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/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

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Thread replies: 793
Thread images: 141

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>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs to release July 15.
-Demo is out, has online.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does /vg/ play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In 4U, Target: Fishing (it's 4 to the left)
In X, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)


Tags: MHGen, MHX, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread >>147854639
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first for tammie
first for kirito
3rd for GS is easymode.
Second for Heavy Bowgun should be stronger
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xth for Generations is shit and where's the leaked cia already?!
Shaved or unshaven?
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S tier - My weapon
E tier - Your weapon
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As an out of shape bowfag.
What makes it god tier in generations?
Like these?
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Or these?
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you are nice
i like you
i want to swim with lagiacrus!
Don't trust /mhg/'s opinion on weapons. Do the research yourself.

The only valuable opinion they may have is which monster vagina is the wettest.
every bow has power shot now
they buffed power shot so that it can access level 4 charges without needing load up

gunners got a couple nice skills like a chance not to consume ammo/coatings
>these are the people you hunt with
Where were you when /mhg/ died?
hahahahaha nice meme my dude
so will lbg be fun in generations? its always been my favorite...
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implying I hunt with /mhg/ and am not just in here for the banter while I hunt with friends
moar like this please?
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>tier lists in MonHun
>Me placing the weapons I like in S-tier is just a coincidence
What is the max amount friend codes that the 3ds can have registered? I have 71 and I think that I will start deleting some.
>they buffed power shot so that it can access level 4 charges without needing load up
How? Using post-evade adept charge?
I believe its 100
99, but how do you even get to that many?
What skills does that armor give?
I think so? citation needed however so you'd probably be best off looking into it yourself

the fact that every bow now has power shot is pretty great though
Tnx for the info. All of them are hunters that I registered while playing 4U, at least 90% of them are good.
Raw or element bow?
Leak when?
Hammer is precisely backwards.
When the hackers get sick of playing Pokemon Go and put in down long enough to dump the cart.
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It let's you fight a special Jho. Special in the kind that he wount allow any armor
Slutty bow users? That's the only kind
raw with the best charge levels
I would pay someone to leak the fucking game
how about you just wait 6 days you impatient fuck
Capcom will leak it in like 6 days:^)
do people in these threads actually want to fuck the monsters or is it just ironic shitposting?
Where do you think you are?
We can only hope that it is ironic shitposting.
But those huntresses on the other hand
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That's silly.
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Ok /mhg/ I played with you several times, generally I don't talk too much because my english is not too good and I feel ashamed if I screw up because sometimes you are rude with the no english speakers, but this time I need your help. I just need one more small fucking crown, so it's Kushala Daora. Actually, I'm tired of hunt it because already I have hunted 169 times.

Go to fishing

i haven't played 4u in a while but i'll help you anon
That's one of the two small crown I'm also missing.
I can't help you, but I wish you best of lucks anon
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monsters are for snug
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What? No, that would be gay.
Getting fucked by the monsters on the other hand...
>full room

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That's not english.

wena ctmre
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>But those huntresses on the other hand
This anon gets it.
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>getting into a hot spring with your fucking helmet on
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I want chileans to GIT OUT
t. supreme inca
>all the rajang armors in X look like shit and have less skills
So there is literally no reason to kill this ape is there
the rajang population has been dealt with enough
>i only hunt the monsters for the armor i want
why do you people even play these games
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why else would he hunt rajang

it's not like it's a fun fight regardless
to fight fun monsters, and farm.
Rajang isn't fun, and I don't need to farm it.
God is in his heaven.
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>meet some grill in mh4u
>she friends me on fb
>end up having a truly terrible experience with her
>she always used a kirin huntress as her profile pic
>kirin huntress was my waifu
>can't even look at her anymore

So I can spend about 20 hours playing dressup, and then 1000+ hours shitposting in /mhg/ waiting for the next Monster Hunter game.
Wanna tell us your spaghetti recipe?
>GL will never be good

why even main
I want to git gud with longsword, Lance, bow, and Gunlance because I didn't use any of them during 4u. What's the best way to learn them and what styles should I use?


which armor set is the sluttiest
cause its fun
no, it's too humiliating
sluttiest armor is grimclaw tigrex
search youtube for mhx + the name of your weapon in japanese and watch what they do
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>kirin huntress
>being this entry level
Play the demo Narga using those weapons and different stiles. adept long sword, striker lance, aerial gunlance, and adept bow sound all good. Why to be a slut if you can be a mecha?
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Wait so is this reverse psychology to make us post kirin sluts because you "don't" like them anymore?

Stop it
>Try out adept style
>Narga swipe in the middle of my roll
>Still get the perfect evade

Hahaha this is dumb
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why are you doing this?
>adept long sword
I can never fucking run in the right direction after dodging in adept style, especially with monsters like the Maccau who lunge at you from across the screen. Always whiff the attack or don't go in the right direction
Perfect evade is fucking broken, you can still trigger it even as you're ending the roll animation.

At least is fun, so I'm not complaining much, but I'd rather have it being an attack that that collides with you while you're at your i-frames, so Evasion skills would matter too. Oh, well.
it's out boys
>mlp/start wars general

jesus christ can those faggots ever stop with the horrible threads?
are we doing this again guys
I was the same at first, turns out adept is not as easy as those tryhards said
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top kek
If I say that i'm still into them, will you stop?
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Guy looks like he's flailing his arms rather than doing jazz hands.
Well, the UK hasn't quite left the EU yet. And it certainly can't leave Europe.
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>that armpit
Anyone thinking of going full taunting tank style Hammer? I'm not quite sure what to make fo that art
any set that allows you to get -10 in the sneak skill
>Put trap.
>Use taunt.
i'll probably run an sns cleric set
I don't see the purpose of adept lance. The attack you can do after blocking doesn't seem to do much damage and you can't really do much after it
SnS is old hat senpai
what you really want is striker CB with a status weapon and focus on your armor, plus the following hunter arts:
-Hunter's Oasis
-Healing Phial
-Limit Break
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You can poke, but you can that with the normal counter as well, so I agree. The timing is also a lot tighter than the dogde.
Which is a shame, as I love to guard-lance, and a huge reason is the counters
i'm ready anon
will you play with me?
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>mh will never be at evo
so will you anons be running the the single player first or just hopping into online?
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I'm ready now.
Despite being the most monotonous MH ever, I will do it in order, on and offline.
I meant as an official game
So what's the most retardedly broken weapon in Generations?
I'll be doing both at the same time depending on what I feel like doing
I'll do some single player at first. I feel that's there no rush to get the highest hr as fast as possible.
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It'll probably arrive late at my city.
Please fucking end me.
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>prowler players who take all the traps at the start of the hunt
>bow/gun players who stay as far away from the monster as possible
>hammer players ground slamming every player
>random disconnects in every group
>so many people failing mounts

I have a bad, bad feeling about Generations. It feels like we're in for a brand new generation of shitters.
Nah, SnS is really strong but not really broken in my opinion
Why are you smiling?
so will nanaca powersave in this game too?
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Now we're talkin
Why play fighting games when you could be hunting
What makes it monotonous compared to other games?
Sns get all the tools and can do whatever it wants. But it dosn't have insane damage. I dunno what the most damaging weapon is in Gen. SA?
You forgott the assholes with gunlances shelling everyone in the face and the bow users who don't know what a charge shot is
Aparently Low Rank is a slog because of a plethora of gathering quests.
Having more than double 4U's (a G Rank game) gathering quests, for a start. Also just really uninteresting quest progression coupled with no story, no woods, nothing to really get sidetracked on.
From what I could tell SA got buffed and CB got nerfed.
Oh shit I hope there's more egg quests. I think I'm the only one alive that likes them.
Yeah, I know. SA in Stirker with those swords buffs do really good damage. Not sure if there are other weapons that can deal more.
I'll be maining a new weapon like I do in every game, so I go through SP first to become competent.
>CB got nerfed
I don't see why so many people say that, they did change the way you use it but once you get the hang of it the damn thing is just as strong as before
I like egg quests, but they were more interesting compared to this time around.
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How many crossovers do we have in X? I've seen the Toon Link and Amaterasu outfits for Palicoes.
>You forgott the assholes with gunlances shelling everyone in the face

How do I avoid this?
I don't know why people say it's just as strong as it was before when it's consistently in the bottom 50% of weapons for time attacks when it was consistently top 4 in 4U

it's not like the evidence from players is already out there or anything so I don't know why they think it isn't as good as its ever been
>How do I avoid this?
You don't, that's the problem.

