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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 782
Thread images: 164

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Play Space Games Edition.

>Space Jam is over. Play games and leave feedback.

>Next Demo Day (X)

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta, as if that's an excuse)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/groups/agdg-audiofriends

>Previous Demo Days

>Previous Jams


GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

>Free audio
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why is your game not furry?
Does anyone need a free art slut? I want the practice and to experiment with different styles.

I do 2D and 3D
So I've been looking at Godot Engine and am considering moving to it from Gamemaker Studio. Is this a good idea? Everyone here seems to use gamemaker for 2D stuff. I know that gamemaker is easier for beginners, but are there any real reasons to use it over godot?
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random desert stuff for WW1/WW2 horror game
yeah everyone looks fine in the animation viewer though its all fucked up in the actual game when i try running
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I M&M-ified my water, so you can walk on it but you take damage, which is "drowning". To get this in a reasonable state I had to change my clock from ticking ever 5 minutes to every 1 minute, so that's a thing now. To avoid taking water damage, you can cast Water Walk or level up the Swimming skill. These exist in the game, but they're not functional yet. I also want to add a check that only causes you to drown if the water you're in is over 200cm deep.

I also made it so enemies no longer can walk on water. At some point I may have sea creature enemies so I'll figure out how to do that when the time comes.

That's all for tonight though. I'll finish it up tomorrow.
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100% silky smooth realism

always happy to see your updates fampai
Do you always use 'int', anon? I usually just use floats and ints, but now I'm wondering if I should replace my ints with shorts, since I knew they won't over go the limit. Are there any guide lines for this?
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items of interest.webm
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also, last major mechanic thing - storage of unique items, both equipable by soldiers and fluff things
post artifact ideas
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>tfw you have broken something deep inside of your game

and something deep inside breaks inside of yourself aswell
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Remember to vote in the official poll to decide the next jam.

it doesn't really matter these days on pc unless you're using them to create save files
post dev music
Comfy Forest Loli Stealth Jam. Fund it.
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So now that it's space jame and more people downloaded my spacegame, does anyone who played it have a comment on difficulty?

It's hard for me to tell if the game is too hard, since as the dev I know all the secrets to the game so I know what to expect and can clear it pretty easily. I'm wondering if it's the same for everyone else.
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need to put in a better shotgun blast sprite and a crashed motorcycle sprite.
Have you set your model to humanoid?
Are you sure your playing the right animation?
Are you using IK?
Ok I'll whip something up for you
only in the legs
Smooth those verts
>waah I'm an uncreative fuck! but it's not my fault, it's the theme's fault
is this the sister of that other animation abomination from some years back
TODAY'S DEBATE: What happened to the uncanny valley?
No one mentions it anymore even for things that clearly would have been defined as such in the past. Historically uncanny valley works https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley#In_computer_animation_and_special_effects are now being redefined by revisionists in 2016 as perfectly fine looking. Were so many uncanny valley works made on big production value projects that it simply became normalized to the point that no one notices anymore?
Can't we just stop with the jams every 2 weeks? I want to participate but I also want to work on my main game.
Next month there's DDX, and after that there's Halloween Jam. Can't we leave it like that?
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Your game has a let's play gameplay from some youtuber right?

Next jam comes after DDX. And DDX is all about your main game. Relax pal.
Wait, who said the next jam will be in 2 weeks? I thought we are voting for the jam theme of October.
sold like shit. played fairly shit. Forgotten in the sands of time among many other indie games.
can you post video of the animation while in play and in editor?

TODAY'S DEBATE: When will Gogem post fresh progress of his games?
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post game dev related things faggot
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we got over it
Guys, tell me the steps of making a working model.

Googling returns me just a bunch of tutorials about making fucking wireframes. What are the other steps besides making the wireframe?
Isn't October set on Halloween Jam so on the 31st we play spooky games all night?
i re-imported the model, seems to be functioning normally now
>that walk animation

l bet you're not even using IK bones. Just use a mechanim animation for the love of god
that image doesnt explain this >>150385215


but before that learn some basic modeling stuff
i followed different tutorials, most of which were wrong. until i found my own way of doing things not-retardedly
First of all, even if I understand the term, it's stupid. I can not believe they couldn't think of any better expression for this phenomena.

What happened is Japan, plain and simple. Just like you can tell which cartoon is western and which is eastern, you can tell which animation is from Japan and which is from the west. As people got used to anime, they also got used to Japanese 3D.
For me it's mostly the eyes, it's like they are lacking any life
Where is that one game you were working on ?
You talk to much
Choose an OP pic that has something to do with the thread next time, faggot
I can already model ugly wireframe things.

Its just that the framework I use is quite old and seems to want models that are a bit more than a simple mesh.
>gamedev isn't related to gamedev
ok fag
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so a friend was like "make the screen resizeable and moveable" for a while and i had no clue how hard it would be to reconcile with how I made the surface draw.

turns out really easily.


i wished i had watched these instead of the ones i learned from . these are good tutorials, im skimming though it

good luck anon
It's an anime about cute girls who are making video games.
/agdg/ is a general dedicated to video game creation, where most people like lewdness and cute grills.
/agdg/ is also a general on 4chan, which is essentially an anime image board.

Got any more questions?
>Start to enginedev
>Get frustrated
>Give up and just open up GM

Also, how do I do lighting in gamemaker?
thanks for help
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I guess that would fix it
Do u feel like u are wasting your time on gamedev?
no i feel that way when i see your progress
I don't hope to make any money out of it, so no.
Waiting for the boogeyman hitler to go to bed finally so eurodaggy can have a nice peacefull afternoon
>I want to do thing
>GameMaker: Here's some tutorials
>Unity: Here's some tutorials, also check out this thing in the store
>Unreal: Check the marketplace

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pull the trigger senpai
>tfw there are Venezuelans here
this looks uncanny because it's western trash

this looks fine because it's just 3d anime

3d anime doesn't look uncanny you idiots
>Implying anime isn't uncanny in the first place
i feel like im wasting time replying to ur post instead
>uncanny reaction image
nicely chosen
I feel like I'm wasting my life every minute I'm NOT spending on game dev.
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All I have left is gamedev.
This guy's got the right idea.
>LA Noire isnt uncanny valley as fuck
youre joking right?
Honestly, you might as well at least prototype in GM before even considering your own engine, and then ONLY if you're doing something performance intensive or going against the grain of how GM works in some painful way
My time is worthless

Only because I'm getting absolutely nowhere and don't know how to change that
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there is a way
Go to bed
>have you spent too much time looking at your own weirdo animations?
how would my completely unrealistic art have any effect on my comprehension of uncanny valley creepiness.
would be better to ask yourself when's the last time you saw a real human being if you dont find LA Noire's animatronic masks on puppet people not intensely creepy.
why don't you post your games, shitposter
gogem because of you this entire thread and half of the previous one became a 3danimu discussion.
Please just go sleeping, you lose either way.
So please just have some dignity and fuckoff.
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Reminder, we now have an svg logo http://pastebin.com/iafqz627
I cleaned it up some more from last night. It is now normalized to 100, and there's no extra transform in the file.
thanks anon
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low res version of the logo
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I think it still exists, this video with edgy DMC guy shows we still have a ways to go imo. The reason it's not often seen anymore is because human characters are stylised even in very small ways for the most part these days (lack of a push for realistic skin is one that springs to mind).
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Today's progress:
Optimized some code and fixed a couple of bugs.
Got the new HUD in the game (still using the placeholder font though).
Adapting the villagers' new AI to the new level layout. Now there is two houses they can run to.
Will tweak their running speed and field of view later.
Hunter is inactive in the gif for testing purposes, but his AI will get a small upgrade too.
Also, Yun is a qt.
I tried 3 times and stopped at the first boss every time.
I find it really infuriating that there is no way to "dodge" the bullets.
Maybe pressing a key at the right second would create a counter?
me on pic
What does this have to do with anime? I've never seen an svg version of the logo.

