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xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 164

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Every DF tank.png
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DF Tank edition

>”Do You Even /Pose?” Showdown! (August 15th-August 26th)

>Moonfire Faire 2016 (August 5th-August 25th)

>Free Login Campaign (July 25th-August 30th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

>3.35 Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

Previous Thread:
Sera is cute
Meria is cute
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No one cares about your vandalized pastebin.
Wasn't linked though.
just kill yourself already and stop bothering us


Stop posting and flooding the board
You search for a new thread before you post, everyone knows that
this is becoming really old really fucking fast
legit just fuck off, your petty discord drama should stay in discord
on a level, making the threads autismal to post in is just making everyone think you're a cunt
Nah, fuck your shit. I hope both threads fucking die so you can knock this shit off
Got any links to this leak? Really interested now.
No you don't shut the fuck up, vandal.
I made probably a hundred threads for this general so don't fucking tell me what they work you newshit.
>your petty discord drama should stay in discord
You bring your greencat/rocklizard/ayase drama to the threads. Ironic!
Why didn't you link it in the thread then? You were waiting for this to happen. Fuck off.
This sperg has too much autism to stop
Please stop corralling behind your destruction of the board for a discord that does not talk about the game, thanks.

Reminder that anyone calling the pastebin a "vandalization" have removed any other discords wanting to be within it and actively collaborate to raid these threads
Which Ebins belong in the cuckshed?
This is probably a stupid question but i have some 2.0 quests for killing different EX primals. Would killing them unsynched count for the quest?
Who is the cutest ebin?
It would.
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yet said drama doesn't end up getting threads deleted and people's time wasted over and over again
you are 100% lying if you think that my shitty drama is worse than the autistic shit happening nowadays with the threads

you're boring
None of the current ebins are cute
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>server shutdown in 6 minutes
stop star
Am I not the only one who sees that?

Wtf does it mean?
No, it's not worse, but it's just as bad. Nobody gives a shit about the petty drama you force here on a regular basis, you and the other autist can both fuck off and never come back.
squid is a shit dark knight desu
It means they did the thing.
For when the thread gets deleted again
>my drama is ok because i said so

Who is this mysterious us? Discord shitpost crew? Who autistically cares about pastebin that much?
Fishy does
why squid
Xth for goddamned maelstrom and sucking and dying in Shatter.
cry about it, bitch nigga
Stop fucking flooding this thread with links to another one.
This one is about to be deleted anyway as shown in the past
I posted the discord links in the other one anyway
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>thread wars over whose pastebin is better
>meanwhile in soft discord
Shut the fuck up you nigger.
Nobody cares but you and everybody else is right
>Being surprised that someone is mad they didn't make the thread.

Why though?
Where's poster ID when we need it so the other thread can prove it's 90% fish
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This is the thread people use.
No one cares about anything else. Get lost.
>wanting poster ID

it'd be funny to see all the ebins literally namedrop themselves on a daily basis

So the general that it was made for? Got it!
Except this one is being forced

Oh, the other thread got deleted

Time to do you know what!

Post requests, I have a special one for shyv
>Giving a fuck about the Discord.
Why though?
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Anyone remember how much I have left
Fuck this, at least ingame I never have to see you, because I can't filter you here

Looks like you're about halfway through. Hang in there.
A lot.
Do that S thing

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You've got a ways to fall, anon.
I'm thinking of getting RAF'd by my friend, Can i still do it if i'm already level 35 and on my free trial? or will i have to make a whole new account?
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Apparently the janitors don't like fishface either.
You're ban evading rampantly and forcing yourself every chance you get.
The only injustice is the fact you're allowed to post here.
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Should I do it?
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Do you like toenails.
This is not "what an injustice will do", this is "what someone with severe mental illness will do as a temper tantrum"

Trust me no one feels guilt when you do this shit, that's clearly what you want. Stop posting this disgusting shit.
>So much emptiness in the HW zones
>They're probably going to stay that way forever
Fuck this. Seriously.
Drop flying in the next expansion I don't care. I don't want empty boxes of zones with nothing to do in them aside from fates.
Don't use the meme hair.
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yes but i am biased
no fuck off
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Remember, this too shall pass.

Maybe not.

Probably not.
It's not a tantrum when they're an adult, you don't say protesters are having tantrums.
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Who cares. Just stay on your containment server.
Reminder that you're an attention whoring schizoid.
>this is hilarious
Pic related is when you get your way.
Yours is when you don't.
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Probably not.
Are you talking about the current "drama"?
I think they dedicated themselves when they permanently cut xivg memes into themselves
Balmung is the containment server though
Manchildren can throw tantrums too, anon.
you can't compare what they're throwing a tantrum over to actual protests lmfao go outside

they're absolutely having a tantrum since they're throwing a hissy fit over something a child at a playground would do ahahaha
Well it's either that one or this one.
absolutely beautiful would serve most valiantly completely!
I'm talking about the console server.
You can tell when someone is playing on console when it takes them 2 minutes to zone into an instance.
How fucked in the head do you have to be to do that

Like, at least Chemo could throw the poop and mado pic in the trash afterwards, but this guy is going to live with a giant "DELETE THE DISCORD" scar on his arm and a god damn fucking "SMEGGIES" on his stomach

Forever, that shit probably ain't going away
Can I call you Panthanon?
what the fuck is that? is this a grown man?
Don't let them bother you.
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I considered going there, but I sure as shit ain't going back to Balmung.
It's a severely mentally ill tranny who refuses to get mental help because they think they know better than doctors. :^)
why not the MGP ponytail?
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>Decided to raid instead of PVP in season 1 feast
>mfw I won't be able to get the lone wolf coat in Season 2
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I guess.
Children don't have a grasp about what they're talking about though. Children believe they deserve their way, fish believes they were wronged.

Again, same thing as protesters.. I don't think going outside has much to do with it
Hows your EB been, anon?
Which one is that one?
Shut the fuck up fish
Boogieman posting has to stop, this is worse than paks
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meant to link here
The comparison to protesters is a tremendous laff. Have some fucking perspective. Fish was banned from an internet chatroom. Hence, go outside.
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I know it's complete wishful thinking believing that this shit will just blow over and we can just talk about video games. I underestimate the insanity of some of the people who frequent this place, I guess.

Spoken for, but we could be battle siblings if we weren't on different servers.
>It's ok if it's only one person
look where this got humanity before
Why do you guys call him fish

Is he like Sera or something
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Wasn't available, or that I could see. It only showed two ponytail hairstyles. The only long hair that I would go for is the one with the little clip on the side. Oh well, i'll fanta to cat some other day.
Is there somewhere else I can go to for ff14 discussion?
Vemund Panzer says stop stealing my fucking face
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literally who
no one cares, fuck off
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I don't know who the heck that is.
Try the Discord :^)
>Leave the thread this morning with fishface shitposting
>Come back to new thread with fishface shitposting

I need a main
MNK, shit out dps.
I know >>152007592 is joking but probably yeah, hop in the Discord. I like it and there's nothing keeping you there if you don't.

I'm not gonna say much else because I don't want to be eaten alive by the thread though.
kind of rude
i like how people shitpost about it being a circlejerk but it's literally open to anyone unless they're the level of autist that carves xivg shit into their flesh
Reddit and XIV forums are the places where you will actually get to talk about the game.
Discord is meh. 30% abe/shana/other ebin memer shitposting/30% ippiki pretending to not be an autist/30% game discussion and 10% talking about dicks.

