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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 208

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First for underrated wife
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xth for breast waifu
Reminder that wave clear cold war ruined midlane.

Reminder that the great crit arms race is ruining top and bot lane.
Xth for Crit needs to be removed and ADCs need a new stat altogether.
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i wanna suck on Trundle's tiddies
Mid lane has literally been about waveclear since even the fucking ADCs there there.

Ashe and Cait were meta picks in part because of their ability to clear waves thanks to their kit. Please fuck off with this nonsense.
just remember MAD.

Mututally Assured Deadgame
>great crit arms race is ruining top
But top is all about mobile tanks now, they don't even build damage because they shit it out anyways
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Need some quick swain tips, playing him for the first time
Max torment first, go windspeakers
I can't play azir for the life of me. What do I miss? I even can't pull E-Q combo consistently and almost always lose line.
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Oh im laffin
How long before they make Gangplank as useless before his rework.
As soon as they release their toplanner for this year, just like how they nerfed Azir on Taliyah release (not that it worked)
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>you will never raise morale an allied tibbers into an early grave ever again
that's me wife
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>decide to try out jhin because he's on free week
>take him mid
>end game 18/2/13 with 300+ farm at 34 minutes

Can't wait for the next general in 8 hours.
Trinity change is gonna hurt him a lot
litterally 1/3 of the viewers are bots though.
>not wanting trundle to claim your face as his new throne
So what exactly is an ADC's job after laning ends other than roam around and pick off loners?

It's most likely because I suck, but I can never figure out what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing at that point. I can't do enough damage to just dive in like the midlaner can, I'm obviously not tanky enough to tank. I've tried to hang back from the fight proper and whack at people but that always results in me getting bent over the table because again, I can't take a hit.

So what am I supposed to do? Build some health/MR/armor and continue the "stand out of the fight proper and shoot people" strategy?
Mine first desu
That's not ADC's job.

ADC is there to kill turrets
Let's talk about angry baker
>b-but muh bots

literally lmao @ u

>so desperate to keep the truth about LoL being a dead game at bay that you respond to the WRONG POST

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Hey! I want that too, it's actually what I want the most but I can't always post about my husbando and facesitting, I need fetish diversity in my husbando shitposting.
I want his big sweaty troll ass on my face
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xth for cute foxes
Gangplank is fundamentally broken, not even the trinity change is gonna do shit to him desu.
but its 1/3 of all views are bots not just 1/3 of league views.
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Forgot pic related
isn't that pic from the comic of trundle raping tryndamere?
Best Girl :3
>mobility creep bundle
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Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
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it's not the best comic/doujin but its good
>Cassiopeia support

Fuck that is some seriously frustrating cheese.
Good Splash art revamps:
Kennen (Holy fuck the edge)
Caitlyn (Op pic relevant)
Evelynn (despite losing titty-monster status)
Poppy (No more nightmare fuel)

Bad Splash revamps:
Warwick (Seriously his Grandma skin gives him tits.)

Irelia (Better than her old, still chinkified)
anti-dev need to do more trundle
>cass support into lucian

where do think you're going dashnigger
the power of wood V and DCs in season 3. Its harder to win 1v5 than you'd think, even against bots. I mean some people are really fucking bad at the game. pic related.
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>take off 1/3rd, 50,000
>leaves 100k,still way above overwatch without even accounting for their bots

Overshills? Are you even trying?
why is support such a low rewarding position??
no matter how good you are. everything still boils down to either your ADC is brain dead or not
he just needs to do more league
I was Ezreal.

The Miss Fortune just had a free lane because I Cass would just poke and sit around and shove me in.

We lost because I had no way to pressure bot and the other lanes fed.
brogulls is great though, i hope they'll fuck soon
Support is only worth it if you're on a 5man team, otherwise soloQ support is a burden more than anything
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Purple For the Purple Healer

Post'em Faggots or I Will Not Heal You[/spoiler
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why is he the purest league husbando
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Has Riot ever removed a champion from the game altogether?
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I want Lulu.
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purest of being a slut twitch is the purest husbando
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/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 8 slots left

password is vidya

All the low life scum are playing overwatch, hurry up.
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I own all but infernal nasus already. Think it's worth rerolling?
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>his ult is litterally the more you hit him, the more he'll burst damages
>his shield heals him for taking damages
he's a total submissive slut into bdsm

the only pure husbando is zac
Futa edit when
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I want to go hammering in Poppy
>tfw playing like dogshit for 2 days
don't reroll dj sona. she's worth like 1k orange essence. break her down for force-unlocks on stuff you want later.
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>tfw playing like dogshit for 5 years
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>cant ban every mid laner

ummm riot?
Yeah I wouldn't really combine her, but whenever I think of breaking it down my hoarding instincts kick in and I feel like I might have a use for an ultimate skin shard at some point in the future for some reason.
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B̡̢͡҉̱̬͕̦̩̖̤̭̳͚̮͎̭̮̮̻̠̭̼Á̴̫̦̗̼̯̬̼͙̹͈̣͙̝̼ͅÇ͕̘̮̮̰̬̙̳͘͢K̸̮̫̠͈̼̯̖͓̻̦͕̗̙̞̭̭͕̹͟ͅ ̨͙͇͍͈̗̦͈͟͞͡Ţ̸̫̱͇̮̰̖͖̳̦̺̭̖̯͍̻͓̤̖͝ͅH̷̨̠̤͚̤͈̕͝͞E̷̟̩̗̘͙̟̗̖̠̥͖͎̦̪͔͓̜̻̕͠ ̷̧̮̖͔̭̝͎̟̺͎̰̘̲̫̗͉͟͠ͅF̴̛̬̺̤̫̜̱͚̱̙͖̘͡U̡̢̦̭̺͔̘̬̪̳̖̖̙̟͖̪̤̳̬͡ͅĆ̛̥̗̦̭̝͚̪̝̫͇̝̰͚̪̱̫̱̕͞͠K͈̪̹̭̯͔͕̳̬̖̮̘̤̹͈͘͠ ̨̩̫̬̬̯̝̳̲̥̲͉̬̻̠̲̘̺̀́̕ͅͅÓ̬͈͙͕̠̘̜̳͚̮̜̭͓͇͍͜͟͡F̡̯͓̼̹̲̝̭̩̼̯̕̕F͈͇͔͎̟̙̬͉͚̳̭̕?̴̡̱̯̞̪̭̥́͜͝!̸̢̣͍͍͙̖̰̱͝?҉̷̶̪͚̝̩̘̗͕͔̜͖̹!̸̢͚͕̪̻͡?҉̳͖̖̬͎͇͚͘͟͠

>rolling pool party zac
>being this skin hungry

tristana is fucking shit
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>implying twitch and zac don't want that
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/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya
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>rolling dj sona
>rolling best zac

nani the heck
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zac x twitch is best ship prove me wrong
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galio is for mindbreaking into a cumdump
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>no blue ezreal?
>lol look at this ezreal items
>wheres your gauntlet

what a time to be an ezreal main.
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Oh shit son, I would've prefered DJ sona to this Pulsefire bullshit I got. I hate playing ADC
What the hell does finna even mean
It's nigger version of gonna.

Except instead of going to it means, fixing to.
/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya
>no gay comic of galio being the guardian of demacia to being the mind broken cumdumpster for noxus
American niggers seem to have a weird impeding speech, why
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galio can't be broken
is baron ever going to be nerfed again?

so sick of fucking caster minions being harder to kill than an actual champion
physically? maybe not.
mentally? probably
>demacian guardian by day
>noxus cumdump by night
that's hot
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/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya
Fixing to is more of a southern thing than a nigger thing. It's just southern negro slang to make three syllables into two. Every culture uses slang to make speech easier for them. Not a nigger btw.
remnants of their uneducated slave heritage that sticks around even when they go to school and get taught the proper way to talk, and they're surrounded by other people who talk the same way. If you evenly distribute cultures throughout a town, their linguistic differences go away over time. When you cluster them, everyone talks different.
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Xth for Vlad he pretty and steal many waifus
noxus sucks
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/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 7 slots left and a spectator

password is vidya
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>this guy slaps your adc's ass
What do?
galio sucks filthy smegma covered noxus dicks
Is /lolg/ always this gay this time of day?
>Is /lolg/ always this gay

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ask him to slap mine
Do spectators still get kicked?
milk his tits
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Kite him from their mid inhib all the way to mine.
Then have my team collapse on him like a swarm of angry bees.
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/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

No? i'll call you a filthy slab of shit benchwarmer all in good fun but i don't see why you can't choose to be that.
Quinn truly is best girl
Q+auto him, then W
lost 4/5 last ranked games and i'm like 20 lp gold 5 now

dont wanna drop to silver

should I just play normals if I lose another rankedd
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/lolg/ is always gay when I'm here because The Gays™ always answer to my Trundle shitposting creating some gay circlejerk, then there's someone posting "is /lolg/ always this gay" and it's always fun.
Bring out the milking machine. I'll show him who's the boss of this gym.
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life is cruel.png
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>Haven't got key frags or chests in weeks
>Get the two tokens to see this
call them a hearse
xth for wanting to enjoy league and overwatch but lolg is cancer and so are the overshills
So today I decided I will repay to the community what they have given to me.
So I went on my smurf plat 1 on NA and began to troll everysingle fucking game untill I have a 20 lose streak and get demoted to the lowest of plat.
Anyone wana q with me and actually have FUN ?
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what if he starts mooing would you punish him for it?
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>want to try getting back into lol
>probably millions of new champions and items to learn by now
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wait, why would you filter counterplay?
It's normal for cows to moo. What is wrong with you?
he can't answer if he filtered it dumbass
Honestly 95% anyone says counterplay they are just shitposting or shilling
I'm talking about the website. Counterplay.xyz
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what does Alistar's milk taste like?
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Your MMR needs to drop to silver 5 mmr for you to lose your gold. IT's very hard basically.

BUT that said don't play anymore ranked today, you're prolly tilted.
That would go under shilling I believe
>he doesn't main the most based champion


I... guess? It's a functional and handy website made by one of our own.

You sound like a really nice person who definitely doesn't take out his anger on people who have done him no wrong.
I'm not even tilted, assuming tilted means roughly "frustrated". I'm just eager to get in there again and get a better team, and do better myself. MY only concern is dropping to silver, so I obviously don't wanna lose anymore, but I wouldn't call it tilt. But I think if I lose one more ranked I'm playing normals for a while.
then don't go on lolg
Which damage items should I build on Poppy?
The only way to trully experience this so called "fun" on league is by not giving a single fuck about the outcome of the game.
I don't know if it's even possible tho.
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>shen mains
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>that Zed
she don't need any
iceborn gauntlet and sunfire
if you REALLY really must build damages, maybe get a black cleaver.
Black Cleaver
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Ice waifu ulting.gif
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I love Lissandra!
Black cleaver and Tri-force, anything else is just icing on the cake
> veigar into zed

Well that was fun
armor pen marks/quints
in that order, maybe swap around the duskblade and maw depending on matchup.
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>want to play some league
>boot it up
>first 2 picks
this was a mistake
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quick, post cute champions!
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>he doesn't play renekton
>he doesn't get phat freelo
>he doesn't cleanse top lane of off-meta trash

why don't you /lolg/?
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why do woodies complain that it's too hard to climb? Like damn nigga just one-trick a champion until you're higher elo, it's not hard.