If you're fighting anything smaller than Akantor, a GL player will be flinging you constantly.
You can't, GL is much weaker and even more cancerous than before. Let's just hope that nobody uses it in the full game.
Ive been using a lot of HBG in 4. Havnt really touched it before that. I am considering trying out LBG, but I can only imagine that it have the same bad matchups as HBG? Such as Teo and M. Tigrex. Are there any monsters that get easier with lbg compared to hbg?
I have solo in mind as a palette.
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>tfw you where planning on maining GL
Whats with blue ammo colour with HBG? I know green means its for siege, but blue is new I think
bowguns come with special built-in ammo now
Just remember, when people from here say the password is rage, it's 1111

It's shots that are in the gun from the start, they can't be made, and you will always start with them on a hunt, and they refresh after each hunt
I think thats just in-built ammo every bowgun comes with
i do the same thing. i've done hammer, IG, sns, lbg. probably gonna try out dual blades or hunting horn this game
Cool, thanks
Generations is specifically marketed to get all the shitters who weren't even gud enough to handle the beginning of 4U with tons of SUPER COOL HAXORS SUPER MOVES!
I'm expecting thousands of shitters getting carried all the way through low rank before ultimately getting walled at plesioth because they still only have the default bherna gear.
the monster meta is just out of favor for it this game. the past meta was much better. that's really the only reason for that.
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Is Plesioth really a wall though? One good attack doesn't seem like enough to completely stop progress, even if the player is bad.
From where you got all this pics?
So is Generations/Cross considered easier and overall a worse game then 4u?
Plesioth is just a meme, anon
Not the reply I was hoping for.
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Since "Gatador" is the best translation of "Nyanta", we should have a Puss in Boots equipment set for Felynes and Antonio Banderas as a Palico voice actor.
The latter sounds like a perfect modding project, actually.

Also, I was kind of shocked to see that the French of all people put far more effort and thought into the translation than the Germans and the Spanish combined.
France does have a humongous MH following.
spanish translations are always among the worst and tend to be pretty fucking cringey, anon.
I am a native spanish speaker btw.
el peruANO
Then why are they so shit online?

Look, I'm not one to subscribe to national stereotypes, but I've experienced their soul-shattering inability to contribute to a hunt time and again online, as far back as Tri.
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The French are shit at many things.
Don't fall for the memes
As a peruvian, this amuses me
It's easy as hell except for variants. Have you even played X?
yes. spend another 2 years grinding GQs for those relics.
Same for German translations. But only in entertainment.

If you want technical translation, you get German precision at its best, but when it comes to anything remotely creative, our translators drop the ball so hard, it leaves a poorly described crater in the floor.
I've meet a a lot of good french players as well. I think it's also because you expect that they will be bad, so you notice it even faster when they are bad.
Well, what I noticed is that if they play the game in French, as evidenced by their shout-outs, they tend to suck, whereas those who play it in English tend to be just fine.

What's fun about desperately trying to stay close enough to monsters to hit them with your no damage poke stick (with added no damage explosion feature)?
If they don't suck and they don't Ja suis monte?
In the demo it´s pretty fun, that art of the land mine and running it's actually pretty useful since it charges pretty fast.
I'm french, played the demo a bunch with /mhg/ nobody ever complained or memed.
Yeah, the landmine is pretty radical, the coolest thing I did with it was shoot it, and the the blowback blew me out of the zone right as the maccao died.
Which translated name for Nyantas does /mhg/ like best? We've got

Actually I'm gonna steal it, bye.
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>King shakalaka STILL isn't in
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Gatador, obviously.
>Also, I was kind of shocked to see that the French of all people put far more effort and thought into the translation than the Germans and the Spanish combined.
France has been Japan's dick since the 80's for their cultural products, and is the second biggest manga consumer, behind Japan. It's really not that surprising.

The good French players are nerds who want to blend in, and use English shoutouts. That's why you notice the shitty ones.
t. frog.
They are all so bad... what's with this cat obsession everyone has nowadays? hunting hounds would make so much more sense, that or capturing and taming small monsters.
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>posting an imnage is avatarfagging
lol ky self my man
Let me guess, you're a Shakalaka fan and started in 3rd gen.
does anybody plan on doing the singleplayer exclusively with prowler?
I'd rather have fun

God no. They will only be used on harvesting missions.
>i hate myself
it shows, anon
seek help
I don't remember mentioning them in my post. Does it upset you that I don't like to suck cat dick?
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Hell yeah I wanna suffer.
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anyone have a link to a MHtri iso?
>one image
Fucking idiot.
No, I just wanted to point out your ignorance, considering Felynes have been a part of Monster Hunter since the very first game.
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fight me
And you think I don't know that because? I just think they are a stupid feature. Sorry if my pinion is not the same as yours.
Do people still play 3U on Wiiu?
Gatador is god tier
Shoulndt it be Catador? I'm not very smart
gato = cat
matador + gato = gatador
cat = cat
cat + matador = catador

checkmate atheists
I don't speak Spanish, how and why should I know what cat is in Spanish?
i don't speak spanish either and yet i know basic shit like this
have you tried fucking google translate
That's how I found out that it was Spanish for cat. I just googled cat in French and German now
Pointless, since 'chat' and 'chasseur' make for a very weak pun and we Germans can't into puns, period.
why the fuck germany
>since 'chat' and 'chasseur' make for a very weak pun
Why the hell did I not even think about that
Because literal translation of Prowler.
The way the German translation worked was
>get English spreadsheet
>disregard game
>translate spreadsheet without much thinking

That's why Palico Rally became Kameradentreffen (Buddy Get-Together) and Big Barrel Bombay became Groß-Fassbombig (big-barrel-bomb-y).
Im Ernst?
Man, Germans are pretty cool
I have a serious question regarding German:

are ß and ss two different sounds? Iirc, and I'm probably not, ß is a variation of S with more hiss.

Überzeug dich selbst.

I didn't believe my eyes at first, but now I just want to find the translator, put a boomerang through his head and take his job.

No. They're just spelling variations.
'ß' and 'ss' are invariably the equivalent of the letter 's' in English, while a single 's' can be either and English 'z' or 's', depending on the word.

What is?
I see, thanks.

In return I'd like to share a little knowledge about Spanish: phonetically, there are no disctintions between B and V, but there are a bunch of rules for written Spanish, so in the end most people make mistakes with those two letters, even if they've been talking Spanish their whole lives.

