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/twg/ - Total War General

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> Tomb Kings still not announced
Edition #6

>FAQs & General Info

>Steam Groups

>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

Old >>144999093
Correct Old Thread >>145069807
>Start siege assault on Castle Drakenhoff
>Their towers' firing arcs literally extend past the edge of the map.

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Skaven are a rumor made from baseless claims. Do not believe the lies
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karl plz

I dont know whats been up with my recent campaigns, in every one of them everything in the Empire just gets btfo by a combo of counts, orcs, and chaos/norscans

Its never been so fucked before
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>Tomb Kings still not announced
so I have absolutely no experience with VCs. What are the troops I should try to get for them? What's good?

Currently I just raise dead skellies and zombies etc. but I'm not sure in which direction I should go with troops. Are wolves and bats good?

what difficulty
Get a mod to weaken towers. Because they also fire 120mm shells in addition to being able to hit the entire map
> Tomb Kings still not announced
Last two were VH with the same scenario, normal for this one
glad you enjoy it anon
just any of the subfaction unlock ones. be aware that they aren't compatible with that legendary lords alternative start mod so disable that if you have iut.

I know a guy who was playing my mod with the blood knights one. so In theory it works, all that will happen is depending on load order if we have conflicting skins one will be chosen over the other. as blood knights for example are a completely different entry, should work.

well anon I thought about that and the plan is I add it to various file share sites and ask nicely it be put in the op pastebin.

yeah I made the chance of the dress appearing quite low as I wasn't happy with that or else I would have given the vampire girl some better reskins, unfortunately adding male skins onto female bodies results in a mass of stretched textures and detached jawbones that will haunt me to this day.

good man.

thanks anon, it all started because I was complaining in this very general about it and decided. fuck it I'll do it.

don't tell on me anon
Encampment stance for counts when?
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Welp, the Empire completely threw even with me saving their asses

They sent their only two stacks deep into Sylvania at the same time the Greenskins invaded Sylvania, getting wiped

Think I'm just going to Turtle up in Bretonnia and await the green/chaos/eastern undead onslaught
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Reminder that dwarf slayers lose 1v1 to orc boyz.
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deeper into that tree or just go for something else?

b-but they kill trolls
I always have to hide my cavalry in the forest when doing seiges.
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I always get these before anything else
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>AI army composition in vanilla is like 60-70% ranged and the rest melee
>install mod that is supposed to fix it
>just encountered an army of dwarves that had 16 longbeards, 3 crossbowmen, and the general.
>that is a typical AI army composition with this mod

well fuck
Does the Blood Knight mod make the vamp campaign too easy?
I always rush master of the swarm since I use bats all the time. Let's them destroy archers, run down missile cavalry, and flank units on walls without evaporating.
How aggressive am I supposed to be as Karl Franz, lads? Can I just build up reikland and try to be diplomatic, or do I need to kick asses?
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Towers are insane, I almost won this battle if their fucking heroes didnt overwhelm my guys

Not really, they're each about as expensive as a steam tank

I make 24000 a turn and two armies composed of 75% blood knights is costing me about 16000

They are amazingly good though, on par with Chosen
Wolves and bats are great utility units. Dire wolves can run down enemy cav and hold it in place long enough for your spears to get there. They can also flank at hyperspeed, and quickly kill large numbers of routers. Bats are very useful in sieges; group them with Vargheists and run right over the walls, where they'll be safe from most enemy fire and able to strike any choke point from behind. Bats also have a fear effect for cheap.

Grave Guard are much better at simply holding the line than killing. Wraiths make for good lord-hunters, along with your lord. Terrorgheists are bigger, deadlier, scarier bats. Varghulfs have limited use as living battering rams and can regen back to full health if you let the battle play out. Crypt Horrors are excellent as shock troops and flankers, be sure to screen them with cheaper units until they hit the main line.

Zombies are great flankers, as in one stack of zombies flanks around the enemy stack while your main army engages. Techs make them even cheaper.

You should wipe out the Marienburg filth and take the Wasteland as your money machine.

Other than that, you can sit with those two provinces and tech up + turtle with a couple of high quality stacks until the confederation train gets started.

If you want to conquer a third province, Wissenland or Middenland would be decent choices.

Middenland might be annoying to protect considering where the Norscans come from.
>Get Molans magic or whatever the fuck
>Cool I can kill at least 10 guys with a spelll now
>Kill 11 guys with Urannons thunderbolt, the most basic spell
>Unlock comet of cassandora
>it kills 10 guys
I suggest blitzkrieging the maurienburg province to double your income as well as taking middenland since it has solid vet buildings for spearmen, crossbows, and cavalry. You can't really kickass with no income, and depending on the difficulty you will get attacked by bretons and stuff.
This time it is anon, learn to recognize the signs and clues.
That's because bombardment spells are fundamentally broken right now, it's a hit box issue, not a damage one

Go use brain burst a on the center of a unit and watch it evaporate


Act like an asshole for awhile until Chaos starts coming in, then everyone starts sucking your dick even if you fucked them up before.
does anyone even bother with giants and trolls and shit as chaos? i feel like i'm just making endless hordes of chosen with some knights and having no issues
According to the previous thread, the problem with those bombardment spells go beyond damage, but just what the fuck they register as a hit. Fuck bombardment.
Chaos since their puppers have scaley + poison
4 greatswords
2 halberds
2 spears with shields
4 demigryph knights
4 demigryph knights with halberds
3 steam tanks

Hows that for a stack?

Giants are really good IMO, both the Chaos and Orc versions.

Trolls run away too easily to be useful if used in frontal fights, they're a flanker unit that is better replaced by chaos knights.
Trolls and giants aren't worth

Shaggoths are great tho
about 7x more expensive than it needs to be. A good emperor never wastes money on vanity.
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It really isn't though
No reason to take spears/halberds with 4 demi halberds and 3 tanks, swap em for gs

Vortex spells are still fucked too

So what the hell does this Molay magic mod even for
What mods are you using for the ultimate mousillon experience?
Vamps because of vanguard deployment.
i'm just struggling to see what i'd even use them for. having an endless line of infantry that just wraps around my enemies line and swarms them seems to be the way to go and my experience as dwarves just makes me fear big units are going to get shot to fucking pieces and not be worth healing/re recruiting constantly.
What if I made a stack that was half tonks, half demi's? I made the dwarfs pay for it.
It makes Vampire lore not shit, explosive spells and missile spells are good, buff/debuffs are game changing, gives you a lot more magic reserves to work with
just make it all steam tanks, cut the shit
Actually it is.
thanks for the advice
Mousillanons overhaul and faction unlocked

There's a mod specifically to enhance Mousillon, dunno if it's compatible yet
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only dwarves remain lads
>removes all armor piercing and armor removing from buffs and debuffs
yeah real fucking game changing
what is the reason for this bullshit
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So with the Dawi, when should you stop using warriors and longbeards? They've been carrying me well so far.
When you get ironbreakers
Ironbreakers with Longbeards or just Ironbreaker? I don't know if they have that encourage bonus like the Longbeards do.

Just iron-breakers, them Organ Guns and Thunderers are the only units dwarves need.
Iron breakers leadership is crazy good, they'll fight for ages and lose very few units(unless they're fighting greatswords/chosen gw)

Ironbreakers don't need the encourage bonus if you replace all your line infantry with them. They are pretty much the best defensive infantry in the game IMO.

Depending on your income you should probably keep longbeards in many of your other stacks though.
Thank you, fellow understanders of strategy.
You don't need to upgrade your line unless you are facing enemies with heavy lines. I'd rather have 3 dwarf warriors vs 3 orc boys than 1 iron beaker vs 3 orc boys.
is Total War Warhammer worth it for 40€?

My main grips with previous games (last game I played was Shogun 2, I pirated Rome 2 but it was so fucking terrible that I gave up after 1 hour) was how boring they became after some 20 hours because every faction played the exact same and units were just reskins.
Why not 3 iron breakers vs 3 orc boyz
You'll be disappointed, Empire and human factions are just reskinned skeletons :^)
Every faction is completely different in TWW so don't worry about having to use the same 4 units for 900 hours
Costs too much. Better to have multiple armies that do their job than one big dick army.
this t'bh
By the time I could get Ironbreakers I could produce them in mass. My main armys line was just Ironbreaker.
How does it run? Does it have the same performance issues Rome 2 had at launch?


But the dorf economy is crazy strong
by the time you can field ironbreakers, you should be able to afford at least 3/4 armies worth of them

You'll see, lad.

>enemies wade through your thunderer fire and cannons/organ guns
>finally break when ironbreakers toss satchel charges at them
>or they actually get into melee depleted and smack their ineffective weapons against rock-hard manlets until they break
Bretty good actually. I've had very few crashes, turn speed is lightning quick and the battle load/unload times aren't bad at all, especially if you have a SSD.

I struggled to find a use for all my money by the time I could field Ironbreakers.
Not on higher difficulties.
Runs better than anything previously released on this engine
I did VH dorfs, and by the time I had Ironbreakers it was easily affordable

Learn to manage your kingdom
Hopefully so, Slayers don't want to live.
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I've literally done a VH run for every faction save for Empire.

What the hell is this shit...

My three attempts have been as follows:

1. Secessionists camp in their hovels and after a long battle I get ass-raped by Greenskins.

2. Ambush Secessionists but Greenskins raze 2 of my settlements in response.

3. Greenskins and Secessionists both defeated but fucking Marienburg sieges me and fucks me over permanently.

Please. Someone tell me the best strategy here. It's just completely ridiculous.

