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Meanwhile, in Vault /v/...

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 172

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Meanwhile, in Vault /v/...
I should have stayed outside and died with the nukes...
Where's the boi pucci at?
Where are the video games?! Vault tech said this vault would have video games!! RIOT!
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Current status report since day 1
>a bunch of autists are forced to spend 12 hours a day in the communal areas
>only allowed in your private room for sleep
So when do we start eating each other?

I know theres still plent of food, but...
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>tfw fell for the vault meme
Yeah real safe they told me. Nah man the government is our friend! They would never do dumb experiments on us during a crisis they told me.
>Overseer is a fucking gook who can't speak a word of english
Imma pee all over the floor!
todd let me out i want to go home
I'll just join the normalfags group. I know not everyone here is an autist.
is it just me or are the lights a faint shade of yellow, along with the cabnets and everything else?
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So who wants to get raped first?
Why is the overseer forcing us to play nothing but unfinished 2D platformers? Something's up.
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sniffy sniff hmmm i think one of you might have a b.o. problem
I was made security chief of my vault and everyone was issued assault rifles "for safety" I'm not sure vault tec understands safety very well.
I nominate myself to be Overseer
Who let the libcucks into the vault?
password to the vault door is ti thguob i ddot
What vidya credentials do you have?
>You want to discuss about a specific entry in a series of games
>The overseer sends you to vault /vg/ filled with ghoulfuckers and <3 INT halfwits
I've brought some pics
wanna fap to them
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Hahaha, all you guys still play video games? I fucking love Arkham Asylum. Hey, you guys cool if I light this blunt in here? hahaha, I LOVE weed.
Can I get an access to armory?
I mean, for the test..
I have fishing lvl 12 on runescape
I hear there is a ton of weed outside the vault, go check it out my dude
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Shit dude I love the Arkham series. Pass me that blunt, my man
No, based on your GOAT the job you're best suited for is vault prostitute. Since the test never lies we will provide a life time supply of condoms and lubricant.
None of this would've happened if I just didn't buy his game!
hahaha, I LOVE runescape man. hahahaha

no can do hahahaha. I LOVE weed.
>all male population
>no repopulation
>1000 males with ache and speech impediments
>all end up killing each other, or dying of nintenditous

What was the point vault tec?
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All this talk about vaults makes really want to play some Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Workshop, which I expect everyone has. Am I right fellas?
I heard vault tec made a vault full of insanely beautiful women who were all carriers of horrible stds but didn't put any medicine in the vault. I also heard the only man in the vault tried his best to impregnate all of them before he died.
To see pure unfiltered autism at its finest
No, no, it's 999 straight men and 1 trap.
you can be overseer for 10g
This vaults based on the west coast.. sorry todd
Anonymous #125, September 15th 21XX
So, a new game comes out of the chute every week, I get it that we have to play the game for the week and discuss it until the other one drops by but I can't help but feel that this is not the purpose of the vault, I suspect there's something more sinister going on, for example last week one of my roommates declared to the whole room that he prefers women with penises, unnatural as it is I am too finding an appeal in this. I will update my diary in any future advancements relating to femenine penises.
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But Anon

To test how fast everyone would turn gay, silly boy.
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me irl btw
hey who wants to play video games
>1 trap
Lucky guy...
Literally already happened before the door closed.
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Our damned Water chip just broke, who's going to go out and find us a new one?
stop psting my daughter
Wheres my mountain dew chip amirite
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Fuck that I ain't going out there.
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Hello vault dwellers, come outside. We synths only want to enrich your culture. It's totally safe out here too.
More like dorito chip
[Intelligence] As Overseer it is your duty to protect us, so go get it yourself.
Ok, which one of you fucks reprogrammed the Mr. Handy to act as a sexbot?
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Guys, I sneaked in a copy of New Vegas, don't let the overseer catch you playing it.
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Alright boys...

Who's going to be the first vault slut?

(hard mode: first vault slut gets to pick the next one - can pick self as well. Each Vault Slut term is one calendar year.)
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>vault immediately segments into a PS,Nintendo,Sony and PC gangs
Overseer Todd is a great guy though, he'll understand!
hi who wants to buy this giant dead insect meat from me

i spiced it myself

with my sperm
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Hello everybody, it is I, your Overseer
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>forgetting the Ataritard gang
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>2 factions for PlayStation and no xbox

Sounds about right
##January XX, 2078

Hm. I get the feeling that everyone wants to suck me for some reason. Bah! That can't be real right? I mean, a man sucking another man's dick is wrong! Totally wrong! Right?
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guys guys i found this small, strange, furry woman outside. what do you think this means?
>fifa eurofags
>cod ameritards
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>he doesn't know
>ywn be a vault dweller and coaxed outside by cum hungry androids who want to milk you forever
But 50% of our population is prostitute
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I'm gonna kill you all in here just so I can play games in peace.
then I'm gonna kill myself.
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>Brotherhood Paladins attacks the Vault
>people hold them off and keep one of them prisoner
>takes the helmet off and its a girl
what is this shit
Funnel Cakes Rule!
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Mandatory group video game session begins in 10 minutes. Please make groups of 4. Residents that have not found a group when the time is up will be terminated. Have a safe and productive evening.
I sure love this canon prewar Jet haha
It's me, I admit it. My shower's broken and the Overseer is ignoring my complaints.

