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/ink/ - Splatoon General

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Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 197

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Previous Thread: >>149443825

Redirect to the Current Thread: https://splatoon.ink/ink

Current Maps Rotation: http://splatoon.ink/
- Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aahamocdabckhacaedblhgimpkhpiopm
- Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/squid-thing/
- Booru: https://booru.splatoon.ink/
- Lobby randomizer: http://woomy.github.io/Splatoon-Kit-Randomiser/index.html

> News
- Marie, and Team Marie, has won the final Splatfest!
- Watch the Squid Sisters' latest live performance at Japan Expo here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt5cnCywVrI
- The Squid Sisters' new album, Live in Makuhari, has been released! See the tracklist here: http://nintendoeverything.com/splatoon-live-in-makuhari-cd-full-tracklist/

- http://pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9

> Resources
- http://pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Official NA Tumblr
- http://splatoonus.tumblr.com/

> Wiki
- http://splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- http://splatoon.nintendo.net/

Full size OP pic
first for calliefags btfo
It's time to stop these threads now. :^)
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Sex with Marie!
turn your sensitivity up
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Dunno why but somehow I'm happy that Callie is the less popular vote. I think I was worried she'd be the too-perfect normie option. That probably doesn't make any sense.
meant for >>149471930 oops
that's averaged results
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Alright squids, not the usual drawing but a miiverse post instead. Inspired in the dialogue.

This splatfest was a wild ride, and really fun.
I was hoping that they'd release the results for west and japan separately as well.
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Callie endorses cancer!
I was hoping they'd reveal exactly how many votes either side got.
Callie endorses losing!
I wonder how big the playerbase was at the height of splatoons success
I wonder how big the majority of Japs was
I'd say around 30-50%
callie should pokemon go away
>mfw igamr is being a fag about the splatfest music
is that dude still in the chat? I always though he was kinda strange
I thought I would stop posting after the last splatfest.
But... I really don't want it to die guys.

I can't leave.
So what are /inks/ top five splatfest? Mine are
Cats vs Dog
Autobots vs. Decepticons
Spongebob vs. Patrick
Naughty vs Nice
Coasters vs water slides
Which team did you vote for?
cat v dog
auto v decep
callie v marie
me too... it's inevitable, though. we're gonna run out of things to talk about

Still salty.
The first one, and the ones with Kelp Dome.
>Fit vs Rich
>Barbarians vs Ninjas
>Callie vs Marie
>Cats vs Dogs (EU)
>Hoverboard vs Jetpack
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No salt, only love now.
Was Cat v Dog that eventful? Was it just because everyone was a total noob at the time?
In the US it was. Catfags got BTFO and made excuses about it for weeks.
no it's not
Cats VS Dog
Pokemon Red VS Pokemon Blue/Green
Callie VS Marie
Spongebob VS Patrick
Naughty vs Nice

I wonder how moronic these guys in particular feel.
Probably hanging from a rafter.
There were quite a few more moronic posts than just that...
We don't need to keep dredging this up.
They've been so quiet since Marie won lmao.
That was actually all me samefagging. I feel like an absolute autismo cuck. Marie won fair and square.
what's with the master hands?
you're a liar anon ;_;
Where should I go for a comfy community now?

I was into PoGo but the community is complete trash.

Which /vg/ has fun people and a fun game that isn't going to die?
Could someone post the team Marie alt cover?
My brother and I were on opposite teams and I wanted to print off team Callie but I decided to be fair and print off the victor's alt cover.
all games are going to die
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>Thanks for believing in me, Team Marie!
seconding this... pgg is fun, but the game doesn't ever work for me most of the time and that general is full of cheaters, so it's hard to relate
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Reminder that Best Girl won and Worst Girl lost.
>that general is full of cheaters
This is what really gets me. I'm glad /ink/ is relatively cheat free.
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Poor taste, they're both so the best.
is it even possible to actively cheat in a match?
>it was first
>playing field was more level making it fun
>the salt afterwards was magnificent
In Splatoon? You can, but most people aren't smart enough for that and just stick to cheating gear.
You might be able to write an AI and have it relay commands? Or an aimbot maybe?
well, there's gear editing, but that's pretty innocent because gear doesn't do jack shit if you're a shitter.
A remarkably heartwarming end from Marie. I never would've thought she'd have the humility to call Callie her friend.
>liking worst girl unironically
There's also savescumming.
course it is, famous people like bum and slimy do it all the time!
you can even edit your rank. anything to do with rank, though is looked down upon in /ink/
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I like both best girls unironically!
But Annie isn't in that picture. Only that filthy loser whose name starts with C is in it, daring to even come within ten meters of the perfect goddess Marie.
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The whole sisters fighting thing was only meant to please the Jerry Springer audience.
More like waifufags
>connor gloating in the top comment
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Annie is okay I guess.
could you post the other too please?
Wow, you really do have the worst taste. No wonder you think Callie is anything short of irredeemable garbage.
Is it really worth making an elaborate comic and going to these lengths just to spur yourself into voting for a competition? Just flip a coin dude, jeez.
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Sounds kinda alike. Coincidence?
Really? I have to ask her personally. Annie, are you okay?
You love a worthless piece of trash who lost the Splatfest
Michael pls
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I am so, so sorry you feel that way.
Callie didn't lose anything, she wasn't playing.
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spyke will continue to get his fix
Parameters for snail?
>30 000 coins for a streak
Nice. How many did you win?
but, anon, how will he get snails if nobody plays the game?
since when did winning turf war give you a 1000p bonus?

Someone on my team D/C and ended up with 1000 points

I wasn't paying attention to my score and ended up with over 1600 with a blaster somehow

Other than yesterday's spaltfest, I haven't played in probably 2 months or so
pretty sweet that they can drop in changes like the splatfest music and the new judd streak mechanic without pushing an update
maybe it was in a previous update.
30ish wins
it's a new thing that they added today
but they can't let us keep the tshirt ;_;
Ninty knows that the game is virtually over, so they made the game to be super generous after the last splatfest
pretty sure it was part of the last update and wasn't made active till after the splatfest.
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That's all, squid cats!
Haven't played splatoon in awhile

What are some fun weapons to try out?
>30ish wins
Fuck that, I was hoping it would tie into the fresh meter.
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Goodnight Marie
I love you
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whoops that was supposed to be greentext
I want to say I've won about 20 matches since Splatfest ended.
Most of them were in Turf War last rotation.
custom or grim range blaster for cheap, easy wins

dual squelcher if you're a real man
Wasabi Splattershot, Permanent Inkbrush, Rapid Blaster, Grim Blaster, Fresh Squiffer.