The thread is absolutely fucking awful and you shouldn't give a fuck about any anon poster's opinion, including mine.
I probably shouldn't respond to this shit, cause I don't want to get dragged in to the "drama" but here
How is it even bait. It's just me answering.
This, I guess.
I'd say this is a pretty accurate representation. I'd say more than 30% is game talk, but i'd also say more than 10% is dick talk. So take that as you will.
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>queue shatter on mael with no healer
>win purely by capping bases and cuck the adders out of a win at the very last fucking second
Proud of my Maelstrom for once.
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yfw Amber will never EVER get this thread deleted
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>When you meet your doppelgänger
can people stop using the ugliest face
How do I get my Yokai mount? I just got all the minions but no key
the one on the right is better.
Summer's almost over. . .
I want to kiss this au ra
Achievement reward guy in gridania.
I'm cheap
>Reddit and the OF are the places where you will actually get to talk about the game.
I dunno. The OF folk are usually whiny drags who just complain and throw a fit when someone disagrees with them or properly refutes to the point where they get a mod to delete the poster and suspend that user. Reddit is only good for info dumps. At least here if you get the right anons (and ebins, lol) you can actually talk about the game without having to worry about censoring yourself, even though you risk calling each other faggots. To me, that's a better risk than tip-toeing through a discussion trying not to accidentally upset some overly sensitive poster lest you get smacked with the ban hammer for simply having a disagreement with them.
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I made sure to cut deep this time for you
I don't want anything vry lewd though just a hug and smooch...
how much will a fanta on balmung cost me
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you need to stop this
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Please tell me that's just a really well done makeup job.
at this point it isn't even funny

i legitimately feel bad for this dude and really think he needs to be strapped down for his own safety
Please stop hurting yourself.
And I still don't have a main. . .
>tfw no sorudan birb
He needs serious mental help there is nothing any of us can do to fix this

I feel like a crazy homeless person wandered here and no one can make them leave but they keep shitting on the carpet and screaming about stuff
>tfw no ravana bird
but that's okay
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mado are you here I had to finish something last night and dozed off after sorry
>makes their thread
>trolls like a smug asshole about it
>their thread gets deleted
>cuts themself
This is a deranged imbecile and you're better off just ignoring their posts.
Not to mention they are rampantly ban evading.
Your grudge is much more toxic.
tfw ravioli birb but no sorudan birb
Wanna swap?
fish bait post
>le one guy
someone will change for my suffering
this thread will be better at the very least
if I die it might mean something to someone
even if they dont realize it at first
Well you always respond in this same way.
You clearly have a grudge, whether you are one with a grudge among many or not, your grudge is toxic. As are theirs.
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why can't this be me

I don't remember loading up tumblr.
>tickled by a black man
>you always respond in the same way
>le one guy
Stop posting.
>if i die it might mean something

yea, it'll mean we don't have to look at your dumb shit anymore
>vjera "died"
>thread barely budged though they were one of the worst shitposters here

Yeah nah. We already have precedent that a "martyr" won't mean anything.
lots of people in XIV use that word.
but the XIV community is pretty much tumblr personified
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you think this is shitposting?
if I wanted replies i wouldnt waste energy and time being like this
i wouldnt stop farming my stupid fucking mount to just amuse you people
if you think im doing this for attention then I havent cut deep enough
dont even reply at all
you just neeed to see it

vjera didnt die though
im literally shaking right now

how can you guys do this to fishface


>lots of people in xiv use that word
Not in /xivg/.
>you think this is shitposting?
Yeah, yeah I do.
Are you going to take requests again tonight of what to cut into yourself?
>you think this is shitposting?
150% sure it is.
what do you want me to do? they stopped responding to me
i can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped
then youre the problem with the world
The petty ones don't matter.
I don't care what it is, just stop posting.
So I'm here from >>>/qa/630760

Where is this guy
go to the official forums and you'll see it a lot.
I've seen people in region chat and in my DF groups, especially the casual raids, using it

this gen is...special.
Wow, I must be pretty important to be the problem with this world. Damn, you could make a movie around my life.
i thought u was a girl, why are ur arms so hairy like a grown man
For your next big stunt you should carve in the entire pastebin link down your arm.
why cant u even do anything right lmao
He said something about being boy>girl>boy.
That's his character, he doesn't normally use it when he's shitposting though.

What the fuck is wrong with you
thats their inner thigh
I was going to give you a cookie but you disappeared
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How many times have you came to your avatar? When's the last time you blew a fat load to your avatar? Dont they deserve it anon??
i want to marry this aura!!!
>puttel self falseflagging hour

I'm out
top tier aura deserves top tier cutting!
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Does deserve it but I don't do selfcest
How many days in a row have you asked this exact same question? Isn't it time to lay off the (You) farming?
It's okay I think I've blown enough loads to this cat for the both of us
The best minion! Enkidu!
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Your cat is one of the best LetheI wish I could get down and dirty with her
I got Carpenter to 50 I played the game enough today, I can stop now right?
shirto koomba
shirtless kutie

>Meanwhile at the Soft house
So you cut yourself, what do you want a cookie?
hey guys when im not vomiting memes in machine gun fashion im having meltdowns and transferring to tonberry
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That don't impress me much
So you've got the linework but, have you got the touch?
Now don't get me wrong, yea I think you're alright
that won't keep me entertained in the middle of the night
once you post butt
Nah. She deserves to be treated right.
That's not Fat Cat or Minion of Light (BLM edition).
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I respectfully disagree.
Countless times
not one of those three is nutkin

treated right to these {/pet}s
I get that tomorrow and I'm really excited for Shoulderlala.
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a sg.jpg
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This is what happens when i dont get modded in discord.
That is a handsome elf
amber is skinnier than you
omg get help

i hope the moderators call the police
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growing stronger.jpg
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>Hops on your shoulder
How does this work if you're a lalafell?

Thanks, mum.
It hops on your head
who the fuck is this
10/10 would cuddle close under the covers
She sits on top of your head instead.
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pic related
Nice JO crystal.
Hey pickles nice polka dot curtain

also what the fuck is that cardigan sweater thing
I'll queef on him if he wants me to
Oh neat are we posting selfies?
Who is this ginger?
>feel like shit and don't want to talk to anyone
>/busy has a reputation for being a cry for help and will attract more attention
this sucks
What's the most unique job in the game?
Astrologian, it's unique in that it's completely useless.
>/busy being a cry for help
Not in my experience. Usually bots or assholes use this.
I don't get many pms so I don't use it, but when I do I just tell them to leave me alone or don't respond at all.
Dragoon was part dps and a tank in stressful times in old content
reminder that people only despise ippiki because hes a male playing a male character and still gets more attention than the grown men pretending to be girls
Like clockwork
WHM post
>Immediately read this as "bussy"
I hate you faggots
PLD post, actually.
What if I slightly dislike him because he posted a mirror selfie showing off his stomach?
AST post
I get tells semi frequently, especially recently. I don't want to be rude or anything, I just want to turn in levekits while I sort through my thoughts.
nice try WHM. just face it, you're not necessary anymore
spin with me
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Don't you try to deny my truths, AST man.
What's the most unique job from a design standpoint though?
You guys know that fishface is falseflagging over there too, right?
Do some pushups ippiki. Your bird chest would shatter if a native took a swing at you.
Over where?
it has really neat mechanics
but it is wholly worthless as it can't do anything as well as SCH or WHM can.
Obviously. But they're not freaking out yet over there and they aren't posting in the thread right now so might as well just roll with it.
should i fantasia to a cute lizard girl or stay lizard guy. i think caster gear looks better on girls but i dunno
be incubus (female)
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just had to share this, happened last run lol
Hope you had a manticore to spare
Maybe if you weren't dragon around then you wouldn't have all of those spawns
I'd need to change my name too, it's a male lalafell name
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Jesus christ, how terrifying.
Lalafell names are so nonsensical that no one will know the difference.
>male lalafell name

