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/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /gwt/)

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Thread replies: 766
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Free Man Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced!

Blood & Wine and patch 1.22 is released!
New Region trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: http://wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.22-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: http://www.twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous thread: >>148670128
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Reminder that only you can prevent Waifuization
I'm more concerned about her chest clipping through her clothes tbqh
Fuck that clipping and fuck Radovid.

Why is Yen's star so important? Is it mented somewhere?
I remember she touches it when nervous, irradiates magic and someone (Francesca?) said that stripping her from it would be too humilliating.
Go plow yourself radovid
>I'm more concerned about her chest clipping through her clothes tbqh
Waifuization steals resources from other aspects of development, like rats in a granary. What you see is a direct result of Yennefer's waifuization.

>Why is Yen's star so important? Is it mented somewhere?
It's strongly implied it's some kind of magical focus that increases her power.

Approved by:
Damien Monnier - CD Projekt RED Lead Designer
Marcin Momot - CD Projekt RED Community Lead
Mateusz Toaszkiewicz - Lead Quest Designer of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Marcin Iwinski - Founder of CD Projekt
Andzrej Sapkowski - Creator of The Witcher

>Literal Goddess tier
Rosa var Attre
Sweet Nettie

>Great tier
Fringilla Vigo
Edna var Attre
Irena Rinarde
Astrid The Vipress

>Okay tier
Philippa Eilhart
Lady of the Lake
Tamara Strenger
Corinne Tilly
Vivienne de Tabris
Eveline Gallo
Sile de Tansarville
Astrid of Lofoten

>Mediocre tier
Skellige Succubus
Ida Emean aep Sivney

>Awful tier
Louisa La Valette
Margarita Laux-Antille
Birna Bran
Ingrid Vegelbud
Patrica Vegelbud
Jutta an Dimun (nice voice actress, though)
Little Red
Witch of Lynx Crag

>Shut The Fuck And Stop Saying I Forgot Her tier

>/v/ Shitposting tier

>Literal Shit tier
You put entirely too much thought into this.
>Yen already has reason to be in the game at that point though, Triss does not.
Triss has a reason. Her lover(or a very close friend) and his adopted daughter(who she also knows well) are in danger, naturally she wants to help them.

>Because they chose to write it that way.
Well, that's not really a strong argument, they could have wrote the game in a variety of ways, but I'm talking from the perspective of how things are in the final version. And Fringilla and Rita simply don't care for Geralt the way Triss does and wouldn't jump to risk their skin for him. Triss was already established as a major character in the previous games and someone who cares deeply about Geralt.

What does Triss bring to it in TW3 that no other character could, besides that you like her?
We are entering personal preference realm here, but lets just say, she was a main romance option in the previous games and carrying that romance means a lot to me as someone who pursued it from the beginning and wanted to see it's conclusion. Tehy have a lot of history together, much more than Ves, Shani....

>And the entire argument is over whether that was a good choice by CDPR or not.
I think it was, but that is my subjective opinion. Objectively, it makes sense they did, becasue they already did two games with her and the player who played and enjoyed them deserve a closure.
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What did CDPR mean by this?
>Triss has a reason. Her lover(or a very close friend) and his adopted daughter(who she also knows well) are in danger, naturally she wants to help them.
You're just not getting it at all. We know Triss's motivation. Why does the STORY need her there, is the question.

>Well, that's not really a strong argument
But it's the one you're using over and over again without realizing it.
Post god-tier soundtracks

This game's music is criminally underrated.

>Objectively, it makes sense they did, becasue they already did two games with her and the player who played and enjoyed them deserve a closure.
That explains why she should be in Novigrad to wrap up her arc. Not why she should continue to be a love interest or remain in the game afterwards.

Still unsurpassed as an area theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKv0rtgI7mw
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>Damien Monnier
>Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz
>Marcin Iwinski


Please, you're embarrassing yourself
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And they complained when their forums descended into waifu wankery. They brought this on themselves.
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posting best theme here
>Why does the STORY need her there, is the question.
I don't see what kind of divine reason do you need. She doesn't have to be there, the story could have played out differently, it could have played out differently. However, from a perspective of someone romancing her it makes all the sense she is, considering her relationship with the main character. I'm not saying she is crucial, but her role makes sense.

>But it's the one you're using over and over again without realizing it
No, I am talking about the things CDPR put in the game, you are talking about the things they could have, but didn't. There is a huge difference. They could have put Fringilla or Yen or whatever, but they didn't. From the story perspective, Triss is the only one in Novigrad, therefore it makes prefect sense she is there to help.

>Not why she should continue to be a love interest or remain in the game afterwards.
That's up to each individual player to decide, you feel she shouldn't be a romance interest, that's fine. I think she should, so I chose that and as a consequence her being around makes perfect sense.
>However, from a perspective of someone romancing her it makes all the sense she is, considering her relationship with the main character. I'm not saying she is crucial, but her role makes sense.
So her only role after Novigrad is as waifufodder. Thank you.
nothing beats banana tiger
>banana tiger
fuck now I can't unhear this

Song of the Sword Dancer is better
It's actually not that hard.
Got myself all five sets right now.
Only problem is the enchanted dimeritium plate, but it's manageable since you can craft the dimeritium ores and green gold ores (for orichalcum ores). It takes a lot of crafting back and forth, and it's fairly expensive, but if you've done a fair share of looting you should be able to sell equipment and other shit to easily earn 40-50k.
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>vampire captures kills tons of people indiscriminately
>this draws attention
>vampires decide to severely punish him
>punishment requires capturing and killing tons of people indiscriminately

Blood and Wine pls

pls Bloood and Wine
>So her only role after Novigrad is as waifufodder. Thank you.
No, that is only one of the reasons, I already talked about how it makes more sense for her to contact Philippa, how she is needed for the final battle, and the important role she played in the KM battle, I would just be repeating myself. We can't really reach an agreement, we just see things differently.
I want to finger Shani
You've been doing this for over an hour and you still haven't understood the original point of contention at all.
My only point is, the way story is currently presented in TW3, Triss' presence makes perfect sense, post Novigrad included. Yes, they could have wrote it without her, but that is not the point I'm arguing.

Autist protests CDPR with stupidly long manifesto, make your voice heard, /wtc/. All 5 of you.
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Reminder that when using Bear School gear, Geralt is LITERALLY wearing a skirt.

Feline armor is the much more sensible choice design-wise, also lore-wise, since Geralt has never been a heavily armored tank in the books, but rather a quick and agile fighter.
>Geralt is LITERALLY wearing a skirt.
Skirts have been men's clothing in a variety of cultures for millennia. Roman legionaries wore leather skirts into battle.
I like the look of it

I also enjoy Rend, the big numbahs and (to a lesser extent) being pretty much invulnerable with 95% DR
>not wanting to wear a skirt
Rend is underrated as hell.

Transvestite Geralt is canon as of TW3.
transphobic piece of shit
so the only way to get viper school gear is to buy the diagram's from the old lady at the borsodi auction?
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don't try to hide it.
Rend is great if you buffer it from dodges.

With Severance it might as well turn your sword into a sniper rifle
Obtaining one of the swords depends on a specific choice you can make in the main story.
i know that, yet i heard that it's possible to obtain armor diagrams from vesemir's former lover. is that true?
my favorite is the novigrad/oxenfurt stuff.

Yes, it's true.
what? you get the steel sword in the vault and the silver sword in the puzzle world.
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She looks kinda down.
because it's tough being an empress
If you choose not to fight Gaunter, you can't obtain the silver one because you don't get to do the puzzle world.
Because she's Philippa's puppet now.
If you don't fight Gaunter the sword is in a chest near Yantra where you met him after killing the Ofieri mage.
Whatever happened to Philippa after the ending, shame we don't get to see her fate.
You're kidding, right?
How fucking dumb is that...Jesus. After removing all missable Gwent cards, we now got this?
>Whatever happened to Philippa after the ending, shame we don't get to see her fate.
Sequel bait. She was originally to be captured, tortured, and executed by Nilfgaard but they cut that.
Oh shit, I never knew that, thanks for the info.
she gets burned to death. In the future, she becomes a martyr, Saint Phillipa.
>she gets burned to death. In the future, she becomes a martyr, Saint Phillipa.
Wikifag? She doesn't get burned to death.

Also, this absolutely-I'm-so-very-sure never happens anyway, since Ciri changed the world via timetravel.
missable items shouldn't be a thing, though if the item i s important like a unique sword
Yeah, I know that from the LotL, I would just like to have seen some closure in the game, and not just her but also Fringilla and Rita, I guess it's safe to assume Philippa meets her destined fate one way or the other.
I forgot how she was killed according to the books, but whatever. I know she dies and becomes a martyr.

But then again, maybe not. The games pretty much ignore the future laid out by the books.
>Also, this absolutely-I'm-so-very-sure never happens anyway
It could still happen later. Some stuff did.
It's not about missable items -it's about this Sword being a sort of reward for a tough choice you make.
You could as well say the endless wodka or scary saddle Gaunter offers you as a reward are "missable".
In the cut content, Yennefer made a deal with Emhyr where she gives them all members of the Lodge to be imprisoned or killed in exchange for help with the Hunt. Yennefer says Phillipa specifically would be executed. You can still hear about the deal in the game, but the rest of it was cut. There's a webm of her saying it though.
>The games pretty much ignore the future laid out by the books.
Morvran is still heavily implied to be the next Emperor, at least. Although they mysteriously cut almost all references to him marrying Ciri in the Empress ending.
>It could still happen later. Some stuff did.
I know. Just my headcanon, so, not entirely serious.

>I forgot how she was killed according to the books

Gets tortured to death in a gruesome way. Pretty heavy stuff.
What does Emhyr have against Phil? She never did anything bad to him..
>You can still hear about the deal in the game, but the rest of it was cut.
So much was cut I don't even know if that's referring to that anymore. But what else is her big sacrifice she refers to? Having to work with Emhyr at all? Promising to urge Ciri to see him?
Philippa deserves to die for being a ruthless, heartless, manipulating cunt, without any semblance of feeling for anyone and being prepared to hurt anybody she knows to draw some measly profit out of it for herself.
Though she is quite hot in the game.
they also changed the white frost from a natural cataclysm that isn't/couldn't be avoided to some magical stuff that is.
>What does Emhyr have against Phil? She never did anything bad to him..
She's a powerful independent sorceress with political ambition. That alone is not tolerated in Nilfgaard. On top of that, she turned Fringilla Vigo and Assire Var Anaheid spy.
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Why is this allowed

>they also changed the white frost from a natural cataclysm that isn't/couldn't be avoided to some magical stuff that is.
I actually like CDPR's version better than the book version but I know that's heresy
>Papa (arm, sorry) - Emhyr deserves to die for being a ruthless, heartless, manipulating cunt, without any semblance of feeling for anyone and being prepared to hurt anybody he knows to draw some measly profit out of it for himself.
>Why is this allowed
Because little girls love their papas.
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"W-...will you kiss me, anon?"

>Though she is quite hot in the game.
All that just makes her hotter to me, to be honest. I may have issues.
This is so awful.
On the other hand, maybe it's just punishment for Geralt taking her there? "He is your father, after all."
>for himself.
Wrong, for his country and thus his subjects.Completely different story than Philippa.
When you say "love"....

No, but I'll write horrible depraved fanfiction about you and post it on the internet.
Well in a way yeah he's basically disowning her when he says Emhyr is entitled to see her simply by virtue of being her father, but this is going too far. Maybe doing it just completely broke her spirit and yeah, she actually has Stockholm syndrome. Cue creepy fanart of Ciri sitting at Emhyr's knee looking up at him adoringly.
>When you say "love"....
It is exactly what you mean...
any easy way to make money in BaW?
Kill bandits, sell their hugely overpriced swords.
I'm mostly bullshitting, really.
But Emhyr being a nice guy seems a weird sort of misconception some people seem to have.
He was ready to marry and fuck his own daughter, for example. He's really not holding back when his country is concerned!
Take witcher contracts and while haggling always go for the highest possible amount - the rich merchants and vineyard owners are always prepared to pay the full price for your services.
>But Emhyr being a nice guy seems a weird sort of misconception some people seem to have.
It's no longer a misconception. Ciri loves her Papa and is going to be the bestest Empress ever!
Just loot all the swords you come across, merchants are rich and you can get around 500 for each shitty sword. I payed of my grandmaster gear that way.
>He was ready to marry and fuck his own daughter
There is nothing wrong with that
>I just came from embassy. The Duchessa met with Emhyr.
>Oh, do tell! What happened?
>The meeting collapsed immediately. It seems that for some reason Emhyr brought his new Nordling concubine with him. She was still half dressed in some sort of enticing Northern Mercenary costume.
I have 108k right now can anybody top that?
>There is nothing wrong with that
Of course not. And my daughter-wife agrees with me there.
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>triss shit tier

Sir I challenge you for the honor of my waifu
I should kill you just for liking Triss
I was weirded out that I had 20k at the end of the main storyline.
Geralt became a fucking rich witcher in my game.
Triss is in the absolute top tier, that guy has no idea what he's talking about.
that's nothing

Yen has a net worth of over 30m
Holy shit how did she get that, do advisors of kings really get that well paid or is she dealing fisstech on the side or something.
I had 800 because I spent all my money on witcher gear.
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Here you go, pleb.
Where can you even buy witcher gear everything I found was shitty normal gear.
I just started heart of stone and I still have shitty normal armor.

