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/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

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Thread replies: 756
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Previous thread: >>148926797
Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- Central Fiction out in Japanese arcades with Nine and Izanami playable.
- Console release will be in autumn in Japan and in winter in the US with Es playable.
- XBlaze and CPEX out on Steam:
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, has started being published.

- Match Videos
- News, Guides, Combo Listings
- Story Stuff
- Player List
- Steam/Skype Group
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Bururaji, etc)
- Blazblue Music
-DS3 Installation Information
I'm in love with Celica A Mercury!
die faggot
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3rd for Taokaka

Also happy 100th anniversary /blaz/!
I want to massage Valkenhayns old legs after a long day of doing Rachels chores.

Do you even know what that word means?
iirc it's gonna be next thread, not this one
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7th for Izzy!
I bet Izzy likes armpit sex and footjobs
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9th for Ragna!
What the heck was that all about last thread?
Is Ragna the most beloved protagonist in videogames?
You knew what I meant, don't take it so literally anon, and it sounds much better than ''Happy 100th thread''.

Oh is that so? Guess I messed up then.
I miss CT's menus and opening song
I'm sure there are others even though I can't think of any of them right now.
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>CT's menus
17th for last call to console lobby
Anybody want to play?
I can
Did I say something wrong? They were nice
There's a console lobby up
>blazblue's humble beginnings
man i miss those days
Muel only gets flustered by Ragna

Her intro with Kagura has her being confused and has a slight want to murder him so that she could go look for Ragna
I remember those times, I knew nothing of the game, I just saw some cute pics of Rachel and saw it was a fightan with VN style story and went blind, oh I remember being lost as hell playing the story mode in those beginnings but falling in love to the opening song and being mesmerized by the menu, and here we are now
So is this all a joke or is actually harboring a crush on Ragna as of Chronophantasma? I hear she even started a race between her, Rachel and Lambda to see who could get to Ragna first. Why do this now when Ragna has Celica? Is it just imouto power growing thanks to her hanging around Ragna more? At this rate she's gonna turn into that girl from WCW by the end of Central Fiction.
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Oh, Ragna, you and your shit luck. Locked in jail and your first visitor is fucking Hazama
It looks like we'll be going through the character's acts in story mode as well. Mori you bitch. plus arcade modes plus the story mode to understand this game? Are you insane?
Is Izzy a meme character?
Hey at least we don't need to read a side VN and a side LN to understand it this time right?
>replacing the arcade stuff with the story portraits
Fuck I actually liked how it was done in arcade mode
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Cute! Raggy!
the alt color is
Hey guys, remember the first game where everyone was kinda of a dick to everyone else in the story?
>Hey at least we don't need to read a side VN and a side LN to understand it this time right?

Naoto and Es are from bloodedge experience and xblaze light novels and visual novels. To get the whole story on them and their motivations you'd need to have read/watched through both volumes of the light novels and both visual novels of the games. Mai Natsume at least got a extend gaiden to introduce her to game players so westerners will know her but if she gets in the roster sporting her new spear and that new get up we won't know what's up with that because we didn't get those 4 volumes of Remix Heart and 2 volumes of Variable Heart. I can't be too angry about Es, mori did release the two xblaze games over here but how the fuck is the average player supoose to know her,Naoto and Mai? It's just like how Celica showed up in Chronophantasma and we didn't know who the fuck she was. Mori should of stopped with the side material at Phase Shift, no brought Celica into the games and just left her as a relic of the past like the six heroes. It's gotten out of control. He's becoming Nasu
I wanna fill Izzy's doll body with my semen
I was being sarcastic, I'm as mad as you about that. At least I can read the shit Es is from officially and there are fan translations of the other things
What are you, a Kagura fag?
If so Fuck off

We don't take kindly to people trying to hit on other people's imoutos.
Why should Mori even care about westerners having that shit available?
The average player is japanese, and they have all that shit available to them
The day mai is added is the day i stop playing BB.
Because that's not a good business decision and a dick move to the fans that are not japanese, even if the average player is japanese, the game is still sold on other parts of the world and there are fans outside japan. That's a poor argument but that's probably how the nips think anyway
you could beat mai up.
>and has a slight want to murder him so that she could go look for Ragna
I don't remember this.
What's Hazama doing to Ragna there?

It's not like him to just attack someone who's imprisoned like that. Terumi, sure, but Hazama tends to be more hands-off with his trolling.
He doesn't care about you
It doesn't look like it'll happen with every character. Like it's probably not gonna go too far into, say, Litchi or Azrael's arcade modes. Also, a lot of these event CGs seem to have Ragna in them. Out of all the story CGs we've seen, three had Ragna. So even though we're seeing things from the point of view of other characters, it looks like it's primarily gonna be mostly characters with strong involvement with Ragna.
They make all of their money from japan
Why should they care
Hell, you should glad they even took the time to bring over SOME of the shit
That's a retarded way of thinking. By that logic, you should also remove any references, concepts or ideas tied to a particular country as well. By your logic, every story should be fully compatible with every part of the world.

Anon, I hate to break it to you, but this is not a tactic that's unique to Japan. Do you have any idea how many supplementary materials for American games aren't available to the rest of the world?

When it comes to things involving stories, the best practice is to basically just disregard anything but your primary audience. Because you can't please everyone. You can't. You can't ensure that everyone will be satisfied by your work, so you should generally pick a group and work hard to satisfy them in particular. These are Japanese games, soaked to the brim in Japanese pop culture and concepts, designed for a Japanese audience, and you apparently seem to believe that they should work to make it just as accessible to a western audience as the Japanese one? You're being incredibly self-centered when you say this.

Tell me, what if you were a story writer and someone told you "Dude, this doesn't work for people in the Philippines, you should cut it out."? Would you go out of your way to alter your work in such a way in order to appease a group of people that were never in your mind to begin with?
DPs too good
>computer blacks out again because of failing power supply
>okay I'll rejoin lobby
>ps3 blacks out too and do the reformat thing because I can't afford a replacement and don't want it bricked
>join again
>get one match
>get bodied
This has not been a good day
I'm just saying. Noel became very fond of Ragna very quickly and I don't know how much of it is because of her Saya genes or because of what her interactions with Ragna did. She doesn't know that he's the one who saved her from Arakune,right?
She probably knows instinctively.

Also, his act of saving her even at the cost of his arm made a profound impact on her worldview. He gave her confidence and drive, something no one and nothing else could give her up until that point.
Ragna is very important to Noel. She gives her confidence, motivation and drive. She gives her the strength to stand on her own two feet without wavering.
Noel split herself because of wanting to protect a certain somebody,right? Whatever is inside that gate is a threat to Ragna?
It's not whats in the gate, but what being involved with the gate means.
So Noel freaked out about that just like Rachel freaks out about Naoto erasing Ragna's existence? Boy they really really liked Ragna. Meanwhile his actual girlfriend is paling around with his potential killer.
Ragna has no girlfriend
Ragna is my girlfriend.
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I don't get the kunzite meme
It's all any Nine uses
I barely ever see it in gameplay videos
literally impossible
You'll see Kunzite at least 10 times a match
Maybe I'm blind.
Get out of the Thread Tsubaki
>That almost get

Tsubaki belongs to Prophet Pupwa. Inshallah.
So how's that lobby
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I love Litchi!!
>Not watching based guymams stream

there are also a lot of little details I miss from CT, like:
>Able to attack your opponent for a few second after death
This let you finish your combo or throw in an overdrive to straight up overkill them with style
>Ragna's carnage scissors causing wall bounce
doing two in a row was so fucking fun, and seeing the enemy slam agains the wall was so much more satisfying than what happens now
>Hakumen's overdrive wasn't rushed and had a satisfying buildup
>Nu-13 being incredibly broken but also incredibly fun.
>Rachel being viable and at her best
>Hakumen was morally ambivalent and had all these edging opening lines like: "A match? No...this will be massacre!"
that astral is long for no reason imo
I would add Bangs frkz theme to this. Good memories with the series during early games like CS.
>thinking Rachel isn't high fucking tier nevermind viable in CF
You don't keep up with the game, do you?
Isn't she also okay in CPEX?
The Six Heroes storyline was a good introduction of who Celica was, just as Remix Heart Gaiden was of Mai. ArcSys did a good job introducing those spinoff characters for people who haven't read their source material; why are you so convinced this won't happen with Es and Naoto? But you can't expect them have everything from the spinoffs in the game; what would be the point of spinoffs then? And conversely it's nice to see stuff from the spinoffs in the main game as it makes them more relevant.

