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/domg/ - Dominions General

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Thread replies: 755
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Undead supercombatant edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based strategy game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a strategy game.
Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:


>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is ded.

There is no functional pirate version.

>Read the manual
>Read the pastebin
>Read the memes

>I want to play X
Heavy infantry nations with simple magic for noobs: MA Ulm, Abysia, LA Man

Human nations with a lot of diversity: T'ien Ch'i (any age), Arcoscephale (EA and LA), EA Ermor

Giant nations with a major bless: Niefelheim, Fomoria, Ashdod

Necromancy: C'tis, Sceleria, MA Ermor, Asphodel, Lemuria, Nazca

Sneaky Nations: Vanheim, TNN, Eriu, MA Man, Xibalba, Caelum

Edge Nations: Lanka, Sauromatia, MA Ermor, Asphodel, Hinnom
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I bet you niggas don't even Ban Blood sacrifices

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Why is Kailasa so perfect? Celestials are amazing.
because rest of monkies is suffering
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Yo give me the Pangea memes senpai
goodnight /domg/
Will Lanka be the first one eliminated?

>enchantment 7 is as easy to get as enchantment 5
>ench 7 is something most LA nations prioritize researching
>most LA nations have a n3 mage with each of their 'moderately sized' armies
>Grip of Winter isn't in the exact same path and also available to Pyth

Looks like the other burds are stalling out.
I overcast shame with all my gems.

Ulm, did manage some major punch to their army that I missed?
Really been enjoying Stalewarriors
It's going well apart from the expected level of AI's.

Here's a similar game, about 1/4 the size, on an earth with 29 fixed starts

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>really enjoying endless expansion: the game
should be pretty slick with all nations
>undead in my cap ring
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>Steam profile says I have 80+ hours in this game
>Still feel like a total scrub

How long does it take to feel competent at this game?
When you win in multiplayer.
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I have just shy of 400 listed, and I only sometimes open it using Steam.

I'm still a scrub.
Can you delete the pretender for C'tis? I made a grave mistake in my understanding of this game.
Blitz blitz blitz blitz get in chat you salty sea dogs.
Are you going to resubmit? I'd like to submit C'tis if you're dropping it.
If he was going to resubmit, it wouldn't be necessary to delete since he could just overwrite.
I thought maybe he didn't know that.
Nope, not planning on resubmitting.

I appreciate the thought, but no I am actually dropping from the signups.
I'm on the case senpai
Now THREE spots left


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>first turn
>Turmoil 3 Luck 3
>get this site inside the cap
>nation of the living non-giants

May as well go AI now. I wanted to ruse someone nearby, harass him and then go AI since I have no midgame plan, but the game itself trolled me.
Amusing game, got me everytime.
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Just have a second fort next to your cap, and *move your shit across*.

Jesus fucking christ does domg like to go AI. 'Oh shit anything bad at all happened, time to go AI!'. If you fucking sign up for a game, commit to killing at least 1 person.
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>Trifurt complains about AI being his neighbours and boredom
>invade the fuck out of him that exact turn

The moral of the story is don't complain about stuff unless you enjoy hot sexy hoburg-on-hoburg combat.
>luck 3
Joke's on you, anon, the event is 'common good'.

I'm a bit confused though. If you're just in the game to fuck one person over, why does this bother you?

>Just have a second fort next to your cap, and *move your shit across*.
The disease isn't the biggest problem with it, it's the 15% popkill on his capital plus a large chance of more popkill later. He's losing about 50 income per turn already, more if it slows down his expansion and he gets fewer provinces.
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If you're relying on your cap for income, your expansion strat is *balls*.

It's less than ideal, it's not game-losingly bad. Even if it is, going AI is just a giant dick move to anyone actually playing the game. Fighting the AI is like slowly choking down liquid shit. And the more you've done it, the worse it gets.
Given I just complained about people going AI which'd messed up all the long standing diplomacy I'd gone for, your invasion more proves a point about how the game has gone.

I hope you like earth elementals
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Defense 27 deer cavalry are probably the least worried about earth elementals. My tiny armoured swordsmen certainly won't like them, though.

I too, can cast Living Earth, though, you know. Are you sure you want to start this hoburg-trampling world, instead of honourable, hoburg-on-hoburg combat? Let our deer warriors clash their antlers, and our footmen ring steel from steel. Let the strongest hoburg win!
Deer on deer is the main course of the day, mine don't have such restrictions as "cap-only". Still, earth elemental is the salting of choice.
I'm not sure I have any footmen, at all.
Lost me name.
>If you're relying on your cap for income, your expansion strat is *balls*.
Some nations can reliably use all their gold to get a better expansion. Yomi, for one example that might like T3L3.

Even for nations which can't use all their gold, it means slower forts.

>It's less than ideal, it's not game-losingly bad.
I agree, I'm just saying it's a bit worse than just losing a turn on your cap-only mages when moving them somewhere safe.
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Sarzzig's Divine Apostles are not cap-only. I just prefer the Unseen Templars and Elite Irregulars because they are cute as hell.

And the divine apostles are so very hungry. Hungry hungry hoburgs.
Aren't they? Well fuck me under a tide of blessed deer, though given their crap attack to defense ratio we may just end up with fields full of them standing arround looking at each other like "s'up?"
Kiirdom guy, i sent you the mictlan turns with a 24h postpone. Have fun dude
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I uh.. I kinda doubt that. Given the turn number.
I guess, though I also have to rename the Hoburg Friendship Mountain Range now you cunt.
>playing Sarzzig
>late game
>not having a million demons of every type instead of mucking about with gimpy hoburg troops
How do I kit out Rama, the Divine King? Brand, Vine Shield, some armor and that's it?
I'm an ausfag with a job. Would I slow the game down too much?
The more players, the more chance it it will need the 24 hours due to schedule conflicts regardless of one person.
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I subbed in like 5 turns ago. I've got some demons. Hanging around.

Divine Apostles, blessed, don't need no man, at all. Lance, antlers, 'exceptional' quarterstaff, good prot, great defense. Overall 5/5, would blindly hurl at people again.


We're still friends. Just now we're special friends.

Don't worry. When you're dead, we'll reanimate your corpses and fill them with blood, and bind your souls to ours. Hoburgs together.

Also for the anon last thread:
Time for BoT and foul air, the world dies with us.

I like berrytoes. It's very hippy girl laughing with the sun drenching her long blonde hair, right before she explodes in blood and melqarts start climbing out of the shattered space where her ribs and stomach used to be, far too large to fit into the tiny space but through some warping of the world's inherent laws, climbing out, one after the other, and looking around, blinking through the haze of blood and gathering their golden swords and shields.
Uh, Admin? Can I request orbital bombardment due to Sarzig being too damn creepy?
No can do, I'm reassigning my bombardment mages after their terrible performance against your army.

37 kills against 300 hoburgs is NOT okay.
>stale Ulm is AI too
wasn't that guy a sub? i thought he was a person, damn
I can see how this is going, and what did you think would happen using damage spells against high prot high mr troops!
The guy I asked to AI him took a few turns to make sure the AI stood a chance.
so it is 20 players and 6 bots already? sad

Every single 'HUEG MAP GUZY' game turns out like that.

And then the people who can actually take turns and micro for that long win and talk fondly forever about their 'epic victory'.
I'm a newbie, is it ok for me to join?
I figured 15 AP fire damage would hit hard enough to punch through regardless, especially with low HP.

I guess that wasn't true.
A mistake you shall pay deerly for.
I look forward to it.

soon your puns will, like your bones, belong to us.

did you know that sarzzig's capital sites are called the weeping market and the dying statue?

These fucking hoburgs are


You think that's bad? I have the Vale of Cleansing, WHICH DOES NOTHING AT ALL.
Do several casts of foul vapors stack?

Does flying protect against earthquake even during a storm?
>That battle in maschoheim

What the honest to fuck were each of you thinking when you built those SCs?
Hey guy that subbed for mictlan, go on the steam thread and write there if you can.
TC you here?

Also Agartha how the heck did you stale, I saw you in the steam chat zzz

Join whatever game you want, man. Just be considerate of other players and take your turn regularly. If you're the last one to take your turn, make sure to take a double turn. Also, if for some reason you want to quit, don't. If you really have to, then set yourself to AI before you go. Other than that, have at it.
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>No Therodos
I could theoretically add in therodos by changing the map file as detailed in the thread
I encourage it. This is a fairly large scale game so you may get to see many of the possible clusterfucks the game has to offer, and how people react. Large amount of players less likely you'll get singled out, but you may experience an early rush (which is nonetheless handy to learn about)
>Hosting EA games because you can't handle dank skeleton memes
Could you also make the place where Agartha starts actually be a mountain? It's kinda weird that it isn't.
Al right, uploaded my pretender, here's hoping everything goes well.
Wait a second, it has a land named Therodos already, just not set as a start.
bear in mind though this will probably take a week or so to fill up, if it does at all
I'd also recommend firing up a singleplayer game with this map and practising expansion with your chosen race and checking out the map. I know it has a large cave system and probably a few odd connections.
maybe, if you tell me how to edit map files plus the code for setting a province to a mountain

is it province 163? Here's the posted solution for adding therodos

'Add in map file

#allowedplayer 95
#specstart 95 163'
To add to this as a person who's looked at the map, the province "Uladh" one to the north of your cap (Presuming you joined as TNN, given no-one else ha sjoined yet) leads to the magic elven realm, which has five provinces with the enterence linked to a province in your capring, a province in formias capring, and part of the underworld.
Will do, I should get an e-mail when the Game starts, right?
That seems the right code for adding Therodos, yes.
The easiest way is pull up map editor, select the province named agartha and check "mountian". The harder way is find which province it is in the code (319) and add 16 to the current terrain value (which is 0, making it 16).
To make it a cave as well, add a further 4096, making it 4112.
Uh, R'lyeh, that's a lot of fish there, we're cool, right bud?
haha, I added that code, and now Therodos is the only playable nation
Oh, right, there wasn't a restricted nations list to start with. Remove the allowed player bit or add another 29 with the code for each nation.
that worked. Adding and removing that code baffingly removed the Age restriction without changing any other code, but let's test it with 30 nations
Sceleria, don't forget to send me the thing I asked you about, please. I almost achieved what we were talking about earlier. In a few turns I will be ready to engage the Swordfish Protocol.
What is the best thing to wish for /domg/?
You better not be talking to me because I've forgotten everything that was happening.
well, it all works fine, and with regular restricted age reinstated.
now, Berytos and Therodos kind of share a province in each others capring, but it's a water tile, and berytia connects to 5 other tiles and theredos to 6 or 7
get rekt Vanarus.
Check again. Aradus is a land province in both's cap rings.
that's true. The simplest solution would be to play the map as it was originally intended. Otherwise that's the price of including Therodos.
the other solution would be to remove that connection, which doesn't make as much sense, but is fairly straightforward
mapmaking is kind of fun. Like a puzzle type of fun
The Med is already enough of a mess of province connections as it is, but yeah that part of mapmaking is really fun, shame about the FUCKING DRAWING PART!
presumably all players need to do is download the map image file right? All this new info will be included in the .trn after I upload it to llamaserver?
Yeap, I think, so far haven't seen any problems with doing that.
Well, they need a .map file for province connections, but I don't think it needs to have the right setup stuff in it.
that sounds like it means Berytos and Therodos would just have to learn to get along
Yes..... It's not like there are a couple of sides with touching cap circles in the area (C'tis touches: Hinnon, Breytos and Machaka)
Oh and Machaka and Breytos touch as well, Abysia misses out on touching C'tis and Hinnon by one province (the same province), Arco misses touching Ermor and Breytos by one province (different ones).

Theredos is just next to everyone down there as well.
at least they can run into the water
Which? Therodos? They're fine, it's half the others whom are going to end up with a blessrush where the sun doesn't shine.
welp, the gamepage map info has been updated

might join as Maverni
Spooky, that's what the admin joined as in stalewarriors.
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A lot of people like marverni more these days.

*cracks knuckles*

Subbed into a Year 4 position as Arco. Game has been sewn up by one player with good diplo and tactics, and a few idiots he's been manipulating into wars.

Dat feeling when you organize the entire world on someone right before they get their last throne, when YOU are the variable that upsets the chessmaster's flawless victory... so fucking good.
well, I played a highly sophisticated and well thought out Tri-bless in Chalice of Salt, and now I'd like to try something a little different. The only thing I'm apprehensive about is whether or not to take an earth bless for my sacred mages.
haha, indeed. The man who drank the sea to salt himself, Therodos.

It's doubtful that it's worth it. And if you're playing the nation right, it shouldn't matter much. Anything important that comes out of your druids should be cast out of a communion, because it should be a) battlefield-wide b) important enough to use a druid for.
Take B9. You'll be covering the battlefield in a horde of boars, which are most easily countered by large AoE spells and big things. B9 bless works as a counter to the AoE spells, since you generally don't want to trade your expensive mages for freespawn boars, and it means that the boars can actually trade with big things both due to their increased strength and blood vengeance rather than die for free.

