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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 220

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>Next Demo Day (X)

>Next Game Jam (Lewd -- Blueboard rules still apply)

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta, as if that's an excuse)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/groups/agdg-audiofriends

>Previous Demo Days

>Previous Jams


GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/
shooba dooba
Is that a good thing?
I need help with game name/studio name. Naming is where I am least confident in as a writer.

Right now the working title is Gallus, means Chicken in Latin. Named after an AI in the game. Reference to Diogenes and the definition of man, the idea being "Pluck the feather from a chicken and behold a man". Since it is so important to the game it is the working title.

As for my the group? No fucking clue. I need help. Puns? Serious? Nonsense? I don't know what the fuck to do for the landing screen.
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New since last progress:
-Two new weapon types, SMG and Shotgun.

Up next is probably making the enemies not retarded.
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This are a different types of enemies I'm currently working on
>working on your game with most of the programmer art replaced with actual graphics, and most of the juice in place
>there are glitches, but the game's actually pretty fun, moreso than it was initially
>finish the demo build, everything gameplay-wise is in place, all you need is a new title screen
>game doesn't feel as fun to play
>not sure if it's a change in the physics, the collision detection, lack of conveyance
You should call your group Beautiful Toing.
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>we need more ideas for enemies
>how about the old one, but smaller?
>yes, good, what else?
>make it upside down
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sd (322).webm
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reflected projectiles now have a hitbox
not very useful but pretty fun
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Is the issue inconsistency in art assets, or just artists being artists?
>Beautiful Toing.
Thanks, this describes us rather well.
Artists being artists.
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>artists develop exactly 0% of the actual game
>expect a 50% cut
haha what the fuck
you got a pretty fun side scroller, its time for the dating mini game.
Should be lower than that
My cut is more than the programmer's. 85/15 in my favor.
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I'm actually happy someone recognized it. My standards for being flattered are pretty low. Here's the details. Is there anything that looks bad? Obviously it's low poly, but in the topology and stuff?
Now this is the classic shitposting I know and love from /agdg/
None of this absurd rotatedev drama or whater. Just good old fashion artists v programmers
> tfw as a student I am taking making games more seriously than ever because I know life will suck for me otherwise
> tfw I am not even sure if my game will make it
> tfw depression

nu-shitposting is where it's at
It's pretty hard to draw something with 30x30 pixels
Nice juice
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But I did it
that's 90 x 90 senpai
30x30 * 3
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(You) earned this
haha, looks pretty good.
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>developing a game that depends on art to carry it
>not developing compelling gameplay
>not procedurally generating the visual assets that you need.

Its like you want to fail
>the classic shitposting I know and love
Fuck you, where's your shitposts?
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if that was true then how come when I scale it down to it's supposed *original* size it looks like shit
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i regret nothing.webm
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the box people have had enough of my shit.

pls halp.
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I was looking for more something like this.

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they're dry humping you

the horror
me irl
is that humping behavior emergent?
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Are you retarded or did I fall for your bait

This game never fails to be hilarious

>random limbs flying off into the sky
It looks pretty good. Definitely recognizable.
If you want to be making models for games though, watch some tutorials. the flat pieces of armor can look strange depending on the lighting and shaders.
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at such a small scale it probably doesn't mater.
>BLM Milwakuee livestream.
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hook line and sinker

Looks great m8. Whats it about?
do you even low res pixel art
give me the zoomed in.
all they want is love.

and also to rape.
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+ inventory complete
- spent 10 minutes stacking jars

art next
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here u go fampai
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Yeah, it's really obvious I started with the shoulders and I was a bit better by the time I did the legs, from the detail level.

Do you have any good tutorial series bookmarked? There's a metric shitton that comes up with any search, but it's hard to know which are good and which are shite.
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LEWD progress for Demon District Dating.
your character sure does love pot.
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I was going to make a simplistic knockback effect, but lost track of what my plan was. I have deleted 8 or 9 frames, but it’s still a slow, convoluted mess.

Animation should be illegal.
Pretty sure that gets you a medal in some acrobatics competition. What is that, a standing backflip + full spire? Wow!
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can you pls frig off w/ this nodev horsesh*t
it looks more like a backwards dodge than knockback

also he seems to lose a little volume at the top of the arc, maybe make the robe drag behind more
Wheres the skateboard guy?
This will look rad with a board
Plague Pro Skater
Don't know any for character modeling. I learned from an actual school.
I used Borncg to learn blender but I don't think he has character modeling tutorial
Something like that.

>it looks more like a backwards dodge than knockback
Hey, thanks. Maybe I can use it after all!

Yes and yes There won't be a board, though ;_;
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I do not know this meme, I am too new, can someone explain it to me?
>people replying to the source post instead of all these progress posts.

disappoint son.
it's the same guy replying to himself, and weyou're helping him

just hide stubs
gameplay literally doesn't matter
>Gameplay literally doesn't matter
Oh man
Yeah Undertale is the best selling indie game of the year because of the amazing gameplay right?
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>post this on tumblr
Guy commented "it's treason then"


It's fucking identical.
This is shit. Never post again.
I don't mind the Sheev Spin. I actually think it's awesome. I'm just so bummed they utterly failed to sell his "combat " moves. It's like you were supposed to suddenly find out this weird old dude was actually an ultra-powerful force user but then he just fights like a weird old dude and somehow murders multiple trained jedi simultaneously, presumably by the power of mind manipulation since they basically just let it happen.
I assumed you were making Palpy's master
Darth plaguis

>undertale has good art

It had good gameplay.
Who are you quoting?
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>implying the plebs who buy this shit like things for being objectively good
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I haven't worked on my game in over 2 weeks now. I did finally upload a gameplay video to youtube though (it's the same one I posted 2 weeks ago if you've already seen it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX0MEe_T9d0

I'm kinda stuck because I'm not sure if I want to make a full-on RPG, or if I want to make more of a tactics game (like FE/AW) or if I want it to be more of an adventure game (e.g. a bunch of objectives in each world ala SM64/BK, find new moves as you progress ala BK, etc).

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>a real human being
>an actual person

>actually made that pile of shit and thought it was a good idea to post

Goddamn. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Whats Mayhem League devs social media links?
Looks and sound good!
Did you make the music yourself?
Holy fuck. Is this what passes for okay here?
Made a song for a dude who was making a math solving game


The clock was a nice way to make a beat and it also has a symbolic purpose lol gay cause its a race against time
its actually pretty cute
my great grandfather didnt die in iraq for this
Anyone know how to solve an issue with WebMCam? It's recording to the left of the frame, so it cuts off what I want and has useless other shit in it
here comes dat boi danny
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hey guys I need some help.

I want ribbert to say something and like spin/give thumbs up when he spawns/defeats a boss/opens a chest similar to Sonic/Mario/Prinny saying "got it dood!" but I have no idea what he should say. anyone have any ideas?

and I plan to hire a voice actor to do it once I have some idea
No, the source is in the video description.
"oh shit waddup"
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Ponds are a ton prettier now, and bigger ponds have a chance to spawn boardwalks.

"Get fucked, you bitch."
Whats your excuse for not remaking No Mans Sky with actually fun gameplay?
I don't like the concept at all

"hop to it"

"on it"

"gotta bounce"

"dont leap to conclusions"

"jew did 9/11"

i think any one of those is tonally acceptable.
[dream traveller noises]
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Post the last gif/webm/pic you saved of your project
Whats the best way to balance your game?
it's already in the thread!
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what kind of voice is ribbert going to have?

this kids voice is the first thing i thought of when i saw the character.

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Any comments on the dialog system, things I should spruce up / fix?
different types of scaling
option 1 gives you a great start, but shit lategame
option 2 gives you okay start midgame and weak endgame
option 3 gives you shit start,okay midgame,great lategame
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Ur the best.
Dialog system looks solid, do spice up hooded guy's torso/legs because I was sure there were only three characters there until he has said something

You should give him a red hat, with a red R in the center of the hat around a white circle. And a moustache. And he should be Italian, but not like a cartoony Italian, but a hard New York Italian.

This way he is both familiar and your own spin on it.

When he does something, have him say "Froggettaboutit" and cup his testicles with one hand. He can hail a taxi at the end of each level.

