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/owg/ Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 784
Thread images: 153

>Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Stats and Leaderboards (Unofficial)

>Official Comics

Previous thread: >>146605371
lucio is overpowered
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First for HonHonBerry.
what ranking did you guys get in the ptr
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didnt play it because i always got "unexpected server error" when i tried to log-in to PTR

also, filtered

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Let's see if /owg/ can guess the class this guy played based only on this information:

His team lost 0-2 on Nepal.
nth for overwatch is basically like TF2
So perfect
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Just shoot the 200hp froggie while he's on one of his long ass healing cooldowns. If he just ulted, wait five seconds.
I'm starting to think instead of "x character is OP", scrubdubs should actually say "mobility is overpowered."
40-something. I stopped logging in after my ranking matches because I had 3 ragequitters in a row and that tanked my MMR.
You can't be serious...
Mr. Shimada.
The shitty one, not the robot one.
He probably played Hanzo.
>498 games played
>246 wins

Holy shit it's real
Went 8/2 and got 54. Playing competitive solo queue is still a flip of a coin as you either get horrible teammates or the best. Games are always still one sided as hell
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husband killer
easy, he played hanzo
I like the defensive weekly arcade, but they limit it to koth and maybe escorts. straight capture point a and b is super in favor of the defenders.
Played D.va for the first time today. She's fun as fuck. And surprisingly good at shredding tanks.

ew ew ew ew ew
No shit, her name is Widowmaker.
Embrace the red pill.
Welcome back, blueberry poster!
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and when he's dancing on the payload, just run up and punch him in his stupid face

oh he used his knockback? oh no, one whole second to run back and punch him to death.

(this is assuming you're not playing a splash damage hero, in which case i think you can figure it out)
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Sleep tight reaper
Movement is overpowered. People can't dodge bullets
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Who is this disgusting Chinese knockoff blueberry and why is she in this thread?

In the right hands, she's strong.
What's up with Blizzard and their love for eyeliner
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>PoC erasure

Tumblr would like a word with you
I love it
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What posesses people to stay as a widowmaker when they're not accomplishing anything and in fact actively hurting their team by taking people off the objective WITH A HANZO ALREADY ON THE TEAM
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Why the fuck do so many heroes have yellow eyes
If you photoshop the eye-liner off you'll see the characters are unattractive.
they enjoy playing widowmaker.
So what's the best way to deal with a Zarya? The best I've done so far is use Reaper to flank her and Widowmaker to kill her in two headshots. She seems to have some serious survivability and combined with not being able to shoot her when she shields, really really hard to get off the battlefield. Any tips?
What race would you like to see represented in the next hero?
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genderbent junkrat destroys my dick
So does it count towards a leaver penalty if I leave during assemble screen? I know they said it doesn't, but would if I leave once it reaches "setup", but I just got a leaver penalty out of nowhere, from simply rerolling maps during assemble screen.
I never left. I was busy making Overbooks and planning the next one while playing Overwatch.
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Reminder that 3 people on the cart makes it go faster
How do we make Widow fun again? She feels so clunky after the scope nerf
Where the fuck is my blueberry?
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Blueberries are for whitewashing!

been spending all the currency I get in loot boxes on bullshit since it won't carry over to the regular game

just like real life
you don't. blizzard decides when and if she will be changed.
There's no real hard counters except getting your team to coordinate and focus fire on her when her shield is on cooldown

Maybe McCree
Please delete this right now
>not mostly balding
>not an irradiated skeleton
>not covered in gunpowder and enemy blood

shit tier genderbend
Can someone please do this?
>let me just play Widowmaker and Hanzo :^)
Street pig. If you ever see her use her shield just chase her down, and then hook her once it goes away. She's actually very squishy for a tank if her shield is not up.
That's some capcom pro tip right there, but considering how many people ignore objectives it's fine.
(Shooting mercy first disables enemy's ability to get health back!)
Now she just looks like Chinese Knockoff Kerrigann.

Reinhardt, in my experience. Charge her the hell away from your idiot teammates so that they don't shoot the bubble.
Widowmaker's nose is cute!
Sadly eye liner is kind of an asset at this point.

Imagine seeing someone without eyebrows.

objectives are easy to take if the defense all gets killed
both are completely fine on attack, widow in particular
They're fine on Attack in certain situations.

It's more like

>no frontline offense
>no tank
>no support
>let me just play the second sniper :^)
please no one correct these morons so i can keep getting easy wins
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Here, I've improved Widowmaker
gay op is back
They're only good for killing turrets. Any other hero is better.
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delete this
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This is by far the worst pug experience Blizzard has ever made.
why did you spoiler "race"?
yeah i'm sure teams like cloud 9 and LG could use your wisdom and stop utilizing widow on attack

also saw hanzo used on attack earlier today in dorado by LG and it worked wonders

yeah maybe if the players are shit level which they probably are if you are in same game with them
probably because they're roided super soldiers?
I want Widowmaer to kill me
Zenyatta needs to be buffed.. 100 - 150 more hp. Please.
>muh esports

Literally retarded.
by all means, please keep playing snipers on attack. if it worked for the pros, i'm sure it'll work for you.
id take going in 1 by 1 over standing there while they push the payload in overtime without contesting at all
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you aren't contesting shit if you die in 1 second you fucking retard
It's another "have to play tank or healer again" episode.

I don't really mind tanking or healing in this game most of the time but what bothers me is never being able to play the other half of the cast which are much more varied and interesting.
thanks, guy who picks hanzo on every map in every game. your valuable input is appreciated.

then he'll just be too powerful
does junkrat have the highest dps behind turret mode bastion? he can put down some serious heat in a short space of time.

your mmr is clearly low if snipers are ineffective in your games

or you are a console player which means your opinion is utterly irrelevant.
Oliva Biscuit Doomfist.

New tank hero

Q would be like hanzo arrow + Reinhardt ult

Permanently destroys structures in a level when used
Have you tried not being a cuckold
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zarya needs a nerf

oh lawdy
you don't have to do anything.
t. hanzo main
>trying to change my crosshair for Soldier 76
>both circle and dot are exactly the same

What did Blizzard mean by this?
>attacking kings row
>tell my team to go in deep to get the first point
>they don't
>worst offender is a fucking D.va attacking from long range
>I have to take point A by myself as 76
>Get the payload out with 10 seconds to spare
>team goes absolutely retarded and starts changing character
>now have 2 genjis, hanzo, widowmaker,mcree and me
>give up and leave game
more like your team needs a buff
>green eyes

she'd have blue eyes if she were real anon don't pretend

Just get rid of him then. There's no point him even being in the game.
Sleep teep reap
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Jesus christ I have about 25% accuracy for all my heroes

How do I git gud at aiming
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replace one word with nigger in an overwatch voice line. I'll start:

they're plenty effective. they're also trivial to counter.

keep playing them.
Play osu!
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>caring about aiming in a game with infinite ammo
>level 72: "hey whats that speed??"
>"its lucio"
>"oh, it feels weird"
hahahah he said nigger :DDDDD
The world could always use more niggers!
hol up

consider this

6 lucio on payload defense

hop around on point and be obnoxious

once you die, you can sanic back to the cart and contest it

chained ults means no amount of wombo combo can kill you

repeat ad nauseam

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anymore watertight meme arguments?
He's nos really supposed to be in the thick of the battle, the idea is you hang around the edge and through orbs to heal and deal more damage as necessary. That's also why he has poor mobility. If he had more hp people would just be charging through with him and he could shred
thanks, hall monitor.
that dva skin the gaudiest thing I have ever seen in gaming

and i played a shitload of korean rpgs
low accuracy means you're stopping the enemy from walking through doorways so your team can push up
>those ugly-ass skins

I'm sorry for your loss. D.Va has some of the worst legendary skins in the game
I didn't ask you, faggot
you wouldn't have any damage to hold them back and you wouldn't have a tank to rally behind so you'd be too squishy as a team
doesn't matter. you require my opinion.
Sorry bro. That's the worst D.va skin. The only good D.va skins are Carbon fiber and the Junker one. That's also the worst widow skin next to the launch skin. Least you got some gold.
Her mecha look fine in her legendaries, the problem is her godawful haircuts.

That Widow skin is straight up one of the worst in the game though.
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>want to play Genji
>enemy team has a Winston
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Would you play with me?
>missed top five hour
>really proud of my top five
>wanted to impress owg
stop making me skirmish
half the lobbies are completely empty
depends if u have a cute voice or not
Another Arab because Pharah's mom, or Hispanic/Omnic because Sombra
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How can that korean Zarya player have been accused of cheating when she is nowhere near as suspicious as Surelock?
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Lipstick skins when
so avoid him, grind ult on the other 5 players and kill him with dragonblades
>stop making me do something I have the option of turning off
>he still has skirmish on

fuck no. I don't need any more attack symmetras running around not doing shit.
needs more colors 8/10
you can turn it off?
wew lad
>want to win
>own team has a genji
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I drew my OC: Sawzall, running into action.
Reminder that being the highest level on your team means you're the worst.
How could you play poo in loo so much?
>50% of the game is on defense
>less than 50% of his playtime is on symmetra

why are you so angry

>actually like skirmish
>game makes me wait for 1.5 minutes in the title screen instead of putting me in skirmish

what the fuck? Does it do that for anyone else?
good, then i won't feel as bad when i inevitably lose.
Predator view?
Team on Defence? Play Sym, on attack? Mercy.
stop being autistic and study for your grade 7 english assignment

if you aren't good at drawing already you need to stop and concentrate on maths because you'll never become professional
>Pharah charges in alone against bastion/torb superfortress with literally no backup in sight

Image Capcha has some banner saying something in Arabic for some reason probably ISIS trying to sneak their way in
lipstick is shit
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Are you McCree anon?
What's your battletag?
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this tbh cuck.jpg
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sorry sorry, sorry i'm nigger
Why are you so angry
Legit question

Is it possible to carry your teammates in this game or are you always completely reliant on your teammates
Niggers never die!
>literally every person I ever see tracer has a legendary skin for her

what's up with that? Do people just not play tracer until they unlock one of her skins? or does everyone who plays tracer just love her so much they need a legendary.
>enter hallway
hanzo everybody
Did somebody say, nigger?
You absolutely need to coordinate at least once or twice during a game, it's impossible to do everything on your own.
Cheers nigger, the cavalry's here!
You're very heavily reliant on your team. You can't 'carry' but you can certainly make some plays that win the game.