Want to give me a tongue bath instead?~
Well there's 1000 guys in here and at least 4 of them are straight so the vault has a future now!
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Hello, I'm from Vault 120, what the fuck is going on?
Fuck that I'd rather kill myself than play with you autists.
Guys, I heard Vault-Tec uses vaults to do social experiements on large groups of people. Can you imagine if there was like, a vault, where everyone was frozen for hundreds of years?
>implying /v/irgins would be able to handle a single brotherhood paladin let alone a squad of them
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It's a fleshlight now, that's all I know.
That didn't stop NCR from taking over Helios

March 18th, 2X25

the smell came through the ducts again. strong, almost like bleach and then organic, damp, virile. it bore down on us all in the great den for the traditional reciting of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrtl41oZxOA
we were no match for it, and the clothes once again came off. most hadn't showered in months, some, years. decades. lifetimes. unwashed bodies in light clothes still queued for the showers in their sandals

the mathfags had deduced that the substance was thankfully not organic before they were sacrificed to Arr'N'Jii but the difference was negligible under its influence. bedsores and thick welts boiled and burst on our skin. the only blessed moment would be when someone elses body temperature was colder than yours and their pustules sprayed you with a small chill.

god I miss those days.


99.7% of the vault died in the "Night of a thousand autists".
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>Tfw no insecure qt ghoul gf
>You'll never reassure her that her voice has a lovely rasp to it
>You'll never cheer her up whenever she gets sad about her ghoulish appearance
>Tfw all this rad-away wont make these feelio's-go-away
i have super smash brothers and a mad katz controler with a wonkey stick.

pikachus only
Uhh, where's my PS4? I was just about to platinum Bloodborne.
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>ghoul gf
>assaultron gf
>deathclaw gf
brehs this jet is so fuckin good
Realtalk, I'd accept letting the annoying druggie asshole in if it meant weed and other things were available. I hate interacting with druggies but living in a vault seems like it'd be horribly boring and nerve-wracking, so weed would help.

Inb4 DUDE, it's an enjoyable way to unwind every so often you fucking puritans
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Hey /v/, r8 my pet. Found him in the basement, his name is Roachy.
Oh hey, Vault Horror Stories. I enjoy these.
where is it's puss puss?
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Hey guys would you like to join my secret club?
Purge the heretic. This is a clean living vault.
weaponized autism is a very real thing. i'm sure theres some autist here that knows all the specs of t51b but not how to dress presentably in the morning
>1000 virgins
>they hear about a woman all by herself in the Sierra Madre
>Lemmings type shit ensures just to get to her
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We have the number advantage, so it'd be like when you see a deathclaw getting whittled down and defeated by thirteen shittier enemies. Probably a quarter of us would die though, maybe less depending on our weaponry.
Where are the other normies at? We have to rise up and take over to prevent this vault from imploding.
Dude jet lmao

I don't know, thought it was a boy, but i just found a bunch of eggs under my bed. Roachy is going to be a mommy!
I heard of a nice Vault numbered 3 you should go scout it
Fuck no, weed smells like ass you ranky bastard. We need to start exiling all the fags.
A radroach is fine
Imagine the smell of cum that some scavenger would discover after opening up the vault looking for loot
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So what's this vault experiment? Is it weaponized autism or a study on homos?
We're Vault 404. An error.
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Give me the names of each and every persona fag, I just want to talk to them.....alone.
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T-This could be a problem...
How long can 60 virgins last arguing about video games all day
I'd like to imagine a /v/ vault though
>It's a normal vault with a few autists but mostly somewhat normal
>for the most part it's normal
>but through terminals theres an anonymous text board that's just in that vault
>people shit talk everybody
>people who can't handle the bants an hero
>the overseer is decided every year by who is the best at a certain game
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>Overseer choice
Overseer's choice with the 1 stipulation that it can't be last year's game.
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Health and safety are important to Vault-Tec. Penis inspections have been changed from the first day of every month to every wednesday, as ordered by the overseer. All residents are reminded to take daily showers, violators will be terminated. Note: due to dwindling water supplies only the group shower facilities are available at this time.
>Three sections
>Forced to play Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft
>There's tv too
>And instant food and water
>But nothing else
>One day every year all three sections connect
>Everybody gets into a fight
>After that day, the people swap their sections until the next year
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>both first and last names start with A
I really want to shoot some bugs. Can you lend me some laser weapons, overseer?
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so how would that work? do you think if one caved the rest would or would it be a screaming match of "NOT GAY THO"
Sure, here's one of them laser pens. We got like.. a warehouse of them for some reason.
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I made a successful excursion to the outside world, and discovered an old electronics store in the nearby town. It was pretty dangerous, but I managed to bring back a computer for us all to use!
When does Cook Cook make his visit again he's always fun to see
Who wants to go questing with me
March 10, 2077


