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/dg/ - Destiny General

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Thread replies: 749
Thread images: 166

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Salty PvPers edition

>>> RESET INFO <<<
Iron Banner: Control
Check how much rep you need to reach rank 5 here: http://www.ironbanner.info

Year 2 Moments of Triumph are out - Go to the Postmaster to receive your booklet

Nightfall - S.A.B.E.R - Solar Burn, Juggler, Airborne, Catapult
Heroics - Brawler, Exposure, Airborne
Challenge of Elders - KJuggler, Exposure, Melee Kill Bonus
Crucible Weeklies - Doubles, Freelance 6v6
Court of Oryx Tier 3 - Kragoor
Iron Banner - Nirwin's Mercy, Weylorans March, Gauntlets, Class item
Xur -
Trials -

>>> LINKS <<<
Bungie Weekly Update: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44902/7_This-Week-at-Bungie--06302016
Bungie Day Special: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/44934/7_HAPPY-BUNGIE-DAY
Check anyone's status: http://destinystatus.com/
Stalk your ToO opponents: http://www.destinytrialsreport.com/
Looking for game: http://www.destinylfg.net/.com
Artwork sources: https://www.artstation.com/artist/dorje - https://www.artstation.com/artist/josephacross
TTK Grimoire cards: http://www.ishtar-collective.net/releases/the-taken-king
Ghost locations: http://destinyghosthunter.net/

Locked RoI Raid Gdoc:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nW7UZ8KxE4MTZfU87id0Orbig7J7g9WTUYhhC-A20Tg/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0

Message Zippy or Don if you wish to make a Team or joining a group, Xboners message Straylost Idiot
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Whoa why did you save my image?
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Second for July 25th
Literally who
>tfw try elimination for the first time in months
>tfw Im a shitter who only plays rift, control and iron banana
>tfw manage to defend myself and my team
>end with 3-5
>feels good

Man, I really wish osiris had matchmaking, I enjoyed elimination.
Also use a roaming super hammer man gun guy or zapdos.
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Stop right there.
>zippy at the bottom

how?, that guy is a murder machine on pvp.
I love that you can play Iron Banner over and over and still have nothing to show for it because your teams are shit and the game gives you nothing as a reward. lol
Running nightfall did anyone wants to join

One spot open
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>not wanting trials matchmaking
Imagine going in there as a premade.
Literally free wins.
why though?

I just want an easy way to play that game mode.

you know, when you are a shitter like me you don't want to bother other players with your below average skills, matchmaking on osiris would be trully awesome.
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Anyone still need CoE this week? Can do either a 30k run or go for 90k

court of eris?

Challenge of Elders you silly goose
You'd get BTFO, trials is way more sweaty than your average Elimination match.
And there's plenty of shitter runs on LFG.
The entire point of Trials is for it to be tryhard Elimination with communication, if you want matchmaking go play regular Elimination.
goddamn shaxx, why do you keep handing these to me

HL stock and Casket mag
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Fusion Rifles best rifles.
I have no idea what that Huntard was doing.
I know but still, I can get along with just completing the bounties and the drops at the end of the game, I've heard some guys here that basically do that, just go for trials and get good rewards with the drops.
You have to go back.
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That's maybe the best place for fusions.
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Back where?
I might run casul trials on my alt on Sunday and/or Monday if you wanna do that. Can't LFG with him because not even .6 K/D LFGers are willing to take 290 LL.
So close ;_;
why is there not a full set of iron camelot gear
>near perfect DPS roll
What's the roll on that Spite? I got one with Truesight and BF, if that's enough to reduce recoil like that i might have to upgrade it.
it's fine for me, I'll be ready on sunday.
thanks for the help.
Did you?
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quick run of KF anyone?
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>tfw wagecuck
I haven't decided yet.
Alright, i just hope you're PS4.
PSN is unzips_titan, just in case.
>tile or stone
what the hell?

i mean, for the bathrooms, sure... but hardwood everywhere else. they're the best, i don't think i'd be able to live in a completely tile or stone floored house, let alone carpeted. eugh.
I didn't even use my silver so far
>tfw put up for a group for Prison of Elder's 320 version
>no invites at all
Guess that's what I get for dropping the game for a long time and only getting to 320 recently.

Oh well. Hopefully Rise of Iron will be fun.
it probably wont happen anyway. youre not missing out on anything
Sounds like a (you) problem.
>servers go down
>play guitar hero all day
>actually have fun
I kind of wish the servers went down more often t b h
how would you feel about the new raid exotics being
>Queenbreaker's bow is now hitscan with no charge time.
>Lord of Wolves now fires all five rounds in a burst at once in a spread formation
>Dreg's Promise now has the same tracking as an axiom bolt with no distance falloff.
>Tried the QBB for the first time in IB right now

Oh my god why didn't I do this earlier
This thing is amazing
>Oh my god why didn't I do this earlier
Because its shit.
like hell it is
I don't like it because I can't use it

t. A BitchAss Nigga
no you're just bad and would rather argue about using snipers instead
lord shaxx is cute
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Iron Bone time/Raid time?
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>just found purechill's stream on twitch
Guy sounds like a fucking kid holy shit
>the same faggot who argued about halo destiny marathon and myth not being related
>is a shitter who thinks his shit opinions are valied still
Whatever you say bro.
Need that last fragment
I want samefag tumbl to leaf.
also does anyone know if the PDX-45 requires CB to be useful? because there's one with Rifled Barrel and Fitter Stock and its calling for me
>there are people in this very thread right now who think queensbreaker's bow is shit

this isn't even 0.17 shittery anymore
this is a whole different level
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Fucking Bungo
What are the "participating" vendors to get gjallerwing?
I have no plans currently to buy it from gamestop or anything, but i mihght as well get the gjallerwing to use with gjallerhorn while wearing crest.
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I would have.
Was having site issues then it was sold out.
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>when you get collateral'd
I would of course just have to ask.
Good to know i dont need to go to gameschekel to get this cosmetic item.
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Anyone use The Revelator? Is it any good?
Jiro+Atom is CUTE!

Playing cozy strikes with Jiro and Atom as the third wheel is very comfy and heartwarming <3
>tfw you can dust ne1 in this thread
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>Spanish premades
>German premades

I'm seeing nothing else in IB. And not just this IB, last one as well, and the one before that.

How fucking come freelance isn't a default option yet? How fucking come there isn't a freelance option for most PvP playlists?
>Start another match
>Another 5-man premade
>From Germany, who would have guessed

I fucking hate bungie. I know no words powerful enough to express how flabbergasted I am with their idiotic game decisions.
Even the best sometimes have bad days famalam
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>unsung hero
Whats a good shotgun for a shitter striker? Currently using the worlds worst conspiracy theory meme
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Worth keeping or shard it? I've been using a 1KYS with Hidden Hand and Army of One for months and months now and this is the first decent roll of any sniper I've ever gotten since getting my 1KYS to drop.
Welfare cancer theory you get from some Vanguard quest with insane range

Use Invective for infinite shotgun ammo to practice with until you git gud with shotguns
i'd trash it unless you really like tacsys
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You got me b0ss
I wish they had two separate divisions. Premades and matchmaking. I can't use a mic because I'm mute and no one ever wants to bring me along just for bounties because of it.
>PvE roll on a PvP sniper

shard it
Alright Im hot garbage. Whats the quest name? I think that might be the one Im using. What perks do i want on it?
>Abandoned the last five matches cause nothing but premades