sheeeit now I actually have more of a reason to try winning turf war
In a way, Callie won after all.
>they never released a sheldon's pick sloshing machine with a good kit and they never will
I swear, if they'd snuck a patch in for the Sisters to walk across the studio and hug each other, my heart would've fallen out of my chest.
whoa anon, that's not fact, see >>149478174
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man, now that i think about it, the results weren't as EARTH-SHATTERING as everyone thought they would be
everyone thought a new era of shitposting was going to be instilled. but there was a bout of "eat shit"s and now just a couple shitposters.
you guys really grew up. i'm so proud
>good set for the shitting machine
Like what? The weapon is next to irredeemable. If you give it some bullshit like Disruptor and Kraken it would still be outclassed.
This comic just soared into cancerous territory.
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Don't listen to
i wanna see how it ends
>they literally just said manmenmi

i REALLY hope that's just the translator's added dialouge and not the actual original text
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Good work Mariebros, and thanks all of you for making this a really fun and close splatfest.
I'll just go back into lurking then, until next time if there ever is a next time;~;
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I'm happy the results were so close
please don't be afraid to post...
Love you anon
Why? Because you want JERRY JERRY JERRY? Just like the Burgerstan you are.
So now what.
Really, if you think about it, you also have to take regional results into consideration. Were Japan's results lumped into ours? I know we didn't play together but were the stats mixed?
Yes, the results were combined
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30 wins? Good lord that's a lot. With the current win bonus in turf you'll have at least 2 snails worth in money alone. I thought it might be a reward for being 'On Fire'. An unbroken 30 winstreak is damn hard work
Not win streak. Just 30 cumulative wins
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If you say so anon, I guess I'll post from time to time instead of simply lurking. For now though, I'll just mourn the end of splatfests.

per rotation
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>last thread started at midnight
>did last matches of Splatfest and finally went to sleep
>woke up hours later
>suddenly last thread already 700+ posts and a new thread has already started
What the fuck happened?

/ink/ woke but it'll slumber again soon
don't remind me ;_;
what's your problem with it?
no, that's what it says in the original, as well
do you have issues with the word manmenmi?
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Anybody got an answer
I didn't realize it was a question... I don't think so
That's REALLY stupid bruv, manmenmi is fucking gibberish squid word made up by the japanese fans. It's kinda cringey that they just said it out of nowhere
>crazy match, feel like it might be one of my top k/ds
>turn to read /ink/ as soon as the match ends
>forget to check the results

Every time.
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happens to me as well
If she'd said "woomy" instead no one would have complained at all, buncha hypocrites.
>camp triggerfish 10 times in a row now

so...there are 2 maps to play right?
Nah, still would've been kinda stupid. When it's in a small picture or something that's supposed to be cute, it works. But when it's used in a comic when being used as an actual word, it's just looks and seems stupid
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yes, god forbid japanese fandom artists use a japanese fandom word in their comics

Should've said 'Ngyesh'
>match starts
>forget to check the other team's weapons because I was browsing /ink/
every time
it would've been dumb if they said "woomy", too.
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Time for rest
Doesn't need to be in the same rotation. I won a whole bunch, talked to Judd, and nothing happened. Then the maps changed, I won one game and then the snail was there.
i have heard your critique, and have created a version that is hopefully more suited to your tastes
hope you enjoy
I know you're trying to be smart, but it IS actually kinda better

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Man, I'm playing like shit, but we're getting absolutely carried by an Octobrush called Dad.
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I know I shouldn't complain but I wish this 1000 point bonus in turf war and the free super sea snail grind was in the game to begin with. Would be so much richer despite it not mattering now since I've rolled/scummed all I desired.
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jesus christ

This is the first Nintendo game that actually encourages marathon sessions


People can finally get perfect gear for everything legit without wanting to kill themselves
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Waking up to seeing best squid having won has reignited my desire to actually play this game. Everything feels good. I am satisfied.
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Does anyone else want to see what all of the other winning dialogue would have been from each respective losing side? Something about the dialogue for these splatfest results makes me want to see what would have been said had Callie won, and so on for every other splatfest that happened.
THIS! Where is Octohacker?
Once I leave it'll all be gone.
I was really hoping for a day/night option...(but of course, I knew it wasn't going to happen.)
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I want to play more too, because I want to show Callie that I still love her.
Good lord you're still in splatfest mode? You mad man!
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You mean that tumblrite tumor? Fuck no, while i'd like to see the other dialougue, asking that thing for help will only encourage it
I will never not love you, baraposter
it's time to let go, anon
time for more art
for best results, click
Maybe in spla2oon.
I'm also upset that there's no day/night option. Especially with the Squid Sisters amiibo, which just locks you in an exclusive environment separate from the actual game. But it's still neat. At least I can see the game at night whenever.
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>want to use caffine to make stages night
>too afraid to even risk it in splatoon online unlike mario kart 8
>don't want to lose access to NNID stuff and all my pokemon in bank.

This sucks...RIP night stages...forever
Yup. I did this with the first testfire too. I was planning on staying forever...well, sort of.
It's so hard to let go...
aw man, the gif is broken? they're just stuck in an eternal grimace there? that sucks.
check out http://axl-fox.tumblr.com/post/147733986525 for the working gif
it's worth it in my opinion
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What did he mean by this?
>Last but not least, it sounds like Judd’s getting a little more generous, and the bonus points given to the victory in Regular Battle will increase from now on. Thanks Judd! Also, a rumor says that he may even give you a small reward if you keep battling… Check it out to see what might happen!
I wonder what sort of rewards they are.
Gritty retelling of the Great Turf War with a squad of elite squid dads when.
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oh, i see! gif doesn't work at full size, either because of size limits or just tumblr being bad.
this one should work.
Exactly. It would have been the perfect time to add this feature.
Maybe someday they'll stop monitoring?
Is this how we get snails now?
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Let's hope soon
an anon about 30 mins ago said he got well over 1000 bp for a regular match, it seems now it's much easier to get money, and after 30 battles or so, judd will give you a snail
that wasn't worth it at all... it's two frames of glitchy garbage

The next generation of soldiers must continue "playing". Judd is working the long game here
Oh I see. What does it take to actually get a snail though?
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So...are their noses supposed to look like mouths?
read the fucking thread
>go to aunt's house
>have autistic cousin (4 years old)
>loves splatoon
>i come in, he's staring out of the window, hands behind back
>says quietly to himself "splatoon two..."
what's everyone think of the new squid sister/animal crossing integration coming soon? hope it comes to america. might pick up an rfid adapter just to get these guys.
hm, i'm sorry you feel that way.
but it was just a few seconds of your time, after all, unless your fingers started burning from clicking a tumblr link or something.
Imagine if the maps had an actual day/night cycle. Sunset on the bridge, pre-dawn at triggerfish, it'd be so comfy.
Nah fuck you, prick.
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Squib knows what's up
I would love this.
At least we have Octo Valley...the sunset stages look so beautiful.
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aren't they adorable?
oh man i would love that. sunset rig would be amazing.
oh, wait, that's the real gif? I was just acting dumb because I assumed that you had posted the wrong image again.

it's okay, I guess.
Played team callie, always do. I was pleased that this splatfest was relatively somewhat close despite our side losing.

Team Marie, you performed admirably. I wish splatfest didn't have to end, but it's been great splattin with you for all these splatfests.

