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/awg/ - Armored Warfare Genera

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Thread replies: 755
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Official site for NA and EU


NA None

>custom matches
nice, finally i can shit around the maps

>buffed chally, leo line, t-72s and scorpion (also dragoon got smoke grenades)
mmh muh dick!

>nerfed health on abrams

>inb4 slowpoke
i didn't logged in in the past week
Bought the emperor package. I hope I didnt just get jewed.
Which tier 2 skill should one get for Sabrina? I have not played light tanks yet and dont know if her transverse buff is worth it. Currently grinding her out on my MBTs.
what sort of AFV's would be better to stick Sabrina on over Freya?

It's pretty much camouflage and view range dependent.
If it has less than 0.25 camouflage, it's never worth to put on Sabrina over Freja/Juan. Even if it has exactly 0.25 or just above it, it depends on if your AFV is a combat AFV or not.
Always go left.

Anythign that is not a brawler but a spotter.

Spotters are Dongfire, XM800, Wiesel, etc.
Brawlers are BMP/BMD.
Where get juan
you get gvozdika tovarish)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Anti-materials or anti personnel for Juan?
Pretty much my reaction.
Anti-TRACKS. Anti-FAGGITS is Freya's special.
>5 MBTs, only 2 go south
>tell everybody we need more mbt south
>what gives you the right to tell us? because you can type?
>we lose when South is overpowered
>too poor for preorders or whatnot
>artillery makes me suicidal

how do I commanders
arty is fun you only need to [spolier]___________________________________________________________git_gud___________________________________________________________________[/spoiler]
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1st for posting images on an imageboard
>no edition
>not titling it "We pastebin now edition"

Bad OP/10 try again
But I'm not terrible at it. I can relocate, lead targets, get good hits. I'm not an expert, but it sucks to have a decent match and get like 800xp at the very most.
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>only tier 7 in the entire match
>barely even did anything
>all this XP for a double

Thanks, MM.
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gau-8 divads when
Where are the NA clans?
What's the highest caliber auto cannon that's ever been build and why isn't it ingame?

define autocannon
Hunting negros and dancing around fires.
How do clans work, anyways? I haven't bothered with them. How do you get a clan emblem?
If I made a clan would people join, or is NA that dead?
>join 121721216
I would, got 50% winrate, still learning and on tier 5 atm
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Define your mom.

Wikipedia that shit.

Pic related has 40 mm one. Woah!
Did they fix the crashing for overclocked cards yet?
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AFV with GAU-8 cannon mount when?
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someone up for a t4 platoon on EU?
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>not glorious GSh-6-30

Crazy military tech is comedy gold.
>40mm autocannon

and thats the Swede vehicle they're adding to the game in the 3rd dealer?

sweet jesus

it's just a bofors. i'm surprised there aren't any in-game already, it's been around since ww2

sorry, well before ww2
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post tonks
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postan tonk
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shit, woops
tonks are shit, post tonkas
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fuck wrong era for the game
son of a
you're not funny, bruh
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am tank :DDDDD

oh fugg regoill DDD:

here we go
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Most people using the general who plays on NA are already in NTR.

It's just the natural order of things.
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blub blub blub
Then who are the new players here suppose to join on NA? That fact that there isn't a clan in the OP probably makes some leave thinking there isn't any strong playerbase here on NA. And not having a simple clan for people to join creates a brick wall in some people's faces who want to actually play with others here, as there isn't a chat system like WoT.
just hop on the NTR teamspeak and ask for the fag who does invitations
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>south spawn
>3/4ths ouf MBTs go damn

oh boy
>ally shoots your afv while you are trying to circle an enemy
Is the XM1 worth the suffering of the M60A3?

This thing is just so fucking slow.
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>have Scorpion for days
>use it extensively for days
>just now become aware of that cylinder next to the turret

what the fuck
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next to the barrel* I mean
You mean the cannon?
the short stubby thing next to the barrel
>playing stingray 2
>Weisel yolorushes me
>can't turn fast enough to get my front foward
I'm so glad they gave lts the hull traverse of mbts
shit like that is going to happen dont be a little bitch about it unless its twice from the same person
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dis game is 2ez
>all those consumables
>aiming is hard
>at least I penned something
Yes, in this one game I made enough to pay for at least 20 games worth. What about them?
>aiming is hard

t. everyone's MBT gunner
oh fucks sake, reactor for the third time in a row. same side too
And without I made enough for about 10-12 games of consumables. Do you have a point? Playing without consumables is just gimping yourself. But please do continue running none, so I can track you and set you on fire, love those guys.
There isn't an NA clan because most of the fags who play this game on NA have joined NTR and there isn't enough people to form another one. Go fucking bother them if you're so concerned.
ive aimed at people clear across the map just to have some teammate pull out infront of me before and take the shot in the side. like i said shit like that happens and and some times rng cone fire goes full retard. so like i said shit happens dont be a little bitch about it.
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are you fucking kidding me?
>Konata a shit
That's different than shooting a wiesel who is clearly circling a lt just fine, and tracking him in the process
So in order to take load off the CPU which runs very hot in this game, should I raise my graphics to ultra so that the GPU takes more load and more heat, which it can handle better than my CPU?

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How to fix lts:
Make the t4, t6-t9 tds
Buff their pen and damage to not shit levels
make the t3 and t5 afvs
Boom, class fixed
>me and two arties alive against an arty and another tank.
>hide behind building and spot
>think I'm arty save
>enemy arty kills me with splash

What the fuck man
We'll take you so long as you're not an insufferable sperglord more than us
A missile TD line would be pretty damn cash.
>People on the AW forums actually believe PvE will be treated equal to PvP
PvE players are such schmucks.
is there an NA battalion i can join?
really tempted to buy some gold and premium so I can slog through the grind

at least the grind is not as bad as WT was, with generous amounts of credit being given per match here
Scorpion 90 (mm) when?

yeah, message me in-game
Russian bias gun depression,

1. M1128 in real life has -10. In-game, -5
2. T-90MS has -10 in game. -6 in real life.
3. M1A2 has -5 in game. -9 in real life.
4. T-54 has -9 in game. -5 in reality.
5. T-80 has -7 in game. -5 in reality.

Of balance tovarisch
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Scimitar when

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Striker when
i like it, looks like a much more compact and faster swiftfire
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missile TD branch when
Marder 1 and 2 and Puma when
Raketenjagdpanzer 1, 2, Jaguar 1 and 2 ATGM TDs when
AMX13/105 when?
>200 damage on a direct hit
If i take that muzzle brake off will you die?
It would be extremely hot
You're a big gun
Perhaps he wonders why you would smoke a tank before shelling him with HE.

>Operation Kodiak in an M109

So what's the best way to grind the damage deflected requirement for shitskins British MBT line?
EU server down or something? I'm getting that "authentication failed" shit.
Hull down in either the T-62 or T-64.
Russian mbts

Play MBTs.
Alright, I'm getting real fuckin' sick PvE grind with pubs. 50% of matches 2-3 of the players just suicide into enemy swarms.

Anyone here playing right now and want to form a platoon for some medium difficulty PvE play?
Hug something that has an autocannon in PvE. Alternatively just fucking play the T-64.
>having trouble with medium PvE
You have absolutely no excuse unless you're constantly meeting retards that bring in tier 5s.

Did that before I saw the replies, T-64 and hugging the autocannon enemies, its so satisfying to hear those bouncing rounds

Sidescrape T-54.

T-62 I mean
You are an evil man.

I consistently perform the highest on my teams. It's not that I'm "having trouble", it's that I wish I didn't have to do all the work. If I focus on the main objective so we don't you know, lose, the secondary objective never gets completed and if I run off to do the secondary everyone dies.

I'm not saying I'm a great player, I'm a scrub too, but fuck at least I understand the basic concepts of teamwork.
> That Challanger buff
Is it gud now?
>I wish I didn't have to do all the work
Fuck off, retard. The more you carry the more xp you get and the less you have to waste time on PvE. And since you're very likely a clapistani you can just tell the dumbfucks on your team to do the secondaries.
not till 0.11 huehuehu


Alright, you're clearly not interested in platooning, so why the fuck are you even responding to me?
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it's gunna be fucking rad man))))))))))
Just telling you how things are since you don't seem to be able to realize that on your own.

What changes there?
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more opchan!
>Fixed an issue where AP (armor piercing) shells could normalize on each impact with successive layers of vehicle armor instead of only on the first impact. They now only normalize on the first impact, which will mean that side-scraping will be a more effective defensive tactic.
>mbts are getting killed by afvs when they flank them?
>let's make them immune to autocannons even from the rear
T9 is going to be tons of fun
So is the XM1 shit now? I recently got it and can't do fucking anything to tier VII MBTs frontally, the penetration on the top AP rounds just seem atrocious.
This is bullshit. Sidescraping was originally not possible because that shot doesn't work IRL, especially with APFSDS rounds. It either goes through or it buries itself until it's energy is lost. you can find images armour having been hit at insane angles and the shot cuts right through.

