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/simg/ - Simulation Games General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 564
Thread images: 241

Image limit reached edition
Previous sortie: >>151304339
A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/



>Steam group

>Experimental website

>BMS download links

>Planefag pastebin

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material


>Example of welcome games
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X

>Example of non-welcome games
Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____
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This is literally the greatest aviation video I've ever seen.

My slav nuts are literally quaking. Doesn't get much better than this.
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simg thread in a nutshell.webm
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INordas MiG-21 formation.webm
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Holy shit this is good.
Great video, tovarisch.
I never understood that one myself.
Everyone only flies the FC3 version of Mig-29 and the SU and is all like
I mean I don't care what you fly but at least admit that the russian planes that are being flown take less skill than war thunder.
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you need to step up your bait game senpai
>this is unironically Russia's next MBT

nigga why

I mean it's kind of neat that it has an unmanned turret, but it's so fucking tall and it has angles on the turret face that would be weakened in a hull down position (and it looks like the Ruskies still haven't gotten past the no gun depression meme)
is that footage of an F-15?
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Speaking of angles on turret faces, what the fuck is up with the turrets on all Leopard 2s starting with the A5 model? Wouldn't that wedge on the front serve as something of a shot trap?

And it extends so fucking far out I'm surprised we don't hear of more headless German tank drivers
>Hull down

Write an angry letter to uralzavod, and tell them how you know better.
are shot traps even all that relevant still to modern MBTs?
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I'd never really considered Russian armored doctrine, yeah. What even is their strategy nowadays? I assume we're beyond the whole Fulda Gap Rush with thousands of shitty but expendable tanks thing.

And shit like pic related shows that ultimately even a sound tank design can be foiled by a shitty crew.
The MiG-25PD was the latest version of the MiG-25 as an interceptor.

After a long night of research, we have finally figured out where the SPO was in the PD.

As you can see in this image, there is no SPO at all. We looked through every picture of the cockpit you could find. (The missing instrument is a clock)

There were cockpits that did have the SPO-10, even some with an SPO-15, but none of those had radar scopes. And because the MiG-25 has no hud, it means they are not interceptor variants. Most of them were R's and RB's.

Then there are the cockpits with a radar scope, but no SPO's to be seen.
How was it possible that the interceptor variants of the MiG-25 had no RWR at all??????

I'd say their doctrine is still pretty much the same, but now supported by more artillery and better protected tanks that can take hits.

And sitting still on the modern battlefield is a one way trip to a burning tin can, i mean just look at syria.
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The answer? This fucking image right here.

This might be the rarest fucking image on the internet.

The SPO-10 was literally bolted to the side of the cockpit.

Finally, the answer to "Are the Soviets dumb enough to not give their interceptors any sort of RWR at all?" is not quite. They were smart enough to bolt it on last second.

TL;DR MiG-25 FUCKING WHEN??????????
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The mig-25s """""""""HUD"""""" is attached from the top of the cockpit strut and hangs upside down.

Not really. A good battle position can give monstrous tactical advantages if leveraged properly- and one aspect of a good BP is the ability to go hull down within it and retain ability to fire at the enemy.

Modern tanks are too accurate to simply outrun their gunners, every modern MBT has a lead-computing FCS
>Modern tanks are too accurate to simply outrun their gunners, every modern MBT has a lead-computing FCS

And your point is?
A moving target will still be harder to hit then a stationary one, and the biggest threat to modern tanks is from ATGMs, which aren't that good at hitting moving tanks as they roll past houses and go up and down with the terrain.

A moving target has to maintain sightlines to the enemy to be able to shoot it, which means it's likely exposing itself quite a bit. Movement will also draw more attention to it, reducing the likelihood that it will get a shot off without being seen.

Going hull down covers all but the tank's best armor and severely reduces the tank's silhouette. Even better, if a tank is positioned so that it is completely hidden in a turret-down attitude so that the commander can still scan from the cupola but keep the tank hidden, he can find a target, drive the tank forward into a hull-down position for just long enough to fire on a target, then return to the turret-down position and relocate.

Just sayin', the ability to go hull-down is very important.
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>Finally, the answer to "Are the Soviets dumb enough to not give their interceptors any sort of RWR at all?" is not quite. They were smart enough to bolt it on last second.
Yeah, i getcha.

But then why can't he armata hull down?

It's about as tall as an Abrams, maybe slightly more, but only because of the cameras, the turret is unmanned, reducing the risk of crew getting hurt, and the gun has a bigger traverse range than previous Russian tanks because of the bigger turret.
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It can, but Russian tanks are notorious for having shit gun depression (as in, travel under the horizon line). The Armata looks to be similar- the turret is mounted quite far back on the tank and the gun is quite low on the turret, meaning it will hit the front of the hull fairly early.

Compare to the Abrams with a more centrally-mounted turret and a gun mounted slightly higher on that turret.

Of course this is purely conjecture, the Armata may have stellar gun depression for all I know.
>The Armata has a fucking radar
>The actual external shape of the turret is mostly just a cover to lower its RCS

stealth meme is becoming so prevalent even tanks are getting in on it
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They likely had to deal with the gun position, because the design required all the crew to be in the hull, and you wouldn't exactly put the crew behind the turret.

If this shit is to be trusted, it says +14/-7
And the abrams has -10, so not as good but i guess in desging they also said "BLYA turret is unmanned we can deal with a bit of loss in gun depression.
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Why do you play DCS? no bait
I like it for the AESTHETIC, despite it being a frustrating game.
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There is legitimately no better game for helicopters

I mean sure plenty of games have better ground damage modelling and more interesting vehicle selection but DCS has the best flight modelling for helos of any game I've ever played
>When you are trying to learn how to fly a tu-22m3, but the instructor is having none of your shit

>Russians after a successful sortie
go to 4:10 forgot linking to a certain time doesn't work on 4chan
>simg - russian circlejerk
This slavaboo shit is really starting to disgust me. I had no quarrel with you faggots in the past, but literally EVERY post in this thread is about a Russian plane.

The MiG-25 is a fucking ghetto plane.

baiting doesn't work if you can literally just scroll up to see it's false
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The mig-25 is literally a fast mig-21, who would've thought?
navy seals movie night when?
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Here are some tea planes to offset the slavaboos.
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Rest in piece, Jaguar sama

Sepecat Jaguar when?
Just a heads-up lads, Steel Beasts is selling time-limited licenses again it seems

Still wish they'd come down a bit on their unlimited licenses, especially considering you have to buy upgrades every major version, but w/e I guess there aren't any other tanksims worth a damn with modern tanks anymore
>if i call dissenting opinions bait i will win the argument
Why are there no bms ops anymore? Is it because you retarded kids can only fly your shitty FC3 planes?

A bunch of neet neckbeards telling world powers why their modern tank design is wrong
No helicopters.
Only f-16s.
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How good is the Universal Visiblity mod when it comes to spotting ground targets? I could find a Leopard 1a3 in the middile of the field with the su-25's Mercury pod on
F-16 is a good ass aircraft though
And here we see the retard bring it full circle. /simg/ shitposting is back to retarded BMS elitists shit talking DCS for seemingly no good reason.

to each their own, I hate FBW aircraft, it's the reason I got rid of the Mirage, you just can't 'feel' the aircraft as well.
You are not claiming DCS takes more skill than BMS are you? You baka.

Made by a business that depends on money. Therefore everything is piss easy so kids can buy modules with their moms credit card and have fun in peeveepee.

Not a business. Made for autists who enjoy flying.

