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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 800
Thread images: 203

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Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>/owg/ ID List

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Stats and Leaderboards (Unofficial)

>Official Comics
I've always wanted to be a pale blue french assassin but before OW came out i was never able to meaningfully live out my fantasy. When I was younger i would pour blue food coloring into my bathwater and dye myself into the most beautiful shade of blue i've ever seen and my skin would just tingle as I stared at myself naked in the mirror. I started doing this every night, painting myself into azure shades and speaking to myself in a cheesy french accent as i crept around my families dark apartment, stalking my next kill. I silently slid from room to room, nothing more than a pale blue shade, a ghost the color of sky. The only signs i was there were the water on the floor and the faintest of echoes of the french language. My schoolwork suffered as I stayed up into the morning hours almost every night playacting as my fictional blue persona. I signed up for french classes and slowly started learning the language. My friends must have sensed the beginnings of my enlightenment as they would constantly point out how blue i seemed. And they were right: I was blue. I was sad. All the dye and all the french lessons in the world would never make me more into the person i wanted to be. I had a breakdown: i would never live up to be the austere femme fatale i was in my dreams. I attempted suicide, hanging myself in the hopes that oxygen deprecation would finally tint my skin into the same color as my heart. After the failed attempt, my family put me on careful watch. My midnight escapades as the blue menace stopped, as i had a caretaker at most times. My life has become somehow worse, and i braced myself for a lifetime of fulfillment
But then, OW release, and lo and behold, my inner self was one of the stars of this masterpiece. My breath caught in my throat as I loaded into a game as Widow for the first time. The feeling that overcame me can only be described in gallons as i climaxed time and time again. Years of never quite enough crashed down over and through me. I was home.
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xth for Mercy the beautiful
Are anyone but me experiencing input lag?
Not a huge amount but a noticeable amount even if playing with a higher frame-rate than your monitor is capably of displaying?

I noticed it when dropping all settings to do and running with 240fps on a 60hz screen. This feels ALOT more smooth than running with 70fps on a 60hz screen...
But it shouldn't? Help? Maybe?

I want my Phara-mech butt in HQ, but can't cause then input lag is present. Enlighten me /vg..
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Never forget.
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post your dva pictures

Apparently Heroes Never Die, but they do do Meth.
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not input but just huge lag spikes in general
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It's time to come clean /owg/.

Have you masturbated to OW heros?
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99% sure this is what mechaqueen was based off of
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>tfw when you are "on" as Pharah and you become an unstoppable killing machine

>tfw someone on the other team rage-switches to Pharah and you 2 shot them every time they appear

I fucking love this character.

Shoutouts to the TFC/TF2 Soldier for giving me the skill set. I appreciate it pham
Not the issue I'm referring to.
I found this post on reddit while digging around. But it's from beta.

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Reaper best girl

The fuck you think I do in the 4 min Q times?
And what if I did?

Multiple times

Especially to Mercy
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sleep tight reap tight
this will probably be even worse than a widowmaker

>healing teammates over distances as far as you can see them

retarded as hell
>Have you masturbated to OW heros?

does SFM exist?
No, none of them really do much for me and I haven't seen any good stuff of my fetish with them.
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What's your fetish anon?
tfw enjoy playing mercy more but know Lucio is almost always the better option
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sleep tight reap tight
to nearly the entire roster
>Crusader's Crossbow: The Rifle
I'm down for it.

Watch it be shit, though.
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Every day since release.

>best skin
>best intro

Complementary (You) spend it wisely
LMAO at people who are so fucking bad their MMR gets fucked this bad
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xth for balanced matchmaker

cant believe this happened in front of 900 viewer
It's bad, anon.

Someone's already spammed some very low quality of it in the thread at least twice I think.
Junkrat nerf when?
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I'll keep working on some of the others from last thread, but I like the idea of this being a corroborative effort.
How do you beat the bastion/reinhardt/mercy combo on defense?

that shield is so big there's no way you're getting around it with good positioning.


Made 'em sperg out huh anon? Win again, I just had two in a row where the enemy team dipped early, I got your pictures worth of rank in the first and close to a whole bar the second.
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post your favorite cosplays
Which one of these is supposed to be the e-celeb?
What's that from?
There is something funky going on with frames displayed which cause input lag
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You change hero.
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Post best granddaddy
>fell to rank 47
>crawled back to 51
>just know I am going to get fucked over and lose 3-5 straight just to balance it out
No i'd never do that senpai
1. git gud
2. junkrat/tracer

Don't you fucking dare Solo Q.

Good job.

or just spam junkrat
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Quick - post desktop
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Never had a thing for muscle chicks till Zarya
anyone on EU wanna play quick match in group for xp? add me MedievaL#21104 im lvl 40 tho
i was lvl 30 just yesterday
but i play ok,
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is my mmr just really shit or is there literally nobody playing right now?
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>want to keep game at 60 FPS
>v-sync gives horrible mouse lag
>setting it to display-based makes it hover at 70 FPS
>my face
Post the full picture nigger not a capture
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55th for Blizzard-endorsed aimbotting by EnvyUs.Taimou in Overwatch tournaments
60th, but ok
Should clarify: When they are on defense, how do you beat it?

Though with payload maps it'd be pretty strong on attack too, I guess.
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Nah, you can have this minimalist one
Wtf how is that they didnt do anything that looks obvious even to me
I seriously hope they aren't making this a sniper/healer. This is just going to make balance in this game even worse desu
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>aimbot gets stuck on rezzing hero
I'm hoping it's more of a semi auto rifle
I dont want that one you are going to make me cry anon
>When they are on defense, how do you beat it?
or spam junkrat
or anything with consistent dps to break the shield and then get a pharah or something to kill the bastion
Sorry - here's the one
If it's the crusader's crossbow I'll be happy.
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>play until victory
>try to leave
>group leader ninja queues us for another competitive
>cant leave
>play well
>get crushed
>blamed by team

goddamn it i need to end on a win but i work in 4 hours
You guys sometimes act like junkrat granades cover 100% of any map from any point he stands at.
>playing Tracer
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Better than this

I'm losing a level/level and half per loss and winning usually 25% of a bar per win.

I don't know what this system wants me to do, but it feels like it wants me to have like an 85% winrate

>getting triggered
just ignore those faggots
Ok how the fuck do you counter reaper
mcree can't fan him down anymore
roadhog is free kills and ult charge for him
he has some insane damage
>Weekly Brawl
>Playing Poo in Loo
>Enemies melting all around me
>Literally can't stop winning
>4 gold medals for both attack and defense Hollywood

Best game mode, holy shit
lucio - negro from rush hour
Too colorful baka desu senpai >.<
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Does that look like the face of mercy to you? Obvious fucking villain is obvious.
So did they fix the leaver cucking the opposite team out of ranked exp already ? From the patch notes, looks like no, but it seems strange they fixed 2 major bugs but not this one yet.

Distance. Preferably vertical distance.
Keep him med-long range and burst him down, or litter the area with trashmouse grenades. Pharah would do well, she can attack from out side his range.
>not using a picture of a strong russian man

missed opportunity right there my man
|--| You die
|-----------| He dies
pharah shits on him
ok what about zarya tho
her shields are retarded
garbage mouse - jim carrey

this. should have been klokov

The CD on shields is so long if she gets 2 off in the same fight you're fucking up
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Anyone else annoyed by how fucking upbeat and happy this bitch is?
We're going into fucking battle you cunt, stop with the stupid bullshit already.
I haven't played it yet but symmetra is one of my mains so I'm sure I'll enjoy it
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she shoots she scores hehe :))
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>Blackwatch Reyes Reaper
>Security Chief Pharah
>Overgrown Bastion
>Strike-Commander Morrison Soldier 76
>Slipstream Tracer

All from the last 3 hours
I play Zen, Mercy, Lucio
More souls to harvest.
Reaper shreds Zarya, Roadhog is mostly a skill match-up, but he destroys her in close range.
Uncensored version?

Reverse image search gives me nothing.
>All from the last 3 hours
What are you talking about?

I wish I could play a good tracer
go to gelbooru
She's a mad scientist obsessed with immortality anon, she's just happy she has subjects to test her resurrection on.
bait out the shield, don't shoot the shield, kill her

that's really all there is to it
mei does pretty well against her because once she uses her shield, you can just use ice block to wait it out then freeze her to death
reaper also tears through her
junkrat shits on her pretty hard if your aim is good, two direct hits and a sticky bomb is enough to take her down

when she's a part of her team you just have to take her down like every other tank, with team effort
after all she only has 400 health, just shoot her my man
use saucenao
76 and Trashmouse are the closest I can get to actually countering Reapers

even then, if he has his wraith form ready he can get away from just about anything

>see mei
>go shotgun her from behind
>let her get just over halfway to freezing me while I shotgun her then go wraith form
>she realizes what's about to happen to her and tries to run
>run little piggy, nothing will save you now
>annihilate her and consume her soul

hot topic needs to sponsor me
He's an idiot who bought a ton of boxes and is trying to pretend that he got really lucky but doesn't realize that those are all special edition bonuses.
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She revives everyone as subservient zombies who protects and fights for her sometimes
hot topic wants you to stream reaper only for 8 hours a day. you must dress in a weekly attire they send you from their product, you must listen to emo and metal, and you must get red highlights. you must also go by your full name

for this you will be paid $1000 a week.
do you take it
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Detective anon destroys another attention whore.


