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/fog/ - Fallout General

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Thread replies: 1019
Thread images: 216

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Dogmeat Edition

>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobbleheads guide

>Fallout 4 Weapons guide

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Character Builders

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository (Mods, Rips, etc):

>VGU (Rips)


>General Information, Recommendations, Run Ideas, etc

>Pre-War Thread: >>122109543
First for suicide molerats
Fat asses?
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Whoa items in the world and in containers must respawn super fast.

Just went back to an area that I know I picked clean, it was the college area in Boston with all the ghouls. New items were placed in the world and in containers, pretty great.
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This thing is a beast
Danse a best Synth you mean?
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Can I get better looking hair that's short like pic related from a barber?
anyone know if its possible to activate Local Leader with the command console? I tried the player.addperk command but it doesn't work when you turn it on, I think it has something to do with needing to meet the charisma requirements.

And when I tried to add to charisma, it changed in my stats but not in the perk chart.
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Neat, unique power armor piece
Why is the Metacritic user score so damn low? This game is great.
because /v/ spammed it with 0/10s because of their salt
Alright ladys and gents.

How does one acquire the Brotherhood of Steel Officers uniform?

I want to wear one cause it looks nice.
>le /v/ shitposters meme
better than the fucking circle jerk with waifu fags in here.
In the old north church in boston, there will be some ghouls inside. look for a white poster of a lamp and go down the hallway and you'll eventually get to the end. enter RAILROAD into the dial thingy and you find them.
Remember kids.
Oh I deleted my post because I thought this was the inactive thread.

Thanks Anon.
So any of you faggots found out what to modify in the ini to make the city area not be so fucking laggy? Game works find if I'm just walking around the plains area or even diamond city.
I didn't realise there was a new thread baka desu.

I just cleared the Corvega plant and I'm messing around on the roof. I got the bobblehead, is there anything else cool and valuable here or can I just ignore all the corners I've not checked?I've emp tied stuff like the safe from below where that guy you kill is.

All those searchlights and raiders have made me sick of this place.

Also is all that metal shit on the assembly line valuable as scrap or not worth a trip to gather it all?
>found an outfit I really like 'cause it's cute
>literally 0 defense

I can't wait for mods.
>You can wear different kinds of armors now!
>Can't even put armor pieces on the T-Shirt and Slacks.

Kill the Brotherhood.

They're worthless, cruel faggots anyway.

Only good guys are the minutemen, simply because they just want to live in peace and protect their homes and families.
So i just got out of the subway with Valentine and something happened (vertibird crashed?) and Piper says we should go look if somebody's hurt

Where is it? i was busy talking to Valentine to notice

And there's no way to know what counts as clothing and what counts as a outfit.

They seriously need to give the player better feedback. Same shit when it comes to assigning settlers to jobs, there's no way to know which ones are free or not.
> Deep fried everything

Keks where had
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Wtf is this
>Go investigate lost patrols says Danse
>First, no resistance
>Second, few ferals, nothing i can't handle

Nice difficulty curve there
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Anyone have the console command for raising affinity with curie?
Th church of atom, im guessing
Is there a D-Dog mod yet?
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>"Legendary enemy has mutated"
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Oh look, some pristine cars.
I have intentions of making a real Corvega someday. This will be great.

It's easy to break that quest, if you advance enough in the story that Danse becomes a follower, he won't talk about the mission.

Kind of a dick thing, really.
The dead bodies that stay in settlements really trigger my autism.

And i've lost preston after the castle quest i can't find him anywhere...
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Anyone else having their game get stuck on a load screen? Not freezing, just loading forever.
Any way to fix it?
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I sniped the two mutants on the tower with the objective from really far away then I was able to sneak up and get the holotags
Any way while being a brotherhood dicksucker?

I'm guessing your best bet would be either pickpocketing or searching the blimp for any. I think the max rank in pick pocket would let you steal equipped items, but I'm not sure if armor counts as it. Would be hilarious if it did, but it problably doesn't.

Otherwise it sounds as the same problem NCR players had in New Vegas when it came to Riot Gear.
I found some fucking brewbot in an alehouse, I can send this fuckboy to the Hotel Rexford or keep him, do I send him to Sanctuary if I keep him or something?
Except DLC kinda fixed that. That and cosole commands.
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>tfw cannot play as classy merc in a suit and kevlar vest
>being in it only for the money
>voice acting kills it
Even the tone is character's voice is incorrect. I may even believe that making PC completely voiceless in dialogue would be an improvement. Why Todd?
Hes part of a quest in good neighbor
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Well, there's your option then. Wait for the inevitable DLC, because let's face it we're going to get like 5 of them, or use the console.

I'm guessing, since I'm not too savvy with the creation kit, that you can find the ID of a item by clicking on it with your mouse cursor while inside the console window, and then use said ID with the giveitem command.

Only guessing though.

Femshep is actually pretty good

Male VA is garbo

Yep, Fallout 4 has literally killed any and all mods regarding race or backstory.

Thanks Todd, now I can't even roleplay, at all, because the voice acting and reaction is absolute shit, with shit dialogue, shit responses, all while using a shit dialogue wheel.

Really, thanks Todd.


Restart the game, otherwise your GPU is acting up.
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Thanks doc, I've always wanted to be beautiful
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So wouldn't this just be a water gun?
revolver ocelot
>Yep, Fallout 4 has literally killed any and all mods regarding race or backstory


Robot race mods are shit
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>Finish the Human Error quest
>Sided with the captive even though I already know LE EPIC TWIST is she's a synth
>Go back to Covenant, slaughter everybody with my automatic pipe sniper rifle with drum mag
>All of the objects are still owned, even though I killed their owners and took their town for myself
>can't remove 90% of the furniture, not even move it

I'm pretty triggered right now tbqh, am I missing something (in regards to the items being owned, not the furniture) or is this just more shitty game design?

Also, when I arrived and noticed every acting strangely, I was hoping there would be some twist like the entire town were synths but they didn't realise that everyone around them had the same goal as them, or some other comedic shit, but nope, wasted opportunity as usual.
You can get ice burn so I suppose it would work
How can I make Nick use another gun than his shitty revolver ?
How many hours have you guys played? I'm at 23 hours and 24 minutes since Tuesday morning at 4am. Working on 4-5 hours of sleep a night is not as fun as I remember.
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>Critical hits
Can the radiant quests be done over and over again, or do they eventually run out?

Wondering how many perks I should plan to have before the endgame

>water gun

Liquid nitrogen says hello.
Where can I find adhesive?
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r8 my family /fog/
Is there any downside to tying yourself to a faction, like a specific point where you no longer can go back? Or can you join any faction and go as far as you want with them?
How do you repair power armor parts?
Anything good to pick up in the beginning for a sniper run?
Except it will stop if I aim at the ground or something close. I'm guessing it's rain/lightning causing it
>bringing Piper along because I want to bang
>romance the shit out of that girl, 10/10 charisma nailing everything
>Piper finally wants the D, this is the conversation I can feel it "she wants to talk"
>Set up a whole love shack at Red Rocket Gas Station
>Get Piper right next to the bed
>Begin conversation, ayy this is it she's getting it
>Final romance persuasion successful
>Conversation ends
>Perk pops up: "You've achieved the highest level of affinity with this companion, you get xx perk"
>Another perk pops up "If you sleep next to a romantic partner you get the Lover's Embrace perk"
>Sleep in the bed, time wait screen, wake up.
>No sexy times

Immersion ruined. The game almost made it to 10/10 guys.
Has anyone managed to find a duster?
A legendary mutant dog outside of diamond city dropped the best gun Ive encountered so far, a two shot bolt action pipe pistol ive modded to be a rifle that uses .38 and is silent as fuck.

why are there no crits outside of vats!
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someone in last thread asked where i did the grognak the barbarian screenshot

the costume is here
theres also a tuxedo and fancy wig
>wild corn not the same as corn for the purpose of planting a garden
You're baby is still black
They both look like brother and sisters.
Also Irish so I guess it fits
>glowing ones can revive dead ghouls with rad necromancy



IDK i hope some modder fixes this shit, its triggering me the fuck out.
Wife needs bruises to demonstrate the irish man's wife beating technique
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Is there any +CHR headwear in FO4?
I thought that maybe some fedora would help but I only find ones with +LCK

To make it atleast a tiny bit useful.
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Anyone have experience establishing supply lines?

I set one up between two camps but the guy I assigned the task seems to have disappeared from both camps.

Is he gone forever? or will he show up eventually at one of the camps? If so, which one?
So I actually found the entrance to the hidden vault underneath.
it's inside a pipe south of 'Drumlin Diner' but requires a master hack on a terminal.
Was wondering if anyone else had found this area and how to crack the big ass security door in the NORAD vault

>pick up legendary double barrel shotgun
>does cryo damage and can freezing on critical hits
>because..? there are cryo boolits? somehow?
>fuck it because todd said so
just another shit mechanic in a mediocre game
Except it will stop if I aim at the ground or something close. I'm guessing it's rain/lightning causing it

pls respond
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That was fucking gay as shit.
I probably should've given her, her own look. But she is dead so who cares.

Also welcome to toaster graphics.
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>Not rocking a .50 cal Obrez


FO4 has its own equivalent of the threshold, Railroad and Brotherhood are mutually exclusive just like the Followers and Brotherhood before them
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>implying one circlejerk is better than another
Go back to reddit, fag.
I have some glasses with +1 chr. I think I picked them up in Goodneighbor somewhere
Its the games Lovecraftian location. Did the name of the drilling company not give it away?
That fucking old hag Emogene Cabot is missing, can i get her RefID somehow ? I don't know if it's possible to convert BaseIDs, i tried funclist1, doesn't work.
If I fail one of the flirt prompts do I get another chance to do it or was that it?
I've got a bug after finishing the Castle questchain. Whenever I talk to Preston, he'll just give me a generic, "Hello, Sir." And I can't actually initiate dialogue with him to follow me or trade with me. Any way to fix this or will he be wandering my home base at Red Rocket forever?


It's part of a quest.


No, there are no downsides. You will get to a point in the story where the game will tell you that if you continue further, you will become enemies of a certain faction.

Feel free to do whatever quests you want up until the game says otherwise. There are no consequences whatsoever.


Well, there you have it. Check the .ini file if you can tweak something.
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Sole survivor, I'm Vault-Tec.
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>not naming all of your weapons a variation of SHAUN or THE BABY
>No in depth quests to turn the Minutemen into something even BoS would have to worry about.

I'm tired of being another faction's fucboi

Here I am the general of a citizen soldier army. We've got our own fucking long range artillery. We know the area better then, or just as good as outsiders. And the PC is a fucking trained and combat experienced veteran of the most major US Engagement pre-war

I should be able to erect fucking manufacturing centers, R&D new weaponry etc.

Fuck The Institute, BoS and Railway.

Minutemen. Dead Man's Solution guaranteed.
Damn. I was liking the RR quests so far, felt operator as fuck
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I need everyone to take the time and PUT ON your Tin Foil hats. I don't care how autistic you are or how negative you are. Just fucking put them on.

Is it me or does Lorenzo Cabot's Artifact/Crown look like a fucking Dwemer Artifact from Elder Scrolls series? Especially around the edges of the top of it.

Are they implying implications to us? Are we going Meta?
It's literally a magic enchantment.
I torrented the game and the update, what do I do with the files?

Check the wiki. If it's not there, I'm not sure I can help you. There is no creation kit yet.
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>have a shitty mouse
>frame drops
>and suck at aiming
>tfw have to use VATS

UNIMPORTANT Quest Man Things say that as well you plebeian

I knew he would love titties
anyone else having weird fucked up textures that only show up past a certain distance/
I haven't activated the quest yet. Do you know which one it is?
Ol Billy Redface
Can someone explain to me what the fuck Bethesda was thinking, when they removed ammo types and replaced it with "magic guns"? How is that immersive breaking as fuck?
this desu

Go to the /tesg/ thread and post it. Maybe one of the lorefaggots can see if the runes actually mean anything.

>losing your shit over suicide squads

aim for their fucking arm with the explosives
I don't like the new crit system. I miss my random crits.
Is there anyway to increase the building limit in a settlement?
Who /CharismaLuck/ here?
>be in red rocket near sanctuary
>hear something whizzing above my head, like crashing plane
>hear it coming from between NW-N direction on compass towards SE-S direction
>decide to investigae
>go in a straight line
>finally see some fire and crashed ufo
>cant interact with it, nothing to do around it
>the crash site looks like it crashed coming from south, not north

what a shitty event
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Post buildings
>literally HAVE to go INT if you expect to do any sort of modification and have fun

nice game retards
Aight so to get Curie to like me i just have to occasionally beat the shit out of dogmeat in front of her and then heal him?
I feel retarded. I haven't been playing with VATS that often. But if there are five guys on the screen how do I shoot each of them in succession? Is that what's happening here? I don't even know.
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Does anybody have a list of the songs that they included in this game.

Bethesda made a forum post about some songs included in the game and I swear they included some songs that were in 3.
There's a mod for that.
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So does it matter if i kill kellogg before or after I join the BoS?

the giant airship makes me want to join up before

does it change anything?

>complaining about getting a cryo infused shotgun

son, you may have a case of the gay
What's the best way to spend perk points? Should I try to max important SPECIAL stats first or go further down the tree? Which perks are worth picking up?
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So who is best companion and why is it pic related?
>take Pacer's bribe to not tell the King
>extort him for more money
>tell the King anyway

And there shall be none smug-er

It's from the Railroad.


Mods, DLC, blah blah blah.