Bungie has more than a decade of FPS PvP under ts belt but seemingly chose to forget everything when they made Destiny
>w-wahh im too autistic to team up with others here cause theyll know im a <0.5 shitter

>inb4 2.0 k/d

Then you could carry your team.
>Join in progress
>4k points till game over
>We win
>Get no points or rewards


That's actually pretty funny. Nice job.
Just happened to me as well, join in progress win, no one gets anything
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2/6 for IB
>on the brightside
>I'm mute and no one ever wants to bring me along just for bounties
Those happen here on dg
Have you gotten any good loot so far? Haven't played IB with you yet














Nothing yet, hoping for a better Nirwen's though.
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>blueberries cause yet another loss
>nobody wanted to group yesterday
>groups now I'm at work

Fuck this wageslave life
>not being rank 5 already
No one in the lobby is getting drops and the post game screen is staying, this happening to anyone else?
what was Bungo trying to accomplish with today's maintenance ? Because in a matter of fact it only made shit worse
i'm down
Destiny Update 2.3.1 - Coming Soonâ„¢
In preparation for Destiny Update 2.3.1, Destiny servers were taken offline on July 21st, 2016 for maintenance. In the coming weeks, players will be prompted to accept Destiny Update 2.3.1 onto their consoles. For general questions concerning the download of Destiny updates, please see this Help Article. Here are a few notes that we would like to highlight in preparation:

Please ensure that you have the proper amount of console storage space available to accept Update 2.3.1.
Interrupting downloads may force all previous content to be re-downloaded on some consoles.
Some consoles will attempt to verify all previously downloaded content before downloading Update 2.3.1. If any issues are found, or the verification process is interrupted, all previous content will be deleted and downloaded once more.
Vendor inspection on Bungie.net and the Destiny Companion Application will be temporarily unavailable throughout maintenance windows. Stay tuned to #Help and @BungieHelp for availability.
Patch notes will be available on the Game Updates page of Bungie.net when Update 2.3.1 is available.
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Looking for loving fireteam to play Ikea Bathroom with.
Will provide meme spouting and blowjobs.
Hard Light in IB is surprisingly okay.
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I hope you enjoy 9'5'
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>potentially the first patch since leaving behind old consoles

Wishlist for features that oldgen might not allow go:

>shaders affecting class items
>Its a "We lose the game because the team didnt want to cap B for whatever reason" episode

Fuck this shit
i dunno, i've never seen a group when i look


You wanna Iron Bone it up?


it might be the winter map update they keep teasing, didn't they say they would release just the winter cosmodrome with nothing else before RoI?

Not that I'm aware.

I believe I read that the winter cosmodrome was only going to be accessible from the new patrol landing point on earth, and the original cosmodrome was going to stay unchanged.
I've been in the cosmodrome for the last hour and a half. Nothing was different
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>Completes match
>no rep
>no post match gear
>no anything for everyone

Way to go Bungie
if you get more people, im drawing rn
Just post or look out for posts like micless bounties run 1/3
Why the fuck am i not getting any rep from iron banner?
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are you legit mute
that would explain a lot
>bungie maintenance breaks more than it fixes

who woulda thunk
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>No rep from Iron Banner for 2 games.
>3rd game is a loss and doesnt even give the coin.
>No cruc or FWC rep from the games either.

Quality game Bungo.

Can't wait for IB cancel and more maintenance
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>fighting a six man premade
>lose by only 570 points
I think im gonna take an even longer break from destiny
Hey summer friend left me tell you about meme arrows
>No rep
>No exotic class item quest progression
>No Medallion of irons
>No items
>no nothing

Good job Bungo
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>female titan.jpg
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Anyone else in /dg/ ever get this emblem?
i'll look tomorrrow
Is Iron Blunder worth playing or is the rewards system fucked?
What video did yours win
>community spotlight is a 73 year old destiny player
>get to this part
>I've always enjoyed PvE more than PvP and I know I'm probably in the minority. I didn't play much Crucible until you implemented skill-based matchmaking in Year 2. It was a real help to me, as it made me fairly competitive. I could finish near the middle instead of always on the bottom. I'm sorry to see it being slowly replaced by connection based matchmaking and I understand the elite player’s problems with red bar connections and "sweaty" matches, but for me, every foray into the Crucible is sweaty. After a week of playing Iron Banner, I'm exhausted. I'm sure many of the mature players feel as I do.

dont be using this old man for your sbmm propaganda bungie
>dodging supers and keeping myself safe with Twilight Garrison
titans always wins baby

I honestly didn't think it'd get picked after the original one without music didn't.

I guess DMX makes things better.
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>bungies idea of maintenance is to break everything

Multiple reports of no post-game rewards, no reputation for factions, no medallions on losing, no quest progression, and no IB rep on winning.

If you feel like rolling the dice, well, your call.
Do I have to do the regular 28 PoE in order to do Skolas?
at least once, yeah
The only possible reason for bungie's maintenance fuckups would be that everyone is working on destiny 2 and that maintenance, balancing and bug fixing have been handed to their interns.

If that's not the case then may god have mercy on this company and save it from its own incompetence.
>theres only one sparrow in the game with 160 speed and 40 boost and destablizers
>its the redbull sparrow

fucking kikes
What would have made it perfect?
dude there was as million codes you could have used to get it, fuck off
spray and play or speed reload instead of hidden hand
Those codes are soon to be expired, meaning the quest should be available to everyone soon.
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bye /dg/, see you guys next week when the game gets stable again
my rep dropped right when. I started loading into my next game

Nah. Snipers reload fast enough with just the glove boost. Perfect roll would be Firefly instead instead of Hidden Hand.
Bruh I would do it. I'd love to play no mics and see how we'd do
Barrett: So there’s a brand new zone we’re adding to New Russia. You’ll be able to have a brand new patrol area that you’ll land in to explore the new content. Connected to that will be—you’ll be able to revisit old Cosmodrome.

Schreier: Is this patrol zone going to be linked to the old Cosmodrome so you can go back and forth between them?

Osborne: It’s separate. That allows us to do really cool things like where you’re first resurrected and you have, you know, the line of cars, that’s completely blanketed in snow and the water’s frozen, and there’s a giant Fallen ketch back there, and you sort of punch through the wall.

So if you’re a fresh Guardian and you’re coming in September for the first time, you’re not looking around like all these guys running around like ‘what’s going on?’ (laughing) It’s the first time we’ve really done that, that permanent time movement for those players.

>be RoI babby
>a guardian rises
>spawn in a lvl 1 warcuck
>huge fucking ketch behind me, 12 other guardians rush towards it with me inbetween
>get ran over by raging neckbeards calling eachother names and why they aren't using a sniper
fuck off jiro
just because it's an anime girl and the post number is 17 doesn't make that anon me
> see you guys next week
I play destiny every day so this was obviously not me
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Close but not quite
Spray and Play is what you're looking for. Speed reload is a middle tree perk, which Casket Mag is better for PvE anyway.

Depending on if that sniper has ambush, it could have been the fastest DPS machine since Longbow is the best in the archetype.

>you're not


Also, 'New Russia'?
I like it
Fuck off mustang
Goddamn I wish. Restock WHEN
Jesus Christ you're getting fucking annoying dude.
I like weaponized mobile tether more
It's a shit archetype. God roll tho, hold on to that
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Filter me then faggot. I don't give a fuck about your opinion of me.