Yeah, that. Let's talk about monsters, bye.
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>12 mins on offline narg with adept bow

How do i kill faster? Just all power coated shots to the head at crit distance?
>Erlege den Malfestio
meine fresse
why did you make me do this
>Groß-Fassbombig is real
fucking kill me holy shit
that's worse than Das Zeug muss nach oben!
Narg takes more damage from his wings?
To make you share my pain.

Join me as a fellow translator and together we shall save this stale cesspool our games industry has become!
>being a translator
i feel sorry for you
unless you're a fan translator or something
Frenchmen just love their puns.
Everyone I know just plays games in english because german translation sucks.
Technical translation pays well enough.

Well, yeah. Me, too.
The only one I know who played MH in German is my ex, but even she switched to English for 4U.
el gato is definitely one of those things where you don't need to know Spanish to have heard before
Puns do not serve a function, neither does jokes. The only thing that matters is a good killtime with little to no item usage.
>technical translation
what kinda technical translations are we talking
what did you work on? now i'm curious
why the fuck aren't you off to sleep yet it's 2am
>HP mods
why is this shit mechanic still in the franchise?
semi-random Size is fine but monsters having random HP is so fucking stupid
Its not just the puns.
I mainly play in english because most of the most for things are shit too.
There is also the bonus of it being easier to look shit up if I know the english name and don't have to guess the translation.
is this really a thing. if it is, it barely makes a difference. food skills failing and advanced quests are more of a bother to me.
Engineering. And marketing, because most people can't tell the difference.
Also, I'm still in training, so I haven't done any major work so far.
It's the weekend. And I am currently typing this in bed.
>most of the most
That was supposed to say names
what kinda minor work did you do then
c'mon i'm curious now anon
>And I am currently typing this in bed.
how lewd
post sick memes
Some monsters are stronger than others. HP doesn't vary that much anyway
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>go to fishing
>see a room up
>enter without inputing a code
>see pic related
It is a significant difference. Just for an example, it's why pretty much everyone doesn't bother with RTAing MH games.
Not as bad as people rping SAO.
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Manuals, product descriptions, the kind of minor stuff that always needs doing but doesn't require any particular expertise or fancy wordplay.

Anyway, off to bed. Er, sleep.
Of course. There's no G rank, and monsters don't hit quite hard enough until you're at end game.
It does lack some of 4U's roster. Great Jaggi, Congalala, Basarios, Gravios, Monoblos, Diablos, Fatalis, Nerscylla, Dah'ren Mohran, Dalamadur, and Gogmazios are all gone for various reasons. Returning monsters make up for some of this.
The rest depends on how much you enjoy apex and relics.
Sleep tight, germanbro
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oh, how boring
sweet dreams translator anon
fix mhgen please
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4u LS is the best it ever was
guild bow>adept bow
gaijinhunter is the best
cb>hammer when it comes to ko's
life hone>def hone>atk hone
elemental damage>raw damage for every weapon
irc needs to come back
30 fps is acceptable in action games
the next mh is mhxg
the bottom 5 in weapon TA's are not viable
ichinose killed MH with his cancerous directing

sick enough for you?
Why did I start out with the Great Sword as my first weapon? Now I can't stand playing with any other weapon because the kill times almost double when I do.
Then you are just shit.
Maybe you need more practice with other weapons
I'm quite good with the other weapons I play actually (Long Sword and Hunting Horn), but I always end up switching back to GS in solo play because I lose patience during normal hunts.
you need more practice because most are pretty close you fucking shitter
>30 fps is acceptable in action games
Not a meme, it's a fact.
What the fuck do you think that MH runs at.
>30 fps is enough the human eye can't see more anyway you memers XDD
Kill yourself
Please go back to /v/.
If your hunt time is almost double, how can you say you are quite good?
so generations won't have g rank right ? I'm planning to get it play it and then continue ye my mh4u save where I stopped at beginning of high
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>go out for a few hours
>come back
>still no leaked generations cia

Hurry up with it you shit fucks!
Please go back to the 90's with your shit framerate
30 fps doesn't make an action game bad, Godhand runs at 30fps, but it is recommended to be minimum 60fps

The most important things to an action game for me are
1. Animation
2. Sound design
3. Options to attack
4. Boss and enemy design
and then
5. framerate
The maths doesn't lie. I've even seen /mhg/ unanimously agree that HH and LS are shit solo weapons in MH4U.
i have it
>recommended to be
By who? As long as the framerate is constant and at 30 minimum everything is fine.
Too bad those 3 are the only weapons in 4u right?
>and at 30 minimum
But that's not the case.
Nope. You can always wait for this year's MH game to be revealed at TGS.
It is the case, we're talking 30 FPS not 29, 15 or 10.
I don't find any of the other ones fun to play except maybe Light Bowgun. How are the killtimes for that?
Don't know. There is a TA pastebin in the OP though
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>6 days until MH Gen
People who think 30fps is OK for any game is obviously a filthy poor who has never played an action game at a solid 60+fps. Just ignore them.
>Online UK retailer is shipping the game out early

Who /collectors 3ds/ here?
shopto is godlike
they always ship like a week early
Stay mad, leakfag
Is Adept Gunlance even necessary? You can negate the chip damage with armor skill, and if you want fullburst aerial can do it a lot easier.
>i'm such an impatient child i can't wait 6 days

mhg in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen. don't you have homework due monday you should be doing?
>want to main GL
> don't want to be that guy that nobody like because I keep sending people flying because of my shelling

What do? How can I be a good GLfag without being a hindrance to everybody else
Who here maining the CB despite all the shit it went?
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>memeblade users

Just attack different body parts, jesus christ it's not hard. Great Sword, Hammer and Dual Blades always get priority on the face of the monster, then the Hunting Horn, and Long Sword gets priority on the tail, so hit any part of the monster after that.
you're of a dying species, anon.
>using CB at all
It's still insulting to see it existing but it's nothing compared to hunting arts and adept.

Just hit the part of the monster nobody else wants to hit. Your damage is shit regardless so it doesn't matter.
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post tamamitsune
I'm actually sick of doing that.
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rathalos might just fuck yo main bitch
thats just how he feel
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Please go back to /v/. This isn't a place for casuals like you. HR999s only. Thank you for understanding.
>implying you are even higher than hundred
Fuck off leakfaggot, everyone hates you here
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let's share FCs!
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>Hating on people who want to play the game ASAP

This is a monster hunter general, where the fuck do you think you are? Also of course I don't have homework, I'm a full time software developer.
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Maybe it's time to go do your work then.
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>localizers were originally going to localize tamamitsune into just mitsune
>later decided that would be lazy as fuck to just chop half the name off and instead made it mizutsune
>then they change amatsu magatsuchi into just amatsu
God I hate the fucking localization for generations.
No, it's
>Hating on people who are fucking annoying with their constant leak bullshit
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>le fuck localization meme
It's like nintendo kiddies found the new meme to complain about
But the game has been out for a year anon.
But why are they considered shit/god tier?
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I want to hug Narga.
So after playing some Freedom Unite after remembering I own a copy, should I go all in and grab a 3ds along with Generations? I enjoy FU despite the garbage hitboxes and I thought the extra missions in Peace Walker were neat. Should I go for a previous/current game instead?
>tfw can play demo but saving autism for full game

and, what are the active bow demo skills?

leak when
>Liking meme infested butchered localizations
Fuck off nintendrone, I can't wait for the day monster hunter leaves this cancerous sterile platform and goes to literally anything else made for adults.
>full time developer
>but he has free time to play monhan til HR 999