Lucio is the one who is always happy as fuck and not giving a single fuck while watching the world burn. This dumb slut is a wannabe pacifist and a poor's man Medic.

>must violence always be the solution
>i'll enjoy the moment of peace while it last, probably just a moment
can we take a minute to talk about how horseshit sudden death is, especially on payload maps?
its fucking impossible, and the disgustingly short amount of time you have makes switching heroes to deal with the enemy team's strat an untenable concept at best
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>no tracer gf
>comp defense
>enemy team has 2 zaryas
>we get steamrolled
>swap sides, attack
>2 of us go zarya
>they dont have any zaryas
>we steamroll them

oh I am LOVING this meme
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Does anyone have the comic where Mercy touches Genji's butt before reviving him

Should be same artist

pic related
I wish I had a Tracer GF so I could kill her IRL.
Haven't spent a dime on the game since I pre-ordered it months ago
Try again
piss off edgemaster
>1000 a week
fuck yeah
I would sell out so fast to play reaper for a living
calm down anon
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Well you can't get the skins you listed from the lootbox idiot.
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>go 76 to round out what I think will be a solid comp
>every single one of my team is a shitter
>finish with 5 fucking golds because somehow I outhealed fucking Lucio
>rank down to 55 from 56

It took them this long to bring comp back and it manages to be this fucking shitty?
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Woah there.

Genji and Reaper players are always the weirdly named ones. There was a Reaper named 'bungiecord' in one of my lobbies.
Mercy looks like a fucking bitch.
Fuck Mercy, dumb cunt.
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>whatever else
>win every CP map in less than two minutes flat

good game blizzard
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Literally Tumblr: the wallpaper
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>play 76
>shutdown enemy pharah
>enable your own pharah
>never gold damage
bitch is too strong desu
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It ain't easy being ranked below 60, no sir

just pray you never have to work your way up from 49 (I got a lot of quiter's and losses after placement)
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Thanks guys

Jesus Anon, it's so big~
What is this?!
I can't fap to this!!
mexican maid Reaper
idk but I got that today too

only today though, before it was always within 4 or 5 ranks of my own
What the other guys said, Bastion can be used, but you definitely need a team to help cover you and be set up in odd spots. Pharah can work but like Junkrat make sure to hit direct hits any time possible.
>decide to play comp early in the morning before working
what could possibly go wrong?
>suka blyat spam by roadhog
>widowmaker and hanzo in Nepal aww yeah
>healer switching between lucio, mercy and zenyatta every time he dies so no ults

yes yes, me ooga team booga
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mahou shoujo reaper

At least reaper shoots them more than once before throwing them away
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Does it get better over 60?
I climbed from 42 to 56 really easy in two days and now last days I've been stuck in 54-56 limbo
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It amuses itself with people fighting each over and over again. If they die, they just get brought back from the peaceful slumber and have to fight again.


btw. As a Hobby this person also does human experimenting.
I love it when I play and the team seems to just take their time:
how many times has it happened that the enemy wiped the floor with us until they woke up like:
>Oh right- the game- the game we still play- which hasn't been won yet- our game
That's what I've heard. My career high is 59 right now.

I'll probably be in limbo as well, but only time will tell.

on a related note I think the season ends on august 17th
>tfw you get stuck in terrain while your team is desperately trying to defend the checkpoint
I'm sorry guys, I thought I'd be tricky and get a good set-up from their rear.
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>one week from now
>6 sombra vs 6 sombra
>everyone asking to play sombra every game
>ranked gonna be unplayable
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Preach it.

But I have helped people masturbate to them. Take that as you will.
Or how about the teammates that immediately ignores the tank they're shooting once you start shooting them. Like it's just not their problem anymore because the tank's attention is off them.

The worst is when people leave Lucios on the payload or in the well. It's not going to move at all if someone is on there, fellow owbabbs.
>Shields provided: 6

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I-I want to be Dr. Ziegler's test subject!!!
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fuck this.png
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currently sitting at a 35% win ratio

This is hell, I cant win games even when I try super hard.

and to top it off my friends wont play with me because I am rank 40 so I have no friends to play it with me.

a reaper will come up to me no matter who I am and just boop me twice with his shotguns.
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>try to charge somewhere as reinhardt
>get stuck on a ledge that's 1 inch tall
probably going to be Frenemy with Sombra, then you can let both of them experiment on you.
Milhouse is not a meme
post how you realized you were low mmr
i just ended up in a game where 9 of the other players were under level 20 and knew nothing
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>everyone asking to play sombra every game
>everyone asking to play sombra
>everyone asking
What did he mean by this?
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You thought it was Reyes and Morrison that blew up the Overwatch base?! BUT IT WAS ME, MERCY!
>Reaper Maid Skin:
>I'm sweeping the objective clean, senior; si si
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>get stuck on pebble
>charge again
>bounce right over small boulder and sail off the map

How is it not one or the other!?

Medisniper is the most based hybrid class of all time in any pvp or pve game, you shut your gigolo fucking mouth.

I guarantee you the class is going to be a completely balanced sidegrade to Mercy because:

1. You have to aim to heal
2. You need line of sight to heal
3. You have to predict your ally's movements. Allies never deliberately run back and stay still in your "killzone" to get healed.
>Have an ok match on gibraltr
>Symmetra on enemy team doing their shit
>Doesn't change off when they get pushed in
>We win with some time left
>"Hey, why didn't you change off when you got to last?"
>"Why are you bitching at me about this after the game?"
>"I was just asking, christ"
>"I like to play symmetra and only symmetra"
>Go to nepal, starts doing meme death room
>Kill her a few times after I go monkey
>Changed to bastion
>Go reaper and just shit on them
>They whine in chat afterwards
I don't know why they got so angry over me asking a legitimate question

>healer support
>6v6 sombra

Maybe for 10min after the patch and they realize she does no damage.
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>tfw McCree can't save us from Genji/Tracer anymore
>charge out of dropship
>get caught on ledge
Holy fuck, why is it on this ONE FUCKING MAP that the ramp is leading into a wall, rather than being on top of the ground
>I guarantee you the class is going to be a completely balanced sidegrade to Mercy because:
You need HEAD ESTABLISHED to get anywhere most of the time
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>Excited for competitive
>first 6 games were straight wins
>end up with rank 48
>work up all the way to 53
>Slowly gain a losing streak
>i'm at rank 47 now

who /caughtinalosingstreak/ here? I think i'm just gonna keep going down the rabbit hole and see where i end up because i ain't going back up anymore
Bait the shield with right click, reload, then hook her and watch her puny 400 hp evaporate.
at least we can have sniper vs. sniper brawls now
>weekly matches; snipers only
granted only one person died that round (we actually won somehow)
>not just placing trap and preemptively spamming the ground as Junkrat
>Soloque competetive
>Playing almost exclusively support
>Keep watching reapers/genjis/tracers over extend
>Beg them to pull back
>They die
>Get blamed for every loss

I can't handle this anymore. I just can't.
Is there anyone willing to carry a mercy through competetive, I'm going to get an ulcer if I lose another rank
i placed at 60, got up to 65 through doing three-mans.

then my threestack of 60's started helping my friend through his placement matches

i've never had such easy ranks
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Is it bad that I want to see Genji's mouth plate burst open just to show a ungodly Evangelion maw?
my girlfriend just agreed to have cosplay sex with me as an OW character. Who should I have her dress up as?
Just pop them with the conc mine. At the very least, it'll buy you time to bury yourself back in your team.
Then make her transform.
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Sleep tight reap tight
Dva and post pix please.
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reinhardt is the most fun i've had yet

god damn he's so based
also please gibe tips because even if i have fun i always lose with him
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Tell her you've had a change of plans and she needs to go as Queen Tyr'ahnee
sleep tight reap tight
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ey fak u pinche racista ese
bait people into walking up in your face to shoot past your shield, then charge and they eat the dust
I feel the exact same way.
every pairing with McCree sounds like it should be on a Burger King-Menu:
>The McHanzo
just take an Overwatch-character name and add a Mc
>Burger King menu
Anon. . .
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female deathwing pharah skin when?
torbjorn muradin skin when?
reinhardt blackhand skin when?
ethereal genji/zenyatta when?
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Coordinate with team. Use the shield and let them do the work.
Don't get charge happy. Charge if you're dead-certain you can secure a good kill and not die. Or if it's particularly cool.
Use that fireball. When it recharges, use it again. Never stop using fireball.

Combine ults.
I dont think I would ever order a McRat
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my request still stands
Food for thought Reinhardt has stamina so he can't just absent-mindedly swing hammer around or slow movement speed
People who play Hanzo annoy me. It feels like they never do anything but those random fucking arrow headshots manage to kill a few people every now and then so they themselves think they're worthwhile.

Especially people who play Hanzo on attack. Fuck those people.
oh- I meant McDonalds
but I prefer Burger King
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Holy fuck man, seeing this frustrates the shit out of me.
We once won the coin toss with only 5 remaining teammates and only got 1/10th of a rank.
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Soldier 76 Thrall?
Widowmaker Jaina?

