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/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

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Thread replies: 763
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LERN: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
WIKI: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Dota_2_Wiki
WIKI: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
BLOG: http://blog.dota2.com/
STAT: http://www.dotabuff.com/
STAT: https://yasp.co/
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Second for dota 2 gayneral
> people actually think pit lord sucks
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Would you break into her house just to see her shirtless?
fuck yeah dude wtf sheever is the best dota girl
Is that a serious question?
>mfw facing a midusa as pitlord
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No I probably wouldn't.
She's not really that great looking.
Would fuck if she was down tho.
quick question dotards
now that the season is over and drafts are changing, what do you think the next big meta will be besides maybe illusion meta
the real patch hasn't deployed so it could be anything
+ attack speed and bashlord meta
>maybe illusion meta
don't even joke about things like this
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Why are you so dead dotards?
can i FUCK that?
OG is kill? What happens to NoLans?
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No, I would so I can get a chance to see OD shirtless :3
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Why are you niggers using this shitty thread with a fucked up OP? I see d2g is just as shitty as ever. Y'all should go play a good game like Overwatch instead.
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We dont have based Sjokz that would pump the life into us (our penises)
isn't it weird that it previews the homepage?

It should preview the /vg/ board if he was our guy.
>no bull's cum on feet
will they ever learn?
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based sjokz bro
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Yes it's weird. Don't believe OD's lies, anon
Someone posted some really nice Mirana fanart the other day. Anyone save that? She had a blank expression standing in a forest in the rain.
And then you see a clear full-body picture displaying the full, terrifying BREADTH of her shoulders.
It's hard to decide which Nordic giant between her and Sheever is more of a pretty-face/brick-body dick trap.
this bull bullshit sounds so gay, plz stop
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kys slavnigger
good one, made me giggle
>another vandalized OP
make it stop
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someone make this lone druid set for the new warhammer chest
>is was the first year for them playing in the highest level of dota, and I think they just want to try out new things while they can, it’s a growing process and I understand it, and I’m not going to hold them back.

With Moon it was a bit different, but out of respect for him it was not because of his talent nor skill that we parted ways with him, sometimes people have different personalities and don't work as well together.

Always knew moon was a subhuman monkey
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I'm serious tho
>unironically playing ANY blizzard game after wc3
yeah kys
Overwatch is actually good though?

Can this degenerate just fuck off....
Why do people stack auras on dudes with natural auras? Is there something about having auras that causes having MORE auras to be better?
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rlfo lamo
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>Mercy mainer
>guy throws axes
>lets give him a set where he holds a sword and a sickle
Have you ever had a team made around auras? It's nuts with the right heroes.
>playing a shooter that has built-in aimbot and wallhack
yeah, nah
no shit the sword doesnt have to go into the set but lone druid already throws sickles in all of his sets
What's with the pit lord is bad meme? Fantastic mid, fairly safe off lane, great support, aura always welcome, and his ult turns one tower into two, he seems great.
""fan""""tas""""tic"" mid
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Is this for fucking real? Are we seriously at the point where a game with hit detection this casul can be considered competitive? It's fucking worse than Gears of War's.
> he doesn't deny nearly every creep leaving the enemy mid useless
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>tfw tilting hard and dragging 4 people down the MMR ladder with you
>tfw have literally thrown 5 games in a row in Ranked

This is it lads, the final spiral into leaving. Wish me luck.
I hope you're NA and took some Peruvians with you.
well, some people consider cs:go competitive, too.
hearthstone is considered by some to be an esport as well, I don't think I need to elaborate.
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>late game
>die without buyback
>get up and start pacing around the room
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>just fucking around as techies in unranked at midnight
>dude LOSES GOLD to counterpick my hero in UNRANKED
just what kind of PEOPLE does this shit game harbor
then you have a pitlord instead of a mid though
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Well, Counter Strike is somehow a thing as well.
Really makes me think
Why does underlord need to face the target he is teleporting to with dark rift?

Also, why do underlord and elder titan have abilities that give them so much attack damage when they can do literally nothing with it?
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It's fine if you run two dual lanes, or run a Timber or some strong solo offlaner with a trilane.
Underlord is a great aura stacker, this build is super fucking effective and makes your team nearly invincible, to speak nothing on how hard you become to kill. He doesn't necessarily need farm as bad as he needs levels but if you build him for teamfights boy does he make better use of auras than most heroes do.
>when they can do literally nothing with it?
Towers can't kite you.
Stop judging the hero by the retards that can't play him. This happens with every fucking hero on release, retards call it garbage because all the scrubs who have no idea how to doto have to try the new hero and make him look like garbage.

Whatever, I'll keep enjoying my free wins
How is damage block even good when it's calculated before armor? Also
>turning vanguard into CG instead of abyssal
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unranked has been serious business forever
i swear to god there's more "itS juST a gAme Bro!" people in ranked than unranked
It do a important thing: It brings your cosmetics to the post game screen.
The only thing its really lacking is Tower Damage.

I agree its overdesigned as fuck, and some of the graphs are a lot more useful than the splash.
The graphs and item graphs isn't very good either.

Its also lacking items, even if there is screen space for 6 slots of icons under the KDA.
the gold you lose from repicking a random is comparable to a wave of creeps, maybe less. if i could lose the net worth of a sentry ward to win a game, i would.
>that aim

crosshairs are broken
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Reminder to watch your backs.
Because it's a flat 55 damage reduction from auto attacks for your entire team, which already reduced by 20-30% because of the base damage reduction, which is then reduced 78% for you making you take around 12% of their attack as actual physical damage, and your squishies who normally only have like 23% physical damage reduction now take an attack reduced by 20-30% with a flat 55 damage shaved off and have around 50-60% damage reduction because of your 15 armor aura.

Abyssal only helps you, and of course there is the stun aspect, sure, but Underlord excels at zoning the enemy team and keeping his team alive more than anything else. If your team outlasts their team, you win the teamfight because as soon as they start dying you start getting 45 bonus damage.
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I forgot how much of a cancerous motherfucker Bloodseeker is.
Unranked AP has the shittiest pick system of all the modes. I don't get why Valve doesn't change it when in 99% of all games no one picks until the time is up.
>that sniper build

Based as fuck.
>The only thing its really lacking is Tower Damage.
It's also missing consumables and net worth doesn't count gold, only items.
ur bad
Is shiva's even good without mobility? I understand that the vlads could probably be dropped in most cases for blink, but you also need BoTs in there.

And why can't vlads upgrade into an item that isn't awful?
I don't see consumeable use over 1k unless you also count Moon Shard or Alch Aghs.
Its not terribly relevant unless it turns into salve stacking lategame for lack of heart
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Shivas is fucking outstanding on Pit. For one, it's 15 armor and 30 Int so he can cast his spells off coldown without worry unless he just fights for 5 minutes straight or something. Two, it has the -45 attack speed aura. Three, it has a 40% 4 second movespeed slow 200 damage active, it's extremely strong anti kite, and that's where Pit is pretty weak.

You don't need BoTs at all, he has free BoTs, just get Greaves they're core as fuck on him.
I personally don't like Blink because to me Pit isn't an initiator. He has a bkb piercing root that cancels tps and a strong zoning Q.
He's a counter initiator teamfight disruptor teammate saver. Yes, you can use blink for that too, but those six items mesh super well with Pit, even Vlads is nice for the armor aura really. 4 extra armor isn't much for you, but for your supports or your carry if they're not agility it can potentially be a lot.
Vlads is real strong as is, but I suppose it could use an upgrade. Something to boost its stats so it's attractive to a carry at minute 40 but not worth rushing at minute 20.
Eh, Vlads + Ultimate Orb + Recipe?
Grants 25% bonus damage aura, 15/10% lifesteal aura, +15 to all stats and 5 armor 5hp/s aura? It's not really a bad item if you ask me, not for its price and what it builds out of.
But yeah anyways, if you want to right click people as Pit and don't think Shivas is enough anti kite, get a Skadi. I still prefer Crimson instead of Abyssal but this is a nice other build.
Heart is fine too since good luck dealing with a guy with 4k hp and 80% damage reduction plus all these fucking auras.
Why don't you spam hotaru anymore?
havent played in a year, what's the meta?
>below 2k
How did you manage to type?
>no slightly competitive stack to get better with
>only casual friends who need to be reminded of obvious things every single game

i love them but sometimes i just want to teach myself some things instead of being team mom
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Reminder to join /d2g/'s offical Discord Doturds.

The meta is wild and varied at the moment, actually, but Pitlord is the hot new shit everyone is spamming and he's actually pretty damn good.
Well it's just that I'd like to see starting items. I guess it doesn't really matter since the stat websites have that.
Having a lot of int doesn't mean a whole lot for mana sustain unless you have some % regen, which none of those items provide. You could always get lotus orb for that though.

And my problem with vlads is that it lacks slot efficiency because it's cheap. Ultimate orb builds into 5 things already, does it really make sense for another?
Yeah and once people figure out how to abuse the ult he's going to be even better.
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Post ur pentagon
Well stats are a nice way to make things better, UO is just a good item. What would you suggest to improve Vlads with?
Vlads is a mid game/support item, and Pit is a support hero, although he scales pretty well into the lategame if you ask me.

And it does provide some mana regen, with that much Int he has around 4 mana a second and Vlads gives 0.8m/s plus GGreaves gives a burst of mana. His spell costs are super high, 30 intelligence gives him enough mana for him to cast his Q and W combo 3 times by itself. With 2400 mana he'd have to cast both his spells 20 times without returning to base or using his greaves and he'd regen a lot of mana over that amount of time.
Enchantress is a shapeshifter of some sort. It doesnt say so in her lore but a few characters mention it

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>tfw you realize you can win duels for your shit LC from dark rifting onto her when it's off cooldown
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my pentagon is bigger than yours
Dark rift can't teleport to heroes(until pit lord aghs is added).
versacuck smdh
Another day has come and gone and another 2 games where the team with Underlord has lost

that makes 10/10
>shadowblade pool
anything is cancerous in your bracket son
what shit/extremely good bracket are you playing in that underlord isn't a good hero?
Which button should I put purchase sticky on so I can spam it before death to not lose any gold?
I want the portal to come back for his aghs

>creates a portal at your location and target allied creep or building
>allies can only go through each portal once
>lasts 60 seconds

I guess you could make it so enemies can't use it since its an aghs upgrade and all.