So you're not even a good developer, or you don't have a job, you fucking neet.
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>mfw lost my mh4u save and the only thing keeping me together is the MHG demo.
I got stockholm syndrome and the malfestio seems fun now.
Actually I think it goes like this.
Cazador = hunter.
Cazador + gato = Gatador.
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Is g-rank in generations?
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Duh, why do you think it's called GGGGGenerations?
>be mechanical engineer
>the #1 excuse for legitimately slacking off
>"my simulation is running"



But Monster Hunter's target audience is Japanese children?
That is clearly a trap.
>tfw got an N3ds just before MHG limited edition N3ds was announced.

at least I got a duel IPS model.
Which player is more annoying: GLfags or LSfags?
The whiny fags.
guys i just got from /v/ so tell me quickly does the generations cia leak yet? can i has link plz.
5 hours
The shitter who can't min-max properly or doesn't even mix-max at all is the most annoying.
The shitters who only min-max

>Working 24/7 365 days a year, 15 hour shifts

Is this what you think adults do?
The fags that use weapons to kill monsters
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No, you exaggerated son of a bitch.
Question: how long did it took you to reach HR 999? If it's a respectable long time, I might believe you are a working, functioning programmer.
The games been out for more than a year. If you're not at least HR999 on your first file then you don't belong here 2bqh.
were is the leak?
drink bleach
where is the leak
were is the leak?
leak is were?

Oh, shit!

Guys, this dude is legit. I drank some bleach and when I hopped back on my computer my browser was open to a page with the leak on it. But the URL bar was scrubbed so I can't share it. Try for yourselves!
leaky Rathian pussy?
were is leek?
leak wheres the leak, leak it should of been leak leaked yesterday
Okay for real, though, where should I be watching for the game to pop up when it does leak? I've been keeping the 3DSiso new posts screen up for most of the day but other than that and these threads I'm not sure where to keep my eyes on.
Not content with pirating a game, you're throwing a tantrum because you can't play it before the people who actually bought it and support the developers.

Is this what you think adults do?
I have two questions that are many questions.

1) .CIA when?
2) (This is the many questions one) How's the female vs male armor quality in MHX? What's the tier list look like? Are Mega Dash juices farmable? wen i fire aktor? Does the offline story unlock a lot of stuff like in 4? Are there any quality of life changes beside the auto gathering by holding a button down? There's no charm table bullshit...right? Is the Finance still shit? What's the MH3 Lance/P3rd Bow/4U CB/Freedom 2 Bow/Freedom 1 SnS of this game?
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Now shut up leakfaggots. Either do the rest of the work yourself or bring this to the attention of someone who can.
USA leak when?
Jesus Christ, I leave a few hours and this place grows several tumors. What the fuck /mhg/?

What's the fucking difference? If you already hacked your 3DS you can run out-of-region games.
It literally doesn't matter what version you're using. The only reason people want EU/US is for the official translation.

Thanks, I might be able to contribute.
look very good leek much thank

this good leek too
I haven't done any scientific testing but mega dash juices feel like they've been nerfed. They're dash juice tier now and still annoying to farm for.
So would I be able to use the EU save on a US cart? I've already pre-ordered the US one I just want to play early.
How? No harm in trying anyway

Still DL'ing, so I'll report back after, but I'm sure others will have figured it out before that.
>5 known viruses
nice troll
Converted to .CIA and upload to Mega when?
I'll do it if no one does before me

Like a half hour? Keep watching the thread. Someone will post it. You don't have to keep spamming about it.
I'll wait for you guys to virus check it and convert it to .CIA since I know jack shit about doing that. I was barely able to install my CFW.


Please hurry anon!
Please remember where you are and avoid acting like a faggot.
My autism wont let me play this unless its US region
>Heya Mods, I know I'm a new poster but hopefully this gets approved quickly so others can jump on this. =)

I'm not falling for it. Real leek when?
Can someone malware check that leak plz?
>he waited 8 months just to read memes

Can confirm it is not a virus. Converting to .cia now, still not sure if it is the correct game.
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Upload the .CIA ASAP if it works.
When will we get Monster Hunter Go? Is that the game that's coming out later this year?
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I just want to know what the Skele-squid's localized name is.
its legit can post picks if you guyys want
>5 3ds
why you autistic fuck?
Is there a way to convert to cia without decrypt 9? I'm on a9lh
Isn't it Nakarkos or something like that?
I wanna use the exact same voice/hair/skin as my old huntress, is there a way to figure out which was was which and/or transfer?
what fucking nerdspeak are you fags talking? cia this isnt the government. poorfag impatient children cant wait 6 days and support developers with a measley 40 dollars
>showing off this much

Does this namefag newb want praise or something? Go back to /v/!

I generated .xorpads with RXTools, which I still have on my system after upgrading to luma.

Conversion complete, waiting for the file to transfer to my SD...
>over quota
Mega is shit. Torrent when?
Someone malware check plz
i prefer this namefag as opposed to those terrible fucking tripfags

Longsword or SA mhg

How come this cia is the same size as the rar?

Adept longsword, aerial SA
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If this turns out to be shit I'm gonna blacklist you so hard.
Is it EUR or USA?
Yeah, just get Decrypt9? Plailect's guide instructed me to set up Decrypt9 to boot while holding L and now I'm happy that I did.

You could easily get the homebrew channel CIA and just run Decrypt9 from in there too.

CIA lads
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best be real, nigga
These aren't all mine.

I wasn't ready for a screenshot, unfortunately. HERE.

Something like the .3ds is padded with a bunch of 0's which rars can compress.

You haven't already?
>supporting zero effort garbage like generations

does having a yurop verion of 4u affect anything when playing multiplayer, either on or offline?
>stuck on character creation
>just thought about choosing what to play as
well fuck my life up senpai
Confirming leaked .CIA from Mega is legit.
no the games have the same translations and share servers
X SaveData on Gen when?
Getting "install failed!" from FBI
tfw error 001 0502

Guess no MHG for me
Female or male guys! I don't have much longer until the .CIA is done.

this. I paid for 3U, I paid for 4U, not paying for this memeshit
>mfw when I played X for 40 hours and got to HR4
>I'm now about to start over again

Move closer to your router.

I fucking hate you all.

Never mind, I'm an idiot and was out of space on my SD.
>thinking 40 hours is alot
wew lad
why not both
That loli appears to be hugging a massive vieny testicle. I'd like to request the source for purely scientific reasons.
USA cia when
I'm picking male, but it doesn't really matter since with a hex editor you can easily change genders.
It doesn't really matter which one you get though right?
They should be identical.

Not exactly, the armor is specific to your gender. Things can break if you change the gender of your character and not the armor.
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The wait is killing me! Pixel, you're a good guy but if this doesn't work I'm going to have to rape everything you love and hold dear. Please understand.
Second this. Google Drive should be plenty.
What kinda beats does Narga play? Negro beats? House? Happy hardcore? Trance?