Here's to splat2n for the NX.
It worked for Super Mario Sunshine and made that infinitely more comfy, so I'd be down with that.
Why do you think they didnt't do it? Visual problems? Too much memory? Laziness?
I can only see improvement in this franchise. Looking forward to it.
funny you posted that picture anon, he's the one that chose the colour if i remember correctly
Given the team behind it, I'm going to say they just probably didn't feel like it. I'm willing to bet it was an afterthought in the development process.
Day/night maps would be amazing. And I'm pretty sure I posted this here before, but a while ago I had a dream I was playing a match on rig and a storm started rolling in. It was dark and cloudy, the breeze was chilly but it was so refreshing. It was beautiful and I really wish we had weather along with day/night maps. Being in Dome while the rain is coming down and hearing some thunder in the distance would be comfy as hell.
You'd think they would have out it in without a second thought as Animal Crossing has always had day/night cycles. But maybe they're getting lazy, there wasn't a natural cycle in HHD.
probably to give splatfests something special since it's only night time during splatfests
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this seems like an artist not everyone will like so i'll put it under a spoiler
i love their stuff though
Cat vs dog
Autobots vs decipticons
Pirates vs ninjas
Burgers vs pizza
Cars vs planes
Well, the rain hitting the dome. You know what I mean.
more like tw: shit art
fancy dresses!
these are all unfinished pieces by the artist, but i really wish they did go back to them. so cute...
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I'd let her squeeze me mercilessly with those thighs, not gonna lie
Any squads going on in memory of the last splatfest?
I'd assume it's because Splatfests were set at night, and it wouldn't be special otherwise.
i don't think callie would do something that would hurt you like that
mmf i fucking love stocky callie
you're welcome to try making one
rainy's clan was playing earlier
Don't have enough room in my list to be the host, but I'm down to join when one is made.
only one marie...
gonna guess someone's more of a callie fan
>Calliefags damage controlling this hard.
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DogCoasterMallowDecepticonArtCarsPirateBurgersNaughtyPastBlueSandcastlePatrickFancyNightowlMarie master race speaking. Feels good winning all Splatfests and enjoying my 384 snails.

How does it feel being inferior CatSlidesHotdogsAutobotsSciencePlanesNinjasPizzaNiceFutureRedSnowmanSpongebobCostumeEarlybirdCalliefags? You couldn't even break 300 snails because you're such terrible shitters.

Well, I quite like those images. Thanks for sharing
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I really wanna see more of the splatoon world in general. It's got a wonderful aesthetic to it; I'd kill to be able to walk around the city during dawn or sunset or even when it's raining.

My hope for Spla2n, as silly as it is, is for the world to be more open. Maybe let you get a little apartment like on the opening screen, buy furniture with turf war money, explore the city, sit in a cafe, stuff like that. With everything they're doing in the new Zelda, I feel like something like that couldn't be too hard for the NX.

Also different hairstyles for fuck's sake. Octolings too, maybe. Or at least have Octolings a little more present. It feels uncharacteristically mean to leave them locked underground running out of power.
Team Marie here through and through.

Also you get snails from Judd after 10 wins, does not have to be in a row.

Enjoy your trek to 999 snails
Honestly I was kind of hoping snails would start being harder to come by. Nothing worse than a statsfag in a game about looking fresh.
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waitress girls are the most adorable thing... imagining callie as the cheerful, upbeat waitress at your local diner is too much for my heart
was weary of sharing because i think i like a lot of art that /ink/ doesn't, so i'm glad to hear it!
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marie plush.jpg
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Well /ink/? How many snails did you have at the end?
>Wanna play TW a bit for the easiest possible money yet
>All these squid parties
Come on man.
>easiest possible money
>not KO winning S+ ranked matches
Maybe if you're a pleb you'll play TW for money. The update now made it as good as winning C+ ranked matches, how amazing.
two for the price of one!
but that's all the pictures in this set.
just in case you're wondering, artist is http://gummysquids.tumblr.com/
around 80, I didn't play much
why can't you just remove some people to make room? they can't all be active players
I dropped the game for months because I could never escape B hell. Even still, it pains me to see I'm on the verge of falling to B from B+ and I just don't know if I have it in me to risk one ranked match.
>KO winning S+ ranked matches
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enjoy live stream from one of NA's top players:

>open stream
>they lost
>top player
>people cant lose ever

wew lad
>open stream
>first thing that I see is the dude getting killed point blank by a sspro
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>open stream
>A+ 23
>close stream
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>not hurling abuse first

God damn, I can't hit anything. I even took a fucking krak-on out and went 5-10.
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need more pictures of swimwear squid sisters
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i never could decide which squid sister would just put on their comfiest wear and plop into bed, and which one would feel the need to put on some fancy clothes first
both seemed fitting for both, although i do really like casual comfy sleepwear callie like this >>149488752 in terms of the depiction itself
im never buying this pos
What a glorious day
Good, the vanilla one will remain to be the best version anyways.
>sub level 50
I have 80 snails myself. I spent them all...
But you bought the objectively worse unscoped version?
yup. not sure what I was thinking.
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have we ever seen the squid sisters physically interacting in the game? just, either of them actually touching the other in any way?
if not, it's a real shame.
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But that wasnt me
This outfit is pretty nice

I want customizable player housing as an elaborate menu. Though I doubt it would be possible I'd like to see the ability to visit friend's houses and play minigames or something. Purchasable expandable wardrobes so you can have multiples of the same clothing etc
I want squid sim.
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super sea snails are sooo cute
i dunno how people could give them up to be eaten...
They're just Mario mushrooms
and that's the last of the tumblr art!
it's always nice to see splatfest compilations.
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I'll never forget that awesome christmas secret art santa we had
>did pretty good during splatfest
>try some solo rank
>full of balls to the wall carbons and 2/10 splattershot shitters
Really makes you think
i didn't either, my guy never delivered
I remember when all the emails got leaked
think we'll have another one this year?
>inb4 /ink/ will be dead by then
that was some shit, good thing i used a throwaway
The difference between A+ and S is ridiculous. A+ I have well fought matches, get pretty lethal with the splatterscope, and it usually takes me half a dozen matches to level back up. But then every time I hit S it's like I turn into a fucking ghost. I can't hit anything, I get killed out of nowhere, and I derank in straight losses.
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I used an unused old email of mine so its all good
The difference between S and S+ is even larger.
How do I git gud?
>Top NA Player
>Keeps dying constantly

I hope so, I wasn't playing during that time
keep playing every day
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I'll run another one this year if we're not dead and there's still interest.

It's unfortunate that it relies on the participants to follow through.

You better not leak the emails again
I bet, I'm never gonna make S+. Makes me sad that I can't truly complete a game I love so much.
>switch to range blaster
I love how fair and balanced this game is

I feel it anon. I also main splatterscope and the ridiculous struggle I've had between A+/S and finally being at S 70 kills me. I was waiting until I felt like I was good enough to squad with /ink/ but I can see it's too late for that too.

It kills me even more that I've been stuck here for months and now that the community is as good as dead, that I won't be able to accomplish it - or feel like it's just too late for the accomplishment of finally reaching S+ is worth nothing now.

Thanks for reading my blog.
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How the HELL does Judd's new reward work, dammit
Ranks aren't about getting to the very top, they're about placing you with players of a similar skill.
Why the fuck are there so many users who call themselves Dad?! Did I miss something?
holy shit this artist's style went to hell
rest in pasta
It uses your mii name, and any good dad will call their mii "Dad".
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>riding the tower home
>opponent pops kraken
>teammate pops kill wail
>kraken gets blown away inches from my face

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you had to be there
I haven't played on some maps for so long
I just want more musicians appearing in game...and Octolings.
>Got you own woomy as a doll

Honestly the best gift
I squad a lot and no one minds, especially seeing as it doesn't affect you above S.
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Octolings - never.

Musicians besides SqSi - unlikely

Hairstyles - Sequel but possibly the third

Pants - see above
Well now that splatfest is over, why don't we go over your best moment in the final splatfest and your favorite splatfest?