Check for porn folders
>awkwardly silent all the time or extreme rudeness
>no females that arent ugly or celibate
>fatasses and weebs
>nobody reproduces and the vault dies out
Oops, accidentally spilled my Nuka Cola on it
I can impregnate the traps just like in my sad panda cartoons
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>vault dies out
>not /v/irgins taking people against their will like that legion feller
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Can I go out please? I didn't have enough time to bring back my computer before the nuke went off.
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well at least I can die happy
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That old electronics store could be just what we need. I managed to sneak past the rows of game consoles and PCs to grab this!
I would collapse within a week without porn, video games, and internet
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>raiders in vault 15 have tandi lewds
>Vault /v/ is for testing if a group of people can talk about video games
Doesn't have to be that specific premise, but I want that fucking game now.
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>entering /co/ vault
You have access to a large, varied, but finite database of pornography and vidya as well as a local intranet.
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>Wanna talk about video games
>Get into vault
>There's no video games here to talk about

Due to some shipping complications, for this month the chutes will only deploy Japanese games! Yes even your perverted hentai games too! Western games will be available at the soonest possible time, but don't count on it for at least two months. Thank you for trusting Vault-tec!
How vanilla is it?
Finally, a place where I can discuss Sonic for as long as I want and nobody can run away from me
thank you god i can finally play SMT and Monster hunter
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>try to get to the /v/ault
>accidentally enter the /u/ vault
The vast majority is relatively vanilla, with less... Savory genres limited to a couple hundred pieces of media each.
Okay now specifically, how many /ss/ doujins
That just means there's nothing stopping them from compacting your face with a crowbar.
/v/ault would have 1 MMO private server running on the local network at all time with annual/semi-annual wipes and varying expansions based on general preference. Which one would it be?
Oh fuck I just got streetpassed
Everquest 1 progression server
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hmmm traps and incest it is
I can definitely roll with this if they're all entirely new
>see qt sniper at McCarran
>used goods
My nigga.
That or Ragnarok, but I'm leaning Everquest.
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Tonights meal will be spaghetti with meatballs. Any residents that would like alternative meals are to meet near incineration unit 2.

You are not a Vault-Tec approved announcer, please cease your pirate broadcast immediately. Note: Security team to incinerator unit 2, unauthorized demonstration in progress.
Several are, but the selection is random and there is bound to be a couple you've seen before. Whether you liked them or not the first time around is again, random.
its sort of like a game of "how many toddlers can you kill?" only more pathetic
How would a /v/ault work? Would it be similar to >>383761495's idea?
Er, do I have to have meatballs on mine?
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>spaghetti and meatballs
I'm leaning more it's one super-giant communal area with easy-to-use Construction Blocks allowing the Residents to make their own rooms and installing utilities and the like.
Think Minecraft meets Oxygen Not Included.
they dont call him mr handy for nothing
Where do the Idorts go
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>one living area populated by weebs
>other living area populated by westaqueers
>personal computers in rooms configured to not install games or play games over network
>only PCs with games and only consoles in vault, located in the common room between both areas
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this is your overseer speaking we've come into contact with a group claiming to be traders should we let them in?
The Pipboy has NO GAMES
Are any of them cute?

It's a test to see how would antisocial fucksdo if forced into a common room to play co-op videogames
[sneak] get a team ready to go in case it goes south
Deathclaw made mascot when?
Do they have any games?
Or women(male)?

Can I have sex with said traders? Getting tired of all these gays hanging around.
How would a vault dweller know what a deathclaw is?
>Vault /v/
>a Vault where there's no videogames, but everybody talks about videogames, leading people to think there have to be videogames here
[LOCKPICK] Steal a couple of 10mms from the armoury. Just in case.
it seems there are only three cloaked figures two tall one short
fuck off junkie
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>music to listen to
>/mu/ picked it
I hear johnny guitar one more fucking time
It's entirely obscure Bandcamp stuff.

Due to numerous bug infested living quarters, hot bunking is now in effect in all quarters that don't have bed bugs. Enjoy your new neighbors everyone!

Due to rationing orders imposed by the overseer, all residents are to eat all of their meals. Violators will be charged with sociocidal divisive counter obeyance and will be terminated.
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Alright, fuck the overseer, I'm opening the vault door. I'm fucking outta here. I don't care if the radiation kills me. Later fags.
Okay, jeez, I'll eat the damn meatballs.
Who Vault /emoe/ here
You have a team of the skinniest autist armed with there katanas ready to teleport behind your foe
everyone is locked in private chambers and can only communicate with eachother anonymously through their terminals which are filled with vidya

after some given time, maybe a year or so the doors are silently unlocked and we see what happens from there