Think of all the ratting you could do with NP or Lycan on your team
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mason deserves all of his misfortune
Feeling nostalgia here.

Any warcraft 3 mod working to the date?

~3.5K unranked

I have seen all kinds of trashcan builds on him

Radiance rush
bloodstone rush
support underlord who went blink and pipe when the enemy had only Kotl for magic damage and 4 right clickers
Literally no items except for guardian greaves
drums and crits
Fucking radiance, battlefury, manta

The rest went something like 1/12 and had 7 minutes worth of items by the time we lost so I couldn't see what shitty builds they where attempting
Nah, let enemies use it, but don't show them the exit.
>Rift from fountain
>Have teammate walk through and bait
>Enemy team TPs into your fountain
that's what SD and RD does to you
work work.
I cant do it man. I just cant do it

I fell from 3.5k to 2.9k and now I just straight can't win. No matter what hero I pick, what role I pick, I just can't fucking win

If the enemy team's first two picks are 2 late game shit like PA and LC I pretty much already know its a 100% loss because teams here will never ever group up and end a game no matter how much advantage they have. If someone on my team picks shit like AM, Alch, Tinker, etc (half of my games) I know its a loss as well since teams can't create enough space and even if they could the people who actually pick shit like Alch in ranked are too stupid to ever make use of that space

I tried to just play mids and carry, but in literally 10 games I didnt once have a support rotation mid on my side (not exaggerating), while I just sat through a game where the Silencer literally sat at our ancients for 5 continuous minutes, coming out when last word and curse were off CD, casting them on me, then going back to our ancients to wait for the next CD. I've somehow matched against several Invokers that are better than anyone I ever faced at my peak mmr of 3.7k who cast their spells and time their timings absolutely perfectly 100% of the time

Theres no point to this blog, just had to get my feelings out since I guess I'm done. I don't claim to be an amazing player, or that Im losing every game because of shitty teammates. I just honestly don't understand what happened, hell I was holding steady at a mmr for like a week plus and now I just can't fucking win no matter what. It's also just statisically amazing to me that in literally 50 games or so that I've played recently not ONCE have I ever had my team demolish the enemy team. Not once in all those games have my other lanes just snowballed out of control and dominated - which is just shocking to me in 50 games. The very few times I've won have seen to be this - picking TA, Axe, or Sand king, getting a early blink and just snowballing.
sorry for this worthless blog
6.89 is gonna be arc warden meta of he gets enabled in cm without severe nerfs.
Would hit at either split pushing or deathball meta.
If underlord gets enabled it might lean towards more of a 5 man heavy lineup meta though. Im calling a resurgeance of tanky heroes then.
Drow/Medusa strats and illusion heroes heroes are dead then and raindrops are probably getting nerfed so as a result heavy magic damage heroes will reign.
>25% bonus damage aura
>Pit lord is fucking terrible,ious to anyone who looks at his skills, let alone his terrible stats
>Gets added to the game without being remade or buffed
just be less gay
look thor
Where did you find this?
learn to last hit lmao thats literally how you gain 1000 mmr.
are you retarded, by any chance?
You just need to find the hero that clicks with you.
Just base damage, that's 25 bonus damage per 100 base damage, so unless you have a Morphling or a Centaur stacking 6 Hearts the extra 10% isn't massively significant. Assuming the average carry has 200 base damage by 40 minutes and this being a 40 minute centric item (recipe would be a hefty amount) that would give them an extra 50 bonus damage.
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>just be less gay

Not possible
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>kills the inhouse just to go ride on Eosin's dick
Eat shit Cosmo
>hi, my name is roy, I'm a magic addict
15% basically
i didnt read both your post since you were like talking out of your ass
>people still watching that washed up trashcan

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>Inhouse degenerates

Worse than Mouzshitters
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its means you are a dotard
(dota + retard)
>Attack Damage Bonus: 15%
what do you mean by this?
so Im a new player from League, I really wanted to quit so I downloaded Dota but I gotta admit it's more difficult than I thought getting in. I don't know how to manage my mana very well and I keep getting out-traded in harassing/trading
Welcome to Dota! Fuck off, we have enough players.
Have you tried drow strats with arc warden? It's absolutely ridiculous. Easy to just destroy your lane, and then to move on to others.
What champ do you love playing back then and what hero do you use now?

I suggest using Passive-oriented heroes like viper and wraith King. Drow ranger works too
but u guys said dota is dead game?
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calm down, silly ohayou
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Meh, ih died with Sarkeh left anyway.
>I don't know how to manage my mana very well

Build magic wand or soul ring on everything until you get used to mana management. Make sure power treads are on intelligence before casting spells. Once you get more comfortable in Dota you can start dropping mana items to maximize your regen items.

>I keep getting out-traded in harassing/trading

Check the starting armor and damage for each hero you play and face. A couple armor difference is all the difference in the world.
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can anyone tell me why radience on TB is bad? with 34s on an illusion i find radience helps me get massive dosh the moment i get it. I also play casually and have no interest in doing rank, game gets less fun that way.
I've lost 400 mmr in 2 days. 2k is literally unplayable. It is not possible to solo queue and climb out of this.

I've been in games where all four people on my team don't speak English.

Support pickers never ward/deward and feed mercilessly when they're not flashfarming the lane ineffectively.

Carries try to rice (inefficiently) for 30 minutes before losing the game, and pick heroes that are inherently countered by the other team.

Opposing players that are constantly out of position are never punished, ganks are never carried out, rotations never come to support you when you're being ganked, heroes are drafted with literally zero thought to team or lane synergy, and everyone is impossibly toxic.

And why is it that every, literally without exception, EVERY fucking Alchemist player goes mid and plays like shit?

That hero is fucking worthless and needs to be removed from the game.
>Lose literally five games in a row
>It gets so bad that I abandon 2 of them
>Go to LP.
>Get anti mage.
>Get properly supported in offlane by Ogre Magi.
>Pick up first blood immediately.
>Finish bfury at about 9 minutes. Manta/van/basher at 20.
>Finish 12/0/6 in a 30 minute game

How fucking bad is 2k that I have to go into LP just to enjoy dota?
aiushththta wants to get picked
>both white
>and american.
does not compute, amerimutt
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>alt tab
>team picked 4 mids
why did i start playing this game again
>theres only two skills in this game that have the same name and do different things
(later the answer was "Tornado")
>forgetting Return, Return and Return
Because TB gets only gets 2.5 illusions in the time it takes Naga to create 4 and that's before octarine core. Radiance also seriously gimps your manfighting and tower pushing ability.
>Its a team can't play their heroes episodes
>Laning counterpicks is on your team
>Enemy lane can
>You tilt and lose control over game
how can dotards enjoy playing support when your cores are garbage
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>tfw you'll never come across a wave of creeps and just squish them under your waveclear
>seeing their eyes bug out, their entrails shooting out their mouths
>watching them as they pitifully crawl with their arms, dragging their crushed backsides behinds them, attempting to hurt you with their pathetic 20 damage autos, until they eventually collapse and die on the cold ground, a far away clinking sound signifying your lasthits being counted
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>he doesn't have maxed out versatility
>tfw no conductor hero that makes train puns
>Used to hate pitlord, every single game I nom'd him for banning and reported anyone on my team who picked him since I lost every single time
>try him today
>hes actually really fucking strong

wtf I love pitlord now
it's like the game changed over the and him getting buffed too
Anyone else here who completely gave up on the game?

I haven't played in months and I just keep with the scene and pro player streams. I might come back for a bit if they buff weaver. I love that hero
>based protestants
*marries a plushie*

see a doctor dude
I seem to win many games in 2k with Storm, Slark, Axe and roaming Riki or BH. You need to identify the biggest retard on the other team and kill them over and over.
There's usually at least 1 or 2 guys on your team that don't suck and will actually use their skills. Some games are just unwinnable but many games can be turned around just by defending highground as 5 and bullying your retards until they fall in line.
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>Axe in the comic, while eager for combat, is knowledgeable about things and appreciates reading
>"Axe" in the game is "ooga booga me kill", like some nerd trying to cosplay Rambo, pretends he can't count above 4 (meepo kill lines), shuns books because not axes

>Axe in the comic usually refers to himself in first person, uses third person when discussing with Goodkind how will he be described in the book to differentiate between himself and a character
>"Axe's" ingame lines are ALL in third person with the exception of TWO joke lines, one that references willy wonka factory movie and one "I said good nightstalker" when killing NS

>In comic, Axe only uses third-person when calling out his attacks while shitstomping the guards (well, and once when talking with the dude at the gate). When fighting Zongom, he yells "AXE ATTACKS", right next to the chamber of the "King", so he must have heard it.
Guess what line is used in-game?

>After battle "Axe" doesn't remember where he has already been and slain his enemies, something you don't just forget when the subject is already brought up and you're thinking about it. He doesn't even know how the books about his adventures are selling.
comment too long
>Anyone else here who completely gave up on the game?
>I haven't played in months

lol cuck, i haven't played in years
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>Bought battlepass, hyped myself for a summer of Dota
>Watched TI6 religiously even though games lasted until 9am

Last match 4 months ago
Axe is a fucking axe, it can't really die
too bad we won't see another new hero in 5 years
Most important clues are in the description of the new immortal item, Mantle of the Cinder Baron
>The Sorcerer King of Valhessi is but one title among many that the doppelganger Niyish has worn.
Estabilishes that the lizard man isn't the original form of the bodysnatcher, just another body in the line, and as such he wouldn't have any reason to be reliant on it.
>Impersonating the Cinder Baron, the imposter led his forces on a disastrous military campaign, finally gaining an audience with the powerful Valhessian King during their surrender.
Same thing as in the comic. Loser meets up with victor, switches bodies and lives another life.

What reliable source provided Axe with a way to undo the spell? Some random sissy elf writer, while not having time to think things through and about to be choked by a red man-ape.
Our new Axe knew who Goodkind is because old Axe discussed with him how to deal with the baffling obstacle for a lengthy amount of time.
Ok first the gun itself: It's well over twice as tall as a GC (127 meters) with a fully extended barrel pointing straight up. This places it at around 300m, roughly as tall as the Eiffel Tower or 3/4 of the Empire State Building's roof. The base is taller than an ACU, which you can see the relative scale to humans in the campaign cinematics.

