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/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk and Gwent General - (/krw/, /cpg/, /gwt/)

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Thread replies: 771
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Unpleasant Conversation Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced!

Blood & Wine and patch 1.22 is released!
New Region trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJT5XRftOU
Launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP-ZsLYGJfQ
Patchnotes: http://wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/mkt/document/Changelog-1.22-ENG.pdf

HoS developer stream: http://www.twitch

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Console Commands Currently broken
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Redirect to the current thread

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous thread: >>148081159
yenfags should fuck off
why are their teeth so fucking yellow
Aerondight - does it really level up with me?
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Reminder that Geralt doesn't give a shit about any woman other than Triss.
It was Marcin's fault. That part was clearly cut because money.
Shani is perfection.
Good, good, I fully agree. *giggles*
dijkstra refuses to join the battle of kaer morhen no matter what?
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I agree
He's not suicidal until later in the game
fapping to Ciri is better than playing the game
He will never show up himself or get dudes to show up because he's not a fighter and Kaer Morhen is too far away for him to be able to send anyone
He may give you some goodies if you helped him with his treasure, though
That part was really retarded

Let's defend against a whole fucking army as 12 people!
So charming, you're the best, Triss.
fapping to Bonhart torturing Ciri and beheading her friends in front of her is better than playing the game

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fapping to Ciri fapping to papa is better than fapping to the game

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wait what i can get letho to kaer morhen for the fight?

since when?

i got the achievement as i did the brother in arms quests that i have recruited all 12 people

im already at the isle of mists following that firefly, what should i do? should i go back get him?
Those 12 people are part of the twenty good men Ramsay Bolton squad from Game of Thrones though.
Taking him or not changes nothing, he has like 3 or 4 lines there and doesn't change anything in story
Well sort of. It'll be higher level if you obtain it at a higher level. Other than that it's damage will keep increasing over time as you kill stuff, so it'll eventually surpass anything you could possibly get.

Not to mention the way it doubles its damage and goes to 100% crit chance. It's the best sword in the game hands down.
Reload a previous save before Isle of Mists, there is a village in Velen, help an old lady, then you will find the bro.
is it worth sacrificing witcher gear bonus for Aerondight?
His lines are GOAT through
is it a problem that im on the isle of mists quests or no
But I thought that was one guy, Ser Twenty of House Goodmen?
Yeah, there was a fucking notice for you before you went inside the fog, certain questlines would be closed off after you go to it, Letho's quest is one of them.
Yep. It's unfortunate but the sword is irreplaceable.
Ser Twenty of House Goodmen has twenty forms, and can make twenty forms of himself, that is how he never gets caught, because the copies disappear at will.
>Roche is still pissed at Letho but he'd let Emhyr finish on his face any day
Ahh Roche
That new Skellige deck is pretty cool. Shame we only get to use it for the tournament, then there's no more gwent to do before the game is done and of course they don't carry over to NG+.
didnt get anything popping up as 'failed'
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god fucking damnit

letho is gone right?
You either run into him there instead of monsters, or you run into monsters there, which means he was killed off in Witcher 2.
Because you did not initiate it in the first place.
It has to be in your quest log to begin with in order for it to pop up as failed.
Geralt usually hates getting teleported, but Triss' teleports are different.
can i even get him without playing witcher 2?
Yes you have to do the dialogue at the start of the game where you tell voorhis you left him alive.
yes, tell Vorrhis you let him live
or just don't be a faggot and play 2
Mother fucker, I forgot too. I had a marker to go back there fug
i fucked it up

god damnit i didnt want to fuck up a single quest in this playthrough
im so sad
What level should I do hearts of Stone? I'm past the Battle of Kaer Morhen, should I start now?
Wondering the same, Im in Final Preparations after killing Imlerith. Worrying Ill lose a few precious levels if I dont do the main story first since you get insane exp during the final battle.
Yeah, exactly where I am
Are you two retarded? It has a recommended level right in the description.
He says the same thing about Yen
yen takes the breakup pretty hard
No, this is one of the lines he uses when he reaches the end of the world, regardless of the romance choice.
Hey asshole, I'm asking for story reasons if I should finish the main story first or not. I can see the recommend level
I know. But I dont wanna miss out on levels.
I know but he says same thing about Yen and how he could use her portals
Ive heard him say Yen on my playthrough
Hmm, never saw it on my Yen playthrough, but I'll take your word for it.
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she kisses me when ciri gets back then i tell her to fuck off when triss arrives haahahaha

how pathetic can one woman be
I actually once tested what lines he says

I know, autism
Are you literally retarded? Read the books faggot
It's actually cool they made a version for both of them, such a minor detail and yet they bothered.
>how pathetic can one woman be
Why are ghouls five level under me raping me?
Are you wearing a short skirt?
You should read Ghouls and Alghouls again, Ciri
How many levels will Hearts of Stone give me if I get exp from all the quests?

3 maybe 4
I don't mind the kiss, it was an emotional moment for her, besides I love seeing jelly Triss. I didn't much appreciate when she later interrupted Geralt and Triss with that "Ahem", but still no big deal. Yen is cool.
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What if Ciri trips on her gown in front of her subjects?
kys faggot
get a life
A kiss to you too.
That's silly, an Empress like Cirilla would never do such a thing!
Emhyr would catch her and/or publicly execute anyone who dares laugh at her.
I want to kys yens vag
> Just finished Baptism of fire

Welp, it was actually good, interesting saga so far.
How long til Ciri and Bonhart meet?
Milva a badass
Cahir a pseudo bro, hope he survives the battle...
No more Zoltan?
I want to drink a mixture of Ciri's vaginal fluid and Yennefer's anal sweat.
Ciri and Bonhart meet in the beginning of Tower of Swallows

1. Ciri and Bonhart meet in the next book.

2. No more Zoltan until Lady of The Lake.
that dress is so pretty


I see. Thanks.
Shame about Zoltan, I expected to see more of him.

Also fuck, sorceresess are terrible. Most of them. They are a bunch of snakes. They make Yen look like an inocent girl
Want to try it, anon?
fuck off spammer
>someone's cheating
>yeah triss is
Thats what Superior Swallow is.
Can you share some?
What does Yennefer smell like?
My cum
Blood and wine
Stale memes
Geralt? :3
nah all the peasant boys you raped
Poor Radovid.

He was so scared when he saw her.
Also, I'm a little upset that I had to put Dijkstra down. I liked our odd friendship
No its Priscilla
Only if you choose to simulate an import and take the choice saying you let him live.

Default has him dead.
At least level 30.

I start it at 34 since I like having my mastercrafted armor for the cutscenes and shit. Autism.
Get the mod that makes you always get full xp for the quest even if it's grey.

I justify it by using enemy scaling. Otherwise it feels like cheating.
Being fly af isn't autism my friend.
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best girl
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I think Dan the lion is a pretty cool guy. Eh gets all the girls and doesn't afraid of anything.
She's alright, although I get the impression she's horribly boring in the sack.
Her accent. at least on the English version, kills it for me.
Isn't she Tom Hiddleston's sister?
Hell if I know. It's some kind of English accent and I just can't stand English accents.

Then you must of had a hard time with this game or fantasy in general. ur dumb
how old was Ciri when she was kidnapped by Cahir in Cintra?

I'm getting confused here, Crach an Craite says she was 14, almost 15 when she started fancying Hjalmar in Skellige, but I always though she was kidnapped at around 11 years of age.
>Tom Hiddleston
Nope, the English are just untakeable and disgusting.
yeah, Emma Hiddleston
I find Bongs disgusting as well. It's just a dumb thing to gripe about, like water being wet
Her particular accent is especially grating though.

>english version
I'm going to laugh at Yennefer

I play English because the original Witcher 1 German voices were positively horrifying.
dayly remainder that any nonpolish dubbing is not canon
Just bought Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine.

What am I in for?
Fun and spooks and then sidequests

Blood, Wine and Mirrors
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W-who is this?
The Duchess, of course
A lying manipulator
There is something off about her I swear, that smile, those eyes...
She doesn't feel right somehow.
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Best ending, nothing like two loving sisters tickling each other.
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Intimate physical moments are great ways to end problems, I agree
best ending

worst ending
wtf is up with the immortal cannibals?

Been trying some workarounds but the old ones aren't working.
What does Yennefer's socks taste like?
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mah nigga
Alright so, running away and saving and reloading didn't work. Running away and meditating didn't work. Running away and saving/reloading and meditating didn't work.

Running away, fast travelling to Skellige then fast traveling back did work.

How annoying. hopefully they don't stup patching the game now that B&W is out.
>hopefully they don't stup patching the game now that B&W is out.
2 day old Dettlaff smell
I'm trying to complete the map on my first playthrough but the placement of monsters seems so random. I just encountered an Archgriffon level ??? but I managed to grab the hidden treasure note it was containing. Turns out it's a level 48 quest. You never actually level that high do you? Seems bullshit to me.
You can with the Dlcs.
Anyway, is like a challenge, I killed at level 30 with a few decoctions.
Wish all fights were like that
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hey guys, does anybody know what the original song is here? I know percival's songs are all remixes of folk songs, so I'd like to know.

