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Spessmen on a Spess Station - /ss13g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 814
Thread images: 123

Just play the fucking game Edition

Last time on /ss13g/
>Shiggy on maximum waifu overpost
>Senaat derails with dicks
>derailed again with DOTA
>And back to Shiggy and retarded waifu history

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main /vg/station server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.

>Test server

>Public server list

>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Map renders collection: updated nightly

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
[YouTube] How to download BYOND (embed)
first for ACK ACK!
Waifu-husbando purge when?
>[YouTube] How to download BYOND (embed)
fuck off cancer
5th for shiggy get well soon
What is even the point of including "don't care"?
That option can be achieved by not voting.
But if you don't vote you're not showing us how little you care
Its amazing how everything in the last time on /ss13g/ section is a variation on fucking men in the ass
>no mention of the lobotomy porn
That was a a highlight of the last thread for me, I just need to find pictures to post with it.
so should i should seek medical help if there is blood in my piss?
i can go and see a doctor or stay home and spess, decisions decisions...
That's in every other thread, the only reason they post it is because
>lmao look how creepy i am guise
>lol he's so creepy screencap dis shit
Unless you want to get super aids.
Go to the doctor you moron.
>Not bullying the clown
we dont have such board dummy
i want the new fags to leave REEEEEEE
No it wasn't.
It was a couple of spergs trying to hype up their fetish as everyone else was busy discussing other things.
Kidney's create your urine. Liver doesn't.

If you don't have kidneys at all, you won't urinate, meaning you won't be able to expel those toxins from your body. You need at least one kidney, otherwise you can't urinate.
I should greentext that, it was the first round of ss13 my friend ever saw
You know that the FBI will love your post?
good luck im already heading out for the mass shooting in the name of allah
zombie gamemode when
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>Its highlander apparently
>Before I can do anything someone sprints over and decapitates me

wew lads
Deathmatch is pretty gay desu
highlander is more fun to watch then play
>im the AI
>all I can do is alter the NTSL to replace every word with SCOTLAAAAAAAAAND FOREEEEEEEEEEVEEERRRRRRRRR!
Nah. If ghosts are being little shits and still flickering and fucking with my lights even after I plant the damn things, I'm just going to let them sit there when they're grown until they wither and die.
>you're going to die in le terrorist attack meme

wew, haven't heard this one since I was 12. that insult was all the rage back then.

think this basically confirms you probably are under 18, 2dogs.
Oh hey that one's named after me.
Me too, that was one comfy engineering round.

That round taught me that banana cream is flammable.
Well I think the floorbots are probably more useful than you.
Yes, go immediately. It can form a clot and you'll be in deep shit if you can't pee.
>choosing health over space
You'll never be #1 in Space League and consequently never take Jessica to prom.

I've had blood in my piss, and I can tell you that much, seek medical help immediately

If you don't do it, it'll get worse fast. Odds are you're going under the knife anyways, so might as well get it over with
alright im going to see a doctor
>tfw no one to drag you to medbay
such is life on earth
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Have fun and remember to enjoy the wild ride.
Remember to hit the eject verb as soon as you get put into cryo.
being slaved to a validhunting AI sucks
Well that was one hell of a way to go.
borg kill this wizard pls
pls kill
we're not asimov
kill pls
ded now

>the wizzard that was obviously unlawful
>din't respect authoritah

Nigga no

Man you were all up in his shit long before he even did anything.
Still not sure what 'an evil act' is.


Besides friendly wizzards are boring to hell it's literally extended until someone welderbomb them
Stop the greentide.
Always remember that fag who died an antag and went to his body as diona to subvert borgs and "dindu nuffin".
probe are you here?
>some guy shitposts on OOC non-stop
>think that he is a cunt
>realize who he plays and that he's chill IC
>notice that his shitposting really isn't serious or that much
>see people who were nice in OOC turning up to be huge shitters and getting banned
At least I finally see.
CisRox, I'm sorry for looking down on you!
And I wasn't even remotely friendly, are you kidding me? I was stealing shit and breaking and entering left and right.
He's always posting about himself, just post something like "wow you're such a good player" and he should crawl out of the woodwork.
He didn't really do anything bad, but nothing good either. Greytide level of evil.
I don't respond to any of those posts though.
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So apparently it's meant to catch fire at some point?
Don't mind the apc, misaligned.
Sure thing probe, sure thing.
You're supposed to use the R-UST in combination with the TEG I think.
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Probe's modding STALKER.
In other news, it's over.
it's installed up north, it's alternating between 15MW and some other insufficient nonsense.
The chambers not heating up at all.
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing because the wiki doesn't say shit about it, it's built already.
borgs don't cry else i would
Oh. Then I don't know.
I remember some MoMMIs building one that got so hot that it actually overturned the temperature var, causing to a server meltdown.

So yeah, it's supposed to burn.
What is?
Anyway it produces radiation and really hot plasma, so combine it with a TEG loop and some rad collectors and you got yourself an engine.
TotalBiscuit pooped out blood and now he has cancer, you could have a different breed of cancer!
I am uncomfortable with how excited you are about someone possibly having cancer.
I'm sorry, it's sad! It's just that I've been thinking about him having cancer and I've noticed that the Dodger lass has stopped making "butt jokes" now that TotalBiscuit has butt cancer, I thought it was clever, I'm sorry!
You're probably mentally retarded.
Did you notice that I started that post with "I'm X, It's Y!" and finished it with "It was Z, I'm X!"? I'm still trying to figure out if people notice this kind of thing

thats exactly what i thought
only one man can be this positive toward cancer
Probe doesn't skimp on capital letters
nah wrong call im some random player youll never even notice that exists
No, it wasn't me but I did post >>122300794 and I was almost positive it was Boris which is why I replied.

It's the exclamation marks. It's always Boris.
quick say something nice and funny
also the extreme positive attitude toward everything even his own death
I came up to a small-sized girl from my department yesterday and asked her if she'd like to name her children after waifus from a computer game and I think we are friends now, but I'm not sure if she knows that
It's leatherhead1
She'll come around, just keep nagging her until she presses charges.
It's leatherhead, bruv

It's fucking leatherhead you deaf bastard
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jokes ruined i sent my alt screenshot by accident
fo real this time
Is anybody going to be watching Ross Scott's stream chat of video answers to chat question? He's the man that made Freeman's Mind and I remember people mentioning it in the thread and someone even made cool adapted quotes one time, so it's almost topical, I can post this here, I think
That pretty obviously says leatherman. Who actually hears leatherhead? There is absolutely no pronunciation there that even sounds like the word "head".
Bombs are so fucking shit.

It's always some dude jerking off to numbers in toxins then click boom call shuttle

Just remove bombs fuck autists
Where? Gimme a link.
i started watching the freemans mind yesterday and its fucking hilarious
>not a SINGLE person in the comments calls it leatherhead

I think you're just retarded
I'm American and I heard Leatherman.
>not getting the point
i was merely pretending to be retarted
It should start in nine minutes! It's rossbroadcast on Twitch
Im going to watch it and i got one question
Freemans mind for half life 2 when?
Its leather head you piece of shit
Is this a meme or something cause i really dont get it
Its leather HEAD for fucks sake
This is making me really mad
I can answer that for him! He's trying to make a full length film right now, which will be his background project for a good long while, a few years, probably, and the rest of his time he's been devoting to new experimental shows, so Freeman's Mind for Half-Life 2 is most likely not comming any time soon, unless something unusual happens to him. He has released a fair few episodes of Game Dungeon, which features him and his style, so you could try watching that once you're done with Freeman's Mind!
I'm hearing leatherhead as well.
Leatherhead is the correct answer
This argument is retarded but if you're actually hearing leatherhead you need to get your ears checked. Not only is every comment in that video calling it leatherman, there's is no hard D sound that you'd hear when you say head, so what the fuck are you people even hearing?
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Don't go there, that place sucks, I got banned for racism - the moderators are twelve years of age and they also stink
Thanks boris
That man got mad talent for making people laugh cant wait to see more of his work

It's also CURRENT_YEAR and Revolution hasn't been wiped from our code
What kind of birth defect do you have, anon

There's something seriously wrong with you. Get medical help. This is not a joke, this is not bants. Go to a doctor.
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>Look back at the thread after playing video games happily
All it took was one post. I didn't know man. I didn't know it would happen.
Deaf fucks man. Can't hear man without hearing head
just be happy im not there man cause we would be in a real brawl eight now
Eat shit you deaf fuck
You think its either funny to be a fucking deaf clock sucker?
I though we settled that senaat.

Not gay unless you look em in the eyes
This is how you put an end to this argument once and for all

>Google "Lords of the locker room leather"
>Almost all results are accompanied by "Leather Man"
>Google "Lords of the locker room leatherhead"
>Not a single one mentions the word leatherhead except for one person saying Leatherhead (Leather man?), questioning himself if he's even right
Dude that brought back some unpleasant childhood memories
Its time to leave this thread for a while
Fucking a guy in the ass is pretty gay, unless you do it to prove a point like that one guy in a /k/ greentext.
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Its not gay man
What makes you gay is the feeling of love that you get after fucking
So no feeling after fucking = not gay
>Arguing about japanese gay porn
>Using weeb as an insult
Is reading a problem for you? Do you struggle with simple tasks?

