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The entire Xbox division is sinking. Microsoft is finally leaving the gaming industry lads.
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Sony always win baby
The Xbox will be scrapped by paid online, marketing deals, artificial exclusivity, all the cancerous shit they invented stays
xbot scumbags deserve the worst for killing off Scalebound and they will pay, same goes foe every piece of shit talking crap about the game just because some trailers.
Its time for SEGA's return
Why is Xbox still here? Why is Microsoft insistent on burning money
MS has billions they can afford to burn
The future of gaming is in mobile anyway.
it did look shit though. you were literally only excited because either 1. it was a kamiya game, or even worse 2. simply because it was japanese.
I believe this for the entire xbox brand but not for xbox 360.
I highly doubt this shit.
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>Xbox is dea-
Not like it really matters. Unlike Nintendo and Sony (currently), Microsoft doesn't really have much to worry about considering the killing they've made on computer and software sells over several decades and it's not like Apple, Linux and OS-X is giving them much of a competition. They have enough money to burn
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>you lived enough to see the xbox die
post yfw
I'm fully certain Scalebound's cancellation didn't have anything to do with Platinum games stretching themselves thin with other projects and Activision shovelware.
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If MS was going to scrap Xbox they wouldve done it long ago, they killed Zune and many other products for not being profitable in short periods of time but Xbox has been around for 16 years.
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>Xbox is F I N I S H -
>muh services
what a shitty console
>Revenue grows
>Slightly less in the red now
Besides this isn't due to the xbox brand. This is purely because of Xbox live and the games they are selling on all platforms. Note the date aswell.
So did Sony, but they managed to make the Playstation division profitable by burning money. It now competes with the insurance division for most profitable of Sony.
why is that girl blowing on pepe's navel?
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>Xbox is going to di-
Scalebound looked like shit.
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the video game industry isnt about money. its about making something people enjoy. sega and microsoft are the only companies that understand this
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>Normalizing paid online
>Killing Ensemble Studios
>Killing Rare
>Halo 3 on PC never
>Bunch of great exclusives held hostage on the xbox classic and xbox 360
Microsoft deserved to burn but I doubt it will.
It was a concept that needed to be done, how many games with dragon partner you can ride and fight along with are there anyway? Haven't seen something similar since Drakan for PC and PS2 and only a fucking pleb judges a game from shitty trailers, is like the typical fucking ignorant chads and hipsters that pretend to know about movies they dont know because they watched the ducking trailer.
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smells like hollywood accounting
>>Bunch of great exclusives held hostage on the xbox classic and xbox 360
what does "held hostage" mean? would they still be considered "held hostage" if they were exclusive to your preferred platform?
So, some guy gives an option on MS is now fact? What's going on here? When did /v/ turn into N4G?
It was literally Phil Spencer not wanting to take risks, there is some articles about it around, the face or corporate greed.
Where are the profits Anon? You said there'd be profits.
From what?
Fucking who?
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Can't you read
You think the millions of people who pay for the Xbox live Gold is nothing? Lmao
They're held hostage because there's MAYBE one consoles worth of good exclusives between the three Xbox consoles and you don't remotely feel like you get your moneys worth out of them
I just wish they would get good games
>market cap
Who cares? and your data are old and shit.
>artificial exclusivity
All I can see is revenue, not profits.

then why the fuck did he even fund it, have it appear at 3 E3 conferences, etc? cancelling it would be the worst possible thing if he was afraid of a risk because now he doesn't see a dime out of it. face it, it's platinum's fault
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Sega doesn't understand how to tie their shoelaces, they got lucky someone else made sonic mania for them
>Sony is going to monopolize the console game industry

thats not a good news
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The only thing not profitable is the hardware.
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>Microsoft is finally leaving the gaming industry lads.
Fucking finally, I love having less competition in a market
I'm pretty sure they're just trying to turn the Xbox brand into a line of prebuilt PCs. Similar to what Valve tried to do with Steam Machines, but with some actual uniformity to make it normie-friendly.
This article sounds like it was made by an angry Sony nigger from /v/ who's assblasted Sony will be bankrupt and dead in a couple of years.
Yeah, I think platinum bit off more than they could chew on that game, should have just made Bayo 3 but I am not sure if Sega and Nintendo have a Bayo deal that prevented that from happening.
>Black Desert a PC mmo is making it's way to xboxonex early 2018
>Windows 10 "exclusives" all work on windows 7 and 8.1
>All xbox games will have PC ports if they aren't already PC ports going to Xbox

It's a shitty kind of redundency which really shows Microsoft is failing in all sectors except for it's OS market in 7 and 8.1 seeing as they keep falling back on Windows 10 marketing to the faux exclusive bullshit. This goes the same for the xbox division.
made a no lawls thread for this only today: zero responses

what the fuck is petri? is it some division of gawker like kotaku?
this. all you need is a PlayStation and a PC.
I don't believe these stories at all.

How the fuck can you sell 50+ million systems in a consoles 5 year lifetimes + first party games + 3rd party licenses + accessories + Xbox Live Gold + God know what other merchandising + advertising shit

There's no fucking way it's not profitable. There's some "Hollywood accounting" shit going on here.
>the market cap of an entire company reflects the success of a single division in that company

Where are the numbers nigger
Not if you trying to save your ass, nothing else matters in the corporate world. http://segmentnext.com/2017/04/01/phil-spencers-credibility-within-the-company-was-at-risk-scalebound-had-to-go/
The problem is they are going to stop supporting Windows 7 in 2020 so vulnerabilities found after then will take forever to be fixed.
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If it's never been profitable why the fuck are they still pushing it?
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Respect the award-winning technology (((journalist))) and blogger
Gawker got bodyslamned to death by Hulk Hogan. It doesn't exist anymore.

Simple. The consoles costs more to make than they cost to sell. They try to make the money back through game sales + subscription services but it's just not enough money.
MS has thrown in the towel. they don't even care about non PS4 exclusives like Nier and FF XII HD.
> the numbers
Can't you read faggot?
without competition, sony can jack up the price of ps+ to whatever they want, make the shittiest deals possible, release the faultiest, low end specs machine possible, do whatever kind of drm they want, and get away with it.
>$9 billion in revenue with no profit

Jesus Christ.
Sunk cost fallacy
got a problem with navel play, faggot?
I would like to see Xbox stick around, it's more fun to watch them suffer, especially the shit fanbase constant damage control and make excuses. I want to see how low the brand can sink, how shit can a console get, Microsoft losing billions gen after gen with no hope of ever touching Sony, Halo and Gears continue declining popularity, then when nothing is left there will be nowhere to hide, everyone will know the truth
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Good they deserve it, the original xbox was amazing the rest of the xbox consoles are dude-bro westernized trash machines.
>Nier and FFXII
Nier is on PC. FFXII HD is coming to PC later too.
It's really not.
I hate the Xbox with a passion but they need to compete with Sony to keep things from becoming even worse then they are now.
Just how much would Sony (Or MS) charge for their online service if they were the only platform holder?
Why even make exclusive titles?

If MS goes, another NEEDS to step in or Nintendo need to step up and actually compete.
with that logic a console with 1 exclusive is better than a console with 1000 multiplats
>>Killing Rare
Rare killed themselves with help from Nintendo. And really, Rare was only good in the Mid-90s and only nostalgiafags like the N64 era of Rare. It should be apparent that DKC and Battletoads were just pure luck when Yooka-Laylee was released as hot garbage.
Xbox has been a major reason why third parties can justify primarily supporting PlayStation platforms rather than the far more successful Nintendo ones.

With Xbox's declining marketing budget, and their inevitable departure from the console sphere, third parties will have to SOLELY exist on PlayStation... which will destroy them in the long run.

Ultimately the console war has devolved into two factions. PC gamers vs Nintendo handheld gamers.
>If you sell a lot of things there's no way you cant be profitable!
How exactly does this logic work? Did you forget that expenses are a thing?
>Windows mobiles and Windows 10 users included (considered Xbox users)

Stop hiding behind this collosal failure. You throw money directly into the fire for years
I want them to reach the "Fuck it." level and just throw caution to the wind.
The first one is company-wide figures and therefore irrelevant.
The second one is revenue, not earnings. Don't tell me you think revenue and earnings are the same thing.
This has been known since early into the original xbox's life underagedfaggot.
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>People thinks that the Xbox is going to die
Xbox isn't going anywhere, they're rebranding it to be a video game Netflix.
They just hope they can outlast Sony as a corporation and win by default
I literally cannot find the profit numbers for the gaming division in those articles, only revenue.
Now I'm starting to understand why PS4 has so many exclusives, every publisher knows Microsoft is going to bail out of the console space
Windows 10 users are very small. Windows mobile is not included. It's mainly 11% of the Xbox division.
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That's what I was implying. I always forget sarcasm doesn't come across well in text.
My nigga.
Just like they said they would stop supporting 32 bit, the time will roll around and they won't do it. Everyone is aware DX12 is snake oil and when they decide to stop fucking around they will backwards port it anyways, just like when they wanted everyone to switch to Vista and 8 and 8.1
And defender is a separate team now.

