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Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Gwenpool is here edition

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Thread replies: 766
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>/mffg/ FAQ:

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes, with monthly updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play, with microtransactions.

>Official videos:

>New cinematic trailer:

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
4chan co: 5: 5000xp
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp

Apply and leave in game name in thread
>REMINDER to please do Alliance Battle everyday! Just do the best you can and it will add up.

>2.4.0 Update Notes

>2.4.0 Trailer

Rest in peace KEKE, you will be missed
Who did you guys farm for you first unlimited?
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Anyone have any early ideas for an Iso set for squirrel girl?
It's too early to know who the most busted one will be, so I just went with squirrel girl.

I'm more excited by the prospect of getting to actually farm Wasp and Ant-Guy.
I'm not doing any today. I think I'm gonna go for either Songbird or Squirrel Girl first. Probably Songbird.
White Tiger. Need more Combat.
>Only got 1 Gwen bio from special missions

Just started. Do I get Gwen, Sharon, and Loki through all the free 6*s?
probably heal
I dont think attack sets increase the summon attack
>Loki and Sharon

probably, but I'd wait a few days to let the dust settle first
So how do rifts work now?
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i got 2 Wiccan and SB bios to use a daily on each and unlock them, did one Hulking mission and then put my half hour into Wiccan.

But idk yet, i'm torn between WT, SB and Wiccan, kind of leaning towards WT, i'm just having trouble not using a mega rank-up on SB
Sharon Rogers and Loki are already known memes, we don't know shit about Gwenpool yet, give it a couple days.
I got five, what exactly is the percentage thing based on?
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can I use the 40 free bios tomorrow on she hulk?
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>get 13 gwen shifters during unlimited time
>only end up with 8 gwen bios
keke died for this
Songbird, because I need that dodge ignore for corvus and I like her more than the rest of the shield crew. Probably going for Ava after that.
Sharon. I dunno why you'd even consider, she's no where near as good as her or Loki
What level stages are you playing?
How do they get them to level 60 so fast? Do mega ranks raise levels too?
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Only ran the final stage of tiger's mission the entire time
>songbird sucks
Because she seems to be awful to get, and I thought new players got a mega ticket at the end. I was wrong, and they just get 2 6* selectors and Journey. So, who should I get as my third since I'm getting Sharon and Loki already?
Exp chips, how else?
Mega T2 tickets take them to 60.
What is the point of playing the game if you just pay your way to victory?
Any open spots in the alliances? I'm tired of my shitty alliance where like 3 out of 30 people play a day
Why even play this game when most of the time it's running on auto? ',:^/

Mega T2 ticket bypass everything.

To be fair desu, the grind in this game is real. Some people are just not cut out for it.
Yeah I don't see a reason to buy those Mega 6 tickets or T2 tickets. I like slowly easing the characters


She sucks haha
Squirrel Girl since I already got Songbird from the chest.
Just took my wasp to T2, how important is immune to guard break on her? Better than actual stats? I have a Lightning damage + Immunity + Guard Break Immunity obelisk, but I feel like I'm missing out on core stats. It's really fucking rare for me.
I just applied to symbiotic, my IGN is coaltoad
Mostly the same as before.
Instead of having to run a story mission, you just open up the Rift menu and Search (once a day without any VIP). You can see what you'll Open before you do, but if you want you can pay a small credit fee to search again.

Once opened, a rift has 30 minutes to farm. Instead of the previous "as soon as anyone completes it, the opener gets rewards" system, it's now "everybody in the rift shares a completion progress bar, and if it fills out everyone who did the rift gets rewards".

The Rift options currently are: all the Ant-Man and GotG former special missions (with Ant-Man and Wasp replacing the first and last stage bios in the Ant-Man stages), and Loki's Chitauri Invasion rift. The other old rift stages are gone.
Probably not since it's a generic selector.
Well it at least looks like she will be easy to beat in time line, like Loki and Sharon.
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The new New Player rewards.
>all these new cards
>they're all shit
It seems like my game suddenly bloated itself after the update, uninstall and reinstall will fix it?
each time they temp me more
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The new Returning Player rewards.
holy shit m8
It's like they want me to stop playing.
How does she suck?
Is the new nebula uniform worth a buy?
please respond
When will they start sending Korean prostitutes to new players?
Also what are the returning player awards? I don't remember anybody mentioning them since the black order came out.
Sharon rogers exists and can kill a every WB in 10 seconds, therefore any character that can't do this sucks. _____:^)
What exactly makes you eligible for returning player rewards?
Wasp doesn't do lightning damage so having lightning damage on her won't help at all.

And yeah, you want Guard Break Immunity. Without GBI, she can get knocked out of her 6*'s invulnerability shield.
I mean my WT is already lv40, between light grinding, lv5 chips and that the mega t2 takes thecharacter from 0 to 6/6/60 T2 it's "easy" to have them at 6/60
If you actively use Nebula, yeah, but all it does is take a mediocre character to being a somewhat less mediocre character.
>wasp doesn't do lightning damage
I know, it's just my only immune to guard break obby.

Ok :/
If you leave and don't play the game for 15 days (I'm pretty sure its 15) and then come back, you get returning player rewards.

Considering what you get from actually playing for those 15 days though it doesn't really seem as good as it looks on paper. Really nice for players that actually stopped playing and want to come back though
Not playing for 15 days. You can only do it once though.
That is nothing, between hot time and best condition you can do that in less than ten runs of the last story mission. 50 and up would take hours of grinding though, or a shit load lv5 chips.
Ah, yeah. Well, try to get a GBI obelisk with a better second stat. Something like dodge, crit rate, or max hp.
>Actually Songbird got in

Damn, so tempted to get back in the game, but I'm afraid she will be a shitty character and Loki will still be king no matter what.
holy shit gwen's running animation is adorable
That bitch ain't shit to the black order, especialy god damn Thanos. The paywall crew, Sharon, Gwen are better.
Loki is still the king.

Actually she's not even the best in her type, since Sharon donut steel exist.
>better than Loki
Sure, kid
It's a small thing, but I really do appreciate the new stages and tilesets.
I don't know if I want to know that, so there's characters more powerful than loki now?

>so there's characters more powerful than loki now?
>got a 3* Giantman from day 1 chest

I mean, i didn't even have him, but thanks i guess. Also, hopefully i'll get ANTS to T2 quicker thanks to the rift.

Also also, who should i use the 5* ticket on? Elsa, Ronan, Star-Lord, or Black Bolt? There's also IF, but he's easier to farm than the others.
BB would need it the most
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Well, there goes my motivation to get back in the game
Star-Lord. They took him out of the Chaos Chest

Yeah okay, not that anon but this clears up the hell happened to all the special missions
Star-lord is completely unfarmable, I'd vote for him
Not the one you replied to, but how do I get Star Lord now? Save up for the Blaster package? I'm already using spare blaster bios on him.
Wait, there isn't a SL rift? Shit, that sucks.

Anyway, one last thing for now, is Songbird the one i want to farm, then, if i don't have any Ignore Dodge strikers up there yet, and also for the shield? And who do i use the universal bio selector on? Angela or Whor?
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Wasps New Uni Is _____

>tfw they fucked her hair up
>blast selectors
>getting lucky with alliance battle
I think those are the only ways. 2x a month now they are giving out 40x bio selectors (tomorrow we get one IIRC) so those will help too
Man, it could be months before I get him to 6-star. Maybe there will be an even that gives us a 6-star rank up ticket.
Drax rift drops a pretty decent new card if anyone's interested. 2 guaranteed stats are recovery rate and physical attack
who are the best T2s right now?
Sharon, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Groot(mostly support), Ant-Man, and every Black Order
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>gwenpool has the christmas party team bonus
Loki's an easy win five out of seven days, what are you talking about?

He can even fuck with that most bastard of them, BD.
There's a few, but it's not many and he's still pretty top-tier
Loki is an easy Thanos win
I was speaking in regards to TL and BW. Loki is easy to beat even when a real person is playing. I've honestly had more trouble with Silk.
How is it fucked up if it looks really cute?
Squirrel Girl
But I unlocked Songbird first because I gave her 8 free bios.
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>you only get 1 bios from doing level 60 specials instead of the 2 regulars from pre-update

I'm visibly upset.
>not using your Unlimited to do EACH special mission (stages 1-6) for the first clear rewards to unlock all new characters.

This isn't worth it 2bh. You need to not open the game for 15 days. You can acquire much, much more by playing each day for those 15 days.

Changes her 1* skill I think, adds a laser, not too sure about DPS numbers.

Stop being such a little bitch Gasshunk, ffs. Loki is the least of your concerns in today's meta.
Oh, wait, you actually get 2 as well, just not as usual as the previous specials, so i'm still upset. Guess it compensates with pretty much every special getting a Gwenpool shifter.
What issue is this?
You can also get three but it is rare as shit. I got it once.
Gwenpool Holiday Special #1. Collected in Gwenpool #0. You can read it over in the storytime thread on /co/.