You can't 1v6 in this game though so you need a pretty competent coordinated team otherwise you get shit on.
Young punks, get off my nigger.
That's what he was designed to do in the game you shitter
>hanzo card on the end of the game
>10 scatter arrow kills
>10 eliminations
I don't expect you to understand this but as phara you're responsible for going in after your team dies and cleaning up. I couldn't tell you the amount of team kills i get on koth, every now and then i get my shit rekt but I'm potg and one card 4/5 games.

>attacking kings row
>have some middle aged autist barking orders down the mic
>we choose to defy everything he asks
>im D.va and see his moaning about me most which makes me defy him more
>he thinks he's carrying the team, but he's died most
>we change characters to spite him
>he screams something down the mic
>gives up and leaves game
>we play serious
Is there any other completely unavoidable attack in the game? Whenever I die to scatter arrow it seems like bullshit.
Iv'e got niggers in my sights!
Her legendary skins are shit, if you see one, it's just a shitter trying to play Tracer.
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>it's the russian map on defense
>D team picked genji, d.va, zenyatta, zarya, reaper, tracer

>enemy team just kills them from afar
>uhhh how did we lose????!?!?
>team goes in one by one to obvious Bastion and Torb then get salty when they die
At that point I switch to Hanzo/Widow and fuck around.
epic bro just epic for the win
Just started this game last night. Is Lucio one of the better characters in this game? I always find myself getting out of a lot situations with him and getting a ton of heals.
i wish they would have given widow a laser sight like the TF2 sniper when scoped in

that way it wouldn't be 100% bullshit whenever you round a corner and eat a bullet. not technically unavoidable like the scatter arrow though
>playing mei
>round a corner to see enemy symmetra finishing off roadhog
>ice block immediately to wait out the damage ramp-up on her M1
>ice block ends and she still jump ropes me to death in 1.5 seconds

how the fuck does this hero's weapon even work
You can carry with Tracer.
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>tfw getting better at D.Va

She seems like Winston in a way.
Replace curious with nigger on Winstons.
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I'm sorry friend, I have it on both, but since my comp is a literal potato attached to a toaster and painful to play on, I mostly play on console. Plus, all my friends are there.

Is not as bad as all that! If you have any PC experience you'll do pretty well, and the hero picks are a lot different. You hardly ever see blueberries and since the nerf they're almost nonexistent. There's a shitload of torbs, pharahs and hanzos.

Plus my queue times are really quick, even in a full stack. I don't get it. I've waited up to 7 min before where I never wait for more than a minute there.
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tfw you buttrape someone so hard they sperg out.
tfw you buttrape someone so hard they start sending you tweets to defend how hard they lost

Literally hold finger on the trigger and run around enemy. It's not too dissimilar to Mei's. People are always thrown off by an aggressive Symmetra as well.
What's your opinion on console players?
you can carry 4 people, you can't carry 5

there isn't a hero that can do everything

the only correct answer is "who cares"

anything else is pure autism
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Legendary skins you want to see for heroes. I want what's in this image for Reaper.
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I wish I could play with my brother who is on Xbox
That they literally take up more than 3/4 of overwatch sales.
oh lol. the person who replied to that post actually posted how I normally die when I play him.

is Mei actually overpowered? She just seems more annoying if anything. I just ignore her most of the time.
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More salt here. This time from "Gabynator". He's the guy who got banned for cheating/hacking in Diablo 3.

I have a ridiculously high win rate(no serial leaving) from playing only with my comp team in pubs & we run into salty fucks like this every single day
Do the babies get slaughtered as he takes damage?
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>playing in Japanese
Some skins inspired by mecha anime for D.Va. Sorta like mechaqueen on pharah
>stop being autistic
You can't tell me what to do!
Stonehardt or Blackhardt?


Ok, i chuckled.
No, they sneak a noose around his neck from above and hang him.

Mei is literally the pyro of this game

i.e never used competitively and only kills shitters
>no E.Va skin at launch

Blizz is literally retarded
Wouldn't he turn into a ghost and fly away?
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Doom or overwatch as GOTY?
Not because they are really fucking good, but because the are the only games relased this year that haven't been garbage
> best girl skin for dva when?
God damn. Outplayed i guess lol
Stonehardt. Blackhardt is nice too and worth using if RNG is keeping Stonehardt out of your reach.
Good. Eva is entry level garbage. 99% of Eva fans watch no other mecha or at most gundam
DOOM is better.
yeah ill keep playing widow and keep winning 65% of my games with her and climbing mmr while you keep being trashcan in your trash games where picking winston and hunting the enemy widow works
I'm honestly surprised people on console can find this game enjoyable. Shit just moves way too fast for a controller. I don't know how they play shit like gengi and tracer when they get shit on by torbs so hard that they're nerfing torb turret damage by 30 percent.

I can barely keep my crosshairs on a gengi or tracer with a mouse.
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That's because mecha = trash
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>game literally unplayable
>internet is perfectly fine
I guess I won't be playing tonight
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>make a post
>no (yous)
>haven't talked to a human being in weeks
>haven't talked to a human being IRL in months
Restart your modem and router anyway

kyoani is a tumor on the entertainment industry
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>Blasting a Pharah out of the sky with fire strike
>99% of Eva fans watch no other mecha

All mecha anime is shit.
I run into this every now and again too. The rubber-banding netcode in this game is fucked. If your latency is above 300ish ms your character literally cannot move meanwhile everything around you is rendered fine.

Well, then he'd drop the babies, right?

nice get senpai
20 dicks
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>not knowing japanese
This has been happening to me the past few days
It's infuriating on the attack but okay on defense because I can just sit my ass on the spot behind my turret
they shouldn't be allowed to discuss the game without a disclaimer that they play on console

i feel like some of the most retarded arguments i've had about this game have probably been with people that likely play on console

stuff like calling torbjörn unbeatable and pharah uncounterable (before the widow nerf) and other stupid shit like that

if i knew from the start that they're console players i would know to disregard them. it's pretty annoying that someone might be so arrogant that they start talking about their console gameplay without informing you first that they play in a handicapped setting.
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Or give his orb of discord the additional ability of reducing incoming dmg by X% whenever it's up.
I bet you think mecha means just giant robots
20 Hz
I had a stretch of that shit a couple weeks ago and it made the game totally unplayable. No matter what I did nothing helped and then it randomly went away and has been fine since then.
The more I play this game the more it feels overrated
How am I supposed to make /vg/ friends if there's no chat channel?
That's actually not a bad idea.

That would reward a high uptime on orb of discord instead of just flat out buffing his HP.
welcome to casual gaming
Eva is mecha deconstructed into a show for people who don't like mecha
Same reason a lot of people who would otherwise hate magical girl shows liked meguca meduka
Why does d.va have shit skins? Shes my most played and I want to buy a skin for her but they all are kinda crap. Also what is her best skin have 1200 moneys
>widowmaker gets nerfed

>pharah+pocket mercy and a zarya in literally every match

i take it back give me the blueberry
because it is

there are other genres for anime that don't have giant robots in them
How did they nerf her
Carbon Fiber or White Rabbit unless you don't mind being ugly as hell outside of the mech.

If Junker had a better haircut it'd easily be the best skin.
>not liking B.va
>reaper drops down
>entire team literally dead in half a second before i can even respond

how is this allowed
I have already

That's what makes it so aids, its not my issue at all
>he thinks i'm talking about winston

like i said. keep handing me free kills.
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> Eva skin
> not Gurren Lagann skin
You dun goofed

you can counter reaper's ult by killing him
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>not watching the flank
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Somebody linked the official forums earlier and now I can't stop reading this shit.

This one's particularly good, it's like every bit of shitter crybaby whining all rolled up into one post.
Rein already has one of those.
He could use +25 hp desu. Less squishy, but still doesn't have the usual hp
>It is

No, it isn't. Look up what it means. Pharah is just as mecha as D.Va despite not being a mech. Opinion discarded
In a way that doesn't really affect the game. Body shots do less damage but that won't save a zenyatta or tracer anyway.
>queue into game
>check if it's low ping
>hopefully these people aren't shit
>they pick okay heroes
>round starts
>they all instantly die and get smashed by the enemy team
>go to add all of them to avoid
>all of them are already marked as avoid
>5 people i'm trying to avoid ended up on my team

good game blizzard, i love sitting in queue for 20 minutes to find the one game that's actually worth playing
shit lol
Avoid doesn't work you dip
Madoka was pretty gud desu.
So obviously a leaguebabb

I don't know what it is about them but they think everything is overpowered and has to be nerfed immediately
is for
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>being a literal weeb
>Geni and Hanzo insta-locked
>This happens every game
Really? Can I have one game without these fucks?
forced 50
it doesn't matter if pharah and d.va are both mechs

all mecha anime is shit
>not being able to turn it around
>not use in the time to practice other hero's

Your a hanzo arnt you?
who then? him and genji are easily the two best heroes at hunting widow down

neither actually counters a good widow so hard that they'd make her not worth playing though
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SERIOUS question here.

Do you bunny-hop? Is it even worth bunny-hopping if you're sacrificing accuracy?

Do you move in particular patterns? zig-zag, circles etc?
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I've just come off 6 games where Tracer, Genji, Hanzo and Roadhog were instapicked every time
You can mix text in Japanese and voices in Korean to be sure to offend someone.
i play support, reaper or soldier 76 because i'm actually good at them and can play the whole game on fire
I know, right.

