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/moeg/ - Moege General

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Thread replies: 773
Thread images: 141

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Moege General #1

This general is for the discussion of Moege visual novels.

Kindly talk about waifus appropriately to facilitate smooth discussion.
Daily reminder that moeges are the cancer killing Visual Novels. Such a unique medium is being wasted on these pointless romps through which virgins, neets, and other types of losers live out their fantasies.
>tfw no Flowers torrent
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Unless you're a virgin, neet, or other type of loser, in which case it's great. And given we're on 4chan, it seems like a pretty solid fit.
I like lolis.
Daily reminder that you are a faggot and should fuck off to your JOP hugbox.
Fuck off you're the cancer killing /moeg/
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I like you
Fortunately, we're on /vn/
I'm down as fuck for this gen. I hope you guys don't mind if I post cute girls from non translated games.
Anyone hyped for Clochette's new game?
Can you not fuck with the OP?
Someone who actually cares enough make a good detailled OP description for the next one
Thank god for this thread. I just can't stand the autism in that other general.
post pics ans we will see.
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EOP here post cute girls to encourage me to learn Japanese
lets not start off with inflammatory remarks.

Please everyone watch this and calm down.

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cute as fuck, post more of the one in the left
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Dw guys, I'll be back later posting for more, I just need to work atm.
Isn't this just /vng/?
Yea sadly I am working right now so I can't post my favourite pics.

By the way guys, majou koi nikki is really good, you are going to love it. The TL is already at 32% after only a few months, and they have a whole team working on it instead of one drama filled epeen translator.
No. /vng/ is much more autistic about big "hits" while this is for your run-of-the-mill hentai games that feature cute grills that pander to permavirgin fantasies. Not that that's a bad thing at all.
TL;DR: They focus on plot, we focus on "plot"
yeah but some autist in /vn/ took a joke too far and now we have to hope this thread bricks before some faggot bumps it to 750 and they make another.
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What if I like all ages moege?
Most all ages moeges on portables are just PC ports of R-18 moeges stripped of H-scenes.
"joke" Are you retarded? The two communities are obviously extremely different and can't co-exist. There's no reason why they shouldn't be split.
Fuck off, dovac.
I actually want this, it's kind of dumb lumping everyone that reads visual novels in the same box when taste can differ soo much, even if it is a niche. if katawa shoujo can do it so can moegen.
What about Amagami, kimikiss, photo kano, love plus?
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I love this general.
Rise best girl.
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I'm an EOP too, I'm currently studying so I can play her route.
Please don't go, guys! I want all to be united. Alicesoft fags should come together with us too.
She is super cute, too bad game over slowed down so fast after picking a girl. Big tit American was best girl. SO FUCKING SOFT.
But she's shit though.
Senren looks cool.
Too bad it's unhookable ;_;
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What the fuck is the point of this general? back to /vn/.
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I kinda like her
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Your taste is shit anon-kun.
>Too bad it's unhookable ;_;
Oh god, and I was planning on reading it soon. Fuck everything.
To talk about moege? Are you dumb? You can talk about them here without getting shit on with like minded people.
Isnt this thread supposed to be the everything but Chuuni thread?
It is very sinple Japanese excluding the plot parts. You can do it anon.
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So now we have 2 threads to shitpost in and go full retard?
nigga, we both know the idiots from the main thread will follow here to express their hate for all things moe.
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Guess, I'll give it a try.
Is this the new /vn/?
Moege only, if your love for cute girls can't overcome a language barrier you need to go back.
Solely for anything cute focused. Plot games go on /vn/.
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Somehow this feels right, like how things should be
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>le chuunifags wanting this thread to die
>posts in here
I really want to try this game, but I can't stand the bullying. I've read there is even a fisting scene, that' too hardcore for me.
Such a dilemma.
Plotcucks SEETHING right now in /vn/
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Does this mean we can finally properly talk about why Maya gave many people diabeetus?
>but I can't stand the bullying

You're cute anon.
Things that never happened, dude
Fuck this VN looks so good and pretty but it gets so much hate.
who is this qt? Is she an older sister?
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You know what fuck it, Im down with having this general. Lets get a proper OP set up, with out own recommendation chart and everything.

This could be like a new start.
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Hanabira to Ribon is cute
/moeg/ + /haniho/ + /blog/ broship for lyfe. Fuck /vn/.
>generic tomboy #2314
Isn't it getting tled? Also people suddenly turned on hoshizora and favourite because of chuunifag memes. It's why we need this gen.
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I'm new to moege.
Just played Shuffle, and now playing Noble Works.
Shuffle is shit though
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>he doesn't know about Maya

Go read noble works right now. Bring insulin.
I fucking love moege
Majo koi nikki is kamige of moege. I am telling you right now, the perfect blend of moe and plot. DL the partial patch.
>Isn't it getting tled?
The translation reached 100% and was sniped by and sold out to Sekai Project, so it's unlikely we'll see it translated anytime soon if at all.
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I see best girl in the background.
>tfw best girl in the game is from a past game.
Yuzu really has the deepest lore.

she wasn't bad, though i agree she kinda felt generic, but her cute scenes tho

yeah, wait for dracu riot too, when it comes out, they said it's quite good
post the chibi of her getting her "breast" touched for the first time.
H-code when?
Maya is shit.
Luckily I screenshotted that moment as well
Fuck, that really sucks. So SP does not even have the rights yet? they bought the tl just incase they could get the rights?
They are stalling time since SP doesn't have the cash ready.
Yeah, no.
Sena > Akari > Hinata > black hair girl that I forgot the name of > Maya
Moege are good
Sena a cute too, but her route was awful, and a lot of her CG was pretty bad too.
>her route was awful, and a lot of her CG was pretty bad too
There's something wrong with your head.
What are some moege where I can reject girls and make them sad? I like that.
Should we make separate recommendation charts for translated and untranslated moege?
You cannot seriously argue either point.
A lot of translated ones.
From the top of my head: Shinikiss, Koichoco, Princess Evangile , Clannad,etc.
If they lose money every year how will they ever have the money ready? Another KS?
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Is Hapymaher moege or plotge? Art and character makes it look cute as fuck, but synopsis sounds kind of serious
Sure, why not. Im serious, lets have this bitch stick around. I dont care if this place gets filled with "jops" as long as on topic.
Moege and then plotge.
Let's be serious the plot is garbage but the twists make it worth playing.
>protag with a face
might as well be ntr

I love koichoco, I wonder if we will ever see nonchans route tled even if it is all ages.
Supposedly it's basically a nukige
Both, but the plot is slowed down for moegr parts. It's honesty kinda twisted, I am sure you will love it when the tl is out. Make sure to buy it if you can. If you can't at least spead the word.
koichoco made me cringe so hard.

Did the writer for that forget that it was all taking place at a FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL?
Not the guy originally asking about it, but I plan on it. I like supporting MG projects when the subject appeals to me, and this one seems right up my alley. Supposedly it was also received well on EGS
Yea, but the girls were cute.
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>MG shills already in the first thread
go back to /v/ if you are one of those retards who thinks talking about anything thats about to come out is automatically shilling.
Flowers torrent when?
Soon, if you like the game at least buy ut when it goes on sale. Yuri needs all the help it can get. If not that is fine too.
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moogy is cancer and he himself admits it.
The /u/ crowd is kind of like the /blog/ crowd. When something comes out that's for their niche they won't let it fail. I'm sure Flowers will sell pretty well. Well once the word gets out that it's out anyways. Fucking stealth release.
I just try to ignore anytime people use moggy's opinion as argument for something being good or bad. That's because I don't have any idea anymore who's serious and who's being ironic, so it's better not to believe anyone
I hope so, I am JOP and even I bought a copy, there world is just a better place with more innocent grey.
New rule of /moeg/.