Post Titans
Taken war quest. You get it at some point in that line from ikora. It's got accurized, rangefinder, rifled barrel, and performance bonus. It's the best shottie you can get unless you nab a party crashed with aggressive, rangefinder, reinforced, and maybe final round or replenish or something.
srl never
This is bait, right?
Doctor: Have you had any sexual activity lately?
Mustang: I have a female titan
Doctor: Say no more
Looks at that bobble head jesus christ.
>Regular crucible yields no rewards or rep either


Why are you even namefagging? For thread rep? You're an autist is the eyes of nearly everyone here Mustang "I stat pad in a raid, I don't have shame" Cobra
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Wait, no rewards either? Even blue engrams and shit?
Just came from a regular clash match

Nobody got shit
What the fuck did they do in the maintenance? How does this shit fucking happen?

If these little bugs keep happening they're going to end up like a certain other game.
Please don't post such disgusting/disturbing images here. Reported
outside of this information they might be tweaking the loot tables to fix IB loot or something else who knows
so no reason to play IB eh?
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>All the Division fags shitting up the Destiny general for months saying how Destiny was dead, Division would be the best game ever etc etc
>In less than a month Division general was dead and all of the fags came back
no reason to play PvP at all
It's just a server delay. You still get your rewards.
signing in for the first time today.... is the game state really a train wreck from the maintenance? -bagofbeans
there's been anteaters all over the place
Has anyone run strikes yet? Can we get confirmation the rep/rewards for PvE isn't shot?
It's a shame, I enjoyed the beta
>iron banner drops too often, lowered drop rate. Working as intended
want to test it out? -beanteamextremebagofbeansmeme
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There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that don't have a grimoire score over 5005.
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>tfw they will never fix their IB loot so it drops everything as it normally should before TTK
I'll never get all of those Doubles and Salvage matches done
>need 83 Rumble wins
In Top 3 counts as a win, right?
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>not having max

dont worry friends, soon it will be over
>not having FoaF
that's not Division Underground
August 2nd btw for ps4
I swear that was a thing, but I've had top 3's not count for grimoire lately.
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Thoughts on An Answering Chord?
What's the fastest way to earn glimmer?
>Try regular crucible after several days of nonstop IB
>Lose spectacularly
>Am only one in my team to go positive

Some day I'll be good enough to carry
keep a good one for when they buff max impacts
top 3 has never counted
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Robo allies, HNNGGGGGGG. I can look past the CoD for the SciFi. This actually looks nice.
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Well shit, I swear they made top 3 count for something at one point.

Must just be for certain quest completions.
>Confirmed shit on arrival by 90% of the playerbase
>Nobody trusts Sledgehammer after AW and then getting advice from Anita
>Treyarch stopping Zombies after Blops 3

Cod is going to die very soon guys
yea, top 3 counts for a quest or something, but not grimoire
Do Mayhem Rumble wins count for regular rumble wins?
counts as wins for win loss ratio and any other quest which requires wins

>Confirmed shit on arrival by 90% of the playerbase

this is a dank one, i want you to remember the e3 trailer where everyone thought the gameplay looked sick and everyone got pissy when they found out it was cod.

the game will sell shit tons, and the rest are contrarians.
Did all three of you get the emblem?
The game has the lowest pre-order numbers of any CoD and its trailer is in the top 10 most disliked videos of all time.
>its trailer is in the top 10 most disliked videos of all time.

who the fuck are the memers that think this matters?
No one else has gotten on to check yet.

It wasn't even really my idea to make the video, so I hope we all do. I only posted it.
>Dislikes and likes only matter when they are on my side :)
>everyone thought the gameplay looked sick

I liked the sci-fi setting but the gameplay was

>short shooting segment
>short shooting segment

And the segment which seemed to be playable were extremely straightforward
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Why are they watching porn at Bungie instead of fixing the game?
the only people who really pre-ordered AW was destiny players kek
yeah i think everyone here's an autistic including you, but i'd still play with all of you
It was a range ^/v and this was before the nerf. Haven't tried it yet. In fact I might have deleted it.
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>tfw got it without preordering because gamestop employee knew I'd want it but I don't play COD
gamestop workers are bros outside of trade-ins and in store credit
they will bend rules to keep customers coming back
Since crucru is fuck, anyone down for nightfall?
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it's almost like there isn't a pre-built feature where you can talk to other players in crucible without being in a party
typical reddit

waaaaaaaaah give me stuff for free. i shouldnt have to make an effort or use tools like lfg, in game chat, or plug in my headset, or go on the internet and find people to play with waaaah
This is the same exact shit this general is filled with, but I know you'll just keep blaming shitdit for everything anyway.
we don't bitch about that exact thing though because we have at least 10-20 people online
Has anybody elses game servers been running like shit the past two days?

I'm on the Cosmodrome just trying to do some Taken bounties and I'm hitting yellowbars with my sword and they just keep healing up to full no matter how much I hit them, I've got a green bar and on 50/20 internet so it's not me.

I thought it might have just been Destiny servers shitting themselves last night but it's still happening today.
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I'll ask one more time before i head over to lfg.
anyone up for a HM king's Fall?
Sure. I could join.
If you wanna do one later tonight, I'll be around. IBing right now.
sure let me switc->>149206113
Look through this thread and tell me that again.
>64 unique IPs
>no one bitching about having no friends because we know everyone here
sure thing
You're either blind, a liar, or retarded.

So which is it?.
I'm down
Official Objective PVP Subclass Tiers:
S Tier - Nightstalker/Stormcaller
A Tier - Gunslinger/Bladedancer/Voidwalker
B Tier - Sunbreaker/Sunsinger/Striker
C Tier - Defender
sure let me go turn on the game.
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>C Tier - Defender
>I am a unique and special faggot who can not back up my arguments and only slander my opponent to make myself feel better
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>you also get no resources from dismantles

you're 7, but if someone doesnt join you'll be first in line
are these based on 3v3 or 6v6?
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you get the oddball here and there amidst the circle jerks over anons favorite dg players, but not so much effort that goes into the reddit tier complaining.

for science i went there, and there is a top post where someone is bitching about 2 fireteams of 3 being put on the same team against randoms with a slew of comments about literal garbage.

things that you can avoid being butthurt about by putting an effort into finding a team instead of writing up a "bungie should do this because im fucking retard" posts and all the comments by people that are basically saying "hey im a fucking retard too, i agree bungie should hand us stuff for not using pretty much everything available to us to make a team and communicate to do better in pvp"
I only raid with alpha team
Along with all the news bugs has anyone noticed that there is thick snowy wind in cosmodrome now? It really is never like this and in the stream for New Russia they showed divide in heavy snowfall and thick wind just like right now. hard to see past a certain point atm
>anything but top tier
shit list my man
Did I place it too high?
You're right. I did place it a little too low. I'll bump it up to A tier. Literally no titan is S tier though.
The way I play Sunbreaker should be at least A class. Just gotta have the right perks but most of the population are drooling squish heads that only play the class people complain about the most.
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I loaded in and did one IB, we all got drops.

Did you get IB rep for it if so keep playing. If not don't bother with IB
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Would you put Sunbreaker on par with striker though?
How come there are still people who try to cap all zones?

Especially on maps like shores of time?
Striker is S class
they think it's cod where that's a viable strat
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>there are people who cap B on Widow's Court
daily story gave marks but no rep like 20 min ago
I admit I misplaced Striker. It definitely should be higher. I'd bump it up to A. But no Titan class is up there with Stormcaller and Nightstalker.
>no Titan class is up there with Stormcaller and Nightstalker


SC and NS are fucking retarded n PvP.
What? Nightstalker is S tier for it's wombo combo and it's super amazing neutral/counter super. And Stormcaller is S tier for it's amazing shotgun melee combo. Striker has a decent grenade and a decent super.
Wasn't paying attention to the first win, but this loss gave me a medallion and cru/faction rep.
>decent grenade
>can pump out enough damage with one to wipe multiple people at once if they're ignorant
Okay. Great grenade. But even then. A good grenade and decent super doesn't constitute S tier.
Any boners playing Iron Banner?

