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/meg/ - Mass Effect General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 155

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Urine soaked hell hole edition

MEG's updated updated Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0326Anr2

Thread theme: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_KdQ8jGMYqU

In this thread:

>liara best waifu
>waifus riding candy
>late night romantic dates to McDonalds
>purge when

Previous thread: >>134468849

Reminder to NOT reply to Talicancer, tranny and swampbeast shitposters under penalty of l*wdness, and don't forget to tip.
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Doc U is the moste succulente waifu.
Fem-eddrf and fem-wg best waifu
very l*wd first post
where can i find that elizabeth pic in the op
Dead on arrival
Just like a hurian stillborn abomination.
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OCD on suicide watch

>been shitposting here for all that time now, pretending to be a guy while actually a girl
>anon's face when

it's the only way to shitpost desu.
you're a big strong man, Wes.
>tfw WG has a husbando. That's why she's so obsessed with mating tubes.
>tfw WG probably wears skirts that accentuate her shapey ass and hips.
>tfw Western germanette will never be your gf.
teehee, don't hit on me, silly boys
Why can't you fug Vega?
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you can in citadel dlc in a certain party constellation. pic related
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Reminds me of this.

He's too busy planning out which random spanish words he'll interject in conversation to pay any attention to your advances.
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Hawke is a much better looking than swampbeast

Another dumb-looking slut with retarded armor.
Fuck off to /dag/! FUCK OFF! to /dag/
is she wearing jeans?

Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking when they made that game? Did they make it in a single year?
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Hello /meg/, I know your general is pretty dead these days but I hope you can offer some non-waifu related assistance to me.

I have nearly finished Mass Effect as an adept and will be moving on to Mass Effect 2 soon. Any recommended classes? I played it years ago as a vanguard (insanity) and had some jolly good times face smashing everything in my way while teleporting around the map.

Are adepts in ME2 fun to play? It seems like they have a heavily nerfed tool-kit compared to the first game. Are they viable on insanity? I was also thinking of trying an infiltrator... Basically anything but soldier.

Adept is pretty different in ME2, most of their stuff only works against non-armored/shielded enemies and on harder difficulties most of them have those defenses. it's not really fun since you have to rely more on your guns than on your abilities. also as far as I remember none of the adept skills even work on the last boss.
yeah, it's easily beatable (because what is really hard in mass effect?) but adept is really gimped in ME2 compared to a lot of other classes.

In ME3, adepts are kangs n sheet again though.
Every class is viable on insanity. Vanguard is fun, adept is a bit weaker but still not bad
OCD has gone into hiding due to shame
>recommended classes


Thanks, I think I'll try rolling with an infiltrator then and see how it goes.
Play Infiltrator or I'll kill your waifu
>trying to play me3 as a sentinel
>everything dies so fast I can't even use my power combos on them
what's the point
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this is a friendly general. don't make me call the mods
adept in ME2 on higher difficulties will be very frustrating as most of your powers work on non-armoured enemies, try infiltrator

who are you waifuing anon?
I'd love to put my dick in her cleavage.
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It appears we have reached consensus. Infiltrator it is.


Not sure yet. When I played it at release I usually stayed loyal to Liara but I'll probably go for Jack this time to try something new.

I haven't played the game in six years so it's kind of refreshing to experience it all again.
don't forget you'll have to refuse recreational fucking with jack or you're going to be locked out of her real romance.
Enjoy zero content
When will we get lewd?
where is WG? hope she posts l*wds :3
In my bed ;)
are you syrian then?
I have a Syrian skinsuit, of course. An essential item for anyone who wants qt German girls in their bed.
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I'll keep that in mind. I'm planning to do a (mostly) renegade run. Though I can never convince myself to kill Wrex or the Council in the first game. Fuck that.


Well, at release Liara was basically:

>"SHADOW BORKER" ad infinitum
>Scan computers aimlessly
>"thx Shep gl with that suicide mission I'm busy here tho hehe" :))
>Stare at picture frame before suicide mission
>End romance

So, I'm pretty used to the no content thing.

Though I did pirate the LotSB DLC, I'm assuming that might give Liara a bit more substance?
is WG a l*wd and pr*m*scu*us sl*t or a chaste and loyal waifu?
this is hard to read
A little bit in between, she definitely likes to get lewd and frisky more than most girls but I wouldn't go so far as to call her a sl*t.
already a shit thread
and lewdcancer

this place is total shit by now
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/meg/ + /dag/ when?
its actually a good idea, given the lack of content posted here
half the posters visit /dag/ anyway
Never, and stop asking.
its pretty selfish of you to maintain this sole general simply for 1 franchise.
merge with /dag/ and some other general can be created.
Its just cancer, comics and fags in this thread, it has no reason to exist. and you know it
Punching your waifu in the tits?
We're not merging with /dag/. Fuck that.
why not? you are all fags anyway, you wouldnt even notice the difference

Jokes on you, my waifu is drell and has no tits to punch
Does she like having her tits abused, and in which ways?

Fuck off to /dag/! FUCK OFF! to /dag/
I mean in the entire trilogy there is barely any Jack content. Liara has the most and Jack the least
Those of you who like drell... go to hell
more gay lewdposting pls
/meg/ a SHIT
We're already in hell
i wonder what they serve for lunch in hell
I agree, it would benefit both generals.
I don't get why the anons here are so opposed to the idea.
I would like a merge :3
yes! more cute anons to flirt with
Totinos pizza rolls
Because you keep using those obnoxious smiley faces
its cute
just like you :*
you go and personally merge with /dag/ and no one will miss you. I'd make a new /meg/ anyway
Why does WG hate us so much?
I'm convinced that the tali faggot = swambeast autist = /dag/ faggot
He's just trying out new ways to piss off /meg/
>I've never teased someone in order to get a reaction out of them
It was not meant in a spiteful manner, anon. The other anons were just trying to rile me up. It was a good effort. I liked it. Would reply in butthurt manner again/10
Dragon Age fucking sucks. The entire series is garbage. I did not enjoy a minute playing any game of the trilogy.
I like Origins, haven't played the others
You guys are overreacting. And I wasn't implying that was samefagging. It's just that I had a (You) for each one of them. The anons were good.
Never seen you post with this much vitriol before
it's manly teasing
>all this damage control
Origins is the most tolerable of the three but I just wanted it to end.

I really hate it.
What about it made you hate it? The combat or the setting? Because everything else seems pretty much the same as Mass Effect.
Origins was nice on PC ...

Strictly HETERO

>tfw cover blown
>tfw seriously contemplating disappearing from the internet
>tfw on the verge of committing sudoku
Where do you guys get all these l*wd webms and stuff? Is there some place where they're all uploaded or do you just search individual tumblrs?
The setting is nice if you want a generic fantasy but it was just so boring. I liked the combat but the dialogue, the NPCs, the areas, the story, all of it was just so boring that I didn't care about any of it.

I played it on PC. I assume it's better on PC than console.
Origins is super dry and just boring. DA2 was garbage which is a shame because the general idea behind it of a small-scope and more personal story was good but they butchered that game and the writing in every way imaginable. Inquisition I thought was actually alright and I enjoyed it although it had a lot of problems, chief among them being the incredibly short story and campaign quest line especially in comparison to the disproportionate and completely rediculous amount of generic side content. To me BioWare games have always been about the main story so it just boggles my mind the direction they took with that game.
What are you doing for Spring Break /meg/? How would you spend it with waifu?
This sums it up.