More and more appealing every day
>add agdg's logo to new game screenshots
>problem solved
Nice progress.
Is Yun the vampire girl?
>not often seen anymore
i see it all the time. it's everyone else that stopped recognizing how creepy these things are.
Yun is the girl on OP's pic. Vampire girl is still unnamed so far. I have been lurking through romanian girl's names but so far I haven't liked any of those too much. I'm accepting suggestions too.
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>c++ has std::make_shared, but not std::make_unique
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Ok Anon, I doubt your still here but, for your lucky art dip.. I made you this. I didn't want to spend too long, so I basically just did the statue thing and not much sand work.

Hope it's ok, working with pixels is fun.
oh boy, looking great - thank you!
oh boy, looks shit - fuck you!

lmao. Who said that?
Why such low res out of curiosity? It's quite tough
Godot can do everything Gamemaker can. Except Godot can do it for free.

The only real advantage GMS has is several years of tutorials, examples, and documentation to learn from. Godot's documentation is getting better, but there are still only a few tutorials.
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the idea girl agdg needs.png
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>looked through some more of her comments
>>le genius.
thats the "olny advantage" of any game engine. time alive on the market and documentation.
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agdg event 2.webm
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It's just a small visual thing that goes with the events
Is there any way to use a real language with Godot, without having to dig into the engine code itself?
Ah, sorry. I'm not watching the show, and I'm just only aware of its existence.
Well, if Romanian names doesn't ring any bells for you, maybe you can take a chance at Hungarian names, since in Transylvania (aka Erdély), there were and still are many Hungarians.

I don't know if you are familiar with Diablo, but in Diablo 2, they made a mini boss based on Elizabeth Báthory's story. Basically she's a female Dracula, it is said she was bathing in the blood of virgins. So if you want your character has some tribute, then I suggest the name Elizabeth or, if you want to go full out Hungarian, Erzsébet.
Godot will support Mono/C# in version 2.2
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>c++ stl

Do you have a demo of this game?

Just curious about how it looks now.
Not enough random events to warrant a demo. Will publish one for Demo Day 10 for sure
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idea gurl2.png
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There's no difference between her and most of the people here on /agdg/. She has something to show for it.

Where's your fucking novel /agdg/?

It's a thing when you did something wrong. The example in your picture has wonky anatomy, the shaders are shit compared to what we got now, it looks too clean. You know how most of the time imperfections is what adds the realism in the end, from grime and wear on the model/textures to post screen effects which mimic camera lenses (things like lens glares you would want to actually avoid if you were a photographer)

Now today we have so many tools like 3d scans and 3d sculpting we don't have the limitations the people had back then (implying you are a big budget studio and have experts working for you) I can imagine someone box modelled the person in your picture for thousands of hours because even the traditional modelling tools were subpar compared to today, and no professional production today would boxmodel a model like this.

There are still problems today, like skin and hair. Sometimes people look too waxy, sometimes too shiny.
literally reads like an anime description
Oh I didn't know about that, that's much better than memethon.

Best of luck with that! Looks interesting
There is literally nothing wrong with the STL.
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Unity 2016-08-02 08-38-18-02.webm
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its real cool how easy it is to make stuff like this in unity
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Was having issues loading resources yesterday using mobile platforms.
Turns out I'm probably getting cucked by the android garbage collector.

I got so butthurt that I made a comic that quite literally represent my grievances.
If anyone has a suggestion I'm all ears.
>responding to the nodev nichijou phoneposter
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Your game is really cute fampai, I hope to see more progress from you in the future.
absolutely adorable
Is that chinese girl having a seizure?
im too stupid for programming, i just want to make a simple beta/alpha for my game to show a decent programmer who might want to work with me on this. fuck me
That show is my guilty pleasure. It's usually the kind of shows I avoid, but is so comfy and relaxing, I love it.
I was thinking about Elizabeth Bathory some days ago, but didn't thought about using her name as a tribute, could be a good idea. Will check more hungarian names anyway, but hers is really one of the best ideas so far. Thanks!
That's not a girl
For many programs, including game engines, there's just no other option.
I feel sorry for you, anon, but that comic is pure kek. Thank you for sharing! Sadly, I have no cure for your misery. Maybe write your stuff with JavaScript, then put it in a wrapper?
>That's not a girl
No, it's a dragon.
literally any language is better than c++, the only reason to ever use c++ is if something else relies on it, like ue4

You don't post code when you need a programmer. Post some art, and explain what you want to do.
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Literally just make it in gamemaker
How did you make it always rotate to right side up?
Also, are the white balls supposed to be smoke? It looks like you're shooting pellets out your ass
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I have this webm saved from several months back, from an agdg thread. What game is it from?

How would one got about making something as neat as this? I'm guessing some form of vertex shader?
Plan it on paper.
It's actually a Dragoon but whatever
Why do almost all programming tutorial videos have a narrator with an incomprehensible accent? I can't make any sense of some of them.

Why are foreigners like japanese and indians both helpful and have actual programming knowledge, while american devs are entitled cock sucking faggots who hate you and don't know the first thing about programming because they can just drag and drop in unity to make walking simulators and "art" games?
>the lewd dream is dead
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the dream was never alive
Assembly, C++, and C are the fastest languages. They're in a class by themselves. Using literally anything else will cut your framerate in half, if not worse.

Lisp, Forth, and C++ are the most expressive languages. They give you the power to create your own abstractions, instead of being limited by whatever the language designers thought you would need.

One language is in both of these groups.
most people here are making pixel platformers m8
performance is a state of mind, not a language feature

>muh expressive
subjective trash
I will work hard today
how hard is c++ if compared with c# ?
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i will work hard today.jpg
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If you just use C# style features, about the same. It's as complex (powerful) as you make it.
just use unsafe C#
Words of wisdom.
>implying Lisp can't run fast as fuck
make the balls slower and have them go up slightly instead of fully horizontal
Lisp can run about as fast as C# or Java, so it would be acceptable as a scripting language if most of your engine (physics, rendering, entity and component management) could be done in C/C++ and just provide hooks for Lisp functions. But Lisp doesn't work that way.

Besides, it's garbage collected.
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C# is faster than c++
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this nigga.png
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A procedurally generated shmup where you are the final boss. At the start of a level you get to see the protagonist and what kind of fighter he's piloting, so you can plan accordingly. He could for example be using a lot of missiles good against small cannon fodder, or he could have a super focused laser beam good against bosses, or some other combination of classic shmup weapons, bombs and wingmen.

Every wave you get a selection of things you can buy or sell, for example you can buy cheap cannon fodder, minibosses and stage bosses or you can "sell" upgrades to the protagonist like 1-ups, extra bombs, weapon and fighter upgrades etc. Every enemy that the protagonist kills nets both you and him cash to buy more things with. At the end of every stage, you get to buy different upgrades and build up your final boss section by section. The goal is to get the protagonist as jacked up as possible with upgrades while maintaining a solid enough income that you can actually beat him at the end.
this looks fun
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apps are amazing.png
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waoh slow down m8tey what is this c divided by c plus plus language your suddenly talking about
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cheers, I'm surprised how a single image can get creative juices flowing
cute desu
8/10 saved to ideas.txt
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It looks good but not even close to real. We've just got used to these ~eh~ skin/eye shaders.

I remember everyone creaming themselves over Heavy Rain and calling it photoreal. Now it looks mediocre compared to todays games.
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space jam game 2.png
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==|AGDG Weekly Recap|==
Game Name: Super Space Jam Jetpack Robo Turbo
Dev Name: nurikabe
Tools Used: Unity, Tiled, SAI
Website(s): https://nurikabe.itch.io/
+ created 4 maps and released demo in time
+ game flow and level transitions working
+ scripting system functioning and basic narrative set up
+ many changes to enemies
+ sounds and music
- started work on a navmesh generator and pathfinder but abandoned due to time
- many resolution and pixel rendering issues with the engine
heavy rain was as deep down the uncanny valley as you could possibly get, which was an improvement at the time but you gotta get over that hurdle
I love your game, anon. It has good ambient atmosphere, the bullet time sections are fun, and the writing is enjoyable. With more time I think it can be a pretty good game (even a scary game). Keep it up!