I finally defeated a WB, or so I thought, Corvus...
Motherfucker came back alive with full HP...
How do I win?
I used Hulkbuster, carnage and modok...
So who's the secret "Boss" of the New Avengers?

Since it can't be DeCosta...
Ignore dodge strikers and gitting gud.

Mostly ignore dodge strikers though.

He comes back to life twice.
It is DeCosta. That's the reason they can't show him and just danced around it.
thanks, I'll try to get gud
Looks like her shields doesn't increase the amount of hits per level
Actually, scratch that, how about Dr. Positron? I'll headcanon it as Dr. Positron.
With 4 or 5 dodge ignore strikers he's pretty easy, but without them he's a total asshole
Nebula's uni should have made her Blast
>Songbird is a dodge ignore striker
Best girl confirmed.
What are the other new characters' WB Ally Striker bonus?
Carnage can do it mostly alone. I lead with Elsa(who boost physical damage), and team him up with SpOck. Then you want at least 3 Ignore Dodge strikers. Honestly 4 if you can though. With Carnage four Ignore Dodge strikers, and one Regen rate Striker. I like Throot myself. Sometime when summoned he just makes his heal circle. But really you just need to manage your heal blobs, and learn to use Carnage's Iframes.

Essentially use his 6* into his 3*, into his 5*.
Strong damage with decent Iframes, decent damage with all Iframes, and finally jump back to get some range, do some decent damage, and run around grab your heal blobs.

Every time he regens he comes back with more health. On the last on he teleports a lot which can cancel your attacks mid strike, and make sure to watch out for his giant rave strikes.
is there a team bonus for two gwens and a goblin?
No, then they'd have to admit there was a connection between Gwenpool and Gwen Stacy.
>only two gwen selectors
I swore I checked and I had five just an hour ago
Squirrel Girl, White Tiger, and Gwenpool are attack speed. Wiccan is energy attack (8% instead of 10% which is bullshit since 10% is Magic and 8 is just energy projection). Hulkling is Defense.

soo who is the best character in the update?
I thought Wiccan was a reality warper that just wished shit to happen instead of an actual magician.
Too early to tell.
that's just what he thinks. both strange and wanda have pointed out that that's a perfectly valid branch of magic in itself, it just takes a lot of focus and imagination, moreso than a normal person can muster
Thanks a lot, as you could probably guess I'm rather new, I started playing in february, this is what I can work with as of now, I'm farming a lot of them...
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep on trying.
Is Hulk Buster worth 6'ing? Does he have a niche outside of TL?
So I'm new to the game, how do you get Gwenpool?
I mean this.
do the New Avengers special missions. there is a chance gwenpool will show up as a shifter ally. if you win, there is a chance you will get one (1) Gwenpool biometric. You need ten to recruit her,
>implying NM read comics
There is one between Gwenpool and Spider-Gwen.
I figured that, and with my Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man combination, I've been consistently getting Gwenpool as an ally, but of the 10+ rounds I've gotten her as an ally shift, I have 0 (zero) biometrics. Is my luck rotten, or my game bugged?
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Should I leave this obelisk as is, or enhance it and hope for the best?
Bad luck. I got five today.

Shifter-only on a special mission pretty much seems only a step above actually unfarmable.
Well, she is otherwise paywall, so it's better than nothing?
Am I the only one who likes the new rift changes?
>alliance member thinks this update is the doorway to xmen
>tell him all the shit that everyone says why they cant be added
>he refuses to understand me, and keeps spouting some shit about Legion making it possible for mutants

God fucking damn i want to strangle the mother fucker
Wait, is she not able to be picked in bio selectors?
Nope. I had a 10x selector set aside just for her and she's not on the list. the New Avengers are but she isn't
The only things I don't like are that it completely replaced most of the old rifts, and the new cover cards aren't really as good.

Only the monthly bio subscription and shifters.
Focus on leveling Loki and Ronan. You can have Ronan Lead a team with Loki in it, and that right there is at least one WB win a day once you get their patterns down.

After that you have Carnage and Silk, both can pretty much Solo a WB as well if you play them right. But if you have trouble with that, make a team of both of them and Spidey, they both get teamup bonus' with him.

And of course Sharon and Hyperion can do some serious damage to WB's as well. I use both of them to Solo most, but again you can pair them up. And while most people here are gonna be using the new Rifts to build up Wasp, you should probably think about devoting your time to Groot. He's great to have as back up during WB. He's hard to kill and you can swap to him, activate his healing ability then swap back out to let someone else use it.

And never underestimate the value of Strikers. Both for the bonus they bring to combat(get at least three Ignore Dodge for Corvus, every fucking time), but also for their own help when they jump in. Even you're not using sharon in your main team, she's amazing as a striker, almost always jumps in with her big ass 5* hammering down.

In fact the best way to get kills against BD is to just bring along a team of decent energy attack strikers and let them do most of the work.

Right now WB shouldn't be your priority, you want to focus on farming up, and leveling your gears and skills up.
>VS also reset

Neat, more ANTS bios.

>spent 1M+ trying to get an ANTS rift to finally max those last 25% from the 4th GiANTS gear, and then enhancing a bunch of isos to free up space

Goddammit, i made a good deal of dosh by doing AB and VS for the second time, but that still barely helped when i just burned through all that. Maybe i'll be able to upgrade the BM generator by friday.
Oh, and that it seems like there's not enough percentages earned per run per player. I get that they're really nice rewards for everyone in the rift, but it feels like it's too hard to earn ANY of them.

Oh, okay. Well, she's not happening, then. Too bad.
I have trouble expressing my disappointed resignation to this fact without uttering some version of "sigh".

Oh well, back to the grindstone it is. Thanks for answering, anyhow.
>there are people who actually open MODOK/Ultron rifts

For what purpose.
I love that Wasp is basically farmable now (even though if she costs 10 energy at best in hot time to farm)

I'm going to get her to 6* firstmost and buy her uni
>they took Star-Lord out of Chaos Chests and didn't replace MODOK with him in the rift

But why.
As I said before, I have consistently been getting her as an ally shift by having a team with Spider-man and Spider-Gwen (With Spider-Gwen as Leader) As in, 100% guaranteed (over 10 playthroughs) Dropping Spider-man and replacing him with Songbird left me without Gwenpool, bringing him back in made her return as well.
He's just grasping onto our only current hope. That Marvel is teaming up with fox to make the show is the only attention they've given to mutants in years... I agree its stupid to assume it'll fix all our problems, but we have to hold onto hope.
Got it! I'll keep farming! Thanks anon! :)
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Is Ultron supposed to look like a slack-jawed fucktard?
I mean, he is stupid but I also want to believe that Laura will someday will be in the game.

Is that so wrong?
Yes, yes it is.
pls ;_;
Oh and if you do start to get a reliable win or two against WB a day, resist the urge to start upgrading a Black Order. They cost waaay too much dosh when you have so many other things to focus on. Its a lot cheaper to pick a character easier to farm and make them T2. And several of those become guaranteed WB wins at T2. I'd recommend Antman, Ironfist, or Groot. All are relatively easy to farm, and go from decent, to absolutely unstoppable at T2... Especially ANTS! That fuckers is untouchable. T2 Antman will get a almost guaranteed win against HIM.
the cartoon/avenger mighty heroes look alike that. i think lot of future fight roster design is based from avenger mighty heroes(except gotg)
anyone know which the fastest farming for special mission? I'm gonna back farming special mission, my elsa almost ded by white tiger at stage 6, and wiccan seems the fastest one to finish.
Well that version is... his original costume just looks menacing, that one looks like he never shuts the fuck up.
Fucking Stark programming.
Keep on believing x-kid, they can't keep the embargo going forever.
I have considered that but I do find it really hard to upgrade skills and gear since I don't come around that much gold and getting bios is hard with the drop rate I guess.
This new SHIELD Lab looks like a total ass.
Is this thing decent? If so, who would it be useful on?
but it spins wooooo
>Alliance gets mad that I open rifts outside hot time

Well, I'm fucking sorry for having a fucking life and not being able to play while I should be studying
Also, how do you guys get that much exp for heroes? I have a hard time getting them to lvl 60 e.g.
best sharon

5 runs at level 60 missions (highest story levels, highest dimension rifts levels, highest daily mission levels) puts them at level 40

Two or three days farming high leveled missions should put them at 60 and you can always buy level 5 experience chips in store
>Open rift
>Press repeat button
>Thirty minutes later, press sleep button on phone

How does that interfere with studying? The game practically begs you not to play it.
Great way to get gold? Start up Auto co op and just let it ride as long as it can. You're bound to get some half decent gold. And of course go through the Daily events, and do TL.

I just stick a decent character as my Lead and auto play the final story missions. And everything else I can get away like that. It can take a few days, but they'll get up their.

I'm sure you don't get it, do you?