I'm going to California to visit my friend. I've never been before and I've never had the money for spring break so I'm excited.
Do you think EA/Bioware are going to do some shitty 10th anniversary thing next year?
Sitting in my apartment playing vidya. My internet best friend I've known for almost 10 years really wants to come visit me but I feel like it would just be awkward and I don't want to ruin the relationship because he is basically my only friend.
Hang out with some friends at the beach, maybe kiss some girls.
If i said that 6 months ago it'd have a depressing ring to it.
But now it's true feels good, i UNJUSTED my life
Catch up on sleep, studying and vidya
I wouldn't be surprised if I don't go outside all week
>spring break
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fuck of you piece of shit, i have way to much to do to shitpost in this sorry excuse for a thread atm
you should be glad
i am not the talicancer, i miss him and wish he would come back
as for /dag, i hate it just as much as you, you ugly nigger eat shit
Good Lord
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>Spring Break
fucking degenerates yanks
what's a spring break ?
>really wants to come visit me but I feel like it would just be awkward and I don't want to ruin the relationship because he is basically my only friend
thats how you lose friends you awkward beta, ffs grow a fucking pair, it hurts to read your comments
>internet friend
>only friend
jesus fucking christ, dont tell me you are the
jesus fucking christ, dont tell me you are the guy who missed all his youth?

>at beach with friends
>still posts on /meg/
sure thing buddy, i bet all your friends are "real"

Nice. Would date.
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didnt realize i missed shitposting this much
feels good
Reminder that the report function exists
looks pretty ugly tbqh
you have shit taste
>not wanting to lick Kolyat
>mfw founding out tali's face
Only to find your hand sinks into her breasts? Engulfed by her constricting bosom, pulling inward. Her heartbeat growing ever more intense against your fingertips as she moans and her nethers wetten?
She's smiling and kissing you on the cheek as she guides your other hand to her nipple. Feeling her shiver in pleasure as your fingers are slowly sucked in. Your legs growing weak as she allows your arm to enter her all the way to the elbow.
Waifu kissing you as you try to move your trapped forearms?
Sighing as she uses her free hands to undress you, letting her own clothes slide through her body and down onto the floor.

Having weird l*wd relations with her?
I wish

never. would rather personally make new /meg/s and keep them alive 24/7

Wasn't me, but it really sounds like me.

most tumblrs of a certain content (let's say mass effect futa) are usually following each other and linking posts of each other, so if you check what one tumblr is following you usually have most of the content creators in that list.
most content is also tagged so you can get stuff directly at the source.
it's very very frustrating though if content isn't tagged and reverse image search does nothing.

>spring break


congratulations, anon.
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what is this shit?
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>I wish
this is why germany dies
I would have 5 blonde blue eyed children by now.
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>I'm planning to do a (mostly) renegade run

>Romancing Jack as anything other than Full ParaGOAT Shep


I at least hope you took Colonist/Sole Survivor
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>implying you wouldnt be some rapefugee bitch
>anything other than paragon/colonist/war hero or colonist/ruthless
zero taste
would never let my waifu have 5 babies
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>romancing jack in the first place

only viable pick is earthborn
the whole premise of ME3 seems wrong if you arent born on your homeworld
I was exaggerating
With whom?
>you will never be eddrf and watch WGette squeal with laughter as she tries to crawl away from your tickling
>never. would rather personally make new /meg/s and keep them alive 24/7
That seems like a personal problem. Isn't that a bit selfish of you?
This triggers the kraut
>you will never see WGette wear a frilly skirt and take a gander under it
>750 posts
>1 unique poster

would actually like to see that being done.
If you were a qt girl what would you want to look like?
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this fucking degeneracy, go out and get a fucking girlfriend its friday ffs, fucking basement losers
right back at you
i fucked twice today already you loner
close the /meg tab and go, fucking pathetic
This is not comfy at all
ignore him
do you have stronk blonde//blue recessive traits?
I still like to hang around with you guys
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>a fucking imageboard
this keeps getting better and better
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If you google for her ("cerebralenigma") and search for images, you get a /meg/ collage on page 2
would cuck eddrf/10
Literally looks like a prepubescent boy
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you are a closet faggot just like OCD, arent you?

quality /meg posting
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Going to find get a waifu that looks as close to her as possible so I can take selfies with her and post them on /meg/ to make WG jealous
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Prepubescent boy with makeup and tits
get a fucking life
She lives on Hawaii and goes to university there, can't imagine Hawaii having more than one or two so just hunt her down and take a selfie.
It's a fantastic haircut and looks great on her though
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no you fucking faggot, sche ruined it with this undercut shit you fucking faggot, people like you should be shot
did you really have to disclose that information ? you trying to prove a point big guy ?
no you retarded faggot, i wrote 2 exatly because of this
thanks for biting the bait dumbass
did i bite the bait , big guy ?
gunna bite your dick :)
femshep autist so mad again he can't type correctly any more
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yes you did
its degenerate closetfaggots like you who encourage these shitty hairstyles with your not existent taste
just fuck a guy ffs
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I wish I could transform into a girl at will
for what purpose
being a fucking martial arts master
mostly for lewd purposes
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thats what trannys want aswell you degenerate

filthy faggot

god i hope this thread dies today, place needs to be purged
only degenerates and retards
not going to happen thanks to you firing the discussion
Soothing thoughts
Warm sun on your back
Cool breeze in the air
Eating peanut brittle with a full set of teeth.
Goodnight, MEG.

Remember, happy thoughts.
I wish I as a happy girl
fucking femshep?
I want to turn swampbeast poster into femshep and then fuck the shit out of her
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with very short hair though
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>Philippines not even mentioned
this is why reddit sucks ass
jack seems to have a massive ass
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cuddling your waifu knowing full well that it once was WG?
is it okay to have femshep as a waifu?
You can't have a playable character as a waifu
jack's hips tho
what's with femshep's turbo slut make up?
>race instead species
this is why reddit is cancer
it's called being caked up, it's to hide how hideous she really is
waifus wanting to ride suburban?
Femshep x Liara = a lot of little blue children

why is it the most perfect and pure pairing in all of history?
because then her genetic lineage will end with you, which is a good thing.
>why is it the most perfect and pure pairing in all of history?
it's not
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>it's a responding to swampbeast autist episode
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>muh verrikan

