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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

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Thread replies: 746
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Hyuran Edition
>”Do You Even /Pose?” Showdown! (August 15th-August 26th)

>Moonfire Faire 2016 (August 5th-August 25th)

>Free Login Campaign (July 25th-August 30th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>3.35 Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

Previous Thread:
ilu vall
DRG or SMN??
>one post early
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>that shitter that enters your niche market with very little or intermittent competition and drives the prices down by 80%

whats her name, anon
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How did SE fuck it all up?
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which face and skin color should I use if these ones are bad
Yoshi p is on Odin
Whoever named their retainer AAAAA
By letting the game die?
There was a boost right after the expansion cause the game had something to do at least, then they started adding contents every 4 months again and they really expect people to sub and do nothing? So retarded.
The clusterfuck that is called 3.3 happened and it's grind bullshit.
3.0 happened.
That looks fine actually, scale color close to your skin color looks much better than the alternative. Nice eyes too
3.0 removed content from the game instead of adding more.
black hime cut, be the best naaki you can be
Not even Naaki likes being Naaki. That's why they're a bunch of chopsticks now.
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But face 3 a best! I'd say your skin looks a bit orange but that may just be the lighting/my monitor. Honestly I think you look fine. I'm not a fan of the face scales but that's because of the massive graphical and texture differences.

Was made and posted already, what's going on
3.0 and 3.1 were what killed the game.
3.3 is just an average patch which suffer the usual pace problem of every odd patch, but it's by no means worse than those.
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I think it's just proof positive that from Day 1 Square Enix was working on another franchise, I.E. FF15. There is evidence of cut corners from 3.0 onwards. To a new player you likely won't need to worry, the issue is the end game content is creating a very hostile environment for raiders and as a result there is the people who are skilled slowly looking down on the casual population, so much that there are players who are capable of rising to the raiding level but because there is no risk/reward employed players are not helping elevate their server population.
I try to push for it on Exodus, but given about 100 players who have cleared A8S despite the graph showing 50 it's a challenge because resources and time are spread thin.
3.4 should, ideally be a good patch, as well as 3.5, and 3.55. I think the main issue is they're trying to spread their resources too thin and designing wasteful content. (Lords of Verminion, Diadem(even though I like it for gathering), and so on)
So the long story is that the toxic players are becoming more toxic because of the game design, which is inherently forcing them to move to Tonberry/Gilgamesh/etc. One they address that problem and actually start building healthier raid populations we should see a resurgence. But given Legion, and depending on how WoW recovers it may show a bigger issue.
I think they just put too many eggs in one basket for 15 and now it's sink or swim time. If it does well, then more resources come back to 14, if it does poorly then I'd be worried then for the future of this franchise.
>3 hours ago
so at 700 posts?
>the end game content is creating a very hostile environment for raiders
Holy shit, this

I pug a lot, but damn if there isn't a massive gap in between the 1% top FCs and the "average raider" these days. It used to be smaller, until Gordias forcibly removed that community from the game.

Manifestos and raid finder are steps forward but we need more. Maybe relevant rewards for assisting other groups after your weekly clear, like a Mercenary thing that rewards tomes, gil, maybe something else good idk
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This is how skin looks outside
Your eyes are creepy
still too orange
remove the face scales first and foremost
ah yeah that's good!

I think you look fine, but I'm also super bias to 3. I'd say just get a proper glim glam and you're golden.
i believe dark hair would work better with the face scales

also you forgot your pants
Get some pants nerd
You're absolutely retarded and don't know how resource management works within a company.
FFXV did not pull any resources from the XIV development team or anything remotely close to it.

FFXIV houses a very small internal team within SE, sharing maybe only PR from SE. The cut corners and such are what the team sees as feasible with the given amount of resources they have. Remember that the bottom line of creating new content is to bring and retain players. You do not develop for the minority of your demographic.
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Say goodbye to this cat. She's having a sex change.
>FFXV makes a lot of money
>SE gives their XIV dev team more resources
It's not impossible, just a theory
Like you did irl?
to female?

this desperate for dick that you'll fanta to the dickmagnet catboy
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To a male yes
Take a look at SE's fiscal reports. XIV is a cash machine. XV is a big gamble but has the security of an established franchise. It will guarantee large revenue but not profit like an mmo.
fanta to your elezen
she was very beautiful
It's not really that great of a cat.
>Shana responds to himself with his own phone episode again.
>retard talks about people who aren't even here episode again
>completed my anima weapon
>no longer in need for poetics or esos
>already all geared up in full lore for the only class I play
>fully melded in grade V materia
>cleared PotD and got my weapon
>now only log in for cactpot and GC hand-ins
>don't feel like doing anything else
patch when?
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>People still compare Heavensward content to ARR even though ARR had the unfair advantage of having 1.0s failure of a launch to build on
The only true problem in this game is the lack of PVP
Good. Riddance. Hopefully sooner than later.
That's because most of the players don't know how to properly use their classes, and there's no way to learn it.
The fact that pro FCs are made of elitists which will never help average players is stopping most of the groups to get really good.
HW has more varied content than ARR. People just love to pretend that the previous shit they took was the best shit in their lives.
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>Negotiating with terrorists
Stupid ones albeit
3.38 is next week.
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Where were you when Mateus didn't have a single A8S clear in August?
So the man cuts himself big whoop. What does he want a medal and a goblet to go with it?
OK shana
That's fair enough.
Egi-glamours when? I'm willing to re-learn SCH and/or SMN if it means I can go on adventures with carbuncle again.
>hairy and fat
3.38 isn't a real patch, they're just letting casuals upgrade their 230 weapon.
Then contact a mod over IRC and get them to call an ambulance if you want. Otherwise fuck off and take this insane shit with you.
Do you really think this person would suddenly be fine if the shit they're campaigning about got fixed?
The problem isn't the discord or whatever the fuck it is they keep yammering about, the problem is they've gone coocoo.
they're harming themself actually. they need help, but that help isn't going to be "bending over to their demands", it's going to be "put them in a fucking hospital"
It's literally a patch though.
You're thinking of a content update, but that's not what was asked.
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Would i stop someone I care about from cutting themselves? You fucking bet.

THIS waste of oxygen? No. I'm not going to support some dumb fucking kid who gets mad he was removed from an internet chatroom for being a dumb fucking kid, then throws tantrums about it by legitimately carving into his own flesh like it's going to stop the internet bullies.

I hope this dumb bitch drinks bleach so I can laugh at the absurdity of someone killing themself over a discord channel (which you can freely create, by the way).

So no, you can defend your little bitch all you want, I will never, ever endorse them.
A mod can find them. If they kill themselves it's just as much on you as everyone else for not doing something when you could have.
how long is anyone in a hospital? until they're better, dipshit
He was obviously asking for new contents though, since he's done everything possible so far.
how does this even get fixed though
ive been in one of those wards before, all they do is fill you with medicine and abuse you

i guess things would be different if they shit on you instead of their bed
The person you people are replying to is just Amber talking about themselves in the third person. If you want them gone for good either force them to kill themselves or get a mod on IRC to trace their IP and call an ambulance for them.
I wouldn't let that mentally ill freak shit in the same building as me, are you mad. Not that that dumbshit knows when he has to go, he just lets it slide whenever judging by his pigsty.
based adaa
Please report them already.
>someone cutting themselves over e-drama
this is why you are the worst general
how do you even get here from video games
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reminder that this is the type of person ruining this general
not amber

reminder that this person talking about how they shit on others and trying to flaunt around their name as if it means something and never talking about the game is the person thats ruining this place
not amber

you can say it was peaceful before she was here but was it right
the people doing it dont play the game
they use their erp for attention in a place they can get it
anyone that doesnt agree is ran out
Fuck off fishfaggot
i want meria to be my gf
Jesus Christ.
what happened to jrpg general?
I want Haurchefant to be my gf(male)
this is the catalyst for mob mentality that runs in 4chan
first it was actual faggots, in the early days
thats why you say fishfaggot
there is no reason to be hateful but you're blinded by all of it here

