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Planetside 2 general - /ps2g/

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Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 101

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RIP Planetside 1 edition
Press F to pay respects

>What is this game?
>How do I play?
>How do I play? (advanced)
>Tweaks and optimizations
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons
>Weapons chart some anon made

Previously on a miraculous not ded early thread:
courtesy sage
>inb4 etc
Anyone ever use conc nades?
Was TR also underpowered in PS1?
all the time
best HA grenade
probably best overall grenade after EMP get nerfed
Theres an indicator if you hit someone right?
idk i still think AV nades are entirely underrated
noting better than getting behind some shitter viper lighting and unloading bandolier AV nades up his ass, then finishing off with a deci
I stopped using them when they were nerfed. Which was way back.
>i-i swear it's good, you just have to s-spam four of them
I still use them as they give me a MAX kill every blue moon
Has Daybreak ever unbanned someones account?
yeah i got banned for being too good in january and unbanned a week later, traseros posts here and gets banned/unbanned all the time
>i got banned for being too good

Yeah sure. I'm pretty fucking good and I never got banned.
yes, just cry on reddit

then you clearly are a fucking shitter
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It's the last day of Planetside 1, folks.
Anyone got any stories they wanna tell?
I was playing unreal tournament and jedi outcast at the time.
he better be bringing his hand up or down because its not in the proper position for rendering a salute fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHITBAG SPECIALISTS GO PICK UP CIGARETTE BUTTS FOR THE NEXT 6 HOURS
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post ur memelabs so we can make fun of each other
no we had buzzcut
>there isn't a single good online game out there right now

save me
legion comes out soon!
I occasionally hop on the secret world fo dat atmosphere
>not playing overwatch
>playing memewatch
Yanks salute like utter faggots anyway, he fucked up at fucking up.
so are you poorfags or just shitters?
>unironically playing a 6v6 arcade game and posting here
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nigger please, I've blown several hundo on ps2 and its free2win
>playing a slow game
>giving blizzard money
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wow you weren't lying!

any yuropoors want to team up to shit on memerald's harasser drivers
>no tank mines

why even make a mario kart battle royale if you're not going to allow banana peels

The fuck did you expect.
I dunno. Hopefully their gay event gets trashed by liberators and galaxies.
Yes, for several reasons that were later fixed.

The dual cycler MAX did less damage per shot than the infantrys dual cycler. This coupled with the pitiful AI damage compared to the quasar and especially scat max made the pounder the favored MAX indoors. Initially the pounder was intended for AI and raped, they switched the two but screwed up the DCs AI damage.

The Prowler for the longest time required three people just to match the DPS of the Vanguard. Later they set the cannon to be slightly behind the Vanguards cannon but out DPS when the chaingun was manned.

The NC and notably the VS had an easier time running over people with BFRs. The wide leg gap allowed people to easily avoid being run over by TR BFRs.
I would assume the plan is to enter the shitter derby and immediately head for the nearest tower to spawn a valk and shit ten pizzas into the homozone?
Did VS end up being shit?
I seem to recall people complaining about how they were the NS faction.
VS has had jumping MAX units since launch. This removed one of the largest threats to tanks and infantry, aircraft. Imagine a lock on turret that is tiny, hits hard, and can get on top of trees and their branches.

The Magrider was the only vehicle capable of crossing water for the longest time. Not until BFRs were released did cannon shells and rockets explode on contact with water. Imagine missing by a hair and doing no damage against a vehicle that can move in any direction with ease. It was also very effective against aircraft.

The Lasher wasn't the up close heavy weight of the JH nor did it offer the medium range kill zone of the MCG but in large groups it stopped assaults cold. Coordinated and skilled users could still make a name for themselves such as the Delta Triad.
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You find a perfect firing position.

Translation: "we don't have a single programmer in our team anymore"
why are you even using vanguard HE
>Imagine missing by a hair and doing no damage against a vehicle that can move in any direction with ease
Because it's fun.
but outside of directive hunting, you're probably better off with a lightning.
Essentially, the VS were the top tier defensive empire. Air was required to take out turrets and defensive AMSes, the StarFire easily put an end to any aircraft. Magriders were capable of sniping from the bottom of hills and the tops of them making it difficult to win ground battles unless you had a decent amount of cover. If those failed then the Lasher was quite reliable at holding chokepoints like the backdoor. They struggled to defend Tech Plants as there wasn't much room before finding the CC.

Offensively they struggled. Their AI max was lack luster and at best could dodge a deci by jumping. Many soldiers would run in with the pulsar equipped as the Lasher was a death sentence in the open.

Imagine caring
https://www.twitch tv/therobanddanshow
lul this guy's face
How should I prep my T32?
the 150HE can instagib entire clumps of packed infantry. and two shots anything without flak armor on a near miss. I'll give you that its complete garbage against anything besides infantry, but if you're sieging a base full of mudfoots, 150 HE with a Mjollnir top gunner is pretty damned good.
1x, flash suppressor, grip, SPA
ha ha prep the bull ur so funny anon
back to cripplechan with ya
Lightning HE can do the same but reloads faster.
but it doesn't have vanguard shield of a secondary.
Why did op open up a new thread?
Just accept our fate already
Hey we actually reached bump limit on the last thread
We're not dead yet apparently
I only pull the HE vanguard about once a week anyway, 90% of my tanks pulls are AP lightnings, the other 9% are AP vanguards.
aliveside 2
>12v12 battle
>6 prowlers

jesus christ tr
>12v12 battle
>6 reavers with airhammers

jesus christ nc
>12v12 battle
>8 MAX suits

jesus christ vs
The moral of our story is that every faction is cancer and I hate you all
You don't need more than one engy and two medics, you missed the last MAX.
the last guy is an infiltrator for the motion detector
>Everyone is a Magrider, Scythe or crab MAX
>Also a few Libs, Bulldog Gals, and repair bus trains supporting the rest
>No infantry except a few laggy shotgun shitters
m8 the shot shitters are just bailing from the scythes
>20 banshees
i still have nightmares
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>use tomcats to shoot down a skynight
>they bail out before they explode by gently landing and start running
>mfw swap to banshee with thermals
>Use tomcats to shoot down a skyknight.
>He bailassaalts and starts floating to the ground
>Switch to thermal Airhammer

Everything is better in the NC.
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>enemy pulls tomcats
>i'm running flares and with a buddy anyways
I still have an airhammer.
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yeah but the airhammer is garbage because it doesn't make a brrrt noise
the shooting combat of overwatch is faster than anything in planetside2, don't be deceived by poor people who can't afford it
>No second heroic boost
Why even make an "xd meme image" if you aren't going all the way.
>Several hundo
I've spent several thousando, goml
>I hate you all
oh gosh, I hate you too planetman! :3c

does this mean we're enemies now~~?

I guess I could shoop a boost into the other slot, but.. it.. idk ;_;
man the PS1 HA weapons are all fucking crazy
>Not running dual heroic boosts and membership at all times
It's like you don't even want to repeatedly hit the 50k cert cap and struggle to find things to waste them on.
>Attacking a base
>24-48 or 48-96 with us having slight overpop
>Point not flipping after several minutes
>Abandon farm mode and run to the point yourself, alone
>Encounter no enemies
>Flip the point
>Still no sign of enemies (or friendlies)
>1.5 minutes later some enemies start appearing
>Fend them off with my LMG
>Eventually get overwhelmed by shitters

Why is the average PS2 player so fucking useless?
I learned long ago to pretend friendlies aren't even there. ps2 is actually a single player game
But they still run in front of you and block your bullets. Or place mines in the middle of allies so one EMP will kill everyone.
i've already certed literally anything not meme-tier (rangers, valk, those dozen different gun optics, etc)
at this point, i'd get no benefit from running boosts, and having them would be exclusively to support the game which, as we all know, is for fucking retards
t. not the guy you were replying to
friendlies = marines from halo
yes, exactly, you need 3X zoom for your zepher and zepher PX, and reload 5 rangers for your sunderer, ANT and MBT
NivX is a literal god


watch this gameplay

it's ridiculous
i culd 1v1 him ez no stress
wtf r those colors
He's color-blind apparently so he has digital vibrance cranked up and a chevron overlay
is he the guy who has really shit packet loss
Probably to compensate for Lightboost/ULMB.
No that was arkizer
The fuck are his sensitivity settings? the ways hes constantly flicking around is giving me epilepsy
2cm hip 8cm ads
I do not recommend trying out his settings, otherwise you'll end up having the same problem he has.
How is the good goyim general tonight?
mfw there's nobody named nivx in any relevant fps/ competitive shooter game for some STRANGE reason

what are you implying
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I am the best best Harasser driver, NA. No exceptions.
best be joking nigger, nivx is top 100 elo for quake3 arena and quake live
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>Top 100 in a game with 100 players
>can't even make it to top ten
so he's nobody
>t. not even top 1000 on https://melbalabs.com
Is this anon>>147112137 right about his settings?
Nope, his twitch says