Pic related btw.
Literally git gud
Campaign: Chaos (as if you ever get the chance to use them)
MP: Vampyres

my first playthrough was empire on legendary, its pretty simple

just crush secessionists by turn 7, then stomp orcs into peace and proceed to take marienburg after that just confederate and conquer
For melee lords like Franz is it better to upgrade his armor or his HP? What about melee attack? Charge seems less useful

forgot to say that your army should consist of only 4 different units

Longswordsmen x 8
crossbow and musketeers x4 x 4
free of choice arty x3

the lord goes into the middle tree for leadership and the two unit boosts before going into lightning strike. You dont need to buff the lord really since all battles will be one sided
>mannfred and his butt buddy attack my shitty little armor with two full stacks of zombies
>rape them
>offers me 900 gold for a peace treaty
vampire cucks, not even once

Different guy, same experiences. I left Marienburg alone despite all advice to do otherwise. Took Nuln because they were pestering me and fortified it out the ass, so it's self-sufficient. Started moving south and then got fucked by opportunist dwafs who are not sitting in their singular hovel after I burned down the rest of them. Most of the southern settlements I took are getting taken back since everyone is taking advantage of my weakness, and I still have 3 turns until my demigryphs are done. It's a slog but I think I can come back.
No spears?

I always thought the best tactic was to contact the enemy units with spears and then flank with swords/crossbowmen/handgunners/cavalry?

I found the initial charge not worth the trade off for better melee combat
What is lightning strike and why does everyone on this damn board recommend I get it?
Only keep 1 or 2 units of halberds around to deal with big monsters.
Spears are only good for killing monsters, and halberds do it better.
Night battle form old total war.
attacking an army but they cant get reinforcements from nearby stacks

removes reinforcements, basically your bread and butter for defeating chaos
Butter for defeating anything really. It's just too good to not get on every lord.
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>not fighting all the stacks and winning through sheer understanding of strategy
So what exactly is the point of a necromancer lord over a vampire lord?
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not all battles can be won through strategy alone
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The Skaven are real, you stupid bastard.

9hp is all he needs, prepare your anust
>all the factions share the same quest maps even if the factions/forces are different

God damn this game just feels so fucking lazy and half done.

idk if you played r2 or attila but they were pretty similar to this on release
Does anyone have the Warhammer roll pic?
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>expecting any self-respecting citizen of the Reik to believe that ''''''''rat-men'''''''''' are kidnapping people from the Emperor's great cities and burgs

You've spent too much time in the field, Saltzpyre.
Nothing wrong with him going out of his way to respond to people. Or maybe you'd prefer the sega approach where he stops caring about fans and starts charging for any new content.
>tfw take attrition as undead even in allied territory

I just want to use my skellys for good instead of evil ;_;
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Are the Horned Rat and Hashut actual Chaos Gods or are the aspects one the Big Four respectively?
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As Franz, should I keep my borders pure and only take Empire lands or blob south to rape and pillage the French wood elf cucks? The temptation to take those lands is strong, but all that blobbing...
>just realized 150 turns into my campaign I left conquer all on


Guess its time to colonize Norsca
Take everything in the southern half of the Empire, then take Bitchtonnian lands.

That way Norldland, Ostland, and Ostermark can fight off Chaos while you blob

Bretonnia are your allies, lad.

Fuck up the Border Ponces though, they are rightful Empire clay.

If you're achievement-hunting, feel free to conquer all of Bretonnia.

He doesn't need a name to respond to people
better to sack orcs over and over for sweet sweet relationship improvements
I always purge those frogs, there are docks everywhere and their cities are loaded
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does it make sense to build this?
Actual. There are uncountable numbers of Chaos Gods. It's just a matter of how relevant they are.

The only time you really see Chaos Gods disguised are amongst retard Norscans(and probably more southern humans in smaller cults) who think they're following the ancient god of notslaaneshtotallyhonest.
if you want to expand ever, yes
Does Leadership do anything besides making units harder to break? VC has leadership in their tree and unbreakable units, so that doesn't make sense.
You should have them in literally every town

Vampire units crumble when their leadership is low

There is none, for the same reason mannfred is a much better lord than kemmler (Not counting spirit leech). Vampires are much better combatants, and can do everything a necro can do spellwise.

Master of the dead is the only thing necros have going for them, and that's not nearly worth a substantially weaker lord.
When you say every town, do you just mean every province, or do you mean literally every region?
I make them in literally every region
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so how are vampires supposed to be leveled?

you dont really get that luxury early on in the game on legendary
I grab spirit leech and the "good versus multi-targets" spell. I also grab influential to help spread corruption. Anything else just depends on what I need.

Combat skills for massive leadership bubble.
>Spirit leech
>Life Leech
>get all the spells
>fate of brujna
>power drain
>arcane conduit

Then spec out their melee
>the living vaginas

Why does she keep saying this? What does she mean by this?

Vampire units aren't unbreakable, in fact I don't think they have any unbreakable units.

Instead of fleeing, undead start to crumble when "SQUAD BROKEN" occurs, meaning they literally start melting themselves, dealing rather substantial damage over time.


Get expansionist, then have your vampires sit in deployment for the growth. That's it, that's how you build them.

Use banshees or wight kings if you want a combat hero.

obviously mocking you for not getting any
It doesn't make sense NOT to build them.
>cant demolish norscan buildings

Okay then
You can't capture their provinces man
That's pretty sad, anon. I'm sorry for you. Maybe someday you'll get a gf.
Using faction unlocker
Technically, there's shit tons of Chaos Gods in Warhammer. It's just the 4 are some of the stronger & more prominent ones.

but anon why would i want that

Don't you ever post on my board again normie scum.
Yeah I gathered, my point was to expect bugs with mods.
you name your units, right anon?
What conventions would you use? For Empire I could see 1st Foot, 2nd Foot etc. What would you name reiksgaurd? what would you name zombies?
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sometimes it's hard to keep coming up with orcish names for warbands... at one point I literally called a group "Fist Boyz"
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y not i just finished my orc campaign
Empire gets regimental names like you said, I'll name knights after something to do with their general like "x's guard" or something more creative.
I don't bother naming shit like zombies and gobbos, they don't deserve it.
Empire is the shittiest faction to play as. Games can end or continue just by what the AI does in the first 10 turns. I've restarted so many times because the orcs can either gangbang the same province or not show up at all, and Marienburg and the Dwarf fuckers in Karak Ziflin can team up and attack or do their own thing. This is so frustrating,
Wtf am I doing wrong /v/?
>be in vampire campaign
>Kislavs attacks me with a shitty army and fucks up one of my cities
>Manfred 20/20 army moves to intercept
>kislavs run away and sacks another city
>finally catch the slavs army
>cant fucking attack them because Manfred wont enter a tiny red circle around them
>in my own territory with plenty of movement to spare
>mfw red circle is unbreakable forcefield and I alt f4 without saving
What the actual fuck is this game?

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What a name
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Die european scum
Is Molay's magic good? Does the rebalancing make mages fun to use or does it go too far?
Nice, your doing a refugee run I see.
How the fuck do you win against a bigger trash vamp stack with your vamp trash stack?
Even if I tryhard and leech the enemy general to death almost before the lines even come into contact with one another, the fucking +leadership from very hard plus their numbers means you'll crumble to shit with a leader long before they do without.

how did you even get into that situation
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Which race are your guys favorite race currently in the game? (bonus points: Which race or addition are you most looking forward to or hoping for?)
Makes them fun

It cant fix bombardment spells tho, which are bugged
Gonna have to wait for TK. It's tough to do good when your troops run on pure, high-octane unleaded Evil.
Vortex still doesnt kill anybody, just kncks them down.

Also removes all armor piercing related parts of buffs/debuffs. No more increased Armour piercing damage, or lowering the enemies armour
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693684953 will help assuming you're not in march mode. It effects the AI too.
Trying to take templehof in a big battle with my one stack against their one stack and smaller friends, gotta deal with all the trash before I can assault their 16 garrison capital.

you should have been able to defeat those without any effort, if you waited before attacking them then you messed up
>No more increased Armour piercing damage, or lowering the enemies armour

Why though? Those are some of the few spells I used besides the Death stuff.
I like Empire. I think beastmen would add the most to the game, since lore wise most factions spend most of their time fighting beastmen.

If you didn't sweep them in 5 turn your might as well restart. Normally you can just blitz the 2 cities while raising between battles, then they wouldn't of had time to recruit anything once you are seizing templehof.
Is there a compatibility submod for empire of sigmar unit mod and radious? It works, but the upkeeps are all wrong
You should change battle difficulty to normal and keep campaign to VH. The AI doesn't get better it just gets retarded artificial buffs.
Is there a fucking crack for this damn game yet?

but im not the person struggling, its this guy >>145136587
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>tfw vargeist upkeep

Beastmen and Orcs. They're the two whipping boy factions with limitless numbers.

>Vortex still doesnt kill anybody, just kncks them down.

Depends on the vortex, Wind of Death is a real killer

Turn 1 that first army, turn 2 the town north of me, turn 3 the top town in eastern sylvania, they raided the second province(doing nothing but like 300 spooky money worth of damage) and retreated, turn 4 I advanced towards them but didn't have the range to fight the isolated full stack, despite it raiding and running away, and the lesser stack was camped under templehof's garrison.
So i passed turn 4 for more reinforcing, got like two zombies, mannfred's starting stuff, three wolves and the rest skeleton swords.

Turn 5 I engaged their one and a half stack standing next to their not-capital province, got my ass kicked and here I am.

Does it affect muh cheevos?
Funniest one
How the fuck did I do that.
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What's the best formation for sword units?

depends on your opposition
Not certain but pretty sure it does not.
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Europe will be ours soon
Depends on what you want them to do
poo in zoo

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Run you fools!

I dont think extrapolate is completely appropriate for that but i catch your drift.

basically the thicker line, the more durable and the longer it takes for them to die or get exhausted. But at the same time they wont dish out as much damage.
with that you should be able to figure out which formation suits their use
Their formation should only really matter depending on basic tactics

Do you want them to deny/hit a long line of terrain against multiple units?

Can you protect their flanks/do you care to?