It sucks, and some ammunition isn't even used natively by certain weapons, like .50. In fact, only one weapon in the game uses 5.56. I shit you not, only one weapon, the assault rifle.


Follow the blood.
>Guy on the street says he wants to get rid of caps with a charge card
>110 caps

Wut do?
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Post characters again.
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Is the world really smaller than Skyrim?
does it make a difference?

If you max out your SPECIAL first you'll find yourself performing suboptimally against higher level foes because you have no damage boosts other than like melee
me, getting wrecked by wild dogs

I'm 5 hours in. They rehashed songs from 3 and NV. This is fucking unforgivable.
What's the point of trying to improve settlements?
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I want to end up with 7 all around, 6 from the level up and 1 from bobbleheads.

Yep, reminds me of an Aetherius Crown.
sex mods when
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Just another day in Boston.
Where are all these variations?

I've found literally nothing but fucking leather/metal/raider armor and a bunch of fullbody clothes bullshit.

I can't even mod 90% of the shit I find.

I'm sick of wearing army fatigues and having beer gut metal chest pieces.

I want that shit Rhys wears.

>danse promised me my own power armor suit
>have yet to be shown where the fuck it is

I already have my own frame from the concord mission, but what the fuck, if I win a free car, I want the free car.

But more importantly that outfit Rhys is wearing. And it better not be yet another shitty no-mods, full body, outfit.

Why is the vault jumpsuit the only underarmor I can mod?

How the fuck does assigning farmers work? I assign a settler, and they just randomly pick however many plants in the area. I keep ending up with a random plant in the crop not being tended.

The hell do supply lines do? I mean at all.

I robbed Carla and the bitch wouldn't leave or trade. So I executed her and her brahmin wouldn't leave, so I killed it inside shaun's room(because it got stuck somehow and wouldn't leave)

I feel like I missed some fucking integral info text.
Thanks senpai.
Bigger =/= better. This is the most dense Fallout by far.
How do you move to the next page on a terminal?

Yes, but its not meant to be an entire country like Skyrim. Just a small county.
It's much more dense, so it depends on what you prefer. Wide open empty space with things spread out, or smaller map but with denser places?
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Anyone know of any good Pefomance boosting mods?
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>4 hours in, level 7
>still have no idea what sort of weapons to main
I'm having fun, but it feels like this game really wants me to be a Jack of all Trades.
So is there a NV general now or what? Because I don't want to talk about FO4.
Volume wise it's smaller, but it's more densely packed and less impassable terrain.

I'm excited for mods that let you remove the invisible walls surrounding the map boundry, since there actually is shit out there a ways past the barrier.
So, which faction is the best?

Do the Minutemen even count as one?

Steel be with you.

No, it changes nothing. None of the quests impacts another, unless it's bugged, like Lost Patrol.


You use A and D to switch bodyparts and targets.

It should say so at the bottom of the screen.


Look at the perks and pick the ones you like, then plan accordingly. Want Nerd Rage? Well, just stack up some points there then. There's no level cap in the game.
ty for ideas
>I want that shit Rhys wears.

You should have taken that shit off Varnham's corpse

Or whoever Danse's dead crewmember at Cambridge was
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Which settlement place has both a combination of lots of flat/open land to build on and no random radiation bullshit. I was going to make a second huge base in another place, having used the Castle for my first, but I can't find anything remotely good. It's all farms with houses that can't be removed, or it's places with multiple houses that can't be removed.

Also, Charlie Sheen.
So I'm 30 hours in and I've yet to see a quest with branching decisions and endings.

Could someone point to toward a quest that isn't boring?
So what's the earliest and easiest way to get a laser rifle? The laser musket sucks shit.
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Post bad design decisions. I'll start

>shooting is janky and unresponsive
>most melee-centric enemies have a lunge that covers 5 meters, makes them hard as hell to hit (ex: Feral Ghouls)
>also can't use VATS cause no 100% time-stop, end up getting hit by the lunge
Best spot to build comfy castle settlement? As little shit you cant remove as possible... Thinking about nordhagen beach
i hate this word but it really is more "dense"

like it takes me hours to do a single small side quest because i'll find five locations/dungeons/etc on the way there

>dat armor

BoS, no fucking contest. They're dicks again and I love 'em.

The Institute is interesting, but the BoS's advantages are better, and the Railroad is the dumb moralfag option.
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sorry lad most of us don't have the patience to do shit like that.
I get burned out after putting a wall up.
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rattle me bones
>he thinks "choice" is a good thing
Will the BoS be hostile to Valentine? He's based as fuck but the institute are a bunch even bigger cunts.
>All green things must die.

Thanks. I thought I could click between two different targets like in FNV
Does quicksaving slowly mess up your save file like it did in fallout 3?
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>take drugs to beat a super mutant infested antenna array
>tfw accidently made Codsworth doubt if I am myself anymore

>"Yeah good luck finding/crafting anything other than different forms of grenades. And if you do find that Missile Launcher/fat Man, good lcuk with ammo"
>Energy weapons
>"Good luck with ammo again"

Just roll with guns and save yourself the trouble.
If only for the looks. When I figure out how to switch Curies current body with Cait's, my life will be complete.
please tell me the rgb code for that hud

Yeah, not playing on a FUCKING LAPTOP
My favorite part was oh shit power armor bro gon' die. Well better cook the whole fucking room, no need for both of us to go out.
He lives.
Pretend that I planned that.
Is there a Mister Gutsy companion? Those guys are badass in this outing.
Do the SPECIAL skills you choose at the beginning even matter in the long run when taking into account that you can just add as many points as you need in later on while leveling up?
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Where are the plastic surgeons at?
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>"Rocker 69" starts playing on the radio
What's the best outfit/hat combo and why is it Army Fatigues + Military Hat?
You've only spent 6 perks. Just wait until you're level 20 and you've gotten more specialized
/fog/ is the new hot meme

threads | # posts | posts per minute
>>122120938 897 7.71
>>122122998 354 3.82
>>122108863 765 2.86
>>122128316 88 2.61
>>122104926 776 2.41
>>122120071 233 1.83
>>122098058 751 1.78
>>122099870 653 1.66
>>122103915 546 1.62
>>122103040 564 1.62
>>122113147 280 1.32
>>122119170 181 1.31
>>122089986 721 1.27
>>122085158 717 1.06
>>122125618 66 1.02
>>122081274 737 0.96
>>122122132 97 0.95
>>122120926 109 0.94

the undertale fandom is known as "undies"

what is the fallout fandom known as?
Where to get wood?
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>tfw you bought the season pass and got early access to the mars dlc
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>tfw female body at full muscle

Whats it do?
There needs to be a drag and fill build option. Unless I'm completely missing it.
That's that fighting Irish druggie, right.

She tied for best with Curie.
Explosives are to be used in case of any legendary mirelurks, ghouls, or giant assfuck monsters. I have a quad rocket launcher some raider dropped that is just so fucking beautiful, pop some psycho jet and slo mo wreck bosses.
Where rhe fuck do I get the key to the parsons state administration building?

I wan around this compound like 3 times already looking.
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Guys pls, where can I get some decent armor?

i've been wearing hideous military fatigues and mixed and matched combat armor/metal armor pieces for hours.

I just want a full set of combat armor or something. or atleast a good under layer for my combat armor pieces
Diamond City, look for the doctor trader and go through the door with the shop's symbol.
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I'm upset how streamlined female characters are in this game; same, to a degree the male ones.
>Only the male characters are in the army. If you play female and go to your room at the beginning they mention their husband being in the army.
>Left and right through out the story; out of your control for the most part the female character is absolutely worried about her husband even though you romance woman only.

I don't like it. I know I'm just being picky but playing this game doesn't make me feel like I'm playing my own character when I'm constantly reminded that I'm married, have a husband and child and am constantly reminded that I loved my husband even them I'm stick my face in between every pare of legs to eatting some fucking clams.
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>walk into boston city area
>realize why the world map is smaller

seriously, they did the city part justice.
based scvbro
That's not bad game design, you're just fucking shit at the game
Try killing the ghouls before they get close to you, you shouldn't have to be told this stuff you dumb fuck
where do u get that armour holy shit? craft it?
Do you have to assign a person to each plant your growing?
Kill yourself.
If you reached the ship and done the whole initiation process, i think the chick with no legs tells you its in bay 3
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Which weapons are the most fun to use?
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seriously how has no one found this yet? It's literally 2 fucking feet away from oberland station

Revolutionary sword or chinese sword

>close to melee range
>nuthin' personnell kid finishers
>git gud
>git gud
>git gud
I mean, come on dude, this shit is cake.
Pick a primary, secondary, tertiary, and a 4th melee.
Use them all, find what you like.
I prefer a laspistol pistol, hunting rifle, and a double barrel shotgun

Scav, you dingbat.
This game is COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE for me in towns/cities , especially when around enemies and npcs. The frame rate basically goes to 0 and lags to the point where it freezes. For the love of god someone please help. I have a AMD R9 280x, AMD FX 4300 Quad core. I have put all game settings to low with no avail. I can play fine in all other areas untill i go to large towns.

Yes i know i have a shitty PC.
Nice character anon, he looks just like Matt Damon
Both their accents make my dick so hard.
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have to have shadows at 512 to play, sorry for blockiness
t. mad foggot
They literally left stuff for modders because they knew they could do it better. Durrrr its fucking beth.

The interfaces (pip-boy xP) and settlement menu need to be redone but hey man modders will do that shit first and beth knows that UI mods are always first. Some guy doesn't like the default menus and will change them and share it. Otherwise 9/10 gonna be 10/10, Its like skyrim re-released today and was as good as I thought it was gonna be my mind is blown.

I bought the season pass after I hit level 20 and didn't feel ashamed.
Im digging this gamma gun I found

Pew Pew
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>not wearing Minuteman outfit + the Minuteman hat you stole from Gravytrain
>not roleplaying as a Western gunslinger
How long til the fags in advanced systems make me some sweet new pistols?
>Follow the blood.
ayyyy lmao
literally ayyyy
still kind of dumb way to implement this, no quest, no information
The blaster kinda sucks, and I still haven't seen any more AB ammo besides what you get.
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pic related

>Scav, you dingbat.

i don't know what this means
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Just max green and blue and a little of red.
It's such a cool cozy color.

WARNING: Stealthboy with this hud is eye rapingly bad.
I hope someone fixes this
At least fallout posts are about the fucking game, Undertale's the new katawa shoju
Oh god please turn the AA that picutre is gonna leave a nasty cut.
Do we know how long fusion cores last in each tier of that perk that increases its time? I'm up to rank 2 at the moment.. Don't want to use the armor until I can get some time out of it.
the point of the ayy lmao blaster is to not have anymore ammo but be really good. I mean in very hard its fucking useless because everything is a bullet sponge
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>try out the Tactical Red Light
>it's literally nightmare vision
>everything looks the same
Alright, lads, what's the best power armor light?
New thread, repost.

Anyone have any ideas how to fix the bug where you can't draw fists/weapons?

You can mod the AB so it doesn't use shitty ammo
I'm already working on a robot mod. Your character's personality was uploaded into a robot in an experiment before deployment. Your "real" body died before the beginning of the game, and some of your semen (or eggs) were saved to have an artificial birth with Shaun.

Deal with it, nerd
put it on easy for that fight then faggot or be a man and die 20 times before planting 6 frag mines outside and luring all the mutants through them before wrecking them
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>Characters will call you Titties, Fuckface, Fucker, Boobies and every other XD name you can think of, as well as a million sick reference bro names
>My actual name isn't one of the available names

Graham Graeme, actually because I'm Scottish isn't that rare of a name is it?
Ghouls run at fucking 50 mph, how do you expect me to deal with 5 of them with this fucking shitty shooter controls? fuck off fucking fanboy
But I've got AA enabled, or at least that's what the launcher is telling me
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Slang for scavenge.
If you don't know what scavenging is, go back to playing Fallout 3.
If you've played New Vegas, Prospect.
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Should I buy FO4?
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Just let me fucking hide information.
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I turned Tenpines Bluff into a 16-bed settlement.
It already has enough food and water, the only issue was building and defending it, I think it's okay but fencing it was a nightmare due to elevation and I gave up and put more turrets everywhere

I have 6 cha for perks so my settlements only go up to 16 people
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>Not having an atom bomb baby
bum buh yada bum buh yada
Pirate it
I hate to say it... but maybe Piper is pleb-tier?
Get into power armor, laugh at shitty ghoul damage while you murder then with a sledgehammer
Running out exploring and shit. Already got cryogun and Alien blaster. Is there something cool to see in the world, other than the glowing sea?
When exactly do raiders attack settlements?

>I've found literally nothing but fucking leather/metal/raider armor and a bunch of fullbody clothes bullshit.

Loot is scaled to your level. You'll be swimming in the stuff later on.

>danse promised me my own power armor suit
>have yet to be shown where the fuck it is

It's on the blimp. Continue working for the BoS.

>Why is the vault jumpsuit the only underarmor I can mod?

I have no idea. It's currently impossible to know which armor is moddable and not, and what counts as a outfit or just clothing. I was stuck using a leather jacket I found at the start since I didn't know better.


Damage bonus perks are split into the following;

>non-automatic rifles, this also includes shotguns and energy weapons
>automatic rifles
>melee weapons

There are no energy or gun skills so to speak.