DPI: 400
Hipfire: 0.31
ADS: 0.39
Scoped: 0.41

it's way lower

this is oddly sexual

im going to fap to this then write it about it in my journal
I don't think they last long enough to be worth using
Usually by the time you can get into the room the effects have already worn off
enjoy your fresh ban when battle eye is implemented and the first ban wave goes out
>running back to planetside because you're bad at actual shooters
hasn't this guy been banned for cheating and then unbanned after crying on reddit multiple times now?
>battleeye drops
>nobody is actually banned because nobody is actually cheating
>all along people only thought others were cheating because they are monumentally bad players who got killed by somebody with low mouse sensitivity
>russians get to keep playing because they're not using any software
>lagwizards get to keep playing because they're not technically cheating
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anyone have TR/NC version of this girl?
>battle eye drops
>most of the top 0.01% of players are banned
>huge reddit whine thread where they collectively try to bitchfest their way out of legitimate bans for cheating with claims that battle eye isn't working properly and it's all false positives
>daybreak either tells the cheaters to piss off or relents and unbans them to avoid bad PR and battle eye forever becomes useless for its job

This is what will ACTUALLY happen.
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all i have is dis
thanks senpai. keep the thread alive for me while im gone ok? ;)
Go away evil dogger.
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I was about to go to sleep ;_;
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since she's not wearing goggles, it looks better without the meme eyes
I'm at a bar drinking by myself, my girlfriend turned off her phone after me calling to much, I am 30 years old, doing have a job, still doing my bachelor degree. Have over 4k hours in this fucking game. I hate myself. If I wasn't handsome id have nothing. Where my alone on a long weekend bros @.
I can't even remember the last time something like this bothered me.
I don't care either, but I want success. Any ps2g bros live in Toronto want a beer on me?
christ I bet you support gun control and dude weed lmao in chief too
Hell no, even worked for the local conservative candidate last election. Very much against fireweed lol
I swing both ways lol I play both TR and NC
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daily reminder that sub 890 spm/456 kd is shitter status

also jumping to avoid incoming fire is faggot status
go away evil dogger
ULMB doesn't change the way colors look, it only dims the screen.
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should probably just remove some VS. that usually does the trick
You think you have it bad? I'm at work and i desperately need to use a shitter, and i still have to sit here for 7h 22 min.
>libtards invade the only non-leftist sanctuary on the internet and tell all the non-leftists to get out and go back

You're the invader here normalfag, not me.
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Got a good chuckle out of the guy with the tank mine.

Well yeah when there are at least a few people actively bumping the thread off page 10 we tend to last a bit longer.
I don't want to drive an hour for a beer.

>calling so often that she turns off her phone
isn't it supposed to be the other way around
>page 10
emergency bump
fuck canada
show me on the doll where the goose mauled you
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So this morning some of the old bending meteor showers went down in PS2, it was pretty cool to see in person

ignore the legendarily bad k/d, I:
>am underleveled
>was playing alone against a coordinated team of TR with a pop double ours
>had pretty much given up on trying to kill the TR, I was just trying to bumrush through our last base on the continent before the cap finished so I could actually see the meteor shower because a lot of them were just somehow playing normally through the intense shaking and explosions

Supposedly most players hack in PS1 now, I didn't notice anything glaring myself, person making the claim said it was just ROF and cof/accuracy increases mostly
>*went down in PS1

I honestly don't think PS2's engine could handle the bending
Fuck, I forgot all about it. I wasn't home anyway so that's fine I guess.

> person making the claim said it was just ROF and cof/accuracy increases mostly
same shit as ps2 then
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Game isn't closed yet, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. Closes down at 7 EST tonight
the bending was pretty interesting to see first hand ten (twelve?) years ago. Weren't there also spooky voices playing?

I doubt deybreak and the bandana slamma would be able to do anything half as cool.
shit, I should probablyu download it but probably won't be home again anyway
no spooky voices this time, maybe when the game finally ends
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hey ur shadowplay is broken
nice crutch-4 shitter
>thread on life-support
>game isn't doing much better

So what do you faggots think could honestly be done at this point to get AND retain new players?

I mean PS1 is dying for real tomorrow, but the Russian oligarchs who bought out DBG probably won't keep the lights on past a certain point for ps2, and we seem to be bleeding players and not keeping any of the new ones things like construction brought in.

PS1 shutting down is a bad sign as it is given it's been alive for so fucking long

before the buyout, SOE had a good rep for leaving their games running fucking forever

is everquest 1 still online? i know the lead everquest guy who had been with the company for a decade plus got shitcanned, and before he left EQ1 was still getting actual content updates
>is everquest 1 still online?
they've got an event going on right now, it seems

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well holy shit
It needs consistent and substantial new content every 3-4 months and fixes to systemic issues.

They're addressing newbies having shit loadouts to start with, which is good.
They're also working to solve the cheater problem, which is very good.
They need to next get newbies into actual platoons and squads when they start playing and scrap koltyr entirely.
After that they need to fix the remaining balance issues (like actually figuring out why NC loses so many alerts)

And then they need to pump out large content updates in quick succession - every 3-4 months there needs to be something the size of the construction update.

I honestly don't think they can manage it.
I really wonder how many people they still have working on the game. Seems to be only a skeleton crew as far as I can see so I'm not really optimistic
how about fixing alerts in the first place
or making it feel like locking a continent has meaning
I almost liked alerts back when they clustered everyone into biolabs, tech plants, and amp stations
go away antinerd
>NivX is a literal god
no, that's just what memerald is like
more than I expected
Emergency bump
Add Directx 12 support which allows lower end users to run the game better.
By the way, I had to quit Planetside 2 for two years because my old GPU overheated like crazy. Now I got a new one and came back.
downvote this post, construction saved the game
t. werl
can't find the downvote button, please help
aim better
Well, EQ1 has actual players and people paying money
PS1 has been dead ever since PS2 came out. Not even f2p saved it. Hell, it was dead way before PS2 came out.
shit's hard bro, why don't you link me that CLAB.exe so I can better downvote?
What game could possibly be stealing players from PS2 anyway? It's not like there are many like this.
Other shooters
The people who are leaving don't care enough about the MMO part of an MMOFPS to stay
I play Overwatch, CSGO and Planetside 2 but I don't consider them to be in competition at all.
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it's easy, just follow the instructions
I'm calling but no-ones picking up, please help
call better
better upgrade my phone to 144 fps then
yeah that should help a fair bit
>Implying people can hear more than 24 fps
ha ha, ur so funny anon
24 fps is a shitty meme anyway
you can only see 12 fps with each eye, but the individual eye clock is synchronized, so you still only see 12 fps, with each frame being the superposition of two frames
>he hasn't trained his eyes to see 15fps each, for an effective 30fps vision
You can't go faster than the speed of light/24fps, because then the particle mass would have to be beyond infinite.
I just did fag what are you going to do about it
you really didn't, it only appears to be that way to you.
quantitational relativeness etc.
if I didn't then why am I dunking all the scrubs?

again, you didn't
you are dunking all the scrubs relative to you, but to better players you are the scrub, and you are the one who's getting dunked
>to better players
#1 on all servers, there is no better player

take your social science shit elsewhere, nerd
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the crown, 12AM EST be there or go back to community college
I'd like to join wwew llad outfit... can I get an invite in game that. Name is bloatednygrcorpse
here's your (You), now fuck off
wrong chan
this is the correct chan for reddit

Female characters have smaller hitboxes

female characters are THICC
Same hitbox, different sizes
size comparison needed
>suicide bombing attempt epics fails volume 1
I'm plat 3 on memelabs
>Now I got a new one and came back.
welcome back :3c
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i'd hit HER boxes hehehehhehe
>not being #1
>not being removed from the rankings because MLG autists began to feel inadequate
>not having access to the super secret internal exquake pro exclusive rankings

maybe one day when you pull your ivi up past 8k you'll get an invite
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faggot status confirmed

delete and uninstall shitter
>can't even cut it as currentquake pros
why should i care bout you
>current quake pros
>anywhere near the level of ex quake pros

its like vampires, the older ones r more powerful

u wuld know this if u were an exquake pro with a thousand year bloodline of competitive fps heritage
look m8, the most powerful ones are the ones that have been pros from day one, and remained pros throughout

ex quakes are the quakes that couldn't keep up and decided to rest on their laurels in games for babies
>and remained pros throughout
no non no you've got it all wrong, once you've proven yourself as a quake pro then you've checked off that box and move on to dominate in other games

people who can ONLY master quake and are afraid to try other games r bads 100%^ accurate statment don't argue I have peopel who will find you if you argue
>and move on
confirmed quitters and shitters

your opinions are as worthless as your long obsolete quake skills

uh oh, does the baby need his bottle?

people who quit quake don't count as people anymore. dwi
thats it, ur done, my people are on the way

have fun trying to busido meta after we steal your A and D keys ROFL
Stay mad, kiddo. The only keys I use are M1, M2, F2/3/4/5 and U.
fucc u, im going 2 hack ur memetracker overlay and replace the crosshair with something silly
get rekt
>using botnetcursion tracker
actual kek
oh yea u think ur so tough im going to go n2 ur settings and change the colours you have for friendlies and enemies on ur minimap

stay rekt
>people actually care about killing "friendlies"
significant kek
das autism actually blacklisted one of my alts from the weapons leaderboards :^)
antinerd ur an shitter
just thought i'd let you know
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Breddy nice. How do you like PS2?
I just played Koltyr and the majority of players there were not bad. What's it even for?
Esport island for smurf accounts
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Hate it.