Thank me later.

do this

also add these
dialog options
>tfw paranoid because i played this game
Like the general feel of this. I think you should go rpg, since tactics games sort of have the expactations of terrain differences that come with it, and you don't seem to have any.
this is the correct meme option
for the love of god please work around the frog's sprite attachment point being in center and when it squashes, correct the position so the feet remain on the ground
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"amphibian exstacy"
this reminds me alot of SNES
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>when you get the sudden massive urge to refactor even though everything works
Son of a bitch
Rape in India simulator
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It was actually the caterpillars bugging out but I didn't save that
What's the most successful game to ever come out of /agdg/?
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Risk of Rain
google minecraft
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I've done nothing since this because I don't want to animate.
I wish I had a good anime artist working for me for free.
Risk of Rain started on /agdg/? I didn't know that. Pretty cool.
risk of rain outsold any other game here by miles
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>agdg taking credit for minecraft
I miss when mush was posting progress and funny gifs.
Wrong, the most successful one is actually Cookie Clicker by a factor of more than 10 ez
What program do you use to create walk cycles and stuff?
He posted a couple of times.
That shill is not an agdg dev, rordev was posting throughout his development.
[citation needed]
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>tfw retarded animu artfag who can't code to save his life

Well then, RPG Maker it is.
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I agree, Rayman Legends should've been just lint on a damp towel.
Post anime art
oretil is a huge faggot but he's agdg for sure
Thoughts: Armchair Game Development General?
Do you use 2 frames for all your attacks and movements? I want to make a similar combat based platformer.
>Do you use 2 frames for all your attacks and movements?
I don't have a specific number but I use as little as possible, 2-4 I guess is about right.
post hand made artisinal waifus
The dev(Orteil) posted it on AGDG first, and it was initially just a small side project he made in a day

It became overnight a meme and then a worldwide phenomenon after one anon reposted it on /v/

After this he became the target of unfair and ferocious attacks here by jealous nodevs everytime he posted progress of his main project, but no shilling except in the disturbed minds of terminal retards.
Sweden Yes!

thanks captain sweden!
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R̨̖͉̮̫̮͖̗͓̹̘͎̖͚̠̖͆̆͆̒̽̄͋̌́͝ͅE͚̱̞̺͗͊ͬ̈ͩ͞ͅͅE̛̬̝̮͉̟̜͕͎̯͎̳̔̓̔̚̕͘ ̣̫͖̻͍͚̹̬̻͓͖̺̤͋̐̆ͦͧ̍͛̆̈́͒̏̈ͩͦ͌̃̀̀̕R̵̷̩͍̭͙̲̬͚͕ͩ̊̈ͩ̆̔ͬ̔͒̒ͬ̚̚͘͡͝ͅͅȨ̴̷̀̏̎ͯ͛͛̀ͤ̚҉͖̲̜̥̫͈̠̫͜Ȇ̶̙̯̤̪͍͕̊̓̃̿̋̈͛̆̾͋͑̇̉͟ ͋̏ͭ̇͗ͤ̓ͩ͗̈̌͊̊̒̉ͪ̚̕҉̺͓̦̤̻̦̜̟͎̰͖̬̣̞͇͎ͅE̻̦͈ͨ̾ͤ̒̈́̃̊̒̋̒̀͝H̎̒͒ͨ̔͌͆ͤ̓ͨ̌̇̓̚҉̷̡͖̹̜͕͎͔̙͔̪̤̦͓̭͕̝̟ ̡͖͚̫̟̦̫̙͓͍͈̬̗̝͚̃ͮ̇̎̀R̨̛̮̤͎͚͔͍̙̩̣̖̦̻̭̪̮͇̪̮̓̌̈̎̿̕͝Ȅ͎̭͚̼̠̩̘͎̗͖͕̟̯̂̓ͤ͐̂̍ͯ̂̕͝H̥̝͉̬͉̳̬̰̱͙̺̩̥͙̲̘̤͑͆ͧ̄̽ͬ͆͊̄ͯͫ͋̂͠͞
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There was an attempt.webm
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I'm still debating whether to keep working on this run-n-gun thing or to work on something simpler instead.
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Hello fellow beginner 3D artists!! Lets add eachother on sketchfab!! Post yours!!
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I started a few hours ago while doing some other stuff

I haven't had to rewrite anything completely yet so all in all it's off to a good start!
>charlotte's dream
>sugar and spice
>hexun's maid game

fuck it's like i'm in a time machine
Pls stop posting, rotate.
If "success" is measured in "artistic outreach", then it probably goes to The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary
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>demo probably wont be ready for demoday 10
I'm breaking promises, already on my way to making a game like No Man's Sky

That sounds pretty fucking cool, even better if we can dual wield them and start snapping one after another in quick sucession to wipe a room out that's filled with weak enemies.
Risk of rain like previously mentioned, followed by my future game. ;)
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still perfectly reasonable
What makes you think that was rotate?
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What happened to that guy devving a game about customizing guns

It was so cool
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>t..time to cherrypick
2 posts above you senpai
Google "imgur 3Yl07"
Holy shit

I was just wondering where you went >>151993686
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Even CGG is here

We just need
>exploding orc
>red tactics
>tiny archer
And we can be just like the good old days
It's pretty nice, I miss the old guard. I wish more of us were still here.
Is ANYONE doing Stealth Jam?
Why does marmo constantly mention himself? Does he think he's still a thing here?
>And we can be just like the good old days
Where the only arguments were artist vs programmer and there was fanart every thread.
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Haha what timing!

I've mainly gone back to my main project, Dungeon Break, to get it ready for DD10, but I am still working on my gunbuilding side project. Next step is putting some enemies together so I have something to test guns against. That way I can start adding and balancing stats for all the parts!

Glad someone is thinking of me and my ridiculous games
Sort of

I always dev on my cellphone when I have free time. I already got physics working and I'm adding buttons. Mostly, you can just move around, but I'm making tons of functions that will be very helpful later. I already got some sprites too
can you die if you listen to the same song on loop for too long

I want to make a system like this for my game, although not as extreme
File: Loading Text.webm (3MB, 1278x720px) Image search: [Google]
Loading Text.webm
3MB, 1278x720px
Added fully functional Artificial Loading Screens™.

>repeat count is at 250+

I hope not
I'm glad the stupid guns show up in game too. That was a very disappointing aspect of Resonance of Fate
It's pretty easy in my case. Since the grid is a fixed size, all the data for the parts is just stored in data structures, and the game reads through the structure when it needs to find out information about the gun.
I'm making a stealth lewd game.
You sneak around and jizz on the panties of girls while they're asleep and you have to avoid getting caught.
Pantsu Gear Solid (dick): tactical cumming action
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Progress Report:

Game: Super John Spellway's Actual Fantasy Football 93' Turbo Edition G-X+
J.R.R. Maddens Couch Competitive Handegg Extravaganza.

You guys complained about the camera jumping too radically, so I added in a camera object that follows around the pointer and lerps to its direction. Also messed around with some Vlambeer screenshake which I'll implement come time for attacks landing.

Added in battlemenus for each of the classes. Did all of the knights/aeromancer attacks and abilities, made animations for taking damage for every class. Just need to implement all of them.

I need help making fire look good with so few pixels. Been messing around with it for about 30 minutes a day for a week and can't get anything to look good.

Hoping to get something out for Demo Day. Been playing the game with some friends on paper and testing out ideas for some of the other classes.

This is my first game ever and first attempt at programming, having a lot of fun. Still a ton to do on this.
>all the data is just stored in data structures
You don't say.
Those trees and plants look pretty nice.
kill yourself
I know that feele
Hey, hey you, would you like to hear the sales pitch for a game that may be in need of another artist? Do you have a discord? Email? Would joining a team be at all something you'd want to do?
They're placeholders, stolen straight from RPG Maker.
But thanks anyway.

y-you too
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If that were true, I'd be dead a long time ago.

>Rip new song from PSO2
>End up listening to it for hours

Well, at least it's giving me ideas.
Not as good as your garry's mod map?
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green meme.jpg
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Anyone here devs on their cellphone?