I was 23 when I killed it myself, but the archgriffin decoction was broken back then.
How the fuck do I beat the toad on NG+/DM??
I always just whittle it down since igni never seems to do anything even after learning the "gimmick".
I am kind of mad at how little my choices matter in witcher 3
I mean, Iorveth isnt even in 3. I spent all of 2 helping him out, save the dragon girl, and neither of them are in 3????
Dettlaff is the old man from Home Alone
> helping the terrorists

Folstest did nothing wrong
>yens lips will never we wrapped around your weiner

I'm just at bovigrad and hoky shit this game is good I hven't been addicted to a game like this in years witcher 3 is deinitely the best medieval themed game I have played t bh.
The part with the crones was so fucking unnerving.
Also what would happen if you let the tree's heart live?
Ciri would eventually die, killed by the Crones later on.
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both options are awful in some way, but not in the way

Jesus fuck I can smell Triss' vagina from here

Doesnt she wash herself? Smells like the Novigrad fish market was moved direcrly inside my nose.
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worth 20€?
Yeah I hate it too. They made it such a large part of the second game, but they had an entire game, and two large expansions and not so much as a cameo. For Saskia at best was a brief reference in a single sentence. Both essentially got nothing more than a Gwent card.

Whereas Roche gets woven into the main story.
Muh dick...
What all expansions should be, but rarely are.
Overpriced shit?
Fucked up version of Black Beauty and an entire village dies
Also the meeting with Anna is a lot more dark.
Is my game broken or something? since when was it not possible to parry Olgierd?
Ive sucked dick for less
What is the best wine to go with Ciri's placenta?
Est Est of course
>not Sangreal
Level 5 combat skills actually worth shit? Sunder Armor and Deadly Precision seem somewhat useful but the rest is really horrible. Any advice?
I have 74k can anybody beat that?
I let him live in W2 and he didn't show in W3.
Best place to sell glyphs?
I don't use them since magic is for fags
So why dont you use them
Do you not know a good place to sell glyphs?
I just spam square and hit shit with swords until the "battle" is over so I can move on to the next cutscene movie.
Then either you got a bug, or you forgot to import your save.
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this Lady of the Lake fan translation is kind of annoying to read. Every other line of dialog has some type of spelling error.
What kind of cat is that
Man master mirror is a dick. Glad I managed to find the answer at the last second.
You don't put a giant lit-up house on the horizon for the hell of it, that's bad design.
Philippa is a smelly old owl!
Yeah I had to re-read a lot of sentences because of it, bit annoying. Wasn't always spelling either, grammar was off quite a lot as well.
What do you mean? He's a pretty chill dude. Gave me an awesome saddle. for Roach.
Are there duplicates of manuscripts/diagrams/etc in this game? If a certain merchant has a manuscript I want, do I have to buy it from them, or does it have a chance to show up elsewhere?
All this time I thought during the Dragon quest you had to herd the sheep to the forktails tower.

Just tried using Axii on it and whatya know? it works! don't even have to herd it, just Axii and it'll follow you there.

Turns out works in a lot of things. Chasing that bugger down in that quest with Yen at Crippled Kates? Axii no problem. Chasing the Unicorn? Axii, damn that signs got more uses than I thought.
>no dragons in W3
>not even what's her face's father
Fuck that
dragons are complex to make, if you want to do them justice.

If you half ass it you just get Skyrim dragons instead of Dragon's Dogma dragons.
I think it's worth that. Though I'm not the one paying
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thank you friend
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Ciri's fetish for black horses unnerves me
Do not bully Philippa
Borch making a comeback would have been a cool DLC premise, could have involved Saskia too.
I want to marry my daughter and make prophecy with her
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>Emhyr kept the portrait of fake Ciri with him
>he brought it to Vizima
>he referenced it when talking about real Ciri

why the fuck
The portrait is of real Ciri. Fake Ciri doesn't exist in TW3
why is anime dracula eating a burg?
but when did Emhyr get a portrait of real Ciri?

He ordered a portrait of fake Ciri in the books.
Got it from Cintra maybe. There are a lot of plot holes, missing details and whitewashing around Emhyr/Nilfgaard in TW3 so best not to think about it too much
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With how Aerondight scales is there any reason not to just go get it as soon as you can?
Aerondight is so fucking OP
alright so technically to not miss any quest, you'd literally have to do every single side quest that is available to you before going on with the main quest because you cannot know what will disappear

cool concept, i really like it :)))
There's not too many really, mostly just main character related ones, like dandelions questline or the kings gambit shit.
white orgasm herbalist is literally the best woman in the game
She's a complete butterface just like almost every woman in the game.
she the best

the cutest

the smartest

the purest

i want to hug her
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Yeah, every woman except for Ciri
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i kinda like you guys

besides the shitty waifu talk this is quite a decent general compared to other video games generals
Nah there's a few, Ciri isn't one of them though with that giant ugly scar on her face.

Kurisu, now that was a damn fine looking lass.
This fucking Ofeiri gear, especially the saber, looks so fucking good especially with the professors glasses. Idk if I ever want to replace it.
it used to be better and deader before witcher 3 awakened the waifufags
Anon discovered the latest hot YouTube meme and can't help himself
So apparently if you let the time run out when O'Dimm confronts Olgierd, it just defaults to saving him.

Ah well, time to reload.
Have you tried letting it run out more than once? It might just pick at random
No, but what the hell I'll do it a few more times and see.
Well I did it 3 more times, so 4 times total. In the final one it defaulted to letting him get taken.

Difference with the third, or rather 4th try though was I had do not interfere highlight, whereas the interrupt one was highlighted the other 3 times.

So I guess that's it, just goes with whichever you have highlighted.
> Swallow's tower

>240 pages
>11 chapters

Didn't you guys said it was ~400 pages?

Also, Ciri's scar should look worse in game, right?
Or is it because Avallac'h magic juice?
CDPR only read summaries of the books
At the start of the game both Yen and Geralt mention her scar healing beautifully, but I don't think they mention the reason
She says Avallac'h is giving her a potion or lotion or whatever.

I'm a bit concerned about the pages...
Bonhart is already humillating Ciri, don't want to miss anything
All the books are roughly 200 pages, you're not missing half of the book
Bonhart continues that for a while, don't worry ;_;
does anyone have a link to pirate the baptism of fire and tower of swallows audiobooks
axii is the best sign
Don't know if I'd call all the way until the last 3 pages only "a while"
Whelp, finally finished the vanilla game and got the bad ending.. Do I immediately start new game + (thus saving B&W for later) to amend my mistakes, or finish blood and wine now?
What is this shit? the Hermits demanding I prove my chivalry to get Aerondight? I thought I just get a free pass for having had it in the previous games...
Do you want enemies to get a flat +30 level increase or do you want to see more new stuff even though Geralt died in your ending?
what i did was just the main stories of the dlc, and then ng+ for a "complete" run
What choices did you make?
>even though Geralt died in your ending?

This is another reason why i'm leaning towards starting ng+ right away, for "immersion" , does the B&W campaign make any mention of the vanilla story and what happened afterwards?
Ones that determined he's a controlling little shit that treats Ciri like a child.
Geralt mentions once when talking with Regis that he found Ciri and beat the Wild Hunt
There's also a noticeboard that reveals that B&W takes place a few years after the base game
Not enough "strong independent woman" dialogue choices
Quite a few years apparently. I just heard a servant tell me to try some Fiorano of the 1290 vintage.
I want to rape Ciri with my micropenis
If there was a choice between either having based boy Regis or Borch, I would choose Regis everytime.
Woah woah, it's only three years, blood and wine is in 1275, that line must have been a fuck up.
Blue or black chainmail pauldrons?
Nope, it's apparently at least 1290 now. Not sure why Ana Henrietta looks so good though. Should be a raisin by now. Maybe she's secretly a vampire as well?
In the tournament of Beauclair, there are notes that clearly state this is the Tournament of Beauclair 1275, I also remember other notes throughout the world that it is 1275 as well.

Unless the Nilfgaardians have a different calendar than the Nordlings, it can't be 1290 at all, because of the waifus baggage that arrive at the vineyard later, and Ciri is not an old hag yet (and not an empress yet if you went for that path).
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It still must be a fuck up, there are overwhelming other evidence that state this is 1275 instead.
Either way pretty nice find.
BnW actually takes place in 1490. Ciri, Dandelion and their other human friends have died by now. Yennefer being the sinister necromancer that she is used powerful spells to bring back their corpses, which she sustains by draining the life force of other people. The walking corpses have gotten mentally stuck in a certain place in their life, hence why Ciri doesn't think she's an empress yet and Dandelion thinks Priscilla was just attacked. Anna Henrietta is not the one we know from the books, but the reincarnation of the original. That's why she knows about Geralt and thinks she's in love with Dandelion -- all the memories obviously didn't carry over properly.

The time skip also explains how Regis regenerated from his injuries at Stygga (it took him over 50 years to regenerate from decapitation, so regenerating from a puddle would certainly take much longer). Yennefer being the old hag that she is is nearing the end of her life now. Geralt's eyes are on the youthful lovely Triss whom he could never truly forget about. The mages have found a cure for sorceresses' and witchers' infertility so Geralt and Triss can finally have many pink-haired offspring now.
Is it okay to start a third playthrough of the third game without going through 1 and 2 again first?