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What happened to Jhin?

Nobody fucking plays him anymore?

Is the Armorpen nigger meme just too important to them now or what?
>one trick a champion
>get team fed early
>they're too autistic to actually carry and spend the game farming your jungle or chasing kills
>blame you for the loss because you "didn't contest objectives" when half of them were farming jungle or not participating in teamfights when our mid was getting raped.
Yeah dude it's like, so easy. just carry harder bro lmao, like, just, carry, bro. don't you have a "just carry bro" button on your keyboard?
>tfw you land a good rumble ult and grossly win your quite behind team a teamfight
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rare SS chibi
>general literally dead except for the same autistic waifufaggots and actual real life faggots

Riot, you niggers. You did this. You killed off strategy in season 3. Killed off skill in season 4. And killed off anything approaching diversity in seasons 5 and 6.

And unleashing the horrible ideas that were Ekko, Azir, Thresh, and Yasuo did not help things.
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>it's a "mid plays heimer" episode
>it's a "mid plays heimer and freezes it at his tower so his opponent can roam and score a double at bottom every few minutes" episode
If you consistently perform good, you will climb.
You actually have to be better than your current elo to climb out, which makes sense.
>b-but I deserve to be challenger
Anyone who doesn't look at their own mistakes and learn from them doesn't deserve to climb.
>2 games with a total combined length of 26 mins
>45 mins of queue

Just kill me already

He gets shit on in SoloQ by stuff like Nautilus & Maokai. If he gets CC'ed, there's no running away.
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I agree

Quinn's awesome. Vi is a close second.

>Reminder that wave clear cold war ruined midlane.

Thats been this way since Season fucking 1.
>2 games with a total combined length of 26 mins
I was silver last season but right now I'm failing bronze 2 due to how horribly bad the players I get on my team are.
I won't lie and say I'm the greatest and deserve diamond but when I'm able to bait 5 kills for my team before the 10 minute mark i think I'm doing pretty ok for my level.
Thing is I can never seem to get people to follow.
No matter how much I ping, no matter how much I use chat, they always go do whatever they want and refuse to focus on objectives or at the very least push lanes out when we're ahead.
bronze is truly hell this season.
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Yeah, that makes sense.
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>It's a jungle shaco on our team
>20% win rate

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Is Ahri the best champion in League of Legends?
Play carry champions in the mid lane, top lane, or jungle.

Don't be a Senator Armstrong.

>I was silver last season but right now I'm failing bronze 2 due to how...

No, you're there because you're bad. Don't even try and say that you're magically getting 4 retards against Korean smurfs every game, the enemy 5 is just as retarded as the players you're getting matched with and yet you still can't win.
>Alt f4
Please don't bring him up
I haven't seen him post in awhile and Im loving it.
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I'm a jungle main.
>no you're there be-
ok. sure thing buddy.
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tales from the bronze.jpg
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>Checked during pregame.
Alt+f4ing now tho.
i'm gold 1
>Thats been this way since Season fucking 1.

Yep. But Riot has been dumping more bodies into that particular grave since then.
>I was silver last season but right now I'm failing bronze 2 due to how horribly bad the players I get on my team are.

No, you're just fucking shit at this game.

If you want an eye-opener, look at how LCS players play during Korean Boot Camp. One player can literally carry himself and his team through a hundred games grinding from Gold/Plat to Challenger.

The same applies to Bronze/Silver. If you're truly deserving of Gold or Plat like you self-identify as, you'll be able to play Nasus or a gank jungler and carry the team to victory.
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1v1 me man. vlad is nothing
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I don't think there will ever be a time I can't use this image.
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>silver shitter riven name with riven on his name
>arcade riven
>just plays like shit, destroy him top, bms and says shit when he gets away with something
>ends up like 2/10 and blames team

Why is every riven/yasuo/shaco player complete cancer
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I fucking hate this waveclear meme for than lulufags now. Thanks.


>Yep. But Riot has been dumping more bodies into that particular grave since then.

Maybe have you ever considered that it was intentionally DESIGNED that way? Caitlyn, Ashe, and Sivir mid were things because they could do it.
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>played 100 or more games in this league
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league 2.png
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thoughts? our bot lane was doing good but because i kept feeding diana
I bet he says " I can't climb b/c bad teams :("

If you seriously think the only reason you can't climb is because it's you and four drooling retards against the entire of SKT then fine, not much else I say or do.

If you were genuinely much better you + 4 drooling retards would win against 5 drooling retards but evidently that's not the case.
Shut up faggot the game has always been shit.
>trying to play nidalee before getting good
>kindred adc
I mean Ahri loses early but later on synergizes very well with the items that counter Vlad so she performs better as the game continues.

That said Vlad is more versatile, interesting and has better lore.

Also 90s nostalgia.
Don't forget Darius players. Holy shit they are the most entitled little shits ever who whine and cry whenever they lose lane or even miss a single creep.
I've literally played this game for 3 months and I got to gold v last week with like 10 games played after placement matches.
how fucking stupid can you be to get stuck in bronze
no where did I say i was deserving of gold or plat but go ahead and jump the bangwagon of "LMAO JUST CARRY BRO U SHITTER OMG"

In all reality those pro players have probably played a lot more than me and practice different strats with teams and such and have at least 3 times the game knowledge I have.
All I'm saying is I can carry my own weight in a game but I can't hold a turret vs 4 or 5 people while my team is either farming jungle or dead because they got picked off chasing kills.
I as one person can only do so much vs a full team who actually no what they are doing.
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>jungle laner
>literally able to be in all three lanes and help laners win
>ezpz carry champions like Yi, Udyr, Kindred, etc.
>"i cant win b/c bad team"
You're right where you belong, baddie.
>tfw you suck so much you are in bronze
I hope you got a D
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post your op.gg and i will tell you how to climb

>every single game I get four feeders against a perfectly organised 5-man team of smurfs in bronze 2

okay buddy
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God grant me strength
I just love when my teammate has the option to first pick a strong champion like Kindred or Ekko and chooses the shittiest champion, Udyr, instead.
Maybe they don't play cancer.
If so, why didn't you ban them?
>not going fast manbearpig of many crits
No it's more like I'm with 4 cocky assholes who got full of themselves after I fed them while the enemy team is 5 full team determined to win and aren't fucking around in the jungle.
Even against 5 drooling retards who can operate a keyboard 1 fucking player can only do so much regradless of how well he plays.
When you have no fucking team to fall back on or at least count on to apply pressure somewhere while you split push then yeah. you're bound to lose.
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>tfw I use Midred exclusively as opposed to Jungle Kindred
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What's wrong with this picture?

The fact that people will think there is something wrong with tank meta
>trundle vs malphite
do i stand a chance against that mountain man
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Honestly if you can't carry in silver, and even worse bronze, I don't know what to tell you.
They react so slowly and pretty much let you kill them for free whenever you want.
Plat here. Division after placements doesnt mean jackshit, just play a little more and then brag about your s1, s2 and maybe even s3.

>Morgana doing as much damage as infinite monkey spinman of absolute tilt.
The sooner you get over that, the sooner you will climb.
You and your teammates are exactly the same as the enemy, bad at the game.
>wanting younger swain

Absolutely disgusting.

so basically

>every single game I get four feeders against a perfectly organised 5-man team of smurfs in bronze 2

You know what you haven't done yet? Posted your op.gg so we can see how you're going 30/0 every game and yet losing because you have to 1v5 SKT while having a Riven, Yasuo, Lee Sin and Vayne running it down mid.
Because my teammates are still scared of shit like Zyra and Malzahar and choose to ban them even though they got nerfed.
Zyra is really strong for a support, she wasn't merged.
Malz is still turbo cancer, fuck him.

never realised how much my dick needs this until now.
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Bronze is a magical place full of fun.

I mean it honestly is. You can do so much crazy shit in Bronze and get away with it. Bronze has breathed life back into the game for me. Nowadays I just wait until the Victorious skin announcement, see if it's something I want, and decide if I want to push Gold 5 or not. Otherwise, I'm doing stupid shit like Brand support, or Bard jungle. Or if I'm drunk, autistically pushing top lane for 40 minutes straight as Tryndamere/Nasus. And people love you when you manage to pull it off too. And losing isn't a bad thing, because if you win too much, then you're not in Bronze anymore!

It's all the fun of ranked shenanigans with none of the pressure of having to do well. You can actually play the *game* for *fun*.

Silver is the true ELO hell, because it's full of the people who don't realize how special Bronze is, but aren't good enough to even get to Gold. The question you should be asking is how stupid do you have to be to get placed in Silver, because you can go 2-8 in placements and get Silver V.
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best husbando AND waifu

Plat 5 and Diamond 5 are even worse, because that has the highest concentration of selfish people who think they're genuinely good when they're clearly not.
>that hint of pubes

>Maokai doing more damage than adcs

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>when your whole team is doing good but then your jungler decides to be toxic and throw for no fucking reason
You have your ult for a reason.
I definitely agree. Diamond 5 has to be the worst.

You're at that threshold where a Plat player got lucky enough to win enough games at the right time, while catching the crap from all the people who are too shit to climb up but haven't been knocked down a league.

Combined with the mentality of "Diamond? That's like, almost Master, which is a step away from getting Challenger and becoming an LCS star! I'm fucking awesome at this game!" and it's like a cesspool of shit. I remember seeing a player graph and it's something ridiculous, like there are more players in Diamond V than Plat IV-I combined. What a shitshow.
deranking? I'm doing this on my smurf rn if it was me sorry bud :^)
2 open mids
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Why is LB so sexy, holy shit
>cass on bjerg's stream right now shitting all over bjerg's fizz
where's that cass fag now?
Yeah I wanted to ask how did the MYMU do for Cass? Are cassfags happy now?
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not the best rework but it's ok.

CASS BUFFS WHEN guy is still around here somewhere, ask him.
Your going to trigger him.
No matter what they do he'll always complain.
It should be fine now that she can position the miasma for the grounded debuff. It's OP as fuck vs high mobility champs if placed in a good choke
>Nerfing Baron Buff
>Wanting games to last forever.

Please mcfucking kill yourself.

