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/vn/ - All Ages Edition

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Visual Novel General #1128


>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:

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>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
i came here to ask about subahibi, last thing i heard was that it was getting an official translation and that was almost 6 months ago
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Are visual novel readers the most entitled people in existence?
Sora a cute!
Try asking again in a year.
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How dare you! Anyway, reminder that everyone should learn grammar and kanji on the side!! Even if it takes 3 years it'll be faster than Dovac giving us the 18+ patches
That was fucking hilarious.
It's not something exclusive to VN readers. PC players as a whole are the most entitled community there is.
Dat karma
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Don't forget that 4chan made Chuablesoft partner with MG instead of Dovac. We can do anything if we so desire
If you don't agree with me then you're entitled.
Why is she so fat?
At least his avatar is cute.
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He is so wise
That Neil guy is a retard. The whole deal with censorship is we can't impregnate the girls anymore. Suou Amane is a slut and deserves a good pounding.
What are your thoughts on the translated Seinarukana? Worth the buy?
If you translate a game, don't remove or edit content. And if you do for whatever reason, offer an unedited version (or patch, or what not) in a timely fashion. This isn't really rocket science, people are willing to forgive a lot if you respect the community and their wishes. I'd think wanting an original and not something that has been arbitrarily changed to meed someone elses standard is a pretty normal desire. If that's considered being entitled, then so be it.

Sekai's issue from the very beginning is that they dismiss a lot of the fan base as being 'entitled', and hence not worth appealing to. At times it becomes outright contempt for a lot of the opinions people seem to have. And then Sekai has the gall to pretend to be shocked that people would be upset with them after "all they've done to elevate the state of visual novels".
For me it's just a very real part of the relationship that I want to see. Not to mention I just can't support censorship at all.
Game of the year so far. Though I've only played that and Haruka thus far
>we can't impregnate the girls anymore. Suou Amane is a slut and deserves a good pounding.
That's basically what he's saying. Its not that people care about the story, it's that people care about sexual gratification.
>If you translate a game, don't remove or edit content.
I like lolis ;)
Yes and I'm not pretending I'm holding off on Grisaia because the story was butched or something I want the lewdness
Thank you based Dovac for protecting innocent lolis.
Thanks, ZTD was a bit of a letdown, Root Double is being aite. Though I think I'd like to play Aselia before Seinarukana
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Why protect Lolis if they're 18+ already. Let me sodomize them all already!
>Though I think I'd like to play Aselia before Seinarukana
Uh yeah play the first game before playing the sequel
iumademonai hazu dakedo
It's currently on a tie so I'm posting it again, please don't shout at me!
Half the fucking story was sex jokes, the game could be one step from a nukige with a few tweaks here and there.

I haven't actually cared enough to read the "all-ages" version but I could bet my ass amane and makina's lines had to be heavily edited to get it under the all ages bar.
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Yuuri is the cutest killer.
If Dies Irae gets announced is it better than Baldr Sky?
He is right in the usual obnoxious manchild Moogy fashion (complete with strawman, thanks Moogy), but he's missing the point here. The point isn't about the ero scenes in and of themselves, a lot of them are, as he says, pretty bad. The point is that there's censorship at all. No one wants this to be a normalized occurrence. Not to mention that content other than H-scenes has been removed in all-ages versions, so to imply that there isn't more at stake here is to be intellectually dishonest. It is a slippery slope, especially considering that companies like Sekai and AkabeiSoft2 are trying to sell the 18+ content as DLC.

For things like moege especially I think the H content is important. Those are basically relationship simulators through and through, and people want to explore every nook and cranny of the relationships while reading those, including the sex. It's maybe not the best comparison but look at romance novels; those are full of fucking. You don't see people actively trying to censor those and they're quite popular with college aged students.
There's barely a connection from what I hear though. At Jast's booth they even said something similar iirc
Dies Irae is the better novel but Baldr Sky is the better game.
I thought it was only a spiritual sequel but yeah, I will
No. If something gets translated it's automatically shit because I can't feel special anymore.
Much better. Baldr Sky is a good game, but the story isn't absolutely amazing. Its more fun to play than read.
They both become kusoge the second they're translated into english.
Are the H scenes necessary in Dies Irae?
What version would be best for them to localize?
Dies Irae is untranslatable. Don't touch it and don't think about localizing it, let it be pure and free from western people
These games (well, aside from maitetsu) are being censored because Steam doesn't allow certain content. Games like Gahkthun which had porn that didn't go against Steam were allowed. BTW, what is "allowed" on steam is largely determined by the ESRB (no adult content is allowed in games w/o ESRB rating) so take up your beef with them.
The best version of dies is largely agreed to be Amantes Amentes, which is all ages. That's how little the porn matters.
Dies Irae is roughly translatable (See conjueror's tl'd videos) but it'll be a completely different beast in english for sure.
Conjueror and Makoto are the only two who could do it.
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it's just a fucking Vita port it isn't like they went out of their way to change anything else that isn't allowed by CERO
Yes, yes. I know that. And I don't have a problem with all-ages being on steam, but what needs to be ensured is that the 18+ version is also available at the same time. Not months down the line and certainly not as paid DLC.
Dies Irae just sounds like power level chuuni garbage. I don't understand how it can have a good "story"
I'm still not reading it until I get to fuck Mitcher.
If it's like Tokyo Babel I'm taking my own life. The good side is the world will be a better place
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fucking retards not allowed
kissing is though
Mitcher is love but it seems she's gone full retard on the sequel. They retconned her whole route or something and now the other girl was an illusion and she never does clever things to keep the group together and shit
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You'll be surprised, I know I was.
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>Grisaia posting
it is very philosophical and it has tons of german wanking.
>that lego block in the middle
I unironically love Michiru.
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>ZTD was a bit of a letdown
>a bit
Would you die for her?
He needs to get laid. Also, does he prefer one of those wimpy protags that are pushed around by everyone? At least Yuuji dictates the story
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ungodly amount of complex memes, anon
No, but I'd kill my pet cat if she asks me to.
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god damn this girl is adorable. Her laughter and that VA as well as the cutesy bits are too much.
This is one moege/w/e I'd like to try but I've heard the translator didn't know much kanji and made up some parts of the story
wouldn't know but so far its been great.
there's a number of notable ones I can count on one-hand, none of them impact the story in any notable way though. nothing important is lost in translation.

Qoo little-little for mvp.
Thats not Putin's maid.
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I think you might be gay anon
>big cock
>not the girl being tiny
Why can't we all die for a change
Everyone dies, anon.
Real talk? Why does Kuon not get a route? Not in the main game or in the fan disc, that pissed me off so much.
I would have loved her to replace Ran-chan in terms of routes.

i remember seeing this in the thp too. i laughed my fucking ass off.
Remember to complain in Twitter for the 18+ version of Baldr Sky.
Watch out, dovac will block you on twitter if you hurt his feelings.
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god fucking dammit.

Well played game, well played.
God remains dead. And we have killed him
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Cry your heart out Nietzsche
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I like to think that I have a pretty healthy suspension of disbelief, but this VN is just dumb. Pretty much every character is a cunt, the drama is awful, and the art is kinda strange.

Mild Koichoco spoilers in the image.
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What did she mean by this?
That you're her cuckboy
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that the jews are behind this

Seriously, I need that in .wav.
This is just like the AAA game devs from 3-5 years ago. Any time you criticize them you are entitled. But they act as if theyre entitled to your purchase regardless of what product they put out.

The thing is I can get their product without paying, but they can't get my money without me buying their product. Brings some joy to my shriveled heart every time I pirate one of their games.
> From 3-5 years ago.
> Not from right now.

I escaped this censorship bullshit from Atlus, Nintendo and others only to fall into the same trap in my final super niche refuge - visual novels.

Fuck, how does cute girls doing cute things get widespread enough appeal to have that happen? Fuck.
Nothin to do with being widespread m8. It's just got to do with laws and shit. If selling 18+ games were as legally simple as all ages then this wouldn't even be a topic.
localizations were a mistake
Except we never had or have this issue with MG or JAST. It's just Sekai Shitject taking a donkey shit on the entire media.
in good ol' AMURRICA town, so long as it's not actual CP or hyper realistic drawings of it, it's A-Okay.
Weird how those laws only regularly affect SP and not MG/JAST?
Well, the problem is that they basically need to sell on Steam to keep themselves afloat--along with the Kickstarters. I think they're too deep in at this point that they probably wouldn't be able to do anything else even if they wanted to. Their company has yet to have a single profitable year and the steam bucks is probably what kinda-sorta keeps them going.

I'm sure that being on Steam is probably a desirable option for Japanese producers as well due to the higher sales figures that steam nets, simply by being on the front page for a bit.

I really, really hate Sekai. But it's a complex situation and the blame can go in many different directions. They aren't SOLELY to blame for everything, I'm sure.
You forgot that MG is in Canada and they've done lolige, and we have far more strict laws than the US when it comes to pornography.

Literally zero excuse.
Isn't MG based in Japan? The President is also the President of Overdrive..
>Except we never had or have this issue with MG or JAST.
Jast literally had this exact issue with censoring Shiny Days recently
Manga Gamer isn't stationed in the USA so it's irrelevant to his question.
Seriously, what's with you guys and bringing up MG it just makes you look silly.
Most people are upset about Maitetsu. Sekai didn't really have a reputation as a censorship company until the all-ages Maitetsu fiasco, after all they released Nekopara with lewd. And, maitetsu's problem is indeed the young ages of the characters as you mentioned.
>MG is in Canada
kek no.
I remember reposting this pasta with a magnet full of CP
Nice times
And Doddler got to spend a night in prison and officially registered as a sex offender for his trouble.
Actually MG recently had some issues with a payment processor for Beat Blades Haruka, IIRC.
That had nothing to do with mangagamer.
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The reason why they haven't had a single profitable year is because dovac is the worst businessman on planet Earth and pays out the asshole for everything. He isn't content with middle-of-the-line moege or shopping around/rejecting expensive games, it's either Majikoi-tier big names or shitty OELVNs.

Worse yet, their reputation just gets worse day after day, especially with dovac being a constant buttmonkey and consumer support with their loyal customers are dwindling.

SP is to blame for everything, if not presently, for getting into that situation in the first place through dovac's management. I'm completely serious when I say you could have put ANY reasonable fan of VNs just graduating high school in charge of Sekai Project as they were just launching and they'd make the company into a profitable industry leader while not raping their own market on Steam.

They had a stupidly great position, and they fucking blew it by managing it beyond terribly. It takes a certain type of talent to take a situation like that and make it so dire.
That was because he imported an onahole that had lolis on the cover. I think he got pulled off the sex offender list.
I know, but it is true and if I bring it up in the debate it sounds like it's countering the other person's point even though it's completely unrelated.
Din't it even fucking get archived too?
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No, that was because their payment processor dropped them from the Steam fraud way back when, so they had to hastily get a new processor.

It had nothing to do with trying to sell BBH through that avenue.
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for real?
>Sekai didn't really have a reputation as a censorship company until the all-ages Maitetsu fiasco
That's not true. That shitposting has been around for a long time. There are numerous other titles in progress that they've been very vague on in regards to 18+ versions, and they've been notorious for delaying 18+ versions and putting the all-ages first. They also had that fiasco with Yohjo Simulator, which, while reasonable considering the material in question, still caused a lot of public outcry (see their comment section on their public apology for the "problematic" content)

This, aside with the fact that their employees and the CEO are constantly barraging 18+ content and those who desire it, makes for a difficult situation in which one seems to think that the company are uninterested in providing this content, or are grudgingly going along with it, and, when you have delays on the 18+ patches, and other games not receiving 18+ patches at all, one also cannot help but wonder whether or not they pushed for it to receive 18+ content with the publisher, or failed the bring it up entirely. Of course most of this is conjecture as we cannot simply know all which goes behind closed doors, but this is my impression after having followed Sekai for years and having kept up with their various employees.
There's no issue with young characters, they can be 3 getting their ass pounded here in america, so long as it's not literal CP or hyper-realistic (as in intentionally made to look like real cp) it's A-OK to release, no worries about the FBI or anything.
> Sekai didn't really have a reputation as a censorship company until the all-ages Maitetsu fiasco

This is literally flat-out false. We've been saying it a long time.
Ok, but really, MG, when are you going to make your site less eye-bleeding?
I like it because it's normieproof. Might not be good for them though
This is actually not true and it varies state by state. Looking at loli is as illegal as looking at the real thing in some states.
Anyone know if you would still get the bgm collection if you get the hardcopy of euphoria now? It says it was a preorder bonus only, but it's only been 4 days since it came out.
This. But it's barely enforced anywhere. I honestly can't say I've heard of any enforcement period and I live in one of the supposed "danger" zones.
Those laws are most likely unconstitutional under the first amendment.
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>he can't do both at the same time
The social stigma against pedophilia means good fuckin' luck winning that case.
I am curious as to why SP is based in America though, but then I'm not a lawyer so I don't know how difficult it would be
1: last I checked (4 years ago) it's "legal" due to it being considered "Fine art"
2: If it was illegal, They can't exactly enforce it since it would PROMOTE actual child pedophilia, since you'd be tagging them exactly the same as a sex offender, there'd be no reason for them not to have sex with actual children.