The shells it fires have a caliber about 1/10 the height of an ACU (37.1m), so about 3-4 meters. By comparison, the largest caliber artillery ever used on Earth was 0.8m: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav Upscaling from that shell (7.1 tons), places the Mavor's at around 500-600 tons or 8-10 times a modern main battle tank.
It hurls this shell with a muzzle velocity of 2730 m/s which gives it an energy requirement of about 2.2 trillion joules or half a kiloton (500 tons of TNT). It does that every 8 seconds, putting the power drain at 275 gigawatts. That's about 1.8% of the entire world's energy consumption. It would take the Hoover Dam about 2.2 minutes to generate that much energy. Technically at that velocity it should have a range of over 760km instead of the 78.1 it is right now, but I digress.

It has a blast radius in game of 127m. Since this is an antimatter shell, I extrapolated, calculating it as a nuclear explosion and blast radius as the fireball size (since the blast wave in this game doesn't seem to do much to the giant robots, 500 damage). This places it in the area of 50 kilotons (which would have a fireball radius of about 130m). That's 3-4 times the energy of the Hiroshima Little Boy bomb, not terribly powerful by modern standards, but still a nuke is a nuke (just as a side calculation, the strategic nuke is around 500kt-1MT). That makes the antimatter payload it carries a little over 1 gram (1 gram of matter converted to pure energy yields about 22 kilotons, and since in annihilation consumes the antimatter and regular matter, it'll yield 2 grams consumed or 44 kilotons).
Drow being dead is more of a response to underlord. She does pair well with arc that's right, but underlord destroys her and resulting heavy magic damage meta destroys her too.
New skill: Challenge
Upon activation allows LC to choose the enemy hero which is not currently dead to challenge for a duel. Global and doesnt require vision of them, will reveal LC to the enemy team. To accept the Challenge the challenged hero must come over within his/her autoattack range of Legion Comander and use a skill Accept Challenge, made available upon being called for by LC, at which point a regular Duel of appropriate level will begin. Alternatively Tresdin can just Duel the challenged hero normally, which will remove the Challenged state.

In the event that Challenge is not answered within a duration, Legion Commander will win by walkover and gain bonus damage that is a multiple of current level Duel victory damage.
However, to prevent abuse, LC herself will lose the Challenge if during any moment of it she stands in the fountain area.
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Not sure why versatility is so high, I only play like 5 heroes.
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Where can I see footage (heh) of this kraut and her fatty natties?
Right here bby ;^)
*unzips dick
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these fatty natties?
why dont people build deso more on drow?
drow is mostly picked for pushing towers anyways with team

food for thought, d2g
Vladamir's Offering only gives bonus damage based on base damage you tard.
Ender, the Land Master

Heavenly Palm, Active Q -
>Ender strikes the earth, raising a pillar of terrain by 1 level within a 425 AoE for 3/4/5/6 seconds and deals 100/150/200/250 damage. The terrain applies all elevation differences such as vision, high-ground evasion and fog of war. The pillar can connect to similar level terrain. Destroys trees.

Battleground, Passive W -
Ender gains bonuses depending on the elevation of his terrain.
>In the River he gains increased movespeed by 4%/6%/8%/12%
>On the first level after he gains increased attack damage of 10/20/30/60
>On the second level he gains increased vision of 400/600/800/1000
>On the third level he gains increased armor of 10 at all levels and 12% increased magic resist.

Land Walker, Active E -
>For 8 seconds the land Ender walks on causes mini-earthquakes in a 250 AoE around him, dealing 15/20/30/45 damage for every 125 units he crosses.

Hammer, Active R -
>The Land Master proves his name and strikes the ground with his godly hammer, leveling all terrain within a 500/1000/1500 AoE for 16 seconds while also dealing 150/225/300 damage. All effects of Battleground become active on this new land.

Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade -
>Hammer is now a global ground targeted ability.

why dont you kill yourself for being so fucking bad
Embrace it. Playing the game is suffering
Why does Sven deal 66% pure damage to non primary targets when attacking?
Why does he just ignore your 50 armor carry by attacking the 7 armor support and deal 4k pure damage in 3 attacks to your carry?
Because Drow needs survivability and mobility more than damage or tower push. Teamfights win games more than ratting nowadays.
this isnt ur safe space faggot
Who are the top 5 late game carries?
welcome to cleaveland enjoy your stay
what kind of cuckport stands next to carry on a stage of the game where carries have 50 armor?
Because cleave is the second strongest mechanic in the game next to damage reduction.
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how much then?
body swapping is my fetish. Too bad Im not into male 2 male bodyswaps
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What happened to Spectre? And isn't Slark up there too if you win team fights?
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500 mmr checking in
is that legit 500mmr or did you throw 100 games

Wait, you just can't read.
I was saying an upgrade to Vlads should increase the damage bonus to 25% from 15%. You're gonna call me a tard then not actually read what I said, okay dumbass.
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>he actually managed to lose with sven in unranked
Did anyone use drow/magnus aghs pocket strat?

>each attack drow hits 3 targets
>each of these 3 hits causes splash damage in 240 radius
>on top of 50% bonus damage from empower
>on top of drows FREE Agility

That shit is like 600 AOE damage per shot.
like i said i didnt read half the shit
>reading blogpost

let me guess you have the game installed lols
Why not just pick medusa with magnus and rush rapier? Same thing but with FREE aghanim
wahhh sugoi pic akari nee-chan~
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Nope, never throw. Started playing 3 months ago. I've gotten way better since I first got my mmr (which i got like a few weeks into playing) I was originally placed at like 512 and I've been too lazy to play comp and get it up. But if I ever do play comp in my current mmr bracket i more than likely stomp. I think I belong at more like 1.5 - 2k mmr.
Is Digital Chaos officially Canadian now that they can't possibly be American anymore?
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Has anybody tried this?


I only play a handful of heroes so it doesn't seem useful to me.
wahhh sugoi rich kid senpai
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>hate anime on an anime website
>recognize anime characters
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>Sven's Cleave was 85% at a point
>Kunkka is still at 100%
>Fagnus got a 50% debuff with +50% damage, also aura
>Battlefury is the strongest farming item in the game, on the top of its insane regen bonus
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ehhh? nandatto?

i liked the pic stupid dotard
do you think loda cares that d2g bullies him about kelly?
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>tfw you get trilaned mid by om es fv
How many ironic weeb groups do you have on steam?
When you think about it, getting chrono'd is pretty fucking brutal, time stops, but to the opponents perceptions everything went funny for a second.

So basically this faceless purple creature appears OUT OF NOWHERE in front of you and in the next second you're battered and beaten up or even dead.
If the US had more decent players they wouldn't call it NADota

>Your setup is not supported...
>Our desktop app only supports 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1366x768, and 1360x768. We're actively adding new resolutions so follow us to get notified of support for your resolution.
what was yapzor's girlfriend's name?
having both heart and satanic is stupid, satanic is million times better on pa
daedalus is terrible on pa
butterfly is terrible on pa, any non retard enemy will buy mkb and/or bloodthorn against that
bkb is must have in 99% of pa games, and you've literally NEVER bought it in over 50 pa games
also you almost never max out the stifling dagger until lvl 12+, lol
it should always be maxed first

guess anything is viable in triple digit mmr
>560 mmr
>I belong in 1.5-2k mmr
how about no

If you die in the chrono it's not bad. If you get slowed and eaten alive by naix or something while conscious on the other hand...
Excuse me good sir but Butterfly isn't bad on PA because for targets that don't have truehit she has effectively 65% evasion, it gives her 65 attack speed and 65 damage, and it also gives her a massive movespeed surge that she doesn't mind using much because if she uses it her evasion goes from 65% to 50% instead of 35% to 0%.
It's definitely not an item you rush, but it grants higher dps to agility heroes than any other item save a Daedalus except PA already has a crit so like you said, she doesn't want a Daedalus.
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I decided to start a new account and see where I calibrate.

If I get 3.4 or higher I am going to feel really sad.
make me good again
t. outside dude
>targets don't have truehit
>implying people don't rush mkb after boots in all brackets because pa gives them ptsd
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lolbab here

>lvl 1, new to dota
>can't level up playing vs. bots
>play a game, win
>still level 1
>next game teammate insta dc's after giving first blood, I leave later
>next game 3 abandons, I leave
>play game #4, win, finally level 2

so is leveling up pretty much based on luck?
Your character level is pretty much a meme and just an indicator on how many games the account has played.
You used to get hats when you went up levels but not anymore.
Supports and magical nukers almost always don't. Extra evasion is still good against everyone but the 1 or 2 people who actually buy an mkb on the enemy team.
He just told you everyone builds mkb or bloodthorn and you keep going about people not having true strike. Get the fuck out redditor. PA is a rightclick hero that everyone knows needs to be countered with mkb or bloodthorn. There is always at least one person with true strike
If you are dumpstering the enemy it's good otherwise skip it.
Well it was either that or chucklefucks flood low-invisible-MMR games with idle accounts.
That's not what I said.
Personality issues with N0tail and Moon that lead to his departure, both have different mentalities of approaching the game. Moon felt like you had to be consistent and play dota2 at your best everyday since 1 bad day can lead you to lose a tournament.

Why does h0neylan always ruin teams?
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>buy 6k gold item against 3k networth cuckport
Good shit senpai.
sure its situationally good if you're snowballing hard and can get it in under 25 mins, but its terrible if you assume the enemy carry is getting at least ok farm, just mkb my shit up senpai

pa's power drops drastically when enemy carry gets mkb
>US East
You're going to be sad before you even get to calibrate. Enjoy dealing with Peruvians picking four greedy carries at every skill bracket.