My only complaint is that the movement needs some time to get used to. You don't get any momentum from pushing yourself into a direction, and stop almost immediately.
isnt it too late?
B-But I like FF movie
It's never too late for progress

You lost me there nigger.
your waifu has downs :(
kek you are right. keep em coming.
it's too late for me
She's kill, you heartless basterd
if you don't create garbage the GC will never run
yeah so if you want toe gc not to run, dont make mobile games :))))))
>miss the space jam
>all my games are space

Well its not like I ever get to the 'playable demo' part ever anyway.
Demo day is coming up!
Thanks for the feedback anon. The movement has been tricky for me and I've been flipping between using direct velocity or forces. The problems that I run into with using a lot of momentum are that its difficult to make fine movements that are required for dodging bullets, and it also lets the players fly through the level faster than I might like. On the other hand direct velocity doesn't feel right for this game. Currently I'm using very strong forces and counter forces but its unstable and if you look closely hachi is jittering constantly. I'm going to need to keep tweaking it until I find something better.

I hope not. The recap image was posted Tuesday in my time zone and when I saw it posting was not functioning.
Where can I find coders willing to work on a very complex UE4 project which will take at least a year but crash and burn in 6 months when everyone gives up?
1~3 skin
4~6 animate
7~9 model new character
0 gameplay
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what do you call this style of art?
If I don't like what comes up I'll ignore it.
I finished with space jam and am now lost.
What do I do? I'm awful at ideas.
Pleb here using Visual Studio with C++, I want a rendering engine, any suggestions? I am thinking one that is decent at both 2D and 3D.
whoa the black peoples fashion is super on poin haha

Otherwise, pick 2D or 3D. Specialization is better for engines.
Thanks family, I think it will do

stop being a faggot and just use Unreal
Urban something
I know right what a dumb name. They could just shorten it to ++
Well then since you're obviously hot shit how about you give me a viable solution then.

the game isn't tetris I only used it as a sample Image.
Here's the premise:
It's a animation heavy fast paced rhythm game.
At any given moment I will have need to have access at least 500 frames of animation spanning 64 sheets(due to image size constraints of the device) at roughly 14MB of space.

Loading and unloading Textures to the memory during game play isn't viable since it will be breaking the action causing stutter.

>>its all androids fault ;_;

Well yes it is, since the DalvikVM garbage collector forces the memory management out of my hands and is force implemented and can't be turned off unlike ANY OTHER PLATFORM(where it runs just fine).

Tell me, tell me how it's my fault. Give me a workaround.
>use unreal
>get a 200 mb tetris clone

>still using AOL dialup for internet
>making a tetris clone in unreal
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Unity 2016-08-01 23-09-36-48.webm
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thanks guyz

yeah I'll be messing with the cloudpuffs more at some point soon, they need work. as for your question about how the tank rights itself, basically the way it works is whenever the tank isnt in an upright position it has a very high friction. what this does is when the tank falls over, it begins to roll until it naturally rights itself. this looks good and feels nice too i've found
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Well there are people that use unreal to re-make old games with modern graphics even if they don't need it, so I don't see the problem.
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What kinds of skills and abilities should a boulder have? I'm thinking seismic waves, jumps, and leaps. Need some more ideas though.
8 direction or mouse look for top down arcade roguelite shooter
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some kind of ground-pound
jump up and accelerate until it hits the ground
as an aoe type thing
I personally have never liked mouselook for 2D games.
Some kind of attractor, either through gravity or magnets
Where do I start if I want to make a 2D action platfomer?
how narcissistic is it to make a black wallpaper for your desktop with your dev name on it
>my cabbages.gif
why that file name ?
I already told you 8 direction.
>whenever the tank isnt in an upright position it has a very high friction. what this does is when the tank falls over, it begins to roll until it naturally rights itself
if you are black its ok. case you are not check your privilege because its cultural apropriation.
in the cliche-garbage section
(in all seriousness, you either build an engine or select from the big three)
shadows are fucked up
nice rock of age clone.
You know f a m, being called a nodev last year should have inspired you to become a yesdev. Instead you became... this.

So now that it's been a full year... where's your garry's mod map?
>he doesn't have a .gif background with his name and face covering the entire desktop flashing in rainbow colors
should I just migrate my entire repository to a local NAS? uploading assets takes a really long time on my dsl connection.

Or should I split up the code and just store assets locally?
>no option for kill yourself

thats what i would have chosen anon
>someone is talking bad about ____
>it must be _____
Literally insane
Good ideas, thanks.

I'm rewatching Avatar and couldn't help myself.

The goal in this incredibly innovative rock RPG is to get your boulder to the gate at the end of the level. Therefore, the name is Buldur's Gate. I'm sure Interplay won't mind.
why are people here so rude
and whats with all the anime?
fuck you
should it not be called Boulder´s to the gate then ?
>why are people here so rude
>and whats with all the anime?
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203KB, 1166x916px

you're on 4chan faggot.
And I'm going to be here all day. You better shitpost as hard as possible to stop me!

:^) Retard.
I want more opinions, but 8 direction seems to be winning
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A) this is 4chan, shitting on people's personal idea of fun is what we do now apparently
B) this is 4chan, an anime image board
nice game, newfag
boulder's gate would be less prone to confusion, clever name though
just ignore anime posters
>still giving (You)s to your boogeyman
>bringing him up all the time when nobody cares
Why are you such a needy slut? Is it a trait you inherited from your mom?

you can try kb only 8 dir shooting here to get an idea how it can feel:

other notes about it:
-wsad+arrow keys for independent move/shoot isn't good because people have shit keyboards that don't allow it
-I adopted the same sort of firing system that dodonpachi has, hold fire for focused/strafe shot, spam fire for free aim shot
-most people who played this crap didn't like the controls
-ignore the save/load thing
this but also in reverse
>slows down when you hit something
This game is going to fail.
hi, fuck anime. i dont liek it also. ive been hanging around because of the real good feedback. and if they thing your work is shit, they will make it very clear.
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Centrolene Sachatamia ilex-0112.jpg
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so what did that 2 year devil may fantasy guy actually do
yeah give it more mass, it slows down too much when hitting those weak wooden shits
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Not everyone can handle being a nodev. This one has always been a bit mental. Even earned the nickname "literally insane shitposter".
Very true, I'll probably go with that. I think people will get the idea.
>never even planned to make a game
I laughed because it's true
Can do. Been tweaking it, but it definitely needs to be more refined.
looking good anon
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>accidentally go into something new without preparing myself for failure and fail
>it hurts
>people using the anime agdg instead of the proper agdg
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>it's a "someone shitposts and gets all the (You)s" episode
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train sketch december frog.png
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its ok to just be art guy right?
Is there a reason in 3d modeling to use only quads?
Is it bad to use a tri or 5 vertices?
I'll really check that out, Thanks senpai
these are for you mcnulty
stick to quads, i think tri's are ok ? ive only been modelling for like a year and change
It makes animation easier and also allows you to select quad loops/rings which is useful for a whole lot of reasons.
>Is there a reason in 3d modeling to use only quads?
>Is it bad to use a tri or 5 vertices?
5 vertices seems bizarre unless you're modeling specifically something that uses those but tris are fine
Tris are OK
Ngons (5 or more) are NEVER, EVER OK

The reason you want to use quads and keep a nice topology as much possible is that it makes it easier to create a high poly version of the model, and helps with animation
Quads subdivide and deform better because they create more consistent edge flows

Triangles are okay as long as they don't cause smoothing errors, everything is triangles eventually.
There isn't really any legit reason to have a finished model with 5+ point ngons

not sure why he gets so much hate, because he made it with a demo that's barely playable with 99% of assets not being his? He doesn't seem like a bad guy, could have immediately gone total jew but he didn't.
Use quads as much as you can, tris only when necessary.
n-gons only for a mesh that wont deform ever.
Looks like lewd jam is on boys


despite (((someone))) being mad as fuck
What about shapes like barrels? They could have 8+ sides, and the ends are flat n-gons. Don't engines just convert them to triangles anyways, so it wont affect anything?
Yes art bro. We can be the difference between a playable game and a game being enjoyable to look at while playing.
Besidespecially, it takes the pressure from code guy and he can do what he do.
Thanks. Trying modeling again so trying to figure out all this.
you probably want to manually triangulate them to keep shading consistent, either triangle strips or cap it with an extra vertex in the middle

any n-gon can be represented with quads and tris
Stealth is ahead though.
The idea is that you as a human are better able to decide how the topology should be, the engine will just slap in a bunch of edges that might fuck up.
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child swapping.webm
1MB, 754x427px
Small progress: swapping out puppets