The LFP was weakened. That's literally the only nerf it received, I believe. I it used to OP due to it's combination of speed and insane frontal armour.
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>AFVs can actually deal damage to MBTs that stand out in the open like retards if they use HE?
>nerf it three times ))))))
>AFVs can actually use ATGMs against MBTs but still have to aim for weak spots?
>give everything APS, make MBTs extremely mobile, and give them tons of HP and shaped charge modifiers )))))))))
>AFVs can actually deal damage to MBTs if they flank them?
>make it so MBTs are immune to autocannons entirely if they back their rear into a wall )))))))))

If the token system wasn't in the game so I can get a T9 of my choice I would probably just have quit.
>cannon almost inside of wiesel
>every shell misses
fug :DDDDD

actual MBTs aren't anywhere near as durable as the devs seem to want them to be

ok so about 20 20-30mm HE shells hitting a tank a minute might not outright destroy it but it would certainly fucking wreck all the instruments, hatches and treads that get hit, especially flanked

It feels like they're trying too hard to make them WoT heavies, instead of them actually playing like an MBT (which is really more like an up-armored medium)
Compared to what you'd get for that in WT o WoT, you were no by any means.

T6 prems ae money-pinting machines and you can buy an insane amount of premium with all that gold. Hell, the initial prem days from the pack are easily enough that if you ever want new prem time, you'll have the lvl 5 listening post for a 10% discount on it by then.

No, they're trying too hard to make them like what people think MBTs are like in real life:
Impenetrable to everyone and everything, faster than light tanks/AFVs, better spotters than AFVs, and should be the most popular class because "who's heard of a BMP?"
In other words, they want MBTs that do everything better than every other class.

I guess I agree with you there. Impenetrable rapidly mobile death fortresses.

But, there's a reason that many countries rely on vehicles other than MBT's for, you know, armored warfare.
>make it so MBTs are immune to autocannons entirely if they back their rear into a wall
Except now, they have 200m rear armor, so the terminator and crab can't pen them anywhere

I'm not saying MBTs are fine this way. Obsidian is utterly destroying any semblence of balance by making MBTs be close to as effective they are at combat in real life.
Except instead of infantry, MBTs just shit on every other tank.
Go home AFVbabs

I wasn't trying to imply that you were, I was just agreeing with your statement.
It's not just afvs. It's tds and lts getting fucked too
Just started playing. I've tried WoT and WT in the past. But so far I'm like AW a lot more.
In fairness, MBTs were used quite heavily in the last major tank engagement of this century - the invasion of Iraq. I'm not justifying what Obsidian is doing, but part of the problem in this scenario is that the really nasty counters to moving hunks of steel - ATGMs - are better used by Infantry/Helis/Planes to kill tanks.

They're also (and probably never will because of the MBT fetishism) ignoring the idea of kinetic-kill missiles, which were explored by the US before they realized that there weren't enough MBT targets that they'd need to kill with them. We'll never see a LOSAT-equivalent, in all likelihood. To resemble it the 80kg, 1500m/s missile, you'd probably have to have an alpha in the multiple thousands.

We'll never even see a CKEM-equivalent, despite the fact that it'd probably be a little closer to balanceable.
>probably never will
always will ignore, that is.
>resemble it the
They want to have this sense of progression for the mbts, getting faster and better armored as they go up in tier, but it just leaves the other classes in the dust. I don't know how they are going to fix it without doing a class rebalance, but as it is, higher tiers are mostly just mbts slugging it out with a few wiesels and bmd4's throwing in the mix.

MBTs aren't that durable IRL when faced up against actual properly utilized AT weapons, unless the ammunition/systems hitting them are just outdated compared to the tank, especially if those systems are hitting the thickest armor on the tank

even then talking about realism, gameplay should still take precident over the quasai-'realism' that games like this tend to have
>Get the ERC-90
>Have trouble damaging enemy MBTs, even with shots to the side using the highest level APFSDS ammo
>Fully aimed sniper shots do maybe 390 damage, a pitiful amount
>Constantly matched against literally impenetrable Tier 7 MBTs

At least the Dragoon and LAV were fun.

I know MBTs aren't invincible in real life, it's just that the general public seems to think they are, especially with how heavily America spins the "the Abrams is invincible" myth.
So most people will assume modern tanks are so advanced and so strong that nothing will go through them.
And this is the moment the serious issues with the game become very apparent. Once you begin to see t6 MBTs you are in for a world of pain.

>HEAT rounds are ineffective due to reactive armour
>AP rounds do pitiful damage (300 or so regular)
>Enemy spotters have 10,000 range and will spot you the moment you show your face and you will get slammed by artillery and Bagelpanzers

Send help.
i think if they made a few high tier maps which were much larger to accomodate the high tier AFVs having 800+ spotting ranges. the biggest problem is that AFV uses in the game are much smaller than in real life because of the lack of infantry which wont be added because muh rating. one of the (few) advantages WoT has is that most of the vehicles in the game were designed for tank vs tank combat as a high priority where as a lot of tanks in AW were designed to transport/support troops
>most of the vehicles in the game were designed for tank vs tank combat
That is still thrown out of the window thanks to the fact that WW2 shit sees postwar shit.
It really fucks up class balance. MBTs are effectively immune to lts and tds from the front. So sniping is impractical, gl hitting a cupola on a moving target from 500m for 1/3rd damage. If you manage to hit his side somehow, he'll just turn before you can reload and show you his front. And because you cant reliably pen anything at range, afvs spotting is mostly for intel, not because you expect your team to be able to damage them.

In wot, you get punished for not angling, for not going hull down, for shitty positioning, etc. In this game, an mbt can just drive into an open field and bounce 95% of the shots that aren't from another mbt. I don't think making the maps bigger would solve this issue. I think they should just nerf upper tier mbt lower plates across the board, and it would fix most of the issues.
I dont really think making the maps much larger addresses the real issue. The largest map in the game is also one of the worst.
grinded with the t-54 in pve

>MBTs buffed every patch ever

I bet by 2017 the MBTs will literally be invincible and just print Rep.
>the only way to damage mbts is to ram them

Or use a Bagelpanzer.

Seriously Bagels seem to remorselessly rape every match I see them in, especially in Squads
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>i think if they made a few high tier maps which were much larger to accomodate the high tier AFVs having 800+ spotting ranges. the biggest problem is that AFV uses in the game are much smaller than in real life because of the lack of infantry which wont be added because muh rating.

First off, literally no AFV in the game comes even close to 800m. Even if that's an exaggeration, only 1 AFV (soon 2) have supreme scouting abilities, while every other one is merely average for its class or just a bit better than any other class with its skills/retrofits specced for spotting.
Even if they could get 800m, the spotting cap is 530m.

Secondly, I'm relatively sure AFVs in this game are about as big as they would be in real life.
They only look comparatively small because some vehicles in the recon line really are that small. I'm taller than a Wiesel 1, and I'm just about 6 feet.

Really the problem is that every class, except MBTs, just get roughly the same vehicle as the previous tier, just with stats to compensate for it.
There's basically nothing that stops the BMD-2 from being a tier 8 tank, they'd just have to buff the hell out of its cannon, ATGM, and health. Point is, tier-wise, the BMD-4 and BMD-2 are more or less the same vehicle with a few minor differences here and there. Same applies for all other classes, again, except for MBTs.
MBTs get faster, get more view range, get much more health, get much more armor (autocannons can't keep up at all, for example) and better and better firepower.
An AFV doesn't get 2.15s acceleration at tier 6 and then 1.5s at tier 8. 2.15s is more or less their peak as far as acceleration goes. MBTs however do not have a limit as far as armor and mobility goes, because OE has to give MBT players some sense of progression... but for some reason, no other class is allowed to feel like they're getting better with each tier, rather than effectively having the same stats as 5 tiers ago.

Well we just got a Begleit equivalent at tier 9 and it looks like it's gonna be shit.
i feel like i fucked up getting the t-90 over the m1a1, those things are just shit stomping teams left and right.
What would minimum and maximum accuracy modifiers be best for?

>having trouble against M1A1's in a T-90
Don't worry, even if you can't shitstomp them (for whatever reason) then at least the T-90MS will be leagues better than the M1A2 which is only good for scouting.
so which clans are looking the best when clan wars comes out? ntr is pretty good right guys ?

If only it was a single M1A1 i had to deal with and not a platoon of them every game.
yes, we will join

I don't want to play with wot refugee
I thought higher tier tank destroyer were supposed to be able to still get the upper hand on MBT's, as per their role.

Is that not the case?

At what tier do TD's take a backseat to MBT's in their own primary role?

And a platoon of T-90s isn't equally fucking devastating?
>so which clans are looking the best when clan wars comes out
How would you even be able to tell that if you can't see a clan's members list and even if you could you won't be able to see their stats anytime soon because Obsidian is fucking retarded?

You didn't get the high-tier memo, did you?
LTs are better snipers than TDs.
AFVs are better flankers than TDs.
MBTs are better position holders than TDs.
SPGs have better range than TDs.

TDs take the backseat in any role starting at tier 6. Even at tier 8 the Stryker is not really good for anything.
Hell, the Stryker is probably the second worst tier 8. Only the Warrior is worse.
I'm talking about t7, t8, and to a lesser extent t6.

When everyone is an unkillable mbt, no one is. I don't get why they want mbt combat to just be cupola shooting and nothing else. It's annoying to play against and boring to play as. I played the xm1 pre nerf and it was very tedious, because nothing could do anything to you and shooting another xm1 or higher tier mbt usually devolved into shoot HE at their turret ring.
What the fuck is the purpose of the higher tier TD's then?

What is the purpose of the Draco with its fuck hueg turret?

>What the fuck is the purpose of the higher tier TD's then?
They're a mistake. They're effectively a grind trap, but then again so is every non-MBT in the long run.

>What is the purpose of the Draco with its fuck hueg turret?
Do give those people who want a tier 9 Begleitpanzer something to fawn over. Except it'll be shit, just like every other non-MBT.

