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league of legends general /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 231

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best waifu and best freljord edition
All other freljords and Elise a shit
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first for lux





The rest

Again, Graves is a jungler. And no, these doesn't mean they are good for soloq either. While Lucian is a massive cunt overall, Ezreal's utility and damage applied in the good hands is much better than his. Ezreal is also, the only ADC in the entire game that can withstand Zed's burst.
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xth for breast waifu
just let this shit 404 already
>reroll some skins
>get reindeer kogmaw
holy shit, this skin is hideous, literally the worst kogmaw skin






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Which are the top tiers of everysingle lane?
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/vg/ vs /vg/ is up on NA
password is vidya
all levels and ranks welcome to indulge their masochism
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eight slots currently remain
i love how the NA server comes off very special needys. god help you america.
How does it feel to lose half your player base to Overwatch in 1 week?
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This is really it isnt it guys?
This is the thread...

The thread that will 404 before auto sage is reached.

Man it was fun, guess ill be uninstalling. Had fun memeposting with you guys since 2012.

See you spacecowboys
>Singed that high
>Singed that low
Absolute madman over here.
Play overwatch it's a fun game
Nah. He can be really annoying but he's bad at killing tanks and is less good the longer the game goes on.
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i want ferny to come back
>making up shit like S+ and A+ when you could just widen the range from S to E
>playing overwatch on league twitch page

Swap Ezreal and Lucian. Lucian is literally pick or ban across every Elo. Other than that solid list.
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eight slots still remain for a custom game on Summoner's Rift on NA server under the lobby name of /vg/ vs /vg/
with the regular password, vidya
tic private game boxes if you're unused to customs
I love how Euros think they're the majority of any thread outside of /int/
how does it feel to know you have nothing to back up those claims
>Kill Darius at lvl 3
>Have double his farm
>He hits 6
>Suddenly 100-0s you in 5 seconds

What an interesting champion

Maybe if my jungler would have bothered we could've dealt with it
opinions on trigger nigger in the jungle?
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seven slots now remain
>queuing up knowing you'll get your secondary
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>yfw league dies and all these league "personalities" are forced to find a real job
stand close to him when hebpulls you in so he cant q you and build a frozen heart and or thornmail
me too
tf2g is still going, and we're nowhere near as dead as them
Ezreal is a much better ADC than Lucian. Lucian is more popular because he is easy to use and easier to snowball with, but Ezreal hits harder and it's basically unkillable later in the game thanks to the blue build.
>A juggernaut
>not being vigilant of his power spikes
That is your fault, and your fault alone.
Why do you keep fighting Darius with 5 stacks of his passive?
Are you retarded?

Including and especially theoddone.
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>queuing up knowing you'll get primary because nobody knows how to jungle in lower elo
I keep getting secondary jungle.
Actually adc this match though.
>Just le kite him XDDD

Unless you're playing an equally strong lane bully there's no point of fighting him after 6 if he knows his shit
>play on euw with snaketits
>pings constantly 24/7
should have stayed on na tbqh
>main lucian
>korean build becomes popular
>lucian banned every game
>lose every game
oh alright guess i'll stop playing
He might just kill himself honestly or switch to dota
>AS is kill
>AD is kill
>Jumps are barely a formality: get the tiniest slow applied to you, or not, you won't be dancing around the enemy like before, nor will you dodge anything with them.
Why did they have to nerf Kalista SO FUCKING HARD?
>not being able to at least play catilyn when lucian is banned
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six slots remain when one person join
five will remain after another joins after that, so on so forth
nah you don't it feels like im playing with actual dogs rn
I started maining mid specifically because I can't support secondary anymore.

It's an endless cycle, with the decreasing numbers of supports causing you to be even more likely to get support if you make that available, causing more people to drop support, which feeds into itself until you only have dedicated support mains left. And even then, support mains that are used to beating up on the people who were forced to last pick it last season are also being driven out of the role as they get styled on by people who are actually good supports.
>Being a one trick
But why limit yourself paisen
>just switch to whatever the most popular game is after lol dies
>ban lucian
>have to play against jihn
Boyo bananza I hate playing against this guy so much
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Fuck this shit why does it have to be based on RNG
>wanted to try lucian jungle
>team memebans it
>have to do caitlyn jungle instead

yare yare...
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Because she's an awful character design

Sorry that's just not true. Lucian has the highest winrate, pick rate, ban rate. Ezreal is great but Lucian is strictly better and is more valued by high Elo ADC. You can't judge champions by how they play out the late game dream. Lucian is inherently more reliable, with a much better build path, an stronger laning phase, and better teamfighting(for most of the game). Ezreal has compositions where he is superior but against most lane matchups Lucian just brings way more to the table, and the early game frankly matters a lot more than any late game teamfight situation.
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I cant find the pic, someone post it please
people play it while in queue you autist
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xth for Cute Vi

Dead General Edition
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seven empty slots for /vg/ vs /vg/ on NA
it's summer for at least some American schools, so I imagine most of the kids would be out and about right now instead of sitting at home playing video games
so probably most definitely safe time to play in a custom game on NA
Because her passive is broken by design
>the only people playing supports are actually good at it

Now ADCs have no excuse for shitting the bed
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as a side note, is lamill legitimately hot?
Especially when it's 90% Lucian/Ezreal and then Cait if Lucian gets banned.
She's actually designed very well, but instead of nerfing her numbers like they did, they should have nerfed her range and she would have been more than balanced.

Literally just nerf her range to 500--shit, even 525 would do the trick.
There's a bunch of cons on the east coast this weekend, I've heard. And a lot of the 12 year olds are probably visiting family for the long weekend.
i can but even if i bully my lane opponent and get maybe 1 kill in lane i just get fucked after lane phase cause i literally do zero damage
Its not because of that, its because of rito policy
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why is he so underrated guys
Who are those?

remove ezreal from the list entirely
he scales directly with player skill is is basically a god in good hands

draven should be in A, he's strong as fuck in the right hands but not so much as ezreal
kog should be in B
kalista should be in A or B

make a D rank and place urgot in it
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>mfw both Lucian and Ezreal are banned out
It's like people forgot how to play other ADC's.
>everyone already forgot about the cancer that is jhin

seriously why does nobody pick him anymore he's still crazy good
still seven empty slots
six slots would look a lot more attractive to potential players, wouldn't you say?
>no weeaboos
even better!
Exactly. Ezreal is S+ because he is a god and the most powerful ADC in the game if used correctly. If people learned him correctly, the Lucian bans would be easily gone, and we could finally ban more Zeds.
six slots now remain!
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I want Vlad to chain me up in his Noxian sex dungeon and do things to me I'm not into but he is.
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How is cho right now?
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five slots now remain for /vg/ vs /vg/ on NA
I thought you were a homo until I saw your youtube vid and found out you're a gril

now I can't imagine you as anything but a 3/10 landwhale
>Play like shit
>Play like shit

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>queue up into normies for a bit of fun and comfy gaming
>mid lane is already hovering over yasuo
>pray to the high heavens someone bans him
>get lucky and the enemy team picks it first
>mid decides to pick katarina into a fucking yasuo
>gets shat on the entire game
>me and top constantly come to his lane to relieve pressure
>does nothing but ks and spams emblem
>what was supposed to be a fun comfy game ended with us barely winning with me and top having to carry
>post game chat is nuclear warfare between our katarina who wanted yasuo and their yasuo
>The user *mid* wants to add you to their list and see your presence online

Do yasuo players have no self awareness?

nah man, unlike lucian

a BAD ezreal is completely worthless to the team and does nearly no damage

a bad ez has an even worse early game, absolutley no mid game and is just as mediocre as any other AD carry late game

where a bad lucian can still SHIT damage even if he plays poorly even if behind, do to his kit

its the reason lucian gets banned and EZ doesn't
Link to her YouTube channel?
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five slots remain with one spectator
Everyone is bad at killing tanks.
too lazy to dig it up, just search r/leagueoflegends for vlad play or someshit
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>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
>do to his kit
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four slots now remain, with the same spectator
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Ahri is kinda cute.
How the fuck do I even get into ADC
I kinda like jinx but I'm just not sure how to farm when I'm also supposed to take objectives and deal damage

I also like Quinn because I can be everywhere and she can kinda cheese but I mean come on does that even count as an adc
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double bait.jpg
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>team game
>tfw MF main climbing with Jinx
Wew lad
Feels nice to be underrated and then shit out 3000 damage AoE nukes every 70 seconds (or 5 seconds respectively) late game
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one or two slots remain I can't tell with this new spectator
2016 NA LCS Korean Bootcamp Ranks


Impact (Top) - Master 32LP
Meteos (Jungle) - Diamond 1 0LP
Jensen (Mid) - Master 365LP
Sneaky (ADC) - Master 346LP
Bunnyfufuu (Support) - Master 0LP


Hauntzer - Master 165LP
Svenskeren - Challenger 603LP
Bjergsen - Challenger 721LP
Doublelift - Master 88LP
Biofrost - Master 187LP


Lourlo?? - Master 403LP??
Dardoch - Master 330LP
Fenix - Diamond 1 58LP
Piglet - Master 173LP
Matt?? - Challenger 670LP??