There's a .ini file you can download at Fallout 4 Nexus. Follow the instructions.
C'mon anon, I think you're being a little harsh.
Don't Vats them until after they mutate
Does anyone have the laser pistol id?
except you do because the little man when you look at it is red when its not being take care of by anyone
Search in your pants after you meet Curie.
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How do I stop Dogmeat from being one shot and being a waste of Stimpacks?
Hey Mr/Ms Handy fuckers, you do know that you'd need to refuel them every now and again if you actually had one, right?
>tfw Jonathan is on the list

Jonathan is a cool name only for cool people like me, so I guess I should have expected it, but it was a nice surprise.
dude i'm 30 some hours in, i've cleared dozens of locations and i'm autistic about clearing everything out

still haven't found any decent looking gear.

i'd say it's worth $40 easy

i went in expecting nothing, and i'm enjoying it
Who cares. Codsworth is literally the only character who says it anyway.
>installing russian botnets
>try to give piper some armor
>won't equip it
>uses the modified 10mm pistol I gave her but not a hunting rifle or melee weapon or energy weapon
>tell her to get in power armor
>open trade screen and take all
>tell her to get out of power armor
>she's naked
>wont equip anything I give her still.
what gives?

Takes setup to make the event happen to find him.
What places usually have bones for crafting? I need it to make oil.
So, what setting are the ones that cause FPS to completely shit the bed, I know god-rays are partially to blame, what should I toss everything to if I want it to look relatively nice but still be playable?

I would agree, but danse isn't wearing his fucking armor, he's just running around in the frame. Why the fuck is that?
Thinking of this for survival mode.
Strength 3
Perception 3
Endurance 2
Charisma 3
Intelligence 5
Agility 3
Luck 9

Will bee line for the luck bobblehead to get ricochet. Will I be able to use items for added luck to make it proc more?
Attention homosexuals and so-called bisexuals of /vg/, please stop using this hairstyle.
Like i'd give a fuck
>refuel once
>works for 210+ years
>tfw they don't have my special snowflake variation of the name
But really, it's not like it's a terribly uncommon name.
>bethesda will never let JE Sawyer make another fallout
>there will never be another character as developed and interesting as Ulysses

For shame
No, pirate it now and maybe buy it on sale some day.
>using printed game magazines for guides
Man, this really brings a tiny nostalgia tear to my eye.
But then I remember that this is supposed to be an RPG, made in 2015, and now I'm filled with rage.
is there a mega or something to download fallout 2 lads?

Companions no longer equip things automatically based on armor rating or DPS.

You have to go into THEIR inventory, and press the equip button (default [T] on PC) to equip them.
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Great news everyone, the DLC will feature a new never before seen enemy, it's a mutated deathclaw that can burrow and move underground just like scorpions can

That'll be $30
People have to refuel several times a day, what's the fuckin difference?
Use 't' to make her equip things.
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>using stimpacks on companions
companions are fucking invincible u mong
Who? Where? What?

Is that during the lost recon quest or during the feral swarm of the police station? I don't remember a dead crew member. Just the scribe, rhys, and dans.
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What are you looking for?
I've found jack shit in armor variations but I've found some things I liked.
Not the best for blocking damage but it looks cool.
Shitty shooter controls?
You must just be fucking shit famalam, the controls are fine for me, it's only you that seems to be complainaing that the canon fodder is too hard
And I expect you to shoot them, with one of the many guns available to you, these aren't exactly hard things to learn :^)
So, /fog/ .

Buy it, pirate it or wait to see if it (ever) gets better somehow?
What's wrong with it?
I picked it because that was the closest I was getting to sun-kissed hitler
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Get it, its honestly a great game. It surpassed my expectations
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So has anyone found the M14 from the trailer yet?
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Yes. And?
I don't regret buying it if that means anything.
No you're just a faggot that likes a fat ugly mick bitch and a robot
Could be useful if there are multiple suicide mutants and you need your decoy up quick.
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>tfw i didn't notice that
thanks goys
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How do I get those pre req quests?

They dont look familiar at all and I'm level 19

Get him some armour
Codsworth never ever refueled in the 210 years he suffered alone.

I think I'm okay.
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>mfw Codsworth doesnt have to use stimpacks and just reboots himself after about thirty seconds
>mfw he tears shit up with his buzzsaw and flamer while I take potshots at tougher enemies
>decides to use hazmat suit for the glowing sea and not power armour

hoo boy was that a mistake, had to stealth boy passed that last Deathclaw, no idea how I'll get out of Virgil's cave
They already do that fuckwad
Stop trying to be funny
We know you havnt played the game

Uh, I-I'm not sure where I was going with this

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Does power armor get damaged if your companions wear it?
Can anyone explain how do I build the teleporter?
I've literally done everything I was asked and it doesn't seem to work.
i just want a full set of combat armor

is the only combat armor that exists really this shitty 5 piece set? is there no under armor for it?

at this point i'm sure it's another of todds lies.

either that, or it was actually not a m14 and is probably a modded hunting rifle/combat rifle.

hunting rifle with marksman stock looks alot like a m14

anon the image tells you
How do you think Chris Avellone feels about the game
If I put a real stock on a pistol and convert it to a shitty little carbine, will it still benefit from pistol based perks like gunslinger?
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Goddammit why couldnt they release the geck now?
There is so much shit i wanna change but no geck because
>we want mods on consoles
I think so, but you can also just put them in a completely empty suit. They don't need fusion cores to use them.
fuck off travis
>find random provincial park place while exploring
>it's full of yao guai
>nerves on edge while exploring bombed out buildings >turn around and there is a horrifying animated stuffed monkey with blinking eyes
>blow its head off with a shotgun
>leave the park

What the fuck just happened
Quartermastery quest is bugged
I can keep retrieving the same piece of tech for inf xp
>shitty shooter controls
How fucking bad are you? Are you playing on a console?

If you can't hit the ghoul in the head, shoot their legs off, then finish off with melee.

If you're still shit at aiming, use your fucking brain and position yourself to either funnel them through a bottleneck or jump on something so they can reach you.

Seriously, why are you here if you need basics of vidya explained to you?
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>they didn't notice the convenient stash of "MR HANDY FUEL" that's been in the player character's home for the past 200 some-odd years.
No clue, haven't found any wombat armor, sorry lad.
The title of the gun should turn to "rifle" if you put a full stock on it.
Take a guess from there.
I'd refuel that fucker as much as I need to if I had a real life Mr. Handy.

Anyone? This is the first game I've torrented.

When she's out of the armor, give her shit and press T to make her equip it. You need ammo for weapons.

That's not a bug bro

The only bug there is that she keeps asking you to retrieve the Haptic
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Is that the actual reason?
I've always wondered why they take their sweet time with it

How so?
The more I think about it, the more that a dlc based on Mad Max (the game that came out recently) death races would be pretty neat, along with being able to modify cars like PA.
Is there a list of armors that dogmeat can wear?
fuck I was just there.

'All are welcome!'
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don't ever go to the dead sea holy fucking shit
Jesus christ, pre-color era costumes were nightmare fuel.
Rock on, Travis, you beautiful butterfly.
probably adapting it for consoles

i'm kind of worried, what if they massively dumb down what the geck can do because of console limitations?

it's bethesda so they wouldn't make a geck for pc and a geck for console.

pretty scary mate. i don't see the point of mods on consoles at all either, there are so many limitations you won't be able to do shit. it'll just be a bunch of "i made a shotgun that fires 500 pellets and does 1000 damage each and i put it in vault 111 :PP"
Thats what im saying
I can go back and its their again to give to her again
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The gun in the trailer with without any doubt an M14
>Those sights
>That receiver
>That gas system

If it's not in the game I will go to Todd Howard's house and fuck him until he gains ten pounds.
So we're all in agreement, then? Todd will release two major, and two minor DLC packs for Fallout 4 over the next two years, ala Skyrim.
did you see the two teddy bears playing doctor in front seat?

On Survival, yes.

Otherwise, no. Read >>122131769


>W H E R E

Looks like Combat armor. Problably army version because of the star.

There's only like five armor sets in the game anyway. Leather/Raider/Metal/Combat/Synth

Incredibly disappointing, despite he moddability.


There are none. Except for the story.


Scrap trees in your settlements.


Yeah, this annoyed the fuck out of me. There is no roleplaying in FO4, whatsoever. It's a action sequel to Fallout 3, not a sequel to FO1 or FO2.


And how do you tell which settler is assigned to what? You don't unless you give them specific clothes or follow them and see what they do. Otherwise you might assign one settler from one job to another.
I used Codex's upload so i don't know.
Is there a way to get Cybernetic upgrade in this game?
I mean Kellogg has it
Sorry I like some variety with my companions.
Is Luck any useful in this game?
Memeing about accents aside, I actually do find Cait and Curie quite a bit more interesting than Piper.
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Riddle me this /fog/
Exact same settings, didn't fiddle with the ini, but when I restarted the game and went through the launcher letting it select my settings. I suddenly get better textures?
the best anyway is the Canine Companion Power Armor set up that only triggers when you have dogmeat with you when you meet up with Danse in your power armor but nothing on dogmeat
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for brain surgery?
>Looking up followers I can find because I want the hot junkie
>Paladin Danse is labeled as synth

It's not true, right? he hates them
Consolefags will love this
I thought it was a tea party, but that makes sense too.
Skyrim only got 3 DLCs, unless you're counting the fucking HD-Graphics pack thing.
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vault suit
most gunners outfits
green t shirt and combat boots
brotherhood suit
bunch of other shit
Why the fuck would a gun in that trailer be in the game?
>doing the main story in a Bethesda game
Why even?
bruv what is that black undersuit?

mods :^)

>There's only like five armor sets in the game anyway

also a major fucking lack of weapon types.

atleast that is shit that basic mods can fix. just make and add a bunch of shit to the loot list

looking forward to cfw fallout 4 edition

Yeah Piper's basically Veronica 2.0 but tied to the main quest

Idealistic and perky and chipper and snarky.

Although Veronica is completely self-possessed (because Felicia Day lol) while Piper drops her spaghetti all over the place when you even just flirt with her.
>tea party with bone cutter

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>sanctuary isn't my primary settlement
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So does the X-01 Power Armor spawn at a specific place or do you need to find the pieces individually at random locations?

It makes my dick diamonds, I need it.
>play stealth
>mirelurk legendaries won't trigger until you come right next to them
Who /nopowerarmor/ here?
Holy shit those crows
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Glowing sea is the best part of the map.
I want DLC which adds more abandoned military sites out there.
there's tiers of all of the armours
each tier gets heavier, combat armour tier 3 turns you into a tank

You're stealthy

So are they

It's a waiting game
>Why would a gun advertised as being in the game not be in the game it was advertised to be in
I want muh fuckin' M14 Todd!
mate, are you fucking retarded?

pretty sure it spawns in a set PA location when you're a certain level.

i've got t-51 where others have got t-45, this started around level 16
People actually use Power Armor with that eye rape HUD

>inb4 mods will fix it
Who cares? This cult of personality shit is obnoxious
Yeah how dare the crew hired by the ad agency use a real gun and not spend extra money to replicate the pipe rifle.
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>dat feel when 20 hours in and I'm about to head to the Diamond City or whatever it is that the old lady told me to go to

Are there female companions that I can change the outfit out there? Dogmeat is an asshole who is never there to help you unless he is secretly luring that Legendary Glowing Giant Mirelurk behind your back.

Also, how do I get my Settlement happy? Those niggers have a roof, beds, kitten paintings and ceiling fans on their nigger heads that is protected by a complete protection fence with a single turret infested entrance and the happiness is still at 50.

Haven't used that shit since they made me.
>Try to help Travis
>Piper randomly caps someone
Best source of copper?
isnt it basically Combat Rifle with mods?
What do you mean by tiers?

Goto bed, Jonboy
Ugh, I want to join the BoS so badly but they are evil aren't they
I've only got 10 int

I've only used PA for particularly gross zones

Fuck Corvega at low levels and fuck everything about the Sully Mathis boss fight
>Find a house you can walk into
>Male skeleton hanging from a noose in the study
>Wife and possibly a little girl skeletons kneeling down praying

I gotta say they really did static shit like this right this time around.
So are they ever going to fix the rude "turn your back to someone you're talking to" glitch
Are walls that important for your settlement? I read that enemies can spawn _inside_ of it, which is complete bullshit and made me re-consider my plan.

Also, anybody made a 2-house settlement from Sanctuary using walls and whatnot? If so do enemies always come from the bridge? Where should I place my turrets?
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I just did Pickman's Gallery, that place was fucked.

When I saw the name I expected, shit I dunno, something like a small clothing store or a little art museum. I was not expecting a serial killer's art exhibit and an underground tunnel system. Still the pictures were pretty goddamn cool.

Also, guys, people were saying you can't move objects before. Like freely move bodies and the like. I dunno if anyone else found this out yet, but all you need to do is hold down E.
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How i can, or if i can make concrete supports?

Tired with the fucked up ground gaps with my fences.

(too autistic to go with the storyline withouth my cozy settlement)
Diamond City opens up a good number of companions. You should also meet another big guy if you head straight into the city area from the chemical plant and don't skirt around
Yeah but I should at least be able to snipe them
yeah. right before you go in, piper is there
coc prewarsancturyext01

Brain Surg on wheels

Why are the teddys so entertaining...