You guys know that tribless boars guide on desura is a joke, right? It's not a serious marverni build.
But what about gifts from heaven spam?
I was considering B9, But I'm not going to go for a nuts tribless this time and was tossing up between earth and nature as a possible second.
You really do end up with a lot of boars, it's blessing them all that's the hard part.
Divine blessing exists for that reason.
B9 by itself is fairly cheap, and makes your boars way better.
Yep, and Marverni can communion up a druid to cast it when needed.
how do you go about casting it, apart from prophets and holy communions? Cause you need like five dudes to communion up to H3
Don't bother with the secondary bless. Your sacred mages won't have fatigue problems, and your communion slaves aren't sacred.

You want a communion for your major armies anyways. Divine Blessing is just one among a number of battlefield buffs that you'll deploy (mass protection, mass regeneration, army of x in the late game, antimagic, etc)
you can setup a small communion to cast divine blessing even with shitty priest mages, even turn 1 with the crystal matrices.

in my opinion boars are so fucking awful that the only possible plan to make them do anything against someone who is serious about dominions is B9.
i would add D4 or N4-9 to make them more resistant to multiple suicide rain of stones ( although you can't do shit against pre-bless RoS).
as far as i've heard N9 helps communion mages a lot, just like E4, but ith the benefits of making communion resistant to battlefield wide evocations.

There's not a good way to get enough of it. Druids cost too much to get the randoms to spam that, and elder druids are STR and cap only. And if you cast it out of a communion, the slaves tend to explode a lot unless you use druids as slaves, and even then you need a lot of them (Gifts is base 50 fatigue).

You can do it, but it's a sometimes food.

Read this thread (http://www.desura.com/games/dominions-4-thrones-of-ascensions/forum/thread/ea-marverni-sequani-sequani-revolution). You don't just use Cascades (and sometimes you use mind-burn), but generally using druids to drop battlefield-wide buffs and kills (Grip of Winter, quake, wooden warriors, serpent's blessing + foul vapours, etc) from inside a communion is what's worth your time.

Additionally, Destruction will generally do more work than Gifts. Bigger area, and most giants and things get cut to pieces without armour. The problem is the range, but given the god-awful precision on gifts, even with eagle eyes, it's not that bad. If you ARE going to Gifts away, ALWAYS use eagle eyes first. Without it, you'll mostly shell your own troops.

Having Air on your god so you can use Storm Staves is pretty worthwhile, as well as affording rings of levitate for your EQers. Storm Staves stop flyers dead.

Blood is pretty nice too, as it gets you Reinvigorate for your communions (a game-changer) and blood-sacrifice to domkill enemies, or keep your pimp hand strong (which is great for Vengeful Waters).

There's other stuff. Golems, nature gems for cheap chaff, why you use druids as commmunion slaves for non-S spells (fatigue mechanics), etc.


B9 isn't an issue, but taking a double bless for boars and boar warriors and then running into any of the many giant nations in EA, or anyone who knows how to avoid b9 and still kill pigs...

It's just a gimmick build. It's not really even that fun, lot of micro involved.
By the way, Marverni can blood sacrifice even though it has no native blood mages.

> i've heard N9 helps communion mages a lot
It does, but Sequani aren't sacred.

Yeah, I'm not advocating a double bless.
The game won't start for ages
I might try out a b9 fountain and a b9 n9 Black bull and see how I like them.

A couple of (elder) druids with hats and shirts and boosters and an army of nobles (hats and shirts come free), and buffs, is a good answer to defensive ros that can still win fights with trivial stuff.

Boars can trample human sized stuff. But they are still god awful, and boring.

The most common marverni communion slave (s1 stargazer) is not sacred. And druids can cast Personal Regeneration to give slaves regen. Making n9 one of the least meaningful blesses as far as their mages go. You might try to use it to make the boar warriors and boars a bit more durable, but.. urgh. Waste of design points.


The vast majority of marvernis die before those spells even come online.
>The vast majority of marvernis die before those spells even come online.
That doesn't match my anecdotal experience, but I've only been in 3 games with them.

Admittedly they've been in vogue lately, with better players playing them. But Marverni used to be the redheaded stepchild who would get the shit kicked out of it in every game.
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whats ur fav nation and why

whats ur fav magic spell and why
Berytos, because I love mages
Teleport / Cloud Trapeze because they add an entirely new level of strategy with magic phase movement
Arco. They are hope for humanity, proud, high-cultured, noble.

Tie between Golem Construction and Arcan Nexus. First spell saved me a lot and the second one is the sertain way to seize victory in the most of cases.
>It does, but Sequani aren't sacred.

just noticed.
fuck it.just go full scales, dominion 7, even luck3,still take heat 3/cold 3 and take a god with a single path you don't have and push it to a booster-level. like blood 4-6
you've twisted my arm, quadbless it is
>quadbless boars

j-just go B9N9.

We have a free slot for a sub for a MA mictlan with only one stale, decent player probably stabbed by a methhead, PLEASE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE, i want to play.

BTW I am a friendly Ermor and i am not even near him.

I'm that guy and I'm still waiting for an email with the turn files.
Does it work with both air shield and flying shield?
You just need to use a turn resend function, you silly.
That's way more expensive than just B9 for a boost you honestly don't need.
It was Air Shield. Don't know what it will write about Flying Shield, maybe something along the lines: '...but magical shield protecting Anon has blocked incoming missile and Anon got away without a scratch'.
I really like the Dominions music. It's so comfy.
Odd, I sent a turn resend when I noticed that you mustn't have received one, have you got one now? And do check your spam folder just in case.
ah shit nvm, I was looking in the wrong inbox.
My apologies, I'll get on it pronto.
Ermor and Lemuria.

Because I'm a faggot.
Dw, it'll be a couple of hours now before I could do the next turn anyway, if you want to see whom your neighbours are and try to message them on steam or call them out in the thread that's advisable.
Oh and some trivia, C'tis and Oceania are about as good neighbours as Stalin and Hitler, the southern continent is as happy as could be for having Sceleria, Ermor, Van and C'tis on it, and there are two water nations, Oceania to the right and Pelagia to the left.
Also, Skeletons are extremely friendly and totally want to help everyone, so there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for anyone to attack them.
Let's play a game /domg/: Build your SC.

Make an SC that could take on any horror and could just win the game all alone, an unkillable motherfucker to end all the unkillable motherfuckers.
>Taking on any horror

You literally need multiple Wishes for that.
Considering Infernal Prison/Claw of Kokytos exist, that's outright impossible. Maybe you might be able to stack completely outrageous MR, full resistances and regeneration with several thousand HP prophet heroic obesity chassis or whatever, but those will take anything out of action.
You have to survive Scabiel for one round but if you can do that, Mage Bane will deal with any of them.
Is oceania here?
It seems like we had some agreement.
requesting 12 hour turn extension, computer fried itself trying to load up the tumor that was my .2h file. will try to post maps/graphs soon though.
Oh yeah, that's a thing. Good call.

sending scabiel and co to inferno is really funny
what's his title? I want to look him up on the inspector.
Maker of Ruins

'the maker of ruins'

you can also just search for scabiel, names work
I am now.
Intiate operation fluttering flock
I repeat intiate operation fluttering flock
Sounds fun, joining as Tien Chi.
Hey Boksi do you have the rips of the music? I've been trying to find Santa Maria
Stale Vanheim, are you here? We talked about trading gems, do you remember me? (I don't know if you are trading just with me or with other people, but would prefer not giving away free info for others)

50 per 50 gems seems cool to me.

Am in chat.
Sent the turn.
Please be gentle.
As long as you're against C'tis you're a friend of Oceania, and vice versa. I hope you picked wisely.
I hope you like being next to burbs.

Not exactly the same, but this is the song.
And this is my favorite version of it, personally.
Is there any way to see them mowing through the devils on their way out?
This is all the stuff I've ripped out of the game:

Santa Maria should be in there somewhere.
I'm totally friends with Oceania.
I hope that everyone can get along,
and no bloodshed to befall any of us.
5 versions of it too, nice.
Those mariaX.mp3 aren't actually all the same song, they're just from the same album. Same with draam and fikon.
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At least they aren't bats.
That said I would enjoy a trading partner willing to part with blood virgins.
I don't think that's a problem really, but those spells take them out of action.
can someone explain me how the various lategame horror spell works?
i am trying to understan if horrorseed would be good but in a testgame it seems to do nothing but kill 1-2 troops after 10 turns.
also how would one remove it?
You don't remove horrorseed. But it's also pretty shit.
As you've noticed it kills very slowly.

You need to drop like 5-10 cast on a stack for it to do any damage and hope that opponent doesn't have any chaff with his shit to soak up horrorseeds. (research stack is a viable target, research stack with some patrolling birds not really)

In practice it's useful for killing singular hard to kill entities or immortals, but once again, very slowly.
I didn't need a turn resend, thanks whoever that was.


More players needed

Do you want to be part of /domg/ history?

Do you want to join MEME-O-RAMA 2015?

Do you want to git rekt?

Do you want to rek skrubs?


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>Evocation 5
>Astral 2
>Can't be resisted by any means
>Can't be reduced by any means
>Can easily be spammed by even S1 mages after Light of the Northern Star
>Has an AoE of 5
>Has 100 precision
>Will make your entire army sleep
>Will make your thugs sleep
>Will make your pretender sleep
>Will cause anal sleep rape

Is this literally the strongest spell in the game?
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The stereotype is real
This is your first game, no?
When you send in a turn, and you're the last person, you get the next turn in less than a minute, btw.
>not announcing a change in Mods
what are you some kind of fag?
Sorry about that, we're all caught up now.

Also, Xibalba if you're here.. nice job
I received my turn 14 times. I can kinda guess who did it.

Skeletons don't like spam and will treat this as a sign of hostility.

Keking Backstabbers
Dat kekfilter is hilarious desu senpai.

That's the way for less Shit posting even if domg is kinda free
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kill "pretender god" and hope he doesn't have too much health
you know it's a good turn when you open the file and it's all your commanders dying to earth elementals
>Having so many E5 mages you can spam Earth Attack.
admin-kun, what happened with the turn? i-it's for tomorrow and I want it now ;_;
(talking to stalewarriors-admin)
That is correct.
It's also my first MA game.
What did bats do this time?
Are any of the nations in Dominions based off the Sea Peoples that allegedly existed around 1100 BC?
There's Phoenicians, thats about as close as you get IIRC.
I got the bat blitz. Cracking one of my forts in a single turn, along with several provinces. So many bats
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bats dudn't do nuthin he'z a good bat his Mama Micla raised him right
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There are indeed bats everywhere to the south, trying to spread in to the southern continent. Huge numbers of them.
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If I was still there I would put up perpetual storm and laugh at the grounded bats.
Round 2, Niefelhiem?
Also, of the last five turns, the admin Ulm has staled on four of them.

>No turns
Join more games.
Join more games scrub.
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pls do not oppress the bats
Do you know what happened to bats in another game, thanks to me? Firt they were stuck in their caves, then when they ventured forth into a war, BAM perpetual storm.

And I also attacked them too, but that was less funny.
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I'm in six and I haven't gotten a single turn today.
I was not 'stuck' in my caves I had quite a few normal land provinces.
Stalewarriors and Salt Elemental?
Which others?
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just take it easy anon, you don't want to burn out
Shush, I was making it more dramatic.
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Wait, I'm in five. Counted one that already ended.

Stalewarriors, TornVale, MilesGloriosus, 2Scrubs1Tub, CastleDoctrine. I was in SaltElemental but I got eliminated.

Nah, I'm fine. They're all pretty damn fun.
CastleDoc hasn't updated today? I must be going crazy. Which side are you?

Or it could be because it updated in both of our yesterday's, however my yesterday is the today we're talking of.

Also sorry for killing you in Salt Elemental.
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>Which side are you?
Not sure what you mean by side, but I'm Not-China.

>Or it could be because it updated in both of our yesterday's, however my yesterday is the today we're talking of.
Now you've confused me. But yeah, I took my turn last night.

>Also sorry for killing you in Salt Elemental.
Assuming you're Asphodel/Ermor, it's all good.
I've always had a soft spot for Jomon, call me a weeb if you must. There's something about their underwater troops I love.
Favorite spell would probably be Unleash Imprisoned Ones for the flavor.
Not a terrible ratio.
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nothing with weeb, after all my favorite nation is EA Yomi
Why do Agarthans have such shitty attack and defense on their non-olm nonhumans? Even the ancient ones are terrible.
because when they do actually hit it hits like a truck
Agarthans have no depth perception. They're also pure of heart and not warlike.
This desu.
Fucking auto-host.
Asphodel, or the one nation that has been at war with everyone who has died as it's known.

I'm from the UK, time zones and so such.

And I'm Not-Japan, great.
I won't force host, I'll make sure the next turn is the right length though.

I in no way condone or support spamming the nations whom have not done their turn yet with resends.
Also, all three nations that haven't submitted that aren't Helheim (who may have been stabbed by a methhead) are my neighbours.

It's tempting but I'm of the view that any admin actions should not benefit the admin in the game.
>the next turn
No, make sure THIS turn is the right length.
It can be reduced by protection since it's AP, not AN.