Just write a letter to Chris Metzen and tell him that Thrall isn't in Overwatch yet and that you want his quality lore/writing in OW too.
I prefer Burger King as well.
I'm sure there's not actually rat in there
it's a mix of different rodents and probably really popular in MadMax Australia
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So when is Widomaker getting a kangoku senkan skin?
It is almost always a good idea to firestrike after ulting, as you will do a ton of damage to anyone it tags since it passes through heroes/shields.

Don't charge from long range except to travel. You're better off from short range to get pins.

Don't drop your shield to firestrike if it is being shot and you have teammates using you for cover.

Feel free to launch a firestrike at a Hanzo/Widow as it will put them out of position at worst, and often they will get hit by it. Does a fuckload of damage and will make them run for a medkit if tagged.

Your charge can kill without a pin by using it to send enemies sailing off the map. Very useful on some maps.

Protect Mercy/Lucio like it's your fucking job. Try to always know where they are in location to you.

Your shield blocks a fuck ton of ults, including enemy Reinharts.

A well timed firestrike is excellent against a riptire. The tire can pass through your shield before detonating so you're often better off trying to destroy it. Even hammering it away and eating the death yourself can save your entire team sometimes.
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>saw a comp match with tracer stacking
>tracers everywhere in pubs
Hammergramps is fine and one of the better balanced heroes.

Fuck off you shitter.
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That's Symmetra's bag.

Literally best or second best offense pick since closed beta.
Let's make a flying characters in a game where nobody flies, give her a pocket healer that screams "play me with this character" and a 120 damage weapon.
do you usually play support or flex? I'm looking for 70+ teammates to play comp with
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well she hasn't that many natural enemies. only that can kind of reliable kill her are pharah, junkrat (lucky trap/grenade) and streetpig.

The good thing is, that most tracers in pubs do no dmg and can't hit the bomb.
id much rather have this than the devil skin in game
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>anyone finding the manface currypoo cute

Even Zarya has a cuter face.
How do you counter offense Reaper on King's Row?
>go 6-1 in comp today
>the one close loss literally negates the mmr I literally got today
fucking great system blizzard
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What a shame.
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>your team always loses
>Black Mercy
My fucking dick.
Roadhog can instakill reaper if you aren't a shitter with the hook combo
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That's what bags are for anon.
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>they blame you for going Mei on payload attack
>gold elim/obj kills/obj time/damage done
>hook someone
>they show up on the edge of the screen or in the back
nah fuck roadhog
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6 winston


Fucking seriously
his taser does 250dmg how is that fair?

I main reaper but winston is his coutner but hes so op it breaks the game
stop moving when the hook lands
fixes this issue 90% of the time
Reaper can force her to fuck off, and can secure a kill if she gets cocky.
Official "Needs to be nerfed" list

Junkrats ult
Mercys ult

Official "Needs to be buffed" list

try not to die all the time
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How the fuck is he op ?
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>artists have to completely change her face to make her appealing AT ALL

>this entire list
I guess there have to be some rank 20s somewhere.
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official shitter list who needs to git gud:
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The fuck is everyone bitching about best girl for? Literally nothing had changed since lunch. Plus her ult is ridiculously underpowered and -------- git gud -------
>No supports warning shows up
>Last guy hasn't picked yet
>Picks Zenyatta or Symmetra
>its a your reinhardt never counter charges and it results in their reinhardt getting a multi man ult from where he stopped episode
Are reinhardt players really this dumb
Last night, dipshits kept stacking Genjis and Hanzos and never having support. So, I ended up playing Mercy a lot because someone has to keep the team alive. At the end of the matches I keep getting shit for not having a bunch of kills or damage. Seriously? The fuck is wrong witht the people who play this game? There is never any teamwork. Every damn game is just a free for all kill competition.
Zanyatta is a healer;
like, the last time
>We need a healer
>look at our group
>there's a Zenyatta
>junkrat ult

If anything they need to nerf junkrat regular damage and then tune/buff him for more utility than just closing down shit against uncoordinated teams.

Zarya and mercy ult do need a nerf tho and d.va needs a buff, with zenyatta having a super small buff or he's gonna be complete bullshit
should i get the white rabbit or the carbon fiber d.va skin?
>ridiculously underpowered
are you high
>that Mercy

>counter charge Rein as Rein
>hold down m1
>walk towards your enemy
>do massive damage
>have an invulnerability button
>gain 50hp on kill
>have 50 more health than other non-tanks because lul reasons

how is this not OP?
You should leave those shitter lobbies instead of enabling them familia.

As soon as people start stacking and refusing to run support its a red flag that you're about to lose.
>keep switching sides
>playing on the same map 3 times

FUCK this is boring
>shitcan Tracer and Genji's only hardcounter without a care for what this does to the game's balance

I dont know why I expect anything from Blizzard anymore
>literally every single death in a match was from lmao 20 tick priority epic hook of skill and proficiency

how have blizzard been in this business for so long and yet they cant make games for shit
fuck off with your tracer nerfs your fucking faggot

also nerfing bastion ?

are you retarded ?
Did they fix the thing where the enemy team would get less rank exp if you had a leaver on your team? Even if they left and rejoined?
I said best girl not best girlfriend.
stuntman junkrat skin when?
I only want them to nerf concussion mine
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>The way Mercy looks at Pharah

It's so cute, I quite literally can't even

Don't be a fucking pleb.

White Rabbit.

Good job achieving greatness.
How do you unlock Sylvanas career portrait?
>nerf junkrats ult


white rabbit looks great

i have scavenger and end up using rabbit more
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>someone in my team whines that everyone in the team was useless
>PotG was me wiping out the enemy team after telling time
>he gets BTFO
doesn't it have 50 hp?
Reaper is the best character in the game on purpose its part of the lore. hes literally the grim reaper come back from the death. if you nerf him you are ruining the story and the game
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Hanzo is sadly missing.
They better make the heal significant as fuck if you have to aim to hit it, and she better have some kind of interesting survivability abilities because the nature of this class means it will be fucking useless on attack which the three other real supports aren't.
Nope, 100.
>he thinks medals matter in comp games outside of rankup
>Play Reinhardt
>Enemy trashmouse
>Ult always goes for me and I only get one chance to kill it with one shitty projectile
>Team never kills it
>Get 1 hit past shield
It doesn't need a nerf though. Maybe having it die when trashmouse himself dies but eh.
>be in the air
>still get hit by his ult when its just rolling on the ground
It kept happening everywhere I went. Just had to call it quits for the night. It happens a lot on any other day too but last night was bad.
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hanzo hitboxes.webm
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nice game overnerds
>my keyboard only has one key
Why are the best heroes the most boring?

I'd rather kill myself than play another mercy or reinhardt game.
>just went 32/0 as winston

Winston is best.
if I'm looking at it right, the reticle expanding means he shot right?
>Roadhogs hook has priority over abilities that can dodge/block it

What the fuck is Blizzard thinking?
How have they not reversed this yet?

Literally the only way to escape Roadhogs hook is if he misses it.
his hitboxes are fucking bullshit
Junkrat is fun
I don't see the problem? Tracer got fucking rekt for being bad and blinking directly in front of someone instead of breaking line of sight.
There's a story and lore in this game?
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Mercy can actually be a lot of fun if your team is competent and understands simple things like positioning.


Have a (You)
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Daily reminder that Taimou - Timo Kettunen is cheating.

I've already accessed his accounts.

Here try for yourself, this is the login credentials he mostly uses for everything
[email protected] - backstage666

Or say something nice to him on skype:
(windswept and windswept.mercy when it comes to cheating sites such as d3scene, mpgh, epicnpc and scythe)

The age of cheaters are over
>tilted in ranked and lost a couple of ranks
>decided to blow of steam in qp
>have lost so many consecutive games that my QP MMR is now so low that I'm being ranked into mass Bastion/Torb/Genji absolute shitter tier
Please send help I don't know what this game is anymore
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I'm sorry you're a fag/woman anon
>it wasnt hard R
>It's another "people don't understand how balance works" episode

>Hanzo hitboxes are balanced against hitscan weapons.
>He's still underpowered as fuck.
>99% of the people who play him are still worthless.
>If you actually think his hitboxes make him broken you're just bad at this game.
unlike /lolg/, we don't give a fuck about stupid e-celeb drama of irrelevant people

take it to r3bb1t, literally
nice meme
No one said anything about broken anon, he's fucking annoying.

Post your rank since you like to talk shit.

Literally who
The rein in question was on like 200hp and I couldn't heal him in time so counter charging would've at least stopped the reinhardt charging all the way into us for the ult.
But in the end, some dickhead on the team decided to have a go at me for "Not healing enough"
So I just refused to heal the rest of the game
came out silver damage and elims kek
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Taking the bait. Property of Roadhog.
What's your favourite spammable voiceline?

For me it's a tie between MADA MADA and CATCHPHRASE!
so what new skins do you think they will release?

mfw i want a skin tight armour genji pls like pic
I can do this all day.
Lucio's "WOO! Jackpot!"
he said best anon, not garbage

Hahahaha GEE GEE.
How do you deal with a Reaper that's raping your team
Reinhardt's voice lines and his whole attitude are absolutely the best things in the game, and he's fun as fuck
god yes
anyone who doesnt enjoy the literal ubermensch can suck hajji cock
Does anyone else switch to shit heroes on purpose when some salty guy gets on mic and starts telling everyone else who they should play? Congratulations, you're getting Hanzo now.
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Why is CATCHPHRASE so popular for Reinhart?