I should mention also that they can't actually stop supporting your edition if you have professional, military or bank, as they have 20 year contracts still ongoing.

The final key to remember here though is that when they finally try to push their agenda and make windows a service, and they have announced they are going to try that. When that system rolls over and you're paying yearly to maintain an OS. Windows 10 will fail just like Vista.
Of course they wouldn't!
>. The consoles costs more to make than they cost to sell.
No fucking way. It's a plastic box with an ancient hard drive and meh cpu/gpu.
>They try to make the money back through game sales + subscription services but it's just not enough money.
BS. 50 million consoles sold = at least 500 million games sold. Xbox live also has a record 48 million subscribers.

The numbers don't add up. They're just doing the old "waaaaah, we're not making any money so buy our shit" jew tactic.
You won't have any numbers from anything from Microsoft besides those.
Geez you're really stretching here aren't you?
>someone working in microsoft drew a picture of a new xbox on a napkin and called it the xbox one x two
thank goodness this means they arent going under
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early 360 was good too though, this pic is missing some things like tales of vesperia though.
sells more than wii u and switch
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Hardly matters at this point.

The damage is done, and Sony, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda, etc. have all learned how to be just as shitty, mass-appeal and Jewish to their customers, even down to saps sheepishly defending them like cattle. And with Nintendo being a tablet-tier side dish, there's basically no alternative apart from PC and the rare times Indieshit or non-weeb Japan are good.
>I don't know anything about business
If revenue is less than cost, profit will be negative.
Xbox began to turn profitable with the Xbox 360 onwards.
the odds of that happening are slim to none MS lost a shit ton of money on the xbox HUEG it didn't really matter cause MS has bottomless pockets

>I hate the Xbox with a passion
its video games bro chill out
No, it's because the PS4 is the de facto console this gen and has the largest audience.
Same thing happened last gen with the 360 (in the earlier half) and again with the PS2 and PS1.

that is not a good thing at all you know

back when DirecX was launched and sony was stealing developers from windows microsoft engineers created the DirectXbox exactly to counteract that stuff and avoid having a single company monopolize the market like nintendo did at the end of the 80s.

Since Nintendo is out of the picture and doesn't actively participate carving its own weird market with ds and switch if microsoft abandons xbox they cannot retaliate with the PC platform alone because casual players are simply too stupid to build a gaming computer even if it is as simple as ever, gaming will change for the worse if sony is allowed free undisputed reign without a direct competitori, Nintendo doesn't give a fuck meanwhile.
If MS's gaming division were making a profit, you can be sure they'd be screaming from the top of the hills, like Sony.
That's how the devellopement works. How new are you to this?
>How exactly does this logic work? Did you forget that expenses are a thing?
You sound like one of those retards that believes those stories that says Hollywood isn't making money off a billion dollars in revenue from a capeshit film. These guys just move the money around to make it look worse for their tax filings.
They sell hundreds of millions of games a year (first party games are more profit, 3rd party is sweet license fees), they have a record high 48 million Xbox Live members, they cram advertising in all over the fucking place.

Oh, but they've been losing money for 16 years on the X-Box brand, yeah right. Based on that logic the Zune should still be in stores.
All these faggots hating Xbox. I dunno but I'm 34 and owned almost every major console since NES. OG Xbox was fucking great and a breath of fresh air at the time.
>gawker doesn't exist anymore
Anon I have bad news. It does. Univision bought the rights and kept it open and only renamed two sites that have nothing related to the Gawker brand.
Gawker, Jezebel, and Kotaku are still going strong with their shit swilling.
I think they are and the next Xbox will most likely continue this by having BC to all Xbox games while being connected to Windows 10. Nintendo may make Switch Slim (a smaller version of the Switch with a smaller screen, better battery and no connection to the Switch dock) as a replacement to the 3DS.
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No. Microsoft is too big compared to Sony.
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Napkins with drawings and code names don't make money anon.

Children here don't understand it. Muh cancer killing gaming.
A console with 1 exclusive still has a reason to exist even if it's a one game machine. Look at Switch for example of recent.

The problem is that it doesn't matter what xbox is doing at this current time when they completely invalidate themselves with backpeddling. If everything they have is a multiplat to PC or even another console where is the point to even buy their console product, when their own infighting and competition has the shit.
Windows 10 is also on the way out the minute they make it a subscription based service called Windows at the end of THIS year.
If Microsoft leaves, there will be space for someone else to step in, especially if Sony gets greedy and tries to abuse the situation to gouge people on PS+ or whatever.
I'd love to see Sega try again just because it might mean more exposure for Yakuza and Megami Tensei, although the latter's kind of circling the shitter right now.
Are you that retarded to believe to what is writing in OP?
You'd hate them too if you had to replace your 360 6 times in 1 year and said replacements were often late/delayed.
Never again.
Has Pachter EVER been right?
>if you could just spend $1000 on a gaming PC why would you ever spend $250 on an Xbox that plays the same games?
why do I keep seeing this retarded argument?
It's a bit more complicated that that. Both Sony and Microsoft spend millions of dollars to get third party support. Xbox had to at something like 18 million to get GTA IV on 360.

But Microsoft has been cutting the budget for Xbox because the platform has failed to evolve into what they wanted it to be. A PC for your living room. I would say they're going to keep beating the dead horse until the generation ends and then call it quits for good.
YES! It's about damn time. There is only room for PlayStation 4 in this town! Fuck Xbox, garbage ass features like Backwards Compat, digital refunds, name changing, and other shit have no place here. Now hurry up Sony with TLOU Remastered Remastered! My wallet is a slut for you Sony!!
>If MS's gaming division were making a profit, you can be sure they'd be screaming from the top of the hills, like Sony.
You don't understand how business PR works. Most of Sony's divisions are complete shit (movies, phones, electronics, etc). The Playstation is the only thing they can tout as being successful to keep their investors optimistic.

Microsoft on the other hand has numerous successful divisions, so they can cry move money around to make their gaming division look less successful (both for tax purposes and the PR tactic of crying that "games arent making us money so if you want Xbox to stay alive buy more!")
Jezebel and Kotaku still exist but last I saw, Gawker proper was permanently shut down with the site left up just to show their cry articles about being destroyed by the Hulk.
Dude what? Megaten as a whole is the biggest its ever been and we've got a new HD mainline game on the way. Persona 5 was widely regarded as one of the best games of the year, and there's an army of the ATLUS FAITHFUL ready to buy anything they make.
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The brand will probably exist, long after microsoft pulls out of the console manufacturing market, see their efforts to push Windows 10 exclusive "xbox games" for proof of that.

The reason they've always lost money in consoles is because they're not in it for the money, like everything their filth touches they're in it to control and ruin it for less corporate competition in the electronics field regardless of what subfield it is. Microsoft is one of the most hostile corporations on the face of the earth, in gaming only surpassed by EA.

Thankfully, like Smartphone and mp3 players, microsoft has failed to take over and RUIN gaming, at least permanantly. They introduced and moreso, popularized an incredible amount of harmful practices into the industry that we're gonna be feeling for quite a long time.

I wonder how many Micro-punjab marketers are gonna be flooding /v/ to damage control this time.
finding nemo designers used potato chips for character designs. saw it in the commentary disc xx years ago
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H-hang on buddy, y-ou just need a dozen kickass exclusives andeverything will be okay!
Has >>387170931 EVER been right?
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Xbox became irrelevant after they announced that all their first party games will be on PC

How much has the XB! sold?

MS hasn't released official numbers but it's around 26-30 million, meanwhile PS4 already has sold 65+ million consoles

MS has been cancelling exclusives like Scalebound and other stuff, the only retail exclusive game they have released is Halo Wars 2

TL;DR Xbox is irrelevant
All you're really doing is just saying you don't trust what they say, which is hardly conclusive evidence that they aren't losing money. If you actually want to convince someone you'll have to do better than that.
>$1000 on gaming PC to play console games
With that you could essentially play them better, but if you want the console experience I guess you could spend the $250 get a toaster still get the same 30 fps experience and have a work PC to find a job you fucking faggot.
>Xbox became irrelevant after they announced that all their first party games will be on PC
Except that all those game sells more on Xbox than on (Windows 10) PC. In fact, Gears of Wars was pretty much dead before they added the crossplay between Consoles and Windows 10 PC.
> "gaming division growing profitably"

Wew, it's fucking nothing
>Microsoft on the other hand has numerous successful divisions, so they can cry move money around to make their gaming division look less successful (both for tax purposes and the PR tactic of crying that "games arent making us money so if you want Xbox to stay alive buy more!")
This is not how business works.
If the gaming division looks unprofitable, investors will not be happy.

