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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 850
Thread images: 210

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Mercy Edition

Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>/owg/ ID List

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Stats and Leaderboards (Unofficial)

>Official Comics
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1st for for Blizzard-endorsed aimbotting by EnvyUs.Taimou in Overwatch tournaments
where did skype anon go
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Pharah is best waifu
Mercy is a 37 year old hag and not sexy.
why do you block out rtt and ind?
Is this part of a video?
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>37 year old hag

What's it like being 12?
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>no tracer gf
mercy has the perfect chest
>no Traceranon gf
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No I'll post link if you want

Mein nigger.
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>dorado def
>already shit picks
>2 retards almost at the enemy spawn doors
>of fucking course they get insta fucked
>"shit team pls finish fast"
Those were 60+ players. If you arent 70+ by now, shit picks and flaming are most definitely unavoidable.
I want it
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Shadder is pretty good
That looks retarded.
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>Mercy Edition
I can work with this
Traceranon looks better than this...
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>still no d.va buffs
as i slip into the abyss of my depression i embrace death like a warm coat in a cold winter night

nothing in this world is worth doing anymore
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Where my Zen bros at?
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Is this accurate?
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so can everyone else.
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REMINDER: If you stand still as soldier 76 while shooting you are bad and I will headshot you
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>What's it like being 12?


Downs syndrome incidence organized by maternal age

At age 16, 1 in 2,843
At age 20, 1 in 1,441
At age 40, 1 in 84

You are LITERALLY disregarding normal, healthy human sexuality in favor of 'hehe, mercy is a old nice lady, she can be like my mommy, :)))'

You are the 12-year-old in this situation.
Will there be a face if you wash all that shit off?
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here. sadly only 1 PoTG with Zen so far and that was when I didn't have my cool highlight.
Here you go friend.


Happy fapping
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It's like playing McCree but you're useful!
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>Not wanting an older more experienced woman to rock your world
And she doesn't look a day over 20
>draw a 25 year old
>call her 37
Haha, nice meme blizzard. Just like in my Chinese cartoons
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mercy gets around doesnt she
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Is it true love?
>muh shit teams

LOL git gud

reminder that some pros literally duo/trio queue instead of playing in a 6 stack because you get more points for winning
Robots are incapable of love
>bastion pounding that chick every night

thats my fetish
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Get out of the way, breeder shits.
Does anyone else still click instead of just holding down the mouse?
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Where are my /MOTHER RUSSIA/ bros?
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I love playing as Zenyatta, but I really need to work on my aim.
>2x 75+ and 4x 59
>6x 64

sure is balanced
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Always gotta try and butt in huh you fucking cute lesbo

Hanz only?
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What are you? 12?
Nothing is more sexy than a straight female.
What do I do as Lucio? Is his wallrunning usefull?
she's the team bicycle.
>Mccree getting buffed
>soldier 76 getting nerfed
One of these is going to happen pretty damn soon, so. Which will it be?
why the fuck would you click as soldier 76?
hello/. placed 54 on ranked, im level 42, playing for like week and a half, but played during open beta to lvl 30+. what to do now? should i still spend some time in quick match, which im owning up on my genji?

should i buy a new mouse? which 1 is the top affordable n good mouse? mine is INCREDIBLY SHIT, i cant play characters like soldier (pre ulti), wmaker and hanzo at all, like really.

i can play genji pharah reaper roadhog no problem well except for shurikens on genji, i miss most of them because of my aim
I love using Zarya, my friends are the Reaper and Rein.


Note: For some reason fraps made her highlight intro model really shitty.
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I don't even know what they mean

Pick one

Also stop playing genji you shitter
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it is OBJECTIVELY better to spam click
>no tracer good fight
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When on defense, contest the cart by jumping and skating around it and knock back opponents when needed
ok ill check out the link
but about genji, well idk u can go fuck yourself i guess, i mean for my level im doing good, getting gold medals every quick match, harassing the shit out of the enemy backline right from the start of the game and never dying to mei
The first 4 shots on sol76 are perfectly accurate, it's optimal to burst in 4 shots
>not using a macro
top kek
No. He has absolutely no depth so they have him a useless wall run to at least make him seem slightly interesting. they managed to fool a few people with it too
Which skin should I buy for Reindhardt?
wheel mouse optical is the only mouse you need
also get good
>bastion isnt all armor
only good reinhardt skin is the green recolor, slightly worse than his default. the legendaries are for edgelords and for gays who like old men
Stop shooting your teamates first.
>buying skins
That anon sounds like an unironic dyke. Only gays use 'breeder'
>just played an amazing game of Genji
Is there a better feeling? I think I realised I was causing consistent trouble when one of their team switched to winston but kept finding our reaper instead of me and when people started solo ulting me.

Rein using hammer down on me, running out into the open and killing me, only to be gunned down by my team pretty much summed it up.

Should I buy carbon fibre or save up for sand nigger gold? Also sword POTG best POTG. God I love this weeb
how fast does the spread reset?
This. Surefour even solo queued to 80 rank. If you can't carry then you don't deserve to rank up. 6 stacks are not needed at all to get a high rank.
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>be doing really well, raping shit left and right
>not a single medal
>feel like i was being carried the whole match and didn't contribute at all
>get card for most damage, bunch of medals
Depends on how much FPS you get (no, really)

At 70hz it's significantly slower to reset than at 155. I'm on 155 and can not retap it fast enough for it to keep the spread.
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how does that make sense?
It resets as soon as you stop firing. So immediately.
as a genji main i tihnk genji is the easiest character to get a potg on

sand nigger skin sucks balls, really just think about it
young genji is for naruto fans

carbon sucks, chrome is better ((im usng it)
standard skins are good, i like malachite one
why not mercy? zerina is like 40 as well
>notorious cheater destroying in solo queue
>guys hes good

yeah playing a useful class that requires skill
how the fuck did you get potg for that
every time I black hole a team one of my team mates gets it for his tracer bomb or justice or death bloom
actual usefulness > medals
i can top damage easily by just spamming shit into rein shield/mei wall and random shots on someone when i know it won't kill
you can also top elim easy by playing someone like mei or tracer and just tagging everyone
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>birds chirping outside my window
>immediately think of bastion
>tfw playin2much ow

beep boop beep boop
what rating is non-shitter?
what rating is pseudo pro?
what rating is pro?
We already had a Sym though.
Was it koth?
Another note: that was me using the Highlight function.

My friend the Rein got it.

Honestly I thought it would be the Reaper.
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holy fuck, overwatch BTFO!

it was a nice ride playing with hanzo faggots, but I'm now #Evolving

Rein doesn't have a single bad skin
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what if i told you; you can kill everyone over and over again while gaining medals but still lose

This. If I only get one vote, I vote for me. So I don't look like I'm voting for me
have fun with your new game anon :^ )
attacking rein's shield is a good idea
not enough people do that
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This, she is much prettier.
trust me
>Just be a world class dps player that's had 6 months more experience playing than anyone else

Closed beta was a fucking mistake
What is the proper way to set up sensitivity on mouse and in game?
>rank 83 and 81 duoqueuing, rest of team 64-65
>68 average
>team of 64-68s
>66 average, underdog

as slow as possible while still being more or less comfortable for you
>when you vote for someone else because your card sucks and one person votes for you at the last second

I didn't vote for myself! I swear!
>hitscan weapons
low sens
high sens
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I want to bully Mercy and remind her how much of a failure she is. How incapable she was to save any of her friends and how she inadvertently was the cause of many Overwatch agent deaths at the hands of Reaper.
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What hero should I play litsening to Deafheaven?
>obnoxious hanzo and genjifags have transferred from quick play to competitive

I honestly, naively thought competitive would actually be competitive.
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Mercy is a professional!
Is that the lore?
reaper obviously, or hog
A well played Genji can make someone cry
but that's like 1 out of every 500
get a big mouse pad and set up the sensitivity so that moving your mouse from the left side to the right side turns your character 180 degrees
What music would each hero listen to?
What made you think the type of people who instalock Genji and Hanzo wouldn't be interested in playig competitive?
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>friend keeps talking to me about how sick Seagull is and how fucking crazy Genji is
>he keeps playing Genji and getting fucking rolled

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Any Winston can make a well played Genji ragequit
when will we get the top 500 stuff?
The accidentally creating Reaper part is true and Reaper has an unused voiceline that's more on the nose about it.
Roadhog listens to dirty thrash metal
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>finally gitting gud at Tracerfu

It's implied that Mercy is the reason why Reaper is the ghosty edge demon he is today. Through dialogue via Mercy x Reaper and Reaper's reaction to enemy resses.
I just thought the reason they mained shit heroes was because quickplay doesn't matter at all.

At least comp has visible ranks and points towards golden guns.

I was completely wrong. I see they are far worse than I imagined.
Problem is every genji player thinks they are some up and coming pro because they spammed jump and right click against players with bad aim and think they are a god.

Then they get to rank 60 and will be stuck there eternally because they actually need to learn to play the game now
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Mei face when
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Mercy is a perfect age woman. Perfect as a girlfriend, wife and mother of your children
So what does rating matches do?

Lucio makes his own shit
Reinhardt listens to 80's german pop
Mercy listens to classical music/white power rally speeches
Genji listens to the Naruto OST
Hanzo listens to morose violin music
Reaper listens to Linkin Park and Evanescence
Roadhog and Junkrat don't listen to music, they prefer to just blow shit up
Symmetra listens to the dial-up tones of a 56-bit broadband
Zenyatta listens to the sounds of nature
Bastion listens to the voices in its head
Mei listens to recordings of murder
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>watch Seagulls ebin Genji videos
>it's just him being pocket healed for an entire game

Do people actually think he's that good?
I instalock Reinhardt 60% of the time

How does this make you feel?
Listen to Soldier 76 with it since he's a lot more constant fighting to go with the tempo
Hog you listen to the fury Road soundtrack and Reaper just listen to the new Doom soundtrack which is surprisingly amazing


I wish

Only people with bad aim, even a good Genji is very easy to shut down. Once Winston is in the equation the Genji is now completely useless. Everyone who wants to play a flanker should just play Tracer or Reaper.
>get knocked off the center hole on Ilios
>wallride all the way back up
I find myself leaving the game because the other 5 people on my team are complete fucking retards.

The enemy team isn't much better, but they're slightly less retarded.

This forces me to play "carry" heros that i don't want to play.

This game is not good, because the playerbase is not good.
How many people have you reported since starting ranked?
I'm up to 7.
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Everyone who talks shit like "ggez" after the match :^)

Got a few suspended as well so far :^)
screencapped this
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best girl?
Welcome to every competitive meme game ever. You have to earn your right to have enjoyable games through massacring hordes of shitters to prove yourself.
Is it me, or are the POTG and Kill Cams fucked?

I mean, they won't show the play inmediately, first is a black screen then the actual play.

