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AGDG - Amatuer Game Development Gang

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 783
Thread images: 132

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New Jam Next Month

Helpful Links: http://alloyed.github.io/agdg-links/
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/


> Demo Days

> Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/000_using%20gamemaker/index.html
Godot: http://github.com/okamstudio/godot/wiki
Haxeflixel: http://haxeflixel.com/documentation/tutorials/
UE4: http://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?483-Community-Tutorials-for-UE4
Unity: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
I declare this thread a bully-free zone.

Only constructive criticism and encouraging words are allowed.
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Should I pick this back up?
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First for was there a DD6 stream?
listen to the dog
I can do line 23+26 or I can do line 35. Other than >>128722490 I'm wondering what the distinction is between the two.

again, I'm new!
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After I'm done with this Boku no Pico-8 project I'm going back to android dev I swear.
Why are you so focused on shitting up productive threads?
> Card Game-themed Dungeon crawler where loot is in the form of booster packs and all items/spells/traits are cards, the player must make tactical decisions to choose cards that will benefit them the most on both a long and short term basis
> Space station roguelike, where you have to navigate the abandoned station and survive against aliens using what you can find
> City themed (open-world) roguelike that tries to be an as accurate a simulation of real life as possible

Which one sounds the most /fun/? Also feel free (and encouraged) to share your roguelike ideas that haven't been done before.
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rough work on trying to make Gilbert smaller compared to Leto, extra random work on his weretiger form which I may or may not use
Why don't you tell me what I'm looking at here, first
The New arrow one with the orange accents looks the best.
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>TFW still not considered to be deving
Wait until I get to the Abilities and Feats!
oh it's a on/off project where I'm learning UE4 by recreating the tutorial level from mirrors edge.
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stop right now.
ask yourself, am i being productive in this moment?
I see

Well, is there anything else you could learn by 'completing' it?

If so, keep going. If not, test yourself with a more challenging project.
anyone know how difficult it is to create a multiplayer game in game maker or unity? is it easier to do it than one or the other? should I be looking at other engines?
I'm gonna start learning Unity. What's the best tutorial to get familiar with everything?
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playing with my foreskin rn

I'd say it's 100x more productive than any circumcised dev
> implying cut people can be devs anyway

Learning is productive I guess
you're being rude to males who have been mutilated as infants, and you feel good about yourself? it's time to look inside, and get rid of the filth that's making you a terrible human being.
hrm, really the particle system, for the smoke and stuff, and sound too. I've got a good handle on the materials/modeling pipeline, and the lighting settings. the big question is is do I want to try and make it "playable" with a character, but that would be a lot of work.
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Here's a WIP of my first world in my Yume Nikki/Zelda hybrid, hopefully it looks okay so far. I'll probably make the scrolling background a bit more subtle

I'm not sure where to go from here though. Should I focus on juicing up the overworld by adding NPCs and events or start making the first dungeon so I get a feel for things?
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multiplayer dev is hell
run now while you can
i cannot escape this hell
no matter where i run
it's not
just like make game
Are you lost, friend?
>the b is a shoe

what does 4store mean?
learn c# by venkat

highly recommended
thought lolismdev was back for a moment

looks fine
it's just my rip-off of 7-eleven where the player can buy potions and stuff

plus 4 sounding like death in chinese/japanese/korean and rhyming with store is just a bonus
yeah, ill second this recommendation. He's got a couple of stupid coding practices, so don't feel awkward if you find yourself realizing better solutions to some of his suggestions.
4store and 7beers ago
Probably deep internal anxiety from being a notorious loser.
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anyways, here's wonderwall
GameMaker can certainly do 3D. It is just a matter of buckling down and learning it and cutting through all of it's bullshit.
Yes its GML and yes they have a thread on the official engine forums. If you want it bad enough (and want it to be in GM for whatever reason) you can do it. Just gitgud

Semi related: I'd love to see a competitive FPS with procedural levels, although it would be difficult to make it catch on and to make it not be awful for a variety of reasons
should I complete the majority of the technical load before the zelda jam starts? or is that in bad taste.
Thanks lads
I'd also recommend looking st Unity's official tutorials. They walk you through making all sorts of games and you learn the ins and outs of the editor as you go
It doesn't matter. You can start right now. This isn't a competition, it's just for fun. So make sure you have fun!
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I can handle it, probably.

But I don't know how
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i thought the same as you once
now where is my right arm
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I'm just about finished properly implementing the new ship. It has two weapon slots that you can fire individually or simultaneously, and the unique behavior it applies to weapon projectiles is the explosive effect shown in the webm. I still have some things to finish with the shield effect, like a hit animation, deactivating animation, and some sort of effect to apply to enemies that collide with it. I'll try to finish that and possibly a new weapon and enemy over the weekend
don't even consider learning proton it's trash
avoid rigidbodies
Of course you can :)
Don't listen to these anti-anime nodevs
don't talk shit
my game is very popular in russia
currently two concurrent players
me and dog
How would I make a multiplayer deal in ASP.NET that would have people on the same screen and everything like Roll20?
>tfw even you're dog complains about your netcode
a-at least im not battlefield
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can confirm, it's a very fun game

pic related, me
>Trying to make a title screen with menu options (New game, load game, game settings, quit).
>Don't know how to do this with ECS

Does anyone have any advice?
i would just completely ignore the ECS for the sake of making a menu but someone may have a nice elegant solution
Jesus. Getting this melee system to work is Fucking me in the ass...

i just did a 20 hour session and now i'm eating fish sticks bc i havent eaten since yesterday
>my game is very popular in russia
RIP that Russian dev who was called into the army
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Someone told me endless expansion dev was in here sometimes.

If so, what algorithm do you use for terrain generation? I'm making a program to generate an optimal building layout for a given map.

Pic related, current iteration of my solver that tries to purely maximize buildings producing at 100%
that's a lot of corridors
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>/v/ gamedev general is more active than us
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Which font(s) do you like the most, if you like any of them?

Context, fammo.
Nevermind, the test is already fucked with spam

Let's try again
nice man, that shit looks cool
It's looking really good. The ships can be customized? Or just different ship types?
I want to make a podcast about amateur game dev.

I don't think I have it in me to make a game, but I think I can talk about the process/design/etc
I haven't seen you in ages. Loving the new ship.
show me the rest of your game and i'll give you a definitive answer according to all the teaching of art
because people from here are posting there and not here for some reason?

das real fuckin nito

i did camera shit, im good for today.

tomorrow begins the arduous task of actually making my game fun
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>tfw clever but bad kludge

i mean..there really isnt any difference between this thread and that one. it looks like there are a lot less people who are actually making a game though over there
i don't blame them for moving there, this place has too much shitposting and you can't really have the thread culture found here be on /v/
>tfw witty but bad compiler
Hey man we're all fighting with depression. Remember to wake up early and take some walks in the sunlight.
You should do some more original stuff, mate. The floor thing in YN was kind of dumb, and you can do better.
Maybe we can fix this situation by focusing all our shitposting in that thread while we really talk about gamedev in here?
never thought i'd see the day when /v/ was praised as being a non-shitposting place for discussions to take place. i see as much shit posting there as here, so i don't know what you're seeing that i'm not. grass is always greener i guess.
Slipstreamdev, you really need to answer the people in the kickstarter comments section. A lot of them are voicing concern over your dramatic turn in planned content. I think it would be a good thing just to assure everyone who helped you get to your goal that you aren't going to fuck the project they THINK they backed in the ass by going nutso with stupid shit additions no one actually wants (like weapons wtf srsly?)
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8ch's /v/ > this thread > /v/ > 8ch's /agdg/ board

What games have they made?
You're probably right. I'll probably limit the scrolling background thing to maybe like one or two areas since that really is an iconic Yume Nikki thing. I'm not sure what to replace the current one with though. Maybe I'll just make it stars so the area looks like it's in outer space.

I need chill music so i can concentrate on logic stuff.
Well I mean, you can even still do it but just do it better. YN was (mostly) really goddamn lazy with the floors, just upscaled stupid images.

If you did something that actually reacted to the player, or made it more intricate in a couple ways, it'd already be better.

But still probably better to just avoid, and try to find ways to make the game creepy in your own way.
>never thought i'd see the day when /v/ was praised as being a non-shitposting place
Shows how bad we've gotten
Also their innocence about gamedev is invigorating
>tfw one of my "biggest fans" on tumblr is a lewd 3d artist.

I don't know how to feel about this.
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>got my 8bit Metroidvania game to start working with basic features like moving, jumping, and stuff
>realize I only got this far because I stole coding from a tutorial
>mfw I won't make it
Being a 1MA is exhausting
silent hill 2 ost
It has nothing to do with being 1MA, but rather with lack of experience.
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>tfw Furcadia follows you
Apex Twin- Rubharb
Or Selected Ambient Works 85-92.
>tfw Furcadia follows you back
fixed that for you
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It's coding. I hate coding. Look at this shit. It's indecipherable to me.

Why can't it be shit like
Left = A
Jump = Space
Right = D
or something simple? Why the cryptic wording? For collisions, why not just be "if collision : stop" or something?

I can make great pixel art. I can compose music. I can design levels. I can add assets and have no problem placing pieces around a room, but the coding is a roadblock every time.
oh you

forgot about 8ch's AGDG, I posted on their /cyber/ board asking for ideas, actually offering to turn their ideas into playable missions but no one seemed interested in contributing. Then the board owner decided to shill his rival site, what a shame
oh god, i remember that game
Are you using an IDE for gamemaker code?
Ermm.. mate, things in your code can be achieved easier, and there's literally drag-and-drop scripting functionality in GM. Just go to docs.yoyogames.com and read from the beginning to the end, while implementing everything you read. Small steps will cary you a great distance or something.
Give me a gamedev name to put on my splash screen as a logo.
Frodo Sagbag
- = ( L J M G ) = -
Like Just Make Games
Thanks anons, that means a lot.
Thanks, and there will be customization, though I haven't decided on what exact direction to take that in yet. Currently any ship can equip any weapon, and there are slots for ship-modifying items, but no items have been implemented yet.
Looks like GM8.
the 25 function init() resets the global variable.

good for loading levels/spawning enemies etc
that does look cool, art reminds me of hyper light drifter a bit.
uno farto
>mfw this shit has taken me over a month
> learning a meme language
please.. no bully
they never learn
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burn it.png
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I found some of my old models
my level is approaching 11k triangles already, am I fucked?
>people kept saying that shaders are really easy
>they actually aren't

i fall for that shit every time.
>Why's it gotta be 「いただきます」? Why can't they say "eat up y'all" or something simple? Why the cryptic wording? For gesundheit, why not just be "bless you" or something?

