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/fog/ - Fallout General

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Thread replies: 978
Thread images: 231

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Freedom of the Press Edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobble heads guide

>Fallout 4 comprehensive map

>Fallout 4 system requirements

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Fallout 4 mods

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Fallout 3/NV

>/aco/ Fallout Thread (NSFW goes here)

>Fallout 4 Mods that were made by /fog/ and/or deleted from Nexus.

Pre-War Thread: >>123639507
This is my fantasy
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Piper's the best!
The smg shouldn't be this good
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What's her ethnicity?
reminder that she's at least 60 years old buddy xD
Piper is best waifu, but Danse is best companion, from a practical standpoint.

Why are all the other companions utterly worthless, no matter what weapons or armor you give them?
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Am I being retarded or is melee super badly balanced, at least for low levels. Anything more than two bloatflies wreck my shit, I'm only in leather armor so I'm torn to shreds by anything with an actual gun, I have two ranks of the melee perk but I still can't one-shot radroaches with a bladed swatter, and it's not like I can just sneak attack everything either because sneak and ninja perks unlock super fucking slowly.

Low-level melee is suffering.
Okay seriously, Tycho just keeps rushing into the next room and gets destroyed by the muties.
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she finally got in
Vaguely western european
Could have parts germanic and italian
She doesn't have a lot of telling signs other than her particularly thin nose which might imply she's british or french specifically
So if I join the Railroad, I can't join the other ones? I gotta choose if I want the ballistic weave in my playthrough?
I have a Radeon HD 7870, why is my fps so shitty even on low settings? When I started playing it was ok, now I'm in the city, just did Trinity Tower, and my fps has been terribly low. What do? I read some shit about validating the game files, could that help? I could run GTA 5 with no problems..
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RPing is 100% Pretending Pretending a little more doesn't bother me.

Going from spending days eating raiders corpses and murdering countless settlers to

Is pretty jarring and a fair complaint

Side note what would be a good way to capture this happening? in TFC i can't trigger cannibal

Italian can say from personal experience as a wop
>alittle brown
Doing a useless perk run
46 more perks to go, will I run out of choices?
You're being retarded. Put more points into strength and endurance.
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>Just working with that
You can do quests with all of them, up to a certain point. You can get weave and leave
That image alone should tell you she don't give no fucks.
I am LOVING these Piper OPs.
Just make her the biggest slut possible.
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nth for Lore Rape
Best girl.
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she's losing, even in full power armour and the furious power fist
>didn't go with logan's loophole from the start
I've considered getting rid of all that and just have a central trading hub where it all connects to, does the storage get shared through second hand connections you think?
>go with logan's loophole, one of the best traits in the game
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>>why is it clogged up with useless shit like VANS?
>>why does the 4th perk level for hacking and lockpicking exist?
>>why can everybody pick novice locks now?
>>why are most perks passive and noninteractive and boring percental increases? There seem to be a lot of perks that just don't give you special boni when upgraded
>>why do i need to take the boni when i want to only upgrade my damage?

The answer to all of your questions is "Modern Gamers" You just cannot fathom how stupid they are. They're the ones who need guides to get through the Polymer Labs.

Check steam. Right now. Go. What is the percentage of people who have the game but have not gotten the achievement for leaving Vault 111?

14%. About the same percentage have not gone past level 5.

Only 5.2 percent of people have killed more than 5 gigantic creatures.
Only 0.3% have gotten 100 happiness in a settlement.
Only 14% have beaten the game.

Gamers are retarded. Games, are made for them, so games are retarded. AAA games cannot be good anymore. That's just how it is. it's never going to change.
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It chains all the way. A central hub is just pointless managing when you can have one settler go to the next settlement and so on.
7 STR, 7 END, 4 or 5 LCK (for Idiot Savant), everything else 1

Should I be using VATS more?
traits != perks
>Tattoos is out of place
RPGs are dead the cod gamers have won. Our only hope is DOS2
traits are essentially level one perks
>a little brown
You think her roastie is a little brown on the edges too?
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i just put them all in order, that one just happened to be on the top tier
What was the fucking point of having voiced names? Seems like the money could've been better spent.
It's not that expensive for just one character and was an ebin gimmick.
To make people buy the game.

>less than half have reached level 25
>only 10% have reached level 50

Good jesus... I bet beth is kicking themselves for not making MORE streamlined.
>that pitiful collection
topest kekes
Had no idea you could actually display comic books.

That's really strange. And you said you can't even one-shot radroaches? I was one-shotting them with my bare fists the minute I ran into them, and I only put 6 in END and STR. Don't know what to tell you anon.
Irish accents over a hundred years after nuclear war.
>Only 5.2 percent of people have killed more than 5 gigantic creatures.
>Only 0.3% have gotten 100 happiness in a settlement.
>Only 14% have beaten the game.

I'm level 46 and I haven't bothered doing the second and third one
>not just adding levels to get the achievement
>everyone should be playing 12 hours a day
Probably not. She's canon virgin. Curie's cunt status is unknown, but she's confirmed virgin of mind. Cait is a canon prostitute, so she's got a nice set of beef curtains down south, and has quite a few lumps and bumps down there as well. "For your pleasure", of course.
I'm sure the gimmick of being able to say "OMG VOICED NAMES GUYS" and its selling point for the game made up for the cost of the extra hour or so it took for one VA to say them all.
Anyone had a settler complain they were sleeping in shit or something?

Wonder if it's because I make them sleep outside.

sorry I’ve been too busy liking cool things and being attractive.
I don't even understand how the fuck to get 100 happiness unless if it requires all level 3 traders in one settlement.
why wouldnt you join the institute?
you get to be in charge of the most powerful faction at the end. Cant you just tell me to not kidnap people when you're the director?
It's mostly an excuse to build something different, it would make sense from a role playing standpoint too, a place where i can spend all my hard earned water jewing.

But yeah, as far as min-maxing i know it's sub-optimal, i already have more routes than i need, my map is a mess and the road is riddled with traders.
How do you even get your settlement to 100% happiness? Mines been at 85% for so long now.
Maybe the bleed effect from the "bladed" swatter mod is fucked up, I don't know. Guess I'll just beeline to ballistic weave or something

cut that by a sixth and you should still be above level 25 two weeks in.
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>600 am
>nothing to even do in fallout anymore.
>300 something locations for nothing but only have like 220
>have maxed the x-1 and all the weapons
>no quests
>was up all night
>song starts to play.
>not playing at least 20 hours a day
>implying that faggot from the SRB would listen to you
>implying they couldnt just have you thrown out or some bullshit
my happiness is at 80 and everybody has plenty of food, water, beds, shelter (no rain ever touches my settlement outside the crops), and perfectly calculated defenses.
Yet I STILL hear "Easy living, this ain't" fucking ridiculous
I'm level 53 and I have done everything. What the fuck? There is no content.
I managed to get Long to somewhat not complain a few times in sanctuary.
Same, except that cunt Marcy keeps bitching. I really want to kill her.
farming isn't easy though you sperg
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Who else loves the added verticality to this game?
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Bruv, achievements don't work for 50% of the people that bought the game on launch day.

Modern gamers are still some dumb motherfuckers though goddamn
>it would make sense from a role playing standpoint too

I totally want to do this. A central settlement with none of its own settlers acting as provisions and with all the high level merchants recruited to it.

Honestly I haven't bothered setting up enough settlements for it to make any sense though.
Me. My computer doesn't love it though.
yeah, let's fuck with the guy who singlehandedly kicked the brotherhood ass and eats deadclaw steak for breakfast.
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Who is a baddie here?


Brotherhood of Steel best faction.
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>not getting off to her teasing
She's just tsundere for you.

>that cute voice of hers
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You paid 30 dollars for the game. what do you expect? that 60 dollars would be a fixed value for over 30 years? A 60 dollar SNES game in 1991 would cost you 103 dollars today.


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>Basing things on steam achievments of all things
You're right about people being dumb, but as a metric thats fucking retarded.

147 hours in the game and I haven't finished the main story, because I just never felt bothered by it. Mostly because voiced protag.
>Can play as a murderous bastard that kills everyone
>As soon as you touch a main quest you are back to "MUH BABY ABLOO BLOO BLOO", even if you just killed a guy by pickpocketing all his clothing off him and planting a nuke grenade up his ass

I also don't have 100% settlement happiness achievment, because they always hover around 89-94. I was actually somewhat curious as to why.
Or 17 other achievments because I just fucked around, though I think 5-6 of those are story related.
Now that I think about it, I'll just assign her to artillery duty so she just stays in one place.
Fahrenheit is qter
Half of my settlers can't seem to climb the steps to the roof of my red rocket base to their beds.

I guess I'll just make an inn on the ground floor.
Im only fucking level like 42 and i have every weapon and all of its shitty 700 mods when you only actually need the best one. body parts dont change.
every location is kill fest and then grinding for parts till its nothing but testing out weapons.
did every quest that mattered. just need to find the only other thing thats interesting which is the Chinese sub in the empty murky fucking water and then im done with this shitty game. 3 days worth of playing is enough, even though half of that is grinding for shitty junk.
who is this semen demon

So 230,000 other people obviously shared your experience? There's no dumb people on the planet who play video games?
>some NPC says something dumb or annoying like I DON'T LIKE OUTSIDERZ
>quick save
>beat them to death with my bat
>beat everyone else to death

Am I the only autist that does this?
>check Steam price
>80CAD for FO4
>40CAD for DLC
Top jej
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>>123647287 >>123647325 >>123647337 >>123647365 >>123647436

They belong on wood shelves! Metal stands will ruin them. I hope I can seal them with the enxt patch, else I'm going to mod it myself with GECK.
Do cats respawn? Like the birds?

>in-game computer stats

Wow you made an honest self-insert.
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Hey who would have guessed KL-E-O is OP as fuck as a follower, being an Assaultron and all. There is a major risk to her; her lazer death beam can kill you in crossfire. Its pretty cool to watch her mow down enemies though.

On another note, is there a way to remove Atom shrines you find in the wastes? I killed them in the Glowing Sea crater but their influence remains with shrines scattered around.
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if i kill this guy can i no longer get face change surgery?
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No. But sometimes you need to be a man, and not reload the game.
>not living in the glorious The United States of America.
>wonders why his games run like ass
What's the best weapon choice to kill feral ghouls?
yup tien guy and i bought the season pass but 3 fucking real side quests (cabot house,ship,wicthcraft) and well that shit story .. thats fucking it? What are they gonna do? add shit in the water? do a quest expansion? add enclave and ncr? its only been 6 years in canon from NV. So ncr and legion still exist plus the burning man.
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Yeah, but I make sure the female raiders I kill are always center-mass shots so their bodies stay in perfect condition, then they get displayed naked on railings and other waist high walls, so we all have some autism in us.
Does the beam also apply if you have Inspirational?
showlooksmenu player 1

The chink takes over.
Literally any rifle
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>technically advanced enough to create human beings
>can't cure cancer

Because it's 2287
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back home now, got the first one done

I'll try and do at least one more today

i havent tested that yet, she's pretty strong already though
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>settlement near the river
>go upstairs
>see a ghoul sitting on the couch
>he says hi
>I blow his head off
>everyone else attacks me
>kill them all
>dump their bodies in the river
>come back later
>1 settler joined in and is the only one
>it's a ghoul lady
>VATS her with a hammer

Sounds edgy but eh, I like to roleplay as a strict slave owner.
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>he fell for the buy FO4 and season pass meme

He wanted to die.
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What did she mean by this?
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When you have literally nothing else to do, you do this.
Ghoul-slaying gamma gun
You can't just make a cure for all cancers anon
a headless body makes my dick diamond
>human beings
They're robots.
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When I found out her corpse doesn't break apart I put Desmonda in a coffin.

I ended up killing the annoying people at some settlement I set up. I only reloaded in Vault 81 so I could get Curie fine. I didn't even end up using her.


Horse armor.

Areas you can only access from a new vertibird port or some kind of boat.

Underground can go literally forever.

Other pointless shit, i'm sure. Meme guns, probably more rick and morty references. More references and re-use of Skyrim assets.
>but 3 fucking real side quests
So the Chinese submarine, and the big dig dont count as side quests?
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>Can't fuck Maxson
End it.
She wants to have some interviews with you later tonight.
>you will never tonguepunch his hairy fartbox

She wants you to watch her back as you crush her puss, brah.
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>Kells spouts shit about my bro Danse
>Murder everyone on the command deck
>1st line agrees about people being dumb
I'm on the beta, and I don't know if this is a bug or it's always been like this. But when I go to mod a weapon at the bench, the weapon is somewhat translucent. I can see the character though the model. Is it supposed to be like that?
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So they were nazi's right?
>i must've slept with piper 200 times by now
pregnant mod when?