it could have all been stopped but it wasnt
it will keep going on until someone steps up
the people antagonizing it dont even play the game
inb4 fake godspeed post
hows your shit fucking derivative game doing
lmao what a community
*jumps into the ocean*
what did he mean by this
wtf I hate ffxiv now
Right now I'm betting it stupidly cuts an artery while carving some message into their flesh, then bleed out.
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This makes me sad. Amber, they don't matter, please stop hurting yourself.
Why is Aymeric the only kawaii Elezen in the game?
>person acts like an annoying shit
>gets called an annoying shit
faggot hugboxer get out
If we don't matter then why are we winning faggot?
I hope they kill themselves along with you
What did she do this time
anyone on Moogle that can invite a lonely noob to a FC?
looks like a girl to me faggot
We need to go deeper
I'm sorry I bought shyv?
I think it's high time I leave this general for good. I've been here through pretty much every shitty turn, but this just takes the cake.
>I'm sorry I'm so boring Shyv
because shyv called her boring
or maybe it was a falseflag
it worked though
I'm entertained by all this, I'm not even disgusted at this point
Velvet is amongst us
Which c@girl would pee themselves the fastest if you viciously tickled their feet without mercy?
Nah shyv calls everyone outside his circlejerk boring.
go away paks.
You can apply to Donut. The pastebin is a bit outdated.
girls aren't that hairy dude
>has never seen a girl
you can count the hairs m8
I'll never forgive you.
>the cutting pic where he blacked out his penis

I've had roughly a two year break I'm just looking for a noob friendly FC
>penis = girl
>futa = gay
Hello, 2004
/tell Teorec Evrardoux

The FC description is a joke, we're exceptionally friendly.
Alph is cute!
They're not hardcore, few guys aside.
what's your name?
So, out of the 507,722 active accounts, only 225,457 actually cleared 3.3, which mean that half of the active subs are either new players or/and people who literally do not play much (or pertain only into activities such as RP/Crafting&Gathering).
Huge disappointment to realize the game only have 225kish players worldwide who can participate into endgame activities such as ex-trial and co, not to mention the ridiculous low amount of Midas S clears.
4.0 better be a real expansion and not a 2.X formula copy like they did for 3.X or you guys will start to experience bad times to play.
Phil Collins

I'll be back from work in about 1-2 hours.
It was like 200 posts early, fuck off Amber
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what the hell is going on in here
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How much do fantasias sell for on Balmung?
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Who'd even be hardcore in that FC?
Something above and beyond autism
Post feet.
>tfw I get called amber
People do not advertise that but I would guess in the neighborhood of a million gil. Of course that's what wedding bands go for and they're $20 each, but I doubt anyone would sell you a fanta for 500k
*flips a coin*
I need to pump..a Miqote..
Post Collars
Post a c@grill and explain why their feet are the best.
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Totori. it's hardcore or nothing.
This is the worst meme
What's in it for me?
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lf highlander or au ra male to use me as their cocksleeve, pst
Someone needs to modify the futa rant for collars
An imgur dump of things of great import to you.
Shyv would never say this! Imposter!
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lf highlander or au ra male to jerk off on my oiled squidfeet, pst
2.x formula isn't bad by itself, they just need to add MORE content per patch: 4 fights and 1 trial aren't enough, let alone 1 single trial for odd patches.
Damn it wasnt an impostor afterall
Please understand we lack the resources to deliver such content, but we do have new doze emotes!
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I want to shackle "The Squid" and tickle torture their oiled soles.
Yeah they should have never cut down on the content per patch like they did from 2.0 to HW.
Maybe if they were oiled cat toes, but not this.
>harambe is back
I'm out
To be fair, with MOST patches, it's really pretty normal for there to be a steep dropoff in the number of people who have cleared the current patch's story compared to the number of people who cleared the previous patch's story. For example, I know that I (and about 20-30 people in my FC) left the 3.2 story incomplete for the entirety of that patch, advancing only as far as we needed to go to unlock Antitower, and most of us didn't bother to finish it off until basically the weekend before 3.3 released.

There's an argument to be made that fewer people might have done that for 3.3 given how important the story was to it and how you needed to basically get to the end to fight Nidhogg, but nobody should be surprised at all if the number of clears basically jumps up by 20-30k as soon as 3.4 actually releases.

On the other hand, if you do take the 225k number as gospel, then with roughly 40k recorded A5S clears on FFLogs (and assuming that there isn't a gigantic discrepancy once you weigh duplicate FFLogs entries for alt classes versus people who don't upload public parses), then almost 20% of the game's active population is actively trying to raid Savage - that's a lot higher than I would have imagined, honestly.
While I do agree unsync ruined the game, how do you make primals and coil relevant again though, now that we have 10 more levels?
its too real, i regret my shitposting
A questionf ro summoners with a relic: how did you spread the stats on your 240? 120 crit, 115 det and 5 spell speed?
>harambe returns from the dead and wants to tickle all the white wiminz
they could just lazy-mode it and tune encounters for level 60 at current gear levels and i'd be content with it. i don't see much changing mechanics wise
>tfw glamming my first slutglam
kinda exciting desu
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>hardcore or nothing

Come on son, you had better targets to pick.
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imo they should make level 60 savage modes for binding and final coils, with titles and glamour gear as drops. Strictly e-peen stuff.
But why would you even bother going through coil again, if you have cleared it already in 2.x?
At the same time if you're a new guy why would you choose to waste weeks on t9 when the rewards are useless and you need midas savage to get good gears? Obviously they can't have coils drop new equip, or 2.x players would clear them in one day.
The loot system itself is flawed, and it's due to the low number of fights we get on each even patch.
Would anyone here mind sharing a darker skin tone for female highlanders that works under the game natural lighting? Nearly everyone I have tried seems to come out really pale or far too ashy.
Best race/gender combo for a dragoon? Aesthetically speaking of course.
so another savage second coil which noone did?

Do you know if fantasias tradeable or do they have to gift it?

Why would someone cut themselves because of retards like this that only talk about literal shit and feet and piss all day?
cat girl
>How do you make primals and coil relevant again though

That's the only effective way you could do it.
I have no idea if you're actually memeing but seeing as you cropped a video of foot tickling porn that I've watched, you must be an enthusiast. You can contact me at dragoonlance.tumblr.com and use the "ask me anything" feature to send me a message or your IGN if you're on Balmung. I am a lee by the way, I'm sure that pleases you.
You need to go to the hospital.
Like now.
Call 911, and please go to the hospital.
People harp on this but I think it's kind of bullshit. BCoB, SCoB, and the EX primals from 2.0 through to 2.3 were 100%, every bit as irrelevant in 2.5 as they are now. An extra 10 levels and an Unsynced option didn't do anything to that content that hadn't already been done at level 50 - and the content that WAS made obsolete by Heavensward was just FCoB and the 2.4+ primals, which would have been just as irrelevant if Alexander had been a level 50 raid and the game had just continued on without an expansion pack.

Hell, if anything, those raids are MORE relevant now, because of the Aetherstone items needed to craft the Replica gear, people doing low-man clears of them, etc.

It's the nature of an MMO in a world where people have more than two or three options for which MMO to play. It isn't actually possible for all content to be "alive" forever, and the game would actually suffer a lot if it didn't focus the lens on whichever content happens to be newest and most current, because you need that critical mass of players all focused on it for it to have any life to it whatsoever (and there's already arguably a shortage of players raiding in Savage Alex; that probably would only get worse if they tried to disperse people out between Alex AND Coil, without making Coil any less dead in a meaningful way).
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Male miqo'te.
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I've sent you a message!