Also which armor type is the best guys ?
>do advisors of kings really get that well paid
She was never an advisor to a king. The bulk of her steady income seems to have come from providing discreet and safe magical abortions to noblewomen. She also did a variety of freelance specialist work, and eagerly broke magic embargoes set up by the Council and Conclave to profit on the black market as the sole supplier. Further, she managed this wealth well and invests it extensively.
I could probably get to that by the end of BaW
I had 45k after investing on the runewright trash
>Where can you even buy witcher gear
You can't, but in order to assemble it you need rare crafting components that you either have to grind hours for or just buy them from the blacksmith in question. Also the crafting of the gear itself costs a hefty some, for example the mastercrafted feline armor piece costs 1.4k gold by itself. Witcher gear is quite an expensive hobby to get into
>magical abortions
She kills babies for a living, why am I not surprised.
Well atleast my geralt is the richest witcher around with 3k to his name.
Probably also the last real witcher though.
School of the viper is dead, school of the cat is dead according to some note, school of the wolf just disentegrated.
It was actually pretty sad to see kaer morhen so empty at the end.
fuck off right wing trashbaby
You can "invest" into him? I thought he only provided uselss upgrades for your swords, how the hell can you make money from that?
who knows, maybe there are witcher schools in the east.

I didn't get cash from him, by "investing" I meant I burned 30k on unlocking his trash.
>She kills babies for a living, why am I not surprised.
Pretty ironic considering the thing she wanted most in life was to be a mother. Bet her soul died every time she aborted some brat nobleman's daughter's bastard.
It's from doing all the question marks and diligently selling shit. I went in from a regular game where I did all smuggler's caches to a NG+ game where I did it all again. I had over 200k going into B&W, spent over 100k and still was left with this because I was selling shitty swords all the time for a lot of money.

If you really save money, and collect all the shit you come across to, you can probably get to 300-350k without using any cheats. Not that it's needed to have that kind of money anyway.
Wait did avalach pimp ciri out to the old elven king before he got poisoned ?
>Wait did avalach pimp ciri out to the old elven king before he got poisoned ?
Yes. In fact, he was (I'm completely serious) poisoned by being given an overdose of Elven viagra because he couldn't get it up for a D'hoine. Sadly, Ciri is used to getting pimped so she didn't hold it against him as much as she otherwise might have.

they never fucked though, every night the king would tease Ciri until she was moaning and begging and then he'd always go to sleep
Yeah its pretty weird that there are only like 4 Witchers in the world at this point but there are still dozens of notices in tiny villages in the asshole of bumfuck nowhere that call out for Witchers specifically. They're probably more likely to find sympathetic Elves willing to help them than to have a Witcher come by.
But was he then poisoned on purpose or did avalach only put it that way so the eredin would lose support.
Also why can't we murder the motherfucker for that.
Geralt doesn't know, Ciri isn't about to tell him

the King of the Alders was pretty depressed so he may have suicided with the stimulant, or maybe it was actually poison and Eredin lied.
Its probably a cultural thing I mean everyone knows what a witcher is.
>But was he then poisoned on purpose or did avalach only put it that way so the eredin would lose support.
It was left ambiguous somewhat in the books but there were implications that Eredin arranged for him to deliberately be given an overdose. TW3 seems to assume this scenario is canon.

>Also why can't we murder the motherfucker for that.
Because he's the Fox.
>Its probably a cultural thing I mean everyone knows what a witcher is.
Well they've all heard of witchers but I bet most of the people in bumfuck couldn't actually tell you any identifying traits that weren't bullshit.
Eredin's general said that literally in front of geralt I thought he would go into a fucking rage when he heard that his adoptive daughter got pimped out to some genocidal elves.
>Priscilla - God tier

Stopped reading right there. And who the fuck is Sweet Nettie?
>Eredin's general said that literally in front of geralt I thought he would go into a fucking rage when he heard that his adoptive daughter got pimped out to some genocidal elves.
He was busy ok give him a break

Priscilla has a beautiful singing voice. That's pretty sexy.

>And who the fuck is Sweet Nettie?
Prostitute that Eternal Fire priest is torturing with a hot poker.
Well the medalion atleast is recognized by peasants there was also a fake witcher in one side quest which only had a medalion so I think thats how most people recognize a witcher.
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If the books and the games have though us anything it's that trying to fuck Ciri leads to inevitable death.
>He was busy ok give him a break

Come on it isn't a small thing especially when you see that geralt cares for ciri the most of everything.

Might it be CDPR not showing such things because most players still look at things from geralt's point of view.
Is there actually a quest to find the real killer because I might have missed it then.
Well, that explains Vesemir's death then
yes, you need to spare the dude and he'll tell you
Shani is perfection.
Aah fuck I killed him but I bet its the guy from the morgue.
Shani is CDPR's aborted waifu.
>it's that trying to fuck Ciri leads to inevitable death.
And that any happiness experienced by Geralt, Yennefer, or Ciri will inevitably and quickly be repaid tenfold in suffering.
Shani has the best ass
Unless you go for triss in W3 they both become pretty happy.
I'm sure that ciri can also be saved in some way maybe when she becomes empress or something but yen is probably fucked by chance.
>Come on it isn't a small thing especially when you see that geralt cares for ciri the most of everything.


>Might it be CDPR not showing such things because most players still look at things from geralt's point of view.
I actually think literally every character we've seen attempt any kind of sexual relationship with Ciri in the entire series has died horribly. No exaggeration.
>vomits on you during sex
remove this post
I haven't read the books so I only of skjall and now the old elven king then but who more tried ?
Some anons said that emhyr was trying before.
Yup. Morgue guy set him up. Dude's actually a religious fanatic higher vampire.

>Unless you go for triss in W3 they both become pretty happy.
Nah they break up offscreen after 6 months and Geralt is abandoned by everyone he loves.
>but who more tried ?
Several people in the books, including a lesbian bandit, a sorcerer, and a random injured dude she met on the road All dead but Emhyr. Who can die in one of TW3's endings.
are the sorceress shaved?
Emhyr never really got physical, Ciri's sexual curse works by touch.
yen yes
triss partially
phil no
i cant even imagine phil screwing another person
what's the quest called?
>yen yes
She's a quarter elf. Does she even have to shave?
Yen has a nice bush in the form of an arrow pointing down
I don't think they are, during the medieval times it was not common for women to shave their crotch. Triss is not shaved in witcher 2, trimmed at best.
Carnal Sins
>I don't think they are, during the medieval times it was not common for women to shave their crotch.
Depends on the times and country, actually. Medieval Europe is much more diverse than its often depicted. Also the sorceresses basically are all 20th century women transported to the middle ages anyway, in fashion and morality.
Carnal Sins
We've had this talk before.
Philippa has a very nicely shaved pussy.
they could just use magic to groom themselves though
You dont have to spare him, you just have to mention the killer's usual MO. He'll tell you you've got the wrong guy and where to find the real thing. Then you can kill him.
Should I buy the Knights Tourney set and the Ducal Officer set now? Or will I get them in the story? Are they in a location?
You'll get plenty of that stuff as random loot, you'll also get some crafting diagrams.
Really, save your money for the Witcher gear, is my recommendation.
Yeah, there were exceptions, but still not on some massive scale I think. Even in the 20th century it wasn't that common.
It's become a lot more popular lately. I think it's actually been the trend in Greece for ages, IIRC, though. Also prostitutes have done it for ages but that was a hygiene thing.
I heard about the prostitutes, I think it was even looked down on in some places because of that association.
Yeah, if a lady's shaved down there it just reminds you of a woman that has to do it so you can check her for disease and parasites.
Sorceresses are literally whores, news at 11
Sorceresses are pure, most of them are virgins.
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nothing can beat anarietta in that spy costume

I literally couldnt stop looking at her
Syanna=Philippa>Anarietta=Yennefer=Iris>varAttre twins=Vivienne=Tomira>rest

Made it to Velen but haven't found any new silver swords. How do I get a new one? Those I can craft are way beyond my level, 8.
I rate it kys/10
This game is PEGI 18, kiddo

I'm glad you decided to delete this, anon
did i?
Northern Realms you fucking gobshite.
I wonder why Triss is banging him
She found a random slave trader and managed to mind control Ciri to sell her to him. He agreed to buy her for 1000 crowns plus sex.
What gives with Blood and Wines framerate?
>implying she wasn't seduced
Why didn't she just mind control the dude in the first place
she can only mind control one person at a time, it's a difficult spell
Why not control him and steal his coins
Triss is not very bright
Did she want the BBC?
No, but she really wanted the money
Poor girl
well mate, i want to thank you for this post. i've struggled for the last 2 years with intense depression and i'm happy to report that this post has finally made me decide to kill myself! thanks lad!
What pushed you over the edge?
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this fucking asshole played 4 etolian auxiliary archers in one round


what the fuck
which witcher slut is canonically the easiest?
The succubus from 2
You'll get tons of swords and shit from checking out the question marks.

How does this make you feel?
Where's the best place to sell gold ring and the like? I want the most coin I can get
Also, why when selling swords to a blacksmith I get half the coin the sword says it's worth?
cerys is such a cutie
How do I not fuck Shani while not making her mad?

It's weird that after finally managing to get a steady, non self destructive relationship with Yennefer after 20 years of doom, Geralt would just fuck Shani, who he met twice in his life.
Geralt is a slut.
>met twice in his life.
the only reason Yennefer doesn't kill Triss is because they used to be friends

if she finds out Geralt fucked some random medic from Oxenfurt I bet she'd turn her into a puddle of goo

Once in Oxenfurt in Blood of Elves, then in TW1. Nothing major.
Thats just video game merchants. They buy something for half of what its worth and sell it back to you for double.
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>tfw no cerys gf
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they have to make a profit
How many dildos does Triss own and how big is her biggest one?
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When loading takes as long as it did first day on consoles, It's a bottleneck right?

the bottleneck is

your HD
I don't care for these anti semitic memes. But who are the Jewish people of the Witcher?
Why do you say it's that?
because load times are 99.5% dependent on your HD speed

get an SSD and watch the load times be cut to 1/10th
Any recommendations? I did just get paid. Will this also help framerate drops?
Can I preview an armor before buying it?
framerate drops, not likely.

as for recommendations, google logicalincrements and check on the SSD section.
Thanks Anon.
How come Geralt uses his silver sword to fight the Wild Hunt? They're just elves.
please respond.
probably sorceress lodge to an extent

>try and control powerful nations from the shadows
>caring about appearance
>buying armor

but yeah you can if you just look at the UI it tells you which key lets you preview
The misconception that they're wraiths is so prevalent that even members of the Wild Hunt believe it.
Ciri is going to give me a footjob!
>It was left ambiguous somewhat in the books
Really? He seemed surprised by the king's death.
Eredin seems more likable than Avallac'h in the books
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this fucking quest
triss is shit
No she's not because I'm going to cut off her feet!
>northern empires
>not going with a spy/siege/hero superdeck
siege has fat digits, but it's way too easy to scorch
which one
The way I always did it is that the first round is just to use spies and bleed the opponent's hand. Heroes can't be reused but they can't be scorched either, so use those and save most of the siege weapons for later rounds, but use one or two to maybe draw out a scorch, you should get either the Dun Banner Medic or Yennefer to resurrect, and always use Siegemaster Foltest.
Best looking Blood and Wine set that's not Manticore?
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Wish we could play as Ciri more.
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Don't worry, only 4 years to go until the Witcher 4: Cirilla of Vengerberg! :3
> heroes

Better to have a 6 unit card than a 10 hero card
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>Finally beat Witcher 1
>Move on to 2
>Get to Flotsam
>"awesome, dice poker's still in the game!"
>That shitty camera angle
>The AI seems to always roll really well
>The board and dice are fucking ugly
>Can't bet more than 10 orens at a time

What the fuck did they do to dice poker, how did they manage to fuck such a simple and fun minigame up, they had it right to start.
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Fuck off, spammer
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>Cirilla of Vengerberg
I would be pissed off too if your dad is autist
She doesn't get really mad if you don't fuck her.
It's a bit of a weird situation all around, though.
I blame Gaunter, fucking prankster set me up.
Emhyr's basically a northerner himself, so those nobles would be talking out of their assess again.
>not getting it
It's about Ciri running around in a dirty, half-closed blouse while on official government business. You'd think they'd put her in something that at least closes properly.
Compare Anarietta.
Ciri looks like a bloody street urchin.
>>"awesome, dice poker's still in the game!"
You can have a test run in the prologue.
Better than the problems you mentioned though is - the bloody dice roll off the fucking board unless you ease them down ever so gently. I hated that bloody minigame. Only played the quest-related ones. Fist fights are sort of fun, though, if you have a bit of tolerance for QTE's.
Did you get the cursed amulette from the Cinfrid reavers, btw?
I think it's very thoughtful of empress Cirilla to take off some time to visit Geralt in his vineyard. I mean she has no ties to him anymore so it's a nice formal gesture.

