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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General:

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 233

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hot potato.jpg
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Lalafell are made for breeding edition
>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

Previous Thread: >>154700451
au ra girlcock
its real cat hours
post some mf cats
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is dis what you want
I bought this game on humble bundle awhile ago. finally starting up my 15 days free for the trial today, building a human Lancer right now. having a lot of fun but I really wish I could've started in the desert or seaside town instead, might want to make a 2nd character since im only level 16 and 10 hours in. if anything I can have multiple characters for when I enter my key from the humble bundle. what are generally the best classes and best starting areas/questlines?
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xth for autism gathering
Wrong vowel.
Let's start this thread off with an old classic:

Character and Youtube.
I'm the end and the beginning
The faith that feeds the unbelieving
A tightening knot to staunch the bleeding
Say my name
Say my name
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doodle for fanta hmu
[email protected]
shattor isn't a word anon
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Buying EU promotion codes.

If you keep doing the story questline you'll be able to visit the other cities, so I would say don't worry about it and just keep going.
Hidden and filtered.
Post work examples you double-shoggoth.
Post examples and maybe.
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cross breeding.png
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What will you not draw (fetishes, etc)
Which ebins alt is this? Does she like big guys?
>drawing that isn't on the twitter

fatcattes pls.
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I like you wanna eb?
no lewd
mail me, dont wanna shit up thread with art
you have a good eye anon...
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they drew this for me it's cute

i don't think they draw lewd
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Not really, sorry anon, maybe get to know me first.
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You might want to consider something other than FL stuff. While those always sell higher, demand usually ebbs a lot. I find lower level mats to sell really fast and price rather consistently. Admittedly the grind for stacks sucks if you find something good doing this, but usually seems no different than sitting waiting around on FL stuff. Look at what scripts require, find something easy, and go to town. If you can find several mats needed that are easy, rotate them, they'll sell like hot cakes.

Also who lewd on Gilg here?
Not worth $10
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I had a dream I fucked a cute trap cat boy. It was awesome until I woke up and had to change my pants.

I don't normally like traps but now I can't stop thinking about it.

I blame this general.
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Where does 21k virtual fish that don't even have a model put me on the spectrum?
when i switch classes am I back at level 1 for that class? so say when I get to the sea town and become a marauder, do I start from 1 as if I had just made a new marauder character?
that drawing was for a swimsuit code ($3)
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probably further along than me
but hey as long as you're enjoying it who cares
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They drew this for me yesterday for a fantasia, and I'm really happy with it.
They were quick about it too, would recommend.
>tfw being teased by a friend for a fetish i don't have
>have a dream about it
>best nut I've had in a long time
Now i can't stop thinking about it. I can't ever let them know. They're a monster.
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Room Tour.webm
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I wish I was better at research, shiet. I just want to decorate. Might just try my hand at hardsilver ores as Tittyroe suggested. I'll pester my crafter friends about what they make for scripts I suppose.
You start from level 1, but it's not as if you made a new character. You keep everything else like quest progress, teleport access, etc.
I think I'm at the point with chocobo racing where I'm going to start listening to audio-books or something while I race.

Don't worry, there's always someone worse.

God I hope there's someone worse than me it's what I tell myself.
Oh shit I'm not gonna eb someone that can't even Tempered Will
i summon naka bp in attack mode
i'd {/embrace} that cat
ah well obviously its the same character with overall progress, but I have to do the level 1 quests and start from the level 1 mobs outside the town, correct?
I play my naka trap card
How did you know, jesus christ.
naka bp is a defensive minion idiot
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oh shit i just remembered i forgot the forehead markings i'll fix it for you tonight
dam owned...
Nice. At least someone here understands lol
rolling an alt on gilga what job should I be so I can be a 1337 raider? What's needed the most/uncommon to find in the raiding scene there?
be a drg
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If you can make the ingots, I'd go for those. Like I said, at least on Faerie, the go-to for red scrips is Noble Gold, especially if it's starred. Like on Tuesdays I'll start sending my mining retainer out to get exclusively hardsilver ore because hidden items on nodes can eat a dick, make the hardsilver nuggets or just buy them rom the Vath vendor, and just crank out NQ ingots since any crafter worth a damn isn't going to care if they're HQ or not. Even if I bought the nuggets, I make back the cost and then some.
I want to fuck a lala
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tummies of any kind
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I honestly didn't even notice it myself, but it's appreciated now that you pointed it out.
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I feel you, interior decorating soothes my soul. Also don't know what your retainer situation is like, but highly recommend getting them working round the clock on decent mats too. Grade 3 Soils or other usually rarer 50 mats work wonders via retainers.
Same reason I know Enbarr best, you failed skydiver.
>cat aranea