When I'm away from home I like to work on my Love2D™ game since it runs on Android too
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>none of them are finished
I just work on my DD.
no idea how people can actually program on their phones.
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1MA isn't easy
This is ringing a bell but I forgot who this is
what's a DD?

Ah, you get used to it after some time
Love the look of this.
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Posted it before on Sunday, I believe.
First test of multiple hunters. New AI is still a WIP.
Someone that's suffered 100x the bullying bokubedev got.
design document.
delete this
True, but two of them have playable demos.
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Why was marmo bullied so much
bullying fred has helped his game a shit ton.
Marmo just liked the attention, so he could post more nichijou.
It looks like one of those Wikihow images

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are the bosses in your game badass?
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Problem with my situation is I work a 12 hour job, 4 days a week.

It's hard to keep up with a team and I'm not confident in myself to deliver which will ruin the project. That's sorta why I'm trying to just 1MA everything so that I can do it at my own pace.

I mean I would like to hear the pitch, just don't know if I'm willing to join anything.
Rotatedev hated him.
>yfw he's just a massive M making those saturated screens on purpose to get bullied
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Is anyone here actually in school for this shit?
I'm not sure.
It took him awhile to grasp his clarity problem.
I'm getting a degree in idea guying
The theoretical boss I haven't added yet is
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Make a collage of all your past agdg projects and post it for nostalgia's sake

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I'm in school for general programming. Just finished my first year. After 8 months and $5k I have learned how to install windows 10, create HTML tables, and create windows forms in visual basic.
>ah yes let me just pay 30k+ a year for information that already exists so I can hopefully get a piece of paper that says I'm qualified to become a code monkey
after so long I just realised she has a "death" animation

a cute
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Drop a Skype name or email or something, we can talk about it. How the project is structure is that a relatively separate artist can come in and work on the project as long as they follow the style guide.
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I actually have a bachelor's in game dev.
Your vampire girl is adorable.

your post is hilariously ironic because the ones with the lowest wages are always the ones without degrees, kek
>tfw no cute autism gf
Master's degree
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~~=August Week 3 Recap=~~
>>When Did CSS Get Variables!? Edition
We have a total of 37 games, 17 games have returned from previous recaps! All this progress is great! Looking forward to playing these during Demo Day 10, unless you plan on not submitting and being a disappointment to dad.

~~=High Scores=~~
(13) TacticalRPG
(9) Vampire's Bit
(9) Unnamed Pixel Platformer
(7) Ordinary Platformer Life
(7) Ctesiphon
(6) Knightly Terrors
(6) Clarent
(5) Monolith
(4) Charlotte's Dream
(3) Skylarks
(3) RadMaze
(2) Vagabondia
(2) Super Space Jam Jetpack Robot Turbo
(2) Idol Comm@nder
(2) frogs life
(2) Ancient Saga
(2) Alone in the Forest

(Score is calculated by number of recaps in a row)

Think I've missed your game? Notice the scraper has made an error? Ideas or comments? Reply to this and let me know! Include your game name if it's missing.
>implying I'd wander from the heaven of neetdom
wew lad
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I don't want to make that stupid shit so I'll just dump it here

>getting autism

thats a good joke
>tfw met an old friend again going to school for game design
>try to smile and say "haha awesome man, that's great"

I wish I could be brutally honest with him. Going to school for game design is probably the most USELESS thing you could go to school for next to music.

Are most people here pursuing or have just generic CS / engineering degrees?
The piece of paper indicates an education though, which you don't have.
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when a problem comes along
what game?
Yeah, someone mentioned it goes a too fast some threads ago, I'll probably make it a little bit slower so is more noticeable.
Thanks. I'm glad you like her.
what's the point of the scanning line moving up and down like that?
no fucking clue
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rockin it.png
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Nice. Though didn't you say the whip will autotrack baddies within a cone of your character's vision?
>hey check out how hard I can pee.gif
with the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive
Trust me there are a lot of really useless degrees. He isn't even in the bottom 10.
That reminds me, what happened with that piss simulator someone was making?
I'll go back to it one day. Maybe.
not that I don't believe you, but what are some others?
Probably a stupid-enough-to-work approximation of a FOV.
Yup that's the plan. The weapon sprites are exported separately from the player sprite, and I'll likely just rotate that single "extended" frame depending on the aim. If this doesn't look good, I might just draw a handful of fully extended frames at 5 degree intervals or so.
Aaand last one

There are a few others but they didn't go far

So they can see the player properly
women's studies

Got any plans for other whip types or are you just going leather?
I'm taking a game design course in college, but i'm fully aware that i could get this all for free from the internet or some shit, i'm just taking it because it's a great way to get started or improve in various areas that i could use for game design both for my position and to direct something

plus, since the dev industry isn't that big where i live, people who do these courses have a pretty good rep when it comes to contacts
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Fuck forgot the webm
Oh I'd planned to do some variations. Leather, chain, one with spikes on the end, thought one that's basically a vine of thorns could be cool.
The same thing as every other gimmick game.
It dies after the prototype.
>devving consistently
>implement a feature
>suddenly no idea what to do next
>3 days since i've done anything major

i thought this was a harry potter simulator for a second

i have a feeling that is a fucking huge untapped market in games
The ones females go into. While a game design degree itself IS useless, you could at least apply the things you learn to personal projects, assuming you find a school setting is the best place for you to learn.
there are a billion official harry potter games in the market, why on earth would you need more
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This is why planning is important
its always better to have someone you can ask questions
especially in programming related stuff
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>The ones females go into
Is nursing a useless degree?
Hmm let's see

Probably because that shit sold like crazy

Plus those were generic platformer collect-em-all type games

No one has ever made a wizard school simulator.
keep a text file on your desktop with a big list of things to do so every time you think of something you can store it
Not if you enjoy working long hours and working with stupid people all day long
Prisoner of Azkaban for GBA is a pretty decent RPG.
No. I meant the liberal arts and other scam degrees.

Nursing isn't a female profession any more grampa.
Pottermore is a thing
>being a murse
he probably means education,sociology,geography,botany,photography,visual arts,law,management etc etc.
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Hey folks, I wanted to ask

What books / online guides could you recommend t to learn C# basics? I'd like to jump into using Unity and I could use a primer on the language it uses. I'll be using MonoDevelop instead of Visual Studio
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Wow, this became my current favorite song a few days ago, spooky
Just follow the Unity tutorials. They're bretty good
many of those don't particularly strike me as female
Buddy, you're damned lucky you've never met one. It's a trip, let me tell you.
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>added basic knockback
>increased bullet speed
pottermore is an interactive book with some facebook-tier mini-games thrown in.

I'll look into it.

>seen this 3 times and never noticed the text in panel 4
i think there is something called microsoft visual academy

there is a nice old man that holds your hand every step of the way

law is not useless but the demand/supply in that field is ridicules. its almost like people learning java applications in 2016
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I'm working on that - It was MY idea
Head shape is awful. Ribs and back are a tad large. Otherwise not bad.
post pics then faggot
You can still get jobs with these. Hell, you could get jobs with almost all of those, especially if you tacked on a masters in a more specialized field.

Now, the most useless degree I ever heard of was "Latin and American and Latino Studies in Entertainment and Media" or something to that effect. It's been almost a decade and I can still remember the girl saying it and the entire auditorium (it was a freshman year orientation program) going dead silent.
post weeb music
Gotcha covered
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Probably not what you were looking for but it was playing on my radio so here ya go
Heyso I have a game idea. And story, aesthetic, theme, and vacation time booked off to code like crazy so I can have a demo for DDX
My issue is I don't know what the fucking game play will be. It started as a generic action game, but is that fine? I don't want the game play to suck.
The story is about waking up lost and having to find someone.
best music
>7 off

didn't read, dropped
its not that those professions are useless. its the amount of people that study them.

unless you are a pretty woman, there is no point of studying law or management. it would be the same if you studied advertising and media
This is Japanese music set in an American location. That works, right?