DRACO was just a really stupid move on the developers part. Let's take an AA vehicle and make it an armored combatant...
>They're a mistake
So is playing a WoT clone sponsored by the T-90's manufacturer.
They are ok, but usually what happens is the mbts find the most brawl friendly area and duke it out, forcing you to fight closer. Under ~350m, they can spot you, and while you cant pen 95% of their front, they can pen you entirely. And even if you manage to get to 500+m, you aren't penning a t7 or t8 mbt frontally. So occasionally, you'll have a great game where everything goes perfectly and you manage to flank a poorly positioned team, but mostly you'll be picking up the scraps from whatever your mbts handled.

>LTs are better snipers than TDs.
lel, no. At least tds have pen and alpha
>They're effectively a grind trap

What about the Taifun II, I was thinking about buying it but how does it fair against higher tier MBT's at that stage?

Honestly I had hoped this game would be something different from the sort of shit we've seen devs pull with WoT and WT but it almost doesn't seem that way.

Still better than WT though, no one can out-jew Gaijin
Yes. Uralvatnikzavod vehicles will never ever ever get reasonable nerfs. And Obsidian set things up in a way that would completely justify that too, unlike WoT.
>What about the Taifun II
You don't have a turret, that should tell you all you need to know.
I only have enough free exp to skip one while I grind the other's ass in PVE
Starship vs Sheridan
which is it?
>Honestly I had hoped this game would be something different from the sort of shit we've seen devs pull with WoT and WT but it almost doesn't seem that way.
I dunno, some of the russian tanks, like the t8/t9 terminators aren't very good. I think they are trying to balance everything against each other, and keep anything from being too weak or too good. It's just that higher tier mbts are too good as a class, that everything else gets overshadowed.
everyone in a brit tank is a useless fuck

Well, what do you want? A light tank, or an MBT?
The Starship is being buffed soon, so I'd probably skip the Sheridan.
Probably skip the sheridan. I don't know how the starship is in pve, but since it cant be penned frontally by autocannons, I'd say thats a win.

>but since it cant be penned frontally by autocannons, I'd say thats a win
I wouldn't be too sure about that. But at least it resists autocannons better than the Sheridan, that's for sure.
>free exp to skip one

how do you get a substantial amount of that without premium/gold anyways?

Build the command center for your base. At level 5 you get 15% free rep out of all the rep you earn in every battle, which is ages better than WoT's capped 1% per battle.
Time to focus on that then
Im a mbt guy but I also play the bmds and scorpion. speed is addicting
I bought gold. I only have about 500 left enough to convert to free exp
I think it was 5%

Even if WoT's is 5%, 15% is still 3 times as much.
Does anyone have the link to the article on the official AW site about the upcoming changes to Tank Destroyers that they were planning?

They wrote about a major buff to TD's and new ability that would cause them to keep camo bonus even after firing in ambush

Can't find it now
Suppressive Fire.

Yeah thats the one, should be able to give TD's an edge against MBT's again in the high tiers I hope
>won't get spotted as easily
>still can't pen them

No, it won't. The ability comes with so many asterisks it's not even funny.

>you still lose camouflage while firing, just not as much
>you have to be stationary for 2 seconds before you can use it
>you only have 10 seconds to use the ability itself
>you have to be stationary or else the ability will deactivate and go on cooldown
>the cooldown is still 60 seconds
>TD base camouflage is still mediocre/shit
>TD firepower is still merely above average/mediocre

I mean it's better than nothing, but all this means is that AFVs actually have some competition in the "most useless class ability" department.
TDs need forward spotters and distance to play out their strengths. This ability already assume you are so close that you could be spotted. Since the maps are relatively small, in relation to the view and engagement ranges, that ability will be just a drop of water on a hot stone.

And before you ask for my source:
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TD's do not deserve this
Not to mention that the more tanks you have the more free xp per battle you get.
All the activated abilities are worthless
>accelerate slightly faster in a straight line
>designate a target, so he knows to get into cover
>probably don't get spotted when shooting once a minute
And these are supposed to balance against mbts being moving fortresses

To be fair, the acceleration ability used to be MUCH better, but they probably stealth nerfed it recently because it's much worse than I remember.
Back in EA5 the Begleitpanzer could accelerate from 70 to 100 nearly instantly. In OBT, it barely reaches 80 and still takes just as long to accelerate to it as it would have if it had an 80km/h top speed anyway.
It feels like a total placebo now.
And that is why you should only play during events until the game gets unfucked. Or it dies.
That might explain it. I remember it feeling like your tank was cranking it up to 11, and now all its good for it going through water without slowing down.
shit, yeah

I remember it feeling like I suddenly had slapped solid rocket boosters to my tank

now it's like those air filters labelled "+25HP" at Autozone
I used to love pushing it, and now I just forget if exists half the time. Can't have nice things if you aren't an mbt I guess
What will convince mail.ru to unfuck their game? Bleeding players on EU/RU?
The only remaining semi-useful activated class ability is having 3 smoke grenades instead of one.
Designated fire isn't bad if you use it for making so that your target will stop firing for 25 seconds or so.
It still bugged though and sometimes hangs at 0.01 secs for no apparent reason.
Breaking LoS and firing, then trying to paint again while the bar hasn't completely cooled down causes that. Maybe some other stupid shit too.
>Maybe some other stupid shit too.

I was really hoping Obsidian wouldn't countinue the Wargaming tradition of not telling their users anything about how 90% of the game mechanics work.

But I guess that was simply asking for too much.
Well, it sure is a good thing they aren't taking that away on the thunderbolt
If you can't directly spot them it doesn't work either. So if they move, the camo drop lets you to spot them, then they stop and camo reasserts, it will hang. Even before they stop being spotted
how is it memes? I am the only guy in it and im not inviting anyone :^)
I really like this TD's are bad meme. It only makes the games easier for me because you get people thinking TD's are shit and they ignore the 800 dmg every 6 seconds. Thanks shitters.
>enemy stryker hits my t90 for 200 damage
>I blast him for 70p
Stupidly high dpm matters for jackshit if you can't pen or reliably hit.

hi everyone I set up the NA clan for awg it's called NTR pm me and ill set you up

ign: sixrocket
ts: ts.ntr.services
but i cant pen and reliably hit, i dont know what tank destroyer you played
>but i cant pen and reliably hit
Well then, it's agreed
Ignoring tds is ignoring free damage.
what's a good retrofit for the scorpion? Chome barrel?
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>One example of the newer technology used on the vehicle is the development of an Active Suspension System derived from Formula 1 racing cars. With this new suspension, the CV90 Armadillo broke tank speed records by reaching 100 km/h at the highest velocity in battlefield terrain conditions.
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>The CV90 is currently operated by Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. Other countries that have considered and evaluated the platform include the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. The CV90 is also an excellent platform that has gained a good reputation so far and will probably be continuously upgraded in the future. It is slowly taking over the European market for IFVs, due to its versatility and cost efficient nature.

With a 120mm gun its basically what the XM8 was supposed to be so why the fuck hasn't the US military adopted this as a light tank from a reliable and proven platform yet?
Active suspension? is that like the stuff Williams had back in 91?
>use energy drink
>activates only after the match
wait what?
so the sounds of opening a can is not a sign of activation then?
meh I dont even feel the effects. waste of $$
>so the sounds of opening a can

I dont have that, then again I only use an energy bar, and only on the M109 so I dont know
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obsidian sponsored me a lot of drinks. I had to try and use one
shit just pour that down the intake tube and make your tank run on electrolytes and galloons of suger
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>pen T90 from the front for 800
>pen T90 from the front for 800
>T90 has 500 health left
>pen T90 again only doing 490
>)))))cant let of finish T90, all tank deserve of second chance)))))
>T90 blasts me for 1500 dmg HEAT shell
ok game
>can sell the same ammo all at once
>can sell consumables only one by one
It makes no sense
swingfire is perfectly balanced
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>wiesel with 400 hp driving around
>hit it with the best HEAT shell from a T-90
>253 dmg
>it continues to circle and kill me
they should honestly change this feature, or remove it entirely
Weight 23–35 tonnes (Mk0 to MkIII)

Because it is nearly four tons heavier, at minimum, than the M8 AGS.

Good luck air dropping it.

Oh, and, not to mention: the engine is loud as fuck and putting a 105mm-120mm gun onto the platform increases the weight dramatically.

It's also wide.
Very wide.
Yo mama is wide too
The turret takes reduced damage. The t90 benefits from the same thing
and the worst part is that if you turn on auto-resupply, the game automatically re-buys the consumable even if there are tons of spares.
What is the serious NA clan if there is any? I just want to win games, not interested in memes and ERP.
One of the World of Tanks clans, honestly.
NTR is the /vg/ affiliated offering, currently, and this game's general can't field enough organized people non-WoT affiliated to make it's own, apparently.

PLSGO doesn't play much at all, they COMPLETELY died when WOT died.

So yeah, it's us. PZMOE as well, but that's /jp/ culture and a bit alienated from me personally.
Send an invite, nick is Vred

pzmoe is reddit, not /jp/.

although i suppose it's it's hard to tall the difference after moot murdered the board
What third retrofit for MBT-70? Using %dmg and %dmg/aim time.