No dismount or entry animations
No indoor combat (when I played beta + launch)
Some of the worst world design I've ever seen - instead of clever use of terrain they simply cut and paste bases in different layouts.
No bunkers, Towers are too open and explosion spam too easy
No holstering, thus removing one of the core aspects of the original MMO's charm. Roleplay isn't possible anymore, you are no longer part of a living world but playing call of duty in a hub world

I was part of SOE Live year 1 and the devs showcased their incredible levels of failure bright and early, building outfit bases between continents was a cool idea but instead they chose to reveal.... snow skis for vehicles. yep.

also chasing the league of legends crowd with 5000000 guns that all do the same thing and then balancing them by nerfing anything even remotely to shit
im hacking the mainframe and adding XXX to the end of ur player name so eveyrone knows ur toxic

ur reputations is RUINED
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Generally I've come to accept that modernization of planetside simply doesn't work. Things like headshots and sprinting innately throw off the balance PS1 achieved - if your gun shoots twice as fast (TR's asymetrical gimmick) then you're going to innately get double the headshots and if headshots are double the damage, well, it goes off the rails pretty fast.

Sprinting is just annoying and sped up combat to an absurd degree.

Implants... well I have nothing nice to say about any of that shit.
are you retarded anon
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have you seen the amount of 9 year olds shitposting in this general? are you one of them?
I'm reading this as a yes
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Just did an hour of PS1. I fucking missed out.
>been gone for a year
>the general feels alien to me except for the UP TR whining
>still no replacement for PS2
Someone pls help
Aim Betterâ„¢
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>my merits are older than most of ps2 general
>loser award
Do sticky nades stick to friendlies/vehicles?
kill yourself vanu faggot
Why, after all this time, has science not yet explained how VS are able to breathe dicks?
>"u think thats dix ur breathing?"
t. morpheus
stat whores itt dont play planetside 1 because of "horrible gun mechanics" :^).
good news is they're getting rid of energy for implants.

bad news is stat whores dont want this to become an mmo.
>they're getting rid of energy for implants.
wait wat

So whats to stop everyone from using t4 implants 24/7
nothing. they're even going to make all t4 implants a purchasable bundle.

also, we dont know when they're removing energy, but one of the devs said that is their plan. So dont expect it too soon.
Not having them. I have 3 EOD HUD 4s but still no EMP shield 4.
>they're even going to make all t4 implants a purchasable bundle.
How much? Only 3000 SC?
you won't need emp shield anyway
Well, roll the dice. There's nothing else you can do with T4s.
True, since they are nerfing that.
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Stealth nerf to resist heavies. Adrenaline still have 950ish health with heavy shield up, while resist heavies only have resist for 500 health.

Adrenaline EHP=450+500=950 health due to no regular shield
Resist EHP=500/.6= 833.33 effective health.

Granted, the resist shield heavy will maintain that HP after emp while the adrenaline maxed will slowly lose about 18ish health for their shield every second after emp.
Literally everything was capable of holding the back door, i t was a hallway of death. And I never had a problem with them jumping cause they were sitting ducks for lockons when they jumped.
Resist shield: expecting duels with tryhard HA mains
Adren shield: expecting to just farm shitters

Is that about right?
chubby feets
I wuld succ
cute feets!
>NMG: 1v1 me bro
>resist shield: farm shitters, run around corners and chug medkits until you alt+f4
>adren shield: rushing a point/generator with autoshotgun/jackhammer/MCG and trying to get as many kills as possible before dying
NMG should just not drain when used, only when getting hit. That would make it a better option for newer players.
More if nanoweave
this, adrenaline shield should be the one that drains over time
I feel forced to use resist because of bolt shitters. It has nothing to do with 1v1ing tryhards, unless the tryhards happen to play bolt shit
If wrel really wants to turn planetside 2 back into more specialized classes for mmos like it seems like with this upcoming update, I think he should make this change.


If only LA had the jets from the trailer.
>buffing HA

other shields also protect you from bolt shitting
i don't get it, adrenaline is clearly the one with the reset mechanic that's catered to breaching
and resist is clearly the one with mechanics catering to farming non-heavies relentlessly
and NMG is clearly the one that should give you the highest EHP for a single encounter
Nah, adrenaline and NMG can be one shot with a headshot.

Buffs make games interesting. Nerfs make game boring. Its an opinion, but if theyre not making planetside 3, I want the game to last, even if its ded right now.

Chameleon suit would help infiltrators. Maybe add another cloak that recharges with primary weapon, but youre limited to walking speed?

Or add an icarus version of the drifter like from the trailer.

The same meta is boring desu.
Yeah, I think I messed up. Your roles make more sense. I still think NMG not draining until getting shot would help newer players though.
Not happening as long as Reddit is full of 15% accuracy stalker infiltrator mains whose top weapon is Claymores.

we should write a letter to the local wrel
>Nah, adrenaline and NMG can be one shot with a headshot.

No they can't
not him but how long can you keep adrenalin on before you no longer can tank a headshot?
drifter variant that sends you flying horizontally at tribes velocities when?

module for ESFs that removes your directional thrusters and doubles your forward velocity when?

adrenaline suit revamped to make sprinting accelerate like for maxes, but up to 2x normal sprinting speed when?
Bolt action HSM: 2.1
Bolt action max damage: 700
700*2.1= 1470

Adrenaline+regular health/shields= 450+1000=1450(nanoweave doesnt affect headshots)

Also, the circle indicator for hits is NOT A HEADSHOT indicator, that just means you did a high amount of damage. Proof being the totq-9 landing headshots, and not getting that indicator.
>Stealth nerf to resist heavies
Stop parroting this shitty reddit meme
It's an indirect buff to both adrenoweave and resist HAs, it's just that resist is getting buffed less. (And it'll still be better than adrenoweave anyway.)
that's only at 10 meters range though. It doesn't keep that one shot kill very long
Yes they can. The can't be OHSK'd only by T1 and T2 bolters, but these two are rarely used anyways.
Stop posting this shit every time.

>Also, the circle indicator for hits is NOT A HEADSHOT indicator, that just means you did a high amount of damage.
250 damage IIRC
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heh :^)
Also, it looks like they finally fixed the shitty CPU/GPU usage. I'm back to being capped at 144FPS most of the time

No one is going to bolt shit you with those at point blank range
im poor ;_;
>spawns as skillsuit
>almost out of Real Infantryâ„¢ directives
>will be forced to boltshit/max/farmwagon soon if I want to increase my autism numbers

I will become what I hate.
Yeah, you're right.
Nobody uses close range bolters.
AI vehicles aren't inherently cancer.
The Banshee wasn't OP, but actually could have used some small buffs here and there.
etc etc
A month ago or so the dev said the implant rework was planned for the next 4 months or so if I recall correctly.

The last time the devs were talking about implant system reworks was almost 2 years ago, and then it was going to be combining 2 T4 implants into another implant with the effects of both, but nothing ever came of that.

Personally I'd just like it if there were 3 or 4 implant slots, and a limited number of equip points or some such so you could do e.g. 1 T4, or 4 T1s, or a T3 and 1 T1 etc, a la PS1.
lolno that's extremely inefficient
here's the single most efficient way to get your autism numbers up
>buy a smig with shekels
>make new character
>get five smig kills
>boom, you just got 5 autism points
>delete character
At 1 KPM plus one minute to go through character creation and login, you're getting an average of 50 autism points per hour.
Even compared to an "easy" directive like ARs/carbines/LMGs which will take ~20 hours and give you a measly 100 autism points, the benefits are obvious.
>im poor ;_;

Well anon, get an education and a decent job!
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TIL standing on top of mani mountain with a swarm launcher and a sundy taking potshot at passing skyknights makes me a coward.

This babby spent two mossies, two harassers a liberator and five lives to kill me.
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fugg off reddit
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but.. thats cheating!!

I'm a pure innocent young boy who just wants bigger numbers, pls don't tempt me with you evil ways!
u r doing the work of allah brave mujahid

the skykafir deserve only death and hatred
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>sending a mad tell first
ya dun goofed
>walking alone on the open ground
>suddently explosions
>get killed by a rocket pod
>from a reaver

A full salvo of rockets for one target.