You kill mirelurks, hack a protectron, then walk through a tunnel killing more mirelurks and then three pointless goons.

I guess if you want to call that a side quest, you've already lost hope.
necro mod when
> Find cure that cures everything and have 5 shots of alien magic
> Can't use any of em on Shaun

Thanks Todd.
That's all I want, anon. And I can't.
What kind of cup size does Piper have. There needs to be a canon bodytype for porn mods for Piper.

Even the nazi's were justified in their actions.
>Confidence Man
>Diamond city Blues
>The entire Vault 81 quest chain
>Here There Be Monsters
>Human Error
>The Big Dig
>The Disappearing Act
>The Gilded Grasshopper
>The Silver Shroud
>Not side quests

you whut m8?
Oh no you dont. You dont get to say things like that about muh PRIVATE DICK! Best comments, best outlook on things, best looks.
get yourself checked for autism m8 you could be terminal.
>tfw you can't sleep with Piper in her home with Nat watching
Hey guys, quick question for all you PC players. I'm building myself a decent PC for christmas, 6700k, 980ti, 16gb DDR4 etc.

Here's the link if you want to look:

My questions are thusly, is this PC going to run the game smoothly on ultra settings, what are your experiences with your own hardware. Is there any point setting godrays to anything but low?

I'm going to double the RAM next year and get another 980ti. Not that the second card will matter because Bethesda seem to think it's ok to not support SLI or Crossfire. Pricks.

>find cure for everything
>it can't heal a 210 year old gunshot wound.

So much for sci-ence. You'd think all it would take is a single stimpack, or that cabbot serum.
>is this PC going to run the game smoothly on ultra settings
Nothing runs Fallout 4 smoothly on ultra settings, anon.
>no speech check for incestuous threesome
way to fucking drop the ball, todd
Hitler first actually had a reason because of how fucked Germany was after ww1 because of the shitty unfair treaty france shitted on them (we didn't sign it) . then he wanted more and went insane, he could of stopped at France and Poland and we would of never gave a fuck. plus at the time 70% of us americans were german.
they create human synths almost a perfect human synth,
which means they know almost everything about the human biology and anatomy, and how could they not discover a cure for cancer.

Shit plot to be honest family shakes my head.

Don't bother. Gaming is dead. There's nothing even remotely good coming out next year.

The Silver Shroud alone is longer than some Skyrim faction quest lines
you're fine nigga.

Dont listen to the memes.
ayy lmao
Well now I can't get the thought out of my head of cumming on Pipers face and putting a picture of it in the paper and parading her around town letting anyone who wants shoot their load on her as well

America created the league of nations.

America created hitler. America has created its own enemies for almost its entire existence.

Shit, americans were the first ones to come up with eugenics.
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Yep, and you did good son. Send those sauerkrauts back where they belong, Boston is for the people.
Why bother man games are shit now, spend the money on traveling and getting foreign pussy. Unless you like the new cod mod for skyrim.
>3 fucking real side quests (cabot house,ship,wicthcraft)
Dude what. If you count Witchcraft as a "proper" sidequest there's probably like 50 of them in the game.
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>bethesda doesn't support SLI

is that the fucking reason my game's running like absolute shit? goddamnit, i'm a fucking moron
I wish they didn't make the kids look like monkeys.
We tried to only help and backed out of that shit, it didn't work so we ditched. Its not our fault everyone else were stupid.
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but why

>that one guy who just can't finish
>won't break eye contact
>starts getting reeeeal awkward
>America created hitler
You're retarded. Hitler was pissed because of how harsh the treaty was on Germany. America wanted to make the treaty a lot less harsh, but the other European nations didn't want it that way.
>Those temps

I hope youre not idle.
Yeah, we gave the Arabs a shitload of training.

You think some terrorists figured out how to make shoe bombs and IEDs from youtube?
Nah it was all CIA.
>go to the vault 81 or something
>kids wearing jumpsuits
>they have manly fucking shoulders, especially the girls

They really didn't try.
No, your game runs like shit because you're playing games on a laptop.
>gimmick to rope consumers into wasting extra dollars

You probably bought fallout 4 too with season pass and all.

America made the league of nations. No league of nations, no blockade on germany.

Take responsibility for keeping the world at war for over a century. Your entire economy depends on violence.
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body slider position for best ass?
That's your issue. Don't SLI two piece of shit GPUs designed for laptops.
>Vault 114's premise and staff instructions.

Yeah the nigga who came up with this read his fair share of doujins.
This if you know you history we didn't even sign it or want anything to do with it. but France was butthurt.
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Modern Gamer shittiery has gotten to a point where it would kill game sales to not pander to these fucking plebs.

The game Industry might crash again, and it deserves to.

Tho FO4 and MGSV have been astoundingly successful, albeit Generally disappointing
>order Piper finish him herself while having Nat watch
i am

bought an $1800 laptop from a coworker for $800
and it still fucking outperforms my shite desktop, kill me
Wait for Pascal.
Also, I have a 750ti windforce oc, 8GB ram ddr3 and an i5-4460 3,2ghz (3,4 with overclock) and I run it on ultra. I have one mod that one anon made that drops your fps when things explodes, but I usually go from 25 to 50/60 fps.
So I would worry for incoming games or the newest ones that actually requires these expects and USE them.
Bathesda is a kek.
Hey /fog/

I've just got to the part of the main story where I met Shaun and explored the Institute, I was told this was a good place to explore and do shit.

I'm going for a Minutemen/Railroad ending (Enter/Blow up Institute with Railroad. Blow up Prydwen with Minutemen)

I've totally ignored the Brotherhood of Steel up to this point, I'm wondering whether I should do some quests for them since it's a bit weird that they're just kind of floating around in their blimp not doing anything, and they obviously have ties to the main story.

The problem is that it seems a bit weird at this point in the narrative that my character would suddenly want to join up with the Brotherhood of Steel out of nowhere. It bothers my autism. So, what do?

America is the most successful terrorist uprising in history.

Why wouldn't other countries try to imitate their success? ISIS is no better or worse than the Sons of Liberty.
they all have the same ass
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>waifu Piper
>get lover's embrace perk
>go to bed
>wake up to her gently moaning "awww do we really have to get up?"
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>start training adamantium Skeleton
>hit level 39
>oh shit that heavy metal armor I been saving
>train armorer 4
>Polish these babies up
>apply Dense padding
>go find some cunt with a rocket launcher
>found a super mutant near some water pump plant near the Handy Robot gardens
>direct rocket launcher hits are barely doing anything to me
Good fucking feel.
>take responsibility for europes failure
No thanks.
Shame Sarah Silverman has the body of a cinderblock.
Typical Jewish genetics
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Could be worse
What is this unholy abomination?

Anyway, i've been running SLI since day one, just google it.
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I'm on a 7870 myself, 1920x1080, TTA, AF 8 samples, textures on high, lighting on high, godrays on low, everything else on medium. I have no performance complaints other than the absolutely horrible loading times, not silky smooth 60 fps, but it feels perfectly playable.
What's the rest of your rig?
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I feel bad for anyone who thinks this is a good perk
>America should be responsible for Europe fucking their good idea up
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>tfw you fuck right after you kill raiders in a raiders bed
>tfw you do it in front of everyone in your settlements
>spec blogs
Is Fallout 4 that bad that people would rather talk about secondarily related things to the gameplay instead?
I asked a gameplay/roleplaying related question and nobody cared, so yes.
Funny thing is Hitler was far too afraid to attack us, plus he knew we were basically german at the time and we were actually trading with him. japs went insane and it fucked him over, he still had a thing for japs though.
at this point, everybody here probably finished the game already.
Something that's kinda interesting is that people are playing Fo4 and enjoying it that haven't played any other fallout or enjoyed it.

That's something i've noticed when looking through some streams on twitch. There was that one guy (richardhammer) who was recommended new vegas and he literally stopped playing after goodsprings

Maybe it was because the game lacked explosions maybe it was because he couldn't look past the graphics i don't know

>husbando maccready
>go to bed
>wake up with him saying "I never knew a mutfruit could be used like that!"

what the fuck did I just miss
Her name is piper.
So her grandfather might be a plumber
She works for the press
so 100% italian
>there are people who don't have a bed on a raised pedestal with a bell next to it
>there are people who don't hold ritual waifu dickings in front of all of their settlers
>/fog/-Fallout General
>Someone complains about people not talking about Fallout
>Somehow this is a bad thing

Fuck off, cancer.
It wont crash since it is a multi billion dollar industry, the only thing that will happen is casualization and dumbing down of more games. Add more generic FPS games to the heap too because console plebs and teeny boppers moms buy that shit up.

Mass Effect 3 and XCOM2 will be dumbed down for the console profits and pc gamers buy it regardless as we see with fallout 4 with its shitty port.
>people use sli and expect 2.0x the performance.
>it's not fallout related if I don't like it
Is it worth setting a weapon up with all the hip fire improving mods instead of all the highest damage stuff?
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Yeah but we made a good thing and it only failed because of everyone else fighting, so we went nope see ya and backed out. That should've been a good idea to back out at once but they didn't.
I just finished the main quest for the railroad and now i'm making a new character to see if this game cared about my choices
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Any mods that make the pip boy light more realistic without bugged third person shadows?

>mass effect 3

I've got bad news anon
>missing the point this hard
Must be hard being clinically retarded.
What the fuck was that ending? What the fuck was the point of factions? All you ever get is you nuke some other faction and get a cutscene that recaps the start of the game and ends with "this time I'm ready, because war never changes". Fuck bethesda holy shit my middle school essays had better stories than this piece of garbage.

Fallout 4 is essentially a console facebook game. It is so easy, so banal, and so pointless that the average idiot can get into it and feel special for succeeding at a video game.

This is the future of marketing and the recent past.

They don't make games for people to the right of the bell curve. Never again.
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the GECK can't come soon enough
>sleep in my house piper happened to be nearby
>she says this while sitting on a chair
>mfw no face
I can fix anything
>railroad wants the institute destroyed
>place where synths are made
How is talking about computer specs Fallout related again, faggot?
>Mass Effect 3 and XCOM2
So, a game series that got destroyed by the SECOND game they made, and a revived game title that was already significantly casualized's sequel?
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>a bed on a raised pedestal with a bell next to it
I can't fucking breathe holy shit
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I enjoy both. 58 hours in New Vegas was extensive modding and shit. 54 hours with Fallout 4.

To be fair, I enjoy NV waaaaaaaaaay more but both are enjoyable.
Wait for the geck nigga
Some consequences of what you do can you see in game and some things don't have consequences at all because the choices given were too trivial
But yea i still kinda wanted a recap of what i did like in New Vegas
I dunno man, I get playable (except for rare stuttering) frames in the city with Phenom II and a 750 TI. That's with most stuff set to high and only a few things tweaked lower.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and blame AMD for your problems.
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You were complaining about this in the last thread, and again I'm going to recommend that you play Divinity: Original Sin. Also, I will again call you an idiot for thinking a Bethesda game wouldn't be casual.
we all have a thing for Japs ;)
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Me too
Fallout 4 just feels like a mediocre shooter but it's still kinda fun
I miss the quest design from New Vegas
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yeah gundam power armor
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The only thing America did dumb in that time to cause shit was Oil Embargo Japan.


Was a Billion dollar industry in the 80's too. alot of games are outright garbage or gimped down DLC Case sellers.

I mean look at Battlefront
>STAR wars
>no space fights
>far.FAR FAR less features/game modes than its previous titles
Wew that last one sounds familiar

Dunno if it can be fixed til GECK because that mod only turns on the ability for those lights. Doesn't move them. The headlamps work well, but the Pipboys lights shadows are broken
>consolefag problems
>he could of stopped at
Fucking subhuman trash, learn to speak the English language properly or go back to your krautchan shithole.

Who is in agreement that fallout 4 is a terrible game for grandmas only?

Can we get a show of hands? I feel like this is in the minority here.
i blow up the institute with the minuteman
can i still blow up the Prydwen?
>quest design
I miss dialogue options
Protip: that courser's outfit looks sexy af on Piper.