Reload/moving accuracy or reload/aim time?
The CV9030 that I was ambushing sure as fuck was not loud. Granted that I had earpro on it was still fucking quiet.
Damage and accuracy
Go big or go home
damage/accuracy: make those AFV spill their spaghetti when you hit them with heat
sheiiit, I didnt even realise I had that
it can be quiet at low rpm but that engine fucking roars when you step on the gas
I really like what they did with the ammo in this game. No premium, different ammo for different tanks. I really hope this game kills WoT.
>there were people claiming the arty system in this game was more cancerous than wot
Patton ammo is bugged? Unlocked the last AP one and its not available.
>there were people that couldn't pay attention to the flashing signs on their screen warning them that arty was firing on them so they made up excuses for how bad they are at the game
How to I move my camera instantly on arty? seems like I only pinging the minimap
You have to right-click on the map instead of left-click.
thanks m8
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>Shoot an ERC squarely in the ass.
>"No effect"
>Shoot again.
>"No effect"
>ERC turns his turret around and snapshots me, dealing 500 damage.

This is nice.
Does the patton have a gun upgrade and did you install it?
Yeah, that is what happened
Anti-personnel or anti-material on Juan Carlos José Diego Pablo "The Jalapeño" Miramón?

Well one thing both the M8 and the CV90 has in common is that they're better than what America currently has in their arsenal, and we can't have them be replaced by something better!
Always anti material (helps with taking tracks). Crew get a lot of saving throws.
I can understand the CVV90 because "muh American steel" but they have no excuses for the M8.
lol if you think efficacy has anything to do with weapons procurement

Yeah, cause we all know how great the Abrams, Bradley, and all Stryker variants are compared to their peers... right?
ERCs have really fucktarded armour. Just like that annoying spaced armour on the chieftain and even worse; the VFM.
Any point in using M113 or PT-76 after I've gotten those to renowned status? I mean, it gives rep, but don't have gold to transfer it anyway.
Unless you really really like playing them, no.
What retrofits for the swingfire? Full on reload and/or damage? Viewrange in the universal slot?
viewrange in universal, exp propellant and reload thingy
Optics, Propellant & Thermal sleeve.

Aim time, accuracy and normalization are pretty much useless.
unbelievable how this fucking game put me 10 times in a row with shitters killing themselves in the first 2 minutes of battle.
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Being VBL is suffering.
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Welcome to life. Enjoy your stay.
Now try to carry and try not to convince yourself it was your fault.
Daily Pve on easy if you are short on shekels
Why I keep seeing tier 6 in a tier 4?
NA dying or now isn't primetime or PVE?
+2/-2 matchmaking because NA is dead.
7:00am central on a Monday. No shit it isn't prime time. The only people pvping at this hour are chinks.

EU has +/-2 as well. Obsidian promised they'd implement +/-1 by the time OBT is released, but I guess they fooled us twice.
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What crew skills on fox? Also Freja or Sabrina?
Fox is a scout, not a brawler. Sabrina.
Go for acceleration on the driver. Rest is kinda irrelevant.
>PL-01 without plastic mock-up shit
Huh? What's the deal with M41 engine upgrade? Other vehicles in same tier have upgrades priced around 5-8k, that engine is 32k.
>unlocked BMD-2

Should i ? How is it compared to BMD-1 ?
remove spud gun replace with machine gun )
Cool, another 3 days of premium for a little half-assed effort.


As this event promotes and rewards teamwork, all platoons participating in the event will receive 3 days of premium game time!
is of great depression
not sure what to get for an arty, 20% more module damage or a 5% faster reload. 5% isnt that much.
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>Finally get perseus to do the daily dosh and some juicy dubs
>Get capped by invisible or dead tanks
Nice stealth technology tovarish )))))))
>designate a target, so he knows to get into cover

desu its pretty fucking good to designate a target right before you blast it with atgms.
>aim at guy I am blasting away with autocannon
>cannot designate while blasting
>designation just reset after every shot
>cannot light him up while I light him up


think about how often your target gets away with ~a second's margin
Is it worth getting advanced MRS on low pen tanks, like Begle, or Centaur?

No. It's only worth getting on tanks that can frontally pen MBTs. And only MBTs can really frontally pen each other reliably.
But im also thinking about the 4 modules I take out with a hit, could make it 8. Like when they can run away because it lost all driving functions.
It's pretty good, kind of hard getting used to the autocannon but once I got the hang of it I had a way easier time fighting other AFVs and flanking MBTs.
Why is the Starship so slow and bad at everything when it doent even have armor?
To make people mad and ditch the burger line

historical accuracy

MBTs must pay the price of being game breaking at high tiers by sucking at low tiers.
But the other tanks in the line were good.

Welp time to grind Freja for the autocannon
Starship is secretly the best peekaboom tank in the game. The devs say to brawl with it... ignore that until the endgame. Spend 90% of the time hiding behind large solid cover, and pop out to smackdown targets of opportunity, hell you can even snipe with it well enough, the spread is only 15, so it's enough to get the job done.

>the spread is only 15, so it's enough to get the job done.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?
You can turn the Starship into an even better sniper by just having a level 2 gunner and the accuracy retrofit from the Leopard 1. You even get a 10% accuracy boost on the tank itself.

20% (Sure Start accuracy boost) + 4% (gunner skill, level 2) + 10% (Chrome Barrel Lining retrofit) + 10% (on the Starship itself) = 44% better accuracy for simplicity's sake.
0.15 (base accuracy x 0.56 (accuracy modifiers) = 0.084, or 0.08 rounded down.
Bam, now you can snipe as well as tank destroyers, if not better.
>Not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh?

oh the ironing

You can make it even more accurate by getting a higher mark of that retrofit, or getting the other accuracy retrofit from the Ariete, and you can get commander accuracy skills, and you can level your gunner up to level 5.
You can probably squash it all the way down to 0.03 if you really want to.
I was talking about the base tank itself without retrofits. With retrofits it becomes a monster and you can accurately 2-shot a lot of opponents in PvP (and even more after the next patch thanks to HEAT alpha buff).

Fair enough. Still, it should go without saying that if your accuracy is ever 0.15 on the Starship (even when stock) then you fucked up horribly.

"you can stack modifiers" ain't exactly a brilliant new insight
why is every tier 7-8 match on NA 8v8 or 9v9
I don't want to play fucking pve
burgers dont care about tank games

Because Ameripals don't give a shit about tank games. The same thing applies on WoT NA and WT NA.
Russia always has the biggest playerbase and Europe has the second biggest. Jump servers or live with it.
I actually tried changing server to europe but stuck on authenticating
Aim speed or accuracy for freja (BMPs)
Aim speed for less exposure when peeking
Looks even better too
This game is going to die so fast
Theres no reason for it to. Its also being developed by a good company.
A good company that prefer to add more content instead of polishing and optimizing what they have.
The game is in open beta, not even eternal open beta, Its been in open beta for a matter of weeks. They have not even finished the launch content.
They haven't done jack fucking shit in terms of polishing since EA1
They were building a game and the game is still incomplete. You dont polish an unfinished project.

the game is launched. i can tell from how they let me give them money and in exchange they give me pretend tanks
>impenetrable hull
>turret takes half damage

Literally all it's good for is killing AFVs and TDs.
>new tank game
>more awful matchmaking
Oh, good. I like familiarity.
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this thing is great for PVE

in PVP, it's alright I guess. maybe I just haven't got it
You won't believe how many retarded AFVs decided to brawl with terminator
The enemy spawn system in PVE is balls. Tanks spawning right next to you all the time. Other than that is is pretty fun.
Memorize spawns, also tell your team not to cap if you are in the middle of one

Oh, I know myself. I have a Ramka and it decimates AFVs.
Here's the thing though: no rational AFV player (which admittedly a lot of players aren't) are going to willingly fight a Ramka/Terminator.
And like I said, if your target is anything except for a TD/AFV, you're gimped so fucking hard by your lack of camouflage and usable armor and a shit autocannon that it makes me wish I was in the BMD-4 more times than not.
I really don't understand why they don't implement a dynamic spawning system where they only spawn out of LoS. It's not that hard to do.
learn where they spawn, duh
I swear some people do cap to get you killed, so they can farm more damage
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actually we mostly just do it to get your bitch ass killed
should add to the pastebin that you gain an energy drink daily PVE, it gives you 10% crew for 1 game or 10k bucks
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they ought to suspend your license before you hurt someone

>check garage
>21 energy drinks

I can't believe I never noticed this. Thanks for the free 210k credits my man.
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someone mentioned it before and I think he also said, you get an energy drink for EVERY daily mission, so up to three dranks a day
is this why Im having 112 drinks? sweet
but then again its kinda bugged, only activates after the match
no idea about activation, but I'm gonna do some daily testing on the drinks, when you get them
>do daily x2 Hard PvE because the Leo1a5 of fun
>T7 Abrams hides behind me

It's amazing how big of a difference there is between the terminator and ramkas effectiveness, when they are nearly the same tank, just two tiers apart
damn looks like they changed it, just did all dailys for PvE and not a single Energy Drank
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i've heard that the Sheridan is garbage and the Starship is vastly superior

i've also heard that the Starship is garbage and the Sheridan is vastly superior

is it true /awg/?
If you're good, the Sheridan is good.
If you're good, the Starship is vastly outclassed in every way besides maximum roll by the T-64.