>Echo Fox
KFO - Challenger 601LP
Hard - Diamond 2 42LP
Froggen - Master 467LP
Keith - Challenger 1002LP
Big - Master 466LP

>Apex Gaming
Ray - Challenger 677LP
Diamond - Challenger 588LP
Keane - Master 275LP and Master 336LP
Apollo - Diamond 1 98LP
Xpecial - Master 338LP

Is C9 done this split?
>creaming about vlad while playing morgana


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Some people just have sharper canines.
I'll be a whale if I continue this lifestyle yes.
dood keith so good wtf
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hello friends

should i go tear on jayce top or just straight to bf or some shit? i feel like with tear i have to just farm forever and do fuck all dmg
go tank, max jayce damage is useless
Tyler was right, Tyler is always right.
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Trundle is the best husbando and he smells nicely!
tfw no more time to shitpost here because overwatch
Am I paranoid or is there some way to reliably cheese someone onto the other team? About one in ten games I'll hover some off meta guy like urgot, they ban, then I hover karthus, they ban, shit like that. Is that even a thing or?
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Even though the game is ded sona is still breast waifu
mei is better
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/vg/ vs /vg/ is LIVE on NA
Does anyone else just lack the motivation to play the game anymore? I mean, I've only recently picked up LoL but I don't feel invested in it anymore.
is this a meme
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hehe xd

>mfw Tyler has to be super fucking strict when it comes to silencing donations now because his viewers got him banned once for doing that constantly
How recently? Are you lvl 30?
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>pick bastion on any map and on any side
>get potg 90% of the time by holding LMB
>mfw people get mad

that happens when you lose a lot, git gud
it is actually so gross how gay it is to play on the NA server.
Wheres clg?

Wrong general, but still funny. Not as much as that Torbjorn who got PoTG from a triple kill while dead and his ragdoll falling off a building though.

what do you mean?

to many donators where just randomly donating and he got banned?

unless meteos knows how to change his playstyle against other teams besides NA they'll get dumpsterd on even in soloq he farms constantly
she looks like she tried sucking off a lawnmower and got caught
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Basically he had donators that were constantly going "nigger nigger nigger" and insults at random LoL eSports people, be it Krepo, Meteos etc and Twitch temporarily banned Tyler1 because they didn't think he was doing to dissaude people from donating messages like that - especially since he wouldn't instantly silence them.

Now any time someone says something anti-black, anti-gay, anti-retard, anti-Krepo or something he silences the message because he kind of has to, really.
Why do people max E second instead of W on Quinn? Wouldn't the W passive be better than a bit of extra damage from maxing E?

that's kinda shitty
although its really is free money so whatever

is he still just coaching or does he secretly play?
>blocking out you name
Who cares?
>same cs in a 20 minute game as a 30/40 minute game


He only coaches League on-stream but has said multiple times he actually plays when not streaming. Of course he doesn't give name or anything so even if Riot knew he was still playing (which they obviously do given they check up on his stream from time to time) but can't do anything about it. Twitch said the agreement was that he can freely stream himself spectating, but if he's obviously playing League he'll be banned.
If the enemy teams picks someone like Lee, would it be best for me to play a jungler that can outscale him but be weaker early (like Zac/Amumu), a jungler that outdamages him (Graves) or a jungler that can match his early game pressure (like Rek)?

Kindred doesn't apply here as they're banned all the time.

reksai shits on him pretty hard
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I've been playing and testing up Illaoi top and it ended pretty great with BC + DD + IE + tank and Deathfire's Touch.

Now, the thing is, since she's moving to be full tank due to her W going something like %max health, wouldn't Doran's Ring early be great for her?

Not because of the AP but the mana regeneration, HP and mana upon kill. What Illaoi wants is mana due to fighting the vessel as much as possible, and she runs out of mana fairly normally in lane phase between each two levels or so for her harassing tools being used.

Plus with her mastery tree revolving around Bandit as well, she does require some farming as well as she can pop Bandit by just hitting the vessel even.

Pick whoever you are most comfortable with - Lee is not that great deal of a threat unless he gets fed, but most champions are a large threat if they get fed, and many more so than Lee, aka Rengar, Kindred etc.
>Riot will nerf BC/Ghostblade ADC builds before addressing the actual problem of IE and Crit in general being an absolute awfully rush

Bruisers will get fucked over again. E B I N.
was more of a farm game where i just cs'd, pushed then killed my lane opponent the second they came back. while all the other lanes won the game


stopped reading
>tfw cant mastery5leblanc irl
why is talon so fun
he's like zed if he was actually decently designed
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>people wants to fuck this abomination

good lord...
Yo, if anyone creams about Vlad it's that guy while playing him.

>leblanc builds a lost chapter
>can now 100-0 me with ignite

what's the counterplay to her qw auto doing 80% of your health at level 6?
A fed Lee will literally 1-shot your squishies.

But he won't get out of control in a low elo.

Why do you get DFT on her?
She doesn't build that much AD, and Grasp works on the vessel too.

I think corrupting potion is the best start, since she has no AP values.
Your own QWE combo that instantly kills anybody since you are a mage aswell.
dont let he proc the sigil

thats pretty much it
>Only 6 bans
>Why do you get DFT on her?
In teamfights or just in late game in general, when you E someone while grouping up, the damage is so lethal when hitting the vessel that the squishy enemy is already around 20% HP. The DoT on DFT puts them even lower, which sometimes ends up in kills.

There was a match where I got four kills off of that, which was really hilarious to see.
Hyper mobile armor pen meme on Lucian.

And then this armor pen meme is on MF too.

Although she always built black cleaver.

lmao kid, did you just get here?
I keep getting mfs that go duskblade, the proceed to shit on the enemy carry about 5 times and then fuck up their deathmark later and feed horrifically.
This is of course my fault because as the support I control what she does.

say what you will, that is an impressive cosplay

I know Lee isn't that bad in the hands of a non-master player, but I find in gold/plat I can't trust my laners not to get fucked by him and the game to snowball out of control.

I guess I could pick up rek, she still good as a damage dealer up to mid-late?
Vayne is garbage
Ashe is better than B
Lucian > Ezreal
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>*teammate dies*
>"LOL sorry guys I was busy taking a bong rip xD"
She just needs better position.

Mf with Ghost blade, cleaver, and Duskblade can oneshot most squishies with her ult.
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>I die
>I suck
Seems right
>implying I would not fuck that with the power of thousand sun.
I wish I could get jungle in low elo. Fucking hate being a secondary support.
Eyes are larger in the actual game.
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If you could live with one version of sona which one would you pick?
Playing league while high is like driving drunk. It's fun but nothing good will come from it.
>Watching Aphro and Xmithie v. Annie bot and Dom

this is gonna b gud.
>skillshot where she is
>she teleports back
>skillshot where her circle is
>she doesn't teleport back

i guess ill just play azir and kill her from my fountain
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>play a bot game
>every one of my teammates is a botter
>it's the same bot that goes mid, builds poorly, and hits only creeps while dying to turrets and ganks while spouting the same "Push" or "Gj" to seem less and less like an actual bot

everything hurts
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>azir and zed gutted next patch
The one that is featured in a fatalpulse doujin.
The one between the bonnet and the one with the galaxy themed apparel.
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Pentakill, because we could jam together. And also because I'm a swtich, and she seems to be the most dom of all the Sonas
I've literally never not seen a Quinn go 15/2/10

Why does nobody play Alistar at low elo?
Yeah late game Ezreal might win out.

But Lucian is just oppressive at every stage of the game.
the headbutt hulk smash combo got fucked a while ago and it's too hard for bronzies to pull it of
I'm indecise between Silent Night, Arcade and DJ
I like those games because I can 1v5 freely and win at my own pace.
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>Be Caitlyn
>Do no damage

Post build.

Good question. I've never found her to be too problematic.

Lucian's been the larger thorn in my side even before Korean armor pen meme.
>A slap on the wrist nerf to Q that's objectively a buff if he hits 2+ Shurikens

Still going to be permabanned. Azir might actually fall out of meta with his changes+Stinger nerfs though especially with Viktor coming back into the meta
Yes Guquin. They should update the splash for that skin it doesn't look as good as it could.
DJ looks like trash besides the ass.
The fact that you need essence just to increase a level is retarded.
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I thought they made the combo easier.
>mfw I recently had an adc who blamed our loss on me because she tried to tell me that I should've picked Karma against Leona and that Alistar was useless against her
Bitch, I stopped Leona's E mid dash with Alistar's Q. He is in all seriousness probably the most busted support in the game since he has both a ridiculous peel and engage.
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>mid main
>tfw I rarely feed but also rarely get kills
>go like 2/4/11 every game whether I win or lose
>feel like I have no impact on games, positively or negatively

Do I need to be doing something differently, and if so what? I feel like when I try to play more aggressively, I just die more and that's it. My farming, map awareness, etc. is all fine and I usually escape ganks, but for some reason I can never kill my enemy laner in a 1v1 situation, no matter who I play. Any advice?
Good I'm sick of all this fucking order giving.


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Master Yi still playable?
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aw thanks riot :)
>Be Janna
>Cancel Khazix jumps with my Q

top kek

This is too fun.
wtf can you do when the only person in a club with invite powers had his account permabanned?
Getting few kills doesn't mean you're playing bad especially if you're playing a control mage or something
>whooping ass as karthus
>4 man gank mid where amumu flash ults, mf ults, fizz ults, and their karma empowered shield then roots
>mid pls stop feeding
>no towers get pushed

gg ez
If you can't shit on the enemy mid laner then roam when you can. Mid lane is also a unique position in the way that you are generally in the epicenter of every objective. Use that to your advantage and help with Rift or Dragon, etc.
I feel like he's just a worse Xin
And Xin isn't the best
Harass more maybe.
A large part of getting kills is getting them low enough so that a gank will actually net a kill.
Probably have to appeal to riot or remake the club.
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Jg > Top > Mid > Sup > Adc

objective ranking of skill and game knowledge needed in order to perform well at said roles
why would he switch from the most popular game to a dead game?
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I love Lissandra!
jg = top = mid = sup > adc
Whatchu get for picking karthus
Why is illaoi so good at low elo but so bad at high elo?
t. Jungle top main
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I mostly play Malz and Lulu, so I guess that makes sense. Just sucks to feel like I can never actually carry a game.