Also, is there a way to hide Canvas elements in the Unity Game view while the game's not running?
Looks tied to me
>What about shapes like barrels? They could have 8+ sides, and the ends are flat n-gons.
Flat ngons like cylinder caps are fine

>Don't engines just convert them to triangles anyways, so it wont affect anything?
Yes, but not uniformally/always good. The above example is the only exception.
Due to overwhelming demand for a lewd jam on AGDG I will be hosting a lewd jam one week after demo day 10. If you have a problem with a lewd jam you are not required to participate.
You're allowed to host any jam any time you want.
>pixelated indie platformer with female protagonist
when will this meme die?
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e washo.png
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I found an old WIP chippytune for that pixelated wizard game someone was deving here a few months ago
whatever happened to that guy/game?
subject to change in development, friendo
just need things to work for now

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Stick with the quads
Making a 2D shoot-em-up. Which would be better, rectangular hitboxes or circular hitboxes?
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Post stealth jam ideas
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Disable them?
Its what I do.
I feel like I've seen this game 1000 times already.
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Anyone in need of a good pixel artist? Hit me up with your email and I'll contact ya. I can also send you my portfolio that way.
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You'll have more luck if you at least post something you made, and how much you're charging
not quads
well it's 1001 now.
Can't have too much pixelshit.
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is wrong

What matters are the normals. You do not have to go through the trouble of quadifying flat cylinder caps, all game engines will do that for you.
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this is the game btw
The Discord invite has expired
I'm working for free.

it works for me.
Good, it's not a real chat that anyone uses
I use the chat
I don't say anything but I lurk
I'll have to see your portfolio before I can hire you for free work.
Huh, worked on the second try. Weird.
but quads can also be non-flat
you have a tumblr or some shit?

>real chat
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attack info.png
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Progress is slow because irl friends and work.

I hate everything.
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i warned you about stairs.webm
2MB, 500x500px
reposting old progress. still working on this physics based movement.
>irl friends
Give up friends and dev.
Thats hilarious
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same here
I like it , eventho its pixelshit.
I don't mind the fact that pixelplatformers are played out.
I can't help it they happened at school.

Yes, you're right. I'm sure they'll understand my decision. Thank-you.

This is the best webm I've seen here in a fairly long time.

Any tips on making the right choice and becoming an indie developer hermit?
>quads should be avoided
Alright, it's clear now that you are just bullshitting. No one uses triangles to make models. And no, quads aren't easier to make flat, they are exactly the same amount of easy as any face. In fact Blender has an option to make all faces flat no matter how many vertices they have.
>This is the best webm I've seen here in a fairly long time.

well that's encouraging. i hope my assets can make it look better.
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My new favorite design-wise character is ready. Would you trust him?
>tfw you just bought a twingo, without knowing it's a meme car.
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1MB, 960x640px
How's the dialogue box now? Fixed some flicker issues and now you can cancel the dialogue by pressing circle (or B on xbox controller) or key binded as "magic" on keyboard. Esc also works.

I darkened the one who isn't speaking so it should be easier to see which one is speaking.

Now with webm quality!
>giant white guy statue
>sand nigger living around it
Yeah but post progress
Okay bro. Hit me up. I need sprite help.
1-3 work on carrier mechanics
4-6 work on art
7-9 work on ai
0 - work on dialogue

can you sprite mechanical stuff? robots space ships etc
What are you using to hold your text? xml or something of the sort?
This lanky jimbo just struts around and kicks motherfuckers. I can't wait for GotY edition.

I know shit's fucked up yo.
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Interesting mechanic.
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Was about to put a twingo in my game just to make a screenshot, but I can't find any free model.

Not sure if this is progress, though.

it feels like their speed is about 10 feet an hour.
So I have a finite state machine for my character. What's the most logical way to split up the states? Should it only be states for when actual mechanics change?
For example states: "Ground", "Air", "Swimming", "HitStun"
Or should it be like "Ground_idle", "Ground_moving", "Air_idle", "Air_moving", etc etc
this, speed up the road
Is that a screenshot of something you've been working on?
If yes, it's progress, if no it's not progress.

That's a cool effect.
I don't know how this lighting-shadowing thing will work out in the long run. Maybe you should also color the text, or use some alpha on the non-talking character.
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I "sort of" have a speed change mechanic.
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nice traced sprite, man.

still not feeling it
where is your sprite?
other than adding in motion blur or other crazy effects, I don't know what else to do.
Zooming out at speed is not an option like original GTA.
Do you even placeholders, anon?
>outside of /agdg/ i can't imagine there's strong dislike for him, but then again, i havent actually checked

You didn't even do the bare minimum of checking the video's comments

move the road texture at a faster speed.
Anon, do you even know what happened to that one dev that used a placeholder from cave story?
/agdg/ killed him, he's dead now.
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Recordings (07).webm
1MB, 1280x720px
Then it affects mobile performance and obstacles on road move too fast for player to react to.
why is he still posting then
That's his ghost, anon.

Placeholder sprite, dear anon. I will change it once my spritegirl is free to work
arms are supposed to move with the opposite leg... Have you never walk?
>and obstacles on road move too fast for player to react to.

Isn't that the 'risk' in the risk-reward mechanic that comes with a speed charge?
cool :)
so stealth jam is before demo day and lewd jam afterwards?
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>tfw poor
>tfw no groceries until next week

I wanna die
>dungeon keeper but it's a shmup
you're a hack
Go to a church anon. I'm pretty sure they'll feed you.
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thats why I avoided the mechanic, it doesn't work with the idea I have for scoring. (enemy kills rather than time spent surviving or whatever)
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what the fuuuuuuuu
i just wanted to fix the resolution problems
I'll be alright for now. I still have a bunch of rice and lentils in my cupboard. I just wish I was good at something enough to get paid for it. Even if I make a decent game, it wouldn't be done for at least a year (if I killed myself working on it).

I feel like I'm drowning in mediocrity.
Holy shit
Last time all you did was one, out of like, a dozen replies
Why not have the visual take up more of the screen? They are detailed enough to support being displayed at double resolution.
>whats the reward

...the extra speed
Make it a watermelon. And you have to escape people with high concentrations of melanin until you reach a police station.

>have 10 images all the exact same resolution
>when I drag them into a photoshop image of this resolution, they get placed with slight random offsets from one another
>first one to reply gets thing
>waaah I'm second why did i not get thing
report this
I know it's an old thread, but it still needs to be reported. Don't let these fuckers take over again. Fight them, report this shit.
>It's an I have OCD and I must scream episode.
Last time it wasn't "first thing", it was everyone, you LIAR
we have a woman president. that's progress, right?
>all fanart anons are the same
woah kid
>scaring artists off
please kindly drink bleach
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2MB, 588x326px
Did anyone here care about this game?
I had a lot of ideas for this (it was supposed to be my Space Jam entry before the collab started) but I'm not sure if I should continue working on it now or move it to my "will continue eventually" folder.
sup turbonerds
I'm going to be starting a super simple Long Jump style game tonight, with the aim of finishing it in a couple of hours. Think Track & Field and that's basically it.
It's going to be monochrome, and the guy is going to look like pic related. Super small size too, like 32x32.
If anyone wants to help with the simple running animation, I'll put you in the credits as the artist.
ta x
I'd rather drink One Piece :^)
I'm the dev, you aren't replying to me there. I never claimed the speed is the reward.
>can't think of a name for an online handle for Tumblr/Twitter shilling
>Can't think of a name for your game

Living on 4chan was a mistake
up the ships speed and drag
Just use the name of your favorite anime character
Quick juice tip: Human vision is much more sensitive to changes in shape and position than to changes in color. If I were you, I would make each character's avatar slide partway off the edge of the screen when they're not talking, so the person who *is* talking is closer to the center.
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Exciting pixel perfect scaling progress incoming!
It's clearly not using 2D assets tho, so here's your (You)
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something like this?
Hmm... good idea. I'll put this on my to-do list.
can you just put me in the credits anyways

my name is frank

sweet frank, you're in
vote yo http://poal.me/ojtspe
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Dunno, looks pretty 3D to me. Faggot
Is that full screen width, scaling with mixels?
Either that could work or scale it by an integer constant, and center it.