Luckily for us the Starship is being buffed next patch.
The sheridan needs better accuracy. The gun is fickle as fuck
The starship is better. The gun fires faster and is more accurate. You can snipe in the starship while the sheridan has the worst accuracy value in the game.
Also, people actually have to aim at the weakspots, unlike the sheridan which can be penned pretty much anywhere.
They're both garbage in different flavors.
the Starship has less armor than you'd think and between the aiming time, ATGMs, and lackluster speed it has to keep its face out of cover longer than it should. But it has a decent amount of health, so it can at least afford to take some hits.

the Sheridan has the same issues with its gun, but at least it's fast and small enough to make itself a nuisance. Cons are that it has aluminum armor and very little health, so any mistakes you make tend to hurt.
better accuracy would actually make it broken as hell, I already am able to land a decent amout of shots with it and slapping an enemy with nearly 600 damage is breddy terrifying for that tier
>you weren't 100% aimed in an only a pixel of the reticle isn't covering the target?
>fuck you, that's where the shell is going!
Doesgusting tank to play. I don't think I've seen a single vehicle in AW get raped up the ass by RNG as much as the shitidan does.
How many people are in the EU clan?
I'd trade alpha for reload and accuracy. It's just too inconsistent for my taste.

More like it has ultra negative camouflage while firing.
If MBTs get spotted at 50m more after firing than they normally would, then the Sheridan gets automatically spotted by just firing its cannon.
Fuck the goddamn stingrays and their shitty depression and their shitty fucking suspensions
>we can make russian tanks 10 degrees of depression, but not the paper thin lts
>any time you stop it rocks back and forth for 5 minutes making it impossible to aim
>the center of gravity is at the back of it's massive hull, so if you even go over a slight bump it just aim sky high
depression is balance tovarish)))))))))
russian tonk must be of comfortings))))
>yankee developer from fucking orange county
>still complains about russian bias
proven Gvosdika soon, should I feel sad or proud?

you know that feeling your dad gets when someone asks him how his son is doing? it's that one
>oh look, that mbt is showing me his side
>a toll booth with a collision model 3 times the size of the model blocks the shot
disappointment and regret
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Nobody's here but us trees!
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>get Freja's full auto skill
>literally no difference
why do you post trees in a tank game general?
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>he doesnt see the TD
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I loved the Sheridan. It's a real best tank when you got skill and smack the right retro's on it.

But then again I also like my bagelpanzer 57. I keep hearing people bitch about that thing as well.
>hit! no pen
>hit! no pen
>hit! no pen

>Armored Warfare will never have maps this large
people bitch about the M60A3, and the M1 too

people are morons
>"How Not To Be Seen: Tank Edition"
Just had my first truly intense game.
I was in that little t3 recon (xm800 something) and was zipping all over the map.

Are later HEI auto cannon rounds more useful? Some of mine just disapeared mid air and I could only damage burger MBTs from behind, ruskies were mostly immune.
Swagfire is of balance)))) Insane viewrange and camo rating is of need for this...tank?)))))
>Aim time, accuracy are pretty much useless.
On the Swingfire, sure. I heard normalization is applied even to missiles and HEAT shells too though.
They will actually buff it in 0.11 they will reduce the camo penalty when it fires
All done under the mantra: "If you make something too overpowered it will become underpowered!"
>let's play my XM800T maybe i won't get reactor
>it's reactor

not sure what i expected really
well I bet you didn't expect that!

It is a slow, huge brick of an AFV that doesn't have an autocannon or a HEAT shell like its peers.
Plus missiles are MUCH harder to use than any other round.
>Missiles are hard to use
>At tier 4
>Where noone has armor
>Where noone has ERA
>Where noone has APS

Get out
>lets play my swingfire maybe it wont be lost island
>it's lost island
5 times in a row
else it would be overpowered
what are you, a SHITLORD?

>have to be stationary to use it
>have to guide it
>BY FAR the slowest ammo type in the game
>gives the enemy a huge flashing warning
>the Swingfire in particular is completely helpless if someone facehugs it, it can't curve the missiles enough to defend itself

Meanwhile, a HEAT round from a same-tier AFV only has these cons
>is influenced by random spread from accuracy
>has less penetration

If you think ATGMs are overpowered then I hope you ALT F4 every time a HEAT round is even fired in your vicinity.
>Play BMD-2
>First match: Reactor
>Ok that was nice, time for the next match!
>Reactor again
>Ok, won using the same tactic as last time, next match!
>Reactor again
>Ok....getting routine now...
>Match over
>Reactor again
>Ow come on...
>Match over
>Reactor again

Working as intended))))
>lost island

Not as bad as getting Lost Island every time you want to grind that fucking M109 so you can FINALLY GET FREJA AND THEN NEVER TOUCH THE FUCKING GRINDING ASS ARTY LINE AGAIN
as long you are on the east-side grinding SPGs seems easy, at least that is my opinion in the Gvosdika. the road to extra commanders is a harsh and audacious path
>Can fucking see and fire both rockets at anything that comes near it before they can even see it

Seriously? Even if they get close to you you can finish them off because the missiles are so easy to aim.
Lost island is a fucking terrible map for all classes except mbts. If you have armor you can play any side, if you don't you get relegated island hopping the south. Lost island should be used as an example of how not to design maps.
>_________ is a fucking terrible map for all classes except mbts

madlibs time everyone, fill in the blank
>just unlocked Sheridan
>mfw 13s reload

What the fuck man.
>Its also being developed by a good company.
That has the T-72/T-90/Armata's manufacturer's breaths on their necks, and they're taking their sweet ass time at fixing shit, not to mention practices that reek of Wargaming.
would you rather have the 20 second reload that the WoT version has?
well, it could be worse and they could be goijin

>unlock premium to unlock premium )))))
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Godamn it I really want to get the Taifun

Casemates r so ka wa ii
At least on every other map, you have some way to reliably engage at range. Lost island forces everyone into brawling ranges, afvs and mbts alike.
HEI goes to the turret front of MBTs, use AP on their arses.
It's a fucking 152mm shell that weighs about 20kg if not more, and the Sheridan had glaring problems with said shells because of humidity warping them, the warhead coming off from the propellant and the little fault where the shells themselves could cook off due to the fact they're caseless + residues of the propellant keeping burning in the breech.
the sheridan should do 30 damage to itself every time it fires
>only 7 SPGs currently in queue
>10 second queue

oh mama, time to be a complete shitlord
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Last class I unlock is the TD

>first round try it out in PVE
>love it already

Are all tier TD's this fun?
I wish.
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praise jesus
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A shame, I've never had more fun or more dmg caused or more kills so far than I just got in one round with this thing

Fast, agile, nimble but with a powerful cannon, I fucking love it.
I like how not even a month has passed and the general is already dead as fuck.
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Can't wait to see how this handles in PVP now
someone tell me how to best abuse smoke shells for exp gain

annoying teammates while doing so is regarded as a plus, not a minus
>press speed boost on lt
>makes a cool whirring sound, but does nothing else
Why does a sound effect need to be on a 60 second cooldown?

some reason as why it takes two seconds to tell an enemy that your team is about to shoot him
Because otherwise it would have to be called AT VOTOMS, not Armored Warfare.

You don't want to negatively affect your win rate by harassing your teammates, as that will negatively affect your XP gain.

Fixed the issue where the players received worse reward than intended in PvE mode if they left the battle before the end
Fixed the issue where the players received worse reward than intended in PvE mode if they died in battle
Fixed some the remaining decal placement issues
Fixed the issue where artillery was sometimes spawning on incorrect spots
Fixed the consumable issue with 2S3 Akatsiya
Fixed the several issues that made the game crash
>ETA for the patch: two months

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>roll up behind enemy
>have heat loaded because I was expecting a flank
>shell goes straight into his ass
>no effect
silly thats patch 10.55
>still chat banned

be 3 weeks on Wednesday
What did you do for getting chat banned? I seriously hope it's not for retarded shit like a mod thinking that "sieg heil" is offensive.
Just spent 3k of all my accumulated free global rep to get to 40% of my 50% proven goal

M109 Freja grind is hell
just finished gvosdika 100%

now m109, according to my dossier it took me "only" 77 matches for Gvos
Try the 2S1, now that's true hell. It loses shittons of damage in favor of a pitiful increase of accuracy and ROF.
Well I like using the world faggot a lot, also got a week forum ban for calling that faggot jingles an "old man"
They need an average rep per mode option in Dossier so I can see if I should grind PVE or PVP more to make it go along faster

oh fuck, i had forgotten about that

so much for my plan to just unlock her asap and selling the fucking thing
I'm 10% away from proven, and then god knows how many more rounds to unlock her at 12k or so rep
Literally just fucking bring up a notepad and do the math yourself. In old gestional games like Aerobiz supersonic you had to do the math yourself and it was way more complicated than that. And it was fun.
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I am convinced this is how the aiming system works.
>playing tycoon games on SNES
Fully zoomed in = close to WoT's accuracy when WG was trying to appeal to esports retards.
Not fully zoomed in = AK with smooth S shaped barrel fired in fully atomatic from a speedboat going at 50 knots, on rough seas.

what's the deal with that? can't hit shit until you're fully aimed and then it's a god damn laser

except the scorpion, which is the opposite and you'll hit moving shots from 600 meters but aiming makes you less accurate
Can you point me to a tycoon game about planes that runs on PC, Android or consoles that can be emulated on Android? I think not.
Just Obsidian things.
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1200 m/s forward motion
14 m/s side motion

checks out
first I wanted to say AirTycoon, but then your superior choice just ended any idea I had in mind
Tempted to just buy the Taifun, use the gold to get the locked rep to get proven status on the M109, get Freja, and then enjoy the rest of the game without touching arty again
>implying that's not speed at which they are delivered after you come back from PvP
It isn't even THAT good of a game. It's such a shame that there isn't anything better than it and nobody is interested in making a rebalance romhack either. Same for PTO2. Again, which is a shame since the concept of those games is pretty damn solid.
it is a testament how shitty tycoon gmes are nowadays, that there isnt a single really good plane tycoon game
>playing at this time euro hour
>get in my sheridan
>I have to fight t-80s

time to go to bed
At least there should be mods about it for FSX or someshit.
well there is the ps1 remake, but Iunno how good/bad it is
>ps1 remake
Chances are it's nipspeak only. Like PTO3, and from what I've read it's fucking glorious, possibly the best PTO game.
it sadly is.
there will be no good PT game in your lifetime
>you're stupid because intuitively you aim where it would go in reality, instead of where it goes with shot delay
holy fuck the retards that play this game. apparently EU gets unplayable after 2 am.
The latter is how I view using auto aim on the move.
I hate high tiers and I can't go back to WoT and it's skycancer. I think I'm burning out
>apparently EU gets unplayable after 2 am.
>tired people play like shit
Who would've thought.