What's with NC and their inability to use their nosegun ?
I shot him down and He like rage afterburn beelined at me with an a2g mossie, I shot him down again and u madded.
I need a burger right now

NCC nosegins are shit a2g, too much spread leaves you hovering trying peg some little bastard and you either get jumped flatfoot by an esf or tanked.
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never send the first tell
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Im going to take a nap. I thought you all should know.
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The only door on Auraxis.webm
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I can never sleep during the day, i always feel like shit when i wake up.
>tfw won't be home to see ps1 shut down
Depends on distance.
Depends on girth.
wtf is this?
a doah
Managing a 9.5 session KDR with a Gauss SAW-S, then chain run into a rank 21 who is teleporting through bullets. Banning sub-human laggers when, Daybreak? If your packet-loss/ping is above a certain level for long enough, it ought to just flat ban you for a day. Keep doing it without fixing your shit, it ought to perma-ban you. It is far, far more irritating then anything else in this game, by a wide margin.
>there are so many people at one fight that PS1 can't handle it
shhh, cykas dindu nuffin
t. radarx
i'm not joking, he actually unironically said that
>switch to fight VS
>kdr drops from 12 to 6

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The Russian shuffle.webm
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Honestly i can never understand people claiming that they can go "so much higher as pure infantry as *insert faction here*"
The differences really arent that huge between factions.
Cyclone meme is probably the most hilarious one, on pair with post nerf Orion,
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>he doesn't anti-VS main
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>he isn't removing Russians and cheesemasters
Pre-nerf SVA was insane
But right now yeah, anyone claiming that [insert faction specific weapon here] is OP compared to its counterparts is a delusional shitter.
Honestly i can never understand people claiming that they can go "so much higher as pure infantry as *insert server here*"
The differences really arent that huge between servers.
Emerald meme is probably the most hilarious one, on pair with post merge Cobalt.
The only weapon I think is genuinely way out of line is the betelgeuse - infinite ammo doesn't make it simply a sidegrade, it makes it a complete upgrade.

The directive weapons weren't intended to be flat out superior to non-directive weapons, but that's how they're turning out to be, and for whatever reason daybreak decided to give an exclusive ability to the VS directive LMG, but not the TR or NC ones.

I have no real hope of it ever being addressed.
>I have no real hope of it ever being addressed.
That's the problem with balance in vidya.
You know it's not something that requires tons of coding, just a few hours of discussion and a thirty-second spreadsheet edit
That's why it's always so very painful
>Pre-nerf SVA was insane

Was it really? That guy's spreadsheet says SVA has over 1.0 degree recoil spread, while guns that people "hate" (Rhino for example) have ~0.6.

To be honest i've never put much time into VS, but apart from 0.75 ads pre nerf Orion i can't think about any game-breaking VS gun.

For example VS medic starter is dogshit, it's even worse than Gauss rifle. Both are outclassed so much by T1 that it's not even funny.
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Tbh VS doesn't belong here. We don't need your spandex and your laser dildos and I hope someone builds a wall on the 4chan/reddit border to keep your kind from polluting our threads.
I want back to the days when everyone was happily playing against each other without any hard feelings

oh fuck ps1 is actually going to disappear forever, this is a really sad moment
Who wants to buy me a new Samsung UE65ks8000 (UE659000 if you are an American)? :3
on memerald the shitboiz are all VS
It's only anecdotal but I genuinely feel that I perform a lot better fighting as infantry against NC as opposed to VS. It might just be a psychological issue causing me to perform worse or do stupider things, but I also feel that VS have significantly more people that simply kill me with a string of headshots before I can do anything.
>infantry against NC as opposed to VS

To be honest i like fighting VS the most, probably because of the Balanshee holocaust and russians, but nowadays after the merge with Werner, there is about as much russian laggers playing VS as russians playing TR.
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5 kills 1 mag.webm
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>infantry against NC as opposed to VS


As an NC with 160 days played i don't really think NC is worse than other factions, with exception of Vehicle secondaries. (i don't fly so i have no idea about that)

As a person with a scientific mind i can't really figure out why NC is losing so much more comparing to TR/VS, it MIGHT really be a sociological thingy (which is quite ridiculous)
Pre-nerf SVA was basically a pre-nerf Orion with 7% lower DPS, 150% boolets, and much more accurate.
>For example VS medic starter is dogshit
It's really not. It's worse than the T1, sure, but if you actually think it's dogshit then you are dogshit :--DDD
He's dead Jim. Dead forever.
>As a person with a scientific mind i can't really figure out why NC is losing so much more comparing to TR/VS
The core issue is that NC guns lose efficiency much faster with longer bursts, and that the average player knows jack shit about gun mechanics.
On top of that, NC attracts more 12 year old wannabe dudebros than the other two factions, VS attracts more 16 year old edgy spergs than the other two factions.

So, just like ______________________________________________PS2?
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It's over. The shaking and meteors got incredibly intense and burness gave a final goodbye before the servers abruptly shut down.
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Whelp, that's over with.
GG, PS1.
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Emulator when?

Even better, PS2 stops being battlefield in space when?
never lol
How do I get into BHOT
>It's really not. It's worse than the T1, sure, but if you actually think it's dogshit then you are dogshit :--D

T1 Cycler - 0.675 degree, 2 bumps + non biased recoil
VS1 Pulsar 0.900 degree, 3 bumps + angled+varied recoil

hmmm, also 1v1??
>be a shitter
>unironically think you're good
Guarantees an 80% chance.

war's over boys

time to rest
>T1 Cycler - 0.675 degree, 2 bumps + non biased recoil
>VS1 Pulsar 0.900 degree, 3 bumps + angled+varied recoil
Yes, it's worse.
No, it's not dogshit.
>hmmm, also 1v1??
What, so you can leave there and not show up like those other ~4 times?

Don't forget to buy Smedley Funbux(tm) to fill in that gaping void!
>be an elite player on Miller
>ask Joharnis314 or one of his dozen alt.
>or Aedari the exCLAB traitor shitty

Not really sure if they have any requirements. From what i see they are all salty vets ;)

>What, so you can leave there and not show up like those other ~4 times?
>impying you did show up
Literally everything is gone

Smedley, Higby, SOE and now even PS1 is gone

Inevitable death of PS2 when

how do you report posts on an iphone?
On Miller, VS pulls much more cheese than NC. They always have both 75% overpop and huge number of force multipliers. It would be a nightmare if NC pulled scat MAXes and AH Reavers like that, but they don't. But VS always have their crab suits, crabriders and PPA croissants.
My god Hossin is an awful map. Constant darkness and can't even find the terminals in bases.
No idea i have HTC ONE M9 which is an android phone ;_;
good riddance, the first 2 actively made the game worse. The rest of SOE was just incompetent at best, DBG has seemingly had more content since the buyout than SOE had since the game was released.

eh... its only sad because it's gone forever, but lets face it no one was ever playing it besides hackers for years now.
A large concentration of salty vets attracts wannabes like Yezzia

My KDR generally ranges up against the VS, and something like 65% of my total lifetime kills are against them. I always played NC, but back during the PPApocalypse I dropped about 11000 certs into my Vanguard for the express purpose of driving halfway across the map to find where the PPA/HE shitters were farming and to end them all, using a dedicated VOIP using gunner friend of mine. We'd get into a group of 5 crab riders using a flank from vehicle stealth and just murder-fuck all of them.

Once I got used to fighting VS, I sort of kept at it.

I seem to get way more random bullshit deaths with TR though, and almost all of them are from hurr durr lockdown prowlers from 8 million miles away. Average infantry KDR against VS is usually about 4, against TR usually about 3.2.


VS DO have a slight advantage in weapons, in that they have the most retard proof starter LMG. The Orion is very much balanced in the whole, but it is way easier to use for someone who doesn't understand the gun mechanics well yet. The Gauss SAW is the other spectrum- it can be hugely effective when used right, but its damned hard to figure out how to use it when you are first starting out. It is much less forgiving of fuckups, especially at very close range.