I just did the math and I'm playing tank or support 70% of the time.

And by God, it's not because I want to.
If you're fighting someone you know you can't outdamage bunny-hopping is definitely worth it. Bunny-hopping over and around the payload is the best way to stall until your team can revive.
Man I'm bored with this game.

What's the appeal this game has for it to be talked about by everyone ? I don't feel involved in it.
Why do you like it so much, am I missing something ?
Any general advice for getting better at this game? I really hate that I do next to nothing in almost every match, but this is my first FPS

What are some general tips people new to the FPS genre might not be privy to?
My aim is terrible and I keep dying instantly
i use projectile based heroes, so it doesn't matter.
Genji is INFURIATING to the other team with his double jump. I can keep a point in o er time for 5+ minutes with that alone.
Any other character it really dosnt matter with the hit box bullshit, though I do try on zen, even the 1% chance of survival on him is worth a couple hops.
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> Been doing pretty well lately, just hit the ten hour mark with Reinhardt, learning to carry shitters pretty well
> Games this morning were fine
> Get into chingchong tower a while ago
> One genji who's god, one Mccree who never stands on the point, and a Symmetra who refuses to switch to healer
> It's a struggle, but once they listen to me and somebody else besides the symmetra switches to Lucio and we win
> Next game I load into a defeat
> Game after that I'm with some brainless retards who won't contest the payload
> One guy was healer for a minute and then switched off and nobody switched back
> I've finally met a Reinhardt on my skill level again
> I'm getting stomped, which wouldn't be a problem if people would fucking back me up, but nobody follows me into fights
I thought 50/50 was a meme. I'll never think that again.
>play with shit players
>mark them as avoid
>game keeps putting me with shit players

It doesn't matter if it works or not. It's an indicator and it's indicating that blizzard keeps putting me 5 retards.

forced 50 isn't a meme they said, we don't want to admit the only reason we win is forced 50 they said
Do you guys look down if you're running away? Does it even help in this game?
You're probably in a leaver shadow pool kek
I serpentine.
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>If your latency is above 300ish ms your character literally cannot move meanwhile everything around you is rendered fine.
This is exactly what's happening.

Everyone else is fine, but I can't shoot/reload/move or anything, if I watch the killcam I'm just standing still.

I wish I was actually rubberbanding to these fucks instead of it just being on my end, atleast I'd have some entertainment with people raging because they can't kill me
sageru goes in the email field
I hop too but I wonder if I just focused on the X-axis solely, my accuracy would improve tremendously, particularly when it comes to headshots.

But *not* bunny-hopping just sorta feels wrong to me since I grew up with UT (1999) and Quake.
leaver shadow pool? what's that?
Why does /owg/ hate Seagull?
cheers love, the nigger's here

Memorize the maps.

Find a dpi/sensitivity setting you like for your mouse and stick with it. Adjusting it constantly will fuck up your aim.

I find that a bright colored, small crosshair helps me place tight shots.

Expect to die a lot and in bullshit ways, this is one of those games.

Start with the easier classes and as you get better, work your way to playing the harder ones. Winston's a good starting place. He's tanky, mobile and his gun autoaims.

Try waiting a minute before starting the next game so everyone you just played with has gotten accepted into a different match.

As for the "Avoid this player" function, it's there but it does nothing because it has been intentionally disabled and the only reason you can still click it is removing it from the UI requires a patch.
i have over 100 hours played and im done with the game until they nerf hanzo into the ground so no one plays him ever again.
For me its always fucking Reinhart

Nerf when?
lower your sensitivity to make aiming easier
don't run in a straight line
jump around like a spaz to make yourself harder to hit
>yfw mei is actually /fit/ and the huge suit is weighted just like goku's bangles so when she takes it off she becomes a literal god of athletic prowess
I thought they removed the option from the UI completely already.
I don't actually know if it's in OW, but there's a hidden number in Dota that counts down with reports and abandons, which matches you with players that have a similar hidden pool number. So if you keep on leaving it might match you with people that have a lot of avoids.

>Nerf a class that literally 5% of people can use effectively
>Not just harvesting Hanzo "mains" for free ult.

One thing I want them to change is the hitboxes, the mechanics are fine.
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If Tracer's shooting at you, you'd be stupid not to.
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Someone post ass, I need more ass!

God, he pubstomps randoms so hard

That probably just means you aren't retarded. Blizzard will probably do what valve did and make permissions for public stats. Hanzo exists. Mercy is 200% required for every team, so one person is guaranteed to be an ult bot that doesn't have to be good at aiming or controlling space.
dude thats what i said in last thread
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lmfao are all overwatch players this unimaginative
Scatter arrow is bullshit and I hate it.
>mmr is shit from quitting so much
>gets ranked with scrubs to carry
>quits halfway through because he can't do it
>mmr never takes a hit
You're doing it to yourself. I bet if you take some of those players off, they're a hell of a lot better and your mmr level again.
hanzo while there was another hanzo on the team
Mercy Guide:

Do Not Heal Ever:

High priority heal:
>Other Mercy

Damage boost priority:
Thanks, and how many heroes should one focus on for different roles? All of them? Two for each sub-class?

really appreciate the advice btw
because he's a dick

seriously, just play tf2 with him and watch how he spergs out when you kill him

plus he's basically a genji/bast main
That shit's broken and probably not working anyways. The menu position saves the "Avoid" flag, not the individual player.
make it less about another way to instantly kill someone and more a way to damage a group of enemies
>nerfing one of the worst heroes in the game
All he has is his lucky logs. Or is it because he's a popular pick in pubs and for some reason this sets spergs off?
>the city of luminosity
And I posted that idea yesterday :3c
The blue post was

>As a result, we’ve disabled the Avoid system (the UI will go away in an upcoming patch).

If that patch has already hit, I dunno. I've been playing PTR almost exclusively this week and it's gone there as it's supposed to be.
Seagull a shit

Harbleu a true homie
There are heroes that can sneak around and pick her off
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>Competitive Overwatch

You're inevitably going to find a hero that you really like and sink most of your time into them. But learning how to play all the heroes at least competently will make you a massive boon to your team because you'll be able to counter the other team that much better.
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genji mains are honest to god the most disgusting retarded cancerous people in any game's playerbase in the history of fucking video games

just delete this worthless hero from the source code

literally nothing will change

if anything the game will improve
>919 ▶
>>>146621705 (You)
>And I posted that idea yesterday :3c
i posted it 15 years ago when you were -2

! what now
>plus he's basically a genji/bast main

He plays Pharah in payload maps a lot in comp play.
finally caved and bought this game

see you ingame friends.

B-hopping makes the enemy tracking harder and sometimes you can dodge the Helix Rocket or regular Rocket at your feet. It makes harder for Mei and Hanzo to headshot you, but easier to bodyshot you (as well as Pudge's Hook and Widow).

All in all, it depends on position/distance of both characters and enemy teamcomp (if you're kinda surrounded or think there may be an enemy on your side or back).
Why is hanzo popular among pugs in the first place?
What the fuck
t. bad mercy
learn to aim
add junkrat to your damage boost priority
Daily reminder that 20Hz

If only there were classes that could ALSO move behind stuff easily. Perhaps with a teleport. Or a rocket boost. Or literally climbing over the wall.

Nah, you're right, she's totally broken and you should just resign yourself to the loss.
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Oh hey, very true. Thanks a lot bud
Why is D.va's ulti so shit?

Convince me that it isn't the worst one in the game

>extremely long duration
>huge tell
>leave user exposed and vulnerable until explosion
>can be blocked by line of sight by any item
>user can't even outrun the explosion
>long charge
It's High Nigger
>our zenyatta and their zenyatta ult on the payload

It's just like my chinese cartoons.

He's a sniper for people who suck at sniping.
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>finally someone draws mei proportionally correct and not as obese tumblr fetish tier mei.

It's like the people projecting their disgusting fetishes don't know what a fucking parka is.
regardless of whether forced 50 is or isn't a meme (it isn't) it's still how blizzard intended matchmaking to work

the complaint people have is how aggressive the system is at keeping you at 50% win rate
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>competitive casual game
lmaoing at your life
t. Bastion

Ok but seriously i hate genji too
People think sniping is cool and they don't die if they're camped somewhere doing nothing important

mei is objectively chubby/"thicc"

you can see her fucking legs and ass

she is not thin or slender or toned
>Cool Japanese dude
>Cool ninja
>Cool dragons
>Cool archer
For all your memeing, those players are still much, much better than you.
Were all niggers now


>Or is it because he's a popular pick in pubs and for some reason this sets spergs off?

If he could contribute to the game in any meaningful way it wouldn't be a problem.
>using it to fish for kills and not to clear the point

Baddie detected

But yeah it's pretty trash
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Anyone who says "just shoot her first" is a mercy main
Anyone who argues that mercy isn't busted is a mercy main
"Just shoot them" works for several other characters, including ones like Mei. With mercy it is not a fucking answer and anyone with more than 20 minutes on her knows why.
They're already scared of being second fiddle to Lucio, want to stay in the sun, and worried that the inevitable nerf will drop them into widowmaker pickrate.
I swear only sugar rush 9 year olds lock him.
- Mouse sensitivity at 400, in game sens at 10-13 depending on preference. Lower for snipers.
- Use terrain and cover to your advantage. Hide when reloading, Retreat to heal. Peak and tap fire around corners.
- Always keep moving. If the enemy has learned where you're shooting from, you've been there too long.
- Be unpredictable. Move a lot, change classes to counter, use as many tactics as you can learn.
- Know the maps. All maps have side paths and less known secrets. Use them all to your advantage.
- Communicate. It's the secret to all team games.
- Practice your aim. Go into practice mode or practice calibrating your shots in the pre-game countdown.
- Know every class's strengths and weaknesses. Play to your strengths, avoid the enemy's strength's.
- Be prepared to step in as support or tank when needed, but don't play them all the time.
To be fair, even the Chinese thought she was fat and were offended that a fatty was their representative.
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I feel terrible
I'm sure there are competitive dodgeball players that could kick my ass
but they're still competitive dodgeball players
The goal of all matchmaking systems is to have all players win 50% of the time, it's not a fucking conspiracy
It's fucking remarkable how absolute garbage this game is playing solo.

