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Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 851
Thread images: 168

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>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs is out!
-Kiranico and MHX Dex updated

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does /vg/ play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing


Previous thread:>>149068197

Tags: MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg
>cat autism is REQUIRED to progress

How much worse is crit up L than earplugs on a prowler? I don't want to spend many more years of my life searching for an earplugs cat.
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First for GL isn't shit please stop bullying
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First for BEST
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>posting shitty slut girls instead of armored cuties

Repost cause fuck you
how vulgar.

I hope a save-editing option comes out. Fuck if I'm doing all that shit a second time.
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>no ass

why do they have nice asses in armor desu
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Fun hunts guys, thanks.
Y-you wouldn't a cat, though... right?
Any rooms open?
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Low-rank turns

2 open slots

Learn to like it. Cat autism is actually pretty fun once you get the hang of the controls.
>they gave Lagi a roar combo like Los, only it hits everywhere around him instead of just in front of him

thanks i'm glad
Anyone know where to get the anchor hammer?
All I can find is it's a yukumo quest reward at some point.
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>Prowlers could easily kill giant monsters
>Prowler missions are just gathering and small monsters

>false reporting

thats a bannable offense though
I would roughly mating press Miss Cat.
But it isn't.

You want to multiply honey? You don't need to in Low Rank, and if you don't want to do the Prowler quests in village, don't. You will unlock various things locked behind Prowler in Village just by progressing in the hub. And Honey and even mushrooms aren't a necessity in Low Rank content, especially not the village where nothing has enough health to last long enough to actually hit you very often.

You can do all of village minus the Prowler quests if you really want to, and unlock everything in the hub, or do the prowler quests in the village. That much is your choice
How do I become like a shitty gen 2 monster that just spams 3 moves over and over and can do them right after each one with no warning?
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>armored cuties

am i kawaii too?

do u liek my kinsect friend?
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1 slot open
I wasn't ready for Glavenus to reem my asshole. He's fast for a big guy

>that tail damage
>spec bushido
>execute dino in 5 seconds

senapi please.
What helm/hair is this...?
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>shitters still don't just pitfall trap then bomb the claws

you don't deserve them.
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>Hunt-a-thon: Khezu
Yeah, no Yukumo Gal.
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Gourmew armour.
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Can anyone help me cut an astalos tail or two? I can't seem to cut it no matter what I do. And I suck with blades/long sword


Pass is 9999
Nyan cook female armor
>20% carve chance
Just kill it.

>using armor
>not going MAXIMUM slut mode

How to be a slut, Bow Edition:

>Nyan/Sailor hat (your choice)
>Sailor body
>Sailor arms
>Chakra Waist
>Sailor pantsu

Your charm must have Shot Up +6 of whatever shot type you want to use (Rapid, etc). The final result of this set is Focus, Shot Up, Evasion +1 (AKA all the necessary skills). You can use a charm with less stats if your bow has slots, otherwise you don't need to worry about a weapon with slots at all.

End result: you get to run around with your striped pantsu on full display, all while having good skills for Bow.
If you go adept Khezu becomes a cake walk.

I mean a literally cake walk. You're feet will have frosting on them at the end of it.
>good skills for Bow.
>pass is 9999
>He doesn't chug at LEAST 5 mega potions per LR hunt
Come on my man!
How? Just bait the tail discharge and slap it a bunch while it's left on the ground. Break the charge anywhere on Astalos's body so it flops about then slap the tail more.
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Why is the Bherna Gal so thick

It's good for solo hunting if you don't want to use Adept. Otherwise just ignore it and be on your merry way.
I'm having a tough time deciding what I want to use for village. Should I do Hammer or LS?
Oh I know, I roll with Adept Hammer. I just don't feel like fighting Khezu or helping worst girl Yukumo Gal right now.
>kill it

>Mizutsune Plate
is something bad about that?

I keep trying, CB axe mode won't cut it. I keep aiming at the tail the entire match and iot dies before it cuts off.
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>1/3 quests are gathering.

Why Crapcom? Why?
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>get hit because the monster clogs up the screen

What this game needs is a zoom out option
You're playing bow very wrong if you actualy make use of E+1
>Posting completely unrelated quests in monster-specific rooms
Why do randoms do this 9 times out of 10, I just want to farm, but it feels like literally everyone else is only interested in Key quests.
Would you take a bath with mizu?
Is there an english list of what quests unlock shit yet?
Well yeah, never said the desire sensor wasn't a thing.
Just do it again!
And again.

what the fuck is a visit quest
No, he's an asshole.
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I need it.

What other skills would you recommend then besides Focus and Shot Up? I can easily whip up a slut set for pretty much any skillset.
Man fuck you. I had to farm a ton of Mizutsune to get the bubblefoam I needed. I got an excess of claws I didn't ask for, Plates, scales and never bubblefoam. Desire sensor is a dick and it's treated me worse this game than usual. Usually it's the rare materials I have to get endure farming for, not the common drops.
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>This nonsense

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What this game needs is a fish on legs

Oh wait
Irregular shot up
That image is pretty Okami, dude. I think the artist captured it just fine
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OK /mhg/ can you guys help me understand how secret areas work in Gen specifically?

From what I can find it's a super low chance to spawn into it when you begin a quest.
The info I found also says that never happens in low rank.
But Kiranico lists rare items in LR secret areas.
Does felyne explorer show up in Gen, is it only in high rank or something?

I'm extremely confused.
rub a dub
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HR6+ Turns/Key Rush


>5 slot skill

Easy enough. Any particular armor pieces you want in it, besides the obvious Sailor socks and Chakra waist?
MHX. Sorry forgot to add that.

god yes please
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>need an item from the next level of quests to complete my current levels armor set
>if I can kill the monster that drops what I need then I won't even need the armor anymore
Why? Why does it work like this?
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Wrong image, sorry. Here's the correct one.
Is there one for bowguns?
i need the name of that set
for research
MHG actually. I'm an idiot.
So MHG village isn't even needed for online play like it was for farm dependency in 3U or wycoon/wystones in 4U?

Nyan hat
Fake Tama body (impossible in MHGen since it got dummy'd)
Sailor socks
I'm not sure. I saved this from earlier thread.
aerial is good with switch axe right?
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Which Monster did you give you wonderful faggots give your first cart to?

HR1 and at Village 6 so I haven't eaten shit yet but I got close when fighting Mizu and Astalos.
chill out baby
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>when your vidyakino and capekino get delivered on the same day

I am euphoric, bros!!!!!!!
>(impossible in MHGen since it got dummy'd)
Fucking Drilltusk for no decent reason
Anyone else can never pick a weapon type?

I keep switching cause grass is always greener on the other side

Help me
So guys I´m having a weird time, I played with the switch axe in mh4 and am currently playing using the bow in X.
I feel like I´m "cheating". No sharpness management, you aren't taking risks doing attacks you are so mobile.
Should I feel bad using the bow? or should I just go hammer or switch axe?
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I really like the look of the Estoc I just wish it wasnt so fucking weak compared to the Squire Spear.
Blangonga, expected skinny congalala, got Rajang lite.
Do Felynes get deviant gear or something like it?
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Should've made two movies with that amount of content instead of one, still a decent watch

On the bright side, it was basically the only armor to get the dummy. You can fully get all the anime armors and even Pirate J in the US/EU versions this time.

Aside from funny guild cards, it had garbage skills/stats.
>buying games
>actually buying bluray of shitty movies
>capeshit being kino
Khezu, I got cocky and then got my shit slapped.
Posted in previous thread also.

Any anons still giving away those really good palicos? Saw a thread on /r/MonsterHunter earlier but got there too late. I'm a newb and would really appreciate the boost.
same here
fuck off
Did you join Team Mystic to make Blanche proud, /mhg/?

Same. Was gunning, thought I was too hot shit to need to heal, and got fucked up.
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What do you think is the biggest mistake of MHG?

Besides no best bird
Do assist cats get access to any horn better than herb? Trying to get a decent one for support on hunts but I don't know what I should be looking for in terms of skills or moves.
Khezu being there.
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fuck off mate
Do variants have stupid amounts of health?
Hunter Arts and Prowler Mode at once

Take more time with ideas like that and flesh them out more before you release them.

also this >>149093647
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Rath cap, torso and waist
Bnaha legs and cean arms
You're whale cum

Repost cause new bread

Dromes and G1/2 maps
Why do you guys like Peko so much
>Chief Researcher asks if I calculated the timing and maneuvers to dodge Garuga
>You dodged willy nilly? Good one, Deputy
>He doesn't realize I'm adept
Either the overabundance of shitty gathering quests or how long it takes for most weapons to get out of the yellow sharpness.
I mean, I get that there's no G Rank, but yellow sharpness is just fucking garbage.
>tfw carting to Royal Ludroth
I didn't mean to I swear, I just got tunnel vision and didn't notice what was happening until the thing lunged at me...
Why do people say that most Lance users should try SnS as the styles complement each other?

