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Rimworld General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 766
Thread images: 201

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We don't have an OP pastebin yet so here's some shit


RimWorld follows three survivors from a crashed space liner as they build a colony on a frontier world at the rim of known space. Inspired by the space western vibe of Firefly, the deep simulation of Dwarf Fortress, and the epic scale of Dune and Warhammer 40,000.

FAQ: http://ludeon.com/blog/faq/
Wiki: http://rimworldwiki.com/
Mods: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?board=12.0 (also check steam workshop)
>about to post new thread
Goddamn OP
The early bird catches the worm.
The whole colony has worms.
Catching worms is not special, fuck you, bird.
>The whole colony has worms.
Is that with your ass itches? Get yourself treated.
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I've reworked the GUI, and I've gotten more types of data able to be read (although some are still dummy/placeholder)
I've still got to get saving implemented completely (editing metadata works correctly) but that should be next.

I have a github if you want to have a look at it so far:

I'll fully release it though when it can edit most of pawn data and faction data, which shouldn't be too far away
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>early bird
>been on page 10 for last 20 min

For a second I actually thought it would die and I would have to MANUALLY find the new thread.
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>wake up
>new bread is waiting for me

post some bases anons, I need more comfy
Deal with it homosexual
>tfw get a colonist with trait "gay"
>never seen another one in 20 years
>he dies alone and old as the only homosexual on the planet

Some anon was asking for a save with my base and since I am starting to butcher it I wanted to upload it for him
Hope that link works
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>not capturing a gay raider so your gay colonist can nurse him back to health and fall in love in the process and have lots of gay babies
fuck you homophobe
And these are my mods
>tfw I used prepare carefully wrong
Now my special snoflake hunter has Adventurer for males
Is there a way to enslave ppl. in this, I want my 1 guy to rule over a slave colony. Yes I am that type of person.
>want to keep making clothes if they fall below 90% health
>can't because bill doesn't pick up the health of damaged clothes in stockpiles
I would love a slave mode that makes it so other colonist don't see the prisoner as a fellow colonist
The main thing I thought was that most colonists are cry babies and allways have a shitty mood. Well as a slave Id imagine youd have different priorities when youre just hoping you wount get shot or beaten.
I have a save that I've fallen in love but the expanded prostethics is making me wet. How well does it work with saves? I don't really want to restart again after spending close to 3 days on this colony.
Remove the "b".
I would love a prisoner work space. Basically prisoners could be put to work while in shackles and while they are inside their compounds the shackles come off. So basically I could employ them to mine / craft and also do meditative stuff like watching TV freely in their cells.


Also if a prisoner goes berserk while in shackles they shouldn't be able to move fast or do much but head butt and use their arms with manipulation POOR.
>just got rimworld
>check the wiki
>seems pretty neat
>then this shows up
>"You can remove one kidney and lung without prisoner dying, so these are freebies"
I know that feel anon, but I am not sure of compability
you can lurk the site for it
>playing my ice sheet colony
>heard geothermal vents provide heat
>wall one in for the inevitable solar flare meme
>solar flare meme comes for me
>send all my colonists in and run to the bathroom
>they died
>it was 400F inside
this simplifies my plans for an auschwitz colony
Well, I tried crash landing.

It's functionally "Here you go, a shitload of loot, also a bunch of dead colonists. By the way, radiation will literally kill you in seconds.
I want a mod that replace the colonist with orks and grots.
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That actually brings up an intriguing point.

If homosexuals don't reproduce then homosexuality can't be due to genetic factors, because homosexuality would have been bred out of the population years ago.

That could only mean that homosexuality is a disorder caused by society or culture.

It would be fascinating to try and induce homosexuality in a hermetically sealed ecosphere with young boys closed off from society to see what happens.

But when you think of history cultures like the Romans and Greeks were openly homosexual and it didn't affect their breeding rates. Though the Spartans had very ritualized mating habits.
So I have my colonists married. Will they eventually make babies? Because fuck recruiting people from other factions.
>start with a super good character with 4 burning passions and good traits
>make him an expert in several fields
>he becomes a fucking swiss knife

>gets a permanent brain injury out of nowhere
>now he is retarded and the only thing I can ask from him that he won't fuck up is to clean shit

Damn you game
>murder raider
>cook em together with potatoes
>"Im a monster"

>best friend (husky) gets murdered by bear
>notice when my colonist chopped em up
>lavish meal completed & eaten
>everything is fine
You can effectively use vents and build around it and spread the heat to other rooms. If you make the area too small it's literally like a sauna or if way too small it's a fucking steam oven.
Bring flowers to Algernon.

>gathered lotsa potatoes
>"awww yeah, I'm ready for everything now"
>colonist are starving
>figures out I'm supposed to cook them potatoes
>take ten potatoes to make ONE food
Quads speak truth brother. Get prisoners and farm their insides.
>still no prostitution mod
Manhunters are a big ass meme
That would be valid if we didnt have a double helix dna. On the shitter so not gonna explain, google incest and why its bad.
Oh no, anon. It's much deeper than that.

I'm running a base full of Sanguine, Psycopathic, Cannibal cultists living on the fringes of the world. We butcher any wanderers that join, we butcher all raiders that arrive after we either shoot or burn them to death, and the entire base is filled with high quality human leather recliners and anything else I can make out of it.

Rip out all the organs that you can safely harvest, then take the heart, and mince it up for more meals.

Welcome to fucking Rimworld.
The Hills Have Eyes : The Video Game.
Pretty fucking much, honestly.

Humans aren't animals so your entire experiment is flawed from the beginning. We are a smart species and yes you can have enclosed experiments which might turn a human feral but it has been proven that even the most worst cases they have been able to reintroduce those people back to society.

Meaning we're smart. Relatively speaking. Homosexuality isn't a disease, it's a sexual preference. If they decide to breed they can easily do it either with science or with the help of a third partner. Orgies work because there only needs to be one person you find attractive in them. You wouldn't even need high tech science to basically continue the family line of a homosexual, just one woman willing to do a threesome.

Not interesting, just really kinky.
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>you can actually harvest organs
>and SELL them
I fear it's only a matter of time before there's a mod who introduces clones for easy organs harvest.
Why bother? Raiders and wanderers, and travelers that sleep too close, make great organ sources.
>considered making a new thread when we hit 750 posts because I fucked the last OP up
>instead someone else had to rush the OP same as I did and fucked it up the exact same way
it's like pottery
protip: if you dont need the food and they hang around long enough they'll fuck up any raiders that come through the area
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I read a fascinating hypothesis that postulated that homosexuality was a sexually transmitted disease caused by a mind altering parasite or virus.

Much like parasites carried in animal feces infect insects (like ants) to climb to high and exposed areas so they get eaten by birds to continue the parasites life-cycle, this hypothesis basically said that once a person is infected their sexual preferences changes to the same sex to stimulate more anal so that the parasite can more easily transfer from one person to another.
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It was okay anon
I just got my retardly OP stunning rod and fuckedu p any that got close enough
Science. I play as a good colony. We don't harvest organs of humans. I'd love an addition like this. Basically growing the organs in incubators over a long period of time sounds like a route that fits my play style.
What are mortar shells considered as when setting a storage area? I went through the whole list and couldn't find them.
swiss army knives are worse than specialisation
>character has mining at 15, growing at 10 and construction at 12
>I dont have another good grower constructor or miner
>one and a half of the jobs get done as a result
>I could have these vital jobs split up between 3 colonists and have one and a half jobs get done with the half being hauling
>instead I have one hauler; one cook and one overworked underslept everything else guy
Or faggots are just mentally ill degenerates who have no breaks on how degenerate one can be.
I'd like a mod when I can grow creatures to fight for me.
So what are some A14 mods that I should get?
It gets weird when you do the lone rich colonist starter and you get people like this :
>Tori, Surgeon
>Female Teenage Survivor (15 Years Old)
>the best damn surgeon in her ship
>can do anything from mining to surgery
>sanguine, jogger, that one trait where she loves to work
>at least 2 in every stat, 12 in medicine and craft

I pray that nothing happens to her, or that the 39-year-old wandering traveler doesn't get any ideas. If she dies, the whole colony is fucked.
What's the safest way to deal with poison ships?
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>refugee wants to join
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>picked the sex slave
Well. That one isn't going to sleep a lot.
she has good doctor skills
>"oooh, what a naughty patient who can't stay still"
This is my fetish.
Do you get to continue with the colony after that or is it just game over and back to the main screen?

Also what is wrong with the captcha that makes you select images that disappear. It never accepts it.
How do you fuckers have so many prisoners?
In DF, if I want captives I build cages. But here, I'm clueless.
>Do you get to continue with the colony after that

you can actually, but since you dont have colonists anymore you are just watching nothing

but if you do leave colonists behind they can actually make another ship again

map is getting boring because theres literally 0 steel in the map so i had to dismantle everything to build a ship

bulk goods trader isnt even coming anymore after 2 years
>legacy captcha
please respond
pls stop telling me how to live my life anon

I've tried that though and legacy never accepts
Its only recently that you'd be openly gay, usually you just have a wife and kids and fuck men on the weekends in secret.
I didn't know this was an option but I've wanted to do it for months.
Thank you, anon.
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what the fuck theres skill decay and its fast as fuck?

is there a mod that can make this at least tolerable?
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Oh hey this thrumbo has progressed cancer
maybe I'll get lucky and it'll die without leaving the area
I saw one in the forums, it disabled it completely or had other settings
>If homosexuals don't reproduce then homosexuality can't be due to genetic factors, because homosexuality would have been bred out of the population years ago.
Humans have close kin relations and your gay uncle is using you to pass on his genes by proxy, since you have a significant portion of them.
Besides that, historically speaking, marriage has been first and foremost about reproduction, so even in cultures where gay sex was socially acceptable it was expected that every man would marry a woman and every woman would marry a man.
>the cancer means the thrumbo has 10% eating ability
>its dietary needs are insane
wonder if it'll become incapacitated by starvation
thanks m8 unfortunately its for a13

i'll probably just wait ive been playing this straight for 3 days
Oh damn

But I saw this in the thread
>If Rimworld refuses to load it go into the mod folder, go to about and open the about.xml, change the target version from 'Alpha 13' to '0.14.1234' I've tested working, remember that if you didn't start your save game with the mod installed you need to follow OP's instructions on the first page.
oh shiet thanks man

im probably not going to sleep now
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Okay here's mine

I'm currently replacing all walls with granite
I beg you anon
hide your zones
If soviet commieblocks had a rimworld equivalent, this would be it.
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You guys told me to make everything out of stone blocks whenever I can!