But you don't understand the difference between revenue and profit, so you're either baiting or retarded.
>Except that all those game sells more on Xbox than on (Windows 10) PC

I'm gonna assume that's because people don't want to use their shitty Windows Store but even some games like Killer Instinct have been released on platforms like Steam.
>a $250 computer can run modern games at 30fps
>ad hominem

>MS hasn't released official numbers but it's around 26-30 million, meanwhile PS4 already has sold 65+ million consoles
and yet >>387169867
>that gap
It's the software that make the difference not the hardware.
microsoft dumped 5 billion into original xbox only for it to be replaced a few years later with 360. Did people seriously think MS has made even a single penny in pure profit from xbox division? It was always a defensive move to stop Sony from taking over the living room.
>implying people even remember HD DVD vs Bluray and "the battle for the living room"
PS4s attach rate is 8:1 with like 65M consoles sold and they barely passed the 500M games sold milestone. Xbone has sold half as much hardware as them at least, and since people buy their multiplats on PS4 this gen I wouldn't be surprised if they're only at a 4:1 attach rate.
If their software was doing well they'd be announcing numbers like Sony. They're not, and they're only giving numbers on sold 360s and shipped Xbones with no software numbers because they're not doing well.

The money is in the software sales, and the online subscriptions. The XboneX is Microsofts hail mary to try and get normalfags to buy it and jump ship mid gen to them and use that as their multiplat machine instead of PS4.
>All you're really doing is just saying you don't trust what they say, which is hardly conclusive evidence that they aren't losing money. If you actually want to convince someone you'll have to do better than that.
The evidence is that 1. Hollywood (and other entertainment companies) does this shit all the time. And 2. why would Microsoft keep pumping money into a non-profitable business for 16 fucking years? Member the Zune? Not profitable, so they dumped it. They barely update their Windows phone hardware because it's not profitable. You're living in a delusional fantasy land where a company is making tons of sale, but you've convinced yourself that they're not making any profit.
They also dumped down $2.5 billion on Minecraft.
>ITT: Sonybros grasping desperately at what appears to be nothing
seriously, I'd imagine that the 360 was more popular than the ps3 everywhere except japan
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>/v/ shits on the Xbone
>But it's the only console that hasn't completely abandoned backwards compatibility altogether
>Not to mention that Phil Spencer is a genuinely likable character
The Xbone is the underdog of this generation, prove me wrong.
Most of those revenues come from their office and windows products but not from the gaming division itself
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It's crazy though 360 had its fair share of weebshit too, it really was more diversified than shitbox one
Bittersweet. They've already done their damage.
they own todays kids future nostalgia, who knows how much that's worth right now. They'll make their money back from that
>Not to mention that Phil Spencer is a genuinely likable character

in what fucking universe? that guy oozes corporate dudebro
Oh, and Xbox Live as well
Those revenue are the GAMING REVENUE.
Are you retarded? If you count Office and windows products then Microsoft is FAR ahead of Sony and even Tencent which is 1st.
it's not japanese so i don't care
>Nier is on PC. FFXII HD is coming to PC later too.

that's what I said you retarded dipshit. "non exclusives"
>If the gaming division looks unprofitable, investors will not be happy.
Uh, then why does EVERY movie company do Hollywood accounting (look it up) to make it look like they don't make any money on movies? They do it for TAX purposes and to play the jew pity card.

Microsoft is doing the same shit. But it won't phase their investors because Xbox is a small cog in their empire. (the best they say is stuff like "Xbox makes more revenue than ever")
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>every single "xbox is profitable" post ITT includes Windows 10 numbers

I can't wait for Xbox to fuck off from the industry
Actually dumbshit who doesn't seem to understand how much power is around. I can run most games at 30 fps in console settings for $250. It's called just buying a basic i5 with integrated drivers.

You're either stupid or being contrarian if you don't know that.
Hell let's step it up this year intel released a pentium duo hyperthreaded and superclocked at 3.8ghz for $60 that's pretty much set the obsolete standard to blow the fuck out of any processor made 3 to 5 years ago for consumer grade in terms of price to performance.
Persona 5 was great and I don't want to seem like I disagree with that. It's honestly the first Persona game to have truly good gameplay and it managed to feel faithful to both the old and new aspects of the series.

But Apocalypse was shonen garbage, Deep Strange Journey is long overdue, and I don't have high hopes for SMT 5.

I think I'll just hold out hope for some truly great new spin-off, or at least a Raidou reboot.
Xbox is simply not going to die, no matter how little profit they earn, for the two reasons that it would make Playstation the exclusive state of the art console, and because they're in direct competetion with Sony, whose only division that is currently earning them money is the Playstation one. So just being there as an option hurts their competetion more than not having a console ever could.
Maybe it's because of XBL, i dpubt that MS is doing that much money from Xbox brand
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>Our gaming business is now more than $9 billion, and growing profitably.
>Because I can state this with certainty: Microsoft’s gaming business is not profitable
really makes you think
So never.
>whose only division that is currently earning them money is the Playstation one

>The money is in the software sales, and the online subscriptions.
They just hit a record number of Xbox Live subscriptions (48 million), do you not think they're not playing games with said subscriptions? You have to imagine that every Xbox One console sold has at least 5 games sold to it as well.
Christ. Tencent scares the shit out of me. They're a thousand times more soulless than anything we've ever dealt with in the vidya industry.
>It now competes with the insurance division for most profitable of Sony.
fierce competition between all two remaining divisions of sony
This. I can't wait for our Sony overlords to completely dominate the game industry.
Yeah MS makes most of their monet from the Xbox live Gold justl like Sony makes most of their money from the PS+. Nothing new there.
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>Xbox will finally die and take micro$ with it
>this actually opens up room for a new console to take its place
i play xbox
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At this point I'd rather have Microsoft stick around than have Sony leading the industry.
Xbox is Microsoft's equivalent of sony pictures, but instead of complete shit like the ghostbusters remake, sausage party and the emoji movie it makes mediocrity like the new halos
Those aren't subscribed to gold users you dunce, they are simply active users of Xbox, live subscriptions are far less, please don't spout false shit.
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Yeah the PS2 and PS1 and PSP were absolutely horrible!! Yet as soon as Microsoft came into the idustyr suddenly paid online was invented, buying launch games off other consoles, AAA marketing deals, buying review scores off ign to slander your competitors games and COD focused bullshit came to fruition. When Sony and Nintendo competes gaming is fun, when Microsoft competes

Eat shit and die Microsoft shill. Microsoft is and always will be CANCER to VIDEO GAMES and everybody should be glad that Xbox is leaving.
Exactly. You know that isn't how he really is deep down.

It worked for me. Got a xbone for a gift and it has replaced my ps4 for multiplats which I mostly play. Controller quality is better. Prefer the online and UI. Oh and backwards compatibility
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Sound like a clickbait news.
>kiddie shit taking down microsoft
consolefags everyone
No one is claiming that capeshit isn't making a shit zillion dollars though because they their reported revenue is much higher than their reported expenses, and in other situations where it isn't they eventually get canned, like you said, and the biggest red flag for this happening soon is stopping reporting those numbers (remember WoW?). So when exactly that happens with Microsoft it shouldn't be surprising that people predict failure. So far your only response has been to doubt the reports and yell at other people for living in "fantasy lands"
It is, Sony niggers are grasping at straws because Sony will be dead in a couple of years.
I would say that Microsoft should just dump consoles and invest everything into PC, but the Windows Store is dogshit. They seriously need to step up their game. If they provided a service that was actually good, that had quality assurance, that had a good line-up of exclusives, they could compete with Steam easily. They have the advantage because they can package it with Windows.
>it won't phase their investors
Again, that's not how business works.
If you waste money on unprofitable ventures, your investors will eventually get sick of it.

The basis of your argument is that Xbox's revenues are high, but revenue is very different from profit and there's no incentive for a publicly-traded company to hide profit for an entire division. On an individual product, accounting tricks can save on taxes, but division-wide that sort of thing, if it's even possible, only makes investors mad.
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>Sausage Party
Jesus Christ I completely forgot about that. That was Sony?