I like it much better than the actual song, for whatever reason.
this is you
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woah wtf you making a frogs life clone?
>I have a game idea
>issue is I don't know what the fucking game play will be
Do you know what a game idea is?
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Rain Frogs is a few years old at this point
what are some ways to gather food from the wilderness? hunting, foraging, fishing, is there anything else?
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tweaked the Camera Controls good enough for what I want.
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I remember when I told you to make a spider waifu. I didn't think you'd do it, but you did.
IT EVEN HAS A FROG WIZARD. pls tell me you aren't making it anymore this looks way better than mine
I recognize all of these
of course <3
I'm very impressionable
I want to go back to it eventually
From what I've seen of Frog's Life it looks like a really great game! I'm sure they won't be too similar.
>looks way better than mine

I don't agree my froggy friend

your art is simpler but more consistent. it doesn't seem like >>152000429 even knew where he wanted to go with the art and the detail is all over the place

his ui is better though and you should steal it
The diamond shape collision mask for enemies looks much better than standard rectangle collision checking with my spaghetti enemy collision code. I still don't know why it works, as I get the feeling that it will explode if I look at it funny.

Embrace it.
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I think I only have gifs.
>tfw just realized I got further with my crappy battle system from years ago than I am now
Visually, at least. But I think this is was using NGUI, which was a fucking pain.
I'm not that naive.
I'm here to be make as a hobby for fun. I don't really think I'll ever make money

I guess I didn't explain properly. Its more the combat section of the game I don't know how to handle properly. I know its going to be 3D action. There will be puzzles and I want to avoid heavy inventory systems. There is going to be a little level up/rpg system in place.
But when I want to fight enemies I draw a blank. Should I make it turn based? Rip of tales of symphonia for battles in a separate zone? Zelda style combat? Neverwinter style?
I struggle to design combat
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Game is a mix between Megaman X and Super Metroid, with Cats. Here is the new Mecha Prototype. It can be used to dash thru weak walls and can fire a strong laser beam
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That's why my current game is all placeholder art ) :
Rain Frogs died because animating is hard
Looks bretty gud,but why cats?
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the rock tiles make me puke today
but anon, is it procedurally generated, rogue-like, survival as well?
make a character move on screen first before thinking about every single aspect of your game
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Sorry anon, never said it was good.
stop playing overwatch and work on your game
thanks . idk.i already made a game with dogs. altho im still not 100% set on cats
Be honest with me /agdg/, am I holding myself back for using game maker? Would learning Unity help me out in the long run, or is it just different flavors of doing things? Bear in mind that I have no knowledge of 3d stuff so I'd be using unity for purely 2d or 2.5d things
No, game maker is a good choice for that
Using engines in general holds you back in the long-run because you're dependent on them.

Investing the the time into learning a language and making your own tools/engine is better.
If you want to stick to 2D then there is no reason not to use GM.
If you want to go into actual 3D then you want Unity.
That's really all there is to it.
gm lacks proper language hence lacking proper language features

it does however comes with alot of prepackaged stuff that lets you make games faster
b-but GM is too limited. It's easy to make platformer or shooter 2d but when i want to make FTL clone it's almost impossible.
are you retarded? you can do anything with it.
Risk of Rain was made in GM:S

Take that for what you will
meh, too much work to make it work. Might as well use framework.
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You can throw arrows at people since there are no bows or any other weapons yet.
GML is very limited
So was Hyper Light Drifter
It's time

is ur real name raul?
If GM is too limiting for you, try Godot, it's more powerful and less hand holding. But still simple. Plus it being open source means it can be improved beyond anything GM could ever do.
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should momentum be fully transferred to an object traveling at 0.01% timescale from one traveling at 100%, or should it only transfer 0.01% of momentum in the collision
>>152001921 is correct. GM makes it really easy to express basic stuff but extremely difficult or even impossible to express advanced things, especially advanced control flow (good luck with logic across frames!)

Turing-completeness isn't a feature, it's a fundamental requirement.
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I had heard the opposite.
But I will follow you anon
I much prefer Unity over GM now for 2D Games if just for the simple fact you can use C# over GML. It has a higher skill floor and time investment than GM but I find you can produce better content on average.
Hey, this looks kinda neat.
GM < Unity < MMF2
Holy shit, how did you know? Just kidding, but Raul is a pretty cool name.
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Just got recommended here by a nice /g/ent.

So heres the deal. I need to calculate the direction and speed I need to fire an arrow for a game I am working on, pic related is the scenario.

Anyone good at maths?
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phsyics is your friend

this is called the three body problem and its been proven theres no mathematical solution to it and therefore you're shit out of luck. There are advanced super computer algorithms to calculate approximations of the input::output correlations but you cannot come up with a generalized form
you should just abandon making your game entirely and give up

Hey look it's no man's sky
please consider using rixels, that rotation looks hideous
because survival/exploration sims are so out of date. it's all about hero-shooters now.
you should use a different algorithm to downscale. your mc has awful aliasing. I think nearest neighbor is generally good for pixel art, but you might also need to change the mc's shader (before you downscale) to one with fewer colors, maybe flat shading.
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>Jumps: 10
your mom is hideous.
Holy shit, people are really this upset about the game? That's fucking great
maybe i saw a dev with a similar name
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>"ok time to dev"
>10 minutes grinding boring shit
>want to die
>back to playing video games
its best to dev after cooking a meal
>"ok time to play video games"
>10 minutes grinding boring shit
>want to die
>back to dev
If you bought into the No Man's Sky hype AND you're old enough to remember Spore and Peter Molyneux, pardon my language but you are a complete sap.
Force yourself to do something before you can play.

Better than NMS
What's wrong with "2D platformers with a twist"?
most of them are shallow.
>tfw I'm actually stuck in this cycle of going back and forth between the two.
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blue object is 5% speed.webm
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so like if I set a physics object to 5% speed
and it collides with an object moving at 100% speed
what SHOULD happen?
because my problem is with full transfer of momentum a single collision works just fine like normal, but if a player kept jumping on top of an object 50 times in a row or dropping shit on it as it fell or throwing stuff at it, the momentum keeps building up and up and up until it skyrockets away
but if it transferred only a proportional amount of momentum it would make the single collision look even wonkier like the slow object might as well be a wall
Then you get to do neither.
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ok but defend THIS

>subpixel placement
>jittery fps
>1 bit shit tiling rock

it used to have mixels when you tossed an enemy
just play games in another window. i try to always keep game dev / graphics programs so i can alt tab thru-out the day and work on stuff
Im bad at 3D modeling. Should I keep going for a better looking model, or do easy style that I can make good.
>fix a bug/ implement a barebones feature
>quick match of <game>
How do you even finish shit if you can't concentrate on 1 thing?
have a velocity cap?
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It's been so long since I've posted anything.
Are you demaking that one game?
the latter if you want a finished game
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Why don't more indie retro games go for a C64 style "wide pixel" look?
i have an idea for simulators linked to each other. For example, food seller simulator then a bus driver simulator, the bus driver would have to eat food and the seller would need to use the bus. So the bus simulator player can have real players walk in their bus. And the food seller player can have real players eating on their game. And then that kind of link to build like an ecosystem, and they are made up of small standalone games that can online.
Because C64 is pretty ugly.
There's a reason why certain styles didn't catch on.
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low poly is best poly for gamedev.
i could i guess
but wouldn't it be more fun for sequence breakers if there wasn't
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gun test 3.webm
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one final test before going to bed
pls no bully
Holy shit, I thought that guy was a tree until you pointed him out.
Any good low poly guides?
Trying to learn as coder with 0 art skill
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Spruce up those trees. They look deciduous.
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youre better off learning yourself
Love that front launch/aerial roll
Repost August 1 TIA
learn 2d theory
then do some 2d, mainly shading and coloring
then get into 3d modeling

yeah it takes time, but its the fast track to making your own lowpoly assets

highpoly/realistic style don't require 2d background because most of the work is not handpainted
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There's some videos and stuff, but I've never seen anything that really stood out as a great guide for low poly. I'm still learning 3D though.
Mostly learn how your 3D program works and get comfortable with it, that's the first hurdle. UV unwrapping can be hard to get used to at first, but it gets easier. When you're modeling keep in mind the model is mostly a base shape of the object, it's a silhouette. All the real detail comes from the texture.
this is more game than i have seen from anyone here in months

I learned basic modeling by following various tutorials on youtube. There's ton, and you can learn so much.


for low poly style texturing and stylization I found pigart's videos the most useful


It takes a while to get used to Blender and 3D modeling, but when you get through the initial hurdle it becomes a lot easy.
>subpixel placement
can be fixed easilly, same with the mixels on the hud.
>jittery fps
Could be a issue on the capture or the gif. If not then it is a problem.
>1 bit shit tiling rock
Subjective, fits the overall style. Can be fixed using another 2 or 3 tiles too.
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thanks I made the entire game in under 2 hours
over 6 years ago and NOTHING SINCE

nobody will notice my clever edit to get it under 2 minutes
Thanks. Ill start practicing

I was trying to avoid getting heavy into 2D
I suggest you wait until after you've graduated primary school, you'll learn about that kind of thing in high school math classes. If you're in America though you'll just have to give up.
quit spamming this.
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August, Week 1
quit nodevving
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a bunch of iterations later, are there any glaring problems?

