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Etrian Odyssey General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 188

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>EO Guides, References, Music, Artbooks, etc.

>EOV Information
https://mega.nz/#!SghiWI6J!SyUwZs2X9oLHP-rfmVvF_j0QjeI1lA2HSrU4C6qs0eY (Nico stream)

Previous thread:
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Necromancer a shit.
bump until everyone wakes up and moves to the new thread
I hope EOV does more with treasure chests. I liked the Mimics in EOU2, but that was only in one area.

I always wondered why there was that little confirmation message asking you if you want to open this chest you found, since there's never something dangerous inside. Could be a some trapped treasure chests in an ancient temple, random Mimics that appear on different floors, or insects that make their nest in old treasure chests.

Honestly, I could do with more dungeon events in general. Random events, for example, would be nice. It'd make the troll events stand out more, too. You see an extremely kickable-looking rock on the ground. Kick the rock?

>Trapped treasure chests

As long as there's not like 22 trap possibilities like Class of Heroes, id be down.
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Might as well say Abigail isn't the shop keeper.

>KLK invented red highlights
This person is why the series has gone downhill
But it's getting better with every installation, excluding Untolds (and even then, U2 is a lot better than U)
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does anyone have a link to the EO character sorter?
I always wondered what that thing is the Zodiac is holding.

Some kind of astrology stick?

I always assumed it's the visible energy focused through the ring on their hand from their chosen star.
i love the new braided teach. is there any new screenshot of eov?
>playing 10 hours of EO3
>decide to play it chronological instead
>get wiped out by venom butterflies
Wow, EO3 seems tame compared to the 1st one and I haven't seen FOEs yet
Blizzard King used Mirror Shield.
No fuck you!
>removing EOU2 info
Fuck off dude

>implying it mattered in EO3

Not even AG can fend against a HP Cannon. What makes him think his puny shield can?
Nice OP image.
Finally managed to finish Story mode in Untold, this kind of EO isn't really for me.
The last boss is also a complete joke.

>not liking "Justice for everybody"
>not liking Justice by massacre

Really now.

Fuck Untold. Fuck Grimoire
>this kind of EO isn't really for me
That's kind of what I felt just playing the demo, and playing Persona Q. It's fucking frustrating to have your labyrinth progress halted for a stretch of vapid dialogue.
>the Voice Acting is better

I don't know. As much as Raquna was my favourite character, she went from no accent to Bob and Doug MacKenzie on a whim.

U2 has good voice acting but lacks Kupala.

But honestly both games have pretty decent voice acting. The only thing that really bugged me was that Simon tends to say 'It got behind us!' when you try but fail to run from an enemy, even when fighting the tree FOEs in the desert.

Honestly how can those things even prevent you from running away. hahaha nigga just walk away from the FOE close your eyes haha
EO2U has a good selection of bad voices though.
Partially stemming from the cast (both party and NPCs) not being as bland as EOU's.
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If the NX doesn't have dual screens, what will become of Etrian Odyssey?
I meant to type map, I swear.

Remove all RPG elements and make it an adventure game where battles are pointless and the game calls you stupid if you insist on fighting bosses without an "I win" button.
Why would it turn into Sticker Star?
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Because cynical doomsday scenarios is all I have.
>no eo5 pic
>removing relevant info for europeans from the op

shit thread
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Is there a reason for me to buy the Treasures Untold DLC for EO2U if I already have EOU?
will fix it the next thread

>zoom in
>cannot zoom into her face

Woah, talk about a shitty remake.
No. Treasures Untold is the worst DLC.
The rush boss battle is a nice challenge, but the rewards are awful.
No king grimoires, no enemy drops, no equipment reward.
>yfw Alraune no imouto in EOV
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>still no info on her

More monmusu is never bad.
If they offer that artbook edition of EOV in the states I'm buying it
More elegant than her exhibitionist sister.
And comes with a crown!

But more monmusu IS bad because you always have to kill them
Maybe like a 5 page artbook. There is no way we're getting the full thing, seeing that we didn't get EOU2's one.
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>bring up menu to get to map

Please no, I can't go back to those dark days, I love SMT1 but jesus christ
>More monmusu is never bad.
Fuck you and fuck Arachne.

bad enough shaman class isn't some bodacious babe

at least the other character models look cool

>untold is canon

Fuck Untold. Fuck Grimoire
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>Etrian Odyssey: Sticker Star
>You have to collect and place stickers on your map to proceed
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>More monmusu is never bad.
I hope we at least get scans as good as those.
Just look at those levels of smug, you can hear her going ohoho from that image alone.
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>ex-gf bought me The Dark Spire for the DS years and years ago
>still never opened the package
Am I missing anything?
It's p good, bruh.
I wanted shamans to dress like the medium.
I don't care what anyone says, I love the shamans for finally fulfilling the prophecy of a class wearing deer antlers that started with the scrapped War Magus concepts
It's probably my favorite first-person dungeon crawler NOT developed by Atlus, if that counts for anything.
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I already got my fill of branched loli.

Not like I dislike shaman, but given the size layered colorful clothes would be cuter than what we got.
My favorite classes are nightseeker, war magus, and princess
Princess classes are always nice. The one in 7th Dragon is really fun to play with a Rogue or Knight in your party.
Rogue & Princess reacts were the best thing ever.
I still think 7th D has better party building and class synergy than any of the EOs.
7th Dragon is pretty fun, though taking damage from the Bloom can be kinda fucking annoying, and having to buy so many fucking healing fruits if you decide to make a party without a cleric can be annoying. I still need to finish the game at some point.

I'm looking forward to VFD whenever it gets released in English.
I didn't find that much issue in bloom damage, it's just a matter of stopping every so often to heal up before you get a new random encounter. What annoys me more is how every dragon battle feels like doing the same thing over and over again against HP sponges, and it gets pretty boring at some point.
Those delicious animal ears, mota art and Samurai bodysuit though.
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I wish they had kept Mota on character design for the games after the first one.

I want to FUCK Samurai's bodysuit butt.
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I always wondered: Is Yuzo Koshiro allowed to remix music from EO just for fun? Or would that somehow get him fired?
Do you (or anyone else) have any idea if the ones for PSP are any good? I tend to avoid spinoffs, but those would be the easiest for me to acquire.
I haven't played them, but apparently they removed a lot of the "fluff" and reduced the party size to three. Take that how you will.
Tongue Night Seeker it better.
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Tongue NS is shit.
You have both a warped sense of taste. Pink NS is better but both are fucking great. Every man of taste picks both in his first playthrough and adjusts his party for it.
>using two Night Seekers
>using two of the same class in one party
I'll never understand this.
Not having four Nightseekers and one Fluffmaster for them to be a bad influence on
>Too bad there wasn't a squirrel event in the fifth stratum.
But anon, it's on the right side of 22F
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Where's the fun in party building if you don't play around with the classes? Also you can specialize the characters differently which makes them relatively unique.
And I just had to use both
Wait, so 7th Dragon 1 is set in Eden, yet in 7th Dragon Eden is the future setting. Yet 7th dragon 1 classes are most medival. I haven't played any of the games, is the plottwist the same as in EO?
Multiple NSs pile on the damage like nobody's business. A lot of IV classes actually do really well in multiples.
Yes, same as EO.
M e d i e v a l
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I think a lot of the extras and NPCs in Untold 2 kinda blew. But Arianna aside, at least all of the main party is cast and directed well, even if Chloe slipped out of her voice every so often and Flavio had a handful of weird takes. They also should've swapped Bert's Boost and Break lines, though