No, you have to start from the books first. You have to read them all, in order, then play 1 2 and 3.

That's the only way to start a new playthrough.
But I just finished Tower of the Swallow
Do I have to go all the way back to Last Wish?
Yes but first kys
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Your Marcin sucks dwarf cock
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Hello Andrew
aside from elven rebel and long hair with ponytail, which hir looks awesome with grandmaster ursine armor?
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Andrew's magical world.jpg
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Andrzej Sapkowski is a very intelligent and funny man. I would hang out with him.
im having such a terrible day
work is abysmal

how do you people deal with this?
I am a neet
Same as >>148325617
by being a neet
>I would hang out with him.
me too tbqh
I'm a neet to btw
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Spending the middle of your day on an anime imageboard is pretty degenerate in and of itself, champ
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>middle of your day
i work 430 pm -1. Relaxing by playing Witcher 3 and lurking here after a good days work.
Go away, Smiki
So you hang out regularly in gay bars but claim to not be gay is what you're practically saying
thanks guys
helped a lot
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No. I'm saying I am here as part of my occasional hobby, not being a drain on society. Get a job.
And reading the witcher books when I can.
Stupid Bonhart is making me feel funny...
And i-is not even my fetish!
np senpai

always here to help you if you need
The time you spend here could be used on something more productive ergo, you are allowing yourself to degenerate by being here
Get a life
Coffee and realising you can leave eventually.

I guess it's your fetish now!
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>Get a life
Said the filthy neet who will still be here while I earn a living.
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Showered this morning just like any other, bro
Also have enough excess money to get by during this period of NEETdom
>I guess it's your fetish now
I was kidding, anon.
It actually is. I'm what some call a "brat".
But is like Sapkowski-san wrote the books with a huge erection.
Andrew is a businessman so he probably didn't feel anything when writing
Is he a witcher?
No, a businessman
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so is she orianna?
If you want
Geralt did say he'd be back for her.
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Thats... actually more than I thought there would be.
well that cute gif made it better so i guess its something
I had to google now how "brat" relates to any sort of fetish.
Learn something new every day.
I'm like out of coin at high levels cause the Witcher gear crafting. How the heck can I get some coin? I have the DLC's coming up and I know I'll want to buy shit
Prescription pill abuse
>Geralt is his self insert
>no emotions
Makes sense
Swallow doesn't show up in my potions, I can't make it.
Best theme n/a

Makes me wish for more of her

you can sell alchemy and crafting mats you don't need for quite a high price. also loot the smuggler caches on skellige and sell that shit
So is Mirror Man a demon/god/djinn/devil or what the fuck?
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Gaunter O'Dimm
he is a simple merchant who sells mirrors
Mirror Man is based

Best character in the series
Triss is the best character in the series

Mirror man is somewhere in the top 20
I agree, although I would put Gaunter in top 10.
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Am I the only one who likes Triss because she is a horrible and manipulative bitch? You can still like a character and find them interesting even if you don't agree with what they do.
No, I also like her flaws and mistakes, without them she wouldn't be so interesting and they make her a believable character. Nothing is black and white in the Witcher and Triss is my gray darling.
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>Triss is the best character in the series
reminder that triss is absolute shit
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In terms of writing I'd agree. She's a selfish little girl who nobody takes seriously and will do anything to get what she wants, but eventually she comes to the realization that her romance with Geralt is futile and goes on to lead a mage rebellion and do something for somebody other than herself.

It's a nice character arc and I hope she is happy in Kovir.
The only thing that's shit is your taste in women.
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she cant help but adore geralt
fuck off with your shit waifu
I think the big problem with a lot of Trissfags is that they want her and Geralt in a relationship.

Triss and Geralt is a horrible and toxic pairing and you should be ashamed for wanting them to live happily ever after with each other.
I don't care, in my game they live happily ever after in Kovir.
>she won't even retire with you to the vineyard
what a bitch
I don't even want Geralt to retire to the vineyard, I can't help but agree with Triss, it's perfect for romantic gateways, but living there full time...no thank you.
She raped him multiple times. Like I'm sure Triss loves him and wanted him away from what she perceived as a bad relationship with Yen, but like she still rapes him.

Don't force a dude to live happily with a rapist.
You have extremely shit taste then. Kys faggot
so much for Hearts of Stone. That fucking toad on even Just the Story
I don't really mind, as far as my Geralt is concerned all is forgiven, he likes getting raped by Triss.
>ban evading
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>Book Depository:
>Your order is on its way

thanks anons for suggesting me this website

hope ill get them soon and can start on the books
trap it with the yrden
Am I the only one who is really disappointed about the lack of elves in W3? Take Ciri - everything about her, actually, comes down to her elven heritage. It is the legacy of this mythical era (for humans) that should be touched down upon in-depth lore-wise.

But nada, nothing, not anything at all. Instead we get our own vampire epic... (like there are not enough of those already).
I'm not banned anymore, so fuck off.
As for the Aen Seidhe - they're just standing around like stumps.
Ciri did live with her parents in the beginning you know
She's never been my favorite but I preferred her character in TW2 for the reasons you listed. Telling her you know about her lies at the end of TW2 and her snapping at Geralt was quite a moment. Her dejected freedom fighter persona of TW3 on the other hand was like a more depressive version of Anders from DA2 whom I hated, so I wasn't really a fan of that. All the post-TW3 waifu shit also didn't help.

Not only that, but her idea of getting Geralt away from a "bad relationship" was to drag him into a political lifestyle which she knows he hates above all. She's not willing to sacrifice anything for him, her idea of love is selfish self-gratification at the cost of anything. I don't see that kind of love lasting for very long before Geralt gets bored and fucks off.
Fuck off spammer and take your shitty waifu with you
Look man, Triss is a beautiful sorceress with a high position in the court of the most wealthy Kingdom in the world. I am sure Triss would have no problem finding a nice young man in Kovir who loves her, and in return she wouldn't have to do things like rape him or take advantage of his memory loss.

If you want what is best for Triss, which is a happy and healthy relationship where somebody can love her for who she is without her manipulating them, you gotta accept Yen as the canon.
Isle of Mists isn't the end of the game, correct?
It's 2/3 through the main story
Got him

Motherfucker was tougher than the Orphan of Kos, Goddamn
I like how it played out in my game better, Geralt found true love with Triss and retired spending his days between Kovir and Toussaint, doing an occasional contract and enjoying Triss.
Isle of Mists is the cancer of the game

I wanted to kill every one of those dwarfs. And that fucking door, why can't Geralt open it with aard or simply muscle power? I fucking hated that part of the game
which build are you using?
I liked the dejected freedom fighter thing because it is the first time she is doing something selfless. She isn't doing this to bone Geralt, or to get in good with the lodge, she actually for once has a cause greater than herself which she believes in which is something a character like Triss needs in order to actually develop as a person.
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Remember to threaten with your wrath when you can if you want another good fight
>a night to remember happens after blood and wine
>geralt stayed in toussaint
>yen is canon
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>yen is canon

When was Yen ever not canon? Assblasted shipperfags need to get overthemselves and accept reality.
Is NG+ worth it?
If a flat level increase to enemies and loot is your thing, sure
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Speaking of people getting bored and fucking off, how long do you think Keira and Lambert lasted?
This tbqh
Triss has always been an idealist, even with the Lodge she believed she is doing the greater good. Her ideals were unfortunately misplaced and her weakness led to her falling under Philippa's influence.

The games gave her a chance stand up to the Lodge, take Geralt's side and in TW3 she is fighting for her own ideals for the first time, instead of blindly following others. It's a nice arc.
of course you moron
I'd have liked more of her anyway.
Philippa is the best.
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Owlfu is God Tier and gives no fucks.
Triss will always be the only canon in my game and no one can ever change that.
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Canon for Lambert's 12 inch dick maybe.
Big Boy Imlerith's is more badass

No, just Geralt's never ending love.
Go away, spammer
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I'm positive they'll remain friends with benefits for quite a while.

True that. I wouldn't have minded if they scrapped the Triss shit from W3 and replaced it with some longer plot involving Philippa.

I miss the drawfag.
In a way, I appreciate Triss' flaws. Her insecurity, misplaced idealism and unfortunate obsession with Geralt make her a believable character and make me feel sympathetic for her. I felt sorry for her after reading the books, seeing how desperate she was for Geralt. Her internal monologues at KM, desperate attempts to kiss him while he helps her recover, the way Yen scolds her at Thanedd, her jealousy while Fringilla tells the Lodge about her relationship with Geralt all made me feel bad for her. I like finally giving her a chance in the games.

And it's not like she didn't do some good for Geralt in the books, she tried her best to help Ciri in BoE (and in some ways she did) and even proposed him to seek Yen's help when she realized a more powerful sorceress is needed. Without her dragging Geralt half dead and begging Tissaia to teleport him, he would have died on Thanedd. She grows as a person and in the end overcomes her fears and helps Yen in Rivia. Condwiramurs even refers to her as venerable Triss and praises her courage, showing she has changed from that moment on, imo it was defining for her character.