Dota isn't this bad. CS:GO isn't this bad. But Overwatch solo is just a fucking tragedy unfolding before you at every turn. Goddamn, I refuse to touch this shit without friends anymore.

When the enemy team performs something as retarded as a 6 genji rush, I shouldn't be the ONLY person on my team to switch to a relevant counter like fucking Mei or Winston, jesus christ.
I don't play him but his playstyle looks fun
she wears yoga pants

when she walks you can see how fat she is

she probably wears the coat so she can sweat all the calories away
That doesn't mean anything to anon's point
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>Competitive Overwatch
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lol nigger! ebin meme their /b/ro :D :D :D:D XD XDXD: :D:AD:ASD: :D :DAS:D :D:D :D:D:D:D:D:D AD:WQELD:D:D :D:D: nigger nigger nigger hahahahahaHAhahahAHahahaha ahaha hahahahahahah oh boy NIGGer! LOL xD xdXDD DD :DDDD :DD: D: wow oh boy nigger!! :D lOL lol!!!!!
Chinese are underfed and starving from a lack of food. They've never seen a non-starving person before.
Like competitive dodgeball, competitive overwatch is a joke
What's the point of clearing it the point?

Every one hides for 2 seconds, it explodes with no kills, they pile back in, and we're back to square one.

>hurr but muh area denial

You can literally just lob nades, rockets etc. and people would be pressured into clearing the way already.
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Imagine covering Tracer's mouth with your hand
Then how the fuck are you meant to determine a player's skill other than trivial stat numbers?

I could boast a 6 K/D on some heroes just because I refuse to help with the objective.
In an organized team fight, flankers aren't going to get a chance to just run at a Mercy without eating shit from her team. They move as a pack until the five separate and push, usually with Lucio speed boost, into the front lines. Mercy then creates a little bit of distance, but with some good, accessible sightlines in case she does need to fly to some protection.

If you have a flanker trying to run around back and kill Mercy, your main team has been obliterated due to numbers disadvantages and Mercy just flies over to the team and you're now useless in a 1vHowever many there are.

And she is totally broken. Her, Lucio, and Reinhardt are totally broken by design because the game pretty much revolves around their strengths in top level play. To deny so would be just idiotic.

mercy is toxic. in every other game the mechanic that is required by both teams gets changed to be a default mechanic that each team automatically starts with. the fact that blizzard didn't do that means they must intend for mercy not to be a 100% necessary pick, which she is.
Anyone else have that one friend that you hate playing with but you can't turn them down because they're a friend?
And then what
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Nigger are you ok?

>Everyone hides for two seconds, it explodes with no kills, they pile back in, and we're back to square one

If your team did it right, they're now trying to pile back into a group of 4-5 people rather than just an empty point. And if even one of the schmucks got caught in the blast, they're at a sudden disadvantage.
I hope the new skins come out some time next month.
I've got 1100 Overwatch Bux finally but I don't know if I wanna hold on to them until the new skins come out or not.
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>60 tickrate
>20 updaterate
>the player updates 3 times slower than the server updates back to the players.

Why is this even fucking allowed? I feel like it all being at 20 tick would be better than fucking 60 server tickrate and 20 updaterate to the fucking server.

This doesnt even make mathematical sense. So I fucking update to the server every 20 ticks per second, yet the server updates itself back 3x faster?

How the fuck is that even close to accurate?
>poor man lionhart
So you agree that your opinion means nothing compared to theirs, because you acknowledge that they are much, much better than you and know the game better?
is this gud?


building a pc to play this game
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>10 seconds before match start
>two players on your team STILL haven't chosen a character
A reminder that Reaper using wraith form to pick up health packs is overpowered as fuck.
Stop locking hog. I had to give up widow. Feels bad
>why is map control important

That still doesn't refute the point, though.
Politely fuck off.
>that leave button is looking really good right now
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Holy shit. That Rogue clutch against Luminosity was insane.

Also, post TOP 5
You can literally do the same thing with any AoE ulti that has a far better chance of doing damage than with D.vas trash one.
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You yodel. She can't.
no you retard
it ought to be a way to hit someone you can't see, but have a reasonable cap of damage to one target
It should just have the initial arrow to half damage and the max damage to one target be bodyshot damage x2 -30
This. Reaper should lose health in wraith form if anything.
>People who think that Zenyatta needs more HP
I survive just fine with Zenyatta as long as you aren't in the wrong spot at the wrong time no being around your team mates.

Zenyatta just needs to have faster movement. You can't get out of the way of a Rein charge seeing it coming from half the map away.

And I would say that his heal orb needs to have a faster heal rate.
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D-VA's gun now uses an ammo system, but with a unique twist
-max ammo 100
-consumes 1 ammo per pellet fired
-instead of reloading D-VA generates 15 ammo per second
-no movement penalty
-no falloff
-pellets are now projectiles, not hitscan
- ~50% wider spread

the idea behind my assuredly terrible ideas is to try and give her a more unique role as burst to winstons dps.
They nerfed Widowmaker so she can't one shot Zenny but why not do the same with Hanzo?
Where did Zarya get that scar?
>why is this map control ulti even worse than other map control ultis
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Anyone else avoid playing certain characters because ____?

I feel like Mei would probably be right up my alley, but something about her really just makes me feel bad for even considering playing her.
Maybe its because I don't want my enemy team to have a frustrating match
Maybe its because I don't want to be judged as a fag

Is that weird?
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I'm getting really, really fucking tired of people on my team complaining that we're bad, or even blaming me specifically for the loss when I have nothing but silvers and golds
>queue for games
>get put on west coast US servers with 250 ping
love this fucking meme blizzard. manual server selection when?
>meant to be EdgeLord McTankSlayer
>Press Left Shift to use THE pussiest ability in the entire game to pick up free soul globes and health packs

One of the dumbest things this game has to offer alongside 200 health Widowmaker and instant, out-of-sight Mercy resurrections.
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who do you play best we /owg/?
Fucking junkrat
> grenade spamming in enclosed spaces
> throw a trap outside the spawn
> grenade spam them to death
> Trap explosives
> chasing down retards who can shoot with the wheel bomb

POTG every game

Because Widow could one-shot bodyshot Zenyatta. Hanzo can't.
I personally don't have a problem with Mercy being so good because she fills the Medic niche just fine and there's nothing inherently wrong with that niche being filled.

I just think it's ludicrous for anyone to deny that she's really good or that "just shoot her first" is an easy thing to do. There is nothing wrong with stating that a character is super strong in a video game, that's how metas are formed. You find the OP shit and abuse it until suitable counters are found. Then counters to those counters are found. And so on and so on with everyone having knowledge of all these various counters to counters.

Jamming your fingers in your ears and yelling so that you don't have to acknowledge something is broken is absolutely retarded.
What was your best PoTG?
Mine was a beautiful charge with le big hammer man and then cleaning everyone up with the hammer when they were disoriented.
5 kills.
which i then bring it back around to >>146622236

>But yeah it's pretty trash
Blizzard has terrible skins in every single game, I don't know what it is but they can't design costumes to save their lives. Release content is stellar, patches tend to be underwhelming.

Maybe I missed it, what was the point? I thought anon was saying competitive overwatch is a joke.
Hanzo arrows are 125 senpai
Widow can actually hit things.
Hell even Pharah can play defence better than a defence hero like Hanzo.
Hanzo is a worse Pharah.
The whole point is to bail you out if you're getting your shit pushed in though. It would probably kill you since you'll be at <50% hp more often than not.
I play Lucio if I want to win
>shit out healing
>flying around the map playing floor is lava
>environmental eliminations all day
>ruining reaper ults
>why are you so mad
Imagine feeling her breathing from her nose on your hand
delete mei
Can't shoot *
I won't play Genji because I don't want random people online to think I'm a weeb
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You know the needless sacrifices these NEETs make to sometimes fall flat on their faces financially?
Do you think that makes it worth it?
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ISO pic related.

Have OW Origins FT (if somehow anyone in this thread doesn't have it yet)
People who get frustrated at Mei are typically dogshit Reinhardt/Reaper/Genji mainers.

Spam the fuck out of her so these people stop playing the game.

>Playing Junkrat on King's Row defense
>Enemies pushing last
>Two come into one of the side hallways
>Trap one, mine and grenade them both down
>Right as I send out Riptire, Mercy rezzes them and flies into the hallway
>Det the tire, kill Mercy and myself
>Martyrdom takes out the two schmucks that just got rezzed.

less than 1/6th of players want to play mercy but she is the best pick every game. blizzard could have designed the game not to rely on mercy ults and people would have been happier overall.
I only have 16 games on him, but with a 93% winrate. Based frogman.
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But anon, Mei is bae
how about this

>guns consume ammo when firing
>when the guns reload the mech drops a can of superheated mountain dew that cools over a couple seconds
>if an ally steps on the cooled down can of mountain dew, it acts like a small health kit

hire me blizzard
It means that I actually give a shit about their opinions when it comes to the game over some anonymous shitter on an anonymous image board whose hobbies consist solely of greentexting.
>Rank 4 instantly locks Widowmaker on Route 66 Attack
>Does nothing the whole game other than feed the enemy team
>Blames us for losing
These people are driving me crazy. Are they actually retarded?
Well, I have been doing great at Reinhardt, but all of a sudden matchmaking is trying to bury me. I might have to take a break for a while, or else I'll throw something.