Using 10 hours everyday for school means that I'm unable to use energy as efficiently as I wished to

It means that I have only available one hot time to play, and I need to do all my shit under 4-5 hours

If I get a rift outside hot time I will fucking open it instead of waiting for it to get reset, because I want to farm Wasp

Do you get it already?
with how the game balance works out, one here at or just above lv 60 can carry the rest of your heroes up to 50+ in a relatively fast amount of time
Thanks for all the tips, I won't bother you anymore, thanks a lot.
Not Hulkling
Are any of the new cards good for cooldown or All attack?
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does Hulkling at least have Excelsior?
any advice on what I should be sticking on my blacksuit spider-man? mostly I've just been throwing on whatever boosts dodge and/or phys attack
Dodge with an invincible proc
Y, 2 of his skills do
Why does Wiccan look like he came outta Naruto?
So what's the lowdown on the new ability effects that we haven't seen before? 100% ignore something-or-other? A Bind effect that looks different from Snare? What's it all about?
Hey guys if I'm in a level 15 alliance with 30% cooldown from cards how important is my 20% CDR proc black widow card?
it's your elephant

Probably Wiccan.
So T2 Gwenpool took out my T1 Yonud with one use of her 5* skill
Seriously fuck Sharon Rogers.
If only.
every time I see a sharon I uninstall
You're supposed to do 3/4 rifts, not 5/6
Vibrating League is so trash.
Is Silk still meme or did the power creep finally get to her?
I can't defeat that Corvus fucker I give up
>>Sharon ignore shields
>>Sharon ignore iframes
>>Sharon crits all time
>>Sharon ignore damage
>>Sharon must be bugged
>>Sharon still do things that are not supposedly to do


>>Gwenpool appearing don't guarantee getting the bio
She can still kill wb, she just isn't as great in timeline because of T2s
She lacks power but I-frames and sheilds are still a keeping her in the game
>implying they purposely make Sharon's AI broken as fuck
>not just fucking Sharon with Lloki's stick
The new comic card lineup, by rift

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #1
Attack Speed, Poison Resist

Star-Lord (2015) #2
Defense Penetration, Critical Rate

Groot (2015) #5
Critical Damage, Defense Penetration

Avengers (1963) #318
Max HP, Defense Penetration

Drax (2015) #1
Recovery Rate, Physical Attack

Annihilation: Ronan (2006) #1
Energy Attack, Fire Resist

Gwenpool (2016) #3
Crowd Control Time, Recovery Rate

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #10
Attack Speed, Critical Damage

Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & the Wasp (2013) #1
Mind Resist, Defense Penetration

Avengers: The Initiative (2007) #20
Attack Speed, All Defense

Ant-Man (2015) #1
Critical Damage, Max HP

Loki: Agent of Asgard #17
All Attack, Cooldown Time

If whomever opens the rift has VIP 10, the bonus cards seem to all be taken from the old set of rift cards (Marvel Zombies, Armor Wars, Punisher, 1602, Black Widow, MODOK Assassin, Captain Marvel, 1872, 2099)
Loki doesn't have any uni's I like
Sharon breaks Loki's shield easily as fuck, and at T2 she'll wipe,you out in two hits and Loki clones don't even do that much damage because her T2 passive is just stupid
>If whomever opens the rift has VIP 10, the bonus cards seem to all be taken from the old set of rift cards (Marvel Zombies, Armor Wars, Punisher, 1602, Black Widow, MODOK Assassin, Captain Marvel, 1872, 2099)
Ty I was wondering where I got some of those from
>If whomever opens the rift has VIP 10, the bonus cards seem to all be taken from the old set of rift cards (Marvel Zombies, Armor Wars, Punisher, 1602, Black Widow, MODOK Assassin, Captain Marvel, 1872, 2099)

Wow, hope your alliance has some whales in it.
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>Open 3-6* box from login
>Pic related

I'd of probably preferred Tiger or SG. Oh well.
I kinda feel that the female chars steal the show for this update.
Wiccan has potential. Everyone is on Gwen right now because "Waifu" so no one is looking at the other characters
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>Everyone is on Gwen right now because "Waifu"
>tfw waifufag but don't really like any of the new girls
Which iso set is best for ant man, specifically T2?
I have my eye on Wiccan, last time I felt like this for a character was Warwolf due to his 6* buff skill, but that ended up being a half disappointment
So Squirrel Girl's summon uses a taunt on summon. Meaning you have to target it for attacks. That's really good.

I love that it's a fucking huge ass squirrel
So I can buy one of the type packages in the shop and use the 5* ticket on one of the new characters. Problem being I dunno which one. I'm also considering using it on Sin
Should I tier 2 Sharon for ULTRA MEME, get my Proxima to rank 20 gears, or get to work on HIM come Friday?
Is it really that important to work on Proxima's gear past 17? It seems wasteful.
Isn't this entire game unimportant and wasteful?
Anyone else notice Squirrel Girl's battle stance is the same as Kamala's but inverted
deep bro
It's about playing as your favorite Marvel waifus/husbandos. Or at least it would be if people didn't only play as the top-tier memes

If 90% of the chars didn't suck as bad then that wouldn't happen

Fortunately for me ANTS and Wasp are useful
Should I T2 Groot or start saving for Thomas?
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>Gwenpool is essentially paywalled like Carnage and Hyperion
Why aren't we complaining about this?
>Best way for Gwenpool bios is bio sub
>She appears as a shifter and has a chance to drop a bio
>Carnage and Hyperion bios can't be obtained from anywhere but the bio sub

No reason to complain, she's just a super fucking slow grind, it's best to just use a mega ticket on her.
Because you can still get her the free slow way through an ally shifter.
You're already meme scum, might as well go for Thanos
Sugar coat the shit as much as you want. She's essentially paywall. You can't use biometric selectors on her. At least you can use selectors on story mission shifters, such as Malekith and Black Cat. At least you can use type-specific selectors on A-Force characters. But not for Gwenpool, the only selector usable is the Bio Sub selector, just like Carnage and Hyperion.

Technically she is "farmable" through special mission shifters. Sure, you can get 10 bios from shifters and then use a mega 6* ticket on her. - but good fucking luck getting her gears to 20 exclusively via shifters alone.

But who knows, I may be exaggerating things. How many GP bios did people get, on average, from their special mission runs today? I haven't tried yet myself.
Paywall is defined as "completely inaccessible without the use of real money."

Gwendolyn doesn't fit that description
I said 'essentially' paywall, fuccboi.
>How many bios did you get today?

0, and she appeared about 8 times. Although I think I'm just really unlucky.
Somehow I got exactly 10 bios after running all my special missions, enough to unlock and throw a mega on her.
>Paywall is defined as "completely inaccessible without the use of real money."
I guess new players being able to select Carnage and Hyperion for free with their beginner rewards means Carnage and Hyperion aren't paywall ;']]
She appeared 4 times for me, and I got 3 bios.

I wasn't running straight 6 missions, though, I was burning through the low ranks.
>Gotten gwenpool shifter several times now
>No biometrics from any of them
>"Some heroes" will get extra rewards!

I thought shifter biometrics were a guarantee? I guess if not, do I have to play someone specific?
I'm gonna do what the one anon did, and use chars GP is allies with and see if that works out better.
Gwenpool is the only shifter with a chance to give a bio. Everyone else drops on guaranteed
If I recall correctly, Story mode shifters are a guaranteed biometric if they appear (except Melinda May), but there's a limit to how many times you can get Story shifters per day. Special Mission shifters have no daily limit, but only a chance at dropping a biometric. Unless that changed, in which case >>152025394
is probably correct.
For those who are new or may not remember, the ANTS special mission ally shifters would appear frequently/all the time but would only have a chance to drop bios. This is pretty much the same case with Gwenpool now.
songbird and squirell I think is fastest one to farm, I did 0:47 to 0:57 sec to finish it with elsa on stage 6.

I'm gonna farm all waifu first.
Relatively new player (1 month) here in need of friends and a guild.

IGN is Sum Ting Long
Nah, it wasn't guaranteed on the old Special Mission shifters. You could have Wasp show up during the YJ mission and not get any Wasp bios.
Songbird's skill are really boring.
You can join mine, I sent you a friend request
Got 5 bios for her, and she showed 10 times as an ally shifter, so all in all it'll take a little extra time to get her to 6 stars.
>a little extra
Remember how long it took to 6* a characters when the game first launched? About that long
Yeah, she's pretty much only standing still and teleporting, while still standing still.
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Wiccan uni when? Seriously I much prefer this design.
I don't know when, but that's an easy guess for a future costume.
so Gwen bio drop rate in the harder stages is about 5-10 a run? That's pretty good
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>Event: Gwenpool's 7 Day Check-in

She doesn't even have a scream sound effect as far as I can tell.
who do I t2 first? Iron fist or antman? Not gonna use a ticket on them
I miss the old days when the only teams you skipped in TL where the bad match-ups. Now there are teams you a absolutely have no chance of beating.