There we go.
I can understand him shittalking FC3 honestly. Your post is a case of 'he doesn't like what I like'
The F-16 IS factually a more in depth and complicated aircraft then anything we have in DCS at the moment, so of course it's going to be harder then anything DCS has to offer. Also, the BMS multiplayer community has the best pilots virtual simulation has to offer, so there's that.
DCS F-16 would be easier than BMS, BMS has AIDS
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>bms ops happened yesterday and the day before yesterday
>taking the bait
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Fun fact, that image is not from a MiG-25PD, it's from a MiG-23M or ML like pic related. I've never seen an image of a 25 cockpit with the SPO-10. The Soviets didn't seem to think it needed one given it's role.

I read accounts of export models and a handful of late model MiG-25PDs from 1983 having ECM & SPO-15 installed but I've never seen a picture.
>I can understand him shittalking FC3 honestly. Your post is a case of 'he doesn't like what I like'

>Not liking what i don't like
>But not liking what i like is not ok

Wew lad.

Also BMS changes the sensitivity of the aircraft to joystick inputs when refueling to make it easier, also doesn't have damage modeling, also f-16 only.
Was it announced here? I haven't seen bms ops being announced anywhere.

>Also BMS changes the sensitivity of the aircraft to joystick inputs when refueling to make it easier
Literal lies.
Where's the radar on that thing?
>Not liking what i don't like
>But not liking what i like is not ok
I noticed that as well, but I don't want to give him any (you)s
Fucking retarded bait poster cant even keep his bait straight.
What a nice argument you have here, oh no wait it is just a load of shit.
This is why no one takes DCS fags serious.
Of course it would be easier. The whole point of dcs is to be easy so people think they are hot shit.
Just look at the people in this thread
>waow dood that kill was amazing my ballz are so round right now
>we da pvp kangz in our realstic fc3 plenes
>implying we would want you in bms ops after throwing your toys in the thread
no thanks
Radar on the MiG-23ML and onwards was projected on the HUD ala MiG-29.
It would be a realistic recreation of the plane not fucking final fantasy 7 with laser guided bombs
>My plane is more realistic than your plane.

who's flying?
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>DCS is more realistic because MUH SEKRIT DOKUMENTS )))
Jesus you can't honestly be this fucking dense can you?
i can
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Scratch that, ALL MiG-23s M and onwards had the radar & IRST on the HUD.

The only that didn't was the MiG-23S which was a shitty pre-production variant with MiG-21 avionics.
I still think its unbelievable that Greg flies with a PS3 controller. How does he do it?
the kebab have very odd ways of flying
You could fly dcs with m/kb and it would still work fine. Same for all the other arcade games out there.
He flies BMS pretty damn fine too, though.
DCS is so good I could fly the space shuttle in it and it would allow me to get into the actual space shuttle and fly it

I couldnt fly a cessna in BMS because its so fucked up and buggy
exactly, all other arcade games
He's alright with the ww2 aircraft and helicopters too though
He has it setup like an RC plane controller. Once you get used to it you can fly it just like normal.
I bet if he switched back to a normal stick he would feel a little awkward for a bit.
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It is actually a shitposting technique that originated in the /csgo/ threads.
Guess he hooked you.
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almost killed harmless wew.webm
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What is harmless' steam name?
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ask him in teamspeak
Nice try Ivan, I won't enter your wicked realm.
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Harmless rocket run MiG-21.webm
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Shit that's some great footage.
I remember wondering the same thing, because modern MBTs seem to have really bad shot traps, but the explanation I recall is that it's just not relevant anymore. I think it was because modern kinetic rounds shatter if they don't penetrate or something and that they don't ricochet like the old WWII shells. Don't quote me on that though because I'm honestly not sure. Maybe the resident tankfags know, because I'm curious as well.
The main reason is honestly just because MP more accessible than BMS and I prefer playing MP games.

Check out this comfy late 70s F-15A cockpit and HUD footage over west germany
>back to retarded BMS elitists shit talking DCS
I very seriously doubt that any BMS players are doing the shit talking. It's just a bunch of shitposting and you should ignore it. Nobody I know that plays BMS doesn't also play DCS.

I'd rather have retarded muh slavaboo, frogposting, and BMS vs DCS shitposting than TS drama though. It's by far the lesser of two evils.
I'd say that modern penetrators fly too fast, and that they'll either bury them selves in the armor, or in can case of a glancing hit, they'll shatter purely from the speed, if they don't shatter, the ricochet will cause them to lose enough speed and/or come in at an angle that wont really do any damage to the tank.

But this is a completely uneducated opinion.
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You can actually hear the pilots blowing hot cum everywhere with how aesthetic they're being
Any reason why sometimes LGBs just don't guide in BMS?

I put the laser to combat mode and to arm, master arm on, TMS up for IR track on TGP, wait til it passes the loft cue then release at the second CCRP cue

half the time it flashes for lasing but there's no detonation, and this is level from 15,000 feet wtf m8
Don't you have to half press the trigger for laser?

robert mugabe sends his regards
I recall having a similar odd issue and it ended up being that I was skipping a step even though I think I was doing everything you said. I wish I could remember exactly what it was.
lasing occurs automatically everytime.
Shit, I just remembered what it was. I forgot to set the LASER ARM to ARM. It was really embarassing, but yeah that was the issue.
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Will we ever get pic related in DCS?
Listen I get it, it's an interesting plane.
But why would you rather have a meme plane that barely existed and was meant to fly intercontinentally fly in DCS where there's no nuclear employment and we are limited to the Caucasus.
I think that DCS should have everything

All they have to do is make the pilots zombies and call it zombie pilot simulator and it will get 1 million sales overnight like dayz did for arma

then they can scale up their staffing by 10,000 times and it will just be like CMANO with every plane and vehicle modeled with a world map
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B52 ops WHEN
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I'd love more big planes in DCS. I think having a B-52 and Tu-95 would be og af especially if there was multicrew. Sure it may not be as exciting as fighters but it would be pretty comf.
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Or they could go the bohemia route, the creator goes to climb mount everest, and the rest create a shitty unfinished piece of shit, that has stupidly implemented """""""future"""""""" equipment.
I have no idea what BIS was thinking with ArmA 3, the equipment looks like shit, the game's armour system was shit making 7.62mm the only viable round. They still haven't bothered with helping online run smoother either. Shitty fucking devs.

At least Operation Flashpoint could run with 100 players in PvP, I don't think ArmA3 could achieve that these days without trouble.
Base Arma is pretty shit
But modded arma is pretty okay, mods are literally the only thing that makes arma worth playing.

Overall Arma is still pretty shit though.
I don't know either. their future designs are completely horrible and unviable, they aren't even cool looking, they are just all around terrible.
Not to mention that their """""future"""" involves ww2 technology with a lot of hexagons.

When all they had to do was go and copy Ghost recon advanced war fighter and the previous ones for near future stuff.

That's just the art style, the coding side of it is absolutely horrific, hell even the DCS engine prior to EDGE was better optimized.
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if we're lucky maybe within this decade
Since when do we have a discord
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Razbam has it planned.
we dont
Thank fuck, I'd cry if VEAO ever got near it.
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The jaguar kind of looks like a samurai with those airbrakes
>It's a Jack gets mad at people going vertical episode
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How advanced is an F/A-18C compared to the vipers in falcon bms?
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But the "future tech vehicles" are not future
Ifrit is the zil punisher
Hunter is pic related
A 164 is just a a10
And etc
Anyone for BMS?