>Google "Lords of the locker room leather"
>Google "Lords of the locker room leather"

Also, out of all the results on that page, only one says leatherhead, the rest say leatherman.
I want deaf leatherman fucks leave my comfy spess thread
It's nor Japanese it just got famous in Japan. There's a difference.
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>I-it must be everyone else! They're all deaf! Not me! The majority is always wrong!

What's this supposed to be
Are you as blind as you are deaf?
>Posting a dub as though it means anything

>Also, out of all the results on that page, only one says leatherhead, the rest say leatherman.
>Out of all the results on the page, only one says something that is not what was searched for.
No shit.

Yeah I know, I fucked it.

horse pussy
I'm not leatherhead
its just two deaf fags samefagging hard you filthy nigger we both know its leatherhead but why you keep insisting on being deaf is beyond my knowledge
It's literally DrCelt, Haigles, and anyone else they've convinced to believe them.
They're the only ones who actually think that it's leatherman.
Will one of you pussy-ass niggers just email the guy and ask so we can stop having this argument all the time
Pay attention, the only people that think Billy says "Leatherman" live outside of America.
Billy is American, he has an American accent.
I know it may be difficult for you commies to understand, but not everyone in the world uses your weird ass accents.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite meme on the station.
That deaf fuck celt got ear fucked hard and went deaf and started the leatherman movement in here and the rest of the cattle followed him like the deaf sheeps they are
American accent doesn't somehow make words like "man" sound like "head". Your own deluded brain has done that for you.
Made me kek/10



It's man, you deaf fucks
t. American association against leatherheads
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>hey sup darkholme a bunch of deaf fucks cant hear the obvious "fuck you leatherhead" what should we do with them?
Im sure he will suggest anal rape us the only cure for the deaf fucks
let's stop shitposting like this
and instead shitpost about waifus
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No, fuck you leathermanhead. I'd rather talk about this irrelevant shit all day then that.
>typical leatherman trying to escape the truth
No spess for you fucker
Leatherhead all day erry day
Would you a FreakinABonk?
I would
Did we just achieve the world peace?

You mean leatherheadman?
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I'm starting to think this is some White/Gold Blue/Black dress shit. It seems like there is an equal amount of people on each side claiming that there's no way in hell they can hear what the other side is hearing.

We should bring in some scientists to figure out what's going on here with this very important issue.
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This is literally unsolvable
There is no escape to this hell
its obviously leathermanhead are you blind/deaf?
$1 plus half it's price?
so $2.50
somebody please link me to the sound clip
it's leatherman, what the shit
1+0.5x = x
x = 2
it costs 2$
I would and could.
Not the same guy - I also probably should.
Check and mate.
But that's not wrong. That's correct.

40 - 32 = 8

8/2 = 4
Not if I get there first faglord
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Too bad, friend.
Ill just shoplift the game sine im not good at math and memes
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Most unlucky for you, pal
Oh god, I've forgotten 5th grade math. Kill me please.
Haven't played since last Winter. Any major changes?
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Nope. Not a single one.
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>Items costs $1 aka it's price is $1
>cashier adds on 50% tax
>someone how comes out with $2

This is the bit where any real person would spit in his face and go shop somewhere else, if you think those shitty sums mean anything you must be stupid.
What are you talking about?
Leatherman or leatherhead?
Also answer the math question
read the fucking changelog
Not even brain slugs?
Fucking trash...
>Celt proven wrong by the democracy that he loves so much
>N-niggly is butthurt!
I'm not involved in this argument but niggly is always butthurt
About what? Please enlighten me i missed the drama it seems
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It's so cute watching niggly get upset desu
>that feel what you want to Niggly Niggly's Nigglys
How was I getting upset?
I mean yeah, I'm tired of Celt always trying to make a huge deal out of everything like this. But he's been going on and on about how right he is and all that jazz, and when the vote comes out saying he's wrong, he goes silent.

Literal gay porn. We're arguing about gay fucking porn.
Niggly stop getting mad at a bunch of anonymous faggots on the internet
Leatherhead won the vote poll?
An item's final cost is equal to half the final cost plus a dollar.

What is the final cost?
But then the total price is 2$ and the half price of the item would be 1$ which.

fuck you leatherhan
tfw theres no remixes of this

i'd listen to it
oh my god you deaf faggot it's LEATHER FACE
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That's not true.
The rigged poll.

The poll voted on by people who have trained ears and have studied audio engineering their whole life with access to top of the line recording and sound equipment.
Leather Case?
>try to undress a clown
>get murdered for it
>Attempt Leatherhead gimmick
>Get paralysed by vines instead
>"fuck" is completely censored out
>"you" is some "check your privelege"

No fun

people from different countries hear it differently.

Americans hear "leather man" because they assume the speaker has no accent. Since the rest of the video shows that he doesn't, this is a natural assumption to make

Europeans, on the other hand, hear "leather head", because decades of hearing oatmeal-mouthed slurry accents have caused the left inferior frontal cortex -- a region of the brain that plays a crucial role in speech perception -- to decay. This specific pattern of brain damage is responsible for mishearing this line, and has been linked to personality disorders such as delusional behavioral disorder, which impairs the affected's ability to separate reality from fiction. This typically manifests as a desire to marry fictional characters, as well as the inability to recognize the absurdity in concepts like a race of man-sized birds or a "friendly villain". One can expect those who suffer from this particular affliction to engage in behavior that could be seen as violent or brutish to others. Destruction and vandalism of other's property is common, as is claiming that the afflicted did nothing wrong when confronted with their behavior. It's easy to see why such failures to recognize what is clear to others has been construed as being a symptom of autism by many, but as of yet, no link has been found between the two conditions.
I hear leathermeh
It has nothing to do with countries. Celt believes to the grave that it's "Leather Man" and we all know what fucking country he's from.
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Uncle Adolf loves all of you, even when he's a syndie sent to rob/sabotage you.
I have absolutely no fucking clue what everyone is talking about because my headset isn't working so I can't listen to anything at all.
Are you sure that's not just the country he loves, not lives in?
gay porn, anon

we're talking about gay porn
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Who can argue with such a well constructed post?
I think we should have more items that permit cooperation

Greytide implant should be an all job item

There you go, sport.
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What the fuck is this
I think he says leatherman.

are you all fucking retarded

ask /sci/ you fucking idiots.
He says leathermad.

>linking the posts you've made so people from here can just go there and then spout the same opinions they've been spouting here

if the fucking idea was to get opinions from different people, and more people, why the actual fuck would you link the question in here as soon as you post it? wait until the actual fucking board you're asking gives you some replies first.
Looks like people are just reporting and ignoring for the most part anyway.
Probably because most of these questions are replies to existing posts that have literally nothing to do with this.

Whoever asked all this shit on multiple boards must have terminal downsyndrome or something.
There you go
that was quick
I think the fozz are onto us! Act cool guys, act cool.
>celt was the retard spamming multiple boards with this stupid shit

im not even surprised at this point
>moth not deleted
moths confirmed /ss13g/
luminoth strong ing we WAR U
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party hard.gif
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>that fucking rev round
>talking to the HoP
>people start chimping out behind me
Why is rev the worst game mode? It's even worse than wiz
holy shit

what is the source of that gif?
>killing a mommi

ban when
And to think I was planning to jump in for my first time as a sec officer, glad I only observed that.
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Not hard at all desu
Because it's cult, but instead of researching words and building bases you run around converting people with your magic flasher that causes people to go berserk.
What fucking doors?
You missed one, retard.
You missed a door.

I'm pretty sure this test is for people that actually attempt it are confirmed autistic
you missed one, idiot
Is it possible to solidify liquid gold?
that's not a line, faggot, lines are straight.
https://youtu.be/iJkoBNOPvjU?list=LLFPwYpgOS7DsmPYJWYbdiww for lobby music W H E N
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It never said I can't go through the walls :^)
Done on purpouse, of course.
No, it's a practical joke from a children's joke book that someone wrote "autism test" on. It's mathematically impossible, because three of the rooms have an odd number of doors, so there's absolutely no path that passes through all of them only once, because in every attempt, you'll either miss one door, or dead-end yourself in the middle of an odd-numbered door without having crossed all the others first.
Mode rankings:
Ragin Mages
Double traitor
But that's just my opinion
what's malf doing up that high?
>cult at the top

>Traitor + Ling
>Pertubed Pyromancers
>Double Extended
It's more like all the other modes are just more shit.
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Oh, so you were just PRETENDING to be retarded, and the joke's on us. Okay.
>cult below rev
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hi deity
Rev is shit, but at at least it's over fast. Cult is slow as fuck and boring, not to mention I fucking hate being forced into being an antag because I let someone within one tile of me.