Is there some reference I'm missing?
grin and bear it like the little faggot bitch you are because that Reaper is me.
on certain parts of certain maps his scatter arrows and q to win are super useful

pretty much every annoying thing in OW is annoying because it works
RMB > Shift > LMB > Melee
Rage quit.
>best attitude
76 beats rein
reinhardt is the most passive boring as fuck to play character in the game

even mercy has more things going on than him

that's just the truth
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Well he's the number 1 player on Overwatch and is always 1st place.

Anyways if you don't care about esport shit, here's some Blizzard logs. I'll post the pastebin later
>5 man team + me on our side
>no one picks healer so play mercy for them
>50% of team damage healed (22k)
>don't even get a point at end of the game

Why can't she be real guys?
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>play mei on defense
>lure them to control point
>ice myself and ult
>mfw theyre trying to run away while my team kills them
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What is she saying?
anyone else having issues with no stats being tracked? I keep getting zero credit for anything at the end of matches. Like I just stood still and never left the spawn point.
>uses 'GG' and 'EZ MODE' unironically
>probably only eats Doritos and drinks Mountain Dew
>probably thinks memes are funny
really, anon?
sleep tight reap tight
"le suck my dicc" (in french)
I get less mad when I realize I get killed by a scatter arrow for some reason
>he doesnt understand the absurd power of a reinhardt who gets in on a flank and rapes 4 people on his own
seriously you people are fucking shit at this game and dont know how to adapt to a situation and break from expected behaviour
bonus points for getting your fat german ass to the top of the kings row attack spawn and surfing the bus, then pinning a nigger
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You aren't trying to cheat me again, friendo?
>bonus points for getting your fat german ass to the top of the kings row attack spawn and surfing the bus, then pinning a nigger
Reinhardt doesn't work outside the 'earth's core' bracket of skill
Jumping out the window?
Mei wall?
pick widow, grapple up
stand on the scaffolding, switch to mei and put a wall down directly underneath yourself
quickly switch to reinhardt, or another desired hero, and jump from the wall to the platform
can you link the rebbit thread or whatever the place you got this from? or at least post more
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Which heroes are the most essential to practice?

Who will be most useful in the most situations?

Name an Attack, Defense, Tank and Support class for each one if you can
this is commonplace for women in south korea
help me choose

>Heroes Never Die
>Battle Angel
>Guardian Angel

>Swinging into action
>Hanging around
>I see you
soldier, junkrat, reinhardt, lucio/mercy
Huh, I did not know that. Thanks anon, I'll be sure to try that next time.
Battle Angel
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The one with the gun.
I see you.
Reaper and zarya also deserve to be on the list.
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>he doesn't like memes
how do u switch people during a game? i thought you had to die or be in the start area lol
>this artist
catch phrase is the best one desu

76, Tracer, Genji, Zarya, Roadhog.

They're a top tier pick in virtually every scenario.
>Another chart only based on usage

Get fucked faggot
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https://paste. ee/p/n1ggW#gBkNcsWupSz4b3PB5yzTR5e5RChS3wiM

Taimou can't handle the pressure of being on a top team because he has the aimbot but not the gamesense
am I allowed to play overwatch?
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i hate opening coins instead of a skin, i like surprises
No spoonfeeding for you, fag
nerf lucio, bastion, reaper, genji

buff reinhard, mccree
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>Tracer's rewind was supposed to give her some kind of respite from getting gibbed
>instead, it's a healthpack on an 8 second cooldown if you don't play like a retard

yeah but stay out of competitive mode scrub
its not spoonfeeding just tell me how otherwise i have to ask the subreddit and they already tried to blacklist me for not living up to their mlg standards i guess please tell me i cant find anything on google
>Buff Reinhardt
>Nerf Bastion

Found the shitter
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>Lucio is the one who is always happy as fuck and not giving a single fuck while watching the world burn.

Fuck this retard.

>"Look at this team! We're gonna do great!"
>team composition is fucking terrible
yea m8 nerf reaper

the only thing that can destroy cancer tanks
you do realize his pickrate is so close to 100% he is bound to have a 50% due to being in both teams
Why is Mei so low? She's fucking amazing.
Widowsylvanas skin when
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Please play Mei
We need more Meis
Every game I never see a Mei and people don't realize we need Meis
If I die to a Tracer again I am uninstalling

okay thank you I will. i'm looking forward to playing this and i'm going to try bastion first
tracer doesnt give a fuck about mei
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>mfw just won koth with bastion and symmetra
right after Novamaker
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>tfw you will never be that one good hanzo
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hanzo is pure fucking luck

like some games you'll rape everybody then other games you simply guess wrong and you don't do anything
hanzo is basically 50/50, you guess right you get a headshot, you guess wrong you miss
How are those two things different?
am i the only one who doesn't see widowmaker at all

like i see tons of hanzos tracers and genjis but widowmaker not even close
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>lucio doesn't even listen to the classics like hasslehoff

Truly subhuman
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Would you read it guys?
those widows are cute :)
Thx man. Are you gonna post everything?
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Please tell me I'm at my whips end
at least most of you are above 50
>get to a sliver under lvl 50
>team insta locks and leaves me healer
>helplessly watch
>team is taking too much damage to heal
>team is dealing too little damage to sustain
>mercy is my most played in comp and quick
>no one plays support even though they suck at damage
>lose entire rank and need to suffer longer
pic related cause I'm a sadboy
Reminds me of the Punisher comics
Why does Blizzard keep pretending hero stacking is a good thing?
check your controls in options.
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mercy disagrees.png
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>open up recent Overwatch tournament because I wanted something to watch while I eat
>It's obvious that the S76 players are using the script for no spread because there reticle never flares at all no matter the range they're firing at

Lel, Blizz want people to take this shit seriously?
Hasslehoff is fukcing garbage, Reinhardt can go fuck himself for being "hurr us oldfags rite?"
until she dies to a single icicle
>dont go healer
>we wont have one

>go healer
>sit there watching everyone run out and die over and over

just kill me. im going to start instalocking soldier 76 whatever the map until my rank is back out of this cesspit.
if you don't have a healer, pick a hero that's self sustainable, like 76

that's what I do
I don't even main him, he's just straight up inferior to all other tanks in the game and much easier to counter (especially by the other must-nerf heroes)
They could have the crosshair set to no bloom
>play quick match
>if I don't pick Reinhardt on payload nobody will and we definetly lose
>play competitive
>if I don't pick Reinhardt on payload nobody will and we definetly lose
Only tank people pick is Zarya or Roadhog for king fo the hill. Fuck this.
>pick widow
>people start crying
>they wisp me "REPORTED FAGGOT"
I don't get it, is this some new meme?
>script for no spread
You can stop the spread by just burst firing, spread only begins after 3 or 4 bullets.
So if you practice it enough it's just like having no spread cheats.
in spectate the crosshair uses the spectators crosshair
in replays (like potg) the crosshair is set to the default

but I don't know what the anon is specifically talking about
>playing competitive as rein
>trying to shield team, but they keep splitting up
>redneck teammates on mics keep complaining about a bastion
>one of them is a tracer
Does this happen on pc as well? I'm switching to pc soon, and would like to know if it gets any better.
I want to make Overwatch great again with Mercy.
sleep tight reap tight
It still happens, the only difference is that the Bastion can actually aim on PC.
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I refuse to believe you can do it perfectly the entirety of the match and not go full auto on an enemy (mainly larger ones) in close proximity.

You see the flare start on the fourth shot, there wasn't even a hint of flare whenever the camera was on the Soldier's perspective.
the fact that you see hanzos in your games makes me think you're sub 50
Excuse me? Hanzo is a good hero that is played by pro players.
can reinhardt charge a riptire?
in specific meme comps but you literally never see him above 60
the only complaints I hear about Bastion are from his teammates saying he's dead weight
They need to remove ults in ranked
Well refuse to believe it all you want but it's possible, if they practice it enough it would just become natural to them.
When I'm watching cs:go tournaments the speed and accuracy they reach looks hard to believe, but I witness it nonetheless.
>playing attack on Hanamura
>Pharah bitches at everybody for not grouping up
>group up
>Pharah immediately jets over that gap on the side of point B that barely anybody in our team can cross
>Pharah dies
>bitches at us for not being there
>Solo queue at 5am
>It's literally just shitters

Guess I'll grind some lootboxes on PvAI
this desu
it would balance out attack > defense
Pretty pleased.
>grind some lootboxes on PvAI
You can do that?
>shit pose
>shit spra
>shit skin
>shit spray
pleased about what?
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I want to fill her with my seed.
Blizzard has a big issue with the whole hero stacking meme honestly.

On the one hand, it limits variety and adds another layer of imbalance since a hero that might be balanced by itself can be stupid as fuck stacked. Best example of this is Winston or Zarya. They're mostly balanced by themselves, but stacked they're batshit OP. Also creates these cheesy ass comps like 4x Tracers/D.Vas 2x Lucios to defend last point and things like that.

On the other hand, it's also a needed balance feature. For example, enemy team goes something like Reinhardt, Roadhog, Zarya, Winston and supports or something similar. You WILL need more than one Reaper to not get run over by a combined 2000HP + 2000HP barrier frontline, but under 1HL you wouldn't be able to pick it. Or if the enemy has something like Zarya + Pharah + Mercy, it's not unexpected that you might need 2 Soldiers to reliably shoot them down before they wreck you.