>I am a lee by the way
I wouldn't have it any other way sister.
post it
Thinking about fantasia-ing to male elezen since I really like their face options. How do I get over being lank as fuck?
hahahahahaah holy shit
>using a shitty mod instead of just using sandals
Catgirls look great, male elezen or Au Ra also look good.
Then proceed to be a shitter and stand in every AoE and die whenever you can.
No one will do it strictly for e-peen, people want loot, people make excuses like "oh yeah, I totally wanted to raid that, but my group didn't" instead. It'll be wasted resources on less than 1% of the population.
Holy shit

When can we put you and that femroe freak in a fucking concentration camp
Female Midlander
Well that's why you just make new content instead of trying to make coil relevant again. SE's problem is that their releasing less new stuff per patch than they did in 2.x and the game feels really sparse and bare right now because of how little there is to do after completing the one fight they give you.
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Soon I fucking hope.
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Oh my god.
People had to down t5, then t9 to enter t13, which was the end goal; that alone made them relevant.
As for primals people used to farm them for ponies, now everyone has them already and if they haven't it takes 10 minutes to run through them 10 times and get at least 1-2 ponies for a 4 men party.

What's funny is that they even made gordian useless now, even though it's the first major raid of 3.x. Way to go SE
What about B'nhaka? Would you do it to them IRL?
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I don't know who that is.
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>actually wanting to do gordias
I don't, I cleared it in 3.1.
It's still stupid they killed a 3.x content that fast, making the game even deader.
Is there any way to save your profile in terms of HUD placements and keybindings? I'm halftempted to make a secondary character but I wanna keep my options.
I mean I agree with what they're saying, though making gordias savage unneeded for midas savage unintentionally worked out for SE just because gordias is so fucking bad that no one wants to have to run it.
Gordias is a bad example because it's not fun. I could care less about them killing that off, it's trash.
Well, they're releasing less new stuff per patch because the game is basically staffed by a skeleton crew and don't have the resources to create new assets at a greater rate than they already have been.

However it's a pretty tried-and-true way to do more with less in game development to repurpose old assets, and make new content that only requires design and programming work rather than the creation of tons of new art (which tends to be where you eat through your budget), which they seem to be incredibly reluctant to do with any of the game's 'high-end' content (ie: Primal fights that have loot, progression-based raids).

It would shore up a HUGE part of what's missing from the game's content production if they went back to having three versions of every primal, as we did with Titan/Garuda/Ifrit, instead of only having two versions, the way it's been with every single other primal. Doing something similar with raids could also help them a lot.
Check your my games>ffxiv folder. maybe you can copy paste the .dat files there to a new character and it will work.
I was new in 2.1 and didn't get to BCoB gear levels until 2.2. When I got to that level I could queue for any turn and get a group in five minutes regardless of my class because people wanted to run it for gear. As soon as 3.2 hit, gordias queues died. granted i already had the gear this time around but i still wanted it for alts and as a 'break' when doing the unidentified grind.
It isn't really a bad example, though. Whether it's fun or not, they were that quick to invalidate it. If they keep it up, they'll be that quick to invalidate Midas.
you should do it to Mikha
where can I find you

I want you to tickle my feets
I would love to have three different versions of raids. There needs to be more midcore content in the game, and having a "middle difficulty" version of raids that is more similar to coil difficulty without being stupidly crazy like savage is would be a godsend.
I don't know that person either.
If you have pictures of both, I'd assess them.

I find you.

>le manipulator ebin fight
>kill two legs without having to do anything other than damage
>from third onwards it's all about doing the same while having three retards take care of the dumbest mechanic in gordias, doll feeding
>ignore nisi
>last phase is still doll garbage and three people have to die to cheese

only living liquid is good, rest of gordias is complete trash and an embarassment to this game
How do we save this game?
Is it already too late?
A3 is legit one of the best fight though, the rest is no worse than bcob.
The only way to make content last forever is to change the loot system: at the moment you raid savage to get the best gear available, which will be needed for... nothing at all.
On the next tier such gears won't be better than what others have, and it will be the same story all over again.
How do you fix this then? By changing the loot given in such raids.
What they should (but will never) do is introducing at least two tiers: one to get the bis, the other(s) for glamour and epeen.
What kind of glamour though? Coil savage already gave titles, and it was a complete failure, but that's only cause the only reward was a single title no one cares about.
The only way to make such hardcore fights interesting is to give A LOT of rewards, such as unique titles, mounts, furnitures and NEW gears instead of dyeable versions.
This way people would go through the first raid, which should have different gears from the normal version plus some small furnitures or minions as well, to get the bis and get ready for the real endgame raid.
That's a really thin definition of "relevant". If you managed to get into a group that was going to do the current tier, it was barely a formality for them to run you through the previous tier if you needed it. And if you didn't have a group for the current tier, then requiring a clear of the previous tier was straight-up counterproductive to the game's raiding community.
Forgot my picture!
XV has to be a success same with the VII remake and the game will get more funding
You can fund good visuals and memey quests but you can't fund good ideas.
Yeah it sucks but that is the reality now. You have a lot of people who feel entitled to top tier loot and/or access to ALL storyline content regardless of effort, devs who get insulted when people call their raid masterpieces too easy, and a captive audience who just complains but doesn't vote with their wallets because the market is so dead they have nowhere else to go (plus the nature of these games, people already invested so much time, don't feel like they can be new in old games, etc). Perfect storm of shit. MMOs are a dead genre walking.
Increase the budget and hire new design staff for 4.0, announce the key design changes and get hopes up with a moderately sized ad campaign, deliver on the promises.
Well, you can say you've piqued my interest. Do you have pictures on both of these people?
They nerfed A3S into the ground and the challenge that made it interesting is gone.
go away rape ape

Like this guy, huh? >>152051651

Femroe players everyone. Shrek and the tickle freak.
It's a shame, because the kind of MMO I'd want is one that can't survive with how the genre is right now. It'd be impossible for it to survive as things are, so no one will ever try
>Increase the budget and hire new design staff for 4.0
I doubt this may happen, seeing as FFXV got delayed and the FFVII remake is getting episodic releases. It'd be nice if it does, as we would see a lot more being put into this game with a bigger team.

Some key design changes would be nice, especially when announced--provided they're changes for the good of this game. As for delivering on their promises...they failed on doing that many times, including the whole add-on support thing.
Three versions of each current tier is really the only way for the devs to get out of the hole they've designed themselves into, without losing something significant.

The way the game has gone, the skill differential between top-tier players and average-to-good players - not even between 'top-tier' and 'shit' players, but 'top-tier' and the kind of people who were regularly clearing tiers of Coil before the catch-up patch - has skyrocketed, relative to the difference between a top-tier player and an average-to-good player at level 50.

If they continue doing what they have been, and design Savage Alexander so that it's challenging to the top-tier players, the raiding scene is just going to die a slow death, because that middle section of average raiders can't be bothered to put up with that kind of difficulty, and the top-tier section of players can only replenish itself by having people 'graduate' from the middle-class. Once they start losing the current crop of cutting-edge players (arguably already happening) there aren't really going to be many people replacing them, which will cause the raiding scene to basically slowly suffocate to death.

If they start designing Savage Alexander to be aimed at those 'average' raiders, then everybody who is used to playing at the current Savage level is going to find the new raids boring, and so is anybody who learns to play at that level. Interest in the endgame will dampen throughout the whole community if the consensus is that you can 'outgrow' the game just by learning to play well enough.

Their only real options at this point are to create a new, middle tier of difficulty (which they don't have the resources to do), or to simplify the game in 4.0 to the point where there isn't such a massive gap between top-tier and average players.
>janitor deletes my picture of fishface
>sera refuses to talk in voip
>sera has never ever talked to people in this general
>yet somehow they believe that hes not a man
But in order to make the hardest content interesting you need to change the loot system, as I was saying.
They already made a midcore and hardcore version of the same raid, and in the end no one even bothered trying coil savage.
Speak for yourself please.
The biggest problem with Savage SCoB was that for some stupid fucking reason they decided that it should share a lockout with the regular raid.

