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/sg/ - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 163

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>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup?? Find your crash log.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
http://pastebin.com/FUPEbLiv (embed)
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Why Complete is bad and you shouldn't play it
http://pastebin.com/6AtetpMM (embed)
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
http://pastebin.com/nzXEevG7 (embed)

>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Pasta summaries, streamer listing and more
>STALKER General Steam Group - Join chat and ask for an invite!

Reminder that MS Update KB2670838 breaks your DX10/11 games including Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat. Here's a fix:
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Mods and Repositories | Often out of date; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrading Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets
>Old Builds (dated from June 1st, 2002)

>Lost Alpha
>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Call of Chernobyl
>Call of Chernobyl/Warfare Bitbucket repository
>Harpoon Knife/Alternate Flashlights for Arsenal Overhaul 3.x+
>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?

>Codebro's 1.0008 Patch for SoC - enter "menu_fps_cap 0" in the console to prevent crashes.
>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

Previous Thread: >>144450348
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mutant mod for CoC when?
I fucked up those embeds
I'm thinking about playing AMK:AE, do I want 1.4 or 1.4.1
When you make it
Is there any gameplay reason for upgrading your AK to take Nato bullets? Or ist it just simply there if people side with Freedom and just want to use an AK?
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>still shoves your ass in because clowns are ridiculously strong
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It's just a shitty controller that got a bit too creative.

someone else do it
No, you goddamn idiot. 9x39 is designed SPECIFICALLY to be fired from silenced weapons i.e. its bullet travels at sub-sonic speed, unlike the .50/.44/whatever. Silencing Big Ben is a right choice.

In any case, you are still left with moving parts and casings hitting the ground.
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just like make mod
Okay okay, calm down, I don't live in the US, my I have very little weapon knowledge
9x39 isn't available in Clapistan.
Not an excuse.
>Not an excuse
I live in Portugal, do you know how hard it is to get a gun here?
And after you're trough with the bureocratic process, the only handgun ammo you can buy is .22 and .32 magnum at best.
The point was more that you can have knowledge of the general function of firearms without owning guns/certain types of guns.
That being said, stay strong guesebro, maybe one day you'll be liberated.
Does anyone know where I can find some better artefact, suit, weapon, ect. icons for the inventory?
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Oh shit, they killed the satlkers that were supposed to guide me through pripyat in a blink of an eye

Wat do?
Well it's a little too late to go back now innit, lad? You know what to do.
I got it
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Either this was coded as a Russian propaganda against the Ukrainian army or just by drunk as fuck russians either way the ai is just top notch
Every time

>oh no 300 spetznas im gonna get raped
>pick them off 1 by 1 while they do nothing
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At least they dropped some good haul but still dissapointed about no Abakan

just copy an already existing mesh and rename it and put it in the right directory.

also i swear there was a hotfix for that shit...
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This mod is the gift that keeps on giving
0.1 bigger
What is problem?
Dammit! Why the fuck do I have to walk everywhere..
>fallout baby
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>tfw shot the 3 soldiers that patrol behind the Trader
>now the entire squad is patrolling
>Modern Fallout baby
Not sure what you mean
>fallout 3
>Gamebryo Fallout babby
Okay, so "Bethesda Fallout baby".
BEST mod for enhanced vanilla SoC?
Fallout 3 is the first Fallout retard... like how Star Wars started with movie 4. Bethesda will make 2 prequels eventually

Obviously its ripped from Wikipedia but they could have take the effort to remove the citation you know
>Baby's first shitpost
welcome to AMK
How the fuck do I deal with these aimbot-tier monolith shitter?
I'm out of medkits, food and bandages, now I'm just savescumming through this shit and I even had to turn on the fucking crosshair to make it a little more tolerable
getuuuuuu gooduuuuuu
probably a controller near you. wild territory is fun in amk
Man when will CoC get electro chimeras
I want something that makes me uncomfortable in CoC
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How do I make F1 nades even more of defensive grenades or the RGD-5 even more of an attack nade?
>inb4 make the F1 have even more shrapnels or a longer range
>inb4 make the RGD-5 a bit deadlier with shrapnel
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webm related
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And I still have to kill all these shitters
>has gauss rifle
>not leaning around corners

bruh it's like you were just asking to get sniped
>he doesn't lean
>he doesn't use cover
Git gud, shitter.
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Just 2 ammo left
And that corner had some shit covering the view
>How do I make F1 nades even more of defensive grenades
Add even more shrapnel and increase the shrapnel damage. Degrease the blast radius/power

>RGD-5 even more of an attack nade?
It already feels pretty good as it is.
no big deal, none of them seem to be cloaked in invisibility.
I noticed that
I solved the problem, I just had to wait a bit and then sneeki breeki with my silenced weapons.
I don't know how the monoshitters don't hear me coming with an exoskeleton, but whatever
WD40 obviously
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was anything supposed to happen here?
I figured it out
Join them or kill them? I don't know wich is best
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Join! ~
Join! ~
I want a mutant like the master in STALKER
Killing them is canon.
Canon answer is you reject them.
OK, I selected the kill option

Now the level loaded in another zone. I thought I would get to kill them in-game? Is it because of AMK AE?
The keyword here is 'they', anon. It's a plural pronoun.
>probably a controller near you. wild territory is fun in amk

There was a controller but he was very far away. Fucking bs
I don't get it
Some monolith guys teleported in front of me and I killed them.
There's no objectives now
See any portals around? Those are fun.
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I wish Stalker was more like RSP
Any mods for pripyat that add more anomaly anomalies and artifacts/better A.I?
How do you even want to implent that? It would be kinda like the big boss of all scientists in some deep sekrit lab with stalins dokuments regarding how to make Blyadcykas, Pussygiants and other mutants. What if...
What if the monomen take the weak people they capture and give them to that big boss scientist, which transforms them into mutants? Shit bro...
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it's not a very big map
>Any mods for pripyat that add more anomaly anomalies and artifacts/better A.I?

SGM, you'll start to hate anomalies, the artifacts are great and can be upgraded, plus there are a lot more quests and shit. Didn't notice anything about the A.I. Anomalies change after every emission.
What's with those inb4's? Are you fucking retarded? How else are you supposed to tweak grenades other than by editing fuse time/blast radius/blast damage/shrapnel amount/shrapnel velocity/shrapnel damage?
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Another Anon here, but question...
...how do you git gud in that fucking mod? Killer Squads armed with weaponry better than your shitty double barrel try to wipe you out, while bloodsuckers eat you for every mealtime in the swamps, and if that aint the problem, *CLICK*
Thank you.
Because I dont know how to tweak the grenades WITHOUT making them too OP, even if they kill almost everyone but exos (?) when they catch them in their blast radius.
>...how do you git gud in that fucking mod? Killer Squads armed with weaponry better than your shitty double barrel try to wipe you out, while bloodsuckers eat you for every mealtime in the swamps, and if that aint the problem, *CLICK*

Honestly i have no clue, it starts being easy once you get used to it, i remember hating SGM for the first few hours, i felt like i was made of paper, but once you get some decent gear its starts being ez. Save some money and buy a good weapon and armor and its going to be smooth sailing. I spent 100k ru on that ak-103 that the dude in Yanov sells and that shit is OP. Takes down a bloodcyka in 3 shots. And thats not even the most powerfull weapon, it does like 70 damage and some do 90.


You're welcome anon
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*teleports behind u*
*shoots u with a Groza HK G36*
pshh...nothin' personell...rookie...
Is there an HD texture pack for SoC, and if so where?
Is SGM the mod that has that retarded AK from Frontlines Fuel of War?
you're not even playing vanilla why are you complaining? I played vanilla without an exo
I'm not complaining, I'm just making fun of these guys
They're harmless, as soon as they teleport they stand still for a few seconds and I can one-shot them
Pretty sure everyone does. Less Hollywood-tier mutants, more environmental hazards, less weapons (in a sense that not everyone and their mother should have access to military-grade hardware), expanded human behaviour, so that bullet isn't the only argument, and more thought out factions, if any.
is OGSE only standalone or can you get it in mod form for the original
>Is SGM the mod that has that retarded AK from Frontlines Fuel of War?

I just checked it out and yeah, i guess it does, it looks different in CoP, i guess because of the engine, but honestly it really looked like the vanilla ak + brown furniture to me, didn't notice a huge difference, i thought it was the original ak from the alpha version.
wew, i'm so glad worthless idea guys like you have nothing to do with the game.
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>balancing on the rope with only barrel of his gun
Started my first play-through of SoC. When do I get a good long range rifle?...
The moment you start killing military fags.
1v6 is tough... you mean the military base South of the Trader?
You -could- do that. Or you could take out the ones at the bridge.
Alternatively just proceed with the main quest and you'll be forced to fight several at Agroprom. So, one way or another, you'll kill some milfags and be able to take their guns.
Already killed the fucks at the bridge and all they had were AK74 u or whatever.
NO, thats going to be a shitfest and you don't want that, just play the game, you will get your hands on them soon enough.
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Strelok a cute
Eventually you run into some carrying AN-94.