If anything they need to buff minions even without baron in the late game.
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How the fuck do I Quinn jungle
Don't just say "play her somewhere else," I KNOW she's best top but she CAN jungle and I wanna learm how
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>tfw someone picks your main and builds them all wrong

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I think that ranked play should be removed from league. Mainly because ranked is the primary reason anyone every has any rage, or toxicity towards league. When someone trolls in ranked, everyone on that team griefs. However when it's not ranked, most people don't care. (or shouldn't care) Don't get me wrong I still want an LCS but I do not want a ranked system like we currently have. The current ranked system punishes the solo player while rewarding groups. We should be judged individually not as a team. MMR should be granted by taking objectives not by stealing kills. Not to say kills aren't important but they're needed to take objectives. You can't win a game without taking objectives but you could potentially win a game where no one dies. (I know that never happens, I am just weighing my argument)

To summarize, league ranked as it is, is not the best version of itself. Just the version Riot deems most fair. And while it is fair to a point, it does not measure individual skill level.

It measures luck
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>dude farm lmao
>Champion's who's damage is mostly AoE beats out champion is mostly single target

This has always been the stupidest argument when trying to claim tanks are OP. It's literally been like that since S4 onwards.
is there a better way to level up a new account besides playing 3 v 3 co-op games?
>Guy picks Mordekaiser mid
>First item is a fucking BoC.
>Next is ZZ/Rot

I've never wanted to punch someone through my monitor so bad.
Diamond 5 contains 1.1% of the playerbase, Diamond 1-4 contains 0.8%.
Plat 1-4 contains 4.5%
Looking at its stats it... really isn't super bad, assuming he's vs karthus or veigar
People were raging and whining before ranked was a thing.
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730 games.
>Literally reviewing the game on stream to figure out how he got BTFO so hard.

I respect the thought process but still that's fucking hilarious. Cass is probably going to be a meta pick and shits on high mobility cancer which is wonderful.
reminder jungle is the least influential role in league

if you want to climb you need to pick a lane roll so that way you can guarantee at least one lane doesn't feed

and tell your jungler to help the other lanes because you're doing fine in yours
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If you're rushing a tank item first as Morde you're doing it wrong, period.

Rush a goddamn Abyssal/Seekers if you must but don't build retarded splitpush bullshit when you're not a fulltime splitpusher.
60 ap 10% cdr and pushing power tbqh senpai
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>unironically building Zz'rot vs. Veigar
That sounds like a meme, not building wrong.
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Just stop.
What are some champs I can effectively play both top and mid?
I forgot about the z'rot was just looking at BoC

Z'rot would be stupid lol
Is Renekton a viable top lane pick again? I'd like to play League but I don't really want to get my balls busted by tank top meta. Also, how's Zyra in the post-Mage Update world?
>TSM Dardoch is happening
>TSM will literally be more NA than the likes of C9 and CLG.

>tfw I had a heimer mid do this once

Veigar hit 1300 AP by 20 minutes

My ass is still sore
>tfw force mid yas out of lane level 3
>Tfw jungle tries to early invade and gets killed by their base running from yi by yas
>Tfw he hits six on your first back and your now level 3 jungle tries to duel him
>Tfw jungle walks it down mid afterwards
>Tfw team blames you for losing when he had a shiv at level 6

It's not like I wanted to win my promos or anything

Renekton is strong as a tactical player, he's not a tank he's a bruiser. If you pick him and don't know what youre doing youre going to lose.

He's really strong early game and then drops off mid if you dont do well, so nobody really plays him anymore.
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need more lewd
>tfw my next game has midalee and aatrox jungle
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>ranked is the primary reason anyone every has any rage, or toxicity towards league
>Nobody rages in normals

>We should be judged individually
Already happens. You are the only constant.
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Talking about late game champions, who is the strongest in this patch? I feel happy in see Swain getting more attention but he doesn't seems so OP like many people said.
So recently my friend offered to help me out of silver
he's in diamond but has an account in gold he was willing to use to help me.
he's well known among the friend group for being the guy that shit talks others about their play, we literally don't talk to one of our friends anymore because they got in such a big fight over it.
>we que
>always says im playing fine
>doesnt shit talk me about anything but red trinket
>still manage to lose matches because of retards on our team
>get demoted
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Overexaggerated a little bit now that I found my old picture. Still, it's an interesting distribution of players.

>had to explain the champion instead of giving a yes/no

So he's not only not viable, he's hot garbage. How about Zyra?
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t. silver surfer
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i want to get raped by heartseeker vayne
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I want to be forcefully bred by any Shyvana.
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Tomorrow i will end it. Before Kindred nerf.
Wish me a luck.
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who should i play lolg, i want to find a fun champion to play for a while.
been playing diana a bit, pretty fun.
any suggestions?
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How to people get fucked this hard in lane still
Zyra did the most damage by like 25%

Tell me /lolg/ what am I doing wrong ?
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>tfw have her on my wall
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I want to hunt Shyvana's impure self and publicly execute her
So what happens if I turn 3 champion shards into a champion permanent if I already own all the champs?
try it and report back
stop playing support and play tf, ahri and ekko every game
Play Vi, build AD/ArPen. Plays like an assassin. Pretty fun desu senpai.
A lot of them can if they have to, but
Lissandra, Lulu, Quinn, Swain, Ekko, Yasuo, Heimerdinger

In rarer cases Wukong, Sion, Teemo, Karthus

Probably a bunch more I'm forgetting about
Who is that cutie?
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god i love this splash art so much, but the ingame needs a really good vu desu
I was thinking I would get Vi or Diana next, both super fun.
tfw I've played zzrot/banner hyper push donger and felt dirty doing it
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what does it feel like,

having a gf and all?
overrated. im gay now
I wouldn't know anon.

I believe in you anon.
Meh, it was the only Vayne one available, I want Aristocrat to get a new splash and would have gotten Arc if there were any available at the time.

Still want a Vayne waifu pillow that isn't HS.
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the greatest thing
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>yasuo feeds leblanc 3 kills in 5 minutes because he's fucking bad
>tell him his whore mother should have swallowed
>chat restricted

Why? If you're going to play like shit you deserve to be treated as such. Meanwhile it's completely okay for me to meme pick bard top and throw someone's promos with shit picks while pretending i'm trying my best when i "fail" my ultimate by using it on our ADC in a teamfight and getting us all killed.

Yes, that's completely okay. But telling the person who is doing it to hang themselves upside down and slit their throat isn't okay.

Nice game lolbabs
You know how it feels to hang out with a friend everyday?
How you get sick of each other and it comes to a head with an argument, fight, or just leaving?
Well its the same thing but what smooths it over is putting your dick into something that feels like a slimy warm, wet washcloth.
Sup ho. Post timestamped tits.
thoughts on this one ashe meme build

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Vladfag gonna vladfag

HMU Cute


It makes you go outside, you have someone to keep you warm at night and they sometimes do nice things for you. Mine lets me dress her up in slutty outfits and do anal. Feels smooth and tight if you use enough jelly.

If that sounds unappealing you wouldn't enjoy having a girlfriend.
>Death's Dance
>on Ashe
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Hard leash on krugs, wait for Harrier to reset before every camp, never use an ability until you've proc'd Harrier with an AA. Your tanks are shit pre 6 unless the laner has hard cc. Congrats, now you can Quinn jungle.
The fuck is that shit in the lower mid area
what is this tripfag bullshit

lolg is really cancer
Vladfag please.
Instantly denied on a malaysian imageboard
Not a single thing of import was lost.

Given the tripcode pic above I was actually kind of surprised I wasn't filtered.

How many tokens you guys got yet? I still need my 100 or so essence for MR7 Soraka, I earned a Morgana one last night, and I still have a Vi token floating around.
females have the worst taste in husbandos
Reminder that Vladfag is a self admitted redditor AND tumblrite

that wasnt me
am not an american baby so am very hard to trigger
unless you insult swain that is
Females can't do anything correctly, why even bother having expectations?
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>movespeed changed from 325 to 340
>w: harvester of sorrow now steals 3 (+1 per 100 AP) armour and magic resist per second from champions

swain is shit

see me in the rift
swain is ugly
Last patch gutted League for me forever and a bunch of other friends of mine.

Anyone else shares the experience? I play overwatch now, translates what i learned in league and adds some fresh breeze. What makes you want to still play this game?
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reminder bishounen is the healthy and natural choice
anything else is degeneracy
(or shouldn't care)
I literally can't play first person shooters.
I don't. I just come here for lewds and shitpostan, and soon e-sports shitpostan
source on this changes?
they aren't on s@20

Sexual Prime of women: 34
Sexual prime of men: 18-22

Nature's programming us to love MILFs.
>mfw people say janna isn't useless
I play 5 man queue ranked with friends and climb and have fun

Dead serious.
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xth for Cute Vi

PBE Tomorrow Edition
>mfw neither could I
>mfw there are healers and heros I don't need to aim

thats the only way to do it! i'm done though, the friends I had quit on the patch and I bandwaggon'd
>4 seconds
>2 fields
>8 procs
>12 bonus armour and MR + 24 armour and MR reduction at level 1
>also shield
>also heal

Fuck off. Mordekaiser isn't allowed to be good.
only as useless as you are
Its not about aiming. It's about environmental awareness. Every FPS I've ever played I spend 90% of my time spontaneously dying without seeing or knowing how.
hello janna main
enjoying playing your brain dead useless campion while you site on a tower typing and complaing while your adc basically goes 1vs2
>what is kill cam
Still 20 champs short of owning them all unfortunately.
This, basically.

>tfw will never be not shit at awesome games like Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Bioshock because can't stand shooters.
Kill cam doesn't do anything for me before I die anon.
its literally just like a moba though. the maps have corridors and sneaky routes (bushes?)

you expect a main hoard mid with the payload and some scouts around the area to try to flank someone. you have long range and short range, tanks and mages. its literally just like a moba. when I play tracer and try to flank I'm constantly checking tab for death timers
but you can see what killed you and learn from it
Yeah but in league it's a top down view and I can see everything. In OW I can only see what's in front of me.

I've been playing vidya for twenty years and I've never been able ti play shooters because of it. The only shooter I've ever been good at is Splatoon bexause of its massive field of view and the territory taking gameplay and ink markings allow me to know where everyone is.
Bloodlines you can just go super sneak and melee though?

It's not always about FPS part.
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It doesn't do anything to change my awareness of whats going on next time I die though.
in league you see a small radius around you, everything else is in fog of war (if you take out towers/creeps)
If memory serves there's this one boss you just can't beat without pew pew.