There are a lot of reasons that people raid, most people who raid do it for some combination of a number of those reasons, and most raid groups are comprised of people who have varying priorities when it comes to which of those reasons are important. The shared lockout on Savage SCoB ruled itself out for everybody except a miniscule subsection of the raiding community that shared a hyper-specific attitude toward raiding that is not, realistically, ever going to be enough to sustain a viable community, in any game, in any genre, ever.

The idea of an ultra-hard raid, at the current tier, as an addition rather than an alternative to a moderately-tuned progression raid, is still effectively untested in this game.
>'our' only means 'all'
>not 'more than one'
>muh legion
please come back
>I'm speaking for everyone

just fuck off
can someone post their discord
she's a turk and her dad will beat her and take her shit away if she speaks english
>trying to excuse your autism
No you're just fucking blind
cute cat
Truly the cutest character posted here.
i want new wave ebins to leave
>convincing yourself you're not agreeing with their legionpost
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remove ps3 for muh grafix
lei is cute
There is only one source of legion posting in this thread right now
lei is so cute
the legion of hate and rude bred on this website?
I guess people were talking about the game too much for fishface.
"I speak for everyone"
let is the love of my life
>If I generalize people who disagree with me, it's easier to dismiss them!

I'm far from a hate filled person and I think Amber needs to go and stay go, preferably somewhere with medical facilities
The real problem with savage coil is its difficulty and the lack of noteworthy rewards, the lockout meant nothing.
It's the same problem as midas and midas savage: they're the same fights at the core, so people will be less interested in the harder version. If you want me to try both, you must give me a valid reason, and a single title isn't worth the time.
I'm capped on company seals. Is there anything I can do with them?
>the lockout meant nothing
Spoken by someone who wasn't good enough to do savage SCOB when it was released.
Ventures, gear for leveling alts, near-worthless mats you can sell for a slim profit.
>They're doing the same thing as their made up delusion
That's called projecting by the way
Something most people here suffer from when they samefag and show their true face
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buy some ventures
kiss some feets :3c
Nice argument oniichan, i completed t6 and a then t9 savage back in the days.
I don't remember speaking for everyone. I just remember someone being blind and quoting a post that directly conflicted with what they had just said three minutes after the other post was made. Your legionary bullshit drove you to be defensive over it
Im kinda new to the game so I don't really understand retainers. I already have like 300 ventures though from leve's
So you completed none of the difficult ones.
To chime in with >>152054846 you can also get grade 6 dark matter to repair your gear if you're Lv. 50+ on all of your crafters sans culinarian. It's what I do since I run dungeons frequently and don't want to rape my wallet with repair bills.
All I see is someone who uses buzzwords and obviously hasn't grasped society outside of the 10th grade
Holy shit
Please delete this place
It saddens me how utterly addicted mmo players are to the carrot-on-a-stick skinner box model where they NEED rewards for something otherwise they don't bother doing it. This is a video game and everything one does in it should be primarily for fun and enjoyment. That's what these devs and MMO devs in general should focus on in my opinion, making a variety of content that is fun and isn't a chore or a job to run. Unfortunately that's not what's profitable because of the nature of the audience.
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>replying to your own posts

fuck off A.A
Your grace got deleted, not the place
Can you send retainers out on ventures yet? I don't remember if you have to activate the feature through a quest but basically give them equipment and send them on ventures to get items. You can only give them jobs you know though, so if you're a lancer or an archer they can only be lancers or archers
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Some of you cats are alright.

Don't go to limsa lominsa tomorrow.
Because half the party was tired of t8 rng bullshit for a stupid title and eventually gave up.
Because janitors are so upset they can't do their jobs correctly apparently
t9 was the second hardest though
How many retainers should I even have? I'm using them as glorified banks right now.
I can send them on ventures but don't really get the point, they just come back with like 4 bat wings or something
Not good enough for the hard turns, I see. So your argument is worthless.
They're doing their jobs just fine. The game related discussion remains, while "I speak for everyone" does not
That's just the common mentality though.
I'm the first to admit everything we're doing is pointless hence you don't need a reason to do it, but you need to find seven other players who think the same, and as far as I know it's not an easy task.
I'm not projecting shit my man. Claiming anyone who dislikes amber is a "hate filled person", or in Amber's case, "someone from /pol/" is bullshit boogeyman thinking.
t. someone who never did it at release
how is what you're saying related to the game at all lmao
you could reply to screenshots like a normal person but you're TRIGGERED
Your argument is worthless for what we were talking though, but at least you tried.
as if you downed them
I beat t6s and t9s when they were relevant though and got t8s to sub 20%
You can only get 2 before you need to pay real world money for them. They are supposed to be used as extra storage, you send them on ventures and you get like one item in return, sometimes rare gear, a minion, house decorations, dye, stuff like that.
You'll eventually get to send them on exploration missions which take like 18 hours but they get a lot of exp from them and you usually get good stuff. Just level them up and keep giving them your old gear
I feel the same way, I just want to do everything for enjoyment, I only raid for fun because I like the challenge. However no one else in my static feels that way and treats it like a job that they have to do for loot. I wish we could somehow get rid of the mentality in MMOs that "bigger numbers are > everything else" and the sad fact that even if a trial or raid was the best designed content this game if it didn't have loot attached to it no one would run it.
There's a difference between "I need loot or I'm not doing it" and "I need to be in a group of eight people and every single one of them has to be looking for an obscene challenge that carries no loot reward, and if I'm not in a group where every single player thinks in absolute lockstep that way, I need to be willing to kick people from the group and deprive them of the raid they've been having fun with, or leave my current group and current friends behind to find a new group of eight people who are looking for an obscene challenge for no loot reward, and all of this is just a prerequisite to being able to even TRY doing this content".
Downed all four, my dude.

So you didn't clear the hard ones either, great job!
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I get more issues with Nvidia drivers than anything else
Cheers for the info
>They're doing their jobs just fine.
We haven't been discussing the game for at least thirty posts now.
See all the "coil/primal for down unsync" pf, see how many people bother with coil savage, see how no one does gordias anymore: that's the userbase, if something is outdated, they won't even try it. This fact will never change, and we have to deal with it.
If I do something just for fun how can I dickwave about my numbers and relevant clears
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who is this and why are you so angry

Alice is cutest cat nontheless
I d-downed them all trust me!
Even if you did, this still won't prove anything.
The lockout wasn't the reason people skipped savage, because no one cared about those fights even after fcob release.
I want Aranea to do dirty things to me.
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I want to woo and EB fishface but it isn't feasible. What do I do, /xivg/?
no bully a.a please
is it ok to wear the thav bustier again now that it's not so common?
kys, possibly
you two are super cute
best lizard and almost best moonie
someone said something about sentai mods breaking the game but it never broke mine, what mod is it that breaks the game?
talk to them probably
yes but I've seen the entire fight for t8s and I'm telling you that t9s was harder
where is your argument, the rng towers weren't that hard to deal with, you just had to act quickly on the mechanics and you had a macro to carry you if you weren't retarded

literally no one did savage scob because it was on the same lockout for the same rewards besides some titles

if it would have given different rewards like dyeable high allagan, or if it was on a different lockout then it would have been done probably a lot more
Nobody cared about those fights after FCoB's release because the motivation to do them was entirely challenge/prestige, both of which were pretty much gone once you had 130 gear instead of 110.
#lancia ayers #dragoon #ffxiv #final fantasy xiv #tomboy
That's why I mentioned "a variety of content". Honestly I love raiding, but it's admittedly an extremely niche interest that the game treats as way more important than it is. The numbers of savage clears reflect the lack of interest as well. I think the devs should make a wide selection of different ways to have fun in endgame other than having nothing but raiding, and the raiding portion of the game doesn't even need to change at all to implement it. Raiders can still get titles and big number gear from the hardest raids and it doesn't matter because that gear isn't even used for anything except making subsequent farming of the raid easier. Meanwhile there could be a ton of different things to do and different kinds of rewards for the people that don't enjoy raiding. I feel like i'm not articulating this well, but my basic point is that I think raiding should not be the focus of endgame and instead just one option in a variety of content to keep people having fun.
Savage coil was still a lot harder than final though, plus if you really care about the fight you can always just equip lower gears even after the lockout removal. Keep writing bullshit though, it's entertaining.
I want to EB beeby
>I d-downed them all trust me!
Right back at you. The lockout was the reason most groups didn't do it.