Later when you get to the Bar you'll have access to Wild Territory and Army Warehouses where you can pick up some NATO shit.
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I fifnished the game
Then this happens

Isn't there supposed to be a freeplay option with AMK AE?
I can't move at all in that weabm
Cool. I got to the garbage and about to head off to the other place
Thats where you'll get an ak.
>less weapons (in a sense that not everyone and their mother should have access to military-grade hardware)
it's the fucking Ukraine after Chernobyle and the fall of the soviet union. that's how it is in real life. everyone has an AK.
Please help me with this
Can anyone tell me what objectively is the best version of AMK?

I want enhanced graphics and gunz.
When i download big rar files why the hell are they always corrupt?
AMK 1.4.1 AE
Ok so for some reason AO SRP Merge started to just freeze again, yesterday it worked fine after some time and when i came back ClearSky told me that fsgame is corrupted and i had to replace it. So i did that with the one provided in the merge folder and edited it to work with mods and now game freezs randomly about 10-15 minutes in the game i get no crash log or anything. Anyone know whats up?
im going to play through stalker shadow of chernobyl for my first playthrough ever, with the autumn aurora mod

and you cant stop me

>one of my captchas was an orange tree

its destiny
2.1 is a lot more brown, 2.05 was orange
I think AMK 1.4.1 Autumn Edition would be better as long as you nerf the electro chimeras but do whatever you want.

To those who have finished SoC with AMK AE, what happens after you finish the game with the canon choice? Please help me
I wouldn't go for AMK, honestly, i adds a lot of things, i think just AA would be more vanilla with better graphics wouldn't it? Then again i haven't played AA
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What music do you listen to while stalking?
I listen to pic related
Hey, is there a FOV command in AMK:AE? Also is everything supposed to be so dark?
I too listen to images
>listening to anything other than in-game ambient
colossal pleb, might as well watch some pewd letsplay on a second monitor at this point
>tfw CoP doesn't have something like this
>not playing stalker drunk
Its like you dont even want to be fully immersed in the game
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Holy fuck i wanted to see if amk AE has different gun models than regular amk and i kept skipping this video till he gets something good like an ak AND HE STILL HASN'T GOT ONE TILL HE GETS TO STRELOKS STASH AND HE DROPS THE CUSTOM ONE AT FIRST HOLY SHIT WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST?


skip to 1:21:14
>unscoped Mosin
What. I never saw either of these in AMK AE 1.4.1.
HE USES A FUCKING AUTO SIDEARM WITH A BOLT/SEMI AUTO PRIMARY WHAT THE FUCK. The mosin is in amk but im not sure about the Tec9, he literally uses a peashooter with horrible recoil and shotguns. Pure autism. The exact opposite of what you should do
There is literally nothing wrong with that.
yeah, you snipe with mosin, you spray with secondary when they get close, how is this bad
Save scummer detected

How about you get an assault rifle that doesn't fire fucking 9mm that goes full auto when you want it to, and can snipe in close/mid ranges, and keep the mosin if you want to snipe long distances. There is literally no reason to have the mosin other than not being able to afford decent shooters early game, its heavy, slow and has 5 rounds, i tried sniping with the mosin near cordon with amk and it was horrible, even with the sight, i killed them faster with a fucking ak74u. Honestly its fucking retarded just single fire with the ak its the same thing
How about you get good. In COC/AO3 the Mosin wrecks ass almost as good as the SVD.
Thats neither COC or AO3, its AMK you fucking retard.

>mfw people who justify using retarded setups exist

80% time playing stalker i have never need anything other than a pistol + assault rifle, and maybe a shotgun for mutants.
A fucking bandit just shot me THROUGH the train.

My point stands still, Strelok's Mosin is stupidly good even in AMK AE and AA2.

>implying sniper rifle/SMG is a retarded setup
Kill yourself. No seriously just do it.

>implying sniper rifle/SMG is a retarded setup
Kill yourself. No seriously just do it.

Mate, he is literally using a pistol, the TEC-9 is a pistol, a sidearm, and a sniper rifle to take out people 20 feet away, and he is switching between a mosin and the shotgun constantly like some retard, if he used an ak he wouldn't have to switch to anything, even the TEC-9 because the AK blows it out of the water.
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anyone know what the fuck this xml file is referring to?

I'm going through text files to fix engrish but I have no idea what the fuck this is

it's from ai merge mod
AMK AE has 2 big weapon slots?
because you just suggested he have 2 primaries
>AMK AE has 2 big weapon slots?
>because you just suggested he have 2 primaries

What? When did i suggest that? All i said is that he could have used the ak and nothing else, he could have used any pistol as a sidearm in case he spent his ammo, thats what i did, i passed those catacombs in vanilla with the ak and a fort 12. What he is doing is he has a auto pistol as a side arm, a mosin as his primary, and he keeps switching between the mosin and his shotgun and his pistol, which is retarded because his ak will fuck them sideways at that distance.
Most of the shotties can be wielded in the pistol slot for that mod.

On my current run I have the combat chaser there.
What? Honestly i had no clue and im the guy he was responding too. I knew about the sawed off tho
Kinda. You can use the shotty in the secondary slot. But it's a moot point as that guy seems to be using a really old build of AMK AE or possibly a merge of AA2's graphics with AMK Arsenal (AMK merge with really awful gunplay).

I would guess its about blowouts

Cant sleep cause of blowout
Cant sleept cause of blowout also bleeding
cant sleep cause of blowout also radiation is high
cant sleep cuase of blowout also bleeding and raditon aka dying

and the last one is like i guess in CoP when the army dude gives you ammo sometime?
Oh and >>144697361 clearly has no idea of what the fuck he's talking about.
>you can't sleep during blowout
>you can't sleep during blowout, while also bleeding
>you can't sleep during blowout, while also being irradiated
>you can't sleep during blowout, while bleeding and being irradiated
These sound so redundant, why do they even have them
>Before the operation, you can resupply from Lieutenant Kirilov
the word "operation" means both cutting people open (surgery) and operation (performing a planned action) in Russian, they just chose the wrong word for english translation. This particular warning happens before final cop mission, Evacuation.
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So I just got past the agropom institute with the briefcase and stuff, and made it to the bar. It seems like I'm just sprinting past most enemies, is that the way the game is meant to be played? bc when I try and fight them they have ungodly aim and range and stuff, while I can't figure where to hold the ironsight. It feels like if I hold it where I think it should be the bullets always miss, if I aim lower it just hits them and if I aim higher I can't fucking see what I'm aiming at. So since combat is frustrating I just try and kill as few people as I need to and just juke and dive past everyone else

is this really the stalker experience? what am I doing wrong pls help
just hits them in the chest*
wat mod are you playing, or is it not master vanilla, because it seems you have shit gunplay going on
vanilla with zrp, I'm a noob to stalking
>Oh and >>144697361 (You) clearly has no idea of what the fuck he's talking about.

How? Please explain i am genuinely curios to know what part of what i wrote doesn't make sense or is wrong.


if its vanilla then its pretty much the game, there is a retarded hit chance factor something something that determines how many bullets actually go where they are supposed to.
Switch to master difficulty so every bullet lands where it supposed to, try some gun that's not ak for long range, use shotguns for close range
>Switch to master difficulty so every bullet lands where it supposed to


Difficulty has nothing to do with your accuracy.

It DOES determine how often NPC shots hit YOU but not how often your shots hit.
who is the best to defend the scientists in CoP
You mean /sg/ has been lying to us all these years?
Who gives a shit? They wont be attacked, get whoever you want to be friends with, duty or freedom, in order to get the achievements, dont go for the mercs ot stalkers as it has no benefit
the factions don't matter either, you can easily max them out without assigning them

they really don't get attacked? then I'll do duty because they look cool
>They wont be attacked
No scripted attacks sure, but chimera spawns nearby from time to time and attack the bunker, also some zombies, may be bandits passing by, as far as i remember from vanilla cop.
So what DOES hit probability do?


You have to assign them from freedom/duty if you want the "friend of freedom/duty" achievement, and with a free suit as a reward you want it.
Honestly i have replayed cop a dozen times and i have neveer seen anyone die
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everyone always posts shit like this about CS+ao merge... but i've never had an issues even on my old pc with dx10

>You have to assign them from freedom/duty if you want the "friend of freedom/duty" achievement

pretty sure you can get that achieve purely from from the pdas, flint, and strider
Oh yeah, youre right, just checked
check to make sure you arent having packet loss. or use a different browser or browser plugin
Actually, looking at the page, I notice something

>However, Freedom squads won't be hostile if no Freedom members are killed by the player.

Does the warehouse fight count towards this?
Me neither, but they do get attacked by random a-life shit.
>master dificulty kills enemies with one headshot
>fighting against military
>shoot point black in the head with an AK
>doesn't die
it's just ricocheted bro
I've been playing on the highest difficulty and using the silenced ak 74/u and the viper. neither really seem to do it for me.
I'm more sad about the lack of ranking.
It felt like some kind of stalker facebook
>Vano liked this.
>Vlad Constructor(1)
>wassap negr
>So what DOES hit probability do?
The probability of a npc hitting the target.

This probability goes waay down depending on the distance between the npc and the target, and the hit_probability_max_dist value in weapons.ltx
get the fov switcher mod, works with most others including amk ae
How often do you quicksave :)
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maybe like once or twice per level, depending on how much my Bugtrap sense is tingling
But the quicksave button is f6 desu
I never quick save t-that's the joke...
Why? You dont quicksave before going into an area with a lot of enemies so you dont have to start all over? I quicksave after i kill something.
okay you got me, it's actually bound to F5 for me, this is getting awkward
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 when?
f5 is for save and f9 is for load don't worry everybody knows this
Classic or Thanatos?