I hear the same thing about Gunlance and Dual Swords too

There's some autistic belief that those 2 combos have a special relationship
Not addressing the pretty fucking obvious design flaws of all the maps they decided to bring back. Snowy Mountains was the only one they did fix, and only because Generations has improved climbing over Freedom Unite as a result of being a fourth gen game. Swamp is still as shit as it was, and it still has the same issue with its loading zones where monsters run off into the distance. You see this as early as Iodrome, in the exact same way Iodrome used to end up there, spitting poison at you.

The only saving grace is that Gravios didn't return to sit in the zone spamming his laser
what what whaaat?
Is Blanche playing under a new name? Charlotte?
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Thanks for the fantastic high skill hunts Florbad, Kaiser and Reuven

Hope i can cach yall later
password: 7243

Low Rank turns, room for 1 more
That's my guess too, he was HR2 helping HR3 guys the other day
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>Hunting an Arzuros in 2-star quest
>It didn't see me yet
>Sneak up behind it
>Charge my bow to level 3, heavy arrow
>Shoot a nuke arrow up its butt
>It keeps walking forward
>Um ok, shoot it again
>It's still going
>Keep shooting it as it waddles through the woods
>It stops to eat some honey
>At this point I am literally in front of it shooting it with heavy arrows
>It doesn't care
>It stares at me but I'm still unseen by it
>Human is nothing in the eyes of the beast
>Eventually it dies
>It never noticed me
How do you not?
Anyone up to kill lvl1 Dreadking?
They're stuck in the eating animation and never spot you.
The butt is only weak to melee weapons, only the upper body is weak to shot
That's why Fanged Beasts are a pain to gun
I love you guildmom thank chyu
does the Charged Strike of Aerial GS deals less damage?
Harvest Tours
It's 4U info by the way. A LOT of motion values were changed in Gen so I wouldn't trust that image for Bow info.
Got anything similar for Hunter arts and other unlocks?
75 instead of 115
should I switch to SA?
i heard it has the best Aerial style.
and I find it hard to mount in HR with GS. the meme is dead

He's very cute and silly and he has one of the most unique fights in the series.
Mushroom Glavenus
Tamamitsune in that bulldrome quest.
Take a look at that list as well, since it tells in very detailed manner what villager/key quests unlock.
Hunter Arts: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/MHGen:_Hunter_Arts
He's funny and his gimmick is interesting
>Efenbaum stopped playing X to start playing ORAS
>tfw carting will all your pots left
>Chris stopped playing X to eat dinner
The very best thing to break parts with is a lance with blast on it, right?
Siege Pierce HBG
>Trifecta of Terror
>Hunt 3 Nibblesnarfs
They think this is a joke or something?
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What are some good pierce hbg for early/mid HR? I read that the Skelecanon was decent, but no siege mode, got the crab one, but dunno, recoil.
How do I get honey farming?
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>mfw seeing female Moofah gear for the first time
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How long before the kids get bored of Generations and stop playing?
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Gee I wonder who this could be referencing
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Who else /solourgents/ here?

I have no qualms doing other quests with others, but urgents just feel wrong when done with others.

I mean, they're a graduation test. A "If you can't do this then you're not strong enough to survive the next rank" kind of deal.

Doesn't feel the same when you liquidate them in sub-5 minutes, with the mission feeling more like a one sided massacre than an actual hunt.
what are god dbs to make hr5?
gore? astalos? mizu? plessy?
The hunter thats five feet away from here. Didnt get enough replies in the /v/ thread huh?
I just unlocked that rank, saw that quest and remembered a post yesterday where someone mentioned that quest.
I thought he was joking.
Was in a room with BallsDeep just now
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>want to farm Nargacuga set
>fucking hate fighting Nargacugas

I'm getting pretty fucking bored of SnS too
>there are people itt who didn't solo gog to get their crown

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>want to make gore LS
>3 feelers
>dont get feelers despite carefully breaking horns and capturing

I want to give up because there are more feelers in this tree up to shagaru's
Should i?
give source
>jaggi and jaggia with no great jaggi
there are a lot of mechanical issues, but i swear this is the thing I just can't let go. if they want the prey in the game do it. if they want kangaroo lizard to be the first monster I don't care, but what is this half-assed shit?
I don't get it.
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I don't mind fighting him, but getting all those breaks, gawd no.
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I've had a great time fighting Nargacuga with Adept LS.
Who knows maybe you'd like it too.
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Narga is one of the funnest monster imo
Is there a different online hub later?
>Hating narga

I wish more monsters had his skeleton instead of being flying wyvern+gimmick

>Barioth isn't in the game
Yes, in Drundonga's guild hall, this time with TWO wyverians
password: 7243

Low Rank turns, room for 1 more (again)
Where can I watch Japanese top speedruns for all weapons? TA wiki only has screenshots mostly
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They STILL haven't modernized the series by including every monster present in past games
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Any cool cats know?
Where's the explosive stone in the volcano?
67 - 3494 - 5722 - 0477

Lvl1 Rathalos variant room
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>They put in Khezu but not Barioth

Don't remind me, anon.
Someone post the pecko ludroth jho comic
>attack monster
>it was so far in the corner I automatically enter the adjacent area

Wait, can I change the name of my weapon? I want to name a longsword "Shadowdarkness" to complete my Owain quotes.
>it's a brachydios stays in the area change zone episode
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Prowlershit and literally a third of the quests being gathering tedium
>Not Missiletainn
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Totally game related, post your cats /mhg/
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>get windpressed, stumble, or roared
>tank a guaranteed hit
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Frank Sinatra and Buzz Lightyear, respectively
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what are the pantsu?
>Been playing since Tri
>Still chug most of my potions/max potions and take 10+ minutes on stuff like Rathalos
Feels fuckin bad man.

Screw me I didn't post the name: Merlin
Teach them a heal horn or a true heal horn from another cat that gets them. I'm not super sure what the limitations for teaching skills are, but I was able to do it with mine.
If you could delete any monster from existence and burn down any specimen of it who would it be and why would it be Pink Rathian?
>10 minutes on rath

You're better than 90% of the playerbase
how did you not get rathalos down pat in tri? I slapped him around but good. Rathian, on the other hand is a bitch, every time she poisons me is a personal failing and every one that isn't green is the devil
>Not choosing Khezu

It's just a boring fight with an ugly penis monster.
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Does anyone know the max number of abilites and skill slots Prowlers get at 50?
Is there a guide .pdf or something that has pictures of all weapons?

I know it sounds faggy but I prefer looking at a weapon tree and seeing what the end results look like, I like using visually appealing weapons
Gypceros. Terrible monster. Ugly as shit, useless armor and weapons, and designed to annoy the player
Excuse me, I vape.
I actually really like Rathian's fight
I honestly haven't played MH in monthes. I got to G-Rank in 4U and just kind of stopped playing.
Some poor fucker had to create that ending song and animated it...and the song AND the credits are unskipable, fuck off capcom.

Khezu is the cause of ebola and zika
Diablos and Monoblos
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What's the "Location" number supposed to mean for quests on Kiranico?

I thought it was supposed to be the starting spawn for the monsters, but since it's wrong for every single quest I've tried that can't be it.

And before you say I'm just not fast enough, I checked with Psychoserum at quest start.
All of the monster starting locations on kiranico are wrong for some reason.

Also, they don't have the "The monster can exist only in the following maps" thing anymore, which was hella convenient.
Why is the Zinogre armor so shit?
If this were 4U I'd say Gravios, but right now Nibelsnarf is number one on my shit list.
Fuck you those two were my favorites, especially Black Diablos.
Why she ain't got no titty, boss?
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>Rathian flies to area 9

Oh yeah, that's why I didn't like this map that much
Someone dumped it over >>>/trash/4117569
Ping's MHX dex has pictures in the corner.
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Jimmy Jojo.
monster hunter is just a grindy dressup game
Anyone else have panic attacks when they go to try and find a weapon to make?
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>that naked fat cat chef in the guild area

Have any HBG hunters tried using castle walls or fortress walls?