Why do you say that? If it's because her outfit has fanservice then you should have quit when CT came out. If it's that a boy ended up in a girl's body you should have quit when Platinum was added. And it seems you didn't mind Amane either. I hope she does get added just to see if the whiny drama queens such as yourself will put their money where their mouth is.
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Who are you guys gonna be playing in CF? Sticking with your main or moving on?
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I'll always be faithful.
Still gonna main snek
Sub Es, Naoto, maybe Izanami, Bullet
Stay with mains always unless Naoto is voiced by JYB
I play Terumi and Celica, and they both look really good in CF, so I am more than ready to get my hands on the game,

Official website have been updated. Combo movies for everyone there.
>that es placement
Stick with the same four I already use, try out Es and that's it
This triggers my OCD.
Someone fix it
Litchi as always
Shit, so we can have like 7 more characters resulting in 40 characters total?
Other characters outside of Es confirmed then, I guess?
There's no way they'll have the roster asymmetrical.
Well shit. That's actually really conspicuous as hell. If they had put her under Tager or Amane, then no one would really have any reason to believe that there might be more than one more new character this version. But they put her THERE of all places. That ain't just opening the floodgates; that's practically tearing a hole right into the dam.
Naoto is voiced by Crispin Freeman
So as much of a shit as Mai is, she's probably in. That leaves, at minimum, two more characters, and at most four. I think Jubei and Trinity have good chances of making it in at this point.

Now, if they leave it at that, it'd still be symmetrical. The shape would be a little weird, but that could still very easily be the end of it.

My guess is one of them will be an alternate Ragna at the very end when he obtains some new power or whatever. There's a pretty good chance that he'll obtain the "True" BlazBlue, so he'd probably have to have a new character to accommodate that plot point. The main problem with that idea is that I can't really imagine such an important character being thrown into the way bottom left or right like that. He'd have to be somewhere closer to the upper center, except that's where the timer for the character select is. I dunno, maybe it won't happen, but I still feel like an alternative Ragna is very likely.

Other candidates are Terumen, another Saya because why the fuck not, Raquel (though I hope not) and Ms. Tail because she's too sexy NOT to be playable.
>alternate Ragna

>Ms. Tail
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¨This Monstrosity.
That's nice. The more new characters the merrier.
My prediction:

>Alt. Ragna

Don't really like Mai, but I can't really see much reason for Variable Heart unless they were planning on adding her in.
If they want to make this perfectly symmetrical then they're going to need to add 6 more characters.
One above Izanami, one above Lambda, and two each on the bottom of the sides.
The space above Izanami is obscured by the timer.
YFW new character is

>dead on arrival
Taro might get in. His strings look like a good Drive.
Are you ever capable of not repeating yourself constantly?
I'm waiting for a 2-in-1 pair character whose Drive is to tag in/switch character.
Fuck you

Taro is cool and is better than Mai
Anon, Taro is beyond pointless.
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>On the whole, she tends not to show much emotion on the surface.
>Her extremely logical mindset leaves little room for leniency, and if it's for the sake of completing her mission, there is no method she won't employ.
>On the other hand, when she recalls the [people she treasures] from within her fragmented memories, a sense of deep nostalgia can be seen.

>Name: Es
>Height: 149cm
>Weight: 38kg
>Birthday: 10/15
>Blood Type: Unknown
>Hobbies: Data collecting
>Likes: Flan (according to her memories)
>Dislikes: Chawanmushi (because it's not flan)
>Drive: Crest Arts

Voice Samples:
>"I cannot let you pass."
>"Commencing elimination phase."
>"I will guide you towards the Gate. That is the will of the Azure."
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They chose not to include Taro in Remix Heart Gaiden, which makes it look highly unlikely that they plan to add him to the games. If anything, I consider Kajun to be more likely to become playable.
Yeah, I wouldn't count on that. Mai's probably getting in, and however reluctant I am to admit that, logically, I must concede that this will most likely happen. But I can't, regardless of any real personal interest or disinterest on my part, expect any more representatives from Remix Heart beyond that.
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ded thread
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Ragna x Minerva doujin when?
Good lord, she's the only thing I really like that came out of Remix Heart.
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Right now.
Where's the whole thing
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In this doujin
Will there be scans sometime soon? How can Ragna even fuck Minerva?
It's not a lewd doujin, i'm sorry.
Oh well it's fine, it sounds interesting.
I'm pretty sure Kokonoe included a special semen extraction feature in Minerva in case Ragna gets an urge whenever Celica is travelling together with him, just in case.
She has a specific knife for that, yes.
Why would Kokonoe care if Ragna fucks Celica? She was planning to use Celica's soul as fuel for a Nox.
I don't think you've played the story.
I have and Kokonoe ordered them to stay together on pain of death. She doesn't give a shit.
I forgot how much I hated this plot device.
I'm so glad Blazblue doesn't work on Muv Luv rules.
Right on the fucking crotch.

What the fuck is this symbol god damn it.
Ancient toilet sign.
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>2009 was 7 years ago
Hey, that's Alpha's thing.
The symbol we find everywhere is supposed to look like Es' unique pubic hair, obviously.
She has a pubic tattoo? Es confirmed for sluttiest blazblue.
Touya would deserve it.
"Embryo storage".
Everything I know is a lie until CF drops.
Terumi plays guitar as a hobby.
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It means "Property of RAGNA"
>That spot
I fucking called it last year when we were on /v/, feels good being right.
So the Jubei dream is alive?
It would also be symmetrical with just one more character.

Really I think the most you could say is that they probably have an odd number of characters to add.
It seems Ragna English VA hasn't been contacted yet going by his twitter response. I have a feeling they trying to pull the same bullshit they did with Revelator in which they announce at the last minute that their is no dub
You're kidding. That's such a bummer. Damn it ASW you jewish fucks.
Fingers crossed. The dub for BB is one of the few I like.
You can check his twitter yourself which is Seitz_Unseen.

I like Blazblue dub as well because it's very good minus the audio issues that was happening in CP and Nine english VA performance.

I can't really be optimistic about this because the dub for the story mode mostly was probably done around the time of March or April since I remember Rachel JP VA saying something about recording for the story around that time on her blog. Right now I wouldn't be surprise if they are just quality testing the game right now for any errors before they ship it out on October. Recording sessions for english VA can go for two weeks to a couple of months depending on how much dialogue is tackle throughout the day during the session. So at most for the game to be out very early means that it's either going to have a rushed dub or no dub at all like with Revelator.
The aksys games website says that Central Fiction will be out in the U.S. by Winter 2016, which probably means the date on the english trailer was an error.
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I've pretty much given up all hope for a dub at this point. Time to learn japanese so I can keep listening to my waifu's voice I guess.
CF sounding worse and worse.
Fighting games like BlazBlue should, ideally, be released in foreign territories as quickly as possible in order to lessen the gap between foregin and Japanese releases. The Japanese already have a massive head start since they've had the arcade version all this time.

It's perhaps possible that they wish to release the game sooner rather than later, even at the expense of English voice acting.
In the case of Blazblue which is not only a fighter but also places a lot more emphasis on story it is needed for people that just don't want to read text on the bottom screen all day. This wouldn't be issue if it was JP audio only since the beginning.

But, it's been over six or seven years since they been releasing Blazblue with it's English dub. It's a slap in the face to the dub voice actors who have put a lot of work into the series throughout these many years and the fans who brought the game because of the dub work. To wait until the finale of the series to cut corners is a load of bullshit and shouldn't be tolerated.
This is a good point after all these years for them to leave out the dub is a dick move.
You are right, it would be a major blow to the company without english audio. Still, we shouldn't give up hope, the Aksys games website page on central fiction says that the release date is Winter 2016 so the date in the trailer is probably either an error or a hint towards a demo. They might be almost finished with the english audio right now so stop worrying about it.
>They might be almost finished with the english audio right now so stop worrying about it.
Seitz said he hasn't been contacted about a dub yet.
No. It means they are disorganized haven't bothered to update their site. You don't make an "error" like that. They even rectified the "Winter" error in the video description of the trailer to "Fall." It will be here Fall.
There's also the issue of time and costs. BBCF's story is said to be 1.3 times larger than BBCP's. The arcade mode on its own is over three times larger. There are other factors to consider too, such as the recent video game voice actors strike and related controversies.
Plus, with the limited amount time that's left for CF release in Japan they should of had started sooner getting the dub since they have to at least have the English battle clips for the JP release done so that people who play the english audio can be pick up on the JP side. If at least that isn't done then you might as well kiss the dub goodbye.
>If at least that isn't done then you might as well kiss the dub goodbye.
Already done. Guess I better enjoy CP while it lasts.
Just buy the game used if you want to play it badly or import the game from Japan. Since the US branch wants to act shady on the matter and possibly be cheap in regards to removing the dub. Then, I too can act cheap by my wallet until they do what is right.
Come to think of it, it's kind of annoying how even after all this time, there still aren't proper English arcade machines for Centralfiction in the west. All the machines we have are just imported Japanese ones, aren't they?
>Importing from Japan

You do realize you'd be paying more if you did that, right?
It's cheaper if you're a yuropoor. You also get the free dlc they typically release.
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Nice, she shaves her pubes in a way to make a cool symbol
I think they can translate it fast enough for the dub to be done. They might have started making english audio a little while after bbcf was released in JP arcades. There is no point in cutting out the dub to save money.
Honestly, we should have expected this when they failed to include the glossary for Chronophantasma. I mean, to be fair, Aksys is a small company, so if they deem BBCF's story mode too long to justify dubbing, I'm not sure if I can blame them. 1.3x doesn't seem like much, but if you consider the sheer volume of BBCP, it's a lot. And that's just the story mode alone. It's bullshit, but in the end, that's just how the world works. Money makes the world go round, and companies, especially small companies, have to be a lot more careful with their money.
It means "Property of RAGNA"
>Touya hit this
But Es doesn't even know Ragna, are you sure it doesn't mean pudding?
Try tweeting Arc systems and Mori about the dub.
Mori doesn't know a damn thing about any of that. Any matters concerning the English dub are exclusively dealt with by Aksys.
XBlaze isn't an Ero VN so sadly not really

I asked Mori and he confirmed it himself

He says that he's not the one in charge of the international export
It's done by another department
Would Mori fuck Nasu?
Mori already has Daisuke as an onahole, he doesn't need another.
Funnily enough, Ragna is the only one Es knows in BBCF, thanks to information supplied to her by the Azure. Her memories are fucked up so she barely remembers anything from XBlaze.
Is calamity trigger the place to start story wise?
Continuum shift extend has a nice summary of CT story if you want to get up to date faster
>short with narrow hips and thighs and a slut tattoo

That's a shitty waifu.
Yes. You don't necessarily need it to understand the general gist of the story, since Continuum Shift Extend has an abridged adaptation of the story, Chronophantasma Extend has digest version of CT and CS' story and Centralfiction is gonna have a digest of all three previous games.