I still don't know what to have on the back wall (there used to be a -mystery door- there but I don't think it's wise to have it in plain view)
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WebMCam is recording out of the frame for some reason, so I can't post webm progress. And I missed the recap.

But it's fun to be devving again after 8 weeks away working at a summer camp

Finally added some color variations and a smooth absorbing in and out of the enemies. Now I have to continue reworking my code to make it not suck
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Added spears, no art for them yet though so they just use the sword model for now. You can attack from two tiles away and avoid counters.
I enjoy this.
Use OBS to record and Webm for bakas to convert to webm. It's the easiest and completely free method.

Can't really tell what the game is supposed to be like from the still image, but the blue guy is cute
oh shit your tiny guys are 3d that's pretty cool

I only noticed when one of them dropped dead. it's not too obvious though, maybe consider tinting him gray to show he's kaputt
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Any tutorials for complete begginers?

I would like to try Unity most likely
Absolutely. Go ahead and check Unity's official website.

this is comffyyy


Unity has a complete set of tutorials on their site.


But if you' don't even know the basics of C# programming or even tried a programming language before, I would suggest this book http://libgen.io/ads.php?md5=A1CBA4B7D53DC0984C54399E0EDD1E6B
>maybe consider tinting him gray to show he's kaputt
That's a great suggestion, thanks. I've been trying to think of how to differentiate dead troops visually, this idea should work.
>tfw doing math on khanacademy
i feel so stupid not knowing most of this stuff
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Day 28 of trying to make video games


Especially if I keep no setting aside time for devving.

This animation is like 1/5th of the way done and I've spent the last two days of dev time on these three frames.

I should have at least a few hours to work on it tomorrow. I want to stay up and do more tonight but [blah blah blah blogshit I need sleep.]
>Just learnt about ScriptableObjects
>Now want to re-write my entire game so far
Guys, i miss lolisim.
dont use them you'll regret it

it's yet another unity feature that's great when you start using it but makes you want to kill yourself when you keep using it
me too, I wish Tumblr would go away.
Why rewrite your whole game?

Aren't ScriptableObjects mostly used for making your own editor tools?
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>tfw to intelligent to game dev
What's the advantage over just using a regular non-MonoBehaviour class?
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Since we're posting old games...
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back baby.webm
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Thanks for the tip. Hopefully this webm captures it a bit better
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Made a new effect for stronger enemy deaths.
Oh now it makes sense. It's kinda like a kirby, that's pretty cool. Keep it up anon!
unity serialization is shit
Kirby was my original inspiration, thanks for the encouragement!
Looking impresive so far.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any other game or project to show? Love your work.
why did 2hu ever catch on
Why are bullet screen games fun?
>why did 2hu ever catch on
The cute girls and music
Hard games usually catch a lot of people, look at I wanna be the guy. And they can get big if they have good art and music, think of Classicvanias or Ninja Gaiden.

Bullet hell shooters seem to be big genre in japan. Add good music to it, and a lot of cute girls with very little actual details about their personalities so fans can make up their own headcanons and you get success.
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>cute girls
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I just want to make pretty much a carbon copy of Final fight, what should I learn for that?
please stop posting I'm trying to concentrate
Ow shit, we woke up grampa!
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The only other game I've ever done was my Space Jam game. The only other things I've ever produced are writing, short stories and poetry that are completely unrelated to gamedev.

I'm specifically trying to jump into the deep end of animation for this project in order to learn about it.
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Changed the colors a bit and darker background so it's easier to see
You have 20 seconds to explain me why should i have to be making a mobile game anon
I'm here to look at all the progress and find something to play.
I can't dev
Have you ever gamedev'd before? Do you have experience with whatever tools/engine you plan on using? Do you already have programming experience?

If you answered no to any of those questions then you gotta start smaller and make some simple games. Work on small games every day to get good.

If you answered yes to all of those questions but you don't know where to start with that game then you need to break it down into very basic parts. Learn to make a combo fighting system, learn to make AI, make a game with a movement system like you want, etc.
What do you know?
You can make that on basically any 2D engine.
So go with wathever you are more familiar with.
If you aren't familiar with anything guess Game Maker would be better.
Use this dude: http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/

If you know how to program you can easily code on in game maker or other engines.
I want to make a mobile game but I don't own a mobile phone.
I don't want to make a mobile game.
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It's good, very juicy. I like it.
because phone games are objectively shit

>not making mobile games

enjoy your poverty and failed attempts at making money, faggots. The real money is in mobile, and it'll eventually replace all forms of gaming
Shoutout to non english speaking devs

Would you rather a demo day game have only english, or english -> google translate -> your language?
>tfw I have so much spaghetti code I could open an italian restaurant.
please stop
I'd consider these factors.
>game released almost yearly
>bought directly from zun at comiket
>can sell doujinshi of it at the same event
>high scoring and shareable replays
>short play time but requires a lot of replay
>cute characters
>crazy spell cards
>japanese folklore

In interviews ZUN stressed how important it is to have very memorable bosses and he designed the games to emphasize them.
You're making a post addressing non-english speaking devs in english. Just think about that.

And to be honest, back when I didn't speak english I much preferred playing games in english anyway. Helped me learn when I was little, and the effect tends to be that you connect the parts you don't understand with your imagination anyway so you still have fun.

So, if you're not going to have someone translate the game for you, no, don't include google translate.
I'll rather translate everything myself to spanish and german speakers than confuse them even more with those shitty translations from google translate
Christ we need to right these down.
I'd assume everbody on 4chan can read english to some degree, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
I always thought ZUN would be some turbo autist but he actually seems pretty chill

It's all about the money, anon. That's why you gotta develop mobile games.
What if I only want to dev a perfect porn game to cater to my fetishes?
Pretty much thats why I started modeling in 3d
English only.
Google translate works relatively ok for very basic phrases but sucks at verything else.
>implying I think my game will make money

oh u
Its basically the same effect as having a prefab that is never instantiated but only referenced with a MonoBehaviour on it. However it uses somewhat less memory than the prefab. I've mainly used them for storing configuration data for enemies, items, etc. You can sort of use them to fake nested prefabs in some cases.
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Thanks anon
Just a reminder that if you are planning to do a side scroller or pretty much anything that involves speed and acceleration you must implement upgrades to keep your game floating, little incentives to keep grinding/ playing
I like RPGs and as far as I know, on mobile they're either Final Fantasy ports or pay-to-win microtransation-infested nightmares. At least, those are the ones that actually sell. I don't have an interest in making either of those.
found the literal cancer retard
Nice argument fag
>follow cool artist/dev with only original work on their blog
>they immediately post nothing but reblog spam
Every time
People really need to learn to make a personal blog for reblog spam
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>follow cool artist with interesting original art and fanart
>they immediately proceed to do nothing but tweet and retweet politics, shitty hashtag memes, nonstop cat pictures, and their previously-unknown-but-now-nearly-impossible-to-ignore terrible opinions
I usually don't mind as long as they're reblogging other original work that is as good as the stuff they make. But yeah if it's random meme shit it's annoying.
>Follow dev
>He dies and his work will never be published
RIP Cairndev
I have no idea what happened, he was making solid progress and even got coverage on a site and then vanished.
anyone know of a good place where i can find good animation reference ?
thanks, I modeled my argument after your game
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Gameplay videos of games
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Gettin' ready for lewd jam fellow goys?
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What are you looking for, specifically? For most stuff you can just search Youtube for things.