Just go queue Dubai, Ability Draft and kill the bots that queue there to level up their account. It's faster than any other methods and face it even if you do get 4.5k after calibration the game won't be fun or easy.
Leveling is based on game duration.
I really find it incredible that 500 mmr shitlord is trying to argue with other people that PA isn´t shitty rightclick hero that gets countered by one item

It's actually remarkable that there was so little backstabbing in OG over the last year.
>Just go queue Dubai, Ability Draft and kill the bots that queue there to level up their account
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>Someone tries to steal mid from me
>"Mid or Techies"
>They respond "Okay Techies"
>Immediately hover over Techies
>Allchat "Crashing this game with no survivors"
>Someone else on my team panics and picks Techies to stop me
I don't know what that was meant to accomplish but it was funny as hell. He was absolute garbage at the hero but I drafted Meepo into no aoe lockdown, so it all worked out.

Is this another case of Valve cucking the community?
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Daedalus is effective on PA
Also, something else worth mentioning is that according to Dotabuff PAs winrate with Daedalus is 72.21% (which is better than the top 7 of her most used items)
I have never had to buy bkb (but I suppose that's because of my current MMR bracket)
I bought heart in maybe 2 or 3 games because i had expendable money and ALREADY had Satanic
I buy butterfly for attack speed, use flutter for escapes, and the evasion stacks with blur.
Countering Mkb is easy, either leave a slot open (which i always do) for Heavens halberd or have a teammate get it, disarm the mkb and burst them down before they can use it. And I usually max out blur by level 7 for lane survivability so i can farm safely. and I start leveling up stifling dagger and phantom strike together (with maybe one more point in Phanotm strike) to keep their cooldowns more even letting me use them more often in teamfights.

But like you said, it's probably my MMR bracket, this is just how i play PA, and it seems to be working for I've got a 55% winrate, and most of my wins with her are stomps. Also, one more thing. the way I play her is pretty much staying in lane completely, until about 20:00, by the time i have Battle Fury, Phase Boots, and Crystalys I usually go fight but I try to give myself a solid cushion on my networth moving into the later game cause of how expensive my build is.

Pic is my build, yes it's weird. this is just how i organize it.
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>500+ damage dagger crits
Haven't played Dota in a while and found out the camera bind I use isn't working. Anyone have any ideas why they removed it?

bind "SPACE" "+dota_camera_follow; +dota_camera_follow"
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Vlad's on Meepo, Y/N?

This is assuming I don't have the luxury of a teammate willing to buy it.
Are you playing against passive or easy bots? On hard and unfair people rarely abandon, might be the same on normal.

The only useful thing you'll learn in bot games is that 1vs5ing is a bad idea. You're very likely to pick up bad habits because the bot AI is so awful and the coop bot player base doesn't really play Dota.
I'd just play normal matchmaking instead, XP is just based on time spent ingame. You don't need to win to level up.
Most likely, because Dota 2 isn't Dota 1, crits don't share PRNG resets with each other.
The same reasons a Jugg could pick up a Daedelus, because most likely it will stack.

That or PRNG rolls collectivly, meaning crit chances is equal to attacks. So Deadlus + Bloodthorne + Native crit = 3 rolls for PRNG each attack, so 3 attacks is worth 9 rolls
Valve banned keys from being bound to multiple commands because some Redditor wrote a "quality of life" Naga script that stacked multiple camps at once.

Anything with a semicolon will not work.
Because medusa's split shot doesnt splash because they dont carry effects.
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All of these matches are 1-2 real players vs. 8-9 Chinese bot accounts that are queued and then later calibrated and sold.

People queue there to complete compendium quests and put rampages on their profile.
Ah. I see. Thanks.
>Dotabuff PAs winrate with Daedalus is 72.21%

And aegis winrate is probably 90%+. It's more likely that people buy daedalus not because they want to win, but because they think they've won already.
I spent a week or so practicing against unfair solo bot games until I could lane well against them

the games I mentioned in >>152944430 were normal matchmade games but it seems like every match is a diceroll where whoever has the most smurfs and the least abandons wins
how are the accounts there to calibrate if they are in the normal skill bracket? that leads to under 3k calibration
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Yes. Naturally you would always want a teammate to get it, but in pubs that's not an option. Vlad's is a huge item for Meepo with the +15% extra base damage aura given how you're constantly building stats.
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It's a really weird state of affairs, all I know is I've been using this build for probably 3/4ths of my PA games and it's been working really well.
None of those matches are normal or high skill at least according to dotabuff, some of them are even listed as VHS bracket ones.
The more games you play the less leavers you'll see. You're probably still playing against casual newbies.
because you are a godamn 500 mmr. Its okay if it works for you where 6x etheral blade would work too but dont try to tell other people your build is good (it´s not)
What is this image trying to show?
Never said my build is good, all I said was it works for me fucking relax.
Have you tried Deso instead of BF?
Is sven the Guts of Dota?
>Bastard child
>Half human
>Big ass sword
>Swings it like a butter knife
>Can cut down hordes after hordes like its nothing
>Literal butt mad fury when pissed
>Moves fast
I can try, I usually just get battle fury right after my boots to maximize my farm game. So I can get my expensive later items.
Don't forget his left handed gauntlet.
Daedalus does MORE damage than literally nothing

I thought we all agreed that Deso is best PA item.
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>sven will never storm hammer your boipuqqi
>@MoonMeanderated Gets Too Fucking Real for Epi - "I guess the whole friendship rainbow thing was bullshit"
Oh shit.
Deso is 30% damage increase.
PA Crit + Daed is a 25% damage increase + twice the procs on Coup de Grace.
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You bro if I cant fucking level up to 20 why the fuck would I continue this smurf.


Are you fucking serious? Would doing competitionist get me there?
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>Playing Meepo
>Get out of control
>See a support trying to push the wave out of base when the rest of his team is under vision halfway across the map
>TP to catapult
It's times like these when I wish there was a facecam in this game.
>believing for a second that Fly the ashkenazi Jew is capable of human emotions
>being such a gullible goy to believe that captain Jew wasn't simply doing it for the sheckles
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gg dotards
>playing meepo
>lose because he is literally throw: the hero
I watched that already.
The girl is pretty nice.
dotabuff item winrates mean absolutely fucking nothing
without bkb you will get absolutely dumpstered against any decent opponent
your halberd wont help when enemy mkb carry pops his bkb and just wrecks you, only hope for you to manfight at that point is to have abyssal blade and pray for additional bashes and crits, this is going to be especially hard when you dont have bkb
Just lost a game where we had megas because our retard Sven decided to buy a rapier and jump into their entire team solo including a Medusa and with no buyback

Im actually quitting Dota after that. All those losses, all that mmr down the drain, all the tilting. Finally, a SINGLE game that is completely won and in the bag and even that is taken from me

funny I thought I'd be more mad if I got to the point I'm uninstalling but I felt completely at peace as I hit the button. One moment so fucking retarded it opened my eyes to how shit and unenjoyable this piece of shit is

anyway thanks for the memories and meme builds
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Shes so cute guys i think i have new waifu
>moo get kicked by misery and w33

this prove that there is no good or bad guy in dota
puppey and kuro are not the bad guys too
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>Use le balanced free lane from level 3 to get ahead
>Don't fuck up and do stupid shit like dive 1v5 (even then, you can get away with it abusing how the aegis respawn works)
You'll be back in a year or less.
>kicking the only NA player in NA team
NA dota is a joke
>+ twice the procs on Coup de Grace

No nigga it aint. You have the same 15% to proc coup de grace and then if it fails you have a 30% chance to proc daed crit
Guess I'm just a retard in an mmr bracket of retards.
I would still like to know if Coup is rolled first, or if both is rolled at the same time.
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Be honest, anon.
Would you?

I started laughing so fucking hard.

What the fuck is that thing.
at the same time, higher damage crit procs
They are rolled separately, so it does give you a bigger chance to have *any* crit, but if they both proc, then you only get the bonus from coup.
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>those lips

wtf? also i dunno. ppd dumped his load in that.
only if she's really fucking kinky
Only if she gave my balls a tongue bath
I tried to advocate PA deso ever since her dagger was changed to an attack and abyssal was reworked. People called me stupid untill QO wrecked OG at TI with it
>You're very likely to pick up bad habits because the bot AI is so awful

Some unfair bots are actually decent for laning practice. At least they were some time ago. I think Razor bot in particular was brutal to lane against because he denies so well.
>Deso is 30% damage increase.

It's much stronger than that if you get as a second item after agh's. Since most heroes at that point don't have more than 14 armor.

>PA Crit + Daed is a 25% damage increase + twice the procs on Coup de Grace.

Wrong, they have separate procs. If both proc at the same time, coup de grace has the higher priority. This undermines daedalus' 36% average damage boost. Since 15% of the time it gets ignored. Meaning you only get 30,5% extra damage from the crit.

TL;DR desolator is a much more cost effective and more impactful item than daedalus since it also works on towers.

How long are queue times?
All crits roll at the same time and then whichever one is the highest %modifier is used.
That doesn't answer anything.
If I attack 10 times, with Daed + a native crit, so I get 20 PRNG rolls or 10?
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jesus fuck nobody cares about PA
Learn to read.

One attack gives you two rolls. If they both succeed, then you just get the higher source of crit anyway.
>Stop talking about game mechanics!

That Moon is one crazy guy huh? Sure love to talk about esports drama
Also theres a free script that will cancel every attack until you get a crit.
>most people having a civil discussion about it
>waaaah nobody cares
hide the posts you special little snowflake
PRNG is tracked separately, so both chances increase, but the Dead crit can still proc at the same time as Coup, resetting both and only giving the benefit of one Coup.
That was me. I just wanted to go to bed and was tired of carrying you faggots.
Just to prove it, I was laning against pitlord. See you tomorrow cutie (~.^)
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>replies half an hour later
>"I just wanted to go to bed"
That's not what I said.
I said not everyone in a match will have evasion, not everyone buys an mkb, only the carries will.
That's still extra evasion against anything else, like towers.

