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Slablands/CoC General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 53

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Oppai loli edition

Slablands: https://mega.nz/#!58EA2ayL!uZYIYsvFpkrz2vA8onkmI7n9Gg7tZw4jNg6_h9tIvgY

Slablands Design Document:

Slablands Bug and Typo Reports:

Slablands changelog:

The demo ends at the desert. More to come soon.

>F.A.Q s
History of /slabg/

>Variable reference and style FAQ

Hey, you, browsing this shit! Consider writing/editing for Slablands to COMBAT THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC, FUTA, FEMDOM MENACE! (note: writing a submission is actually a pretty huge undertaking! Consider adding content for existing contributions or joining other people's projects first before starting your own, we don't need 6576534 half-finished unique NPCs.)
Writing is nice, but if you don't feel up to that task, try editing for one of the projects! Every comment helps!

Project Lists:
General: pastebin.com/qMvXVtXw
Slablands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAawzawwvB52hZKiRVhkytMs8HuNjP8IAbY74WxSS8I/edit?pli=1

http://slablands.wikia.com/ It's brand new, please consider adding to it.

Slablands maps:

Music to listen to while browsing the thread:

Previously >>135423935
Today is very quiet
I wonder why? Is there something going on?
Some kind of mysterious mass kidnapping?
That attack on Brussels earlier is kind of getting a lot of attention. Maybe it's that.
Oh! I see now.
Them mudslimes man
Nothing ever lasts for ever, everyone wants to rule the world
>The shit one.
And which one would that be, oh Lord of Quality?
Why not keep the old stuff in the old thread?
Still no proper crafting system?
Write some awoooo
Fuck off, spic.
I always support mote awoo
Is something requred to run this game?
It opens but all i can see is a cursor, nothing else
Could've sworn i had it, thanks
Because then each thread would ONLY be new stuff with no updates & lower chances of extended discussion.
Well, okay, I get that. Why not talk about something else from the old thread, like those pastebins that got posted?
Your fetish is shit.
Amazon position on a cute boy you meet in town who thinks you're cool. Maybe because you did something heroic or nice.

This mouse loli is still amazing.
>This mouse loli is still amazing.
This is fact.
Alright. What'd you like about it? The way it involved other people? The cumflation/implied impregnation? Something of all of the above?
all of it
>This mouse loli is still amazing.
It is
>all of the above
>Why not talk about something else from the old thread, like those pastebins that got posted?
Because I wanted to know which one they considered shit?
You know which one.
The one with the ass eating probs.
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cute boys who want to hold your hand but can't because they have wing arms.
so is slablands actually good

as in does it have anywhere near as much content as coc/tits?
We hate and don't discuss those later two games. This thread makes and only discusses Slablands. Of course we like it.

that wasn't the question
>Of course we like it
Meaning we consider it good.

that still wasn't the question
>as in does it have anywhere near as much content as coc/tits?
This is a hobby project that nobody here is being paid to do. What do you think?
So here's the seasonal question:
Is the UI good yet?
'course not, I'm still in charge of it.
Seeing someone walk past your window. At first you think nothing of it, until you remember your window is dozens of feet in the air.
Turns out it's just a voyeur vampire boy
That doesn't exist
I don't understand, like from a philosophical standpoint it doesn't exist? Because I'm pretty sure the link was in the last thread.
Does anything truly exist?
My bok choy stirfry left a weird taste at the back of my mouth that I WISH didn't exist, but unfortunately does so yeah.
>Because I'm pretty sure the link was in the last thread.
Just went through all the pastebins in the last thread outside the OP. Only ass eating I saw was some yandere mage dude.
So it does exist.
Except if you follow the chain back what I wanted to know was what wolf girl was the supposed shit one. Someone said it was probably the one with ass eating which someone else denied the existence of & here we are.
but there is a pastebin with ass eating
eagle girl
Eager girl
>Eager girl
Just gagging herself on your dick, down for nearly anything to please the PC.
Spineless girl.
weed girl
Shoot me a six word idea right now. Go
That comic with her and Pit is amazing.

Cuddling up to a cheetah girl.
I'm not familiar with that comic.
I don't remember the link but basically the end up happily married.
Cooking dinner with a clumsy husbando
black dessert
seems painful
>evens finish entire LP
>odds finish entire scene
>zero work
Cuddlefucking with a wolf girl friend.
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complete with lotsa gentle love bites
This girl is really popular.
Painfully good
Okay, so for a bad end thing I got there are things where if you meet a stat check you can try to escape. What if instead of meeting the stat check first you try to escape and then if you fail you get like failed escape points added to a result? And if you get so many you get a super bad bad end where you get all maimed and shit because you couldn't just be happy and go along with it.
This is for that yandere mage, right? Go ahead. Go all-out.
>go all out
aw man, I hope you like amputations.
Will it be done slowly? Doesn't need to go all out on gore, just stuff like, maybe the PC has a dream where their arm 'snips' off, and then they wake up and they see they don't have an arm anymore.
I dunno, here's the thought process with the possible scenes:
>awake during the snip-snip (but anaesthesia), describing what's happening like "blood trickles down your arm as the scalpel slow slides down, though true to his word all you feel is a slight pressure" until your arm is hanging on by a thread/bone and then pass out because "holy shit that's my arm"
>dream about the snip-snip, wake up with no arm and describing the PC suddenly dealing with and reacting to having no arm. Stuff like phantom limb stuff where "you wiggle your fingers. Or at least, it feels like you're wiggling them. In despair you look at the empty air where your hand should be." etc.

Plus where should the amputation be? wrist/elbow/shoulder? I'd personally say not the shoulder, because then you can't give hugs but it's also the best option for preventing escape.
I think either one could work quite nicely, really. That first one is pretty damn chilling.

I say shoulder. The mage can handle all the hugging duties.
Yeah, but a hug isn't very fun when they don't hug back. Maybe a compromise: mid-upper arm?
Hmm. Maybe they can just give you wooden pegs? That way you can hug, but only when they want you to.
Well this is fantasy, maybe a full on arm construct that they can control/summon/disappear?
Well, that was another thought of mine, but I couldn't remember how tough you wanted this mage to be.

By the way, any thoughts for where you want him to be?
Forest first encounter, the cities for the next few encounters, and then either the countryside or the plains for the last encounter.
Isn't it basically just Skypoint?
I don't know if Beorg and Firma are technically cities but I just call 'em that.
You might want to check in with the hub writer for those places, see if it really makes sense for a creepy mage to hang around and not attract suspicion. Skypoint I can see him making sense, because it's such a big place, but while Firma is supposed to be a fairly large rural town, it's still a rural town.
Well the way I was thinking it's less him hanging around a town and more following you around. Like he's not really doing much in town other than renting a room and, stealthily, following you around so he's not really attention grabbing if that makes sense?
Well, the thing is, Beorg hasn't really had much traffic in a while so any visitors are bound to be attention grabbing. I can see it kinda working for Firma, though, at least once or twice, until Maxwell decides to spend time playing hero.
I was thinking one time for each city (maybe twice for skypoint since the last one involves buying something and I think that one has a marketplace) so it shouldn't be too bad. Maybe the inn keeper could have a one off sentence about some nerd asking about the PC or something before the event happens.
Maybe that could work. I'll have to see how it plays out.
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Boys being rude to you so you force them to fall madly in love with you.
Princess of a desert kingdom that you bang
Princess of a dessert kingdom.
Also thinking about it, time's gonna have to fly by as well with the way the extra scenes work. Like a week or two, chance to escape, random scenes along week or two, chance to escape, repeat until bad end finished.
For the random scenes I got
>Vibrator, Makeouts, Sleeping Together, Head Petting/Book Reading, Cuddling, Licking wounds, Hickeys, marriage, feeding, and bathing (in an actual bathtub this time)
and I just realized there's kind of a lack of scenes to have it be semi-random like I was thinking.
Anyone want to suggest affectionate/sexual things someone would do with you if you were being held hostage by them (no going outside)?