Honestly the more I think about it the less prepared I think this game is to be played "seriously". The balance is hanging by a thread.
Well since this game matchamkin is complete garbage and you can tell anyways who is going to win after thefirst 2 minutes, how long will it take for me to get banned if every game I consider lost I just troll with mei walls?, like not afk trolling or just go into them to die, but cucking my team with walls. How long do you guys think it would take for blizzard to ban me?
>Playing in a 3 stack with some friends
>Win 2 games in a row
>After the second game we're so tilted by the idiot pubs we got in both matches that we have to quit

Why is this gamemode so infuriating, even when you win?
every gamemode in overwatch is extremely competitive, you're on the clock, you have to do your very best at all times, there's no time to just fuck around and have fun like in most FPS games
lmao great post
Also, the game is boring as fuck to watch.
All it takes to beat stacking is to stack their counter. To beat double winston or zarya, go double reaper

ez gg
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Reaper players in a nutshell.webm
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Had a miracle happen today.

>Anon1: Someone should switch to Reaper and take out all those tanks.
>Anon2 switched to Reaper
>>Anon2 proceeds to take out all those tanks
I've never had a pub shitter take advice before.
get good, m80
If you want to troll, do it subtly and you wont get banned
>enemy team is ulting
>block off their escape path
I've done this multiple times when an enemy d.va ults. Its very satisfying
You can also put walls up in front of teammates who are trying to ult
hanzo is literally the easiest hero to play

you can't "git good" at him

even toddlers are good at hanzo
Problem is this severely fucks over the defending team in a game where the defending team is already fucked over.

Hero switching is much much more costly to defenders than attackers. Capture maps are already hilarious attack sided.
what the FUCK
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No one ever wants to fill D. Va with any seed.
bigger stack = less gain
Is mei the only good option to troll? I can't think of another hero that can fuck up your own team.
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>even toddlers are good at hanzo
>had Hanzos spend all of the match taking forever to shoot and not even use his Scatter Shot
solo queue is the only way i've been able to win games
every time i play with friends i always get salty and play bad
>Someone should switch to Reaper and take out all those tanks.

This is how advice should be given.
>who to switch to
>what do do once you've switched

All I ever hear is:
>Guy who has been playing the same character badly all match: "UGH fucking hell why doesn't anybody ever switch THE POINT OF THE GAME IS TO SWITCH"

>Guy who runs in on his own and dies: "OUR HEALER IS SHIT somebody go Mercy"
>somebody goes Mercy
>He runs in on his own again and dies
Please stop attention whoring on Reddit and post whatever you have access to. I imagine it isn't much or you would have already.
Fuck off, Mercy is an old hag blonde moeshit.
Someone should rape her to make her stop being a pacifist bitch.
place a symmetra teleporter facing a cliff
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pharah players.webm
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Default button is h
Oh but I do.
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>that webm
>tank not tanking, prolly healers fault
>Reaper knows exactly when health comes off CD
What's he supposed to do, form a queue?
>no healer on defense
>but its ok we have a fucking reaper again

i hate this hero so much
Oh shit that's a very good one, lol deffinetly will try it.
Battle of the Edge.
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He's actually panicking, you think I care what you think?

He also fucked up yesterday by saying nigger. Even though he frequents /pol/

Cheating your way to the top is absolute scum, I hope he commits sudoku
I main pharah and I have yet to do this, but I know the day will come when I do and I'll feel ashamed
> He unironically doesn't like Night Rider
>le reaper is not good on defense meme
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>When Pharah players blow themselves up
That's it, add on to my resurrection PotG.
The Winston should have just jumped to the better health packs.
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>tfw you join a match where two people were arguing over who wants to be Mercy
Holy shit I just had a revelation.
>Icicle on LMB
>Spray on RMB

I love the fact that you can change the controls of every hero individually, but why is this not the default?

>let me show you how it's done

spam it

>want to play the game because it's sometimes fun
>never end up having fun
>in quick play

>2 shotting other offensive heroes
There is no better feeling. A pharah in the sky is a goddamn scary force.
I-Its just muscle memory!!

>Not delicious brown
Stopped reading right there

Tvique is number 2 on the leaderboards I think.
>envy us
>Envy Us
>Envy US
>Envy the USA

Euroshitters. Making America great again.
Cute friends.
EnvyUs is owned by that guy 'tmartn' who's in legal trouble for that sleazy csgo gambling shit as well
reminder to consolefags to bind jump to left stick
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The scumbag panics over everything. I would too if I were living a lie.
Thanks for the entertainment, but really just show me what you got.
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A lot more than friends, friend.
>Here try for yourself, this is the login credentials he mostly uses for everything

Good idea, let me just put my IP on the login data while illegally accessing someones email which is a federal crime.

I sure do love getting involved in FBI investigations and serving 5 years minimum in jail.
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He's quite funny since he frequents 4chan

I'm currently reading all chatlogs, but theres one where they joke about his aimlock
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i want /u/ to leave....

Best Zenny.
> Thinking the Feds give a shit when they're too busy trying to nail Clinton to the wall
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>Blizzard legitimately thinks there is nothing wrong with stacking the same hero


This game will be so fucking dead if they don't introduce 1 hero limit
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It's only pure soon to be canon love
But I'm kind of getting behind this gender bending thing.
"Hero stacking is a core concept and strategy of Overwatch. Teamwork is key!"

Is Taim offically the most hated person in these threads right now?
Literally only evil white males want to nail Clinton to the wall
She's above the law
>join game in progress
>don't even have time to look at what heroes everyone is using before the game threatens to kick me for inactivity

good game blizztard
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Its 2050 or something anon. They don't need to hide their love
keep posting more
i literally still dont know who the fuck he is
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>team mate gets dcd
>lose 1 round
>he reconnects and we win 3-1
>everyone gets this shit



not when they can sue 500 people for damages and each person will have to pay the whole sum individually
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[2016-06-20 21:27:13] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: Most teams run the comps because the heroes are overtuned imo
[2016-06-20 21:27:19] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: and sometimes
[2016-06-20 21:27:21] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: well
[2016-06-20 21:27:23] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: 50% of the time
[2016-06-20 21:27:32] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: the Hero benefits from stacking
[2016-06-20 21:27:45] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: I feel like if you allow teams to have multiple heroes on the playfield
[2016-06-20 21:28:05] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: it will 99% of the time be 2-3 of the same hero per team forever
[2016-06-20 21:28:11] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: just stack the most broken stuff you can
[2016-06-20 21:28:34] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: and I really really hate that
[2016-06-20 21:28:37] Kiki "Zoevia" Aitken: But that's not even what we're seeing now? IDK, we still have time for people to show us that it's not a good idea.
[2016-06-20 21:29:11] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: I think in the no hero limit tournament that we're gonna see
[2016-06-20 21:29:11] Kiki "Zoevia" Aitken: But honestly, the argument has been mostly without a foundation since the beta phase 2 meta was corrected.
[2016-06-20 21:29:28] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: is gonna be 2 winstons 2 tracers lucio mercy
[2016-06-20 21:29:31] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: all the time
[2016-06-20 21:30:14] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: what do you mean by that though?
[2016-06-20 21:30:50] Timo "taimou" Kettunen: every tournament without hero limits has had problems with hero stacking
[2016-06-20 21:31:24] Kiki "Zoevia" Aitken: Can you give me some examples outside of double McCree?

https://paste. ee/p/rnlum#nheV0cbXxU0IIyPpyaQCQTy1Wul0ZVHX
>playing competitive
Your fault.
So what do you do when the games are going bad. Like does the time you play actually affect it, I always felt like that was an excuse for people who are losing but I mean my games have went from proper team comps and people using mic to 4 HANZOS ON ATTACK WOO LETS GO
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>soon to be canon
too bad blizz said there is only one gay character in the game right now
get fucked fag
I've said this before and I'll say it again

Blizzard know hero stacking is broken but they're not going to introduce a limit because of the shit they would get from weeaboos who wouldn't be able to pick genji or hanzo every game because someone already picked it
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Problem is that some comps without stacking are unbeatable without stacking.
He's an edgy, racist, m3m3r, teenager being in one of the best teams in the world only because of his hacking.
You guess
he's the main sniper/dps guy on one of the top 3 OW proffessional teams and he's a salty little shit and everything triggers him

plus he's not even that good AND he aimbots.

