good friends to begin with.

I think the Flames Elite caster top has sideboob, some of the bikinis. Crafter cleavage tops have top half sideboob.
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>he told me he wouldn't out me
>taking someone's word for it
You fucked up.
Blonde cat best cat
Well I have a dick pic of his and he has no pictures of me so I could always counter blackmail if it came to it?
Except Neko just puts up with them
And Seto is just an unstable clingy psychopath
Why are you even asking here if you already know what to do?
Just blacklist him, then.
Stop making excuses and just do it.
or you could just try and talk to him about how you don't want to be his sub anymore and come to a mutual agreement.
post red's chubbo freckle cheeks
I wonder who this is about.
post red's chocobo cheeks
Do it in Novice Network as a Mentor then.
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>tfw people don't like my cute cat voice for cats
What's worse is giving someone something and then standing around waiting for a response. It's not genuine if you expect some gratification out of it.
Cute cat m8
Which voice did you pick?
>not knowing what all the cute cats from this thread look like

you disgust me
is red eb'd yet? any plans for it? need me a cute catboy husbando
Your cat looks like garbage.
tfw noone wants to lewd in wedding dress
not as unstable and clingy as me desu
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You excel at making shit looking characters.
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Thank you.
The best one.
AKA the one with the cute evil villain /chuckle. You should know the one.
Y-you too...
Probably the one with the awful combat noises because he's a meme-y retard.
>uncle berke
I'd lewd in a wedding dress...
>see these names in idyllshire
>"why do these names look familiar?"
>remember it's because some faggots kept saying them 100 times a thread on /xivg/
>somehow made an uglier version of sera's cat

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>sera cat

Go back to your old cat please.
>do my errands in idyllshire
>see a familiar name
>It's literally F'telor afking with some other who.
you can't say "sera's anything" on account of him fantasiaing almost literally every day of playing
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I think my cat is cute.
Do kids still say that? "Shove off?"
>F'telor afking with some other who
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Only if there are stockings and/or garterbelts involved.

I say 'shove off' every so often, Grandpa Phil.
can i make a cute loli in this game?
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My kind of treasure chest
>is a kid
>do kids still say "x"
You tell me, kiddo.
depends if you want a male to dom you...
My name's not Phil, Bill.
It's kill
go back to terag
cute cute new hairstyle
hm sure
Wait for Revelation.
>GM contacts you after being vote kicked
>Asks if my intentions were to harass players by telling them they were under performing
>I reply they were the ones harassing me by under performing
>3 day ban

Fuck this shit community
haven't seen this one in a while
I just leave groups that are bad now.
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Post your Friends List group titles.
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Oh I called you that since the main character on Hey Arnold! has a grandfather named Phil that often calls him "shortman".

It's not too bad, giving it a spin for a while!
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>those people who log in just to idle with each other infront of FC house
bit weird dont you think?
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Does anyone here like Au Ra
Male Au Ra
Does anyone here like {/pet}...
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I forgot his name was Phil.
I guess that is my name afterall.
I'm Phil now.
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Why is this lizard always in this post facing different directions? Is it a meme? Are you trying to start a fight? Do you need to use the washroom real bad?
They're ERPing
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i don't get what you mean

Would you rather your FC house be dead and have no one around or inside it?
Which ward are you planning on getting an apartment in?
Best theme in the game or what?
I'd rather have a few active people than a shitload of inactive people.
The Goblet
One that has available space.
I mean if you just log in to sit with your beau without talking in fc chat you might as well not be online?
It's alright, it's a bit uhhh, I don't know something about it is missing. This probably is a better theme albeit not necessarily the best.
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>Not T9 Theme
Which ward is A'wena's house in? I love A'wena!
T9 is good too yes, but I've listened to that so many times that I've grown bored of it.
So my link is the current factual best-song-in-the-game.
everyone wants to eb red including midgardsormr

I'm going to factually tug on your tail if you keep this up
>tfw max rank medium house maxed airship fc with no members except my handful of personal friends

I know houses don't really matter but is there a good way to recruit normies without being the type of desperate loser who shouts advertisements in every zone or knee-jerk invites anyone without a tag? What do people want out of a free company?
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i want that too

the irony of this coming from an xivg poster is palpable
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Hello from Costa del Sol!
You could always set up a Party Finder for it, couldn't you? Not the most efficient way but certainly the less obtrusive one.
>remember someone wanting me to change my hair to another
>makes me want to change hair again because I like that hair as much as the one I have one
>I can feel the spiral of spending trying to begin
Do people actually consider those? I'll have to try it, then.
You're factually incorrect.
Is better, and it isn't even the best.
100% genuine cute.
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>What do people want out of a free company?
A place to bitch about shitters, share bantz without having to worry about people's feelings getting me reported, do dumb but fun shit with, a place to be surrounded by competent players, with access to buffs and other crafters to scratch my back in exchange for scratching their back, etc.
I do not want a place that accepts players of all skill levels and is a safe and family friendly environment. I don't do things on the Internet to be reminded of the way the outside world works.
They might not but short of going out there and screaming to anyone who might listen or sending invites out to FC-less people it might be the only way to get the word out.
It's only a couple thousand gil anon