Food for thought.
Dovac lives here
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>implying we don't have contacts in the government
see Robert Morrow
The problem is that it's such a grey area. Fucking Japan calls Yukikaze a "loli" and she has fatass thighs and child-bearing hips, as do a lot of other "lolis". Some of the lolis in Maitetsu have pretty large butts that you literally cannot associate with a child.
>you'd be tagging them exactly the same as a sex offender, there'd be no reason for them not to have sex with actual children

They tag you as a sex offender so you can't do that.
Dovac man, you look like all food you've eaten for the past decade has been laced with AIDS

You look like shit man, like an asian version of Malcolm gladwell
Well she is one compared to the other Taimanin chicks
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What the fuck
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say that to my face nigger
it's fake dumbass
No it's not. It's real. Go to his twitter. Pages and pages of animeshit
That sure as hell didn't stop my father. I can promise you that.
You sure about that?
oh god he lives in my county. holy fuck
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the guy is a shitposting machine
it's not fake. Look up articles about him
>He says the three-pointed jester's hat he wears represents three covered-up murders by U.S. politicians.
My sides
He's the most powerful Republican in your county mane
Not Dovac. That's Dovac's employee.
see >>147567345 right side for Dovac
vn newfag here. Out of curiosity why is everyone excited over Baldr Sky rather them localizing Baldr Force instead?

Is the Sky series more popular, or just better production values over Force?
even if you can win something like that the damage will be done, if it gets Rapelay tier media attention
I assumed the twitter was fake, but apparently he's actually that autistic.
Force is a way worse game
I bet he posts here
Dovac looks like a walking corpse. He looks like he could die at any minute
No one excited over the Sekai kikes releasing it though
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Yeah, I think he's got anorexia or something
Ah I see. I played it way the fuck long ago due to cool looking robot/mechs whatever the fuck they are.

Fast forward many years and I see this announcement and was wondering about Force.
Loli censorship is the norm, loli isn't remotely tolerated in the west, pretty much back to pre-2002 days
> Tfw you literally can't wait for a VN/movie/episode/etc. to come out so you just constantly rewatch the trailers/episodes.

Help me.
Wouldn't be hard, this was already a supreme court case so by federal law, any such laws outright banning loli are invalid and cannot be enforced, the same way sodomy laws cannot be enforced anymore.

Ignore supreme court decisions at your own peril. Government employees have gone to prison over it.
How much would SP pay for an in house personal trainer/nutritionist? Dovac and that fatty that also works there seriously need some help. I'd let them pay me in unfulfilled kickstarter rewards if that would help.
an just what VN/movie/episode/etc. are we talking about here
nothing a high capacity rifle and a crowded place can't fix. Or a suicide bombing with a claim of being oppressed. You get enough people doing that and suddenly you force change because people start asking themselves. "Is wondering about what this person does in their free time worth my life? Nope".
Actually that plan is currently working extremely well, with the whole South Park Muhammad ordeal being a pretty good example where someone "hinted" at a potential bombing if they release the episode uncensored. Comedy Central caved and refused to release the uncensored version ANYWHERE. Even on physical bluray/dvd. Someone did eventually pull it from the website before it was deleted off the network and posted it as a torrent, so the only way to get an uncensored copy of that episode is illegally.

Not to mention, any non-exploitative art is considered legal in US law. (Source: minored in criminal justice)
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it's more like the Japanese won't want to do business anymore, I heard it was Rapelay was one of the things that made the Japanese block off foreign access to just even their sites
mostly just illusion
If they refuse to do business, then we just do fan translations of their products and they receive significantly less money than them actually translating and releasing it themselves.

Steam is a good example. Beforehand there was almost no reason NOT to pirate stuff since you got it free + no cd cracks + it had no DRM.
Now with steam providing games at respectable prices, as well as the sheer ease of access to extremely large libraries and non-intrusive DRM, you feel encouraged to buy games since you'll always be able to access them no matter what, wherever you want, whenever you want, without ANY hassle.
That's a pretty big deal if you ask me.

So eastern companies releasing a watered down product in the west for an "unreasonable" price. Why would we buy it? we can just adapt the pieces we need from it into the original version and have an even better time for no cost.

The reason I bought beat blades haruka was because they did it RIGHT. It had everything the best version had, came as ONE package, and had a respectable price tag given the run-time of it. Plus you know, it's uncensored compared to the censored eastern version.
removal of mosaics is the best thing that has come of localizations
Speaking of Beat Blades Haruka, does it have a NG+ Feature like Big Bang Age or anything?
honestly depends on the artist, you can tell a lot really didn't put the effort into it.

in-fact, other than Euphoria, i'm having a hard time recalling where the artist actually gave a shit about drawing genitals well.

pretty sure it does, i think there's even a route that's exclusive to NG+
Harem route is I believe.
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I want to FUCK and BREED and RAVAGE and MATE with Haru.
but shes greasy and smells and plays meme violin music
In that stats carry over in some form? After beating the game once or twice I probably won't want to play through the game in the same slow fashion again and again to get all the endings.

Although I guess I don't know how long the game is to begin with.
I feel like she probably smells bad. Also she needs a haircut
That'll be an extra 10$.
Even if I don't love GSNM like I did long ago, Usami is still great.
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Rise is best girl in PE, right?
No that's Tamie.
No that's Ritsuko.
>W happiness still only halfway done
"I'm covered in all these scars." That would actually be a bit hot but I am looking hard and I can't find any. This girl is clearly a damn liar and cannot be trusted. Brutal route it is.
What are you playing?
Beat Blades Haruka. Main girl says she needs to have sex with the protagonist and then gets all uncomfortable because she says she's covered in scars, but doesn't have a single one anywhere on her body.

So clearly she must be punished.
Ah. Haruka a shit. Narika a best.
Yeah, first impression is that Haruka is really boring.
I have a huge boner for hair vents and even I could like her.
Looking forward to Maggot Baits, since it has the same artist as Euphoria
she's a very good nukige artist, yes.

maggot baits is quite extreme though. but it seems a surprising amount of people are hyped for it
> but it seems a surprising amount of people are hyped for it
is it really surprising that a lot of people here are into edgy gore stuff?
really? is she a qt?
well not just here, but there's a lot of likes and retweets on the twitter announcement as well.

shiggy doesn't allow photography, but people who were at the event seemed to say that she was relatively good looking, yeah. there's a really shitty low-res and blurry picture of her from when the camera accidentally panned over her, and she looks normal enough. definitely not the kind of person you'd expect to be making art for guro.
Tons of females dominate the eroge artist industry.
Name 11, not counting Shigeo.
Shigeo is based.

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>you will never work for an eroge company
>What do you find most rewarding about your job?

>When people tell me that they really got off on my work. It just makes me happy to feel useful.
waifu tier
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I like Dovac.
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is this you?
I hate Dovac.
Same. Dovac has never done anything to make me dislike him at least
this was a good nukige
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there really hasn't been any shitty clockup titles. I hope the mangagoys bring more
>synchronized finish function
What is this and what value should it be at?
I believe that's just a number in the bottom right that will inform you as to when the climax in the H-scene is going to occur. So at 10 it will let you know 10 lines before it happens? I think?
>So at 10 it will let you know 10 lines before it happens?
Does JAST include a digital copy with a physical?
Welp, finished IMHHW. A thoroughly mixed experience mostly due to the translation.

How the fuck did such a horrible tl ever come to be? Sure am glad Moenovel seems to be completely defunct now.
Did they die from releasing one game?
Considering we haven't heard nary a peep from them since the released it, it's safe to assume that they're dead.

Look at the twitter still just shilling out years after.
Jesus. How are they still clinging to that? Did they update the TL at all in all these years? It's full of grammatical errors and blatantly wrong translations.

This is kind of amazing.
They ported the garbage to mobile devices where it sold like 7 copies it looks like.

I guess spamming about steam sales every other day still nets them a few bucks.
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>Haven't read a VN in bit
>Checking how things are
>Wanting 18+ content is bad
>It's great that steam made VNs more accessible and popular
>You're entitled
>No you're entitled
>You are a manchild for liking awkward porn scenes and lolis

What the fuck did I step into fucking bizzaro world
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Right. And guess what? If you DON'T support Baldr Sky, the market is LITERALLY dead and not worth working in anymore.

At least according to Sekai employees.
Is every Sekai employee a huge prick or something, because everytime I see an employee's twitter they're usually acting like man children.
there's a high correlation between being a weeb and being a manchild

it takes discipline to retain your weeb aspects while not becoming a complete piece of shit, but some of us have done it
Wanikani has teamed up with SP

by releasing censored editions of VNs to EOPs SP minimizes work while Wanikani gets more customers from disgruntled EOPs

this maximizes the total combined revenue
Wanikani is shit though, all you need is anki and tae kim.
I don't understand what 'make it' really means

Am I obligated to buy baldr sky because JOPs circlejerked to it for years about how good it is, do I just buy this game off pure hype alone

Can someone tell me what VN's have 'made it' in the western world so I have something to compare it to
If it doesn't get 200k+ sales like Nekopara Vol. 1 you are literally cancer for not telling everyone you know to buy it
You have to buy their gutted release of Sky because UGH it's GOOD, and 18+ content is PROBLEMATIC
desu I'm not too miffed about there being no H scenes as long as they don't remove anything else, but at the same time Dovac and his cronies are acting like such shits about this that I don't think I'll buy it anyway out of spite.
>Can someone tell me what VN's have 'made it' in the western world
Can't say they actually made it since it isn't even out yet but MuvLuv is probably the one that has made the more money considering it raised 1mil+ bucks
Wow entitled much?
i cant wait for it to be 60 bucks on steam so no one will purchase it
I really don't want to buy anything SP related but I like the Sunrider team and what they've put out so far. Shame they joined up with SP, but I still want to see how their Idolshit turns out.
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Why doesn't this faggot just cut his nails already? They look disgusting.
I only got into these games for the dating aspects and shagging 2d girls, if it's fun and with a good story that's just added bonus for me, if I wanted to enjoy a real story or whatever I'd read a fucking book

Why can't these faggots understand that

For the most part gaymers aren't going to want to buy a game that you don't actually play, we're the only thing keeping this shit alive, and it's not different in Japan either, perverts keep the industry alive that's why theres so many different flavors of porn to choose from and very little "deep story" games
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I like how not a single pic actually shows any dialogue.
he's delaying cutting them just like he delays everything else.

to be fair, baldr sky is an actual video game. and a well regarded one to just play at that.

same people behind Duel Savior, if you've played that.
>1 like
Why even use Twitter at this point?
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so he can block people that say mean things about him and his company, and then eventually delete his account when he throws one too many fits. then when he's hungry for attention again he'll do it all over again.
Impossible. It's sold 75k on Steam alone. Sure, it's at like, $5-$15, but that's still 75k fucking sales for a game with a shitty translation. That's something like ~400kish of pure profit after Steam cuts and sale pricecuts, at a bare minimum.
well, I meant it more as a general statement, they have a lot of nerve releasing gutted nukige like grisaia which definitely don't stand up on gameplay(none) and story alone and charging 60 bucks for a hatchet job
I've been living under a rock, so what happened? Maitetsu officially confirmed to be all-ages? Maggot baits localization? Any new announcements beside Baldr Sky?
SP dodged the issue about maitetsu. Aside from those, a bunch of other stuff got announced but they're not as big as baldr sky.
That's a fair point but I'm wondering how much people are willing to pay for said video game.