That's literally you right now.
If you want, you could always just make your own language.
It's not that hard, just produce a compiler to translate your language into machine code.
stop procrastinating and get back to work on your vampire game.
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progress on my 3d platformer
I would rather play old. It's more comfy.
You literally removed all the charm of your game
Same, I like old better too. New looks plastic and lifeless.
i dunno man they both got things going for them but i'll take right
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I ran into a programming wall so I'm working on a different game atm
How do you do the distance blur?
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Just tried all kind of different techniques and it's a mess.
Still I think I sort of understood the whole pipeline, you really need to be careful when modeling if you want texturing to be easier.

Thanks for the anon who suggested to still try, guess it was worth a shot to learn about it.

Still.. spent literally 2 hours putting seams and texturing, I'm really starting to think that I shouldn't be wasting my time. I wanted to code, not to learn art.
That's pretty pathetic
I can't stop procrastinating :(
unity preset if you look in the effects package
Looks like the /v/ thread got nuked
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Hi all,

Getting pathfinding working! A few bugs still here and there, but hopefully I can have some moving enemies soon.
i like the old, but i think the new has some good aspects too. it did look more unique, but it also looked a bit depressing.
You can thanks agdg shitposters for that. Really a bunch of losers.
follow your heart then.
You sure it didn't just expire?
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yeah, 's why I'm working on it
>mods remove the /v/ gamedev thread

Kek, we're all stuck in this hell together.
guys i miss my mom
Honestly you faggots are overdoing it. /v/ gamedev threads used to happen every few days for a reason, you have to have tact about it, lately it's been happening everyday. Agdg was started specifically because people in /v/ were tired of seeing the same gamedev thread everyday like every other general that's the reason generals exist.
You got greedy for your "better" threads and now they're back on the blacklist. It has nothing to do with shitposters.
just remember this. what you did there is more than 90% of game devs can do. sure, it's simple, but it looks good for someone new to modeling. a few tweaks and it would be perfect in a game. anyway, you're now one step closer to your goal if you want to end up doing the art assets yourself. even simple art has charm.
Nah a mod wiped it
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I have a question for you agdg,
what makes a roguelike fun for you?

I want to do a half story driven linear game, and half roguelike. So you visit towns and certain levels are handmade, while dungeons and other certain levels are procgen. Before I get started I want to know what makes procgen fun for players.
I miss david bowie
is that a flaming guy in the back?

mods probably deleted it because people reported it for being a general.
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ortho2iso - first step.gif
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First map conversion from one coordinate system to another, then making it playable
Shitty 3D "artist" detected.
your model actually looked alright, but the texturing is awful
your mesh is very low detail, it would look alright if the character was 30-60 pixels tall on screen, but the detail on the texture kind of implies that you want it to display bigger than that, in which case your mesh needs alot more definition. as for the texture, the color selection being awful is the most glaring mistake, but its easy to learn what colors match. and I dont know what you're going for with the outlines on the mesh edges but it doesnt work
honestly, from what i was reading, it seemed like normal /v/ posters were pissed off that the thread was becoming more like a general thread for some reason. i don't go there much, so i don't know what the whole general vs non-general thread debate is, but that looked like the case to me.

for the record, i enjoy those threads normally.
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Was about to post my webm in the /v/ thread replying to
Here's my game in motion, I spend the first few moments flipping through my different framebuffers
If you have things like levels/upgrade-able stats of any kind let the handmade dungeons be possible to outlevel/overpower but keep the procgen stuff scaling to the player. It would make for a nice mix of gameplay tight off the bat if everything couldn't become retardo easy from grinding but also let you breeze through the more scenic and thought out areas if you wanted to (you ARE going to put some love and care into the handmade stuff right, anon?)
fun combat is the number one thing for me. if the combat is weak, i won't bother.
i'm a 2d artist bro, only know basics with 3d.
Just make a new one!
looks pretty cool. not sure about the smoke bubbles coming out the back, though. if you made it look like flames or something it would be a lot cooler.
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>Working title screen / state management
>Game saves and loads configuration settings to an external json file instead of being hardcoded

Next step is to make an options screen you can get to from in-game pause or from the title screen and oooh man I'm excited.
how about you give some advice then instead of just trolling for attention?
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>your model actually looked alright, but the texturing is awful
Yeah I just tried to hand-paint things on the fly, didn't even bother to read at some color theory I admit, will do that.

I didn't want to use the ambient this time just to see how it turns out but I guess as a beginner I should just use that for the time being.
The thing is, I have literally no idea how to shadow properly the parts of the texture. I'm just using the default photoshop brush to color + my mouse too so it doesn't help that much.

Amusingly enough I always thought that modeling was the hardest part. I was wrong, texturing is.
>not working on game engine first
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what are you going to do about it?
But anon, that is my engine
Main Menu: The Game
You absolute faggot, do you even ever go to /v/?
There's are permanent drawfag, Undertale and Smash threads. Often also Dark Souls.
During AGDQ there were AGDQ general threads, and now there's some gay ass fighting games tournament and there's a general for that.
Similarly there's an emulation general on /vr/ despite there being an emugen here.
Generals on /v/ are perfectly normal because people want to distance themselves from the clique mentality of /vg/.
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actor picker.jpg
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oh it's just a player start icon

although I have a few types of actors
Not just a "main menu", but menu systems in general. Now I can easily add whatever menus I need. I also added a lot of nonvisual things -- Saving and loading game data and settings being the most important.
work on my game
lets say I have that, but what will keep you playing through the proc gen dungeons?

I dont want to add any upgrades, because I can't think of any for this frog.
>from the clique mentality of /vg/.
can you go into further detail? i'm not seeing it. please point it out for me. we're here, right now, in the hellhole you call /vg/. i'll be waiting.
Every general in /vg/ has a clique mentality. Maybe this one doesn't, it would be a notable exception, but I seriously doubt it.
that's it, really. if you have fun and fluid movement, combat, and a variety of weapons and enemies, it's enough to keep me interested.
start with flat colors and drawn on details. don't worry about trying to shade the texture. let the game engine handle it
i've never been outside this thread, so i have no idea about the other threads, but i absolutely wouldn't base my opinion of a group of people like the people who post in this thread on the people who post in other threads on this board. many of us here don't even play games. we just want a place to discuss things with other game dev minded people on 4chan, and this happens to be the board where that happens.
>Anyone actually liking the complete fucking mess that the left was
Don't get rused
Try out the flame idea

Something about the glow of the ship + its stillness gives me the visual impression bad lighting (maybe more directed bubbles, like a flame, would make me not feel this feeling) while the rest of the presentation looks great.

But it might just be me or maybe the game is still being worked on ;)
there's an agdg clique which is pretty fucking terrible involving steam or irc chats or something, fortunately I dont see any mention of it in this thread
thing is, I wont have any weapons. Combat will be hop 'n bop like mario/yoshi mixed together. enemy variety I will do though.
Relax bruh, things will end up the way they end up idk tbqf (to be quite frank)
nice honeypot progress
>I won't have any weapons
>uses a weapon right in the gif you post
honest opinion. the right looks more like a fun playtimey mobile game, and the right looks more unique and interesting to me.
ah, i don't go on irc. haven't been on irc in a couple of decades or so, don't remember. the thread seems pretty cool, minus the occasional shit poster, but everyone has those days now and then.
Every online community has a clique mentality, it's not a /vg/ thing. The /v/ game dev has a clique mentality, the generals on /mu/ have a clique mentality, the trannies on /lgbt/ have a clique mentality.
You can't have a community on the internet without a clique mentality.
If I made all the assets of a game (story, pixel art, music, enemies, control ideas, etc), how much should I offer someone to code the shit for me?
well, if it's a combat oriented game you might want to consider adding more ways to conduct combat so people don't get bored. if you're going for more puzzles and platformer then it might be ok.
sorrry I meant anymore weapons
Games generally have gameplay with assets on top, aside from some RPG's and VN's. Your best bet would be to either make assets for someone else's game, or to go into a genre that doesn't demand much from your assets.
Depends on the scope of the game.
I'd probably charge anywhere between $1000-$10000 depending on how long it will take me.
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Back from dinner. Uploaded a new build that's all my progress for today. Enjoy sounds, a bigger map and a title screen. Enemies didn't get finished so you won't see them yet.

I bet you think wendyvainity has great style too.
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Used to go from yellow to red in a previous build, but I've changed a lot of stuff since then and forgot about it, thanks for reminding me.
The way I did it previously was the some of the shittiest code I've ever written, but by the time the 2nd half of this webm is converted, I should have it done.
> pico 8
Might as well make a level for Warioware DIY
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Yeah, I noticed that with flat colors and the ambient things seems to blend much better.
In the end low poly is all about details, and I think that's a skill you need at least a good year to get.