It takes at least 5 casts to put someone down, more if they're wearing decent armor. You'll also need to keep casting it to make sure they stay asleep.

The mage AI tends to go full retard with it and focus on a single group of units, rather than spreading it around to make everyone go to sleep.

It's a great spell but it has downsides.
not russia here.
You are a backstabbing son of a pig.
Not skeletons here
If it makes you feel better he's helped me immensely
no, no that does not make me feel better.

Why would anyone help Ermor when Ermor is right on their border?
They're a bunch of obese dudes with sight problems. Plus they aren't really that warlike.
sceleria not Ermor
nobody in 2s1t but ulm and xibalbs count for shit, lets be honest.
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good night /domg/
Just fucking Forcehost already, it's bast the usual time and the people who haven't gone are obviously going to stale anyway, why make us wait a whole tucking day for them to do so?
>an extension was made for people who couldn't make it by the usual time
>there are people who haven't submitted by the usual time
>you should forcehost now that they think they have that time.

i like how the theme is now forcing people to stale.
Better a staler because of real life stuff than an extension for a tester
It seems that R'lyeh had lost his turn, the poor dear, because he took it now that I resent it to him.
hi you used a bunch of words and they make no fucking sense. what is a 'tester'?

is this some deragatory slang for people actually autistic to play the game well? Because I guarantee that those are not the people who are taking until the last minute to take their turn/
>Tells people to git gud
>Unironically butthurt when they try to learn game mechanics

Never change
There's a guy who got buttmad because some other guy beat him after testing his scripting. It's a meme now.
I don't really have any beef with you at this time Pelagia. You are safe at least until Oceania is gone.
Nevermind now there is a problem. I really liked that squid.
that makes no sense, why did was this turn delayed?
you should have made sure this turn was the right length, damn.

and since it was wrong, just forcehost so we get the turn.
look at the admin log, it wasn't a intentional extension, but a mistake extension.

Admin fucked it up with the last turn and somehow fucked it up with this one too.

Forcehost already, the people who are left are going to stale anyways.
Hey Mictlan sub, could you post in the steam thread?
A1E1 casters can do RoS with 3 gems, right? Summon Earthpower -> RoS?

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because he thought you were bluffing (aka he didn' t have shit for scouting), believed all emorians need to die ASAP, and was probable not a very happy guy either

Yeah, but I gave him a chance to retreat. He saw the massive army waiting for him while he was besieging my castle. He literally had a great position. All his neighbors are fighting each other and he decided to attack the one who's probably the strongest but with worthless to him land. It boggles my mind.
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in the end he was only a man
I panicked and you didn't reply.

If you have a diplomatically active ermor or lemuria on your border, and all your neighbours are busy, that sounds like a prime time to try to take them out.

Diplomatically active ermor is fucking cancerous.

Why must you be so mean to us poor skeletons? We only want to socialize.
They are all filthy Skeletonists.

We must fight for our right to be free skellingtons
If you want to go to war over the two water provinces by my cap then fine Lemuria, I thought we'd already psuedo-agreed that they were yours until I was able to take them, and as I said sorry for it being unexpected but I didn't know when my God was going to appear. I still stand by my offer of compensation to you for those territories.


Funny thing is Man betrayed me in NoStalers as well. Man players seem to like doing that.
With all probability, I'll lose my capital next turn, and I'll go AI soon after.

If you guys want to still have an admin, somebody please contact me and I'll let you have the admin password.
It's suck, but for awhile I can be an admin. I have wrote you on steam.
Ok man. I've messaged you back the password.

I love how any time anyone fights diplo players, they have 'betrayed' them, and any time diplo players fight someone, it's a 'defensive war', or a 'helping an ally'.

My only advice is, if you notice a heavily diplomatically active player near you, kill them first.

>they have 'betrayed' them

NoStalers Man literally betrayed me. We made a deal about territorial division and a few turns later he decided that he didn't like that deal and attacked without warning.

Also, why play a strategy game with other people if you don't like diplo? Might as well play with the AI.
>a great diplomatic player is good at making alliances and being in the justified position at war which is usually defensive
no shit Man, this is a game of strategy after all especially if your playing skellie bones
Or given they are prone to wars of "helping an ally", or as we usually call it honouring the alliance, talk to them and together kill the salty "one-nation one-victory" player and drink his tears.
Guardians of the deep, who doesn't love monsters coming from the depth to protect your provinces
Oh, and Sauromatia because amazons, swamps and poisons. Wish they played more on the poison side of the nation.

Ermor because delicious tears
BoT because delicious tears

Have you seen the AI in this game.

The problem is that high diplo players often don't even need to use any of the game mechanics to win. If you're always teaming people, and getting a bigger share than allies who you put in positions of doing the lion's share of the fighting and then getting ganked by someone else while you help yourself to the spoils, you don't need to, for example, know how the spell system works, fight battles upon which hinges your empire, or anything else that's actually exciting or interesting.

Games with people doing a lot of diplo drag on as people don't attack for fear of getting gangbanged by 'justified' alliances, and are basically over from the point that people start listening to the diplo player. At no point is the diplo player under any sort of risk of losing, yet the game drags on for another 70 turns because they don't want to risk actually fighting anyone without 3 or 4 people at their back.

It's boring as hell. It's hard to even call it 'chessmastering', either, because you don't need much intelligence to pull it off. Just to understand the tropes that motivate other players (typically historical ones like 'war' and 'treaties' which don't really apply in a game about a free for all between gods) and put a bunch of effort in typing up whatever.
Usually it's Ermor who is bitchin' the most.
see that's the thing though, people feel "honor bound" and forget the whole point of the game is to win. Those concepts you mentioned are basic tier diplomacy, you ever wondered why most games preference their descriptions with "anything but trade is none-binding"? if you're truly upset about diplomacy you should stay clear of foolishly lawful players or host no-diplomacy games
>My only advice is, if you notice a heavily diplomatically active player near you, kill them first.
That's a bad idea. The diplomacy-focused player will paint you as the aggressor and use other people to dogpile you while he gets stronger.

I've had some success with counter-diplomacy. Diplomacy-oriented players often rely on people not realizing how strong they are and letting other people take the risk while they gobble up free land. People really don't like being manipulated that way, so you can point out what they're doing and their former allies will often join you in a removal attempt.

>justified position at war
Would it kill you to admit you just want their land?
nope because that's the point of the game, my point was if a player is strong diplo then yes 9/10 times in the reality they weaved for the other players they really do think the diplo player is justifed. it's like you said the best way to stop a diplo player besides a none-diplo game is to expose his schemes. My favorite method is to cover his land in scouts and post screen shots of his army positions and other nice things when I can, a great way to make a diplo player flub up if he isn't careful with his wording.
We had a problem with one of this kind of player in smallgods and we are dealing with it this way.

It's kind of hard to 'steer clear' of players like that when most players are like that (and domg is no exception).

Murdering a heavy diplo player before they can marshall an army of allies to smash you, though, is kinda doable.

They rarely actually know how to play other than a few tricks like defensive RoS and making big slow armies. Hitting them hard and fast with mixed tactics can cause them to collapse before their dupes can overwhelm you. Then you pull back, hold off the dupes until the diplo player's influence wears off, and play the rest of the game normally.


Depends how quickly you can hit them.

And getting into the game of 'he said she said' with a diplo player is like unto actual torture. It's also not the actual game, Dominions, that I want to play.

> Would it kill you to admit you just want their land?

It would, though, is the problem. As they don't want to learn to play the actual game, and want to play instead a diplomacy metagame based around deception and so on. So they would 'die' in the game if they did admit that.

Also, I subbed into a position where a player had nearly won a diplo victory in this manner.

I did the whole counterdiplo thing, but holy fuck. It's like pulling teeth. What's worse is that the people who were harder to diplo get gangbanged by the diplo player, so you're left trying to counter-diplo a bunch of people who are heavily brainwashed.

It's just.. eurgh. Like, it's working, but wow, it's awful.
The problem here seems to be that when someone loses due to not knowing something in the game, whether it be a strategy or tactic or whatever, they can see what it was easily and learn from it.

When people lose due to the diplomatic ministartions of other players, it not only is hard to see whom caused it, it may be hard to see that it was due to such things at all (The Pythium whom ignored Bogarus eating AIs in order to attack Lemuria for example)

Though I suspect it's a taboo thing to mention in a game general, having sessions of Diplomacy played here, with AARs, may help as there's only diplomacy of the exact same ilk as in dominions, no l33t strategies or sacreds.
>And getting into the game of 'he said she said' with a diplo player is like unto actual torture. It's also not the actual game, Dominions, that I want to play.
>I did the whole counterdiplo thing, but holy fuck. It's like pulling teeth. What's worse is that the people who were harder to diplo get gangbanged by the diplo player, so you're left trying to counter-diplo a bunch of people who are heavily brainwashed.
Yeah, it sucks. I got lucky and a single strongly worded message which was essentially
>if you don't fight this player right now he's going to rape you in these specific ways
managed to turn it around properly. Then the other player ragequit

I think the only real solution would be to play with a group that contains only players who have a decent amount of experience. They're harder to diplomance than newbies and tend to also notice and counter other cheesy stuff like throne rushing.
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well it doesn't help either that there are many players who go in with the mindset of their own goal rather then to win teh game proper. For example the pythium player probable thought "man I know I can't win with my own skills, so I'm gonna help my bro bogarus who I know outside the game and just focus on fucking up ghosts instead." Other self goals like that really shake up how the game is played and probable makes it easier for diplo players to fuck with the more serious game minded players who rather have a test of skills more then anything.

however it's dangerous talk to start saying "this is how the game is meant to be played' because then your going down of how the game should be played in the first place, I do however agree games with minimal diplo seem more enjoyable, especially with noobie players how want to play to get better at the actual game then put in hours of time acting like politicians
I was more suggesting the aim is to make players more aware of diplomatic ministrations, as due to the environment it's hard to seperate them entirely from the game.

I agree that player shouldn't be expected to have to do tonnes of political manuevering to hope to win, but they should at least be taught what others will use against them. Even simply checking every few turns with other players what third parties are saying goes a long way to stop diplomancing being instant win.

Also I love Diplomacy, hence mentioning it.
I actually think Diplomacy in this game is extremely interesting, quite at the same level of the magic system.

The cool thing is that everything is temporary because only a single dude can win the game, so there aren't any possibilities for a stable alliance the whole game, and you alway want to make sure to get an advantage for you and your ally but you don't want to make your allies too powerful.

I think the problems start when the heavy diplo player can KEIKAKU their way to victory, because their allies are too much retarded to see that the alliance is helping their allies more than themselves.
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ah I see now. I did remember reading that basic diplo guide and it is fun to just chat with everybody even if it's just "sup homeslice" messages.
this does typical happen when a Wannabe Light joins a newbie game. new players do want want allies badly so they can feel that security they think it offers
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>People complaining about diplomacy
>In a turn based grand strategy game
It is interesting, but use a small d for it, large D Diplomacy is a board game which if Dominions was not based on slightly I'd be surprised.

And yes, the problems start and end there, people need to be more aware of what everyone is doing and saying, hence me suggesting the board game as it's brilliant practise.

That's why I was recommending some expereinced diplo players playing Diplomacy and each writing up AARs, probably putting them on the wiki.
I'm not complaining, I'm suggesting that it is something that people can lose repeatedly to without learning WHY and HOW. Which should be remedied (Diplomacy)
Who'd be up for Diplomacy then guys?
I'd be interested in some Diplomacy, though I've never played before.

The problem is a lot of players seem to put little to no effort into it, and end up just letting the strongest player take away an easy win. Some even help him into a win, which is worse.

If you're one of the few players in a game who actually pays attention, you end up having to convince people about basic things like "Caelum is 2x larger than everyone else and needs to die".

The password is ErfSnek
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another thing new player should learn is that just because they were allied to the winner they themselves are not "winners." their god is banished and dies just as much as the other fools. There is a reason Disciple is it's own game mode
You need to register, but that's free/quick.

The reliability thing looks cool, Llamabeast stealing that would be helpfull.
Cool, I'll register an account and sign up later today.
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>No disciples game mode where you get to choose which god you ally with so all the gods have to diplo with the disciples or end up getting clusterfucked
Cool, I can't reserve a place, but given it's just me and one other joined so far then it should be fine.
i actually used capital D because i was making a reference to that game. Dominions is like diplomacy with a battle minigame, you can be the best player of Dominions in the world and still lose if the other guys outdiplomacy you.
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A game where you can play the slut waifu and have onii-sans woo over you
If it's popular enough to fill up before I can join, I'm sure there'll be more games later.

I'd join that game just to solo everyone busy fapping over whatever.

Ironman style, no disciples, ONE GOD ONE LAND.
Organise one as such.

Simplest way to do it would be to have the Pretenders and disciples sign up as their nations on steam, someone starts a SP game with those nations on the right map to assign starting positions (you'd then have to upload a new copy of the .map txt with #specstarts for each nation but that's trivial).
Then have the Pretenders make their builds, and whore to the various disciples.
Then everyone joins the game on Llamaserver, and teams are assigned based on that diplomacy. Voila.