It was nice and wooden earlier

lel rip
Plant IEDs around them and shot them once to trigger the spawn. If you use a sniper rifle, you can run back far enough for the mechs to lose interest and they will wander back to trigger them. It takes 9-10 IEDs to instant gib the ship but usually less than that is enough to cripple the robot army.
Pirate ship and Thrumbos at the same time
thanks randy
I have air conditioning everywhere but it's down to like 35C indoors now
Use double walls for insulation. Add an empty gap with a third wall if you are rich.
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So I'm supposed to nurse the prisoners back to health and then recruit them instead of doing this?

pretty boring 2bh
Or you can train your doctor on him by removing some limbs and then practicing attaching and removing prosthetics
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if 3 hives pop up simultaneously that means the real hive is further in the mountain right?
is the hidden map and mini map a mod? I see every1 has it but i dont and I cant find it in options, I can see the whole map everytime I start
the hidden northern part of the map is because it's a rock formation
the minimap is from Community Core Library (CCL) and has to be activated in mod options
Do you guys name your characters?
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Post Artwork

after people I know in real life if I think the traits match
I used prepare carefully to make Spike and the gang from cowboy bebop. Now i just listen to jazz while playing and get comfy
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>You will never be innawoods jerking off alone at night to the porn engraved on your hunting rifle.
Do you guys plan out your bases beforehand? Yours are all like a single structure; mine always end up being a walled compound where rooms have been repurposed several times.
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pls no game, what am I even supposed to do with this wanderer
Get the mod that turns on dumb labor for everyone. Full time hauler cleaner bitch.
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>start fresh group
>4 women
>1 male who is an unsociable fat ass
>tries to make moves
>constantly gets rejected
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for my base a lot of it just happened
the only forethought went into the rec room
What mods are you using?
You have a lot of clothing and items and a minimap
see >>149470034 for the minimap
the clothing is aparello and I'm getting a bit sick of it desu
>If homosexuals don't reproduce then homosexuality can't be due to genetic factors, because homosexuality would have been bred out of the population years ago.

You're retarded mate. What are recessive genes?
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Is there any reason to have this many iguanas?
Are they good for anything other than selling/butchering?
What is the actual difference between Rough and Challenging?
Is it common that raids totally stop for first winter? I had raids to start of fall but now its end of first winter and theres been nothing since. Cassandra/challenge if that matters.
does the distance batteries are from your generator matter? like is it better to have batteries next to it or closer to the stuff you will be powering?
>maddened turtle is a red alert

>pack of manhunting wargs is a yellow alert
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A year after hostilities started Beggars Town have become friendly again
cost me 5 released prisoners and 1.1k silver

Hopefully they'll send another trade caravan carrying 30k silver of gear
I'd say this mofo coming for you is a red alert.
Why the fuck do traders come by so rarely? Every game eventually results in me doing nothing waiting for traders to appear.
you can outrun the turtle
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>warden barely survives an infection, uses the last of our medicine
>4/6 people suddenly get malaria
>healroot still growing
>heatwave starts at almost exactly the same time and I don't have the central air system up yet
>out of food because the hunters and growers are in bed with malaria
>forcing warden to harvest strawberries and hunt, he's doing a piss poor job of it
>one of the patients goes berserk (reason: another patient rejected his romantic advances twice... while they were dying of malarai...)
>he attacks the warden, who now has two infections
>3 raiders show up
Cassandra is a fucking whore.
That actually seems usable.
Make him prioritize wardening and then make him create art in a pit until he dies
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>Pirates attack from the east
>with sappers
>attempt to mine through the only chunk of rock that isn't a wall on my lake defences
>approach to this puts them in my firing line
3 charge rifles free of charge
Only very rough ideas for where things are going to be, it generally just grows organically
Anyone uses this system?
Cassandra doesn't fuck around, she just piles up shit until you crumble
if I have tailors I do

Have you tried it yet anon?
Battle Royale style collars attaches to every escapee on the planet.
Environment that seeks to kill you.
Manhunter packs of Wargs, artic wolves and trumbos.
Little room for error.

8 ubermen and 2 huskies. Do you have what it takes to survive this shit?

Pic related, it's your dudes about 90% of the time if you fuck up.
did you make it?
cause you shill it an awful lot
No, but it came from 4chan, gotta shill our content. Plus its one of the only decent scenarios to play after you "beat the game" and are looking for a challenge.
How do you handle clothes degrading?

Do you manually make new ones and incinerate the old ones?
Is there an automated way to do it? Like a bill to repair worn out clothes or something, maybe a mod?
>bill to make X clothes till they got em, then pretty sure u can q up old clothes to be destroyd if they get below a certain % and u can tell ur colonists to wear clothes only above a certain %
Make a new outfit and assign it to your colonists, tell them to only wear a certain quality/hp.

Set up the incinerators to take all the shitty/low hp clothes.

Then set up cotton farm/production lines for clothes. Keep 5-10 of everything(mainly pants and shirts firsts) then it'll take care of itself.
There was a mod that forced colonists to automatically get nicer clothes if they were available and had a tailor workbench where colonists could repair clothes. Was nice though I don't think it's been updated for 14.
Challenging has all difficulty modifiers set to 1.0. Rough is literally easy mode.
I started playing this a while back, it was skullfuckingly difficult when it launched now it's better balanced and it's fun. But I keep dying to the lack of food about halfway to making the ship. My own fault for not setting greenhouses early.
Does the materials of say a crafting table have any impact on anything? For example a plasteel stonecutters table versus a wood stonecutters table?

I am tempted to replace all with luxurious ones but I feel like it just might be a waste.
>no way to repair clothing/weapons
>no way to put clothes back on prisoners
this fucking guy keeps going berserk because of shit mood and being nude sure as FUCK isn't helping
this is so annoying
What do I do on a map without any fucking mountains? How to I get materials? Do I just farm a lot and hope I can buy all the steel and stuff I need?
Make a stockpile inside the prison and assign some clothes to it. They pick them up automatically.
You reroll and play on a mountain like a real person.
check the stats to see if they give an increase, im pretty sure better materials is quicker production but not sure
is this from the makers of Prison Architect? it sure looks like it.

thought of getting it
How can I track a hive? anything worth looking for?
How can you remove limbs? Never showed up under Operations for me.
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>If homosexuals don't reproduce then homosexuality can't be due to genetic factors, because homosexuality would have been bred out of the population years ago.
Nigger, who do you think creates fags? Fags themselves who can't reproduce, or straight people who can?
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>Refugee can't do firefighting
Thanks famalam. That's what I thought.
How do I get good?
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A single man just took on 3 trumbos and defeated them alone. Waited till night fall and sent my most bionic man with an incendiary launcher. Lured them to my turrets and kept out running them in the snowy swamps. Once out of harms way I used an incendiary to daze them with flames. The turrets took a long time to kill them but pretty much just solo'd them with the assistance of a few turrets. As long as I was in their reach they would chase only him.

Who needs cheapy mods and half walls when you can out smart these fuckers.

Reposting in new thread in case someone missed it.

It's a mod that removes the penalties for organ harvesting prisoners, selling prisoners into slavery, killing prisoners, and seeing corpses. So it makes everyone less of a pussy.

You can remove the parts you don't like by deleting files in the /Defs/ThoughtDefs folder, I labeled them clearly.
They should implement some sort of drafting function, but for tasks other than fighting.

For example, I was at the end of fall, with all my crops at 95% growth. Suddenly there was a cold wave, so I had to harvest everything reaaally fast before they started to die. So I had to set the priorities of everyone to Grow, then redo every priority.

It was tedious as fuck.

It would have been so much simpler if there was a way to toggle an emergency state where everyone does the same thing for a few hours.
We need to put this in the OP
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>haven't played in forever
>download latest version
>cassandra / challenge
>die to 2x pistol 1x shotgun raid before I've even gotten food production built

It would have been even simplerer to have "all / clear / save / load" functions in the priorities menu
Same thing happened to me on a Randy / Challenge, except one of the niggers had frag grenades.
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>Challenging Randy Random
>All he does is send visitors my way and occasionally spawn infestations.
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How the fuck does the space calculation work?

This room is clearly 12 spaces, 13 if you count the door. Where is it getting the extra 4-5 spaces?
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Tried the moat, pic related.
You sadistic fuck, this scenario is fucking nuts.
Challenging does absolutely nothing but make raiders soak a bit more damage, which is frankly stupid.
Stop shilling yourself you cunt
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Is this guy still harvestable?
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Would anyone be interested in a proposed list of ideas to fix shitty mental break mechanics?
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>Nothing but human - fist
The balls on this man
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Nice MS Paint skills
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>lies in 4chan

Please stop, spam makes the general uncomfy.
Go for it. If it's in my ability, I may try to mod some.
How do I deal with infestations when I've got 6 colonists with 3 guns between them? Bugs keep fucking me when I put so much as a stockpile in a mountain.
After testing various room sizes and doing some math, it seems each 'square' is worth 1.33 Space, and it rounds up. So every 3 squares is four space.

Probably shit but here you go
Build a room with exactly 100 squares and you'll know the decimal, increase it to throusand squares and you'll get more accurate numbers.
1. Already done
2. It -seems- manageable, I'll have to tinker around with traits to double check.
3. Beyond my current ability, Raiders/Guests are considered the same in the coding, so whatever debuffs apply to one apply to the other.
4. I'll have to check what exactly makes a room ugly, if you could tell me if it's how dirty it is or if it's also combined with a room with no wealth/impressiveness then I may be able to tweak it.
5-7. I don't think I can do these, but I'll double check the mental break behaviors just in case.
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>visiting graves gives joy

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>Raiders/Guests are considered the same in the coding
I figured that was the case.

Thanks for taking a look at the list though, hope you can figure most of it out.
140 for 100 squares, so that's 1.40.

It doesn't work with 1,000 squares, there's a cap at 350 Space. I only realized this after I made a 1,000 square room.
>two coolers isn't enough to keep a freezer frozen during a heatwave
>the small coolers from this central air conditioning mod don't seem to do anything
I don't understand how temperature works in this game.
Ten manhunting muffalos on the west gate and 8 tribal traders on the east gate, can't wait for the free loot.
Also, rate my bar.

Thanks for the science, anon.
Do this
set up the entrance to the freezer as a little hallway then put two automatic doors so the cold air doesn't get away
I usually use this set-up and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I guess I'll try making the hallway longer than usual
What is this mod?
That couch looks like wet garbage. It reminds me of making "chairs" and "couches" in minecraft out of stairs and signs.
I've made a stockpile for stone chunks but they've stopped hauling anything there. What gives?
One of my colonists has a "minor" artery blockage in his heart. Will this go away on its own or does he need a transplant?
I'm currently farming cotton to do that.

Literally "More furniture". I know it looks garbage, but it's the only modthat adds stuff that comes close to looking vanilla. You don't wanna see how horrible the vertical couch looks. Also some of the textures don't really match up with the furniture, i had to edit the png files of the table and couch to make them somewhat match up with the space they occupy and look more like the original table.
Do you play on permadeath?
Alright anons, I know most of us think the space requirements are out of whack. Here's my first attempt at making them less insane, what do you all think?
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What is this, a love soap?
>Tfw no slave mod
You could literally balance having slaves by slowing their work time (because they have shackles on) and have a bunch of slave run away attempts for new slaves.