I do think she genuinely cares for Geralt and that she is a good, although flawed person regardless of the morally questionable things she did, in both the books and games. Her actions are often wrong, but I never found her motivations to be malicious or evil, she is just misguided by her ideals or selfish desire for Geralt’s love in the case of his amnesia abuse.
I like her character arc in the games, where she slowly abandons the Lodge, takes Geralt’s side and tries to find her place in the world, guided by her own ideals rather than blindly following others. I see it as a continued character growth.

I quite enjoy the way Geralt interacts with her in TW2 and TW3, the dynamic of their relationship and how they treat each other. I also like her cheerful personality and sense of humor.
Master Mirror cutscene, this is gonna be something else. Wish me luck lads I gotta get before I done get spoiled

Alchemy dice 'em up I know that's why it was so tough.
Stop self inserting. Geralt only loves Yen
Reminder to ignore the spammer
Are you starting HoS now? That's a great fucking expansion, don't alt tab and comment here, just get immersed in it and finish it
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Not my Geralt, he used to love Yen, but now his heart belongs to Triss.
Aye, that's what I'm doing. Been so long since I played a proper expansion. I'll be back in like two days, I like taking absurd amouts of time with these things
>my geralt
Yes, my Geralt. The one CDPR though was possible based on their own interpretation of TW universe. Praise Marcin.
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>replying to the spammer
he's a spammer too though
im legit crying

this is just too sad
I'm going to suicide bomb Andrzej's house! Marcin Akbar!
Nobody is spamming anything, the fact some people in this general get very butthurt about differing opinions doesn't make them spam.

/wtc/ kind of reminds me of a feminazi echo chamber, they want anyone who isn't agreeing with them to leave, get banned or die.
>that look of abject horror on Radovid's face seeing Philppa Eilhart

Holy shit
He's only a 16 year old after all
And Shani was 12 when Geralt first fucked her which makes Geralt a pedo
Shani was still in the cradle, wikifag
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>Trisspammer still ships GeraltxTriss and isn't a member of the God Tier EskelxTriss master race

Actually she was still an embryo, gamefag
Emhyr did nothing wrong
>Geralt hates politics
>I'm going to spend the rest of my life dealing with politics!
Her parents had actually not even met yet, Let'sPlayfag
What does Andrew's bedchamber smell like?
>replying to brainless spammer
He's not going to have to deal with politics, Triss is. He waits for her to arrive home and then makes sweet love to her.
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I loved the way she killed him, genocidal faggot deserved it
But he isn't real!
Yes, and you just know Triss won't involve Geralt in her messes.
That's what he wants you to believe
He really just does look like a scared little boy in that scene. I almost feel bad, almost
Bald Mountain quest fails anything?
I'm going to force a meeting with him!
If she does, he'll gladly help her. People do that for their loved ones and my Geralt would do anything for Triss. He loves Triss more than he hates politics. Besides, they can always enjoy a romantic gateway in Toussaint if things get messy.

Personally I really enjoy Geralt living between Kovir and Toussaint, while taking an occasional contract just to keep in shape.
What exactly IS the Isle of Mists? (i mean, what's the mythological, symbolic backdrop to that)
>replying to spammer
>name a whine
>white wolf sounds good
>it's not white whine...
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>do the Master Armorer quest
>first bolt doesn't hit the armor, instead it hits the dude directly in the face
>he lives
>bolt misses Geralt completely
>nobody reacts to this
That made no sense.
who is the thiccest woman in the witcher universe?
>even mentioning Triss without any images attached
>baaaw spot replying to spam kys KYS ;_;
>being a trissfag
consider suicide
What the...
How is that half the world says that Ciri is ugly while the other half say she is in fact, pretty cute?
People here are extremely vulnerable to expression of different opinions. You must conform to the general's consensus or else they get very offended and start crying. It's pathetic.

You can even go to fucking reddit and have a nice civilized discussion...here not so much. Literally the worst place on the internet to discuss TW or god forbid ask for help about anything witcher related. However, if you want to know what Yennefer and Ciri's soiled underwear smells like, you're in the right place.
Half of the world is cancer
Talking about the real world or the Witcher world?
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Ciri's perfection blinds the other half
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Why the fuck did they made Blood and Wine so blurry and how can I change this shit?
>give Alvin to Shani
>don't have sex with Triss
>reject her at the elven baths
>help Roche/Iorveth instead of going after Triss
>alternatively, go after Triss just to tell her you know she's a lying cunt
>make clear you're back together with Yennefer
>tell Dijkstra Triss is a fucking nobody
>agree to go to the party with Triss but insult her at every possibility
>reject her kiss
>at the docks just let her walk away
>(optional) meanwhile the wilted rose of remembrance is still rotting at her old place
it's like these games were designed to be a Triss bullying simulator :3
Witcher world.
Even before she became a disfigured monster
Jealousy or Sapkowski going for the ugly duckling moral
sunny weather, obviously
am i getting baited?
Triss after bulking up for those Kovir winters. Witchers are all about high test.
I am very proud that I never made any of those choices. Team Triss all the way.
Because you're wearing a gambeson and cuirass
What's Ciri doing tight now, /krw/?
turn on high sharpening from the options menu or download a sweetfx that increases sharpening
smoking fisstech
Preparing for SummerSlam
>turn on high sharpening
i did
i just want no blurry shit, not even more bullshit
Painting her qt toes
Turn off Depth of Field or get your eyes checked
ebin troll XDD
Have you tried turning Depth of Field off though?
sitting on papa's throne
don't troll me so hard
Depth of Field makes things blurry, dude
Through Time and Space.

How many more many quest left?
are you a mastertroll?
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u retard?
stop rekting me :(
What does Geralt and Yen's wine taste like?
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>that filename
I'm going to burn down Geralt and Yen's vineyard
4 or 5
give the magic oak to the villagers or keep it?
eat it for skill points
the witcher 3
Mine minimizes once in a while, doesn't crash, just a distraction
already did the classic nvidia streamer shit
any other ideas?
Is your W7 pirated? I think everytime that "pls buy w7" pops up, it minimizes whatever was full screen
nope, windosw 8.1 official
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That doesn't fit her.
>>148348876 probably, or resting in the bed of some inn's room, fantasizing about plowing some guy/gal she just met.

Also fug, I just met Avallac'h in the books. He is... nothing like his game's self
Yeah, CDPR dropped the ball hard on all the space elves
Should I kill Dijkstra or let him do his thing?
Alt+f4 then suicide
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>some people unironically killed rochebro and qtves
Press a random button then forget about that quest altogether.
Ves is such a cute
>Easygoing and always happy

>Constantly fighting and arguing

So why do people say Yen is better?
Read the books
they deserved it for selling out the north to sonic
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fighting, arguing and reconciliation sex is what gives the spice to the relation
Because she is
That Geralt deserves to die. For his sins against style and common sense.
Thaler is the best
> Constantly fighting and arguing
They are not.
They are both too ''alfa'' and proud, but they really love each other.
Geralt loves Yen.
Yen loves Geralt. At least she loves him than she loves anyone else except Ciri.

Yennefer wasn't part of the lodge.
Why does she asks Emhyr to give amnesty to the whole lodge?
I don't understand, why would Geralt want Dettlaff's sloppy seconds? I just don't get it.
Yennefer was a member too, and besides that, she needs to offer something in exchange for the help of other sorceresses
Geralt doesn't care about easygoing and happy shit, he wants someone who challenges him, plus he hates politics which is Triss's #1 priority. I guess Triss is ok as a short-term girlfriend but their ambitions and priorities in life are vastly different. Geralt and Yen argue but ultimately they both want the same thing, a family and a comfy life together and fuck everything else.

>Why does she asks Emhyr to give amnesty to the whole lodge?
Because Triss is a shit tier sorceress and they need the best (such as Phil) against the wild hunt.
>Yennefer was a member too,
> she needs to offer something in exchange for the help of other sorceresses
Hmmm, yeah, that makes sense, you are right.
>yen was a member

are you the anon who just posts made up shit all the time?
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Friendly reminder that Triss has the best tits, the best hips, the best ass, and the best face.
Certainly you mean Ciri
Ciri is a tattooed slut and is unworthy of love.
What does Yennefer's saliva taste like?
I like how romancing Triss and Yen fucks you over but you're more than free to fuck every single other woman you ever come into contact with without suffering any consequences.
Everything but the face, yes
All wrong. Consider to kys
lady of the lake, chapter 11, Yennefer points out she is still a member of the lodge as she was not stripped of membership and subsequently is allowed to vote
I want to fug all of them.
Because fucking is not the same as ''romancing''.
I feel the same way. I'm ok with my bf fucking whoever he wants, but if he ''loves'' another person... I think there is no point in continuing with the relationship...
>Yennefer was a member
Even Philippa admits she never was.
Francesca forced her to assist to the second meeting and she ran away before the end.
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Like (you)
Would a completionist NG+ playthrough be longer or short than a regular one?
every female character of the witcher is a slut, good thing that geralt is pure and faithful to balance things out
ciri is pure

So is Shanu
I'm Geralt?
>worst face
>worst """"personality""""

Worst waifu.
not really something to boast about, considering that she's not even born yet
kek, Ciri is mid-high tier
So the reason Geralt fucks mainly sorceresses is because they can't have kids, right?
no, it's because his mommy is a sorceress and he has a massive complex about it
he is infertile anyway, he fucks sorceresses because of mommy issues
Triss is high test and only attracts the most alpha of men. Geralt has a strict no fat chicks policy which is why he goes off with Yen to be happy.
What does pregnant Yennefer smell like?
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Ciri would suck a dick for a bunch of candies.
Ciri would fuck a fat bastard for a horse.