Why do you want a US cia? They're functionally the same thing.
it doesn't know because its headphones are ear protectors to make sure it doesnt hurt its ears
well he's a piratefag so you know hes autistic
>waiting 6 more days to play

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>waiting 6 days to BUY the game

Because I have a US 3ds not a EUR one! I can't play PAL games I need it to display NTSC you moron.
In what case would you need a cia and not have a region unlocked 3ds
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>not using FBI to install
kek, as if region locking is an obstacle to CFW

Well I was uninstalling X with it so I figured why exit when I can try the Gens cia from here.
If I have US MH4U save data, will I be able to import it into the EU MHGen cia?
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oh well.gif
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>claim bonuses from monster hunter 4 ultimate save data
>gen say says no data for mh4u found
>mh4u still on my system from when i bought it
>remember this is an eu rom and my na version of 4u is probably why i cant claim bonuses

What's wrong with the mega?
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Would anyone like to help me get brach gem in hard mode?
Same here, installed my cart as CIA and it won't recognize my save. Just gonna play for now till someone finds fix.
Will there be any problems with playing the EU version of gen over the US one?
>Can't claim the following items
-- Potion
-- Honey
-- Lifepowder
-- Mega pots
-- Vouchers
-- 5000 Zenny

>Playing a week early

pretty easy choice to make imo
what's the bonus?
Can't import a US 4U save if you care. May need a region lock disabler if your CFW doesn't have one innately.
Tried importing mine and it couldn't find it so probably not. Maybe a work around will be found later or you have to wait for US release.
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>Implying you can't easily get all of that and more between now and release
>Thinking that any of the loyalty rewards matter and aren't just a little nice thing to have
It's shit. Been stuck at 20% forever now. And running through the browser makes the file a cache somewhere that can be lost if you can't find it.
Just wanna let you know your meme didn't fall on deaf ears, my friend. Everyone here is too young to get it. Cheers mate.
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!



MHG didn't have encryption like 4U did it seems, or if it had, people have been using saveditors on MHX since months ago, and I don't think they would up the encryption.

So at worst, you'll have to edit a bit or two on your EUR save.

Hell, I ported MH4G to MH4U without any issues.
How can I share it with you without using megaupload?
he didn't even fucking dump it retard
>makes the file a cache somewhere that can be lost if you can't find it
It's saved in cookie folder, if you're on chrome, just go to setting>content setting>all cookies and site data>search mega>delete.
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>ill be waiting for a us cia anyway because i don't want a filthy euro cia plaguing my 3ds
Google Drive?
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Don't forget that Tigrex palico costume you get as a claim bonus.
And here I use to think you were cool adults who used their money to give into their hobbies.
Well, whatever. This place reeks of shit anyway.
my autism is too strong, i don't want this eu filth on my us 3ds even if its the "same" thing
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Guess hackers will just have to hack it in.
Why MHG rom is only 2 gb when my MH4U is 4?
The shitposting will evolve don't worry.
>ever needing a demo code kys
>Whats wrong with your patched copy of MHX?
>whats wrong with your EUR copy?
MH4U is 2.66 GB
From what I heard you can get it if you have MH4U save data
Right now the problem is people with a US 4U save aren't getting it acknowledged by the EU rom. I'm going to test convering my save to a EU copy of 4U from Freeshop.
The fuck? I guess mine was bloated somehow...
Gunpla is a hobby, not videogames. It helps that the 3DS is blown so wide open it's not even funny.
You're putting a hell of a lot of work for a lot of nothing in return mang

Stay chill
I just like seeing how things work, and loading saves is something I've had to do plenty of times.
I have an EU copy of MH4U cart and can confirm that the its working with MHGen cia
>convering my save to a EU copy of 4U from Freeshop
Freeshop can do that?
Can't you just download an EU save and put it on your 3DS? I just can't seem to find the folder where your saves are.

Also here's the bonuses you get:

>Palicoes Caligold, Sunsnug
>Potions x20
>Mega Potions x10
>Honey x30
>Lifepowder x10
>Voucher x10
>Baby journal x12
>Lagniapple x10
>5000 Zenny
>5000 Wycademy Points
>Titles: Sunsnug, Felyne, Furriend, Palico
>Background: Meownster Babies

Anyone know where the save files are located and anyone have an EU save avaialble?
Forgot pic
I've always hated you pixel eater, you fucking monkey. But thanks, you're the hero we needed, not the one we deserved. But fuck you
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>The Gold Rathian part of Propensity in both modes doesn't glow when you have shield boost

Oh, neat.
hahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha fucking piratefag loser cant play
Upload your EU save, export it with JKSM.
this says its going to take 2 hours to finish you guys seem to have downloaded it faster hows that?
We have good internet
I'm actually downloading MH4U EU just so I can get the bonuses actually.
2 hours to download from the internet or to install the cia?
mine isnt that bad i have 50 down but im only downloading at 150kb/s
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>Piratefags whining their piracy isn't working
fucking how? you're downloading it from MEGA right?
to download from mega
Why do lance styles have that delayed 3rd stab?
It makes them all feel like ass.
hahahahahahahaha yeah but i don't care i patiently wait for games to come out with no issue hahaahahahahahahahahahaha fucking piratefag loser
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>waiting 6 more days to play generations
>waiting 6 days to BUY generations

Don't piratefags have they're own fucking general? Why is all this shit here?
>he has to wait 6 days
because it has been before

you fucking newfag
Would it be possible to convert my Japanese MHX save to work with the European version?
>tfw haven't played Monhun in a long time since 4U

>didn't even play the demo of this new one

>played FU, P3rd, 3U, 4U

Kinda interested now, is it worth pirating.
Anyone's up for some online? Currently, the only hub available is ProJared
>Get 6 days reprieve before I waste 1k hours of my life

sounds good
4U was in 2015 so how can you say "a long time"??
This was me on Australian internet: >>147988430

If your speed is worse than mine then just give up all hope on life man.
>there are literally links to illegally download the PSP and PS3 games, artbooks, OSTs etc. in the pastebin
>this gen used to cover homebrew news for MHX/contained downloads etc
>wah wah why are they talking about pirating that game here

fucking off yourself
>'Whats wrong with your patched copy of X?'
Eat shit faggot
Can't you theoretically do the following to have an EU save:
>hexedit titles file in JKSM
>change BFGE > BFGP
>put file back in SD
>import file
>get eu save
why do you need to tell him off twice?
some weird sort of aggression you have
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smug water flea.png
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so not only you're a loser piratefag, you're an impacient kid
why are you pretending not to be him?

some sort of weird complex you have
>not waiting for XG
>It's been wrong before so it's alright if it's wrong again
All that shit you listed is true but requires no discussion, which is the purpose of your own general. Drink bleach you fucking mong.
Wouldn't it be GX, according to 4G nomenclature?

All the whiners that said they not gonna buy/pirate Gen are now scrambling and pirating/buying it.

You losers are pathetic.
Seems like you got plenty
Theres a difference between things that are Japan only and have been out for years, and things that haven't even reached their official launch date yet.
I think we're just going to get Monster Hunter 5 next
If they were going to rerelease it I think they would have announced it by now
how is it wrong

because you dont like it so its wrong?
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smug lesbians.png
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>all caps
shouldn't you be sleeping, poorfag kid?
>You losers are pathetic.

No shit. Where do you think you are?
Wow is the only audience of monster hunter 17 year old kids now?
This general is fucking awful.
So how do you guys go about naming your hunter?
Do you try to come up with a realistic name?
Or some silly pun?
Do you reuse the same hunter every game?
Or do you try to make someone completely different every time?
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post yfw mhx fags can't play with people playing MHG
I use the same names for every game I play. Tomislav for a man. Yulia for a woman.
Not really, I'm an adult.
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>he doesn't have cfw
>Game leaks a week early
>everyone with that isn't completely stupid has their system hacked
>like 2 people in the thread complaining about how this general is suddenly shit now that its out

I usually just use my real name because it just makes sense in a game where I play with my friends all the time
But this time I might go with a male hunter because Malfestio's armour looks really neat...
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How well does Weakness Exploit work with Pierce shot?
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This general has always been shit bro. Every game is a different reason though, but today's episode is about piracy.
I'm dissappointed, but once the game sees the official release this event will be forgotten, so no point in getting angry, neither there is in being skarky.