Tbh you'd need a different tab for slaves.

You could add penalties for free colonists working alongside slaves.

No, what the fuck would be the point?

You would just die from some random shit after 1h
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oh fuck
It appears the Ugly moodlet comes from a room's beauty, and things like vomit/blood seem to decrease the beauty of a room (naturally).

Sand, dirt, animal filth, and rubble seem to all be under the same umbrella and each give a flat beauty debuff of -15. I could cut it down to -5 and then it'd take triple the amount of 'filth' to reach the former level. I'd leave alone things like blood, vomit, fire foam, slime, fuel. Sound good to you?
>Space refugee
It's boatmurdered all over again.
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Welp. Figured out why I never have cloth.

You just bought yourself a trip to the meat locker.
That sounds like a plan, yeah.
Animals are more trouble than they're worth, tbqh
Liking bbc isn't genetic the same way liking bbw isn't genetic. What you stick your dick into isn't intrinsically part of your identity and it's stupid to claim otherwise.

t. someone who went from futa to traps to full blown homo
I never understood this. I only have one cooler per freezer and it always works fine. Why do people have like 3?
JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP. How is it that with barely any fucking objects and 3 geothermal generators, multiple solar generators and even a fucking wind turbine I always have not enough energy in the night. I fucking swear I only have a few fucking lamps, one turret that I even deactivate most of the time and a few crafting tables that don't need energy all of the time. FUCK THIS GAME. How the fuck am I supposed to deliver enough energy for 5 people? Should I fucking build a nuclear reactor or some shit? Every fucking night the lamps flicker from the lack of energy. I'm in a goddamn horror trip. Of course most raids are in the fucking night when my turret is fucked,

Holy shit I don't even know anymore. I already pick the maps with the most geothermal spots. How the fuck do people manage huge colonies with 10+ people? Just my shit up. This game is driving me crazy.
nah man I always raise animals for meat.

>Set animal area
>put 4 square storage area down, critical storage for rice only
>slaughter some of the animals every so often only leaving one male and whichever females are pregnant (or one female if none are pregnant)
>repeat for free meat.
Honestly, this is the easiest one if you have turrets, or even enough pawns to kite them.
The worst is boomrats and I refuse to believe otherwise

Are you sure your generators are all connected? Because you really shouldn't be having trouble. Also you should have batteries.

Take a screenshot of your base
wind turbines are pretty bad because of how random they are. Solar panels are much better and take up less space and are predictable.
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My man, please help me. I already abandoned the last game I had because of energy problems. Maybe I did something wrong with the power conduit? Is there some layout I did wrong?
>a wandering group of cats join
>9 cats
>Solar panels are much better

Tippity toppity kek
You're using sun lamps as decor. Deconstruct all that shit; they use tons of power and are meant for farms. Use normal lamps under the furniture tab.
>Sun Lamps
Wind turbines are worth having because as long as you have plenty of batteries, their enormous output more than outweighs their randomness. I find they usually are at full power at least once a day.

Lamps take up a retarded amount of electricity. It is probably all going to your lamps.
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>download the game to try and check it out
>starting wealthy loner because i liked that idea
>build up a nice cozy house
>get a message that someone needs my help because she's getting chased
>some guy with a shotgun runs up to my character, tanks 4 hits to the face and just instantly kills him with the first hit
>kills the girl too before she can grab the gun

that was a short story
What >>149499016 and >>149499029 said

Also build a wall around you geo generator and build some batteries to store power from the panels
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>Sun lamps

Oh my fuck anon you goof. Sun lamps are for growing produce.
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Are you FUCKING kidding me. One of those fuckers is enough to ruin me. Fuck my life. Well at least I know now. Thanks lads.
I'm pretty sure it's a point-calculation, not just the number of spaces.
Wait a minute.. You can put chairs before working tables so the people can sit while working?
no dice now, the chucklefuck disabled animal incest.
>Difficulty is either too easy or too hard
>No in between
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>mfw 3 mechanoid assaults in a row, only interrupted by shitty tribesmen who will never be recruitable anyway

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I was able to add it as a new trait, time to see if the restrictions work. If this works I'll pack it up as a mod and upload it, I couldn't find the priority list for mental break states so I couldn't modify those, sadly.
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Miner is called Tiny
Med is called Doc
Shooter is called Slick

The rest I leave up to rng
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>hunt caribou
>instantly seeks revenge
>other side of the map

come the fuck on game, even though my guy is a bionic killing machine he gets downed easily by these animals it's not even funny and the map doesn't allow him to even "snipe" them from far enough range

just harvest the scythes and implant them to create unstoppable melee machines, just don't let them get into any social fights
My colonists are ALWAYS too busy sleeping when they come by (they're always JUST going to bed) and I have nobody who's good at melee.

-Mod name changed

-New Trait: Sympathetic, +2 to Social and Animals but has mood penalties for organ harvest/slaving/corpses

-Re-added mood penalties for organ harvest/slaving/corpses, made them only applicable to those with Sympathetic trait.

-Reduced Beauty penalty for minor filth (Dirt, rock rubble, etc).
tfw finally getting my shit together and not dying after only two hours of play
Can someone briefly explain to me how to use outfits to keep people in relatively normal clothes please?
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>seaside mountain colony

my fucking DICK

gib seed now please
tell me how to figure that out and i'll tell ya everything
What's with the dropdown menu for items? Which mod is that?
Open the world tab. Seed is on the top right, coords can be seen on the left.
Vanilla, there's a small button in bottom-right corner.
here ya go. it's either the default world size or the one above it, can't remember
This was formerly No Faggots Allowed, right?
protip: be wary of the mountains to the left. just a glance at it should tell you there's some bad mojo inside
Thanks lad

Where do you set up your trading beacon? outside or inside?
It doesn't really matter, but I set mine up inside so raiders have more shit to go through to steal.
Can you remove unable to do dumb labor as well? This would literally be the only mod I'd use then.
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If you install a claw to replace a broken or busted hand will it disable that person forever from manipulation or is it worse than having a broken arm? I've been trying to buy bionic arms all the time but they never show up. I just want my workers to be faster, not worse. I lack power armor to make a killing machine yet but I'm asking before I slam these on someone who crafts the bases weapons.
This is why I always hunt manually.
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Any tips on how to stop my guys constantly drop their unfinished things? You can't set one owner for a table like in DF which sucks so what happens is a guy who is my tailor but also a skilled constructor seems to change his job every day causing him to put aside someone elses work and then that guy won't continue it despite their being a table for them to do just that (2 tailors, 2 art tables). This is getting annoying. So many unfinished works. It's triggering me.

So any tips on how to make this better? Just limit the bills to one thing at a time? One item at a time? That seems insanely micro managy and shit.
How does challenge even influence Randy Random? I picked challenging and I get only every 2 hours a weak raid.
Yes and it makes them more comfortable.
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>Marshes in a Boreal Forest

Tynan, what the fuck is going through your mind sometimes?
make a mod
I will download and use it

I dont mind the vanilla room space requirements so much as furniture taking up that space; I think the sizes themselves are pretty spot on

but its like a room doesnt become cramped because there is furniture in it so much as a room that is cramped when you put furniture in it is cramped to begin with irl
I'm at some kinda impasse, i need more metal but traders and tradeships (the rare times they do appear) never have any and i mined the few that spawned on the map long ago. Are there any events that would help me out? If so, a good storyteller setting to make them happen?

Individual colonists shouldn't start a new project if there is an unfinished one left. Not sure how it's conditioned though, might wanna try making a stockpile nearby solely for unfinished craft?
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Well I tested it. It actually did improve manipulation if the person had lost fingers but it does not replace the entire arm. Another person had a shattered radius and I gave her a claw and it didn't improve, so I will need an entire bionic arm.
That's what is right there in the image.

The thing is if there is say 2 artists in the base and you have 2 desks it won't matter. If one is not actively on a desk they pick one table at random. If they pick the one with a craft already there they will put it to the side and now it's on the floor and no one will even haul it away unless manually told so.
Fucking Randy spent like 2 hours giving me nothing but capsules full of food and medicine, then gave me toxic fallout and a screaming horde of unga-bunga niggers knocking down my door.

Fucker really is random.
the real problem with randy is prisoners can be rare as hell because the raids never come
but he'll still send you mechanoids
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So he's like a beastmaster sheriff that dispenses justice with his pets at night?
Am I seeing it right that I can't remove legs if they' aren't damaged? I want to remove the legs of my berserk. Making them prisoners is just a pain in the ass so I rather just remove the legs so he can't run around anymore.
Last year
>Spring is finally here!
>Volcanic winter

This year
>Spring is finally here!
>Cold snap

Fucking boreal.

Do you care if I leave in the "Cannot do Hauling, Cannot do Cleaning" etc in their profession profile, but they can still do dumb labor? I haven't found where the Professions are stored yet, lol.
>3 skill
He's the equivalent of someone who likes dogs, but can't train them worth shit. He's the guy with his dog pulling him down the street while he shouts, "no, boy, stay!"
This is literally me except I don't know that much about animals.
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Same fampai
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Combat realism for A14 when? I want people to not shrug off hits from my survival rifle.
Tell me what they're good for except for getting killed and giving me negative mood.
Same shit happened to me
>Spring is finally here!
>Unroof massive greenhouse
>Re-Roof Massive greenhouse
>TOXIC FALLOUT has settled
>UnRoof Massive greenhouse
Generally cannot do X is tied in with a status condition like a bad back.

Cannot do dumb labor is more of a personality quirk that no sane person should have, regardless of upbringing, given the situation. I think it's fits better with the whole "No faggots allowed"
They haul like 90% of the shit around my giant base.
Tanking. Get them to draw aggro while your colony shoots up rebels, and then patch them up later with no infection risk.
Is there any way to directly generate pawns? I'm sick of hitting random until I get someone with Colony Settler as their Adulthood trait.
Prepare Carefully mod.
is this game worth buying? Looks interesting...
Glass roof when?
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It definitely is.
Yeah, they're tied to Backstories, which due to people paying $ for 'custom' backstories, aren't stored in plain text like everything else in RimWorld.

I can remove the 'Dumb Labor' penalty from all actions, but you'll still see "Unable to do: Dumb Labor" on the Colonist screen.
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>cracked that game a few days ago
>enjoyed it several times
>can't find it back at all now
Am I retarded? I have no idea where this shit is supposed to be
It's not yet worth the price in my opinion. In a few years when it has about 300% more content I would say it will be worth it.
Pirate and try it out you stupid fuck
>3x3 room
>colonist thinks it's spacious
>5x3 room
>colonist thinks it's cramped

i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna train the thrumbo
Would it be possible to just rename it then? Give it a - or something?