That being said, it's only gonna help you understand Ragna, Noel and Jin's stories. It's not gonna help you understand why Tao, Tager, Carl or the other bit players are there.
That don't mean crap compared to the money that they get from their fans who buy their games because of it being dual audio. If they felt that it's too much they shouldn't have been bringing along the dub for so long in the first place.

What makes this situation more worse is that they choose to be huss about the whole damn thing as if pretending that the matter doesn't exist despite still being asked on numerous occasions if the dub is going be there are or not. If they feel so confident about their decision they need to have the balls to stick with it and face the consequences instead of waiting until near release to suddenly drop info on the dub not being there.
Like I said, Centralfiction's absurdly large, even compared to previous entries. It might be more than what they bargained for.
Who is this? Are they seriously adding another Lambda clone.
Have you been in a coma over the past few months?
If they feel that's more then what they bargained for and that's the reason the dub is cut then say it already. Them choosing to say nothing after repeated months of people asking if the dub is there are or not makes them look like assholes especially if they have already decided to cut it.
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>All tits no hips
She's shit

Where have you been?
That's the Calamity Trigger Material Collection Stories are for

All of which are in Dustloop
That's what*

Damn typing while drunk
The people who were asked likely just don't have the right to answer.
Then they shouldn't be the company doing the localization. It'd be like NoA whining about how it's too much work to translate large JRPGs and refusing to let other people bring them over.
>Try to see the difference between Nu and Lambda's playstyles

Nope, I can't find the difference at all. Please explain.
Nu's tools actually work.
Nu is a zoner that zones really well, Lambda has tools for both approaching and it, except all of them are shit.
Nu has faster everything and better combos, so she is better at everything than Lambda.
They either don't have the right to answer or they do but just choose to ignore people questions because of the fear of the backlash it would bring to them for ditching a series that had a dub for about six or seven years. Either way, them choosing to not acknowledge anything is still making them look bad. It's better to come clean with it then prolonged the inevitable.
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>gigantic head
>no hips
>womb slut tattoo
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I still think Lambda should keep her cape when fighting to help set her apart from Nu. Instead of looking like a palette swap with a shitty looking aura.
Me too anon, or something for Nu, but only Noel gets nice things
Nu breaking her visor should've been permanent and reflect in the sprite.
I was fighting Lambda or Nu one time, I can't remember which, and they were using an alt color. It took me like 20 seconds into the match to realize that I was fighting against the other one.
Who is the head of Aksys games anyway?
That would be perfect
we all do, but sadly it's far too late for that now

not worth spending the money to edit every single one of her sprites. Mori was stupid enough to do that with Noel, I don't wanna see that again
Lambda is worth all the money.
Lambda is worthless and shouldn't even be in the game.
I bought CPEX for Lambchops.
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Hey, what if Terumi, was good, like, all, ALONG!
That's not her battle mode, though. That'd be like a soldier going into battle without any weapons.
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Would you say that he has complex motives?
Most of her armor is there though, she can keep the cape with her battle armor under it
That's not how it works, though. And Kokonoe wouldn't bother with a pointless alteration like that.
I know I just wished something different to not trigger my autism
>Tsubaki was originally conceptualized as a lesbian character

Would this have been an improvement, /blaz/?
Would she still be an inbred retard? I like her that way it's cute to see a literal retard fucking up so much
i took the alphadrago school of bursting
Anybody want to play for a bit on PSN?
If she were still a
>muh <person>
character, she'd be as annoying.
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Console lobby is up.
But I said I liked her! Dumb girls are my fetish and tsubaki is top dummy
On a scale from Pupwa to SKD, where do you rank?
Unimaginably bad. Scale-breaking.
im fenrich on the scale.
I don't even play the game
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Here is the official /blaz/ skill level rankings
Where do the lobby players place?
Either waifufags or tournament players
Did you just make this? It's pretty accurate.
Where does Takanub rank?
Wow do we really have people that are better than tournament players here? As expected of blaz
I guess im below reddit tier then.
>No exclusive spot for team shitter
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I can't believe team shitters is fucking dead.
awww icolash doesn't have his excuse anymore
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Don't feel too bad snek
I don't need an excuse to lose 80%+ of all games in any lobby I join, I just want my nakamatachi
this is literally 100% your fault squirrel
Who wants to fight the Blazblue reddit discord
Honestly I'd rather they not have the dub than not have the Library.

The English dub is mostly fine (holy shit Celica sounds terrible), but I always prefer to play games in their original language anyways.
If we get a BB with new graphics would you like Aksys to keep the sprites or go full meme nice 3d like GG?
They better not fucking leave library out
I would like to keep sprites because I want to keep the roster. 3D would mean trimming it down tremendously.
I'd guess they're ending Ragna's story now exactly so they can do roster reset for the next game

so even if they keep using sprites, they'd be done from the ground up (higher res) and starting over with like 15 or so characters
I've heard Bloodedge Experience has a female Hakumen named Justice, but what does she look like? I can't find anything about her.
>this is literally 100% your fault squirrel
What are you talking about?
She doesn't appear in volume 1 or 2. Naoto just namedrops her in arcade mode.
>null's dead
>b& me
>left us for PS4
>pupwa went mad with grief
remove rodent players
remove beastkin
i'm just fucking with you come back to lobbies sometime please i need a fist in my face that isn't ragna or kagura's
I played a few days ago but you weren't there
Not a female hakumen, just someone like hakumen
team lobby please
Gonna change to FFA when it gets back to me.
Today has just been nothing but disappointment

Final Splatfest is a blow out
Sonic's new game is a fan project with sega official backing
Arc-V continues it's downward spril into stupidity
No dub for the final chapter of Ragna's story and the characters attached to that story.

What next?
That all sounds good
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Yami no draw.webm
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>Arc-V continues it's downward spril into stupidity
Is there even darkness or Yuri shenanigans? I stopped watching after Yuya vs Crow
You're a douche.

No. Yuri beat 5 fodders with his overpowered dragon and the show became about Kaito from Zexal instead. Dennis even killed himself because he lost to him and now Kaito is going to save Ruri while Yuya duels a duel pirate because brainwashed Serena set him up and took Yuzu. It's shit. pure shit.
let's make a new team shitters consisting of me roda tim and pupwa
please let me in this one
Can i join
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Ragna (32).jpg
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bbcf Ragna character movie.webm
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ragnarok online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl_yrXC3358
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Alright you got me with that one
Last round of games. Gonna close the lobby next time it gets to me.
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Imagine this thing rushing towards you at 100mph
imagine it being the ultimate boss in FNAF
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Tager 10000 damage OD combo.webm
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Did Ragna get a 500 health buff?
I think so actually, I think everyone got a health buff
a pupwa killer combo



that's all pupwa needs to beat you with the intent of winning
why does he still lose?
>Cursed torch was passed on
>immediately thrown back
Poor pupwa.
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>pupwa combos
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all of this talk about puttin on the ritz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKPMk5_gStk
why don't you beat me
oh wait you can't win
Makoto God is back: https://youtu.be/xi6aGEphD2s.
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I saw, I felt like a jitty little kid
news when?
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Just count to ten rags
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Persona Clash.webm
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Ragna is for:
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Rachel & Ragna.jpg
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Can we please talk about how great Tsubaki is? This is important.
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t. pupwa321
Okay, I'm bored enough and I don't wanna hit the sack just yet. If anyone wants some win quotes or battle lines translated, link me a video or post a decent quality screenshot and I'll decipher it for you.
Becoming one with.
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Stop this meme, I don't like it. I'm not pupwa. I just recognize that Tsubaki is best girl, and she'll win the Jinb Owl and everyone will be happy.
That corner pressure in the first match, that's not real, is it?
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What exactly is the name of Mai's spear? There seems to be some disagreement regarding that.
It's Outseal
I've already gone over this once before.