>This expression indicates a turian's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with something he can not understand or respond to, turians mumble "muh verrikan" or "muh military." This is usually followed by cries and screeches
This whole post is stupid. The Turian military is known for FAR more than just their fleet. Salarians are as technologically advanced as the Asari if not moreso. If the Asari are known for anything (militarily speaking) it's their biotics. And War Assets have literally nothing to do with how powerful a species is, even if we're talking literally right during the events of ME3, and he doesn't make it clear whether he's talking about pre- or post-ME3 events -- if he's speaking "in general" than War Assets shouldn't have even been mentioned in the first place.
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>"perfect and pure"
>posts an image of them in slutty leather outfits partaking in extremely sexually degenerate acts, bending each other over and spanking each other in a room with a giant picture of themselves making out plastered on the wall
That's the complete opposite of "perfect and pure"
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>tfw my hand smells like tasty ass swiss cheese
it's reddit, what did you expect?
i'd fuck the swampbeast tbqh familio
pretty desperate
Waifus genetically engineered for your pleasure
waifus genetically engineering you for their pleasure?
Of course. Waifus exist to please their anons, and anons exist to please their waifus
I want a waifu
>Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer died last night at the age of 71

fuck 2016 to hell and back
If he was 71 he was already dead
literally who
Teenagers OUT!!
don't have a stroke grandpa
To be fair, I'm 30 and didn't know who it was.
Musicians self own all the time though, he was late and probably coming down from a coke binge.
kids these days...
Did the Grim Reaper strike again?
he's injured. injured = dead, just some jokster, come on.
you had me there for a second though
no, i just like redheads
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welcome, welcome
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>bigger than a literal human body
>have to hold your arms up in the air to type
>can't display any color except orange
technology sure has come a long way
So if we can kill people with nothing but light projected from our omnitools, how come nobody from Earth has made an omni-lightsaber yet? Shit, give those to biotic users and you would have literal jedi.
omnitools are pretty impractical as well. you can only use one hand to type. they should have been something projected in front of your chest/head, so that you could type with both hands and the weapons part should be a completely separate thing. what made them put that shit together into one is beyond me anyway.
It isn't light. Read the codex
leab me alone pls
no h8
i wanna fuck you
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>calibration team
Why do salarians all have that weird handle on the front of their clothing?
maybe it's supposed to be their version of ties?
literally fucking aids
Recommend me something to watch /meg/
Movie, TV, I don't care
I know you watch a lot of shows WG
anything more specific in mind? science-fiction? cartoons? anime? murder mystery? porn?

and I don't really watch THAT much, I feel like I'm just hoarding downloaded stuff.
Sci-fi would be nice but it doesn't matter to much, anything you really like
Yeah there is such a small dedicated hambeast audience that makes this femshep liara shit that its fuking funny
Why what's wrong with it?
I hope the next ME has a feature like Metal Gear V where you can pick music as you drop in or get picked up. Imagine coming in on the Kodiac pumped by this:
Considering one of the dumb things about ME2 and 3 is characters not having completely sealed helmets, why did the designers not make an option where everyone has more 'realistic' helmets, but when they talk in cut scenes you see through the helmet? Seems super obvious.
try out Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, that's around 300+ episodes plus a few movies. easy to pick up if you torrent them, else try yourserie (someone just re-uploaded that stuff there).

Star Trek TNG is a must-see (I hear a lot of younger people than me haven't watched it).

Battlestar Galactica if you're into all that mystical god-guides-us stuff.

There's a 12 Monkeys series if you liked that movie and are into post-apocalyptic stuff, it is pretty okay.

Most currently, The Expanse.

The Man in the High Castle if you like what-if-Germany-won-the-war alternative history.

Dark Matter is something that comes close to space horror, if you like stuff like Deadspace, go for Dark Matter.

Killjoys is a sci-fi interplanetary bounty hunter series, if you like that.

movies is just too broad a field, you'll most likely have watched a lot of them anyway, so I'll just drop a few you might not know yet:

Dredd (Judge Dredd fucking shit up)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (deleting memory, imagine you could do that with mass effect)
Event Horizon (space horror)
HapHead (good luck hunting that one down)
Hard to be a God (russian movie from the perspective of a guy who is charged to oversee a medieval planet to properly develop)
In Time (everyone stops aging at age 25 I think, everyone has a timer to live on, when it hits 0 you are dead, time is currency, you can give others yours and the rich people are those who have most time in however ways they acquired it)
K-PAX (crazy guy who thinks he's an alien)
Masters of the Universe (I think it's very underrated, Skeletor's speech is probably one of the best of any villain ever and besides the soldiers of Skeletor have damn cool armor)
Moon (hallucinating astronaut)
Predestination (time travel and destiny)
The Adjustment Bureau (a bureau regulates everything, what if our lives are just controlled by them?)
The Lobster (/r9k/ - the movie)
They Live
Total Recall (1990 version)
Under the Skin
Wow, thanks man
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>Imagine coming in on the Kodiac pumped by this


also fuck youtube unblocker. I feel crippled now.
The only good thing about femshep, is including rape in her backstory. It does not work nearly as well with sheploo
This is what Shepard is disemabarking to in order to kill ugly aliens and fuck the hot ones-
You can't do that, can you?
decent song for once

Swampbeast has the body, carriage and mannerisms of a man.
Not only does this sound like music Kaiden would listen to, there are basically three Kaiden look-a-likes in the band... (maybe tsundere Jack would say she hated it while listening from around the corner and imagine being in the band)
>not this

but she has noodle arms
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It's Kaidan. Why do people fuck this up? And why do people call Norman Osborn Osbourn or Osbourne?
Because Kaiden is how it would be spelled if his parents weren't fucking retards.
I actually stuck my dick in lubed PVC pipe and had my girlfriend lick me from the other end while wearing goggles to simulate a Quarian blow job through her mask. ...it wasn't that great.
Too obvious of a compromise from shitty creators
Colonist Shepard is better, as you can imagine her living a carefree and happy existence before being BT'ed, whereas Earthborn probably sucked off every gang member before she was 15.
So if male Salarians don't have penises do they fertilize eggs by squatting and basically having a liquid fart on them of sperm? Would it make the 'thhppb' air escape sound?

Only 1 in 10 salarian males gets to fertilize the eggs. And even then, they have the sperm forcibly extracted from out their clococas by machines and don't actually get any release.

They would be the ultimate beta cuckold species if the quarians did not exist.
they do that underwater I think
why would you even want to know that
>this sound like music Kaiden would listen to
I have to include this in my headcannon now.
Why is Gayden such a hipster faggot
how do i fuck
you? hahahahaha!
I hate quarians so goddamn much

I want Andromeda's Normandy to have a speaker system that you play your own music through.

And a brig. And a crew that has actual tensions and dynamics you need to navigate and resolve.
I want Bioware's headquarters to burn down along with all records of Andromeda's existence
best outcome we could hope for.
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but what if it's good
there's little danger of that
Those of you who hate on quarians, femshep, etc are making /meg/ a more hiveminded place, and doing the bidding of Western German's shit tastes.

You people have already driven eddrf off, now all we have left is this useless WG.
eddrf wouldn't leave the /meg/, so far as I know.
Picture of a tweak our team is doing to a "standard" design for a Reaper Destroyer. It's for our upcoming Mass Effect-themed Fanfilm, "To Save the World Entire".
The Alliance Anderson class Destroyer. Named after David Anderson, Hero of the Reaper War. (Destroyer types are named after Earth Soldiers)

A Destroyer is a classification of starship used by Humanity's Systems Alliance to describe starships with the low-cost and quick production time of a frigate and firepower closer to that of a cruiser.

The Anderson class is a post Reaper War Destroyer starship. Its around 350 m in length with 180 Crewmember.
After the Reaper War most of the Citadel Navy lies in rubble. More than 95 percent of the fleets are destroyed or not operable. Some groups use this circumstance to plunder the war-torn regions. The Systems Alliance responded with the commissioning of the Anderson class, a smaller, agile police cruiser.
The Anderson use reaper adapted tech like modern mass effect field generators, shields and space-saving Thanix Weapons. This grade of automatisations helped to reduced the crew without losing effectiveness.