Report anyone mentioning Moogy or any other Eceleb drama related garbage
What about Quof?
Keep the eceleb cancer in /vn/ please, thank you
Him too.
ok I will im sorry. Deleting.
Who do I increase my kanji retention rate on Anki?
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read more, even Japanese forget kanji occasionally, it's a grind. Keep these questions in DJT in the future please.
Ask DJT. You can talk about untranslated moe stuff here, but talk about the unrelated Japanese learning stuff elsewhere.
I mean how.
People have been criticizing hapymaher long before moogy.
Most of those are fags butthurt because of le short evil imouto route.
I agree but please don't type that way. There are better ways to articulate yourself and you can do better than that.
Most of those are gentlemen upset because of the brief, immoral little sister route.
>le short evil imouto route.
What happens?
What does EOP mean?
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Why don't we stop shitposting about e-celebs and talk about moe instead?
Post your favorite moegirl
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Why doesn't he like DFC?
But you just posted her.
Most of those people are angry because their favorite girl got a very short route.
Am I good now mum?
It's boatshit.
I like Isuzu more, bitchdere is a special kind of moe.
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She reminds me of Akiha.
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good taste
Any good moege with a focus on childhood friends?
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I just read past the part where she confessed to You under the night sky. Best confession ever.
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They seriously improved her in later works.
Are you into NTR or something? Why are ya reading a game where she confesses to other anons?
Hoshimeme Asuho is best Favorite redgirl.
Please no shitposting. Leave that to /vng/.
You are going have to back that up with some facts. Like how Asuho can cook better than kana and is a better maid. Wait, why am I helping you?
Please don't steal /vn/ original memes such as
>that anime tier shading
>that bloom to hide the lack of detail
>why are you posting a VN only you can read?
>why are you posting a VN no one wants to read?
>If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it.
> I K I K O I
>current post for X
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How big is your collection?
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Anon pls.
Asuho is best caster and can cook Creme Brulee.
My FAVORITE desert.
>3d shit
>trump shitposter
Checks out...
Don't worry guys they will go away once they realize that we are no threat to them and both gens can co-exist. Don't fight shit posting with shit posting.
Thanks for correcting the record.
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Asuho is a cutie, but personally Kosame route seriously fucked with me. At the end of the common route I seriously hated her for trying to kill Mare and swore I would only go trough her route for completion. Turns out she's cute as fuck, and that ending seriously put Kogayou in my list of best VN's protagonists
>FAVORITE desert.
Can we steal the yuritopia one?
yes, all yuri is the exclusive property of moegen.
If flowers torrent doesn't come out today I'm ending it.
Hold on anon, when I get home I'll upload it to mega.
What is a VN that is both kamige and moege?
You are so kind anon-kun
Majokoi nikki
It's meta as fuck.
what other titles is she in?
Majo koi nikki, Sakura No Uta
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arc is not a cow
Favourite has not been particularly active imo, they keep making side stories/fan disk. Maybe another chara dupe in the next game.
>Majokoi nikki
I tried out that VN once and it had a prologue with unhookable text that passed by too fast for me to read. Guess I'll save it for when I'm more fluent.
Fata Morgana.
Pls keep the avatarfagging at /vn/.
Kamikaze Explorer
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
ive only posted that image one other time though
It has a lot of scenes like that, they are all kind of important. There is a translation patch you know.
wtf are you taling about? That word does not mean what you think it means.
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She is perfect
Perfectly shit
Its ok guys. You don't have to force yourself to make thread seems "alive".

Don't come back to /vn/ btw.
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I have more than 1
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Kosame was the best.
You somehow managed to pick all the shit girls in their series. I hope you're proud.
I'll fight you irl you uncultured swine
objectively incorrect except for the poor choice on worst Majimeme
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Is it 3x3 time?
You somehow have insurmountable shit taste
i would but my waifu chart has a few too many plotge girls and is therefore no longer relevant :(
Here have a (You)
Chocola is shit
but are the girls moe?
I've got two nukige, two plotge, one psuedo-plotge and two charage on there so I wouldn't worry about it.
who is qt in the middle.
Seine from Lovely Cation 2. HIGHLY recommended. She's in the middle for a reason.
worth getting the vita version? She looks soo fucking cute.
I'm not sure about that since I haven't played them, but she has a lot of good porn so if you're into that then it'd be worthwhile to go through the PC game.
portable = no h scene
My post got deleted? Wtf
I am actually surprised how well it's been so far, I expected a lot of backlash shit posting but it's almost a mutual break up. I think it's best for both gens.
All shitposts belong to /vn/
I'd have to agree. I didn't expect it to do so well
you must've accidentally deleted it you numskull
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Do you guys think Eternal Heart will be ever translated?
Isn't that Chuee guy gonna translate that? But he's moved to SP.
I might have to ask him about that later.
Chuee is not a translator. He's an editor for a shitty translator.
Senren Banka was boring as fuck.
Wtf I hate senren banka now
But he's told me before about it, I've got no idea who is translating it now. Unless they move eternal heart to SP
He works for sekai. He's contractually obligated to lie.
Wew lad. Looks like our hope is thin for that one getting translated then. I'll wait for him to be online on Steam and ask.
Can you even play Monopoly with that many people?
>implying they're playing Monopoly
More than likely they all just want to jump MC's dick.
Was this taken when he was still an EOP?
I don't think they all are playing.
Someone has to play banker too.
I envy moege MCs. My brain wouldn't even function correctly being surrounded by that many people, not to mention girls
If SP does release The base titles, I assume the fandisc will also be done. Also didn't they pick up the gold edition or some shit that has the fandisc in it?
>tfw Clochette will never make another fandisc because they botched the first one
Fandisc is just another name for DLCs for VNs.
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yeah but its fine.

The fandisc for Osadai was 10/10
No it wasn't.
In fact the whole thing was shit.
Ship best grill.
Too bad Alcot doesn't localise more titles.
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>Perverted Protagonist
>Donkan protagonist
>Hetare Protagonist
WAT? Its a great moege.

So uh, what's the point of /vn/ now?

Can't talk about Alicesoft, can't talk about monstergirls, can't talk about any moege... what's left?
so much same face
those bitter, shitposting retards deserve to die.
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Man shes really adorable. Started out as an uninteresting filler character but she grew on my so much.
It failed at the one job all fandisks have: Giving us routes for the side girls.
Her route was the most fucking boring but yeah, she grows on you. Especially the end. I'm a sucker for family endings.
better than ntr

This is the /vn/ thread if anyone cares
This desu
but it had no side girls
dawwwww, that was heartwarming
I was disappointed her tits didn't grow at all after becoming a mom.
Ikr. You might not think of her as much but it felt kinda comfy doing her route.
I didn't like her that much but she definitely has the best epilogue. I'm a sucker for the married with a kid ending.
Agreed. I think it's because of the fact that she's the most 'normal' out of the whole girls.
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Wow super cute.
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Welp, this is off to a good start
You can pick a nick name in lxc2, and the girls actually say it? I don't know if my body is ready.
I hope so. Need more Komomo.
From a pre-approved list of Japanese names which likely won't overlap with yours.
Also because it tends to sound a bit out of place, the writers trend heavily towards not using your name.
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I actually thought a moege general would be a good idea the other day. Might help to escape a lot of the negativity that has plagued /vn/ for a while and just be chill and moe.
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holy fuck HNNNNG, this is too much.
Doesn't that usually sounds broken as fuck? Only time I saw it was in Love Plus, and it was pretty bad, can't image it sounding good with pre-recorded lines
actually one did overlap, I'm soo fucking happy.
I always thought about it, but /vn/ was never that bad until recently. Not even the mindless "bullying" that got to me, but the obnoxious retardation.