There's a room in Concord where two people died, one's skeleton (fully clothed) was choking the other one (completely naked)

Oh Concord, even before the wasteland became a thing you were terrible
Is that what that is? I was hoping for the other kind of "playing doctor."
>literally magically enchanting a double barreled shotgun with ice power is somehow ok in fallout
rip franchise
Yeah, when you are at the followers inventory screen, there is an option to make them wear whatever you give them.
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yeah but what is this
the terminal in here says some super mutant named virgil lives here
but nobody is home
How far out can you explore?
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Good fukkin shit.
Who the fuck am I supposed to donate to to make Curie love me?
God I hate that fucking gif.
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As in there's combat armour as in pic related (arms clearly not included)
Then (assuming at higher levels) you're able to get a different type of combat armour, that looks difference and has different stats, seems like most armours i've seen get more bulky in higher tiers, if you really want i'll go in game and get a screenshot for you?
was that tunnel behind the master locked door or did i just miss it? i was over weight as fuck so didnt really bother looking around
No, they're just a lot more gray now, like they're supposed to be.

But if you want the 'good' option, you're stuck with the fucking Railroad.
Out to where the water tower is
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Crashing this myth...
I'm like 12 hours in and I haven't started building a base anywhere. Should I build everywhere? Pick one and only build there? Pick a primary and build a little at the other places? Or should I not even bother?
wait i thought food and water would be shared with the supply lines

now i can't separate my farmer peasants from my high class citizens of sanctuary
Fallout 4 isn't a RPG.

God damn it, I'm so disappointed.
Part of the main story mate-o, but I guess be glad that you can fast travel there when you get to that point.
when did minecraft get factions?

Holy fug you can convert a short hunting rifle to .50?!

Simply ebin, I'm making myself an Obrez asap.
That's part of the main story.

I'm surprised he's not there.

Lookit all dem survivors
I have this weird feeling Jewthesda are going to add in a bunch of new weapons and armor sets with each DLC that comes out.

I wonder how many items they're reserving specifically for that purpose.
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what the fuck


guys do you see that shit

what is that
I really like those trash cans.
I've been told it's better to focus on one at first, but I've not played enough to vet that yet.

Anyone know some secret information they're not telling me?
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literally, figuratively, objectively and subjectively a fallout 4 stream, featuring special guest Shia Labeouf

Pick a medium sized place first off. Sanctuary is 2big for me.

Im using the small lakeside settlement first off since its closer to diamond city
>Boring copy pasted open world
>Boring Kill X fetch quests
>Feature ripped from mods that manages to be worse than the mod it's based on
>lol legendary enemies that drop magical guns ala borderlands
>The only reason to have this game
>Faction system literally a step down from NV

A base can make you sweet cash money but that's about all it's good for

Basically just make a chill place where you can stash all your garbage and hang out with your waifu/husbando/growing army of minions


If you expand too fast raiders and quests fuck your shit up, having just one base is optimal
>Give Shefield a Nuka Cola
>He comes to work for me
>Trade with him
>Take his Nuka Cola
>Free labor

Is this what it's like to be an asshole?
>Not knowing you can spend points on SPECIAL when you level

Because nobody grinds in rpg's, right?
what myth?

Explain what I'm supposed to be gathering from this.
fuck that fight, just hid in the hallway during it all.
>mutant dog out of nowhere
>quick save
>not even a second later an rpg rocket and a suicide super mutant holding a nuke show up
>die like 20 times trying to get away
What, that mountain?
Yeah some prick said you can climb it.
Somewhere near diamond city you can find an orphanage where a priestess or nun or something kneel'd children down and killed them before the bomb hit.

Also around that area you can find a small neighborhood with missing dog posters on the posts. At one of the houses is a skeleton with the door open holding a dog collar, as if when the bomb hit they were looking out for their dog.

On a random body in Lexington you can find a body with a note saying something about them winning the lottery and going to cash it in.

It is really neat to come across these things.
last receiver upgrade.
probably where muh M14 is

inb4 "classic american" weapons pack which includes it and the NV service rifle

they only accept muzzle/scope modifications
I'm sure there will be. Probably going to be one single pack that only focuses on extra shit like that, like the Gun Runner's pack for NV.

Should have bought the season pass.

I've never quite gotten there if that's the case. I beat the game at lvl 39, and I'm planning on another playthrough tomorrow.


Oh man, that's going to be fun.


Talking deathclaws, visions of elders talking to you in your dreams, aliens, Tardis.

Yeah, totally all Bethesdas fault.


Does this mean I can finally give dogmeat some actual armor? And a bandana?
Well are they worth it to join up? Do npc relationships get lowered?
What Myth?
Those desk fans give you 4 gears, 4 screws and 4 steel.

You plop down a trashcan which consumes 4 steel and the junk is automatically scrapped into it's base components to pay for the trashcan.

You have 4 gears and 4 screws left.

That makes sense to me.
Ragstads. They are 2 headed deer like bramin. Sometimes they come in legendary which is fucking funny as shit. I got a legendary infinite ammo flame thrower off an albino one.
So wait, that graph that was posted in the last thread about the Idiot Savant EXP gains, what did it mean? Is a 1 INT Idiot Savant run best?
Any mod that makes fusion cores have endless charge yet?

I've got my hands on, like, 8 cores while doing some BoS quests, but I still can't bring myself to actually waste that shit just on roaming around in muh power armor, because someday they'll run out.
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anyone else make this?

i haven't used power armor so i have no idea the comparisons
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All these assets, never to be used again :^)
What the fuck is up with Bobbi No-Noise's terminal? When I try to interact with it, the hud disapears for 5-10 second, nothing happens, then I get control back. I can't access it at all.
Is the quest Fire Support time sensitive? I got it while clearing out Corvega but don't want to head that way yet.
Does Never Ending really mean infinite ammo or is it a different one.
Thanks for that image. Please, make another where the character is close to tip it, we need that image.

I'm waiting to see those neckbeards wearing this shit, it will be hilarious.
lol I shut the blast doors and Danse locking him in alone and just turned the jet engine on to fry the lot of them
Yeah, if you go to the top of the gallery and go through the hole in the wall you'll be inside the walls with all the pipes, there are holes in the floor that take you back down to the bottom and when you get there a raider will tell his mate that he got the door open.

Then you enter a basement, where Pickman has made himself a little altar, and a huge entrance to the underground. Pickman is at the end of it and if you save him he gives you the key to the Master locked safe behind one of his paintings.

You get a unique knife which does extra bleeding damage.
>they are evil aren't they

Depends on how you view synths.
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Please respond!

Also, I'm playing a high STR/END/INT (Heavy Guns) character but my AGI is only 1, hopefully I don't need it.
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Fuck me, that scared the shit out of me, WHY DIDNT YOU WARN ME ANON!
It's odd, they're not in the console list, it's just listed as combat armour
but if you say add 40 instead, you'll get a few from different tiers
So is the glowing sea what the whole world should realistically look like?
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thanks for this desu

The myth was that if the workshop autoscrapped a junk item for you, it would use the required mats but discard the rest.

It was a myth for about 1 day.
Some people said you had to scrap each item or you would lose the extra materials from the item that you didn't use, such as the fan screws etc. People were saying it would use the steel and you would lose the screws
It means you don't have to reload, there's no infinite ammo modifier.
Since release, people have been spazzing out about when trying to craft using materials from junk stored in your workshop

They thought that only the materials used in the recipe would get pulled from junk, and everything else magically disappears. But that seems to be a myth that everyone believed because no one felt like testing it.
the myth was that it would break it down for the steel but the screws and gears would be lost.

So the solution was to manually break down your junk so you don't lose shit.
that the other materials are wasted when you use it to build something.
The can was made with steel, but the desk fans used had screws and something else too. People thought the screws left over just dissapear
>not helping the BRUVA out

You don't deserve the gun.

It was fun.
the luck perks are the best in the game hands down
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She's a slut
The myth basically said that when the fan was used for the steel the rest of the components would be lost forever.
What. So it's a bad thing for DLC to add content now? Better than new vegas with pre-order DLC weapons
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What will I get if I side with the Institute?
how isn't it an RPG?
I still haven't faced any huge boss, so I just collect armors and edit them and so.
Is it actually necessary or can I go without it when I face string bosses?
so is this bitch got robot legs or?
You just need to do player.setav charisma 6 m8
You can give dogmeat a collar, welding goggles (doggles lol) and some other stuff I don't remember.
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>playing on Very Hard
>perks in rifles and handguns, not laser weapons

>tfw not going to waste bullets on at least a dozen tough synths in the smallest, most cramped area
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When do you guys think the mods will come?

I just want a bearably plump ass. That's all. Fucking WHEN.
Why did they make Curie so fucking cute.

I always assumed it works the way it actually does but saw some people here saying it and so decided id just start manually junking stuff just in case.

Wasted a good bit of time doing that, and I don't know how much stuff i lost from it just glitching under the ground.
Any idea what the spawn rates are for legendaries based on difficulty? Do they spawn at all on Very Easy?
Do you have to put more than one recruitment beacon down to get more people?

I've been stuck at 10 in Sanctuary forever now. Have plenty of food, water, beds, defense.
Your son, I guess. You dont get to side with the institute until your half way into the brotherhood of steels quest line, it's pretty fucking terrible.
I find them a lot more useful than The Institute; ie the bonuses are better. My companion is Cait and she just doesn't give a fuck, so I didn't have to worry about NPC relationships. The Minutemen also didn't care, so settlements were still viable.
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Same game session, same settings, walked inside for a second and came out, suddenly blam. Gave it a good few minutes while staring at it just to see if it'd revert when I'm near/looking at it. Nothing.
Anyone know what ini line, does this? Looking through it isn't giving me any clues.
Well, I had to deal with the shit that is Salem and escape the shit that is Salem. Ghouls to me are nothing.
Anyone know how to call a director's meeting?
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Is Trumpguy here? What is his stat/perk build?
It doesn't fit his arbitrary definition. There's plenty of RPGs with voiced characters and set backgrounds. My favorite RPG doesn't even have character customization or gender select.
make sure everyones assigned to something and other than that just takes time.

My sanctuary is up to 12 and it seemed like it would be stuck at 11 forever.
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Fuck these guys
you can give him the bandana too, 2cute4me
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I'm not some Cromwellian puritan or anything, and I don't give a shit about swearing being in the game, but does it feel a little forced when the NPCs swear in their action dialogue to anyone else?

I can't tell if it's because the voice acting isn't very emotive or if it just feels like the swearing is out of place.
So's the main character senpai.
Thank you so much. I have asked the question multiple times and haven't gotten a good answer. Finally though you have helped me make up my mind.
>perks in rifles and handguns
>every synth weapon in there is using either rifle or handgun perk

You do know that there's no energy weapon perk, right?

>wasting bullets
I don't even...
i go with tactical red because i like to think it strikes fear into the enemy thats marked with red having a t-60 sprinting towards him

Is that female shepard?
>10 hours in
>havent even visited diamond city yet
i am having fun
Is the bonuses applies to him as well (like the +1 PER with Wielding Googles)?
Literally going to hell for forcing your dog to be gay.
Anyone knows which areas have safe storage?
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Can you take a closer shot of the runes up top? Dwemer shit is a combination of mayan and egyptian aesthetics and that looks like a combination of mayan and egyptian aesthetics so that doesn't necessarily mean much since those are real cultures. Modern occultism often draws from a syncretic perspective on multiple religions, and a lot of newagers believe that the reason Egypt and Maya both have pyramids is because both were settled by refugees from Atlantis. It could be meant to be an Atlantean crown.

Found that earlier during a radstorm, pretty cool.

A raider walked in on me jacking it onto the skull and I had to shoot him.
yeah it's some sort of mipmapping bug apparently
>Choose 'Sarcastic', sound autistic.
>Choose any other dialogue, even the intimidating option, sound like a complete pussy
>The last two things you'd wanna come off as in the Wastelands
If she were Irish, addicted to drugs, and a completely sarcastic bitch, yes.
24 hours played time
And I still am accidentally hitting esc to try and back out of menus
So ive never played any other fallout games.

Did China Nuke the US?
Why is Vaultec so fishy too? Did they have anything to do with the fallout or were they just taking advantage of the opportunity?
Who is their leader?
How do you repair power armor parts?
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You know what's fucking worse? Being under leveled for Salem, turning on all the turrets, running back to the bunker, and having FIVE FUCKING MIRELURKS FOLLOW YOU INSIDE WHEN THE ONLY AMMO YOU HAVE IS A MINI NUKE

I just turned on God Mode and beat them to death with a cane. There was no other way I was getting out of that. It was two mirelurks, two mirelurk killclaws and a glowing mirelurk that survived a shot from the Fat Man. I don't even know how that fucker was walking.
That's pretty spastic.
However it's something I wouldn't put past Bethesda.
Your settlements Workshop is safe for any non-Junk items as far as I know. Simple storages should work too, if I recall correctly settlers only touching them if there's an attack and they're weaponless. Other than that it should be fine.
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This questline was good
I go with the super powered light. It is very bright and covers a much larger area than the other lights.

I got the name wrong cause i can't remember it off the top of my head, but you'll know the one I'm talking about when you see it.
>So ive never played any other fallout games.

I see you got carried into the "hype".
I honestly don't want to play anymore because I wanted to play a big beefy raider who smacks people with car fenders and drinks whiskey constantly but his voice just sounds like a friendly pussy nerd.
I am surprisingly satisfied with how this turned out. I might buy it once all the DLC is out.

