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what did Sid Meier mean by this?

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what did Sid Meier mean by this?
Historical accuracy

Cleopatra kept her country independent during a period of history when fucking everything was getting conquered, and she did this by sleeping with other world leaders.
Greeks are sluts
Stop staring at my dick Cleo
apparently by all historical accounts Cleo was kind of a chud
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Sid Meier didn't make those animations.

Good god Jadwiga and Victoria give me a boner. The SJWs in charge of designing this game actually made the girls more sexual by trying to keep them less sexual.
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here anon, have a treat
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still kinda cute

Only real reason to play Civ VI over Civ V at the moment. I hope they fix all the issues in Civ VI by the first expansion.
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>you want to fuck me?
>with this tiny little thing?
Civilization after IV was a huge mistake.

official list of god tier Civ waifus:

>Civ 3 Joan d'Arc
>Civ 5 Wu Zetian
>Civ 4 Boudica

What was that? Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of 50,000 new copies of Civ V being bought every second.
>Civ 5 Wu Zetian
Yeah no, especially not in bed.
damn these women really are ugly

glad it failed
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>flexible policies system, allowing you to customize and adapt your units/cities a lot and change directions if so needed, unlike the disgusting policies system in V
>better visuals
>religion isn't useless fluff
>combat actually flows now since units deal damage, as opposed to V's 4 attacks to kill a unit
>the district system allowing you to specialize and customize cities to a greater extent, and also gives completely new outlooks on planning where to settle cities, even allowing some cities which would be nearly shit before to thrive because of a few well placed tiles with proper district building
>better music than V (though still doesn't come close to IV)
what's the point of playing V again?
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Fuck off obvious shill, EVERYTHING you listed as a fault of V is still in 6 minus the cultre tree changes so eat a dick
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I fucking listed everything that is better in VI and your rebuttal is
>loool it's the other way around xd everything isn't in V
>even the districts lmao!

either think before posting or just keep your trap shut
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Friendly reminder that the depiction of Cleopatra as a giant whore is totally inaccurate and the only factual historical evidence present indicates that she only slept with 2 men: Cease and Marc Antony.
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>Wu Zetian
>not Theodora
You just know she is a power hungry slut, when you get a big army she just comes to you and fucks you relentlessly, she would do anything you want just to get to be with the big army nation, sucking up my dick all day to keep me happy
>implying anything matches up with fall from heaven anyway
>EVERYTHING you listed as a fault of V is still in 6 minus the cultre tree changes

>better visuals are still in 6 (???)
>religion can now be used to win the game with the religion wars and you can focus on shrine district to buy a lot of shit with faith
>combat is faster
>district system isn't in V
>music IS better

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>Retard buy casualised iPod games

wow you really showed me bud

Rise of Mankind / Caveman 2 Cosmos my dude
Your going to buy AT LEAST two expansions and your going to like it dumb goy

Are they even doing expansions anymore or is it just character packs and hopefully a content patch later?
someone post Thiccy Roosevelt

>flexible policies system, allowing you to customize and adapt your units/cities a lot and change directions if so needed, unlike the disgusting policies system in V
A good idea, but not properly balanced. Especially since there are half the unit types. There's also massive issues. Like after you research gunpowder, they take away the ability to build swordsmen. Even if you don't have niter. With some policies, you could still get by with swordsman. But the game screws you over on the science path, so it lacks synergy.

>better visuals
That's entirely subjective. I actually prefer the designs of Civ V, while still liking Civ VI.

>religion isn't useless fluff
It wasn't in Civ V either. The religious policies in Civ V are actually better. All Civ VI did was add a religious victory condition. Which I like, but it could be improved.

>combat actually flows now since units deal damage, as opposed to V's 4 attacks to kill a unit
I definitely don't agree. Combat in Civ VI is also mind-numbingly slow because of the new movement system. One river destroys your entire armies ability to move as they have to sacrifice three turns to cross a river. So any smart player just parks all their units on a river and lets their opponent attack them over a river for massive penalties.

>the district system allowing you to specialize and customize cities to a greater extent, and also gives completely new outlooks on planning where to settle cities, even allowing some cities which would be nearly shit before to thrive because of a few well placed tiles with proper district building
The District system is a great idea. Taken right out of Endless Legend. But it is VERY unbalanced as of now. The fresh water system as well. Both of these need to be fixed with the first expansion.