>I'll show my true strength...
The Japanese have huge boners for that sort of plot, so they?
Japan didn't offer the art book as a pre-order bonus. What America got was a sampler book, on top of the CD that Japan was already giving away. We do need some company like Udon to localize the Etrian art books, though. I mean, they released the book for a game that was never localized, so they must not need huge margins.
Wait, so all four previous artbooks were sold separately?
I do as well.
>"Salamander's conditional drop: defeat while panicked"
>obtain dick all
>search once more
"Salamander's conditional drop: defeat while feared"
>obtain dick all after forty turns of trying to inflict fear on it
Does fucking anyone know what they're talking about, and which status is it? Using a formaldehyde is my last resort, but fuck me if I go through with inflicting fear all over again.
If you are using the gamefaqs guide, read the comments.
I did, after inflicting panic failed to do anything. As noted, inflicting fear hasn't done much more.
It's defeat while feared.
They're big art books. Did you think they were just going to give them away?
10k yen isn't exactly "giving it away"
Never looked into SQ limited editions before.
Kill me.
Everything is expensive in Japan
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This is the new "Delete this"
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Could be worse could be wearing a hoodie
>yfw Etrian Odyssey threads are going to summon the Barneyfag
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Boy I sure hope Atlus USA correctly names the midget race Brownie.
I never asked for this.
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This is by far the best pic of Sarashi out there.
Not as good as Beyond the Labyrinth but still pretty good.
Foot fetishists are the worst.
>dick all
Oh yeah. EO1 doesn't fuck around.
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Delete this

Unless you decide to cheese through with Relax + Immunize
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>play pokemon (or any other rpg)
>poison effect
>play Etrian Odyssey
>poison effect
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What a blue slut
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Delete this
No! Adult Ricky is too cute.

I can't tell who this is supposed to be.
How is that supposed to be her?
According to the Pixiv tags, it's Ricky.
Tags say Frederica.
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>Those tits

Fanart has gone too far.
Eyes and hair maybe. I don't think there are many blondes in EO with star blue eyes and a ponytail.
Ricky can grow too, you know.
>was just given a copy of EOIV
>made a new game, playing on Normal
What should I know, coming into this game? Never played an EO game before, but have played dungeon crawlers.
Fluffymasters are cute and the fluffiest.
I was going to say something about avoiding big orange balls but they're gone forever.
Not even Ricky is one.
Remember to use the best Runemaster.
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We've got a great starter pastebin up in the OP.

IV will let you get away with any and all party compositions, though the skill point allotment matters a fair bit. We're always pretty willing to give build advice if you post them here.
You should go out of your way to break the game.
That is have a team consisting of two Night Seekers, an Imperial, a Comfymaster and an Arcanist
Why must life be so cruel and full of choices?
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But she is.

I might have used the wrong word though; I don't know how do you call that style of hair.
Pony tail is one, like your Racoon there.
Two is twintails or pigtails.
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I'm going to assume 'comfymaster' is the runemaster. My party consists of:
I forgot that specific image existed at all.
It's a bit creepy.
Generic but highly serviceable. I suggest eventually using the Dancer to chase the Linkshark's attacks.
This. Stack tier 1 runes for more time with the power up, and annihilate your enemies with a double serving of Blizzards, Inferonos, and Galvanic Runes.

When Sleepy and Fluffy work together, nothing can stop them.
Your top priority should be picking the cutest portraits. This applies to all of the games.
There are no wrong choices when it comes to making your party. Just easier and harder ones. Best to go for a versatile party if you're starting out, but there's nothing wrong with having two of a single class in your party. You can recruit even more members who stay benched, after all.
If you want to redistribute skill points, you can do so at the Explorer's Guild, for the low cost of two levels for the member you're re-speccing. Remember that if you want to try another approach for s new dungeon or boss you're struggling with, you can do just that.
Keep your health high in dungeons, just to avoid being taken down too easily if you get ambushed.

Don't touch the statues.
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Would any of you guys read an Etrian Odyssey story that's around novella length? I've had five main characters and a basic story for the first stratum for a week or so now and I was going to start writing it. I'm just curious if anyone would actually be interested in reading it.
Depends if the writing is good or not.
I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea on principle.
I could read it while I'm busy not paying attention in classes.
I'd read it, just don't make it too cringe-worthy.

I'll read it.
I'd like to think I have pretty good writing skills. It's one of my hobbies, so I practice a lot.

That's more than enough reading in my books. No pun intended.

In what way?
These things are funnier to write than to read.
So do it anyways.
if it comes with illustrations of brown women getting pounded with various objects and random campfire sex time then sure.

I find anything written about video games to be cringe. Especially the doujins
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I'm starting to wonder if I put together a bad guild in EOIV. I feel like I'm always scraping through my the skin of my teeth. I can't even stand up to the red-furred bear yet.

My team is
Maybe I'd put the medic on he back row, unless you're really using them for offence.
Otherwise, don't worry about it. I'm surprised you can fight them competently already after just starting up the game. FOEs are not to be taken as lightly as normal enemies.

Remember, you can recruit additional members in other classes to try out if you're not comfortable with your current guild.
>refuse to shower for a week
>spray gold bond to my swamplike anus and genitals
>feel like im going to die for like a minute
>followed up by 30 minutes of minty freshness
The Medic is really just for support. I never thought about three at the back and two at the front. I should give that a try.

Also, I haven't taken on any of the FOEs yet. I've tried, but get instantly trounced. I'm only level 12. I also don't know what other classes have good synergy with what I've already got, to I don't want to exclude some of my party and have them lag behind in levels for something that may ultimately not work.
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I missed Raquna.

Is that so wrong?
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Back guard your hygiene problems!
Nigga thats nasty
probably a yuropfag
Who do you think will voice Misty in EOU3?
The person who voice Camilla

Quinton Flynn.
No, please.
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Do not open. Under no circumstances, do not open it!
You're late>>134876320
Did you see >>134876320 ?
Careful, mate. I got warned for posting that.
Some faggot actually reported you? What a tosser.
To be fair, it was against the rules.
Which is hilarious in its own right.
Huh, I was sure the red bears were FOEs. Oh well.
In any case, synergy in EO4 is really only case of how well a class can buff each other and augment damage.
A Runemaster will work well with a Landy, a Sniper will work well with a Nightseeker, and so on.

My first EO4 party was an offensive Dancer and versatile Fortress on the front, with a Sniper, Runemaster and Medic on the back. Not the best for synergy, but I did pretty damn well with it once I got into the swing of things.
>They ruin the cute one
If you forget everything cancerous about the fan base, the picture's actually kind of cute.
It is really against the rules?
And this >>134906080

What a fucking loser.
Global rule 15.
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>Enter labyrinth
>Meet an Angry Baboon
>Rinse and repeat
Damn this 2 character run is slow going.
>really want the octoshot
>level 35
>casual as fuck
>only play turf war
welp.. what are my options?
You can't even hit the right thread, much less hitting other inklings.
by posting in the right general.
>what are my options?
No idea.
I seem to be in the wrong tab
Just get bind resist, bro. You'll beat Scylla easily with that.
Spec into Elemental Rounds, not Blind focus with the octoshot
Wrong general Squiddo
Fuck yes I'd read that shit. I was just mentioning a couple threads back how I wish there were good EO fanfics. Don't Forget the Ariadne Thread was the only passable one I found, so I began writing my own.
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play more
Never heard of that one. I'll have to check it out.