I also liked how happy she was about her chosen career. All the "tears" in the original ending were fake, just like I expected. She is finally reunited with her real papa and has a wonderful (future?) husband waiting for her back at the palace so this was probably the last time Geralt would see her. Even Cirilla herself outright told him that he is too stupid to really understand saving the world and how to maneuver in the political landscape, implying that she wanted to start distancing herself from him. He's a simple witcher and she is an empress, destined for only the greatest things. Their paths led to the opposite directions and it's time for Geralt to stand back and let her enjoy life with her real father.
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Good thing papa isn't, then.
can someone post the ignore trissposters image I can't find it
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I didn't even mention Triss, you dumb waifufag. In fact I mentioned Ciri visiting Geralt as an empress, which only happens if you didn't romance anyone. So fuck off.
Ciri has one outfit throughout the entire game, well, two, if you count the DLC one.

Anarietta goes through at least 5 outfits in BaW.

CDPR didn't bother with Ciri because most players romanced either Triss or Yen and didn't get Ciri as their guest at Corvo Bianco.
They're just triggered because they don't like the empress Cirilla ending so they're using "trissposter" as an insult. Just ignore it.
Empress ending is best
Yeah, but why do they assume liking Triss = liking the Empress ending? If anything, Yennefer's the one who interacted with Emhyr the most and told Ciri about him wanting to speak to her.
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>romancing triss
What is wrong with you man? There are two romance choices in the game and I used them as an example. Where did I ever state I favored one over the other?
Thank you.


Because the empress ending is "bad" and romancing Triss is "bad", so everyone who makes any of the "bad" choices is automatically a Trissfag. Don't try to find logic here, there really is none.
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Post your Geralts
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My Geralt is Shepard
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It's rare to find someone who isn't a trigger-happy idiot who spouts insults and demeans people for having different preferences in these generals. So, thanks.
What the fuck is that belt, it's the first time I notice it
Read the fucking books you faggot
You do realize Geralt is mostly lean?
Not my Geralt
Reading is for losers, cumnerd.
Yeah, this place can be quite toxic so you have to try your best to share some positivity. Glad to find another like-minded anon, so thank you too
It's a "decorative silver belt with turquoise blue gems" according to her character sheet.
Why the fuck are you spouting your shit here then
This is a general for the Witcher games on a video games board. If you want to discuss the books, you can either take it elsewhere or accept that not everyone cares about reading them.
The games are based on the books so fuck off faggot
I like that CDPR made Emhyr relatable and sympathetic unlike the toxic bigot who wrote the below average books.
>casually wearing gold and gems
I want to lick those boots
The Rats were a very bad influence
Yeah and? They still stand on their own. In fact CDPR marketed W3 as a perfect entry point for new players. You don't have to read the books or even play the previous games to understand the last one. Deal with it.
And by doing that you miss a lot of stuff. Fuck off casual faggot
CDPR doesn't care about you dumb elitist bookfags. Their new players are more reliable customers who don't snap at them whenever they do anything.
Who cares? It's their choice. And you don't have the authority to dictate how others should enjoy their entertainment. Just saying.
I actually like keikaku chess master Emhyr from the books and The Witcher 2. In The Witcher 3 he's pretty much tired of warfare and intrigue and generally seems less threatening and more "human", which does make him more approachable, I'll admit.
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>getting this mad over nothing
You think every Harry Potter fan out there has read the books?
why won't they make w4 or more dlcs?

first time a company stops making content when they are popular

they could have milked the fanbase a little bit more

i mean i don't want it to be a fifa or an assassins creed but i was hoping for more than 2 DLCs
It's all about CP for them now
>Yen wanking off Geralt in the bathtub while he caresses her tits
Was that description truly needed?
Andrew had to tug one out himself while writing
does Andy prefer pokemon or digimon
The author of the books, Andrew Sapko
It's a fine line between just pushing the franchise a bit further and it becoming a cash-grab.
I'd like to see a bit more witcher stuff, but, Blood and Wine already felt a bit fan-servicey, so maybe we're all better off moving on...
He's too edgy for pokemans, that's for sure
When he was telling geralt about how hard it is to be an emperor which wages an huge war while also hvin plotters at home it hit me hard all those ck 2 sessions came to mind.

>fucking noble shits always plotting when I'm trying to enlarge the realm.
Which armor is geralt wearing here?
>mfw this is the only instance in the entire game where Emhyr smiles
Thanks CDPR, for making me feel like a piece of shit.
She didn't really have choice now did she because of that fucking cunt avalach.
I still would have liked it if geralt could kill him in the game.
Sweet thanks
Didn't she screw that fat fuk dijkstra?
What are the endings for him though I only killed him after the reason of state quest.
Fuck I started NG+ and wont get it until waaaaay later fuck. Grandmaster wolven is useless as fuck a few hours in.
When Emhyr prepared them a bath in Strygga castle?
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It also looks ugly as hell on NG+ unless you get the mod that makes it look like the ordinary version
The same mod also has a version that turns all witcher sets into the normal Manticore
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wait what they change the armors for NG+?
grandmaster gear in general is useless as fuck in ng+

just craft something cheap if you want high damage

i tried to play ng+ on death march like a retard and pushed until i got the first legendary set which was around 71 or something and i had to use grandmaster

that sword had like double the damage on mine but i didn't want to craft some other gear besides witcher gear so yeah i suffered a lot
Only Manticore
She screwed Triss to fyi
Oh damn thats hot.
I told Newboy not to wear it, don't think I got it, though. did I fuck myself out of a quest?

Also yeah, the dice rolling off the board is fucking dumb, they fucked the entire minigame up. I wish they'd fixed it in 3, and had it alongside Gwent.
Yep. Then she told Geralt to sit on the edge of the bathtub because she wasn't planning on "diving in". She was going to give him a blowjob
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>Reading an even shittier version of ASOIAF

No thanks
Fuck it, I'm restarting, I looked it up, I want to take my time with Witcher 2, I'm playing it on Dark, want to experience it fully.
What does Yennefer of Corvo Bianco smell like?
Blood and silver
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>tfw we can kill Caranthir but not Avallac'h
>tfw we can't even kill Philippa without siding with Radovid
She also told him to get undressed, cause he didn't want do die naked while she didn't care.
All that after months of torture and a fight with Vilgefortz.
I want to be like her when I grow up
Well its clear that all those people aren't the best examples for ciri aside from geralt he would be a great dad.

I don't really have anything against phillipa but killing avalach should have been anoption maybe at the end of the game or something.
Geralt could go like thanks for helping ciri but I can't forgive what you did to her or something like every good dad would do.
>losing dad one you're in love with because of your second dad killing him
If Geralt killed Avallac'h Ciri would commit suicide.
Why is the no cute Roche art? I mean, no one ever had a drawfag do it what the heck
Eugenics man is a piece of shit, bro
You may think so but Ciri clearly doesn't, she's in love with him
Dad one sucks he literally pimped geralts daughterfu to some facist elves.
Geralt killed people for less.
damn witcher 1's crashing problem.

Trying to have fun in Murky waters and 20 minutes later, back to desktop.
>game characters are the same as book characters
top kek shitbrain
Avallac'h is not welcome in the Dad Club.
Where did you get that from?
Everyone is talking about it on the official forums
The parent order goes like this:

Avallac'h (most important, romantic love status) > Emhyr (real dad, reaches papa status) > Geralt (acceptable to steal horses with) > Triss (new stepmom, makes horse-stealing dad happy) > Yennefer (has plans for daughter and other evil implications)
This is shit.
It would be more like this.
Geralt(did the real fathering)>emhyr(is the real dad and becomes friendly with after a while)>triss(big sister who fucks dad)>yen(who did the mother part but for some reason is still not important)>avallach(helped me escape but did a lot fucked up shit before that)
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>Avallac'h is a father figure now too
Having too many dads isn't healthy, Ciri
She had a crush on Eredin.
Not a stable girl that Ciri
How old was she actually when all that shit happened to her?
This is more accurate. Still creepy, though.
Fucking pedo elves radovid was right for burning the lot of them on the stake.
Too bad he also attacked based dwarves.
>Spend tons of gold on crafting witcher gear, enhanced witch gea, etc. etc
>It always gets outperformed by other gear a few levels later; usually even regular, non witcher gear
>Becomes completely obsolete after the main story line, since the best sword and armor are both found in B&W and are non witcher gear
witcher gear is a fucking scam
I self-insert into Hotsporn to be absolutely honest
Witcher gear is better for the special bonuses that other things don't usually give, unless they are "relic" tier.
Buuuut they look better
>to gore and torment you
>until the stars expire
Is weird.
You start reading and you imagine a little girl like the one in Kaer Morhen, but at the end, you imagine a grown up woman. More or less
>anything looking better than the knights tourney set

Ciri had a hard life
> heavy armor
> on a witcher

I mean, whatever...
It looks good, but too weird on Geralt for me
Every main character had a hard life aside from maybe dandelion but that faggot is nobility.
Hey, Cirilla is nobility too
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>ywn be an Altmer
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>Syanna mediocre-tier

Mediocre-tier taste
She looks high

I envy her jaw btw
Good taste
I want to protect her smile!
I'm sorry, bro
Who's this
Villain of B&W
Ok you're right but still dandelion probably had the bet life of the whole cast.

>ywn be a handsome bard seducing women, writing ballads and having the occasional adventure with your world famous witcher friend and eventually settling down with a qt bard half your age
go away gayfuck
Seriously? I haven't played B&W yet, looks hot
>tfw when witcher 3 did altmers better than TES
>elven paintings are weird picasso like surreal things

What the fuck really
I always wondered what the women see in him 2bh, he looks like a faggy weak prick to me.
Geralt and Avallac'h are handsome. Roche is handsome. Crach and Hjalmar look good. Hell, even Ge'els looks more manly than Dandelion.
Ciri without powers or family. Or Bonhart.
A few more years with The Rats and...
More like Renfri but worse
He is fairly cultured especially for the setting I'm sure it attracts a few women.
>bringing up book characters in a video game thread
Why do you fags keep doing this?
Is the same story.
Little princess fall from grace.
Said Ciri cause anon surely knows her, Renfi maybe not
Ciri doesn't have the Curse of the Black Sun in her luggage, though
>Ciri doesn't have the Curse of the Black Sun

The curse a shit.
Annarieta was as wicked as her, but she was kicked out from home and abused when she was a child. Of course that makes you an asshole
The curse, whether a meme or real, still played a role in turning Syanna into who she became
Of course, is a self fulfilling prophecy...
When was this?

In Blood and Wine, I've encountered one instance where Geralt actually laughs out loud... Harharhar...
Was kind of shocking.
Yeah, the amulette gives you a pretty cool sidequest, I remember it fondly.
I think if you tell him to wear it you can loot it off his dead body later, but it's an easy miss.
Also, yes, I really loved Witcher 2 (despite some shortcomings), probably good to take it easy to get the most out of it.
>official forums

Top notch source, then.
TW PC game ranks on metacritic according to user scores:

#1 - The Witcher 3
#14 - Blood and Wine
#99 - Hearts of Stone
#340 - The Witcher 2
#349 - The Witcher Enhanced Edition

BnW haters B T F O
Ranking Emhyr before Yennefer makes me feel sick.
That the game kind of supports this interpretation makes it even worse.
#9999999999999999 - number of VY Canis Majoris your mom weights
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Why was Avallac'h so in love with Lara Dorren when she cucked him with Cregennan of Lod?
ayyy, nice comeback bro xD
wat the fuck where is this from
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We're only seeing the beginning of the end
I'm going to buy sexy underwear for Yennefer
Modelswapping with a mod
The two floating swords on the back make it super obvious
I really have major trouble believing that Anna Henrietta was ever close to Dandelion's private parts.
I mean, what self-respecting woman would ever spread their legs for a moron like this? In the books he must have been way more charming than in the games, in TW3 he just looks (and acts) ridiculous. Peasants and washerwomen and the like, maybe. A duchess? Boggles the mind.
I think many people know Renfri, though.
There was even a callback to her in one of the TW1 new adventures (Price of Neutrality). The ones who know will know, the ones that don't shouldn't care either way.
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Witcher 3 Elf.jpg
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How is it that elves manage to be shit in every single fandom?
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The downgrade is real
After I installed 1.22 the ambient music is gone. Anyone know how to fix this?
Iorveth looks... weird.
Is the red bandana, right?
How do I not suck at gwent?
Understand the game
You need to win 2 of 3 rounds. Plan ahead and use Nilf or NK decks (or skellige)
>Kill grave robbers for robbing graves
>Proceed to loot the fuck out of the entire cemetery

Are we the bad guys?
Clearly someone writing B&W had a shitty experience at a bank
So, any combat reworks?
I'll burn this place to the ground if the account only has 20 crowns or something in it.