I just have to do my dailies for marks and then I plan on playing until rank 3 or higher.
as long as the rep and drops are working im down - beanbag
>did see rep
you better tell xbox to record that :^)
>can move faster than any other subclass in under 30 seconds no bother
>has the option of running near invulnerability on super, one shot meleeing or a shield that can tank most things
>has the highest armor period
>can wipe people from range or send out a rather long wave'o death or a retarded stronk pulse effect

Idk man. If if not the best it's certainly the most versatile
>Highest armor

>what is ram warlock
No I mean retarded good. Idiot proof.
The age of man is over. The time of the iron fist is come.
>highest armor
>not defender
try again
Oh were we including non stock parts?
Lol what? Striker can max the armor stat and is the only subclass that can do so. Check again friend.
>Its an irrelevant old man tries to make himself relevant by posting pictures of himself in the OP to try and seem funny Episode
How embarassing
>muh unstoppable
literally the only time the bit that maxes out defense comes into play
Defender w/ untouchable and a armor+ chest piece can get up there too :^)
I thought you were.
Titan babby
Oh, I agree. That's why they are the best.
So what do you not use helm of inmost light on your striker or something? It's objectively the best exotic for fisting.
no because I use stand asides
Not on the bar my dude. And even so, arc defense chest pieces exist too. >>149209398
More like striker since day one
Lord high fixed
>Lightweight/Explosive rounds/Rifled barrel

keep or shard?
>not using the exotic boots that boost your airborne SC damage

my nigga, objectively best Striker exotic.

Who needs any fancy shit like double grenades or air dodge when you can Shoulder Charge for days and turn on a dime for those epic shotgun buttdevastations.
not everyone uses transformation supers
All you really need is rifled on any handcannon. Anything else is just a tasty bonus.

I think I've only used those like twice. The buff to shoulder charge duration didn't seem as worth it to me.
it adds five extras seconds and allows to to turn very quickly even behind youself as >>149209706 said
Dunemarchers when
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That's not Arma.
Sounds like a shotgunner's wet dream
Favorites are subjective I suppose.

2/6 boners for banner.

Msg for party inv
The extra duration is definitely worth it, having shoulder charge available pretty much anytime you're moving has gotten me quite a few extra kills since I started using them, but the extra turn speed is invaluable for a shotgunner and shoulder charge dashing.

This is what I'm really waiting for, which is why I've committed to using a leg exotic (Stand Asides) because once Dunemarchers come out, they won't be leaving my leg slot in PvP.

I'm all about exotics that benefit my neutral game, because I feel that's where you're getting the most use out of your abilities. A super comes a 3-4 times a round but between that you want every advantage given to you, which is why I don't touch any exotic that only benefits a super unless there's no other options.
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>/dg/ too dead to form a 6-man IB Striker slam jam

maybe tomorrow
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come to ps4
DUNEMARCHERS WHEN?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
With RoI hopefully
Bungie probably realized how retarded it would be to give the fastest class an item that would make them EVEN FUCKING FASTER. Fucking titans sanic skating around all already a fucking pain in the ass but give them that too!?!?!?! I think they scraped it desu.
Honestly? I'd be shocked if bungo understood what skating is.

Maybe I'll print a pair out and fuck around with it
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Did you pre-order Rise of Iron?
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Weapons of Love.webm
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if i say yes will you release the exotics from the concentration camps?
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Yes, at the low cost of 29.99
>tfw xboner
not yet ;-;
>literally the most busted exotic in the game

never, hopefully
So I have like 19 quests to do on my Warlock. I've completed the storyline on my Hunter and almost all available quests. Other than Shaxx's Crucible Quests....should I even bother doing the TK quests, Class Specific Crucible quests, Jolly Holliday, etc?

I feel like it would just be a waste of time
>dunemarchers, thagomizers,fr0st EE5,ophidian aspect,astrocyte verse,transversive steps are classified as a quest item

>shinobu's vow is not
>shinobu's bow has red death perks for some reason
Boners what you doing
People not even attempting to melee in CoE, fucking shitters
bv and iron banner
>tfw the only thing i look forward to on destiny now is what xur brings
>itll probably be shit anyways
anyone have an ib fireteam that's not full?
3/6 boners in the banner.

We're trying to lose five games.
Relentless Tracker isn't bad, it's pretty cool. Let's you play aggressively because of the improved radar
also improves sniping and predicting when to shoot
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who strem?
Where is zippy?
Live action commercials and trailers were so fucking cool, goddamn I miss pre-release hype.
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what why
are you just trying to get mercy'd for fast farming then tryhard once every 5 games?

if so, count me the fuck in
back when we thought the game would be good
> princess was the community spotlight
I want to hug kiss and hug all of /dg/!
Even Thundertouch?

Ew no. He probably has gross, ashy elbows.
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evens level my defender
odds level my blade dancer

repeating digits eat an apple and listen to my chemical romance
You must be 18+ to post here.
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forge rn
eating an apple and going through the black parade in case you were wondering
You must be 18+ to post here.
Are iron blunder rewards working yet?
Streaming meme band in a bit
I think that Dead! is their best song personally. What are the better BladeDancer exotics? Third Man?

Also is Skyburners annex any good?
It's the current spicy thread meme dude keep up>>149200341
Nah man, I use lotion
>meme band

there's, like, 4 meme bands though
I think he means Rock Band 4, I was streaming it earlier but tryhard188 felt like 1upping me by failing expert songs
No, and the best exotic is Hood of the Underaged.
Ok Ill just stick to NightStalker seeing as all my BD exotics suck. Did you see the black parade is getting a remaster?
>remastering an album
>from an emo band that isn't even 20
It was a very great album that pioneered the genre
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bruh. i need this on a shirt asap bungo
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Is everybody having a rough ride in IB or is it just Boners?
>tfw you've never done golgoroth challenge mode before but you don't want to do it with dg because you don't want to be shitposted like some have been
probably just boners

they need to make this game's matchmaking cross-platform already so they can increase the remaining million players by 5-10
someone stream iron crucru pls
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dozvati on suicide watch
there are websites for that
Nah mang it's definitely bad.

First Iron Banner I loved Control and absolutely hated the fact it was Clash, but after a few IB clashes it's definitely the best gamemode.

Control games go for way too long and fireteams cause way more blowouts than they do on Clash, also harder to get top overall scorer.
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How the fuck can randoms be so retarded, that they let heavy ammo turn around a 4k lead in 6v6? I need answers.
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>also harder to get top overall score
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That would be fun, highly doubtful though. Wouldn't be able to balance a whole player base with exclusives against another without.

Yeah, streaming sure would help the horrible connection to Destiny servers right now. Maybe I'll Raid tomorrow morning for you.