I also happen to want to play best faction aka Malkav for the pure entertainment value and they have a hard time surviving without pew pew.
+ F keys
Just report him whenever he starts avatarfagging and shitposting like he's on /b/ and move on.
Right, but I see in ALL directions around me. Also, generally players have to enter each other's field of vision when fighting, and kills from the fog of war are relatively rare. In a shooter I can only see straight ahead, and then I die because something off screen killed me instantly.
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>Riot won't just let Zeronis design this year's pool party skins
Play more Counter Strike.
Very extreme end of gun control and siuational awareness.
I play it every so often to keep up my awareness of my surroundings.
>oversized hat
>oversized collar
>oversized gauntlets
Exactly what I mean. No one would actually care, but this faggot right here. Whenever he starts shitposting just report him, reports are something very underused in /vg/, >>143916129
Reporting does absolutely nothing unless it is /soc/ tier stuff or blatantly obvious nudes.
>implying Riot would allow someone to insult muslims like that
Why does Mordekaiser make no fucking sense?
>no CC
>no mobility
>no utility
>almost no range
>extremely slow, no tools to avoid getting kited
>literally all damage and nothing else

He has zero options beyond "do more damage to them before they do too much damage to you". He's like the personification of a DPS + HPS race.

Here's how a game with mordekaiser in it goes.
>did he win lane because he does complete bullshit levels of damage, tankiness and sustain top?
>you lose because he gets so far ahead you simply lose the stat check for surviving an encounter with him, his damage (and his tankiness without building tank that scales with damage) is too high
>did he not leave lane 3/0 with the most CS in the game?
>he's worthless because he has no options to play from behind OR from even whatsoever after laning and it comes down purely to numbers/stats

Fuck Mordekaiser. Designed like garbage.
>play ranked for 3 months
>in this 3 months dodge/afk 3 times in total
>2 were dodges
>1 of the dodges was because I was getting trolled
>1 was my power flickered twice so I afkd for a lot of the game
>get put into low priority que for 5 games
>whatever play thru
>play maybe 20 more games
>power flickers
>get put into 10 minute que

Honestly the fuck is this bullshit.
dont listen to this guy, counter strike is boring as fuck and unless you want to spend mindless hours learning spray patterns (recoil control) just play OW. the maps are really simple and you learn within 3-4 hours of play, and from there on you just set camp with a turret and smash it until you kill the enemy team.
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
You're very much wrong here, garbage like 'xth for n' if reported enough gets swept. Shitposting garbage like ':^)' does as well. I tend to track what I report and it gets routinely cleaned, it's just sad that /vg/ is unfamiliar with the report function. Thankfully the new janitors have already joined the ranks to help out.
What is every juggernaut?
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>lolg threads slowed to a crawl
>Game is more unfun than ever
>LCS/LCK getting less views than ever
>Likely to never have another waifu champion release
>OW primed to consume Esports

It is officially happening.
nice until it becomes a chore and it ruins your life for months
then repeat
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>dive Viktor at level 2 and get an execution
>"Fizz is a disgusting freelo champ."
>Viktor stands by turret all the time after that
>"Fizz is zoning me from two screens away."
>kill him with ignite
>"wow you sure outskilled me"
Moral of the story: play Fizz if you want to tilt some kids.
He's having trouble with OW, and situational awareness.
So I recommended to play a little bit of that.
morde, skarner, darius, garen
thank fucking god. riot needs to wake the fuck up and start making sensible changes. even respectable people like imls dont understand these changes.
Well that wasn't my point and I think you already knew it. I just want some lewd waifus this summer
>a shitty TF2 clone that has less content for a higher cost that is already losing players due to not fulfilling the overhyped bar it set for itself

Yeah man, Heroes of the Storm totally killed Mobers. Ur right. :^)
They at least have tools at their disposal? Darius has his multi man pull and a slow for chasing/securing kills, Garen has his silence and slow cleanse/speed boost, Mordekaiser is literally "press all buttons, win or lose based on stats".

Here are Mordekaiser's skills.
>AA modifier that does nothing except extra damage
>persistent AoE damage per second that culminates in a heal
>conic AoE that does damage
>single target DoT that does damage

It doesn't matter how you particularly use them, or what order you use them in or what you use them for, you just press all buttons and pray the enemy dies first because you have more damage and Effective Health.
>mfw you havent played the game
Skarner is being shifted away from the Juggernaut role, Nasus fits in that list though.

All are tanky and build 1 damage item.
Why does lucian get poke,wave clear, double auto attacks and mobility

I thought you could only get some of those qualities not all of them
I did for free. :^)
see >>143918991
its over anon
because his champs are cringe garbage except for gnar
>support picks something squishy into a blitz jhin lane in silver
Can't wait to see them feed
>support picks trundle

yay no cc peel damage or tankiness again...
>overshit actually competing with league of babbies on viewers

lolkiller everyone?

how much lifespan does lol have left?
6 years
it takes from tf2 and it takes from mobas, into something really new and people are excited about it. it will get bigger than league if they continue with these shitty changes

>implying it matters what you pick in silver
just fucking get good holy shit.
you CAN actually just outpoke blitz and dodge his hooks.

>tfw plat, married and in university
>mfw life is really good

i give it 1-2 years until people really start to migrate, 3-4 until league becomes a subpar game and riot works on something else
the post above me is trying really hard to get yous
Lets see how it stacks up a few months from now rather than week from release.
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>married and in university
>married in 2016
>and in university which implies you're on your early 20s
>marrying in your early 20s
I'm so sorry
can it be that bad :(?
I don't see a GP
>its another enemy picked lucian episode
That sure has a whole lot of barrels in it
>Soon to be wizards trying to look down on anyone.
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>Darius' base stats
Why does this nigga get to have some of the highest AD, Health, regen and Armour in the game with no weak areas?
Why are you so clearly shilling for OW? Go play OW and get out.
you spelled lucian wrong
Because you deserve dying to him early if you didn't know that
That's heimer you faggot.
>Dotards are replaced with overfags
If you're melee, get up in his face. If you're ranged. kite him.

It isn't difficult, play around his Q.
its not like this thread is active anymore
Considering that ~50% of marriages now end in divorce and that the younger you are when you get married (arranged marriages excepted, those are generally pretty solid) the higher your odds of a marriage failing, I'm not really sure I'd be acting all high and mighty over being married while still being a university student.
I didn't say I have trouble with Darius or that I can't deal with him, I just don't think it's justified he gets to arbitrarily have some of the highest base stats in the game in all areas when tons of champs (champs that aren't even good, who don't make it up in other areas like abilities) have mediocre to garbage base stats all over.

Mordekaiser has the game's highest base AD, but he has a shit HP pool and regen and the game's lowest MS tier. Darius has the game's 3rd best AD, and the 3rd best armour, and he's in the top ten for HP and regen, all without any areas that are especially lacking or crap.
If you take the donger mid, hp regen quints along with the shit from the resolve tree is mega fun for making people rage. You can heal up from almost dead to full before they're ready to try to all in again and then you get the double kill. 10/10
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how could you let this happen?

Riot doesnt want people with bad connections playing league faggot

take a hint
> Used to play mid/top, but always last picked so was forced to play the least popular role(support).
>Thought I'd main support because I got better at it than my fucking main role.
>Climbed to D5 with shit mechanics but decent teamplay in yoloQ.
>Promos for D4, face dynamic que bot lane Morgana+Sivir. Can't CC bot them to death. Can't itemize because no gold.
> Lose to them twice.

How do I get around this shit? I'm usually forced to play peel/front line supports because everyone here thinks they are the next mechanical god+take carries. I can't fucking peel for 4 people if they have spellshields.

And generally, how should you play when you are the only peel they have but you cant be frontline or they will jump on the back?

Real fucking sick of these 4 carry 1 support comps.
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>win 10 games in a row
>proceed to have 2 afk per game in my team for the next 3 games

That's why people rush Rylai's on Morde.

Because abilities make up for the loss in stats?
You could have like 1000 base AD, but if your skills do 0 damage then a thornmail and Ninja Tabi will end you.
>0.08 play rate
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>yfw tsm just won summer split
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Mordekaiser isn't allowed to have basic staples of a character's kit like CC, mobility or utility because he has his shitty dragon ghost gimmick.

>what if we gave Mordekaiser some sort of dash or mobility?
>too OP with his gay ghost dragon
>what if we gave Mordekaiser some CC to help him chase/trade/kite
>too OP on top of his retarded ghost drake
>what if we let Mordekaiser benefit his team in meaningful ways like ally buffs or enemy debuffs?
>too broken on top of his fuckface dragon dildo

Mordekaiser has a single role, abuse his ghost gimmick to be arguably the best split pusher in the game.

How to lane and trade as Fizz?

I always feel like i'm just getting constantly harassed and any trading i do just leaves me further behind
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>mfw CLG wins the split a 3rd time

>you can dodge an instant cast hook from the brush/fog of war

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leave TSM to us
Pretty sure the only thing Fizz does is all-in
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>tfw so good at elise people think you're using script
>/all u r just bad lol
Yeah Mordekaiser rushes Rylai's, but that's more than 3k gold you have to put down to be able to do anything whatsoever, and his skills have such a short range on them that Morde has to suffer the paradox of not being able to slow people with Rylai's because they're too fast/far away from not being slowed by Rylai's. He just doesn't have any sort of one point wonder tools or utility at his disposal like for instance, Jax or Darius' E.
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>miss fortune afk for the first 12 minutes
>get my 2 assists while she is afk
>meanwhile TF is 0/5/0
>MF reconnects and comes to lane
>proceeds to feed like there is no tomorrow
>TF starts saying "it's just a game xD"

Man, I can't wait until I can buy Overwatch and get out of this fucking hell of a game.
Nobody actually knows how to play against him and there's plenty of autists out there.

Shit you not I saw a Trist all in on him repeatedly under the effects of his E, die, then wonder how she died.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh are you fucking retardedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd?
So I'm learning adc to stop having to queue as top when I really don't like it up there.

2v2 lane feels like a whole different fucking game. Are any adcs besides caitlyn and trigger nigger viable with or without specific comps? Plat 2.
I really can't explain it. It just depends on who and how the other person is playing.

The Viktor was being aggressive at first and tried to zone me from creeps, but when I hit level three, I just WQ into him, used my E to get out of his gravity field, and kited him. The thing with Fizz is that when you're playing against ranged champs, you absolutely have to kite like a madman. Viktor was trying to run back to his turret, but I was in front of him the whole time, and I kept on getting damage on him too thanks to my W and its passive.

You have to play pretty smart with Fizz. There's no point in trying to CS at level 1 because the enemy laner will try very hard to poke you down. As a result, you're better off just waiting to hit level 2 or 3 and trading then, rather than just trading mindlessly at level one. Also, another mistake this Viktor made was that he let me get into range for experience. When you deny your enemy laner, the most important thing is to deny your experience, which is why it's important to try and shove your lane as hard as possible after you solo kill the enemy laner.

For snowbally champs like Fizz, Katarina, Vayne, etc., gold means nothing early on--it's letting them catch up in experience that causes people to lose games.
>Be top and mid main
>Decided to play some comfy support games
>It devolves into a 20 minute shitfest and nothing but feelbad since my adc sucks
>Decide to play adc
>Realize I have no clue what the fuck I am doing

How can anyone play botlane, seriously.