Wider formations will fight more and die more, less wide formations are more solid but if your line is short you're far more open to flanks from the sides.(Rear being vulnerable no matter what.
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I said RUN!
If your unit is superior you want more surface area against the enemy and vice versa. 1. Will get fucked by cavalry charges though, but the AI doesn't know how to effectively do them.
Stop blogging.
I want to cuddle with vampire-chan!
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ficki ficki
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t. European
>Bashi Bazouks

Aren't these guys utter shit or something
They are just there to distract/break them while cav or guns go around
Someone make a Greggs faction in Attila please
>campaign victory
>just expand 5 miles across the entire map with doomstacks and don't even bother fighting unless the game says it's going to be close

I wish campaigns were more story focused and tried to be a little more varied than just "grab this territory and grab this territory". The most enjoyable part of the game is having cool battles.
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I FINALLY beat vamps on hard what a fucking slog through the mud. I 463 turns of fucking annoying ass orcs constantly raiding me and destroying my economy while I tried to hold 20 provinces. They pretty much constantly had 7 armies in my homeland once I finally killed bretonia. This is a screen of the final turn, fucking ridiculous. Anyone feel my vamp pain?
You could make some restraints for your self instead of spamming steam tanks and auto resolving like a retard.
>letting greenskins unify the entire badlands
you got what you deserved

VC isnt that painful if you know how to diplomacy
Absolutely crushing enemy armies should debuff them at the peace table. If you win three heroic victories against them in a row and they have no stacks left(even if they can AI-cheat more into existence in a couple of turns) then they should be begging for peace, provided you aren't distracted elsewhere.

you dont even need heroic, just smacking a few of their stacks is enough for peace treaty to punch through
They do. The only factions that don't do that are chaos/norska because you cant be at peace with them.
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I made peace with both Norscan tribes and the warriors of Chaos on my Greenskins campaign.
So it can be done.

I never even fought the dwarfs once, the orcs completely killed them for me and then they were too huge to deal with, I just had to put up with their raids. If the AI wanted to kill me it easily could have.

I literally didn't ever negotiate with anyone other than to occasionally end a war.
Empire can't negotiate with them. I don't play the lesser races.

well there's your problem right there. In my VC playthrough I had a 3 side war against dwarves, empire and bretonnia. Solved it by smacking one, peace treaty, smacking the other and so forth
Best hero unit for the Empire? For actually fighting in battles, I mean




Spearmen, unsheilded. They are the true heroes.
Witch Hunter
tie between empire and orcs

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Anything except for dwarfs they seem boring as fuck.
>peace treaties

This website is 18+.
You must be using some shit mod, or maybe it lets you on easy difficulty.
Was this during the first or second Chaos invasion? There are two Chaos invasion events, and during the second one, there is no negotiating with the Warriors of Chaos (and therefore no negotiating with Norsca) until the Warriors of Chaos are dead.
nope, it's on legend.

not everyone plays dwarves on normal difficulty you know
How come sometimes Kholek is small and sometimes he's fucking huge
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Empire is my current favorite in game and looking forwards to skaven and beastmen the most.
>inb4 I get memed on cause I like skaven
Low-sun diet

Pre and Post chaos you can negotiate with them
You can have treaties with them before the main chaos invasion. After that they perma at war with them
That's pretty brutal
Yeah I know they want peace, I meant the keyword to be begging. Offering vassalization and provinces and shit.
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s-should I hire him?
Can you do co-op games in Napoleon?
It probably was during the first invasion.
Honestly I never payed much attention to them because you are so shielded as the Greenskins.
The only time I really fought them was when the bastard Skaelings sailed a fucking stack around Estalia to D-Day my shit.
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Why would they do that? They are warriors not european cucks.
yeah slayers are good against monster units
Amazing chart
*furry joke*
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eh, cheese is overrated. Not that amazing.
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Uniform book of the Empire here if you are interested:

fuck y'all
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why'd you have to post the nipple-orc again
You're my favorite person.
either his breasts are very high up on his torso or he has no neck
why are his nipples so detailed
Playable Averland and Wissenland WHEN?
Playable Kislev WHEN
Ingame(Playable) Halflings WHEN
Fuck Ostland and Ostermark desu
Playable Bretonnia and Mousillon WHEN

>Sylvanian state troops used to wield spear scythes into battle

Thats pretty badass
>when this nigga try to punk you out of the end times.



>all those unused banners
No idea,that screenshot anon posted is from Empire
Damn, game looks a little better than I remember
Shits for pussies anon
>Using marauders in the late-game
>Doesn't know how to use banners
>Only posts a screeshot to act tough after the Ever-Watcher's army is mostly destroyed and odds are heavily in his favor
also tilea
I mean in general, not just the norscan factions. They do it because they want peace ASAP.

Norscans are pretty much the same cucks are real world vikings. Too cowardly to wage actual war, incapable of triumphing over shitty fishing villages so they sell their body parts to random gods.
i bet you can't even talk to girls haha
I am a girl haha
>Being this agitated over a shitpost
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GR8 B8 M8 I R8 8/8
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If you guys like total war so much why don't you just go to Iraq?
she's only into you if you're a rat
> tfw you'll never raise an army of Arabyan thives to loot and pillage Tomb Kangz and Bretfuckers
>quest to get an alliance with nordland
>just confederated some niggers so i have a huge penalty and relationship is dropping fast
>after about 10 turns the penalty is gone and my relationship has climbed up to enough where i can almost offer it to them
>accidentally trespass on their land for ONE TURN
>-18 fucking penalty
>5 turns later and it still hasn't gone away
what the FUCK, quest is gonna take forever to do, i gave them a gift and they are still mad and i refuse to be a cuck and keep sending them all my gold
I live in Australia
That's practically the UnderEmpire, right?
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>quest to get alliance
>reward is 1000 gold
>send them gold to get alliance

yeah pretty much
>Skaven would be the shitposters of the old world web.
i thought it was for one of those legendary items, the quest name is the same as the equipment name at the top of my dude's skill tree
don't tempt my thirst, wench
are all australians vermin?

just fucking kill them senpai, it'll skip over that quest stage
It is and it isn't.
There are quest stages, you get the alliance, get a small reward and unlock the battle where you get the item.
fuck i'm already fighting like five fucks at the same time on every front
what is 'realism mode' ?
Should be able to hover over it for a tooltip.
Something like you only get vision in your units cone and such.
>Nordland took Gorssel and now I can't have all of the wasteland without starting a huge war over one town

Oh well, fuck it. I didn't care about the runefang quest anyway.
Just wait a little bit. Soon the forces of Chaos will wipe out the Nordlanders for you.
steam name so I can buy you games in hopes for your love?
don't rush it, then. i've yet to complete any quest on anything higher than hard and i've still done fine if you wait long enough, they'll hop on your dick, or die when chaos comes for real.
Marienburg took Nordland in my game, it was literally perfect. Until the fucking neverending viking tide woke up, then I wished I'd only taken Marienburg.
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I'm playing empire campaign on normal now and now I'm planning on getting late game troops to fight archaon and his army has 2 giants and a fuck load of armored chaos warrior with either great weapon or shield.
What units do you recommend?
is volley gun good? how about luminark of hymn?
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did you ever wonder how many agents the AI can get on one settlement?
Cannons and halberds for the giants, greatswords and gunners for their infantry. In normal though you have some flexibility, just play it smart.
luminark is probably hands down the worst unit in the game.
Hellblaster is quite solid against armour if you can have it fire long enough.

Greatswords, Reiksguard/Demigryphs and steam tanks is probably the most overpowered you can make an Empire army. Maybe some halberdiers if you can't take out their monsters and shit with Karl and steam tank fire.
guns are your best bet against chaos when it comes to ranged infantry. greatswords can goe toe-to-toe with even the most elite chaos troops, if at least for awhile. a Luminark isn't going to help you all too much if you could replace it with a steam tank. mortars might be good as well.

in any case, your best bet is greatswords for stemmin the tides of chaos. guns can focus down their giants something fierce as well as pierce the armour of their chosen.

>the bards of sigmar
but what about volley gun? they have armor piercing and they looks so cool? has any of you used them before?
>witchhunter idle animation

I'm imagining a witch hunter tipping his hat and saying something anti-chaos in fedora-speak, while Archaon recoils in visible pain.

I said hellblaster. Hellblaster volley gun.
i haven't had too much success with them myself. it can most likely do pretty well for support, and might be able to cheeply fill a steam tanks role in a full army.
Use them if you like them. AI doesn't get any bonuses against you on normal so you have room to have fun.
>I said hellblaster. Hellblaster volley gun.

well there is also the hellblaster rocket battery. I didn't know volley gun has hellblaster in their name.
What is the most powerful artillery to use for the empire?
throwing ur mum
To extrapolate on my use of them, try a custom battle with a hellblaster against the heaviest dwarven unit. It'll obviously not win but the point to observe is that it will consistently chew through them as long as it can. So if you can get a hellblaster on the flank of a line of chaos chosen fighting and have it shoot the entire time I feel it would do amazingly.

Helstorm is the rocket battery.

Which by the way is basically just a better mortar but it gets fucked by terrain more.

Steam tank by far, equals performance of other artillery at range, and it also kicks ass in melee.

you're overusing extrapolate
So I decided to try out the quest battles outside the campaign and god damn the army compositions are fucking garbage. Especially the chaos ones. Marauders, especially horses are fucking garbage and all of the quest battle armies spam them.
epic xD

steam tanks aren't technically artillery, but they fill the same role extremely well, as well as multiple others. mortars are a bang-for-your-buck second in my opinion.
it depends on terrain and enemy type. Mortars are generally the most solid type of artillery since they can shoot over your own infantry line without getting obstructed. Rockets are okay but they are more useful if the enemy tries to engage on you with a clump of infantry and there is enough space to get a few save volleys off without firing into your own infantry. Cannons are good for sniping high value targets and pierce armor but when your infantry line met theirs it can't hit shit without team-killing since it barely has a firing arch.

Steam-tanks are shit artillery but amazing as front-line units to draw off some damage.
>Withdraw from battle early on, have two giants that take no damage during withdrawing,
>withdraw finishes
>Both giants and general are at 1 health
What's a good Brettonia army comp for siege battles?