Anyway thanks for the tips, don't think I'm going to dwell too much on drawing. I'll just try to see what kind of low-poly blends well with flat colors.
you usually don't separate the arms or legs but if that's your gimmick then go ahead
pretty cool how your levels generate.
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That image is kind of cute so I wanted to mix it with some mecha or something and see how it goes.
well I was thinking of doing a variety of ways to kill different enemies. For example that enemy requires you to flip them over.
It really depends but if you made music, probably 40
shoutout to all the up late devs
I wish I hadn't seen that. I don't even know which one was the real one.
I'm an australian afternoon uncut dev
I am going to bed soon, just checking to see if people reply to my progress post for the day.
in ue4 post processing volume
that's pretty cool. i would add a bunch of things in the environment too, like that fruit that you can use to kill enemies.
sweet, what other things you done?
Do i have to start making a game on the February 2nd or i must submit it starting on that day? I am confuse.
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I'm at my wits end. I don't think it's calculating string height properly, and I can't figure out for the life of me why. It's seemingly random, too.

I've had this stupid problem for a while. Maybe the font I'm using is fucking with it in some way?

Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?
You technically start on Feb 2nd and have it submitted by March 1st. It's 4chan though, start now, no one can stop you.
Hey anon, could you fill me in on how to do wavy text like that in text boxes? I can never figure out how to break words off from the main text string and have them move in a sine wave.
Are you letting the library decide the height or what?

I doubt it's the font, but take a look at the values of the line heights, rather than just the graphical output.
I actually just wrote a tutorial today on dialog boxes. I dont explain how to do the sinewave but I do explain how to separate charcters

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Thanks! The biggest issue I've been having is making it not as jarring when the player slows down/stops
worst case scenario I've been thinking is only having it in one level and make it an auto-scroller level

Here's the coloured flames, along with some random post-processing effects on the side

Also just realizing I didn't turn on my DoF, but I doubt the webm would be able to show it well anyways, same with my FXAA (Deferred Shading limits my AA choices).

You really don't start to appreciate game engines until you do all this shit from scratch in C++ & OpenGL.
What, you mean modeling? I just started a week ago so obviously I've got nothing.

Some anons have already started to work on their zelda game. and I'm going to start too I think
It's motivation for those who don't feel ready to start on their "proper game", but can't keep reinventing pong.
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Not everyone is ready to jump into making their dream game, and sometimes it helps to have a random thing chosen for you / it's neat to see how your shit compares to stuff made by other people in the same time frame.
It's in GML. I'm using string_height_ext to find the height.
>do you even ever go to /v/?
Of course I do.
>There's are permanent drawfag, Undertale and Smash threads. Often also Dark Souls.
No there aren't. And if at the point there are multiple threads on dark souls or undertale in a row that end with someone saying
>make a new thread
that's when the generals get linked and threads start getting deleted. Don't talk down to me like I'm new you fucking nobody.
They're great for making a portfolio if you're trying to get into the industry
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>I think I'll try godot
>godotengine.org is down
>can't even read the documentation
>Maybe the font I'm using is fucking with it in some way?
Maybe.. I used to think I was having a problem with escape characters or something because my capital "A" would never print, but it turned out the font file just didn't have a glyph for it
Would you say that you're...

Waiting For Godot?

Nothing to be done.
You're ignoring the namefag problem that /v/ simply doesn't have. Here devs become known by their games or by wearing names or by their chatroom handles in IRC or steam and that's where the real cliques occur. It's not that big a deal though. The biggest retard we've had as far as wanting to be a famous namefag was rotatedev and he self immolated a while ago serving a good lesson to everyone else. Unfortunately googem will probably always be around and he's a major clique namefag faggot. But nobody respects him so he's harmless as well.
pretty much. it's notoriously difficult to actually complete a game, so instead of mustering up the will and motivation to actually complete one, you make a piece of shit in a weekend that nobody will play and pat yourself on the back instead
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Nodev failure faggot who can't even finish a simple gamejam game detected.
i was finishing games before you were old enough to use a computer
Oh, if it's you then I agree. There's a massive clique problem and you should forget this place and stay on /v/.
goodnight everyone. may tomorrow bring great fortune to all game devs and learners.
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This is the big show. http://ludumdare.com/compo/
Next event is in a few months. There are always smaller jams going on around the net if you keep your eyes open though.
Agdg will have another next month it's in the OP
It's at the top of the OP.
And yet you're made so insecure everytime gamejams happen that you have to sit back with your hands in your pockets mumbling shit out the side of your mouth about how pointless gamejams are.
Nobody wants to hear from you, limpdick. None of the games you've ever finished meant anymore than those "piece of shit made over a weekend" gamejam games you wish you could make. You just like lying to yourself.
that zit is rustling my jimmies
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success was hard on hopoo
nice image
no problem
thats an awful lot of projecting and assumption for one small post
perhaps you're the one thats lying to yourself
perhaps you're the one who should stop game jamming and finish something that actually matters
I really wish I photoshopped that shirt. But I didn't, it's a real being i saw in new york.
>Oh, if it's you then I agree
Nope I'm not rotatedev. I never bombed out of agdg multiple times crying to people to join me on my own private website or slinking around between chatrooms trying to fit back in with cliques.
>There's a massive clique problem
No there's not.
Gwyndev, is that you?
You're speaking in circles. We already know you think gamejam games don't matter and that nobody plays them. That's because you're not capable of entering a gamejam. You're slow and boring, like your games.
ive never even considered entering one in my life
there isn't much point when you actually make and finish real games
delete this
yea hey
You're the one that said it, what do you want me to do?
You're an idiot.

Game-specific threads don't have continuity, but they're still always there.
Anyway, I don't want to shit this thread anymore so I'm unwatching it that means I won't see your reply, since you're obviously new
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you guys don't have anything against strategy games, right? all I ever see here are platformers or adventure games.
that's because in reality no one gives a shit about gamejams, the entirety of downloads we get is from people here so whatever downloads you get pass off as a feeling of fake accomplishment.
You're insecure. Mumbling passive aggressive insults at gamedevs who can dev in the fast lane and saying you were finishing games before we were old enough to use a computer, then claiming we're the ones projecting at you.
You're old and slow, boring, dull. Like your games. You can't even do a simple gamejam, you're not sharp enough. Live with it. No need to make dainty little insults at everyone else who has actually entered a gamejam before.
You're forgetting that retard who wanted everyone to use trips and then started shitposting so much that he can't use the trip anymore.
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>frog man now squashes properly when landing
>tfw this guy listens to feedback and continues to grow and improve his game

keep it up nigga
>all I ever see here are platformers or adventure games.

because they're easy to make
Why are you so concerned about what other people are doing?
Any advice for a developer who already knows everything necessary to make the game he wants to make but can't work on the same thing for more than a week without running out of steam?
gamejams are literally the easiest type of game developing you can do
they're a waste of time because they set the bar of achievement way too low and make people feel like they're achieveing something when they aren't
if you take that as an insult i think you're the one with the insecurity
Well I did want to make one but you need lots of characters, aka sprites, aka arts.
You mean that person who nobody cares about except you, because you're a stone monument here who will never move on?
Rethink your life.
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Posting progress after almost a week away.

Redrew everything at a smaller scale to make animations easier. Will add a player next.
i don't i actually liked gamejams until retarded themes like zelda came along.

ill be honest here, i think zelda is just an avarage game, just because someone is a gamedev don't mean zelda had an impact in his life OR should reconize that zelda deserved the success.
was it a good series? yes absolutely but might as well make halo jam
>gamejams are literally the easiest type of game developing you can do
It's a shame you can't do it then. That doesn't speak well of your abilities.
>they're a waste of time because they set the bar of achievement way too low and make people feel like they're achieveing something when they aren't
Who are you trying to convince here, gamejam devs or yourself?
If you can't do a popular and fun activity that is "easy" that so many other skilled gamedevs can do, so be it. No need to make sorry excuses that diminish the accomplishments of other gamedevs. Unless you're that kind of person. Petty. Sad. Slow.
Nah he was pretty big a few months ago, everyone hated him. I actually think it got so bad that the trip got autobanned, or it seemed that way. He just disappeared one day after attacking the mods.
not doing something doesn't mean you can't do it
someone asked for opinions on gamejams and I provided one
you're the one who took it personally and had an autism attack
no gamejam result can ever be considered an accomplishment
> I actually think it got so bad that the trip got autobanned, or it seemed that way.
Like I said, rethink your life. You're literally coming up with grandiose tales about someone else that you know are bullshit. You're never going to outgrow this place.
Roll call! Who here uses LibGDX + Ashley?
dan ashley?
>no gamejam result can ever be considered an accomplishment
Do you need someone to agree with you or are you trying to convince yourself?
looking cool
you're now Tiny Hawk dev
>You're literally coming up with grandiose tales about someone else that you know are bullshit.
Whats the difference between that, and the wide-accepted funposting about Pugdev?
Nah, you can look it up. It actually happened. I can't remember the name though, but his game was like a slenderman clone.
A Samuel Beckett reference? On /vg/? Where am I?
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Sign it. You've been so thoroughly mentally dominated that your shitposting about a single person has made you a meme. 6 months of nonstop obsession about a single person. This is your real accomplishment in a gamedev general. Nothing else will ever compare. :^) You've peaked.
Looks near useless.
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Too bad the name Ghost Trick is already taken huh?
your "check"ing whats going on with the "Right" key on the "keyboard"
whats confusing about this?

actually to be fair, I always thought the method name "place_meeting" was fucking retarded
Why isnt it just "check_collision" or something?
>I can't remember the name though
Sure you can. You remember that name better than anyone will ever remember yours. You're owned. Join the club.
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>this is what your life has become
if place_meeting() was check_collision() then what would you call position_meeting()? What would instance_place() be? instance_collision()?
/vg/ truly is the worst board on this entire website just because it is a fucking magnet for arrogant people who want to create a cult of personality around themselves as well as absolutely insane attention seekers
>no u
:^) This is literally all you will ever amount to. Let me know when someone cares enough about you to spam a message board for half a year with your name everyday. I won't hold my breath.
You're owned.
What makes you say that? Rather roll your own entity system?
I think you actually know who I'm talking about. That's the kind of shit he used to post.
That's literally where the engine's name comes from.
I don't think anyone really cares about your obsession beyond making fun of you about it. Stay sad.
Well, yeah. I mean there doesn't even seem to be enough functionality to make it worth importing another library.