The name of the weapon is "Crimson Sphere: Outseal". That much is easy. The problem is the 「ガリアスフィラ」, which is NOT Japanese, just a Japanese Katakana transliteration of a foreign word or set of words. I don't know what language the word or words are, so I cannot tell you what 「ガリアスフィラ」 ("Garisasufira") means. This has nothing to do with Moonrunes so there is nothing I can tell you about it.
OK, thanks.
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literal perfection
Did some fucking around out of curiosity. Google translate said that came out as Malaysian. Fuck around some more and got
>Garisan Suria
Translating to Solar Line.
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>Did some fucking around out of curiosity. Google translate said that came out as Malaysian. Fuck around some more and got
>Garisan Suria
>Translating to Solar Line.
Better than Gallia Sufira.
I mean I'm probably way off. But all signs point to something Malaysian if Google is any indication. Also the Japanese love to go all over the place with shit like this.
Their mythology is neat though.
Can someone please link me to the latest issue of the comic, I can't find it
There's no way that's based on Malaysian. My guess is that "sufira" is an attempt to render "sphere" on katakana. The first part gets translated as Gaul, which is rather odd though.
Is there no official answer to this?
Not at the moment. Another guess is that the name might be Latin. Maybe "Garisasufira" is actually "Gallia sphaera". The second part again fits with the Japanese word for sphere.

Arc System Works should just come out already and say their is no dub instead of behaving like cowards. So far Patrick Seitz, Cristina Vee, and David Vincent haven't been contacting about the dub at all. i don't understand why they choose to stay silent on the matter if that's the decision they have made unless they are too afraid to face the consequences.
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>Arc-V continues it's downward spril into stupidity
You see, that's what you get for "hyping" yourself up with retarded general memes. I actually liked Arc-V from start up to now and I went through this show with no expectations at all.
>No dub for the final chapter of Ragna's story and the characters attached to that story.
Won't decrease the story's quality at all.
The dub been with the series for over six years. For those who only care about JP voices and gameplay of course you wouldn't care.

But, for those who got into it because of the english voice actors and been supporting ArcSys because of that all these years it's load of crap. Plus, letting them off on this make it seem like it's ok for them to screw over fans whatever they feel like. It's pure laziness to not have the dub at this point despite having it for every game release so far.
The dub is the most expensive part of a localization. It's not laziness; it's an attempt to limit expenses.
>It's pure laziness to not have the dub at this point
Or they just think that they gain more from releasing the game without it. A further delayed western release for the sake of dubbing all the content in BB does not help the game at all, so it probably came down to getting the game out quick or having a dub.
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You see, after CS I was really let down by not having multi-5 translations anymore. But after a while I thought "It doesn't make the game worse". There are probably good reasons for not including a dub. And the guys who manage twitter&co accounts are probably not to blame for them. Live goes on, dubfriend.
Saving expenses when you got people supporting your product for many years because of a standard that they have set up themselves since they first promoted the product until now just to take it away at the end is a load of crap. If they feel proud about that decision then they shouldn't playing the coward games they are doing now by dodging the issue that has been brought up for months.

Blazblue never had an issue of the games being release close to the JP release with the english dub until CSE. That's when Arc System Works began to have more control over the process of the localization and things started to get messy. So it not being release in a timely matter is more due to how Arc System Works handles the process of the localization.
>for those who got into it because of the english voice actors
I honestly doubt that most of the fandom got into BB because of the English VAs. Like, are you saying that you generally choose what jap fighting games to play based on their dub cast?
I'm frankly surprised that there are apparently so many dubfags for BB. I always use Japanese voices and hate it when someone plays with English voices.
Where's megadan and takanub? And for that matter where's the average Japanese player?
>He doesn't like Kaito

I, for one, welcome our new Cipher Overlords
But Jin only wants his ass to be stuffed with his Nii-san's semen
You like inbred used goods?
>It's not laziness; it's an attempt to limit expenses.
Don't be naive. It's both. Just like the omission of Library Mode in BBCP.
>A further delayed western release for the sake of dubbing all the content in BB does not help the game at all, so it probably came down to getting the game out quick or having a dub.
This was never a problem before and there is no reason whatsoever to assume there is now. Especially since BBCT and BBCS released 5 days and 25 days respectively from their JPN counterparts. It can be done. And if they need a few more months, BBCP shows they will take it. Plus, Blazblue is no Street Fighter. It has an extremely niche following in the West and the majority of the players who "can't wait" just import. And that is an even smaller minority. Most people I know who aren't "hardcore" gamers or fucking weebs have no idea what it is. They wouldn't lose any money at all by delaying 2 or 3 months to get the job done. The people who are going to buy it will still do so.

I don't mind the JPN cast, I'm in the process of learning moon myself. But I'd be a goddamn liar if I said I care about "m-muh original nip animu voices" as I vastly prefer the dub cast in my mother tongue. Sugita is cool, but Seitz is Ragna for me. Same for Cristina Vee being Noel and Nu; Komdo's delivery annoys the shit out of me. I would even pay for English DLC if need be. I really hope the finale receives a proper dub.
Anyone have a vector of the render of the classic BB styck layout art? I'm working on a new stick and want to make it Noel themed.
I agree completely with you. I don't mind the Jap but the English dub really is how BlazBlue sounds for me. I'll buy it even without dub but I'd be extremely heartbroken if that were the case.
Buy it used if you are getting the US version. Arc System Work US don't deserve a damn dime if they are going to treat there customers like this.
Pretty much this.
Is Tsubaki crying for one of her waifufags tragically shooting himself in Munich?
I would pretty torn as well. If there is no dub, I'm definitely taking the route >>149352556 mentioned. I can't endorse them halfassing the localization of the end of Ragna's story. No way will I support this decision. What grates me most of all is their silence. They are pissing me off.

They were dead silent about the removal of Library Mode in BBCP until the game already released and had to be confronted about it. They didn't say shit about the lack of a Revelator dub until a week prior to release. And now they fucking ignore all questions about the BBCF dub as if we won't find out in the near future. Why can't they just say "We unfortunately cannot dub the release due to schedule constraints among other circumstances" (translation: "Naah, man. 2much wurk. We're cheap and lazy as all holy fuck.") But at least a bullshit PR response would mitigate some of the tension for dub fans instead of willfully leaving us in the dark. When the VAs haven't been contacted yet (let alone voice the battle quotes for the JPN version which releases in just over 2 months for netplay compatibility) - they may as well stop being cowards and spill it. It's only further cementing my decision to buy the game second-hand.
So, who is going to fuck up in CF? Tsubaki, Ragna, Noel or someone new?
>she'll win the Jinb Owl
I like Tsubaki, but it's not like there's any competition here

dubfags should just fuck off desu
Most pairings are pretty clear in Blazblue. You have Ragna/Celica, Jin/Tsubaki, Arakune/Litchi, Taro/Mai and Jubei/Nine.
>pretty clear

RIP dubfags
He looks like a nice guy, I hope there is a dub so that he can get some cash money
Wow. It's almost like you didn't read the thread.
Once again - delusional Westerner, thinking that Japanese "seiyuus" are celebrities and English VAs some nameless losers. Seitz is pretty much a top tier (in terms of fame) English VA, and the entire BlazBlue series means pretty much nothing more than "just another one of those weaboo games".
I never said he is starving m8 I just said that he looks like and alright guy and looking like an alright guy is enough for me to want him to get some more pocket money. Don't go assuming that much
He has been supportive of the series along with the other VA's. Even did the Alter Memory dub script and serve as director for it if I remember correctly that came out last year. Even though Alter Memory sucked in both Japanese and English Seitz still managed to make it entertaining with the dub performance.
>Implying the Jap dub was bad
It's actually not bad
It's just the subbers who were retarded

the fuck?
I'm not trying to say the dub doesn't have it's flaws. But the VA performance is still is good despite the quality of the translation.
>He has been supportive of the series along with the other VA's. Even did the Alter Memory dub script and serve as director

Suddenly I understand why Ragna's and Noel's dialogue with each other sounded more shippy in the dub.

Still did Ragna really hear Noel asking for his help way back before she was dragged into that cocoon? how? It's just like that scene in Chronophantasma. Nobody heard Noel scream out for brother except Ragna and only Ragna was able to break the dimensional barrier around her room. Just how?
>Suddenly I understand why Ragna's and Noel's dialogue with each other sounded more shippy in the dub.
Oh it's this forced memer again.
That's more has to do with Mori script then anything else. Only Mori would know the answer to that.
Oh, come on,anon. Noel was all over Ragna in Alter Memory. It's a very big difference compared to how they act in the games. Then there's all that dribble about protecting her from Jubei and Rachel to Ragna it was like a save the panda lover, save the world kinda thing.
Doesn't mean Seitz is responsible for tht you dumb fuck.
I'm not dumb. I'm stupid. There's a difference
Noel is a gross girl.

Well... """girl""" more like.
The Jap dub was great actually

But the subbers have no fucking idea what the fuck they were doing.
As much as the lack of a dub upsets me as well, I think its really unfair for people to call out ASW/Aksys for wanting to save money and resources. They're still business at the end of day and they have to make sure they can afford to keep bringing the games over period.