In the same sense that traitor rounds are "boring" then? As in, you do your job until a traitor reveals himself and shit goes down?
>Celt can't take that he's wrong so he spams the question on multiple other boards drawing tons of attention to us for no goddamn reason
Nuke Ops
Double Traitor
[power gap]
>Draw ONE line

Congratulations you've passed the autism test with flying colors.
Cult is love or hate but can we all agree that Malf is awfully designed from the very get-go?
One line through all of the doors.
All of the doors have one line through them.

It didn't say one continuous line.
Is this actually possible, or is it just trolling?
Rev is a good thing
it culls the weak.

>Anything but absolute shit-tier
wew lad
>showing off spess to a friend
>roll clown
>honk at people
>order some monkies
>ask captain for medbay access
>says I need permission
>write up a paper saying I can have access and hand it to the captain
>"I don't see his stamp"
>give it the clown stamp
>doesn't give me access
>Have the ai let me in
>lay down a few cubes
>an ayy steals them all
>slip him and take his ID
>trade the monkies for the ID
>eventually slip the HoS and make an announcement with his console
>he catches me and empties two boxes of flashbangs
>blindfold, earmuffs, straightjacket
>pray to the Honkmomma
>She sets me free
>Go to medbay to get fixed up
>Get arrested twice more
>HoS takes me in to get my legs removed
>resist the buckling
>wall off security
>detective welds his way in after arresting me
>eventually get free somehow
>die to a mimic pie
>cmo saves me
>Get arrested again
>dragonbro becomes a clown abuser borg
>Get killed on the shuttle
>friend laughs his ass off the whole round
I get it.

You are not autistic but you did fuck up simple instructions.

The rest of you are very autistic for getting worked up about it.
>point out you did it wrong

Were you dropped on your head as a child?
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Hey Celt

Fuck you
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Keep on Honkin
>dragonbro is still an admin
He got banned brah
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>Miller projection
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>miller indicies
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is this any better
wow you're so clever
Slipped at least three officers. Honk.
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so all edginess aside, how long till article 5 of the NATO gets invoked?
Neat but who do you invade?
Syria. IS claimed to be the source of the attack.

US finally gets out of Iraq, US is heading right back in.
I can only hope this attack will cause my country to reconsider its immigration policies.
Terry is cute.

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Don't do that
no, she's cute and i want her to handle my package
[Spoiler]Leather man is man!
I've never seen someone fuck up a shitty meme this hard.
Holy fuck
Can we introduce some kind of skill specialization so that your average plumber isn't able to perform neurosurgery?
That's literally already a thing on Bay.
Muh bay is not an argument you contrarian fag.
>wanting to literally be bay
Fuck off.

t. bay-tier RP fag
We're are low RP the chef can setup the goddamn shard do research and know if that's chloral or sleep toxin.

F o u r
Fuck no.
Go to Bay for that.
[laptop]suck on my cock, dude[/laptop]
Oú et quand?
>Clown literally honks me to death with his horn
>I was his target the whole time

Such is life
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That medbay was a fucking warzone
I remember when some months ago medbay was telebombed and instead of calling the shuttle we worked together to rebuild it.
Shit was really fun.
But then some faggot just HAD to call the shuttle when we were 50% done.
who wants to start a professional Path of Exile race team with the friggen sawbones
who blew up the cloner anyway?
Why did the hos shoot himself?
realized he was the HoS
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>throwing the holy Royale with Cheese on the floor
>trying to glass me

You played yourself Pedro. Next time don't be a rude douchebag when you take a service job.
Death by slug to the face.

local hot topic closed down :^)
>Absorb fellow ling in hallway, captain and mime give no shits
>Captain drops pinpointer, grab it
>Target managed to get himself killed

Easy round tbqh
>CE tells us to set up TEG
>releases singulo while we're distracted
>AI denies the singulo is loose despite not being malf?
>tfw eldzen doesn't play /vg/ anymore

i just want a husbando
even if it's a horny ass like him
the best husbando ia freakinabonk
he 2qt
bonk, stop shitposting about yourself, faggot
>Hyun is a voiced name in fallout 4
the best husbando is sawbones
nice try
someday, he's gonna be mine
Go be a cancer somewhere else sawbones

We already have 2 cold dogs to fill our shipost quota
I'm not sawbones you faggot retard shit cunt.
He's never gonna be yours if you don't make a move.
Sure you piece of non human garbage.

Go be a xeno in your mum's house fag
too scared
practice on lesser husbandos, like Nevill, Yahir, Jed, Adam, Slate, Blast, or Sheev.
Just do it.

I don't bite. Unless you want me to.
>Lesser husbando
Wew lad

just how gay ARE all you fags
About as gay as you are.
I shave my legs. So... very.
It doesn't matter how gay they are, what matters is how big of a faggot they are about it. If that makes any sense.
t. -the gayest
I'm a bastion of homosexuality.
t. Administrator
Is the Grab intent really any good? I've never used it except for windowslamming.
shiggy spotted
sounds like you've never actually done a job. You're missing like half the game, m8
Speaking of fagotry, what happened to the shigster? Did he overdosed on pills or something
What do you mean, "done a job"?
"Played something other than assistant"
I'm actually sleeping, Anon.
Good night, everyone.
I'm alright, but very confused about my current situation.
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I don't see how that's related, I'm admittedly rather new but I've gone whole rounds as botanist, chef, cargotech etc. without ever taking off help intent.
Please take care of yourself Shiggy. We all care about ya, you know?
Grab's relevance to Chef's tasks include throwing monkeys on the spikes and putting bodies in the gibber. As a doctor you grab to drag your patient around, if they're willing to give you control.
>As a doctor you grab to drag your patient around, if they're willing to give you control.
Clickdrag and ctrl-click.
>using grab to drag people around
what is ctrl click
I've only ever been on the receiving end of that, thought ctrl click was just for inanimate objects.
>As a doctor you grab to drag your patient around

One of the worst civic engineering disasters of the 2000s.
Does bay call faggots meatballs or do we call meatballs faggots?
Such a choice would make irreversible changes
I'm fine with you never figuring it out
Come ooooon.

Doooo iiiit. What do you have to lose?
original here, no fakers allowed
my dignity
my current husbando who is a very nice if somewhat pathetic guy
Is it shiggy?
no it's ___
How many entities could the server handle?

As in mobs and items?
let's find out!!!
i don't know who's who but

JUST. DO IT. You can't manage to drop more spaghetti than I ever did.
quite a few.
Having them all be affected by something is extremely laggy though. I think you could make the server crash with no survivors with enough monkeys and a fire extinguisher full of ryetalin.

RIP monkeymanning animaiton you were too cool for this world
Ryetalin doesn't affect menkeys anymore.
it all depends which mobs/items we're talking about. Some are more CPU intensive than others. Even some human become more CPU intensive once they have viruses, mutations, powers.
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>tfw ending a murder spree by being a tattle tale

The true art of robustness.
Speaking of which first time playing since June and I was rusty.
>that green tide
Thank you based botanist
I know. That's what that bit at the end was referencing

fuck you deity why must you prevent me from having fun?
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nuh uh
forever waifuposting, only anonymously
Don't tattle on Pete
Simpletons? A buckload.
What I heard really slows down the server is the thing that makes effects appear in your character, like scars and blood.

Also about a thousand paper cranes kills it
I hear if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you get to make a wish.

Or is it ten thousand?
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Just turn monkeys into humans with DNA injectors, duh

>why must you prevent me from having fun?
I was not having fun when playing as a monkey and suddenly being turned back into a human by cryo, or trying to cure various disabilities without becoming human again.

It was the logical response to the assistants writing Undertale porn in the library
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play spess men on a spess station or fallout 4?

Haven't played this in a good while.
play dungeon siege 2
>tfw my shitty laptop can't run fallout 4
At least that makes my decision really easy.
please? at least talk to me IC once?
Only if you ever figure out who I am, I suppose. Gave you enough hints already
Been playing Skyrim since I want to finish it.
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>Hurt for some reason
>Leave bar
>See captain and some others fighting a guy with a e-sword
>Shoot him with my shotgun
>Leave the captain to beat him to death while he's stunned
>Collapse in medbay because no doctors
>Guy with e-sword comes down and finishes me off shortly after

C'mon son.
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Go away, Todd!
how do you know i don't, qt
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What? Who is this todd?
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>my exact and precise intention when writing the paper crane description was to bait a badmin to try spawning 1000 of them and crashing the server
>mfw it happened, with 0 input from me
Oh wow, I didn't notice that changelog.

And that's a few days after I nearly crashed the server twice for spawning 150+ monkey humans in botany.