>better music than V (though still doesn't come close to IV)
You are fucking bonkers dude. I like the music, but it takes until the Industrial Era for the music to actually get good.
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>Still no Celtic, Dacian, Thracian or Slavic civilization (No, Russia doesn't count)
>Instead they're adding a fucking fat black woman
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>early game, playing Darius
>meet Strayan John Curtis
>oy m8 let's declare friendship to the warld
>yeah sure whatever
>settle a city
>oy m8 don't settle where I wanna settle
>yeah... sure
>his settler moves beyond my city
>settles another city, he's surrounding my 2 cities
>settle another one in the middle
>start building military camps in all 3
>meet Cleo
>she mocks me for my tiny military dick
>camps are 100%, barracks and all
>just finished researching ironworking
>pump out 6 Immortals
>I guess I'll have to deal with Cleopatra later with the warmonger bullshit
>surprise war on my "best friend" Curtis
>fucking destroy him, take his capital, raze both of the other cities
>faster than you can blink, Cleopatra is sucking my dick
>her agendas require big standing army and the other was darwinist or whatever it's called, enjoys seeing other civs at war
>she was kinda far, so I rapidly expand and take a ton of resources
>nobody even tries to face me after that
easiest game I've ever had
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We all know where the real action is.
There's also the thing where she had a low tech vibrator, which was a dildo with bees trapped inside it.

>Instead they're adding a fucking fat black woman
Who's bonuses are overpowered. It's like having the Maya, Egypt and Inca in one civ.
>Like after you research gunpowder, they take away the ability to build swordsmen. Even if you don't have niter. With some policies, you could still get by with swordsman.
I played a game before yesterday, I really don't remember that happening, but regardless, what's the point of making swordsmen if you have access to musketmen? and you said it's not properly balanced? what are you talking about, science and units, or the policies system? how is the policies system not balanced?

>The religious policies in Civ V are actually better.
and lock you, a ton, because policies are shit in V
>All Civ VI did was add a religious victory condition
which has a huge impact

>So any smart player just parks all their units on a river and lets their opponent attack them over a river for massive penalties.
just use ranged units?

I'm not gonna bother discussing visuals and music since they're so subjective

barafags get >>>/out/
what the fuck is this gay shit? do they want this game to fail on purpose?
i still remember jacking off to the thought of my harem of her, elizabeth, and the russian bitch
that's a mod, GIRUGAMESH has clothes and a crown in his regular model


That might well be the worst waifu list in all of history.
They want the Pixar audience.
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Civ V's leaders look like PS1 cover art CG rejects
Threadly reminder for Civ IV fans that you should at least try the vox populis mod for Civ V before hating on Civ V.
>No Mongols
if they want me to actually buy the game instead of waiting for an expansion, i'll do it for the hittites or phoenicia

>but regardless, what's the point of making swordsmen if you have access to musketmen?
Like I said, you may not have access to Niter yet. It is also a good tactic to build cheaper swordsmen then upgrade them with gold. Especially if you are focusing on gold policies.

>and lock you, a ton, because policies are shit in V
Most of the policies in Civ VI are the same as in Civ V. But the reason religion is stronger in Civ V is because the bonuses are stronger in that game. Especially pagodas and mosques.

>just use ranged units?
Works in some conditions. But if you have to use ranged units because a river is so strong, then the same problem exists.
looks like the drag queen from shrek
What's the best mod for Civ VI so far?
I'll concede the first point if it's true, but I think I have a save file around that era so I'll check it right now

>Most of the policies in Civ VI are the same as in Civ V.
you don't realize the problem that is being locked into what you spent culture on on V? on VI you can change your policies and all is well

>But if you have to use ranged units because a river is so strong, then the same problem exists.
c'mon now, you don't want terrain to have influence in combat? how about the promotion that allows you to get no penalties from crossing a river then? and you just want to build a ton of melee units and charge in? I don't understand, you're complaining about the combat being a tiny bit more complex?
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Everyone knows the real historical waifu was Her Majesty the Queen
shit, I meant Cyrus

Cleopatra was a whore.

Much like Merkel, but more successful.