They could fix this by making the GD-22s the default NC LMG and make the basic SAW the 250 cert one, but whatever.
for FUCKS sake

can we please have a battle that last more than five minutes before some sperg blows the sundy

I wanna click heads not play Watching A Mapâ„¢ simulator
Are you so far gone in your MLG delusion that you forget how the game works, or are you just meming
>Are you so far gone in your MLG delusion that you forget how the game work

Yes. I'm beyond recovery at this point.
Welp i think EM6 should be a starter. I don't really play HA since i'm not a shitter but it's always easier to handle gun like that for a newbie
I'm not one to tell anyone how to play a game, but maybe you should get in an outfit and do tacticool stuff. It's fun.
I need more money, jesus MORE MONEY
>impying you did show up
I did. Not falling for your tricks again.
>get in an outfit and do tacticool stuff
t. shitter

>It's fun
these kinds of people probably think fucking duck hunt is the highest form of skill-based gameplay
S-sorry i couldn't finish all those damn retarded captachs

*logs in to Emerald*
*picks us NS15M*
*instagibs you in one packet*

axaxax noob idoit )))
you showed him, brother )))

the soviet union will rise again
>PS1's death
One day that will be us there
But Jesus Christ there were some delusional fucking people there
>BBurness announces that there were like 300 people online
>Some guy starts saying that this proves PS1 is not a niche game
>300 people
>for the final day
>on one server
off to cripplechan with ya
Emergency bump song for non millennials
Still more than Quake Live.
>I dropped about 11000 certs into my Vanguard for the express purpose of driving halfway across the map to find where the PPA/HE shitters were farming and to end them all, using a dedicated VOIP using gunner friend of mine. We'd get into a group of 5 crab riders using a flank from vehicle stealth and just murder-fuck all of them.

I got hard reading this just fyi
a while back some guy here said he was VS and autistically C4 TKd 1160 crabs during the PPApocalypse
how does that make you feel
Eh guys.... you just need to aim better


We'd go to TR/VS fights, catch them just completely off-guard. Or get up on a mountain somewhere nearby and wait for the hover-crab to scuttle into cover to repair before dropping a 150mm AP shell into their little soft-shell behind and insta-gibbing them.

We'd get all kinds of amusing rage tells.
>post wee bum in another general
>"wow anon nice hax"
some things never change
Emerald VS dont pull cheese, but they pull HA's like crazy. Watching some streams on twitch, and the Vanu force, not including DaPP, is mostly HA. It matches the same today:
here's a decent video of the end, which i am conveniently the only other view on


They don't pull cheese, currently. You should have seen pre-nerf PPA's. Every single fight, there were like a dozen of them. Usually yelling memes and being generally cunts.
so when is planetside 2 going to shut down?
>Emerald VS dont pull cheese
yes they do
>there will never be a lever-action repeater to go alongside my revolver and cowboy hat

feels terrible mayne
I tried to use a pump action with slugs as a lever-action substitute but it was horrible
closest option is the baron

but it's just not as good
good riddance
im playing like shit today ;_;
I tried to play PS2 a little after playing PS1 and I was just completely bored, rip

I kind of want them to introduce a classic jackhammer with the range of a melee weapon but such profound overkill in CQC that nothing can match it
oh fugg i god regd ;DDD

rip in benis ;-DD
>its friday
>the proxchat commandos are drunk and yelling 'ADVANCE! PUSH! TAKE THAT ROOM!'

some things never change
Does anyone else feel like the 500 RPM 200 damage and 333 RPM 250 damage models don't work very well?
>Watching some streams on twitch, and the Vanu force, not including DaPP, is mostly HA.

That's because they don't need medics (medkits, and tryhards don't take revives) and they don't need engineers (infinite ammo cheatgun).

So in any given fight they'll have an extra 10-30% more heavy assault players than TR or NC.

TR counters this by having really fucking awesome maxes that they'll spam pull to counter VS, but NC has dick all they can fight with, especially when their standard LMG is designed for long range and gets shit DPS up close for the vast majority of retards.

NC needs a better force multiplier in infantry fights.
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>You're in a tech plant killing mans when you look at your radar and see webm related

What do you do
i pull my dick out and start stroking as they walk over my AT mines
>"no, goy, we can't allow you to put a bus up there, a memerald tryhard might get mad and tk it"
but the jackhammer already exists
Oh boy we got a Viking wanna be in chat on Emerald TR
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Anyone else think the valkyrie is ugly as shit?

It should've been more like planetside 1's reaver in aesthetics, rather than the dogshit unaesthetic flying brick that it actually is
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superior valkyrie design aesthetic incoming
They should add something like quick build construction objects, so you can throw something down in the middle of a fight
Really, are we really going back to lolposting
During wrels stream this morning I was blowing my horn so much that he booted me from server.
>finish TORQ
>start TRV
oh baby, I'm going to enjoy this gun
It's fun until you run out of close-range mans to shoot.

>check my AR stats
>higher accuracy on my old TRV auraxium than most recent half-done T1B auraxium
I've been getting a surprising amount of longbomb headshots. The real issue is running out of bullets because you're killing too fast.
Something similar for me. Higher accuracy on the TRV but lower HSR. I think it has more with me just getting more inclined to just shoot in the general direction of out of effective range enemies.

>see a VS MAX scamper off in the distance after we took their base
>fire one shot towards him
>decide against shooting more since he's way to far away and I'll never kill him like that
>the one shot hits him and kill him
>violently ejaculate all over myself
>It's fun until you run out of close-range mans to shoot.

That's because the gun is really accurate for its's 143/845 model. It has 50% less horizontal recoil than a fucking Carnage, because of balanced factions
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carv carv.webm
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>see a VS MAX scamper off
I've been playing this game for however many years now and I still often mistake VS MAXes for VS HAs at a glance. webm related, I only realized the MAX was a MAX after shooting him twice and switching targets.
where is the recoil?
>wasting shield
>drive lightning around Esamir
>see about 15 VS on top of a hill
>shoot one with my AP gun
>he survives
>shoot another
>he survives too
>what the fuck
>drive closer
>suddenly 30 more pop in as I pass infantry render distance
i've always wondered how people know exactly how many shots to kill an enemy with

like at the start he puts literally two rounds into the MAX and immediately aims away before getting any kill message or even seeing the death animation, and there's no visible health bar
>57 bullets to kill 3 dudes
do you need glasses?
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carv carv emp.webm
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I ate an EMP 3 seconds after that webm ended anyway, then mistook that glowy bit on the floor a mine the inf had just thrown on account of his running animation and got shotgunned in the back.
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good morning anons, why don't you have a 1000 killstreak?
>[n]igger bulldogging
Do you have a 1000 killstreak? A 500? Even maybe a 250? Yawn.
antinerd go now
>knowing all of their altfits
are you a stalker
>schwak in the member list
close but no cigar, i do kill nerds tho :^))))
man I'm not even surprised
Is the T2 Striker any good? Is it a specialized launcher (AA, AV, or AI) or is it all around good?
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>but NC has dick all they can fight with
It's true tho
it's decent against close flying ESF. That's it. It sucks pretty bad against most other things, not worth the certs.
Is the new tryhard meta going to be adrenaline shield + utility shield for maximum hitpoints?
why would it be? I'm pretty sure it's gonna stay resist+ASC
b-b-but 2 more bullets!
Probably resist+utility shield instead of adrenaline, but I'm pretty sure resist + asc will remain king after the flavor wears off.
pretty sure it's just gonna be 1 more in most cases, and 0 in a couple.
also it's not gonna be enough to have people sacrifice medkits
wasn't utility shield gonna take the utility slot and not the armour slot?
Oh yeah you are right
Then I'm pretty sure no one will ever use it over medkits
we tried doing math on it a couple of days ago, but that was the conclusion we reached too.
for shitters, yes
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>not wirth it as standard infantry
>not worth it as resist or adrenoweave HA
>maybe worth it as nw inf in a squad with medics and tight coordination
>NC has dick

Don't tell the vanu or you'll never get rid of them
Maybe, if they have regeneration implant 4.
So what's this utility shield nonsense?
Utility shield gives passive 50 shields in utility slot. Helps newbies survive maybe 1 more shot against explosive and weapons
Seems a little pointless.
>this is how the average "M-MUH EENIL TOXIC TRYHARDS RUINING OUR GAME" poster thinks
not surprised desu
Nigger please, the tryhard community will never endorse such underpowered cheese, always preferring the balanced and skill-based medkit meta.
Not everyone leeches off their parents to have a good pc goy.
why do people get upset about shotguns
>this meme again
You can run the game at a steady 60 FPS on hardware worth $400 nowadays, stop making excuses for your inherent lack of skill.

and also
>he doesn't earn enough to be able to spend money on hobbies
lmaoing@u desu
how's the wageslave life working you for you?
What is the best sidearm and why is it the Rebel?
it's actually the desperado
it's actually the beamer
>tfw beamer doesn't have a regenerating power core
its time 4memes
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i give that 10 lib frees out of 10 honks
reported to the fbi

enjoy gitmo
as always
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I can't imagine how bad at infantry was the shiTR that made this.
i rpt y now!
I literally never remember to use my knife. Is this because I never played cod?
Same here, and yeah i never played COD either
>pull burster max to piss off farmchariots
>rolling in certs
>hear a vanu sniper rifle in the distance
>look in the general direction of the sound
>see a shimmering figure
>spend the next 10 minutes chasing an infiltrator to try and melee him to death

this happens EVERY TIME i pull a burster max, without fail. it's always the same pull max->shoot plens->hear infil->chase infil. how do i stop this from happening?
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w-why are you chasing me NC-kun~~

>it's always the same pull max->shoot plens->hear infil->chase infil. how do i stop this from happening?

you can't
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literally cowadoody.jpg
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i will FIND you and i will RAM my burster INTO you
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oh gosh~
I'm just so focused on clicking heads that I wont be able to resist you taking me from behind~~!
pls be my gf
what's your ivi
y is lalunia a medic main instead of ha main like 90% of the playerbase?
because gauss rifle burst is the best gun
anyone else edge for an hour before clicking heads? I've heard it temporarily boosts test levels and therefore increases eye hand coordination
i only have like 4500 kills with it.

because HA is for fags that need 80% more HP to win 1v1. Seriously no other game has Heavy class this broken. LMG's are literally AR's on steroids, lolshield, rocket launcher...

