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/emugen/ - Emulation General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 113


Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (speccy screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.


Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.
I don't know how people stand native res
Oh shit, we actually got a thread to the bump limit. I'm proud of us.
Like it or not, dev shitposting is what keep us alive
It's the lack of dithering that bothers me the most.
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Should have used these absurd ultra high resolution renderings of MGS as the OP.

This guy is so distorted he becomes a midget.
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Post your most disgusting image

That distortion effect doesn't work at all and should be removed.

Also, can you use Win95 in Dosbox? Like could you set it up to connect to the internet?
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Well, he DID say post a disgusting image.

And yes, Win9x does work on DOSBox. It can be pretty slow, though, and you need a special build to play some advanced Windows games, especially if they use DirectX or Glide, as well as networking.

I personally like running Windows 3.11 on it better. It's comfier and works without a hitch.
/emugen/ - drama circlejerk
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looking good. i can taste a little bit of puke in the back of my throat.
>Also, can you use Win95 in Dosbox?
You can, but why not just set up a proper virtual machine?
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Is that a predecessor to Robobot? I didn't know there were Kirby games on PC.
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Am I doing it right?
To the Anon who posted that awesome Sega Saturn hacking video as the previous thread was dying: thank you. _That_ was interesting quality content.
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Post it here fag
Is that Minecraft DLC?
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Aww yeah those buttpants
Literally nothing wrong with it
Sorry I don't have many disgusting images. It's just high-res and scanlined and I think majorly oversaturated.
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That's not interger.


Is that maister? Because I always felt that thing was x2 worse than it should be.
That looks fucking beautiful, can it actually run during gameplay or is it just one of those intensive filters for stills?
Any kind of blur-using shaders don't care about integer ratio, it makes basically no difference. It matters for NN.

it's using a CRT shader as well numb nuts.
>Is that maister? Because I always felt that thing was x2 worse than it should be.

Composite looks right. S-video just needed the scale increased to make it sharper.
>That's not interger.
Pretty sure we had this discussion in the previous thread. It's intentional. You can't achieve that slotmask look with integer scaling.
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6% deadzones

The scanlines are non-existent though. The settings for that were optimized for 1080p or higher, integer scale makes it too small.
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It begins.
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Thanks anon, that was me.

And yes i'm actually quite excited with that, the guy name dropped Yabause at the end and the first thing he said when asked about the short term consequences were: emulation, whit that the Saturn is not a black box anymore this could lead to much better emulation.

Can't wait.
The best part of that movie is the bushy eyebrows, fucking ruined with butter
Too intensive for real time use, unfortunately
Based "Tiny Tiger"

N64 emulation is finally becoming viable
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Shame there's still no emulator for R-Zone. Maybe this is my calling to stop being a filthy end-user.
oh god. if it wasn't already disturbing enough. this is truly horrifying.

That's pretty cool. It reminded me that I don't understand why the PSIO folks didn't go that route for their module. Their current approach requires a bunch of soldering and different switchboards for different consoles.

If instead they had gone to the CD-replacement route the installation would be trivial, there's just a small ribbon cable and a power connector.

Now of course you'd lose the ability to play from disc but given that a PSIO costs around 10 times more than a used PSX it's not really a big deal IMO. I also seem to recall that the compatibility of the PSIO is pretty bad currently, although I don't know if it's because of software bugs that can be fixed or hard limitations coming from their architecture.
Now the payware can begin

I don't know if they wanted to the same but at first they claimed that the PSIO would be a solderless experience.
Then later on, they had to change that for some reason or another.
But tbphwymf, I don't like the idea of having to remove the CD/DVD drive. Even if it's obsolete/useless by such devices.
And I hope that the guy doesn't go that route.
Anyone know if the desmume netplay is any good?

I'm interested in trying to get Jump Ultimate Stars netplay working.
How can I play Haunted Castle with save states? Do I have to emulate the ps2 version? Is it Japanese only? Is there a retroarch or standalone option to play the arcade version? Mame? I've never used Mame but I read that it doesn't support save states?

I wonder if the expected wobble is the same for all Saturn discs? Or, alternately, if there are only a few valid wobble values?

MAME has save states. Play the JP version too, as it's more fair.
which mame? this is confusing
>MAME 2000
>MAME 2003
>MAME 2010
>MAME 2014



>I don't like the idea of having to remove the CD/DVD drive. Even if it's obsolete/useless by such devices.

Why not? It's much easier than soldering crap on the main board and if you want a clean PSX to play discs you can just buy one used for super cheap. I'm sure you should be able to find PSX with a busted CD drive basically for free.

Of course a completely non-invasive flash cart would be best but as far as we know it's simply impossible for those consoles.
to be perfectly honest with you my friend?

It's the first time I see this initialism.
just guessing
tbphwymf = to be perfectly honest with you my senpai

And yes, you are correct. But that's the reason. I want to have a PSX that _looks_ clean. And replacing the drive would definitely not do that, since you know. Once you open up it's missing.
Having to buy a second PSX is just a waste of money and space (even if it doesn't take much of both but still is).
I'd rather solder the shit out of it that's hidden under the plastic.
Same reason why I've never modded a console for extra shit, like a SNES with a region switch. Because that'd irreparably damage the shell.
My autism wouldn't allow this.
What's wrong with that one, besides being mirrored?
Just looks like a standard bilinear filter. Looks pretty much like what I use.
I feel your pain anon
I too fell for the F310 meme
no emulation of hardware like the soundblaster

Replacing the drive is completely reversible though, and the module might be entirely hidden in the shell which would be invisible when the console is closed. Soldering hacks are much less elegant IMO.

But I guess I understand the appeal of having a fully functional console instead of a frankensteined one.

It's just that at its current price I don't understand who could justify buying a PSIO. You need to be a pirate who plays so many PSX games that the PSIO is less expensive than a pile of CD-Rs and a modchip and cares about accuracy enough not to use an emulator but not enough to pass on the CD-emulation of the PSIO.

For homebrew devs (all 5 of them) there are much cheaper alternatives, albeit maybe not quite as convenient once everything is setup.
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Have you experienced the true suffering of F-Zero GX on it yet?
No, I've given up entirely trying to play 3D games with it

I just use it to play 2D games on it, since the dpad isn't too bad
Anybody tried emulating Crash Team Racing using Rearmed an a RPi2?
It worked for me at first, no it just hangs after first two title screens

#n64dev eat your heart out :)

it's finally happening
>tfw it's pretty accurate if you replace iTunes with HDTV
>tfw no face
holy fuck, this is real?
It's perfectly accurate, the screenshot on the left is taken from the iTunes encode (aka "WEB-DL") while the right is from the muh filters BD.
This isn't themaister's plugin, is it?
It is. He's going under an alias for this release. He does work for a big enterprise, after all, and he probably doesn't want his name officially attached to an emulator project that uses NDA'd docs.
I'm fucking hyped. I don't even care that it won't be MUH HD.

Now, if only the core bugs in Mupen64Plus that prevent it from booting several games could be fixed...
World's first Low Level Emulation N64 Vulkan renderer will soon be released. Libretro-exclusive, first async compute emulation ever, etc.

is this nice?
I'm sure it will be great like PPSSPP and MAME cores. I'm sure he wont quickly get bored and start working on another snes core or refactor RA code just because.
>is this nice
for everyone who plays n64 gaems

Considering he didn't make this, I'm not sure how it matters what he does or does not do beyond merging it in.
SP and others have worked on that N64 emulator for many years already, too bad for you their attention goes there instead of a hacky emulator for a handheld with no games. MAME works fine, the one tracking latest git revisions goes to shit occasionally because upstream for some reason needs to reinvent the wheel every couple of months.

You can keep playing your PS2, babby. No one's taking it from you just because decent N64 emulation finally is happening.
MAME is shit, bro, too much overhead for cash registers rather than vidya games
It's amazing how far the libretro team has gone. They went from just being emulator porters to emulator developers. Now they are releasing emulators that are better than the emulators they originally forked from.
>to emulator developers

Lets not get carried away.
And I'm sure you, mikeryan, need to not have your fee fees hurt by people not praising cen64.

Oh wait, people already do that. Now time for me to go back to my one person hugbox.
Anyone able to get Mortal Kombat running on the PSP MAME4ALL?
The one with no suffix is latest SVN, the other are a collection of various versions from different point in time as shown by the number, some older version run way better with minimal problems so that's why they're here.

Generally stick to MAME or MAME 2014 especially if you're using the archive.org set, use others if you know what you're doing.
>SD card only, 32GB max
>no multi track bin/cue support
>compatibility issues
I was looking forward to it too. I wouldn't mind dealing with soldering the addon PCB but I feel like some of it's limitations are deal breakers. Let's see how far FW updates will take it
The only things that bother me is the (in)compatibility list and no multi track bin/cue support as those are really important things to have done.
32GB SD card is more than enough. You can still fit almost 50 games on it (if every game were to have 700MB which most of them didn't afaik)
so, how are emulators going to deal with the 3d aspect of the 3ds? anaglyph glasses? or just rendering it as a normal game?
Is it possible to include the .sbi files inside the cue file?
Because I have two seperate folders for the .bin and .cue files (my younger autism did this and now I got used to it and don't really want to change it) and now I wanted to make a third dir with the subchannel files so I'd like to include them inside the cue file so mednafen knows where to pull them from.
Yes, I'm aware that I could simply mv *.cue ../bin but I don't want to do that.
The same way the 2DS handles it, I assume.

Very few 3DS titles actually use the 3D effect in gameplay- the only one that springs to mind is Mario 3D Land, and even that's still entirely playable in 2D mode.
3D will be the same as it is in Dolphin - or any other PC game that features 3D.
No. Should've thrown all you .cue/.bin files in a folder, then pointed to them with an .m3u file.
Is there any acceptable way to use a scanline shader? I see these "crt shaders" everywhere and everyone using them, but most of them look like utter trash. I fiddled with them myself a bunch but didn't understand the appeal so many people see. The Lottes and Easymode ones were probably the least offensive and passable of the bunch. I know emugen hates them so I'm wondering why they even exist. Is there ever an appropriate time to use one with certain monitors/set ups?
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Just use whatever you want. I find a lot of the CRT effects help blur and round pixels together, while the lines break that up so it doesn't become too blurry.
Now you see, that doesn't look bad at all. Which shader is that?

I just don't understand why most of them seem to be made with the goal of distorting everything as much as possible, to the point of trying look like shit quality TVs that nobody would want to play on even back in the 80s/90s.
Around 60% of the shaders posted here are awful on purpose just because it's amusing
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Honestly crts looked awful. HD is better
>2D games

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Referring to the trade off of getting an HDTV and having games look like the first link there vs just having a CRT and being stuck in 480pland
It makes me ill how Nintendo ruins their hardware with gimmicks, especially when those gimmicks cannot effectively be emulated
Why is Yoshi's Island the best Mario game?
because it's designed for children such as yourself.
>Comparing Mario games
>Say one is designed for children
But they all are designed for children.
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If only epsxe let you see your changes without restarting the emu

Nintendo makes me ill, full-stop. Corporations should have the decency to fucking die with their creators.

(Yes, I know Nintendo is much older than Yamauchi, but it can also be argued that videogame Nintendo had very little to do with card company Nintendo).
Well it can be also argued that modern gimmick software Nintendo has very little do with videogame Nintendo.