You're not helping
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Why is a side character more interesting than 90% of the main cast?
A few crowns and a sword if you wait.
The quest was pretty short to be fair. I expected worse
because you find the unknown more interesting

not because its better because you have less information at hand you feel like the potential outcome would be just better
>Really? He seemed surprised by the king's death.
He really wanted Ciri to give him that medicine though.

>Eredin seems more likable than Avallac'h in the books
Avallac'h giving it his best in the game.
She's a moody one. I like how Yen keeps persevering until she lets her in.

god damn it

Don't listen to Gaunter's lies
Can't tell if trolling or really just that stupid.

Ok but in that case why did they make Triss and Yen's visits really shitty too?
>Yeah, but why do they assume liking Triss = liking the Empress ending
Person who likes one piece of pandering bad writing probably likes another. Empress ending is way worse though since they added "Papa" Emhyr. That's basically a slap in the face.

My Geralt is Healthy at Any Size

It's from the books, like most of her outfit. Got it from the Rats. Also the same reason she wears a ton of mascara.
Because who the fuck cares
>You don't have to read the books or even play the previous games to understand the last one.
You don't have to to understand enough to enjoy it but you're not going to fully understand the plot or characters if you've only played the last game and it's pretty self evident.

Even down to the incest. Poor bastard is locked in a CK2 game.

>tfw Morvran Voorhis for Emperor faction forces you to marry your daughter
>CDPR doesn't care about you dumb elitist bookfags.
D'hoine that's the only reason Regis is (stupidly) in the game. It's pure bookfag pandering. I saw this as a bookfag.

>why won't they make w4
Never said they wouldn't.

>more dlcs?
They've been working on the Witcher for too long continuously so they're burned out. A shame, game really needs an EE.

Best thing for them to do would be to expand the final act in the main game instead of do a whole new expansion for more fanservice stupidity.

Not necessary, but nice.
>Didn't she screw that fat fuk dijkstra?
Yeah but that was political. She prefers women.

>What are the endings for him though I only killed him after the reason of state quest.
He either dies or becomes Chancellor For Life of Mega-Redania and force marches the North through the Renaissance after fighting off Nilfgaard.

The quest to fix that amulet is a huge bitch on Death March, just FYI.

>I wish they'd fixed it in 3, and had it alongside Gwent.
Dice Poker has always sucked though. It's just RNG the game.

They're only similar in that they're sometimes bleak fantasy tbqh
Are you autistic?
>I don't really have anything against phillipa
All the shit Avallac'h did to Ciri is stuff Philippa wanted to do.

She'd get over it eventually.


>she's in love with him
Nah. She's kinda grossed out at the suggestion that he's obsessively drawing sketches of her because of being fixate on her personally. It's her standard co-dependence on anyone providing her shelter due to no stable childhood thing.
>he didn't read asterix when he was young
i pity you
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Mostly they are. Are you implying CDPR does not like and attempt to emulate the books most of the time?

People on the official forums are even dumber than the people here.

God damn it.

Here you inspired me
>She had a crush on Eredin.
There's a difference between thinking someone is hot and having a crush.

>that one Anon that summoned Gaunter to CDPR
he has to be stopped

Well at least CDPR hasn't totally lost all artistic drive like Bethesda and Bioware yet.

I want to help her kill her sister and declare the Republic of Touissant with her as President for Life
Does what I do in heart of stone affect anything in Blood and Wine or the main game ?
I chose triss in the main game but shani's too cute tbqh.
>Villain of B&W
Syanna did literally nothing wrong

Ciri is basically Renfri on a different path tbf

Because they're in the same franchise genius

Nah, she's got Falka's legacy instead.
If you are any of the following

- elitist bookfag
- muh Blood and Wine had terrible writing wah wah fag
- trissfag
- waifufag in general
- empressfag
- kys-fag
- I'm going to! fag
- what does x smell like fag
- spammer

Then please immediately consider suicide.
>Syanna did literally nothing wrong
>- kys-fag
>Then please immediately consider suicide.
Really makes you think
Absolutely disgusting. That's the waifu audience for you though.

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Add replying to everything five hours later to the list and you're spot on more or less
Nope, it's standalone.
im none of that but i consider suicide on a daily bases

depressed as fuck
He's either a waifufag or American. Possibly both.
Because cannot have

In the books he's slightly more charming. But only slightly.

They own in the Witcher and old school TES actually. Silmarillion too.

The fuck settings is this on. I mean yeah, downgrade, but my game looks a lot more like the other screenshot than yours.
Welcome to the club mate.
We are here for you. In spirit.
>Are we the bad guys?
The real monster is man

Everyone that isn't a NEET has had a shitty experience at a bank.

I'd ask this question about Blood and Wine and mean it 100%. But that's because the story ends almost as soon as it starts, probably.

But this, yeah. I kept hoping we'd meet Joachim again tbqh.
>Because who the fuck cares
CDPR must have or they wouldn't have bothered.

Sorry for trying to talk about The Witcher in Witcher General
no you are not

i have nobody

my family hates me for no reason, i have no friends, my coworkers are two faced bitches

and im literally posting this to an anon hoping they would care
CDPR drones are real.

Tell me with a straight face Papa Emhyr, the pandering sidequests, waifu visits, and rushed as fuck main quest are up to CDPR's usual writing quality.

>no talk only epic meme XD
There's having a discussion and then there's replying to every single post several hours after the fact.
Syanna is my waifu and I haven't even played B&W yet
wew lad
If everyone you meet is an asshole then more likely than not it's actually you that is the asshole.

Right, sorry for the derail, let's get the thread back on track.

I'm going to X Yen's Y!
>being a Zfag
>If you think W get the fuck out
I'm ok with it, this general is slow and talking with sense is appreciated.
Yes we are.
And I understand all that except the coworkers, cause I was studying until I got expeled from uni...
I'm going to push Yennefer's face against my asshole and fart
It's 100, still ridiculously little if you consider that the merchant said a "sizeable sum" has accumulated over the years.
Hell, I can get 100 gold for a cheap sword looted of some bandit ffs.
Me, as well
You already claimed that Syanna did nothing wrong and should rule a republic
You are the memes, John
Nothing wrong with the occasional meme or shitpost mixed in with real posts. It's when that's all you have that there's a problem senpai
Kill yourself, faggot.
I am going to go to Geralt and Triss' wedding and weep tears of joy as they crown their love.
I'm going to drink Yennefer's urine straight from the source
>I love you too...
My heart melted when he said that in his dreamy voice when she left Avallach's tent. The only time in the game I have witnessed Geralt actually sounding like this.
In my previous playthrough I had chosen Yen because muh books and muh canon, but even while Geralt is in love with Yen, they are constantly passive aggressive to each other. It's terrible.
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I love how Geralt is around Triss, the way he teases her, how romantic he is...We don't really get to see that side of him often, I think it's sweet and he seems genuinely happy when he is with her. But romance with Yen also has some nice moments, to each their own, I guess. In my game he is head over heels in love with Triss.
I'm going to Eskel and Triss's wedding and me and Keira are going to fuck in one of the bathrooms until Zoltan walks in on us and we let him watch for the last 15 minutes until I cum on Keira's face because she's into humiliation for whatever reason.
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Oi, master Witcher!
>The only time in the game I have witnessed Geralt actually sounding like this.
You might even say it's out of character.

>In my previous playthrough I had chosen Yen because muh books and muh canon,
How dumb

>, but even while Geralt is in love with Yen, they are constantly passive aggressive to each other. It's terrible.
t. virgin
What does Geralt and Yennefer's bedroom smell like?
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Scrub here. Best builds for hard-mode run?
Ringworm cream and body odor.
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Hubert Rejk did nothing wrong.
Fucking Ekimmaras think they're people
what's wrong with your faaaaace
Istredd of Aedd Gynvael
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I'm not a whoreson! Don't call me a whoreson!
Same thing basically.
What is Geralt and Yennefer's favourite board game?
*Higher Vampire
Let's not cover for CDPR's fuck ups any more. Neither they or their fanbase deserve the benefit of the doubt at this point. He's a higher vampire that turns into a katakan to save money and they forgot that they're immune to fire and almost impossible to kill for that particular sidequest.
Roche getting butthurt because his mom was a common slut.
Hey look, it's Emhyr, the spice merchant
They. Make him. Look.
They literally only ever play Gwent.
Dettlaff is also not immune to fire and Geralt doesn't get destroyed in seconds when fighting him because lol video games
You are literally a whoreson, though.

The Witcher Adventure Game TM

Hey now, she was a whore, not a slut. Don't compare a professional to a mere hobbyist.
Sorry, I can't quite hear you over Emhyr's cock in your mouth.
I like when he turned into a giant cyst, unironically. I'm willing to accept some gameplay concessions. Could have had Regis more obviously wound him first though.
>You will never see Geralt teaching Yennefer to play Gwent
Nope, Geralt developed crippling impotency from playing too much Gwent. You can't blame Yen for inviting Istredd over, Geralt doesn't even care anymore, he is the one who watches. He just waits for them to finish and then invites Istredd to play some Gwent.
Istredd's a chubby-chaser?
They're immune to fire, not magic. This is why Regis got turned into dust.
Yen hates Gwent ever since she caught Geralt fapping to Triss' card.
Wow the CDPR forums are awful. I know official forums are always bad, but jeez. It reminds me of the Bioware Social Network almost exactly.
When did the Yenfags there turn as bad as the Trissfags, btw? Waifupatch? Looking at their posts they don't understand the characters any better, they just want tsundere brunette instead of deredere redhead. I don't remember it being this way.
What does Yennefer's bikini smell like?
It used to be even worse when the waifu threads were active, if you can imagine that.
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>It used to be even worse when the waifu threads were active, if you can imagine that.
>when the waifu threads were active
Mein Fuhrer...
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Is there moderation over these threads now ?
A really sharp cheese, maybe a white cheddar. or an aged parmigiano reggiano
That makes no sense...
Geralt is a mutant with neverendimg stamina.
The official forums are pretty much dead, if you want to find an interesting discussion about the Witcher, go to reddit. If you want to shitpost with an occasional burst of interesting thought, this is the place for you. Official forums lost their purpose.
Speaking of fapping to Triss' card, why did Lambert have her Gwent card?
>go to reddit.
I hate reddits format.
Seriously: How do we fight the Biowareization of CDPR? I don't want to just sit around bitching about it.
I'm going to marry Marlene and ask Geralt to be my best man
Maybe he also likes to fap to it, Triss is an attractive lady.
Triss is pretty much just for fapping, but can't say she isn't damn good for that one thing.
There is nothing we can do. Their main sources of fan feedback will support them through and through
You can't, they already begun their transformation, I can't wait to make a cute android my homo husbando in Cyberpunk 2077.
Well as ves told she did it because of poverty.
I'm going to force Yennefer to clean the outhouse
I remember the Triss thread getting locked down repeatedly but lately it's been dead, so need for moderation. I guess by now all the waifufags have moved on to the next shiny waifu.
That depends on your perspective I guess. In my game she is primarily for loving. Fapping is secondary.
Which biowarization are you talking about?
Is this about all the gays in W3?
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Anyone else punch him in the face?
>There is nothing we can do. Their main sources of fan feedback will support them through and through
We have to take over those sources of fan feedback then. Let's identify them and figure out how to change minds.

Fuck off with this defeatist shit. If one vocal minority can get things done, so can another. You telling me you nerds aren't just as autistic and aimless as the waifufags?
>Which biowarization are you talking about?
Blatant fanservice in Blood and Wine and the Waifupatch.

>Is this about all the gays in W3?
No, go back to /v/.
Reddit and the official forums both seem like very tough nuts to crack on this subject

Well let's get started then. Make topics decrying the Biowareization, preferably in a civil and reasonable way, and criticize the fanservice whenever it comes up elsewhere. Just sitting around and doing nothing is just gonna convince the waifufags AND the nonwaifufags that this is inevitable and there is no dissent.
>You telling me you nerds aren't just as autistic and aimless as the waifufags?
No I'm telling you, we are the waifufags, we are everywhere and you are in the minority. Yen, Triss, Ciri, it doesn't matter, we want our waifus ready and with extra cheesy feel good dialogue on top. You can't stop us, CDPR is already eating out of our hands, just look at waifu patch or B&W waifu content and get used to seeing more of that.
>we are everywhere and you are in the minority.
If this was true society would fall apart. A million years from now alien explorers would land on Earth and find nothing but mummified NEETs glued to their computer chairs, their right hands clenched in eternal masturbation
Well I haven't played B&W so I wouldn't know about that but what is wrong with the waifupatch?
It only added extra lines as far as I know.
>but what is wrong with the waifupatch?
>It only added extra lines as far as I know.
The extra lines were mediocre to bad and it showed the company was willing to bend over backwards for waifufags instead of spending the same resources fixing more important problems in the game than "Triss doesn't have enough lines!"(which was true at the time, but it was still a minor problem compared to a ton of other stuff in Act 3 that did not get this level of outcry).