He at least tries, unlike anyone at Sony.
This sounds outrageous and stupid, but it's actually not a terrible idea. Sony (not their gaming division, but all of Sony) isn't nearly as well off as Microsoft. They basically have a setup that gives them multiple ways to win and no ways to loses.
1) Make a system that's so popular it sweeps and they become monopoly (like Windows/MS Office).
2) Check Sony until Sony makes a mistake and goes under, then sweep in and win by default.
3) Maintain a stalemate with Sony, but use the Xbox line to get children into the Microsoft ecosystem. Kids who grow up with an Xbox are going to be more likely to get a Surface, use Windows or MS Office, get an MS phone. It's all about ecosystems these days and having a presence in childhood is important. Why do you think Apple is trying to soft push their phones as gaming consoles?
The only real way they lose is if they have to dump money hand over fist into the Xbox line for years and see no payout (either in profits or in less quantifiable stats; "we lost 1B but we have 25M users feeding us their personal data we can eventually use for profit").
>I'm happy there will be less competition thus allowing Sony/Nintendo to jack up prices even more
why are you such an idiot there OP? are you at least a Sony shareholder or some shite? you're basically asking to be skullfucked 2bh.

the small window of period where microsoft was in the lead in the industry, about 2005-2008ish, caused the most damage to the industry. Nintendo seems to bring the least "bullshit" when in the lead but they brought over the casual horde with the wii, which thankfully most fucked off to mobile
Microsoft wants normies to buy their console because normies aren't going to spend $1000 trying to build a PC.
Name an awful movie in the last few years and it's probably sony, they were also behind all the adam sandler trash like pixels.
Nintendo was the lead last gen with the WII.
I have a weird relationship with my XB1. I have a a pretty good PC that runs 1440p and I orefer my couch/XB1 for most single player games and really only use my PC for strategy/multiplayer games with friends.
The X1 still has the low price point for games against the PC. Maintaining my PC required me to learn a lot and do a lot to it often something a modern "gamer has zero I retest in doing. Sony is only doing so well because of the "it's not the X1" wave it's been riding since the E3 reveals plus some good 1st parties to sustain the wave.
I don't see xbox going anywhere it's not 65M but it's in enough hones sith enough software to warrant it's existence plus live/app usage is 100x better on X1.
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a thread about discord was shut down today for "starting a flame war" and yet this thread is still here. do we even have mods anymore or is it some kind of algorithm that clearly doesnt work
Normies buy a PS4, get FIFA/GTAV, and don't buy anything else. I honestly don't know who Microsoft's market is, even hardcore halofags hate 343

not between 2005-2008
Well it is a company backed solely by the Chinese Communist Party and gives up to 45% of their earnings up front to them to beat up falun gong practioneers in the park. If you really wanna talk soul less.
>No one is claiming that capeshit isn't making a shit zillion dollars though because they their reported revenue is much higher than their reported expenses,
No dummy. Hollywood says "well, the movie made a billion dollars but when you factor in maketing, production costs, overseas rights, blah blah we really only make $20 million, how convenient that that will look great on our tax return, better go cry about how the plebs need to buy more movie tickets if they want to keep seeing these gems". It's an old trick, yet you seem to be the only one falling for it.

Microsoft has a record number of people paying for Xbox live every month. And software sales are strong. You're insane if you think they haven't been making money for 16 fucking years.
Hopefully their movie division completely tanks them.
>Sony getting so assblasted at critics for harshly reviewing the Emoji Movie and saying "We're the only 8% movie to make 20 million" to try and justify it
That's going to change when Xbox One X is released.
>Microsoft is finally leaving the gaming industry lads.
Have fun with you industry getting shitter without competition
>are grasping at straws
>high revenue =/= profitable

literally no link for a profitable xbox has been provided these days since the shitfest began
zero hype xbox one x is coming out and will be buried behind the switch this holiday
Microsoft is still singing 360s praises when it reaches milestones. The reason they try and hide how the Xbone is doing, and give out numbers of units shipped not sold, and don't broadcast their total software sales is because it's slacking behind the competition hugely.
If they were just downplaying the whole xbox division because it's small potatoes in the grand scheme of things then they wouldn't be doing that.
Apocalypse has some of the best gameplay in the series, the Shonen shit was just to bring in a younger audience. The gameplay was so damn good I didn't care even a little about the characters. I am pretty excited for DSJ though, since SJ is pretty much my favorite.
i don't really mind if it's japan 2B honest
How so? I don't know much about them.
>zero hype xbox one x is coming out and will be buried behind the switch this holiday
Sure about that. /v/ seems to be the only ones not talking about it.
no it isn't, everyone's forgotten about the XBX already
it got shut down for SJW bullshit of anti white agenda, and this is relevant to gaming as a whole, and big sign of things to come, investers pulling out hardcore now. xbox over
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Oh, we're basing the console war on profitability?
People don't understand without MS then Sony will have a monopoly on the console market. When that happens expect $100 a year PS+ and no more free games.
cry more faggot, how is this not video game related?
>If you waste money on unprofitable ventures, your investors will eventually get sick of it.
As long as the stock is strong, they won't give a shit. Seriously bro, most new ventures in business have a loss for a few quarters. Based on your logic investors should have jumped ship long ago because Xbox hasn't been profitable for 16 years.
And as I said, Hollywood claims their movies make no money (for tax purposes) and Disney stock is just as strong as ever.

>The basis of your argument is that Xbox's revenues are high, but revenue is very different from profit and there's no incentive for a publicly-traded company to hide profit for an entire division.
Reminder that if you want Xbox dead, you're a cancer to the industry and will let Sony do every anti consumer decision they want.
Xbox is necessary to keep them in check.
honestly fine by me, i don't mind giving japan more money.
>well, the movie made a billion dollars but when you factor in maketing, production costs, overseas rights, blah blah we really only make $20 million
Hold on, so the basis of your argument is that you don't know you're supposed to subtract cost from revenue to calculate profit?
You actually think that if it costs a $980 million to make something and it earns $1 bil in revenue, that's $1 bil profit and not $20 mil?
>Have fun with you industry getting shitter without competition

technically the xbox has been subsidized since forever. that by definition is NOT competition.
if anything Xbox dying will allow nintendo to climb up the ladder and gain more market share. jap devs with both PS4 and the Switch being strong will start making console games again. the xbox has always been cancer to gaming.
Nah if nintendo is msart they'll release some mario bundles and shit during hollidays, and sony's gonna go with your traditionnal fifa/cod bundles, even destiny 2 got bundles, that will sell like crazy. The one x is in a pretty fucking dangerous spot.
>normalized paid online
Oh so you're blaming Microsoft for something everyone else does now. Xbox Live always was of a higher quality standard than PS or Nintendo online, and charging for a higher quality service to be possible isn't a new idea. Nobody held a gun to Sony or Nintendos head forcing them to charge for their comparably shitty online services.

>Halo 3 on PC never
Buy a 360 or ONE then faggot, you're seriously bitching about a game they own being exclusive to their console? Do you whine that Bloodborne or Mario Odyssey aren't going to PC too?

>Killed Rare
Rare was never good outside of the snes and 64 eras. Microsoft never interfered with their games, yet they still released shit like Nuts and Bolts. At least Rare was just saved from fading into irrelevance or bankruptcy and you merely just got to watch as they slowly degraded in quality all by themselves. Happens to all one trick devs.

>Bunch of great games held hostage
So they're held hostage I'd they are on an Xbox console, but are amazing flagship titles and system sellers if they're on Playstation or Nintendo products? Interesting.
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The windows 10 shitposting thread died for this.
Aight, it's clear you literally have no arguments other than "nuh uh your dumb if you don't think theyre making money because look at all the things they are selling"
>/v/ seems to be the only ones not talking about it.


I have been literally starving for some xbone shitposting outside of /v/ and no one gives a fuck. I can't even find pro xbox youtubers anymore.
>Xbox is cancer for simplifying game development
Sony and Cell are the reason why 7th gen was so week.
>slacking behind the competition hugely.
There's a difference between being in 2nd place and not being profitable. They don't want to advertise that they're losing, but that doesn't mean they're not still making money.

Pepsi loses to Coke every year, but Pepsi still makes billions in profit.
I never said it wasn't vidya related, just that it's against rule 2 and 3 of the board

That's great but OG xbox had system link, built in ethernet and hdd out of the box. It felt like next gen console. Xbox live was miles better than anything online for ps2. I'm fine with Xbox being a luxury console for Americans with jobs. Hope One X gets it back on track.
>no competition
>nintendo vs. Sony v.s PC platform

sony themselves have said that PC is their main competition this gen, that's how irrelevant Xbox is
don't care. i'll do anything for consoles to be all japanese again
An RPG with shit-tier writing is not in a good place.
I can't be hype for SMT 5 until I get a reason to believe it's not going in the same direction story-wise as Apocalypse.
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You American?
oh boy, I can't wait for games to have entire sections locked behind amiibos so I can be forced to pay $300 on ebay
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This just in!

How new are you? Like seriously? I've been telling people for YEARS that Microsoft does this shit for fun and not profit. If anything they're better than both Sony and Nintendo for caring about the gamers.
Meant weak.
You missed the whole point. Hollywood will greatly exaggerate and manipulate every cost that way their PROFITS will be as low as possible (if they can claim they lost money on the film, even better). It's all for their tax schemes. If a movie makes $500 million in profit, they will make it so it gets reported as $100 million in profit on their balance sheet. This is Hollywood 101.
What about nintendo?
For the lulz. MS is the only ones that car about gaming.
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So first party system sellers don't matter right Microsoft?
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Remember when they said Microsoft was going to sell Xbox with the new CEO 2014-2015?
>Posting Microsoft as a whole and not the xbox division.