Just imagine what she would do for the nilfgaardian throne.
Breast milk, Geralt, and coca butter.
Go away, spammer
>the biggest so they're the best

How can someone be so dead wrong?
PlayStation General #1 is inviting you to celebrate with us. Feel free to pass by, if not carry on and have a lovely day :)



Dice Poker > Gwent
So all memes aside, I just fucked Kiera and tried to go to the tower. I just fast traveled instead of dealing with a boat but nothing is happening. According to google, she's supposed to come out of the tower as you approach it.

What do?
>coca butter
Cacoa butter is used to help with stretch marks.
Didn't know that, neat.
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Hi Amadi! :3
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I don't know who that is
So is it worth it to craft shit at lower levels? Like low 20s? Or will I find relics and better shit just playing the game?

Also, do you have to craft the sets, like Cat, Griffin, etc., in order to craft their enhanced versions?
What was it that Yennefer promised to do in exchange for the Lodge's amnesty and the release of Fringilla Vigo? It says in her letter it would demand scarifices ofbher and leave her in an unfortunate situation.
Yes and yes.
Once you reach level 14-16 you should stick to witcher gear.
I mean, you can do whatever you want, but usually they good bonuses for specific playstyles.
Doesn't matter, you'll always get somehting better except Aerondight
And yes, you need the basic stuff to upgrade.
Exception being mastercrafted wolf stuff because loldlc
cut content
Okay so shit is fucking up for me. I can't get Kiera to leave the tower and now I can't get Yen to talk about Phillipa's crystal.

The fuck is going on?
>tfw CDPR was going to kill off your waifu in a retarded way
good riddance that it was cut
Any idea why they wear masks?
How do you know they were gonna kill her off
>I can't get Yen to talk about Phillipa's crystal.
When are you trying to talk to her?
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TW2 Triss > TW3 Triss
So people will care about them
She's at Kaer Morhen. I'm on the part where I'm recruiting people for the main storyline. Figured I'd go back and do sidequests I hadn't done.
Lotta loyalty for a hired witcher

TW1 Shani > TW[1-3] Triss
I'm going to make Yennefer clean my toilet with her tongue
ggg, skinny Letho...
Ysolda>any of your barren geriatric sorcerbitches
lmao this
Im going to clean Yennefer's ass with my tongue
But poop comes from there
Im not gonna lick her butthole specifically, just the cheeks and the area around her butthole, gettin all that sweat. Im sure she keeps her anus clean anyway.
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if u go to the door of the tower she should appear, I fast traveled there with no problems
Okay, gotcha
isnt triss who you have to talk about that?
No you can give the crystal to Yen too. I like her dialogue more.
One of my favorite moments from BaW, it kept me smiling and motivated during the whole tournament.
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Could Vilgefortz beat the crones?
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Reminder that Geralt is canonically dead and Ciri is happily married to Galahad in our world.
What a bitch...

Not going to lie, I wouldn't be surprised.
Yennefer only cares about those close to her.
And most of the lodge deserves to die. Or just a bit torture at least.
Vilgefortz could even beat the wild hunt if he wanted to 2bh
Kiera's thighs look better.
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> I'll never watch my daughter and husband training while I chill in Kaer Morhen's balcony

This feeling hurts. It really does...
They all look literally the same but okay.
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I never really shipped Yen and Istredd, but ever since I found out about his book in TW3, I'm team Istredd all the way. He is still waiting for her, that's so sweet and romantic.

Yen always got along well with him and even loved him so much that she had a hard time deciding between him and Geralt. They have so much in common, it's a match made in heaven. I imagine their reunion, passion long forgotten is waking up and they fall for each other once again. It's really a happy ending Yen deserves, and maybe he can help her cure her infertility and fulfill her biggest dream. Yen would be so happy getting pregnant and Ciri can have a new brother or sister, it's perfection.
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She can kindly fuck off to him then. Hunchback whore thinks she can be a snarky bitch an dget away with it because she has a vagina. Shani all the way. Triss as a second but because she is a red head. Or pic related if it were possible
wait wait, so after the fight with the wild hunt, emhyr is gonna rape the lodge?
only the ones that tried to cross him.
I don't know why her hair is so fucking red in the games. It looks like a bad dye job. Her hair is supposed to be a lot darker of a red, not near neon.
Istredd loves her just the way she is and unlike with Geralt, no Djinn was needed for them to love each other. It's pure, natural love. Yen deserves love like that.

In the cut content, Yen had a deal with Emhyr to sell out the Lodge to him. After their usefulness was over, they all ended up in Emhyr's hands to be tortured to death. Yen only saved Triss, so she can have a happy life in Kovir next to Geralt. I'll be first to admit, it was a really nice gesture.
Friendly reminder that all sorceresses would be hideously ugly if they hadn't been reconstructed.
>Who is Francesca Findabair
>Who is Triss
Fuck off
So what, they are beautiful now, who cares if they were hideous once.
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>Istredd loves her just the way she is and unlike with Geralt, no Djinn was needed for them to love each other. It's pure, natural love. Yen deserves love like that.
Good, leave Geralt alone.
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>It's pure, natural love
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Reminder that Wild Hunt's biggest crime is robbing poor Skjall of a chance for a quick romp in the hay with Ciri. Her panties were practically down already.
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Okay, but how can I have a quick tumble with Ciri in the hay?
sure, Pavetta and Duny.

I don't think Emhyr has any blood connection to Ciri.
>Djinn spell removed
>Literally still end their days together
Yeah man. Geralt and Yen don't love each other.
I don't think Skjall was ever gonna get that far tbqh
>Choosing to cheapen Ciri with that farmboy
Nah, most would be average and plain looking. Most only use magic to enhance what they really have, doesn't mean they were hideous before. Also, Assire, Francisca, Fringilla and probably Ida didn't use magic to look better.
Some could even say that Yen doesn't either. Sure, hunchback and all that, but that doesn't mean her appearance is fake. To some, is obvious that she has elven blood, why is she not hiding that, then? Geralt realizes she is not perfect as soon as he sees her.
Will I ever be beautiful as a sorceress some day, anon?
> met Skjall hours ago
> already plowing
This girl...
Maybe in your game, but that never happened in mine, after the spell was broken, Geralt left Yen. Luckily, Istredd was still waiting for her, so all ended well.
time is meaningless for her :^)
>Will I ever be beautiful as a sorceress some day, anon?
I hope you will, I can only wish you luck on your journey.
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>tfw watching Triss sail away to Kovir
I know she fucked up in the past but she was pretty selfless in TW3. And the elven bath sex scene still remains the best (although I still have much to see in TW3 I hear they aren't as good).
You monster, letting the best girl leave...Don't worry though, Yen is also cool. As far as sex scenes go, elven bath is still unmatched imo.
We'll all be pretty as sorceresses some day, promise!
So I'm doing wine wars, the dude wont offer me more than 838, the stupid bitch says she'll offer me more than he did so I try a couple times to no avail then I try the same amount he is offering, 838, and she refuses even that and breaks off negotiations, what a bitch.
Is it possible to let niflgaard win the war and still get a good ending for geralt and friends ?
No spoilers please I'm just finishing novigrad.
Also how much of the story have I done at this point ?
Where's that glitched bandit camp that everyone uses to make money?
I was proud of Triss for caring about Keira and giving her proper burial.
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Eskel is for ______
Just download the console command mod if you're just gonna cheat.
This is why I like Eskel. He seems like this really chill and polite bro who looks pretty normal on the surface, but really behind the scenes he is depraved in the bedroom and into really weird and kinky sex. The dude fucked an actual sex demon.

Is loot (aside from quest items) randomly generated when you open a chest?
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delete this
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>that twist at the end of Lady of the Lake, at Stygga castle

holy shit, it's like poetry, it rhymes
>This quest for Dandelion to get his shitty cabernet up and running
Just finished reading Time of Contempt, when it's all over I have no more reasons to live. :)
Guys Witcher 3 is really good, i had no idea. Probably the best RPG I've ever played. Has this ruined other games for me now?
Tomira best grill.

>tfw ywn sex her

Remember when Emhyr told you to bring him Ciri? Well... Don't..

Hard to say anything beyond that, the other things you have to do are a bit too spoilery.
>mfw Priscilla got fucked up
Not best girl ;_;
She's got a nice ass, well pretty much the same ass as every other woman in the game.

Her face is hideous though, looks like the witch from the opening movie, before drinking the potion.
If I spam food does it add the healing up or does it replace whatever I ate beforehand?
I like how they're both bitter over Geralt's fame.