Is yours in an already existing town, or a whole new region?
source on image?
I'm basing it off of my run of IV. I just started, but I've got an annoying landshark, a maternal fortress, a comfymaster, a bro sniper and my self insert as the medic.
Oh, nice. My characters are based off of my IV run, but I'm putting it in an original region. What are their names?
Lisa's the landshark, Anna's the fortress, Fiora's the comfymaster, Max is the sniper and then I just used my name for the self insert. In hindsight I probably should have changed the name, but I wanted to keep it as close to my IV as possible, keeping in line with the tone of EO.
Don't get me wrong, I fully understand my writing is shitty. I'm using fanfiction as a platform to improve though before I try and tackle the novel I have planned. I'm by no means going to try and shill it here, but surely discussion between writers is acceptable?
Does the comfymaster become a robot?
Well there isn't much else going on here until we get more info about 5.
Interesting idea. I don't exactly know where I'm going with it yet as I'm letting the run shape the story, but I'll be sure to keep that idea in mind.
True. That's part of why I began writing, just to kill time.
>Don't get me wrong, I fully understand my writing is shitty. I'm using fanfiction as a platform to improve though before I try and tackle the novel I have planned.
Wrong anon.
First learn to describe objects and rooms. This will lead you to get a better vocabulary.
I already describe quite a bit. My biggest problem is mostly that my writing is clunky. Transitioning from descriptions to dialogue to actions to thoughts feels unnatural, so I'm hoping to find the errors in my writing as I analyze what I wrote.
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I want to make a first-person dungeon crawler.
Then why don't you visit the game dev thread?
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I'm a shit.
Well the first step to improving is realizing just how bad you are.
>Then why don't you visit the game dev thread?
I'm just the Idea Guy. I suck at everything that require talent.
I've had an idea for a First Person Dungeon Crawler. Setting was WWII and you explore Hitlers Underground base. It would have Melee and Ranged units of course.
Just like make game.
Too bad EO stole my palette change idea before I made my game.
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Good End
No one because it's not happening.
I want to compose and implement music and sound design for a first-person dungeon crawler
I want to suckle on a feminine penis
I want guroanteed replies
>believing the "feminine penis" joke
Try it

even if you don't think your writing style isn't good, or if someone tells you it isn't good, it's still solid writing practice and fun to share with peers.
Yeah, that's true. I'll probably post the rough draft of the first chapter tomorrow. It's basically just going to be meeting the characters, showing how they all wound up in the same guild, and why they travelled to the town the plot stems from.
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More like Frenchfags
The rad music in the EO games makes me want to learn guitar.

There's a cheap guitar my sister left her when she moved out, but no amp.

Get a real guitar instead of an electric shit
Never ever.
Fuck that, learn MIDI synths.
Not him but I've always wanted to learn Midi Synths, but it never made sense to me.
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Sleep tight, Furyhorner.
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EO3's the best.
I cannot make shit, but ever since the first EO showed what you can do with a low budget and good ideas I've been hoping anons/indies would pick up the mantle. There were even some good ideas floating on /eog/ now and then, but nowt more...
Has the last game gone on sale already? just asking really.
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Why EOU1 didn't get sprite update? This make me furious.
The Untolds really showed that Himukai's improved a ton as an artist in just a few years.
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Quona's Big Adventure.jpg
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In my playthrough she clipped a strawberry.
She doesn't look very happy.
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This thread's on life support. We should merge with /eog/ – bring them lolis, at the very least.
First time I actually checked that place out.
It's horrible.
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wake u
I wanna play EO again but can't decide between III and IV. I prefer III's classes but IV has a fucking airship.
what the fuck
You don't have to learn anything. Just download FL Studio and make a MIDI with it. Alternatively, you can download Yamaha XG50 to have better quality than GM (Windows default MIDI synth) and use it as a VST plugin.
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>playing EOIV
>guy says he has a key to a chest that supposedly has armour made by a legendary blacksmith named Conrad
>get it for him
>it's all old and beat up, so he says it's not Conrad's work
>gives me the reward anyway and says "looks like I'll be in the red again this month"
>Wynne fixes it up and says it actually is Conrad's armour
>she gives me the cleaned up armour, but the armour my Fortress has on is better
>go back to The Dancing Peacock to give the armour back to the guy, but he's gone

I feel so bad for him. I didn't want to hurt him.
Just a reminder

I'm counting on you, kiddos.
What's wrong?
Reminder of what?
Best Bartender
The Mimics were so fucking great, I wish there was more of that in the game.

>Honestly, I could do with more dungeon events in general.

I believe this is a big part of what they've said they want to add in EOV.
I have some really good first-person dungeon crawler concepts but I'm not sure what the best first step is towards making one is. I remember the guy making the SMT fangame had a lot of trouble putting a working dungeon-crawler system together.
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Got her for 3000 yen off of mandarake. 7 years later but I finally all 4 of them
>3000 yen

"Master Model Making"
They hand out the title of master quite easily.
Yes, there's also a gunner up for 9720, usually they're over 10000 though it is "package open".
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i got my gunner for around 8700
She looks kind of derpy, but I still want one.
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Probably because she was the first EO fig they made, plus it is based on early Himukai art. Now I wish they had released a fifth one.
>tfw can't defeat overlord
Why am I so shit at videogames.
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>Himukai will never redraw all the EO1/2 portraits.
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sad time to be alive indeed
Good, the have a certain charm that none of the new ones do
Maybe except for Teach. She was awful in the first game
Yeah, the nostalgia charm that you can add to anything.
>he likes traps, overly designed garbage, furries, and elves
and how would a redraw effect the classic designs
>overly designed
here we go again
I like how EOV is just going with bunny ears this time

non-humanoid faces bugged me with EOIV's bushi
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This new beast race is the worst possible way to do it, it's lazy as fuck and straight up boring. It's literally just a human with [Animal] ears.
fine by me

...while I understand some beast-men are not furry shit, EOIV's beastmen were kinda on that line.
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So this is a good design to you then? Until we see the rest of the classes, 4 still has the worst designs in the series, but from what we've seen so far, EOV isn't looking that good either
>playing eou
>time to fight the first boss
>kill it after a while
>get an fl grimoire without even getting a grimoire chance in the whole battle

So they added a Grimoire reward for killing the bosses? That's neat. I wonder what it contains.
those look fine to me
>4 still has the worst designs in the series
You mean 3.
Man, those stupid boots prevented me from using a female portrait for my Imperial. I just don't get them at all. At least they aren't noticeable with the male portraits.
Yes. But it doesn't matter if it looks good to me or not since that has nothing to do with it being overly designed.
EOIII had the literal BEST portraits out of the entire series 1v1 me fucking scrubadubdub
>Character designs get more complex over time.

Literally every video game series in existence.
You mean EOII.
Himukai's designs aside, the sculpt of all those figures is beyond terrible.
That medic could outright be pals with Sader.
Heck, I know Wave is bad in general, but I still have older things from them that look a thousand times better.

The "so bad it's good" charm?
For character designs:
3 >= 2 >> 4 >> 1
IV > II (new ones) = III > I=II
Gunner looks fine.
III had clear adults, and babes
II had... young adults, a bunch of flat chests excluding Dark Hunters, and children. While III had children as well, they were not the entire female lineup (like IV)
Shit camera quality aside, you'd have to be blind to think that looks as bad Sader. They're not the best figs, but I have the gunner fig and it's better than anything in the BQ line out there, and these were 3000-4000 yen figs
>a bunch of flat chests
Yes, that's why they're the best.
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>they were not the entire female lineup (like IV)
III offered variety and an exotic flare
only thing that ever bothered me was how bulky and clunky hoplite armor looks; it doesn't visually evoke the word Hoplite for me.
I keep forgetting tongue seeker exists mostly because the tongue turned me off from ever using that portrait.
Imperials aren't children either. The only reason why Teach gets bullied here is because she's old
check your facts next time pls
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>4 had the better version of best Hoplite
I have to play through the game just to unlock females that aren't children

that's fun.
dancer 4, fortress 4, nightseeker 4
Forgot about that fortress >>134975047
Kill yourself.
shit I forgot fortress existed
No, no, the others are bad, but medic is the only one that could be compared to sader (which I admit is a bit of a stretch)
It's just that they have the quality you'd rather expect in tiny dollar toys you'd find at a candy store.
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Forgot about that dancer >>134975272
Off yourself.
I'm sorry I prefer little girls so I don't remember those old hags but you really should remember that shit if you care that much
I haven't played EOIV in years lmao sorry
I just remember being bothered by the sheer lack of babes or at least decently endowed women like in EOIII
EOV looks grim though
who gives a shit if it looks grim



>get a load of this teachfag
>overly designed
>frenchcuck trying to derail the thread again
Go away.
We don't want you on /feg/ either.
What is your favorite character portrait from the Etrian Odyssey series as a whole?