Yeap, but I'm aiming low for now.
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>Tfw no bf with a big rock hard erf snek
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>angel-fu will never find her perfect god-san
Dominions doesn't allow for ad hoc dominion effect changes. What I want is a game where people can choose to ally with Ermor and then their dominion starts growing skeletons. That kinda stuff.
It wouldn't be ad-hoc dominion changes, there's no way in hell that could be pulled off without serriou modding, and maybe not even then.
It's just adding another layer of pre-game to allow diplomacy rather than allowing people to change teams in-game.
>You will never tie down and gang rape an angel trying to become a god and then corrupt her into becoming a demon instead
>You will never have to thrust at her together with twenty others to only have one successfully penetrate her
>You will never watch your high-moraled commander push the chaff aside and slam himself inside of her
>You will never fuck her face as your commander cums inside of her, her holiness and awe fading just a little bit


The idea is all nations start, yet only some actually have pretenders and dominion spread

Then the pretender-nations have to ally with the non-pretender nations which will cause their dominion to spread

Alternatively the non-pretender nations can fight the pretender nations hoping to banish all religion from the world
I know that was the idea, I replied with as close a thing you could do within the games mechanics, down to knowing the start positions and Pretenders before haggling.
Your idea would need a fair bit of modding, at least.
not really feasible since disciples really benefit frombeing designed specifically with their team.
Definitely not Stalewarriors :^)
Stalewarriors is going to come down to Pan, Van and Bat.

All nations with crazy expansion so it's not surprising they thrive on a map such as this.
My scouts show me Pangaea has borders with nearly every other nation in the game.
question: how do i stop a domkill if i am the domkiller and i just want to domkill player B but not player A. i already moved out bloodsacrificing near player B but i can only move so many temples
build more temples near player B and if smart enough get player A to pay you for destroying temples near them
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truly the only one you can trust is moving statues
i don't have much safe space desu and he doesn't have much money too.
How are we THIS dead?

Domkill is an indiscriminate weapon.

Also the entire point of the game is that you have no friends.

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Why is this allowed.
>losing a vanhere
It's usually a good idea to bring a handful of serfs or similar trash units with to bump up the squad size to 5+ and to catch arrows. Since your commander can cast air shield after blessing the vanheres, you actually avoid the usual risk of having your arrow catcher at the front set to 'guard commander' (that risk being that the archers will then be shooting at your commander once the arrow catcher gets to him) which means that your venheres won't be getting shot at while they shred the infantry.

photo of legolas riding down the stairs on that shield while firing arrows

'let me tell you about elves'
>tfw I could have ended Pan early but didn't because it would have impacted my already shitty expansion
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>tfw still no Stalewarriors turn
>tfw still expanding
>tfw hiding indie provinces so I can charm the dope ass commanders in them.
How do I into SC? I tend to suck horribly when I make them.
something something brand something something vine shield, something something fear/awe GG NR
Melee ones are focused on being tanky and resistant so they can kill everything until it hits the turn limit or HP rout limit
Caster ones are usually about casting elemental spam spells or battlefield wide ones until it kills everything on the battlefield
It must be able to survive against whatever your opponent has. Is your opponent going to spam air elementals? It needs shock resistance. Does your opponent have a bunch of astral mages spamming stellar cascades? It needs to have 0 fatigue so that they won't target it. And, of course, it must be able to survive against all of the units that your opponent has deployed. This is usually easier than building to counter the opponent's magic, since the requirements are generally the same - high protection, additional forms of mitigations (vine shield, awe/fear, etc), and regeneration.
It's mindless that prevents it from being hit by cascades

The spellcasting AI doesn't target mindless or 0 enc, but the spell does actually affect both. If it accidentally hits one while targeting a non-mindless non-enc-0 target.
I've had tarts get targeted by cascades
Good to know. That's what I had believed until someone here told me otherwise.
This sounds incredibly specific.
Diplomacy is a valid skill and part of dominions, some people are more socially inclined than mechanically.
The ends justify the means.
>Also the entire point of the game is that you have no friends.

But if you're smart you have puppets.
did you get that Air 6 mage you told us?

also, is Stale vanheim here?
>still no Stalewarriors turn
>everybody that hadn't taken their turn as of when it normally ends still hasn't taken it, and will inevitably stale
Fucking told you to forcehost, Admin.
but anon, why would you? pan is a cool guy
Because he has a chance of winning now.

adming = fag, y/n?
He kinda doesn't though. Not more than any other decent-sized nation.
R'lyeh and one other took their turn after I would have force hosted.
It's not like EA R'lyeh has a chance of winning ever.
but you don't have a chance of winning anyway. Why would you ruin someone's chance of winning just because you feel like it? that's mean.
I like to feel like I've contributed something to the state of the game.
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>Attempt to murder Abysia with spookytime
>Talked shit got hit by birbs
>All that Banishment
>Now have the full attention of birbnation
Oh. Right. Priests.
Well shit.
At least Xibalba will eat them soon.

Don't listen to the shitcunts. If you extend the turn, you leave it fucking extended. People rely on the turn timer to actually be correct. Making people stale because a handful of assholes (or like, one guy chainposting) want quicker turns is badminning.

If cunts want quicker turns, then they can go and fucking start some quick turn timer games or whatever. Instead of whinging endlessly at the admin/people without turns in. Wow.

>every abysian mage is also a priest
>murder abysia with ghosts

Alteration 5, the two temperature change spells.

Burbs in heat 3 and Abysians in Cold 3 are not best suited to fighting your sacreds.
I was doing well until Caelum joined in.
>steam diplomacy
>maining nations
>especially blood/astral nations
Please die and stay in Tartarus forever.
>not testing some stuff to learn
>not doing diplomacy on steam

Elf fag spotted, after all why main a nation when you have several flavour of elves for each era?
not that guy but
>each era
Did you forget that LA exists or that only Midgard has any sort of glamor that age and even then pretty minimal?

EA is the all types of elf era
MA has 3
LA only has 1.
I only there was another age we couldve gotten rid of the elves.
People actually do this? I've literally never even seen mention of it before now.

>animefag with shitty pictures detected

'main a nation'

Fucking try harder.
>implying that little bit is worth denying us all a turn for a day
He didn't extend the turn. He un-extended it when the person who needed the extension didn't need it after all, but it was un-extended beyond when it should host, and it did two turns in immediate succession, so he needed to roll one of them back, and somehow during that mess, llamaserver got the idea that this turn should end after twice the normal interval. And because the admin was a coward, he didn't try to submit a negative extension again.
>not gitting gud
>not engaging other players in a multiplayer game
>literally no one does this
>everyone knows these nations are strong late game
Please stop trying to extend the lifespan of shitty memes.
Why don't you stop trying so hard to win
Would anyone be willing to trade away 3 slaves for gems?

(someone repost that picture; I'm too lazy to find it)

It's easy to memorize strats with no actual understanding of the game if you play the same nation over and over again.

Try hard cunts do it. The ones who must win at all costs.

If you shorten a turn timer, or force host a turn, you're fucking over people. Does not matter if it was extended - if you extend it, you stick to that extension because people plan their shit around when the site says the turn will be processed. It's bad adminning to do otherwise. If you do it because a couple of assholes who can't into patience whinge eternally in the thread, you're the actual worst admin.
to be honest i am tempted to replay the same nation again to perfection what i fucked up, but i want to try other nations too.
i can't see someone wanting to play the same nation 10 games in a row, but i can see someone playing the same nation ( or its alter-ego in another age) 3 times in a row.
they're not going to get far doing that. Have you never played this game?

If the timer says "turn due at X" and you make the turn host at Y, a time before X, and there were people who were planning on submitting their turn between Y and X, you've broken an implicit promise to people on which they were relying.

It's already been established that at least two people fit that category.

It's how a lot of players on domg play. Specific tricks that get mentioned a lot, spammed wildly, with no specific counters or understanding of what is going on. C'tis that just skelespams, pony nation that has n9 bless and thugs poorly with no idea of what to do with the thugs, and forms all tstrikers into a big ball.

That kind of mechanical play isn't high tier, but if you're willing to put in hours and hours and hours of time and also diplo hard at the same time, you can win a game in the scrubheavy meta of domg. Which justifies all the stupid, in the eyes of tryhards.
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Well, the Skeletons are attacking now. I knew full well I'd be their first target.

There are four sides next to Ermor:
Yourself, whom is thouroughly fucked.
C'tis, whom is in a mighty pickle due to Oceania eating them.
Sceleria, myself who is not going to stick his hand into a skelly-blender.
And finally, your only hope, there is none he's next to the bottom of the map
For the evening/whatever crowd, because diplomacy is becoming a contentious issue we were running the game which Dominions diplomacy is based on, Diplomacy. It's hoped everyone will do AARs about it for te wiki, to show new players what to expect and how to realise that one really nice friendly nation is one throne from victory and needs his shit kicked in.
Sorry man, i hope you don't take it personal.

You have to admit that starting the game trying to do an alliance against me was a little bit provoking.

Still that was a good idea, you were kinda stuck there.

Still, you wreckt a good fifth of my army there, you can still destroy me
I have an S8 mage and a bunch of other good shit. Just waiting for thaum research to charm spam
Sorry about the bump, goats.

And Kailasa, I'm sending you 20 earth gems this turn.
Don't worry Sceleria, i know you don't want to fight me.

Even if i don't know what will happen after the evil Vanarus is vanquished.

Maybe i'll have to take on my Skeletonbros
Just yiff my shit up f a m
I sent you some coins for cum pan sating if you know what I mean
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>Being butthurt that people try their best to win

I'll never understand the tryhard as a derogatory term meme.
There is no need for him to fight you yet, Sceleria absolutely mops the floor with Ermor, especially after he's had time to build up his necromancer-preists and reach his research goals.
I mean, yeah, Sceleria has a pretty sizable advantage with national units, but once Ermor gets Tartarians, it can start dropping air trapeze RoS cyclopses which don't trigger gem spending and it's super annoying to deal with when your damage comes from the 50 squishy human mages in your army

There's a difference between trying to win and someone so butthurt about losing at a videogame that they use any cheap tactic, any boring endless diplo, mindlessly copy a strategy etc. It's the difference between memorizing a specific sequence of buttons to press and practicing it religiously to pwn noobs at a poorly designed fighting game, and actually learning proper counters and how to play. In one case, someone is trying to win, not to have fun or have a good game. In the other, the person is actually putting forth effort towards being good, rather than simply GOTTA WIN HRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

One indicates a fucktard. The other, someone actually playing the game.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Copying a bless from a guide and rushing your neighbor only works if you know how to build off of your advantage or if you're in a duel. That's basically the only example that correlates to the button memorization analogy.

Testing to learn how effective their scripting will be is literally just a new player spending time to get the knowledge that a veteran already has. That's more the equivalent of a guy practicing combos so that he can use them in a multiplayer game - which, by the way, is something that everyone even a little bit serious about fighting games does. The only instance that this would be considered in poor taste is if you practice and then beat up newbs that are playing casually. It makes you kinda a dick at a party if you're going to do that sort of thing, and players that are autistic enough to test out their scripts are kinda dicks if they're doing so in a noobs only game. If you're not playing in babby's playpen, you shouldn't bitch about other players either being experienced or using the tools available to make up for their inexperience.

The "any cheap tactic" thing just makes you sound like a scrub. I don't even know what you consider to be 'cheap.' Is it stellar cascades spam? Bless rush? Battlefield damage spells? Aside from people considering RoS being too strong, there isn't even a universal example of a strategy considered 'cheap' in Dominions, and even then the answer is more likely to be
git gud" than "Wow, that guy using a spell that's difficult for my nation to counter is CHEAP!"

Diplomacy is a matter of taste. I actually also don't like spending an inordinate amount of time on it, which is part of why I prefer with in-game diplo only or anonymous games (which is basically why I play here to begin with).

I wrote a lot more words here than I should have, since you're probably too retarded to actually consider them and the community by and large recognizes that your line of reasoning is retarded already.
Stop being a shitter.
dear pankoman, it's like there is two halves a point here barried under so much stupid.

The two halves a point:
People lying either to themselves or others about their wars and others to frame everyone else as the bad guy, and themselves as innocent victims, when there is no value to lie. Which for these cases is most of the time

The second half, is people not understanding that breaking treaties, betrayal, and lies are part of diplomacy. Those things will happen, and can be done well or done poorly. They'll effect future diplomacy, but there is no reason to go on tilt over it.

The stupid is in thinking that diplomacy isn't part of the skill of the game and inherent in the design. Because it is. You'd have either have only 2 sides or outright ban all communication to avoid diplomacy and politics.

Also, thinking counter diplomacy isn't just diplomacy.
Or thinking that the gaming having only one winner makes politics and diplomacy invalid. It doesn't. Having only one winner isn't the main difference from real would politicing and negotiation, the main difference is that there is a definite end state. You have to keep the end state into account when thinking long term, because there is a limit to the long term, but that's just the transition to being a game instead of reality.
>People lying either to themselves or others about their wars and others to frame everyone else as the bad guy, and themselves as innocent victims, when there is no value to lie. Which for these cases is most of the time

Never understood this, desu. I've always framed my diplomacy along the lines of threats to the game (eg - let's kill Berytos early before they can get a billion mages or let's work together to kill Nief, since we both know they want to rush someone). If someone is like "I'm defending myself!" my natural reaction is just "So?"