Jack ass.
Xbone is literally PS4 with weaker GPU and PS4 is literally Xbone with weaker CPU. There's no disadvantage in PS4 and Xbone coexisting, especially when modern engines have "Create PS4 build" "Create Xbone build" buttons without needing to put much work into it.
>caring about the gamers

>started the pay for online bullshit other companies inherited
>responsible for popularizing micro-transactions
>didn't allow free updates, had to be paid with the 360
>ruined an entire generation of FPS games

wow thanks microsoft
>Aight, it's clear you literally have no arguments other than
I've provided numerous arguments. You just keep believing this clickbait articles about how one of the most successful software companies of all time has been losing money every year for 16 fucking years on a product.
>actually including idolmaster

Japs' bottom-of-the-barrel has no more ground than the West's own. Even fucking Nuts&Bolts would've been more worthy.
Nintendo is different audience.
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>Sony and Cell are the reason why 7th gen was so week.
pajeet coders could not utilize the unlimited power of the CELL. weak !
Give an example of a movie that was claimed to have been a flop, but you can show wasn't in actuality (like it continuing some franchise anyway, despite the claimed flop)
No. You obsessed?

Don't forget cutting corners with console components and the whole red light of death fiasco with the Xbox 360.

You sound like a clueless fucking child.
>As long as the stock is strong, they won't give a shit.
Where do you think the stock's value comes from? If the company isn't profitable then it needs to be hyped up like Tesla. If the company is wasting money on an unprofitable division that isn't even the best in its market, investors are going to wonder why that money isn't either being put to work on something profitable or paid out as a dividend.

There's only so much you can do with accounting tricks, anon. That shit isn't magic, and companies absolutely have an interest in appearing profitable to drive up stock prices.

Go ahead and cite a source on this magic accounting trick that makes millions of dollars vanish into thin air without the IRS asking any questions.
it's only there to appease /v/
>the xbox has always been cancer to gaming.
>Gave the industry the perfect controller they're still copying today
>Showed how online should work with console games
>Achievement system everyone has copied
>Opened the way for many western devs to take off
>indie and arcade games everyone has copied to their platform

Sure there's tons more.The PS3 finally became successful by copying everything the 360 was doing right.
Yeah they don't.
Japanese devs had more troubles with Cell than western ones though.
>what does held hostage mean

I mean they make it exclusive to the console, make it illegal to port it to other consoles, then refuse to ever resell it again, and because of the XBox's horrible hardware, you can't even emulate the games.

Go on, try playing Metal Wolf Chaos or Chromehounds.
No we're not, we're basing it on games, not rehashed trash from 20 years ago
People just as retarded as you were saying this retarded shit 10 fucking years ago and it was retarded then and it's still retarded now.
that wasn't cutting corners it was plain stupidity, they favored aesthetic design over practicality
Forrest Gump, you stupid fuck.

The writer didn't do a sequel because he was promised points on the PROFIT, but the studio gave him nothing because they said the film lost money (which is complete insanity). This is why actors nowadays ask for backend points on the REVENUE. Because they know the studio will make it look like the movie made zero (or much less than it actually did).
Everyone here has known that since forever. The only time xbox did well they still lost money due to RROD among other reasons.

Also Microsoft will just continue to combine the Xbox and Windows 10. Phil already talked about making Xbox BC available for Windows 10 users. Xbox hardware will be for people who don't want to waste $1000 on a PC. Nintendo will be doing the same with the Switch for the handheld gamers that have a 3DS they will make a smaller Switch with no docks or joycons and have a longer lasting battery. I can also see that some of the console heavy games wont play on the smaller Switch while the games that have a lower budget, for instance, a 2D Metroid game will work flawlessly on the handheld. The Switch itself isn't a 3DS replacement for this smaller Switch will be.

There is a lot of inaccurate shit there. Might want to do some research.
Here's the final solution: Sony merges with MS! Sonysoft : gaming division is held by sony, other divisions are held by MS.
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>says analyst

mind pointing out what's wrong and why?
Yeah man, the future is multiplayer service games! I mean look at how many people are talking about the upcoming Sea of Thieves!
The hardware failures might have hurt its profitability.
>Microsoft kills Xbox division, Microsoft ditches consoles and goes full PC support from now on
>Sony kills its pitiful film division, goes full game support
>Miyamoto dies and Nintendo series' are saved.

A man can dream.

This but fags here argue against achievements because it shows they don't play games.
Where is your source on Forrest Gump being called a flop? It made over 13x its budget back and I doubt marketing was much more than production.
this is any exclusive ever. not just xbox ones. or are you complaining that they aren't remastered? that is up to from for those games.
he can't
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Yeeeeeah I mean everywhere I go people are talking about Sea of Thieves..
They suck dick this gen, so whatever.
Microsoft wouldn't die if the Xbox brand failed. Unlike Sony, their other divisions are massively profitable. Are you retarded?
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A lot of people are talking about PUBG indeed and it's coming to Xbone soon.
This Microsoft has caused the most damage to the gaming industry as a whole. everything they've done has fucked everybody.
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They're the only ones offering BC with all previous gens. Microsoft is okay in my book unlike Nintendo or Sony who'll tell you to fuck off and buy remasters.
>Where do you think the stock's value comes from?
Profitability + PR. They use those "substandard" gaming division numbers to get tax breaks and pr sympathy shit with its userbase. That keeps the overall profit higher (reporting a tax loss can help a company greatly in the final numbers). And again, WHY WOULD INVESTORS LET THE XBOX DIVISION LOSE MONEY FOR 16 YEARS?! Investors (BIG investors, not the guy on etrade) know the score with how these big companies operate.
>There's only so much you can do with accounting tricks, anon.
Do you unironically believe this? Fucking seriously? Look up some of the best tax loopholes and accounting tricks that companies use. It will blow your fucking mind.

>Go ahead and cite a source on this magic accounting trick that makes millions of dollars vanish into thin air without the IRS asking any questions.
Look up Hollywood accounting. They will claim they spend $200 million on production, but a good chunk of that money is just Company B paying Company C, when both are owned by Company A. They claimed Forrest Gump LOST money when it was incredibly profitable. You can't be this underage can you?
>>the xbox has always been cancer to gaming.
yep, they used to do age of empires. now they do halo wars
>>Gave the industry the perfect controller they're still copying today
you mean dual analogues ?
>>Showed how online should work with console games
by paying for hot air
>>Achievement system everyone has copied
weaponizing autism
>>Opened the way for many western devs to take off
you mean western devs who used to make PC games that MS is also partly responsible for killin
>>indie and arcade games everyone has copied to their platform
indies didn't start with the xbox. and ms was notorious for having shit attitude with small devs
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Just like Sony.
I thought all consoles never turn a profit? They sell them for less than what they're worth and make up for it in game sales and service fees
they're just doing that to save face. based japanese sony does not need to do cowardly techniques like that.
I don't know anything about the original Xbox controller but the 360 controller is heinous and I always use my PS3 controller on PC instead, despite spending middle/high school playing on the 360.
yup, fuck them

they only did that because they're getting absolutely fucked in the ass, sony does some bullshit when they're in the lead but you can bet that microsoft would be even worse like with the 360
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>there are people so retarded they want their console's rival company to go broke
>just so the company that made their console can milk them harder
Nothing screams "i'm a mentally disabled sheep" like console brand loyalty
Speaking about Tencent and Pubg:

>t has been reported that PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS developer Bluehole Studio is now being backed by Chinese investment holding company Tencent.

>I thought all consoles never turn a profit?
The hardware. The software makes a lot of money especially when there is a lot of hardware console sold.
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>not rehashed trash from 20 years ago
I wasint talking about sony the fuck ? the price hike shit is bad too but Microsofts sins run deeper.
As much as I dont like xbox, less compitition is a BAD thing. Going that extra mile to beat others is what makes something great, without that need sony could go to shit too. Though as mustard it really only means more games for me.
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It looks like she is making fart fart noises on his belly. How odd.
>Where is your source on Forrest Gump being called a flop?
Dude, LOOK IT UP. When the writer of Forrest Gump was expecting a fat check based on the PROFITS, the he got ZERO because the studio said the movie didn't make money.