Fuck the Railroad, they're a bunch of idiots and their leader is a total cunt.
They don't think the Institute should be artificially creating sentient beings, but they believe the ones that already exist should be treated fairly, as they're essentially just people "born" into shitty circumstances.
I already responded you rude fuck
So I posted like a thread or two ago asking what kind of mod you'd create if the GECK were out and you could use it properly. I said I'd make a mod around synths starting up their own secret radio where they play 80s music, which in FOverse would just be synths experimenting and coming up with their own unique music style and how 80s fits because a lot of it is existentialist stuff and what it is to be human.

Anyways I thought I'd share a few songs that I think would go really well with it.










even in 3 they cared enough to give you ladykiller options and you even had an option for mysterious stranger :(

How am i gonna roleplay if i'm always a middleaged white man with a soft voice (even when i'm threatening people what the fuck?)
could have*
How was it dumb?
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mass effect 4 i mean whatever its name is

Loved 1 and 2, 3 was bad.
Anyone: can you get into the Mass Fusion building without choosing the BoS/Institute?
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You're in the Fallout general you idiot, and the game is still fairly new, of course you're going to be in the minority here. If you wanna bitch about the game go to /v/
>how can I roleplay when I am given an actual role to play instead of generic "all in my head" TES self insert!
3rd gen synths have feelings too
hey Ant Man
it's after you start up the nuclear reactor, i believe
>She doesn't have a lot of telling signs other than her particularly thin nose which might imply she's british or french specifically

Her last name is Wright, which is English. That's not 100% though since all Americans are mutts, and many immigrants to America anglicized their surnames.
I miss the Wild Wastelands.

I'm in agreement that it's a good game. But a horrible fallout game.
What are you even talking about i never mentioned TES
Not gonna lie, alot of Synth and that 80's PsuedoTechno pop would fit pretty decent in the world.

Should add Some Residents for added obscurity

Pretty much an act of War. It's half the reason they weren't able to keep up
>no way to romance Glory

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New Vegas references you would have liked to have seen in Fallout 4:

>A single crate of Sunset Sarsparilla in a truck with a note detailing the shipping mistake
>Terminal in CIT/Institute referencing rivalry between West Tek, Big Mountain and CIT
>Portrait of Mr. House somewhere in CIT, or perhaps in a group photo somewhere

It annoys me that they're just ignoring New Vegas like this.
>all in my head
You meant to type FO4, it fitting that description with its lack of skills. Honest mistake.
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>for when behemoths get their knees capped
the "all in my head" is acctualy the best roleplaying experience you can get
talking about anything fallout related literally gets blown out by faggots who dont like the game unless your eating obsidians dick so why does it matter anyway
>wife posting
>all this shit about nazis
it never ends
I agree with him
I don't think Fo4 is a good game
They mentioned the NCR although that could have only been a reference to 2
>Piper Wright
>Piper's a writer
NCR was definitely a reference to 2.
I mean it sucks, but what do you expect? They didn't make NV, so why would they acknowledge it?
What about the Judean revolution in the Roman empire that gave rise to Christianity?
>that also said barbarians and persians about the roman empire
get out you filthy degenerate
Anon, cancer is caused by mutations in the DNA, and they obviously can't control those because if they could, they'd be able to cure all the effects of radiation, including ghouls and supermutants too. And they can't. So it's not hard to believe
Is that a Nexus mod that makes them naked or something?
They didn't make Fallout 1 and 2 either, yet they made very obvious references to them.
I disagree
I want the role i want to play to be reflected with what i say and what i do.
These are options i had in NV for example but a lot of these options didn't exist in 4
>the game lacks a lot of cruel/evil options previous games had
>lol dialogue
>the character talking without your input
>quests seem to have less options than in vegas
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Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that the Minutemen as a basically neutral faction are the best?
Japan would've attacked anyway, the Phillipines were one of their targets.
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Me once again. Finished putting together a quick patch for these issues. I'm currently playtesting it before I throw it up on Nexus; if you'd like to help, grab it here and post any problems you run into: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hpl4punf85zfeqn/PerkFixes.esp

Full list of changes below. If you're aware of any other fucked up perks, give me a heads up and I'll try to deal with them as well.
> Modified to include .44 caliber, 10mm, 2mm EC, Gamma Rounds, Shotgun Shells, Fusion Cells, Plasma Cartridges, and Flamer Fuel
> Reduced the cluster size in which .50 caliber ammo is found to a more sensible amount
> Removed an extra LVLI entry for .38 caliber ammo, which was making it twice as likely to appear as anything else
> Removed the nonfunctional 4th rank of the perk (you won't be refunded if you've already taken it, but you'll still have 3rd rank)

Big Leagues
> 5th rank should now confer double damage, as advertised
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Holy shit poor little Curie smokes now?

What a bitch.

I love her.
One guy managed to reverse the effects of one specific strain of FEV, but then again, it is FEV.
This one is the only one with a proper ass crack.
The only downside is there's no dirty version for Raiders.
Can somebody here make the dirty texture for raiders?
Also add some bush.
"most sucessful"
>French revolution
>bolshevik revolution in russia
>hebrew uprising in judea

"terrorist uprising" isnt a war for independance

go back to /his/ you fag
Let me guess, the only *good game* in your book is Witcher 3
I was melee with that stats and didn't have troubles, although I play in normal.

I remember early in the game I used explossives to compensate large groups of enemies aside of that...a machete could kill almost anything in 2 hits max.

Work in your agility though, blitz is insane for melee
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What about this little shit who always runs up to you in DC and says something along the lines of "My momma says not to talk to strangers"

Okay then, fuck off and stop talking to me. Jesus christ.
I would say that the American revolution was more successful than the first two. The French revolution got steamrolled by a Corsican and the USSR didn't last a century.
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This is the goriest death I have ever seen
everything except her head came off
Yeah. And he explained that cure was tailored for him only and wouldnt have worked on anyone else and that it'd take decades to develop a general cure.
i am not defending f4
NV is and will be my favourite unless obsidian makes a new fallout game
just that the unscripted rpg experience is much better in my opinion than the withcer/bioware style
>yeah gundam power armor

All I want is to run around in power armor that looks like a Zaku II.
I haven't played that game yet so i can't judge that
We aren't a minority. The game is fun and awesome in many ways it just fucks up on so many levels that it shouldn't in this day and age. Fan boys are just blind from todd resting his ballsack on their eyes. The game is good but doesn't stop it from being a massive disappointment for what is supposed to be next gen gaming.

Single player gaming has retreated into sitting on a couch even with a mouse n keyboard or controller and it no longer makes a difference. There are console games for PC and exclusive PC games. Add in early access games ruining PC games by flooding the market with what is basically paid beta testing resulting in more unfinished games when devs take the money and run.

RPGs are too hard for normies to figure out so it is more profitable to make games for grandmas.

Fallout 4 is good but I'm not going to suck its cock just because it's muh baby fallout. Beth better tread carefully consumers will turn against them if they fuck up again and say hello to bad publicity like EA has got with battlefront, especially on PC.
Yea, but all the ideas that came out of the french revolution
without it the US most likely wouldnt revolt
without it there wouldnt be liberalism nor socialims
Phenom II X4 965 3.4Ghz, 8GB Ram, is this game cpu heavy though? I know I need a new cpu at some point, but why the game's unplayable even on low I don't get..
I don't have the new driver software crimson yet, could that actually improve the performance significantly?
Lay that pistol down, babe.. Lay that pistol down. Pistol Packin' Mama, lay that pistol down
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turns out the faggots had been going through all my legendaries

they weren't even satisfied with stealing all of my power armour
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>tfw you climb into your power armour in your base and fly out through your roof
The founding fathers would weep if they saw the perversion of capitalism that is corporatisim.

The difference between the USSR and the USA is that the USSR did not go quietly into the night while the US is dying a slow death.
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Was trying out the game in 3840x2160 and ended up taking this nice shot, downscaled to 1080.
Well if that's how you enjoy videogames that's good for you
>Leaving cores in your armor
Ninja only does 4.5x for unarmed instead of the 10x like melee.
What is the comfiest weapon in New Vegas and why is it the Plasma Defender?
>>no quests
I thought minutemen radiants never stop to generate
I can't believe you and Preston let Mama Murphy die like that!
This isn't a fanboy thread fuck of to steam forums. Fallout 4 is a let down but its still playable. Fuck bethesda for lying and this outdated engine.
What does VANS even do? You already have markers for everything. Does it slap you on the back of the head and yells "This way, stupid"?
>not picking these

Mom says not to talk to strangers.
in vat mode it gives you a trail to follow if your that retarded

>BGS using Gamebryo
>Run smoothly

Choose one.
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This is the part when I started to enjoy Fallout 4.
You have the exact quest location on your map
You have a compass
The exact quest location is displayed via your compass
When you come close enough the game displays it on your screen

VANS was a shitty spell in Skyrim i bet they ran out of content so they ported it to Fo4
RIP glory
>Fully upgraded Broadsider
>Heavy Weapons char

Oh my god

This thing is so fun

I feel bad, but I just had to console in 100k cannonballs to fuck around with this thing with
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yeah about that
Is there a list of must-do/decent sidequests? I dont want to miss any content before unstalling.

I already did Cobalt house/USS/Silver Shroud
What's the coolest looking outfit that I can wear armor over?
That screenshot was my first one, but here's him now if you feel like this could be used better.
>could that actually improve the performance significantly?

That's always a possibility. What's your vRAM? As I understand it the game is particularly heavy there.

I'm using an Athlon II x3 450 (with core unlocked to make it a Phenom II B50) overclocked to 3.6 ghz with 8gb of ram and a 750 ti with 2gb of vram and the game is playable with most settings on high. That makes me think your problem is either vram related or driver related.

Honestly Radeons are nothing but trouble in my experience.
The black BoS uniform is a good standby

Military fatigues look okay, with combat armor

Road Leathers is probably the "best"
So Vault 111 naturally can become a workshop area/home right at some point right?

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fuck this bitch so much
the fuck you can kill him?
Vault 111 will be DLC similar to Fallout Shelter.
>uninstalling games
There's an ammo crafting mod that makes life a little easier and legit
>When you have literally nothing else to do

I usually create a new character with different stats and start again.

I'm not really into the infinite grinding of already finished game until you are tired of it. Why?

Pick a route and go with it reach lv40 or so then start a new character with different playstyle and pick different options and route.
fuck no, it's almost as framedroppy as the institute
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I will never understand why hey have a map that's twenty percent ocean, and have a perk that lets you breathe underwater, and have NOTHING AT ALL in the sea.

Oh sure, there's a few little set pieces here and there, but there's not even any goddamn loot. I found two empty beer bottles in a boat and a globe in a crashed plane. That's it.
Can you beat the deathclaw at concord with a melee only build, no explosives either on survival at level 3, following the quest line only, no side tracking to grind? I've been at this for about an hour and it seems impossible.
>I usually create a new character with different stats
the thing with Fallout 4 is that different stats don't really make a big difference
>different options and route
>fallout 4
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there was stuff to do nderwater but they removed it
Is there a reason this bitch fucking stays outside Sanctuary 24/7?
i just wish it wasnt fucking impossible to see
i found a chest once while exploring though
How do you have you water so clear?
>Dr. Li
>I know I just built this war machine, but I never expected you to use it to destroy the institute, which is what you've been saying this whole time
Holy FUCK this game.
Yeah Doctor Li is a massive retard, she is so fucking naive its hilarious.
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Who Noir Detective here?

I'm looking for a kid named Shaun who was abducted and his parents killed. Roleplaying is hard in this game. But I'm still having fun.
Gonna play NV DLCs, what category do most of the new weapons fall into? I was wondering whether to specialize in guns/energy/melee
vRAM is 2GB as well, so I guess my final option is to get the newest drivers. The thing is I've had this setup for a few years now, and I never had any radeonrelated problems with any games until Fallout 4. GTA 5 ran like a charm.
Am I the only one that wears road leathers and combat armor?
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who /biggiesmallsupdate/ here?
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>9x Supermutant Butchers with Quad homing missles attack some dinky farm
>i get instantly gibbed within 3s

In NV you could do that
Why? Because choosing legion ncr or house would make a significant difference

Especially with Legion vs Ncr there's a big fucking difference based on the quests you're getting

There's also a lof of differences in quests that don't depend on factions
This is something that barely exists in Fallout 4

What difference does it make if you try to play satan or jesus? There's very few choices and they barely seem to make a difference

Also in terms of character building there's just less to do because you as a player have less options to choose from
Anyone else still wearing the Vault Suit?
I failed a speech check trying to rob her at the start of the game and I can never do it again so she pretty much follows me around just to call me a fuccboi all the time because she knows she can get away with it

I'm a hostage to the dialogue system unless just I pull out my gun and shoot her
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If you're low enough below sea level that if you face downwards the murk effect glitches and disappears.