fuckin dropped
nope we wasted it right before we found that room
What a.....Nightmare!
Thought you were doing solo.
Shouldn't have been that big of a problem then.
Anyone on Primal queue up for Ravanaex pls.
One day when I was doing PotD I had four runs in a row that wiped because we got a room like that, and someone immediately ran in to pull everything thinking that a Witching pomander would let a no-tank, no-healer party pull that off.
>this happens with the wraiths
>it's on floor 49 and a silver coffer is behind them
fucking hell, I wish strength poms were more than 20%
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Kinda want this to happen to my character, just to see her suffer for a bit.
IGN? Balmung?
Nobody asked for your input, pickles.
but it ends in an -o and female names don't end in -o
Post feet
Give me yours, and I'll give you mine!
Valsi Ayers.
I'm unsubbed for this week though. Who are you.
Post your character more pls
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don't forget to have fun
>tfw have cute, lewd, whiny catboy to bully during and after runs
I want to cuddle, kiss, pet and make out with Zettai!
i want zettai to fuck off
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Ladies. This can be arranged. If tootsie torment is what you seek, look no further.
i hate this thread wtf
Please fuck off.
I hope Amber is okay.
Holy shit that's a terrifying character
I hope amber is being given a psychiatric evaluation in a strait jacket.
god the characters in this game are so uninteresting and bland
Please let go of your weird grudge.
That is not a grudge. That is a heartfelt wish that amber gets a shot at getting the mental help they need.
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Awww, you're too kind!

But anyhow, actual game discussion.

Who do we think is gonna be the main antagonist of the next expansion? Obviously the Emperor is gonna be a major focus, but I can't see him being killed off this early.
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How sensitive are your feet?
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Hey Ultrosfags I got a question for you. NeoGAF suck dicks at this game, right?
>I can't see him being killed off this early.
I can. It'd make the expansion more memorable and it'd probably not be too hard to introduce a bigger villain or greater threat
>this roe will never sit on your face
why lif...
No idea, I rarely end up in parties with or see them.
who care..
That's a good point. I didn't think they'd just kill of Lahabrea, and now here we are, kinda...Lahabrea-less. But then a larger, overriding antagonist would be nice. Probably that one Ascian in white robes who I can't remember the name of.

Wouldn't you like to know?
Yeah and as far as I remember we don't know much about that evil 'Warrior' midlander male and his party

Should be interesting enough at the end of the day. I hope the experience from working on HW can make them put out an even better expansion
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Not like it matters when you can easily just do single pulls because aggression range doesn't exist.
It'll probably be a long build up across 4.0+, or we'll take him down as the main storyline part of 4.0 akin to Gaius in 2.0 and Thordan in 3.0. I wonder if the warriors of darkness will ally with the Empire.
It'll probably end up being stopping the overzealous Ala Mighan resistance from using Omega and/or summoning Rhalgr to wipe out the Garleans and fucking Eorzea in the process. We'll probably end up dealing with the Emperor in 3.4 or 3.5 since he's still stuck up on Azys Lla and his death could be what spurs the resistance and Eorzean Alliance to start a full-fledged campaign to retake Ala Mhigo since the entire Empire would be fairly shaken up at that point.
Oh yeah, the 'Warrior of Darkness'. That's gonna be interesting, especially as it was implied that the Roe in his party had found the eyes of Nidhogg. Because hey, MAYBE we should have just destroyed those things.
They, along with the Ascians would be covertly helping the resistance to reactivate Omega. And where Omega is, Shinryu is sure to follow, which, if he's one of the remaining members of the First Brood we don't know about, could cause a catastrophe, which is exactly what the Ascians want.
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Ohh, I like the idea of the Ala Mhigan resistance proving to be a bit extremist! It would be a shame to kill off the Emperor this early on though...he'd seem really wasted.

Possibly, although after what happened to Gaius the Empire might be a bit wary of allying with anything that has the smell of Ascian about it. I can see that...shit, forgot his name, that one Legatus who we've fought a million times now taking a major role, and finally taking him down before he manages to blast off again.
>Thinking this game is going to get a 5.0
They're going to lose far too much money from XV and the FFVII remake
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>friends with a sprout
>they don't know about positionals
>spend 30 mins teaching them
i love teaching people things so much, the way they're so happy when they finally get it is just so nice!
Kinda cute
>it'd probably not be too hard to introduce a bigger villain or greater threat
This is not the first time I've seen someone seemingly forget about Zodiark.
Warriors of Darkness are going to retrieve Nidhogg's eye and release him.
In fairness, Zodiark hasn't been given anything in terms of characterisation. Hard to feel threatened or intimidated by a giant purple crystal.
Stop being afk when I go to pet you, nerd.
>release Nidhogg again
I fucking dread it but it's certainly possible. I wish the fucker would stay dead. I'd much rather see Lahabrea be ressurected since his strange obsession with WoL made for an interesting continuous plot without closure.

Regula van Hydrus? He will most certainly return and probably be a boss at some point, maybe a trial with a Minstrel's Ballad edition too. Or just a MSQ dungeon boss.
I hope that when they finally start giving Zodiark lines, he sounds just like Paul Lynde
>Hard to feel threatened or intimidated by a giant purple crystal.
Hydaelyn is being sapped no matter what we do and Zodiark seems to be returning regardless of their now-mortal Ascian worshipers. Ultima could create a hole where a city should be whereas Zodiark will just end everything.
But you're probably right.
>release Nidhogg again
I am so triggered by your misreading.
Voice actors I would accept for Zodiark -

Christopher Walken
Ian McKellen
Patrick Stewart
Tommy Wiseau
>he sounds just like Paul Lynde
When is Zodiark heard?
this game suks huih? haha
Sorry too distracted by cats atm, just remove the first half and focus on Lahabrea feelings
Whatever happened to the brown cat from Gilgamesh?
Yes hello

Which one
It will be exactly as you say, Omega not Rhalgr though. There will also be a fight on, or featuring, that huge Garlean airship in azys lla.
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Cats ARE pretty distracting, just look at them!

How do you feel about Lahabrea's new VA? I've heard nothing but praise for the rest of the new voice actors in Heavensward, but I was REALLY impressed with his new VA. Sounded much more intimidating.
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This was the best part in that movie. I was dying of laughter. Christopher Walken is a beautiful person
What I desire, is man's red fire, to make my dream come true.

I like that they made him an extinct species of ape instead of a little orangutan again.
hey kid see these incredibly strong dragon eyes that were enough for a whole city-state to kick the shit out of dragons?
yeah just throw it in this here hole

what could go wrong
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Lahabrea sounded great, made it all the worse to see him get "absorbed". Here's to hoping we see his return. Why did all my favorite characters die in 3.0.

Don't recall that nickname, I'd probably have to see a picture to see if I knew them or not
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I forgot to add the raid tier will be Sapphire/Diamond/Ruby etc. Weapons to tie in with the release of the FF7 remaster
More sole close ups please.
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>Why did all my favorite characters die in 3.0.

So they could inspire us with their sacrifice. Or something. I guess.

This is when I really started disliking Ayymeric
What is the most fun crafting/gathering? I never do it in MMOs but am gonna give it a try. What have y'all had the most fun with? What's the most viable in market?
Stop kidnapping lalas.