I mean I had to crank ZoA down to Veteran, people still go down with head shots.
Not in SoC apparently. Military fuckers have way more HP or something.
i hardsave via console after every fucking action i do
>save 2345234
but don't tell /sg/ okay?

Nah m8, STALKER stoned is where it's at. Can't play video games drunk, kills immersion for me.

What mod?
It's right there in the corner you doublefreedom

Here's your (You) ;<}
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Working on modding CoC. What do you guys think of special/unique equipment in general? I've heard people complain about Nimble's inventory a lot.
What if he was harder to get to? I'm thinking of moving him to Red Forest and turning the Forester's tower into a small little loner encampment with Nimble taking the "barman" roll with the ability to order something from him and have it arrive a few days later.

I also want to add some unique suits and weapons into the world in some hard to reach locations similar to SoC, what do people think of that? Figure it'd make it more rewarding to go through those underground labs since the story is pretty gutted anyway. I'm even brave enough to attempt rigging together some quests and lore behind most of them.

Well when I use standalone SRP 1.10, DX10 works. Can't do it in the merge, kills frame rate too much.
Thanks for the late reply

Vanilla SoC?
Yeah completely vanilla
Can confirm. Killed all the mother fuckers at the checkpoint when i started a new game earlier today, they all took at LEAST 4 12 guage shells to the face EACH, and like a mag and a half of 5.45
Holy fuck
Fuck them, if i want to explore the Zone i should be able to
I'm finishing up aligning weapons right now. My goal is to finish them all in the next 40 minutes or 1 hour and 40 minutes (whatever comes first I guess), and spend tomorrow exporting all new world models while at work and then finish their icons after I get home.

His bone sticks out somewhat far
That's quite a raspberry
i love you man
>tfw no stalker bf to stick out his bone in me
I can stick out my bone for you, on one condition
what condition tho, I have many cheeki and breeki for sale
You are a pretty grill
what about a trap?

there are no women in the zone
the only traps in the zone are those where cheekies breeki your head with rifle butt and take all your stuff
what about the kind where I breeki your head with my rifle butt while you slap my cheekies and I take all your stuff in me

>4am shitposting modo
Looks like I can pretend to be FBI since I can get a black cap that has a decent psi protection
tip top translation
i'd impregnate it's anti-glare with my long time frame of operation, if you follow my meaning
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ooga booga where the rookies at
why did wolfhound want kruglov dead?
how do the arms look / is it worth porting to coc
Wolfhound was most likely on a contract to assassinate/capture him
Yeah that was great. There was always some loner jacket wearing guy who ended up top in AMK. I'd kill them whenever I found them but I never found him.

Don't know, looks standard. also I do not seem to remember how to make the hands show up in screenshots when doing "demo_record 1" I apologize for the shitty screenshot.
kruglov scientifically proven his waifu is not real
Fucking finally finished aligning all the weapons and getting their config files set up. Now just world models and icons. Went through most of the weapons, even ones that weren't new, and lined up the aim offset more since it was pretty quick for each model.

So tomorrow I'm planning on doing the world models and icons, hopefully that means WS can have a little beta release for the weekend. That'd also be nice so people have more time to test it.

For the first optic update, I'll likely be doing a 3d susat scope (I'm not sure if stcop for coc has it but stcop 2.8 does), pks-07, and pk-a.

I was referring to the ghillie suit specifically, or does that not have unique arm meshes? I kinda want to find more suits to add over time.
God bless

The ghillie uses the Dolg arms for some reason
Sneeki Breeki
damn, thats kinda lame. oh well.
I love stalker community (no homo)
stcop for CoC has the 3d SUSAT, it's just only for the L86, and it's permanently attached
How to stop the gun from moving around on its own? I asked before and someone said to lower cam_dispersion but that did nothing.
Weapon sway?
I love stalker community (homo)

>weapon sway

Sometimes you don't even know what you're supposed to type into google. Thanks.
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Kruglov is my waifu
Incorporate this thing to weaponsoup
Playing AMK and suddenly all my saves are fucked and keeps crashing, go to >documents>shoc>logs and its empty only one "xray_anon" and when i open it its empty
how do I adjust respawn times in AMK AE?
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>I kinda want to find more suits to add over time.

Werejew if you add more suits EVENTUALLY* ill suck your dick. Things i would like are;

1. An alternative to the exo
2. An intermediate merc suit
3. An intermediate army suit
4. An intermediate monolith suit
5. A lot of faction neutral suits
6. An economist suit that isn't a garbage bag

I always hated when mercs/monolith only have a stalker suit and exo** and the army with the shitty beril and the super awesome bulat. I also feel like most suits are too similar, like merc suit with sunrise suit, in CoP they have the same upgrade path yet one of them is worse, so there is no real incentive to getting the other, if you know what i mean. Hopefully you can import the CS armor model as some kind of armored suit that would be baller.

*After you release weaponsoup and iron out the bugs
**I know about the scientific Monolith suit
You enjoying the Rostok mercs?
not specifically no, but I want to increase mutant spawns for reasons
Half-agreeing and adding to this guy's post, it'd also be nice to add that suit that Privates and shit wear. The army uniform or whatever.
>not specifically no, but I want to increase mutant spawns for reasons
>for reasons

You're going to watch blind dog migrations aren't you?
I guess this still works: http://sdk.stalker-game.com/en/index.php?title=Editing_all.spawn
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Radiation suit. Same protection as exo but with the ability to sprint and without extra carry weight.
The Berill fits that if you add the cut soldier uniform.
More loner suit variants?
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>horse porn
Hell, even anal vore.
Stalker, did you sit too long near the garbage dump again?!
why would clear sky have 8 suits.

why loners 9, they aren't even a proper organisation.

giving every faction a themed same suit is cheesy, do they all have the same suit maker?

why wouldn't a more powerful faction like the military lean on this guy not to supply their adversaries.

the actor has access to all traders, no? give every faction 4-5 suits but different ones so the actor still has all the choice
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He has visible face since 2.10 ogse patch

Nimbles stuff is easy to get but at the same time, it's expensive and takes time. I'd say he's good where he is, he won't get any business in bumfuck mutant town.

The suits+loot+quests thing sounds excellent for CoC. Especially if you plan on filling out the unused maps.
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That's not my Kruglov

Excellent, would be keen as to test it this weekend. Keep up the good work champ
that's a screencap of a video right, got a link?
Goddamnit, I slept for 10 hours and still nobody even tried to help
I'd really like to help you, but i haven't played AMK:AE. Everyone is playing either ogse or coc, or so it seems
Try to enable god mod and fly cheats and see if you could get out of this situation.
Or try loading save and do other ending
From your webm it seems something kills you with extreme hunger in a few seconds
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Should I install LURK? What will I get myself into?
just noticed you sped up the video and it's actually in a lifespan of a day. Still, try cheats or other ending
I didn't speed it up (there's some guys fighting around me and they're completely normal), it seems like time is going really fast, because when I spawn there it's day time, and when I die it's nighttime. I've already tried the other endings, but I don't think any of them would allow for freeplay after
Fuck bloom.
How do I enable god mode?
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>why would clear sky have 8 suits
They have the most unique models
>why loners 9, they aren't even a proper organisation.
I think they should have the most suits just for that reason. They still have had a unified dress code since SoC probably because GSC is lazy. I'd love to add a crap ton of unique models like pic related but I don't have the skills or the time to do that. Also good non-sunrise or loner jacket models are really rare.
>giving every faction a themed same suit is cheesy
I know. Almost all vanilla models are just retextured variants of a few different models. I'm just continuing the tradition.
>give every faction 4-5 suits but different ones so the actor still has all the choice
I feel like I'd have to overhaul all character models for all factions for that.

This is just a fun little project for CoC for now. I might do more things if I ever git gud at modeling.
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I've been up all night working on icons and textures for this stuff. I need to make some model edits and it'll be done soon.

Right now I've got 9 new helmets and gas masks including the MCU2 and its replacement, 11 unique outfits, and 43 various normal/faction outfits. I've slapped some pre-existing ones and mod outfits together for some but I think it looks okay; it makes the model and texture work a lot easier since that's also more or less the same.
If anything if it turns out shitty Russians can take the work for their whacky slav mods.

I won't be able to get other NPCs to wear them but I'm sure it'd be easy enough for someone else to.

How about splitting Nimble's inventory and turning Forester into a vendor for the other half?
Also, Lurk 1.1 or 1.05?
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Is that from CoC? Haven't played CoC so i wouldn't know tb h, does the second last CS suit have the cut heavy model for the cs1? The one i posted?


>why would clear sky have 8 suits.

Why not?

>why loners 9, they aren't even a proper organisation.

So? They are technically the largest "Faction" they should have the most suits, they may not be organized but that doesn't mean they can't have a large variety of suits?

>why wouldn't a more powerful faction like the military lean on this guy not to supply their adversaries.

Because they sell the suits for cash, you know that they are corrupt.
Isn't the cut CS-1 in vanilla CoC?
>How about splitting Nimble's inventory and turning Forester into a vendor for the other half?
What if we had a military helicopter pilot suit, with white helmet and visor
Most of the time it's not a matter of 'what if' but 'can we', desu. Character models don't grow on trees.
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>Isn't the cut CS-1 in vanilla CoC?