>Best moment in Calli and Marie
Moray Tower were there were 2 e-liters trying to lock us down and one of my teammates was at the bottom distracting them. I fire off an ink strike in the sweet spot of the platform and splat them both. What made it worth while was my teammate then boo-yah'd.

>Favorite Splatfest
Autobots vs Decpticons. Had the perfect dream team for that splatfest, also it was the only one I remember where we got to play on flounder heights and we played so long together, we had memorized each others our opening attacks and worked to help push out to the center faster since as one was recharging, the other was still inking.

It really was fun when a team clicks just on intuition alone and zero overt communication.
I found Marie's reaction to winning to be really adorable because it sounded like she didn't even expect to win.

I have absolutely no doubt that Octolings will be more present in the sequel.
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top 100 when
rip in pieces
>in a game of glorious spats
Seems fair, though I'd have to get use to it.
rip in spaghetti

porbably will forgetti
Did any map other than UU get changed?
Why is this so funny?
I swear Moray Towers had something changed. I played it for the first time in months over this splatfest and something felt different.
Mall and Towers got extra stuff added over the months to make movement better.
no other map got changed that much
i think the only other map that got a major change was towers in tw by bringing over the map layout for the ranked modes
other than that it was just adding grates and uninkable blocks in places
>not wanting yoga pants
dont blame you to be honest
>Never implemented 3 map selections per rotation

>We'll never have 3 map selections again

>No more comfy night stages

>We'll never have playable Octolings or Octoling hats.

>No more weapons.

>No minigames.

>No Squid Sisters vs DJ Octavio mobile Rhythm game spinoff for more seashells.

>No Jelly pets to go into battle with to give you one extra ability slot.

Spla2n fucking when?
Spats are better than yoga pants. They get more art fetish art too since Splatoon came out.

I miss old UU
Towers got it's splat zones layout in turf war a few months ago. big improvement.
Would anyone want a picture guide for good spots to place sprinklers and beacons? Might not be very useful now that the popularity of the game is on a decline but if people want it I'll work on it.
>tfw you perfectly lob a sprinkler onto the sandbag near spawn on skatepark
beakon guide might be cool, i don't use sprinklers much but i'm sure others might find it useful
>tfw you send a seeker under the ramp out of the spawn in dome and a squid jumps at the right moment to get hit
I don't. The new one isn't great, but old Underpass was even worse.
Does Nintendo repair gamepads? I don't know when this happened, but for some reason sometimes when I play Splatoon my camera swings too quickly to the left, as if its over calibrated. Tried adjusting the calibration, but that doesn't seem to help. Figured the stick must be damaged to some degree.
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>wasted a whole year jacking around with shitter weapons when the best weapon was right in front of me all along
>museum zones again

Why is it always on for this rotation?
Could inklings even have hairstyles?
how would they do it?
I know what you mean, but that's only because I refused to use any weapons that also weren't of the freshest variety. This splatfest was the only one where I sacrificed style for wins.
>Could inklings even have hair styles
Callie, Marie, and the boy inkling seem to do it just fine.
it's the preferred meme of the jumping japrabbits
on the bright side, camp rm later but it's paired with towers. might be decent
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Birth defects
ds is fresh, right
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It's fun to look back and remember how some things in the game used to be.

>Kraken could not be knocked back and had much lower point requirements, allowing you to spam it all day. Could also instantly shoot after it ran out.
>Inkzooka could shoot instantly after being used and fired really fast. Lower point requirement made people run full special charge/saver tentakek sets
>Splatterscopes could stack damage up and play like a squiffer
>E-Liter just spam burst bombs and half charge all their shots because of 12 damage ups
>U single charger and 1 person with a wall could hold UU in SZ
>Ninja squid had no movement speed penalty and every jap was wearing it
>Ink Res was so strong that there was almost no reason not to use it
>Killer Wail was the worst special because there was only Turf War
>TC on Port was impossible to lose if you had 4 Walls or 4 Wails
>Every single person that wasn't a damage stacking charger was using Cold Blooded in ranked
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Spooning naked with Callie!
Ayy, back to S just in time.

That'll be 4am for me sadly.
>>Ink Res was so strong that there was almost no reason not to use it
This is the only nerf I felt made the game objectively worse.
>tfw never used cold blooded, ink res, or ninja squid
>never mained meme weapons
feels good
Kraken also was a rare special that almost no weapon had.
I remember when everyone had ninja squid and ink res, simpler times
big spoon or little spoon?
>not a single mention of damage up luna blasters and krakon roller being fucking everywhere.

You disappoint me senpai...
then they decided to release the 96 gal deco... everyone knew it was going to be op. what were they thinking? can't sheldon do a recall?
most unfortunate. maybe next time
And then every fucking weapon had it
Remember when splash walls were literally impenetrable shields before the nerf with much less cool down? fun times...
just say there's some bullshit safety violation with the splash wall's folding mechanism that a squid in kraken form could get tangled in
that'll get all the squid parents angry enough at sheldon to force a recall
Remember the glory days when you could kill a faggot hiding inside his wall by throwing a bomb at it? I don't understand why they changed that.
Editfag detected.
>charger disappear mid match
Spotted the Inkres babby
>he doesn't recognize the based squigger
You all remember when ink mines were good?
And? It made the game more enjoyable because you weren't stuck in place if a stray pixel of ink hit your feet.
Maybe should be inking the ground
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>ink mines were actually buffed over the months
>didn't make them any better

They should have just made it so that a mine explodes if you try to place a new one.
>put down inkmine right by my spawn
>wait ten seconds
>marie would come to suck my phat squid dick every time
I miss those days
Maybe, or the game could just be well-designed.
the ink movement mechanics are the most important features of the game, anon
This is the first time I'm playing the game not during a splatfest
I still rage at the fucking gals
>We never got ink mine rush
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kinda half assed this
to that one anon: enjoy your callies
today was my first time playing ranked in a couple of months. hydra and heavy splatlings are so hard to kill... in the time it takes me to get near enough to them, they've already charged back up.
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Now that Splatfest is over, I'll never find games without gooks again. This is the true crime here.
That still doesn't make being slowed down so much by a tiny stray ink puddle good. Sure you could just shoot the ground, but I preferred when ink resist lowered your speed by a lower margin. Really, they should have just decreased how much players are slowed down when not using the perk, it would have made the game feel less like shit and make other shoes seem worthwhile.
I gained so much rust that I'm falling through the grates in port
what if they just had automated splatfests?
>third image
>when callie sees a pizza
I've never bothered with ink res and I've never had any issues. I guess it would be nice if ink spots less than a certain radius didn't affect your running speed
>not even S+
I'd be fine with that, but it's not gonna happen.
he's a cool dude and he's free as fuck. he'd probably be s+ if he actually played ranked
how would that work? would it just cycle through the themes we've already had?
>all these trips down memory lane
>not a single mention of how crap rapid blaster originally was
so is this game dying or what?
Why was this the last splatfest?
Did the Splatfest prooved to be non-effective anymore to get players to join?
Is the online playerbase going downhill?
How long until online is ded?
I'm so used to dynamos and carbons that I don't know how to deal with regular rollers anymore
rapid blaster has barely changed. rapid blaster being bad was just a shitty meme.
they're eoling the game so you'll buy spla2 n
>Ülträ Dad9