I'm disappointed, yet intrigued.
post full
I want Aranea to call me a bad slut make me lick the head of her cock through her panties!
Me too
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Cat dudes are hot
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Is this the new OP meme?
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Physics are for lesser beings.webm
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My miner retainer is level 1 because I keep forgetting to get them a pickaxe, aside from them I have 2 battle ones.
I can't even remember who all I ran Titan EX with at this point, jesus my memory is fucked. Also Sleipnir is best horse. I think I know who this is though.
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Angry tum.
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aranea gc
most fitting/appropriate race for each job?
You should probably do some memory exercises my man that was just a few days ago.
But seriously, Levi and Titan was fun we need to do more of that.
I'm afraid I can't do that~
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did I miss cat hours?
show me a picture of yourself and her and your wish might be granted, oh my poor hungry child

I actually want sum pizzies too now
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Y'know lads.
If the time came.
I think I could lay down my life for her.
Oh okay, I know who this is for sure, jump on so I can yell at you.
the graphics look weird here wtf
Lay anything on her and she'd probably die.
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One Chest
You can yell in four hours. Enough of this shitting up the thread.
It's a really flat one
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just 2 repelling shotters having fun ;)
Does this cute midlander like other cute midlanders?
Yep, yep I'm sure they do
Why are you guys still playing overwatch? It's been dead for months.
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The tummy was the focus.
i wanna frot with a catboy
hmu at the bench
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haha trolled you. i knew it was a miqote all along.
Yes, I'm a midlander and they are pretty good.
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Really now?
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there we are, all in a couple hours work
forgive my messy inventory senpai~
do these catboys like catboys
cat for all remove other races
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Unfortunately they're both immense cock envelopers.
sluta pratat svenska
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She's cute but she looks like she has chicken pox. Still cute though.
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but that's not unfortunate
moi :DDD
I mean, it's not if you're a bottom-feeding dong tickler.
sol is the cutest
then I'm in luck!!
It's like level 2 embrace.
Moogle. I do have abandoned alts scattered on different servers Balmung included.
I respect the admission.
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but sol has been here for much longer than /embrace
No ebin alt, it's my main.
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>play tf2 for 3.5k hours
>still not really bored of it

>play overwatch for 150 hours
>hate it and regret my purchase
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Does Sol ERP?
Only good catgirl I've seen since I got here, shame she's flat.
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Red tum.
Anybody got 7 bucks to spare
Ahh. Spelar på Odin
I might, what's it for.
I have some leftover (but not enough) Crysta and my sub is gonna run out. It's entry, but it gets the job done.
Is you a munger?
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makes me dance in my seat while i play!
makes me want to breed this cat
makes me want to /pet this cat
Why does everyone here listen to anime music or metal
>swedish hour
I'm out
i don't listen to either of those
cause everyone here is a weeb and upset at life
Because I'm a terrible person
Shit taste all around desu
>people playing a weeb game
>"why do you listen to weeb music?"

ever think there might be audience overlap?
I listen to hip-hop, jpop, and other hipster shit though
But I listen to Kvorak.
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ss (2016-09-13 at 03.44.15).jpg
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Some of us have much worse tastes in music.
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Why are you asking them for?
It have happened before. Now very rarely.
Känner en svensk som spelar där. Men du kan ju inte vara dem eller hur?
because if you are in your 20s-30s both ages hit either the animu fad era or the backend of the late 80s-90s metal era
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Dude that's like gay bro.
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Stop ERP!
>removed the lipstick
thank god
Nope, sorry.
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men du
anime & metal is for nerds ha-ha
Nej, men tror jag träffat o känner honom
the fucking ground texture UGH
i don't listen to either
I remember this cat from Howl.
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ss (2016-06-18 at 12.14.28).png
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Shiet, well unless you're on Greg or Excalibur I can't assist you as I have no way to contact you outside of the thread.
I listen almost exclusively to music from musicals
Emails? I've used throwaway emails only because I found out about them with this site.
rustle floor meme
>listens to gay shit

whoah no fucking way.....
consider me rustled
alright, post that good shit
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I only know 6 songs.
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please don't post my theme song
Holy shit this beat is nice
would you even raise the babby kitty
you have to go back
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ss (2016-09-14 at 02.22.03).jpg
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Sorry boss, but I really don't want to go to the effort of that. Best of luck to you.

How long is left on your sub?
Truly looks like an action hero
seihai please eb me..
Looks like a badly colored smash figurine.
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Wife of bp

He's too European to be one though
4 days

I am on Greg but I don't post openly. Especially as of late with the drama I'd rather not be looped in even though I literally couldn't be since in not in their groups. Kinda association by server, really.
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I think it's the theme song of half the thread.
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but I just have a varied taste anon

bothering crafting friends also
WHO is that cute 'ra in the back..
>not the greatest action heroes in the history of action heroes
god bless
Well if you like I can jump over to Greg, and meet you in some obscure location in Limsa.
Mute is CUTE!
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Why is there no sneeze emote?
Also nightnight ffxiv thread.
Id appreciate it a lot but I'll hop on my alt, if that's okay.
Cute Luhren
What's pretty fucking gay, dude
That's fine.
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I am sure we can come to some sort of agreement.
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what server are these boner condoners on
Sorry I puked a little in my mouth
This picture is way too fucking lewd mister
Where should I go?
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forgive me i'll never post in anything but ironworks ever again you're still sleeping on the couch
The Missing Member.
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>he doesn't know
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I'm not who you think i am. We don't even know each other.
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Fuckyeah Highlanders!
Post a decent shot of your FF character's face and I might choose one or two to draw to warm up. No gays or liberal commies.
oh. well we could change that if you're on greg.
>No gays
Wew, dood.
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Old photo.
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time to end it all
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lets go on a date where i can feed you apple strudels anon
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Cactaur Bobsponge me boy.