Supports, much like tanks, were a mistake. The game should have been 3 solo lanes double jungle on a much larger map with more camps.
So then why was he so broken for a few months? Come to think of it, how did he get so Olaf'd anyway?
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>Pick Morgana
>Every time Blitz hooks me Q Immediately into him so he's snared, Spellshield in case it fucks up, then ult.

Blitz either dies or gets fucked regardless while my ADC's killing theirs.

Wow, squishy supports into Blitz are hard.
His W gives him and an ally a speed boost.
Juggernauts were never designed to have hard CC or gap closers, save for Skarner who was a mess when he was reworked.
he just fed his ass off lol...
Those days that you loose every single fucking match

also did something change or why is now Eveline in 4/6 matched I had and she was raping every lane she ganked
>enemy has blitz
>dont ward
>dont de-ward
>stand in enemy warded bush
>gets instant cast hook from fog of war
>lmao shouldve picked a tank
His third Q did nine times the original damage as bonus damage.
Recommend me some fun top / mid heroes!

Keep in mind that I main Swain and Vlad
Nah. Not in my experience.

They're obviously well-rounded players who just picked him for a variety of reasons or dunk your ass and emote at appropriate times.
When are riot going to nerf el cancerous bird man into the ground?
Purely numbers. Specifically BECAUSE Mordkaiser is so stat-centric, being all damage and damage-scaling tankiness without CC/mobility/utility, how balanced he is comes down largely to his raw statistics, and his were absolute bullshit.
>game's highest AD
>great health
>not shit movespeed
>higher bases AND ratios
>third Q could literally one shot a squishy from full
>all of this on top of no exp reduction from nearby allies (he could be level 6 when his supp and his enemy laners were level 3 or 4)

Immediate post-rework Mordekaiser could just steamroll overtop people via brute force.
Which? :')
only see 1 gardener here, whats with the filename bruv
This shit happened twice in 2 months.

But, honesty, fuck this shit, I'm not wasting 40 minutes of additional que time. i'll just go and play Fallout or something.

>Pick a remotely strong champion that can kill the enemy team
>Not get your team fed, kill the enemy, be that support, jungle, mid, whatever
>Get fed by playing well
>Win 60%+ of games because 4 average + 1 strong beats 5 average most of the time

It's a determination thing. You're probably making mistakes you don't realize.
>Mace of Spades (third hit): 450 + (450% AD) + (200% AP)

How did ANYONE think that was okay?
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>Our Riven gives first blood
>Gives another kill right after
>Claims that Volibear counters her
>Be a noob myself but be pretty sure Voli is not actually a hard counter to Riven
>Give them the benefit of the doubt and think Riven could use the help
>Playing Tahm, Ezreal just backed and I'm still full health so I figure I can help top right quick
>Tell her I'm ganking
>Almost there
>She dives into him knowing he has three stacks and he chomps her dead.
>Ask her why she would waste my time, she doesn't answer
>She's rushing Wits End
>She forgets that she can autoattack during team fights
>She afks because shes not fed so its gg
>Leaves the game 2/14 leaving us to deal with a fed Volibear and Warwick

I think I know why you guys hate Riven players now
I see you're part of the battlemage masterrace and hence I recommend Karthus, Sol, Mao and even Morg mid is bretty gud.
give me a secret offmeta midlaner, /lolg/

something I can whip out and make my friends question why they play with me, but then shit on my lane at the same time.

I'm thinking of AP Trist mid, but that seems absolutely awful.
> in bronze getting matched against gold players

The hell is that about
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It's better than what it was. Now you can just queue up and wait it out doing something else, then afterwards queue up whenever. Beforehand if you didn't immediately go into a match or queue you'd have to redo the whole wait. It was awful.

Volibear hard counters everything. I've been banning him recently.

Pic related.
what sweet hell was this...
If you played ap trist like it's s4 and I was your friend
I wouldn't play with you anymore.
AP ignite Blitz.
Haven't played in three years. Is new poppy any good?
>mordekaiser is no longer the master of metal despite now having MORE metal music puns in his kit
>Pentakill Mordekaiser will never get awesome exclusive lines like Karthus or maybe even a sick heavy metal bassline that plays sort of like DJ Sona
>Mordekaiser's kit has been gimped in all areas for the sake of preserving this retarded and poorly implemented ghost dragon
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I play Gnar against him. Haven't had trouble yet.

But that's because Volis are go "Fuck this" and roam mid letting me farm. I know I should follow but I can never pass up the chance of seeing a shitty voli try to camp mid not realizing its warded while I farm for free
She's a game-long strong tank with general usefulness as opposed to a late-game assassin, now.
Poppy is shit and Morbi is a hack

BOC>ZZrot>Rylais>Ruby Sightstone
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It's mostly Volibear Jungles that piss me off roaming from lane to lane and just eating every laner. Then they become unkillable, shit damage, and then heal it all back up before we can even catch our breaths.

Unless I'm jungling and can shut him down early, it gets snowbally fast, so I ban him when I play support.
Black Cleaver's cheaper.
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who is the best top laner and why is it olaf?
She use to be but the nerfs killed her.
Right after the rework, Mace of Spades had an exponentially scaling damage ratio. Basically the second hit's damage value was (damage of the first hit x 2 + Y amount) and the third hit was (damage of the second hit x 2 + Y amount). It worked out to well over 1,500 damage. During this period, you took Morde bot as your ADC because 1) he could curse the dragon which was a 5000 health pet that instamelted turrers and 2) Mordekaiser didn't lose ANY experience for nearby allies, so he'd hit level 6 before anyone else on the map.

>playing BadMalzPassive
>Team left up swain
>I'm laning against him
>No greivous wounds item to rush

>i """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''main""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''' swain and vlad
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Why did you pick someone against swain who can't get grevious?

Alternatively, why didn't you pick swain?
>tfw got 100-0'd under tower by volibear with a spirit visage and a sunfire cape as a squishy when he wasn't fed
Wasn't expecting that death. Luckily teammate picked up the kill.
>Pick champ who does melee range damage quickly
>He dies if he tries to fight you at level 4
>be adc
>build mortal reminder
>swain becomes Z tier garbage
Mordekaiser is actually pretty good top again
He can completely bully tanky top laners and has a ton of sustain that people forget about
vulnerable to ganks but if you're safe you can get some kills and shit out damage mid game
Kindred to cheese kills against players who've never seen her there before.

You can zone people from the wave level 1 with your ridiculous autos and then hit them for 80% of their HP at level 3 with your full combo.
>vulnerable to ganks
In what universe man. I main Mordekaiser, here's how I deal with ganks.
>stand in my minion wave
>W R E (cast R on whichever of the two targets is easier to kill)
>Q the target affected by R
>literally no way in hell they're surviving
>ghost gives you a shit ton of bonus health, a pseudo heal, and more than doubles your damage output
>double kill
>unless either of them is ranged.
>win 19 games in a row
>lose 5 in a row due to junglers feeding every lane then blaming everyone else
its a team game
just let other people cc to get close
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I've been playing Vlad and Swain since their release basically, even played them when they were bad.

It's ok anon
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>play league
>be bad

every time
>when your adc says "gj"
wew lad
>mage update
>post-mage update tweaking
>Mordekaiser's still gotten nothing
>inb4 he's not a mage
>when his highest win rate build and his most common build are both High AP builds, not tank or offtank builds
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Are we still posting cute champions?
(I don't have very much Morgana art, which is a crime.)
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I want to do this to Bandle and Giraffes
Morde's W doesn't double dip anymore since about 5.18 IIRC.

That being said even though that's clearly fake I'd much rather have that than the retarded FREE XP passive on his W.
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>tfw no one will Draw Lissandra and Morgana running a bakery/parlor together
why do people refer to each other as the character they are playing as?
I have a name you know.
post name and rank lain
What the fuck happened to Pantheon?

It's literally impossible to get kills anymore.
>want to replay the game
>want to get a different route to emi
>don't want to diminish the value of my original play through

What do ksg? Should I play it again?
hehe xd
That prompt is enough to make me want to start trying to draw.
It's easier in a 5v5 game where communication by text needs to be quick.
I'm not gunna say anything about your teammates or your ability but picking akali with swain being the highest win rate top is silly. Are you a one trick pony perhaps?
>Last change made to him


Can you not read?

They G U T T E D his E
>arguing with people in /all chat
Fuck off.

That's criminal anon.
He got nerfed to oblivion cause he was a faggot in the top lane
Morde is literally better now than he was pre-rework both statistically (51%+ winrate top) and the fact he doesn't have to rush a shitty item like Revolver to sustain himself since he does it naturally in his kit via W max.

He's only gotten even better thanks to his itemization choices not being utter dogshit. He's gone from having to rush janky shit like Nashor's tooth to having Protobelt as well as the new TF come Wednesday.

I cannot fucking wait until Kindred is put into the dirt for good. Her and Graves are the only junglers I actually have to respect and can't 2v1 with the enemy laner low because they shit damage and are ranged.
Yes, and besides it's a normal. I didn't realize he had been left up as he's usual banned out
Uh..wrong thread anon.

/ksg/ is around the corner
>much harder to land both fields, not simply Mordekaiser's own field
>remove W's ability to double dip anyway instead of rewarding the player for the much more difficult play

Also yes, the W passive with the experience is TOTALLY random and stupid garbage, it was all a shitty attempt to force him into bot lane. Mordekaiser's whole deal is that he builds damage but gets tanky because he has damage scaling heals and a damage scaling shield, and he wins fights by standing his ground instead of running away. His shields and heals let him rebound from low health and enemies die because they overcommit to his hidden tankiness. W's passive should have been either free health or free resists or both. A temporary resistance steal would have been absolutely perfect on it.
>it's another "I didn't pay attention in champ select" episode.

These episodes always make me upset.
you gotta learn from your mistakes anon
I just got back to 0lp from 88 at plat II and realized how bad I am at playing tanks, so I'm gonna learn how play carry champions
he literally averages the second most kills out of all the top laners. His damage is still pretty insane and they buffed his BC. He's actually really strong up until the highest elos
>krugs is on my side
>free sustain forever
>gromp is on my side
>have to back every ten seconds
this i why i morde mid
I'm really considering buying Overwatch to try and help me kick my addiction to this horrible game
Have any of you guys played it? I already feel waifu feelings budding for Tracer and D.va
I play Mordekaiser into all of those faggot level 1 cheese tops that try and ruin everyone's fun.

So far, he's literally the only top I've found who can totally dumpster Yorick in lane.
Honestly, if that change were to go through I'd just prefer Trundle over Morde in literally every situation. I know him better and can play him to occupy the exact same niche better.
>%HP steal
>resistance steal
Gee, now who does that remind me of...
everyone can dumpster yorick in lane now. New tear is garbage on him
I realized I suck at playing tanks and started queueing as mid/adc instead of mid/top.