But what I did say, was that a Butterfly is the most effective way for an agility hero to boost their dps. It gives them 65 damage and attack speed. PA fuckin loves attack speed.
As a 6th item after you've got your bkb Satanic Deso uh, what does a six slotted PA even buy though? Skadi I suppose, but PA is that mid game hypercarry late game ohgodihopeicrit mega creep. I never see a fully slotted PA.
>Crit's team is insanely strong. Moon can't reveal what it is but it's very strong.
ok so that basically confirms RTZ + EE + CRIT

who will be the beta supports
>Moon criticizes overly self-critical dialogue with teammates because it comes off as being too "beta"
I'm in bed on my phone ⌒.⌒
as long as the crit to liquid rumours arent true i'm happy, i want to see this squad win a major at least
also this new team is basically Alex Garfield's new team
So we're all under agreement that Pitlord is OP and gonna get nerfed right?
Did you really want to give that Lina or pl a free win after what they did? I'm assuming you were ds
Hard to say, I think the hero is pretty solid but I don't think he needs nerfs that badly. As long as there are ways to deal with a hero it's fine
Do stuns interrupt pits ult?
None of you actually go into games and spout memes, right?
You would be surprised. I met already some people with pepe profile pic, spouting unfunny memes in game (nobody was laughing at them). Unsurprisingly these people are the worst always. No farm, terrible KDA
only killing him does
yeah those are redditors mate
Moo for Moonmeander doesn't really seem like it's much different.
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>swap one american shitter with another in EU team DC

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Have you guys collected your free wins today?

Then explain why h0neylans is still in the team and butt buddies with fly
Moon is a huge tilter, DC will have problems and internal issues because of him.

Don't Banish/Cyclone also prevent the TP from working on the affected target?
moon got bigger hero pools than moo desu
I just queued a 1k mmr account on Dubai and got into a VH game with 3 bots on each side right away so you probably can get to mid 3k just by playing all pre calibration games on new a smurf there.
The shitters on the other side were super salty too when they didn't get their free win. Would queue again.
Redditors from the ingame /vg/ channel
Only redditors post on /vg/
You know it. For all the doomsaying about Pitlord's insta trash status it's pretty fun playing as an immortal %HP burning Machamp impersonator. Pretty psyched to see what happens when this guy hits CM.
with the recent patch i use to be able to have this game on ultra but now i lag, had to turn everything to low.

fuckkk you vvalle
>n0lans aka the WORST player kicked moon
>n0lans will never win anything ever again without moon and crit

Pitlord's got a cool root, his q is ok, atrophy aura is dabomb in early game ganks. And Dark Rift is meh.

8/10 good hero, wouldn't nerf.
>never backstabbed anyone
>won several major lans

what did he mean by this?
>n0tail is so bad that not even mirale, the best player in the universe, can carry him
I thought he was h0neylans now.
backstabbed trixi, our guy
Based n0team
Pa is still a good 1v1 fighter even against bkb. You have the biggest single target damage steroid in the game on your ult and free attack speed too. Seeing how abyssal is almost always bought you have bashes and the blink+abyssal combo too. There aren't many heroes that straight up manfight this.
Any tips for Centaur?
were you the brewmaster?

Dark Rift is actually really good, you just need to be careful not to fall for the AoE Relocate meme

Dark Rift is to be used only as your own personal uninterruptible boots of travel
Moonmonkey is even worse than h0neylans desu
im super temped to que dubai guys
im queueing.

post friend id, maybe we should get a party going , farm some bots with 300 ping and calibrate some accounts
Don't be shit
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>played 5 games of solo que today
>3 of them had 4 man stacks on each team
>1 of them had 3 man stacks
>last one had 2 2 man stacks

"solo" que.
me and one of my friends have 63% winrate in over 500 games
you'd definitely want us in your team, we're even flexible in roles and rarely lane together
>backstabbed era
>backstabbed moon
>backstabbed fly
>backstabbed /d2g/ by making an obnoxious retard n0friends-lel_ouch his avatarfagging fan
>Moonmonkey is even worse than h0neylans desu

I know a lot of people like to meme the mememeander but i followed his offlaner moves many times and he was really effective in most of his games. It's not his fault that all the space he makes for n0lans is not getting used by n0lans because he's so fucking BAD
I'm 3k and I keep getting matched up with 5k and 6k people.
I'm playing unranked, but surely there are other 5k or even 4k people to play with what the fuck. Or have I actually climbed that high in unranked? I noticed I was in High Skill the other day but come the fuck on these people are out of my league.
>"We can't make a solo only queue, it would split up the playerbase too much!!"
>"Hey, want to spend $10 for a TI6 queue?"
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I just played one of the most heart pounding matches.

And guess the fuck what: It was on my new smurf. The SECOND FUCKING GAME.

Turns out literally everyone was a fucking 2000+ matches played on a smurf.

Such a fucking hard match, it was amazing. I did not expect such a thing on a fucking smurf.
I am having more fun here than on my main and that is honestly mind blowing.


>team friendship
>get kicked
>my best friend
No wonder why the man is suicidal now
it happens
im 2,1k, and i mostly play with people ranging from 3.5k-4.5k in unranked, games are always in vhs bracket
sometimes i see 5k+ mmr guys and i even played against 7.1k guy once
>normal skill
>Moon got kicked after Crit left and then with only Fly and NoTail there Miracle felt like it wasn't the same OG and thus he ended up leaving too.

Based n0lans
>BigBaddy HoneyLans might actually be a worse human being than Ledouche

kalle a shit, sorry but you can't have shitters in your team

era quit after a panic attack

understandably got sick of moon's neva eva crap

never backstabbed fly, why do you this the fitjew is still playing with him?
sing stack when
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If he was a man he would flake on her bitch ass and go fuck some other hottie.
>Bigshitty is an awful player that singlehandedly lost OG TI6, then proceeded to backstab OG out of existence
>would likely backstab FitJew if he didn't need help to force his backstabbery

Why is FitJew such a bluepilled goy?
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i don't know anon
>era quit after a panic attack


he didn't quit, n0lans wanted him to quit and abandon his TI slot
instead of helping him n0lans just wanted to get rid of him, muh friendship all over again

>understandably got sick of moon's neva eva crap


Moon was the one who wanted to play the best and practice instead of playing overwatch, not being a useless retard like n0lans

>never backstabbed fly, why do you this the fitjew is still playing with him?

Because Fly is a fool to expect any friendship from n0lans. And he got kicked from Secret arleady before n0lans.
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pick one
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Honestly she's kinda ugly. Tries too hard from the looks of it and she doesn't seem to like the people he is around.

Fuck this bitch, if he had a strong mind he would tell her to fuck off.

Disappointing from someone I like a lot... Comon Purge
is H0neylans now
Dude Loda is balding harder at the age of 20 than my 80 years old father's ballsack.
Which site is this? These ads lmao
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Is the postgame commending/reporting to blame for my new commends?
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This right here. The very moment that HoneyLans developed an unquenchable desire to stab backs.
He will always be n0lans

His part of winning some honeypot is completely irrelevant, he's just a place holder in OG

Era: "I get the faint smell of shit in the air"
n0lans: *psshh* "nothing personnel kid"
Era: "Et tu, n0lans?"
>he didn't quit, n0lans wanted him to quit and abandon his TI slot
Because he had a mental breakdown before some lan (summit 1?) and Fnatic were forced to play with excaliburden instead
i-is it safe? Are people mean and toxic here?
its not safe, dont go in there
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The burden has been within the whole time.
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0 decides my new in game nick
There is a huge benefit anon.
Since you get more PRNG rolls per attack, the table advances faster, meaning you need less attackspeed.

Inb4 some asshole claims Bashers don't stack either.
And forgets to mention WHY a Basher doesn't stack with itself if there is only 1
it's a honeypot discord, join and they will sell your IP to the belarussians
>says he played solo queue
>there is no solo queue
What did he mean by this?
quick give me a windrunner build
>tfw just sent payment for Figma Windranger preorder and gonna get it in 3 weeks

should I start playing WR lads?
>Implying steam doesn't sell your information.
I love how people bash on discord for selling your information when Steam been doing this since forever.
ring of repick or hood of abandon
trash tier garbage 45%-winrate in all brackets champ
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>official /d2g/ discord
>filled with reddit and mentally unstable people
>half of them or more on all sort of shitty pills
can't make this shit up
repick. She is mediocore in early game but once someone gets bloodthorn or mkb she is fucked. Same with magical damage. Just shit hero
>morphling goes godlike
>enemy has tinker and timber and basically youre fucking stupid
>"we cant rax them yet its better to just farm"
>morphling dives 4 heroes like 2 or 3 times, completely throwing away all the lead
>blames shaman

i hate ranked
Mentally stable people wouldn't want to be there in the first place.
Basher can proc when its on cooldown, where it does fuck all.
But it also resets the PRNG, as if there was no cooldown.
No, I meant they have seperate PRNG, so Dead has stats completely seperate from Coup. If they happen to coincidentally proc on the same attack, both PRNGs are reset even though you only get the bonus from Coup, the upside is since they're rolling seperately with every attack you're more likely to get something. It's why Attacker buys 2 Daedalus on Kunkka.
Then is it a waste because Coup is more likely to happen on a later PRNG seed, or not?
wanna see what happens when my seed happens on your face?
Nigger nothing advances faster they are entirely seperate
that is true. i also know that people are leaving the server more and more because they find it useless and pointless and that there is absolutely zero dota discussion
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Mikumu's little slut ^_^
I Love Cum

Linken's/Manta Medusa
get your daily lol at 4chan.org/vg/dota
>msg me for CP
Jan Paweł II
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king of cucks
I haven't played PA in a year, I've no idea what you're supposed to build on her.
Occasionally I see a PA get an 8 minute Deso and 1 shot people with dagger if it crits, but yeah all games with PA in them either end at minute 30 because PA raped everybody on the enemy team or the game goes on for like an hour and PA got buttfucked and only has like 3 items.
Underlord is awful
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Jorien "Sheever" van der Heijden
visit fluffybooru.org for lols
I got this name from the internet
Deso doesn't stack with lifesteal, that's why many Deso PAs build a vlads.
>Cursed Rapier
>bought from Secret Shop, unavailable until minute 66
>+666 damage
>666 gold
>6% chance to instantly kill you every auto attack, true RNG not PRNG
>counts as a deny

Does this sound fun or just stupid?
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Farm Vacuum Salesman

Main this shit hero.
honestly you sound like a pa/bloodseeker/wk/any other braindead rightclick carry mainer
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Oh yeah I forgot about that little bit of meta. I almost never build Desolator unless I play Wraith King, and even that's pretty rare.
And obviously I don't build lifesteal as WK.