This is something I do need to improve on. I'm usually afraid to roam much because I don't want to miss CS and I know I suck at ganking.
CLG were at MSI, they played China solo q in-between scrims and matches in Shanghai
Noice club senpai

Just remake it
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that made the fetus one quit league of babbies didn't it?
Found the correlation in my losses as support. All my ADCs are like Gold V/Silver I to my Gold II.

If they are Gold III or higher it goes well and I can shovel them kills.

I have started going to other lanes to help them get fed in hopes that the rest of the team can carry but late game I don't know how to stop the ADC from being in front of the tanks. It's like I need an ability to put them in my pocket till they are needed.
>CLG is going to stumble out the gate due to a laxk of practice on the current patch

Calling it right now.
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we posting best waifu
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Thx anon
adc is the hardest, most mechanically demanding role in league
He's right though.
I mean sure top gets the least ganks but aside from farming and warding your lane what else does top do besides tank damage and provide cc after the laning phase is over?
Jungler has to maintain and gank 3 lanes, keep their eye on objectives, keep tabs on camps and enemy jungler, all while watching their own back.
sure mechanically wise jungling lacks but overall it's probably the hardest role to play with top coming in second, then mid, then adc(yes I said it) and finally support.
All she does is split push then dumbasses try to fight in her ult
>looking over the 6.11 PBE cycle
>illaoi given % health damage
>kindred stacks gutted
>kindred slow gutted
>lucian nerfed
today was a good day
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I'm honestly not even that good at this game. I haven't played it seriously in a few years, with the only thing I have to transfer over is my Dota 2 skills (which barely exist to be quite honest). I wouldn't have a bad time with a few people, but it doesn't help when the majority of my team is feeding the enemy harder than I can farm, as a character that isn't necessarily good at ganking to begin with.
I was pretty much fucked from the start.
Look up your lane partner's rank on op.gg and their match history. Pick safer stuff with more peel if you're worried about them possibly needing it.
Depending on my support I won't pick immobile carries if I'm worried they can't perform.
I never liked Alistar because most of laning phase is you just walking around in lane, occasionally taking cs and waiting for the ADC to poke enough and/or the jungler to come so you can flash pulverize

It's satisfying to get the knock up but I just find Alistar boring
wow vel koz is so OP it's hilarious

>ult is now true damage
what were they thinking?
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God damn, fucking SAVAGED
They'll be fine they've been playing solo q during their break and after it
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Prove me wrong.

Top lane takes game knowledge, you have to know the ins and outs of your champion and your power spikes, when you can trade, you also have to be aware of how to manipulate minions/how to freeze or break freezes. A top laner that loses his lane hard basically loses his team the game, a snowballed top laner has so much attention brought to him if he's able to snowball and bring pressure.

I won't even go into why jungler is the most important role.

All the mid laner has to do is literally farm and clear waves in most cases, maybe make some roams bot with your jungler but that's the extent of mid gameplay. The only hard part about being mid is a more likelihood of getting ganked by the enemy jungler and support, as well as the problem of their bot lane rotating mid if your bot loses.
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How is this okay?
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Reminder that Shyvana isn't pure both sexually and in race and should be hunted and publicly executed
>right click
oh he is kill such skill time for a montage xxxd
Yeah, being autistic and farming alone for 25 minutes with the occasional wet noodle slap is SO hard.
game is dead kid

just buy overshit
If you're playing ADC and have 2600 gold on your first back through good ganks/enemy screwing up/farming all day, would you stick with your standard build, or go double BF sword to get all your big components out of the way?
Sorry if you don't like the new #dynamic queue timers
Wait, you actually lost a bot game? ahahahahaha
>pressing q,w,e,r
lmaoing at your life
Why do people get infinity edge on Illaoi, I dont understand
I'd go the standard build.

a 10 minute infinity edge is a nice spike.
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You're saying some mean things anon, did something happen to you that you want to talk about?
Supp actually has one of the most important roles, vision.
They provide/deny the vision that is necessary for their team to succeed.

And from the bot lane perspective, supports dicatate trades and all-ins.
no its actually poke mages
Lets go dragon hunting my brother.
For one match, peel wasn't the issue. Cait would run up to poke gragas. She got ulted every time, like four times that match. Went W first and had no poke making my fotm really hard to utilize. It's like I should have gone an AP carry so we'd have some actual damage.
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>a bullshit OP heal
>mobility out the ass
>literally free ignite for a passive
>can build tanky and still shit out damage
>can easily 1v2 meaning you can't gank him
>good at all stages of the game
>displacement, a strong slow

Who decided that Darius was OK at riot hq? He is fucking cancer, all he needs is percent max HP damage and a dash and he will literally be the perfect champion

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>play Malz into Zed
>farm like bitches until we're both level 6 because we have no kill pressure until then
>finally he dives me with his ult, and I ult him under turret
>he dies to turret but I die to his ult shortly afterwards
>this happens four entire times
>finish zhonya's and he never ults me again but proceeds to roam and easily kill all of my other teammates despite my repeated pings
>snowballs and ends the game like 18/4

Zed is still extremely banworthy even if you "counter" him

what a bullshit champion
You'll be able to drink lots more before getting drunk, you can survive longer in the Arctic, you heal faster.

when was the last time you heard about a fat girl getting raped?
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I have an odd habit of buying Bead of Rejuvenation as a starting item (along with Relic Shield) whenever I play tank support. I'll need Bead later, but I feel like it's horribly gold inefficient as a starting item. I can usually get away with it but I should just buy 3 potions/biscuits instead right? Or is buying Bead right away ever desirable?
Long cool downs and no one builds CDR low elo. Also, they don't take advantage of the .5 second stun the headbutt offers if done to a solid wall. W, AA, Q, AA, peel out. Knowing when to do this is the bigger issue.
It's pretty hard with how many cancerous champions there are in top lane.
Also kills count for a lot more in top since once you die once it just starts getting harder and harder for you to stay in lane.

ADC is second easiest role in the game.
I'll admit that mechanics are needed to play the role efficiently but really all you need to do decently in the role is to know how to position yourself, dodge skill shots, and farm. which is literally what every other role does.

Support is a free ride role.
I won't deny the importance of a good support who can keep their adc alive, zone the enemy, and ward/deny vision however most supports tend to be passive as fuck hence why i said it was the easiest role to play.
Why do you think every girl who plays league of legend is a fucking support main.
not once will you see a girl be a jungle main and even when she is she couldn't hold her own in a team of solos without one or two of her whiteknights carrying her.
People still have problems with him?
This isn't 5.22
Actually support is the hardest role
>mobility out the ass
uhh lol...

have you tried like slowing him and/or running away
>mobility out the ass
>Dying to his ult as malz

Jesus what the fuck is your reaction time
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The heal is only 12% of his missing HP%, and it's conditional.
He has literally zero mobility in his kit, and not even a fast movespeed.
If I did a league of legends highschool CYOA in this thread would I get banned
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This holy shit, darius is one of the least mobile champs in the game
do you use deathfire touch or thundermeme?
>you will never get this assblasted from getting called about for getting mr vs zed
>mobility out the ass
What? you mean building Dead Man's Plate?
Yes and hey'll never have one outside of flash. He's the extreme of scary tanky DPS, who has low threat range, and who has to just walk at you to engage.
it's ok when you already play something with good sustain IF you are top.
It shouldn't be worth buying as a support since it gives you atmost 50hp in 2 mins which isn't alot.
Are these girls in high elo?
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>tfw this look exactly like my korean ex
trippy as fuck my dude.
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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Everything but displacement applies to gangplank
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This champion is actually busted as fuck
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Shut down by any support except lux.
I know like 3 and they're scattered.
one is in plat 4.
Other is in bronze 2 because she rarely plays unless her friends are online.
And one I play with who's currently "climbing" out of gold
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But will I get Vlad's shiny porcelain butt?
3 pots heals you for 450 hp.
At level 1, bead HP regen values break even at about
12.5 minutes for Taric
11 minutes for Thresh
9.5 minutes for Poppy
9 minutes for Leona and Nautilus
8.5 minutes for Alistar
In practice, this will be better as your hp regen increases as you level up. Only grab a bead start if you're expecting a passive lane.
i get 8-10 minute queues on plat 5 accounts now a days

dead game
silent night or arcade
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why am i salty after losing a game in ranked after i just won the last 6
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
because the last 6 games gave you an illusion of being good

but you arent, far from it
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
i just want to hit master this season so i can play against streamers desu
It's your passion for the game anon.
Keep it up.
You two should go swimming in each other first.
what the fuck
The bot messed up
dont you mean >>>/trash/
hold up

wait a minute
it didnt, there's a 1 pixel difference
I'm sure the bot has a whole bunch of 1 pixel different images
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what a way to avoid decay
i brightened it by 1 lol
>start playing a couple months ago
>really shit for the first while but progressed to mediocre
>playing with some friends
>one of them has been playing for more than twice as long as me
>every time I play with him he does nothing but lose his lane and feed unless he's carried by a really fucking good support
>never looks at the map or alerts people when his opposition roams
>complains about how broken the champ who shits on him is after he's fed the fucker 10 kills

I can't really talk since I'm still mediocre and do stupid shit at times, but holy fucking shit this niggers does the same shit every match. How do I politely tell him to stop being a fucking idiot?
Hey guys is there any reason to play this game anymore if you're forced to play on the NA server?
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Nigga Just Walk Away From The Darius Like Nigga Slow His Ass
morg a shit
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Who was your first mastery 6/7, /lolg/?
i don't even have a mastery 5 yet lel
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did kha'six get buffed recently? I'm getting one in 9/10 of my games and his early game ganks are insane
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It's gonna be Sona but I haven't been playing as much recently.
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like 5 patches ago
don't see you first timing morg in ranked for a free win due to everyone else actually being decent at bare minimum on your own team while also being named dunning-kruger
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How do you break tilt?
I feel dirty.
blue ribbon matches very well with defender splash and diamond border
I kinda envy silver Leona players because that'd match even better
Stop playing.
Play a champion you suck at and have a monster game with them.
don't they have a quest board now?