I'm wondering if it's worth using in combination with crouching fire.
>Fighting Daimyo Hermitaur with a Lance

HOW. I feel like the claws are supposed to be the squishiest spot to poke, but it's fucking me up hardcore.
>claws are supposed to be the squishiest spot to poke
How much of a meme is the El Dora blade? I want to use it, but those raw values don't make up for the sharpness.
>capture a malfestio
>dies after 30 shots without warning
>try again. trap after 30 shots
>doesn't cap
>10 more shots, try again
>doesn't cap

Absolutely not you low-test beta cuck
Kushala and Gypceros. Fuck those two unfun fucks right in the ass motherfuckers.
have you ever touched a crab? or read about one? or seen one on tv?
This is pretty strange, you can now level up all the weapons and that can end in even more trees to go down?
would probably be garbage except with Guild since you lose evade into CF
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>two straight games with cats
>finally starting to get annoying
anyone else miss Shakalakas?
Just save edit all of them and find the one you like most :^)
so best
Zinogre just to make the furfags mad.
Even if you take away the monster you'll never take away the porn, friend.
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but they have the cutest armor
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No, seriously though, no

I liked them, but I prefer the variety cats have
>try to use lance
>constantly tripped by legs and hit from behind by the claws
Only have this problem with the fucking crabs
>he doesn't play SA as striker
what a pleb
their mouths always look like eyes to me
i want to swim with lagiacrus!!!
>All these images of cute girls in armor
>I've gone male every game
>Can't be bothered to make a brand new character
I should've gone fucking female.
Yeah right? Why would anyone use the best style for like 80% of the weapons

>Adept bow
>When guild is better

Alright, thanks. From what I've heard I can only teach one move or skill, so I'll keep that in mind.
Yes I use guild. I'm looking into other options since super nova is giving me mixed results so far.
>He uses striker
>He doesn't use adept bow
I finally caved, no regrets
Thats because that's how they see the world. They're insecure about their small heads.
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>guild bow
what the fuck am I reading
that's why the most patrician choice is to alternate between games, anon
was a hardboiled elderly hunter last game, now I'm a qt moofahunter in gen
Looks better on male. Also, Astalos' set is better.
Super Nova is trash, if you are running Guild and are playing with Castle Walls then I would use Gunpowder Infusion instead. With the Super armor and defense you could use it haphazardly and be fine
>Looks better on male.
gay as fuck tbqh family
>Tfw I just want to be a male hunter in bulky as fuck armor with a lance
>Lance feels awkward as hell on handheld
I will never be satisfied.
Adept is only better if you counter a lot, and quickly.
Even TA skips Adept in favour of Guild, not for every monster because every fight is different, but overall Guild is better, especially if you play Adept like shit ( Like everyone in this general)
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High rank turns

Bulldrome. Ugly armor, absolutely atrocious AI, just an unfun shit-tier monster.
I want to use bowguns but I don't want to spend a lot of my time gathering/trading for obscure ammo materials- what's a good weapon path for using Normal shots
>play a game for hundreds of hours
>go male
>stare at a dude's ass the entire time while he grunts
You fucked up.
What are we gonna do on the bed
>gypsy invades my bnahabra quest
>already 15 bugs deep
>figure I'll take him out because I haven't had an official quest with him yet
>in the midst of the fight my cats killed 5 bnahabra
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Cephadrome, hands down, no contest.

Whoever designed him hates humanity.

And before you say Plesioth, that's what makes Cephadrome worse. IT'S NOT EVEN AN ORIGINAL IDEA.

FUCK Cephadrome.
Alright boys are we still making Steve armor for HR? Have him unlocked in village but I want to know whether I'll be wasting time farming for his weapons and armor or just his weapons.
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>male set
>cool mask, face cover, full on helmet
>female variation of the same set
>little crown
Why is this allowed?
Thanks for the help Charlotte. You didn't say much but helped me with all my quests unselfishly. I wish more people we're like you.
Because its cute! Cute! Cute!

Female hunters are so very, very cute!!!
Am I boring for just playing guild GS?

I like the strong charge and I like GS... I don't know. I always want to try something else, but MH and GS just go hand in hand for me.
>Want to complete online quests
>Shit like collect 20 eggs
lol time to rush keys

>download MHX DEX
>launch it
>MHX DEX has stopped working
time to use the troubleshooting plug-ins
Hey Johnathon
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>doing gathering quests for any reason other than unlocking kitchen ingredients
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>he doesn't do every single quest in the game rank by rank, being a true completionist

You made this loli cry
Try HBGunning. It's the greatsword of gunning.

Feel the power of siege mode dakka dakka dakka!
Would anyone happen to know what the village 4* prowler quest artic point expedition gives you after completion? I heard the sound like I got a new trading post unlock but I skipped it on accident. Was it just more palico slots?
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>make the first upgrade for shagaru HBG
>look at what I have to see if I need to farm for the next two
>actually have a fuckton of parts, enough to make a full set+next two upgrades, without farming at all.
>except for the most common carve, scale+
>i only needed 5 to make the HBG
>I need 14 to make the armor
>I only have 4
What the fuck is this horseshit
>stare at a dudes ass
This is the worst fucking argument for playing a female character and it will never stop triggering me even after hearing it for over a literal decade.
I need that big money. Are might seeds still the best source of trade income? I use too many weapons and armors and have fallen into poverty. Quest income can't keep up.
>Not liking grunty man ass
What are you? Gay?
is focus now fast charge in MHG?
Please tell me in MHX there is finally a reason to bring an elemental GS or Hammer?
Focus was always FastCharge. Focus is the skill you put points in, and when you get 10 you get the FastCharge skill.
Not fixing:
>wide-as-fuck flying wyvern charge (Rathian/los, Garuga, Kut-ku, etc.)
>the minimum time it takes for a monster to be able to switch areas again
>monsters camping near the fucking zone load so you can't go near
>Dragonite Ore

Otherwise it's really good. Makin' me mad as fuck today, though, but we all have those days.
is there a good spot to get nova crystals from? ive been doing harvest tours for ages and got nothing
these lewds OP's are making me feel funny
I fucking hate my life

What's a good armor to get in high rank?
Frozen Seaway harvest tour at the hub. Areas 3, 4, 5, and 6. I guess that's what the area numbers are. The middle part, then left to where kushala sleeps, then the small cave, then the long middle cave. They only come from blue mining spots. I got all 10 I needed for the Guild U set in about 6 runs.
Clown suit with the skills you need. Get charm hunting.
Anyone doing LR Uragaan? I need some Lava Nuggets, and I'm too lazy to rank up to it.
>HR3 hunter joining our HR4 room to post his fucking Narkarkos urgent
Ugh, I've had enough of this fucking monster. Randoms are subhuman.
When in doubt, Zinogre
Anybody down to suffer and try for Mizu claws?
thats what ive been doing and got none in like an hour, guess i will have to keep trying
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How do I change the dex icon to Astalos besides the shortcut?
2 spots left
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>implying all the monsters don't have porn of them already
You'd have to delete the series, friendo.
I want to pick up a new blademaster weapon since I've been gunning through most of the game. I've played IG, S&S, and gunlance before and now I'm thinking about learning lance or switchaxe. Which should I go for? And I know striker's great for lance, but what style for SA?
Good luck. The game's giving me grief with wyvern scalps.
I want to fuck a male narga
To the guy who did double Kecha, sorry about that. The room exploded mid-quest and I took a little break afterwards

new room at
pw rage

Finally, someone who gets it.
In about an hour I'll join. Eating breakfast now and gonna do some chores then I'm free to hunt.
Is that even a cat?
>tfw SnS has ruined me as a hunter and I view having to sheath your weapon (which takes fucking aeons) to heal as completely unacceptable
Why is it tho

>village fated four quest
>literally 0 Mizutsune mats in the quest rewards
It's a very disturbed man wearing a costume. Like a theme-park mascot
He helps scare children away from the Wycademy who would end up as Maccao breeding slaves
sounds good

still have 2 slots open
Id go with lance. SA is just extremely boring in this game even if it is good, ive mained it since tri and dropped it halfways through gen.
I'd join but multiplayer keeps on giving me a connection error but my wifi is fine
>tfw bows in HR2
Can't be arsed buying power coats all the time since these quests don't give shit for money.
Is it even possible to NOT cut Mizutsune's tail?
>tfw no maccao to breed monstergirls with

dw man managed to cap the final kecha. im done man. ive carted 7 times in the last 3 quests. my hands are cramped to shit

good hunting
The weapon will still play the same. Just pretend you have elements, and there's no difference.
Got sweetheart.
When do i get more housekeepers?
I need to inseminate them all.
>tfw doing every quest this time around
>only just finished all training, 4* village, 2* online
fuckin a the amount of filler is ridiculous
Is athena's mhgen 0.93b the most up to date one yeah?

Also, what's the LR jaggi set or w/e of this game? Something easy to get early on that helps a bit in all scenarios?
>join room
>everyone decides they're done hunting and leaves
Oh man. I shouldn't have checked that (you)

Why are mizu claws in high demand when the equip sucks balls
>triple snarf quest is real
But why.
>try to use lance/gunlance
>fucktard controls

what the fuck? who thought that this was a good idea, the movement is so stupid and fucking retarded, you literally dodge the opposite way of where you want to go, then it's slow, then it's even slower doing and blocking anything

this is probably the worst weapon class, I just can't understand why they would make it stupid.
>need 5 rath gleams
Just kill me already.
Maybe one day you'll get the hint, fuckface.
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Why are they in high demand when you literally get 1+ every time you fight him?

it happens sometimes. people on here sometimes do have lives as hard as it is to believe sometimes
Because nobody realizes you can break the claws easily with the Khezu LBG, which is an incredibly inexpensive gun to make and Thunder Attack gear is easy to craft
I dunno about general-use, but I made Bullfango gear with a +3 attack charm and used it all the way through HR. AtkUp M and Adrenaline are fun.
Bulldrome head, chest, feet.
Kutku chest,
Jaggi waist

make 4 atk up gems

You get Attack up Large.
Good to know! Any tips for what specific lances I should be going for, or should I just look for sharpness?