'Gump' a Smash but Still in the Red, Paramount Says : Movies: Writer, who is due to get 3% of net profits, hires lawyer to question the studio's accounting practices."
>people defending microsoft in this thread
>people buy microsoft shit
Just kill yourselves my dudes
>Unlike Nintendo

>There are people who honestly believe Nintendo doesn't have a shit ton of money to burn.
At least they own up to their mistakes. Microsoft offered to repair any and all Xbox 360 red ring hardware issues during that time, and gave away millions of 360 consoles. Nintendo would never do this.
Hello /g/, how is that gentoo install?
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the xbox isn't a rival of the ps4, the xbone is irrelevant. Sony themselves have said that the PC is their main competition. I just want Xbox gone out of spite for what the 360 did to the industry
>Microsoft is finally leaving the gaming industry lads.

We've known this since the X, that's what it's for. They wanted to make a definitive xbox and stop making new consoles.
this. i only want sony to be making consoles. once dirty western MS get BTFO, sony should increase the price of PS+ again so i can support the based japs even more.
Nintendo follows the Apple market approach, where any faulty hardware needs to be paid for out of your own pocket.
>tfw i was about 16 when the og xbox came out
>tfw 15 years later its dying

First sega now the bone
fuck off, sony has been shit since the PS3, just like nintendo
>>there are people so retarded they want their console's rival company to go broke

the xbox division has always been subsidized, meaning it has always been broke.

>>>just so the company that made their console can milk them harder
xbox dying means more capable companies will take their place, like nintendo. they are retarded but at least they make more games than MS.

>>console brand loyalty
consoles are by definition glorified bricks. you need to have trust in the consoles maker that they will provide games. rewarded trust leads to loyalty.
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Did people make a thread about this back then? I tried to look for it in the archive but i couldn't find it.

consider this was back in 2016, the Xbone is even less relevant now that the Switch exists
>xbox dying means more capable companies will take their place, like nintendo

>Sony ((((Feels))))))
>so they are not
Lol. And who is PC? ((((((((((Microsoft))))))))) Windows.
>ruined an entire generation of fps games
How? That's not accurate or even measurable

>popularized micro transactions
Again, how? Buying small items for your games has been a thing on PC for a while, and micro transactions started showing up on Playstation at the same time.

>Xbox started payed online!
Blaming Xbox for having to pay to play your Playstation 4 or switch is the most absurd thing I've ever heard and something only an idiotic child would do.
Because any year now they'll turn it around!
But it never happened and investors are getting sick of it.

There is no positive PR in claiming to be a failure. There's plenty in announcing success, especially in an industry gaming that's dominated by fanboys.

Anyway, I looked into Forrest Gump and "Hollywood accounting" and that shit is all tied to the way movies are produced and distributed. It's unique to the industry.
Go ahead and explain how that can apply to the Xbox, which exists in a different industry entirely. Go ahead and tell me where they could spiriting that money off to.

But it's not. In fact, the one x will be the most powerful console on the market.
There is a thread about every single clickbait news.
Did you even read the rest of my post


this is big...

this could be bigger than TORtanic...........

we could be seeing the biggest failure in video games....

holy shit....
i'm so ecstatic!!!
i love seeing video games crash and burn.......... love seeing the shitstorms on /v/..
if sony considers PC as their main competition, they are the main competition. I know you're defending the xbox but you should at least be smart enough to realize this

>/pol/ parenthesis

or not
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>That was weebs actually believes
We've been through this. The XBox was never meant to be profitable, it's meant to be a huge advertising platform to the younger demographics for the Microsoft brand. But at some point, they lost track of that, and became something stuck in halfway between making a profit and building up a brand image.
gameplay is king, hombre. always was, always will be.
I never said microsoft, I said the xbox idiot. Even more of a reason for the xbox to fuck off, microsoft would still be present in the PC market

>gives you a source
>ignores it
Of course, it's not like they have any motivation to make their competitor look bad or anything by implying they are on a completely different league.
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And what if Xbox say it? Is it true too?
>9gag spacing
I'm pretty sure they mean Xbox division overall, not recently. Xbox one is there only profitable xbox day one (unlike the original xbox and 360).
>sell console at a loss
>nobody buys it anyway because no games
>hemmorhage money until investors finally force you to pull out of the video game market
>Sega takes over with Dreamcast 2; video games are saved
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>Microsoft enters the console scene
>They do the yearly pay for online
>Other companies adopt this shitty practice
>Microsoft leaves the gaming industry

no. nintendo is sucking dick. they are still stuck in past gens with cell shaded graphics
There is nothing stopping a company from making a console now, and Nintendo already makes consoles and games, so your "taking their place" argument is kinda bullshit.

And loyalty also leads to poor judgement, cancerous fanbases, and Sony being able to do little things that milk you harder which is fine by you so long as you get your gravity rush and yakuza.
>>gives you a source
Here is my source nigga >>387175801
Kek I really really believe this as your source just because the ((((company)))) said it!!
of course it's not a competitor, the xbox can't compete against the ps4 and MS knows it
>sony says "xbox is our biggest competitor"
>this is basically the same thing as sony telling people "xbox is worth buying/playing on"

you're a fucking absolute moron and you can't think past your own stupid fucking opinions
Yep, a multi-billion dollar corporation is gonna go under any day now...
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That's not what the (((company))) is saying!!
>But it never happened and investors are getting sick of it.
So after 16 years and 3 consoles they're sick of it (even though they're not and there's no evidence that they are).
>There is no positive PR in claiming to be a failure.
Sympathy PR is a huge tactic. The media kept saying Hillary was going to win so people who would have voted for Hillary said "eh, she's gonna win so why should I vote?". Fanboys DON'T want their product to die so when they hear things aren't going well their more motivated to make purchases.
>Anyway, I looked into Forrest Gump and "Hollywood accounting" and that shit is all tied to the way movies are produced and distributed. It's unique to the industry.
It happens in EVERY entertainment industry and EVERY major industry. The company uses trickery to keep their profits down (when it suits their long term goals).
>Go ahead and explain how that can apply to the Xbox, which exists in a different industry entirely. Go ahead and tell me where they could spiriting that money off to.
I've never seen their books, but maybe their counting part of the Xbox Live profits as part of the "Entertainment Division" and not the "Gaming Division". Maybe they're the "profits" on paper end up at one of the gaming software companies they own instead of ending up in the "Microsoft Xbox Gaming Division" balance sheet. There's a million tricks they can do. If they wanted to they could probably filter Microsoft Office profits into Xbox to make it look like the most successful product ever on paper.

You're so fucking naive.
I like how my
>the most powerful console ever?
thread got deleted but this stays up
So Xbox ditching the market will make Nintendo suddenly get better and stop doing stupid shit they've been doing for years? Lol
Unlike that thread, this is a good shitposting console wars thread.
the company didn't say that, the article did

>xbox one has no competator

meaning they're buttfucked so hard by sony they don't want to be pitted against them
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>blaming Microsoft that you need to pay to play your Playstation 4
If anything it will just encourage them to do stupid shit because less competition.

Genesis kid here that went straight from Dreamcast to Xbox. No fuckin regrets. Understand understand understand understand the concept of love.
There really isn't much space in the console market, which is why Nintendo stopped competing directly with Sony and Microsoft after the Gamecube.

But if the Xbox dies there will be space for a new company to step in, and if Sony starts gouging, that will only make it easier to snatch market share from them.

Who would it be? I don't actually know. Sega is the most obvious but they might not even be interested in hardware anymore. Valve might be interested, but it might be better for them to remain on top of PC. It could be some lesser-known company if they have enough money to put out decent hardware with strong third-party support.
the entirety of this board hates the Xbox brand, the sooner you get that through your skull the easier it'll be for you to stop shitposting
You're beyond stupid
competition ftw
It means PS4 pro is no match for Xbox one X.
because microsoft is the one who popularized it and showed they could get away with it

Sega is perhaps the only company worse than Xbox. Despite the Xbox's shitty practices, at least there are some good games
So basically, you think accounting is magic and you're just making shit up with no evidence.
Microsoft is going to die any day now!
no the board hates sony
Kamiya was talking about having problems with Microsoft way before the cancellation so they were probably forcing P* to do cloud and multiplayer shit which bogged down development time
wait hold on what the fuck were we talking about again? Oh right how if Xbox left the industry Sony would have a monopoly. So you agree with me in saying the Xbox fucking off wouldn't change anything and the PC is the PS4's main competition, thanks for understanding
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>ruins vidya completely for free
This fukin board hates everyone retard except maybe Nintendo.
>Implying anyone will buy the Xbox One X
true, but xbox is hated more
>You're beyond stupid

really ? nintendo is scared shitless to invest in actual HD gaming even though they have tons of money, using indie deve excuses like you don't need great graphics for great gameplay. they CAN PAY FOR BOTH, they just have no balls because the market is cornered by Sony and MS. xbox needs to die for nintendo to grow balls.
Sega makes Yakuza and has allowed it to remain niche and weird instead of turning it into mass market garbage like literally every worthwhile Microsoft IP.
Persona 5 is a serious contender for GOTY.
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sweet, sweet retribution for the 360's horseshit
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>xbox quitting the industry
Kek, you wish.