NM is getting really generous. They are saints in the mobile games market
>one thousand dimension debris
>t2 ticket
How's everyone dealing with the buffed AI in TL?
The buffed the AI? I guess that's why Thanos isn't Destroyer bait anymore. He used to use his laser skill one time and pretty much killed himself but now he won't so it at all. I did notice that T2 Sharon is basically unbeatable
>AI pattern in Timeline Battle will be more variable and all kinds of boost will also be applied
Reddit is reporting random invincibility procs on TL enemies despite nothing on their obelisks.
I didn't do my TL matches before maintenance and just now my HIM did die to a T2 Meme Rogers. Hadn't happened before.
I have about a 90% win against T2 Sharon with Silk, but sometimes she just knocks me out of the sky and blasts straight through the web shield for a nearly OHKO.
holy moly why kekek netmahbu so generous for everyone?
anybody here know which one is better cards with new update? I just get gwenpool and drax cards.
I wanna hug every person in Vibranium League that doesn't use Black Order, T2 Sharon, or T2 Moon Knight. People who do are cancer
You only like them because they give you high points
They now have higher dodge, invincibility, extra teleports, and no cooldown. Because fuck you and fuck your win streak.

Pre-update, my Wasp could take down just about any Thanos pretty reliably, even if it took a couple of minutes. Now she barely fucking hits him at all and his heal takes him to full every goddamn time. Oh, and he can dispel all your shit just like WB Thanos. Fucking bullshit.

I use T2 Wasp and T2 Sharon, but always switch off that team after getting my 10 runs in. But then, you probably were talking to the whales.
wtf happened on timeline battle? they have seems instant cooldown and fastermovement my roster died quickly now.
>got TWELVE (12) Gwenpool bios from my Special mission runs today
>some people got less than 10
>my chest was a 3* Squirrel Girl
It's a sign
I got 5. But I don't care since I doubt I'll be using Gwenpool any time soon, just need to unlock her to get the extra stat in TL
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What the fuck is wrong with Songbird's mugshot art?

It doesn't look QT at all. it looks like she wants to cry.
Gwenpool looks like an alien
didn't notice any difference and I did TL after the update

probably because of my HIM
And Wiccan is pretty much Sasuke.
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>it looks like she wants to cry.
Her life is pretty miserable.
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Who did everyone select as your main hero portrait?

pic related for me
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What's the point of them anyways? I'm pretty sure the chat still uses the leader of your current team
why is Nico so sexual?
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she was built for drunk goth sex in the graveyard after midnight
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s-stop bullying her :(
No, it definitely uses your selected portrait.
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Who is everyone going to be focusing their special mission farming on first?
its not bully if she enjoys my dick going raw in her pussy
White Tiger > Wiccan > Songbird.
opened the app twice today where's "KEKEK NETMAHHRBUU" sounds?

waifu first or the fastest one to farm.
boipucci > white tiger or songbird
Feeling Squirrel Girl then White Tiger
I 6*ed Songbird, so Squirrel Girl I guess.
its gone my famalan
rest in RIP keke~ sound, never fogret
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Oh you know.
Either Songbirb, or Scoia'tael Girl
Is there a hi-res version of that in-game Squirrel Girl banner?
Hulking>Wiccan>Songbird>Squirrel Girl>White Tiger
I plan on using Hulkling and Wiccan, only need Songbird for Dodge Ignore, and I don't really care about Squirrel Girl and Tiger
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as a matter of fact, all true goth girls are sluts, no exceptions

sorry but your waifu probably isn't virgin

at least they don't enjoy BBC
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>1000 DD
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Are you ready for Carol to steal Nico's girl?
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I'll eventually get around to farming all of them, but first up is most likely Wiccan. Then Squirrel Girl next.
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my universefu
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Got pic related from the card chest during the Sharon event (at 1*, took until now to level it up) then CW3 from today's legendary card gift... is good?
*dodges your attack
heh,,,nothing personnel kid
*heals all damage done to me
Songbird, with bio subscription going to Gwen. Waifus are really the reason for playing this game.
I can't see why a +14.5% bonus to Energy Attacks wouldn't be good unless you only use Physical characters

Doesn't have a lot of utility on it, though, hope you have some SCD and stuff on others
*hits you with the one inch punch destroying your internal organs*

SlavFist is my bae
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Focusing on White Tiger first, she seems like the perfect character to help me with combat days. I was going to just focus on her exclusively but now I'm thinking I might use today to try and at least unlock songbird and squirrel girl so I can roll for their iso sets get that gold commitment out of the way, they will be my next 2 I farm at any rate because like >>152036508 said its all about the waifus. Should get gwen today as well, 2 bios away and she'll get a mega rank up ticket and I can start working on her gears.
My TL team is Ronan boosted T2 Hyperion, so energy is great. This is the rest of my card bonuses, I feel like it's finally gotten decent.
Squirl is so cute! CUTE!

I want her to tirelessly ride my dick while she nibbles on my neck until I cum inside her cute ginger pussy
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NM pls
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Cute :3
>TW no more keke
Why do they remove fun?
I don't think she's into that. She seems either platonic or asexual
nothing like a good dicking to get her into the bussiness
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her teeth is lack that because of the lack of sucking dicks

NM fixed now she is a true slut >>152032908
enjoy your rabies
>gwen shifter
>"wanna be my sidekick?"
>"cool! hold this explosive for a while and stay still ok?"
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5/6 are the best if you want bios, though.
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>all these people in chat mega 6*ing farmable characters
Is there a verdict yet on the ideal ISO for Gwenpool?
>two t2 tickets
Holy shit nemabu
probably overdrive, hawkseye or iaag
Lucky me then, IAAG was the second 8-set I rolled on her
So I know Gwenpool bio is available for the 20-a-day thing, but is it available for the 200 bio & Stones packs?
No, the bio sub is the only way to get her bios other than ally shifting in special missions
How do you select one?
Go to your profile, there's an option to do that at the side of your hero pic.
depending on the obelisk, an attack set would work better. What is her obelisk?
~70% Recovery rate, ~30% crit dmg, and 140% damage for 1 attack. So practically an attack set on its own, plus the healing...
yeah, go for iaag
make use of that recovery
That was close Muggas, I'm sure glad we could beat the plan of that dastardly the loki!
So they're giving away tier 2 tickets for week and month bonus? Good because WB is dumb

Also who the fuck are all these new characters? I'm gonna mega rank up Squirrel Girl, she's cute
>Good because WB is dumb
u w0t
Need to have certain characters then do it 40483026 times in order to upgrade, no thanks
>Spend x40 bio selector on Carol to progress her to 4*
>End up 70/80
>literally who: the update

Look at this Sasuke motherfucker

Hulkling? Nigga what
Thanks I was bumbling around the team section earlier
maybe ask your grandson to google them for you, you fucking old timer
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How do you think most people got Wasp and Antman? They we're both shifters on the YJ special mission. For a while that was the only way to get those characters. People came for YJ, who at the time was a monster. But stayed for Wasp, who was revealed to be a beast, and Ants who turned into one with T2.
Yeah I guess only children would care about these nobodies
>Proximass, Daisy and WW combo
>Not broken as fuck in WB.

Honestly, who outside InfiTHANOS can resist that shit?
They should have started with that, and given him the Demiurge costume later on.
Is there any room in muggas

Pls respond
Did I make out okay? This shit cost me over 3 million gold
>White Tiger: PoAH
>Gwenpool: IAAG
>Songbird: Overdrive
>Squirrel Girl: PoAH
Any need changing?
Huh, is that anecdote that Cap tells about Alaska/Texas at the beginning of the Songbird special mission true? Cause that actually is pretty funny.
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>finally T2 GiANTS thanks to a rift before the daily reset
>try it on Corvus
>it's still lacking in DPS, even if he's as untouchable as Corvus
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>elsa 4th gear at 0% into +19
>spend first 3 bios, x40 instant +20
Wow, whats the stats for her summon once you've leveled it to 6*? Because if its strong enough, it could actually end up being a speed AB clearer at T2.
I don't think anyones gotten enough experience with these characters to accurately judge which iso's are best.

If anything I've heard that healing Iso on Gwen is overkill, just go with attack, but give her boosted regen rate. But again, I could be wrong, its too early.

Oh and also thats not bad in cost, I've spent that much getting a decent Iso for one character, let alone four.
I actually think it's more likely that they'll end up giving him his Sorcerer Supreme uni that he's going to have in Dr. Strange and the Sorcerors Supreme for the Dr. Strange update.

His current one is my favorite look of his though so it's a net loss either way for me. I love the star effect that him, Singularity, and ANAD Gamora have.

I don't think isos boost summon's attack so healing might be better for Squirl

Though it's a little early to tell
>Also who the fuck are all these new characters?
The New Avengers and Gwenpool. An anon did a storytime of all their issues over on /co/ yesterday during the maintenance. The Gwenpool one is still up (and the new issue came out today) and the New Avengers ones are still readable through the archive:
>>>/co/85518998 (Gwenpool 0-4)
>>>/co/85521866 (New Avengers 1-7)
>>>/co/85525104 (New Avengers 8-14)
>iron patriot, not CW

I think you're confused.