The best one was when a radstorm hit while the monkeys were transforming. Medicine stopped working and the rad storm lasted 10 minutes.
because the only females I've ever talked to are ginger, rin, and terry

ergo, you do not talk to me
What about that one miner chick? And who's saying they're not Rin or Ginger?
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I'm a new xenoarch, are all these strange rocks supposed to be crumbling away to dust and gravel or am I mucking something up?
you're doing it right, just hit more of them, that's how it works
Crush them all, it is the only way.

The artifacts within the breaking rocks are WEAK
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>implying shiggy's used up old fucktoy is better than anyone on that list
i'm sorry i'm just too scared to
Because I know Rin on steam, and he swears it's not him, and Ginger isn't interested in waifu stuff. And which miner chick? Hanako? because she's also not interested.

don't be, take a risk, do it, maybe something good will happen
no no callie or whatever, the one that starts with a c
fuck off you fucking faggots
How do I find the large artifacts worth fucking with?
This is an advanced level of cancer.
It is, and that's why I'm stopping. No more shitposting.
>buys tele and gatling
>fucks tele up twice
>just goes in without
>no one bought an emag
>4 pinpointers still on the shuttle
you're fucking lucky you hit the hop with one explosion
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do admins actually erp or is this a meme
erpmins do.
Just Shiggy
Into the
it goes
>90% of the front page is literally MLP
What the fuck, don't these people ALREADY have a containment board?
There's a reason it is called trash
those are MLP posts from boards that aren't the MLP board. Off-topic stuff gets moved to /trash/ instead of deleted now.
Why do filename threads get deleted from /v/ rather than moved, then
Global rule 15 isn't enforced on /trash/.
/mlp/ doesn't allow porn
please, i have to know, someone please tell me

why or how the fuck is shiggy an admin? is this seriously who we are letting administrate the server?
we've had worse.
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You think you can do better? Post your ckey, we'll make you a trialmin, really.
Literally all I have to do is not ERP with people and I would be better.

You could hire well over half the server and they would be better.
What's it's fucking purpose then?
My first experience with that board is memorable
>someone here links to trash
>go there
>first thread is adult men cumming on their pony toys and posting it in that thread
>one of them even cleans up the toy and hands it to his little sister
>die a little inside and never go to that board again
Also there is a Steven universe general there exactly where it belongs
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>You could hire well over half the server and they would be better.
Sorry shiggy, but you're shit.
I don't know, Anon. I shit and cough blood a lot but it's been 5 years since it started and I'm not dead yet.
>there's actually a board called /trash/
>almost all of it is just pony pictures

why am i laughing so hard. i mean, i expected this but still
It's called slowly dying, get medical help.
But there aren't video games at the hospital.
Get a 3DS, you chucklefuck.

God damn.
Why are all of the physically and sometimes mentally ill people here?
We're like some kind of infirmary.
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yep you've got autism. no seriously that's the test :^V
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It's in the game's nature. I'd say 98% of players play for escapism alone. Which is a shame because it's a really fun game and shouldn't be resigned to being Secondlife for toasters.
Whatever, I've got my priorities sorted out
>that emmiter sprite
Jesuschrist why.
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>Just shiggy

It's not an emitter
Fuck off, Shiggy.
You're the most insufferable admin.
Shiggy's asleep tho
>attempt to fix hull breach leading to space
>get lynched by a group of 4 people who accused me of leaking plasma
>asimov borg watches them do it

>only one of them was a traitor

a chicken literally told me to do it
That wasn't an admin who did that, either.
Can you describe the events so I can write up a ban request?
I passed by that chicken in the hallway, way before any of that crazy shit ever happened.
I knew I should've killed that chicken.
It was a literal chicken telling me to 'kill them all'. I assumed it was an admin because how else could a chicken talk?
It was a traitor with a chameleon projector who named himself Chicken.

I kek'd.
it was me, i had a chameleon projector
>Scientist takes a canister of plasma to dorm 5 and opens it for suicide
>Before he does this, he has the good courtesy to set up 5 tables, build a wall, and weld the door, AND add 2 glass windows to prevent spread
>AI notices the air alarm (50% plasma!) and I respond by going to the neighboring dorm and RCDing the wall and floor so that the atmos will get spaced (the scrubbers would take an eternity at that level of plasma, I needed to get that room safe fast - it's public access)
>Verbally warn: "No one come into the dorms, there is a plasma spill"
>Old Man MacGregor has taken out all the tables, welded the wall, and welded the door, and runs in
>He runs out, but I'm too busy to chase
>He comes back to open the door again
>He does it again - he's clearly trying to spread bad atmos, alarms are already filling the dorms
>I -have- to give chase, so I push him. I have no cables to cuff him, so I call for help and cool him down by putting him on the breach
>He opens the doors several more times during this yakity
>Medborg shows up and opens doors to spread bad atmos
>Finally breach is patched and mob shows up to deal with OMM
>Adam cuffs him and takes him away to be carped
Several minutes later
>I notice an air alarm on the bridge
>AI (asimov) commands the virus-filled captain to arrest me (for robocop reasons I guess?)
>Captain silently wanders the halls in full armor
>Misses 4 taser shots, I stop to ask him why he shot and he batons me
>Drags me away silently
>Finally gets a random bartender to cuff me with cables
>Strips me out of my suit so I get HIS braindamage virus
>Die making the cure in my own body

I hope you're glad you got your valids AI
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Well played
>Break through barriers to stop civilians
>Spread plasma intentionally
>Actively impede cleanup efforts of an atmos tech
>Wasn't an antag

Should be banned from assistant
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That shit ALMOST got me too, but I ahelped if the chicken was an admin giving me a license to griff. Someone replied back and didn't even know about the chicken and told me not to listen to it.
>>Before he does this, he has the good courtesy to set up 5 tables, build a wall, and weld the door, AND add 2 glass windows to prevent spread

Oldman here, I WAS THE ONE WHO DID THAT. I trapped him in, and came back to check on him later, and got jumped by a bunch of people accusing me of leaking plasma.
I mean I ahelped before doing anything drastic. Instead I just stuck to glassing two people.
There was no plasma in there when I opened the door. More importantly I WAS THE ONE WHO PUT THE BARRIERS UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Check the fucking logs, asshole.
Why did you insist on opening the doors OVER AND OVER when there was obviously someone in an atmos tech hardsuit cleaning up a plasma spill?

If you had just committed to your original run-away and NOT come back to open the doors TWO MORE TIMES, I would have never chased you down.
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Insufferable doesn't do him justice

>he leaves his fiance he's known for 1+ years for someone he just met and has never seen
>mfw they reject his advances
There was no plasma BECAUSE I SPACED IT WITH THAT BREACH. I'm sorry, but this is some next level dindunuffin. No one opens a door to a breached room repeatedly unless they want to spread bad atmos. I refuse to believe you'd played for as long as I know you have and you don't know how atmos works.
This is some good shit
Because the person in the atmos hardsuit was trying to weld me into an area with a hullbreach. You didn't see that?

There's a reason why I wasn't banned- an admin asked me what happened (I didn't ahelp it because I assumed the lynch mob were double agents) and I explained my side of the story.

It checked out, and they saw that I wasn't trying to spread plasma- and accusations that I was were either a misunderstanding or someone lying to be an asshole. That's why I didn't get banned.
Well the chicken asked me to blow up welder tanks with remote igniters, so that was pretty drastic.
I wasn't aware the hull was breached because I was deaf when you warned the crew about it. All I know is I opened a door and saw a breach, and attempted to plug it.

That's why I grabbed metal and made rods and tiles- which I used to plug the breach. And I would've done it faster had you not been trying to weld me into the room with bad atmos.

Basically, it was a misunderstanding that you decided to escalate because your tiny peanut brain thought I was a syndie, and immediately went into "muh valids" mode.
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it's a high risk, high reward strat


That's not what happened. You didn't get chased/pushed until after you opened the doors three times, and the door welding was even after that. What you're saying is just nonsense.

And remember, you couldn't be welded into an area with a hullbreach unless you ran in yourself! Woah, guess that proves you were spreading lack of atmos!

Woah, and if you really were intending to fix the breach the whole time (you weren't, you just made that up after as a justification), you would've just repaired the breach when you were welded in, but instead you ran out the other door. Woah, I guess that shows you're lying!

Look, I understand that you probably did this by mistake because you don't know how to deal with large amounts of plasma, but if there's already an atmos tech dealing with an issue, you should step back instead of spreading bad air for no reason at all.

At all

If a greytider like you had anything -- ANYTHING -- resembling a brain in your head, you wouldn't intentionally interrupt a cleanup so that you could open doors over and over for "lel rushes of air"

Here are three things your greytide behind could've done if you had a brain:
>1. Just leave when you saw an atmos tech finishing repairs
>2. Actually fix the breach if you really believed it was trouble instead of opening and closing
>3. Put on internals and stayed in the room to observe, instead of opening and closing over and over

The lynch mob formed because anyone standing by at all could identify you were just making trouble. It's not just me - everyone knew you were trying to ruin atmos.
>Retarded AI detects plasma in dorms and tells engineering about it
>Engineer responds to AI's call
>Finds body and plasma

Are you for real?
Get logs and make a fucking ban request instead of whining in thread.
They already ahelped it, and I told the admins what happened.