Also I was planning on having a big scene after you're fully mindbroke a few years later where you've forgotten your previous life and blah blah blah and "The End" and jump to main menu. But would it be better to have almost like a faux playing section where you "play" for a little bit w/ only the choice of doing affectionate/good things since it's post-mindbreak and have a few little happy events before having it segue into a "And you lived happily ever after" end?

Basically which would you prefer:
>jump from mindbreak scene to summary scene a few years later
>let you play as a broken PC through a few events that take the place of the summary scene
Princess of a desert kingdom known in part for its desserts. You bang her.
People that like it would probably like the later.
Flat is love
Flat is life
True. Unless it's soda.
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I've not been much into soda lately. Trying to cut back.
So THAT'S where I got my flat chest & petite girl fetish from! Thanks Capcom!
Their character designers have almost always been on-point, I'll give em that much.
santa girl
Giving her the gift of a creampie.
who even is it
Showing a medusa my hard dick
I need to go find that again
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Bar girls
petting them is
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Hellhound from MGE
9/10 would be hilt deep in.
She needs the dick
A boy with a disproportionately big dick who's upset because every girl he starts having sex with gives up because he's hitting their cervix. He's never been able to finish inside a girl.
That would weird
Would you thrust your master sword into her?
You would weird.
Don't call the leader of the desert bandits a dork.
>Would you thrust your master sword into her?
Repeatedly & vigorously.
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Prince courting you like he's been taught how to and panicking when it doesn't work. Ending up kidnapped by him as he tries to convince you to date him while holding you captive that way he doesn't have to worry about any other guys distracting you.
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Horror stream starting
at Doomhole on Cytube
She's saying something about doing it 2000 times.
Showing a girl your giant snake
Too lewd
She's a lewd girl & they have needs.
So how do I get version 8.0.7?

The link only gives me 8.0.1
It's the latest link, chances are he forgot to update the version number.
Spiders are friends.
He's more like a friend with benefits.
He eats bugs and I let him live.
Symbiosis can be a lovely thing.
It's all they really want.
Spider boys just wanna have bugs~
Tree girl wants you to pollinate her flower.
Tree girl then wants you to eat the resulting fruit which is honestly kind of weird.
Petrified tree girl who just wants to be loved despite not being able to grow any leaves or flowers or anything anymore.
But she's hard as stone.
So am I.
But who are we to question her culture? Perhaps this is a sign of love to plant people.
On the outside, sure.
But in her heart, on the inside, she's just like any other tree girl.
I'll get my mining tools.
She's too petrified for that
Scared huh? Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
No seriously, she's a level of petrified that those kinds of tools just won't work.
Gorgon boy leading you around by the hand since you don't want to risk turning into stone by looking at him. He takes you for a walk and describes the scenery for you.
I guess she's (not) fucked then.
Now we need Demise girl.
Riling up guard boys while they're supposed to be on duty.
And Vaati.
Priest who keeps getting nervous when you flirt with him and dropping his medieval spaghetti everywhere but when it finally comes time to fuck he dicks the life out of you. Like he's gotta perform last rites on you just in case, his dick's so good.
Bunny boy hiding eggs throughout the background images. If you find all of them you get a special prize (his dick).
>reading through old projects
>don't remember writing it but it's really enjoyable
Huh. Bet if I started working on it again it'd turn into shit.
That looks kinda familiar. Artist?
No idea, got it off tumblr and all yaoi kinda blurs together for me I've seen so much of it. I will tell you how good Midoriyama Youko's stuff is tho. Gay sex masterpieces.
Ah. Thanks anyway.
Lovely lolis
Lovely lascivious lolis
Strong horny adventurer guy named Big McLargeHuge
fish girls
I'm going to straight up ask.

First off: why do you still wear the CoC General moniker when everyone here loathes discussing it?

Second off: On one hand I absolutely understand where you guys are coming from. The more I look at TiTS the more I can tell overall it's going to be Furries in Space: Now With Some Goo Girls and Occasionally a Good Alien Race. But I know this project really started out just as much because you people hate futanari as you do furries.

Is there any reason at all for me to look at Slablands if I like girl dick or are you guys as hypocritical as I assume you are, bashing CoC and TiTS for its ridiculous focus on that only to pretty much bar anyone doing that content for Slablands?

On second thought, scratch it, I read the FAQ. Futa in this is pretty much like dicknipples are in TiTS. It's possible but no one is going to bother and it's clear everyone working on this is highly against it, deep down, and they're only allowing it to say they do. I'd implore you to just save yourselves the trouble and bar it entirely instead of saying "we welcome it, we also just refuse to do any content for it."

There's plenty of VNs and H-Games from Japan where only monsters and men have dicks and no one has any problem with them and 90% of western games are like that too. CoC and TiTS are the rarity, not the standard.
This is too early for a shitposter to bait.

Let's talk about big butts instead.
Slapping beefcake's butt and watching him get flustered.
Showing a medusa girl that your dick is hard as a rock
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First off: why do you still wear the CoC General moniker when everyone here loathes discussing it?
The moniker thing was actually repeatedy suggested to be taken down, but some like to keep it as memento or as a a way to interest people in history doc so they'll know why CoC etc is Such A Bad Thing. Also, sometimes CoC/TiTS was actually talked about and even without too much flak - it depends how many raging autists spitting hate are in the thread at the moment. It does bother most of anons if it's a centerpiece of attention because yes - the thread isn't really about Fenoxo's games.

You sound somewhat passive-aggresive and I don't see why you'd implore us to do anything when yo're holding little interest in the game, beside mentioning it as a poor attempt at painting them in particular light. Yes, most of us, despite quite some hailing from /d/ is tired of many themes abundant in CoC/TiTS like futa, furries and BDSM-styled dominating females everywhere. Part of the reason behind the game's existence is making something decent and quite lewd but for those who aren't crazy about these kinks or at least would like much more content to be about something else. It doesn't however mean that any and every content related to above all of us hate. Tatoba left some possibilities open because if there will be some really decently written shit people will generally find great - he doesn't mind adding it. Banning it straight away won't save us trouble at all.
Shhh, just come into my arms. You will learn to love me.
dem ears
Breaking past the stony surface to her gooey center with the sheer force of your diamond hard desire.
>tfw the end boss in CoC is way harder than anything else in the game
Spread those arms. I have a bad aim and never used a flamethrower before so bigger target will surely help.
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>You wanted that endgame?
>You really needed that end boss to test yourself?
>Alright, here, you've got it and fuck you.
Though to be honest, it's probably simply a matter of balancing - it's a new content after all.
Oh i C
So basically just some flaming incarnation of evil with tits.
Sounds neato.
and a pupil for a sage that went and became obsessed with power. Also neato.
Assassin girl with a big ass that gets stuck in your window.
I think that covers every main villain except that Spirit Tracks one.
Banging all of her muscley reindeer girls
and the one from Link's Awakening which was technically all just a nightmare, iirc.
Teaching them a new kind of game.
She must be insecure
Nothing to be insecure about with a body like that.
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Only thing she has to be insecure about is her other half/sister being the 'hotter' one.

I always preferred Lilith's cuteness anyway.
Poor soda.
>Only thing she has to be insecure about is her other half/sister being the 'hotter' one.
Probably just encourage her to try harder which is cute itself.
>I always preferred Lilith's cuteness anyway.
Yeah. I always imagined her being really flexible too for some reason.
Calming a husbando scared of a thunderstorm by fucking him until he's completely forgotten about it.
Is there any plan for this game to have character art in future ? Even now it makes me rock hard but with pictures it would be a fucking GOLD.
That said it might be neat to see some fanart.
Never get tired of his stuff.
They look cuddly.
Wait, it is mentioned right there in the FAQ. Please check that in the future.

>Will this game have sprites/character art?
>No sprites or character art is planned.

Nah, it's better without artists mucking stuff up.
I disagree.
His musclegirl and her wife are a total tease. You have no idea how diamonds I was from just that handjob image. Needs more of that.
They seem pretty prone to cuddling from the art.