I doubt they just decided one day "Hey, let's piss off the American fanbase by not dubbing the last game lol" Yea, its annoying as shit that they're being silent about it, but even if they did come out and say it, what would it actually change about the situation? We still wouldn't be getting a dub.
That's the part that makes me sad, a lot of the dub VAs were really into their roles.
No they weren't.
They deserve to be called out for treating their customers like shit. Not announcing stuff that they have removed until people called them out on it.

Giving us half-assed translations from the Strangely Compelling group who like having their translations being riddled in many errors like CSE translation work. Heck, CP Library wasn't translated because they believe it was too much work to do yet they fixed it for the Extend release after being called out on it . I called bullshit when I see it. Ignoring your customers questions when asked about it is not good when these are the people who give you money.
Seitz did a lot of stuff and Vee is way into being Noel.

How is it unfair? We're the paying customers, if they're charging the same and giving us less, that doesn't benefit me at all.

I'm not one of their shareholders.
CT and CS translations were just as bad as CP.
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noel is a cute GIRL!
>They're still business at the end of day
And that excuses them how? It is customary for businesses cut corners to save money. They also make bs excuses like "haha no library mode bcuz sumthings wouldn't translate well and we dun wanna give NA players the wrong idea lol" Yet after the backlash, it's somehow comprehensively translated in CPE with no problem. This event alone proves they halfass if they feel confident enough they can get away with it. And this was after they did the localization themselves via Strangely Compelling. They're lazy. And they had 5 fucking months.

They have never had any known conflicts before throughout BBCT, BBCS, BBSCE, BBCP, and BBCPE. Why all of a sudden can they "not dub?" It's probably more like they feel they can get away with it after Revelator.

They even started dubbing in house beginning with CSE to presumably cut the costs of localization. Some of the changes were not exactly for the better, but they still managed to complete the task. And why should they come out and say it? Dude, what kind of question is that? If a consumer asks a content producer a question, and they ignore it, the consumer who has supported them for years feels unappreciated. Instead of making me delusionally cross my fingers and hope for a dub that will never happen, just tell me before I face that disappoitment on release day when you could have told me months in advance what to expect.
That's the thing with what gets me. If they fully believe in their decision on cuttings costs by removing content from their product then they should come out and say it. Not saying anything is what a coward does that doesn't have full confidence in their decision.

I may hate when other localization companies do that but at least they come out and state what they do unlike Arc System Works.
Noel's english va hasn't been contacted either. It's happening. Dubfags BTFO
And what are they supposed to say? "Oh sorry, we didn't dub it because fuck you" That'd still make them look bad even if they didn't say anything.

Because us as consumers hold them to a certain standard and when they don't meet that standard, we're (rightfully) pissed off. Even if they did come out and say they're not going to dub it, the situation wouldn't change and it might in fact persuade people to NOT buy the game.

I know its a consumer's right not to support a company if they feel they're being jerked, but why would they intentionally shoot themselves in the foot by announcing no dub possibly knowing that its a primary reason people would buy the games to begin with?

I know it fucking sucks for everyone, but business decisions suck in general.
Stop baiting, nobody believes this.
We already know Noel and Jin VA hasn't been contacted yet for hours along with Ragna VA. People who want to play in JP are going to import the game anyway. So the decision to not have a dub at this point isn't really winning anyone over.

I already seen people who are only interested in the game-play state they going to import to game anyway. So I don't see who the english release is suppose to pleased now.
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Pretty, sexy girl!
stupid baitposter
I would fuck that boy, but that's just me, I'm kinda gay
What about the people who would be interested in having an English version of the game but don't care about the dub? Being able to read the in-game text is pretty nice.
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noel has curves!
So by prolonging the fact that the dub possibly isn't going to happen by saying nothing is suppose to make it better?

Tricking your fans that don't know about this until they brought the game is nothing more shady bullshit that treats the customers as a $ sign that is ok to deceive as the company benefits from it. if they can get away with this then they of course are going to continue doing so with other products. If they believe that their business decision is sound then they should stick by it or don't bother bringing the game over at all if they can't handle the consequences for their actions. What I decide to do with my wallet is a business decision as well.
>Green right eye
Impostor Ragna get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Maybe he's crying into a mirror.
I want to fuck this retard.
Yes Celicafag, you've told us a thousand times by now.
They should be honest instead of treating the consumer like a retard.

That's the kind of thing that pisses me off about gutter-tier localizers like NISA.
I heard about NISA treatment being bad with cutting out content and censoring stuff. But, they seem to be upfront about it though if i recall correctly, so at least you know what you are getting into if you choose to buy their product.

Arc System Works like waiting until the last moment when they been pressured enough respond about what they have removed or better yet you buy the game and find out what they removed which they have stayed closed-lip about. They don't give a shit about what method they used as long as they get the customers $ at end.
I never said it was better, I just said that its not any worse than if they were to announce it.
Sorry about that then. It really boils too if the company has the balls to believe their decision is the correct one. If they can't be upfront about it right now then it just means they don't have enough confidence to believe the decision they make is correct. If that's the case then why the hell remove the dub if you believe it's not gonna get you more money. The whole situation is idiotic and is just exists to mess with the fan-base.
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why is she so perfect bros
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Dumb girls are cute and they will always believe in you and do whatever you tell them to. Seeing them fucking up is also really amusing
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Tsubaki should just ignore cats, especially when they're literally retarted.
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Tsubaki isn't a bad person but she does have a huge stick up her ass. And her obsession with The Law makes her pretty easy to manipulate, both by her friends and by enemies. Plus, she's rather ineffectual; even with a weapon created to slay immortals she still can't beat a psyched-up Makoto. And her overwhelming adoration of Jin gets rather tiring, especially when one considers how much of a dick he is.
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>not being obsessed with The Law
>literally retarded
>when we are talking about a literal inbred retard
She is not smarter than Tao
>how much of a dick he is
he stopped being a dick a long time ago


Wh t ex r ss on ryi g t onv y?
Unless someone comes out and say something, all we can do is speculate; maybe CF's story is too expensive to localize, maybe they want to have an actual close to Japanese release date like with Xrd. Who knows.
I'm a storyfag and I honestly don't give a fuck about if there's a dub or not, because frankly I almost always prefer the original voices for any game and as long as we get the Library included and a decent TL, I'll be happy.

I don't really get people who act like Mori personally is spitting in their face, the dub is always secondary in nature to the original voices and its existence is never guaranteed. I doubt that they wanted to cut the dub but there's obviously a reason; they already did the same for GG so I'm not really that surprised.

Also, BB is a VN. As in, visual NOVEL. If you're going to say that reading the English TL is a pain, maybe you should play something else?
I don't mind either way personally.
But there are people who do the whole
>No dub No buy
Thing. As was the case when they announced TMS wasn't getting a dub.
>I don't really get people who act like Mori personally is spitting in their face
Probably because this is the end of Ragna's story and then suddenly there's no english dub while there was a dub for the other three games
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The only way I would be okay with no dub would be is if there's a simultaneous worldwide release, like CT had (2 days, but good enough).

I like the dub. I doubt I would have enjoyed story mode, gag reels, and teach me mrs litchi/help me kokonoe nearly as much without it.

At the end of the day, it's content getting cut from a series that nearly does yearly releases at $60 each. They've very nearly surpassed Capcom levels of Jewishness.

Anyway, lets get back to talking about how cute Tsubaki is.
I'm the opposite, literally the only reason I've never bought the Purse Owner games is because FATLUS won't release the Japanese audio. There's something distinctly offputting to watching Japanese teenagers speaking English while walking around in Akihabakara.
This isn't only just about the dub being cut. It's about how shitty the customer treatment and quality of their products has been getting over the years. Not choosing to say anything about the stuff they are removing in regards to content they are promoting is shitty. The translations is another issue but is still bearable.

You don't have to be a fan of the dub to see the other stuff they have been doing over the years to see how shitty it's gotten in regards to customer communication. I rather they be upfront about what they do then wait until I actually buy the product to find out what is removed or see an announcement at the last moment to know what has been removed despite the question on the matter being asked over a period of months. The dub being removed from CF is the last bit of patience I have towards this company in regards to their practices on how they handle their customers.

Mori and Arc System Works JP don't have any blame on this and should still be supported at least by importing the JP copy if possible. Only Arc System Works US deserve no support until they get themselves together as a company. I will support them again when I feel I'm not being treated like a $ sign.
>Mori and Arc System Works JP don't have any blame on this
First of all, I don't think you know what you're talking about when you say "ASW US." They aren't the ones publishing or localizing the game, that's Aksys, which is a separate localization company based in the US. It's not like ASW is split into US and JP branches or anything. If you don't buy the English game, it's Aksys that loses money, not ASW.

Secondly ASW has way more blame than you think. The reason CSEX and CP TL was shit was because they decided to go the Jew route and hire Strangely Compelling to do their translations, instead of having Aksys do it in house. So essentially Aksys was handed shitty translations and told to use them instead. That's why you started getting shitty memes and no Library.
I mean, do you really want to pay more for the game just to spite a company? I doubt you not getting it localized is going to affect them in a major way unless you got some sort of boycott started.
Don't buy the game then.
>dubfags BTFO and wanting to boycott Aksys

I am actually very ok with this, because this means it will be easier to scalp my copy of the JP version that I PO'd for the bonus.