>Story / side stuff is occasionally actually competently written
>Tons of companions, all with tons of unique dialogue for different situations
>Changed the leveling system and not only didn't completely fuck it up, but actually changed it in a positive way (this is the most surprising)
>Brotherhood actually morally gray instead of being NV "grrr evil" or FO3 "happy happy yay rainbows and goodness"
>Gunplay satisfying

It definitely as some problems but overall nice effort
>all the debris you cant remove that collects by the walls
holy fuck im gonna pop a blood vessel in my brain and murder someone
What questline?
>have a name I thought was common enough
>it doesn't get said
>a "name" like "Bacon" is on there


Also who is only /Basebuilding/ here? I only leave my base to go work on other bases and collect supplies.
What helmet is that?
>Dwemer shit is a combination of mayan and egyptian aesthetics

Dwemer is all Sumerian aesthetics
that's a shame

What the ratio of new to old songs though
Guarantee one of the xpacs will be some vodoo mystic cultist shit, with that and the dunwich shit

On the plus side names are unisex.
>hack terminal
>hmm, what's this?
>the corvega factory raiders and the raider attack on the Quincy group were both because of Mama Murphy
lmao well then
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That is literally true though...
>Did China nuke the US?

Everyone nuked everyone. Who went first isn't known and doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

>Why is Vault-Tec so fishy?

They used the atomic war as a way of performing social experiments to weed out the best of the best while simultaneously saving people. The entire Vault plan was set in motion by the Enclave.

>Who is their leader?

Some douchebag. Most likely dead while anything relevant is going on.
So do most the quests in this game basically are chain questline?
kinda like Skylim Guild questline
I mean it feel kinda like that to me instead of just helping random dude like FO3/NV
1. Yes, both sides nuked each other. All ove rin 30 minutes.

2. It's just a conceit from the first game. Supposed to be a shelter, secretly doing experiments on most of their customers. Nevermind it doesn't make much sense. The fallout comes from the nuclear bombs and all of the nuclear reactors destroyed in the war. It doesn't have anything really beyond that to do with the radiation.

3. each vault is run by an overseer. Vaulttec corporate management sealed themselves away in a "secret vault" but that only shows up in "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel"
>shoots ghouls because lmao why the fuck not
>happy happy yay rainbows
>kid, you gonna be a monster
Where can I find a radiation suit?
dont forget the big gun perks

That's just their beards anon
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Know anything how to fix it? Going to try fiddling around with the ini files now, see If I can stop it from doing that.

Don't want to be that guy but
Nice game fogbabbies
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I have a feeling there's another or maybe even a couple more Trump fellows, but I'm the one who's posted about my wall building.

I think I started with:


And I'm currently level 8 and just getting perks for gameplay so far. Gun Nut, Cap Collector, Scrounger, Local Leader, Hacker, Armorer & Locksmith.

I was pretty much intent on just focusing on the settlement aspect of the game and building walls and shit for ages but I've realised I need to go out and get more stuff and level up to improve being able to do that.
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How do I go toe to toe with Swan? His feet are very large and squish me easily
you're tied to this place kid, your energy
Shadow distance to medium and lower your tessellation or disable it if you're on AMD
isn't it already well known that some textures take upwards of 15 seconds to pop in
welp, time to shoot up.
Shadow distance to Medium.
China nuked US.

Vaultec is... a weird company. They essentially built a lot of fallout shelters across the wastes, riding the wave of nuclear war paranoia.

The thing is, a lot of the vaults were social experiments with complete disregard of ethics. Like a vault with 999 men and 1 woman. Or a vault where people were told they have to sacrifice a member every now and then.

The thing I don't understand is how the social experiments would suppose to work. I mean, they are only triggered by nuclear war, and after the total nuclear war, who would give a shit about social experiments? You'd have bigger problems all around.
Cripple his legs with a gun or explosives then gobble up some psychojet

It is physically impossible to Mano a Mutant Swan without armor
does deathclaw gauntlet count as unarmed
i'm retarded how do I disable tessellation
Thanks, now i can pretend she doesn't exist. Her mannerisms are awful.
Anyone have any info on plasma weapons? I've finished the game lvl 31 and didn't come across any besides some available from a synth in the Institute for a shitload of caps.
I turned the jets on with him in it not knowing what I was doing.
Was about to reload my save because I thought he would be pissed, but he is so bro-tier that he didn't mind.

Way too generous.
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Huh. Speech based option resulting in discount with travelling trader. Might also only be available as a female character considering the dialogue for this particular one.
only option I found was the guy asking for a cola in Diamond City. that pushed me over the line and caused her to fug me. other affection I gained from being all "I love synths"
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Finally got to the point I can kinda use Powerarmor as I please.
>Come across some random metal box
>Three fuse cores

I got a total of like 11 now
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Fallout 4 jumpsuit for New Vegas when?
>The thing I don't understand is how the social experiments would suppose to work. I mean, they are only triggered by nuclear war, and after the total nuclear war, who would give a shit about social experiments? You'd have bigger problems all around.

Vault-Tec might also be directly behind the war, you know.
I just realized that the SPECIAL builder is useless since you can actually max out everything as you level up
In catalyst control center you make a profile for fallout 4 and one of the options lets you override application settings for tessellation and turn it off.
Can you equip ANY unarmed weapon in Power Armour?

Can't equip my spiked knux but I imagine I'll be able to equip a power fist, right?
It has those too but I'm talking about the clothing, art and sculpture. Nothing in TES draws from just one culture except the Nords and arguably the Bretons (who draw from the same racial group at different time periods).
(tasha yarmode)
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>tfw playing as a lucky, charismatic fat guy that has his follower do everything

I considered 4's about average, and he's got the intelligence to plan out an extensive border wall and deportation project and campaign politically for them.

I don't think 4's generous desu.
The exact same happened to me, I escaped and happened to run into children of the atom hold outs TWICE trying to find a safe place to fast travel.
Best clothing and armor.
You can, but man is it worthless early-mid game.
pfff, like dogs even give a shit what they put their dicks into
>names are unisex

Who the fuck would call a man Sophia?
No, not until you're level 50. Before that you need to put points into perks or else you're toast
ah aight, seems easy enough, will I notice anything major graphically?


Your power armor IS POWER FISTS.

Seriously. You'll brutalize people with your fisticles.
Is there any way to get rid of corpses? I clear out a settlement and then I've got Raider bits and chunks all over. Shit's messy.
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That .50 Obrez
worst radio in a 3D fallout? Particularly the overly on-the-nose atomic-themed songs.
NV is probably dead now bruh. We had a good run, but they've probably moved on to greener pastures.
I got one off a gunner around lvl 23ish. Modded it into a rifle.

Getting ammo for them is a pain. It's pretty much whatever the brotherhood supplier has when he restocks and it costs a shitton.
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sup m8s

I decided to abandon my "Sniper" playthrough due to it being very boring so im starting again with a melee weapons run.
You guys got any good builds or tips?

also rate my meme
Why is dogmeat so cute?
Shut up Leslie.
The magical properties on some of the gear are too retarded for my suspension of disbelief.

But Borderlands did it and everyone liked Borderlands, right? Right? Heh-heh... Aaaanyway...
> see BOS fight some Gunners
> the pilot of a vertibird gets killed
> the vertibird keeps flying like nothing happened


I see your taste in hats is high tier
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>want to make a new character
>don't want to go through that early stage where you only have shitty pipe weapons again
fuck me
wait can you change your look completely there?
I've ended up a bit unhappy with how my guy turned out
He's pants on head retarded anon. You gave one good example why. There are many more.
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>tfw Curie is now my love
Can I just equip her with a combat rifle?
Todd, you have to be shitting me
>up on a roof, wearing power armor
>Enemies below, don't see me
>Jump down
>The crash kills one guy
>Combat Shotgun blows the others' brains out

Holy fuck, I love Power Armor
1. Well from the part where US is actually winning as they just invented Nuclear powered AA battery and use Power armored to beat China out of Alaska
and as they are about to invade the mainland China. It probably easier to see that China prefer to kill off humanity instead of losing the war.

2. Shitty writing, they just need a government big bad guys

I mean why would a social experiment matter anyway when all civilization already been Nuked out to oblivion
not like they can use the result to apply to anything after the war

The Vaultec itself seem fine because its kinda similar to how company take advantage and make money off 9/11
Because you're a furry dog fucker. Yiff in hell.

Is good to kill shit too though
>tfw you can't even make a boy named Sue
The suit is so good looking. Too bad it does not support layered clothing.






Is this shit randomly generated? Because that was an insane difficulty spike. It took me nearly two hours to clear the place due to all the instant kill bullshit. I eventually just sat hidden about half a mile away and plinked them with rifle bullets until half of them were dead, and even then the last two (the butchers because fuck trying to plink away at their health for hours) put up a fight, even with my stupidly overpowered bleed shotgun.

Fuck that place. Next time, I'm coming alone with power armor.
Is it possible to take the power armor frame from an enemy?
Once the creation kit or G.E.C.K comes out for fallout 4, I like the idea of implementing your wife from the beginning of the game as a companion and adding a lore friendly tone on how she was able to survive/whatever. I guess it's because I'm in denial my waifu died, and I felt that so much more could have been done with the spouse character in the story.
Where's a good place to stock up on ammo without having to any money?
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So I just got Piper to Idolize me and tried romancing her and failed, do I get another chance eventually to do it again?
>You guys got any good builds or tips?

Get revolutionary sword or chinese sword (upgrade to Shishkebab later)

Put electricity on your sword

Put serration on your sword

Sneak attack german suplex your way through the wasteland
pickpocket the fusion core.
if you give her ammo for it and equip it on her like you would with armor
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but...but I just started playing again
>Finding animals cute makes you a furry
I wish the suits in New Vegas were that good. Would have been great for my Gambler character.
I'm not saying it's totally devoid of anything good. Just saying it's more far and inbetween in any other installment. And even post-confidence, the radio dj is the worst one.
thx senpai
She doesn't have unlimited?
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yes, later on the in the game you can upload her into synth body
nah, actually quite like the mix of new songs and old ones. but yeah all the songs about atom stuff and uranium feels a bit too stupid. on a similar subject does anybody regret doing confidence man? as a beta he was at least entertaining and memorable now he's just generic as all hell, I was expecting him to be super suave and slick after it all
When do the Brotherhood of Steel quests get good?

I've been fetching shit for the sribe and the knight for ages now

Also, do some NPC's have randomised gear? On my game, Danse has no helmet, but watching my brother play Danse has a helmet (T-45 I think).
Anyone know where to find some stealthboys?
I found one randomly in a safe and kept it on me in case of emergencies.
I ended up having to use it since obviously in the wastes emergencies are kinda common.
i'd like to find a few more just in case.
more of a pain not having the mats or the gun nut shit to try and mod your pipe weapons into something usable

I got that exact same enemy layout on my playthrough too. It was fucking brutal.

I got through by clearing the Butchers with my vastly overpowered laser pistol, then closing to melee range and fisting the shit out of the rest, because even though they can literally murder you in seconds with their machineguns, they'll switch to their boards if you close
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Time to call in artillery strikes on everyone that refuses to address me as General at all times.

I also suppose I must go shoot Hancock for having a different color coat.
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protectrons feel more like 50's terminators now instead of the tin cans from previous games.
I just found Military Frequency AF95 or whatever and the quest 'Fire Support'.

It's not time-sensitive is it? I can't be fucked rushing there to not have them all dead, it sounds like they're meant to be under attack or something.
Oh. So your spiffy Flamer just eats even more ammo now?
they only get unlimited for their stock weapon if you want them to use another weapon youll need to give them ammo
Wow, I've only done like five quests (basic starting quests) and am already level 8. Int is broken as fuck.
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get the luck scrounger perk, you'll have loads of ammo i no time. I did some settlement building and got level 3 before leaving sanctuary, took scrounger and fortune finder in the luck tree and this is what i left concord with. This was just the raiders in the street and the shit in the museum
DJ Autism is great the first few times, nowhere near enough different voice clips though.
Want to pass rough glowing waste in style. Missing right t51 power armor arm. Anyone know where I can buy it? Also, anyone know where there is another free minigun?
What cut content?
That's the scene from the TV that appears on the TV at the start you dingus.
Companions only have unlimited ammo for their starting gun.

Strong has .38 for his pipe gun, Danse has cells for his laser, etc etc.

Not sure if you can give them upgrades and they'll feed off the unlimited pool
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>Not romancing female shepard
we seriously need to put this in the OP. continue with the main story.
>end up genociding the residents of Covenant
>all those institute survivors that had been through so much...
>I wanted to use that workbench though.

Feels bad man.

And the girl you rescued had a synth component when pickpocketed..
>not 1INT with Idiot Savant
Wildstar. Modding is probably the only ehh, but there's addons.
Why is this game so shit senpai?
why does power armor not have enough fuel for 100 years anymore?

That's Ron Perlman's character, the one who does the voiceover in the intro sequence
It's not, this dude has a mustache and the mic is in a different place
Sorry anons, I got parts here and there. Some in Vault 95, some in Cambridge, can't really remember where got what, as I wasn't really going for this armor, but I'm glad I got it.

BOS Officer Uniform, got it off the guy in Bunker Theta, it's tied to the BoS quest with radio beacons.
its the brotherhood of memes quest
you can make him wear it just by going telling him to equip it in trade menu

also I think you are just doing the repeatable quests
Its probably kinda like those stealing quests from Thiefguild in Skylim
Honestly, I was unprepared as fuck.

Ran around a bit in my PA until I found a bus, and then squatted in it and headshot the fucker until it died.
Do I need to give ammo to settler if I want to give them guns?
Are you guys playing on some meme difficulty or something? Playing on normal here, and it was fucking easy, the suicidal mutant took 2 of his friends with him in a blast as he charged Dogmeat, Missile mutant kept firing at me and never hitting, then he ditched his launcher and went downwards with a board.
NV's radio was pretty shit tier
Not because of the songs but the radio stations were bipolar playing somber and upbeat songs on the same radio station. I prefer ambient music anyways.
Way too late but
player.additem 55f10
>kind of want to get Curie
>But these Bethesda bodies...