I forgot how much I hated IB Control. Uneven teams, hot red bars, brain dead blueberries, more Universal Remote and Longbow than a trip to the Lighthouse.. It's a fuckin mess.
you could just drop the exclusive meme and give the playerbase what they want
>"a teammate will take the bullet"
>said the whole team
Can scout rifles roll with outlaw?
In Clash once I get a heady lead in kills it's pretty much impossible to be caught up by somebody else, in Control the spawns flip and suddenly the other top scorer is getting like 2x more points per kill than me.
are you retarded?
>I have to wear my TTK new monarchy set until fucking Y3 now
May as well go full autist and get perfect T12 rolls
what >>149218153 meant to say is "yes"
He asked a question, dont be autistic and just answer it you faggot
iron banana?!!?

tfw gotta play whole weekend that cancer fest for looties also havnt been online for a while which makes it even more suffering
It'll never happen. I'm sure Sony pumped enough cash into Bungie to secure that deal for another 2 games. Or maybe Activision cut the deal and told Bungie how it would go.

Regardless, I don't see Destiny 2 becoming the first cross-play multiplayer experience this gen.
servers are apparently shitting right now
i played for a whole hour just now and it wasn't so bad for me, probably horrible for others
What the fuck is a blueberry
so nothing new then :^)

gonna play tomorrow anyways so dont care
a person who isn't in your fireteam
Teammates that have blue names
Stream is up
Literally who
You're not relevant enough
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What are you guys hoping RapeFace is carrying tomorrow?


>308 on my hunter
>Do better on IB than I do on my 321 Titan

Should I just switch to hunter
you forgot to say PvP rankings
Both are too low to hit 335 drops, pick whichever you enjoy more. Makes IB easier that way.
i don't really enjoy anything though
when i was
>queue for some IB 4man
>get matched with an opposing stack with +1 player each time
nice, epic, i like it

that is a good album but this shit doesn't belong here
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Welcome to /dg/
>Matchmaking keeps putting me in 5v4 or 6v5

Yeah no, fuck IB
>2398/2400 to rank 4

my father, took me into the basement
to see his marching band
>make a small error in the beginning of my topic sentence
>autist goes all out in detail in something unrelated
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Situational Awareness.webm
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Post webms!
he said son why - drink from the - fairy cup?
my garden hose is right here, come take a hearty sip
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>go to dinner with my friend
>ask for a shake
>cashier gives me attitude saying it's broken like I should know that

Also that nirwins mercy roll tho I'm going to be playing my warlock this week desu~ ;)
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Post them guardians boi
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That webm should be renamed to "playing with /dg/"
>Get Helm of Saint 14
>Decide to level my defender so the like 7 unlocks are complete
>IB it up
>Have the time of my life protecting team mates and being a shithead

I wish I knew earlier how much I had been missing out on
Don't reply to it.
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You wanna try that again homie?
could you add me? Would like to play sometime
Wish Stormcallers were a bit more fun
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not mine but lol
Damn it, I resized and didn't rename. It was supposed to be "tiny tim".
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Tlw vs btrd.webm
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Rumble Fumble.webm
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>born a nigger
Wanna try that again, jiggaboo?
>pulsing arc energy
>glowing imitation arc shader
gay af
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gunslinger buffed.webm
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>playing with laggy /dg/ers
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>fucking the quote up
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Trained by the Imperial empire.webm
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Man, iron banner is just god awful.

Does destiny give a shit about ping when it matchmakes?
>fem titan
>two retards shooting at each other: the webm
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Finest Russian Engineering.webm
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>Guaranteed replies: the webm
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pls stream
post webms pls
stream pls
shitpost pls
thank you based knuckles
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No stormtrance for you!.webm
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Post music you listen to during IB.

this gem was during https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYCNQVIA-xg
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raiding with -dg-.webm
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Int Disc okedoke for Defender?
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Yes. If you want Force Barriers, just use NBP.
yea, untouchable allows you to get your super before most people. also you want max disc for supressors. wear no back up plans and you have your force barrier
>female titan
Why do that when I can wear Helm of Saint 420?
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Shinobuu makes a pass at Crota.webm
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>games are decided entirely based on whether or not the lag is in your benefit

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When memes go too far.webm
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So besides Defener, what are other support based subclasses?
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Shinobuu takes down a shield.webm
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>namefagging when not lfg
>tfw based Alex Jones BTFO The Young Turks
What a great end to the day.
The best kind of support is carrying.
imagine giving a fuck
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Boner Raid: Real Nigga Hours Edition


message stray or beanbag
>hit by every super in the match
>enemies run past my allies to shotgun rush me
>at the beginning until the end
Are people autistic enough to DTR someone before a match because I feel like they did this on purpose
Who is the best xboner?
In terms of personality?
Does anyone want to CoE 3x?
I want my drippy drops
5/6 now
>Some blade dancer pops ult, runs in a straight line to me
>sits around lagging back and forth so I just shoot him down
>jokingly spam crouch
>get a message saying "Recorded and Reported"

if you see an ally shooting an enemy and wait for him to die to get the full points you need to fucking kill yourself
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>>Stormbringer gear for PvE
Sunsinger is best with Disc / STR right?
>abbreviating intellect and strength to the first 3 letters
>abbreviates discipline to 4
nothing triggers me more
Sunsinger will always be Dis/Str
You only use your super when you die, no need to have Intelect.
>using fireborn
Hey /dg/ers, have you guys noticed that if you are logged into to Bungie and go to the Iron banner post at the top you can see the new Iron Banner gear :)
It's true though. 99% of sunsingers I encounter in crucible never know when to use it so they just put on self res and hope for a good moment to use it
>Use radiant skin
>people know you are supered and pop you with their shotguns
>use fireborn
>revive behind them and fuck them up the ass with scorch.
that's an awesome find anon, thanks
Fuck me in retarded and replied to myself
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>ever a good moment outside of ToO
>switch to hunter to get Stillpiercer and Ace of Spades
>really like Nightstalker
>Voidlock still level 34
>slowly miss using it

But leveling to 40 was a pain. Should I give it some love?

Also, can I get Somehow Manaticles for my warlock by decrypting exotics on my Hunter?
One more for CoE?
If you look in the armory right now you can see the new gauntlets. They are called iron camelot etc...
>can I get Somehow Manaticles for my warlock by decrypting exotics on my Hunter?
yes but your chances of that exact one are slim

Iron camelot gauntlets are currently a ps4 exclusive. its nothing new.
Defender is the best offensive subclass, especially on control.

Place bubble down at a chokepoint/control beacon and slaughter retards that run in and try to come close to your bubble.

My favorite kills while my bubble is popped is the faggot who uses fist of hammer on the bubble but I've got blessings of light on and see him coming a mile away so I get out of range and then shotgun him
XBoner here... Sorry to burst everyones bubbles then, I was not aware of that. Shittttt. Well either way, XBONERS you will see new stuff :^)
How is ace of spades in PvP?
I only picked up the subclass today and I am enjoying the fuck out of it. Happen to have any other tips for me? What can and can't the bubble block?
Only run armor of light in PvP and let people come to you senpai. Any super can pop the bubble though so that'll get you occasionally
Thanks. How is helm of saint 14? I've had a lot of people run into my bubble and it seems the blind has been paying off. I see so many NBP recs though
Do not listen to this >>149228551

Run Blessing of Light and then use the bubble as a weapon, hopping in and out of it to kill and bait the retarded enemies who will never know exactly how to handle the situation.