The dads are evolving.
Battle Dojo.
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>Golden Aerospray was at one point considered to be an OP weapon
>multiple chargers or rollers in the same team were a sign of trouble for that team
Still ripped it up with the Golden gun during the final Splatfest. It's still OP for turf war. But just not the best anymore.
Why the hell did they never update that shit?
I actually saw some really impressive aeromeme play a few times during the fest. not with the kraken crutchomeme, but with the useless (or so I though) gold one. they'd be mowing niggers down CONSTANTLY and painting up a storm. every time I looked down, there would be x's around them.
No one uses it.
because nobody plays battle dojo
Battle Dojo is the single deadest part of the game.
even the devs forgot about it. it was only included so that the critics couldn't complain about "muh local multiplayer"
>see my splat bomb exploding on the same fucking pixel of the enemy
>he doesn't die
I think I never felt more rage than this.
Eh, little too thick for my tastes but it's the hip new fetish all the kids are into these days so whatever. Well done at any rate.
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>enemy throws a splat bomb
>it explodes instantly like a burst bomb
>you will never be suffocated by callie's thick tentacles
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>enemies jumping straight through your RM shots
>enemy kraken jumps 2 meters away from you but you still die
>instantly killed by any multi-hit weapon

So many fun times
>throw splat bomb
>nail 2 guys hiding behind covers

get on my level
i did that so many times during the splatfest, just blindly tossing splat bombs around corners and down hallways and getting that kill notification a few seconds later
is there a way to git gud with chargers without making your team go down?
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>throw suction bomb
>get a quad kill
And it'll never happen again. But it was glorious.
you could try the woomy amiibo missions
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>post yfw calliefags B T F O
It's over, dude.
octolings are too easy to kill
I don't like marie's smile
go to the firing range and practice your twitch aim by aiming at the center and the flicking to a target when you're fully charged.
I'm a mariefag but I have to agree with regards to the in game model. Her plush is cute af though.
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But why
This. False confidence then you get into the real world and can't hit immobile hydra Splatlings.
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Actually this smile is lovely, I was thinking of the grin >>149504709.
>you will never have a qt octo gf to play with
happened so many damn times
I love her troll-y grin.
they dont want to fight
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Squid parties are actually a reenactment in memory of the Great Turf War ceasefire, when both side's troops lay down arms for a day, against the wishes of their commanders, because truly we all came from the same sea.
same here
i think her smile is pretty cute (not as cute as callies) but her grin is just kind of ugly
even better. Get in the middle of the three dummies, charge and shoot one of the dummies, then move the L thumbstick towards one of the dummies that are still up, and press "Y", then shoot the dummy as quick as you can, repeat with the dummies that respawn.
someone post that comic where marie cries over her ugly smile or some shit
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One smile please
Which grin?
look over your head
>he fell for the "y to reset camera" meme
I love this grin. It's so awkward and feels so forced. It totally doesn't fit her personality, so it's really cute.
>see enemy suicide and jump off ledge
>he snaps back to the ledge and splats me

you realize you can use it to 180 turn very quickly, right
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it looks more smug to me, dunno what you're talking about
sounds awkward, since you'd have to flip your stick back and forth. I've done fine without it
I mainly use it more in training to give myself a quicker window of opportunity to shoot the dummies

>her grin is just kind of ugly

I feel a sense of malice from her when she grins.
But why does it move my penis?
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Only natural.
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I need the full-sized naughty and nice Splatfest pics

Thank you
This, totally matches her personality.
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GG Team Callie.

Even though only one of us could have won, in the end, the true victory is in the experiences we shared together.

L-let's stay fresh forever.
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have they fixed out of inkopolis?
i love u
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I wish motion controls weren't completely broken by just laying down. Tilt the gamepad screen downwards and press Y and the Gyro can't deal.
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I just had my best fucking match as a charger, the enemy team was too scared to move on the lower platform of port, even if I didn't kill many of them, but I splatted a guy in the last fucking second.
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how much did your splatfest choices align with your favorite girl, /ink/?
it was never about choice it was always waifu
Wait, is this actually from the anime? Did they actually do this?
>he doesnt watch incestbait: the show
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to be fair, best girl doesn't win, making the whole thing unbearable
>best girl doesn't win
didn't know we were talking about splatoon
I love that, when you get enough shots off in the start of the match that it puts the fear into the other team, then you just become a Special magnet.
In the first episode no less.

Looking over it I have a 50/50 split between them
Is it me or the squiffer is slower now?
>matchmaking is almost nothing but high-level japanese players
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it's good to be back
I feel like level doesn't really mean much. It's easy to drop this game for ages and forget how to play well.
I just used a blaster for the second time ever,
and I had so much fun, I went 7/3
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last fes thank you (rasuto fesu arigatou gozaimasu)...!
that's probably why i did so well during splatfest, all the occasional NA players lost a lot more skill between splatfests than i did
Thanks i can't read
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poor girls, dancing for so long...
they work so hard for us,
So have Calliefags necked themselves?
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no, i still love callie
why would i? mariefags proved themselves... 4% better at the game than us?
callie is still great, and i still love all my fellow calliebros. and marie fans, too.
that other anon is delusional
Buy and mail me the rope. If my rank ever drops to S during a stream I'll do it immediately.
No results for reverse image search, who is the artist?
>Callie lost

Maybe now the general will go back to the rightful owners of the thread:

I thought it was the loli-lover army personally led by the pedolion
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I want an inkling to stomp on my crotch.
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Time to get my splattershot unclogged with Marie the Queen of Splatfests.
this art is BAD
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I want to dance and sing along Callie.
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Have you forgotten about the pedolion who roamed in /ink/ at night, talking about how he loved lolis while ending his sentences with ":3", during the summer of last year?
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>minoring in food prep in college
>grilled stuffed squid was on the menu for today
>remember callie and maries outfits
You.. dont think Nintendo is that dark, do you?
I remember, but I never minded him at all. I miss the pedo posters.
Fuck off
crusty Sean is deep fried after all
He was funny. And that one miiverse compilation of squid lolis.
>he was funny
>i wanna fuck kids :DD :3
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>you might have to pick one, but i love them both. even though this is the last splatfest, the fun isn't over yet!
I want to be able to explore the areas outside the city.
>He was funny
We need more funny anons to dilute the angry anons.
>they're all sweaty
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These are amazing, thanks so much anon!
really nice
you might wanna change the shading on the first one though, it makes her look like she has a dirty face
the third one is especially adorable and lewd
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marie next?
>2 chargers on team
>both end with less than 210
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>minoring in food prep
>miiverse compilation
fuck now I REALLY miss him
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Shitting balls I know Marie is meant to be Marilyn Monroe but I've forgotten who Callie is supposed to be. One of the most beautiful women ever imo, and I can't remember her name.
Actually I believe the dots on their outfits really are a reference to the cuts made into Squid. The 'Squid is really delicious' references are kind of morbid.
audrey hepburn?
catherine the great?
>double chin
Audrey Hepburn.
So cute, thank you!
That's the one, thanks mate.
I will miss woomies.
i now love callie even more
art of marie ballbusting where
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there was some somewhere
didn't save it obviously
I want to join rainy's clan
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Nevermind Bayonetta, Callie appears to be a reincarnation.
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Imagine if they change the sounds Inklings make in a sequel, and 'Woomy' isn't one of them...
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callie apparently isn't very good at blowing into a clarinet
i don't know why this art exists but it's cute
short hair tho
There's really nothing wrong with the pedoposters. Besides the CP dump that one time, they're more bareable than CallieMariefags.