> Charge specific enemy heroes to cripple enemy team
> Save teammates from AoE ults
> Snipe low-health heroes with my firestrike
> Smashing people to shit with my hammer
It's fun.
>Play Lucio
>My RMB is a shitty puff of air that doesn't even push them further them 1m

what am I missing, i'm doing this shit point blank
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>tfw good at and enjoy playing hanzo
>always get blamed for the loss even when I have 3-4 golds

boy am I glad you faggots aren't in charge of game balance
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>Spare some change for a former pro gamer?

SFM porn is bad and you should feel bad
>win my first game of the night
>get immediately matched against a 3-stack in the next game
I do audio production as a side hobby. Ditch the soundcard and save $260. It's completely worthless snake oil. Your on board (in your motherboard) is more than enough to handle the HD600s. In fact the ALC1150 chip in your onboard is already on the high end as far as DAC chips go.
>Enter a game

>there's no zarya
>there's no hanzo
>there's no genji
>there's no mercy
>there's no reinhardt
>there's no widowmaker

>quality of the game increases tenfold and everyone has a fucking blast

What a surprise.
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>Spamming missles
>Killing squishies and tanks
>Double kill
>triple kill

I'm a little bored of it though. I always do well.
"Bae" doesn't even rhyme with Mei. I don't understand what people mean with this meme...

It's "bah-eh", come on!

"Free your niggers"
Yes, they are called children.
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>tfw coming back to your reinhardt stats to see how many places you've lost on leaders boards
tfw you were rank 8
better than my ideas, you're hired!
>play against an edgelord
>be surprised when he goes "nuh uh you didn't hit me I melded into the shadows and healed to full"

Mercy. I find enjoyable challenge in triage.

It's all fun to boost a S:76 and go HAM with the Visor
Don't make me feel bad anon it's the only picture I have. I don't even like sfm, just Mei
Pls refrain from posting images of dead games ty.
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>its a "rank 30 hanzo shit talks everyone when we lose and then brags about top damage" episode

any other shooters coming out that are promising?
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>that pic
I can get Genji, Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Zarya, but what do you have against Reinhardt and Mercy?
How to git gud at aiming?

Is it possible to practice? I know TF2 had pretty intricate target practice custom maps.
At Ilios well, a Mei had frozen and was about to kill the Reinhardt on my team. I used an orb of harmony on him, discorded the Mei, killing her and the two other guys beside her, saving him.
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>Someone added sound
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I don't even know what "bae" is.

You could always re-sub to WoW just in time for Legion! Hope you bought the Origins edition for the free pet! :^)
>4 golds
>20K dmg
>30+ elims
>silver heals
>most objective kills and time
>Completely shutting down all Pharah's, Widows, Hanzos, Tracers, Mercys, Lucios, Zenyattas, and even taking out tanks with ease
Easiest class.
The point was, competitive OW players likely know more than anon on 4chan.
TF2 MM soon. It's actually possible to carry retards 1v6 in that game.
So is your argument that pro gamers are poor or that competitive Overwatch is a joke? Competitive Hearthstone is a joke in my opinion, but those guys, especially the ones who moved to streaming after establishing themselves as tournament winners, make bank.

And again, how does this affect their credibility or skill in the game?
Get with the times gramps
n-no please, mercy is pure

>tfw no overwatch cosmetic for preordering legion

blizzard why
>load up into a game
>everyone typing GG in all chat

>seconds later, DEFEAT

blizz should fucking make it so joining a match within the last 60 seconds of the end dont get recorded for either wins or loss, i mean not not bothered by my winrate or anything but its fucking bullshit to get a loss when even on the match ending screen i still havent even picked a hero yet

>4 golds
>20K dmg
>30+ elims
>silver heals
>most objective kills and time

how does this keep happening
What was the point of even arguing if you agree with me?
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>Hanzo having objective time.
How the ever living fuck do you accomplish this? Are you trying to pull my leg Hanon?
>I used to make bank playing pro games
>Do you have any spare change?
>Please, sir. I never finished college.
I wasn't arguing with you, I was just calling you a baddie.

You baddie.
Mercy's ult is busted and makes me the game unfun.
TF2 hasn't been good since 2009. I have little hope that that will change that.

Because once your Visor goes down and you look behind you, there's three Hanzos, a D.Va, and a Bastion who's about to get deflect killed. Again.
I'm not a young nigger anymore
That diphthong doesn't naturally exist in English. It's just pronounced bei like baby is pronounced beibi.
>Trying to get Die Die Die
>Friendly Zarya has ult
>Wraith into enemy body pile
>Get assist for maybe 2 kills
Oh yeah that's a given, but the competitive scene is still a joke. It requires a good amount of knowledge to be competitive at many things, trivial as it may seem.
>not oral
no thanks
>it's a my teammates are all shitters and I'm the best player in the world anon episode

Seriously though how do tell my teammates not to go off on their own and 1 v 6 everyone
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>That subtle healing charge with top off orgasm

Holy god based audio
This pleases the Rein
I have enough cash saved to buy a D.va emote and a highlight intro. I don't have any of them. Which should I get?
>This happens as mercy

1 of two options:
>Either switch to DVa, winston, or (more recently) zarya and rush the point

If the team doesn't pick up on it and shoot them from behind, or I think they won't, then
>Switch to phara and work on my shit aim
>not arrows with bowling ball heads
climb walls and spam scatter shot

98% of hanzo's wont do this, instead favoring simply shooting randomly onto the objective, hoping to pad their stats
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>open loot box
>see the golden glow of a legendary
>it's industrial

I didn't think it could happen to me.
Wow, what a strawman.
Thanks for agreeing with the original point.
>they play video games for money they never finished college
success breeds jealousy

>tfw no Felguard skin for Reinhardt
>No Pit Lord skin for Roadhog

At least we have Imp for Mercy...
I have an average of 46 seconds obj time with Hanzo. He's actually more effective at close-medium range. Retards trying to use him as widowmaker have ruined the community's perception of him.
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>i value the opinion of one basement dweller over another
Should try just forming your own opinions based on your own observations, son.
my point was always "competitive overwatch is a joke" didn't say anything else besides that
>this lipstick tastes like turtles
Why would you prioritize healing Soldier? He can already heal himself, and he benefits a lot from damage boosts
Reinhardt and Mercy slow down the entire pace of a match and demand everything revolves around them by pick alone.

The other 4 are just disgusting broken heroes because of how their abilities work and latency/tickrate.

Because Soldier 76 is exclusively about sustained heals and damage. The only burst thing he has is helix rocket, and that does as much damage as a bodyshot from Hanzo/Widowmaker.

Sustained damage doesn't do a fucking thing in Overwatch other than mildly suppress the enemy team. You NEED your team to have burst damage to finish off all of your targets.

After playing Soldier for like 60+ hours, I can tell you it's astounding how many enemies will get away with <30 health that could have just been resolved with better accuracy RNG or a single click from an allied McCree/Widow/Hanzo.
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How is reaper fair compared to other champs

>longest invincibility that can move
>counters tanks/support/and defense
>can tele into any place he wants
>highest damage in game

But nerf mcree though
Case in point: >>146620362
Bunny Hop and Eject.
Shitpost or terrible opinion?

Because his heal is on a long-as-fuck CD and you'll benefit a lot more to just keep him topped off THEN boost him rather than 100% boost.
>earning barely above minimum wage and being unemployed by age 25
No one is jealous of that.
>accuracy RNG
always fire in bursts of 3 at range
He can heal other people besides himself and assist healing which allows for more damage boost uptime
he's a pubstomper like talon
I'd play with DankKush
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>crying about reaper
>defending mccree
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Not that anon, but there's forming your own opinions, and then there's having your opinion be blatantly wrong and refusing to change it because ???
IE: the amount of people legitimately stumped by bastion and whining about it in the beta threads.
Yes, I understand that. It just didn't have anything to do with the original conversation.
>People who complain that Mercy's ult is OP
I don't get you. It takes her a minute and change to charge it up, activates in one frame, is impossible to stuff, and single handedly shuts down every possible option. It's pretty shit to be frank
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One of my favorite parts of the series.
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>"hey guys pick a tank"
>lock in de'va
>"wow pick a real tank please

Is de'va not a real tank?
t. poor kids
he makes an excellent point

it's like people who get their comic book information from lego movies arguing about plotlines.
>compulsively shoot reinhardt shields to increase damage stat
>compulsively shoot winston shields to increase damage stat

does this give them ult? generally i'm the only one doing it so i seldom actually manage to break the shield unless it's winston
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You CAN'T make this shit up
Hanzo and Widowmaker are fun.

what percentage of pro gamers actually profit enough that their pro gaming resulted in more money than average career development?
>playing with group of friends
>as I'm walking out of the spawn, I see them tap dancing around the payload as a lone junkrat sits on it, fucking inches away from the final point
>try to stop him myself but the rest of Junkrat's team shows up and I die with again no support whatsoever
>they win

At this point it's more fun to just fucking play solo.
The point is, "bae" ISN'T pronounced as "bay" or "bei" or anything like that.

It's "bae", or close to "bah-eh", for ignorant americunts.
>your own observations
>observing top-level play isn't an observation

I play on both, and no, he doesn't.
Wouldn't expect a tripfag to know any better though.
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>when you and the enemy Reinhardt start going only for eat other in the game
>charge at eat other from half the map away
It doesn't.
There is only one real tank in the game and that's Reinhardt. She is a skirmisher/harasser.
cause mccree had STUN IMMEDIATELY INTO 400 DAMAGE which killed anything in the game, and could not be avoided

reaper is slow and his damage comes out slow, everything he does is super telegraphed (even just walking around, his footsteps are the loudest in the game)
No, there's nothing wrong with it if you have nothing else to shoot. Too often people don't discourage pushes by shooting barriers
Because riot coddles their playerbase and obliges them with the nerfs they ask for instead of telling them to git guud and figure out simple shit like this for themselves.
someone post the imp mercy trap image pls
>earning above minimum wage by playing video games
wow that likfe sucks I'd never do that
What are necessary picks from the defense group when playing defense?