>I-I've seen the whole fight! I'm telling you even though I didn't clear it it's easier! I swear!
Sure thing, bub.

>literally no one did savage scob because it was on the same lockout for the same rewards besides some titles
This is literally my point.
who is best moon??
>I feel like i'm not articulating this well, but my basic point is that I think raiding should not be the focus of endgame and instead just one option in a variety of content to keep people having fun.
I've always wanted this, but unfortunately it's all that ends up being the case now. Raids end up as the endgame in almost every MMO, because most MMOs set those as the endgame goal. I don't think XIV is currently a game that could stand to break that, either.
Big, throbbing cocks.
Did you still want to?..
It's just not an option, I wouldn't know where to reach them.
the only good moonie is a dead moonie
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Me too anon.
Wanna EB each other to get over it?
/pet Y.Y
their steam is /id/ashenamethyst
Renko is the best moonie
lei, please be my gf, you're the love of my life, i want to marry you and share the rest of my life with you and have intercourse every night with passion and kissing each other while climaxing together and ejaculating inside.

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This shit is fucking ridiculous
>tfw you wanna fuck amber and lick the blood of his legs
If they're the best then why did that other slut drop them???
That's because it's a theme park game. The point isn't to provide people with engaging, deep content, it's to provide cheap, superficial thrills and lots of shiny stuff. Sandboxes are too niche and nobody wants niche. They want a money-printing machine. That mmo history graphic from /v/ is fairly spot on.
Time to come see who woke up I guess.
you know the drill anon, help us help you by giving us some information
do you need help fucking them anon?
Probably because greencat was trying to date five people at once.
It's them
i don't have their discord though
I've heard a lot about this fiasco, but what happened exactly?
i love u elk
They're trying to get more than that, just look at the threads.
My understanding of the situation is that he cheated on Bruce and is literally a sociopath.
That's my issue, because unfortunately only themeparks actually thrive right now. There is basically no alternative, and a themepark game can't stop being one.
>tfw this is why brucie is so mad, he got cucked AGAIN
>Savage coil was still a lot harder than final though,
You're fooling yourself. Savage SCoB's challenge came primarily from two things: Heavy raid-wide damage that was extremely punishing to i110 levels of HP (but not at all hard to deal with if you had more), and maintaining sufficient DPS in i110 gear while also dealing with complex mechanics (which didn't stretch you in the slightest once you were in i130 gear).

Savage SCoB at i110 was more difficult than FCoB was at i110, but Savage SCoB at i130 was less difficult than either.

> plus if you really care about the fight you can always just equip lower gears even after the lockout removal

Which, again, is a huge hoop to jump through for most people who ditched their 110 gear during FCoB progression, and weren't particularly inclined to go back and farm up another full set - not to mention that most people doing it pre-2.4 were using VIT-melded accessories, which were a considerable expense both before and after FCoB came out.

You keep doing this stupid thing where you're making the argument that people either have to be willing to put up with a laundry list of completely unrelated, unnecessary bullshit and restrictions, all in service of finding The Truest Challenge, or the only alternative is that they're Skinner Box-addicted, casualbabby sheep who won't lift a finger without a loot carrot dangled in front of them.

There's no truth to that, and you screaming it louder and louder won't change the fact that there's a massive gulf between undertaking a challenge that presents itself to you, and undertaking a challenge that throws walls of bullshit at you and is actively hostile toward the idea of anybody attempting it in the first place.
I think they're taking a break from e-dating and being unabashed about their lewdness at the moment.
If you truly think fcob was harder than savage scob with ilvl130, and people skipped the latter cause it was too easy with the new gears rather than it being useless then I have nothing else to tell you.
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a post made of literal s**t
That might be the best way to put it.

Poor purple.
name server and height?
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Gimme the latest ebin gossip or I'll blow your brains out!

With my gun!
how do I romance meria
only if you fuck my face with your gun
Lance Gravel
I'm from /bnsg/
>I'll blow your brains out!
Do you like au r-

>With my gun!
underrated post
Is it worth paying extra for the additional retainer slots? I want to get more into crafting but don't want to pay MB prices for materials and am too lazy to gather the timed stuff more than once. One of my retainers is already a BTN, the other a DoM class. I'm thinking of getting a MIN so I can send them out to gather shit while I do literally anything else.
Kinda, sorta cute.
>people would rather vaguely post about me and themselves rather than talk to me
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My sidearm's more than enough to take down a shitposter like you!
Yeah it's a shame, I don't really expect ffxiv to be able to do that kind of thing either. I do hope they change SOMETHING about their formula for 4.0 though, otherwise the game is going to feel even more stale than it currently does. Right now everything in the game works up to doing savage raiding; all endgame things like extreme primals or normal mode raids are to gear you up for completing the savage raids, making it the ultimate goal in endgame that most people never even see. I really hope they change that for 4.0, so that not everything in endgame is just a stepping stone for whatever raid is relevant but that some stuff is just its own thing as well.
Put your trip back on
Who are you....
Maybe he's realized that he wasn't really looking to have serious emotional attachments to people, it seems like he's enjoying being lewd with people.
I'll agree, I think it's for the best when the alternative is stringing along a slew of lonely individuals. And really there's nothing wrong with having erp buddies, as long as you're not lying to them about what your relationship is.
Are PLDs fun?
Does anyone want to sponge bath my sweaty abs and thick, musky futa cock?
welcome to 4chan
There's a couple games on the horizon that might be good. I'm sure I will get lampooned with greentext for mentioning them, but check out Camelot Unchained and Crowfall if you haven't heard of either.
The amount of hype there was for BDO, and the fact that GW2 is still alive proves that there's enough people looking for a non-themepark MMO to be successful, but Yoshi just wants to play it extra safe.
Don't post literal shit thanks Ada is already enough of a nuisance
It's useful if you want to get into crafting or if you want to sell more than 40 items at a time. Mine don't save me a ton of money, but they do save a lot of time as far as hunting/gathering ventures.
what is your steam?
(]I'm interested.[)
Stop posting idiot
Has BDO lived up to such hype though?
They're fun because you get to use all the fancy utility, the only issue is that some content never presents any opportunities to do so. Really really boring to level, though.
>because unfortunately only themeparks actually thrive right now
what is eve online
I have my eye on Crowfall, but at the same time I can't be that optimistic

BDO, and ArcheAge, both kinda make me sad for how they gradually wound up
They just implemented the p2w system from other regions where the game is f2p.
Remember it had a $40 box tag in NA
What are you so threatened by? This is a fine segue from the savage discussion and we are filling a void that would otherwise be occupied by cutting pictures and ERP posting. If you want more legitimate ffxiv discussion start some yourself.
No, because they immediately started milking people for cash and have recently gone full P2W.
I want weepy city to stop being suffering
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dang that game seemed fun
Because you're retarded
autist using buzzwords
like 'themepark' to describe
something as complex as
an open world game
because your underaged
minds are in the minority
and can't understand the
intricacies and beauty
of a game that's solely
dependant on social
interaction and how
FFXIV does it so well.
I think you want a singleplayer game.