If clannad was 50 I highly doubt Baldr sky will release under 30 usd. I'm really doubting 40 also.

Maggot Baits, an otome game that looks pretty fun, a Chuablesoft game (https://vndb.org/v17376), and Dal Segno. Nothing to write hope about, but I"m fine with two middle-of-the-line moege.

We'll see Sona-Nyl and an Alicesoft game at Otakon in a month. Rance in the very-possible best case, Evenicle realistically.
The Sakusaku fanTL got picked up by Sekai project
>Maggot Baits locailization is real
I'm literally dying here. Oh boy there really is a market for guro in the west, isn't it?
My fetish is necrophilia but I can tolerate guro. I'll play it.
Maitetsu was dodged despite promises to confirm otherwise. i don't expect it to get away uncensored and neither should anyone else who is aware of that game's content.

dovac said on Twitter that there was a title they would be doing in the future that was going to upset people due to the price, i'm convinced that this is probably Baldr.

firstly, the game is long as fuck. Grisaia's fandisc sold at 40 dollars and that's gauged at around 15-30 hours to complete, with most seeming to complete at around 20 it seems. Baldr can very well be more than twice that length.

Giga also have a reputation for not liking gaijins, it's probably a miracle they got the license at all. i'm assuming Dovac paid very big bucks for the license and is giving them a large majority cut.

i'm assuming it will probably be at around 50-60 dollars. but this is just my speculation.

a surprising number of people on Twitter liked and re-tweeted it. over 100. to put it in perspective Baldr has 174 likes, and it's been over-hyped for years in this community. fetishists are strong.

and so are otomefags. that new otome game has 183 likes and 234 retweets. supposedly it's actually got a really funny script so I may even read it myself.
I'm still not sure why you guys think Evenicle is more likely than Rance 01.

I hope so though. Evenicle was probably the 2015 release I enjoyed the most even including non eroge.

And /haniho/ needs a new translated game anyway. Been 18 months for them since Mamatoto.
No one wants to fan translate Alicesoft games anymore.
If you guys do get Evenicle or Rance can you move to the relevant general?
>No one wants to fan translate games anymore.
Fixed it for you. Fan-translations are dead.
le senran meme, maybe. game has 40k owners on steam, and his art is pretty well established.

i can see the /v/ shilling threads now where they celebrate being able to play a game that isn't all cock-teasing with his art.
But I'm translating something right now.
I thought it was fairly obvious I was talking about a hypothetical MG announcement.

I actually tried fantranslating once but fortunately gave up before I announced anything. It was actually the English I lacked confidence with.
It's a really fun and relaxing game. And most the girls are cute. Aster wasn't as annoying as I had feared.
Alicesoft/Rance General
You'll just sell the translation when you're finished with it.
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Poor Arunaru, he's back in H hell again.

Brings up a good point about the lack of cunnilingus representation. Equal rights for genitalia when?
no one wants to lick vaginas cause that's gross
I still don't know how to read twitter. I keep reading it from top-down and instead it should be read as bottom-up.
The only thing I want to eat out is a loli's ass.
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did lose seriously shut out gaijin's from their website? Is this new? Because I remember looking up monobeno a long time ago.
Evenicle has very little blowjob scenes.

Rance VI and Rance 01 don't have too many either.
>Giga also have a reputation for not liking gaijins
source? I mean, plenty of japs have already been proven to only want to jew the "Western market" like Frontwing and Akabei, but I'd still like some concrete examples
Akabei want to jew everyone.

Their rage whenever their copyright fails and their games are released with cracks on torrent sites before the other eroge released on the same day is beautiful
right, they wanted to get Denuvo for their stuff, I almost forgot about that
I wonder if that's still a thing
just a bit of hearsay from years ago that i barely remember, so i'm mostly talking out of my ass. could probably find it in the /jp/ archives if i look back far enough, though.

funnily enough, they were almost partnered with JAST at one point iirc, but GIGA refused to supply uncensored 18+ content, and i believe there was some big disagreement in regards to a 18+ release at all, and i believe because of this it fell through.
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>you will never work
Why do Nips in particular sperg so much about pirating? Are they not aware that the pirating = less profits meme has been debunked long ago?
They're slow. Same reason there's still mosaics.
Shit like G2A is what they SHOULD be worried about.
what are the best selling VNs in japen
well, the japs also overprice their eroges way more by trying to add physical goods
I wonder has anything like G2A ever happened to the japs or we just didn't know
unfortunately the only time I had to use G2A I did it because the game I wanted was region locked for no reason, or I just didn't look hard enough into how to buy it
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I think Nip consumers are just good goys who never look workarounds to get their products cheaper. That's also probably why VN companies are hesitant to export their shit
Is it just me or have I never heard of this.
You would be wrong. Eroge market is dominated by pirates.

Even those that do buy pick a few releasea a year to pay near 8000 yen for and pirate the rest.

It is one of the reasons they give out really good preorder bonuses.
pretty sure there's a report out there that says a large portion of NT users are japs
hell, just look at the peers list the next time you download something, it's almost always japs for me
no, you haven't
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oh boy. here we go again

i'm laughing my ass off at this translation

it was released earlier this year.

orange has a terribly shitty voice actor is all i remember
>Why do Nips in particular sperg so much about pirating?

Because it's not a multi million dollar industry like say video games. If a lot of your audience pirate your product it's actually damaging
Eroge isn't overpriced by the preorder market. It is overpriced because the market is very small and gets a lot of releases.
>selling in japan
ded medium is ded
Wwow that engrish
Please speak in English. They're called funbags.
>he lives alone because his mother was dead when he was young
>Patricia casts a spell on him to change the cat (?????????)
>This story is the heartful story

This is amazing. Did they employ a robot to TL this?
what have the eroge readers moved on to?
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>This story is the heartful story
More releases per year spread among the same fanbase.

Plus many grow out of it
>It is overpriced because the market is very small and gets a lot of releases
can't be smaller than ours, sometimes I'm actually impressed we get them for a more reasonable price
but then our market is saturated with OELVNs that are way cheaper instead
Sekai Project will save the industry.
Is the translation still that bad? I thought it had been fixed
wtf? I hate mangagamer now
The Ageha route is like 5% fixed and there was some editing done in the common route.

The H scenes are """""""""translated""""""""" terribly. It's probably just a somewhat cleaned up machine translation. Tons of grammatical issues absolutely everywhere though.
This. I am now a dovacmissile
Where the fuck did the cat thing come from
You can barely follow this thing
I see. From what I read it seems that a group picked up the effort to fix it and it's still underway.


Such a shame.
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The append H patch for Maitetsu is so very nice. Though they're all NSFW CGs so I can't really post them here without censoring them.
Yes. I have the partial of that I believe, but like I said it only fixed the very, very beginning of the Ageha route.

It's a huge mess. You would probably need to start the whole thing from scratch.
Is that a recent patch? Or is that the one included in the sukebei torrent?.
I wonder if a similar fiasco happened with SP would finally drive the last nail in the coffin
Nevermind, just checked the one I have, it's not the same patch. Where did you download it from anon?
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Seems to be recent, just read the comments on here: http://exhentai.org/g/951777/0a6ecd0048/

It will lead you to Lose's download page for the patch and a way to circumvent the DRM. Which is obscenely simple, you just extract the .exe as if it were a zip file. I used 7-Zip for this because WinRAR wouldn't let me.
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Thanks anon, now I know what I'm doing tonight.
*unzips dick*
Y'all niggas should be arrested.
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Have some trains.
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>implying I'm not posting this from prison
it's okay, they don't enforce piracy related laws here that much
It's so dead in Japan that they're pushing hard to make it relevant in the west.
>Sekai wants to censor this.
>no funbags
fucking dropped
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Obviously upscaled from half the resolution. Looks like shit.
Why do people like mangagamer so much?

All they do is publishing moege and nukige. An plotge like gakthun is flopping. All age shit like fata morgana and tokyo babel is flopping.
They don't. There's just a very dedicated MG employee constantly shilling here.
>An plotge like gakthun is flopping. All age shit like fata morgana and tokyo babel is flopping.

How is that Mangagamer's fault?
But sekai have flopping g-senjou and root double!
They don't censor shit.
Is that hard to understand?
I prefer all-age version, even better if it's a Japanese all-age version, because sex scenes tend to take place during the climax of the story and VN sex scenes are unfappable.
They don't censor shit and release everything on time.
hi dovac
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Hole in 1 m8.
I hate mangagamer more than anything else.

Never going to forgive them for delaying Rance VI forever.
It's funny how successful the already translated vn's are.

Clannad,muv luv,grisaia etc.

Can't wait when eustia/baldr/dies irae/white album 2 are flopping and eop spamming they are inferior to grisaia/clannad
Complaining non 18+ version of baldr,

Isn't even in top 10 in ero scenes


No, according to nips Baldr is better than dies irae and muramasa.

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>being ok with censorship
>he doesn't want porn
are you gay?
>guys it's fine h scenes are bad anyway
You are literally cancer.
Muv-Luv made it, I don't see why Sky wouldn't make it if they don't fail to play their cards not wrong.
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Yes, it is obviously upscaled to the monitor's resolution. If you are a purist I can see why that would bother you - outlines look jaggy and whatnot. But I like my screenshots the same way I like my lolis' asses. Big. Even if the overall quality is not as good.

Here's one taken with the game's built-in screenshot function in its native resolution.
Why do you have to contextualize it as censorship?
I can understand disliking censorship when it is used to squash dissident ideals, like replacing "evil Jews" with "evil American corporations" or something.
But that's not what's going on here. Porn is being removed so the game can be sold on an all-ages platform.
There's no crushing dissidence. There's no oppression of ideals. A logical action of removing content which makes a game harder to sell due to laws and regulations is being taken for purely business reasons. Yes, this can be considered censorship, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying why do you have contextualize it as such?
If you would say stuff like, "being ok with porn being removed", or something, I'd be in your boat too.
So why do you have to go around labeling it as censorship? It's kind of pretentious and even disingenuous.
Because it clearly is. Doesn't matter how you dress it up or flavor it, its still censorship.
>Porn is being removed so the game can be sold on an all-ages platform.
That's censorship.
Fuck off and kill yourself, faggot.
> Yes, this can be considered censorship, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying why do you have contextualize it as such?
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>can be held in a negative regard
>why must you bring up that negative aspect
Because it's fucking censorship.
>calling things with their own name is pretentiousness
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Why does this feel like its something one of the retards over the SP or the original company would say to try to justify their idiotic decision to not release the full game?
>let's no call something for what it is
Consider a political career my dear anon.
A really good argument I hear a lot is "it is 2016" and it is indeed 2016 and we are still putting up with these paternalizing puritan proscriptions.

Notice how people are a lot more forgiving of it when there are uncensored versions as well? It is like people are upset when something is denied to them because someone else dislikes it.
Cencorship is not a reason something should be considered bad. If someone came running into a school filled with first graders and started screaming "NIGGER FAGGOT" and shoving a bunch of furry porn in their face, would that be okay too, since not allowing it would be considered censorship? I don't know the full situation on this but saying something is bad because it's "censorship" isn't a valid argument.
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That's the worst analogy I have ever heard. You are legit braindead.
Ok, since it seems like you can't understand me, I'll used an analogy.

This is like a cop pulling you over for speeding and calling it "police oppression of the citizens". It's something that yes, can be considered such, but in doing so you make yourself look silly, because it's a clear exaggeration. I am NOT saying "even though it's censorship, stop calling it censorship". I'm saying "even though it's censorship, it's an over-exaggeration to push that point as a serious one considering the real uses of actually oppressive, immoral censorship". It's disingenuous because it's piggybacking off an actually important context and making it imply a smaller context is nearly as important. A newspaper censoring certain political ideas is incredibly awful. A game company "censoring" porn for an all ages release simply is not. But, by pushing it as censorship and thereby implying it's as incredibly awful as the former, you simply make yourself look silly to any third party not contextualizing it as such.