They're so stupid they can't even tell the difference between a Publisher and a Producer.
We already know Aksys only publishes what Arc System Works give them after CT-CS era. I'm just not going to support the shit quality that Arc System Works puts out anymore and the excuses they come up with. Aksys products that have nothing do with them I will still buy if I find them interesting. It's as simple as that.
Fenrich and Tetsuwo are really amazing
>Relius at number 3
We made it
>Bullet and Terumi will never be top 30.

I'm surprised Lambda and Hakumen are in there.
people really give a shit about lack of dubs? do these people even play
I'm probably better than you, stupid niggerfaggot.
Who the fuck is autistic enough to bitch about something they don't play?
you'd be surprised
Is Fenrich the best player to ever have touched a game?
i bet you are

i'll set up a console room then so we can play, i'm kinda bored anyway

have you seen /v/
room's up
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>I'm probably better than you

>room's up
I expect to be laughing in a few minutes
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>I expect to be laughing in a few minutes
if he ever shows up

i'll go listen to some elton john while i'm waiting
okay i closed the room since i waited too long
Aren't we suppose to be seeing Es tomorrow?
Are you kidding? Jin is still a complete asshole. Just because he's become less homicidal doesn't mean he's not a total dick.
Anyone who claims that Jin's not an asshole anymore clearly hasn't been paying attention. He's still rude, impatient, has absolutely no respect for anyone, condescending, self-righteous, arrogant, contemptuous of others, and is generally a very unpleasant person to be around.
Alright, if anyone wants any game quotes or win quotes translated, just link a video (Nicovideo's okay too) or post an image. It's my day off so I'll be home all day today. It's too hot and humid to go outside, screw that.
Some people do care about the dub and it being removed after they stuck with it so long or got into the game because of it is not acceptable to them for it to be removed

Others, are just tired with the nonsense about how they handle their customers in regards to their past matters with this being the tipping point. If they can continue getting away with stuff like this without any consequences then they going to continue doing it more so in the future.For those type of people it's more of a principle thing.

If your the type that likes playing just for game-play and Japanese seiyuu then it wouldn't matter to you.
they've changed several voices in the dubs like bang's and haz's, i can't even understand what you mean by "stuck with it for so long"

w/e tho
If you were the CEO of the company and, based on reports, it was found that it would better benefit the company to not include a dub, you probably would.
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Can you translate some pages instead?
You again? Alright.

>Mai: "Don't treat people like [things]!!!"
>What's-her-face, I forgot: "This is... a Phenomenon Weapon (Archenemy)? No, an Excavated Armament (Legacy Weapon)!?"
>Mai: "YAAA!!!"

So that's it. I'll be honest, translating Remix Heart is kind of boring because a large portion of it is nothing worth mentioning.
It means that people who kept playing with the English voice actors. The only real complaints I see people still talk about even until today is people missing Tony Oliver as Bang. Hazama/Terumi new VA at first got complaints when compared to Erik Davies but now people seem to have warmed up to his performance, so the switch in his case wasn't that bad compared to Bang.

Yet if they believe that decision is wise they would announce it by now instead of avoiding the issue. People are going to find out sooner or later so might as well get it over with and let people have the choice to decide from there.
There's a difference between being unable to book a VA because of scheduling conflicts and gutting content from the game. It's like the Library in CP, just cut content.

I've imported since CSE, so it doesn't matter all that much to me. But the voice acting is one of the few redeeming qualities of BB's story and fun side content, and I will be somewhat bummed out.

I would be fine with it if no dub meant simultaneous release, but that doesn't seem to be the case. What it looks like is corner cutting and screwing a not insignificant portion of your fanbase.
Oh, by the way, I guess I should mention this.

Legacy Weapons aren't necessary special or superior to everything else by default. A Legacy Weapon is basically just a weapon from the Age of Origin. But that doesn't meant that it was a particularly good weapon. Mind you, the Age of Origin had some crazy stuff, but there are probably weapons in the modern (games) era that can compete with or even outright surpass them.
>Bang and haz
i play with the english va out of laziness

it's weird to say cut content when english voices aren't even in the original japanese version

w/e tho
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>Blazblue finally gets a spear wielder after 7 years
>its a shitty fanservice tranny character that literally no one wants
Mori you fucking faggot.
I want her
I play whatever voice setting I feel like depending on the mood. But, even so I still don't agree with removing the English voices that been with every US release since CT. People should still have a choice on if they want to use it or not.

Not explaining anything towards those who been with the series since day 1 and like the English voices as well is disrespectful towards them.
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we'll I'm kinda bored and this is the only thing I could think of that could be somewhat interesting unless you can translate from hearing too. then I guess the console and Es trailer would be all I've got.
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pretty sure it's better worded as "not included this time"

there was nothing to remove this time

w/e keep whining i guess
Is that Mai on the right? Yandere Mai a cute.
>Whatever: "If you're going to get in the way, I'll simply dispose of you."
>Kagura: "Oho~ Scary"
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That's the commander of the zero squad: Meifang Lapzui something
it's not his fault if most people around him are literal retards
can we get her instead
Nah, Jin is simply a huge misanthropic asshole who hates everyone but Tsubaki and thinks all other people are nothing but garbage.
Oh yeah?

Then how come Ragna, who was originally assigned to be the villain of the story, is the one doing his job? Jin is such a shit hero that the assigned villain has to do everything in his stead.
You don't have to care if you don't want too. Just don't act like an ass towards others who do care. Well whatever happens from today on is what happens. Arc System Works should just be prepare to accept whatever consequences comes by because of their actions.

I will still enjoy the game with my used copy though unless they actually start being upfront with their customers. So it's not like my love for the series died though.
this is the first time I ever hear about this character but fucking yes please

ten times better than mai already
>Just don't act like an ass towards others who do care
you say that and a lot of you guys are acting like dumbasses to a company over a rather trivial reason, some of them even to the wrong company at that

w/e tho
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if we're being honest though, every character in the cast except tsubaki and jin is nothing but garbage.
Oh no! Fanservice in blazblue? The series is truly ruined.
t. Tsubaki
I want Mai to be playable. And she's not a shitty character.
He actually doesn't even care about her.

Only Hakumen does because his Tsubaki managed to confess her love to him as she died from being impaled by Nu's swords
I guess you haven't bothered with the story mode if you think that.
He doesn't hate everyone. I doubt he hates anyone who isn't involved with 2 of his favorite people and are not Noel. He simply doesn't care. People who aren't from his care list (3 total) only exist for him as obstacles to overcome when he needs something done.
>He actually doesn't even care about her.
That's an actual lie.
Was he actually announced? Well dropping BB then.
Fuck off back to /asg/.
no, he is just being preemptive again
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No, Jin hates everyone by default. There are only a handful of exceptions.
Prove it then

Show me some proof the JIN even showed care and affection to Tsubaki

The reason he even saved Tsubaki in the first place is because she'd be a threat to Ragna and cuck him from killing Ragna
Say that those who been paying seven years for the dub then. I already know Aksys doesn't have an hand on Arc System Works projects anymore besides publishing them. It still doesn't change the decisions Arc System Works make. People who are taking it out on Aksys when they are just a publisher for Arc System Works use I feel is wrong.

You can still support products Aksys does without supporting the stuff Arc System Works does with them. But whatever for now. We will see the results when the game comes out. If Arc System Works they still want to treat some of their customers like shit then let them. Just don't expect for them to come back.
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why does /blaz/ never have squirrel tits?
His entire fucking story in CP is about how he wants to save Tsubaki. Hell, even when he enters Kagura's office and sees Ragna there, he still brings himself to focus on Tsubaki. In CF he confronts Hakumen when he hears that he's going after Tsubaki as well. In CS he speaks vividly of her and clearly cares for her.

Calling Jin a dick is one thing because he clearly is one, but Tsubaki is someone he's always cared a ton for.
You were paying $50 per product for seven years for the voices?
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Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass, you whiny drama queen.