Sent via TapaTalk
What the fuck
Groups that took an average of a week or two during progression to clear each turn from T10-T12, a month or more on T13, were going into SCoB at i130 and getting them down after a day or two. They were marginally harder than FCoB once you outgeared the i110 tier of gear, at best.

And I've been saying from the beginning that people raid for a combination of reasons, so fuck off with your "rather than". How about, people skipped the latter because it offered no "useful" loot rewards AND because it wasn't worth shit in terms of prestige/bragging rights if your achievement wasn't dated before 2.4 AND because there was no sense of camraderie/team spirit if half of your group didn't want to bother, AND it was too easy to be worth doing for challenge alone in light of all the other things I just listed.
Another humorous fishpost
What a lovely goddess we have
To be honest, it wasn't.
Grindfest and only pvp.
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Thanks for this.
>too easy
Keep on saying that, now it's obvious you haven't even tried them.
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dont lie...
I just want to cuddle Amber and let he/she know that everything is going to be ok.
Eve hasn't stopped growing since its release.
There's even a non-fiction book about the shit the playerbase has done.
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Hey keep your degenerates in this shithole.

t. /bnsg/
Eve has stopped growing and is in slow decline. And I say this as a long-time player. It maintains a healthy population, new people do still join, and the game is far from dead, but concurrent online numbers are down pretty significantly from where they were. When you consider that a huge proportion of players run multiple accounts, something that has gone from being a big help to an absolute necessity over the years, the outlook is even dimmer. It's a great game and there have been some awesome and crazy things done there, but it's a niche and always will be.
bnsg talking about degeneracy, lmfao
theyre your problem now
Fuck off.
not your personal army etc
BnS is literally the worst game available now.
please no, we're not talking shit about anyone

our thread is barely recovering from stupid drama
leave us be
hey pals am i missing anything good yet or should i continue not being here
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wew lads

Did he get dumped by Madot or something
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if this is a 5 u delete this.
maybe he finally realized he fucked up with someone who loved him so he could have his petplay bullshit
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close but no cigar
tfw kissy deleted me...
Would you a Sera?
if this is a 7 u delete this.

Sorry not everybody got a big head and pretended that their modest accomplishment meant they were a badass, I guess?
if this is a 4 u delete this.
guy in my fc got such a big head for doing i130 savage scob while being too much of a pussy to even try when scob was relevant and we were raiding together
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>search for mentions of xivg
>every single one is pleading them to take the self-harming tranny back
ex-demo member spotted
>Sera moves off Balmung
It's like a thousand players could enjoy a moment of peace from the menace
If my last three sum to 12, delet this.
how does it feel getting immortalized on fish?
1.she doesnt even talk to anyone
2.she'll be back

are her and valvey coming to gilg again?
god dammit
whats his name in game?
his profile isn't private, "suddenly"
he still has madot added though :^)
wow, you're right
shirou kuma please I was simply joking when I said you are too unattractive to whore yourself for your XIV sub
please unblock me I beg you
nice shyvpost

lmao XD
Shyv specifically posted immediately after that so he could prove it isn't him, though.
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>tfw godspeed doesn't ask for video games ITT since he got a girlfriend
What the fuck is there to do in shiva
I'm having trouble picking a na server. Should I go to balmung or is there another good populated server to play and rp on?
>Fishface makes the thread unusable for over a week
You're just putting words into my mouth.
I'm just saying savage scob has always been harder than fcob, and if you think the contrary you clearly have never tried one of them.
You're even more pathetic because you keep saying scob with 130 was easier due to higher hp when fcob was just high raid damage which was cheesed in the very first week with vit melding. Definitely harder, right?
>90 seconds apart
come on shyv

I'm sure it was the other way around
Don't hate on Shiva. It is a good server
>90 seconds
>the timer to post with an image is 120
Nice try
>I'm sure it was the other way around
>implying kiss would dump madot when he killed 5 different friendships to be with him
>first post has no image

Are you retarded?
Or maybe he just wants attention?
Of course it is now that Sera is in it.
Are you? You clearly don't know how it works.
If you specifically want RP, Balmung. Otherwise Excalibur or any of the mid-pop servers are perfectly fine.
>and valvey
kek does he ever stop being a faggy beta
He made the right choice in leaving
This place is pretty terrible.
>implying kiss killed any friendships to be with madot
the only one i know of is shyv, who through a hissyfit because "ma erp!!!!" lol.
>number of rl girls in <soft> decreasing
what about his lizard gf
>the only one i know of
Well if he did thats the definition of Not Worth
are there still any left?
Balmung, with Gilgamesh as the second most popular, Excalibur and Leviathan are okay but Excalibur has very scarce RP.
>wanting a disgusting brown smelly fish wife with hairy turk legs and is bad at games, over a smooth pink feminine BP who is good at games
rose adelvice
pashua orchidae
meria athera
lily poi
are the ones i know of
I have a question about the auto face target when using action function.

I have it on and when an enemy is dragged off to the side of behind me, my cast gets eaten up. I recently just found out about manually facing my target and how doing it when the enemy moves from its position keeps my cast from being interrupted.

I showed this to a friend of mine, but he told me auto face target already tracks the target for him.

What's up with that? How does auto face target behave for you? Is there some other option I'm missing here?
Don't forget Elk
im friends with kiss, he deleted his "lizard gf" (they weren't dating) because shyv mindcontrolled her. this took place after shyv failed to mindcontrol kiss and deleted him. that's all.
probably because ada tells suicidal people to kill themselves and most of amber's friends are actual women too
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what? i never had any romantic feelings for rocklizard, we were just friends
Read, comprehend, and THEN post.
>Savage SCoB at i110 was more difficult than FCoB was at i110, but Savage SCoB at i130 was less difficult than either.
This is saying that Savage SCoB at i130 was easier than SCoB at i110 and also easier than FCoB at i110.
>Groups that took an average of a week or two during progression to clear each turn from T10-T12, a month or more on T13, were going into SCoB at i130 and getting them down after a day or two. They were marginally harder than FCoB once you outgeared the i110 tier of gear, at best.
This is saying, word for fucking word, that Savage SCoB was "marginally harder than" FCoB at i130.

Don't accuse people of "putting words in your mouth" when they aren't, and you are.
>>no romantic feelings for rocklizard
>>gets mad when rocklizard gets a bf
>brucie throwing a hissyfit
u mean like when rumors of meria liking godspeed started to circulate and he went from standing next to meria in ul'dah 24/7 to orbiting megu in 2 secs

he was at the bench when godspeed swore in /say chat and got a 9 day ban soon after lmfao
I'll try to get into balmung I guess. Since it always seems full what would be the best times to try and make a character? Or do I just have to get lucky?
if you press your cast during the cast with auto face on, your character will pivot to track the enemy
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i didn't even realize they were in a relationship
Megu post
You have like a 1 in 100,000 chance of making a character immediately before or after a maintenance. Otherwise you have to pay for a transfer.
hehe thanks sucker
i blocked you cause you're a weird beta loser

yeah fucking right dude, why else would you delete rocky after he started wearing madot's collar and sitting on his lap? lmfao
>i'm gonna stop being friends with someone because 4chan says so
what a pathetic faggot
no its all a joke remember?
Megu is seriously nuts. You'd think he'd be over the three boyfriends he dumped but he still shitposts about all of them lol
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>u mean like when rumors of meria liking godspeed started to circulate and he went from standing next to meria in ul'dah 24/7 to orbiting megu in 2 secs

How can anyone read this sentence and not laugh out loud at the state of this thread?
Did he really do this?
Shyv is pretty autistic
I remember that time he said he was one of the more normal posters :^)
> but Savage SCoB at i130 was less difficult than either.
means scob at 130 was easier than fcob at 110, which is false, and I even explained you why.
I suppose you just have to try them sync'd and see how they are yourself.
I want to have gay sex but I'm not gay
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doggy bitch.png
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>i blocked you cause you're a weird beta loser
you know you've hit rock bottom when even Jamal's findoms make fun of you.
[insert picture of you buying sera ds2 and leaving a cringeworthy message]
The fact that they were Jamal orbiters just goes to show that their approval means nothing

This applies to every Jamal orbiter
but but but brahms is my dad!!
i mean ds3
who cares about that meme shit anyways
I tried that just now. It just reset my cast
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Legitimately what is wrong with like 90% of people in this thread? Why is it always drama, why can't people just make friends with no ulterior motives?
Why do you constantly need to bitch about each other?
Lordy how did I miss this?