>you don't realize the problem that is being locked into what you spent culture on on V? on VI you can change your policies and all is well
You don't spend culture on Religious units/buildings. You spend faith points. You can get culture from religious tennants though. And that's another reason its stronger in Civ V. Again, if you go wide and spam pagodas, you're getting both culture AND happiness. That's just broken as hell. Civ VI took that away by not having global happiness and switching Pagodas to...+3 science I think?
Shut up about Steve Urkel and post sexy women
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I wasn't locked out of anything from researching gunpowder, and I don't have any Niter

so... you're saying in V there's this broken tactic of spamming pagodas, while in VI you can't do the broken tactic?
And I am Javert

I was just saying that religion gives you a bigger boost in Civ V than in Civ VI. About the best tennant you can have in Civ VI is + culture from certain luxuries and the meeting house for production. While Oral Tradition, desert folklore, sun god or faith from iron/copper/salt were game breaking in Civ V.

That being said, there is one way broken religious thing in Civ VI. That is going monarchy and buying all your military units with faith. I do that with every civ because it's so broken.
firaxis basically droped civ vi to favor xcom2 new "expansion"
>I do that with every civ because it's so broken.
I'm glad we're in agreement that VI is better then

>you admitted one thing is good in Civ VI so that means all religion is better!

Not really. Those games are made by different groups. Hell, they haven't even dropped support for Beyond Earth, which is a failure. But that's being done by yet another team.

Fraxis is not just one group. It has different teams.

>he doesn't think Merkel and Murtel are hot
Oh god there's 2 Urkels. They'll kill each other and us all in the process
I wonder if base Civ 4 could be made as enjoyable just by increasing unit base strengths and doubling the effect of all promotions like in ffh2.

I recall greatly enjoying late-game warfare in Civ 4 but getting there is a tedious, when early combat can cost you the game if the few units you have on the field happen to get bad rolls.
And her younger brother thus giving birth to an incest child*

She also was the product of incest herself so you're talking at least 2 degrees of incest.
She's appropriately ugly, Cleopatra being beautiful is a meme
>no Slavic
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Meanwhile in corean Egypt.
why does she keep looking down
holy shit
You couldn't keep your eyes off of hot gandhi dick if you tried
Sumeria was a great choice for VI. Gilgamesh is super friendly and his traits revolve around him being your bro. Great music too.
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this is your leader for tonight, say something nice to him
she was known to be very seductive
What is this pixar/disney shit? This exaggerated articulation is really out of place. I can't take it seriously;
It would be less offensive if they weren't so ugly. Might as well go full anime like korea now.
>I'm now imagining Hitler and Stalin giving speeches like disney princesses
that would be cute
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>Slavic civilization (No, Russia doesn't count)
Really now...
He knows every man has ingrained in his head the idea that Cleopatra was a horny slut.
These mods are good, but the base Civilization games are baby mode to make retards feel good about themselves.

Small nitpick, but it's going THEOCRACY any buying your units, and monarchy.

But yes, I do that a lot too. If you aren't going for religious of cultural victory, it's basically the only good use for faith if you get a religion. Actually buying great people with faith is too expensive
I like the plushie
daddy asf
I wanna kiss that chest and rub the chest hair with my nose
even in the current year russia is more of a post apocalyptic wasteland, then a civilization
I didn't know they had steroids in ancient Sumeria.
anon Gilgamesh is essentially a "legendary" character that is described with praising adjectives
the gods have blessed him with the ultimate gainz
>smiles when she looks at the dick

Did Civ 5 give anyone else massive migraines from looking at the screen? I had to give it up, because any time I'd play for more than 30 minutes I'd start getting really bad headaches.
>shaming your small white dick after seeing all the big ones in Africa
Never knew I wanted this
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>the Epic of Gilgamesh describes him as one-third god
>not half god
>not one-quarter god
>one-third god
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What'd she mean by this?
>not double-teaming some goddess with your best buddy and having the goddess get preggers by both of you giving birth to little bro who is 1/3 you, 1/3 your bro and 1/3 goddess
I'm sure it's bigger than Caesar's and Antonius' combined
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Will Dido do?
God Civ6 looks like shit
Wait hold up, you be saying Civ6 doesn't have happiness as a stat to try to balance?
>those ball physics
Happiness was a joke. It was completely trivial and did nothing to stop you from settling small cities everywhere at the game's release but then it made founding any more than 4 cities completely worthless in the final version of the game. Right now every winning civ in multiplayer always wins with 4 or less cities.