The best way to convince someone to help you out in a war in my experience is either "Their armies are fighting me and I'm going to kill them, so you can take X province for free" or "Let's kill the elves." Because fuck elves, honestly. Also, everyone knows that killing elves together is the best way to start a relationship.
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Well, this commander unit just decided to join my cause.
What do I do with the adorable monster?
Prophetize and make defensive thug
I already have a prophet, though.
there is some value in knowing if a player is attacking aggressively or turtling.
Being the defender doesn't have any moral value in the game, but it does tell you how people are behaving which is useful.
Lying about it typically isn't, because that typically gets found out to fast for you to get much use out of it. Getting caught just makes you seem a habitual liar which hurts your diplomacy.

I'll engage in diplomacy with someone who'll lie tactically, I expect them to everyone to do that. But if you lie all the time I can't work with you.

>kill elves.
fun meme, but kinda overdone. Bats and birds can get just as bad in terms of surprise attacks and maneuvers, and plenty of nations are more dangerous depending on circumstances.
Kill it. :^)
I don't know it's got a decent statline but no magic paths and no slots it's not incredibly useful with neither of those.
Disregard this I suck cocks and missed
It's shit.
No armor slots and no prot/def also makes it unusable.
What about giving it a magic item to breathe on land? It does have 80 stealth. Would be a very unusual, but not wholly useless scout, and would likely be incredibly baffling how a Kraken managed to get in to someone's city without anyone noticing.

recruit some land stealth units, raid somebody's capital for no reason, play this song the whole time
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Is this asian guy missing chunks of his brain? This is horrible.

Wait, your kraken can't wield any swords. What kind of shit kraken did you get?
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One without thumbs
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>letting someone even play EA squids
He's one of the only experienced players in a newb game. I expect him to do fine desu.
firstbreath is a newb game? since when? it wasn't advertised as such.
The original post was about how it was the first game for some of the first few duders to sign up.

Finished LA Midgard. Please critique. Also, any links to any guides'? Couldnt find any except for a Dom3 one which my computer flagged as being virus ridden.

Friendly reminder to help out with the wiki yall
you know something we don't, so share it.
Midgard's interesting and strong. It can do a lot of different things well - RoS in every province if they want it, thunderstrike spam, elf raiders (especially if you went with a bless for expansion), massed storm demons. They can go with a bless, full scales, or even a diversity mage pretender. If anything, people should write multiple guides for it to cover how different pretender builds play out with the same units.

Tryna keep the wikia as factual as possible. Would super appreciate it if you could write up a guide for it though.

At a glance, it looks a nation of great mages and communions/sabbaths, and shitty troops.
>shitty troops
einhere are basically vanheres without sacred or glamour and they have skinshifters, which are basically Jags without sacred and a better start form
admittedly both of these get rekt by xbows what doesn't? but you have A so you can put up arrow fend and mist and you want storm up anyways.
>Tryna keep the wikia as factual as possible.
Yeah, that's cool. I was just talking about Midgard because I like it.

> Would super appreciate it if you could write up a guide for it though.
I'm lazy af, sorry. Plus the only game I won with them was just because I expanded to be like twice as big as everyone else and no one wanted to gang up on me for whatever reason.

> communions/sabbaths
I mean, they can if they want to put up some high level buffs or whatever, but their astral mages are a bit more expensive than you want for just com slave use. Werewolves make better slaves anyways just because of the HP pool
>and shitty troops
They lack crossbows in LA, but their troops are otherwise fine actually, and you have air magic to fight everyone else's crossbows. Einheres are dope if you have resources but low gold and skinshifters are great if you have gold and low resources. Their sacreds make stupidly good expansion parties with either W9 or N9 and then transition into becoming the elf raiders that we all know and love.

This is why I try not to write the guides, and just report the factual info. Thanks for the input though, i (really) do appreciate it.

Seems still like a nation of communions/Sabaths, and you probably want A4 on a pretender.
>you probably want A4 on a pretender.
Why, for air boosting? I mean, it's nice, but it's nonessential. You also don't get much out of the bless because your t-strike spammers are the galdermen.
galderman (VERY) rarely get a4.
fortunately you actually want dick loads of galderman

a4 gets you to a6, which is pretty much all the air you'll need. I guess you can pray for an a4 galderman.

Besides, you get it cheap on the frost father, and w9 is pretty decent for your sacred cavalry.
Yeah, that build's fine. You can get decent scales on it too, since you don't need more than 6 dom or so. It's not the only way to play, though, which is what I've been saying.

You get A4 .25 x .025 = .00625. .625% means i have to recruit a fucking shitton. better to put A4 on the pretender.

My only problem is dumping cold because the nation doesnt get much in the way of cold resistance.
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Don't worry about it, honestly. Unless you're fighting Utgard or Lemuria, you won't have a noticeable disadvantage in your dominion.

If you want puffy vulva lab rats, you can actually go O3/misfortune for more cash, but I'm a fan of gem events in LA. You can also go down to Sloth 2 or even Sloth 3, but that makes you more likely to get screwed by a hard start
You have A4 on a hero too, but it's not wise to rely on it. Getting to gale gate isn't super essential for Midgard anyways, though. You can get there in other ways too, like if you wanted to run high astral on your pretender for dispels and to fight for astral nexus and so on in the end game.
Midgard has sailing, elves, and air magic, making it extremely maneuverable. This is underrated. Einhere are great troops, huskarls/hirdmen are solid chaff, and skinshifters are great once you can remove their primary weaknesses with buffing. (fantastic synergy with arrowfend and fog warriors)
They're like N9 jags, only you dont need to pay for a bless.

They also have extremely cheap S2s and some of the best battlemages in the game in Galdermen.

Only problem is that their armies are gold hungry. I know people refer to lots of nations as gold hungry, but your elite units are 20-70 gold (even if your chaff is cheap), and your mages are expensive too, and mostly nonsacred.

You have the crosspaths (note- this requires some blood empowering) to forge boosters all the way up to:
Forgeable items:
Air Helmet, Bag of Winds, Earth Boots, Blood Stone, Elemental Staff (E/A, forged by an A2E2 Galderman) Skull Staff, Blood Boosters (require some empowering).

A4(7) E2(5) D2(3) N1(3)* S2(3) B2**

*requires a thistle mace.
** empowering blood to B4 is easy, and you only need B3 on an N/B mage if you prefer that method.
The A stuff and therefore the elemental staff does require a pretender, the hero, or an extremely unlikely galderman.

Consider empowering. Empowering costs 60 air gems, which is arguably cheaper than the 50+ design points. (50 design points on an A1 chassis. For an N bless or Dragon, it costs far more).

Moreover, if you have Luck, there is no point to taking A4 on your pretender, since you're virtually guaranteed to get Vanlade in a reasonable amount of time AND you'll have plenty of gems for an empower if he doesn't show up.
Also, if you're taking those paths, six dominion is the breakeven point between the frost father and Father of Winters. Just take the Father of Winters (maybe at dom5 to squeeze in an extra scale), you get the same paths, scales, dominion, and he's an SC Chassis.
Good call, actually. You're right on the Father of Winters being strictly better just on account of survivability.

EA Ermor done.

EA ulm done.
Decent content, horribly written.

only did the unit.commander descriptions. can you be more specific? maybe i can fix it?
The strategy/pretender sections are just rife with typos and grammar errors.
Been playing around with alternate pretenders. For a scales build, take a Dom6 Bridgekeeper. He can manage +6 (+8 given cold3) scales with A4E3N4 in his paths, giving you elemental staff, and Air/Earth/Nature global access.

For a luck/W9 build, I suggest looking at the Son of Fenrer. He also makes a great awake expander with dom9.

Monolith for N4E4S4 minors->Golems, matrices, and nature boosters.

Dom5/6 eldest dwarf with A3E2S1N1B3 gets you great booster access early on.

Fuck me, you're right. Ill spell check when i can.
That's what I like about Midgard. It can use a lot of different things well, but the only thing it really needs is gold.
It seems like your describing Bogorus not Midgard.

They are set up for communions/sabaths. Mainly communion, as all but 1 mage is S1 at least, and the blood typically get mixed in with the communion to put up a few reinvigorates.

They do have pretty shit troops, and really want an A4, as they otherwise only get A2, and while you can empower, it's another 45 gems and you have no chance at an A4 hero.
>virtually guaranteed to get Vanlade in a reasonable amount of time
Eh, nothing is really guaranteed with heroes or luck 3.

In a recent game i got one hero out of 4 in 70+ turns and would have to empower into high death if it wasn't for ring of wizardy event. Luck is luck.
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Well I'm done spriting SDM's stuff. I've decided to try and emulate Dominion's artstyle more.
The odds of you receiving only one hero in 70 turns are under 5%, assuming luck 3.
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>Play as elves with misfortune 2
>Still get the hero I need
>Beat the shit out of Asphodel who was running Luck 3 Turmoil 3
>get a ring of wizardry in a province under his dominion in a province I just conquered
Did you sprite Koakuma?

How would you stat out SDM?
Remi - blood/death/astral
Flan - blood/death
Patchy - Full rainbow?
Sakuya - Air? Astral? There's no time magic that I can think of off the top of my head.
Those commanders look masculine.
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I can make Sakuya ethereal or have S magic. The Grey Seers/Lords are mentioned to sorta exist outside the normal flow of time, kinda like Sakuya and are ethereal to reflect this.
Someone join this fucking game already http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=LotusClusterfuck .
It would be fast and fun, why are you hesitating? I bet all of you just scared to be blessrushed. PUSSIES. Nerds in this general sure are pathetic.
offending us won't make stupid ideas that don't catch our interest more interesting.
Is any stalewarriors player here? as a weak nation which big nation should I give my ass to?
Who should I team up to gangbang a big nation?
when is a new game coming out?
Daily reminder that if your army can't survive a turn 1 RoS it is shit.
b-but what if i'm xibalba? how do I make them survive one turn?
i share your pain anon.
Stale Arco, are you here?
what's up

anon, why would you meme me? ;_;

i just wanted to trade stuff with Arco, the Stalewarriors merchant
I can assure you, it's me. Mictlan is following hot on the heels of like 20 werewolf assaults. Goddamn things besieged my capital.
I just hit con7, so thats what, 2000 research points, if I or my researchers live that long.
nevermind, 4400
okay, sorry for doubting. this thread is full of memers.

So what about i send you 50 air gems this turn and you craft the memes i asked for? i don't care if you can't build them all in one turn, as you told me. Also how much should I pay for it?
I'm a little hazy. I do recall someone requesting stuff that would take a few turns for me to boost into, but if you want the same as before, it should be fine. If there was something else then yeah, I may have to forge, equip, forge then send. I'll shoot you a fair gold-price in game. Also, I'm getting destroyed by Mictlan, so if he somehow compromises my ability to do anything, I'll send you any unused gems and whatever I managed to forge.
I am getting sick because normies are slowing down my games, everyone does their turns istantly but 1 or 2 guys.
oh, you are getting memed on by that guy? damn, I wish I could help you with that, but I'm in the other side of the world
What nation are you?
Because I want to find and hurt you.
I can confirm it's 100% Mictlan, fuck him up
3 Breaths of the Desert: 15 fire gems
Two fire helms and flaming skulls to allow the Daktoi to cast it: 50 fire gems 10 death
Fighting Niefelhiem on his cap in Heat 2: Priceless
why? :(
Where are you and where is he?
Make her true ethereal (since she can timestop through magic people throw at her) and a hero to keep it balanced and limited.
What's your price on skullcap, arco?
we're all southwest near the volcano throne

just the gems required plus whatever surplus gold you think is fair. My cities are overrun with philosophers who don't care for material wealth.



Who owns the 243 portal? If whoever owns the 293 portal would let me move troops through it I could send an expidition over there.

I would need two crowns of command, as Navigators have piss-poor leadership.
Gross over use of the word 'meme'
Still four places left, http://webdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=169648
but anon, if it's ironical use then it's fine XD
Gold is difficult, I'm a poor jew. No gems?

I own 243, 293 and 1126 cluster, vanheim owns 1084 and bats own 1187. So to get through that route you'd have to arrange things with either van or batman.

Also it's going to be awkward because I'm shipping thugs through that route and it's going to be awkward.
Nah, I can get to 293 from my lands.
Who's next to 243? How close is it Mitclan?
Hinnom is on 243, right next to my besieged castle on the 285. I assume Hinnom owns 293 but I don't know.
But I'll trade crowns of command for buttkicking, sure. My mystics can forge that shit in their sleep.
>Nah, I can get to 293 from my lands.
Oh, i guess you are somewhere south of it then? Might be hard to go through the mountains if you are thinking of it, there's cold dominion there.
>Who's next to 243? How close is it Mitclan?
Mictlan and Ulm.
You can leave a gem tip. I could use a few pearls for these crowns I guess.
>Might be hard to go through the mountains if you are thinking of it, there's cold dominion there.
Actually, I'm confused, mountains are to the south of 243.