By the way, it was nice to meet you Lancia, nice to meet a cutie that's into the same specific kinks. I'll figure out how to get to your FC estate after.
Where do you think you are?
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I want to stick my dick between her thighs
you need to press it multiple times, your character snaps to face your target, but if it's out of the 90 degree cone it'll cancel
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Dear Diary,

Honestly very few people here aren't self-centered
I can think of 5, and they all get labeled psychopaths
Fishface is the real chemo this place needs, cutposting is ten times better than this shit
more like dude was orbiting meria and got assblasted when she crushed on godspeed
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name them.
are you autistic
you sound like a cunt to play with
I am when tbis conversation has happened every
Please just sit on my face. Just smother me in your muscular femroe ass.
That last name, though
l, a, t, v, k, m, a
I'm not name dropping
i would just tell you to fuck off dude
is this a troll post
I'm quite serious. These people have all proven to be selfless.
fuck 1 marry 1 kill 1
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aa 012.jpg
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haha, good memories

i'm not sure if you're implying i'm the one at rock bottom because a findommed loser made fun of me, or that i'm the findommed loser

EITHER WAY fuck u!
Namedrop cuties with ticklish feet.
kill myself
How to find nice people:
1) Ask them if they ERP
2) If they do block them
Congrats, you're now more likely
to find someone genuinely nice.
You forgot Paks, and fishface
>doesn't ask what they last turned in
>doesn't tell them to open the Journal
Skye is a real jackass, fuck that guy.
Elk is alright
Savage SCoB was absolutely fucking easier at i130 than FCoB was at i110. You have no idea what you're talking about.

And the only time you "explained me why" you think any of this incomprehensible bullshit is when you tried to make some argument that FCoB was "cheesed" because people were using VIT-melded accessories. Which is hilarious because A) That's exactly how people were clearing Savage SCoB, B) Because apparently you think that "High HP = Free FCoB clears", leading me to believe that you probably didn't even do relevant progression on that tier, and C) Doesn't even provide a counter-argument to what I've said, because your blubbering "FCoB got cheesed on the very first week (by world-first groups doing nothing but raiding all day every day for that week)" nonsense doesn't exactly make a case for it being harder than i130 SSCoB when I've told you that average, certainly-nowhere-near-world-first-either-in-time-dedication-or-overall-skill, were getting SSCoB turns down within 1-3 days of raiding on a standard midcore schedule.
I love Elk!
Reminder there's already a thread for when we hit the bump limit!
How is cutting yourself for the thread not selfless?
>200 posts early
Are you fucking kidding me
Go away
If people can't get the memo 50 posts early, what makes you think they'll get it 250 posts early?

It was made even before this one.
It was posted earlier but didn't get used
No need to post another!
Look at the time, it was made this morning. Also notice how it has the wrong pastebin.
What in the fuck is Elk.
Though, the funny thing is that it was 200 posts early for the last thread.
Skyes only willing to do that the first 50 times.
People cheesing fcob with vit melding just pointed out how easy mechanic wise those fights were, where high raid damage was the only real issue.
scob had both high damage, rng bullshit and harder mechanics, because double shriek or t9 divebombs alone are already harder than anything fcob offers.
What's wrong about the pastebin?
Is this more pastebin thread war shit?
Listen if half the thread uses it just leave it the fuck in there who care. The whole point of the pastebin is to be a resource for new players, none of you are new players. Jesus christ. If someone new goes "I wonder if there is a shitty fucking Discord I can join" it's in there, it's fine I think. I don't use it but this is getting stupid fucking autistic. The existence of a Discord seems like something I would want to know if I was new.
Jesus christ who cares about this shit this much. Go outside. As someone who doesn't give a shit either way about the Discord I am tired of every day we have like four threads or some shit.

Every day we fall further from Yoshi's light
A psychopath that frequents these threads.
Remember when threads were made by the same two people who ran the pastebins?

Pepperridge farms does.
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I just started playing like a week ago.

How are there so many spambots? Are they really paying that much money to constantly make new accounts? How do I go about reporting all this shit?
I know Inshoulda probably level all my crafters at some point, but what cross skills are the most important ones to have and from which classes are they fron?
You pay to move to a full as shit server where the bots wont even get in
>Quoting me when I just pointed out it was made 200 posts early last time as a coincidence
As someone who doesn't care, you sure like to argue mindlessly
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You're right, i'm getting flustered over nothing.

I'm gonna do my dailies.
But the Discord is in the OP

Nobody runs that shit they just use it to promote their agenda so much dead shit in there
>Is this more pastebin thread war shit?
While the pastebins for this and that thread are different, the one lacking the discord in the pastebin has it in the OP, so there's no difference in the end.
This is bait.
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kala crowe.png
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a degenerate
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Vaihn lips.jpg
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why is there 2 threads :/ reposting because i posted in that one.

was about to log on but saw my hamfisted attempt i did of my character last night. obviously had to do it again.
Feeling lewd anyone wanna help witn some imgurs~?
>Nobody runs it
Care to reread when I said "remember when?"
Because I did. Now that I remember, three people ran it.
You're actually right and I completely overlooked that so it's my fault, but still it's fucking dumb that someone is so autistic about a damn Discord. Leaving it in hurts absolutely no one.
>why are there two threads
Because morons kept bumping the last one when it reached page 10.
No. No one *ran* it. You're thinking of Ninii's shitty spreadsheet and Sera always making new threads, both of which were stopped when they tried to actually use those to be an "authority" figure here.
tfw you genuinely make ethan klein's cringe face laughing at all the chaos you cause here
wirthe in it you wretchs
I own this place, and every post you make is directed towards me whether you like it or not
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rare shirou.png
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Do an impersonation of your crush!
ok so do I have to watch both of them or is one going to die orrrrrr whats happening
v ugly
He's pretty cool and honest.
who palec@t here?
How do I impersonate someone that's just nice and normal?
CG used to update it for a while and they and jaiba used to religiously make threads on time. Jaiba was usually early to push his lala memes.
Very cute
Why should I...
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Not me
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So many Elezen.
amber please dear
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Is that very top left or a different shade? I really like pale and wanted to make my cat fanta pale like my au ra.
Are those fat cat tats augmented?
>cool or honest
>anything but a psychopath
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ffxiv 2016-07-27 00-51-38-466.jpg
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Anyone kind enough to namedrop some cuties with ticklish feet on Balmung? Looking to perhaps kill some time waiting for someone to get back from work.

Also, the threads are much harder to keep track of now, what's up with that?
You and bimboc@ are my favourite shades of brown. It looks really nice in XIV.
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>he's actually just running with calling FCoB VIT melds "cheesing"
This is painful. You're painful.

Yes, Savage SCoB mechanics were harder than FCoB mechanics. Great detective work there, ace. No fucking shit.

This is balanced against the fact that FCoB DPS checks were extremely strict at i110 - particularly when all of your DPS have downgraded their accessories by a further 20 item levels - while the DPS checks in Savage SCoB were moderate at best even at i110.

At i130, the DPS checks in Savage SCoB were so low that you could easily drop your rotation entirely for extended periods of time to focus 100% on completing the mechanics.
Doing complex mechanics is not especially difficult when the mechanics are the only thing you have to do. Doing simple mechanics is not especially easy when you have to do them while perfectly maintaining an optimized damage rotation.