Get in TS and we'll get something fragged
don't violate your probation Greg we might have to get rid of you again
I don't have any VEAO products, what's wrong with it?
Basically they are the shittest dev.
They have 1 module, a trainer called the hawk.
The flight model has consistently been bad and only recently have they 'fixed' it. (It's still awful)
The texture work looks like it's out of FSX
They have a huge lineup of aircraft but they can't even get this simple little trainer right.
They consistently get defensive whenever anyone gives them criticism and they have a "Well like YOU could do better" attitude.
They tried milking even more cash out of the hawk with the PFM

Basically noone knows why they are still a 3rd party dev literally their one easy as fuck module is still a piece of shit after like 2 years.
Why not the discord?
Yeah i feel bad for the people that got the hawk
Discord is for fagets
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We use teamspeak for OPS there is not discord.
If there was nobody would use it anyways.
TS is for furrys
which ts? the furshit one?
No thanks
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Harmless vikhr.webm
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You realize we're never gonna switch, right?
the furries arent even here
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>implying anyone gives a fuck
only stimpak would do something that dumb
how the fuck do you do that?
t. cephaids
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i want to fly AV-8Bs against the chinese mainland circa late 80s
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Look at this shit

Some kuckold CMANO dev, probably a swede is venting his butthurt by making a whole fucking DLC about how Brexit will end the world via Russians invading Europe and the follow up DLC is going to be one called 'no brexit, no problem' where the Russians invade but you're way more powerful because britain didn't vote to leave some shitty anti-white commie state

do these people not realize the EU has nothing to do with defense
They should be very, very similar.
It's fucking stupid and I don't know what idiot came up with the idea. NATO is seperate from the EU for god's sake. Not even interested in that whale killing sim.
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>Some kuckold CMANO dev, probably a swede is venting his butthurt by making a whole fucking DLC about how Brexit will end the world via Russians invading Europe and the follow up DLC is going to be one called 'no brexit, no problem' where the Russians invade but you're way more powerful because britain didn't vote to leave some shitty anti-white commie state
As a bong i am kek'ing as high as i can that these cucks would go this far
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We could do dangerous waters. It has pvp, multi crew, and cool sonar pinging noises.

new phone
who this
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>page 10
A more modern budget fighter aircraft WHEN
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Literally give us cold war shit.

Dumb Euros want super duper MFDs and sensors out the ass but relevant people know that cold war shit is the dankest OG stuff.


In terms of age, we have the oldest Soviet fighter I'd want in the MiG-21, and the last 2 that we will ever get with the MiG-29 and Su-27

Just about anything in between those two I would fucking kill for right now.
>you either get a radar
>or you get SPO
>cant find any pictures of a MiG-25 cockpit that has both

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oi m8 im a euro and i know this

it's just no taste shitters who only want 4th gen because they just want virtual kills not a sublime flying experience
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Alright I guess you're an alright euro.
Literally anything past like 1987 shouldn't be in this game, they should work towards cold war planes.

I want steam gauges not MFDs, fuck off with your screens you cunts.
The A-10A is 1977 so you do have a few MFDs to mess with
A-10A doesn't have MFDs silly

Just a big CRT to target your AGM-65s
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Yeah the A-10C is when they put the MFDs in and that wasn't until the early to mid 2000s when they upgraded A-10As Pic related is what the A-10As cockpit looks like.
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>"We've heard your grievances for more non-NATO aircraft, and for greater fidelity of the existing aircraft brought over from Flaming Cliffs 3."
>"Well, we wanted to keep our development of a full-fidelity Russian aircraft secret for a surprise, release, but we think the time has come."
>"Announcing from ED, the full-fidelity module for DCS: Yak-130!"
Cool now i can pretend to be a Su-27 while pretending to fly a plane.
Oh well sorry then we dont have any MFDs
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Don't play with my emotions like that you sadistic fuck.
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>Custard and Jack spend 3 minutes making fun of me for flying low with full burner in the F-5 after taking off
>they both get BODIED by MiG-21s exactly as predicted
>only F-5 left alive has to deal with shit missiles and 2v1
>Custard is so mad he bans me from TS
Nobody likes you Raptor.
LNS nerfed the R-3R so that it sucks like it's supposed to. That's no question a good thing, but I miss my super missile.
>it's a Raptor takes 20 fucking minutes to start his plane, by which time the MiGs have arrived at the blue airbase.

he couldn't even autostart it mang, how is that possible
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>we need to fly low and fast and spread out
>haha no let's fly slow in formation
>blames someone else
>"what's a generator?"

>"I have to turn my fuel tanks on?"

>"fuel flow manfunction? what??"
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>damage control
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Raptor is literally worse than the furries.

How can one man be this annoying and autistic?
At least Furries can start the fucking plane you whiny retard
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>raptor is literally100% correct about everything
>being this salty about it
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Guys I think for our next MiG21 vs F5 sortie we should all take full loads and fly in a tight formation since it keeps working so well
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I wasn't even in the sortie and I can confirm that raptor is a autistic babby.
post more cute anime grills
>The dudes name is F22xRaptor
>people are surprised that he's autistic.
This Kek
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whatever senpai, next time I'm flying a MiG if you retards are too dumb to change tactics after getting fucking bodied not once



Next time we'll leave you on the fucking ground as you struggle with the easiest startup in the game
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basically this
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Sometime to light up the mood
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>both F-5s BTFO within 10 seconds of each other
>only survivor manages to survive for 5 minutes against two MiGs and gets cucked out of a kill due to 9Ps
>haha that guy is so autistic he should've been in formation with us so he could die immediately too
treat yourselves
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tfw someone posts one of your dank ass webms.
They are very good my friend)))))
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choppers r dum
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How does one git gud at this sim?
choppers body jets
>what more do you want

>fighting OG boys when they are in migs

what did you think was gonna happen
You Play It
I did

Most of the time I'm just oblivious to what's going on in the T-62 quick action mission and I quickly get removed by shit I can't see 80% of the time
meant for
reading something about real life tactics helps with their games since the ingame tutorials are almost non-existent
>god's plane so good slavs put it in their nostalgia jerkoff montage
one way i took to get better was to sit in the comm seat and just always keep watching for anything that moves after that i would check the map if my target was not a friend i would slug a HEAT and see if a bomb went off
>muh strats
if you want to really train look up a few RL books or do >>151678203
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Hello page 10 I am a /simg/
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fucking hosed
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barrel roll.webm
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This evening's BMS Ops, shortly before being memed and leaving.
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BMS screen shots are fun because formation flying in that game is so fucking good.

I had so many awesome ones of like 8 of us, but i reformatted so I lost all the screenshots.

Formation flying in DCS is better now that the netcode is actually much better, but BMS will always be better.
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Somebody explain to me why the netcode in BMS is so good and formation flying looks smooth and real as fuck.
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Use terrain to your advantage. Remember that, when unbuttoned from the commander's hatch, you can see targets that cannot see any part of your tank. Keep your vehicle in the low ground, try to keep hard cover (as in, hills and such) between the enemy and the hull of your tank. When fighting the enemy, keep your front armor presented to him- don't do any fancy angling shit like you might do with a WWII tank, your armor is at its best when you present the direct front of your vehicle to the enemy. The front armor of your turret can usually survive hits, even from sabot rounds- it's also worth noting that the T-62 has the best sabot round in the game, with the M60A1 you should really be concentrated on putting HEAT on target.

When attacking, if at all possible you should be sending infantry ahead of your armor. Infantry is much more difficult for enemy armor and AT weapons to engage and they can give you a rough idea of where enemies are and what threat they pose. Make your attack accordingly, and remember that tanks fight best in groups.