That twist where Fringilla finds out Geralt snookered her is better.

>he doesn't want a dependable, chubby everygirl with a caring and motherly disposition to bear his children

How do you get through the day, m8?
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So this fucker is 2 shotting me. Is it because he's level 26 and I'm 22? Or do arch griffins just fuck people up?

Literally doing 2/3s of my HP with a single attack and the bleed. My armor isn't great but it's not that shitty.
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So why was he fucking me so hard? I can post my gear if needed.
git gud
As you can see, I killed the fucking thing. Thanks for your high quality input though.
>he's level 26 and I'm 22
Pretty much in every RPG, enemies that are higher level than you get a bonus to you, perhaps it's same in this game. This used to really piss me off when I played WoW

You tried so hard and got so far
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I just finished Lady of the Lake.
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Hey guys, been gone a long time. How's the thread? Spammer(s) still running rampant? Just finished Blood and Wine. Was good, but it was no Hearts of Stone. Also that last scene was kinda shit. Completely unsubtle. CDPR might as well have had Geralt say "And no more expansions, Regis. Tell everyone to stop asking."

Guess this means no Iorveth or Saskia ever again. Just a waifushack. Still I did enjoy it.

I Freed Syanna, killed Detlaff, then watched Anna Henrietta get herself killed by her psychotic sister despite Geralt's warnings. How'd I do?

Feel like the expansion's main quest was way too short and all over the place compared to the rest of the game. Never got the time to care about non-returning characters that much. Detlaff and Syanna seemed quite interesting and I'd liked to know them more, but by the time you know anything they're gone. Regis also felt a bit gratuitous. As did the vineyard and some of the quest endings. I didn't do the post game stuff back at the vineyard because I was afraid it would be too waifu-ey. Don't need to see my favorite character in that state. Are my fears unfounded?

Overall good, but a bit haphazard, didn't have the feel of a witcher game, and it's obvious the devs are getting tired of it. Maybe we'll see them again in a bunch of years for the Ciri games.

In parting, have a shitty pic. (Am I the only one that thought she looked better as a bird?)
Far from best cannothavefu tbqh. The correct answer is Sile
>Is it possible to let niflgaard win the war and still get a good ending for geralt and friends ?
Don't meta-game the plot. It's unsportsmanlike. Just roleplay Geralt and/or do what you think best.

>Also how much of the story have I done at this point ?
Around half, not counting expansions. it's a huge game.

>when it's all over I have no more reasons to live. :)
That's a Witcher book for you. It only gets worse from here.

'I love you, my daughter. Run.' ;_;

>Guys Witcher 3 is really good, i had no idea. Probably the best RPG I've ever played. Has this ruined other games for me now?
It's ruined other open world third person action RPGs for me, personally. Bethesda games feel like shit now.
It's ok, Geralt and Yennefer go to a wonderful parasite world and are only briefly separate from each other by the Wild Hunt before a happy and almost-well-adjusted Ciri saves them. Right? Right?!
I was never clear on whether or not she'd lost an eye there. Thoughts? I mean it's all bandaged up but they never say if he actually scooped it out and replaced it with a hot coal.

u wot. There's way thicker women in the game.
They felt like shit years ago, you were just a casual.
Triss has best tits and best hips. Best ass and thighs go to Ciri. Best legs and best face to Yen.

That's a bad shot. There's beter comparisons around. Yen and Ciri at least actually have unique body models. Keira and Triss I think are different, but I'm pretty sure they use two different generic templates you can find on background NPCs.

So many shots and lines in the trailers that were never in the game...
>They felt like shit years ago, you were just a casual.
Ok granted Morrowind was the last really good one but now I can't even see myself playing Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3 for any length of time. I tried to even play New Vegas after this and even Obsidian's writing couldn't make it interesting to me.
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Philippa is great, and Imlerith is a fun boss, but best theme will always go to Gaunter O'dimm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXUD8MINlZs Dude even has lyrics.

>His smile warm as spring, as towards him he draws you
>His tongue sharp and silvery, as he implores you
>Your wishes he grants as he swears to adore you
>Gold, silver, jewels, he lays riches before you
>Dues need be repaid, and he will come for you
>All to reclaim, no smile to console you
>He'll snare you in bonds, eyes glowin' afire
>To gore and torment you, 'til the stars expire

Olgierd's theme is a close runner up though. Goddamn Hearts of Stone was so fucking good
Why the FUCK is Caranthir so difficult on NG+/DM?

He kills me in one hit.
Hearing some kids sing that sent a chill up my spine.
Its literally impossible for me to avoid his attacks. He hits me and removes my quen then immediately kills me instantly
>Why the FUCK is Caranthir so difficult on NG+/DM?
the scaling can be weird sometimes. If you did the expansion content first you should be fine though.

I wonder how it came to be written. Was that place at the crossroads some kind of old shrine to him? We know he has ..."subcontractors", I suppose.

>removes my quen and kills me
This is what comes of relying on quen as a crutch. Take it away and you're boned.
Take it away and I literally cant get hit imce in a 10 minute fight
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Reminder that Ciri is Renfri is Syanna
>Take it away and I literally cant get hit imce in a 10 minute fight
What's your build? What equipment do you have? What level?

>10 minute fight
Anon...it shouldn't take that long.
reminder to git gud
They had it coming. Good on Yen. Not sure why she saved Triss instead of Margarita or even Fringilla though, given their history.
Level 62
Superior Ursine
lv61 weeper

He deals 1 hit kill dmg all fight and I cant use strong attacks because he will keep teleporting before I hit him. The elementals are also skull level for me so I cant do shit to them either. Thunderbolt barely helps and Im assuming hes immune to northern wind right?
Depends. Crones as they're presented in the first act? Maybe. Crones as they're depicted in the last act? Definitely.

Wild Hunt isn't that tough in wraith form. Yen drives off the entire cavalcade by herself in Book 4. In person they're tougher but nothin top tier mages can't handle.

That's a valid interpretation, maybe even the most likely one, but not 100% canon.


>iframes are removed if you dodge while attacking or after getting hit
>griffin wing swipe ignores iframes

I always knew, deep down.
Because Triss is the main girl of the series and Fringilla and Margarita are random NPCs with two lines of dialogue.
What is this waifufag shit? I don't care if it's Triss, Yen, or fucking Shani, this is crap.

Yen never loved Istredd. She just thought he SHOULD love him. Do you even subtext?

There is no indication Triss differs from other human sorceresses in this respect.
>unironically replying to the spammer
he got unbanned so he's back to fuck up the general. don't give him the chance and just ignore him
Wait he got banned? Last I was here mods banned people for reporting him. Or even complaining about him.
No, it was one of the abandoned sites. Where is this shrine anon?
Main girl of the series is Ciri____

But yeah you're probably right. People starting with TW3 would just have a "Who gives a shit" reaction to those two.
>Superior Ursine
You mean Superior Legendary, right?

What talents, specifically, do you rely on the most?

>lv61 weeper

Basically you're under-geared and under-leveled.

Crossroads where you meet him. There's this weird little idol there. Kids are singing near it.
yeah, he got banned and tried to ban evade but got bored of it i guess so he was gone for a while
>No Fringilla in Touissaint

why CDPR? It's not like anything in B&W makes sense in terms of relationship to the rest of the game anyway.
How am i underlevelled? I have the best gear available, and im two levels above the recommended level. and yes I meant legendary.

I killed him just now but the game crashed immediately afterward. It was the enemy upscaling that sctewed me, I removed it and the elementals went back to normal.
I expected more B&W talk when I came back to be honest. Everyone lost interest in it already?
>Speaking of people getting bored and fucking off, how long do you think Keira and Lambert lasted?
Three months.
>Nah, most would be average and plain looking. Most only use magic to enhance what they really have, doesn't mean they were hideous before. Also, Assire, Francisca, Fringilla and probably Ida didn't use magic to look better.
>Some could even say that Yen doesn't either. Sure, hunchback and all that, but that doesn't mean her appearance is fake. To some, is obvious that she has elven blood, why is she not hiding that, then? Geralt realizes she is not perfect as soon as he sees her.
Gonna dispute this. According to the first book, at least (afterwards things seem to have changed post Sodden when mages became heroes) sorceresses are mostly girls rich families want to get rid of. Meaning the bulk of them are likely either un-marriagiably ugly or infertile. IIRC Yen had some issues besides the progressing scoliosis, too. Why she doesn't get rid of the Elven features? Well, lots of people seem to find them attractive. Just because someone is racist against a group doesn't mean they think they're ugly. And she has no difficulty bullying her way through negotiations or just going behind their back if another party is openly hostile.

I agree that Francesca and Ida probably haven't done much, since elves don't seem as in to the personal biological enhancement stuff as humans. Also Fringilla likely hasn't because cosmetic magic just isn't something that's done in Nilfaard, apparently. Even her in-game model has a more common kind of pretty, rather than inhuman beauty.
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>Geralt realizes she is not perfect as soon as he sees her.
Shit forgot this part.