Obviously run a shotgun, and I also like to use the sticky grenade.
If you use truesight and perfect balance, it's pretty good when you're in range. Don't expect to compete with hawksaws and MIDAS in their effective ranges, the gun won't compete unless you shave off the stability for range which isn't worth it imo.
Blessings is better because you can leave the bubble and still have an overshield so if you run a scout rifle along with the shotgun you can shoot people out of range
In PvP it's not that great honestly but it is pretty funny. You should run Armanmentarium with 2 suppressor grenades because they cancel supers, jumps, melee and grenades. Alternatively if you want to really supportive to your team just run Crest of Alpha Lupi to make 3 orbs inside your bubble but I only recommend that with a pre made team
play overwatch
I'm disappointed it doesn't have LitC as a secret perk or even a real perk to replace firefly.
>stability on a hand cannon
When will this meme end. It' LITERALLY useless unless you can't aim for shit.
It's fun and it has the TLW hand spin animation. Really good range, but don't expect Maverick or Firefly to be too useful.
Ana just dropped yo

Go git gud.
>Ace of Spades doesn't have Holding Aces

Why the fuck not.
It fits perfectly with the theme of the gun, it should definitely have litc. It's kind of an underdog in PvP right now because nothing really stands out about it besides being a cool looking gun, it's quite average.
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I can't count the many times I got mcfucked up by running into a saint-14 bubble trying to shotgun rush
>this kills the hawkmoon
all in all, it is a very easy handcannon to use especially with gunslinger where you can just mow down people with ease
>going into a bubble ever
>see titan dancing in his armor of light bubble with saint 15
>ran inside with invective and held down the trigger
>unblinded a few seconds later, somehow killed the titan
I have no idea how I even won that encounter.
This is a bad poll, doesn't even have the good atom pairings.
yeah, it's bob x atom
>not atom x awesomness
>not atom x native
>not god tier atom x (you)
>the beta orbiter
Bob comes off as really awkward. Always asking for streams and shit.
>Not Thundertouch X Noobish
>they're always together
5/10 meme could be better
that's not a pairing though. they're confirmed to be in a three way marriage with samantha.
>Jiro x Atom
I didn't know they are related
hello atom
Fuck off with this autistic shit, do you people have nothing better to do?
there's that babeo shit
at this point? no roi isn't for 2 more months
At there very least you could make destiny related pairings like Cayde X Eris
not as interesting or as fun to shitpost about

>not holiday and cayde
I know this isn't what you asked but it is my favourite PvE primary to use as a gunslinger because the perks synergize so well with the class. You can use reinforced barrel but still have max stability because of chain of woe and the reload is always super fast. 10/10 best pve handcannon weapon desu
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>tall lanky ginger
>qt short spic
>babeo x buddo
I might ship this
how do you know

sneezes don't qualify as qt
I still ship jiro with bv
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>stray getting more passive aggressive while Virus just gets more aggressive
>Virus tethering the shade
>M3rk fucking up the countdown

Anybody raiding?
native and atom are original best ship. bob has been sniffing around though, hope it turns into something desu
this man knows what's up.
Is there enough for a raid? Was wondering if we could get one done myself otherwise if not I will probably be on in around 18 hours.
Native makes it creepy tho. Like, wherever atom is at, he's not far behind.
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Fuck you att
I'd be up for it.
I'm down, maybe in half an hour.
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We might be able to get one going
3/6 for KFHM
think about it, would you let the object of your affections be alone with /dg/ for prolonged amounts of time? that's like leaving your girl at a party.
>all these people needed to raid
>no one had the balls to start one
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the general does need zippy.
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>tfw it's not long now before he proposes and they meetup
>tfw they will be the first married couple on /dg/
I ship it, bob is just a distraction.
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virus attempted tethered shade yes
m3rks countdown was ... a thing...

no need to fabricate any emotions involved for drama. this isnt ps4
will they ever do flash sales of specific Emotes?

I regret not picking up Sorrow
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Get on Zip, we got a full party
i hope we see a native/bob rivalry develop more soon.

This game has no content.
Oh ok, on my way.
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legacy primary pls
That may be one of the ugliest shaders yet.
What is the rapid fire glitch I'm hearing everyone in trails bitch about?
Good lord you faggots are autistic as fuck.
Fuck off native, go beta orbit atom.
native and atom are fags too but at least they aren't on here squeeling about who's with who like little lonely nobodies.
My pin came today

Now to resell like a piece of shit or use for myself?
Iron banner anyone? Any amount of help is appreciated
>All the eBay listings are several hundred dollars

Well I'm not that delusional, I'll wait for one to actually sell
>10 hours ago
You serious?
did no one join you for iron banner?
/maybe/ July next year.
>joining THE shitter of /dg/
Nah senpai you want to play?
You forgot to take your trip off, bro. At least i know who the autismo was now.

Sorry dragoncuck, unlike you I don't live off wellfare :)
Neither do I? I didn't forget either? Literally what are you talking about?
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Primary legacy engrams pls
Lucky you, that's what he's got, along with No Backup Plans.
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Ahhhhhhhhh I've gotten three RDMs within the past 2 weeks.

Time to buy more heavy synths :)
Sup faggots.
Wait you thought that argument you had 10 hours ago was with me?
O K family
nightfall anyone
God damn it, I feel like the first curse is only usable in IB. One shot takes a health bar down 2/5ths but you will always need that follow up shot for the last 1/5 of health. Where as normal handcannons like eyasluna or lord high fixer do 1/3rd of damage per shot. both guns need 3 shots to kill but eyasluna does it faster.
Sure you do, since apparently you hold the mentality that people have nothing other to do than sit here and wait for replies, you're literally a wellfare queen.

For that matter, what the fuck is wrong with you anyway? I've not yet seen a thread where you weren't a total dipshit to someone for no reason at all. You seriously need counseling you sub human shitstain.
2/3 nf, feel free to hop along for ez 19 coins
>primary engrams
Hawkmoon, here I come
>usable in IB (level advantages)
>cannot 2-shot with a max Impact - have to 3 shot
>mid Impacts 3-shot faster anyway
its more PvE and was meant to be a ""solution"" to that fuck-massive blanket nerf
you're better off farming yourself an Imago Loop or waiting next IB for a Finnala's
you can also pick up that Judith-D package from the Gunsmith if you really like the max Impact Class
>have 78 strange coins
>decide fuck it and buy two exotic primary engrams
>get fucking suros which I already have and hawkmoon which I'm currently using
>spend the rest of my coins on three of coins
I'm so fucking desperate for an interesting weapon that I'm wasting hard earned currency on RNG I fucking hate this game
Universal remote is the only non-quest primary im missing. Can i buy the legacy primary engrams from Xur and get the Y1 version of the gun that way and then just buy the Y2 version of it from the blue screen thingy?
Yeah if you're lucky
I've only ever gotten guns I either already had year 2 versions of, or didn't make it to year 2, and I've bought a LOT of legacy engrams
I ain't got a mic, but can i get in on this action?
That seems to be the case then

>Suros Regime
>Red death
>Monte Carlo

Fuck this game
green dawg wasnt high enough level to do a nf, you would be 2/3
I have 4 fucking medallions trying to play shitty iron banner solo because bungie doesnt know how to fucking balance their teams

Can you even do it now? Only tryhards are left playing the game
Is Monte Carlo best used with titans? Specifically Striker?
its best used with void bows smoke grenades

storm fist already has fast regen in one of its perks
no point charging stormfist when you have a shouldercharge
its a fun auto rifle though
I fucking hate this game. Why can't I stop playing?

This game is like eating seeds
Sunk cost fallacy
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>randomly turn my xboner on after months of not playing
>get a million of those shitty cubes and open them

Christ, what have I missed? I think I stopped playing just before the June patch?
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the only thing that has a decent roll are the titan boots and I already have a pair exactly the same before this banner
Would 319 be a high enough LL to join the nf run?
>"just before the June patch"
u wot?