Quite true.
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I wish I knew how to get that GTE accuracy hack working without it telling me "missing render-texture extention + no pixel format avaliable"
and crashing
>End users are end users. It's like a movie director complaining that the audience is not helping creating the film. Not everybody is a coder. Only a tiny minority of users will ever contribute to an open source project, emulation or not.
There's ways to contribute without coding. There aren't even enough testers who actually give feedback. I've even seen people here complain about things in emulators that are never reported to the devs.

>Doing worse would be a greater feat.
If that were true, then what's stopping you from significantly improving emulation?

>I can't tell if you're being serious with the end of your sentence there. Is your emulator bottlenecked by sprintf? Because if it is I don't think optimizing this function is the answer.
It was an exaggerated example. Sometimes, doing these kind obscure optimizations are helpful though.

>Byuu is terrible for this but he's not the only one.
I agree. I think reinventing the wheel can be a great thing, but only when you have a good reason.

Hey SP,


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Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. You got an extremely barebones emulator with shit sound running a very simple game at full speed.

Let me know when you get proper gamepad support, shaders, multi-monitor support, proper sound and A/V sync, the option to run in HLE for HD, and maybe you'll compete with what libretro just accomplished.
Now now children! There is room for both parties here!
>Test machine was a 2600K at 4.4GHz. About equal to an i7 4770 (stock).

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>TFW you have a bag of anaglyphic glasses
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Not sure if this is a case of *shots fired* or trolling. Then again this is someone who trolls without even knowing they are trolling.

Love, some brainless cunt who can't code ;)
>multi-monitor support
>compete with libretro
ferris is only a month or so in and he'll surpass everyone in another 2.
I hope someone ports crt-royale to Vulkan soon, it's the only reason I don't use it for software-rendering cores
Getting closer.

Stop being poor.
Vulkan requires modern hardware.. It's not the end all be all. all be all.

>running a very simple game at full speed
Calling a 60 fps game "simple". Well played m8.

>proper sound
M64p does not have proper sound in RE2 and some other games :) .
Vulkan (and backported OpenGL especially) compute shader accelerated angrylion is potentially mobile-friendly.
And thus you will find it in a emulator for a nominal fee.
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Dolphin - Vulkan.png
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This is on a 750ti with 4x resolution and per-pixel lighting.
Post the build?
Is it possible to move the .sav file from the GBA emulator on my phone i was playing and play it on my computer?
6600k @4.1GHz
Make sure XFB is disabled, as it's not implemented.
Thanks, it runs really well. I'm impressed.
Will it eventually gain muh HD like mednafen did?
It's the correct way to play PS1 and Saturn 3D games.
You can't be serious...
Whatever you think looks good.
>Is there ever an appropriate time to use one with certain monitors/set ups?
Shaders are the only way you can play 2d games on a modern monitor without it looking like utter horse shit.
Geez, little jellybelly ButterLord, stop being a lazy fat ass blaming people for getting money out of their work and go out finding some job, you can't be an angry parasite all your life...

Trying to set up my DS4. Using DS4Windows, my touchpad is working, but the rest of my buttons aren't responsive. Any suggestions?

Windows 10 using bluetooth for FFXIV ARR.
thank you. gonna try it out.
Geez Mom, stop making money from warez and I dunno, get a real job? Also, I was a waste of semen so why the fuck did you get knocked up and had to have me?

your retarded son.
* I'm using Clrmamepro for rom sorting. Usind redump.org and datomagic no intro org. Where do I get dat files for arcade games or mame?
Because you are my little jellybelly.

And if it wasn't for money, you would never have got this hardcore computer to make your "stuff" on...

And speaking about "stuff", I know about the porn btw, we will need to discuss this later with reverend Byuunsen.


so stop using the literal shittiest ps1 emulator there is
The computer is not hardcore, Mom, anyone can make this piece of shit.

Byuusen will be most displeased about that stuff. Though thats the least of my worries. Copyright infringement with 0day warez is up there with criminal trafficking of people these days.....And with the TPP it will only get worse.

Geez, people can get prison sentences for things. Just look what happened to the console people, and all they did was hack some servers.
You think Mom that cracking DraStic doesn't come with risks? You wonder why people using FiSH of all things on private IRC channels get busted for copyright infringement? People go to jail for that shit. You don't know nothing Mom and I am NOT your son.
My dear little Bradwurst,
You will never go to jail because 1) you are neither a gangsta or real hacker 2) your old friend Exophase is too busy to enjoy being a millionaire to care anymore about you

But don't be sad, mummy loves you and will always support you, we can even pretend you have a very dangerous outlaw life if that makes you feel better...

> I am NOT your son.
I have recovered you from that trash bin outside Reverend Byuusen's church when you were at most 2 months old (nobody really knew though since you were already quite a beefy baby) so I consider myself as your mom, like it or not, Brad Theodorus Miller
Emugen will never be Jerry Springer, give up. We don't have the ratings to support you.

Why does it matter?

I don't know about the Saturn but the PSX has the same protection system (albeit the wobble is at the inner edge of the disc) and from what I've read it simply modulates "SCEx" where x is I, A or E depending on the region. So it serves as both a copy protection mechanism and a region-locking mechanism.
how many midgets do i gotta fuck around here?

Is there some way you could simply forge the value(s) it expects? I mean, these are _known_ value(s), right? Why not simply give it what it wants regardless of what's really there?
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I somehow ended up with this a couple years ago when I was experimenting with plugins for Project 64

The problem is not to figure out the value, it's to write it on the disc.

This groove is normally called the ATIP, and it's not just regular CD data you can write with a conventional consummer CD burner:



> The polycarbonate layer has a spiral pre-groove that is formed when the disc substrate is injection molded against a stamper. The read/write laser in the drive will follow this pre-groove track as it is writing, in order to maintain the spacing between the written tracks with a high degree of accuracy. This spiral has a wobble frequency introduced into it, which the drive can read while it is writing. The drive will synchronize the rotation speed to the reference speed of the wobble signal, allowing it to maintain an accurate linear velocity (the speed of the track as it passes the laser). This wobble is further modulated with a timecode reference signal containing minutes, seconds and frames. This modulated signal is known as ATIP.

So normally it's a CD-R thing used to synchronize the drive head while it's writing but the PSX (and apparently the Saturn) abuse this system to encode the copy protection/region locking string because they know it's impossible to forge without professional equipment.

So, I assume the hardware in the drive module decides whether the disc is legit based on the wobble, right?

Like, it doesn't simply report the values back to the main logic board, then the logic board issues the "hey-wait-a-minute-stop-reading-that" command to the drive module?
Does anyone experience some real input lag with the mupen64 core in retroarch? I'm playing some OoT here and it feels kinda ridiculous. Like playing Dark Souls through OnLive. I don't remember it being this unplayable.

Not the drive itself but rather the microcontroller on the mainboard which runs a dedicated piece of software (like the guy on the saturn video explains really, it seems very similar to what I know of the PSX).

Then the BIOS running on the main CPU asks the controller if the disc is authentic before starting it, but you can bypass that final check relatively easily by using a parallel port module or something like that. It still won't unlock the CD controller though, so some commands won't work properly and the game will fail to load. As far as I know there's no way to flash this microcontroller to alter the code (at least nothing easier than installing a modchip).

No$ also documents a secret unlock command that can be used to unlock the drive from the main CPU on certain hardware models, I suppose this could be used to boot unlicensed discs but I didn't try it myself.

But the drive module measures the wobble, and sends it along wires or a ribbon cable or whatever to the main logic board, whence some of that gets shunted to the microcontroller running the dedicated software to perform the authenticity check on the wobble data?
You didn't play it on an LCD when you were a kid, you played it on a CRT. With a wired controller. And no Vsync.
Sure there has to be some input lag with that, but then it doesn't explain why I didn't experience said input lag just a couple of years ago on Project64.

Granted I didn't try that one again.
What you are describing is not "input lag" (which seems the new buzzword among emulator end-users who love to make as if they were knowledgeable techies) but emulation framerate slowdown because your PC is too slow or the emulator you are using is too CPU hungry
Well shit, must be that then. i5 4460 + 280x here. I'm using default core settings mostly.
libretro port when?
>I've even seen people here complain about things in emulators that are never reported to the devs.
Everyone assumes it's already been reported
Til mednafen has a wimp gui that isn't a launcher and muh HD and PCSXR doesn't crash in random games on Windows, it is the best
I'm going to be a worthless piece of shit and ask: Why would you want this? It looks like shit, it sounds like shit.
I agree, the libretro port will likely be hyped first, then half-finished and finally ending worst than standalone, as usual.

LOL, software only gArbage is still supposed to be. a threat little MarathonMan ? requiring an overpowered 4.4Ghz Intel CpU at that?

Can you even write a graphics plugin from scratch or is all you can do tinkering with Angrylion and oman all day? Lulz, so much for the 'savior' of N64 emulation.
Kind of like the mummified corpse of PPSSPP found rotting inside RetroArch
> Why would you want this?
Cycle accurate LLE.
I want this as a core and themaisters LLE vulkan core,
Fuck mupen64minus and project54 and their HLE mess that is worse than wii u emulation!
Alright my man, I don't hold it against you. I just don't see the appeal, I wouldn't feel like playing those games with sound crackling on a small window with aliasing.

I'm not sure I understand your question.


The CD-ROM drive is connected to the main board through the CN-701 and CN-702 connectors (just below the CDROM signal processor). As far as I know there's no logic on the drive itself.

The microcontroller handling the CD-ROM is on the underside of the motherboard, at the top-left here: https://svkt.org/~simias/rustation/05_mainboard-bottom-annotated.jpg

No$ has some documentation on the modchips: http://problemkaputt.de/psx-spx.htm#cdromprotectionmodchips

Apparently they would just connect themselves between the CD-ROM drive and the CD-ROM signal processor and send the SCEx string so that the controller thinks it's reading a genuine disc.
you probably use epsx or pcsx-r instead god-tier mednafen psx, judging by the under-age echo in your post
That's the funny thing, I actually use mednafen instead of those. It works fairly well and I had less trouble with shit like Um Jammer Lammy.

Your thing however seems to be in early development.
What ds games are worth emulating on android

ma dick in yo mouth
Hotel Dusk and Last Window.

This, too
>Can you even write a graphics plugin from scratch or is all you can do tinkering with Angrylion

Maister work is based on Angrylion as well so he is not so much a 'savior' either

And SP is probably the worst shameless code copypaster (then later refactored and advertised as it own) of the entire emu scene

LOL, little MarathonMan still feeling upset he is not much of a GPU coder and cannot walk a mile in somebody else's shoes.

What is the significance of a software-only Angrylion running fullspeed on a 4.4Ghz Intel CPU overclocked? That is not much revolutionary or noteworthy. This is.

Tell me what emulator is the first async compute-based emulator right now? This is. I don't see you doing that, either now or two/three months from now,
>then later refactored and advertised as it own

He has never advertised cores as his own work.


I was just triggering you, I don't even care about N64 emulation, you are taking this so much seriously as if this was a real competition or your life depended on it that it is unlimited fun
>the first async compute-based emulator

Cool, a new buzzword to brag about.