That is one of my favorites as well.
I want Kaori to step on me...
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Rise of the White Raven is overrated. Answers is where it's at.
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I love Tumbling Down and all, but most of the time these days I'm in the mood for.. more relaxed themes, rather than ultra-super-dragonforce battle themes.
I'm getting old.
Hint: You know who I am and probably how much I change and spend on shit when i get going.
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I love to sit on the beach and stare at the sun!
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>I'm getting old.
best you're getting

Can I boost you into a super move all throw'ing lala weapon style?
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It feels kind of strange being older than 99% of this general's population, despite being so young.
All my friends are playing WoW what nerds
>Older than 99% of this general's population
>it feels strange
Because it's inaccurate. You're the same age as the rest of these reprobates.
The hand being distorted by the water made me laugh cause it reminded me of all the Japanese art of cute girls out there that stop being cute the moment you see their foot or hand is a poorly proportioned club and you can never go back.
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>would have had 2 tier 3 old world figs
>fucked up and didn't have collect on when I clicked
>only got one
So this is....the power of....being a fuck up.........
I'm here for the catboy sluts.
Kidnap their pets and blackmail them
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Don't worry, shortmen. Age isn't everything. You'll grow up big and strong like daddy Kiss some day!
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Does anyone here like Midlanders...

What server?
We don't really have that many here, sorry.
what if i'm a pure catboy
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The sun is going to sleep now! Goodbye sun, see you next time!
>Big and strong

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>the irony of this coming from an xivg poster is palpable
As you sit in the thread when you don't even play the game. How pathetic are you?
I love midlanders
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Yeah, sure can't wait to have some scoliosis teen pissed off at me for ERP.
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Pretty sure I could beat you up IRL and online, manlet.
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Fishing is nice, especially with a nice breeze going.
tfw you'll never be amber's personal pissjug
Who is this blonde boyelf
Does anyone know where I can spend Real American Dollars for Final Fantasy XIV Gil? Please reply with your character name.
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nope, additional shirou's are sold seperately

you make it sound worse than it is really, i just check back every now and again when i'm bored not playing a game
se pls go
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Fishing is nice in everything.
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My best attempt at capturing the appearance of Kira Yoshikage.
What's the FC name?
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Why bother? What point is there in doing that?
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It's not nice in monsoon season, though perhaps afterward.
[blue catgirl noises]
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Gear Chronicle...
Just nail everything down so it doesn't blow away and don't look up with your mouth open.
>family name first
Mah nigga.
yeah i really could use some warm piss right now im cold and too poor to pay heat
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the same could be asked of you, couldn't it
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filling my poopbox.png
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Where's Amber?
I miss her...
Drop your trip and there they are.
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I've been told that Ul'dah is a cold, hard city. So I came prepared!
Think I beat him to that.
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Hi :3

drug coma desu
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are you sure about that F
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>no gauntlets or helmet for the 'hard'
Apply yourself.
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I've even managed to nab the name on Excalibur.

Fair enough.
yes, V i mean S
server/marital status/sexual preference
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My coat is soft enough to counter any hardness.
What zone is the best to farm this stupid thing's legendary medals
Central Shroud. It sucks.
I see gods' grip parties in PF from time to time, so you might try there

it's the area in LLN near the aetheryte
North Urinal
*lays out fish bait*
>2 whole commies
Why is Minfilia such a liability?
She's dead.
>try to finally get head from the recommended list
>pick up an elf named lolihill or some shit
>he sucks (not even literally :/)
i was actually laying it out for, Red...
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Is he our guy? Does he represent Balmung and xivg?
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Anyone up for some A5N & A6N?
I'm bored and learning to tank and etc..
>ast lore pants
I am become disco inferno, destroyer of dance floors
>sees commendation
OwO what's this?
>not Yafaemi
Do you even /disco/?
arent those the healer yafaemi? you noober
those are lore you idiot
he represents the world
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They're okay.
What are those broken url people add to their lodestones used for?
Guildworks, iirc.
Usually links to other sites to verify they own the character. FFlogs uses it, among others.
Post an example
Post some far out jammin' hipcool music for groovin' youngsters such as myself to grind mindlessly to.

I'll start.
Slow thread, post cute stuff.
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So you're telling me if I go into POTD I could theoretically level a class from 30-60 there myself or in a group without any real gear right?
post midlanders for pumping purposes~!
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Exp gain rate is horrible. Not worth it.