I didn't get banned, so I guess I was right, huh?
What am I going to ban request him from, assistant? Anyone can open doors over and over, it's low level stuff. Anyone can do it.

That's why it's frustrating as an atmos tech. It's not so much that it's him, it's that he's exhibiting behavior tons of greyshirts exhibit. I'm not so much mad at him, as assistants in general for pulling this stuff all the time.

Besides, I don't think OMM is actually that bad of a player in spite of being terminally bad this time.
You're the only one who ahelped, check the logs.

I ahelped the Asimov AI that led to me getting killed, but not you. You were just an idiot, not bannable. Still wrong, though.
I didn't ahelp it, you contacted me first. I assumed it was due to someone pestering you about it.

Why would I ahelp when I was killed by holocarp? That obviously indicates a traitor.
Actually, I believe the AI can override the holodeck protocols even if they aren't a traitor.
Then no one ahelped the situation at all

Oh well, it's over. Look, I get that you had good intentions, but if you see an atmos tech on something - especially when you don't have the suit or internals to help - just let the tech finish the job. Otherwise, it's just asking for bad air to spread.

I've seen you help out in medbay a lot so I know you were just trying to tide for the sake of tiding, it just hurt more than it helped this time.
I was shot with an ebow, dragged to holodeck, and then he blatantly emagged the console. That's about as obvious as you can get.

I was only mildy salty, but the people who helped the traitor lynch me decided to accuse me of shit I didn't do, and I felt I had to come set the record straight.

Again, I sealed the breach. I was trying to help, but the tech kept disarming me and trying to close the door. If he asked me to stop, or tried dragging me OUT of the breached room instead of locking me in it, maybe that would make sense.
I wasn't in-game that round, so I didn't know the situation.
The tech kept disarming you because you kept opening the door

The breach was made to remove the plasma

Don't try to fix plasma (which is what you thought it was before you opened the door and saw that it was now a breach) in just civilian clothes with no internals, no suit, and while deaf. All of those things combine very poorly.

You were asked to stop, but you said you were deaf at the time (you didn't communicate that).

Good HOP/HOS/Captain music
Greytide station wide.

Anyone got a link to this Rousey fight?
Fuck you, Bob!
You helped a traitor kill oldman, this was not a ridiculous fucking leap of logic to assume you were in cahoots
>being this fucking tsundere
>Moisesc banned
SMTIV's soundtrack is so damn good
is perfect for maint crawling as paramedic

while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG2ikOeXkyU
is great for being at the bar in general
Indeed it is a good day. May he actually do his damn job now.
He's been honestly asking for it, hasn't he?
What country is he from?
Oldman here, it's okay you can drop it. I'm not salty, just had to set the record straight.
>be chef
>Ok, big plans for this, I'm never traitor, gonna do my mission in style
>blow up 9 tiles with me in it
>last second chance to do what I was told
>hit HoS with box
>get tied to a chair and executed

Shit's tough yo',
I'll try harder next time, I promise.
>Holy shit we keep getting words of misdoings to you. To the point where you accumulated B A D N O T E S. Nine of them that I consider valid, to be exact. More that I won't consider valid, herego, unacceptable to the ban-length. Anyway, a la nukes pastebin, that's 28 days off. Lets hope you get yourself together after that. Why weren't you banned earlier? Shape up, dude.

C'mon, tell us what they are. What's he going to do, shitpost about it?
ghlor here. sk and ye shall receive


behold, 2hotdogs junior. Note how rapidly in succession he got those shit notes
>Kept inputting 11111 into the CE's safe over and over again when asked to open the secure storage doors.

>Ahelps for dumb shit.
Oh jeez I hope I don't have a note like that
yes. i begged rei to ban him, but we kept him around for comedic relief
if you think you do, you probably do
wait, he wouldn't also happen to be 1u cryoxadone pill guy, would he?
I think he was, but nobody noted it
That was before his time.
>tfw scared to know what kind of notes I have
>especially because I've been permabanned for raping someone as a skeleton.
>raping someone as a skeleton

okay, you have to greentext this dude
Requesting this guy's notes >>122350808
We gotta know his ckey first
gimmie your fuckin ckey i wanna hear this
u w0t m8?
Ckey now. I must know
>clown shotguns wizard to death
>the gun didn't blow up

The gods smile on all clowns
You missed the time he derailed an entire round's OOC with /pol/ claptrap.
As the wizard, I have to say, it was fucking amazing how well that clown did.

Tried to slip me with lube, managed to not die to me, and finally killed me in one shotgun shot.

I made the mistake of not having a medkit on me. That's because I got in and out of mebday so quickly and wanted to avoid getting chloraled, since one of the doctors there had the syringe gun in hand.
So that was that retard botanist. At least he wasn't Johnny.
I wrote it up as greentext before. I think I saved it. Give me a second.
can mommi's upgrade machines
I don't know what you did, but I didn't think you were too much of a threat until CALL SHUTTLE and no-one was left alive.
And of course you were protecting the only computer able of doing so.

Clown was hardcore though.
I mean, within the rules, can I for example upgrade the cloner
Imedietely went into the AI core, killed the AI, went to engineering to get insulated gloves, went to the brig to kill any sec in there and stop them getting into the armory (this basically backfired because the armory door got jammed open and allowed the clown access to its weapons. I should have spaced them). I fought some other people around there, killing all but the clown. I went to medbay to get some slices of pizza because I was starving. Then killed my target (geneticist) and the CMO. I spaced the geneticist's body using toxin's mass driver. I finally went back to the cap's office to get the pinpointer I had forgotten about and to call the shuttle, but the comms console was busted, and the HoP found me, so I chased him down and killed him. That's when the clown came up on me and shot me in he head.
unless someone tells you to fuck off, do whatever it is, as long as it:
a) doesnt bring people back into the round (harvestin dionas and shit or togglin the robotics thing)
b) doesnt interfere with a project someones currently doin (ie: taking down walls someone made in the main halls)
Only if it seems like it's not critical to the current situation. If it's quiet and you stroll in for a tune up there should be no problem with it whatsoever. Do it while the WILD RIDE is in full swing and it seems like involvement in the crew's favor.
I remember one time an admin - maybe Ghlor - really fucked up a MoMMI who kept harassing Cargo by playing with their screen and calling the shuttle when they were trying to input orders

Based Ghlor
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I couldn't find it.

But since i have no shame - GeneralVeers25
>Chill dungeon master is actually rapist skeleton
Where's that "meet nigglywiggly" image when you need it?
I was a much different player before I took a break for a few months. I regret it a lot but that doesn't mean I won't own up to my actions.

It's me in the picture there too, killing the Captain.

Skellingtons. Not even once.
fibula rapist is that you?
Yep. That was it.

My shame is eternal.
I cannot believe that in this day and age there still isn't a "Boss of this Gym" remix
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Guys please un ban me! I actually brushed and flossed my teeth tonight you can't do this to me!!! I need space!!!!!!! I'm sorry both!!!! I'll post my pic just urban me!!!! ;(
Juke when?
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Moisec you had it coming. go talk to your friends. play black ops 3. and kiss your GF you fucking normie scum REEEE!!
Why am I not surprised that you're immature enough to spam epicken memez instead of actually saying anything meaningful?
>My shame is eternal.
>i have no shame
I have no shame about admitting what I've done, but it will never leave me.

Or something.
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;( left us ghlor

Right is innocent me. ;-; 7 why senpai never 5 get. You made me focus more on work and brush my teeth now.
>actually thinking that's him

t. senaat1
desu baka senpai imo

t. deadpoo
If it was anybody else, I would think it was an impersonator. Every experience I have with Moisec proves him to be retarded beyond measure.
>1500 hours of dota
Jesus christ, there's no way that he's over 18.
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Mfw moisec is banned. Maybe he will send nice pics of his underage gf and his sister's like he said he would to get umbanned
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That's one adorable catnik.
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moisec is kill.

was pic this his reaction?
I choose to believe he made this exact typo with his shitty English
>round starts
>going for the normal routine
>my client crashes crashes
>well thanks byond time to relaunch
>im in the lobby screen again
>join in and see myself braindead right where the game crashed
>dress him up and take care of my own matrix glitch
that was some quality showcase of byond engine
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i imagine it was more like this.
well he literally asked for it, dude. aint him
[00:03:30]ADMIN: PM: Moisesc/(Ward Baker)->Ghlor/(Mouthfucker): k ban me for being rule breaker
chances are its just a ebin shinposter. hopefully
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this was probably his reaction. after getting banned.
Legends say I will once succeed at virology before the shuttle is called.
A-actually it was a quality showcase of adminbus.

Remember that insanely long name you suggested in OOC? I believe it was...