It was nice introducing new people to all the wonderful things that is moege, but maybe they will stumble in here once in a while.
Aw shit dude, I'm happy for you.
I always thought it was a good idea, visual novels span too wide an audience for one thread and "Serious" vn readers don't know how to chill and be comfy. I honesty hope this betters the other thread as well. I don't hate /vng/ I just want to talk about cute girls without being called a faggot or someone telling me I am the reason the industry stopped making kamige and that I am killing vns.
So, is anybody working on an OP?
I'm all for leaving /vn/ with their shitposting and migrating here permanently
its a community effort. the OP needs to offer something, so to start we need a rec chart.
Just make sure you don't start any eop v jop stuff. If your love for cute girls is not strong enough to overcome the language barrier, you don't belong. Through moe, unity.
Why are you saying "through moe unity" and then say EOPs don't belong
Remember to include Ikikoi, Noble Works and HoshiMemo in it.
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No fighting allowed.

JOP can post as long as they are talking about cute girls. "Why don't you learn Japanese" is not talking about cute girls, so obviously they will have the sense to not say such things.
I think it should include every TLd moege to start, with am average rating and the +/-'s on why you should and shouldn't read it. Then partials and then unTLd shit but coming soon.
Im not against untranslated stuff, but there is really no point in posting it here since most people here are from /vn/ and we all know how that went.
Is Daitoshokan easy to read?

what is this
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>Im not against untranslated stuff, but there is really no point in posting it here since most people here are from /vn/ and we all know how that went.
Good point. There are already plenty of guides you get from DJT and the like on untranslated VNs anyway, like this one.
TLd moege:

nonTLd moege:
real imouto
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ChuSinGura 46+1
Are you an ESL? Just wondering. Because
>If your love for cute girls is not strong enough to overcome the language barrier, you don't belong
Is, in other words, saying
>If you don't love cute girls enough to learn Japanese, you don't belong
There's no language barrier between JOPs and EOPs because they both know English. Thus, you can only be referring to learning Japanese.
Yes, but don't make it your first one. Kimi no Tonari de Koishiteru is a much easier and better starter VN.
Is it decent?
>imopara 3
>everyone is a retard as a result of excessive inbreeding
>happy end
Actually that can be interpreted both ways
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Yeah, I liked it a lot. Though the translation is pretty spotty (especially in the 3rd chapter) and only three out of five chapters are actually translated so far. Also it's censored for Steam with no hopes of a restoration patch, but if you can get past these issues I think it's worth reading.
>a nice mix of breast sizes
>Errbody has cowtits
Should just /moe/ instead /moeg/

Not for an English native.
Or /moege/
Dont respond he is baiting you into shitposting. Just keep posting about cute girls, there is a reason I deleted my response to him.
d-do we have a /vg/ cup team?
They're all flatchested with huge asses?
I like /moege/ but I am not going to be autistc about the name.
/moe/ is more cuter than /moege/
this is true
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Dear EOPs:
How would you translate this sentance?
/moe/ a best
/moeg/ sounds dumb.

Yeah I'd go with /moe/ next thread.
oh dear Christ this whole sequence has be grinning like a massive retard.

The daddy issues are dumb, but everything else is too cute.
Reminder not to reply to troll posts that mention words like EOP/JOP.
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Will you help the past me? --or more like, please help the past me.
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Why is her head big?
This is good, are you a student of moogy-sama by any chance?
Maybe her neck hurts.
Yes, I'm moogy pbuh's student. You should join his class too, anon.
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Sad she doesn't have a route even in the fandisk
All moege should have chibi scenes like this, too cute.
Yea i like dem chibi scenes too
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I thought this was the moege general, no the kamige general.

oh wait they are synonymous
>black bars
>upscaled image

you had one job
it's just a screenshot of my monitor I can't immerse myself playing moeges in windowed mode
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Loli wives make the best wives
Is muramasa actually better than MLA?
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>>ip count: 48
>>ip count: 28
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>mfw we actually have more posters here than /vn/

How will they survive?
it's because you guys flocked to /vg/ from /jp/ and added to the IP count, then removed yourselves to a pseudo-/jp/ thread

it's not really surprising
299 posts, 6 hours old
53 posts, 2 hours old
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If you enjoyed it more, then sure.
Same here, but I take screenshots in native resolution otherwise shit looks awful.
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Wups meant to >>152116979 >>152116353
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Replaying Tomoe's route, I had forgotten how happy this game made me at times. I can't stop smiling.
If only Reco Love wasn't delayed
They fucked themselves over.
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A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is bad forever. Also I got to re-live a lot of my favorite moments before the passing of the torch to reco love. I love how immersive photo kano is.
A delayed game may be eventually good, but may not. A rushed game may be bad or good too. Either way, long-term patching makes either irrelevant.
Eh, in this age of DLC and day 1 patches it's not really as true as it always was.
But I wanted to play while it's still summer not fall
Granted though it's summer all year long down here though
>But I wanted to play while it's still summer not fall

Damn, I didn't think about it that way. I live in the tropics to it does not really affect me much.
Japs don't really patch their games plot-wise
Dies Irae
Except that imopara jitsumai patch, that shit was rad
Monobeno got major plot revision, but got sold as full price again
Rewrite got revision too, and sold as full price again.
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Can we make /moe/ a Yuuritopia?
/moeg/ doesn't care about games with plot
Moege and plot are not mutually exclusive.
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No no, it's the other way around. All games are welcome here, as long as they have moe. Whether they have plot or not is immaterial.
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But I do not intend to discuss the plot.
can we talk about rabi-ribi then

this shouldn't be a general just for visual novels
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Sure, as long as you are talking about the moe aspects. Talking about the gameplay aspects is kind of pushing it.
All eroge*
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As long as you are posting cute girls I honestly don't care. Just don't expect people to care about any gameplay aspects.
can people blogpost here? that's one of my favorite things to see in /vn/.
But that's a zionist game
Man Tomoe's anxious face brings out something deep inside me, a need to protect her smile.

If you could only make one real, would it be kotori or chibimoth? I'm honestly torn.
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I think ero is holding back eroge. The medium could be so much more!
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Oh these are the new free dlc swimwear from the reco love/photo kano promo on psn. Looking amazing on Nonoka. Seriously we need to contact the people tling photo kano and ask them what's up. This game is too good to go unplayed.
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This is your little sister tonight.
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If anyone has requests let me know.
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Last one then.
Good night /moe/, I hope you dream of your waifu.
Literally in the OP
So, judging from the earlier posts, these seem to be the rules so far:
>Both translated and untranslated eroge are allowed, as long as they contain moe and discussion is centered on the moe aspects.
>No meta discussion of e-celebs is allowed.
>Japanese language discussion is allowed in the context of learning to read visual novels.
>No flaming, bullying, EOP/JOP shitposting, or general negativity allowed.

Anything else you guys want to add?
Some butthurt chuunifag made the op ironicly. /moe/ is cuter.
Damn I didn't know there was free DLC
>>Japanese language discussion is allowed in the context of learning to read visual novels
here is where your error emerged
Yuri is fine as long as it's cute.
I agree, it could trigger shit posting, language talk should be kept to a minimum. Besides there is /djt/. /jp/ has also started a few learn Japanese threads in the context of vns.
>>Japanese language discussion is allowed in the context of learning to read visual novels.
No, this is just asking for trouble in my opinion. Meta discussion of any kind should be discouraged really, stick to talking about the games themselves, not tangential stuff like language study.
Exactly, cute is the only language we need, and meta discussion always ends up in shitpost fights.
/moe/ - Moege General
Moege General #2

This general is for the discussion of moege visual novels.

Please read the following rules before posting:
>Both translated and untranslated eroge are allowed, as long as they contain moe and discussion is centered on the moe aspects.
>No meta discussion of e-celebs is allowed.
>No flaming, bullying, EOP/JOP shitposting, or general negativity allowed. Discussion of Japanese language learning belongs in either the Daily Japanese Tread in /a/ or in /int/.

Kindly talk about waifus appropriately to facilitate smooth discussion.