I like Raquna
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>not even the best ninja
I wasn't much of a buyfag back then because I was in college and poor so I don't know too much about figs from before 2008, but again they look better in person. They're better than prize figs and they're better than current BQs, some which do go for prices that are just not worth it. If you're a fan of EO and you can get them close to the original prices, then they're good figs, and the ronin and gunner are both better made than the protector and medic, so that's why those 2 are always much more expensive
Exactly which of the Etrian games on 3ds are good for a newcomer?
I have fallen for the shills hard, but the only good one I somewhat trust is Etrian Mystery Dungeon because of Chunsoft's track record.
4 or U2
EOUII has the most quality of life to it, I'd suggest picking up there

you'll want to force yourself to play Expert difficulty though, so that you don't learn bad habits.
IV and Untold 2 are both good starting spots. I'd recommend IV, though, because it lets you get away with more class combinations, isn't as hard out of the gate, and doesn't have U2's HP bloat that encourages a more offensive playstyle. Both have demos, though. IV's has full party customization, while U2's only gives you the story mode party to work with.

>the only good one I somewhat trust is Etrian Mystery Dungeon because of Chunsoft's track record
I say this as a Shiren and PMD fan: pretend that EMD doesn't exist. It's a total mess from top to bottom, and the mechanics from both series don't gel well at all.
I'm seeing some other titles. What are the problems with V, Legends of the Titan, and the first Untold? Will they turn me off if I start there?
I also forgot to mention that all of the Etrian demos let you transfer all of your progress to the full game.
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They were closer to how WoW does it but that's just my opinion
>What are the problems with V
I let you know in a year or so.
So EMD is shit compared to the Pokemon ones, or shit compared to EO?
The huge problem with V is that isn't out yet and we want to play already. EOIV's problem is that it's extremely easy and not really that fun. The first Untold is fun, however, you're more or less forced to play Story Mode if you want to get the 100% completion, but aside from that it's a remake of the first EO game that improved on everything.
tips for EO3?
not out yet. I guess that's problematic.
>Legends of the Titan
That's IV, which is a good place to start. We sometimes shit on it because it's kinda easy, but it's a good place to start because of it.
>First Untold
Improvement on EO1, but not as well executed as a remake as the second Untold is for 2. Still a good game, if I wasn't playing FE right now I'd be working my way through.
seaquests are cheaper than resting at the inn past a point

do seaquests

have at least one farmer on standby for when you want to... farm
btw does anyone have that japanese site which had in-depth numbers for skills? including % chances for effects, speed modifiers, etc
Not out yet.

>Legends of the Titan
That's IV.

>Untold 1
Still good, but not as beginner-friendly. The grimoire system that was introduced to make up for the lack of subclassing in the old games is very shitty in U1, and though it's optional, it makes 100%-ing the game easier. It also locks most of the new additions to story mode. Untold 2 fixed a lot of these structural problems, though.

Both. Throughout the main campaign, it's so easy that none of the design faults present themselves that apparently, but once you get into the post-game, which makes up more than half of the actual content, things fall off a cliff. The game's swarming with bugs, too.
Gonna pirate first then, but I'm buying the physical releases later. I'm a sucker for the box art.

> Not liking IV

I will never get this. It's on the easy side but it's about the most user friendly, incident filled game in the genre, has phenomenal player flexibility and, in Strata 2, 4 and 6, some of the best locations too. It's such a natural start point.
Literally the only reason I got attracted to the EO series was because it wasn't easy like most shitty RPGs out there like Final Fantasy. EOIV provides no challenge whatsoever aside from a few RNG bullshit from the lightning dragon.
max Combat Study in all your benched characters
>Implying Atlus will even have those voices in the NA release.
It provides as much challenge as EO3.
Unless some kind of arcane magic went on the making of that photo, that medic and that paladin are far worse than anything I've seen Wave output recently.

The ronin and gunner don't look good either, but I'll admit that they're far better than anything brands like Furyu would make.
EOIII is easy only with a cookie cutter party.
EOIV is easy with any decent party.
yeah we'll probably get like
five each sex if we're LUCKY AS HELL
I'm hoping we get 20/20 like japs are, or at least access to jap voices, because with forty voice actors you just KNOW one of those males is going to be Dio fucking Brando
Anything with a hoplite and a monk is "cookie-cutter". You have tons of flexibility.
Does anyone have any numbers on the monster skill grimoires in EO2U? I was wondering how much effect skill levels have. TP cost seems to be constant between levels, so I guess the difference between a level 5 and a level 10 monster skill won't be huge, either, right?

I want to put Cry Soul on my Fafnir for when Flavio pulls off a random leg bind but it's only level 3.
EO4 is easy because you already know what to expect from an EO game, and it's pretty balanced so you don't have to exploit a team specifically built to kill certain bosses(unless you want to do no chemicals, but that wasn't really expected of you). You can die due one bad blindside in 4 just like in any other game. If I go into EO2 with a hexer with poison and torpor, guess what? I just trivialized half of the game, now all that is left is for me to abuse force skills with a DH and ronin.
Get focus for Zodiac, don't bother with Yggdroids.
They went through all 20 male voices in the stream and I didn't hear Koyasu's voice there at all.

Then again, I also got Nakata's mixed up with Ono Daisuke's.
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Buff ninja looked cool but I couldn't pick him because he looked *too* strong. What good is a portrait that makes me overestimate a character's strength and defenses and gets the party killed?
>You can die due one bad blindside in 4 just like in any other game.
There is only one blindside fight in 4, And is the Petaloid event in Hall of Darkness.

If you enter a fight against a FOE with the back of the arrow, you are not going to get a blindside fight.
What are you talking about? Normal encounters blindside you randomly just like in every EO game.
It never happened to me.
I'm serious here. It was the only blindside fight I had in over 280 hours in that game.

And I just tested again the FOE thing to make sure I was right. And walking backwards does not trigger a blindside fight against a FOE
Subclass everyone as a Gladiator and max Charge. For every class.

I don't care, I find that cute.
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>Hall of Darkness
Good lord, I haven't even explored 1/3 of the first floor and I'm already thoroughly spooked.
I'm going to run into a lot of bullshit encounters, won't I?
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I was surprised that this was good even on a Zodiac since their best skill deals physical damage off of their TEC.
Yes. Kill the hollows quickly if you find them with lions, oneshot the petaloids, kill the yellow goo before anything else, guard against lightning if you don't, and eat the suspicious jelly. Also investigate the strange statues.
Can a monarch's heals support the whole team consistently in EOU2?
I think it was nerfed a lot, so maybe not.
i thought so
A lvl20 monarch march will do it great.
Good enough for me then. Will replace my medic with alchemist or something then
a princess can act as a healslut with that healonbuff thing lol even for the final main boss

idk about post-game but by then you'll have the ropes anyway and be able to ascertain shit on your own
Even where I am she's doing fine but I am around floor 3 or something so it might not hold true at higher levels
floor 3? of what

if you mean the third floor of the entire game, anon...
That's exactly what I meant anon. Just didn't want to get up to the 3rd or 4th stratum and find out that monarch couldn't support them on herself anymore so I'd have to grind out a medic or something
I implied that Prince can be used up til the final boss of the game (excluding post-game since I've not touched that)
Grimoires make it so you can patch that weakness up.
Try to get your hands on a salve/salve2 grim, and maybe just get a Monarch March grim instead of leveling it yourself.
Is her head sewed on?
What class combos are OP in EO3 and why?