Not sure where you got that information but it's just wrong. I'm about 5 hunts in without a single one.
>Adept Hammer
>No R X X combo
>No first charge attack

Well, adept hammer fucking sucks.

lmao 2 chest

what are you making?

the mizu bowgun?
Menu>Hunter's Notes>Request Log.

Check the rewards.
I got that information by looting it in my past kills/captures with no major issues whatsoever. In fact I have some spare ones since I've already done the set and the weapons I care about.

The mizu bow and armor
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IG here. Nice huntan, everybody.
>got a plate last hunt

It's Tama you inbred fucks.
password: 7243

Low Rank turns, 1 spot left (again again)
Not him, but just out of curiosity, when do you plan on ever using it?

Monsters weak to water usually deal electric, and the armor has like -35 electric. So when will you ever get to use the entire set?
I buy para, poison, exhaust, sleep, power coats, plus barrel bombs L and S. And I'm HR2 as well.

You don't eat the money.
only buy on SALE
>tl note: tama means balls
Florbad here, good hunts all

hes a mizutama honeyboy

you dont understand anon

I'm adept bow so it's a pretty rare occasion that I get hit anyways. I like the looks and the skills are okish and then pretty good in high rank.
haha you're right. Not bulldrome chest, bulldrome arms.
>Monsters weak to water usually deal electric
The fuck? They deal fire.
Get out, you weeaboo faggot. If you want to use japanese names go to 2chan play MHX.
Zinogre or Astalos for armor sets?
Bull Cap

4x Attack Gems, boom easy Atk Up (L)
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I'd suggest the Raizex if you're using faster weapons, unsure what Zinogre has though.
How the fuck do I wound Uragaan's jaw as a Dual Blade dude. I went through like 5 whetstones of resharpening because bounces and it still didn't get broken
>hehe guys xD I'm gonna make sure I speak the japanese name hehe I bet that's gonna sound real cool
Lances upward attack (A button) is stronger. Try to get a Lance with high element as opposed to raw. As for skills, anything that will either boost your Guard or Evasion is good.
why are you quoting me you dumb fucking cunt
Spiked Lance
If you really want to wound his jaw with DBs, then trap him and spam demon dance.

You should use another wep like hammer or HH.
what bow path(s) should I follow during the early/mid game?
next chapter when
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Should I teach my cat emergency retreat or a trap skill? Already has both the boomerang ones.
All of the localized names are arbitrary as fuck. Especially Tamamitsune to Mizutsune.
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>all these new moves and attacks
>still can't press forward-attack and hold the attack button for a longer gunlance scoop
>gunlance is still a horrendously slow and unwieldy weapon, even as mobility becomes more and more important with each new game
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>Really want the Nargacuga armor set
>Ask friends to help me get the cutwings that I need
>"Dude if you're using a Narg weapon then just wait to get the Raizex armor since it's skill works well with them"
>Explain to them that skills don't always matter
>Friend's decide they're not going to help me
I just want to fucking look fashionable dammit.
teach me your ways SA mains
I dont even know what the fuck am I doing
>>gunlance is still a horrendously slow and unwieldy weapon
I mained GL in 4U, and I'm using it as a fallback in MHG, it's never felt horrendously slow. You just have to get a good feel for it and know when to do what.
Protip: Dont bother with Axe mode.
>single combo that takes 75% of your life
This is why I don't like KoF or MK fighters.
>Explain to them that skills don't always matter
>Friend's decide they're not going to help me

>Started new game on MHX
>Start grinding out Jaggis and Bullfags for the Atk Up (L) set
>Try out Adept Hammer
>Try out Aerial Dual Blades
>Literally have the most fun playing

I just...
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>Gammoth's intro quest
Maybe it was because I was trying GL Aerial, but that thing just wouldn't die.
>Unlucky Cat plops me right in front of the monster with the lowest possible Stamina and a tiny sliver of HP
>Felyne Carver (Lo) doesn't even activate after I spend the entire fight being tripped by the CB and the LS
where do I get Dragonite Ore in HR
>he says with absolutely no evidence supporting his claim
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how about street fighter
The quests where Lance, Alastor, Bruno, and Drasna show up they all have boosted health.
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i've been using it since mhfu; the new moves are nice, and aerial style is almost what i want (although then i have to give up the adept counter), but the gunlance is slow and unwieldy. sheathes unbelievably slow, extremely slow movespeed when unsheathed, slow to recover from attacks if you want to block, no triple-hop, and so your options when faced with something you don't want to block are usually try and scoop-sidestep-scoop-sidestep out of the way, or do those fucking finnicky extended backhops and hope you don't fuck one up and turn 180 goddamn degrees

You must not like fighters then, because every fighting game has combos like that.
This is why noone takes st seriously
adept hammer is godlike
the motion values on the evade super charge are insane
>watching gunlance tutorial
>hes running with gunlance
>doesnt tell you how

dont think ive ever been this pissed off at a game

how the fuck do you run with a gun lance.
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>Shogun Ceanataur
>acc killed him the first time, 18min capture the second time around
>Yian Garuga urgent
>wipe the floor with him in 7min

I don't know what it is, but I just keep on standing in Ceanataur stupid side attacks that still hit even when you stand behind the fucker

Any tips against Mr Crabs as GS?
>because every fighting game has combos like that.
That's wrong though.
Excluding Balrog's Tap, Q's Taunt, and R.Mika's V-skill Street Fighter doesn't have that shit since Alpha was a thing , and A3's infinites don't count.
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Mount and also only do snipes unless the champ is down. Until you get used to him again that is.
You don't run
What's a good e+2 mixed Lance set for high rank if I'm using galvenus Lance?
it's also like the only weapon that doesn't have that retarded uncancellable three second run after an adept evade
Adept GS might actually be worth a try next time, haven't left my Guild comfort zone yet
getting better
I see him running off a cliff with a gunlance and charge shotting and doing a jump attack.
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>excluding all these things that are literally touch of death combos, street fighter 5 doesn't have touch of death combos
if you let a a mika vskill for all 15 seconds and get grabbed you deserve to die
if you let abalrog hold all six buttons down for 60 seconds you deserve to die
>losing to Q
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>fighting rathalos variant with randoms
>we cap it, and I don't get many variant pieces
>oh well, means I'll have to kill it then
>next quest
>room explodes
>I'm alone with it
>shit hits hard
>shit has lots of health
>after arduous fight, finally limping
>decide to cap it just for the tickets

>mfw rewards are 90% variant pieces

This game mate
So who's your favorite /mhg/? Bubble Dog, Bone Mammoth, Electro Bat, or Blade Rex?
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>Hunt 3 Nibelsnarf

Surely I must have misread that
Which armor parts are those
On one hand mizu is the only not horrible design.
On the other hand, asstalon kinda grew on me. Probably because I always liked steve.

Bug wings are still absolutely retarded, though
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>mfw that IGN review

How did he beat the game in single player in 10 hours? What the fuck
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Dinosaurs are objectively the best kind of monsters.
key quests, friendo.
would anybody here be interested in farming low rank narga? need wings and tailspikes and randoms are so bad at breaking parts
>maccau is not maccao
>dinovaldo is now glaive anus
>gamuto is now gammoth
>raizex is now astalos
what is the literal point of this
Design wise I like Gammoth a lot. Glavenus is the most fun to hunt.
key quests and literally not upgrading armor
Dino is a bit too pointy and knifetailed
Bug have stupid attacks like balls that go around, also pointy.
Bubbles is a bit too foreign
Elephant is ok I guess.
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Are you implying IGN journalists actually play the games they are reviewing instead of just valuing bribe money against score?
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Bug Dragon > John Goodman > Touch Fluffy Tail > Mastodon
raizex was a pretty cool name
>having all dromes, great jaggi and friends in every game
How about no.

Dromes should be scapped and never brought back.
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Go Hammer.
Dinovaldo. Should have kept that damn name, it isn't even a nip name. Why change it?
dinovoldo was kind of stupid. I'm glade the changed that one at least.
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>enraged shogun

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Because 8-4 loves fucking shit up for no specific reason. The same happened to Fire Emblem Awakening and Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Enjoy your "localization".
There is nothing wrong with Great Jaggi aside from being boring.

Go to monster

press R+X
X Combo till the monster hits you

rinse and repeat

use demon riot when its off cd and you have atleast half a vial

maintain riot mode with charge

You are now a switchaxe main
>can't have muh loli swimsuit preorder cancelled xDxD

the game was still great
forward+X makes you run a short distance into a scoop, maybe it was that?
Where to cop a great hornfly? I need some parts of the obituary armor.
dem thighs and bum tho..