I wanted POTD to be an alternative to fates and dungeons, but it isn't.
pump a shotgun into your suicide
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This looks like some cuckold shit.
if it were cuckold shit the miqo'te would be the one watching in the background, not the highlander.
Yes, but the xp gains suck post-50. We're talking a full 1-50 run for a level and a half, tops.
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the miqo'te girl in the background


Nothing can beat this for the sole reason that everytime it plays, anybody who did Binding Coil when it was relevant will think of it and shiver in fear.
That would be most appropriate for ffxiv. Especially with a catboy.
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>doing twintania with shit gear and broken twisters

Never again
>casually browse other generals
>as of -right now- this one is the worst
>the ratio of images to anon posts is totally fucked up here; avatarfags everywhere, little to no game related content

triumph, ffxivg
>twintania with hills will never come back
>height error mechanic making floor tiles less than a foot higher or lower
>not even high enough to force a jump
d-don't post images on an imageboard you fags!!!!
we're in the last 2 weeks of an odd patch
what do you expect
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o ya that's what i said yafaemi
>worse than TERA general
Okay, anon.
why are you dressing up like y'mithra?
weak bait
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post sexy males
Hydaelyn a shit

That's you. I suggest going back to redidit or whatever other shitty non-image based website you came from if images trigger you so badly.
>the ratio of images to anon posts is totally fucked up here
That's not the reason we're the worst general, though. And on that point we're way better off than we were like 1.5 years ago, when we used to almost always hit image cap before the thread ended. I can't remember the last time that's happened since then
>implying shana or ada won't complain again on the release of 3.4 that the "thread is shit" because it talks about the game instead of pixel asses
>casually browse other generals
If I casually browsed /xivg/ once I would think it was an kay place.
You don't know something is cancer unless you experience it for a while.
Besides it's a fucking image board for an mmo, images make up 90% of the game
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Brother are you well?
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That's roughly on par with running at-level dungeons, once you've blown through your roulette bonuses.
Post art of your character that you've had commissioned/gifted.
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who here A E S T H E T I C
>the old days
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Smug catboi.jpg
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Velvet if you are here get on steam
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Post unique glamours
post cats
post collars
>ywn be collared by Worthless Trash
post lizards
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I'm so happy with this picture I got done, it's everything I wanted.
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Of course the bitch would take this bait. Of course.
Nah that would be this right here.


not just for the memes, I legitimately enjoy this song.
FAS team assemble!
That song that plays in the area before Nidhogg in Final Steps. Is that like a full distinct song or just phase one of his theme?
These two are the best themes, but the best part about WoD theme 1 is how it transitions into Battle Theme. Both those themes = best theme
Can you give the artists name? I really like their style and shading!
It's a full song.

Not to sound like an ass but... how do you not know?
I forgot. Never really been into the music.
yeah koata is a pretty big fuccboi heh...
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Come to the bench in the next 20 mins if you want an ass kicking.
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if batches coming to the thread counts.
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Best FFXIV song, btw.
And by song I mean actual musical piece with vocals and lyrics.
Ah, a legit reason.

It has vocals and lyrics
Yes, that is what I said, shortman.
What happens when an Au Ra and a lalafell Eternal Bond?
This is a serious improvement. Good job Selzh.
Yeah, I totally miss read what you said.
Pardon my stupidity.
I would, but it's my only non-lewd one.
they are ebd
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Thanks, batchesanon.
do they even post anymore
they posted yesterday i believe
oh ok cool
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naka bp.gif
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what did bun mean by this
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>don't have enough gathering for HQ adamantite apparently
Haha great back to sucking off fish for scrips again
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Does old free stuff count
How does PotD work?
This "artist" needs to have his fingers amputated
Is it wrong that I can tell theyre mouthing "boy pussy" ?
>The adam's apple.

There's your first problem/
You do the thing, try not to fall asleep and for doing the thing you get Aetherpool enhancement RNG and completion gil and exp
that just means you have eyes
where is midan metal knuckles
For drawing a thing anon doesn't like
My arthritis ridden epileptic grandfather could draw better under strobe lights.
anon should stop browsing the internet if pictures hurt his feelings that much
But why are you this mad though?
Sorry we can't all buy gil sendpies, some of us want to earn moeny
post your art
>if they're known to the thread they're ugly
Much like your parents i assure you, I'm not mad, just disappointed.
I don't want to buy all my mats, I want to get them myself.
>anon is this mad over somebody drawing something for somebody else on the internet
Shouldn't it be his grandfather's art that gets posted? It's only fair
I meant that you're talking about gettign HQ with gathering. You mean perception?
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second rate friend
tfw no one ever draws you
The node said something like
>gathering less than 564 HQ chance 0%
It was my first time going to this node so I dunno if this happens everytime or not but it takes a while to pop
ugly character probably
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tfw selzh will never hug you
mittoinelle's tail fucked orifices
get help and/or kys
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give me regan back
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I got my eyes drawn somewhat recently. Not sure if they ever did more of it, but it's still pretty amazing.
thats because you're not on balmung.
yes they are you idiot
But I am... ;_;...
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I have a commission in progress as well, and will possibly be getting another if I can ever decide what I want.
where are you rn?
sameface is real; cut the fingers of that "artist"
it was either a bonus that you weren't meeting, or there are requirements that i was not aware of. One of us is retarded.
I am willing to bet it's me though.
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>person only has healing jobs leveled