One of my favorites for action/weapons reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg9_Piqedjo
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This is the greatest post in /agdg/ history
man, most of these are super low impact
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On the one hand I'm not actually making progress tonight

On the other hand... uh... hmm.
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The ones around the Kilik/Xianghua area are more powerful, I think. I remember thinking that some of the exhibitions didn't include the characters' coolest moves. Cassandra and Sophia got shafted with these videos, and not in the fun way.
>tfw you would get banned if you posted lewd jam progress
savage AF
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New idle animation for the mushroom

What tutorial is that?

Just link from offsite
>those load times
no thanks
>tfw torn between Godot, GM:S and Monogame
I want to make a 2D side scroller, I already know c# but I'm not particularly bothered about learning Godot's language
Which one do I use, anons?
>I already know c#
Does that really matter though? Both Godot and game maker use simple languages that are easy to pick up
Just design your game properly for localization (displayed text loaded from external files) then IF people actually care enough they'll translate it themselves.
I added another 3 seconds to the load time to make sure the text was working.
Hence, "Artificial".
i hate gif progress, you can never anticipate when the gif's gonna end. make it webm it's way better.
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Idle done, 2 attack animations next.
Can I have mixels in my text?

Lets say one "pixel" is actually at the size of 3x3 pixels. What if I have the pixels of the font at 2x2? Is this considered having mixels?
I consider this pretty acceptable even in pure sized pixel games

I think even cave story does it
You are the true hero of that game for drawing all that.
But why?
Thanks anon
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Anyone using Godot and is happy?
Considering using it, how is it?
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I programmed a little cinematicish camera thing today for my game where it reads a set of parametric equations (x,y,z all as functions of time) to control camera movement from a file. Also made some logs for my campfire.

Just making a cozy little simple camping game where you can like pick different campsites and explore places and get mauled by bears.

Do you guys think my campfire is nice? Any recommendations? I'm trying to go for a simple style, I'm new to game dev so please no bully.
>please no bully.
Prepare to get bullied like bokubedev
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It's simple and nice.

The license is niiiiiiiiiiice.
assuming you want to use only solid colors/gradients it would look much better with little blobs of fire periodically flying up from the main flame. it looks like procedural animation so it shouldnt be too hard to make it fluctuate a little every few seconds
Wow, I checked that and you were right!

I'm experimenting with my different sizes, and I was just wondering about my limits.
if you know how to draw, 1-2 weeks
if you don't, 2-3 months, most of which will be learning texturing which is effectively traditional drawing
>your game has a memory leak

uh oh
thats a great news anon,perhaps all is not lost
Do you have a drawing pad?
If so which one
What programs do you draw in?
My country's pirate rate is something like 90%, fuck making games for people in my country.
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something like this

also campfires don't burn blue since they're not usually that hot!
Cave Story has mixels?
Today I began learning C#. Once I have a handle on that, I'm going to begin work on simple shit in preparation for an isometric dungeon crawler I've had an idea of for a while. This general seems amazingly unique for 4chan in that, while anonymous, it encourages active participation and production rather than endless whining. I hope that I can produce something for you all to call shit soon.
yeah, the font is rendered at a different resolution than the game

(mostly) nobody notices and it's way more readable that way
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praise the sun.gif
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Small progress
Makihg some new animations today.
Villagers get happy once the sun raises over them.
Close enough, east europe.
thanks for the recommendations. I'll work on that!
>it encourages active participation and production rather than endless whining.
I mean, there's a lot of endless whining, too. It's just that progress occasionally happens in addition to that. I'd say that you shouldn't get your hopes up about the community. Even so, enjoy your stay. Hope your learning goes well.
make the line of shadows cast by the stun not a straight line, like if there were mountains in the distance it would be jagged edges all over the place
then don't raise it straight vertically on the y axis but scale it as it goes so it gets longer or shorter or w/e
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I've lurked for a couple of days, and the worst thing I've seen is the everpresent namefag drama with some of the devs. All in all, folks seem very helpful to those who produce and rightly shitty to those who just sit on their ass and talk shit.
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>talking shit about my waifu
She's a doodle, not your waifu.
>Do you have a drawing pad?
Yes, I use a wacom bamboo.
>What programs do you draw in?
Animation is in clip studio paint, bought it when it was on sale for 20 bucks or so. Everything else is drawn in medibang paint which is free.
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For color do you think this looks like a better gradient?
men are immune to breast cancer because women are more likely to get it, right?
it looks way warmer for sure if you're going for comfy

don't do what I say though, just consider the options and see for yourself
That would look great, but I'm afraid it would be impossible to do without breaking the current limitations I'm following.
Will think of ways to something like thatc without breaking them, maybe I can figure something.
There are games which can be understood without any language. When I was little, I didn't mind playing everything in english, but I mostly played platformers. When I got into English, that was the point when I've realized how many awesome games I've missed because of my lack of foreign language knowledge. But with that said, I prefer them in English, moreover, sometimes I don't even notice if what I'm reading is in my mother tongue or in English. Besides, where I live, people got fucking elitist about translations, and they shit on any effort let it be movies or games. If you want to have translations, you better spice it up. For example I actually find South Park more funny with translations, because in English all they say is fuck and shit, but in my mother tongue, oh boy, we can swear in ways you couldn't imagine, and they put so much effort to show that when it came to South Park. So it's hit or miss. If you are lazy about it, don't even have it.

I just wanted to ask if you are from East/Central Europe or not. To be honest, I think it's a cultural thing around here. Gaming started with C64 and Amiga, and without knowing anything about pirating, people just shared everything they had on cassettes and floppies, because there weren't any real stores, or if there were, there were only available in big cities. Because of this, I think this habit just remained even in the age of Steam. However I think it's less and less frequent, even thou I have to admit full priced AAA titles feels like luxury. I only occasionally buy anything at full price.
>all those frames
>Don't want to get hugged by A-cup waifu.
Those fuckers.
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Looks like the mods didn't clean this up. I think they want me to kill you. See you soon. :)
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Does anyone know a good tutorial for blender-to-unity animations?
I have found a few tutorials but they are all a bit different and I can't figure out which ones are good or bad.
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This is disgusting.
what the fuck kind of log is that
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Is the anon that made this still around?
Looks better. I couldn't help but notice it looks like your fire is bellydancing or rolling its hips when the camera gets closer to the horizon.

Maybe this could help for some colors, don't have to saturate as much

brb designing lwed fire nymph goddess
gif? i dont know what im looking at
>i have never seen a campfire in my life. please rape my face
what kind of limitations?
just have some semitransparent overlaid sprite
scale its Y component and move it along the Y axis at the same time
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Just when I thought this faggot was finally gone
You mean a time limit. It's a feature.
That kind of pleasures always come with a big price not everyone is willing to pay for. I dunno, seems some people just like to have their blood inside their bodies.
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assuming control.jpg
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i sware 2 fuckin god i will kill whoever made this sh*t
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I can always grow more blood!
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>image has been there for hours
>all of sudden "people" are replying
>IP count doesn't increase
>posts are always at least 3 minutes apart

It's a bit sad. Just a little bit tho.
>still not filtering it
That's the spirit!

I'm following NES restrictions on this project, as close as I can, so transparency and sprite scalling is out of bounds to me. The effect the way I have it now, can be done in a NES using some pallete changuing tricks, but works for each full scanline, that's why it's a straight horizontal line.
What are some good unreal engine C++ tutorials. I'm not a beginner i already know how to code but all the tutorials i can find are trying to stutter how comments work.
Who is the sebastian lague of unreal?
yes, no , maybe, your mom.

Your welcome, nerd.
Why would you do that? Just let her fly away! ;_;
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>someone literally made this

I don't normally advise people to kill themselves, but if this is your "work", you don't deserve to live.
This is what I have bookmarked.