It wasn't like that for me before.
Jesus Christ man, go get some sun.
Best at being the most unviable lmao
>This forces me to play "carry" heros that i don't want to play.
thats every game with ranked ever
god's work anon
Wow great post. You should make a Reddit thread about it while you're at it
And he's still probably terrible.
Gabynator is level 370, probably 380-90 something now and he's only rank 67.
Depends on the map. If you learn to wallride and reach high up places you can turn many enemies into sitting ducks much like many heroes can't hit Pharah for shit. Numbani's control point is easy to contest this way, hell Numbani in general is great for wall riding. Meanwhile I just can't seem to get the most out of wallriding on Route 66.
>you will never watch D.Va get HOGGED
Can someone post the delicious brown scale?
>How D.Va got the Junker skin.
That's like 500 hours of game time already in a little over a month.....what the fuck
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stfu kid he is literally the best overwatch player
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Mercy is no such thing.
Mercy is pure.
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ive done nothing all month and somehow seeing this guy having 400 levels seems more of an accomplishment than what i did all the time

good for him
>teammates running into the middle and dying like lemmings
>start backcapping with Genji
>after way too long my teammates get the picture and actually start pushing

>second part, everyone just dying and being useless
>usually go Junkrat for easy kills here, but someone else picked him
>he's beyond shitty. He's so awful he can't even get close enough to the point to spam it. Not sure if he's even trying.
>go Winston to protect people from their superior Junkrat and career Widowmaker
>they just shoot from afar
>I start jumping close to the point and putting the shield down
>they still shoot from afar

you don't get how bad you have to be to be a shit Junkrat. You don't just stand still and shoot over walls. fucking get in there and wreck shit. An active Junkrat that can aim and predict movement will ANNIHILATE teams.
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>being attracted to dark skin

good way to tell that your penis is faulty
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She banged Reyes and Morrison. Probably the reason Overwatch broke up.
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Fuck Competitive.
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>evening elvan
You mean she banged Torbjorn.
you're confusing tanned caucasians for niggers

please stop and consider diagnosing yourself on the spectrum

>Visit Egypt when I was 17 with family

>See literally no egpytian women, all the people working on our resort were guys, and one slav woman working as the receptionist for the spa

The egyptian dudes were pretty bro for muslims tho
>you will never be Tracer's hero
>implying black people are the only dark skinned people

What about tanned asians, indians, north africans, etc.?
I'll be her God instead.
>mercy with tits that big
freudfags need not apply
Big tits fetish means you want to fuck your mother ok
he doesn't care, he just wants to use the graph to validate his hatred of nigs. I guess they were rude to him giving him his big mac or something.
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>win a really close game that ended up with a coinflip
>25% exp
>full hold payload before the first point
Doing a lot of damage isn't even necessarily a good thing.

>Junkrat lobbing grenades at incoming enemies 100% of the time (which is a good thing 90% of the time)
>Never secure kills, their mercy just gets a free ult off you for every push
But if a DFCfag fucks a chestlet and she has a baby then that kid would associate small tits with his mom.
Like 60 percent of the planet is darker skin
Was making a fool of yourself part of your plan?
According to Freud everything meant you wanted to fuck your mother. I think he wanted to fuck his mother.
If Mercy was my mother this would be true
Assuming a filthy nigger served him in macdonalds it's plain wrong
This is 2016 familia
i like that modern teens think freud is wrong because progressives have tried so hard to discredit him despite his work still being the only major advancement in psychology
What do I do when my offense refuses to be aggressive while I sit there holding my shield up for them.
I want to charge and take matters into my own hands.
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it happened, I am the Rank 4 guy.
you can still lose points on rank 1 though, so i wonder what happens once he hits the very bottom.
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Uh, was this always there?
It might be mexicans everywhere else but in the South it's not that far off desu.
totally OW related
Thanks Anons
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Throw it in.
>calling others teens when you're not above 25
>implying anyone said freud is wrong
pretty sure it was more of a jibe that they stick their fetishes on everything then get defensive when people question its psychological roots
picture yes
gun im not so sure
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>it's a teammate sticks with Torb/Bastion/Symmetra well after the first point defense is broken episode

While you are getting setup, your entire team is dying because you aren't helping.
That's because they all joined the army to fight

Blizzard employees come, uninstall your game, and shoot you in the head.
It depends entirely on what you're talking about. There are multiple things for him to be right and wrong about.
people don't actually believe in god yet they believe in one religion and discredit the other thousand
>Genji listens to the Naruto OST
She's only interested in SS and robots, anon.
>And the BGC.
kill yourself
A loving God?
Symmetra I can see but bastion and Tolbjorn are still incredibly valuable depending on their team comp on most Capture maps
> guy on our team playing DVa
> complains the whole match that he's carrying us and we are all shit
> never does anything meaningful except push up alone with boosters, overextend and die
> eventually leaves because he "has no team"

Really, uh....really makes you stop and, and uh, think....
Winston: DK rap
hi, i wanna play more winston. i think he is ok carry for competitive becus his ulti charge fast and provide rlly big distraction.

what chars counter him except reaper and bastion? i heard torbjorn does, but why, wtf?

how do i keep charging my ultimate without enemy getting profit out of it - shooting me in the face and charging theirs as well?

anything to know about winston's shift mechanics?
>not a rat
SS is love, SS is life
I have no idea what that means
This is an adult only site.
RANKED*** I MEAN******88 srry

What the fuck is Paladins?
Switch to Roadhog or Zarya
Im into straight sex too and fresh out of >>/r9k/ so you know im the latest and greatest tech right now
>whats a BGC
are you guys trying to lower your ranks on purpose?
Who do you play? do you both play Mei and wall in your team to get facefucked by enemy ultis?
Roadhog only viable if you can hold a 65% hook accuracy otherwise you're trash

Zarya only viable if you can body track with your mouse and have a decent ping for shields.
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>he is unironically playing comp

drink bleach lmao
Big Gorilla Cock duh
HiRez's attempt at competing with Overwatch
I have a friend who does this really fucking bad. I'll be in a curse call with him while playing something else and I'll listen to him swear and have what sounds like a fucking mental break down when he charges into the enemy team alone and just "WHAT THE FUCK, MY FUCKING STUPID TEAM JUST LEFT ME WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING" If it was like once or twice a game whatever, everyone tunnels every now and then but when it happens constantly every game it gets really annoying to listen to

Isnt Freud widely discredited though?

I thought the general thought about his work was "Yeah this guys got some great ideas and its pushed psychology really far forward, but not everyone wants to fuck his mum as much as he did"
Gorillas have tiny benis.
Is his nick Larzyn?
So do kids. :^)


Needs the entire team built around him. Wont work against good teams nor with a pub team



A 50 dps turret that hits one guy at a time + a 200 hp dorf with a shotgun does not a defender make

Genji defends better than he does.

Thats the problem with overwatch's current roster: Defense heroes a shit for the most part.

Offense heroes get used more because they just kill shit and are hard to kill which is the best way to defend realistically
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You guys really are the reason blizzard fucks up balancing games.

>One patch something is OP or good
>they nerf it
>next patch you do it again until everything is baby food bad or just not fun

And you will do it every thread. every patch. until the game is so shit you will all leave and blame blizzard for it.
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>Playing Zarya on King's Row offense
>We manage a full wipe on the first point
>Minus one
>Their Mercy was hiding behind the archway, comes flying in, and gets a 5k rez
>Drop my Gravity Bomb in the middle of them all
>Friendly Pharah roasts them all for a team kill
>They never get their defenses properly set up and we roll
>Mercy gets POTG anyway, it's literally her staring at a wall until there's five skulls on the point, then flying in at the last second

I get wanting to stroke your ego, but is it really worth that?
why is masteroverwatch and overbuff not updating?
Don't make me post my giant omnic cock for you fleshy sluts
Torb will often have a bonus of 75 armor points giving him a lot of time to kill you since your cannon will do way less damage, and you'll take all the pellets of his shotgun in the face. Besides most Torb camp their fucking turrets so if your barrier is on cooldown don't even think about it.

Roadhog counters Winston too.

To charge the ult "sneak" behind the hanzos and the supports and kill them, you should not take a lot of damage.
why are you doing this, don't you have anything better to do?
tfw you feel like deadweight playing Tracer no matter how well you do because her ult isn't that impactful.

feels bad.
>that unique kimochi when there's a good torbjorn on your team and he lays down armor packs whenever he sees a friendly tracer

>zipping around with 225 hp of which 75 is armor

i'm fokkin invincible luvss
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Quick, predict her ultimate!
>play placements
>rank 58
>never play competitive again
>have a shitload of fun in quick play
>higher rank thank all of my friends who play competitive
the gold guns are a fine thing to sacrifice in the face of fun
team up with a zarya, get free team kills
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They played placement matches and got ranked really low, then they damage control by playing competitive "ironically" no hide the fact their skill rating was so low.

LMAO MOM Look at me not caring about my rank LOOOOOOL
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Where my Mcrees at?

All you need to do is stick the healer. gg ez.
>her ult isn't that impactful

Her pistols melts hp, why would you want an even better ult.
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>Privilege Check

When she presses Q every male character dies except lucio as he is an oppressed minority.
cowboy buff senpai, they is blizzard talk on the forums experring regret over the power of the nerf
Cloak+heal team for six seconds
Everyone on your team leeches health when they do damage. As much as I'd like that I don't know how shitters would figure out they have that kind of buff the first few times.
>Blizzad makes Sombra's voice lines in the same vein as Bastion's
>It's all just binary static and shit
>no confirmation as to who Sombra really is.

I wish it was true, I'd rather have a character with no real decernable backstory than "everyone you thought that died didn't!"
Winston is the most fucking cancerous sack of shit in the entire game

This fucking double Winston meme makes me so fucking angry it's insane. Oh and his bubble randomly stops a shitton of ults because why the fuck not, le funny smart gorilla haha.
stupid krauts man, looks like dresden wasn't enough
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>you will never be close and intimate with her
shut the fuck up little bitch

>stick reinhardt
>he and his barrier is out of the game for a while

>stick support
>out of the game for a while

unless you get cucked by a zarya shield of course
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Target an enemy: Instantly kill them and ressurect the nearest dead ally.

Life swap

You know you want it
is the new patch live on eu servers yet?
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>only gotten 10 comp shekels since it was released

How do I throw myself into the cesspool without wanting to kill myself half an hour later
>Oh and his bubble randomly stops a shitton of ults
is protects against damage until it is destroyed, there's no carry over damage. from a single burst attack.

I've saved my team by putting a barrier down on a reaper, or a junkrat ult or blocking a tracer's pulse bomb. There's no randomness to it.