Perhaps I'm looking at it wrong though?

In any case I can just copy/paste similar stuff from my own code by this point.

i have no idea i dont use GM

blond hair girl is really cute
i dont feel very good anymore anon
Friendly reminder that dodging bans is a permaban offense ;) good thing you're an expert at it by now eh?
When should I start thinking about making a tumblr and a twitter to start shilling my game? Once the placeholder art is gone?
I dont care about games
I dont play games
I just enjoy making engines
This is ok.
How do you stay persistent at making the same game for more than a week?
Ok, thank you!
Everyone here's got twitters even if they've got no solid game.
Definitely get rid of placeholders before you make a dedicated game blog though. You'll probably also want your direction sorted out too.

Naturally if you're a basic bitch who thinks "B-b-b-b-b-but if I don't enjoy it why should I work on it?" then naturally you'll be doomed to failure.
I mean strategy in a broad sense, any game where you're using decision making instead of reaction time, so even games like checkers or scrabble.
People will say discipline, but they're big nerds. What you need is passion, 愛 and a loli or two.
Write checklists of things to implement and slowly work on them
>want to make something heavily story-based
>have no ideas for gameplay
>don't want to make a walking sim or something where combat feels like an afterthought
what's the story about?
You can make gameplay that revolves around conversations rather than combat.
Pretty sure, in the old days, when people wanted to do this, they made shit like Devil May Run Up on a Nigga, God of War or even Kingdom Hearts.
It's not that I don't enjoy it - I enjoy programming, and have for a long time - I just can't seem to form habits around concentrating on the same thing consistently. Don't get me wrong, I program all the time, I just barely finish things. My github is a graveyard with only a few finished projects.

That seems like a good idea. When I was interning over the summer we had task management software that worked like that.
>passion runs out super quickly
>爱 isn't even real, just a gross mislabeling of instinctual drives
>loli to get sent to pound-me-in-the-ass prison
You're just full of great advice.
Protip: Extrinsic motivation (money, or other outside rewards of any variety) causes people to do sub-optimal work.

Sure you'll get shit done, but it won't be your best stuff.
This is why you need 愛. If you don't learn to love, you'll never learn to dev.
>getting a spritesheet of a walking character to work from scratch takes 10 minutes
>a couple years ago I struggled for a week with it
feels good family
>I make games for muhself
Mediocre. This leads to mediocre games and mediocre reception of those mediocre games.
Nah I'm well in tune with the instincts that are mislabeled as love. That said they're not even tangentially related, what are you smoking?
that's because you are lazy
incentives are the best way to persist at something,humans are driven by resources
I'm not sure what I think about "writing" for video games. if you can't tell a story with game mechanics then just write a book.

it feels like that's in the same vein as wanting to write a story for a movie but don't know how to convey it with acting and motion.
I first did the 3d pajama shooter with the stuffed bunnies and bears. It's an hour long but it helps locate everything and kind of understand the flow. You won't understand everything at first but keep it close after you've done it and you'll be able to go back and use each bit yourself.
I fully agree with your disagreement of your misrepresentation of my statement.
I make games that I think will be fun to play with friends
I believe games are an art, but not my games. Games are not my art.
>Making games for other people
>Not making games for yourself and whoever else happens to enjoy them

Where the fuck is your artistic expression
Hey! I'm trying to learn some character animation basics. What are some games with really good side-scrolling game sprites I can look at? I'd like to see how to do it right
>humans are driven by resources
Not every human has the ability to be honest about their intentions with gamedev though.
Look at Goocum, notorious arrogant self-important twat he is and we all know him.
>there's no money to be made in games so don't do it for money
>charges $12 for a spreadsheet "game" and refuses to listen to everyone's advice to lower the price
and let's not forget
>you have to make games for yourself not for recognition
>namefags a /vg/ general for years on end despite being hated and tries to brand everything he does under his name
>incentives are the best way to persist at something,humans are driven by resources

>that's because you are lazy
>limp wristed lawyer reply
What else do you say to someone who misrepresents what you say and then struts around victoriously?
You're mistaken. It's not an instinct it's a gift from above. You're feeling wrong.
If you think the hormonal response you feel when you see a potential mate is 愛, you will never ever finish a game.
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reposting progress

left is the tiny quest for a candy cane of catching an owl in the air, getting his golden egg and kicking it all the way to the nutcracker.

Right is an attempt at deepest lore. (the tiny nutcracker is on top of a very tall mountain while the big one is half buried at the bottom.
rotate and gogem are trying to make it by passing themselves off as memes, it works when a community is large enough

By all means feel free to make boring games that nobody else enjoys but you yourself consider to be valid artistic expression. That's how Goocum does things and look how far it got him. He's coming up on half a dozen "finished" games and not a single success.
You seem not to have read his post properly.
>it works when a community is large enough
This community clearly isn't large enough to make that strategy work for them, then. It hasn't motivated potatodev to finish a single project in his multiple years shitposting here and every one of goocum's games has bombed. It's at the point now that googem isn't even trying to get games greenlit because he's used to everyone stopping by and saying
>wow again, pigpen? take this shit back to newgrounds and fuck off
Proof here
it worked because some douchbags on steam made games and sold alot of copies because of recognition.
laugh all you want but twitter presence is actually a thing
either that or work hard and be quiet about it
Oh boy another snake-pedo OP.
>laugh all you want but twitter presence is actually a thing
You're starting to sound like goocum. :^) Look how far his precious twitter presence, youtube shilling and shitposting in agdg got him.
Twitter presence as in actually having a good presence. Googum does not have that.

Having problems reading, Anon?
Googem recently got banned in /v/ trying to shill his shit like he was some kind of recognized brand. He's the longest running namefag here and if he can't make a name for himself in /v/ he's never going to. It's just not a valid strategy, trying to become a "memedev".
And rotate is literally retarded.
Learn your fucking memes, god damn retard. Twitter presence was Wolfire.
>Twitter presence as in actually having a good presence. Googum does not have that.
Can't argue with that. He's burned many bridges.
Sorry are you the same anon I was replying to? This post has caps while the other one is all lowercase................

If you make a game even you don't want to play, why should I ever want to play it?
Both of them have extremely poisonous personalities.

I imagine it would go better if they weren't uneducated douches like those two.

Different person. Sorry about the confusion.
Shitposters and fakedevs on suicidewatch.
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How do you guys come up with and screen game ideas?

I want to start with a new game but cant decide on what.

I have a bunch of loose ideas
>idea for crafting system
>idea for 4D rotations on cube lattice
>idea for spell input
>idea for RPG story
>RTS gameplay idea

but I cant get them to congeal into a coherent game I can work on
It's the opposite for me - the only things I CAN get done reliably are associated with grades or a salary.

Last summer I worked 60 hour weeks for over 3 months straight as a "CS intern" (ha) consistently and did a good job, though I was miserable.

And yet despite this, I seem to consistently lose motivation to work on personal projects after a short period of time, usually after I've done the research necessary to start working.
A fun game is a fun game. Anyone who claims they're making games for themselves and not the players they're trying to sell their game to
*cough* googem *cough*
Is a lying faggot.
This is seriously starting to piss me off.

All the fucking time. All you can read when you come to this thread is some fucking drama about whatever or whoever.

Fucking bunch of idiots posting the same damn shit all the fucking time.

You can even just do shit on cards / whiteboard / whatever first, to see if it feels like it'd actually work.

Then you might make a quick thing in game maker and see if it feels fun.

If you're social, you can try it out with other people (but only ones who are actually into video games like the one you're going to make).
God you guys are all bad at reading.

Grades/Salary will force you to get shit done. This is what I was saying.

The difference is that the quality takes a hit. Things will never be truly great unless you're doing it for the sake of doing it / doing it for yourself.
Who else here
>get distracted
>alt tab back to ide
>no idea what i was just doing
>just run it and see what line doesnt compile to find out
Yes fun, another curse word according to googem. It's almost as if he's here reading these posts :^)
Look how far a gamedev who doesn't believe fun is real, who doesn't play games, who claims to be making games for himself while charging money to players is getting in the gamedev scene.
You've discovered my work day for the last year.

But if you don't even find your own game fun, who else is supposed to? I have idea who this google chode is, but all I can assume is he doesn't even know what he likes.

That being said, dodging criticism by saying "oh well this isn't for you" is fucking weak. If that's where you're coming from then yeah I agree with that. Don't hide behind "you wouldn't understand" if you produce a middling product and get called on it. Nut up and make a better game.

I have *no* idea. I also apparently have no manual dexterity so fuck me, eh?
Implementing entity component system for game
I used to be an engine dev but i stopped myself before to get things done
>tfw the addiction is creeping back
that's why you should release your demo to public and not to aggy "ghostown" villy daggy
>But if you don't even find your own game fun
I wouldn't bother making a game I didn't think was fun. But I wouldn't lie to myself that I'm making the game for myself when it's intended to be played by other people. Especially if I were selling it.
Anyone who allows their game to be played by another person besides themself isn't making the game for themself.
How do you explain people making non-profit games then?

What I meant was the quality of my code as an intern was roughly on par with what I write for personal projects, besides when my manager rushed me.