In my opinion the first two and the last are the most relevant.
If all else fail you could always just google "UE4 C++ tutorial".
Who the fuck makes trash like this?
Does anyone of you GameMaker-savvy lads know the code equivalent of the built in window_mouse_get_x() function?
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WIP, thus refrain from pointing out the glaringly obvious errors in this animation
Why do people keep posting garbage like this in my general?
This is shit. Literal faggot shit. Literal faggot's literal shit.
Is it possible to make a perfect circle out of a curve in blender? Or use the circle curbe but cut it in one place?
what are we supposed to say about it then?
How about you post when you're done instead of posting garbage several times over the course of your work and asking everyone not to comment on it?
I like his character design

but yeah it's too incomplete to give feedback
then we just have a thread of texts and posts like these

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You have two options to construct circles in the create tab of your toolbar.
No. Curves cannot be cut by definition. It is because they are shaped by an algorithm.
>the first option is literally a mesh and not a curve
>the second option is literally a closed curve loop
thanks for nothing breh

In addition to what the other anon posted.
I'm not sure I understand then. There's also the Nurbs Circle option further down if that helps.
i think he wants to cut the curve circle like with K on meshes
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>notice a wreck of a flaw after getting well past halfway done
>have a short moment of panic, have had to go back and redo shit several times because of things like this
>try a longshot solution
>it looks like it may have worked but I can't be sure
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Great thread guys , despite the sourceposting.
Keep it up , post all your progress
Don't worry she is ok.
Actually my first idea for the animation was to have her turn into ashes but then I realized that if someone waifu'd her they would hate me for that, so I just made her burn a little.

Not excactly sure what are you looking for, but Inside the game window you can use mouse_x and mouse_y.
That's much cuter than what was in the other .webms you were linking...
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>despite the sourceposting
You've made an enemy for life
needs ledge climbing
Judging by her idle, is she drunk?
You can literally turn the circle mesh into a curve by pressing Alt+C.
Dude, that was just rude. You will be the first saying "stop shilling" and "who?" when he'll post with finished stuff. Give help and aid if you can, but if you have nothing to say, you don't have to, you know.
He's not totally wrong. If you don't want feedback why even post here?
Cheer up anon! You're much better than most people here. I know the crippeling self doubt of artists all too well, and theres only one thing you can do: Keep on trucking!
It's not the first time he's posted unfinished work and flipped his shit when people comment on it. A rude wakeup call is for his own good.

Don't get me wrong, his assets aren't the worst, and I do want to see the game develop, but this childish "don't comment on it" posting is just cringy and annoying.
>If you don't want feedback
Obviously they meant 'i know its shit, dont bother pointing out the obvious'

AGDG has very low skill, so the only critique we can usually give is either glaringly obvious or nitpicking
No, they (you) meant "I'm so excited to share this that I'm not going to finish it first and post a half-assed version only to complain when people say anything negative".
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I-I'm sorry I didn't have it textured yet. Never made textures before or UV maps so I tried my best.
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maybe.... I know its bad ,and its on my list.
it has
>I'm so excited to share this that I'm not going to finish it first
Do you think agdg is only for finished pieces? The other anon is right, you'd then complain that they came out of nowhere to shill something. Did the return of the sourceposter put you in a bad mood?
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>learning c# whenever i can on my free time,i even abandon games that i used to play daily
>read post-mortem story about successful and unsuccessful gamedevs
>stumble open interesting topic on leldit
>all my will is gone
I don't feel like i am going to make it. I feel like i will end up as those losers
consistency is more important than perfect art (you'll find it can be pretty hard to be consistent though)

I like your stuff, keep up the good work

nigga what the fuck, what kind of tree makes 6 split logs like that dude holy shit
is this yoshi island clone? Would play it desu.
What is this goddamn garbage
i didnt know you could melt 3 logs at the center like that, video games are crazy
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i think this is like what he means
What are you making this in?
Are you new? The point of these threads is exactly to post progress over the couyrse of your work, and ask for opinions and advice if you need them.
You're already worse than those losers.
What is AGDG's opinion on dark elves?
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progress :)
The best kind of elves. I'd buy a game with cute dark elf in a heartbeat.
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the incredible six-way tree
I'm angry. Angry about elves.
why the fuck is this fucking garbage allowed holy shit gas this fucking thread and everyone in it
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What do you guys think about my game? Go with this art style or switch?
degenerate that will only invite furfags. In short, easy cashgrab.
Take thine holy blade and insert it deeply into thine rear entrance.
Three new physics blocks for my game

Future Block
>When struck by a player's charged attack, it disappears for 5 seconds. It returns in front of wherever the player will be 5 seconds later. If you rewind time in the game after it reappears, it will be in that same spot even if you change where you moved

Slow Block:
>When struck by the players charged attacks, it slows down to passing through time at a fraction of the normal speed, making it move slowly. You can throw it into the air and then jump on it while it flies and jump off it again

Past Block
>When struck by the player's charged attack, it overwrites the history of where it was and was always at its current location even 10 seconds in the past if you rewind time.

Three more elements for puzzle making
Ayy sorry about that shitty aspect ratio
that's sure is some depth perception you got there
How do you figure dark elves mix with furry?
It's meant to be confusing. Orthographic perspective and all.
nice unity tutorial some day youll make a real game anon
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run and stuff.webm
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nice monument valley clone
But it is a real game anon ;_;
"Inspired" by Monument Valley

nice unity rollaball tutorial clone
hey as long as it works
Sakuya a cute. CUTE
>some guys lazy tutorial ends up as a greenlit steam game by some filthy no-dev

wew i bet youre raking in the pennies as we speak
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>this is furry
People just don't know word's meaning anymore right?
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>humans with blue skin and pointy ears = furry
heh in all honesty though I didn't follow that tutorial on unity's website. I can code and model at an intermediate level (Android/Web dev by profession, no hate pls) but I can't animate for shit.
I approve. Especially whne they're hot and wield potent magic
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viera baanga.png
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in my opinon, furry is only furry when you start giving them sexual human traits and it has more than 1 outstanding animal trait

>face, body, tail

elves and that bunny girl in my image only have the ears as an outstanding trait that is inhuman. if you look closer she kind of has weird feet and hands but its hardly noticeable.

and elves arent really a furry of anything, theyre just humes with big ears

I want furfags to leave
>i can code and model at an intermediate level

oh so youre just lazy then. kys
Hey guys, do you accept "text adventure" devs here?
I'm currently working on a CYOA game on choicegame's platform.

Any advice welcomed, also I almost have enough progress for a demo.
any video game dev is allowed on agdg
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here's an easier explanation
The problem with that design isn't the human-inhuman features.
This word implies we should have prior knowledge about your game, however based only on the text I can not tell which is it.
whats this shit then

lazy? Maybe ;_;
I mean game dev is still game dev even if its plagiarism
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>his game doesn't feature a cast of anthros
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>his game isn't about waging war against reddit
its new as in progress, I am making the three right now
game is new as in you haven't seen much of it on /agdg/
Pretty much this
Human with animal traits: Not furry.
Animal with human traits: Furry
uh post the game?
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>his game isn't about waging war against frogs

Reddit is way better than 4chan. Everyone is serious and sensible there and 95% less racist, sexist...
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Then why don't you stay there
You made me reply but please try harder next time.
They are not for rape don't confuse them with high/wood elves
Meant to quote >>152027361
I would like to represent the difference between Reddit and 4chan on this simple example:

You say:
>I want to kill myself.

On Reddit:
>I often feel the same.
>I feel dead inside.
Etc. trough 100 posts.

On 4chan:
>Do it faggot.
>Stream it.
And the thread dies in 5 minutes.

I chose the latter, because it always reminds me to not take myself or anything in life too seriously, and self consciousness like this is vital in my opinion to keep your sanity.
More like
>On Reddit:
>You have been banned
>Implying this hard.
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Why don't you kill yourself and stream it, fucking faggot piece of shit.
/agdg/ I have a question for you.

I have a weapon I'm working on right now where you can pick up different alternate firing modes, only one can be carried at a time but they all hit pretty hard. I'm currently debating how I should work its ammo system.

My current idea is finding pickups to replenish the ammo, but if you run completely dry, there's about a 20 second cooldown between each shot until you can find more ammunition. I want to make sure to encourage players to use it, but I don't want them to be able to spam it constantly.