I renamed your ckey that. When the game started, byond got very confused and probably kicked you out to your actual ckey, but the meme ckey remained in game.
Could this be the same thing with https://github.com/d3athrow/vgstation13/issues/5982 ?
It could be that the catbeast was given a memekey, and got kicked out back to lobby.
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YFW he gets banned while LITERALLY asking for it.

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thats more likely since byond cant handle long usernames
cheeky admins doing killer pranks that byond cant handle
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Moisec is ban! Huzzah!!

Post pics of his face.
Actually, BYOND can handle long usernames. I once renamed my ckey to the entirety of woody's got woody and it worked fine. It was probably something to do renaming you in the lobby and then it getting wonky once you entered the game

Possibly, but I don't think a bunch of crazy lag would be a part of it. I just tried to reproduce this bug myself to no results.
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>you will never have a tarantula for a pet
I think they're adorable
L O n D o N
Actually I am in London
And I'm a girl
How can my boy appeal a ban for having too much fun? It told him to post on a forum, and assuming it's the one listed on the wiki: it's 404d
Dubs and you post pics
Aw, too bad for you
Have you tried the forum listed in the OP?
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tfw Condoms just fish for reasons to call shuttle because they didnt random antag
How do you fail "Steal station blueprints" as an engineer, Fozz?
>Ask for a promotion to CE
>Just emitter it when no one's looking
>If someone walks in just say you want to add an expansion room for a new bar
>Offer them the CE belt to placate them
Deliberately spreading a virus as non-antag
Ok? That's what virologists do.
The virus wasn't even lethal. It was beneficial even.
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comfy round with intense D&D game
it was my first D&D game and i fucking loved it although it was kinda slow

It's fine, the round wasn't going to get any more interesting anyways...

I just sort of gave up after failing to find anyone not playing dnd or in the middle of the fucking bar for an hour

Hell, the only reason bob even managed to die was because everyone had fucked off to the escape shuttle and he was braindead
>constant vomiting
haah waaw
>that one eye that's white
I had 2 diseases retard and the lethal one wasn't airborne.
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>b-b-b-but it's beneficial!

Every god damn time. Kind of glad xenoarch is the new meme job. Fuck viruses.
yeah. which is why you had to run around the bar injecting people with it
The disease I was injecting them with was the beneficial one. Are you literally braindead?
Guess you are since you can't even bother to capitalize sentences.
Then why did everyone you injected end up dying of disease, if it wasn't the lethal one?
I was literally the only person who died unless someone drained my blood after I died which was no longer my problem at that point.
did he get note or stuff for spamming the OOC or it was just a joke?
>my first D&D game
Yours and mine both
I thought the d20 must have been rigged until I finally got a good roll on the shuttle
You injected me, I started shaking, vomiting, couldn't move for stretches of time, lost the use of my hands, and then I suffocated to death for no reason. So you tell me how BENEFICIAL your injection was.
I checked every person with scanner after injection JUST to make sure they were only afflicted by the beneficial virus. And the virus symptoms were in database available to check by everyone.
sulf acid brings balance and brightness to eggs!
that egg contained Nutriment, Corn Oil, Carpotoxin, Mindbreaker Toxin, Hyperzine, Polytrinic Acid, Leporazine, Doctor's Delight, and Tonio
What was the leporazine for?
The bartender had set a truckload of mystery pills on the counter and the egg guy just grabbed a fistfull of random ones and injected them into the egg
It works EXACTLY like charcoal
Wasn't there a cafe drink that was supposed to make you spin?
The gyro, yes.
if you buckle yourself in a chair does the chair spin with you?
I'm pretty sure it does.
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Why aren't you allowed to help antagonists as a borer?

What unrobust tard let a borer crawl into him TWICE? It takes like 10s of you not moving.
borers help you brah
and keep you company
Not to mention it was a sec officer. Helmets prevent borers.
Okay, I have to vouch for the borer here, he was just trying to help me out.

I mean the first time he did it might've been out of the blue, but I suppose he was trying to help me get into action considering i had announced intent to murderbone to him earlier (although i kept being too much of a wuss to actually do it)

Seriously, though, considering the nature of his host, I'd like to say that while the borer's actions were unorthodox, they were rather reasonable.

Jesus christ how many people's days can I destroy in one round ;_;
You're supposed to help your host, no matter who it is.

By crawling into another person, the person you just crawled into became your new host, and you killed them.

Do borers need laws like silicons to stop this bullshit?

Rule 1: Keep your current host alive to the best of your abilities.
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>be the sec officer
>arrest a traitor
>borer pops out of his ear
>runs over to you and tries to crawl in you
>let it

>be cloned or defibbed or otherwise come back
>borer tries to crawl in your ear again
>let it
>adminhelp in rage

Do people this stupid actually play SS13? I can't even imagine how this happened.
>The Darkness points at the Autolathe
First time I let it crawl in me because I trusted it, second time happened because my legs gave out due to a disability.
Now that you say itlike that...
Hell yeah that sounds unrobust as hell, the other guy should be banned for being that fucking stupid
>You're supposed to help your host, no matter who it is.

Says who? Why are you making up random dumb roleplay restrictions?

He changed borers into nonantag pAIs
Borers are kike pAIs now.

A pAI killing their master (somehow) would get the same treatment.

Borers are not silicons. It is a parasitic creature which only cares about itself. If someone is threatening its ideal host it makes perfect sense for them to kill that person.

The fact that the admin also said he would ban a borer for healing an antag just ices this poo-smelling cake.
4. Teaming up with an antagonist is fine from time to time if you've got a good reason, but make sure you adminhelp and get an OK before you start killing people or whatnot.
But the borer didn't kill its host, it killed a person that was threatening its host.
What treatment would a pAI get if it somehow killed a Sec officer that was arresting its master?
I didn't just willingly let borers crawl in my ear like a dumbass. I killed one and the other one crawled into my ear when I fell down due to a disability.
the moment it entered the new guy, that became it's host

hilarious image! and the facebook filename tops it off

Yes, that sounds like exactly the sort of backwards-ass siliconesque nonsense you'd try to apply to this situation because you can't handle being wrong.

As soon as my cock entered your mom she became its host, if you know what I mean.
Alright, listen up, I'm going to bed here in a second, it's late. Lets talk about the borers thing.


I've thought about that some, and spoken to the players on right now about it, and yeah, banning people who work with them as borers really does sound like a bad idea. It really isnt much, if at all, different than pAI's who help antags.

2. The borer ban

The guy killed someone as a non antagonist. Yeah, he was helping a guy getting arrested (for fuck knows why but that's kind of irrelevant), but that's still a no no. And as was pointed out earlier, yeah you do change hosts, so to say, whenever you crawl to a new body.

The ban will stand.

I have made Nuklear aware of the situation and he is free to do with this ban as he sees fit, but from where we are in the conversation now it doesnt sound like it's getting lifted.

If the banned party wants to appeal on the forum, they can, and they can debate the policy with other admins there.
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That's basically what I got out of this after glancing over the logs after reading the thread.

Are you an antagonist? (No)
Don't kill people.
>the rules surrounding non-antag borers is a mess

Gee, hate to say I told you so but THIS WHOLE IDEA WAS COMPLETELY STUPID.
Re-add antag borers as a highly rare random event

Remove PAI borers
>antag borers don't really work well, it's just TDM until the shuttle is called
>they're removed
>non antag borers are added, they work well
>there have been two bans that I am aware of in the months they've been enabled regarding this situation
>you want them removed and a return of antag borers that didn't work out

>Are you an antagonist? (No)
>Don't kill people.

So what if you're a PAI and you're obligated to help your owner, and there's a bomb planted in some guy who's about to space your host and you can use your remote signaler to kill the guy? You're compelled by the rules to prevent your owner's death but doing so breaks another rule (killing as a non-antag.)

IMO it should be legal to kill in an antag's defense if it's legal to heal/assist said antag.
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>Not antagonistic

It's perfectly in line for borers to kill people who are a threat to them. Wait, are you one of those guys who infect themselves with head lice because they want to be a "garden of life"?

I would hardly say they work well. They turn random people into unkillable supermen who can shrug off organ damage like it's nothing. They are invisible and there is no playing around them.

They're basically like the dermal patch when it was an implant that you had no way of seeing, except even gayer because you can't metagame knowing that the HOS has it.

As random-event antags they would be a fun distraction on long rounds rather than just another dumb sidekick thing.
>no win situation
You quickly close the game, if you get questioned later just say your computer crashed. I employ this trick all the time to avoid getting bwoinked as a borg.
admins in ss13 should've never been used as anything more than an anti-griefing tool

the fact that they have to vigilantly watch the game all the time has lead to bored admins just ridicilously overpolicing every single aspect of gameplay to the point where you can't play the game any way except how the admins want
Admins are people too.

fuck the admins comin straight from cargonia
a young assistant got it bad cause i'm gray
It was quality adminship when you banned him after you were pressed to answer whether it was your personal policy, or if it was the policy of the admin team despite others having gotten away with it. The ban should stand, just to re-enforce the stance, but maybe next time don't be a sperg and answer the question next time.
That's a pretty out there scenario. Unless the bomb was a 1, 1, 1 or less you would kill your host too. That's way, way, too hypothetical and I prefer to work with things that actually happened.