The one on the left literally has no fucking character
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Why is the best basic combat introduction not in this game?

I miss the guy
Sword Mode
Press X until it dies, that's it. Literally that's all you do. X X X X X X
Use Energy Charge whenever it's up
Use Demon Riot when its uo
Keep Demon Riot up infinitely
Use Absolute Evade/Absolute Evade Battle to avoid stuff
I don't see the problem. Only Raizex was the most western sounding one, the rest only sounds good in japanese.
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Might I spoiler shitpost for a moment?
this sounds more like a case of "wah wah I've gotten too use to the Japanese names therefore the English names are bad"

They're fine. I did like Raizex though

I bet you cried about Jinouga/Zinogre faggot

There's no doubt about the game being good, but a lot of the names were like that for a reason:

>Gamuto = literally "Ice Elephant"
>Dinovaldo = Dino Volcanic
>Tama getting his name changed to ANOTHER weeb name for no real reason
>Raizex getting his name ruined
>Rising Dragon Hunter Art (SnS) being given a weeb name for mysterious reasons
>the various liberties taken with the translation as seen in the pic.


And yet it's the proper translation. The "lol it's so quirky with git gud xD" shit is not an accurate translation. Now there's nothing wrong with liking the right side, but that's not the original script at all.
>20 minutes in quest
>just got my first dragonite ore
is there a fastest way?
Armors: Bubbles > Moot > Bug Steve > Glaive Anus
Monsters: Bug Steve > Glaive Anus > Bubbles > Moot
Because capcom wants to stick in older monsters to appeal to the 3 nostalgia fags who even want that trash back
>shit post a lot during mh4u
>saying guild needs to be played solo first before playing online
>keep shitposting
>take a long break from game
>come back for gen
>misremember my meme shitposting as truth
>solo guild up to HR6
>remember it was just a meme

I think I unironically got good, or this game is easy as shit

>requires lots of bars and cancel
>doesn't even kill

also KoF requires execution and by not being able to kill even with all those resources puts the character in a low tier

Literally everywhere
>John Goodman
W-why did I laugh at these?!
And yet that horrid little whyvern's in every fucking one except 3
gen is piss easy

its the easiest monhun since p3rd
Jinouga and Zinogre sound exactly the same.
These new names outside Gamuto is like calling Rathalos, Jimbibabwe. Where do they even come up with these names
>best anything
Come on man
The original has no personality. She's just helpful for the sake of being helpful. I mean if I'm going to mash through that text it's more entertaining on the off chance I see some stupid fucking shit the sweethearts are saying.
Please feel free to spoiler more. Jesus, anon.
4u is even easier
I don't see the problem with Glavenus at all...
When I saw the TA list posted yesterday all the gunner weapons were listed as having the best times with Adept.
Bow especially loses literally nothing and doesn't have more than 1 good super.
I always knew Rathalos was a black man.
>And yet it's the proper translation.

Do you know what the word localization fucking means?

What the fuck does the Pack Rat Guide do?

how new
only if you are a carried shitter like yourself
Where'd John Goodman come from?
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where do i sign up to be a carried shitter
Does it mean shoving memes down our face?
>Jinouga and Zinogre sound exactly the same.

A lot of people like their unispired dialogue, doesn't mean localization can't be shitty, but either one has their place
We're Back
I'm overwhelmed by branching paths.
Which are the good DB paths to play through the game with?
Would lagombi, rath, khezu, guild saber be horrible missteps?
Been playing for years, never thought to buy it because it didn't sound important.
>6 trunkspines
I'm hard.
nope, get lucky.

gathering cats maybe.
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Grinding LR Seregios!
GH: 45-6727-5728-9908
PW 7243
Come join!
It means adapting it to another location or market

The west likes memes. Learn Jap if you want the proper translation so bad

Why yes, I do in fact know what a localization means. To quote Tom from XSeed, a localization is not simply rewriting things to censor or suit your needs. It is instead the process of adjusting jokes and references that would be otherwise impossible for a local user to understand. Tom's example of this would be a game containing an obscure 2ch meme reference. No American is going to get that reference, so the best course of action is to change it to be something similar yet relateable (in this instance, he suggested a meme/joke from 4chan). Note that this is NOT injecting memes into a script; this is simply changing a joke known to the Japanese to a joke that's known to Americans.
HR3/Low Rank Turns -OOO
Which is the least grindy MH game?
What the fuck is body gather? There is a list of drops for capture, body carve, and then one for body gather.
>I cant get one

And I'm always Aerial IG spamming so what the fuck? I get like 3-4 mounts and run to his face and everything breaks but his fucking trunk
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So, I know some of you got some weapon art messages. I am looking at some LS user with those Japanese phrases.
Any of you other people got some? I am considering putting one on my gunner for when I meet people that spam those art. But can't think of anything remotely funny.
What monster?

Uragaan and Zinogre you have to trip them and mine or bug catch their backs
This is disgusting.
fuck it, >>149105751 here. I'll join.
Wouldn't that be "shiny drop"? There is a list of drops for that as well, just over the "body gather" list.
Indeed but all the dromes fucking suck. Great Jaggi and friends should be the introductory monsters in this game.
Is Athene's ASS updated for MHG yet?
Is there a way to hotkey the Lance charge or at least have a bigger fucking touchscreen button?

The R+X+Y whatever method is also equally shit
>Finally get my ceanataur set
Once again, I'm wearing the most /fa/ set.
Fuck off
i literally just closed my room to join yours
id rather farm seri than do just nothing
Oh, I see. Any chance that can be done after they are dead?
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>A Decoration that boosts "x village" skills

Huh? What did I miss
For Yakumo Wood, does it come form a node or is it just a random reward?
il join a turns room if you make it
Good god adept gunlance is atrocious, that guard is just terrible.

>there will never be Monster Girl Hunter
>have to collect their fluids and such
>have to avoid being mounted and pulled back to a cave
>loads of dash juice required to avoid running out of stamina
If I do an adept dodge with LS, is there a way to cancel the dash afterwards?
LR/HR3 Turns
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That's not Bnahabra set.
>He doesn't main Aerial SA
explain yourself

patrician taste
>Lavasioth got a complete moveset revamp and went from a dogshit fight to amazing
>Plesioth is still the same fucking Plesioth
Seriously, why do they even bother to bring Plesioth out of minigame status? Nobody likes this shithead, Lavasioth really should have been the urgent to HR5
Anyone wanna help me with HR 4 urgent?

you have to attack specifically the trunk and not the tusks/head. using fire helps. Also capturing it has a chance of getting you 2 in high rank
If you look in your options, you can set start to be your special attack I think.
Bnahabra set is only good on females, Ceanataur is the best male set.
I've been wearing mine for LR and half of HR, but the BM is considerably better than the gunner.
>how do japs into engrish

Gamuto -> Gammoth makes as much sense as Jinouga -> Zinogre does.

i have learned that i need to have selfrespect

im already playing the easiest weapon in the game, no need to go so far as to increase my times by 5 minutes just to not feel guilty
How do I get lvl2 variant permits?
It's found on a fallen tree in the the green waterfall map.
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Too much monster, try again.
You gotta time it right. I want to do it with CB but I can't time things like that at all.
Is any of the Gammoth stuff good?
What are some good early lances to branch out for?

I know there are some of you still LR, right?
too much generic hentai garbage. Try again.
>Felyne Ceanataur set has a little gravios skull on the back
too cute.

Some of his weapons are alright. His SnS is good because you can negate the negative affinity with oil.
>unlock 5* village
>trifecta of terror
fuck snarf
Because It only has one Hunter art slot.

Guild Switch Axe is the true way to play, Demon Riot + Energy Charge all day every day.
if an item has no listed methods for acquiring it on Kiranico or Ping then why is it in the game?
Striker is functionally the same except an extra art
Striker is true way to play
Yeah no timing doesn't matter, you get locked in place too long and your counters suck dicks
So with everyone talking about the boomerang cats I take it a purely melee focused one would suck?

Even if it does suck what would be the best melee setup one could have?
gimme like a minute to do unlock this dumb honey farm
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So let's get this shit started

Does evade extender give more iframes in MHGen?
>Go to farm dragonite ore in the volcano
>Coal at maximum
>Coal at maximum
>Coal at maximum
>Coal at maximum
>Coal at maximum
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Say, when does the fella appear anyway, I'm gonna need some claws sir
First time I've been able to play mhgen.

Is GLance good this time, and did they nerf lance?




>Freedumb babbies
The supposed village prowler quests for upgrading the trader seem to be missing. What have I done wrong?
Yes, but why would you?
Could someone who understands moonrunes translate the armor set/talismans

you need to do the earlier ones.
I think it's better to just progress online to get trade stuff automatically unlocked.
Why the FUCK would it?