Furniture removes space.


It's a separate mod since I'm not sure if the people who would otherwise use the other mod would enjoy this change.
Only if you IMMEDIATELY slaughter it.
Otherwise rib dhrees =DDD
>all technological develop is bottlenecked by your ability to obtain 50 plasteel
trigger happy + mingun: gud?
thx bb
Nope. ANYTHING that shows up in the Backstory box is unable to be modified.
>all my settlers went to sleep leaving shit not installed where it should be
>made my 0/20 constructor haul those chairs and what not to proper places
>after installing 3 armchairs he's now 3/20

I'm using this setup mod, and I'm thinking 2 trigger happy guys with miniguns for suppression and point blank hosing, and two careful shooters with snipers behind them for kills

tried melee guys for defending shooters but melee is poop
I feel like this game would be better with always real time control. Sometimes my settlers literally haul items instead of doing the higher priority shit. If shit at least worked right.
>click on colonist
>right click on whatever you want them to focus on
>click where it says prioritize what you want them to do

If you do this they won't do the job continuously but only for one field of work.
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Can anyone confirm which one of these is true:

>Shooting targets that stand in the dark means reduced accurancy


>Shooting from darkness reduces the shooters accuracy.


>Shooting from darkness at a target in darkness BOTH reduce accuracy.
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My animal trainer had trigger happy. When I killed my first centipede I didn't notice her equip his minigun.
Not until a tortoise went mad and attacked.
And she accidentally slaughtered all of her pets and four other settlers trying to kill it
The first.

Then you might not have room/materials for them to do whatever. I've never had a case of someone hauling when there was something open that had a higher priority.
it eats trees?
Easier to shoot at something you can see

Its great luring raiders into a lit up entrance while your shooters hide in the darkness
do you think this thrumbo i just tamed could take the centipede with a machine gun and those two other alien things with guns that live in a mountain west of me?
which animal is the best for raising for meat? Pigs?
What's your "immediate restart condition" for a new game. Mine is having a shitty cat as a starting animal.
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>deer becomes self tamed
Why are animals so stupid?
Gay male settler among 2 other males.
Nothing but bitching and crying.
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This poor sack of shit
Download the omnigel mod. There's also another mod that lets you get metal some how but I forget what it's called. Will look when I get home.
No mountains to dig around in

Hate running out of steel also the natural chokes are nice
How do you fix pain?
I don't get where the pain debuff comes from. Do people get pain from scars? Can I somehow fix this?
That's the final question, ain't it.
Remove the limb
Replace with bionics

Otherwise use medkits when treating the original injury
What if it's not limb based?
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You're screwed until you get painkiller ribs (I think from a mod) or the painstopper brain implant.
If they have something like a gunshot scar on their head I dont believe there is a way to fix it, just give them lots of comfy thoughts to offset the pain debuff
yay i can finally have 'average' rooms that are actually average
r8 'n' h8
Why is your hydro farm shaped like a dick

is your constructor gay?
Those bedrooms are comfy
That furnace room is a death trap

I like it
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also holy shit that farmland looks fugly
>build house around gerothermal vent
>free heat for winter
FUG why didn't I think of this before
How do you trigger this room data?
The graph icon in the lower right of the screen, it should have a red x over it. Click it and it activates.
>Why is your hydro farm shaped like a dick

Because when i first built rooms exactly shaped for sun lanter radius and i realized how it look i just went with it.

That furnance room with 3 heaters and vents keeps my base on 18-20 Celcius at all times.

Well, terrain is great for farming but i also had to think about defenses, plus it's freezing 2 seasons in a year, so growing shit outside is pointless.
Just wait for a battery short circuit
Then your whole base will be toasty
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Well it's not like my muffalos needed food anyway. Thanks game!
No really, no memeing, how do you fix the pain shit?
Remove the limb.
Painstopper implant
Thats about it
how 2 find plasteel bruhs?
Almost everything in my base is double circuited for safety and also that's why i have 2 battery storages.

If shit goes down i always have a backup.
Either find it via digging or buy it from traders.

Also getting very very lucky with cargo drops, that's about it.
As far as I know there is no way to guess where veins are.
Mmm, that's kinda lame.
We really need pharmaceuticals crafting and shit.
Also forgot, salvaging robots gives plasteel.

But their raids/attacks are fucking rare as shit.
how to take down centipede with machine gun
so the game isn't worth 30 bucks right now?
how about crashed ship parts?
Niggers must be exterminated on sight.
Or kept with the livestock to tend to them and the farm, no joy time and 14 hours per day of work.
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Should i keep one of them? I could really need another guy with gun skills, none of the other skills are really required. Croio would need a new leg but that's not a problem since i have access to a replacement.
>their raids/attacks are fucking rare as shit.
>I had 4 in a row
as someone who was pretty much completely new to the genre, i think it's been worth the 30 bucks. almost 40 hours in it now and no signs of stopping
Crashed ship is even rarer from my experience.

Maybe because I'm playing with Randy I'm getting them less.

But he haven't spared me from hordes of canibals attacking me.
>tfw you install a mod that lets you grow plasteel and steel.

Tynan, the head dev, pre-Romworld
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First time playing, how is my little tribe?

Started as Tribe since it seems the most fun.
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Well this just happened.
>growing steel

>tactical ops
Oh man, those were the times. Loved to install UT mods and play CTF with hostile critters.
Looks like meat is back on the menu.
you should consider more research tables since you have loads of colonists. Also I forgot which technology it is, but try to get refrigeration to cool your food so it doesn't spoil and you don't starve in the winter
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I found Osama :)
crio is a good craftsman and can be trained as a shooter

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>everyone gets malaria
>one doctor takes care of everyone
>everyone recovers except the doctor
>she dies with 95% immunity
Is it possible to rename animals?
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r8 my new rough randy base friends
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>rough randy
>randy at all

Enjoy your labrador fur and rat meat cargo drops
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>tfw something that's dead is listed as Pain: None

I also like how plants at nighttime are "Resting"
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I put this structure up while the thrumbo was sleeping.
Am I going to regret this?
This is when you use mortars
>rough randy
That sounds like a gay porn star.
While I wasn't looking it smashed one of the walls and ran off.
Next year I'll try it with steel and IEDs.
What's a good amount of points to use for skills when creating a custom colonist?
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>bionic superpower-guy has engaged in a social fight with another bionic superpower-guy
>he has been beaten to death!
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>Hurting hard for components
>Scrapping turrets and batteries to make heaters
>FINALLY get a Component Assembly
>"None of your colonists have these skills, so nobody will do this bill."
>Crafting: 10
>Scream eternally

Please tell me the fastest way to grind crafting. Immediately.
freezer is too small

also are those frozen corpses in the back? you storing them for organ harvesting at a later date?
>tfw no Thrumbo gf
New jackets and hats for everyone.
Never make a rock you can't lift, anon. Without something like stun prods or gold maces you're just asking for trouble.
why do you need heaters?

I just use the backside of the aircons for heating
lol that is not going to happen in vanilla

He hates the idea of us apparently moving beyond a tribal level, he even nerfed medicine drops from raids because people were farming them for meds.
That's just Tynan(tm) retarded balancing in action.
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>Heater: 1 Component
>Cooler: 3 Components

I will destroy you
You can set lower and upper skill limits when creating bills. I set them to only include the skill level of the guy I want working on it.
yeah but I assume you have aircons already for food.
So people talk about starting with fewer colonists for added difficulty.

What about more? Sure, more hands, but more mouths to feed and more space to need.

What about one colonist for every stat, and each colonist is only good at that one thing?
>give all my colonists melee weapons that only down so that they don't kill eachother when they fight/berserk
>forgot that pod drop raids were a thing
>suddenly a big raid drops down in the middle of my armory
>whole colony is defenseless and get slaughtered
You would think a game like Rimworld would have an excellent wiki.
>starts game at Randy random challenge
>builds base gets five colonists
>everythings fine
>"RAID" two of five dies
>TIme to heal up
>Another raid

How to have a success full colony on chalenging without save scumming?
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holy shit.png
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I had to stitch this together because of how big it was. This might be the best world I've ever had.
seed pls
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>receive distress signal
>offer to help
>this happens
Flirting with my waifu when I chose it
Only tribe niggers, nothing to worry about.
Don't okay Randy.
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You all fags are either playing on base builder dificulty or are save scumming faggots.
Coolers can't be relocated, only destroyed and rebuilt.
Every time you deconstruct something you lost materials, especially components. It's entirely possible to only get 1 component back from deconning it, and you can often get NO components back from things like heaters that need less.
You're basically telling a starving man to just eat some of his fingers.
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No, it's literally my dead nigger storage
Most of my animals eat meat/corpses, and I don't have to bother wasting space digging graves

I think she's hot
If you are losing people in raids, that means your defense was too poor. You need to set up better defenses or train a pair of commandos before they get the best of you.
Because there is no in between difficulty. It's either fucking stupidly broken hard, or basebuilder easy.
Fuck I meant play

What exactly do you need?
Why is that, my boy?
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>lose my hunter/builder/best soldier
>immediately afterwards, one more tribesman dies and the whole lot flees
Fuck this game
time to reload that autosave
Nah, not this time.
We will move on.
How to set up defences that are not actually fucking with the AI and making them to chose the path where they will obviously be killed?
I don't want to make base like Quill18 if you watched his shity videos.
>Fighting tribesmen without making them go through a dozen traps
>When you have over 1K rocks to throw at them

You deserved that loss, hang your head in shame and maybe build his sarcophagus somewhere that he can soak the blood of his enemies.
Make elaborate death traps that Tynan will inevitably invalidate next update because someone beating the raiders is the ultimate sin.
i can make turrets now. tips?
1. Set them up in defensive positions
2. Realize how shitty they are and regret investing so much time researching them
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So this is how it ends.
Make turrets.
Enjoy their shit tier aiming.
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Fall back regroup and attack strategically don't die like this, at least put up a glorious fight!
What kind of tribe has access to building a spaceship but not making some goddamn aspirins or painkillers?
>Set up a wall/sandbag/wall fortification near the part. This will heavily decrease casualties
>EMP grenades, nigga you use them?
>Use a fast, shielded melee unit to run circles around them, away from your team to lure their fire. If they get hit, they have a shield so it's bueno. Also, make sure you aim the EMP nades so they don't gimp your runners

Also, I'm fucking pissed. The Thrumbo in >>149526529 got angry, went near the base, suffered 113%+ bleed per day, and then just waltzed off the map
Rurrets don't kill anyone. Turrets are there to maim the occasional wild animal, and pull aggro long enough for your settlers to kill the threat.
Can a Thrumbo take one of those things?
Probably. The moment you get an EMP grenade, Mechanoid fights become trivial if they don't have a splash damage weapon.
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Surprisingly, my three barely-equipped militamen slaughtered the scyther and smashed up the ship.
The centipede is injured and wandering. I was taking potshots with a survival rifle but the shooter is an alcoholic who just had a mental break right there. He might get killed if the centipede notices him.