In short: If you stop looking at it as censorship, in an unbiased neutral view, you'll see it as it really is, which is just removal of some porn scenes, which isn't a big deal. So why are you intentionally contextualizing it as censorship? It doesn't help your position, makes you look pretty silly to outside observers, and so on and so on.
> It is like people are upset when something is denied to them because someone else dislikes it.
Well, putting aside the issue is laws, not dislikes or likes...
...This is what I mean. The issue is, "something is being denied to you". Not squashing of ideas, not silence of dissidence, nothing nefarious and not truly evil censorship. Just some legally problematic content is being removed from a game you want. Not a good situation, of course, but contextualizing it as censorship is just an over exaggeration.

Man, I hope the idea of contextualization isn't too hard too grasp.
You do the job then. Explain to me how removing some sex scenes from the game is bad. And don't use "it's censorship!" because it's not an argument.
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Why don't you all niggas just learn Japanese instead of complain about censorship?
Fuck off faggot, censorship is never acceptable under any circumstance.

Holy shit if you are b8ing you got us good.
>This is like a cop pulling you over for speeding and calling it "police oppression of the citizens".
Stopped reading. It's nothing alike, fucking retard. Seriously kill yourself.
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>Thread is ruined by censorship faggots
>Explain to me how removing some sex scenes from the game is bad.
It's fucking censorship.
Can you explain how? Since I simply wanted to demonstrate an exaggeration that's nonetheless technically true, seems to fit well.
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This is the problem with contextualizing it as censorship. You stop thinking. You have censorship as a big bad in your head, and the moment it comes up you slam down on the big FUCK NO button without looking at the reality of the situation. This is why I asked to not contextualize it as censorship and to simply look at reality. That way you can make informed decisions and actually think.

For example, let's have a comparison.
Labyrinth of Grisaia, free from the context of "censorship", has many good H-scenes that were a good chunk of the game removed and many simple jokes removed. Even without calling it censorship, that's still a pretty bad deal and something to protest.
Baldr Sky, free from the context of "censorship", has very few H-scenes that are few in number, low quality, and ultimately irrelevant. Not a big deal, and not something to protest. However, contextualize it as "censorship", and then BAM! FUCK NO!

See how that line of thinking is poor? Contextualization is important.
Because kanji is literally THE dumbest writing sistem ever conceived by mankind.
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>there are people who defend removing (read: censoring) porn from porn games
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>hes still going at it
Then you should honestly stop using this site. This isn't exactly a platform known for free speech.
See how you can't exlain why it's bad? You just hide behind the word censorship without making an argument at all. Censorship isn't always bad. I'm not saying this is a good thing either, don't get me wrong. Just don't buy it and move on with your life.
I agree with " You just hide behind the word censorship without making an argument at all." because that's pretty much the same argument I was making but boy fucking howdy people are going to jump on
>Censorship isn't always bad.
Prepare your anus for reaction images
>You stop thinking
You don't need to think. There is nothing to argue about. Fuck censorship and fuck you for defending it.
Just fuck off and kill yourself. You are so goddamn retarded. Censorship is never acceptable.
Except the h scenes in Baldr aren't poor at all. You get raped when you lose which adds some nice excitement to the game. Just because it's not important to you doesn't mean it isn't for others.

And it's not like they have to do anything complicated, the the full game already exists. Translate the few h scenes and add a patch to put them back in, done. There's ZERO reason to not do this, it takes a single day of effort at most.

Like this I will just pirate the game, and I hope everyone else will too. We should make clear we don't want butchered versions of games.
While it sounds like you have a point, there is no need to argue that censorship in entertainment is NEVER a good thing.

Its like trying to argue why water tastes like nothing.

Just stop.
>Explain to me how removing some sex scenes from the game is bad.

We want the VN in it's original context without lacking content. Altering the VN so that it may be released and sold to a potentially younger audience on a separate market (the western one) to comply to regulations (Steam) is censorship in it's almost exact definition.

>Censorship is the name for the process or idea of keeping things like obscene word or graphic images from an audience.

We dislike censorship as it caters to the weak-minded and sensitive who can't cope with the reality of the situation or to keep information away from people.

There is one situation where censorship is a good thing and that is to protect the genuinely vulnerable like children from seeing porn or protecting identities during a court case and the like.

TL;DR censorship in VNs is bad.
Okay let me rephrase myself then. There is a difference between this and actuall censorship. This isn't the goverment taking away someones free speech or something like that, this is someone themself removing something from their game so they can increase sales.
You're making good arguments.
*smacks lips*
>There is a difference between this and actual censorship
No there isn't. This is censorship.
And? No one was talking about a "government taking speech away" except you. There's no reason to make distinction in censorship, especially when it's obvious.

Only one thing matters: it's bad, it shouldn't happen and it should be boycotted.
>You don't need to think.
Well, I'm glad you've made your position as someone not thinking clear, because it makes it a lot easier to understand your actions.
I'm actually going off the vast majority opinion from many people who've played the game (even EGS reviews, and that play literally has ero in the url), so I'm not speaking for myself. It's a consensus.

I don't know about how simple it would be to re-add the H-scenes, that's not really what I'm talking about.
You're doing exactly what I mentioned above, i.e. making yourself look silly by applying broad ideological values to individual cases without looking at reality. I mean, holy crap dude:
>We dislike censorship as it caters to the weak-minded and sensitive who can't cope with the reality of the situation or to keep information away from people.
Nobody is going to take you seriously like this when it's a couple porno scenes being removed from a 50+ political action video games. In fact, as long as it revolves around porn, nobody's going to take you seriously. You're not doing your position any favours like this.
t. eunuch
Fuck off faggot.
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Wow that was nice of them!

Remember, if you want uncut content and acceptable translations, you're entitled. If you don't fork over money for every single kickstarter, you're entitled.
You're not very smart, are you?
If you make an actual argument then we can see how it goes. You certainly aren't making yourself look very smart by making replies like that. Any time someone makes a short reply that's mainly an insult, that's a sign they don't have an actual argument.
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Sorry Sekai you aren't getting any of us to buy it. Day 1 pirate and the torrent link goes into the OP.
>Patricia of end
I like that!
See how the Alicesoft general handled Haruka. That is the way to act
Hey, no worries. The only reason I got into this discussion at all is because I wanted to test the waters of the "why contextualize it as censorship" line of thought, I'm not concerned about piracy. It's a shame that no one seems to have thought of a counter argument that goes beyond "faggot" or "I refuse to not contextualize it as such so fuck off", but overall mission accomplished.
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>Hur-dur i'm too socially unaware to realise the massive opposition against me and will continue to autistically try and sell my point to a crowd who won't listen and refuse to change my point of view because I'm too intellectual to be wrong.
This couldn't possibly be less funny
>Baldr Sky, free from the context of "censorship", has very few H-scenes that are few in number, low quality, and ultimately irrelevant.
This statement is completely false.
I'll give you that Rain's H-scenes only builds upon her character, but some of nanoha's H-scenes are the result of a game over, Chinatsu's H-scenes build upon the game's themes of relationships, Aki's H-scenes build upon the game's stance on moral implications with technology, Makoto's H-scenes is tangential to one of the climaxes in the game, and sora's H-scene is a resolution of sorts to the kuu storyline

Are they absolutely key to the enjoyment of the game? Of course not. But the entire point of BS is that it's an ordinary story set in the future that tacitly draws out an understanding of a dystopian future and its moral implications, and to remove some of that content feels like a shame.
>You certainly aren't making yourself look very smart by making replies like that
Dumb replies for dumb arguments, writing a wall of text doesn't make your argument any less retarded or worth of a real answer.
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This is everything you NEED to familiarize yourself with before playing Baldr Sky by the way. Better start now if you want to make it in time.
I could use that pic as my twitter icon
>Dumb replies for dumb arguments,
Now, I would be interested if you could actually show me that my argument is dumb, but as it stands it seems to me that you're just tossing insults around to avoid the fact you've got nothing to say in return. Talk all you like about how it's not "worth a real answer", but in the end it just looks like you don't have a real answer.
Nobody gives a damn about this fucking topic anymore you autist. Just give up before you get insulted even more.
Some people already gave you real answers you ignored.
I don't mind being insulted. In fact, I see pretty much every insult as white flag of surrender.
There was a second person who popped into the discussion halfway through. You are likely confusing me for him. I've replied to every who replied to me with serious points regarding contextualizing it as censorship. I see no reason to burden myself with the arguments of the second party since they aren't my own.
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So just finished Zero Time Dilemma.

What a fucking ride. Not as good as VLR, but I had a lot more fun with this than 999. Definitely my GOTY.

Baldr Sky when?
What do you think about this?
For me it's cut content. That alone is enough to make me not buy a product. Even with non-18+ products, if pieces of the game were removed, I won't buy it. The price is going to be the same whether or not the content is cut or not (should be anyway, paying for 18+ patches is ridiculous). Why should I pay a full price for a not-full game? Why am I entitled for wanting a similar experience to Japanese customers? It seems like there's a few common counter arguments to this.

>Why don't you just learn Japanese?
"Just" learn Japanese? That's a silly thing to say. Why would I spend thousands of hours learning a language just to play some video games in their original form? I live in a part of American that hardly has Spanish people, let alone Japanese. I have zero interest in ever visiting, much less living, Japan or any east Asian country. I am a student with a job. I am not going to learn Japanese just to play untranslated or unbutchered games.

>Why don't you just buy the localization and then 1) use a fan-made completion patch, or 2) use a fan translation?
Because that would still be supporting the practice. Why should I reward a company for doing a botch job and having to rely on fans to finish it? American releases for VNs are pretty expensive on their own. Yes, I know that VNs released in Japan are even more expensive. However, many publishers, especially for niche genres, control the price based on the region. The average localized game is asking way too much, especially when it's cut.

>Sekai Project and other companies have no obligation to release the complete game. You should just be happy to get something
Yes, localization companies aren't obligated to just translate and not change the game. If the original publisher allows them or wants them to, they can butcher the game. But that doesn't make me entitled for not wanting to support them or wanting to get the game in full. Why should anyone be happy with an unfinished product?
Everything takes inspiration, ideas and themes from hundreds of other works. It's like that picture tries to make Baldr Sky special for this.
While I appreciate the large reply, it had nothing to do with my point of "contextualizing it as censorship", and in fact you didn't even use the word "censorship" in your post. I can understand disliking cut content, that's obvious. What I don't understand is >>147610574
>I am not going to learn Japanese just to play untranslated or unbutchered games.
So you admit you don't actually care about VNs
>in time
>probably won't be released for another 4 years
Besides, I would be very surprised if the average VN player hasn't encountered some of this stuff before. If you haven't seen Blade Runner, please consider reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep first.
VNs are supposed to be read in English.
Baldr Sky's been being worked on as a fan TL for years, in any case it's not like they're starting now.
The post you were replying to, that was not me, was:
>>Explain to me how removing some sex scenes from the game is bad.
>It's fucking censorship.

Your response to him was that using the word censorship was bad because censorship is a purely negative phenomena in our minds and that using it in this context would mean it's always wrong. So I offered an argument that, instead of contextualizing it as censorship, we recognize it as "cut content" which does not have such a moral or philosophical negative connotation as censorship.
>So I offered an argument that, instead of contextualizing it as censorship, we recognize it as "cut content"
I see. I said in my first post
>If you would say stuff like, "being ok with porn being removed", or something, I'd be in your boat too.
And that's what you've done here (make an argument based on porn being removed, not based on the word censorship), so I am of course in your boat. But, the question of why contextualize it as censorship in the first place remains unanswered.
Fuck off faggot. Censorship is never acceptable.
>So you admit you don't actually care about VNs
That doesn't follow what I said. Most movies in the world are published in English. An equivalent to your statement would be: If you don't speak English, you don't care about movies. VNs have been translated for a long time into English, so I and many others can enjoy them. Just like movies are subtitled/dubbed into many languages so others can enjoy them. An even closer comparison would be anime. Anime is in Japanese yet gets translated into many languages. Yet, there are millions of people who care about anime who do not speak Japanese. Learning Japanese is not a requirement to "care about" anime.
>why contextualize it as censorship in the first place
Because it's fucking censorship, retard.
I never said it was, I just offered a similar argument on why cutting content from VNs is bad.

>why contextualise it as censorship in the first place

Please at least listen to us before acting all high and mighty.