Though I would agree that it was uninspiring work. I never had a real interest in what I was doing, at best only the technical problems I had to solve. If I was writing a game for money's sake I imagine it would be completed but turn out extremely boring and bland.
>How do you explain people making non-profit games then?
If you let anyone besides yourself play your game you didn't make it for yourself. Arguing technicalities is for faggots.
>How do you explain people making non-profit games then?
games are entertainment
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>yume nikki/zelda hybrid
My compatriot. Resuming an old-ass project of mine that's pretty similar. My planned workflow is overworld/dungeon/boss so I feel like it's going somewhere. I should really change my player sprite as well but I like the pokemon pompom hands.

posting this is committing me to make progress oh god
oooh me i like
need a real computery guy? math perhaps? music?
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added splash effects
>google play lists your entire address on your game's download page if you sell it or offer any IAPs
>tfw I can go onto random indie dev's game pages and see their house in streetview
original prince of persia
Metal slug maybe. Could be a question worth asking /v/. This place is in the twilight hours where almost nobody is here except euroshits and zombies.
Sorry bruh, I'm a musicfag learning gamemaker myself. I've got a friend kicking in some art stuff down the line, but other than that it's a 1-man vanity project.
I get an idea i think might be a cool game
First I look at popular genres
Then I see what people like the most about them, or hate the most
then I check steamspy and steamdb to see how large their userbase is + how many sales their games have been in
Then I think about the most fun and innovative way I can combine two aspects of the two games I like the most to appeal to both genres and stand out amongst the rabble. so far its worked
thats ok! Good luck music friend!
Did you want to make games when you were a kid? I wanted to be a psychologist because they helped me so much
I wanted to play golf lol.

What an awful dream.

Use a goddamn business, though.
I wanted to work less than 4 days a week and sit around playing piano and shtting around on the computer
>tfw dream achieved
I like both
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you probably mean roguelite
I wanted to make games with massive scopes when I was a kid. I was all about creating massive worlds for some reason.
anyone have any good source code to study? For learning design and stuff? (design as in programming, not gameplay etc)
I really hope I am not the only confused by this question.
I would like the source code of a well written (programming wise) game to study off of.
An open source one for example
I am asking for recommendations
theres no such thing all finished products are spaghetti
How do I an incentive for the players to play a game
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Make it actually interesting.

Failing that, you can to make it addicting.
hot babes
but for a real answer hot anime babes
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Hahahah good luck making your game "fun". What a useless nebulous word.

>mfw posters don't have the mental tools to even begin to understand why the word "fun" is useless
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I would assume that "fun" would be one of the easiest concepts to grasp.
Please give me an idea
Yes fun is easy to grasp because it's a catch all for good feelings in certain situations, which doesn't need an exact definition.

But for a gamedev it's not so useful.
minecraft but 2D
>okay at writing
>okay at coding
>okay at art
>bad at music
>actually good at nothing
You idea is absolutely fucking anything. Do it well and it will be a good game.
In what format do sprite-based games usually save animation sequences? I'm currently doing the following:
A struct holds the name of the sprite sheet to read from, the dimensions of a given sprite, an array of integers where each element encodes frame information (see below), and a pointer to the animation struct the program should read after it finishes with this one if it hasn't been assigned another struct to execute next.

An animated entity consists of a set of coordinates, a pointer to an animation struct and an integer animation index. When an animated entity is loaded it is assigned an animation struct and its index is set to 0. Each element of the array in the animation struct is read in the following fashion: an integer equal to or less than 1000 is read as "render the Nth sprite on the sheet then increase the index by 1". An integer above 1000 is read as "render the sprite located at i-1 for N-1000 milliseconds before advancing the index". Each loop the program goes over each entity and renders the frame its index corresponds to in its animation struct. Changing a sequence mid-animation is as simple as assigning the entity's pointer another struct and changing the index to the desired value.
check out the curious expedition. if this shit had some rpg elements to it it would be so awsome.
>be a IT student
>immense fear of coding because I know I'm gonna screw up
>literally do nothing and got sidetracked to writing stuff or making shitty attempts at art or music
>literally motivation at all
>TFW most people ITT don't even realize there is a missing skillset
ideas :^)
What about actual game design? That's the most important skill
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trying to get a lightning effect
looks kinda goofy though
>fear of coding
Holy dog shit, what?

Anon you have to screw up. That's how you get better. You have to start at stuff you can't do right now, and then suddenly, you're able to do it.

Stackoverflow and google will guide you when you hit walls.

I can't do anything about your depression though. You can break stuff into smaller tasks (try to keep it to 15 minutes) in a notebook, though, and then any given task won't be so daunting.
How tired are people of pixel art? I can do it faster than regular art, but will it make my game blend in with all the other pixel indie RPGs?
>Writing is about ideas
>Engineering is about ideas
>Game design is about ideas
ok check this out :
get the curious expedition concept of exploring and resources management and add some rpg concepts to it. Rework combat. thanks me later.
NEO Scavenger m8
The problem is that "fun" is subjective. Some people find it fun to slam their heads into things, but I'm guessing that's not what devs mean when they're trying to make something "fun",

For games "fun" refers more to kinesthetics than anything else. How does it feel, is it exciting to move the player around and attack things or jump on things or slam them into spikes? Then it's a fun game.

When not discussing the overall "feel" of the controls, you're dealing more with "experience" than "fun".

Visual Novels are an experience, they're interesting, they can be entertaining, but very few describe them as fun.

What have been dubbed "Walking Simulators" are experiences. Rarely would they be called fun either, but people do enjoy going through them.

It may be a terribly vague word on it's own, but the industry as a whole seems to regard it as a catchall for the "feel" of the controls in a given game. It differs slightly by genre, but it still appears heavily based on the actual controls and how enjoyable they are to use.
I think the problem is that its trajectory is curved. Lightning forks off in sudden angles, it doesn't slowly veer.

So just change your "turns" to have higher angles but be less constant in time and it should be fine
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Elongate those trunks fampai, that looks like the leaves are just placed over the trees rather than coming out of them.
When using entity systems, is it bad to have both movement/position stuff in the same system as sprite drawing? I'm new to this, only done OOP style games before.
one of those trap tubes where you think there are pringles and shit comes out
i never played it. i friend of mine played it alot. is it random gen open world ?
for you
How do you make a Metroidvania interesting?
Good controls helps get you in the zone / doesn't pull you out, sure.

But then there's games like Dwarf Fortress and Space Station 13 which have absolute god awful shit tier control schemes, and yet are still considered "fun as heck". Those two games are janky in a lot of ways more than just controls, too.
The menu system is looking great, I'm glad you're working on the critical elements first. Don't let the trolls/failed devs get you down, you're making great progress. I look forward to seeing your save/customization system.
I hope you're planning on making OSX exclusive games.
Right just looks like a generic low poly untextured unity game, that's why people are saying they like left better.
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How to use C++ instead of GDScript in Godot?
By not having "lock and key" items. That means upgrades that have no gameplay purpose other than opening up a new path.

So instead, think stuff like grappling hooks with combat applications. Or even weapons with completely different movesets that also happen to allow passing a certain kind of obstacle. Melee weapons that break terrain. Projectiles with different kinds of trajectories. Super Metroid is one of the best games ever, but "Missiles" and "Super Missiles" isn't terribly inspired, to be honest, because they function exactly the same.

Double jump technically fulfils these requirements, but it's also the most overused game upgrade of all time.
Study Metroid and Castlevania and make and actual Metroidvania not just a side-scrolling dungeon crawler that has a tiny bit of back-tracking in it.

That was my point on genres. It differs based on genre. Dwarf Fortress is not the same sort of game as say Super Meat Boy. For most people Super Meat Boy is a much funner game. For Dwarf Fortress and Space Station 13, you're dealing with an entirely different set of people. The people who find those two games fun may not like platformers at all, let alone ones where you're expected to die/fail a lot.

It depends on the genre, but it still relates to the controls.

So figure out your genre, your target playerbase, and then learn what those players find fun.
I actually laughed out loud, fuck you.
What does Faja mean?
I was thinking about things like that, where the combat implement can also be used to traverse the terrain, aren't most of the weapons on Metroid games like that too?

yeah I have yet to try those yet, but I'm playing Shadow Complex atm
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Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=084BUNlI7Gk
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Actually.. I still wanted to see how it'd turn if I rig her and she's kind of cute when animated. I like the simplicity of the flat colors like the other anon suggested.

Maybe I should use her for a mini game or the zelda jam, feels like it'd be a waste otherwise.
This is The Sims 1 as fuck. I love it.
Those BSOD colors
A bit too repetitive, why not make the splash appear only when his feet collide with the top of the water?
Where can I find free 3D .blend levels with textures?
I was being a wee bit of an ass with the suggestion. You don't actually have to study them. More look into them and try to see why there is a genre now that combines them.

It's not just backtracking but meaning backtracking, it's also how the powerups are distributed, how the puzzles relate to the rest of the game/levels. Both also had hidden things and pathways you could unlock early if you knew which combination of moves to make/where to look.

Soft locks and Hard locks in relation to level design are a thing to look into.

Now it's "Cave Story", is it Cave Story? It's a Metroidvania! When...no, that one is not. Cave Story is a dungeon crawler.

Shadow Complex is totally a Metroidvania, so you have that for comparing things.

Ori and the Blind Forest is very close but I don't know, something feels off about calling it one.

Exploration is the most important aspect of a Metroidvania, as far as I'm concerned.
Alright time to start doing my animation work again.

0-4 coffee
5-9 fuck you, you already had 2 cups today
I've been lately looking into ECS based game development to avoid inheritance hell. I think I get the general idea about having bunch of entites object with unique ID and some systems responsible for drawing, collisions etc. What would be the best way to implement this? A basic class for entity with a method to create a new one with a new ID sounds good, but then how would I connect a system responsible for drawing, collisions etc. and data to a newly created entity?
>2 cups
I don't know if this makes you weak or me a coffee-addled degenerate but that doesn't seem like a lot of coffee.
>being proud about drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee
Anyhow yeah I don't use coffee, I just drink it because I enjoy the taste.
this is a very brave thing to do. it's very easy to get overwhelmed by this
>coffee-addled degenerate
How does that make me proud?

As for "using" coffee. I drink it for the taste too, it's the only thing beside water I drink, which might be why I consider 2 cups kind of low.