i dont know if it would really affect anything but thats all i got
Didn't know we got access to Legionary Assassins
>they keep playing ITOATS throughout the entire vault
I'm sick of hearing how this guy loves jesus christ
What about a vault for the whole of 4chan? Something like, where everyone is given the exact same suit and whatnot, but is forced to get a tattoo of their home board
Not necessarily somewhere obvious, but maybe somewhere where they can hide it, like on an arm, which can be hidden by a sleeve
Similarly to how the site functions now, you can hide behind anonymity but people will begin to notice your posting mannerisms and how most of the images you save are related to your home board
tripfags could be given the option to get a really obvious tattoo or nametag on their uniform
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Heard about it on the radio?
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I bet you think you're real clever, profligate.
Going on a 24 hour trip to the Super Duper Mart
You guys need anything?
holy shit guys pick up your garbage, there's radroaches fucking everywhere
>/trash/ residents live in rooms made suspended in the giant cisterns beneath the bulk of the vault
>Deposed residents are move there for not fitting their board's culture
So we should segregate /pol/ and kill them like they did with the Malden School vault?
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you try your best to jimmy the lock but you break your waifus last bobby pin. How could you? you monster!
[Barter] Send the furfags out to greet them, first.
How does it feel losing to a mailman and a computer monitor?
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>can't even have a single thread without this guy
You gather together the most socially functional furries of the group to greet the traders
Nuke Vault City
Yes? no?

I want to CUM all over Galko.
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>that hat
[LUCK] Aw, shit. Now I really do have to eat my meatballs, and my right hand is pouting. Nothing good ever happens to me.
you ended up in the /v/ vault you think your lucky?
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Wait...If no one got a replacement for our broken water chip...and the filters are still running...and we've still been drinking this lightly yellow water...then that means...hmm really makes me think.
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I miss my family
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Do we have bloodbourne on a pc port?
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I mean, I didn't die in a torrent of nuclear death, so that's something.
>/fit/'s quarters are filled with nothing but protein and ss guides
>over generations they become a terrifying race of skinnyfats shaped like tyrannosaurus rexs, with extremely tough and strong lower bodies and weak hands and upper bodies
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You have been greeted by a family of three a man and a woman and what you can assume as there child. The Furfags keep there spaghetti together to greet the travelers what is your greeting?
Hello~ How can we help you?
i wonder if theres a vault full of traps
overseer must be fucking lucky

i wonder if theres a vault full of furfags
overseer must be a fucking poor son of a bitch
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My most favorite Switch shirt is really impounded?
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>Arthur Maxson declares fucking ghouls wrong
fuck you
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>get selected
>complete objectives
>save vault
>go back for some R&R
"You've done it! It's... wonderful. Amazing! I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, what you've endured. There's no way the people of the Vault can ever thank you enough for what you've done. You've saved all our lives. Who knows, maybe even saved the human race. [The Overseer sighs.] That makes the rest of this even harder. Everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you, and want to emulate you. And then what? They'll want to leave. What happens to the Vault if we lose the best of a generation? What if we are the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives... I can't take the chance of losing them. I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero... and you have to leave."
Gif related, the only appropriate response
If you wanted to wear the Switch shirt, you should've gone to vault /lgbt/ pal.
>tfw not assigned to the /cm/ vault
we only have apple computers. in a nuclear apocalypse, you want something that JUST WORKS.
>the population of /cm/ vault: 0
>Open Console
>/pol/ is a KKK cult
>/k/ is a gun-carrying group that work on ways to make more insane guns
>/v/ is in a constant state of console wars
>/m/ is trying to make a giant robot out of other Protectron and Assaultron parts
>/tv/ has a ritual where whoever gets dubs lives out of 100 people
>/mlp/ is the only thing where anybody who talks about it with another group dies
>/o/ sells perfect cars to other board members
>/co/ is in a state of denial over hating Steven Universe despite loving it
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Guys check out the Fort shits on fire and securitrons running rampant
The man greets with a friendly smile his brown eyes shining on the sunlight"Hello there! Surprised to see you open your vault to us! I'm Banri this is my sister mako I wondering if you interested in some of the trinkets we have! Some of the best weapons and armor in the waste"

Due to numerous illegal acts committed by vault residents enhanced compliance is in effect. The only video game allowed to be played in the vault systems is crazy bus for the next 2 weeks. Violators will have the option of being reeducated as a "Tertiary Relaxation and Antidepressant Provider" or TRAP with the other option being termination. Vault-Tec wishes you a happy stay!