We want the VN in it's original context without lacking content. Altering the VN so that it may be released and sold to a potentially younger audience on a separate market (the western one) to comply to regulations (Steam) is censorship in it's almost exact definition.

>Censorship is the name for the process or idea of keeping things like obscene word or graphic images from an audience.
Fuck off faggot.
... Learning languages is cool. I don't plan on visiting any english-speaking country but I've studied the language of Shakespeare and I'm definitely learning jpn too
There's nothing wrong with broader, more general definitions because that how a language works. You use words to encompass a large variety of meanings and then specialise with more words to be specific.

Hence why removing content to adhere to rules or regulations is censorship.
I love these people who think you need to read actual scholarly works for a porn game when they'd get laughed out of /lit/ or/his/. JOPs are so funny with their fake patrician attitude. I guess if I spent years learning a dying language I'd try to justify it too.

Was it Moogy who said you needed an advanced understanding of Wittgenstein and general analytic philosophy to understand SubaHibi? What a laugh.
Sekai has to get out of the market so that companies learn that we don't want censorship in our games.
You missed the point. There's no problem using broader, more general definitions, there's a ""problem"" in using the general definition to stop thinking, behaving rationally, and so on. See: >>147614856 >>147611428 . Further explained in >>147611632
Yes, learning languages is cool. However, you need to decide if learning a language is worth the time to learn it. It is simply not worth it for me and most people who enjoys VNs/anime. It's a matter of utility and interest. I may have an interest in Japan, but I don't have much use to learn the language. Similarly, in my discipline a large number of researchers are in France/speak French. However, I have no interest to learn French. A language should be useful and interesting before committing yourself to it.
>Not a big deal, and not something to protest. However, contextualize it as "censorship", and then BAM! FUCK NO!
Except this is still wrong. There is no world where cutting content is okay, regardless of how essential YOU think it is.
Definition: Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

In this case, it's the suppression of information (cut content) which is considered sensitive and/or inconvinient (can't show mature content on Steam) as determined by other groups or institutions (Sekai Project and Valve).

I don't see what's wrong with calling it censorship.
Zero had good motivations (literally VLR+999 combined).

??? was Blink Winkel, Uchikoshi said as much in one of his tweets (or Q&A, I don't exactly remember which one).

The change in format (from VN to movie esque) didn't bother me at all. I enjoyed both of them regardless.

They kind of spoil some things about 999 and VLR though. They just don't say "SIGMA/AKANE WHERE ZERO, WELCOME TO ZERO TIME DILEMMA BITCHES!" and leave those two identities open to interpretation.

Akane and Junpei already had developed SHIFT abilities and Carlos's job made him go into contact with many death and life situations, which is probably why he already showed those symptons and could control it faster than Phi and Sigma, which needed to go into the AB game to experience something similar to do that. Clover & Tenmyouji helped that yes, since they were also SHIFters, but so did Akane and Junpei with Carlos.

Junpei being different is already explained in game, Sigma doesn't know the exact details of what happens in the shelter, nor can he use his knowledge in any way since he isn't given a chance to do it.

I expected Sigma to lose those limbs little by little in penalty games, but I'm fine with what we good.

Phi being Sigma and Diana's daughter was a theory from before ZTD even showed the characters, but I agree that the eyebrows made it too obvious. D-ending 2 was still very touching though.

Characters from 999 are mentioned though. Santa is still working in Crash Keys with Akane, Lotus is taking care of her children, Ace is in prison...

What is said about Brother in that file may have been what his subjects thought they knew about him. Regardless, the part where he's extremely old, finds the bad things about people disgusting (he hates MIra when she outlives her usefulness and says she deserves it) and the whole thing about his brother remain true.

I could go on, but it mostly seem like a lot of the complaints are nitpicking. Only thing I missed was Kyle's goal.
Wait so now we are debating the troll posts!?

I'm out. I'm fucking out.
>Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

It's not rocket science. You can even use the ctrl+S shortcut.
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I went two whole days without masturbating (so today is day 3). The last time I managed this was years ago. I kind of want to keep going to see if it improves my mood / dopamine receptors or anything but it's incredibly hard.

How often do you guys masturbate, and how long can you go without?
Those aren't troll posts. And it's not debating them, anyway, they're just examples of the position people are legitimately taking.
>I don't see what's wrong with calling it censorship.
Well, I explained my position clearly, so if you don't see what's wrong (i.e. what I think is wrong) I recommend you re-read my posts.
>being in 4chan
>bitching about spoilers
Sure is summer.
>newfags calling others summerfags
Truly the most baffling of people
Can go two or three weeks without even trying. Not many things turn me on anymore.
Things wont be too different honestly, just next time you fap, BAM orgasm enough to make you fall out of your chair.

Also depends on how much the placebo gets to you.
>we are on 4chan the outcast website where everyone is as uneducated as me XD
The longest I made it was 20 days once. Every now and then I try to last 1 week for a nice climactic fap at the end, it's very worth it
You've failed to sway anyone.

The majority still believes that cut content in this situation is censorship. If your having to refer people back then your argument was not strong enough first time.

This was all an exercise in futility.
Holy shit dude, I'd probably rape my little sister if I went that long.

How? I just constantly think about it and can't get anything done when it's longer than 1-2 days... I guess my libido is stronger than most
Wow, this hit close to home.
I can go without that sweet orgasm for like a week or something. hm, I think I'll masturbate today, it should be fun
When I have discussions, it's not to sway anyone, it's to clash truths and see a greater truth. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of truth to clash against this time, but in any case my goal wasn't to sway anyone.

By the way, if I have to refer people back to my argument, it's because they're repeating themselves ( like >>147615037 ) or they clearly didn't read and understand my posts in the first place ( >>147615516 ). Neither of those are problems with my arguments, they're problems with the people engaging in discussion without careful consideration of what they're saying and what the other person is saying. I don't see how it's my responsibility to make sure people read what they're replying to.
Because they release shit on-time, have great PR and no one making a constant ass of themselves, never censor their releases, and have consistent, high-quality releases.

Sure, they might not sell titles you're interested in, but that's not their fault, and neither is that a reason to dislike them.
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> We literally have censorship apologists in this thread now.
Yesterday we had MG employees spamming the thread, now it's Sekai time.
> Tfw VNs are being corroded by ENTITLEMENT-shouting normalfags.

I just escaped videogames, only for literally the only thing unmarred by reality left is being destroyed before my eyes.

This is when I learn moon and escape from the cycle of retardation and despair, right?
Yes. Let us master the kanjis and discuss kamige on #tlwiki. Sakura and neko games have tarnished our medium
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444th for Saber.
There's no real trick to it, just willpower. Ignore sexual arousal/urge to look at porn, detach your mind from it and focus on working or immersing yourself in your (non-sexual) hobbies
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We should just make the next thread the pointless semantics arguments edition
I want to fuck that King
Who doesn't? Saber is a desirable woman.
Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of our language. The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Do what I did. I had stupidly high testosterone (outside of male ranges), especially in puberty, and chronic acne problems so I started taking low-dose T-suppressors. I used to have issues focusing for more than a couple hours, and I had a perpetual need to fap or do risky shit. Kinda ironic though, considering I was still basically a shut-in.

I'm so much more moderate now and my acne completely cleared up. It's weird though, you'd think I'd have huge biceps or a massive hulking body because of my T, but I still look like a girl.

Stop using fancy words you stupid cuck.
Testosterone fosters muscle growth but it doesn't come out of nowhere, you've got to exercise regularly still.
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> Tfw we have viral marketers on /vn/ and /jp/ now.

Hiring people to influence the flow of discussion in online forums is called "astroturfing", not viral marketing.
B-but astroturfing doesn't sound anywhere near as good.
Seriously. I wish all these desperate MG employees would leave us alone >_>
Ain't my problem bitch nigga. Get my job descrip- I mean, get those terms right.
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EOPs and their problems
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What is his face trying to convey?
That he's a robot
A terminal disease.
Daily brother. Sometimes up to 4 times a day if I'm feeling it. 27 here.
It's a necessity. I promise to stop shilling for MG when SP falls or if Mangagamer announces either Eustia or Rance at Otakon
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I wonder how Futsuu feels about all this?
I think he feels pretty normal about it.
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>muh homophones
Fuck Japanese humor.
Is there a possibility for at least Dive 1 sometime in this year ?
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Of course.
What VN ?
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Somebody mentioned in a thread that Aroduc's TL was very nearly done?
Kantai Collection
So we might have Dive1 get ninjareleased?

That'd be cool. I mean, I thought Dovac didn't even ask Aroduc to use his translation.
Himawari was done 8 months ago.
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I wonder if they will remove the incest references.
Or maybe they'll release Dive1+2 together. I'm not sure if Steam can handle combining Dive1 and Dive2 installation and carrying over achievements and shit.
>I thought Dovac didn't even ask Aroduc to use his translation.
Not buying an existing translation would not be in keeping with SP's MO.
reminder h-content is disruptive and should be removed

>And, putting aside whether IroSeka/Astral will be licensed by SP or not, IroSeka has a very good psv version which I personally even deem to be better because the h-stuff can be disruptive at times, so I can pretty much guarantee you even the all-ages steam version would turn out to be awesome and the same will probably go for AstralAir (the psv version isn’t out yet).
I skip sex scenes anyway but I still want them in. Labirinto no Grisaia probably had lots of sexual jokes and stuff reworked for the all ages version and that's why I don't like them. You never know if only the h-scenes are out and the only reason they're out anyway is because moralfags
EOPs are the Tumblr SJWs of the visual novel community.

Tumblr SJWs don't put any effort into maintaining themselves and expect the world to rotate around them. They then complain when not even neckbeards want to date them, even though with using basic hygiene practices and a basic workout routine even the ugliest SJW could become a 5/10.
Ironically, if they put the time that they spent complaining about thin privilege, ableism, and the patriarchy on Tumblr into something useful they would actually be productive members of society. Instead, they've made a whole social movement around the facts that they're lazy pieces of shit.

Likewise, EOPs shitpost all day and make up excuses on why they won't learn Japanese, despite the fact that one can become fluent enough to read 99% of visual novels within a year with a hour of studying each day.
Thus, half the thread consists of EOPs shitposting and getting triggered by any Japanese discussion, just like how SJWs get triggered. Like the SJWs, EOPs fail to notice that they are reliant on the JOPs, much like how SJWs are reliant on the actual working members of society for the civilization they detest.
The thing is, an 18+ version doesn't have to replace an all ages version. Both can exist and everyone would be satisfied.

they consume extra resources to translate, which we can't afford because we're so badly managed

instead, we partnered with Wanikani, which also has anti-Anki shills on /djt/

win win
Should I read Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to? Is it as good as Koirizo?
Can someone explaining why are everyone dies irae and don't put evading generic answers like others in this thread.
I am afraid I am not dies irae
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>wake up
>see this

wat do?
So, where can I watch the Planetarian animu subbed?
Remember that sekai is now involved with this and decide to learn Japanese.
Tokyo Babel is Dies Irae if you didn't like the former you'll hate the latter
I heard it was similar to Fate/stay night so I have no interest in it
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it's a bad time for EOPs
Good news everyone

I've heard that IroSeka will still have 18+ content from an inside source

only that instead of Shinku getting fucked, EOPs will be getting fucked instead
What? are they really?
Porn games will always have 18+ you just need to play them in japanese. And I'm learning 日本語 so I'll be fine
Not officially, BUT, sekai is going to release Hoshimemo AND they have the translator of SakuSaku with them.
That guy is also working on Irosekai and was planning to do the fandisks too. There's no reason for sekai not to go after those translations since they already have the guy working for them.
Astral Air is also included into this whole mess btw. Just watch it get mysteriously delayed until sekai can announce it officially.
Fuck moogy, where is subahibi? We can have three kamiges released this year.
JOPs will be always be the master race, they get games at release, can read what they want and don't have to deal with censorship.
Why live?
Maybe I really should learn Japanese.