Basically confirmed for girl, right?
In your arms, Selzhypoo...
same saltfag
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maybe we both are
Either way I'll just grind scrips and get a foil for some new gear
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Are you one of the tailfuckers?
meant for
ilu selzh pls make me yours
get help and/or kys
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*draws like shit*
Keep it up champ, make sure her holes never close up.
>won't respond to anybody but will get mad about art for people
Nah you mad. Go take a shower and go outside, loser.
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Crystal Sage.png
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Behold superior unrelated art.
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get help and/or kys
If we're judging on time/effort this piece is vastly superior
Okay cringe-anon, now I know you're one of my friends, you've betrayed yourself to me.
how big is your cock
>ywn have a gf
>ywn be someone's lala gf (male)
I'm not cringeanon, I'm falseflag cringeanon.
Shit, foiled again.
Who is this though?
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>tfw I have a gf
If you're friendly, anybody can make a Good Friend
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>big brown scary /fit/izen

Yeah I doubt it.
does this succubus(male) like muscle catgirls..... .. ..... ... ?
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ss (2016-08-11 at 12.29.49).jpg
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I only like daffodils.
Hi elk. How was your day?
disgusting on every level
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ready for my patch now
oh.. . . .. ..... ...
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Yeah dude, go ahead and suck their dick, it won't be gay
Sell me your house.
...Woah~! =O
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When did you get so cute?
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and muscle catgirls
You should get some sleep then. Don't let it snowball. make an alt somewhere so i can hug you occasionally or maybe just once
You mean generic and shitty.
what is the guy saying there?
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he's basically the female body inspector.
i already slept most of the day
he's a bodice assessor and the catgirl is asking him what his assessment is
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doki doki.gif
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wait wait wait. miqo'te DON'T mate with others outside of their clans though.
>he responds to the same post with 2 characters

Are you this desperate to become an ebin?
samefag samefag samefag

chemo chemo chemo

bait bait bait

paks paks paks
Yesterday I guess. ;_;
>"600 dps"
>linking midan chests this close to the patch like it means anything

How classy of you.
Then watch a movie or something on Netflix. Whatever gets your mind off of it. Take a walk.
The guy isn't a miqo'te

>females don't engage in coitus outside their clans
You should pay attention to flavor text more.
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are you saying we're both not sexy males?
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(Sora) Madotsuki.jpg
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Most of the stuff involving my character has been posted here at some point or another most

Nya best duskwights
Lovely eye shadow.
Maybe you shouldn't be doing ARR-appropriate DPS then.
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I'm bored, does anyone want to do anything in-game or in some other shit game?
Shoot me a tell or add me on Steam, I don't really care either way.
show us on the striking dummy where the raider touched you, anon
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>That nose
>YWN hug, cuddle, and kiss this cat

>tfw this general turned me into a sociopath
>humblebragging shitty art

lmao avatarfags
>tfw ebins think they're sociopaths
Adorable, all of you, truly adorable.
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297KB, 900x852px
I miss em.
Thanks again.

reminds me of bayonetta
rose looks like shit desu senpai
You are going to get webbed.
Eat the spiders for them protein gains. Post more c@
Get a magazine, put on this and go to town
>elezen don't actually look like this

Really shouldn't have posed for that picture righr after getting beaten in the face with a shovel.
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1MB, 352x362px
Adorable! Would love to see some full lineart of Florentine.
Poor Elliot...
Been there, done that. Not happening again.
Also nyo.

Someone please play games with me and take my mind off of the evil lurking in my midst. ;_;
Yeah wassup.
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Sora does pretty good stuff.
Sadly it gets hard to communicate with them.

I agree with >>154895707
You still had a pretty baller elezen though.
When will Se finally reveal the strongest eikon is the WoL.
Go to sleep, theyll just crawl in your mouth.
Faggotrine is the worst.
Why do you try to force your hatred upon everyone
If elezen had that chin man.
I also wish to all gods out there that they had a better running/sprint animation.
why exactly do you hate florentine again?
Oiled Olivia leaves this thread now.

It goes to oil neko sentai.
>need Bowl of Embers (extreme) for glamour item
>but still need to do my daily duties
what do?
Wow that's really nice. Can i get a contact link?
>Sadly it gets hard to communicate with them.