That's my job
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She's driving, don't look at me
Are you out of bounds? That's pretty neat.
cute! both!
It's been in the game since like 3.1, I'm surprised they've kept it in this long
Cute boy. Shame he will be raped.
>cute lala lady kdnapps a male au ra with the help of moogles
You keep saying this, my name isn't particularly private, and yet you've never appeared. I'm calling your bluff, mate.
lots of people like fishing. the other two are the exact same. all crafting is the exact same and you have to level all of them up if you are serious about doing it. people like it because it can be comfy or they like math/puzzles or making things
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You just KNOW...
Our schedules don't really match up and I actually don't know your name.
That being said, I will have you for myself and there is nothing you can do about it.
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>Schedules don't match up
>For rape
I'm concerned about your abilities as a rapist. I also don't keep any schedules, so that's a flimsy shield, mate.
>That sad looking lala
I want it.
Hanna NO
I do other things than just raping cute boys, you know.
Enjoy the N64
I somehow doubt that.
It was genuinely scary when he was running through the ruins, haha. I'd be absolutely terrified if that was happening to me.

Fite me
You are a grown man talking to anther grown man about questioning schedules for getting raped in an online video game

What life choices brought you here
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What do I gotta do to join this rad dance group you have going on here?
I'm not a grown man
What do I spend excess esoterics on?
Eikon materials. Sell them and make cash.
Whatever crafting mats sell well. You can make some decent gil from them.
Not completing the Anima? Check the market for Eikon prices.
One day I'll get an alt onto Balmung and pet Zettai!
Terrible ones clearly. Besides anon, I've never ERPed. I'm merely calling a bluff.

In other news I got best minion.
tfw new chestpiece
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watch me post
watch me nae nae
That's not the Accompaniment Node.
say that again and i'll punt that glorified soccerball
put the helmet back on and never take it off
Do it, I dare you.
he's cute tho
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t.Allagan Empire

I have a slew of favorite minions, but I think Coblyn Larva edges out on top for me
i like the helmet
Bluebird, owlet, Hunting Hawk.
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What are you all up to rn?
Anyone on primal queue for Ravex pls I need that birb.
check PF
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this has to be my favourite, but there are a whole lot of them that i really like!
It's a pillow.
It's literally just a pillow.
not true, it's clearly sentient
>degenerate's favourite minion is something that cushions their knees to prevent damage from long sessions of sucking other grown men's cocks
I literally just logged off dammit.
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dwarf rabbit
I just got home from work though I have work again in ten hours.
if this was my fanta then baka
that's right! it's a nice pillow that i can take with me to sit on
except dungeons. cant take it there

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this fucking thing is the best minion
>best minion
You made a mistake and posted some wind-up turd instead of the Hunting Hawk.
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I have one fanta left. 5 decides what I fanta into, will post results after work.
Ayy fuck u
the gayest manroe ever
mado seriously needs to die
Dashing Manroe, or a comicky looking male au ra that looks like a weekend villain.
Black lalafel girl with silver hair
Fem roe :)
blue ra
purple fem raen
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Most badass femroe you can imagine. Might require an additional Fantasia to work out small kinks.
Or apparently a purple au ra.
And we have a winrar.
Winrar here. Let's roll more, 5 decides hair colour and style.
white hime
Raven black hime.
bright pink pomp
Dark purple default
Well that was fast. Thanks to everyone who rolled. I'll be on lunch in a bit, I'll post WIP once I get home.
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>get a job
>work a lot at varying times
>times vary so much I can't get a proper schedule
>thus I can't raid because I can't guarantee I'll be on at certain times
>only want to raid in the game at this point, nothing else interests me
>slowly stop playing
>hardly been playing for the past few weeks

I even stopped caring about daily and weekly shit. I don't see the point if I'm not going to raid. This sucks.
go back to the superior life of being a NEET
visit mateus
Will you pump me if I do?
I was in a situation not much different from yours, my hours went from 4h to 12h and every week I was working different kind of shifts. I was lucky enough to find a group that was able to accommodate my schedule, we cleared Coils on schedule and all. You can do it anon, I'm sure there's a group out there for you too!
probably just cuddle for a while
*thread explodes*
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Augggggggggggggggggggggg im angry!!!
>Be FC leader
>Have a cool FC community, built from the ground up, 200+ people all close friends
>No divides. Casuals can casual and raiders can raid, crafters craft. Everyone loves each other
>Suddenly a raider brings in raiders from a disbanded FC
>Elitest pricks start telling casual players they're trash and cause divides
>I and the officers start kicking out the fire starters
>Get called into a TS 'discussion' about our leadership
>Suddenly realise the casuals are too scared to be open about their opinions
>Raiders kick start a revolution, by becoming moles and providing casuals with endless amounts of training/gil/pets/glamour
>Suddenly casuals hate us
>Crafters, officers and I forced to leave FC

Is their any community worse than the raiding community in ffxiv?
is transferring to balmung a good or bad choice?
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I'm having a MELTDOWN
prolly bad
I swear I have seen you before..

>200+ people all close friends
can you explain? I have to trust you all since I've been trying to make a character there for months with no success and have to transfer in blindly at this point.
If you want to ERP/RP, it's a good place. Any other server works just as well if you're doing content.
Content-wise people tend to be VERY cliquey about who they play with. If you're new they'll play with you for a week and then drop you for something else.
My suggestion would be go to a mid-pop server if you want a more close-knit community, but Balmung is good for that feeling of activity everywhere.
read >>152025809
Where's Emily?
I come from a low pop server and nothing makes me want to not play more than seeing towns empty of players when I'm playing. I had a nice fc there, but the lack of activity just killed it for me. there were few to no parties in pf at all times of the day. I'm on gilgamesh right now and I can't find a decent fc to save my life. you either have the fcs with 10 people online out of 90 during prime time or one of the overcrowded fcs where no one even knows eachother exist.. with 100 people online and only 10 people who ever talk, and those 10 people just happen to be the most annoying people ever. I doubt balmung will be much better, but I have nothing to lose at this point.
Banned currently.
>no proof

On my dick
Ask them in a few days when they get back then. I'm the grey cat in the album.
Managing 200 people isn't hard anon. Especially when you bring them in one by one and let them integrate. We only had 1 headcase who started causing issues so we kicked him out after a month.

And if you see groups forming, you assign groups in monthly events so that people mingle with each other.

(also 50 inactive users :3)
Then maybe you can post some new pictures to "help us out" while Emily is gone~
There's no real need for huge, 100+ person FCs desu

Just make a small, homely FC with a handful of friends and yourself. You'd be surprised at how quickly just a couple of people can rank up an FC and get things rolling.
I just move to Balmung. How do I get into this RP scene? It seems fun, but a bit clique-y
No can do, you can have that picture though.
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What you just said summed up my experience perfectly on Balmung. It's one of the reasons why I left; a shitload of FC's with maybe 10 people on at the same time, or 100 that pretend you don't exist.
It's also worth mentioning that you're expected to know EVERYTHING if you're going to run content, so be prepared for some people to call you shit or not depending on experience. Hell, even playing with people from here that are on balmung aside from maybe 2 people I didn't really talk to more than once or for running roulettes. There's a sense of established groups, and unless you're textfucking someone or a diamond in the rough you will be ignored.
But hey, give it a try if you want if you've got the dosh to transfer out.
if they were your friends you'd all still be an fc wouldn't you?
which server did you move to and did your experience improve? or did you quit

RIP me.