I can't fap to this.
Time to wait for the mods...
You can date stuff in this? How do I woo nick valentine?
I think they saw how popular Conelrad was and were like, "yeah, let's just use a bunch of songs from that list" without thinking about what they were doing or what Conelrad was.

Between the typically anemic songlist, a lot of the songs sounding pretty bad compared to Radio New Vegas, the horrible announcer who allegedly gets even worse if you boost his confidence, and drowning out NPC dialogue, I've just kept the radio off after the first hour or two. I doubt I'm missing anything interesting as far as news broadcasts go.
Ron doesn't do the intro voiceover, only the newsreader bits.
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similar shit
>power armor jump a couple stories down
>shockwave bounces debris and corpse' around my feet
>shoot at a turret
>turret explodes
>explosion kills raider right beside it
I wasn't even planning to use power armor but dam
So why don't you have a balcony with comfy chairs so you can watch raiders get their shit pushed in by your fatman armed settlers?
Can someone explain to me why the main quest is so boring?

Best option is to build a container somewhere convenient and put junk weapons + ammo for those weapons in it. Settlers will retrieve a weapon if they are unarmed.
I've never used a pipe gun in both of my playthroughs.

Laser Musket and 10mm pistol rocks.
The first minute men quest with the raiders gives you a Sub Machine Gun.
Thats literally how every screen in screen in a video game has been done since forever.
Even mirrors work this way.
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Hell no, I ain't going back and looking at their faggy decoder ring. I bet I get inside and they start getting all sanctimonious too don't they? This feels like I'm going to be frustrated regardless because I only noticed the last disc on the ground and don't want to make the hike again.
How do you get a companion to give back power armor once they are inside of it?
I cant find a god damn thing to do to romance curie. What the fuck
any must have perks or shit like that for a melee weapons run?
Anyone know what Eddie's Peace is? I saw it on the strategy guide and I feel it might be that gun.
>just started the game
>want to play an evil character
>do the mission where you meet the minutemen and get the power armor and mini-gun
>after its over and mama murphy tells me where to go I turn the mini-gun on them
>they are all immortal

this is pissing me off, I should be able to be omnicidal if I want

is there a way to kill these characters? I guessed that preston might be unkillable since hes a companion but what about the other fags?

How did you even get close to the Butcher on top of the tower?

I had to play 'Dodge the missile at 300 paces' until he ran out of ammo. And the Legendary butcher switches weapons as well when you get close? Because holy shit, his rifle hurts.

I don't really like having to pump myself full of 15+ stims/Quantums midfight. It feels too cheesy.
Talk menu
I like the variety of them. I want a friendly one of each type to hang around at my autism fort.

Oh, is it their introduction?

I take it I don't need to rush to go do anything, then?
so you can only get 1 faction ending out of 4?
Also has it on her when she dies.
Except when I smashed her corpse head, blood came out.
>playing on normal and it was fucking easy

no shit

How is that retarded though? You can craft chems and there are talents that increase their potency as well.

My character is basically a junkie and a gun like that would be dope.
Can I craft ammo?
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Alright two house some powers, food, water, and defence and this is all these wasteniggers are getting from me.
I'm not cut out for this shit.
Did you kill Kellogg yet?
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>Battle ends
>Music fades out of combat music like in previous Fallouts
>Combat ended 30 seconds ago

This is fucking disorientating. Who the hell QA'd this.

Also hatless hats when?
>I mean why would a social experiment matter anyway when all civilization already been Nuked out to oblivion
>not like they can use the result to apply to anything after the war
The Vaults were never intended to be used as actual vaults. Aside from a very few people, no one really thought there'd be a nuclear war.

The Vaults only purpose was to see how large groups of people would react in a closed environments with various variables changed.

There's some talk about the main purpose being making a colony on Mars.
>Ron doesn't do the intro voiceover, only the newsreader bits.

I know, Albert/Nate/Howard does the voiceover in the OP. I'm referring to the newsreader bit because Bethesda still can't do offscreen voices and have to have the actual newscaster sitting somewhere offscreen to give him lines. That is in fact Ron Perlman's character.
Mods will fix it
See the thing is, on my save Danse only had his helmet on when I first met him fighting ghouls.
He took it off when we went to JetArc to get the transmitter, and has never put the helmet back on since

Watching my brother though, Danse does have his helmet during the JetArc quest

Maybe his helmet broke
When do raiders attack settlements? Does the defense have to be low?
Get to the comic shop
Get lock picking and get grognaks axe
Fight your way to the top of the building
Get grognaks suit for added melee damage
When the time is right fight swan for the good power fist
Get sword and upgrade it
Get shishkabab

Melee is pretty fun but be aware mirelurks are fucking cunts, always carry a gun with you to deal with them.
FUCK VAULT 95 And Assaultatrons Fuck
I turned wetness off and it went away
Blitz helps

The damage skill and blacksmith, obviously.

Science! for the high tech mods
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>bethesda in charge of textures
Anyone figured out how to add perks/SPECIAL points yet? Seems like adding perks you don't qualify for stops them from activating, and adding SPECIAL points to make yourself qualify still doesn't count.
>gas mask with googles obviously covers the face alone
>still counts as both mask and helmet
Anyone knows where the supervisor id is for the general atomics galleria?
>entered the comic shop with Curie
>as soon as the first ghoul gets up the axe teleports into her hands

>Melee is pretty fun but be aware mirelurks are fucking cunts, always carry a gun with you to deal with them.

You do massive damage to Mirelurks with a power fist gutpunch. You can deal with them one on one.
Its R A I L R O A D
its railroad.
You too huh, seems most of us have had that dam place be fucked up, hell, mirelurks even came out of no where after the small mission
He's always had it off when fighting the ghouls, and then when I agree to head to JetArc or wherever he gets his helmet and flips it onto his head. Kind of neat.
>can't find Dogmeat or Piper anywhere after sending them to sanctuary
>send the rest of my companions to red rocket to prevent this in the future, since it's a smaller area for them to wander
>Codsworth and Danse are just completely stopped on the road outside of red rocket's build zone, refusing to enter

password is RAILROAD, fuck trying to follow that clue trail
So what the fuck?

Anyone do the silver shroud quest to the point where you need to meet with hancock as the silver shroud?

Wearing the full gear but I only have the dialogue about making him a companion

Is it bugged?

Mama Murphy uses her psychic powers to divert your bullets

Hard difficulty. I was level 20, if that counts for anything.

Here's how it went for me:

Missile Mutant accuracy varies between random as fuck and absolutely pinpoint.
Brutes spam grenades everywhere. Legendary Butcher MUTATES into a sniper god of death who bumrushes you with his massive fucking health bar.

I actually cleared out all but two brutes, a normal mutey and the two butchers by sniping before the last fight, and it was still hard as fuck.
Right next to the general/supervisor

Wait what? They need to have a newscaster for recorded lines? What?
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>be traveling
>mole rats start popping out of the ground
>beep beep beep beep beep beep
Mole rats with fucking explosives strapped to them are you kidding me.
I'm not saying the gun is bad from the gameplay standpoint, it actually seems pretty nice.

What I mean is it doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever. Why would it do more damage based on your health state?

I know the Fallout was always silly, but this... just no.
You are the one man on earth more retarded than the person who made such an obvious puzzle.
I refuse to believe there's somebody this stupid. it's RAILROAD
That's PC-exclusive. Talk about master race!
>eventually flirt with Hancock
>"That's what we are?.. Just friends?
>responds like I hadn't even said anything

Sorry but where do I find Currie?
I already met Virgil but still havnt seen her
Does she show up later in the questline?
are there any talking deathclaws in this game
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> unlimited ammo

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thinking of avoiding the mission there altogether until some sort of fix is out
So where is three dog? Or did todd axe him after he tweeted about it?
It's like 5 frag mines, and if you haven't been specced into the DR perk it'll likely down you if you rolls up to your colon
NV had high quality songs at the very least. And they could kinda support the themes the game was going for without being HAHA, IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE WE'RE POST NUCLEAR.
Also, what kinda SICK society is Diamond City that they revel in pre-war atomic culture after a fucking nuclear war? That's like if a 90s based post-nuclear society that was bombed by japan played Turning Japanese 24/7
Unlimited ammo CAPACITY

It means you don't have to reload. It'll still deplete ammo.

No. It just never reloads.

Immaterial because it's a bolt action and its fire rate is garbage.
I just got Curie after killing Kellog with Nick because I want to get on this robowaifu train but so far she hasn't been nearly as interesting as Nick.
Nick had something to say about almost every location i went with him but Curie doesn't say shit.

Was I memed?
Bethesda couldn't figure out how to have a character speak without having that character physically in the world.
So for things like the narrator, they are actually there, and the slideshow and movie stuff is played on a physical object.

Bethesda is shit.
you're not very smart are you
No, can you read?

When something has infinite CAPACITY it doesn't mean there's an infinite amount of it, it just means there's infinite space for it. It means no reloading.
cool idea but if it doesn't work it's going to be absolute shit
I think its just the magazine
as cool as it is I dont think its thats good on a Bolt action rifle
she's not in the main quest. go to vault 81
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>people put up Halloween decorations on the 31st of October in game
Conelrad when
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No it just actually loads your ENTIRE stock of ammmunition.

I.e, regular clips hold 20 rounds, you've 300 total in reserve.

Full auto 10mm Pistola suddenly becomes a fucking Ironman Pack-Fed Weapon.
What's the command for free camera mode in console?
>NV "grrr evil"

What was that?
How can I find my companions after they leave? I can't seem to find Paladin Danse?

Piper and Valentine are very much "main quest" companions. They'll yammer on about everything.

Piper even gets offended when you talk about Arthur Maxson to Danse, talking shit about how Arthur's a bad dude.

Preston kind of.
hello can I speak to Todd?
tfc 1 freezes time
what about Christmas? its acknowledged in diaries and shit
So is Charisma still shit or it's safe to raise it up to 3/4/5 this time around?
>uses a fucking ships anchor as a mace
I think I'l try nuking him from on top of a house with missiles
That was a password, which for some reason doesnt play on my pipboy
Have you gotten very far? I actually found the main quest to be a lot better than I expected.
I think he made that tweet when fallout shelter was finished and maybe thought it would come out eariler, because he is in that
No, it has an infinite mag size, it still takes your ammo

That mod would be fun on a Pipe Assault Rifle.
Or a Flamer
I gave the fusion reactor to the institute and now... nothing. No more main quest line.
Anyone do a crit build yet? if so what weapon? I kinda wanna do a charisma + lck build with the combat shotty or something.
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god damn just imagine a missile launcher with infinite capacity

dispense freedom like a mother fucker
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>there are people who sided with the railroad ITT
>picking anyone but the brotherhood
Some guides say there are four fusion cores in the hardware shop where you get the paint, but I didn't see any of them. Were they hidden somewhere?
nah I've only gotten to the part where you get the power armor and meet the minutemen, it was pretty boring and felt kind of forced
Do flagpoles exist?

Or is there at least a basic way of making a thin tower that you can hang a wall flag on the side of?

Curie doesn't have a weapon, her inventory is empty when she's a synth
>Johnny Guitar
Sorry buddy I'm going to have to disagree with you.
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So I just got these high tech lights and compared to normal lightbulbs they make no light at all.

What's the point of these?
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incredibly immersive game
He's probably enroute.
If you walk the roads between them you'll probably see them walking along.
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>do Dunwich Borers
>get prepped for some high level of spook
>dont actually get spooked
Kinda dissapointing, at least I found my raifu

He made a tweet that broke NDA YEARS ago tbqh familia, Bethesda had no choice but to can him
I thought most of them were for experiments under the disguise of "we'll protect you from nuclear fallout". at least thats how it was in FO3 and NV
>picking anyone and being a slave
>doing main questlines
>not just drinking whiskey and stealing shit to build your own settlement
do any of you invested in Science?
or do most stuffs from that can be easily bought or find later?
Because it's been more than 100 years

Where are the other vaults?

I have only found 114 and I only found 1 terminal and a few holotapes and nothing about what happened to the vault after the nukes fell.
Cait, too. She interjects if you try to be a moralfag during the main quests. It's pretty funny actually.

She also got pretty somber during the Kellogg quest.
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I heard that you can get a SPECIAL stat to 11 if you get the bobblehead of that stat when you have it at 10 (and only then)

I already picked up Per - should I restart as this triggers my autism or can I use the console to set my Perception to 11 at some later date?
what happens if you give granny the drugs? I made her clean in my playthrough
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no idea
that's months away since its only November in game for me now

I'll see about Yank thanksgiving
>tfw a nice thanksgiving dinner complete with stuffed radroach and steamed mirelurk

there are kids running around trick-or-treating as well
nice touch desu, they haven't had holidays in game since Daggerfall so far as I can remember
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For me it was that bridge where some gunners were. The quarry was fine.
>She also got pretty somber during the Kellogg quest

She's probably worried about taking massive amounts of Synth dick.

Flashbacks, you know.
You can do damn near anything with the console.
Was I supposed to be able to beat the mirelurk queen in a building near boston common by hiding down a corridor?
Yes, they are.
They just never thought the war would come. The idea is that at some point they're herd everyone inside and shut them up and the experiments would start.
But the war happened, so everyone got inside, but everyone was told "the experiment happens no matter what" and Bob's your uncle.
Then trust me, it gets a lot better. Not as good as New Vegas of course, but loads better than both Skyrim and Fallout 3.
Why is the building system so bad?