Through determination, you too can learn Japanese and get a better ending.
Even Japanese games are being changed to appease Western ideologues. Look at Star Ocean 5.
This is an inside secret that I'm really not supposed to be saying but, the reason Subahibi is getting delayed is because KeroQ is doing an All Ages version of it, the flatform they're planning to use to release the game is Steam.
I'm sorry, EOPs. You may not believe me now, but you'll see soon.
And it ended up being garbage for it.
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But it was all a dream
Games get censored for Japan too you know.
Of course they are irrelevant western games but still.
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This world is an illusion, exile.
>he hasn't started yet
Holy hell anon, what the FUCK are you doing? Hurry up!
The question is will we start seeing mysterious delays on Koiken Otome until Otakon?
Yeah. We can do it /vn/ let us kill Sekai and co. by not consuming any English translated title ever again
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Welp, Curtain Call sure was pointless. What an obnoxious MC as well. Deardrops next, how does that compare to Kira Kira? Better, worse?
Uh, happy birthday mare?
What thoughts are you expecting?
Happy thoughts of course!
I enjoyed it more but the opinion it pretty split. If you enjoyed Kira Kira you'll like it.
Good to hear
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This is illegal.
Fuck off
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Maybe in your inferior country, but not in mine
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Illegally cute.
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Do you?
The reason why moogy is defending all-ages and sekai it's because he make a secret deal with them for subahibi.
How long until this general dies to inane, endless cyclic censorship discussion and becomes like /v/ where you literally can't discuss certain games?
>>147626435 I'm okay with lolis but after >>147605297 I can only see a child getting fucked and that's wrong. just wrong
>Koiken Otome less than 300 lines till QC is finished

it's almost time bros
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KeroQ knows better than that. They didn't fell for Sekai Pro's trap and are releasing it on their own with the assistance of TLWiki for insured TL quality
And for free so we can all pirate it, truly a great deal for the industry.
No! You had better open that goddamned wallet if you wish to play Supreme Candy in english!
What's truly sad about Subahibi is that people will pirate it really hard, even though KeroQ is doing everything right, just because Moogy and his lackeys were assholes about the translation.
I bought all the Winged Cloud games on Steam at full price. Im helping the industry right?
Show instances of them being assholes about the TL
Yes. Just not the right one.
Yes :(
The paying fanbase for 18+ haven't grown one bit. Steamfags and their love for wasting money on Neko games won't make SubaHibi break even. It's all on our hands to do it and I hope /vn/ and /jp/ will open their wallets
>and /jp/
Don't know about /jp/, but most people here claim to pirate their VNs.
I don't give a fuck about your interwebs drama. If the end product is well done I will always consider buying it.
Actually lately it seems more 50/50 but we'll never know the real numbers and it's not like we're relevant with our sub 150 poster userbase
I summon you in this tainted place, o great vvav. Please give us your opinion on the matter at hand
>Aroduc still hasn't blogposted about Baldr Sky
What the shit? The one person who can give us the full story and normally talks about these things is silent
Literally who
I've only taken 1 graduate seminar on Wittgenstein, Moogy said at least 3 + a thesis was required to understand SubaHibi so I won't be able to buy it because I'm not learned enough to read this game that is intended for 90 IQ Otaku dropouts in its native market.
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A great guy.
Never fucking reply to me again sekai project shill
He's probably rehearsing his re-appearance where he tells the community he sold out and is an in-house translator her Sekai Pro's now
For you
I just finished Zero Time Dilemma and im interested in starting some of the Infinity games done by Kotaro Uchikoshi, but Ive never tried VN's on pc have no idea where to find these games to download/patch.

Can a helpful anon point me in the right direction?
Do you have brain issues or what's stopping you from reading the OP?
>go to vndb
>check which visual novels Uchikoshi has written
>see which are in English
>use the various download links in the OP to find them

It's that simple
Not Fuwanovel, that's for sure.
What did you buy for those 10 Sekai bucks for AA Chuee ?
How long are the episodes in Umineko each?
8-12 hours.
Too long for their own good
Force has all the things that are great about Team Baldrhead’s games, yes, even Material Brave. Solid gameplay, and great presentation with in-game cutscenes frequently used to give extra emphasis to things and integrate with the gameplay. It’s also mercifully on point. I can’t help comparing it to Sky in this regard, simply because Sky is full of so much unneeded fluff about going to school, sitting through class, making lunch, eating lunch, waxing nostalgic about eating lunch, eating more lunch, eating more goddamned lunch, fondly remembering about that time you ate lunch, etc, to say nothing of all the bald-faced padding not even in flashbacks where every other chapter is mandated sit around and talk about how nostalgic everything is. Not that Force is completely innocent, but it is very much more focused start to finish instead of unnecessarily stretched out for hours to watch everyone mince about in no doubt some mistaken belief that people wouldn’t be able to follow unless it has teenagers going to school squirming over how they have feelings about things. And eating lunch.
So now that Baldr Sky is getting translated people are starting to say Sky is trash and Force is the real kamige that EOPs will never get?
Of course, keep up with the memes. It doesn't matter that Sky is getting translated anyway, it's going to be butchered and horribly translated. It's the same as not existing.
I buy things whenever I can and so long as they are properly done.
Real people that matter, aka the Tlwiki Cartel, still are praising Baldr Sky, so don't get into your head that people are legit calling it bad simply because its being translated
Those people don't matter though
>all the so-called kamige were released in 2010 or prior

Is learning Japanese really worth it when nothing noteworthy has come out so far this decade?
Plenty has come out. Plenty is coming out this year, as well as next year.
They do. TLWiki is responsible for Nitro+ titles getting an official release! Same for those Kara no Should games, Grisaia, the upcoming SubaHibi and more. They rule basically
That doesn't even make since, 2011 is widely regarded as the best year for visual novels of all time
At least TRY to make believable bullshit
it's 2009 actually
I'm not, I just found it hilarious, because before JRPG died I remember them doing the exact same thing with pretty much every untranslated game.
2009=Baldr sky,oretsuba,dies irae,muramasa

2011=White album 2 and eustia
don't most JRPGs get translated nowadays though

they probably sell more here these days
>don't most JRPGs get translated nowadays though
Ha ha ha what?
Absolutely not
What are the untranslated kamige from 2012 onwards?

Sakura no uta and Island
There are none
And what makes you think your case should be applied to everyone? Are you autistic?
MonoBeno, ISLAND, Extra CCC, Hello Lady!, HaruKuru, Senshinkan, KKK, Chaos;Child, Akeiro Kaikitan

To name a few.
When it comes to "untranslated games", the focus shouldn't be on super kamige, but just on the large number of games that are quality in general.
>Extra CCC

That story better be amazing because that gameplay is definitely a reason for that game not being kamige worthy if it's still anything like the original
Not the case. For instance, Island just came out this year and is widely acclaimed (with a few vocal detractors). Most people compare it to a modern YU-NO, if anything.
It's a pretty big improvement, yes. Many people call it Nasus magnum opus, exceeding FSN.
Agreed. A kamige here and there are fine, but I'd rather effort go into translating the horde of good 10-20 hour visual novels that remain untranslated.
Please someone announce a silly faces tl already, I NEED it.
If you really needed them you'd be learning Japanese right now. The silly faces lose their impact if they aren't accompanied with the witty and superior Japanese prose.
Yes. I'm set on playing kamige only when I've mastered the kanjis
>learning Japanese
How about no, I'm not as autistic as to learn a hard and useless language just to read mongolian tapestries.
>I'm not as autistic
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the "target audience" pirated Subahibi, because it doesn't appeal to the market of casual VN players on Steam that much. I can at least rely on you guys to make some epic memes about Desk Takashima and Kami-sama, right?
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Are your bodies ready for this?
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I know next to nothing about that VN but I'm playing it as soon as it comes out.
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> Implying he won't have 'HDD/Google Drive trouble' and he'll stall until August where SP licenses it.

I'm playing it immediately if the patch comes out though. Even still, I'm not holding my breath.
I didn't like Fate (except for HF and parts of UBW) or the original EXTRA that much. CCC is the best thing he was written in my opinion. And unlike almost every other Nasu work where there can be huge drops in quality or pacing, CCC was almost a completely and consistently enjoyable experience.

The gameplay itself though is horrid, yes.
why is she so cute holy shit my kokoro
But where is rest of stomach
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Yeah hopefully it drops soon.
it's the perspective of the drawing. I'm a photographer for ebay and I get this shit all the time with mannequins.
sad how they've gone full sell out since CCC
At least it isn't Go. Go is pure cancer.
Maybe you're just shit.
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Please take that back.
I don't know what that is.
I'm ready for Sekai to pick it up.
I can't believe someone took the time to write this bullcrap.
Nice post
nice post
nice memems
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The doddler is OUR guy
At least you proved that you are a newfag.
The pedo is right.
Thanks, doodles.
Now I need to read books to understand my porn. fuck this
Looking forward to crucifixion and dog sex but I guess I won't understand all the references anyway
>outside of hardcore communities it's still pretty rough
does that mean we're hardcore?
Jokes aside, I'm interested in how people hated MG, considering no one does that here
He literally was asked for lit recommendation to pass the time and he gave some
Why is everyone posting that and saying "gotta read this for porn? wadda fuck!"
Well, the first VNs they translated were done by native Japanese people translating into English, they're second language, which was rough (after all MG is a Japanese company). That probably last a left negative impression.
Their first titles were translated by japanese people I think and they used to release a bunch of nukige (still do sometimes) but based Kouryuu stepped in and showed MG the way and finally Doddler came and they turned Mangagamer into the best localization company
> I'm interested in how people hated MG, considering no one does that here

Everyone hated MG in their early days because their translations were dogshit. They vastly improved and so did their reputation.
He's correct. The biggest problem with Sekai is that they have the idea of, "The consumer is always wrong." Instead of even trying to communicate well with their fanbase, they blow off all complaints and criticisms as entitlement. And this is echoed in just about every employee on Twitter as well. Not just Dovac. I haven't seen such a massive lack of proper PR in any other professional company. They all act like kids when it comes to criticisms.

Mangagamer used to be to be the joke of /vn/ back in 2011. They had barely any games under their belt worth giving a shit about, and many of their translations were criticized. They took complaints seriously though and the company has reformed for the better. They still aren't perfect, no one company is, but the difference is that they maintained an interest in their consumer base and tried to raise the quality of their products and have continued to do year after year.

Sekai isn't even willing to indulge criticisms, and don't seem to be willing to change. They're flipping the bird to the VN community most of the time and telling people to suck it up. Remember when Dovac lied about 18+ content being a priority and how he told people to, "deal with it"? That's the overall attitude of Sekai in a nutshell. Deceit and childish business practices. If you don't like it you're an entitled piece of shit. Oh, and we're entitled to your money.

>>147615516 literally defined censorship and why it's applicable to this case, I can't understand why you are so adamant in saying that the word censorship has philosophical connotations that troubles the mind and its thinking. the case here is that there IS censorship (again, see >>147615516) and that censorship should be seen as a bad thing, because it is. It's even in the first amendment (USA) and in most constitutions of the world. Content cutting IS censorship.
I said in my first post I'm not arguing that it's not censorship, learn to read my man.
Can only Japanese voice-acting ever be moe?
Probably. The girls already sounded retarded with their constant squeaking, so imagine how bad it would be if it were your native language. I shudder to think of it.
Fucking Sonicomi. I keep getting the same ending. Am I supposed to stop getting SS and tank some shoots on purpose?
I thought Island wasn't actually that good?
I mean, it seems to be considered good but not great
It's pretty great.
Has to do with position, dude. Wear different stuff.
Chinese can sound pretty cute. Depends on the dialect though, some dialects sound like piss no matter how cutesy you speak.
Be quiet, only OELVN VAs are any good
How else do you get a game on Steam, though? You have to cut out the porn to do that. I really don't think Valve would be happy about SP selling a game about fucking lolis on a train on Steam. Then if you sell an 18+ version elsewhere, you run into the problem that the Steam version is viewed as the 'inferior' version, which hurts sales on Steam. There are certainly people who want the 18+ version, and some of them might buy the game on denpasoft, but it's not unreasonable to imagine that the number of extra sales they would make off-site selling the 18+ version would be outnumbered by the number of sales they lose on Steam because the Steam version is viewed as inferior (not to mention the sales they lose from moralfags once they find out that this is a loli-fucking game, which is associated with pedophilia in the west). From a business perspective, it's probably better to ONLY sell the all-ages version on Steam and not go through the headache of trying to sell the loli content on denpasoft.
I'm new to this official VN licensing thing. I know Sekai Project is basically the devil and we have to avoid financing them at all costs, but what about Degica? I won't be spurring an evil company by buying Muv-Luv on Steam, will I?
Not bad
You sure are desperate Sekai. This isn't the first game like this, there's plenty of methods that have worked in the past.
>I want to buy the game but I don't want to buy the 'inferior version' and so rather than go to a different store to get the regular version I just won't buy it.