Tell me more. Make some news about it online and post it at Neogaf and /v/.
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Yes man the blame completely falls to Microsoft for popularizing such a practice.
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>shitbox dying would kill m$
at least think a little before you post anon

Nintendo has enough money saved up to go through 50 years of no profit
>this board doesn't hate Nintendo
This board hates Nintendo and loves Sony and PC.
Thank fuck. I'm a Sonyfag, but I also love Nintendo. Never liked Xbox.
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Let's blame MS for this too
Xbox One X is WiiU levels of branding and everyone wants a PS4 or Switch
>there really isn't much space in the console market
Says who? You? Who the fuck are you to act like you know how businesses or industries operate? Any company at any time can step up and make a console that blows away the 3 main consoles that exist as long as it's good and has great games on it. There's no laws or regulations that are anti-new business and Sony/Xbox/Nintendo don't have/use any power to keep other companies out.
Why is it MS's fault? MMO's have paid online, did Everquest have sub fees because of Xbox? If MS didn't do it first else someone would have.
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but i hate Sony and love Nintendo and PC
Atari is getting into the console market.
The PS3 had intentionally weird architecture and still got a ton of multiplats.

I assumed you were full of shit but I googled it and goddamn what are they doing with all that money
You're so fucking stupid. Somehow Nintendo is going to put more effort into their games if they have less competition. This makes total sense to you for some reason. You're a goddamn retard. Might as well be saying a racer will go faster if he doesn't have anyone else participating in the race.
don't bother responding to him honestly, I ended up closing his loop and BTFOing him
>Xbox One X is WiiU
Not even comparable given the power of the ONE X and the third party support.
Spending and saving it wisely. Nintendo's doesn't compete. They do whatever they want because they're so far ahead of everyone else in the market
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>So basically, you think accounting is magic and you're just making shit up with no evidence.
Wow, what a retarded answer. I never said it was magic, but it is a fact that there are an unGodly amount of tricks that can be done. Google pays next to nothing in taxes because they filter their profits through numerous foreign countries. Hollywood claims Forrest Gump (a movie that made $700 million in 1994) LOST money. And yes, Microsoft uses similar tricks as well. But fine, you keep believing that for the last 16 years investors, members of the company and multiple CEO's are all PERFECTLY OK with a product losing money every single year. Keep believing that.
Big has cost Microsoft over 5.5 billion dollars. Xbox is going nowhere
Why do you think Nintendo stopped competing with the other two? These systems need to sell tens of millions of units. There isn't that much room.
So no blame goes to Sony for unanimously deciding to start charging their players to pay a fee for something they offered for free for a while? You REALLY want to double down on the belief that Microsoft made Sony charge you retards for anything?

It's why I constantly refer to the Xbox brand as a fifth wheel - what are they doing with it that can't just be done with Windows? What actual good is the Xbox brand doing Microsoft? I'm baffled that it's lasted this long in all honesty. Well, maybe not considering the 360's good performance but I don't know how much longer MS is gonna keep this thing going when they seem as directionless with it as they have been.
>What is reading comprehension
Every Sony console had intentionally weird architecture and there are tons of multiplats/emulators.

Hell it took insomniac weeks just to make their first triangle on the ps2
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Go ahead and explain why they're releasing all their exclusives on PC same-day if the Xbox is secretly a wild success.
For fucks sake, Cuphead, their ONLY upcoming game worth a damn, is coming to Windows fucking 7.
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>Compare Xbox one family to the Wii U
>no argument against what i said after
Lmao. Are you one of those that think the Xbox has no games??
microsoft's worth is 571.25 billion, there's nothing about the xbox division which is far smaller than the PC
Cuphead is not 1st party. It's not owned by Microsoft and it was announced for Steam since day one. Windows 7 is still being supported until 2020.
It's part of the ID@Xbox (indishit thing)
5.5 billion per year**, sorry I posted too early.
Nintendo never stopped competing. They still make consoles and exclusives for their consoles. To stop competing would mean pulling a Sega.

There is always room for you if you not only have a great console, but also great games for that console. If Company Z came out tomorrow and announced their new console the Z-cube and used great advertising and had an amazing line up of games and services for the Z-cube, it will do amazingly well and the only barrier stopping anyone from doing that is money. That's it. If they have the money to produce, advertise, and stock their game up with good games and ACTUALLY offer a better experience than Soby, Microsoft or Nintendo, they will do well.
In other news the skies are blue and night is dark.
You're mad simply because you're unable to spend money on a console that has games you want. That's why the industry is "suffering."
Such as what. Please show me a game I can't just emulate?

Sorry, retard. The only people hurt by this are Xbots and if they're brand loyal to Microsoft they deserve it.
the gaming industry would LITERALLY IMPROVE tenfold if Sony had a monopoly on it. gaming would be awesome weeb games, who cares about online prove me wrong.
Pls guys, we all know Xbox is not leaving.
Even if it isn't making money, Microsoft will still continue, because Xbox is a worldwide known brand.
They make so much fucking money they don't even care about wasting some billions for appearance.
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>still posting this outdated sourceless chart

Microsoft > Sony > Nintendo

PS4 > Xbox One > Switch
This comment is guaranteed Sonyqueer damage control.
>What is reading comprehension

He said that calling project Scorpio the "Xbox One X" is on par with calling the new Nintendo system the WiiU because consumers will just think it's nothing but an add-on people with Xbox Ones will think the One X is not a new system but an accessory
why would you want the xbox to die? imagine how cancerous the industry would be if sony were left in charge just like how they got all cocky with the ps3 thinking they could jew over their customers with trash tier hardware for 600 bucks because they thought they owned the market after the ps2 era.

we need competition
no. the wii u was a whole new gen of console. the xbox one x is supposed to be known as solely a hardware upgrade of the xbox one s with nothing else. everything that is on the one s will be on the one x. it's not the same as the wii and the wii u
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imagine how pathetic you have to be to fight over a piece of plastic

also exclusives are bad for gaming, remember when /v/ shilled for cross play, but when microsoft does it it's automatically shit?
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Yeah and there is 2 Xbox one in the market and M$ don't give a fuck about the one you buy if you don't play their game on windows 10 since none of them is really profitable when it comes to hardware >>387170626
>I'm an idiot with a toaster so therefore no good emulator exists
Is this false flagging or are all Xbots actually this retarded?
Not as much as Microsoft.

Not even a fraction.
Microsoft could literally buy Nintendo and Sony and recoup the loss in a month. (Or less)
>Nintendo never stopped competing.
They've been getting by on first party support alone since the Wii. They carved out a niche and have done very well in that niche, but they don't compete directly with Sony and Microsoft.
The question isn't if I'll buy Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. It's if I'll buy Sony or Microsoft, which offer similar experiences, and then separately whether I want Nintendo, which stands in its own weird category.
>What is reading Comprehension
He's talking about the branding you dumbass
>exclusives are bad for gaming
maybe if you restrict yourself to a single system, for everyone else exclusives bring out the potential of each console instead of everyone getting a watered down version because it's easier than doing a new build for each system
It's really obvious you're running on a toaster and you're underaged
What the fuck is this branding
I love when Sonygros found out that xbox, pc and switch are doing cross play but Sony said no. Their excuse was literally "Sony is in the lead lol why do they need to play nice or have a service that's beneficial to everyone involved?"
I have some insiders news.
Microsoft is going to announce their retirement from Console during the gamescom 2017.
Nintendo makes more money because of their first party titles, retard
They succeed because they choose not to compete with Sony or Microsoft.

Those two have gone for dude-bro shooters, movie games, mature games for mature gamers, and 2deep4u pretentious 'art pieces', all of which are ported back and forth on each other. PC gets a lot of this too, but they also tend to get the best versions (at least after the release garbage fixes).

Nintendo doesn't even try to be a part of that market, and thus has no competition.
This thread was gold but it kinda slowing down.
Go to google. Type in loss leader.
are you fucking retarded? the point that was being made is that people didn't realize the wii and wii u were different generations of console and most likely thought they were the same thing so they had no incentive to buy the wii u even though it was a whole new product and not related to the wii in any way. the xbox one x on the other hand is part of the xbox one family and is literally only a hardware upgrade over the xbox one s and it doesn't matter if people don't buy the xbox one x over the xbox one s as they're literally one and the same anyway except for the resolutions each game plays at.
Xbox's campaign is over! Say it with me... Madame Sony 2017!
That's what I'm trying to say. Nintendo's decision to carve out its own niche instead of competing for multiplats with the same gusto as the other two shows there isn't much room in the console market.
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>all those "advantages" are to cater to streamers
I can't wait for the value of games to stop being dictated by how many people want to see some attention whore play the game for them

Streamers, nu-males, sluts, FGC, just get all these fucking normies out of the hobby, they've turned it into a meme.