Does this sound reasonable to you guys?
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Ok I know this sounds dumb but bear with me.

About a month ago I was doing streams on this thread about my game dev progress on twitch...

but I forgot my username.

it had something like the word "logic" in it.

I was working on a planet type rts game.... does anyone have any idea what I am talking about?

I would rather not create a brand new account from scratch.

No, your game is shit and you won't make it.

unless its a survival game dont bother or you want to incentivize your player to do something other than shooting
Your welcome

Joke's on you, it's not a game. It's a mod, and I'm overhauling it.


I do want to incentivize more than shooting, the character I'm working on also carries a sword, which is his main weapon, I just gave him an arm cannon as an alternate means of ranged attack.
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how much would it cost to hire someone to make a game like this?
why not regular old caucasian elves?
Your life, I hope.
30K a month
Are you the guy creating that Doom meets Ghosts 'n' Goblins thingie?
>buying a form fitting cow suit
when will americans learn
that's objectively false
there may be more normies on reddit, but the core userbase is still the autist beta male just like on 4chan
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Sometimes it's cool to show what you are working on even if you don't want to receive feedback, Not sure why this is so hard of a concept for some people to grasp here.

I actually appreciate people like him posting their WIP even when it's still far from finished, it gives me a better perspective of how they are getting on and I can compare it to my own progress.

When I post I tend to ignore 90% of the feedback (as it's either complete crap or they point out things that are obviously WIP to anyone who's actually making a game and therefore don't need to be commented on).
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Yeah, that's me. This is what I have planned so far for items to replace standard doom items.
You're embarrassing yourself buddy.
Just take the criticism you got and correct your posting behavior. Or not.
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I'm already well into a dark elf project. I've already drawn the 2D concept for my Caucasian elf model too though, elf equality.
I'm glad you haven't stopped memeposting after someone called you out on it
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meme man.jpg
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A computer program that aids in the development of computer based video games.
Good to see you back
Anyone needs some music?
I make melodic, retro sounding stuff

I don't quite understand, honestly, what you would like to implement.
So: basic gun, shoots endlessly.
Special attachment/upgrade to gun: alternative shooting, but has its own ammo, which can run out, but even if it runs out, it only means that you can not shoot with it constantly.

I think you should play PainKiller if you haven't already (the original, I mean). There every gun had a basic and a secondary attack, and each attack had its own ammo bar. The secondary attacks were fucking powerful, but since the ammo for that were less limited, you have to make up your mind when to use it. Still: it was fucking fun. This is a basic thing, in my opinion, so don't try to overthink it or revolutionize it unless it adds to the fun or adds a new layer of tactical decisions. Sometimes the simpler the better.
Can we use these for free, or do you take requests now, or?

These are some sick beats, by the way.
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didnt even realize people started talking shit many posts after i made the first webm

i always memepost
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I'm not him you mong.
Anyways hopefully he'll read my post and keep posting his WIP stuff instead of listening to nodevs like you.
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Someone remembers me! :D
Thanks, anon.
More like

You say
>I need feedback on this enemy

On Reddit:
>nice but hey check out my mobile angry birds clone only $1 on play store!
>can you give me your source code?

On /agdg/
>that walking animation looks like it's missing a frame
>art is not progress kill yourself
>I recognize that bulge!
Yeah, you can use them.
I have nothing to do so I can make some requests too

Okay quick rundown, the arm cannon by default takes ammo, shoots big bullets and does okay damage.

Pick up rocket launcher tier item and get a charge attack that fires out a spray of projectiles, just takes time to cooldown afterward.

Plasma gun pickup gives you a different charge attack that puts the gun into overdrive for a bit, takes longer to cool off afterward, you hit a button to switch between those modes.

The idea behind the cooldowns is to keep players going back to their sword, which is the better weapon at the end of the day. Currently my mod suffers from the arm cannon being so fucking good that there's little reason to fight shit with the sword.

while you're wandering around and shit you'll also find boxes that hold an altfire attack (big shotgun, grenade thing, or a missile that acts like that sick Crush missile from Contra 3)

I don't want to make the sub ammo completely unusable if you can't find ammo for it, because the mod is designed to be played on any Doom map, and sometimes rockets just can't be found, so it'd feel pretty shitty to find a fun sub ammo and not be able to use it because the map maker decided rockets weren't necessary.

>This is a basic thing, in my opinion, so don't try to overthink it

I'm the master of overthinking. I wish I could stop.
if you place another dude in the map will they both move in sync or will the game break
not him but feel free to use these two tracks i made when i was in a groove

Okay guys get this

procedural generation
that isn't based on RNG
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in sync
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> hunters dont high-five
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BokuDev why is your game such a ripoff of captain toad's artstyle?
Is your game about putting beanie dudes and drawers on the game field or is that just a nifty editor
You are the fucking best. Thank you for sharing!

That's Diablo 2 Act II/10 material there.
>~8 hours later
>still listening to the same song
glad somebody enjoys it
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It's an RPG. I'm working on a level editor right now.

You gave me a fucking brilliant idea for this gif. Here you go.
I always remember you, anonkun. I am looking for your games.
idea man here

you know how in the future, there'll be time traveling safaris where tourists will travel through time to observe famous people of the past doing their thing? somehow, turn this into a stealth game. good luck
Actual text adventures, sure. CYOA twine garbage, no.
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stopped reading there
Turn-based or action?
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Do i continue on a shill app project that i could finish in 3 weeks - 2 months and see how much i can make on it, or take the neat core gameplay mechanic I built around and turn it into a 2.5D platformer that would take 6+ months to even get to an acceptable prototype stage. I look at what I've done and feel good but then i think of all the tedious shit I've got to do now the fun stuff is over and i want to quit and sell crack instead.
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Action. Kinda like Hyper Light Drifter.

Wouldn't there be more tedious shit involved once the fun stuff is over if you turn it into a platformer too? Just finish what you're doing now, it's only a few weeks.
>Captain Toad invented cubes and rotating the camera
>1 pixel meme limbs
what song
goodbye forever...
So, again: is it like Super Ghosts 'n' Goblins then? Where the weapon upgrades made the said weapon stronger/different? That's cool. With things like this of course you can easily find cookie cutters. Like in the original the knife was the best option, while in the second the basic arrows were the most usable.

Honestly, if I want to play it fast and effective, I always chose the best option, however the animations and the sounds and the effects were so good, that sometimes I just picked them up just to play around with them. So even if they are not as effective, but fun, they have a place in the game. Don't try to force anything on the player. Check out Egoraptor's video about Castlevania IV. He points out how useless the weapons are since the whip can be used in all directions, and how it's a missed opportunity to not design the whole game around that. Maybe it'll give you some idea how to design the power of your weapons.
it's weeb music and you're going to bully me
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Anon, it's not FaceBook. Don't say something if you don't want to talk about it. Give us something in return for those sweet (You)s.
I was replicating Hopoo's Deadbolb style and I wanted to use small sprites because it makes art easy so that's what you get ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

well, it's somewhat based off Super GnG, I've tweaked the subweapons (Lance, dagger, torch, shield, hatchet) here to all have their own niche, daggers are fast and spammable, for example, but they fall off after a set distance, where lances are slower, but hit harder and travel forever.

I made torches really good too. Though it's not the sword and subweapons I'm worried about right now, it's the arm cannon and its unique sub ammos.


The guy's a big faggot but even I have to agree that his whiny video on SCIV had a good point, the whip was so good that subweapons held little purpose.
If he was ripping it off, he wouldn't make it a cancer to look at.
new thread
new thread
>implying small sprites means you need to have meme pixel limbs
Why there are no NES games with meme pixel limbs then? Your art is just shit man.
Does Godot support all major OSs?
Someone that can art please draw this shit.
Yes, because having limbs from 2 pixels and with outlines are so much better.

I really don't get the hate against one pixel things until it's clear what they are representing.
I bet you think this is okay too.

People have feet you know?
Peg feet trigger me so hard (on higher res things)
>What tutorial is that?
Anon, I... It only exists in my text editor.

Because I'm still writing it.

It's for adding a custom lexer to LALRPOP, which is a thing for parsing programming languages in Rust.
>dissing on pirates
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