Overcharges the healing canister in her rifle, creating a cloud that provides healing and speed for all friendlies inside. If the canister hits a teammate, the cloud can be made mobile.
blizzard cant into balancing

none of the balance changes have been made by the community, the mere fact that there are characters who have no use in this game isnt the fault of the community

its blizzard fucking up themselves, big time
yeah but i fucked your mother right in her shit hole so that makes up for it LMFAO.
I feel dirty for enjoying this game.
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How do I get better at Roadhog and Junkrat
does the bubble block both ways?

like trapping people in?
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HOLD THE FUCKING PHONES IS SHE JUST JUBA FROM THE IRAQ WAR!!! if thats the case her Ult is probably killing you on camera and posting it on the internet to get the US government pissed.
Of course, but all gods need to be worshiped.
Yes. You cannot shoot through a red barrier, no matter what side you're on. Dancing in and out of your barrier fighting people as Winston is a great strategy.
female deathwing pharah skin when?
Win instead of lose.

Aim better
Just learn Roadhog. Junkrat is useless
never I hope, wow can fuck off

Give that to Reaper, give Ysera/Alex to Pharah and Mercy.
roadhog - hook + m1, heal off of cooldown

junkrat - hold m1
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So you'll shoot your allies to heal them?
>old 50 health shield from Symmetra and prenerf Zenyatta orb on Tracer
God competitive would have been such a shit show
Yes. I once sacrificed myself and cucked a reaper from ulting my entire team by putting a bubble around him.
Wasn't there a big deal about regenerative technology she perfected and the fact that other characters comment that she hasn't aged since their overwatch days?

>get hit by damage once
>recall doesn't restore armor
>die like usual
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I just can't play that much before getting exhausted with it
even if coming out with a win it was still dealing with a load of horseshit
Yeah, he's just triggered.
honestly the more i think about it the stupider and more impractical it sounds. a healer sniper really.. either itll be a nonviable stupid gimmick character or the most innovative most novel idea to come out of videogame archetyping since weapon loadouts
Seems that way, alt fire might me some kind of poison effect on enemies
Am I the only one triggered by the fact that Young Genji's katana is almost straight? Katanas do not fucking look like that, his looks like a toy.
>Not everyone want to fuck his mom
You'd be surprised desu
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Does this look balanced to you? Guess who won.
Or in their general area. It looks similar to Soldier's biotic field.
it might work if they make her heal bullets explode and aoe heal and maybe give her the same thing except with poison on alt fire on a cooldown like lucio's alt except a bit longer

otherwise she sounds like too much effort to be worth it unless maybe as an offhealer with some other gimmick to go
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Just put it right here.
Someone hasn't played Killing Floor
I'm sure she'd be very devoted.
Since yesterday night, senpai.
it will be the same as killing floor's medic

t. dev
cheers luv
>crying about matchmaking balance

if you are better than the others you deserve the win if not you dont
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>play Zenyatta
>have additional shield from Symmetra
>have armor from Torbjörn
>my face when
What's the point of 2CP?

Attack wins, every single fucking time. Like, the game is attack sided, but the only way for the attacking team to lose 2CP is to legitimately be absolute fucking dogshit at the game.

Are they going to rework it or do they enjoy having a gamemode where Defense can expect to lose around 90% time?
>using rewind for no reason
There's already a healing crossbow in TF2 and Zen's orbs in Overwatch it's not like 'shooting' a teammate to heal them is any great innovation.
>Get stuck in a rigged game.
I want /lolg/ to leave.
>emphasis that it will only be used for healing
this is either a hint that Sombra stole it and modified it or they're being literal and trying to keep dumbasses from trying to kill with it
because you know half of the retards that play this game would, like the ones in TF2 that try to do damage withe the rocket jumper
Reminder Pharah has been either the best or the second best offense pick since the game went into closed beta more than a year ago.

Reminder Blizzard is going to make sure Pharah is T1 for the entire lifespan of the game so enjoy getting bombared every single game without fail since there is no reason not to pick Pharah every single time.
>regain 10 health
>regain 26 ammo

It'd be a bargain at twice the price!
>Are they going to rework it or do they enjoy having a gamemode where Defense can expect to lose around 90% time?
Nah the competitive format is already whoever wins faster wins the game. Blizzard designers being retarded as always.
At this point I can't imagine they are going to change it.

They literally copied their entire game from others and yet still failed to make a decent balanced hero/map pool.
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You guys listen to any tunes for your heroes?


HELLOOOOOO, Blackhandt epicly-rare legendary supreskin for Reinhardt WHEN?

if orc face is not ok, then use the blackrock set with helmet

like, same voice actor, why is not a thing yet? lol

stitches abomination skin for roadhog on halloween ;d
Wow you blowed the fuck out of him anon well done
Unfortunately, no. Because according to ignorant retards who TOTALLY know what they're talking about, Offense is always the best side in competitive. Therefore HAHAHA *flails twitch subscription* XD JUST GIT GUD *flaunts 52 ranking* LMAO
It's just force of habit. I do that all the time when I use Tracer.
>just play our useful defense champions to hold off the attackers
>90% of the defense cast deal no or unreliable damage

the first video is where i did it solo as mei, the second one is in a group, which doesnt require much intervention.

I ranked 52 in placement
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>Monitor dies
>have to pull out shitty secondary with max res of 1337x768
>Mouse dies
>have to switch to cheapo 10$ usb mouse
>Try to play a around
>52:0 as Reaper
>play Another
>49:1 as Mccree
I'd like longer attack/defend maps or the symmetrical control point maps of Tf2.

Hell a multi stage attack/defend map like the territorial control with Hydro would be great. Hydro was my favorite map...
huh i just looked at up. i guess its not all that innovative after all.

but still sounds really gimmicky. i just cant imagine something like that being a solid option in a game like overwatch. with monkeys and genjis and actual snipers.

i really dont think its going to be an aoe heal. if blizz chose to make her a sniper id assume its to give her a high burst single target heal. otherwise it would just defeat the purpose of her entire design.
>Hook tracer
>Obviously my m1 hit as a headshot because of the critical SFX
>somehow still able to reverse the damage

what the fuck is this game blizzdrones
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>is CoD the character
>is still super fun

How? I think it's his voice lines.
>not m2 - hook - m1 - melee
if you skip m2 you rely on not getting 20 ticked
also if you hook at max range some abilities like reaper wraith from can be used because the stun doesnt last long enough
Have you ever considered that you're not actually good? At all? So many stories of "retarded team mates" in these generals, I wonder how many of the stories are about other /owg/ dolts and you aren't even aware of it.

For 76:


i would but too bad mccree is worse than mei and bastion right now

also, red dead redemption sucks, its console only so the game can go fuck itself. gun 2005 is the real western video game
>stealing kills with discord headshots
i love robo jesus
>back in our day we didn't have any of that fancy technology shit, and we liked it
HELLO /OWG/ WHICH MCCREE SKIN IS THE BEST????????????????????????
What will be the most common golden weapon and why is it Hanzo's bow?
most of the people in this general arent above level 100 or try to improve nor play for fun

so yea, its every general, full of shit
delete your post
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btw. How do you get his cute spray? Don't understand the description.
>Getting anywhere in competitive
Classic or On The Range.
20 tick familia
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Just do a full combo on someone q e shify
masketta man
tracer has 150 hp, just go for a normal body shot, she will 100% die from it
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Tracer needs a good, hard spanking.
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they are all good.

Depends on what you prefer.

>Mystery Man - Do you like black or yellow as a color?
>Bearded Sheriff - Or do you prefer to be the bearded Lawman?

I really like the Myster Man (black), because it reminds me of western I used to watch.
luminosity literally used 2 hanzos all the time yesterday

Stun someone with Earthshatter

Hit the same person with Firestrike

Hit that same person with Charge
against literal whos
>new weapon design
>design is sent to the three top members of your organization

yes and?
A on overwatch clone for poor people, with better gameplay but completely uninteresting characters and/or setting.

yfw blizzard claimed they have been working on the competitive mode since closed beta when the beta testers weren't happy with it.

can you imagine how fucking bad it must have been before?

probably the worst ranking system in any game ever.
>I wish it was true, I'd rather have a character with no real decernable backstory than "everyone you thought that died didn't!"

Well, in a world where someone can literally revive and stop people from dying, you're following the wrong fucking story.
shit son those goalposts sure moved fast
luminosity playing literal whos is a higher skillcap than your rank 51 """competitive""" games
>the real western video game

Yes except in regards to which golden weapon we'll be seeing everywhere this means literally nothing.
they should have ported the game but nop

it had a sweet online mode i would gladly play it again
Ranked mode was a part of the beta, wasn't it?
Supposedly it was even worse than now so they removed it before launch.
new map when? what should it be, where should it be set? would CTF (or capture payload) be a viable map type?

australia toxic zone post apocalyptic map?
jungle/forest wilderness map? (would probably look garbage with OW graphics?)

The most frustrating part was that their original solution for sudden death was a single KOTH round. Not perfect, but leagues better than the shitshow we have now.

Testers didn't like having to play a different gamemode.

Fickle fucks.
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In hero selection order.
>making new content when the existing content is horribly unbalanced
yeah how about no retard
wrong guy
The english version doesn't have Ana Amari as a recipient. People think the BR version forgot to remove her name in order to make it less obvious she's Sombra. Or something to that effect.
You said champions but you're still right.

The entire defense cast is fucking garbage.

Torbjorn gets so countered by Pharah he might as well not be in the game.
Widowmaker used to be the only good one, now she's merely usable.
Mei is pure dogshit.
Bastion is dogshit and has the same problem as Torbjorn
Junkrat is literally a worse version of Pharah.
Hanzo is Hanzo. Horribly unreliable and a piss poor sniper.

Soldier, Reaper and Tracer fulfill defense roles much better than any actual defense role. Reaper shits on squishies, is the only hero left that can actually kill tanks anymore. Soldier is just good all around, mobile, good damage at all ranges, great ult, and Tracer can contest for years.

The entire Defense part of the cast needs serious changes. Either make Pharah weaker (because she is supposed to counter static defenses, not make them entirely worthless by virtue of existing) or just buff them across the board.
>try getting a 360 noscope with a ball mouse!
Because when you put a CoD in a game filled with specialists and higher TTKs, you get a balanced, reliable, and comfortable character that actually rewards good aim
you're not running around fragging people before they can blink, but you're still a force to be reckoned with.
And to think that the literal aimbot isn't even the strongest ult in the game
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I'm in love with McCree
>"wunce you weach the sirty wank, its difficult to wank down. first we will choose weinhardt."
how haven't you been banned yet?
No one said Ana died though.
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Only cute sprays I am missing are Pharah, Zenyatta, Lucio and Genji.

>Pharah/Genji - Somebody always kills the last dude, that I need.
>Zenyatta/Lucio - My teammates never fucking group up btw. the enemies stop shooting if they see my ult.

What do?
how about you use ur fucking brain u dumb subhuman trash and figure that when i ask about things like these i dont consider them to shit out new content? go back to auschwitz
Reminder that Tracer is cancer
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No particular link, it's just the Revengence soundtrack makes you 15% better at videogames. Proven fact.
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How is Sombra Mexican if she is Pharah's mother and Pharah is Egyptian
that's just a stupid thought because it's not like they wouldn't know all the exact same shit we'd know.