If you can't enjoy a game by yourself, you don't like games.
They're still in direct competition. Just because you place Nintendo in its own niche category doesn't mean shit. The fact of the matter is all three sell consoles, have services on those consokes, and make/sell games for their consoles. They are competing no matter how obscure or passive Nintendo tries to appear.

If Nintendo is trying to get by on Mario or Zelda that's their own fault. Microsoft dropping out will not make anyone do anything differently because as it is now, they could just as easily do anything.
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>Making multiplats is now impossible due to the lack of other plats, EA immediately leaves game industry
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>there are "people" who bought a non sony gaming device
>They're still in direct competition
They absolutely are not.
I guarantee you people are more likely to own a Switch plus one of the other consoles than to own both a PS4 and an Xbone. Nintendo exists in its own niche and does not directly compete for the shooter/open world/mainstream RPG audience.
I literally can't believe that it happened. Who would want to destroy video games and throw billions of dollars away to do it? Microsoft is beyond cancer, they've transcended it, MS is something else
>there are insectoids that think they're people
>Trump is a joke!
>Hillary is totally winning! There's no competition!
>Trump is totally going to back out!
>Hillary is ushering in an era of greatness and progress! There's only good times ahead with her!
*trump wins*

>Xbox is a joke!
>Sony is totally winning! There's no competition!
>Xbox is totally going to back out!
>Sony is ushering in an era of greatness and progress! There's only good times ahead with them!

Hmmm... really makes you think what's gonna happen next.
>two birds with one stone
If only.
I'm not defending Sony. I'm referring to the entire games industry as of now.
Again, says you, and you're literally no one.
the switch is a handheld though
Holy shit Mumbai Shill HQ is out in FULL force right now. You third world mother fuckers are relentless. The Xbox will never succeeded because Microsoft dose not and never will understand gaming.
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The damage is already done
But fuck me if it doesn't feel good
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>there are "people" who are mad and insecure about other people buying a non sony gaming device
there is no meme magic being made by /v/ for the xbox though.
Retribution for objectively having the best console of the generation?
I can tell it! It's going to die next year!
Do you think itch.io and Steam are directly competing?
PS2 emulators have been solid for like ~5 years now and functional for like 10
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>there are people who don't own a gaming PC/sony console/Nintendo console/Nintendo handheld every gen
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>xbox is estimated to be worth about half of Sony Market cap and people thinks it's going to go anywhere
But there is an underdog dynamic, annoying Sony shills trying to invade other people's thoughts/opinions, and a serious hunger for literally anything good and different to happen in the industry that Xbox can take advantage of if it's smart.
Xbox 360 was good because of Halo, Gears, Fable, Tales of Vesperia, and it's other exclusives plus the quality of it's online multiplayer and it's UI. Now that the One is complete garbage when it comes to games and Sony has games plus online service, Xbox is worthless.

It really is a shame because I think competition is good. We can't let the Japs have a monopoly. They're gonna take consoles to retarded directions like the Switch.
Microsoft is not providing that information of any of their division and you think that some random analyst like paul thurrotts would know about it? Lol
>Fuck innovation, I just want to choose between two underpowered PCs every 6-10 years
>Go ahead and explain why they're releasing all their exclusives on PC same-day if the Xbox is secretly a wild success.
Because they want to make money from PC gamers as well. Microsoft is in an odd position where they have a console that competes with it's gaming friendly operating system. So for better or worse they have to take advantage of both of them.
The things I've learned from this topic is that there are honest to god MS shills on this board. Pathetic.
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Who did more damage to videogames:

Xbots or WoWfags. Both's existence was a net-loss for the hobby.
Xbox still has better UI, controller and online services compared to Sony.
metal wolf chaos is a fucking literal meme game and its garbage to boot, shut up you stupid monkey
Call of Duty.
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switch is just a underpowered tablet you can hook in your tv anon
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Go away /g/
>things that I've learned from this topic is there are honest to god level headed people who aren't Sony fan boys on this board. Pathetic.
FTFY neo/v/
> "Lots of people think they can speak out and that they can be irresponsible. I think that's wrong […] We are a great supporter of the government in terms of the information security. We try to have a better management and control of the Internet”
Kill it with fire.
That's not the same as the other chart though, mong. That shows market cap, AKA how much money all the stocks for the company are worth. I posted an earnings chart.
Is this the equivalent of "my dad is better than your dad" of console wars?
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>this thread
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>All this fuss about consoles
Consoles are going to be irrelevant by 2020.
Phone and PC ARE the shit.
I wonder when Microsoft leaves the Xbox brand and double downs on PC gaming if Sony will turn their console market into as much of a dumpster fire as Sony Pictures.

Can you imagine if Sega comes out with a new console to back up their whole "eye of entertainment" campaign, and the console market goes back to Atari, Nintendo and Sega?
Phone games are only popular because everyone already owns a phone for Internet and calls and it takes not only 3 or 4 clicks to download, but also 3 or 4 clicks to play the fucking games. Literally the only games old people and women can play.
if you're not pro sony, you're simply cancer on gaming.
There's nothing more cancerous than a Sony roach. Even the Japanese can't stand Sony ponies, and they have a rabid fanboy culture.
This thread belongs to >>>/biz/
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>gets BTFO
Aside from a few quarters here and there (launch of Halo 3/Gears 2) it usually isn't
Are you literally just now finding out about this? There was big article years ago about how Sony and MS lost money on every 360/PS3 sold, and how Nintendo made money because the Wii was such a weak piece of crap.
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>Thinking about buying an original, modded Xbox from Ebay

What are some things to look for/things to avoid?
Paid online on consoles was inevitable. Even if Microsoft never put a foot in the door, Sony would have eventually realized that since Nintendo doesn't give two shits about trends they could easily have charged for an online service because casuals will never build their own PCs so they would have no choice
back to >>>/cuck/
To be fair, it's the same case with Playstation.
Sega started this with the dreamcast.
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paying to play online was a thing on PC too. World of Warcraft monthly cards etc.
>xbox dying means more capable companies will take their place, like nintendo. they are retarded but at least they make more games than MS.
Nintendo is hardly capable given how they continuously try to force weak hardware and lame gimmicks over adapting to trends that have since become standard. Microsoft may suck ass, but at least Xbox Live doesn't require you to have your phone out constantly.

Also nothing is stopping another company from stepping in now. They just don't because it would be downright foolish as they would need to start their branding from scratch and build up a userbase in the face of mega-iconic competitors like Playstation. Unless they have an absolute assload of money (like MS) then it isn't worth the time or investment
>I wonder when Microsoft leaves the Xbox brand and double downs on PC gaming
It won't happen, at least not how you imagine it. The Xbox's failure doesn't mean Microsoft's planning to do away with the Xbox brand or embrace the open platform.
Rather their plan is to introduce a locked down version of Windows which will only run Xbox branded games purchased from the Windows Store.

Microsoft's general business plan has always been if some restriction didn't work, they didn't force it hard enough.
Valve is working on it slowly but surely. Odds are good they'll launch a second generation of their Steam Machine concept as a single spec box built around AMD's upcoming Ryzen+Vega SOC chips.
They've been building up the library of games for GNU/Linux on Steam which is now over 3500, still around 25% of the entire Steam catalog, and have been investing heavily in the open source AMD drivers specifically.
Those drivers are now the best that have ever existed for AMD hardware on any platform.
Windows 10 S is not the regular windows 10
It's a competitor to Chrome OS. You can also leave it for Windows Pro for free if you don't like it.

Of course, you're too retarded to understand this.
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>Those drivers are now the best that have ever existed for AMD hardware on any platform.
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Steam Machine was a shitty idea. Casuals will always settle for cheaper pre-mades, and people who know what they're doing will just build their own or upgrade a rig they already have
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>Windows 10 S is not the regular windows 10
Windows 10 Home is being discontinued.
Shortly after 10 S launches it will become the standard on all new Windows hardware short of Pro systems, and even there OEMs may opt to simply have users buy the upgrade from the Windows Store.
If you really don't think OEMs will jump at the chance for a $0 Windows license you're fooling yourself.

>You can also leave it for Windows Pro for free if you don't like it.
Sure, but only for a limited amount of time. After that it will be $50, and that number could increase, or they could break functionality out into separate premium DLC.

That's a bit out of date and omits a lot of more recent information.
For instance that Valve switched SteamOS to use the open source AMD drivers instead of the ones provided by AMD and have a fairly large internal team working on those drivers.
The big problems with the first gen Steam Machines is that the OEMs didn't really know what to do with them, the drivers specifically Vulkan drivers weren't available yet, and there was no good standardized set of system specifications.
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I know this is hard to accept, but AMD actually does have good drivers now.
They're just not from AMD and they aren't available for Windows.
Whats the game between chromehounds and pgr4? Is it a shmup?
>out of date
>july 2017
>10 S
No it won't.
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