I'd also suggest that we keep discussion of translations to a minimum. "X game just had a patch released" is fine, but when you start to get into critiquing translations or gossiping about e-celeb translators it just tends to create way too much shitposting, to the point that some VNs are hard to discuss at all without translation drama overtaking the discussion.
you guys are pretty fucking dumb for trying to fragment an already small community, especially in such a way that you can basically only post about very heavily japanese content when that should be kept on /jp/, but feel free to try even if you'll just burn out or be destroyed by moderation

this is basically an extended /ksg/ right now in terms of topic so it's not going to end well
Nothing is being fragmented. If you want to continue discussing moege on /vn/ nobody is stopping you. It's perfectly normal for some generals to overlap in subject matter.
I agree.


Almost perfect, thanks for putting in the effort. Please use that for next thread.
>this is basically an extended /ksg/
Then long live our three thousand thread long empire
/moe/ - Moege General
Moege General #2

This general is for the discussion of moege visual novels.

Please read the following rules before posting:
>Both translated and untranslated eroge are allowed, as long as they contain moe and discussion is centered on the moe aspects.
>No meta discussion of e-celebs is allowed. Try to keep translation discussion and critique to a minimum.
>No flaming, bullying, EOP/JOP shitposting, or general negativity allowed. Discussion of Japanese language learning belongs in either the Daily Japanese Thread in /a/ or in /int/.

Kindly talk about waifus appropriately to facilitate smooth discussion.

Final version.
/vn/ just isn't working, we have not had a good thread in months. Sure both threads will be slower on thier own but maybe that will lead to better discussions. People are tired of the shit posting man
>People are tired of the shit posting man
I agree, I'm sick of those cunts on /vn/
Sounds good to me
Looks nice. Would love a bit of links for the newcomers.
Long live moe, the false kings have been denounced. Long live /moe/.
the way to handle shitposting is, surprisingly, to hide and report it, a course of action which eluded a great deal of people in /vn/

me personally, I enjoy having a place to talk about things like root double and related things, so if /vn/ dies off it's just going to be a hassle because there's no way I'm going to bother visiting reddit or wherever else

the shitposting got out of control because people kept feeding into it - creating a separate general is not a solution, because the exact same people who were problems in /vn/ will suddenly have a second area to shit up

but by all means, continue trying this

far be it from me to tell people what to discuss on /vg/, do what you want

all I can hope is that I end up with a place to talk about things
/vn/ won't die, it's just running at it's real pace. That is what vn looks like without the shit posting. A slow comfy place, it's just been taken over by too many negative memes. Everyone will be better off this way anon. Change can be hard, but it's also needed so we can better ourselves.
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Root Double has moe, you can discuss it here if you want.

As far as the other point... Well, I think it's a bit more complicated than that. "Just ignore it" only really works if everyone ignores it, and I think /vn/ in general has developed a very bad attitude towards shitposting, in which most of the regulars nowadays have either joined them or given up on the situation ever getting better. That pessimism that pervades the thread to its core really makes it a challenge to try to have any positive discussion anymore. A fresh start on a new thread could do a world of good.
I want to feel Yuuri's yuuris.
Eternal heart is currently on Hiatus.
Dang, hopefully we get to see dem lolis soon
I pray that it doesn't get dumped or cancelled ;-;
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AstralAir and IroSeka are on hiatus. Eternal Heart isn't being worked on by anyone at the moment.
>No flaming, bullying, or general negativity allowed
These are unavoidable on 4chan btw desu.
We will prove different!
Why is red haired girl so much hotter than all the others
Maybe for next vg league if this general ends up comfy and relaxed.

Of the related generals Alicesoft/Rance and Monster Girls do but the others don't

Idols do
Not moege or a vn but Rance Quest Magnum?
/vn/ is still bigger than Alicesoft/Rance which is pretty comfy and has minimal shitposting and survives
you have not spent much time on /c/ have you? Stop spending time on toxic threads.
>or general negativity allowed
this isn't a tumblr hugbox, faggot. people who can't deal with negativity don't deserve to be here.
/moege/ is better imo
Should we start working on a pastebin?
>>No flaming, bullying, EOP/JOP shitposting, or general negativity allowed. Discussion of Japanese language learning belongs in either the Daily Japanese Thread in /a/ or in /int/.
>no flaming, bullying, or general negativity
Nah, I think you shouldn't add these. If you don't want your feeling hurts, then this shitty site isn't not for you.
Though I agree with JOP and EOP shitposting thing.
kinda agree it makes more sense, but just /moe/ is a lot cuter.
isn't for you*
go fuck off somewhere else for your safe space

just don't be surprised when no one responds to you.

Also, you need to go back.
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>split threads because of shitposting
>the shitposting remains

Really makes you think.
Careful not to bite, just don't respond,
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>mfw the boogeyman comes into /moeg/ and steps on my feelings
Of course, I would not surprise.
But just don't add those piece of shit on OP.
I don't really see what you can talk about here that would require you to break any of those rules while still being on topic. Besides, I didn't really mean "general negativity" as "you are not allowed to call out posters who are being retarded", but just to keep the /vn/-tier shitposting/baiting/whining out of the thread.
Once they realize we are no threat to /vn/ they will leave, I know you are only trying to be helpful but engaging them in any discussion is going to end in shit posting.
moogy doesnt like moege. fuck eops.
why shouldn't people who are doing something stupid be corrected? To avoid hurting feelings?

Shitposting and baiting is objectively bad, but calling someone out on their dumb shit is not.
Just copy the Alicesoft one

Ignore and report any blatant shitposting
how long until this general becomes infested with tripfags like /ksg/?
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Is untranslated posting welcome in here?
Yes actually, as long as you are posting moe. I am glad you have chosen to post second best girl.
This is going to end in two ways:
1) One thread becomes too empty and the people just go to the other thread and shitpost
2) The same people are in both threads talking about the same things and everyone just has to keep track of one additional tab
Its hookable just change the text format in game from the one its using
/moe/ - Moege General
Moege General #2

This general is for the discussion of moege visual novels.

Please read the following rules before posting:
>Both translated and untranslated eroge are allowed, as long as they contain moe and discussion is centered on the moe aspects.
>No meta discussion of e-celebs is allowed. Try to keep translation discussion and critique to a minimum.
>Ignore and report any blatant shitposting, especially if it includes EOP/JOP trolling.
>Discussion of Japanese language learning belongs in either the Daily Japanese Thread in /a/ or in /int/.

Kindly talk about waifus appropriately to facilitate smooth discussion.
I've decided to compromise in order to end the discussion.
Thats fine.
If this thread is to survive without becoming /ksg/

The other 'spinoff' generals other than /vn/ all allow it with no issues
/hgg/ and its spinoffs

They all work. Mostly much better threads than /vn/ as well
That would fall under the second possibility
Got an H-code for that?

You want to read this, it's very good.
Care to give out a list?
a third option that is pretty likely is it will last a month or two and then anonymous users are driven out by tripcodes like ksg was
The number of /vn/ posters in a lot of those generals is less than one might suspect.

One more tab or one more general to ocassionaly browse isn't an issue
This is better.
Unless someone is directly translating a relevant game there is no need to bring them up.
And even then only if it is directly relevant to the translation
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Sounds like hugbox general to me.

Not that I don't see your good intentions, especially considering the unbearable amount of shitposting on /vn/ lately, but if someone can't handle and/or ignore people being retarded they have been on the site for very little time. Personally, this kind of elitist, uptight, holier-than-thou mentality sickens me, so I don't know if I'll be perusing the thread for long. Not to mention that now there doesn't seem to be a specific place for those of us who simply enjoy any kind of VN.

But if it turns out that limiting the discussion to moege and cute girls was somehow the solution to the shitposting, then I wish you the best of luck with it.
Yeah perhaps the most likely
My point is that every time there is a split, either everyone has more tabs open negating the point of the split and just making it slightly more annoying for everyone, or the populations of both threads go down. Sometimes the latter can be good, but after enough splits everything just ends up slow and rather empty. There's only so many times you can split a small community.