Main armament is the Long range Javelin Mk IV Torpedo launcher, also known as "Giant-Killer". These 7 m long Javelin explosive devices hold a own mass effect core wich collapse when it hit a enemy and produce a massive gravityeffect that can crush even a Dreadnought or Carrier hull.
Secundary weapons are 7 Twin Thanix Cannons for mid range and also for intercept Fighters and enemy missiles. The Low range GARDIAN System consists of 14 small mirror lenses for the ultraviolet antiship lasers.
looks like garbage
>Stargate SG-1
>tfw Admiral Xen played someone in this
Terrible song. It's garbage. Like Kaidan

>maybe tsundere Jack would say she hated it while listening from around the corner and imagine being in the band
Jack would laugh at it and walk away.

Muh holographic display and keyboard.
eddrf is still here as far as I know

Pretty nice. I like the sound of the typewriter.
I had a dream where /meg/ died
And then I woke up
Really weird dream

meg is eternal
>just discovered the trap Pink Bubble on /gif/
How is it even possible to be that cute? Need one of dems in a brothel in Andromeda.

fuck off

eddy is still here, don't be daft.
>After making a million black and white biro sketches, I decided it was finally time to try making something in colour. Did this with black, blue, red and green biro, plus a gold gel pen that died after about three seconds. I'm quite happy with how it turned out. :)

These are the three adopted quarian children of my MaleShep, Lionel, and his love interest Tali. I call them the Nar Normandy siblings. They all have human first names, because Lionel and Tali wanted them to be familiar with human culture despite being quarians. Their suits are designed by me, though Ava's takes a lot of inspiration from Tali's armour in ME3. From left to right, we have:

>Milo'Shepard vas Rannoch: The oldest of the three, Milo is a rare thing: a quarian biotic. His parents' ship was badly damaged during the war for the homeworld, killing his birth father and damaging his mother's suit, which meant that Milo could be exposed un utero to the element zero from the ship's leaiking drive core, leading to him developing biotic abilities. His mother's suit rupture led to her contracting an infection that killed her not long after she gave birth, and eventually he was adopted by Lionel and Tali. He's grown into a confident, cheerful and active young man, not to mention a powerful biotic - after he received his implants, he spent a lot of time playing biotiball with his dad and his 'uncle' Kaidan, and as a result he eventually became the star of the first quarian biotiball team. He also likes to wear random human items along with his suit - hence the sweatbands.
>Thea'Shepard vas Rannoch: The middle sibling, Thea is strong-willed and extremely intelligent. She's grown into a botanist, working on Rannoch to find the best places and ways to grow crops. She's at the top of her field and doesn't suffer fools or incompetence gladly - neither does she like giving in, and she doesn't react well to people who do. Her colleagues often joke that something suicidal is 'like telling Thea'Shepard something's impossible.' There is a tender core underneath her professionalism, but it only really comes out when she's around her family.

Ava'Shepard vas Amareh: The youngest, and also the one with the most interesting story - but I won't go into detail, because I know some of my watchers who haven't finished the games will not appreciate the spoilers that would be necessary to explain. Ava was always fascinated by the geth, and she felt like she had a duty to atone for what had been done to them... unfortunately, her form of atonement involves eventually breaking a law of Council space and subsequently going on the run in a stolen ship - along with a geth she constructed with her own hands. Ava and her geth buddy assemble a team of misfits and set off around the galaxy, righting wrongs... she may only be Shepard's adopted kid, but she seems to have inherited his ability to irritate the Council and gather unlikely but awesome friends. I'd like to write her story at some point, if I have time.

>Quarians and Mass Effect © Bioware
>Milo, Thea and Ava © Skyflower51

>You people have already driven eddrf off
Nah. I'm still here.

Gee, this reaper really needs something new, something refreshing for our movie. Let's add spiky bits.


Of course one is a biotic.

Also /meg/ I realized something. Omnitools are tiny right? If so, how come people don't have two or four omnitools strapped to their back, that spawn multiple drones or multiple incinerate blasts on command? I realize it's because of balancing, but is there an actual lore reason this is not done?
Also /meg/ I realized something. Omnitools are tiny right? If so, how come people don't have two or four omnitools strapped to their back, that spawn multiple drones or multiple incinerate blasts on command? I realize it's because of balancing, but is there an actual lore reason this is not done?

they seem to be expensive as fuck
That makes sense.

This wasn't that bad. I've seen a lot worse.
this post right here tbfh
all you faggots do is suck WG's dick on his shit tastes, driving people with other opinions off.
this place is a cesspool
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Glad to see someone else is making Tali size content!
>WG will never let you suck his dick while he watches football and drinks beer
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Ashley a cute CUTE!.png
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>was out walking the dog

Damn, I'm tired of the cold, now. pls gib spring
I need a cute waifu to warm me up. No l*wd, I swear, only cuddling with socks on. Maybe holding hands.
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>Maybe holding hands.
With several tissues, a handkerchief, or some other barrier between you, that might remain wholesome.
Need a waifu to get in the shower with me. Need a waifu to hold close as the hot water streams down our bodies
Certainly, if hers stop not far past her wrist. Too long, and it's almost as bad as contact between your bare hands.
What if they're part of her hardsuit/armor?
You're the reason swambeast autist plagues us
Talking about him is the reason he plagues us
Worn as intended with the hardsuit or armor and part of the complete suit is acceptable as well.
no, he is right, this is one of the pictures that made me decide to shitpost femshep
eddrf just posted in this thread and said he wasn't "driven off". you intentionally ignore reality here, are you the German government or something?

And come on, if I could drive someone off, then certain cancers would definitely not post here any more.

>drinking beer

come on, I don't drink alcohol.
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You're a sexist, bigoted asshole.
Don't fucking respond to him.
You people are like insects to a bug zapper
I hope Swampbeast poster displaces Western German as king of /meg/, just as how the latter usurped eddrf, who in turn drove off VaginaPrimata
>t. toxic masculinity
If I lived in the ME universe, I would blow thousands of hard earned credits on buying used female under suits from the armor for creeper purposes.
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Talicancer, fuck off
>femshep triggers /meg/
>tali triggers /meg/
>/meg/ loves tomboy jack
>/meg/ loves transashley
>/meg/ loves sheploo
>/meg/ loves gay posting
>/meg/ loves BT cuking
>/meg/ loves MT
>/meg/ loves STT jokes

and you guys complain of the amount of shitposting?
this place is a lost hope
>/meg/ loves women with masculine bodies
I love you!
I want to fuck you
could it be that the hate for tali stems from the sole hatred from one nazi german?
where does the hate come from then?
where does the hate for femshep come from?

just because you are gay?
People have different tastes and preferences and those characters are naturally unlikeable to a lot of people for a variety of reasons
give me some rational reasons then
this is a feel i don't desire to feel
Femshep mostly for her voice acting and her default appearance in ME3

Tali because of most people's dislike of everything Quarian in the games, her technobabble and constant talk about Quarian society, and the fact that she has no face to admire (for some people that's a + but for a lot it's not). Mostly it's because she's a Quarian.