I know the Ninja/Zodiac cause of 1 TP Dark Ether, but what else?
How did you guys mark the bird nests on Petal Bridge?
Blue circles
Thank you. I ate +10 Tec food instead of TP regen, slapped that bitches ass.
There's no answer more wrong than this.
Now you'll say you use them for something else, faggot.
E with a note.
Only a raging homosexual would use the clover for anything but chests.
That's what the chest icon is for now. Then again there's a handful of goodies earned from events so you can put it on those and color code to mark if its money or requires a fight or stuff like that.
Clovers. We have a chest icon now so that should be for chests.
>using clovers for chests when there are chest icons
I might be a raging homosexual, but at least I'm not an idiot.
Is there a single Untold 2 cia download link that isn't broken, doesn't exist, removed, or even lead to something else?
Like what the fuck, that last one was a surprise after an hour.
3DSISO. Always. Always. Always.
Source: http://www.3dsiso.com/cia-downloads/268519-mega-etrian-odyssey-2-untold-fafnir-knight-usa.html

Or the EU version here.
Source: http://www.3dsiso.com/cia-downloads/272273-multi-1fichier-etrian-odyssey-2-untold-fafnir-knight-europe-regionfree.html
Thanks. Finding out one cia gave me EMD was some bullshit.

That's some Cory in the House shit right there.
Too early.
And now I remember fate's jap release
Thank you I needed the chuckle

Those designs looked both awesome to me. It was pretty hard to pick what would represent the Ninja of my team.
>using Clover icons ever
See you in EOV.... Oh wait!
I never use half the icons and it makes me asshurt.

EO5 is gonna be rough
Seeing as how they don't stack, what's better to go for with Fafnir between Phys and Elem ATK Up?
And is it worth putting points into Resonance? I haven't really used it all that much.
When transformed, your 3 elemental skills are pure element and no physical, so you would want ele up for that. But phys up would raise the damage on everything else.
That's why I'm wondering between them. The Element Up won't help regular attacking or Resonance, if that's even worth using, but it'll arguably be even more useful when working against tougher enemies during Transformation.

I suppose I'll dedicate points to that, instead of Physical, thinking about it.
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War Revive

Death to Fang.
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death to anon
Kiss the fang.
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That's a weird edit. Why would anyone remove the tongue?
tongue is impure
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I'm going to fuck your brains out, Medic
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I'm going to pump your womb full of my cum, Medic!
Troubadour skills can lower enemy elemental resistance, there's no equivalent for physical attacks though. Also keep in mind Fafnir's force break is pure elemental, though use of that should ONLY ever be a last resort.

Meteor Smash is physical only and you can use it once each time you transform, but since it scales with level it might not be too powerful early on. You're going to be using that as your opening move upon transformation most of the time, typically preceded by something like Force Charge to get extra damage out of it.
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>mfw sarashi reborn
>mfw I realize sarashi was used for breeding
>mfw I realize sniper was used for breeding with bushi
>mfw sarashis genetics span centuries
is there a more alpha etrian?

Or they just used gene splicing and skipped the middleman.
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Why is she so perfect
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Implying all the races weren't made by genetic engineering. I mean, if any of you were given the opportunity wouldn't you become a bunny girl.
Sarashi a best.
I'd want to become a wolf boy to hunt all the cute bunny girls.
Or better yet, a wolf girl.
I was thinking a dog girl, but wolves are great too.
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Unlimited blade works > Animal tamer
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>Wolfpack hunting some bunny bitches

Minami Star don't let me down.
Sounds like you'll have a lovely harem.
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Well, I guess my EO5 party will be a Hound accompanied by five lewd bunny sarashis now.

>6 party members

Harem too strong
Wolf > rabbit

It's the natural order. Bunny sarashi will bite the pillow as the Hound dominates her from behind.
im literally booting up eou2 for the first time and seeing beast under class selection

im just wondering how viable 5beast is because the connotations make me giggle
Slow, but most likely doable.
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Beasts have some pretty crazy tanking with Hit Taker, and they can wear the Bikini armor in a addition to their own armor.

Can't vouch for the offensive skills but you can definitely make a Beast work.
>get war revive
>use it for the first time on that spider boss in ginugngngap
>poison floor skill instagibs my character after war revive procs the second time

what the fuck man
any drawfags, art of "the connotations" is requested please/thanks
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>Brainwashed Worker
>FOE Danger quotient is red until you hit level 40
>Has 356 HP and is weaker than any regular enemy in Petal Bridge
>accidentally enter inn when i wanted shop
>"Hello, and -"
>"Come again!"
please attempt to replicate this, i cant stop laughing
I remember that. Sounds like a great game.
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>breed with bushi
>everyone subbing Bushi is cannon
>Read book
>Get animal ears
New York Times #1 best seller.
>replaying EOU1 story just to molest Shilleka
>imagining her hot sweaty naked body on your back as you carry her through the thorns
>feeling the heat of Ricky's anger and rage as Raquna laughs it off
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>started EOIV years ago as my first EO game
>never finished it
>beat EOU the other day
>revisit EOIV and start a new game
>no floor jump
There is no need for floor jump when you can walk the whole map in 2 seconds
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Kill yourself at once.
I know. I was surprised to figure out that each stratum only has three floors. It makes it a lot easier, and somewhat less foreboding, but the narrative text does a great job of setting the mood. That was just my initial reaction.

>There is no need for floor jump
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>floor jump
EOIV is my first EO, and I'm playing it mostly blind. I just cleared the Lush Woodlands tonight and then suddenly sulfur and vomit. What the fuck
I just got there too. It's a neat cave.
Limited steps per gassy room. Don't ask how you run back to the door you came from when you're one step in front of the next.
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>tfw no one ever made a 4-koma of this situation
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>called caves
>clearly forests
I'm just surprised how quickly the tone changed. One moment we were sailing through the skies on an epic adventure, the next we're getting our shit fucked up by grotesque monsters. Few games have made me feel this uncomfortable. I fucking love it.
Reason why I love EOIV so much. It always makes you feel that things will get better but then it slaps you back to reality with uncomfortable situations.

Hall of Darkness is the best Stratum I've played so far. I never expected things to turn so...hopeless after such a bright ending to the main story. The bits of info left in there, the feeling of loneliness, that for the first time in so much I feel Death itself caressing our cheeks as it just watches our struggle. The best storytelling moment is also there, that bottle that the game warns you three times not to open it. It really makes one doubt and even scared me when the message "DO NOT TOUCH" alone appeared.

I had the exact same reaction. The first few logs you find really paint a picture of what the ancient Imperials were going though.

Ultimately, they pull through but the stuff about the water purifier on the fritz, the food generator being broken, all the vegetation being poisonous, and the fact that they're the last ones left was very unsettling.
Conversely, what do you think is the lightest in tone of the EOs?
Maybe you jump really far.
Someone sell me on EO.

No, get EOU instead.
It has lewd lolis.
I'd say EOII. The mission is a bit more noble, the stratums don't really have much mention of dead explorers, other than the kidnapped ones by Overlord and pretty much the whole labyrinth is too comfy, including the last stratum. The winged ones are bros and I can only recall the goriest thing to happen was the thousand explorers and guards killed by Briaerus(?).