On the other hand I suppose VNs are actually mainstream now so maybe it will manage to survive. Tbh I'd be okay if there was just a VN board and we could get over the stupid general bullshit entirely and have slow threads for specific games
this is fine. Should a precaution be made about tripcodes, though? another anon here has gotten me worried.
>to keep translation discussion and critique to a minimum.
I'm not so sure about this.
Populations of threads going down isn't neccesarily a bad thing
>Tbh I'd be okay if there was just a VN board and we could get over the stupid general bullshit entirely and have slow threads for specific games
This would be the absolute best way to deal with all of this.
you can still talk about moege in /vn/ though. I know I will be whenever something good comes out like w happiness.
>Not to mention that now there doesn't seem to be a specific place for those of us who simply enjoy any kind of VN.
It's called /jp/ and /vn/ retard.
I mean I kinda liked when there was the /jp/ thread for "slow discussion" and the /vn/ thread for "fast discussion" but then again these days the /jp/ thread is fast and shitty so maybe slow threads here is the solution.
/moege/ is for discussing vns about cute girls doing cute things
No one is forcing you to stay in /moe/, it has untranslated discussion and is for moege. Two things alway hated in /vn/, not sure why the hesitation now.
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This is cute, but too bad she's "fake" imouto.
Anyone read this? How long until heroine route?

I still have a trauma thanks to Sakusaku.
I will lower my expectation for that project.
A red board for eroge
what exactly would be talked about, though. repeated "i want to marry x" posts?
But translation quality is still important in moege.
>moege and untranslated discussion
>Two things always hated in /vn/

The fact that this thread exists proves you wrong.
/vn/ has not vanished, you don't need to stay.
Moege games. Including untranslated ones.

If your not interested then it isn't the general for you
>32% translation progress
Yeah, no thanks. I'll wait a few years for the translation to actually finish.
We're not even past the first thread and this place is already shit.
Translation drama has always been a cancer, it's best to avoid it entirely.
stop responding please.
Because of the EOP/JOP shitflinging.
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less than 2 months to go
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the majority of /vn/ never hated moege. untranslated discussion made sense because there is another board entirely for it.

I don't get this shit some of you are complaining about. There is only really shitposting when nothing is being discussed. If you want to talk about something, start the conversation. There will always be a discussion if you are willing to start it.

Vn's aren't shot out at a consistently fast rate, so in between releases there will be shitposting unless someone starts talking about something.
Enough meta.

What are some good untranslated moege that a beginner might be able to read?
>Discussion of Japanese language learning belongs in either the Daily Japanese Thread in /a/ or in /int/.
The other generals don't have an untranslated hang up and once you include untranslated games there is a large library
And yet still superior to /vn/.

are there no threads about vns in /jp/, though? it just seems out of place in an all english board because more than half the userbase doesn't know what you are talking about.
The demo really turned me off. It's like they took daito and eustia and smacked them together.

Nanairo drops was very good, surprised it has not been picked up for tl.
Moege is moege

It is like how Alicesoft general discusses untranslated Alicesoft games all the time and /hgg/ is mostly untranslated stuff
Might try it out. Does it have enforced roue order?
*nanatsuiro drops
I don't believe so, but I did the main heroin first so I could be wrong.
Kimi no Tonari de Koishiteru
AstralAir no Shiroki Towa
Tenshin Ranman
Clover Day's
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Common route is roughly 3k lines, I think you have 2k lines left to go.
There's an enforced route order, though both Miki and Mai have pretty good routes. Shiori, of course, has the best route.


Anything by Alcot.
Real Imouto, mentioned above, is one of their highest rated games and is consistently entertaining.


I don't think AstralAir is that great of a choice, given that Favorite games often have a long, boring common route based on reviews I've seen for them. He'll be struggling through boring shit for potentially hundreds of hours that a native reader could breeze through in an afternoon.
what vn even is this

Why don't you read the post you're replying to? They mention it right there.
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>The other generals don't have an untranslated hang up

Huh, I wonder why.
this thread is gonna crumble when a JOP posts a picture without the text and an EOP asks what game it is every thread and then only be able to say "oh its not translated"

or when JOPs post a picture and gets 0 replies because all the viewers of the tread are EOPs and they cant understand whats going on.

The definition of moe is vague as well. You can call any game a moege if it has moe girls. OELVN retards might even come in here.
I so wanted dat qt in a black dress on the left to have a route.
No it won't.
What is this?
Some Vita game without sexual content.
Or they'll just get a persistent shitposter that spams CHOMP
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fuck off JOP
So, with my reading skill level now, I finished 1k lines for about 8 hours, and so I need 16 hours more to finish the common route.
Just fucking kill me lads.
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If it's one of your first few VNs it's normal for you to be reading that slowly. At least RealImo is consistently entertaining; there's an incredibly boring section where just about nothing happens in Eternal Heart that consists of roughly 1.5k lines.
What new people to learning japanese are often reccommended: Just read a few moege before any storyge.

And thus /moe(g)/ became a DJT thread for people beginning Japanese reading their beginner moege.
That's only recommended to them by other beginners who have no clue. Plenty of easy plotge. You just play what you want.
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>tfw have to save both threads for frequent page 10 dips now
fuck you guys
What was this VN again?
Nukige is generally first
It sure is
It seems those fuck off posters stayed in /vn/
Welcome little girl.
I'm still here, I just didn't tell him to fuck off this time thats all
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生憎, もし返事をすればその時に私は多分居ない。済まん。

ですが頑張ってください。 私が信じる。
Really forces you to ponder.
Nah, I still hate sekai and anyone involved with them.
Except Koestl and Doddler.
I just can't remember the definition for this fucking word
Vague sentence modifiers are my downfall.
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I've seen this in the djt thread. Why are you posting it here?
Because I want to blog in 2 places?
We will play this 10 years right ;_;
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That's not an accurate translation.
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Lol no. Time to start learning bitch.
Did she help the past me?
no u
just realized i never actually finished a moege. yet im here.
So i guess i'll just shitpost.
Go fuck yourself J.O.P cancer
By finishing do you mean doing all the routes?
I don't think people should force themselves to read all the routes in a game.
>All games are welcome here, as long as they have moe.
Someone else said this but seriously, pretty much all games have moe, that's just how VNs are, even muramasa, dies irae, etc have moe.
Who is the David Lynch of moege?
So everyone hates Ikikoi?
Wanted to play but vn keep saying it's worst thing ever.
Sure if you stand the bullying.
At least it's better than Shuffle
In chronological order:
I read Asuhoe route in hoshimemo and dropped it midway because she was too much of a slut. Came back because I felt like finishing the game but got distracted and didnt come back after finishing her route., not sure if thats a moege though.
I then read like 2 hours of nekopara and then dropped it. I didn't like how at times they were so human and then at times they were suddenly cats.
I read 1.5 routes in Noble Works. Blonde and Green. Hinata was the cutest.
It was funny throughout and not boring but I came across more interesting things and never touched it again.
I tried Koirizo just to see why everybody kept posting Umi but I didn't really find her that cute, both visually and personality wise. Same with the rest of the cast. Dropped.
I then learned Japanese and couldnt bear to read the english TL of either after I tried to get back to it so I uninstalled them. The translation in koirizo is worse than noble works.

Now I spend my days playing JOP plot games and if I ever play a modern moege it'll probably be one of the new yuzusoft ones.
So what is a list of translated moege?

I might make up a pastebin
>because she was too much of a slut.
How dare you!
She's the most pure girl in hoshimeme.
They had sex on the school rooftop directly a confession after barely knowing eachother while all their friends were sleeping like 2 floors below...............
>barely knowing eachother
Did you speedread through hoshimeme or something?
It's not that bad, really.
People find it polarizing because three of the four main heroines like to bully the protagonist. Mostly in the common route.

A few things in Ikikoi's favor:
1. It's pretty funny
2. No horrible drama that makes you want to kill yourself from the stupidity
3. The protagonist isn't just a dull self-insert, but has an actual personality and backstory
4. Lots of very cute CG

It's worth a read if you're not a bitchboi who can't handle the banter. Tsumugu a best
Thanks for the answers about Ikikoi.