We could go down the list and list off the bad parts of every single LI in the trilogy. Every one of them is disliked by at least one person here. The only reason femshep and Tali get so much shit is because they have the most cancerous fanbase.
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It is natural for women to put up a fight against the rapist. Unfortunately, some rapists get more sexually excited by women who play hard to get and who resist their advances.
>Femshep mostly for her voice acting and her default appearance in ME3

both subjective, not really valid reasons to hate her
meers VA isnt better, but stil you goofs dont hate him and black out pictures with him
you can change the face, not a reason

>her technobabble and constant talk about Quarian society
they have to introduce and make a species intresting somehow
not a reason to hate her

not really a good argument

people have opinions. it just so happens that a lot of people here prefer meer's voice acting. a lot of people here also think that ashley looks like a tranny, but you don't see ashfags constantly shitting up the thread
What, you can't like somebody because of subjective opinions? That's the entire basis for not liking somebody. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The entire point is there are subjective things about each and every character in the trilogy and in any video game or movie that some people subjectively like and some people subjectively disilke. You really seem to fail to grasp the concept of opinions. The only reason people give femshep and Tali more shit than others is because they are easy targets and people like you give them tons of ammo.
>The only reason femshep and Tali get so much shit is because they have the most cancerous fanbase.

so the ashley fanbase isnt cancerous
the jack/ashley/liara dumps are somehow different from tali/femshep
waifu posts arent cancer?
this guy who posts this blonde horseface whore isnt cancer?
miri with penis isnt cancer?
this one tranny/ flaming faggot isnt cancer?
GTFO with your shitty arguments, come back with one good valid reason and maybe i stop
Just accept that what you does is displeasing to Western German. And fuck off.
yes they do, with the same 5 images every time
ah ok, so it is ok for you to spout about your shitty opinion but not for me?
kill yourself
>the jack/ashley/liara dumps are somehow different from tali/femshep
>waifu posts arent cancer?
not here
>this guy who posts this blonde horseface whore isnt cancer?
not here
>miri with penis isnt cancer?
not here

cancer is different everywhere

here, sucking the dicks of reddit and SJWs who hold femshep up on a golden throne is cancer

all those things you mentioned are just par for the course here, if you don't enjoy that cancer then you just don't belong here

i don't know why you take it so personally that people hate your waifu, people hate every waifu and you're the only one that throws a shitfit about it

it's not some philosophical argument or mathematical equation, i don't know what kind of "valid reasons" you're looking for, people just don't like femshep. if you're so triggered by that you should go to reddit or BSN where everybody adores her, sounds like the perfect happy little trigger-free funzone you would fit in with.
Do you see the difference between these two posts?
I'm not spouting any opinion. Just saying why some people don't like femshep and Tali. You are welcome to give your opinion all you want but of course people who disagree with it will judge you for it, and the more autistically you present it the more people will naturally dislike you.
yes, femsheps face was blacked out as a passive aggresive attack on someone who likes femshep
And the other literally has the filename "guaranteed replies"
Look at the actual posts
oh, and the ashley one was written by some feminine whimp, embarassing post tbqh
Yeah because they know it will trigger you and they were obviously right.
>reddit and SJWs
not really my agenda, i hate them just as much as you
>if you don't enjoy that cancer
i am cancer inpersonated, not denying that, so i fit right in
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>complains about waifu cancer
>literally triggered into an autistic rage because he can't accept that somebody doesn't like his waifu
>the more people will naturally dislike you.
>implying i post here to be liked
>2016, wanting to be liked on the internet
>blaming tripfags
lowest of low 'arguments'
It's not about being liked. You keep asking why nobody gives a shit about the other waifus, it's because they are posted and presented in a likeable manner. When every single post of femshep is connected to a furious hambeast rant of course nobody is going to like her. Like that other guy said, look at the difference between you and the Ashleyfag's post. Yours is way easier to make fun of and gives femshep an even worse rep in the general with every post you make. She wasn't even that hated compared to the other characters before you started posting here. You are literally making her unlikeable and then complaining about why people don't like her.
you didnt like her and spouted about her without a reason even before i started posting here
So what? I call Miranda a disgusting slut with an extra chromosome most threads
Yes, like we "spouted" about every other LI too. Literally every single LI is disliked here. Some more than others because of the tastes of people in this general.

>without a reason
I don't know why you have such a difficult time understanding this. I already told you, the reason is that people have different tastes and opinions and what you may like about a character, other people will dislike. Every single character is disliked here.
>most threads
haha what, this thread was the first time
Put your fucking trip back on WG
that is actually true. extreme femshep hate, even custom femsheps, started about half a year before the swampbeast autist started getting triggered. you can make out that change exactly at the point at which the anon who got extremely triggered by anything femshep related started calling the frecklebeast "swampbeast". until then, it had always been frecklebeast, not swampbeast and it deteriorated from there.

just saying...

and not supporting the femshep autist either...
you don't even read the threads, how would you know
like i said, first time i ever read that
w-wasn't me, honest...
so you can't read, congrats

you're like an infant, you think something doesn't exist just because you don't see it
Then you aren't paying attention

I wouldn't know about the swampbeast thing, she was being called that when I came here. The femshep hate got really vitriolic when the tranny showed up though
>blacked out as a passive aggresive attack on someone who likes femshep

No, I just like Ashley in that picture but I don't want to see default female Shepard. That's literally it.
The image was posted before you took up your title.
Those of you who condemn Swampbeast and Talicancer.... are attempting to circumscribe the right of fans of those two monstrosities.
Ashley best

Good man.
Ash is a good man

A good woman.
A good woman with a bit extra
Was a bit worried of how she'd look when I got to ME3 because of all the shitposting but she is still super cute

A bit extra meat on her bones, with larger breasts and a fuller butt.
A bit of extra meat between her legs
they all suck
only good for fapping, you should be ashamed for writing or reading anything else
if you wrote something post it so i can laugh at you and maybe pat you on the back
i wrote the one where WG gets spitroasted by a couple asari
oh, i liked that one
sequel when?
The sequel involves syrians

Extra plump labia that produces a nice coinslot gingey.
next time i feel inspired i guess
wouldn't matter

good, good.
Are you saying you want to be spitroasted by syrians?
Labia that stretch and deform lewdly as they part to allow either fingers, or dick inside?
What about both? At the same time?

Covering your fingers or dick with l*wd juices?
>he can't keep satire and reality apart
>german humor
fucking disgusting
>vulvas are disgusting

fuck your racism
>denying that races exist
>denying races are different
>denying that this is a good thing
educate yourself retard
and germans = master race
jabba the hutt: 1 atheists: 0
checkmate motherfucker
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>people like this roam the earth and you get punished for killing them
i have never seen a fat vagina
sweet page 10
>why don't you like us talimancers? what did we ever do to you?
>Secazz said he wouldn't make any mass effect content
>He makes this with even voice from candyslut
This god damn motherfucker
Ashley and femshep living in harmony? That's a tall order...
in me1 are some flirty lines between them, also ashley was once considered as a lesbian romance, same as miri.
would have liked that tbqh
Does your waifu nap? With you?
She naps besides me while I'm working
secazz is a fickle person
how can people say mass effect is not a master piece?