I am forever alone
come to mateus sometime so I can force feed you apple strudels

beware the bot behind me
Help, I think I'm falling in love with a grown man. He's so sweet ;_;
Is that what you call your gash?
yeah I haven't had a friend since I left school. I forgot what friend are at this point.
Share details?
what do you normally like little boys?
Luv u2 <3
>Grown man tells me they like me after getting to know me
>Tell them I like them too since they're really nice
>Gets mad and tells me I shouldn't get close or be friends
Well, okay then.
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Initially I was from Cactuar, and I moved to Balmung to find people to play the game with. Moved around when Gears of Change update came out. While it was fun, the novelty of being new in a place with so many more people running around wore off after a month or two, and it became more of playing catch up to do end game content. Once that was said and done, asking for people to do roulettes with was relatively easy, but it stopped at that. Unless you're in an FC that has moderate activity both on the owners part and the other members, you're not going to get anything done. Good luck with PF, because from my experience either it's a solid run every time, or doomed from the start with no real effort to fix it, just pointing fingers at who fucked up and then party disbandment.
Moved to Excalibur, and from my experience it has been fantastic. I've done more content in a week here than I have done in a month on Balmung.
I've been using this example a lot, but I was searching for a static for weeks on Balmung with little success. When I moved here, I found one in less than 5 minutes.
It really is based on experience though. You won't know until you actually go there. Who knows, you might find a comfy group/FC to do stuff with. Try it out, see if it's up your alley.

From what i've learned from Balmung though is to keep people at arms length. Do content with them, but don't overly rely on someone. Do you, but also help out people if you see them in a bind. If you're going to RP, know the difference between OoC and IC please. That last one is especially important, because while YOU might be able to differentiate and draw a clear line with the two, the other person might not (or choose not to).
Talking to him feels so familiar and welcoming. He's very polite and kind, always sympathetic and takes an interest in my well-being, and he always seems to know exactly what to say to make me blush furiously.

He's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing before I fall asleep, and when he's not online I feel like some part of me is missing.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, I want him but I don't want to ruin anything.
I took a break and now I can't do high level content for shit. people be all like, damn healer you're shit.
I'd say go for it then, if they actually are kind, but not interested, they'll let you down easy. And if they are interested, hey ho, there you go.
Start out just healing and ignoring cleric stance and work your way back up to how good you were before, it'll come back to you in no time.
i wish cleric stance on WHM changed its abilities like kuribu's, like turning asylum into a dot area like salted earth and letting you use tetra offensively
super cute anon
Who is it?
koi bp
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Thancred a cute. CUTE!
How did I do?
balmung like every1 else
Just ask him about it then. If he's as nice as you say, I'm sure he won't mind you asking, he'll just decline and you can continue being "just" friends and your crush will go away in time, they always do.

If he says yes, then congratulations~
It's cute I like it. I was listening to purple rain when I posted. Where can one go to pet you?
I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it, I don't know if I can.

I don't think I should post that.

I'm a miqo on balmung.
would kiss
Fuc lmao I'm on crack then

Or there's an exact doppelganger on my server

Either way you're a hot lizard man 10/10
Kirito Tia
>Be like this myself with a friend and vice versa for us
>They got mad at me and push me away to the point of no longer talking to me
I wish you luck
Well, nothing ventured nothing gained, even if they say no maybe even knowing you have feelings for them will make them look at you in a different light?

What race are they?
This is really weird because I'm in a very similar situation as you and debated posting about it.

I said I wasn't gonna have grown man crushes but it happened anyway, god damn it.

Good luck to you though.
Breddy gud. Would pet.
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Actually I'm bored and feeling generous so have this.
bushy tail ty
Thank you!

More is always welcome~
Long and bushy.

One more because I need to get back to grinding.
>f@ t@
fluffy tails are JUST the best
Most of my partners are flat so I like to give them something they can rest their head on after if they're the kind who want cuddles after textfucking.
This makes me afraid... What if the same thing happens to me? I don't think I could handle that.

I want to believe this but the post above yours has me terrified, I don't know what to do. He's a miqo as well.

Thank you, good luck to you as well.
i like you too
That would Cerberus, but my lunch break is done now.

Thank you! I didn't expect to be able to make a fem Au Ra to begin with.
you are so cute
Maybe I'll come pet you one day then.
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So you feel the same!


Thanks, I personally think I'm just alright though.
all the best people think they're just alright
>tfw min-height cat getting pussy destroyed by max-height au ra
EU hours best hours now that the manchild is "on his break from work" and goes to bed in the morning
>cringe erp posting
>best hours

Listen to me, if it's actually Elk that you're talking about, then you need to abandon all contact with him immediately. You'll thank me later.
>All the cats I wanna pound are min height
>They're either sluts constantly ERPing and I'm on their backlog or they're all too shy or just want gameplay and hate even flirting
Suffering. I just want to flirt sometimes.
You know, I'm seeing this surface the more I mess around on Balmung. I truly feel like Balmung is more of an "alt" server, if you will. Like I wouldn't ever main a character there. The world feels alive and full which is really neat. It's kinda cool to do some MSQ and run into randoms in places that are normally dead, even on high pop servers. I haven't been dicking around here long, but from my experiences so far the world is full but extremely....fake? I don't know. On my home server if you emote at someone or hug them they enjoy it and do it back with you. I've made loads of friends just poking or petting people in Limsa. I learned the hard way on Balmung to not do this. I was either met with "who are you, what do you want, um fuck off please" or just straight up paranoia. This isn't just xivg people, either. I also dislike the fact that no one seems to do anything. PF is full but not with many relevant things as it's mostly all RP stuff or guild stuff. I get we're in a bit of a content wane, but why pay $15 a month to sit in the same spot in ul'dah every day?

I have also had people straight up ignore my "sorry I'm not into RP" replies, and even had someone tell me they watched me in Ul'dah and jerked off to my character. I feel like the personalities of the players are so heavily cultivated that they no longer even know their own real personality. It feels super weird talking to people because once their act starts to fall off, they stop talking or just leave. I'm very thankful I rolled alts here with 2 friends because my solo dungeon experience has been fucking atrocious.

I am aware that there's always going to be shitters no matter where you go, but Balmung just has some of the worst playerbase I have ever seen in my life.
you can flirt with me anon
Next stop 25 for a HQ goatskin.
And this is why Balmung the server needs to be removed from the game, and all active accounts with character on Balmung need to be permabanned.
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yes, that's correct
I kinda wish FC banks worked like guild banks in WoW from when I used to play it. Like a small portion of every money drop gets sent to the FC bank and those funds could be used for things like repairs or maybe purchasing small goods or as a way for people to not feel forced to donate for things like FC housing when the subject gets brought up.
so which servers are good? I'm starting to think medium servers might be nice, but you can't get any server stats so I don't know which are medium or ghost towns. I play evening to late night usa time. I would prefer aether if possible since I've been there forever and the queue times are pretty good. I thought faerie was a medium pop server but it seems small now.
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Exactly! it's this established persona that they don't want to tarnish, not for the fear that you won't talk to them, but because you'll say something and it'll shatter their image in the eyes of the community. I've never been unfortunate enough to have people /tell me odd stuff, aside from the odd "Cool glamour!" very rarely. Perks of being a male character, I guess.
The first few minutes after transferring you get hit with all this activity. Wow, so many people doing stuff! Fake could be a word to describe it, but it's more like people on Balmung isolate themselves in these pockets of groups that will refuse or ignore others if possible. RP stuff is always in demand, but actual content aside from the rare unfilled Hunt party is hard to get.
If you want something done, you'll have to do it yourself for the most part.
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I kinda wish it were like wakfu where you can tax off of market board sales from members and had an elected governor every month who puts 7 people in charge of things like the ecosystem. Law and order. Weather. Finances etc..