I just hate the whole Sombra is Pharah's mom thing because it literally spawned from "her mom was a sniper!" and inspite of how fucking retarded it is to go off of that and say it's confirmed, it still fucking stuck around.
I guess it's High Noon somewhere in the world
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Mccree hates homos
Truly best boy
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>friend wont play support because the receive 2x less ranked points than damage dealers
>other friend is shooting pointlessly into the reinhard shield so he can hump his damage dealt to gold
thanks for the well thought out competetive mode, blizzard
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You aint the first lady
exactly how i feel

i always feel better with just a bunch of guns on the team instead of some gimmicky defense setup with turrets and shit

hollywood first point is pretty decent for the defense gimmicks but then you only really need 1 symmetra who is not even defense
Anyone else think Symmetra is sexy as hell?
How about instead of wasting what little brain you have on daydreaming about irrelevant shit instead of thinking how to make the game actually work you double cunt hamburger?
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>fall to 47
>go on winstreak and rise up to 51
>just know I am due for a losing streak
>gold in objective time
>gold in objective time
>gold in objective time
>gold in objective time
>two of us against the entire enemy team
>a Reaper who can't kill the Winston that's constantly raping our Mercy because he keeps dying
>capturing the point on KOTH by myself with a FULL FUCKING TEAM alive and feet away, and three members of the other teams jump me

That last part gets me, because I was Winston and we had a Lucio. When I am Lucio, I am always on the fucking point. But the fucking Lucio I was playing with was nowhere to be found. What the fuck are you doing if you are Lucio if you are not trying to capture the point?

Yes, I a mad. This shit is so predictable. I can't carry a team every game. My teammates just dick around over and over again. But then again, I will go on a winstreak (coincidence, Blizzard?), and wind up back where I started, only to repeat all of this again.
i dont understand how people whine about mercy and not about lucio

he's just as nauseatingly overpowered as her, just as much of a required pick, much uglier to look at and much more braindead to play
Yeah, there's more proof that she's a new person entirely. The spanish name, being tied to the Dorado plot in Mexico with 76, and Reaper's unused line about her suggests she might be working with Talon.
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>Your team attacks
>Defending team stacks Bastion and Reins
I usually shoot his shield if there's nothing else to shoot, don't you need to break it at some point?
I got the cute Lucio spray the first time I played him. I didn't know what I was doing and I think I ulted right when Reaper was ulting. Just keep at it.
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Sorry for blog post but,
>GF of 4 years leaves me for some guy
>He beats her
>She leaves him and wants me back
>Last night says she's going back to him because "maybe he didn't mean it"

What do?

P.s. should I just give up on comp play seriously I'm gonna have an aneurysm if I lose another rank

>shooting pointlessly into the reinhardt shield

No such thing as pointlessly shooting that shield. Gotta generate pressure for your team.
Obviously the people who say she's Pharah's mom don't think she's Mexican.
I don't even really care if it is Amari or not.
I just hate the fucking faggots that keep on shouting about it.
Ignore her, she's obviously mental
She left you? She's dead to you
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>shooting reinhardt's shield
And you think THEY suck?
heroes never die for a price is more annoying

its much more demoralizing then lets break it down
kick her out, and play zenyatta in quick play
You call her up and say she deserves to be beaten. Then you hang up before she says anything and move on with your life.
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At first that looked okay, but then when he jerked towards lucio twice, holy shit.
Pump and dump.
nah, he was like 'let me shoot this reinhardt shield so i can get gold and then ill jump above him for the kill'

i hope they scrap rank being influenced by medals in s2 because this is pathetic, i already feel like i cant play anything but pharah because ill get 2x less points if i dont have 3 gold medals
Just move on, people suck and she obviously doesn't value you if your her fallback plan like that.
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>play Reinhardt on Numbani in comp
>attacking on round 1
>rape the defense
>4/6 of the enemies leave
>spend the second round sitting on the payload and eating peanut butter
Are 76 and Widow the only pharah counters right now? I need to find a reliable counter because no one thinks to shoot her as she destroys our team. This happens almost every game.
>Can revive teammates at full health
>Even with a wall between them
>Not overpowered
Top cuck. I bet you play support.
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There is nothing worse in this game than a whiny entitled support.

>Durr Reinhardt why weren't you shielding against the two Genjis they just picked
>Because it's absolutely pointless as they'll just dash through my shield to get to you?
>You don't seem to understand you're screwed if I do or don't
Dont play until they fix it also

Try talking to her but dont involve to much it can be counterproductive
>supporting in ranked
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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Jesus christ
he definitely did mean it and if you had any balls you'd beat her dumb whore ass too
>Last night says she's going back to him because "maybe he didn't mean it"

holy shit how dumb can one be
>being a tank cuck.

I dont listen to music while I play because then you cant hear the game as well. And you miss shit.

I've been killed by junkrats who lobbed a blind grenade down a hallway before just because they heard tracer's "YEAH" as I blinked

76 and Widow are the best ones, but McCree, Roadhog, and a friendly Pharah can work in a pinch.
i didn't say she wasn't overpowered

she is overpowered, and it comes mostly from his ult

unlike lucio who is overpowered all around

it's not like it's mercy or lucio, it's mercy AND lucio because you need both heroes to have a shot at winning
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Why is this hero so polarizing in terms of balance? I've seen various people say she's overpowered OR underpowered.
Why would you want to rank down in competitive?
>Two Genjis

Hero stacking should be bannable.
what about your wifes son?
Yes. And sometimes Roadhog thanks to his hook.
When the enemy team has a Reinhardt I usually try to concussion mine over the shield and force him to turn around and deal with me before I pick apart their backliners.
This is bait
cause you actually need to hit her rockets to kill people

her being rated 1* on the difficulty thingy is the biggest joke
>not dropping that bitch the first time she leaves you
If she's doing it a second time what's stopping her from doing it a third? Even if it's not with the same guy.

Supports/Healers are by trade the whiniest most entitled little cunts in existence.
I'd rather play without one than an entitled one askins for shit like "remember to commend your healz guys xD"

I miss the days of release Death Knights in wotlk. No healer needs. 5man dks. I am the team
>play zenyatta in quick play
This is where all my enjoyment in Overwatch comes from these days

She's the Direct Hit Soldier: OP as fuck if you hit directs, useless if you don't. Her "splash" damage is pathetic.
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>he has sex to procreate
I wish tankslut were a thing desu.
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>mfw hitting mercys out of the air with helix rockets
the best feel
PC Players v Console Players
what kind of a cuck are you
fucking ignore her
welcome to the hanzone
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You have to be able to aim.
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It could be if they are pretty enough
Actually it's not bait. I posted here a while back about her leaving me and how shit my life is because I'm going blind and deaf
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ignore her

play junkrat in quickplay
>other friend is shooting pointlessly into the reinhard shield
kill yourself retard
you're bringing your friends rank down
Never accept her back again. Fool me one time shame on you... She's most likely doing this not because she still has feelings for you, she's just using you for scapegoat.
This is bait

>At first that looked okay

which goes to show you how hard an aimbot can be to detect visually, doesn't it?

>Blood DKs were so broken that Blizzard had to literally make Blood the tank spec to justify removing half their CDs

Just remember, this is the fate that could befall us with the new hero release.
read the responses you fucking failed abortion
>have to outplay the opponent on Defend everytime and hold a point for 5+ min
>all the Attack side has to do is rush you as a team and cooordinate ults and can sometimes win in less than 2 mins
How to git gud at defending? Who are some good heroes to use on defense? I keep getting steamrolled.
Play D.Va

D.Va>>>>>bitches and whores

Oh, stick to QP till your stabilize yourself.
>play junkrat every game
that's the core of the game, defending is impossible with two roughly equal teams
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Dat booty
I hope you, your ex, and her ex bf die in a car crash.
>That anatomy

>She's literally autism.
Can't get passed it. Sorry.
Not only does Mercy's ult charge insanely fast, but it's FUCKING INSTANT where Lucio has a windup that can at least be stopped or stalled. even if she presses Q when at 1 health, it'll still go through before she gets hit by a stray leaf in the wind
Lucio is good at securing a fight, not completely negating it

>Who are some good heroes to use on defense?

The Assault ones and Junkrat.
You're bait!

Seriously though don't want to derail the thread with cuck memes its just all my friends are fucking asleep and I have no one else to ask for help
but what when you need a support or tank?
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>Autistic Brainwashed Corporate Fascist
Have you considered asking this is bait
what do you want advice for? didn't she already tell you she's leaving you for him again?
For your viewing pleasure:
>and recieving barely no xp
i once charged my ult 0-100 right after using it in less than 15 seconds keeping a roadhog alive that was being focused. 15 seconds
Yeah but she wants me to promise I'll fucking support her in her decision which is just pants on head retarded
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> mfw the little kid from the reveal cinematic will be Doomfist
But I could play my waifu
or be the third Widowmaker/Hanzo on the team
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>enemy has a pharah
>teammate: fucking pharah players
>check our team
>literally no heroes that can deal with her
>go 76
>suddenly team isn't being annihilated
burden of knowledge hero. she's the Bastion of sub-60
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Who the shit thought it's a good idea to give a motherfucking Russian several emo goth skins? Where is the glorious babushka skin?
requires decentish aim and to be pocketed

if you give her these 2 she is the most broken hero in the entire game as shown by competitive meta being pharah

if you don't give her either she seems underpowered
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I just came out of a match with 3 Pharah and and Mercy.

What the fuck counters that shit.

Soldier does nothing vs all that knockback and AoE.
Is soloq really that bad? I have nobody to play with, I landed on 55 because of retards on either team, but I am fairly new myself.

Also, if one plays characters like Lucio, are they bound to be less impactful than if they'd play a character that can get kills, and do it better than some teammates?
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>mfw the little kid from the reveal cinematic will be Doomfist
Just tell her what she secretly wants to hear.
>numbani defense
>double hanzo
why didn't I leave
How does quickplay matchmaking work? Because I know that I'm not that good, but I keep getting paired with people that make me look like LeBron fucking James in comparison
All the legendaries for each hero, except for maybe Mercy, are all shit. As a Pharah player, why ththe shit does she have a native indian skin when she's egyptian?