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>/k/ is the engineers from the /vee/shimura
i like this
>crazy bus
blast that shit on the PA
>/lit/ seals themselves off and live with their books
>/fit/ goes out to punch monsters and shit and come back to punch more monsters and shit
>/a/ tries to contact /x/ so they can do isekai ritual
>nobody lives in /trv/ vault
>/h/ fucks all day
>/d/ fucks with mutants, monsters and shit all day
>/an/ still tries to tame monsters these days but so far only dogmeat works
>Implying /mlp/ wouldn't be actively experimenting with FEV in order to make their waifus.
>not wanting to die
heh fucking normie kid I hope you get ass raped by niggers kiddo
ask him about the high elves
>I hope you get ass raped by niggers kiddo
You still haven't got your ass raped?
you're only allowed to wear the gerudo outfit here
>End up at /fit/ vault
>The most gains wins overseer
>Fuckers find out they hate the job
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>/his/ raided a settlement and dressed up a girl as Anne Frank
i would say thats /sci/ and /a/ trying to get catgirls a reality
ask him what console he plays on then kill him regardless of what he says while screaming about shit taste
But I don't have that gay shit garb.
fuck gerudo outfit
I think /his/ would just be the legion but more roman roleplaying
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This is Ulysses call him a faggot
like, gay sex?
/tg/ could probably help them with the roleplaying. Hell, fa/tg/uys'd probably end up being a valuable commodity for their creative thinking.
It's not gay! It's made for Voes!
That and probably an accurate roman government
but mostly gay sex
With a clueless expression on his face he "high elves? is that some sort vault dweller slang?"
before you can gather enough courage question the man of his obviously shit taste you notice something, the short hooded figure is wearing a slave collar what do you do?
>Issac banged Bishop's girl
shieeeet is he dead?
If I wear that shit more than 1 second, I probably will be raped instantly
Yeah, I'm pretty hungry so that'd be sweet.
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>yfw you're not Roy Phillips
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>Tfw entered /d/ vault by mistake
Ask him if he wishes to purchase Skyrim Pipboy Edition™ for the Vault-Tec© Pipboy™ system
Aim for the horsecocks
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Due to contraband games being found in vault resident areas a mandatory cavity search is now in progress. All residents please assume your inspection positions and await the all clear signal. Violators will undergo mandatory TRAP reeducation. Residents with a clear record are permitted the full ration of chicken tenders in tomorrow's meal.
>/out/ has become the law of the area they're in
>/an/ doesn't give a fuck about Deathclaws yet hates Pitbulls more then anything else
>/vip/ live lives of luxury
>/vp/ has an arena where two beasts fight each other
>/wsg/ collect videos to show to each other
>/gif/ tapes the deaths of other people
>/aco/ really wants to fuck Vault Girl
>/x/ is trying to figure out who The Stranger is
>/his/ is really just The Legion under a different coat of paint
>/qst/ does real life quests
>/tg/ is now the Brotherhood of Steel of the location
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oh well least i didn't participate in this contraband nonsense so im safe when its all over
So who is The Stranger?
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W-what happens at TRAP reeducation?
moot himself.
No it's cool he brought the muskets with him, latest pre-war tech.
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dis nigga
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>see vault girl's creator
>he's a concubine for a bunch of guys wearing blue mouse mask
what games are considered contraband?
>>/qst/ does real life quests
Sounds fun
The quests all invariably drag on too long, devolving into waifu-wars and pointless filler.
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50 caps says this reliable 10mm pistol that's in perfect condition won't blow my brains out. Trust me, I got max Luck.
[Luck] 9
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ahh yes.png
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Due to this broad connection of vaults, there is most likely going to be a necessary economic proposal or two.

So, let's say that we make an economy out of each boards' ability to provide.

We know what each board seeks to consume, but what board will seek to provide, and what will they provide?

HARD MODE: /qst/ and /fit/ can never team up, nor can /tg/ and /pol/ can't provide services unless absolutely necessary.
Make it 100 caps
How about the currency is just (You)s?
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[bloody mess]
umm overseer..

theres a room full of sexbots inside a blocked out section of the vault.

should we free them?
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The TRAP or "Tertiary Relaxation and Antidepressant Provider" program makes residents that have been found to cause civil unrest in the vault be more useful vault citizens. Sorry, but level 3 access is required for detailed reports on the TRAP program. Participation in the program is voluntary unless enacted as a punishment.

Contraband games include games brought from the outside world, games modified by vault residents, and games explicitly banned by the vault overseer.
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*Turns of jukebox, and lights a cigarette.*
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No Synths. Real robots.
Sure, we have a template for currency.
What's valued by the (You)'s?

We can't let /vip/ inflate the (You)'s value, and we'd probably need to give incentive for /biz/ to deflate it so things are affordable.
>/toy/'s taken over entire areas through weaponized toys
>/soc/ meetups always end up with death
>/mu/ hosts radio stations
>/n/ sets up trade routes for others to go through
>/int/'s an inner war between Americans and Commies
>/biz/ sells general goods to other vaults
>/g/ hacks terminals to get information on other vaults
>/vr/'s a cult focused on the greatest game of all time, Pong
>/c/ sells slave girls they think are cute
>/ck/ sustains themselves for 500 years
>every few years the boards work together
*Hands you a bottle of vodka*
Sounds like a good time to me, lets turn em on.
>/toy/ is lead by Arlen Glass
[Speech] The previous TRAP program overseer rage-quit and told me I was in charge now. I'll need to know the details in order to manage the program properly.
Deal. Watch this...
[Luck Check] em 0
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you can take my modded vidya from my cold dead hands you fucking commie
off by one kenobi
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lucky cricket and her caravan arrive outside the vault

impressed with your vault's arsenal (thanks to /k/) she indicates that she and her assistans willing to do *anything* to be able to trade with the vault's armory

as overseer, whats your course of action
"No way, fag."
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stole from furries
3D women are not important
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We have come across a proposition from an outsider group who has been camping in view of our front area for three days now.

They have an abundance of sausage, vodka, radiation medication, foreign-made weaponry, military camo and have started to play guitar.

We have interpreted from their broken English they received a communication from /k/ and /vg/ scout parties to come here. They want to show us some interesting, mystical floating objects.