These went to the economy of a city state. There were 4 of them. They'd also be able to declare war on each other and cause players from other cities visiting yours to be outlaws and hunt able. Killing them would send them to prison for 10m
Fresh out of reddit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-deyjtfLXZZenFtcDVPNFZCaEk/view
isn't that every server though? I know it's like that on gilgamesh for sure. everyone has little pockets of friends that they do stuff with, and it can be really hard to get in there unless you're super charismatic all the time or lucky. I try to act nice but then my not give a fuck nature starts to come out.
It really just comes down to what you're wanting to do. There's lots of questions such as

Do you plan to raid, rp, casually play?
Do you want to do content and be able to PF/DF stuff?
You answered you play evening/late US time but assuming right now is your playtime, this is prime time for JP servers which are also an option.
>Shiva most active eu server

Nice to see it that high
It's more "in your face" on Balmung. That being said, I haven't been on other servers, so I can't really offer a solid opinion only having the aforementioned server as my only real experience.
that hand on the right is mine
thanks and holy shit, I always hear how Japan has so many more ffxiv players but US actually more active and pretty close numbers to JP. I wonder if that also counts all the US and EU players playing on JP servers.

that said many of those servers look pretty close in numbers.
Balmung is so overpopulated lol
I can go on any empty server and make 100 mil and not be able to transfer it to Balmung where properly and this annoys me.

What do I buy to make sure I can bring back the full 100m
>What do I buy to make sure I can bring back the full 100m
nothing because it's not the possible, this is literally the case 99% the time when transferring from a smaller to a larger server
You're not going to bring it all back. Everything on Balmung is undercut to shit and back due to the sheer number of gatherers and omnicrafters there. Best bet would be Grade V materia and rare minions..
>rare minions

Throwing in my 2 cents on materia. That's gonna be your best bet and you'll never make it all back.
I'm interested in RP but probably never will because reasons. I've been casually playing, but eventually I'm going to need harder content. Ideally I want to have a cool guild that isn't a bunch of assbags to do stuff with, but god help me I am having no luck with FCs lately. I just want a chill group not some people telling me I need to min max my cock size and my nipple erectness to perfection to group with them. I also like casual stuff though.
What eu server is most active?
Guess I'll stay there.
>about 300 more active characters than most other EU servers
It really doesn't matter if your server has 12 900 or 12 600, don't you think?
You won't due to a thing called supply and demand. It's why I always laugh when people post their 100m+ gil stashes on servers where shit sells extremely high. I looked at the Gilga MB a month or so ago and some of the stuff on there is incredibly expensive, if not 10x+ the price of stuff on my server.

The reality is 100m on a dead server =/= 100m on a server like balmung. The only thing I can suggest is bringing over tons of glamour gear as that shit sells like hotcakes.

>moonfire stuff is like 800k+
>is about 100k on my server
nice quads
The reason you can make 100 million gil on an empty server is the same reason why you're never going to get it all back by transferring to Balmung.

It turns out that when the server is populated enough that almost every market has actually managed to hit a supply-demand equilibrium, there aren't really get-rich-quick schemes that don't involve spending the first 24 hours of a new major patch crafting new recipes.
According to the submitter:
>Active is determined to be any CHARACTER (as it is impossible to determine account association at this time) above level 10 that has had any change at all to their lodestone profile between the previous unofficial census and either of the 2 passes through the PUBLICLY available lodestone data. This includes any new minions , mounts, a change of job, any gain of levels, any new achievments, or even a single change in gear. So in order to be listed as inactive you need to have not done anything at all since April (the last time they did this) making it a fairly accuracte gauge for the number of active characters. Keep in mind that this means that if someone were to have multiple characters that they are active on this would count as more than 1 therefor the active subs are less than the total of active characters (though I would say probably less than 10% of people have played actively on 2+ chracters so it should be within negligible amounts)
So JP numbers include EU/NA players playing on JP servers.
So is Zettai crazy like all the other people I think are cute from Balmung or are they actually kinda sane?
zettai is super cute
by the way gilgamesh is open for new chars if anyone is insane.
zettai is cute

mew mew
fake nice so crazy 100%
>On my home server if you emote at someone or hug them they enjoy it and do it back with you. I've made loads of friends just poking or petting people in Limsa. I learned the hard way on Balmung to not do this. I was either met with "who are you, what do you want, um fuck off please" or just straight up paranoia.

holy shit thats so fucking weird
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What's your favourite weather?

Mine is c@.
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>On my home server if you emote at someone or hug them they enjoy it and do it back with you. I've made loads of friends just poking or petting people in Limsa. I learned the hard way on Balmung to not do this. I was either met with "who are you, what do you want, um fuck off please" or just straight up paranoia.

ill take things that didnt happen for 100$ please
Zettai and Handlebars are the only reasons I'd roll on Balmung. Wanna pet them.
>faerie locked...
>go to limsa 5 people
>go to quarrymill 2 people

what.. the.. fuck where are these people?

No. Does it make my statement somehow false?
How much for this c@?
shana is cute!!
>it didn't happen to me so therefore it doesn't happen!

Honestly, fuck off with this shit. I gave a personal experience from the few weeks I've been messing about here. I'm not going to screenshot every single log and interaction because I'm not a fucking psycho that has to have "info" on people.
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What a coincidence, so is mine
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Quite like sunsets myself!
why does soft have the most boring cookie cutter posters
why do catgirls have the softest armpits
Rain during the day, clear skies at night.
How much are you paying?

I'm SOOOO lucky...

This is one of the 7 great mysteries of this world. Only careful c@pit research can bring us closer to the answer.
A fat dick.
Who are the cutest couple on Balmung?
>Fake nice
Prove it
Prove he isn't
naaki and sera
Whoever was posting about their grown man crush earlier
lol that was one of my character names back on EQ when I was pretending to be a chick.
Stop this...
Shana is SOOOO lucky...
A.A and A.S
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Megu x Yuchu
lol, again?
explain, I want to know the back story
They broke up
Kind of looks like you're wearing a nappy hahaha
*reports u instead* heh...
source: my asshole
Aiko is SOOOO lucky...
What are your hopes for the future of the story in this game?
I really want Regula to do some crazy shit with the Triad and become the Kefka of this game.
Can you stop shitposting please? For one day?
Beepy and Rena!
Haha, nevermind.
Two sociopaths that were made for each other.
This is the kinda shit that goes on in fcs that annoy me. Help me why does this annoy me?
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let pic related, which shows his personality perfectly, be your answer
People making shitposts with their friends or the shitposts about how x/y people are in the same screenshot so they must be dating or fucking?
ALWAYS HERE ;/////////////////////////
>tfw shana angles u out of frame...
He's talking to Paks here, your point is invalid.
Spam more memes and buzzwords Shana
You're replying to paks, he convinced himself that if he posts that enough then it will make Shana look bad instead of make him look like a huge baby.
Shyv posts with a picture.
Not always.
the gossipy schoolgirl shit with japanese names like I'm in some kind of anime highschool wonderland. hyaaaaaa so cuteee aiko, u r the cutesttt c@ foreveeerrr pet me purrrrrrr. aikkooooo

aikoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo senpai. desu.
paks is so pathetic
>notice my lalafell is not shortest height
>was my best character
>oh well, deleted

I won't stand for this shit.
>implying shana isnt making himself look bad every single day
Not when false flagging people who wouldn't bend the knee to king Bruce

180, sociopaths etc
>make Shana look bad

He did that himself. He is right now, the person who shitposts the most. His last on topic post was around 5 months ago when he was asking people to run dungeons when he was leveling his AST.