I don't know how you are planning to get to 293, unless you've got a deal with caelum or bat or ur.

Seriously, where the hell are you

Okay then.
I'm magic. That's how. In half a dozen turns alright with you?
Then it's agreed, butt-kicking shalt be done.
I've a crown brewing this turn that should be ready for the next
Actually, I need to walk through 287 as well, damn cliffs.
You'd have to be more specific in timing. Send me a warning in game on when are you planning to go through and if there are any thugs or troops in route that I can't move away I'll post in this thread. Otherwise it will be fine.

This is getting fairly inconvinient quite honestly.
I expect compensation for whatever gem sites you temporary take (right now there's only one wolf oak, but i'm sitesearching). At least there's no gold yield there. Combined income of those 3 provinces is 16 gold.

I take it you are in india.
Do you or do you not want me to send 180 troops to help Arco? That's basically the question.

And I won't get the whatever from the provinces anyway, I'm sure Arco will compensate if needed?
Do you mean Ablissa/Sunndi?
Provinces: http://i.imgur.com/KVGjF02.png
Forts: http://i.imgur.com/LeXS2R6.png
Income: http://i.imgur.com/cQz7w4Y.png
Gem Income: http://i.imgur.com/rte56FU.png
Research: http://i.imgur.com/LNJN564.png
Dominion: http://i.imgur.com/9Lv7CQ8.png
Number of Skeletons/Army Size: http://i.imgur.com/0gY7ID5.png
Map: http://i.imgur.com/FcI52Kl.jpg
Doesn anyone know if there's a europe map like the one in dominions 1?
>Do you or do you not want me to send 180 troops to help Arco? That's basically the question.
I'm interested in some limited trade with arco so I'm fine with troops being shipped, but if this whole shipping buisness generates extra gem or gold losses, it will outweight the benefits of not getting construction 6 yet pretty quickly. I'm already going to lose 30 PD in 243, but that's the kind of losses i'm willing to take for now.
Mictlan done nothing wrong to me anyway.

>Do you mean Ablissa/Sunndi?
I don't know the names of the provinces, I just checked for surrounding ports and the only region you could be from is Afrika/India looking one or another nearest looking port to it.
I'll just continue my Formian campaign then, sorry Arco.
never fear, the Emporium will always exist in your hearts.
How is that going, by the way? Are your boarfuckers able to beat the elves and their giant masters okay?
He's now staling, and he's got 750 gold of cap sacreds stuck in a province with no commanders.
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>He used the giants instead of nemedians.
I understand now.

Shame his commanders don't stand up to assassin spam.
Giants are better for expansion and expansion isn't over yet. Less attrition.
>tribless fomoria
Just no
>expansion isn't over yet
He's at war.
Not just at war with one person, but two, one of which he decided to attack.
He's just expanding against more specialized indies.
Bats have launched a full-scale offensive against me, capturing nearly all of my territory in one fell swoop. If you can find it in your heart to remove them, please do so. They should be rather vulnerable with all their forces occupying my lands! And we all know you'd rather have to deal with vampires than bats later on, especially vampires that were gimped in both expansion and now by a full scale war.
I'd love to help but I have no clue where you are, I had a misunderstanding with Lemuria about an agreement and am still at war with Migaard.

Hope you survive.
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For the record, these were all my provinces barring the indie one I took on the same turn. My capital yet holds because bats are shit at actual combat.

Remove bats REMOVE BATS

They're nothing but a bunch of filthy backstabbers. If you ever find yourself bordering them, I recommend immediate removal, lest the same fate befall you.
How long can you hold? I can get Tenguu air support SOONtm as long as I survive.
Though I can't look at the new turn yet, I may have been fucked so...
Stupid bats can't break the might of Ulm and I think I might even have a fighting chance if I can somehow recruit enough people to take back my lands.
if that's who i think playing bats, he was posting screens in another dominions chat showing he killed a ton of your illuminaughties
I advised him to demolish the labs he doesn't need so that if you did take the provinces back, your infrastructure would be fucked
I'd help, but I've got a mass of Midgard headed my way.
Gath has your back, as do I and hopefully Ragha. Fear not those bitches in man's flesh.
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Was it worth it, Marignon?
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>mfw horde of skeletons
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>mfw skellyspam against an unprepared opponent
It was actually foul yiffers that made most of the kills
That's surprising. Voul Vapours doesn't usually do that much unless the battle drags on, and those crossbowmen should have completely raped those slave warriors unless Mari fucked up his scripting somehow.
No I just scripted my things like a professional
Well, good job.
One reason that its effect is undervalued is that regeneration stops it from killing anything. Against regular humans, it will cause significant casualties relatively quickly.

Also, he had only 3 marshmasters so his skellyspam would have been much smaller in scope that C'tis prefers
dense HP ball at the front set to guard a commander in the back corner?
Even better

Small groups of worthless slaves which crossbows had to spend turn after turn firing at to kill and/or rout

I had only three marshmasters because it was my advance force

My main force is only just now arriving to drive back the filthy human invaders and also the now-AI fishmen that decided to attack me as well
Is this Medieval Times?
Are there any games recruiting right now?
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As we never cam to an agreement I don't know how you can say I was a back stabber. I said from the beginning I wanted that forest.
I'd call that a clear victory for Xibalba, though.
BTW, Nice job defending your cap in the 2nd fight. However I will continue to trade 1 mage and less that 1 turns recruited chaff for 8 mages and that many rangers all day. Not sure what you have left in there.
I just listed the numbers, did not show the screens. But after 2 rounds of fighting I have traded chaff and 2 mages for Ulmish real troops and over 2 dozen mages. The gold cost is about 4 to 1 in my favor, and I have not had to commit my reserves.

On both capital fights I was a round or 2 from winning/breaking him I believe but chaff is chaff and they eventually failed a morale check. I should have sent 1 more group the first time but this bought me time to finish my research target so it won't matter much longer. Ulm, MR is not their strong point.
May want to rethink that, I also have an air force and have not needed to commit all the 40 bat blood hunt patrols, so far each turns recruitment has been more than i lost in battle. Ulm was not that big, so I am not gaining much, and I am not the threat some other races will become.
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Do NOT believe their LIES

Yea, that was round 2 cap fight, round one was my underestimating the PD his cap gets. while my troop took the other 6 objectives.

As far as how the fight went I will trade one Way and 1.1 turns worth of recruitment for 8 mages and 30 rangers all day long. Even though the numbers look bad my losses cost 9 blood slaves and almost 600 gp LESS than what Ulm lost, and it killed a bunch of the cap mages. I am happy with that battle.
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>not a constant threat
Not in that game, but y'all are idiots if you believe this guy for even a moment.
Note, you never finished bargaining, you offered gold for that land, but did not name an amount. later you told me I had 3 turns to leave. You never sent anything.

This was that third turn, I chose not to leave as I had never agreed to do so and never got paid.

Also if you look at that message from what, 8 turns or more ago? I said I did not need it FOR NOW. I did not. But this is a different year. You never proposed a treaty or a NAP.

When I looked over our communication I saw that nope, we never agreed on anything, so opportunist? Yep! Backstabber? Nope!
I thought so.
Look at how hard it tries to conceal its trickery.

Remove it before it pulls out another knife and plunges it in your back.


Remove it while you still can.
Flies in storms
I'm not set on helping Ulm, but consider not making threats AND saying you're not that powerful/a threat AT THE SAME TIME.
going to agree there.
Also, seeing bats take half dozen provinces in one turn doesn't make me think everythings going to be hunky dory on that end.
You are only spelling your own doom.

ULM shall live on forever, made immortal through song and tale as the first and only who dared stand against the greatest threat to the free world ever seen, yet you shall not be remembered for being the second or the third to fall, lest it be a tale about how COWARDICE and ABSTAINING lead to naught but DESTRUCTION, AVARICE and DESPAIR.
I'm pretty sure you're batz trying to make Ulm look bad, but whatever man.
I like this Ulm.
no amount of chaff can murder a griffin, so I'm pretty comfortable with not invading bats.
that's pretty short sighted. Cat demon bat meatgrinders will do the job if he's allowed to grow into them.
W9 griffons aren't unkillable, but against Xibalba at this early point?
I'd go with at least extorting shekels from them, or land.
I meant that as more of a statement of non aggression towards bats in the current phase of the game than anything else.
didn't go W9, don't like W9 on griffins, N9 is my go to for defensive griffins.
N9 is good too, probably better as a single bless, but W9 deals with the defense malus for being attacked by multiple foes.
that's only an issue very early on though, when they're few in number and easily surrounded, once you hit critical mass griffins, and mix them with caelum lancers if you can they don't get ganged nearly as often
Unless your enemy deliberately adopts skirmish formation to make them land in the middle of the holes.
line formation forces flying troops to walk
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so does my dick because those griffins will be too butthurt to fly when i'm through with them ayyy lmao
Funny enough no. Somewhat new to 4chan and had not even realized one could do that.
I'm not even at war with anyone yet.
r u mad at my sicknasty theorycraft skills?
Gonna be starting this cataclysm game pretty soon, probably in less than a day. Been sitting on it long enough.

Last call, if anyone is interested and hasn't sent a pretender yet.

No I want you to lift your slutty gryphon tail and let me pound that feral tailhole until your rider falls off.
is it the version that rains gems everywhere?

you can end up at turn 20 with 100 of every gem without even sitesearching.

I lowered the frequency of sites, though you still will probably get an above average number of gems, at least according to my little test runs.

i think /domg/clysm mod also reduces the number of gems you get, slightly?
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That's a surprisingly good way to deal with that, you do lose out in terms of how quickly they get to the enemy but the cohesion more than makes up for it.
Sorry for the accusation
>tfw i was the last one this time
because Fomoria and helheim don't count for that, anyway.

sorry guys, busy normie day.
they're AP15 so they still move faster than most heavy infantry (9 ap) but a little slower than most cav (mid 20s) so at least they're still quick enough

EA Maverni done. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Tried to keep it strictly factual, with a basic explanation of all the attributes on all the troops/commanders/etc.

Reminder to work on the wiki yall. Help get fresh blood in this game.
Can't help, too fucked by Migaard and Lemuria (attacking me immediately and rescinding a deal/destroying a fort under construction respectively)
>tfw the hubris of a god broke the ancient seal
>tfw my proud race is nearing extinction
>tfw c.ucked by masses of human migrants
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>goat poster

you deserve to be eliminated
any plans to do nazca soon? I'm pretty terrible for formatting but I be willing to feed information and keep things as factual as possible, they are my favorite nation
Go away Chara only cute goats and petting and yiffing here
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there is no escape, it's only a matter of time till someone makes an underground nation of monsters oh wait EA agartha, IT'S TOO LATE
I'm retarded, a magic ritual which causes something to happen via event only comes into affect after battles/
Not that you were going to beat 80 burning ones with that army you brought anyway
The attack 17 with one longer weapon length was the problem due to repels, attack 14 would have been far mre manageable.
Which I should have known, but as they say, it's not permitted to er twice in war.
Doesn't seem to be much interest for the Diplomacy game, still four slots left with nearly three quaters of the sign-up time gone.

Which is fair enough, it's only tangentially related and all.
And then there was 17.

Jesus christ this attrition rate.
Never even heard of it, care to elaborate?
>sauro went AI for absolutely no reason

Look at those goddamn degenerates.
Writing is on the Wall, getting DP'ed by skeleton lovers. Sent my riches overseas and I'm sallying forth with one last army to do what damage I can.

Knew I shoulda gone for a titan pretender.
Diplomacy is Risk if Risk took skill instead of "whoever rolls more 6's wins"
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reminder blood magic is the purist form of magic because it comes from pure women and not disgusting polluted ozone/shit soil/gas fire/deadbodies/pee water
I'll probably repost this when there is a new thread


30 fixed starts on an alternate earth
Kinda like anon said >>122141326 , but closer to dominions, asside from with perfectly equal strengths and no numerical advantage in a single province.
The site it's hosted on has the basic rules and so such http://webdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=169648
You asked for help! I just took your provinces with 0 PD, it's like smothering a crippled elf baby, a helpful kindness.
I now have three AI neighbors.
Did somebody have money bet on me or shit?
But the priest smiths can't even forge blacksteel anymore.
But we already have stalewarriors.
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>implying there's anything pure and innocent about blood magic
About the only dudes who have an excuse for it is EA Mictlan
I'm more or less expecting you to win at this point. Literally no way it can go wrong for you.
Did we get arround to making a blacklist? Because Preamble the chainstalling Ulm Admin needs to be on it.
Here's your blacklist
>ulm players
Then they all move to another nation and meme it up, and they might choose a fun one this time.
The password is ErfSnek, BTW, forgot to mention.