B&W's content shows that this is not an isolated occurrence.
Waifu patch was a nice addition for Triss fans and a very sweet gesture from CDPR. They listened to their fans and gave new content for free. I applaud them for it.
Is there a selling guide anywhere? I mean we all know the general rules but someone out there must have it down to a science.

Like who has the best price for wolf pelts, who to sell gems to and what items are worth more broken down and resold etc.
Much as I hate the guy's posts, he hasn't actually done anything ban worthy for awhile.
considering he literally killed Witcher Gen for 5 months until everyone reported him into oblivion, i think he should live out his lifelong ban.
He got a lifelong ban?

>considering he literally killed Witcher Gen for 5 months until everyone reported him into oblivion
We still haven't recovered really.
you're the one that should fuck yourself and then kill yourself tbqh
I'm wondering why people still reply to him. All his posts are pure nonsense and delusion.
because waifufags look for any shitpost that allows them to indulge in their bullshit and he give them that.
The thing is, most people disagree on the Biowareization, as you call it, and most feedback about the fan service parts of B&W was overwhelmingly positive. People like having more scenes with the characters they grown attached to, these characters are one of the main reasons people love the games in the first place.
waifus were a mistake
Is about the quality of the scenes
Most people are satisfied with the quality and think they are very well done, so again, you are in the minority. There is simply not enough people who would agree with you, even among the hardcore fans on reddit or the official forums.
But anon waifus are a part of this series.
Without it the game would be politics and plots and monster hunting.
casual sex is part of the series. having a romantic relationship interwoven with the main story is part of the series. waifus are not
Waifus make you feel that extra connection with the game, they immerse you deeper into the world, make you care more, elevating the gaming experience in every way.
I wasn't that anon, I was guessing the answer.
I don't give a damb about all the waifu shit
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That image is incorrect, Marcin loves his waifus, he even whores some of them to playboy.
That's the sad part
But nobody talks about the casual sex which means that its pretty pointless while waifus have been a point of discussion for years.

Also this it gives geralt motivation when he doesn't have other ideals to fight for.
The guy only fights for himself and the people he cares for.
Who's that guy ?
>Also this it gives geralt motivation when he doesn't have other ideals to fight for. The guy only fights for himself and the people he cares for
I agree with this, considering how much he cares about the people around him it's very important that the game makes the player also care about them and TW does that marvelously.
>Also this it gives geralt motivation when he doesn't have other ideals to fight for.
>The guy only fights for himself and the people he cares for.
Nah, as much as he hates it, he is a nice guy. Fights for the weak and all that...
He is the co-founder and CEO of CDPR.
he is a wreck
>People like having more scenes with the characters they grown attached to, these characters are one of the main reasons people love the games in the first place.
So do I. But I want them to be in-character, not shallow cardboard cutoouts of themselves that exist just to boost my ego.

>The thing is, most people disagree on the Biowareization, as you call it, and most feedback about the fan service parts of B&W was overwhelmingly positive.
Might help if everyone that disagreed didn't say "Why bother, it won't change anything".
My Geralt is a flaming homosexual who dreams about having a threesome with Emhyr and Letho while chained Roche, Iorveth and Cahir are forced to watch
>Most people are satisfied with the quality and think they are very well done, so again, you are in the minority.
Most people think Bioware games are the pinnacle of story telling in games. I'm not one of those people, so I played the Witcher instead.

If every company markets to everyone, no one will ever get a satisfying product. Tastes differ too much. CDPR needs to remember its core fanbase, not the ones that will move on to the next flavor of the month waifufest.

There is a difference between having romance and female characters and having waifus.
What does Marcin of Vengerberg smell like?
>Waifus make you feel that extra connection with the game
Just get a real doll.

You can do that without waifus.

If he loved his waifus, he would not sell them to Playboy. A shameful waifufag.

The saddest part of this is that a big proportion of the fanbase, like you, cannot distinguish between a female character Geralt cares about and a waifu.
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This is the look of a man dying from within. I have seen it before.

>What does Marcin of Vengerberg smell like?
Soy burgers.
>The saddest part of this is that a big proportion of the fanbase, like you, cannot distinguish between a female character Geralt cares about and a waifu.
Geralt cares about the female character each player chooses. CDPR made him care about them based on player choice.

>CDPR needs to remember its core fanbase
But the core base doesn't see a problem, most hardcore fans who played all the games and read all the books like the new stuff in B&W.
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Maybe if all you guys complaining about going full Bioware talked about it somewhere besides here or /v/ they wouldn't have gone full Bioware in the first place. Just a thought.
I'm going to lick Geralt's cum from Yennefer pussy
Is that the same guy in that TW1-TW2-TW3 development pic?
>Geralt cares about the female character each player chooses. CDPR made him care about them based on player choice.
My Geralt genuinely hates Ciri which is why he sold her to Emhyr.

>But the core base doesn't see a problem, most hardcore fans who played all the games and read all the books like the new stuff in B&W.
Citation fucking needed. Majority of people playing TW3 didn't even play TW2, much less read all the books and play all the games.
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>there are people that legitimately feel bad about killing the Shaelmaar or the white basilisk
>Unintelligent monsters that fucking eat people
>Citation fucking needed.
Go to the online gathering places of the most hardcore fans, like the official forums or reddit. People who still frequent those places this long after game release are in large part people who played all the games and read all the books. The writing complaints you mention are never seen there, this is the only place I saw them mentioned, people usually praise it.

Try making a thread expressing you dissatisfaction and see what the people will tell you.
White basilisk is not killing people, merchants go there on purpose.
Is private propierty, you comunist pig
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>People who still frequent those places this long after game release are in large part people who played all the games and read all the books.
Uh huh, sure they are. Definitely not people that started with TW3 and just hang around to talk about their newfound waifus. Y'know, like you.
>White basilisk is not killing people,
The quest starts with you finding a camp of people it slaughtered.

>merchants go there on purpose.
And get killed. By a monster.

>Is private propierty, you comunist pig
Dude ought to ban people from going in, then. Only a matter of time before that retard got eaten by it anyway.

>calls someone a communist
>is a greenfag
CDPR is getting better with the sex scenes it seems.
>Try making a thread expressing you dissatisfaction and see what the people will tell you.
Meanwhile, on the CDPR forums: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/113951-Is-CDPR-moving-in-the-wrong-direction

Welp, looks like the Triss Spammer really is the new face of the Witcher. I don't believe for a second most of those people have read all the books or played all the games. But that doesn't matter if CDPR doesn't care.
Still haven't beaten the elven bath one in TW2 imo but there's some nice ones in TW3 as well.
Poor you, such a special fan you are. CDPR should definitely cater to your wishes instead of the wishes of majority of fans. Give me a break.
If everyone caters to the majority of gamer all the time then every game will end up exactly the same and only very well established pre-existing companies will make a profit. The level of individual satisfaction for most customers with a given product will also go down, since only the most average of fans will have most of their needs met.
stop responding to the trissfag. He's ban evading anyway.
elven baths sex scene was the cringiest thing ever, starting with the corny saturday morning cartoon soundtrack and ending with the unnatural moans, the entire thing was just a clusterfuck. the ones in tw3 aren't very good either, but at least they never made me cringe that hard
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>starting with the corny saturday morning cartoon soundtrack
I wish I'd seen the Saturday Morning Cartoons you did as a kid

>tfw no Wolverine giving it to Jean Grey in the ass
Thanks for letting us know
What can I tell you, it's hard being a special minority. Personally, I don't see the quality of CDPR's products going down, quite the opposite, they made one of the best games of all time. Each of their games is better than the last, and I have little doubt Cyberpunk will be amazing. HoS was excellent, B&W was excellent, slightly lighter in tone, but that was the intention, given it's a send off. I see absolutely no problem in the direction CDPR is heading.
Yeah the majority disagrees so he should shut up, right Triss Spammer?

>It is every consumer in a capitalist marketplace's duty to altruistically subordinate their needs to the averaged desires of the majority of other consumers.
It's a brilliant scene, easily the best sex scene in gaming ever imo.
then go listen to that part again, it's like something out of a kids fairy tale cartoon
kill yourself already, you massive faggot
I for one am glad that CDPR ignored the tiny percentage of people that read an acclaimed Polish fantasy novel never translated into English and thought "damn, wouldn't it be cool if there was a video game using this setting and characters?" to instead focus on localizing Dragon Age to Slavic speaking markets. Think of what an economic disaster such a crazy gamble would have been for the company.
should of skipped it and got that sweet +10% magic resistance instead
>Triss: Oh come on, i-it's just a dumb Elven legend. I-it's not like I thought it was romantic or anything
>*choked back sob*
>elven baths sex scene was the cringiest thing ever
Holy shit. I'm not the only one.
>Guy makes a thread about CDPR becoming like Bioware.
No one is agreeing with him, kek
shani sex scene in tw3 was best
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>Not_Important was almost kind of right despite being the second biggest autist in /wtc/ history
I actually found it funny same woth the corny lighthouse scene in W3 or the mill scene in W1.
I'm not that much into chicks vomiting during sex.
Mill scene at least was supposed to be funny.
I want to see a fight to the death between not_important and triss spammer
Just got to that point in the game it became literal soft porn.
I don't know if thats good or bad till now most scenes were like in movies weee they showed a few moments and went to the end.
Triss Spammer wins because I'm pretty sure he actually died of starvation a couple months ago. He's just a waifufag wraith now.

Fans demanded more softcore porn. Can't ignore fan demands.
Same with the bathouse and lighthouse scenes though all of them were childish jokes but I still liked them.
Bath scene was secretly comparing Geralt and Triss's relationship to Geralt and Yen's, but had a joke too. Lighthouse scene was mostly unintentionally corny I thought.
Witcher 2 had more explicit sex scenes, Witcher 3 toned down on the nudity and sex.
I still remember the mass effect sex scene outrage by fox news.
Well witcher sex scenes have already gone further than any bioware game with the details of its sex scenes.
>I still remember the mass effect sex scene outrage by fox news.
That was hilarious. They were talking about hardcore nudity in PG-13 levels of hidden side boob and implication.
What was the mill scene?
>Bath scene was secretly comparing Geralt and Triss's relationship to Geralt and Yen's
No, it was a metaphor of true love Geralt and Triss have, elf is saying how stupid the legend is and Geralt and Triss are proving him wrong as he speaks. That's the point of the scene.
I'm going to give aids to yennefer
Geralt was having sex with some farmer girl and she was moaning so load that peolle thought the mill became haunted and that she should hire a witcher for it.
Are you sure?
You can have more sex in TW3 and I think the nudity is the same.
You can both Yen and Triss fully naked. I think. I've never seen the triss scene.
Shani too, and don't remember Syanna
“It is necessary that I should die for my autism; but my spirit shall rise from the grave, and /wtc/ will know that I was right.”
- Not_Important
>You can both Yen and Triss fully naked.
Their crotches are obscured and featureless. In TW2 you can see Triss's bush.
According to the poll there are people agreeing but no one posts for that side but the OP.
i want kiss yen's hiv pussy
Doesn't that kinda thing happen in the books too?
Not nearly as often as in the games.
Oh I don't know I never read the books.
I should start on them after being done with B&W.
I'm off to kill some 60 lvl Skelligers
Book 1 is a collection of short stories that span as much as a decade in time. Geralt has two casual lays and fucks Yennefer.

Book 2 is more or less the same but set later. He fucks Yennefer, has a casual lay with a Zerrikanian chick, and has a guilty one night stand with a singer who is infatuated with him.

In the Novels he pretty much just fucks Yen or later, Fringilla (while thinking about Yen the whole time and even calling her Yen kek), in the entire remaining series, off the top of my head.
Fringilla got fucked in body and soul so hard I'm surprised she didn't suicide afterwards
I'm going to get Andrew drunk and then force him to write some Witcher
I'm going to keep him sober and ask him questions about the games
Cuckquean'd, even by CDPR. Couldn't even make an appearance in B&W ;_;
Everyone already does that though
No one has yet managed to keep Sapkowski sober.
I'm going to inject Elder Blood straight into Andrew's veins
I'm going to shitpost on /wtc/
Have you tested yourself for waifuism, /wtc/? The only way to cure it is to catch it early.
I strongly agree with all, except fapping to my waifu, I could never disrespect her like that.
im playing through the witcher 2 for the first time and i have no idea what the fuck i should do with Anais.

i could give her to Redania which i think will unite the entire north against nilfgard shits, or make her Queen of Temeria which keeps Temeria independant but might make the north easier to take by nilfgard if Temeria and Redania cant get along

My choices so far were
>Kill Aryan
>Choose Roche (only guy who gave you a chance)
>Killed Letho
>Let Roche kill Henselt (nilfgard puppet pls go)
>Rescued Anais (i really want to save Triss but an entire kingdom > muhh dick)

But now i don't know who the fuck i should give Anais too, also what to do with Sile. Fuck Sile.
The only diagnosis is terminal waifuism. I'm sorry.
What does Yennefer's diapers smell like?
I don't understand why you would kill Letho but not let Sile die. As for Anais...what do you think Geralt would do? I assume you've already dismissed saving Triss. It doesn't affect the next game at all and Anais is never mentioned again

>Choose Roche (only guy who gave you a chance)
He didn't give Geralt a chance so much as follow the only real lead he had as to Foltest's death.
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syanna is perfection
Well i'd like to save Triss since she's so fucking loyal but on the other hand i think keeping an entire kingdom together is important too.