Yeah, but you'd need someone to do a little carry

I finished nf with lfgpubs 327(me)/324/314

I scored 80% of kills though
ah, alright
Yeah same, it's weird how they changed up some rolls and left others completely unchanged.

I was really hoping for either Shotgun or Rocket Launcher ammo on the Warlock boots but I'm shit outta luck and the drops aren't THAT good that I'll end up getting what I need with the stat roll I need.
help, i can't stop having fun with twilight garrison
rip double evade
>Enter match
>Before the ship even takes off:

Thanks Shaxx.
No matter what the fuck I do I can NOT get kills with a shotgun. I've got a godroll PC+1 and people still seem to outrange me with their shitty welfare CT-D if we shoot at the same time.

I'm not even exaggerating that I lose probably 9/10 shotgun fights if we shoot at the same time. When people run at me and I shoot they barely lose any health, when I run at them and they shoot I always die. As a max armor Striker titan. What the fuck man.
Is your connection shit?
Try juggernaut
stop using shotguns
Fusion Rifles are way better
max armor is a meme, switch over to juggernaut friend

thank me after you try it
When does the game get fun? The bosses have so much HP and even the trash take quit a bit to kill.
IB Control is absolute cancer. There's so many more fireteams than Clash and the games drag on for way too long.
when you get equal level to the enemies pretty much

also if you just started, they're really stingy with loot for God knows why. once you reach somewhere near the actual max level you'll be showered with loot just by doing whatever
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I can currently hit T12 on my hunter, but it's in this fucking gear. I don't even play Bladecancer. Should I embrace the cancer?
everything feels like shit when you first start and everything takes forever to kill until you get to max level ish and you get fun stuff to use
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you sound like one of those early game reviewers who didnt understand weapon gear and light levels in a game that involves being appropriately equiped for certain enemies.

the kind of person that tries to fight the devil walker with a handcannon at level 5 and expects to kill it in 30 seconds flat. then when fails takes to the internet to talk about how shit the game is, but in reality you dont properly comprehend the mechanics.
I'm still mad about that
Sorry just started and wanted to know if the game would feel the same in 30 levels so I did not invest precious time
all good mate, soon you will be crushing your enemies. like any mmo type game... the starting out grind is just that, a grind. but you'll start getting good gear and it will all make sense.
Yesterday I threw a major bitchfit because of bungie server fuckups and Iron Banner premade bullshittery

I apologize to anyone insulted and offended
I'm so sick of this win one - lose one PvP round that Bungie has forced in its matchmaking to 'balance' rounds out.
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>implying most are any less salty

victory or defeat in iron banner is entirely dependent on which team gets the players that have green ping but nonetheless don't give hitmarkers, and kill you around corners

I wish people who didnt know how to rush wouldnt rush.

contemplating buying a cheap capture card to catch some of this shit; this game really does have egregiously bad netcode
>On the bright side
>On the bright side
>On the bright side

Would be nice to have a team of non-retards for once

A team that tries to hold two zones for once

A team without people at light level 230
Are there any good guides? I just started with the basic game without Xbox live because I'm poor and I'm just going through the story and I don't know what I'm doing quite yet

You don't need a guide, this isn't Dragon Quest. Just play the game.
I've been killed around corners and even through solid walls more times than I can count

I came across strikers so deep in the red their grenades just manifested out of thin air, it was scary

warlocks with connections so bad they blinked on top of their ionic blink

and hunters that sniped me from the other side of the map through several obstacles when they were standing right next to me
>fire shotgun
>see shit come out in whatever element my gun is and connect with target
>0 damage and minus 1 shotgun shell
>0 damage minus 1 shotgun shell

This shit right here infuriates me more than anything in crucible. I hear the shot, see the shot, but they don't feel the shot.
For the first IB ever I'm really, really struggling to get top overall scorer. My game is just so fucking off this time around.

I'm thinking this might be my last foray into the IB til RoI, the playerbase is just too condensed now for any kind of fun PvP that isn't butthole clenching sweats.
>3oC and not a single exotic engram

I hate this game
Git gud
>people dont wait to play IB until monday
literally why
Personally, i want to see if i can get any god roll weapons.
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don't trash any tTK Legendaries just because of the low Light Level (because of 1:1 Infusion)
keep all your Strange Coins
keep all the (rare) Class Armor that looks nice
remember to pledge to a Faction you like ASAP

these may help deciding what you really like:
http://planetdestiny.com (not really)
http://destinydb.com (not really)

enjoy, my senpai
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>having to wait until Monday
>not already rank 5
git gud

I want dem rolls
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>wanting Ghost drops to fuck your shit
>Once again the only one in my team to go positive
and I'm by no means a good player

How can people fuck up so bad on vertigo?
Is the game actually working again since the maintenance wrecked everything?

They play the game like CoD and fail at it
80% of my deaths are from supers for that matter
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1/3 for NF.

>Blaming other people for the disaster that is Vertigo

Nah senpai that map is just trash.
There's hardly a map where holding two points is as easy as on Vertigo.
Shores of time
Widow's Court A&C
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Remember when Blind Watch, Burning Shrines and Firebase was in Control rotation?
Good times
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>people play IB
Guys. Ive gone through 15 3oC without a single Exotic.
Im not bullshitting you. And these werent rapid uses either. I used one each time an IB match was starting
>not rapid
>every 10 minutes
"rapid" would be every 10 seconds, like when people were using them on the mission Scourge of Winter
rng mate. gotta expect it
Dude. You have yo wait at least an hour before using another 3oC
You think they'll allow year 2 infusions for year 3?
you havent played since then have you
>Not having all the exotics already

Tell us who you are so we can blacklist you for being a fucking moron
any IB groups going?

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>He doesnt know how three of coins works
they haven't said so yet.

reports have suggested that infusion is returning for Y3 though, although full details, most notably if Y2 gear can carry onto Y3 through infusion, has not been talked about.
Fuck off retard
>defender titan teammate drops a bubble
>run through it to grab a game-changing damage or defense buff
>it's armor of light

Yeah, let's all just huddle together in your faggy little bubble until someone supers us all, because it's not like anyone halfway competent is going to come in here otherwise. Selfish pricks.
Any lurking boners up for some banner? Active crucru boost going - beanbag (afk, sitting in orbit)

This gif always triggers me because the semen demon on the right is best girl and she doesn't have any H scenes in the game.

The H scenes are damn fucking good though. I think it's still the best pornographic animation I'ce seen barring some of the god-tier hyperrealistic 3D ones.

But anyways Destiny. I have a Weyloran's with HH, Explosive Rounds, and Army of One. What can I do with it other than sharding it? I feel like it tried so hard to get good rolls and I don't want to get rid of it.
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>"...each time an IB match was starting"
>every 8-10 minutes

You're kidding, right?
So what exactly is the best pattern for 3oC use? I've been popping them every other heroic or every 2-3 crucible matches.
You forgot your trip, dragoncuck.

If you're running heroic that isn't Dust Palace or Walrus Torque, pop two before it starts. If you're doing Walrus Torque and you fight the Minotaur pop two before you fight it but not before you fight Walrus.

Pop one before every Crucible match.

For the raid pop two before Warpriest and then two before Oryx.
dont listen to>>149253294

never pop more than one at a time
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too early for iron boners :(
if you look real close
I hope you guys are taking them screenshots, this next IB could possibly be the last time the courtyard is available if Saladin moves to fellwinter peak.