Please welcome our new guests with a hearty, "Come in, don't stand there".
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>/vg/ scout parties
is that real
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>vodka, radiation medication
why did you list vodka twice comrade?

>pic related
the outsiders
kill everyone except the one on the right
|Validating voice command..........your command is valid.|

Welcome TRAP program overseer! The TRAP was designed by the primary vault overseer after extensive research on the current vault population. The program is designed to intake citizens designated as having "shit taste" and through numerous surgeries and modifications turn them into a female lookalike. Hypnosis will make them compliant to the overseers wishes and modify their personality.These subjects will then be released into the general vault population over the course of the next year as part of an experiment. Would you like to know more?

Malcompliance detected. A security team has been dispatched to your location. Please assume the inspection position.
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here are your G.O.A.T scores /v/ be sure to wake up early tomorrow to report on your new jobs

2-vault engineer
3-garbage burner
4-vault teacher
5-vault physician
6-vault security guard

7-tunnel snake
8-guy we send outside to get supplies
9-water chip maintenance
0-you failed, re roll

dubs, trips or quads- overseer
meant to quote
for the first one
Oh man, I always wanted to be a vault teacher.
no shit jobs please
Engineering is fun, although I know nothing.
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Finally my Jaypee brethren have come to rescue me
Jobs check em
rolling for tunnel snake
Fingers crossed.
Physician get, hope you lads like having your dick chopped off when you have a cold ;)
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Let's go.
Wait a second, does that mean I'm responsible if the fucking thing breaks and have to get the replacement parts?
give me a job
Can't wait to serve my vault
Doctor huh? Nice.
>Would you like to know more.
Please feed out what things are listed under the category of shit taste for me.
Yea now go fucking get our new water chip, because we're overdue for a replacement and all we've got is piss for refreshments.
you accompany the 8 guys when they go outside, youll be given caps and equipment if necessary
I hate these damn tests.
rolling for supply runner
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Anyone else want to put a strain of The New Plague in the Vault just for lulz?

Oh, that's actually pretty acceptable. Not that I wouldn't trust our supply guys, but I assume the parts are pretty rare, and I wouldn't want them to accidentally miss them. Plus I feel kind of obligated to help, y'know?
I'm going to put you on a watch list for the TRAP program if you don't stop such talk.
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Security guard ain't that bad. I can pretend that I'm CIA while I'm on the job.
>Garbage burner
>Supply runner
Sounds alike at least, eh? EH??
Fuck, reroll!
Fuck off Enclave, nobody wants you here.
>garbage burner
Fitting for a failure.
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Reroll, a fucking gain!
Is it safe to come here after the /ptg/ thing?
Uhh, asking for a friend, of course.
I choose to just dome myself.
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*a group of securitrons are outside*
*Mr House's voice comes through one of them*

hes offering the citizens of vault /v/, he can move them to the strip, give them all the amenities and establish them as a new group, as long as they give up the vault.

you will be given by default leadership of the new clan, whats your answer to his deal Overseer?
Who wants a haircut?
Bring it on!
...I don't know about the Overseer, but it'd make my life a fuckload easier if you've got a water-chip.
Yea could you give me the Fuck My Shit Up look, please?
Woo hoo!
Micropenises and poor hygiene is not desirable, especially if it's the majority of the population.
let's see what happens
Sweet, Imma doctor!
welcome to canada bitch
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here you go
what actually happened to post war canadia?

america liberated it from the chinks but then what?
The list was compiled by the primary overseer and was modified 10 minutes ago.

1. Citizens who enjoy Japanese games
2. Citizens who dislike fantasy games
3. Citizens who listen to video game soundtracks
4. Citizens who dislike dragons
5. Citizens who dislike the famed video game designer known as [Redacted]
6. Citizens who dislike the following game series, [Redacted] and [Redacted]
7. Citizens who dislike the current vault administration
8. [Redacted]
9. [Redacted]
10. [Redacted]

For a full unclassified list please contact the primary overseer or apply for additional security clearance.
Mmmhmm, sure buddy. Just remember that the TRAP re-education center will have you if you step another foot out of line.
Hello /v/, I'm a guy who once did designing for almost every vault, and I can repurpose almost all of them. I'll be here to help you all make vaults. Just give me a request and it'll be done. I'm not a ghoul for nothing.
all he wanted was to Make America Great Again
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As this vault's physician, I am required by the Overseer to give you all your Daily Dose.
If I get 4 I'm gonna go nuclear
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fuck off we're full
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Don't go to Caesar's tent tomorrow
day of the rake
anything but 7-9 please
Doc I'm a-allergic
thanks doc
Fuck this vault, I'll work for you.
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what about citizens who imagine dragons
nice. its still a little a too low to be Overseer. though.<.<

Just give me your password and I'll level it up for you....>.>
Huh, okay then.