Yeah wondering about that myself. I think next thread op gonna included it.
>It's pretty funny
I felt bad. Was this supposed to make me feel doki doki?
>i never actually finished a moege
I guess it's time for you to finish one.
I've never read every rotue in a moege
Even KS, the vn that got me into VNs and which I loved, I stopped in the beginning of Emi's route.
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Can't have a moege general without the moe-est.
Is that getting translated?
I'm not sure, but the demand (and quality of the game) is so high it's almost inevitable one would think.
How do we feel about blogposting?
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Should probably re-read this. My moon levels are now much better than what they used to be.

Probably never. August titles are cursed. Though I heard Yoake somehow got completed.

It's had a lot of demand for years. But nobody picked it up after Yandere Translations dropped it. I don't think it's going to happen after all this time.
Blogposting should stay at a person's blog, not here, discussions happen here. You can link to your blog though, just not post everything here.
Pretty sure you know what I meant by that
See >>152141174
What do you think about Tone Work´s?

How are their VNs?
Yoake's translation has been done for awhile, there's just been more done on editing. It broke the curse via an editor releasing a super old patch without much editing that at least had a translation.
Pretty friggin superb from a romance perspective. Only problem I had with Hoshi Ori is that each girl practically had their own "common route" which was kind of boring. Like they're preparing for a festival and in each girl's route you prepare something different. So in each route you have to read through festival shit. That's boring. Everything else is top tier though.
Good. HoshiOri is probably in a top 5 best moege of all time. Along stuff like Daitoshokan and Hatsuyuki Sakura.
I won't be surprised if it's Conjueror's secret project
For some reason, Daitoshokan bored me. After confirming the very obvious "reveal" that Kodachi is the shepherd, I lost interest so fast.
95% of Daito is comedy and moe so if the 5% of mystery was enough to make you lost interest, I think you were just looking in the wrong place.
This is cool and all but I don't see it making it long. There is only so much we can talk about who is best girl and why before it goes full /ksg/
We have more than none game though. And you can still talk in the other thread about non-moe games.
one game*
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This is too cute for me.
Is Koiken Otome a moege?
Oh wow you literally copypasta'd my post from DJT and put it here for the sole sake of shitposting. You must be doing that with other DJT posts too. You're such a fucking dumb shitter that you have to steal other people's post content just to make offtopic shitposts.
>best girl doesn't have a route
Why is this allowed?
I wanna do H-scenes with her so bad.
I've tried looking around and haven't found any answers so I suppose I may as well ask here: how good should I be at Japanese before I attempt to read Subahibi? I don't want to go at it too soon since I've only just started learning, but I am eager to read it.
I believe it's Intermediate level minimum.
Not a moege, ask /vn/ or /djt/.
There was a big discussion on this in DJT once or twice. Check the /a/ archive.
Per Fake Ti9 >>152119647 any game with moe can be discussed
It's almost like they specifically chose the least interesting girls as heroines.
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Disgusting Tototo Ayano clone
Better boring and predictable than NTR shit
You could say that about much anything. It's not very meaningful and doesn't change that about 1/3-1/2 of Hoshi Ori is fairly boring festival stuff.
First one is them trying stuff out and is mediocre and has some pretty glaring issues. Thy got the hang of it in the second one which is pretty high up my ranks. Third one is coming out this month and from the reception of the trial version I am having high hopes of it.
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>enjoying an H-scene
>male protagonist pulls out in the end instead of coming inside
Always ruins it for me. If they want bukkake, give us a choice in the sex scene, either that or set an option in the settings menu to toggle whether you prefer to come inside or outside.
Hey, at least Umi doesn't enjoy getting cucked.
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>MC says he's coming to cum inside
>woman nearly cries in despair and desperately begs him to cum inside
>implying Umi wasn't shlicking it it the scene where Riho and MC are fucking with her in the room
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Maybe they don't want a zika baby
>cumming inside
gr8 taste
>contributing to overpopulation and global warming
Koisuru last resort FD when????
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>girl begs MC to cum inside and give her his seed
>my boner is maximum
>then MC cums outside
They already made 2 FDs, one is the one you linked
>wasting your sperm
I'll make sure she receives all of it, whether it's mouth, ass or pussy >:D
That's when you quickload and choose "cum inside"
>Not selling your sperm to wizards
>Moege General #1
Wait wot? This is a new general? I think I've seen stuff like these on the Catalog.

But since this is new, recommend me games to play.
New stuff to try out I guess
Princess Evangile!
Get out while your sanity remains.
Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru and Noble Works.
Right-o, thanks. Just to confirm, this is all English right? (coz I've been to /hgg/ and all of the games there were Japanese)

Nah, I'm cool. Always love trying out new games :)
morning cutie gen.
Some are, but majority of good ones aren't.
I mean, the games that were recommended to me. But no worries, I can just search it off google.
The ones I mentioned are fan-translated so you download them and patch them to English. This gives a good rundown on how to get Ikikoi working as well as providing the patch:

i haven't played that game in a while, i stopped because the dialogue on a route was broken, does anyone know how to fix? the voice was like advanced a line
Download the majo koi nikki partial, it's going to be vn of the year when it gets a full release. Also I decided to go physical with flowers, that box is gorgeous.
Explain more.
>it's going to be vn of the year when it gets a full release.
VN of the year 2019 maybe.
it was a scene where tsumugu woke the main guy up, she was saying different Phase like "Phase 1, Phase 2 Phase 3", then after the scene changes, the voice gets ahead by one line.
it's like they're saying the lines of what they should say next
Have you been following the project? I would not be surprised if they finished by early next year. They have a huge team working on it.
They finished 32% in 3 months.
replace it in the game folder.
i'd have to get my notebook open, but thanks.
>4 projects at once
They have a huge fucking team.
Wait...I have to patch ikikoi?
I'm too lazy to do that man.
That uniform looks similar to the one in Sharin no Kuni.
it takes you like 3 clicks
Is there hope for a Tenshin Ranman release soon?
I really want to play imouto route.
Not many imoutos in translated moeges.
>release soon
at this pace another 2 years
>/vn/ is dead they say
>/moege/ is the new general they say
Meanwhile, /vn/ has had 2 threads and over a 1000 posts in the time /moege has had less than 600. Thank fucking god the moege cancer is contained now.
>Is there hope for a Tenshin Ranman release soon?
Hell no. It's at like 30% translated and it was announced over a year ago. Expect it in like 3 more years.
Not enough older sisters either, everyone knows doting older sisters are the best.
Why are they so slow? Is the game big?
>Why are they so slow? Is the game big?
because it's Sekai

it's pretty big, but when someone like Arunaru covers 60% of SukiSuki (another title with equally large length, if not greater) in a few months, it's hard not to laugh at Sekai

they just recently put a new translator on it though so it may speed up, who knows
Have a >>(You), courtesy of the house.
Sekai project just has too much shit in their work log. I think they're sitting on like over 20 titles.
How many lines is that?
i dunno
It's pretty important, moege can go from like 20k lines to 60k lines. Without numbers nothing can really be said.
I've read both titles and from memory they were around the same length.
They also have the same vndb estimates, if it matters.
Regardless, 30% in a year is pretty inexcusable.
Damn, I really like Yuzusoft stuff. Really wish they hadn't had gone with Sekai Project. Maybe they'll pull a Purple software and have their second release with MG. Or their first looking at the rate Tenshin Ranman is going.
Unfortunately not everyone can be as cool as the ChuableSoft president.

You can try spamming Yuzusoft with emails telling them how bad Sekai is :^)
>wish they had gone with SP

You mean MG
So when's the next moege coming out that isn't shit?
Next year ;^)
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> Anzu's route in Da Capo 2.

Jesus fucking christ, this must be utterly terrifying for her.