Will you draw lalas
Why not. Name?
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I've drawn them before, though this is old.
i don't put it in the thread, usually just meet up places. gimme a spot and i'll be there.
so the embraced becomes the embracer...
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Sure why not.
More /pet when
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Good morning people, how ya'll doin'?

Sleeping in on your day off is the best feeling.
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I'm a little busy at the moment. We can meet in 20 minutes if you don't mind the wait. You can chose where.
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>a non animu style
GOD BLESS. Please and Thank You .
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When's the last time a cat helped you blow a big fat load anon? I hope it hasn't been long.
Wew, I missed that last tell, but enjoy dude.
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excuse to post found
You will never beat the potato podracing champion
forgotten springs at the shack south of the aetheryte.
post lewds
Do you accept currency thrown at or around the general vicinity of your face.
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I guess I'll do this 'cause why not


Does anyone ever check other people's music though...?
fuck off moof you creepy motherfucker
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When's the last time you posted borderline irl CP in the discord, Emily? I hope it hasn't been long.
I do, gonna compile a list to play as I run more chocobos.
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>guffy pretending to have friends
every time
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cut my life into pieces.jpg
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>No gays or liberal commies
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so good. dont have the green summer bikini thing? Could I request one in those to go full circle.
i put them all into a playlist and listen to them when I do dungeons

pretty gay song btw
red post
After I eat and catch up on an episode of Bojack I'll pick a few of these. Stand by.


Not often, but sometimes.
I want a cute lala to flirt with, why can't I have that?
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May as well give it a shot.
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What about socialists?
I don't have it anon.
WTS Raen pet for your pleasure
You probably havent petted enough~
Do you sell any chocobo feed though?
tfw no one to play/talk with at this time
are they tanned...

tfw when no one to play or talk with any time

I think you can use my juices as seasoning


What's the drama on biskoi? No bullying allowed though!
Dates sound time consuming.
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Only if in possession of marxist beard
>tfw when
>tf(w) when
>that feel when when
iktf 2
Are they cute, what do they look like?
they are, which is why I would want it to be fun and a great time

Very very cute brown oppai loli raen

its like 6 am for me, cut me some slack friend
I don't listen to either of those. Never really understood why either of them are popular. That being said, I listen to KPOP and Chillstep, so I'm probably hated by a good majority of people too.
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ss (2016-09-09 at 01.16.32).jpg
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I'm always down to talk to people, anon.
Sorry, bu I'm straight.
I wonder if bush decided to invade iraq at 6am
that's unfortunate. guess I will have to settle with this. got with better lighting?

its possible
no one here
Does it have a dingle or a dongle?
ask his girlfriend
Where do i meet them?
What about some weetabix for my wind-up aldgoat? Do you have that in stock, too?
Do you have any chocolate milk? Us kiwis love our chocolate milk.
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oil is good for skin

I sell oil for your cat or lizard at bulk
>tfw no cat to wrap their tail around my cock and wring it out in their mouth after I pump their womb full of cum
Have you never met a mexican or a wop?
>tfw it's finally over
I don't know why I took my sweet time ripping that bandage off.
>that tummy
>those pits
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i want to rub my dick against that tummy
do these catboys like catboy(female)?
It's about time you fetched your pants from the laundry.
I'll pass
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>tfw no bondage mask for healers

why live
tfw wanna pump this cat but they don't like to talk to chill anons..
Why are lalafells so sexy?
>man ERPing as a catgirl
>turns out to be a guro-obsessed pedo
Gee, whould've thunk!
because you're mentally ill
>liking fat women
you can you say you love someone if you can't even cut them open and literally fuck their heart?
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sorry anon you wouldn't want to pump me anyway...
>anons google their drawing and find one (1) guro image down the rabbithole
>never otherwise mentioned here

i don't think you know what obsessed means, desu
I wish I wasn't complete garbage at making pancakes but I just fuck it up a lot. Especially turning them over.
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>Main on Cactaur
>Decide to find Emily
>They're about to dungeon so you /tell casually for a while before queue pops
>Once they're done they message you they're running a bunch of dailys
>still haven't said you're from /xivg/ at this point
>talk for about 30 minutes
>They're really nice and you decide to mention /vg/
>She knows exactly why you're there now
>ERP for almost 3 hours and run Raids afterwards

This c@.
yeah a young girl with her guts out totally isn't weird haha
>3 hours
lol wtf who said that
i said you don't know what obsessed means
what if sent you a tell in game or do you not lewd rp?
post c@pits
>3 hours
LUL, nice exagerrated timing
Do you want to worship my feet?
she is a real slut huh... maybe I should make an alt on cactuar to try her out
>3 hours
I need to try her out again..
>When they're in their private chambers and they are locked
I had no idea lala could be sexy.

not with you ;_; sorry
>When they're in a private house and a party member or leader
>fat little gnome potato babies
I bet you're attracted to jello too
>tfw no catboy to lift up my skirt after a long sweaty day of raiding then start pumping away like he owns me
They tell me they're just in there hiding but I know better...I KNOW
The degenerate one for degenerate reasons Friendship



I heard some silly excuses.
Why delete this? What are you hiding?
r-rude not even if I messaged you on my main?/spoiler]
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>tfw when your eb ditches you in potd
picture too dark, I cant masturbate to that.