You want to go and be an ass about it, go right ahead.
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Huge progress, it's a delicious feeling.
>I like the simplicity of the flat colors
more like I like the fact I'm a lazy faggot who only does memepoly and memetextures

that's kinda hard to read without you clearing the box everytime each character speaks
Nice work!
Sorry, mostly jumped on you because you suggested I might be "weak" for drinking so little. It was uncalled for though, especially since you seem like a decent dude.
Oh hey you fixed your text. Grats.

Your art looks neat and all but... your characters feel way too static. I know it's supposed to feel depressing (?) but you could probably stand to include a lot more movement to make your world feel alive.
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after a fuckton of hours, I managed to get some astar to get around walls while also having free movement in the map, rts-like
in the gif im spamming right click to move the little guy
next step is to smooth the astar because it looks too robotic and its kinda obvious how it starts calculating the astar before reaching the wall, making bigger paths

what do you think /agdg/
Yep, that's the plan. Same for stuff like grass, lamps, flowers, ect - I'd like all sorts of things to have slight movement. Thanks for the input!
Weak was just the first word that came to mind as a lead in for the second bit. I meant no offense in it. I am a coffee-addled degenerate that honestly doesn't know what normal consumption of coffee is.
So I'm set up with taskwarrior now, I think I'm going to try to keep up a daily burndown of small tasks rather than trying to make a commit a day (which "worked", but tended to result in slow progress).

You guys should fuck
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/agdg/, what's so bad about memes in games?

Like what's wrong if I put a reference to that frog face or guy fox. I get if it's overdone and spammed everywhere or too obvious then it would be annoying, but that's like with anything. Quicktime events and chest high walls can get annoying too, or bad dialogue when characters won't shut up or hurry up and open the door the npc is supposed to be hacking open.

I get that people hate memes when games have them but no one actually explains why they hate them. It's almost like hating on memes is a meme itself. And this is 4chan we're talking about, the world's most infamous meme factory.

Would you guys hate my game if I included a hidden chest in the game where you open it and instead of treasure or gold or a new item, instead it's a trollface that pops out.
That's the thing. You need to be good at something in order to come up with ideas in the field.
If you are shit at your trade then you can't just come up with good/viable ideas, which is why "ideaguys" are frowned upon.
An idea isn't good when it sounds good, the implementation is the test of an idea.
>being civil is gay
1) learn to draw first

2)get this book and study it for a few years
I wasn't serious, you know
gotta make that text a helluva lot bigger and/or bolder

readability comes first, always
>it's overdone and spammed everywhere or too obvious then it would be annoying
>I get that people hate memes when games have them but no one actually explains why they hate them
Am I being memed right now?
Dont be jealous anon
Post the best OpenGL in C/C++ tutorial you know.
http://open.gl for an introduction, but you will need the red book if you want to get further than the most basic shit
Memes are just a really dumb form of humour. It's okay on 4chan because being anonymous cuts out a lot of the cringeworthiness of going 'look at me being dumb' but otherwise you're only making yourself look stupid.
>Would you guys hate my game if I included a hidden chest in the game where you open it and instead of treasure or gold or a new item, instead it's a trollface that pops out.
I would find that pretty cringeworthy.
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You have to use tactical meming. Casual memers don't put any thought or strategy into the way they meme, and it results in a poor product, better suited for somewhere like reddit. More experienced memers know that in order for their players to top kek (the ultimate goal of any memer) a more subtle touch is involved. Pepes have been out the window ever since the Great Crash of 2015, so I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out the optimal strategy which results in the highest level of keks per second (KPS).
Wait for Vulkan.

Is this a meme?
Good: Game that has content which can easily catch on and become memetic
Bad: Game which includes existing memes
A bit.

The path to learning Vulkan is definitely going OpenGL->Vulkan.
I think you'll like this dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS85Dm0VWnk#t=3m
I wish I could but there is a rat
Trace a ray from the start/current cell traveling down the cells of you path until you hit a wall.
Go back one square and set that as your direct path.
Are they good?
proud? at least you won't be having trouble if you want to have lewds for your OC donut steel
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wew i actually did it and it wasn't so hard from that point

im kinda happy
>TFW no one helps you because you are an enginedev
Keep the questions direct and simple. You are asking "how do I do everything".

It is sprite animation so it doesn't have to be super fast. I'd abstract away all the details. The whole assigning special rendering to numbers seems pointless. Use something else like a mode or what ever.

I'd aim for something like: myEntity.playAnimation("jump", Style::LOOPING);
I wonder if agdg would hate me if I included just text e.g. "a cat is fine too"
maybe even less explicit
"you see a cat. it is fine."
What could even be so hard?
I like her.
Didn't help because you wasted my time with too many unnecessary words.
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Daily reminder to be proud of your deving

Have a nice day AGDG

vulkan soon
How does it decide when to change direction?

People hate on stereotypical memes and such but just do what you enjoy. It's actually not as big a deal as people make it out to be.
Thanks doge.
first it makes a simple astar between the squares, then I smooth it by checking which is the farest away square that doesn't have a wall between it and the current location of the mob.
and also each time it moves a certain distance, it does the farest away square check again. The distance is basically a square.

I don't think I did exactly the same than here but I used it as some kind of example
As long as you've got a name that wouldn't come up normally, put the name of your game in some dialogue.
Including memes in your game is a bad idea for a couple reason.

For one, it dates your game. Imagine playing a game where a major meme prank is the rickroll.

The main reason to avoid putting memes in your game is because they're simply that: a meme. It's referential humour. At best, you'll get a gag out of people who are amused by that, but you'll also get the people who are "anti-meme" but you're not really contributing to your game's content in anyway.

If you really want to include them, it's best to leave them as an easter egg and not let them anywhere near anything that is integral to gameplay.

Also, I wouldn't liken putting memes in your game as placing chest high walls or quicktime events everywhere. It's a bit different.
Heh the English translation Ace Attorney games must be so goddamn dated by now.
That's very cool. anon. And thanks for the link
Good point
this is why undertale is shit
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please help i baked it with smooth on the low poly and its facked up
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1) I only asked what format sprite-based games typically save animations in. The rest was just what I'm doing right now. I didn't ask how to actually do anything.
2) This is the part of the program that actually takes the simple call and executes it. You can't abstract away all of the details. You certainly don't interface with it directly.
rebake it. its not that time consuming. also : baking cylindrical objects can lead to waviness sometimes. try this to know how to properly do it : http://polycount.com/discussion/81154/understanding-averaged-normals-and-ray-projection-who-put-waviness-in-my-normal-mapalso > please tell me you are not doing a huge game with 3 textures/asset by yourself.
ive had this problem for a long time and now that im seriously starting to make assets for my game its a problem. trust i would love just to rebake it and it be fixed but it still looks fucked up close. far away is fine

thanks for that link but even parts of my mesh that are un altered from the high poly still have that wavy crap in the low poly

and yea for now its just me but soon there will be other guys
undertale doesn't have today's "memes" desu
Not him, but that's pretty useful, ty.
k. good luck bro. this forum i posted is a huge source of good tuts on 3d.
Is lolivania really kill? I havent been here in a while.
>tfw in fell for the ue4 c++ meme coming from unity

im getting fucking crazy
More like you fell for the "change your tool because I don't like it" meme.
kill the rat and loot 5 gold

i didn't like unity too, but ue4 is too overwhelming and the documentation is all about blueprints shit which i don't use
Who /berniejam/ here?

>you will never be a retarded murikan
feels good
Quick aggy daggy give me shit that will help me make a game on C++ because Unity is crap
>first 5 lines dont explain who the fuck that is
>google name
>first result
>A lawyer representing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has demanded that several of the campaign's logos be removed from Wikipedia, saying that reproducing the logos violate copyright law.
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Am i retarded or does this not really explain how the lowpoly should look if you want proper results?
A3/A4 is explained but A1/A2 aren't. Are you supposed to add a loops like in pic related to get proper normals?
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Background done.
Onto enemy attacks now.
I'm giving myself five more months to get my game in a playable state in Unity. Then I'll start learning GMS to make an RPG with monster girls
nice, thanks

anything else?
i really wanna kickstart my career
Nice. I like the bullet spread on the rifle.
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well i just tried adding extra gemoetry to the low poly mesh (still smoothed) and i got the same wavy bull crud
w o r k i n p r o g r e s s
this thread is huge. read it all or just look at the figures you will figure it out eventually.
>>12875455 can i see the normal maps and the highpolys ?
>>128754553 show me the highpoly the texture and the uvs
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my wip enemy soldier base mesh
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also once i put on a actual texture and normal map (non baked ones) ontop the low poly, the wavy didnt even show up anymore
its basicly : 90 degree angles does not works well on normal maps. try a simple exemple with a high poly dice and a cube. you can try doing this A2 thing, still it can lead to weird shit. the way i do it is : i take all the faces off and bake normalmaps for each of them and then i compose them on photoshop. but in the case of the cylinder its far more complex. there will be allways some waviness but adding this ramps can help adding additional temporary edgeloops can help too sicnce they shift the normals. i still dont see what are you complaining about those small lines are probably not a problem for me.
did you smooth the normals? it doesn't look like they're smoothed.
That seems like a TERRIBLE workaround.
Looking at another thread your stuff can work without doing all that weird stuff and adding loops.
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i put smooth shading on my low poly mesh before baking. i went to shading tab and did smooth all faces. what do you mean by smoothing normals?i see nothing for smooth normals

heres it with the textures and stuff dont notice wavy
I meant averaging normals or setting normal angles to be smooth, etc. Not smoothing as in subdividing.
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this is what i always do
>he's not making mobile games and posting them to reddit for easy money
What's wrong with you?
well its probably a smothing fault then. you need to figure out the normals man. they are wrong. try smoothing again or setting it to face. try both. this is unusual to me but im not used baking it on this program is that blender? if is that the case there is Xnormals, its great and it used to be the faster way to bake AO too. so 2 reasons to get it.
I'll try making your model quickly
yea man i appreciate the help but ive redone this 100 times and smoothing is always on the normals are always facing right way ive looked up all the videos and they never do anything ive never done

i guess ill try xnormal then
if the normals are wrong you will get the same output on Xnormals.
when you says normals are wrong do you mean like they are facing the wrong way?
here this is what i mean smoothing the normals :
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low poly next to the high poly its normals are not flipped and its smoothed out
if thats what you are doing we are on the same page.
yes i always do that everytime so we are on the right track then
D-does boardgame development belong here as well?
so its exacly the same ammount of details, what are you complaining about?
A physical one?
what do you mean? im in solid mode its not going to show the jaggies in solid mode. and this mesh i quickly made for an example using higher verticy count to show that even with a beveled edge, i get fucked up waves
we cant talk it in here it will take ages. wanna meet up on irc or skype?
why would i hate that? some of those things i said are pretty epic
Some memers would say that if a video game can't be made into a board game, then it's not a game

Anyway, post progress
I dunno.
If you want to discuss design and stuff then I guess it fits, but people will probably sperg that it belongs on /tg/

Why not just make it a digital board game?
cool thanks i got skype whats your name on there? im [email protected]
And when someone begins to help you you shit on them. You're welcome.
When doing pixel stuff can somebody explain to me to importance of color pallet ? Can I use more then 1 pallet. how much different colors can I have in 1 pallet and what happens if I use colors that are not on the any of the pallets ?
pallets come from when computers could only display so many different colours. Now it doesn't matter.