Blizzard ran out of ideas and made shit up. Also, no Gulag skin for Zarya.
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>That one 76/Widow/Hanzo that stops you from annihilating the entire enemy team over and over again
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do you want her back?
if yes tell her so and tell that she is a fucking retard for wanting to go back to someone that beat her
if no tell that she is a fucking retard for wanting to go back to someone that beat her

They needed to serve penance to Tumblr for the Tracer's ass scuffle.
it has hidden mmr

you can just inspect profile of everyone ingame and it should be shitter mmr ranks if you're that bad
2 rein shield
bastion/76/whatever behind
Optional extra D.Va for blocking justice
But he's obviously from Africa considering the heritage museum and all the past (and silhouette of the current )obviously being niggas
triple soldier, lucio, winston, and another winston/lucio or reinhardt.

stop trying to defeat stacked heroes with legitimate compositions.
>>147720112 why ththe shit does she have a native indian skin when she's egyptian?
Because it looks cool so who cares.
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Waifus are a valuable part of a man's life and as a man with many waifus who love me dearly I've come here to tell you that your waifu does not in fact exist. why is that you may ask, well let's divulge into the topic shall we

no physical contact. very very very important I have to make here. touch your waifu right now, what do you feel? you feel nothing, and feeling nothing assures that they don't exist. as a man with many waifus I can confirm I can touch my waifu and confirm their existence

anime. I have already divulged into why anime is not real and that means that your waifu is not real either. It is the same as humans not existing if earth does not exist. A simple fact that anyone even you can understand. As a man with many waifus I can confirm mine exist as they are not from an anime

you. your state of mind contributes to the fakeness of your waifu. when is the last time you visited a doctor? ask yourself that. as a man with many waifus I can confirm I go to my doctor monthly and they report my mental state as normal

well I hope that clears up any confusion on your waifu. as a man with many waifus the prospect of finding out your waifu is not real is hard and I understand that and for that I recommend seeing a doctor or going outside. Thank you
>genji at mid 50s
not here
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How is Junkrat not broken?

Every time I play him I feel fucking dirty, it's sad how easy it is to fucking destroy as that giggling sack of shit.

It's also insanely annoying to play against him and get blown up in a second.

Zarya is becoming one of my most played characters simply because she's the one hero that can actually use that nigger's bullshit against him.
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>get stomped
>everyone on the enemy team says "gg" "wp"
>she wants me to promise I'll fucking support her in her decision
Tell her fucking no and to fuck off. She's a grown woman she doesn't need a "promise of support of her decision".

More Soldiers. If they're gonna hero stack, you gotta stack right back.

Hero stacking is what's gonna ultimately kill the competitive scene of this game.
...no, that's very unlikely,
besides: We've seen pictures of Doomfist and he's from Numbani
>and an Omnic
doze shoteing in dva shielt giev here charge? ultimate
>Junkrat isn't his waifu/husbando

On a sidenote, I was thinking anoug the hog and his problematic kit and came up with this as a possible change:
P:Roadhog's teammates and opponents build 20% less ultimate from respectively aiding and damaging him.

The part of the reason Reinhardt is so good is that he has damage mitigation which doesn't allow his opponents to build ultimate, which is why Hog can be a major liability to a team.
Did they remove mccree from the bot selection? He's gone for me.
Doomfist is just a title. Anyone with the fist can become Doomfist.

Not really. Wow's eternal problem has always been hybrids.

And making dks be able to tank and dps with a single talent spec: Was never gonna work

Overwatch everyone's role is clearly defined and fairly rigid.

Although to be fair talents DID exist in early overwatch. Thank god they dont exist anymore
so, they literally made sudden death even harder for attackers?
>d.va, torbjorn, roadhog, hanzo, mccree
>bad skins
Ok dude
how do i know at what charge my weapon is as zarya?
>dont play competitive
>surprised when the games arent competitive

>even harder

>Tfw the new doomfist (Aka the greyed out "The Succesor" in the poster in the museum) will be A white South African complete with thick south african accent
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>friends keep telling me that "gg" is "good sportsmanship"
>game wasn't good
>sarcastic "sportsmanship" is good sportsmanship
>friends telling me wp is the same case
I want this meme to die.
are you dumb

gg ez
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>get placed at 62
>drop down to 58 due to shitters

No, at least I didn't notice it so far, even when blocking >2k damage from a bastion emptying its 200 bullets on me plus an extra molten core turret raping me from another side.
nope, is it around the cursor? i literally dont notice shit around the cursor, i only recently found out that it shows how many people you are healing as lucio
>why ththe shit does she have a native indian skin when she's egyptian?
why does torbjorn have american biker and pirate skins even though he's swedish
why does roadhog have a maori skin even though he's australian
why do genji and zenyatta have arabic skins even though they're respectively Japanese and Tibetan?
because they're for show you fucking tool
also >native indian
that'd be symmetra you tard. if you're going to be politically correct you could at least try
>get stomped
>other side shittalks hard if you're higher leveled then them
>stomp back
>whole enemy team leaves
Doomkid must be a thing. If Blizzard bait and switches this imma be pissed.
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she has terminal autism. tell her to hang herself from a balcony then you can be free to find a cute fuccboi trap who would never leave his master
lmfao what were blizz thinking with mccree? don't they know how to rework heroes?

>wow mccree is a pretty fucking terrible hero except for his flashbang + fan combo which is ridiculously op
>let's just nerf the combo and leave him as he is otherwise

shit at close range because lol 200 hp and lol zarya sized hitbox

shit at mid range because lol 50% damage falloff at 20 fucking meters

>git gud

yeah but what's the point of gitting gud with this hero when i could just pick soldier or reaper and do what mccree is supposed to do, just better?

It's the little number right under your reticle
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How the fuck does Genji "counter" Bastion at all?


All Bastion needs to do is stop holding down left click for 1 second and then Genji is dead.

Not to mention Bastion is always going to be hiding behind some faggot reinhart so Genji's reflect does absolutely fuckall.

And if you try to go into melee-range to reflect, well reinharts going to oneshot you just by swinging his hammer
>See overwatch trailer
>See Pharrah
>Flying Egyptian lady with a varia suit and quake rocket launcher
>Expecting her to be Samus in an orbital frame with strafe jumping
>turns out she plays more like soldier from TF2, but with a jetpack
I feel mislead
I never played McCree prior to nerf, but find it really satisfying to play now.

Is he still decent atleast?
its also the giant expanding circle that covers half your crosshair
bastion has a large hitbox, genji can bypass defenses and get up close to M2 him twice into LShift so hes basically dead instantly

If you're not using the default crosshair, the circle doesn't show up.
McCree's kit was half long range and half short range. When they nerfed his long range game his ult was out of place but still usable. Then they nerfed his ult and then his only good combo flash+fan.

They literally nerfed everything about McCree that made his kit usable.
Genji has no falloff for his attacks, so like widowmaker he can attack bastion outside of bastions effective range, the reflect can surprise them especially if the bastion is firing into a group, and he's a flanker and can easily get in close to where bastion will have a harder time tracking him.

counter doesn't mean "will always win" it means "has some advantages over in a fight"
genji doesn't do enough damage at all.

Also, how to do that with reinhart smacking your ass throughout.
at higher mmrs (don't worry, you'll get there eventually) the genji vs bastion matchup is still nigh impossible for the bastion because genji can run circles around him and jump over him while spamming m2 and dashing all around. the matchup is nigh unwinnable for the bastion if genji gets close, the best he can do is go to recon mode and hope he can take genji down with his team

>reinhardt's gonna oneshot
no that doesn't happen at all
your friends are braindead. the act of saying gg at the end of a game originated from warcraft/starcraft and was always initiated by the loser; an admission of defeat.
only after the loser says gg may the winner also reply gg. any preemptive gg is an act of intentional bm. same goes for wp.
this has been common knowledge for nearly two decades.
cringe inducing
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I've always wanted to be Pharah's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the spawn room with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" D.Va says. Widowmaker licks her lips, Tracer giggles, and Symmetra glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Pharah kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Pharah's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel myself teleported across the room, and I find myself lying underneath D.Va, Widowmaker, and Tracer. They had already taken their boots off and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Pharah said, "he's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. She shoves my dick inside her tight, sopping wet pussy and starts pumping. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred Reinhardts. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she stands over my head and rains her "justice" down on me from above. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
are you trying to approach him from the front?
don't do that, he'll be able to identify you as a genji.
hit him from the back or the side. get his attention so he'll wheel around guns blazing, then you should deflect.
he's more a reactionary pick now

you wouldn't pick mccree straight from the beginning
>implying anyone who plays bastion has the brain cells to rub together to stop holding down his Potg giving left click.
Even if the bastion stops shooting immidiatly, that's 2 seconds of bastion NOT SHOOTING that hopefully your team can deal him a little damage. The genji should be able to get off one attack+ a dash and a melee and that should finish off the bastion. It works more often than not.
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>sudden death offense on hollywood
>we can talk one retard out of picking symmetra
>someone else goes bastion to protect our spawn
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>tfw mostly main pharah and security chief is my fav skin out of all chars but don't wanna shill for the origins upgrade

>Stomp someone
>say nothing
>Someone on their team types "Sorry we didn't provide a challenge"
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listen fucko im not going to vote in your dumb shit if you add the captcha
fuck you and people like you

It was already a free win. So, yeah

Yep, I fell right back down to 47.


Jesus Christ, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
>symmetra on sudden death
when will this end. literally no time to charge her teleporter and when she does get it we're still fucked
>even harder for attackers?
no they cut the time so attackers are more inclined to go 6 winston and bumrush even harder
>tfw main Pharah and default/security chief are my favourites

I have no use for the rest
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Bastion is countered by pretty much every single hero in the game anon

Because he's a big fat immobile hitbox anyone can corner peek
>roadhog hooks their mercy
>accidentally knock her away with lucio
forgive me pigman
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>Limp away from a fight with 40 health
>Make it to a medkit room
>Super Saiyan 5 Zarya is standing on the medkit spawn
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Dualie revolvers when
>Bastion setup in Hanamura 2'nd point in a corner with reinhart shield.

how to fucking deal with taht bullshit as genji?
genjis bullshit shurikens have 0 falloff

you can snipe bastion from across the map and there's nothing he can do about it
>yfw Anubis skin is the best skin for Pharah

git gud
while the bastion is focusing on the chokepoint, flank to headshot him from the back
by the time he realises what's going on he'll be below half health and ready to be blown the fuck out
you're pretty good
Is this a real question or you pulling a prank?
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>someone else goes bastion to protect our spawn
Just yesterday someone posted devilish ways of trolling in overwatch and this was one of them. ""Preventing them from spawncamping us".
Symmetra needs a UI element that shows friendlies who don't have a shield.

What do you pick him against? Tracer/Genji?
>liking a dog helmet

I love the colour scheme, but the anubis shit ruins it
>Play on console Don't laugh at me I'm poor
>Want to rebind jump to L2 on certain characters
>Worry that these characters will get useful Alt fires at some point
>playing with guns like that
huge retard, if he ever goes to court for shooting someone even by accident he's fucked if anyone saw this
you give her a rough hate fucking and lightly choke her during orgasm so she knows you're a tough cunt and stays with you instead
yeah hes also decent against reaper
double revolvers is the dumbest thing i can think
he wreck reins pretty good still imo, doesn't kill with one foth but does kill with 1 shot afterward
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I know that feel, anon. except I don't even like the default one compared to security chief.