Why is that?
persona forcing

I don't think english is the first language but I may be wrong.
It's soranamae. Just google it and you'll get plenty.
Not now. Getting knocked out soon and I can't be assed right now.

If they take a break, they will stay silent in my experience. I know someone who just got dropped and was never told.

hah i get that once or twice


but thats how i always look anon

i mean friend did a sketch ( i have a full version somewhere)
those comissions are fucking aweful.
My friend commissioned him more than once. Likes his style, that's why, but they won't recommend working with him to anyone.

He changes and adjusts things as he sees fit.
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>not even the person, but an artist's interpretation of a person is enough to trigger you

Okay m8, how does this make you feel? Fully exposed, without a trip.
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From what I hear they have a bit of an attitude, that and they are very picky on what they will/won't do.

This is very relevant to my interests (if you don't wanna share full that's okay)
sorry selzh they don't draw poopy
you'd probably like them more if they drew cats getting pissed on
hello former eb =)

does sucking a girl's penis make you gay?
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2MB, 1680x1050px
I was lying in bed trying to sleep once, many years ago. It was pitch black since I had no night light on, and I had a fan running, so I couldn't really hear any subtle sounds.

So as I'm lying there, half asleep, I feel something kind of.. brush up against the length of my arm. I thought it was just a dust bunny or a hair ball or something (I had 5 dogs at the time who all shed tons,) so I just kind of ignored it. Then I felt something touching my forehead and became super suspicious. I swatted at my forehead and got up to turn on my light. Once it was on, I saw this little arachnoid motherfucker crawl under my blanket and I nearly peed myself. I eventually managed to agitate it enough to get it to get out of my bed, after which it crawled onto my wall and was promptly killed.
The end.

I hate spiders.

who hurt you.
Both male and female would really improve on this alone.
>tfw want to get a commission but don't know what i want and lack social skills to even communicate
leave a like and hit that subscribe button
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Giant pussy scared of spiders.
>tfw this artist dropped my project.
Half a year of hopes crushed. The writing was 9.9/10 thankfully.
As someone who comes from the spider dimension-country I can relate to anyone who does not consider spiders their friend.
I am like you, except I got someone else who writes my emails, since I commission artists with one other person.
only boys have penises so a "girl" with a penis is actually a boy and sucking a boys penis is gay
yes it makes you gay
Link to full? I love some DP.
The fuck is "canon virginity"?
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Thanks for reminding me, I'm getting EB'd for the 4th time soon after patch 3.4 hits!
I hope you'll all attend, and I hope that I won't become widowed yet again.
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>tfw pure
>lewds being posted

Damn, would post my own, but I don't want to draw the ire of certain stalkers. Enjoy them if you find them, I suppose.
In roleplay, if your character is a virgin, it'd be them losing it.
The following are posting among us, without trip and unfiltered. Forcing their fetishes, creepiness and sexuality upon the general.

The Scat Diap
The Fecal Carbine
The Tyyne
The Gamemaster
The Slayer of the Manipulator
The Green Machine
The 'Cute' Girl
The Toes
The Femboy

Stay safe while posting. Do not trust anonymous friendly facade.
I'm assuming like your character is a virgin or some shit.
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>got the week off of 3.4
>Finally I'll have time to learn the fights before PF is full of "no bonus"
>realize I don't really have any raid experience prior to this

What do I do to prepare myself?
the fecal carbine is the best desu
Find a group for shit and just practice your class.
(exceptions to Miqo'tes and Au Ras)

I draw ONLY female characters

Prices start at 60$ for a portrait/bust up to 120$ for full body, per character, background included

This guy knows his audience. Only neckbeards playing fem miq or ra are that desperate.
??? it's a new fight, whether or nor you cleared some other difficult content wouldn't matter because it's not the same difficult content
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The DP scene is close to the end, if you wish to skip over the rest of the text/pictures.

I dunno what their deal is, I couldn't even get them to accept my money payment for mine after all this time. Love the writer so much though.
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whats honkin on in this thread anons?
It's strange. They've recently drawn a dranei and a wolf girl despite having that up.
Doesn't matter though, I would not recommend commissioning them any time close to a patch. I did, and they stopped working on mine for a couple of weeks without telling me because Midas came out. I'd not mind but I had already payed by this point and they said they'd take no more than 7 days. They took three weeks.
get out you stupid cat!
A true master at shooting the shit. As it were.
>People pay 60 for a topless cat/lizard girl
>Pay double for pussy/dick (we all know what kind of degenerates are paying for this)

Fuck, and to think I gave up drawing in high school cause my friends talked me out of it. I could be making some good cash on the side
anyone know how to fix this?
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As far as it looks like, they do not draw penises. That or they don't like posting them.
if you look at the only penis they have posted, you don't want them to draw it anyway.
check if your date and time settings Re right on your pc
i was in wiping city with them and the other one once. they were pretty good
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alright have a good night!
>some guy calling me a show off in pvp for using nidhogg bird as my mount
>"let's all take out our most pompous mounts to brag to everyone! how much did you pay for it?"