>the black order at tier 2

>not a whale


There's a Proxima Midnight at tier 2 fucking there
Did you hit your head as a child or were you born retarded?
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Um... thats what she is... Thats what they all are. Black Order start off as T2.

He's not a whale, you're a retard. Please shut up and lurk more.
>Muggas are full

Just fuck my shit up

you can't use a char under the six rank in world boss so he's still a whale

not to mention having Moon Knight and Hyperion at tier 2
You're still a dumbfuck. I'm not a whale and I have a 6* Proxima. Her and Ants are my only T2, and I worked my ass off for them.

Just because you can't seem to beat the WB doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.
I can understand Gwen, but not others.

no, you're the dumbfuck you fucking tard

how do you get Hyperion to 6* if he's a premium character outside of money? are you stupid?

I can beat the world boss all right, so just shut the fuck up
Weren't you expecting this?
I'd complain if
>a I cared about Gwenpool
>b we hadn't gotten 5 perfectly farmable characters
I think plenty of people spend some money. I don't call them all whales. Theres a difference between a player that puts some money into a game he loves, and the crazy fucking korean whales that 6* Thanos in a few days.

Can't beat proxima? What a cuck

whale is pretty much an all around catch term here

not only the term for the korean big spenders


what the fuck has even that got to do with anything? I can beat Proxima all right. You somehow think that you can get her to rank 6 so fast without using money
>pruning my friends list of inactives
>all these people with 1+ month inactive
>this one fucker with a T2 hyperion hasn't played in over a month
you'd think if you spent upwards of 100 dollars on a single character it would be incentive to play
Wipe the tears away from your keyboard
I spend 10 bucks month to get the daily bios, and I have 6*ed Carnage, Hyperion, and Sharon. I have a job, I enjoy this game, and so spending some disposable income isn't a big deal at all. If that makes me a whale, then so be it. You're still a faggot though.

you sound like someone from reddit
Reddit meme-name for Thanos.
I got a 3 star Falcon.
Whoooooo. Yay me.
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>tfw just got my first 2/5 on SG thanks to T2 GiANTS

Noice. Too bad it'll stay like this for at least a month or two, since the only farmable character i have close to 6* is Deathlok.

Anyway, who're you guys gonna use the T2 ticket on? I'm thinking on Ghost Rider, since he's the only character with T2 that i have close to maxing.
Why would you waste the ticket like that
I kinda like GR, and the T2 buff against villains seems nice for WB.

Also, my roster's pretty shit since i'm a free player and only been playing for a month or two consistently. Currently, my only 6* are
>Ghost Rider

And of those, GR is the only one with a T2 now. I may just save the ticket for YJ, though, if he ever gets a T2.
ghost rider can defeat i-thanos, what the fuck are you saying?
Damn those new player bonus' make me rage. Getting 6 characters to 6* in two months... fuck it took us so much longer at the start. Now you get all those rank up tickets, and Exp tickets out the ass.
this desu
it really makes you think
seems balanced to me
Where da Muggas at?
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the 7-day check-in rewards aint bad either
Songbird's normal attack is insanely fast and her 3* is a shield like Silk and Loki.
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Asking right now
Which of the new heroes is worth it and which are garbage?

I wasnt blown away by the others, but Wicchan and Gwen were cool, considering on t2 them both
He didnt even use her 6* either which from what it looks like deals a shit ton of damage.
First character where attack speed is actually a viable stat?
see >>152063031
Sb looks neat
Yeah, the new T/L AI is some serious fucking bullshit.
Can't go wrong with Cap.
Well, I'm mega ranking her up
Use T2 characters you fucking moron.
Holy shit, T2 Wiccan is a bitch to fight in T/L.
>all those i-frames
>all that snare
>5 second silence
You better not, that's gonna get nerfed 100%
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>everybody said she was shit the first day
New. Got Sharon day 1. Getting Loki and Silk later with my free 6*s. Who should I get next / focus on farming?
Is it though?
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Yeah it's just a normal autoattack, there's no way it's intended to be that good
My T2 Sharon can't make a shitlick of difference when the enemy Sharon decides to use her 3* every 5 seconds and remain permanently invincible. When I finally get her HP down to half in the microseconds that she's vulnerable, she's got a 5-second invincibility shield because fuck off. Then in between her fucking 3* and that obelisk, her healing ISO kicks in because it took a whole goddamn minute just to whittle her down that far WITH MY OWN FUCKING T2 SHARON and then she's at full HP again.

So you can put your dick right back in your own asshole where it belongs, this shit is fucking broken.
>roll an attack set for Star-Lord
>get ready to replace my precious awakened isos
>only had to change one iso
Yeah, prior to this patch, dealing with Sharon in T/L was trivial because she rarely used her 3*. Now that shit gets prioritized.
but desu there has never been any characters that actually have useful autoattacks
Why would autoattacks exist when you can just max CDR and spam those abilities?
I feel like it was intended, and it's intended to stay
Her shield probably gets nerfed doe
Yellowjacket's autoattack was incredibly good when he first came out
Of course nobody noticed because everyone was outraged about his skills
he was good but was a sitting duck

songduck can take advantage of her shield
He wasn't a sitting duck
His thing was the outrageous amount of iframes and paralysis
Team Pym with YJ as leader was the original TB meme team
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>Proxima is still a Sharon killer
Not only is it prioritized, none of the AI's moves have any cooldown whatsoever, the only thing stopping them from repeatedly spamming the same move over and over again seems to be wait FUCKING NOTHING because I just got out of a match where Thanos was repeatedly spamming his 6* one after the other. Can't exactly kill the fucker if he's constantly sitting up in the sky shitting nuclear turds at you, and when he does come down he'll either instantly heal whatever you hit him with or negate the damage entirely before ducking into his damn toilet again.

This bullshit AI change has made practically every character in the game non-viable in top-tier matches except Thanos and T2 Sharon. Why did they fuck with it this bad? Are they trying to make it even worse than live PvP so it'll hurt less when they shove that up our asses too?
Hopefully this doesn't carry over to Battleworld too.
I meant he was a sitting duck if you used only his auto attacks
YJ was the original meme with his leadership and 5/2* skill
but his auto wasn't reliable like songbird
this happens if your conection is shit
it didn't happen with me yesterday after the update
It's only "reliable" because she has a shield
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that was my fucking point fuck
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using a 6* selector on Sharon was a good idea, right?
Anyone who thinks she isn't eating a nerf is stupid
When did they nerf anyone? They only added stronger characters or something like that.
Haha let's make a character whose most attractive feature is her autoattack :)
The Runaways are getting a tv series!
Can somebody please post the new team bonuses? I'm curious about it but ain't gonna install this again,
>the only way to beat a meme is to use another meme
T2 was a mistake.
It does a lot of damage but requires her to stay still and it prevents her from taking momentum. Get her into a stun lock and she's fucked.
He probably has really powerful cards though
>S-Stop using a character you took at minimum a month to build up and required you to build up at least fifteen other characters to get! It's unfair!
Why's he saying it like a question?
But why?

Other than that, cool. Marvel has been talking about doing a Runaways series since before Iron Man came out. The MCU taking off actually just caused it to get delays and thus shelved. Guess they ended up pulling that one back out of the vault.

Although as much as I liked the Runaways, I'm not sure if I really have any interest in them getting in the game other than Nico. Vic and Chase could be cool, I guess. Not really any interest in Gert, Karolina, Molly, or the girl with the plant powers who I don't even remember the name of.
I think that lines in response to Tony asking "is there anything more we should know" or something like that
So because he's not sure whether it's relevant information or not, and of coursr that NM had to let us know of his and Hulkling's sexual orientations
They nerfed Green Goblin. Groot got a small nerf. That's mostly it.
Yeah, he's a super-whale. Like, over VIP 15-tier. His cards are all probably insanely stacked.
GG wasn't a nerf. It was a fix because the skill wasn't working how they intended
They changed the targeting for all of his other moves, which before used to track no longer did, making them miss most of the time even against AI.

Green Goblin from before he was given a 6* was a better character than he is now.

Do muggas even come here anymore
>Why can I only buy the T2 package for twice ? The item disappeared after I bought the second time
They'd lose money if you could max everyone out with crystals.
is songbird related to birdy?
what's the best level of rift for just getting debris?
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>Also, my roster's pretty shit since i'm a free player and only been playing for a month or two consistently. Currently, my only 6* are
>Ghost Rider

Stop complaining. Back in my day, we couldn't even get a 6* character with only a month and a half of playtime. You are lucky to have started playing when the new player rewards are quite generous.
Is MAA2 getting cancelled? There's rumors about.

Might have to hop on board this or CoC of its the case.
Don't care. Still going to farm White Tiger for my wetback waifu.
I'm gonna mega rank up Squirrel Girl and you can't stop me
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I do, mugga
Are muggas gonna have room soon?
do it

I just did Songbird
>tfw old mugga from /mhg/
>quit mh
>don't play this game enough to apply to muggas in mff

>Might have to hop on board this or CoC of its the case.
CoC is garbage. If you're going to play a freemium mobile Marvel game, this is your best option.