The reason to choose a palette is to restrict and unify a certain look of your game. If you use things outside your palette they may look out of place and distracting. That may be a good thing.
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after scrapping about 5 animations I think I'm going to go with this
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How does one make qt-looking faces when spriting?
The first swing needs to be sped up
I don't think the wrongly held sword hand is ever going to work.

Look at a video of someone swinging something heavy, or take a video of yourself to see how you need to shift the body to make it look correct. He is treating everything so light that it looks like he is swatting flys with a newspaper.
Just make it a girl and people will call her a qt, even though there isn't nearly enough detail for people to accurately determine her qt-ness
What's your game about?
diablo clone
It's not really juicy, seems too sudden with no weightyness to it.

Just something to consider; you are not great at animation yet, but by making a bad animation, putting it into the game and then making a slightly better one and putting that one into the game as well you're wasting time instead of making the game.
If should code the game with game with blackboxed, animation-independent features so that you can always go back and spend a good week on learning animating, at which point you'll polish everything up.
diablo clones need to be 2.5d
I suggest plagiating the naga animations from WoW.
What was the last successful 2.5d Diablo clone?
blinking would be subtle but cool, maybe borderline creepy depending on how you do the anim
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now when I look at it in game the first swing does indeed look weird, its not fluid enough
How much have you made, then?
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>open up boxes full of childhood relics
>find small cd tray with loads of software from early 2000s magazines
>find two software, RPG Maker 2000 3.0 and "The Game Factory"
oh boy, should i jump in and make a really shitty game? I have ideas.
Static sprite will never look really cute. Add a few animation frames. Make her blink or touch the face.

Look at old FF sprites. While static those are not really cute, but in dialogues characters shine with life.
I actually think it looks bestter in game than it did in the editor, but it just doesn't look very impactful. Like >>128758290 said it just isn't a good technique to begin with, but I think it looks good enough to keep in the game for now at least.
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Okay here is my test
i've included hp, lp, cage, normal bake.
The vertical sharpness is intentional, i thought that those were what you were going for.
Sure, why not?
Why can he fly now?
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how about now
looks fire senpai
isn't that a crash bandicoot boss?
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I'm not an expert animator but here are my two cents:
Your body has no twisting motion. Part of a powerful swing is that it has some windup and that the body twists left-right with the swing in order to give it more power. Your monster's body just seems to be going backwards and forwards.
If you do really want to use 2 swords you have to mix and match windups with differnting strike angles and upper body motion otherwise it'll look weird.
I appreciate the sentiment but nothing in that post had anything to do with anything. Not sure what I expected from this thread though. I should just stay in /g/.
the end of the anim looks a little slow, like he's uncertain or something

maybe that's just me
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oh shit here we go
boutta make my own tiles, this shit will be hilarious.
thinking of making a super /pol/ tier game
yes, more than one person lives in italia
I'm amazed you could even install it. What version of Windows are you using?
Windows 7
Si ma quanti sono in questo thread?
Couldn't he always fly?
let's not talk italo tbqh
anyways italy is 6th most posting site, mind dis
united in dev hell
I don't remember him flying before. You're better off asking Pugdev himself.
you can see wireframes here.
He has some human characters on his tumblr as well, which may be of more help.

I think the general approach should be kinda disney-like; make things look a bit like babies because humans inherently think that babies are cute, whether or not they want/like actual babies. This means making the head disproportionately big, with big eyes and round shapes all around.
Big head, big eyes, chubby cheeks, rosy cheeks help too sometimes. A hint of eyelash if the size allows it helps too.

Also a cute hairstyle, this is important. You'll probably play with the hair more than anything else.
Hairstyle and desaturating the colors are the key to cute.
I think your snek mans upper body needs to move more. Some more follow through possibly?
list of fonts please
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Did you push changes to version control yet, anon?
Depends on the game. Ridiculously saturated things work better for some settings.
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For really low detail saturation works. If you actually want to hand-paint stuff less saturation works better since you can have good looking contrasts etc
I think this PDF is great on character design http://media.steampowered.com/apps/dota2/workshop/Dota2CharacterArtGuide.pdf
I don't know, dude. Pastel colors are a miracle.
dude this looks like a better graphics Ultima online. I like it... alot.
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I began in september with some consept art and drew some examples.
The title is a fighting game (1v1) with mutant grills, much like Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
Had to put the project on hold due to school, and I got my hands in alot of other things.
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>mutant grills
Considering you can't spell, you're not going to be able to code your game.
That is an amazing thing to have, thank you for sharing it.

I love pastels, and I'm not saying high > low all the time. Just that it depends on the setting.

If you're game is set in a bright and colorful world then a higher saturation likely works better.

Also, in reference to the original question on "cute", many people find bright and colorful things cuter.
i cant spell either and i can program
Is Godot worth it for a lowpoly simple game thing? Or should I just stick with Unity?
Godot is a meme, stay away
but he's also, 'got his hands in other things' right now. :^)
looks fire senpai
np. there are some other pdf from valve, look up up. there is one about shaders and toon+rim shading as well, which was interesting.
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Some true mutant grills
Not even gonna defend that. English ain't my first lang, and I suck at coding.
>The title is a fighting game (1v1) with mutant grills
>think "I don't see any mutant girls though"
>realize he actually meant "utant grills"
Well played anon.
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Add some burnt grills and get that Katawa Shoujo audience
The one on the left I wanted to have a move where she'd pour coal over the opponent as a finish technique. The name was along the lines with "The Baconface".
I am an actual video game developer.
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>yfw /agdg/ gets made into an anime
Based Japan.
Me on the upper left
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They're alive! Enemies now move and attack, with various weapons. Boring screenshot, but anyway.

Hope you are all doing well.
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>try to learn to code
>start a roguelike
>the los algorithm makes the game lag 1 second each movement
It's a feature to simulate the time spent walking to the next square

Neat, can't find the actual mango though.
Should I make a game about forging for Zelda jam?

I think the master sword was just 'made' by a god but that doesn't matter.

I like that a lot. What kind of project/game are you working on?
you do you anon
probably more interesting then my game idea
First New Game, now this.
Soon every weeb is going to be coming here asking how to make games. Damn it Japan.
Are you me?
You had to find a guy to help forge the master sword in Phantom Hourglass. Make a game about that guy.
Prove it.
Weebs might tend to be artists more though, which would be good, maybe?
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Let's make anime games!
better than a depression wall which is much higher
webm it you fool
In a link to the past there is tempering
school shooter
Didn't RoR have memes? I recall "ded" being one of the messages you can get after losing
what happened to cyberpunk bartending?
Almost ready for release, I think.
dude how tha fuck can you make a roguelike already the random gen maps are kind of hard to make. tried twice and dint work.
I want to make a game using the "Unity" engine. Which genre requires the least programming?
A couple of days of break due to uni stuff, but right now:
>Brush, rectangle, bucket, eyedropper (also mapped to right clicking), eraser
>Undo/redo is fully functional
>Some UI work

Gotta make a tile picker of some sort next.
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Anyone has good experiences with using SDL for simple 2D games?
>tfw its so dead no one even remembers it
is the dev of this game postin progress here?
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>least programming
2d platformer using construct 2, zelda using rpgmaker

fps using blueprint
Will Vulkan be in it?
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I told you anime was progress.

I hope at least one of these isn't just moeblob trash.
pick one
moe is a side dish, you need a main course too
The Japanese are so naturally talented at making games it makes me mad and jelly, jelly mad.
What engine / graphics library?
Looks dope.
That's... impressive.
No they are not "naturally talented". Not more than you or I.
The ones that are succesful usually knew what they were doing because of failed experiments before.
A Jinrui jam would be something. It even sounds right.
Have a mandatory
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trying out foliage, but I don't think this suits the style. Maybe I should go with 3d meshes instead
I'm not a weeb, I haven't watched an anime in two years now, but Japanese games have always struck as better to me, not to say every western game is bad or every Japanese game is good, but... you know? It's hard to explain, they just have this "game-y" quality to them that western games have been distancing themselves to for a long time now.
I like it like this. What kinf of game will it be anyway?
it's going to be a dream like puzzle game.
>a japanese developer will give you 100%, no more and no less
>you ask them for something and they go off and do it exactly as you told them to
>a western developer will either give you maybe 75% of what you asked for, it's not very good
>or they will give you 150%, way more than what you asked for, better than what you asked for
Got any gameplay yet?

for real tho, awesome stuff.
Parallax on the stars (or planets..?) in the background feels wrong, but I like it.
i want to write my own survival horror with crafting, procedural generation and pixel graphics

where do i start
the AO and ground clipping makes the break between the planes way too obvious

use bent normals, or as you say just a full mesh, large cartoonish blades of grass are cheap and easy to make
>Parallax on the stars (or planets..?) in the background feels wrong, but I like it.
I know what you mean. It doesn't make sense.
But I think sometimes throwing away logic can improve the game, like this.
Also, if I were to have stars in the background that don't move at all, it would seems as if you're not moving at all.
the layered parallax honestly gives the stars too much depth

try with just one layer and make the movement more subtle, it might make it look a bit more... spacey and mysterious
Read this
...that can go either way. What style? Fps?
Games don't need gameplay, bigot
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I prefer right but I kinda prefer the grass texture on the left, although it was too flat.