I told you mate, i haven't played CoC so i wouldn't know, thats why i asked you.


>I'd love to add a crap ton of unique models like pic related

Yeah that looks great, it actually looks like something a loner would wear, i never understood the basis for the sunrise suit, it looked kinda silly, probably so sirgay can sell merch and roleplay as someone who doesn't suck cock on a daily basis, but he fails either way.
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>supposedly a man of science
>looks like gopnik Vasyan from the neighbourhood
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>I've got 9 new helmets and gas masks including the MCU2 and its replacement, 11 unique outfits, and 43 various normal/faction outfits.
That sounds incredible

You are making my work look even worse than it already is
t. >>144733697
Even worse is, he's a bloody midget.
>cs with ao
>Suslov doesn't sell the cs-1

Im a legit mad
>Right now I've got 9 new helmets and gas masks including the MCU2 and its replacement,

Do you have the pmg, pbf and snork mask? Please tell me you do.
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>scientists can't have buzzcut
>scientists need to have a scientist face
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Maybe some day if Cossacks 3 is successful
I think from a gameplay perspective it would be better if every tier suit was not available at the in house trader.

it would work better if you had to visit enemy territory to buy better gear at black market prices.

added bonus is that you don't have to necessarily theme every suit.
Playing Zone of Alienation right now, rather fresh game. When I try to turn in the pseudodog tail mission it crashes. I looked into the log:


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 342
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'abox_12x70_zhekan'

Seems it's having trouble with the shotgun shell box reward. This fixable? If not, I don't really have a problem just trashing the mission.
>Why not?

because nobody has any incentive to provide it, not even the faction itself. more specialization is higher cost per unit. the player should have more options available though, and he has.
Try renaming it to 12x76_zhekan in the files.
Just had to rename abox_12x70_zhekan to box_12x70_zhekan in the task_manager.ltx file.
Yeah, I just figured that out. Thanks.
To recap

>Cop (AO3 + variation mod)

Game crashes after i purchased the Beril, can't load any save.

>SoC (AMK 1.41)

Can't load any save, all crash, nothing in the crash log

>CS (AO)

Secure the road to the cordon mission bugged, CS squad stood there even though they had taken the farmstead and i couldn't complete the mission, save, kill one of them, load, game crashes

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>I'm too fucking retarded to properly mod games, so I will just blame the game

McFucking hang yourself, idiot.
>Cop (AO3 + variation mod)
Did you just slap variation mod on top of AO3? First, you'd have to manually merge them. Second, variation mod is already included in AO3.
>>I'm too fucking retarded to properly mod games, so I will just blame the game

Yeah right because vanilla Stalker is known for its stability and not crashing all the time.

>Did you just slap variation mod on top of AO3? First, you'd have to manually merge them. Second, variation mod is already included in AO3.

I added variation mod from the optional addons list, copied and pasted the contents of the gamedata folder, merged everything. It was fine, i literally went all the way to pripyat and back. It started crashing after i got the beril. Ill post the crashlogs from Cop and Cs, because i don't have anything in my SoC crashlog.


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CModelPool::Instance_Load
[error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\Layers\xrRender\ModelPool.cpp
[error]Line : 117
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_bandit\act_stalker_bandit3b.ogf'.

stack trace:



[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\priquel\sources\engine\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 180
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...s.t.a.l.k.e.r - clear sky\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:47: Abort(): [xr_logic.pick_section_from_condlist]: NPC 'sim_default_csky_238267': Function 'npc_is_squad_leader_and_not_sole_member' is not defined in xr_conditions.script.

stack trace:
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>AMK forum
>thread where people post character models
>last page, some guy asks for the link of the models posted a few pages ago
>that mod isn't even out, and won't be for at least a year from now

Like, for fucking real?
>I added variation mod from the optional addons list
What? Variation mod is part of base AO3.
Dunno mate, i installed AO3 just as it said in the readme, and installed anything i wanted from the "optional adons" folder, which has a folder called "variation mod", i copied and pasted that shit in my gamedata folder.

That sucks, i hate it when people are giant faggots, probably some ugly neet faggot who has never accomplished anything irl trying to feel powerful or something.
Yes, vanilla stalker is known for its stability since patch 1.0004, which came out what, 8 fucking years ago?

>[error]Arguments : Can't find model file 'actors\stalker_bandit\act_stalker_bandit3b.ogf'.

Jesus fucking christ, do you have a brain fucking tumour? The log fucking tells you the game can't find a fucking model, so instead of grabbing whatever NPC model from meshes folder, making a copy and renaming it with act_stalker_bandit3b, you fucking come here and keep on bitching.

>Function 'npc_is_squad_leader_and_not_sole_member' is not defined in xr_conditions.script

You open xr_conditions.script the fuck up and look at the fucking code. More likely than not, it's some syntax fucking error which leads to game not finding the aforementioned function. If the function is simply not there, you fucking check the mod's files again.

Just fucking off yourself, retard. I'm 200% fucking sure this kind of idiocy translates to other activities you partake in. I hope you will never fucking procreate so that I won't have to waste my time killing your retarded offspring.
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>here's three stalker games i modded
>fuck you gsc dey don't work
>Just fucking off yourself, retard. I'm 200% fucking sure this kind of idiocy translates to other activities you partake in. I hope you will never fucking procreate so that I won't have to waste my time killing your retarded offspring.

Woah try not to cut yourself on that edge, im pretty sure im the only one in this conversation that has the option to chose whether i procreate or not.
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>toaster is kill
>acid is kill
>tk is kill
Do I actually have to pl*y these games now?
by killing yours*lf
Can you take off the integrated helmets? That tidbit always irked me. Especially because NPCs demonstrate that you can for example wear a SEVA without its helmet, even if it's asinine.
I could add an option for that.

I think I'll start focusing on somewhat unique upgrade trees and stuff like that since this >>144735927 anon seems to be doing a whole lot better at the whole variation stuff.
>somewhat unique upgrade trees
More faction oriented upgrade trees with NVG upgrades being exclusively found on helmets?
Is the good ending canon for call of pripyat? I really wish there was more info on the ex monolith faction that strider makes.

Same again man with Nimble, I'd say leave be. Do you think he's OP or too easy to access? There's just no where else logically to put him, unless you want to move him back to Skadovsk.

Good news on the suit front, NPC's wearing them is a huge factor though. Is it difficult to do?
Doesn't the ghillie from memery use proper arm meshes?
I think I found RL Sidorovich
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If by proper arm meshes you mean the vanilla ones with the most god-awful plants n' shit texture ever made, yes, it does.
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I'm playing Lost Alpha and one of those fetch side missions has bugged, i'm supposed to bring an Elite anomaly detector for that Wenja guy but...
Can you add a wandering trader that sells high-grade shit like in TFW?
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As you can see there is no "here's your stuff" option in this shit.

How do i solve this? Can i at least remove this mission so it doesn't trigger my OCD?
What the fuck, his name is Zavodnik which literally means seducer or pimp, holy shit, ill bet my bottom dollar that he is a Jew.
>red forest

I'm sick of this bullshit. Enemies can see you through fucking everything WHEN IT'S FUCKING 1 AM. Fuck off, just eat shit, literally. Holy fuck.
Which literally means participant you idiot, zvodnik is a seducer

Not in my slavic language
Yours doesnt matter
wow that's fuckin racist dude
Kill yourself
That's why CS just packed it full of mutants and radiation.
Kill yourself
And CoC thought it was fucking fun to put a fucking platoon of military gay-ass-faggot sissy bitch fuckboys. Holy fuck, legit fucking mad. Jesus fucking christ.
yбиј ce

>when you move through a fucking bush
>everyone can hear you from a fucking mile away
>enemy walks through the bush
>it's fucking nothing

Jesus Christ, uninstalled.
Kill yourself
i di na hui
>i di
Idź się kurwa zabij.
Бpaтaн, ты coвceм oдypeл?
fuck off stalky
O nie kurwa, nie będzie tak rusek o mnie mówił. Mógłbym się założyć, że nie byłby taki odważny IRL.

Bo co?
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For the record, I don't talk in polish anymore.
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cyka stole my bike
Ty kurwa.
*ty kurwo
Declension, m8.
>try playing Memery
>it's about as boring as vanilla CoP, it just has slightly harder economy
I didn't know what to expect.
Thank you for your valuable insight.

Polska kurva
You're welcome.
Why does everyone play amk with ae? Imo amk is kinda bad, im playing aa and it has much better gunplay, sounds and graphics than amk, why is amk so popular? Not that amk is that bad tho
zamknij ryj kryptopedale jebany
I don't understand either. OGSE 0692: AE is way more fun.
I played just AMK without AE, and just AA and AA is wayyyyy better. What does AMK even do?
why does /sg/ hate escape from tarkov?
it's not stalker
Because shills. And most likely it will be another shit Russian MMO.
>not stalker
>online only
>b2p p2w
zamknij ryj kryptokryptopedale jebany
AMK is mostly about adding cut content, spawn rates and economy.
AMK:AE is AMK with AA items, gunplay and eye candy.
>playing warfare
>merc start
>monolith and ecologists spawn in dead city
>killing monolith easily enough and ready to enter building
>ecologist rounds corner
>hit him with at least 3 head shots
>he misses me as we fire madly
>both start reloading
>switch to knife
>he swings to hit me but I knife him first
that was fun as fuck but why are ecologists so tough?