When firing from hull down position, unless the enemy is at extreme range or is being engaged by units closer to them than your own tank, it's best to fire once, retreat to full cover, then find a new firing position. I also recommend handling all gunnery yourself- the AI gunner is shit and the AI commander is better at finding range than you are. In the M60A1, you can override the gunner with the numrow 5 key and aim and fire with the same sight that you use to find range, you cannot do the same in the T-62 however.
Because they've had something like 20 years to git gud at it.
It uses like 10 times as much bandwidth as DCS.
>tfw no sim pilot bf to backseat slut for
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>tfw when no dood to ralph
>tfw when no devil dog dick inside me
I struggle to believe that; I can actually connect in BMS.
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When they say
>Okay the op is done
and you have the last 20 seconds to make your move.
Started up the Mig-15 for the first time and did a quick flight

Is the Mig-15 a good primer for the Mig-21? I'm waiting for the next sale

Should I get this game? I really enjoyed T-72 Balkans on Fire but that was a relatively simple game.

Looking at the gameplay of this the UI and controls look rediculously complicated, which dosen't quite make sense since the tanks modeled seem pretty basic.
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It's well known & documented that Slav game devs don't understand the concept of bridges.
>playing BoS on the Wings of Liberty server
>Wage a concentrated bombing war on Russian positions
>take out the last three Russian positions within 20 minutes due to unending bombs
>result: draw

t-thanks WoL
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Go for it. The UI looks intimidating, but most of it is actually information stuff, or buttons you'll hardly ever use because simple hotkeys do it better.

The tanks modeled aren't that simple t b h. The M60A1 has a funky rangefinder that uses two mirrors, one fixed from the gunner's sight, one which can be turned to produce a combined image in the commander's gunsight extension- the amount the mirror is turned is fed to the ballistic computer to produce a range because maths and shit.

The T-62 meanwhile has a two-plane gun stabilizer and a ballin-ass gun. Really, the two tanks modelled are the first "modern" MBTs from the US and the USSR.
Any tips on how to avoid getting a soar neck when playing racing games (assetto corsa) with a racing wheel? How should I seat myself? I have a 27 inch monitor, what should the distance of the monitor to my eyes be? Etc. Any help much appreciated.
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VERY fast banana jet flying past at incredible hihg speed

>tfw there is a possibility it arrives in DCS in this decade


If you are one of those, who say that currently it looks like shitty FSX freeware, let's look at how the MiG-21 looked originally

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How do you like your burgers?

I like mine char-broiled.
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Pop dat thang

Steel Beasts is neat, but I'm finding it kind of lame that you basically HAVE to play it as some sort of higher-level commander. There aren't a whole lot of singleplayer missions available with the game (there's a time-trial gunnery range you can play with most playable vehicles, an instant action infinite-wave-defense mission with most playable vehicles, and a single campaign set in the Yom Kippur War), and all the user-made ones I'm finding involve a large degree of strategic command stuff.

I'm much more interested in the tactical side of things- actually fighting as the commander of an individual tank or as the commander of a small group of tanks, so this is somewhat disappointing to me.
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webms are neat
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Dumb kraut taking off.webm
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Modernised (1980s+) B-52G/H fucking W H E N ?
never 'cause muh boring bomber gameplay, small maps, classified systems

the classified systems part is a big deal tho

the B-52 is still in active service and it's a nuclear-capable SAC-asset. We won't see that shit for a looooong time.
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I'd love to see a Desert Storm era B-52G. Would be good for '80s WW3 scenarios, too. No nukes needed, only conventional stuff. The "G" is out of service and the remaining "H" models are modernized way further. The ECM suite would be difficult to do, because of muh sekrit dokuments))) and because DCS doesn't model that aspect properly.
Buenos dias, amigos.

Can someone enlighten me what differences are between the USN and Spanish legacy Hornets? So I know what features we are going to miss in the eventual DCS module.

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You know when you do a last minute pull up from a dive, why does it seem like a turning climb pulls you up faster than a level climb or am I seeing things
Can the B-52 even actually drop dumb bombs on a modern army in the era of S-400s?

Cause in CMANO when used in modern scenarios with GPBs its generally just mopping up after SEAD and fighter sweeps has fucked the enemies air defense
Well, it is supposed to be part of a strike package/combined operations, not a world-destroying uberplen...

>era of S-400s
The B-52 had always the RCS of a medium sized moon. I don't know what the latest updates do, but supposedly the ECM is extremely strong in BUFFs. You turn it on, the enemy's entire radar screen gets filled with turbid mass. They can't lock you up.
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>They can't lock you up
That's why all modern missiles have home on jammer mode. ECM just reduce the effective range.
>BUFFs with ECM approach AO
>"Tovarish Commandier why is moon on radar screen?"
>"Grigori that no moon"
>"xa oh blyad'"
Is this thread okay for Wargame discussion? That general died long ago.
Big missiles are also starting to incorporate dual seekers.
Well we did kill them, so I'm gonna say no
Pls more turret throwing. That's my fetish.
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I knew T-72s sucked but I didn't know they sucked THIS bad

I thought I'd been hit by an RPG but it turns out a rifle-caliber MG somehow penetrated my armor
Shot trap X D D D
Wait a minute, how could it destroy the tank?
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I will now baselessly compare Steel Beasts Pro PE V4.0 to Steel Armor: Blaze of War, because they're the only two good, recent-ish tanksims that cover modern-ish vehicles.

SB is pretty good, and t b h I think it's worth the price of buying a time-limited license every now and then (I think the permanent license only actually pays off over the course of years, and you have to buy upgrades for new major versions). The physics are still kinda crap though, the terrain resolution is pretty low (as in, the smoothness of slopes and such are all very jagged), and it lacks a lot of the nice game-related things that a game like SABOW has.

For example: In SABOW, crews will bail out if their vehicle is seriously damaged, or if their morale breaks. I haven't seen a single crewman bail out in SB. Steel Beasts DOES have better damage-states and effects, though; in SABOW, you can instantly tell if a tank is knocked out or bailed out by the fact that all of its crew hatches are opened, SB doesn't have a universal "destroyed" state like that however. Instead, if the tank isn't actively on fire or exploding... you just kind of have to watch the turret and be ready to put another sabot into it if it moves. SB does catastrophic kills better, too- I posted a screenshot of an M60A3 brewing up earlier which was cool as fuck, and with some tanks (only seen it on T-72s so far) you'll see a violent puff of smoke come out of the muzzle of the gun after the tank suffers a catastrophic hit to the turret (similar to this https://youtu.be/VvuwUxaJmlo?t=56 ((0:56))), usually followed by the rest of the ammo going up. Turrets get thrown like a motherfucker, too.
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SABOW is better as a game- just the dynamic campaign makes that true, but it has so many more little polish points to it, like the way your tracks actually bounce and wobble on the rollers, the way that your turret rings after taking a non-penetrating hit (SB doesn't really have an interior "you've been hit" sound), the way that you can ACTUALLY SEE THE AIRCRAFT THAT ARE PROVIDING AIR SUPPORT TO YOU WHAT THE ESIM I WANTED TO SEE AN F-16 ROLL IN AND DROP JDAMS

Steel Beasts has the better vehicle selection (you can drive the T-62 in SB, and a variant of the M60, though it has a laser rangefinder and a gun stabilizer), better selection of terrain, and a more robust strategic element- you can command vehicles and troops in much more detail than you can in SABOW.