III would have been better storywise also but the storytelling was kind of all over the place.
>the stratums don't really have much mention of dead explorers
Might want to play it again.
Classic style RPG with high difficulty that forces you to think in good, balanced teams. You draw maps, you explore dungeons and you send a bunch of cute girls and confident guys to find the secrets of the labyrinth just to find their horrible, gory and bloody deaths against common monsters where maybe one or two will survive with nothing but a broken mind.

Is fun, start with the first one.
So is mapping manually the real experience?

Also, my starting party a landsknect, a fortress, a medic, a sniper, and a nightseeker. Any tips?

You may want to swap a Runemaster for either your Sniper or Nightseeker.
Most people let the game map the tiles, but map everything else manually.
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Would Etrian Odyssey be as popular if it had no lolis and was filled with tit monsters?
Just started with IV, is it supposed to be comfy? The music is nice and I like the art. It looks nice in 3d as well.
That's always how it starts, but pretty soon it won't be so comfy.
Tit monsters should be removed from EO games
I'd like it even more
But sadistic dungeon design is comfiest shit ever.
Just play the demos.
just play eo3 on emulator
I used rocks, using clovers feels wrong.

I was also using dark green to map the chasms. Imagine my fucking surprise when the game mapped it as blue once you get acess to the platforms.
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Quona is for ____
Wow, as soon as I stopped coming to the thread everyday, EO5 info is posted.
Corrupting into becoming a dancer/troubadour.
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Are they trained to pole dance and striptease?
Is for recusing and having a heart warming quest chain and then have it all fucked up in the post game finale because herpderp no story team dialog because FUCKNONCANON BECAUSE FAFNIR IS BE ALL DED N SHIT WHILE ARIANNA IS IN FULL DENIAL MODE

God fucking nigger shit cakes that pissed me off after defeating the frost dragon
Gamefaqs has so little EO3 information, where else can I go for guides and stuff?
Not a whole lot to strip really. Although she's already a master seductress, I mean just look at her. Bare shoulders while everything else is covered up. It's almost lewder than wearing nothing at all.
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There's still clothes to strip so its fine
hug and snug, not fug

Only thing you need unless you're a faggot.
nah, I remember there was a jap site with in-depth numbers for skills, including % effect chances, speed modifiers, etc, I'll see if I can find it
You might be thinking of the atwiki.

You mean the wiki?

btw, in EO3, are buccaneers good? How should I build one? Just build a team revolving around it?
it was a different layout, but I'll see if this has everything I need
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Why are there no cute shotas in EO?
Because shotas aren't cute

There is star-eyed prince if you swing that way.
shut up
They're pretty good. Pincushion is great on either G/B or B/G. You could also make a chase team if you've got 2-3 other party members that consistently cause a certain type of damage.

Swashbuckling + Lady Luck is good too, but not overwhelmingly so since the odds of hitting 4 times with a normal attack are very low (it has to do with how the extra attacks are calculated - iirc it rolls again after every extra attack).

For a Warrior Might team, S/B is usually better since Swashbuckling activates more often if you've got Second Sword.
New player here, not sure how I should build my party. What skills are generally good for runemaster, sniper, landsknecht, medic, and fortress?
I can't really do wrong in EO4 so I would just go on a whim and experiment. Even if you later on notice you've somehow fucked up you can just reset your skill points by resting.
So EO5 finally has customization hair, eye, and skin color? It's about time.

Voice selection too huh.. No restrictions? So we can finally make the traps and reverse traps of our dreams?
>The mission is a bit more noble
Dozens of explorers and guards dying just to save this one bed-ridden old man.
>the stratums don't really have much mention of dead explorers
"Open grave" right on the third floor. There's also that time when Cass or a patron mentions that "each time you come you see less and less familiar faces".
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>descending through interior of underground tree
>sky above you on every floor
Are the Trauma characters still in 2U? Haven't seen them yet and I beat Overlord already.
They're pros. No need to lower themselves to the unsavory techniques that desperate hookers need to use.
>(Nico stream)
>3.73 GB
Is there a sanely reencoded version of this anywhere?
Some questions about EO3

1: how is monk urnamed bonus damage calculated?

2: what are buccaners good for?
There is
EO should cater to all sides of cute girls, be it flat or busty
Everything else aside, it's really really fun to scold Flavio and praise Chloe
Who here is already dying for EOV
It's really weird how there's always an option to be mean to Flavio in your dialogue choices.

I'd make Chloe swallow my meat though.
Stop with such rapey language please.
I'd forcefully make you suck my donger
I'm thinking of new characters, their looks, personalities, names, how to fit the new ones and the composition of two parties.
When we have ONE portrait per class.
Please kill me.
I'll kill you, together with he thread.

Fist damage is based off level and strength. Weirdly that means you can leave an equipment slot empty (unlocking fist) but use an armour slot for a club just for the strength bonus.

Buccaneers are good for not very much. Early game you have limit boost and the ability to TP regen using quick draw plus mild chasing utility. Late game there's no reason not to mainclass something statistically stronger and just attach Bucc skills where necessary/gamebreaking.
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This always bugs me. You're clearly going deep underground if the illustration of the entrance to the labyrinth in EO1 is anything to go by, but no matter what stratum or floor you're in it gets lighter in daytime and darker at night. Then you seem to have a clear blue sky in Lost Shinjuku again. What fucking gives? You thought you were going deep underground, but according to logic Tokyo is where the surface used to be in the old days. Where exactly is Etria in relation to Shinjuku? At least Claret Hollows stops fucking around and is explicitly under Shinjuku among Yggdrasil's roots.
The only virtuous path is to play the party the game shows you on the box. Avoiding aesthetic interference of any sort.
For me you are not going down, but going further.
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I wish I could somehow go into new Etrian Odyssey games without already knowing the plot twist after playing the previous ones.
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This is my interpretation.
Why is it that with any game with this kind of plot twist always has it near Shinjuku? There are other districts in Tokyo, right?
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Chloe is amazing.
Chloe's amazing.
What forges are good to use in EO3?
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There are plenty of cute shotas in EO.
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>tfw no Whirlwind bf
>tfw no Logre figure with tousled hair
>tfw Imperials never again
>Tfw no prince plantpussy
It's like how every alien invasion movie happens in New York or in the US in general.
>make him younger looking than the highlander
So they wanted a shota.
>the princess' tanned escort
Sounds like some Fabio shit.
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>7th Dragon III Code: VFD

What in the name of making fuck is that name?

>You can customize their voices, profiles, genders
>and they can date!
Wait what
>your goal is to fight dragons
>to do that, you'll use time travel

>there's a class called God Hand

>Japanese voices are coming over
>cat cafe
>base customization

Man I am so fucking confused, but excited as fuck? Is this game good, how's the OST?

>God Hands are Butlers/Maids that use drill gauntlets to punch shit
>one of them looks like fucking Haschel and Fuher Bradley

Jesus christ I'm getting that day one edition.
Here's the OST.
>base customization
Muh dick.
That's fuckin dope, gonna save rest of it for when I get it but what I found I liked.
Hope it gets a solid date soon.
Just started playing last night, didn't stop until 5am. Goddamn, the autism is real and I can't even explain why.
If I want to get a Ninja/Zodiac to spam Dark Ether, I'll need to get 3 characters in the front row to make the most use of it(unless I leave the Ninja/Zodiac in the front row, which is kinda crappy), but there's a limited amount of classes who work in the front row, hoplite, gladiator, monk, prince(?), arbalist(for the front mortar meme)
Hoplite can cover someone squishy who has to be in the front, and does their shit just fine from the back. Ninja will want to dodge hits every once in a while to get its TP back up, so putting it in the front every once in a while isn't a bad idea either.
Also, Buccaneer works fine in the front row unless it's using guns, and I had a Zodiac/Gladiator up in the front for almost the entire game, with my only source of Hoplite skills being a front row Arbalist, so I think you'll be fine even with a party of squishies and a Princess.
Would it be so bad if they just show percentages on the skill screen?
jap rpgs are bad like that, they don't want to give information to the players
Yes. If they did that they couldn't keep misleading the players and making you think something is the opposite of reality.
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>front mortar
Tell me about fang.
Why is she so genki?