Maybe i'm getting the wrong impression but i think Nilfgard is going to invade the North, and as such, the more united the North can be, the better.

Is there a way to save Triss and not have the North be completely fucked? I didn't want Roche to go and try to rescue Anais alone because i figure he'll probably fucking die
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Renfri>Syanna, but cursed girls really are the best.
That thing looks like it's from Unteralterbach
>this moron gave her alcohol instead of a flower
>she's so fucking loyal

>Is there a way to save Triss and not have the North be completely fucked?
It doesn't have any effect on the third game
She is much better than Dettlaff. She only conspires to kill the 4 people that abused her. Dettlaff causes the deaths of dozens if not hundreds by his vampire attacks, just because his feelings got hurt.
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Ah so you just want to metagame to get the outcome you want rather than roleplay. Fair enough. spoiler: North is fucked no matter what, just a matter of degrees. Best outcome for them is either saving Triss or giving Anais to Radovid. If you don't save Triss Radovid gets the excuse he needs to let all his Knights of the Flaming Rose off the leash and kill every mage he can get his hands on, but with Anais he has a better claim to legiitmacy over the new Northern Empire he seeks to create. If you save Triss much of the North is still in chaos, but no general mage slaughter follows.

>Well i'd like to save Triss since she's so fucking loyal
>so fucking loyal
I want Syanafags to leave
Of course Triss is loyal, she takes Geralt's side if he saves her and confronts the Lodge. She would never betray him.
>It doesn't have any effect on the third game
Not quite true. I mean, it barely does. But it does have an effect.

Vampires are different man you don't even know, stop downplaying the experience of racial minorities and humansplaining

>She only conspires to kill the 4 people that abused her.
5. And I'd argue Detlaff's death toll was probably in the low thousands.
>She would never betray him.
She betrayed him for 3 books and 2 games.
What is Geralt's deathcount again? Huh? HUH!?
>Vampires are different man
If they are anything like Dettlaff, they are massive faggots and deserve to be exterminated.
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>Well i'd like to save Triss since she's so fucking loyal
ok well i gave into muhh dick and saved her and it turns out that she wasn't all that fucking loyal and had been part of the lodge the whole time

fucking hell, why did i trust a fucking woman.

Well whatever, if the north is fucked anyway then he may as well just keep his waifu happy and kill that cunt Sile whilst i'm at it.

Yeah i am metagaming a bit because i was under the impression that the decisions in 2 would have a huge effect on 3. Since they don't i'll just go with my original playthrough choices

I was going to load earlier saves and make different choices if i thought i'd really fucked things up y'see.

but as it stands if i dont rescue anais, but henselt is dead, what the fuck happens to the north? Does Redania just take over anyway without marriage?
>What is Geralt's deathcount again? Huh? HUH!?
Couple hundred maybe? Usually justified though.

>fucking hell, why did i trust a fucking woman.
They aren't all like Triss. You were decieved by the bubbly attitude and great tits. It happens to the best of us.

>I was going to load earlier saves and make different choices if i thought i'd really fucked things up y'see.
I still recommend you go back and play Iorveth's path because it's practically a different game.

>but as it stands if i dont rescue anais, but henselt is dead, what the fuck happens to the north? Does Redania just take over anyway without marriage?
Pretty much. No claim better than an intact army with a good commander.
Like clockwork. Why did you reply to me? I wasn't talking to you faggot.
No she didn't, she only refused to take Yen's side and stood by the Lodge instead, when it came to Ciri's fate. And even then she didn't do it with evil intentions, she believed it's what's best for her.

In the games she never betrayed Geralt, she was always by his side. She wasn't completely honest about his amnesia in TW1, but she never betrayed him.
>she only refused to take Yen's side
And helped the Lodge frame her for treason, and gives them information on Ciri. Helped watch so Yen, Ciri, and Geralt wouldn't escape so they could sell Ciri to be Tancred Thyssen's brood mare. Let Geralt almost get murdered by an assassin she could have stopped because the Lodge told her too. Lied to him about the Lodge for two games and informed on him for them.

>And even then she didn't do it with evil intentions, she believed it's what's best for her.
Sophistry. She did it to be part of the cool girls' club. At least Yen only cooperated with them because she was kidnapped.
>had been part of the lodge
She has been part of the Lodge, but she never had any role in the assassinations, they stopped inviting her so she didn't have anything to do with them in TW2. Philippa even admits this if you take Iorveth's path and choose to free Saskia.
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then why is everyone laughing at me for saying triss is loyal?

is it something to do with TW1 because i didnt play that.

she hasn't fucked me over in 2 i dont think, unless i'm being really blind.
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>She wasn't completely honest about his amnesia in TW1, but she never betrayed him.
uh huh

>She has been part of the Lodge, but she never had any role in the assassinations, they stopped inviting her so she didn't have anything to do with them in TW2.
Either she's literally mentally retarded or she knew damn well they had something to do with the assassinations of Demavend and Foltest (even if, ironically enough, only by accident in the second case).
>then why is everyone laughing at me for saying triss is loyal?
Because that guy is an autistic waifufag that is full of shit. See all the other responses.

>she hasn't fucked me over in 2 i dont think, unless i'm being really blind.
She knew the Lodge killed Demavend and strongly suspected they killed Foltest but said nothing to Geralt about such an organization even existing. She's been telling the Lodge about Geralt's movements since TW1 and was their plant in Foltest's court to try to maneuver events to their ends. She's done far worse in the books to Geralt, Geralt's lover Yennefer, and their adopted daughter, Ciri.

It's really cool how CDPR suckers you in with the amnesia plotline but dumps her true colors on you later.
Don't believe anything he says, he's delusional. He's been defending his waifu's honor here for months. Just ignore him.

>is it something to do with TW1 because i didnt play that.
Basically she lied to you the entire game

And the games are based on the books (they happen before the games) and a lot of things happen in those.
>She knew the Lodge killed Demavend and strongly suspected they killed Foltest but said nothing to Geralt about such an organization even existing. She's been telling the Lodge about Geralt's movements since TW1 and was their plant in Foltest's court to try to maneuver events to their ends. She's done far worse in the books to Geralt, Geralt's lover Yennefer, and their adopted daughter, Ciri.
Oh, and forgot (because it pales in comparison to the other stuff), she lies to Geralt in TW1 and pretends they had a relationship when they didn't, just because she wants to fuck him.
The Lodge would have done it anyway even without her, she had no power to stop Philippa even if she tried. She was misguided and wrong. She has redeemed herself many times since then. In the games she never took Lodge's side over Geralt and had nothing to do with their schemes.

>then why is everyone laughing at me for saying triss is loyal?
Jut play the game and make your own conclusion, don't believe everything you hear until you check it yourself.

>uh huh
She just didn't mention the Lodge, she wasn't working with them.

>Either she's literally mentally retarded or she knew damn well they had something to do with the assassinations
No she didn't, when she started realizing their involvement, Letho kidnaps her before she can say anything to Geralt, the next time you see her she is in the dungeon and tells him all.
>The Lodge would have done it anyway even without her
I vas only followink ordahs! I vas in Austria during zhe var!

>No she didn't,
So she's literally retarded. Fucking retarded people is immoral, anon. Why do you want to rape retards?
>So she's literally retarded
holy shit the euphoria mutation + alchemy tree is so fucking overpowered it's ridiculous
Yeah. Blood and Wine is short enough it was fun to just go through and wreck shit though.
>So she's literally retarded.
She had no way of knowing, nothing implicates the Lodge until she comes across Sile, and by the time she finds out, she is kidnapped by Letho.
>She has redeemed herself one times since then.

>She had no way of knowing, nothing implicates the Lodge until she comes across Sile,
>Philippa: Hey guys, let's make Aedirn a sorceress controlled puppet state.
>Sile: I second the motion.
>Triss: Sounds totally cool, but like, how are we going to do that, they like, totally already have a king and stuff.
>Couple months later Demavend is dead
>Few weeks later Foltest is dead
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>tfw gingers are the blondes of the Witcherverse
She has redeemed herself many times over in my eyes.

She had absolutely no evidence, she won't make that claim without knowing for sure. Once she finds out for sure, she tells Geralt, the first time she sees him. Not once in TW2 she takes Lodge's side over Geralt.
>She has redeemed herself many times over in my eyes.
She never needed to redeem herself in your eyes. You'd forgiven her in advance for every offense she could possibly commit because she's your waifu.
>he's still getting more retarded
Will it ever end?
Eventually he won't know how to type anymore.
Remember when the Triss spammer thought those pics were photoshopped to smear Triss?
she talks about selling pussy to baron's soldiers, near the Inn where you seek Henrikand few other places too
Reminder that Triss

>Date-raped Geralt using magic behind her friend's back
>Kept coming on to Geralt despite repeated statements that he wasn't interested
>Leaked information about Ciri to Philippa Eilhart, betraying the Witchers' trust
>Took part in the Thanedd coup without warning her alleged friend Yennefer or alleged love Geralt about the danger they were in
>Joined the Lodge of Sorceresses, an oligarchical secret cabal dedicated to usurping power for its own ends
>Helped frame Yennefer for treason to drive a wedge between her, Geralt, and Ciri, and ensure she'd receive no help
>Stood idly by while Geralt was nearly assassinated, choosing to do nothing because Philippa told her to
>Helped abduct Ciri for the purpose of making her Tancred Thyssen's concubine
>Went with Yennefer and Ciri to Rivia to make sure they didn't escape while visiting Geralt one last time
>Ran as soon as the pogrom started, refusing to help Yennefer, Geralt, and Ciri. Only returned when much damage was already done, after Yennefer made sure she felt ashamed.
>Lied to Geralt about their relationship prior to his amnesia
>Lied to Geralt about how to fix his amnesia
>Manipulated Geralt for the purpose of reclaiming her old position in Foltest's court
>Told him nothing of his past, Yennefer, or Ciri until forced to by Geralt
>Told him nothing of the Lodge even when she had every reason to suspect they'd framed him for regicide
>Only came clean when forced to, again, by Geralt
Desperate times...
>She never needed to redeem herself in your eyes.
I try not to look at things as black and white. Triss made mistakes, but her motivations were never malicious. She is a flawed person, in many ways, but I never thought the things she did were unforgivable. She also does a lot of good in both the books and games. So yeah, I guess she never needed to redeem herself in my eyes, but if you look at her actions she objectively did.
>I try not to look at things as black and white
Half of these are unfounded lies, the other half only makes me love her more.
call for desperately graspy cunt
>Half of these are unfounded lies,
Every single thing in that list literally explicitly happened.

delusional much?

Oh yeah that just fucking dawned on me
I spent the entire fucking first 2 acts of the game running around trying to figure out who killed Demavend and Foltest and the bitch knew the whole fucking time.

Why didn't she just tell him? I'd get her keeping it a secret if she still wanted to be in the Lodge, but she had already been kicked out at that point.

I don't really give a fuck about her being a spy in foltests kingdom though.

I dont know anything about TW1 or the books, but that is some pretty cunty behaviour
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I'm surprised the Baron's men can afford her
>Why didn't she just tell him? I'd get her keeping it a secret if she still wanted to be in the Lodge, but she had already been kicked out at that point.
She hadn't really been kicked out. More just on probation. She presumably didn't tell him because she was terrified of his disapproval. That loyalty you thought you saw was actually just emotional codependence. She's not loyal to Geralt at all, but she'll do virtually anything to get his dick and keep it.

>I don't really give a fuck about her being a spy in foltests kingdom though.
Fair enough, I wouldn't either. Just got the impression you were one of those Temerian patriot types from your other choices.

>I dont know anything about TW1 or the books, but that is some pretty cunty behaviour
I highly recommend both. But seriously, go back and play Iorveth's path. You haven't actually finished TW2 unless you've done both paths. Most of the content Act2+ is totally unique to each path.
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stupid spammer
they pay with food, which they confiscated earlier...
>Why didn't she just tell him? I'd get her keeping it a secret if she still wanted to be in the Lodge, but she had already been kicked out at that point.
She wasn't kicked out and she has no reason to make claims against her former allies until she has solid proof. Once she has it, she comes clean.
Velen sucks.