HA mains are only one step from becoming boltshitter mains, which is almost as disgusting as Banshee/AH/PPA mains.
Why would testosterone increase hand eye coordination?

If you wanted to do that, you just need to go and buy an epipen
pleb, you need to use your Vergil the Drippy Dragon to achieve the very highest levels of skill
Well I know its gotten somewhat popular among esports pros to start lifting to increase their test levels, so its gotta to something right?
it makes you go bald and helps you grow muscle
>it makes you go bald

That's actually dihydrotestosterone, converted by 5 alpha reductase enzyme
I didn't play since December, now I redownloaded the game and I don't have a single character on my account. The players thingy on their site finds my character, but it's just not on my account. What is this supposed to be?
How do you make Heavy Assault balanced?
more like 2beta reductase amirite
This happens sometimes after servers are down
So what can I do now? Send a support ticket?
>beta reductase

Nah, that's an enzyme that turns you into a cuckold
wait, if it keeps happening send a support ticket
Vanu special traits allow them to not need support. Plus, the community of stat whores means medkit users and no actual medics.

This results in KD whore Vanu players
Give everyone an overshield.
That's one theory.
The other is that vanu are fags and love dick.
Thats my evidence. Thanks for citing professor senpai.
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>means medkit users and no actual medics.
>tfw some vanu lagwizard beats you on medkits leaderboard

this is true

t. sciencetist
its ok, u da real mvp of my <3
>that 50% increase in usage between 3 and 2 place

oy vey, we need to schedule and intervention
What render quality should I run at?
>because HA is for fags that need 80% more HP to win 1v1. Seriously no other game has Heavy class this broken. LMG's are literally AR's on steroids, lolshield, rocket launcher...
>HA mains are only one step from becoming boltshitter mains, which is almost as disgusting as Banshee/AH/PPA mains.

>tfw main HA because it always lets me tank a bolter HS, and because it lets me decimeme airships

fucking phone
I obviously meant airshits
99% assuming you have the bug that lets you see cloakers really easily
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Forgot to post their face.
ok guys how about this

>move LMGs from heavy to engineer, engineer now no longer uses carbines
>move rocket launchers to the primary slot of the heavy
>the ES heavy weapon is now the default primary weapon for the heavy, certs/smedbucks refunded (default rocket still unlocked)

>adrenaline shield, resist shield and NMG rebalanced and buffed
>NMG gives the most EHP of all shields and doesn't automatically drain over time any more, but slows you a lot
>adrenaline shield gives less EHP and drains very fast over time, but has its reset mechanic and slows you less
>resist shield stays the same long-duration farming shield while not exceeding the EHP of the NMG

>MBT abilities reworked so each MBT can select either a mobile ability or a lockdown ability
>Vanguard lockdown projects an AOE resist shield that works on vehicles and infantry
>Magrider lockdown lets you rotate and turns your main cannon into a hitscan laserbeam
>Prowler mobile ability launches heatseeking rockets from a set of mammoth tank style rocket launchers

>galaxy is given a transportation utility ability
>when activated, it gives a Y/N prompt to nearby ground vehicle drivers
>accepting teleports your vehicle to the belly of the galaxy
>pressing the deploy key in your vehicle, or activating the galaxy ability again, drops the vehicle with no fall damage

>K/D tracking removed from the game

game fucking fixed
>K/D tracking removed from the game
>K/D tracking removed from the game

>K/D tracking removed from the game
This won't do shit
Other sites will still track it for you
>literally all that
what a fucking shitter

you absolute mong
if daybreak puts their mind to it it''s piss easy, they just have to make that part of the API not publicly accessible
it's literally as easy as changing a single number in a spreadsheet
Why would anyone want to play an FPS game that doesn't even show how many people you have killed?
It's going to allow medics tank 1 more headshot. Or 3 143 damage bodyshots with nanoweave. We are going to se a lot more AR strafe spammers
>hurp durp remove KDR
KDR doesn't need to be removed from the game.
Only shitters say that, so that they'll be able to feel better about themselves.

Removing KDR from the game would be akin to amputating an infected finger, when you could just take an appropriate dose of antibiotics.
What needs to happen, is that there needs to be something concrete to focus on, an objective of sorts. Right now, base caps, autism forts, continental caps, etc. are all pretty much pointless. As much as they are flawed, the things that currently most accurately describe your skill as an infantry player (and there's similar metrics for vehicles) are IVI KDR and IVI score.
If the devs cared about the game at all, they'd work their asses off to find some mechanic that rewards FPS skill, tactics and teamwork, all while being fun and giving tangible, meaningful rewards. How? I have no clue, but I'm not in charge of the game. If I were, you can bet your tits I'd either come up with something really fucking good, or resign in shame.
But no, they don't give a shit about the game's longevity and are just milking it for ez money, with dumb shit like the rocket rifle and new shit coming out soon, some small stat changes here and there, the half assed bullshit that is construction, etc.
It fucking pisses me off.
>Medic main
>"LMG's are literally AR's on steroids"

im gonna be the first to purple weighted frags

quote me on this
i'd beat you just to piss you off, but that would mean i'd have to reinstall this shitheap
t. grenade pro that hasn't played in almost two years but still comes here to shitpost every day
The fact that you padded your kdr to 3.0 with 100% HA + boltshitting doesn't make you any less shit at FPS and it doesn't allow you to voice your retarded shitter opinions about balance here.
>KDR doesn't need to be removed from the game.
>Only shitters say that, so that they'll be able to feel better about themselves.
>things that currently most accurately describe your skill as an infantry player (and there's similar metrics for vehicles) are IVI KDR and IVI score.

Why would anyone want to focus on objectives if this is what the community thinks? Better just use fotm weapons & overpowered cheese, never attack bases and avoid players that are better than you. If everyone started playing like MLG statwhores, there would be no fights because no one would want to start one. The game would die. People would be just waiting in towers and biolabs, or log off because muh KPH.

Just because you throw baseless assumptions doesn't allow you to voice your retarded shitter opinions about balance here.
>game is about 1 on 1 deathmatch
>personal K/D very prominent since entire gamemode is just how many times you kill your enemy
>all is well, people are free to brag about their K/D because they couldn't not have earned those kills

>game is about 6 on 6 class-based team battles
>personal K/D is visible, gamemode is objective based but kills are still important
>only shitlords brag about their K/D since getting those kills was a team effort in the first place

>game is about 96+ on 96+ on 96+ combined arms warfare
>personal K/D is visible despite having little correlation to overall team performance and having a very small impact on the gamemode


just fucking delete K/D and replace it with prominent context-sensitive objective-related stats like how many spawn points you've destroyed, K/D doesn't do anything good for the game
you would NEVER defeat me

I'm like the [I don't know any good basketball palyers] of nade tossing
>weighted frags
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This is like 5th time you ask, but you never show up, coward
Or just make KD clientside so faglords can still fap to it, but remove it from the API.
*taps you on the shoulder*
im rite here kiddo
*backstabs you with mitani brand katana*
heh, nothing personnel
*flourishes cape*
They're grenades with little weights inside them instead of explosives so they don't bounce
no literally just delete K/D and delete the K/D masturbators

it's such a simple fucking solution and it would single handedly save the fucking game
not because it would delete the K/D onanilords, but because they wouldn't have any influence over future game development, letting daybreak focus more on delivering interesting objectives instead of toiling for months to get some semblance of IVI balance
So, like, you huck them at some vanu and maybe knock one unconscious?
Just add a quest system that can be initiated through the players that have certed into leader ability or something. Basically, youll have a request for reinforcements, and you place down a marker on your map. Itll send an optional notification to all players, similar to a friend request, that will ask to defend a "generator" or "a point".

However, instead of our shitty new player directive, scrap that, and add a new monthly directive that can reward certs, shitty helmets, or maybe a cosmetic version of a weapon(black decimeme) for completing a certain number of Bases defended, bases attacked, generators overloaded, sundies deployed, etc every month.

So this will turn planetside 2 into a niche RTS game with a main component of quests like a regular MMO.