Why are so many taking screenshots with shitty lighting, I cant see anything.
The way you put it is hilarious.
I would fuck jello if it was alive,wearing slutty clothes and wanted to have sex

thats what u deserve slut
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Is cactuar a good server? I'm installing the game right now and I heard through the grapevine that some of the other servers are full or something.
>not with you ;_; sorry
>r-rude not even if I messaged you on my main?
hahah fucking destroyed lmao
good girl
sorry ;; is this better


not trying to be rude sorry
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>tfw no apartment room to furnish and hide inside instead of those stuffy inn rooms
tfw made a second character but no idea what class to play this time
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S'dark out, tonight.
Aranea is soooooo lucky!
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Well, you want consent first at least...
Least degenerate race/gender combo?

I don't want to upset Jesus by ERPing as a catgirl or something.
That fucking hat, I love it. Thanks, guy.
I wouldn't go that far, but I'd date a slime girl if they were real
It's fine if you get married first.
Doing you next

No problem, guy.. girl... guy.
amazing! hope you do more
Aranea is SOOOO lucky...
collared now?
What's the longest ERP session you've done?

I think I've done a 10 hour session.
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not luck, but skill
6 hours
Will Jesus still love me if I play a WHM c@girl?
I made my partner be late for work because it kept going for hours.
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guys how do I find a lala gf
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Really stinky thread today...
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8 hours, at that point I was tired of writing and demanded pausing it till next day, where the scene went on for another 6 or so, which would be the second longest session I've done.
You somehow managed to take a shifty picture even with ifrits lighting. H O W ?
stop erp
too dark again. do you turn the light off while lewding as well?
How do I find a lala bf
single session, off and on over like twelve hours.

entire RPs, had one that spanned several days.
I am going to join Balmung and preach the love of our Lord and Savior Billy Herrington aka Aniki
Go to a soup kitchen
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Why do Highlanders have such huge heads?
I cannot wear a helmet because of how silly they look with helmets toggled on
This is one of my most favorite xiv art pieces ever even though I hate lalafell.
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Ifrit lighting is a bitch for darker skintones

I do actually, already returned to my Lizard though
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I normally like helping new players.
There is no helping this guy.
it's probably a dude botting
MMO Rule Number 1: Don't stand in the fucking fire
>Should I just let him burn?

My fucking sides
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>he hates lalafell
Please reconsider your life choices, anon.
some men just want to watch themselves burn
I like Lalafells, they make great throwing weapons.
"And they said I couldn't get Fists of Fire till later levels!"
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Slapped on some colors, not the original guy but here's to hoping I get drawn
that's just vore
Our heads are hard enough, we don't need a helmet to begin with.
>that hand placement on the carrot
>cutting directly over the pot

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>there are people not using legacy controls to play the game
Literally W H Y
Bots are at least programmed to succeed, i'd hope.

>Run into group of things
>Flash once, while they're still out of range
>Cast cure on himself repeatedly for a whopping 60 health
>Start stabbing something in the butt once the black mage pulled aggro on everything.
Black mage MVP tank that whole way through.

I should have just let him fucking burn.
Their art is great but the character models themselves are pretty meh, just like Elezen.
Plus, their players are usually annoying shits.
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And so it begins. The fashion-disaster period of gearing up to 60.
im gonna die
or should i say dye
>just like Elezen
Oh, please, that is beyond rude. While they may not look as soft as artwork, they're at least convincing and are true to their cuteness, and they have awesome animations.
Elezen are just a mess. Proportions, animations, faces... Everything is bad. And you're talking to a former elezen player. I had to fantasia because that running animation was literally ruining the game for me.
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hey guys
it's high mewn
I want to kiss Lei!
Do miqo'te meow, purr or go nyaa?
I want to watch Aranea fuck Mutsu!
Because back stepping when holding A and S but not just S is retarded :^)
>longest erp only 4 hours
>longest cyber shit with long distance partner 8 hours
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>Grown men calling each other cute nicknames

I'm gonna barf
>There are people that use the camera turn left/right on the keyboard instead of using the mouse like a normal person
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copy that.jpg
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Copy that
What's wrong, creampuff?
Nice coat!
>tfw no grown man to give you a cute nickname
why even live
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Depends on client language
any of you guys have twitter accounts? know merias is mypprivoise and she posts xiv related shit but want more
m-maybe I could be your grown man
ye follow me on @dril
I want Aranea to fill me up so badly but I'd just be another subby slut to her...
Okay, fair enough but you still get my point.
I've seen pretty cute lalafell but the fanart is just too good compared to the game.
Welcome to EB games
I want to live under Aranea's desk!
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why not
Don't, freedom is a wonderful gift you should not squander so easily!
please send help
why not all three??
I use it but I play a caster mostly. Seems standard would be easier for melee so you don't miss autos or have to lock on to every target
god this is hot
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holy fuck i want that
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Nice to see more Lizards around here
You did it. Great job. Give yourself a pat to the back. And don't forget tip the cat.
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lei let me kiss you
Who's this semen guzzler
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What a load, god damn.
you want that yourself mutsu ?
That's a big load. And thick.