>he thinks we're viligantly (sic) watching
>this entire discussion is because someone ahelped and brought it to the attention of admins

>shrug off organ damage like it's nothing
Peridaxon is at the very end of the evolution chain and takes 5 minutes of doing absolutely nothing to unlock. I'm pretty sure it has prerequisites too so we're talking a long fucking time of doing nothing to get it.

>there's no playing around them
implant removal surgery?

>basically like a dermal patch
They can remove damage but not prevent it. Furthermore, let's take a realistic hypothetical example.

John has a borer and he is shot with a laser. John receives 20 burn damage. Johns borer is smart and applies both kelotane and dermaline two seconds after his host is hit. Kelotane and dermaline combined remove 5 burn damage every 2 seconds. It will take 8 seconds for the healing combo to wipe away the burn damage. 10 seconds have passed. Meanwhile, Assailant is firing with attack delay rate of 1 second per attack (generous estimate). In 10 seconds Assailant, assuming he lands half his shots, has caused 100 burn damage. John is now in crit and cannot move. Assailant wrecks his shit.

>As random-event antags they would be a fun distraction on long rounds rather than just another dumb sidekick thing.
As I said, this did not work in the past and nothing has changed "meta" wise with the playerbase or the rules so there is no reason to believe anything would be different now.
>Peridaxon is at the very end of the evolution chain and takes 5 minutes of doing absolutely nothing to unlock. I'm pretty sure it has prerequisites too so we're talking a long fucking time of doing nothing to get it.

Theres no evolution chain, you just spend 200 chems and you have it. It takes a borer like 3mins to evolve peridaxon production.
>As I said, this did not work in the past and nothing has changed "meta" wise with the playerbase or the rules so there is no reason to believe anything would be different now.

Borers weren't random events then.
The word parasite got changed to symbiote by N3x

You know, like how all healthy humans have 200 variety of virus in their intestines?

>The word parasite got changed to symbiote by N3x

is this the baystation hellhole we live in? we're consulting lines of code or whatever to find out what word n3xis used so we can decide if it's ok to play inventively or not?
It was in the changelog too but you probably don't read those either :^) after all reading is for baytards
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How would random events change it any more than traitor changes to auto traitor?
also my fucking god would this ever cause a mess.

you would have people saying they thought borers were antags every fucking time they showed up because once in a while they actually were.

imagine the converse and obvious antags were occasionally not antags.
Do you still get banned for killing borers as a non-antag?

The post says you would remove nonantag borers if you readd antag ones.
Yeah I skipped over that since it's not happening. People like non antag borers. I don't think we're removing something people enjoy to give back something people don't enjoy to solve a problem we don't have (borers thinking they are antags)
>Yeah I skipped over that since it's not happening.

you read it, thought 'no! that can't happen', then wrote a post as if you had never read it?
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I read it and ignored it because it was retarded.
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>tfw people will be lynching borers on sight now because of a few bad eggs

I used to enjoy chilling with the medical staff, now they all wear helmets and stab borers with whatever they have on-hand because of chucklefucks ODing people on hyperzine.
Someone got OD'd this very shift

It made us all a little on-edge
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>double agents
>I'm the only traitor on the station
Well code'd.
>one objective - escape
>still fail
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Coders were not prepared for this kind of deadpop
I got busted for unleashing a diseased monkey so I had to blow myself up. I killed CMO and HoS in virology but the former got cloned.
It's left in because it's amusing and you get 20 telecrystals to cause the mayhem you always wanted.

We could always remove it.
Too bad my PDA bugged out and I couldn't buy anything.
Did you ahelp? Admins always help out with stuff like that
Well I did. But I only took 2 explosive implants, one of which was confiscated by the CMO because I'm unrobust.
Atmos Tech found one in the medbay lobby, you may have dropped it by mistake
>20TC doctor
>If the FF wasn't on, he could've bought FOUR killer wheelchairs

This is a crime against good rounds waiting to happen.
Want any sprites?
I want a robotic mermaid!
sprite me somebody to love
denim jacket
>robotic mermaid waifu in a denim jacket

Sprite cocaine and cocaine accessories
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A probe reskin for MoMMIs because it's actually related to space.
Also Probe would surely suport the idea
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no chest
double double agent? nice dubs!!!
checking is enforced by the syndicate.
That's actually an improvement. I once was the sole agent and I just had to die a glorious death.
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I love you Jerk City
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To the security officer that was trying to arrest the HoP

were you hallucinating? Because I can't think of another reason you'd think he was setting you on fire
Yes, actually, I was. I came there straight from the SME, so that makes sense.
I thought he was a ling and stung me.
I once took someones butt as a wizard and they hit me with their own severed butt and it knocked me out, and they proceeded to bash my head in with the butt until I died.
The world is cruel
Funny story because I was hallucinating you trying to kill me too
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>the wikipedia page on the real bacteria links to MGS 5
>Spamming the OOC

huh? he wasn't spamming the OOC at all, the conversation of retarded ckey names came up and so he typed that to add to the conversation
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on your bike ! chop, chop.
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I didint think you would ban me. *sniff* so evil! what will i do without my ss13!

I work from my house on skype as a freelancer. Now i have noothing to play in the background that i can leave open whilst im busy.

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dude 2015.jpg
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Moisec is clearly Suffering and learned his lesson. I say we unban him.

T Yahir As a matter of fact if you dont unban him. BAN ME!
you know whats worse than being retarted?
pretending to be retarted
but you know whats even worse than pretending to be retarted?
pretending to be someone else pretending to be retarted
I wish this /pol/ meme would die already
>he thinks number are a valid argument
Step your game up senpai baka
I can't believe people still hate John Oliver

I mean it's 2015!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!
>moisesc is a /pol/ retard

this makes...such an overwhelming amount of sense, i can't believe i never considered the possibility before.
Guys, I think he's gone completely retarded.
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Go be 15 somewhere else, you quadruple nigger.
do you want pics of me baby? ill send em to you. j-just unban me .
Man, this is one of the most butthurt images I've seen in a while.
I know, right?
It's almost 2016 and people are still behaving like it's 2015.
I mean, COME ON, people.
>people still think this is moises

t. Fiskap
we all know its some retarted samefagging hard pretending to be moises
we are beyond the point of caring though
>he thinks it's 2hotdogs doing all the shitposting

>t. Fiskap
Now that's a meme I haven't heard in a while.
t. MrFoster
> the admins are not just trolling you by talking shit.

T Niggly.

Where the waifus at?
t. Shiggy
this meme is stale
>tfw spread the t. meme on space threads

Im right here big boi ;) come talk dirty to me in the med bay.

T Mai pai.
But deadpoo, I'm the ERPmin that spread the t. meme.
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Why the actual fuck is there a roburger on metaclub
You know you can make roburgers?
t. "No Fun" Niggly
nah shiggy, it was me. The krokrodil must be messing with your memory
Yes, but there's one just laying around in maint.
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I got bit by a stray purple space fish and my UI fell off. Is this a feature?
I'm pretty sure it was me.
>stray purple space fish
theyre called carps mate
also based byond fucking up again
thanks for the round info
But that's a screenshot from 1985 taken on bay

But they were on offer! It was such a sweet deal! What would I even use if not those things? Linux? Linux is hard, I can't use Linux!
>But they were on offer! It was such a sweet deal!
boris you sweet summer child
at least downgrade to the older versions of utorrent
C'mon now. How many things have you been sure about something lately :^)
I'm pretty sure I'm using something closer to an early alpha of it than a finished program: it doesn't have download bars, just the number of percentages it's downloaded
>boris is playing again but he plays at your work time
damn you boris i just wanted to redeem some of my lost faith in humanity
Does Ozron still do movie night? I could try to do something like it if doesn't!
fuck off attention whore
don't call boris an attention whore you sack of shit
literally who?
>some anon is boris
nice meme
Boris says he is Russian but I know this to be false.