Even the combined faggotry of them and barafags doesn't even come close to the cancer that comes with the squid sisters.
it's not hair, it's soft, cuddly, squishy, tentacle meat
hey, this is late but i didn't check it out until just now
announcement isn't coming today, just top 100 :(
oh fuck off
You know what she is good at blowing though? Marie's bong
you're supposed to suck on a bong, tho
>just top 100 :(
>he's not excited for the top 100
you DID make it, right, anon?
there was at least more variety.
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Little kids are annoying, I don't know how anybody would put up with them, let alone find them attractive.
Callie and Marie playing with eachother
as if callie knows that
what the hell are you talking about
>i love kids
>children sure are sexy
>same 10 pictures of loli inklings
i think they're adorable not in a pedo way
>i love callie
>i love marie
>callie sure is cool
>spams art
it's really not that different now.
but i guess you do have a point. my memory might be rather tinted.
>Marie am I high yet
>You're supposed to inhale Callie
>I think I'm almost at outer space
>Callie is that tea
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why does this artist post their pictures so smallll
people make headcanons and have a significant amount of discussion on different topics concerning the squid sisters
and also they post many different pictures comparatively
also they're not talking about fucking children
>being triggered by fucking children
cmon now
It's true though, even at this recent 'revival' of lolis only the same seven or eight images were posted. Maybe the Squid Sisters are oversaturated, but I can definitely acknowledge their fans commitment.
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that's all for twitter
I want to eat Marie's ass
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You are aware of the risks? Nobody has ever tried and survived
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ass or asshole
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i lied oops
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I look at every picture of Marie posted in every thread, even if i've seen them before
>want to play solo ranked
lmao git gud shitter
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hells yeah
;_; I can only carry in sz and tc (even then, just barely). rm is beyond me
RM.is absolutely terrible solo
I will destroy Nintendo with my bare hands.
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2MB, 1900x1063px
look at that cat inkling

I just hate that people seem afraid to even touch the RM even in S+. Other then that solo RM is fine. Sure as hell like it more then solo Zones.
It really is tragic. Such an ugly style.. She used to draw them so cute.
That's a fox
oh, i see. it definitely is.
sorry about that. still cute though.
oh shit i forgot to turn auto refresh on
It's over man, just like Kid Icarus Uprising
Yes, that makes it even better.
>splatfests dead after only 15 months

the Wii U is such a dissapointment
you forgot:

>no stickers for cosmetics/gear abilities
>buying a wii u
what are you, retarded or gullible
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Here have an awesome wallpaper.
Can someone post the NA bants? i messed up trying to save them and only got some of them.
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>Markings around the eyes not connected
They are still in the previous thread. Marie was nice.
Why don't japs include the T?
Fuck. How did I miss that?
I already checked that. There's nothing. I'm looking for images not text.
What's this about? What did her art look like before? Why did it change?
it's called "fes" over there for festival
i'm sure there's a good reason they didn't include the t when they shortened the word
Their abbreviation for "festival" isn't "fest" like us, but "fesu"
Because of how Japanese people think romanization works (which usually includes dropping off the last letter), they'll say "Fes"
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maries sweaty ass.png
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Sorry guys.
Did what I could to fix it.
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sweaty sex with callie after 2 days of dancing!
yeah, it's officially slow now. didn't take long, huh? ;_;

i wish someone would answer this anon >>149475919 ...
Won't be long till it falls off the page
and nobody revives it.
Any /vg/ general that is fast isn't very good.
try MonHun, generations released recently
fighting with and against anons is fun (like splatoon), but full cooperation with them is great to
TERA was fun when I played it a few years ago, give it a go. The threads are slow and you'll have fun if you're not offended by lolis.
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/mhg/ and /ink/ share a lot in common

>Foreign shit (japs=frenchies)
>shit ton of weapons
>4 man squads
I'll probably get banned again for "muh offtopic", but can I play it on an original 3ds or is it meant to be played on a newer model?
Christ, this is horrible.
I have a 3DS XL and the game runs fine. New 3DS get better camera controls and quicker loading times though.
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it can be played in the original but is better in the new one
they already have their problems with "offtopic" posts
you are ok if you dont spam "i want to cum on rathian "
Daily reminder that Marie is now officially the best girl and Callie is officially subhuman used-goods trash.
no one really cares, anon
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Reminder that Callie is Marie's best friend and they owe each other their success
Its a kinda universal thing to not sink down to Calliefans pre-results mentality.

Let it go man, delete your post.
I just realized that now that twhynot has gone back to college, we have no one left to start squads. he was the only one willing to give his nnid
ummm... the discord still exists last I checked.
>Calliefags don't face any consequences and learn nothing because MUH EVERYONE WINS PEACE AND LOVE HUGBOX
Nah, fuck that shit. Marie is best girl and Callie is literally dog feces and I hope that everyone who even thought for a second that Callie would win kills themselves.
i never understood why people have a problem with this, what is there to hide
i think a lot of people did son
just be happy
Reminder that the people posting "Everyone wins Callie and Marie are equals and love each other" are the same Calliefags who acted smug and claimed that Marie had no chance of winning and now refuse to apologize and instead choose to avert people from calling them out completely.
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on one hand, hair is soft and thick and you can run your fingers through and bury your face in it and feel that slight tug when you brush it and hngggg
on the other hand tentacles are firm yet squishy and you can hug them and kiss them and feel their weight, or have them comfortably embrace you like a hug
i'm at odds
Thanks captain obvious.
On the other hand, Callie is literally trash as confirmed by this Splatfest.
I meant squads in the thread. the discord is better for squads, anyway, though.
one fag is embarrassed of his nnid, one fag has a full friends list and doesn't want to remove people for some reason, and everyone else is probably just shitposting. I don't like sharing it either, because it's form of namefagging, but I'd suck it up.
if you are attracted to tentacles then you secretly desire giant floppy cocks
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> Calliefags get off the hook.
C'mon Anon. You supported the Queen Marie. Don't sink to the level of the Calliefags if Marie had lost. That is exactly what they would say.
You supported Marie.
You are better than them.
hair is hair. tentacles are, like you said
>firm yet squishy and you can hug them and kiss them and feel their weight, or have them comfortably embrace you like a hug
you have a way with words, my friend
Wow, what a shit time to go camping and lose internet.

I misses the last Splatfest... after being in every one of them...

RIP Robysnake's dream of fighting for Marie

How was it anyway?
tomorrow i'm gonna make a new account and change my NNID
then i'll gladly share it
Here's something
>NNID's are fucking easy to make
>Everyone makes new NNID's with new names they're comfortable with sharing
>Everyone makes smurf accounts for Splatoon
>Play some Turf War, buy some weapons, buy some gear, edit it if you swing that way
>Form a Squad of C- newsquids
>Take on the world
can you explain me why you dont like to share your nnid??
best splatfest I've played yet. lots of good players on the callie side in my experience.
do you know what it is? it's pretty autistic. not nearly as bad as he makes it seem, but still not good
this is a good idea... I think I'll do this tomorrow. I already have an alt that is collecting dust that I could reset.
it's a very old name i'm embarrassed to give out
i never used to squad so i never really had a problem with it, but now i'll have to
You should just name yourself 'Tentacles' or something, unless you have a better idea
>We will never get a Cider vs Cocktail Splatfest
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I want to make Marie blush

How do I do that
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>chasing tower
>enemy behind the tower sets up killer wail
>activate kracken and swim into the wail
>get launched into the tower
>kill everyone on the tower to end overtime
Hold her hand
Tell her she's cute.
She'll never expected that after all the Mariefags just wanting to abuse her
Sniff her spats
punch her in the throat
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Tell her she looks pretty.
You do know there was trash talking from both sides the entire time, like in every splatfest yeah?