If you're good at GL they very slightly buffed it, if you aren't good at GL, they nerfed the fuck out of it.
LS users are fucking cancer. hory fucking shit why are there so many of you and why can't you fucking stop tripping us?

t. Aerial hammer user
What's the best SA
>aerial hammer

Having fun hitting everything BUT the head?
At least Gravioli is not in this game.
Can anyone trade me a really good healing/support prowler please?
Get away from my tail and you won't get tripped, hammertard.

Do you know what a head is? It's the thing you should be attacking.
Oh that makes sense. I'm just aiming for the honey one now because I'd like a certain bug that appears when farming them for an armor set, otherwise I'd just wait for the guild unlocks. Thanks!

hey at least i'm mounting
Let's face it, Tri was the best place to start.
>no overpowered blast bullshit
>fixed hitboxes and no 2nd gen bullshit
>zero, ZERO dromes and fangos and prey
>good weapon balance

on the contrary its the LS shitters that keeps on attacking the head which I can't for the life of me figure why? don't you see there's a hammer user here?
>dude calmly enjoying bubble bath provided by mizu
>absolutely nothing sexual going on
yeah, so much fur faggotry going on here

spawning in secret areas has been high rank only since like forever. if i remember correctly explorer forces you to spawn in them regardless of rank.
not sure about gen but i know thats true for at least 3U+4U
Pretty much. Even got rid of the cuck weapons
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>Go on volcano gathering trip
>get 7 firestone before getting even on dragonite ore
>Each weapon needs 5 dragonite ore
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>aerial user talking shit about anything
This is unsettling.
where the fuck have you been?
LS has been multiplayer cancer since forever
To be fair, that's not really something to flame the weapon they're using for. A hunter that doesn't know impact weapons get dibs on the head is probably gonna be shit no matter what.
>Playing village was neccessary since the game locked shitter bait weapons like LS and swax behind it
>Day/night cycle
>Free hunt
>Everything about loc lac
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Someone want to do the HR1 keys?

Haven't done any, but my connection is quite shit for hosting
Why don't you play alone champ, can't handle it?
Is the Demons Isle LBG worth getting and struggling over or should I just wait on another rapid Normal S? Or just a bunch of elem S?
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No, this is adorable.
anyone up for LR Chammy?
>I need 3 malachite ore
>Go to the jurrasic area and mine
>Go to the dunes and mine
>Go to the swamp and mine

Am I doing something wrong here
Good thing you can just buy some of those weapons that require 5 dragonite ore and multiple Hercudromes for 6k Zenny
LR Prowler/Turns
Welcome to hop in, chap
Need to finish the Heaven and Hell rathian/los quest and then urgent for hr3.

ID: 36-1035-7015-8295
Pass: OP usual
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>Join a lobby for Ceanataur farming
>Some SA guy joins
>As me and the two other hunters run to fight the monster, I notice the SA player is still at camp
>We finally get to the monster and SA guy is in area 1 still
>After about 2 minutes he's now in area 4
>After 6 minutes he comes into the room where we're fighting Ceanataur, and ignore the monster to start mining ore
>He was fucking gathering the entire time
How do people get like this?
What are some good 3rd party sticks? the only in this 3DS is sticky and literally coming apart, and I don't even play that much.
Hmm, what meele weapon to start off with?
You talk like a reddit neckbeard.
Always Volcanoes, niggy. If you don't have it unlocked yet, THEN you're doing something wrong.
>does evasion +3 stack with evasion +9999?
Longsword will make you really popular online.
Hes new and since no one can talk during hints anymore no ine can set him straight

kek. i got one of this tards as well. we were rushing to the objective and i see this fucking guy mining and gathering. like wtf bro? do that offline lol
circle pad pro
what looks fun to you?
kill yourself
Pros use the dual sword. It's the hardest to master, but everyone will know that you're the best.
Aerial anything.
No, I meant for the main stick.
Room ID 09-7968-9546-7552
pass 6711

could anybody help me and a buddy cap the glavenus in HR 3?
Hmmm, what a faggot
You guys are triggered so easily. Never change.
>Pros use the dual sword.
No, people named Kirito, Ichigo, and Naruto use the dual swords.

I've noticed this:
DB player is female, they'll be using slut voice
DB player is male, they're named after some anime character
>Still making bushido seem stronger than it is

Its like an Evade+2 at best and is a good trade off compared to more arts.
People can call you stupid if you're acting stupid, anon. Has nothing to do with being triggered.

No. When you have Adept selected, your Evasion skill is grayed out.
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Have you smooched your Moofahs today, mhg?

Remember that Kirin-slut will never let you mount her if you don't.
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those exist?
I bought these but I didn't know actual replacements existed
Whatever you say.

CB is still better at the head than Hammer.
Just hit HR. What set gets me Focus and Crit draw for GS? Also maybe AuL if it isn't too much.

Is charm sniping in this game?
>Malfestio gear gives tenderizer
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
>Its like an Evade+2
Nearly the entire roll is invincible.
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>not buying the ones with the sexy PSP surface
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So >Status aside, Is the 20 less atk worth it for more blue, more status atk and an extra slot? SnS btw.
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>Get two dragonite ore from the same mining spot
>pick adept style
>suddenly crave dicks
why is this?

>tfw no Maximum pants for MH
>tfw still no hand to hand weapon for MH
100% worth it, equivalent to 400 poison and that extra slot will open up more shit.
I replaced the nipple stick with a psp stick. I use the paw print cause I'm a massive faggot.

Link to the one posted?
>Everything about loc lac

I fucking miss Loc Lac so damn much. Shame the NA version got gimped with lobby size compared to the JP one.
I'm going to make all my shoutouts quotes from life is strange
brachy is best

>Play Bowguns exclusively
>Need tails
>Whip up a Great Sword and cut that tail in 3 hits naked
>Cart out or leave via sub if applicable.


Not a fan of Great Swords, but they fucking do the job.
How much fucking health do these 4 dick bags have? The mizu in the bulldrome quest just will not fucking die
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Not true. Why even bother talking if you are just going to talk shit?
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Is there a list of every collaboration in the entire series history?

If this guy has made more pictures I implore you to post all of them or upload a zip file
Cyber Gadget 3DS Pad Cover

Got mine on Amazon quite a while ago
How do I break urgaan jaw?
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What are some good looking LR sets?
What about in general sense? Is it worth it to sacrifice Atk to get more blue/white sharpness?
I'm only posting these ironically.
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So whens a good time to go online. Which village rank should I reach first.


Haven't carted since.
Yeah, a bit more sharpness goes a bit further without having to apply mind's eye or sharpening mid hunt. Benefit a bit more from affinity and destroyer oils that way.

Top 3

>Farm behind cat autism
>Gathering quests
>Capcunts spending time and resources on prowlers when only one is truly viable for combat, could have just cut cat shit and put in more monsters and less gathering quests

I miss free hunting.
I hate how 4U haters lumped expeditions in with guild quests and got them both removed from the game.
>we'll never have more comfy hunts with an infinite time limit hunting literally anything that could show up
>garbage random map
>brown girl with white hair
this is my fetish
Ramlethal is a miracle of the universe
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>Gathering quests should have been 1 star only to teach people about all the methods of gathering

expeditions were bullshit compared to free hunt
They were the same damn shit.
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>Go through 8 potions and 2 megas fighting LR Lagiacrus for the first time

Well that was a bit rougher than I expected.
>Being a filthy casual who doesnt work day and night to create a perfect set that balances form and function.
Having any armor look like any armor just isnt something I ever want in the series, partially for autism reasons, and partially because I feel like things are balanced in a way the way things are.
Thank god. Don't ever get such a shitty transmog feature in this game. It would make it the most retarded game ever late game.
>shit map
>mostly shit 2nd gen monsters
nah senpai
it's already been in the series and
>affecting balance
cosmetics dont affect balance at all
Youre not even giving a reason. People should get to look like any gear they want. Its not even a defendable thing. Theres no 'lore' to support clown sets.
Is it possible to remove learned skills from cats? I have a perfect cat that has yet to learn LAst Stand and am wondering if I should wait to teach it The World's Strongest Technique instead.
expedition maps were fucking garbage
Name of the DS grip? Hands getting fucked playing
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>Aerial Switchaxe
>You can morph into elemental discharge in the air
awww shit son this just got way better
Literally retarded
They were totally fine, they were all varied with big arenas and some cliffs
Far better than deserted island shit.
I want tribabbies to fuck off.
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Circle Pad Pro XL
Haven't carted here in Gen yet, but that's probably because I'm still on Village LR.
My first cart ever was to Tigrex in the original Popo Tongue quest.