I hope you aren't jung/top and saying "forever fuck team comps they will revolve around me."

It's far easier to just learn a new lane m8.
Tracer's voice will kill her for you.

Mercy is surprisingly cute.

Mei is 10/10 cutie.

>mei will never use frost breath to chill your dick whilst sucking it

how do you get over those days you loose every single game you play??
Then why do I see everyone still bellyaching over him?
Morde is an infinitely better teamfighter than Trundle.

Stop playing
>disrupts via creating terrain, area control, and a knock up
>resistance steal makes enemies easier for your whole team to kill

>does damage in a cone
... where?

I quit for the day if I lose 2 in a row in ranked. Some other people set it at 3. Plat 3 now. The diamond dream is real.
>I hope you aren't jung/top and saying "forever fuck team comps they will revolve around me."
That's kinda what I was doing, playing Shen/Malphite top and Maokai/Zac jungle pretty much every game.
No matter how tanky I get, or how good I engage, I just can't win anymore.

>It's far easier to just learn a new lane m8.
I guess you're right about that, my only 2 wins from last week I went mid and played Malzahar/Varus, champs that I usually never play.
I used to have the same problem. For a teamfight, that's where your mechanics truly shine, because you have to be fully aware of what happens ALL THE TIME in a fight. If someone uses a key spell that would fuck you up, you need to check that off as something you don't need to worry about. Don't be afraid to take damage, as long as you're not jumping into Trundle, just keep in mind you should be doing damage, if any amount at all. Just watcha few clips of Gosu or Sneaky and you'll see wht I mean.
can azir jungle?
I respectfully disagree, mostly for the same reasons as >>143927389 posted. Also Chomp saps stats, people seem to forget that. I wouldn't say either of them are particularly good in teamfights, though; fighters that aren't named Irelia usually have to put work in or have a good conditional engage.
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fun scenes from 1st pvp game on lvl 1 account
I feel like you're causing more problems than you're solving if you pick trynd top while you have a kindred jungle or vice versa.

Teams need balance. If you only want to bring the deeps and recuse to be fluid just come mid/adc with the rest of us.
>lieing on the internet
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Why people INSISTS on NOT playing TANKY top laners?
So I'm bronze trash. It's okay though. I'm learning. I can see when I make mistakes, and recognize when my team can take objectives.

I still don't understand 'open mid', as far as I can tell it just means 'Push the bajeesus out of mid while they try to roam, get a lot of pressure'.

I play a lot of top, support, and mid. I'd like to jangle, but I need to get my Elise and Trundle on point before I do that.

Top I play a lot of Morgana, Trundle, and Poppy. Support I stick with Janna, Morgana, and Soraka most of the time unless I know I can dumpster against an opponent's pick.

I'm willing to accept I need to get gud. I do. But I was wondering what good 'carry' champions are for each role. Preferably even support. I'm tired of building Sightstone on Quinn top because my support lux is saving up for rabadons (Bronze is magical).
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What mids are great at pushing lane like hell if the enemy mid is missing? Like I want to take 10 minute inhibitors
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Urgot. Leave Zed open in the ban phase and dumpster him since his combo will do miniscule damage compared to the normal squishies in mid. (he is on free rotation starting tomorrow).
Azir and Heimer
Not come wednesday
>go 12/0 with Wukong jungle and only get A-
>m8 goes 7/3 with Sivir and gets an S

Old malzahar. Donger. Ziggs situationally. That's it.

"Open mid" means "enemy team can all come down mid and we won't put up any resistence. Please end this game." It's for faggots. I love you newfriend. Goodluck.
Gives him time to gain a couple elo before then
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>Thinking I'm gonna tank just because you tell me to.

I play top like a level 50 pokemon. If you want me to tank you got to have the badges (kills) to tame me. If you don't, fuck you I'm Charizard I do what I want. Charizard falls asleep during your gym battle deal with it faggot.

No but seriously. Even if you go a damage champion you should have at least a little tankyness in your build as a top laner. That's why I enjoy playing Renekton. Because I'm building damage but when I look up I just so happen to have shit tons of health too so I can just finish the rest of my build as a bruising tank furfag.
>le ebin damage in cone meme

Yeah senpai let's completely ignore the fact the Morde does a metric shitton more damage in an overall fight than Trundle can, provide consistent healing via W procs and consistently make every teamfight a 6v4 and if you get the right ghost can single handedly win the whole fight off of one. God forbid you try to fight him with a dragon ghost up.

If you're not even going to attempt to make an decent argument why bother.
How do I play Sion? Build Order/Tips?

>your friend wards dewards farms better and helps take objectives
>you don't
>he does better

Talon too, but you should be the one roaming with him

Can Morde cap the elder dragon and baron and herald?
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I swear to fuck if I roll into another kid Zed mid or a shitty Riven top I'm going AD Udyr support.

I don't give a fuck anymore I'm fucking up everyones day. I'm commiting eloseppuku.
Everything the person you replied to said is true. Trundle brings a LOT of utility to teamfights. Morde brings damage.

Obviously a lot of other things matter but really anytime your team comp can afford picking mordekaiser, you should pick someone with more damage instead.

But 9/10 times people say "fuck teamcomp" so meh.
I solo'd 3 out of the 4 drags we got m8 and had the second highest ward count next to our support.
he can cap elder drag
>If you only want to bring the deeps and recuse to be fluid just come mid/adc with the rest of us.
Sounds good to me.
I can't really play a lot of adcs tho. I can do reasonable well with Twitch/Kog/Jhin but they aren't exatcly the definition of flexible adcs
Morde can steal all dragons, including the Elder Dragon, and the Elder dragon has significantly higher stats than normal ones. Morde gains a percentage of their health as bonus health, just like all ghosts. This is why Morde with a dragon is such a fucking pain in the ass, he has 5,000 max hp and his dragon is sitting next to him shitting fire breath (the exact same DPS as ordinary dragon), oh, and the dragon's fireballs count as Ability damage for the sake of Mordekaiser's shield charging. Dragon ghosts also have no leash range and can push bot while Morde pushes top for instance.

Mordekaiser can't ghost Herald, but he can easily "solo" herald with the ghost of an enemy laner AND he can solo baron with the help of the dragon's ghost.
Yes to the Elder Dragon, and he gains a fuckton of health for it as well.

I've gotten upwards up 5.5K health with an AP builds doing so

I'm curious to know what meta top laners do more damage than Morde right now outside maybe Swain who's getting crushed with the nerfbat in 2 days.

Tanks are already starting to die out and 6.11 is likely the final nail in the coffin for them in top lane at least with Maokai and Ekko getting gutted and TF getting such as massive buff. And Trundle is shit in metas where Tanks aren't prevalent
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How long until people notice Morde in LCS?
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Gragas really fucked me up with that meme build.
As I said I'm sick of fucking sion top lane which is why I'm picking up adc. Trigger nigger is SS tier. Caitlyn is S tier. Disregard all other adcs.

It's REALLY easy down here. Like. I used to play "all roles well" we I sucked. Then I got good playing mid and top and developed way better understanding of the game. Applying it to bot lane is simple as fuck.

You get a dedicated buttbuddy who's fucking job is to lookout for ganks and protect you while you hyper focus on cs.
>Dragon ghosts also have no leash range and can push bot while Morde pushes top for instance.

This sounds really fucking broken, why haven't I seen any Mordes in silver?
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I want to ejaculate inside Azir

No homo
Morde main here. Mordekaiser is a moderate lane bully who unlike other lane bullies, rather than falling off, absolutely steamrolls when ahead. His damage is absolutely insane (often topping 400k damage dealt) and he's unduelable, frequently turning enemy ganks into double kills.

But because he brings NOTHING to the team aside from raw damage, pseudo-tankiness similar to Swain, and his ghost dragon gimmick, he's complete garbage if behind or even if he's going even.

He's a snowball champ like Katarina who's depedent on winning lane HARD and (unlike Kat) has the tools to do it.
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>play normal
>pick gp top
>enemy is ekko
>right from the start I feel how cancer ekko is
>I can't win the trades no matter what
>farmlane it is
>loose tower with only 10cs difference
>teamfights come we are full ad
>we throw some,win some
>do baron then fire drake
>enemy wants to push mid
>ping top t2 tower
>we baserace against them
>we have baron they don't
>ekko:" report gp for being toxic shit"
Ekko is still so insanely borderline op with the tankspecc riot really needs to nerf him into oblivion.
oh fuck that battle gragas must've hurt a shitton

I hated that fat asshole before the rework and I still do
>tfw job
>tfw bills
>tfw spending time with friends/gf
>tfw I wish I could be a neet loser and play League 24/7
I can only imagine half the cast does better damage or does similar damage while bringing more utility. Also mordes whole gimmic is dragons. Top lane doesn't see a lot of dragon action.

I dunno though. Tank top lane carry jungle is all I ever see anyways. My duo loves graves/kindred.
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> riot really needs to nerf him into oblivion.

I question how people havent even checked the PBE for the incoming nerfs on him.
People don't actually know this.

Hell, most people don't know you can control Morde's ghost and leave it's extremely shit AI to focus fire whoever is in range.
hard to play, not garantee to have the drags either
He's one of the few champions in the game I wish Riot would nerf into oblivion because of how incredibly broken/annoying he is. I really hope Riot nerfs him and Lee Sin so much that nobody ever picks them again and they're forced to delete them from the game.

>innately tanky as fuck
>build AP or AD or tank--still shit damage regardless
>low CD dash that costs next to no mana
BORTK-Runaan's-Guinsoo's Ashe, that shit almost got me to diamond
Can he? Yes. Is it a good use of azir? Maybe if you have an early pick and want to fuck up mids counter pick. But probably not.
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Wait how many S ranks do I need to go from mastery 5 to 6 to 7?
>deleting Lee Sin
No, I like it when they're on the enemy team, free win.
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Whos going to get the victorious skin this year?

Keep in mind that selection is based on which champ had the most influence on the season.

So far I think it's Ekko or kindred.
2 s- for 6.

3 's for 7
Lucian or Ekko
It's not even halfway through the season yet...
>Lee Sin

oh god I've been waiting so long to say this to someone in /lolg/ I'm so happy right now
okay here goes
*deep breath*
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2 s- or higher for 6, then 3 S or hier for 7


It'll be male this year
>Victorious Ekko

Its obviously 100% pick ban lucian
sivir morg and elise all had the prime early in their seasons
>victorious skins are LITERALLY acknowledgements of "wow look how broken and centralizing we made this champ, often by accident and we were so incompetent our attempts to nerf them didn't work"
Morde is definitely a binary-ish soloQ centric champ like Garen Pantheon or Volibear who will almost certainly never see consistent play unless they're stupidly overtuned. That and combined with the aforementioned weakness in being extremely limited in what he brings to a team when behind.