>taimou and surefour STILL are not banned and played in tournaments just yesterday

Why is this fucking allowed

Blizzard is the worst company
>implying Mei players shoot icicles at enemies that aren't frozen yet
Then dox his bitch ass.
there's nothing wrong with masturbating to quality furry porn in the privacy of your own home that you share with 5 other people
I'm 65, you still see him from time to time and
>quickplay is not a thing
workin on it
That's illegal and not worth the effort.
he is /pol/ and /v/. He literally O U R G UY. fuck off seagull fanboys
>tfw you'll never choke Pharah's slender neck
why live?
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Why do people do this when you ask for team comps ONCE
>haha I'm gonna get him SO HARD haha
You're just losing your own game
we won with dragons and d.va ult zoning
did you find anything about cheats? besides this >>147708881
Who the fuck cares about seagull?
The fact that you're an overweight outcast loved by nobody doesn't make him (or you) any less despicable.
he might be y o u r g u y if you're a spoilt sorority brat or you live in brazil.
>pick Symmetra on Hanamura defense
>somebody else picks her
>tell him over mic that I clearly picked her first
>he says "we can have two Symmetras"
>fuck it, I'll switch
>we win in a shutout
>switch to offense
>he picks Symmetra again
>check profile
>he's a Symmetra "main"
>everybody gives him shit for being a Symmetra main
>he doesn't respond at all

Thankfully, we won, despite him. I don't even know what he expected to accomplish with her on offense.
>taimou has a furaffinity account

I wonder what his fursona is. Probably a fucking fox
nah dude, he's a little fuccboi twink. he probably identifies as a cervine
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Was it quickplay or comp?
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I have tons to sift through, besides he used to cheat on dirty bomb and frequented cheat sites.

He's a huge faggot. He's panicking because he knows there's proof. I have listed all his contacts and most people have their coders on skype. As I am already seeing weird people on his "favorites".
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>get cursed out for using D.Va in comp
>change now
>6v1 contested Hanamura B overtime
>I charge out spawn
>get all but a Zarya who shielded
>call mech kills Zarya who was on low health
>Team Kill

because you can put a teleporter near the top and your team can just suicide onto the point until the enemy dies of attrition
unkoe is support in a top team and tviq is a pretty legit dps
You know what i think im just going to give on competitive for now. I really trying to be big on self improvement and thinking about what I should have picked or what I should have done rather than MUH TEAMMATES but the last string of games has just been no tank/no healer/3 snipers on attack and its wearing me out.
the best troll is to lock mercy as soon as the match starts, and then just don't heal anyone.

your team wont choose another healer most of the time, and even if they finally figure you out, they're still a man down.

i've power de-ranked from 46 to 17 with this strategy in two days

Moments where you INSTANTLY leave the game
>King's Row defense
>More than one sniper
don't mean to shill or anything, but would anyone be able to tell me if the quality on this looks alright?
just started rendering videos for some memes and wanted to see if i was doing it alright. i know the content is shitty its the only thing that was even remotely record worthy in the few games i played this morning
Is this ez mode?
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your better off picking lucio because if someone else picks a support he has effortless aoe healing

at least if someone else goes mercy they'll only be healing 1 person

plus it's accurate roleplay a brazilian nigger is low rank
Sorry but 4chan is no longer the secret club you think it is. But if he's cheating I don't care if he has been here as long as I have.

>I have tons to sift through, besides he used to cheat on dirty bomb and frequented cheat sites.

>He's a huge faggot. He's panicking because he knows there's proof.

Do you have evidence of any of this instead of just random uninteresting logs about him saying 'nigga'? Assuming you don't or you would've posted them
is it ironic or serious?
Then only implement a 1 hero limit on competitive and professional games, not in quick play.
I seriously hope Sombra isn't Pharah's mother. That would just be discomforting in actual practice.
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Me too, Anon
By marrying her and being a good person
Well i cant speak for the first statement, but he already posted a image of Taimou panicking and saying he put a DMCA complaing about the video of him cheating, so maybe read before you post.

Yeah, what you just described didn't happen at all. The guy was just a Symmetra main; there is no need to justify his stupidity.
memes are serious?
Im your Im your Im your huckleberry
Who else gets triggered by Hollywood payload voice?

100% entirely ironic
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>Hey I'm 56 now
>Surely it'll get better
>Still get paired with the same type of retards that instalock Hanzo, doesn't do shit and never stop to bitch in chat

sorry ma'am wont happen again
I like BRING ME ANOTHER personally desu senpai

some people even start to spam it in the chat if I get a good kill streak and use it after each squishy tracer I stomp
>lost like 15 QP in a row
>I get matched againt nothing but double zaryas pharas roadhogs and soldiers

Read the thread.
How did you acquire his information?
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Is this a new image because I'm very surprised I haven't seen it
not bad then quality looks fine, might want to get rid of the mouse cursor in future videos though.

They've clearly mentioned its a "Weaponised" version of a healing gun

My bet is its gonna be some kind of health drain gun. Shoot enemies to steal life, then launch the accumulated life as grenades to splash over allies or something like that

They're testing the waters first.
The 100k prize pool gamescon tournament is using no limit, and as a result other tourneys need to go no limit to seem legitimate.

When that turns out to be a boring as hell clusterfuck they'll probably consider changing it.
do you use the beer stein spray?
Ranked matchmaking in this game is absolutely terrible.
Yeah just noticed, thanks a lot dude

>Roadhogs shotgun does more damage
>Roadhog has more hp
>Roadhog has a medium range mode on the shotgun
>Roadhog has his hook stun that reaper cant wraith out of

Nigga just pick the pig
so they still didn't fix that shit with the newest patch? what a bunch of incompetent idiots
>this game is absolutely terrible

By way that it's addressed to Morrison and Reyes (aka before the Overwatch breakdown and before Talon), and how Mercy says that the rifle could be weaponized if not careful, my theory is that Widowmaker's rifle is actually a modified version of this rifle.
That would be an interesting mechanic, but pretty retarded for a "healing sniper" you wouldn't be able to heal if there are no enemies/you don't do damage, making it pretty useless in 2/3 of the situations
When can I turn off the annoying as fuck announcer and the clock ticking noises?

Fuck OFF, Taimou is a 4chan user who frequents this thread, he is literally OUR GUY.
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You know how germans supply everyone with cheats, yeah that's how I found him.

Again, I am reading skype logs atm. Not his folder logs.
Right now see if you want anything pertaining to aimlocks

Or if you want to read blizzard chat, go search thread for "past."
heroes never die and I see you, if you have a skin that shows her bare back ofc, otherwise swinging into action
What a worthless post
>Taimou is a 4chan user who frequents this thread

no wonder he's an unlikable sperglord lmao
people don't view lucio as the team healer consistently, meaning someone else is likely to select mercy, which seriously risks your team getting a win.

besides, you involuntarily buff your teammates as lucio whereas mercy becomes a shitty version of tracer when not healing.

leave this to the experts please
Winston counters him hard. Just weave in and out of your barrier so he doesn't fuck you.
meant for >>147709668
Reminds me of the Hearthstone general, where every 2nd post is about some eceleb dicksucking. Can't you got l3bbbit please? They do that witch hunt stuff all day/all the time, you even get silver or coins for it.
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>ambush someone with Winston
yes but the speed boost will only fuck up their aim and speed them towards death

and having a shitty mercy is better than having a tank or a dps potentially killing people

you're not even good at being bad and deranking, i really wish hitler had killed all of you before he died, such a shame really

wait a second

>ranked payload
>defend first
>they manage to cap the first point and not much else
>they defend
>we push the cart all the way to the end but can't quite get it in
>sudden death
>they attack
>cap first point
>win the match for ALL the marbles even though they as a team did worse than we did
>someone at blizzard thought this was good design

i'm so fucking confused please help
hs icicle only does 140 dmg same as torbjörn and mccree
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>No dragon hero
>No werewolf hero
>No sexy female magician hero
>No clown complete with squeaky nose hero
>No Rock Hero
>No water based heroes
>No sensual plant goddess heroes

We got a long way to go senpai
Post opinions about the game which /owg/ only has because the general skill level in this thread is pitifully low and its users rely on crutches

>Boulevard bacon's unavoidable magical stun that goes through walls is balanced
you both capped 1 point in the time limit, sudden death put them on attack and they won, thus winning the game

not hard to understand
Why do you always either win or lose a bunch of times in a row? How come it's never win one, lose the next one, then win again?
this is why I only play comp if I want to play s76 because thats what I have to do in half of my games
mei and torb both do 150
Mei's icicle does 75 before falloff, not 70.
And I got quads, fuck.
FUCK why is reapers shadowstep aiming so fucking shit
No ranks visible so comp.
>first point is all that matters

this isn't how it's supposed to go
Give me those hot Genji tips.
Yes, also a glasses variant of >>147707660
Yes, because as of now, only Mercy has feelings for Pharah after seeing her for the first time. She sparkled a memory from her past. She has yet to confess these feelings though, so Pharah doesn't know. But i pray that Mercy will find what she seeks

Im inclined to believe you because I know her icicles deal 70 damage without a crit

But then Im sure Ive been one shot by them before
Mercy removed from the gaem when ?