Are you using a crosshair?
I don't get it either, those apparent fucking trashbags (new models and white ones) can tank point blank slugs, buckshot and 5.56 headshots multiple times.
AMK is popular, because it was one of the first truly quality mods. Back then Stalker was also fresh, so people were yet to get tired of vanilla, and AMK just polished that vanilla experience. It's also a platform for many mods.

Of course, unless you are new to the series, there's little reason to re-play with AMK.
My only memory of AMK is batshit crazy a-life with controllers and pseudogians on cordon in 30 minutes of game, and constant firefights wherever you go. It was kinda fun.
ogse feels pretty vanilla in this regard
I can't handle this fucking HUD for AO3+Pripyat Reborn. Tried Ceanos HUD mod as another anon suggested, didn't work.

Seriously, look at that fucking mini map, its like an inch away from the side of the screen, unless maybe I am forgetting some widescreen fix or something. Don't have much experience modding CoP but I figure its similar to the other STALKERS.

If I can't fix this then I am just going to have to use the 2015 mod merge.
I was, just for that part, once I got trough that bullshit I disabled it again
What are the main changes between AMK 1.4 and 1.4.1?

Fair enough I guess.

Ahh i get it, thanks for the help, fuck the controllers and the electro chimeras.


how do you play without a crosshair? Not talking about aiming, its so useful to discern who is an enemy and who isn't, i don't want to shoot some stalker by accident.
Exactly my problem, the HUD is fucking huge too
In SoC I just check the contacts, or if they're too far away, binoculars
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"AMK 1.4 vs 1.4.1
The 2 versions differ in a number of places, enough to alter the experience
quite a bit. Neither is flat out better, so here're some highly subjective

- AMK 1.4 has a much higher spawn rate, especially for mutants. 1.4.1 toned
this down. Expect to have to evade or run from large mutant
swarms a lot more in 1.4. NPC spawns are similarly higher in 1.4.
- Traders do not buy as many things nor do they pay as much in 1.4.1 as in
1.4, so the economy is much tougher in 1.4.1.
- The 1.4 Dynamic News System is more active than the one in 1.4.1. Coupled
with the increased spawns this gives the 1.4 Zone a more war-zone feel with
activity happening and being reported in news all the time. 1.4.1 has a
quieter and more exploratory feel, you also have to work harder to get gear."
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Try playing something like ZoA or any mod where it takes that feature away. Its even worse because there are rookies who dress just like bandits in it. I've already gunned down one innocent loner rookie mistaking him for a bandit.

I have never used a crosshair in STALKER games, and games where it forces me I try to use the smallest one possible.

I also actually don't like color changing crosshairs but they can be useful in certain games where having a crosshair isnt a big deal which isnt many for me.

I also hate hitboxes too, and as fat distinguishing enemy types, I would usually use my binoculars always.

Yeah and it's kind of unplayable for me. I can't deal with that huge as fuck HUD in my face and especially being off center. Shame, because I wanted to play that mod. I just want something that still has some vanilla structure for CoP to go through it then I will give things like MISERY and SGM a shot but I havn't played much of CoP at all, and I am not playing the entire game vanilla only to do it right after with a mod but don't want something too crazy.
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It's fucking nothing
>lurk hud, no smart binocs
>that one bandit with a stalker suit
>that exo bandit that appeared after my wish granter raid
>*skat bandit
*scat bandit
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Okay, so something is wrong is my AO3 install, because I am looking at pics on Moddb and the HUD is completely different. I don't know how the fuck any part of it wouldn't work. Installed it correctly, change my gamedata value to true, ect.

I am just going to try downloading the one from mod db instead of the repo, maybe its outdated or something.
I think the HUD is off center for FPS counters or something
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>hey, guys, how about instead of trying to prepare what we have already done for release, we just spend another gorillion hours on a weapon no one fucking uses anyway?
>good idea, lets do this
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Are you talking about pic-related?

Because that screenshot is from the CoC version.

AO3 for CoP doesn't change the HUD.
The file on the repo is the same as on moddb.
Let's not forget.
>all those unnecessary and redundant guns
>still no nugget
Honestly, with their time management skills and priorities, they should've just stuck with vanilla guns. I mean, I understand modders who do this kind of shit for fun, but these faggots outright claim it's "a second job" for them.
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>it's memez time

Yeah thats understandable, well fuck then I don't know what to do. Mods with good HUD's have just ruined me.

This HUD is atrocious.
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oh boy
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is there any context to this? im actually curious
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Anal friend

But why is it so artifacted?
ok guys, i never got into stalker that hard, i played quite a bit of CoC and now im downloading CoP and MISERY, expecting to get my butt handed to me and uninstalling. Am i messing up? Do people not like misery?
Dead mutants in SoC show up as friends if the last corpse you searched was a friendly stalker.
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how the fuck are you supposed to steal the documents from the army base in agroprom in AMK:AE
>get in
>get documents
>get out
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"F" button
>holding soldering irons by the tip
as soon as i pop up everyone in the base rushes me, i haven't even done anything to make noise
>CoP 2015 mod merge menu music

Is this a joke or something?
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Reinstall. A bug.
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It'd be pretty cool to find some bad drugs that would make you start tripping in the Zone.
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At last, we meet again
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>soviet russia game
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What is the best mod for CS? I just wanted a polished vanilla experience, because it's the only game I never finished, I don't even remember in what part I dropped the game, but I want to replay it.
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the SRP + AO mod merge in the repo.
SRP with the alternative ballistics option
now there's just one problem
I don't have Clear Sky
That was a Burer.
Is anyone out there that knows how to merge mods? Or can help me with changing the HUD in AO3 for CoP? I just can't handle this hugeness.
SoC AMK became a lot less fun when enemies got sniper rifles and began throwing grenades, which they didn't do before Pripyat for some reason.
>get winmerge
>merge config files
>see if any textures conflict
>merge if necessary
They didn't have grenades so often, and yeah, the snipers are bullshit
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cheeko no breeko.webm
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The grenades are bullshit as well.

>no indication
>can't hear the sound during gun fights
>can't see it being thrown
>fuckhuge damage radius on F1 grenade
There is no magic bullet. You look at all the files that conflict, you find out what changes they made, you combine them together as needed. No more no less.
download the coc hud for cop. it's
then download a copy either from the repo or get a gog copy on TPB


It works! Thank you so much!
Dont play ao, play srp with alternative balistics like that other anon said, i mean, if you want the vanilla experience
бpaт cpбин?
I don't want the vanilla-vanilla experience, I want a semi-vanilla experience, nothing too drastic. AO is just weaponry, right?
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I just checked this out and it looks like all the ecologist models use the highest tier resistances. So all trashbags are basically exos.
Maкeдoнeц :^)
Yeah its just weapons but it changes the feel imo
Better or worse?
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Holy shit fuck those guys, they KILLED my suspension of disbelief and immersion.
Not sure, its just different, but thats just me desu, i reallyyyy like vanilla stalker, if you want better looking weapons and more of them go for ao, i too didnt finish cs so im gonna replay it with srp and the improved balistics
ehhh, I'll go for it
И јa caм 25% Maкeдoнaц. :)

Пoздpaв из Бeoгpaдa.
Is there seriously not a crouch toggle in CoP? What the fuck.
there is
go to "game options"
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Yeah what the fuck man, this is an outrage

Ah yeah thats where they stick it, totally forgot.
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>say the mod is dead since none of the devs have time to work on it anymore
>5 months of silence
>post few screenshots over the past few weeks
>now this video
>don't reply to any comments
Strifer never said the mod was dead, dipshit
Пoздpaв бpaт :)
That faggot said "don't wait for the mod to come out" which means "it's fucking dead Jim" in modspeak.
Does sdk 0.7 support SHOC or is 0.4 better?
whose jim
Someone's projecting
going through these game files again is weird. Forgot how spaghetti everything is.
>file references a class description
>class description file references a model
>model references a file
>that file references another file
>that file contains the resistances
Wait until past midnight, approach from the Northern gate, keep heading south along the wall until you reach a collapsed wall near the watchtower, take out the guard using either a knife or a pistol (important, you must do this in a single hit). Proceed to the main building, making sure that the guy on the Western watchtower doesn't notice you, enter through the window. Quietly proceed to the upper floor -- there won't be any soldiers inside during this time of day. Pick up the documents, jump out of the window onto the ladder and make your way down. Either escape using the same route you've used to infiltrate or escape through the hole in the fence near the transformer (south-west).