Thanks SP
>emulating Sega Saturn

All this work to play Shining Force 3
>Tell me what emulator is the first async compute-based emulator right now?

All I can tell is I was told that RA is not an emulator
Maybe but he sure does advertise his endless unsignificant refactoring & copypasting work as major contributions.

Hopefully, real emudevs are not fooled by him.

"as if this was a real competition", yeah because releasing a video immediately after somebody else makes a blog post sure does give one the indication you don't care much about 'competition', MarathonMan. I guess e-fame and e-peen is in limited supply in your mind and there must only be 'one' to hold the ring.

Who are these 'real emudevs'? Guys who are still busy wasting time on software rendered angrylion instead of making their own plugins? Guys who made an indiegogo around a shitty GLN64 fork?

If those are 'real emudevs', I want no part in that thank you very much.
OMG, you SERIOUSLY believe that this is a competition


This is actually funnier than I thought.

>e-fame and e-peen
Hum, seems like those are very important to you, right?

Just for the record, this


and this


has nothing to do with e-peen right? Except in this case it's just an angrylion fork made to be a little bit faster. Not much significance going on there.
Triggered again by carefully picked word.

That was again too easy.
Honestly? Not much more than this...


> First ever
> revolutionary
> libretro only
> stupidly hyping plugin name

> asynchronous compute capabilities

All I see is different people being proud of their work and hyping upcoming public release

Comparatively though, this

>SSB baby!

and this

>I have been multithreading the RDP behind the scenes and decided show it off today. This is a vectorized and multithreaded fork of angrylion's (pixel-accurate) RDP in CEN64.

seems much less self-promoting and e-fame seeking than SP blog entry
>releasing a video immediately after somebody else makes a blog post

What are you talking about?

those videos were published respectively on 07/11 and 07/10

libretro blog post was published today (07/12)
>seems much less self-promoting and e-fame seeking than SP blog entry

Because there's nothing to brag about :)

It's just a fork of angrylion, of which there exists a million others.

And it still needs an overclocked Core i7 at 4.4GHz. Whoop-dee-doo. This will even be capable of running fullspeed on an Android phone by comparison.
>> First ever

is true. In multiple ways.

>> revolutionary

True too.

>> libretro only

True as well

>> stupidly hyping plugin name

As opposed to stupidly hyping 'CEN64' or 'quasi-cycle accuracy mode' or something lke that?

> asynchronous compute capabilities

True too, and very significant as well. First ever emulator using async compute as well.

To put this in perspective: the only software out there right now using async compute is pretty much Doom and Rise of the Tomb raider and that is it. Cutting-edge stuff only done by triple-A game companies normally. Allow one to brag about that. It's a lot more significant than the usual crap going on in emudev.
It makes me sad N64 emulation took the wrong path. Concentrating on only popular games was a mistake. Plugins were a mistake. Pay2version was a mistake. Malware was a mistake. Android is a mistake.
Have some money that I need to donate for reasons, its not much only $100~

Wanted to give to a foss emu developer
Any suggestions
Was thinking maybe to the retroarch project or Desmume as I actually use that
Or someone working on cfw
Whatever you do try to make sure it'll go to someone trying to invest it back into the project rather than just pocketing it
Even if they pocket it I don't mind, it would be some form of small gratitude for a good and useful program that makes my life slightly easier, can't put a price on that tbvh
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Who the fuck set Bluestacks as free and recommended? Ads for different games and apps everywhere. Used it for one fuckin day and it forces you to download apps or pay for the program. Bluestacks shills please go away.
Maybe you could put a glitch bounty on some DS game that has an emulation bug troubling you or the like. Not sure if that would still count as a donation though. Or maybe just somehow get them to optimize the damn thing for higher res since 3x res is easy on PPSSPP and yet is very rough on CPUs on Desmume for some reason.
Theres no other good options. Android emulators on PC are all scams in some manner.

You mean Tiny Tiger.
Is that why they posted it to Reddit?

Redditors will post about anything

They posted about libretro blog entry as well, don't worry
The point was not that it was true or not but that it was much more e-peen related than those youtube entries

Again the point was not to compare contribution value but to respond to that flawed argument that posting youtube videos was part of a huge e-peen enlargement plan or trying to compete with libretro

Try to follow discussion next time and be less of a fanboy
But the person who posted on Reddit was the same as the person who made the video...
>but that it was much more e-peen related than those youtube entries

Both are the same to, bragging about respective improvements. But apparently it is bad when SP does it...
I know, I've tried the top ones. Genymotion is annoying to use. Droid4X doesn't support a lot of games and BlueStacks is by far the best one but it cost money or forces you to install shit apps. Gotta warn people before they download it.
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>mfw one of those are sitting on my desk
>mfw I had no idea of any problems it had since it had been working pretty well, even with 3d games
Use a VM you plebs
What's FiSH?
>r/emulation in particular (as well as NeoGAF) have been extremely welcoming toward me, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for that. But for the most part, I still put up with an unbelievable amount of shit almost everywhere else. Try looking at emucr or 4chan threads about me or my software. They act like I'm worse than Hitler. I find it kind of funny, honestly, seeing how hyperbolic people can get about a completely free video game machine emulator.

Is this true?
Problem with VM is compatibility. These are custom OS builds but if you install the regular Android OS to a VM first you have to find a torrent for the OS and it's probably gonna be an older OS. It just doesn't work out very well.

i thought byuu didnt read 4chan emugen

crybaby is crybaby
I was fine with byuu until he sold out to Hyperkin. Doing business with a company that disregarded emulator licenses to make their shitty emulator box is just simply shameful. Especially after criticizing Hyperkin himself.
Nobody said it was bad, stop victimizing him.

It was a response to people arguing cen64 was "competiting" with libretro
He is finding you funny actually, does not seem to make him cry that much
>No GBA emulator in Windows would vsync until BizHawk (and later RetroArch) stepped in with a new rendering engine (VBA could get pretty close, but I still dropped about one frame every four seconds), FCEUX required very specific settings to get vsync dialed in, SNES9x only vsyncs with very specific settings in full screen that cannot be captured by OBS, higan gave up vsync in Windows entirely when it was still just bsnes, and so on and so forth. Even for a timing discrepancy, I'd much rather be able to choose to not have dropped frames and tearing, please and thank you.

lol and people keep telling me those emulators sync fine.
So the new epsxe version comes with inbuilt GTE Hacks that also has a widescreen option
Anyone know what it does and how to use it?
I rocked one for about a year. Thought it pretty okay, though it was a bit uncomfortable after a couple hours. Been using a WiiU pro controller for 2 years now and haven't looked back. Incredible for both modern shit and /vr/ emulation.
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Never mind just found out how
It actually looks okay
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And here is 4:3 complete with black borders
so with retroarch's vulkan thing and cen64 doing 60 frames, THIS WILL BE THE YEAR OF THE ACCURATE N64 EMULATOR
Yeah but Cen64 is shit
prove it
>cen64 doing 60 frames
So its running 6 times as fast as your average N64 game?
CPU software renderer that runs like shit unless you have a NASA supercluster.

Or, like sane people, we could just use ParaLLEl which is Vulkan powered and will run on normal computers.
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LOL he is such a petty twat, our hitler-kun
>butthurt mupen64 and pj64 devs that have achieved nothing but buggy ULTRA HLE in 10 years
HLE faggot detected. N64 outputs 60fps, it just frame doubles or triples on many games.
>emulating N64 in the first place

>N64 outputs 60fps
It can output 144fps if it wants, doesn't change the fact that most games run around 15 fps for it

So you're telling me that a CRT plugged into an n64 refreshes 15 times a second? You're retard


>has nothing to do with e-peen right?
The 2nd video was not even made by the creator of that plugin..
>Except in this case it's just an angrylion fork made to be a little bit faster.
Dude did you even watch the video? That doesn't look "a little bit faster"... It looks way faster.

nice memes.
>Hopefully, real emudevs are not fooled by him.
They aren't.

>Who are these 'real emudevs'? Guys who are still busy wasting time on software rendered angrylion instead of making their own plugins?
So working on a more portable graphics plugin is a waste of time? Top kek m8. Vulkan requires new hardware. Therefore it is not the savior of N64 emulation... You can pretend that software renderers require NASA computers all you want.

Being able to play a fair amount of games full speed on a toaster is much better than not being able to play ANYTHING.
>refresh rate is the same as a game's framerate
You are in no position to call anyone retarded shit for brains.
Not even the PAL version of Zelda OOT runs 15fps...
>This will even be capable of running fullspeed on an Android phone by comparison.
Not with that unoptimized RSP interpreter lol..
ghost trick, castlevanias, the world ends with you, there are lots actually.
>ra is not an emulator
and the NFL is a non-profit organization

uh huh

> They aren't.

Says one autistic loser to the next, who can't do much else other than refactor code made by others (Angrylion) and then locking up his changes behind a code vault.

At least when SP refactors, he opensources his shit as soon as Github allows for it. What's your excuse?
>So working on a more portable graphics plugin is a waste of time?

You know you are dealing with your typical underachieving emudev retard when they claim 'DirectDraw' == more portable. A graphics API that has been killed by MS now since time immemorial.
>who can't do much else other than refactor code made by others (Angrylion) and then locking up his changes behind a code vault.
You mean like cxd4 and themaister?

>At least when SP refactors, he opensources his shit as soon as Github allows for it. What's your excuse?
What's your excuse for not calling these friends of yours out? Oh right, I already know why :) .

> You mean like themaister?

It's not my problem if you cannot check sourcecode repos on Github. It's all there in plain view. Not that you'll be able to do anything with it one or two months from now, though, I wager.

BTW, speaking of which, Last I heard from theboy181, you were having problems with regressions you made in your Angrylion fork. I offered that you could visit our channels and maybe when the certain guy was in, we could help you. We were prepared to help you EVEN with you not having any intention supposedly of open sourcing code which you honestly should be compelled to open source by mere fact that the code you are piggybacking off is all open source.

Now you go and attack the very same people who extended a hand to you and wanted to help. So much for 'wanting to work together'.
>You know you are dealing with your typical underachieving emudev retard when they claim 'DirectDraw' == more portable.
Using ifdefs for blitting and initialization code is not that difficult m8. MarathonMan and cxd4 both already have OpenGL code for the blitting anyway.

If you're telling me that you could easily port the vulkan code to an API that works on a decent amount of hardware, then I will admit I was wrong.
>Using ifdefs for blitting and initialization code is not that difficult m8. MarathonMan and cxd4 both already have OpenGL code for the blitting anyway.

Welcome to Angrylion inside mupen64plus libretro. It has already been portable for years, without requiring DirectDraw or even OpenGL, but if it's implemented on the frontend, you can get it to blit with GL or DDraw all the same.