If you're having a hard time with them, remember that you can completely break the ai by luring it with those cav units.
pegasus knight spam or just wait until CA finished them.
because only the AI can retreat with no damage
there was an anon that said armies can retreat indefinitely
this is almost true
in order to wipe them you have to either attack twice in one turn or have them cornered(literally on the map)
as opposed to the player army being wiped on 1 flee 1 attack no matter what
Why does CA gimp the player instead of making better AI?
Because they suck at it.
1/2 KOTR 1/2 Pegasus Knights. with a damsel. Sally like an honorable motherfucker.
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>not playing on Ultra-unit size
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>dwarfs are easy haha

Hey Greenskins,
My name is Thorgrim Grudgebearer, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day fighting and shitting in the Karaks. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any blessings from Grimnir? I mean, I guess it’s fun killing all of your own people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than making a pact with the Top Knotz.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best army. I’m pretty much perfect. I'm High King of the Karaz Ankor, and lord of Karaz-a-Karak. What kingdoms do you rule, other than “buttfuck-nowhere badlands”? I record your transgressions in the Dammaz Kron, and have a powerful slayer king at my command (He just slew Grimgor; Shit was SO cash). You are all dwarf-haters who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s Ungrim Ironfist
How the fuck do I deal with chariots?
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How fucked am I when the invasion starts?
More details

Did you make them rout with Ungrim? Your infantry can't have stayed and fought with those numbers left.
You right click any of your units.
Then you rightclick the chariot.
Then you watch it die.
My catapults got a lucky chain route on the goblins and it spread from there. Ungrim, as you can see, was on his last leg. I thought for sure that one was lost. My infantry crumbled pretty fast in that battle, and all of my ranged units ran out of ammo by the end.
asking for trouble with that few quarrelers to be honest.
Just came across a Tilea stack with 8 Outrider (Grenade Launcher) units
meant for >>145147542
I'm evidently an incompetent dwarf player. I've done everyone else on legendary but I'm getting my asshole torn inside out here. Gimme some tips senpai
Those southerners like their skirmish cav
jaysus chroist
how does one even go about dealing with that many of them
With auto resolve :^)
It's easier than you think, since pistoleers are actually horrible.
Cannons and many Crossbows.
Should I build a Cathedral in every province? That corruption reduction seems pretty amazing.
>since pistoleers are actuallly horrible

scrub detected
You should play Warhammer instead.
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Hey short monkeigh
My name is Tyrion and I hate every single one of you. All of you are cowardly, short, neckbearded basement dweller who spent every every second of their day playing with rock, making little notes on others wrong doing against you and drinking. You are everything that is bad about the world. Honestly, have any of you actually got balls to go out and conquered the world with your so called superior technology? I mean, I guess is important that you must test your weapons for another 500 years in order to put in on the field, but you lost the steamtank to the empire because of that. This is even worst than the war of beard and I can remember is how you started the war because we insulted your disgusting long beard. Don't be a stranger, just come attack us. I'm jsut perfect. I'm Tyrion son of Aenarion of the Ulthuan . What kingdom do you rule? other than "cave-inside-a-moutain-crawling-with-ork"? I piss on you with my awesome lore of light magic(which you don't have and I'm probably the best swordsman in the world and have an awesome brother Teclis at my command(He is the best caster in the world, shit was SO cash). You are all elf-haters who should just kill yourself. Thanks for listening.

pic related: It's me getting awesome power from Khaine, the god of war HIMSELF.
b-but they are
I don't accept the empire.
I still don't accept the empire.
>3 points into armor on franz gives him +15 but on some random ass lord i hired it gives +30

Crossbowmen with some infantry to dissuade charges will shred that comp.
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why do handgunners beat outriders?

outriders have slightly less hp but have 10 more armor and do double their damage
>daughter fucked by MANNFRED
hahahahah holy shit.
Bigger targets are easier to hit.
probably because handgunner has more model so they could fire more. Not to mention gunner fires armor piercing round which ignore or deal more damage against any one with armor. Also, outrider are just not suitable to taking damage compare to reiklanders.
unit size
projectiles are per projectile damage

Because handgunners have twice the numbers? And outriders are a much larger target.
Bigger targets, less units, probably less reload.
Can I use any agent to reduce vampiric corruption? Including empire captains? Or it's only witch hunters?
maybe level them up to make them have the ability to reduce corruptions on whatever they stand.
They all add +2 non-corruption by being present in a province. Certain ones like witch hunters can put skill points to increase that, though.
rollan for normal diff
By Slaanesh's sordid supremacy. Sigvald shall sack such slanderous southerners.
They all have anti-corruption as part of their tree.
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Why are the vamps so comfy to play as?
Because you let them be. Apparently you can play them batshit insane aggressive
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>muh fate of bijuna
>muh superior flying units
>muh expendable zombie, bat red shirt

Dwarf campaign is most comfy
So? You can play all the factions aggressively or defensively, doesn't mean vampires aren't designed for creeping across the map slow and spookily.
too much, actually, it's everywhere
How the shit do you play Chaos?

One run I never bothered building a second army, because I was fresh off the "never played a Horde before boat" and eventually got overrun by enemy stacks.

This run I rushed Sigvald once I got roughly 70,000 chaos coins. Am I really supposed to raise units 2 at a time with him, or am I supposed to eat some attrition and feed him units from Archaons army?

It was retarded as fuck too, those starting dwarves never fucked with me at all, until I made that Sigvald force they abandoned defending their home turf to come ALL the way to Doomkeep to fight him.

I need a baby's first horde guide or something on how to play this. It was (probably because I'm super tired) not fun.

Why did Mannfred betray everyone?
I hope you're not implying that they weren't designed with "Super Spook Jumpscare" in mind as well.
because vampire gives no fuck and he was treat like shit by nagash even though he took major parts in reviving his skeleton ass.
An interesting kingdom I've carved for myself

I hope VC swallow up the Empire so I can have a war of vampires

>dude i just betrayed everyone and I caused the vortex to go out of control and kill everyone lmao

That seems a bit much, even for a little bitch like Mannfred
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>Settle Everywhere Mod
probably because they have little to no good missile unit and the only thing they could do is to either charge in with your awesome high armor chaos warrior blobb or just flanking with wolves or knights or just send whatever you have to overwhelm the enemy.
I didn't plan on it, I was using a mod that ups the AI's willingness to colonize, turns out that also lets them colonize anywhere

So I just said fuck it and enabled the mod
vampire are already dead and mannfred died like 3 or 4 times. He gives no fuck.
Vlad LL when
Always skill up your horde growth on the bottom tree first. With every lord.

Hordes are about mobility, man. You can move a good distance and still encamp every turn for building/recruiting/recovering. Avoid tough enemies and hit undefended settlements like a huge coward. You don't have to systematically take an enemy out, just always look for the best opportunity.

When you're in a safe spot and have lots o money, branch off a second horde. Send them in different directions and do the same with your new stack; build them up and hit opportunistic targets.

You can click on enemy armies to see their movement range so you know how far you have to run to not get attacked by them. Chaos isn't super well balanced right now, but you still get some solid infantry and as long as you keep sacking vulnerable settlements you'll never run out of money. If a unit gets too thrashed, merge it up, dismiss the leftovers, and just recruit a fresh unit.

Keep at least one hellcannon in a stack. Some people like them, some don't, but they let you attack a walled settlement right away. Don't use marauders if you have other options. Don't underestimate your dogs' usefulness.
Either when Nagash pops up or if we get a First War of the Vamps mini campaign

Favorite Empire army composition?
>disable Chaos invasion
>suddenly every campaign is a unique all out war against the enemy factions

best decision I have made so far, before it was just a rush to get norh as soon as possible to intercept the doomstacks as early as possible, or have the game be a half razed map with feeble factionlets to crush

suddenly the human and dwarf factions actually bloat up to become actual challenges.

that's why an End Times scenario sucks, Warhammer shines when it's just two armies bashing each others head in over a minor dispute or border trouble, not when all have band together to preven the apocalypse, that sucks, I can play WoW if I want green dindus and humons being allies against demons

>unmounted Karls

This is a retarded fight, Kholek stunlocks all foot lords
Yeah, after like, 8 campaigns, 5 with delayed chaos, I'm saying fuck it and using that mod

Although I heard it fucks up quests
I use it togerher with minor factions mod and those don't have LLs either way

after playing the quest battles 3 times they get boring anyway, it's always the exact same units

Orcs of the Bloody Hand have been my favourite campaign so far, starting in ekrund you can go anywhere you want and do whatever you want without being railroaded into fighting anyone.

I was thinking I'd play the orcs up near the Empire and just chill in my mountain hold sacking settlements
the western badlands are hilarious though.
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>TFW kicking Nagash's ass and sending his pathetic vampire servants fleeing into exile
>animechosen and his pals are dead
>only chaos stack left is three depleted marauder horsemen
it all returns to where it started my friends
>barak varr
>teef snatchas
>scabby eye
>red fangs
>border princes

>all of them want to kill each other
for the first 30 turns it's just one lynch mob hunting the other one.
bloody hands are over there, but top knotz usually tears up the other orcs
can't chaos make him like super extra dead?
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Super detailed old world campaign map when?
no, because then they just gather the dragon balls
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I prefer playing them, they have the best starting location and a nice enemy with the top knots just south.