I don't think enough people think that like for them to lose many sales. And the solution is not to make the ONLY version the inferior one so that people will have to buy it.
I remember some of the jops saying it wasn't that great but it's been a while
Go download the old version of Higurashi or the old version of Edelweiss and you would know why Mangagamer used to be the butt of all /vn/ jokes.
I'm Sekai because I'm trying to look at this from a business POV? SP just wants to make money, that's what a business does. They aren't going to torpedo their profits by selling Maitetsu uncensored. That's obviously why they don't want to talk about it. Sorry, anon, but you're not going to be able to fuck the lolis.
Then what's your problem?
You asked why we're contextualizing this as censorship, and the answer is because IT IS censorship
As a Mandarin speaker I can assure you that nothing with a Beijing accent can ever sound cute.
Ok Sekai, enjoy people pirating your stuff and telling everyone to not give you any money then. Guess being stubborn is better than satisfying your customer base, enjoy going bankrupt over that. :)
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>Mangagamer went from shit to good
>Jast went from OK to shit to OK (but late)
>Sekai went from shit to even worse shit
>Sekai employees are the most belligerent of the three
>Sekai is probably the most successful in terms of licensing and publicity
Just hipsters, when the game came out everyone was calling it a kamige so they tried to counteract it with "heh it's not that great". Conjueror gave it a 9 on his vndb, which puts it above Baldr and Dies Irae for him.

The only reason the 18+ version might not come out is because of legality issues or concerns.
Also an 18+ version probably wouldn't dent the steam sales that much, but then again why would they care if more sales shifted off of steam? All the money still goes to them, and if anything, they should get a bigger cut of the money from sales off of steam.
Sekai being the most successful in terms of licensing doesn't mean a lot when they've barely released any and are deeply in the red because of it
>not to mention the sales they lose from moralfags once they find out that this is a loli-fucking game, which is associated with pedophilia in the west
If it has lolis in it in the first place, moralfags won't buy it even if it was cut in the western release. On the subject of money, it has shown to be most profitable to have a Steam release + 18+ content patch at no extra cost. This way, the company gets the exposure and DRM of steam without getting the ire from the hardcore community. Twisting yourself into so many knots defending Sekai's practices highlight your bias.
He also gave a 9 to Umineko
And what's your basis when you say BS h-scenes are unimportant? And why did you ignore >>147613447?
Umineko as a whole or a specific episode of it?
Dovac is an EOP and thus hasn't even read Baldr. Go figure.
I didn't say they were the most profitable though
They aren't going to torpedo their profits in the case of Maitetsu period. It'll likely get a Konosora treatment and scenes other than the H-scenes will have to be removed considering their content. Ditto for a few CG that I have in the back of my head.

It's quite a long VN and pretty boring at that--it'll go for an expensive penny I imagine. I can't see it being anything under 40 dollars, and it could be more considering its length and whom they're partnering with.

Keep in mind that Sekai has received most of their profits from their very cheap titles. The more expensive visual novels are less known outside of the eroge fanbase and don't have much meme quality to them. This is why Root Double, the latest Grisaia, and G-Senjou were such flops. The latter two being expensive AND being cut.
forced dubbing is the one thing that can make me not buy a game, more than lacking sex scenes, maybe because I'm ESL, but it just sounds fucking terrible in most cases, I don't want to imagine what OELVNs sound like, with the insistence on trying to be as Japanese as possible
why license a game in a specific way that ONLY gets you bad rep though? that's the thing I understand the least about Maitetsu
that said, I do feel detached whenever people talk about this, because I can't seem to view the word "censorship" in the context other people does (again, ESL), or other political issues but then I'd probably get banned for talking about those
Well if they want Steam casualfags to buy the game, then they probably don't want the word to get out that this is a loli-fucking game.

Personally I think they fucked up by licensing Maitetsu in the first place. They should just pick cute games that they can actually sell on Steam without cutting what was a big selling point in Japan (the loli content). It's not like quality actually matters to the casual fanbase. Look at the Sakura series.
>And why did you ignore >>147613447?
Because that comes down to opinions. At best I could have said "I disagree" and left it at that. Not a very productive discussion. And whatever he thinks, it remains a consensus in the overall community that they're unimportant (both in EGS and from westerners who have played it), so my post stands.
I was, usually trying to go big in one direction. I guess I should try outright ignoring the client's requests. It's also impossible for me to be a dick to Sonico but I should try that out, too.

I don't know why I like this game so much.
None of the sex scenes are important, you probably know it but you are busy trolling.
Nothing in Sky can't be replaced by the usual all ages off screen sex scenes
Being an all ages games doesn't mean sex doesn't exist anymore, there is a tons of all ages games that have stuff implicated that are far more extreme than anything in Sky.
Heck Force has fucking Genha and it managed to have a very successful all ages version
Why didn't Zero just use the space-time teleporter he had to find a single goddamn fanatic? It can't be that hard, and why can't Zero switch timelines? There is no reason other than asspulling

No matter the identity of ?, the fact remains that they did not appear in ZTD and are therefore irrelevant to the plot

The change in format DIRECTLY led to far less dialogue and therefore character development, not that any of the characters were any good in the first place

Spoilers for previous games in a series are expected and normal

Why could Eric and Mira pull off SHIFT like that due to "resonance" when it was stated in VLR that even if you were an esper you'd absorb the powers of other weaker espers around you? Normal people should be completely fucked

Junpei being different is a poor explanation for him acting the way he does, considering the kind of person he was in 999 - Uchikoshi clearly just wanted an antagonist on C team

If you're really fine with Sigma conveniently losing both his arms in an explosion and suffering no other external injuries except for a chunk of rubble in his eye you need your brain checked

Making Phi their daughter would have been a cool thing if it wasn't for the "OH WE SENT HER TO 1904 THEN BACK UP TO 2008" for no fucking reason

Characters from 999 are glazed over and forgotten despite Uchikoshi saying that he was going to address where Snake was, Alice and Clover got completely forgotten

The Brother in the file is clearly what Uchikoshi originally intended but then he just went full retard with the details

Every single complaint against ZTD is well-justified because it's a shit excuse for a story
as a whole
Pretty much this. I really hate Sekai, but you're not losing a whole lot on not getting the H-scenes. I didn't even think a majority of them were particularly hot.

But I also think the issue is bigger than that--it's more about the idea behind the H-scenes getting cut than the H-scenes themselves.
Mangagamer is heavy metal
Jast is country music
Sekai project is pop
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The steam userbase doesn't consist of fans who are too terribly in VNs outside of steam, which is why you have people flocking towards all the "ecchi" games on there instead of buying games with actual pornographic content. Chances are none of them will actually find out that Maitetsu has scenes where you fuck the pre-10 year old girls because all they'll see is basic info and the steam page, think it looks cute and buy it.
Also, for what it's worth I think it's a pretty bad questionable license choice too, but I'm pretty sure Lose were the ones who really wanted the title localized.
It sets a precedent. Hell, it already happened with Maitetsu, where it's 100% essential to the game.
When are you going on trial for being a pedophile?
Fuck off already
all the ero in Maitetsu is a bonus, there is nothing in the main story.
The main story has some questionable stuff that will probably be censored and tons of bath scenes but the sex by itself isn't essential at all, you can very much finish all the routes without seeing even one scene
It's next on my list but it's disheartening to see everyone say that. I have to finish the series since I did the first two games, but it's hard to imagine anything shitting the bed harder than the end of VLR
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Never, I'm not a pedophile. And technically it's not even illegal to be a pedophile anyways.
>Sekai is the most successful in terms of licensing
Yes and no. They have the most high profile licenses, at least in the short run, but that's because they spend and unsustainable amount of money for them. They're the only ones bad enough at business to actually take the shit offers the nip overlords give. MG had a chance to license Fate/stay night, but Nasu wanted an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for it, and they declined.
>Lose were the ones who really wanted the title localized
okay now this just makes even less sense to me
I would care for any other game but I'm really happy Sky is being released on Sky, it deserves to be played by the most people possible
And I hope it will be a breath of fresh air among all the AAA trashes released constantly these days
If it's over $10, Steam friends wont buy it.
>I didn't even think a majority of them were particularly hot.
You didn't jerk off to all of Nanoha and Noi's H-scenes? Not even Nanoha's bad end?
Don't worry, they fix all the problems with VLR's ending by ignoring almost every single loose end from it completely.
It's fucking terrible. I went into it with an open mind and by the time I'd finished I wanted to erase the entire thing from ever existing.

It retroactively makes VLR worse. Uchikoshi went off the rails stupid. Every character is terrible. The story is more full of holes than anything he's ever been responsible for, including Ever17 and VLR.

Even Never7 is a better story, and that's saying a fucking lot.

It's almost unreal how insanely stupid everything became with a single entry in the series.
Wasn't it just because Nasu hates gaijins and asked for a ridiculous amount of money every time someone tried that?
talking about sekai project, anyone hyped for this?
>VN where 18+ content (nudity, jokes, plotlines, etc) is important, but not fundamental
>localization announced with content cut or altered
>posters on /a/, /v/, /jp/, reddit, etc come out in full force to defend it
>attack naysayers, saying "the 18+ stuff isn't even necessary!", "they have to sell it on steam!", "you should be happy to get anything!"
>translation is released, more altered than just the nude CG
>major differences, more than what fans are willing to fix
>repeat for every announcement
Reminder that these people are posting in this thread RIGHT NOW
Why would you believe someone who's getting payed by Sekai project? Blaming it on the Japanese devs is their go to thing.
I agree with you that it sets a bad precedent, but the H-scenes in Maitetesu are most certainly not 100% essential to the game. They aren't even in the main game itself. That being said, there is plenty of lewd shit in the main game that will probably be taken out, and that's regrettable.

The more I think about this partnership, the less it makes sense.

I'm happy too. It's a great game that I think many people will enjoy.

However, I'm not entirely convinced it will be hugely successful. It all depends on the price, I think.

I played it years ago back when I used to jerk off to just about everything. That being said, looking back on a lot of the CGs I don't care for a lot of them. Maybe I'm just desensitized.
The vast, vast majority of people here shit on Sekai all the time.
At least they make themselves obvious as Redditors and Sekai shills.

I sincerely hope no one here actuallywastes even one cent on Maitetsu or Baldr Sky. Don't disappoint me, my children.
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Why? You are aware that Japanese companies do approach localization companies with specific requests to do titles. It's not always the other way around.


I mean, it won't be selling like Nekopara, but even to make a decent profit? Sure.
>Nutcracker song
Does that mean that this game is going to break my nuts?
What's funny is that Moogy was dick riding it for awhile too, but after it got popular he's like, "Naaaah. I don't like it anymore."
Wow, harsh. I've been wanting to play Grim Dawn so maybe I'll leave a potential disappointment until a later date. Plenty of shit in my backlog
Yup. Didn't Lilith want MG to license their game but they couldn't find a DRM that isn't intrusive but isn't easy to crack?
I think that was the reason Lilith dropped MG.
It's essential in the fact that it's the fucking draw of the game, not that it is "part of the story" or whatever. People want to get lectured on trains by cute girls, and then fuck them afterwards. Maitetsu would not even have half its sales without the ero content in Japan.

That's exactly what I'm saying. Moogy said it was amazing, then it got popular and he's like "nah kidding lol". His opinion on VNs is worthless.

Tokyo Necro needs a translation
hard to get hype when we don't know when it's coming out
just that I don't understand why they would want their stuff localized given the content of the game, maybe they thought that someone really likes trains that much
Rain's clothes dissolving was pretty hot
Moogy isn't the sort to dislike a game just because it's popular and he posted this well before the translation project was announced
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Yeah. I don't know about that particular instance, but there are a decent amount of companies that are pretty enthusiastic about localization. I know MG said before they sometimes have to turn down requests because they don't have enough people available. Also one of the games I'm supposedly doing is a case of this. Maybe it'll get announced before the end of the year.