And yeah, MAA2 is going the way of MAA:T.
Are the 6 ISO-8 Package and 5 Custom Gear Package worth it?
ye bro blow your crystals
We're all active at the moment.
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Oh but I should mention we boutta hit level cap so we should have 1 spot soon
Looks like you're full on requests tho so I guess I don't have a chance
Requests aren't even open because we don't have free spots
What level are you guys? How often do you guys get Alliance achievement?
Oh I didn't realize it did that

Well hopefully I'm around when the slot opens up
We get the daily achievement every day I believe, weekly achievement in a day, two tops
So, after the dust settled, who's disappointed with the update?
I wish there were more uniforms
SG is cute

What more do you need
uniforms are comming for the mid patch
like always
to be good
Then git gud
I don't care about any of the new characters, but it's fine. I have my roster to max out
I do
I am the mugga drawfag without a tablet

accepting donations for a new wacom
Pretty good update tbqh.
>5 new farmable characters (6 kind of, but not really)
>get rid of story farmable trash in muh rifts
>ants and waspfu farmable
>choose whatever rift you want each day
>new login rewards system a million times better
not much to complain about, its the most new content with 5 special missions we've seen in months
Got rid of Destroyer too
she can´t git gud
No, YOU git gud
tl is hard as fuck now
its anoying
no one is accepting my friend requests. what dicks.
The rift changes alone make it pretty great

I can finally max Wasp's gears at least
are you guys able to connect rn?
squirrel girl can´t git gud..
So what level are the current alliances?
Special mission drop rates fucking nerfed
Symbiotic is 25.
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donut hoodie gwen uni when?
Post mission completion times for stage 6 of the various new special missions

>Using HIM
how's nebula with uni?
I get about the same for squirrel girl (last stage) using a healing set proxima
wiccan really looks like sasuke
White Tiger mission 6
>yesterday with Jane Thor (manual)
0:45 to 0:50
>today with star-lord lead T2 sharon memegers (manual)
0:31 to 0:37

Thor cleared the stage a lot quicker, but Sharon instagibs the boss which saves a lot more time. Might some time with ronan-lead thor and see if its any better. Sticking to WHO/Memegers for now because I just got WHO from 4* to 6* and he needs levels. Low 30's seconds is decent time too I think
No, T2s are coming for the mid patch. We won't get any new unis until the 2.5 update.
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Got from daily chest
The lack of unis, T2s, and 6* are a disappointment, and I'm still not sure how I feel about the dimension rift reworks yet, but overall I still think it was a solid update. Not the awesome super-update I was hoping for but still good overall.
Better but still nothing special. She can get pretty good dps if she's outfitted with a lightning damage obelisk but she doesn't really have much else going for her.
Is it worth getting for the qt factor?
Is T2 Ultron worth it?
What stages are best to do in rifts now?
Not really. Even with the increase to his summons' stats, they're still pretty frail, and the increase to Ultron's skill damage is too minor to make much of a difference. It's a good T2 to go for if you really like Ultron, but it's not nearly as helpful as some of the other T2s.
What type of custom gear should I use on Sharon Rogers?
heard you hearth
what's the fastest way to grind gold?
If you're at least VIP3 then Co-op
what about exp things
I miss the old rifts.
Best way to get experience is to grind 10-5 to 10-8 and special mission stage 6 during hot time.
Between all the Spiderman outfit which one is the best? Seems to me it's the black outfit right?
CW Spider-man is the best by a wide margin. Better CC than the black suit since it adds webs to a second move, and it increases the damage on his web shots to the point that it's his strongest move.
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But i ain't complaining, just stating my current roster. Hell, i think that you guys would feel even worse knowing that current new players can get a 6* character right when they start.
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damn son
it's basically sexts cuz you can only get 0
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Valuable numbers
So attack speed for Songbird?
Neat, first quints in 5 years of lurking. Not like the GET matters since all of them are wasted in /vg/ anyway.
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I meant, like for her 4th gear slot.
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It surely feels good being best girl
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>CW Spider-man is the best
But it's so expensive nyoron~. Speaking of which, what'd Shock damage do? Just DoT?
Is running stages 3 or 4 still the best choice for rifts?
Gwenpool T2 raped me in TL. I can take IF/Hype/Groot/Sharon T2 in any combo just fine. That bitch dropped presents and wiped my team with her ass.
>want to level my new characters
>done specials for the day
>dimension rifts give shit xp
>the highest level story missions that actually give bios I need are chapter 8 that give shit xp
Yeah she can take out my T1 Sharon that usually can take on black order and other t2s including t2 Sharon
is it just me or if you run auto in dimension rifts it'll keep going even after time ends along as there is another one open and a spot available!?!?!
>Just DoT?
Yep. It also staggers certain enemies. Useful in Alliance Battle. Useless everywhere else.
Farm 10-5 through 10-8 anyways, and just feed those bios into Thanos. He needs like 6000 bios so the earlier you start investing, the better.
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Told ya

I think you posted wrong image, here let me help
How does Dimension Rift completion reward work?
cant wait for her t2 and a new uni

before elektra
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She's getting T2 soon, r-right?
I hope so.

Also SpiderGwen ;_;
it's pretty simple, if everyone clears a rift enough times, anyone who participated in the rift gets a reward.

the amount required is pretty substantial, though.
Everytime someone runs the rift, the completion rewrad bar increases. If you get it to 100%, it'll give you a bunch of gold then reset. If you get it to 100% again, it gives a bunch of dimension debris. If you managed it a third time, then you get x100 energy.

Mind you, the closest I've seen any rift get to in the 30 minutes is 40% and that was with 5 people running it, so I don't know how anyone is supposed to get it to 100% - 300%.
Shame, ANAD Spidey looks bretty cool.
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Yeah, with her Slottified All New costume, and a great T2 that increases bleed damage.

Truly worth it for a slut like her!


Seriously, though, I expect her to get a good passive that actually makes her worth it, with some new status like Bad Luck or some shit like that.
Wait, whats Black cat's new costume?
Yeah, she's the only one among the 5 remaining characters in need of 6*s that isn't farmable. If any of the 5 is going to get special treatment, it'll be her.
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Can't wait for Black Cat to get this costume in this game, too.
What happened to Marvel Heroes.
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>All New costume

Honestly it looks okay, she really doesn't have a lot of costumes to choose from

Just do a special promotion promotion and stuff her in Catwoman's outfit, I'd buy that

Yo wtf
Having some slight trouble deciding between a 6* Hero Pack or a couple of Squirrel Girl Packages to get her up. For 450 more crystals, you get a bunch of gold and gear and shit, so I'm leaning towards that option.
to be honest family its better if you just farm it

you can get about 25 bios day plus daily speed bios, its a quick farm
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It's the Felicia Hardy from Earth-65 (first seen in Spider-Gwen #5).

pretty glad i jumped ship from MH to this. Angela might bring me back for a bit, but this game seems to update more frequently
Please stop reminding me of the massive waste of potential that is Spider Gwen's run
Did Marvel Heroes ever end up getting their 75th Anniversary Cap skin?
Is it me or did they make Hulkling and Wiccan look like Aniki and Leatherman?
I don't feel like Marvel Heroes has any "new" problems, per se, it's just that so much stuff has been "in the pipe" for so long that after doing the huge anniversary event (and playing for years), it needs more content beyond "leveling new characters". If they could do a major retool of the modes they already have (like X-Def), it'd help, but they really just need more new stuff in general. There's still not even a red version of the Red Onslaught raid, let alone any more one-shots.

gwen cgi trailer
Wasp rift im in atm has 5min left, it's 5/5 capacity and its at 45%
my rift is at 50% with 10 min left

this shit is impossible to fill
What's the biggest capacity rifts with VIP? It doesn't even sound possible to max out more than maybe the first level with 10 people running, let alone 6 (5+opener)

My vip10, heroic rifts show 7 capacity, so I don't know whether you need to be in a high level vip's/high tier rift
I got at about 70% in my rift

I think it is possible to clear one, but everyone else ran out of energy
But that's the thing. It's crazy to think that it's such a herculean effort to clear it once, when it's something that's meant to be cleared up to 3 times.
I have just confirmed:

You do hop to the next available rift if you are running auto and the timer runs out
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Yeah, Cap got an American Dream enhanced costume. It's okay, but the hair looks kinda messed up.
I noticed that yesterday, when a 5M remaining rift suddenly became 29M remaining

better than our Secret Wars costume desu.
That wasn't the 75th Anniversary Cap uni though. Each Marvel game got an OC Cap, and Marvel Heroes' was supposed to be a "Modern Day Cap" or some such.
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Honestly wished we had gotten Iron-Captain America instead of Sharon Rogers.
We already have Iron Patriot...
There's Iron Patriot :^)
Don't worry, dess. I love Felicia too, just not as much as I love Songbird.