Autoaim in this game is so broken it's not even funny.

>aims by default at the bottom of the turret without being able to change that
>loses lock for no reason
>the reticle isn't even synced with where you're actually aiming at
>somehow you get even more fucking spread if you use it
>loses lock for no reason

how fucking messed up is their code that this can even happen?
someone please paint on my leopard 1 NOT ACTUALLY A FUCKING MBT in big neon pink fucking letters please so these fucking retards stop expecting me to spearhead open-field charges jfc
>game automatically buys consumables even if you have hundreds of them
>commander skills not working
>inconsistent as fuck material consistency (some surfaces stop all shells (>fences stopping KE shells), others allow missiles to go through them, and that also applies to fucking pipes)
About on par with the curse with their games at release, I guess?
ever so barely protected against 20 mm shells? 0,05 camo? oh yes, should definitely go in front shsartaeqqqtsdfa
As soon as you tell people in PvP that "campers" is not a smart insult to throw towards a TD nestled into a ridge.
>entire enemy team is on the other side of the map
>still sit and wait in the far back corner with a td
It's a legitimate complaint
wait so the Leo 1's 105 mm HEAT does 20% less damage than the BMP-1's 73 mm? wtc is wrong with you obsidian?
I love when the enemies do that though. All that free damage is nice.
I can make retarded situations up, too, to justify retarded insults.
You'd be surprised how often it happens
Balans ))
i'd actually like the leo if it just, y'know, did damage

but someone decided that it should have a 105 mm peashooter that somehow fires at 10 RPM. what the fuck
Why do you even care. You'll play only 20 matches on it tops then completely forget about it.
What commander? Juan, Bane, Sabrina, who else?
I find it helps to play it like a TD or a light tank
Bane, people will tell you that its too RNG and just go play one of the arty commanders, but you will be killing engines and startin fires with every other shot I find. guess im just a shitter))))
>+2/-2 matchmaking
Hahaha fuck that guess I'm sticking to PVE.
At peak times you get +-0 mm. At least in yurop.
>At least in yurop.
So if I picked NA server because I live in freedom did I fuck up, because that's the impression I'm getting
play on primetime, its called weekend
Yes. Enjoy your retarded playerbase and soon to be dead server. The upside is that clan wars and tournaments there are a farce compared to EU and special children olympics compared to RU.
>look up server transfer
>there is none
Wow, off to a great start. That's a basic fucking function of a game like this.
sorry lad looks like you're going to have to stay on dead NA and play 9v9s like me
>there is none
You get to keep your nickname, what else do you want? Carrying over progress?
>shoot wiesel
>shoot wiesel
>lowest possible damage roll on the bell curve
real fucking epic this stupid fucking mercy roll bullshit is. god forbid someone has a high winrate and does well across the board, cant have them finishing tanks off and get normal rolls
Yes? You say that like it's unreasonable.
need this as tier 6 TD
Different database formats, specifically made so that transfers aren't possible, you entitled shit. Now off to gulag.
I think you meant to post this on WoTG a few years ago m8.
>having separate databases for NA and EU players to begin with
For what purpose
>different database formats

really? that's dumb as fuck
So that in case a database fucks up the other server will still be active.

>but backups
Fuck common sense.

When Obsidian copied WoT they also copied some of its faults. Why? See above.
Christ, I knew they copied WoT when making this game, but they didn't need to copy everything about it.
luckystarfan u r shit m8 hope u know this
Don't worry, for everything they improved they fucked up somewhere else.

>general chat split into several different channels with no way to select which one you're on
I know, big fucking deal, but this makes so that the general chat is deader than my grampa. Which is bad for the community and for us too since less players means 9v9 and really fucked up MM.
>no custom channels
>channels don't blink when there are new messages
>optimization is horrendous
>tank models go from "just alright" to "fucking awful", also misproportioned
>current game balance is kind of fucked
>arbitrary balancing biased towards Uralvatnikzavod, which leads to really fucking stupid shit like russian tanks having godly depression and burgers being awful at that, while it should be the other way around
I mean, it's better than Wargaming historically balanced outrageous baguette/burger bias, but not by far.
>all of the shit that is in >>121847973
>patches taking this long
>the tradition of not explaining at least 70% of the game dynamics and leaving that to users' guessworks and experimenting still lives on
Obsidian following directly in Wargaming and Gaijins footsteps I see
Well, the economy is the exact opposite of the WG/Goyjin's shit, but that in itself is pretty bad too, considering that it could lead to tiers from 4 to 6 dying off/becoming premium tank territory.
>considering that it could lead to tiers from 4 to 6 dying off/becoming premium tank territory.

I've had this thought as well, it's not balanced as well as it should be in regards to that, except any attempt at "balancing" would likely lead to Gaijin levels of greed and jewery so as long as AW has a steady consistent playerbase constantly refreshed with new players it shouldn't become too big a problem
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>>the tradition of not explaining at least 70% of the game dynamics
Speaking of, I've managed to figure out most of the UI at least, but what the hell are these?
I'm under the impression those tell you where cover is in your immediate area. or what could be considered cover
People say they indicate camo but to me they seem to indicate solid cover.
It's a shame, because t3-t5 are probably the best balanced. Everything after that turns into a bigger and bigger shitshow
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>doing great in PVE
>suddenly 600 damage out of thin air
>engine and track busted
>can't move
>another 500 damage
>see damage log
>it's BMD-4
>no mention of the fact that you have to select the old guns for selling the ammo that is compatible with them

>no mention of the MBT reload time bug, being that the shorter reload bonus gets capped at 8% for some reason
>no mention of the (confirmed by devs) mercyrolls

>no info on which retrofits are recommended
>no info on how non-KE shells have higher RNG

>manage your base
That section is empty, might want to fill it or delete it:
Prioritize free xp, crew xp, cheaper good goy time if you're a good goy, everything else comes after that, and only after you completely upgrade all of that. As of now there's no use in increasing the commanders' xp since leveling them is really easy. Every facility that has to do with credits is worthless.

The commanders' section is way too long. Give the TL;DR first and then describe them in depth.
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>Oh boy, my first tier 3 tank! I can't wait to play medium missi-
Let me guess, fucktard playing a tier 5 in your team?
>more tank hp pool, more dmg
>better match multiplier
I don't get why people complain, i want a T5 on my t4 medium missions dubs to get more xp
They make spawn shit that is much harder to kill if you're stock. Which is the only reason why I bother with PvE.
So how do I use early-tier MBTs besides being a big slow ineffectual punching bag for all the zippy lights that can pen me from wherever
If you're driving a russkie, tank with your turret
If you're driving anything else, drive a russkie
they indicate soft and hard cover
Will put that in as soon as I'm back on my PC. Thank you.

Could you elaborate or post source on the bugs and the mercyrolls/higher RNG?
Reload time reduction on MBTs sometimes gets capped at 8% and the reload timer gets stuck until the round gets loaded. Fuck if I remember where the devs stated that mercyrolls are a thing. HEAT and HE have 25% accuracy RNG as opposed of AP's 15%.
are we getting tier 10 today? Server down
bug fixes

tier 9 next week
>When Obsidian copied WoT they also copied some of its faults

WOT has full support for cross-server roaming. They just don't want to turn it on because they think the russians will invade the EU server and ruin everything.
Don't see why they don't just enable it between US-EU servers.
There are going to be targets that only he can pen easily, and bounce if he's an MBT. A t3 in a t5 match will see those accursed termis, MBT-70s and other shit.
>Every facility that has to do with credits is worthless
How so? A fully upgraded Garage will knock thousands off the repair bill of a high tier vehicle. A well-played game will similarly get you a few extra thousand with a fully upgraded whatever the place that doles out extra creds.
More like t2.
Yeah, I was lucky last night, I landed on a bretty gud team (I still got top damage and xp). T4 with our top two players getting over 2000 damage, with their top two barely scraping 1000, and the rest getting about two to three pens or nothing at all.

or just make it prem-only and it'll be fine. whoever is calling that one is making a major judgment error
Holy shit why would anyone build let alone use something like that.
#yolo modern caseless ammo technology + missile ability out of the same tube.

desu, the sheridan wasn't really made for Vietnam jungle warfare with the humidity and stuff and more in line with air droppable support in case of cold war going hot
>there are ppl who think the erc is bad

Kek, you're in for a treat when you get the Cent b1, and Lav600.

the sheridan wasn't built for any sensible purpose at all
why are the servers still down, I need to grind ;_;
>put Sabrina in it
>give it upgraded optics

congrats, you now outspot anything in the game. enjoy assassinating enemy recon.
Start of obt:
> is this game still russian biased?
> no man it wasnt in the first place
> its completely balanced

1 month of playing after OBT:
> game is still completely of balans )))))

It's American biased, shitlord.
>Start of obt:

>listening to fanboys
man , if they need this long for the patch today, I don't even want to know how long it takes when 0.11 comes out

it's like this right: first you decide what's going to be in the patch. then you bring down the servers so you can write the update, then you start working on it

it takes a while
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>/awg/ is more helpful and has more accurate information than the official forums
the reddit page is also way better than the forums
>official forums

what the fuck did you expect?
>10 minutes after live not even the patch is up.