Pic related, it's why I main pharah.
That's not how the legal system works.
Why the fuck would it be loaded
Why? He isn't doing anything illegal.
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Just a few quick tips to make you less retarded:
>if zarya is already glowing bright as fuck there are literally 0 fucking reasons not to shoot her shield when shes running at you
>all the enemies in cover? nothing much to do? SHOOT THE FUCKING REINHARDT'S SHIELD
In a game where science gorillas run around with tesla guns? or Passifict robot monks show the world their peaceful ways by force?
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Waifu mercy
Take it from me waifus are way better than bitches like her
Additionally, call the cops on the situation and just give a statement about how you know the guy beat her. You should do that. Often times the only way a woman gets out of the beating is when the guy gets arrested
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How can you not like the blue one? It's so vibrant
i'm talking about real life, not in a videogame
Do you think Roadhog has a gigantic mutant corkscrew penis?
I dual wield revolvers at the range.
He's replicating a scene in Metal Gear Solid 3.
Tribes was fucking great. What happened to it?
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Because I like the look of an operator waifu, anon.
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What do honetly think the summer skins will be?

I don't think they'd be able to get away with beach attire, no matter how much money I give them
I took dual revolvers into afghanistan and downed three opfor at range, please underage nogunz kiddies stop bashing things you don't understand.
why is everyone's run speed so goddamn slow in this game? It's pretty much unplayable unless you play 76 or that dumb nigger and even then they're still slow as hell
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If I shoot that Zarya's shield, will I die?
It would be extremely painful.
They abandoned it for their next project.
he's a worse soldier/reaper except he has the power to sometimes instadelete a squishy hero at close range or get instadeleted himself

ok here's how i'd like to see mccree

>hp increased to 250
>flashbang now, for 1.5 seconds, slows movespeed by 50% and caps turnrate so that enemies can only turn like 90 degrees a second and stops movement ability use
>flashbang cooldown reduced to 6 seconds
>m1 damage falloff reduced from 35 to 50 and starts at 25m instead of 15m or whatever it is now

or idk
It will be extremely painful if she shoots back at you after.
>Another retard thinks he knows something of anatomy

Don't ever speak about it again, bodies like that are quite real. So really, don't ever talk about anatomy again.
it doesn't imply anything about his ability to use a real loaded fire arm.

all this shows is that he's spent a lot of time replicating a cutscene from a shitty video game.
No you didn't
To each their own I guess. I love her default one slightly more though.

Also, post more best girl
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Best wife
>two epics
>one terrible intro and one duplicate emote
>Finally starting to git gud with Zarya
>Consistently have 70+ charge
>Nearly every friendly ult goes off smoothly because of applied barriers
>Most enemy ults get stuffed because of barriers
>Prevent OT cheesing by trapping their desperate Tracer/Lucio rush in the Gravity Surge

I think the flashbang change would be bad. Stuns are already cancerous enough. A slow and silence on a 6s cool down would be even worse. Tbh cc has very little place in a fps.
So in quick play I keep losing because of retarded fucking teammates who have no idea what team composition is. You'll have a genji and tracer just being completely useless when half the enemy team is tanks.

Is competitive any better?
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Here's how you fix McCree without making him OP again

FtH 45 -> 50
Min LMB 35 -> 40
That's not Roadhog.
genji picking autist here

mccree is literally free kills for genji. hit hitbox is perfect for m2 spam. the only way mccree wins that matchup is if genji doesn't notice mccree shooting him at 15m range or less, or if mccree gets a flashbang and instantly hits genji with a headshot and another shot (which is gonna be difficult since genji will spend most of the flashbang stun flying around due to constant jump spam)

mccree makes 1 mistake = he dies by default
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>All Bastion needs to do is stop holding down left click for 1 second and then Genji is dead.
Wrong on multiple accounts. Firstly, Genji's reflect lasts up to two seconds. Secondly, it genuinely takes time to stop holding the button. Human reaction speed is at best going to be around 0.2 seconds, you're going to have 0.1 seconds of screen delay, and at least 0.05 delay from lag. So even assuming bastion stops firing as fast as possible, he's going to pump 13 rounds into himself. It only takes ten of those bullets to get rid of his armor, meaning he'll be at 155 health at best after you reflect assuming he was reacting to your reflection rather than predicting it. Your swiftstrike-spread-melee combo does 185 damage, and he's a large and stationary target in turret mode, meaning hitting all three shiriken is easy and he can't avoid anything until he transforms (which is going to take him a whole half second). He's fucked.

And again, halting fire in 0.4 seconds is something you likely won't be able to do on reaction. Average human reaction speed and your average Joe's lag are both going to be 0.05 seconds longer than what I'd posted. And that's just your reaction speed to one event; if multiple things are going on, you could very easily take another 0.05 seconds to respond. If he keeps shooting for 0.55 seconds, he'll be at 50 health, which means you can just kill him with swiftstrike without even consuming it. And on top of all of that, this is still assuming that the Bastion is at full health, which he may well not be. In all likelihood, he's probably turning towards you after you've just hit him with shuriken. If he's behind a Reinhardt shield that's a whole other ball game, but given that bastion is known to chew through Reinhardt, reflecting his bullets is probably going to still be worth your time, and you can always flank and shuriken him form afar.
>it doesn't imply anything about his ability to use a real loaded fire arm.
No, lawyers would have no problems using this video in an attempt to assassinate his character to paint a picture of guilt.

No. It's way saltier though.
How To Fix Overwatch

- remove zarya, both the character aesthetics and gameplay design are garbage

- make discord orb a fired orb projectile just like zenyatta's normal attacks, then buff its damage amp

- 60tick

- remove roadhog hook, replace with a non-stun mechanic

Also 250 hp
Can anyone tell me what the Zarya shield thing is? I've been gone for a while
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>Playing comp with Soldier 76
>Lose the first round
>Other 76 says "I guess we know who the better 76 is"
>Spend the rest of the game out dueling him and then killing at least two other people
>Win the game
>"You didn't make the cut, kid"
>Calls me a nigger
>report him
Well that was satisfying
don't shoot it
cuz you need the audio to play better hearing footsteps around corners and stuff

but this is definitely Soldier 76's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNVZzXgMdXs
Gee, what champs do you usually main? :^)

but people wish you death and stuff, pretty annoying
the flashbang doesn't really do what it's supposed to do now. preferably i'd have it removed altogether but at the moment it's something mccree is based around. to be honest, the game kind of needs the flashbang to be CC because blizz went full retard with tracer's design. so either rework tracer to be unrecognizable or keep the flashbang in the game and make it some sort of soft CC to help deal with tracers
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>this is how spines work idiot!
This is correct. I'm a bastion main with quick reflexes and if I react to Genji's reflect rather than anticipate it and stop early, I lose half my hp. When I do stop genji just dashes and spams M2 point blank while double jumping in the air. A good Genji can keep bastion from ever getting any kills.

You dont have to remove Roadhog hook, just nerf his damage so he cant one shot 90% of the cast anymore

His shotgun does more damage than Reaper's ffs and he has like 2.5x the hp, and a way to drag enemies straight into lethal range
>Remove Zarya

Lol at this scrub who keeps feeding her

Barrier that negates damage and converts the damage taken into a damage buff for her weapon.

It also negates CC effects like Mei's Blizzard.

>- remove zarya, both the character aesthetics and gameplay design are garbage

how about we remove porkshit instead

he's a fat piece of shit, is OP and boring as hell to play
I'm not the guy you're responding to; but, what exactly would it prove? He shot someone either way in this scenario. I cant imagine a judge would increase the charges just because he can do some sick tricks.
most girls are going to war in highheels
mech cannot move too fast on legs
roadhog is a mountain
junkrat has a fucking huge tire on his back and has a terrible replacement leg
pharah is in a suit made for flying, not running. and it terrible for flying because of limited fuel
rein has a few hundred kg iron on him
zenyatta chooses to float, not run
moving is kinda hard in mei's clothes
bastion is a fucking robot, see mech
TB has short legs and carries a mobile forge
reaper can shadowsteep and tracer can blink, no need to run
zarya carries a gun that is probably heavier than something most 4chan posters could lift

handsoap and genji should run faster. mccree could have sprint too. more usable than roll.
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>much uglier to look at
That's wrong though
>much easier to play
O let's break it down I am laffin
Mercy is literally the most brain dead support of the cast. Having basic situational and spacial awareness while holding a button is not a skill.
strong haul, family.
Change Tracer so she has to see her past point (represented as a hologram / can see it through walls) so it's not just an, "EJECT OUT OF DANGER!" button. Then buff her HP a tiny bit (15% max). Now they have to plan their attack instead of buzzing around.
You do know that all that really shows is that the prosecution doesn't have any real evidence, right?
There's no chance now due to "The Successor"
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>3 golds as Pharah on Ilios
>lose in a sweep

Fuck it, I am going Pharah every round. Eventually, I will get put with good groups and go on a streak again.
so they're not too hard to aim for casuals.

i know the point is to focus on dat ass, however thats not how spines work if u look closely.
they opted for slower movespeeds but you're required to headshot with almost every weapon so you still need to be real good at aiming. i guess they didn't want to give people motion sickness or whatever. i would've preferred faster movespeeds at the cost of headshots too
>I'm a bastion main
you shouldnt be allowed to like things i dont agree with
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>He shot someone either way in this scenario.
What? Are you just adding shit for no reason or did he shoot someone IRL? The reality either way lawyers, and the courts, are not about facts but perception.
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am i a god or just lucky
>bastion main
suicide yourself

but really if you're playing on console, reload instead of releasing the trigger to stop shooting. Tapping the button is faster than letting off the trigger.
>these characters keep killing me, pls nerf them
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rate the overwatch girls from best to worst
>12yo boy
>poo in loo
Genji and Tracer are the only ones with passive run speed increases.
Takes a lot more than one shot after a Fan to kill a Rein. There's no headshot damage on it FYI
Why is it okay for 76 to have literally no counter?
You said if he accidentally shot someone anon. Why is he in court if he didn't?
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>kill an annoying Tracer with helix and ONE bullet to the head
just shoot him in the head as hanzo

>You said...
When the fuck did I ever say that?

>Why is he in court if he didn't?
Are you fucking saying only guilty people go to court? Seriously? Fucking seriously?
*puts biotic field down* pssh...nothin personel kid
>my friend ask me to play with him
>he is really bad, not as in "ooga booga" bad, but this is his first actual FPS game, he doesn't even know what class to play
>I tell him to go trying different characters, and I'd play either support or tank to keep him from dying
>I get Zarya
>He gets Pharah
>tell him to ult when I do
>he does, gets 4 kills and PotG
>he gets so fucking happy you wouldn't believe it
It's always fun seeing people getting excited over PotG.

Don't forget to share, like and subscribe.
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>Loss = 1.5 - 2 levels
>Win = <1 level
This is shit Blizzard
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Hah hah hah *snort*
>le counter meme

Did you know you can kill others with heroes who don't le hard counter them?

Fucking skrubs, learn to play before you complain.
Because he's literally balance: the hero
remove hanzo

holy shit I fixed the game
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>every competitive game tonight was close as fuck
>barely any me ooga team boogaing going on
>end up not budging at all from the rank I started with

I'm still satisfied to be honest.