Either way displays the art better
This is great
>stealth jam winning
there might be hope for agdg after all
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>tfw no lewd magic school jam
It's not like you were going to make a game for it anyway.
you can still do a stealth lewd magic school game
I-I might have!

Shit, dude, there's no way I could make a stealth game, though. They require too much patience for me to even play, let alone create.
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1MB, 803x548px
Getting back into SNEK after space jam, and I've forgotten what I was doing
I'm trying out a full board camera. It eliminates scrolling, but makes each unit harder to see. I think all the icons I have now are distinct enough
I was looking forward to playing it. I think it looks cute.
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2MB, 1920x1080px

==|AGDG Weekly Recap|==
Game Name: Scrap Galaxy
Dev Name: J3X
Tools Used: Unity 3D
Website(s): ScrapGalaxy.com | ScrapGalaxy.tumblr.com
+ Showed game at convent where over 125 people tried it.
+ Added new game mode: Scrap King
+ Added new map
+ Added new component: Galaxy Gun
+ Added new component: Redirector
It's nice to see people working for DDX
>all these deleted posts
Why? What was wrong?
>go back to abandoned project
It's an abstract kind of what the fuck is going on. I know why I abandoned it.
I'm working to release it by then
I wanted to get two games released this summer, and I'm not counting the jam game
You don't want to know.

You've done a great job with this.

Does it have branching dialog trees?
(With yes or no questions for the player that kind of thing)

If so, can you give me a basic idea of which way you've done it? I have a branching dialog system but it's kinda a clusterfuck at the minute and I'd like to improve it.

sidenote: I like the darkened player avatar system as it is. I clicked on your image before i read the post, and it was very clear to me who was speaking.
One guy posted them all and got banned, it's quite interesting seeing much one person can try to ruin the thread.
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2MB, 2899x2197px
Difficult progress to work with, but I managed
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520KB, 1852x890px

==|AGDG Weekly Recap|==
Game Name: Directive
Dev Name: Fishmonger / DirectiveDev
Tools Used: Unity3D
Website(s): directivedev.tumblr.com | fishmonger.itch.io/Directive
+ Added Typhoon Class ship
+ Added in System Loading (Shields etc)
+ Added Shields/Sensors/Engine/Power functionality
+ Added Minimap
+ Added HUD for new functions
+ Improved AI avoid script
Tell me more about what you need to shill (human name?) and what your game is about, I'm great at names.
1-4 continue work on CC
5-9 work on movement
0 make a trello
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606B, 512x64px
Here have a spritesheet captain autismo
Please, explain.
whoa waited all this time for another jam, and all the concepts are shit

really looking forward to people shitting up the thread with their ms paint breasts and/or awful mgs clones
Literally the easiest thing to do... how are you fucking this up already?
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Made an idle animation for the second playable character.
I haven't had much time to dev lately, but I'm pleased with this.
No branching dialog trees at the moment and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to add them.

The code behind all this is fucking spaghetti so I don't think I can be of any help.
>doesn't suggest a better theme
Every time.
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285KB, 1899x903px
Basically a project management tool. You build boards and put on tasks on each board. You can then archive the tasks when they're finished.
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fuckin saved thanks
timing's way off and the arm motion is nonsense
Looks nice, could you add a subtle little effect for picking up the gems? The tiny leaves falling is great.
Stealth is never fun.
I think I'll actually participate in jam if we get stealth jam. I hope lewd jam loses.
Which game? Also: good job and keep ut up! It must be hard.
Are lewd games?
>suggest a ton of better themes
>"lol I'm just going to dismiss all of them because you disagreed with me"

why waste the time
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bigger screen.png
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I know it's going to be controversial, but how does it look?
So you use it for game dev? Interesting. I thought you were making some sort of Mexican food.
some of them are like vh
That's the same thing you're doing with the ones from the poll. Just admit that you don't have any better idea.
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>Anorexic stick arms
>Thick meaty thighs
>Dat ass
>Degrading clothing
>Over all unrealistic body type.

Not diverse enough. Stop sexual objectifying and culturally appropriating woman you capitalist pig.
It's pretty good but the arms are kinda weird.
>pixel art images
>everything else about the game other than the art is high res

i believe this is what they call mixels? it looks terrible
Are you retarded? They're anonymous.
Leave Nun Standing. I've been posting on an off for the last year or so, but I haven't made much progress.
My time management is awful.

The arm motion is kind of dumb, but just like in real life, I have no idea what to do with my arms.
Arms will probably be the easiest thing to change down the road.
I want a composer who can do stuff like this:

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>That one guy whose code nobody ever wants to review.
You do know you can add one option to the poll? If it's so better people will vote for it.
I am about to pull my fucking hair out. I just need to make an object move in a circle around another object. I have spent hours and hours on Google, trying every solution I can find, but nothing fucking works. Most of the solutions look something like:

>float rot = 0.0;
>float xNew = cos(rot / 180 * pi) * (x1 - x2) - sin(rot / 180 * pi) * (y1 - y2) + x2;
>float yNew = sin(rot / 180 * pi) * (x1 - x2) + cos(rot / 180 * pi) * (y1 - y2) + y2;
>velocity.x = xNew - x1;
>velocity.y = yNew - y1;
>rot += .01;

Where x1, y1 is the position of the object that's rotating, and x2, y2 is the position of the object that it's rotating around. All this does is push the rotating objects away from the object they're rotating around. Seriously, what am I doing wrong? This should NOT be this fucking hard.
yeah, I know this, does the overall composition look than something like pic related?
Art is no problem, I can easily redraw the scenes but I need to know if the bigger picture looks more polished
And you can have one, it's just not free.
better than suggesting a theme of sex for a thread full of people that can't make art for shit
We don't need a Stealth jam, these threads are the Stealth meta-jam as is. Everyone here tiptoes around the idea of being productive and making their game.
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>Not diverse enough. Stop sexual objectifying and culturally appropriating woman you capitalist pig.

luke.sanderson18 on skype


These kind of pieces usually aren't too difficult to write for someone who is classically trained, although obviously the ones you posted are higher quality than you normally get.
please help.
I don't know what I'm doing.
Every time
>the thing you like is shit
>well what do YOU like then?
>w-w-well certainly not shit like YOU do!!
How about you actually suggest a theme?
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>trying every solution possible
Have you considered learning basic trig instead of just copy/pasting formulas you don't understand and don't know how to work with?
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I'm considering letting off engineing for a bit to build a meme game and sell for meme bux. I'm an autist when it comes to performance, so is UE4 heavier on resources than unity? Its advantages for me would be C++ and not having a poorfag splashscreen Unity(tm), but on the other hand Unity supports more platforms like WP whose market I'm interested in.

This is how I did it.
Replace planet with object to rotate and star with the center. ONE_HOUR with 1 or how many seconds needs to pass IRL for one hour to pass in-game.

local angle = math.rad(planet.speed*dt/ONE_HOUR)
planet.x = (math.cos(angle) * (planet.x-self.star.x) - math.sin(angle) * (planet.y-self.star.y) + self.star.x)
planet.y = (math.sin(angle) * (planet.x-self.star.x) + math.cos(angle) * (planet.y-self.star.y) + self.star.y)
UE4 is way heavier than Unity. Both in terms of performance and file size.

If you're targeting people with toasters I wouldn't recommend it.
You have to pay Unity if you want to release on WP.

Every time I suggest a theme people jump on me saying it's shit because they're defensive
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not true
I think
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3MB, 1280x720px
I'd like to see a lewd jam, but i guess one could also do a lewd stealth game.

Her left arm looks very noodly.

Also, I'll have to find more motion capture data, this worked way better than expected.
have you considered that maybe you're just part of a minority?
>I'm an autist when it comes to performance
make your own engine then
Thanks. Yeah I was planning to add that. Did have one already but I didn't like how it looked so removed it for now.

Welp. As long as your system works that's all that matters. Good job either way.
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>now with image that isn't upscaled
Any ideas to make it look more professional?
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Is the Unity installer cursed?