Fuck those unbreakable claws FOREVER

Lucent Nargacuga is a close second.
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>Far better than deserted island shit.
now you lost it
seek help
I'm genuinely worried
It has nothing to do with Tri you stupid cunt, a big interconnected map is vastly superior to a bunch of random areas strewn in a straight line for no reason. You probably like apex monsters and guild quests too don't you faggot
>limping Gammoth
>setting up my 9 Vial Ultra AED, full bloodlust engaged
>empty it into him, wonder why he doesn't die
>notice mounting message in chat
Can you close the can and leave them in
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When are we gonna get a weapon that lets you punch monsters?
Like big gauntlets that you can charge per hit, like Cerberus from DMC or something.

>Black Fatalis Greatsword
>-and- Dragon damage that wasn't shit!

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Mizutsune is a good fight with a 10/10 theme though
Roundhouse Slam or Typhoon Trigger?
Similar thing for me. He used to be a pushover on the ground

He's so different now
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>bing bong asian ukulele themes being good
It's a shit map
Zone 3 is almost as bad as zone 9 from forest and hills, zones 9 and 10 suck with awful layout, zone 5 has the same fuckhuge loading zones problem marshlands has etc.
The only good thing is they gutted the map so now there's less of it to be a problem.

And that's not something you could change? You're acting like a little bitch boy saying it's somehow impossible for then to have improved upon it in the next game by making them all interconnected.
I bet you were the little fag that couldn't handle apex because you weren't gud enough to understand and use wystones properly and had to have people carry you GQ for you.

>Literally 20% carve

That's literally not going to mean shit with bad luck.

I can pull 10% Dragonite low rank ore out of my asshole at will, but Mizu's claws are just cancerous.


None of the "fated 4" are good fights.

>HP Sponge on ice
>Massive hitzone spam lightsaber head
>HP Sponge that slips and slides and moves without pattern or reason
>One hit death spam but otherwise disturbingly easy actual T-Rex of tail chopping.

I'll take 700 Tigrex and have a good time, versus those four fags. Terrible fights.
>managed to gem in a fashionable chest
>I now have AuL on a fashionable looking set
>have to collect 2 stinky wyvern eggs as my last village "key" before killing the remaining flagships
>really don't want to

what a stupid shit game
You just have bad taste, mate.
>catch 3 goldenfish
>30 minutes in
>0 goldenfish spawn
Whomever though fishing was a good idea needs to literally be fired.
>HP sponge as a complaint
Hi, welcome to MH
gid gut
Man I've seen shit taste but this is an advanced case the likes of which no man has ever seen.
Sounds like you just have shit taste.
Wait, so Prowler means you can play as a cat?
Can you join in on non-cat players hunts?
Gammoth is terrible. Defend it.
Oh fuck shit. Are you guys still at it?
remember to spam that side B to hit and run since you wont be able to heal

>Gammoth defenders

Holy shit. I'm not the one with shit taste here.
Little bit too big for that, but you can just take them off
yes, full currently though
Alright, so that Gammoth fight was pretty fun/easy, but holy shit did that take forever. I didn't even bother fighting him on the popo tongue quest because I had a joke weapon equipped, just figured I'd take him out on his actual quest.

But holy shit, that was 12 straight minutes of constant bashing on him with an elemental weapon that he's weak against. Why does he have so much health?
you have to give an actual complaint first other than "it's a hp sponge!"
what do you think is wrong with it?
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You know, I remember a specific capcom article that got alot of praise.
Shit, what was it about. I know it was relevant to this conversation.
Oh right! It was Andrew Alfonso saying NOT to do that.
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>monster switches area to another side of the map
>go there
>hit once
>switches back to the previous area
>tfw you want to play other weapons but the hammer feels so gosh darned good

It's not fair, it's just so smooth and maneuverable, and it does so much damage.
Its a fight that tries something different and I honestly think it does it well. While his behind is safe in LR, you won't say the same shit in HR. Still, I agree that its the worst of the fated four, but not bad by any means.

giga popo is boring as shit, might as well fight the huge ass siege monsters
great maccau would make for a good waifu
I didn't. It's bad to assume that all posters are the same if it furthers your point.

It's big, it's slow, its attacks have wonky-as-fuck hitboxes, it uses some of the most annoying statuses in the entire game, and it's stupid-looking. But worst of all, it's not fun. It really is just a big, boring HP sponge.

At least the other 3 are somewhat dynamic, or at least look cool. Gammoth is so whatever.
hr deviant turn
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People who complain about Khezu but praise Gammoth are not only fucking retarded, but hypocrites.

That is all.
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>all this shittalk about Gammoth
Well hes my least favorite.
You guys liked Astalos? i though he was fun and hard both in LR and HR
I liked his theme and his set is cool
>unlock at HR 57
Did I play too much...
>unlocking before you complete all other quests
Shitter detected.
I don't agree. Well the hitboxes are a little wonky but the stasuses are easily avoidable and curable. Health wise I don't mind it, it's a big ass elephant so it should have a lot of health. I also think he's fun.

Raizex is my favorite, fun to fight with hammer and really cool theme.
Khezu drags the fight on if you're a blademaster by not just surrounding himself by an aoe. Gammoth always has spots where you can attack her. Its ridiculous to compare both, one is a waiting game, the other is a positioning one.
Mizutsune + LS for full weeb experience
Bought this the other day.
I regret is so bad, it's literally foraging for mushrooms and smashing a monster with a boring weapon the game.
by just*
What's a good armor set for facefucking monsters with a hammer?
The reason people hate khezu is because he makes you wait to fight him through roars, aoe spamming and dicking around on the ground/ceiling. The worst part about Gamuto is her constant tremors.
will this bait get me sushifish
If you adept dodge the Khezu AoE that entire cast is nullified allowing you to stand in it and beat the shit out of his tiny legs
>Astalos Hammer is a great axe instead of a hammer

He's ok in my book.
If this is your first Monster Hunter title then be patient. They make you do those quests in order to introduce you to a lot of concepts within the franchise.
nice man sorry about the game though
why didn't the image load all the way?

>Gammoth always has spots where you can attack.

>Stand under it and die
>Stand in front of it and get snowed or sucked in
>The rear spot isn't safe in difficulties that matter

Again, I reiterate. Khezu. Dies. When. Hit. In the proper. Spot.

Gammoth refuses.


Mother of god.
You know damn well why that bit is cropped out you fucking facetious leftist parasite.
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How the heck do I change the hub settings, can't bloody figure it out
If i had to make 1 mizutama weapon which one should i make

LBG or HBG>?

or are all its equips irredeemably shit
one slot
bait or retarded
I do?
Why do we refer to monsters as "her" or "she"again?
From what I've been reading, its HBG is one of the best Pierce HBGs in the game. It's certainly working well for me so far.
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>people already are in high rank doing deviant quest
>I haven't even played online
>I don't want to be carried
>still 3* village quest
>don't have much time for playing

The worse part is I want to play 4U more than Gen.
>dodge zinogre stomp
>adept dodge locks me into a running animation and I take the 2nd/3rd stomp

Yes, we all know that adept trivializes many monsters.

The developer literally said it was a female. Fine, let's just use "it".

>Again, I reiterate. Khezu. Dies. When. Hit. In the proper. Spot.
This works for Gammoth most of the time, it doesn't do all those attacks you mentioned at the same time. It does not work with Khezu when he spams the aoe electric field though.
Furthermore, why do people refer to Khezu as "he" and Gammoth as "she"?

The game just calls them all "it".
>First for GL isn't shit please stop bullying

I like that they didn't really buff it, but made it more technical, its more fun now than ever before.

That being said, hunting with randumbs is so bad, especially with all the oldskool chicken-tiered monsters.

All of these blade faggots spamming their wide sweeps, and these newfag bows an gunners that don't have any fucking clue where they should be shooting.

Every once in awhile I'll encounter a fellow GL or Lance bro, and when we hunt together it's like we're operating on a whole other level, everything just clicks and the hunt feels so fucking good.


wasnt the best pierce gun in the game that one that ate gravios and b gravy in sub 3

isnt that still in the game
then play 4U?
That happens a lot. You have to get good at knowing when to Adept dodge, and when to just position yourself.

Dodge towards Zinogre, behind him. He'll miss with those claw clams every time.
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What the hell is the point of Deviant monsters?
Just to add a gimmick of ULTRA DAMAGE monsters again?
Because some monster's sex is specified

Friendly reminder that bone-hydra-blobtopus has the best HBG in the game for pierce.

No that's Hyper/Ferocious monsters. Deviant monsters are just "we gave the subspecies a new name and some new super anime moves".
But not either of the two mentioned.
To give an excuse to give Rathalos resistance to flash bombs.
the GL was nerfed
saying its more technical means nothing other than they made it more of a pain in the ass to function given that you now have to reserve wyvern's fire or your super solely for locking your heat bar in place for a sweet sweet 5% damage boost or you fuck yourself over and lose 10% damage

the mechanic is fine but the numbers are fucking retarded
I avoid the adept dodge on that spam every time I can, but sometimes it's my only option. And then I'm punished for dodging.
they do behave differently
I finished him in 5 mins with a petrified hammer. The second time I fought him
Gamuto is confirmed female
same here
Pretty sure that's not true at all.
1 slot left
/r/ing that pic of Snowbaron Lagombi suplexing a Gammoth pls
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bubbles make bowguns nice
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Narga LS lv. 1 or Eager Cleaver lv. 3? against Astalos
>2 min HR Seltas
You can't make this shit up.
I can't play 4U anyway. I'm fucking busy, so I barely have touched the game.
Is it porn or is it an actual suplex? Because I have images of both.
Ichinose wanted to make some more rath subspecies but management told him he needed to make something for the other monsters too and that's how we got deviants.
So, I got the full LR Astalos set because I like the sentai look. What weapon benefits from Chain Crit most, and in what style?