Oh, thanks for reminding me I've got EMP grenades.
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Guys want to start new colony, any recomendation on what scenario to pick, and dificulty?
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>Hey Slippy, go give that thing a kick! AW SHIT AAAA
>Only sending two people
>Zero fortifications
>Standing out in the middle

You deserve it honestly.

Whenever I get a crash landing I immediately build a solar/turbine and a battery nearby. I also make a gapped coverwall in front of it, like XOXXOXXOX where X is stone and O is sandbags, and lastly throw a couple turrets in front of the wall and switch them off.
Wait a day for battery to get a little charge while everyone prepares weapons and armor as needed, then send everyone who can hold a gun to the wall, flip on the turrets and take a shot.

This is a pic of a setup I made for one coming in handy during a manhunter event.

Randy randoms rough ride, all day.
Gotta remember that some of us have been playing this game for two years.
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Yesss, more delicious Scyther Blades.
>visitor leaves a few things when he leaves
>nobody hauls it due to busy times
>a while later my minimap explodes red
>go over and check
o fug
Do you know how to set up a bunker system? Wall | Sandbag | Wall + A good shooter and removing all cover is enough to kill 1-2 raiders if you have a good weapon. Having a melee guy with a shield/Rhino to tangle and throw off their aim will buy more time.

Vanilla 3 crashed dude scenario, Cassandra and Rough. Pick temperate forest with a long growing season or year round to avoid dealing with winter.
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Thanks for the tips, will start the scenario
>Not literally the way the game was meant to be played
how do you get visitors to leave shit? Or is it that mod?
Is there a gayer event than toxic fallout? It's literally game over most of the time.
Cassandra or Randy, but make sure to use a high difficulty, don't give yourself a chance to develop bad habits.
Best advice I can give is be patient, don't use 3speed as often as you think you should, and RIDE THAT SPACEBAR baby
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Everything's coming up terrible.

Anon, I bought this game three days ago. This is the first time I've ever seen that event or encountered mecahnoids.
>I have zero foresight and don't plan ahead

If you don't have enough food to last you while you stay indoors for a week or two, you're playing the game wrong.
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I wanted to try it
>Social fight
Oh that happens all the time. Let 'em punch it out and I'll heal them up
>Bitch rips my dude's fuckin arm off arm off
Followed by
>Boomrats in the area have been driven mad!
Followed by
>Manhunter pack: Boomrats! x26
Followed by
This happened all in the span of one night
I want to fucking gut somebody
>a week or two,
It lasts for literally years

I've never had it shorter than almost an entire year
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Don't savescum... No matter how hard the loss is.
Accept the defeat where you must but fight.
>Playing on Cassandra Challenge
>Literally have never had it last longer than a season

Git gud or stop playing on /b/.
really intelligent reply
I'm not saying you're stupid, all I said is you deserved it, which as a new player you do. I remember my first mechanoid encounter I shit directly in my pants and lost almost everyone. Be proud and enjoy that naivety while you can. Losing is Fun[tm].
Whatever you do, dont savescum. Bite the bullet, take the hit as hard as it comes and learn how to pick up the pieces. Not only will it be a more enjoyable experience and make a better story, but it will teach you how to properly play, and make you prepared for anything.
hospitality mod
lets you recruit visitors and shit
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I cheesed the fuck out of this son of a bitch. I can't savescum because I've been tearing the mountain apart looking for plasteel, and these bugs are full of it, right?
But I'm still mad that my losses were due to RNG mental breaks.
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>more enjoyable experience and make a better story
Holy shit this. The AI is literally called a STORYTELLER, its supposed to be a story. I watched a streamer for all of 30 mins and they reloaded saves TWICE because things werent perfect. What kind of fucking story is that.
>These three people crash landed on the planet.
>Everything worked out perfectly forever
>start on a boreal forest
>half the map is marsh
Fucking seriously?
If you rescue an animal, do you get to keep it or does it fuck off?
Complaints about mental breaks are a fucking meme, it's not RNG at all, you just need to make mood a priority BEFORE it's already too late.
Keep your shit clean, set someone to do NOTHING but cleaning for a day once a week or so. Pay attention to the social tab, pay attention to relationships. Don't make people who insult each other bedroom neighboors. Simple common sense shit anon.
>My room can't fit 10+ beds, it isn't even AVERAGE SIZED
>wow this food on this planet we crashed on sucks, where is the meals with multiple options?

Moods are total bullshit.
A soldier carrying a meal deciding to go on an alcohol binge during a fight because of "hunger" is RNG fucking me over at the worst possible time.
Someone in medbay suddenly going berserk and then getting pecked to death by a turkey is also RNG fucking me over at the worst possible time.
More importantly, the fact they died instead of being incapped was pure RNG. The storyteller must have thought I had too many colonists.
This just in: Wood floors do not catch on fire.
This makes me relieved. Yet, this also makes me angry.
I wasted so much unnecessary wood on that trap
>grab meal
>walk past table
>eat it on the dirt
>mood loss: ate without a table

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Woah what the fuck there's a huge area inside this mountain.
What should I do with it? I want to make it some sort of new center of operations but it's too unreasonable to move everything over
Explain about this quill guys base?
There has to be someone in here with enough autism to make a pastebin.
Is this how bad American schools are? Holy fuck.
>Soldier can't eat the food because you drafted him, undraft him and he will munch on it.
>Your medbay is total shit and not sterile and comfy or you already have too much problems to cause your patients to go berserk
>Incap is RNG but the best way is not to get shot in the first place.
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This weapon of war features art of a man painstakingly figuring out how to save the very people the weapon would hurt.

That's deep. My crafter is on a completely different level.
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What to do with wanderers who join that are incapable of dumb labor, mining, growing, violent, scary.
Only good thing that he has is social 11 and nothing else.
What to do with him?
Eunthanize? He is not porductive at all, and wastes food.
Build some nice rooms. The ones you have are teensy
rimjob general
So is healing in a day, and 11 day harvests.
just mod out marshes completely
>walk outside
>instant mental break because of ugly enviroment
Marshes are amazing for bogging down attackers, I think it stacks with heavy snow because stuff were just crawling towards my machine guns like Germans in Stalingard.
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Look who just joined my colony
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>It's a "2 critical colonists get sleep sickness at the same time" episode
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>Sex Slave

oh dear
Then maybe you should clean up your front lawn instead of having it look like the aftermath of the Bayonet Charge from World War 1. Colonists only pay attention to the beauty in an 8-tile radius anyway.
what's the description for sex slave and what was their occupation as a child
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Post your defensive walls, I need inspiration.
does she have nice feet?
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What the hell. I have almost the exact same person, she's my cook.
A vatgrown assassin/merc named vas has attacked my colony three times, and each time I've killed him. It's like that one twilight zone episode
Random isn't actually random, there's recurring themes
That's because someone paid money. All game copies can randomly spawn these 'backer' characters, and many of them have unique backstories like Emmie being a slavegirl.
Well that would explain it.
Oh so that's what it is. Tumblr seems to like her.

It's a unique background that somebody paid for.
There's another, Urbworld Student/Urbworld Jeweler, that's a tranny.
There's at least one other tranny backstory but I can't remember what it's called. The first time I ever rerolled a character, I rerolled the jeweler one into the other one. What are the odds?
I had some fat fuck named Theodore who was actually female, was this the tranny?
Yours has nice stats. Mine only has 11 in cooking.
what do you think it has in it guys?
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>I had to deconstruct a wall in my freezer to save everyone
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i forgot the picture fuck i'm retarded
>my oaf, who is my best farmer and best miner, has infections in each leg
>amputate one because it reached "extreme" and i didn't want to chance a death at 95% immunity
>he lies in bed for a week or more because I don't have anyone who can craft a prosthetic leg
>remember my doctor is also a crafter and just had the crafting labor disabled
This game
>tfw the whole colony goes to shit because i had to take a kidney from some random guy to sell and buy food with

god damn it why does everyone become such cry babies when they take kidneys from fucking killers
If it reached extreme at 95% then you fucked up because he'd be fine.
Get the no faggots mod from earlier in the thread
One anon said something about keycard doors and secret information, that would be a good addition.
Only 1-2 guys doing the kidney stealing would feel bad about it.
i think people with enough skill in the doctor tree should be thought of as professionals by other people and be less horrified or worried about organ harvesting because of their experience and likelihood to be sanitary/slightly less inhumane
It reached extreme before 95%.
Most likely he would've been fine but I've lost people at ~98% immunity before and this guy is probably the second-most important surviving member of my colony, after the doctor. It was better to have him in bed for weeks than to risk losing him.
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Wow what am i going to do with all of this.
i really wish i could jerk off to this game
Plasteel, an AI module, and candy.
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...not really what I'd pick for a sculpture, but hey. If they want to make a sculpture of my brown sugar loli fondling a shrub while nude, well..

I'm kind of proud of them.
At least one of your colonists has his head on straight.
>streamer not playing ironman
please unfollow him
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It was a long road, but York is finally sporting every kind of bionic part he possibly can. I dunno what good Bionic Eyes will do him since he fights melee, but oh well.
Found this

seems good enough
Can I just put beacons to cover my entire warehouse or what?
Or, you know, the one that was already posted in the thread >>149502028
There's also a dude named Gizmo who's like a fucking gnome wizard or some shit
Whatever, at least it's supposed to be giving more money/funding to the game
Dropped. I'd rather support the anons.
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To the anon who made this, assuming you're still around, would you object to this being uploaded to the steam workshop for all to enjoy?
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By the way, when the Tribals attacked my base, they nuked a turret, which exploded its load on a once-friendly trade caravan, killing two and leaving the other on death's door. He's currently in my megajail-- Would returning him do anything if hostilities are already at -100?
His stats are mediocre, but I wouldn't mind another hauler/cleaner for my base
>tfw toxic rain killed 6 billion of my animals
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am I done?

2 of them shared a brother who was killed during last raid
since then they have been berserking EVERY
they have so many scars from being put down over and over
wew lad get this >>149502028
Go for it.
Neat, thanks lad.
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r8 my base
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Nice crop.
Also, what the fuck is this hallway for?
There was toxic fallout so I made that so they wouldn't have to go outside. I didn't really plan, just wanted to enclose everything quick. Also, i heavily underestimated toxic fallout's harmful effects on people over short periods.

I would guess a barrier hallway to keep the rooms cooler.
overestimated, i mean.
I see... But if you're going through wall's room anyway why not just add a door on the wall in between the two rooms?
As i said, i didn't think it through. Now i can't be arsed to change it, though i should.
Why the hell is your 2nd stockpile outside your base? You do know that almost everything degrades if left out in the rain?