Also they have no canonical reason not to use goblins or entire goblin stacks unlike Grimgor Ironhide who loathes goblins and kills them on sight

On top of that Vorgaz has a nice model for a Leader.
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the reik.png
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>tfw you'll never get to play on a map that detailed

It's a shame there's no way to make custom maps anymore.
>Nordland in the west
>Ostland in the North
>Then finally a second Ostland (Ostermark) in the east
Why didn't they just make a Vestenland?
They did. Marbad of the Endals (who features in the Amulet of Sea Gold quest battle) was originally given that bit of land to rule, bordering west of Middenland. It got eaten up by Nordland and Middenland for whatever reason, I can't remember.
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I'm so fucking angry and this shit fucking fuck my fucking ass
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>chaos coins

Are those like Bison Dollars, but with Sigvald on them?
What if they settled the wasteland and made it great again?
the Dwarf experience

Always build the defensive structure in any place you won't have + in happiness. The regular units you get from a level 1 defensive structure is well enough to deal with any rebellion, let alone 2.
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Forgot image.
Thats Marienburg territory
It's not a rebellion. These fat niggers are mad-dashing all around and destroying my fucking dreams. That settlement had a defensive structure. Every single fucking place has a defensive structure. I prioritized growth, so there was literally no way to get a level 2 defensive structure by this point.

Like holy fuck after this stupid shit I'm starting to actually feel why the dwarves have a big book of "Lynch these faggots when you get a chance"
Gifts gifts GIFTS for days. If you don't butter up your neighbors enough before you get whacked with that Great Power -10 to diplomacy you are never going to affordably convince them into non-aggression pacts. Spend your starting gold like a desperate sex tourist in Thailand, you'll get it back by wiping out the secessionists anyway.

If you can, get both Talbalecland and Stirland as Defensive Allies before you take your second settlement, but DO NOT get into a Military Alliance this early on as they will drag you into plenty of shitty wars on their borders. If you have Defensive Allies and a good strength factor, especially this early on, other factions aren't going to fuck with you on a whim. That gives you leave to concentrate your foes, target enemies one faction or one province at a time.

Bretonnia, Wissenland and Karak Norn are generally who you want to prioritize buttering up unless they started with the Imperial Distrust attribute. (In every play-through Kislev has accepted a trade agreement straight off the bat, and I've never pushed for more in the early game.)

TL;DR Playing Empire means making friends early (buying them) and picking your targets carefully.
But Marienburgers are scum

>not genociding Karak Norn

Thats goin in the book

But the color of the orcs clearly imply that was a rebellion that happened. Dwarves get ork rebellions.
It's almost as if they expect you to use some kind of..organized military force to defend your settlements from enemies.

While yes, it's incredibly good. I never liked getting it until really late, because making your LL just shove points upon points into character skills makes them into army-slayers on their own. Just look at Grimgor, if you slap character skills on him - he can take out 90% of an army on his own, aside from missile cavalry and greatswords with at least silver rank. And Karl Franz is even better at slaying the entirety of armies.
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>AI expects anything
Why have they sprung "tactics" on me on my last legendary campaign.

Are you colourblind my lad? I'm exclusively mad at orcs, so you get off this time.
>there's a triangle on that Orc banner
Skaven rebels confirmed.
>Are you colourblind my lad?

>comparing this screenshot with the other one

I think I might just be. My bad, sorry.
westerland was its own province untill the not! dutchmen of marienburg seceded the empire and now it's called the wasteland presumably because the empire are a bunch of salty cunts
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>we could have had Medieval 3 instead of this casualized fairytale shit
If I appoint someone to office can I change what office they're in later?
Actually its called that because 90% of the wasteland is nothing but huge stretches of moors
go away Karl
We dodged a bullet there, agreed

Honest mistake
Now they have a lot more money to put into M3's development.
Try the hardest TW to date

I prefer the term high fantasy

Beastmen have yet to be announced
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Its tru tho
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>they will now use legendary lords as the standard of general units instead of going back to the Shogun 2 formula which was by far the best one.
Avatar conquest incoming though
>having them all be the same with a handful of points per level and shit for options was by far the best one
>We could have had Rome 2: Attila 2: the Age after the Age of Charlemagne, now with more shields, spears and coloured tunics

lucky us

>having a general having to focus a lot more on one or the other between being useful himself, or his troops being good
>LL's can wipe out units by themselves, and boost their units, and get night battles

I preferred having one general being a beast in combat, while the other was using stand and fight but his units are pretty meh in combat.
funnest campaign to start legendary difficulty on?
>avatar conquest
>get battles like "generals unit only" or "cav only" with shitheads thinking they're sun tzu
The true answer

>avatar conquest

Don't mention that nonsensical bullshit.

>have a friend
>make a battle
>level up units to the max
>or if you're really lazy
>just cheat engine your general to max level
>can literally cheat engine everything to max level without any issues
Yea, who doesnt want another age of charlemagne with just 2 more tiers of each units.

You probably wouldnt mind them reusing the Attila voices again.

What's the best use of Vampire heroes as VC? I'm thinking combat with my main army.
>you want to use all the units in the game ? fuck you fight and win some naval battles first ))))
If you can't get them signing that non-aggression pact and trade agreement early, yeah fuck them. They're too expensive to buy out so earning some brownie points by shitting on the Necksnapper's is the only way to go. Unfortunately in all my playthroughs the Necksnappers seem to get rekt before I'm done brushing up the Secessionists.
They have a flying mount and can cast spirit leech. Use them to cheese-snipe enemy generals. Otherwise, the Banshee is better as a duelist and the Wight King is better as a general Brawler.

The Vampire does have a benefit of being pretty sturdy due to her regeneration, but is outclassed in terms of offensive power by both the Wight King and the Banshee.
eh, why not, i just finished my empire campaign
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Where to next? I dont wanna fight the empire because chaos is knocking on the door, turn around 100

Maybe I should invade the border princes?
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>tfw using four low-quality stacks or else my economy would tank

Feels bad. I need more provinces, but the only guys that will confederate are the cunts on the far northeast.

go north, Prepare the settlements for chaos stacks
I'm having trouble with Dwarves lads, I'm playing as Orkz right now and the late game quarrelers are destroying me. My black orkz/trolls/giants can handle the melee but the quarrellers and thunders are so god damn melee efficient too. Should I even bother making arrer boyz at this point? they seem to be ineffective to everything Dwarves have.
just surrender to dwarven superiority

You'll have to speak up, I'm having trouble hearing you from down there.
build cavalry and black orcs
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my spider cavalry is getting raped by the quarrelers though, or should i switch to boar? If anything should I just take out archers from my roster?
Blasting charges are fucking glorious
take out archers, bring in boar chariots, proceed to punch holes through dwarven front lines with boar chariots

See the Oakley video for further details

Light cavalry and ranged cavalry loses to quarrelers, but dwarves are slow and can't get away from your guys. The most heavily armored cavalry you can get is good if they're spamming quarrelers, especially anything with a shield. Quarrelers aren't anti-armor, so black orcs are pretty good. You definitely want to catch and engage the quarrelers in melee ASAP, whatever you do. Not much point having archers against dwarves, all their guys have armor and their archers outrange and outdamage your guys, plus they have shields. Basically anti-armor all round against dwarves, surround them and use mobility to fuck their vulnerable bits.
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i know right?
they disrupt formations, they deal ok damage and they look fucking cool
>standing on a mountain
Holy fuck this damage control
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Here's your book buddy, write it down.
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their damage is insane against lightly armored units aswell
dwarves are annoying litlle pricks
especially in mp , while the empire or orks can be surrounded and routed fairly easy the litlle dudes just wont rout or die easily
"Fuck I could use a drink right now."
So what playstyle do you prefer?

Turtling up slowly, building up your provinces before moving on, or do you blitzkrieg the shit and take everything as quick as possible?
i turtle and then i blitzkrieg

in VH and Legendary you are pretty much forced to turtle.
>WAAAGH all the way up the frog coast while Archaon keeps Franz and my bro Manny occupied
>All the while Manny keeps paying me to go to war with some dwarfs on the other side of the map, who in turn pay me for peace
>Wash across the mountains in a green tide, leaving the Empire with a single city before pimp slapping Archy and his parrot back to Santa's workshop
>The Empire, now holed up in the Brass Keep and surrounded by Nordling raiders demands peace
>And 3600 gold

dude wut

Well am I playing VC or Orcs?
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You wake up and there's a Vampire knocking at your door looking to set up a trade agreement.

He's looking to buy your furs, beer, and wood and will pay top Dark Magic for it.

What do you do?
Accept, use the money to fund an army, raze all of his castles.
Can I refresh my lord pool somehow? I don't want any of these shitty necromancers and I finally need a 3rd army after swiping Averland.
End turn.
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>play multiplayer battle
>play dwarves
>he picks bretonnia
>nothing but fucking pegasus knights
>can't do shit because he just flies off just as they're about to retaliate

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>playing MP when everyone either plays Empire of oversized chickens of no weakness
>or VC of 'i'm just gonna throw shit at you and leave before you can win'
>playing MP as the manlets
literally asking for it, only chaos is weaker

does anyone else keep getting connection errors?

dumb bliniposter
>play dwarves against the most cavalry reliant faction ingame
first mistake
>not bringing 4 thunderers minimum
second mistake
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Name ONE thing more spoopy than Hexwraiths?
I dunno that skeleton warrior walk is pretty spoopy. We need a collage of them walking with the doot doot soundtrack.
Fukken ROLL
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>tfw Altdorf garrison arrives as reinforcements
>play a 2v2 i'm chaos with empire vs 2x empire because fuck it , it's fun
>he focuses everything on my marauder frontline
>chaos warriors and chosen hit their lines unopposed
>chaos knights rear charge as their general dies
>mass rout ensues
>look at my ally
>he did almost nothing to the enemies army
>scoot over and do the exact same thing to empire nr2
was a great feel

on a side note something became painfully obvious about the demigryphs that battle : they don't fucking fast because the damage on them seems to be distributed almost evenly , there was a unit of them with 450 hp left and it still had half its models
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Alrik you fugger xD what are you doing? :D

Seriously, why does the AI want to go to the middle of the map to reform there. I was already dead when he formed up.