you probably wouldn't though.
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ice wife
but that's a given desu
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What is the most influential role and position? Carry jungler perhaps?
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Emote and loading splash looks pretty nice with Championship skin.
SN: Mingy

If anyone wants to play some ARAMS after tonight's UFC event add me

mid and jungle i think, if the jungler is good he will feed his team, if the mid is good he will roam and feed his team

A really good mid player will absolutely carry games.
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>Its a "most fed person on the team thinks its a good idea to solo splitpush and doesn't realize their absence is the reason the enemy team can safely engage now" episode

hurr just play safe guiz they're 5 man diving inhib tower with elder drag and baron but just play safe lmao
Is that a crop of a bigger picture? If so, could you link?
>all girls are support mains

when will this meme end

3 of my close female friends play league. One mains mid, one mains ADC, and the other plays everything but considers herself a better top or jungler than support. Yes, support is the easiest role, you're right about that. But plenty of girls are just as fiercely competitive as guys and don't want to just settle for playing the easiest thing.

also >hnng
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If there is a nude version, probably but I wouldn't know
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Post your hextech loot please

Stealth 'look at my 1820s' post

Fuck off
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I hate everything about this degenerate fat fuck. I don't know what's worse, his greasy, disgusting "metal" haircut or that shit-eating, punchable expression on his face. Almost every champion he designed is a failure in some form, such as Lucian being eternal turbocancer, Azir being impossible to balance, Taliyah's kit and design being an absolute mess, Tahm Kench being an outlet to his vore fetish, etc. And last but not least, his disgusting trans fiancee that he never shuts the fuck up about.
Most do tho. In fact most women only play to try and please their man or other men.
Thanks dude. I'll check it out.
it will never end because it's true
>plenty of girls are just as fiercely competitive
yeah to see who gets boosted the fastest
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>pic related

Have some good advice from poker players that you can easily apply to vidya as well. Just replace the word "poker" with "league" and "money" with "elo".
They single?
Hook a bro up
playing some ranked games on a silver friends account, how the fuck do silver fags lose games. I've literally gotten a kill before hitting level 2 in lane every game.
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>the easiest thing
m8 I'll deck ya
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It's a stereotype but stereotypes are always perpetuated by truth. I play League with 2 girls and the stereotype definitely applies to them. Collectively, they play almost exclusively Sona, Lux, Nami and Teemo. Oh and (Arcade) Riven. I once queued One For All with one of them and she dodged because we got Yorick. She didn't want to play an "ugly, creepy champion" so she literally just left. And they don't bother to play ranked either because it's "stressful" despite it being exactly the same. Fucking women.
top lane is the easiest shit in the game, lets be real desu
Who are THE junglers right now?

I'm not talking about high elo like that champion.gg site has, I'm talking for low plat
Yeah I know one that won't play certain champs and by proxy entire roles because the champions "aren't cute"
volibear and kindred idk
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Um, lolbaboons? What is this Karthus top meme? And Urgot is apparently a good ADC now? What happened? Not long ago people were dodging whenever I locked in Urgot botlane.
'that's malicious'
Same shit.
Play rates and win rates skews the data.
>Want to play LoL but can't

at least i have my 2ds and Kingdom hearts 3d, but Symphony of the Sorcerer is so boring, just like Atlantis in KH1 and the 2nd run on The Pride Lands in KH2
this game is so ded lel, who wants to play with retards on NA anyways?
This, I'm an ADC main and I can't do shit if my support is bad its an underrated role.
ur mom
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*w-walks into thread*
do you like my new tattoo? :)
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Here, photoshopped for you. This actually is good advice.
Is that Lord Zedd? Pretty cool man, I loved Power Rangers when I was a kid.
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As a girl I can confirm the "support main" stereotype isn't true however the "only playing cute champions" one absolutely is

I dunno if it's our maternal instincts or what but I and every other female league player I know only mains adorable champions

pic related lulu is qt
xerath is op

just get rylai
ayyy thanks bro
Don't be stupid. Karthus top and Urgot ADC just have really low play rates and are exclusively played by people who meme it.

Zyra support and Swain mid are legitimately complete and total bullshit though.
has nyanners been hit by a car yet?

No one cares about your opinion go back to making dinner.
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i don't deserve this
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Jesus christ look at this guys farm. Still gonna be in Silver 3 today it looks like. Gotta check my teammates before the match starts. Should've seen that losing spree and dodged.
Most women have
>help the world syndrome
which makes them play janna, soraka, sona.
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> As a girl
Just because youre a girl doesn't mean you can speak for all of them. Woman play support more then any role. It's always been like that and probably always will be.
I actually feel so bad for pros for having to play on the NA server and play against the same 20 people.
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Not true.

I'm Vladfag and this is what I play. Honorable mentions to Karthus, Cho'Gath and Fiddles for being my mains back before masteries.

Also, there was a girl on the ranked team back in the day and she played top for us briefly, stuff like Malp and Renekton.

Her other mains were Kata and Vayne.
That's a nice bitch.
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wrong file
No one cares, Leave the discussions to the men and cakebois of /lolg/

Thank you.
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More like "play only braindead easy champions that don't actually do much fighting so they can just blame the ADC or whatever when she's too busy texting to interrupt the enemy jungler trying to gank him repeatedly"
I'm vlad against gangplank
what do

>no sign of fiddle or karthus
>cho level 3 mastery as a 'main'
>mastery level 5 in 8-9 champs that are commonly played as support

Yeah you sure aren't feeding that stereotype
auto win lane because vlad beats gangplank if you do not ever feed
As everyone is aware, I am a brown gay British cakeboi

Just regular Vlad things, you're supposed to counter him in lane at least.
Ghost is better than flash on Rammus jg right?
My apologies
How does one lane vs Azir? I just don't get it. As much as I play vs him I can't find a strategy that isn't just "desperately try to survive until 15 minutes".
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What would happen if you gave Elise a hug?
would she kill you?
I dropped fiddle in s3 and Karthus when the power creep ate him.
Cho was my s4 top but got bored of him eventually.

>implying I play karma, lux and annie as support ever

have to admit I did have a support main phase, but then I became a Kog main and then a Vlad main
Play Galio.
Janna, have tokens for Lee, Irelia, Morgana and Shyvana but no essence.
Anything with mobility shits on him.

Play Ahri, Zed, or LelBonk.

His power is in his soldiers.

He can't hit any of them unless they're being retarded. Or he's just better than them flat out.
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>want to play fun ranged supports like Janna or Zilean
>eternally forced to play tank supports instead because mid and jungle never want to tank
>they always want "le epic big play" champs instead like Fiora, Lee Sin, Yasuo, etc.
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it would be a extremely painful
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>have tokens for poppy and lulu
>no blue essence
>no chests for days

But why
this is an instance where your frog image is appropriate
nigga she's the second most boring support in the game behind Soraka
Why do you guys not report him if you cannot stand seeing his garbage? Reports from this board is very rare, it is like a report function does not exist.
Tank supports are way more fun than Janna though.
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The midlaner that requires the most skill of course

I can get lvl 6 kat, but im saving for lvl 7 morg
but legit one of the onlyu ways to win on the NA server is to win 4v5 because you get 1 less retard than the other team!!!
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You're a bug guy.
>goatse was removed
what the fuck
Overwatch is that way >>143798427
For (You)
fuck, more rune pages are 6300 ip? are runes really that big of a deal?

I have a page for shit like cdr/armor/magic pen/ap and then another one with less cdr and MS
>you can't chance runes during champ select because fuck you
You don't really need more than 2 full rune pages unless you're diamond or higher. It's a luxury.
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They were trying to grab your cs.

They work for the Night Hunter, the marksman...
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what meme is this
I have a 3rd for when I wanna go full tank. On bullshit champions like Maokai you don't even need any damage runes.
I'd say 3, maybe 4.
>15 ad
>15 ap
>ad reds/as quints (adc/jg)
>armor reds/armor quints/hp seals (support)
But you could probably get away with the first two if you only solo lane
Alright hows my general kindred build looking

bloodrazor>swifties>youmuus>maw>bork >steraks

not sure whats core but ive just been using this
First one to talk gets to stay on my lane!
No... Mid basically takes as much knowledge as top but twice the mechanical skill, plus some of the map control of jungle. Jungle objectively takes the most game knowledge and awareness to succeed at, then mid, support, top, and adc.

Top is absolutely mindless and the easiest role to play.
He didn't gank so good, who's next?
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>tfw you lock in nunu first pick and your team picks tryndamere and vayne
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You b5, right?
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Help me /lolg/
I just started playing and I can't stop fantasizing about Kindred
I want her to target me for death and suffocate me to death with her fat ass
i just started playing her so I might as well be. You aren't exactly helping
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Guys, I lost 4 rankeds and won 1 today.
Is the "Stop after you win" mentality appropriate to take me from Plat 2 to Diamond?
I'm in no rush to get there.

Midlane and top lane have been ruined by the great unending wave clear cold war. Laning is mostly irrelevant, playing to your single game plan with each champion is all that matters. At best you can "counterpick" in lane but its really about reaching your "end game fantasy" with safe long range waveclearing.
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People said I wouldn't make it out of D5
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Steraks and Maw have same passive.
Bloodrazor->t3 boots->maw/yomuus->runaans->black cleaver->situational
Fuck you.
What the autist meant to say was; "Maw and Steraks were recently changed to share a unique passive, thus meaning buying them both is highly inefficient"
maw and steraks passives dont work well together anymore since they both have lifeline passive
better off getting a runaans
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Are the changes of Kindred in the PBE !?