>I'm considering letting off engineing
It's literally the first 6 words of my post
Maybe you should just learn to program buddy. You're obviously dereferencing stuff making the garbage collector think it's garbage.
Your comic is stupid and you should learn how GC works.
That's 5 words m8.
dumb engineposter

>that waist

must be nice being able to function without internal organs
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Recordings (09).webm
189KB, 1280x720px

slider modifies the value of modifier
ideafag here
I got it
"Rome wasn't burnt in a day"
A stratergy game in which you use jew tactics to distabalise western society
The box with the even text needs the most work I think. It looks kind of like you are going for a folded piece of paper but in that case you should add more imperfections to it, make it offwhite, and probably change the font.
you don't care about performance then, faggot
a contraction doesn't merge 2 words afaik

thank you for your input



Or maybe it's because it IS shit.
I'm doing it, I'm actually doing it!

Here's some stuff I think would improve it:
1. Don't cover the image at ALL. You/ your art guys work hard on these and people should see em
2. Align the resources under the day so that game info is in one helpful place, change the resources to horizontal and just put it right below Day 0, centered.
3. Give more space to text options, it's a bit cramped
4. Consider revamping layout to something that looks like an open book, with game info popping out like a bookmark, the image on top as a "chapter image", and the text/ options flowing as a normal book text would

Looking forward to your game, it looks really comfy and I love the images.
>compressed downloads are smaller than uncompressed files
who would have thought of that
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14KB, 603x381px
So ive been gone for a few months
-Vine is gone forever
-Slipstreamdev became a hobo
-Is witchingdev still here ?
-Where is Michael ?
-Why is Goog still here ?
-Plokdev is still here but doesnt post
-The Alienlemmings guy is still here ?
-All lewd games have died and been abandoned
>I'm an autist when it comes to performance
>better download Unity!
This must be a joke
I thought I would dev after I found a job
I'm sorry I let you down
you need to work on the UI around the image, but that placement on screen is ok

what size screen are you testing on?
Not worth it unless you need the speed and are actually writing your shit to take advantage of SIMD operations, ie: calling SSE2 intrinsics. If you're not worried about speed then the memory gain is negligible. If you're asking though, just stick with regular int.

Basically what he says, do a bunch of back-assward shit to work around the garbage collector. GC is just an obstacle for gamedev.
Ok, which one of you is Yuri6037?
Please stop trolling the UE IRC.
I might play this. And i'm a finicky bitch. looks like a cool old amiga game?
>-Slipstreamdev became a hobo

Why is Aggy's Dagger in the picture?
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>-All lewd games have died and been abandoned
Which ones?
Monster girl island is still doing fine
He's no a hobo, he just lives in a place with no internet.
>Can't wait for another exciting day of devving!
>fix 1-2 bugs
>mind goes blank

so I guess its going to be one of those days
What's the difference

As opposed to 'stealth' which is such an amazing theme that noone can make a good game out of it
He posted a gif on tumblr yesterday
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literally the best option but would require me to basically produce 6x more art and that's too much for one guy doing everything
some valid critique, thank you guys!
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>all that money
how do I get into patreon?
now your thinking with portals. guy.
>produce 6x more art
The borders don't have to be real art, they can be solid like in the image.
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2MB, 798x520px
Patrol shrooms are great for making the player hide, avoid them while solving a puzzle at the same time. If they get caught the shroom will change color and give chase.

You can kill them by pushing a puzzle cube into them similar to the other enemies however.
Art. You don't even need a game, just post concept art and people will throw money at you.
actually you are right but i think that triangulating flat surfaces manually and keeping some sort of simetry helps the normals.i saw a post about that with a scilinder and the use of normals, and other maps. in the end the triangulated surface that the artist created by hand had better results than the one created on the engine. so if its a simple square its no problem if its a flat surface with alot of faces mabe you should do it yourself and mantain the regularity of the triangles. just try it out if you have the time, or check on polycount.
How was he trying to ruin the thread?
It's because it's the lesser evil. A real alternative would be cocos2d and I'm considering it
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like this?
You should design with 720p in mind, then if the player has a bigger screen center the event dialogue over the BG rather than scaling it

What i would do for the 720p is have the event image take up 100% (or 95% if you NEED a border) of the screen width, and fit the text into whatever space it left under it. If that doesn't give you enough vertical space under the image for text, you could extend the sides of the image, so its aspect ratio changes and you have more space underneath

You can also have the event description and the possible actions in two columns under the images, to buy some more vertical space.
Are you being paid by Unity or something?
Unity is by far worse than UE4 in every way. Are you purposefully wanting to use an inferior engine?
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What do y'all think of this?
i created this one. using random generated composition. not even close because i dont know alot of composition. still i think it suits my game.
Bretty gud
Euro sim game/10
Unity is cheaper.It's only $125/month.
The road paint ending abruptly triggers my autism
If I made 3D lewd fanart, reckon I could get some money from patrons?
colors are dull. you need color correction.
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event screen a.png
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okay, I think I've got this with 3-4 background screens (desert day, desert night, dark interior, madness)
it was too tedious to do, the lines are individual polys :^)

its not even lit yet
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>>Unity is by far worse than UE4 in every way.
ive been using unity for a while. and i really cant even compare UE4 and unity. i dont have time for this. Since you have. please list all the core reasons UE4 is better than unity, if you have a point i will stop the developpment of my game in unity and start doing it in Unreal 4. please all aspects.

Goddammit, LeaveNunStandingdev, I love you
not that guy but ue4 has better texture processing, better workflow, better particle effects, level streaming, faster shaders, and doesn't use a meme language
Anyone have any idea how/where I would advertise/spread the art to find patrons?
I plan on making a game inspired by ICO/ Shadow of Colossus. I hate working in 3d, and I'm capable of creating decent tier artwork. Should I go with the everything flat/ pixel art or psx style pre-rendered/hand painted environment? Which one is more capable of creating a unique feel/ monumental surroundings?
The left line is for bikes?
I'd start by not asking an amateur game development thread
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OK guys hhows this
Can I get sued if a name a character in my game gaben
have you checked /ic/? there might be more patreon whores there.
Honestly every aspect of UE4 is better. I can't think of a single thing that Unity does better.
I love you too Anon.

gotta get dat delicious brown in somewhere.
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i guess i can make it a bit wider but i'm going for stylized proportions.
Left in the image is the original, middle would be fine i think while the right one starts to look too chunky in my opinion.
>C# meme language
Blueprints isnt.
> texture processing
i cant really tell.
>better workflow
this is subjective.
>better particle effects
i should have to compare it.
>faster shaders well shaders could be programmed by anyone and anyone can code shaders on unity and make them faster or less costly.

your explanation lack : supported platforms, pricing, audio and documentation.
I can't judge the proportions well enough if with that shirt on.
no blueprints

it should have had a double white line but I didn't know road rules as well when I made it
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Seriosuly? I have tons of concept art...
Could I just post character sheets and then slowly update with new concept art and the occasional sprite and collect enough cash to fund the entire project?
you are literally a shill and not a very good one
>Could I just post character sheets and then slowly update with new concept art and the occasional sprite and collect enough cash to fund the entire project?
Not like this.
It needs to be concept art that looks lewd, the lewder the better. Sketches of H scenes and other things like that.

You have to pretend you're working on the game too, come up with excuses every month like "I'm finding a good programmer and trying my best alone, but here's some art"
I'd tell you your style is too western but some people are still into that, anime sells more though.
If you want to get anything sizable out of it, you'll want to do well known or fairly fresh characters out of recent anime or video games. Anything out of agdg would just be a waste of time, unless it's a hit.