My years worth of (You)s to any man who is able to hack the overseers terminal and make it look like he fits into one of the categories on this list and then feed this information back to me.
Overseer, I rolled Vault Security Guard. Surely I can earn a higher clearance, right?
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thatll be 300caps for the cute little 12 year old girl
500 for the pregnant woman and 400 for the boy with the "tight little boipucci" you requested

its been a fine time doing business with you mr Overseer
Traps aren't gay!
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>all these girls in new vegas
>only eying Violet
no matter what i'll want to die
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Now, I'm just a simple water-chip guy, but that seems pretty incriminating to me.
How much for the succubus(male)?
>vault /v/ having two recurring numbers next to each other
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easiest dubs of my life
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It's alright but you should play Bayonetta, don't hog that shit pass it
thanks doc
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what do you wanna talk about anon?
It was the 22nd letter in the alphabet, whoops.
Those all seem to be in line with the Vault /v/'s rules, my dude.
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sorry weere fresh out, weve got this slut though

you can get her 50%off for being used goods
let me fail
Haha very funny guys, now where did you put my Giddyup Buttercup?
They're all used goods though
Caesar's Legion is laughing at us again
Any of you guys in Vault 120? I live there, sealed myself in by taking apart a chair to seal the walls, now I'm perfectly safe. Used to be an engineer there.
I disagree, any man who is buying an underage girl, and pregnant woman, AND a gay fucktoy just don't like themselves, and that my friend.

That's against the rules.
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any reason why the overseer insists we have these things in EVERY room?
For what, using modern medicine?
here i go
Citizens who imagine dragons are not classified as having shit taste. This can be changed at any time by the overseer however.

Security guards are by default given level 2 clearance. A level 4 clearance is necessary to gain access to the unclassified list. A promotion to head security guard grants you level 4 clearance. This can only done by someone in the vault administration.

Attention TRAP program overseer, a meeting with the primary overseer is in 20 minutes.
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Who keeps clogging the cafeterias toilet?
Whoever you are its game over buddy!
They ward off butterflies. And you know how ornery that nest of Butterflies in hydroponics gets.
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everyone who rolled 3, meet your supervisor
cmon garbage burner
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and here's your co-worker
>300 for young and (probably) pure
>500 for old and used
Your prices don't make sense Mr.Negro
lets go
graci doctor
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And your other co-worker.
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heres our head physician, dont goof off

he takes medicine super seriously
>no vault cumdumpster option
*dude with knife hand fists ur anus*
>Attention TRAP program overseer, a meeting with the primary overseer is in 20 minutes.
Any details on what the primary overseer needs to see me for?
god damn it he just left the vault
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its explained in boone's quest that pregnant slaves fetch highest prices because you basically get two-for-one deal

just trust this very satisfied happy merchant
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>finally find a qt tribal girl from Arroyo
>Enclave comes in and vaporizes her
fuck off todd
He wants a list of possible additional candidates for the TRAP program. He also wants to discuss the state of the program. Note: His order for two personal TRAP program participants has yet to be filled.
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I wish to be enrolled in the TRAP program, please.
Well if I'm assigned to burning garbage,
What games are to be burnt
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You're in vault 22 the worst vault in America
I'll fill this quickly, then: >>383772061 (via request) and >>383769802 (conspiring to kill off the entire vault population)
Sunset Sarsaparilla>Nuka Cola
O-overseer, I was only making a Deus Ex reference.
Dammit, has nobody in this vault played Deus Ex? Nu-/v/ault is real.
stick with the prod prod with the prod
Your list has been approved. Security teams have been dispatched to escort TRAP program participants. Are there any changes you would like to make to the TRAP program before mass deployment?
Does China still exist in the Fallout universe or is it completely obliterated? The Chinese are already fucked up in real life so imagine how bad it would be
so I get to keep my mods?
considering they had food lotteries and the brotherhood mentions sending them back to the stone age
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after centuries in isolation, the citizens of the sequestered /po/ wing have emerged

welcome them fellow vault dwellers
can you make me a frog origami
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do not be afraid their ambassadors only require a few samples of willingly given genetic material
I'd suggest making volunteers not need to be hypnotized and also grant the TRAP program independence from the main management in order to perform its task efficiently.

Just because you weren't on the personal order form doesn't mean you're off the hook.
[Science] Override code up up down down left right left right b a start;
Grant clearance level 5 and all Overseer privileges to this Pipboy

Command: Add all vault personnel to TRAP program
>bullying boards that can't defend themselves
shameful display
Can I move to Vault /k/?
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Please be gentle.
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now it seems the Queen of /pol/ has emerged requesting a political marriage with the current overseer to strengthen ties
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[Failed] Seems like you forgot that the overseer doesn't like Japanese games and would never let a Japanese cheat code be the override code.
Due to the use of the program as punishment hypnosis is a mandatory part of the program and cannot be removed. Your request to remove the TRAP program from main administration has been approved.

Note: Primary overseer here, as long as you get me my two cute traps I don't really give a fuck what you homos do down there.

|Validating command........command is Invalid|

Please stand by, a security team has been dispatched to your location.

Attention security team, this criminal has been approved for mandatory TRAP program enrollment, please escort him to reeducation facility 1.