This is just the worst meme.
yall niggas gay as fuck and that looks like shampoo
>tfw no one will bust a load like that for your char
I doubt the person who came twice in one session with me even did that.
That's a lot

where is mom
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Dude my picture of that says embedded file I can't post it I'm so sad. At least one of us has it
Like everything else in this general, it's fake.
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I considered that but one, I didn't want to look so intently and two, I'm not opening it again.
You are the first person to actually make use of the exaggerated chin.
I love it
>play game on launch as potato boy
>nobody cared
>its a meme on here

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We're here for you bro.
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ss (2016-09-08 at 05.50.29).jpg
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I too, know this feel.
post him
>on launch
Hello, caveman. Resubscribe to see how obnoxious and shitty behaved lalafells are now.
your race is populated by the dregs of humanity
sorry kid
Which one of them is the girl? Is it neither?
You're next.

Joke's on you, it's a shovel.
That's a lot of man cream
Some folks are just shy.
>your race is populated by the dregs of humanity
But he's not playing male Miqo'te.
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idiot in helmet.jpg
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Everything is a meme just play what feels right for you unless you are trying to chase after certain things
ah ok back to gw2
What kind of music does xivg like?
Don't forget Au Ra as well.
Elf Leno don't care.
I wish..
Mah nigga.
Needs more Highlanders.
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This guy is 100% right on both counts.
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>Elf Leno don't care.
>caring about jokes
A bit redundant to say he doesn't, isn't it?>>154733484
I'm seriously loving all these that you're putting out. I'd color more, but I've yet to do my dailies and I've gotta cap somehow. Here's to hoping you do 4. . .
This is garbage anon and I listen to the underachievers
Go back to bioshock
What should I play if I want to chase after lalaboi booty
I want a pair of lalafell siblings to be my maid and butler. I would make tiny doors and tiny windows for their rooms
you rubbed off on me
im a STUPID DUMB catboy now

can I give you some pets ?
On the inside of her asshole?
What happened to handlebars?
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You don't have to pretend, anon...

amber pls
Can someone who doesn't RP make it in Balmung? I want to go make some new friends, but I'm not really into that sort of thing. I did a little ERP back like 6-7 years ago.. but it wasn't my thing.
God you guys have really shit taste in music jesus
I think the word you are looking for is {Dadlander}.
The RP scene is pretty clique-ish.
There's plenty of non-rp groups out there to join with.
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Okay, nice jizz load and all but... WHY ON YOUR FUCKING TABLET MAN?! YOU GOTTA TOUCH THAT SHIT LATER, FUCK MAN, MAYBE YOU EVEN LET YOUR FRIENDS USE IT TO LOOK UP SOME CAT VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. Please... cum on the table or in a tissue or in your hand or literally L I T E R A L L Y anywhere besides on your god damn tablet.
You'll be fine, I suppose? I've spent most of my time just sticking to myself here. It's worked out fine, except I have no friends and spend most of time time in inn rooms.
Yes c:
i need to rest now. but i'm thinking about you. maybe next time.
Nah, I'm {Grampslander}.
who is this cutie
you don't need to RP to play with people here

just don't expect people to go out of their way to be your friend, you gotta do most of the work
None of your business
Will I also get loads of attention if I cum on a picture of someones character?
Fuck you, man.
nah it got (you)s for the shock value, dont make it a recurring thing
yes.. a lot
it's not an issue. just make sure you and your body is clean.
gives me a chuckle when lending my tablet out.
That was hot as fuck, I'll be looking forward to it.
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I've never RPed an made a bunch of friends on Balmung.
There's a lot of nice people here, a lot of the stigma they get is overblown in the thread I've found.
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nice lizard
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>tfw everyone here only loves me for my character

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Yea, just dump liquid soap or shampoo on your phone, post an imagine and your solid.
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maybe i can be your girlfriend tonight
case in point behind you there
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No one likes you, Period.
I have so many housing items, why would you just give me a pocket dimension house to put them in SE you freaks
Mumu pls calm down. You've erped like 10 times in the last 3 days.
Thanks. I'm not really worried about making friends! It just comes naturally.