I actually want to try out Mei.
>competitive PTR
>get two widows on my team

do people just not want to win?
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Where is the counter argument?

His only counter is Farra
and not even a good counter

I forgot to mention
>strongest ult in game

Compared to other champs which clearly have a weakness and easy knowledge on what to counter pick reaper has none
She loses her mech too easily due to her huge critbox. When I'm playing Lucio I always see her health goes critical in every engagement.
>now with voice
you can, 90% of my rein kills are during / immediately after his charges
Who else blocks any and all Hanzos and Widowmakers?

Doesn't matter if they're defending or attacking, if there's 1 or 2.
I do and back it up with data and experimentation that is easily observable in top-level play.

As opposed to whatever it is that you do. Greentexting and reaction images seems to be the long and short of it.

Junkrat is the only mandatory one. The rest are wildcards.
That rarely stops a reaper/tracer/genji from escaping when you could've just had someone click on them once while you were occupying them. Playing 76 as a solo gank hero is as dumb as it gets unless you actually do have auto-aim.
No, faggit, it's not. It's pronounced phonetically. I have never once heard it pronounced like that. And if you're not american and your third world shithole pronounces it like that your opinion doesn't really count anyway.
t. normalfag
Mei is 100% the opposite of necessary on attack or defense
>strongest ult in game
Stop putting hs at the end of everything you Irish prick!
>his only counter is pharah
he's countered by more than half the roster
he does d.va-tier damage at the slightest bit longer than medium range
>strongest ult in the game
literally LITERALLY countered by most other ultis and all forms of cc like katarina you fucking lolfag
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>this is actually a real person
>hundreds of words
>none of it is coherent
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dead inside.png
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>could not be avoided

Have you tried
I dunno

walking away from mcree?

Since you know his stun can only shoot like 2 inches in front of him

versus reaper who can continue to shotgun blast and low and medium range and pick off long range as well


Sorry i'm not autistic
His counter is anything if you're outside of point blank range. He has loud as fuck footsteps and wandering about on your own rather than being near your team is a bad idea in Overwatch, if you're on your own playing a class not meant for flanking and he catches you out then it's on you.
how do I know if I have an exp penalty?
Mei and tracers shit all over reaper
nice argument

how about walking away from reaper? he literally cant do anything about it.
>payload defense
>they're at the last push
>holding them off well, boosting a 76 and keeping em down
>suddenly half our team is gone, what
>they're not dead
>they're hunting for kills
>whole enemy team rolls up and ults our asses and win the game
no you don't.
Half the roster?

Name 1 other champ which clearly counters reaper
Its not borrowed from japanese or some other language that pronounces their letters the way they are supposed to be. It came from niggers too lazy to pronounce the second b.
>most of my time is spent playing Zenyatta
>I'm damn good with one
>It can complement most situations
>Rarely see other people play Zenyatta
>when I do see a enemy Zenyatta when I'm not Zenyatta I get scared
>because I know how devastating Zenyatta players can be

I wish the Orb of Harmony had a fast heal rate though. But I love busting tanks and turrents.
reminder pharah is by far the most broken offense hero especially with widow nerfed and the only prerequiste for her is to have a Mercy (who is the most broken hero in the entire game and a required pick on every single map

waiting for the MUH HITSCAN and MUH QUAKE replies from the pharah defense force now
I never bothered looking into this slang but I am pretty sure it's just some made up shit like hubby that happened to share spelling with a word in another language because English orthography is terrible.
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>browse /v/ and sometimes /vg/
>see tons of people complaining about Mercy and the fat Frost cunt and other characters
>decide to finally get game
>this mother fucker right here in every single game just sitting there mowing down entire teams while taking no damage

He's short range and his mobility is actually shit. Shadow step is slow and suicidal in combat and Wraith form prevent's attacks and doesn't make him any faster, you can often just chase him down and take him out as he comes out of it. Yes meatshots do a lot of damage, but shredding big slow tanks is one of his main roles. There are plenty of opponents he struggles with.
>pronounced phonetically
That just proves my point, because english doesn't work like that. Pretty much NOTHING is "pronounced phonetically" in english.
>runs forward
>shotguned down in 3 shots
>just wraith form until deflect wears off


I saved $200 so thanks.
>Since you know his stun can only shoot like 2 inches in front of him

Fact: McCree's stun has a bigger AoE than Pharah's concussive blast.
Fact: McCree makes no noises when standing behind corners.
Fact: McCree, pre-nerf, did 400 damage in a single fan + roll, meaning 800 health, enough to solo any hero at point blank range.

The most OP thing about Reaper is his ability to cast ult while falling.

If you can't kill a Pharah without a pocket medic as ANY HERO IN THE GAME, you're shit.
>>runs forward
how about


running forward?
>Get behind robot
>gently left click his back
><Player> has killed Bastion
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Well at least you told us you were new.
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>playing Reaper
>Enemy widowmaker is being a hassle
>team is bitching at me to kill her
>use 2 teleports, then crouch-walk all the way near her to avoid his thundering footsteps.
>right before I open fire, she dies.

Welp, totally worth 30 seconds of the gametime, thanks team.
>just get behind him!

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Does jumping in this game affect your accuracy in some way? If so, why doesn't my crosshair change or anything when I jump?
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>playing genji
>not running forward

You're playing genji wrong
this isn't csgo

Once you get past two hours in-game, you'll never see him again.
Yes, I do. That's exactly what looking to competitive games, and seeing that Mercy is picked in 100% of games and just watching every other PotG in those matches being Mercy waiting behind a wall and then dashing in for a 4 or 5 man rez, is.
>Being so bad you can't use one of the 3-5 avenues of travel to get behind someone
>Does jumping in this game affect your accuracy in some way?
Nope, not aside from your natural ability to aim.
Yeah nice image dude. You're totally right. It should be easy to get behind Bastion in chokepoints: the game. Thanks for the pro-tip Bastion player.
Literally just peak out of cover you fucking dogshit player. NO ONE has an issue with Bastion beyond rank 30.
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I have yet to lose a Reaper vs Mei battle
He needs to get close to kill me, and can't do it fast enough
The words pronounced phonetically are pronounced phonetically, fucktrumpet. There's another one.
Why would you wraith form when he's deflecting?

He's literally unable to harm you unless he wastes his burst, or your team is stupid enough to shoot at him (and I guess we're not talking about that scenario since we're taling about counters, right?)
>run face first into a reaper
>don't run face first into a reaper
please stop posting
This. Reaper is easy to counter. He's loud as fuck.
>DIE!!!! DIE!!!!! DIE!!!!
>*gets shot*
Reaper is a fag class for shitters.
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>just peak out from cover and do a pixel of damage to him while he melts your face for half HP

More stellar advice from this general thread.
Enjoy your new build man. Looks it will give you a lot of enjoyment. :)
But that's the thing
You can only play mcree close-range

A medium range mcree dosen't help a team
A long range mcree dosen't help the team

Mcree's whole deal is killing off sniper, and he gets easily countered by tanks or anyone who can shoot him down before he makes it even half way

Vs reaper who litearlly can tele forward, kill any tank or support and just wraith form to a heal spot while the enemy team just scratches their head wondering what happend as they get gunned down since they're now down 2 people

mcree can kill 1 at his best and his ult is very situational

Reaper can turn the tide of any game, in any situation
You don't fucking run forward as Genji unless they're low enough to combo to death. Though I'm sure the task of learning the extremely basic skill floor of Genji that even 95% of Genji players still don't understand is too hard for someone complaining about Reaper.
>wraith form while he's deflecting

what the fuck am i reading

just don't shoot him

Bootybothered Reaper main
Reaper is for shitting on shitters. He requires some form of game sense to get around without being detected
pharah wrecks him
snipers can get him easily
I even kill bastion as Lucio by dancing around and jump on his head while firing.
this is probably bait, but Bastion is a contender for Worst Hero in Overwatch
You're right, dude. Bastion is OP and unbeatable. I'm surprised people haven't caught onto this yet!

>We recommend Hanzo, Genji and Widowmaker

>Shitters play Bastion
>Other shitters counter shitters with shit classes
>They feel good about countering the shitter
>Assume they can counter anything
>Insta-pick one of the three in every game

I think we finally cracked the code on this one.
Whats the best character to play when I hate being near my team and people in general.
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>just bought the game
>railing off like he knows shit

Bastion is the worst hero in the game and basically never picked outside of dumpster-tier
What's wrong with him? He's one of the best heros for dealing with tanks.
>A medium range mcree dosen't help a team
He does if you have really good aim.
Genji or Roadhog
they do well solo
You mean this one? That would be something like "faktrampet". Not phonetical.
Lucio. You'll be standing on the cart by yourself and your entire team will be chasing kills halfway across the map.
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>Log into OW
>Roadhog on the screen
>His heavy breathing
>casual play
>team with reaper wins

i know its my elo or mmr or whatever
but it still sucks, every match is 2-3 enemy reapers
really boring
really annoying
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>A medium range mcree dosen't help a team
>when McCree is one of the stronger characters at mid-range if you're not a total shitter at aiming
>literally uses a situation where the enemy team is completely retarded as an argument
Not necessarily true. Bastion is shit in pugs, but if you have actual coordination and build your team around him, he can be fine.

Winston or Hanzo
makes too much fucking sense.

this must be what enlightenment feels like.
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Do you play in low elo?

90% of the time if you're above level 30 reaper saves his ult until someone groups together and decimates

Litearlly every game I've played this past week at lvl 50 and above has a reaper on either side of the team

even more so then junkrat
>play d.va
>fly into supports face
>defense matrix ults and heavy hitting damage
>team moves up and shoots enemy in the back
>ult on payload while your team pushes and wins

ez game ez life
So I guess everyone here plays Bastion. Can't say I'm surprised. Its the same thing in the LoL general. Everyone just plays whatever is broken and pretends like they're good. And if you say anything about broken bullshit you'll get droves of people claiming that youre just shit at the game. Yeah.