More cuddle-based scenes in game when?

Lesbian couple you teach the pleasures of the dick to when?
>Someone reported this SFW image
>Someone deleted it
Shit taste.
Wow, I just noticed that. What the heck is wrong with people?
Some people are assholes with no taste in women.
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Horror Stream 2 starting, link here:
Chocolate girl
I can only think of one word:

They've been doing this for a while. Reporting sexy pictures in this thread that aren't porn.

Meanwhile /fgg/ and /lolg/ could easily get away with posting smut constantly.
When batboy
At this point it's pretty clear there's just one bastard here who has it out for everyone else.
Nah, I'm a human.
>12 new episodes of FLCL greenlit

I can't express in words what I'm feeling right now.
It's going to be terrible and miss the point.
>12 new episodes of FLCL greenlit
I am both pleasantly surprised and full of doubt.
Sandy vagina
Calling it a bit early, don't ya think?
We have no knowing since they literally just announced it. I was fine with the original 6 episodes though.
As am I.
Guy who wrote bunny MILF, cowgirl, loli anal, etc, are you going to post them as google docs?
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Fit awoos
I'd like to fit something in there.
I play that game
what's being added in the next update?
We won't know until it happens.
Hopefully fucking that bunny girl in the alley in honor of Easter.
Whooooo wanta some Wang?
Combat text change could probably be added easily but selling multiples would probably benefit from waiting for a few updates to make sure it works with everything.
Not that either is necessarily gonna be in whatever update is next.
Whoops, meant to link to >>136353082
Did the opossum blowjob ever get added or no?
You & me both.
I don't think so.
any tips on defeating the bosses at the throne room? im stuck on the second one and i cant seem to tease enough for stuff to work
We don't talk about CoC here.
Fit awoo abfucking?
At the same time?
I wouldn't turn it down.
Eh, I've never been one for sharing.
it is
Cute butts
Cute everything.
cute pink dicks that twitch whenever you touch them
Canada pls
OCD girl
She has to have sex JUST so or she doesn't get in the mood unless you do things a particular way/order?
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this might have been romantic if it wasn't for the fucking gun. Nothing says doki doki otome like a lethal weapon
so much better than pedodude altho she looks 12 in this screencap
Smoking the burning bush
Foreplay is intricate hell.
Not them but good to hear. Love your stuff so far.
I'm pretty much set on where I want to put (most of) them, It's just that there's a lot of setup I need to do for them. Minor things like introductions, some talking scenes talking about the area and what they do in it, maybe a stat challenge or two, etc.

Thanks! They were pretty easy for me to write and I think they'll help add to the areas.
What I'd really like to see is the mouse loli church thing being more than just a one-off.
>evens try to do an actual to be added to Slab scene despite working on the iPad
>odds just fuck around with a secret project while watching Hobgoblins
Shantae a cute
Mirrors don't exist
True statement.
Axolotl girl
Ask a lot girl
Here's something. I'm not actually sure how many people here will like it besides me, but I figure I might as well give an idea that this stuff exists. It's a petite dragon girl femdomming the PC for her first time. Yes, yes, this is just one variant and there are alternative dom versions. Night night.

Possibly the worst thing I've ever seen written here.
You rang?
Not my bag but it's written well enough. I'd go more into detail about the positioning though because the way you described it I couldn't really picture. Maybe more detail on how fast the PC gets hard: stuff like throbbing or jumping or bobbing and blood pulsing and yadda yadda.
Also the phrase "pressure of her pleasure" made me pull a face.
This is really shit. Not only is the fetish repulsive but your writing is clumsy repetitive crap.
The scene should've made you vomit.
Why would I get upset just because someone wrote content I'm not personally interested in?
Because it's one of the most disgusting fetishes in existence.


Although that does remind me, it might use "cock" too many times. But dick synonyms are annoying.
Femdom is shit so.
Femdom a fine as long as you aren't forced into it.

Non-femdom route when
No, femdom is all shit.
Well you know
That's like
Your opinion
No, it's an objective universal fact.
Except it isn't.
Especially when it's femdom followed up by a reversal and full submission before the might of a cock.
Except it actually is, femdomfag.
Insulting the opposition doesn't make you win any arguments, anon-kun.

You both need a time out.
You don't need to argue for objective universal facts.
Alright anon-kun, you shitposted enough for one night.
Time for you to go to bed.
You're the only one doing that here.
Don't you get smart with me little man, or I'll call your father.
You know how he gets when you misbehave.
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Morons and idiots.
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That's some funny shit right there.
It is, and it's shit.
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Go crawl into your trash pile with him.
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>dat us or them mentality
There's no point to it. If a writer wants to write a scene with femdom and it follows the rules you can't stop them. Complaining just takes up space in the thread and won't affect the writer, especially if it's something they enjoy. And even if they were writing it to gauge if anyone's interested, making multiple posts about how it's just the absolute worst omg how could you bear reading that stuff is pretty pointless too. If the majority dislike it or aren't interested you only need a single post about it saying "nah."
No argument is necessary because there's nothing to argue over.
>Someone asks what you think of their scene.
>Claim people aren't allowed to tell them if you don't like their opinion.
He looks tense
I'm impressed you managed to somehow read that from what I posted. The only way you could have got that I can think of is that you didn't realize I'm talking about one poster constantly posting about it, and instead think I'm ordering one person to speak for the entire thread somehow.
all of it.
Milf kitsune
Starting a cult and fucking the girls
Having only female staff for your staff.
Kitsune milk
Teaching your staff of girls to work your staff
Taking over the world when?
Alright, makes sense to me. I'll look into fixing it up with more detail so things make sense, I admit that some of it, particularly the beginning where she sits on the PC, is a little lacking and might be hard to follow.

>Also the phrase "pressure of her pleasure" made me pull a face.
You got me crying, anon.

Do go on, anon. I think I can see what you're talking about, especially in some areas, but giving some extra detail would go a long way to helping me tighten up the scene and make it as good as it can be. Was it some issue with the general structure you had? A few lines that read a bit too similarly to each other? Some words being used a few too many times, like >>136388505 said?

This is like the lightest, fluffiest excuse for femdom I've ever seen. I can't believe someone threw a fit over it.
It's pretty light and fluffy super-gentle ''femdom'', but yes, it still counts because the PC is being led around by her. That's why I warned people. Better safe than sorry, right?
But I haven't saved up enough money to buy filters!
I can't handle the hohohoos
But it's the best kind of laugh
I knew it
embraces the dark side girl
You guys are gonna have your mind blown when I write some hardcore femdom. requisite maledom will be included of course
Don't get my hopes up, anon. I love femdom, but I'd rather not have somebody promise something they can't deliver.
A dancing dog


A dancing dog

And you dance with him
It's kind of funny, when someone was complaining about how they didn't want to be raped by a guy when they lost a fight they were told to fuck off, yet for some reason the same thing happening but with a girl instead is apparently the absolute worst.
Like I get that anything that has to do with CoC is supposed to be bad, but there's meant to be a limit with how asshurt you can get over it.
Actually wait this gives me a nice idea. What about a big milfy lioness who rapes you if you lose? It could work similarly to the thief where you're given the choice to escape.
Sounds good to me mostly, just.... let's not call that a rape. Not like anyone's getting raped there, you can just walk away if you don't want it.