What stigma? I don't focus too heavily on drama or anything related to it, so I'm unaware. Just as long as I can talk to people without them wanting to put their wiener on me, I'll be fine.
You're a sick man ;_;
You'll get double the attention if you record yourself doing it.
I have a retainer full of seasonal housing items and no house to use them in.
Thanks Yoshi.
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Don't worry anon, you'll get a shitty apartment in 3.4 which NO ONE CAN GO IN EXCEPT YOU.
Who are you getting EB'd to?
Fuck on, mate.
way to namedrop me nerd i thought this was an anonymous board
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You'll meet people who wanna put their wiener on you, but for the most part I've found people are reasonable and respect your choices if you tell them you're not interested.
Most people I've met from the thread are really nice, you should have a nice time here if you're sociable enough.
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I want to pet Kiki's bussy!
Sometimes I like to put a glock in my mouth and read this general.
you stopped being anonymous once you started avatarfagging nerd
i wanna erp you but i respect your decision not to be into that so i'll never even bring it up to you in person
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Not me butit's been about a week and that counter is nowhere close to 10.
{I don't understand}
I don't play it
As long as you're enjoying yourself anon then I'm glad you did.
I... don't know the answer to this question
You started being a toxic element of the community when you started using put-downs and insulting other's for playing the game the way they want to.
I think I saw them on Gilgamesh.
Alright cool. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

cute cat by the way
Way to dodge the question.

Who are you EBing?
The more I wait the more impatient I'm getting for apartments.
I shouldn't be getting so excited for them, help.
show face pls
Gee I wonder. Who do they hangout/post with all the time
even more?
Sorry I don't religiously follow all ebins. Who is it?
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If they have a permanency that was taken away from houses, I'll get one. What if we get to have our own airship! I'll like idling in the common area, unless there's hackey sackers, they can go straight to hell.
It's clearly closer to 100.
Can nothing stop Mumu's cocklust?
Any irl girls here want to sate this beast and become his wife irl?
Can someone explain to me what an "ebin" is?
the final form of a grown man.
thread """"""""""celebrities""""""""""
kirito tia
ki_rito tia
kirito tia
kirito tia__
___kirito tia
kirito______ tia
rena maki
kirito tia____
kirito __tia
___kirito tia
__kirito tia___
kirito ti___a
I laughed more than I should have.
What makes them so special?
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Why, is there something on my face?

I just want one because it's cheap and I don't need more than a single room. At least the worst we'll get is either Triple Triad or a LoV machine, whoever still plays that.
>rena maki

holy shit. you mean {/embrace} actually cucked Beepy for real? Is that why he deleted?
>What makes them so special?
their mental retardation
>tfw yelped irl
Holy shit your face scared me
wait rena and seihai getting EBd now?

poor beepy
I am a grown man irl. What is the most suiting grown man race and gender combination?
That only means I did something right.
beepy doesn't care about rena anymore, you retards
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Thanks anon, you seem like a cool guy.

No problem, I was really hesitant about coming here at first too, but I'm really glad I did in the end.
And thanks, compliments are always appreciated!

One of my friend's alts.
Now I too can {/embrace}.
look up ff14 bara and you'll find what your looking for
Female Miqo'te for default
Female Au Ra for annoyance
Female Lalafell for ultimate annoyance

way hay hay did nothing wrong
>ff14 bara

Can I be bara-mode but straight???
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So I don't know who these three fuckers are but if any of you do the singles are posted above.

Wanted to make sure they found em.

Post some more faces and I might draw em since scrolling up is now too much first world problem-tier work.
how do you know that?
that one looked very real though...
>tfw you will never tear this cats dress open and fill her with kittens
y liv
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Gonna rebump mine >>154728053
Thanks for your work, I'm saving these regardless if it's me cause they're cool and there's not enough western styles around
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another one
a man can dream, amirite?

or rather.... a futa can dream. no one plays male characters
>quotes all ur pictures

fuckin rekt
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>that filter
gay people ruin everything.
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always the cutest ones that dont erp
its a crime
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ss (2016-09-14 at 05.33.10).jpg
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I don't even have a highlander, nor have I ever played hyur, you buttterscotchripple.
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Do you like what you see ?
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Buff waluigi

What's the bit under your left eye?

This girl looks the least anime out of all the models I see in-game.

Hm. I actually like this one, you don't look like a fuckboy.

Farmgirl churns the butter.

Aiight then.

I'll work on these for awhile.
Is this the Herrington FC?
it's a purple heart
>All that sameface
Hi! Time to blog:

>Tank gets into duty and just face pulls stuff
>Ask him to {Overpower}
>Realize he's a MRD not even a WAR
>Just runs around the room with adds until the healer inevitably takes them from healing
>Dies to the first boss because of doom

I'm really confused as to how these people get so high up into their levels without knowing these things. Like, it's okay to be new but at the very least try to take advice, ugh.