Why doesn't anything adjust to the uneven ground that is pretty much everywhere
I don't get why you faggots were complaining about reusing Fallout 3's songs.

We got a radio-and-a-half worth of new songs, plus most of the songs from Fallout 3. Isn't that good to avoid repetition?
i think it becomes more likely if food + water is greater than the defense value.

Not sure if anything else effects it
i dont think you can remove their stock weapon so they have something to fall back on when they run out of ammo which could be why you cant see it
In that case Obsidian is dogshit too because they do the same thing with the ending slides
So why is it bad for some people and good for others? maybe we have some strange setups for graphics or something?

>still finished the guys quest to fix the pipes and then killed the ambushers
I need help with this too, Nick, Piper, and Dogmeat have vanished
But Tinker Tom, man...
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This dialogue has totally ruined the game for me.
I am in the camp that is definitely harshly critical of fallout 3 in many ways, but I've also been able to relate to the "magic" that people feel about playing these games. The dialogue wheel has ruined that, the dialogue wheel is genuinely the worst thing they could have ever done. I'm in despair, I just want to enjoy the game but I can't fucking tell what I'm going to say to people so I F5 until I know what is actually gonna be said, it's honestly less ruining to immersion than going blind.
I'll continue on with it then
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>Joining railroad
>Took some time choosing some conversation options
>Des speaks up as if she noticed the silence
Just do the latter, it's easier
Is anyone having a glitch where power armor is randomly disappearing from their inventory? Everytime I find a set of power armor and store it on either myself or my companion, by the time I get around to going back to sanctuary to put it on my old set, some pieces just disappear. It has happened twice to me already. Once when I found a set of T-51 and again when I found a set of T-60. Both times it has been the right leg and the helmet that disappears. It is nowhere to be find, not in any inventory and not anywhere on the ground. This is a fucking serious bug. I'm still using the default T-45 right leg and helmet because of it.

If you sent Piper back to Ciudad Diamante then she's going to be wandering around the city, doing her life.

Nick too.

Dogmeat is in one of Sanctuary's one billion doghouses. Seriously he just picks whichever one he wants and chills.
She was raped by slavers, not synths, you memer.
How about you just stop being autistic and play the game?
Well yeah, they were given a year to do the game or some shit. They had to work with Bethesda's broken engine that even Bethesda doesn't even know how to work.
>tfw Im so shit at the game I have to use console to buff my all stats to 8-9 just so I dont die in Survival
How do you guys beat those bullet sponge enemy anyway?
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this scared me
Any Tips for a beginner playing fallout 4?
It's the 1.14.2288 for me, and I didnt see any Christmas decs up.
she dies after you give her the last drug, psycho i think.

pretty interesting, everyone comes over and starts to morn her
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Is the ranger patrol armor an NCR supplied thing or was it a Desert Rangers piece of equipment?
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Are Heavy Guns any good in this game? I see all of you are using automatic weapons and shit

I think going for a heavy gun build was a mistake
Guys, I was wandering the commonwealth minding my own business when I heard an explosion, not something big, like a frag grenade, not far behind me.
I turn around and see a bit of smoke coming from the ground, again not something huge like when you blow up a car, just a tiny column of smoke.
I go check it, nothing, no one around.

any idea ?

sorry I wasnt quick enough to take a screenshot of the smoke but if wasnt anything particular, you can picture it easily.

Really weird.
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Reminder that abandonment of pure love is punishable by death
Is my quest marker for the freedom trail supposed to vanish once I've spoken to the robot

Not sure if it bugged out or if the quest involves an actual clue hunt
So if I'm headed to Diamond City for the first time for main quest, do Codsworth or Preston have any unique dialogue or give approval?

Carry a melee weapon

10mm is your best friend in the early game

Dog is cute but kind of shit


Patrol armor is hand manufactured by NCR. Riot Armor is pre-war relic like Combat Armor. Desert Rangers only contributed Trenchcoat.
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did you try on December 25th?
its likely only for one day since the Halloween stuff disappeared too
>Not institute.

what do they mean
No need to get so defensive todd.
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Can someone post a sexy picture of the X-01 power armor by night?
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I think my BoS questline is bugged

did lost patrol, then a quartermastery and cleanse mission after

danse won't give me another quest. do i just have to keep doing these quartermaster/ cleanse quests until i get another progression one?

i just want to purge with my brothers, but paldin danse won't let me
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mod that removes companions' ability to move laterally where? I just died because piper decided to walk into my molotov
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>make a drug head psycho
>he is a pussy whenever a conversation is started
[Spoiler]WE FOUND OUT [/spoiler]
>where you get the paint

I went it there and made some green paint.
Is it part of a quest ? I still have it in my inventory under Misc.
Just say yes or no pls no spoilers.
New to the fallout series?

Save often. Explore a lot. Have fun.
Flamer is good, minigun is bad

haven't found anything else yet
>Is my quest marker for the freedom trail supposed to vanish once I've spoken to the robot
>Not sure if it bugged out or if the quest involves an actual clue hunt
Never mind I found the first clue

After two letters it's fucking obvious that this is gonna spell railroad
where did you get that jacket?

I fucking had christmas roll around in my game.
one guard at diamond city says something like:

>"can you believe it's christmas today? Ho fucking ho"

I was pretty fucking impressed.

transitioned out of diamond city and back in.

christmas trees and fairy light errywhere.

kinda immersion breaking but i was still impressed as fuck.
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>unsheathes flaming katana

I think Codsworth disapproves if you're a dick to Piper


Danse won't give you any further quests until Prydwen, with the once and future king in it, arrives in the Wasteland.

Danse will then give you his next quest.
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>can't let piper wear the silver specter costume

Missile launchers are god tier
bad ass picture dawg
>It's okay when Obsidian does it
you can't make this shit up
They aren't bad, they just don't show up until later on. It's the same as good melee weapons, the pacing is all sorts of fucked for certain builds.
can't you raise and lower walls by holding E and scrolling?
Undecided on what to start out first, but I have two builds in mind.

Should I start off with a melee build (which is my cup of tea) or a regular guns build?
I acutally for one fallout game hates the brotherhood. Killing everyone in the ralroad, and paladin danse set me off and I quit. Probably going to remake my character and keep railroad guys,

get a fuck ton of fusion cores and a laser gatling

you will shit damage non stop.

I have 35+ cores and just run around with just the gatling laser laughing at people.
survival is easy once you get decent weapons, mods and put points into the right perks

Its balanced closer to STALKER for me now. I can kill a lot of shit in 2 to 3 shots but I can die in a few shots too.
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>tfw playing fo4 just to be part of the hype and more importantly the thriving 4chanian community just like undertale
they mean it's time to get your shit rekt
I sent them to Sanctuary.

I tried ringing the gathering bell thing and they didn't show up, but everyone else I sent there did
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>Suicide Super mutant
Ok, just started and I'm wondering after saving the peoplein concord should I make a base in sanctuary or just leave them be for now and build at the red rocket?
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Frankly, I used to be a huge BoS fan when I was younger, but I'm wary of joining them right now.

Granted, I don't know the bigger story, but it seems they just hoard the technology for themselves instead of using it to rebuild the civillization.

Yeah, sure, they say it's for noble cause because "technology destroyed the world" and whatever, but that's pretty dick to just hog everything while other people have to get by with fucking junk.

And in the end, it seems that they only really help others to get shit for themselves. Recruits, food, water, whatever.

Does joining them take away some of your freedom, as Danse claims?

I just want to help out the good people of the Wasteland and seriously fuck up everyone else while using the best technology out there.
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Are there any people that with, complete sincerity, prefer the new dialogue system?
Cause I'm tempted to make the grand statement that I honestly can't believe that ANYONE in the entire world, ever, could prefer it without some kinda bias. It is just straight up worse by far.
What does a shotgun count as for damage perks?
81 is pretty close to Diamond City. Roughly west of it IIRC.
I didnt think to check. Sorry.

Only just realized the date advances like that.
Bethesda was only a shit for making a shitty engine.
Most of the problems with Fallout 3 and New Vegas were strickly from the engine itself. It's amazing anything fun could be made from it at all.

I know it might be hard, but you should stop trying so hard to be a faggot, faggot.
why the hype for a 1 hour game anyways? Is it because furries?
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>Danse won't give you any further quests until Prydwen, with the once and future king in it, arrives in the Wasteland.
>Danse will then give you his next quest.

oh my god you have to be kidding me

>killed kellogg, had completed lost patrol
>see the giant bos you know what
>figured i'd fucked up and should have done more BoS shit and that I couldn't do more with them now
>reloaded a save from 2 hrs before
>just did like five quartermastery/cleanse quests trying to get more BoS quests to proq

god damn
Damage > Everything else
Automatics are mostly shit unless you have assloads of ammo.
Get a combat shotgun ASAP to take care of flyers and ghouls.
>Granted, I don't know the bigger story, but it seems they just hoard the technology for themselves instead of using it to rebuild the civillization.

Yeah that's the original BoS's goal. They've always been massive borderline evil cunts.

If you really are a friend of justice, you should burn Prydwen out of the sky and stick Arthur Maxson's head on a pike.
So i just discovered the institute and I find out the Mayor Mcdonogh is a synth.

So what can i do with this information? I already tried killing him so people would find out he's a synth when he explodes but he's immortal..

Is there a questline for this?
Whoever picked out the tracklist for the classical station deserves a promotion
My plan is to dick with the BoS for long enough to steal a bunch of sick tech and then drop out before the point of no return.
>1 hour game
Epic meme.
Well I played Stalker so I get the part where you can die in one-two hits
but right now all enemy raiders are basically a walking refrigerator and take only 1/10 damage to their health with Hunting rifle/Shotgun headshot
So can you define decent weapons?
Unless you make it automatic, then it's a Commando perk item.
I prefer the old one, but I don't completely hate the new one.
Can anyone confirm that i can set my special stats to 11 in the console?
>Try playing New Vegas after playing Fallout 4 for 30 hours
>Quit after 1 hour
It's just, so outclassed in every way, Fallout 4 has destroyed it.
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Every short game that is overhyped is for exactly that reason
Its definitely in the under 4 hour ballpark
The Rangers still used riot gear before joining the NCR, I was wondering if the patrol are was too?

Were the Rangers the ones that introduced the riot gear to the NCR or did they use it too?
Be prepared for an uphill battle if you choose melee.
It's almost as if it's an engine limitation or something and not a developer quirk.
>joined BoS
>Am wary of full on authoritarian horse shit on account of being Pre-War Veteran and all that noise
>Am able to actually voice it in game to an extent
>Come across Maxson
>Immediately get an irresistible urge to fucking blow his brains out with his retarded bullshit.

Oh for fucks sake. Really Todd?
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holy shit idk what kind of charcter to make other than the same old shit every time.

Right? I can still go back to Oblivion because modded Oblivion remains superior to modded Skyrim, but FO3 and NV are just giant pieces of shit compared to FO4.

I'll probably replay NV just because I love Joshua Graham and Dead Money so much but the main game just does not appeal to me.
>get to the institute
>60 years has passed
>kellog should have been like 80-90/dead
>he was like 30 when you killed him
How the fuck does this even remotely make sense
Do SPECIAL stats no longer affect ranged weapon damage like in previous games?
player.setav (special stat) 11

At this point I consider .38 ammo just a different currency, I sell that shit by the droves.
Fuck off Randy
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There's a cool quest here as well. Quest giver has the jacket.

Sadly I didn't get the jacket as a reward and I couldn't find it. I think you have to kill the guy to get it but I couldn't bring myself to so I console-commanded it in...
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your best bet if you want to go melee is combine it with stealth
Yeah the militia hat has it which you get from freedom calls quest I beleive and the newsboy hat which you can get at Goodneighbor
New Vegas has better RP elements and a better story but the gunplay in FO4 makes up for it. Everything except for the RP elements of NV was dogshit.
You can literally LITERALLY ask Father about that and he'll tell you.
>Invest in perks that interest me
>game is alright difficulty wise on hard, normally only killed by explosives or unique enemies
>Start doing The Lost Patrol

What the fuck is wrong with that Radio Tower? Why are there so many fucking mutants there. I counted nine of them and two dogs The suicider was fine since I could just snipe him away, but the two butchers were retarded. I could literally unload twenty Modded combat rifle bullets into their skulls, and they still wouldn't die.

I eventually beat it without resorting to Power Armor, but that was some stupid shit.
I use a combat rifle with one of the strongest semi automatic receivers in the game, and I've coupled that with up to tier 3 of rifleman. I one shot raiders and raider scum and can kill super mutants in like 3 head shots.
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>mfw I get critical hits on their arm and take out the whole super mutant group
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>2000 quicksaves later

perception affects vats hit chance apparently
His body mods extended his lifetime, as explained by Shaun.
I want KL-E-O to test her "weapon" on me!
Is that a black vault suit?
>Charisma is tied to crafting

Do it. You can destroy the Brotherhood. Danse trusts you enough to let you get close to their leader.

Kill them all.
If u keep chatting with the father u find out that kellog had biometric enhancements to prolong his youth Herp mc derp
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He's more machine than man now.
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wow, that's subtle.
I dunno, it can certainly be done in under 4 hours, but I don't think I've seen it done by anyone I know.
Here's my one playthrough
Yes. I've done it; it works.
paper-mask / 10
Fresh OC comin' through.
It's the same as Skyrim and Oblivion.