Even if you fuck up at the first guard on the watchtower, you can still make it by simply rushing to the building -- they won't have enough time to organize the defence and catch you.
Is this bait or do you not fucking know?
Judging by this >>144766821 reaction to my post it's just ignorance.
0.7 is for CoP

0.4+patch+xray_re-tools (updated)+xrECoreB fix

plus your 2 dll's it will give you an error for

if you are going to be doing any sort of weapons with it... and appending animations.

it won't work 100% with win 7 even with the compatability patches. a VM or another install on a different HDD partition with win xp sp2+ is reccomended for full functionality.
it's ok lol i killed all of them
that suit looks baller af
>safe every single artifact since the beginning
>plan on selling them all to Sakharov for big dosh
>finally at the Bar
>time to get through the Kruglov quest and clear the path for my trips
>had to take about 4 trips for all the artifacts
>mercs respawning upon map entry every time
All the dosh didn't even feel that good in the end.
Where's a good place for a safe stash in the Bar?
Custom stashes are unlootable
Seriously? I always thought any stash was lootable if an NPC could get to it.
If it's the typical AMK systems, yes
Even static stashes are safe, but less convenient
Only boxes and corpses aren't
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OLR 3.0 when?
It's AMK:AE 1.4.1, it's probably the same. Thanks for the info.
>play amk for the first time
>kruglov tells me i gotta dodge the anomalies but his suit will protect him
>walks his scripted route straight into a vortex
>get blown to pieces
>mission failed

Good times
Go to bed Aaroe, don't you have another tragedy to monetize or something?
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What does Viibros mean?


Thanks but fuck amk, playing AA now


Pic related is my fav suit, though it probably cant be used by the player.

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Misery 2.2 when?

Is pretty good, the gameplay is more or less the same. Just don't get overhelmed with all the repair items. Just use the ones for your guns and don't worry. Also sell all the items that don't have any use more than repair like an extra 2%. Also play in rookie mode, without batery drain, without dark mode and without AI infinite ammo and hardcore aim in your first run. You can turn off these things in options, and if you want to change the difficulty or darkmode just reinstall the mod, you don't lose your data.
Also I picked up the sniper class, is very balanced and is specialized in Shotguns and Snipers.And the most important thing, this class is really cool to hunt because you have more mutants drops and you can cook the mutant monster without any downsides, saving lots of money (cooking using 8 liters gasoline cans as fuel, with the good cooking tool).
I know fuck all Russian but any stalker should know that one
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Welcome to AMK's random anomalies.

That vortex should go away at some point if you want to hold off long enough.
But then you run the risk of something spawning and taking out Kruglov before you can even get started... so... it's a bitch.
I got lucky on my playthrough and he made it through.
And here I thought janny deleted the post for blatant advertisement.
Just run out of switch distance and he'll be fine
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Why are the build skyboxes so nice?

Nah its cool it was 5 years ago i just remember because i streamed it for /v/
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Top kek, i hate that vortex anomaly at the end of the tunnel

>gonna do the regular tunnel thing
>phew im out of the woods

Anyway that sure as hell beats him being dead from the start, when i played he was dead in the cutscene, and so were the mercs, because of the fucking electro chimeras.
>the fucking electro chimeras.

Last time I played it, Kruglov was somehow the ONLY one left alive while there were two electro chimeras and several other mutants in the area. All the mercs and ecologists were dead.
because nostalgiafags like you will suck up any kind of bullshit to live the "one and only true old experience of stalker" pipe dream only to get disappointed by how actually fucking flawed and shit it is

p.s. vanilla skyboxes were exactly the same
scratch that it's actually in damages.ltx.
>hit_fraction_npc = 0.1
Change that to higher figure and they start dying normally.
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>meme classes
>cod wannabe perks
>autistic bullshit disguised as perks
>in stalker

Nothing ruins the immersion more than this fucking bullshit i swear to god, and its somehow supposed to be realistic or something? JFC


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Cut content skyboxes are clearly superior

Thanks stalker


>Last time I played it, Kruglov was somehow the ONLY one left alive while there were two electro chimeras and several other mutants in the area. All the mercs and ecologists were dead.

In my case he was the only one that was dead, the rest of the economists were fine
To be fair for light armor like kevlar it's easier to stab or cut through than shoot through
Or you can just pretend it means shanking them between the plates, I dunno
Ayy TK. What grafix mods do you use?
>Only boxes and corpses aren't
Lolno, even static stashes such as the one on top of the arena or the one in the same hangar as the "get out of here stalker" are lootable by NPCs
In my straw hut, relaxing after farming, because armor piercing knives were a thing from the medieval onwards. Other points are quite valid, tho.
literally who
I'll get them done today. I'm also going to work on several variation skins of the same gasmask. I was going to get the pmg in last night but I forgot.

Making icons, upgrade trees, world spawns, stats, and textures is a breeze but I have no experience in getting NPCs to wear or use shit. I'm also worried anything but the player shadow and hand models won't look too hot; modeling is a lot slower and I'm less than adept at it.
I'll try my hand at it but if it looks bad I'll leave it for someone else.

Maybe. I'll try and see how it goes.
Stop it stop it stop it
EoC2 MS, PRZ1 and SMAX
Everything loos like shit with the debug weather full ambience though
People here don't like Misery for a lot of reasons, including the "advertising". I'm playing it myself and it reeks of mod that tries really hard to be cool but falls flat on its face. It isn't even hard.
Im pretty confident that if they released the game like they originally wanted to, when they first wanted to, with the bigger world and everything, stalker would be one of the best games of the decade, but they released a game that was made in 2001 in 2007, fucking modern warfare came out in 2007.
Lolno, they are not, otherwise even getting stash coordinates would be pointless since the shit would be stolen by the time you got there.
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>Stop it stop it stop it
Dude, everyone recognizes your screenshots.
So for some reason I get ctd's now when I try to load a save in CoP with AO3 + PR.

* [x-ray]: crt heap[379193 K], process heap[62812 K], game lua[34363 K], render[125 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[28189 K], smem[2131 K]
compiling shader model_env_lq
compiling shader model_env_lq_1
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_2
compiling shader deffer_model_flat_4
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_4
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_1
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_1
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_0
compiling shader accum_emissivel
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_4
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_3
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_0
compiling shader shadow_direct_model_aref_1
compiling shader model_env_lq_0
compiling shader deffer_model_bump_d-hq_2
compiling shader model_distort_2
compiling shader particle_alphaonly


[error]Expression : !m_error_code
[error]Function : raii_guard::~raii_guard
[error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrServerEntities\script_storage.cpp
[error]Line : 748
[error]Description : ...call of pripyat\gamedata\scripts\xr_motivator.script:53: attempt to index field 'actor' (a nil value)

stack trace:
>Lolno, they are not
Except they are. I put my shit there and it got looted.

>otherwise even getting stash coordinates would be pointless since the shit would be stolen by the time you got there.
Maybe the shit spawns as you open the stash.
Feel free to open treasure_manager and see that it does not
>To be fair for light armor like kevlar it's easier to stab or cut through than shoot through
>Or you can just pretend it means shanking them between the plates, I dunno

Honestly i know that, and i wasn't implying that knives can't penetrate armor, its just the reasoning that pisses me off, knives were "armor piercing" even in vanilla

>In my straw hut, relaxing after farming, because armor piercing knives were a thing from the medieval onwards. Other points are quite valid, tho.

It just reeks of autism and adding bullshit just so you can differentiate the classes so you can fulfill some stupid wet dream. If they spent as much effort into making a good mod as much as they did in those adds of theirs nobody would really hate misery.
>I'll get them done today. I'm also going to work on several variation skins of the same gasmask. I was going to get the pmg in last night but I forgot.

You are doing gods work, bless you anon
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This one is especially nice. Activating it made my drivers crash briefly.

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I can't believe I just made it through half of Pripyat without dying once in AMK AE, tense as fuck but now comfy in Strelok's stash.
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>2 assualt rifles
>2 armors

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test level.jpg
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Thanks. Got 0.4 with the unofficial patches to work on Win10 with adding those two dlls and the MS Compatibity agent, that fixed the file dialog. Created the X: drive and could load data. But a VM might be a better idea as you said.
The thing that looks like a silencer is actually a pistol, but so far in Pripyat I haven't used it so I'm gonna drop it for now in favor of the AS Val which I can switch to for mid range combat.

And I'm not willing to drop my SEVA suit in the middle of Pripyat just because I found some cool military armor in Strelok's stash.
I guess I mean mid-close range for the AS Val since it has no scope and that's why I decided on it.
>that fixed the file dialog

not in actor editor when you try to append animations.
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Who is the best STALKER protagonist?
Marked One, or should I say, Strelok, Scar or Major Degtyarev?
This one.
Except that's the guy that saves Strelok in the beginning of SoC
Ok, I mainly need the level editor but I am setting up a VM anyway just in case.
where can I find the sound files for NPC greetings in a CoP mod?
Durad Vidic
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Wait till after midnight. I've done it fully stealthed except for the floor with the docs in AMK AE and there's no problem coming out of the underground through the manhole.

Don't switch weapons until you're on the top floor or they'll hear the sound. Take out the loudspeaker on the roof with your knife before going back down to the 3rd floor to pick up the docs, killing the 3 soldiers there.
>Teнь Пycтoты ДЖOКEP УЖACA
What did he mean with this?
AMK by itself doesn't have npcs using grenades, you're playing some merge that added the grenadier ai scheme.

AMK AE doesn't have that grenadier ai merged in though all the others are I think. I remember the guy asked /sg/ if he should merge it and nobody wanted it in.
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Stalker Clear sky.jpg
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Scar easily. Agent D-D a shit.
>AMK AE doesn't have that grenadier ai merged in
I wouldn't be sure about that.