Requesting special dialogue if the PC's a shota.
Other monster girl suggestions also welcome
How about an orc?
Do we have a lamia yet? Being coiled around by a snake and having sex for 5 hours sounds like a good time.
It wouldn't ever be called rape in game. It would just be her tossing you into the dirt and grinding all over you. Then you can wiggle out from under her if you want.
>Do we have a lamia yet
Yes, we do. More would be fine too, I'm just pointing out we do have one.
Let's not call it rape out of game either. Call it a victory fuck or something.
Which one?
My bad, there's more than one, you're right. There's sheepie's desert one, and then there are the wyrm girls in the underground.
I thought sheepie's lamia was in the beach area?
If I recall correctly, that male sea snake (not a lamia, lamias are like harpies in that they're always female) is actually oceanic. I'm talking about a separate lamia who's in the desert.
I can try to get some work done on the desert lamia this weekend but no promises
Very much so
>milfy lioness
I want one regardless. Daughters a very pleasant bonus.
Giving a MILF such a deep dicking she's begging and pleading for you to give her more kids.
Dude weed
It's shit.
I'd feel sorry for her
It does seem particularly inconvenient doesn't it?
so milfy lioness that runs her claws down your chest and pins you to the ground to ride your dick or no?
nobody likes your femdom shit here
I think I'd rather see you commit suicide than write anything.
No. Your fetish is shit and you should probably die.
Sure, why not?
What is your issue with other people's fetishes.
I don't even like the shit but write it anyway if only to piss off the spergs.
Do it if you want to.
I liked that idea from a while back better with the pack of wandering lioness sisters looking for a husband to make a new 'pride' with, you proving yourself to be capable as fuck and then the whole lot of you just going at it for like a week straight or something.
>milfy lioness
>not a cougar cougar
I liked that one too.
Seems too obvious if you ask me but, then again, I don't write shit.
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Oh you.
I'd tap that
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As would I. Like a man dying of thirst would tap a keg: fast and not so gently.
And the cute follow-up.
In one week, diamonds will be unbreakable
The leg the stocking was on switched.
I know. I guess the artist just forgot which leg it was on. Or it's fluffy tail magic.
So many fit awwoos
That's a catgirl, actually.
I just sort 'em by how they're tagged when I save them.
>(not a lamia, lamias are like harpies in that they're always female)
This isn't true.
Also, if you pay attention, you'll notice she doesn't actually have a fluffy tail.

I don't know where you saved them, but on pixiv they're explicitly tagged as 猫耳.
Sapros, this is the nomenclatura we've been using for Slablands. Provides a nice, easy distinction between them vs nagas and other snakepeople. It's come up in conversations before.
>Someone tries to write some femdom shit
>You suggest to them a good idea to ruin so we'd never get it
Hey Saps, how's it going?
It's my idea. If I don't want them writing it, I don't have to let them.
I don't think it works that way.
No, no it isn't. Don't sit there and invent rules for stuff that's not even in the game based on YOUR preferences. The minute someone actually gets a lamia in game and the exposition over racial structure, then and only then will there be any lore regarding it.

The harpy debate is idiotic, as I've told you before, there was zero reason for people to start massive shitstorms over a word because some minority could not tolerate Harpy being used for all bird people. It was completely inane and it's just as inane to try and make a female exclusive race of snake people and only they can use the word lamia, and then go and fucking clone them and add a male and call them 'naga'. Literally no reason for it.

I'm surviving, at least, but I'm very tired.
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Naga is even a word exclusively for male snake people in Hindu mythology, now that I recall.
I have no idea who you're talking about~

All right, we'll do that. Even better: Lamias for all-female snakepeople, versus Nagas for all-male snakepeople. Just like the Garudas!
>I'm surviving, at least, but I'm very tired.
screaming at my Otome games because the MC is kissing the romanceable guy in the middle of a ball held by her forced fiancé the king like wyd? How executed do you wanna be? He's literally the king of hell like, ??? What are you thinking?
猫耳=neko mimi=car ears.
No. We're not doing anything. A writer will decide. My personal preference is always that races have two genders, but I can't stop a writer from doing otherwise, just like you can't make up the rules for them until they exist.

Yeah, that's basically just a very courtly form of suicide.
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>car ears
I figured as much.
>car ears
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I am so sorry. There's only one way for me to atone for this typo...!
Typos are a blessing anon-kun. They are not to be atoned for.
Spider girl please.
Is there a reference I'm missing here?
D-do your best!
Yeah, at least the game itself is okay and all the art is done by them. Do you want to see the worst background in a mobile game ever?
This is supposed to be a basketball court.
Suicide Princess (aka Niflheim) is free and all the character art and backgrounds are drawn in styles that compliment/match each other. And this Vampire dating game costs money (per route!) and looks like this.
No, I was supposed to respond to >>136438468
I must've gotten it wrong. I'm so tired. Just wanted to post that before bed.
Yeah, I am kind of disappointed by some anons here who shit all over potential new content without really checking it but getting a pissy fit over one term describing it. And then the same retards are butthurt nothing new came in.
Femdom is shit no matter how minor you think it is.
So are you and you're allowed here.

To each their own - I don't mind femdom as long as it can be avoided, tables turned or revenge had later - especially the last one if the female character is a bossy bitch rather than just on the aggresive, dominating streak. Overdone, constant femdom is bothersome, dull and boring. But so is making every girl behave like forced cardboard-cut "p-please, s-senpai" kid.
This. An anon or two here act about it like like a little kid in a pissy fit.
It's bothersome that it exists at all.
Yeah, you are pretty bothersome, but you're allowed here.
Same about people who generalize it like that.
Well, what are your fetishes then? Or do you just like to bitch about everything and not actually enjoy any of the things here?
Anything else.
So bitching then.
No, I like literally anything else that isn't that shit.
Don't bother talking to him, anon. You're just getting sucked into his black hole of stupidity.
So says the femdomfag. There is nothing in this world stupider than your kind.
Here you have it, a proof it's just a pissy fit.
Why is femdom bad. Explain with objective facts.
Because you're a disgusting submissive bitch who lets someone else control you. This is especially pathetic for someone who is supposed to be a hero to be so worthless.
And now we went from complains about content to direct insults because "you belong to the group of people liking something I don't so you're all bad!". Is it a bait, some sort of pro-femdom false flag or you're really this spergy?
>you're all bad
You are, since you're trying to shit up this game right now.
Except most of the people you have sex with in the game are NPC characters where if the option was written you could immediately turn around and tear them several new fucking orifices of your choice.
Your fetish shouldn't exist.
>explain with objective facts
>you're something I have very subjective and negative feelings about
>I will also generalize femdom to being absolutely dominated and overpowered by woman, because there's no way there's anything beside, the same way non-femdom is always a guy beaitng up a girl and then raping her.

You really need to work on your stance if you don't want to come off as a retard. I am not crazy about femdom myself but reading your shit I am just embarassed.
I don't think you should exist, but sometimes people don't get what they want.
>I can't handle someone pointing out that I'm a worthless sub.
So you're into being cuckolded then.
So you're into scat then.
So you want a game full of maledom? Not even CoC was purely that, and we're trying to be better.
Indeed. So why keep talking to him? Spend your time on superior things.
Irrelevant. The question was "what are your fetishes?" and the response was "anything else". Guess what that entails?
We're not comparing ourselves to CoC. We're avoiding all its shit fetishes and that includes femdom.
Femdom is a fetish in CoC as much as being fucked into submission by minotaurs with dicks bigger than your body. Is that allowed then?
what why
You can't read can you?
I can handle that because I know your opinions are rather silly. But you get progressively more butthurt as this exchange progresses, while also being unable to base your arguments and stance on anything but 'I don't like it! I don't like you! Waaaaah!'