I also found an extremely low quality destroyed Sanctuary-style home.
I do but mainly because I Shadowed my armor for sneakan'

>Tommy W

I fucking kek every time
>Trying to steal mysterious stranger's gear
>Force unequip items
>Fucker vanishes everytime before I can take anything

This man is too powerful even for the console.
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New patch when?
I finally want to put the last point in to Big Leager...
And why is Ripper so overpowered I just constantly stagger bitches and do cleave damage? Will prolly get nerfed.
I tried Unarmed but it seems really shitty since you cant even use a powerfist in powerarmer and your clothing/armor stats arent active when in powerarmor. Is that a bug too?
I am going to disagree hard here. my sneak/snipe was fragile as fuck until 24, even then sometimes sniping was not an option

Turn around to my melee character and it was a totally different ride. different special stats and perks all around

Now for my commando character, same thing but not the same way you are thinking about, automatic rifles, heavy as fuck armor, grenades and fucking shit up

even started fucking around with a sneak/unarmed character, totally different than my sneak/snipe or raw melee character

You have something of a point for ballistic vs energy weapons. like my commando with an assault rifle will probably be the same as an automatic laser rifle

Even my perma-power armor heavy guns character felt different than all the rest, but this was the first time I took heavy CHA to be able to afford everything and anything I needed after a water settlement or three.
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Am I the only one that thinks the "Train Train" song that Magnolia sings sounds like some 80s/90s Japanese anime theme song?

Obviously not with the lyrics, but just the rhythm and beat of it, the instrumental style and vocal tones.

It reminds me of like, EVA and other older shows.
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>moving political movement

nice meme reddit, they are just sand critters that like to kill and pillage, rape and destroy history.

I can't not wear the vaultsuit desu

Maxson Coat only mod when?

>that's bullshit, i'm not a synth i am not, great faggot now i need to make a 10 CHA Football throwing Johnny character
Eh I don't think those fit all too well with what I was trying to portray.

Gen 3s weren't supposed to have free will, but they do. They look, act, and feel human, but they aren't.

Take https://youtu.be/y0kBTr4IItM?t=1044
for example. The lyrics are pretty grim for such an upbeat song. They wanted a simple life, yet everyone hated them and they were never able to get the life they so desperately desired, to they flat out took a shotgun and open fired on a group of people. They end up loving the confused expressions on the people and the blood that spills everywhere, so they keep shooting. That shit fits in real well with the Synth Massacre in DC.

Like I said, those songs are pretty existential, and gen 3 synths having a secret bar playing a bunch of existential new wave/new romantic music (to me) fits very well.

Have another by Bamboo Industry that fits quite well. Guy loves something that isn't human, he's supposed to kill her, but he can't because she's hypnotizing.
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I'd ani her me if you know what I mean
that song is one of my favorite in the game.
anything inside it?
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Oh I see how it is
20 settlers, 20 beds, 20+ food, 20+ water, you need to build (and staff) 16 class 3 medicals. Then wait 2 in game days for the happiness to reach 100.

I'm surprised it's as high as 0.3%.
>Why is ripper so overpowered

really? Compared to most of the ranged weapons it's weak ass.

Why would they nerf in a single player game?
>getting kucked
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Did they forget to make AI routines for like half of the fucking game or something?
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Quick /fog/!
Anyway to switch gender on filthy peasant PS4?
Like everything Bethesda does, nope, it was just half-assed.
Are you allied with the brotherhood?
>Curie uses her metal brain to examine the situation and determines that saying "I love you" is what the meatbag in front of her wishes to hear
Curiefags are delusional. Enjoy your literal machine mimicking human emotions.
Not that I've seen, even the slm command refuses to let you pick Nora.

To chime in are this point, I have 4770 3.4ghz, 16gb ram and a 7850, I run god rays low, textures high, shadows high, decal high, no AA, 16 samples, ssao. I don't have a problem at this point with a weaker card, but trying to go ultra with decal, textures and lights make windows complain and turn off aero, also a bit of stuttering in the city.

Maybe the cards getting on a bit for the game, but TW3 looked fucking great with a high/medium mixture with this card. Temps never went over 80, though getting that high probably isn't a good sign either.
yeah start a new game
No, I haven't even followed Danse's crew into the police station yet.
Is the toughness perk worth it for a non power armor character?
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>tfw preston is always in your house with piperfu
b-but anon, she is so kawaii and moe! she reminds me of one of my japanese animes!

then there is piper who is always being embarrassed! haha, so cute!
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who /Courser/ here?
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All but 7 of named characters in the game are Synths. 45% of the population of Diamond City are Synths. 20% of Settlers are synths.
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Anyone else loving how easy it is to craft Jet now?

With the addiction immunity perk and bonus chem duration I'm using the shit out of Jet, fights are all in slowmo, shit is so cash.
You don't have enough VRAM.
>VATs accuracy affected a bush

>enemy accuracy affected by nothing ever

>kill courser with the fat man
>"lucky the chip was still fully intact""
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Nope, it's just a really low quality version of the Sanctuary houses that could only be scrapped outright.

As for anything being inside it? This was the best thing I found underwater. Underwater is shit.
i take 0 damage if i just hold it in front of me against 20 ghouls attacking at the same time (from one side)
cleave+stagger+insanely high dps
some larger creatures are still able to stagger me though, but i guess wearing power armor with the anti-stagger perk should take care of that too
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>slo mo missile and minigun bullet dodging
>standing up in the middle of a raider shanty town and headshotting half of them in a second

just saw that movie yesterday, bretty good
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I may be an idiot, I can't remember if I've ever changed it or if that's just the ram itself.
is there somewhere a guaranteed double shot missile launcher ?
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Quality Institutedium

Yeah I love how ezmode the game is.
>Never again.

I only played FO3 and FONV and don't remember those being more hard in any way form or shape.

My melee FONV character can kill legendary deathclaws in one punch and regenerate more life that he loses and I remember my FO3 characters could go in heavy armor sniping people with a gatling-gun recieving no damage.

Don't know about first games, but "new generation" Fallout games never were challenging ar all.

Never mind, seems I at some point turned off vram. I think I was paranoid about having vram on the SSD.
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Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face.
Why is Codsworth the only one who calls you by name?

I mean, what's the point of that at all.
Well, i don't think many would appreciate it like you do, not in a game like this aimed at the casual crowd.

If you can fill the world with lore and backstory then sure, but it's pretty hard without GECK, maybe if you make poster mods or something promoting the bands.

The ones i posted were meant to be more on the silly side, if the second gen synths were to make music, not much lore needed for it to make sense.
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I know what that image is anon, and I don't think you should be posting it here
>killed the facial surgery doc
>waited 5 days
>still no one has replaced him
pls help

Where did you get these percentages from?
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I havent played Fallout 1 and 2, which is actually canon; power armors with gloves or mechanical hands and fingers?
Why are you following me?
go to the other doc
ask him about facial surgery, and he will do it
>All but 7 of named characters in the game are Synths
Ring ring
Is this bullshit?
I'm calling it
Gloves. Always been with gloves.
the guy from the place next door?

he just says that this is his mess to deal with, and that's all
showlooksmenu 14
press b to reset the camera

Why the fuck did you kill the doc though? Fucking spastic
he pulled a gun on me when i confronted him about how he butchered somone
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>16 samples
are higher amount of samples better or worse for performance?
Every time it tells me a place is being attacked I just don't even give a fuck.

What's it got to do with me?

Sorry but I don't want to do infinite unending radiant quests for more pipeguns.
>Kill a legendary
>Yet another fucking unique melee weapon
How doe that SPECIAL magazine exploit work again?
>Hancock's real name is John McDonough

Why can't I call him John
can't really tell, there always was a big size difference between no PA and PA units in 1/2, would make sense if it were like it is in FO4

I'll stick it in the collection
>source: my ass
Doctor Sun
why can't I call him Herbie
player.placeatme pick it up
then drop it
where ?
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are you using a mod for face textures?
So it doesn't work on consoles?
If you're going to do this, why on earth wouldn't you just player.setav ?
>ghoul cock

On a similar note with radeon's, is anyone else not having their display not change to custom colour settings until you open catalyst? Like the new fancy UI just doesn't apply my custom settings until I open the other, which is just weird as fuck. 15.11
player.setav (special stat) 10
repeat for each stat
why does my character look so fat in the military fatigues with combat armor when hes not fat at all
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Reminder that Bioware makes better RPGs and romance than Bethesda.
Mass Effect 3 had more and more varied endings than Fallout 4 too.
>be snipan some raiders
>vertibird flies over and drops off some brotherhood fags
>"sweet, time to do some squad shit"
>switch to midrange and move in
>kill a few psychos
>look out to scan the area
>3 corpses face down in irradiated water
>vertibird goes down shortly after
>didn't take even one raider with them

Why are these guys supposed to be a threat?
At least the afterashortnapmen know enough to stay the fuck out of most fights.
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make a different character for the BoS run, ignore all other factions in that run because they just take away from the experience with their weak ass characters

the only good ones were in ME1. Everything else was shit. Especially ME2's and beyond.
Makes me feel less like a cheater.
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is there vampires in this game i can get vampirism from
So this recon team has been missing for three years, yet their bodies have not decayed? And the super mutants haven't eaten the knight they had in their base for 3 years?
Jacks VA voices Nora
meant for
How would you guys stat a sneaky melee character?
How much extra damage is Blitz?
Yep. Only reason why I played Fallout 4.
Fuck off Casey
Fallout's got it's problems but Mass Effect had more
reminds me that I have to play ME1 again one of these days

>tfw ME2s combat and enemies are beyond shit but you want to continue the characters stories
idk how much damage it is, but its worth it for the gap closer alone
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I didn't say it was "good", just better than Fallout 4.
The Institute is basically The Citadel too, so it is fair to compare.
the Institute is Cerberus if anything
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Why is Maxson so perfect?
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>working on my 5th character now
>feel a little sad about my first character who was a token sneak/snipe character who was a bloody fucking mess stat wise because I went in blind to this game
>start thinking for a bit on how to re-envision it
>pull out scrap paper with bobblehead locations written down
>problems with my first character:
>died a lot
>split perks between riflemen/commando because I didnt know shotguns went under rifleman
>broke as fuck all the time
>way too many points in LUC
>came up with this
STR: carry weight, strong back, and blacksmith
PER: Rifleman
END: nothing
CHA: Cap Collector, Lone Wanderer for sure, maybe Local Leader later on, speech checks and just not being broke as fuck for the entire game
AGI: Sneak, Sandman, Ninja, faster reloading
LUC: cap/scounger/bloody mess

What are everyones thoughts? I do not plan on using VATS much outside of way too close and deadly combat with a double barrel shotgun to an enemies face
But i don't know, i just found it.
well you should delete it
nothing good can come of that image

Try not to think when playing a beth game. Allied with everyone at once? Openly state it/bring people along from opposing factions and all they do is shit talk each other (until very specific flags/quests are done at the end or you shoot them)?

Sure there's a fuck load of locations to go to, but many have no lore to explore and are just exp grind and loot spots for the 'radiant' quest system.
If you start a new char, does it delete your old saves?
what system specs?
I mean aesthetically-wise, it looked a lot like The Citadel.
Does anyone else feel they look super fat in military fatigues and combat armor?

back up your saves to make sure
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>uncomfortable post-coitus silence<
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>head to bunker hill
>both of crickets caravan guards are without clothes
Charisma is literally pointless because the only speech checks in the game get you 50 extra caps
just go with one and put the rest in str for qol or end for tanking
Way too much strenght just for the carry weight perk.
I don't know which I prefer, the normal Army Fatigues, the Dirty version or the Military ones.