Think it means shadow


Usually means desolate or empty in Slavic languages


Easy, a Joker (card) of Horror/terror
What the fuck, why does AO3 for CoP have such shit performance. High frames but its just not right, I've increased the values in alife in try fixing it but overall I just have not been able to run CoP as smooth as SoC.
Empty Joker Shadow?
Desolate Shadow Joker?
Shadow Empty Joker?
The word you are looking for is void.
NPCs only go after shit you placed there, not stash contents.

Any reachable container will be looted in AMK. There are plenty of stashes unreachable to NPCs though
What do I have to do to find a VSS Vintorez, I'm hoping to find one before Chernobyl NPP
You'll find them
Lots of them
Like 50 or so

SoC? Some Expert Monolits and Duty carry them also you can buy one if you are good with duty
CS? Right in the swamp near the train its yours from the cutscene
CoP? Yantar
I understood that reference.
I'm actually in Pripyat and haven't found one yet. Guess I should keep killing Monoliths. Duty are my friends though so I could go back to the Bar and buy one.
>CoP? Yantar

>he doesn't know about the secret Yantar level hidden in pripyat underground
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>forgetting about the one inside Freedom's base
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Degy because he exists
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This is the weird shit I have to deal with hunting for a Vintorez
cool, just givin you a heads up.in the vm i had to do some special steps to get d3d driver installed. at least with virtualbox.

otherwise you will get errors

I posted about it here so people could get around this problem.
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Space Dandy 2 2.gif
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Just downloaded CoP and MISERY 2, what am I in for Stalkers.

You mean the roof in the burnt farmstead
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I've also noticed factions do not have faction variants of helmets and gasmasks, so I'm going to do those too.
Maybe Freedom's can have a bong connected to it or something, or like two bongs on the sides with a straw leading to the mouth and a big #1 on painted on the front.
A shitty tryhard mod
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Just headshot him. He didn't notice you yet anyway.
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Which version of SGM for CoP is the best?
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Installing stalkersoup
What am I going into
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There was a whole group of freaks praying, I took them all out with stealth.

Then two experts came up behind me and one was using this improperly
someone help

where do I control what voices are used
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Fucking heathens

Is this AMK or AA2.1?
What's the best mod for SoC or CoP to join other factions like the monolith and the army?

I know of ZoA for SoC, anything else?
2.2 Eton if you want superior gunplay and don't mind the lack of translation, 2.0 Geonezis if you want dem quests, 2.2 Lost Soul if you want trace amounts of actual gunplay AND translation.
Doesn't the david.me translation work with Eton? Shouldn't be hard to merge, just tedious
You can't simply drag-and-drop it if that was what you had in mind, no.
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>trace amounts of actual gunplay
I for one enjoy red dot sights that aren't illuminated, Saigas that can barely hit shit past ten meters and the VSS Vintorez being an inaccurate piece of shit contrary to its fucking purpose. Oh, and 12ga being useless as always is also nice.
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I wish there were revolvers in stalker, at least the nagant, such a snowflake revolver. I know some mods have them but i haven't seen the nagant
i dunno wat LS you 've been playing
>didn't even bother to use the correct ammo for the photo
inb4 it can shoot it as well
I know

Are you fucking serious?
>nagant, such a snowflake
Are you fucking serious nigger.
It is a snowflake in the current year.

Did he stutter?
he means enot
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No idea, lad, I'm pretty sure it was called SGM 2.2 Lost Soul but I don't know anything else.

Meant Enot, excuse the typo.
is there a functioning russian dialog mod somewhere for CoP? all I can find is dead links
mayb eyou were playing an old version of ls
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Its snowflake because it has to eject the casings manually and can mount a suppressor, not because it was rare.
Can people who actually like MISERY tell me why 2.1 is better than 2.2?
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Please point me to whatever you perceive to be the 'newest' version of 2.2 Lost Soul. I'd appreciate it.
2.2 is better by virtue of not existing
2.2 doesn't exist

I'm not slav enough to play untranslated.

Why is the gunplay so different from version to version?

Sorry I meant 1.1 and 2.1.
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Different people doing different things with different goals on the base of the same mod (that being SGM, of course).

What would you recommend for someone starting out with SGM then?
Just play CoC or DMM you dumbo.
2.0 is bloated, imbalanced, edgy garbage
1.0 is still imbalanced edgy garbage, but less bloated
CoC it is then, but it's pretty barebones
No I meant the core 2.2 text should be the same though weapon, ammo and quests that reference weapons will need merging. Very tedious, but straightforward unless Enot changes more than weapons - I thought it was just Shoker merged in
Lower your settings, and your expectations.

Use DX9, I had the same issue with it.

I am also having problems running CoP good with several mods. I was using AO3 + PR and I had edited alife and such too but it still just feels too jittery and just doesnt run smooth.
Use the Zaton Start in the repo to skip Cordon and Swamps. Latter two are nothing but a waste of time. Refer to >>144789895 if you want a basic idea of which version to play. Don't turn in the artifact-powered Vintorez. It's ridiculously OP and you'll want it. Turn the SGM anomalies off. Don't even think about turning on the Alpha squads if you value your mental well-being. Don't ever sell any C4s you get, you'll need them. Military exoskeleton is ridiculously overpowered. The artifact cookers are your friends.
There, that should be good start-up advices. Oh and I didn't use the spoilers for nothing.

Oh, yeah that is the case. I can't really bear with the tedium of merging the translation but if you can it'd be seriously great.
cop repo in 2nd post should still have it
misery 1.1 is to cop as aa2 is to soc, it's a good mod
I won't merge anything but I can run it from scratch for Enot if you want
You wanted more factions, you get more factions.

Fair enough, feel free to. You're probably be aware the risk of the translation breaking quests or causing crashes, I'd assume so at least.
No, I'll pass on the translation merge. I have a half done merge of his improved 1.7 translation with Geonezis and ran out of steam from how tedious it was. More power to david.me for doing these.
Not if you have good software, which I do
Hasn't broken anything in a while
You'll crash if you blindly overwrite weapons and ammo. Quests will break too of course.
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And that's exactly what I had downloaded.
That's why there are so few translators after all. Well, aside from the obvious language barriers. You need the patience of a saint for shit like that.
This GSC thread has standalone 2.0 and 2.2 translations from david.me for anyone who wants to muck with the various versions and translations:

It also has a newer SGM 1.7 Geonezis merge with STCoP 2.8. Played with this for a bit using the 2.0 Geo translation, but it has some janky stuff like the PDA so didn't finish the merge by taking the weapon ammo translation from the CoC version.
This SGM shit is confusing. God damn it.
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*teleports behind you*
Should've gone for the knife kill
is the whole sawmill zombie invasion thing true

how many zombies we talking
so the invasion is a one-time thing?
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I don't understand why CS AO+SRP performance is so shitty (~30-50 fps) when I get almost stable 72 FPS in CoP AO+PR, even on DX9 mode
wait, so there's constantly dozens of zombies on the map?
Playing AA, going the army wearhouses i get shot down by an exo and 2 omon looking motherfuckers right of the bat. Is this a bug or is it because im not supposed to go there since i just got at the bar and need to go to the dark valley? Those are skulls crew i assume but why attack me on sight?
Because CoP is optimized to death. There's a reason it looks like shit compared to CS.
Welp, looks like I'll have to wait for the R9 480 to play CS
Just turn down the settings ya dink. Sun shafts are the biggest offender.
I've turned them down a lot, disabled all the fancy effects, and it still runs like shit

I don't know why but Pripyat Reborn just makes CoP unsmooth for me. I was doing much better using Standalone AO3, but now I can't load my save games that I just made like 20 minutes ago. I am so fucking fed up with messing around with CoP. It runs like fucking shit compared to every SoC mod I've ever played.

Does it even matter if you have a good GPU like fucking christ.
By "unsmooth" you mean "stuttery"?
In which case no your GPU is not the problem.

Yes, but even when my fps is high it just doesn't seem right.

Like when it says 72 fps it just doesn't look or perform like it and the dips are pretty bad when I pull my weapon occasionally.

I was able to run CS with AO3 + SRP no problem on DX9.

On here, even on DX9 it seems to struggle sometimes and just shoots up and then down a lot. AO3 standalone felt much better but as I said now my saves wont load.
Biggest killer of frames are sun rays. Set to low quality.
What are your specs?
Lower the resolution to 800x600, set the thing above to minimum and static lighting.
Buy a CPU that isn't shit and an SSD.
No, I refuse to play STALKER like that, when I can play SoC and CoP at 1080p and almost maximum settings.
I'll just wait a few months until I get a new GPU, then I'll play it

GTX 770 with 4gb of VRAM


CPU is an intel i5, and it is on an SSD.
There are a lot of i5s.
Strange, you got better specs than me
How much RAM?

If you're curious, here's my specs

GTX 750 2gb (ASUS OC)
Intel i7 4790
12 gigs of RAM
And all the games are on an HHD, load times when starting the game are pretty long, but after that they're only ~5 seconds
You're wasting your time clearly no-one is paying attention.

I think its like 5700k ill double check when i get back. it wasnt cheap at the time.