Femdom in Slabs is a touchy manner, but if it's balanced, avoidable and not taken to pants-on-the-head extreme it was in CoC and other crap, it can do the game good, if only as this type of content you're happy is there even if you don't access it much yourself.
Because those scumbags know they messed up by canning Big O S3 but are too chicken to just fund that.
No, your fetish shouldn't exist at all. It's also funny how you keep thinking avoidable is the qualifier when to even be allowed you have to be able to dominate them back. But it should never have been allowed in this game at all.
Sorry, this evening I feel a bit petty and not above teasing the anon seeing how much of an idiot he makes out of himself. I will try to manage my shitposting ways.
Remember that anon who said instead of paying attention to arguments about fetishes that are allowed in Slablands they would just write content for it until the argument finished?
We should just do that, at least something would get done/be productive.
You're setting yourself up for disaster since to be spiteful here you have to write twice as much.
What the fuck do you even want out of this game? There's plenty of the PC being Sexgod McThunderCock, why would the slightest bit otherwise make the game worse?
me specifically I have npcdom scenes I need to write/finish anyway for a project so it's 2 birds 1 stone. And even if I didn't do those, I also have pc femdom to write for another project, so either way.
after I eat this delicious potato salad, though
>fuck tatoba, I know better than him and all of you
>because no matter what tatoba, sapros and others say, the stuff I don't like cannot be added in any form and to no degree or else

I am pretty sure there's no "we", just you being a dipshit. Femdom has to be restricted and cannot be extreme nor forced onto player especially without a way of avoiding it or turning the tables on the enemy but there's clear guideline of what's allowed and what's not. Read it next time.
Because your fetish is cancer and shouldn't exist. It's only something worthless, spineless subs like. People who have no value and shouldn't be alive. People who wouldn't be a hero because they're disgusting and could never bring themselves to do anything because they're just slaves to some woman. It's disgusting. People who like it are disgusting. It makes the game worse that it exists. Yes the game should only be male PCdom and thankfully that's what it's going to mostly be, even with cancer like you going around. The rules make sure of it because you can't even put your shit fetish in the game without putting the opposite in. You can never win.
Well said. Better to spend all that energy you'd waste on an argument on stuff that matters.
>avoiding it or
There is no or. You have to be able to dominate them. Go read those retard's rules again if you like them so much.
>But it should never have been allowed in this game at all.
But it is, even if in heaily restricted form - and most people are fine with it. So you can only shut up or keep looking retarded. Or flip Tatoba and everyone else a bird and go make your own game.
>Check FAQ in the OP
>"NPCdom is allowed"
Oh hey look
Or I can tell you how disgusting you are for trying to put it in.
He wouldn't be able to make shit though, not with this attitude so he's forced to just stink up this place.
Read the FAQ.
Go read that faq and the other one. Both of those stupid faggots rules say the same thing about you having to be able to dominate them.
I don't want to get into this argument, but I think you misread the FAQ. It says options to dom them are appreciated, but not necessary. We kept it like that so people could write scenes for things like dominatrixes the PC can hire without having to write 2 times the scenes.
>In Slablands any scenes that have the PC being dominated (outside of losing a battle) are avoidable (usually by saying "no thanks" or escaping)
>If the PC has the option to regain control of the scene after losing it, it depends only on the criteria of the writer. The rules, as stated, allow the creation of NPCdom only characters.
So if it make sense, a character can have NPCdom only scenes.
It's like if you'd expect a retard with flimsy arguments and a major butthurt to care about shit like facts.
> "An option to counterdom an NPC with an NPCdom scene would also be appreciated"
Doesn't say its required.
Think I should mention that second greentext sentence was quoted from Tatobaguy "directly" (aka he posted an official stance on it because people wanted less vague rules on it).
It means requirement. It says you can only make your shitty characters if they're prostitutes.
By your own admission, femdom is allowed in some form and if you cannot handle it, it's time to stop crying and waving your limbs on the carpet and move on.
>I don't like this guy who calls me mean names.
>So let me keep talking to him so he keeps calling me mean names.
Pretty much this. The pissy faggot should give it a break because femdom is allowed and he can do squat about it.

The light, cuddly pseudo-femdom scene above would use some work with less redundancy - just good, simple bits would work. Otherwise, it's fine IMHO.
Trying to excuse being a sub still I see.
>ctrl-f requirement
>0 results
If this is just trolling you're pretty good at it, otherwise welcome to the hole you dug yourself into.
What else are we going to talk about? If someone was going to post content or discuss something they would've done so.
Is that guy still replying to him? What a senseless waste of effort. Oh well! I warned him.
>I can't read
Actually there are multiple ways you can do it. As far as I know, no writer has to write rape scenes for their character.
So you could just write a character that prefers to dominate when it comes to sex and if the PC isn't into that they can just say no thank you and both part ways. Exert control (as he explained it in the thread) just means being able to stop it. You can either escape, pass a stat-check, win the fight (this is probably where a writer could put a counter-dom scene if they wanted to) or say no: as long as the character isn't forced into the sex with absolutely no option of avoiding it.
Or say you're escaping from a jail and there's an agility check. If you pass you escape successfully and go back to the castle, if you fail you're recaptured and there could be a rape or dom sex scene because of it.

I think no matter how many people explain the rules to you you're not going to understand it, though, so I think this is the last time I'm personally going to respond to you. Hope everyone else wises up as well.
>So you could just write a character that prefers to dominate when it comes to sex and if the PC isn't into that they can just say no thank you and both part ways.
No you can't. Re read both of those rules documents you keep drumming up.
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Thinking you talk with one, same person, missing the point and going for people now that you were proven to be both butthurt and wrong, I see.
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The stock art basketball hoop really pulls the image together.

To everyone else, I hate to step into a shitstorm, but just so everyone is clear, femdom is allowed. However the intent of the rules is that you do need to be able to dominate the character in some context. It doesn't necessarily have to be counterdom, or rape, or even on the same character path at all. Nor technically does there need to be a parity in scene number. There are exceptions, however. I believe the example used was of a dominatrix, a person who performs a specific kind of sex for pay. Because this person is just doing a job, they have a good reason why you can't be dominant with them. So the allowance is basically, if you can think up a good, justified reason for it, then you can have a character who only leans that way. I hope this clears everything up and finally ends this... conversation that people have been having.
wants the dick
well yeah actually that girl does give a handjob in that set
What a fun argument
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>wanna buy a cute new easter dress
>90% chance of thunderstorms sunday
also evens do work, odds fuck around
Buy a nice raincoat with it.
I can either buy a cute dress or a cute raincoat, I don't have the funds to do both.
That's a pickle then. Anyone have a raincoat you can borrow or is there pretty much nothing that can be done?
there's always the garbage bag poncho
True, but that's always the last resort.
That was sheepie, anon
dat ass
She always had a nice butt.
sheepie the wise
It's the law. If you're flat you should have hips and thighs.
You know not of the elder god tier-combo that is DFC+DFA
There's nothing delicious about having a gross bone butt.
There's nothing delicious about flab anywhere, anytime.
>Doesn't know about toned booty
The truest tone is when it's barely there, not your cucumber-crushing fantasy ass.
Who's the new superman guy? It's like Cavender or something. He has a good ass. Bubble butts, man.
Slablands just seems like a bad contentless clone of CoC made for normies that get butthurt about femdom and dickgirls.

How am I wrong about this?
Found your error.
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All this Lilith posting is making me want to do that succubus idea again.

She basically was Lilith in terms of physique anyway.
Do it
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Apples in the sky
Snakes on a wagon
We have a lot more anons here than I realized. What are you guys looking forward to most?
Crazy-ass cultists who have their own pseudo language and crazy rituals.

Now, in case people for some reason didn't believe me, here's the missionary variant of the dominant scene with the dragon girl.
bandit girls of the sea
Bandit girl thrills of the sea
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I like the cut of your jib
Death desu
I don't think we'll be fighting the final boss for a while, anon.
Can't wait to TF them into a cute dude and make him marry me so I'm immortal.
based god of advice
It may be weird but I was hyped the most when Tatoba said there will be castle reconstruction and some customization. Adventure is all fine and good but I'd like to be able to settle in my own place, hire/train servants of different monmusu races (that would have varied effect on the castle depending on their races) and live happily ever after.
Really cool pre-mortem one-liners
werewolves of london
Snek girls

You know, they'd take up a whole lot of bed room.

But I'd be totally okay with that.
Who needs bed room when you can sleep in her coils?
I wonder what they'd feel like.