Same thing in Dark Souls too. People play overpowered broken shit or abuse glitches and post webms of themselves wrecking people with it.

Fuck /vg/. I'm out. Refunding this garbage game too.
>stay out of reapers range
>shuriken him down
>dash into him when he's <75
Wow, that sure was difficult.
play trashmouse or weab-bot
I wish you were joking and that wasn't absolutely true.
>They are literally murdering eachother in petty squabbles such as "STOP THEM FROM MOVING A CAR" or "THAT'S MY SQUARE OF LAND"
So /owg/, who is your favorite nigger? Mine is Mercy, or Roadhog

tell me where I can watch pro korean games and I'll be on my way
Every game tends to have a Reaper because there's a Zarya and Roadhog on every team
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>how do I counter a stove
the absolute cheek
>tele forward
Are you under the impression that shadow step is somehow good aside from reaching alternate routes while out of combat?
No, it's not. U is not A or pronounced that way. Is english not your first language?
>shurkian down a reaper

I bet he'll just stand there and let you do it too, nope

not going to move at all, going for those pesky health packs

Literally making up a bullshit scenerio
>what is tiered match making

50% is shit because good players deserve to play good players, not 5 shitters and an ultra god
no you don't.
Reinhardt is mein moore
>Its the same thing in the LoL general.

Giving away your bait that early is a poor show of shitposting
>win a few games convincingly
>back to back retard teams for the rest of the evening

>2 tanks on defense
>A medium range mcree dosen't help a team
>A long range mcree dosen't help the team
Except for his perfectly accurate revolver and long-range ult.

His ult is in no way situational, if you're any good at him you know you just use your ult to eliminate mobile DPS heroes. Same goes for S76's ult.

>saves his ult until someone groups together and decimates
That in no way makes Reaper overpowered though. You're trying to tell us he's broken because the enemy team is too stupid to realise they shouldn't be clumping up.

Overwatch is a class-based game and heroes should be respected for what they're capable of. You're not going to 5-man push a tower against an Enigma in Dota because you know it's going to fuck everything up.

The only argument you could otherwise make about his ult is that the game is about sitting on objectives, but then again about 70% of the ults in this game are for using against heroes who are on the objective so it's moot.
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Bye bye scrubdub. Good thing, one less shitter.
>Be Genji.
>Press E.

Now, is that so hard?
>that guy who picks Torbjorn/Symmetra on KOTH maps
here's your (You)
Reaper, Soldier, and McCree are the most straightforward "kill people" heroes. One or all of them is always going to be over-represented.
fuck reaper
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Is the common /vg/ level 10?

>Enemy team pushing a payload
>tele behind them
>shoot down low healthers or 1 tank
>wraith form into house
>rinse and repeat

Do you not know how to play reaper
>Stay out of reapers range

Unless you never miss a single shuriken on headshots that motherfucker has a good chance of peppering you down before you get him. Maybe if you're on the roof or something but good luck kill him from that far away before he wraiths to a health pack.
>dont have an argument
>must be b8 xD
>Join game
>Enemy team is all Rank 60 and up with three level 90s
>My team is all around Rank 20ish with a Rank 8 and 9 throw into the mix
Explain to me how match-making thought that was a good idea.
English definitely isn't my native language. However, that doesn't matter, because phonetical alphabets are not language dependand, and that's their point, bozo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet
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Guys I'm scared they are going to nerf Pharah.

I love her and I'm pretty good with her. I've been pub starring with her in casuals since the game came out.

Is she OP now? Like for real, once you get that she is squishy, and learn to zoom all over the place using both abilities, she seems too good.

Maybe I'm just playing shitters, but I had like 5 games in a row today where I was far and away the MVP and nothing could stop me.
>very loud "DEATH COMES"
>nobody turns around
>loud blasts behind them
>nobody turns around
are you level 10?
Overwatch is basically colorful spec-ops.

What do you think they're going to do when they're done fighting clones of each other?
>valkyrie mercy in loot box

>don't really play her

w-will you treat me o-ok when I heal you

p-pls don't call me a s-s-slut
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The next one is PharMercy, right?
ult and rocket splash damage has a nerf coming. Its not significant though.
Have an existential crisis, debating within themselves on whether or not they're the original, or they the clone of the original they've killed long ago.

Most of them probably kill themselves.
do you have any skins currently
ok friend. I protect you and you heal me
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>Tele behind them
>get headshotted for free
>shotgun blasts
>Team turns around and fucks your face
Seems like you are level 10 since no one in your games seems to have any awareness
That's pretty much code for "please fuck my face"
Is this for real?
Because Blizzard try to give you a humble butt-pat by implying "You're so good that you deserve to try and carry this significantly worse team!", despite it being completely ironic that forced-50 is meant to ensure no one can consistently carry at any given point.
>people instalock widowmaker/hanzo/genji
>they never switch
>they are often terrible
>they don't know the champs are niche
>they cannot be persuaded otherwise
>they started the game playing against bastions
>thought bastion was the most overpowered character in the game
>would run into him watching him kill entire teams and get play of the games
>finally discover that genji/hanzo/widowmaker counter bastions
>think because they counter the "strongest" character they have to be strong themselves
>they fit into every team comp because they stop people from playing bastion
>explains why people always have that one person playing a sniper or genji on their team no matter what
I somehow doubt Junkrat or Zenyatta will have these issues. Hell most of the cast probably wouldn't.
Have fun getting insta-killed by the enemy team's widowmaker/hanzo, fag.

Is this confirmed?
Do people really think her splash damage is too high?

Also nerfing her ult? I thought it was pretty balanced, because you have to be very smart and sneaky when you use it, or its guaranteed you're dead before it ends.
You can port somewhere out of sight and flank sure. But if you're trying to port in view right behind them you're an idiot unless you're playing against potatoes.
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Did something happen to Matchmaking? All day yesterday and before that, perfectly normal games mostly wins a few losses here and there. Today I get on and it's just 20 straight losses. It's like no one's really trying or something. I'm not claiming to be really good at this game, but holy fuck what's going on?
Congratulations, you unlocked the third or fourth best skin for the undisputed strongest character in the game!
You're either letting your country's accent cloud your sense of phonetics or don't realize their correct pronunciation due to your lack of native speaking. If you said "faktrumpet" to a native english speaker, you'd need to repeat yourself regardless of how many wiki articles you cling to.

Please try not to force incorrect shit due to your own lack of understanding of english.
>pharah splash damage
>being anything more than garbage
If anything, they need to buff that and make her rocket launcher have only 4 rockets.
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>if you're good then it's not situational
I'm refering to the average person not your made up fantasy

90% of mcree's aren't fucking professionals who know how to use his ult perfectly nor do they have the level of expretise to snipe with them

You encounter a mcree main every 10-15 games as opposed to a reaper lover every 1 or 2

>wow don't clump together in this game where every game mode is about clumping together of either pushing a payload or defending a space

Every single other ult has a downside
Where is the downside for reaper?
He actively starts healing the moment he gets the ult out
3 Torbjorns on Hanamura Defense is a pain to beat once they have momentum, molten core after molten core. probably would be easy with comms and coordination
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>That Tracer kill on the way out
do you guys have autism
Play Zarya x5 and lucio
stop playing while tilted

and dont play 20 games in a row.
Play enough games and crazy streaks will happen eventually.
>King's Row defense
>Symmetra puts her turret in the little spot between the first point and the back of the medkit room
>Crazy obvious and terrible position
>Bastion sets up right in front of it and starts firing away
>Not a single person so much as looks at the teleporter even when Bastion isn't firing or is dead
>At one point Reinhardt fucking charges him and kills him and he and his entire team WALK AWAY AND IGNORE IT

They were all 40-50+ too one guy was 100

How do these people make it this far
Just doing my part, no need to thank me.
theyre not gonna nerf pharah
shes good because people dont look up or if they do they cant hit fucking anything, nothing about her is statistically overpowering, people are just bad
like a good pharah wont shut down games solo or pick and kill anyone she wants, her biggest strength is that on certain maps she has too many hiding spots and you cant follow her, thats basically it
Find a spot where all turrets are visible and drop a D.va ult. I finally found the only real use of it.
I have 15 minutes on hanzo and I'm level 76. He is the worst pick on attack, and a worse widow on defense. He's just not good. Sure, you see the occasional okami hanzo getting kills, but even then it'd self gratification. They have no up close defense other then rng shot and when you have to cause overtime ir somthing, he's terrible.
So I don't want to drag the team doen, which is how I feel with him.
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How to improve your overwatch quickplay experience tenfold:
1. Do not give a shit about winning
2. Do NOT give a shit about winning
3. Play the heroes you feel like playing, don't give a shit about team comp
4. Turn off chat
There, you can have fun again. This does not apply to competitive. If you apply this to competitive, kill yourself.
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post gremlin d.vas
Turrets have no choice on whether they charge you up or not and Zarya can melt those fucks like no tomorrow
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>having to play every round fully expecting to be down a man because they WILL pick genji, hanzo, or both
gotta wait for doo sex
Welcome to Blizzard games.

Blizzard will incentive "playing with friends" as much as possible. Even by providing unfair advantages through group queuing. In almost every Blizzard game you are gimped and missing out if you play alone.

People who bring their friends to the game = more sales

and I'd also reckon that they have statistics showing that those who queue and play together with a friend are more likely to make a purchase in-game.

Every company is starting to do this. Riot has recently introduced tons of new perks for duo queuing on top of the previous ability to roll level 12 players with your level 30 Diamond buddy.

It'll get even worse once the popularity of the game dies down. Playing alone will just be asking to queue into full premades.
I'd be more concerned with what happens when you're revived.

Mercy's ult looks like it creates a figure, so it's not the same consciousness and the original died the first time they were revived. That would also explain reaper eating souls.