That is how you do modularity. Not yet another crappy graphics plugin made for some plugin emulator.
it's nice that emu devs have taken time to make their software portable. If android was a viable means of gaming, or linux wasn't a joke it might be worth their time.
It's kind of cute.
Why isn't android viable? Its viable for me, I have a n6 though
he knows nothing, he is jon snow. don't listen to him. he is a trollister.
Are there any special settings to consider when playing wii games on dolphin netplay? After getting the latest development build, we got the emulated wii controllers to work but now we can't get the game to start. Like insta black screen and desync. We have SD cards disabled and unchecked write to memory. We can play game cube games online fine. We are trying to play Tamagotchi - Party On!
OoT has built-in input lag. It's present even in real hardware, although I'm sure emulation adds a couple more frames. Nothing you can do about it.
try it through the vc
vc? virutal console? I don't understand sorry.
Does this mean it will support any device that supports Vulkan or just the ones its programmed for (Windows I guess)? IOW, if I have an android that supports Vulkan would it need a special version of the plugin compiled just for android?
>It's not my problem if you cannot check sourcecode repos on Github.
So it's all out there? I did see some code, but assumed it wasn't complete since nobody is acting like it's already out. Regardless, I think there's absolutely no good reason to single out one dev, if multiple devs are guilty of doing that.

If other devs wish to wait before releasing their work, I respect that, as long as they aren't being hypocritical / dishonest.

>Not that you'll be able to do anything with it one or two months from now, though, I wager.
Probably not. I am not that interested in vulkan desu senpai. I firmly believe that N64 emulation should have minimal system requirements.

>Now you go and attack the very same people who extended a hand to you and wanted to help.
Playing pretend games. Nice :) .

>So much for 'wanting to work together'.
It's not too late :) .

>We were prepared to help you EVEN with you not having any intention supposedly of open sourcing code which you honestly should be compelled to open source by mere fact that the code you are piggybacking off is all open source.
Whoever gave you that idea is either lying (and trying to pit people against each other) or gravely mistaken. What kind of dev would mention they are working on something that they have no intention of releasing?

Ok cool. How do I use d3d / ddraw for blitting in angrylion's in frankenmupen?
yes. daily dose of crazy:
Any Vulkan capable device. However, no Android device is going to run it full speed.
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>it's a SP vs #n64dev passive aggressive shitflinging on emugen episode

At least put on trips so we can filter your autism, you fuckers.
>cracking drastic
>download lucky patcher
>inverse mode apply
>drastic dev eats shit
O fuck. So many good games.

B&arrow, rodent's revenge, pipe dream, skifree, jezzball, maxwells maniac, and Chip's Challenge were my jam.

I didn't know that kind of porn existed in the DOS days.
I'm using mednafen on retroarch, how do I increase the resolution? Right now, it only lets me choose software render mode and the Internal GPU resolution option doesn't actually do anything.
Hey, when you showcase games, can you please not suck dick at them?

It makes me sick how positive reddit is. How they all pat each other on the back and cry together when someone is mean to one of them. What the fuck man.
I'm sure you guys get dumb posts like this all the time but...

What would it take to get me to run Super Mario Sunshine?

Current Specs:
AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4GHz
Nvidia 1070

I've heard that AMD processors are awful at emulating, but I'd like to see if there'd still be a way to get SMS running.
Heh, now you're reminding me of when I made that video of DKC running in a super old version of ZSNES, and I kept falling in fucking pits despite being a game I've played and beaten a gorillion times. At least it was funny, I guess.
SMS isn't that demanding a game to emulate, you'll be fine.
Were there any notable RPGs on the N64 that emulate well?
There were like 2 total RPGs on N64: Ogre Battle 64 (good) and Quest 64 (shit). I doubt OB64 emulates well.
I remember trying to emulate it a long time ago (Same specs, save the 1070) and it ran like shit once I got to Delfino Plaza.

I probably fucked up the settings somehow though. Is there a guide specifically for SMS or nah
All of the ones I know of are emulated well enough. Ogre Battle, Paper Mario, Quest 64, etc.
Check the dolphin wiki. Also make sure you're using the latest build of dolphin, it has gotten much faster in the last few years.
>The thing to understand is that the N64's GPU is so complicated developers wrote drivers for it in their games and most N64 emulators work by decoding what the game is telling the driver what to do rather than the actual hardware. This is why Super Mario 64 was emulatable in 1999 but any game that does unique things with the hardware won't run.
Don't copy/paste shit from /v/. >>>/v/344783719
Why not? It's fun
>This is why Super Mario 64 was emulatable in 1999 but any game that does unique things with the hardware won't run.
Complete nonsense.
rofl I just knew it had to be copy pasted from somewhere. i figured it was from reddit or something, but couldn't find it on google..

That thread is very cringe inducing.

Alright, let's work together then instead of throwing cheap shots here.

And that includes not throwing cheap shots at each other here on 4ch, BTW.

Shield console/tablet might.

After this, Daeken's dynarec system will start being deployed across N64 and Beetle PSX, that will then allow for an RSP recompiler too and maybe a chance to fix the broken CPU interpreter/dynarec code in Mupen64 once and for all. Could be a way of finally properly implementing the interrupts as well.
suck a cock
Sounds good to me. I'm all for progress.
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they treat him badly (just like the responses to your post lmao) but it's not as bad as he says

he feels like it's worse than it really is because there's just a couple of people who particularly hate him for no good reason
>there's just a couple of people who particularly hate him for no good reason
That's a giant lie man. There's a good reason to hate him. Disrespecting N64 emudevs is a good one.
>That's a giant lie man. There's a good reason to hate him. Disrespecting N64 emudevs is a good one.

You mean disrespecting pj64 over the malware problem?
good reasons to hate someone:
1) they're a violent schizophrenic
2) they fuck babies
3) they steal money from fellows
4) they deceive people and damage the scene
5) they hold back emulation
not good reasons to hate someone:

>Even many of these emulators not being commercial, without demand (users) their existence is useless.

This is what end users actually believe.
>You mean disrespecting pj64 over the malware problem?
Why is he hating on another man doing legitimate business?

Actually what made me lose even more respect for the guy was when he said N64 emulation hasn't really progressed since UltraHLE. He basically threw most devs under the bus and has 0 respect for most of the developers in the N64 emu scene.
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>legitimate business
He sold his license to crooks that he previously called out. Despite the fact that the code isn't entirely his.
>Why is he hating on another man doing legitimate business?

So PJ64 is a legitimate business and byuu is holding back emulation.

Those are vertiginous levels of contrarianism right there, even by 4chan standards.

The N64 scene is a shit show, you know it, I know it, byuu knows it. The only reason to hate on byuu is this hyperkin bullshit, end of story.
>He sold his license to crooks that he previously called out.
Hyperkin is shit but they're not shit because they're shit. They're shit because they licensed code from people who lied about their licensability.
>Despite the fact that the code isn't entirely his.
His emulator is licensed under the GPL so yeah he can sell it period. Are you retarded?
There's a number that should be at x1 that can be increased to x2.
there's nothing wrong with fucking babies.
There really are things wrong with actually physically fucking babies. Nothing wrong with masturbating to cartoon porn in your room, but there's obviously a place where it becomes a problem and that happens somewhere before the point where you're literally actively physically fucking babies.
>The N64 scene is a shit show, you know it, I know it, byuu knows it.
No.. Byuu is retarded and probably doesn't even know about Angrylion's existance. Literally the only N64 dev I've seen him praise is MarathonMan. At the same time, he sucks up to Dolphin devs calling them talented. Even though one of those devs actually broke PJ64 at one point LOL.

>The only reason to hate on byuu is this hyperkin bullshit, end of story.
How about him being a hypocrite? Why does he attack zilmar, while defending that guy who borrowed a bunch of hardware and didn't return it? The amount of favoritism in the emu scene is disgusting.

>His emulator is licensed under the GPL so yeah he can sell it period. Are you retarded?
It's not about whether you can or can't legally do something. It's about doing the right thing. Otherwise why complain about some opt-out 3rd party installer?
>No.. Byuu is retarded and probably doesn't even know about Angrylion's existance. Literally the only N64 dev I've seen him praise is MarathonMan. At the same time, he sucks up to Dolphin devs calling them talented. Even though one of those devs actually broke PJ64 at one point LOL.
I don't disagree with you on this, but I don't see why it's such a big deal. There's always been a huge gulf between the 80s-90s systems and the 90s-00s systems. It's not like devs are suddenly needed to know everything about the state of all the other major systems. It's probably enough just to know the names of the major emulators and what the user experience is approximately like. People don't listen to him when he talks about n64 emulation being garbage. The huge anti-n64 meme on /r/emulation predates him and is pretty much a result of children who were introduced to emulation via dolphin.

>It's not about whether you can or can't legally do something. It's about doing the right thing.
The right thing is probably to stop people from purchasing illegal software. Hyperkin won't go away overnight just because the world would be a better place without them. If licensing his emulator to hyperkin is the only way to get legal software in the hands of hyperkin's users, why shouldn't he do so?
omfg, they're just babies.

>cartoon porn
i don't see what this has to do with anything.
Lottes is the best CRT shader IMO. Just use whatever looks best to you.
Other than Royale, that is, but that one needs 4K to look good, so not too practical.
It might be immediately before fucking babies, it might be immediately after masturbating to cartoon porn. Where exactly does it lay? I don't know.
>I don't disagree with you on this, but I don't see why it's such a big deal.
I just feel that emu devs should respect other emu devs in general. I also didn't like how he blamed SSF for Yabause's lack of progress.

>The right thing is probably to stop people from purchasing illegal software. Hyperkin won't go away overnight just because the world would be a better place without them. If licensing his emulator to hyperkin is the only way to get legal software in the hands of hyperkin's users, why shouldn't he do so?
Byuu has done other shady things, which leads me to believe he does not have good reasons. If he made money off of donations, I honestly wouldn't have a problem with that. I have a problem with him selling a license to allow people to use his code in their closed source project. He is pocketing all of the profits, as far as I know. Despite the fact that the code is not entirely his own. Why isn't he sharing that money?
It would be nice if he shared the money, but I feel like the fact that that would be a good thing is a problem with society, not him. The code is not entirely his own, yes, but he is pretty overwhelmingly the driving force behind it, so how much would he share?
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byuu just hates n64, he wrote an autistic blog post about it.
there is a distinct lack of cartoon-based baby-fucking porn on the market. I blame society for keeping us repressed.
That's a complaint about OoT, a shitty game
Paper mario
Maybe N64's failure to please byuu is what led him to become even more obsessed with SNES as Nintendo's last great console?
Did they remove the frame limit option in Dolphin or am I retarded?
Maybe they did it for muh accuracy but otherwise you must be missing it or maybe they moved it. Or they just want you to use vsync
>Did they remove the frame limit option in Dolphin
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Halp pls

I'm trying to get my ds3 to work with with my bluetooth dongle. It's not on the compatibility list so just using the scpdriver to install the bluetooth driver doesn't work.

I'm following pic related's guide to a T, but my dongle doesn't show up in the scp monitor, though I do find it my the device manager. I select the BCM20702A0 just like he's doing.

I've also tried selecting the bluetooth device itself but I'm not sure if that's what you're supposed to do, it doesn't work either way

what do?
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Looks like he's peeling a giant banana.
whats the best shader to use for 480i games?
A lot of CRT shaders have interlacing support. You could also try interlacing.cg.
do i combine that with sharp-bilinear or pixellate?
Addon for IRC clients such as mIRC that allow for Blowfish based text encryption. Basically turns IRC into poor man's Telegram.
Only if you're integer scaling vertically with horizontal aspect ratio correction, I'd say. If you're not integer scaling (i.e. you're scaling up to 1080p), you're probably better off using one of the deinterlacing shaders. Interlacing, just like scanlines, do not scale well outside integer scaling.
I'm playing at 1366x768 without integer scaling at 4:3
Try bob-and-ghost-deinterlace.cg instead, then.
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none. they are really shitty in retroarch. pcsx2 has better deinterlacing option. but if you are going for master-race the best deinterlacing algorithm is decomb in handbrake because it only decombs and blends combed frames but leaves progressive frames intact, something retroarch comepletely destroys and does wrong with a bad interlacing interpretation.
so how am I supposed to play a game like ridge racer hi spec in retroarch?
Sow hats the state of 3DS emulation of PC?