? ? ?
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Use a VPN
more pits
Probably claiming you paid to get carried.
i wish i didn't believe this story, but this player base is seriously fucked
I have a little bit of a different perspective, but I would honestly not recommend going with artists that frequently do art of FFXIV characters.
Aim for lesser known artists that have either done none, or only a few. That way you can attain a more differed style for your character, and perhaps assist in increasing said artist's popularity. Also, it helps a lot to not be requesting art of a miqo'te/au ra.
>Green machine
That could be 2 ebins now
(The old one was better)
wtf are you talking about? shut the fuck up idiot
>not be requesting art of a miqo'te
then what's the fucking POINT
Someone had a severe case of anal devastation. Wonder how many times they've wiped on it with no clear.
Working full-time and being EU how do I find time to get to lewd with people from here?
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Honestly, I doubt ffxiv will increase anyone's popularity that much. Though I do agree with looking for different arists.

Anyone know a good way to search for them?
>tfw playing a cute catgrill who speaks like an ork
Yysara's cum coated thighs...
>amber getting eb'd soon

How do you feel?

Who do you think it is
what does an ork speak like
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Tfw you cant make an elf look this good
Cockney accent
The writer is a sweetie, manage to hit what I requested with 95% accuracy, changes only for name spelling and some character interactions.
The best explanation I got was a mixture of the artist lived with people uncomfortable with drawing lewds and simply forgetting. A shame really, I remember hearing about some sketches being done. But I didn't want to push on releasing them. Oh well, I'll get something else to cook sometime before the year ends.
>embrace getting embreaced soon

How do you feel?

I want to fucking die.
There's a good number of EU ERPers and the NA ones are usually NEETs.
>Thirsty again tonight
What did i tell you?
To request a highlander, elezen, or lalafell. Roe art almost doesn't exist.
Just hug him a lot and hope it rubs off on you.
r u ok
>Tfw slave to affection
>Tfw want it from only one person
>Tfw they gave it but now tease me for it
>Tfw they make me do degrading things for it now.... And I comply....
Is this how you break someones will...
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Wait, you're joking right?
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>HQ adamantite
why would you even want that
I'm gonna pump your womb with semen until it bulges out your stomach
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Am I too late to post cute character art . . ? Our old Roe + Hyur.

Spoilered for very very light nsfw.
when are we going to have fun on balmung
I woke up now and won't be back home for 10 hours then social life gets in the way. Sleepy in the early evening. I guess I'll just have to commit if I want it. And there are no apparnt willingly on my server.
I like this a lot, especially how modest and not fucking ridiculous the Roe looks. Who's the artist? (You)?
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tfw I will never attain that actual connection and fulfillment, I am envious
Your best bet is Balmung, sorry.
uh im not sure
Gee, I wonder who they spend all of their time with?
Wait are you a doob or a sooub or one of them thingies that switch around alot
do you want me to?
easily the biggest creep in this shithole
I want Koishi to leave.
Nah that's Paks
I know you're reading this Aaron
I'll laugh about the diaper fetish stuff because I'm an awful kinkshamer type but honestly Mado isn't that bad a person.
>the biggest creep
Make up your mind.
you hardly play your alt though
I don't.
They hate everyone, don't bother trying to use reason

What a horrible concoction.
yeah that's why I'm not sure, maybe when things settle down after 3.4 I'll log on more often.
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You got that right

Open to to the full spectrum, often end up being a dominant caregiver
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I will bug her about it again ! I doubt she will though she is really shy sorry.

The artist is the Roe, my gf.

It will happen when you least expect it. I certainly wasn't expecting a loving and fulfilling relationship to come out of me replying to a 4chan post asking 'anyone wanna hang out on Leviathan,' but it happened. You will be surprised one day !
>Muffled Wings of the Boy That Killed Adolescence
shes fucking amazing though please convince her
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Say it ain't so..
Then your gf is great. Does she do any commissions or just personal stuff?
Do you take in seekers who need a caring master but won't use them as fuckbait?
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Loving Every Laugh...jpg
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The power of DragonForce, ladies and gentlemen.

Anywho, time for bed. hmu on Steam if you want to chat with a true supergenius such as myself.

God I'm hilarious.
I liked you better before you started acting like Amber.
why did yunny turn into an ugly roe, make her go back
Yes, I take in all comers for the most part
You don't seem like a dom at all.
My apologies, friend.
Let me add a little disclaimer for my previous post:
I'm at most of average intelligence (probably below average considering the horrible life choices I make on a monthly basis,) and am nowhere near being a supergenius. I'm also not at all funny to anyone except myself.