Oblivion is the better RPG but mechanically Skyrim is a lot better.
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How do you repaint things? I found blue, yellow, and green paint cans but I have no idea how to apply it

Yes. Link to mod. They have other color options. I also have Nuka cola underwear.
what would it even effect?
any missions where you get to assassinate people?
Whats the armor you found or crafted so far, Anon
Pretty pitiful to play fallout for anything else.
Whoops I misread; I haven't tried setting to 11. I have changed them though.
Anybody know where to get the unique double barrel?
Im 24 hours into my first fo4 play and havent beat it yet and i didnt even do that many side quests. I killed the railroad and danse so Im restarting my char and going full institute this time,.
It's kind of freaking me out. That thing doesn't look human.
>want to do start melee build
>Bladed crowbar is rank 2 blacksmith (level 16)
well fuck me, what the hell can you make with blacksmith 1?
Fuck Synth Curie! She was cuter as a robot.
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>A new armor system! You can put armor overtop other apparel!
>Only four different outfits can use this system.

Fucking Bethesda.

Get a Wounding Shotgun.

Walk up to Swan.

Fire six times.


That's on Hard anyway. You might need to fire eight times on Survival.
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Kind of went for a depressed look on this one
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>tfw named my flamethrower the jew remover
curie a best

It's a mod



What needs to be changed? More blemish?
I guess it must be done.

I'll simply wreck the fuck out of BoS and then use Minutemen as a base to build my own high tech faction.

With blackjack. And hookers.

Technology will serve the world once again. And I'll be there to guide the people of Boston into the better future.
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>Not Hitler's Gas Bill
dude how did you do it? I cant find ANY missions where she says "CURIE LOVED THAT" please im begging you to share secrets
>Jane not on the name list
What the FUCK Bethesda.
I'm not saying that undertale is longer than fallout 4, when was that ever implied?

I don't want to destroy it if, anything I want it to be a Military/Humanitarian organization.

Maxson sounds like a straight descendant of some sort of psychopathic militant sect of BoS Outcasts.
is this game worth paying 60 dollars?
Tbh without having several items for those four outfits people would get useful skyrim-esque loot
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theres a tunnel thing top left where swan rests at lake so go there and shoot it death since it cant squeeze through or throw rocks
Combat Shotgun?
I've been doing that so far. What about Power Armor? I want to feel like Iron Man
Dog is shit but i haven't gotten that far, I Just beat Deathclaw
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There has to be a way to turn off in game help, the low health warning in particular. What kind of a feature pops up mid combat to "help" you?

Anyone know how? Because this is bullshit.
>get to the part where you have to choose a faction
>everyone just wants me to go clear out buildings of Super Mutants or other inane shit
>even my own son wants me to go do fetch quests instead of like going fishing with him or getting drunk and talking about science together
>get jaded, ignore all the factions, and just stay in Goodneighbor getting drunk for the rest of my life
If you like FPS games with an RPG side then yes.
If you enjoyed Skyrim yes.
Maximum keks
Straight BTFO
I wasnt trying to start a fight. Just stating a fact. I get they are different games. >>122140420
why? It takes less than a day to pirate.
bumpity bump bump bump

That's what I've got, what do I do with it?
Speedrun is around 1 hour for a Neutral or Genocide run, 2 hours for true pacifist.

Probably gonna be more like 4-8 hours on average if it's the first time you're playing it and you're actually exploring, reading all the flavor text, and getting stuck on bosses.
I don't get what appeals/items do to your perks? so do they get an enhancement or.. what.. can someone explain this shit to me?
>Maxson sounds like a straight descendant of some sort of psychopathic militant sect of BoS Outcasts

As we know from Fallout 3, Arthur was raised by Owyn Lyons and trained partly by Sarah Lyons, but there's a stronger thing in him. He's directly descended from General Maxson, the founder of the Brotherhood. It's the call of blood. He's reverted Lyons' Brotherhood back to its original ways.

That's the thing about Fallout 3 - the Brotherhood Outcasts were far closer to the original Brotherhood than Lyons' Brotherhood. Technically Lyons' Brotherhood is the Outcasts.
Or if there is one?
i set my luck to 1 on chargen, and i noticed only guns i get are pipe rifles. Did i fuck myself? Or luck does affect only the crits?
Dogmeat found something!
What are you even talking about?
So I've just got the quest to follow dogmeat to Kellog's.

How far through the main quest am I? There's still a ton of stuff I want to do, and I don't want to get anywhere near the endgame yet.
rephrase your question, retard
I found the combat shotgun at the downed plane, but it disappeared from my inventory when I picked it up. Some kind of glitch I guess. I don't know where to find another.

>not "Ethnic Cleanser"
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They look like this
IIRC there's one out nearby Fort Hagen in the west.
That or it was a combat rifle. Both are nice early game guns to upgrade from pipe rifles.
So is Lyons' pack just gone?
I doubt Sarah would be okay with that.

tsk tsk she was Arthur's waifu too
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>not thinking new-human curie that is figuring out how to be a human is cute

I talked to her after doing one of the cabot missions, and she gave me the quest. She likes you being nice and being scientifically sounds (i.e. when cabot says woolloolo ancient aliens, you should be like "just tell me the job senpai")
That reminds me, what happened to Sarah? She was firmly invested in Lyon's 'help the people' Brotherhood, but Arthur also liked her. I can't see him just executing her.
Go to the school house in diamond city and get the Ms Edna, the scholar version of Curie, to marry the human.
Unfortunately i only have a ps4 with me since my PC is overseas and i probably wont see it for 2 or so more years.
Skyrim was pretty fun, although i couldnt stand fallout 3 mainly due to the shitty green hue. How's the voiced protag and dialogue wheel? is it really as bad as people say?
speaka da english
Not even close to being halfway done.
Does anyone know how the gatling laser works? I uses fusion cores like the power armor, but i keep shooting and shooting and i dont lose any cores. Could it be a BUG? I also have the perk that makes cores last twice as long, maybe theres some fucked up coding in there.
The clothe you get sometimes give more points to perks, I am wondering what exactly do they do because when I go to level up I see them having the same exact points, unless they are on stats.
Copy the files from the codex folder to the installation folder and run the shortcut. That's what i did at least.
I had Dogmeat make me chase him in a giant circle for 2 minutes to get to a crate that was 10 feet from where we started.
>expecting lvl 1 raiders in the starting area to drop fat men and .50 cal snipers
you dumb or something?
You're near the end of the first third, you still have a long way to go

Kellog is the first bossfight of the main quest and precipitates the arrival of Prydwen and King Arthur. It's basically the equivalent of finding Benny in New Vegas, except you can't fuck Kellogg.


Lyons' Brotherhood was loyal to Lyons, not his ways. They followed him because they loved him but they're a lot more comfortable with Arthur's rule if what Danse says is anything to go by.
How long will it take until we see pr0n of Curie in her sexy synth body?
>Better RP elements
>Better story

Not really.
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I wanted to assume the position anon
I wanted to see if I could feel my legs afterwards
Its Mass Effect levels of plastic dialogue, but its okay.
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Is it possible to respec your perks at all? Also does anyone else have issues with radio towers? I had to disconnect mine and move it to another generator before it worked (yes there was enough power on the previous one). Lastly my main settlement has ample supplies, security and bedding but still isn't attracting settles despite fixing the radio. What do?
>King Arthur
>Perk points

You mean SPECIAL points? In increases your SPECIAL by that amount. Meaning that skills and other systems that use those stats will now use a higher number. More Agility means you'll sneak better, more Charisma means you'll speak better and get better deals at stores, so on.
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Yeah, survival
Oh fuck. I just figured out that each character has its own save menu. That's awesome.
new bread





im level 16. i downed a mirelurk queen in the castle. She dropped a pipe rifle. That was the point i started getting worried about my loot
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Arthur Maxson, Once and Future King
dude you absoloutely cannot deny NV shits on FO4 with roleplaying potential and writing/story

i like FO4 alot too. It doesn't have shit on NV on those aspects, it is better on every other front though

Just wish they hadn't of iced ammo crafting and reputation. also the dialog system is shit now of course

Sarah is dead
>scrapping things that would obviously contain circuits
>haha only plastic and steel here friend :^)

I hate this shit
How do you romance Curie after she's a synth?
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Lots of quicksaves/lods
Oh man see my bitch >>316414578 fuck her and fuck her shit loot.
Good on ya bruv.
thanks ill try these in new playthrough
Yea, it clicked when i read it over again. Total fucking husbando material desu
I'm almost certain it uses Fusion CELLS, not CORES.
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>the Brotherhood is here to prevent war by starting one of our own

I don't know the context, but this guy is getting a faceful of laser as soon as I get to him.


Guess I'll finish up with him and check out the Railroad.
So what happens to your wife or husband after they are shot?! I STILL don't know that and it's been killing me.
Is anyone having a glitch where power armor is randomly disappearing from their inventory? Everytime I find a set of power armor and store it on either myself or my companion, by the time I get around to going back to sanctuary to put it on my old set, some pieces just disappear. It has happened twice to me already. Once when I found a set of T-51 and again when I found a set of T-60. Both times it has been the right leg and the helmet that disappears. It is nowhere to be find, not in any inventory and not anywhere on the ground. This is a fucking serious bug. I'm still using the default T-45 right leg and helmet because of it.
They die.
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.....they die
Looks good, I'll try my best to make one.
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Danse' bitch ass caught wind of Synthetic Humans being made by The Institute. They're going as far as Ala Pic Related. And The BoS is butthurt that someone else is messing with high-tech if not outright exceeding them in mastery of it.

I'm thinking I'll bide my time, and then maybe pick-pocket a Plasma Grenade into his trenchcoat while the fuck stands around gloating.
Also anyone know any certain places to find the Enclave armor, I found everything except the helm & I think one of the legs.

I've got a set of T60 (Dunno how, can't remember, and T-45, but no T51 or the rest of the enclave armor)
>playing on the PS4
>piper is the only female companion that is not a whore
>looks like a troll
>no way to mod her into a cue tee pizza blondy

Life is suffering
I want to resurrect my waifu so ; - ;
I want to resurrect my waifu so much ; - ;
Context is that they dont want the institutes A.I to realize humans arn't nessecary anymore and preform human holocaust because for some reason the institute made the synths capable of making MORE SYNTHS
Actually has anyone tired the res command?
so can I not just shoot a trader and steal all their shit?

it seems like they have different loot on their body than they were offering me before
What does only Xbone get mods?
Fuck Glowing Sea was actually kind of intense

>constant clicking of the Geiger counter
>spooky landscapes
>hordes of ghouls
>fucking rad scorpions
>deathclaws everywhere
I'm pretty sure she/he just becomes a prop after death. I guess I'll just mod it and add in some 'lore friendly background' while making her a companion
Anyone do out of the fire?

How in the fuck do I power this radio after killing the queen mirelisk?

This shit is nowhere to be found
I'm conflicted. Should I do the quest to make Travis less of a beta? I like the idea of helping a fellow beta out, but I also like that there's a bigger pussy than me out there.
You need a generator and you need to hook it up to the middle of the castle if that even if the quest for the minute men. The stupid fucking radio needs like 10 power so prepare to be saddened at wasted resources.
It means they wanted the Call of Duty audience.
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please help how do i get synth curie
ive got the quest is it the doc in goodneighbor i talk to? or it someone else
please assist
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Sorry to break it to you, but I think that's a Mini-14.
I own a civilian model M14 and they're heavy as shit. No way he can sling that rifle around one handed and fire it just the same.

Pic. related is a Mini-14
why doesnt the brotherhood occupy land? do you think they will in the future
Do grenades work from stealth? What about a mini-nuke?
>woman gets gangraped to hell and back
>doesn't develop stockholm syndrome
this isn't like my japanese anime at all
Has anyone completed the silver shroud questline?

It says I need to visit hancock as the silver shroud,

Put on shrould gear but cant complete the quest, only get companion dialogue.

Do I need to recruit him first? Or is this bugged?
Anyone mind telling me where the fuckin' Railroad is.

I really don't feel like fucking around with cloak and dagger bullshit. Pissing around trying to get into the institute was bad enough.
Anyone else taken aback by how quickly power armor breaks and fusion cores run out?
I actually like this "dumbed down" approach they've done. It's not perfect, but I could see them fleshing it out later in DLC or future games. With the RPG aspect it sometimes got to the point where you just kinda rode the rails and sometimes did side quests, but adding more of an FPS aspect allows me to completely ignore the main and side quests and decide "I'm going to go fuck up the first thing I come across today. Because reasons"
I'm not that far into the game what and where is this quest?
Upgrade your armor and learn nuclear physics
My biggest problem is the main guest and your characters forced background of 'this is your family, you love them because we tell you you do'. The whole main quest relies on you caring about Shaun which I really don't. Maybe if they had us play around in the pre-war world to help us establish some connection to the old world and our family it might have worked but once again we have a 'this is super important' main quest which nearly everyone ignores for the more interesting side quests.
People give FO3 shit, but I prefer the find your dad aspect over find your son

I don't have a son IRL, so I can't really connect with what Nate/Nora are supposed to be feeling, but I can see why LW would want to find their dad
So does anyone know if 4 can be messed with in TESVEdit? i'd really like to play around with the damage values and calibers of some of the weapons and mods to make it a bit more sensible.
It's not only that but Fallout 3 actually let you play fro ma child to adult hood which helped let you form attachments and build your character. You got to pick if as a kid you were a good guy or a complete dick. In Fallout 4 your character is already pre determined in personality and background.
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