Since then it was tummies butties feeties ban evadies. But you already know that, Shana orbitus.
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Is this good? Do I look like a clone of every other aura ever?
Idk if I should change back to my midlander now
I can't decide what to name my cat. It's killing me inside. I made 7 other characters to reserve names, but I'm not even sure I like any of them. I am going to die bitter and alone. Send help.
context of the poll?
>only brucie hates those people
worst person itt, ironic he has the same score as the person he hates the most (and accuses everyone of being him)
drop the slut glam
elaborate or bait
"If it fits, I sits. If it doesn't fits, I sits anyway..."
- Miqo'te musing on dicks
>person he hates the most

I couldn't care any less about you pissdrinker, only times I even think about you is when you're fagging up the thread with your bullshit like now, get over yourself

don't forget you crying back then that running dungeons wasn't on topic and playing the game and was just attention whoring ;^)
Why was this deleted and not the post he was responding to?
How is this anymore on topic than the other?
...maybe he deleted it himself?
I'm saying that you're implying that nobody else shares his opinions and if somebody posts an opinion that he has it's automatically him and definitely not anybody else.
I seriously do not have any adequate pants for this character, so for screenshot I equipped the coliseum loincloth I had in my inventory
I'll have to find something.
>d-don't care about paks!

there's that damage control, again lmao

every single fucking time
but who else has a reason to h8 them
Wake me up.
You're retarded.
1. Not Paks
2. You're fagging up the thread everyday, hypocrite. You're doing it now
Come on now you've gotta have some pants. Everybody has pants.
>90 sec between posts

too obvious
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>accusing others of fagging up the thread

Oh the irony
craft cat
Yuchu is fake as all fuck, they even shitpost the same people together and Megu... well we all know how shitty Megu is. He pretends to be a victim when really he's the one manipulating people among other things. Nori, Shyv, and God Tier, all of them realized it and disliked him for it and when they stopped talking to him because of it he went on full on damage control and tried to make them look as bad as he could so he didn't get any flak for it. He holds grudges and does let go, will lie to your face and talk shit behind your back.
O am I laffin at this fanfic
G-guys I don't care a-a-about P-paks!

I will r-r-remind you everytime it is b-brought up though!
>tfw no one will believe this
Hi Megu or Yuchu! Whichever one of you insufferable cunts is responding.
Don't worry noriko you'll find someone dumb enough to fall for your act again
>wearing pants

s m h
>this desperate for replies
>want to fuck stinky
>never takes you seriously
Do you think SE is ever going to buff Selene? Right now is absolutely useless outside of the fey wind pre-pull.
Instead of initials lets post anagrams of their surname :3
craft cat
Ciele Oshin
Alright I'm looking for some pants.
Is there any way I can preview how they will dye without having them in my inventory

im bad at that stuff ;;

while I do agree with you, there are probably bigger balance issues to address and selene still has a niche as the "use this if you're lazy" fairy

but yeah eos is busted as hell
Toriki Ati
>tummies butties feeties
these are the best posts in the general though
You and Shana need to be permabanned and/or sent to /d/.
>those tummy scales
would lewd
What do I main
FSH. We've been over this
So what kind of roleplaying is actually done on Balmung. Is it all futa chuunis who are the dicked daughters of demons, or is there actually some serious roleplaying going on? I have three different basic character concepts in mind and I'm wondering if trying any of them is worth the time. Is the notion of a character concept completely alien to the natives?
ok, what posts would you prefer? if you were the post police, what would you make everyone talk about? what even is there in this game besides posing for screencaps?
yeah there's normal rp too

a lot of it even
Talk about the game
Talk about the game first, holy fuck
The RP community is full of asshats who like to circle jerk with each other, never giving outsiders a chance to join the story.
I don't really play on balmeme but the last time I've been on my main I've seen people roleplay as NPCs in the middle of buttfuck nowhere so I guess you get normal RP too
i am talking about the game. i am talking about how attractive the characters in this game are and i'm sharing attractive pictures of them.
What combat job do I main
Which of my incredibly generiv character concepts sounds best

Boisterous viking Highlander bro WAR (GLD/LNC/PGL/DRK),

Sly ambitious Sunseeker catman NIN (PGL/LNC/ARC/GLD)

Snooty elezen master of all magic SMN (every fucking casting class)
Wow, look at this picky guy. WAR, then
WAR if you like tanking
MCH if you like to support
MNK if you like melee dps
SMN if you like magic
>Snooty elezen master of all magic SMN (every fucking casting class)
i like this
>anon claiming meria shares pics of her self harm
Ironically also the least likely to ERP and mock those who do because fuck bitches acquire magic
>Boisterous viking Highlander bro WAR (GLD/LNC/PGL/DRK)
Replace Highlander with Sunseeker Catman, make him look rugged as fuck and act cocky as hell.
It should be noted the Sunseekers ambition is to start his own tribe
Which means collecting a harem
Does anyone want to tickle my tender boy soles~
So what's coming in 3.4/4.0?
Any lists?
what did I play if I like catgirls
The first one. Or muscular healer dadface highlander.
You're aware seeker males who go off to start their own tribes are the betas who can't defeat the nunh and also can't actually get any women to join the tribe right?
>You're aware seeker males who go off to start their own tribes are the betas who can't defeat the nunh and also can't actually get any women to join the tribe right?
Yeah, that whole thing works better with moonies
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>You're aware seeker males who go off to start their own tribes are the betas who can't defeat the nunh and also can't actually get any women to join the tribe right?

Everyone has to start at level one, anon.

Alright now that i'm at my computer and not fucking phone posting let me explain in depth.

Viking Highlander is pretty much a played straight concept - glorious battle, cheerful and gregarious face crusher, master of all the Tank/STR classes

Catboy is a rugged self reliant survivor who wants a harem to found his own tribe, master of the DPS Classes

Snooty Elezen is a philosophical genius who wouldn't be out of place in the Empire, seeks to master magic and command the Primals in order to further civilization. And he's kind of a dick.

I'm up for mixing up the races/concepts. I always intended for the C@ to be more rugged then lanky fuccboi.
What the hell is going on?
It's kinda ruined by miqo'te being 170cm tall

Anyways, go for the elezen
Give this c@ an axe! He looks like a conquerer, taking anything and anyone he wishes to. I can imagine him standing next to a tall roe or au ra, looking up to them ready to show them who exactly is the boss and I don't mean in a sexual way.
Have you ever wished you'd never have to wake up
Fishface aka the degranged tranny amber cut themselves because they thought their ban in the discord was injust
Yeah, right now
Toss up is now between rugged C@ warrior and Snooty Elezen

C@ is for sexual, Elezen has no interest in your pussy, boy or otherwise
>he believes his shitty cards make him better than a random whm
skin color is horrible
that face is underused for good reasons
But then you realize nobody cares if you wake up or not. Do or don't. You don't really matter.
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post turkish pits
No, not really. I usually spend my time thinking about other things than whether I want to wake up.
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Post ameripecs
Sera still a virgin?
The current Nunh of the U tribe is old and weak, while his son is a good-for-nothing. The tribe consists mostly of women. Do you see where I'm getting at....?
Never. Cause if something's inevitable I'm in no hurry to get to it.

It makes me mad I can't sit UNDER the shower head in that hot tub. Or if you can actually do it, it makes me mad I'm too dumb to do it right.
Not until I'm married desu
What if I don't want to live in the fucking desert, anon

Also, larger tribes can have multiple Nunhs
Who was the Nunh, Sasuke or Naruto?
Have you ever had a boyfriend irl or are you scared of talking to boys outside the internet?
does she really look bad..
EX primal, 4 raid bosses, 2 dungeons, new tomestones, new crafting recipes, new story

yeah, sorry
at least fix the skin color, she looks like a german tourist after a day at the beach
I think i'll go with the Elezen, so as to avoid ERP clusterfuck. Also i've already played a melee dps before.
This was made early but the OP is right
Don't forget to use up this thread
>tfw noone to findom me

why live
im going to end up quitting xiv unmarried and unloved

i cant get into relationships im just not that kind of person
stop seeking love through a video game
lewds pls
You guys sure are weird.
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As someone that's been on almost every big server in the game at this point, a JP server included, this isn't entirely inaccurate.