Itll be like opening shitty loot boxes every month. Sometimes youll get a good item(black decimeme) or maybe youll get the shit Schwartz helmet. And to add extra jewery to the system, make it so the directive isnt faction specific. So if youre grinding out the monthly directive on your roleplay TR only character, you still have a chance of unlocking a VS cosmetic or weapon despite never creating one because youre not a flaming faggot who chugs medkits and recognize the TR as the most morally unflawed of the three factions.
>This is like 5th time you ask, but you never show up, coward

I'm already there
To make the notifications less annoying, it would only send it to those who have redeployed or are in a 3 hex radius near the marker, or are at the warpgate.
so basically, add player-made quests and tie it in with a loot box system?

as jewey as that sounds, holy shit that is probably the best way to keep players playing
Yeah, but it would mean active leaders, so Id personally have another tutorial to teach squad leaders. And maybe some wrelfare to cert out this leader ability.

Since the leader chat across all servers is universally known as pretty shitty, Id first start out by restricting player quests to platoons/squads. I would also force all players to join a squad when they first join the game, new or not(they can just disable it like we currently can or used to do). I would also move the "always join squad" button to the options and not in the corner of the fucking squad join list.

Also, to prevent jewy gamers that want to just grind out quests, Id add a 10 minute cooldown. But if things get extra jewy, Id make a 50 quest limit for the account, not the character.

Obviously, wed need a revamped leader directive. So Id make it by only having succesful quests added to the directive.

Also, does higby still lurk our threads?
no, that's a rock you dingus

these explode
Fuck off, shitter.
>Also, does higby still lurk our threads?

He got beheaded by the Caliph of Malmo and his wife got sold to Somalians
b-but what about dog??
>Killing the game and proud of it
>these explode
>>with little weights inside them instead of explosives
>instead of

>quality discussion
>on /ps2g/
Aim Betterâ„¢
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he got eat

>tryhards are killing the game
>not daybreak's shitty decisions, one after another
good goy, blame the tryhards
now give us more shekels and maybe we'll even nerf HA some more
>he got eat
no pls ;_;
So if I make a reddit account and post my idea, will I get completely ignored or be downboated to oblivion for being a good idea?
>will I get completely ignored or be downboated to oblivion for being a good idea?
>will I get completely ignored or be downboated to oblivion for being a good idea?

Yeah, if you want upvotes make a thread how current PTS banshee needs even more buffs, because it takes 2s to kill a MAX at 250m and it should take 1s.
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g-guess ill stay here then ;_;
how come this mmo doesn't let me duel people
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just get in an ESF

>two top piltos hoverdueling at the warpgate
>wait until one's low, then kill him with tomcats
>his boyfriend starts impotently trying to teamkill you
you have to type /1v1 [Playername] in the chatbox
>fags getting triggered by BRRRRRT again

Good times.
t. 6 million KDR HE prowler + balanshee pro
high or low dpi?
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use my pronouns shitlord
400 or 800, my dude
Read up on your mouse's specs, and only ever use its native DPI.

What you should mess with is in-game sensitivity. Your combination of DPI and in-game sensitivity should make it so that your turn distance is at least 20 cm, possibly in the 30-40 cm range.

However, for a constant turn distance, higher DPI/lower in-game sens is better.
I just realized mine is at 1800
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Doesn't help that third party sites exist, but it would still help. Age of Conan had the same problem where you can view anyone K/D ratio by right clicking on them. Everyone was so fucking scared of fighting unless it was an assured win. After they removed the K/D shit from being easily accessed short of, again, third-party sites people started fighting and just having fun a whole lot more.
>Age of Conan
I should also add that it also helps that AoC was more than just senseless PVP, so the game didn't devolve into people on 4chan and reddit circlejerking about their K/D ratio because there's nothing better to do.

It was fairly relevant when it released and lost players due to the amount of bugs, hacks, imbalance, and duping exploits.

Planetside isn't relevant either, and assuming you play this game it isn't something you should try to lord over on other games. It's definitely not a strong point.
I played it. It was fun.
>page 10
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Is this their new plan for keeping players?
>Quality discussion
>Some delusional MLG fag telling how stats are skill but its SOE's fault that nobody wants to play the objective
>three people discussing viable interesting mechanics
just fuck back off to cripplechan and nys
git gud Jeremy
>reinstalled after several months
>KDR of .6 for the session
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It's not about winning.
It's about fun.
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>160 days
i've probably got double that across all my characters

Join an outfit and voice chat. Everyone goes through the KDR whore phase. You just need to shoot mans to live.
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>tfw CARV-S is a better minigun than T7
>tfw no 1000 killstreak achievement for the memetracker
Aim Betterâ„¢
Who are we angry at?
higby, he killed the game
on the other hand, wrel saved it
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how do the vanu maintain such a boundless appetite for semen?
squats on penises really builds up an appetite for penis juice
Would you rather have someone who's clueless, or someone who's biased?
Aim is fine if he's killing 1000 people without dying, I think he means the achievement just doesn't exist.
Take a fucking guess, buddy.
Higby did some good things and a load of stupid things. So far, the only good thing Wrel did was buffing flash suppressors (oh the irony)
t. Higby
>implying bulldog whale takes skill
t. not number one player in the game
hey there folks, shitter here
Don't you have a game to save or something?
game was already saved

t. posted from my personnely constructed base
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Literally the best way to play is to go full berserker while screaming.
>in a 96+v96+ stalemate for the biolab SCU
>faint screaming is heard from the spawn room
>it draws closer
>suddenly a dozen conc nades fucking up everyones screen
>screaming is LOUD now
>can barely here the sound of the jackhammer over the screaming
>SCU secured
>screaming starts to fade into distance
>generator is suddenly repaired
>faint unintelligible screaming barely heard in the distance as the enemy reinforcements stop trickling in

scream on you crazy diamond

scream on
>Higby did some good things and a load of stupid things
according to the man himself:

>Crafted the overall identity and vision of the Massively Multiplayer First Person Shooter game Planetside 2, provided project guidance and steering throughout the development process, launch and live product. Generated high level game systems & mechanic designs, provided hands-on steering of those systems and mechanics through implementation and iteration.

>Communicated a broad game vision to the team, executives, business owners, partners, players and press. Extensive community, PR and Social outreach to raise product awareness and excitement, including panels, presentations and talks around the globe alongside articles and interviews published in all major gaming websites and trade publications.

>Attained an 84 on Metacritic as a free-to-play title.
you forgot

>is a cutie
Is it ironic since he used to use flash suppressors since he thought no muzzle flash was worth it?
I think he did it on purpose.
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What's the biggest group you've successfully defended or attacked against single-handedly?
>traseros literally using norecoil + 3.4x scope on stream
a platoon of DA and AC

almost made me pull my HA ;^)
Killing people with the Bulldog is easy, staying alive when everything else wants to kill you isn't. PS where's your 1000 killstreak
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>pulling your mouse down is norecoil

he using 3.4x TAR with literally no recoil

TAR is the most unruly gun in the entire game, with HORRENDOUS RECOIL
good thing guns in this game don't have recoil anyways, have you ever played anything besides planetside?
Recoil on the GR22 is worse, TAR is tame in comparison
>GR-22 - recoils in one direction, typical NC ezmode
>TAR - recoil is spastic and in both directions
i don't wonder how many people i killed in quake
Vertical fov to 80= no recoil
>getting instagibbed before the fagmo even decloaks

you would think this shit would get less annoying,
Cloak is server-side, it's probably your ping that's the problem, not theirs.
Why does it only seem to happen with certain people but not any one else?
except he plays on 65 FOV
big mouse pad probably senpai
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>wanting unfree faggot

>lusting for anything except for the sound their chainguns make

this image is bad and you should feel bad
>and you should feel bad
haha jokes on u nerd i actually hate myself
it's ok, at least two people hate you now
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pfff like i even care brb gonna go not cry myself to sleep
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I hope this thread hits bump limit so all five people who follow ps2g know how bad you are at everything.
>tfw the best player in the game posts in ps2g
sorry i am the fifth person and the third person. so all four people*
>Log in
>Land in Hossin
>play 5 mins
>pull a Vanguard
>Vanu Sovereignty has captured Hossin!
>warp to Esamir
>crazy fight at Elli Tower
>five minutes later
>Terran Republic has captured Esamir!

I fucking logged off. Twice now I got myself into a fight and the game said "fuck you this game is not for playing"

It's like they actively don't want players.
is he your boyfriend or something
It's me, actually.
who is this kid
i hate myself too
I hate all of you
Just started playing. Man, 1st gaming session was really fun. took 3 hours to take koltyr tech plant outpost from the blue team. It was a intense 3-way fight. Pretty fun. Would have fell a lot faster if a guy defending wasn't cheating though
which color is what group? I chose the tech guys who are purple.
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behead those who insult the maggie
those are actually the anti-tech religionists that want to destroy humanity and become one with aliens (who they worship)
Alright I'm back after a long break again.