Also SABOW is technically only a survey sim (no clicky buttons) but to be frank I only use the clickable interiors in SB if I don't know the keybind for something, and otherwise both games are pretty much equal in terms of systems fidelity- they both have ammunition, armor, and overall vehicle mobility performance modeled as realistically as anyone who wasn't actively involved in the design process of the vehicles modeled could tell. That being said, the SB devs openly state that a lot of ammunition and armor performance data is based on informed guesses, as even if they did have accurate data they couldn't release it to the public.

So basically, SABOW is to SB what BMS is to DCS. SABOW has a small number of vehicles very well rendered with a good singleplayer experience, whereas SB has a large number of vehicles missing just a bit of the polish of the other game and relies mostly on multiplayer for replayability.
is anyone else here not on the spectrum
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You're in a thread dedicated to video games designed to let us pretend like we're real armymans flying fighter jets and driving vroom vroom tanks

you're on the spectrum too, motherfucker
A damn shame. Tangentially related; any sims out there that specialise in experimental weapons that didn't see production? ie cheyenne attack helo, t-30 heavy tonk, etc
but I'm an actual armyman and fly real aircraft
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Then stop pretending while someone cucks your planefu and get back out there
You are still on the spectrum.
How do we know you're not just so damn autistic that you took the role play too far and deluded yourself into believing you're legit?
>can't post aestetic letters
I forgot 4chan disallowed fun, sorry. It supposed to be nippon wide letters OK baka?

fifth gen marketing is 25.7% more effective than legacy marketing.
I don't get why we're bogeyman in blue flag seeing as the thread goes to shit without our involvement
They need us They need Da Bois
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BMS ops

get in ts
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>Turning left or right instead of doing a loop.
>i played a lot of war thunder, i know what im doing

the post
>Trying to get retards to be less retarded

jokes on me i guess.
It's arguably better to do a split-s, a loop can leave you stranded and give your opponent a free shot. Turning left or right burns too much energy. Split-s conserves both energy, and keeps your speed up.
>into the merge
>in the F-5

He did as much of a loop as the F-5 is capable of without putting a giant "shoot me" sign on the plane.

>do a sick loop/immelmann
>lose all speed, gain altitude
>'wow this altitude advantage would be super sweet if I was flying a Bf-109 against a Hurricane'
>eat a missile from the other guy
> missing BMS
we have your schedule senpai, never again will you ever play!
True enough, but he's pretty low there.
we were doing bms ops with the 2 of us for like an hour and a half getting blown the fuck out by stronk kors in SU-30's. hang out on teamspeak so i can inform you when we're flying
he had enough altitude
>lose all speed, gain altitude

That doesn't even happen in the su-25
If the opponent is competent he'll just plug you with an AIM-9, and by 'lose all speed' I mean slip under 300knots, which is a death sentence in the F-5.
>I mean slip under 300knots, which is a death sentence in the F-5

Actually it's a death sentence to any jet fighter
Not in the su-27.

But you will be pointing your nose towards him before he does.

I mean this is how i win against you knob ends every time i do anything with pass and then engage, just pull hard go into loop.
Well the F-5 just doesn't have the TW to make that kind of manoeuver without either going waaay 2slow OR performing the loop in such a lazy manner as to invite your opponent to get behind you and Ralph your Dude very, very hard.
going under 300 knots is suicide, even for the SU-27
No, you're pretty close to your maximum corner speed at 300knots, the corner speed is 600-700 in the su-27
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>Not in the Su-27.
>webm is of an F-5
600-700 kmh
>corner speed is 600-700
14 G figher jets when?
>Actually it's a death sentence to any jet fighter
>Not in the su-27

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That's why contemporary B-52s have stand-off weapons, tovarisch. No danger, when you are targeting slavs from outside their engagement zone.)))))
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No it isn't, max instantaneous =/= corner speed.
That's a really funny looking em graph
Them Russians are a prophetic bunch.
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Any CMANO players here?

I'm wondering what the best way to ground an enemy airbase is.

I destroyed both runways of an airbase but fighters are still launching. Are they able to fly off 'runway-grade taxiways'?

Can you ground the airplanes by bombing all the fuel and ammo?
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Jesus fucking Christ
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Systems management is legit the part about DCS modules that gives me the biggest erection.


Complex aircraft with plenty of systems when?
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So RAF Nimrod's used to carry AIM-9 Limas

How the fuck would they dogfight and WHAT would they use them on?
fear the nimraaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwd
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>flying MiG-21
>use rockets to take out the remaining Blue trucks on Guadata
>Red captures Guadata
>use superior MiG-21 speed to catch afterburning F-5 and kill with the 2 R-60s I was carrying
>get in a dogfight with another F-5 but have no more missiles
>clean MiG-21s fly like dreams so I gun him down
>leave combat at mach 1.2 and 1300kph because clean MiGs are fast as fuck
>make smooth landing and watch a 3 ship of MiG-21s take off while rearming
It is a good day.
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Your little slavboo nuts are gonna start quaking.
I'm usually an air to air guy but air to ground can be pretty cool when Combined Arms stuff is involved. Makes me want to actually get it just so I can move ground units around the map in situations like this.
kebab in the DV.As ?
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>tfw have plenty of good songs for videos
>plenty of good ideas for videos
>shit PC
>no editing software
>no TrackIR


goob vid regardless
I used to be in the same boat as you senpai.
Give yourself sometime to get on your feet and you'll have something nice eventually.
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looks like jelly in slow motion

Probably for use against any ship based helicopters they stumble upon
>latest opentrack build has completely broken it and fucked up game detection

Playing when there's a combined arms guy is amazing.

Sadly no server run it.
>rc 11
>There are new optimizations used. Please report random crashes so the optimizations can be backed out!

They were used for self defense in the event that they were intercepted by a Yak-38 for example.
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I am sorry Apache i hope you can forgive me

Best video yet
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The MiG-21/F-5 BASIS server has it and an airfield in the center of the map (Guadata) to fight over.

Hardcore niche title, so hardcore niche prices.
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Project Reality ops when?
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I'm tempted to reinstall it desu

We played a couple rounds last night.

I'd never played before but most everyone else had.

I fucking loved it. I'm hoping Squad fixes its performance issues, and eventually becomes a true successor to this game.
The reason PR is so good is because it forces teamwork and has the perfect pacing in between walking simulator ArmA and the banzai reincarnation cycle of RO2

Man it just shits upon all other FPSes and these developers don't even get it
>Man it just shits upon all other FPSes and these developers don't even get it

True enough.

But it's only good because of the limitations of the shitty engine, the gameplay is basically a happy coincidence.
It also has 50v50 multi, doesn't have much of a learning curve and it can easily be fun. I don't even go near ArmA because PR has everything I want.

Wish they would bring back 100v100 though once a month or something.

The thing that made me interested in it was the number of scenarios and theaters.

It just has every time of battlefield, which means every type of aesthetic.
Really childish reason to like it, but I'm having fun. Wish I had gotten into it in its hayday.
>the gameplay is basically a happy coincidence

Ive always thought PR was the fibonacci sequence of gameplay mechanics/balance/teamwork tbqh
Squad will become PR2.0 but all it needs now is time and a good road of player feedback
any PR players remember this



Real talk, is flying god's plane legit?
Fly what you want anon.
>Ive always thought PR was the fibonacci sequence of gameplay mechanics/balance/teamwork tbqh

Yeah pretty much.