I think Dirty looks a lot nicer.
Download a nude mod for females
Dont use underclothing

When you select [New Save] it basically opens up a new folder for a character.

say your first character was named Chad, and your second character was named Captain Reacharound. Hit the T key for PC to change characters and you can have two "folders" each with their own save files, even quicksaves.
>20 years old, looks 38
no it doesnt

It's that useless? Sure I save scummed to get my desired outcomes, but can you actually pass ALL checks with 1 charisma? Just takes a few more tries?
also either go 1 int for idiot savant or 9
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you can spend perk points in stats
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>Charisma is literally pointless
no offence but I feel like cheating every time I slow down time, psychobuffs are were is at.
shit is stupid as fuck
Anyone have illusion of choice images? Preferably with the dialog mod.
just get grape mentats
if speech checks come up just take a step back, pop them and pass all of them first try

local leader is shit, settlement building is shit, caps are everywhere
>Outside Diamond City
>Piper isn't talking to the dude on the intercom
>She's just standing there
>I'm stuck outside

How can I fix this? This really fucking sucks.

Where are the people getting the elastic for underwear? 200 years later it should have all been looted or decayed. They don't appear to have manufacturing processes up yet either.
sounds like an adventure
didn't even notice that
Try reloading your save.
post about it on reddit and laugh about le funny bug before preordering all of the DLCs
other than load a save, not sure honestly
have you tried waiting or fast travelling away and back?
>black trench coat
>"badass" line

is this /r/atheism-tan?
>You're a vertibird
>You're alone in the air
>No enemies are around
you could but it would take a fuck long time unless you save after literally every time you pass

on my first playthrough i had 5 or 6 charisma at the start and it nearly 20 reload to pass a red check though it is all random i think
dude stop making me laugh lol
>black trench coat
it's the Sliver Shroud costume
and you clearly didn't play that quest line
if you really want charisma you can put in 4 points, get the bobblehead from the insane asylum, use the +3 charisma clothes + black rim glasses and a newsboy cap. can't remember if there was a +2 char hat in the game.
>kill her
>guard doesn't have to worry about her sneaking in anymore

Problem is solve itself.
What's the deal with Tina de Luca?
I convinced her to join my settlement but she's still just hanging around in the vault.
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>hasn't played the game
>doesn't recognize silver shroud suit and hat
>whines autistically
is this /v/?
so do they just never have them or something?
I do recognize them, that does not mean that dressing as a literal fedora is okay
>join a military organisation
>address your superiors by their first name and give them cocky responses with no consequences

Interacting with BoS literally makes me angry. Angry about elves.
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Kill her.
>lel so random bordermemes merchant
FO4 jumped the shark.
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>making yourself a ghoul
degeneracy literally
If you rescue Nick before going to Diamond City, the gate will be open already.

Might be your best shot.
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Shit really just increased from reading that.
how the fuck do i reset the camera
i've used the showlooksmenu and now the camera is falling to the ground everytime
nothing seems to work to get it back up
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>complains about fedoras in a game with a 50s aesthetic

You really must be new
is it good though
>kill townie
>white underwear
>okay, makes sense
>kill gunner
>white underwear
>must be shopping at the same places
>kill scavenger in rags
>white underwear
>this is getting stupid
>kill raider
Sorry for killing your waifu's friend.
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The one mission you get to team up with her is great, particularly if you bring Deacon. She's got a really sexy voice.
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should have killed the little faggot when i had the chance
>automatic laser rifle with beam splitter
I can't handle the recoil. How can I handle it?
Anyone know any somewhat modern genres that would fit this game like glove?

I can only think of psychobilly.
What? No I just hate ghouls.
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>exploring underwater
>see shit like this
>cut harpoon gun weapon
>cut quest "20 leagues under the sea"

>ARTHUR Maxson
>Danse only has one name

whom exactly? only Danse adressed Maxson with Arthur if you don't enact justice on him
Mod recoil out of lasers in 2016.
Does Deacon say anything else beside that?
>Damage: 5
>AP cost: 40
The ripper is total shit.
>she dies in the railroad ending
I need a webm or a set of pictures of the Ms Handy model from all sides (Front, back, left, right)

Anyone a bad enough anon to help with that? Preferably in decent lighting
No. If you had recognized it you would have wrote Shroud suit because it's shorter and more accurate.

And now you're just doing damage control with the old was just pretending to be retarded ploy.
Sarah Lyons is dead.
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>this is you
can't see shit
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>have you tried waiting or fast travelling away and back?

Fast travelling did the trick. Thanks senpai.
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>that much strength
>no lockpick
>no demolition expert
>low int

Use my build
from most important to less so

damage: rifleman, ninja, mister sandman, bloody mess, demolition expert, nerd rage

utility: sneak, gun nut, scrounger, lockpick, armorer

power armor when shit get too hard: nuclear physic, science

any extra goes into charisma for that base building
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Well i guess i will do that right noOOOH GOD I HAVE ANOTHER ONE
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what am i doing wrong?

this thing apparently needs 1 power, but i can't attack any generators to it.
everything else has been made/ powered
>AP cost for melee
HA The ripper is the best melee weapon in the game currently.
in retrospec I shouldn't have executed him on the spot, he should have been sentenced by Kells

Yeah, he gets quite a bit of repartee throughout that mission. He asks for a group hug at the end.
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>underwater machines
Lol you stupid, build the tower first with the three legs.

CONNECT all generators to the 3 legged tower

put the plate from your pic beneath it
, connect all dishes pc to tower.
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you fucked up, needs to look like this
>If you had recognized it you would have wrote Shroud suit because it's shorter and more accurate
Wow, you sure got me with that flawless logic
Guessing it is, ripper very quick attacks over a very short period of time, and if I know my legendaries, the bleed effect stacks per hit- not to mention the mod that also adds bleed to the base weapon.

Oh, and I've got zero melee perks on this character, so we could improve the damage a bit.
What was the quest supposed to be like?
What is this?
>non white
>having an innie
Dont be silly.
Its nothing to do with sex life, shoukd still avoid roasties though.
looks like I can't into english right now
>The ripper is the best melee weapon in the game currently
It has the worst damage/ap ratio
Second worse damage/ap ratio is more than 3 times better than the ripper

That's how fucking shit the ripper is
No one knows, we only know its name from the pipboy app.

It and "The replacement" are two known cut quests

the harpoon gun and Chinese assault rifle are known cut weapons
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Best ripper coming through
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How does the world exist without order? we need the brother hood

>tfw cant give this women a fine
American. That's the best answer, really.

She looks Italian but she has an Anglo surname.
can't you just savescum every charisma check in the game, specifically bu saving during the conversation and reloading with no consequence beside a loading screen?
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>Caring about "the sex life" of fictional characters
why are you using melee in vats though family
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Who Minuteman General here?
Radiant quests that reward caps?

I've been doing the diamond city call boards but they only reward loot.
Nora is a virgin
anon pls
>wanting to load saves over and over over and over and over again

Might as well just console the added CHA at that point, whole fagging lel

The BOS ones at the Police station reward caps
use the console
or glitch them with that quest from covenant
I rely on my ultralight armor mods for AP for jetpack.
I lost the outfit, shit sucks.
What is this?
>why are you using blitz to overcome the only downside of melee characters
Gee, I don't know
the fuck is that
>he hasnt gotten even 2/3rds through the way in the Main quest
topest keks
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why curie the best companion?
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Jesus, why are cryo cells so expensive? The cryolator is so awesome, but they barely allow you to use it. Not only do you need to be able to pick master locks, but it eats through 3k caps worth of ammo in seconds.

It's like they don't want you using it.
ive been playing all melee on survival and done fine without that
I only just bought the game.
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I'll cross that bridge when i get to it, anon.
I still dislike you
>Not only do you need to be able to pick master locks
cait can pick master locks for you when you're lv1
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casual scums, anon.

Did that to me, just move the platform a bit.


Because making a robot who became human discover what that funny feeling in her panties is makes you hard.
What was good about 1's romances compared to the later ones?
the brotherhood is the est thing that has happened to the east coast

only egdy faggots disagree
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... this character right here is level 39, never once needed Blitz. I run up to things and hit them. With Metal Armor's fantastic Ballistic Resistance I was taking damage like a champ. For things like high up turrets I threw a moly at them but never once needed blitz.

The reason why the Ripper is hands down the best melee weapon is because it has a machine gun like firing speed as well as insane damage. It is, a chainsaw and if you get blocked/parried your recoil is so small and the "firing" speed is so fast... fuck everything if you are a melee and have a ripper.

Now that Bleeding effect Ripper someone linked? that bleeding effect will stack for every hit on the ripper, which will happen very fucking fast.

But, if you are a sneaking faggot, then yeah, ripper wont be good for you.
>Might as well just console the added CHA at that point, whole fagging lel

The point is that charisma skill checks are terrible as they are. You can fail them for no raisin with high skill points and vice versa. Then there's the fact that there aren't any other skill-based dialogue checks either.
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what did i do wrong

Does she also shit out cryo cells?
How do you get this outfit?
what reshade
>level 59
>still haven't completed the main quest

Literally every player.
... you know if you send dogmeat through the door it magically opens, right?
They didn't feature shit characters and they were more fitting contextually.
Remove the carpets underneath it.
Lookit that happy Dogmeat. What a good dog.
That's because the game is fucking easy, but that doesn't magically make the ripper a good weapon

Getting staggered is a pain in the ass and the only way around that is vats
>that bleeding effect will stack for every hit on the ripper
Congrats, you'll kill them in a few seconds instead of just 1shoting them with a supersledge
that filename made me chuckle

The cryolator is in a locked case, not a locked room, genius.
i once found a full suit of power armor just off the shores of a lake

underwater sucks
Doesn't make savescumming any less retarded. Think if you go way over 10 it can make them unfailable. Bet you have the auto hack/lockpick mod installed too, casual
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The weapons in Fallout 4 reminds me of over designed shit that kids usually draw to look "cool and badass".
She shits out rainbows on my faaace
Guys, in the "Battle of Bunker Hill" quest, even when im not informing BoS, they still show up and fuck everything up. How does that make sense, is this a bug?
but the plasma rifle is near-identical to FO3/NV
and the super sledge redesign is way better
You will constantly stagger them with the Ripper. Have you even used it?
The "AR" was supposed to be an LMG until they cut content.
Bethesda aren't trying to make it badass, they just don't give a fuck.
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that entire mission was a fuck up, if your on everyone side then no one attacks and somehow no one notices that you're just walking around not killing anyone
only the assault rifle really bothers me
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Fuck you bud, playing in character made that quest great.
>You will constantly stagger them with the Ripper
You will constantly 1shot them with the supersledge

>How does that make sense
I think you're forgetting who wrote the story
It's literally Bethesda-tier writing
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So, after completing Fallout 4 with a total 147 hours of playtime I can safely this that this is my favorite Fallout game so far.


Yep, the dialogue wheel sucks (thankfully i'm not a peasant and a basic mod changed this, here's hoping Bethesda patch this shit out) and the voiced protag limits RP potential but my biggest flaw with Fallout 3 and New Vegas was that combat and Fallout 4 improved on it ridiculousy, not enough people are given it credit. It's legit fun now. The base building is addictive as fuck as well, exploration is as good as ever and overall even the story was an improvement.

Shit on the game all you want it's undoubtedly a superior game than Fallout 3 and New Vegas and easily the most complete game this year. Witcher 3 had the most piss poor gameplay i've ever played, a complete chore to play not to mention the fact that it completely kills its exploration in the sense that none of the dungeons/locations are memorable. MGSV was an unfinished joke of a game and Bloodborne I never played.

Stay mad, this game is a legit 9/10 and when mods come round it will be a solid 11/10

Fallout 4 = Fallout 2 > Fallout New Vegas = Fallout 1 > Fallout 3
>getting staggered
Invest in the Pneumatic Chest sub-mod you silly shit.

And like I said, the Ripper fires fast. Getting staggred pre-pneumatic mod with a slow weapon was a bitch, yes.

But the ripper is Very Fast swing/damage speed. Get staggered, which is minimalized by the mod, and get back to attacking because of the attack speed.

Plus, you even stagger them with the ripper. the shit is fucking nuts and since you never used it and you are applying memes/experience with other weapons to the ripper... please stop posting.