Mount and Blade's modding scene.
How would that be a problem? That's what quarellers are for

Because they fuck up Quarellers very quickly.
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>archaon wants peace

I thought chaos had to be at war with everyone.
>they are not Red and Blue
he's so tsundere
I hope they revamp how generals work in the next total war. I'm bored of the "tough guy with above-average bodyguard" routine, I want a vulnerable general with a small amount of diverse looking units representing his staff. What would be really interesting would be if you would place down a generals HQ or something during the deployment phase and had to commit troops to defend it.
No they don't. They're going to get rekt and when they charge you with what's left of them after the first volley you get a free charge with your warrior when they land to finish them off
Only during the second invasion. The first invasion, you can be at peace with Chaos and the Norscans.
...generals never went into battle with their secretaries as bodyguards what the fuck are you smoking
>That line
My fucking sides.

Literally telling you that, that is precisely what I did and my Quarellers got killed off before the knights got close to routing.

I don't think you realize how quickly the Pegasus knights get up and down from the air.
Because he was not getting enough atention with papa Vlad and Nagash back
Well I want them to do something to make them more than some tough to kill units with some buffs, so that riding them right behind your line would run the rick of them getting got by a stray arrow or bullet or whathaveyou. The HQ idea would be the most interesting to see done.
generals didn't sit in HQs in ancient field battles, ancient generals always had a retinue with them
Reminder Kislev always accepts a trading agreement from turn 1 from the Empire.
Who says the next total war is going to be ancient?
common sense
I hope they fix that clipping on Archaon in the next patch whenever the fuck that will be
>Rome 2 recently came out
>Attila recently came out
>Haven't had a gun oriented Total War since Napoleon
> People clamoring for Med 3, which released almost a decade ago
Didn't know I was talking to a retard
>medieval 2 era isn't ancient
had no idea that you were 900 years old
They wouldnt be anywhere near the field idiot
How do I play Vampires?
Any cheesy strats like Quarreler spam for dwarfs?
Exactly, so they should find a different system from what they have always done.
grave guard/skellington main frontline, kill artillery/ranged/ranged cavalry/cavalry with monsters and flying units, flank with black knights and monsters, aim to route enemy by surrounding and hitting from behind while grave guard/skellies are fighting them.
Multiplayer? Wight spam + Mannfred for spirit leech
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or maybe keep the system that has worked since the beginning?
No no I mean campaign
are you actually retarded? You'd stop referring to something as ancient past late Antiquity.
Playing as Empire is so stressful.
>medieval era is not ancient :^)
gee dude stop defending your point with bullshit
yeah, stress-fully easy
main tactic at the minute is have a frontline of grave guard or zombies even, behind that have a line of crypt horrors and just rush and tie down their infantry then send in horrors. Black knights on the flank with great weapon grave guard should stand a chance against demigryphs IF you bolster them with magic.
unfortunately the wraiths aren't that great
recently found out that master of the dead has a tiny aura instead of being on the whole map like the text says
Varghulf and terrorgheist are great
Graveguard are okay, cav kind of sucks. Skeleton spearmen are pretty good for their price, crypt horrors are great
not even the same guy, but as an archaeologist its triggering to see some cunt use the term 'ancient' and expect to be understood as meaning medieval. Besides next tw is china or gunpowder era.
>I like games shortchanging me
>Fuck innovation
You are what is killing videogames.
>gunpowder era
I'm sure as an archaeologist you realize how fucking stupid and broad this term is. What era, faggot?
i would love renaissance total war

>i like innovation that doesn't make sense and would make the game worse
YOU are what is killing videogames, innovation isn't always good you ass pirate
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Karak Norn is crazy only because Wood Elves still not announced.
Innovation for the sake of it is not necessarily the way to go, look at how there's been a steady comeback to mechanics of older games in different genres, from fighting to FPS and strategy.
>Pegasus knights get up and down from the air.
a unit cant get up if its attacked in melee, you should have clicked on them you know
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What are the best empire ranged units to go with a big stack of greatswords?

Also, are demygryphs worth it?

I am still undecided on which unit will make the big meatball core of my armies, demygryphs or greatswords.

Would appreciate a few hints.
>tfw been paying them 2000 gold pretty much every 3 turns since start of campaign and they barely accept a NAP
I kept it broad so it might mean Ming China or Renaissance/late medieval period right up to the Victorian era. If the devs were serious that it was unbroken ground for them in terms of technology only China or a gunpowder era they haven't explored like the golden age or English civil war up to WW1 makes sense. I think they've conclude they don't know enough about the bronze age. It could even be India but again little is known thanks to rampant muslim destruction.
Greatswords and demigryphs serve two entirely different purposes.

Greatswords are probably the best unit in the game for their cost.

crossbows are better than handgunners unless you're facing heavy armour.
demigryphs literally rape almost every unit in-game, when you get them, you win
>are demygryphs worth it?
they are one of the most OP units in the game anon, all you need as empire is a core of greatswords, and some demis on the flanks
>Lay ambush in that spot between Marienburg and Eilhart with 70% chance of success
>Also got hunter early on for 80%
>Marienburg detects it, sends both stacks and turns ambush around


AI cheats like fuck, who knew? Also why I don't take anyone who advises ambush stance seriously.

Ambush stance is basically the only solution if you don't want to go on 30 turn long retarded chases.
The orcs are real aren't they? And the hordes of chaos? What's to say there's no rat menace beneath the streets of Altdorf?
Got the game on release day and have had zero issues with it, clocked over 250 hours. Turn it on today and now it crashes whenever it gets to a loading screen...what is the problem?
If Victoria TW becomes a thing, how would you think fighting with turreted warships would go?

I think I would like that. I preferred the broadsiding of Empire/Nap/FotS but hated the boarding based combat of Shogun/Rome.

Turreted ships would remove a lot of the tedium of lining up a broadside (go faster too) and you'd be able to engage at really extraordinary ranges.
The struggle between good men of sigmar and the ruinous powers draws back to the heldenhammer himself.

Orcs are a neverending scourge pillaging wherever they may across the empire and beyond. Our dealings with the stunted folk have had us share tales of fighting against the foul greenskins.

Skaven huh?
P R O O F S ?
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>enemy charges through a blanket spam of quarrelers with the +10 missile dmg research, the +12% missile dmg skill from lord and the +12% missile dmg skill from master engineer
>gets close
>hundreds of blast charges to the face
>they never even reach the line of ironbreakers
I love the dawi
broken as fuck
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you've got your priorities right
just mod out the forced march
it's a joke anyway
>sack + forced march
Anyone here try out the "Better AI Recruitment and Army Composition" mod? Any good?
What's the most reddit faction?

My vote goes for "le dawi xD"
Just to add, it only seems to be having an impact on my Dwarf campaign. I can load any other campaign or start a new one and the game will run perfectly fine. The instant I load one of my Dwarf saves the game crashes.
somebody just got rekt by dawi :^)
this goes into le book of grudges lad xD

fucking shame, I like my dwarfs
My vote goes for Greenskin.

"le waaaaagh so cool xD you gits be muckin' about xD"
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>Not Thunderers
>shooting into the back of your own dwarfs
That's book-worthy

>tfw my friend that I'm currently doing a coop playthrough with is convinced that modding out asinine design decisions like this would make us "cashuls"
>butthurt man-thing
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt, it's weird

Still tho, it works more often than vanilla
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>Not being able to position properly.

That's a grudgin
Wow, ebin XD!
You think that's bad? My friend refuses to play unless we use Radious. Because he thinks its casual unless the AI has virtually zero upkeep costs and spams 10+ full stacks at you on turn 20.

He also insists to fight every battle even when its a full stack army against a tiny garrison of shit.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Why would you even agree to play with him.
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>What's the most reddit faction?
1.The Empire, at one point people got so scared of being associated with reddit that they decided that they can only play as the most "safe" choice, because clearly playing as a quirky or humorous factions means you are a "reddit-tumblr-special snowflake faggot", they are the same kinda fags who only ever play human warriors in RPG's for the same reason
2.Dwarves - le angry manlets of many grudges! dont even have to elaborate
3. Orcs: le waugh! le mork, no le gork! gits, gobboz
4. Shared by VC and Chaos
the least reddit ones are brets but thats only because no one gives a shit about them
Can you vassalize the Norscan factions after the chaos invasion? if you do it before the invasion do they betray you to join up with R-K-On! Will they actually be cool about it or will they break the treaty the next turn because I'd find it hilarious to have chaos giants reinforcing an army with a warrior priest/witch hunter in it.

"i am le prince(rip :( ) and LE EMPEROR!!! XDD"
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tfw im going to have to destroy my good friends the top knotz to win the campaign.

These destroy faction win conditions are shit.
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Its time
I didn't know until we already decided to set up a co-op session.

I also don't have anyone else to play with.
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>Implying Radious doesn't make the game even easier
Can't have other gits starting their own Waaaghs, can we?

>Karak Norn
would offer to become Greenskin vassal/10


Holy shit I nailed it
>Empire Campaign on VH
>Classic Marienburg start
>Fuck around against a brettonian faction that comes after me, get peace eventually
>VC spergs the fuck out and takes half the empire in 10 turns.
>Defeat their armies as they split them up and they are fairly easy picking
>Grab all their land and secure peace
>Chaos comes down with giga-nigga barbarian hordes
>Burn all my shit
>No income
>Can hardly even support two stacks

You really need to build walls on every little settlement as the empire, don't you?
>You really need to build walls on every little settlement as the empire, don't you?
Yep. And you better be bullying the shit out of your enemies to pay for 'em, because good walls ain't cheap.

Think I might do a Kraka Drak campaign, it sounds fun to hold up in my holds and shoot Chaos
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What did he mean by this?
nice meme xD did you see it on reddit?
That does sound pretty fun, I may do the same at some point.
You think that's bad?