>Once she has it, she comes clean.
You mean once Geralt has it, and confronts her with it. And she's then surprised and scared because she never intended to tell him about the Lodge. You know, all that stuff that actually happened in the game and not just in your head.
Im still trying to get my head around the story of 2. i think i've sorta got the gist of it here, since the wiki is fucking garbage

>mages are butthurt and want to kill demavend because he's weak/volatile
>form a lodge and start to think about how to do so
>nilfgard spies hear of this and make Letho go to pretend he will work for them and kill kings
>he kills kings and puts the whole thing on the mages so that the north goes fucking mental
>this means Nilfgard can invade
>between kililng demavend and foltest, Letho who was working with the Scoiatel gets spooked by Iorveth, tries to lead a coup, fails, so then kills a bunch of them and runs away

>meanwhile, after foltests death, Triss knew who was behind it the whole fucking time (and demavends) but doesn't tell you because she's afraid you'll be mad and just lets you spend ages trying to figure out what is going on until that nilfgardian guy in act 3 tells you and then she's forced to be honest

The problem is, (and this may be due to me being dumb/not listening or it's just not explained) but i have legit no fucking idea who Phillipa is, what the Mages plan was if they had killed Demavend and Letho hadn't turned on them, why Geralt has amnesia in the first place, how he's getting his memory back - the cutscenes just seem to happen sort of randomly (apart from the rose quest, that made sense) when Geralt saved Lethos life .

im trying to find this shit on the wiki but i'm not getting much
whos this? what quest?
>>mages are butthurt and want to kill demavend because he's weak/volatile
Nope, just the Lodge of Sorceresses. Secret society, only 9 members. Most mages didn't know about them.

>form a lodge and start to think about how to do so
Lodge existed already years before this.

>>nilfgard spies hear of this and make Letho go to pretend he will work for them and kill kings
>he kills kings and puts the whole thing on the mages so that the north goes fucking mental
>this means Nilfgard can invade
>between kililng demavend and foltest, Letho who was working with the Scoiatel gets spooked by Iorveth, tries to lead a coup, fails, so then kills a bunch of them and runs away
All correct.

>meanwhile, after foltests death, Triss knew who was behind it the whole fucking time (and demavends) but doesn't tell you because she's afraid you'll be mad and just lets you spend ages trying to figure out what is going on until that nilfgardian guy in act 3 tells you and then she's forced to be honest

>The problem is, (and this may be due to me being dumb/not listening or it's just not explained) but i have legit no fucking idea who Phillipa is, what the Mages plan was if they had killed Demavend and Letho hadn't turned on them, why Geralt has amnesia in the first place, how he's getting his memory back - the cutscenes just seem to happen sort of randomly (apart from the rose quest, that made sense) when Geralt saved Lethos life .
Geralt has amnesia because of time spent with the Wild Hunt running between worlds. Some of the stuff about that is missable, especially on Roche's path due to a glitch.

>Philippa, her plans
That will be more clear on Iorveth's path, where she features heavily. Unfortunately there's a ton of existing backstory here due to the previous game and books which can be hard to absorb at first. And like you said, the wiki sucks. Any further questions and we'll be glad to help you out.

ye, they suck so hard when you offer fresh meat...
>You mean once Geralt has it, and confronts her with it.
She says she wanted to come clean before Letho took her and I don't doubt Triss would have told Geralt all about them in Flotsam hadn't she been kidnapped by Letho. And what is the most important in all of this is that she takes Geralt's side and speaks against the Lodge at the summit. That clearly shows where her loyalty lies in that moment.
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>why Geralt has amnesia in the first place, how he's getting his memory back - the cutscenes just seem to happen sort of randomly (apart from the rose quest, that made sense) when Geralt saved Lethos life .
His amnesia has been very slowly subsiding on his own since he was discovered at Kaer Morhen, but further exposure to big magic like the wraith of the King of the Wild Hunt exudes, or the curse in Act 2, along with encountering people and places from his past accelerates the process.
>>meanwhile, after foltests death, Triss knew who was behind it the whole fucking time (and demavends) but doesn't tell you because she's afraid you'll be mad and just lets you spend ages trying to figure out what is going on until that nilfgardian guy in act 3 tells you and then she's forced to be honest
No, Triss doesn't know who killed Demavend and Foltest, she may have doubts, but never anything substantial enough. There are also other leads pointing to Scoia'tael, so there is no way of her knowing what is actually happening. It makes no sense for her to make unfounded accusations and needlessly implicate her former allies until she knows for sure.
>She says she wanted to come clean before Letho took her and I don't doubt Triss would have told Geralt all about them in Flotsam hadn't she been kidnapped by Letho.
Oh, of course. I mean what reason would we have doubt TRISS of all people's word on that?

> And what is the most important in all of this is that she takes Geralt's side and speaks against the Lodge at the summit. That clearly shows where her loyalty lies in that moment.
Yes. The one person that doesn't want her tortured and executed.
Yeah i just read a little bit about Triss and i can see why people dislike her now

Apparently Yennefer was accused of some crime (falesly) and whilst on the run asked Triss to look out for Ciri and protect Geralt but instead sold out Ciri to the lodge and refuses to help Yen clear her name and protect Geralt.

And the only reason she really got with Geralt is because she put the moves on him (with magic) when he was on a break with Yennefer?

Sounds a bit like a cunt desu. Although by the sounds of things Yennefer isn't a lot better.

Although i do get that she didnt tell geralt because she didnt have hard evidence on it being the council, she still could have told him that it fucking existed in the first place.

I guess i should read the fucking books. If you haven't, are you just supposed to play through the witcher 2 and take things at face value?
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Why did CDPR put Triss in the games anyway? She wasn't an important character in the books, was she? Why didn't we simply get Yen from the start?
>Apparently Yennefer was accused of some crime (falesly) and whilst on the run asked Triss to look out for Ciri and protect Geralt but instead sold out Ciri to the lodge and refuses to help Yen clear her name and protect Geralt.

>And the only reason she really got with Geralt is because she put the moves on him (with magic) when he was on a break with Yennefer?

>Sounds a bit like a cunt desu. Although by the sounds of things Yennefer isn't a lot better.
Nah, she's a lot better as a person. She's just really snarky to everyone which waifufags and selfinsertfags hate.

>Although i do get that she didnt tell geralt because she didnt have hard evidence on it being the council, she still could have told him that it fucking existed in the first place.
She didn't have proof that would pass in a modern American court but if she wasn't 99% sure it was them she's an idiot. Don't listen to the waifufag.

>If you haven't, are you just supposed to play through the witcher 2 and take things at face value?
Kind of. I played TW1, TW2, and then played the books. It made the surprises pretty cool, and then I got all the context behind this at the same time Geralt got his memories back. Ended up kicking myself for ever trusting Triss in the first place.
>Why did CDPR put Triss in the games anyway?
Good way to work the Lodge into the plot.

>Why didn't we simply get Yen from the start?
Yennefer is hard to write and CDPR knew they weren't good enough to pull off Yennefer or Ciri in TW1. By TW2 they've hired experienced writers and they start carrying the plot back into the direction of introducing them, but they have to handle the existing plot first.

>Nah, she's a lot better as a person. She's just really snarky to everyone which waifufags and selfinsertfags hate.
Basically Triss is much more nice and polite than Yennefer, but Yennefer is more moral, more or less. Triss will treat you great but leave you in the dust if it suits her. Yennefer will shittalk you and call out anything she perceives as bullshit, but if she likes you she's got your back forever even if you don't return the favor.
>I mean what reason would we have doubt TRISS of all people's word on that?
She never does anything to put Geralt in danger, keeping some info for herself makes sense and would needlessly complicate the situation. She needed some facts first.

>Yes. The one person that doesn't want her tortured and executed.
She had no reason to believe Phil's plan won't work, she goes to the summit to stop it, sorceresses aren't persecuted yet at that point. She believes the Lodge will get their way and goes willingly to stop it and help clear Geralt's name.
>She never does anything to put Geralt in danger,
Keeping all this to herself put Geralt in a ton of danger and got him framed for regicide.

>She had no reason to believe Phil's plan won't work,
What about the fact that NILFGAARD KNEW EVERYTHING?
Yeah, i mean half the problem is im a super autistic lore fag who hates not fully understanding things, so i always have to research and understand things.

which probably means i'll spoil the fuck out of a lot of things.

I'm trying to think of redeeming things for triss and so far i have

Trained Ciri a bit to be a mage and stopped them turning her into a barren witcher
Cast a big spell that made some rioters go away (was this the riot from the first game or was it the one that geralt is having flashbacks about where he almost died?)
Hot as fuck

but she uses geralts amnesia to jump on his dick knowing full well he loves yennefer which is pretty shit
Reminder that in the books Triss also:

>helped Geralt deal with Ciri at KM even suggesting to go to Yen when she realized a more powerful sorceress is needed
>dragged Geralt half dead and begged Tissaia to teleport him at Thanedd, thus saving his life.
>returned to save Yen in Rivia and even refused to escape when Yen ask her to teleport them
>stopped the Rivia pogrom by doing Merigold's Hailstorm
>let Ciri go at the end of the books instead of sticking with the Lodge's plan and forcing her to return to them
>Trained Ciri a bit to be a mage and stopped them turning her into a barren witcher
They were never going to put her through the mutations. What she did was tell them that the stimulants they were giving her were going to fuck up her development of secondary sexual characteristics during puberty.

>Cast a big spell that made some rioters go away (was this the riot from the first game or was it the one that geralt is having flashbacks about where he almost died?)
She co-cast that with Yen after running away. She came back because Yen called her a massive coward and she ended up feeling bad. Yen died shortly afterward trying to heal Geralt and the Lodge got the spell attributed to Triss and named it after her. So that's sort of redeeming, sort of not?

>Hot as fuck

Tbf, while I dislike Triss, I'll admit she works to redeem herself in the next game, finally.
yeah she looks after Geralt and saves his life but only because she's so interested in him for herself

She doesn't actually respect him or his autonomy as a person, otherwise she wouldnt have amnesia raped him potentially ruining his relationship.
reminder that the Aen Elle being the Wild Hunt is a retcon
>dragged Geralt half dead and begged Tissaia to teleport him at Thanedd, thus saving his life.
She was also part of the coup that caused the whole clusterfuck in the first place, and neglected to warn either Geralt or Yennefer of what was about to go down despite having the opportunity.

>>returned to save Yen in Rivia and even refused to escape when Yen ask her to teleport them
If she hadn't left in the first place Yennefer wouldn't have gotten almost stoned to death. Yennefer told her to teleport them out because she was in no condition to fight alone and understandable thought Triss wasn't going to fight either.

>>stopped the Rivia pogrom by doing Merigold's Hailstorm
SHe helped.

>let Ciri go at the end of the books instead of sticking with the Lodge's plan and forcing her to return to them
This is laughable. You haven't read them, have you?
Yen is dead? I thought the Hunt took her

Im so fucking confused.

There was a cutscene where Geralt said he traded his life for hers or something
Should I throw the baby in the oven?
>got him framed for regicide.
No that's not what framed him for regicide, being caught with Foltest's dead body did. He was already heavily implicated and Triss' unfounded suspicions wouldn't help him in any way.

Yes, but Triss doesn't know what exactly do they plan to do with that info and how the summit will play out. She risks a lot by going there with Geralt and supporting him.
in the books Yen dies trying to save Geralt. Geralt gets pitchforked. Both are dead. Ciri takes their bodies to essentially Avalon.
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>Yen is dead? I thought the Hunt took her
The books end with them maybe dead maybe not, it's left open to interpretation. But the games run with the interpretation that they both died at Rivia and Ciri revived them with magical bullshit.

>There was a cutscene where Geralt said he traded his life for hers or something
That was later.

Basically it goes

>Riot at Rivia
>Geralt dies trying to stop a racial pogrom
>Yennefer and Triss disperse the crowd
>Yennefer run to Geralt, tries to heal him (impossible), draws on too much magic, killing herself
>Ciri carries their bodies off, revives them with Elder Blood bullshit, and deposits them in their own personal heaven (Isle of Avallach/Avallon)
>The Wild Hunt picks up her trail, but can't find Ciri herself
>Go to the Isle instead, capture Yennefer
>Geralt wakes up, runs in their slipstream to pursue them
>Meets Letho and Co, continues following the Hunt south
>Fight them at the Tree of the Hanged Man. Stalemate.
>Geralt offers himself in exchange for Yennefer. Eredin (The King of the Hunt) agrees
>Geralt spends an indeterminant amount of time as a rider in the Hunt
>somehow (spoilers, won't go into it) ends up at Kaer Mohen, found by the other witchers and Triss
>TW1 starts

Read the books more carefully. Avallac'h talks about how Eredin had achieved a lot in other worlds in the past but now could only travel as an impotent wraith.
>She was also part of the coup that caused the whole clusterfuck in the first place, and neglected to warn either Geralt or Yennefer of what was about to go down despite having the opportunity.
Yes, but she did saved his life in the end.