My thoughts exactly honestly.

I don't think you've seen Morde in action much if you honestly believe half the top lane cast does comparable/more damage than him, especially if he's ahead.
>he doesn't into dynamic balance

The game can never be balanced because soloq and competitive are completely different and you can't balance for one without fucking up the other

This game will literally never reach a state of balance
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>Sivir was balanced all least season
>All ADCs not named Kalista or Sivir were dogshit
>"Look how broken she is for doing her job as an ADC with almost 0 dueling power!"

Also I reply with Victorious Jarvan
I'm relatively good compared to many of the people on lolg and even the rest of the population.

The thing is that I hate how much of a fucking retard magnet Lee Sin is. Whenever I play with or against one, they always feel the need to go in on every single Q, even if it will throw the game, just for the prospect of an InSec XD kick.
he can't get two
is that you cuddle
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You may not know this because you're clearly new as shit, but back when J4 got his skin he was hot hot shit. Mobility creep wasn't to cancer levels yet, and he basically murdered you if you did not have flash up for ult.
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>check J4 on probuilds
>majority is lane full AD cheese builds
>more losses than wins
What happened? Is the Demacian dream dead?
Mordekaiser main here again. As someone with M7 on him (not actually that inpressive, his averages are so low I've gotten S on games where my KDA was negative and we lost) I feel like I can answer a lot of questions about his place in a team and his identity as a champion, and what I'd like to see from Mordekaiser in the future.
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Any good name ideas. Preferably something stupid and funny.
when almost all viable characters have shitloads of mobility and can casually exit your ult you tend to fall off.

>j4 ult should be like viegar's stun.
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sorry bro I am not really a PBE person.But I checked the updates.I just hope he never gets in such a cancerstate again.That being said he was my comfort pick with Tf in S5 as a full ap mid.All I got to say is he felt ten times more balanced and fun in the full ap version.But what just annoys me how long it took for riot to bring those nerfs.Like really ??? They buffed his ratios for 3 straight patches and wonder why he becomes cancer across all elo's ,let alone a god like pick with no weaknesses.And it took them ages to "notice" or admit theier mistake.Actually I am really interest which faggots are in the balancing team of riot ? I heard a long time ago that Ghostcrawler joined riot in terms of balance ? I just hope it's not true
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>Mordekaiser main here

Literally EVERYBODY has an inbuilt dash in their kit these days so his ult is useless



thank me l8r
Your full name.
I played him when he was released, I stuck with him through DFG's removal, his rework, his cancerous stint in bot lane and I still play him now.

Ic3 B4rrag3
sorry, fucks your girl was already taken
As long as we're talking about Morde, which keystone mastery is best on him? I'm thinking either Fervor or Undying, though I could see Deathfire working too

these are fucking awefull oh my god.
>I'm relatively good compared to many of the people on lolg and even the rest of the population.
Look at this man and laugh.

Lee Sin isn't even good anymore, people play him because he's LEE SIN.
The stigma of him will always compel people to play him no matter how shit he is.
Undying and Deathfire would both be excellent on him (%total health steal atop %total health steal, flat damage on his ultimate), IF NOT for the fact that he has to take Stotmraider's surge, no questions asked, to stay relevant beyond lane phase.
Stormraider Surge and it isn't even debatable.

It's the only way you're ever going to hope to catch hypermobile cancer in teamfights
awfully good

yeah I know
Stormraider's Surge dude
Tfw acidentally became a darius main
I played that a lot as adc before the guinsoos changes. Is it still good with the new guinsoos? Is it better mid?
Oh, right. I don't play a lot of bursty champions, so I always forget the Stormraider's exists
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>Buffed his ratios for 3 patches

They gave him cooldown buffs at best, no changes to his numbers and people found him balanced solely as an AP assassin/skirmisher.

The reason Tank Ekko became fucking busted was IBG and Tank items in general being extremely cheap and easy to come by. Back when Tank ekko was conceived, it was powerful but nowhere near it was now. Riot wants him to be an AP assassin which is actually balanced but then expect people to just follow the honor system and not build him tank. Its stupid but it was entirely coincidence.

Im tired of people here asking for Ekko nerfs when he already is getting them, very soon in fact. Like next patch. Actual nerfs.
Bursty champs take thunderlord's.

In fact, I think Mordekaiser is the only champion in the game who normally takes SS, simply because he NEEDS it, he doesn't simply appreciate it.
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I need some advice/help, /lolg/

Does any anon here have a legit waifu bodypillow? If so I need your input on something.

Does it alleviate some of the loneliness?

What do you even do with it?

I ask because last night I needed to hug someone in my bed so badly that I pulled up a regular long body pillow (one of those you can find at IKEA or some shit) and tucked it under the covers next to me and pretended I wasn't alone. I snuggled it, and took care not to accidentally get the blanket over its "face," I whispered to nobody "I'm sorry" when I accidentally took up too much blanket, ect. It was a bit difficult to fall asleep, and the bed got pretty warm pretty fast, but for a while it felt worth it because I could safely cuddle with something. A while later something fell over in my shelf in my room and woke me up, and afterwards I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. I passed out sometime at 4AM with a tear soaked face and pillow, desperately clutching on to the warm body sized pillow next to me. I woke up feeling shameful. Does getting a waifu cover make it feel any less wierd?

Am I autistic? This was a one-time thing and I don't plan on doing it again.

I just need someone to hold me.

Sorry for the small blogpost.
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Is Darius legitimately broken or is it just because I'm in shitter rank where no one knows how run the fuck away and wait for your passive to fall off after you've turned a member of their team into chunky salsa?
So do I put the other twelve points into Ferocity or Resolve?
New thread
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I've been doing that for years with a kingsize pillow I pretend is Lulu
Ferocity. Resolve tree is hot dogshit, only the keystones are good.

You want all of the offensive masteries, assassin, double edged sword, dangerous game, sorcery obviously, even natural talent (the 2% life steal and spell vamp is so negligible it isn't funny especially because of Morde's innate sustain with W max).
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Assassins in general are fucking busted by design. It has nothing to do with the itemization.

I played a game the other day in fucking mid-diamond where a Kat built tank (sunfire, dead man's, spirit visage, etc.) and still did nearly 3x more damage than the adc.
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He got powercreeped harder than Karthus. With all the mobility and high base damage tanks littering the game now he's almost a shit pick.
I'm a J4 autist so I'm going to break it down for you.

When J4 was released he and Xin Zhao defined the META GAME we know now. After their releases the game, at that point, had some leeway with summoner spell choice. After J4, the game literally became "take flash or you die"
He fits no role in the game right now because he's one of these old lamo champions that actually requires items to do damage or tank damage. He has extremely low base damages and extremely high AD values. He has no built in sustain and his former built in tank stat was removed from his E. Even his passive, which at one point we all though was broken, is laughably pathetic by today's standards. 10% max health damage on one basic attack with a long cooldown. Meanwhile chuckling tree man can shit out high base damage while being full tank.

Then we have his ultimate which was made almost completely irrelevant by other new champions.It creates terrain that can easily be escaped from by anyone with flash, dash, jump or any movement ability. Hell his ultimate is still fucking glitched where people can randomly just walk out of it.
Compare this to Azirs wall which
>knocks back
>does damage
>creates terrain that blocks enemy movement, dashes, jumps
Yet his team can still move through it and gain movespeed. J4s ult is more of a hindrance to his own team

The bottom line is you have two options now. Go full AD and become a mediocre assassin then instantly die or go full tank and become a walking pile of HP that's a glorified stun bot
Darius player here (don't want to say I'm a "main", but he's one of my top-3 most played champs).

You're against a Maokai which is a pretty easy lane, and Silver 2 so it's unlikely anyone knew how to play around a fed Darius. He can work in higher elos, but as you climb you'll start coming across people who know how to play against you. A good Gnar or Lulu will make you want to rip your hair out with rage.

>these are the people I share a thread with
Last annoying question: Bounty Hunter or Oppressor?
why did riot gut QSS

are they tired of tiptoeing around and subtly keeping zed in meta at all times and are now declaring that zed "LCS big playmaker" master of shadows is supposed to be meta forever?
Well you are in Silver and most Maokais think they can constantly 1v1 anyone.

Later on people are going to start camping you and make your day shit
>pick Nunu with smite no matter which role I get
>watch everyone lose their shit on your team
Even the jungler knows they can't compete with your Q smite

Just pick Fizz or Yasuo into him
Because assassins should be able to realize their 'windows of opportunity' and 'power fantasies' by always being able to one-shot anyone on your team, regardless of build.
>QSS gutting is just a Zed buff
I'm afraid of the Zed boogeyman as much as the next guy but there's lots worse things now

Can't cleanse ignite or any of the mountains of debuffs. Love getting hit by a brand ability and not being able to removed his fire dot
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Because Riot cant into balance this season

No one actually fucking knows but the entire community unanimously said "fuck Zed, if you're going to buff him then no one is going to play him"
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>This game will literally never reach a state of balance
I hate this sentence so much.There are so many cancer picks/items that were huge mistakes made by riot.Tons of people had pre-opinions/suggestions about those changes and they still got into the game,only to find out that exactly is gonna happen what people prognosed.
It's not even about "le perfect balance meme" but atleast a wish for a quick reaction regarding cancer picks,which totally fuck Solo Que in the ass without a condom.There are literally 20-15 champions in cancerform and 3-4 which need complete chemo.The biggest part what's so frustrating about it,the champions you ban are not the fotm shit they generally are for ages in this state.Also most of those champs,when not all except maybe zed/nida are not known for attracting one trick ponies with a billion games on them to abuse those strenghts.

Just look at the Malz rework?Just explain the thought process of riots balancing team realeasing him in this state ? He had an insane winrate even before the rework and could shut down most of the cancer assasins(like fizz),infact he literally was so cancer that even the most cancerous group of champions couldn't win against him or had a big disadvantage.
Why do they keep the most frustrating and broken thing about him his R and buff all the other shit.Like seriously,why ?
Depends. Rylai's is core on Morde but you only get it 3.3k gold in (or later, if you get fed in lane phase I personally push my advantage with double NLR instead of rushing it) , on the other hand you don't get any power from bounty hunter until AFTER your first few kills.

Regardless of which one you choose you'll never have their bonus damage at the beginning of the game, and you take all of the damage masteries because you aim to get kills in lane (without sacrificing CS, you're the wave clear god) early game. Ultimately that one is preference.

I miss Havoc
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You're not autistic but if you don't work out those loneliness issues you're going to end up like someone in pic related
Because Riot has no fucking idea how to design their own game, which they don't even play. Fucking everything kills you in two hits and there's no way to itemize against it because everything punches through armor and MR now.