I feel so good on S76 now, I hope he doesn't get nerfed and they just ban people for using the 100% accuracy script.
enjoy getting 50 games in a row of retarded teammates locking genji/hanzo/zen or just generally inappropriate team comps and going back to 50.
best to worst
sym with bag over head
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>Playing McCree
>A wild Tracer appears!
>Dink her in the head
>She tries to blink past me to get a healthpack
>Kill her with my Funbang
Best counter to Mercy/Rein/Bastion sitting on payload?

>inb4 another bastion
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>Watch me shit on retards who can't aim in quickplay
See >>147721423
No I'm not saying only guilty people go to court. But to go to court for shooting someone, someone needs to be shot. Twirling guns isn't illegal.
junkrat probably
I speak 'insecure 4chan teen with damaged ego', here's what actually happened

>playing comp with soldier 76
>get utterly demolished, the enemy 76 beating me at every turn
>cry about my team in allchat then run to 4chan and make up a fictitious account to try to delusionally repair my wounded sense of self worth
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I'd say Mercy and Pharah are the same, and it just comes down to preference. I prefer a delicious brown
someone thought this was worth recording
That wasn't my post you goddamn retard.
He's only op with godly aim that no one has.
or with the trigger macro.
Rest don't matter
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>the genji and hanzo's on your team that wont switch even though the other team has 2 winstons
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>I hope he doesn't get nerfed and they just ban people for using the 100% accuracy script.
Is that what that is?

I ran into some good players last night on quick play and they invited me to their group. The next game had this godly solider 76 on the other team that carried them. There was literally no difference between him ulting and not ulting.

Kill cam would show him just sitting there and the nanosecond an enemy appeared he was on them with 100% accuracy even if they were an autistic genji double jumping everywhere.
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You didn't make the cut.
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Get hogged
It started the reply chain, you fucking mong. Everyone else replying was replying to this scenario. Ignoring that, what is he accused of in your mind where this video matters?

your litterally retarded if you take her back. its worse than cucking because atleast with cucks all 3 parties know and are involved and the girl doesnt leave the guy.
>Having basic situational and spacial awareness while holding a button is not a skill.
That's already 3 more skills than the ones needed to play Lucio though.

Attraction to west African features (American blacks, big lips etc) =/= attraction to dark skin

Africans with caucasian features (thin lips etc) yet dark with dark skin are hot.
I like that they made the 32 year old character look younger than the 19 year old

it's some skillful pandering to the early-30s mom crowd looking for games to purchase for their half-black childlren
How shit are you that you can't do the same without a macro? There is no skill involved in burst firing. Just don't hold the fucking button all the time.
Roadhog is one of my highest playtimes.

I just think these webms are bland garbage.
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>tfw no Pharah daki designs
All the script does is make your burst firing perfect for no weapon spread by just holding down m1 as opposed to having to tap on and off.

So it's not an aimbot, it just means his shots will go 100% where he points his gun.
started at rank 40 now at 57.
anyone have a bigger difference in ranks? it just seems so easy to rank up since I lose less rank when I lose a game compared to what I gain when I win.
This, being immobile is the worst thing possible in an FPS.

A lot of bad players complain about Bastion but in all seriousness he needs his shield back or some kind of ability that actually lets him defend himself while in sentry mode.
It's not some magic hack script, you can achieve near the same thing yourself by taking your finger off lmb for a split second
tans represent nothing but a greatly heightened chance of skin cancer, why would they be attractive?
1. wait till they get next to a building
2. walk upstairs
3. ask for distraction form your team

are you retarded? are you one of those shitters in SR 2x? you HAVE to shoot the reign shield to burn it down as quick as possible and keep him and his team from pushing forward.
Why the fuck are you still pushing this angle when it's clear that the commentary was on the courts and not about the hypothetical situation about the man actually shooting someone you fucking numbnuts?
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>mercy mains
Sorry that Lucio actually has ways to protect himself and kill others and not holding left click screaming for help whenever he dies :(
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Shut just shut the fuck up
I'm not a Mercy main and I fucking despise Mercy but even while she is braindead she is still harder to play than Lucio. Lucio might be the easiest character in the entire fucking game.
Because no one else cares about the courts. I care about his sick moves.
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I think he'd be better off as a long range sharpshooter honestly. Changing Flashbang to a "Disarming Shot" would be pretty cool. Additionally Fan the Hammer's damage can be modified like D.va's damage fall off so it can be changed to an emergency close range maneuver.
Holy shit he must have spanked you hard.
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I haven't played Overwatch in a while, so when I returned a day or two ago I tried out competitive play.

I just finished my final placement match and I'm at rank 61. 7/10 were wins.

Where does this place me really? The number is pretty arbitrary. I have to say that the level of gameplay I had during those placement matches was better than quickplay overall. There were more intelligent hero choices and player tactics.

What are these competitive points/tokens for?
the macro means you can just hold the trigger, which means there's no uneven pressure on the mouse which makes for steadier aiming.
arguable. mercy is mainly a hero about decision making, loss/gain calculation, priority management.
as mercy i feel like im playing an rts game rather than an fps, like im commanding troops into battle. micro managing with heals/buffs and macroing with res.
i think mercy gets called braindead because her Q is so powerful in that it can turn games immediately. but a good mercy knows exactly when her penta-res will win the game and when it will do nothing but feed another 5 kills.
So that's the bullshit that's been happening lately, when did this start?
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>play hot monkey dick
>make Genji, Widow, Symmetra and Mercy mains rage
Is there a better feeling?
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>Two Lucios in that map
>there are people who actually think this
Roadhog could use a buff

Hook CD now resets after a kill
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>Play fill the health bars
>If you get attacked fly to your team and hope they shoot them
>Once you get ult hide in a corner until your team dies and fly in and res them
You don't even need to worry about shooting anything with your healstick out
To be honest gives you an unfair advantage no matter how godly you are at doing it manually.

You simply cannot doing it as humanly fast as you can with the script, it basically makes it look like the gun is full auto, but the pause is so fucking minute you don't lose any accuracy.
Does lucio heal stack?
>Making him more overpowered
When are they going to implement one hero limit in competitive and quick play?

Stacking heroes completely breaks the game.
not enough pharah sfmut desu
video or just a photo?
Oh, I didn't realize that's what people meant when they said that until now. I mean, I knew how to do that, I just thought people were complaining about aimbots. Why not just make it so his first shot didn't do that? Badaboom, script works no more.
Lucio is harder tbqh. Simply because he isn't just a healslut. You can actually kill people. You contribute to team DPS. You also have to swap between your auras if you want to have the most utility possible.
Reinhardt could use a buff

His shield stays as a barrier around him while he doesn't project it in front of him.
>floating through the map just casually 2hitting everyone with pharah
>three of them switch to soldier 76 and still die

when does this game get hard?

Never. And in two years, they'll wonder why the competitive scene never took off.
this is a misconception. lucio has a pretty high skill cap to play well. he is easy to pick up and learn, but thats where the ease of him ends. after that you really have to be a non retard to know how to properly use him. mercy is still easiest support for babies. hard to fuck her up honestly.
Mercy is easier to kill and there is some awareness and decision gameplay in ulting, as well as finding a good place to rez in the middle of a fight, or you know hiding in case you need to pop a rez or something like that.

Lucio literally plays himself. Just by existing you're benefitting your team, shoot people a bunch, rightclick people who get too close, press Q to stop damage, press E when people get low or when ulted to make people go faster. End.

What I'll actually agree you with is that Lucio potentially has a higher skillcap, and it's harder to be a godlike Lucio than a godlike Mercy. But Lucio's skillfloor is easily the lowest in the game, an ape could play him.
When you get a MMR higher than 25
Things that never happened for 300
Does that mean Zenyatta is the hardest and most useful since he contributes more dps than lucio, has to swap his healing like mercy, and is an easier target to kill than either?
>lucio has 58% winrate
>mercy has 47%
>mercy is arguably a stronger pick than lucio

if that doesn't speak leagues to how easy lucio is i dont know
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>shoot people a bunch, rightclick people who get too close, press Q to stop damage, press E when people get low or when ulted to make people go faster
This is about four times more skill than it is required for mercy.
Tips for Torb? I feel like I'm not doing much other than babysitting the turret.

this is why bad lucio players exist, because retards like you ACTUALLY think that this is the way to play lucio. stay stuck in 4x-5x retard.
Heh, I bet you think you should only use one sword as well.
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>not dinking enemies to death with her pistol

her sidearm is great! mercy is my first healer ive played in an FPS, and ive played a lot so aiming isnt too hard

helps that i put a lot of hours into d.va for fun in quick play too, and her sidearm pistol is the same, bar a higher fire rate
What if we get Kaplan fired somehow?
Yes, especially since he has no mobility. He requires a lot more awareness than either. Having a single target heal while being unable to dps is terrible. Mercy is only top tier because of her ult.
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Build turret in a place that watches for tracers and Genji's and just fight with your team

that winrate only applies to high SR games. do you see the difference now? i know its hard for baddies like you to understand, but please atleast try.
there isn't such a thing as a bad lucio

there are mediocre lucios and good lucios
also you didn't make a single argument mostly because you have none i guess

also mercy actually has to play triage and decide which target to heal unlike lucio who heals everybody at once
i dont necessarily think mercy is harder but your argument makes no sense. killing people/dps has nothing to do with difficulty. if anything, not being able to outrun or outright kill your enemy makes that healer easier to play. as for auras mercy as well has to swap between her beams for the most utility. but youre not even considering her need to prioritize targets because she doesnt have a constant aoe stream and the fact that she has to be at such a close range to initiate the lock on.
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>It's a "Symmetra trying to lock on you with her ray while jumping around like a retard" match
>join game
>genji genji tracer bastion on Nepal
>it obviously does not work, they all refuse to switch
>we lose without even touching the point
>join game
>we are facing hanzo hanzo hanzo hanzo bastion on route 66
>it obviously does not work, they all refuse to switch
>the payload never stops and we win

sure is fun game
His gun does 70 damage with no falloff
His right click is a powerful shotgun

Shot mans and see what happens

If you are having to constantly repair yout turret then it may not be in a good spot or is being countered
no that's the global winrate and it's the same for consoles as well

why are you so triggered people rightfully think your fuccboi is easy t oplay
he is legitimately retardproof, it doesn't mean you're a retard (but seeing how bent you're getting over this you probably are) and no your SICK JET SET RADIOS AM I COOL YET GUYS FOR MAKING VIDEOGAME REFERENCES bullshit is not hard to pull off in the slightest
>no such thing as a bad lucio

ya you are trash. opinion discarded. come talk to me again when you are in the 7x ranges kid.
>Two lucios and four reinhardts
>It works
>genji spams spacebar while ult is active
>cant be targeted at all

can we nerf this shit character already?
>there isn't such a thing as a bad lucio
Oh yes there is.
I played with this one lucio through four or five games while I was zenyatta.
I had gold healing over him in every match, and he never even got ont he board for elims or damage.