>If she hadn't left in the first place Yennefer wouldn't have gotten almost stoned to death. Yennefer told her to teleport them out because she was in no condition to fight alone and understandable thought Triss wasn't going to fight either.
You don't know what would have happened if they both went in, fact remains, she returned and saved Yen.

>SHe helped.
No, Yen helped, Triss cast the spell.

>This is laughable.
If Triss was so loyal to the Lodge, she could have tried to stop Ciri from leaving, she could have tried to force her in some way to return with her. That was her task in the first place, but she just let her leave.
Do it faggot
At first I thought you were just mentally ill but you're genuinely stupid. Talking to you is completely fruitless.
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>Gaunter O'Dimm can teach you how to not be a bad dad

way to rub it in CDProjekt
I'm going to make ice scream from Yennefer's squirt
>If Triss was so loyal to the Lodge, she could have tried to stop Ciri from leaving, she could have tried to force her in some way to return with her. That was her task in the first place, but she just let her leave.

*ahem*, could you please kindly not teleport away and come with me to fuck Tancred Thyssen now that you have nothing left in the world, lil' sis?

He only does it because Ciri is destined to fulfill Falka's revenge and he thinks it's funny.
thanks for this, couple questions
>Yennefer run to Geralt, tries to heal him (impossible), draws on too much magic, killing herself
So what the fuck was Triss doing whilst Yennerfer literally killed herself trying to save him? Watching?

>Ciri revives them
Is Ciri a mage then? And im guessing this isle they were on isn't necessarily in the real physical world?

>Wild Hunt picks up their trail
Why do they want them? Is it like Death not wanting to let people go or something
>Why do they want them?
To get Ciri.
>have amnesia raped him potentially ruining his relationship.
Geralt was never raped, he was seduced, in TW1 Triss never forces him to sleep with her or uses magic, in fact most of the time he is the one pursuing her romantically. She doesn't even know whether Yen is alive at that point. It's a shady move, but it's no rape.

Hell, in TW2 after she tells him the truth about Yen and Ciri, Geralt can continue sleeping with her, despite knowing what she did, so it's not like he is an innocent helpless moron for evil Triss control as she pleases. If he can decide the fate of the whole kingdoms, he is perfectly capable deciding whether he wants to sleep with someone or not.
Considering i dont know anything about Ciri at all, is this explained properly in TW3 or is it based on something in the books i have literally no clue about and likely wont find out about playing just the games
>So what the fuck was Triss doing whilst Yennerfer literally killed herself trying to save him? Watching?
kek, more or less

>Is Ciri a mage then?
Sort of...Ciri has some inborn power that uses a very different kind of magic. But yes, she has the potential to be a sorceress and had a tiny bit of training before shenanigans happened that kept her from being able to pursue that career choice. Reviving the dead is not normally in their repertoire.

> And im guessing this isle they were on isn't necessarily in the real physical world?
It was another universe. The Witcher has an infinite multiverse. Ciri's unique talent (a product of tons of selective breeding) gives her the power to move between spheres.

>Why do they want them?
To torment them to draw Ciri out of hiding. They want her abilities to restore their ability to open the Gate of Worlds and easily stride between universes en masse, instead of having to be shitty wraith projections.
>Why do they want them?

Ciri loves Yennefer and Geralt. By capturing Yennefer, they have a bait that Ciri shouldn't be able to resist going after.

The reason why they accepted Geralt's trade(himself for Yen's freedom) is that they think Ciri cares more about Geralt than Yennefer.

Ciri has serious power, you learn about it in more detail in the books, but the game will show you this in various ways.

Eredin wants her power.
I love when we get newfags that are interested in the series.

Yes we've all seen your copypasta before

It's based on something in the books but yes it's explained properly in TW3. If you'd read the books you'd get the deal by the end of TW2, but even without them you'll understand her deal and what they want with her more or less not too far into TW3.
>Triss doing whilst Yennerfer literally killed herself trying to save him? Watching?
Triss realizes he is beyond saving, there is nothing she can do for him at that point, Yen still tries, but of course, it's futile.

>could you please kindly not teleport away and come with me to fuck Tancred Thyssen
She could have at least tried to talk her into it or give any indication she cares about her returning. She was sent to assure her return, it's a mission the Lodge gave her and she doesn't even try to accomplish it and lets Ciri do what she wants instead.
>The reason why they accepted Geralt's trade(himself for Yen's freedom) is that they think Ciri cares more about Geralt than Yennefer.
I thought it was just because Geralt is easier to control, not being a mage and all. They can get some use out of him as a Rider instead of having to keep Yennefer subdued and delirious all the time.
right ok so Ciri powerful
Wild Hunt wants her
Shit all over Yen and Geralt to bait her to coming out

Does she know this or not? Like does she know that The Wild Hunt want to take her, how her power works, what it can do etc.

Sorry to ask so many fucking questions but more than wanting spoilers i want to know if i'm actually going to have this shit presented to me or if i need to go research it.

i'm not exactly convinced after playing TW2.
Why is Monsters so terrible?
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it's because Geralt is the player character and him having amnesia is important to the first two games

A lot of that is Witcher 3 stuff. She knows her abilities are unusual and highly desirable though, since she spent most of the books being pursued by pretty much everyone for them. She doesn't really have control over any but the basic bits of it though.

>Sorry to ask so many fucking questions but more than wanting spoilers i want to know if i'm actually going to have this shit presented to me or if i need to go research it.
You'll have a lot of it explained in TW3. TW2 is more understandable after playing it twice for both paths.

And don't apologize for the questions, it's a nice break from shitposting.
also a possibility.

Ciri has the Elder Blood, a genetic trait that allows her to manipulate space and time at will.

The Aen Elle want a (female) child with her so that they have an elf on their side with that power, mainly so they can keep jumping between worlds to live eternally, avoiding either extermination by humans/dwarves/enraged unicorns or cataclysmic events like the White Frost.

from The Witcher 2:
>You hold the sword of Aramil, who defied his king's rule. The Lord of the Wild Hunt desires the gene of the Elder Blood. He seeks to fling open the gates between the worlds, so that terror and destruction may reign.

>The King of the Hunt ordered me slain, and the wraiths born of his command assumed living form, pursuing me through the voids between the worlds for centuries.

>I have arrived at Loc Muinne. Though tired, I know I will not rest. The riders of the Hunt draw near. On my back I can feel their deathly breath.

Ciri learns this and gets some practice with her powers in the later books. She has met the Wild Hunt/Aen Elle elves before, and almost completed their plans before she decided to flee their world.
fair enough.
i'm gonna read up a bit on the lodge since i have no fucking idea about that.

and i guess the stuff that happened prior to the games like the Rivia riot and shit.

From the little i've heard about Yennefer she sounds like 100% pure waifu but about 40 minutes ago i thought the same of triss so i guess once bitten twice shy.
Yeah see i found that sword and he said that whole quote and i had literally no fucking clue what he talking about, but it makes sense (ish) now
So, not more Expansions for The Witcher III? I can make my custom BD-ROM of the Patches, Updates, and DLC?
>implying I cut down honest men so I could listen to that cunt for 5 minutes
>Geralt spends an indeterminant amount of time as a rider in the Hunt

Trying to imagine Geralt in that sweet armor,I'd suck his cock desu lads,no homo.
>So, not more Expansions for The Witcher III?
It's very very unlikely that we're getting anything else. Maybe a patch, but who knows.
So it's fine to make the BD25?
>Not doing everything in your power to save the love of Geralt's life.
Friendly reminder that Anarietta could've prevented the vampire chimpout by simply letting Dettlaff kill Syanna but she didn't because she is a woman incapable of rational thought
>i'm gonna read up a bit on the lodge since i have no fucking idea about that.
That's a long story and is an ongoing subplot for much of the books. It was founded by Philippa after the disaster at Thanedd where Nilfgaard managed to get the Royalist and Nilfgaard sympathizing factions of mages to murder each other, while the neutrals basically just got fucked. (Royalist faction includes familiar faces like Philippa, Triss, and Dethmold. Secret Nilfgaard sympathizers includes people you've never heard of like Vilgefortz, Terranova, and one you might have heard namedropped, Francesca Findabair. Neutrals are poor bastards like Tissaia de Vries, Carduin of Lan Exeter, and Yennefer).

Philippa thought an (ostensibly democratic but really dominated by her interests) secret organization could avoid further such disasters and manipulate such events from the shadows. She invited everyone she thought useful or necessary, whether they were part of the former organization of northern mages or not. Including Nilfgaardians and Elves. The main Elf invitee, Francesca Findabair, abducted Yennefer and forced her to join to counter-balance Philippa's influence on the council, though Yennefer soon escaped with the aid of a Nilfgaardian sorceress. That's how she knew of the Lodge.

>From the little i've heard about Yennefer she sounds like 100% pure waifu
If anything she's the anti-waifu. She doesn't exclude anyone from her bitchiness, including Geralt. She's just 100% loyal in spite of that.
It was worth it to bitch her out imo

It's never homo if it's Geralt.

Friendly reminder that Syanna is the rightful Duchess of Touissant and Annarietta was obligated to cede her the throne or die a usurper.
I'm going to hide under Geralt and Yennefer's bed and wait for them to have fun
Enjoy unicorn dick in your face
>It was worth it to bitch her out imo
This tbqh, kek
They even sleep on the unicorn?
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Phil talking about Triss' involvement in the assassinations and whether she knew about them.
Yes. The waifu curse forces them too. Their relationship is now defined by memes.
For the last time, she didn't know about them beforehand. But if she didn't get it as soon as Demavend mysteriously died just like Philippa would have wanted, then she's a complete idiot.
Reminder that the Witcher series doesn't have waifus. Just characters.
She has no evidence for it and some evidence points in the other direction, to Scoia'tael. The Lodge and Scoia'tael don't exactly mix, so it makes no sense for her to accuse the Lodge until she knows for sure.
Nah, she knew nothing of Foltest. That was idea of the Scoiatel
>Nah, she knew nothing of Foltest.
She had every reason to suspect the Lodge for it though, and does assume it was Philippa until Geralt points out that doesn't fit.

>That was idea of the Scoiatel
...no. It was Nilfgaard's idea. The Scoia'tael were just useful idiots again. Has it been awhile?
I'm going to sling poop to Geralt and Yennefer's vineyard
Killing Demavend makes sense for Lodge's plans, killing Foltest doesn't, so that gives Triss another reason to get suspicions that is may not be their work and someone's else instead.
>so that gives Triss another reason to get suspicions that is may not be their work and someone's else instead.
Which she didn't think of. She thought it was Philippa. Did you even play the game or do you just watch all the Triss scenes on youtube, Spammer?
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>tfw you only sort of disliked Triss before the waifufags latched on to her but now you hate her with a passion
She though it was Philippa, once she already had other evidence that points in Lodge's direction, what she though immediately after Foltest's death is open to speculation. What I'm saying is no more wrong than someone saying she knew it was the Lodge from the start. There was evidence that pointed in the different direction at first.
>Letting other people's obsessions affecting your perceptions of characters
You are weak anon.
>>That was idea of the Scoiatel
>...no. It was Nilfgaard's idea. The Scoia'tael were just useful idiots again. Has it been awhile?

No, I mean. Killing kings is idea of Nilf boys, but Letho used tricked other groups to gain assets and put blame on then.
The lodge for the Aedirn king and then contacts the Scoiatel to kill Foltest.

I know I sound retarded, sorry, I hate the phone, but hope you get my point
>level 83 and getting rekt by Dettlaff.
thats pretty low level if thats ng+
same here. but at least the autists have provided tons of free entertainment with their lunacy.
it is, but considering every other quest was one shot kills I really didn't think it'd be hard.
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>ywn trash avafag's lab and have a snowfight with ciri
>once she already had other evidence that points in Lodge's direction,
Mostly shit she had from the start. Only difference is now Geralt knows too.

>What I'm saying is no more wrong than someone saying she knew it was the Lodge from the start.
It's factually wrong, get over it.
>others' opinions not affecting your perceptions at all
Logical, but also genuinely a sign of autism

Oh ok, yeah, I get you now. Phone typing sucks.
This tbqh
>Mostly shit she had from the start.
Meeting Sile was a first red flag, she talked to Phil(or Dethmold), Letho and the Nilfgaardians that captured her, it's far more info than she had from the start.

>It's factually wrong
It's neither right nor wrong, it's speculation, just like it's speculation when someone says Triss knew it was the Lodge from the start.
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I'll gladly take her by the hand tbqh.
need fresh bread pls
Give us yer daughter and we'll consider it, peasant
>I want to nuke this lab like when I almost killed all my allies
>"go for it" means "just trash the place instead" and is the correct choice
Alp is op

Fuck that
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