There's plenty of Sauro to go around my man... leave some for the honorable ghostmen :)
EA Ulm is hella fun.
I was tempted to edit the map (it's EA locked) but in the end I just made a few changes I detailed in the description. Going with something close to the authors intention, who is also apparently creating MA and LA versions.
With the full 30 it'll be much more cramped than stalewarriors anyhow
Sorry about your scout dude.
Also now that Formia is AI, I think we can declare victory against them.
>leaving things to domkilling fish
We don't have stalewarriors, every single small set back has resulted in a person going AI, by turn 50 it'll be me and one dude halfway across the map at this rate.
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guess you should have named the game AI warriors instead
Don't worry, I'm not going ai and we can have a thug war in our pond somewhere around turn 200.
Then everyone would have staled. Truly it is the fate of most the games here for some fuckers to go AI at the least set back, when's the last time you've fought someone till they were dead rather than have them go AI? ignoring that for me it's nowish, NoMemes Niefelhiem is a Bro tier oponent
Literally everyone I've killed in my last three games fought until they could do no more. I'm talking like 'cap under siege, 0 income, and all of their armies are dead' levels of defeat.I have seen nerds go AI in my games, of course, they just don't do it to me for whatever reason. It's honestly been pretty great, and I've enjoyed my games with y'all.
I have two provinces, no cap, no castle, and one army raging across the country slowly deserting in Tornvale
Careful C'tis! It looks like we're about to walk into the same province.
I'm quarantine my capital, too many buddy neighbours blitzkrieging my cap out of nowhere.
Leaving you the lions share of the mountains and half the forest on the other side though.
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So you're saying a bunch of midgardians showed up and wrecked your shit, and then just left?
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Keep on keepin' on
Hah I like ur shit dude

Haven't even looked at this turn yet, but no worries, I had a scout in literally all but 2 Fomorian provinces.

Lucky for him he went AI since I was taking ~7 of his provinces this turn alone.
>ghosts have a 50% win rate, by far the highest of the reported nations

Anons, I fear that we have misjudged the true threat
Well that was an interesting turn to watch. Not so much for me, but the scouts saw some shit.

Also Eunuchs, you are one annoying little bitch to finish off.
they had two games, though. and both were 6 players. wait for more results to come in.
I know, I'm just trolling on account of his recent success. I'm not even in that game.
Personally have won two, though one I was a disciple Therodos, who's my fellow Therodos bro?
if you've won two games, and they've been reported, then you have all the victories for therodos
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>Want to cast a global with 800 gems
>Don't want to give 400 gems to the owner of Arcane Nexus
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he is the god of underwater ghosts
But only one of mine was 6 player, implying another thed-friend, where's the link to the stats doc?
then turn them into astrals and dispel it Ermor.
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>Don't want to give 400 gems to the owner of Arcane Nexus
But why not?
that banelord going in against 33 pd gave me a laugh.
But yeah, suck it mate. Though I think you came off better than Sceleria in terms of gain.
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>that feeling knowing that anyone with Arcane Nexus is accepting my sloppy seconds after dropping my load on a exhausting ritual like the greedy slut they are
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that caught be me a bit by surprise. Shouldn't have since you get free PD increases, but oh well.

Sceleria whats with the Ermor impression down by the bay.
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Gotta get those pearls somehow.
>Ermor impression
Did he at least give a good impression? I care about my reputation, you know.
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> since you get free PD increases
I wasn't even aware
the PD on that place was from some omen I got about in impending attack
Fuck it, you can have some, I'm still working on Abyssia and Berytos. The Abyssian AI keeps on suiciding assassins on my commanders and they're all getting so much experience...
You underestimate my scrubbitude. I'm just really good at looking like I know what I'm doing.
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but that's normal for Sceleria. Indie priest re-animation yo
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It is 100% your fault for that turn 30/31 bullshit you pulled.
>people went ai because admin didnt forcestale people so i could get muh turn
Freudian desu
I'm not convinced it happened naturally, considering Helheim went AI and he's not even around.
The admin log records when an email address is changed. Helheim set himself AI. He's around
He's also increased the hosting interval to be stupidly long.
>hey guys I'm just gonna stale for two weeks
>okay that's fine
>stales for two weeks
>when he comes back, just goes AI
What even was the point then? Why not go AI from the outset?
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>Stalewarriors, turn number 32
>Hosting interval: 24 hours
I'm not in the game, but how is that stupidly long?

I'm fairly sure he said he wanted to be set AI (or get an extension), not stale for two weeks. After two weeks of staling his position might be terrible.
Turn 31 was 48 hours.

If i'm following the thread drama right, someone asked for an extension, host changed turn timer, and people lost their total shit and demanded forcehost, screamed, wailed, and behaved like babies in general.
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>had to wait two days for a turn
It was probably just 1 or 2 autists chain posting, but yeah pretty much
48 hours is not at all unreasonable for a game with ~70 provinces per (non-ai) player. That's larger than most lategame nations will ever get in regular games.

Since it has been changed back, it also sounds like it was a temporary extension, not a permanent thing. Extensions happen, and having an extension of a single day isn't a big deal at all.
this desu mea familia
Nope I'm still mad, gonna go AI now.
senpai pls, don't do this
speaking of extensions the weekend of the 21st is insane for me, and thanksgiving of course by I'm assuming all games are gonna get paused for that.
Alright guys, i'm pretty much a master casual at this and ready to give multiplayer a shot at some point.

I've tried a lot of different factions and ages and played like 300 hours against various AI difficulties and am aware that the AI has no idea really how to properly play so I've probably learned some really bad habits.

I understand shit about pretender design and how to get a "read" on different factions and figure out what bless and scales or w/e to pick and understand pretty much every basic aspect of the game. Problem is I have little idea of how actual players play and there are a lot of items/spells/strategies I have never really thought of ever using since they are pretty pointless against AI.

Is there anything really important that I should know about facing actual players and things I really obviously shouldn't do that works against AI but won't work against people?

I'm not completely retarded but just trying not to absolutely fall flat on my face the first time I play with people who are experienced and at least last a few turns.

Here you go, kohai.
The big thing is honestly battle magic. You will need to learn how to play against it, since odds are the AI didn't use any. You'll need to relearn some assumptions accordingly (W9 centaur with mage support are an order of magnitude better than unbuffed centaur, for example) and you'll need to learn about fielding appropriate counters (fire fend is an obvious counter to firestorm, but it goes away when you cast Mass Protection) but even then, this is a strategy game rather than an action game and while there's loads to learn, you probably aren't impossibly behind or whatever.

Also, /domg/ is full of terribad scrubs and you'll probably beats some of them if you put a little thought into your turns.
I'd ask for an extension. I didn't even know it was thanksgiving, and I'm not planning to extend the game I'm admin of unless a player asks.
oh, right, international and all that.
I'll make sure to ask for extensions in more detail as we get close. But I doubt I'll be the only one asking for one on that weekend.

This might all go to shits if the oncologist has bad news anyways, but no sense borrowing trouble..

Just join games and get stomped and don't get butthurt over it. The absolute best way to learn is to watch other people do stuff. To you, obviously.

Something that isn't anywhere at all, that I will tell you for free, is always attack. The AI takes advantage of any province without a million defenders in it, but perhaps trained by the AI, dominions players don't. If you attack, they will try to defend. If you move erratically, they will become confused. I have hurled tiny, shitty forces into enemy lands and forced giant enmaged armies to retreat. So just.. attack. Attack in year 1. Attack when you have nothing nearby to capitalize on it. Attack constantly and consistently, and you'll win games. Even holding a province for a turn gives you gems and gold. And more importantly, takes it away from your foe.
I did this in my first game. I was Xibalba. I attacked the shit out of my neighbor, took around half of his provinces in the first round of raiding, and then died horribly because Xibalba's units are shit without magic to back them up and I didn't have my research up yet, so his counterattacks just crushed me.

It can work, but it can also backfire horribly.

Thanks, it seems like i'm actually not too far behind in using my brain then cause this is mostly stuff I either assumed or had figured out.

Question on thugs though, I always assumed that people usually meant just really strong recruited commander units when they said this, but do most people use only summoned thugs?

Also could you give some examples of common SC's? I can't really distinguish between really strong thugs and an SC or where the line is drawn.


I thought so. The times I dabble in heavy duty battle magic against the AI they pretty much get dominated, I imagine almost all decent players use it considering how much it completely can turn the tide of fights.
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And here's a little tip - an expansion pretender is /nearly never/ a bad choice. Even for a nation which expands like a motherfucker, kickstarting that engine with a bit of extra Res in the first turn will give you the va-voom to get to 24 provinces year 1.

Rainbow pretenders and titans and stuff seem very appealing to new players. I mean, they need s6 for rings to make wish happen, right? And then they get defeated in year 2. If you survive long enough, you will be big enough to judiciously empower to get the paths you need for globals or boosters. Shortcutting that with a god is an advanced strategy that can fuck you. Killing provinces of indies with an earth snek, giant doggy, or anything else with decent prot, awe, and fear is a thing that cannot fuck you over unless you don't test it and blind expand into lances. National mages in most cases will give you magic. Having extra magic on a PG is nearly always until vet-tier a waste of points. Increase existing magic a bit, give him 4 in a path like Earth to EQ in the midgame as a surprise counter, etc, but don't sit there buying 50 paths unless you actually want to lose.

Also, if you have nfi what do with a national mage or how to counter a rush, ask here. Most of the advice is shit, but some of it is actually good.

Unless you faced a god-tier opponent, my guess is you massed your bats somewhere for an army fight. With flying, stealthy units, that's not attacking's fault, that's your fault.
There's no hard line. A thug is basically any fighty commander, which generally start being good when they can solo PD because that means that they can be used as raiders. An SC is anything that can beat your opponent's army. If your opponent's army is shit, the requirements for your SC are low. If your opponent has a billion astral mages in armor, you're going to have trouble making an SC that kills them.

If you run an N9 bless, a golem works well as an SC. A wraith lord or dai oni can become an SC. Many titan/monster pretenders can be geared out to become SCs.
Nah, they just used actual fighty units in most of their provinces which killed my raiders enough that I had lost too many. The only time I massed for a fight, I actually came out ahead.

Thugs - A 'thug' is anything that can take on PD and win. So a n9 vanjarl without gear, and with mistform, for example.

Most nations don't have recruitable thug-tier chassis. So if they are using thugs, they are perforce summoning them. Common summoned thugs are Bane (Lord)s and Black Servants. Sleepers are sometimes thugged, and sometimes golems have a set of light gear that doesn't quite qualify them as a SC, but rather as a heavy thug. Most of the good thug summons were taken out of the game or made weaker, and a lot more from dom3 were only the result of CBM (a balance/additional stuff mod everyone used).

Ergo thugs in general are rarer now than in dom3, and a lot of people talking about thugs are people from dom3 who haven't quite adjusted to how shitty they are in dom4.

A thug is something that can reliably take out minimal PD.

A heavy thug is something that can reliably take out 30+ units.

A SC (SuperCombatant or SuperCaster) is something that can take out innumerable units with non-specialized-against-it mage support.
these are kinda shit definitions, to be honest. "Thug" basically refers to any single commander able to fill a strategic role without troop support.

Roles include PD raiding (This is the most versatile in terms of builds: Can be done by summon thugs and light thugs), benefits from sailing/flying/stealth. This is what most people think of when they hear "thug."
tailored unit counters (copper plate +frost brand nerd to tie up a swarm of spring hawks)
Raider intercepter - similar to pd-killer except with magical movement and a little tougher
Anti-thug - tailored to kill tough enemy single units. Frequently, but not necessarily, has magical movement.

Heavy thug: Tough unit able to fight large numbers of enemy units without mage support. Skratti, Golems, etc. These are frequently considered "SCs" as well, especially under the definitions used on dom4mods.

SC: what he said. Usually with tailored resistances, piles of MR, and some form of crowd control. Common chassis are gods, tartarians.

>30 units
Pd 10 is 30 units as often as not. Most thugs should handle that to be worth the name.
>Ergo thugs in general are rarer now than in dom3, and a lot of people talking about thugs are people from dom3 who haven't quite adjusted to how shitty they are in dom4.

I think you're exaggerating slightly here. There role has been reduced, but they are still a thing.

They're a major part of what makes elves elves, and bane (lords) are available to a lot of nations. Most of the giant nations also have something decently thugable. They are still an important part of the game.

Also, a big hit to the availabilty of thugs was the changes to the N bless. Before you could get regeneration with just N4 on a pretender, which opened up a lot of cheap thug options. Things that were good enough to do the job at N4E4 in dom3 aren't worth going for N9E4 in dom4, even if the unit itself didn't change.
Yeah, having played both the change in thug utility is exaggerated.
N4 was a big change, increased afflictions was a change, and slightly slower research+fewer default gems also weakened certain forms of thugging. Luck mostly affected SCs.
However, there were also some upsides as discussed below.
Bane-style thugs have a shorter lifespan thanks to increased affliction rates but they hardly became unusable, and spells like Liquid Body, Temper Flesh, Skeletal Body, and the new stygian/invuln series did a lot for other thugs. Vampire lords didn't used to be good defensive thugs, and angels were significantly worse. And most games are with site frequency turned up, such that gem incomes arent that much worse than in dom3.