Let it go mate, the fights done, we all fought physically and verbally for our queens.
I honestly like the old cartoon motif they got going on in this.
Old cartoon characters didn't look like weird gremlins.
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These are nice
I want her to abuse me
arent you dr somethig something else ??
Pretty sure Marie doesn't do S&M.
Callie might tho.
>Pretty sure Marie doesn't do S&M.

She's a fan of sounding.
And anal.
Very big on anal.
Nah Marie's all about that missionary, Callie's the one that likes stuff up her butt
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i want to make callie blush

how do i do that
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Do pretty much anything as Marie.
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Callie vs Marie.jpg
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> Marie is not into anal
She has a "fuller figure" for a reason Anon.
Don't want to delete people because I play with a decent amount still and forget who can be deleted at this point. I could make an alt with you guys but the thought of needing to get lucky and buy the gear I need before editing it has prevented me.
Hint: Not just something to hold on to at night.
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The pants that Callie wears are called rompers.
Look up rompers on urban dictionary.
Girls that wear rompers always prefer it up the butt than the vag.
Dunno about Marie, but based off stereotypes Callie likes it in the pooper.
oh I can imagine...
>Marie! Marie! how was your fan reunion!
>oh, hello Callie, it was... fine, I guess
>C´mon tell me! tell me!
>it was a bit awkward, when they lined up I thought they wanted my autograph, but all of them asked me to sit on their faces while I called them "fagot" or something like that, so I left early
>Aww, thats to bad Marie, my fans are more normal, they only asked me to cover my eyes and started to rub my tentacles with some kind of yogurth
I kekked
I feel empty.

I miss Splatfest.

I will never fight for Marie again.

My life has no meaning.
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2MB, 435x245px
I stand corrected Anon.
Callie's lesser butt would lead me to believe she would not like anal.
Funny. Typically butt size has a direct correlation to anal chance.
>urban dictionary, your leading source on the facts
>callie likes anal because of the pants she wears
just made a new account (level 4 right now), anyone feel like TW with squibs while i level back up?
NNID: Spacestarter
You fight for Marie every day of your life
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Well, Callie is usually portrayed as the one with an amazing butt while Marie hogs all the tits
it's not fair
there are way more chances to show off tits than butts
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These say differently.
Moar where that came from too.
sure, why not
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>horrible SFM picture
You sure showed em champ
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Nobody said Marie can't have an ass too.
It told me link sharing was on.
Have to go in and make it public.
Try it now.
You do realize this is an imageboard... right?
Most of those only further the point that Marie is drawn bigger.
Next time use Imgur.
You do realize this board is Yotsuba B.
Meaning that posting any rule 34 even if it is spoilered will get you banned.
Read the rules Anon.
those are some fucked up hands
but all of the last three images are completely safe
Yes, you are breaking the rules, well observed.
Images Dumbass.
Links are ok because anything could be hiding behind them.
> Explaining basic concepts to newfags
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Is this Callie?
Yeah, sure it is.
Not taking the b8 Anon.
You'll have to try harder than that.
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this is entirely safe dude
I know.
But I already got warned for porn.
> not taking the chance of a stuck up mod.
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yeah i guess so
2:33am where I am.
Goodbye forever /ink/ as this thread will probably die by morning.
Its been fun.
sorry for the short session but god i hate using tentatek, i'm gonna replay solo
aight, ggs
>get 3 day bans for posting completely worksafe images with post about cumming on tentacles
>get warned for porn
god damnit
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For all those who missed the Splatfest like me
Just remember that as long as you care for them...
They are fictional characters and they can't actually notice your attempts of impressing them.
But in all seriousness, dont be sad, just hope for a sequel to come out. Hopefully with actual servers
I believe the mods consider it 'spam' now
I'm hoping that the reason they're dropping activity on this game after only a year is to fully focus on a sequel.

Splatoon feels like it was originally meant to be an experimental title and so they cut corners on things, like servers. I'm guessing the work it would take to fix those things wouldn't be considered worth it compared to the work of making a sequel and having those things in the initial design.
How long do you suppose a sequel will take? Two years? Three?
probably be here maybe late 2018
My only guess is that they're going to try to have it ready to be an NX launch title. After how big of a hit Splatoon has been, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up with a release style like Smash, where there's a new game for each new console.
Personally I'd rather they wait and get their heads around the NX's hardware first, especially since it'll be way more powerful than any of the other blockbuster consoles today. Launch titles never work.
Yeah, that's true. Smash doesn't even release at console launches anyway. Still, I'm mostly just wondering when the NX will release, and then I'd base a guess for a Splatoon sequel on that.
Personally I love it when /ink/ complains about a dead game when they can go online and play with other people. Instead they just post on gay image boards and post waifus every day and wonder why no one wants to play the game.
I heard it was for early next year, but since we still don't know what the fucking thing is meant to be called yet I don't know what stage they're at with it.
They said at E3 2015 that we would hear more about the NX "next year", but then E3 2016 happened and there was nothing. Seems like something might have delayed it or it's just taking longer than expected, so I doubt it'll be early next year. Would think we'll see it at at least one E3 presentation before it comes out.
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See you tomorrow.
Eugh, hybrids.
Honestly, I think it is more likely that we will see a Remaster or a spin off in the next year than a bona did sequel
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sweaty woomy ns.png
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I really hope not. I'd rather wait. I've always thought it sounds dumb when a company decides to remaster something that's only been out for two or three years.

I guess a spin off would be fine. Just as long as it's something fresh.
anyone know about cap'n cuttlefish's voice effects? i know that callie and marie have pre-recorded gibberish, but it's different for him. is it like animalese, where it's just a voice clip of someone saying the corresponding letter when it pops up at a fast speed? or is it something different?
also, i forget, does anyone else use a similar method of speech? don't remember if octavio does.
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can someone explain the concept of squid parties to me?
He has lines at the end of the recent album, as well as speaks during Maritime Memory. I think he has a real VA.
Losing a match?
Try start a Squidparty
Mirror match?
Try start a Squidparty
Just shit at games?
Try start a Squidparty
Not this horse shit again.
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goodnight callie
i love you

boy am i glad to be going to bed now
why are octofags always like this
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i want to eat out callie
i'm okay with that too
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at least post the legit one
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hey so i like had a wii u n shit for a long time but no tv to play on it.

I finally had a TV hooked up n shit and I basically got a chance to beat the single player and then participate in the last splatfest.

This was like a game where the developers sort of put some kind of love into making it. The final boss fight felt actually good and the way the game feels and plays is rather really nice.

Overall I feel like i missed out on something by not being able to play the multiplayer sooner.