The subtext of that sequence is that Geralt is instantly very attracted to her and intrigued by her against his wishes, so he is deliberately looking for flaws to dissuade himself, imo. Basically wants to reduce the hold he knows she's developing on him rapidly by going "shoulders not symmetrical, 2/10 wouldn't bang"
Got him and I just killed Eredin too. Fuck that fight was fun. Still think they hyped him up and made him too weak. He looks like a bitch in his death scene reaching for his sword with a "p-please dont kill m-me :( " face.
I finally got a real graphics card and can play the game like it was meant to be, instead of a hugely laggy low res treeless mess. I'm going to run through the whole thing again on high settings, including expansions. It's beautiful.

But...are the lore friendly Ciri and Geralt mods still compatible with the game? Have recent patches rendered them obsolete? It's starting to annoy me as an autist that they're not a described.
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>Still think they hyped him up and made him too weak.
The Hunt gets shortchanged a bit in TW3 I think. I blame cut content. There were originally plans for shit like a flying version of the Naglfar, like in the opening dream sequence, appearing out of huge rifts. There was a mission of Geralt re-infiltrating the Hunt to learn more of their plans. And finally, they were originally meant to break the war out of its stalemate by actually sacking Novigrad in pursuit of Ciri.

CDPR kind of shot their funding wad early due to inexperience with a project of this size. Same reason Hearts of Stone's main plot was made into an expansion instead of base game content, why Fake-Ciri drops off the face of the Earth, why there's almost no Sile de Tansarville and only a bit more Roche, and why there's no Iorveth or Vincent Meis in the game at all.
>re-infiltrating the Wild Hunt
Glad they scrapped this desu, I would never be able to buy this actually working.
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>Glad they scrapped this desu, I would never be able to buy this actually working.
I think CDPR could pull it off. Geralt was with them for awhile, and they're all wearing uniforms that magically make them look like spooky skellingtons. Besides, they need more characterization as a credible threat. So the player WHY them getting Ciri is a horrible thing for the entire world, and not just her, Geralt, and Yen.
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First Death March run, and holy fuck, this Bitter Harvest sidequest is suddenly the most annoying bullshit in the fucking universe. That retard who hires you is the biggest babby of all time.
>I don't think Emhyr has any blood connection to Ciri.
Yeah, fucking wikifags. They probably don't even know who the best elf is (It's Milva).
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how the living fuck can somebody get my steamID and password i don't get it

i got an attempted login from the US (obviously couldn't get past the guard) but what the fuck

im not retarded i dont click links and shit im not filling in forms from [email protected]

im behind a secure firewall, i have anti-virus running all the time, everything is always up to date

i never ever even get spam e-mails

not to mention my password was something like: 6#gt82$Th1ßi1Uh42


i just want to know how, there is nothing malwarebytes found, nothing ESET found, nothing GMER found, nothing kaspersky rescue disk found, nothing malwarebytes found via a third party pc (just connected to a diff pc to scan the ssd so windows won't boot up)

how the living fuck is this even possible

i want to know, i don't understand

this is just plain fucking retarded and makes no sense, i don't even care if i have something malicious i just want to know what and how

i just want to play witcher on my secure pc knowing nobody can steal Ciri from me
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It was me, Anon! It was me all along!
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>knowing nobody can steal Ciri from me
I've got some bad news for you, sunshine
Lambert pls
Should have bought on gog.com
Only elf thing in her is some dry cum from a horny Scoiatel
Pleb to pc games here. I've been playing through the series paying no mind with everything on highest settings. Now that I'm about to play the third I believe I won't be able to do that. What settings affect visual fidelity the most and which are just resource hogs? Basically what should I leave on and off.
Get in line
Guys, mods I put in the mod folder don't work. Even ones explicitly said to work with 1.22. What gives? It's like they're not even there. They're definitely in the right directory, too.

No reason to have textures on anything but high or ultra. High level shadows take a ton o power for very little result. Other than that, the big sinks are crowds, Hairworks, and amount of foliage. Everything else has a minimal to nonexistent performance impact.
Ok I'll keep that in mind thanks, I thought that he wanted to put her on the throne after he dies because as far as I know he is his emyr's only heir.

You're right but this game is so big that I'm sure that I won't play it again for some time especially after trying to do all side quests and contracts so I want atleast a pretty happy ending for geralt triss and ciri as geralt cares for her the most it seems.
>pretty happy ending for geralt triss and ciri
>happy ending

Anon pls

Anon no
Unexpected consequences is one of the joys of Witcher games, a major part of what separates it from Bioware, Bethesda, or even Obsidian games. Don't ruin that for yourself.

I take it this is your first entry in the series? Kind of a shame, you can appreciate it so much more if you've at least played the prior games, but most people probably started this way at this point. Gives you something to go back to.
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He doesn't know about how Emhyr is awful either
He hasn't read the books is what I'm saying
What's wrong with wanting that?

Yeah you're right also I started with the first witcher I have completed the first two games 2-3 times by now.
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Just installed The Witcher
Essential mods? Retextures and stuff included
Is it all in nexus?

best girls
There are no essential mods but you can look through nexusmods.com and see if you find something you really want
>What's wrong with wanting that?
Well you see in the previous games alone, Triss has-

>I have completed the first two games 2-3 times by now.
Oh. Nevermind.

Geralt is DEEEEAAAAD (in the books)
>Essential mods? Retextures and stuff included
Lore-friendly sperg mod to make Geralt and Ciri look more like the book version.

>best girls
Whispess is best
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>Geralt and Ciri
I'm talking about The Witcher (1)
Unless you want to go full crazy and treat Alvin like a little girl, there is no Ciri.

I've heard the game was a bit clunky and there was a few bugfixes and overhauls
For Witcher 1, the best experience is without mods
Just because Alvin was assigned male at birth doesn't mean xhe is male, shitlord
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Ok, then here I go. Only thing I'm lacking of the whole witcher saga.
Is pronounced Sith Lord, you nilfgaard whore.
And that would make for a very different and twisted story
>Only thing I'm lacking of the whole witcher saga.
So you have read the books?
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Fuck off, spammer
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Hearts of Stone>Wild Hunt>Blood and Wine

Hearts of Stone=Wild Hunt> Blood and Wine

Wild Hunt>Blood and Wine> Hearts of Stone

>Boss Fights
Blood and Wine> Hearts of Stone> Wild Hunt

This is objective and impossible to disprove.
HoS had better atmosphere than B&W
4k Anon, takin requests?

C-can I have bird-form Vivienne? For...scientific and/or artistic purposes, of course.
Don't endorse his shit
Depends on how you define atmosphere. I was referring mostly to environments. Hearts of Stone pretty much loses by default since it's mostly existing Novigrad assets. Though the whole bit at the Von Everec estate is great.

Honestly, all three of them have fantastic atmosphere.
>So you have read the books?
Just started Lady of the lake.
I'll leave tomorrow, so no pc games for me, and finish the book in 2 or 3 days.
Whe I return, I'l play TW, then TW2 again and finally TW3 for the third time. I hope a ''definitive'' path is out by then.
All character and atmosphere are =
There's nothing wrong with him posting new high quality screenshots. It's spamming that's the problem. We should encourage the former and discourage the latter.
>All character and atmosphere are =
Blood and Wine's mostly fell flat to me to be honest. Olgierd and Gaunter had a great set up. And of course the main game has the trio of Geralt, Yen, and Ciri, plus a massive cast of interesting supporting characters.

Blood and Wine has Regis fanservice, Annarietta (who is ok) and Not-Shrike. Detlaff is barely a character.
>Played this game for 82 hours
>Only just realised you can shoot your crossbow while still piloting the boat.

>Only just realised you can shoot your crossbow while still piloting the boat.
you can shoot your crossbow while piloting a boat?


im 170 hours in
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wait what
220 and I never knew this
Just press the quickfire button (middle mouse by default) and you shoot the crossbow even when steering. I used it to kill some little shit climbing on my boat by accident and it blew my mind.
420 and blazing it
>he plays with keyboard
>He doesn't
Is Eilhart tsundere or just a raging bitch?
Both her tsundere and demure, victimized personas are just masks worn by an old, cold, calculating, barely human interior.
I liked blood and wine, only thing that disappointed me was how ridiculously easy it was to get the happily ever after ending. You pretty much have to try to not get it in order to fuck it up.

I wanted to be devastated by some fuck up but it just never happened.
Literally no mods needed.
>not playing with a keyboard

LOL this games clunky as shit without one. Can't even cast signs properly have to keep going into some slow down menu constantly fuck that shit.
I discovered it after 300+ on ng+. Felt like a retard.
Damn I figured that out not long after getting to Skellige.

Well before 80 hours. That was about how many my first playthrough took altogether.

How in Hell do you deal with sirens otherwise?
You kill them in 1 or 2 hits. Seriously, how?
I would get off the rudder and stand in the boat as I shot them. Otherwise I'd just hoon it straight through them.
Yeah I'm close to the end of the main story. I want to pick up some mastercrafted witcher shit first though.
I got the bad ending and I'm happy about it. I could tell how the story wanted me to do it on several quests and I refused because it was way too contrived and easy. Didn't feel like a Witcher game.