Sorry /rant.
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I hit a gold mine...
hello kumfeet feet

Shout-out to the game's lighting for making this hair look like shit half the time
Noriko can I cum on your face?
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>This girl looks the least anime out of all the models I see in-game.
Well I'm a human that doesn't look asian like the rest of the characters in an asian mmo does
>Yes, please
>Yes, please
as much as this makes me cringe, at least they aren't pretending to be preteen girls.
Holy jesus
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I would go gay for these guys
i can make you want to erp..
>two duplicates with different colors
from experience they always end up as sluts. even how much they where against it at the start.
Yeah I laughed really hard and then left.

hey dad
These are cute elezens.
The sameface is kinda creepy with the smile and the direct gaze.
>confused as to how these people get so high up into their levels without knowing these things
not doing the optional class quests and optional novice challenges
Pretty sure he doesnt have tomahawk unlocked
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{Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.}
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Elezen men are cute, anyways. That artist just does a really good job
+Botters who do fates and only fates and think that's it.
I've had (JOB) without any of their job skills in my parties before and it's hell
Keep fighting for your right to be pure.
Put some clothes on, you slut.

It's snowing.
Aymeric face option fucking when, holy shit.
Never. He's the ultimate special snowflake to make all elezen feel and look like shit.
>You found out about your son
>He roleplays as a catboy(female)

What do you do?
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Let's destroy the Humans.
>Estinien gets an itch in the corner of his eye and forgets he's in full armour
I bet they even had unique running animations planned for him but ultimately ran out of resources.
He sure has unique getting fucking stabbed and knocked on his ass animations.
Don't worry, I intend on it.

My body is kept warm by the burning fire of justice flowing through my veins, no mere blizzard can dull my passion.

Anywhere you lead Helck-san!
Attentionwhoring is the first step in the path to ERP.

Prove me wrong.

Every ERPer started attentionwhoring first
I can safely say this cat won't get a cold, unlike many of you who pose in skimpy outfits.
Paying someone to get me EU promotion codes.
All apples are fruit but not all fruits are apples
What if you erped before you started posting on 4chan
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>tfw tied up, helpless against stupid catte twirling your moustache
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It's good to have reliable friends.
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>Not dressing properly for Coerthan expeditions
Step it up.
Then you should post a low angle shot like that from the front as well.
where's your fucking trip you disgusting piece of shit
how dare you get past my filter
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>tfw you give up on EBs and just become a Miqote
Justice is a warmth that can melt volcanoes! Or something.
The fuck?
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I think this is as close as I have

I took it off because fuck you and your baby little filter
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Let's hope the back of his helmet is the offender and not his dick.
I actually really hate miqote. Like an unnatural level of hatred. Disproportionate even.
Well, I suppose I could do with a new hat?
sounds like you're autistic
the cutest DUMB IDIOT i ever saw
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just jerked it to lala
i guess this is how it ends huh
not with a bang, but with a spurt
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ss (2016-09-11 at 08.44.57).jpg
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It's a good hat.
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Just because I like talking to people and getting attention doesn't mean I wanna go off and ERP. But you're entitled to your opinion.

My furious posing practice keeps me warm and limber.
Fists of Fire helps too, Monk privilege.

Godspeed Helck, godspeed.
It's nice to see someone else who's read this, it's so good.
Possibly. My body gets really tense and my face gets really hot and flushed with anger anytime I see a picture of a miqote.

I broke a few monitors punching them after I clicked on an image and it was a catgirl.
Looking for cute cat to EB..male character..
male or female cat?
This game looks dead AF
Every time you faggots post screenshots your awful waifulolicat is the only PC in the shot.
>Farmgirl churns the butter.
it's funny because the character is played by a literal rl farmgirl
You can walk to a secluded area, you know.
>getting attention
so you admit youre just a baseless attentionwhore?
*strong nostril exhale*
what is this supposed to mean
Zoomed one tick further would be even better but thank you kindly. Yes, its a sub PoV thing.
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No YOU are the cutest dearest anon I never(?) saw
...that would be very unchristian
i got a job xivg!!!! I'll probably come back when I have moni
Good job anon!!
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kinda is right meow since new patch is on the way soon
Freak! Shit friend!
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Same to you, noble Monk!
Me too, thankfully Helck is growing more of a following. I wouldn't be surprised if the writer was picked up by a serial publisher for his next work.
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>Not already having lots of Moni
I wish I had Moni too...
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Uhh, try this I'm not logged in to take more
yea Proc
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Getting attention isn't just for self-satisfaction you know?
Most of the friends I've made, I only made because they approached me upon recognising me from the thread.
I'd have never met most of them if I'd refrained from avatarposting. So call me an attentionwhore if you like, but it's not baseless, I like meeting new people and talking with people in the threads.

That'd be fantastic, he really deserves more renown for what he's done with Helck.
I want to GIVE lots to Moni
*i slip my penis in all ur mouths*
>Sharp, painted nails
So you're a friend collector?
mayb I already did huh
k bye
Is it fine to have 1 str ring melded with vit or just go both vit rings?
*grabs u by the throat*

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tank hammer ,gunblade dps and red mage class when?
This game is sorely lacking in blunt weapons.
Of all the things people are into here, I imagine oral PoV to be relatively low on the freakiness.

*u thought it was my throat, but i am actually a giant penis, with a penis, and u grabbed my penis*

idk why but i read this in the voice of corey taylor

I push my fingers into my eyes.....
Yeah I think a 2h warhammer style class would be nice. I dont even care if its FF lore based or not anymore.
I was just referring to you in general
we need a hammer tank so MNK gets a little more raid utility
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tfw no lalagf
Geomancer uses blunt weapons. Could have them be an elemental magic user that's melee.