The complex mechanics of Savage SCoB do not change the fact that it was designed for a tier where i110 was the maximum gear level, and FCoB was designed for a tier where i130 was the maximum gear level. Doing FCoB at the minimum iLevel for its raid tier was more difficult than doing SSCoB at the maximum iLevel for the NEXT raid tier.

A3S was a harder fight than anything from A5S to A7S, but beating A7S at i220 was harder than beating A3S at i210.
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"She" is very beautiful, Anon.
Just get Guildworks and blacklist their phrases. There's nothing in game right now to help players meaningfully report them, although SE has said they have such a system in the works.
Can't fool this anon's eye, they are slightly
Why is Amber the only sane person here?
You can say they're crazy for cutting or whatever but really.. what is cutting (stress relief, not dangerous if you're safe) doing to them? I'd say being stressed (and therefor decreasing your lifespan) about fake sex is pretty awful.
chococ@s are life, I wish they would post more
According to the DSM V Amber is not sane. Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is actually considered a pretty serious condition and she needs real psychiatric help.
ultra despair aka kanpan
>American institution
Give me a link from any non-cucked nation IE sweden (haha memes) or norway and see what it says
Amber is sane and blanket rulings for profit are retarded
should i log in
i think so but i would have to check

B a i t
post cats for cum within next 10 minutes
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cute cat on a slide.gif
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>mutilating yourself by slicing /xivg/ memes into your flesh because you got banned from a chatroom
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please cum on me anon
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i was playing overmemes with yuchu, i seriously couldnt give less of a fug about rocklizard relationship dwama

inb4 i care because i replied

Sit on my face.
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post tummies
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Here, happy? Fucking idiot.
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i'm gonna--
ooh >//<

looks like stinky
this post smells like poo in the loo

Why so grumpy?
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Why was this edgelord so sad, /xivg/?
nice mod
I seen you run around with nothing equipped in the leg slot with a swimsuit and it makes me hot and bothered
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why are soft posters so shit
>tfw shirou just kumed for you

My life is complete now
more shots
Name a cat cuter than Read Faelyn.

Protip, you can't.
Just about all of them
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4MB, 1920x1080px
Leveling an alt class is insanely boring. Send help.
What, they're fucking ugly. Basically this >>152070696
bc he picked the worst face
Half of Soft's c@s
All of Ultrash c@s

That was easy.
fuck off Amber
I didn't expect anyone to notice
>2 Commendations as DPS
The seam is pretty obvious.
he didn't pick face 3 though.
hello cute pikachu
the seam or you running around with no bottoms
>cats with literal shit colored skin
>better than read
read's quality tanked once he started dating akryn though
Show me what seam.
>not choosing delicious brown
Opinion invalidated. Leave the premises before security is called you massive pleb.
it's too hot
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ok read lol
tbhuis is flasebgflag
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What's even so special about Read? Is it the green? I just don't understand why they're so hyped.
Go to sleep.
What happened to A'exis?
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hi thanks

no you
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LMAO!!! Read on suicide watch! Get 'em brucie!
Nice tummy but what about the rear area..?
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1MB, 350x191px
lf roe with high fiber diet to poop on my nose :3
I like this one the best.
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how blasted are u that ur cat isnt as good as u think it is
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Check for new messages
where is the promised bulge
up your bum
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183KB, 391x335px
there's also the vertical one that look like you had a c-section
>C section
>Up to your lungs like you're a fucking pistachio about to be busted in half
that's the muscle though
>delicious brown
>literally shit colored
You're fat aren't you? It's fine tho.
do you mean tanned?
holy fuck this thread is dead
heroes never die


post cats
Shirou you little slut stop teasing. We all know what those pig tails are for.
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post boy cats
2 for 1
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Meow meow
This is a really cute cat
does this boy cat like other boy cats...

Absolutely boring. I can walk outside into Idllyshire right now and see a hundred cats running around.

Post an elezen or highlander for once.
>humor guy on PF looking for friends
>tagline is something about anime
>/tell him to name me an anime off the top of his head
>"Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail [...]"
Hm yes, very impressive...
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cats smell funny!
Fur is icky!
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cats are pretty nice
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>call you cute
>you say I smell funny
O-oh okay...
Who is this blue beauty?
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963KB, 1003x587px
I'm sorry, that was mean of me.
female midlander on balmung looking for male au ra for platonic friend eb pst
my talents include whistling...
Can I fuck this cat? I will transfer..
shoo, meria
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951KB, 1920x1080px
is this good enough?
>tfw adore this cat
I want Zettai to have my kittens.
hannah pls
>farming sep for weapons
>get DRK sword on the 10th run
Much better than last time, when to do 30 runs for all three tank weps.

Anyone have pics of nice axes for glamour? Parashu is kinda old

>platonic friend
good luck
Go home chicken nugget girl.
Wrong, I'm not even on Balmung.
if you dont have a bravura on hand you can get right the fuck out
>tfw know who zettais crush is
>tfw no one has a crush on you or a grown man infatuation
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601KB, 1578x900px
Reminder Fishface literally explained everything wrong with this general in a SINGLE image
Yeah fuck I should get Edgevura again
also be on the look out for bullies.
p sure meria turns everything within a 10 mile radius into platonic energy
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what the hell
>tfw meria will never be your holy cleric companion capable of destroying any undead creature just by smiling at them
try again
Lil Bun
I don't know then. Share the first letter at least.
>he doesn't use the handle-bar horns from the ultima fate
Jackie Chan.
aw man that's so adorable
i do, not so often anymore though
Oh boy who is it!
tfw resisted urge to lure you to Mor Dhona so I could wear a bikini in front of you when we met
Is it L B. then?
>tfw you log on and alt and see an EB break up in shout chat
are we in a different thread why so slow?
I'm playing the game.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
this is pseudo timecube bullshit
either a dedicated troll or genuinely insane
I can only learn master tome IVs at lv60?
>you will never lick dogrunes' feet
Why live
Mor Dhona doesn't seem like a very appropriate place to wear a bikini...
Why would I say who I like x-x
Stop making early threads for fucks sake.
Fuck your fucking early threads
Because there is nothing wrong with saying it.
There's places you can be alone with someone there, and it's the only place you can get trade your tickets for them.

I just wanted to reward you for that thing you did.
bullshit! post ur twitch account live streaming right meow!
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>when you wipe in ravanaex with 15% echo in df
>explained every mechanic beforehand, despite lack of bonus
Does the majority of the playerbase play with their fucking elbows?
It's embarrassing and no on elses business
Stop trying to make things sound lewd ;w;
Well maybe not lewd but it was cute and sweet of you~
miq'ote > all

This is fact
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how is it possible to be this wrong
y-you don't want to see that.

I might play something else later and I'm only leveling right now since I haven't played in awhile.
Because miqo'te and au ra are pretty much equal, and anything is better than catboys and lalas.

Miqo'te ≥ au ra ≥ midlanders > roe = highlander > catmen > shit > catboys > lalas
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Still not sure
Oh, I almost forgot about the elezen. They're after au ra and before midlanders.
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you have odd choices
I'd choose to see that minty freshness out of its tube, if you catch my drift.
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I think all of the races are great in their own ways, but lalas are not for lewding.
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theres a joke in here somewhere about squeezing me hard enough, but its late and my mind is broked.
Lalas are never for lewding. They're for punting and taking your money back from their little grabbler hands.

It's more of an undressing joke, but that works too.
Somehow I see more ugly Au Ra females than any other race.
What audio book should I listen to while doing dungeons?
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1MB, 896x680px
yeahs thats kinda what i meant, i dunno
You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm just interested.
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well im going to bed because ts late, you'll have to find me tomorrow.
Balmung, right? I can hop on an alt there sometime.
yus, losers bench by the quicksand.

I'll see you later.
Thread posts: 746
Thread images: 135

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