Still had fun, just disappointed me a bit.
If they were attacking me while I'm on the boat in the open sea I just move past and ignored them. If I was on the shore I would go on the land and fight them.
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>Lore-friendly sperg mod to make Geralt and Ciri look more like the book version.
they have that?
They've had that forever. There's even one for Triss as well, but that one fucked with Iris eyes for some reason, or at least it used to dunno if they ever found out about that and fixed it.

Through me for a loop too, first time I played HoS since I was expecting green eyes, instead I got blue.
link? Not like I can install it I have the game on ps4/ Or the name?
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>Didn't feel like a Witcher game.
Welp, to be fair, Touissant is supposed to be a fairy tell-like kingdom.
I thought that the happy ending fitted the theme.
Touissant is completely different from the northern kingdoms

> ''oui, oui, mon baguette''
I know is shopped, but I'd go full Mistle on that
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Googling lore friendly appearance mod witcher 3 got me a couple.

This looks pretty decent to me. Ciri's eye makeup always looked shitty to me. As if she tried to apply it mid teleport
>Welp, to be fair, Touissant is supposed to be a fairy tell-like kingdom.
They took it too far, I think. Though the "bad"ending at least kind of subverts it.

>I know is shopped, but I'd go full Mistle on that
Never go full Mistle.
She is a big girl and she does it to enhance the colour of her eyes
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The ciri one looks cool thanks. Need to buy the books. I have the audi books but I hate the narrator making Geralt sound like a fucking cockney shit. Also the uploader uploaded it into a 10 hour file instead of individual ones so I can go chapter by chapter.
>She is a big girl

For you
Lore Friendly Witcher is the one for Geralt.

The other ones you can find just by searching the characters name on the nexus mods site.

Ciri one gives her more grey kind of hair, the correct ash color. The Triss one makes her hair more auburn and her eyes blue. So her hair looks more reddish brown, rather than the crayola look she's got by default.
>audi books


Whatever happened to reading?
>Never go full Mistle.
Be glad I don't go full Philippa
>Though the "bad"ending at least kind of subverts it.
Kind of agree. I like the ''everyone lives'' ending and the ''everyone dies'' one. I'll never get the jail achievement...

Just so you know, getting captured by Bonhart was part of her plan
>This looks pretty decent to me. Ciri's eye makeup always looked shitty to me. As if she tried to apply it mid teleport
The overdone eye-makeup is actually canon to her book appearance and I'm not sure why this mod would remove it.
Yeah that's something people seem to forget.
Sometimes the narration is awesome like the harry potter audio books. Those were done masterfully and allowed you too lie down and relax in bed while listening and imagining the world while you shut your eyes. But the ones for the Witcher sucked. cant go back to the place I was since it is a 10 hour file I am also manually reading like 6 books on ww2 right now. Hitlers war andells by David Irving.
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Picked up Witcher 3 on Steam sale and after sinking a few enjoyable hours into it, I grabbed the expansions as well.

When's a good time to start Hearts of Stone?
I've heard do it after main story is done but a friend told me it fits nicely before a quest called "Battle for Kaer Morhen". Others have said before a quest called "Last Preparations".
Or does it not really matter?
HoS is great, as soon as you reach the required level do it
Doesn't matter. Narratively it fits best after the main story, but you can do it anytime after level 30. Typically that's after the battle for kaer morhen though.

Biggest Problem with doing it before finishing the main story is you'll outlevel it rapidly then consequently get no XP for doing it. But there's mods to fix that if you want.

By the time you get to a level where you can start it the main story is practically over anyways so you might as well just finish it off.
Doesn't really matter, but, to me and many others, the best moment is during Last preparations. You will have all your friends and Avallac'h in one building in Novigrad. By then you'll have an adequate level and will be able to interact with other characters.

They didn't want the book readers to catch on before the big reveal.

That's why.
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>Be glad I don't go full Philippa
>Narratively it fits best after the main story,
I disagree. I'd say it fits best before the Battle of Kaer Morhen or Last Preperations, since it starts as a random witcher contract gone wrong.
Didn't all the book readers immediately think Avallac'h by the time you get to his Velen hideout, though?
What does Yennefer's cock taste like?
>this guy is still here after a three month break from /wtc/

Some things never change
Which Witcher school armour do you guys think looked best?
What does this mean? Did I miss the creation of a brand new /wtc/ meme?
School of the Hedgehog
It's a youtube meme
It's Spanish for bty
"kill yourself"

Some people seem to enjoy spamming it
I don't get it.
I know about lesbians and Saskia's fetish for midgets and all that.
This had actually died by the time I left. It's made a comeback?
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Big cheers for follow-up guys!
I like the idea of "random Witcher contract gone wrong"

One more question. I'm up to "Isle of Mists" quest and it's throwing a warning.
Is this going to lock me into main quests for a while like how White Orchard's bar fight took me to Vizima?
Or can I complete it and then fart around with contracts, treasure hunts etc?
>Is this going to lock me into main quests for a while like how White Orchard's bar fight took me to Vizima?
For awhile, yes. And a few time sensitive quests will fail. Other than that, the game does open up again a bit afterward.
People think they're funny when they post about it
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When you start it, unless completed, only a few quests will fail. Mainly, the ones that involve your ''friends'' and allies. Like Zoltan's gwent problem or Letho's escape.

You'll start a series of quests, you gain a bunch of leves, and then you'll be free again. THAT is the moment to start HoS if you want.

Enjoy anon. Ciri is almost there.
>Finally get all the Mastercrafted diagrams.
>Can't decide between Feline and Ursine.

Send help
Thanks. Sounds like a solid plan.

I haven't played a large game without a super rigid narrative structure in while. It takes some reacquainting.
I want to sniff Ciri's asshole

Yennefer pls go
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I'm going to capture Ciri and make /wtc/ gangbang her
>telling Yennefer to leave
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Daily reminder that Ciri as been seen naked by at least:

Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
Probably some Brokilon dryads
Probably all the witchers at Kaer Morhen
Triss Merigold
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Margarita Laux-Antille
Tissaia de Vries
Some random tattooist
A tavern full of idiots
Sjkall's sister
And so on...
>A tavern full of idiots

Tell me more
Bonhart makes her get naked to examine her and be sure there are no runes or magic amulets or anything... in the middle of the tavern he was staying in.

Also the hermit that heals her scar.
you forgot Auberon who brought her to orgasm with only his hands
Book readers: An elven sage obsessed with a dead lost love and harbouring an unhealthy, possessive infatuation with her look-a-like descendant... hmmmmmmmmm... oh, hello!
>Start the HoS quest line
>Already want to kill everybody in that fucking room
Team Istredd, because Yen deserves finding true love.
Why? Kys faggot
What does Yennefer's hair smell like?
Because they're a bunch of utter faggots with the shittiest hairstyles known to man. The ugly slag out front is even worse. Wouldn't be surprised if this murder victim wound up faking his death just to bail on that cunt.
Istredd's love.
Haha, congrats.
Took me roughly two hundred hours and a second playthrough to figure this out.
All the goddamned sirens I had to kill... If only I had known....
re: Ciri

"In the grand scheme of the story, in the mythology of the world, her abilities keep her in an infinite prey status and that is the problem. Always hunted, never free, no rest for her, ever. Because that is how it is build up. Always on the run. Kill one pursuer and schemer and the next will take his place and want the same thing from Ciri. And all the while the cataclysm gets closer and closer until Ciri either dies or has that child and it has to be a child with someone who carries elder blood and is not a relative of her, and that only leaves an Aen Elle. And then, only then, an evacuation is possible. But even so the world they live in is already doomed."
I'm going to spy on Geralt and Yennefer having fun on the unicorn
Controller is fine, if not preferable to MKB.
Deserves far more views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb5BBEyRHkk&index=15&list=LLyw1ZMEjI4p6Jpz8eUhz76w
Fuck off with your shitty videos. Kys
Full Falka when?
Fuck off with your cankerous attitude!
Stand up, jump over board, kill them in the water.
Yeah. Tons of fun to be had this way.
Pffft, he only got to taste some titties.
>at least 10 words
> You can force Dettlaff to the ground on his first swipe and then whirl enough health away to immediately enter the third phase of the fight

Take that, bats!

Damn that whistling is sick

It just reminds you how much an asshole you are for siding with him
someone make new bread
Shut up

Gaunter is great
You misunderstood me, I'm impressed by that ending, so fuckin sinister
Never thought a villian whistling his own soundtrack could be so powerful
>He actually punches through the 4th wall
>He knows that's a game and what song was made for him
>By whistling that song he suggests you that he is real and talking to you through a game by deliberate choice
> he can come for you as well
Yeah, he's a pretty awesome antagonist.
Really, it says a lot that people complain time and time again about not knowing "who he really is". I prefer that they left it sort of open.
It's not like it's all too hard to figure out that he's, you know, a bad guy?
Doesn't matter what sort of demon or devil he is ultimately. Explanations of that sort usually end up a bit meh anyway, in my experience.
How did you even get this from him whistling a song? That song exists in Witcher universe too, you can hear kids sing it
>taking things ever so slightly too far
I'm just baked
But you just killed my fun
>That frown on Geralt's face when he starts whistling though
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