really? then no, that never happened lol. i had just assumed that that costume was all Gazillion could muster.
>Marvel Heroes 2016 (PC Game): Captain America (Modern Military) - Hailing from a reality in which he was born 75 years later, brave volunteer Steve Rogers became the first and only human to receive a dose of the Super-Soldier Serum just a few months ago. Inspired by the search-and-rescue specialists of today’s United States military, Captain America leaps into battle, determined to face today’s threats to liberty and freedom.
How does he look?
>Modern Military

So he's a dumb redneck who just wants to murder the sandniggers?
Who knows. Nothing has been revealed since the announcement a couple of months ago.
If you're trying to be funny or edgy or something, you're way off the mark

Just a cringe post
>cringe post

Hello Plebbit
Maybe they themselves have no idea what to give him, I mean MCU Cap is already plenty modern.
Got a heroic 7 capacity rift I can open, any character anyone would prefer it to be?
ok so I am going to buy a monthly goy pack

Is it best to use it all on my carnage first? He's at all 18 gears and then use 1 day in Hyperion? Where should the rest go? Gwen?
Unlock Hyperion
Max Carnage gears
Wasp is really popular right now
The Monthly Bio Subscription? Just get 20 to unlock the hero and save the rest for gear upgrade and Tier-2 advantage. Rank paywall characters up with Mega 6* tickets that goes on sale.
We need an option to just randomly upgrade all 1-3* cards into 4* cards so we don't have to fucking tap repeatedly for 5 minutes
I got carnage before mega rank ups where a thing. That's why he's at 18 gear
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I thought drops were nerfed?
Obviously you would use the monthly Subscription to level up his gears instead of that $80 Tier-2 Advancement Pack.
>running someone's Loki rift on auto
>glance over and see it's at 82%, but with only time left for one run
holy shit
Kinda, two is less common than before but they added the possibility of getting three
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Do you think Uncanny Avengers are next?

Will they actually add Deadpool?
I'm sure Netmahbuh wants to put Deadpool in but Marvel says no
So Songbird the go-to? Not sure I need her for Blast Days since Sharon Rogers does well there.
I would do Gwen, but I've gotten 4 bios in 2 days. Fuck rng.
Don't go Songbird yet. Give it a few weeks since they might nerf her auto-attack.
I guess they could add Voodoo and Synapse, give Cap and Spidey unis and maybe add Wanda or Pietro?
Unless they suddenly got rights to mutants, but i imagine if that happened they'd add other teams with mutants first

Hmm. I need a combat and speed character to clear those days. I thought Gwen's heal wasn't strong enough.
It's not
The only thing that really keeps me from wanting mutants in is that they'd deluge with all the A, B, C, and D-listers before they ever got around to colorful non-mutants the likes of Elsa Bloodstone and Warwolf, especially with the MCU commitments they already make, and there's still more deep cuts and villains I'd love to see in.

(On the flipside, we'd probably get Iceman out of the gate to make up for the lack of Cold Damage options - I'm still hopeful for Blizzard someday.)
Is the chaotic nornstone pack worth it?
Yeah, unless you can beat WB a lot
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Would it be a mistake?

I'm on the fence and so tempted. I am 30 bios away (maybe a week or two more of rifts) from 6* on her and I got a pretty great obelisk on her and her gears at +15. The uni looks so nice since her default I think looks pretty shit by comparison.

Her t2 is the same as BW's and having BW at T2 already I know she is quite solid so I'm thinking nebula might not be too bad either if I t2 her (a while off but still).

Wat do?
Do it if you like her. Don't save up for memes only
I bought her uniform because the movie version of her looks like shit, and it changes her slightly. It's not the biggest improvement, but you should only buy it if you have the extra crystals.
Yeah. Rather we'd never have gotten some of the people we have if they could have just dumped A and B tier mutants in instead

But like Iceman, I'd lie if we got Human Torch to make use of Fire Damage boosts
Pretty much. Mutants will flood the roster and make it impossible for less known people to get in.

And hell, I can guarantee the mutants that will be given priority if they even got in will be first and foremost the famous and old timers like Cyclops, Storm, Iceman, and Wolverine.
Thanks anons I'm going to do it, I must follow my heart
Holy shit the black antimatter tiered sale is awful.

400 BAM for 3200 crystals
leveling really slows down after 40 huh
>Do you think Uncanny Avengers are next?
Obviously not since Rogue, Deadpool, Quicksilver, Cable and Johnny Storm can't be added and Wasp, Captain America, and Spider-man are already in the game.

All that leaves is Doctor Voodoo and Synapse, and I doubt anyone really cares about Synapse.
Is Thanos worth 2 whole months of farming?
Yep. Levels 55-60 are especially excruciating.
Putting makeup on an abomination won't make it any less of an abomination.
On the upside, when you get a character that can auto play any of the missions in the last chapter, you snowball from there, getting all your other character to 60 under a day.
my SR cap is at 46, so soonish I guess
why is Gamora green if she's not related to the Hulk?

checkmate atheist
>doubting HIM
How's Stark Backing on T2 Moon Knight ?
Game will be down for approx. 30 mins
Starting in ~40 mins
Holy shit a T2 Gwenpool in TL almost 1-shot my HIM.
They had an increase damage by 140% obelisk too, not sure if it proc'd... It must have.
She's basically a stronger version of Elsa. Once her T2 proc activates she's crazy, but without it she's just decent.
Anyone know where to get Rank-up tickets? I've got every star level except for rank 3 lined up.
Tickets are only available through sales or special events. Tickets Rank 2-4 are basically obsolete now, so they don't give them out anymore
damn. maybe I should just wait for a mega ticket then.
Just buy a x200 bio selector then ticket the rest of the way
Unless the character you're interested in is paywall?
>finally got 2 world boss wins
>2nd win screen was blank
>after going back to the world boss menu I have 4/5 Play Count

probs cos of maintenance
Kill the game senpai, we were playing inside a maintenance.
Enjoy your 5 Obelisk Jane Foster.
He probably wants Gwen
Oh, I didn't now if it might supercharge his healing.
What should I look for instead?
The CD on his T2 passive is already short enough for maximum survivability. A heal set won't prevent him from being OHKO'd, which is pretty much the only way to take him out.

An obelisk with an invincibility proc and recovery rate would be ideal.

Stark Backing doesn't have a RR stat boost, IAAG does, if you really wanted a healing set. An attack set would be ideal to boost his DPS since it's not the best.

Yeah if it's paywall (Gwenpool included) then it's best to pick up the mega 6* ticket, when it's a 2,600 crystal tiered sale preferably.
His dps doesn't have to be the best if you plan to use him in Timeline Battle, Battleworld or Alliance Battle. Surviving the abuse of the former and the gangbang of the latter 2 help win matches.
Dude, I just realized Gwenpool and Wiccan can beat T2 Moon Knight, sure he can still fully heal but they can ignore the 3 secs he's invincible
Might have something to do with the fact that a woman and a gay rank higher in the social hierarchy than a crazy person on the Marvel pyramid.
Who else
>used way too many resources on gwenpool
Bought a $80 Tier-2 Mega Advancement Ticket?
I don't like Gwenpool desu, so not me.
No but I used a mega rankup ticket + mastery ticket, rolled IAAG on her and got her a decent recovery obelisk
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So who would this suit the most?

I'm thinking it would be great for a passive healer like Gwen but I'm not sure I'll be getting her anytime soon.
Gwen needs recovery rate. This works for Sharon
Bitch please, you don't know the meaning of using too many resources
Are you regretting it? I'm waiting to see if she's meme or not. I can't trust vidoes because their cards are stupidly good to the pojnt where everyone does Proxima-tier damage
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New, how good is this? Anyone in mind I should specifically give it to?
Nothing extensive.
Bought the tiered Mega 6* ticket as soon as the update was live yesterday.
Got 12 GP bios yesterday and unlocked her
Used the Mega 6* ticket on her today.
Fully mastered her using stocked up green Norns. Gonna save the Mega Mastery ticket for any future Combat characters because lol forever short on red Norns.
Got another 12 GP bios today which is pretty generous of RNG.

But now's the case of maxing her gears. I think I'm just going to stick with it for the long haul and slowly grind her bios as I farm Wiccan.
It's decent for Supergiant but she's a long ways off for you. It's fine for any character with high dodge like the Spider, or any speed type really
Not at all. Planning on T2ing her.
Oh wait I didn't see ignore dodge. It's a pretty bad obelisk. It's might work for Star-Lord. Healing procs are really good
>Whal- I mean Alliance Tournament
>PoAH on GP and Wiccan
Girl Penis?
>Pick 3 characters to represent you
Thanos and Sharon will be in every single team
>certain characters will be banned each week
Well ok then
You want a healing set on Ginger Porn to go with a recovery rate obelisk to make use of her passive.
>an all Black Cat, Elektra & Sin tournament
Guys... Please reassure me Stark Backing is a sufficient Healing set and that I shouldn't keep rolling for IAAG like an autist
It costs ~14mil to get a good chance at IIAG.
How much BM and CNS I need to take a non-him BO to 6/6/60?