I felt like they're not but, people say she's gonna die
Is there more to this image?
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is poppy fun?
I hope she does so people stop banning her ass and I can play her again
search kopipo on tumblr
Short term losses don't actually matter at all in terms of your overall rating. So long as you play enough and get better at particularly powerful champions you will always end up in higher rating.

Especially you shouldn't give half a shit about promo games. You don't lose additional elo rating fromlosing a promo so it will always elastic band you back into another promo so long as you keep playing.
At least i could pick Kindred after 6.11
Ulti didn't get nerfed, so Kindred useful. Maybe now you should max r-q-e-w.
I hope i could reach d5 before patch.
>Is the "Stop after you win" mentality appropriate to take me from Plat 2 to Diamond?
I don't think so. You're still going to win and lose regardless, according to your ratio. However, a lot of people say to stop playing after losing 2 ranked in a row which is probably a good thing when you consider the mental aspect.
>I thought they made the combo easier.
it did

just goes to show how unreliable bronze opinions are
Or just stop being a faggot and link it
Probably just more futa shit
I gave you the name go find it yourself dickfuck
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dickless version
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Oh boi
Good luck.
>I'm the randumb
>Better tilt myself
>dickless version
it looks like a ken doll lmao
>Wanting a dickless version

Are you gay or something?
>get back into playing ranked
>this happens
I should play a lot more. Silver is a joke
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No, but i think some others might want the version without the glorious cock

I know this is a shitpost but it's disheartening some people actually have this mentality.
>male being aroused by male sex organs
>not gay
>nasus clearing camps as they take our inhibs
I don't know what to do anymore. I don't have the will to go on.
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>enemy picks riven top
>pick xin zhao
>kill her 3 times
>don't see her anymore after that
>enemy /ff 3-0 at 20 mins
Welp, time to start a Kindred folder
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>that Brand build
Yes. Knocking away enemies with R feels great, wall slam feels great, blocking faggot yasuo dashes feels great.
how do I not be shit?
Is the IWC team Supermassive /ourguys/?
Many of them are just pretending to like it as a meme
Most of them who do actually like it only like the 2d, it could be literally anything else because they have a huge disconnect in reality
It could quite literally be just lines a circles and they would get off too it. It's not the subject matter, it's just having a subject

Even then, they would hate it in real life, which is just pathetic

I literally fuck actual men in real life sometimes, women too but that's not interesting, and futa is retarded
Focus on farming.
Stop fucking dying.
Look at your map not the cs.
Learn to dodge skillshots.
Aim for objectives not kills.
Late game instead of going stupid ass aram mode fucking pick a lane and push it.
I'm trying to learn from the losses, but basically the common factor is that I was playing Jungle (with comfy picks), which supposed do be my second best role.
The one game I won, I was playing mid which I don't consider myself very good at so I picked Malzahar and basically pushed my lane all game and mindlessly used my spells in teamfights.
I usually play top/jungle, I guess i'm gonna keep playing top/mid then.
I fucked an extremely convincing trap at a convention once. Enough for me
Been a while since I've played so...
Someone explain to me how go beyond level 5. I got 4 s shards for 2 champs. Fuck I do?


not, its NOT worth dying to get those three fucking melee minions, just wait for them to come to your tower

if you know you can't fight your lane opponent and your jungle doesn't want to visit you, stay in XP range and farm only when its safe

as long as you stay close in levels, you can still come back and be worth something
>Learn to dodge skillshots.
I like how people say this but at the same time they also say to learn how to dodge skillshots as well.
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Sure m8,
>Zed is still 100% pick/ban
So uh, is Riot gonna adress this or is their boner for Zed still too strong?
Zed is balanced. Just outplay him
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How do you do that as adc? Just QSS his ult? Oh wait..
As cute as this is, checking scoreboard and counting CS are extremely helpful to know what to do in the game

Knowing how much CS you're up or down by and whether or not you can fight the enemy is integral
I thought it was kopipo, but that pic is not on the tumblr, thanks.
Meant for >>143813002
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I wish she was an ADC so I could find a Kindred main to dedicate the rest of my life to supporting and worshipping them
Just dodge the ult

you ban him
>unicorn pussy
futa a shit
>the last goofy champino was jinx
nice edgy game lolbonobos
Also fix your scoreboard like LCS does.
It's so much easier keeping track of who is useful and who is not.
Also helps compare you and your lane opponent.
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If you look at most people's win/loss (bar dynamo que) they have a lot of losses to go with their wins. You are going to lose at some point, you can't avoid that. Its either gonna be because of you, your teammates, or a combined throw. Learn from your losses, yes, but don't dwell on them. That is the starting place of tilt.

Good luck, skippy...
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Futa is good but only if it's on someone that it fits
You already had your event when Sion was reworked 2 years ago faggot.
It's Ionia's turn
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i kinda want all these skins so i'm still waiting for skin shards i can safely disenchant
i'm holding onto the shards until i've unlocked enough champs that they'd be guaranteed 6300 champs.
>junk bigger than legs
Guess what? That doesn't fit on her.

Does anyone have that screencap of that guy who only just realised after beginning to suck a trap's dick that it might actually be gay and then the entire thread told him he was a fucking idiot for believing the whole 'feminine penis' shit?

there is no such thing as a one trick below diamond
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Hello, i stopped coming here because LoL became poopy

It's been more than a year, did our guy come back or is he still picking up the soap in jail?
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janitors RIP

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>extremely convincing
how convincing can it be when the pants are off and he has a feminine penis?
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>horse cock
>on a lamb
delete this.
besides, cocks don't belong on girls in the first place.
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>Illaoi now has % max health damage

Why is this happening?

Why does every single tank and bruiser need to do max health damage?

Is it solely so that when faced with the harsh reality that Riot has created, the reality in which tank items are still too fucking strong and so cheap that anything less than a six item ranged carry won't do so much as tickle, and two tanks are forced to fight each other, that the game does not immediately crash because you decided to bang two unkillable champions together and see what happens? Why don't tanks have to build damage to do damage anymore? Why did niche builds like AP Maokai get gutted so that tank Maokai gets more damage while being harder to remove than a brain tumor?

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>her dick

gets me everytime.
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>no samurai x yasuo skin
>no turtle champion
>no frog champion
>no miner yordle

shit game
i don't remember him ever greentexting again, if that story was even real. i didn't even remember this story until you brought it back up. i remember replying to it though.
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>More than a year

Almost make me miss the Annie fags
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Video games are my favourite video games
>no frog champion
he's not a frog you retard
>Give all tanks base damages instead of %
>Either they're too strong and literally pop squishies and they bitch even harder or so hilariously weak there's zero reason to pick a tank over an actual bruiser or just another carry outright.

%Max Health damage is one of the few things I don't have a problem with desu. It's a decent compromise

%max health TRUE damage on the other hand needs to fuck off. Vayne was already pushing it.

its really hard to find good pics of real feminine traps with huge dicks that aren't just men with make up
>jumps around a lot
yes he is you retard
Tahm is a mix between a bipedal frog and a catfish.

No way you can convince me League of Memes did not create a Rare Pepe with him.
>%Max Health damage is one of the few things I don't have a problem with desu. It's a decent compromise


This garbage is why this game is such complete shit now. Everything slotted into different lane metagolems up to, and including, their abilities.

So what determines what is the best for the job, is whatever has the higher numbers than the alternatives. And if they do, there is literally NO REASON to pick those alternatives.
ya mama is a black fat simian but she ain't is no gorilla
>no turtle
he even has bowser and tmnt skins you pleb
>Climb with Sion all the way to Platinum
>Have to find new champion since Sion get less effective at higher elos

>spending your time on the internet trying to find pictures of failed men with their dicks out

lol I share a board with these faggots
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tell me honestly, do people like sona or they are just interested in her "breast waifu XD" pandering? every sonafag i see posting here is just pointing out at her milkbags
Whats the most effective armor item vs. GP?
I do. The perfect body is more like icing on the cake
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I never left anon

I can restart spamming the thread with Annies if you want.
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Because it's just a meme perpetuated by insecure degenerate cucks who shun actual girls due to a subconscious fear of rejection, bad experiences, etc with them and instead opt for contrarian """""girls""""" with penises which in their twisted minds are the perfect being.
furfag get out
Armadillos don't live inside a shell,they are rats with armored skin basically, Rammus is more like a turtle.
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>tell me honestly, do people like sona
im only 300k+ but there are sonafags with 600k

and they play her full AP, full cheerleader, full tank, shes easy to play and hard to master and even if you master her shes not that good, so its just the love for her that keeps you going
thanks senpai
She's got a nice booty.
Other than that she's really boring as a character and a champion to play as.
>m-muh metagolem.

Literally been dead since 6.9 outside of Ekko and Maokai and both of them are getting gutted in 4 days. Fuck off babby.
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Taliyah mains.png
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Mid and Top were feeding like autistic fucks
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alright sorry
Your build...it's sucks.
>Literally been dead since 6.9 outside of Ekko and Maokai and both of them are getting gutted in 4 days

How do I turn solo queue ability into blowjobs?
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Turtles do not live on the desert tho
also riot should steal some designs from that chaotic cartoon they are fine as shit
>tfw no gazelle waifu champion
inb4 kindred is a gazelle
Find a healslut
>triforce Kindred

No wonder you lost.

And it's also your fault for not dodging the Taliyah shit picker.
Who is the most generic and ordinary champion in the game? My bet is either Garen or Olaf.
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>you are 2/0/0 in Bot as Ez
>Enemy Jinx and Soraka at 60-70%
>your Jungler Kindred decides to dive with no minions
>3 different people tank instead of her
>Quadra for Jinx
>multiple times told her to not dive
>"omg commit to the dive don't pussy"
>this is in ranked
We still won.But why are people so fucking retarted.I was tilted out of my mind.