You sure taught him. Burn.
what is cfw?
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Those page 2 male voices sure are manly sounding.
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Not this again. It's almost guaranteed to be MHXG this December. They announce it late to sell MHGen first.
>real name
>female version of name
>lewd name
>silly pun
>creative lewd name
We went so long without this cancer. We almost did it.
Cunt for Wangs
/mhg/ only drops in quality when a new game comes

it comes back after a month or two :3
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Cock-Filled Whores
Please tell me you have an Ukanlos one. PLEASE.
Custom firmware. Anything like CakesFW or Luma are examples.
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Oh, my brother hacked my old 3ds XL so I could play pokemon romhacks
He wanted to put mhx on it but I feel bad for pirating games I want to support ;w;
The save file works with the cartridge. For example I'm just buying it in 6 days, because I can. MHGen saves to SD and not cartridge anyway.
Yeah, a whole one mainline game without Akantor.
I <3 you
Not if they want the west to jump on the high rank version.
Yeah but I want to play it on my New 3ds
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Will the EU save work with a US cart?
I hate Akantor and Ukanlos. Lots of the early elder dragons are also not so fun..
I'm glad Alatreon is back! That's an example of a great end-game monster.
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Are monsters in the port in 3U supposed to have fuck tons of health? Shit takes way too long to kill(15 min+), even if I felt I did pretty good.
Port is intended for multiplayer, so if you're going solo they have more HP than the village monsters for sure.
They're still solo-able, but some of the quests might be pretty lengthy.
I just can't get use to moving with the Lance/GL. What do?
Bulldrome farming room for BuJaBuJaBu

What do you mean? When are you finding yourself uncomfortable with a lance? Sidestepping or just moving around or what?
So, can you play with USfags with an EU copy?
Stupid question, can I play with my EU bro even though I'm a US version? MHG in question
>Using Gaijinhunter meme sets
nearly makes me wanna go male
I'm already HR3. I think in 6 days time I'll have unlocked all the monsters and be done with Gens.
Speaking of meme sets, I hope it's still possible to get the Jaggi head.. I love wearing that thing in low rank.
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Guys if you want your bebitiga costume, simply be sure to grab a EU copy of 4U off freeShop/CIAngel and either make a new save or transfer your US save. It works.
I used that already in X and it's too OP. Gonna try naked running this time all the way to the first bone squid urgent.
Moving around. If I am too far from the monster I find it a pain in the ass to get to it without sheathing and the movement is too slow that I can never get my shield up in time in between attacks to block the attack. Also basic positioning when attacking; I am use to running in from the side and attack but find it really hard to do with a lance/gunlance
>Implying its his fucking set
Get the fuck out, memer.
How do you transfer saves?
Post your name and the names of anyone who joins so I can blacklist you in 6 days.
>tfw your mh bro is a faggot on 4chan
yes, you can.

cunt fucking wanker
Where do you claim this shit?
Butthurt OFW owner.
>female choice 18
Damn that's tempting
is there a way to avoid wasting time downloading an entire game just to transfer saves?
My name is Blanche. Be sure to never join my rooms. kthnxbai
How do i change the region of my mh4u save?
clearly not.
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There is a Claim Extras panel under New Game which verifies if the save is detected. Vanessa made a good point that people who already started their games may still manage if they get the correct files installed.

When it's validated, you talk to your house cat.

Seems kind of possible, since saves can exist without the game. I'm not sure if SaveDataFiler or some other program could inject them without the game installed.

see >>147997431

You'll just have to fool around inside the folder structure a bit to get the right data to the right game.
The usual name "Dementory".
I use that name for most of my male characters.
Went to new game claimed it then continued my old save and the cat had my shit ready! Thanks again!
>Top tier
Well, I sheath more often with lance and gunlance than with most other weapons for that reason.
Don't be afraid to put your weapon away, your draw attacks are powerful compared to basic thrusts and you can go right into a block if you absolutely need to.
Getting to the monster is important, but be sure to know where it might move next, so you don't waste time chasing after it.
I didn't see a bow guide in the pastebin so does anybody have any tips? I should always be using an element bow, right? Are the arc shots any good?
Anyone know how I switch to a palico? I want to start gathering shit and they're way better at gathering.
Go to your housekeeper.
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>female voice 11
is there a palco guide yet?
>he isn't going to try to S rank the arenas when he first plays Gen
Don't leave me hanging like you fags did in 4U and X. It's fun to compare solo arena times on cards
i redeemed my shit but no costume, do i have to forge it?
Presumably yes, that's what Baby Journal x 12 must be for.
>fur scraps needed
fug at least i got a palco with pierce and mega boomerang
they may be meme sets but gaijinhunter has yet to come up with a single original one. they're all just shit he runs across when playing with japanese randoms
You still hunting this guy?
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Well, well, well.... Looks like the X editors work just fine with Generations. No endless grinding for rare drops for me then. I'll be fully equipped before the plebs even get to play their shitty little game they PAID for. Hehehehe.
that shit wasn't censored?
Is that powersave or a custom quest editor?
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>EU Gen leaked
>have to transfer my 4U save to an EU version and then transfer my Gen save to an NA version when it releases
I guess I won't be playing Generations for a while.
Why do you need a NA version? There's no difference
There's an x editor? Since when?

Coded by an Australian. Why do Australians have to shit everything up?
Since ever.
>Can't change text speed to instant like the localization team added in 4U
Throw up a lobby and I'll come help out, I'm HR3 but too tired to hunt real game
There's a whole bunch of them. I'm pretty sure they came out soon after release too. Japs cheat more than us!
>over quota
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>white fatalis shitters are already flooding MHG before it's released
>mfw HR999 shitters never die except during quests

It's this awkward principle that doesn't do me any favors, and makes my life harder.

TL;DR: Autism
I can feel the cancer radiating from this post.
>tfw wasting 2 more hours downloading the euro cia of MH4U
>just so I can create a 500kb euro exdata save to import in MHG
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I created a simple method for NA players to import the EU data needed to get their MHGen bonuses.


Install SaveDataFiler.cia and open it. Go to the SD tab and press A to import this ext save data (00001261). Note this shouldn't affect your other data because the US game is 00001263.

Even if you already started your save file, go under New Game and run through the Claim Extras menu. It should say the MH4U data read was successful. Then just speak to one of the housekeepers and claim your bonus. No need to install EUR 4U.
Pretty fucked right? I'm just going to wait for the US version then.
Forgot to say, place the 'filer' folder on your root.
Does it import anything personal from your exdata save? like name/hours played? my autism wouldn't like that.
This is strictly EUR 4U extdata (armor sets, unregistered guild quests, etc) from a 0:00 hour save file. It just werks. You could even delete it right after.
Not that I was really expecting anything, but just to get it out of the way now for other people: You cannot simply extract your MHX save and import it into MHGen.