This game not once did not have a /vg/ thread

a shitty game cant create such loyal fans

i love you guys
>This game not once did not have a /vg/ thread

wouldn't that make Katawa Shoujo a masterpiece as well?
It actually is pretty good if you're into that kinda thing
Not so thinly veiled MEW thread over at /v/


Also, I got a message online today. All it said was 'strontzo'. I guess someone's mad.
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>The Mass Effect general is close to it and is more pathetic than the Katawa General
I get the feeling Andromeda multiplayer is going to be extremely fun
I don't care about multiplayer. I never did. And even so, multiplayer has never been the reason why I was interested in Bioware games in the first place.
It will be so engaging that it will make you care no matter how much you resist. Like reaper indoctrination.
just started playing a biotic class and had a chat with chawkwas and apparently shepard doesn't know anything about L2 implants

complaining to bioware now
>/v/ calling anywhere a shithole
I just don't care.
I'd like to see something more involved like those Destiny style raids. Anything besides some generic and uninspired wave defense bullshit on some tiny ass boring map.
you shouldnt, you will like it either way

its inevitable
it has to be explained for the casual player who can't be bothered reading the codex
I read the codex and it doesn't say shit about the light blades or any of that shit.
Just made an impulse purchase meg

They are microfactories. The omniblades are super thin metal blades at a high temperature. The lights are to keep people from touching them accidentally because they're hard to see
Can't wait to see those swaggin leather jackets in Andromeda, BioWare got /stylish/ in Inquisition
What did you buy?
>Just made an impulse purchase meg

a new car?
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Stardew Valley
We'll see if I regret it
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How is this guy allowed a job? How come nobody at BW or EA gives a shit?
i don't give a fuck, it's immersion-breaking

and that's awfully presumptuous of bioware to assume casuals will care about biotic lore
There are plenty of non-casuals who don't read the codex too.
Well, that was a whole lot of shit I didn't need tonight.

Oh, no! It's retarded.
i don't read the codex either tbf, i get my lore from the wiki
my first thought aswell
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>Manveer Heir @manveerheir Feb 16
>Or maybe stop being a racist... you could also do that. In fact, that's my suggestion.
in those situations i usually load a savegame to set my autistic mind at peace
ME has taught me to use F5 before every conversation
yeah i do that too, always nice to meet a fellow autist
>paki getting uppity again
how much reach does he have?
which position does he hold?
how much damage can this sorry excuse for a human bean do?
I think he is senior gameplay designer or something for Andromeda. In an interview I read awhile ago he said something along the lines of getting upset that higherups wouldn't always take his suggestions seriously so it seems like they have him on a leash. It's just a question of how much slack they give him.
>Mass Effect: Andromeda gameplay designer
>Fights for intersectional diversity in games.
>Omar background on his twitter
Do you reckon he thinks he is as badass as Omar?
>pinned tweet
>A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep
So yes
>all his suggestions are ignored
>he's being shown fake gameplay footage with his suggestions incorporated
>in the final game, which was developed as the polar opposite of what he suggested, everything is like a dream come true for /meg/
>Curry Thunder being found dead on release day, comitted suicide by eating 50 dishes of indian food all at once, causing his stomach to rupture
stop making me a figurehead
whatever you say mein fuhrer
did they say andromeda is multiplayer orientated?
in this case its probably nothing for me anyway.
i always liked the story most in bioware games, but since every good writer is gone, they have nothing left to go for than the multiplayer way. microtransactions involved.
Sad, i may not even play this game but follow the shitfest on /meg/, spamming and shitposting femshep as a reminder of the old glorious days of mass effect. i hope the new arrivals are as toxic to her as you.
uh shit, I somehow thought that was the last post because my browser didn't load everything at once, the discussion was already over, ignore me...
Manveer. We've had issues with Manveer at previous events. Some BioWare people lobbied to bring him back for Andromeda, feeling that he deserved another chance. That was a mistake. Manveer is an ass, and we won't be working with him again.
yeah it will have MP, not sure how integral that will be though.
give me half life 3 you fat son of a bitch, im waiting for over 10 years
its the last hope for gaming
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How about some MEW, instead? Maybe it will summon the Boss as well.
What is MEW? Who is that qt?
>girls like that do hardcore pron
one good thing the happy merchant brought into the world
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A megbunny

She doesn't do porn, anon. Unfortunately.
What's a megbunny?
Use link cable with a friend to get a pokemon with surf before you get on the SS Anne and there is a secret island with a truck on it you can get to. Use Cut on the truck and you'll find out...
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A female member of the megsev crew.
God damn, those legs

How do I join the megsev crew, I want to meet lots of cute megbunnies if that's what they look like
Is TM a megbunny?
you'll have to become fiction, anon.
Or trip and make an impact.
Or write your own fics
and MEW = Mary Elizabeth Winstead

That's all it takes for a batarian to break into your prefab with the intent to foam your waifu. Why don't you own a gun?
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Applications are not open at the moment. Only the Boss and Eddrf made it in.

She's a megwife. We barely respect her.
I like to let them break in so that I can quietly kill them and then dress up in my BT skinsuit to rape and traumatize my waifu and keep it looking legitimate
We don't respect her.
We fear her.
Who is the Boss? Snake?
Comforting your waifu and taking her to therapy after you rape her in your skinsuit?
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That's reckless, WG! You can't send them after John McClane's daughter!

Snake? SNAKE? No. We have no snakes here. Although he is reptilian in nature, I guess. He's a Krogan. Goes under the name of Shellshock and I, personally, just call him The Boss. Like Springsteen.
it's an old fat tripfag called SS or Shellshock. OCD started calling him boss. maybe he needed a father figure.


But seriously, I have a great dad.
Waifus getting addicted to drugs and allowing their lives to fall apart?
What do you think femshep's vagina smells like? I bet it varies, depending on which background you choose

for earthborn, i would say it smells like fish
for mindoiran, i would say spaghetti
for spacer, gravel
>I have a great dad
Does he give you cummies?
OCD, be honest. Did you mix your prescription drugs with alcohol again?
>Played football with me when I was a kid
>Taught me how to ride a bike
>Told me to stop being a little bitch when I was being a little bitch
>Was there when I got sick
>Rushed me to hospital even at 3 am
>Right next to me when I was injured in my military service
>Right next to me when I almost lost my arm
>Helped me keep it together every time, every step of the way

I hope each and everyone of you guys has a dad that stands by you like that.

No, WG. Just poking fun.
>when I almost lost my arm

you haven't told us that story yet
My dad just laughs at me and calls me autistic
My dad spent most of my childhood in the military (so gone) or with PTSD
Why do you think I was on Vicodin this past month?

Don't give him reason to, then.
I can relate. Your dad needed therapy. Did he consult a psychologist?
Not at the time. Now my parents are breaking up
you said it was the old problems with your back. what did you do? fapped too hard?
you'd join 4chan's hall of fame for that
so andromeda is gonna be shit, right ?
Yeah. The old injury is causing more problems. The intervertebral discs are projecting into my spinal cord. It also hit a nerve that caused unimaginable pain to my upper left side, including the entire left arm, left shoulder blade, left shoulder and the left side of my collar bone.

I may have to go into surgery, but it looks like the treatment worked. So hopefully I'm clear of that.
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You bet!
that sounds terrible man, hope it got fixed now.
That's impossible given his expectations and the legacy of my family, he will only ever be disappointed by me.
You know, men don't talk. We don't talk about our shit. To nobody. Not to our parents, not to our wives, we sure as hell won't talk about our shit with some stranger. You know how we deal with them? We call our buddies over, then ones that went through that shit with us. And we don't talk about it. And if we don't have any buddies that went through that shit with us, then we just sit and talk to no one. Usually drink while we're at it. But the thing is, talking to that stranger actually helps. Talking to ANYONE helps. But it's not easy. Less effort to keep it all bottled up and be angry.