Go buy a ripper from KLEO or Auturo or console one in
nah they always show up
I guess they just saw a fight and thought they would get in here and win something even though they don't know what they're winning

One of the few things in F4 I don't really have a complaint about.
The fuck were they thinking
>only way around that is vats
can you not block with it?
>its shit because you dont 1 hit them
rly m8
where would you put tactics tho?
Absolutely nothing wrong with F4s weapons. The issue us the lack of
>the dialogue wheel sucks
I'm more disappointed that your dialogue options are limited as shit. Your choices hardly matter, and more often than not you can't even say things you'd want your character to say in the situation. Fallout 2 beats 4 in this aspect 10-0
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>Want to make El Presidente
>Accidentally make Oyvey McShecklestein

While they both fit for what the playthru I wanted to do (Make settlements gauged around making money, get a whole lotta dosh, passing as many speech checks as possible, ordering others to do the dirty work for me Send help need a mod for more followers) I kinda need some help Might just be the attire I'm using though

>Previous playthroughs, couldn't stop finding sunglasses
>Now not a single set of sunglasses in sight

And where's that cap that everybody's turned into the nazi SS cap?
Holy shit you respond/read slow.
I've already responded to this garbage here >>123653030

>its shit because you dont 1 hit them
No, it's shit because there are objectively better weapons

I disagree with your opinion but I am glad you had fun with it. Stay safe, anon.
Submariner cap works better
>Putting Fallout 1 that low
>But rightfully putting 2 that high
I'm conflicted. I've got my eye on you buddy.
>Tactics is mentioned in fo3, NV, and 4
i'm pretty sure what happened is that, for whatever reason, the FO3 chinese assault rifle that has an untextured model in the game files got cut but some genius thought it was too weird to not have a weapon named "assault rifle" in the game so they just renamed what was originally called a light machine gun or something.
Why are miniguns so shit? They only do like 26 damage a shot and take forever to kill shit.
Other than the AR, every weapon looks better than its previous version.
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can someone post that map with all the collecablt shit again and vault locations
Misquote >>123652901
Just play tgm and console in 10000000 caps why dontcha
>The base building is addictive as fuck as well, exploration is as good as ever and overall even the story was an improvement.

Stopped reading there.
Step up your bait game.
just google an interactive map

Nice argument
The thing feels and looks like a LMG.

does anyone have that screenshot of the Chinese assault rifle model that was cut?
All weapon suck ass unless you get the corresponding perks.

Get a legendary upgrade on it like explosive bullets or bleed and its one of the best weapons in the game.
Realistic lightning mod any good?
Any ideas where I can hunt for a bleeding minigun? I only ever seem to get clothing legendaries
It's a meme you dip
Nice bait
>Holy shit you respond/read slow.
This is the first time I ever once seen anyone say this as an insult on /vg/. Sounds like you were wrong as fuck and trying to get out of it.

Better off not posting, ya silly shit.
There is no arguing with bait, mate.
The settlement building is a half-assed unfinished mess. Exploration is extremely bland with the same generic enemies every ruin and the story is filled with plot holes and convoluted.

It is cool that you or that guy likes it, but it is objectively bad. So either he/you is mentally challenged or just baiting.
Considering that he can write that post, I think he is just baiting, not that he actually has cretinism.
In that case, nice meme!
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>Finally make it to Goodneighbor
>This scene
holy fuck
I was not expecting this.
Wachoout, wevgotta mememaster 2015 here

>literal contrast change

No, it's a waste of a mod
Literally 7 minutes to respond
Also, it wasn't an 'insult', just stating that I had already answered your question

No need to get so defensive, m8
Its just Cartoon Network letting us know that Adventure Time is getting canceled for Steven Universe.
anyone had trouble resetting the charisma check with bobby? struggling
>its bait because i dont agree
best to just ignore those posts m8
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Why does bethesda always crank up the ambient lighting in their games?
They always look way better when you mod them to be darker - more immersive, spookier, and it hides the shitty textures. I mean, still not amazing lighting but leagues better than vanilla.
Yet for the last 4 games they crank up the ambient lighting, pepper the interiors with skylights, make nights bright as hell, and even surround the player with an additional invisible ambient light source.

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Around a ghoul, don't be a fool
So fucking what on the reply times? People do window out and actually play the game and come back.

Like, your post isnt going anywhere, I know you are forever in a state of needing to be right when clearly wrong and no one agrees with you.

Again, /vg/ was ment for slow long lasting discussions. my time to reply to you and read every single post between windowing back in and out will not happen.

Stop being a faggot, the ripper is the best melee weapon for non-pussy sneak playthroughs

Im sorry you cant accept the superior playstyle by literally ripping people to shreads
Im sorry you cant accept the Rippers chain staggering nature
Im sorry you cant accept the rippers very fast attack speed
Im sorry you cant accept being wrong to make yourself right later.
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I've been using a semi auto one and honestly it's a nice gun. Got an extra energy damage upgrade on it and it does just about as much damage as a .308 rifle while firing much much faster.

I've gotten used to how it looks and I don't mind but yeah they really could have done something better with it.

Legendary drops are completely random. I think someone said that higher level legendaries have better drops but I don't know if that's right. Best bet is to quick save a lot and hope you run into a legendary spawn and just save scum it until you get a decent drop.
>deacon trying to blend in
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God damn, if there's one thing that Bethesda got right, it's
>Doesn't make savescumming any less retarded
I don't care. My argument wasn't for savescumming.

I made a melee character with lots of endurance the first time and the second I'm playing a high Int character and the playstayle is completly different, the challenges and which enemies are difficult and wich are easy are different too.

With melee characters had easy time with tough single targets like deathclaws but got wrecked by large groups of enemies (at early levels of course) with the new character is the oposite can deal with groups but single targets fuck me.

You know, picking one side and go with it until the end, not saving at a certain point and use the same character to see all the possible outcomes

Siding with Caesar or RNC or House/Yesman wasn't much different, objective was exactly the same with each one, go to the diffent factions (boomers, Khan etc, and either kill them all or befriend them).

Siding with Institute or BOS is as different as siding with Caesar or RNC, on the other hand you have the someway "neutral" option of siding with Minutemen/Railroad and those are not different from siding with House/Yesman.

This game has lot less options when it comes to non-battle solutions. you can't go the entire game without shooting like in NV just with speech or you can't skip great part of the dungeons by lockpicking, I give that.

But when it comes to faction joining and different routes is not far from NV
Oh make no mistake, I use the semi auto assault rifle too.

Good gun, have a damage boosted legendary one. Shreds deathclaws.
>superior playstyle
That's called an opinion
>the Rippers chain staggering nature
Not once have I said it didn't. Just that killing something is better than staggering it
>the rippers very fast attack speed
Again, never said it was slow
>being wrong to make yourself right later.
I don't even know what you're trying to say here

But once more, you don't need to get so defensive, m8
Did you know there are 13 factions in FO4? :^)
>not killing finn yourself and getting applauded by hancock
So Curie won't stop doing the damn cigarette animation whenever she stops moving. Anyone know if I can fix this?
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>Nick is babbling in kellog's voice because of the brain thing



>The settlement building is a half-assed unfinished mess

How's it unfinished? I've seen ridiculous creations as well as my own, it works just as I hoped it would, obviously it's not perfect but name any game that implements new features perfectly on the first go. Maybe you just need to get creative rather than get mad at your lack of creative skill faggot.

>Exploration is extremely bland with the same generic enemies every ruin

Plenty variety, moreso than prior Fallout games anyway.

>the story is filled with plot holes and convoluted.

Yep, still an improvement over the prior plots.

>objectively bad
>"d-do I fit in yet bros"

Name the games you've enjoyed this year and name your best games. I can guarantee they are outdated trash that you've likely never played
she needs some addictol
She's french, get used to it.
reformat her
install gentoo
That was one of the best moments of the game if not the best...which is someway sad
>call someone out for being defensive
>act defensive himself
Do you listen to yourself or do you just watch post timers and hope you get the last word in the matter?
Why does the player character always sound like a horrible cunt when they dismiss companions.

>Nick, I don't want you travelling with me anymore
>Danse, it's time for you to leave
>Curie, you and I should part ways

Why can't they just say something like "I'm going to go it alone for now, I'll see you later" or something like that instead of sounding they've just fallen out.

Except in NV side quests and the main quest are connected with each other

You can't fuck up the NCR in side quests and still be on their good graces, the faction system makes sure that if you do a couple of quests that really fuck up their logistics you'll be their enemy

In 4 the only way to become an enemy of a faction is to attack them or to get to a certain stage of the main quest

Factions had a lot more depth in NV
What the fuck is wrong with her face. She looks like an ayylien.
>completely ignore my argument
pretty ebin desu senpai
I'm on my 5th character. Only one of them has reached 50 before I ditched them for the next.
How'd you get rid of it?
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>ghoul problems
How is it that Bethesda NEVER fucking fails to make horrible companion AI for sneaking, specifically Dogmeat.

>lmao im gonna run around this corner because youre pointing that way and because they wanted to make a "realistic" dog that doesnt follow behind you 24/7 im gonna go into these mines!!! :DDDDDDD

>lmao im gonna run into this room of enemies and get you spotted1 :DDDDDD

fucking christ
It's literally one of the top 10 mods on the nexus.
Just stop being a lazy shit and use google for 30 seconds.
>No way to recruit settlers into your own militia squad
>Can only take one companion with you, including the dog
>Minutemen flaregun usually comes with "Nobody nearby was available to help" despite almost every settlement being part of the minutemen

I don't want waifus, I want a personal army that I can order around

Take the cigarette packet from her inventory
that and the darker nights mod on nexus.
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>watch beheadings, burnings, shootings and stabbings on the internet and feel nothing
>can't use dogmeat as my companion because I get upset when he gets hurt and makes sad noises
Since when are feral ghouls actually zombies?

>lmao eating human flesh because they totally used to do that!
>lmao I dont know how to tell my companion to stay :DDDDDD
>trying to stealth with a fucking dog
the AI is fine m8 some companions are just shit at sneaking

if you want to be sneaky get deacon
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post explosions
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Worst bit is Glowing one radblasts revives nearby "dead" ferals
man i was doing a sneak run and i thought i'll just get deacon's and preston's perks first. big mistake. not only did it take a fucking forever to get them the end result was not worth sacrificing lone wanderer for such a long time. especially when sneaking. just useless having them around.
I can deal with the hairy bush, in fact I love it.
But smoking?!
>go 1 int for idiot savant

I have 9 int and idiot savant and it triggers quite often. I don't think the higher int really affects it that much.
It's called giving a shit, anon.
>Start my second character on survival difficulty
>Decide to join BoS as they seem the strongest faction and synths are pretty fucking dodgy
>Survival enemies are fucking hard as fuck
>Have to dart around like a mosquito and drain the majority of my ammunition for a simple 3-4 raider skirmish
>Literally run away from ghouls, unless I can run behind a fence and take a knife to them walking dead style
>Have to sneak everywhere because literally anything can annihilate me
>Scavenge everything from everywhere to melt down into whatever I can sell or improve

This is cool as fuck
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Watching a companion attempt to get into a lift with you is a special kind of pain.
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god daaaamn itttt
>>lmao I dont know how to tell my companion to stay :DDDDDD
Why have AI then?
970 with an i5, everything up but godrays and it's fine.
>tfw i beat dog meat with an electric baton when he doesnt get out the fucking way
Why play games at all?
thanks friend!
Naa the best sarcastic response was to the courser when he's like "why are you here?" and your character says something like "I'm here to pick up a large pizza with extra pepperoni, the name is fuck you"
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Why live?
Just found power armour under water -_-

there was defiently suppose to be underwater play in this game

fucking hacks, why do western devs get away with this shit
Thats because you had no argument to begin with. You were wrong about the ripper and you obviously never used it
>complain about getting staggered
>doesnt use stagger redux mods
>didnt know about ripper's chain stunning nature
>didnt know about rippers attack speed to get back in the fight when staggered
>didnt know that the bleeding effect on a ripper someone posted before stacked like a motherfucker
>called it out to be shit because of VATS when its not a VATS weapon
>started the whole stagger thing because of "muh VATS"
You are just all over the fucking place. You went so far to try and divert attention away you actually thought that "YOU TOOK TOO LONG TO REPLY TO ME!" was a valid point or worthy of being typed.

Stop posting any time now. But if you want the last word in the matter please just say so, I will stop replying to you to allow you to have it.
electric baton is my favorite weapon

does it have legendary versions?
Fallout 4 doesn't even work
I have to admit I'm really enjoying the ghoul encounters
>killing hordes of ferals in the comic shop
>glowing one out of nowhere
>does a radiation blast
>it revives a horde of ferals


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so now that i've done all the major quests and wiped out all the factions, what should i do now?