When will we get an old cap uni?
>wanting old man
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>spends over 6k crystals on cards
>get shitty cards
>fuse the shitty cards in hope of getting at least something decent
>get worse cards than before

I am not even mad... I am sad
so much crystal farming for like 2 months
The fuck wrong with you
rafa ya dumb fuck
This would be so much cooler if they had leagues so every Alliance could participate.
As it stands it's fucking useless
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What's the best iso set for the best girl? I think Overdrive will suit her.


Uh, what? I still see it ingame.
>spider Gwen in battle world
Wow a little late for that
It's not on the event box anymore but you can still see it on the event tab. Still 9D and 2H left.
The events tab is not accurate. It has been removed
angry hulk
make use of that insane attack speed
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Wew. Can't believe I actually did it

Marvel.com: There are also some visual changes coming in the form of uniforms and “primary characters”—what do these entail?

Cho Doohyun: All of the characters in our game are originated in Marvel Universe. It is extremely important to us that we are delivering the charms of our characters properly. In the past we made changes to Iron Man’s modeling to better reflect the inspiration from the movie “Captain America: Civil War.” And this time we are improving Sharon Rogers and Sin’s faces for better looks. Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Winter Soldier had changes to their body shapes. Character modeling improvement will be a continuous effort so our characters live up to players’ expectation.
More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/video_games/26610/gwenpool_crashes_into_marvel_future_fight#ixzz4Hgequawt
I just want them to do each character fingers, like with Silk, SpOck, and SpiderGwen.
It would be appear that AI Loki now starts of with her shields and follows up with her clones. Smart AI is pretty neat

If they don't fix literally who CW Hawkeye I'm gonna be pretty salty.
Anyone use MEmu with multiple instances?
If so, how do I determine the default .ova/instance used when I boot the MEmu exe? Otherwise I'll just have to start booting the instant manager first.
Hey guys just ignore the redditor above
So what are assembly points good for, besides Energy?

And don't say Assembly box, 3 times in a row thats just given me 1 gear up kit.
Why do you people call thanos HIM?
because HE is so great
Guys Which ISO Set SHud I put on My 6 strs Floki? What bout ShaRog? Can She beat 5/5 Infinity Thomas?
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When he was first announced the game had a loadscreen with his silhouette and the tagline "HE IS COMING"
I want to fuck her right in the pussy and then cum my one month worth of cum on her tummy and breasts and then force her to wear the uniform
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>tfw I have more ass than her
and I am not even fat
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Who has best MFF ass?
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proxima got the biggest ass but her neck and the rest of proportions are kinda weird
SongBird got the biggest ass + proportions
just look at her ingame model
We need some pics to compare
You answered your own question with that pic.
Yeah, the problem I run into is a lack of characters to level up more than anything else. I'll go long stretches where everyone is already the max available level.
Whats the best difficulty to farm the special missions?, now that they nerfed the drops
Yeah, it's a really cool idea, but at "Top 16" it's pretty much Whales Only.
Just ran special mission

Last Stage Songbird

20 bios + 5 gwen bios

Yesterday: Last Stage Squirrel Girl

25 bios + 9 Gwen
>So what are assembly points good for, besides Energy?
Nothing. They can only be used on Energy and Assembly Boxes, and as you said, the assembly box is the single most useless waste of resources in the game.
She is like the easiest World Boss. If you can't 5/5 her, you should be ashamed of yourself.
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>special mission victory screen
>time left: 7 seconds
>manage to squeak in one last entry before it expires
Highest. Always highest.
Anyone know how many points equals 1% scd?
>she is the easiest wb
That is not proxima.
3 days in, how is everyone's special character(s) farming coming along?

Got my Ava to 3* today, pretty lucky with some 3 drops and ended up with exactly the 40 needed to rank up. Got the 10 necessary to unlock SG and songbird yesterday. All Ava now until she's 6*
#-3 for the faster clear rate thus more chances of Gwenpool encounters and thus more potential Gwenpool biometrics.
is T1 hyperion any good?
gwen drop rate is higher at higher stages
Yeah, he's great.
Why didn't you bitch like this for Jessica Jones or Spider-Gwen? I hope you get punched the fuck out by my 6* 20/20/20/20 F2P street clothes waifu in Timeline you ignorant bitch.
>beat Maw with just 1 second left

I hate this teleporting cunt.
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>tfw AB gives you easily farmable bios on the days you can beat it, 90% of the time
They need to switch it up

Everyone forgot about Sin, Kamala, miles, Jessica Jones and spider Gwen (until now because she got battleworld today)
I only have 20.4% SCD from my cards, so, should i set all rolls for SCD on my ANTS 4th gear?
I think battle world, lab shop, converter, warp device, VS and AB should just drop guys who aren't mission and rift farmable
Critical rate
And I always beat him in less than a minute. GIT GUD BITCH
Really? All of them for CR? I figured that with more SCD, it'd be more than enough to spam his 5* and activate his T2 passive more often, for speed days and shit.
When will be get a true symbiote spider man uni? now this cloth renew your vows bullshit

Give him a good Attack Iso, then gear for Reg rate and he's pretty damn good. You can use him to almost solo a WB, especially with a good team. For a while I lead with Singularity for dat energy attack boost, and paired him with Thor. But I spent a little effort and upgrade Cap and Ironman, and he synergizes with them better for WB I find.
Saw this coming... She seems like she'd be a beast for AB.
wait but today isn't speed d- oh I forgot it is the free day

Gonna need some T1 footage
Proxima's a hungry bitch.
>almost solo a wb
Nigger I solo every wb with the exception of black dwarf and Infinity HIM with T1 hype.
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His gear will only go up to 15 though, all my bios are going to gearing up carnage
How long did it take you to rank him up all the way and im going to guess you got every wb 5/5?
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2 months, 31 kills a week

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Guess I might tier-2 her instead of Ant-man for my token speed Battle Alliance character.
With the new timeline change they may as well JUST remove the Ace bonus entirely because it's almost fucking impossible now
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what are you on about? proxima + silk + loki is still autowin for me
Spider Update 2.0
More like a dumbass for using Loki on defense.
Can't wait 'til saturday to see if she can still wreck Thanos like that.
Not bad

I used mine today and she got fairly far despite being T1 with shit gear and isos
I don't see how, T2 Sharon instagibs my Proxima and spams her invincibility, while Thanos alternates between his 6* and his jump-back-with-portals move so he spends 90% of the time both untouchable and dealing huge DPS (in between his passive either granting a full heal or even more invincibility). And every fucking whale team has at least one of them if not both.

Let me mark down the list of bullshit "enhancements" that enemy combatants are receiving in Timeline since the update, as I've seen.

- no skill cooldowns
- maximum healing rate
- reduced damage received from the player
- increased damage dealt to the player
- random invincibility obelisk
- spam iframe/invincibility moves repeatedly

Let me ask you, how the fuck is this fair?
Honestly it seems fair. No more easy wins and timeline battle are now somewhat of a challenge now.
Timeline is just a pain in the ass now

It was my least favorite mode before but now I actively hate it
Timeline has been a piece of shit ever since they started to rework it
When the hell did they make rifts cost 14 energy?
Since they added a 6th level to them with level 60 enemies

I don't mind challenge, some of the most fun I've had in this game has been the close matches that I won by the skin of my teeth. What I mind is when the AI decides to fuck me over with unbeatable bullshit tactics which really highlight just how goddamn OP some characters can be.
New Gwenpool story time if you guys are interested
>Cho BW
>Gwen BW
Probably unrelated but maybe we're getting their T2s in the mid-patch update.

Maybe T2s for the teen heroes?
Probably never. The better questions are:
>Gwenom WHEN?
>why didn't they make Songbird's passive the same as Deathlok's but for Symbiotes instead of Machines
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please be true. Been working on their gears for a some time now, would love to T2 them. Kamala still has a ways to go but nico is ready for her ticket
How many chaotic nornstones do you need to fully rank him up?
you mean get HIM i am rite? xD
Well, fuck me. Guess I'm not T2ing anyone afterall.

I almost have enough BAM to 6* him, but I still need another like 30m gold, 3000-4000 bios, and 1300 nornstones.
Just save up. Yes it's a lot but you'll never get there if you don't start saving
You mean you don't have HIM yet? What kind of a loser are you?
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What are the odds we get him in the Dr. Strange update?
nah, blacked widow t2 do it faster and safer.
just 6* and then 3*,
run a while for cooldown and repeat the process.
i finish speed in about 7 mins, and im never that close of dying, most times HP dont get below 50%
new thread when
>Blacked Widow

I dont know why this name makes me laugh everytime


If we get a Dr. Strange special mission, probably extremely high. If it's just a regular update but with characters from the movie, probably pretty low.

Strange, Mordo and Kaecelius are sure bets.
>using half-nigger half-mexican spidero-boy

fuck off, whomever recorded this.
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