Also another image in that set has what looks like a stocking on the whole of her slithery section. I wonder how that'd even work.
And how tough that'd be to put on, much less be in the first place to not tear at all.
shit movie
who cares about the movie? I watched 2 hours of that ass in motion.
>ads for some mysterious product/service advertised with tag lines like "Teased by my young boss!?" and manga screencaps of men saying things like "Nobody else has touched you here yet?" showing up on the pages I browse
ads are getting too invasive, get out of my life Google.
too active too early
Whats the continent where Beorg and Skypoint are located?
Why isn't this knowledge on the wiki?
People are lazy about it.
dart ass
He looks like superman, however he's working for an amazingly awful writer.
red nine
>not wearing it in thunderstorm
I've always thought that image was trying to hard to be cute and that ruined it for me,
Hyperactive girl
Giant ass harems of girls
Here's the doggystyle version, for people who like that.

dem pants
I'm proud of you guys
Solipsistic waifu.
Why not
dark side is best side
Instead of explicit femdom/maledom, can we get more girls who simply are assertive but treat the guy equally, sharing the fun? It seems that everything everywhere is either submissive stuttering little flower, passive cold fish or aggresive and raunchy slut.
We have lots of that
That is the future
Sarif tried to warn us.
We didn't listen.
lizard people are real
I'll just wear an old dress. I'm too poor to look pretty this time.
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So someone inspired me to write something neat today. It's a first draft, though, something I don't normally show off, so expect it to be rough.


Sorry to people waiting on edits or the raptors, consider this an aside to help me get back into things a little. It's already done anyway.
I hate you and everything you stand for, Braxton Brag.
Don't mess with Dixie.
I will remember this. The North shall rise again.
Nice. It's no ball of snake orgies but nice.
Orgies have never really been my thing, but hey. There's a snake guy.

I managed to blow through this in only a few hours which is pretty amazing for me.
Big titties kitsune
If you aren't pretty, new dress won't help you. If you are pretty, you're pretty already in the old one. If makeup and clothes could really so easily chase ugly away, there'd be no ugly girls.
You aren't worthy.
There are no ugly girls.
If you saw a pic of WA, you'd change your tune.
Even blurred out, that was awful.
Sorry, let me rephrase. No human girls are ugly.
Don't be rude.
It's called self-deprecation and you can't take it away from me, it's my only coping mechanism after the...
Changelog didn't change in quite some time. Is Tatoba okay or something happened? Or maybe he's on hiatus?
There are, but there are also desperate guys with low standards. Having a different taste is one thing, but if you see everything as good looking, it's hardly 'good' anymore.
That is some high ac armor
The only ugly someone can be is on the inside. Looks-wise nobody is ugly, that's the way I see it.
Then you simply have hardly developed sense for aesthetics or let your appreciation of people get in the way of it. I can differentiate between people looking better or worse and some of the 'worse' can look pretty bad. Doesn't mean they're not decent people and that their looks are defining quality. But they're certainly a varied quality.
I just think of it as more attraction. Just because I'm not attracted to someone doesn't mean they're ugly, right? Whether I want to fuck them or not has no impact on their worth, and ugly implies someone has less worth in some aspect (even if just by connotation) you know what I mean? So nobody is ugly. Some people I'm not sexually attracted to but it doesn't make them ugly.
Nah, there are ugly people. Take your subjectivism and put it in the trash.
I don't speak fa/tg/uy, what does that mean?
No, attraction doesn't mean sense of aesthetics. You can be very well attracted to people you don't find physically alluring since looks aren't the only factor in how sexy someone is (though it is a big part of it for majority of people) and 'sexy' isn't the only trait deciding on how attractive is the person.

Stop mixing up those two and learn to be able to judge someone's looks (from your subjective point of view and for yourself) without trying to base your judgement on their worth as a person just because of their looks. Exactly because it doesn't dictate their overall worth.
Isn't the castle reconstruction already a thing, anon?
I'm not gonna judge anybody's looks, though. There's no point.
This is getting way too off topic, tl;dr for my whole thing: nobody's ugly.
Snakes are venomous, not poisonous by the way. Other than that it looks good.
You can kinda repair it and clean up a bit but there's nothing afterwards. You don't set up your own facilities, hire sevants, upgrade stuff. The castle in general has no bearing on the world and any plot. For now.
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Yeah, I scrapped a lot of that. Too much work for too little payoff. There'll still be some minor stuff, like upgrading it a bit, but not much more than that.
There's this, which doesn't show any nipples but janny bopped me before so I'm not taking my chances.
Which is the shame because I know of people who never thought the payoff's small - the whole "make your slightly customized kingdom kingdom" thing is what would set slabs apart from other lewd monstergirl vns.
Well, I mean, you can still pick and choose your followers. Nobody's making you hire Rambles or Weiss. There's definitely still elements of what you're looking for there.
>but not much more than that.
Aaand now I am just disappointed. So, we're back to Slabs being just less shitty take on CoC?
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Yeah, but choosing who I want or not from a selection of obvious waifus/husbandos isn't exactly the same as building groups of servants and army of monstergirls of different types populating castle customized/upgraded into particular direction to accomodate them and my taste (and possibly also affect future stuff like world's politics, war etc). I understand that most people don't care as they just want their lewd battle sexing but still, damn shame.

You and me both.
Burly soldier whose never had sex and hasn't jerked off in a while because he's too shy to do it in a crowded barracks.
muscle awoo witch
I don't think most people want a muscle wolfboy, anon.
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Also, fit awoos appeal to all, I'm sure there's a want for awoo boys and girls.
Fit is good but I agree with previous anon, I don't think many people want muscle (though I am sure there's a few fans of this kink here as well). Personally, I prefer my fit girls to still be toned down and far from bulky bodybuilder looks.
This. It'd be awesome if Slablands would ever reach enough of personal castle/kingdom customization and in-game effect that I could use "Dare you enter my magical realm" meme.
it's good
Statue boys.
You don't even know how they move, but they do it.
And you can make your move on them. And do it.

Though I'd prefer statue girls.
like those moving statue street performers
except they really are statues until you give them a few bucks
>Oz+ Shall we date otome game
>the scarecrow is just a normal looking dude with blue hair
>he's the shy one while the lion is "frank and expressive"
>the tin woodman's name is "Heartman"
how can you base your game on something and get everything so wrong?
>New Voltron series

You know, it's goddamn hilarious that it's a classic series in the US, but in Japan the original series is remembered by basically noone.
Japan is known far & wide for it's almost habitual shit taste.
I think it also has to do with the US version changing things around completely.

And having an entirely new season animated just for it.

And a couple new series before this one too.

We kept it alive.

Japan at the time was swimming in a sea of robot shows that would get forgotten, Go Lion just happened to be one of them.

Super Robot Wars has been known to revitalize interest in some series, like Gundam X, Xabungle, etc, but even they couldn't get peoples interest back in Go Lion.

It's staying dead over there, I guess.
Poor window
bare knucks fighting

but why? does it save after you hit a self-made word count goal?
It looks like you set a time limit before you start so I imagine it would save once the session ends.
I'm sorry for asking this, but how many times to I need to explore Beorg before I get this magical castle repair quest? I've found all the rooms and as far as I know that's the only requirement...
Did you check and see if the wiki says?
I just says explore inside Beorg. Really not a lot of info in the wiki.
Wish I could remember how, it's been a while. I remember something about meeting a dwarf to repair it
Garudas who used their loose feathers to make you a matching pair of earrings/necklaces.
would bang
I'd dick the evil out of her.
I'd dick her evil.
Every time I forget about Aladdin's DILF dad I see a post about him and it all comes flooding back.
This general needs more lolis
Bully lolis

To bully with your dick
Also: that loli mouse girl thing in the church a couple threads back? 10/10.
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These two have given me a craving for lolis like you would not believe.
I keep meaning to check that out. And all those designs. Mmmph.
Gator girl deathroll blowjobs
>look it up
>not a porn doujin
I posted an anime screenshot, why would think it was a doujin?