Which guns that I love got fucked sideways? NC.

Is the Carnage AR good again yet?
I'm pretty sure the gauss rifle and AC-X11 are still da bes
I kinda want a classic gauss rifle, too

I'd like more guns that actually look like updates of their PS1 counterparts
Really? The description of them made it sound like they thought tech was the future of humanity. Was a close choice between them and the republic.
Terran Republic: red and black space commies
New Conglomerate: blue and yellow space 'murrikans
Vanu Sovereignty: purple and grey space faggots
you have futuristic communists, futuristic americans, and purple dildo fags nobody likes
Someone sounds a little bias.
no, he's right. i'm a VS main and i don't even like any other VS
i am also a VS main and can confirm, VS are fags except >>147312285 is wrong, they're not purple they're black

What about for engineer? I've got...Cyclone (obviously), Razor, and Warden.
Don't worry, you dun good

You picked the best performing faction, if you play TR or NC you'll lose more often

That's why there's so much salt in the thread about VS - all the good players play VS. Only shitters play NC or TR. (In fact, TR are commonly referred to as shitTRs)
Yeah, I might leave the low level continent early so I can see how the faction perform with more people. VS seems like winners. Plus, they have the best color.
daily reminder that sub 380 kd/9845 spm is shitter status

also jumping to avoid incoming fire is faggot status
1 to 4 jumps is ok if you're pounding medkits anon
>Freedom fighters. Probably the closest thing to a "good" faction as their soldiers are fighting for personal freedoms, although their leadership is grey, as they're run by a conglomerate of corporations. You can't make profit without a free market, after all.
>Their weapons generally have the highest damage per shot with a tradeoff of slow firerate and chunky recoil.
>Players have a reputation/stereotype for being moronic, if friendly. Highest chance of friendly fire. You will want to kill yourself if you have to rely on a random teammate for something.

>Remnant soldiers of the original military excursion that embarked for Auraxis in the first place. Mostly just mean to end the war, unify the factions, and establish peace. Before the conflict they were rused into believing the other factions committed a terrorist attack by a man within the faction who then performed a power grab, reforming it into something of an autocracy. Rather like the NC, the leadership is more "evil" than the soldiers themselves, though TR's leadership is perhaps a bit more unambiguously evil.
>Their philosophy as far as weapon design is large mags and high fire rates.
>Players are stereotypically harsh, and their conventional military aesthetic can produce obnoxious "milsim" enthusiasts. Not to say that you won't find friendly players and recruiting outfits.
>A faction of scientists and cultists alike obsessed with the alien vanu, the race that was presumably repsonsible for the creation of auraxis and the advanced technologies found there. I can't remember their exact history, but there are subtle implications here and there that the VS are being brainwashed by their usage of ancient technology. Nevertheless, they believe mankind's future progress and evolution relies on the Vanu. If you ask me, with their dogmatic insistence on joining the Vanu "religion" or being exterminated, they're the closest thing to a starkly evil faction in the game.
>Weapons are more of a mixed bag, with their unique weapons having some kind of experimental weird gimmick like charge-up or a very short bullet travel time. Bar their bolt action sniper rifles, all of their weapons have zero bullet drop, and their recoil is generally fairly mild. Their weapon velocity often suffers for this, but not always. I'd call them the most user friendly faction.
>Players are a mixed bag of randos, memers, and oddballs. Will either be pleasant or utterly insufferable.
>Players are stereotypically harsh, and their conventional military aesthetic can produce obnoxious "milsim" enthusiasts. Not to say that you won't find friendly players and recruiting outfits.
i like the sound of this.
>Players are stereotypically harsh, and their conventional military aesthetic can produce obnoxious "milsim" enthusiasts.

You mean "stereotypically Terran Players are whiny ballerinas and edge lords, an average TR player would put a My Chemical Romance fangirl to shame"
They're also pretty whiny, I forgot to mention. That's definitely a thing.
if you spent half as much time aiming better as you did whining about people in video games, you might not be a shitter
You forgot the whole thing about most of them being bloodthirsty mercenaries hired by giant soulless corporations
Wanna try me?
>most of them
i dunno about that jose, there are mercenaries though
>run up to terminal
>mash e a couple times to make the interface fuck off because I only want a resupply
>run away a bit and press 3 for medkits or rep tool or something
>terminal interface pops back up a half second later and selects loadout 3
>have to fix loadout and close terminal interface again
I don't know what they changed but this shit is annoying as hell.
*unsheathes bulldog*
MCR isn't edgy or emo, where the hell are people getting this?
MCR's aesthetic is pretty emo, nigga
if you could include one feature from PS1 that isn't in PS2 to be implemented right now, what would you pick?
Energy systems and logistics
I could say inventories or the good certification system or anything that makes sense like that, but I'm just going to say lodestars.

Lodestars are hilarious.

surely banana man won't REK it
man I'll suddenly get the urge to play more medic because of ARs, but then I remember all the times I've been teamkilled for not raising undeads and it passes
are we gonna make it, boys
Thread sure is slow in the early euro hours
They may be right to teamkill you, if you just play medic for the AR's then youre a shitter
Right, pros play medic for the AR and the health/shield regen tools.
but I don't. I just prioritize shooting mans over running into fire to get myself killed trying to heal someone who died in a retarded spot. I animate a lot of undeads in between shooting
>not wanting a meat shield
>running into fire to get myself killed trying to heal someone who died in a retarded spot

That's what jebus nades are for.
>not using frags
>see MLGPRO duck behind some crates with his medkit out
>pop a grenade and ADS
dead if he stays, dead if he moves

I've seen a few logout to escape.
Emergency bump
on memetracker when you kill someone and it shows their kd, is that their ivi kd or their inflated kd?
anyone have the _____x______ is the most skill intense activity in any video game ever pasta?
wow, she gave that entire forest wood
the trees are trying to flee from her weird alien face and creepy ps2g stalker
every time you ask that you redeploy away in fear
is there actually a place planetmans meat up to duel? or am i being memed
PTS maybe
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>be man
>get objectified
wtf i hate ps2 now
are u cute tho
2bf u r qt tho
NC = space cowboys

They need more high noon
>not one mention of dildos or autism
I'm still seeing plenty of lowbies around.

In case any of you don't know how it be.


This is how it be.
interactive environments - doors, gangplanks, shield emitters, successive movement through a base (hack exterior doors, gain a foothold, proceed to hack further into the base, eliminate key objectives like power supply to disable vehicle terminals and generators) and new interiors that actually look interesting; no more empty room after empty room with maybe a shelf or a table.
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>tfw Terran Republic are te canonical winners in Planetside 2 since they won in the end of Planetside
I was running around indar comm and clowncuite was going "look at me I'm a just a 12 year old little squeaker, squeak squeak" and in general just playing up shit over comms for attention.

red flags m8
I like these. More of these.
/hossin exclusive napalm weapons when/

Attach ripper to t9 carv and bayonet charge when?
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>faction shitposting
>subtle suggestions for better game
>autismic ironic millenial roleplaying
>lack of aim better and mlg stat whores

When will this period of bliss end? Will it be over by the summer? ;_;. Stay with us summer fags.
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back to cripplechan
Whats that site that has current server pop and class breakdown by kd per faction?
VANU is transhumanism, or technocracy.
Mfw probably the only Jew on this general
the suits should cut you a bonus check
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Am I a good goy yet?

I play VS, support multiculturalism, think islam is a religion of peace, watch blacked porn every day, and I am part of BLM despite being a cis white male.
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u r my greyest ally
Maybe in the 90s now you are a left wing cuck
mate you are dumb
>implying the Jew ever changes
left wing cuck are good goys
2 Jews 3 opinions
1 oven
>think islam is a religion of peace

Pretty sure Jews don't think islam is a religion of peace
Whatever been on 4chan since 1999 and I know the truth about kikes
goyim, gentile

Those are words for non-jews. The good goy is one who consumes and thinks as his master wants him to.
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this is not the right dog

Get rekt redcoat.
Worst salutesare French
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thats dogs
>regularly dumpster DA and AC memers
>look up their memelabs scores
>I'm higher ranked than all but one or two of them

I can't believe there was a point when I was worried about running into these kids.
emergency bump
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that dog is sleepy :3c
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>getting spawn camped by vehicles
>game randomly decides to not let you shoot rockets at the vehicles camping the spawn
Wot is ur name
New thread pls
Redditors post itt so plz no
how can you tell?
now dog is angr ;_;
>playing ps2 on ps4 because
>NC are idiots, VS are Idiots, TR are decent but low population
>Play TR and literally cap the map with 1/8th the total population
>Decided to play NC to see why they are so shit
>Go to warp gate, 90% of NC are there shooting each other
>congs are mongs
>water is wet
It's not just in the warpgate bruh
make new thread
most of them cheat

how is it even surprising?
if someone dosent make a new thread, where will i meme??/ ;_;
you make it
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