I would rather not drop $200 on a 3DS then spen 6 hours following a hacking guide.
you don't. play it on a ps1, ps2 or even ps3. playing interlaced games in retroarch is the worst you could do, unless you can tolerate to play without any deinterlacing at all, which looks more tolerable than any deinterlacing shader.

Try the gl renderer maybe, it always outputs progressive.
Still too slow to run on even highend hardware.
kinda wrong. retroarch always outputs progressive, no matter what, but even with gl interlaced frames are still combed- so you are wrong, basically.
Aren't they like $100?
Jut do it, it's not that hard to hack it and it's guaranteed that all games will work.
new model 3ds xl is $180 without shipping

I wrote the GL renderer anon, I can assure you it never outputs anything interlaced.
> decomb in handbrake because it only decombs and blends combed frames but leaves progressive frames intact

Does this run in realtime?
back to >>>/v/ underage faggot
You don't know what you're talking about.
>Simias is a Swede (probably)

Not sure how to feel.



How did you come to this conclusion?
He's French.
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stop trolling, negroid.
Nice meme faggot.
I just knew that was Swede time and thought it was the most likely.

Now that I'm looking at a time zone map I see that's basically Europe Time.

Thank god
>deinterlaced with meme shader bob-deinterlace.cg
That's not the GL renderer, you moron. You're using the software renderer.
How is that a meme?
i thought you meant using gl instead of d3d, i wasn't aware we were talking about ps1 specifically. sorry
pixellate is buggy and ugly, use a port of AANN.
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How is that buggy and ugly? It works fine for me.
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It only interpolates correctly in the horizontal dimension. AANN does both dimensions.
Looks fine to me
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> interlaced
That's not all just pixellate. Pixellate really doesn't interpolate correctly in the vertical dimension, it does strict nearest neighbor only. If RA is outputting something else, then it's either using a different shader than pixellate, or it's adding more shit onto pixellate and having pixellate itself only output an integer vertical resolution.
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AANN looks blurrier
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> deinterlaced
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They implemented AANN wrong. AANN does not do picture related.
What is this then?

What's the difference between pixellate and nearest anyway?
If it does it vertically? It's not pixellate. It's a modified version of pixellate that is not marked as such.
pretty sure it was a straight port with no changes

Even if the shader is the same they're using it wrong if they're getting two-pixel-side fuzzy edges between pixels. You can get that by running the shader then shifting the output by it over by 0.5pixels.
Very little was changed since it was added in

Okay, then they added in a modified version of pixellate. It's a fact that pixellate itself doesn't interpolate vertically.
Even further back


> added pixellate.cg, ported by maister from the pixellate.shader that came with bsnes versions before v083

It's been like this since the very beginning of the Cg port.
Even if it's been like that for the entire lifetime of the cg port, it's still not how pixellate itself actually functions. It's a modified version.

You don't have to search the heritage of the RA shader. All you have to do is google "pixellate shader vertical" and tell google to search for pixellate instead of pixelate.

Here's the old bsnes XML pixellate shader


Pretty much the same shit. I don't know where you got this horizontal-only pixellate from unless it was a very old version.
Did you try doing what I said to do?
Anyone have a good border image to use for Game Gear games? I like the one kega fusion uses, but the image isn't available because lol closed source
How does it make you feel that people spend a crap ton of money altering their consoles to get the sharpest pixels while you sit for hours playing with shaders blurring the piss out of the image?

I decided to try just because and all I got was a bunch of shit about pixel shaders
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smugly superior
Are you talking about this thread?


>Assuming that you're talking about the pixellate shader distributed with higan

Higan's version is also the same code


So I still don't know where a horizontal only pixellate is coming from, unless higan's version is bugged.
> added pixellate.cg, ported by maister from the pixellate.shader that came with bsnes versions before v083
>from the one that came with old versions od bsnes
Nice filter bubble, retard
How's the Xbone controller's d-pad?

I don't see the point. Emulators and CRT shaders are cheap and reasonably accurate (especially for the NES). Or you want complete accuracy and opt to use the original console with a CRT screen. Using the original console with an HDMI mod seems like the worse of both worlds, it's inaccurate and expensive.
You're saying google doesn't prioritize emulation-related results for you? Are you new?
GOAT imho
rec me some wii/gamecube games that aren't the trauma series
So emulating SNES games with it would be just fine? I'm mainly asking so I know whether or not I'll have to get a Wii U Pro to PC adapter to play retro vidya when I get my next PC in a couple days.
I don't use Google normally
so I guess I should use sharp bilinear instead of pixellate
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How about StartPage, which proxies your searches to google for you without google filter bubbling for you?

Pretty good, at least if you don't mind very clicky d-pads.
Use whatever looks best to you.
What does it mean?
Yeah it's pretty great in general really.

>The installation process involves desoldering the CPU and Picture Processing Unit. Not for the faint of heart (or those who don't have high quality electronics tools)

>These are the solder joints for the CPU/PPU interposer connections to the main board. The keys to factory quality soldering at home are good equipment, good solder, extreme cleanliness, and lots of experience.

> picture of a through-hole DIP

Woah, fucking soldering guru right there.
I'll remember that the next time some cunt expects me to find a very specific link with a very specific search term instead of just fucking linking the thread he wants me to find.
I don't. I spend hours confuring my ePSXe to get the least glitches possible while automatically getting the sharpest pixels possible through muh HD
And yet you still end up with jittering polygons, and wobbly textures... Why wouldn't you use PGXP if you're going for HD?
I spend about 5 seconds loading RA with a config that puts a CRT monitor into 3840x480 display mode and loads the tvout+interlacing shader.
>jittering polygons, and wobbly textures...
Yeah I like those. I got used to them on the real console.

>Why wouldn't you use PGXP if you're going for HD?
I don't know what that is but if it requires RA I ain't using it
Fuck, sorry, I should've scrolled down just a little farther. How soon is it coming? And won't you need an ultra-beefy PC to run this? Furthermore, what about "muh HD" features that HLE plugins have, like fancy modern anti-aliasing? It seems to me like GLideN64 is basically the best compromise between the razor-sharp accuracy yet low-res output of LLE emulation and crisp looking yet buggy output of HLE emulation.
It's a PCSXR thing I think but no one ever just distros it in an easily digestible manner. They distribute like 6 different links separate from each other and expect you to assemble the Frankenstein's monster rather than just throwing the entire thing in a zip and giving you it.
Surprisingly doesn't look as shitty as hq4x
>Not going to implement XFB
Won't this break a fair bit of games?
>And won't you need an ultra-beefy PC to run this?

Nope. If what they say is correct, all you'll need is a card that supports Vulkan (there's plenty of cheap cards that do nowadays), and a processor made in the last 4 years or so. Once they get an RSP recompiler, even shittier processors will probably run it just fine.
>I don't know what that is but if it requires RA I ain't using it
Modified build of PCSX-R.
>How soon is it coming?
Already merged.
>And won't you need an ultra-beefy PC to run this?
Yes, but less so than just running regular Angrylion.
>Furthermore, what about "muh HD" features that HLE plugins have, like fancy modern anti-aliasing?
Don't think that's out of the question, but it's not a priority at all AFAIK.
You download PCSX-R:
OGL2 Plugin:
and PGXP:
It's getting overhauled, so instead of doing it twice for the Vulkan backend, he's waiting until it's done.
Riddle me this Batman: Why don't the PCSXR crew just distribute all this stuff with the emulator?
Comparison of how it normally looks.
>PCSXR crew
Because that doesn't really exist anymore.
Then how is there a PCSXR build from 7-03-2016? Why is there an update that recent?
Because he takes PCSX-R crew to mean the people who originally made the emulator while you take it to mean whoever is distributing forked versions of it now.
Every few months someone will merge in some very minor bug fixes:
14 commits in the past year, none of which any end user would notice.
There is a human mind behind it all after all. But no one knows who he is. He secretly watches, merging silent fixes no one cares about. He is a watchful protector, a silent guardian...a dark knight.
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is it possible somehow to use wifi trading on a retroarch ds emulator(for pokemon diamond)?
Also Pete's OGL2 plugin is closed source, so that'd be a license violation.
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Help me please
It should be, but I doubt it.

I remember trying to trade between two instances of RetroArch when I was playing Pokemon Red, and it would only allow me to use the same game and save, so when I traded the Pokemon they didn't evolve because the Trainer ID didn't change.
Fuck is going on there?
I guess try turning off anisotropic filtering and any EFB-related speedups (such as Skip EFB Access from CPU). EFB speedups tend to fuck stuff up.
RA can't do any sort of multiplayer that isn't split/same screen.

The one exception being TGBDual, but like >>148285092 said; loading separate saves has been broken in that for a pretty long time.
AF is at 1, and the EFB-related stuff is off as well.
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what emulator is best for GBA with desaturated colors?
Anyone know what the best version of MAME is with the mortal kombat games- specifically UMK3?

The sound stu-stu-stutters and the game lags when I shoot one of Sektor's chest missiles.
Are you sure you're using Dolphin 5.0?
Consider trying to find a way to remove the heatwave effects.
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Emulating makes you grow weak
Bloodborne Neo on CitaS4
Running Xenoblade chorinicles for wii in dolphin 5.0,windows 10, can get past the reading dsc screen, already try many things but no success.Help a brother out /vg/.
16 gb ram
4 cores i7 2.7
windows 10
both DX and OGL plugins?
yes, they all get stuck even opengl, and i also disable the g-sync and the fxb to virtual
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guise, I cant find a decent download for corpse party book of shadows, obviously in english.
I dont want one of those shitty ass 3 part downloads.
anybody got a decent link?
All the torrents I've found have 0 seeders.
never mind, soon as I posted this I actually found one.
Could be a bad dump. There should be a list of proper hashes to check your XB iso against in the wiki.

If the iso is okay, try the previous stable 4.0.2, if that works it's on Dolphin's end. If it doesn't it's likely on your end. Possibly drivers? Although I'd think it shouldn't be unless you're running old ones.
anyone on dolphin 5.0 having issues with xenoblade? game runs fine for me but i get massive, brief slowdowns when i enter colony 9. i have a 770 and an i5 at 3.50 ghz.
what is the best portable system I could get for emulation? I used to have a digoo a320.
are those android OS psp clones any good?
>>148294001testing on dolphin 4.0.2, same results, can't find the proper hashes anon,plus the is very little info about the eu version.
turn vsync off.

now someone help me >>148294163
Oh, nvm, I see that you said you disabled g-sync which I assume you're confusing for vsync. Yeah, try finding a different iso, preferably NTSC-U.
Metal Slug 3 CHD files where. My cousin is visiting soon and I'm trying to set MAME's but it's asking me for Metal Slug 3 CHD files.