Pixiv, Iwara if you can manage animations, Tumblr, Twitter along with relevant tags.
>faster shaders
you're retarded
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>meme tycoon
I'm dead serious. I have a couple ideas but I need more.

ideaguys nodevs I call to you
Left is most aesthetically pleasing while middle is most realistic. I guess whatever your actually design intent is but I agree right most is only appealing in a "mom" kind of way.
you are literally a nodev shitposter. and a bad one too. i was seriusly trying to listen to what you had to say on favor of UE4. you basicly said : IT LOOKS BETTER. out of the box mabe it looks better. if you install all the post effects use the right shaders you can achive the same visual effects.
You're ugly dumb game fills me with an urge to defacate
ue4 is higher performance for the same computational costs
idea guy here

restricted rps roguelike
show me the fucking data.
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>quick reference
They must have taken my marbles away
>quick and reference text at the bottom cut off for no apparent reason
This is why you don't let programmers do design
hello agdg, I've been toying around with the thought of my own game and have decided to give it a shot. I've decided to do it in C++, but I'm struggling a bit with keyboard input. Is there a "standard" way to go about it, or should I just try a bunch of libraries and hope for the best?
The reason why most games look like shit.
don't waste time with extremely lowlevel shit if you're not a /g/ fetishist, just pick some decent premade framework and work with that
i think for example sfml is the hot shit lately

not idea guy here

if you actually said restricted rps dungeon crawler, it would've actually made sense
>I've decided to do it in C++, but I'm struggling a bit with keyboard input. Is there a "standard" way to go about it, or should I just try a bunch of libraries and hope for the best?
Just use SFML or SDL, there's no reason to do it yourself.
>You have to pretend you're working on the game too

B-but... I am working on a game.
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I'm not going for realistic proportions, but i think I'll just put a slider in the game, that should slolve any problem there. (Will be usefull for NPCs anyway)
actually a better setting for rrps than what googs made
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which witch.png
196KB, 1280x720px
Whoops, posted the wrong image
I see you mastered the skill.
Get your ass on patreon and remember to always include titties, you'll be swimming in money.
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A pond at night. The goal of this level is to have more a focus on the puzzle elements with lots of toggle and black push block cubes. Again if you run out of targets to hit with the cursor mechanics you can't toggle the states of the cubes anymore so the player has 4 chances to figure out how to move the puzzle cubes before failing.
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Lewd Jam will win.
too small
too big
way too big
great colors bro. you came a long way since yesterday.
fuck off with your fake progress
>complaining about fake progress

i am lafin
give a man a palette
teach a man color theory
You can watch me make the progress live at my livestream everyday, at thewhitereaper7 on twitch. Agdg posts are made after each stream.
dumb frogposter
>still doesn't post his idea

No disrespect, but you might be actually colorblind. Please take this test.

And it will have no games.
That blue overlay is wayyy too saturated man
Report this post specifically.
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let's make an event, using the new art style
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Would this look somewhat acceptable if the grass shape and placement was random?
an unmarked biplane flies overhead and and circles your camp

you can hide from it, show yourselves and flag it down or take pot shots at it
try making the grass shape and placement random, and we'll tell you
Yes, would look good if everything was different.
>lacking a feature is an improvement
only a Unityfag would believe this.
That post didn't need a reply
hell yeah
>had idea for game this morning
>completely forgot what it was
You know the feeling you have, like you know it's something good but can't remember what it is? Kind of like when you have a good dream, thne wake up and forget about it but you still feel a sense of happiness mixed with frustration because you can't remember.
mabe you dont need to mess with tha shape randomize the position and the hight only. and please fix the color or the lightining its wrong.
Since lewd isn't really mechanic, how about a stealth lewd jam?
stealth plane shooting game?
anything with lead = no games
I can guarantee you all the people voting for lewd are either nodevs or programmers who can't art. Either way you're not getting any game.

i really like your model great job can post the wireframe ?

also tumblr?
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It seems like a generic adventure game, but there are secret lewd things if you look under tables and such
This is not referenced anywhere in the game, advertising or age rating, but it makes up a majority of the game files

So the lewd game itself is being stealthy
unreal isn't free, if you company start to get money unreal becomes expensive along the time.
lewd could be only the art and be a normal game otherwise

left is too unrealistic, middle is more plausible, looks better imo
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what do u think of dis
exactly, so no games. again, there's like 2 devs here who do lewd art AND program. every other anon is wither artist or programmer
anyway tacking lewd on a normal game is even worse. it's like saying "random game jam but with lewd"
I'm still making a comfy forest game. Fuck the police.
>stealth lewd
Why not lewd stealth? Hide in suggestive poses. Disguise in revealing-in-plain-sight attire. Move Silently by pelvic thrusts.
It has been proven agdg can into collabs so your argument is invalid
unity is expensive by virtue of being shit and you'll end up having to replace it if your company is remotely serious
those tiles severely russle my autism
How many people are willing to collab on lewd games? Do you think the ratio of lewd artists/programmers is 1:1? Get real.
File: Unity 2016-08-02 14-32-18-72.webm (3MB, 784x468px) Image search: [Google]
Unity 2016-08-02 14-32-18-72.webm
3MB, 784x468px
springy platforms
What shader are you using?
The blur effect on the away stuff looks great.
>he thinks a game needs to have a 1:1 proportion of programmer and artists
kek do you even dev
Neat, but since your tank is so small I wouldn't have thought it could jump on those without your comment.
Stop this is getting way too cute
>it's a cute game makes lots of progress then suddenly dies episode
Prove me wrong please
You obviously don't.
>guys let's have a lewd jam!
>I can't make lewd art of program
>I just want to play lewd games!
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127KB, 484x343px
- rubbing up against something while falling cancels your lateral momentum
- refactored walking, jumping, attacking, and spawning to use functions instead of being in the main function
- eliminated code duplication by doing the above
- reworked structure building and drawing so I can have different textures again
- made a texture atlas/sprite atlas for the above
- tweaked about half the textures and made a new one
- lots of documentation improvement and small tweaks and fixes
- regained interest and then enthusiasm after feeling down and apathetic for a while
Would it be stupid to try making mobile games for money?
You'll spend more time and effort marketing than making the game if you want money.
I think your game is about a bunch of soldiers that are trying to suvive a desert.

Choices the player have to make are supossed to be controversial and tough imo.

P.S.: Try to add some anti aliasing to the pictures, it *may* look better.

P.S.: And try Gods Will Be Watching, you are devving a similar game I think.
>Animated GIFs can be up to 5MB on mobile, and up to 15MB on web.
Does this only refer to uploading, or will mobile people not be able to view a 15mb gif on twitter?
if you have no talent, which you don't, then yes
Read this article, especially the parts about "blue noise"

It's a random generation that works well for placing grass
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1998 tier textures.
Unless it's a lewd game, those market themselves
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trying to make better feeling movement for only 4 keys

regular 8 dir isn't [juicy] enough and neither is this
It's stupid to make a game for any platform for money. You need to just make games. Spend a couple years just making games. Then maybe you'll be good enough to make a game for money.
wow that looks fucking cool.
It looks fine to me. Is that a moth, by the way?
>I was just fucking with you dude. You can stick with it if you're purely going for it stylistically, but the middle is more realistic.
>those pirate themselves
Gap in the market
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335KB, 1920x1080px
Didn't do proper topology for her legs yet and i don't have a tumblr or anything.

Thanks, i'll fiddle with the high poly a bit and use something like the middle as the default.
this, and don't just decide that you know enough to go ahead and make shitty games, actually learn all kinds of game dev theory, computer science, programming etc
Yes I'm sure the 50 votes lewd has in the poll are all from people who can do lewd art. Sure.
The brick(?) design abruptly cuts off.
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upping the resolution slowed my drawing to almost a halt, I really am and art hax
How many BokuDevs does it take to trigger a nodev.
>Look at this cute model
>lol jk I'll just make porn XDD
I think everyone saw it coming
why not just upscale
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>When a dev you like starts to follow you on Tumblr before you could follow him
I saw it the moment he made the model and didn't even have an idea for the game itself.
I will probably rework all art for the new event screen so might as well do it now
Stop shaming porn devs

>Hurr porn is bad but brb going to fap to degenerate porn
Hate this double standard
Fuck, what did I miss?
Oh, alright. Still there is probably a bit of a point.