Whoever fucking designed the ranking system should be boiled in FUCKING ACID

why have i oneshot tracers before as mccree then

Why cant blizz just let us aim it normally, ice wall too

And just have the reticle display an error colour/symbol if we cant teleport/build there
At first I was depressed about dropping 10 ranks, but now I'm starting to think that playing with bad people is more fun. Team comps vary more and there's less pressure because everyone is equally clueless.
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Does anyone have the full thing?
Why is he still not banned for trolling.
when they add Sombra
Numbani would be a perfect map if it weren't for those fucking street sighns

Meis icicle deals more damage than McCrees Peacekeeper
About 5 more to be exact. Just enough to one shot tracy

Not sure about torb
blizzard isn't supposed to be some shitty third world game dev team who makes shit decisions time and time again

You have to love and respect him. I recommend hugging him every day.
Icicles does 75 dmg my friend
75 times two = ???
because the flash bang does 30 damage
>placements done, placed 56
>play 30 games with 60% won
>rank 52

>my friend who is much better than me
>placed 59
>solo queued 80+ games
>currently rank 42

i'm starting to think low rating is the price to pay for competitive points. its intentional and deters people from playing placements and then going inactive
>ult as zenyatta
>enemy roadhog jumps off a cliff and hooks me on his way down

not even mad

that's real bold
das smart mane
>Numbani Defense
>Two Tracers on the team
>call mechanics kills zarya
wait what? This changes everything
no because I mean "bring me another weakling to destroy" also your sprays dont show in potg or on killcams
that's how I feel when reinhardts charge me off a cliff and go down with me
godspeed, german armor man
>also your sprays dont show in potg or on killcams
yea dey do
ranking on this game is completely RNG based, I have friends who are complete garbage and have like 47% percent winrate on quickmatch who are rank 67 and others who have near 60% winrate on quick match and are rank 55, If you have high rank by playin solo q you were lucky , if you have high rank by playing all of your games on a 6 team premade, then maybe you are good at the game.
solo q is just horrible on this game, blizzard has no idea on how to balance a FPS game, they are just really stupid to understand what they need to fix or maybe they don't care since they already have your moneys.
Calling her mech down kills anyone as long as they're sitting below 50 health and standing close enough.
Bastion should be able to heal other mech/machinery with his E, for example, d.va's mech and torbjorns turret in recon mode
>lose first two game on Ilios
>Winston player switches to Hanzo
>when told to switch off Hanzo by multiple people, he responds, "the McCree wasn't useful, so it's my turn"

This is the type of person who is costing you games, people. Yes, they are this retarded and petty.
>I'm at 70 health
>rein charges me off a cliff
Could've just m1d me, nerd.
did you find anything
So, mech down does 50damage in a close radius
Yeah, then you can dash for another 50 and melee into shotguns.

I can't wait for the buff.



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>tfw want to play this shit but dont want to pay more than 20 euros for a game

fucking e-jews
Found the shitter that doesn't first kill the Mercy
shows as default, maybe they work in higher settings then, I play on all low for max fps
While healing torbjorns turret, bastion would be able to control it
you're the jew

>le just kill her even though she's behind three walls and waiting to glide in and res everybody x--DDD
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>2 hanzo's neither will switch
>"I'm tired of NEVER being able to play my hero and always having to be the bigger guy!"
>has 20 minutes of Hanzo on his profile
If you are interested and willing to try I can sell you a blizzard account with only overwatch for 25 american dollars.
>charge enemy rein into guardrails on vodka industries
>smash through the rails into the drink
Worth it.
does mommy not let you use her cwedit card?
the current state of the game isnt worth 40 bucks it should be free to play at this point because blizzard doesnt care and acts like an indie company raising a new game

and for some reason i think if it was that way they would care more about their game
fucking poorfags
>be so jew that you're only willing to drop a 20 on a game
>call others jew when they don't price it at 20

Like pottery
jesus christ
why does every win have to feel like my team is barely managing with me playing at my absolute best whereas when we lose we get absolutely stomped every time
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How to counter bastion+rein+mercy if they are on the platform in anubis first entrance
i'm from one of those shit countries where you earn 300 per month
>attacking as mercy
>either go in with your team, nobody dies until you die, you can't get the big rez and everyone blames you

>don't go in with the team, wait for them to die piecemeal and then go in and ult maybe two people

why this
icicle is 75

torb is 70 with no falloff
Stack a team of Symmetra, 2 Pharahs, 2 Winston, and Lucio
That artist is a god. He actually draws her similar to how she is in game too
This is brilliant, danke for sharing
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Save up, niqba.
she doesn't need buffs, she's an already insane overtime extender
she'd be fucking broken if she actually got better while retaining her tankiness in certain situations
four reinhardts

symmetra balls are slow enough that he can just reposition

>counter to bastion ever
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Might as well leave every KoH game, because with the Statfreeze you get shitty XP.
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Pick Genji and do this, it will force them to break formation and let your team push up.
She would too OP anon. Meanwhile please ignore other tanks having auto aim, fucked up hitboxes, oneshot moves and generally being better at doing damage than offense heroes.
sleep tight reap tight
Anyone else hitting a solo queue wall at about SR45/46?

Going up from rank 40'ish, everyone was playing to win, decent comps etc.

Now I'm at about SR45, and I just get retards every game. Not talking about play, but people just purposely pick shit heroes, or are obviously just throwing games.

Shit like 2 genjis on defense, torbjorns or hanzos on attack, etc.

Its really starting to get a bit frustrating now.

I never had this shit going up from 40->45.
>retaining her tankiness
>with a critboxthe size of Texas set in the center
It makes her armor useless. Remove critbox and the ! from her ult, and she'll be what she ought to.
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>tfw miss playing Mercy but can't play her because i'll receive/lose 2x the amount of ranking points than my friends that are playing damage dealers
great game design, thanks blizzard

How would you even get there if that part of the map is held down by symmetra nest + junkrat. Because that's usually combined with the bastion and rein on the bridge.
sleep tight reap tight
Solo queue is the same bullshit
Needs invincibility for mech until you get control and random ejection when it dies too.
>he's still playing competitive
The ! in her ult should definitely be removed from allied side.

>ulti at point
>faggots hide with me instead of capping
it already takes way too long to kill her because you practically have to kill her twice and if you go 2-3 dva lucio and some other shit you can extend overtime for fucking ever on certain maps
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there is no wall

you can grind at any point with reaper and make comp picks as soon as you feel your teammates arent retarded, if they still are its back to killing everyone yourself
break the junkrat traps and run for your life, deflect if needed. shift strike to cross the room fast then just climb walls to get out of symmetra turret range, you should be able to be fast enough to do it

if you're feeling feisty you can just go through the main door with deflect then quickly shift strike to that backdoor
>random ejection
That would be nice
>mech invincibility
Disagree, don't call it in the open.
>Junkrat on Ilios
>see Lucio coming in for the environmental kill
>side step him and mine him off the edge
bon voyage bitch
>way long to kill a fucking D.Va

Are you playing 6 Lucios vs six D.Vas only or something?

You're ignoring:

>junkrat M1 + conc mine combo, which kills you
>the constant M1 spam from junkrat
>symmetras beam, which doesn't give a shit about deflection
>the slow on the symmetra turrets

>Implying AlleySwine doesnt rek Reaper

B-but muh tank killer
started at 45, fell to 43 due do the KOTH bug (75% of my wins were KOTH)

50 now and consistently climbing
Sometimes out in the open is just where the Mercy rez places you. It's not considerate enough to shuffle your body around the corner, or let you suit up during the 2 seconds of post-rez invulnerability.
>hes a filthy casual QP player
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>play rein
>team trickles in 1 at a time and die immediately in a 6v1
>wow this rein lol no heals either gg
>lets group then
>lol no
>GanjaGenji has switched to Reaper (was Genji)
my idea is to run in there with deflect to deflect junkrat's M1, shift strike as soon as symmetra's turrets start hitting you and instantly climb a wall to be out of range of both of them

i think you should be able to do it, i've gone past symmetra's nests in that area more than once
>he gets potg in a reaper ult where he gets a triple
>"gg lol told u...this team"
bait/spook hook and he's dead
I won't play comp until they fixed their broken system. Getting 1/12 or lossing 3 times as much of the exp because:
>I play support
>The other retards qq
>My retards qq
>The entire outcome of a match is decided by a cointoss
Yeah, no, tyvm.
d.va is so fucking easy to kill it's not even funny, in her current state you can just keep a small distance between her and you and you can just kill her mech while she tickles you with her cannons because her move speed while firing is a fucking joke
she's useless right now compared to other tanks, she needs her firing move speed penalty removed and a slight damage increase/spread decrease at least
>I should get extra iframes because mercy ult
>Torb creates a stationary turret with 300 life that just focuses the first target it sees, even if that target has a shield up

>50 dps

In what world does that actually defend an area? Its awful

Here's an idea:

>Torb can build to level 3 again
>Requires 125 scrap (5 hammer swings) to do so

>Molten core now makes turret invulnerable for its duration instead of upgrading to the next level

>Molten Core now also melts down all scrap you have on you when activated, depleting all your scrap and making you unable to collect any for its duration, but armour packs are free (with a 2 second cooldown) for its duration
found the rank 40 talking like he knew shit
she literally just needs to stay alive as long as possible
you deal with her shield barrier
then you kill the mech
then it takes a second for her to eject
then it takes one and a half seconds for you to kill her while she runs around like an idiot in 20 tick
then you kill the second dva and 4 people have already respawned

I'm 60
>Giving yourself points on the card screen

Do you really need to pat yourself on the back?
Reminds me I fucking hate POTG.
>Play Of The Game
>Nobody gives a shit how you call yourself as Soldier 76
>It's Zarya making the play with her ult and 76 pressing LMB
show me, where did Dva touch you?
Did she stick something up your butt?

>140 damage per shot
>600/140 = 5 meatshots

>Meanwhile Roadhog scrapgun + melee = 250 damage = sleep tite reap nite

Muh tank killer
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@panza_0 artist.
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sleep tight reap tight
stop talking sub 40 trash
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>all those threads about MUH BULLY!!MUH ABUSE!!MUH HARASSMENT!!