Cud b kewl
Pedophiles make me sick.
So we're suppose to get details on the expansion in October? What're the details from 2015's The Rising that are close to concrete about new Jobs?
Vjera is gone now
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Trading gay elf for pure yandere gf (male)

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You can never have too many!

As a Monk main I agree.
I just want more utility.
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I had considered geomancer if only because we could actually have a tank that uses shielding itself as its mitigation. Maybe its tank stance only gives enmity bonus, and its mitigation comes from skills that makes rock barriers around itself which give shielding effect periodically or big ones on demand.

Would be neat if their LB3 created a huge volcano and coated everyone in neat magma rock armor.
Just plain rude.
When is the 3.4 trailer due?
lol dumped.
Post cute Leis!
Well, I guess I don't maintain all my friendships that well, I drift apart from people a lot, so I'm kind of a shit friend. And I do get into some of the more strange things, though not as much as some people, so I'm a bit of a freak as well, if I have to be honest.

Thank you, this has been very introspective for me. I'm amazed you could read me so well so quickly, have you considered taking up a carreer in counselling?
Bromance is over.
too complex for the retards that play the game, they can barely handle paladin
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Why do you guys keep namedropping people like I'm expected to know who these fucking grown men doing loli piss ERP enemas are supposed to be?
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Wanna be my fucktoy?
I doubt we'll ever see anything that complex, especially after yoshi stating he was dumbing everything down in 4.0.
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Would you play as a beast race
I want to be a cute VanuVanu girl!
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I just died more inside.
>No tank that mitigates by weakening the enemy itself with debuffs
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And a quick rebound.
Nah, but I'd lewd with an amalj'aa.
lmao ok iri
I would play as a Gnath Machinist in a heartbeat.
>storms path
Damn. Sonic really does move fast.
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You do art trades?
I know haine, she's joking.
tfw no lala gf (male)
I'd play as an amal'jaa breeder if you catch my drift
nothing wrong with people enjoying themselves and living their fantasy dudester stop RP shaming
i want to frot with a catboy
>loli piss ERP enemas

Also do you want to be my cumdumpster? I got a dick and a tail I can use to pump you.
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No you wouldn't, they're a different species and would sooner tear ur bitch ass apart or send you on daily quests than fuck you piece of shit faggot
What is frotting?
Rarely, why?
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They all do that. I mean like bigger/AoE weakening skills instead of just giving them mitigation built into their stance.
i cant help but think Ultima weapon takes a shit out of his chest when titan falls out
are u a cute trap playing girl ingame?
it's where peepees touch
I'm offering if you'd like to do one instead of doing a free bust here if you'd like
Congrats you just made a class that would be 100% mandatory to bring to raids and thats bad design
Don't we already have that with warriors?
you mean like WAR and SCH
And they're planning on changing that come 4.0.
Why would they just add another class that's a 100% pick.
>ywn have a cute lalagirl to protect and ride on your shoulder.
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would you love a fish man
You guys are gonna be salted when they barely change them or even buff them because Yoshi cant balance for shit.
Man, I main Warrior.
I don't give a shit either way. Either I stay in the top spot for tanks, or the game gains more diversity.
WAR went from being the most useless job of early ARR to being mandatory for HW. They can nerf them back to ARR levels again.
/carry emote when yoshi
tfw all I want for PLD is another or more readily available AoE
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I already do, we're raising a clutch together.

Novv is best waifu(male).
>princess carry bigger races
>shoulder carry lalas
>clearly a joke
How new are you? Yellowroe a cutie.
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More like persistent /squat when.
What's the best looking Lore weapon?

Hard mode: no MNK
Honestly if they want to keep PLD in line with doing no AoE damage just give them a buff where they take less damage when more enemies are hitting them for the duration. Make it up in healer DPS without homogenizing the classes
all the other weapons look like shit
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>tfw you met a lewd cutie last night while playing and are going to play more again tonight
How are you all?
>Only available to Roegadyn and Highlander
I'd want to see PLD's get a damage reflect mechanic.
I don't think its smart to have a tank that isn't wanted for its lack of damage when you design a game around meeting DPS checks. I'd rather they make the defensive nature of Paladin tie into its damage.

>Radiance: Trait where Shield Oath applies a passive holy thorns effect for like 10 potency when hit
I hope it's me.
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If it's you then hi :3
It's probably not because of how you type.
Wish it was.
They could put a Vengeance-like effect on Bulwark, too.
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I'm burned out on drawing at the moment, so if you guys catch me on the next visit just reuse these exact screenshots and I'll see them. Sorry for those I didn't get to.

Contact me if you fags want.
Just wanted to say I like your style. Very memorable drawings anon take care.
You can contact me at the following >>154741669

no promises tho
Didn't request (yet) but you're doing God's work friend. Until next time.
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WAR info.jpg
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hot from ippikitips
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