Well, even given the fact that Lose is probably full of lolicons (Favorite has a shit ton of lolicons on their staff, and their content is tame compared to Lose's stuff), the prospect of spreading your work to a worldwide audience is still something that can get people really excited. Just look at the writer for them and all the stuff he posts about Maitetsu's localization on twitter.
Ok, moogy.
I suppose it depends on interpretation. I was so bummed out from how fucking boring Maitetsu was that I didn't even care for fucking them after I got through the story. Also I was a little bothered by the over-usage of Live2D which looked bizarre to me. I didn't like the 24/7 eye-contact.
>actual meaningful and on topic discussion going on

Hold the fuck up, where am I?
>legality issues or concerns

There are none, at least for non-3rd world shit holes, i.e. Australia, Canada, etc. We have had games officially come out where you fuck lolis, we now have officially licensed h-manga where lolis get fucked, so what is the issue? You obviously don't sell it on steam, you sell it on your own site, so you get people coming who know what they want, and don't attract attention from casual retards who would kick up a fuss.

Again, there is no potential for legal issues, the only thing that could happen would be possible "bad" pr. But even that's not very likely at all, its not going to be rapelay 2.0. Just maybe some chucklefucks complaining on twitter, maybe some shitty blog posts or 2. And that's the only reason I would have wanted this game to not come over, risk of backlash, with some filtering over to Japan. It would have been "safer" in that sense for it to be a fantl, if it ever happened. But if you're going to do it, do it right.
The sex scenes in this are less explicit than the witcher, it's hard to even call it an eroge
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>literally in the year 2015

This is old news, m8.
Gahkthuns were pretty... explicit, they just didn't outright show penetration.

Why don't companies just put a black bar on the crotch area instead of outright cutting the content? Since fucking, sexual dialogue/voices and tits are all okay, apparently the only issue is with visual penetration
Best released of the year based on the Don's opinion
Translation when?
Well all know this is happening because it’s a Yuri game and people will eat that shit up. The market for Steam VN is bent decidedly toward the ones catering to gross, hyper-sexualized stories. It’s what sells and almost all of what companies like Manga Gamer care to put out.

“But muh freedom from censorship stop being a sjw!”

Are there as many heavily censored/almost-porn Yaoi VN available?

No. And there won’t ever be because gamers don’t buy those games. This has nothing to do with “open-mindedness” or even the important of “same-sex” relationships — it’s all about courting and playing to the male gaze.
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I'm not too entirely sure, but I think it still depends on whether or not it can be deemed protected under artistic expression or not. JAST didn't think the Kokoro rape scenes in Shiny Days would hold up as important to the game, and Maitetsu's probably might be that way too.
Pornography laws are really complicated anyways...
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>NVL format
>text isn't vertical

what in the actual fuck?
Kek. That Doddler post is pretty funny. Herkz going full Sekai cock sucking.
Needs money for HRT
I want to pirate it but nobody will upload it
If you get a boner it means it's porn.

Did you know there was a petition to cover up statues that shows genitalia. I believe it started in Canada and gained traction in Greece. No clue what happened to it though.
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Hear that backers? You are irrelevant. Sekai only cares about its meme-game fanbase.
Death to purists!
Herkz probably thinks all of those grandmas that bought Wiis are Nintendo's audience
So, would you say that the H-scenes in AstralAir (or any other Favorite title for that matter) would hold up as important to the game in this regard?
How does Herkz not get the point being made here?

I suppose the people who helped build up Sekai into what it is today are no longer relevant?
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It's happening! Were were you when it happened?
I have no idea.

What am I looking at?
Dovac is moogy's bitch. expect an official localization soon-ish
I wont deny it can be complicated. At the end of the day, if it went to the supreme court, I have no doubt they would find that holding fucking drawings as illegal is unconstitutional, and we would be fine. Obviously no one wants to actually take it that far. Fair enough.

But you have games like imopara come out, clearly some of the characters are in elementary school. Little witch romanesque, younger characters. Other games have done it too, no issue. Hell, even Makina is what, 15? And that's getting/had an uncut release. Fakku, regardless of opinions on them, and even if they are pretty pussy in terms of what they've put out, they've put out manga that have loli in them, no problem.

As for Shiny Days, wasn't that literally sekai saying they refused to translate the scenes, and would quit if they weren't removed? So jast had to remove it.

So no, they don't have a leg to stand on here. And putting aside lolis completely, what justification is there to not include h-scenes in other titles? If we can't expect "regular" scenes to make it in for tons of titles, I guess loli really is beyond the pale.
I think his point is that the people who helped "build up" Sekai are exactly the meme game plebs
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Sure. In fact, you could probably convince people in a court of law that the loli characters are no younger than the other heroines (because they are, really).
I kind of like the guy but what the fuck is his problem man...
It's only 648 yen, just buy it.


Nobody uploads it because that would be a dick move. This isn't some major VN company title, it's a work by a small doujin group and by buying it you'd be directly supporting the creators.
The thing is, if Sekai was just a meme company that only released meme games, it would be fine.

But when they involve titles like Baldr Sky, Favorite titles, etc. they pretty much only involve the core VN fanbase which Nekopara casuals simply do not belong to. Thus, they need to pander to the core group that's been existing for years rather than pander to the casual group that is only a recent creation.

If they're trying to sell Baldr Sky to Nekopara casuals it will fail.
>all those people who keep SP'spoorly run business from being even deeper in the red by donating to kickstarter are worthless
>The people who bought 1 game which we lost 30% of the revenue from immediately due to its DRM marketplace is more important

I'm beginning to see why Herkulez has never ran anything that made a dime. He should leave the talking to Dovac, at least he can pretend he was just drunk.
When you go to the page that shows progress, it redirects back to the main page where announcements are, so the patch is probably about to drop.
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>4th wall
I'm not surprised, just disappointed.
>toss everything on Steam and pray to god some twitch streamer or youtuber makes a video making fun of the visual novel

Fantastic business strategy
Why does SP buy up these expensive licenses when they lose money on everything but Sakura and Nekopara?
isn't SP in the red precisely because they don't try to count their own cut in when doing kickstarters and just try to make it back via post-kickstarter sales which would be a bad idea?
I'm so glad I decided to JOP it up, no getting cucked by censored Baldr.
Sekai Project has been dying for ages now, when will they kick the bucket?
Reminds me of Shakadou always talking about how you'll fight him on a different route in the original Majikoi
When people stop giving them money with kickstarters.
I've been trying to be cautious on staying hyped about an 18+ AstralAir release since the big reveals this week, but many of your comments are making me have very mixed expectations. I want to believe, but I'm hoping this doesn't end up biting me in the ass.
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I don't remember, but I remember JAST mentioning the part about it not being arguable as art, in addition to the part about the translator (who wasn't someone from Sekai, ironically).
The rape aspect probably was a big deal in the decision too. They left in another scene of one of Kokoro's classmates getting fucked by her brother in the woods.
Of course you have loli-ish characters in other releases, but there's kind of a difference between a character that looks 13-14-ish and a chracter that's clearly not even 10.

>what justification is there to not include h-scenes in other titles?
Because the developer specifically doesn't want them to. In Akabei's case they specifically didn't want one and avoided the subject, but I guess they caved in Sharin's case when the success of the Kickstarter was on the line. Ignoring Herkz's insults, this is still a good example of how stubborn some developers can be on the issue https://vndb.org/t7991/4#79
Never believe shills.
Yeah. If we're not the intended audience I just want Dovac to purge denpasoft and all they're 18+ titles. goddamn it
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Koiken Otome is done.

Lol at herkz
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Why is he so mad?
Just keep in mind that lying is second nature to sekai employees.
>capitalism is bad actually
at least you got that one right
Remember that time when Herkz had an incompetent translator work on Mahoyo for years only for everyone to laugh at how terrible the script, effectively killing the translation completely?
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Doesn't SakuSaku have a loli heroine? She's 139cm tall, fairly loli and that game is reportedly going to be uncensored.
He's saying it sarcastically. He's arguing for it in Sekai's case, saying that the Steam casuals are far more important than the original VN fanbase.
isn't he just an editor? Does he even know japanese?
whot the fuck is herkz
Steam casuals give more money so he's right.
>quality improvement has 0 bearing on sales
I guess I would feel that way too if my sub group got constantly blown the fuck out by a rip group using Crunch's subs on every show we did for years.
Mahoyo is dead and herkz just hosted the project at commie. He knows some jpn though
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>Because the developer specifically doesn't want them to
Then how do you explain this?
editor, cunt, used to browse here but got chased out for being a faggot and a crybaby

the core VN fanbase funds their kickstarters and built Sekai from a starter into a company that could actually afford things. essentially the former is the foundation of Sekai, which they are now ignoring.

he's right about Nekopara bringing in more profits, but it's a terribly cunty thing to do.

besides, even though Nekopara brings in a lot of money, Sekai is in the red constantly anyway
Yes. He's not even a JOP but the cool kids let him hang out with them because he sucks up to them.
Isn't herkz in charge of Commie?

They aren't exactly known for their quality anyway.
I'm calling up Daiz so we can finally finish off SP
There is 4th wall-breaking dialog in the first game
why are you even complaining
Man I miss him. Shakadou and Beard-sensei are the only animes who truly get me.
Where's the new thread you drooling retards
I didn't play the first game.
He's too busy on his quest to finally kill the panda.
I would rather have SP than Fakku
Not quite as loli as some of the Favorite heroines, but definitely on the fence
>a difference between a character that looks 13-14-ish and a chracter that's clearly not even 10

I don't see why there would be, if you're concerned about the law. Both would cause issues, if a person was assuming they would(and they wont).

I don't doubt there are some dev's who are opposed to it. But most others tend to be able to get things sorted out in the end, in some way or another. It's just sekai it seems who always are unable to get the adult releases. And it seems it's due to the fact that it's not important to them, since they want to target an audience and platform, steam, where it wouldn't be relevant.
I said I wasn't surprised. It's just so passe. S was pretty clean about that kind of thing so I had hopes.
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>Lose were the ones who really wanted the title localized
>their Maitetsu site is blocked for gaijins
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Herkz is the incompetent who chose an ESL to translate Mahoyo.
Fakku actually puts out a good product though, for all of their asshattery they aren't shortchanging customers. They haven't been shying from controversial content either.
new thread

Maybe they want to keep a family-friendly facade to gaijins so they're keeping measures towards that image.
sites usually have sample CG which would be troublesome, not that we can verify that in this case
herkz isn't involved in that project, really. he just hosted it on commie...
>We'll never get to see how strong Beard-sensei was in his peak
>but what the fuck is his problem man
He's literally a SJW.
So, how long until Majikoi A-2? Approximately?
> They aren't going to torpedo their profits by selling Maitetsu uncensored.

Glad we can agree, since it's not like lolicons vote with the wallets or anything. It's not like they'd ever buy anything even borderline ecchi loli.


Oh wait.
> it remains a consensus in the overall community that they're unimportant (both in EGS and from westerners who have played it), so my post stands.
> It's a consensus because I say so, and I'm not going to contest your points in the slightest because it has to do with opinions.
> Censorship ever being justifiable.
> Ever.
> Censorship apologist astroturfers are in this thread.

I thought I'd never see the day when people would argue that removing the porn and parts of the dialogue from chinese porn games is acceptable and you should fork over your money anyway to a hilariously mismanaged company whose CEO literally said that 4chan isn't their target audience and doesn't matter.
Wow entitled much? Just shut up and buy it!
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> There are Sekai Project shills in this thread right now.
> There are living, breathing people with an IQ above 80 who purchase their VNs.

Can we shut reality down?
There are very very few instances where "Censorship" is acceptable, but they do exist. For example the military often censors any combat footage they release so that other governments can't use them for malicious gain, or how certain people accused of certain crimes aren't revealed to the general public until their trial is over, or even at times where what they were being tried for and everything they said could be censored completely to prevent the public from knowing due to highly specific reason.

Censorship isn't always a bad thing, but the vast majority of time it's used to oppress people by not allowing them to reasonably express themselves the way they want. Which is a very awful thing that's literally worse than Hitler.
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