SCs, however, are far less common, but that's because end game research needed IS much less common, and its harder to make them durable thanks to difficulty stacking resistances with eachother and with luck.

Weapons perform better vs armour both innately and due to crit rate changes, from 3->4. This makes prot thugs less worthwhile, and vastly increases the chances of mistform popping/one hit through ethereal being the decider.

Along with generally less gems and research taking longer (this is the big one - slower thugs = less viable thugs), it's changed the meta from one where you could expect to see/fight thugs every single game to seeing them rarely, and usually in a midgame/lategame arena where they are being used as a way to save gold on raiding forces rather than as a serious strategy.
Have you actually played dominions 4? I still seem them nearly every game. They're less effective, but not to the point where people have stopped using them. People aren't doing soloarmies anymore, but I still see plenty of thugs.

Domg fucking loves thugs, don't ask me why. On desura, dom4mods, they're a lot rarer.
I've played on desura and dom4mods as well. Significant thugging in those games. Nice try.
Also, to follow up on this: The biggest factor for thugging seems to be age, not board. Dom4mods fucking loves their LA games, and those don't feature much thugging. MA and EA still see plenty, though.
>Nice try

No, you haven't. Because if you've played even a few games there, you will note that even nations like Vanheim tend to only have thugs in midgame at the earliest.

'Nice try'.
Reminder that Stellar Cascades is literally THE BEST spell in the game
Don't stale C'tis or I'll be setting you to AI this will be the final strike.
b-b-but my RoS
Armor > RoS

LITERALLY NOTHING > Stellar Cascades
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Daily reminder that if you clump all your shit into a single province you're begging for RoS/Wrathful/FftS/Quake/FireStorm/Grip of Winter/Heat From Hell/Foul Vapours.

Using many small forces that coagulate to fight enemy armies and otherwise stay spread is superior.
B9N9 Tomb wyrms > Stellar cascades.
if by midgame you mean Con4 and alt3, then yes, midgame.
Which does absolutely nothing to dismiss his points.
except RoS > Stellar Cascades because you need a large number of mages spamming it to take down an army, and RoS kills mage stacks.

That and Cascade tending to stack on the front units and gets repeatedly targets them until they die (ie when an actual attack hits them because cascade takes forever to actually kill a unit unsupported).

It's really good and versatile spell that's available at pretty low research and low paths. But thinking it's a better cast than higher research higher path spells when you've got the options for them is a really dumb meme.

Pretty sure blood vengeance does not work on fatigue damage.


If you're using cascades without swordmen to stab people once they're asleep, you're doing it wrong.

RoS kills mage stacks who don't have hats or haven't prepared for battlefield-kill. While sadly a common thing, Cascades is superior in the sense that it makes everything go asleep. The things that avoid RoS are legion - the things that avoid cascades are extremely few. In terms of a specialized counter vs a general-purpose battlefield solution, Cascades is superior.

Domg tends to field huge mage stacks with no RoS defenses, leading to the meme that RoS is king.
>17 non AI players in Stalewarriors and going down
>Pretty sure blood vengeance does not work on fatigue damage.
They are impossible to target by stellar cascades, making the entire spell worthless.
Even if you were somehow to pile up fatigue on them, it doesn't affect the way they do damage - through regeneration and BV.
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How do I script my units for a siege (attacking) as C'tis?

Secondly, what should a late-game C'tis army composition look like? Pic related is *generally* what I use. I have some people use Bane Fire when I have it researched, and some of my armies have indie archers+Flaming Arrows instead of the poison guys.
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Who else here hype as fuck for CoE4?
Me. When's the release?
Sub (still) needed for MA Mictlan. http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo.cgi?game=SaltElemental

Admire the meticulous planning of the (probably) deceased Amuys!

Enjoy an intense late-game battle of wits!

Partake in a fresh and new "stabbed by a methhead" meme!

Join, please. We have this game on hiatus for almost a month now ;_;
Me. Very hype, it looks much better than CoE3
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Nov. 16th, this Monday.

Those of us that get it then should organize a few games next week to fuck around in.

what's CoE about? how is the gameplay? i never looked into it.
I'm kind of interested, but I only played EA and LA mictlan, and never MA.
I think it's supposed to be different, with almost no blood magic at all.
How does one play non-blood jaguarpeople?
For all the things they lose access to, they do get coutls, and do still have the blood spells if they break back in (which though I'm not 100% sure he's done, it seems likely)
okay, give me your memes. how do i join?
also do i have allies or am i getting buttfucked by everyone?
I'm not the person who knows that, I'm Asphodel
Your war with Ulm ended recently in a tide of undead (me and Ermor) facerolling them, then you attacked Sceleria whilst throwing up whatever the global that strikes undead in your dominion.
Also Ermor has the lightning global which is minorly irking everyone.
To clarify, the undead came to help, and also just to kill Ulm.
I'm a noon. How do I save my mage stacks from rain of stone?
I'm pretty sure RoS doesn't auto-hit heads, but hats don't have encumbrance
Would you like to get on IRC to compare dick sizes? I can also point you to either the games I've played, which have seen thugs of various colors, including one that saw thugs fielded by MA Atlantis, Ctis, Agartha, Ashdod, Vanheim, and Jotunheim, or we can simply review a page or two of games on either and see if thugs are mentioned.

Or you can double down and somehow attempt to prove your absurd claim that thugs are rare on dom4mods and desura.
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>tfw losing control of the situation and desperately looking through spell lists for anything that could help

I think I'm in love with this game.
here let me help you

Helmets simply don't give enough protection to reliably stop even one RoS cast, let alone multiple. You need body armor, even if it gives encumbrance.

Armor of Knights, Black Steel Plate, Fire Plate are some cheap armors which will generally protect a mage against RoS.
Rainbow Armor is also great on mages, but it requires A/N which isn't a very common crosspath.
Dude, he's fighting Therodos, all whose troops either float or have high defense.

Earthquake against another nation that likes earthquake is a bad idea.
You can forge boots of the messenger for half the price and without the crosspath.

They won't stop RoS, but neither will rainbow armor.
>not spamming banish

he deserves getting his ass kicked then
It gives a decent chunk of protection, and while it's significantly less than stuff like the Armor of Knights, it effectively eliminates its own encumbrance penalty which is nice for mages because encumbrance is doubled for spellcasting, while still stopping most/all RoS damage.
Have you ever fought Therodos in a major war? The spectral stuff is chaff, the cheap sacreds are the meat.
have you?
Fought against them in a major war? No.
fought as them and am the only person so far to win as them? Yes.
His troops have magic weapons anyway, so they can just chew through the ghosts.

>It gives a decent chunk of protection
No it doesn't.

>while still stopping most/all RoS damage.
It's 9 protection (assuming no helmet) against 14 damage. 14% chance you die to a single RoS, much larger chance if they use multiple.
are you?
The hoplites aren't too bad in terms of defense and repel, but despite that they won't kill any of their troops so cealum will cut through them fine.
Yes, unless I'm much mistaken and someone else has won as Therodos.
An hour and a bit to go, no-one at all slightly interested?
How come there's Therodos in that game, but I can't select them in my SP test game?
I think the host did a map update.

Did you redownload the map?
I donwloaded it from the link at the game page.
have they?
I've got no idea what the problem is then. Hopefully the admin comes along and says what he did to let people use Therodos.
>sub needed
>offer as sub
>no one wants me
okay, it's fine anyway ;_;
But, we do want you, it's just I'm not the one handling the subbing.
>14% chance you die to a single RoS, much larger chance if they use multiple.
14% one cast
56% two casts
81% three casts

Obviously assuming you're a squishy 10hp human mage.

I don't think that's good enough odds for a mage which you're willing to spend 10 gems to protect.
Add this to the MAP file (preferably a copy)
rename it in the first line of the code so you can tell the difference between the edited and the original:

#allowedplayer 95
#specstart 95 163

my presumption is that this MAP info is included in the TRN file, otherwise it is detined to be a game without therodos
The first line should not be added, as there isn't any other allowedplayer lines, unless I'm much mistaken.
I got unpredictable results, the first time I input that code Therodos became the only nation available, but I think I cut through a 'declaration' or whatever this underlying language considers discrete commands.
Later it worked fine. The weird thing I encountered was that if I ever edited properties through the in game editor, all age and nation restrictions were lifted (my final edit purely made Therodos available without doing that)
>only 16 hours and 15/17 sent their turn
we got rid of the stalers, guys!
we did it!
oh, okay
then i will be around here for a while.
Sorry for having a life, anon.

Please, sign up here:

And either post your e-mail here in the thread, or wait until I can PM you.
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Finally a glimpse of hope from the side of Bandar Log. Now he has Arcan Nexus and the slight chance to push back Ermor appears.
And here a nameless but proud Horror wrecked Tartar who was ready to RoS inside Scelerian cap.

Is it possible for that game to still deliver?
No, not really, Ermor is on the roll.

The simple answer is don't have your mages in places where they don't get the first turn cast. Aka, move stuff around in a complicated way with vanguards and rearguards.

The complicated answer involves mages wearing hats and shirts, summoned mages with actual HP, amulets of giants, mages with boosters so you need less mages, and other stuff. All of that also involves 'not spamming random summoning spells', which domg is also bad at. The amount of games i've seen fall bears in.
Fall bears are love, fall bears are life.
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Evo catching with fall bears!
Does anyone have any tips for EA Atlantis? Both for pretender design and for actually playing the nation.

I like their design, but they seem kinda hard to play with little variety and crappy troops...
I'll do mine at 3 EST
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>design the perfect pretender
>Design points: -4
>tpp gets released
It's like adiplomonster had all of his pms and chatlogs aired publicly
I'll do mine in a moment after going to grocery and do a double turn if it arrives. We gonna go fast
The text for the trans pacific partnership was released.
It's a free trade agreement with some pretty nasty provisions in it. The full text was kept secret until today(?).
A diplomonster is someone who plays multiple factions against each other while gaining ground for themselves and screwing everyone else.
>A diplomonster is someone who plays multiple factions against each other while gaining ground for themselves and screwing everyone else.
So, every Dominions player?

Definitely the ones that insist that everyone does that.
Guilty as charged.

It's fantastic when it works though. I've won games where I barely even had to fight anyone.
Most games slow down as time goes on.

Let's beat the trend, I want twelve hour turnover by turn 50.
I've only ever used diplomacy to either hide my intentions or to gain an ally in a war that I couldn't win without one.
but evo catching doesn't work vs stellar cascade.

because cascade will keep targeting the unit after it's knocked out and it will never actually kill them so they catch it forever.

Stellar cascade gets around everything ever.

Bandar Log and I aren't fighting. If he had no reason to engage before, he has even less of a reason to do so now unless he thinks I'm getting too close to a throne victory. He can just sit back and start raking in those juicy astral pearls from all my rituals.

I did suffer a pretty major defeat this last turn, though. Agartha finally sent out his mage corps (something like 45 evocation mages in total, on top of the usual army of gold / fog warriors / mass regen stuff) and killed like 1500 chaff and over 100 sacreds for only around 100 sacreds of his own. I'll post a screenshot when I get home, but that probably won't be for a bit.

The reason this matters isn't so much the losses as it is the fact that he's now actually using new stuff.
That might actually happen, since everyone will go ai.
>cascade will keep targeting the unit after it's knocked out and it will never actually kill them so they catch it forever
Doesn't that just make them even better at it?

Getting targeted as much as possible is the whole point of evo catching.
it was sarcasm. I've had 'evo catchers stop that' said to me as a reason why stellar cascade was better than other evocations with zero sarcasm.

I'm pretty sure they aren't trolling and truly believe that stellar cascade being a such a good spell means it can win games all on it's own and is better than everything else, and that anyone saying it can't win on it's own and there are spells you should use instead thinks that stellar cascade is not a good spell.
just drop one dominion point anon-kun.it's only sad because of less cap-only sacreds/less free span if you are ermor or other cancer.

when domkilling happens it's usually because you are also behind economy and militarly wise. you can always build one extra temple.
even if your candles will have 5% less chance to spread ( unless you build 5 extra temples) 1 extra temple is probably enough to counteract it.
one extra order/growth scale will be that extra temple at the end of expansion.
if we pay 30 gold for each gem, your god being able to cast spam a spell or reach a global without booster could be worth even 20x30= 600 gold and it makes him way cooler as he can always get higher with the booster.
he might already be at dom5. Dom4 is too dangerous not because of base dominion spread chance but when you get into competing with other dominions. You get unlucky and face a dom8+ neighbor and you basically have to go to war because otherwise he'll kill your dominion.
>just drop one dominion point anon-kun
>he might already be at dom5
This. I had to either drop a scale, get dom4, or miss the bless I wanted.

It's an awake pretender so dom spread is not as critical as it would otherwise be, but dom4 is a pain in the ass. Even 5 is pretty low already. I ended up dropping a scale of Production (putting me at -2, which isn't ideal either) and putting the leftover points into more dom.
Take a point of drain. It's worth a turn or two of research, usually.
what if he went luck or misfortune and want to swim in gems or avoid gem stealing events?


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