Obvious enough, but it does work with some JP titles so I needed to at least try.
What the fuck was Capcom thinking when they added that change to the third Lance poke?
It worked for me. Try deleting the english patch.
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roll because i dont think i will want to play just as a tigrex cat
>its fuckign cute though
Can you list out the exact steps you took?
i was already thinking of this so it must be fate
why not
I got what I wanted to use. This must be fate.
HBG get

don't be fucking fags hot pockets, this chart is A-ok here. We had a few threads dedicated to making it
Nothing outstanding. Pretty much all I did was delete the english patch, boot the game, then save and quit. Following that I just followed the usual steps to inject an MHX save into MHGen and it worked.
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MHGen a shit
Let's go to fishing the small crown Kushala

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What the hell is up with Frontier anyhow? Is Frontier canon to mainline MH? Half the damn monsters in that game completely invalidate any of the threats in the mainline series.

It makes no damn sense.
Please refer to this well thought out and constructed timeline.

I need to update it for Gen.
Bherna Gal makes my dick diamond
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Welp, guess I'm going to see Frenchies with endgame equipment on day one.
completely seperate, the only references ever had were Lavasioth, Hypno, and the Great Forest.
Mez plaza doesn't exist or exists but hasn't been references in any mainline game when they even referenced obscure things like Shiki country
I'm torn between SnS or Lance, so if I get one of them here I'll roll with it.
How do you compress a 3mb rar to 300kb?
How do you type something like this out and NOT feel like killing yourself afterward?

Perhaps shitposters are the hardiest souls of all...
I don't think that's possible if you installed the pre-patched cia
Any rooms for farming bulldrome in mhg?
US cia when?
4U no doubt happens after gen 2 games. Nekoht specifically talks about the player character from MHFU on the final quest
>playing as a cat you can use dig and tunnel around underground
i dont know how useful it will be but its cool man
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Funny enough, Frontier is the only game with an in-game area that confirms the world map that they originally drew.
>try to name cat cunty
>You cannot use that name

Capcom is no fun!
Can be done just the same as if you'd patched the game manually, look for a small file containing the serial CTR-BXXJ using FBI or BigBlueMenu or whatever and delete it. That's the patch data
No map is ever canon because the only map they ever had was in Dos and not labelled.
probably seperate since things like gen 1 Rath and Blos models were replaced in mainline but remain the same in Frontier.
I do mean outright replaced since gen 4 Dunes = Gen 1 Dunes
By that logic as soon as anything new from mainline gets into frontier it will automatically become canon. Like you know, zinogre, deviljho, brachydios, etc.
I want a fist weapon that isn't Tonfas.

Like, if Tonfas is equivalent to DB, then I want the fist equivalent to a GS/Hammer.

That would be fun as hell.
> Half the damn monsters in that game completely invalidate any of the threats in the mainline series.
The monsters you fight in mainline are regularly made out to be significantly more dangerous than the gameplay indicates.
Or that they also exist in the Frontier universe since they function differently.
See Frontier Nargacuga which is completely different biologically despite being in the Great Forest
I'm pretty sure that they released a version of that map that had labelled locations, I know it's not in the Vol. 1 artbook though

I didn't even realize the 4G dunes map was supposed to the be the same place as the gen 1 map because they changed it so radically

On that note I'm liking the spit and polish on the older maps in X, I just wish the game ran at the same speed as 4G. It's really jarring going from 3G to 4G and then to X, even 3G had moments where it ran smoothly if you disabled the 3D effect, framerate is locked in X with or without 3d
Better get that crown soon, weon. 4U online is going to be a ghost town soon.
Power Glove
literally the Boomerang+Gloves weapon they were considering
Using FBI but can't find it. Where do you look for it?
They exist in frontier as "migratory" species. Just a stupid technicality.
You mean like the caestus?
Gameplay/story segregation

also unreliable narrator, who ever reports and then files contracts against some monsters exaggerate like fuck. Like half the clients are either farmers, underfunded and undergeared village militias, rich noble houses (that fucking princess omg) or just country hicks in general. Tall tales abound.

Also, with a name like Frontier it stands to reason that the focus of the game is exploring and hunting in less explored and unknown regions, you know, 'here be monsters' kind of shit
No, it means they both exist in each respective universe. The place where Frontier's guild is was supposed to be close to Dundorma yet Brachydios and Nargacuga are considered to be newly discovered despite already being known about
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I had forgotten all about CFW as an option. is a downgrade from 11.0.0-33u possible?
Tap R twice. Make sure to delete only the smaller BXXJ file, it should look something like CTR-U-BXXJ
I keep imagining something like Sango's boomerang from Inuyasha, can either be used as a big bludgeoning/cutting hybrid weapon, or thrown with a charged attack, and then it comes back on a motorized chain or something

Only if you like openning the console up and soldering shit. Granted, it's an easy solder job but still
What's the cat I need for the pierce setup? Is it assisting?
the gimmick in the concept art was punching the boomerang while it was mid-flight to cause it to keep bouncing towards the monster
Man, I just want to fucking punch out a dragon, is that too much to ask?
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Other than the fact that the locations of Dundorma and Mezoporta haven't been specified, their estimates aren't near each other.

Most of Monster Hunter "canon" sadly just exists in a nebulous state of maybe or not enough information.
To this day I find it frustrating they renamed Dondruma.
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I don't own a solder. Looks like a week's wait is in my future.
That sounds kinda clunky and not at all intuitive.

Actually what the game really needs is another gunner weapon, there's like 3 gunner weapons and everything else is blademaster stuff
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Only labelled as far as 2nd gen

Not newly discovered by migrating species. Mezepolta and 3rd gen locations onwards were never labelled but Frontier does happen in the old Dos continent. Also there's another Mezepolta in MHO which could be the same Frontier Mezepolta.

And fuck I tried to upload two maps and both were already uploaded. Here's a third one I have.
Thanks man, got it!
*but migrating species
I would say their excuse is that Dos never came to the west, but then the Freedom series mentions Dondruma by name, granted this is in some books you might not have even read inside the player's house. But still

Felcote is also a fucking baffling one. Nekoht sounds exotic and foreign, and appropriate for a secret agent. Felcote is just ehhhhhhhh

Yeah I'm pretty sure the Mezeporta in Fronteir and the Mezeporta in MHO are supposed to be the same
>There's a third map
My MH map autism thanks you.

They need to show if 4/Gen era is supposed to be in a new area or continent since there's all the new and fanciful areas like Heaven's Mount.
>need hyper tigrex scrap to make the 4U bonus gear

Such a tease ;_;
You can make the cheaper version with just fur scraps my man.
I swear I had a newer version of >>148004608 that shows gen 4 areas
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Yes if it's the same then it means Mezepolta is across the sea from MHO's continent. Meaning Millard village could be on the western continent in the original map.

It's the same official map as here >>148003532 only without the doodling and colored. 4th gen abstract mural map makes no sense because we know Dondruma's location is fixed on the Dos map.
>that difference in defence

My autism won't let me make the inferior version. It's wood and ore scrap shit for now.
Has anyone tried using their MHX save with MHGen yet?

I'm almost done installing MHGen then I'm going to try.
you should have enough mats to make like 6 sets
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Here you go.
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>tfw no Moga Village
>tfw no Guild Sweetheart
Good call on the Felcote. Fucking hell.
>Dede Desert
Surely they jestin"
>This and the Frontier maps have no conflicting overlaps

Makes me wonder a bit how some monsters go from the main continent to Heaven's Mount, but that's about it.
Holy fuck the hunters do a lot of travel
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The SnS feels so good in this game.
I'm so torn between SnS or Lance.
What sort of target times should I go for in the demo with Striker SnS/Lance? I want to test myself a bit, see which I'm better with right now.
Like was mentioned before, the official locations for Frontier and 3rd and 4th gens were never labelled. These are fanfics, though I commend the effort to fit all the locations within the same continent.
>all the anime dlc is in the Western game
They finally did it guys!
Man, they made a the Brachy sns a rapier
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Tried out Prowler in the demo.