The problem stems from the game not evolving beyond an 8 man group, for any content. People aren't social and looking for new players, unless they're looking to fill spots, which leads to an endless cycle of frustration > people leave > empty spots > they recruit > repeat, unless they're really good friends regardless of the game, which is rare.

For FCs and general social-ness, I can't really agree with what you've said about Balmung, since the majority of the population there is at least somewhat involved in non-content activities. This means they're independent of content cycles and the 8 man printing press, leading to more opportunity for things like Midas statics/ex primal farm groups, but then you run into the RP nerdiness problem, which I can't disagree with.

TL;DR you're not wrong, but no one server is this magical place where you find a static instantly. Sometimes it happens and you think "wow I'm glad I transferred", but it never happens at all for many.
yeah but my friends and loved ones need me so it's ok in the end!

this is the post of a broken person. who hurt you? i hope you find people who value you, and make you believe otherwise, anon
Online relationships are just as real as physical ones once you've reached a certain level of maturity
The problem is finding someone similar to you, as in the physical realm tangible things such as touch and activities help to pad a relationship to make it a lot more easier for people to be together despite minute differences
There's also the issue of once you develop a certain level of intimacy online your perspective of the person is a lot different than what it would be actually IN person, so a lot of online relationships don't actually work if they become that
Learning yourself and having the right perspective of the world is the key to actually having a partner you can bond with
Sadly though most people here aren't wise, as most of us are still young and those that do possess that level of insight at this age are few and far between and most likely have other issues
I want to try ERP, how do I start
Send me a tell~
Find someone willing to break a newbie in, and just try to have fun.
>"No server does [that]"
>"It doesn't happen"
>It literally did for that anon
The real problem is 95% of the so-called friends you'll meet in an online game don't actually care about you, and once either one of you stop playing or is not useful anymore in the game, they just get rid of you and find new in game friends.
Why are you even trying to build solid friendships in such a fake environment?
hm, balmung is full. Any chance of it opening up any time soon?
I don't think the person he replied to was talking about raiding.
They did
Yes, that's called luck. I've had that happen myself once or twice, but it's not a server attribute, it's just someone in PF looking for someone when you decide to transfer, nothing more or less.

This is more likely on servers that do content, of course.
If that's an issue to you don't act fake yourself, and don't put so much weight on those people that obviously are. Even though it might not be the real thing, they're still people, and what they're doing is real to them, even if it isn't real to you.
All human interaction is very shallow, at a point you either enter absolute absurdity and behave like one of the many people labeled a psychopath here, or you enjoy society for what it's been built up for, despite all of it's flaws.
Society only exists as a tool for humanity to further their collective intelligence.
Technology only exists as a tool for humanity to further their collective means.
Put together they form bonds, and both build each other up.
Lance please lmao
He's right in a certain sense: you can arguably say the only worthy content in the game is savage, and you need 7 other members for that.
What's more they're all supposed to be good depending on when you're planning to down it, and you must have a fixed composition of classes (2 different healers, 4 different dps, 2 different tanks)
No wonder it's so hard to create a solid group, especially if you consider most of the time raid members aren't even friends and someone could have different goals for the raid (raiding more, raiding less, wants to down the content in a week and so on) and hence leave the group if the mood isn't what he's looking for.
This just leads to more frustration and time spent looking for new members.
amber/lance post
savage + ex primals, even casual stuff like dungeons and 24mans can be done with that group, although easier to pug
The problem is realizing who is fake and who is not, and it's definitely not as easy as you make it sound.
I've known plenty of people who looked cool and turned out to be the exact contrary, even after months or years, and what you think could be a real friendship may actually be just a passtime for the other.
I would be the first to stop talking with half my friend list, if I were to quit game
That's why you don't put so much importance in them
Put that care into yourself
Ex primals last two or three weeks at most, and you usually either down them with your own group or pug till you find a decent party.
In both cases they won't last enough to make 3 months full of content.
Savage is the only lasting content in the current state of the game, and in order to properly do it you need a fixed, static group, which is everything but easy to make.
24 men raids are useful only in the first two week and they fast become a chore, if you still bother doing them.
Besides you don't even need a group for them, you just DF and go semi afk for the rest of the raid.
It's what I've been trying to say: don't put importance in friendships online, for they will not last in most cases.
Let alone love, you're just deluding yourself if you think you can find it in a mmo.
I love this poster. I love you.
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>BLM in sephex
That's kinda my point. It's not the population of the game, it's that the endgame design makes servers almost all-or-nothing when it comes to rolling the dice of statics

I have A8S clear experience and done a TON of midas, and it was still difficult to find something solid since all the good players are in groups already with no reason to leave, despite my connections with some of the top FCs here. There's no incentive for people to go "hey this guy's good, let's get him for our FC", instead it's "hey man I'll let you know if we need anyone", which really sucks for anyone without previous raid experience.
I'm saying there's no difference between that and "real life"
I've never met someone I cared about more IRL than I have a few amazing people online.
Be that only 2 people out of 60 or so, I'll take that over the doubly-layered physical bullshit any day, especially as a recluse
Don't crush people's dreams, let them learn
>been thinking of getting nin anima
>read that you can upgrade lore weapon next week
>realise that upgraded lore is almost as good as anima
d-do I keep getting anima daggers or get one for my alt jobs like pld
I don't raid
>get chosen for every green
>get every earthshaker
Aetherial Manipulation
Group wipes to stupid shit
Add Tanitsuki Shiruku
It's not that bad, anon.
If you know someone irl, you won't part ways as easily as you would with a random guy online, partly cause you can find as many friends as you want in a mmo, but you won't irl.
But you can believe whatever you prefer, I'm not gonna crush your dreams.
>meet friend on Balmung outside of /vg/
>get along well with them
>change their search info to "Collared by x" a few days ago

There's no escaping this shit, is there?
You seem to lack a bit of perspective on that regard, so I won't crush yours either.
I love you Anon
>join <ahaha>
>biskoi welcomes me to the FC, chat is otherwise silent
>few hours later, shana logs in
><Shana Tsunderie> hey new slut, post butt
>FC chat explodes
>tells me I need to do the initiation
>asks for my skype
>invites me to a group call
>bis koi, shana, moni, seto and abe all in a webcam call
>they're all recording themselves typing away and switching to their phones immediately after
>shana getting loads of replies in the thread as this happens
>leave the group call
>You have left the free company.
bit lame desu

and I don't think shana is even in ahaha anymore
I'd rather say I was just like you few years ago, and I grew up.
I'm not on Balmung, but I could listen to you for hours. I want to.
Heh.. you know where to find me kid.
I'm glad someone does
is it cat posting time again yet? i'm looking forward to it
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nice maid outfit
it's the best time of day!
>Wet, shiny sirencat
Please I just fapped and this is a fetish of mine
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I know who you are, I'm not going to let you keep getting away with this.

Final warning.
different person i just always see them post it lel
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Right on time this time I think.
Someone is trying to remove the discord from the op (?)

>>152032725 was posted first anyway, but what's suspicious is how the second thread got 20 replies before it was even posted

I reported it I guess
Why are you announcing reports? And yes, the thread made early was posted in an hour before it was linked.
i still dont understand what problems here lol
one thread doesnt need to exist apparently everyone in this game is hostile
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