D.C. 3 probably in another few months.
Might want to read that again friend.
Is Charles her grandaughter or something?
Did Yoshiyuki fucked all the heroines like his father?
Shhhhhh it's OK to be drunk at 11 am. Right?
Do I have to read all if d.c. in order? And can I skip the girls I don't like and still get the over arching plot lines?
Do Sakura and Yume in DC I, Otome and Yume in DC II and that's all.
You can't skip the girls you don't like, since there's a true ending that requires all the heroines to be done.

Fortunately, all but one of the D.C. 2 main heroines are good.

You don't have to have played the earlier D.C.s, there's usually just references to the preceding game that aren't necessary.
>You can't skip the girls you don't like, since there's a true ending that requires all the heroines to be done.

Can you ctrl to speed it up? Also how important are the sex scenes? I have the all ages psp games but never got around to reading them.
Thanks. I'm famished. Give me some more.
please suggest a great game with a megadere heroine for insecure people like me
You know like all moege/charage are made for you, right?
Back to /vn/ with you.
What do you do when you just stopped caring about everything and can't even bring yourself to play moege, the one enjoyment left in your life.
The same thing I do ever other day.

time to look for a new hobby
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Clover Day's would be a good choice if you are okay with untranslated stuff. The language is pretty simple (except for parts with Kansai-ben, I guess) and most of heroines are extremely cute and have a strong dere side, especially Anzu and Hekiru.
Otherwise, you might want to check Period. Even though Ooyari's artstyle is pretty odd for most people and you can hear a lot of complaints about plot in this one, I still managed to enjoy it quite a lot, because girls (Kohane in particular) are really comfy and adorable.
What are the untranslated moe kamige JOP? If you don't mind make a top 10, I'll add it to my backlog
Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no
Dies Irae
Natsuyume Nagisa
Hatsuyuki Sakura
Natsukumo Yururu
Harumade Kururu
Aiyoku no Eustia
Natzuora Kanata
Wonderful Everyday
not moege/10
Take up an activity tomorrow to keep you occupied, then the desire for cute girls will come back.
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Don't forget about Undertale
It being translated from English to Japanese made a 10/10 game a 11/10 because they had to fold the code 1000 times to get it to compile to Japanese coding standards, which ensures it is of the highest quality.
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Sorry, moebro, I haven't read this much, to be honest, because I mostly slack off when it comes to reading VNs and my nihongo level is quite low.
Koibumi Romantica is quite an enjoyable piece though, too bad most Taisho/early Showa novels are otome games and I couldn't find something similar. Most of Littlewitch games also have a certain appeal for me, but graphics might scare someone out, as I already said before. I also started Senren Banka today. Can't say much about it yet, but I like the atmosphere and Yuzusoft's style is really lovely.
Oh fuck off!
Have you been playing Senren?
How is it?
>I also started Senren Banka today. Can't say much about it yet, but I like the atmosphere and Yuzusoft's style is really lovely.
direct your e-celeb shite to /vn/
Is this general supposed to be about English Moeges and soon to be translated moeges? or any untranslated moeges?
Any untranslated is fine.
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Anything it seems.
If it's cute, it's OK
Discussing japanese is not fine as per board rules

People shouldn't have to explain this by now
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I think that worrying too much about what is and is not allowed just tends to make discussion quality worse. We wind up wasting too much time just arguing and trying to drive people out that don't fit our own image of how the thread should run. It's better to use the most liberal definition possible and not start shit as long as someone seems to be trying to make productive discussion about a game with some form of moe in it.
I too would like some clarification on this, If untranslated stuff aren't allowed then I'll leave.
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How do yous feel about visual novels based off light novels and or anime? Would you like to see ro-kyu-bu on the psp translated?
They're like illegal Mexican immigrants; we should build a wall to keep them out.
I'd like to see anything (moege) translated desu, I don't speak jap
Its allowed it's just a lot of /vn/ people shitting on the thread for some reason. Even though /vn/ is better than it has been in months after the split. Some people just can't help but shit post. As long as its' moe it's ok.
>How do yous feel about visual novels based off light novels and or anime?
It really depends, but a lot of people say that most adaptations are bad. Not only limited to japanese but also the western stuff
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Another thread to add to the watchlist then

The adaptions tend to be really bad, most adaptions of eroge -> anime/LN aren't that good either. There are some exceptions like Walkure Romance but that's only due to the comedy aspect
A lot of those people also can't separate the source material from the vn. There are people with an irrational hate for anime and light novel.
>visual novels based off light novels and or anime
A visual novel is like halfway between a light novel and an anime. If the adaptation has more content and better stuff to it then go for it, but if it's just gonna drag on forever and lower quality, it'd be next to pointless in making them, I'd say they shouldn't
let's just not give a damn about that and see what happens
Some LN to VN adaptations are good. I really loved Oregairu and the Oreimo vns but I did not like either anime or LN.
If you feel that a post violates the rules then report it and let the janitor sort it out. There's no reason to shit up the thread by arguing about it every time.
>irrational hate for anime and light novel.
Yeah, with visual novels, you can control the sound, pacing, voices, etc. So that medium is pretty good. But with Light novels, you can barely visualise them and they have no sound while with anime, you can't control the pacing or turn off voices and annoying bgm.
You need to go back anon. This thread is not for (you).
how about you just don't do it and then nobody needs to bother reporting anything and moderation doesn't have to bother dealing with it in the first place
Personally, I don't plan on doing it myself. But if asked to choose between untranslated discussion and people aggressively bitching about untranslated discussion, I'd really rather have the former.
So it is true, /vn/ decided to split? Is there EOP/JOP bullshit here or is it safe?
Kinda makes you wonder that /jp/ was a suitable place for these but instead, were made here. I don't think it's has got anything to do with whether the fact is that what people are talking about are translated or untranslated, it's just the community in a general that makes things go from good to bad to worst.
i give it a few weeks before vehement shitposting takes over
So far, not many people are bitching about the EOP or JOP stuff because people aren't autistic about it like the "Learn Japanese" bullshit. It becomes tolerated if people are not attention whoring about it too much
I guess you can say if it's good it's good, if it's bad it's bad. Being adapted from anime wont make anything magically good or magically bad. But records show adaptations of any kind tend to be subpar.
No triggers here.
Shitposting only happens when people start to go autistic towards one another. If everyone is focusing on the actual topic itself (like posting cute Moege pics instead of fighting), not attacking whom they're replying to, then maybe that will lead towards avoiding all the shitposts.
It's safe for now but /vn/ is trying to shit up the thread, please ignore them.
The untranslated general put in quite a bit of effort to get all translated content that gets posted into auto delete status and they have little to no discussion regarding moege content so the gap is there.

Basically, it's only in the more rarest of cases that a adaption can improve on the original.
No more meta talk.
yes, but there isn't a single general that hasn't been subject to awful shitposting.

it's just a matter of time.
We've already had a handful of shitposting here since it was made, and it looks like /vn/ is dying down to their own general, a bit.
er, what i mean is large-scale shitposting. a little bit is harmless.

anyway, it's not like it matters right now. ignore the cynicism.
Cute transcends all languages.
I give this a month tops. Don't see it lasting longer than that.
>thread dead for 20 minutes at a time
>metashit comes up
>20 posts every 5 mins
Kill yourselves all of you, we were supposed to leave this metashit behind
What exactly makes a moege, a moege?
It has to be moe and it has to be a ge.
Don't mind them, it's /vn/ posting here again

I'd say levels of cuteness. If the VN is very cute, it could be considered as such. It has the "Kawaii" feeling, not like the western definition of cute, which what makes it unique.
>Don't mind them
That's the problem. It'll be common place if everyone let's it slide all the time
Let's just ignore metaposters and other unrelated bullshit and enjoy comfy moege discussion instead.
If you post moege topics, anything moege related, posting cute screenshots, ignoring them, they would be bored and move along. They're only shitposting and attention whoring because people reply to them.
This is a fucking circlejerk mentality.