It's been years since I dabbled in MAME.
>It's not about whether you can or can't legally do something. It's about doing the right thing. Otherwise why complain about some opt-out 3rd party installer?

Because some people have no concept of doing "the right thing" anymore. They have no clue of what "the right thing" even is, so they choose the easier "do whats minimally legal" bit.
I'm gonna guess it's the ISO itself. Sadly it may be harder to find EU hashes for XB. Try to get an NTSC version like the other anon said because they used the same dub and the like anyway. Probably very few differences.
Yeah, being somewhat as someone showing any form of respect is ew.
Respect is okay. I don't like the constant flaming here unless it's just in jest. But I try to be emotionally neutral rather than gushingly positive. It's like sickeningly sweet candy or something.
>PAL version was tested. Video backend was OpenGL. Great performance with V-Sync on, and little to no performance drops. However, when V-Sync is enabled, the "Loading Disc" message can take an abnormally long time. When V-Sync isn't on, this game suffers massive tearing on my rig. There are minor audio cracks and frame-drops with shaders. Otherwise, the game runs very well.

Could be the same issue or it may just be a similar symptom of a different problem. I'd say first leave the disc loading screen on for a long time to see if it will eventually complete

Also try running in fullscreen if you're running in windowed since vsync may be automatically applied by the DWM
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should i be using any shaders or whatnot? just built my first rig and this is my first time emulating a ps2 game.
wat game is that?
thanks for the help anon, got it working with otrher iso in the latest version f the dolphin.
star ocean 3
your aspect ratio is fucked up
Yah, agreed. Gushing, saccharine sweet circlejerking is foul.
that's sweet.
you can fuck my sister.
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Is my aspect raidou right?
>aspect ratio
its fine ingame but the screenshot feature seems to ignore the widescreen patch.
PCSX2's screenshot dumps the frame before it gets stretched. You'll need to use prtscr or fraps to get a correctly scaled screenshot.
why does my game look meh compared to this video?
especially the text.
They are all shit tbqh
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If I'm using ntsc + crt hylian, should I add sharp-bilinear to the end of it or does it already do it on it's own? Because adding it through the RA menu just makes things look bad
Man, apart from the text that looks delicious.
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Citra - BD 1.png
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It's a shame some of these games were limited to a 240p screen.
>PCSX2's screenshot dumps the frame before it gets stretched.
Only if you don't set the custom ratio.
I forgot about this game. Now I'm kind of excited.

Beautiful soundtrack.
Seems like he is just extremely shit at a simple game.
Does tiny tiger even work? I dont even see it in core updater..
i feel for him.
you'll never know what it's like to be terrible and see a future of being terrible. We're really lucky to be so fucking awesome. It's really kind of sad to read this kind of confession. It's as if someone is remembering a time before they knew they were probably retarded.
Wait are you really saying my raidou is wrong? It's just 3x native or something.
>shaders blurring
Nice meme.
Get a saturn pad
>The sound stu-stu-stutters
That's coz of the refresh rate of that game. It's 53hz or something. So you will need groovymame + crt, or a gsync monitor.
AFAIK it uses standard roms not CHD's. They should be everywhere.
>the code isn't entirely his.
>Despite the fact that the code is not entirely his own.

You keep saying this but afaik he owns copyright on the entire bsnes code (and is autistic enough to rewrite everything from scratch, even basic libraries or stupid bitshift macros), do you have concrete evidence he is reusing someone else licensed code and has no rights to relicense it?

>Why isn't he sharing that money?

With who? Give us some names, Mooch...
In those screenshots, yeah. Divide width by height, should be 1.333... (4:3). Your screenshots and what you're actually seeing when you play the game is probably different though.
I assume integer scaling is what would keep it proper and PCSX2 has no such thing correct?
The game's so much fun until you start travelling through dimensions.
Then the nightmare begins
Which console needs some components decapped the most?
The iPhone
: an electronic system that connects to a display (as a television set) and is used primarily to play video games
The MacBook Pro

ur dick
You know it bby
What are some systems that still have no LLE?
I want to write one but don't have any idea what I should write.
/emug/ help

Are there no emulators for those old cellphone models? I guess >>148317596 found his project.
Ishiiruka. Activate the thing that preloads textures or shaders or whatever. Game will take longer to load but shouldn't suffer from as much slowdown.
No symbian or Ngage emulators, only J2ME shit

did you miss the fact he told everybody to give him sole copyright over all their code under the promise he did this so it could be put in the public domain?

Nach, blargg, mudlord, aliaspider, maister, and others code is all in there, he just lied about his 'intentions' so they saw no wrong in agreeing to his conditions.

oh btw, and that they mught or might not mind IS NOT THE ISSUE. what IS the issue is that HE LIED, plain and simple. stop nutsucking this lying degenerate faggot.
>eye cacer

Default settings for CRT Royale only look good at 1440p or higher resolutions. It needs tweaking to look decent at 1080p or lower.

I don't mind it as long as I'm not standing too close to the monitor.
No. Sharp-bilinear is only for blocky scaling at non-integer scales.
I don't understand the difference between Higan and Snes9x. What are cycles in the accuracy column, why are they important, and what do I really need for casual use?
Best current way to emulate OoT specifically?
Master Quest GC disc on Dolphin.
where does one get GC iso's
right here senpai
Snes9x has pretty high compatibility now if you just want to use that.

The difference is just that there are some games that Snes9x can't run right that bsnes can. I don't know what those are though.
Bottom of the wiki has a page dedicated to getting ROMs/ISOs
Thanks i feel dumb for not checking closer.
Again, can you give PRECISE examples of code that belong to other people?


And I'm not nutsucking anyone, dumbass, just fact checking instead of blindly believing someone who seems kinda obsessed by that guy and not very sane himself.


You truly can't come to terms with the fact that he scammed everyone well right?

He made up pathetic autistic reasons for not having a git repo whereas, actually, the real reason was so that you cannot tell which of the code is his, and what parts of the code he 'copyright appropriated' from others. Hence it all looks like his 'code'.

Same with the 'lie' he told contributors as to why their code had to be copyright assigned to him.

He is the worst scam artist since P.T. Barnum.

", just fact checking"

the problem with that is, this autistic loser called byuu does his damn best to put stuff in the 'memory hole' on his forums, so you cannot tell at which point a dev came in, handed him some code, then he did the 'copyright re-assignment' to hand it back to him, yadda yadda.

But if you just want to believe the scam artist, have at it. Scam artists need gullible dumb people to survive, just like a bee needs flowers. You cannot help nature abhorring a vacuum.
>heard it from someone else so it must be true!

Oh we're back to that now right? Plausible deniability it is now right?

Oh well, believe what you want to believe. Others who set up camp on his forum will be able to corroborate, just because you are a dumb gullible cult member that doesn't want to do research doesn't mean shit.

This is exactly the kind of sub-80 IQ morons that byuu banked on: obfuscation, keeping a private repo so nobody can track where the code comes from, do enough thread/topic scrubbing on his forum to remove all traces, then be able to sell bsnes/higan to Hyperkin under a 'closed-source' exemption instead of delivering on his promise to put it in the public domain.

Scammery and corruption gets rewarded in this shitty scene, look no further than retards like this to verify that.
Some folks understand the burden of proof and are not just going to believe everything they hear. If you were dumb enough to get scammed by him that is your problem. I don't give a shit how butthurt you are over it. If you expect others to give a damn then prove it happened or shut the fuck up.


So, where is the code that is not his?

Ok, so you don't know and prefer repeating some shit mantra than pointing out stolen code in above github repo, I get it, it's indeed more convenient, you lazy fuck, no wonder your PS2 emulator never made any progress ;-)

Not sure how I am being scammed by the way, please enlighten me (if that's not too much work to ask you off course).
byuu deleting his entire old forum instead of archiving as read-only kind of implies that he had something to hide.

I mean there was so much information posted on there but he doesn't want people to find certain things so he deletes the whole thing instead.
That repo is a mirror of higan source releases maintained by screwtape. It is not a real repo that contains a commit history you can check. Byuu either does not use any version control repo or uses a private repo.
If his old forums still existed, you could probably find all that proof and more. But it's a moot point since he's likely removed or rewritten all such code contributions by now.

He's still a scam artist due to not releasing box art scans after people donated money to him, regardless.
>He's still a scam artist due to not releasing box art scans after people donated money to him, regardless.

Did he said he will be releasing the scans when asking for money?
>tfw anon thinks you need a reason to share something in the open source community
The S-DSP code was originally by blargg. Byuu probably rewrote it to make it more "readable" (i.e. slower)
Who the fuck would donate to have someone scan boxes then keep them to himself. Unless byuu fanbois were more gullible than I thought...
>He's still a scam artist due to not releasing box art scans after people donated money to him, regardless.
Didn't he also receive donations for the games itself? Yet all he did was submit a md5 hash or w/e...
>With who? Give us some names, Mooch...
Wow that's a first.. Never been assumed to be mooch before.. Byuu even admitted that he wouldn't have achieved his success without the help of many others.

That sounds pretty phony, now that I think about it. He seems to just be pretending to be humble. If I was only successful thanks to the efforts of several devs, I'd be sharing that money.
Does every step up to 12 work for you? Specifically in step 8, does your donger show up in the list? Does the driver get successfully replaced?
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No step 12 does not work, it doesn't show up on the monitor, just the ds3 pad.

It should be the one pic related because that's the one that shows up in devices and printers.

I'm going to try again now. I think I may know what the issue is; it could be because I had to download drivers through the windows updater after plugging the dongle in.

After I did that I found the BCM20702A0 in the list of connected devices which I hadn't done before
that is to say, I could find find it device manager under "other devices" (where the device manager didn't know what it was), but after I installed the windows update for the broadcom bluetooth adapter or whatever, it showed up in control panel which it didn't before.

Here goes...
>(i.e. slower)
Still no good.

In the device manager it shows up as BCM20702A0 as it should according to the guide.

In control panelt it shows up as you can see. But the scp monitor should detect it as a pad 2 (or am I wrong?) according to this http://forums.pcsx2.net/attachment.php?aid=47343

I honestly dont know where the dongle is supposed to be displayed in the monitor. I don't know where it's supposed to show in the scp server either
I had one because it was cheap and I was a dumb poor teenager
Theres literally no reason to own one any more
also this is with the ds3 plugged in. I tried disconnecting it but no luck
looks like you're using Windows 10. you should be using the fork of the xinput wrapper that actually supports windows 10.


also stop using windows 10 etc, blah blah.
well I'll be damned

And instead of blargg APU, he renamed it 'bapu' (byuu apu).


Typical narcissistic assburger. Everything needs to have his name plastered all over it.
thanks a lot bruv, it works dandy now
that's good. so what are you emulating?
Silent Hill. My first playthrough
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I keep seeing this section for GC games on the Dolphin wiki. Is it for making PAL isos actually running 60fps, or bringing them up to the same speed as NTSC isos, which is more correctly 30fps as compared to PAL's 25fps/50hz?
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Snek bump.
>or bringing them up to the same speed as NTSC isos
Can it play X/Y yet? No? Fuck off.
>Can it play X/Y yet?
Yes, build with:
You can't play shit, Famicom.
Doesn't dolhpin come with a pal60 option?
What is your problem?
It does, but not all games supported it.
Does anyone have experience using retroarch on a 3ds.
I've installed mgba there and it doesn't load a thing and acts like it doesn't have a core while gbsp just refuses to launch.
I'm at a loss.
gpSP requires GBA BIOS files IIRC, or it will not launch. 3DS is too slow for mGBA anyway. You might actually be better off with GBA injection since the 3DS has native GBA hardware support.