Other heroes contest the point too while being far more useful (actually dealing damage, having good ults, healing etc.)

See: Lucio, Tracy, Winston
>thinks Reaper is an actual counter to streetpig
>calls others sub 40 trash

D.Va is the only character in the game that's revived at less than 100%. 20 other characters are immediately ready to go, she's unique in being the only one that's not.
>she literally just needs to stay alive as long as possible
which isn't much considering how quickly she dies in the middle of the action (and dont say her suit form is hard to kill because it isn't, a lot of essential pick heroes can solo her in two seconds), and if she's not on the objective you can just ignore her because she does literally no damage unless she's in your face.
face it, she's useless against any team that isn't disorganized and retarded
post your profile please I want to laugh
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It's not worth it with it's current system. Hopefully S2 is better but Blizz is always stuck in their ways.
>play Mercy
>nobody protects me
>trying not to put myself in compromising positions
>everyone keeps chasing the FUCKING TRACER

>enemy Mercy
>has a fucking Secret Service, KGB, MI15 super squad of mutant, augmented cyber-nigger ninjas protecting her

I have an easier time in ranked. What the fuck
this game is plain shit
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WHY why the fuck does my brain freeze up in the most important fucking moments of the game and i lose sense of everything. am i just a failed human being like what the FUCK
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Now I can stop playing competitive since I am LITERALLY average.
>Bait the shield with m2 to the cockpit
>m1 to delete mech
>m1 the chewy center before she hits the ground as it pops out the exact same place every time
>knot knowing that foxes are some of the biggest sluts in the furry community
>Lose a match and lose half a rank
>Winning and half the enemy team leaves
>Get 1/12 of what I lost
This is pure hell...
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>not a rat
You should get iframes because the mech is her entire thing and it's trivially easy for competent players to deal with upon summon. If it were instant there'd be no problem. Instead you're standing still in a fps with no control.
>the walls of idiots whining for the ability to mute match chat even though thats been a feature forever

I want to get into wrestling again just for this guy and his awesome squad
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>Start shit talking when he cant figure out how to refute a point

Hahahhahahha classic

Sleep tite reap tite


Tbf Dva really should have invincibility frames during mech call

>Survive as 150 hp hero with no movement abilities to get 100% ult charge in a single life rather than just dying and getting your mech suit back
>Mech is destroyed while you call it in
>Alternatively you die at 100% charge and wasted all that time running around in pilot form
McCree is unplayable with sweaty hands
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>spotting the shitter 101

he complains about:

>pharah's splash
>hanzo's arrow hitboxes
>mei in any capacity

he thinks:

>defending is easier on any map than attacking
>mercy's ult is fine just kill her x-D
probably because you turn into a potato when people look at you in real life
fucking dumb ass tooth
found the
also found the
>literally can't kill mercy
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i dont care about your stupid competitive mode and its issues

give me character balance
the point was refuted with the bait hook comment

if you play against reapers who are close enough for m1 or far enough for m2 I'm sorry for your trash mmr

nice dodge though
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how do fix potato mode
>unironically thinking roadhog is fine
>unironically hitboxes are fine

t. lolbab
Again, don't call it in full view of the enemy team. You're probably the same regard who thinks reaper teleports should grant invincibility as well.
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post rank
I'm rank 65 and this is a fucking nightmare
It's broken beyond repair right now
>he actually thinks any of those heroes are worth complaining about

>he thinks roadhog is broken or hanzo's hitboxes matter

post profile please I want to have a laff
Reaper teleports are for positioning. D.Va's mech IS her kit. There is a difference.
oppa dva style
all of this is correct except roadhog, he's wrecks shit if you have a decent team with a mercy not afraid to heal you 90% of the time

I say this as someone who plays roadhog in at least 30% of his comp games
>I ult as DVa
>My teammates run away
Every god damned time, it's infuriating.

Here's how to counter DVa with any character:

All DVa needs is
>Random ejection (just have to wait for her ult to call in a new one)
>critbox decreased (Instead of making it the entire glass on her front, make a weak point at the top or bottom)
>4 second cool down on boosters (from 5)
>damage drop off pushed a few feet further ahead of her
>Shooting turn speed penalty reduced to 75% it's current

Boom, she's no longer useless.
>posts memes
>asks for other people's profiles without posting his own first
yeah, back 2 /lolg/ familia
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A diet of Doritos and Mountain Dew will do that.
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>play Quake 3
>diverse weapon choices in rocket launcher, rail gun and lightning gun
>only use LG

>play Overwatch
>diverse roster of heroes and playstyles
>only found 76 fun

What the fuck is wrong with me
>it already takes way too long to kill her
you can spam A+D as mccree infront of her face and she cant hit your because her spread is terrible

thats how unbalanced d.va is
it's not about killing anything it's about extending overtime
on non-koth maps she can extend it the longest because there aren't a lot of places to go for a tracer and winstons die quicker
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This is as far as the /owg/ movie goes tonight.
you think about what you want to do before doing anything
haha so funny
How do I learn how to aim without playing the champ
>leave one game: one hour ban
>leave a second game in the same day: 6 hour ban
>third leave in a day: 1 day ban
>anyone coming off a 1 day ban has a 1 week ban, suspended for a week: if you leave even one game in your 1st erm back, you're banned for a week
>persistent leavers banned for a season

It's the only way guys. Oh, you left three times in one day because your internet failed? I'm sorry, fuck you, your team still succeed as if you'd left on purpose, and maybe by the third time you should be thinking "hey, maybe this internet connection I hijack from the Mexican restaurant down the road isn't actually good enough, I'm a detriment to my teamk.

Also, if you pay hanzo or torbjorn on attack, just fuck off.
very funny hahahaha
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This is probably how Mercy would react to most of her fanart.
I had that when I saved my team with lucio, I played a good 10 minutes with him and not one bit of damage healed got tracked
you play any other fps game without input delay
you shouldn't be playing overwatch if you can't average 50% soldier 76 accuracy anyways
>What the fuck is wrong with me

You're a bit boring, and insecure. This makes you afraid of change and novelty. I bet you eat the same thing for breakfast everyday and always order the same thing in restaurants. It's not so bad.
>yfw double hanzo on attack is the new meta
Serb or croat?
But I want to play the game I paid for?

Why are you being matched with people who can't aim, at any rate?
>Character wrecks if he's getting 40hp/s
>he still thinks rank means shit
lol silly anon.
>standing still
>not going for headshots on a immobile/stunned Mercy
>not going for headshots in general
>blinking infront of bastion in a straight line
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If you havent reached rank 70+ yet you're undeniably average at video games
lmao great post m8.
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>play funston
>enemy team switches to 2 reapers and roadcancer
Thank you are you also a fellow rank 70+ ? Solo queue'd btw.
not even pros reach 70 after 10-0
>Rank 98
>Still can't manage a 20% accuracy

Not even with reinhardt's hammer

sleep tight reap tight
yeah you're gonna have to stop posting m8
Well think of the bright side, if half the team switched to counter you it means you were being an effective Winston.
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But Eggman and Omega are actually good :^)
id be rank 90 lmao its just my shit team :^)
Played 4 placements solo q, and then I moved into posting my account for sale on playerauctions.com, maybe I can get back 50% of what I spent on this ""fun"" game.
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another 1
Only half correct. Omega is just an edgy Gamma.
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Friend told me he was ready to buy this game for me
is this game actually anyfun
>inb4 Asking legit questions in 4chan
Is there any option to see ur teammates lifebar all the time without being a healer?
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>Omega is just an edgy Gamma.
Depends, Solo q is not fun, on either mode competitive or QP, matchmaking is complete unbalanced garbage, However playing with a premade group of I'd say atleast 3 or 4 is actually fun.
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I only vote for myself if I get 1 vote... So it doesn't look like I voted for myself.

That's like asking a faggot if having your ass pounded is fun.

inb4 fagposting
>caring about accuracy in a game with unlimited ammo


I am stuck at 50/51. I just can't get over the hump.
but then it would be 3 votes
the point is to kill the enemy before he kills you
guess what you need to do that
>caring about winning on a game with unlimited gameplay after purchase
>caring abouth breathing on a world where you can breath any giventime you want.
>CARING at all about anything considering death is unavoidable.
Let me play attack you fucking game.
i hope they never nerf junkrat his 150 mine is so good vs. genji and tracer
accuracy by volume of fire?
it's 120
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just did it now mate, was pretty hard solo queue.


Whoah you rate matches?
Does everyone else here rate matches?
that line of reasoning is deeply flawed and you are retarded

There is balance, you're just shit
nah he's right, there are characters that are blatantly shit and useless
>all stomps poor
>close games good
>evenly matched but one team fucks up middle
Do you not take every opportunity to tell Blizzard their matchmaking is awful?
Why are you hiding:
nothing someone spoke on the mic and i just hid his name
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sleep tight reap tight
>not being the Hanzo your team needs and ulting afkcampshitters

This has been 99.9% of all game developers over the last 40 years man.

They can make the game, doesn't mean they can play them. It's that simple...

Well, it also means they don't have the sense to hire people that can it seems too due to ego or something.
>her face when imagining dewritos
You get all those skins automatically.
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It's... for a friend.
I broke through that on several occasions even with a genji going behind me, unless you're complete trash you can do it. Honestly...
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