Here you go. Jin is ready to die for Tsubaki. Did you forget that Jin's main goal throughout CP was to save her?
Actually he was pretty normal in the academy. Was he simply pretending or what happened?
Jin did nothing wrong
I'd rather them cut out the dub if it means we get the game sooner. The english dub is cool, but at the end of the day its a competitive fighting game and needs to be made available asap.
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No, Jin was still a "no fun allowed" jerk during his time at the academy. It's just that in CT Yukianesa made him go completely psychotic so he got much worse. Jin was never nice.
He was pretending. In the academy episode, Tsubaki talks to him one on one and he gives her advice, but after she leaves he goes on a bitter spiel about how you can never know another person and that everything you know about them is a lie. He just stopped putting on a mask after Ikaruga. In Wheel of Fortune he's pretty cold to her.
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They are a rare delicacy

>Say that those who been paying seven years for the dub then.
to their face not online and see what happens? sure i'll do it

i don't care for makoto
But it's just some philosophical/psychological 101. It doesn't mean that he was a dick.
I would be more inclined to believe that Yukianesa messed him up.
Actually, she did either way. Why did she do that?
Because she's an inbred idiot?
Do you guys like LORE?
He treated Noel like shit. And even towards his roommates and other students, he was always humorless and really strict. The sole exception to that was Tsubaki.
Is there any character dumber than Tsubaki? I bet she would be legally retardaded in the real world
Is that supposed to stand for something?
>he was always humorless and really strict
that's not the same as being a dick
Tao and Bullets whole characters are about how dumb they are.
He was an asshole. I see you ignored his attitude towards Noel, but whenever Taro tried to joke around for example Jin would start looking pissed off. Really not a fun person to have around.
I miss the good ole /asg/ days when Remix heart wasn't allowed
/fgg/ is a constant stream of shitposting so you should go there. You'll feel right at home.
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No you don't.
sounds great
Jin had sealed memories of Saya's face that were acting up, so she is a special case.
I still don't see anything dickish on that picture.
You make it really obvious that you didn't go to /asg/. There was Remix Heart discussion there. E.g:
>I see you ignored his attitude towards Noel
even the nicest people in the world have one or more people they dislike, doesn't make you a dick
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Didn't realize Terumi got new OD and Jabaku lines for vs Hazama in Act 3. It used to be something about taking his body, now it's just killing him.
Guess he got tired of Hazama fucking around for 3 Acts.
>Izanami: "Led to dance for the unfulfillable wish called [hope]... Show me your pitiful struggles to the very end... Human."



>When the Azure door opens...

>Ragna: "I am the enemy of all... of the whole world..."

>Is that which arrives
>Or Destruction
>The final battle begins

>Ragna: "The God of Death, Ragna the Bloodedge."

>The Dream Observed By God

>Jin: "I knew that you'd get here sooner or later."
>Tupac: "Ragna the Bloodedge! I knew you couldn't be trusted!!"

>Entwined in the Azure

>Noel: "I want to know, who I am..."
>Naoto: "The reason you defeated your enemies, was in order to save them."
>Tager: "Pretending to be someone else at this point is meaningless."
>Rachel: "And despite that, you call yourself the God of Death? Perhaps it would be prudent to reflect on your pathetic self."

>God of Death

>Hibiki: "While it's true that I don't have much confidence, I can't just step aside either."


>Hazama: "That's some truly impressive killing intent! In that case, you might even be useful to me..."


>Relius: "Humans fear powers that they cannot control."
>Nine: "Then just try to end my dream!!"
>Ragna: "I'll show you... This is the [Azure's], [MY] POWER!!"
>Izanami: "The result has been settled. The fate if this matter... is [death].
Old /asg/ regular here.
It was allowed but we hated every single instance of it.

The only reason we tolerated it was because >tits and it kept the generals from dying all the time.

Oh and shitposting. Can't forget about the shitposting.
Yeah, I didn't give a shit actually. Mostly because it was much more on topic than a lot of the other shitposting.
You speak for jack shit other than your opinion.
>That's some truly impressive killing intent! In that case, you might even be useful to me...
Who is this directed towards?
Fuck off and die /asg/.
Finally he is playable!

Looks like we have the /asg/ representative here ready to to tell us the opinions of his people. Guess what, /asg/ was not a hivemind and there were people interested in Remix Heart. That only changed when the shitposting went into overdrive and drove out almost everyone interested in the games or side materials.
It plays over the Ragna vs Terumi scene, but it doesn't make much sense given it's Hazama's voice and we already did that dance in CS.
It's probably towards Hibiki since everyone comments on his killing intent and Hazama taunted him twice over his supposed desire to kill Kagura in the Acts. Not sure what Hibiki can do for him, but there has to be a reason he's his Act 3 boss and act 1 second to last stage.
Hibiki, I guess.
does izzy have porn yet?
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So Ragna finally accepted the Azure for himself

Beast/Alt-Ragna soon

Thanks for the (You)s
In Japan, yes.
I dont believe you
Just ask for the link instead of trying to play mind games.
Gimme a link
Well Hazama was trying to Hijack his body
It won't matter if we don't get a dub
You mean like in the image?
Well Terumi obviously likes his idea after hearing it given Haz's act 3 ending, but in battle Terumi is super pissed. I'm thinking the lines pertain to before Hazama beats him down and tells him what his plan is.
Or maybe super snek is just trying to be a good sport after the fact so he doesn't look quite as pathetic for getting smackdowned by his vessel.
I like the JP voices so its okay by me
I just need a site like the BB wikia to post the runes for battle lines and I can approximate what they're saying.
Izanami is not for lewd!
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No not in that image
>not for lewd
>literally made for footjobs and armpit sex
Explain this?
What are you talking about then? That image is Haz's Act 3 ending where he's talking about taking over Terumi's body, Terumi says he can't refuse since he just lost to him.
The actual battle right before, Hazama didn't saying anything of import other than he had an idea, and Terumi should be beaten down by him. That's it
>armpit sex
>has ball joints right in there
Wait never mind I thought that image was from Act 2
Nobody cares about you or your shit opinions

You fag
Post /blaz/ lies.
>Makoto was a sociopath all along
>Naoto is trying to exterminate all Murakumo
>Tsubaki is still trying to kill Noel for Jin
You cared enough to reply

You fag
>Noel accidentally convinced Ragna he and she were lovers
If this isn't a gag reel, I will be upset.
But anon they already have a gag reel where Ragna and Noel are an item. spoiler alert. Noel's too shy to let Ragna hit it so her sluttier little sister tries to NTR her.
>Makoto was a sociopath all along
Let's all say something nice about Tsubaki!
She looks ok without the hat.
Retarded girls are my fetish so she is the sexiest BB girl for me
There's something appealing about her stupidity
She is a huge fuck up just like me, and just like her I was inbred because my family wanted to keep our noble blood pure or something so I can relate to her
she's in love with best boy
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You guys are not playing the game right. I'll start then: Tsubaki is cute and her strong moral compass is an endearing character trait!
Is she in love with Relius?
I think she has the most understandable character arc in BlazBlue. Everyone else does a lot of jumping from point A to D without showing transitions well.
She just does what she is told too. Shes no better then bullet.
Would she do anal with me if I said it's justice?
but bullet does nothing
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What? No.
Terumi obviously.
Bullet does a lot of the opposite
Also Tsubaki defies Jin and Hakumen in Act 3 CF
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Tsubaki canonically has the best butt.
>no panties
Is she a slut? That good girl facade never fooled me!
Of course.
I bet her pussy is very hairy and that nobody taught her how to shave
Well thats wrong
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Name ONE (1) Blazblue with a better butt.
All the other NOL girls have shaved pussies, but we never see Tsubaki's crotch so I guess she could be hairy.

Bullet, Makoto, Mai, Litchi. All the curvy Blazblues have big butts.
I think Celica has a very nice butt. It is the best butt for me.
I'm so mad that this didn't happen. Waste of an amnesia subplot that didn't go anywhere.
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Nope. The Tsubooty is unmatched.
Plat and especially Rachel.
Don't forget the cat is also among the big girls.
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There's an entire gag reel in CPE about how Bullet has the perfect ass. Face it, the curvy girls have superior asses. Tsubaki is just average.
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I want Tao to infect me with Toxoplasmosis!
Worth it.
You think you will see her face in CF?
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>ywn be infected by a parasite that convinces you that the cat you're banging isn't a completely retarded asshole
why live
Not him, but I doubt we will ever see her face. Closest we'll get is probably some other character seeing her face like in ME2 with Tali or something.
Those hips are unreal.
But do they lie?
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Maybe one day anon. Maybe one day.
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Just gonna go ahead and steer us back on topic.
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If you say please
How does she smell?
With her nose.
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Like the finest bathing oils and perfumes. She's so perfect.
She needs help taking baths right? She is not the sharpest tool in the mall
>be icolash
>wiff 41236C
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Tsubaki is very smart!!!
I'm a tester for CF.
Ask me anything.
What kind of car do you drive?
Why so unbalanced?
Yeah I bet she is the smartest special kid in her special kid class
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Why is Tsubaki so cute?
Dumb girls are cute, specially when they have to deal with the consequences of their fuck ups
A Nissan
Meme created by japs because too many people fall for the jap players is automatically good meme
I see you have her blindness, Pupwa.
From all the matches ive seen it is unbalanced though. Nerf the weaker characters and buff the ones that were already good. Then you have shit like Nine.
Is Relius' command grab as good as I hope
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Tsubaki is canonically the 2nd smarted Blazblue. Nice try though.
I'm gonna pick up Mu at least until BBCF releases. What should I keep in mind?
Playing the game > watching.
No. Don't get your hopes up.
The only weaker characters that got nerfed were Noel and Kagura, and non of the best characters from CPEX were actually buffed, they're mostly the same except for Nu and Hazama who got nerfed.
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Es info/maybe gameplay footage soon boys with a slight chance of a BB demo announcement. If mori doesn't announce the demo, we're fucked until October guaranteed. Mori you have one job. Don't fuck it up.
Izayoi got buffed
No, no no no. You have it all wrong.
It's whiff 6C under and 41236C the whiff punish to win
or press 6C instead of 41236C by accident and get 5k