You can't seriously think this is a good idea.
What options do you think are there other than to reply or to not reply? It's only circlejerking when you put a definition to it, so ignore.
That's better than constantly bitching about metashit with faggots who don't even deserve such attention.
Tlwiki irc actually manages to talk about VNs, unlike 4chan. Really makes you think.
Tbf they have lots of people who understand Japanese...
We should have like a recommendations list of translated moege and untranslated moege for the newcomers. Also, copy and paste /vn/'s installation procedure, such as being in Jap locale, applying a patch, etc. Links about upcoming moeges and popular ones would be good too
I think the irc is like a "super secret club" for them, and they're a pretty tight knit community so i suppose they would discuss a lot of Vns much more in-depth.
While a lot of people who visit here are come and go. It's not like people only play VNs you know. VNs only take like less than 5% of my time tb.h
>VNs only take like less than 5% of my time tb.h
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
If we're going to discuss moege here, we may as well get to it. What are people looking foward to, and what are your favorite games in the genre?
I'm kinda new here, you tell me, what should I look forward to?
I don't really pay much attention to see the latest news about shit on other websites. I usually go to 4chan because they have everything already.
But imo, someone really needs to help finishing the translation of Eternal Heart, Astral Air and Irotoridori no Sekai.
Also, Dracu Riot, no idea what happened to that one.
>But imo, someone really needs to help finishing the translation of Eternal Heart, Astral Air and Irotoridori no Sekai.
The translator works for Sekai Project now and is working on Hoshimemo. Those projects will more than likely be picked up by Sekai Project as well.
Looking forward to:
Sora no Tsukurikata, Ojou-sama no Hanbun, Unionism Quartet A3-Days and Haruru Minamo ni!. There are plenty others but they are more of a nukige/moege mix or just nukige
>Those projects will more than likely be picked up by Sekai Project as well.
Only if they don't die and can get a kickstarter successfully funded for them. I can't see them putting money up front to license them after how KaraKara bombed for them.
I honestly think there is still a chance for Sekai Project if they fix their shit up. Considering what they did and wat they've done, they've been on a constant downhill. But that doesn't mean they can't change their policies and start translating 18+ games again, like licencing and finishing those 3, maybe people would be happier that way.
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I'm quite hyped for Re:LieF; the artstyle is gorgeous, especially in h-scenes.
Also, both Yomegami and Chuunihime look really sweet, might check them out as well.
To do that they would have to revamp the top level of management. Even then it would take three or four good releases to get peoples opinions to start to reverse, as one or two good releases can be seen as a fluke.
I honestly think it would be easier to just make another company or sell off the brand to someone else.
Yeah and they have orgy sessions where everyone faps to the same VN
Does this actually happen?
No, I'm shitposting
If I've got things right, upcoming official moege releases from Sekai Project is Wagamama High Spec, and from Mangagamer there's Princess Evangile Double Happiness, Da Capo 3, If you Love me then Say so!, and I guess Dal Segno. Is that it?
I am a little sad to hear that work continues on already translated Hoshimemo instead of AA and InS, but as Leyline shows, there won´t be any Favorite VN ready before 2018
Hapymaher now too
What are some VNs you can't read?
>there won´t be any Favorite VN ready before 2018
Fuck... me...

SP and their Steambux™ again.
learn japanese
Meh, no thanks. I don't even do well in school, let alone learn a new language. Too much trouble cbf.
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I-i'll start next month... I swear I'll do it this time!
We are approaching the thread limit. Is anyone gonna do a more thorough description for the second one hopefully?
Someone posted a template that looked fine earlier in the thread, just do tha
He revised it several times, make sure you grab the right one
Someone already has it under control. Hopefully he is online.

>As long as it's cute edition
Make it happen.
Oh and it's /moe/
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/moe/ sounds good to me. Unless we want to be cute and doe moe games general aka /moegg/.

I approve of having a thread for us moebuta though.
this is the worst 3x3 ever
Thread number: Thread theme
Previous thread:

This thread is for the discussion of moege and moege related content.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.
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We already have >>152127336 though.
How's the game in pic related? The official HP's story section is a bit cryptic
Maya a best.
Ritsuko is ok.
The rest is shit.
Meant to quote
Too many rules.

>Both translated and untranslated eroge are allowed, as long as they contain moe and discussion is centered on the moe aspects.

Is all you need, you shouldn't need to tell people to ignore shitposting and it should be obvious enough that DJT stuff doesn't belong here
and if you have to add in the shitposting part just add this in "Ignore and report any blatant shitposting," Having a bloated OP is not a good thing.
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>game doesn't have footjob scene
/moe/ please, it's perfect.

Also gives the right idea, the focus is on moe and not filthy elitist video game culture.
Very good
It's really not, I'm speaking from experience when the /jp/ thread tried to fix their OP. Adding too much will encourage people to come here and shitpost, I can't count the amount of times people tried to change the content on the new thread to make their shitposting "allowed"

You need to keep it short and straight to the point without unneeded stuff.
Can you tell me how much plot does it have? I'd prefer moe to plot if you know what I mean
Pretty much 0.
Thanks, getting it right now
/moe/ is objectivly a better name than /moeg/, not sure about all the other stuff you are talking about.
That is how IRCs go in every general. I remember /mhg/ had a massive shitstorm over their IRC members acting like elitist assholes.
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>Footjob scene where the girl starts awkwardly and embarrassed then slowly starts to enjoy it
Is the oreimo vn translated?
Footjob scenes are the worst.
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from the translator blog
nah, paizuri is the worst. particularly the ones with huge tits that also have cock sucking. You need a 12 dick for that.
>You need a 12 dick for that.
What did he mean by this
12 inch dick to both paizuri and have her suck on your cock
12 inch cock for paizuri blowjob, looks soo unrealistic. Besides flat it justice.
>Besides flat it justice.
Flat requires justice from dirty pedos like you.
Can confirm.

What are other /moe/bros' preferences when it comes to h-scenes?
Frey from Seikishi Melty Lovers is the embodiment of hot moe lewd. It's unparalleled in my mind for vanilla VN h-scenes.
Dick rubbing on venus mound.
>preferences when it comes to h-scenes?
i dont give a shit what position its in as long as it isn't at an obnoxious over-the-top dutch angle

the most important thing about H scenes in eroge for me is the variety of expressions.
Leg lock.
No clothed sex.
I like seeing them in underwear first, before we fug.

Underwear fetishism ftw.
Are there any girls reading moege? I know there are plenty of them who are into visual novels, but I guess it's mostly otome/BL fangirls.
what the fuck is a girl
Wedding Dress, Stocking, garter belt, older sister, nakadashi. I DARE you to name a combo better.
Come on, man, it's already 2016, every single nerd knows there ARE girls on the internet and 4chan isn't exceptional.
you didnt answer my question
I don't know why but underwear just turns me off
Here we go, post limit reached
Don't fuck up the new thread.
cause ur gay
My ex was reading some plotge shit, don't know about moege though. Still, pretty sure there are lots of them.
>Character trait
>Ex girlfriend

How does this make you feel?
Saw a bunch of them on Twitter. It'd be interesting to discuss moege with a girl, anyway.
I don't mind used goods. Actually I think they're better.
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What's the general opinion here on nukige, if they're moe? Are we ok talking about that in this thread?
Nukige cum moege are respectable and allowed
Imopara and other titles like it (UBW) are nukige cum moege so yes
If she's the ex girlfriend of the MC and they only broke up because plot needed it, then yeah, I can stomach that. But I'd rather they not break up in the first place.
Is someone making the new thread? please respond.
Very much allowed. Encouraged even
It's not moe at all.
She would probably be a lesbian at this point.
Okay I'll make /moege/ general.
Didn't we all agree on /moe/ though?..
Use /moe/ please.
You had one job damn it.
You don't like moe general e ?
We already decided on it, scroll up.

new thread
He's talking about >>152127336
Thread posts: 773
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