I also have 8gb of RAM
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>begin NLC7
>first pickup at spawn is a playboy
>CPU is an intel i5
That doesn't mean shit. There is a world of difference between a first gen i5, a second gen, and all of the gens that came after that. You didn't even specify if it's OC'd and what kind of cooler you have.
link to the translation and the mod? is it standalone or do you need the rus version?
Is the money in stalker actually in Russian Roubles? If so, it's very weird, how come some artifacts only cost 35 € (1500 RU), or is it just inside the zone?
This issue has always bothered me
No you dork. I mean yes, they use rubles, but no, market values inside this completely shit-up and isolated little pocket of the world do not follow typical exchange rates.
Yeah, that's what I thought
>Is the money in stalker actually in Russian Roubles?
Short answer: no. Long answer: it's very likely a value specifically made for the zone.
It meant "fuck off and stop bothering" because of faggots like you who keep asking when.
If he really meant that now that he shat out a new video he'll have to deal with hordes of brainless fucks such as yourself again.
Deal with people who just keep track of the mod and that's it? Control your butt blowouts, rookie
First it's "faggots like you who keep asking when" and now it's "people who just keep track of the mod and that's it"? Kill yourself.
>faggots like you who keep asking when
that's you
>people who just keep track of the mod and that's it
that's me
is it clear now?
Kill yourself.
Just look up what the word "you" stands for to avoid the confusion next time
Kill yourself.
Dead general

RIP /sg/
All kill yourselves.
Kill yourself
Is CoP good enough to play vanilla or do I need fixes?
OWR and Absolute Nature
In Arsenal Overhaul 3 for CoP whenever I aim the screen zooms out, the FOV increases instead of decreasing or remaining the same. Is there a fix for this? Google only found me a fix for Call of Chernobyl.
Should I just stop playing CoP and play CoC? Is CoC any more stable or anything?
Iron sight alignment fix, russian dub with subtitles.

Change your FoV so that it matches the iron sights one.
>play memery
>the door to the Skadovsk is stuck (possibly thanks to some dutyer faggots) and I have to get in through the doors on the third floor
That fov is too big, everything is too small.
>Iron sight alignment fix
>russian dub

Yes. The CoP english dub is atrocious.
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>dat fov
>dose models
>dat crosshair
>dat fucking bicycle

I love everything about this WEBM
OWR doesn't change gameplay, just visuals
Might as well say Absolute Nature isn't "vanilla" enough either
nvm fixed, it's all in the ltx. I was afraid that fov was in the mesh
Why not Atmosfear
Took a break from exporting world models to add in the fn f2000 standard w/ a 3d scope. So now there is the f2000 standard and an f2000 with rails (w/ the usual optics attachable).

Hey, it's deprecated ogse player again, care to tell me about all the content that's been cut in 0693?
Buggy as shit and makes loads a billion years long
Is there a good magazine mod yet?
ETA for Shoker?
bueno, wat else can you attach to the f2000?
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Hooray for boat gun!
Giv mascot
Damn, I fucked up
I watched the latest 30m video, it's literally dayz without zombies
the only thing in common with stalker is mild slav setting and voice acting.
plus what other stalkers said.
We already have one survarium, why do we need another one

ZoA's is cool, I like it. ZoA didn't invent it though and it's in some other mods but I forget.
>Buggy as shit
Nah. The fog is kinda annoying, but guess what? Not using quicksaves takes care of that.

>makes loads a billion years long
>psi storms straight up crashing your ass doesn't count as buggy
Whatever you say lad
I never had a crash caused by psy storms. Also
>enabling them in first place
>not editing that script

I want to hear from people who enjoy psi storms, pls tell me why
>psi storms don't count because you can disable them
>permafog doesn't count because you can just never load saves
>load times don't count because I said so
You know Anon you're right, if you just ignore all the bad parts of a mod, it's good! BRB firing up Misery.
the f2000 with the picatinny rails will have the usual optics: aimpoint pro, eotech, acog, and leupold mark 4, though I'll likely want to rework the mk4 model later on down the road for an update.
NICE, i hate being forced into optics.
>psi storms don't count because you can disable them
They don't count because they never caused a crash for me.

>permafog doesn't count because you can just never load saves
You'll never see permafog unless you're a shitter that quickloads every 30 seconds. No seriously.

>load times don't count because I said so
Again, I never experienced atmosfear increasing my load times. Kill yourself.
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Ok so I can't play CoP vanilla anymore, so its time to move onto something else.

Suggestions? I still want to play the story so CoC isn't an option unless the vanilla questline is in there.
How many weapons have the laser pointer now?
I didn't know snorks had days off.
I didn't add that in yet, pistols are going to be a different update (and rifles, i have laser sights for those too). the beretta has a laser though and is set up, so i may make that a unique one for now.
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I got you covered, oniichan.
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I just got the music player in SGM and every track seems to be making the same beeping noise. Wondering if anyone has this problem or knows a fix
You need the music pack for it.
All the files use a very specific folder layout and filename for it to work.

Look in CoP repo in the SGM folder.
The music files are there.
i fixed mine. had to edit a cript as well, even with the tracks that used to be on david.me's profile still edited it.

i can upload all of it if you want. yes?

also added some songs to it. like 3-4 tracks
to clarify i did it for sgm 2.2 lost soul version
mostly just renaming of the tracknames/folders
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the original meat cube magician.jpg
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Here's what I got done today.
Finishing textures for world models, going to work on stats and names 'n shit tonight and get the world spawn locations done tomorrow.
This got it working, thanks

Won't be needed, thanks for the offer though

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>That mexican sombrero
I will use it if is in the werejew mod.
looking at this just reminds me how barebones coc is
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fuckin nice
I will happily merge some armor mod like that. Been hoping someone would get around to that.

Are you doing new arm models\textures for the player?
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Yeah, that's what I'm working on right now.
I won't be able to do full player models soon but arm models, world models, and textures are pretty quick and easy.

The full models will take a little bit longer because full body player frankenmodels aren't something I've attempted before.
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>Harbinger economist helmet
Coming Soon
Coming Soon R.E.B.O.R.N. Doppelganger part-2 ISTOK
whoever encoded that fucking video should shoot themselves in the fucking face. god damn

the video is fucking useless.
all right i take it back after changing yandex's quality settings to 720 it's not horrible

but still blocky, when it shouldnt be
Select 720p, its ok
Does MISERY still give AI 10x damage resistance and have infinite ammo and drop 5 rounds?
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how it feels to chew 5 gum.webm
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That's the invisible mini-black hole anomaly. What happened there is that you got sucked into it, but due to its size, it couldn't handle your mass, so it imploded
Why is the SKS in AO so damn stronk?

Shoots down helis like it's nothing.
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Cant wait for that miracle
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I just found one
I love semi-auto carbines
Can I fit any suppressor in it? I've tried the 7.62 one and it didn't work.
What about scopes?
Tremor disappeared from skadovsk in AO+PR
wat do?
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Thats supposed to happen
Go search him
There is already one armor mod on moddb, although it seems a lot tamer than this glorious soup.
Thank you stalker
Supposedly the 7.62mm one and the PU both are to work on the SKS, but looking at the config file it doesn't allow for any attachments.

Good ol' AO quality.
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>bitbucket CoC repo is gone
Cheers rookie
First time playing Stalker. I won't put on any mods. But which difficulty should I go for? Starting guide said that they only change weapon damage and AI smartness. Will I be okay in Veteran or should I pick Stalker for the first time?
but it's not
The PU scope works on it
Unless they changed its location you get access denied. Maybe someone just messed up or they didn't want people to be using some experimental shit?

Yeah true, I'll get something in.

Did like 100 world models today, got the mp133, mp153, toz194, and ks23 merged in. I also decided to attach sights to the vks, so that now has iron sights + the usual picatinny attachments.
>Maybe someone just messed up or they didn't want people to be using some experimental shit?

thats what i'm thinking.... not entirely sure though.
Turns out he was a vampire
now who is going to be the medic at skadovsk?
Some autist went nuclear over removed SoC ambient sounds in moddb comments. That might have something to do with it.
wait wut, in what comments on the coc page? oh god
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In the moddb comments
He made around gorillion comments complaining about that commit
Still waiting your judgement, guys. What difficulty did you play first?
Some random medic
Makes the enemy less bulletsponge like
at least he appologized afterwards...

i uploaded the ambient sounds before for someone who wanted to remove some of them. (namely the screaming)
uploaded all them so you could pick and choose which ones you wanted to use or remove/blank out with an empty sound file.


in case anyone wants it.
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No one, get your medical supplies from Owl
that'd be a pretty stupid reason to hide the repo from everyone. always going to have crazy people. hope thats not it.
always master. ALWAYS
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Speaking of moddb comments
You're a pretty cool guy, anon.
There's something wrong with stash descriptions in AO+PR
lol thats all you bud.
Anon politely guided you and then you came back and posted a spoiler like a faggot, use spoiler tags next time.
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>CoP came out 6 years ago
>SoC is almost a decade old
There is nothing left to spoil anon
For /sg/ regulars sure, but new players do come to these threads, you only play a game for the first time once.
I think it's pretty obvious that the killer isn't a bloodsucker
Also use ZRP
There are new people coming to stalker even here.
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>you will never play stalker for the first time again
The first few hours of playing the LA leak gave me that feeling. Too bad it went to shit around X18.

LA DC when?
They will fix everything right?
Doesn't mean it's ok to spoil the mystery
Last info is about this summer.

>implying knowing whats there is bad
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