Then it would just be like XCOM where everyone thinks above 50%=100%.
Beheading your shitty teammates is very refreshing
They should remove the male portraits and give us 2 flat and 2 busty girls instead.
Why not 2 flat, 2 busty, 2 shota, 2 manly?

Think bigger, Anon
Why not 8 flat? Let Himukai design what he's best at.
But then he's just going to draw Ricky and Arianna variations forever, and we can't have that.
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>EO1 will be 10 years old next year

fuck I'm old
Please respond I know you niggers know this stuff.
I don't even know what Trauma Center is.
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Derek and Angie are kill.
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>Give Duke's daughter a name after the Princess Crown character she's based on
>Never release the game outside Japan

Atlus pls
I can understand killing the clinic, but why also all their events?
I can't find the status ailment chance formula for EO3 in kumicyou, can any1 help?
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but she poops from there
Too bad Fencer, you're getting it in the armpitpussy.
Girls don't poop. That's a myth.
explain two girls one cup
Man of taste right here.
Cup propaganda.
is 7th dragon localized? I haven't opened my 3ds in over a year so is it on the Eship
You're gonna need significantly more than just girls being able to poop to explain it.
1st one has fantranslation
3rd one will be released this summer in NA.
Poop enema.
How are the PSP ones? I think they're spinoffs but I'm pretty sure at least one has a fan translation.
So I'm confused about modifiers. I'm working on two swords for my Dancer with Fire forge because Storm Emperor grinding is giving me a lot of trouble. Got four slots, one is for Fire affinity, what to add in the others? More Fire, ATK or ELM?
Stun (not paralyze) is the best way to socket a dancer/nightseeker
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>Worst runemaster
Who cares?
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Now, you take that back, you little shit.
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Please don't
And oh hey I didn't know it got arranged for EMD
Stacking more of element gives bigger elemental increase than forging ELM

comfiest song

The EOIV battle theme is also really good.
I already got Stun swords but they don't activate with Rush Dance. I need something to use against Storm Emperor.
Easy: 3DPD
Sleepy master = Old man Runemaster >>> Young man Runemaster > Comfy Runemaster
But even with that comfy Runemaster is still better than everyone else in the game but Scruffy Medic, Albino Imperial and Margarita.
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Cnsidering that the floor tiles were green when I tried, why won't floor jump activate for these two staricases?
Comfy runemaster is as bad as all the medics that aren't scruffy, all the imperials that aren't teach, all the male dancers and all the bushis.
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>All the medics that aren't scruffy
You take that back, anon! Shota medic is great.
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Erase the outer ring of the map.
>Bought EOIV online
>Downloaded the demo and finished everything in it
>Physical copy of EOIV still hasn't shown up even after about a week
>not liking Kibagami and bunny bushi
Female medics > shota.
>all the medics that aren't scruffy
>using male characters
Female medics in 4 are garbage.
But still better than shota.
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fite me
Being afraid of using men is pretty gay, especially when they have cool designs that no one in their right mind would call you a homo for using.
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No way.
But they don't.
Every female design is way superior.
EO4 medics is the only class in all of the games that has no good female portraits
megane medic>all
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megane > pink > trap > scruffy
Well damn, that wasn't a problem in the previous floor but it worked.
Probably because I happened to have a fogged tile in a painted corner.
I like Megane Medic and even used one into postgame, but even I have to admit she's pretty terrible compared to the older medic designs.

I used both Afro Nightseeker and Ahegao Nightseeker with no regrets, wish cover Landshark F's battle portrait wasn't so dorky compared to the dude's and thought Logre was the best of the Imperial designs. Your opinion is not going to change that for me. That said, I'm not a fan of the male snipers, non-bunny bushi or any other Imp besides Dark Knight Teach, and hate most of the fortresses besides orange bowl.
autistic girl > megane = trap > fag
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Oh, I remember this. I hope that lewd artist is still here
What if they used asanagi for art in the next EO
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How strong are the bears in Lush Woodlands 1st floor? I can beat the first Baboon FOEs quite easily.
fund it


If you can just arm bind the bears, you'll be fine.
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A cute old lady. Mascot of this game series.
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>look the artist up
>get sidetracked by minotaur footjobs
I'm gonna try but level 4 Arm Snipe is still pretty chancey.
That doujin is pure diamond.
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>all this scruffy hate
And here I thought /eog/ had taste.
Some of us do. But that doesn't mean scruffy is any good.
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Scruffy's a cool guy. I think a lot of people here are afraid of liking male portraits, for fear of becoming gay.

Freaking out over any male character just makes it look like you're desperately trying to stay in the closet.
>Saying anything positive about male portraits makes you a closet homo
Lot of people here play the game because it has cute girls, not because of the genre itself.
And they aren't every person here. Nor do I have to like them.
yeah get it it's great. Maybe try thedark spire for ds?
What if they used mayonnaise for the next EO

What if they used inoue kiyoshirou for the next EO

What if they used type.90 for the next EO

What if they used noise for the next EO
how to kill the series

What if they used Yuuji Himukai for the next EO?
Beat it no problem and killed the Furyhorn while I was at it. I have to say this game is getting really good.
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let's not be silly now
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Glad to hear that you're enjoying it, anon. I first got into EO because I was bored as hell at home and decided to download the EOIV demo off the E-Shop.

I didn't think I'd end up loving the series so much, but that demo had me hooked. Within two years, I had went, bought, and played every other EO.
At least Noise is the only artist in the world that does oppai loli right. But oppai loli is awful.
Stupid question, but i want to get into the series but the games are never onsale, any ideas what retailers sell the games for a reasonable price? GPB
>but the games are never onsale

They're like, always, on sale, literally more often than not, assuming you're talking about the 3DS ones.

Wait like a week and they'll be on sale.
Holy shit this artist is disgusting, what's wrong with you? I don't even want to look up the others now.

Do you have a EU 3ds? Because they often go on sale in NA.
I really love Etrian Odyssey's narrations, but sometimes it gets a bit too silly. Who in their right mind would call a lily "auratum" in casual conversation?

Unless you're European. In that case, sales absolutely never.
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Oh man I remember that. I literally had to look up what an auratum was, and what I found at first was unexpected.
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There's nothing special anbout his style but I fail to see the problem.
Atlus USA's lead editor left, so we might get less intricate descriptions, which is good for clarity but will probably hurt the atmosphere of the game.
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Delete this!
Well, rich descriptions are really damn fine. But I don't see how the hell did he get to a word that only a botanist would immediately understand. Heck, if anything it should have been lilium.

I had a similar episode with "periapt" but at least that's an actual word actually used to describe that kind of object.
Yeah EU / UK, its the 3DS titles i want most, is it worth emulating the older titles from the DS while i wait?
What if they used Minami Star for the next EO?

3 is good for emulating, but I wouldn't play that as your first EO.

You'll enjoy it a lot more if you know what you're doing.
I like breasts and brown women.