My fucking morning is going to be ruined isnt it. I just worked 9 hours and all I want to do is shoot some tanks with a tank.
it is more enjoyable

for a whole week to grind one tank in WoT, you could grind 5 tiers in AW
have you really played wot?
I used to be a wot player. tiers 1-4 can be done in less than 15 hours. tiers 5-6 another day
It took me at least 2 weeks to get to tier 6 in AW
but AW > Wot if ever it gets a SEA server
2 weeks and 3 tier 8 on AW
im am SEA server player

it is definitely easier to grind in AW, that or it feels more fun to do so.

T series currently is fucking painful, but T-80 boomstick i look forward to
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I do not see AW being faster than WoT. I do see AW being infinitely more pleasant than WoT. The stock tank is not terrible. The upgrades are more fun and more numerous. They dont MAKE YOU UPGRADE YOU FUCKING TRACKS AND TURRENT TO MOUNT A FUCKING GUN THAT MAKES YOU RELEVANT! FUCK YOU WOT FUCK YOU TO HELL AND MAY SATAN PEIRSE YOUR ENGINE BAY WITH HIS FULL 180MMS.
i get you

i'm getting less stat-caring now, WoT isn't fun anymore desu

I hope my clan ditches soon and we can switch to AW
I agree with this, the grind in AW is a bit slower but it's less noticeable.
its probably because the grind in AW is linear and is definitely fun
also stock tanks are not as terrible and perform closely to a fully upgraded one
WoT really was shitty in that regard
"Oh hey you got that new tank, would be a pity if it needed new tracks and a new gun to be viable ))))))"
and half of them unusable aka you had to skip them

can you guys stop giving me ptsd
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>tfw no south american server
>tfw it will probably never have one with better payment system because south americans can't into tonks
you mean you had to research them ,but will never use them tovarish )))))
I still dont have the t28 Prot and if AW grows in to a health active tank game, i never will. That t25/2 is just so fucking bad. Would it kill them to buff lemons a little? Its shit like this that caused me to leave WoT.
>get new tonk in WT

Man you went down the wrong tree. The T25 and T28 are a lot of fun.
don't get hit ))))
I had those as well. But those are a complete different tree and are irrelevant to the topic of shit tanks and shitty upgrades.
don't get hit must be the greatest meme ever spouted in any wargoyming, goyjin or rather in general every game ever
desu i was thinking of starting a tank game without any of the silly grinding
Like CSGO style, tanks being decided on which front it was
>minor patch fix
>mostly useless fixes
>268mb update
time to play tonk
NATO vs WarPac matches when
still not working
I'd love it desu

>Hordes of BMD-4s eating all in their path
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where can I check server status?

I hope someone can mirror it so I don't have to visit that
At least its not facebook.
both already up senpai

i see that NA player numbers have really gone up with this update
What is the white and orange circle around you on your minimap?
view range and radio range
View Range cap. White is current view range.


>radio range


It's maximum possible spotting distance.

You can spot beyond your view range if the target has a negative camo rating, but nothing can ever be spotted beyond the orange circle.
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>I've been playing wrong this whole time
Orange is the furthest the best spotter on the field can see.
White is how far you can see.

Camouflage, shooting, foliage, etc. modifies these.

Ignore >>121905614, >>121905734 and >>121905767. You can see (and shoot) things outside of the orange circle.

>Orange is the furthest the best spotter on the field can see.

Wrong. It's the limitation of the game. Nothing to do with vehicles in the match,

>You can see (and shoot) things outside of the orange circle.

Spotting range doesn't mean render range.

Targets can never be spotted outside of your orange circle, but they can be rendered if someone else has spotted them.
>just now noticed that there's multiple categories of retrofits
This game really REALLY needs a more robust tutorial
I wonder if this game will run sales on tanks. I kinda want a MBT 70 but what if i get it and it goes on sale? That would annoy me.
They're going to renew collector edition on christmas, just wait
Not sure if its just arty but outgoing damage log can record your hit against invisible tank
I updated the pastebin. Please post some suggestions on retrofits (i.e. what to take on what class of vehicle).

So far what I've read is that the universal slot should always be used for a fire power retrofit and that mobility is the worst category and should only be taken if mobility slots are open. Is that mostly correct?
I already bought it.
>can't pen t-80 in my Leo1A5 > drive over it with help of a hill > 600 damage


i could swear that i've had it both do so and not do so.

no idea what decides which you get for a given shot
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Why the hell is there such a discrepancy between my two crew's exp?
The gap is pretty big so it can't be that my gunner was always dead when I won my doubles (provided it works that way).
Which are the high exp PVE missions?
Are there any other PVE missions worth doing?
Did the patch change progress somehow? I had the Leopard 1 and XM800T unlocked before the patch and now I don't
> "i'm dumb pls OE spoonfeed me"
You, right now
any hard missions
defense gets you more exp but takes longer
>people complaining about no armor in a light tank
Its called a fucking 'light' tank for a reason
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Sorry i wrote that like an autist.
Its not true that "any hard" give you good exp, there are crap missions and good ones.
The good-high exp ones i know are Rolling Thunder, and Perseus. Are there any other high exp missions?
>tfw emptying a bmp2 clip on a vfm's side and half the shots still bounce
that thing as some bullshit armor
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Perseus hands down, all you need to do is to know 2 hulldown spots on the first 2 caps, and collect spot damage
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this thing also anti air or what?
I think bmp2/bmd2 were designed with that in mind, yes

dunno about the other models
I love to sit at the foot of a cliff atop of which there's an enemy with my BMP-2/VBL

I can shoot them from down there in total impunity
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>No gold ammo
>Different ammo for different targets

When I first heard Jingles talking about it, it sounded convoluted. But now that Im here, i fucking love it. One more FUCK YOU to WoT. I bought the Emperor Package, and Ill be playing premium when my 4 months runs out.
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Yesterday the official World of Tanks Facebook page posted this.
Obsidian commented with: "No, we call that an AFV, and unlike the E-100 it was actually built. #saynotopapertanks".
paper tanks own
top bantz
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Strv 2000 when?
top fucking kek


or this tank!
Lmaoing at their life, please give me the link.

a stealth-revealing radar would be pretty useful...
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Fifth comment from the top.
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And that delicious 40mm auto-cannon!
Can't fool me, that's an E 25.

it's much too large to be an e-25
True, a normal human being might actually fit inside that.
That reminds me, I wonder if the ELC will be in AW?
Of course now they can never put in a tank that was a concept only.
If you're competent, the Sheridan is better. Three smoke charges, respectable mobility, and high alpha; enough to get in to the back lines, do damage, and get out without getting hit in the process.

Starship is better in PvE and in general utility, though. Still, neither are particularly good vehicles.

not like the vehicles that are in-game correlate more than incidentally with the real ones anyway~
>all the WoTniggers can do to defend themselves is saying "m-my game has more people"
the funny thing is that the wargaming's "joke" was to answer at some subtle joke made by obsidian like the 707m viewrange and the type59. It's like some buillied kid saying " W-Well, t-the M113 is not a tank! :,( "
>community monkeys
>subtle joke made by obsidian like the 707m viewrange and the type59

What joke ?
also the ghost shell joke i did't mention
Does relative damage per hit get any higher at higher tiers or do MBTs always take like 10 hits to kill
>Holy shit why would anyone build
Worked on paper :^) :^) :^)

Also bribes :^) :^)

>let alone use
Oh fugg we spent a lot of dosh in this project we have to use it and prove that it wasn't a complete waste of money!
In general nothing takes more than 5 hits to knock out unless you're talking autocannons.
The WoT version does enough damage for it to be funny when you finally hit someone.
Driving the M60? Yeah, the gun is weirdly shitty.
Can't go wrong with the arty modules on anything that isn't missile based or a scout.

Chrome barrel lining is good.

Viewrange shit on scouts and TDs.

More HP for hard MBTs. And I think that's pretty much it, as this game doesn't really lend itself to tryhard setups as much as WoT.
>Viewrange shit on scouts and TDs.
Gonna be even better soon.
Are they nerfing MBT's viewrange or something?
Viewrange will become a static boost, rather than percentage based.
Sounds like a nerf to scouts, to me.
Eh, nah. It's aight. Everyone comes out better, in a way. Just makes it stronger on MBTs. :^)
Depends. Percentage based means anything with larger values will get the most out of it. Static means it could be kind of pointless for scouts, while being yet another needless buff for MBTards.
It won't matter worth a damn while MBTs still have their private map lanes.
>Static means it could be kind of pointless for scouts.

If the current increase is 10% and comes out to be 40m, and the static upgrade does +40m, scouts are still at the same view range. And, more importantly, the increase is not "kind of pointless".