Is this one just fucking awful? Or am I just bad? Or both? Do the demo monsters have insane high health? I timed out on the Owl hunt. That has NEVER happened to me before. I am absolutely willing to accept I'm a shitter but what exactly do you do with the fucking cat to do noticeable damage then?
The deer don't die in Gens! No more guilt when I slaughter a bunch of them!
Game still just crashes with the MHX save. Did everything right.
kelbis didn't die in 4U either famalam
They die in MHX though.
Didn't they also not die in 3U either
It's under the general "Weapons and Combat" guide.

Charge your shit, use power coatings, learn critical range, aim for weakpoints.

While bow can use element quite effectively, it's a raw-based weapon thanks to all the raw multipliers it gets.

Arc shots are shit, Power shots are where it's at.
Holy fuck the first weapons you get in this game are so fucking ass I have to use a whetstone after like five attacks.
Localisation, comrade.
They're both right.
So do kelbi's die or not for the western release
Don't you remove their liver, horns and skin? You don't kill them outright, but it's a bit grim
Sorry to hear that, if it's not the presence of the english patch then I honestly have no idea what's causing the crashes. Nuking the patch solved it for me but I reckon maybe I just got really lucky.
they dont die in gen tho
> This absolutely sickening translation of all the Yukumo content.

It's like the translation team was literally retarded and thought they could literally make up anything because P3rd was never localized and thus never happened to them.
So is the MH4U bonus supposed to come with some palico costume or is it just those two special palicos?
Elaborate, please.
I'm still downloading.
But they die in mhx tho
They don't.
Yes they do
Kelbi's can be knocked out and carved once, then once dead can be carved a second time.
After you carve the items, they get sent to a farm where they have a really good time, and live out their lives
They literally die, like bambi's mom and then disappear
Everyone in Yukumo speaks like they're some stereotypical ramen shop owner in America that speaks in broken English.
MHX and MHGen save data are of noticably different sizes... might still work since the offset header is of the same format but I'll investigate and try to come up with a clean transfer
Please do. I've had no luck.
Neat and makes sense
Good luck. Hope you can figure this out cause I sure can't.
? how
Weren't you paying attention? Kelbis don't die.
Fuck, I kinda noticed earlier when I collected 3 horns. I remember them dying definitely in mhx though stun attacks still let them live like mh4u.
Man I forgot how much fun Gens is when playing solo. I can easily see shit and striker SnS is fun fun fun. I'm so glad I'm not stuck still playing 4U like some pleb.
I just booted up MHX just to be sure and yes they die.
>I can easily see shit

Atleast try a bit harder my man
Anyone up for Guildhall 1* doing all quests(including Gathering) except prowler?
Bless you. The convert was successful for me but it seems I'm an exceptional case, unfortunately
Aren't quick messages burned in and changing them now would crash you? Can you try?
You want me to change the quick chat messages on my jap game, then try to insert my MHX save into MHGen?
What do you mean? It's no secret that when you've got a room full of crit slashes and with the close up fov you can't see shit. If you play the game you'll come to know this as true.

I liked it when they did it with the Argosy Captain and his Felyne sidekick. That was their thing and it was fun while it lasted.
But subjecting an entire village to that for no comprehensible reason whatsoever? That is just cheap and shows contempt for the customers.
Quick messages are definitely the culprit that cause size disparity for the character partitions. Just like for 4G/4U they increased the individual space they can take up. Easy fix for the most important data :)

"Unknown" and DLC partitions are of different sizes as well though and the former isn't documented anywhere. Best bet: Create MHGen dummy save to pull unknown partition from, inject MHX DLC partition to MHGen for that sweet early DLC (bet they'll do that monthly bullshit again) then fix MHX chars and inject to MHGen save.

I'll try to come up with a tool in the next few hours.
What I meant is that your quick messages are stored in your save. So converting your save will bring over the quick messages. I remember that the fan translation had to rollback the translation of those since they crashed the game.
>inject MHX DLC partition to MHGen for that sweet early DLC

Weren't people banned in mhx because they host missions that weren't available yet?
Yeah, I was way off track, my bad.

On my MHGen save my quick messages are all either blank or filled with ?'s and other gibberish characters now that you mention it.
I don't think there was a way to get DLC early. Haven't heard of any bans for using CQ either
Update 1.1 seemingly disabled any potential for posting CQs online. Here's hoping someone actually gets around to cracking it soon, if at all possible.
I hope not. CQ fags can't stop fucking with people who don't want this shit.
Around /mhg/ it was almost entirely limited to people hosting 4fun quests. There were some pretty creative ones.
When you do can you post it somewhere like 3DSISO or GBATemp? Might not be up in a few hours and don't wanna miss it
Why are the starting weapons so fucking bad this time around?
My hero. I don't even want the head start, I just want to hang on to my save while making a new one on file 2. Just because.
Beruna weapons are surprisingly good desu.
i cheated. feels bad. i'll be bored to play this game again forever..
This. All the starter weapons upgrade into something better than I really remember them having done in recent games.
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Anyone know what face nr. this is?
So if I went and deleted them and saved would it make the file transefrable?
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best bow in mhx/g? and armor set along with it?
>Tfw mained gunlance since FU
>It's complete shit in Gen.
The only viable style with it is guild but the heating system makes it pointless since it nerfs your damage so much.

Man this is sad, I might just skip on this game.
Depends on the monster.
Both Bushido and Aerial are good with GL.
full teostra gunner set and bow?
Maybe for a wide or long GL but the normal one in the demo make me believe the only style that synergizes well is guild since it's the most reliable way to shotgun.
>I don't know how to use this weapon, so it's shit
You can join the CB crybabies over there.
Just the bow.
You gotta piece your own set together.
anyone successfully converted their mhx savefile to mhgen?
Is there a similar support group for IG frenchies who had their motion values nerfed?

Reserve a place for me ;_;
are people still gonna be playing MH4U after Gen comes out? I'm out of space on my SD card so I'll probably have to uninstall MH4U and reinstalling is a pain, so I'm not sure whether I should delete other stuff or not.
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dunno anon
Adding completely unneeded and useless meters that thoroughly nerf your damage doesn't mean I don't know how to use my weapon you shit head
So do we have vanity armor slots yet? I wanna make my helmet invisible.
have you even played gl in x/gen? its like 33% weaker than other weapons
Oh, most places got homes for your kind. You do easy task on weekdays, then a helper comes and help you make dinner. And on weekends, you get to drink soda pop?
What do you think of shagaru bow? it's also good right?
Do we have any HR1 rooms up yet?
Yes, I have. It works just fine and gets similar times to other weapons if you know how to use it.
So am I gonna have to put up with fucking Rajang anymore in the endgame?
GSing against that fucker sucks shit. God damn it.
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>gets similar times to other weapons
>playing the game on easy mode
>still complaining about difficulty
You got Absolute Evade at least.
He moves around too much to get good hits off unless you're fucking psychic. You're better off using something faster or just fucking ranged.
new thread?
New thread >>148012460 >>148012460 >>148012460
Rajang is one of the most predictable monsters in the game.
What about Prowler?
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