They removed strike invuln on Messenga in CF anyways
Carl was still good in CPEX and they buffed him.
Azrael got a DP, but I guess he wasn't all that good in EX.
If you mean best as in just the top tier as in just Nu and Jin, sure.
"I hope"
I can't say I'm overly familiar with Izayoi's changes, she got some new stuff (New D projectile, better install super, the new overdrive mechanics help her out a lot) but that doesn't necessarily mean she's better. Characters gain things and lose them in each version, like I said I'm not too familiar but I think her seeming lack of prevalence in arcades indicates that she isn't all that better.
Carl is bad in CPEX. Azrael is around mid in CPEX.
Jin, Nu, Bang, Relius, Valk, Ragna, Litchi, Tao, Hazama and Kokonoe are all top tier in CPEX, of which Jin got slighty worse, Nu got nerfed, Bang got nerfed, Valk is about the same, Tao got worse,Relius and Litchi are probably around the same but I'm not too familiar with them, Ragna got nerfed, Hazama got nerfed and Kokonoe got nerfed.
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>don't fuck up
Literally pick one. He is evil manifest and he must be stopped. There is another, however.
Yeah and he's posting right now. Didn't they have a rule against linking things from 4chan?
/asg/ get out
What am I looking at?
Well at least I'm better than the average American netplayer
I should be above skd on that list
and charge your phone faggot
>no waifu
>no tournaments where I live
>not reddit
I don't like this guide.
>being icolash
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I want these disgusting secondaries to fucking leave.
Yeah. Ishiwatari and his army of Arias will save us all.
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Mori and Ishiwatari are life partners.
Like Nasu and Takeuchi?
Hold this downboat
GGxBB incoming. Wasnt their supposed to be a live music called that in 2016? what happened to it.
is this that discord shit?
why don't we fight reddit?
they have a tourney and they're gonna do it at Yabiko level 2.
or we can just arrange a room.
They are having a netplay tourney in the online lobby in 30 minutes You could go see which of us are traitors.
It's little sister Nu and older sister Lambda.
I dont care where they post if they want to fight then thats all that matters. The only thing that makes it more convenient here is not having to sign up to post.
There's official art with her hood down but she's facing away from the viewer so we can't tell if she has a human face or a cat face

Oh and Bang is semi-naked with his ninja posse bathing in a stream or something
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what if BB sprites had visible genitals?
>Liking inbred sluts
reddit can't handle stylish jin
How many people play on reddit? If its a lot maybe i could get tips for my characters there.
That free copy of CF seems like a good reason to join. I'd do it if I trained.
the last place I'd look for advice t b h
It was great
I wouldn't mind fighting reddit it'd be a nice way to pretend this general isn't dead
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let's remember this moment
That was hype
Gotta be about the same as here
Is there a video of this
yes on yt
I just want to see how this trainwreck goes.
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play me right now nigger
Give me a link please
why is she spamming C?
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EVO 2014. Maxishillian did a decent compilation of it, but I still recommend watching the whole thing.

shes blind
She doesn't know anything else

Her brain is too tiny, it's practically the same as a koala's due to being inbred
And by whole thing, I mean the whole top 8, not Max's shitass full video.

This is pointed as evidence that BB should be in EVO instead of shitty smash
That faggot is an enemy of BB dont link his shit.
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>using default/A layout
Wew lad. She's charge canceling, dummy.
How the fuck are we going to arrange that in the first place
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>A layout
By going there and asking them? They'll refuse anyway but I want to see us at least try.
where's her nose
They're having a tourney now.
I'll ask later.
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dacidbro a cute
I respect Max's MaxCPM abilities but Top 8 sounds cooler, thanks.
Anyone want to play on console?
PSN, I don't know why you'd buy an anime fighter on xbox
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I can in about 20 minutes
Want to play reddit?
Why is this being pushed so much?
I'm from there to begin with, here to test the average player level in /blaz/.
It's something people want
Not in a tournament but if some of us get together for some fun games yes.
Then set it up, as you can see >>149411871 is in the reddit discord
So are they bad or not?
>the Cuck
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>Kuzu the cuck
My sides
Honestly I can imagine them beating us
t. Reddit
i can also imagine losing too
we do have some strong players but we have far more scrubs such as myself
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I know a tester. He hasn't confirmed yet. If he does, I'll update you all.
I strongly suspect the dub is fucking gone.
You up to play now?

I really want nothing to do with this dumb /blaz/ vs reddit thing the thread is forcing
>make it 5 v 5 or something
>lessens the impact of shitters like you
we just gotta stack the rules in our favor
I can right now yes
I wouldn't really mind a few non serious lobbies with them but I feel like it's just going to get real serious and real shitposty real fast.
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I was just in their tourney.
They seem to be pretty damn fierce.
Because she's the only halal BlazBlue girl.

The Law = metaphor for Quran. Tsubaki is dedicated to Allah and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Prophet Pupwa.
I don't know man, we had a group of people called team shitter
we should win by default just because the banner in that subreddit is fugly
>stacking odds
So you'd just be admitting most of /blaz/ is crappy and that we get carried by a few players at most
Lose/lose man.
team shitters would be better with me in it
zeno should fix this
I put up a lobby
we should send our laggy players so we can use the lag os if we lose
Who are you so i know my odds.
Be in soon
Probably stay around about an hour
Dub when?
>zeno should fix this
Why does everyone think I'm the leader?
Null is dead and Pupwa is Pupwa
Reminder to put something good in the next threads's OP, it will be the 100th /blaz/ on /vg/.
Ishi Plat?
What about Ico?

It better be a multicharacter image
there's literally one guy actually counting threads

who gives a fuck
>damage controlling in advance because he knows Ishi plat will win next OP 100%
You don't count.
I'm not even him though, why doesn't he count?
The worst Tsubaki. I do appreciate the amount of love she gets here, though.
He's good.
people will move to another thread if that happens anyway
If you were the Tsubaki i remember i prob wouldnt last.
Oh. Am I at least decent? I wanna know
If Plat isnt in the next op thats fine i will just fill the thread with her to make up for it.
I got wrecked by a very good Jin(P1noy) and a Mu-12(Jeff). Haven't seen a Mu in forever.
Platfags everybody
Cant fight Jin if my life depended on it.
and you wonder why nobody likes you
We don't even have 20 players...
Relax it was just a joke.
doesn't matter

they can't handle sylish tager in lag
We can't even fill up a lobby anymore
Do they always take things that seriously? Fuck that i dont have time for that shit.
I guess /blaz/ vs r/blazblue isn't happening
Mods delete that stuff so it's a terrible choice for a thread OP.
At first I thought this was some HATE REDDIT thing but now i'm getting vibes that you guys just want to have a fun tourney or something but I guess us being the scary 4chan challenging them is invoking their reddit pride or some shit.
Because one guy is being a killjoy? Just ignore the faggot.
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What do I need to do to get Jin to dance for me?
be ragna
>i'm getting vibes that you guys just want to have a fun tourney or something
You wanted a serious one?
I would play anyone for fun not interested in some tournament. And if they get that vibe from 4chan thats a mistake on their end.
But if I'm Ragna, I wouldn't want him to dance for me at all. I'd just be some prudish, unhappy guy who terrible things constantly happen to.
then just disguise yourself as ragna
The power of order would see through it immediately, man.
does he even realize tsubaki wants his dick?

he doesn't know shit
>Comparing Tsubaki to Ragna.

Anon, he would know. He'd be able to sense it down to his very bones. You think he wouldn't be able to tell the real Ragna from some two-bit fake? It's pointless.

The only way you could do worse is if you tried to pretend to be Ragna in front of Nu.
Pretend to be Noel.
tsubaki is to ragna what mighty no 9 is to megaman
Would this make a good OP?
If I dressed up as Ragna, would Noel smile for me?

Or would she just be scared or confused because a stranger dressed up as Ragna is standing in front of her for some reason?
I doubt she's be able to tell the difference.
Naw, man. People who like Ragna are able to magically sense him a mile away. Even if you were the spitting image of Ragna, if they couldn't sense his presence from you, they'd immediately know you're a fake.

It's also why people initially mistaken Naoto for Ragna at first even though they look nothing alike. It's because they have the same presence.
None of that matters since she'll end up with Kagura.
Thanks for the 30 seconds of squats.
I can play an entire match using use 5B
Can you?
Mashing 5B is the best combo.
I dont use Ragna so no.
>not using Ragna
Too boring
What would make Ragna interesting?
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Is CSEX still worth picking up? I'm a 360fag who can't afford consoles and is now more than ever interested in getting into fighting games.
Hes the beginner character he has to be simple.
You should get CPEX for PC instead.
No, if your pc isn't a toaster get CPEX there
I've been skipping leg day lately
Thanks for the feedback, anons. I should be getting a new PC soon so I guess it's decided I'll start from there.
Give his 5B i.frames
What region are you, pink palette jin
Pink and white? West coast-ish.
Your connection kind of sucks
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