I love you, sheriff Shortman.
He makes sandcat shit in a diaper
Why put all this effort into making posts like this. Youtube video and all...
Sorry for the noobie question, but at what level can I expect to solo Sastasha dungeon?
and who changes your diaper?
>why put effort into posts at all
>why not just shitpost lol :)
log in for erp
ilu2 small fry
But don't worry, those two don't erp :^)
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I was told to ask here if I wanted a link to the nude mod?
Try the bottom of your nearest lake.
Uhh like 30? Just queue up.
Depending on your class you can probably do a comfortable clear around level 40.

I'm too shy and fear I will fuck up somehow, thanks for the info though.
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What are those hats called?
It's basically impossible to fuck up Sastasha, and people are incredibly kind if they see you're new
what happened to your other wife
idiot caps
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which one

idk the btn af2 hat fieldkeep something
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Satasha is the pinnacle of faceroll dungeon, you'll be fine

Usually more along the lines of a gentle/motherly dominance as opposed to femdom
How do I gain attention and orbiters
I dont know the xivg version of dom is something I'd rather not stick around with. Dom's here are mean, crazy, and extremely pushy and will make you do weird shit. I'd just rather have a dom who's caring and loving and gives me bellyrubs and headpets but is possessive and will fuck me like crazy(vanilla) behind closed doors. None of that weird shit.
be a grown man who erps/transexual/female
That's what I am (the latter) but I'm monogamous to my other half and ERP is lame.
You'll find it and love it one day, anon.
I'm here for 8 hours 5 days a week. I'll orbit you as long as you keep the grown man to a minimum unless I'm the recipient of your grown man.
I don't want to believe.
Where are your sources.
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facts = bait
you love stratos don't deny it....
Gorilla hour is now in full effect.
amazing display of how obsessed you are
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I'm used goods now...

You were close enough. maybe I can be your wife instead?

I wouldn't be a meme without him though
>weekend begins
>Excalibur shitposters arrive

Every time
I posted and you advertised me like 2 days ago though
Stratos is such a slut
Sarah is Balmung lol
>barely even friday in the states
>meanwhile it's friday evening in australia

chemo confirmed australian
>worriedlander has been on Balmung for a while
you need to keep up to date with the people you shitpost about
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>don't even play anymore
>show up to shitpost on weekend

You got us excal lads down well.
what program does your gf use? Sai?

Guys please
He has enough trouble keeping track of all the people he has to multiquote, don't add to his troubles with your arbitrary servers and calendars
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>tfw east aus is barely 4pm atm


decided to try this game out what's a good ranged class?

also is there any pvp in this game? looks to be mostly raids/dungeons is that correct?
Too brown
they're all good, though MCH/BLM are currently a bit more desirable in raid than BRD/SMN

Everything is viable, play what looks fun
Your post is nice, but he says he's new
Why would you tell him about MCH when he will have to level a class to 50 and do the HUNDRED story quests between that and heavensward
Do you know how long it's going to take him if he settles for MCH?
Poor lad will be disgusted of the game before he got to play the class he chose
GG anon, really GG
>bit more desirable than SMN
>implying BLM isn't just straight out better and SMN is garbage
>implying SMNs shouldn't kill themselves for playing a shit class
>implying BLM isn't also mechanically harder to play

Kill yourself summoner shill
Yeah I use sai
You look like clay. You don't get a say in this.
>a highlander, elezen, or lalafell
but they're all shit, so what's the point
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Post cool screenshots and good night Zzz...
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>BLM mad he can't raise
please don't be mean to summoners, they're still good for padding tank dps on fflogs
>raiding with people that die
What's Balmung's non-erotic roleplay scene like? I really want to be on a roleplay server but I can't make an alt just to check it out.
Why are you copying Noriko?
dead parents and mysterious pasts

and edgelords
I wanted the same and I didn't find ANYTHING
I have a lvl 60 char on Balmung I barely use because of how much of a letdown the RP scene was
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Don't listen to >>154902913
/xivg/ loves to meme that Balmung is all erp with no decent roleplay.

There are plenty of decent RP FCs with good RP to be had.
Anyone else become such good friends with soneone you start dressing typing the same?
Long as you're willing to answer my questions, how's the open world RP and how much truth is there to >>154902909

Does roleplay suffer much from guild cliques and the like?
pic unrelated?
The ones that don't rp are even more damaged than the roleplayers. Would you trust the grown man in a playground that isn't a pedophile?
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jk I just steal their glamour instead.
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Anyone have any good tanking guides? Or dungeon, raid and extreme primal specific guides for tanking? Mainly paladin if possible. I'm new to tanking and don't want to completely fuck everything up when I go into high level content. I found the xeno guide on youtube, but that's crazy outdated.
i have to admit they i have no idea what any of that means. i think i will just choose the coolest looking mage class and go from there
They all look bad, honestly.
I miss her, /xivg/
I miss her too, Proci.
ty... we all switched to the mr clean glamour which looks even worse.