Or maybe it's just a kids game I'm over analyzing.
why doesn't anyone here ever want to premade with each other?

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>teleing in their line of sight as opposed to a rock or ledge just a few feet away

do people just tele ACTUALLY in view of the team?
Is getting shitty or good teammates RNG?
thats the entire thing

there is always a pocket mercy for pharah because everybody realizes how retarded broken the combo is
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>have several enemies held up at Hanamura gate
>turn around to see teammates disappeared
>they couldn't 5v1 Genji
Except that there's nothing less fun than being on a team so bad that leaving the spawn is instant death. Which is literally every game I play solo
I wish I could find an entire playerbase of people like you
>>very loud "DEATH COMES"
are you deaf? Reaper is very fucking loud
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fuck - \ˈfək\
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trumpet - \ˈtrəm-pət\
...or to put it more easily, "faktrampet".

But I'm guessing you DON'T speak several languages, do you, because you don't even seem to understand what "phonetical" means...
Hanzo with 25% winrate spotted
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I've got you famalam
>Ledge just a few feet away
>One shot...One kill...
M8, I'm not the one arguing that fucktrumpet is pronounced faktrampet. I think I have a better understanding than you.
How come no one ever uses a mic in this game?
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Well, Mercy basically owns the entirety of overwatch. They're all her slaves, charging into certain death for her medical research and advancements. And they'll gladly do it because their minds were altered and brainwashed with the first revival
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I'm not tilted though. Sorry I should've worded that better, 20 games in general not back to back I'm an idiot.

I guess. I played a few games at the start of my day as Mercy and was damaging boosting my team and they just weren't firing. I don't mean missing, just straight up walking around towards the point and just not firing. This is the weirdest shit I've seen since the games come out.
>Every single other ult has a downside
>Where is the downside for reaper?

1. Roadhog ult knockback
2. Lucio's knockback
3. Pharah's blast knockback
4. Junkrat's blast knockback
5. Widowmaker headshot
6. Hanzo headshot/splitshot
7. Mei's ice wall
8. Bastion
9. McCree stun
10. Torbjorn turret
11. Like half the ults in the game
12. Mei's self-freeze
13. Defensive Genji swift strike
14. Winston's leap
15. Reinhardt's ult
16. Tracer's teleport
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This is why lol has the worst playerbase in the world. Dota is filled with cunts yes, CS:GO is troll city but you lolshitters say something is impossible to overcome when you're just plain bad and refuse to think outside your tiny spectrum of knowledge to bypass it. Instead you come here or go to the forums and whine and complain until it gets nerfed. The problem is not the game, it's not the hero, it's you. You're the only constant. You're the deciding factor in your games. Acknowledge that you are a shitter, that your strategy and way of thinking is flawed. Change your attitude and try something new instead of falling into the same old song and dance you're used to.
Bring back backfill exp
>Giving the ability to turn off fucking chat so you literally cant communicate to imbeciles at all

truly blizzard are master game designers
Quint kills on a payload on gibralter with Zenyatta. They had just turned the first corner, and my team had already soften them up. Discord ed like fist of the north star and they were at just the right angle for head shots. This was all while I was healing the distraction pig.

I wish I had saved it. I love my hrmony and discord intro
Blizzfags all have obesity wheezing and they are self conscious
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>go ahead as Lucio on Defense after clearing the 4 members of the enemy team to kill the enemy Mercy out of spawn before she can revive
>come back after the Overtime timer didn't drop for 15 seconds
>see that my team had trouble killing the Mei that survived the last big fight 5v1
>we end up losing
THe entire premise of overwatch is that Mercy owns the souls of everyone in the game except Reaper, and Reaper is trying to liberate those souls
Again, it's not even an argument, it's a fact. Please read the links provided.
He has two. Blackhardt is another from the series.

Lazengann, used by the real primary antagonist of the first part of the series.
reaper is going to make me quit this fucking game
o fug
You forgot the Roadhog hook, the classic ult disruptor.
I don't care about your links. Find me a native english speaker that pronounces it that way.
You can't.
Ctrl+F right now

There's a reason reaper has 50 posts while every other champ has 7-10 at best

There's clearly a problem with the champ

nice argument
Tell me, what is the downside to Mercy's Ult?
>Buy Mercy skin after getting decent with her
>Next game had an insta-lock support

Is this some some sort of divine cuck?
You teammates should be roughly your skill level unless either team has a premade group which includes very unbalanced skill levels.

Of course the skill is hero-agnostic so you may also be "lucky" enough to have a teammate working on that one hero they normally never play and thus rendering the skill rating less accurate.
Honest question. Does anyone who bitches about Mercy actually play her? She is literally the most boring and stressful champion to play. Every just comes after you and you cant do anything about it except hope your teammates aren't shit. And 99.9% of the time they are shit.

So like, what do you want? Why not just suggest she be removed from the game instead of nerfing her? It'd be the same thing.
Holy shit pedro you're both autistic but anon is right, now fack off back to your moodhoot.
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>complain about Reaper for 10 posts then complain that there are too many people complaining about Reaper

Wow, this is a new one. I don't think I've ever actually seen something like this.
No, but I have 1000 squared away for when a D.va skin I like is made
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I don't want to hear the squeakers, wheezers, neckbeards, sexually frustrated teenagers with daddy issues or any american at all.
Blizzard's design philosophies for this are creating a bunch of spineless pussies.
>Can't see anyone's stats so no one gets their feelings hurt.
>Did 1 damage to someone 10 seconds ago? You get a kill
>can turn off chat so you can't see the meanies
Shit like this is why we need trump. You children would literally cry if you entered a marvel tournament
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You have to risk waiting for 5 to die for it to be efficient or waste it on 1 in the off chance that you might die in the next few seconds

new thread
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>tfw reaper and bastion dominate in NA
>tfw we really are shitters
Ranked will probably have a lot more mic use. Many people on quick play just want to play casually and not deal with people.
So there's no actual downside to Mercy's ult, and Reaper's ult is just squishy damage
>only 5 man Mercy ults are efficient

Even more retarded than anything you've said about Reaper, impressive.
>i hate murricans
>he says while playing a murrican game on murrican servers
full retard
The rest of mercy's kit.
Her pistols do low damage compared to something like, zero suit d.va, and her staff depends on her team mates to be actually good.
Since the rest of her kit is on the low side, her ult is strong.
t. support player that usually plays lucio cuz his team mates are garbage.
I miss 2012 riot
so again, no downside whatsoever.
lol this is a joke right

>you have to wait for the right opportunity for it to be efficient

Wow holy shit Anon that's definitely not something literally every other ult in the game suffers from. Oh, right, I forgot about how Reaper's ult teleports every enemy straight into insta-headshot range and D.Va's mech flies straight to their spawn before exploding
Uh, EVERYONE speaks like that. The thing is, you don't SPELL it like that. Because english sucks.

If you are a retard who can't read, just accept that you don't know what you are talking about. Fucktrumpet.
so, you can't read.
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>mfw double tapping reapers on the head
Still not seeing a downside. Mercy's aren't supposed to do damage. Just like TF2 Medics aren't supposed to do damage.
You're mixing up the long A sound and the short U sound. And you're mixing up the concept of phonetics and the International Phonetics Alphabet.
Pedro, you're wrong. There's really no other way to put it.
>Someone had to do it
congrats on playing his counter
>people will run, hide, and refuse to take the 2 seconds required to take out winston dome
>the same people will literally empty entire mags into zaryas sheild
>said group will also act like reins sheild is a wall they cannot pass

Solo queue is like entering bizarro watch
I'm siding with the other guy. The point of the IPA is to describe sounds across languages, but within languages, sounds have certain indicators. In English, for example, the letter U is used chiefly for the "uh" or "oo" sound. Non-phonetic pronunciations are pronunciations where the letters used don't match up with the sounds they're associated with. Paired letter sounds, like "ph," "gh," "ti," and "ch," and silent letters are what leads to non-phonetic pronunciations.
No, I don't think so. If you look up the WP page I linked earlier, you can check how "ə" is pronounced, with different accents and lenghts.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll most likely be spending it by myself. Does anyone want to play Overwatch with me?

I'm on PS4,
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>tfw you're support and your tanks are running off for kills
>you tell them not to overextend and you won't heal them if they go squirreling off
>tfw they DON'T call you a massive faggot, apologize, and stick with the objective to bring home the win
It's just zooper when people listen sometimes, no?
Sorry about being alone on your birthday
>Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll most likely be spending it by myself. Does anyone want to play Overwatch with me?
Sure that sounds great bro.
>I'm on PS4,
Go fuck yourself. You are literally worse than Hitler.
It doesn't matter what you think, it's literally not prounced that way. I can't believe anyone is still replying to you.
Sorry about playing on a PS4.
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but man

he like

says die die die

and people die
>American Character
>Uses red/white/blue fun
>Indian character
>works for tech support
>chinese character
>builds a great wall
>Japanese character
>uses a katana and is part of the Yakuza
>Mexican character
>killed by a white man

wow nice fucking game I guess
But it is! How can you be this ignorant? I'd really like to know what they teach in american schools... (Not languages, that's for sure.)

>but within languages, sounds have certain indicators
Which are meaningless, because I'm talking about the international standard.

>Paired letter sounds and silent letters are what lead to non-phonetic pronunciations
Partly true, but it doesn't just stop there. I don't understand why this isn't obvious.
>told by several people he's wrong
>still clings to being wrong
It's not obvious because it's not correct.
Please don't take your retardation into the new thread.
As if it mattered what some ignorant americans told me in a tread about videogames. Come on, moron. I linked you the facts; it's your fault if you choose not to believe in them.
I don't know if it's ばえ or 배. Either would be romanized "bae".
I'm not too familiar with those alphabets, but yeah, doesn't rhyme with "bay" or "mei" or anything like that.
Am I wrong for being Mercy the entire game?
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