There was no middle ground.
>new slavic civ
>a literal powder keg

Honestly I would have been fine if Razing cities didn't tank your happiness

why the fuck should my empire be less happy because I'm torching the enemy civilians?
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Happiness is now called Amenities
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>australia is one of the strongest civs in the game
What did Firaxis mean by this?
You still control the city while you are razing it, which means it still contributes (un)happiness to your empire, even if it's only temporary. Once you are finished razing it it should no longer be a drain on your happiness.

>why the fuck should my empire be less happy because I'm torching the enemy civilians?
People as a general rule of thumb usually doesn't like genocide.
Having tanned skin doesn't make you black moron
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what did my ally mean by this?
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>using the Earth map
Civ 6's artstyle was all about impersonating Disney. It was pretty bad.
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give me ur prostates now
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No way fag.
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post some phillip
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i am fond of pigs
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I only have one image, enjoy it anon.
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Charles II for Spain when?
They intentionally made Cleo look like Bailey Jay, right? Being the progressives that they are...
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Not exactly a terrible thing but are you saying that she's not a delicate feminine woman?
>ek sha woo.
worst thing about this game is the tech/civic quotes
like the space pen thing
I dunno why but his face looks comfy
Nigga Russia was the bomb in the late 19th century, Europe was in awe of their written works like Dostoevsky's, Tolstoy's etc. not to mention being pretty damn powerful and (still) the largest nation on earth. Have my (you), my historically illiterate dude
Yeah, like the quote from >>388313349
and yours, half of them just sound kind of stupid rather than interesting.
Her entire dynasty had been sister fucking for like the entire 270 years it existed
Please, Joan of Arc has been a waifu for far longer

Get off of 4chan, Phil
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>I NEVER, NEVER spent such an evening!!! MY DEAREST DEAREST DEAR Albert ... his excessive love & affection gave me feelings of heavenly love & happiness I never could have hoped to have felt before! He clasped me in his arms, & we kissed each other again & again! His beauty, his sweetness & gentleness – really how can I ever be thankful enough to have such a Husband! ... to be called by names of tenderness, I have never yet heard used to me before – was bliss beyond belief! Oh! This was the happiest day of my life!
>ywn have a person love you this much
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SFM porn when
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i wanna fuck her
better than generic ass 5

WOAH, the game looks awful
yeah most of them are awful, what a waste of Sean Bean
In my 5 units deal damage and have a healthbar. Is that a new thing? Its how ive always played it.
t.bh this is distracting even for straight people
>that nose
>them teeth

6/10 would marry and live happily ever after.
>you will never have lovey dovey sex with her
>dat face
>dem hips
Probably the only decent looking leader in the game, Cleo looks like a sculpted turd
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>tfw this guy DOWs me with the most condescending demeanor imaginable
>he laughs so hard at me that he cries a little and flicks the tear in my face
>he has pecs that weigh more than all the lean muscle mass in my body
>he can wipe my civilization out five times over such that it's not even worth playing through
I quit to desktop.
>that elbow bend
>you play them by literally shitposting to have people declare war on you

>your prostate is nothing but a tool for continuing cleos brood
>she milks you every day, mostly in awe of just how much she can get out of you hour after hour
>after your sessions, she has her fun using you as a toy, priming you with her handmaidens, each of whom are just as beautiful as the last
>cleo enjoys your sounds and wriggling about trying to not cum, but eventually she becomes smitten with jelousy that she isn't the one enjoying you
>angry, cleo tosses her handmaiden off before she finishes and begins to ride you with a sexual rage in her eyes, keeping her best "i'm not enjoying this" face on
>after a long while of angered grunts and taunts aimed at your more than average sized dick, cleo finally cums, letting go of her facade of anger and and crumples into a warm joyful moaning mess
>her face is nothing but pleasure now, each moment is like a hot shock quaking through her body
>she huffs a sultry sigh, slinking into a hot bath, her handmaidens washing her gently touching every curve with their soft hands
>cleo stops ones hands over her pert breasts, clasping them close, the feeling is wonderful, soft and foreign, yet loving
>pulling her close, cleo rubs her back into the handmaidens body, her breasts pressing into cleo, cleos body shakes a bit, the feeling of it is intense and yet known to her.
>the handmaidens breasts are unfairly larger than cleo's, making her jealous but yet giving her a feeling of nostalgia, a maternal longing.
>cleo's head sinks inbetween the bountiful breasts, a warm smile washing over her face as she nods off
>Impliying they didn't know what were they doing
You got outsexualized, son
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