>Every single match is now just a DPS pissing contest where there's zero strategy, just killing people
Okay, thanks for your help anon
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Yeah I remember when they nerfed QSS and Zed's winrate SPIKED by an astronomical 1% before returning back to his normal sub-50 winrate less than a month later.
>people are catching on to my 60% winrate Karthus top meme

Ruh roh
>enemy picks zed mid
>go garen mid and utterly shit on him

Could garen mid actually be viable or was this strictly a matchup thing?
>tfw mained malz
>tfw he is significantly weaker in lane with the tradeoff being a lot better in team fights
>lost 90% of his uniqueness

Only because nobody knows how to play him
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>Pick Fizz tank top
>End the game before he can scale by snowballing out of his immobile ass
Anyone with a silence fucks up Assassins like Zed and Leblanc.
>enemy picks zed mid
>go zilean mid and dont die

lol what splat?
It's not even a match up thing, Zed was just shit.

>be me, killing machine main
>ult is as binary as malz's old ult (and new one to a degree)
>kit is extremely basic
>awaiting the day when he gets a Malz level rework and they completely destroy him
Zed hates tanks. You can do this with any of them as long as you take like fiddlesticks jungle or swain/vlad/rumble top.
Bend Warwick over and knot his ass

CertainlyT is coming for Warwick
>pick Annie
>stun his ass once
>stun his ass twice and kill him
>show dominance as the 10 year old bully Annie is
>everytime zed tries to jump stun his bitch ass and proceed to roast him up
Why isn't Amumu more popular despite having a 53%~ winrate for like the last five years at all ELOs?
Keep telling yourself that, you turboshitter.
Stigma over being an EZ MODU 450ip champ.
He's been popular sporadically for a long time. He can't duel for piss though and gets bullied by a lot of current junglers.
>implying CertainlyT's reworks doesn't make champs op as fuck the first few patches

Watch him have a bleed proc and a passive that allows him to deal true damage when the enemy is below a certain hp threshold.
Can't forget about an ult that's and execute
>lost 90% of his uniqueness
Malzahar rework in a nutshell was:
>Move passive to W, make it work differently
>Move W to ult, remove ult's damage
>Change some numbers on Q and E
>Give new passive

He feels more unique to me senpai
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>J4 and Xin will never define the METAGAME again
why do you torture me riot?
he's boring as FUCK
Because if people really wanna climb lader they pick Yi, Katarina or other hypercarry-against-stupid-people champions until they reach higher elos, and on higher elos you cant use Amumu anymore because you get your ass invaded 100% of the time because you can't duel for shit


I can't wait for his ult to be something like
>Warwick senses all enemy champions in a huge radius around him (like rengar) and gains more MS moving towards lower health targets. He deals 1% extra damage per 1% missing health to all targets for the duration of his ult.

Plus his Q will definitely get reworked to an AoE that does the same thing and his W will get some bullshit 3 hit maxHP passive
His personality is boring, his kit is kinda boring
I mean, your two real buttons are q and r, other than that you have a low power karthus defile and a "smack people near you for some damage" attack

despite this he's still pretty popular

why is azir in this picture at the bottom?
Thats Nasus you blind idiot.
>lost 90% of his uniqueness
What the fuck are you talking about, he's the same shit
>Spamming voidlings part of his kit got upgraded to a fuck ton
>Ult still does the same
>He still has space aids
>He was given a free banshee spellshield because why not and clumped togheter 2 spells previously separated
If something they just added more shit
Literally too easy. That's why Lee Sin and Leblanc have some of the highest playrates despite having low winrates.
Okay people! getting my new drawing tablet this wednesday and I WANT suggestions!
>gut his ability to e a lane and start walking away to gank/teamfight.
>gut his voidlings damage to towers and their ability to tank towers
>aka gut his pushing power.
>gut his anti assassin ult.

Like I won't say that new malz isn't strong as fuck but he's not the same champion at all anymore.

Hooray for 30 voidlings on dragon though... I guess? And they reset rift Herald every time. Makes me mad.
>certainlyT warwick rework

New passive gives warwick stacks every time he auto-attacks a champion. At 3 stacks he can ult even if his ult's on cooldown. But the drawback is that his attacks do 1% less damage :(
Q now hits everyone around him and heals, similar to darius Q
W is replaced with a pounce similar to Jax Q.
E is now global and provides a passive that increases Warwick's lifesteal by 50% for each person within the reveal threshold
Ult does % health true damage and executes below a certain threshold. If he kills someone, he can automatically jump to someone else
Valor and Anivia doing something cute.
>CertainlyT is coming for Warwick
Irelia in a bikini surfing on her blades
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he's boring as fuck senpai
I never thought I would say this, but I think Riot should consider doing a rework to make him more fun to play
Taliyah riding on top of a ulting Malphite

Literally mind numbingly effective and what he does.

Still GoodSejuani though
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Illaoi and Braum arm wrestling? Also can I get an imgur/tumblr link for your previous work?
I'm just seconding this guy's post. >>143933589
Because I want that too badly.

Confirmed samefag
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can Nasus q illaoi tentacles for FREE farm?
>not supporting 4chan

nice try.
>Like I won't say that new malz isn't strong as fuck but he's not the same champion at all anymore.
What I meant to say by "unique" was that he still does a lot of things no other mage can do.
I agree with you that they nerfed his damage to the fucking ground and that removed some of his identity, but there's enough new stuff make him not feel like a complete disaster.
Get a Tulpa
>enter game
>adc instantly afks because "we are leaving to go eaty" "sory"
>lose 4v5
>-20 lp

gg no re ill just carry harder
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't know what this is
a stupid hat
innervating locket
>people trying to assert that zed is balanced by posting anecdotes of them shitting on bad zed players

conveniently ignoring that you played against zeds that don't realize there's a game outside of their lane doesn't mean zed isn't op as fuck now

Without googling, isn't this force of nature or something?
I dunno. I guess I'm just pissed they killed his aids for waveclear (he was the only mage who could waveclear in such a fashion) and killed him as a tower pusher (one of the only three mages who did this. One getting removed next patch) and made him into insane dragon/baron pressure.

This isn't why I played malz rito. Fuck.
Shurelyia's Dickfuck right?
Thoughts on mordekaiser + zilean for a major exp advantage
>people complain about sub 50% win rate champions
Like I get why he's strong as fuck in diamond or masters. Sure.

He's not that big of a deal anywhere else and he can't rofl stomp low elo games like you can with kat or akali.

I don't get the hubub.
could support illaoi be a thing?
who /climbingonedivisionperday/ here
it is skarner main skill that got removed from him
zilean doesn't have the mana to ensure that morde can snowball ahead especially when his form of skirmishing w/ morde relies on catching the carry with a double bomb stun so morde can actually close the distance.
is there anyone from /lolg/ streaming right now?
>blitz: kindred camp our mid he's playing with his asshole as hands

why did it made me laugh the whole match?
Never heard of that board name, friend.
That's going to be the majority of our experiences yeah

Most of us aren't going to be playing in matters any time soon
Anon are you OCE? I want to be friends
so i was thinking, Jhin with +15% crit runes. good or bad?

so I was thinking, Trynd with +42% crit damage runes. good or bad?
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>This isn't why I played malz rito. Fuck.
I can relate to that senpai, but once a champion you love gets reworked, you can either accept it and try to adapt or move to another champion that is or will eventually get reworked.
It sucks that rito doesn't like to make comeback changes on reworks but that's how it is.

I was a Soraka main before the second rework, never touched her since then
Will the swain nerfs work?
What's going to be worse? The Warwick rework or the inevitable Rammus rework next year?
So how long until the gooks discover a Taliyah top build that's OP as hell and she becomes pickban cancer?
You're under the impression that the gooks can make anything work, we're all filthy baka gaijin, and Taliyah is untapped potential and NOT genuinely trash.
ded thred
Probably after the buffs, but before 'remember when lolg was wrong XD' spamming

>playing League in the Year of Overwatch
The shitty part is when it's a champion that fills a role only a tiny amount of champions fill or is the singular champion of the role.

Pushing mages: pre 6.9 malz. Donger (though gutted from season 1 donger). Post 6.9 ziggs. Pre 6.11 azir. Fin.

Short list. I don't even remember all the shit raka went through. Goat used to have a targeted silence and a "haha fuck you invisible people" q.
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Take into account this is Overwatch release week and only beat lol on its release day
>yfw aoe taunt as rammus ult
What's better on Cait, fervor of battle or Warlord's Bloodlust?

>people literally forget that he exists

Feels bad man
Fervor on every adc
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if you guys would be so kind as to make me a screenshot of what you want, I,ll be sure to try and make them

as for what i've made earlier, I'm confused, but it seems that I have misplaced most of my scans, I usually paint and draw old fashionned, but here's something I made on gimp a few year back. I daresy my skills have naught but improve since then
DFT on Jhin, Thunderlord on MF and Lucian tho

>muh twitch views

Wait for some streamers to become popular and Competivite go live
Fervor 100% of the time unless your name is jhin. Then you take deathfire.
>A blizzard game with competitive scene
The only time they did it right was with starcraft and they left that game to rot and die
New Thread >>143898436




Or Move to Overwatch



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i gave up
STOP RIGHT THERE! You! yeah, you! Draw on ms paint the last champon you played as! come on, join the fun!

They have invested a lot on publicity and animation for a new game to throw it away

Hope they have learn and dont fuck it up again
I don't get this meme. I've been borderline interested in buying overwatch but isn't it hella casual? Wouldn't it be like "competitive" hots or "competitive" hearthstone?

I'm not saying that those things aren't popular but they have 0 depth.

I miss me some tfc though.

I wouldn't say league has very much depth at the pro level either. I only watch fightan pros anymore.
>Log in

>That Eyebrowns

>That Nose

>Close Cliente

>Open Battlenet

Right now theres a lot of things that need to be corrected, like pikcing only 1 Hero per team, Ranked and some balanced stuff

Just give them time, i really think they have a shoot on a competitive scene


Post it on next Thread

Who's that ?

Braum ?
>overcucks still think they have a chance

Enjoy another "competitive" game like HS

why the FUCK does no one in na ever surrender
something like 0 - 100 all inhibs down and people dont surrender
fucking cucks like seeing themselves get killed or something

The Rain Man
Thanks buddy.

Anyone have any suggestions on carry-supports, or top carries?
>hella casual?
Compared to what exactly? The only big competitive shooter is CSGO and compared to that it's less dependent on raw aim, but a lot more dependent on teamwork. Good teams consistently roll less coordinated ones.
New Thread



almost triggered me
Yeah, that's what pisses me off the most. All the mages they worked had mostly diverse roles and niches to fill, and now it's just "lol damage"
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I miss 6 turret heimer
Take thunderlord's on neither of those. Fervor is much better now.
>Whenever I play with or against one, they always feel the need to go in on every single Q
People just lack self control.
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>Hypercarry build Taliyah
Seems unwise to me.
Does everyone in ranked have a stick up their ass or just most people?
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