If I could, I would have. MY o3ds was hacked by a friend and it seems I don't have FBI on the health and safety app in sysnand. I can't inject. Retroarch is my only alternative sadly.
I'm on Emunand.

I'm afraid that might be too slow even for gpSP. Only the n3DS can play it decently. If you can't inject, you're SOL.
I see, thanks for the help.
PlayStation General #1 is inviting you to celebrate with us. Feel free to pass by, if not carry on and have a lovely day :)



>Didn't he also receive donations for the games itself? Yet all he did was submit a md5 hash or w/e...
That's LITERALLY all you need. He didn't take money to provide ROMs, he took money to verify what other ROMs out there he could reproduce.

>He's still a scam artist due to not releasing box art scans after people donated money to him, regardless.
Someone who was working with him on this project is still looking for a legitimate public archive with legal protection against copyright claims to give the scans to.
>Byuu either does not use any version control repo or uses a private repo.
He makes manual backups of points in revision history and diffs them to manually cherrypick changes if he doesn't like the result of a revision.

He's a human implementation of git.
>That's LITERALLY all you need. He didn't take money to provide ROMs, he took money to verify what other ROMs out there he could reproduce.

LOL the autism.
>Get hash
>Search for hash
>Download ROM with same hash
congrats, you now have the exact same ROM that byuu dumped

And where the fuck do I find that ROM?

Do i fart out of my fucking ass or what?

I don't buy shit for a shitty hash.
Mooch is a faggot
its so fucking sad that SP doesn't have a shtick like tripfagging yet you can still recognize his posts
I don't understand why SP subjects himself to our shithole.

Shitposting is a hell of a drug.
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Looking good.
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It is live.

And by live, I mean it plays Super Mario 64 flawlessly, but it still has a lot of bugs elsewhere. And while it is a lot faster than Angrylion, it still doesn't get full speed on a lot of things. It will still need an RSP dynarec for it to become usable on every game.

Can it do increased IR? And if it does, how does it influence the performance?
>And while it is a lot faster than Angrylion, it still doesn't get full speed on a lot of things.
That must mean the graphics plugin needs to be sped up too.
I've been wondering for a bit, what's the fast, shitty way of emulating n64 on retroarch? On default settings I'm having quite a bit of trouble and for now I'd rather just play some games.
Did the hardware renderer for mednafen get good yet or is it still shonky?
>hardware renderer for mednafen
It cannot, at least not yet. It is meant to be an accurate RDP renderer without the performance pitfalls of software rendering.

According to its developer, the RDP has been completely eliminated as a bottleneck. It's all on the RSP now. We're dealing with a pure interpreter here, after all.

Glide64 is the best you're gonna get. Set accuracy to high or very high under core options. You can get away with the HLE RSP for the majority of games as well.
still crashes here every time i try to go above native res

No progress lately. I've decided that the priority was pocketstation emulation: https://svkt.org/~simias/rustation/pocketstation-sound.mp4
>According to its developer, the RDP has been completely eliminated as a bottleneck. It's all on the RSP now. We're dealing with a pure interpreter here, after all.
It shouldn't be too slow in a lot games, if the RDP bottleneck is completely eliminated.

What are some games that aren't full speed? So that I have a better idea of the situation.

Why not?
Many thanks, that was a bit puzzling for me.
Is this serious?
because it's mostly useless.
Keep in mind it might depend a lot on your CPU. I'm testing from a Core i7 860 running at 2.8GHz, which is dogshit these days. I only really get full speed on non-intensive screens in Mario 64 and OoT. DK64 runs surprisingly well considering it's a late-era Rare game. Pokemon Snap and Majora's Mask are pretty slow, though. Many other games have lots of glitches or even crash. It's still very much a WIP, after all.

It's arguably more useful since as far as I know there isn't a single open source pocketstation emu.

But the real reason I'm doing it is that I'm on vacations and I don't have access to my test rig to continue developing rustation and by extension beetle's gl code.
Just follow the guide stickied over at /r/3dshacks to convert your EmuNAND setup to full A9LH/updated SysNAND. There's absolutely no reason to keep using EmuNAND nowadays- it's really, really out of date.
How come whenever I select a .cgp shader on retroarch instead of pointing to that .cgp it just creates a new retroarch.cgp and points to that instead? It's annoying as fuck and I'm sure it didn't do that before.
Where are you vacationing?

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Close, Portugal.
Is ciitra any faster at native resolution? (unless that's it)
Nah, GPU isn't the bottleneck.
The problem is only that you haven't realized how bad it is. If you get the opportunity to switch to a more sensitive controller for those same games you'll realized how horribly you've been crippling yourself.
>that exaggerated celshading
jesus christ
There is no way that image is 240p. Did they downsample it to the 3DS' display? If so, for what purpose?
Your hardware could be a factor.

However, the mupen x64 core is also slow. With your specs, you'd probably get full speed in Majora's Mask and Pokemon Snap with Jabo's LLE on PJ64 (even with cxd4's RSP).

Maybe they zoom in it?
Could be a map they zoomed into. Remember that 3ds games are hueg aswell.
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CPU cores are being entirely rewritten from scratch anyway so this won't be a factor for too long.
Oh, neat.
It still looks fucking amazing for a 3DS game.
What's the actual speed of the game? 30? How soon do you think it'll be fully playable?
Yeah 30, and it's running at 26fps there so it's not too far off (running on a 6600k though). However, I don't think anyone is currently working on any speed ups right now.
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I forgot to turn off my filters
On that note, are there any good shaders for mGBA?
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for a 2d psp game like Unchained Blades, should i use the scanline post processigng shader? apparently thats the only way to make 2d games not look like garbage on a 1080p screen,
Anybody using ReARMed PS1 core? Is there a way to see the BIOS intro?
Put PS1 BIOS in system directory. Looks for the same filenames as mednafen.
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>try to run this
>oh shit I forgot to turn on the vulkan driver
>now RA crashes
>realize I've never actually used vulkan anything
>look it up
>my 560Ti doesn't support vulkan

What the fuck, I totally thought it did.

At least it doesn't actually work that well for now.
I don't play any games that seem to need a more sensitive controller, at least. All I use it for is games GBA and older and Darksiders 2.
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Toriyama makes the same characters over and over again.

I opened that up, and thought it was a Chibi Dragon Ball Z game, with 18.
That's not DBZ?
This >>148350998 is Dragon Quest Monsters Terry no Wonderland 3D.
Does Zadig for native gamecube controllers interfere with the function of the scp wrapper for a dualshock 3, or xbone controllers, or dualshock 4s?
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Why is it so hard to find clean Wii rips?
Because no one cared as long as they were on wiiISO, and it really wasn't a problem.
Things went south when the mods began stealing user uploads and locking them behind membership paywalls and broken adfly links, while deleting any user uploads of the same game.

Now we only have big-name titles reliably preserved, and not even all of them.
That's a damn shame.
The redump set is pretty sizeable, and I'm sure there's a few nerds that actually have the whole thing.

It really should be made public already so people can start adding to it and so it will be more widespread.
Radical dude! Looks like all 3 major N64 emu groups are going to be making big gains this year.
how can i load my .sav file for a GBA game?? I was playing on my phone and now want to play on my computer. WHY THE FUCK CAN SAVE FILES USE THE SAME FUCKING FILE EXTENSION
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which looks better emugen?
The fact that you're running the left at higher IR makes it look worse than it needs to.
The right. And turn off the smoothing filter.
Trying to emulate PSX on my Android device.

Is the wiki still up-to-date with Retroarch being the best emulator for android? I've been researching more and it seems like epsxe has stepped up their game.

I've also read that Retroarch is more taxing on the hardware. I have an HTC one M8 by the way.

Any suggestions? Should I go with Retroarch, or is epsxe a good alternative?
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the game has 3d objects in the dungeon map so I guess its a tradeoff between me choosing either the 2d or 3d parts to look better.
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What are you emulating
Yeah pirate ePSXe, unless you're playing a 2D game and want shaders then use retroarch.
is that the texture scaling option? right now its bicubic.
I think so. The 'Repeat' and 'Auto-battle' text looks pretty bad.
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i think i did it? would I get any advantage if I downsample from 4k?
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Pokemon Picross. Not so bad after you save edit infinite money.
90% of the time it's going to be the exact same file with a different three letters on the end of its name. Just rename it and try.
My own FFTA2 romhack that's just a bunch of buffs to bad jobs. It just bothered me that you get punished for staying in a designated weak job for too long - you get proportionally worse at being a Scholar or a Canoneer or an Archer the longer you train as one, basically. Some even outclass others entirely in stats, which is stupid as fuck. They should at least have niches no matter what, even if they're not great.

redump is reliable, but unfortunately comes from the "piracy is literally worse than Hitler" camp of the preservation scene. From what I gather, they're extremely pissed off their past efforts found their way into public hands (particularly the PSX set) and would rather cut people out of the project than see it happen again.
Anyone know what kind of debugging functionality rpcs3 supposedly has?
This one looks better than both of those
What the hell? What are they doing but piracy? Do each of them own every game for the system?

I didn't get it either. :/
They are bullshitting and act like that because it would decrease chances of prosecution and help their defense in court. No other reason.
>found their way into public hands
Preservation is meaningless if no one can play it

They claim their stance is that it is the database, not the actual disc images, that were meant to be public.
I tend to be able to find the ones I'm looking for through torrents. Can't remember the last one I failed to get.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't save them. Since when does the actual law matter to the rich in this country?
Again, there's no value to a game people can't play. They're full of themselves. If you're for preservation you're for piracy. Piracy is good.

Hey, you don't have to tell me, guy. Go tell their delusional asses.

Preachin' to the choir.
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This is the physical manifestation of a game. This is what a game actually looks like in this world.

Weird when you really stop and think about it, huh?
When you break it down even further its just math, plastic, silicon, and other misc shit. Deep man.

No, "math" is just a mental construct. Objectively, that motherfucker is just its constituent elements arranged in a specific configuration and nothing more.
you're an idiot and ew that looks disgusting
>sharp 3d
> fucked up 2d
you did everything wrong one could do wrong
Bitch I aint tryin 2 buy weed, its just an arrangement of atoms.

Yup. In this case, "you" find this particular arrangement pleasing and beneficial.
What's a game? Just a miserable little pile of NAND gates.
This works for so much
The Chrono Trigger ROM in the PSX CD is just a very unique way to hold game data; it's NEVER executed. The Chrono Trigger CD does not not contain an emulator, nor is the ROM emulated. Square wrote a whole new kernel for CT which simply opens the ROM to grab the game data, like maps, enemy data, and scripts but doesn't execute the ROM itself.

If you look in the FF6 PSX CD and do a compare with the SNES ROM you will find that that CD contains the ROM too, but in FF6's case, the ROM has been "shattered" and split up into individual data sets. The executable data has been stripped. The CT ROM was actually there as a "secret bonus" for the Japanese market. It was put there on purpose.