Don't bother with hydroponics, 1 solarflare will instantly wipe out your crops.

Your workshop also lacks tool cabinets and sofa chairs at every bench, your kitchen should be placed inside your freezer to minimise travelling time and you can add an airlock to prevent your cold air from escaping

Your generators needed to be walled off since geothermals are very fragile for how big they are., you can also use the steam as an outer layer of insulation. Also, jesus christ don't pack your batteries too close. If a fire occurs at the blue battery, you can't reach it.

Try to wall off your fields and barns in case toxic fallout occurs and you need to build a roof to save your crops and animals.

Add Incendiary IEDs to all your bedrooms (they are too small btw) in out of way locations in case bugs infestation occurs. Make sure all your occupants can evac the room in the middle of the night or they will be trapped by bugs.

Also, where are you defenses? You probably need to build at choke points instead of defending your whole base.

You also need a hospital with sterile tiles and hospital beds + Lifesigns monitor. Put a TV in there if there's any permanently bed ridden patients.

Your prison is really tightly packed, has no tables for them to eat with and no lights, no way in hell are you going to be able to recruit anybody.

As for your resources, having 200+ meals and 154 ingrediants means you either wasted too much time preparing meals or its a temporary bonus from drop pods. Your next harvest could easily be wiped out by blight, boomalopes stampede or toxic fallout. Get more food.
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>Don't bother with hydroponics because muh uncommon event
yeah, if it happens then just hunt some thrumbos until it passes, hydroponics are really fast.
is it safe to use the cracked game from a torrent that uses smart steam? does it interact with a normal instance of steam?

i will buy it but i dont have the shekels right now :/
>sofa chairs at every bench,
? ? ?
It's just a Steam emulator, exit your regular Steam before playing and that's it.
You pawns will sit down to do their work instead of standing there like retards for hours. A must have for research, cooking, sculpting and smithing. You get a very large boost to mood if the couch is comfy and high quality.
Thanks for the tips m8. As for the defenses, on the left i have a mounted gun and rocket complex as well as some granite half walls facing a moat of chunks. on the right i have some turrets that also face some chunk moats. The prison is supposed to be the hospital, but i re purposed it real quick to harvest some organs. It has a blue light, as well as sterile copper floors.
what happens if i have them both running at the same time? i hate to be paranoid but its quite an asset and losing it would be quite unfortunate
Is this for real? Why doesn't it say that anywhere at all?
Nothing happens, what the hell do you think would happen, you might get an error from the emulator .dll or something.
The game is does not stimulate nearly as much as Dwarf Fortress but its enough that usually if you think its logical and might help in real life, it will too in Rimworld.
Put two stools right next to the bench and your cook doesn't have to move at all:
Other things most newbies miss:
>Steam geysers generate a shit ton of heat, enough to set up a warm enough environment for entire fields of crops in winter
>Thickness of walls directly affects insulation with the HP and double walls being superbly effective. An Airlock system helps even more in preventing temperature from equalizing
>You can IED fallen ships safely and shoot them to instantly gib the ship and its robot summons.
>You should use grenades to hunt wild packs/herds of animals. Not only can the animal not trace it back to you, but the shock wave can also be used as an emergency fire extinguisher.
Wait, how do I build a double bed out of wood? Or do I need a gorillion silver? Because it's not in the menu.
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During a raid, I attempted to suppress a 5 man prison break with one brave man with a set of grenades
It actually worked really well. Only two casualties, one doggy and a prisoner, and a dromedary from the raid
The prisoners beat the living shit out of him, and then dogpiled onto the husky, one picked up the grenades and blew his friends to high hell
I sent in a spearman to cuck the grenade user's shit up, and all was well
Right click. You can't make a royal bed out of wood.
I guess I'm just retarded, I didn't see it last time.
Is there an advantage to digging a colony out of a mountain?
I don't get this video, it has stools on either side of the guy but nothing under him but you're saying to put it under him? Or am I misunderstanding something?
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>A pack of boomalopes have entered the map, they will leave after a few days
>"ok i'll just lock all my colonists inside and i'll be fine"
>instead of manning my defense positions, I lock everyone inside
>pack approaches
>they start beating down the doors
o fug :DD
Put a couch on him so he gets the comfy bonus, then put two stools next to him as ingredient holders.

Protection from Mortars and insulation. You get fucked over by bugs though

You can almost always repair faster than they can break down and they will leave after a few whacks anyway. If you want to, open a diagonal space in one of your walls so your colonists will shoot out of it while being safe from the horde.
>can't haul

>No tribal mod that removes guns n shit for everyone

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>Put a couch on him so he gets the comfy bonus, then put two stools next to him as ingredient holders.
I don't really have the brainpower for the whole stool setup, I'll try with the couch and see what happens though. It just feels really weird, who sits while cooking?!

This is my current kitchen layout, am I missing something vital?

that's why you rush for hydroponics and tame animals

to create a Noahs ark and pray that your power doesn't crap out on you or you'll have to send one of your red shirts outside to fix it.
Your chef needs to move around to get ingredients which is time wasted if you got haulers. Usually, I have Chef cook inside the freezer to save space unless its a hot map and I don't have time to chne hs clothn.
toxic fallout isn't that bad, you can set people out on important shit, it's usually fine as long as you remember to reset their restriction after they're done doing wathever they were doing.

I once had a group of friendly tribals deliver free pemmican at my door, we did allright that nuclear winter.
what's the point of artistic or making art?

my colonists already view art in all the furniture around my place
Anon please report back with the results of the comfy bonus when you can.

I tried doing that and my cheft went nuts with the cold once
>Anon please report back with the results of the comfy bonus when you can.
I tried putting the armchair on the research bench and the dude had a comfortable bonus while researching, guess it works after all. Then I checked what happens when they sit on dining chairs, and lo and behold there's an uncomfortable bonus while they're sitting on those.
>You can almost always repair faster than they can break down
I tried to send someone to repair it but they broke down that door + the one next to it before my repair guy could move even 10 tiles
i'm praying that these 17 boomalopes don't reach me before they all explode
Do you put it in the white circle of where they stand when researching?

If so i will finally put to use my beaver skins i have around
Wrong thread m8
>Do you put it in the white circle of where they stand when researching?
3 things
>Those stingy little fucks who have characteristicsthat get huge mood drops when they don't have incredible rooms
>Art provides huge mood bonus by making rooms "beautiful". Fill your sweatshops with pretty statues
>Sell them for mad dosh to traders
Sell it for incredible $$$$$$
Alrighty, it's up on the workshop. If the dude who actually made this is on Steam and wants to be credited as an author, I'm by all means willing.

Don't forget chairs, and I've got got a huge tip for you
>stockpiles and stools
I'd take a screencap, but I'm on my phone. Create this layout for maximum efficiency while cooking
Where s=stove, c=chair, x=stool stockpile, o=meal dump
Basically,make a 2block stockpile over the left x's, and set it to "critical" importance, and set it to only accept all non-hay vegetarian object
Do the same with the right x, except with meat
For the o, make it only accept meals, but the importance should be "low"
Just try this, trust me
One more thing-- set the stove to "drop on floor" instead of "take best to stockpile"
That seems to be the same thing from the video, does the kitchen have to be in a freezer then so that all the shit doesn't spoil if it stands there for too long? I could add vents from the freezer I guess.
>tfw got like 20 cobras

What the hell do I do with them, what are they even good for? Can I train them into killer cobras or something?
Most animals in this game are trash.
If it can't haul stuff just sell it.
If I put fancy floors under stuff like benches etc. does it count for the room's beauty/impressiveness/whatever?
what is an easy way to get rid of shitty stuff i dont want? every time i butcher a human corpse their clothes that are often crappy fall on the ground and have filled my kitchen area, is there a way to get rid of it all rather than just pickign it up, walking outside and tleling them to drop it manually for each piece?
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is there a zombie survival mode yet?
How do I get animals to haul shit? I've trained them.
they do it on their own provided that they're not restricted to an area with nothing to haul
keep in mind that they only haul a stack once every few hours instead of constantly like colonists
Sell them for mad dosh. Cobras breed super fucking fast, and they can sell from $50 to $100.

I think you need to have a REALLY Cold Tolerant Chef, have them bundled up in a bunch of clothes, and then you need to keep your freezer higher than most of us. IE most people just put it at -20F, but you'd probably be best served by keeping it around 16F or so.

Nah, I'm good. I'll keep an eye on that page in case someone makes bug reports in the comments.
>IE most people just put it at -20F
Wait what, you mean -20C?

I have it at -10, is this wrong?
paving your killzone might make it flat but it also makes enemies move across it faster
he fucked a chick who conceived and then went into cryosleep
before that point he'd been in cryosleep for 3100 years
>3 guys
>17, 12, and 9 shooting skill
>3 handcrafted sniper rifles: only excellent and superior quality
>1 nigger chick with a bow 20 block away

>it takes them litteraly 10 hours to get the first hit

Is this morrowind?
protip: sniper rifles are only good for their range; accuracy is inferior to fire rate in rimworld
>can't set priority on bills/workshops
>no "When thing falls below <this amount>, do until you have <this amount>" option

I especially want that second one so I don't have to constantly make kibble and can just make it in batches instead
for example
>when kibble falls below 200, do until you have 1000
More accurately: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=3635.msg239382#msg239382
>didn't get an AI core

welp at least you get plasteel out of those fuckers a plenty
psychic ships drop the AI core
poison ships only drop pain and suffering
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>Thanks Randy
Naw son fuck randy
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Why you shouldn't savescum.
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This is pretty neat. So once a hauler animal is fully trained I don't restrict them at all. It seems like one of my wolves got so used to living in the wild that he chose to return to it.
mate he gave you a perfect defence against everything for a week
what else do you want
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Two powerclaws on a brawler literally two shots small animals and only walks away with bruises against a caribou. Going to kit him in Power Armor soon.
Yeah but I want to minmax my bases, and the setup of the default 'storyteller' is more about that, too, since it keeps ramping up. The random one is more storytelling-like, imo
Yer a god amongst mankind Harry
randy is just bullshit
takes forever to raids to come which means you'll likely have absolute SHIT gear when the serious raids come later on
Make sure you have a way to reign him in when the inevitable happens.

Honestly I wish there was more you could do in this game. I would love to be able to implant someone with high explosives so I have a panic-button in case they go beserk
You're not supposed to get your guns from the cold dead hands of your opponents all the time, there's a reason why you get to smith longswords and long bows. If you are not getting raiders, that means you are either getting a shit ton of meat to sell via manhunters or good events blessing your colony.
Well and you can just craft guns and all the other gear
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It's time to put him to the ultimate test. These guys spawned just now. He will fight till he drops thanks to that painkiller implant.
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he took out a megaspider down and a few of the smaller ones, the tiny ones died in 2 hits

sadly it wasn't enough, he almost killed 2 of them alone
barely any events
bows aren't helping when you're getting raided by 20 kitted out raiders
I got raided by tribals once and pirates twice over 2 years
Pretty embarrassing desu
No sarcophagus for him
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I think the biggest issue was that he isn't fully bionic yet. His only fleshy leg was cut, severely making him slower. I think I'll have to resurrect him with a save and fix this flaw and try again.
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Winter is coming!