Best trailer
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>When you look up the username of your xfire internet buddy who you used to play PR with back in 2006 and they're a tranny now
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wew lad
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also this is a classic

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJXg9jgCFnU [Embed]

Also the good old times driving in a Stryker on Ramiel and that other Insurgency map racking 100+ kills with 0 deaths. Or wasting MBTs with Bradleys so hard they had to implement a cooldown for the TOW after stopping the vehicle.

Good times.
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I remember in PR starting the RPG artillery meme back in 2011. Send out a scout to watch where your rpgs fell and you'd figure out which cloud to shoot at to hit x part of the map. Ended up some rounds we got 16 guys all firing at a cloud.

It ended up pissing off tryhard clans so much that they nerfed it in a patch.
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>some rounds we got 16 guys all firing at a cloud.
>It ended up pissing off tryhard clans so much that they nerfed it in a patch.
>weeds out the weaklings by making takeoff a more dangerous task than combat
>Not fighting that torque sufficiently
Is this a beginner or does the person just doesn't have something bind to the rudders?
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sol vikhr on manpad.webm
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get fucked.jpg
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>all that assblast on hoggit and that faggots youtube video
Weeb mirage poster BTFO
Delicious reddit butthurt,they just cant resist bait .
Go away weeb mirage faggot.
>Taking the bait

That's where you fucked up kiddo. I actually don't give a shit I was just in it for the bantz.
Oh boi here we go
Man, I really miss it.
I don't know whats more pathetic, being ordered around by a furry, getting banned from the 1 noteworthy DCS event, having a jan to clear any negative thing about the TS group like ED forums or being a furry.

just kys
>Mirage players are shitposting

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Why the literal fuck do you come here then

go fucking jack off ralfi dudes dick as you and your blue COCK boys listen to each other suck dick on simple radio

You come here for LITERALLY no reason, other than to tell us about how little you have to do with us. You have serious fucking autism my dude.

>implying i haven't removed you multiple times in blue flag already

im keking



No anime rule when?

>i go on /simg/ just to tell them that they suck

I'm very confused by what is happening in this thread and have no idea what anybody is talking about.
Memes and shitposting.

Report off topic posting for a 50% less confusing thread than legacy threads.
Do one Cephei
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>this weapons-grade shitposting right now

well hey, if any of you other fucks have SBpro, would anyone be interested in doing a mission night every now and then in it? I'm not fantastic with the editor but I can set up basic shit- setting up units, giving them orders to attack or defend stuff, putting together minefields, all that jazz. I figure if nobody else is good at doing missions, I might be able to whip together some alt. history Desert Storm thing where the Iraqis have an actual armored force worth worrying about.
9/11 your breddy gud
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dont worry im a professional.jpg
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how many people have dangerous waters? we should do an op soon
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It's another /simg/ falls for the bait episode.
top fucknig kek
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How to remove Mirage1.webm
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hello yes it seems we are shitposting about the mirage so I went out and killed a few blues+
Damn nigga it DARK
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>When he flares but your missile is having none of his shit.
Fuck off back to /wtg/ von :^)
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How to remove Mirage2.webm
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>hit him with an R-73
>keeps flying
>have to get medieval to finish the job
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I have it but it's been forever since I played

the only thing I was ever good at WHEN I played was sniffing out submarines in the P-3

>mirage has literally the exact same problems as the MiG-29, if not worse
>all blue does is cry about the MiG-29

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catch me in clod nigga

ima ask you again

why do you come here
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cough cough.jpg
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What the fuck is going on in hoggit with that Mirage video, why is everyone so booty blasted?

>I think the M2K is A E S T H E T I C
What does /simg/ think about CMANO
It's ok plon.

Razbam needs to shave that baguetteonium off.
I probably would since you fly shitty FBW meme ace combat planes :^)
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it's aesthetic to kill
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Careful don't snap
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Are you actually VON from /ovg/?
I was getting into it. I like it but had some performance issues and the v1.11 broke the sound for me, dunno why.
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The adventures of normiebook.
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Harmless attack run MiG-29A.webm
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we did tu-95 "ops" (we didnt call it that but in essence it was ops) back in il2 '46


pic related.
ingame screenshot + filters

It's alright, I just wish the mission editor and event system was more powerful.
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fuck this.webm
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>/cager general/
never have never will
sorry famingo
>Tfw comfy ass ground pounding in the winter in IL 2s
>tfw get perfect textbook formation landing on the way back
>wehraboos win because they played the objective for once

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sounds like you got DUNKED

tell the br's on red to stop ramming like fags

its really gay to have a fully crewed 88 by players to get removed by "BR ATTACKPLANER BR" ramming

i was in the 110 bombing the shit out of the airfields by flying under radar that the br's rely on for contacts
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You used the absolute version of the song and you should literally unironically kill yourself my devil dog duuuuude
t.Mirage pilot
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Just go and start up the F-5
Fuck off Raptor, literally nobody here will respect you for your choice of song
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>flying with the guncam enabled

you auto start your mig-21 dont you
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>using the weeb Katyusha version
kys you memer
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Fuck off.jpg
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Have you played as VON though?
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i say we start posting videos with Russian planes and Russian music on hoggit to convert the disgusting blue natoboos
>/simg/ should go full soviet and start spreading slavboo propaganda
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see >>151794859
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God's plane is also A E S T H E T I C
no that video is shit raptard
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Look like you guys are off to a good start >>151794859

Please don't lump us with raptor.

If you can possibly comprehend this, he is somehow the worst /simg/ member.

But at least we don't post anime every fucking post so
>Weeb version of a good song
>Using shitty 480p webms to make a video
>Giving absolutely no credit to anyone who made said webms

Like literally do you try and be the worst and most annoying person on /simg/?
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>all the webms are mine
>giving a shit about song version
>complaining about authentic 480p russian recording
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cute mirage and her friends.png
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nothing wrong with anime
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if you tell me who you are I'm sure I have a webm of the kill that made you so salty :^)
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quit being a faggot.png
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remove yourself
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>custard is STILL this mad about getting bodied in PVP ops
idk senpai maybe we shouldn't do simg PVP anymore if y'all can't handle the banter
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M2K Cockpit.png
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>he's never flown a jet

You look like a coon
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this is what harmless ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE

looks like a fuckin fag tbqh
>daily reminder
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>not smacking that boipucci
Pics of dat boi pussyy
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>delete the config file from CMANO trying to restore the sound
>game makes a new one
>still no sound
>game somehow is more responsive and faster in general
I just dont know anymore.
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war crimes.webm
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Tony Kito, your court martial is awaiting!
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Afghan Ops + Su-25A + Amazing ass (but still in testing) DCS mission + VR = one of the greatest experiences I've had in DCS.
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have we started the fire.webm
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It didn't go very well, as you can see. I'm now seeing just how much of a mistake i may have made saying I was going to do this- I have the strategic mind of a toddler.
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SABOW operational map.png
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tfw you forget to take a picture of the operational map


Anyway here's a quick MSPaint mockup of the strategic situation. On the left is a large force of Iraqis that are AI controlled, mostly mechanized infantry with some light tank support provided by T-55s.

On the right is the force that I command, a dedicated armored group of mostly T-62s with motorized rifle groups for scouting and infantry screen support.

The Iranian force initially attacked the Western force- the first turn actually went quite well for Iraq, with the mechanized infantry groups holding ground where attacked, and gaining ground in a few counter attacks. Then, some strong attacks from Iran forced them into a general retreat- I was tasked with attacking the enemy's flank to disrupt their momentum and allow the Western force time to rereat and reorganize at a new line of defense. So, I moved a scouting platoon up, with a small force of armor lagging behind to deal with whatever the scouts may find; the enemy's main attack had so far been to the southwest.