However, the US version of Chrono Trigger has an exclusive distribution contract with Nintendo. If you run the US CT ROM in an SNES emulator it says "Licensed to Nintendo" in the US version. Because Nintendo has the rights, Square couldn't release the English version of the ROM in the US.

Interesting post; thank you!
Original emugens content
Best game on the 3DS right there
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L@@K R@R€
Is drastic the only non-shit NDS emulator for android? I've tried emulating DQIV with RetroArch but I cant seem to get the thing to work.
When a medium is relatively new, the imaginations of its early adherents run wild but stumble due to technological barriers. But when the barriers reach their lowest ebb while the medium is still new, the raw, unused creative energy that has been untapped for those individual's entire lives all pour out creating a few singular works in a 'golden age' that can never be repeated.
Best be bumping.

What games does the pocketstation even have?
I recognize 3 of those 5 Pokemon.
That FF8 chocobo add on thing is the only one I even know of. I just pretended like it didn't exist since I don't think you could get it in the US anyway
I'm assuming you mean Talonflame (first) and Heliolisk (third).
The first one is the bravest bird alive and the third one is an electrical lizard with some very serious skin problems.
Both are from the sixth generation.
Outside of the FF8 addon game there's the thing with YGO:FM that let's you grab cards that you're not able to get otherwise, probably a bunch of other game addons stuff I don't know about also.

Well you can with the PC rerelease, doesn't serve much purpose outside of giving you a crapton of rare items, and that's just if you don't use the duping trick.
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>Couldn't beat ganon with 20 hearts
How can you be so shit at videogames
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How does this make you feel?
Emu news for you nerds:

-Namco System ES1 cracked but no games dumped yet

-New Gameloader All Rh 195 – 07-07-2016

-Sega Saturn cracked after 20 years (video in the thread)

-Mamesick leaves MAMEUIFX

>It also ships with 30 built-in games, including Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Castlevania, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Pac-Man, and the Legend of Zelda. The console also comes replete with an HDMI cable to plug into your new-fangled HD TV.

I'll get one just to see if someone can hack it in record time and make me able to play whatever the fuck I want
would you have this?
or deal
with a rectangle box for the whole game?
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>I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.
Angry, because instead of manufacturing real NESes they're making emuboxes that are probably shit emulators with tons of bugs
Weep for emulation, in commercialism dishonored.
C'mon, this is Nintendo doing it. They'd nev-

>virtual console on Wii U
>buy Super Metroid for kicks
>PAL version
>gratuitous amounts of input lag

Burn it down. Even my PSP was better.
>New Gameloader All Rh 195 – 07-07-2016
Got a source on what this shit is, preferably not a shady looking spanish blog.
What's your opinion on LaunchBox?
>official NES emulator console
>not reprinting Game Boy Light with lithium batteries

Nintendo, destined to fail.
This is just delusional.

What's the point of making a database of information about files that don't exist?
inb4 it's a piece of shit
Here's what I think:

1. Is the controller hardware identical to an OG NES controller? (other than cable) If so, would scoop.
2. It's probably just an ARM board running a modified 3ds NES emulator
3. How are they going to manage rapid flashing in NES games? Romhack, live patching, or motion blur, maybe?
4. What palette is it going to use? brick is red?
So, how's work on the Nintendo NX emulator progressing?
Best way to play mgs?
novelty waste of money emulation box for LOLSORETROGAMENERDS to buy. fucking anything can emulate NES these days and there's an endless array of better emu boxes out there anyway, though none are better than just a simple fucking PC.

its going to sell a bajillion copies though, retards are gonna gobble this shit up.
citra chinese build
>4. What palette is it going to use?
Likely the 3DS VC palette.
What if it's a hardware clone? Just with built in HDMI output.
Analouge NT just lost to Nintendo.
It's too small to be a hardware clone, it literally fits in your hand.
It just has a few games loaded onto it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it got hacked to allow for more.
Nintendo has the exact schematics and access to advanced processor manufacturers in 2016. They could probably make a hardware clone the size of an microSD if they really wanted to.
I love all things nintendo and i will buy one of these.
when is vst midi driver getting ported to windows 10?
It's easier and cheaper to just use a generic chink SoC with an emulator.
I'm buying one but bring forth the SNES and N64 versions ASAP if u pls
>N64 version
>has mario 64, mart kart 64, oot/mm, dk64, f-zero x, mario party, banjo-kazooie
>1. Is the controller hardware identical to an OG NES controller? (other than cable) If so, would scoop.
No. The connector itself is the same as the extension port on a Wiimote. The controller itself is basically a Classic Controller shaped like a NES controller.
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>F-Zero X Expansion Kit
>Animal Forest
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On Dolphin 5.0 I'm trying to play Xenoblade Chronicles. I get a consistent 30fps and 90fps when I uncap the framerate. However, I get massive, brief dips down to around 12 fps for like 2 seconds, also resulting in distorted audio usually in cities like Colony 9 no matter what settings I use. I've also tried multiple isos. Anyone know what the deal is? I thought Chronicles was one of more optimized Wii games.

Here's my specs and all relevant settings if anyone gives a heck.
Nigga that's obvious. The controller itself, the buttons and stuff. Is that identical to a real NES? No info on that yet.
Use Ishiiruka for speedups.
Does that impact the visuals of the game at all?
I put scph5500-5502 there, still no intro
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>Nintendo is now making famiclones.
I see, trying it out now. Seems to be running better for the few minutes I've tried it although I have noticed some random geometry popping into the camera which is strange. I need to fiddle around with the settings more.
They have nothing else to sell for the holidays. They probably had this on standby for a while. It takes nothing for them to churn these out. They are throwing out scraps until they have NX ready.
>wanting Mario Kart 64
Why? It's the worst game in the whole series.
Yeah it does, instead of waiting for shaders, it runs without shaders until they're generated, making some models and effects invisible for a moment.
muh nostalgia
what do you want them to do, port Crash Team Racing to the N64?
is ctr a better game?
>GCN Majora's Mask on Dolphin looks better than Majora 3D
It's the best kart racer. Copied all the good things and invented some better things, had higher skill ceiling plus had actual good courses and fair items. It's also really fucking good looking for a PSX game. Came out like 2 years after MK64 so it wasn't a very fair comparison at the time, but it's undeniable that it holds up better when going back.
this is great
I'm trying to play Demon's Crest but the game slows down a lot in the second level. I have tried with bsnes-mercury balanced and Snes9x Next (Retroarch). Any help?
Is the framerate counter going down, or is it just the game?
FPS counter stays at 60
Then there's nothing you can do, the game ran poorly on real hardware.
Well, that sucks. Thanks anyway.
N64 VC on Dolphin is known to be better than actual N64 emulators.
Looks like shit desu, unless you're 14.


this is way nicer

The acutal game has slowdown. Short of snes overclocking in MAME there's nothing you can do.

Seriously try MAME and see if that helps.
Someone should update the overclocking page on the wiki with all the mame shit, I forgot all about that.
>N64 VC on Dolphin is known to be better than actual N64 emulators.
You're retarded. Even JMC disagrees.

Which emulator lives inside do you think?

Their own probably.

To think there are people who are going to buy this even though you could have a better emulation experience basically for free (unless you want to buy replica controllers)
What the heck is this "For 720p" stuff they're adding to the upscale menu? 1200x1000xish should be far higher res than 720p
Pokemon Yellow on my Phone. Just started today
I hope that's a 151 hack anon

>playing pokemon in an emulator
>can't trade
I played gb pokemon games on a symbian phone and I went out of my way to copy saves to my pc and trade pokemon with tgbdual
The only ones I couldn't get the legit way were mew and celebi
Theres a new option in the emulator where you can trade with other guy in his phone but yeah no way i will find someone playing this games
There's no reason not to play a full dex obtainable hack of any Pokemon version really. It's fixing a design flaw that was put in to make you buy more garbage.
What are some cool GBC pokemon romhacks that add new maps and such?
I'm new to emulating ps2 games with pcsx2 and pressed ESC. According to the pcsx2 wiki this "Pauses the emulation.". The problem is now unpausing. Pressing ESC again doesn't work and I can't find what key to press on the wiki.
How do I unpause the emulation?
File > Resume
I see, thank you.
It is true that GLideN64 is useless, now that ParaLLel is out?
There are madmen who think of preservation like this:

>Very nice unit, I would price it at around $1500 -2000 and not accept a penny less if I were you.
It has a retail case, so it's probably recased for display at a trade show, or has a custom rom on it. Nintendo had no issue with making small batch hardware for special purposes.

>I would grab a cheap retail disk and test with that. If it's just a recased dev, then my estimate holds, if it's a retail unit, then I would say start at $2000, hope for $2500.

>You have to remember that nintendo fans are around 40 years old now, so prices will peak
in the next ten years as they retire.

>Certainly sell before they start dying off and prices drop.

Only caring about how much money they can make off it.

I don't think there's any pretense of preservation here. It's like those people who keep undumped ROMs to themselves so that they don't lose value.
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 emulates a Trio64 and a SB16. Everything that doesn't require Glide or DirectX hardware runs fine.

As it uses VT-x for increased speed, you can get 100+ FPS on Unreal Tournament if you use DirectX, as it has software acceleration.

If you really, really need something with DirectX or Glide, you can run both SwiftShader and nGlide (or another wrapper). It can play Unreal Tournament at ~20FPS in Glide mode and run earlier games at playable/full speeds.

It lacks MIDI support, but you can just install that in the guest.

Speeds vary on your processor, of course. I have a i5 3570k running at stock.
Is getting every single one such a big deal?
Not quite yet. ParaLLEl is still in the alpha stages, and will still require an RSP recompiler before it'll run at good speeds on lower-end PCs and mobile devices. And even once it's complete, it'll likely stay a native-res plugin, so if you want HD graphics, there'll still be a place for the HLE plugins.
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So I'm emulating the first Raidou game and I had a little question about this code. It says L1+Select to disable random encounters, but it's not quite working. The other codes seem to be working fine.
Getting closer!

>No idea if it works on AMD
The answer is always fucking NO, build or buy a gaming computer if you want to play goddamn games.
>Not going to implement XFB, waiting on TextureCache-based XFB first.
What does this mean? Is that a thing that is actually coming or are they just giving up?
AMD are gaming GPUs
Too bad it needs this to be fully done:
phire always takes so long on WIP pull requests.
They aren't dumb enough to spend money on that garbage to test it.
>shilling nvidia
pls stop...
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You can emulate Diablo on your Gameboy
How long does it take to render a frame?
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/emugen/ - Nvidia General
meant for >>148482270
Start making it a goal to simply keep up with modern standards and you won't be a joke manufacturer, it's very simple.
1/20th of a second
Didn't it come out that AMD has better Vulkan performance with async compute enabled than Nvidia?

Apparently Nvidia isn't actually all too fond of low-level APIs.
Then it isn't emulation it's a PORT
New Thread:
Or maybe the Gameboy is a supercomputer
Too late though, everyone has Nvidia GPUs due to AMD's fuck ups so now emudevs who will only buy Nvidia will only support Nvidia. The race is over, the winner has already been decided. Now we wait for prices on Nvidia cards to skyrocket to 600 dollars minimum.
that's not true, this only highlights how abysmal is GL support in radeon
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