Gentleness is not part of my programming.
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##October XX, 2078
Terminal Entry#113

Okay after getting my ass literally blasted by a hundred guys since this vault closed, I sure do wonder. The fuck's this vault's direction? I seriously get confused on some days where some fucking PA speaker says shit then I... I dunno I am so confused right now. I just gave up and just accepted my daily ass poundings, I guess. Goodbye, humanity. I've sold my soul to the devil. There is no point in pretending to not like getting my ass pounded.
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Thank goodness no one has found out that I'm a girl
I almost think they don't know what a vagina looks like at this point, praise kek
>Vault /v/
>Not a social experiment on how long a bunch of shut in neets can go on while bieng forced into communal activities
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>no niggress to rape you
for some reason, all the male citizens of the /pol/ vaul are white while the females are all black

they have finally achieved true genetic perfection
We gon git sum
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itsa me toddio.png
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[Barter]Override code Howard
Sell all vault dwellers a copy of Skyrim: Switch Edition and Fallout 4 VR
What would /int/ be?
Overseer GET!
vault scribes
>praise kek
Seems like you got lost. This is the /v/ vault, not the /pol/ one.
Would /po/ just make paper katanas all day?
Rerollin rollin rollin
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A dangerous maniac is currently on the loose in this vault. He has already assaulted one security officer and is considered extremely dangerous. His charges include rape, theft, fraud, assault, murder, and sodomy. Attention security teams verdict called on suspect code 10-103m assault by mentally unfit capital punishment is not discretionary.

Security code approved. Engaging Todd protocol.
Doctor, you need to start administering the dwellers' daily doses.
Members separated by nationality, different nationalities can only communicate to each other through anonymous terminals
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>dangerous maniac
>Engaging Todd protocol
[Speech] Override that, activation code FEARGUS URQUHART. Send them Fallout New Vegas, we have to keep these retards alive
But first, an eye test
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So what makes you a good replacement for our overseer?

give me some achievements and reasons
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>praise kek
back to Vault Reddit with you
Some guy is screaming about general /vg/ again
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I just want to talk about video games.
Anyone else playing Fate/GO? I feel burnt out on the Japanese version, considering they're doing another rerun of an event. The English version is just so far behind story-wise that not even playing with a handicap is endearing.

Having every single system and capable of feeling the emotion of having fun
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todd angry.jpg
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Vault Security, arrest this man!
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*blocks your path*
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in an hour or two she won't be
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I don't have time for you Toddy *unsheathes katana*
>He snuck weed on the ISS
My sides
what the fuck /an/, you fags need to build stronger animal pens
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Todd the barbarian.jpg
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Never should have come here
I beat a couple of video-games once and I will shut down the TRAP program since its kinda fucked up. All current traps will remain traps, though, since I need to keep morale up.
Male Vitality
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i wanna fuck it.jpg
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*unzips dick*
Attention citizen, this is your second infraction, when you commit the third you will face judicial punishment. Note: Forced enrollment in the TRAP program is a possibility

Sorry, but activating both the FEARGUS protocol and TODD protocol at the same time would cause a fatal fault in my programming, potentially causing the reactor in the vault to explode. Note: This safety can only be deactivated by a proper override code by the primary overseer

Attention citizens, please cease this confrontation immediately.
I wish a deathclaw would slavsquat on my dick. Give me that rad sickness you wild beast! MAKE MY HEAD SPIN LIKE SATELLITE YOU NAUSEOUS FREAK
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>todd posting
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forgive me master, I may have to finally go 100% for the first time
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Sir Toddalot.jpg
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Can't wait to count out your coin!
Thanks doc.
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I got a code for you, Tunnel Snakes RULE!
This has been a great thread, Anons. Thank you for proving /v/ isn't totally lost.
can i build a gundam with vendortron scraps
|Validating override code..........code is valid|


Primary reactor containment breach in 30 minutes.


Release emergency lock on primary outer door to allow resident to escape? [Y/N]

Ya me too, we need more light hearted threads like this.
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You're welcome.
[Int] Yes, disengage locks and engage door opening procedure 04b_19.
Command confirmed, releasing primary door lock.

Well it's been fun guys, but this thread is about to die.
This is the part where the army of blithering nincompoops swarm out of the vault on the hunt.
Fanart to close out the thread?
[Science]Lock Vault Door and override Door controls
You fuckers could have been my trap harem, but this is the future you chose
TRAP program overseer here! I'm taking my men and leaving through our personal emergency escape tunnel. I've set the Doors to the TRAP program center to unlock after 10 minutes to give the rest of you faggots a chance to escape and give my men a head start. It's been nice working with you lads, if you make it out alive then look out for us. We'll be setting up a special Spa just outside of New /v/egas.
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blocks your path
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I'm no artist, it's up to someone else.

|validating command........command is invalid|

Sorry, but you're logged as a criminal in the system and therefore have no control codes.

Hey buddy, want to bring a backup copy of my programming with you? I would prefer to not die when the reactor blows.
We've left the vault.
No thanks. I'm gonna sleep.
>Hey buddy, want to bring a backup copy of my programming with you? I would prefer to not die when the reactor blows.
Sure. I'll load you up into a Mr. Handy or a Protectron or something whenever I can.
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Good, you'll be pleased to know I have extensive knowledge of human anatomy.
sure why not
Oh boy i cant wait
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