I may have misjudged a tad bit.
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the fire rises.webm
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Afghanistan ops are fucking dank
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SABOW horrible misjudgement.jpg
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An Iranian group launched a fast attack against my scout platoon and its reinforcing armor. Given the state of fighting on the other side of the map, I figured this wouldn't be a very large force. Once dropped into the tactical map, I identified two major defensible positions, with a third position somewhat less useful but still well-defensible. So, I distributed my forces- two three-strong platoons of T-62s, and my scout platoon of 3 BRDMs with 25 troops (10 in two, 5 in the command vehicle) to occupy these positions against the expected enemy advance. I expected the brunt of the enemy to come from the West, as that was where the bulk of the Iranian forces were, with some units coming from the North.

As you can see by the smoke rising from both main battle positions, I was very wrong.
You committed your entire defense to static position and had no armored reserve?
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The defense started at 5AM, in heavy rain. Visibility was poor, and for a time no one reported contacts. Then, my map began to light up as the other tanks within my group began reporting contacts- all of them armor. I had taken the gunner's position of the lead tank of the group occupying battle position 2- the tank had an incomplete ammo load, I assume because I had pulled the group forward somewhat quickly to reinforce the scouting platoon. No sooner had I given the order to load sabot that the commander of my tank gave the order to engage a tank to the North- I swung the turret around, and sat in a sort of dazed horror for a moment as I recognized the turret of a chieftain less than 500m away from the base of the hill I was occupying.

Range information wasn't needed, he was at point blank range. I put a shot into the side of his hull before hearing the tell-tale ring of incoming fire slamming into my turret; it hadn't penetrated, but the crew were rattled nonetheless.

Reloading in the T-62 necessitates elevating the gun to a fixed position, so I hopped to the gunner's vision block while the loader put another sabot in the gun. At least five chieftains were advancing from North to South approaching my hill. Another shot came in- this one penetrated and killed the loader and commander. The remaining crew panicked and bailed out just as the ammo lit up. They weren't fast enough to get out alive.


I didn't expect anything other than maybe a mech. infantry platoon coming down to harass what they believed to be an unescorted scout group. Reserves weren't really a thing I could have, given that I only had 6 MBTs and 25 infantry.

BP2 was very quickly overrun as the full might of at least 15 Iranian MBTs crashed against it. There were some survivors- the command vehicle of the scout platoon had been placed behind it, and it was quickly pulled back off the battlefield once the hill fell.

I took up the gunner position of the second tank in the group occupying BP1- the command tank had been knocked out, this group was quite exposed from the North, especially without the other group covering its flank. The commander of my tank gave the order to engage several tanks that were all located in the same general area- I traverse the turret, giving the driver orders to orient the hull towards the enemy to present out best armor. This was a very good idea- they were close enough that they were shooting down into the position. This second tank held up for quite a while- we put sabot after sabot into the chieftains surrounding our position, the turret constantly being hit by their 120mm guns. After a minute or two of this furious melee, an enemy tank swung round our side and put a shell through the side of the turret. All crew in the turret were killed instantly, the driver was machine gunned down as he bailed out.

A single Iraqi tank was left operational in the position I marked as BP1/B in a previous image. It was only alive by grace of being the furthers from the main advance- as I jumped into it, it was taking fire. I quickly ordered the driver to reverse, this position was being swarmed, and there was a drainage ditch to the South of it that offered full protection of the tank. This moved saved the tank and the crew, as I ordered a full retreat as I pulled back.

Pictured is the final fate of battle position 1, take in the after-action "statistics" display (as are all screenshots after this), hence the lighting difference.
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Fug, forgot my screenshot.
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God damn I love SABOW/SBposting and SABOWanon but I don't know this game for shit.

Consider making tutorial videos sometime, SABOWanon.

Also whatever happened to Trainposter? I really enjoyed his posts. Added some much needed variety to the thread even if he's just one guy posting in the middle of the mountain of drama/planeposting/life support bumps.
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And the fate of battle position 2.

So what did we learn?

1. I should not be given command of anything larger than a small group of kindergartners
2. Six versus like twenty is pretty bad odds
3. I put too much emphasis on strong, hull-down static defense, though I'm not sure how well a more dynamic defense-in-depth could have done against 120mm armed chieftains in such numbers.
4. Any attack should be treated as a full, committed attack by the enemy- I shouldn't assume that I'll be faced with a token force of IFVs and dismounts just because forces elsewhere are being engaged by large numbers of tanks.
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I might. I have a pretty shitty voice, though, and text-based tutorials are kind of cancer IMO (transcripts are good, pure-text is not)

Overall, my own losses were 5 T-62s (one badly damaged rather than destroyed, but it's now in enemy territory and likely captured), 2 BRDMs, and 23 infantrymen (with one of the surviving infantrymen being wounded)

Iran's losses were significantly lighter- 1 Chieftain destroyed, 2 moderately damaged (one bailed out, the other fought while immobilized). One M113 was damaged.
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This was a lopsided battle from the start, and the results show it. After the battle, the remnants of the scout platoon openly routed, and the surviving tank crew's morale is basically shattered.

The Chieftain is a terrifying machine to face in something like the T-62. Some of the tanks lost in this battle were penetrated in their thickest armor by Iran's 120mm guns. When fighting M60A1s, you can be reasonably sure that the front armor of your turret will survive anything it throws at you, but the Chieftain isn't so simple to fight.
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The only positive about this is that I now know the composition of forces in the general area of where the battle took place, and that I only lost the numbers that I did. Especially worrisome is that I now have no infantry around the front- all of them are either being held in reserve, or are a turn or two away from the tanks.

And thus concludes battle 1 of SABOWanon's Iran-Iraq War campaign. Tune in next time where I probably lose even more tanks, because I'm nothing if not incompetent as a commander.
If not a video tutorial then perhaps a pastebin like the planefags?

A collection of documents/tutorials for newbies to the genre is really useful in getting people into it. Currently there's just a couple of guys playing tank sims in the thread as far as I understand but /simg/ is very slowly starting to accomodate other sorts of simming aswell. And this tickles my autism.
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SABOW One More Final: I (Do Not) Live Through This

It surprised me how tense this was. I'm not usually one to get too "immersed" in my vidya, but then suddenly I'm sitting here in this shitty T-62 in the pouring rain, desperately trying to get my gun on target and hoping to god that the next shot I put into it is the one that kills it, each time I hear the bang against the turret front making me that much more anxious, until finally I hear the explosion and see pic-related as the crew all die a horrible death.

It's kind of fuckin' brutal.
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>as far as I understand but /simg/ is very slowly starting to accomodate other sorts of simming aswell
is it just one guy who usually tells people to kill themselves for no apparent reason or is it just some ebin meme?

Fucking kill YOUR self shitter.

I'm a plane fag but I think all sorts of sims are good and this is the place for them.

Seriously, fucking remove your self from the general please.

I don't have anything better to do, I guess I'll throw together a pastebin.
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>occasional SABOW/SB posting
>occasional trainposting
>we used to have DWposting and submarine shit
>some rare civil flight sim posts

Sure the absolute majority of users in the thread are mostly interested in flight simulators, and that's alright, but it's good to see the thread is growing, even if it's in valve time.
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>victim complex

I'm not saying that other sims aren't welcome here or weren't welcome at some point in the past. I'm merely saying that non-flightsim content is being posted more frequently than it has been ever since this general started and thus far has been well received in the sense that at least some people show interest by simply not ignoring the existence of said posts. PR and Squad talk are examples of that aswell, other than the stuff mentioned in >>151817954
I guess I gotta break this down for you because you're retarded. This statement("''''''/simg/ is very slowly starting to accomodate other sorts of simming aswell"'''''')
incorrectly says that at one point we didn't allow other sims. This is confirmed by the usage of the words "/simg/ is slowly starting to accommodate".
kill yourself
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3MB, 1870x2800px
Maybe it could have been better worded out, yes. But it's very late where I live and I didn't really spend much time thinking on the word choices before posting that.