>Empire campaign on VH
>Capture Reikland ASAP so I can start building walls and increasing my economy
>After Eilhart, turn around towards Altdorf to kill greenskins
>As soon as I reach Altdorf, Marienburg declares war by itself
>Orcs raze Grunburg (not sack, fucking RAZE)
>Full Marienburg stack comes towards Eilhart hand in hand with another full orc stack
>Previous stack starts playing the usual raze + march shitfest where I can't even catch them

High difficult starts are always fucking pure rng
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Nah, just came up with it myself Do you like it? If so please like&subscribe. You can also support me on my patreon.
>neckstappers start

Wow this really is hard
hey has anyone who is modding the db tables been able to figure out how to add several colour variants per unit? (like most of the bret roster) . the entry I THINK where all that magic happens is unit_variants_ colours table in the db but I can't manage to add any units to it and get them read/affected
My favorite is a quote from a random empire state trooper after his unit of handgunners blew away the remnants of a separatist spearmen regiment: "You backed the wrong Elector Count!"
wrong sub buddy

I really like the Voice acting, especially Karl Franz and Heinrich Kemmler ( I AM THE WITCHMASTER!).
I find Archaon really bad. Gelt is probably my favorite.
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something rad this way comes lads. this is the start of something
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My friend who is a gaming "journalist" (source won't really matter since we are from small Eastern European country) is in LA for E3. He says that CA is showing new stuff for Warhammer on PC Gaming Show. He couldn't tell whether they'll announce first major DLC or expansion, but Warhammer is definately in. GET HYPE FOR MONDAY
I don't know why they thought Archaon needed a vader voice. IN DoW chaos only speak that way because they have vox chambers in their helmets, he'd sound the same as any one.
Dawi and Empire definitely.
Gelt and Manfred = great voice acting.
Sigvald and Franz aren't too bad either.
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>doom diver lands on arachnarok.gif

>He couldn't tell whether they'll announce first major DLC or expansion, but Warhammer is definately in.

I can't really believe any ebin "insider" leaks here ever since we got the "dude I'm in the know and warhammer will be available 2 days early to preorders!" and "vampires have a cinematic after taking altdorf."

That said, it isn't hard to believe TW:WH is getting some DLC asap considering it sold fucking amazingly.
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>enemy agents assasinate Sigwald and my other chaos Lord in 1 turn
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Its time to bully the humans
rollan for life
Need ideas for Orc settlement names
my favourite line is
>Azhag is ere
my favorite line is
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>Chaos casually lands an army in the Southern Badlands

Sure that's near the north right guys?
If anything they should be begging to become your vassal for removing Norn.
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actually its more like this
>not 'BY SIGMAR, NO!

pleb taste.
I wish they hadn't gone for gruff and growly for Mannfred's voice. I like Sigvald and Franz, too, though.
Well that makes it better doesn't it? Instead of raiding the fertile lands of Bretonnia, Estalia or Tilea, they go straight to the barren badlands full of war-hardened manlets and memeskins.

There's no "most reddit faction". There's only stamps you people are so desperate to throw at something or someone to make it "reddit".

Why do you even care about inane shit like this? I'm not gonna call you childish or whatever, it's simply beyond me why someone would care about something to absolutely pointless.

Maybe they got lost.
Is the red ruby ring for orcs only because I stole it from some gobbos and can't find it anywhere.
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>when you realize you didn't have something worth dying for
Seeking credibility on an anonymous image board. Liking something that is "reddit" places you outside the board culture. Nevermind that most of the spicy maymays being complained about were spammed here first.
>getting lost
All they had to do was sail south, and land at the first bit of land on the left that isn't "FUCKING NORSCA". Depending on competence, this could be anywhere from L'Anguille to Lucienne, but nooo it had to be fucking Gromti Mingol, home of Savage Orcs and sometimes manlets. How does the Everfailure expect to raze the world with these buffoons?
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>butthurt man-thing
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What's the point of damage buildings for agents even for in the higher difficulties?

Or any difficulty at all?
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now with more actual empire colour schemes instead of copy paste

I think I'll update the base mods with this instead of a submod for this one, as this is fantastic, pics of PROPER ded bret knights soon
god bless you mousillanon
>There are chaos dwarf units already modded in
tomb kings btfo how will we ever recover?
I'm fairly certain there needs to be an army of floppy hat zombies out there.
>Instead of raiding the fertile lands of Bretonnia
Guess that's going to happen once they release Bretonnia so you get some of the Chaos action too
Why isn't Karl married btw? Is he gay?
he is married to the empire you knobfondler
The Elector Counts never come when they get summoned
What a clusterfuck of a province

No he is married, even had a kid

Its just neither of those things are relevant
He is, got two kids.

I don't get this meme

Norn were intensely loyal my entire Empire play-through and was basically single-handedly responsible for holding off every threat from Bretonnian territory
>Tempelhof holds Grunburg
What the fuck is happening?
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Norn are known for being race traitors
Karl has had trouble with intimacy ever since...well...
>By Sigmar, NO!
>This action does not have my consent!
>ironically shitpost memes (at least I fucking hope so)
>some retard posts them on reddit, for upbotes
>retards copy them, and spam them, thinking they are funny
the cycle of memes

I love you.
Bjornlings are apparently nurgle-worshipping fucks and there's a big disease-filled swamp right down there in the Southern Barrens. They probably want to leave a bunch of corpses to throw into the swamp to summon a Great Unclean one or some shit.
>reading End Times shit
>world is literally ending
>Karl doesn't give a shit about his wife and kids, literally not a single mention
quality writing, GW
Fucks declared war on Grudgebearer in my Empire playthrough, when I was allies with both. 10 turns later, when I was about to remove Norn, they confederated and gave me -50 with Grudgebearer for breaking treaties with Norn.

The very same fucks declared war on me in my Dwarf playthrough. In my VC playthrough, they didn't assist Wissenland when I attacked even though they were defensive allies.

And of course, the famous >>145168709 vassal offer.

They are oathbreaking scum, nothing more or less.
>being such a cucked beta that you care what others think about factions in a game

Reddit has made you it's bitch, and you dont even realize it.
Matt Hack and co. possibly forgot about that, when were they last mentioned anyway?
>le internet tribalism meme>>145168848

Can anybody confirm wether battle difficulty affects achievements or not? I've been looking all over.
This looks great, anon. Keep us updated mate.
you didn't actually expect a different answer after making the exact same joke that someone posted from reddit?
what are they even good for, their anti-large seems kind of lackluster based on the fact that they usually die too fast
it doesn't
>Still no patch or patch notes.
Thanks m8. I can take cheating campaign AI but it's awful in the battles, mainly because auto-resolve often becomes the best strategy.
anyone plz
No clue, it's only turn 25 too
I haven't found the point since they have seemingly unlimited cash. First I thought you could destroy a garrison with it before you attack or something, but it seems like you can't
>playing Very Hard
>one AI crossbowmen wipes out two units of my Crossbowmen skirmishing him

CA hasn't really changed their AI since Napoleon have they?
Greetings armchair generals, the mods of /r/totalwar along with /u/yogdog433 wish to present you with a flash tournament this Saturday 11th June at 6:30pm BST. Any subscriber is free to participate and it should be a fun evening! /u/yogdog433 has also very kindly provided a £50 prize for the winner. Also big thanks to /u/Grace_CA for adding a signed Art of Total War book, a copy of The Emperor's Armies book and one of Lord of Chaos, a Total War mousemat and a Warhammer T-shirt (however this is only available in XL).

If anyone else wishes to donate a prize send a message to the mods, it would be greatly appreciated.


Single elimination

Games best of 1, final best of 3 (semis may also be bo3 if it goes quickly)

Can't use same race twice in best of 3

Army Rules:

Maximum use of 6 of the same unit
Maximum 2 Demigryph Knights
Maximum 2 Heros (generals not included)


Troll Country, Praag, Dok Karaz, Bordeleaux, Castle Drakenhof, Glacial Lake, Southern Chaos Wastes

To participate:

Join the /r/totalwar discord 10 minutes before the start time and say 'I'm in' in the Multiplayer chat room. Then brackets will be made on challonge.com and you can direct message your opponent, host a game and then report the scores. You are welcome to join us in voice chat but you don't have to.

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Are there any entertaining TW youtubers?
All I can find are cancerous fucks like WoS, HoC and THFE
fuck off
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>Maximum 2 Demigryph Knights
>Army rules
>no army price limit

What did he mean by this?
>watching others play games
How does 2 witch hunters, 2 Demi-Griffs any 6 great swords sound?
I'm away from home and can't play right now
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>However this is only available in XL
Sounds like every army you'll see.
Like a free win
whats cancerous about Heir seems pretty down to earth?
Is "YOUVE PLAYED THE GAME..." a meme yet?
Nah, it's fairly forgettable compared to most attempted GW shills and slip ups. If you want a meme just start refering to the Karl Franz model by its Age of Sigmarines name.
This Demigryph meme just needs to die. They're good cav but not THAT good.

He makes videos for BotET that make me feel it isn't total ass.
They literally beat everything but hexwraiths
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That 'Arch warhammer' guy is pretty good and actually gives a fuck about making the campaign watchable by intalling some decent mods.


There's a Games Workshop near me should I call them up looking for Mannfred on a dragon?
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>have lightning strike
>new army next to full stack
>attack the one guy
>send Sigvald to duel him while the army watches
>the coward runs
>send the dogs after him
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>you will never shout 'By Sigmar, No!' and 'Sigmar forbids this!' as Vampfu sits on your face

Why live?

Ho ho, ha ha.
Games workshop staff are an endangered species, they should not be spooked if at all possible.

Hi Arch how are you today?
Tell them you enjoyed the Warhammer Fantasy video game so much you were wondering if they had some of your favorite characters like Karl Franz and Mannfred Von Carstein.
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ran into a few hiccups but holy dickens
Ask them about the Tomb Kings.
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What does the line in the unit info slot mean?