If he is hellbent on being disappointed by you, then fuck him. Choose your own path. Or you can both talk about it. Why is he so negative towards you? Do you share part of the blame? I'm not part of your life anon, so I wouldn't know.
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What's the deal with their face doodles?
colony markings iirc
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No doubt about it, Bioware has been losing talent like crazy lately and I'm pretty sure ME:A was delayed. Not to mention the confirmed accurate leak mentioned a multiplayer focused siingleplayer MMO design like a cross between the worst parts of DAI and ME3.
Sounds like a lot of face markings to memorize, fampai
Nah, just gotta recognize your own so you can hate everyone else.
Makes sense I guess, I thought they were more unified than that though. Then again it's been years since I even touched a ME game.
Yeah I stopped caring a while ago. It's just hard for him to accept that I don't care about being successful financially or as a person. I don't have a lot of motivation in life, as long as I make enough to money to be stable and live somewhat comfortably (aka buy all my vidya) I'm fine. I guess I am letting the family name down but we have my brother to keep that propped up. He is the favorite son and I am the black sheep of the family. Sometimes I feel like an adoptee or something, but I don't really give a shit, I just live my own life.
It's a bit late for that. We aren't close and I barely speak to him anymore
Hope things get better then, anons.
is WGette a megbunny now too?
Which background makes the most sense for a biotic class lore-wise?
All of them
First time player?
no, second time but i'm autistic as fuck and like roleplaying
Asking waifu if she'd be interested (just hypothetically of course) in a threesome?
no thanks, i only want my waifu.
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Any of them work, really. Biotic ability is generally caused by exposure to element zero in the room and any of the backgrounds provide opportunity for that.

The real question is, what class and reputation makes the most sense for a Spectre candidate?

The answer of that of-course is Ruthless and Infiltrator. Ruthless displays the mentality that SPECTRES are most known-for; that is the willingness to complete the mission at any cost. This is most important. Not that determination (sole survivor) or leadership (War Hero) aren't also good qualities, but they aren't specifically demanded of a Spectre.

Above all Spectres must always complete their objectives. That is WHY they have leave to break the law as long as they get results.

Now infiltrator is best because it is versatile. Infiltrators either work solo or in small teams behind enemy lines. This is very important since Spectres typically don't lead armies and thus will usually be out-numbered in a combat situation and possibly in hostile, enemy territory.
God damn this is comfy
i was gonna go for ruthless vanguard desu, the tech abilities don't really look interesting at all
fight me irl
well, at least someone is happy.
In ME1 they are pretty boring. Pretty fun in 2 and 3 though.
who, vanguards or infiltrators?
I was thinking about buying it too but managed to stop my impulsiveness for once
Tech abilities

Infiltrator in ME2 is the most fun I have in the whole trilogy, also pretty fun in 3 if you go cryo ammo + incinerate for insta proc cryo explosions after one sniper shot
Gonna take my penis and put it in your waifu's toilet
In her toilet?
wouldn't mind turning into miranda for a little bit
what should i fap to tonight?
dead quarians
claiming for yourself the grateful quarian widows and gfs of dead quarian males
It's that weird time of night again
>quarian males
>having gfs
good joke
grateful sisters/cousins/aunts/daughters/etc of dead quarian males, as you prefer.
The time where all those creepy people post on /meg/ and then all their posts mysteriously vanish by the time everyone else wakes up with none the wiser?
i'd prefer them all dead
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>second thumbnail is a giant ballsack

That's some really nasty skin on Swampy. If only it was Sheploo instead, then I might've even saved the picture.
>talk to James as a single femshep during the party
>he doesn't want to fug
>wake up next morning
>you fugged

>Femshep straight up date rapes Vega
>this is in champion of sexual equality Bioware's game

Wouldn't mind seeing that. I always enjoy seeing her squeeze her huge fake tits into skintight outfits.
I killed Balak in ME1 but he just appeared in my ME3 game

Bioware Qualityâ„¢!
mass effect fields
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BT stronk!!
Classic example of a...a date rape
that BT face makes me laugh every time
... please take care of my son!

Hannah has arrived to get acquainted with Kaidan and they quickly found a common language. Going way back, Hannah wishes good luck and asks them to take care of themselves... Barely holding back tears.

I've been thinking a lot about John's mom and I believe that she's stunning mother and amazingly strong woman. And I think Hannah respects the choice of his son. Now she knows that John is in good hands.


Sorry, man, playing vidya. Eating now, though, and watching Netflix.
*bumps the thread*
>Barely holding back tears.
because of the disappointment, hero of the galaxy but a mudpunsher
>and they quickly found a common language

why the fuck is this general still going

Cute waifus.
my hair smells like almonds
my hair smells like almonds and apricots
I didnt wash them for 3 days tho

Smelling a waifus hair? What does her hair smell like? Coconut, vanilla, citrus, lavender, almonds?
>What does her hair smell like?

her bull's semen
>tfw waifu only has scales
i can only assume shit
Rubber, fruity shampoo and with slight undertones of antiseptic.
I'm going to the waifu market, you guys need anything?
a waifu, i have never had one
young femshep pls
Where does the foam come from if you wear a BT skinsuit?
Want a waifu to pick up my limp body and carry me
Something like what the redhead in front is wearing would be nice, if they have it.
because it can!
In an internal reservoir stored within ones rectum. Those wo wear BT skinsuits must train their bowel muscles to squeeze hard in order for satisfactory foam dispersal.
Third party foam reservoirs can and have ruptured inside the body of a skinsuit user, resulting in 'pregnant BT buttslut syndrome.'

Only use certified fair trade foam in your reservoir.
Is there a difference between free range BT foam and caged?
mass effect fields
Free range BTs are allowed to graze out in the sun, and milked periodically with the utmost care, by trained asari maidens who are all certified dick-milk-maids.
Caged BT foam comes from extremely dense orbital cage installations, in which the poor BTs are permanently attached to a milker orifice. They are often suspended in microgravity and injected with various gene mods that increase production. Waste is periodically removed by hosing down the BTs with cold water mixed with antiseptic.A caged BT lives a shorter and more unpleasant life and the foam is less bubbly and doesn't crackle as much when hardened. Sluts whose toes have been foamed report that caged BT foam results in more toe mobility, less chafing, and less lewd thoughts.
The foam is also more brittle and sluts can escape easily. Free range foam on the other hand provides excellent volume when fully foamed, significant mobility impairment. Excellent toe inhibition. And is certified to stop a fully grown class C slut in her lewd tracks in only a few bursts.
I see. Free range definitely sounds like the way to go for my skinsuits needs
Is foam actually part of the lore?
Free-range BT foam, please.
I prefer the caged one. I like it when the sluts think they have a chance
That's fucked
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If they know there's no chance to get free however there's much less chance that they hurt themselves or other sluts while trying to escape.
your waifu is a slut
No she isn't
yes she is
No, she's pure
pure shit maybe
My power just went out and won't be back on until 3am...
>until 3am
what's your local time anon ?
It's 2:30pm right now... A transformer exploded and some old woman was running down the street screaming bloody murder. I just want to play vidya and I have a ton of work I need to get done before tomorrow too that I can't finish now.
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fre ragne BT meysteur reis hier
I'm so tired, /meg/. What do I do from here?
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other my dude.
don't sleep or you'll die
who are you
Who are you?
I'm TMâ„¢.
Hi TM, I'm anon. Nice to meet you.
make a list
Is TM waifu material?
I wasn't talking in an existential way, anon. I was working earlier and humidity still wrecks my shit, so I'm still in a bit of pain and that's worn me down. So do I go to sleep? Do I play vidya? Make me a cop of coffee, wrap myself in a cozy blanket and follow meg for a while?