There's already doujins of the series, but none that I know of that have the lolis. Yet.
I know, but Valli himself isn't a scientist. He isn't likely to be aware of or care about the differences. I think the out of character narration even uses the term venomous, it's just the lamia that doesn't.
the only true god
>watching a documentary on extreme virgins and one girl is letting her virgin sister come over and lose it in her bed because the virgin doesn't want to have the escort judging her shitty apartment
Jesus that's some camaraderie. Not even on an air mattress or anything.
>Tossing your virginity away to prostitutes
What a waste.
Flying chicken lizard girl
You could always write it, or maybe someone else could, just because he won't do it doesn't mean it can't be done. Just that he's lazy.
Flotation devices.
wifi girl
I'll show you a jib
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Tiny angels.
bandit bug girls of the sea
Who wouldn't
>I wonder what they'd feel like.
To be honest, probably not that great. I mean, it's basically big slab of muscle covered in hardly pleasant to touch snake skin.
You've never owned a snake if you think their scales are rough or unpleasant.
Owned, no. But I was petting those. I didn't say that they are particularly rough but I would say that they're hardly pleasant to touch. Your mileage may vary.
red 8
Insects don't like the ocean.
Not insects.
thunder pussy
bug disinfo right there
We can't be 'back' to that because Slablands was never like that in the first place. CoC is a sex-focused game, Slablands is a story-focused game with sex in it. In other words, they're different types of games, and people who like one won't necessarily like the other at all.
I could see that
Happy Ishtar, goddess of fertility day guis
Absolute worst goddess.
fuck work
I don't see much difference in this sex and story focus. I would even say that sex seems to be main element in both. The fights being about overpowering and fucking the eemy or losing and getting fucked, all companions being potential sexual partners, the land being generally twisted into lewd land. Don't take me wrong, I don't mind it much and I do think Slabs has some more potential than CoC due to lack of reliance of the former on just several sexual kinks repeated ad infinitum - but gameplay-wise they're very similar game.

I do agree that "back" is technically a wrong term, but the matter does stay the same - there were hopes for Slabs to become much more but now it seems it will be at most as much as most of such games aspire to be.
Sounds like somebody didn't get candy
No, I just know that temples of Ishtar promoted forced prostitution and sexual slavery and that she was basically Aphrodite's negatives amplified by a thousand mixed with bloodlust and murder.
>tfw just beat CoC four times to see more endings
>tfw none of them let you continue playing/save the game afterward

welp, that sucks
it's what i deserve too, though
spent way too much time on the game
didn't even fap during some sessions
Guess you're glad she got overthrown by a candy giving rabbit and his new pal Jesus, huh.
>I don't see much difference in this sex and story focus.
I assumed you skipped past the intro?

>The fights being about overpowering and fucking the eemy or losing and getting fucked,
No? There are plenty of fights where you just die or get looted after losing, even right now. In, those are the overwhelming majority of fights.

>all companions being potential sexual partners,
> the land being generally twisted into lewd land.
Also no. I don't even know where you're getting this impression from, it has no basis in the design doc or anything written.

This seems like a waste of my time, I'm probably going to stop replying here.
That I am.
>there were hopes for Slabs to become much more but now it seems it will be at most as much as most of such games aspire to be.
Don't despair, this game is set up so that if someone wants to come in and write more customization for the castle or anything else they can do so.
They'd need to get permission from the original writer, and coordinate it to make sure it doesn't conflict with any pre-existing castle scenes. Not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's a little harder than what you're saying.
>I assumed you skipped past the intro?
No. Went through it whole, both lewd and non-lewd route. Doesn't mean that two big scenes and a bit more original character creation makes the whole game story-based.

>No? There are plenty of fights where you just die or get looted after losing, even right now. In, those are the overwhelming majority of fights.
Maybe that I didn't lose often enough but many of those where I did were somewhat lewd and almost every win allowed me a lewd option.

>companions NOT being potential sexual partners
Every one of them who was somewhat "bigger" in content either provides lewd content or had it planned/considered. Certainly there's less finished well-developed characters who are absolutely platonic than not.

>Also no. I don't even know where you're getting this impression from, it has no basis in the design doc or anything written.
From gameplay. It's not some corruption like CoC but let's be honest, you can fuck most of the sentient world's inhabitants who aren't designated loot & exp source and many of them are kinky in general. Which again, is fine and a big part of the game for most players, but it still is what it is.

Compared to majority of actual story-based VN or RPGs? Slabs is kinky as fuck (though it is fine it is) and I cannot really take your opinion to the contrary seriously.
Maybe, I just want to get across that him being lazy and saying the game won't have anything like that doesn't have to hold true so not to take him too seriously.
Sorry but i have to ask. You did say slablands remove the furry stuff, but what kind of furry ?
Cuz i like catgirl, orc girl , birdgirl ,... monster girl quest is my stuff lol. Im okay with that kind of furry
That's not furry, that's monster girls.

Furry is when you have a big dumb animal face on a character.
I actually recall throwing some ideas and writing a few blurbs of slight customization for different castle locations (not posted but it's possible the file's still somewhere on my HDD) when the idea was thrown around and not yet finalized so it's not that I expect to have everything on silver platter. But there's still a big difference between preparing descriptions of facilities and features that require a lot of actual new mechanics and then learning those mechanics won't be added and writing descriptions for stuff that is already coded mechanics-wise.

I am willing to help a bit, but I doubt I'd be able to tackle something this big on my own and I don't think there's a point if the whole thing is to be mercilessly nerfed down to a few amusing tidbits.
It's always too early
It'd be up to Tatoba where they got mechanics, it's not like he's beyond reprogramming stuff to add features.
We make a distinction in what's furry and what isn't yet. There's some more details about it in the documents in OP but in general, furries in this context as animals with relatively humanoid skeletal structure - so, bipedal etc like humans but with muzzles and other those aesthetics.

Monster girls animal-based or not are more like stereotypical anime stuff - generally humanoid and even human-like, just with some features of whatever they're based on - harpies with wings instead of completely human arms, catgirls imagined as being mostly human, just with cat ears, a tail, maybe also cat nose a'la FF Mithras, lamias also being humans from waist up. These are fine and allowed.
You're right but that's why I'd like to make sure that there are features like this or that and how Tatoba imagines them to be working. I am not a great writer but I want to work a bit on that myself but I'd rather avoid situation when I'll write shit that simply won't fit how the feature is imagined or I write something for a feature that isn't considered for being there at all
>cat nose
Liar, those are explicitly banned. Check the faq.
>FF Mithras
Despite what furry artists tell you, they don't have a cat nose in that game. It's a human nose smudged brown.
There's an observatory above the library and a minidungeon in the castle he has yet to add.
I bet if someone did write it that it'd get in. I remember Tatoba talking about things like resource management himself so he'd probably want to have writers work on these kinds of mechanics.
Well, alright, my bad. I've meant and mentioned Mithra-like noses because I am pretty sure Tatoba was fine with those, no matter if you'll call them like something closer to one of cat or just slightly modified human ones.
No, animal noses have been explicitly banned for a long while now.
Yeah, but Tatobaguy isn't the one who actually wrote the castle. Listen, I'll spoil some of the things that are Planned in the Future™ since people are talking about it right now anyway:

The reservoir, which only has a pretty lame issue of giving the entirety of the castle ice-cold water right now, is supposed to be pumping out corroded black sludge and being a right hell for anybody living there. That's where the weird monster in the intro is at. I culled the feature for the time being because there's just not enough content to matter.

Furthermore, once the underground farm is repaired there should be crop management stuff. It's not planned on being anything special, though if somebody really wanted to work with me on making it more engaging for players I might be interested in it.

As for minerals - for things like the armored golem suits, the entirety of the mountain is laden with minerals. There's also a system planned where the rock elementals' programming can be fixed, restoring them to proper rock sentinels. They can be used as sentries, resource-gatherers if you hate kobolds that much, or maybe both.

There shouldn't be all that much, resource-wise, to worry about because the fortress is intended to be a self-sufficient structure. There's more stuff there, like the gigantic prison tower for prisoner management/cruel and unusual torture.

This doesn't get into things like the magic laboratory and its multiple wings. The biological wing for plants, the technological wing for magitechnology, and the research wing with its focus on pure magic.