Shooting their legs off is pretty fun desu.
>and a revived game title that was already significantly casualized's sequel

>significantly casualized's


The game plays like the original, just with better graphics. If you call the current ones casual, you're calling the old ones casual.
you can mod electric damage onto any normal baton so i dont see why you couldnt with a nice legendary one you find
Too bad I don't play with VATS and always aim at the head, I'm probably missing a lot of crippling fun.
>find suit of power armor under water
>shit, how do I get this out?
>option to put in fusion core
>wait, theres no way
>character inserts core and turns knob just like normal
>WALKS into it as if we are underground


you're running out of vram senpai

or you somehow deleted the texture from the .bsa
exploration I guess
factions were too tightly tied into the main quest for my taste
atleast in skyrim you had other big faction questlines independent of the main one
ah yeah

>being retarded
based me
>complain about getting staggered
>doesnt use stagger redux mods
Both of these have little to do with the effectiveness of a weapon
>didnt know about ripper's chain stunning nature
>didnt know about rippers attack speed to get back in the fight when staggered
>didnt know that the bleeding effect on a ripper someone posted before stacked like a motherfucker
No, I did know all of these and, as I've said many times now, outright killing something is better than just staggering it while you wait for a dot to kill it.

You've yet to give me a reason as to why you think stacking dots is better than just killing something

>I will stop replying to you to allow you to have it.
Whatever excuse you need, m8
I fucking loved the survival aspects in F:NV, especially with some mods that made them even heavier on the gameplay.
I can't wait for similar mods in Fo4
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This kind of weather should be preddy atmospherig, unfortunately it just makes me think it's 2001 again.
It also is very useful against tanky ghouls like glowing ones. Once they lose a leg they can't do anything.
Then feel bad for the person who put it in the game.
errm, I guess pumps and valves...
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My legs are broken
It looks like shit desu.
>Fallout 4 is Skyrim 2
can you guys just wait for the next TES and just stop playing our games
why is the fog so fucking dense sometimes
gets annoying
Is there a mod that adds respawning wildlife? The Commonwealth feels so empty after your first run across.

In Skyrim it's not really apparent that you're a mass murderer because things come back. Now all I hear is crickets because I kind of killed everyone.
anyone else really want to play skyrim because of this game?
Grow up
Hell no.
Anon for fucks sake stop, how much of a big deal is this to you... Go eat something, get some fresh air.
i just realized something

there's never a cloudy weather during the daytime, right?
yes actually it made want to play through it again
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you're dumb if you think they don't copy their shit from skyrim onto fallout 4

they're just reskins of the same game, with various improvements
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1. What?
2. What?
3. What?
4. What?
>The player was actually originally supposed to fight cait and bet money on the match
So, what was the in-universe explanation for the power armor frames not existing previously? I'm curious as to why in several games I needed to bother talking to someone to get "power armor training", and now I can just waltz my way into a suit of badassery.

I know it's because they are pandering to their audience, but I want the in-game reasoning.
That goes for you >>123654667 too

There is no reasoning. You have to sacrifice lore for some new mechanics.

trying to come up with an interesting enough 'build' to actually start, i've done the usual melee dude and few sneaking archers so i thought i'd mess up with alchemy and maybe conjuring

dunno tho, there's also the modding and i'm not sure if i'm up for it
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What is een happening...
>g-getting staggered doesnt mean ssssshit for melee please stop replying to me i dont want to admit i was wrong
>p-p-p-pplease maybe ok i was just pretending to be retarded before but its like ya know sneak is better playstyle for betas such as myself and all i used was a knife and console commanded in my perks so stop leave me a-aa-a-alone

>stacking dots
Because any other weapon, melee especially will not one, two or even 10 shot a large/high level enemy on survival. a stacking dot weapon however will break the game, resulting in the ripper, with its insane attack speed, stack those dots and take down that legendary deathclaw matriarch faster than any melee weapon out there.

yeah sure I have a bat that one shots low tier enemies all the time, but the ripper will easily make life easier by the chain staggering it does as well as constant damage, and the ability to get back into the fight if and when I do get staggered by a back attack or 3-4 enemies bashing me.

Now please, take your beta sneak style melee away

>Sure, I'll fight
>Bet more on me
>Hate fight
Power Armor seems more vehicular than it's ever been, and most vehicles have frames/chasis
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power armor training was just some bullshit stuff made up in Fallout 3 to prevent the player from getting power armor at the beginning of the game since the BoS were everywhere and used it all the time, and the game didn't have shit like power cores to balance it out.

frames always existed technically.

Thanks for making me realize my screen is filthy, anon.
>use broken mods
>break the game
>whine on 4chan
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>you cant pull this woman out of her power armour and watch her flop around on the floor like a fish while you pull her clothes off her stumpy legs and force yourself onto her

fucking shit game
>pick up an U.S. Covert Ops Manual
>Danse says he thinks comics are a waste of time
>implying I'm using any mods
Keep being a cunt guy.
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Quoi ?
just wait for shad to draw it
>new vegas
>perks on odd levels
if you're giving yourself extra perks might as well take some shitty ones and try to use them
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Okay, so just come across this

>4 buttons, pressing them increments the cards by 1
>Code on the wall says 0451
>The numbers start at "1" but it's actually 0 because there's no 0 card, and go through to 10, then start at 1 again

I tried 1562 and got nothing, tried 1452 and got nothing, tried "1"452 and got nothing

I just want this damn fusion core without cheating
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>crotchless PA frame
>the ripper, with its insane attack speed, stack those dots and take down that legendary deathclaw matriarch faster than any melee weapon out there.
That's pure speculation. Your observations may lead you to believe that, my observations say otherwise.
Most obvious thing in my favour being that you'd have to survive the attacks of this supposedly 'strong' creature which is infinitely easier when using vats.

>sneak style melee
I don't use sneaking
Never said that I do

You really like making assumptions, don't you.
where the fuck is this?
try shooting the first tab
mods will fix it™
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Nigger, I can do this for as long as I want, I will never run out of question girls.
Try 10451
I think bethesda were lazy with her. Obviously it's cool that she's rigged up a frame to work as new legs for her, but why would she wear the whole thing? not using her own hands at all times would be awful, and near impossible for a mechanic to work with. I wanna see a mod where she only uses the frame's legs

on a side note, the bare power armor frame looks really fucking neat
Nobody cares, fag.
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Bunker Hill. Capture the synths, exterminate the synths or kill the courser?
You are correct because I watch the Ripper take off small chunks of HP off at a really fast rate. You should speculate it as well so you know what you are talking about. Also with Big leagues 4... yeah its real fun right there.

>You really like making assumptions, don't you.
Translated this means
>hey stop making assumptions, only I can make assumptions
Stop being a hypocrite.

>do something sexually unpleasant in Fallout

Shad'll get around to it eventually.
I just watched the battle unfold, killed the courser and killed the synths, then went back to Shaun
What literal level do I have to be to get the best power armor in the abandoned shack? It spawns nothing but T 60 shit for me
around 30+, even then it might still come in pieces
>You should speculate it as well so you know what you are talking about
Can I get that in English, please?

>only I can make assumptions
What assumptions have I made?
Unmarked pump station, between Hub Auto wreckers and Lynn Pier Parking
>If the player character is lower than level 26 (lowest known level for it to spawn), other versions of power armor will spawn.
Are there any hints as to where to find magazines or is it just 100% random?
Goddamn, with that level I will probably have done everything in the game already.
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Anyone knows if this works

I actually don't know if it turns to 90 FoV ingame
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Turns out 1. Gas isn't as visible as it was in 3 and NV and 2. There's gas everywhere
>100% random
Yes. Use tracker from OP.
you're not wrong
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yeah make sure you don't open the Options menu in the launcher after you save or it overwrites

just open the launcher and hit play
lel why do you even use something like that

just open console and type in "fov 90"
10 = 0
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>using console commands doesn't block you from getting achievements
Is this true?
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Okay, so 10 7 5 1 worked for whatever reason, and inside's a legendary .44, a fusion reactor, and a spooky red skeleton
Itll take you like 5 seconds to google what Speculate means.
>acting retarded on purpose to win an argument
Actually... you been doing this the whole time, not sure why I am shocked.

>What assumptions have I made?
Again, with a little self effort you can easily scroll up to read your shit and not have me spoon feed your shit to you. Even if I did spoonfeed it to you, you would MSPaint away the (You)s and keep on doing what you are doing.
Yeah I had that issue, it never fixed itself so I could never actually leave my power armor if I wanted to look at stats easily
Last time I played was like 1 or two years ago but I remember that you can stay with good terms with everyone until you reach a certain point, exactly as in FO4

You could become their enemies if you killed too much of any of them while here they only turn your enemies if you kill a named character. That's true, but is also true that inf FONV you could kill everything in several RNC settlements and still only be as "disliked" (not enemy) and if you pick to join their side at the end everything is forgiven even if you are on "enemy" reputation (and you werent because you normally couldn't do enough bad things to them to be considered an enemy before the point in the story when you have to choose sides)
going third person and coming back fixed that for me
Rape bait

turns back to normal fov everytime once i close console


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thats effing lame. want to experience hunting down the picket fence and hairstyle magazines but I guess it's not possible.

maybe I'll just learn their zones but not their exact locations
the code is 10 4 5 1

i just did it in 3 seconds, holy shit anon, you are retarded
10 4 5 1 werked for me.
>RNC settlements and still only be as "disliked"

This is wrong. You kill one member for example and you get hated. You kill two and you are Vilified.
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>boston and new england inparticular have a large portugese community
>portugese people commonly use anglo surnames
>she looks brown, isn't Italian-tier obnoxious but is also depressive and reserved, as with most Portugese
Piper = Portugese
so far i've completed shitty filler quests with the console, used god mode, no clip and changed fov

still getting achievements, like you should
>It'll take you like 5 seconds to google what Speculate means
I know what the word means, m8.
Again with the assumptions

>not have me spoon feed your shit to you
I ask you to quote me because I know I haven't made any assumptions.
The goal being that you go back through the conversation and realise that I haven't then apologise.
Can you post the original painting? I've forgotten the artist and name.
Hispanic and white italian.
Mate, see >>123655790

I'm in for some wild ride if this is my luck changing the variables
Type in refreshini afterwards
>people bitching about high level requirements for perks because they'll finish the game by the time they're level 30

Fucking how, I'm level 41 and I just did the memory den mission with cereal man's memories, do you people not explore or anything? Just go from quest marker to quest marker?
Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan.
it's probably because you use that spyware to fiddle with your .ini files and they're in read-only mode
Holy shit, just use google you lazy cunt.
It takes less than 2 seconds for a reverse image search
It's not the only good game, but it sure as hell blows FO4 out of the water.
>isn't Italian-tier obnoxious but is also depressive and reserved
Do you have her confused with someone else?
Not everyone has autism to explore the same boring ruin over and over again, senpai.
It seems there's no handicap to using PA fists other than size. She probably uses them as electric wrenches, presses, scrapping, fapping arm, demolition, etc
>asks for something in english
>i-i-i know what it means, baka
k bud

>I ask you to quote me
I just told you this, even if I were to go out of my way to do this, you still would MSPaint the (you)s away. you know what you did and you dont need me to prove it to you.

By the way you are getting off topic again as a self defense tactic because you were wrong about the Ripper and you though I would let it slide because you are bringing your retardation in all directions.

Holy fuck I wish they would invent a Tard-X and a Tard-away drug.
I did literally every quest in the game, explored every location, found every bobblehead and magazine, and ended up at level 80.

160 hours total playtime.
I think FO4 is a good game but TW3 still blows it out of the water.

thanks for the tips but the launcher thing actually worked i noticed now
probably due to the power source being in the torso? i figure the frame itself has to be intact to function at all, but i dunno? an armless frame would look pretty cool

on a side note i had to solve FOUR FUCKING CAPTCHAS to post this, why is 4chan so shit?
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I'm legit mad that we can't make a really ugly face. I mean sure, it's not beautiful, but I sure do miss the Oblivion's ugliness. This is the best I could do.
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Still there? What were you using to view the scripts? Old thread, right side of the image.
i've done pretty much all that in 70 hours and 50 levels
>never fixed itself

That's why you load a previous save or restart the game when game-breaking shit like that happens
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Literally blunder of the year, 1/10.
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And here's one from Oblivion for comparison.
yeah i did all of that and it didnt work, idc much
TW3 is literally the most overrated game ever.
i find that doubtful unless you sped through all the dialogue and didn't read all the terminals.
>asks for something in English
The issue was in your grammar, not the definition of a word.
In English, this sentence 'You should speculate it as well so you know what you are talking about.' makes no sense.