I like the way they do the grass in rocket league, it's not very realistic but it looks nice I think. Might not be appropriate for your game though.
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>ror at the very bottom
Never thought I'd see the day

Not him but as far as I know it's a classic MGS1 style game.
If my game ever makes to that list, and is placed below a rock paper scissors game that took two years to make, I'm killing myself.
I like the bush/grass patches.
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I need a post-nuclear-armageddon plot/premise/conflict
Hey, look at what I found? LETS UPDATE IT

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Radiation is like oxygen for mutants. Cue humans and mutants fighting for world domination.
Just start a new one, most of those devs must be dead by now
I can understand that many people who would rather invest their energy to code, will choose "easier" artstyle graphics or simply don't have the time to create better types of graphic as a one person studio, but there are other things than lowpolymeme and rixels you could use.
For example look at games with these graphic styles:

The Witness
Little Devil Inside
Way to the Woods

Those are made with very simplistic means, but are absolutely stunning.
For some reason I'm interested in trying Undertale. The game mechanics were always interesting from what people described but I feel like I'm missing out on a big event in the game industry/community.
I don't want all those devs to be lost forever...
>The Witness
>a game made by at least 9 people over 8 years

How about you shut the fuck up?
You guys are just jealous your game isn't on the list.
What the fuck do people see in this? There are some games that I just don't understand how people can go crazy for. There's this one now and also that other Sorcerobe one.
They both look juicy and unique, as in you probably can't name a game quite like them.
Where's your game?
How do i vulkandev without getting a new pc
Help me flash-kun
This is really good.

My game is doing fine, thank you. Sometimes I just don't understand how people can like something as much as they seem to do.

You don't know what juice means.
If you have an Nvidia or Intel GPU you just wait for it to be finalized

If you're A Micro Dick you will need a recent card
Oh good, they added bundles (secondary command buffers)
>no actual jinrui game
>You don't know what juice means.
Sorry, King Zumo of the Juice Kingdom, didn't mean to offend your royal juiciness.
>have three full days to make progress
Get ready lads
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>Intel GPU
Vulkan will work on this?
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>Fucking around with menus
>Realizing that my current state management system doesn't allow for things like quitting the game from the pause screen, or saving and quitting the current level in the playing state from the pause screen
>Read about events in XNA, have to redo a lot of stuff

Well....at least I'm learning...

I can't decide which I should do:
>Global save file in the game that you can delete
>3 Save Slots (like Binding of Isaac)
I assume vulkan will work on anything dx12 works on, which is dx11.1 and up
Does this mean I need to upgrade to that win10 botnet for vulkandev or can I just install a linux distro
Why even limit the save files? Besides if this is a proper roguelike then you should go out of way to prevent save scumming.
Why not as many save slots as I want
You don't need either.

>or can I just install a linux distro
That will depend a lot on the initial availability of drivers.
>go out of way to prevent save scumming.
If players want to ruin their experience why waste time doing this?
It's not like someone won't find a way.
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I will join you in vulkan animedev
just use compute shaders in recent opengl you dumb animeposters
>people who haven't even touched OpenGL think they will be able to do shit in Vulkan
Funniest joke of the year already.
>I don't understand the benefits of Vulkan
Honestly I'm not sure how to handle saves at all. The game is going to have info to save globally (unlocked characters, global statistics on runs, etc) so I'm not sure there's a need to be able to save 100s of times in different files. It really just needs a few slots and the state of the game can be saved to those either manually or automatically. Wouldn't letting the player make all sorts of infinite save files just make save scumming easier?
vulkan will make my game
First, i am talking about the artstyle here, not the game itself. Also, just because they used 8 years of time "most of the time did go into the engine and research", doesn't mean that anyone else automatically needs to do the same. Not only that, given the many tools available today you can do devshit that took very long some years ago, nowadays much faster, that goes especially for graphics. Additionally, the guys of the witness actually post progress in their blogs, and you can read up everything, learning and getting the knowledge about their game related devstuff that they achieved over the years, in a short amount of time just by reading through it, and that goes for most indie devs who have blogs of their games.

So, how about next time you don't instantly decide to give up and talk useless shit without even thinking twice, being an absolute faggot.
1) Polished original game on /agdg/? Check.
2) Looks like a hip hot meme (Undertale)? Check.

what more do you need to be successful in this thread?
I think we go to the same class anon.
The save/settings files are due tomorrow.
You should hurry up.
That's literally not the same
but anon I've been graduated and working full time since Jan.
Not necessarily, the Souls series gives you a lot of save files and it isn't easy to save scum in that.
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Good morning, Anonymous
What happened
Is Vulkan here yet?
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Vulkan about to be released.gif
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It's getting close
Oh nevermind then. Carry on.
Because it autosaves, right? I'm not sure how appropriate something like that is for a roguelike.
>he goes to a gamedev school
Doesn't every roguelike autosave
Fury looks so excited :3c
Wait...Shit you're right.
Very, you shouldn't be able to undo your mistakes. Auto saving helps prevent that.
Usually it's save on quit.
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>there's more than one

Save on quit is still an autosave. It happens without the player explicitly wanting to save. At least that's my definition, anyway.
i haven't tried random generated maps yet, i'm using rot.js as "placeholder" for things i can't do yet
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Finally got an inventory + weapon switching working.
IVAN autosaves every 50 steps by default I think, I just figured others did the same
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>use "type const &var" instead of "const type &var"
absolutely disgusting
It's more consistent to do it that way since the const-ness is a property of the variable, not the type. It's the same reason you put & or * on the right.
>type &var
>not type& var
>using C++
It's no one's fault but your own
Vulkan will work on Windows 7 and up AFAIK. It might even work on older than that, it depends on what the hardware vendors do. I am pretty sure I read that on Linux, AMD will only support Vulkan on their new driver which doesn't support older GPUs for example, no idea what kind of support the others will have.
You can have a non-const reference to a const type, a const reference to a non-const type or a const reference to a const type.
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What about this?
How do you guys deal with your enemy states?
I have a string called "state" and I set it to "attack", "idle", "search", ect., and then in the enemy's update() function I update the enemy based on what the current state is.

at least make it an enum family

let me guess, you're using unity?
AMD only supports Vulkan on GCN, regardless of platform. My guess is that their VLIW architecture just isn't flexible enough.
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Now you can obtain your weapons from chests.
Now I have to put the puzzles to solve in order to gte to those chests though. (Yeah, I know, I said I'd work on puzzles and enemies more than once but I kept putting it off).
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clint eastwood.gif
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Fuck no, what sort of retard do you take me for?
Each state is a function that changes the enemy in some way, i.e. adjusting its AI pattern or switching the animation, that's called once when I call the changeState method of the state machine container.
General programming question:
If for some reason I can't use switch/case, is there a short form of the "OR" statement if the variable is the same?

Instead of "if ( n == 1 OR n == 5 OR n == 10)..."
Is there a way to type something like:
"if n == 1 OR 5 OR 10" ? Seems autistic to go to such lengths to reduce code, but I have a pretty long list of possible numbers.
Looks both more realistic and more eye pleasing. Didn't expect that to be possible, but you did it.
Although, that gives the universe a bigger scale, which you might wanna change to be cuter.
At least use an enum.

I'd prefer to do it with a closure (or polymorphic object, I guess) -- that way each state can have its own data.
That's awesome! I love your character animation.
a bit too subtle maybe?

turn it up slightly until it feels like you're really going somewhere but the stars are still far away

and the multiple layers make it feel really 3D when the rest of the game is obviously flat, it looks weird to me
|| ?
The universe is going to be huge though.
The plan is to have the distance between planets to be way longer than what I have in those webms.

I'll try
But that's what I'm saying...
Or do you mean that "if x == 5 || 2 || 8" is just as valid as "if x == 5 || x == 2 || x == 8"?
If it's a really long list, you could maybe put that into an array, iterate over it and if n == array[i] then do what you need to do and break

actually what I'd maybe do is use two layers, the background stars which are flat and move slowly, and a "space dust" layer which is on the same plane as the ship and the planets, with the space dust being much sparser than the stars, maybe a few of them 3-5~ on screen at a time
Why does the ship have a black aura surrounding it?
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Are const strings pooled in C?

As in if I call func("hello")
And from another file another_func("hello")

Will that "hello" have the same address?
probably stroke to see shit when you go through white stuff
I agree with >>128775992 it needs to be less subtle. In the first version I noticed the parallax naturally, but in this one I had to look for it, which isn't how visual effects should work.
x == 5 || 2 || 8 would always be evaluated as true
This is correct.
Most compilers will do that, but I believe it's not defined by the standard.

So you shouldn't depend on it.
Make it the faster you move, the more zoomed out it goes (to a point) and obviously reverse the zoom when you slow down/stop.
This is already the case. It's on max in that webm.

See >>128766552
Kill yourself.
zoom out more then. Put more debris floating in space too.
"[bleep bloop bleep] Driver engaged."
I think people like you don't understand how hard and time consuming making assets is for a programmer.

Not that other guy but I'm not doing it because I like it.
Best buddy
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