Feel free to talk if you have any further questions, though I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond right away.
But he does decide what the mechanics will be. Unless you're saying you'd try and stop anyone who tries to write events that modify the castle, in which case I wish he could boot you.
undead girl trying to seduce you
Cute undeads best undeads
Shantae has all the bases covered doesn't it?
There are no bad girls in those games.
When is the frog getting coded?
That's quite interesting. How about NPc ties with that? Will they hae any assignable role? Would they be generic monstergirls of different races that'd be hireable? I remember discussion about limited number of slots so if for example you have a tower - you can turn into advanced magic lab, prison, some other facility and whatnot - how much of that will be there still left?
I wasn't paying attention to the mass of writing going on in the last few threads. I wasn't even aware there was a frog.
It's a pet that was written like two years ago. A dragon toad to be exact.
>That's quite interesting.

>How about NPc ties with that? Will they hae any assignable role?
Depends on whether the author wants them to do that.

>Would they be generic monstergirls of different races that'd be hireable?
I'm not really a fan of generic stuff, so the only things really planned on that front were maybe using the rock sentinels as a catch-all for generics. The other thought I've had for a long while was having the entirety of Beorg (which is, to refresh your memory, mostly comprised of humans and beastfolk) move in. Though I've had some other thoughts, those are the main two to keep in mind.

>I remember discussion about limited number of slots so if for example you have a tower - you can turn into advanced magic lab, prison, some other facility and whatnot - how much of that will be there still left?
As you might have realized, I basically took that idea and made it so you have all of that in the first place. In other words, instead of making you choose one or the other, you can have both and can decide which ones you want to focus on instead - or even do it all at once!
Oh, dragon toad. I remember that.

I don't associate frogs and toads the same.
nice skull bra
I suggested it be coded quite a while back, but I don't recall if he actually did.
Made from real skull, too.
Same with her thong.
Petting wolfgirls
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One day brother. One day.
Problematic girls

Teach me, elf sensei
The only thing she'd teach you is how well elves suck dick.
I'd teach her the shape of my dick.
She'll teach you the best way to stick it into an elf. The way the rhythm method works with elves. And other such fine topics.

The shape may change the way you have to go about some of these as well.
>site forbids hotlinking
>I will past the link even more eagerly than posting a pic itself when the side doesn't forbids that

I knew by your appreciation of elves that you're not a decent person.
/vg/ is a blue board, anon.
They hide content that's not even theirs behind a paywall. Fuck them.

Anon please. You're making me want things that won't happen.
mods don't like nipples anon.
Or skin for that matter.

Puritan mods, you know.
unless it's in the /fgg/ or /fgog/ OP posts, in which case borderline nudity is OK for some reason
How would you like to meet mouse loli? Also what towns could support a mansion with maids and noble family?
Bandit girls
At the moment, not really any of them. That seems more of a Physis/Wohlstand Empire thing.
Too many to decide. And too much disappointment to say for fear of dooming it.
>How would you like to meet mouse loli?
Stroll through the market? What places would she frequent?
Maybe she's nervous about going to church by herself or something
Really? Not even the desert? I suppose I could just put it away from towns and have the owners be eccentric traders who don't like to live in the squalor of a city.

Can't quote because I'm on mobile but for mouse loli I was thinking something less innocent. Maybe like you catch her stealing from the market and she begs you not to reveal her because she's from a relatively wealthy family.
That makes sense.
I guess the desert might be able to work if it's Bew-reshwet. That was my own error for assuming you were thinking of a purely European-style nobility thing.
>Can't quote because I'm on mobile but for mouse loli I was thinking something less innocent. Maybe like you catch her stealing from the market and she begs you not to reveal her because she's from a relatively wealthy family.
Hm. I like it.
worst case scenario you could have her be a preacher or mayor's daughter if you wanted a similar "don't tell my parents" thing
I was thinking European style nobility based on the characters but there's still nothing stopping them from living the desert so that would work
>I was thinking European style nobility based on the characters
Ah. Well, if you wanted that, like I said, it seems that it'd work out best as a Physis thing. Though if you don't mind tweaking them to fit the other area it should work out alright.
Fun fact, there are deserts in Europe.
Yeah, but there aren't deserts in Physis, and the culture of Bew-Reshwet is more Egyptian.
Tiresome anon, have you heard of immigration?
So they immigrate, and then they act exactly like they did in their homeland instead of assimilating?
Don't mind RRR, he has control issues.
I'm trying to talk about how something might fit in.
Yes. Look into how the British acted with their empire.

Is that who it is? It's sad that we have someone as autistic as this RRR here.
When batboy gets added
What I wanna know is, where's the caveman?
Will there be some followup with her after you knock her up?

Let's plot a course.

That's how the British acted within their empire. I'm not sure that they'd be around for long here.

I wonder if the utter irony of you not wanting to adapt your work at all for the setting, or work with me on any of the details, then calling me autistic for wanting to do that, occurs to you at all.
I'm not the writer you're harassing, there are just several easy solutions I pointed out you want to ignore so you can continue your autism.
Nevermind, it's a good thing I didn't dress cute grandma goes the fuck overboard hiding eggs.
plus I forgot how white trash my extended family is
Alright, I had a feeling you weren't the writer, but it's still fairly applicable because you're discouraging them from working with me.
You have some hilariously low standards for harassment if you think me talking to them for a few measly posts counts for that. This is clearly a worthless line of conversation so I'm just going to wait for them to respond.
Tell me your egg-hunting stories.
Last year the kids kept finding the adult eggs (w/ money) which were supposedly hidden harder than the kid eggs, so I guess she really went in hard this year. There was one egg that nobody could find, it had a five in there, all the adults were elbowing each other in the head searching for it. We live in FL so mosquitos are everywhere, the kids were just wandering around forming alliances with some of the adults so they could search the low ground for them, the baby kept running toward the pool and someone would have to dash over and grab them every few minutes, it was chaos. We found it like half an hour later hidden in some mosquito-ridden overgrowth.

The worst part are the pinatas. Every year they put in alcohol (because of who we are as people) and every year some of the tiny plastic liquor bottles pop and drench the lotto tickets and candy in vodka and whiskey. Especially this year since she didn't have a tree to hang it on so my aunt just lobbed the fucker like a softball toward the person hitting it (as you can guess, only one person got to hit the pinata which exploded on impact). No one ever wins more than 5 bucks on the lottos, I got drenched in orange cream smirnoff (I think it was orange cream), the kids were trying to eat the alcohol covered candy, etc.
I think the best summary of the event was my little sister was watching my aunt's easter basket (plastic walmart bag) for her. The aunt told her to make sure, nobody touched it, so I poked the bag to make her feel important and have something to report to our aunt. She takes off to tattle on me and the aunt pokes her head into the house, takes a drag on her cigarette and says "There's sixteen dollars in that sumbitch and I'm countin' it when I get back in." before retreating back to the yard to smoke.
But I got all the kid's candy (my stepmom slipped me the bag as we were leaving and when I said "wait, I think these are the kids" she just looked at me and mouthed "I know"), 3 dollars, and 3 bottles of liquor plus leftovers. So it was decent enough.
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Greed girl
Nice loot.
Why kill your foes when you can beat them psychologically with magic
>repeatedly teleporting enemies to high altitudes and then saving them just before they hit the ground
>swapping someone's armor with pretty dresses
>placing the enemy in an invisible box
>making their body interpret direction signals in reverse
>faking your death with a realistic corpse and then following them home and pretend to be a ghost
I don't drink but other than that yeah
anon's design document.txt
>including sending a vibrator to a target's wife
Holy shit could you imagine the ensuing conversation
Good. I don't drink either and I wasn't referring to the booze. Dump that in the trash where it belongs.
Well I was but now that you told me that I think I'll chug them, all three of them. At the same time.
Just as planned!
Best part is that this is still going on, all the time.
Does anyone have a link to this mouse loli?
it's mentioned right here, anon
no prob, happy to help

New thread
>before bump limit
why exactly?
Tiny alcohols.
Police corgi girl
A relatively new one.
Dick her evil pussy
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