Except that one game I built Vlads MoM but that was just for shit's n giggles since it was a hard stomp.
I pick pudge and win ever game
>buying vlads when you could buy vanguard instead

>more survivability
>faster abyssal blade
nah theres a meme in d2g that tinker is somehow the worst hero in the game, despite jakiro existing
It took like 3 years but BKB has been effectively removed from the game because of Lotus Orb.

Linken's kind of took the fall too, but that item was always pretty awful anyway.
>tinker worst
>jakiro worst

Everyone forgetting the most garbage hero of them all:
Make it minute 99 (and change the values accordingly) and you have an item that mercy-kills stupid games.

Minute 66 (while a good compliment to the demonic theme) is still a bit early opening windows for silly things to happen in a serious game, which many people (including me) would dislike.

does it drop on death? regardless, it sounds really stupid, mostly because I wouldn't get it on my cores, but instead on my supports. 666 gold to have them triple or even quadruple their damage late game.
What if it only became purchaseable once it was both minute 66 and at least one team lost all 6 of their barracks?
schoolboys who love to be dominated and fucked in the face
>Reddit witch hunts captains for making captain decisions so hard that people like Fly and Misery need to make defensive posts

my sides what a shit community

btw. moo was garbage
why are paid mods 2016? they were a year ago

Is including CS:GO in the green box part of the troll?

you will never be anthony burch
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>TFW finally as swift as the wolves of Ice Rekt.
Since its cursed, it would be undroppable.
Every auto attack or ability that uses an auto attack to calculate damage has a 6% chance to kill you for the rest of the game.
Ember would be a mini exception, sleight of fist would only roll once instead of per unit attacked.
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Reminder that someone in the valve's office, unironically believed that Mirana's aghanim was a good idea.
>there are mobadrones existing in this world
why do they have human rights

there are good games, there are bad games and there are evil games
MOBAshits belong to category 3
this is not a "troll"
its just a simple visualisation for all the fucking valve drones

>muh valve is so le great hail gaben
t. someone that lost his ability to make new memories 5 years ago, becuase oyu cannot look at valve what they have done recently and be this fukcing deluded
Where's the SNY lad
>despite saying steam is a piece of garbage that sells your data in every valve thread i can find

ya ya dude
You wouldnt be able to die while in sof since youre untargetable then
He would die as soon as he left it, same rules as Fortune's End.
cant you bloodstone yourself midsof?
everybody knows that valve is pure shit now, the point is that mobas are to blame
>why put effort when we make hundreds of millions for a single game?
shiteating mobadrones, i hate them so much
Isnt it like storms zip?
>the one autistic faggot is still spamming his low effort baits

I wonder if he gets paid
Game ended too fast. Just Yasha should be enough to get 522 with drums active.
>shiteating mobadrones, i hate them so much

And yet you post here, samefagging your garbage at the same time of day. What is the real reason for this buttblasting?

Neo-/v/ is a scourge on 4chan.
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>one average FPS among many

HLshitters are the worst
He's hidden and invulnerable while in sof. Any unit invulnerable with lethal damage applied will die as soon as they become vulnerable.
and mobabies are the scourge on the world
not just videogames, the actual world
>muh half-life is a good game

this meme again
is neo dota a thing?
4chan is for people above 18
>le singsing is le memer
i will never not be fucking mad that they introduced this hero as a joke, then realised he could play in the big leagues, and promptly dumpstered him so that nobody would ever play him again
fuck you icefrog and fuck your shit
What is neo-dota?
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Smurf update!

Played a third match and already Dotabuff is saying I'm in High Skill bracket.

Might end up switching here if things keep going up!
Is this psg?
Then it turns into a super-rapier (that's cheap for a lategame item!) which actively discourages the enemy team from going for megas.

By 66 mins. teams will start getting farmed enough to handle megas (unless they somehow held on that long with an early push lineup), potentially giving that huge bonus to the enemy carry would actually make it worse to go for megas because you would always be in the dominant position when you have that option, and by megaing them you open another comeback option.
The only build I have found that doesn't make Underlord a shit version of some other hero (usually Elder Titan) is Boots of Travel 2 and then you don't level ult past level 1 (level 2 is pushing it)

Then you cast ult to fountain, TP to ally during the channel and save them. Kind of a safer version of KotL recall or more global version of a Wisp save.

But holy fuck is that gimmicky. And you still do no damage
i dont think you are going to go much higher if you're capable of dying 14 times in normal skill bracket
>high skill

You fucked up, it should show VHS from the first match onwards.

Time to make a new one, your account will just be 3k MMR or something

>It's a PSG post
oh well lmoa
first few matches matter the most
if your second isnt in vh the account is trash already and you should start over

.t i sold account back when you could calibrate at 5.5+
you might disagree that half-life is good or that it influenced the computer games positively (it caused the invasion of narritivist shitters), but that it was revolutionary is objectively true

also it brought us surf maps
What is psg?
>Died 14 fucking times in a 'normal skill' unranked
my giga sides

Techies is literally the only hero in the entire game where there is confirmed evidence that Icefrog himself has personally hated the hero since day 1.

It has literally been mouth breathing retards (2004 onwards), redditors (2012 onwards), HoNtrash (2010 onwards), LoLrefugees (2014 onwards) that give a shit about that hero that has no place in this game.

>post of a profile no one should give a shit about with 3 games

Of course its PSG.
One could argue it would lead to less people prolonging an already won game by just going for throne instead of mega'ing and then losing a team fight under tier 4s.
can someone please recommend some good vpn except for WTFast? I'm currently getting a high ping at sea lately
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That game was hard as fuck. Fuck you


>hero that has no place in this game
Techies is the epitome of a DotA hero. Take your QWER hero brawlers somewhere else.

This weapon would trade a small psychological impact (oftentimes teams don't push t4s because of your aforementioned scenario, it is very easy to get surrounded and get wiped despite being ahead) in pubs for a huge gameplay impact which completely fucks over the dynamic of megacreeps being an advantage.

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>Moo is joining OG.
>Techies is the epitome of a DotA hero

He poops out mines with no commitment, sits usually well away from any action in the game, likewise prevents the other team from being aggressive themselves.

He has always just delayed games. He doesn't turn the tide, just arbitrarily tacks on 20 minutes to the game length (or more) that would have been won or lost anyway with literally any other hero instead.

His skillset is a mess with remotes being upgrades to landmines and a normal ability with BLACK HOLE tier cooldown (no ability should have greater than 60 second cooldown unless its an ult and yes, that includes TB's meta)

I mean just look at the average techies player since 2005. A useless piece of shit that plays techies because they don't want to actually engage other players because they are shit at the game in that respect. They burden their team with at least 1 (usually 2) shitty lanes effectively working as reverse teamwork. He isn't a dota hero and icefrog literally created him as a joke that was eventually deleted until playdota retards (the precursor years later to the techies redditor) literally cried for him to be added back into the game.

The hero needs a complete rework, and most techies players need bullets in their brain. A game with Techies is always "Techies" not Dota. 9 other players having to answer to the whims of 1 selfish asshole that has no real interest in winning a fucking game.
HL was the CoD of the late 90ies. It was popular and had great graphics but if in engine cutscenes and friendly NPCs counts as 'revolutionary' there's a shitload of other FPS that were just as innovative. I don't hear anyone praising the likes of AvP, Tribes, Outlaws or MDK.

I also still remember how you faggots bought 3 gazillion copies of HL2 while Troika went bankrupt.
So what's the consensus on building position 3/offlane pitlord?

Max Q over E? No matter how much I look at it, I can't see how maxing Q W is better than Q E.

No one is in firestorm long enough for its damage to be relevant early game unless you have some well-placed stuns from your teammates. It forces you to buy soul ring and mana boots. And, because you're not maxing atrophy, you're taking more damage and having less effect in teamfights/skirmishes if your firestorm isn't next to perfect.

Maxing W E, to me, means I can get phase boots and vanguard, because mana issues aren't that relevant early game when you've only got points in pit of malice and a 75 mana ult.
>I also still remember how you faggots bought 3 gazillion copies of HL2 while Troika went bankrupt.

It would have helped not releasing games that required computer science degrees to get working properly because of bugs.
>sits usually well away from any action in the game
Please Jihad more.
Enemy towers don't fall, if one do not bomb them.
>They went to the Summit and realized they had no strategies. Too much goofing around/playing Overwatch.
Fucking Blizzard ruinning our Scene.
>A game with Techies is always "Techies" not Dota.
>He isn't a dota hero
He's an epitome of one.
>no ability should have greater than 60 second cooldown unless its an ult and yes, that includes TB's meta
You have to go back to HotS2, where you came from.
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Envy changed his name to "Blog Boy" and also his role to mid.

this is from matumbas stream, where his friend asks him what he thinks about some team "Blog boys"

finnish casters and players said matumba left liquid 100%

conclusion: Envy started a whole new team free of sponsors yet and AS OF NOW matumba is playing in it as carry.

also, aui of course plays with envy in battlecup etc and is a free agent.

Blog Boys:
1. Matumba
2. Envy
3. ? (Moo/Bulba most likely possibilities)
4. Aui probably
5. PLD maybe
im still dun understand why they nerf him
>So what's the consensus on building position 3/offlane pitlord?

You should be reported for doing it. Elder Titan is better, safer, and does more with the farm than you will.
>He's an epitome of one.

How? He is literally anti-Dota. Where you take anything fun or engaging in Dota and negate it to get Techies.


that is LITERALLY Dota
Except Elder Titan is a meek faggot and does better as position 4 for the most part anyway.
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pls tell what psg is I feel left out...
If you think I'm some guy you know of, I'm not, I'm new here.
Whats your main account then? Mr smurf
Fuck off psg.
stop posting forever psg
Thank you for confirming you came from Heroes of the Storm. Now, please, get the fuck out of our thread you retard and go watch MLP.
>How? He is literally anti-Dota.
The objective of Dota is to make 9 other players mad.
Can't wait for this disaster of a team to play.
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I got carried by techies yesterday. What now shitposter-kun?
How is that even possible.