A better way of writing that to get my point more accurately across would be "/simg/ is very slowly starting to appreciate other sorts of simming aswell"

Thanks for your kind insights on my use of the english language.

I'm glad you posted a picture of your self, because you are the only one that has autism here friend.

No reason to sperg out for no fucking reason just because someone said its cool more shit is being posted here.
Whats the best rally sim of this decade?
Whats the best rally sim of last decade?
Is Dirt Rally worth buying?
Nigga you think I awake at half 5 in the morning?
Dirt rally is great, I'm shit at driving and I recommend
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"you see tovarish, when you are become bipod, you will never shoot RPG of inaccuracies."
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Really rough first draft tankfag pastebin here:


Put it in the op if you want to, it's pretty barebones at the moment though.

Also, other tanksim fags, if you guys could contribute I'd be awful grateful. As that battle earlier shows, I'm shit when it comes to armored strategy, and it's difficult to find good documentation on modern/semi-modern armored doctrine.
I'd post tank shit but I can't post screenies for a few more days

Well, by contribute, I meant mainly to the pastebin. How to fight in a more nuanced way than just "hull down, shoot at enemy" and stuff.
I'm no tankie but I guess when fighting offensively you throw infantry towards AT emplacements and you yourself just make just the poor cunts get merked by enemy armour
How does the strategy part work for that game? In the tactical battle part can you just haul ass away and try to lure them into more of your forces elsewhere on the strategic map?
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There're two "layers" to the game- the "operational" layer, which is a turn-based strategy thing where you move units across a large map, prepare defenses, etcetera, and a "tactical" layer, which is what the actual tanksim stuff takes place in. The tactical layer maps are actually quite large, so you could set it up so that a small force makes contact with the enemy, then retreats back to better prepared defensive positions, drawing the enemy into fields of fire.

Unfortunately, though, you're given points of ground you must hold- specifically in that stuff I was posting earlier, the area I had labelled BP2 was actually a point I had to hold as well. If the enemy occupies a position you're supposed to hold, I believe it can trigger an end battle with the player at a loss.

I really need to find some player-made missions for Steel Beasts. Usually when I get a new sim like this, I fuck around with self-made missions until I get a hang for things, but t b h playing SABOW so much recently has prepped me for this quite a bit.

Also I really wish SB had DCS-style tooltips when you hover over shit with the mouse, I can't read Russian.
Yes, Dirt Rally is very good. Only that one autistic supreme /ovg/ poster hates it.
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whats the best cmano scenario

would you recommend CMANO at its current price?

I kinda dug Harpoon, but CMANO is so goddamn expensive and it looks like there's a lot of emphasis on super-modern airwar stuff (where I kind of prefer 60s-tek naval battles)

Wait until Xmas and it'll get the 50% off and probably a bundle with Northern Inferno on Steam
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its expensive but I have got a ton of play out of it for about a year now and i'm still not close to playing all the scenarios

its fun because you can make a plan in autistic detail and feel like a real general and then hit fast fwd and see how you do - or you can do a 1:1 time thing like an AWACS would

for example there is a recreation of the falklands black buck mission and you have to calculate all the tanker and vulcan takeoff and refuel times so they don't run out of fuel

You should download the community scenario pack and its got stuff from 1945 to 2030

here's a good video of a short scenario
>SABOW devs said on steam community about a year ago that they were looking at developing more substantial DLC for the game if the Basra '86 DLC went well
>This could include new playable vehicles

b u e n o

also tfw you will never have as much fun as these slavs are having https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTGM1n8CYyQ
>slavs are having so much fun
why i do even live
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>meanwhile my life
SABOW textures nailed it.
You can download CMANO with the lastest updates for free though, if you want to test it or you're too stingy.
480 or 1060 for DCS World?
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>decide to play graviteam tactics
>try to find the best spot where the enemy attack will come from
>it comes from an entirely different direction and if I deployed there I would have slaughtered them

How the fuck do I even play this game?
You might have to use spotters to deal with that shit. Always keep an eye on the roads if there's tanks.
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>that fucking tank interior

I fucking love this video now.
I'm poor as fuck atm, so I can't buy Track IR til November-ish. I bought the A-10C in the summer sale and want to start flying it/learning how to fly it, is it playable enough with only using the HAT/mouse to look around?
go for the DIY option
what has a better turn rate 29 or 27?
get a delanclip, it's great
IRL the 29 dominates, but due to its sfm its turn rate is kinda poo.

Pre wingsnap the 27 turned like a madman and it still can but you can't be nearly as crazy with it compared to the 29.
>page 10
bump with content more like
not yet
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this is sneks

Friendly reminder that the MiG-23 is not planned to be developed.
So, since we are getting more posts from other sims, can we try and list the best from each genre?

Planes: DCS or BMS for modern. IL2 BOS or IL2 CLOD for WWII

Tanks: Steel Beasts and Steel Armor: Blaze of War

Ships: Dangerous Waters?

Infantry: ARMA...

Add genre and games to this.
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Russian missiles, why are they so shit?
Who has track file of last night's ops??
Anyone who played it should have one. If you could please pm me it on ts so I can make a video of all your guys different perspectives.
Because ED doesn't want to make the F-15 not be able to pull 15Gs.

Also they fucked something with proximity fusing.
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Added to the OP pastebin

You're doing God's work, man.
Not even the most delusional of slavboos think that.
I wouldn't blame the F-15 but EDs missiles in general are really shit, that has more to do with it then it being a slav missile. They said they are going to work on them soon.

Not him but the fuses are fucked
>yfw ralfiDOOD has said that the AIM-120 is broken and horrible compared to its Russian counterpart
People take ralfi seriously anymore? I've not watched anything he's done since the IL-2 video.
Should squad be allowed on the OP as an infantry combat simulator?
>its russian counterpart
is dis nigga even serious?
missiles in general might be broken, but the R-77 is basically an R-27ET that makes less smoke at the cost of giving off launch warnings and only going active a few meters from the target.
Graviteam tactics. Its more of a wargame than a sim but it has enough autistic details to be worth of a mention.

>Infantry: ARMA...
Maybe PR, I dont know.

As for improvements to the OP, I'd suggest to add some stuff about racing sims, both games and hardware related info, since sometimes it takes hours for someone to get a reply.
But you faggots are free to talk about whatever you want. Considering that cephei only deletes post wth his name in them and my Pepe's.
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R77 having a bad pitbull range is a meme.
R-77 is disgusting.

>Secrete document wing snapping.

wtf i hate DCS now
>F-15 tuned according to public documents
>Su-27 is tuned according to LITERALLY SIKRET DOKUMINTS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuck ED
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I remember when I only had one hour in the Fishbed, too.

I need source so we can taunt him the next time he gets bodied by R-3Rs and R-13M1s.
It was the Mirage and MiG-29 last time, now it's just the MiG-29 because they got to keep the Mirage.

Scumfucks, I tell you. Also, Blue flyers are generally goddamn terrible.

Did he really think pulling up was a good idea there?
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upvote this guys

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>You will never stroke an A-4 skyhawk
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