>not Hermitaur Subspecies with its free Recoil Down +2 so you can use something that isn't the fucking Kush HBG
Are there really people who praise Gammoth?
It's not a completely awful fight but it's pretty boring. The only thing that makes it interesting is the sheer size of the monster and the novelty of that wears off pretty fast.
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Start menu, 2nd page, top option.
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Malfiesto armor is arabian nights as fuck
I love it
The actual suplex.

I'm curious for the other pic too.
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I can finally be a great warrior.
Confirmed where exactly? I just read the hunters notes entry and there's no mention of sex at all.
Why would an entire species be female? That doesn't make sense.
4U had memes and you faggots didnt complain
Thanks mate
Which of the variant monster armors are worth making?
Astalos and Mizu are the most original of the fated four. I like them both a lot. Mizu is a bit confusing until you get used to its set though.
>just hit high rank
oh boy, time to farm all the stupid new mats I need
time to rev up those prowlers for gathering tours
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Are there charm tables for Gen similar to https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=35D5BA6D70979C33!640 this?
What memes did 4U have?
Any hammer bros? I find myself getting hit a lot by charges. If I only have like a second to hit the head, what should I use? Is it better to sheathe the hammer or keep it out?

Of the ones I personally use:

Blizzard Lagombi if you want to go maximum HBG Aerial Pellet meme (or Aerial in general).
Blazing Rath is overall nice for hammer or anything that whacks a monster in the head often.
White Narga is OP as fuck for Striker SnS (Evasion 2, Evade Dist up, Crit eye 3, Crit Boost Up).
The Rathalos set is pretty great.
Anyone know how to get chaos mushrooms?
Im not gonna call you out on taste but none of the fated four are HP sponges. If anything they're glass cannons. Plus Glav only has one single one hit kill move thats easy to avoid.
Why does everyone complain about Gen having memes when its literally only one dialog early in game that does it?

Like I'm already at 6 star and the git gud thing was the only "memery" thing I've seen
Please help! I'm new and not very good!
you haven't been looking hard, I've seen at least 10, and I B through most text
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>want to make girl hunter
>have to do all the boring shit at the start again
Post some examples then
What are you hunting/do you mind people with endgame gear?
Is Armored Bream one of those rare items from multiplying like bumblepumpkins?
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>hear about toxic rath armor
>get excited about DS para haxxing again better than ever
>only two para weapons
>highest one is fucking 18 para damage
>o-okay I'll j-just slee-
>3 sleep damage
RIP status DS
Just going to keep a poison weapon around for Kushala.
Couldn't they have nerfed support DS instead of basically removing it?
Because complaining about memes is a meme
And a ching chong nip nong to you as well
Is there any reason someone wouldn't want a cat in their party?
>royal torrent memes on uragaan harder than it did on gravios and basarios in 4

if only it could cut the tail
That's where I am right now. To be fair, I'm only at Village 5* and Hub 3*, but I really don't want to farm all the shit back.
Save editor, make a copy of your current hunter and just change it to a female one.
save edit?
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khezu hunt a thon.jpg
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>pop culture references in monster hunter are unthinkable!



>download APM save editor
>extract save with savedatafiler
>edit save to your heart's content
>inject save with savedatafiler

I do it all the time to change my hair/skin color.
but that's illegal
Just some rank two stuff. I just need a few more players, this game seems so empty, i've waited like 20 minutes for people to join.
Do you need to hack your 3DS to do this?
Are lances any good in MHG?

I played switch axe in 3 and 4u and I kinda wanna try something different.
Literally where

Everyone only posts that one "git gud" screen and complains about meme when thats the only thing I've seen

I actually read the dialog all the way through no matter how important the character
Are you even online? The game is anything but empty, its only like a week old.
nah, just ask your mom for permission :3
Go with Sleep SnS. Add Exhaust oil onto that and most monsters can be locked down pretty well.

Pretty sure you do, yeah. MHX saves the data as extdata, and I don't think you can extract that without CFW access.
You just need a 3DS with homebrew access and a homebrew save manager. You don't need any custom firmware shit
I remember there being a reference to GaijinHunter somewhere.
Its not a gaijinhunter reference shes literally referring to the forreign wycademy hunter 5 feet from her who gives you tips everytime you talk to him
Calm down, anon, we're just on page 8.
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Still 1 slot available.

Just finished Lvl 10 Silver Narga.
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This kind of shit is everywhere
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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.jpg
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I'm a 3U babby, but I liked it a lot and poured about 1k hours into it. Didn't like 4U much.

Is Gen good even without G rank or subspecies? I'm worried about the monster variety and I really liked subspecies from 3U.
Calm down, anon. The thread is a Kelbi. It'll just run off screen for a while
guys this thread is 404ing AS WE SPEAK!

we need a new one
Am I destined to wear Bujabujabu all my life or is there a HR set I can make early?

don't tell me High Rank version of bujabujabuja
>monster variety

Choose one. If you actually choose monster variety, then Gen is for you.
>tfw hunting with sluts
That's the sort of shit Kayamba said in 3U, too
what meme is that even referencing? sounds like typical kayamba gibberish
In MH4 you can do a quest to turn in well done meat to quickly multiply items from the wyporium and such since it counts as a hunt.

Does MHX have something like this?

Space Jam, son.
He literally said shit like this in 3U though


references do not equal memes my man
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Wait, that's Yuuna.
What's a Yuuna?
every reference is a meme now?
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Shitty Prowler Color.png
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So we all know what the perfect boomerang cat is.

But what if I want the ultimate melee melynx
Weapon upgrade for sure, maybe claw dance or shock traps. What should I look for?
Slam jam is a meme m8
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This is a Yuuna.
HR3 keys
what is perfect boomerang cat?
I'd stick my Long Sword in that.
I'd sheath my charge blade in that axe.
I'd superpound that until it got KO'd.
That's exactly what these people think. 4chan is rife with idiots like that. Nobody even knows what the word "meme" means anymore.
Pierce+Big boomerang
Emergency escape

Boomerang Pro
Attack up(s)
Critical up(s)
by definition a meme is an idea or piece of information passed on. A language is literally a meme.
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Do Prowlers gain more than 4 memory slots at some point? And do they gain more than 5 ability slots?
11 or 18
3 or 5
the important part is
>passed on by imitation
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o shit Bruce Lee voice
11 unless you're a fag
>not fist weapons
no it's not.
yuuki yuuna is a hero
New Thread
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What glaive should I work towards in high rank
Glaive of repick
Why do you guys like this game and is longsword good?
Bought a new 3ds just for generations since I didn't want to update my old one for cfw. The zr and zl buttons are pissing me off, I keep accidently clicking them meaning to click L and R. Wish I could just swap them.
I played a bit of MH3u for the Wii U, enough to know the game before I lost interest. I think I was on some monster that looks like a TRex in lava land that Rolls around with a bunch of armor. I just picked up generations, what should I know before diving back in?
Guys this prowler shit is confusing.
You can't change the innate abilities it has, yet they come with 2 of them. Is there a way at all to change it, or does it matter?
To find at least one other person to play with. Honestly, it helps a lot with me. Playing it solo I can usually drop a couple hundred hours, about 200-250, into it, with a friend that jumps to the mid thousands before we get bored with G rank. That's from someone who will buy systems just for monster hunter. Looking at you Wii U.
So, I started playing on Tri for the Wii, and I've played every game since then. 4U blew me away with the monsters and the atmosphere of the story. Starting up Generations, it just seems to lack any real excitement or emotion.

Was 4U the exception to the rule, or is Generations sort of lacking in the awesome department at the beginning? Does it get better?
4U was the exception.

MHG feels lacklustre in comparison to 4U, but it's pretty similar to how Tri and 3U were.

>Does it get any better?
The Nakarkos storyline is decent, but short lived.
I feel the same way about generations but it also feels more like the originals to me quest wise. Having you go out and do bullshit gather quests and throwing you at bigger things. Just waiting for the tigrex trap quest to show itself. "Go hunt some Popo. Should be easy. Dont worry, there isn't anything there that you need to worry about. Go in unprepared, it's fine."
You can't change the ones they start with. On top of the list of learnable moves they have you can teach one from a palico that has learned the move you want to teach. I think you can teach one skill the same way.
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