This will not please me
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Hey, Minami Star can do titties every once in a while.
That goes for 4 on the 3DS i assume then? would i be better off buying Untold first?
You'll be waiting literally forever. You need second hand if you really want them legally for cheap.

No, 4 is the best place to start. It'll teach you everything you need to know.
Emulate 2. It's the best one.
Second hand is like £2-3 cheaper tops, think ill cave and get 4 straight from nis europe or something.
>have to kill 12 FOEs for the boss to stay dead
Fucking hell. It wouldn't be so bad if the others didn't start chasing you after you started fighting one.
At least I can full heal and save.
>getting anything from the NISA Europe shop
That shit is marked up to hell. You'll find it cheaper literally anywhere.
>doesn't know how to sneak behind Iwaoropenelep
I just checked all the retailers i know and its cheapest at nis eu at £25, i swear it was £30 this morning though.
Fuck that.
I'm already 7 down, like hell I am giving up now.
I'm a huge fan of all loli parties but I would let that guy in my guild.
I want to go to a loli party
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I fucking hate twitter and their lack of reverse image engine
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>necromoe is established to be the fan favorite

I'm fine with this.
>Overdesign: The Class
>fan favorite
Trying to play EO2U from a cia, but it keeps crashing right before the first Fafnir transformation. Anyone know why this is, or have a fix for it? I tried asking /hbg/, but I didn't get any help from there.
>Overdesign: The Class

But that's Zodiacs.

>big dumb dragon shoulderpad and crystal wings
Define crashing. What happens, exactly?
I'm interested in the neck romancer for sure but my favourite is probably four swords adventures bunny.
The game freezes then brings me back to the home menu.
Just kill yourself already.
fuck off frenchfag
I wanna see what the other Warlock portraits look like.

I wanna see what the other everything portraits look like.
try reinstalling or getting a different link for it.
You could try buying the game you tard.

>convincing pirates to buy games

99.9% of pirates won't bother to purchase something after they are done with it.
I know it's a futile effort. But there's no harm in trying.
>buying digital ever
I don't mind buying physical games. But there is no way I'm going to waste money on something immaterial
Have you considered that buying shit regardless if it's digital or not shows support?
If you like a game you should buy it.

Nice numbers. Freshly pulled out of your ass?
I never said to buy digital. I agree with you about that.

>Nice numbers

Eh,I rarely pirate these days. I could use the help if you could generate statistically accurate numbers.
Didn't you know? 80% of all statistics are pulled out of someones ass.
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I'm secretly jealous of people with cracked 3DS. The games are so expensive. I have 3DS XL, Pokemon Y, both Monster Hunters, EO4 and whatever Zelda game came with the console, and this shit has cost me like 400 euros already. But I made a decision to keep my console 100% legit this time.

The Nintendo Store is a piece of shit too.
I'm the same way, but I bought my 3DS and roughly six games when I got a higher-paying job, so it didn't hurt me that much. Plus. I'm too lazy to crack my system.
>Plus. I'm too lazy to crack my system.
Besides, I only buy games I know I would enjoy anyways.
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Therian was here.

Bushi are losers.
Bunny bushis are better, and Masuraos are even better.
I hope female hounds are full awoo though.
They're already a bizarre breed of humans and animals, why not add some horse into the mix too?
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is this Hound a female or male?

I need to know for research purposes

Hound is my waifu
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it says Reaper ( male).jpg
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Here is some proof.
Definitely male. The real question is what about the herbalist?
>no sarashi bunny to sit on your face
Sometimes life is just not worth living.
Yo how do you guys keep your highlanders with okay-ish hp?
Not doing a classic run yet and although their skills only remove a % of their remaining hp at lv 20 they take quite a good chunk per use. Princess doesn't seem like it could mitigate it.


Not Dudes
How long would it take to get through the game using nothing but farmers?
They have some crazy good luck.
Exploiting ailments is the best bet.
Would take a maddening amount of time for something very silly.
How long is 7th Dragon?
So i'm going ot buy a jap 3ds and get the collectors edition game when it comes out in japan since I dont want to wait a year for an English release. Should I learn nip to play the game? There is about five months till its released, plus about a week or two for delivery, I have very little by way of motivation and i've already quit trying to learn jap four other times.

Do I try to learn jap for the fifth time to play the game or do I play it not knowing anything i'm doing?
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>Bunny bushis are better
Mah nigga
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if you've already quit 4 times i doubt you'll make it through a 5th attempt unless you really love EO.

personally i find learning it fun
Vampire or use a beast with protection vow
I would FUCK the female Bushis.

Assuming you're familiar with the Etrian Odyssey Series, it's very likely you'll be able to complete the game with no Japanese knowledge at all.

You can take pictures of the screen and translate them with the Google Translate app, for stuff like skills and main quest objectives.

Unless there is some radical shift in game mechanics they haven't talked about, it's still going to be go down/up X floors, fight boss, repeat.
Well, I just got laid off so I have just that amount of time on my hands.
If you have no motivation and have already quit 4 times, I don't see the 5th time being any different. And 5 months will not be enough time to learn moonrunes.
>pick back up my EOIV playthrough
>third labyrinth
>realize I don't like Wufan all that much
>miss my scruffy medic, especially because of his revive, and my team's getting raped
So tomorrow I shall take the imminent Dr. Joe out on a solo grinding adventure, even though he's only a few levels behind. I'll make a headcanon that he's exploring alone, dejected, hoping to gain the favor of his guild again. Wish him luck.
I only kinda like EO, it's the only game I wanted to thoroughly enjoy and bought as digital download for the sole purpose of preventing me from using a powersaves on it.

This is what I was thinking too, and the fact that theres a google translate app fro pictures makes me really want to not bother learning it at all.

You're probably right about the motivation part, but 5 months IS enough time to get 90% of what i'd need to know to be "fluent" in jap.

IV was my first game, and I beat that game into the ground, my party has fully forged ygg weapons, and then some.
How much time have you put into learning so far? Because unless you've already put in a lot of time, 5 months won't be enough to become fluent. Even with 5 months of very intense studying, I don't think someone would reach 90% fluency.
I had a nice long well constructed post explaining why youre wrong, but then my browser decided to go back a page and killed it. The gist of it is that you only need ot know the bare essentialls to learn the rest, because we are human and humans can learn from context. For example, "I want you to ____ the monster and bring back its head". You don't know what ____ is because nothing is there, however, since youre a human and can use context clues ot figure thigns out, you can assume that ___ is Kill or something that means kill, because the rest of hte sentence says to bring back its head. Given that there are so few words that fit, Kill would be the best one to go with.

Being "fluent" is easy if you're good at wordplay.
That only works if you can understand most of what you're reading. Which I repeat is unlikely after only 5 months.
Then why aren't you fluent in Japanese yet?
You only need to know basics, which is doable in just a month if you've got a native to talk to.

Because i'm lazy and hate myself.
Well if I could become "fluent" in moon after only a month I'd sure as hell do it. But I don't think speaking would help too much with being able to read. And I wouldn't expect everything to be voiced.
Thats the problem. Speaking is easy, reading remains hard.
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Yea, it's possible to reach a good speaking/listening level in 5 months. But reading is another thing. And games are mostly reading rather than listening.
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Stop reminding me that it's 5 months before I can play with necromoe.
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What's it like to fap with the fafnir arm?

Amazing, apparently. Force Charge is like the battle equivalent of edging.
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ugly slut
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Love fang.
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this is the only Doctor Magus
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>no fang
Still cute but an inferior magus.
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>santa gunner
New Thread
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Shotas are cute!
No, no, what about the masurao? Man these designs are confusing.
I'm the same way. I pirated most DS games, but actually physically owning them feels more fulfilling.

It's gonna suck when EOV doesn't make it to Europe though.
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