I strim nidex and me being bad at healing
twitch.tv noxus2hu
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what are the good fcs on gilgamesh?
Cats and lizards
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I really hope I can get an apartment in the next patch I really love interior design and stuff in games like Minecraft and Terraria and etc I just hope things have a functionality to them more than they already do because designing around that is especially fun also I really hope they add another goobbue mount like the grey ones in coearthas grey is my favourite color
I wish I knew how to love someone people tell me they have feelings and I dont know what to say I mostly just feel numb and I'm not sure if it's because people on 4chan or clingy or if I'm just THAT amazing but it's hard knowing that I can't feel anything or exchange feelings of their caliber back at them or do anything more than just enjoy them ;_;
Be veeewy vewy quiet.. I'm hunting ewezen.
you can just look up general guides for fights and they will indicate when you need to mitigate or where to tank something. paladin is such a mickey mouse job there's not much to it, just go in there, press your cooldowns when you see cast bars and dont cleave the group
Join Shirou's FC he got from Vjera
gotta secure that "biggest creep in the thread" title eh?
>be bi
>most xivgers claim to be bi or gay
>nobody here actually likes dudes, only futa, trannies and traps
>Will never find a guy who enjoys manly men, beards, ffxiv and memes
who dis?
Kiss no...
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for what
oh I'm sure you can find some sissy who will like your beard and memery

then again I had an effeminate eb who claimed to be homo and now he's dating a girl and talking like a frat bro so w/e
Open world RP is healthy. I still occasionally see groups out in various remote places for story purposes roleplaying and frequently small groups in the various taverns littered across Eorzea outside the major cities.

The Quicksand is, of course, the major RP hub for walkups, and it's a very mixed bag as you would expect from an RP community as large as Balmung's. You can find some decent RP there, and even I've made a few contacts there that resulted in some great long-term RP buddies. However, you have to take the good with the bad. Yes, there are a lot of people trolling for ERP, and do not expect people to approach you. You have to be assertive and initiate a conversation yourself.

As for what >>154902909 said, it's what you'd expect. There are lots of people that fall into those traps by trying to make an interesting character, but I've seen nearly equal amounts of people try to keep their backgrounds reasonably bland, so that they can come across as just another run-of-the-mill, balanced adventurer. At least on the surface.

I've found that most people really strive to keep their character grounded in the game's lore-- staying in the realm of plausibility. However, you will occasionally find that special snowflake that does whatever they want. I once ran into a miqo'te that apparently had manifested superpowers. Legit superpowers, potent enough to make the WoL jealous. I just rolled with it for the encounter and avoided them after that.
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I'm a nobody, I mostly just lurk in these threads
I'll look into it thanks.
I don't want a sissy, desu. I want someone more like myself - bearded and rugged.

haha rip stratos
Hey, aren't you the BLM who wanted to queue for dungeons with someone else the other day? I'm glad to see some progress.
well, I joined an fc recently for events and stuff but they barely do anything and the weekly things we do just fall apart after a couple of minutes. we did some coil runs and the group just quit before we got finished without even saying anything. I just want something a little active with non-elitist people to chat with and do stuff with. something active enough that I don't log on and just expect to play with myself all day. PF sucks ass.
i sold it for jewgold, sorry
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Yeah I queued up with a guy called Caelus for a few dungeon, mostly been running potd since then and now i'm level 54 so i'm getting close
yall sum fuckin faggots
I was kidding don't join vodka it's the sjw fc. Just join small comfy fc.
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This was the worst one yet

>It now takes 30 medals for a weapon

please stop this SE why are you doing this
fucking slut
piece of shit little FUCK
You've come along quite nicely then. Please take care not to catch a cold though, autumn is just around the corner.
is there any good guides or tips for being a WHM? trying to shake off some rust with the game in general, but specifically wanting to try WHM on the side as a secondary class/role

and im pretty sure i suck, so any tips appreciated
(Are you alone?) (Lalafell) (True Thrust) (rear) (Do you need it?)
(Can I have it?)
I played for a month and caught up, now I just log in and do daily roulette and shit. Tried Aquapolis, did the fuck out of PoTD, tried lords of verminion, did the new primals, the new dungeons, and everything I hadn't done. Is it time for me to take another break already? Jesus SE, make something interesting already that doesn't feel old after 1 or 2 runs.


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If it's any consolation they stop increasing them. But it's still 30 for the last three.
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3.4 is in less than 2 weeks so you may as well take a break until then for a breather if youre tired of current stuff
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Thanks anon, and I would only I just spent a lot of money on this
I have some opinions but I don't have an a8s clear so they don't count for anything
Seriously cute. And I want to run my fingers through that straightened hair
I really like her with that hair. I mean, I really liked her before too but I like that hair and I like that hair on her.
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new cutie, rate me :>
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