There are probably 100 million chinks who play dota in that country.
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Here's my main

Here's my smurf
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PSG is Patrick Swayze's Ghost, a normal bracket shitter with 10k games played who doesn't play ranked but claims that if he chose to do so he would easily climb to 5k because he was ok at Quake3 20 years ago.
there are like 10x as many sponsored cn teams as western ones

every big team has like 4 youth teams and they all sign contracts meaning it costs a lot if you want to grab them for yourself, esports is serious there you cannot poach from top teams with zero consequences becuase the whole scene is a joke like here

some new allstar cs team costed 10mln+ to make recently if the rumors are true
FACT: You can not play Dota for prolonged periods of time without turning into a gay and/or furry (most likely both).

Dota, not even once.
Are there heterosexual furries?
I am "hontrash" too and i have never liked techies and always eanted him to either never be added, or removed again.
Also, fuck you, half of western tier 1 dota players are "hontrash", and look how well they do.
>Change my avatar and handle name to a gay furry tiger.
>Suddenly, team mates are a whole lot less shittier.

There is no reason not to do it. It's even more effective than anime girls doing the ahegao.
why are you talking to yourself, psg?

fnatic, hons best team ever that never lost a single lan LITERALLY didnt win a single one in dota.

n0lans is a meme for a reason
>4. Aui probably
>5. PLD maybe
pls no don't make these players sit in a team with these shitters
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>mfw reading Moon interview
h0neylans really fell to honeypot meme holy shit
pieliedie is not leaving secret.

and the rumour was that FATA and matumba would join secret, not EEs team. I don't believe players find EE a desirable player to play with.
What does the blue number that occasionaly pops up do?
Why does ember spirit wear his hat on his back?
Is he autistic?
like every number it portrays a measurement of somehting
Why does he even wear a hat? Can the sun hurt his eyes? He's literally made of fire.

It's probably on his back because fashion.
I have 2k hours played and Im not furry or gay. What now?
The hat is there to keep the rain off his head.
so valve can take that hat from his back, put on his head, call it a "legendary" and watch dotards throw money at them

becuase valve is a fucking shit company known to recycle shit to not work at all thats why he wears it on his back
>n0tail, fly and moon winning 2 majors
>ppd winning ti5, top3 in all tis he played in
>half of alliance who won ti3
There is a reason why "gods" like dendi are irrelevant shitters now. They were overtaken by ex-hon players and a handful of new blood.

You've literally been sitting in a thread for an hour refreshing it to put your same shitpost in. Are you serious?
he's paid 10 rubles per post
don't blame him, he has a family to feed
>eg gets carried by sumail
>og gets carried by miracle
>dota gods are shit only muh hontrash
they are the new gods and they are the reason they win

like litearlly a reminder, your all time best team that switched becuase there was no one else that could even attempt to challenge them DIDNT WIN A SINGLE LAN

like you dont seem to understand, an average tier2/3 dotard team could come to your game in its prime and DEMOLISH EVERYONE

the level of players in hon was dog fucking awful, and hontrash will admit that, i remember them saying that they looked at dota replays because thats where the best players in the world were
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what went wrong d2g
>disregarding that n0tail, fly and moon literally won 2 majors
>disregarding that fnatic was permanent top 3 not even half a year after switching games, competing with people playing it for 5 years or more
>watching cam whores
the first major was a fluke which was proven by their performance afterwards as they got last place in everything. they were the literal definition of a patch team. the second major they won was because all the top tier teams were in shambles after the shuffle
Why is our boy not streaming today?
twitch took down a lot of viewbotting services not long ago

thats her real viewers
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How would /d2g/ fix Doom?
she literally couldnt handle the bantz and freaked the fuck out over the twitch caracking down on cam whores thing causing her to lose all her viewers
give him a skill that actually is an ultimate not a silence with 5 min cooldown
>still disregarding that fnatic competed with the world's best half a year after switching
>dota gods literally struggling to beat people new to the game
Dota's old scene previous to hon people switching and new prpdigies like miracle and sumail was a total shitshow.
Considering shitters like navi won the first ti with an uber shitter like xboct has to make your stupid ass realize that your whole scene was just utter dogshit.

Void has an AoE Doom with 10 second downtime. How about fixing that first.
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Revert Doom back to his 6.84 state, but retains his Infernal Blade
Did this ever happen?
>You've literally been sitting in a thread for an hour refreshing it to put your same shitpost in.
Nigga, this anon has been shitposting for three days and nights, he got blown the fuck out by some animefaggots four nights ago when this shitposting started.

He is butthurt af.
explains why fluffiestbunny doesnt stream anymore
In csgo
A few times
>it didn't happen
Thought so.
Kill yourself so you won't make another retarded suggestion.
Does anyone know of any good viewbotting services that's still up? I want to start streaming a bit and it's must to use viewbotting if you're streaming Dota.
>blogging in real time
No one cares about your 3k adventures fuck off.
Yeah, it's called a fucking noose.
Get out of here.
If you're just gonna shitpost instead of contributing please just shut it kiddos, thanks.
our girl (male) is streaming
Waga is not streaming.
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Why is there such a lack of busty Dota2 streamers? I'd love to try this game but I find it hard to watch all these malnourished Russian girls. LoL has much more variety when it comes to streamers.
waga isn't our girl
just go watch LoL then, you clearly dont care about the game. or alternatively just go get a whore you virgin
>matu and envy
too many memes
zai? matumbaman?
he's been in these threads at least since ti5, i posted with him then when he started his butthurt rants about glimmer cape and his 1k retard enabling rightclicker meta getting removed
he's been appearing on and off since then, but only recently, after EG got BTFO at TI6 he reactivated with a vengeance (he's an amerishart)
probably emigrated from /v/ moba threads before that
That looks horrifying.

synderen you baka
the gulag is on suicide watch

not because anything happened just a lot of d2g are autistic shut in neets who often neck themselves
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>DC instantly back to a T5 team
delusional little faggot
>suicide watch
is that something amerilads do in their land of the free (free as in free beer)? they're not even allowed to kill themselves when they're not allowed to?
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>tfw your team picks 4 squishy supports into LC, Storm and Spirit Breaker and expects you to carry them because you randomed BH
Been out of a of for a while, what's the consensus one Pitlord?
suprisingly not that bad
literally this year's cdec
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His new team will conquer Dota.

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Left or Right, gulag?
hes a failure. whenever he went to ti he got dunked out learn to deal with it and move on.
Anyone here play Batrider?
Played him a lot during W3 days and enjoyed. Recently got back to D2 and decided to try him but it's been forever since i played him.

Only thing i know is that after boots i should rush force staff/blink dagger for mobility. I am also confused by his flamebreak molotov thing. It doesn't seem to do much damage and even if you push enemies close to you distance nor "stun" duration isn't that great so it seems like i should just skip it and go full on Q-E but then i am not sure how to even harass, it's hard to stack oil since enemy can just run under tower to wear it off since attack range is pretty much melee.
>terrorblades first ultimate

>Da Hootch

Practicing intitiation heroes with unfair bots is a bitch. Try getting a good RP off against an unfair Lion. That motherfucker will instahex your ass no matter where you come from
pretty bad not not total dog shit tier

dragon lance always better given the gold in any situation
he gets blown the fuck out every single time
When are they going to take back that retarded result screen
Is his atrophy aura as annoying as it looks?
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what do you do when you get a boner during a match?

pause and deal with it or what?
>I noticed I was in High Skill the other day
if you belive this then why you think the other outrank you? just fuck them up, most players in highrank belive they are some demi god when they play with lower players, then they play shit because "i will anyway"-motive

Reminder that placing 2nd in TI means free direct invites to two next majors.
>new to the game
They're only new to the scene. Most of these kids have been playing since WC3 dota
You don't even have 40 wins on PA you loser go play more and stop shitposting
>be support
>enemy team has morphling
just ward his ethereal blade
>so what do you think of B L O G B O Y S

>matu totally in the same team as envy

you fucking retard, matu is not in blogboys. It sounds more like this guy is asking him what he thinks about an enemy team.
MATUMBAMAN is in the same team as Arteezy and Cr1t
ikr I hate it when enemy support stuns me for 4 seconds :/
start picking rubick if people pick a lot of morph in your bracket

in what world do you answer "i need more time" to what do oyu think about some random team you arent in.

he is in blogboys and he "needs more time" to decide if he wants to stay in that team.

post your source if you know better, i did.
>steal morph strenght
>2000hp at 15 minutes on rubick because FUCK AGI
Okay /d2gay/, let's admit it.
MOBAs have never been good.
I was talking about old fnatic lad
yup, that's the reason i suggested rubick
get out /v/
Seems like Clown9 2.0

Looking forward to the memes

You're right.

Good thing that MOBA is a faggot term made up by the faggots at Riot Games and has never included Dota.

The term was SPECIALLY made to disassociate LoL from Dota because Riot was asshurt that people kept calling their game a "Dota-like" or whatever.

Needs more boner
I think it's good sign that Valve releases a Monkey hero as a tribute for Harambe. RIP Harambe.
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Why was it even removed?
It was tupid.
there's 2 this time instead of 3 so im sure its only gonna be one unless they change more players

Way too strong.
because a 1k targeted nuke is too insnae even for icefraud

shitlord does like 6% at most for example
you used to be able to life steal half your HP back when you used it
because the entire concept of skellyboner king is being a 1 button hero

Uh, but he has two buttons?!?!
I stopped playing him when Vampiric Aura became a toggle. I'm not gonna use two fucking hotkeys.
One more thing about "B L O G B O Y S", no way Matumba will play with Envy, he even didnt recognize him yesterday on his stream when he played ranked. He was flaming the invoker, and could not recognize who it was even when he was speaking up.
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>esports ends
>gameshitter infestation crawls out
>but there's much less animeNEETs and ERPing NEETsexuals then before

>many of them fucked off or perhaps even necked themselves in part due to how horrifically awful and shit EE is and all anime addicts are at dota

can't make this shit up lads
you're underestimating how much chinese players are worth
fy is in the 6 figures
same for guys like cty
LGD told people they wouldn't sell maybe even for multiple millions

budget is a thing, when you don't have very marketable players (or you want to keep them), it can get hard
oh god was that envy in his slark game?
he just kept flaming him it was so funny

>no one decided my new nick yet
dumb blogposters
What the fuck?
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It wasn't envy

Not every weeb is envy
dumb gameshitters
what did you have to breakfast, /d2g/?
Envy could not even classify as a weeb, his taste is so bad he would be better off watching western shit.