> want to play extreme
> Rich Glitterworlder
> Randy Extreme
> use seed 'murder'
> Ice Sleet - min temp 89.8C / max temp 40C

Lasted about 5 mins.

> try again
> same settings except glitterworlder has hydroponics now and warm clothes


> again
> 3 glitterworlders, hydroponics, geothermal, 5000 steel, 1000 wood

Got mauled by Polar bears.

Tried a dozen other variations on this and it seems to be too hard.

I don't think this is possible with any of the vanilla starts. Ice Sleet maps have no steel, no animals, no food, no wood, no ability to grow food, deathly cold temperatures and with Randy you never know who is going to come knocking down a wall to let the cold in.

Truly is the hardest difficulty.
>shit accuracy
>charge rifle has shorter range than throwing stones

I can't play like this. I hope CR gets updated this week
Survival rifle even has higher accuracy than sniper
Dude I kill entire mechanoid space ships with a lone sniper and entire hives with it. Just get bionic eyes and stop being such a pussy.
>and with Randy you never know who is going to come knocking down a wall to let the cold in.

I always know who comes knocking on ice sheet. Free food and hats.
But survival rifle does have higher accuracy
Yes but if you are in range where no one can harm you that trumps it in this game. It allows you to position perfectly and if they chase or shoot at you they are bound to miss. You'll be gone before they even get close.
How do I into crafting components?
>not scyther arms
Do you even cheese?
Dude, look in the last thread. We found a seed that's below -90c. Add Volcanic Winter onto it, too.
>his base isn't liquid cooled

this took me forever
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>Heat Wave!
>Only 110 outside
>Huh that's not so bad
>I live in an actual desert in real life, 100+ temps every summer
>Feel just fine in our house with a window unit set to 60 degrees
>Complex has a single cooler set to -455
>Still 110 degrees inside
>The fuck?
>Build two more coolers in other parts of the main building
>105 degrees inside
>Built two more coolers leading to my fridge but now decon the wall into my building
>Finally down to 85 degrees inside
>From 110
>With 6(SIX) coolers set to four hundred fifty degrees below zero

What the FUCK was this dev thinking? Does he have NO concept of how temperatures actually work?
Why the fuck are climate control options such a joke anyways? You have to set a cooler to -400 to get a freezer under 32, what kind of logic is that? No fucking cooler, freezer or air conditioner in the WORLD has a setting that low. You set your house's air to 60, it makes it 60. You set a walk-in freezers temperature to 30, it makes it 30.

Whats REALLY fucked up is coolers and heaters always use the exact same amount of power regardless of their settings. A cooler blasting "-454" uses the same 100W as a cooler set to 70 on a 75 degree day, how the fuck does that make any sense?

How about you just introduce a fucking THERMOSTAT. Set a room to the fucking temperature you want it to be, it drains power accordingly, and you can build coolers or heaters to lessen the power load.

Fucking Jesus
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>forgets image
So I trained my Grizzly to Haul, 8/8
How do I get him to do it?
How does armor even work in this game?
I've noticed something like glancing hits which do no damage, is 60% on armor the glance rate?

Does armor stack or does it add up, as in 60+7 or 67%?
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Here's how it all started a few days ago on this save. It's basically been 6 years for the colonists. Most of the original team are still here and alive but full of bionic / plastic parts.
Sometimes you see an alligator driving a car and other times you're wearing a hat made out of meat.
Noice, these before/after comparisons are always great
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I don't understand

Do you have airlocks to the outside?

Do you have double-layered walls for insulation?
>Whats REALLY fucked up is coolers and heaters always use the exact same amount of power regardless of their settings.

They have low and high power usage. On low power when temperature is below the set number, it doesn't cool air at all. On high power usage it's working, but has set cooling power to a single number.

Changing the numbers to lower temp doesn't affect cooling beyond swapping low/high.

Build more coolers, one is not powerful enough. Makes sense to me.

What doesn't make sense is colonists using 5mm thin sheet metal for fridge roof, leaking temp all the time.

>Do you have double-layered walls for insulation?

It's not how temperature works in Rimworld. See above, it slowly leaks through the roof.
Ya'll niggas need some wiki drops
>ll indoor rooms have their own temperature which can be seen by mousing over it. Temperature equalizes through roof and walls, with higher temperature differences and more connecting tiles having a stronger effect. Larger rooms have more "mass" to maintain their temperature and will have more authority over smaller rooms. Unroofed areas will always immediately match the outdoor temperature, even if only one tile is unroofed.

>Temperature transfer inside a room is instantaneous regardless of room size. This means long hallways can be used to transfer hot or cold quickly through a large base. Double thick walls act as an insulator to reduce heat transfer between rooms. Any room that borders an outdoors area will try to match the the outdoors temperature, even if the room borders solid rock. Rooms with extreme temperature differences can be buffered with an intermediate room, such as by using a cold hallway to protect a warm bedroom from a frozen outdoors.
I stand corrected.
thick mountain roofing doesn't match outdoors temperature; that's why mountain bases stay cooler
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Okay guys I invented a way how to farm hives.
>enclose the hive with granite thickly
>have a vent lead to the room with hives, line the smaller seperate room with granite and place wooden floor
>when you want to harvest, set fire in the wooden room, the bugs will slowly cook and you'll be able to harvest the jelly

The setting fire part is tricky, but you can buy or find a flame launcher via traders or raiders.
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Starting ranchers challenge. Disabled building turrets and mortars, all colonists have to wear cowboy hats and dusters (no power armors) and use only shotguns, survival rifles and melee weapons. No killboxes.

I wonder how fast bionic wargs are.
If you kill all the bugs, the hives deteriorate to prevent farming.
That's why you let them do the maintenance first.

It's not hard, anon.
wargs can only eat meat and corpses remember
they also eat pretty damn fast

best solution is to get a ton of hens and one rooster; feed the chicks to the wargs
>Humans aren't animals

Yes we are
humans being animals brings up an interesting point
why is eugenics okay for dogs but not for humans
because we say so
some people treat pets as trophies and only want the best/purest ones possible
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>but not for humans
Since when?
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Yes anon you show that man how wrong he is and how smart you are by arguing about semantics.

Like when people say "I'm going to go hunt some animals" they mean human beings every time.
Or better yet: when they're unconscious from the heat, let your melee kill off anything but scarabs.
whats better solar panels or those generators that you feed wood
>Like when people say "I'm going to go hunt some animals" they mean human beings every time.

But that's actually what the KKK did say.
>well KKK said that

your attempt at edgy is laughable anon
He may be edgy but atleast he doesn't have a criminal record.

Unlike blacks.
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r8 my first game m8s
>snipe someone
>his leg blew off

>snipe a guy
>he's wounded
>both his hands are missing

>snipe a guy
>eye missing

Every shot literally blows a piece off. What the fuck are their bullets made out of, knives?

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Harvesting organs turns out to be the most profitable trade even without mods. The mood debuff stacks up to x5 max (-15) so you can have dozens of eyeless-noseless-missing kidney/lung prisoners and your colonists won't mind so much. Keep the jaw so you don't need to waste too much time feeding. Just don't botch it cause the first dead prisoner is a -9 instantly.

I got really lucky and got 3 prisoners with their legs shot off and they were basically pinatas to constantly smack.
Why not just feed them raiders?
The sniper rifle does 40 damage a shot which pretty much instantly destroys any unarmored limb.
Wait a fucking minute.

You can augment animals?
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>A manhunter pack of wargs has entered the area
I have defences made for slowing enemies; not stopping them
Hole up.
So you be talkin'
>hive spawns small bugs
>they die of cold
>they aren't forbidden because of this
>all my non-combatant haulers constantly try to go to the enemy hive to pick up some delicious dead baby bugs
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that's what I'm saying
my base isn't made for holing up
I can make a stand
shit I can make a damn good stand
but I cant just sit inside and wait for them to leave

one thing is for sure I'm fixing my base design as much as I can the moment this is over
With mods.
That's the thing with more open base design, manhunter packs are a goddamn pain, so I eventually always end up closing off my base and connecting the buildings with corridors
So I was looking for a new mod or two

And found out someone's made a way for players to send items & equipment between eachothers client.

It's like Sim City 2015, he's trying to implement sending colonists between colonies.

All of this is done via a cargo pod.
Is there any weed mod that works for 14D?
Which one?
This game needs way more variety in furniture and joy shit
what are some must have mods?

inb4 that one fag responds with his shitty scenario again
I would say stuff like glittertech, advanced prosthetics and that one some anon did for removing retarded penalties
>use glittertech
>battletanks show up
no thank you
>picking a fight with Orion
lad pls

Fluffy's GUI mods, CCL and Hospitality.
they showed up with a mechanoid psychic ship mate
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Orion can spawn with a negative reputation, which causes them to raid you. You have no choice in the matter.

Glittertech is shit until they fix that. Their own page says something like "strong factions will show up late in the game if you piss them off" but that's not the case when Orion begins at -15 reputation and they show up to your base 2 weeks in and shove your shit in.
>Orion begins at -15 reputation
Bribe them, dummy.
suppose they attack before you've had the chance to research microelectronic basics
like any time in the first month for example
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Does anyone have any tips on how to survive midgame? I'm playing Cassandra on Challenge. All the FAQs talk about "how 2 bild bedroom" and "how not 2 starve", telling you how to survive the first month. I can do that no problem. It's just that I eventually, inevitably get a bad raid what incapacitates like half my people, and everything goes to shit while they're incapacitated, everyone else starts going into bad moods because they spend all their time covered in blood in the medical room, and then I just enter a death spiral of mental breaks punch-ups, MORE time spent in medical, infections, MORE unhappiness, MORE mental breaks, and then eventually I get raided again and killed off.

What do?
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My face when I thought traps were a great idea to cut off entry to my base and it killed one of my pets and damaged several settlers.
jesus christ what do you build things out of on ice sheet maps at the start, do i have to rush stonecutting?
i did that and got visitors from colony town, 4 of them died to my traps and i now have -90 relations with them.

They didn't even have any good gear on them
The answer is always chokepoints.
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You realize that was a number I shat out of my ass, right retard?

Here's a new save file that I just booted up with Glittertech.

Good luck bribing that when they refuse to answer your comms... whenever the fuck you have it built. Let's just say conveniently, some time after they've raided you twice and skullfucked you. Oh and on top of that, in order to improve a reputation that low, you'd have to capture them and release them to get a measly +15 back. Oh wow.