Ah crap i missed the moth i can only see 404 now I'm sad.
>lewd stealth

I actually have a cool idea for that.
You play as some pervy nerd with a camera who sneaks about taking creepshots on a college campus of frat parties he would never attend. Top down using the environment, found items and distractions to avoid detection. Each level ends with you showing them off to your friends and earning "credibility" points. Individual targets are highlighted with stars based on popularity. It be nice to have this arcadey "Paperboy" feel to it.
Fuck off
>omg I love porn everywhere!
>what? there's no game and just porn? lol who cares loser
Did mothdev post lewd of his 3D moth girl?
You better repost that.
>nodev getting triggered because they can't do porn
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>that two-screen game style

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Great argument.
i actually was hyped to make a game about a moth but then i saw someone else here was doing the same
I wonder if people actually believe this
there are at least two games with moths being developed here right now, there's no reason you shouldn't make one too
Well played, sir.
Well played.
That doesn't matter
delete this
You could have the obstacles also be moving
if it's a futuristic setting make them hover along the road just at a slower speed than you
if it's not, put them on trucks or cars or some shit
I agree that it looks slow
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I'm sorry, I'm still learning C#. I'm making a practice sidescroller and I'm trying to set the camera's x position to the player's x position (but still keeping the y at the same spot). It's not working at all though and I'm not sure why. Can anyone tell me how retarded I am?

public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour {
Vector2 cameraPosition = Vector2.zero;
GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
void Update(){
cameraPosition = new Vector2 (player.transform.position.x, 0f);
transform.position = cameraPosition;
what's so bad about this?
It's like making your daughter work for Brazzers.
People here aren't normal
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35KB, 487x457px

>he doesn't know
What do you think is going on outside the cropped area

Nothing, but everyone's pretending it's something super offensive because that contrarian humor is epic
Post progress
did she shit her pants?
How exactly is it not working? Are you getting an error, or is it just not doing what you expect it to do?
Also, I'm pretty sure transform.position is a Vector3, not a Vector2.
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we early computer graphics nao
never kickstarter strech goals
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Bold and brash
Can you post a gameplay webm
what are some cool despawn effects that aren't just "fade out"?
I know he didn't invent the style, but you game is giving me serious flashbacks to 2010 era Andrew Hussie
File: tent action.webm (375KB, 597x376px) Image search: [Google]
tent action.webm
375KB, 597x376px
yeah, turn-based resource management + visual novel style events

>Since the mouthparts of adult saturniids are vestigial and digestive tracts are absent, adults subsist on stored lipids acquired during the larval stage. As such, adult behavior is devoted almost entirely to reproduction, but the end result (due to lack of feeding) is a lifespan of a week or less once emerged from the pupa.

spirit rises from corpse as corpse sinks into the floor
I'm going try just that starting this month
uncropped where?
i never knew how much i wanted a flatshaded lowpoly moth porn game
There are only a few games on AGDG that I think are aesthetically pleasing enough to attract a decent crowd, and this is one of them. I assume you're releasing a version on DD10?
inb4 300 replies
>he's at it again
I'm seriously considering leaving this shitty """community"""
lift up floor tile and sweep it underneath
pelican swoops in and eats it, flies off
we're at post 698, not happening
Post a webm, so we can see more progress.
dank drumpf
shekels is by far the best option kiddo
Getting political is not a good idea. Even with a meme game. I don't want to be gogo 2.0

I would if someone else drew all the art
You've just saturated the (You) market. I hope (You)'re proud of (You)rself
Can't you upload videos to twitter? Gifs that large are retarded.
why is lewd always a category? every single jam should be lewd but with some theme, and that theme is what we should vote for, ie stealth or car racing or other shit, lewd all alone isnt that fun
1. is your player tagged as player
2. make cameraPosition a Vector3, see if that does anything
3. is the script actually on the camera

any errors?
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136KB, 664x675px
>shit anime gets live action show
>shit anime gets AMERICAN live action show
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any idea who the pilot could be?
Probably, not sure how many demos I should make though of more content since eventually when the whole game gets done, I don't want people to feel like they dont need to buy it with 2 demos full of content.

Though on the flip side I need playtesting badly since I have no playtesters.
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bilbert the biplane bilot :-D
t. Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Meme bux it is
a skeleton
the invisible man
the long lost twin of one of the soldiers
etc etc
Amelia Earhart

Indiana Jones-type of explorer character

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A dog
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>cute 3d model
>displayed in-game with a single rotation axis on an orthographic camera
fix this
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AGDG jam 2016 timeline
>lewd jam
>space jam
>lewd jam

I wish lewd jam was a meme option that didn't count. :*(
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There has been a terrible mistake
there was a brick on the throttle and nobody was phone
It was just an animation of the face doing lewd expressions.
There's no point of making lewd jam
It's better to have themed jams and just make a lewd game if you want
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111KB, 330x330px
>tfw most entries in game jams aren't mac compatible
>waifu = lewd
Fuck off
last guy who did this was an underage kid who got bullied by agdg until he went insane, kept posting videos of him drunk here and posted on his tumblr that he's going to commit suicide, but no one knows if he actually did it. He didn't post anything after that though.
thats what you get for being a gay
>new rotatedev
Get ready for HRT anon
swap the character model out, make the main character an edgy wheel

or a cute one
I'm sure most devs would make an OSX build for you if you asked nicely
no pressure then
become opengl enginedev4lyfe
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>waifu jam
>not a thinly veiled lewd jam
get real, fag
>implying I would boot up a VM and set all that shit up just to export for one anon
Fuck off nodev
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good post

haha use a modern engine kid
did rotate become a tranny? I thought that was a meme
>his engine doesn't have a one click deploy for every OS
wew, use a real engine
>engine babies
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where's your game?
> spending more on a PC with white plastic around it
Where is yours?
anyone else sniffing glue when enginedeving?
new thread

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whoever puts the new thread up, put my kickstarter in the description. Every little shill helps :o)

I don't like spending the night outdoors
_______I don't like spending the night outdoors
Is there a limit in C++ how much member can an object have? If I add this one plus float, the game just crashes.
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preliminary migration v3.webm
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now show yours
Which games did you want exported to OSX, anon?
son of a bitch
Why don't you compile a new build for us?
show code
Cosmic Castaway for sure, and maybe Robbut Assault.

They all look really interesting to try but Cosmic Castaway really caught my eye.
Sry for super late response but since no one else said it... make_unique was added in c++14. As far as I know, not being added in c++11 was an oversight. Use cppreference.com next time.
nevermind, I just saw there's an untested mac version of Cosmic Castaway up in the downloads, i'll try that

But Cosmic Castaway already has Mac and Linux versions, albeit not tested.
Oh, I see neither of those is my game. Sorry anon
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Is it possible at all to UE4 dev on a toaster laptop without a good video card?
Which one is it? Most of them looked really interesting to me. I was just trying to narrow it down to 1 or 2 games
>porn addicts

what did you expect anon?
You're overlapping my intended design, but I'll buy your game anyway if the plan is more than a proof of concept.
If the gaming community values originality even a bit, how does a game like Prey for the Gods have even a slightest chance of success?
have you voted? http://poal.me/ojtspe
someone post crying anime for reference thanks
People want more SotC. I don't see how it's surprising.
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I am waiting for a jam. I will be using that jam to learn a new graphics framework so that I could do more juicier UI's. Perhaps even a 3D star map.

ProTip: Dark Basic Professional is now offically beyond meme framework - it has entered rotting corpse stage. It didn't work for me at all today. I even made a practice model for it.
You probably have memory corruption or something.

Jumping guy has to jump on objects of varying heights

Jumping on top of enemies destroys them
I'm with >>150408239. I used to copy and paste shit. When I wrote a raytracer, I used pencil and paper to work out triangle intersection and it went so much easier. It's easy to be lazy, but you'd better get used to being stuck if that's how you play it. And when the problems get more complicated, you'll be fucked. High school math is not hard and there are tons of online resources -- you can even find books for all kinds of math and physics specifically from a programming perspective.
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Don't go there dude. It's not worth it.
Are solo code monkeys like me screwed then?

Especially if we aren't sellout enough to make porn games?
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Some dreams start with just a window
it's really, really bad for you. please stop. better to smoke weed if you need something
atleast there is progress
They find the plane with the motor running and the gastank is fully filled.
But the pilot is nowhere to be seen.
You can destroy the plane , take parts or the fuel.
If u don't the plane is gone the next day together with it one of your precious items.
This brings the player to a new quest on finding out who the pilot is
rotate killed himself ?
damn I leave one time and this happens
i'm begining to think this poll is rigged. there's no way this many people want a lewd jam
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