Like how MGS4 players felt when they shutdown the multiplayer one year after the game came out. Like people have literally missed out on something that they won't get to experience ever again now.

Why did they end splatfest? All it takes is one intern in a room making a list of, "This vs This" things.

Literally one of them could have been Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue for shits and giggles. So why just stop doing it?
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>one of them could have been Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue for shits and giggles
Funny you should say that...
Anyone have any Splatoon wallpapers?
What did you have in mind?
Anything really.

Maybe something to celebrate the last splatfest
How about the OP pic? >>149472656
>getting 1000 points in turf war

This feel so weird...but so so nice. Even less of a reaso to touch rank.
Now that it allows you to consistently make money, is Turf War a better value option than Ranked?
>Literally one of them could have been Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue for shits and giggle
This literally happened in february
Depends on the player.
You do well or prefer rank? Probably not

You prefer turf war and can easily get over 1000+ points? Definitely. You're guaranteed atlease 1500 points now with bare minimum effort and 2000-3000 with actual effort and the right stages like piranha pit and kelp dome which makes 15 or so matches to get 30k.

Bonus that you get a free snail for 30 wins(not in a row and not reset by rotation.) and turf war being brain dead easy to win majority of the time unlike ranked.
Unranked splatzones never ever.
I had a dream that I was playing ranked and there were cheaters, it was so weird

im just saying that its just a simple, "This vs That"

that can be done with anything, so why is it hard to prepare like 10 years worth of shit.
this CAN'T be the end of everything

Nintendo has to have something else up their sleeve, even if it's gimmicky

They've put too much effort into the Splatfest mechanics to just stop here. Maybe they're about to roll out a tournament mode? Like every month, a new match, in the form of a splatfest, comes out and we all battle to see which team makes the top? That wouldn't be too hard to do.

Some believe it's to save themes for an inevitable sequel, but you're right, there is virtually no reason for them to stop Splatfest.

Fake, however I tragically found this after a Google search.
My god do these people have terrible ideas, and writing ability.

Aww, I'm sure you guys will manage!
1080p Marie
Am of happy.
Callie can stay in her fucking box, watch me care. Imma ink them both tomorrow.
Also when they're not next to each other they totally look like they're just doing zombie poses. I can't unsee it.
Fuck it, guess they will have to be next to each other.
Holy shit these prints of them look so fucking nice.
I mean shit. That conforming, well...
You just have to fucking see it, it's so different to just pixels.
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Marie sounded so genuinely surprised when she won. I was expecting something like pic related.

Does Marie have self esteem issues?
Probably not self esteem issues.
Its the fact that Callie won most of the splatfests but Marie wins the most important one: the last one.
You would be surprised too if the odds were against your team and you win.
she was surprised Callie got even ten percent of voters, let alone a near fifty fifty split on the wins

Marie would have smug'd at a crushing victory she so right fully deserves
It means I was using my fucking webcam to take the photo.
On the other hand, we've discovered how to translate squid language.
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3MB, 4096x3072px
I want these fucking amiibos but I need money to not die aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Marie's face just looks so cute in this one, I can't not.
Eat out of a trash can if you need to. Get a job. ANYTHING.
I eat once day and I already have a job
Those are nice.
> right click
> Save image as...
this was a surprise
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You sir, are a gift from above.>>149565836
Was thinking of making a splatoon weapon in real life, which one should I try to make?
Lowest price I found is $26 at toys R us.
Glad you're all enjoying them.
Might post a couple more tomorrow...
Go for the classic.
Splattershot Pro.
Or one of the most well known:
3K E-Liter
Links. Not spoilered images Anon.
Some people (not me) are really uptight about this.
Reminder that Marie is confirmed best girl and Callie is confirmed irredeemable garbage, and the only people posting the "both girls are equal" crap are Calliefags who were shitting all over Marie before the results were in and now are trying to avoid being called out on their bullshit.
"Some people" being "people who aren't fucking newfags and have actually read the rules rather than ignoring them completely like fucking retards"?
It's funny reading through the posts of smug fucks thinking Callie's victory was assured and Marie was going to get dumped in the trash
Look at number #5
Then look at the color/theme of this board.
Why must you create discord when I am just trying to keep an awesome anon from getting banned?
Yes, that was exactly my fucking point, congratulations for not even understanding my post at all.
Get off the board discordfag.
Go back to /b/ and post some b8.
Its obviously all you are good for.
Holy shit, how retarded can you be?
My post was specifically aimed at conveying the point that this is a blue board and NSFW images can't be posted here. I am making the same fucking argument as you are. Are you people so blind that you can't see that?
Right, so you ARE blind and retarded. Got it.
Splattershot Pro looks too much like a regular watergun, so I'll try to make the 3K E-Liter, though the design of these guns is so retarded it will take some time to study a way to make it.
I'm Reddit cancer for presenting the same argument as you. Good to know.
Calling me Reddit cancer yet here you are posting ellipses like an actual Redditfag would do.
>playing a dead game
splatoon was shutdown, there is no splatoon to play anymore.
fuck off bones, you don't even like video games
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2MB, 387x251px
> Calling out a bystander anon and forgetting who you are talking to.
Nice job redditard.
Nice job.
does anyone want to do the squib squad that one anon suggested last night
what's that
Pls explain?
where we make c- alts and fuck around. see >>149534083
Are you fucking retarded? They're just pictures of Amiibo.
why not just squad?
it seemed fun to try something new ;_;
Are you looking at the same picture as me or are you fucking blind? >>149565635
That backstage track where people are talking about them bathing or something, aren't they just squidding about?
standard or custom ds for this rotation
>beakons for underass
>bombs for rig
That dripping sound does sound like they're relaxing in a tub...
>amazing tentakek on my team
>we lose anyway because of the shitter gook washing machine that keeps booyahing like an asshole
im so sorry
Why is it that Tentateks are based but Octoshots are complete faggots?
this is nice
>memetatek memeshot
I can't see it. What was itt.
Bonus that you get a free snail for 30 wins(not in a row and not reset by rotation.)

Does it have to be in the same day or can I have 15 wins from today and 15 wins for tomorrow and get 1 snail?
because octoshots are octoniggers
naked squid sisters
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Photo (72).jpg
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The smallest woomy! (making replacement parts for vintage toys that came without their original stuff, thought a lil woomy would be cute)
Bonus; woomy in mermaid land~ http://imgur.com/a/4HDvs
I still have to get my alt high enough to do ranked, so give me some time.
>Most average weapon in the game
>most average
>extremely quick TTK, high movement speed while shooting, exceptional kit
>not a meme
>attention whoring continues
with all this attention why don't you get yourself a proper camera goddamn
Hnnng I fucking love this
what's your nnid? we could at least play turf with each other. actually, you could just add me
nnid nip_the_nips
the only meme weapons are the aeroscrubs an the gals
New thread!
>Literally the benchmark that all other weapons are built around
>Literally level 1 in every way
Seriously get gud or get help
Glad to hear it! Making a spaghetti next, I think I'll make tiny Callie and Marie too!
> Main stick and d-pad on the right
Lefty 3ds? Last time I checked nintendo didn't make them. Is this a mod kit or something? The little woomy is awesome (and adorable) tho.
I'm sending a request shortly. Look out for it
Nooo, the image is just flipped by my webcam camera! Thank you, though! Making Spaghetti now.
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