I should've been clearer. I don't need you to write it in English, I need you to re-write it so that it actually makes sense and has meaning.

>even if I were to go out of my way to do this, you still would MSPaint the (you)s away
For the umpteenth time, stop with the assumptions.
If you can't quote me one of my assumptions, stop using it as a defence.

>because you were wrong about the Ripper
Still waiting on a reason as to why staggering an enemy is better than just killing them.
wow nostalgia
No, that title still belongs to skyrim.
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>there is literally no way to make curie unlovable
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There's a mod I think that uncaps the sliders.

Not sure where, I guess Nexus.
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>working for the institute
>no option but to convince her to go back to the brotherhood

what a retarded game
Does every vault suit i.e 111 and 81 have the same armour upgrades?
this has happened with every single witch game thus far.
People get really hyped, it looks like it's gonna be great. Then it comes out, people kid themselves into thinking it's great, then a few weeks later everyone laughs over what a flop it is and the people who insisted they liked it just stop talking about it. all three games so far, what a fucking joke that series is.
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>convince her to go back
>blow up the BoS base

That's what you get, you filthy traitor whore.

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Oh holy fuck this is glorious, thanks
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>not going 10 charisma straight away

its your own fault
>what a retarded game
It's CoD with slightly more dialogue but with the same lack of choice
It is not an RPG
Happy Here?
How do you have your leather armor pauldrons like that?
Mines are just flat.
>calls someone out for "muh engrish"
>doesnt say exactly what was the problem
>gets befuddled when he himself made an error
God damn, you are going all out tonight.

Its not assuming when its true.
>stop using it as a defense
I will not, because it is perfect. You tried to lead me into your little trap by asking for quotes and links and if I did you would paint the (yous) away and you are now powerless knowing that I had you all this fucking time and there is nothing left in your bag of tricks left to stop my relentless assault of truth and justice on 4chan.

>staggering enemy
because they cant fight back when staggered, and taking 3 seconds to kill something vs 2 seconds to kill something, assuming you dont get staggered wont make or break the game.

Like I said, you can stop posting any time now
>ask if she's happy here
>she is
>leave it at that
She's in one of the safest, cleanest and comfortable places in the world. Why would she return to the cold Steel confines of the brotherhood?
skyrim deserves all that hype and more

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Not him but why does the story of Witcher 3 pretty much get boring after the keked Red Baron arch?

The last 3rd of the game was complete torture I just wanted to finish it.

Less boring fetch quests and more quality could have saved the game. So much tasks were pointless and forgettable.

Honestly I'd rate TW3 a 7/10
(guess why they bundled it for free with graphics, it's a dead series like Batman)

Fallout 4 is a 6/10
>being wrong about both Fallout 4 and CoD
>you can call BoS "glorified raiders" when you first meet Danse
Why is the sarcastic SS so fucking based?
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Its heavy leather armour
It just fucking dawned on me that SS stood for Soul Survivor.

Between people posting Nazi mods and Piper's sister I was.. pretty confused for awhile.
Senpaitachi can you choose perks with temporary special boosting effects like alcohol and shit ?

I want to make low STR nerd in power armor punching shit out of people
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>they enjoyed Skyrim's shitty voice acting
>they enjoyed the College of Winterhold quests
>they didn't think the new Brotherhood wasn't horse shit
suits you tools
inb4 calling me out on a random pic I grabbed from my folder
Its Heavy leather armor
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Not my cup of coffee I guess
Also proof that saving your image in JPG doesn't mean it will look bad.
Fucking hate the retards who save everything as PNG.
It doesnt, but the red baron questline was exceptionally well done, probably the best questline in gaming.
Fallout 4 is fucking shit

Can't wait for obsidian to show bethesda how to make an fallout game not a fucking casual buggy mess of a game
thx bruv
I want to call you a retard for even thinking so but with Todd you can never be too sure, so I dont know famram
I liked skyrim
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pic is for you, m8
Unarmed is a little fucked up for Power Armor at the moment, even with the proper mods in the arms and such its not... its shit damage.

Fuck logic
Fuck your headcanon
Unarmed damage in POWER armor is.. bugged or something.
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>Literally blunder of the year, 1/10.

Too bad it's going to win game of the year, not like there's much competition with MGS V: The Phantom Content and Fallout 3.5 also being blunders of different calibre.
Skyrim was the best elder scrolls since Morrowind dude.
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Must suck to live in the 3rd world on dial-up, or you are just blind.
Ignoring "mods will fix it" as most complaints do for FO4
The base game was buggy, had poor graphics and had some of the most boring and repetitive gameplay of any bethesda game while lauded as the greatest game ever made.
>I'm legit mad that we can't make a really ugly face

No, you are just mad. You can't be legit mad because we asked for a face system that allows you to create actual human beings and not horrible monsters so you can't complain now that we can make humans and not monsters.
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My luck so far

>Level 4
>Head to the beach
>Oh hey, rad dolphins, wonder if they were gonna be something importa-
>Wait what's that rumbling sound
Colour is faded you idiot.
>doesnt understand something
>calls someone else idiotic
Yep, alright then.
Not that guy, but Fallout 4 looks bad regardless of .jpg or .png
>Implying that half assed GTA 5 port wont be GOTY

Still, I keep saying SS (instead of Nate/Nora) just because of all the nazi stuff.
check the Party Boy line of perks. it increases the effects of alcohol, makes you immune to addiction, and finally gives you +3 Luck. I use it on my Idiot Savant build because it also gives negative Int.
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>It doesn't
Doesn't what? Jesus. Yeah at least we agree that Red Baron was god tier writing.

I enjoyed it as well, but I'm honest it had flaws.
>doesn't have an argument
>makes more assumptions
The lighting is fucking awful aside from radstorms and dusk/dawn.
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Vanilla Skyrim was okay, I guess.
Modded Skyrim though...
Yeah your reaction image was filled with hot topics
Buff why don't you post on /tesg/ anymore?


Skyrim had several flaws that modding never properly fixed, for me at least
Now this is autism.
post belly
on the bright side, you've gotten a lot faster at shitposting
>never played fallout 1 or 2
spot the actual retard
well fuck

yeah i have idiot savant right now with 1 int
but my charisma is 3 so cant get party boy yet
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>NPCs all went under cover for a radstorm

>The base game was buggy, had poor graphics and had some of the most boring and repetitive gameplay of any bethesda game while lauded as the greatest game ever made.

Exactly, how can be "overrated" something everyone agrees is flawed? To be overrated something has to recieve majoritarily good opinions and Skyrim was bashed to death.

Even those who enjoyed it agree with its flaws, so how is that game overrated?
I still haven't managed to actually run F4

Bethesda really did a good job of not any testing whatsoever
>Murphy so high on Jet she is fixing an imaginary Power Armor
it doesn't even protect them does it
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He's in the new /tesg/.
>Fallout 4 pretending that their half-arsed radstorms are any danger
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Okay, so what else is there for me, /fog/.

I'm attempting to roleplay a "tough as nails" Noir Style detective in the future. aka. Blade Runner.
I'm only using Laser Rifle. Laser Pistol and maybe Laser Scattergun. and Nicks clothes.
I got Nick as a Companion.
Might look into getting a Revolver or a Double Barrel Shotgun.

Only just got the game today. I've also got a lot of Charisma, so I can convince people to do stuff or help me out.
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>play vanilla skyrim for aprox 70~ hours
>big bouncing breast mods come out
>armor mods are pretty much two bandaids and a cork for armor
>this playtime happens
every fucking time
Because casuals loved it.

The detractors were a minority, just as with Fallout 4 now.
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I feel like diamond city really should have more building in the stands by the time the player arrives
>tfw the only way to avoid a radstorm at a settlement is to sleep through it
of course the roof protects them from radiation
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Does typing your mods in the plugin.txt in a specific order actually do anything for load order?
How the hell did you manage to go there at lv4? You just picked a random direction that nothing had to do with the given quest or nearby point of interest and decided to go there?

Is not "luck" when you purposedly seek to be wrecked.
new soon please, we're on page 9
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>Skyrim was bashed to death
Strange... I do believe the reception outside 4chan was pretty positive.

my sides, shame she dies if you don't get her clean
Why don't you just use one of those half assed Mod Managers from the Nexus? They're all less than 1MB and do the work for you


I got bored with Skyrim after 1600 hours. Technically got bored with it before then.


This is kinda true, too, there's a lot of /tesg/ people here as well...
Also is there any decent reshade or enb out that darkens the game a bit? I saw the Noir reshade, but I didn't like that.
I'm looking for that damn Submariner hat, so figured "Gotta be beside the seaside"

Found a sea captains hat, a seemingly weird number puzzle, and the Pimp my Power Armour guy
jesus why bother
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Fallout4 2015-11-27 18-30-06-33.jpg
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>looking for that damn Submariner hat

who give you that quest tho?
>Because casuals loved it.
And non casuals loved it as well, but it didn't recieved good opinions from anyone, not even casuals rated it as a good game.

People bought it, people enjoyed it (casuals and not casuals) but no one really said it was a good game and pretty much everyone agreed was inferior to its predecesor.

You can't say a game is an overrated when nobody thinks is a good game even when they buy it and enjoy it.
This anon here
I literally cannot stop finding fusion cores and I don't know where they're coming from. I have 8 of them at level 13 and I don't even remember where I found 7 of them
>I do believe the reception outside 4chan was pretty positive.
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I know about that son, but

>todd made FO1 and 2

see the issue here
next time don't throw one into the other?
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>implying that's not exactly what would happen if you took your fat NEET ass down to a IRL bowling alley
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>there's a lot of /tesg/ people here as well...
i'm hiding here too
ew get the fuck out of here you faggot
Should work even if you tab out, at least it does for me, i'm assuming you have your FPS capped at 60, if you're not capping it it will cause problems like that.
have you never been in an internet before?
>sitting in chair
>activate power armor

Do you have to get acquainted with Dr. Amari through the main quest in order to get her to fix Curie a new body?
shortly after dealing with kellog
nah, just wait when mods get into full swing, /fog/ will live forever as a waifu simulator just like /tesg/
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Olivia Wilde is okay with this.gif
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>at my core settlement
>under attack during dialogue with piper
>she's spilling her guts and all I hear is turret fire
>things quiet down
>talk to settler
>"thanks for saving us"
>free caps and exp

What, who actually believes this?
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>want to like the game
>can't because I can constantly see where Todd has been cutting corners
those millions of people who bought and enjoyed the game, anon

did you not know that Bethesda sold copies of it?
>crotchless power armor frame

It's amazing. With it, she'd never get tired.
Skyrim is pretty great with expansions and mods, but at release it was pretty mediocre, kinda like FO4, and FO3 was never good even with mods.
>complaining about brotherhood and mages college
>not thieves guild and the 'bards' college
what's the best armor and weapon for stealth build?
When does this game ever threaten you? Even big spoopy radstorm is easy as piss to go through and deathclaws are a fucking joke rather than a pants shitting terror from previous games.
silenced combat rifle
shadowed leather armor
stop using power armor and chems nerd
WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I KILL THE MINUTEMEN ASSHOLES IN CONCORD. I am role playing a grieving asshole who has just been unfrozen and is a little psychotic. Why are there only 4 options to talk and why are they all so shit? None of the options get across how angry, uncooperative and unstable I am. That marcy long cunt shit talks me and I go postal, but I can't kill them at all. What the fuck gives.
If you just wanted to kill them, maybe rescuing them from raiders and going to meet them wasn't the best option

All I did was stumble into the building, but you're right my only option after looting he place is to leave before the deathclaw shows up. No main quest line for me it seems.
well, if you turn off your HUD like a *real* gamer...
well, they did give you a minigun, so I think you're expected to use it
Why would you loot a decaying museum? And how do you "stumble" inside when people are calling for your help from outside the windows? There's fuck all in there except desk fans and a few stimpacks. And the bird on the roof, but that wasn't your excuse,was it?

Hour late reply, I loot the fuck out of everything and check under every rock. No building that can be entered is unentered. I honestly don't have an excuse at this point to justify why my character would go in, it's just in my own nature to check everywhere no matter what for new weapons, meds and drugs.
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