Moeblob > furshit
>114 kills
Jesus, what a shitshow, what elo is this?
i love her. i actually want her to get a breast reduction so she's more than just the "cowtits slut".
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Entire KINDRED summary of 6.11, aka balance shit.

Glacial Storm (R) mana drain per second increased to 40/50/60 from 30/45/60

Arise! (W) can no longer be used on towers to deal 60-230 (+.4 AP).
Emperor's Divide (R):
Wall duration lowered to 3 seconds from 5/6/7
No longer grants 20% movement speed for 1 second when passing through wall for Azir and Allies

Missile Barrage (R) AD ratio increased to .2/.6/1 from .2/.5/.8

Z-Drive Resonance (Passive)
Lock out on same target increased to 5 seconds from 3 seconds.
Timewinder (Q):
Initial damage AP ratio increased to (+.2 AP) from (+.1 AP)
Damage after delay lowered to 40/65/90/115/140 from 60/85/110/135/160
Parallel Convergence (W) stun duration lowered to 1.75 seconds from 2.25 seconds.
Chronobreak (R):
Base damage reduced to 150/300/450 from 200/350/500
AP ratio increased to 1.5 from 1.3

Prophet of an Elder God (Passive) - Tooltip changes!
All tentacle strikes now defined as "Slam".
Tentacle lash damage (from E) and healing effect (from Q) moved to passive tooltip.
Tentacle Smash (Q)
Now increases Slam damage by 10/15/20/25/30% rather than increasing AD damage ratio by 0/10/20/30/40%
Rather than it's own damage, now deals damage equal to a tentacle Slam.
[Heal on tentacle hit moved to passive tooltip.]
Harsh Lesson (W)
[tooltip updated, now refers to the tentacle hits as Slam]
On next hit now deals damage equal to [3/3.5/4/4.5/5% (+2% per 100 AD)] of target's maximum health from [15/35/55/75/95 + 10% AD]
Now has a bonus damage cap of 300 against monsters.
Test of Spirit (E)
[tooltip updated with Slamand damage display moved to passive.]
Slow duration changed to [1.5 seconds] from [decay over 2 seconds].
[NOTE: Slow now has full effect for 1.5 seconds instead of decaying over 2 seconds!]

Relentless Assault (Passive) stacks now fall off one at a time rather than all at once.

cont. with Kindred and more
>Turtles do not live on the desert tho
Shut the fuck up idiot
Would you rather have it when it was at it's peak when literally everybody including shit like Talon or LeBlanc could build metagolem and stil lbe effective instead of it effectively being gone outside of 2 outliers that honestly are more annoying than they are strong and are going to be changed significantly in a short timeframe.

If you're going to bitch this hard why not go play overwatch like all the other fags in this general to pass the time instead of sperging out like a retard. Or just quit altogether
these are not deserts retard

dry =/=desert

dumb shit shut up
koober's posted here for years and seems to not fit that description. I think some people actually like her.
>all girls are support mains
>when will this meme end
it's true ,tho.If they not play a healer/support in most online games they play atleast a female.Literally all of them I know play either support(one is even a soraka main) or females.I also know a girl which only plays female.
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Mark of the Kindred (P)
Now increases Q damage by 5 per stack.
Jungle marks now include Dragon, Blue, and Red Camps.
Dance of Arrows (Q)
Damage lowered to 55/75/95/115/135 from 60/90/120/150/180
Damage now increases by 5 for every passive stack.
Mounting Dread (E)
Slow down to 50% from 70%
Damage lowered to 40/75/110/145/180 from 60/90/120/150/180

Piercing Light (Q)
Bonus AD scaling lowered to 60/70/80/90/100% from 60/75/90/105/120%
Passthrough ranged reduced by 200, down to 900 from 1100. [comparison.]
Ardent Blaze (W) [range reduced by 100]

Base Health regen reduced to 1.4 from 1.7356
Health regen growth reduced to .15 from 0.17
Arcane Smash (Q) cooldown increased to 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 from 6 at all ranks

Prowl (Passive) [range for 30% movement speed towards visible champions down to 1400 from 5500]
Pounce (Cougar W)
Cooldown reset on W to Hunted Targets and killing units in Cougar now 3/2.5/2/1.5 from 1.5s (70%) at all ranks.

Overload (Q) damage reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/95/130/165/200
Desperate Power (R) cooldown increased to 50 seconds from 50/40/30

Decrepify (Q) damage reduced to 30/48/65/83/100 from 30/50/70/90/110
Ravenous Flock (R) healing vs champion reduced to 20/30/40 from 30/45/60

Base health increased to 520 from 500
Threaded Volley (Q):
Mana cost lowered to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80
Worked Ground base duration lowered to 140 from 180.
Now deals 50% extra damage to minions.

Plasma Fission (Q) slow now decays over 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
Life Form Disintegration Ray (R)
Base damage reduced to 450/625/800 from 500/725/950
Now applies passive

Razor Shuriken (Q)
Base damage reduced to 70/105/140/175/210 from 75/115/155/195/235
AD ratio reduced to .9 from 1.0
Damage on Multi hit on same target increased to 75% from 50%

items next, you might as well know what they are
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the azir wall nerf is overkill
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>favorite champ is J4
>play him top against a Poppy
>can't do anything to her
I for one welcome trinity force changes and would love to fight a Jax/Irelia again because I have a chance to actually fight back against them.

This grasp sunire shit top lane is aids and not fun to play or play against. Sucks that my favorite champion only has a chance in the jungle


At least if it is on items, then everyone can get it.

>If you're going to bitch this hard why not go play overwatch like all the other fags in this general to pass the time instead of sperging out like a retard. Or just quit altogether

"Why don't you like eating shit?"

Because I remember when this game wasn't about eating shit.
Urgot is a top laner to me
He has great poke and dps with a good amount of survivability. However, he needs solo gold to be effective.

I feel like he's a shittier Graves
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Berserker's Greaves
Attack speed increased to 35% from 30%

Boots of Swiftness
Movement Speed lowered to 55 from 60

Ninja Tabi
Unique Passive damage block from basic attacks increased to 12% from 10%

Total Price reduced to 1100 from 1200
Attack speed lowered to 35% from 50%
Now Builds into Trinity Force.

Trinity Force
Now Builds out of Stinger instead of Zeal.
Total price reduced to 3733 from 3800
Attack speed increased to 40% from 15%
Cooldown reduction increased to 20% from 10%
Critical Strike Chance reduced to 0 from 20%

Wit's End
Total cost lowered to 2500 from 2800
Negatron cloak added to build path

Now that Azir is finally legendary gutted into hell and beyond, how will Riot balance Le Blanc and Zed, the two best mid laners in 6.11?
why do they want illaoi to be even more fucking annoying
no azir nerf is overkill. zed next
Azir's wall is probably the most unbalanced mechanic in the game. Its a power creeped J4 ult/Anivia wall

Impassable terrain that blocks both movement, dashes/jumps, and does decent damage. Yet his own team can move through it and get a movespeed increase.

Massively overloaded ability.
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holy fuck so much cancer getting nerfed

glorious day lads
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would you like this shill hippo as champ
what kind of skills would him have
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Sold Sterak for Triforce, it didnt matter at that point


Na Server, thats the elo
>swiftys are finally an actual boot choice
>keep fucking with it
>mobis aren't good anymore
>tabis aren't useful since most adcs are castors now
>zerkers, same reason
>mercs are ehh
I'm about to just get cdr boots from now on
Fuck being a support main
How does that statement make any goddamn sense. "Metagolem has been moved to kits".

%Health damage is not the fucking reason Metagolem is/was a problem.

People will think Azir's gutted then after like 6 or so months of nerfs to other top midlaners he's just gonna creep back into the meta again and we'll all wonder why.

His design is cancer and crowds out a significant portion of the game.
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*a foul unwashed stench reaches you at the same time you hear a low rumble from something large moving towards you*


*belches, bits of creeps dangle from the sides of his mouth above his triple chin*


*farts, likely shitting himself*

why isn't small horsecock futa more popular? Its the best
Explain to me what I'm doing wrong topside that junglers will literally never come up once the entire game.

Doesn't matter if I'm pushed, at my tower, ahead, behind, literally does not matter. 0 times does my jungler ever come topside. It gets to the point where I have to beg them to pressure bot or something so I can at least hope the enemy jungler doesn't come to me, since they never seem to have a problem with it.

Explain this.
>go 6-4 in promos
>Get bronze 3
>Mad so tilt down to b4
>Climb to silver 4 so far
>Literally no difference in skill a whole tier higher

How long till the games aren't filled with drooling retards?
>Diamond 1 0LP
c9 is so fucked this summer.
>Literally the whole Sahara desert painted black
>these are not deserts retard
Suck my dick you low IQ monkey.
It's still a shit build.
>Lord Dominik's Regards is 51.85% gold efficient, without its passive.
Better you should build Black Cleaver
Azir does need significant nerfs. However, the wall is an iconic part of his kit and should be more emphasized in his playmaking, not nerfed. He should lose damage or consistency with his soldiers, but the wall shouldn't change
Sneaky gonna have to put on his backpack again
Literally everyone below masters flames and screams at each other, and people actually start getting good around Plat
Junglers will either never come top, come top once at level 3 even if you can't react and get nothing out of it and then never come back, or randomly camp top. That's just how toplane works
>keep pinging jungler to not come top, tell him to camp bot so I can tp and we can drag
>he tries to solo dive enemy top
fuck off fag

bot and mid are 100x more important to a jungler than top. there's a reason that all the 1v1 me fgt champs show up top
>there's a reason that all the 1v1 me fgt champs show up top
All the more reason to camp it.