Go fuck yourself you jabrone, I've gotten the most success popping two before killing an Ultra. Popping one might as well be wasting one of the damn things because after nerfing them like three times Bungie took the term "stackable effect" too seriously.
i record a sick visual of petras ship when the queens wrath was on in y1 but i lost the video
we may never again see those sick ribbons
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Aw poor baby
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July 25th
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Tryhard Name of the Day: Holykhaos
Can nirwen's mercy roll with full auto?
NBP and impossible machines


Spend all my coins on legacy engrams for tlw. I've only got 50 sc

I only had to buy two to get TLW. The luck is real. Buy those engrams.
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>get baboon error in the middle of match
>connects back to the match right as it finishes
>score is completely reset
why is this allowed
Holy fucking shit. Kys
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Leave and uninstall Destiny
How are the rolls on xurs armor this week?
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They already said the Tricorn pin were limited edition and won't be resold.

Luckily for you, they're available on Ebay!

This is what always happens with codes involving Destiny. The Nepal and other charity emblems went for sizable amounts ($300+). The Foundation one wasn't even mentioned to be limited and look at those prices alone.
I want shitters to leave

What? I drop a bubble with the intent of staying in it. I'm going to be alone if I put Blessing, Weapons or Armor. Might as well get the survivability. Besides, everyone huddles anyway.
Can't even afford two. Forgot the fucking engram was 31 sc
how much would the nepal shader and emblem be worth now do you think?
>keeps spawning right next to the opponent

Congrats Bungolugo PvP is officially broken
I fucking hate the RNG in this game. It is im-fucking-possible for me to land a decent primary. Every single one I get has Icarus, Exhumed, or Guerilla Fighter. Every one. I have 2 god-rolled snipers for PvP and PvE respectively but I can't find a fucking primary to save my life. I'd use the Villainy from FWC but ofcourse it those godawful rails that obscure 40% of what you aim at.
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Who wants to do some IB?
Buy the vendor Hawksaw dipshit
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Sorry, man.

Recently sold listings.

I refuse to use retarded Suros Nerf gun garbage.
One legacy engram or a fuck ton of 3oC, what do I grab DG?
then dont complain you fucking nigger.

Also fast rof pulses suck for PvE.
He can't even play the game right
Why does MIDA need a 20-round magazine on top of the maxxed reload speed? Shouldn't it be like 11-12 rounds to balance it?
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>claiming to be an authority on skill
Buy the DO scout then. Or the Vanguard one. PvE barely matters.
Same reason Boolean Gemini has 19 rounds in the mag, because fuck you that's why.
For you.
>Absolutely wreck in IB
>The worst players on the enemy team send friend requests

I've been wondering, why is always the worst players that send friend requests to random people who curbstomp them?
They want you to help them win. Communication is key, and they want to do so
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Ever used/seen Tlaloc? 20 rounds with that thing while it has it's exotic perk going is retarded. Shoots faster and hits harder than the Multi-Tool all with better stability. It's awesome.
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any of you guys buying the GOTY 16-17 ?
>space before punctuation

what the fuck are you doing
Weeb games aren't GOTY material, weeb.

Come to think of it a smaller mag would balance that fucking thing.
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I'm asking if any of you guys are buying the GOTY 16-17
Did you even watch the lastest stream?
He was struggling to fight fucking adds in patrol.
Fucking PATROL
He's a suit, not a gamer.
Mag size isn't what makes it unbalanced.
You do realize no one actually plays like that right? It was to showcase how the enemies fight. People do that all the time at E3 presentations.

Taking away its ability to very quickly kill 4+ people in a single magazine would certainly help.
No, check his KD. He's bad at this game and barely plays it.
So a tad lost on how glass needles work. Do they reset the stats and the perks? I love the perks on my NBP but not the strength roll
Is the vender Nirwens Mercy worth infusing to higher than its starting 280? I've got a Villainy with the exact same roll but without target aquisition sights that I used very often before the April update and I loved it, so i know I'll love the Nirwens too but I'm just not sure how mid impact pulse rifles fare in PvP anymore. Are those archetype of pulse rifles worth using in the Crucible anymore?
Reminder that if you are using this during IB you deserve to have terrible things happen to you.
yes. stats and perks get reset. don't have to level it again though

What exactly makes it unbalanced ? I thinks it's a okay weapon if anything needs to be nerfed it would probably be either RoF or the impact
Fuggg. Not sure if i want to risk it
you could buy a duplicate from the exotic kiosk and glass needle the duplicate, although you would have to level it up + infuse the light
yea but it has the drawback of not casting your super
Not really. PvP is dominated by high RoF weapons almost exclusively, at least for Primaries.
You'll always get strength on no backup plans

Use the armory to see what stats roll on exotics
It's too ubiquitous and has too much utility for too many situations. It's practically the go-to primary for most people. Bungie nerfs things that are used too often, MIDA is used too often.
keep it. it's a god roll and everything in year 2 is going to be bumped to year 3. Bungie likes to make certain metas a seasonal thing, so when that archetype becomes the best again nothing is stopping you with that weapon
Can anyone help me with the nightfall?
Afterwords anyone down for some iron banner
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I happily trade the 5-10 kills I get from my super for the 15-20+ I get from using the gun.
also you're handicapping your team seeing as you're not pushing objectives with your super or chaining supers to generate orbs for your teammates

Fuck the team nigga it's all about yourself
you can still pressure the enemy team with your nades
Damn thats a shame. Going for as much int and disc as I can for my defender. I have the really nice xur perks so Ill just keep it as is.
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Grenadier helps me "push the objective" with Nothing Manacles. I'm assuming you've never used the gun or had a teammate use it. Killing half the team in rapid succession probably helps my team just fine.
With enough int disc on the other gear you can hit 5/5/1 anyway
>I'm assuming you've never used the gun
i use it almost exclusively on my lock. be delusional all you want but not being able to cast your super to get the most out of a gun is a huge drawback. MIDA has no draw backs
>Killing half the team in rapid succession probably helps my team just fine.
and you can do this just as easily with MIDA
Whats a good way to run Voidwalker? i'm going 2/5/4 right now and use Nothing Manacles and The Hunger and Embrace the Void, spamming grenades constantly.
It seems a little overrated desu, other scout rifles kill faster with better impact and stability if you can land heashots, and with the mida you need to anyway since its bodyshots are so weak. I love it but it feels more like a weapon designed to lull you into not using something better
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Not quite sure what you're trying to prove here, but I'm glad you like the Multi-Tool. I like the Tlaloc because it does what I want it to and it's a lot of fun. Not to mention the joy I get out of easily putting down Multi-Tool users because it hardly ever loses to it.

I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me of something here, but I'll just keep enjoying my gun and you can keep enjoying yours.
Why does my Longbow get 3 ammo from special crates but my LDR gets 4?
Hidden ammo inventory stat
Longbow has lower inventory stat

That's fucking weaksauce.
gotta keep that OP thing in check somehow
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>can't cast super
>a drawback

Yeah I sure love to cast stormtrance and get one shot by a solhammer or a golden gun
Nobody up for IB now? Solo queue is suffering.
>The only legendary I ever fucking see drop for me in the post game IB are the gloves.

All I want is a Nirwen's with Rifled Barrel. Is this too much to ask, Bungo?
Longbow has the best stats, it's understandable that it got shafted in terms of ammo

LDR is pretty much the same but has slightly lower AA, but gets four shots per brick, so you might want to get that. Just be ready to farm vanguard for the next century to get a good roll.
But I haven't even had breakfast yet
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