It just means that MBTs get way more out of it.
>It just means that MBTs get way more out of it.
Exactly, and they shouldn't. I can already spot for myself in MBTs.
That means that MBTs will get even more viewrange. How is that making things better for scouts and TDs?
I called this shit a month ago. I bet MBTards still won't be happy.
Ghost shells is a term applied to a shot you fired during a game that you just knew should have hit the enemy vehicle, but it didn’t. Not only did you do no damage, but there was no ricochet or shell blocked by armor. The shell either didn’t fly where you wanted to, or it passed through the enemy tank like the shell was incorporeal, a ghost.
Funny considering I had an instance in this game where I fired and the projectile didn't come out, all I got was the firing sound and a reload which got me killed.
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Who /BMP-2 /here?
Holy shit the Challenger 2 and T-90MS are so OP they've already nerfed them.


Also Juan Carlos and Freja are gonna be moved to the BMD-1 and Swingfire.
>Also Juan Carlos and Freja are gonna be moved to the BMD-1 and Swingfire.
What do the arties get then?

Oh wait a fucking minute, didn't the Swingfire tree already give a commander? Ibrahim al-Sandnigger?
No, that's the Sheridan.
>What do the arties get then?
No commander. And no retrofit. Intentionally.
It's still not to late to just cycle arty out completely.
Or at least ban them from PvE
>And no retrofit
Post proofs.
>Or at least ban them from PvE
Only bad arty shouldn't play PvE. Good arty works well.

>Regarding the long Artillery queues, the developers are planning to remove the Commander and Retrofit requirements from artillery vehicles so only players who truly want to play artillery can play it and to improve the Matchmaker mechanism. These two changes should reduce the artillery queues considerably
Literally notin personnel carrier.
Thank you Jesus Yamato.
The fact that BMP/Ds are so strong leads me to believe that someone from /wgg/ is in charge of balance.
what happens if you have them already unlocked?!
I can only assume you get to keep them.
New voices and alternative portaits for commanders when? It feels weird to play Juan without a mexican accent or Ioannis without an italian one.
>Ioannis Sanna

Sanna is a sardinian surname that practically doesn't exist outside of there. And as far as I know the sheepshaggers aren't indipendent.
Okay ma quale genitore sano di mente, specialmente italiano, chiamerebbe suo figlio Ioannis?
Greekboos. I knew some people that were 100% eyeties yet had greek names. Fuck knows what was wrong with their parents.
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do you even spaghetti names?
>Spend rebalancing engine T-90.

i see

You're ignoring the most obvious answer: burgerstanians can't into foreign names for shit.
this guy gets it

what's the welsh got to do with this
No more scout MBTs then?
Expect even more MBT faggotry.
They don't have the exclusivity on that stereotype.
By the way: there are at least two commanders in AW that have the same name (Juan, Ioannis).
So I just spent about a week grinding the insufferable M109 for Freja, both PvE and PvP earning pitiful amounts of rep each game, managing only to get 41% rep all that time and just now I learn that they are moving Freja to Swingfire which I have almost maxed out.

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Alright guys I've been hearing more and more about this game but I don't want to get jewed/burned out by this like with WoT and Warthunder

>What does this game do differenty/what makes it special?
>The tanks cover a timespan with a lot of tech advancement. Is there meaningful tech progression in game like gun stabilization, thermal optics, fire control, and active protection systems?
>Is there any sort of national bias?

I love modern tanks but thinking of all the time and money I burned on the piece of shit Warthunder just pisses me off.
>spending a week grinding towards something in a beta that's in constant flux
At least now you know how skycancer works. I wonder which tanks will receive the retrofits though.

Read the fucking thread. If you want a tl;dr it's still fucked as of now.

>Is there any sort of national bias?
Of balans tovarisch )))))

No, really. The T-90/Armata's manufacturer is a sponsor, the russian server's version of AW is called "Project Armata".
>What does this game do differenty/what makes it special?
No gold ammo and prem time therefore doesn't feed into spamming gold ammo
Scout vehicles actually have noticeably better view ranges as well unlike WoT and they don't get that pointlessly retarded scout MM.
Arty direct hits rarely reach 300 damage at tier 4, about the same as an MBT AP shot.
>The tanks cover a timespan with a lot of tech advancement. Is there meaningful tech progression in game like gun stabilization, thermal optics, fire control, and active protection systems?
Maybe the one thing I miss from WoT is that new guns only means new ammo... in fact the ammo itself is a far more important upgrade. "Better" gun modules are always identical to their "worse" predecessors.
Is there any sort of national bias?
Only that British MBTs are fucking trash right now. The German MBT line is all over the place as well, seemingly.
The real bias though, is that in general, MBTs turn into invincible idiot-proof tanks at t6.
>no prem time
What the hell are you on about.

>cout vehicles actually have noticeably better view ranges as well unlike WoT
Save for high tiers.

Also T-80, T-90 and BMDs are hilariously broken OP.
I phrased that really badly. I should have said:
>No gold ammo; and prem time therefore doesn't feed into spamming gold ammo
What's the 268MB patch for?
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>Fixed the issue where the players received worse reward than intended in PvE mode if they left the battle before the end
>Fixed the issue where the players received worse reward than intended in PvE mode if they died in battle
so the crybabys and special snowflake won
painless grind

every tank is useful
>painless grind

except arty
ded gaem
ded thred
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I personally found the M60 to be not-to-great, but I'm probably just bad with it
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>NATO vs WarPac matches

Obsidian needs to get on that right the fuck now, can't wait to see glorious Western steel rekt the fuck out of shitty soviet block shop shit
Save for the Starshit. If it weren't for the tumor it'd be great at hulldown. As it is it's a big money/rep pinhata with a half decent gun strapped on it.
Artillery just needs a better arc.
Or rather, being able to choose what kind of arc you want, and have shell travel time depending on it. Like IRL arty does.
fucking this, no reason not to let you point it 88 degrees behind cover and have the shill hit right near you, only take longer to travel, in a very thin and long arc

unfortunately instead your barrel just depresses the closer the target is which is retarded
also Direct fire (first person zoom)
this would be the shit and go towards making artillery fun to play. the problem is choosing your own arcs of fire would allow multiple rounds to impact simultaneously. can't have that when most of the players are WoT refugees with ptsd from artillery mechanics in that game.

i never played WoT (or war thunder) but it's bullshit that whining is just gutting the spg class. wouldn't surprise me if they cave and remove artillery from the game completely at this point.

welcome to online game where one person that complains enough that will buff/nerfed, and change whatever so they well shut up.

I.E moving the SPG commanders to another tank

I wouldn't say Chieftain is useful.

The one thing it can do is bunker in a few spots to slow down enemies.

If the enemy team does not approach the spot you have chosen in large numbers, you're essentially a waste of space.
>welcome to online game where one person that complains enough that will buff/nerfed, and change whatever so they well shut up.
Gramsci talked about that concept like 50 years ago or so.

need pzh2000 buff
To put it better: IIRC he said something like "if you push your ideals or something loudily and for enough time others will start to accept them, even support them".
And then you realise a T4 MBT-heavy match will pit T-64s against OF-40s and Starshits...
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Is there any point at all to HE shells?
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You're nightmare cometh
200 guaranteed damage if you shoot at the right places, almost guaranteed detracking, therefore decapping. WoT dynamics 101.
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what seksy beast is it?
Probably a Merkava.
Merkava in AW when?
Hopefully never, it'd be either OP as shit or really gimped compared to the real thing.
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what a shame
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Dude BMP lmao
I still don't understand what's the story behind a hammer falling on leopard's head and she feel nothing

Please someone explain
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Quality obsidian modeling
Well, it does kind of work. Not very well that's all. Specially with that snubnose gun.
It'd be nice if they actually gave some kind of warning before taking servers down
>random T-62 Vet in garage
never built, only a wooden model was made. still cool, 140mm cannon with a 40mm coaxial.
the fuck are those, I saw a couple in battles but I sure as hell don't have one
Posted a few threads ago. You could get those things in some event as a price iirc. There was a link to the AW homepage explaining it. But I can't find it right now.
free for everyone on veteran day
EU too?
I fucking love this. It's so ugly.

Reminds me of an angry viper or something.
only NA

Wait for your own holiday
>stryker second worst t8
>has the highest realistic DPM in the game right now

Yeah, AFV's might have higher potential DPM but you will never get that on target long enough to be 100% effective.
>smoke mortars
>ilumination mortars
>on an MBT

Arty pls go.
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Holy fuck players at high tiers are awful

>WoT dynamics 101.

It's not 2011, kazoku.

Considering how TDs can't autopen their targets and need to snipe and are even more fragile than AFVs are, how is their DPM any more "realistic" than burst damage is?
No shit you're not gonna be able to fire for a full minute in the Warrior and use its 11k DPM, but how is that any different from the Stryker not getting to use its DPM for a full minute straight?
An AFV can force itself onto the enemy to use its DPM (at least until it gets shot to bits) while the TD has to sit back and snipe. It can't force any enemy into its range.

>tier 6
>high tier
I need to grind 2.5million shekels fast, is Dragoon pvp gonna make me lodsamaney?
why is the erc so much worse than lav-300, why should I buy it? I love destroyers but damn
if you don't have premium, pve hard
if you have premium, pvp
>finally got gud in Leo1A5 and able to challenge
T-72s, Chieftains and M60A3s
>get thrown in t6 - t7 battles

please make it stop
>why is the erc so much worse than lav-300

are you insane
final bump GET
at least stock erc is, right?
Is there any way to penetrate an Abrams from the front? Once or twice I managed to send an AP through the gun mantlet but 90% of the times it just damages the cannon without doing direct damage.

WIC owned really fucking hard. o7 brave soviet liberators

sorry guys
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