Those champs snowball kinda hard.


Ehh, i expected it to be worse
>Straight up removing 45 base damage from Kindred's Q
>Nidalee literally will have to back after 3 camps

I can't wait for these changes soon enough holy shit. Finally all the cancer is getting purged from the jungle
>Prowl (Passive) [range for 30% movement speed towards visible champions down to 1400 from 5500]

Are you fucking kidding ME??????????

Who thought that was a good idea?
we've all been there
Post ending in 3 decides what champion I religiously fap to for the rest of the week.

Annie and tristana
>Who thought that was a good idea?
Riot didn't want AD nidalee top or AP nidalee mid to exist.
So they just buffed the shit out of jungle nid until it was good enough.
Futa lamb
Get fucked, cancer cougar.
Jesus christ what the fuck
He said all people who play games have no life and are virgins.
>AP nidalee mid to exist.
I can see why.

I played against one and it was fucking hell.

If I was playing anything other than LeBlanc I would have fed.

She fell off like a rock after laning phase ended though.

Yeah I knew what her passive was but I didn't know it had that large an area.

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Is that his social security number?
Hell, that's not even half bad, not even a third bad, not even a tenth bad.

Have fun, dear anon >>143818304

It's equal to TF's gate range holy shit
Why isn't full AP mid Blitz more popular? It has a similar playstyle to Morgana mid but without the sustain.
he's been doing it for 3 seasons straight at this point, it's given up, and he's no longer the best adc in NA anymore.
whats that purple chest?
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>Black Cleaver against Poppy

Sound really good, anything else !?

The Mercs were because Ekko and Lux even when they didnt hit shit, and Swift are going to be nerfed next patch, so better move on
It's rather reliant on his grabs.

If you're not murdering your lane opponent then meh
What the fuck am I reading
Because the only safety he has vs ranged is his passive and the only waveclear is ult.
He has almost no tools outside of q to do quite literally anything, his ult has a slightly larger than melee range so I guess there's that.
It's good for cheese and vs people who have zero idea how to play vs melee and let you walk up to them i.e. in bronze
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There's some genderbent darius stuff if that helps
also >>143818709
Don't build tri, any def item better.
As second item better build Maw/Yomuu >>143810548
I think it's the free chest you get
There is nothing more depressing than getting kited to death as a tank. ;~;
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reminder that xmithie boinks the best girl in the scene
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Tell me a secret, lolg.
From all the games I've jungled I've gathered that toplane both has the champions most prone to 1v2ing or easily tanking through ganks while the other jungler will ALWAYS get botlane a doublekill and tower/or dragon if I stay top for just a moment too long
wtf is wrong with her face?
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I know my farm was bad but jeeze rito
shes korean
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>tfw friends haven't contacted me for over a month now and I've been losing my sanity since I was 14
I used to be a ponyfag
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What's in your inventory right now, /lolg/?

I pretty much scrap anything that gets into my way, there's no skin I really like. Hoping for something really special, though.
This has nothing to do with Legal Legends

>AP Blitz
>Hit hook, target dies due to damage
>Blitz gets hit he dies
>Tank Blitz
>Hit hook, target dies due to damage from ally
>Blitz gets hit he doesn't give a shit
>nidalee's clear is already hard as it is
>now impossible

thanks rito
>Graves is allowed to hit for 1k when building tank items
already posted here
>never had an [official] gf
>19 years old

However, for some weird reason, my best friends ex and I have really hit it off and I'm driving up to visit her next month
>nidalee's clear is hard
She's strong because she has one of the fastest, healthiest clears in the game.
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>Xin with Death's Dance and Phantom Dancer

Christ, I was only memeing at first, but this is actually kind of legit.
I have been fapping to Lamb an entire week.

what do
is your pentakill uploaded on this channel /lolg/? I searched my name on the channel and it had this pentakill, p cool

Alright you pieces of shit, who here have been struggling to get out of bronze?
I,myself a shitter been trying to get out of bronze for a while now[/spolier]
>see jp client
>get excited
>euw profile
>die inside
zzz and I thought I could finally duo...
Once you realize "the AFK/troll is more likely to be on the enemy team than my team" then Bronze is easy.
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>playing on Silver account
>enemy jungler and support are duos
>matching names
>guy boosting his gf/wife
>Shyv jungle that knows jungle routes back and forth
>constantly counter jungling and counter ganking me
>the enemy support is utter shit
>they deny it the entire game despite having matching club names
>check match history
>every game is them playing together
You can report this right? Guy is at least Diamond from how he played
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My gf 15 yo
And i post her picrelated
nice camera angle btw, really captures all the action

>Grouping up in a chokepoint
>Chasing a singed no less
>Get murdered because MF ult + Rylandris

What Elo is this?
fuck this makes me feel bad for dating a 16 year old as a 22 year old
I've managed to perform autopenetration aka the act of cumming inside your own ass. I had several attempts in the past until I finally found the right technique for me, I had to endure several bruises and injuries due to that.
nope that's not reportable enjoy dynamic queue it truly is a wonderful system
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classic game of silver 5 league of legends
I fantasize about being the first woman on a pro team at worlds, and having an army of whiteknights telling me that they'd marry me after I whine about my low self-esteem while streaming on Twitch.

I'm not a girl.
Good luck with the daddy issues ridden girl
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>queue for ranked by myself
>put with 4 man premade against 4 man premade
>if I don't first pick cancer that isn't ban its an auto lose
Nice meme game guys

it's just a bot that focuses on the character that got it, obviously. I did record it on my own when I got it though
>that vel koz buff
O sweet Jesus
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>My penta is not there

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why doesnt nalcs have a sjokz yet?
>season 2 will never came back
>now applies passive
Fan-fucking-tastic, they're gonna buff him just so they can nerf him and deflect shit from actual cancer like zed
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Highplat recently my penta.
Not there :<
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apparently the channel is an affiliate of replay.gg, and to have your pentakills uploaded you have to sign up for it, OR if your pentakill happened in a game with someone that signed up it gets uploaded, which is what happened to me. so you guys didn't get lucky and were with some fuccboi who signed up for the automatic upload

Even Diamond players do dumb shit.


>Shiv MF

Good to know I'm not bad for building that on her.
>E + Shiv
Amazing wave clear :^)

Although I normally build a BC instead of LW.

What do you think of this?
Nope. I've only gotten one penta, and I lost that game
>tfw we will never see chaox dumpster every NA adc ever again and make double a salty bitch
>so shit not even his scripts give him the penta

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It's strange.
I go to replay.gg and saw this game.


I have a face book account because that's how you get tristana, but I haven't used it in 3-4 years
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Its that guy from the last thread.
I have gotten 2 keys and have my shaco stuff.
I don't have a box in my inbox where that chest should be for getting S- and higher.

Is this a glitch?
Also I haven't gotten anything for shaco lately even though I just got a S and a S- on the game before .
What am I doing wrong?
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Not shown: Two Cho shards
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>Chad Warden
I knew that name looked familiar
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basically I go shiv if i think my team needs the instant waveclear (rarely), but in general I go RFC because that shit hurts with your passive when you can snipe a squishy with it.

BC might be better than LW, I'm no theorycrafter so I honestly can't say. LDR would probably be stronger in general but BC would be stronger if you have lots of physical damage on your team or if you just care about making your ults hurt. LDR would be better on a basic attack to basic attack basis.
>That Fiora
>That LB
>That Orianna
Fuck I'm jealous.
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It's the free purple chest you get at the start.
I will never open it.

I still get the introduction to hextech crafting whenever i start up the game
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These are the games that I should be getting stuff for right?

I went to work today and checked on that last thread to make sure I was doing everything right, but obv something is going wrong.
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1. All the pure AD, AP, and crit items build out of their lesser counterparts, i.e. BF sword builds out of pickaxe, which builds out of long sword, NLR builds out of blasting wand which builds out of amplifying tome, and the crit cloak builds out of brawler's gloves.
Does this at least improve the crit buildpath for ADCs and make more crit ADCs who can't build youmuu's/black cleaver viable?

2. When URF comes back around, since yasuo is widely known to be by far the shittiest champion in that mode because cdr is nigh useless on him, the restriction on dashing through a unit more than once is either removed or its CD is reduced severely, to something like <1 second.
so it DID come up at that exact second, i knew it. I remember that game so god damn clearly, i was getting my ass ravaged that game. That was probably the game I quit playing pantheon top
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I escaped Bronze recently after about 100 games. Most of these were support which probably was a mistake. My winrate in support was about 55%. I considered myself to be a good support, better than my peers at least, but no matter how you slice it, you just can't carry games as support in bronze. I realized this so I started jungling instead and my winrate in that position was about 75% and I just climbed. Just find what you're best at and grind through it.
Minor items are supposed to be slot inefficient, and not everyone needs to have a smooth build path.
Imagine dicking the enemy adc in lane and he's forced to go back for a longsword to your bf. Now he can continually go back with shitty buys to upgrade that longsword into a bf to match yours and soon enough hes got the items to get back in the game.
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I queued with Jungle as secondary...
How long until Riot starts giving incentives to play support, such as extra IP? They said a while back they might do it if no one plays support, which is exactly what is happening now. All I play is jg/sup but I'm tired of playing support 95% of the time.
not that guy but you know you can buy boxes and keys right
I buy the ten plus one crate and key bundle every time I get paid
but if you have a BF and he only has a shit longsword in theory you should continue dicking on him, no?
additionally why shouldn't early crit items have a better buildpath? it would help end the lucian/ezreal 99% pickrate meta by bringing other adcs up to their level
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Haven't played in awhile but I noticed that Syndra got a little update, is she finally any good?
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how can other league girls even compete?