Bad Lucio's can't aim, don't heal, can't wallride.
Good Lucios can aim, heal all the time, and wall ride now and then
Great Lucios know how to aim, switch between healing and speed as needed, and wall ride now and then
God Like Lucios do all of that and some how wallride the entire match.
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>it's a "Symmetra is wiping our team with her big floppy death hardlight dick" match
>babysitting the turret
Thanks for providing free ult charge.
nice meme bro

i actually like zen and mercy more than lucio. im simply telling low rating trash like you to stop spreading misinformation before some other retard actually believes it.
you are legit pathetic dude

like i don't know if you think you're being cool or bantering or what but it's just sad
did you get carried to 60 by playing lucio everygame and now can't live with the fact you're playing the easiest hero in the game? must feel bad kek
>there isn't such a thing as a bad lucio
as someone who loves mercy and thinks theres more to her play than meets the eye, i was rooting for you. but this dumbshit comment just ruined it. lucio has a noticeably high skill ceiling.
Let her and pretend you are okay with it. Wait for him to unevitably slap her again and for her to come back, then suddenly slap her yourself too and slam the door in her face.
Stop playing on console
There's one behind the counter at the front too. Gun and picture.
>why does torbjorn have american biker and pirate skins
>american biker skins

Well....actually, American-style motorcycle gangs have a strong presence in Scandinavia.
And there are literal "Ameriboos" called 'raggare' in Scandinavia as well.
I've seen some pretty bad lucios my man. It makes me crype
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I'd play her more if I didn't hate everything about her other than her playstyle.
>dude like kek
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
post a screenshot of your rank with /owg/ in the background, until you do so refrain from pretending you're high rank

high skill ceiling doesn't go against what i said

it's impossible for a lucio to be an actual detriment to a team unless he's legitimately griefing because solely by existing and putting his auras on people he's doing half what the hero is supposed to do
>No such thing as a bad lucio

>Its a symmetra finishes you off with her beam as Tracer when you just blinked backwards twice, even in the kill cam you're on the other side of the hall but the beam still damages you for some reason

Thanks blizzard
Go shoot things. Use RMB at close range and LMB at long range. Don't overextend though, you're a squishy dwarf (without armour) so just stick with the team. Give armour to the supports and other squishies, don't give them to tanks who are just going to take damage - Reinhardt being a fair exception.Focus Genji more than anyone else, your turret counters him and you can just completely shut his ult down with your own, and it's worth it because fucking hell dragonblade can destroy an entire team if no one stops it. Your ult is pretty great in general, it instantly upgrades your level 2 turret to 3, from whatever HP straight to 600 and also gives you a bunch of health + armour. Try not to ult when you don't have a turret, you have to put up a level 1 turret then smack it a bunch of times before it changes to level 3, the enemy team is just going to destroy it before you do that, most likely.
>implying she deserves release
But she can rush to the with shift to heal. Worse doesn't really mean harder imo. I guess Lucio isn't harder if you play him as a healer. But I think when you play as an aggressive damage dealer/disrupter who also happens to heal, it's harder to juggle his speed boost and heal and stay in range of your team.

I agree with the anon that said he has a higher skill floor and ceiling.

Someones a bit upset at being called out for being bad:^)
M1 is underrated, M2 is overrated.
He has a lower skill floor and a higher skill ceiling.
but he's right
A lucio who keeps passively healing and taking a few shots is going to be okay.
Mercy has a slightly more braindead ult but has an otherwise higher skill floor, albeit a low one nonetheless. In Lucio's defense, I'd argue that he also has a higher ceiling since people who keep their eyes open for opportunities can find more rewards than they would with mercy. The guy's provided data and common sense explanation agrees with it.
Why the fuck didn't he fully charge the arrows? In my experience hanzo usually beats the crap out of lucio.


He's not shit. He's just extremely irrelevant. Theres nothing he does other offense heroes dont do better


He's aight
i know what you wrote theres no need to argue semantics. but what youre saying is its impossible to play badly as a lucio. thats completely false and if you werent so intent on "winning" this internet argument and defending your waifu's honor, youd understand why you need to admit your mistake.
he's pretty good
>shit mercy main tries to make holding down M1 sound really hard guys
When your ult is nerfed and zen buffed I'll never see you again.
>anubis def
>just firing rivets into the choke point
>three kills from headshots without aiming
>watch some reaper trying to warp in
>give him the rivet
>do the click heels emote just to annoy him.

I just fucking love builders, they're always the characters with the best attitudes.
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>Anubis 1st point chokepoint on defense
>M1 from bridge to the right where the healthpack is
>Somehow I got 3 headshot kills
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Well she is an autistic brainwashed fascist. Probably strip dances and fucks the executives for the "greater good" too.
>he thinks AOE heal and passive healing isn't the main reason why lucio is considered a top pick
>he thinks sick wallriding environmental kills are his main selling point as opposed to a bonus
Anon, I...
I've seen people use lower skill floor to mean easier. Wouldn't it mean the opposite. If a floor is higher it's closer to the top, so on a graph of performance by skill it would mean he's easier. Unless in completely misunderstanding the term.
>lose three entire ranks and game gets uninstalled
>gain half an inch

if you guys could read i stated i dislike mercy already before

i think she's braindead and fucking annoying on top of overpowered
that doesn't change anything of what i said

lucio is close to impossible to play badly because he just does so much automatically already
i mean why the fuck do you think lucio has a 57% winrate whereas mercy is sitting at 47%?

a retarded mercy won't do anything of worth, she'll just die and heal reinhardt pretending this is tf2
a retarded lucio keeps his healing aura and presses E every once in a while and he's adding a lot to a team already. obviously if this lucio manages to land consistent headshots, wallride to dodge, toggle his speed and healing well and get a lot of healing off he will be much better to have, hence his skillcap is higher due to having more shit to do. but he's extremely fucking easy

put it this way, if you had a friend who is just beginning the game would you rather have him on mercy or lucio?
>be mercy main
>get told I got carried to 80
>insecurity struck
>try comp on my second account
>73 on 2nd day of soloq

This shit right here. Satire aside, loseing one game currently can undo 4-5 wins. Even if its close.
Low skill floor = easy to pick up
High skill floor = hard to pick up

Low skill ceiling = easy to master
High skill floor = hard to master

Lucio is easy to pick up hard to master personified.

Ben Brode takes over as game director.

First order of business: all ults have a 10% chance to misfire and deal the exact opposite of their intended effect on your team.

I never said that. I said Lucio is easier if you're playing him just for that, but harder if you try to do more than just provide auras. Lucio's skill floor just so happens to be higher than Mercy's skill ceiling :^)
I've seen brand new lucios try to shoot allies for healing, and bad ones stand there and don't do anything. You keep saying it's impossible, but there are bad ones.
>bunker build time increased by 10 seconds
>bunker build time decreased by 10 seconds
>bunker build time increased by 10 seconds
>bunker build time decreased by 10 seconds

>teammates call for speed for a push
>press e and go super sanic

>teammates actually getting focused
>press e and heal them up while spamming beats

Sick wall riding doesn't do anything other than escape fringe situations. Otherwise, it doesn't make you harder to hit in high MMR games and in fact may be worse if you're doing it in like chingchong tower:garden cap point.
I was thinking of them more in terms of a graph of skill against performance. Skill floor being the lower end and ceiling being the higher end. It's a little autistic and convoluted. Thank you for the explanation, anon.
and i've seen mercy players never swap to healing mode, not heal anybody but the tank and use their pistol while people were dying around her

at least lucio is still giving me a healing/speed aura just by existing, a bad mercy might as well not be in the game

The point of wall riding is you can be in a location near your teammates without being in the enemies' direct firing line. Standing near them so you get mowed down by 76 or insta-hooked by StreetPig isnt as good as flanking with the wall ride
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>Where does this place me really?
check overbuff.com / watcher.gg etc.

>What are these competitive points/tokens for?
you can get a golden weapon for 300 of them
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>3 bastions and reinhardts
>2 bastions in the front shielded by one reinhardt that switches with another one that's on standby recovering his shield
>one bastion in the back shielded by the third reinhardt
>three reinhardts circle around while bastions destroy
What counters it?
Right, because he can spam from around the corner? Thanks.
i didnt read all your stuff so i mustve missed it. youre too smart not to realize why theres such a disparity in winrates. you know it has everything to do with pubs and much less to do with how powerful either hero is at baseline skill level.
i would honestly recommend mercy. shes a more traditional kind of healer thats really easy to teach with a much lower skill ceiling.

i still think youre fighting for that win with your semantics. i think a mercy using m1 on rein all game is as useful as lucio only using e for speed boost to try to solo hanzo before getting geometryd
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>Asked /owg/ if OW is worth it for Morrison
>They tell me it is
>Payday in 3 days so i can finally play as my Husbando
I can wait, right?
D.Va and junkrats.
This really helped me anon. Thank you.
>That guy who instalocks healer
You're the greate-
>Changes to Hanzo/Genji at the first sign of resistance
haha oh man i forgot about that shit
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I believe in you, anon.
>activate defense matrix
>fly up to the bastions and push the reinhardts away
>defense matrix ends
>get rekt by three bastions in turret mode
Could you please explain it to me? I don't see it.
okay, first you need to learn how to read
>D.Va and Junkrats
You're facing a whole team set up and coordinating a strategy, you really think you should be able to beat it with just one character?

D.Va's can negate bastions fire for three seconds each, giving your team time to shoot at them, she can push the reinhardts off them, giving your team the ability to shoot at them while she's a giant fucking distraction for a few seconds.

Mix in roadhogs too, to pull the now unguarded bastions out of turret form. a corner peeking Symmetra will be able to harm everyone with her alternate fire.

you have a team fucking use it.

I can never quite kill her as 76 but she kills me with one rocket
You didn't have to get so angry, anon. I was just proposing a hypothetical scenario, this didn't actually happen, so don't tell me to "use my team". I do apologize for misunderstanding your post, I thought you meant each one of those individually. So hostile, I swear.
>she kills me with one rocket
hyperbole aside, you need to practice your aim.
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Delete this
Mercy is pure
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Mercy is for healslutting.
Concussion mine will blow them all away.
he's gotta toss the mine at the right angle, otherwise it'll just bounce off the shield.
Align crosshairs and burst fire, don't spray. Even if you don't kill her, just by applying pressure and dropper her hp constantly makes her hide and keeps your team safe for a moment
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what has both, low skill floor and low skill ceiling?
Why do I feel like I'm contributing more as McCree then I do with soldier?

The damage is always higher with soldier, but McCree has that stopping power.
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No, Mercy is for Pharah
reminder to report and hide all shipper posts.

Moderately speaking, Roadhog.

Only real nuance is hitting people on the tip end of his m2.

Rest is pretty straight forward.
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No Anon, she doesn't, but I like thinking about criminal scum getting arrested. It pleases me.
Shit, this is meant for your question.

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Both of you need to be purged
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