Glittertech has promise, no doubt about that, but it's a pile of shit right now. The only reason you probably don't notice it is because you play on Phoebe Basebuilder or whatever.
Better defenses so you're not taking as many wounds and losses
More micromanagement during battle if you're not doing it already
Better and bigger rooms so your people get mood buffs
In general trying to improve mood, you could check out the hueg wiki list or just constantly monitor needs
A decent hospital and a good doc so you don't get destroyed by diseases
With humans, it's still a pseudoscience that's on the cusp of being possibly only recently with crisper cas9 editing, which is still new enough that we can only really fuck with DNA on the whole at super young ages, otherwise we can only turn off genetic dispositions towards major diseases and birth defects that are genetically linked.

Though if you're referring to race, that's a different can of worms in which case go ask /sci/ or /pol/
Which GUI mods from Fluffy?
All of them. Plus Breakdowns.
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I raided a caravan carrying a gold spear for the second time in this colonies life.

This time the spear is worth 31k instead of 21k
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I get toxic avenger vibes from this seed.
Can someone upload them to mega for pirate friends? Or they in the forum?
Alright, I've got Crash Landing, but I want to remove the Reactor, because jesus christ. If ANYONE goes within ~50 tiles of it, they die within 30 seconds. Clothes technically offer protection, but they don't do it well.
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7 yorkshire terries joined my colony
A fire that looks like it'll engulf the entire map is spreading from every corner (from a flash storm)
there is a mechanoid raid with 2 scythers and 3 centipedes attacking. None of the centipedes have miniguns.
Go to zoning in the architect tab
select create zone
go to manage zones
hit invert on area one
delete zone
delete the area around the reactor
go to the restrictions tab
set all your colonists to area 1
The meat is used constantly so it won't spoil. Unless you're not cooking for over a day
Free me from tribe niggers. They have always shit loot and come almost every fucking day.
catch and release enough prisoners to get their opinion of you to orange instead of red then give them a ton of silver
only pirates are impossible to make friendly
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Now this is retarded.

Deep inside a mountain, the temperature is never affected by the weather outside.

It should just be around 15°C all year.
They just die too fast everytime and I won't give those niggers any of my silver. Seriously though. Everyday I'm just hauling corpses all day because they attack every single fucking day.

Pretty smart to always send more and more of your tribe niggers when they never return.
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how the fuck do you balance prepare carefully? i feel like i always try to make a fuckton of good starting characters
just dont make more than 1 3 or 5 characters
What's the best way to get a steady supply of steel?
Is it possible to raise relations with -100 factions?
Once you're mined out, and melted down all the slag? Traders is your own way, or tearing down your old steel furniture.

There's a mod that lets you grow steel plants, if you prefer.
So, which mods are up to A14 now?

EdB's said fuck it
Welp, it didn't take long.

>two asshole pirates with rifles come and start shooting sleeping cows
>rush at them with shotguns and knives
>knife guy gets shot by a friendly
>one female warg goes berserk
>gets mauled down by the alpha
>1 dead, 1 downed colonists and 1 downed warg

That's the top of the mountain, because you haven't mined it

Release their prisoners when they're healthy
Who do you play as actually?

Some sort of very weak god?
Or maybe the spirit that inhabits this part of the world?

Because you know everything that happens in this region. You can read minds, mind control the colonists, and in some cases predict the future.

But you cannot see what is inside the montains, and you cannot directly act on anything yourself. Except minds.

What do you think? Who is the Architect?
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anyone knows why my map is fucked ?
What the fuck are with some of the debuffs? Why do they feel bad about pirates dying when they tried to help them but the wounds were just too bad? Innocent prisoner my ass.
does that if you've loaded multiple worlds while having the game up
you need to restart the game to reset it
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thanks man
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jesus christ my medic is a butcher, this was just a operation to remove a ear
what's everyones favourite biome?
Is it possible to remove limbs now?

I didn't know Robots can deep strike INTO your base.
That was quiet fun and i finally have Scyther blades ready for installing into my Bio soldier.
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prosthetics mod on the workshop
i just had 4 fcukin machine gun raider drop pod into the middle of my base and instantly kill 2 of my guys and then hunt down the rest. I had just got my death wall up and the first raid they just fly over. I fucking love this game
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>Second most famous case
>Amputated the leg in 2 1⁄2 minutes, but in his enthusiasm the patient's testicles as well.

>Liston's most famous case
>Amputated the leg in under 2 1⁄2 minutes (the patient died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene; they usually did in those pre-Listerian days). He amputated in addition the fingers of his young assistant (who died afterwards in the ward from hospital gangrene). He also slashed through the coat tails of a distinguished surgical spectator, who was so terrified that the knife had pierced his vitals he dropped dead from fright.

>That was the only operation in history with a 300 percent mortality.
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>my hunter got his nose bitten off by a fucking raccoon
>left hand is destroyed, right hand only has 3 fingers left
>raiders show up and shoot off his right foot
>have the girl with highest doctor skill perform surgery on him to give him a peg leg
>also the ex-lover of the horribly disfigured hunter
>"accidentally" removes his kidney
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medic banter
it's just a prank bro
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Link to old thread?

what happens at extreme cold? can your guys even survive the time it takes to build a house or anything?
Technically, yes, but you WILL struggle. It's fun.
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Just found this too. If anyone is interested.
Well i had few skilled melee fighters and they tore those Schythers new assholes and since everything was in close quarters when my gunners backed them up i somehow managed to get LITERALLY one scratch totall.
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You can't survive with the vanilla starts.

You need to tweak your own start to survive.

Things you will definitely need are mods, such as laser drilling. Starting with hydroponics and geothermal, extra food, extra steel, extra components, warm clothes.

Even then there is no guarantee you survive the first few days.

Just get into a mountain as quickly as possible. There is nothing outside anyway.
>You can't survive with a vanilla start
Yes you can. It's hard as shit, but it's doable.

You will have a much better chance with Prepare Carefully, assuming you're not being a cheating nigger and taking parkas.
Arid Shrubland.
>Nostalgia becuase it used to be the only biome in the game
>Year-round growing period without getting too hot
Warden, artist, researcher. Throw him in the frontline during invasions.
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>get this

Oh no
Fuck you, i already have a greedy guy with the same god damn jealous trait, if i keep her i will have to one-up each other rooms and that wont fucking do

She has 11 mining and thats about it, how the fuck do i exile her? Is there a way to kick her out of the colony?

Or do i keep her?
What's the most fun storyteller?
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I take polarbear skin parkas and I haven't survived past 2 weeks on Randy Extreme. I've made a dozen attempts so far.

It's not survivable on vanilla starts.

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
Alright. Conditions?
>get master talker/handler/warden
>he's incapable of Scary/Violence
>he gets rebufed by every single female in my colony
>after his 20 dazes/8 berserks later i check out his mood
>rebufed prett much atleast 2 times by each female

Even fucking implanting joywire when i beat him into submission barely helped, he's still getting rebufed since he's 76.

The solution is to get them to become lovers so they have the same bedroom, duh.
At the start always Cassandra and if you get tired of the game you play Randy and after that you drop the game till the new content patch arrives.
Is there anything regrowable that is good to sell? The game definitely needs the basic highly tradeable plants like tabac plants and coffee beans.
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>Select all, R
>Set up the defensive positions
>Before you even see the marauders come into sight, BAM
>Bionic eye/careful shooter sniper cleans his fucking leg off
This is the best feeling
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> vanilla start (any)
> seed - u138
> 83.47E 78.13N
> Randy Random - Extreme
> no prepare carefully
> any size map

1000 internets for anyone who can survive this.
This game needs to unfuck the goddamn trade system so that it isn't an event, and they come at least a few times per year.
>no prepare carefully
I'll use the scenario editor then :^)
Sorry friendo, didn't mean to reply to you :^)
Yes it would be good if at the end of the month the slave traders would appear. Feeding goodamn prisoners all year for nothing is just a waste of resources.
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>get an Industrious guy with like 8 mining
>mfw I live in a mountain and watch him dig tunnels
Social interactions in its current state are fucking bullshit. The whole morale system needs to be overworked before they attempt stacked social debuffs for dating attempts.
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>That comfy feeling when self sufficient enough to be able to make huge construction projects at will
That's alot of organs to harvest.
dont worry
all the steel on your map will run out soon enough
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Fuck forgot pic
Newfag here, am I the only one who feels his satisfaction dwindle the longer my colony lasts?
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Fucking kek. Sanguine is the best trait in the whole game.
I had a dude who I captured from a trade caravan
he had 4 of those modifiers from people in the caravan dying
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>get my guys together and wreck that shit
>didn't notice there was another hive north of my base right in my power generators
>A bug hive has reproduced
>A bug hive has reproduced
>A bug hive has reproduced
>A bug hive has reproduced
Lost only 1 gun turret, one of my dudes lost ear and 10 cannibals died just on traps.
4 captured ready for organ harvesting, sadly 3 canibals escaped the massacre.

Life is good in benis base.
bitches don't know about green thumb

plant 20 stuff and you get a 20 mood bonus

I don't even care about moods in my green thumbers
>come back from /pol/
>decided to play some Rimworld
>start new colony
>all men
>all white
>all straight
>awww yisss
>give them 100% to have a hard working and beautiful trait because I'm a pussy
>play on rough
>chillax time
>white, straight beutiful men in my colony
>execute everyone that is not white
>not even italians are spared
>execute everyone that isn't straight
>not even lesbians are spared

feels good
while paving over the area like that does stop trees growing it also means enemies move at 100% speed instead of 87% (?) speed
This. I'm too dumb to make it myself, but i saw a lot of people interested in it. Maybe it's not possible since no one made it yet
[Spoiler]It already happened ;_;[\Spoiler]
what's that terrain in your kill box?
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Im a disgrace who cannot spoiler.
Yes but they also have no cover so they bum rush you like retards and make it easier for you to shoot them.

Just regular wood floors nothing fancy.
>that killbox
fuck you you lucky bastard
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Something about 5 assault rifles, 1 minigun and 1 survival rifle against 35 odd tribals is very satisfying.
from my own experience I can tell you that the global modifiers affect mostly crafting skills
I have 6 charge rifles so I have a pretty good idea of what you're feeling

it's a nice feeling.
So new thread when?
Just for you Anon.

what is the point of making those boxes of sandbags?
Better cover and they slows the enemy when they walk through it.
of course.
Now I feel like I did an obvious question.
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Just like in DF
Wait untill fucking sheriff appears
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>spend days making a base
>post it
>0 replies
File: good luck.jpg (529KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
good luck.jpg
529KB, 1920x1080px
I did find a job for her eventually
Should I try to recruit my prisoners? I just got my first one. She ha 0 social skills and is unable of caring, does that affect it?
File: sparkles.png (70KB, 827x495px)
70KB, 827x495px
This one?
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