cheerios (not even american)
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>tfw you'll never be able to get Immortal Gardens
inhouses died when I left, and thats two years ago already
>he's not watching wesg snd vs pub
what's your excuse?
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>you will never get desert terrain

same as usual

2 dark bread slices with yogurt instead of butter and think chicken sausage on top with a side of cocktail tomatoes a pepper and a cucumber
all with green tea

second breakfast as usual too, yogurt with fiber cereal and some fruit this time 2 peaches
>middle east and africa tournament
Do these people even have time for dota?
Aren't they busy looking for water or bombing each other?
I'm streaming.
nothing it's way too fucking hot cba eating anything please send help I'm melting
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>tfw no beach hero
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That sad relazation that there will never be a cute new waifu hero because Valve can't onto waifus at all.
fuck off heterofag
>dota will never have character models as good and high quality as these
i'm so switching to overwatch
valve cant into anything that isnt jewing money out of gullible children
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>you are now recalling that yuros and thirdies cannot afford air conditioning
is there any reason to play Night Stalker in low tier pubs? ye that first night is fun but that's it
It's the same poster yeah. I think he posted after/during TI4 when EG got btfo too
you can give your team maphack and destroy any vision of their team

remember all the times you or your teammates went >GG NO WARDS
this cannot happen with a nightstalker
>1. Matumbaman or Resolution
>2. might be Miracle (if not he's going to Secret)
>3. Mind Control
>4. cr1t
>5. Kuro

>1. N0lans
>2. Attacker
>3. might be Moo or Bulba
>4. Jerax
>5. Fly

>1. Resolution or someone else
>2. w33
>3. Moonmeander
>4. Misery
>5. Saksa

>1. artour, fear retires/goes coaching
>2. sumail
>3. universe
>4. zai
>5. ppd

that leaves secret as Puppey + 4

Everything based on rumors, twitter follows and pretty much unconfirmed in any way.
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meme XD
His posting style gets really recognizable, I think he's just a dedicated troll with a dash of his actual beliefs.
literally the first person on your shit list is confirmed 100% wrong by every single person in finland scene

didnt even bother to read the rest, you should post it on reddit tho im sure they will love it
>slavs getting fucking destroyed by greeks

>tfw no bleach hero
Well you can try reading from bottom to top then
tell that to my landlord
i wont becuase its turbo trash and it will be just a huge waste of time
>Get to 3500 MMR from 1900 MMR
>Quality of games is still same like at low 2k
What the fuck. Why don´t the games get any better. It feels like Im still playing with the same godamn idiots
serious question

can madara be stopped
>until you eventually die from over extending and give up the gem
becuase there is not a single difference between 0k and 4k

its all just luck/time spent/heroes/bad boy points
they are just ALL turbo fucking terrible

once you get to 5k it starts to change, you start seeing people without braindamage there but still most have it
undershock more like undershit amirite xd
anyone else here learned russian from dota?
I didn't even mean to do it but it was a necessity
Literally me.
>over extending in soem low level pubs with a hero that has a literal maphack and cannot be ganked by invis

when that happens i htink unistalling is the only answer
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I want to Soe Soe
loss of her long hair was followed by tattoos and general degeneracy
what the fuck went so wrong
is she using a drow ranger pants in a overwatch event?
>Be a girl, dress and act like a boy.
Why do girls do this?
That's clearly a blizzard model
>blizzwhore sucking some blizzdick is now an event

is she... dating turps?
>be a 30yo midlife crisis woman
>act like a boy

boys are cute, used good women arent, and thats why they act like that
I can't stand the look of soe. She looks like this 10 year old boy that was raped and murdered by a pedophile in my country who always had his photo in the media.
What is the secret to trench dota?
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Good morning, /d2g/!
get gud
from nice girl to tattooed boy, fucking women
it's shit post nerf who cares
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What the fuck is his problem?
how so?
its still good i think
>I have never had to buy bkb
currently starting a pennies collection
Somehow I started to find neo-soe more attractive than old soe.
She kinda looks more mature sexier with more makup and all that stuff, compared to her previous cute little girl look.
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The transformation is complete.
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>CyborgMatt being the one to talk about oher people's shady shit.

Hearty kek
>dying as void vs 0 (ZERO) lockdown
it's literally half as good as it was single target
yo what is the fastest way to play ranked? Im currently lvl 8
>Behind the scenes
Is there anyone who can stop cyborg ´´our guy´´ matt?
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Well I want to Turps Turps
What even happened to Cyborgfat?.

He just disappeared from the public eye one day. You would think he would be getting assblasted over something by now.
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its gonna be

>artour my nignog
>random pos5

im pretty hyped desu
>not a man denied of his aegis
>Juggernaut!! The COOL
>Let them feel of your blade!!
What did she menat by this?
good morning fellow funposting coposter
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A man can dream right?

1. Matu
2. Miracle
3. Mindcontrol
4. Jerax
5. Kuro

I don't want my boys going separate ways
he's a typical SJW SA Goon
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>this is what dotards actually believe in
those jackets are swanky
not a single one of these is true about dota
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What hero do I pick when I want to be a cute girl?
>Most dotard are third world shitskins in which countries beating a women while being naked on camera with multiple witness will get you simple assult at best
when did sjokz turned into a cumdumpster
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>I started to find neo-soe more attractive than old soe
>weeb retard having no taste
nothing new here

>Likes girls with ink
>Accuses anyone else of having shit taste

Literally commit suicide.
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>that video about moonmeander talking about OG
my heart
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>Random PA in All Random
>manfight enemy carry for six minutes on eighty different occasions
>get no crits
>initiate on shitty useless support
>get a crit right away, and then another crit immediately after

Yeah what a fucking great hero she is
terrible baits
>thinking a team with backstabby is all about friendship
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smug anime girl 136.jpg
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m8 that qt is pretty sugoi
woo time to play some early morning dota :(
>Finds cunts with identity crisis attractive
lmaoing at you
Remember when he was OUR GUY?

What happened?
>he actually bought into the friendship crap
Lmao its not the first time this was disproven im surprised so many people fell for it again
he always was
but that doesn't mean we have to like him
you sustained brain damage. unfortunately it doesn't seem like you're doing any better
Reminder that 'FRIENDSHIP' was bullshit marketing from OG.

Reminder that Alliance, team that barely parades around the fact they've played together for a long time (outside of the one era) is FRIENDSHIP team

and so are Wings (together for longer time than OG ever was)
>believes in a friendship with a jew
>makes the jew lose money by not going further into ti
>gets kicked
he manages secret. something something unpaid winnings something something obesity
MVP too right? it's interesting to me to try to see if there's a benefit to a stable roster in dota, or if it's better to swap all the time to try to optimise in the short term
but wings formed after ti5 just like OG
Matt here, there is a lot going behind the scenes.

Peace out.
Would the competitive scene be a lot better if it was not just filled with nepotism and rather let teams that played good compete against each other rather than "know the right peopel"?
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>matched with zet mid spammer four games in a row
>win four games in a row

I've been out the game for like 6 months but I watched TI.
What do I need to know to get back into it?
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Wings are older by a good 2 months and continuing

OG friendship was marketing
mvp wasnt friendship it was litearlly homelessness they had nothing and no where to go then they started winning

now the team is broken up and they all insult each other, MP LITEARLLY made a twitter account just to respond to someone from mvp shitting on him
isn't that when monkey business got picked up by OG?

But yea friendship was memes.
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>rather let teams that played good compete against each other rather than "know the right peopel"?


you have fair chance to prove your skills every LAN that has got qualifiers (including every major)

it's just that good players, aka the old guard, are usually the ones that win because they are better
thanks for the report matt
>greeks getting fucking destroyed by slavs


Boy I'm sure you jaded fucks feel vindicated now
does every dotard smoke? should i start smoking to git gud ?
and then you woke up?
>August 28th - The team is created.[1]
kek, i guess they were like 2 days younger than WINGS, I stand corrected
>prove yourself in a team game

this is just epic
do you mean proving yourself for the hwole 2 minutes? becuase if your team is shit thats when you are starting to lose and are in just full on damage control mode

le old guard can be replaced by new players and nothing would change, they win becuase they play with the best players but arent best themselves
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>that cig
>that weight

How long until his heart gives out?
What the fuck are you sperging

1. If you can't win the teams you call shit you are worse than them
2. That's all there is to it
w33 played on balkan bears for like a year you are right guess he wasnt good enough xdddd

you are so RETARDED it fucking hurts

if not for sumail we would NEVER EVER even hear of a guy like miracle
Wait, did Zyori say that KP game will be in 3 hours?

The fuck?
The guy means that it's hard to set first foot in the scene, because if you just build a team of randoms to prove yourself you have little chance. But now and then a pubstar gets picked up and most of the time performs well. This process of getting picked up by an already top team is what is hard.
>reading comprehension
Balkan Bears wasn't good enough team to fucking defeat other, tier-2 or tier-1 teams.

You are so fucking stupid if you can't understand that dota2 is a team game.
why the fuck are you listening to zyori
he cares about KP so it could be retardation
>Doesn't watch Sing+Bone7+Notail+EE
you whole arugment is that le old guard is there for a reason and that if you are good enough you can prove yourself

but its fucking wrong

put sumail on a shit team and he wont prove shit becuase rest of his team is bad

thats literally what happend before with w33 and such

you CANNOT prove oyur fucking self, you HAVE TO be given an OPPORTUNITY to fucking prove yourself

but you wont becuase bulba is friends with the captain and he will ge the spot instead

you gigantic retard
thats what inhouse leagues or whatever are form, thats how mind control got noticed, too bad FPL is dead again
is EE standing in? Please be so.
fuck off newfriend
>i like shitty teams because i'm le oldfag xdd

Motherfucking neck yourselves
>shitshit, gipsy literal who,backstabby and fucking eternal autism
>thats literally what happend before with w33 and such
w33 literally 'proved himself' to EternalEnvy since he picked w33 up for Team Secret (after trying to get Miracle).

So what the fuck is your issue since the new players you whine got appropriated by older players?

That you are some unhidden gem player but its injustice because President wont come to your door?

Go fucking play at Balkan Bear teams like w33 and make an impression and get picked up by potentially better team.

Fucking dumpshit retard

I'll never get used to it
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