He is the machine spirit of the server manifested as a player.
Boris is not even real people
boris is an AI designed by aliens to be extremely friendly so he can earn the humans trust and find the weakness of this race thats why he is always happy and positive
dont trust boris and dont believe a single word he says
wake up /ss13/ dont let aliens take over this world
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how old are you seriously
I have not ever seen a meme get stale this quickly. Congrats on breaking new ground.
So boris is a conspiracy theory now?
Whats next pomf is some sort of bird?
Wow, you're really taking this dumb joke and running with it, huh? You must feel pretty clever right about now. Like a real smart guy with your ability to create new ebin maymays. Well, mister big clever man, why don't you explain your hi-larious meem to us unenlightened masses. What makes it funny? Where's the joke? There is a joke, isn't there? Nobody would be so dumb as to just post something that isn't funny for the sake of posting something that isn't funny... Would they?
What the fuck is going on ? Who started meming in here ?
hello i am a professional meme anilyser. this post contains 88% meme and 14% frustration.

t. meme expert.
why the fuck does everything have to be a meme nowadays
We're in the Meme Days of the Meme Year.
Let me put it this way
Sometimes some memes get so unfunny and shit that you start to laugh at how unfunny and pathetic they are therefore it becomes funny in an unfunny way
Its like that any attention is good doesn't matter if its hate or praise
Are you enlightened son?
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Sir do you know how fast you were memeing?
Why is ss13 so bad? Why are all of the most casual rulefucked servers the most popular ones?
you've answered your own question though. lots of people just want to griff n giggle. they have centralized on hippie and to a lesser extent tg.
Meme is the essence of life for internet
Everything is either meme or not meme here
Internet cannot simply be if there is no meme for him to feed from
Memes are like blood cells in your body they have a critical task and they get pumped out by shitposts and internet cannot simply live without them
So next time think before you question the existence of memes
Who is that body fluid consumer?
fuck off shig
Boris made me feel bad for being so nice

I'm not sure how i should feel
just a few years ago we were perfectly capable of having things like "jokes" and "funny things" without everything being a meme
>this shit
>anything remotely resembling a joke/funny thing
It's gotten too meta, man.
I miss when SS13 wasn't polluted with LOL SPACE CARP XDDD CORGIS, EPIC! meme bullshit, and the comedy came from the contrast between unserious things happening in the very serious environment of a corporate space station.
I miss those days too friend but today we have to force memes for the greater good
Maybe someday this madness ends and "meme" becomes a stale meme but it will be in the far far future and we cant do anything expect memeposting and hoping for a better future for now
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Can the person who placed the fixed flash right next to escape and let loose a plasma fire just as the shuttle docked please kill themselves violently on stream
What's wrong with space carp?
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>Can the person who placed the fixed flash right next to escape and let loose a plasma fire just as the shuttle docked please kill themselves violently on stream
>Putting being rogue before being the law
>Getting your bloodlust on while there's lawbreakers around
>Breaking the law
>Ever getting on the wrong side of the law

I sure hope you maggots don't do this
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>Borgs kill everyone except me on the shuttle
>Only survive because I used chameleon projector to turn into cake
I wanted to let loose a gaben virus before tricked everyone in to taking lipozine pills laced with impedizine.

It was working until the whole shuttle plasma flood thing happened.
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disgusting cat creature.jpg
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Meow fast officer?
Well, give suggestions on what should be in to fit your sense of humour, if it's good enough I might try and code and sprite it
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>>Only survive because I used chameleon project to turn into cake

I'm fucking crying, why is this so funny.
It sounds like Bay might be your cup of tea, then.

Oh wait, it's where space carp originated. Never mind, then- you'll just have to stay bitchy.

That's precisely what I'm saying: the game doesn't need any jokes, it needs jokes removed. The comedy of the game came from it NOT having jokes, and being a serious noir-esque environment where the crew would sometimes do crazy, silly shit.
Seperate people. Flash was fucking hilarious, though.
Actually I somewhat agree with this. The greatest appeal of Space Station 13 is at first glance it looks like a very serious scientific operation that actually replicates working on a space station.

Then you look deeper and you find the insane amount of shit that goes on underneath.

However, space carp and corgis are nowhere near the problem.
You know mounted flashes don't trigger if you just walk past them instead of running.
>any kind of content removed
>being a good thing

Unless it's bugged beyond all hope of recovery or so truly awful that it shouldn't have seen the light of day to start with, you shouldn't even consider cutting content just because serious people like you can't handle it.

Of course content being removed can be a good thing. Do you deny that there is content in SS13 which is having a negative effect on the game? Content which the game would be better off if it had never been added?

If not, you probably haven't been playing long and/or lack critical thinking.
>mfw there are people who don't think roros should've been cut
>Do you deny that there is content in SS13 which is having a negative effect on the game? Content which the game would be better off if it had never been added?

No, but I deny that you're the sole arbiter of such things. It's shit like that which led to Goonstation removing the Singularity and gutting atmospherics, among other things.

Removing plater atmos was a lag concern, and removing sing was a fantastic idea. Something statistically retarded like 1/5 of rounds on /tg/ end in the first ten minutes (with an additional 20-30 minutes of waiting for the shuttle) because some idiot or traitor released the singularity and the round is automatically over when that happens.

Sing containment failure was never a good example of what failing to run the engine should mean. Amplifying a brainless mistake or misdeed committed by one person so that it ruins an entire round instantly and with no counterplay is not good game design.
don't ever use impedrezine, use mercury instead
How do I eat monkeys while fat? Do I just grab and drag the monkey's sprite to mine?
grab monkey with grab intent, aim for mouth, apply to sprite
By that logic, our own singulo should be removed, along with toxins. Instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, they should have had better safeguards, like the supermatter does when it gives delamination warnings. A simple "ALERT: SINGULARITY GROWING TO CRITICAL MASS" when it hits stage 5 would be enough to prevent plenty of accidents in that regard.
>shitposting about things other than spess

>Removing plater atmos was a lag concern
>Removing sing was a fantastic idea




Isn't it more powerful than mercury?
>he says while posting some weeaboo maid outfit image
not him but are you really going to deny that atmos is a huge source of lag for the game?
One time I went 23 days of playing CE every single day and not one singuloose or plasma flood. I died a few times, but not before I could shout that I was being killed and the PA was set to max.

There are so many fucking ways, so many ways to stop people from releasing the singularity. From never setting it up to cutting wires on the PA so it won't respond to input, to boobytraps that alert you when anyone touches it.

Why goon did something, I don't know. But I do know that if you are determined then no one will singuloose on your watch.

My streak ended because my friend, the very one that introduced me to SS13, threw me into the singlo when my connection dropped after warning my darkly to leave the station. After I reconnected I was already gibbed and my streak was ogre.
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>tfw /int/olerant
>that fucking /an/ v /fit/ game

Of course you can do this, it doesn't mean anything. An experienced player can do a thousand things that make up for the game's faults but that doesn't make them non-faults.
What would happen if we had NAR SIE and the Singuloose collide?
>Of course you can do this, it doesn't mean anything. An experienced player can do a thousand things that make up for the game's faults but that doesn't make them non-faults.

Do you know how to read?
Only reason singlo ever gets loose is due to human fault don't blame the fucking game
Moisesc didn't do anything, unban him already. He's just a victim of the totalitarian shitmin regime.
Some badmin post Moisesc BAD NOTES

I'm bored and i want to laugh
Just think of your future prospects for a good laugh.
Well for one i'll be fucking your mum
Low blow, lad.
already been posted, pay attention
>he doesn't know
i made a rainicorn style mommi.

do u rike it.
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woops wrong one, here.
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I always wanted to stomp on one of those things.
ghlor here
ctrl f ghlor
should be like the first thing i posted with my name on it
i aint opening byond and tossin it in another pastebin, im a busy man
maybe i should invest in a trip or something
I miss rainicorn
Me too.
>getting teleported into the dead blob's body
10/10 good shit
need new thread
>By far one of the stupidest players I have ever come across. Kept inputting 11111 into the CE's safe over and over again when asked to open the secure storage doors. I don't even think he's that new, I think he's just legitimately retarded. by Rei1226 (Colorblindmin Monitorblamer) on Sun, November 8th of 2015



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>still gonna be banned until tomorrow morning
>no pizza parties, communal naptimes in the vacant office and library D&D till then
>Make new thread
>Immediately 404s
Well yes, I was speaking the truth. I was the one who put the note in and the one who posted that greentext in which I witnessed him doing it. My god was that great.

Also we have 122 unique posters in this thread.

To the anon saying that 180 votes on the server in the span of a week is a complete impossibility for the vox vote, here's to you.
>Hosting D&D
>Players suplex The Batter into Lucifer so hard that the in-game universe crashes

moonman for emagged jukebox when?
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Exactly what can you do to stop someone with a hardsuit and magboots from disabling the emitters from space?
That's usually how I singuloose when I feel like being a huge faggot.
Or because the admins were fed up with a wizard whose gimmick consisted of staring at the singulo in order to magically free it.
You can ID lock emitters
don't set it up
shitty engine, use a better one

they can emag emitters
You can also emag them
The leatherman/head proved how untrustworthy the polls are.

Your move, peckawood

Shit waifu trash.

Go with this one



it was first. stop this threadwar shit
9 minutes too late gayboy
nice job waiting 9 minutes to post your thread retard.

good job completely fucking up the OP too.

go with >>122409919 for non waifu trash, and the correct OP
not >>122409910
nice job not checking if someone made a new thread. stop the threadwar shit and just take the first one you homo
>waiting NINE MINUTES before posting the thread

Were they waiting for fucking hell to freeze over?

Nah, fuck your dumb waifu maymay and your awful OP with half the info cut out of it.
Thread posts: 814
Thread images: 123

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