i want to fug the fox
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this entire streak I had mid primary, adc secondary
Just don't play support and contribute to the problem, that way the solution comes faster

Like Riot is that competent
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>teammate bans another teammate's pick intent
>he gets upset and locks in Soraka top against Nasus
>I'm forced to dodge
This is fucking retarded. Fuck this game. Fuck these people. Why is it so hard to look at the pick intent? It's right fucking there so you don't ban it.
And so what if your pick is banned by a teammate? It's annoying and fuck that person who banned it but it occasionally happens to everyone. Get over it. Why be a little bitch about it and consequently lose 20 LP?
You obviously ban it if the guy is terrible at it. Bonus points if you get someone else to dodge with it too.
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They can't.
nope, worse than ever
It pretty much boils down to rito saying he can't steam the game anymore but don't give a shit if he plays it off stream. Rito has pretty much strong armed twitch into permabanning his stream if he gets caught playing while streaming.
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>Why is it so hard to look at the pick intent?
Just because I "intend" to play riven support doesn't mean I'm going to.
He's pretty much back to where he was before devourer existed

AKA build botrk+armorpen and pray, though death's dance and PD might also demand slots
meanwhile yorick still only has his two release skins
I usually ban Lee when one of my teammates wants to play him
what does the fox say?
>Yas gets to press 1 button to out play 90% of all abilities in this game including ults.

this shit is why you're losing your player base to overcuck and dota
Yorick a shit. And they're reworking him anyway.
>is she finally any good?
they took her corpse and made her even more dead
Fuck that
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Talks about being fertile
>>to overcuck and dota

>overcuck and dota both have press X to kill (multiple) target(s)
you never played any of those, am i seeing that right, yea i do
Also, if Yasuo is so good then why is he at a steady 50% winrate and never used in the LCS? Cry more, bronze shitter.
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how does tf lose to taliyah


I have like 240 pong on japan anon
So doesn't talk at all
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>kerasu/ricegnat will be dead by the time we can clone him and create 100s of ricegnat pictures a day

Literally worst midlaner in the game not counting tumblr jewess
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foxes have on average 4-5 children per birth.
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>Trying to seriously argue the fact that league is "balanced"
kek dumb shit.
She better than Vel-"you fell for the true damage trap and enjoy your nerfed to hell wave clear dumb shit, just fucking playing Viktor"-koz
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here you go, sir.

Yeah in theory teams at the highest level of play shouldn't throw either, but shit happens. Riot already holds your hand with comeback mechanics and snowball prevention: increased exp gains, auto-pushing minions, paper turrets, death timers, no dragon gold, etc etc.
Why should the losing team be allowed to come back in the game so easily? They should be forced to scrounge up gold to get their items as a punishment for fucking up in the first place and allow me to push my lead without some wave clear mage still getting items and stalling forever.
Thank you very much
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autism incarnate
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>lane against ghost/TP Tryn
>push his shit in
>he dies constantly trying to split push
How do you say "fuck off" in shitter?

Do not build Cleaver on Kha. Thank you.
dyrus is that you
lcs here you come
>Try to check the taliyah designers twitter
>You have been blocked


I've never said a word to the faggot.

Do these SJWs have a block bot or something?
except he doesn't lose 20 lp because he gets some fuccboi like you to dodge for him most of the time
Probably blocked by someone else who works with them
I dodge all the time it doesn't hurt mmr so I don't care.
idk, I hardly ever use my twitter account.

Although I do follow some /pol/-tier twitter pages.

Kinda funny desu
So these Lucian nerfs.

Do you think they're enough to make him not 100% pick/ban?

EUCS has been banning Miss Fortune quite a bit I notice.

Is she going to be meta again?

I really enjoy playing her.
what about elise top against shit like memekai like in s2
if you're stuck versing treebeard just pick trundle
if trundle is banned pick either something with armour shred like darius, or another plain tank
though I don't know how well elise top is anymore
Most sensitive people have block bots on their Twitters that block accounts they would consider to be potentially problematic.
>/pol/ tier images
If you liked any Trump pics you're probably auto block by a lot of liberals
mana costs wreck you.
>Riot already holds your hand
Since preseason the game has been the snowballiest it's been in awhile, it could stand for a bit of reduction
Besides, the minion changes and paper turrets made it worse, not better, the more turrets you take the easier later turrets are to take
The recent reduction in death timers was a start, but it's still snowballier than it was before
He likely uses a filter list that circulates among leftists, blocking any twitter accounts that follow certain people.
>champion builds full tank
>still outdamages everyone else in the game
Guess who
Chrono nigger
Maokai, Poppy, Trundle, Ekko
We know, its aids
But don't worry your good friends Jax and Irelia will be back next patch
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>Caring about trundle ult when he has damage reduction ult and % damage
>enemy team is fizz, zed, kennen, sona, lucian

Fuck this game. Ghostcrawler is a fucking idiot.
Are you a trump supporter? Did you follow him on twitter? There are autoblock lists if you follow certain things.

I'd suggest to not be a faggot, stop using twitter or just have a blank account if it's really that neccesary.
I know how to balance League, hear me out.

Remove every %HP damage shit.
They have no tank.
If you have remotely any peel, and you should have banned Zed you fucking idiot, you will win.
Just buy a Zhonya's, I'm serious.
Who is the Benjamin "Coldhands" Stark of league of legends?
>remotely any peel
>in soloqueue
>implying I had any say in the fucking autistic bans my team made
haha nigger are you shitting me.
>tanks do no damage
>proceed to be useless
>Bruisers run rampant
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If Pentakill Sona were to ever get an audio update, would this be a good sound for her (not the first part, the part that starts at 0:30)?

I really wish there was more/better fan art of Pentakill Sona that isn't nsfw
more like remove extremely high base damage and buff the ratios for those abilities across the board. tanks should be tanky and not burst assassins. if you want to play ap mao kai and one shot someone, let it be so. if you want to play AD poppy and assassinate someone, let it be so. but this business of tanks and supports having their cake and eating it too is bullshit.
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let it all burn.jpg
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>Go Jungler
>Bot somehow feeds 7 deaths between the two of them in 4 minutes
>Bitch at me in all chat and team chat about how I am not ganking so its my fault
No, I want to play tank Ekko and assassinate someone while being able to one shot the adc and not die at all.
>Hey guys what if we gave a champion, the durability of a tank, sustainability of Nasus, and The damage of a ADC
>Graves rework in a nutshell

Seriously why is this champion allowed to exist?

Old Graves was based.
>I really wish there was more/better fan art of Pentakill Sona that isn't nsfw

just search for katarina fan art, it's literally the same thing as pentakill sona

I really hope they update her sounds with the upcoming pentakill album and possible Yorick update
Just say, "Ban Zed."
9.5/10 times they will do it.
Also, they lack meaningful CC without Kennen and Sona.
So if they don't get 5 Man ulti, you should win with your team's CC.
nigga check your picture one more time
she doesnt use keyboard
So is new Taric just not playable top lane? I haven't seen anyone playing him top.
What are some fun AP mid laners that play similarly to stuff like Trundle, Darius, Fiora and Shen?
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Me too, that would be perfect but Riot aren't that nice to us

No, Like all Riot reworks they take kits and shoehorn them into one role.

Just like with Sion,Shen,Poppy,ect.
Diana, Akali, Ekko
I mean you can bully maokai out of lane pre 4 but you'd pick it mainly for teamfights, so your point about his % damage w is kind of irrelevant.
>ult maokai
>dive their adc while you are a supertank
>your team can now kill maokai
>kill maokai
>enemy team in a state of confusion because maokai is dead
>clean up
enjoy your free ride to diamond
All three of those champions can play top, jungle, and support
I think he's mad he can't build stupid full damage shit on them anymore and wreck face.
Like full AD Poppy, or full AP/AD Sion, or AP Shen.
nigga you can't be keyboardist if you don't play on keyboard
>play Maokai
>put 2 points in Q
>already chunking people
Is this really too hard for those chimps at Riot to figure out? His base damage is way too high. His Q hits like a truck while having no AP and also does a knock back.
His W has % health damage absolutely no reason at all. A point and click root is enough.

This is annoying because Maokais kit is solid and I like playing initiators that can peel with CC but this is too much. The only reason he wasn't played before his VU was he had no MR scaling and his mana costs were fucking garbage.

These aren't tanks anymore. These are new forms of bruisers
Aight, I've played Diana a bit before. She seems enjoyable.
I'll check out Akali too.


Literally only god tier girls
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He is, retards are just retards.

Just go tanky, there's alot of options. Haven't played in a while so data is old, sorry
Only good role
Literally a shitter Warwick, can't gank until 6, clears got nerfed since the W nerf.
E pushes wave
W Passive can't be used (Relic shield doesn't give bonus HP)
Q has short range and is easy to interrupt since all supports have a disable move
>Top: Only decent role but really mediocre .
No sustain and slow clears
If you don't land every E, you will be punish so hard and Ulting can leave your ADC and tower vulnerable
>Top: Q doesn't heal himself,weak waveclear and damage
See top
Only good role.
mf is always the go to adc when adc's fucking suck.
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>with your team's CC.

with all of this CC.
No one fucking plays CC shit at this elo.

Why is it so fucking hard to climb as an AD, jesus fuck. I've got two accounts into diamond now, and the AD only account is the hardest one I've attempted.

RIP Fiora

Who ?
Only viable role, but is really bad following her gutting
No sustain ganks are too hard to set up properly
Poor man's Leona
You have Malphite + Yasuo and Blitz.
You got a decent comp, git gud.
New Thread



Fucking Lucian turbo cancer even in normals and other game modes, shit haves no end.

Is lucian the new Zed?
Jungle no sustain? You mean that her big ass hp% shield every 7 secs or so isnt enough?
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