I guess sleep is out of the question then.

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

I'm your clone.

Too out of inspiration.
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Look at that fat ugly shitskin. He'll be euthanized in the coming new world order.
TM is wingman
easy there wg, afd win today was a start, not a reason to go full 4 reich
she was when she was still human.

that wasn't me, honest. I'm kinda happy though.
and voting afd is the reasonable thing to do.
What a boring general
Oh, just an FYI, meg. Alpha Protocol is up for 4$ on steam today. Be a damn shame to miss it.
That game sucks donkey dick.
You might be related, then.
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so does your mom
The only dick I suck is Miri's futa monstrosity
Watch out, the Stasi will get you for that.

When will Germany uncuck itself?
i'd fuck femshep out of all the waifus presented in ME
it did today
we are off the cucking list

me2, fucking hot, anybody who says otherwise is a just continueing an edgy meme
Playable characters can't be waifus
Islam is part of German culture, retard.

Look at these muslim SS members
So, who should Dani Daniels play in the inevitable ME porno?

I apologize. Uncalled for.

No wait, completely justified.
Your life isn't justified
we need a few more colognes or an islamistic attack
Don't take me seriously, anon. I'm never serious.
I'm not, and you are sometimes
Only when I'm in a bad mood.
>Islam is part of German culture
I still hate that senile idiot for saying that. it#s flat-out wrong.
Damn, Vega can dance.
femshep 1 - 0 sheploo
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nice cherrypicking
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same goes for you
And just like that, the thread dies. Not many people on, during a Sunday night, eh?
thread almost died over the last weeks, nothing new. and if it wasn't for comic-anon keeping it up during the nights it would have been gone every single night.
Playing through ME1 again. I've never played as an adept, tips?
strongest class in ME1
bit hard at the beginning, gets piss easy after level 12 (picking up that specialty class) and a few levels in the appropiate skills. take liara and another biotic (Kaidan preferably) with you to all missions and you crowd-control everything to death.
remember those missions with biotics that throw you around like ragdolls? you'll be able to do that to literally any kind of enemy 24/7
Would you swap waifus with another anon? What if you had the same waifu?
>What if you had the same waifu?
you'd swap holes
Bogarting your waifu and not allowing her to socialize with other anons?
I took a trip to the Citadel the other day. Man, I'm never flying that shuttle again. Now, I know it was a passenger shuttle and I got what I paid for, but hear me out. So I got on the shuttle and the trip is long, I know, but it's OK. Spacing out heh every now and then, drifting off to sleep, watching a movie on my datapad etc. and honestly, I don't mind that it's a 12 hour flight. Then about 4 hours in, this admittedly very cute Asari flight attendant asks me if I wanted an non alcoholic beverage. Now, I really would like some tea, but she says they have some really good coffee. Well, I got the hint, but since there was no tea, to hell with the coffee. But then, she comes back WITH the coffee. She says it's complimentary and it's in order to apologize for not having tea. I tell her to take it right back since I wasn't drinking it anyway and it'd end up sitting on my tray, keeping me worried I might bump it and spill it all over my seat and making me uncomfortable the entire trip. She says she made the coffee so I might as well take it. So I take the damn coffee just so she will leave me alone. Couldn't move or stretch thanks to the damn tray, got off the shuttle cramped. Never flying their airline again. They lack shuttle tea

I know. I'm terrible
Could be worse. Could be raining dagfaggots
yeah she invited you to coffee you fucking idiot. that means she wants to fuck and you missed it.
>shuttle tea
Oh, fuck you!
OCD wants custom-made Jack pictures with tits from 007b shooped on her tonight.
>tits from 007b
You made me look. Congratulations.
I'm admittedly more gleeful than I should be.
You're welcome.
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night meg
Night WG.
I'd like to walk up to Liara and tell her shes cute
she's borker, she knows you think so
bit lewd
Is she going to have me killed?
not if you don't give her a reason.
For being very forward and l*wd
That, she has no problem with. She's asari after all.
liara is pure though
Yes, but still likes to be flattered or even seduced now and then.
even if she already has a husbando?
aren't you yourself that husbando.
i would think that Shepard is
Max pistol and lift first
>lift first
You should really eat something beforehand
>go to gym in the morning
>always throw up if i try to eat anything in the morning
>throw up if i work out without eating anything
>threw up every day for about two weeks straight when i first started working out until my body got used to it
good times
we should hook up
t. vomit anon
w-what are you going to do with my vomit?
your supposed to eat like a snack, something really light. any one who faces this problem should just workout at night
that's when all the weirdos are at the gym. got to go as early as possible so nobody is there.
Tali is in a great danger! Hurry up Shepard!
it's the other way around for me
post lewd femshep?

not until tomorrow, if then
fucking dealing with germans makes me want to fucking shoot myself in the head holy fucking shit
Why are the cutest girls always the craziest?
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balance in all things
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why, what's the problem?
Look at these waffen ss members being inspected by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Germany will be a Muslim state. It is destined.
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Eternal anglo pls go
what do you guys even do here lol.

i bet none of you have even touched the games in years.
this is fucking horrible
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Is that a nanosuit?

The artist doesn't mention that, I didn't think so though.
Please, remove.
I just finished my first play through of the trilogy, all DLC included.

Is it weird that I think 2 was the worst of them?

3 had some massive flaws but it honestly feels like most of them stem from retarded design choices the devs made with 2, which was generally pretty bad all around imo.
These comics cheapen the ME universe something fierce. Former justicar? That's fanfiction tier.
>le funny crossover XD

why don't you just kill me already
I dunno, if they have her a convincing crisis of faith and made it clear she was shunned by Asari society it could work.

I'm sure there must be at least one Justicar in the past thousand or so years who decided they were done with the job and left it, consequences be damned.
But becoming a justicar in the first place requires an insane commitement and dedication, for one to just quit after that seems retarded.
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>I'm sure there must be at least one Justicar in the past thousand or so years who decided they were done with the job and left it
Favourite ending?

>fuck you starkid
>Big Party in Anderson's Apartment nope there's nothing after that
There's a mod that lets you do the party after the ending. Removes all references to the reapers and stuff apparently
Is there a single Kaidan line in the trilogy that isn't cringeworthy?
>not spelling it Kaiden to irritate the autist WG
The only thing femshep is better than regular shepard in, is getting raped by BTs on Mindoir or her fellow Alliance soldiers (if a spacer).

The second is particularly abundant, if we believe what the Americans are saying and since the Alliance is based off culturally the US marines
MEHEM destroy (cuts starkid ou)
Expanded Anderson Conversation (this is the perfect ending right there)
Shepard survives and lives happy after with his waifu....the end
JAM is better
thats the one i have installed, just didnt remember the name
you seem quite obsessed with this issue anon
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>tfw no qt quarian bf
>Pull Miranda

*You grab her heel and tug off her one of her boots...*

Too fr*cken cute!
its a guy

Still takes dick.
so does your dad, but do you fuck him?

That's a retarded argument if I ever saw one. Good day.

*Smell her boots.*
I agree, I hate 2
I'll make a thread
A loyal Miranda has modified outfit, with a seam that allows removal of 'pumps' from the bottom of her thigh-high boots.
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here my sweets
Mass Effect 2: Daddy Issues Unleashed

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