And does wavering morale reduce the combat effectiveness of my unit other than meaning "FLEEING IMMINENT"?
That ARE that good. They're fucking retarded good.
It's an-at-a-glance comparison to the previous unit you selected
It's the comparison line with another unit you previously selected

The line is a comparison with the last unit you selected

And wavering morale means what it says
Baseline and modified value I believe.
The line is to compare two units at a glance to see the difference in stats. Morale doesn't reduce combat effectiveness.
That's the green bit in the bar
Yeah I know, I just glanced at the first four or so in that image and came to the conclusion. I never really noticed the line otherwise.
Can you literally stop shitposting arch stuff? It's cancering up the thread.
>f-for home and hearth
Remember to report avatarfagging
The unwarranted smug that he oozes disgusts me.
>anon asks for youtubers who play total war
>archfag gives him one

Yeah fuck off retard.
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He's so far up his own ass he's gonna get lost in there some day
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Jesus that's pathetic
Reminder that he's the biggest lore autist around but still uses Radious for all his playthroughs.
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>mfw he didnt get a review copy
Stop ruining the thread you triple faggots.
how is being a sycophant still a legitimate thing in this day and age?
He always shitpost with arch videos with the same retarded image you arch shill
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>arch has made thousand of euros from his warhammer total war vids
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Hi Arch
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>When you finally get to play a defensive siege.
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Norsca sieging is retarded
I held off 4 armies with just the garrison while their horsemen just were getting pummeled by towers.
And they didn't even bother opening a second gate
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good progress, managed to get the skin colour variation for Mousillon only. I plan to update ALL da mods.

I might not recolour black knights/graveguard though
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>mfw arch has made thousand of euros from his warhammer total war vids but still didnt get a review copy
Lizardmen and Ogres sound like the most fun.
>tfw Bretonnia is going to be next anyway

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You're the hero we need Mousillanon
Aside from Brets, I'm guessing wood elves
Athel Loren is just an impassable province at the moment and that side of the map could use more competition, although given what the Empire start is like having a bunch of obsessed dendrophiles roaming around as well isn't exactly going to be great
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>yfw arch gets a review copy for the next title
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here is why, it seems that by giving them their own uniforms they also look much less dead, its a tough decision to be sure
Bretonnia is confirmed. Wood Elves is the obvious answer after that.
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Just beat my first campaign and what do I get? Nothing
>no victory screen
How can you not add victory screens, idc what people think they're neat to have after beating a long ass campaign. How can you not like this?






Wood Elves and Beastmen are gonna be the DLC races for the first game.
I like it.
If you one day get a separate army roster working for it, bravo.
what are you talking about? there is a victory screen.

there's not a cinematic, which I agree is dissapointing. but there is a victory screen.
It would feel a lot better if it wasn't because now I have to chase all their remaining troops all over the fucking place.

Are beastmen really so shitty?
yeah I fucked up I meant cinematic.

also they just copied the victory screen from civ
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I'd pay £30 for a Skaven DLC for this game they are hands down the best race in the setting.
victory cinematics are a thing of the past anon
RIP developers taking out their frustration on awesome bonus videos
Rome 2 and Attila didn't have cinematics either, why did you expect one from Warhammer?

Attila did have cinematics
Anon, Beastmen were the "other" army when people talk about Chaos. I think https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Beastmen explained it well.

It's because everyone has an opinion now, that's why you barely see easter eggs and such anymore

Imagine the duke nukem girl in a game released today
Why not High Elves?

Because they aren't on the fucking map and Wood Elves are?
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Praise be
>Spend early game giving out constant gifts to your neighbours in hopes of getting alliances and maybe even a confederation.
>As soon as shit starts to go down they're the first ones to get wiped out.
>Imagine the duke nukem girl in a game released today
what do you mean?
Only for the "story", not for campaign victory as far as I remember.


Guess I was wrong. Didn't finish enough of my campaigns I suppose.
Guy already answered with the obvious answer.
New world is obviously a seperate expansion.
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>victory cinematics are a thing of the past anon
i don't wanna live in this era of gaming anymore

>Rome 2 and Attila didn't have cinematics either
yes they did. Rome 2 had awfull ones but at least it had them. And Attilas were pretty good. did you even finish a single campaign in those games?

IIRC those victory cinematics only happen if you finish the long campaign objectives
Is Gelt voiced by MVC3 Dr. Doom or something?
Yes i remember. I've actually played that piece of shit game. But what does this have to do with cinematics?
Ah, so that's why I didn't remember them. I usually only bother with short victory because after that nobody pose a challenge anyway.
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>tfw only used gyrocopters in the very last battle of my dorf campaign
Good, they're shit.

> I've actually played that piece of shit game.

>Duke nukem
>Piece of shit

>those victory cinematics only happen if you finish the long campaign objectives
i-is it the same in Warhmmer? please let it be true. I loved the intros for each faction in Warhammer so I want an outro
Didn't seem like it. I used bomber ones against savage orkz and they did did a nice ~5 kills per bomb
I was thinking about Duke Nukem Forever, anon. Breathe.
'fraid not mate. It's a shame, I really enjoyed the Shogun 2 ending, even if the voice-over was kinda cringe.

>They're shit
>The only guy that beat demigryph abuse in the last tournament did so by using gyros
is there a vid of that?
>unit that deals no damage
>whose bombs also deal no damage
>who can take hits like wet tissue paper
>beating the best unit in the game

Yes, I'm definitely going to believe that.

I'm going to have to ask for some sauce to go with that serving of bullshit.
>'fraid not mate
damn shame

>I really enjoyed the Shogun 2 ending
same. you could feel how much love was put into that game that they went the extra mile
Did each faction get a different statue in modern japan or something? Never bothered replaying it
Pretty sure they did.
So, any actual proof for how Gyros aren't shit? Spamming flying units against an army that has no ranged units doesn't really prove anything.
this is the problem with flying units in any game. if someone doesn't have counter they rek.

hilarious battle though. really smart counter army pick
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>Be Dwarves
>Cleanse the Orc filth
>None remain in the world
>Cleanse the vampire filth
>They beg to be my vassals
>Chaos invades
>Stand as Humanities greatest ally and intercept Archaeon in the Dwarfish underways smashing his paltry army under the hammer and anvil of Dwarven might
>Push on to the north
>Recolonise the abandonded halls and strongholds of my kin
>Wait why haven't I won the long campaign
>Must clear the book of grudges
>Open it up, bullshit like raid this area, assassinate this guy, do this shit
thats a pretty unique situation and the Empire player is obviously a clown. the witch hunter is a complete waste of time as well.
yes they did.

also each faction had a different voice actor and they had different defeat screens with narrations and a haiku poem

Gyros are shit.
Gyros and Slayers are on my list to make a mod of.
>thinking you were done by killing off the evil races
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The White Dwarf.jpg
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>Be Dwarves
>Not clearing grudges
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Should have just stopped at the 'short' campaign.
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who best college here?
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>Rome total war
>Tell general to move over to the flank
>He charges straight forward into warband
Pixelated Apollo
>bring down a fucking meteor from the sky
>it doesn't kill anyone
>best college
Legend of Total War
Why is magic so bad in this game?
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>AI doesn't have 3 armies per province
>less than 8 agents
>kill their armies
>they don't reappear 2 turns later
>have to strategize what move to make next
did I ever make a mistake not playing on normal
Fuck off

Death is really strong. Everything else seems to not scale to the unit sizes.
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He taught me how to play.
i'd rather watch fucking arch to be literally honest
God damnit, I was gonna wait for the unit FLC, but I can't wait anymore. I WANT MY PATCH NOW!
>Pixellated apollo









Only tolerable one so far, minimal autism


Sounds like the literal weak nerd stereotype


Autistic about competitive multiplayer, but then again most multiplayers are

So there you have it


2. heir of carthage
3. Maximus "Strength and Honor"
4. Pixellated apollo

10. Prince of macedon

9999. Lionofsparta
What's your problem fucker?
Warrior of sparta, these fat fucks have such autistic cringy names
Dude, Heir is like 40 at this point. Don't hate on him for failing to be hip. He can't help it.
>Heir is 40

Are you serious? He sounds like 19 or 20
Normal is comfy as fuck but also no challenge at all, hard nearly the same.
Very hard is AI cheating beyond compare and is in no way fun anymore.
What do?
fulfill your slayer's oath
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Could I run Warhammer?
LegendOfTotalWar is the best TW youtuber
Well no, he's not actually 40, but he's got a kid, wife and certainly looks well over 30 by now.
Your CPU is old as fuck but if you overclock it first I'd say yes. I had the same one, and had it at 4.0 GHz with a custom cooler for years. It still worked when I replaced it 2 years ago, and ran stuff at decent settings.
jesus I feel old now


Fuck yeah dude

I run this


And I run Warhammer.. admittedly, on low/med graphics with large unit size

works brilliantly
Getting mixed messages here but I guess I'll purchase it if it ever gets a price drop.
How do you counter a guy bringing nothing but Karl, like 8 empire captains, and the rest demigryphs in multiplayer?

I mean it's not something I anticipate but everytime it just wrecks whatever artillery I bring before the fuckers just fly off.
I said no because you are obviously too stupid to look at the specs on the steam page and come to a conclusion on your own. We don't need more retards shitting up this general.
the greenskin campaign is fucking legendary
Is that all you have against M&C? His voice sounds fine, at least he can hold a steady tone instead of whining up and down his throat.
You don't counter them, and until CA puts a cap on how many heroes you can bring it will stay cancer.
M and C?
Shhh cookie, it's ok. You're getting better. Slowly.
Maybe you should stop reading lore directly from the 1d4chan pages though. Or was that arch?
cheesy spam of OP units beaten by even cheesier spam of units considered as very average. Satisfying to watch.
Shows the importance of having a balanced army.
new thread?
Based Arch above your cancerous youtuber pasta.

That in no way demonstrates that Gyro's are good.

That's like saying that ice cream is a better weapon that a sword because the best sword fighter in the world happens to be lactose intolerant
shows the importance of having a balanced game rather
if only cheese can beat cheese it's just not a very fun to watch or play game
arch gets his own category

It's the

>Legend not listed
What are the best necromantic/black art spells?
because he's neither annoying nor autistic nor bad
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>Food analogies
>tfw mousillon anon got his mod noticed by darren
Thats not something to be proud of.
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